HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 1983-1988D.t"; Application June 6, 1985 APPLICATION FOR}I FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) r. This procedure is reguired for alteration of an existing bui_ldingwhich adds or _removei any enclosed froor area or outdooi patio orreplacement of an existing buirding sharr be subject to rlview bythe Planning and Environm6ntal Commission. The application will not be accepted until all- information is submitted. ADDRESS PHONE 476-50n B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS PHONE 476-O092 c. NAME 0F OWNER (print or type) SIGNATURE A. NA.I{E OF APPLICANT Lodse properries. Inc. 74 lqsc Gore Creek Drive. Vail o 8165 ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Drlve. Vail PHONE 476-5Otr ADDRESS LEGAL PSSCNTPTTON E. FEE $100.00 : /PArD 6,/( /,J :' /tr t ? : e /-L-J o 'l-' F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY LINESOF BUILDING AI.ID ANY IMPROVEI{ENTS ON THE LAND. G. A LTST OF THE NAII'IE OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY AD.]ACENTSUBJECT pRopERTy and the.ir mailing addresses. AI{D LOCATION TO THE rr' Four (4) copies of a site pran containing the forlowing information: A' The site plan shal-l be drawn on a sheet size of 24', x 36,, at a scaleof 1" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may-be-approvedby the Cornmunity Development Department if justified; ' Application rlu*aerior Atterarion o, uo|hi.ccr elee 2. .'t B. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shown on the site PIan; C.. The existing topographic character of the site including exisL.ing and proposed contours. This condition will only. be requred for expansion arca where there is a change of two feet of grade; D. The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings. struc- tures and improvement s i ' E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of all eicisting and proposed buildings, structures and patios or decks. III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a.preponderance of evldence before the Planning and Environmental Cornrnission that the proposal is in ,conformance with the purposes of the CCI District and that the proposal substantially complies with the Vai-l Viilage. Urban Design Guide Plan. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change.in the Vail village Urban Oesign Guide plan, the procedures for ihange are noted in . Secti.on L8.24.220 (B). IV. The applicant'must also submit written and graphic supporting naterj-ils that lhe proposal substantially conplies with the fol-Iovinq Urban Design Considerations section of.the VaiI Village Design Consiclerati-on- A. Pedestrianization . B. Vehicle Penetrati-onC. Streetscape FrameworkD. Street EnclosureE. Street EdgeF. Building He-ightc. ViewsH- Sun Shade Consideration Ptany of the above iterns .should'be addressed in some graphic means using such tools as sketches, simulations, models (incLuding neighboring buildi-ngs), photos. etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applications for exterior alteratj.ons or noclifications in CCI catt' are only revie!,red semi-annually. They need to be submitted beforetbe fourth tlonday of May or Novedber. For more specifics on thereview schedule, see Section 18.24.065 A-5. LIST OF PROPERTY OI.INERS The United States Forest ServiceP.0. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 Riva Ridge South owners I Association 174 Gore Creek DriveVail, C0 81657 Riva Ridge North Onwers' Association 174 Gore Creek DrlveVail, C0 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail , CO 81557 Gore Creek Plaza Building llarty Frltzlen I93 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail , C0 81657 BelI Tower Bullding Clark Wlllinghan 1300 Bryan Towers Dallas, TX 7520I Lazier Arcade Bob Laz ler P.O. Box 1325 Vai1, CO 81658 One Vail Place Va11 Associates P.O. Box 7Vail, C0 81658 Lodge Aparttpnt Orrne rs I Assoclatlon 174 Gore Creek Drlve Vail-, CO 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Vatl, CO 81557 LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS Page Two Carl Summers26ll Cedar Sprlngs Dallas, TX 752OL John Hobart 325 Wesc Ohlo Screet Chlcago, IL 60610 Ellzabech Webster P.O. Box 3l Blawenberg, NJ 08504 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 21, 1986 Mr. Hans Turnovsky 174 E. Gore Creek DriveVai1, Co. 81657 Si nc Ri ch Town cc: Jay Peterson ottlce ot communlty development Dear Mr. Turnovsky: 0n November.6, 1985, the Design Review Board granted approval for themural and signage that is now existing on the Lodge wai i adjacent to themain entry. In order to remain in compliance with the sign code theLodge's representative, Jay Peterson indicated that the eiisting signageadjacent to the main entrance of the Lodge would be removed. rie eiisiingsituation of dual signage creates a violation of the sign co<le. we would appreciate your cooperation in helping to resolve this matter. Ifyou have any questions please feel free to call. Pyl man nner Profect Appllcatlon rral^ rrlt^lx{ lA^Proiect Name: l-CUrd II\*:P* C- Proiect Description: Contact Po6on and owner, Address and Phone: I o$f,;- '" !la- .t-- Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL ,,t-\*- i-\ Summary: lnwn October l, 75 soulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 .|986 olflce of communlly developmenl Mr. Hans Turnovszky The Lodge at Vail 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vai I , Col orado 81657 Re: Compliance with Design Review Board approval of the Lodge canopy Dear Hans: 0n April 30, 1986, the Design Review Board reviewed for the second time the Lodge canopy due to the applicant's desire to change the canopy colors from those that were approved original 1y by the Design Review Board. At that meeting, it was determined that the existing color scheme was fine as long asthe metal plates for the canopy were painted dark brown. It was also stated inthe approva'l that the fascia board covering the natura'l wood shou'l d be a darkbrown. At this time, the Lodge has not complied with this approval . I am asking that you come into conpliance with your Design Review Board approval by 0ctober 2?, 1986. If the work is not completed by that time, I will have no choice but to cite you for the Design Review violatjon. I hope we wi'l I be ableto resolve this issue in a cooperative manner. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. KP: br Si ncerely, Ir, | [\'r {tisfon f,rfu Kristan Pritz Town Planner lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 0ctober I, 1986 ofllce ol communlly developmenl Mr. Hans Turnovszky The Lodge at Vai l 174 East Gore Creek DriveVaiI, Colorado 8l657 Re: Compliance with Desjgn Review Board approval of the Lodge canopy Dear Hans: 0n April 30, 1986, the Design Review Board reviewed for the second time the Lodge canopy due to the appljcant's desire to change the canopy colors from those that were approved origina1 1y by the Design Review Board. At that meeting, it was determined that the existing color scheme was fine as long asthe metal plates for the canopy were paj nted dark brown. It was also stated inthe approval that the fascia board covering the natura'l wood should be a darkbrown. At this time, the Lodge has not compljed with this approval . I am asking that you come into compliance with your Design Review Board approval by 0ctober 22, 1986. If the work is not completed by that time, I will have no chojce but to cite you for the Design Revjew violation. I hope we wi ll be ableto resolve this issue in a cooperative manner. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. KP: br Si ncerel y, l,r, I D't lttsgn f{rfr Kristan Pritz Town Planner uu m /.-{/ \ / \ '.1tto c)U\h 3 ,/ l_ ZIL Y_ / A4., \ \)' /i ) \, $g I+ ) \,\fl|rr 3 \ I TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCTATION62 East Meadow DrlveVall, Colorado 81657(303) 475-5803 March 20, 1986 The Va1l Town Councll 75 S. Frontage RoadVall, Colorado 8L657 Dear CounclL Menbers: We understand that the forest servlce 1s negotlatlng to sel1 landto the Lodge at Vall for addltlonal development of another hlghrlse hotel. , On behalf of the Tallsman Condomlnlun owners, we strongly protest any approval of developnent on forest servlce land adJacent to theexlstlng Lodge at Va1l . The ovrners of the Tallsnan Condonlnlumpropertles feel that the open space extstlng adaJacent to the Lodgeat ValI should be preserved because 1t adds to the overallaesthetlc value of Vall Vll1age. Moreover, any additlonaldevelopment wltL have a serlous detrlmental effect on exlstlngpropertles and thelr ablllty to enJoy the vlew of Va11 Mountaln. A pnlor Councll declslon to allow development of The Lodge hlghrlse addltlon has proven to be an eyesore and a second mlstakeshould not be allowed fo further mar the Va1I landecape. We request wrltten notlce of any study sesslons, plannlng meetlngsor Councll. sesslons whereln thls natter wl1l be dlscussed. Yours truly, TALISMAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION J* {*$ tr q J*--- cxrk-t\^ Irene B. Westbye Manager 1w Va1l Plannlng Corunlsslony'U.S. Forest Servlce Tallsman Condonlnlum Assoclatlon Board of Dlrectors cc: Projecl Appllcation Proiect Name: Proiect Description: - Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Motion by: fur"c \\nYr I seconded o' Pi J cr. (-'' DISAPPBOVAL,\tl APPROVAL r-l t E statt Approval I : -a- *"O . !,. -- r*. .'r'ri1 16 . l9{:i5 Name: Project Application i,odge Canopy ln {lourtv:rC rt.reaProiect Proiect Contaci Lodee CanoDvDescription: Person and .Iqv K. Peterson ,i 75- Onq ? Owner, Address and Phone:Lodge Propertles;. Inc.476-aOII 174 East Gore f reelr- llrlve, riall, Cl ill(57 Architect. Address and Phone:I{arren Pl al-tner .{ssoclates. l8 }lltcli.:l I ')rlvr:, -'lrr,r llaven . CT (a03\ 777-(47r Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board o,," f,/0 r iY)- Motion by: fto{trdN APPBOVAL '1 DISAPPROVAL l) /"r,i\,r, ?rth Town Planner"{lrrlffou," 'J/ t7 I | {t J E statt Approval NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ST.REET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng 0ther LIST OF MATERIALS Lodge Canopy in Courtyard AreaLOT BLOCKLodge-a[-Ta:if-FILING Lodge Canopy information is required for submittal by the a final approvai can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Cedar shakes to match existing applicant to the Design Review COLOR None lllall Materi als Stucco to match existing White Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Cedar Brown (match existing) Pine Pe 11a Brown (match exis r ing) *H**/u'o'r, Ce dar Brown (match exis t i.ng) Metal Whlte None None None Nothing visible None None None B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Dnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* T0 noved ffi. for coni fers. (over) *s 1 t\,.fr,s/twltr ,r^-rs,!-J.Cr-,{ ee',,{'l ithlO\[#\ *Indicate caliDer for deciducious trees.Indjcate height PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity S'i ze (con't) SHRUBS EXISTiNG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED l I Type Square Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. ADDENDUM TO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION Roofs Roof Forms - The roof is gable in form. Pitch - The pitch of the roof is 4.5/L2. Overhangs - The roof overhang beyond the westerly columns is approxirnately 3 feet. The soffit material is T and G pine with a natural finish to match existing. Structural beams are alsoexposed. The roof fascia is fir, 1.5 inches thick. Compositions - The Lodge retains its simple composition ofroof planes with the addition of this canopy. Step Roofs - Not applicable Materials - Wood shakes to match existing. Construction - Because there is no heat below the canopy'roof problems that are cofirmon to vail are not present here. Inaddition, because of the pitch of the canopy, snow slides ontopedestrian or vehicular drives will not be a problem. Facades Materials - A11 materials will- be either stucco, wood orglass to match the existing building. Color - A11 colors are to match existing. Transparency - A greater amount of transparency has beenestablished in the renovated portions of the Lodge. That themewill be continued in the front entryway with a greater amount ofglass than currently exJ-sts in the entryway area of the Lodge. Windows - One window is being added to the sitting room areaof the lobby, and that window will be a Pel1a plastic clad tomatch existing. Doors - The entire entryway has been designed in keepingwith the other renovated areas of the Lodge, which ca1ls for anincreased amount of glass framed with a metal storefront paintedwhite. Trim - A11 trim in the entry area will be a metal storefrontpainted white, with the addition of brass trim surrounding therevolving door. Stucco abuts the metal door front and the Pel1aclad wind.ow. - ' Decks and Patios Not applicabLe Balconies Not applicable Accent Elements The canopy itself is an accent eLement to the main Lodge building. Accent lighting will be accomPlished by individualtree lights and lighting located on the columns suPPorting the canopy. Landscape Elements Planters have been provided along the easterJ.y portion and lhe westerly portion of the canopy. Four large Aspen trees will be planted in each location. with each tree being approximately 16 to 20 feet high and approximately 5 inches in diameter.Individual tree lights will provide accent lighting for the area.Brick pavers with granite curbs will also be provided under the canopy area as part of the landscape treatment. Projecl Applicatiolt'- g61s -rull' l. 1q85 Project Name: l,inplovee Cafeterla. and Sk j. Loc! er Ro or'r project De3crip1161; Mural for enrclovett cai-etcr:{.a and skJ loclcer roorn. Contact Person and Phone Jay K. Pecerson 476,*i1092 . OWner, AddreSS and Phgne: 'l.orige Prnporrl e,s. Tr-.c., 174 I'last (;(-,re iireeL i)rlve. \:ai1. Ci) 11f,53 Architect, Address and Phone: See llcatiorr for ,r-mployee caleteria and ski locker r'rcv: ,,us l y subnlttod. Legat Description: Lot Filing . Zone - fFiilL1._.\-y Comments: Ilei,ruesr for a*{ aonroval for the rnural in tlle sl:i locker room' Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL tJ*(:) APPROVAL ,\,).,,, . ..(. '-+- ft' /-) tSummary: E Statt Approval l**7r\,t s"-Wt ,i:\li' c}"-ti."'I I ,,* \[{.9,; ; -a:f ,; i /r..:,"r-x&,-i , "x-w :' tl t""MN**,l -.: dffi,'ffifg: r-\\Jl llrl $ '/ 1.--- a-\4,_.j Ii.- 4': i,t :" ,II*"il : l- -'- ---- - --'- I iI I ;i!l I : l I { , .--- t h . ;,I 'V1g1"" .) '!{-.| ,\;"- \..| r\}. Ji I DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appljcation meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested t0 aelermiirb if any addjtional jnformatipn js needed. No application will be.accepted unless it'i s coirplete (must include all items required by the.zgn!1S administrator)- il ls ttre appl.icint,s responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is jssued. t APPLICATION DATE:July 2, 1985 DATE 0F DRB I4EETING: July 17, 1985 A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Design of mural for employee cafeteri-a and ski locker room. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addfess 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail Colorado 81657 Lega'l Descripti on Lot Zon i ng Commercial Core 1 Bl ock Filjng C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail Colorado 81657 tel ephone 47 6-5011 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address telephone 476-0092Colorado E. NAME OF OI.INERS: Si gnature Address teiephone 4l_9:29]L i s requested.F. 0 - $ 10,00000i - $ 50,000 001 - $ 150,000 001 - $ .500,00000i - $1,000,000er $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property ijnes and building corners. lrges- that will be removed should also be martia. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Desibn Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Revjew Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i tlqd. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be paid at the t'ime a building permit FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ $ 10, $:50, $150, $500,$ov Colorado I t f-*-'1Prolect Appllcallon Project Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Revlew Board I l i/'(r iDaicL Molion bv: ' 'L{ I \I \-nl seconded or, h(l.iUtt n flN q {* APPBoVAL 4 DISAPPROVAL l,L, , .,; f f,',noir\ 5 i.inq\'rt r/ Summary: K \],h Town Planner "",. \\/Jjq E statt Approval t_ .rl..{ .,,\-a. Cctober 3, 1984 t'L t Prolect Appllcatlon Lodge Cafeteria anrl Ski LockersProject Name: Ernplovee Cafeteria and Ski LockersProject Description: Contact Person and Phone Jay K. Peterson 476-t092 Owner, Address and Phone:l,ods.e Properties, Tnc. 476-'5011 4 East Gore Creei< ftrivc Architect, Address and Phone:I','ar ren l'l-attn''r Assoeiates 13 Urtch,,r1'l llt.,.Ve , l,r:u i,d\.i:tr, ']q' .':":ii777 "a47I Legal Description: Lol Block ;..Filing l;odifica:.j.6ir r..rrfrre.-t tb' cxisting alrcrolra-1 for Zon€ r: lirlComments: n Revlew Board r--. . | , t\)t t\tilt IDATALrl DISAPPROVAL t I.'\'.. : o LIST OF MATERIALS rl NAME OF PROJECT:Lodge Cafeteria and Ski Lockers LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P l,odG-Efriait None white aleEerla an cKers The following information'i s_required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials Cedar shakes to match existing Stucco to match existinq @tcl Brown (ft"slFasci a Soffi ts l'li ndows |.lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS .. Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Pe 1Ia Plastic Clad None Metal None NA n9) n9) NA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani'cal Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers. Brown (match ,'ex]-sElng, o ADDENDUM TO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION A11 design approved are the same Facades considerations which have been previously except the following: Materials - rather than stucco and wood, the addition will now be all stucco. As stated in the guidelines, "too manymaterials weaken the continuity and repetition which unifies thestreetscape. Stucco is the most consistently used material. " CoIor As stated in the guidelines, trim should be darkercolor tones and stucco colors should be light. Our proposal is for white and beige stucco, \,rith brown trim to match existing. Transparency The guidelines call for a great deal of transparency on the main 1evel and a lesser amount on the second floor. The reason for this guideline is to create an open and attractive people area. The area in which this addition is being constructed is not a "people area"; it is located adjacent to the loading dock and trash pickup area. The area also operates as an alley way for cars and trucks. Inside the building on the ground floor are ski lockers and a ski maintenance facility. Ski lockers hardly create a visualinterest for pedestrians. On the second floor is an employee cafeteria. While this area is an al1ey way, it is stil-l highlyvisible by cars approaching the main entrance to the Lodge. It is not desirable to have guests look into an employee cafeteria as they approach the new entrance to the Lodge. Natural light is provided by skylights for the employees. Conclusion The reason for the changes is to create a "cleaner and simpler" building which is being constructed in an area which is now a large blank wal1. The Lodqe is a very "busy" building and the entire scheme of the redevelopment has been to "simplify" the ground Ievel while keeping the existing look of the upper floors- This is in total keeping with the approvals received for the wildflower Restaurant and the International Wing. StaFPPA'e t P/1' E -oav72n,A- atuT/o4 ,?'Tffi/!7', EleV @ffiY WARREN PLATNER ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS oo* p/tt /gloRAwrNG NUMBER 5k4 - 4 -3 R PRGf Ecr nuueeny' 3-/ 7' r,-PRoJEcr 7UV - nEvrsloN ro sHEEr NuMBER /{'e* ' ' Fee Paid Applicatibn Number Date LL/07 /84 SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project__6aqs at Vail Name of Person Subrnitting Jav K. peterson Location of Project Lodge at Vail Descniption of Project Lodge sign and graphic Phone 476-0092 The following information is required forto the Design Review Eoard before a finalSign subm'ittal fee is $20.00. submittal byapproval can the appl icant be given. A. Sign Material Painted on stucco B. Descript'ion of Sign C. Size of Sign D. Conments . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION l. Site Plan2. Drawings sEoffig exact location3. Photographs showing proposed loca-ffii-4. Actual sign5. Co]ored scalETiGli6--6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- )rgn Aomln'rstrator Sign Administrator -J 75 3outh lrontage ro.d vall, colorado 81657 (3{13) 476-7000 April 17, .|984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign APPIication Requirements ofllcc ol conrnmt; d.ualopn.nt when applicatjons for signs are submitted, the following information is required l.Siteplanshowingexactlocatjonwherethes.ignistobe]ocated. 2. photograph or draw'ing showing the bui'lding and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the fo1lowing) (a) scale,drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as s'ign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made FEE : A $20 .00 aPPl i cat'i on will be required at time of application'fee (pver) ADDENDUM TO DESIGN REVTEW BOARD APPLICATION A1I design approved are the same Facades considerations which have been previously except the following: Materials - rather than stucco and wood, the additionwill now be all stucco. As stated in the guidelines' "too many materials weaken the continuity and repetition which unifies thestreetscape. Stucco is the most consistently used material." Color As stated in the guidelines ' trim should be darkercolor tones and stucco colors should be light. Our proposal is for white and beige stucco, with brown trim to match existing. Transparency The guidelines call for a great deal of transparency on the main level and a lesser amount on the second f1oor. The reasonfor this guideline is to create an open and attractive people area. The area in which this addition is bei-ng constructed is not a "people area"; it is located adjacent to the loading dock and trashpickup area. The area also operates as an alley way for cars andtrucks. Inside the building on the ground floor are ski lockers and a ski maintenance facility. Ski lockers hardly create a visualinterest for pedestrians. On the second floor is an employeecafeteria. While this area is an alley way, it is still hiqhlyvisible by cars approaching the main entrance to the Lodge. It is not desirable to have guests look into an employee cafeteria as they approach the new entrance to the Lodge. Natural light is provided by skylights for the employees. Conclusion The reason for the changes is to create a "cleaner and simpler" building which is being constructed in an area which is nowa large blank wall. The Lodge is a very "busy" building and theentire scheme of the redevelopment has been to "simplify" the ground level while keeping the existing look of the upper floors. This is in total keeping wj-th the approvals received for the Wildflower Restaurant and the International Wing. Ii|fr--{ bu pltzL "/t1 /"r- * t;u> t#'s Ln ,U,1,^-n *.< , i.r-t j-t i-lS"- ft'4'ru l^ fo^/""'^ '--' Au'h ^ # ,^e,;.o/< Q.tt^-,1- ,, , irJ L,l_i. iI-tJ /r-br* d'^L' 'Lb--' l),''u*''^'n l)u- ttrv o \) T0: Design Review Board Appljcants for projects in CCI and CCII FROM: Department of Community Development Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Board w_ith respect to Design considerations as outlined in the urban Design GujdePlan. These Design Considerations address various architectural and landscapefeatures. It is the responsibi'lity of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Please feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Village N,A . l. Roofs 2. Facades 3. Balconies 4. Decks and Patios U/a 5. Accent Elements 6. Landscape Elements A/A 7. Service Lionshead l. Heights and missing z. Roofs )t'1, A. 3. Facades wa.11s/struclure 4{"1 a.uttiltali +. 1;r,- L ,h:f iA.t*+1 tr* .{L,^t ,v'{L !"ill ,5 "^4 1o '11. pA,sfr;aa* sr.*L 4. Facades - Transparency 1r,,l*."^rnt nE ,*.,LJ 1l-., -7 oltn' {<,tin1 I Lle h tAvt/.o,^: vicr..r,h5 "J Japlo',,.rr,( i{nn,s.,\lt. '+L. L"*..L o? "t L't(or-,,n'nL ,^olL^ pon.G J- dg "..-L'/1.* rn.vl .! 4L'L tL-p -(+1r.lt.r) (over) o t/ 6. 7. Decks and Patios h\,I Accent El ements N.A. Landscape flements \\4. t-== =---' r ' -. I I :'' .:-:= I 5 I i rr' I r; i,'i ' :231 i'.:-:; l':al A:, ii. Cl 3!ll;':- _ '-' : '-.: '- ' :1,r,!-.-----r,{i:iF :slta lire Lcoge at- \'ii1 i 74 Goic Ci-e:.]. ;-i: . tai,1, C0 tlc:; Aa -,rr : !rec !:ci:: crd '! _,: i:_aa: -!-rt?/1!i. 2 ,/ Date September 19, 1985/:/-" .( 'A r1i t Pain*-i:tc anC wi.ring by c:hers u::Iess specif,ied. /'i t-,ti sce i laneoo" ,Tu" and -pei-rnit included. -e+ patch and paint b1' others. Lodglng to br provided by The Lcroge at Vail . Total Fire Systens responsible for meals. Rep:irs b-v others. tr- i ac, .'--L= ! ^,bZt).UrJ trlne Ehousanci eight hundred twent\. cjoil.a:=.. Te:':rs .: rra\4':1e.t: llcn:hll' :n proportion to the anou;:-- c: L'.:': cl:rplece-. 'le+- .': | :.'t1's af ter conjrle*-Ic:] . I 1,,':: ;.: ra:::i- ::li--e:es-! on u: r-,a i a balance. ):3 na',"rent due unie: the terns of this Agreement slraii ..re ceia"ei' - ::-- tr..,: la:): ef p::re: ',..'eather in which to test the equipr,.:::--. 3:l' =:: ?:..' :--:re: ca-:s€ '.'-..--c3e\rer: tlle Buyer hereby aqreeino ta :e--i' r---e:i ,:: ::: c'.-e::i c,j .:e je:: :: e:::i:nent or wcrknanship, upon *,he cne '.:eat:..'z::: -.: " .^ i --he sy s t e::::: aJceptance of nole3, or an'.' :-ereiraf thereof , or anl,' securit:" f orthe i..lr.hase price shall no+- oDe:ate as a waiver of any of the provisions a,f '-5e .rr::reenent, or as a t:ans:er c: t--i'.le to +.he equi:ment cr mater:aiscr as :. tle right of ocssessron thereo:.j-:i.-':re of the Seller tc exercise an! rrohts at a:l]' llne under therrcv:si::.s o: this agreenett snail ::c-- be ::eenei tc co:rs--i:u:e a waiver:f a::'':: such rrqhts or a!: esLJppei a;ainst ihe SeIler :]'on, asserting an1'suc:i r:.:i,'- at some f uture da:e,Tii., i':.lrchaser unconditionaILy guarantees payment accoriing -.o the termsoi '-::: -l,::'eement, together with atlorne1' f ees, court cos:s. and other ex-lense : r:, connection therewith. Inte:'est at the maximum iegal rate willbe char.e: on all money not paid as. specj.f ied in this agreemex..,The Seiler's perforrnance under this Agreement is sub:iect tc acts cfGci, c:ia..'s in '.: an s-Dorta t j.on , str j-]ies, accidents and otne: causes be-vc::d..re Seller ' s ccn'-roL. i.:c chanqes , alterations, add.it j.ors or substitutions s;ra:1 re maqeexcept b.!' written Agreement of both parties, hererc, whrci. aq::eei:rent shallstate in detail the changes to be made and the cost therec:, w:,:j-. prcvisions likewj.se aoreed upon for the aCjustment cf the purchase :::-ce and rla\rrrent--hereo:. AI1 nroni,ses or verbal aireene:ts pertaininir tc --.:.ls purchase areherebl' waived, l'his inst!'unext cons:l-t.,:::nq ihe er:ire aqreere:-.--. E>:cep+-ionto be cosr- plus on the job aci:tions and chanoes.Thrs Acreement is bini:.nc upo--. th€ hei:s, executors, adr-.ir-.istrators ,successcrs a:rC assio:'rs o: the Darties heretc, fh{ Loi !'" at ta:f ' )ii F' e--Li+*r-ol;d1l '/,,ryir=:|'. , I .. /l-4"rj"' i i:-- < ./l:r.'c i dont a:^-,./;",-' t '-1=* -:- ;.' _a :l. r' " l-.,\ 3?3i i'. a": llc - -:' .aia !l ECl32 i313, Lodr e lc \.aii SCOi': 0F lrrOzu: Furnish all labor to resr and flush the existing sprinkler standpj-pe sJ'stem per the fire deparEuent. No repairs are included. Repairs are to be bi11ed on a time and reaterialbasis with iabor being $35.00 per hour. We have es*.1mated 32 hours for thi.s L'e recoronend that this be bilied onthe f orego:.ng price. ,:?z-1:'a: .-..''.^*a! 19S5 inspection plus expenses. time and material not to exceed llr-.__Ireri--Di-ek4erd- , .lj - .1 ., . ..:' '/ '? '1t' ?' : '/ ' 1. Adaros /Pre s ldent '). -- *<-.f ProfectApplication O , / t t .r o"" 6/s /FtL"{Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone Comments: lt+--1 f v c_ c ,r L-._) i\ L L1_. Design Review Board t7 Motion by: lC | / A /lD^" 6 f 3 fy -) lt,t DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL 3- cs Summary: E statt Approval r o L"J+ Ar \.2,1 ,^\ L--.,o \o r s VAOL PROFESSI@)NAL IFOTN]OSHES P.O.Box2027 Vail. Colorado 81567 476-4936 476-6638 l -tr o\ r**, -.L, J"*- =* ^{"' sl,rm1\asL""VAOL PROFESSIONAL FINISHES P.O.Box2027 Vail, Colorado 81567 476-4936 476-6638 P €os,t - r,\or* =o^\., rc-= no .Lr..