HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 232a TOI{N OF VAII., 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT AIL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit. #: Bgg-0L27 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR Status...: ISSTEDLocation. ..: L74 Gore Creek Dr., IJodgeApplied. ..,05/20/1999Parcel- No..: 2L01,-082-2L-024 Issued...: 0S/24/L999Project No.: PRJ99-0148 E>cpires..: LL/20/L999 APPIJICANI COLORADO CRAFTSMBN Phone: 970-949-L645P. O- BOX 1_405, 23L! OLD TRAIL ROAD, AVON, CO 81_520 COIYfRACfOR COI-,ORADO CRAHISMBN Phone: 97O-949-LG4SP. O. BOX 1405, 23L1 OLD TRATTJ ROAD, AVON, CO 81620OWNER .]UDD ROGER D PO BOX ]-7, FAIRBI'RY NE 68352 DescripEion: Remodel/replace bath fixtures. Valuation:13, 500 Flreplrc. Infomation: Re6tsrictsed: y *of ca6 Applianccs: FEE gIt!'[ttARY TOViComm. Dev. Clean-up De Refund*" .o,,3ff,::H:il; 11"-"*ffi!';l?*i1il",, approved qrpe Occupancy: amQunt aaa sq@tg *of Ga6 Logs:*of wood/Pallet: Building-----> Plah Chcck- - - > IrrwestigEt'ion> Will C.Ll----> !20 -25 .o0 3 .00 .oo 50.oo .oo 100 .00 R.ateulrran! Plan Review-- > DRB Fee-------- RccrEation Fee----------> clean-up DaDo€it--- -----> TotaL Calculatred Faae- - - > Addttional Pc€s---------> .oo aotal Permif Fee--------> Pavitcngr-----'-- 454.25 4SA .25 TOTAL FEES----- 49a.2s BAlAl,lCE DlrE---- .00 """';;;..;;;;;.;;;;;.;;;;"'ii*i*i'l+'1**'l;;;:' ;;;;;";,;;";;"**'05/.2L/L999 KATIIY Action: NOTE Routed to iIRl05/24/1999 JRNI Action: AppR APPROVED iIRMIEeqri .954q0 PI{ANNING DEPARITI{ENT Depr,: PI_TANNING Division:O5/24/L999 JRI( Act,ion: AppR N/AITem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIVIENT DepT: FIRE Division:Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS Dept.: PIIB WORK Division: t*tl.t**********!r*************t* ***t*t***+*******tt**t*i**rr**i*ti*i**t******* See Page 2 of this Document. for any condiEions thaL may apply to this permiL. DECLAR]N,TIONS I harcblr eclstorladge Lh.ts r havc read thiB alrplLcacion, filI.d out' in full tllc inforEagl,on rcqui!.d, codpleted an accurlCc pl,oc PL.d. .nd statso Ehat .11 tho lntornatlon prorrid.d as !.quired is eorrect. I eEr.e Eo conpl.y eith the inforrnatlon .nd plot p1an, lo couttly sirh rll Town ordinatlces and Btsate lrrg, and t.o build thi€ Et,IlucCure accordlng to thc Torrn'r zoDing and subdivl,Eion codes, deBig||r rcviev approved, t niforn BuildinE Codr .rtd ocher ordinanccs of tshe Tosn rlrplicabl,€ REQT'ESIg FOR INSPECTIONS sRAIJI, BE MADE II'ENTY.AOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TBLEPHONB AT 4''9-2L38 OPFICE FRO}I g:o0 All g:00 Plt SGnd elrrn-UF D.Iro6it To: color.do Crefts$en OF OTINER ON HrtfgBLa ru|D onnER **********************************t********************************************* EONDTTIONSPermit #: 899-At27 as of 05/25/99 Status: TSSIIED*******:a*********************:t*****************i******************************** Permit f149e: ADD/AI-,T MF BUTIJD PERMTT Applied: OS/2O/L999Applicant: COLORADO CRAFTSMmT Issued: o5/24/L999970-949-L645 To E)qtire t LL/20/1999 ,Job Address:Locat,ion: 174 Gore Creek Dr., Lodge@vail #232,234Parcel No: 2101-O82-2L-024 Description: Remodel,/replace bauh f ixtsures . Cond:itions:1. FIELD INSPECfIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAILS,CETLTNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED!{ITII AN APPROI/ED FIRE MAIERIA],.