HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Restaurant Addition 1986b APPLICATION FO ',Date of Arglicationi lWA{Ab ^, .rrr' ^1,^,. i' -- - -, IRM FOR EXTERTOR ALTERAfTCNS u-,4,, o[*e-"u01 oR MODIFICATIONS lN COMMERCIAL CORE 1 (CCl) --"-: t.Thisprocedureisrequ-iredforalterationofanexistingbui|dingwhichaddsor removes any enclosed ftoor area or outdoor patio or rePlacement of an existing building shall Ue Jubjeil-tol*i"* by the Pianning and Environmental Commission' TheapplicationwillnotbeaccePted.un-tila|tinformationissubmitted.riA. NAMEOF.APPLICANT i' : :--{r ADDRESS.. '---- L*,---=---;:"_:- : PHONE I B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANTIS 500 Lionshead REPRESENTATIVE B|)OF 476-30s1 s h'Mall, Vail, Colorado- -81657 PHONE .|ro-JUJ | \ -- A4 \a\ AUTHORIZATION SIGNATURE_ ADDRESS K o ItI. PROJECT DESCRIPTION : This Proiect includes a 1'274 existing east lobby entrance. A. Restaurant Additon : It is ProPosed to extertd east ProPertY line. The OF PROPERTY OWNER >\ \\;c.*\ffi= D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS Lodqe at Vail 174 E. Gore Creek Drive. Vail' Colorado LEGAL DESCR E. FEE : Check for $l C' 00 enclosed ' F. IMPROVEMENT SURVEY: See attached improvement sirvey prepared by Johnson Kunkel E Assoc. dated 12l18/80, revised 111181 I G. LIST OF NAMES OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: SEE AttAChCd IiSt Of IO names. ll. SITE PLAN: See attached drawings (4 coPies) sq. ft. restaurant addition and modification of the the existing Salt concrete terrace Lick Dining Room 57 feet to the that is used for outdoor summer 'o .^? dining will remain. The space currently occupied by the Salt Lick Dining Room will be used for additional kitchen space and restrooms to serve the new dining room located in the new space farthest to the east. To reinforce the identity of the relocated Salt Lick Dining Room it will be renamed Harry's Bar and will have its own entry directly off the walkway from the south. B. East Lobby Entry Modification: The east lobby entry will be modified to include a revolving door located a few feet north of the existing door plus a conventional door for guests entering the Lodge with skis. The objective of this modification is to enhance the visibility of the east hotel entry from the Village Plaza. IV. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: A. Pedestrianization : The walkway from Gore Creek Drive to the Lodge at Vail east courtyard' will be elimiirated. Pedestrian traffic flow witl be redirected throughthe Village Plaza from the southeast. B. Vehicle Penetration ' \ The restaurant addition and the lobby entry modifications are completely removed from and have no impact upon vehicle traffic. IC. Streetscape Framework: Although the restaurant addition and lobby entry modification are not adjacent to any public way and are totally on private property, the walking experience from the Village Plaza into the east lobby entry will be improved by a better definition between restaurant and hotel lobby. D. Street Enclosure: Street enclosure considerations do not apply here because the proposed addition and modification do not occurr on any street. However, the extension of the south wall of the present building will help define the court yard and create an improved sense of place. E. Street Edge: Although street edge considerations do not apply, visual interest along the walkway from the Village Plaza will be improved by the addition of colored awnings over intricately detailed windows along the south wall of the addition. Night views into the lighted dining room will also provide added visual interest. I 'o F. Building Height: The restaurant addition is 16' 8r' high. This matches the existing building G. Views: There are no designated view corridors in the area' H. Service and Delivery: There will be no change in service and detivery patterns at the Lodge' t. Sun and Shade: The addition will cast late afternoon shadows on the Hong Kong cafe bar addition to the Lazier Arcade Building' V. ZONING: See attached zoning check. 'oo"Jb uo,. The United States Forest Service P,O. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Riva Ridge South Ownerts Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Riva Ridge North Owner's Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Sitzmark Lodge Robert Fritch 183 E. Gore Creek Dive Vail, Colorado 81 657 Gore Creek Plaza Building Jack Fritzlen 193 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Bell Tower Building Clark Willingham 1300 Bryan Towers Dallas, Texas 75201 Lazier Arcade Bob Lazier P.O. Box 1325 Vail, Coloradi 81658 One Vail Place Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 Lodge Apartment Ownerrs Association 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Lodge South 174 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 ZONINC CHECK The Lodge at Vail #8102 B Parts of Tracts A, B, e C, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing Zone: Commercial Core 1 Proposed 1,270 square feet of additional dining at salt Lick Restaurant. 18.24.090 Lot Area E Site Demensions Existing lot area 132,523 sq. ft. 18.24. 100 Setbacks None Required 18. 24. 120 Height Existing : 55r at main wing of The Lodge, 99' at the Lodge South. Proposed: 161 8rr to match 18. 24. 130 Density Control adjacent building wing. 808 of Lot Area 808 ( 132,523) = 106,018 allowed GRFA Existing : l5t ,632 sq. ft. CRFA in The Lodge at Vail and The Lodge South. 246,340 total square footage including garages and conditional and Permitted uses. Proposed : l, 270 sq - ft. addition to restaurant. 18.24.140 Reconstruction of Existing Uses N/A 18.24. 150 Coverage 808 (132,523J = 105,018 sq. ft. allowed coverage. Existing Coverage: 49,958 sq. ft. Proposed Coverage: 50,846 sq. ft. TncreaSe-f-T,2 7o-'-q . ft . l8.2ll. 170 Landscape s Site Development Sidewalk in tourtyard will be extended to serve entry to restaurant addition. 18.24.180 Parking 6 Loading Unchanged