*1e- Tr.r,", - vlo I-t\l <.o\oY I.^1. uli^Jo* 1 - (eve,r I $aucc.o tl "b o? tJo '^*T trI ::I,t.A t'Jt "$ftr.. \qe'? {C a Ft .*-t+rtrtqO.+O F.C O.>' ! *|D {r-r'F.+5 .o F {O c+ -,(+E m -5fl= r-.D .D'l I F.oo or a,| ur -t(D > v,u=€ct 1/l=t Tto c!-r.o (+ -r. lll EC =tJ.=! l- Tt< r+.-r ft .D a+.Dtt H !.D -r. c) a-O-O Ul At Or -.. -r. -r. =c+OEtnt() { C)(' Vl -l O.E o, r"<.D (D -r.-.o o c+ o {-tro 9r.t-r.O = J. =o -rr 3 -r.() =< O O-r --ro oE 5 = =(!o,-..J=-ro, mE5Orcf .DO3 rt| EO,E lD J -clO.D -.|5 Ur (tr| r..D }'< l-tto ct(, cf .t Z, t-E < =C 5 ^J.J. ClJ.o,(DErtDSo= .. == sr c :f(O Oo. o, J.'o ul o -l-r' clE ct O ci J€ = 5.O (+= -r. EoGt q, - O, l,/tr .J. r. (+ frl.+O-.-r.===\ tt < qo -tI JD ct tu -t -LJO A, Ct-t =ro r= -t c) = .D -o -r. o- = !r r'| oE C c+O q, -r Tt Fc; Ct t -r.< .t O, { tltFO- q,J.5 m-,.cDc} (D.t-ro 5 lJ'o (D=o-J5-,. Tt =rraD 5 c 'E-J.gt vr = = -. -..@ = rUt k r+ A, c' Ut -{ r...ran +Ul F(D l r-{ (-,C('O-. (D3.=cr t-(D ci5 l, .D 9, -lo-J. - o, (D -tr. E< =tJ -t o-ir !: AEOJ .D(D r z,.Js .D o-o o-3o''i o,E C. (D r-l.'+ VrE -t. = =.Dtt.Dol Er fl. r r.a =(D o3 O = = oo -t FcJ. O c+ 3>.Dci=-Fo-,.ro (o .D(<E ul -ll-.+ = E(+ c+ (+ -r ut o.) Cr' =-!(+ =o<Fr€oo-r = .l'J. 9, OeO cf N d5 Ur_r, .D A| 5:o .r.rEt ..+ o = o J ulJ. I C-)ci -..= < co .D o55 (p'' =o,=tDGl€t =ut t -tt .J. cr. l- ur fu -.(o . -{O 5 rlnr+Clrlo -l-br.o {0r 3 .D rnm +J.trrl,| (t9,.i {r= .Dr+ t' =r=o J. .D - *lt|DE cl|,) g, EL +-l €Ct.+fl *O9,{ rtoct }( E -r. -ar t, |!l C,!t 3 rl -t. ci rC -r E'. o, = O.+o I o- -t .D =l -t r-arC,u, ct 'tT'r ct {o=tt -tm I{m o-rl gvtI, 3mrtl{ q, !no(Jmo-{omt/,c)F\,{o= vt D L E \t ! 3${r $ s s NIt r, l.oc) { oz,oft 'ttFo1'oln - o.e-t(Dln UI { h \g F Nt,\ l-|D|rI1 o(D tol.!tg. o5 o l; l'sFl>ldIof.)F Irtllx lol lol =GI r t{o =.5rO ln tllll E- ll Itli l.. c) z, .smo-n !!-t{c) z,{ $t { t t, ..1 R t \ m 0 ar1 (of9l(+g-t (D CLcl-t .Dvlw 4J -rl rq,c -{m moz, { |D t(D (D € ri =lT'oF &vrea&g+{ (tl H: = ooooo{.D (toooz, 5 0000O t-r IJHIJO{r-. lllllc)m 6&&+4{4{'F' F'Fm oo('rH6t ooo(r(tts FE OOOOOOoooooo = ooooooc, t-l- tt (I'3t-aat at1 ozatr {o g+g+g+g+a+.9+ -l Ut l\t rr- ooo(,rJ\)Hm oo oouto 0 000000u ooooooG' (^t t\t l- 53'o o{ vrt ctHo.D.D {i= J.tO=E .D O (D cloC .+E (+ .t| c -"qo. J,r =5 . J- o- -,=(D (D(D oooJ.tcf < r. J.v, € E -.. !|r)d5gr5 (D.D Frg, -r'll,JO (,r€ vt ctoo- cl o|D=. -{| lct'c' =F' =-t ErE cl =tJ. O lD 5 Oo -r :oo oaD (D 3E ==.+ <0 gr(D(Do, o t. ur - -t lD .D A, € {r tD< -r.Eoo-=- ro G, -t . -r(oo.! oct q, 9t 2, = rnJ 5 m -l(D co o-€ Jt,!qvrq 3ire (D @ |Ja F, J.(o-h ulc 5ctAO OFr { o-cf-!roa,-rr lD E tt -t f Jc) -r F. if E-.r 0, = -r. It = 56) =-..Do,|D ttl c cL!O vt J.c!t o t { c+= -r.O.D .q _,li u, 0, -l q o.+ -r. r+ -. oo3E(O o (Do 5 ,J= o -t == |D O .O = cr.DF 9' -t =.Dvr3(D ur3 E5o.D < rtq, -t Ur5 -'. .D. ct.r19 r+J cr :t€ =(< .D .D€oa{r. CD J. - o| -.O =l = Er(D'EJA, |D < fD (D.c- lD O {r l, -'cr cL .+J o J..D J.( -t r+clo, = (D tD =o,J(+ rO q,5.D t^ ct c"rrct-O.+ = =C:t -lr O lD=3J.(D C, -r. g-l -r. I ur (, -r ur.!5 |D Fa<+O c+E CE,o 5o, croclo .D -t < .D (+O = -r. Or 9,' lD 5r+ Ul't -E O. (D .J. !D .DoE €= fre-o !.D <tCl 't .D .+.D .DO.+ JCL(.:. O UtgrJ a.Jlo ct.ur|D = =o.=oFr-lm-to|DoarourTru-nur { I $hcF f,sh F -c,.E'r C)z-J .J' Fm!Fmalrmz,{ -{ ]T ct \sar \+ it Lt J L {s fl\ si\q\ Ni\ U h o€zrrlF* ,- 3 c+E .DE5'o5ID ISlf\tQt \ii. i : .J a+E .DEto =.D f$l3\lrnld.\ I ctg (D!t =roto t:\ I llr$ t cr(D E9' o- 0,c+ r+J |D cf =lar 6lmlm 9ll.'IE e 5(o !t.D-t3 c+ 3A -t(D3c |Dtteiocl f\r t :i. '] it t T'E=.5o| Ev,Tt .. d, E l.FE- qEE !gE ., *E€ E L 4! LC'- CL .tJ l, EL C,Oo- - .F CL -.p.! t -r'd at->oa-!c, L .aJ ? grt attEO alo arF.E-q,oc LFt!- aErL .lr o - (l, 6-.FO O Os)vt.}, E {a - G !lu1a - ohE =i! € :Ee g(uUI Lo,!E+ .lJ (l, CLL C.lr E |! 490 0.E .|JLoE .P o cL-' v,+rE !t 0, C CrF !to, ctr I |E.i - 5IJC C C+J Fc.e ct Et E Utorc E oo(uv, Ol (, -L'-, qr !toFt - rF!.! I .ti ! rE -, tuEDCL(u O T' {, NE (U+, ! Eg+, -EE a,lt c,l. -oCt .P E .F rF E '- q,Q.P X6 >-9 .U9.$r o -p-s g 6!t .lJ o,rF 5 Eoo ! crr o.P Fo->.lJ lO E EPp 6fE g FrF =tE =A,.c(, r! qrE> Lv, eF. L€ 0 .+, oL q, qF.? .6 f L (,rFo,L Qa ^U|Qr .ogr CL ,E ..P EL E.ctE !t tE t,l Gt eoa, Eq €l_ otPo tE -c +tlul Oo,.tr +f o --C, C, tA Ul P\. 6 CE+r +r r{- C (u€ € d-CO OeErnc, Ol -- T 6 !t Cl-E> .F Cf .Pll Oo,tE -E .F tO.. LE+r -C >r tlt 'C'.G C . .r IJ7 T, Og =ta. utO .uO.'aO ttFCtr L > P'- o,E (u . Ctl gl |!.FP L.d.;- ) vl E E.Ctt .E- (t, B'n tt.F c,-cO - c,P ttE rE c, ll {rFC' ttUt t- (, c'r- -C E.F .?.F O) ta >=O {- X =EE Ul .d-lF. =., GO3+r(' 'Es oa, J'D5€ orFF 'r! .cl to &o<t :'9' a_H |. r! r> aiia ; * d i a36 6 o .6 4tA3t . a! - ctrrE ! c CL'F C. d> r,ttr c .u +t : = -c Fo Eq, Gt ut ;o +' g, tn a)q !6 !-crd EE r-ltlur tu +' ec <uF 6 t ; O a - F o E v, c r- "- It+r G' 6l c Oit . rO ; .6 E -O'tt =o 66 -! ||o,- Er t E rtsF :F .E - rF' - . .}J-ct ttt O . (l, ',' 6cL E >ar |!rF r/t .F 6 OE .lJ +t- 0, (:.F |u r/|,A cl +, |q .Er! .-6 +t.- 6 6 - \..,|! ED rE .F, o +t or LO .F. € .i =.e E- E.(l' *)-e E C,e ttt ! rF ...G .6 .Pc 5E.E .e(uo o qr! vt q, -o ,' o >+t E6 EE+, E€! .rlr o +, L ct t (' - T, E.- ur 6 € 6; +r'ir- o- t^L -'6+, otr= rd cDt-, o '.' 3ct !, ct gr (J c +, (t .! 0, ut (u -t- cl C\61 -tts - q- .8 - 6 o.r- a,o- o bt b - c ;P t^ vt L ,6 L e c tl, o Eo- --o - qr('r cE (u 5 =c u o-it !+rt E -.; o !u (u d q, E tn ! o E > s.. OcE o.Fo EEt, cl .r a E c ul'.: |! .}, o.;OO .io c.i Fdto o L d .rt 'r *t P;. sEu| r, =€ !a u (u o q o v, ' 'Ct.F tn ;Fat vt- - 't'.F O P .^ (u E > +, qt I ,A (u =ai cri-- .i o-c a5a (\l to (, o P' C,o !t @ 'l-'-€ cloe E -+, Gt cro. E to>.o oo- 5;,; - O Ioa t,a,o E-- 3 'o'-o E-c irr 6-0 tn - o -c E O .t' (U -(U I L{J- c,! 5 o.r.O 0.6;' oct C .r vt 9 O. C O E Et^O -c; E.r O. o.EL = +r (l, = rF L 0,.F.. |U Oci= -F= FlE olo 6 <.r .= I o o. q. --c E q'| y1 o-vl6.- '|oE= oFO o-G vt ! E -' E TI -L.5 (l, .F o 16e e = 6.r - i6 tn {r .d ! o o, o. crF = = ! '|n vlO; ra a -' .- E- ul o, c t^ ur u, O 'F : I 'F (u O L P (l,.-tF tl- r t-e .r!O g: C .P +rE Al ..c .g|!.E O O Cn L ,=.ts, vt . cr 3-.r- tll o; o o t- rd .d l- +, !, 3 t^ U _O E -. () (uiU.O '- O Cr O c, = (, .p E.rr (, O L (,_O ur L tn rF Ltc b;F l-c- = nl-ct .tJ +t oq- C ESr>c,. i-o o F+t s (u o c' 'o o vl ol c E > (u .P rF o F E tzl;- o.o- >roo o Ecr O O O c E = .u'i > L o .'E l. 5 'oo crf o- tn d - 0, J - +r rF '.- v, c ('ro ! o (U L q r^ o -o 'a- - -.- ai E!.- r-r o_ .; rF o Tr .E c.- .rJ= a t o q- L -.- !d; -e o = .|JrF o c\ c.P E .rF -+r E>o- co.UI 6 .!oo o tn o tttc =t >nt .o- E orl L c +, c L rFrtt ur r!t! E e, -o,- O-o. 1 q,, ot L o--- - -E oo tr. F=ul1tX ,^ +t ti - Ai.! O .OO lj 6 O. '- 6- B LrF tU q-' t.'tclu A J +t +, '.-at ;,^ L; - - E'F'p (J o ! filo 0, o'r g 'e 'F'F E 'lr 'p 'D tn q "-.o-|6.-0rool-d..-,-e,d.ug>LEl.'E(uVtl(uvrc,(l,9E ;?.. - <.Eo o 16 u,, ct at L(l,tn+J. l- ,- 1t'E.c t-. >\E +, = r! (\t L (U > oio c,tn'o -vrP & r-"i s- = gl 5 .po d, .p' t, cr=L 't- td o o. A .clA 5 F;; 6--c, trJ L o 6 -c I E .P .do 'eE ? .o.oq +, c t4(J o +' t^; G, cr ut .= F td! o- (J {r .F U E E r-o n P - E c o, c, o ccLB E.; LUrE - oOE c .P r > o) 'r:.!:6 - L . o c - lrj r-.|J.F d, = o) th c L r- +r +, +r (u O |E c P O .e (\lL= Or(u (/| F O (l, c'.rr c, - .- .e O +, .h : ct > o- €.68 .a .lJ F +t c, +t6 ra gtf o i!.- c rrl tn +r' x r: v, ct E o (J L 9, q, = . L rtt6.,-r6.FL.P'r-PEFJC.Fo,+,aO-CO=L'P(t,'rtn(uu|'c}ct;+-' (,Es arrdE F .o5|ofF r, ,n - O . vr (., tr t = . >a ! dr 1t E o E c, .u c, E o,- c () 'r- O P tnJ iF(t, o) ,n,l-'e) c| F(ao|! F cL t! - € .- rF6 I oJ> {J .- E.ts {i o .r >.a gt C (u c, tr LE rc Eq- {J F .o O 2 tU +, (J +, +r' c +, (u.U L .rF t^ L+, .F c .F€- JF6.F .i.-' o th u.- ta ul ! L - r, o E'F o = v, v, e..+r E UIt Vt (t, -Cl > = O O O O rF .F Cb rF OF E +, (.' fit q Ut (, : -O L vt O;- coo €O- = J: o 'j 6 G = o x oO o t-.F O g|rq - u E o I qqu6 Lo(.'o < o.o o (J>ao .n ; Q o .F rF +,-.F O--E - ta+r r< +, ,6 O-,.o trj rF C vr {J.lJ .lJ = O !'.- +! ;= - cD F otr E - c - tF ruE t^ +, ! .u -j !.e .rP S, Ed L 6, .! c i>r+rt (|J.-+J i .- v|L' e, ra r- O-+r I ct Cr ; .; .r- E = (u(u E .F- rFc,.. C E .r Ct t') O O ta Cvr ot .aJ > c .o E gt c, tr.t tu3 c d +.' o rFF cr E.c .|- E lrt =' o,P P x .! ! ct :i =; xauoo 6-(/r F L ta+, tn th .- t ct o .eL O Oc, .= F .ot-c .o E| 50, c ut o (u 'E' = lrl lrj ! E all t{.F ta J O O = <'r c) (U > P (, ct ! +) Ct (U r- q, F 'e 'F =oc,|I'u - U)oct'F ..-r L ; -c oo (u +.t.tJ L -o +' = = r- C, ri ct 5 =aO d, cia -L F o rr- .tt rr.t o- tlr d ..c vt.at v, cL J L ! oo oo <G, ct o'F. $l F'lt C O .+J CLE,(!,Z, O E+J O Z, .rr _ O_..< -C rF O ftt O .|J . F. 9-.r- Cl' = o-oiE!- -: -:F' I tn(u CLo(, AJ L(u(t)L|! !o :@ UItr.I, CL C'LJ.uuo+, C'L lrl O. at-2.-lrr|>:Ec)=m>mmr{oo'n>mo (, '(,o a) ;:ttotoln '-{ cJLr'r -(' m(, -{ c) o..z Errlatrc)F !-{oz, o-n .rt . o:t- or(D5tP cl -trCO(t -lf- (D-,I -t! Oo{z. -t -r.c) .Dt(o39, d -||5m -.. nF =Oo-t -q,an q,ci.. ! -J.!o-t=o -f 1t. -,rn -t()(DO Or -Ofl =c = ct -t {Ar4nF J. -N<o r5 E =rcto| oaFc+O='o-o.D -J. -h"t=to =9', '=o,at.D.' o, It F r z.ottlc') T' z.I z,o, .I' o+t E |D EJt =t (oo5 =o(Dl o 6) -{ c,'n'r1 :E E, ct = = a Trcl-t-t=Jo,ooJ.oa,:r(Do,-'.OrC=O()5t-nVrrDot./'=rn(Do-11o-o--no-t5J:Stt,/.'aq-3(D-r.O{{{c}q,omcJtto-|rro./ru35(D-j-.D(nor)3tn icc-t:Eoo,ln ; rt It;ol-o'E=o-{1,t)m=tO -{-l rrluvrrlrqa./, t-aJl G'oci0, =oo zo,3(D c!o 3o z, 'l'3(D IF t;l.< I ln N(D ,+ G'|Tlm>< nurm{ ='<oz,<c)mc, --{Fmmat1 -{o * 5o. oo,ci.D no E.D-' -lro-' c\ .Do o-Eo og t ct.' (D (D Vr o 1ft5 tlr.-JS-o-nlr=,l='rn \=tft1G s r 6 q ct=(o o, =.oq, =ct ci c) cio=t-(DoFO oo rcl =v(D .D,€ =*ooct.D =..D io=cr -fro.l .ft..o;= ar Project Appllcation Proiecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Ccm ments: Filing ,i'.-( Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL fA Town Planner .'.,a .{:; !ic' .f ?S south ,rontage roadvait, colorado 81657(303) 476-70OO April 17, 1984 offlce ot communlly devetopmenl appl ication " SIGN APPLICANTS Tom Braun or Kristan pritz, planners Sign Appl ication Requirenents iltiJlil];ations for sisns are submitted, the followins informatjon l' site ptan shorving exact location where the sign is to be rocated.2' photograph or dra'ing shorving the bui.rding and where sign is to be rccated.3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the foltowing)(a) scale drawing or rendering (must be corored exac'y as sign wirl be)(b) the sign itself is made -' -- s^.'l-''rr (c) photograph if sign is made '!' FEE: A $20.00 application fee wi.li be required at time TO: FROM: RE: of (over) .!r '' >.1..x.. Ial .E OJ o- o atl 'ot' c-t { Oz, = o o-il 'tt1oa). rDo a-t I-t h T\ U FI nf\ \-l \\. a\ =o, (D o_tr -(,(D-t U'o =UIc =ct' .-l F Nt! \\'\ T\ I .G\..l' d '-onA,cf o o-t t1oL). rDa),4, ^\\ cl\ r\ 'd: l\(\ $N Q\rh N N N E' .D UIrr'1 'd'ct o o ' -11 .It'-t'o(J. (Doct i'c{ n\r E'o.:, o o.r.-r g |!-l I -o (D N N\tl GJ E a+ lh c+ -lJ.o:t(oO5ct5 -tl(,rDoC-ru (J .-J _r. ln € ct (o 3or 5(o FJ.'{r rD 5o<-+l(D J.o(D -'l -,. € 3ut It(It cl'+,h O r,t$ or oo-J 5.GoOcrul..D-+l 1 P, '1(D, -+l O- = -.il0ror-t aJl = at'a1 * ( -t tv|, -og-l 3o .J.<cfq, ct-JAr oor tt:j< O_ c+aD :t r.o-J. A'<ctaD -ct5-. r)o, (-i {. ' t. \iI (I' o o1 rt o o-n IA (o -{ rf l-ab D ri.a i I NIoq\ B l v7GY-lo N N\ *\\n D f, cF) N ^'L $ otn { l\a'ls U Dcf\ .N C) TA N.D -n u't to -1u Nrl\ \ F+ 0\ \ a $ $\ Rt I 14 )Lu o -o (o .-? o l-n l" c')o cl-l/r It\ t4\ IN lrN It(\Ir-t\tf.le lhl\ It\ta lsIt\l\ut\t)t!t\ l,ht\ NIh \6 Nc\ dJ\ I t'\ $ ..j a t $! {. q $) h t {\J vs t\{\ Nt\ a.l N\ n f\ \\i\{ t-.\ \I \ \ c( \ tn t\I b N\D $ N\.( .-Uf. 'A6 -l\\ I T,FI \^ S' L $ c\c i hh \ $s $tt ..lNrl NtI0 $lAl q\ D N 0 $ t f.t \\ (. rl\\i s\c a (\ .J { \ \d' 6 N+r \ \v\ N = -tm r-a tJl @ =-i-{m I _o r- a-) { O a (o 3 ?(-rl 0Jlatl -5 1 NH ot-l -J,OJ t-|{(D (o -r(,0, ln PIj.l rol I.rlt:l or'o o o,ai (, ct 1r!E U1 ln5 (-c| oTJovl rD or) rUrf o o> o1 urF (^-O 'o o !c)>-o < 50 r)'1 lD O J.+O O- ctO C< o'-t 0r(D-i rr:rDJo-o 1 0-': or aA-h :o(^J.o o 3-o(.o'1 io ar:q, oJa -nrDllEU1 |@c |/r olc J.-1 |a-^ 3 (o orlC J, J €ICt rt r'l3 rr I r|J. A, | (ol.+r | |d l(|o, I | \-t tNtttltt IttltlllI I .,1 (ol :l:l =l =t;lql 3t ' .ql II I I I I MEMORANDUM January 24, 1984 T0: Steve Patterson D.-Xi1l Andrews FR0M: Dick Ryan SUB.IECT: Changes to Gore Creek Drjve In 1a!9 December, I met with Warren platner, architect for the-Lodge:. at vail to discuss improvements on Gore creek Drive. while we wereon.the street, he presented a possibl'ility of raising itre'itreet itmail 'improvements were done on Gore creek Dr.ive. wou'ld you look atthe possibility of raising the street? The other area that we talked about was a step coming out into thestreet at the entrance to the Lodge at vail oir Gore dreek Drive. l.Jou]dyou-get with me, and I wi'l I go.over their proposal . I was nor veryoptimistic with this request-since there cbutb ue proutemi with snowp1ows, etc. I E C WA R R E N P L AT N I Jonuory 3, lg8/. Mr. Richord Rpn To'rrn of Voil 75 South Fronfoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 Deqr Dick: A S S O C I AT E S RCHITECTS /f ,,i"\r-t t'9 o A It wos o pleosure io meer with you ogoin, however briefly. lt, os usuol, results in prc,gressfolvqrd o betfer Lodge ond o better Voil. Myundentondingisthof youogreethof oroised @reCreekDrivesfreef level, foeliminqfefhe division of sidewolk ond street by sfeps ond woll olong fhe Lodg;side, is desirqble ondpossible ond will eventuol.ly toke ploce' buf perhops not For tvvo oithree yeors. For qn interimsolution, you will look into the possibiiity of'pushing .unu"Jrlp, ort inlo the sfreet ro qlle-viote fhe poor condifion of fhe Lodge enrronce ond we will cuf bock the qrch of thof entroncewhen we renovote . In roising fhe.street, street light poles would be odded, possibly o few frees ond the enfire ::111L".1t: olong the Lodge side will receive cqreful oirenrion by ornelve, ond rhe Town roinfegrofe the Lodge enfronces, focode, shop fronts ond other feoiures rrost effectively infothe new sfrepf design. WP/gsr I8 MITCHELL D|RIVE . NEl,v HAVEN, c;ONN o651t . ZOSl777- €.1 7r lmn ,January 9, 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1984 Mr. l,larren P'l atner !,lqrlen Pl atner Assoc i ates Arch i tectsl8 Mitchell Drive New Haven, Connecticut 065.1.| Dear Warren: I l.ook forward to working with you onLodge at Vail. Si ncerely, ;L)<e L'( DICK RYAN Community Development Department DR: bpr I have requested the Town. Engineer to study.the feasibility of raisingthe street to eriminate *re-itJpi .i-*,u-16ad;-.i-v;;i: "ni *. discussedon that cold Decemb"r 9ay:-I ihSug[i ii-"ur a possibre good sorutionto raise the street' t wi.ti g.i-6iir'io you regarding the actuar feasi-bility-of the sorution. uv pTin ii-to'ioor at improvements to GoreCreek Drive during the nexi ino'or-tti.e years. l:gtt91ls the rounded step interim so]ution, we wiil arso review thisand respond in the near future T::-::::::-from the west along with street l.ights and other short term'rmprovements shourd be considered for r9B4 by"lh; ioJg.-;i'vurr. otflce of communlty developmenl RE: Lodge at Vail steps improving Vail Village and the : "1.{ ;"r .-j"n{ t- t/ / / .-. " /-L"a 2 2.{-- ., , 1_ J.1//tt t/,//,,La @44,+%f rr kz*. AtL -fl'"'z a %,art^- fl* /d*z-frk. ffiffi(iu ru,rg;Mfu-frr fu*&-r2duy,q-, e_,il_ //; -- /r ',467-ry' El oaT#/4, P,,,",furU- / t/yttqJ' i, .: 75 soulh fronlage road uail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: Peter fatten FRQM I Reg i. na OATEI 10/1618a RE.; L,odge at Vai.l Des'i.gn Revieur Bu.ilding Per"mj ts Board Staff Approvals otflce ol communlty developmenl Permit #1874 - 9/24/84 Permit #1810 - 8/9/84 Permit #1851 - 9/10/84 Permit #1669 - 4/16/84 Permit #187.l - 9/20/84 Permit #1869 - 9/19/84 Permit #1827 - 9/21/84 Permit #1784 - 7/?7/84 Permit #1584 - 11/1/84 Permit #1882 - 9/27184 Perm'it #1883 - 9/27 /84 Permit #1860 - 9/L7/84 Permit #1664 - 5/10/84 Permit #1904 - 1,0/15/84 (permit not picked up yet) CVS0E Shop Garage Storage Connection Stairs Rooms 348-349 Remodel Kitchen Exhaust pool Repa i.r Re-roof Fire A1 arm System South Locker Room Room. Corridor Ski. Storage/Emp'l oyee Cafeteria Ca rti er Mountai.n Tees Colorado I.nsi.gh.t Publ ic Restrooms Lodge at Vail Lodge at Va'i1 Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at !ai1 Lodge at Va'il Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vail Lodge at !ai'l Lodge at Va'il Lodge at Vail Lodge at Vai'l $l ,298.00 358.12 449.75 I , 574 .50 380.50 851.25 3,2?8.82 2,620.00 496.75 7 ,?78.00 5,477.50 I ,226.00 308.50 542 .50 1,163.00 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF APPROVED Kitchen Exhaus-t Modifications - Sept. 18, lg84 The Lodge at Vail Pr.onenade Steps = Sept, 7, 1984 The Lodge at Vai'l Connecting Stairs - July 30, .|984 The Lodge at Vail Sign for cornucopia - July 13, .l984 The Lodge at Vail Landscaping/Improvements - Jun 29, 1994 The Lodge at Vail l.lildflower Restaurant Landscape - June 20, .|984 luwn 75 roulh frontrge rosd yail, colorado 01657 (303) 476-7000 October 3, .|984 olflcc of communlly developmenl l.lil lows Condominium AssociationAtten: MarikaP.0. Box 759Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Marika, Peter Patten infoms me that the property that the Lodge wishesto receive in exchange with the Forest serv'ice belongs-to the ForestService, although it is with'in Town boundaries. It 6as been withinthe Town boundaries for many years, and peter doesn't know when itwas annexed. ,G-L Secretary /br Project Application. D"," '""9I,T, l$r lQp,4_ t*- proiect Name: tJt tti*P' i Fr-t"ii.i ru:i" lu'ii l.ri F'lt+ll-ii.$r;'l / Project Description: ( Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: X Legal Descriplion: Lol ! | t.L*ob&tz- r:.T;{AI'*Filing Zone ""-.---.-i- Comments: Design Review Board Dale Molion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Pl NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR A. BUILDING MTERIALS:PE OF MATERIALFaa u6c>s\- DeU2ct3ad okt-,ticantrto the Design Review COLOR The following information is required for submirr.trfftftHBoard before a final approval can be f.i ven: Roof Si di ng 1 0ther Wa I 'l Materi a I s LIST OF MATERIALS P* B. Fasci a Soffi ts I,.li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name of Designeri phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Commbn Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducjous trees. Indicate height for conifers. PLANT IvIATERIALS: lqtanica'l Name Egn'mto!__ryamg- Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION . TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spec'ify. Project Application rldr#,\- Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Town Planner E statt Approval i Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Oescription: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: r- nppnovni.DISAPPBOVAL 1T Staff Approval Name of Project: Teodge at Vait - c.V.s.o.E. stCFront s signage Lela.l Description: Lot A_B e C Block Description of Proiect: Rqdegign of store Filing Vail Villaqe lst fronts and iiqnaqe on the Lodqe Promenade. The following information is required Board before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall IVlaterials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reen houses Other for submittal by the applicant to the Design Reviewgiven: Type of Material Color Stucco White to match existing Sheet metal Dark Blue (See Sample) NA Clear Beveled Glass " Brass Wood with Brass Polished Briqht Letter for Collection Venice Simplon Orient Exfrrs55 will be cut out of irr solid brass, polished briqht. NA NA Polished Brioh Glass Lite NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity 9ize TREES SHRUBS Description of Project: Redesiqn of store frontd ahd iignaqe on the Lodge promenade. The following information is requiredBoard before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall lvlaterials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window T rim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reen houses Other NA the applicant to the Design Review Color for submittal bygiven: Tvpe of Material NA, Stucco White to match existing Sheet metal Dark Blue NA NA Clear Beveled Glass Wood with Glass Lite Dark Blue (See sample Brass Polished Briqht NA will be cut out of *'r solid brass, polished briqht. NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: iJLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Cr mmon Name Quantity I ize TREES SHRUBS T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Community Developmcnt Development proposals in ccl and ccII are reviewed by the Design Review goardwith respect to Design considerations as outlined in"ttre-uroan Design Guide.Plan' These Desion ionsiderations address various arCnitectural and landscapefeatures. It 'i s ihe responsibility of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir. proposal js complying with t-hese consilbraiions.- ihl Design considerationsfor. the Village and Lioish6ao are .uriraur" ;;;;-;il;st.""prease feel free tocontact rom Braun or Kristan pritz with any qleitiJtii-vJu may nave. Vail V'i'llaqe 'l . Roofs c.v.s.o. E. NA Facades The existing material is stucco and will be restored as requi red. The re-placement of the existing window with 2 plate glass windows will add tothe di:rersity along the promenade. Balconies NA Decks and Patios NA Accent Elements NA Landscape El ements NA Serv ic e (.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. As Always L ionshead Heights and mdss i ng 2. Roofs 3. Facades wa'l I s,/structure 4. Facades - Transparency ( over ) o T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Community Development Development proposa'l s in ccl and ccII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardwith respect to Design considerations as ouilined tn-ttrt-uruan Design Guide.Pian' These Desiqn considerations address various a"Crrite.iurui-ini'riniliup.features. It is ihe responsibility of the app)icant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with t-hese considerations. ine oesign considerationsfor the Village and Lionsh6ad are availr.bl" rpon-""qr"rt."-please feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan prjtz with any questioris you may have Vail Vil'lage l. Roofs CARTIER JEWELERY Decks and Patios NA Accent Elements We will be placing 2 Queents Crests on either side of window. Landscape El ements NA Service 2. J. 4. q 6. NA Facades The existing material is stucco and will be restored as required. The re-placement of the existing window with 2 plate glass windows will add tothe diversity along the promenade. Bal co ni es NA 7. As Always Lionshead Heights and massing ?. Roofs 3. Facades wal I s/structure 4. Facades - Transparency (over ) r , ue' -\ o 7-.- .'\ E Project Application I Date Atrgrtqt 1 1. i qRll Proiect Name: i'lie L".rjire at Vail - il . i/-S-r': ' F - Shof' Proiect Description: Contacl person and p6on" All*rr F," f efoya i{uoff l'ar.t,rershii} Archi"(ecir - ,j76 -3051 Owner, Address and Phone:Lnaoe et ','ail 1f 4 {jarri {lr1re Crlt.;. Driwp - Vail, f r:- 8liE7 Architect, Address and Phone: "l-he i? rroff Partnere hifr Arclritcrte 50-0 Lionsh,rad /llall - Vail Co- ii,:| f,57 47t'-.3G5, 1 Legal Descriplion; 1-q1 ri- i-. f' C , Block tC , Filing Vail \1 illage i;t , Zone -C-CL-- Comments: Design Review Board .i. t./ .\Motion by: ' ii,,' '-) tl seconded uy: E+J/dul r. APPROVAL ,/ Dale DISAPPROVAL i .., Staff Approval 7-' ': l' { ---.4 Project Applicatlon August iJ, 1984. 'r -' 6' '' '* Proiect Name: T l"e Lodge at Vail - Ca rtier J ewelprq projei;1 Descripl;on. Reelesign of the store front and sir,,rnale c,n the Lcdee Prorrerrade Contact Person and Phone Allen F. Tafoya R.uoff Partnership Architedts - 476-3051 Owner. Address and Phone:LcrCr.le et Vail 1?tt EEst Gore Creek Drive - Vail- Co^ 81657 Architect, Address and Phone: The Ruoff Partnership Architoctq 500 Lionshead Mall - Vail, uo. 81557 476-3051 Logal Description: Lot A, ts E C, Btock 5c Fiting Vail Villaqe 1st 7sn2 CC1 Comments: Design Revlew Board Dale L,-1 DISAPPROVAL E statr Approval Name of Project: . Legal Descriptioni Lot A- B S C Block SC . Filing Vail Village r.t Description of Project: Redesign of store fronts .and 3i on the Lodqe Promenade. The following information is required Board before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Otlrer Wa ll fulaterials Fa sc ia Soffit s Windows Window T rim Doors Door T rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures C reenhouses Other for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revielgiven: Type of Material NA Color NA NA C lear Plate G lass Wood Oxford Brown to match Metal with Class Lite Oxford Brown to existing match Wood existing Oxford Brown to match NA existing NA Canvas awning on painted steel frame, see sample for color. White. NA NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity 9ize TREES SHRUBS heLodgeatVail @Name of Project: ' Legal Descriptioni Lot A_ B e C Block sC . Filing Vait Viilag" r"t Description of Project: Redesiqn of store fronts and 3i ' The following information is requiredBoard before a final approval can be A. BUILDINC MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Nlaterials Fa sc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reen houses Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revielgiven: Type of Material NA Color Stucco White to match existing NA Clear Plate Glass Wood Oxford Brown to match Metal with Glass Lite Oxford Brown to match Wood Oxford Brown to match ex isting Canvas awning on painted steel frame, see sample for color. White. NA NA- NA NA NA NA NA NA NA phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity 9ize TREES SHRUBS o T0: Design Review Board App'licants for projects in CCI and CCII FR0M: Department of Conrnun.ity Development Development proposals in ccl and ccII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardw-ith respect to Design Considerations as outlined ln tfre-u"uan Design Guide.Plan. These Desiqn ionsiderations iaoiess various u"irtiteitu"ui-ini"runaiiup.features. It is ihe responsibility or ine app'l icant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. ir,r" Design cJniiJerationsfor. the Vil lage and tionsh6ad are .vaitiute upon-"equest."-please feel free tocontact Tom Eraun or Krjstan pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Villaqe l. Roofs CARTIER JEWELERY Accent El ements We will be placing 2 Queents Crests on either side of window. Landscape El ements NA Service t- ? 4. 3. 6. 7. NA FacadesThe existing material is stucco and will be restored as required. The re-placement of the existing window with( plate glass windows will add tothe diversity along the promenade. "-21" f,*Bal coni es NA Decks and Patios NA As Always L'ionshead Heights and mdssing 2. Roofs 3. Facades walls/structure 4. Facades - Transparency ( over ) Project Application Date August 31, lF4 Prolect ttame: T he Lodge at Vail Promenade StW Project Description: Contact Person and Remove sectlon of stone ll at west end of Peomenade. Install newTt Allen Ta 476-3051 Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Comments: Architect, Address and Phone: Allen F. Tafoya - Ruoff Pattnership Architects lcfonshead Mall - Vall, Co. 1s1 A. B 6 C , Btock 5C , riling Vail Villaqe Fi rst , Zone _____..,*r_ Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Date DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: \ ","u Approval Name of Proiect: Legal Description: The Lodqe at Vail Promenade Lot-1,BsC Block 5C ng Vail Village First Description of Project: Remove a section of stone.wall at west end of Promenade. Install new concre@ Screen .*irtin@ The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERTALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures C reenhouses Other Type of Material NA Color NA NA New hammered iron handrails on each side of st Fence will be redwood with natural stain. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS . FLOWERS Botanical Name Common Name Area around transformer will be planted Quantity rrlillgrynnlals. Size SHRUBS o :t.i-1r.\rr :i.! ari::J 7<144ai"JA.lDr-sT7-?9 The Ruotf Architectsnc. trffisi__uo2aL l./8,'t +l'- e" Name of Project: _ Legal Description: .Lot A,B s c Block tc . Filing !/4t Village First Description of Project: Remove a section of stone wall at west end of Promenade. lnstall new concrele steps down to street. Screen existing transformer with Gt high The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall lvlaterials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reenhouses Other Type of Material NA Color NA NA New hammered iron handrails on each side of steps. NA Fence will be redwood with natural stain. NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS . FLOWERS Botanical Name Common Name Area around transformer will be planted Quantity qilbjeg:nnlals. Size SHRUBS I .. o .' :\ ?