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQU]R3D IN AIL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF TIIE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTIiIENT APPROVAI, IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}TY WORK CAN BE STARTED. gtatsunt lf|Ilbrr: REC-0524 -e[ourB: Pqd.nt llrthod: Clt Not.gion: 2239 {58.25 05/2Sl99 1,3:o4 Ini.t: if8t| Prrnic No: Ptrcel. No: 91ea -Addrrr6 r l,acation: Itrie P.ya6nt total F..E: aga.25 Total, AI;Ir P|lts: 899-0127 Typ€: A-llP .IDD/.[']T HF BUILD pER 2101-092 -21-02{ 174 E GORE CNEEK DR 1?l Gol.e crcck Dr., Lodgc€Vril *232,231 Salanc€: 45A.25 458.25 .oo r r, i i** i r r ** f r* r * it *.t Accoung Codr BP O0100003111100 DR 00100003112200 PF 00100003112300 TD D2-DEPO8 De6cription BUI'JDING PI IT PEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PIAII CHBcl( FEES CLEAIi'UP DBPOSTTS l[ounc 1S5. OO 50.00 t20.25 100. 00 3. OOfle 001000031r.2800 lflt! clll, rrrspEcrroN F88 PRBPTRBD 7f2O/99, 14!18r51 PROGTN{ TR{15Ulorn ot vall CUST-ID CS TOUER Nll'B TTPE CTIARGE DEPOSII DBPOSIT-IDJ .E.Di'USTTE[|I ATEER-RAFItrVDcoDE DESCRIPTIOI rx-DATE l^t-DATB AI'IOITNT AtlolINT lt{Oln{T ltiloltlfT DEPOSIT RAFI'ND RBPORT-I'PDATts PAGE 1 1502 Bee-o127 COIORADO CR.IFTS!,iAN D2D8P0B DEPO9If 5/26/19 7/20/99 100,00 100,00 100.00- mTII, FoR cUsloUBR TYPE: D2 G/IJ BATCH CREATED ! BITCH.O1g33 1999/0? USERID.JPoPECK AP HEI,D coI]NT-1. OO AMOI'NT- .00 100.00 100,00 100,00- ORAND TOTAI,: 10O.0O 1OO.OO 1OO.OO- DEPOSIE COI'tfT: 1 100.00 o DEVELOPMENT ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #:P99 -0048 APPLICAMT AST AND MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HE PhONC: 970-926-5862P.O. BOX 1303, O21O EDWARDS VILI,AGE BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81632 8]-6 COMTRACTOR AST AND MCFERRIN PT,I]MBING & IIE PhONE: 970-926-5862P-O- BOX 1303, 0210 EDWARDS VTLT,AGE Bri/D., EDWARDS, CO 81532 816 OWNER ,tt DD ROGER D PO BOX 17, FAIRBI'RY NE 68352 Description: Plumbj-ng for new bath fixtures Valuation:2, 500. 00 ,ti*t*rrrrrrrrrrrtr*rrr**r*r**,rr**rrlrirrrrrrtr pEE suuuaRy rrritrrr*rrrrr*t Pluobing-----> Plan check---> I'lv.6tigat.idr> vlill call- -- - > TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8t657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEIfT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PI.IJMBING PERMIT .JOb AddrCSS: 174 E GORE CRBEK DRLocat,ion.-.: L74 Gore Creek Dr.#232,-Parcel No.. : 2L0L-082-2r-024Project, No. : PRJ99-0148 status...: ISSIIED 23Applied . . :Y05 / 2O / ]-999Issued.. .: 05/2L/L999Expires. .: Lt/L7/L999 45 -00 11.25 .o0 f,.o0 -00 s9 ^25Re6turran! Plan RevieY-- > TOTAN PEES. -- -. Total Calculated F6G5- - -> Addltional Fees-- - -- -- - -> Total Pcluits F6G- - -- -- - -> Payrrenud- - -- --- ITE.M: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEMT DEPTI BUILDTNG DiViSiON:O5/21-/L999 KATIry AcEion: APPR ADproved per-KWItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -Depr: FIRE Division: BAIrAllcB DoE- ---.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknorl.dge Chat I have read thia appli.cation, filled out. in fulf the infor[ation required, cosp].eLed an accuratB plot p1an, and staC. that al,I the inforuation provided aa required is corracts. I agree to conply xith t'he infordation and plot plan, Eo cotrrl)l-y !.ith all Tovn orilinances and glats lavs, and to build lltiB Etructu-e accotdj,ng to bhe Town, s zoning and subdivision eodes, degigll1 rcviar rltproved, Uniform Building Code and otsh€r ordinancee of the Torn applicable REQttESTS BB TIADA TWEMTS-FOT'R HOURS TN ADVANCE BY 4? 