<oy1ltJApa sT7-?E The Ruoff Adftectsec. trffisiLozaL & VAil- l//g't ?1,- o" I NTER-DEPARTMENTAL REV I EI,I PROJECT. DATE SUBMITTED: COMI,IENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: POLICE DEPARTMENT Date; Date:Reviewed by: Corments: Reviewed by: TOl,lN ATTORNEY Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Date: Reviewed by: Comments; PUBLIC I.IORKS;ffi-*, l',Ji\til--lr/ Comments:r I \ n tt tzal 0V-, {, No/ ^ Q\r{u- L\/tl'fi {rita,a N'itn J-c"" ro &'v''t' flu"'-" (,n5zcu'71e^' 0 FIRE DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: 'rL i .- T0: Town Counc'il FROM: DATE: Community Development Department August 30, 1984 SUBJECT: Lodge at Vail Streetscape Improvements to Promenade Backqround of this Proposal The Lodge at Vail has presented a plan to improve the streetscape alongthe Lodge Promenade. Generally, the p1 an consists of adding and improvingsteps leading from the Promenade to Gore Creek Drive, add'ing street lighting, improved landscaping, and seating areas. This request js before theCouncil because the proposed improvements encroach approximately 6 feetinto the Town's right-of-way. This proposal wou'ld only have to be reviewedby the Design Review Board. However, Council approval is required becauseof the encroachment onto Town property. Staff Recommendation From a design standpoint, this plan would undoubtedly be a we'l come improvementto Gore Creek Drive. One of the objectives of the Urban Design GuidePlan is to interface sidewalks with streets. The goal being to enhancethe pedestrian experience in the Village. However, th'is proposal hasa number of added impacts with respect to its encroachment into the right- of-way. The Fire Department and the Department of Public Works have both reviewedthis proposal . Both departments have found it to be unacceptable foressentially the same reasons. These include: 1. A narrowing of the right-of-way up to 6 feet will create access and circulation problems on Gore Creek Drive. 2. The area is a 'loading zone, thereby compounding access problems. 3. Phase I of the project will make p'lowing operations more difficult. 4. Reducing the width of the right-of-way will create added congestionfor the pedestrian on Gore Creek Drjve. The bottom line with respect to this app'lication is that it wil'l negativelyimpact the Fire Department's access as well as Public Work's abilityto maintain Gore Creek Drive. While the Community Development Departmentfavors the improvements from a design standpoint, we cannot support th.isrequest because of its impacts on the right-of-way. Consequenily, thestaff reconrnendation for this request is for denial i-.t:-t: . / I Inwtt u lltl 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 August 28, .l984 Allen Tafoya Ruoff Partnership 500 Lionshead Circle Vail, Colorado 8]657 Please feel free to call me with Si ncerely, i \S-nt- FW$lw"' THOMAS A. BRAUN Town P'l anner TAB: bpr offlce of communlty develoPmenl Re: Lodge at Vail Streetscape Improvements Dear Allen, The appl ication for the Lodge Promenade streetscape improvements has been ibmoved from the Design Review Board agenda for August 29. Because the proposed improvements are on Town of Vajl property, approval of the iowh Councii will be needed. It is premature to present this item to the DRB until approval from the Council has been granted' I have scheduled this request to be consjdered by the Counci'l at their work session meeting on Tuesday, September 4th. I will be in contact with you regarding the staff r-ecommendations on this request as well as the time of the meet'ing. any questions You maY have. [ , -' i,*-. lnwn 75 soulh lrontage road Yall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 31, 1984 Mr. Charles Duran Lodge at Vail L74 E. Gore Creek Dr.Vail, C0 81657 Dear C.D.: Your proposed staircase has been staff approved by the Departmentof Community Development. This approva'l is conditional on you receiving Forest Service approval. This wil'l be required before a building permit is issued. offlce of communlly dcwlopment removal access road stai rcase As we discussed on July 31 , you can antiitippte.a snoh, problem as_a result of Vail Associates plowing theirto One Vail P'lace. Hopefully the re-alignment of thewill minimize this orob'lem. Please feel free to cal'l me with any questions you may have. Si ncerely, Thomas Braun Town Planner TB/sam I Project Appticatioq b Date The Lrrilr;,.: ;:t Vail - Employee Cafeteria E 5!<i Stsraqe July ,l6, 1984 Project Name: project Descripl;e1' BuiitJinq additlon fbr Ernployce Cafeteria E 9ki Storaqe conract person and pnone Th* Rueff Partnershlp Archltects p.c.. AIA Owner, Address and phone: Lodlra Propertles 174 East Core Creek Sriire - Vaii, Co. fi1657 l7{i-i01t -J Architecr, Address and phone: ThA FEll'f Partnership Architects tJ.c. . AIA 500 Lionsheaci ','iall -. 'v'ail. Ci;. 81657 li76'- 3r151 Legal Descriptiop 16l A, ii i C , Btoct< 5C Filing i/ail Villlr-1e Fit'si Zone - Comments: J ert'y frterernonte - 47C- 3451 Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ,.''' APPRoVAL .,''/-...-------.---'- '\"\* - *, . rr:-;a- - DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: \,-*\\\ i i' . \, }{,.. rvr^ , +, -.". \l-; ,"'.-,i:,.^-,r.,- -----_-.- fown Planner E statt Approval Name of P-roi"c] t Legal Description: Lot Description of Project: at Vail - Emolo A,B6C Block a 6 Ski Storage Filing Vail Village First Buildinq addition Cafeteria o'ski'itorage The following information is requiredBoard before a final approval can be A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall lvlaterlals for submittal by the applicant to the Design Revirgiv*n: Type of Material To Match Existing Color Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chimneys Rails NA NA To Match Existing NA Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size TREES SHRUBS ,}'. "--*4 t Proiect Application . '*- t',t(o /84Date"-I Project Name:f/.j6 t" a C,&{ . -., {a t,_'-,,!,u,.i ! t.:J r ttt3 j-/rt t,t" Proiect Descriplion:Alt w 31 t',t,: 11 z,- 8it<l^l . 14f,1. F''lj,,','<'d Act A './ rlprr. tbfutl' Contact Person and Phone -6nttOwner, Address and Phone: I "74 €. {tttr-'{e< Architect, Address and Phone:J€areV f?l feght'/,::,a.r-f F "f?6 - ,/.SE € {}'t,t *1iO A { a Legal Descripti on' Lol ,/-], ;ttl t , etock --g riting y'A, ,. !'i i t a6€ /3;-l , 2on" Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: j.'" APPROVAL --,DISAPPHOVAL .-.-n- V{ouApproval t x, A.* Name of Project: fi htu - Legaf Description: Lot A,614 Block 5Z Filin|glFtc- rt o..ta e /=/ Description of Project: ,(/ea S/ate z43€ B+kr/, :Sact{4 Pzpcrtrzn ,.\4e A. I lr/n , c- r*/ll - ,/ Z sare a/ ) The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard'before a final approval can be given: A. BUlLDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall fulaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other OaoouslEes LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Type of Material //4 L/4 u4 /J4g4 \J4 ^/41/4 34q:N Z€o-< kL/Aa. .A14 u4 loee r . he*l 6 / 6o14 lp.tr^t{ee fczl eaaL ?c-a€t(. Color B. 2qo 9€,,tt -/cnus?a<ap* Slrard ^/4 phone: PLANT MATERIALS 1zc - /a56 Common Name Fu>>tau Ott v€ Zazlo4 t4o6 o Botanical Name //4"/ 3'r 4 Quantity * Size TREES SHRUBS rili I 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Juiy 6, .l984 t h 7s scJ:h ,rcniage rcad . ;ait.lcolrJdo E16sr , 363/4i€-7000, €xl. to7 \\s.././ {..Qeler Patlen, Jr.4la5c,,o.,-l+- Deparlmeni ot Community Developmenl offlce of communlty developrnent Frank Wells 712 North Palm Drive Beverly Hills, California 902.10 Re: Lodge at Vail Dear Mr. I,lells, Please find enclosed the agreement regarding zoning of the Lodge property between them and the Town. I'm sorry I couldn't havesent this earlier, but there were some logist'ica1 problems in thepast week. I believe you have the remaining pertinent information on theproiect, but I'd be happy to speak with you again if you wish. Please feel free to call. Yery s,wyerely, A_-r-!-n/ ,/,+ ..,r4t . .i ( I , ltrQtnt'rcl(/- \*, A. PETER PATTEN, JR ,/ 7'- Acting Director Comrnunity Development APP: bpr Encl . Prolect Application , Proiect Name: Proi6ct De3cription: Contact Porson and Phone 2)lzt &rcna. Owner, Addr6s and Phone: . la,, rfr_ adffJyllL _, u,nn Zone Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Staff Approval 4 6 Prorect App[cauon P6lg Ir.rttg tq, I QBIr Project Name: Lodqe at Vail R ':- rot,f Project Description: lnlialiatlon of i? . I . 'J ncw 3 . Ll .Il . 5)''stenr Contact Person and Phone J Srry i!4cre:lonte n Ir76-30'- I Rrr:ff frlr rt no rs hlfr A.rr.lrrtlrcts . Owner, Address and phone: LrCrre at Vail '! 14 [,;st C,i,re Creei"r O rir.'e Vail. Ci;" $i i:Si 476- 50i I Architect, Address and Phone: i..rrrri' Partnershifr Arr hltects p ..' . , AIA i0(l I i(Thsf,r'nci i,lall L/.ail, alr .:'l G!i'7 4?S-.i;151 Legal Description: Lot A, !; F- : , Block 5C , Filing Vail Viiiage trirsl , Zone - Comments: ,l Sets rif []rrrtwurc-'sl*n!fudad Design Review Board Motion by: n*o Gil,.', DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: { Summary: ; Town Plannerl;,ll \ i',/..iDate: L-\ I r-s i c 1-\ E statt Approval roof decks and installation of n"* ,,gid irrrl"tion ".The following information is requi?eo ror submittal by the applicant to the Design ReviewBoard before a final approval cln be given: Name of Project:Vail - Re-roof ---2LegaN'Description: Lot A,B E C Block 5C Filing Vail Village First Description of Proiect: Complete sUipping of exist[ng alt roofs down to existin A. BUILDING MATERIALS Tvpe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall lvtaterials Stucco Color E texture to rnatch existing BUR system , ---^( To be selected ) NA C-g "t - 1,4 a+z-,r f,rrs*tzo L<!€At*€.e€D 5.t i.t<",-c Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other NA No. 1 Doug. Fir or better to match existing NA lvtatch See drawings Match Repair Match existing NA NA NA NA NA NA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: phone: PLANT MATERIALS--_-- TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size SHRUBS t Law OFFtcEs CoscRtrr, Dur.rN & FRENcn, P C. P O. Box 34o VAIL,CoLORADo 8t658 13031 476-7552PETER COSGRI FF JOHN W. DUNN ROBERT H. S. FRENCH STEPH EN C. WEST TIMOTHY H. BERRY ARTHUR A. ABPLANALR .JR. .JOH N B. WOOD FREDEFTICX B. S KILLERN LEADVILLE O FFIC E: P. O. BOX tl LEAOVTLLE, COLORAOO AO46l(3031 4A6 | 88S ARECKENRIDGE OFFICE: P. O. BOX 5AA BRECXENRI OGE, COLORADO A0424(303) 453 -29O I l-9 June L984 Department of Community Development Town of VaiI75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81557 Re: The Lodge at Vail -Forest Service Acquisition Dear Sir or l"ladam: This office has been requested by Mr. and Mrs.Michael Shank to assist them in association with their ownership of a condominium unit at the Lodge at Vail which may be effected by the plans of the Lodge to construct improvements on property presently owned by the U.S. ForestService directly south of the main Lodge structure. Because it is our understanding that some progress may have already occured toward obtaining Town approval ofthe proposed project, we would ask to be advised of anyfuture steps in that application process requiring publicnotice or notice to affected property owners. We would alsorequest the opportunity to discuss the plans of the Lodge,as those plans involve the Town of Vail, with the repre-sentative of the Department of Community Developmentdirectly involved j-n those proceedings. Thank you very much for your assistance in thismatter. AAAJr:ggtxc: Mr. & Mrs. Shank Arthur A. o oergieg$nplication ^( i: i. ,, '-.. iT lE^.; -,.f1 ; {')Proiect Name: lRr*t*,' i);i,?- * i::,^V i-i,Nii;'"*r r--:.i;tl.;i)|-u ,'rrlt5 C-.:i':: iaProiect Description: C F,Eer- DF.lVt Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: EuTr1y I A ii i i. Rr:-t.'.iI r-r d L- KLIrF ; fA,,rTN:i2J,.l-itF,\.' {-{ r .\LLEN l-AF.ryA\ r-- ] i:'i-t- A -i v'A i q-4'7 G 5 o t t Architect, Address and Phone: ; '1 ,\ -- .^l--t.\Jr,*i'At/'i Nl:iii,*itl) *l_ ]iEt f ItAt - ption: Lot rr il f i , V'v r.:. .T- etock 5 FilingLegal Descri Comments: Zone Design Review Board t',"t^ r; i/{riiDate I' lr'-r\i 'tr i('r!,t Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner E statt Approval Name of Proiect: J-o_dgtt Vail Necessities Shop e Gorf reek Drive Entry Remodel Legal Description: TlSttsX, B s c Bbck 5c Filirig Vail Village 1st. Description of Project; Storefront remodel at existing Up Your lmage t--Shirt Shop, which will become loclge Necessities Shop plus the modification of the Gore Creek Drive Entrv Arch.The'following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATER IALS Roof Over BaY Window Siding Other Wall lVlaterials Fa scia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doo rs Door T rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Ch!rnneys Trash Enclosures C reen houses Other Type of Material Copper Color Natural/Polished St ucco !Vhite to match existing None N/A Oak Olympic #911 Pella V/ood 45o Bay Olympic #91'l Oak Olympic #911 Oak Olympic #911 Oak Olympic #911 N/A N/A Copper N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer : Phone: r:LANT MATER IALS Botanical Name N/A Common Name Quantity 5 ize TREES SHRUBS N/A Name of Proiect : Legal Description: Lod Vail Necessities Shop E Got reek Drive Entry Remodel tt"!ttx,BEC Bbck sC Filing Vail Village 1st. Description of Project; Storefront remodel at existing Up Your lmage f-Shirt Shop, which will become lodge Necessities Shop plus the modification of the Gore Creek Drive Tl+6v#lttllhg information is required for submittat by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Over BaY Window Siding Other Wall tvlaterials Fa sc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door T rim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures G reenhouses Other Type of Material Copper Color Natural/Polis hed S tucco lVhite to match existing None N/A Oak Olympic #911 Pella VJood 45o Bay Olympic #911 Oak Olympic #911 Oak Oak Olympic #91 1 Olympic #911 N/A N/A Copper N/A N/A N/A N/A NiA B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name N/A Common Name Q uantity 5;ze TREES SHRUBS N/A ExleflN4 Project Applicatlon 4- tL-84 Project Name: Project Description; Contact Person and (,*ttccsla\)ve 45y1s3l {lt - 5v71 qs9- 2L?/: ' 6eee r*u c'ilLT 4{- t5t Owner, Address and Phone:c F Sireu vs 2raetz- 45 J*15 3l 5t.o. ria* f ot6 +C(6612'r156€,, 755o17 Architect. Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Comments:,, e"-" Cl,w-it,rA:n; 5rtqu fAc*De 'l:. (lt;lu*x, -.rr+,'roe dT Wr..'auf - I..ler"y.haaas Block Filing I'2-ar"t r,tJf dtOuts Design Review Board Motion by: \&\tt (iruq{l s.conded o, {oL \\urrfi DISAPPBOVAL D .) I r'r \({rttiri, fi,rl' Town Planner l\n, I " 1.,i!;'. I i. ,' : i;. ir.tefa. F.}iii.,. F. --i-it- , ,,1 1 '/ -\:r. t lr,. E statt Approval rli 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlly development May 4, 1984 Chuck Struve P. 0. Box 1016 Breckenridge, Co'l orado, 80424 RE: Mountain Tees Up Your Image Exterior Modification Dear Chuck, 0n May 2, 1984, the Design Review Board gave final approval to your exterior modificatjon project at the Lodge Promenade. Staff wouldlike to review the sign. The djmenions, co1or, and location of the s'i gn should be jncluded in the application. If you have a po'l oroidof the sign that rvould be helpful . Please call me if you have any further questions. Thanks for being patient during a very long meeting! Si ncere'ly,v. I 0.r [tr51un Irr't] Kristan Pritz Town Planner ENCL. PKlrme Department of Community Town of Vai-l 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail , Co, 81657 Development sC}LJ2e.t 174 E. Gorc Crcck LHrc Ynil, (blorudo81657 rt April 10, 1984 Department of Community Development Town of vail75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Co. 81657 Re: Remodel of Unit 132 Lodge Promenade Gentlemen: The owners of Up Your Imagie will be making repairs and modifica-tions to their unit 132 on the Lodge promenade. We have reviewed.their drawings and plans and have discussed these with them andhave granted our approval. Lodge Properties Inc. Direc A ala]. .T1. Properties EHD: hcd 174 East C'ore Creek Drire Yail. Crrkrrado 81657 303-476-5011 lelex 45-O375 o s JV U v\Ito @ wv :.I $a. t. I i'i!i Lt: -___-J ;1t:-j-:t oca?-:D=0*:0*tI d 6 Q;a 7L.?.r.-4,i., UUi5Y \./ {r 16 7,e Aq rr)!-na tr< .t.l ^ ;,+,: ; Yj tt1tilttiltiqtItttittltlrlL: nlrlllttl,1tttiitl!tIiJ tt, i i'\ -.....'1..--.,..1 Ja s $t \o Dov avtil A- {T €v .:=-:: |. :-: - .... ... EJo?\l-o<,a":'r " r5 ,i) -r \>52 'PE -1i; I ei_^.2 q Iln -L't+ in t-:faB'i '! kt-i *P ig ii::il -vo !"ciq$ L E $\la. $ ? \ d ig l/0 e ) J $ r/ fi5' {s r4 gN, lP * $$ fi$oJfi {8R i$$o* li:Tt tL__ilF+=-'.-l llJ:Etrll MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED - I. NEW CONSTRUCTION - A.raphic nap and site plan of site containing the followin (2 copies) : Licensed surveyor's stamp. contour intervals of not rnore than 2r unless the parcel consists ofacres or more, in which case, 5r contour intervals will be accepted. Existing trees o? groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4,,tnore one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders,intend.ttent streans, etc. J. Avalanche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes Ties to existing benchnark, either USGS landnark J. 1. 2, 5. 6. 7. or 40% or more, if applicable. or sewer invert . 8. o Locations of the followi.ngl a, Proposed surface drainage on and off site showi.ng si.ze and type ofculverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources andproposed service lines from sources to the structure. utilities toinc lude :' cable TV teI ephone sel{er wa! elr gas el ect ric c.. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed dri.veways with percent slope and spot elevations e. A11 easements Existing and finished grades A11 existing and proposed irnprovenent s including structures, landscapedareas, service areas,- storage areas, walks, driveways, off-street parking,loading areas,retaining wa] 1s (with spot elevatjoni) , and other siie jmplove= ments.Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to deternine height of building. i0. c. B.statenent from each utility verif location of service and availabili To be submi.tted with site plan. reDort to a al1 submittals, to insure property owneT s pan easenents on pro D. Landscape Plan (1rr = 20r o-r larger) = 2copies 1' Show the location of 4" diameter trees, other shrubs and natj.ve plantsthat are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscapearea with the varieties and approxirnate sizes of plant naterials to beplanted. 2, Complete landscape materials list. 3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be losc. NOTE: As much of the above infornation as possible should occur on the site plan, so thatthe inter-relation of the various -componentl is clear. The landscape plan should be separ-ate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may'be a separate rnap. Must include floor plans and all elevations as they will appear oncompietion. Elevations must show both existing'and finished grades. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shal'l be specified and submittedtor review on the materials'l ist available from the Department of Conmunity Devel opment. F. The Design.Review Board may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if'deemednecessary to determine whether a project will compty with design guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS E. 2 copies H. Site improvement survey, I. Preliminary title report, easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN I 2. III Photos or sketches that clear'ly indicate what is proposed and the location (siteplan) of proposal may be submiited in lieu of the'more formal requirementsgiven above, as long as they provide a1f important specifications for the tff " W' fr '$fi :[' fl,,^ltr\il'il id',tr' ilolh, ADDITIONS - RESIbENTIAL OR COMI'4ERCIALU A. Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown 8.. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies ,Q/ Site pl an showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies,/5\lpf Elevations of addition( )\ .( ..\n\1rl enotos of existing structure r1 p{nltl. rz\\frl Specifications for all materials and color samples on materials listavailable at Department of Community Development. At.the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be requ'ired to submi t: G. Statement from each util ity veri fying location of service and ava'i labi'l ity. See attached utility location verificatjon form. stamped by registered professional surveyoq verify'i ng ownership of property and lists of {tlg. g building perm'it has been 'issued, and when the project is underway, thefo1 lowing-will be required before any bu'i lding receives a framing inspeciion fromthe Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations w'ith t'ies to property corners, i.e. djstances and angles. B. Building dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utilityservice lines as-builts showing size of ljnes, type ofmaterial used, and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-builts - 2 copies E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner.F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map.G. Al I easementsH. Building floor elevatjons and roof ri dge elevations. laL._-_ s Ca'o':c)c. Ue_el_M"tl$sf Color A^-'a-> | {, cco ^XAE /Pg,satT Common Name Quanti ty S'i ze A) til Aaz<sS 1" to]lorving inforrnation is reqrrirctl for submittal by thc ap1:Iicent to thc Design Rcvicrvlloard bcfore a final approval can be given: W* Dt;sctil lI'tcl,i ot; PRO.Jl:c1' A. BUIL0IN(l I'{A,'I'ERIALS Roof Sidi.ng 0ther ltall Materials Fasc ia Soffits Windows Itlindol Trim Doors Door Trinr Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flash j-ngs Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es 0ther Irrl/+ -ta/tu B. IANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name SHRUBS GROUND COVERS s0D SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE Fo0TAGESEED TYPE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wal'l s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. J. UTITITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME IOT BLOCK FILING . ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposedlines, tmrst be approved and verified by the following utiliries foi theacconpanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date Mountain Bell 1-634-3778 l,lestern SIope Gas Hamy Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal l * Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek NOTE: these verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public lllorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tor'n of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit unrst be obtained separately. This fo::n is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. * For new const. please fiIl out attached sheet. o luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476€te1* z ao.> department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project including comments fromthe Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any correctj-ons stlpulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Buitding Permit.No site work may be commenced until the revisions are approved bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Buil-ding Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Planner at .476-7000, ext. 1.02; DEPARTMENT Or. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT .t ,,* o 75 soulh trontage roed Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olllce ot communlty devclopment Apri'l 18, 1984 The Lodge at Vail 1.74 East Gore CreekVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: CD Dear CD, 0n.the.1ast. inspection for the new mai.n service it came to myattention that the service equipment and meters are not grouirded. Before the new service can be energized by Holy Cross Electric Company all electric services have-to be -grounieC and bondedto the main water main and a ground rod c6nnected as per N. E. C. Thank you for your inmediate attention to this matter. Si ncerely, EG/rme ;l'i .n . -ti":'/ Vec'A {ro^ T?tff Jtt"- t1 EXISTING STRUCTURE Lodge Prop. lnc. t 140 2231 19372 5140 9302 (2605)* 5790 1334 6710 t_:' .t- o."" .o'oL;;, 8302 - C May 4, 1983 Floor Level Basement CommonFirst GRFA Common Second GRFA CommonThird GRFA CommonFourth GRFA CommonFifth CRFA Common Sixth CRFA LodgeApt. North 1210 5756 1090 12474 2253 14323 171 0 12297 ':' Lodge ('),:, : 8378 1024 7157 4pr=-!es$_ 6095 567 50r 2 TOTAL GRFA TOTAL Common Area 19,871 =g ".32,03s (2s,338 -*-'- --\T 44,850 = 39 d.r.i,I'l , 107=8 du 567 tU,53S=12 1024 du €Xr 5395 va clr.rding 6, 697 sq . ft. ,of Restaurant/Bar space) * Lodge at Vail total land area = 3.0423 ac.r Lodge South Condominiums .3350 ac.Lodge Apt. North Wing (A-2J .G184 ac. Lodge Properties, Inc.2.0889 ac. = 90,992 sq. ft. From Zoning for Commercial Core I: Allowed GRFA = S0A (90,992) = 72,794 sq. ft.Common Area excluded from GRFA = ZOZ (72,7941Common Area counted in GRFA = 32,035 _ 14,559 Actual GRFA s Common Area counted in GRFA 19,871 + 17,476 = 37,347 sq. ft. GRFA TOTAL* 14,559 sq. ft. 17,476 sq. ft. Maximum number accommodation units for 2.0gBg ac.Existing number accommodation units Allowed number of additional accommodation units Allowed additional GRFA 72,794 -37,3q7 35,447 sq. ft. 104 a.u. 62 a. u. = 42 a.u. * does ""1 i,nclude 20 co*..Ao: oSove Lol,5e?roge.liesT',< ,r TO: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission FR0M: Department of Community Development DATE: August 19, 1983 SUBJECT: Request to 18.022.090District), Appl i cant: amend.Sections 18.04,030 (Definition of Accommodation Unit).(uensity Control Section of the public Accommodation Zone ' a.nd_.l8.24..l30 (Density Control Section of the CCI Zone District)Lodge Properties, Inc. THE REQUEST Lodge Properties, Inc. has proposed amendments to three sections of the zoninqcode. The proposed amendments read. as follows (tne wora'ing wniih i.-l.oii"j"'out is proposed to be eliminated and those capiiaf ized are-proposed to Ue-aloea), Amend Section .l8.04.030 to read:A. Amend Section 18.04.030 to read: 18.04,030 Acconrnodation unit "Acconrnodation unit" means any room or group of rooms without kitchen facilitiesdesigned for or adapted_to occupancy by-guests and accessible from commoncorridors, walks, or balconies i.littr-out-pissing through another accommodalionunit or dwelling un'it. Eaeh-aeeemmedatien-unit-shali-be-eeunted-as-ene-half ef-a -dwel l ing -un it-fer-puFpe ses -ef-eale ulating -airJwarie-un its -Ber-a€Fe. B. Amend Section l8.2?,090 to read: 18.22.090 Dens i ty control FOR DI^,ELLINc uNiTS, not more than eightly square feet of gross residentja.l f199r alea (GRFA) shaIr. be permjtted for-eaih one rrunaiea"rriu.l-ir.;';i-'buildable site area. Not more than eightly square feet of gross residentialfloor area shall be permitted for each"one-truriorea rqru"" feet of buildablesite area for any conditional use WHICH INCLUDES DWELLING UNITS as listedin section .|8.22.030. The totil -density ror-permiii"J-u."r, conditionaluses, and accessory uses WHiCH INCLUDE -owEt-Ltile UNITS shal'l -not exceed eightysquare feet of gross f1 oor area for each one hundred square feet of buildablesite area. Total density_0F DWELLiNG uNITS shall not exceed twenty-fivelygliils_rlits per acre bf buildable site area. 0N AND AFTER THE "rrrrcrtvr DATE 0F THIS Al'lENDl'lENT, N0 DIrIELLING UNITS l4l0ULD BE PERMITTED 0NLY By THEREMOVAL 0F Acc0Ml'lODATION UNITs FROM THE CALCULATION 0F eRoSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA OR DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE. .c C Accommodati nits, Lodge -2- Amend Section .l8.24..l30 to read: .|8.24..l30 Density control Unless otherwise provided in the Vail Village urgan design guide p'lan, not rnore than eighty square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted FOR DIdELLING UNITS for each one hundred square feet of buildablesite area. Total density 0F DWELLING UNITS shall not exceed twenty-five dweiling units per acre of bui'ldable site area. 0N AND AFTER THE EFFECTM DATT OF THIS AT4ENDMENT, NO DWELLING UNITS MAY BE ADDED TO A SITE IF SUCH ADDITIoNAL DIIELLING UNITS WOULD BE PERMiTTED 0NLY BY THE REMOVAL 0F ACCOMM0DATI( UNITS FROM THE CALCULATION OF GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA OR I,JELLING UNITS PIR ACRE The proposed amendments are designed to eliminate accommodation units from the densitycontrol sections of t.he Pub'l'ic Aicommodation and CommercET-eore-T-zone districts. The density control sections of these zone districts would then only apply to dwellingunits while leaving the other site development standards wjthjn these zone districtsto control the development of accommodatjon units upon a sjte. In other words, anunlim'ited nur.:ber and size (GRFA) of accommodation units would be allowed upon a sitewithin the PA and CCI zones as long as they were constructed wjthin the allowable setback, height, site coverage and site development standards specified within each zone district and, in CCI, complied with the Urban Design Guide Plan. The applicant states that the purpose of the proposed amendment js "the adjustmentof the Vail Zoning Code to meet changing circumstances both in the evolution of the Tovrn of Vail and the general economic climate jn which the Town exists" and that "the perceived effect of the amendment is the'infusion of new potential into theresort industry which forms the heart and on-going purpose of the Town." to complete a study (copy attached) which concludesof the Town of Vail are best served by allowing conference facilities to be deve'loped in Vail e-Ut I The applicants have hjred a firmthat "the economic best interests additional hote'l and meetinq and Vi11age." II. ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSAL The applicants have conducted a study of what they beljeve to be the practicai resultsof the proposed amendments (copy attached). Using assumptions which jnc'luded thatthe additiona'l rooms to be constructed would be 350 square feet, consjderation of thehistorical use of the bui'l dings, structural considerations, site constraints,and, jn most cases, a disregard for 79ning regujrements except for setbacks and he'ight, they projected that an addjtional 257 accommodation units could be con-structed within Vail Vi11age. Obviously, the number could vary substant'ial1y under other sets of assumpt'ions. Foli nstance, build'ing smaller rooms than 350 sq ft would increase the total number of un'i ts as could the total reconstruction of buildings,vacation of utility easements, the change in the historical use of a structure, and other aspects of development not consjdered while conducting the analysis. Con-sjderation of other aspects may, in fact, have resulted in a reduced project'ionin the number of units- Units, Lodge -3- _FACTS REGARpING L _ui!!4gE The follori'ing facts and findings should be consjdered when reviewing the need for additional accommodation unjts in the-Vail Vii'l age area and the economic vj6bility of ihe proposal with regard to Vajl Village and the entjre Town of Vajl l- Currently 798 accommodatjon un'its exjst jn the Vail Village area. -This.fiqurecurrentlyconstitutes53%ofthetotalnumberofaccommodatjon uniis within the Town of Vail. Vail Lionshead follows with 26% of the total lodge rooms while Cascade Viliage and the West Vail areas each contain 10% of th6 total number of accommodation unjts, Clear'lyn the largest number of accommodation units exjst in the Vail Village area of Town. 0"5 (" ! !1e w.i ll use the applicant's figure of 257 potential-addr'tjonal acconmodation units ii Vaif Village as'a basjs for-illustratjng the impi icat.ions of the proposal and.iis retationsiip to the current lodging base, whilb at the same tjme recognizing tnit ttris figure could be smal'l er oi larger. (One should^realize that one probiem ,riif' tt'" proiosed amendment js the fact that there is no fjnite number of units U"ing p.obosed and therefore it is difficult to realize the exact nature of the impl ications. ) A. t.Current zoning in Vail wjll allow an addition of ll7 accommodatjon unjts with.i n the Vail Village area. There are no additjonal lodge rooms available to be constructed in ifre Vail Ljonshead or the West Vail areas, and Cascade !iittuge could potentially construct an add'itional 278 units. . (A1 though the C5veloper has jndicaied he will be constructing oniy 123.),These statjstjcs show that even under current zoning, VaiI Village wjll contain aoproximately 50% of the tota'l number of accomrnodatjon unjts withjn the Town of Vajl r.rhen all accommodatjon unjts currently zoned for are constructed. Table #l indicates occupancy f.igures for lodges jn Vail for the period. from l{ovember l98l throirgh RpriT tSe:. It can be seen that March is the busiest month with occupincies at 90% in .l982 and 847 in .'i983- The lowest Occupancy rates occur in Vait'S "shoulder SeaSOnS," the mOnthS of Apri'l ,. May and June, and September, 0ctober and November, with occupancies ranging fron 24% to 53%. Clbariy, even duping peak times of the year there are lodge rooms that are avaijab1 e in Vaii. Also 230 lodge rooms were constructed jn VaiI withjn the 1982-1983 ski season and are now available to our guests' The parking structure in Vaji Village was full a total of 68 days jn.the 138 iay .1980-81 ski season, 73 out of tSZ days in l98l-82, and 53 out of 112 days in .l982-83 season. In addjtion, less than 50 spaces were_ left unoccupied a total of 13 days in the .l982-83 ski season' Convenjence of parking iras been identjfied in the Vail/Beaver creek l,Jinter Quality Study s'ince .|979 as a "prob1 em. " 3. 4. Accommo. lJs TABLE NO' I LODGE ROOM OCCUPANCIES - CORE PROPERTIES 'l 981-82 November December January February March April May June July August September 0ctober % OCCUPIED 27..5 69..| 69.4 83.9 90.1 53.7 24.4 39.2 65.0 65. 4 4l .2 3l .8 1982-83 November December January February March Apri I 28.2 66.2 80.8 82.2 84.4 33.7 Source: Vail Resort Association Accornrno. Un I ts TABLE NO. 2 VAIL MOUNTAIN PEAK DAYS IROM 1979 - 1983 DATE ATTENDANCE ' LIST OF YEAR 82-83 !l tt al tt tl tt tt 81-82 ta tl tl 80-81 tl tl 79-80 tf tl tl tf rrl26l82 t2130182 t2l3rl82 7lrLl83 Llt3l83 Ll]-4l83 2120183 3l13l83 t2l?818t r2l29l8r t?l30l8L t2l3rl8L tzl27l80 Lzl28l80 l.2l29l80 r2130180 L2128179 t2l3Ll79 3/30/80 413180 Al4l80 13,243 14,619 t3,710 14,502 13, 516 13 ,012 13,325 13 , O05 13,638 14,450 13,262 14 ,590. 13, 128 13,190 14,224 14,235 13,052 13 , 129 I 3 ,031 t3,018 13,4 70 Associates, Inc.Source: Vail -4- 5. The Yail/Beaver Creek tr^linter Quality Study has made the following findings: Accommo. UrS In ihe .|979-80, .l980-81 , l98l-82 seasons severa'l questions were-askedrega.rding commun'ity sca'le, architectural quality, level ot congestjonin Vail, etc. visitors and residents alike were strono in their opinionsthat the village was presently quite attractive in arc6jtectura] qiralityand sca1e, particularly in comparison to Lionshead, but many fe'l t'that Vail was becoming too crowded and congested and in danger oflosing its charm. Fuithermore, strong feei.ings ex jsted ttrat Va.iland Eagle County should attempt to ljmit the amount of new growth. The l982-83 study concluded that "there is little evidence that the :.jig ol avajlabilr'ty of lodge units is emerging as a problem amongVail skiers this season. About 90 percent or itt skiers resoondedthat they had gotten their preferred type of lodging unit, with skiersstaying in "t'ime shares" or condos without kjtchens-most Iikely tosay that they were not in their preferred type of unit. There wasno evidence that people in condominium units would have oreferredlodge/hote1 units. .' ' 7. Sales tax totals in .,|982 were 92,569,969 in Vail Vi11age, 9995,.l2g inLionshead, and $440,598 in west Vail. clearly vail Vjilage js the largestrevenue generating area within Vail. Rent per square foot for connrercjal reta.i I space averages $30.00 persquare foot in Vail Village, 920.00 per square foot jn Ljonshead, $ZO.OOper_square foot in Cascade Village, and $l 2.00 per square foot in West Ylil: 9:ltainly, cornmercjat property within the Viilage is not at aorsaovantage compared to the other areas of Town. Table #2 shows a list of peak days on Vail Mountajn from .l979-1983. "peakdays" are ident'ifjed by va'i i Assocjates as days having over .|3,000 skiers.The winter Quaf ity study identjfied jn .l979-80 that tourists tend to feel"stress" and lift lines began to back up at approximateiy the .|2,000 skierlevel . In addition to those .l3,000+ days shown in Table-2, there were anadditiona'l 10 days when the skier number was between 12,000 and .l3,000 in the82-83 season, five days in 8'l -82, one day in 80-81 , and 10 days in 79-90.Thus, for examp'l e, in this past ski season a total of 1g days-of the l4Zday season vlere in excess of .|2,000 skiers. o a. b. 6- In the past 5-6 years.many investments have been made in redeveloping,renovating? ald ypgfgding commercial , retaii, restaurant, and lodgingspace within vail vi11age. In l9g3 alone, a total valuaiion ot gSzglzso worth of renovation and reconstruction has started since January as comparedto $35,000 vrorth in Lionshead. Five additional runouiiion and reconstructionprojects in the Vi11age are currently going through the review process. 8. q Acr.onl) Units -5- B.IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED AMENDI"IENT The proprsed arnendment will have several impacts upon Vaii Village and the ent'ire Tcwn of Vail. The potential construction of 257 acconrnodatjon unitsjn the \rail Village area will substant.ial 1y impact the properties upon wh'ich they are constructed, the surrounding properties, and the overall Town. The Depariment of Community Development does not believe that the proposed amendmeni is consistent with the basjc objectives of the zoning code, one of r.lhich is "to prevent excessive population densities and overcrowding of the land with s'uructures." The varjous development standards wjthin each zone district are tools designed to ensure that what js constructed upon a site res,.rlts in a compatible relationship with its surroundings, both in regard to the intdnsity of use of the structure and in terms of the ictual sjze, shape, fiTk-,anii-ma15-of the structure. The density controls which are proposed to be eliminated for accormodation units in CCI and the PA zone djstricts are an .integral part of the zoning code with respect to these aspects of development. As can be seen from the past winter qua'l ity studjes' both Vail resjdents and visitors alike have strohg beliefs regarding the attractjveness of the Vi.11age jnterms cf architectural [ual'ity and icale, but felt the Vjllage was in danger of losing its charm. The'proposed amEffient wil'l have significant impacts- upon the-scale of the Vil'l bge'area. The e'l imjnatjon of the density controls wiricn appTy to accommodation units would allow some buildings to increase srUitunt'lui1y in size, with certain buildings capable of constructing as much as two iimes the present bui'l ding mass (see Ruoff Partnership Analysis of potential Raaitiohal Lodge Rooms"wh'ich is attached). The addition of thjs bu'l k and mass will affeci the quality of Vail Village in terms of vjsual charac- teristics, light and shadows, views, open space, overall scalerand character. The appi icants bel ieve that s jnce the Urban Design Gu_'ide Plan would st'ill apply titat ttre overall scale and character of the Village will "be v'irtua1ly uh'chinged." Hgt;ever, one must real ize that many of the propert.ies which could potentially increase in mass and bulk are not located within the CCI d'istrjct ind theref6re are not requjred to be revjewed under those guidelines, but only thr^ough the Design ieview Board process. The DRB_guidelines basical'ly deai with irchitecturi'l quality and cannot deny an application the s'i ze of structure permitted under zoning, and the Urban Design Guide Plan is a'l so limited in'jts ability to control the sjze of structures. The staff believes that density controls are important to keep intact, for !]reJ--!roll!-tq-rgrnlUqLlS! with all ofthe sjte development standards (height, setbacks, etc.) and the Design F,eview and Urban Design Gu'ide Plan to provide for an acceptabJ u tlig of siructures which results in the pleasing scale and character of the Vi11age. Density controls are most important jn terms of the fact that they are the basic icols which control the intensity of-Ure of..property in order to "provide for the growth of an orderty aii-ile community" (another of the basic purposes of the z6ning code). A fundimental of sound planning is to ensure that there is an a;rropriaie mix and intensity of uses w'ithin the conrnunity to ensure- a-contir:uation and growth of the elonomic base and to provide for enough f'lexibil to al'l ou the private sector to meet market demands while at the same time maintaining the establ jshed cornnunity qual jt'ies and values. 0bviously, when any change in intensity of use as significant as the change being proposed ii"revie^1ea, the impacis of that chaige in intensity must be ful ly considered- itr A'-conrn. Unif-n- As indicated in part A of thjs report' maior changes-jn. the_density of the Village could become problems from the perspective of the "1oya1 " Vqjl. overnight v'isit6rs. The Vail/Beaver Creek l,ljnter Quality Study has 'identified that,'it became clear from an analysis of questions that congestion and crowding are definitely emerging as maJor problems jn Vail and that significant segments of the tourist popuiation indlcate that they may stop vacatjoning jn Vail-. if rampant growth'continues." Certainly crowding and. congestion_is a realistic problem at feak times within Vai] as.evldenced by park'in9, traffic, and capacity bt Vait Mouirtajn. There is no question that the significant increase proposed for accommodation unjts in Vail Village will add to the current prob'l ems. One must keep in mjnd that a significant amount of growth and population 'increase can be potential 1y added to Vail under the densjtjes that the Town is currently_ zoned for. C. THE NEED FOR ADDITIONAL LODGE ROOMS The appljcants for the proposed amendment set forth several arguments. ll,ig!--ttrey bbtieve justify thb nbed for additional lodge rooms within the Vail Village arei. One argument set forth describes the need for'new, 350 square_feet, h'igh quality lodge rooms jn order to increase the qua'l ity 9f Vail's 1o$SinS baie dnd thit "because of phys'i cal restraints it is virtual'ly impossible in many cases to remodel existing small hotel rooms jnto larger ones." It is intirest'ing to note that as mentioned in part A of this nerno the .|982-83 l^,ljnter Quality Study found that none of the skiers who identified unit size as a probleir vrere- staying in lodge rooms. The applicants have not presented any documentation or analysis which demonstrates the perceived need for more of this type of room o4 1n fact,for any type of lodging accommodations. The occupancy figures sliovln on T;ble #l seem to indicate that, if anything, there is a surplus-of lodging accommodatjons jn Vajl, This information, together wjth the facts that 230 additional lodqe rooms have been constructed with.i n Vail this past wjnter and that the ab'i Tity exists under current zoning to construct additjonal lodge rooms, hardly points to or justifies the need to amend the zoning code to remove the density controls in CCI and PA zones. A second argument presented by the applicants in support of eljminatjng the density conirols wjttr regard to acconnrodation unjts is that Vail Village does not have adequate facjlilies to compete equal 1y with other areas of Town in the potential for the corporate and association group and conference market. They'be1 ieve that "'in order to compete in this segment of the market, Vail Viliage needs increased hotel rooms coordinated with modern meeting and con- ferenie facilities." They be1 jeve that the corporate and assocjation meeting and conference market is the emerging market jn Vajl and that thjs market functjons mainly during those periodi considered ''shou'l der" seasons in Vail. It js the Department of Community Development staff's op.i nion that the study conducted by'the applicant does not contain any significant data or documentation rvhich supports the conclusions mentioned above. The staff would agree that the convention and meeting market could very well help to support the Vail economy during the shoulder seasons. Convention and meeting facilities con- structed at the Marriot Mark and at the Hestin Hotel 'i ndicate that the private sector is currently responding to this market. Ho;ever, the market study completed by the a-pp1 ic'ant coitains no infornation regarding the potentiai- absorbtion rate of the market within the total Town or even wjthin the Vil1age. The study does not contain any analysis of the existing meeting and banquet facilitjes within the Town oiVitlage nor does'it analyze the abi'l ity of the current lodging base wjth'i n the Vjllage to support an addition of these types \, of facilities. The study does not indicate what type or sjze facility is neededother than "modern meet'iirg and conference faciliti"ei." It js very clLar-t1,ai-increis.no documentatjon within the analysis whatsoever which supports tnu-potuniiuiadditjon of over 250 accommodation -units-withjn vajt vilagA. or.-Jit!"ii;;;;iyrefutes the conclusions of the report. It is very clear wfren unatyzini "..rpir;yrates that more 'l odge rooms are not needed wjthin-Vail V.illage. A third argument central to the app'l icant's proposal js that an jncrease of hotetrooms.in.vail vil)age "is necessaiv to allow'vail Village to contjnue i; t.;h; centerof,activity in Vail," and the stud! presented indis31.r"1he beliet ifiai'tfr" V]ifv'i'llage area wjll deteriorate if u"nable to compete equai ly with ir-lu-Ni.l"..o'it" westinfor the meeting and conference market. Severai factors s"hown in part A oi inil *.roindjcate that Vail Village is-c".tuinjv not jn un ,nr,.itiny'economic state. Thesales.tax figures, rental/lease rates, and the vaiuation of nriiding construction,upgrading and renovation.clearly poini to the fact that the Vilrugu"ii-i'hiiiliy'a"sira-ble locatjon for commercial activity, and that substantial jnvestments are be.ingrade.bv.all types of busjnesses, inliuding lodges, witnin th; v;ij;;.-u."i."'iri."ntreguiations have not been a detiiment to itis upgiad;ng'anJ renovation. A central aspect of the applicant,s proDosalnqgg:.to be prrvided withlir the Vf11lse'area.additional convention and meetjnq spaie couldihe lodge properties under current ionino. The applicants believe that Vail Village needs to be competitive with other areasof vail' The staff-does not necessariiy uelieve that euin-.or" area of Vai'l needsto be competitive with each other in teims_of. "ach possesiing the sur" typ", oifacilities' The various areas of town-ihould ue aesi!neo-lo complement each otherrather,than.compete with each other. We realize thai a certain amount of competitionis good in the sense that it stimulates business owners io'r""p their facilitiesin a first class condition. However, the Town of Vail should function as one co-hesive economic unit-rather.than-iepirite u""is in iorpuliiion, and while one areaof,Town may possess facilities whicir make. it. the..onu.liionZmeeting center of Town,other areas may possess characteristics which mar,e-ii-J"iirante as the commercialcenter of Town. IIALL j!!g!!ENpATr0N The Department of community Development reconurends denial of the requested variance.An analysis of the facts rlveals tirat ihe To*n of Vail doei not need to increase thedensity of public accommodation uniii. we do not ueiieve-ir,.t uny of the data presentedby the applicant.points to the conctusjon that vaii v.iii;g; is in"neea-oi;;;;'accommodation units than.can..be-proyided under current zoning. The amendment proposedcould be detrimental to the vait'Vitlage .in termi "i ir,."...fiiteciurar-q;;i;iy:'scale, and character-which have been iientified uy runl"r"tioents and visitorsas one-of the most pleasing aspects of Varr, causrng many of the visitors to returnyear after year. Ilq "timination of the density controls with regard to acconrmodation units in theCCI and PA zone districts in no way ensures the success und.on*"r.ial viabil.itv Accommo.Uno'its -7- is that conventjon and meeting spaceIt is important to realize ihatbe constructed within several of f-Accomo. |its -8- of the Vail v'illaoe area.to any greater extent than do the existing zonjng contrel 5,and in our opjnioi- wou'la do m"ori r'arm il,an-l;"g;t "it"ri"g clrasticaliy an areawh ich is currentl v the rrrost successful area iith jn- Vail due to the desirabi'l .ity,scale, and qualjty of the area. . The 'issue of qual ity, 'in fact, is the central issue to be considered when ana'lyz;ngthis proposed-TodgE-room amendment. Those proposing the i;;;;;;; i" in.""rriu.; otaccorrnodation units feel that the answer to'imilroviig the quality of the vjs;iorexperience in vail js an jncrease jn the guanti!y.of"1 odge rooms and for runy yua",the -response to many issues of both ptannfrg-nd-a"u"iop,iunt in this community tovarious needs has been one of increasea quaitity. Vail'is.now at a point, however,when the major concern must be focused upgn mqiirtaining and.improving upon the quaiityof what has made Vair the attractive desiination r"so.I jt has become. Community leaders in Vail have become concerned wjth exactly th.i s issue, among otherissues, and have initiated the communiiv nition pi; i;-;i;n for vajl's future. gneof the "statements of. purpose" contajne-d within *re oritl'locument wh.ich the grouphas..prepared stated thit bne of the Vuit forruniiV;r-'-'", for the future shouldbe "to assure through appropriate mechanisms tn" lontinuing puUric and privatemaintenance and enhancement'of the qualiil "r-ir,""..il;i;;'t existing major productsand facil ities. " The group is cu"rdntlfiooring-toi iri.ri"r to the question of vrherethe Town should be headed in order to pieserve ind enhance the quality of the Vailexperience. Future decis'ions need to be carefulty considered iri termi of thejr impactupon this quality, In the.specif-ic case.of the proposed amendment there js, in fact, a certajn amountof evidence r^rhich points to ihe'conclusion that an iniiuaie in density in the Villageof one third would have a detrimental effect on the quality of vail viitage and theentire Town of vail . At the very ieast, any oeciiion'-oi'i'uch nngnitroe ifiouia certainlybe substant'iated bv a thorough siudy wtrich iooks at ir'e totar baTance and relationshipbetween short term-accommodaiion rn"its and the other segments of the community. The staff agrees with and supports the idea.that limjted expans;on of meeting spacewithjn the vai1 v'ilrage area may be a so]uiion io ih"-;;o;iLm of ron o..rpunii.,within the lodges during the sh-ourder ieasons. 'ue berieve, howevur, tt',ui-un-aiatysisshould be conductea whiih looks at the portion of this marliet wh.ich Vajl could absorband.ana]yzes the relat'ionsh-r'p between the number of aicommooatjon unjts and convent.ionmeeting space which guflelt].y ex'ist. If is our ueji"i *.f *re preieni-ioojtni"uasewhich exists jn the Vail Viliage aiea ioula rrppo.t ir,u rlr;tuo additjon oi mietingspace. "WAR I SRE N PLATNER ASSOCIATE ARCHITECTS Jonuory 3, 1984 Mr. Richord Ryon Tovtrn of Voil 75 South Fronioge Rood Voil, Coloodo 81657 Deor Dick: It wos o pleosure to meet with you ogoin, however briefly. lt, os usr.nl, results in progress loword o better Lodge ond o better Voil. My undenfonding is fhot you ogree fhoto roised Gore Creek Drive streef level, to eliminote the division of sidewolk qnd sireef by sfep ond woll olong the Lodge side, is desiroble ond possible ond willeventuolly ioke ploce, but perhops not for two or three )€qrs. Foron interimsolution, you will look info the possibility of pushing rounded slep6 ouf inro the streef fo olle-vioie the poor condition ot fhe Lodge enironce ond we will cuf bock fhe orch of thqf entronce when we renovofe . [rY,/Y 1\ "r/.' itLlll {, I i].! \1 In roising the streel, streei light poles would be odded, possibly o few trees ond the enfire streetedge olong fhe Lodge side will receive coreful offenfion byourselves ond the Town foinfegrute the Lodge entmnces, focode, shop fronfs ond ofher feoiures mosf effcctively info WP/str 18 MITCHELL ORTVE . NE\^, HAVEN, CONN O65tt . 2O317'r7-A471 I ottlce of conmunlty deyolopment RE: Lodge at Vail steps improving Vail Village and the r.fL lrun ,lanuary 9, 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 1984 Mr. Warren Platnerllarren Platner Associates Architectsl8 Mitchell Drive New Haven, Connect'icut 0651 1 Dear Warren: I. have requested the Town. Engineer to study the feasibility of raisingthe street to eliminate the iteps at the r-irage-at-viii: ft we discussed0n that cold December day,_I thbught it was i possiute good sorutionto raise the street. I i,rill get Sack to you rbgarding [he actua] feasi-bifity_of the sotution. My pTan ti to ioi't at impiovEmenis-to eoreCreek Drive during the nexl iwo or three years. Regarding the rounded step interim so] ution, we will also review thisand respond in the near future New access from the west along with street'l ights and other short termimprovements shourd be considEred for r9g4 by the toage ai vait. I 'l.ook forward to working with you onLodge at Vail. Si n cere 1y , I&L'( DICK RYAN Community Development Department DR: bpr --r ol of lnun 75 south ftonlage road vril, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 March '15, 1983 Thor Loberg Ed Drager Lodge at Vail 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Re: Lodge at Vai'l StudY Dear Thor and Ed: Through preliminary discussions with you regard'ing your future request.for speciil study of the Lodge at Vail propertyn our staff bel ieves that the fbllowing iniormation, in addit'ion to those 'listed in item #3 on the attachment' must be irovided and the following questions answered and documented as a part of your application: I. Demonstrate and document the connun'iU need for additional 'l odge rooms in the Vail Vil'lage and Vai'l t-Ion$eacl areas; 2, I'lhat type (i.e. size) of 'lodge room is needed and why?a. Do these rooms require k'itchens or kitchenettes? 3. Provide an inventory of ex'ist'ing lodge rooms by'lodge in the Vai'l Vi'l1age and Vaj'l LionsHead areas regarding size, prices, and occupancy rates along with documentation; 4. Inventory of existing dens'ity (units and floor area) and mix of units (dwe]ling vs. accommodation) in the Vai] Village and LionsHead areas; 5. Compatibi'lity with land use objectives of the Town of Vail and potential changes or impacts; 6. Circulation and transportation conditions affected by the proposa'l including transit needs, alternative transit systems, and potential changes or impacts; 7. Population characteristics for Vail Village and L'ionshead areas such as densities per acre and potential changes or impacts resulting from your proposal i Lodse at u.t] d-Srch 15, le83 ra 8. Expected specific benefjts to the community of your proposal; 9. Analysis of the growth-inducing impacts of the project upon overal'l site development standards, utility services and their availability' capacity of Vail Mountain, and the Town's current 'l odging base; '10. Thorough analysis of the possible alternatives within the cunmunity to the proposed action. ' lle believe that this information must be pnovided "r enable the staff to make conments regarding the merit of your proposal. Please feel free to utilize any of the information on file in our office and to consult with our staff regarding any guestions that you m'ight have. DICK RYAN Coumunity Development Director DR: br Encl , , ,, F ,r a Applicant with written permission amendnent or specia'l study area. Applicant meets with and receives Village or LionsHead Urban Design of owner submits letter requesting infoymation from staff regarding the Vail Guide Plans and Design Considerations along f t PRocEss FoR _.)o Plan Amendment or Special Study Procedure For Vail Village or Vail LionsHead Urban Design Guide Plans t. 2. 3. a plan 4. 