9- 2a1a OFFICE FROM grOO Al'l 5:0O PM FOR HIMSEI,F AND OIINER -t m c oF vtIL, @tonxro StaEaEnt, SEae6lnc Nurbcr. REC-0524 fuounE. P.f/n.nc Uet'hod t CK lfotrtio'r: 2239 59.29 os/2s/99 tr.Os raiE: alRtl per.[lr No: P99-0o48 ll'!'e: B-PIMB PLU!{BI}IG pERl[XT P.rcol No! 2101-092-21-02{ sLtc .tddr.sr ! 17{ a GoRE (nEK m t ocation ! 174 @re Creek Dr.*232,234,LodE. o VaiI Totrl Fa.r : l1ri. PEyraot, 59,25 Tocrl AIiIJ PnCa ! .rrrrrrlt ttt t.l t a'li t t iltta liti*t*t r rirt rr !rrifr !a l *.?i *. *** i r t taatt ttt Account' Cod!D.sctiption Brlance : s9-2E 5r.25 .o0 Ar|ount 45. 00 11.25 3. OO PP 00100003111200 PLt I,BTNG pERMfT FEES PF 0010000311e300 PrJ.dN cnEcK FaEg flc 00roooo3l,12so0 tNrlirr cAIiIr tBapletroN plB TOTIIT OF VAII,75 S. FROItrAGE ROADVAIL,, CO 91557 970-479-2L38 Electrical- - - > DRB FCE Investigation> l{i11 call----> TOTAL AEES- - -> DEPARIII,IENT OF COlvlMUNIff NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEqTRIEAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALI TIMES Permit #: 899-0079 sLatus...: IssItED #232,Applied. . z@05 / 20 / L999rssued...: 05/2L/L999 E><pires - . 3 L1,/L? /L999 Phone z 970-468-2404 Phone z 970-468-2404 o DEVELOPMENT APPIJTEANT Job Address:tocation.. .: Parce1 No..:Project No.: g & S ELE TR.ICP. O. BOX 3925, DTLLON, CONTRAqTOR H & S ELEETRICP. O. BOX 3925, DrtJ.,oN,OWIIER JI]DD ROGER D PO BOX 17, FAIRBI'RY NE 174 E GORE CREEK DR174 Gore Creek Dr., 2101-082-2L-024 PRiI99 - 0r-48 co 80435 co 80435 683s2 Descript.ion: ElecLric for new bat,h fixtures Valuation:1, 000 . 00 50.o0 .o0 .00 3.O0 53 .00 53.OO .oo 53.OO total caleulated Fees- -- > AdiliEional F6cB--'- - -- -- > Total PeruiE Fee--------> Palment6- --- -- -- BAI,ANCE OUE.--- +***ttatttr*tt*t*tttt**t*tttit*tt*****a*i!r**ttt*ttt**ta*tt*****trtt*tJt***t*t*tt*****f*At** *t!}*{rrr* IT,C-M: -06000 ELECIRICAL DEPA,RTMENT DCDE: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/2L/L999 KATHY Action: APPR Approved per-KwrECM: O55OO FIRE DEPARITTIENT -DEPI: FIRB DiViSiON: CONDITION OF APPROVAII 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. tattittttiitatttt*J*ttirri*it.rt+t****t**tttt*rtirr*rratr*ita*a *rrrlar**1rt*t+ *+*+iarari*+ar*ttriJr*Jljr DECI,ARATIONS I hcroby ackhovledge lh.c I havc rcad thi. rpFl,ication, fillcd out in fuI1 rhc j.nforrn cion required, couBleced a! accurate plot pLan, and aLate that aLJ. Ehe infomation provj.dcd as requi.red iE correct. I agree Lo conply with thc informacion and pIoE plan, lo conply nlth alL Town ordlnanceF and alat€ 1aw6, and to bulld chis st.ructure according to the Torrn,s zonj.lrg and subdivigion codcar degigtr rewj.ew approved, Uniforn Building Code and other oldinances of the Town applicable thereEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPB(TIONS 3}IAI;I BE UADE TNEI TY-FOUR HOT]RS IN ADVA.IICE BY TEI,EPHOIIE AT AORAT OFPICE FRoM aloo Arl 5:Oo {)t-/l OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF A}ID OWTSER rrrrrrrrJr*rr.rtir.,lrirr.ri'!r!r'r'.-r.--".'l'rtr*r.r*,,r,,r?trrr Tolw of ItJ, cot oRADo sr,ar.eunc gtrtdnnc t{uub.r! REC-0524 lsorltrc ! P.ylents ll.thod ! CK lberel,on: 2239 53.00 osllsl99 13: 04 Inir | ,t?l{ P6r lt tto: Parcel l{o 3 31et! Addrc66 ! I|ocaEion: Thi. Ilalrucnt lotal Fe6€ I 53.00 Tocrl AL'J Pdta ! 899-00?9 Tt/pe: B-ELBC ELBeIRTCA! PEnI'rr 21O1-O82-21-O24 1?4 E GONB CREEK DR 174 Oore Cr€ek Dr., *232,234, Lodgralt il BaLance I s3. 