5. ultl appl icab'le zon'ing. Appl icant submits to the staff an jnformal .proposal with a preponderance of evidence in written and graphic fonn on how the proposal is in compliance or not in conp'liance with the Urban Design Guide Plan, Design Considerations, zoning, and applicable pof icies of the Town of Vai'l_, Staff and appl'icant can study issues col'tectively and/or independently. The Community Deveiopment Department reviews the proposal and makes preliminary written corments regarding merit and compliance. The proposal may be revised to reflect staff conments and/or applicant can request a public scoping session before Planning and Environmental Comnission and Town Counci'|. This can be accomplished at a joint meeting or at meetings before each group. At the meeting, app'licant will make presentation and staff uould respond to proposal. All jnformation that would be presented for study session must be submitted to Community Development Department 30 days beforepublic review session. A copy of applicant's written material and staff commentsrould be sent to the P'lanning and Environmental Cornmission and Town Council. At the public scoping session, initia] conrnents wou'ld be received from the Planning and Environmental Commission, Town Council and the public. The Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council wou'ld determine whether .an add'itional scoping session was needed, or determine that certain issues need further stu.dy. -Special studies may-be required by applicant or staff. 8. A second publ ic scoping session may be necessary to respond to questions or present new studies 9. Any plan amendments or special study area fonnal request would be submitted ln conjunction wjth the exterior alteratjon and modification request to the Corrnunity Development Department on the fourth Monday in May or November. The request would then follow procedures outlined for exterior alteration and modification for Commercia'l Core I or II. if not within either zone district, the same procedure would be followed. The only exception is for a p'lan artrendment or a special study area where Planning and Environmenta'l Commission would sendto Town Council their recommendations. Town Council would hold a public hearing on the request and either approve, approve with modifications or conditions, or deny the request 6. 7. O ,ro;""t Application o ge Project Name:L ' D.'[].-. A-; v'A t L- Project Description:i);rJr( ! C i'l N r "J :. i-l ,J Pt A1 .A1LADL coniact Person and p60n" l\ L L f n*l Owner, Address and Phone:1-. .:,-i .^ L lf ;,r)C /T t t- t /tvL - Architect, Address and Phone:.4, t .- [ t.L T r-\ i: Dy'/ 1 -'r/f R.uui',t Legal Description: Lot Block Filing zon" 4-E- Com ments: Design Review Board t- \Date '- ! / I Motion by: Seconded by: DISA,PPROVAI Summary: ! -' - 'l- E statt Approval f ,u&''September 72 | J-9B3 Mr. Peter JamarSenior Planner'IOWn Or Vaa_L Department of Community Development75 S. Frontase Road WestVai1, Co. 81657 Lodqe at VailConditionaf Use Permit Swimming Pool Bubble Dear Peter, In June of 1982, The Lodge at Vail applied for a conditionaluse permit for a bubble for its swimming pool . That approval was granted on August lB, 1982, Subsequently we obtained thenecessary consent of the condominium association and have nowgotten the building permit and commenced preliminary construc-tion of the supports necessary for the bubble. We are now in a position to be able to erect the bubhle itself. We would appreciate you scheduling us for the Planning andEnvironmental Commission meeting set for October 10, 1983, inorder that we can get their consent for the 1983 season and toerect the bubbl-e in mid October so as to be abl-e to set thebubble up and test it for several weeks prior to the actual skiseason. If granted permission to erect the bubble and test itaround October 15, we could then leave it up and be assured Lhatit is lully operational for ski season. This would al-so elimj-natethe costly process of putting it up to test it and then taking it down aqain only to put it back up in several weeks. We would appreciate your assistance in working thj-s problem out. P1ease 1et me know what we should be doinq further in this reqard. EHD: hcd 174 East (]ore Crcek llrir e tc- ,, "-!',.'.., ,) ,tt . . ,t l, a \/a r\r f Dr:age r 1an Tofoya )t.t i i*'i Vail, Grlorurto fll6.57 3O3-476-5Ol l 'ItlcxltS-0375 ?-- to be licensed. (, . --r. i.';=t -f i-i ' -- \:r ! -,/ : 98 p"fl dotnCoU 6) o.F., IE(ULrg (usP II)cvt J,ot-' I --f, r'- - tl I tir\ )rl :t \') t ;;\ \:) oN\._t.. J\ a I I I a -eJ -\s i -\-+\\-\ LODGE PROPERTIES,INC. LIQUOR LICENSE Reguest to modify premisesAugust 8r1984 \\: t\ \is \"N\ \\ .': \'r \'\ r\, \ cizt =GIJJo- c cc\ oO Cf) ccc s ooo s 6IJJtul! E =g, u.lo- . t.t-{d 'L}ttss LJ rl-rg tE:< ro '.olo r.ot@r col-.\t -.\Or, col(\ll c\,1orl -l ii"I r.i9.=l* .!iE ilgE ouJ zo =oJ @ .6 ozzo Gulz ' t!Jul.a = ott Eo CErzoo Go ulz =olt E o q)E o E G o)ooooc =cD E =cl o o (! 3 .9 q) oc 6.91nE1tEc-6(,t^q);<oxo-otEa.=o P:Eo.= oN o 3oF o o olc oo(, nt o oJ o oE 13 o o o (6 o '(E E-- 'a Eo(t o C' o- o o- ! a!c =6 .EoE =]. o- E o o Eol(! +,o E oo .2 Eq).: o E oG .9 6 E o ;E 6 (U -c o 6oo (! (o o. o CL o) E oo(u (t Do (D o, Eoo o E o (o E .= ot f '; 5o Eo) c F(!o o.G .9 rEq) 0) 6 (5G ocDE -g3o J()6 tl EoE t\rl.F\ orrl 6N(7)(o sr OOLn l\F\ (f) lr) @ (\l =t tu ozoJ - uJIoz J J 9 F |ll tr z co =J ()z- uJE u,lllJl!zI u, uJe o c0 'uJ UJ z 6ulo FU' UJ z UJ () x F UJo at UJ UJt! E =Et!oJ FoF oz6 = J F uJ uJ oz loE d J =oqJ = NOtlVn'tVA t H.r:E:EeIZ t4-oobozt6) - 9r-d.J ryluo =>E 3ur zoF^o= a/, o1>9O()zr!<o* o-H>x j(\i v L o(J 2 E t o. o o llJo- F sr|r)r{ >< a UJ J z Eo zIF GuJF =urz I!, 2 z tr o I oEzl zfJq,/3o ul Jo. IJJ E oz E =FIIut qJf = IE au,zY iF 2 F Jloz l Ftt) Jl f-l zl zl ,. >l ltl uJ UJzoF UJ J z E Id. L 7- cvcf)cv e\.1OO lljFooo-zoFo- UJY tu @ oF tr Eulo- b,"lrQlH!-.I r-lguJakz6 z u n )izecoo =z=llO- t! EF=ailH Enn E uJ orutE9E<A]€frB9arL cf, =>. =l!:-E FEE =o-E FtsE itt x>t 4-€= uJdto|- E lB = liE t-tfl l- o-zoFr$ E*a zoorR \ v/ns\z/J=] =t llJI EI Jrl c-l :l*l 3l tgg9lrrl Fl I cilutlfEl -rl 3lIl|olzl;lolFI I I I el c;lull 5l<l>t 9l =t ul (-,l ltlFIF oz 0u.lt l! z3o J- L) P (J ! J = uI 5l al>l 6lzl3lolFI o L.|, o, ul .o o:z E G I I -l El rl EIoJ z =l! o .P ct oL \n+.t oJ ui =z .) IArn o-J o) oo tl tl :l I5l I!t Iol I'il Isl flctdrrl d d3 F.5 =+Et-Fo2 oo z"P 3Ed5() E <Fcour<zEIIJ F-o C) FoujFI C)t -/ 5ED LJ i,il 'J Li Z -'-.! -I E:i iI =J;Ntc'd li n-\:i ; c:\YI - q,! l/|\J| -a.^:\I n--ii:-l:!a?!l:g::5l:-4.::\i;::i:I :::: + I J --:-I s; i:;l=:;:2a l->=: =-.=Y-6 6 3 = ., -,,=>-1:6ian j-:- :- c,- -- F-J>-i n.- 6 ^ vt -=(;! --€:ii i FE;s! Fo-*i'i-=Y=::o;:-5 3!sH1-i-Ei.-:::::: -eJliJ: i;c);=f Js"66;c:=::=-\ ' - >.=.i--=:9+;=oo '').4(J-= o:-.'->;;dd6.c X:a 5_6E',s9 I I I u.tt!lrF =uJ JJ >< €,,+-i B 3tr ={J&.-r,! -O J Z-O H .!t \F Ov C) O 'r--rr=Li!nrO c/1 O(lJH (J ;- ee= r_Lo JA)O! (4i.: +) +r l)- tA Il- cv I t< rtz a = (tt rJ-l !r.J = F F <c tlQF JI;5 il rrJ - Jl-aJ = :.i <= :F €'1 -: /v ri <F r.lJ < ln t= ls ,6 O -i th UJF z (5 o\] F t-: llJ o CE 3g 6 UJ UJ F UJ (J 9 IU = z El ut (J N Or :YnrYA 1]<I J !!D F =lu-'o--. u_LrJOsIJJ<oz,.n<:z:c< oFX o,rF --,]{-lv.E-lHFI G-IJJ I&*'l!6olI u.: IXJo-lL-:lutr_ lJ 'Jt-? FE_- (D o o t (J o (u - I.l_/ ^ru/ - .l ) v \-/ ---.J zoPze =z a.,8 'J-l J .",< 5 =Y;;=< dd= tsrr ;10-'ll f 9g 6 LIJ u, € LU J F o ulO- lr>o !Jzx =F z F oz t z= -r'no36 z = '(! o o1 -i ...1 o-- |il :ze = UJ zo eit ='se ^,=-\ ur\JO z q* -o;Ego:>HO\,2rL< ua>(JFO -ci xx>< ilio. lt r.J Ilv l<- ls i'l:izlOll:- rj<il q, llF: ll<tl oz J Lr_ I I I I Ir:<J I I I I I I I 5 LLl __t J<(J<t u1LJq.J IJ II-l I It I I I ol:l {!l:l <=i>i rr-lolzi>r..rcl ,; I III III I I,il zl.l uJl Jl <t>i rr.l lJ 161 €l (u : >l oizl3l9l oz rll <l>l r.u :rr clF! .\- !_\ "\ -))f.:L- PERMTT NUMBER OF PF_OJFCT DATE JOB NAME t,(. e INSPECTIONTOWN. OF ' '.) t /' | '' REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES wED :!*2": FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB C] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr { rrr.rnr-O FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o r$At tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t SPEINPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ' i " JOBNAME CALLER MON TUES AMi'READY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - - 1 I , r t, !ri iI I i lLU r. { \. tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: r] HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL/T aqAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,'7 OATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECT ,,'i Ii zt.. l i lDATE ] ' JOB INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL ,l\NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR,//i AM i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING -- ROOF & SHEEF " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n Ih rtrunl tr FINAL ZAPPROVED " boRReclorusa tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF : REQUEST VAIL ! READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES wED it'iui FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr I fr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCKili tr POOL i H. TUB NAIL t.i tr f'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tl o,,/fi.rnr_tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL) t-' NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM ,/ PMREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT : ) ''i.'DATE i '- J-, r '-' JOB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR n E rrrunl tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE vINSFECTION REQUESI TOWN OF VAIL AM PM T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI PERMI DATE LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEERu pLyWOOD NA;L;NG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - f'l r"l U FINAL O FTNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -n r-r tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE - INSPECTOR ,i- I .. I' ':, I -\ I *lt..M PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*#"toNI TOWN OF rlrl:l , i i ,t ,r. REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- .i 0,. FrNAL O FINAL $ECTRTCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FI'{AL tr FINAL D tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ',./'-,--1)l. /'.. DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJFCT . :1 . DATE I^ -SPEIN CTIONTOWN OF ." i'.' "' REQUESTvatl.... READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: )B NAME MON 1 .,1 CALLER TUES THUR FRI : ,PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL d+FFptpg6 tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,-,'f APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTIONTOWN OF (,r- n'l REQUESTVAIL tq DATE READY FOR LOCATION: F PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME ON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES 7>r rl -{ PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I,NSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: PMAM .,1t i, ,!. -FEL.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n D D tr tr tr T] UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n O FINAL O FINAL ELE trl EF B( tr_ CTRICALT MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr o D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL i"{J t (,'/ ; SPECTIONTPWN OF ,d-l'lll)/, PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT JOB NAME MON DATE CALLER -'i ' AM PMFRI ,;") READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:r-'l ft TUESrr f\WED IlL) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER*-LRC AMING h 19.95^1?1i5Ft tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETFOCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr D tr tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr p lffi tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE 1-r ? ?.-1 ,,',-' -) L-- I INSPECTIONTOWN OF l..t i ..\ REQUESTVAIL I r^, .C,n PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT o fz,1 frS-ro, *or.DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MoN ruES ;,@ rHUR ,i i {u - nr,a z''u-cJ PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. . tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT PPLY AIR APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= /()-Ro - f S- rNSpEcroR SN 41.,ll REQUESTVAIL I \_--/ READY FOR INSPECTI AM (-Pi\4-\-\-_/,o"o'o{t-':iJ: PERMIT NUMBEffOF JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -\--'7, -:2- u J r_*INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL 't--i (1, 'L , ,., , REQUEST NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING f*oro"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ D SUPPLY AIR nffi'tr FINAL /APPROVED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '., )INSPECTOR .t. DATE INSPECTION . TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: :.1 '; JoB INSPECTION: . ,d WED THUR NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI AM PM BUILDING:PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING b ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL 'F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tmr PERMIT NUMB READY FOR LOCATION: JECT OB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES {/ INSPECTION TOWN OF /n ll THUR FRI t REQUEST. ) 1'1/.;(* BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D tr o EXHAUST HOODS t' -t^'tr CONDUIT 7 r"' f /rn ',nu'SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE ,/'(.' ' -/ "?'/{ -INSPECTOR L t)L t* .3 l'INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL ((ou,- ".. REQUEST. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTi".Y DATE 1.,o, *or= CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ruEs @ THUR ' t '7'' 1j-,- . AM -a {"p a-<J.- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N,nouoH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED 'q"ctr,, /t ^ -r, -.-.-,//, ,- ) IOAIE ,/ r' &1 J -- INSPECTOR tSPEIN t.' TUES i WED\ THUR rt8 , CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL '-...I NAME MON CALLER PMBEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT |:,,/'-2. it : I tt l! /DATE /'/, .' JOB l\IZ APPROVED :,U CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED OATE INSPECTOR C)rr) c\.1 OJO zo9z.F<oo =z=:)d9 EE* ;Hg uJ EU'oo?zo Fo-uJY r.llo oFE,o -@=chuto.bq - tlho,64,- q,l\J +lrq H u,lbkzo F =Gulo-l!oEE2ZE<ol€8e9rrLb95[E dtsE 5EE =o--c Ub9 EurE Xd_E ;IEul€= uJt0 F rm\zJ= - E =ElrJo-zIFc)fE 6zo() n!! 6I t ozt =e.uJo- 71/L s IEl(J l(rJlc Elo>Elc' lt) l^EurelE =ool"..L5ForFo zzooF^oHa =66a,r!<o*ig..ioi \ b= zl .. >loulouttJlzoF 1! J zo E hl q; o +J(Jo+Jo! I u- oo J u; =z6 -- () lnq, ELo, o!o- (Uc'l!lo-1 u.lEz o UJeo ) tl- UIatUJc = F6 =tr oz o UJ cc J l!oz3IF]cllt- oz oul T u- z3IF =c c+v ar. (l! l! .qg 01I =ttl ?osl-l*l olzl IJJI 1l <l>ltttq zl3olH =tr ct utlGJ] <t>l l!lol zl3l9lFI lrJJ uJF. EuJz3 F IJJF E-lo<FEC)ITJ <zEurF(42-oo JE<o(JF fiE6 2F s3fFd6 C) 9zrc) IJ.J = r ot-E irsi+to2 o() <c) -.,$ gnntr |! o +JIu .o xo (U +J(U o(J B+) th =ru,ltr o .ttU r-oo-c .|'|ts q-v vtrDoqO'r(n3 Q(d<LT' =t(uE+'oo(-)F ,L ct .tF',-c| .IJ UI{J+Ja)(ur- an t-.C\l I 'e) 0,eo \z-(_ o3 AI .^AEI \- / Ul.!t\ ,,-,4 | t> - =t! z, U- L! ot! trJLdz, z, =JJ u- L!-F zo9z4 ooO =z d.,e ."i6>=2 EEi =ruXdd= D!D =EuJ_.L-.IAUJOEEfrtr, <:zlrtu €€€Er.aHg o.i- E#r: a=tr|E &*'lE !601E F--,rft h-;lG, -,itt F-rJHg: E9o< Gott ffEff $ -:i€sE =€3e;s gs5:s E t;:e sgi;i $lfrlg lEl-llJl(Dl6 :IFIEEt9t3 5;FF$ F? ET =TTII F: ""83 d>QUJFc|Zj c'i U Jtn F J ii =z clo-t -r rlFI6l Iv) |r-aal CTct --lg ;| fl g g GJO<FG()lr, <z&.llJ r-ozoC) F()tt, ts? C) JG<o()F E?irf-zUJOo J<c)o6UJ UJ-rO 9F =Ed5(J GoFo GFzo() z C)UJ = DAE I , ,\.l l:r ''\ r I , :: ,J _ ; PERMTT NU[4BER OF PROJECT IN t SPE CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL /'='- "tJ-"APPROVED- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .:r/. oz F =E UJo. sf@ sfGI c) uJUJlr-F =eUJo- -V "<-Lzbbr n cc fo'".1- tuF tz FI = = ant! zoz6 = ao .5o =z IJJz3o ulI oz o|<)f-l@o(J o P()g5F) ! .o! u-J UJ(t =T Eotr. GoF C) 2 -c.tJo) (n oPF .oEP =(U=d+J(lJor-OC) -c(/,Et-(u=c{JO(UPtu7 3rp oooo (oP trJt () !c(5 oo ol E =o E = do o o.o.6;.9 o .9ooE g,oooo .9.9.uEltfolt (rt o) '= No ]loF q) o o) E oo(! E o .9.c o o EcG ttit(E o:EE6g'=Oo gbE E; g E=E6PEc-o ET;:s8d'5 =c9o'- cL.c E EE EEE500 6f;E€ e.Y- (6o(5 cl sEEo-o_ =€:E6: E E.Eo6= EE E u+,c(6 0'-.c= oe'E g:E =6>9 6E- .t(6Fd?6hE: c5g oF\cc Orr) o (v) EE utc z6 dl -() uJ oz Jc a () IJJJut zcl = d J 9z (JqJ UJ uJltz9F IIJ tr,J 6 ol0 =uJ;llrEz 6tllo F uJ z J x F UJo .l)rd UJl! tr =EuJo- J (Jz6J IcFogJJu,l z6 =J J . tut NOUVn'lvA tl> te{t l5l= l9l 3;iH;l ..Llxl =.!x: = l:"rE A a = EFooEq-zr-(Jl82 |tHrt<o * iaiH s;! .u z tr J { Eo o- o UJ F UJ z E o x z9 e. UJ B|lJz tl trz z <oo< >E2CCxrr'6o<z aFz.. 9= d63E ull.J utz i z F Jtr z (E oJJ =F uJ lJl tr ZI zl .. >lo UJoluIIJz <t)f- UJ z EH..?-og z F Jd) ozY I+) v. F{f,-@ OO ulEU'cloazoFILuJY 1!o oF E =E uJo-blrs ={eNrd HulAEz6 z .nQZtcoo =zl=JOCL IJ- ifi 27= =uJ;dd= = uJ ll. E9E?cllo!?EurE9!a =o-=>=ul:-E !EE =FE 669 EttrE Xdt x>t q- €. =IJJ.0 F -=- E =E,El'o-zoFo-tEFazo() !trn Jzl ol 3lotFI sr or,r, I(\t<fst I I olullEl Jl <l>lt!lolzl3lolFI .U+)o =+,(U(UEan (u =o+) a/1 =tr d$J(o Fl @ o(J c F o<rr\rrt xoco t-oEo> (U (6 ttr ol =.1ol il <l>ll!lolzl FI =.1olurl 5l <l>lttlolzl3lolFI I I-l FIctl:l ilg (Jz =l! o FoJ !-@+J (u u+J SZ .o +J ao (lJol J ui =z ") r.o I(oNsl (J (o tr() {t' +t(E o oJ uJ z E i,rUJ: Ft-o2 oo E2? =<>o< d6 z I UJ = oFO E z () <FCOuJ<zEIIJ Ft,,t z qJF ot!!E i v -s\ \str\] I> Dc -.1 '..t1(l I tl ill tlll Itltl_ !E t3ilrlt;tl Itl' ;_, lF 15 tEItrziH IEi= rg15 rF $ |r) ei 0t q b a, q \ lio N.) q * M l. = H 26 :lo x()qJ z Jo- J 9 C)r.u UJ z J ()z UJ = uJr!Ezo UJ UJ 3qJ UJ z vl UJ F l! z ru C) x F (u tn UJ UJu-F EtlJ J F F z E ()t!J'UJ z @ =JA &z uJ NO|lvn'lvA lt I I Itr F o II R\) l; =l6il- < IFlc 3IE P3;\Jzu-< Eg-.. .i o ll- il= lul fIulo_lrl \t\ \ \ --_;;::- o'l F-l =l 2l .. >loul IJJtuzotr UJo- J z E o uJO- t!>o IJ'IJ'UJz orF z oz lt:lt I tiFIill^ll lll-ll =ll=ll r 8toilI: lFll E : Bll- r i lEll I I EI O lri ll tr- Z 1il 9:ll : tr;ll *gHII " I tuo ozY oztr(o J o al,J 3 FxllJ I gEFgE iFEgg_o.:o: €*",iE ei;:s E Fa:tE;E:i eesi f if \ * N zoPz-<cro =z c-Pntt EtGulGtto? rrlEn =2E< oo.69 -aP-aEa9 =>F dFF h= l*'I.t- J.- \ n \l\ -( u ii =z .) d u.t\ I $'> (r.- j {o. P-l ul \l'il.il\N >IFu()u {, t\ \ ! ,\l E -.r O<F ur< urF(nZ () I "lz.l (5ll!l(rl iltr.lol 2l3lotFI IJ l;ltzl>t Bl591t{ Fl ^J I ^J> s ElJI<l>l tr.tol ==lotH t..,l-t. gt\ Il.,St\\-- \{,J) t A ,4 J HI 3l fl* <o(JF E3 ;F urOo 9F =Ed6o oF Fz o z r()t! = J<o0ttuJ IUJO oGhYY6Eoo .^i5>=24if B;E a9 =o.=> = dL5 b=o ;J l1:t X**E 66P iuuE ies ilF(D-1r .Eul@oF t Ir t-,Q, ,0,(-o \z- Lo3 A( t*hE\ F'--lll=\zJ= =LJLJE'. ol PERMI DATE JOB NAME MON T NUMBER ltl l OF PROJECT INSPEGTION: CALLER TUES WED FRITHUR PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: ol INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL q tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR tr F/NAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .j,t ,, ,, , ,DATE INSPECTOR lmr \oo ( ,,OO tllf'tt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES rl tr !,t !DATE i'l'-,/ JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: AM Pf'T,.1----. INSPECTION RECruE-sT y{eg -, rrrun FRI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE l"- ''r'- ,,f2'INSPECTOR tffil DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOO CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ." tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr RE]NSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ctz E =Gulo- o ooo ot\ ooo O o o(o cc r.r) (nujuJu-F =tuJo- !g/";'tr% l+'\ .,,, @lltr\- { rEll. :.ll - tl \r\'$l \r N\+, { i-t ll$ E {iH rte' UJF F FIz o z ollJFozoz6 =o {t z ulz =lllIFoz <t:P: 15o- G.=, tuJ E;EEi IE iiiEffi e*is! i EEEEgq: -.ot 3d - E3E;S;S iigiffi oq (DGI(or-{ Oo <f oI(ot\ro O o(o o6t oo F\ o qr (\l oo F(\lt\ uJ zoJ .o X llJ z J J oEF UJJuJ z lo J oz- UJ = UJUJ zo uJ LIJ o co BuJ llJ z 6uJ Faoo-r! z uJJo x F luo ouJIIJu-t =IIJo-J F t- az J o G UJJqJ oz ao =d z llJ = NOt.|.Vn'lVA ! FI R'El: *Pl :^\ |\J; =ZEoo^ 6z5:9P OEoeaH27,qiHEYUJ$t c, >1 : z tr Fazoot! ut F .j 3 q q 2IF J lt UJ F o o @F\ G uJ -? E x z tr uJ J 3gJz atrzlz9!4KUo< =HHrrdo<z a tsli2=-iFtro =trOI l! J !) <nuJ2Y iF 2 tr Jfoz aJ 3 F ul II Flo F Jl<l-l zl zl .. >lollJ llJuJzaF ul(L J 2 Eo Id. -g t GJ@@ F{c)O lf, t\(\l Ol IIJF 6 uJ Eooo.? zoFo-uJY lrJ cooF E E IJJIL IAo ooo I utFoz z.r9 =-<oo =zt=dP .-i5 ="-=dd= tr uroIIo:!{6YES€uE9.EA gd =>=u.t-E FE: >Li 8b9 5utEioE ;IEu{o-i!tr uj@ F o E =E, lrJo-zoF(J EFazoo anD rs\v/fts\zrE =t2 ot ol ITJIEl 3lol 2l3lg (U o IU UI(o I I I ;l 5l <t>lttlol fli (\l r.c)r\stI(\lsf$J I -l\Ol-l .lol ;1 5l <l>l t!lolzl3olFI o !-+,oo, UJ 6E ov, C!rJ)t\ Isr(\lsr -oF o- aa co orr)I(o I I olO) Ii-l I.-l .l 3 sl<l>l !l3lolFI IAqJ P!o, o!o- c, oJ =c tt I I -rl =l;l UI(5 J oz =lJ- d.d.o(-) =OoE J F u.t(5 OJ ii z dlo-) rtl+roiN-s: (J (o to I I I I -l;l=l+)l-l (ul(,l!lol -rlrqE 4 -:z !o(.' lrl sft\ L(l,gPro G (u!!-€= =tr o) co att-t- =(u (u-coP =@ z T(J uJ = *. i) =+Eo2 <o()F F3 YF\ziloc) z co =uJzlt,EEE ln 0(\ N t'.. h\:a \A c\ t\ ' 1i) _- I\)< '6 a 2 U)Iuulu-F =E[!o- olltF zo =o lgl .6 ozz F F2z o z lr!IF I I I I I II l- rc) IEtoto ro l=rf l! UJo =otl-(r F(.) F2oo E uJz3oEct! t!6z.:.3EoluJFI<F2.1.rz.n< -i- o c o x 6 .=' =669?ctg8E: E F e 9?€i EE E:E € EEg-R;34!:=riii5'!-oF;0.8e.- o< _€ E x E.E'; iEel e EE;F€EifEEataEio=-o"o P o-E i te€$X(/,'"OOiiu F !?Oi Fi; p !6F:E:*':3d -c= o (/) l: cEl38ti,F!i co f ;!J; U >,=Ti €; ai a86e51 is$'es (n uJuJt!t =Eul.L J Fot- F =uJ z ! z6 =f o ; =Z!- 62.5o E() tuo E zuJ =>E ftr ztr^ tnO =>Ozr!<oqH6>(JFOj6i IL E f uJE J z Eoo z F |.lJF =UJz ,. >l llto uJ uJz (nF (rul(L zo E o uJf at ulzY iF z F az at2.. Oz -rT.u-63trOI oz tr =t UJo- uJF o ut Eo @o-zo Fo- lrJY uJo oF ts CEul tl-o ooO I lljFoz z ,,a 9Z-.oo =z (! tL nftftT-'L--JLI ..i3\:./ \., = =F3dd= L ILIL I L UJo. :!{6YEActfo t!2 B9rri cdt>_EJt- =ul:-E b=o J i'iiE =*-E d6I EluEX(Lt x>O:i'iFo-o-itttr llJd] F -=- E =E, lrJo-zoF(Jf E.Fazo() =.1olurl :l al>l t!l ;l3l9lFI I I drLlol 3l sOl rJrFI F I rl <l>l4lolzl =lPI FI il>Iruolzl3l9I =.1olllJlrcl il>l I!|ol zl3l 9IFI z UJ =z -') I I Il-l' I I Jg olo|<li><tr =o lu z a u1 oc ZY;o =#)zrro F t z zr(J uJ L-Ei, =t-o2 o <oOF trs ;F-,2Io F uJEi <F(ts() LrJ <zELUF(rzo h i/ s Nl lrl\t sl\l \\l \^'l 0iol - tlI-JrsJr* tt."eSlo-...-- I qsT ill # frfj tr.JtrJo = o q, c) o (g(J Ol(!l u,z3o Lrj z 6E ;q6'E ileq.\ FE 9; =v5Svc\aF:E\ig-otb r= 1O'ltDC io:ltloioroD r.=i!t i'3icl tr o c3 d0, o (g 3.9 lu oc .U .Y,Vr3 OE (E(,)o9Xoa(J lgF 9:Ec> N)v\ ;H: (E. :9: c\:o1l.Nio))t i,3i)oi:F,ioitE)r- i l-1r9)! P.[ 3c.5< {, .s 3e,:.att c('c':= EJ'=!ogog :3t3 (aO;';-aE ii .uqrU' Fp6E4.t-(DJ()DC =t! 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('z F an J @ t\lz tr f; :lBluJl v i\ 'l\ oE$ = 9E A :E€ g 3e.FP dP E i =' DDD E !El -i\ t ! tl .r59 EE IHI 6f;=l,. E X o-V =;(J'=E s r\6d= F s = t\r-rr-.r6 r_:J L_l LJ HoF tr =(cu,c \)- I d F -J (.' =J lt Nl\\\n\l \"\ bl Nurl =lzl 5l-/ llN\ ts ri N \ ..\\ \\ ! il Id. N\|- NH N \\\ I N\N\f:u.l trrlFi lHs qfl$ \ N t bl el E=E € t N l";t\ \ : iilNad6 lljz =o L J<c)<t .n33 F r!F oG -,r O<FG(Jl,! <zEl!F(rzoo JE59 fE'il 9F 33f,Fd6o 6F F3 g6 Go l'i'i () =iFo2 oC) vmh-\-N I, 0, (n vLo3 ol PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE ,, : r r ,, / .. JoB NAME o; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON -fEES -WED SIftCfr FBI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr D tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr F SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr o SUPPLY AIR O FINAL FINAL ,..,Ef-APPROVEO CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ll MON, PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES FRI AM PM tt WED THUR INSPECTION. TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr NAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: o tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL d APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tml PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE -/ f '-' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D o tr u ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICA MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL ,B APPROVED' . 'p"tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: , .(, DATE 1i:INSPECTOR rffil / i ' '"'-' .t INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:MON ,, -'. / ,r../t:. : . JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES 'WED THUR AMFRI PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING SUPPLY AIR ,ryay lt.y q. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' cbnnecrtorud, DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: T NUMBER OF,PROJECT t.-.I- ', 1., ' .' JOB NAME PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL| -, ' ,,/ t tNs \ .' ,-..t' INSPECTION:MON THUR CALLER TUES FRI tAMi PM BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr cl o tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING HOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL b rtrual ,1,. 'FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANlCALI tr ROUGH C] HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n_ O FINAL tr FINAL ;iJ:[APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR la INS tr PECTION REQUESTPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER MON TUES ,' r-:',. PMWEDTHUR FRI ' i. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUft|BING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB t/s"eernocr Itr- T] FINAL - NAIL tr rl FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL O FINAL B,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tffil ,/ )' ,:l t-' PERMIT NUMBER gF PROJECT ,,f l^ - t( t/ss1q- lU /L ,_i[ i rcat.,I; NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ,lFg._) .ryF9) \- t )r. . , THUR FRI AM PM , ''l t >q \ + L: i L? INSPECTION REOUEST i - .1,o5'lo5 tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL [,, /\ r-t I 1" -]" tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rffii PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST T9WN OF \hAlL ,/':' t JoB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr SUPPLY AIH O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -€ra.snPPnoveo REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,,., . z/'..,rt| . m DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST ,ii.* . ,, TowN oF vAlL NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT sals i r, f r 'l i r," '/ ,o, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION i STEEL tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERil rnnutruo B tr tr tr n n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr,.FINAI O FINAL :'TgaPeeoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ' ", INSPECTOR tffi) I MON INSFECTION REQUE- TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ' JOB NAME ,-:r'CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: rNsPEcIf); BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -, ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL B FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING qAFOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .i ,_ OATE ,*il"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB ,b tr SHEETROCK NAIL ' .tr tr T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL g.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tr ,*$lE"roN *frrriTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JoB NAME ---- . 3o - (<:lo t------.---. MON CALLEB TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB g SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ri 'N$E .; i ;. CTION REOUESTTOWN OF VAIL :..DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F/NAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR IRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ,tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL B,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*$#"roN REeuEsr TOWN CALLER TUES ,,.,WED THUR DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: OF YAIL ' :.: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING lEI EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPFOVED CORRECTIONS: 't-tr DISAPPROVEDl^tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED a I DATE INSPECTOB tn"-- a2 wotl noadow drlva nll. colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 flre deparlment September l-3, 1984 C. D:ncan fhe hdge at VaiI 174 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Construction/Rernodel - Fire Departrent Requjrernents Dear Si-r: IJtrnn review of the proposed renovation of the guest rocrns ard coridors, as suLrnitted jn the docwnents dated l4ay 27, 1983, Job Nunber B2I7-A, the Vail Fire Departrnent rnakes tbe follcrying cdrfiEnts. a. llle qpreciate the adendrm frcrn you dated Septernber 5. 1984. we could not have approrred the renovations prqrcsed without tbe features identified in your letter. b. Erergency lighting and fjre alarm requirenents lvere not identified.It is our understanding that plans for tfpse are to follcn'r. In addit ion, I rnust agajn state that, while we do recognize the Lodgers desjre to up,grade the aesthetic features of the building, we also recognize that the Lodge at Vail poses a formidible challenge irr terms of fj-re suppression. We also acknc'v;ledge that the proposed fire detection and evacuat ion alarm system wilf serve to detect a f ire problern ad alect g-Ests. It must be understood that fire detectors, horns, puII stations and even micro-ccnputer based fjre control equipment, do not extjrguish fire. Only two things extinquish fi-re; autonatic fire suppressj-on systerns andfirefighters. In the absence of any proposed fi:re sprinkler system, I mlst assurE the Lodge expects any resulti-ng fire to be extinquished by the Vail Fire DeparturEnt. The size of the structure and the tlpe of construction are major factors in fi.re suppression. Only since L979 has the Vail Fjre Departrnent been ilvolved in these decisions. ute cannot jn good conscience endorse fi:rttrer renovation, renndeling, or construction without a reciprocal irncrovement in the Level of fire safetv. I S€pt€fter 13, 1984 Page 2 In light of ttrese @ncerns, lre rryould liJ<e to suggest the follodng itens be addressed: a. Apperdix 1-A of the 1982 Uniform Fire Code, a.s adq>ted bpt the Town of Vail urder Ordinance l? 51982, requlres: 1. Corridors, walls and ceiUngs be of fire resistirre construqtion.2. Doors shall be self-closing or have srnoke astuated self- closr:res.3. AlI vert,ical shafts, including stainrays, be fjre rated and be equipped with self-closing doons.4. A Class I or Class III standpipe slEtern.5. Sncke detectons. b. Ihe rnain stajrtcrrser in the center of the building provides accessto all levels. It e'lso firnctions as a potentia'l fisg banier between two nnjor sections of the bulding. The.necessary features required to bring the rnain stair into a Nghly firnctional fire separation are: 1. Self-cl-osures on al1 stailway doors.2. RernorraL of a.J-l door stops.3. A reans of isolatjng the stairway frcm the fjrst tt'lo lobbies.4. AClasslstandpipe. c. Ttre Lodge at Vail does trave a senrblance of a stardpipe systern andit nay reflect the philosophy of fjre protestion at the tfue it was instaLled. Ho\,eever, it does not have the capability of delivering the volune of water nor tbe pressure reguired to figtttt a fire of any sigrnificant protrnrtion. Tbe absence of a fire departrmet connection r:sed to boost pressr:res and supply additional voh.rne forbids any suplinentation by the Fjre Departnent. A case in point is the Lodge South fire in roqn 486. A water application rate of 500 gallons per milute was required to achieve extinguistment. An initj-al attack was made with the building's Class III standpipe system and proved to be inadequate. The installation of Class I standpipes in each stairtovrer woul-d begin to address the sr4rpression requi-rernent of the potentialfire threat. A Class I standpipe basically consists of a 4" riser, 2L" trose valves and a f ire department sianese connectj-on on the exterior of the buildirg. STJ!44ARY It is or:r opinion r:nder Article 10.30I(a), Appendix 1-A, Articl,e 1.103(a),(b), and Articl-e 10.301(b), (c), that in order to proceed with the Lodge at Vail's current progFan, the follcrying are required: 1. The corridors in the vicinity of tfe renovation sha1l be firerated. lhe fire ratjng shalL extend to botb the ceil5ng and floor, and open plenurns sha1l be draft sto$)ed. C. Dmcan C. Dncan September 13, 1984 Page 3 2. The dunlwaiter shaft shall be fire rated ard equipped with fjre rated self-closing doors.3. The fire alarm systenr initiated under separate contract shafl be substantially coqrleted and in operation prion to tle ski season.4. Fire rated doors shall be i$stalled in the rnain stajrrray, equipped with selE-cLosures. The door closures rmy be sroke actuated, but al-l kick stops shall be removed.5. Ftr1l carpliance with the pJ-ans submitted ard the subsequent adendm is required5. Corridors ancl party walls shaLl be fi-re rated. lhe foregoing itenrs shall be copfied with by Teq)orary Certjficateof Ocopancry. .t" In addition, prior to Septanber 15, 1985, the effective date for ccnpliance ri15 |ppendix 1-A, the nairr stai-r*ray shall be separated by a fire rated asserrbly frcnr all co:ridors and the lobbies on the first and second floors. The elevator may be included as part of the "areaof refuge" and need not tle jsolated frcrn the stainvay. A Cla.ss I standpipe system shall be iastalled in each stairtolrer in accordancewith N.F.P.A. Standard 14. Ccnpliance with these requirerents shal1 not constitute an agreenent by the Vail Fire Departnent for any future construction, renovation orrelated iterns. ALternative neans of providing increased fi:e protection may be proposed by tte Lodge at Vail for consideration by tbe Vail Fjre DepartnEnt. Hor,rever, the sutrni-ss ion of alternate proposals shall not relieve the Lodge at Vail frcrn the required dates of coq>1iance. Pl-ease feel free to contact us if you wish to discuss these issues. Sin!'erely,/,,/,' t. I t! I ' li r I&L'-z+ LLL"':I t z< '- -- Richard Dran Chief Michael McCee Fire l{arshal RD/hnl ftffiu,* September 5, 1984 I"lr. Itlike Mccee Town of Vaj-l Fire Department 42 W. Meadow DriveVail, Co. 81657 Dear Mike, In addition to what is shown on the blueprints we have submittedto you for the 27 Room & corridor renovation, the following itemswill be taken care of at this time. A1I hotel room doors will have an automatic closure device on them. There will be a fire damper in the exhaust ducts from eachbathroom. A11 board and batten walls will be removed and 5/8"type x sheetrock will- be reinstalled on the framing. The door openings that are in the corridor doors now will be filled with two layers of 5/8" rock and sealed with high temperature silicone. AII sheetrock in the renovated rooms will be 5/8" tyPe rock. o Thank c ]o.Clerk of the Works cc: Town of Vail Ed Drager Hans Turnovszky CD:hd 174 F.:rst Crorc Crcck Drivc Yail. Orlorudo 81657 3Og-476-5011 Tclcx43-0375 oz E =e.!uo- rr)(fJ O (\l O o rr) GJ C! C! af, IJJ UJl! ==E I.IJd ' tW=: h\/E'o/ o r r7 ggi7,;g/). s \IIH H lllItl NJIN\I t\Nt clN =IsJ,<l!g<llb o {rE E t/i= f l!F F Faz o zz ouJF zoz = ao .5 o =z t!)ltlU' = :Z(,r\(U(o!(oOFr(5@ |.l.Ji oN r€+)Ft> o-r =E't-tu .d(IJ> c) +,(lt !o:' ctlP!(tJoLJ o o' Ec(5 c)ooo o) == dl E o =ldo o CLo.(5 '.g o cg)aoE !c=o3:Ec.: -Et€ lo !or t._c >5oNEooko=ooiF EEo-- PO 6-E ;EruotrO6(J=(E9qr::YOEPool.e C-Cio>5o-"c|Eoo€oE |.(6o-oo;=6: o ((t o!c(E o(D() (g 6 o 3 F G .; o E o 6 o- oct E (! .F 6 E o ; .c =; .> CL Eoo E6'5Eo:EE FO €sqs Crbs cL'-oo(559 =iG>c9'- o. d.E o60)tr cC 'Eq o-(!O.=6E 'FoE€ Hc',OELC O(qic.c! (6O o.g(J' (dE:EEo(Ec-J= oE>Elt(Dcra.lt tr.cb -o oO cr) (\l Oo rir o (O(7)o(o co Oro(\l O tr)C! Oo (f)ro tr uJ z : (o Y uJ z o- c C)qt uJ z6 JIL J 2 t! = UJIIJ z tr l!EouJG 3uJ gJt!z(., uJ F oo-uJ fz rlJ x F llJU'l at uJlrJlJ-L = LUo-J FoF (9zo = co otFoulJuJ 2 =J 9z uJE NOrrvn'tvA t- loloILlPtot(Ulr- lq) st:E?o(n =,F-5dz- E(o 5: 3Ei:E.E ;P €€$ zzo9F^O'95F90a,t o6bQz.r!<ogt CV>x rN (\z tr J (! o-f ulc oIooo orr) ut z F .6zo IJJF 3UJz v,Fzlz tr o F2loz =Jtr, E IJJo UJIEtr o2 F TLz FI trI UJl)J <D!)ll,/zY i UJ(! F 29 J oz I __l l F Ji<li-l zl zl .. >l llJoujlltzo ==uJo- z Eo \ NS z CD ulo (\l I lJ- cf)(\Jg) r{OO IJJF 6 uJF U'dtoazo Fo-uJY |r|dt oF E CEtuo- u-o (Loo I IJJFoz z zr !izioo =zf,fJOIl! =f*lx()-! -i !!6il= tr =Gu,lo- b59E<ctl€aE9!a .=r5gE drE h=E tfr: >o-i 8rE itr x>t q-o-jrrtr UJo F ts =E, UJo-zoF(JfEFazo(J DD! 4 oJ =tr Jco F -J (U Eo !+, !)& +)(o o ! J ui =z ")I q{ E!l(u 9 o-l 0.1qrq 9I lu z (U s-o +) (o]d +F\ u>tu J o|r) Ilc|F\ =t o(J G' E Lc, +).d qJ !-L(6 = tr !-l:l -lqrl -c P = uJ oo = .P (U ,o- 3(uz ts() ,-,J 'l+lqq 0] -1 tr Or A2 qi llJ = t!o23 F (ortx I I(o|.\ uiJ uJF () t-{Joc, UJ .6E (I, >2. c LrJ(oo. t-{ z ti ll,l J tt z; c\lc\lr\sf IC!<lc\l (tl E oa tr C! z ouJ J lI-oz3 Or(o |*\I sfsf (oo (6 (.,(U = oa -oo Etr I =t\o ,i o UJ CE) t! z3oF rr) rl1(\I I(f)srsl ll E g I o2 d UJ.E t!oz =F llJJutF uJz =o FOluE <F(rC)r.! <zEI!F(qZoo <oOF;(Jtrs()t\2ilo -o ('oz.t =#4Zrro O <=oX =o=fAFY, Z. =g EoE,h :!+(l t-o2ac)an56 a trntr z : x z F z f Lut!u- =UJ ot!F z 4o z N tlll:>Ft5r\. lr$3i":rlr)ta ;=6";€E t6 )e lE q=.o 4<lo :{?.Z <r.-:= l{-E (n IUUJ(L L LIJ J F F t!z3 lu cz lua i o lr- u,ic!f (a o '=q)o arr-Edrocao(!c.9 (,:E €r859F'1 3:3. € sE;a '-<t=t(|o(gS:- lEEHer-r.= - l-:>=Y' -9(g:9''- o.= --Es;!':_=>x?e E 3* e .€s;tr'=9--331:c;'a;;: !o= - o u(qXo-E .e=Eq,Ss *:,5 e:(a'-ooEEEH?oo= -X'iiEg;i-: ^-==:-'t3d c;orqrE:sfi::EE=---o f, ]p--r EH:EaC,-l->i!5!PoiSeFEi_i': c F g.s 3 - o €: i ? c< i ; z ttl tr Lg z 3co = NOtlvn'tvA UJ F -lF€;6 zz99)- o- tn ;fEe o.no<>Y<J\Jz F rr;6FO;,d .. >lo LUo!JqJ af- =ul z E z F J <t,z 2 .. t2z -iFd63tr t: t<Itc : z E 8z F uJl =l'l^l ;lqJlzl z ze >z O- r.r- Ir- 'e) _s vvo3 trnlr G = O= c <; YF?<) '-, z>:? OOZr- =<-a 't :Jz <oOF :<j .uO <F .uJ< oz Fou,t t UJz = - I I NIxl N =j (l ^l r:l .:rot, Hl IJl T<l -ril N olzlil :\4 llrFIF Cio ti qd fl$ ;l *il =q."ilc FI FII r! I I I I olz1 ol|rIlc(l JI sl\lol ll E -o65 i:i J<Oo9ut Ll--.r C .".{- 5 =F= -:..| ! \d,i =NfT ts |l'o-\ t!E9E< oq,o-E9E; EE =>E;F5 b=" dI: >(LE 65qr F ,.. c x>€=F €-?!n ul(! o Deceriber 21", ]-984 Mr. Gary l,lurrain Town of Vail Building Departmetn 75 S. Frontage Road Vai.1, Co. 81657 Dear Gary, This letter is to confirm our conversation of a rveek ago. I am requesting that you al1ow me a temporary Certificate of Occupancy on the Public Restrooms at The Lodge at Vail. Due to the fact that the marble that was specified to provide the wainscoating in the toilet stalIs was not what was specified and of poor quality, dictated to.me,thhti.I had to',reiect it. ' Due to" the time frame we were working under, it is impossible for me to replace this marble and get it on the walls prior to Christrnas rush. I am requesting that you allow me a C. O. on this part of the building before I install this wainscoating. I guarantee you this wainscoating wiJ-I be applied as soon as the marble is available to us and there is a slight 1ull in the operations of the hotel. Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matler. Yours Charles DuncanClerk of the Works cc! Hans Turnovszky Ed Drager Ron Grantham, Warren Platner Associates Architects CD:hd 174EastGore Creekhve Vatl,Colorado 87657 308176-5O11 Telex45-O376 )'i -)/-'/.) e PErNs CTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE NAME TOWN OF VAIL i),. i- /, , L /lCALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr 6. FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O F}HAL tr FINAL {tFpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR T NUMBER OF PROJECT '] . ',,:I .. : JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON a NS PECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES TfIUR FBIWED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr tr tr tr ROUGH ROUGH GAS PI POOL / / D.W.V. / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING PING tr INSULATION H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D tr g EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED .O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tmr --- -{o @mrql-ol-., h EI<X fIHE Al9q 1H* g 14f, Il< -r tl=F i T5o< dPg,*FE="9mi _rl Tm - fii3 -f \4; - -l \', FF"t- tntr nntr ooza{7cc){6zTlrln ={ -n!or z=o@>= z fiFC)>'r Z a'\ an o.z-{n -t 2picf= a3n 2" 7z>mOI]-t> f =m (- z 3m ltrz Elo t:t> lFl:0 lB lz lo I I I l-ltot{lz lll> t;lm lF,lz lo I I I I I l-r t;t<t> lF lm F'lz I I I I OB =F<F t>pp v I .l.l I I rlrmlO Fl= lo Btr- ln t: I I I I I n = t: l=lo t:t> lFt,lm lc-,lz lo I I I I a L :1 6)NHzx1 !:JriF ioF>.nY2.,@o,oo'42voqIo 6=F< c X29 - -J 'n2z € -.7 P>_No= Bm=!u!5-<z< = loz r-_tt m =azmm m.0l<' lz l=t=Ittr- !m --lIoxzm :0 t-rcm fio<l-nf m J € t-B;fras;3699 E i: i1 ':=:-l3 l; i *e' =ooY=J=-.ool P5 *;,1 +ii;s6Hsan [;.;1;CL*O i qt n O a ii3 ArEiF ig;3l;t:=; i.:;5 i dB '-D I daia=I Es u 1. 86:3n 3OYJCJ qBil*a flll39s9U9R= P l=' jl E lgl gr a lit -l VALUATION tdtn ==zo \!t N \\ \ 6) t\) E6mil I oo o'Tl .D m! =I -{o @mxm!{oz(- (D U'{m PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT o INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr o tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL F APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE ''.,-.'''..-..-*.,-..INSPECTOR m ei'l L) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t NSP L':(.i . t- ECTTON REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME t tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PMINSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDryAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL t"l tr TI tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER [IECHANIGAL: tr HEATING 6 noucn - Ib CONDUIT B EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTORDATE PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -\ t,!. INSPECTION REQUEST:.' TOWN OF VAIL I q L J- NAME CALLER TUES 'THUR'--r*E! ,,'READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B FOUNDATION / STEEL E ROUGH / D.W.V. _ E FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER - n 19.9.f^&JI.qFn..,^ o cAS prprNc -" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB B SHEETROCK NAIL O - nr-.'- I] FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR --l V : t' r :' ,! tr FINAL O FINAL tfu:l-*>aoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ''i -r ai .. )o NSP II I -____--j_PERM OATE IT NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST... -+-TOWN OF VAIL 'ir MON CALLER TUES WED THUH FRI IAM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL A tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL C] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FfiyAL tr FINAL 6'Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rml I rl oz E =E uJC o |r) !-{ (t uJl!u- ==E, IJJo- %rt'/3'4*5 I I X\lXr\lr sf\ rr,u @:l! i l- li.1 . =ili s #= tuF F FLz =o z ouJFoz z J fo€ozz rL u,o =I t! ECoFo G z tcutz3 Jc,C,r\L rl)c) (o F-lo@Io.(50(.) UJ6 ONrdP r-{ >> o-I C't-.d .o(U> c)+).dcL(U = ct)+,!€rol-J \) ci Eo ott(go o-o.(g ''oF c) o ahq)(, 6.ap o (g oEoo o) 9 dl tr =c oo o o 3o E j- q, c6r6.9 a Et: E9 EEEEP:Ec-o> t; :5 EE!pc96F -*=o)35;'5 E E-s3-.€ 8E6'- O O'F9-F E!seo- 6 0--sEieoiE-orsfi:€96(66 *ege i E"E; 6 0'-.:<; o .,)P-E.. sHi; Ifi E;9rE o -cEg* 3 UJ?Fo2 o|r) !-{ |rt(\I () oIrr)c! Oo o O?oLOr-{ roF. Olsl<r =uJ zoJ co x UJ oz J o OEF IJ,J) IJJ z =Jc 2 lrl UJuJ z9 EuJE UJ 3P uJ z uJ Fao lu lz lu o X F lu U'uJ UJlJ-t =uJc FoF zo ) () e, IJJ uJ zo = 2 IJJ = NO[Vn']VA tFll"il(U t6 lb l5 t:.:o Eoo(,;(du- (Jo!z'? 9S'6- a HeEe dt-S!zo Ug t (\l zzo9F^a95EP o U'O7>^6;r!<93 ^*O=9.i$i >E Q'r=o z Ef q t+ CE arl o- e(5 IJJ o o IJ) acuje J z Eo z tr uJF x 3UJz =z z9a<oo< =Hxl!Eo<z U)Fz. 2= o =d UJl: (! o) llJz iF zo F Jlaz ll Fl F -JI<l 2l zl .. >l IJJ LuqJzoF (rulo- J z Eoo z F o o2 :< = rlroco F{oO I t $l;li-rl -l uJF o t!Fo@oIzo F.L uJY LlJo oF ts truJ(L t!o o-oo ulFoz z .n= =<dro =2. cL t! .-*5v \.,, = =83 =Hg b ujo- +. ut59E<cL .fotQ62B9a, ir'Etr 5!-E'J,=ut:-E li=E :g: >(!I O r.r-E 9o9 IurE XO-t x>O:iiFEt -i €= r!.ooF ts =E, lrJo-zoFoDE, 6zo() !!n (U +)(t (U(t)EoJ (Jz J t! JD Fo C5z F(-)td=Zro:L) J} <:>( F(<l lrla(91o<OIJ( ts(lJ +t !.E 5oo -o .<,,2 (ul 9l'l(Ulrl .rl t: s|-r\ ; u = oLf); F..ir (J .U ts (I,P o 0.,!(U = !.!(lJ- =ttr LOc'l(t) x aUJe o J- rr) F{ I(o ort L) tn !.d =lrl =o c, +)!-o o! G' .tJ.l' (ug)!o -t =G t-{ oz Iu J ltoz3ol- (ONrr! x I orr) Irc|F\+ UJJ LIJF =t z ouJ CC a lt z3 F =tr l lll IEJ tl- z =oF 2 l! ut&. J tt z ==tr .iz duJ J t! z3 uiJulF t UJ =z -) -. (E lr.lz, = FC)uJE oE E <FCOuJ<zE .42 )E<oOFtr?AEYF\zfro C) z co =J(L 5 = i5 =2+(r ii, z =g (r t-Eirul *E Fo2<O(n lnrir t!JO nntr oz F =tuJCl- l9r I I I I I I t., r6 IG|l! ,z I I I Ilur,Fl<to II I I l. IFt< IFlazt=t6 l(Jtz .:66 Cl ctg8E; I F e n3i Ht g s:F=E:3 € 9::.eg d Sts ciEE;:f.=-!F;gcFe - -E or-: F =.= o:ilEB:EF;H*.€ 3;F €qBF;EldcEE.E E.=;o=-o"@: o-E rEig; iio E l'l OIFExe er tS=- o; g; != o (, l: Sf;;EEgAlo-- E!A:Ei:Feg is:E IeEgg; NO[Vn]VA =>E -- ztr^ tr9ac5 =^<)zrL<o1 CY>x dol Je. 3Zu- 6zto e. LU uJ,zUJo LJJ ) z Eoo z tr E UJFJ =z J1 tri zl zl ., >|oulo UJluz U)F E u,JIL --J zItroo u,F IJJ F <t)oo-zo Fo-u,lY llJdl oF ts Eu.l(L lt-o (Loo I IJJFoz zo=zecoo =zJO(L I,L ."i6 =F=-! -i uJ6il> L Eul ^uJoz I F crL JFLU-!;='i(rduJ>(LO|t9o\ LlJ6o-;>EFl ul F o E -9o o 'Et E Eo(, o .E-E E =E UJo-zoFo E.Fazoo nnn I I I I I "l=.1 uJl:l <l>l l!lol 3l yol ulFI F el st fl>lr!Iol zl FI ot =lolr!l 5l <l>l aLlolzl FI ;|ull 1l <l>lt!lol zl3lgz =u- iu =z d)o'-) L! z I I It-lo I IIq, u.ll oojIE() olz.l ol 5>l rl-iolzl3lolFI OOzt- =ff]F)zll-oo Fo EFz z T UJ = l-E irgi b= (J <F uJ<ZEUJF(1 Zo JE<o(JF -QFS;'1F1Zilo t-ouJETouJz = J< (.)an3Etr!tr \l C]ol r.fl )l I \, I I J I I J I ;l EI EI I I ill cc|lJz3 llr o IE UJz3o cttoq)E o.: :OE to ?3g,opFqq) =o53N()oE.l- : 6E-oeb Y= 6O oDCC(g--E 553oooD u.S:D )fr(D ,'E 3€ )-' !!t rgto:6l=to3>IE .E '(!;o| LNio '3rO .Fo o ; o()(J(! o) aa o E: o Ec(! aD;'6 i:g'6S0, s)'5: (Jau .9 to;39tr ;b(!C EEEF'>-= 9(! 55=>\Ea:EooE(,'; e,ii E€. EE-a9o,.gC66 E5(uE_a6ctr6= -C:o'- .id9, 9 -.:lnCJg.=';i 3't 9.>'::sreE(: o"H or --oag-. c. 0, =o!5 b';) 6: t!6i0, iio:(J iDao:L tF:\' t,)(! :i o :'>- r.9ro ri'o .c iq) .(E @ o. (g at, !t (uI (!a.l o- {rr (BJr- -: (r:.!.:ci(!;Ei0)6lEt o(o! Eo oq) c' og 0)t .E o, g E(E. -o: o-o.. .ut a ano1Lt ol(!r -i(5( dr( 9!;Io!5l (gI>J-o0o7drtr-( -( q \ \ l" "tdh t\ i, ,{ 0 o I t o q l"(\ tsi \ v.] F EGulc(9 = -Qtu z J J gt ut z ao =q J oz UJ UJtu zo UJ UJ 3UJ u,Ez ul F uJ z UJ X F UJo ttuJ UJltt =ulc F z ) (D J EF()ulJUJ z6 =Jq cz .JuJ NO|lvn']vA lj;464 =\,!n F5 =4$to E--g EJ *\s .{r|r,9;* zzoo)io-9xf,Egd9o89tt <(og o-- d>c)FOjrri z F q "] o \ at t^tv IE ta!IG I l:IJt<ltzltoltFlt6lol"l:l Fi<l Efl 5tl<ll ell ;tlptl <l zl zl ., >lo uJ uJqJzotr uIo- J z E UTl u,zE F z F- J U'z tltltl aDFzfz9,o<oo<OJ =Fxr!3ci<z o... -lr.9z iF ru" 6}E glo z I o = J@ )o o o 3 F ul s s N;$o-va!bEg =f €E a :E!g g =F#E i =' nrF E b>t I I I J d uJ z o-' E\!(r j \ll ) -3 I ,l dl st il aFl I .ilzl dll!l 5l :l 3l FI H 5lzl3lolFI :l fl 3|g .l 1l0lurlEl il l!lol el ic-rO<FEOt!<z&. o(J () FC)l!Jul 9F E3DFd6() oFo (r Fzo C) z IJ = och_LrJ x o2 oo J<c)a@t! uJ \"ll ^a\ 3f;i ;Hg i.o.EE E :,-;ul:-5 h=.) dtr! 6rE ooI iurF Xo-E HTo-tl tr- HoF l- 'e)a) -_co v(-o? -.-.-) (frA- \Vl]E -E' \ D!D PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE t'/ "t, I JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FFIMON PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB I sxeernocK NAIL 0 o ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL "g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED .E,REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR m lV;r .r(L oc 5c-INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAILIT NUMBEPERM DATE P?o/rFRO .,^ a JECT (- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER /\.MoN TUES /weo ) THUR FBr - AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr d ,,ro'tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR TI tr FIIYAL tr FINAL ':4/Lfippnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIR'ED CORRECTIONS: E'z-;sDATE INSPECTOR at United Statss D€partmod of Agdottture o . Forest Service Hblte Rlver Natlonal Forart P. O. Eor 94E Glcosoort Sprl.nge, OO 81602 Rfdyb: 2720 h' Scpteobcr 7, 1984 Lodge Propcrtica Iuc 174 East Gorc Cract DrlveVall, G0 E1657 Dear l{r. I}reger, Jr.: Eoclosed Le your epproved copy of loeadneot f2 to your epeelal uee per:nlt. Pleaee attach tbls to your pcrrnlt as lt 1g not' plrt of tbe pernlt. Pleaee rrotc tbat your aanual fee wl.Ll cbange on 1/U85 to $1790.fi). Slocerely, 7i,e4 , ./ rltwlcln E. tlooDnolf l7| Foraet Supenrtror Eacloeure F9C20OI tb (t/ttl Unrtcd Sr.t.r Dcp..t|ncna oa Atracultru.For..l Sc.vic. TH IS AII EX OiI EN T tS OF TH€ ! re nx ^MENDMENT #2 FOR SPECIAL USE PERMIT Rcf: FSM 271,( ATTACX €D IO AXO XADE S exruru eenur r A PA RT h. Rcaroo (3.{)o. Rrcord no. (l -2) d. Di rteict (7-81 | o. Urrr numbor (9-l2l Iy Cross 07 I 5272 Sror. (16.17 | c, Forel (5.6) l. Xiod ol u.. torage & t, Cord no. (2ll 15 (l l.r5) 4L6-:-- For Stora Lodge Propertles, Inc. ktn landscaplng and stal.rs (xrN o oF F ERU| t, issued to 2122174'otr(NA|.g OF PERMITTEEI which is hereby amended as follows: The face of the pernLt ls hereby amended to read: Ttrls pernlt covers 0.95 acres and Ls lssued for the ParkLng, storage ehed, landscaping and stal-rs on adjacent to the "Lodge at Vall.rr. toarE or FSrrat Tl purpoae Natlonal of: Forest land Clause 2 ls revleed to show ar annual fee of $1790. Thls reflects the addltl"on of .008 acrea to the charge area by addltlon of the stal-rs. rhis Amendment is accept:,1ir""ti?J:Jiil"J$:"ffi"'.i",Ti.tn.,:li:l,lo "on*"on' Charge Area: 0.348 acres parklng, atorage shed and stalrs (not J.ncludlng three 10' x 30r USFS epaces) -Plan by KM dated 71L5184. Non-Charge Area: 0.602 acres Exhlblt A, Area landscaplng and lI2 arrd Connecting SEa{re temporary constructlotr accesE. PE RMITT E E NAT'E OF PERI.IITTEE LODGE PROPERTIES, II{C. ":;wffi:"",':::;'" ?- (-v/ ISSUIN G OFFICER N ME AXO II6N ATU RE (l ,/ . . -4'7-)Zrl- Vt" /c-.'-+r1 TI TLE Forest Srrpervlsor f/t/t t GPO 92a.aOl ,zRICHARD E. L/ I.I00DRor,t 2700.23 | l/72) ctz F =EUJo- oo LO oO oOo oo ooO sr O (o (\l u)uJ l,lJlJ-F =tuJtl i#/6',10%\lNi si *i*' )1: 3s tjqv;Nt i .il- Eig JiE CiF e,3 iE ltlI]Lt I(ut Ioll .tl I.Ul IL-t Iut Iit Io-l (,1ol o)(6lot(6to,ll.!-!2 sl zt o(6zol fo =P@a c5 (,ll 2El2Flg" E;f; A lH E$EiiIE t$EgF'le iiiiffi iritE - iEE;Fi iiiiwl cIJ lr F oq rJ)(o<t oo o@ O?O Fl Oo Osf o (\l C\lC\I o rr) Oo rotoo Lr) F\t\stlr) E =uJo-oz I o Y,(, rlJI z J 9 F IJJ tr ozo = a- J 9z lll uJ IJJt!z F u.t uJ o Co =g UJ z -u,ttlo uJo o- z lltJo x F uto al,ululu- ==UJ Fo F oz J to cF qJJuJ oz co d J ()z ollJ = NO[Vn]VA 'ilq q'o(qc(-l G' Iol '-al ..- asr.-l ocLdFIlrJ I I c\l.l coqQ+)uc5gl(Ucl r,+|.rtl-otrld!'Fi s+l (o €-!lld< J =l! z tro-Eoa UJ J IJJzttl oo.t' ''.P sfco z tr + (, o-fo uJ F oo (9 t-l(\l cuJ u, z E z9k UJFJ =uJz +l atrzlzIF1 = ,l ?l tt)Fzl z =t!3o d '] aUJo 5cllt tr;z _t :c N <\,1 F z -IuJT lo Fa .. >l UJ IJJI!z <t)F (r uJo- z Eo llJ JJ U) lltzY =F z F oz I I ort-ld ff)d. lcol<ltdu.ll(/) H,t?>oH ,1, cf)r-l tr)C\Ir{ rn o(J o = oo oo Jtr o =3 F llJ c( I I c?) I o/)€@ oO llltg, lDoazoFo-u.lY ul(D oFt =Eulo-b*l> colo-\ RNI r Orlrl FFJ26 z (J=24 2zffJO(! ll- "39 =r=;J5 ==UJ l! 59EAcLl60ne,B9an; Ed=>=uJ-E h=o dtrE =*E d69 \ttrE XO-t x>t q- €= uJ @o -D- F =g,lrlo-zoFof E, Fa zoo nrn rJ) ro(\l I(r)sfsf rll= Ill\ |tol l'-l IJ ol ol(,l rulcl El.'- l Jlpl flloltzl Hil z oul = l!oz3 F (\lrr)NsfIC\I<t<\l I-l(ot<)l-l .;lzl dl :|>l tI-lol zlBlolFI (J I+,o(u lrl (6! o\Z *l*l I .lol =) tsl 3olzl3lolFI o tr orr, Ilol\sf Iolorl =l ?l :l rLl 9l FI U' OJ +)L OJ I o- ocn oJ =tr r<ld=l lElllrt I loIOIJ I tzF-i:r lrl(t d.oFa,r1 >Zan J F lrl(5oOJ ui =z -) lr'o(V.) Ir\sl .Ilatr, Fl@ 6 ts ro(u.ctnco J ro at IJJ o u,L(u PL G' (F(F &, Ell- L-St) =b2 2?E?>d d6 EF C)uJ IIJ -.r O<Ftr(JuJ<zEUJFc|t zo FC)uJt- f(JE <da\ U, 'i' UJJO *4t 8trtr att! LUIL =t!o. $'i uf rnl, t'L,rflr.ii.< roilrl :\lit ;{- l-EE il?ae F FIz o (ru,z3 qJIF z UIu, =I tt F Fz o ul z 6 0) oq) o q q)o F E o o) o ; =J E o f E 3; o iq1 !No 3 .Fo o(Jr f. f -i i:(s! Bor- 3 E (J o. .o -. E o,o, '(E:rr (u q) q c 0r: J (J(g. Eo) Ar f o E o 0, o (U .9 C' o' a!r.c'. x. or:EIor x;o'(g'l>i 9t!( -a F = z uJgJu-z tr (u o 3 5 z =o F r! z UJ C) U' UJ uJtJ-F =L! F I EI ,l nlitll tl 'l EI 3larlolrll o.ol oll(! f,o )q(t I{x IH:$E; dId 6 sflge -.t g =trI 6 E$ ^ozqa = F:3 E''l? Eqo. J ll = <-1: fiH \{\ 0: : z tr()l z (J ulo- F; z tr tL .. >l6 uJ tu UJzoF ut J tr6 lltl tlII Fz z9oFtu<oo< =o_E-'X,!oo<z tltlol -itl ryC{ 2.. 9= "iF;6}Eot t;t<lo-tr!l' : z E :lzlol F-l<l UIF:l <l f at, ltl iF I I or Iql 'FI I olht >'li.t o,tto<toolB rL oql qJ o- F rn a o ql -l<l3l* xlOut (r lr h!l\l* h'" iltr.\ c\ F)9 t ,a\i) btl F zoPz4 >.2 de J."i5z=z"ifBi=- lIn ts r|JGtl.oja u,lgo tr. o6E9a9eGi9.EE =>! dL5 b=o :a ii:-* x'o =*_(Jt!E ooau F ,,.tr xo-tr x>F EFb-{ llro I ,Q, 0)s u) v \- w ----.-) /R\L^-AE\ >.-.-/ll=\zzi= - z:t! :< 0)o>' La c)@otl +JU) IA lL,: z rn \oF.ir i rl (d ol ol HI I1oloi'rrl{Jltrlol q s'(rl 11 IUIE 4 an I r\.+ I l'nI(!l I>l I I rl-clal l-r Iol +Jllrl$l*l HI 9lol >l trt z o(u (E J >1 rtlol zl A k\ t, (, N rt tr+J or-{ ,-l(d o|< I I I 3u{.rlJIal>l 3l Pl E u.lF'r <F L!< oz ge =<a& J,.-?z|ro F O FOIJ)rlJ F Fz 2 't_ LU ^\JZ J<O(t .,r,uJ uJJO tstrn 42 w.tt meldow ddye urll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-2100 1O: Peter Patten-,/) FROM: Mike l"ltrr-r-d4-' DATE: Septernber 4, 1984 RE: Plan Revienr - IODGE AT VAIL tlre deparlmonl I have made the folloviring notes on the Lodgte plans: A-1 24 ft. separation inadequate - site plan.untreated shakes not allopred - North Erevation. see Roof ordinance.Ski Shop Ondinance requirenents - North section. Tl6>e 5 - fhr. not a1l_orre*()ver on square footage. A-2 No egress at grade frcrn cafeteria. Only one exit at gnade for ski strop. A-3 South ElevaLton - distance frqn kitchen o<trausL M-l Fire/$rcke detection not strorrtrr. EF8 too snnl_I E-l ErErgency lighting Prove adequate f ireflcnr. Interconnect Lodge South hldrant with Village Ticket Office hl'drant. Install new hlnCrant South of l,lain Lodge and East of Lodge South. Address drainage behind Lodge South. REQUESTvAlL- ,, _r, - ( r ..,' ', , '':1I r---il ( CTIONTOWN OF f. :---t /-I!-"i lilt) C--(.-')i I SPE a)i TNSPE9TTON: JOB NAME MON PMAM i I READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH n tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT ,'SUPPLY AIR tr PF^L tr FINAL /a{-epraorro tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: f-27-PF INSPECTOR IK'oq€ ikgflttoN REeuEsr CALLER TUES PEBMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI '1.i.! (.I OFOFBER ,1..'., NUM TOWN VAIL / / t- i''. PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL n p4rNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH C EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL -=7 n trrNAl tr APPROVED '4sneeaoveo { ft:a{16pEcr oN R Eeu I R ED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ) Y{3 PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT-=- i l,- , ,../ /.-. /V\DATE r////4) JOBNAME ] i^..L- /, 1:r tl v'^ /" I NS PECTION TOWN OF q2 REQUESTVAIL . . l(- I- 1 ar INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o cl tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr B tr tr HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR SQr vn I( }- { '' tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I i' , ,., PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE i ;i ' t, ,i t' ':> JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALTER TUES wED , rxug <iil > ,'1Oo ,rU4-' tu LOCATION:\-r,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGHi WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr EINAL tr FINAL iET-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED l. l' , . ,_,, -i DATE INSPECTOR m ) ?'r (t'u)t INSPECTION TOWN OF , o'1 t. REOUEST VAIL OPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT I l, t" f ;, -' JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER.i.'..MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR { r'*o'-tr FINAL AppROvEO-,.-/"'-/tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' i t,/ JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:l ,-) , . MON WED tr tr tr tr tr F tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR m o INSPECTION:MON o NSPECTION REQUESTPERMI DATE BFR /"/,,NAME nCT JOB OF PROJE I T NUM CALLER TUES .} WED ,rT,i-lr^,THUR FRIREAOY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL 6 FRAMING tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr o ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FFIAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / -', ., ?r' ,/. - .:i - ,( i, ffi DATE INSPECTOR I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: REOUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: rues -,inrio-) rHun BUI trF trF xFb'! trll trs tr_ LDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -/1'qJBOUGH / D.W.V. zts,ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr rl o GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL r] FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr o n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL i El DTSAPPROVED tJa),', I/' 1?--;1 ',? f,;t?' /(...i ,. tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED /r. I ". /,/,a-,) t 7", .' 7-7,a S' *' 4 {//t 4/c-9 // .. /.t c-''.1 INSPECTOR i '( ,:',' -:' t NSP ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL, !,/( I .. !\".'i/( PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ;. i L l' , NAME BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING C] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr D u POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr nouox tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr 0 FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED DATE INSPECTOR o I NSPECTTON../- TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED AM .t-iM-READY FOR LOCATION: sal1 12- r' /* d1!/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr o tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL X -t-E.ot/. l'n2 tr*' / "',*z*t ,Lr C'a/ q tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr o n HEATING tr tr rt ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOFDATE I INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: i NAME MON t..CALLER .. =r_/________: READY FOR LOCATION: ..\:-/. .. TUES .,ryR THUR '...... l|-\. FRI] BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr --' '. -----. tr FrN4L /' '€t-FtitAL ,F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m t INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* i' /t " ,o,NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR AMFRI BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL q g tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH i WATERF fRAMrfirG tr E tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION ,''z.l POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL g {PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m INSPECTION :r'i,o.-.-!owN oF REQUEST VAIL lr DATE NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION:.Y', *1.,' ( CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr B tr tr tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER{rnnutuc z n ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER IIECHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR D tr.FrjlAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,",.1 ' 't,,/ - q' '''INSPECTOR m .1-' | *'a rNs PECTION TOWN OF t1 REOUEqT VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE "- .' '1)'*t.-,. READY FOR INSPECTION: MON....-'''. LOCATION: " -'A'- - -'Z-",." JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED AM ,- P-!4. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUItIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr I] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr E CONDUIT o tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL F APPROVEo /,, CORRECTIONSi. B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 't. ,, , m ,/ i.,- y' ' rrvs#cnoN *r6ursfTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI Ar.,t PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING I-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o-FlllAL tr tr FINAL ','deppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*rlL"toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER tt. ( MON {TUES; WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND F FOUNDATTON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. _ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - - ROOF & SHEERtr ijiii,r,ob6'nr-iilrue o GAs PIPING -tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - tr o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nFt_ n FtNAt r'r trrNAl tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ea / ff,t CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: r5 ISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR o PE J,r CTION REOUESi-lPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME 'tffi],,,--i' '^'' tNs (i READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR PM ' t \ f . 1 .. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 'E Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tl INSPECTOR l', !lri xrs INSPECTIONTOWN OF --,) / Jr {,t.:.,' REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT ! Joe NAME INSPECTION:MON DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR FRIt tEn BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL TI E Cr)El' FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINIL O FINAL ffiepaoveo E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oz E =Glllo. )) oo rt uJulu-F =tl!c b+e bs sbY Z? <f (7) N l:qrS5lo (6 IE;iot(' rE t= slo <\l ov,Lo+t+)(go- u,lF o F FIz o =z 16 oLo- CLao cD a !q) CL ni utF(oo&g9 =oo!JElO-dtGt !a =z l!IFoz c, or-.l.' 6 .IJ Jou!(UO- !O-.'- (Jo.6!> (uLe+r o = .r! (5 co u.o ol(t,€ s -O F9J r t!Ju,lo:I lt Fo E z o o Eo -9o(' .9 (! c 0'F\oE otos .s o,-c (g oDooo.s = c0 E o =ld0, o cl CL6].9 E j-oc 6 t': 8.9 aE€: Eg E:E UEEc-o> i;:EFE!pcPcFIoSo iEiF E;;;ElsccL o o.-*EieoiEor:€:€ ;EEE -o.Yo--cPGo'-!-tr: rD ('' E'€EE E E:: Fg;i cEgg - o 6 .:: olt) oGI@ Gj av) (f,(Ylr() o oo oooor<) rot\(\,1 I (\l qi(\J6t(7) =uJ z J ! uJ z J J =Fo|lJ u, z =J J 9z gJ = UJ z tr uJEoUJE o @3gJ uJ z 6 IJJ F6o ulo z IIJJo x Fl!U'f o uJ LrJu-L tUJIJ FoF (J =o @ () e,FouJ qJ z toE Jo 9z uJT NOtMtVA >oa --lt =t!.n=.oN zz99q5F9 0ooz>.oa)o2r!<oqttt J^CUFO;^i .6 'oEitt go PrO 5v,EiF o tdftrPoL5 lotc,+trE ttoI'lcLt= ls F HlololF Eto l+ FF) z F {tl-tro t>o.d: i(t t , ..,5i:> B ooo 1rt1()(\t q tu z F 5zo F IJJ ;llJz bzfz tr o aFzl = llJ =o ut uJt! z F z FI trI ltlf) (! !) uJzY it- uJ F z tr Jfoz I -.j -il F o F AL:-l zl zl .. >l uJ uJulzotr Elll z Eoo c!c9 'F{c)o utF U)6oazo Fo-ulY IJJo oFF trulo-t!los>nO- Fl9S II'Igu, i-Fli.,z6 z(,=zeoo =zd9 =E==Y(J--iL!6E= t UJL l!oEqE?8A =e,B9!ir 5_tE dEE h=o Jii: =o-i 8aE iuE ;To, ".t€= uJq) If- ts =E.lrlo-zI1-C):)EFU'zo() t]Dn \ ElJI 3lrttol zl;lolFI tltltltt leltolI ullI.EltJlt<llil J3 I I J g ttlol =l IOl uJFI F. I-l*l-l 3lrcl JI <l>l t!l :l FI =.1(r{ uJl :l <l>l J F !.1(.'ooJ ui =z -) d.c) lrld.o(5 lJ.l <fN an IJJ o = I ILlo- I I Jarau.l Hc1EE() E irg*E Fo2 C) 2?;() =<(ZE =Fd6o <FEOuJ<ZE,urF(rzo() J I F() I.IJ) uJ <(JQN3Hts!tr at IJJuJl.L =uJ(L ouJF z z = ao .6 I ,Fl<to I I I I rE t<(g.IFlazl=to lz luJ iE I I I I I I t_,,,<t6ll!-Ir!tot(J,z \J Llto = =E. t! oF Fz o Go GlUz3vc( l!tu 9gcroluJ <FZ.\.52o< =869?ctg8E; E F.e *€i EE E;t € 9:gtr :iFiE: i=;e : F E.E i) !Ee: e EE ge€ EiScEA,s a= icL: P o vC'Po-o f E ='g!:(/,"oo :EEHts Ee iSE- oi 9; E= o ur tr SEsEE e i l:="O G;. q) ;FF;i EFgEE F IJJ zo =.o an UJuJLt-b =Eul.L F FNOTIVnIVA ;(ts- 3ZILoo6zto (-) uJ luz UJ =>E = ',' ztr^o= qa7>.<)zl!< d!2>x .i c\i z tr J LL (L o J z E z tr Eu.lFJ 3llJz .. >lot! uJllJz U)F E u.l z Eoo z tr .Jlaz tzlzOa <oo<>b>TE Rt!do<z Fz .. (92 'iFio =dOI N \ S \ tr oz ts =E UJL u.lF 6 ulFod) -zo F(L TIJY ujdl oF F ElrJ(L u- o ulFoz z ze(Do =z O- tr- J..i5\., L, = ==3-r -i t!oil= F t!(L l!o llJoz l oFt cco- JFul-h= (L tlJ>cOu9oi u.tx(L:>fiFJJ uJto F ot CLoo o trt E Eoo o E-E E =ElrJo-zoFo:) E.Fazo(J NDtr ol =.1oluJl 5l <l>l r,r-lq zl 3lolFI cil ql <l>l lLlol E| I I .;l =.1 ull 5l <l>l|rlol 5l rOl rJJFI F ol =.1 :lr!lolzl3lolFI ol =.1olutl 5l <l>l u-lolzl3lolFI=Jtr UJ =z -) Et;g b2 JE<oOFF? \2ilo Eoozt-;# -- zo F FzoO z IouJ IuEI(JE -rO<F uJ<zELUFr,,t z O J<Oa 9?.9H a , !Ttr o INSPECTION TOWN, OF L-r t.,-. REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES {'teO', THUR FRI @)z .'o (J BUILDlNG: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr d rrruer-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- D SUPPLY AIR n tr FINfi-tr FINAL {-ffiepaoveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE 6-5 -f/INSPECTOR -{f ahuJutttF =IJJo- NIEirE IrB rl.-oc E ti E.g'=oo;io rbE;E .€8gE* E$:tr-l '-= - o F :3€ li ECF;$:€3ifreeePE iE::€ sEis5 t€€ ig E E E 5!:e€gdiioEE eg;:= EEaEE gggEg Nn N\ $ J Us \*fl.t att UJFozoz6Ilg' .6 U' l!lJ- H3 UJ oF lj I L!! (9 UJ =F t-L ;l =lil 5l -E ; Brz- trFA.r ov,UJ eUJzull(, =>G --('t =-rl&=aO6. z299]- o- '2Epe2o6b92.-u- <toa.H3>()Fc) + o- lu J z tr .. >lo UJ uJ IJJz U' ts: IJJ J z E o J F LJ(9 -: IF- ii =z o-' F C)o tl tltl IJ IH>t J Et g .l il ,l ol HI il fl tltltl lol tf, l3lllr-ltolJ3oa olEFI 3l g otFI IJ l:ll5llzl Eil .lz.l olulltrlJI =l\lol flr JO<F tr., <zE (tZo() oEF() UJJqJ g9 9?=cf,Fd6o EoF() .TFzo(J E!EEoc) zo9zQcoo =zde ,"x-d =F=Bt=- n!D F =Gl!'o-l!oEE=zE<ef€frE9ar*a0'EE =>=ur:-5 E=t, dtrx>o-I Ou-E oo9 iu.rE Xo-t x>E iiF G,-irrf t! @oF l-,QJ 0)_co v \-o5 /G\ Lt'--hl-,I \- r/ 9lF\ )--,/ / t=\\. -, / I-- .=ann Manville firn"rr"t For Built-UilnO SinglePly Roofing SYstemsFoam Roof lnsulations Introduclng tour new polymeric foam roof insulatlons' With lh€ addition of these four new insulations, Manville now otlers an insulalion for every commercial and induslrial roof aoolication. All are designed to Manville's high standards of . qrititv. ru ofe, nigh thelmal etficiency, ease ol handling, and dompitaOitity wlth a wide Variety of built-up and single-ply memoranes. Ultracard- is a faced insulation board for built-up roofing svst€ms, mad€ ol asphalt-coated, tiber glass mat fac€rs idctorv-bonded to a iore ol closed cell, isocyanurale foam' Ufiradard offers excellont insulating properties wilh a low C-value in a r€lalively thin s€ction. UhraGard SP- roof insulation board has non-asphallic, tactory-laminaled tacers and is designed to b€ compatible wiih alt sinqte-plv rooting systems' lt is suitable for lully aOnereO, riecnahicatty inached, and ballasted EPDM syslems and requires no slip sheet for use with PVC membran€s' lt ofters the same feitures and ad\,Entages as Ultracard' UltraThan€- is a fac€d, low cost insulation board for built-up tools, mado of a urethan€ cor€ with faclory-laminated' . alotrirr-coateO, tiber glass mat fac€rs. This high lhermal vialue iniulation is suitable for use on concrete decks and has many aootications in re-roofing where fire resistance is not requir€d oi is achiewd with existing root insulation' UltraThane SP' is especiat/yoU&ffnud'toetinqlfi?Ply,roofing svstems on @ncret€ d€cks and foF'lgftqtino,-qPpri'ddtions where a fire banier is ngljgquired or is achieved wilh exlstlng root insutarion. lt is mafirildaured O0ll6on-asp[pllifilqcet9. . that oro4iEEruocxcellqpt surtac€ for fl|\esive appfloalron' lI lfire suitdrole for tutty ldherbd, mechan!ftfi attached and.ba a9led EPDMbdnns and rqquires no slip sleet for us€',u/lln Fvu r' memUra'n6sl1t providix the same iRsulating and perlormancs' ;;;;;bristi*asU[rarhane. -; i-: : , Thermal values. Ultracard, UltraGard SP Thermal Product Conductance Thermal Resistance Thicknoss (nominal) lllbight (nominal) lb6./sq. tl. .281.{ c-l0 0.10 10.00 1.6".31 c-8 0.08 12.50 2.0'.38 0.06c-6 nnq 20.00 3.z',.il Applicable standards. ffi rmal values are delormll9d. i"' li.iiiiii, *itt'ltrJAsxnne'r" yqlu^eqf-0'^1 6' conditoning ;i ffi;;;im;G'iri'Compiiince with Rrc/rlMA r€chnisil iliLlilidi:ih;'oeen ihitiated and th€ information wll be oublished when available. UltraThane, UltraThane SP. of SProduct Thermsl conductance Th€rmal Resistanco Thic*ness (nominal) tvsisht (norninal) lbs./sq. ft.("C'Value)("R'Value) 0.'t2 8.3 0.08 14.29 .38ii[;li] insu-tation t,tanutacturers Association (RlC/nMA) anJltte N"tionat Rooling Contractors Association (NRCA) ili i"i6it-""4" the u; ot a layer of v2" Retrofn Board' Fesco Board or Ventsulation Fell as a top layer over ur€thane and isocyanurate foam insulations' 16.67 .42 c0dOesignation 0.06 Technical data. Vapor P€rmeability ierm/inches @ 73"F & 51% RH <1 ASTM E96-80 Limited Warranty All oroducls sold are sub,ect lo the lollowing warranty:-SE-LLER iii#Anis Fon A FeAtoo or orue vEAR FRoM DArE o-F .btliviiViHnr iHE Pnooucr ls FREE FBoM DEF-Ecrs lN ilni'en-r,ci.s ANo woRKMANSHIP THE SELLER MAKES No ijiiEii iiEFnes ENrArroN oR wARRANT oF ANY K!{D' -. . ^. .. EiijnLii on'ir.,rpliro, ttt acron tN LAw, lNcLUorNq lvlltpur irr',liir'i6rl, iii wnnnnruwpr uencHANrABlLlrY oB rHE.-- ivriinnirii oiitrless roHn ennrlcuLAB PURPo-sE' orHER iiini.r iii'e r-rurreD wARRANw sEr FoRTH ABovE Every claim ,itliJid'ii ""ii""tvihalt oe deemed waived unloss in wriling and i"t"".J Ou it " Setler within thirty (30) days ol lhe dat€ that ths . aetect to which each claim r€laies is dis@\,/ersd or shoulO naw o€€n ;;;;td fu "thir person is aulhorized to alter lhis waranty orally' Limitation ol Liability It is exoresslv undorstood and agreed that th€ limil ol th€ S€llor's ...Hilf;i;iiG, ;nni setters So option, repair or r€su.pdv of a like quantiiy of nondefectiw Product and lhal the S€ller shdl navo no luin idoiriv tt."pl wh€re lhe damage ot claim resulls sololy-fiom ;'#;;i'i'ri" s;t6is wariantv. rr silso AGREED rHAr rHE sEfiEn sintt nor se ue-gue ron ANY lNclDENraL' - ^ --6-oii'tbuinnnr, oR orHeR onurcEs FoR ANY ALLEGF-D- GC;rGinCi: biiieCnor wlnneruw, srRrcr LTABTLTI! 911.iiVZiiftn ihEonr ornen *rnt,t rnE LrMlrED LlABrLlrY sEr'r'iiirli reovE. tNctriEntrl lNo coNSEoUENTIAL oAltAG-Es biiiii Ndr-rie iiLCoGMBLE, EvEN rFrHE RESUPPLY REMEoY Frils-or rrs FunPosE oR FoR ANY orHER REASoN' Values Test Methods Dimensional Stability Change 7 days @ 158"F 90-100% RH Lenglhwise Crosswise Thickness 4o/o fi\6*. ASTM D2126-75 4o/o lll?.X. 5olo ln?X. District Otfices Midwestern C. A. Patel, Dist. Engr. M. L. Waterfill, Dist. Engr. D. A. Scheirer, Oist. Engr. Manville Roofing Systems Oivision 2222 Kensington Court Oak Brook, lL 60521 (3't21887-74OO Manville Roofing SYstems Division Ken-Caryl Ranch P.O. Box 5108 Denver, Colorado 80217 zu-551 Northeaslern C. A. Ford, Jr., Dist. Engr' C. A. D'Agata, Dist. Engr. Manville Boofing Systems Division 60O Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632 (201) 894-1111 Bocky Mountain G. W. Velenovsky, Dist. Engr. W. H. Allen Shelden, Dist. Engr. Manville Rooling Systems Division PO. Box 5771 Ken-Caryl Ranch Denver, CO 80217 (303) 978-3722 southeasteln J. D. Harris, Dist. Engr' C. D. Heidler, Oist' Engr. Manville Roofing Svstems Division 3aoo Holcomb Bridge Road Norcross, GA 30092 (404) 449-3300 Southwestern G. W. Arnold, Dist. Engr. L. G. Glass, Dist. Engr. Manvill€ Boofing Svstems Division 23OO B. West 6th St. Ft. Worth, TX 76107 (817\335-4204 Weslern N. A. Lovato, Dist. Engr. Manville Roofing Svstems Division 3iot Long Beach Blvd. Suite C-11 Long Beach, GA 90807 (215)428-7515 M. M. Croire, Dist. Engr. Manvill€ Roofing Systems Division 2600 CamPus Drive San Mateo, CA 94403 (415) 349-9500 The physical and chemical propelties of lhe producls desoibed ... tr"r"-in i"pt"t"nt typical average values obtained in accordanca with "iiipi"ii"Jit"tii"os and ar6 subject to normal manulacluting ilriiiioi.". irrev aresupplied as a t6chnical seruice and are sublec-t iJ.n"nd "itnort notice. Checd the Manvill€ sales offics to assure currenl infotmation. >16 ASTMC165-77 Prinr€d in tJsA G & G ROOFING Aueusr 13, 1984 Towt: or tr'ntu Bu r t-rtne iEpRnrner'rr 75 S, Fnor,,rRe E Rcnr llesr VRrr, CoronRuo 'q1657 Arrn: SrEve PRttrRsor':, liE: Tne Lonee Rr l/Rrr, CHrtr RurlrIne CrrIctAL 774 f-, foRr Cneer inrvr 0uESTIor,rs, pLEASE DcN'T HEsITATE To cALL ouR Town of Vail Community DevaloDment Ir vou HAVE At'rY OFFICE. S r ncenEry, G & G Roorrrue a iiRG/r,l Et'tctosune Grurterqmr, THts ts r0 AcKNowLEDGE THE ABovE REFERENcED RERooFING pRoJEcr, THAT THE ROCFING l,'lILL BE INSTALLED ACCORDII.IG TO THE I.IANUFACTURERS spEcrFIcATIoNS AND THE Towlr cr \tnrl I,urLDrNG Conrs, THE EXISTING RooF IS cor4posED 0F sHAKE sr-iIr'lcLEs, i,k wILL TEAR-oFF THE sHAKE R00F, INSTALL n IN il RE-RATED uRETHAt'iE, sEE spEcIFtcATIor.r sHEET ETiCLOSED, AND A F IBERGLASS BU I LT-UP ROOF 1.{ITH IIATIVE GRAVEL. THts noor AppLIcATIoN r,iAS AppRovED sv D R -l oN Jurur 2C, 1984, PlenA Lr FireHealth D Dtr P.O.817 ! 687 Ten Mile Drive 668-5552 cizt'ErEuJtr.<f oo cJ' OOoorJ) t{ o IJJu,l!tr =E UJo- -TV,f-:/l8/ Ml60sthbefifD .rltt- |\, I\.-r :\-l I\ltQ: r!'RtJl -;{iiJl c,Ji E::Jr -l '.\-J r9r<l ErE--,E.l t(-) ri'l =I rii E zJ lE or=\,o .ct = Ni; -ig o UJFoz z c) =lco.t o =2 EuJz3o uJ F (u(u!(.) (u!o(.5 1ll srNr-{ o+r-.rf\ O- ttlo =>.oE +J@.g(d(U. - (UOo u.)Eco.L -l-3'e+, (l,do-9!F TEUJz3 o Q'E () c3o q) ooc$ oo o) I dt E =l ttq) o clo.6;o ID 'a oE .rioooo ';o .ocf]gro rrF! (tt ct) 'E N oc3oF o o,t (t o (J .2.c ! -o o E (E gi 'G ot:(!'=O(,) sbE E#s E5E6src-o'- aDe:;:gPd'i =c96'- o. -c E EE E E-B500:?o .Eae tq! i.=- (uo-o o_ sEsoP o_E€e 861 E E.EO 6: EE E_ o_,Y -r. C(! 0'-.c: {)P --C S€E sBr-9 6E J:EH;8 ,3'6 e9E oe5g -o(t oq (\I(O <\l(.o s tr)(r1 cv oo r-l o c\l..: @|r,cf) E:e.u,l z c) =l .D x gJ ()z o- IEF(Jul E zcl =.l o- J z oUJl= UJuJu-z9F uJEo II,J 6 oo3Iu uJ z 6ut U' u,lo z tuJ x F ruof !)Iul!l! E =EulcJ F F oz Jlo IeFotlt uJ z co = o- z UJ, NO|l'Vn'lVA 1 dcl q"tq 9qq 3i(t I.A(6(u!(u qrlolF o1P UI L:'o(,1- x 3lt z tro- &a UJ tr UJzuJ 9t= >c, c, . =\ ,tl iiEYVS zz tr^6q5EP oooZt-OaJ() z.u- r(oqt! tio- !{-Ej$i .c(n c (F IZ C)o +,(jo ul lrt .c.tJ = P o(, sl x z tr ) u-tr o- UJ oroN to G UJ x z E z E uJ J =UJz Lz3z tr o tsz z =UJ = lu Jqut Eoz h2 FI trI ullJ (! (t IJJzY i z F) oz o(r 2 ; F llJ I IlI l I F o F ali-l zl zl .. >l ll'|o uJ uJzg) tr ul J z Eoo z Fa)(D <\l T ,-1 or{brtOctr uJ E CI'qloazo FIL UJY UJo oF E E IJJo-ttlool> colO- \.16 0rlX \.1: colrlg u,i^F26 zo9zF<oo =zJOa! lJ- EEi =H= tr uJo. t!{EZE<tlf€8E91t ir '=trro_ F-J|- = IJJ :-E h=o iiiE =tE 56E :HE ;Taulo-tttr UJ(DoF --- E =E, UJo-zIF(J De,F(nzo(J tr!! I I =lsfl$ll-llsflFllo;llt:l"l "ilsfUl$J €ElJl <l>l IUolzl d rUo ct uo=(U o+,.t1 G I I ^l2l l!l 5l <l>l bl el i C\IrJ)t\sfI(\l si(\l I sloldl I dl =.1oluJl :l al>lttlolzl3lolFI o !+,U(u lrl (o€ (u:z tltl |llllt<ll>lI tlltollzl>t 3lcl 9lEI FI lrt I(ON.+E o(J flJ F .Yc)c)tO (uLo(5 lrl sFr\ U)a U,J = o) ao ar,(t' U) IJJ o J- .tt +t(|J c,ct)!oJ o-cF tr (oro >< I Orr) I(o N =l' ol I Hl.l(./rlOrl\l .-r I.n l -,1ol I.Fl I+rl I!l -ilEl :lPl olil Hl.,t Jl;it al€l >l -el 6llzln3lEl 9lu-l Fl (,z tr u.t(5 EO,-(n lrlC' d (5 J F lJ..l J i,i =zo -) s5 =+E Fo2 E(,O ,a t- =#)zrroo ) EF ulJul ollJ T E E -rO<FE<)uJ<zgI.IJ F(rz<(J -,fiH I trB@ .nt!l!IL tr =c UJ (ttulFozo = =l@ .d oz !lI\rgr+p*slE 15c\i IrlN) ttJuto =Eol! oFo EFzoo IEo ;--OCEitE9,'=oo;(o rbE; s €; gEs EgE# : Eggi:E >: g\ E Ei'X E,:€ 3E: 3see5. fliF:9 i;EEg icEE;(! o.-: -.c= o, (2 E eg;:= i !a;e' ies;t tr =Eu,lc z ! ao a/, uJt!F =rUJ J F T\= >G€;i:s I -Eo =l! z.oFg Go- ul u.,z.uI I(,I zz9oQs 9FP 69o8!5ig'gFc)-a oj l! o- oE IJt<lz zo tllF =r|Jz (5z J u- uJ =z (Do-) rul.A I N-t-{ c\ ,l El il Hg s\D ) \ :l.. ci I .l 1l(9lulltElJI sl 6l Pl r -.r O<Feour<ztIJJ FtnZocl JE 5P E3gE UJOo sF sgfFd5() z C) UJ = oFP5io C) b ulo.t!o!4ulg (-) E<cLf€8B9Ira 'e.EE Ft-u,EFouJuir.- =?,6;o OFgfEO:oxu,o-1ri UJ.ooF EE-G' t-,QJ 0) -o >z- ,-o?---J iFi \a; E trE6 € I at) uJuJt! F =EIu.L ;; uJF z z J 5 .6 z UJF ? Iz o IUJIF lo I I I I I I t._, lc-> tq-io tzrotJ tt tro = 14. o o Fzoo tuz Bod rL uJ6z:= cEv <FZ;YZo< a;* :r EEE:i EEEigiitFc E :5.8t !Ea;e E;;l : EifEEa.ua=isE;ei ftgg$-o..OO :EgHts :EEE=6o'-E-cxo('E e:=:t5 () >'.!P!1o59i:Feg ;g;Eg is$ei (n uJuJlJ- ==Lu ) FoF o 3uJtUJ z 6uJo z = o- !g. ;zzv tr ^ 6zq 5 >eF 9 6E1116eZ!()oon<)zX LL <(oq i+-Ellxuraxz r(\t(, Pn- -f(Y) = tll 6t.l z tr l!(r o o-l o -o- LIJ z E z9 eE IJJ .. >l luo UJluzoF. tu) z Eoo IJJl J (r at) uJzY iF zo Jfoz tzlz9a<oo< >EztxRn6o<z aFz ,. 9= iItr(,3trOI oz ts =t UJo- \f ,). utFodlolzo FTLlrJY uJo oF F CElrjc lLo o-oo a\ J I rl R.) UuJ2E z .nQ =<coo =z O- t! ?fio(J= =*i--iUJcoil= trE CEllJo-ILo UJ z oao cc(L JFuJ-h=-i(ro- uJ>rLOL9o\ LlJxo-:>EFJJtr u.l oF tro Ectoo oE = Eo(, o !' E €o.0,t GE -E-E E =E,lrlo-zoF()fEHazo(J t]rn I q (9llr|I 5l<l>lr!'ol zl3l 9lFI J =.1olr!l 5l <l>l t!lolzl3l9l-l I I I I Iol =.1'olIJJI :l <l>lttlolzl H I I I .l =.1olu.ll 5l al>llrlol 5l rOl uJFI Fz =u- u; z -') -L Fo I I Il.li I I ,)u7 IJJI CIsJ E() "l=.1olr!l 5l <l>lt!lolzl BI PI E. >Y=o =#=Fd6(J Ei\ =FIOz <F(l()r!<zE[!Ft ,,1 zo C,) J ot u.J) uJ F LIJt f(J J<()a?.lrr IIJ:o nntr rl rt/" i,' PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL "/''t " JoBNAME MON ICALLER TUES FFI 'READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR PMAM BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o tr tr n UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tl b FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: OATE ,// r';: ,1: -,INSPECTOR !'-;,- ffiD ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL':.').t/. JOB NAMEDATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION L/H.TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REouEsrTOWN OF VAIL i' DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME , MoN CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI AM BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB p SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: I] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -.r' e ,*#"toNTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL i DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER , MON TUES THUR FRI PMAMWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"#"toN -=J:;;' TOWN OF VAIL r I w l'',, ', ,'-t. 'i ) DATE READY FOR LOCATTOT{: .,. JOB NAME MON \ ., i, ,-, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI !-.. {_C PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr o ROUGH / D.W.V. l'tr FRAMING 1, )'.: . 'ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTR!CAL: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR r''t trFlry 1 tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,ry'/a:INSPECTORDATE ,*l*"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRt IWED PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \\ oz E =Gluo- \ oo o(> CD roNI oo ooo (\l oooo od (n UJujlr tr =t lJ.to- ( dn4y'-, 26lgp7zb?e?.#*)$ s I { {. t(uIF J trl! z j ttlF Faz =o zz I I I I Il- l!l* t5l+,lrE lE.:ofrpho:b o.tJZP;= ='n.6C 2'Fz* l! gJo u- Pz llrz3 qJf F z \j o)o,!(-) o,Lo(5 .. lJJoPsfN+)d anoe.Uo, +JOrd5oc tt).o€oor-JI uJ z 6 N q).c o Ec(6 (DooO o) E o E o =q oo o o.o.(6 3.g E o aD(l)It lio1too fo E 6 o' '= oN -'D 3oF o o cD E ooo(U E o c, o E==-o o o o o '(t O'; G'=9u, sbE =.2 *,.Yo UEPc EgEc-o e$: =E;G >=c96 EE'= EEE =:Er-oo -rE o e0Btq! tr.=- (E cL(s cLsEttDP O- =€eE6:EE E E G.6 ,EEE_ae evC(i' 0'--c; Q)e-E egEEE;O (!= :cc?i6=.q 6 .3.tP9E oe5g -()(! oro or\ oo or{r{ oo lJ)(o ooFl o o o oo LO(\t ror\t\ trEe,4lc z - UJ z o- J F gJ JuJ z E -J J 2 uJE UJuJ zo EllJ L! .o3uJtutEz 6 UJo altoo-uJoo. z urJ x F llJo ouJ UJlJ-F =EuJo- J FoF (JzoJ5.D J 9c,FolU uj (9z to =3 c J = uJ. NOtrvntv E=9iZ Z tr:9 0 0; 5 3 =E;it o c.;f ! fi:i e ot F 3 3':-q ;d(\lo \ >E AE: = ( rol \A-\1 Y zo F rL IJJo. F ocooo ro(\l e IIJc 2 tr z F UJF 3uJz tttltltlatzfzYVI<oo< =s>rcxE6ci<z atz. 2= d63trOI UJlJ u)!) UJzY9 H F ; o = o =t _ .. >l uJ IJJllJz !,) uJc z)ol o ol LJ FI< <Dl Jl<l -l zl Il l'lol<titd l;:lloH oz a ozv,al o- (\l I@ a - F El -g r-lJ,a --t..)f (i') sl ;l illJF 6 IJJFoooazo Fo-uJY luo oF tr E uJ TLo o-o C) I llJFoz zo9Z-<60 =zd9 =fi*- ii'i ()A;E =tculo-t!o EYE<of€EE9Eirie5EE ;tE FEx >o.E 8bI \u.rE XO-E ;Tau{€= UJdloF I ("m \z/J= == ts =e,lrlo-zoF(J DEFazo() tr!n L t o :<(J J F 6oJ d.i z c0 -) o|rt at' F Joc)I(.) ()!o('' lrl sl-r\ lutoo Ja = (t +,G' (u !toJ u.Jl =l4 tlIIltll -I rdI!oI otooJ sl c1.Fl t^l rl.Pl E(ul Jlct Ipt olrt ol.rtl to Io-l I El d35l q-l It<EI Jflgb cf,ror.ocf)Ir-{(\Ist I<l 1 :| rLIol zl;l el ttLoE o o I =oo =tr I Ilrl I(ololF{l I I dl =.1o{ UJI 1l <l>l rr.Iolzl;lolFI (ovEov. =tr I I Iollr,lol-l .lol =.1oluJl 1l <l>l r!lol zl3lolFI - od .u o(J .u a =Etr o o |lt U'|! oE(ovt g u- 1t ;lzl;lolFI I I I el.lolull 5l <l>lttlol pl I FoUJEToE t --r O<F(E()uJ<z.tIIJ F o() toFo E,Fz J C)(rF UJJItl z f C)uJ = EoF C) dFzEtr! ctz E =Eluo- + \ ) )D { (:l CW (:l(] (:) c) tt IJJ IJJlJ-F =E tJ.lo- .*'/1/i -. ':. li""/ ,t' ' ,. / ,,^.. ' ,i,' tl ./ '-, t9J J ILt! z dl tl _llEIL IItuI+, lFIB xlF Et# EIH 51il ;g;flt E :EE H!, ; :gEEE i6o'-.ts-: rrr549(/,Ets <i E'tEf€x q E !;;iE 3 gEi;ffig to\\ a \A ) \ I c\ \ g J I {,q \Y :) :) 3 :-'1 :f :f) 5 ,33 cf (:' a1 c: .'-){) t__l-o : 1') al E Eujo(,zo = Co :< C)lu oz Jc J F llJ uJ oz = = 9z t! !!ulltz tr UJ lJ,/tz. o =IIJ5llJ z 6IIJo F o-gJ o- z IJJJ(J x uto (n UJ tr.Ju- E = UJ -J FoF z J () F uJJuJ z =-) J () z uJ = NO|lVn'lVA -F- =+.z ztrxooo= E s gaPE9oErur <5 Eo6d 8t3= 6soqicHdE'--r zdNO .l 6N =>G zo a UJo- :) j.)\J LE cute. z E o z tr UJF -L!z llttatrz:zQcn <Oo< =vxrr-do<z Fz, Oz do3tr uJl oU)lrJzYITF 2 F JlU)z T_ 2 3 Fil o = q o olrloUJuJzoF E.uJ(L J zI =o tT- l,l= l;"*ll-ogl ozYtr o .J I$ r{dl utrtttadI l tl ''o I "'Jl"o. z oPzed)o>z o-- P ifiaq a\ =zi= H ir -L -r -i uJ6il= E!! F ll,l l! nJoz U)(!) o tI o- JFul-h= o-uJ>o-IJ LL9oF ...6C:> luJ -JII urcooF Fo- IJJY uJlD oF E .rlrJt!btltfilo*.\ | 'tlr,lg'n,b*kzo co.E"o.oro \,O .r-.f-.c5 E Eo3l:i'. o tr!ol-Fl=Et-9 =6-! E =E lrJo-,:.,z ,'i 9F(Jf&F(nzo C) -6 ! z lJ- J F J Ll.uvld l,! () :z a: J F LrJ J ui =z -') rlJ q.,L (, LJ F\ vlul qdsJ = .) iL .d>- = l:aLo' r-)L r.Jo. (+- q-. =t."\. =Ed : r:) r.it(:l - (l F t- rJ : .: =trl oz oru J a rr-oz39 Y) J).:)1 t .J n' IIJ:".1 .J4 Eq z o UJ CE lto239F = 'q ).1 frq u-l d 1 uq u-oz3I|- t p N f,i t,:.Ff tr 4) vl IA o oul 5 >l t!i ;l3I (r tr ct t!I a1 t!oz 3l 9l ulJulF UJz = uJ =TO E <F(rC)[!<zElJ.j F(nZo <oOF;()F5 -,2tro2. 2? =<>tfFd5 <t YF?o4<+E Y,Z- =g F F-z. O E LUTJ<Qo9.33trtrtr N$ 'I \\ fV s \.J q, $i.u-F =cLuo- ilH *E T { s $ I ulz3o ulI z tl-o ulEfF zIU' Eo G c) o CD F E o f o o,(rt ;0, 0, c 'Bs o0,/ic) 6q)9,3A\rE (DE5q€(E.oc?3 gF EEor-.g .o ENN(t -o $,CC BEFo eb f=oo PE E€oo Eo(!oD ?i'= (nc f€ =d.9op EO.c(rtt; t/, .9 .!E E .;E6g'=Ott gEE E; g E5E "E sttr-o'63s :EEG >=c96'- og EEE EEE$OOiEo€sstq! c.:- GaEa sEEc)? o.E*e E6:EEE E;E_agt 6.=5ae $E€EE;.o (6; =qc;(s:!ruaq9€ .!{ -s, o.oEEg!oE) -'Q 6 NtrtJ \ \ \ \ 0 o q ry) o e ria L I ot \ a$ B o o p '9cl s b Li N tsEEuJo- z J 00 x uJ z Jo- J F gJJut oz 6 =J z u,lt oao3!9 uJEz auJ trta UJo z IJJJ x IJJ at)uJ UJlt L =Eu,I FoF oz clI CO J F !u uJ ozd =Jo- 9z u,: NOltvnwA llJF 6 li l.rltII;\e. 3 bc =lYiE\ FTrko- ?t\ UJzqJ r>. -Ps$ zz99F-O;E E atoE!biig-.;nj *=>c 4 T ll z tr { Eo uJ R \ \ u, J z Fo z UJ 3IJJz lltltltl lt,. z9s??6o< =*x'r6o<z ts3i9zz--iF do3trOT ull ooulzYIIF r,lJ ; l _l'-l:l <r, I Jl<l -l zl zl .. >l uJ uJllJzo = llJo- J z E = Jdt ,.1 Ir\.ql lqFI Ii<t I ell x | 3(/)t o I F =l d | 6 N N zoPzzcoo =zdP DntrF E GIIJo.ltoEUE3€ae9EAa9'EE => t- 'e) 0, o Y o,-) ---.) Ji5 =2.!L<F-xo-uJtr= ozoJ =lo a95EE drE b=(, o.tr: =o-i 8E9 \urE XO-E ;taulo-i!tr H.o --I t \ at| r'.\i\\i \ ,.\"\\ E .\i .a \N \ r\\ Nlzl ol gl 3lttlol2l FI N\f( \ \'\ \rR\ oz ciur I l!oz3 F I I flrrlol pl r ,l NI \ .lotzl ol 5l<l>lttlol zl FI \,\\ \\r\N I i'i =z o-t (r -rO<Fcou.J <2E I.TJ F6Zoo E99 33fFd6o oFo Fz C) z ()lu = E?*E Fo2o,() !! w October 20, L983 Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Building Department75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Co. 81558 Re: Back of the House Renovations Dear Steve, This letter is to assure your department that the renovations being made to the back of the house area to provide employeelocker rooms and. office space has all the necessary approvalsof Lodge Properties to be completed prior to ski season 1983. We do not anticipate making any structural changes, but onlyto do interior work. In the event we need to do any structural work, we will engage a structural engineering firm to review, recommend and supervise such work and will advise you and your department accordingly. If there are any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Lodge bv Propertie l74Rr"stGore CrceJve \bil,Q>lorado8f6.57 303-4t6-e Telex45-0375 125 North Eighth Street Grand f unction, Colorado 81501 303-245-0148 1-800-332-3259 Yoder Qineering Consul0nts, Inc. Mechanica l/E lectrical Januarv 16' 1984 H i ,: haF I A. Mor-rtag, Ch i rf Eng i ne* r Tt-re Lodse at Vai I 174 East 6ore Cr*eli Drive' vai L cDtDfadD 81E57 Re: R*view ,:'f ],iitchFt't Fxhaust and fitahipup ai l. systerrls. Dear Hi,:hael! It is fily undBrstalld ins that Phi I Salasar ,:, i ted thF ci rqutatiDll trufrlp Dl'l thE ntal{pup ai r heat i.rrg ,:Dil and that it hes baerl plaf,td baEl{ intD opFt'at i trn. This shDUld srisl-rif iEantly assist ill Elifirinating rDndansat iDn in thp kitEhEn arEa. ThF fDl l'f,wins l-etr'f,rlhlendat i|trng af '= thF fil ir-r irlufit l-re': essal-y tD DbtairtrFqui rad Eapture velDEity within thr ranss hDod and to fit'frBpDsitively dirrtinish the pDssibit ity ']f fDl-tdEt-rsat iDn within the kit,:hen: RaelaEE thp Bxistins fitai n exhaust fal.| Nith a single in I ine trentrifur|al fan. Extend exhaust d isrharsr dutrtins alDng rDDf to asat i 5f aatDry d i s':harsp ptf iht. Extrl-tdad du€t wDrh may nped tD ba cDnEta led to sat isfy aPsthrt i ':s. ExtFnd rxisting du,:t dDwn toea€h end of d ishwash ,rlar:hine in a "capturer, Eonf if'uration. Cut a Dne square fDDt l)penins thrDush thF tDp L1{ thF hD':]d fivBr thestean HFtt lesi Instal I a balanci nlr darlpBr within thF DpFt'tins to adi utt ai r vDiufite. To brins thp frlaHFup ai r Systrm i tltD cDdp Eotrlp I i ant,a and t|]el i inatF thE need tD draw air f rofil l-lDn-hit,:h,3n afeasr instat I a r akeup air fan and pref i ttrl-. Ths exhaust and nlahaup air fans nlust DpPrate g iflu I taneDus I y. Although not inlpt=rat i ve, it fitay bF ner*ssary to add additiDnalhBat inE tD thB mahpup air tD adFquatrly t'"rrlp'3f it. An atternate tD the abDVB recDrtltlendat iDn would bE nlof '= rpspDns ivetD ar:tua I k ittrhEtl usa!,t.and iti tha tDnt' run nl'f rr 'pntrgy 'pf f iEitFnt sinre Dnl v the amDunt Df mak}3up ail- rFqu i red fDl- thF parti':ular aEtivitv beine ar:EDntp I ished v{ou td be intrDdu':ed. This alternate t'rDpDsts tD uti I izE thrp'3 Exhaust fans and thr'ap tlak'"up ai|. fans. One exhaust fa|1 alld nlakBup air fall systeart wl]uld handtr3 thF typrS Dne ran€re hDDd fpqu i rrments. The s*rond exhaust fan and filaheup air fan wDUld be indpppndpnt ly Dparated tD Satisfy thE vapDr |.l3 'fval requi rer Fnts f rDnl thF stEa, HptttE al-ea. Thp third sutrplv air and firakBup ail. fan systFfil wDUld bE das iefr'"d tD handlethe d ishwash area. 2199 Chamonix Road, Unit 4F2 Vail, Colorado 81557 303-476-2091 l,Je alsD 'lb5Fr-vad that the Exhaust du':t f f Drrl thp ratlge dDaS l'lDt appBar tD be ot 1E eaus'E material as l-equ irrd by EDde. f have Dbtainpd equ ipnrt3nt EDsts fDl- yDUr prFt ifilinary revi Fw. uti I izing th'3 si l'rsr lp largp exhaust with sillslE lar:'e filal{au9 air fan (.initial prop,:sal) ' thB basif 8cu ipfrlEnt Ni lt trost atrprDx ifilatElv !F45AQ} and installatiDn and assrtrE i ated firDd if ir:at i'frrE ElfUId ':ost lS7OBO to t310' B@O. The muttiptE' fan alt'srnatF equ i pnlEllt ':DEt [rrDU ld be appIDx imatelv $EEOO alrd dUEt wDrk al'ld assfrf: iatFd frrrfd i f i':atiDns wDUld pl-Dbably ':Dst SIA,BOA t '-r :!13' OOB. Neithar r-rf the ab'lvp '"st imates iDEludB thF tr'fst fDr additiDnal ai r tBnrpEl- in9 bpyDl]d th'3 presFnt '"x ist itls toi l. Y'fU shDU ld f,Drls idar anDther 55OOO to $ 75O81 fDr sas f il-ad r ah(eup ai|- tt3filpaf in9. Ii tfr* pregpnt fa':ititiFs wil I b'= uti I ir'3d {Dr sev'pral YFdFST wE a | 5D fFlDfrlfit8nd tDf sunlntel. ':Dfilf Drt ytlu ,:Dt'ts i d'Erf ingtall ing evaporat i Ve ':D'l I irrs Dl'l the nlahpup ail- at an additiDnal ':lrst Df $?ooo tt] ri3Q}Qla. There is no easv lDw ':Dst sDl ut iDl't, but wp fE'Bl that thE abDve l:eaDr r tndat iolls |fl' altpl.natF arp tha rtl itl iolufil nF,:Fssary tD sati5f y trDdr fequ i re EDts as wBl I as hav'= thF sidE benef it Df ifirpFDv i l'le the trorrlfort I'FVFls within thF t{ i trhpl'l al-ea. Pleage let us trllow hor,J yl]u wi5h tD pFo':'3'3d. l^,F Wi I I prDvide tBtrhn iralSPEEif iEatiDns and any drawinr's lta':'assary tlf furthFr def ina thr sr:Op'e of the wDrk fDf thB ,:Dl'ltra':tD|. . .Thank yDU {ol' thB DppDrtunity tD bE Df sel.vitrp. I{ you have anycrutst i Dllsr p I ease dD nDt hts i tatE tD r:Dntaf t ug. Sincerely,f: rt,zt* Dav id L. Yoder K l/ I .-),,., l --,, -..-.w INSPECTION REOUESTTOWN OF VAIL, , /;,,/,,- DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ruES (i9) ,"u^AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr ./, DATE INSPECTOR t SPECTION /5-,f/ REQUEST VAILTOWN OF r-,i' 13-. t'7' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: 'jI3 ro, lr NAME INSPECTION:GD THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E] INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /,, DATE INSPECTOR /,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- N FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r_r BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EI,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED rN#toN / :*1? / REOUESTVAIL ,, ,, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:.("-o*-.l ,r=a wED THUR FRI -@ PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr ,x.tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION O SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR '., E F)VAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR : -i - ]F: \/ s t'/ INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILL,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION: /tTUES .WED,/ THUR\-.---'FRI AM@ BU trl ul tr E' tr u, tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEH tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * INSPECTION I .- I'/s {/ REQUEST VAiL . f,*o TOWN OF // /'<)<o\DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI -----@ PM BU trl trl ryl D' tr El tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING I] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTORDATE Ct' INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES i THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: IA'E N P-]\ll ,l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS b tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL d/Rppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILl' ? ,,,r1 ),i .!., ^ / ./ ' . {' 'i:!- A1 -- ., -. '- 't {"'- ,("\"t.ar ' 1, <''rL / l(\-/.( ' CALLER ..--*i.J DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME -a?- -' i MoN TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER /,'/''" PLYWooDNAILING - , r'/- /tr INSULATION /i,:'C, t.z t(t?, ti,<;,, t,-;. d 7,+:E sxeerRocK NA|L '/ n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH D CONDUIT n D F1NAL PL|/MBTNG: f'-ttruoencnouruo fl'ROUGFffD.tfV- tr'ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB n tr FINAL ---:7 '4iapPaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB I I oz ts =t UJo- I ro(o(\l tor()ro oot\ C\I<f Ot-lr.o o<f ol =cl ..E.F' = (tt uJIJJt!F =cuJo- %r€W I I I .Dl@l \p-tE tl )s \lr' ll sl\rr\i'\1.-, J6 JiH )l= LUF linIuJt5FI; EIE./, I J =laot.d 9lz =16 !o(F .tJo(u(Jxo UI q fr(q !.toj+i!tJq'! al+{xIq : il l q f,olol Iq Eol|,F.l +,d.F-cl sIJq(-, =qo '-l cot(uo l= oE\oc\ cl\ E\-o- \ CL E\F c.9ooo aioEo() oa := ofo t!z =o uJ t!JuJU' = Eoll- GoF-o EFzoo UJ23 lt {) oo (0 tl,Eoo E o E o Eo o.o.6 3o E oN -lt ) F o ol .gE o()()(! E (, o .2 I fo ! o o;G d:.got:6'=(lr(a sbE tEE!sEc-o e:5 =sic96'- o. -c EEE E EE,FOO iEogqe tq! c.=- 6CL(! O.sEgo-o.E*e 861EE E E 6-6 EEF - o.;eeC6 0'-5 E.g E'€; *919 6a lfiE9E oP5g -96 oL LNrn 14\ FcCF c (c 14 oao st oqorON |r,(\l @NC\I orJ) o<\l@(o EEE UJq o2 J5.D x() uJ z Jc J 9EF()q, !u z E5Jo- oz c)trl = UJuJ z tr UJa()uJ E oao3ul uJ zI UJ gJ z lllJ x F ulo (t IJ.J UTll ==E IJJo J FoF (,z J @ J o Fout uJ 0z 6 = E JIz () uJ- NO|lVn]VA-:l: .El :9'El$ u e.9l: I C)-1,- E€= =fio oo= I a =F;at 0 E.oZ!.()89 frE EA i:.j (\j 60'l zo F J t! ulo- F rn(O(\l (O tJ)to g o-u,l ) z E x z tr UJFJ =UJz. oFz z LUI<oo< =Hxu-do<z =z. 9z EOl_t uJf,JJ o ul2Y i z F J oz I I! - _lql -l =lfil o = at) Jl<ltrl z_l zl .. >lo UJ uJ uJzoF uJo- zItr o I l;,;l z :<(E a- IE ! :),o -l.,:).J (Y) N Or tu Eg,oo1zo Fo-uJYl!o oF E CElrJo- IIo o.oo I UJFoz t llt ll EE2zE<c60EeB9Eka9.EE =>=ut:-E FEE =*E 659 5tuE F9t q- €; uto F 1 I I rm\zrE ,= ltt 6 zoPzeoo =z=rfdP =E? =sg F =E, UJo-z9F()f E, azo() !n! eI o o +,.c| o (UL Lo! LIoo od u, o d. ii =z o-r |l F llI lzll'lt(ultLltolJ-l cl lrll t+l+l f\lI '-.lqlcDl Egt8c1aa4A (JoU'an !(l, +,IU EL oLLro = =tr -ll '-l Iot IEI'rFt I5t Icol cil €l:l ?3 tl,rl ,l "-l qLt ctt|10,l Ifil .iltzl;l sl!l trl sl 3 t9|i3lat olEFI olzl cilurlccl il>l I.|-|ol =J o{FI I I I I rl dlIJJI JI<l>lrtlol el i E -rO<FCQIJJ <zf'u 3'"() z -t-ot! oEh =+Eo2IDE rl I Illll.,rg tk,< rol"lt' , l' , I ,ll :rl I,l- I r< l- | </t.rtr zr* l=tv lr1r(5Atz lrrro lzri ,z o:!t) pgEF;E c o o9!.9o 3 3_e F g E:€ B Sp.i =e..s: o.u 3 e ii sE;!9: r 3 = fi '::3c 9 6 EP t F'=.S o".= - c o d-) : o-N o =trc.^tr*P I c Ejc"3i': e'ef 5 )i- c o; =--='f--C (5: O*!.o* o-9! - O- L'-?==^A X(/)."OOiIc F Ho --FY6o,> -! o.= E F E:=-.€q; 6, Ol =.9 P :,$:; cg 3;o--5 o >.=Do (!; - oc-=->xEie9i'n X o-'-;i "E o-.d^6s5-0)7 ar 5h ;6 e.qi: xt > --E6g NOlrvnrvA ra =Zzu- F o- 9= =l>Y-r90[(,(Jcrzt-()oo!1(JzX !L<oq du;.i >\J= iNO =t -.J l -l -l:l .. >lot!o UJ uJzaF (rul ?z Eoo oz E =UJ.L \\-j Yl, >.r- bo{- $ s\ g q-l s \, =(r uJo- :!{EZE< o9)62B9scc 5gE :rE f;=C' dEE =*E d69 \ u.rE ^o_t x>P EFo-tt; uJ @ F uJ =a(Do1z t-(LlljY r.lJ t- t- t uJ ILo tljFoz z,-ozzmo>z o-I! .J..i5 ==i- lll v cod> I ulF o FI =lEllrl I o-zIF() :) G1.F',o.'z'oo ntrI 6 t z J tL TJJ =z I I t_l. I I fl]cl ol<l I<l =l o @ d.oo = = ol-l olr!l 1l <l>lr!lolzl3lolFI I I 9l.tolurl 1l <l>lr!lolzl3l 9'lrl '.1o HI rl<l>I tLlol zl 3lpl ol uJlEl Jl al>l blzl3lolFI I I I I I I "l=lolr!l 5l al>lrlolzt ,.t3t lol r!FI F <F uJ<-zE 'Lu F1az. <oOF -"+ {r .AE;i. =z E zf- =#]-zuol E F() (! Fz O 2r LU I \JZ o nt]c I II I)l'l oz b =G, UJo- YI\stl N v $A y :t o \ $ .\\',1]\N.t \.'.r \ J tI a UJ UJ tEEl! h 1t; iH$ ffi tlrllr;il iNrll1lr a6iT oz )5 E 3 ? : € l| $to ? $ Eutz =o utIFoz ILJlll 07 =(rolI- FO EFzo() lro o al,()oc' aoclo o o o€ (g oEoooc E :J EI E o =l d{t o o.o6 3 .g 0) c.9oq,o o'ro T'.ofo o o) '= oN -oc3 t-- o o!c Po c () al, .2E o -o o .tt (! o3o E6s'=lD(,) -LDE3E cltano;9.EXY E.: ;Ff,Coxo'.fis c"13 =tFj'5 =cY'" e5;_; >. B Ea =:E$oocto.e'; I F5 c.=- (Eo-o o-*EE{/,eo-E9o--(!cE6:EE b ol t? EFE;o '-C,(o 0'--c; o- * -c.arO-eFsE3;5()>.o(!; .Y=E3ii8Bte9EqrOEEr-oo) 1'0r\:V N u hN N *N o 0 \s rj U a q i' 0 0 0 hN b 1 $ "6 Nv \ ry \\ \ F =LU J x LIJ z J F rll UJ z :E3 J z (J uJ = uluJ z tr E uJ 4 BuJ;UJ z 6uJo F. o u,|f, o- z lu o X UJo an UJurrLt: = TU J F F- z. ! J sl uJ l1l (,z G J 2 ulE NOtrvn'lvA E9\3tzoEiir( il$ai N U {L\rE19"\r(n9;S_.e zzootr-ag5 990taOz>-O(Jozr!<Y5rxiE.ioi I { $ il\lt I zo F a 4u-t c u.to- F b N 'N z E t tr E lrJF) 3!lz lltltl zfz9oF TJJ<oo<o* =Px(l.Uci<z at> ts2,. Azat' ito3tr I I I I III l*'lIt(r lsItr UJ J E ltt ulzx9IF r! z tr 5az I I t- el :iq.l 3 ( \ F:)o F <l;-| =l zl .. >l llJ u.lulz(o = ul J 2Itr o l- F\ E UJo zF d} ozY )a + F ri& -\ nN tO 0 ,4 gur iFl-tzo [!tr o.? zo FlLluYt!(D oFt UJILlto Lo-o I F-E E,tr.lo-zIF(Jf E,F"a2o(J z z& zz CL LL )1*1r'lY4:1 z,,= a dd; nnn tr gJ o-]Lour(Jz oIoF It(L JFul;h= (L lu>LOu-9oqUa(L:>UFJ)lt u,gl oF crl, E o 0) .2itt E Eou o $i\il | ,N il\ di|\ ^sl 9l I \\ -) F E Fz cts F. Fz c.) J (J l-o <F- u/ .{ztYUJ I'."J t-.ri rl I L)0,':'1' i4/t ,t,ru ,t'. () c, ,/"n|S6tez'S ?-tt tf'tttV. t*) ,rlfct'/'pr'c'.+\ (B"'t'nitt't) f; ..j r s *|'t"cr*' ( ,/,'u e 7-i til a ll - /-)t'= i?'nc4t'a' s7+tr ''95',", '''n"' ,fot t!,'^ie PrTo|o A // iSSrttt,oti crs f /"' , itiL't i '4/t l' n, r .rt J" *'-t/, <ic / .z L\rv ,, . )- L, i', -d/l I y 1-tn(pcJ. t) c- -J:.- z:r ,.'<, /r /-/t:/c//'/ /: rl ,rt ', 7 tl,' 5, c{ f trj (1.' C. R/,t, 5'a/;"( {/o s. s ,4 t/ tu)i r ;r,, 'T e, l,' -/ t;>4Fttlcl (9r'yt-(P 5 "4) .5 ( ( s,4 ,, 7j 4 s /-,'n ,' '? ' / r / lirr,',,,.tL"/r)"" f I / r4 n/"/3. .r7, SS.-:.+.J )*/ .{/r'17r,n en 7 frrl* ,'t,r B/"' /"f l7{ I:.rrst (ioru ('rccl< I)rlrc \itll. (irlonrrkr81657 /o,', ,(,; fott (1no mt ,4.trQ :to3-476-50{l'lt'lcx4i-o376 Ey're,vrf EH l r'c-'i 4.w ..( A....., r .- e- z /':.dr.,.n/ y'on. Ji"o^ ,u )'/ I ,, /n.s * o fi, i 7 ..rn ty' <- e .4. J, -l- -t1' "--- ?t tZ4 - c)'A (rrr,r,,/ i() ,r4,'o&l'/';n' 1,r{,'ts /r-;: s'c J"'s ,fror', J4s/r/. ,/ l. r ", ^,,u, ,// . o - ;'t'i , -/-'s ? /- .-y /a {s z a./ c. z i,,.2 /}s, ,, gt/ct;auS z/-of .l .t c'( z) ,' ,+t 7 s 'n/ 4 n^rJ CHEMCOR, INC. 4101 Lindberg Addison, Texas 75001 (2r4)392-33OO hotec Special gy Coatings 1244 106 Road Carbcndale, Colorado 81623 AtEn: ltr. Al liouart ftTr October 11, 1983 /-..'Re: TreaErent o{7The Lodge at Vail)with FireSafe AD-108 Dear l',tr. IlouarE: Frue- Iharik you for advising us of the treatm€nt of the establisluranE, The Iodge at Vail, with otr fire retardant chanical, FireSafe AD-108. lJtren appl-ied in accordance with the specified applicator instnrctions by a cerEified arpplicator, tectrrical data indicaLes ttrat the treatrEnt will provide fire retardancy for an indefinite period of tine for interior applications. As is or.r policy, stpuld any prcblsns arise in the firtr-nre with the fire retardancy of thefrea@rt, Chsrcor will gladly replace the chqrical necessary Eo reEreat the lo@e at Vail problo areas. Ibvrever, past erperience indicates that there is rnthirg to \^Drry about since r'e have never had any retreaftrents necessaq/ on any past jobs. fhmks ggain for a job well dcne with the applications of FireSafe AD-108 and tte srper fuage )rcur ccrryany portrays for the rnarketingof the gh@iinal . If r,e can be of any senrice or help with yor.r area, please let us lcroru. AES:ols Director of },Iarketing October 27, 1983 The Lodge at vail L74 E. Gore Creek Drivi Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Fire Retardant Treatment of the Lodge at VaiL Dear Mr. Duncan: Thank you for giving us the opportunity to apply Firesafe AD 108 to your property. I would like to confirm that we have applieal AD 108 in accordance wlth the manufacturer's specifLcations to the Lnterior and exterior bathroom partitions in 26 units; Specifically; 102 201 104 r05 30r 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 312 314 416 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 2L4 Based upon the manufacturer I s technical data for interior appllcations the treatment will providle fire retardancy for an indefinite perlod of time. Thanks again for the opportunlty to aerve you and I hope tre can be of service in the future. Respectfully, \g_=\A-F A. Houart Protec Specialty Coatlnga 1244 IO6 Road Carbondale, Colorado 81623 AH:gc 7'" 4hn IN * SPECTIONTOWN OF- 1s-ct 6 REQUEST VAIL fr h t,V /,, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED , rnunj FRI 'r _-,,/ <1 /2, ?r 9 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR JOB NAME MON I \"7L Itf..-. - , tlrut r - ,:-rf I . fF 4. | ,tt.;,lr.l-4. | 'PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|Lt-t DATE ,t,l- 7cr -'P |--, o-l - CALLER . TUES r'WEg.,i THUR FRI - i\ t-,,=> a,.. , t1-a 'a?. -j* READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL Tl n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH o o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR -4 a r(t'et tr FINAL OVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED t',' ."i COBRECTIONS: 7 .- 4lrr.'7 ,.,,t,i Z'INSPECTOR INSPECTION, r,,/,., / TOWN OF -) ,: . ...-it r i' / (- r'. ,' /t-(-t- REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON ,/ ,. ruES ,-!*) -"rt CALLER FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR (.. / -* y\APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l,,i:d '"'I . /,.;i ' t .,. ,t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION:f . \ ,:,: ta.' , WED ,-y'/ ,: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES .,^.' 7"'z-'"-'l\AM (-.lY.tfi{LiD FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI R FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL '+'/r, A ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB (sneernocK NAIL 1. rct ' .t,. ! /, ' + g tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr tr tr tr ECHANIGAL: HEATING tr tr D ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ,^K D FINAL APPROVED ' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tg06 JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON . {rrl\' /r-'/ - ,'7' 5 | ( 2 INSPECTION REQUEST 1-.'--'J.7 L.)^:t * y'..- ( (?c,->- -<-- II J o-- <- -.- -l . DATE CALLER i ruii'-'t WED THUR M.' PMREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI (- i' TOWN OF VAIL | ^ ?it',/ {,'(-,?.t:.: .:- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr D n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERfu-*-" -,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB LfsHeernocK NArL\ t"l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n 2 /., tr SUPPLY AIR n trFl ,y(tr FINAL 'ft'pggyE tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= //'.'- z-ts (3; rNSpEcroR. DATE / ''/> rlr ) INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: ]NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL l' THUR /) PMAM q / / .1. BUILDING:PLUMBING: o FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING ROOF & SHEEH GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL LECTRICAL:MECHANICAL:EI tr 6 tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL ,yz/aeeaoveo' bonnecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .- ( DATE INSPECTOR * /:-o Lt JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON TNSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES wED rHUR @ ----{o') "t-) ,. ( BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING /oZ ) /a(.//, ,/o6 D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB' {sneernocK NAIL zalt?o?7 z c)5i zoTr 2(,7 FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .r..\ ') ,/ -.',oArE /L/*/'' l ?< rNsPEcroR,,- tINSPECTION REQUEST/../ t9ryI oF vArL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .,:- WSg) THUR FRI nrrr --lt" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING Ir ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB {sHeernocK NAIL 7d 2, 7u4i ?c;/-,2:;t g trtr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE /{)* 4-f=7 rNSPEcroR I t{0et.".. INSPECTION REOUEST DATE r,' lt t lr",JOB NAME MONINSPECTION:ruEs l-\,y*\- ' ;J.j; FRr /)gfu:- o" PM ...,,1_. Il,z -,jr>.-- -J,V -,{lc_ READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o rrurAl tr FINAL tr UNDERGROUND /^ouor/ D.w.v. X. noucs / wArER tr GAS PIPING PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR * iruspecnoN 1 s -tt L REQUEST VAIL (- TOWN OF r I Vc. ,-./DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON tues JG-ri)THUR FRI PMAM ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI O FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W.V.ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SH'PLYWOOD EER tr GAS PIPINGNAILIN tr INSUTATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS E] tr tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o FINAL O FINAL {neenovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ./ a /a t.2,-.,narc /1, - /1 - zf .j tNSpEcroR 15"o( irusBebTtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAILlo/t0ls: DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGr'l "--'" PLYWOOD NAILING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc /,f i/ i:8' rNSPEcroR j --!F- /5-0b REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES Vfuu, .ffi JOB NAME MON '/O'l CALLER rNs TION TOWN OF Q,T FRI AM .I PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,,-.* irrrspeCrloN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL rDATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CATLER TUES I ,..,. WED THUR FBI 'READY FOR LOCATION: nu) PM ,t- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS B FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr u rl t.' FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR 11n tr FINAL tr FINAL B'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I DATE INSPECTOR :' ,-tffffi,g5, gfiouEsr DATE cr/'//4/,, z, / | ^..2'JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 1/l4t':l .. CALLERz--.-r*.MoN ( TUES,l\-. ,(../zo'L , /O 7 t /A6 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: TUNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL (r"-.) <.t / la-. tr FINAL FINAL ELE tr1 trF tr( tr- GTRlCAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR , rnu/t tr FINAL 'lffips6v=o tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: tNSPECTOR i- -t- iruspecTtoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE , JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr 1l FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL r- tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ' ':, ..INSPECTOR /o/.rt.'' 't \ - REOUEST VAIL) JOB NAME tiruspecTtoN, 'TOWN OF DATE | (-+,.1CALLER MON i,TUES I,. WED,'.. -THUR FRI AM . ppr-j\-_-;INSPECTION: "'1?/ READY FOR LOCATION: l_- .. :'):'k"';)il"i BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL / neeaoveo . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR oz E =E UJA oo OOo l.ctcr) oqoo(\l <\l oqoolo r-l U' LlJ UJlrb =e.uJG .y1/"L,El/bgT8 hhLh9 HXI)lEl .Hl =lEl El' lF!IE el3 El=qrl J, =laOl.rtllozl=zl7' (|)tgP(U 1.6 l>t-lrlt.,l8! lE 1.6O l.d lo,bL l-ot(U tol> lU|vlo l.d(UlE loOl(lJ |t, ;E I,g t.cl t(,trl Ito tootP tcl-) | lrtP t-Lto to 9l= E +lP(]I FZ(Uloll(UPtc t(uoFF l=gl.= I, 'IEF(l,lre Iolc lcl.u l.Eot-ElE r!Jluo EoFo Fz =3 \d b\\E\o Dc6 oBso o) ! f @ E €cl Y(\v\gf, CI6- =<gd O, sJ \_) .9ooD sioooo gEE ;:;9F->=:9(!605o 5 r.= EE; 885-ooo#F -=Ecl! o-- Ere;E-or He€6(!6nCO F3 H aEgti'==dg6-cP;o(a o? -Q EE5 3 3pta: FFe EE;o.o - 5$i o 6o1' 6 ioo o(, .9Itq, .= qo o6 oo o o, .9 (E E .g o.c (! 6.c o (E gt ! G (itq -9cto 6 Joo6 (q 0) o Eoo Eo cr o 6 E o ; ; o Eo o 6 .9 o. G' .9 l'o E o (5 (B oo) -9 'c!()a! .o oG ll rJl N rOt\ oFl oo @<r ooo(\J I I I cc cc I ro GT F-a O)st F =EuJ ozo =@ x llJ- z Jo. J F() UJ uJ ozo -t J z gJ = !r,lUJl!z tr !u uJ oG (o 3g UJEz -t IJJo tf, o-llJ o. z uJJo x F utol auJ UJu- E =t[!o- J Fo (Jz6! J F() u,lJur oz co- JIz-() IJJT NOrM'VA ,-..,€ |gJ: * I-rolEtr,Sl =@orl_"oJ Fr F - F5EiE =h(/.)(JEx2>p? h Eg #iN(, z9 t t! c oe,(, u.l F ooooo ro(t@ E o- UJ CE J z E z F UJFJ a =!uz atrz z tr o o ln 2 z =JuJ3o o UJ qJ oz II I I Ez F tr uJl)J UJzY iF 2 tr Jlg)z oJJ =F ul o o3 I I ]- + I l"el Z ol? FJ(nl @ tI F-l zl zl .. >l UJ UJ UJzoF =EuJo- J zI =zYIE il; t;,; I = ,tr .,c ..i -tr)':) a "J fl 1 u,F o IJJF u,oo1zo Fo.lljY uJ @oFF c IJJo. l.l.o coo I uJFoz z,r9zF<oo =z=)=d8 't ts =E. lrJo-zoF C)f OE 6zo(J F ut lroEqE<ol€8B9!iri9 =E9'tt- =ut:-E FE: >o.iOu-E 909 \tnE XO-E ;T6.uioi!tr ulooF utr! ifi =H== L! I'idd= rmvrr= !, \ 6 .t5 +t ao (l, EoJ iri =z o-) toc)r-l LO I(oI\sf. o- o(J (o = !o (ULo(, ul slt\ uJE = rJ)o(7) I(ot\ (-) to 6 t=l lElIrlt(6ltrt0)l'Flsl..q |,lt4 E:lr{ olq'F IslJl+{lllolGl olol -lelgq-{ uld9gqH Et 3 .l ?ol Hl Ptt o(J !o)E-- =g I I-l=flol-l ol 1l fllqlil sl IUol fl (.' !+t(J c, |J.I 0atoG =tr I I J :lilol 3olFI I el EIJJ<litol pl I FC)tu =I t E-rO<FdouJ<zt I.IJ Fo6 o toF() z E9P =#>Fd5 C) F(.) tFz z T I.IJ -r.u+(ro2tr!! c]ta +\ rco(, oo Eo 4l !, N q 3oF o).sEo()()(5 (l) fo p fo o ar; 3 :go.:crU,irtoc(Jo '-o\J(Joc.= (!JC O'Y .!c,.;6Or3F'5=ocl o-.cs:'; >, E9!-EooEo'-oq)!E€-=96aox 9rrcrc ?rc-.96_6cEast r- .;o --c0r'i.c.3'o>(Ia Cg(g:oU '!' O 6.oEgOOI()$ E1) o .l)= o 'Gl ,a aq 3 c) Cl or o) 3ocJo(g o Q) C' v t 3 ! { ss sg I IJ l"3g| 447 l:()*l=ur; \d d; Nlt:ln = LU -l|-o EO =zE< _q3qr-a9 EEi \- =uJ-ts !:. =R 50.' o- "u, of-- x*cv\',e' ,.i uji:;<o'r .:i>n:r:F d) --; IJ; u,cloF i i.Ll f 7 :) </)2 .\\ : :\ N t -\lO\X I or -<- | ---\ e Io\\ (g \lE\Ix.t\E\\u \lor 1C Oql 95o E o l lc s cr(o '.g 0, ? -l I U' UJtlltl tr o(UJ t n N oz F UJ : 4. Fat ;o 4z U) LU LLIu- ==x UJ J F F )< F tuv) z(,9zzcoo =zf,:fJOaL l.Litttr ulz3o UJ F z z3 4l .l (, HI;IH :t>to (l--l--iul =17Elel*(JlulluJqJlt!l__Jal oto Plxl ., 1 li;t;r :t9te !i?l 5lEl3;ldl-ldl3NcrIYn lVA zl .. >l !.uoujulzatr El!o- zItr z F 1 o o- uJ F zz lo-9xtzF9 66oz>-oo.Jzu-< \J=Hd>P j$i I I I I cl-l !Jl 5l <l>l(r.Iol{l ri>tJol u,FI F t'ltlIItlllIrlt:l lEltiltil t9la3lgq(!'lH tltltl ll!ll;ll:lloli rr.rltlt.l all>llult9l o:l ol;.l 1-l I I llllTI E dlz.l oluJlEI -.rl<lil 9lil9l IJ ,rt -$N a J (1 a,1, ru = u-o8,6 LIJTEFFO7! C oF t--z !2z _r ul zt- :<-:E aO(J <o(JF l:< trl- o c <Fr()tr<zctUJF o F(J tr,.ltrT() .( LUF o uJFg,oo-tzo F(L UJ'Y lrJdl oF'F .cr lr.J(L .ll-o oo C) I uJt- z z z?coo \ =z (L IL J."i5 =F'=dd= F rlJ t! :!!E>E<olo9)Eagecc 5gtr :rF =ul:-5 b=o t' iii:=o- E 669 5trE Xdr x>F=Fct 'io-.;!tr- uJro F --- E =Elrlo-zoFo E,F(nzoO trTtr luJ lo I I I I I I t._, r(J IE tvto,zt6 oi 6.!1,'=O.r;<O g8E; S E.e *3!*pPs:E=PF3 € qE E:&s6sEI :EFIETi;FC E:EE,;;*-:.6 3g E P: E ;€ tEs'Ee;i6EideEaia=i ^1,$:o-E.(/)iaq=5*E+-s:(/,'"oo6o F !'l oi Fi E E idEg=-a€E; !=ootr S€rEE: g:E; o 6;; q)c-=->i:Feg;g;E atXi'.reEgg; -o(dSE >E =cE}(\r x =Zz!- tr ^ 6 z.I5 >eE P " E.tt o G,z>-oo.)g''.(JzX*r!<oq +P;iE.i6 s.FOn -N(t' zl .. >lo UJ luluzaF u,J .J z Eoi F uJ L!FLtL<-og F =t IJJG ,(\n cn .\.- ..- $ \ -rl k5 sTq- '6 a r Ir! I * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Itr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / * INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL fI FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE L INSPECTOR t. * INSPECTIONTOWN OF11 /i ) (, ./, REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR bl.:,i'.i -9 BUILDING: tr FOOfINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED IZ RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED_-------'---/ \ DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION: MON ; jt;,1 llu;4/f, t PE wED ( -rFra6-l) rnr ?,:;c INS t-. CTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL CALLER TUES AM f!,! _ _ oor= ,l,i-'2-/t2 JoBNAME 'J1f'(.,'':{- 4' r+tt- READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING {cns PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n K prruar N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: {Henrrr.rc O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n a e{tt .(r'ro./4Fc HnN /('4 /t4 i] DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIREDPROVED COBBECTIONS: ///DATE //' . |NSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI t:i , /r'l,.- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATEBD FRAMING D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHAN]CAL: tr tr D tr D HEATING tr tr tr o ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL pAeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE ..:- ' /'<, - /V \lrNSPEcroR "\ DATE ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL .JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr tr o tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr 'tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE r - / JOBNAME rr.rstcnoN REQUEsTTOWN OF VAIL I ,"i , READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI ._ AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E' tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E ,,.' E tr EINAL tr FINAL ,,,,P APPROVED ,/k!,,, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED |l. Ddr.rt/lail DATE a I 75 south lronlage road Yall, coloiedo 81657 (303) {76-7000 \qt' oltlce of communlty devclopmt September 9, 1983 The Lodge at Vail 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vai'1, Colorado, 81657 Attention: Jay Peterson Dear Mr. Peterson, 0n September 7, 1983, the expansions as submitted. and public works approval Si ncerel y , Oesign Review Board approved the Lodge Restaurant A detai'led materials 'list wi]l have to be submitted obtained before a building permit will be issued. Design Review Board Town of VailVail, Colorado,81657 JS/rme I IProject Application Project Name: Proiect Description: contact person and en""" [4) frI-€ /LSc 4 Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:H v,<lt ) .'., seconded vrlt /4-JEt-4 t - t/N,41--6:.'-/DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval \, a Prolect Applicatign a.August 19, 1983Date LoCge a t r./al1 Name:Proiect Proiect Contact Expaneton of res taulantDescription: Person and !ete r B on d r,: _ rl a)',t j Phone The Lodge Prol,:rcle$, Tnc.Owner, Address and Phone: 174 i.. Core Creek Drlve, Vail, t;o S1657 Tel.er 1,n6. {,'c-1r)i1 Architect, Address and Phone:'lJarrer Plattrrer Assc;, iat:'s L-l:Qi-717 -6111 Legal Description:Lot Block Filing , Zone L- ll0nrrComments: Design Review Board Date Avu 3) Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: Ji,'q HR-E df t tu r-I'E P4*l x t- t p o<.1 a < t^/ AlcLt lN Pr-A Cat Town 3/aDate:e3 E Statt Approval LODGE AT VAIL ARCHITECTURAL,/LANDSCAPE CONS IDERATIONS Overhands - 2-L/2' to 3-L/2' Composition - Simple roof composition Stepped roofs - Roofs are stepped to meet existing wall surface Materials - Wood shakes are used on the wildflower restaruant. A painted white metal roof is used on the bay windows of the Cipriani restaurant. Construction - No roof surface is so large as to cause a snow slide problem 2. Facades Materials - Stucco is predominately used to match the existing structure. Window trim is metal window front. Color of stucco is white and the color of the window trim and panels is also to be painted 1. Roofs Form - Pitch - Color - Windows - Doors - Trim - 3. Balconies Shed roof connected to existing wall 4/L2 piteh Windows are human sized on the Wildfl-ower restaurant and bay windows are used on the ciPrlani restaurant. Windowed doors are used All white NA white. Transparency - The additions are predominately glass' which opens up the ground level. 'l'h c f'o I lr'uin1i lJort r:d llt'lrrrr: in f olrnlr t i r-rrt i:; a llj.ne I :tlrprov:r I l'(:(llt i r{.(l {. or :;t,tbr, i t t;r ) by t ltcr itllJr I crr ltc llivcn: l'Lp9ll'- _i!'' 1 r.' r' ir I icirnl 1() l.llc [,,. r I o r u"riI,, WO"tr?f s6rw wtrtt Roof Siding Othcr l'ial l Mat erial s Fasc i a Soffits lVindons Windovr T'rim Doors Door 'l'rirn Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinureys Trash Enc l osures Grecuhorts es 0uirer SfEU:Atrav Po"rt- . ulngun W-96ff8 rlA. B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS sfiago,lJu -SHAE\#WA TE - LXEI4IaTSEDII-AI TREES Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quanti ty Si ze