00 s3.00 .00 Account Cod€ Dc6cripclon EP OO1OOOO31114OO II,BCIR,ICAI, PERfiIT ABES rfc 00100003112900 wuJ! eAI]L rNspEsrloN p8E Amoqnts 50. o0 3. O0 t rt, a *?iY-.-i>s'l Job Name: Bqft- oE-? CONTRACTOR INFORMATION o*o"".Nuo.", RoJr'r. T+o\A Address: Architect: Descriptim of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Alteration fi Additionat ( ) NumberofDweflngUnits: & | Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Other( ) Repat ( )Other ( Number of Accommodation Unir: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ /4OO.oo OTHER: MECI{ANICAL $ TOTAL J. Wood/Pollet g 5ooo9$@ --+ €4u.n - 104-rts" Bof 3?tc P,l\on fa tro{:5- pr,oo.* W "16g -?'c+OLl Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Date Received llAY Z 1, lggg rowN oF vAtL frusrnucnoN pERMrr apfaloN FoRM . INTORMATION MUST Bf, COMPLETE OR THf, APPLICATION WILL BE Rf,IECTTD Contac't the Eagle County Assessors Otfrce at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# Parcel # -YLtL*Lt| loueaaress: 17{ 6;arc. Crcs(D/. Vr,,[ ut,at*1/ Legal Descripion: BUILDING: t tOOOo"t- PLUMBTNG I_ *€r ?- Plumbing ( ) Electrical ( ) Mechanical ( ) Lot Block Filing Subdivision frl",r^rtr Cr.[kfrr,\Address: Po. t'\o Nt. lfo- T3 Phone# !!es@i@4E@r: Town of Vail Registration No. 3-E ioq_ 5.tso._ 9 ot{_:tSt Town g9,Ifail Regisnation No. Flumbiue Contracton AS Town of Vail Registration No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWT,I OFVATT Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparhnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plaruring Departrnent review of Health Departrnent review, and a revrew by the Building Departrnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and alt multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maxirnum requirements. Residential and small proJects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departrnents with regard to necessa:.y rwiew, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Evory attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible' I, the undersigned. understand the Plan Chcck procedure and time frame. I also understand tttat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future pennits that I apply for. Agre€d to bry: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was rurned irito the Cbmmunity Development Dept' tpu*uo" o* 5-24-199S 3:21PM FROM LODGEATVAIL EXEC OFF 197@,L-762I,361 sonstruction and remodeling preject planned for his condo located in The Lodge. Please issue the nee,essary permits to Ed Hedh from Colorado Craftsman. Thank you, P_1 ,/-t /-,t//l{ ,/ t,,/kq&rq /t////r',r/t( r / Wolfgang Triebnig I Ceneral Manager Date Received HAt z0 lqqq The Lodge at Vatf 174 Erst Got? Cretk Drive, Vail Colcado 81652 USA Telephone (9$ a76d)ll Facsimile (90) 4?67425 Intemet www.lod$atvail.com REPTTSla7/lbfng}9 66r€3 RE Activity: Addregs r Locat i on ! Farcal r Deseri pt ion r Appl icant r OrnercContraetor: oF UAIL, NSptcTN l.for{K /19 Type: DR CT]LORRDtr SHEETS FUTT *43e, e34 Occ: trhone: Phone: Fhone: PAEE 10 AREA: JRltl Bi9-61e7 7/t 16/ 1999 A-FIF $tatus: IS€|UED Lonstr:AlIF L'I+ E |jORE C 174 Gore Creek Dr.,elGl-sae-e1-sa4Rerodel/replace bath CTILORtrDU CRAFT$IIEN JUDD Rg6ER D CI'LORADU CRAFTSI{EN LodgeEVai 1 fi xt ure s. Usel III l-HR 97Er-949-t645 970-949-1645 Inspeetion Request Inforrat i on. . -., Requestor: trlfiRK ANDREI.,S Req Tirer 9B:SE Corrents: TJILLIters requested to be Inspeeted... OO54O BLDE-Finet !tr:- trRLL _ UNITS Aet ion Fhone: e3e &nts j 9C4-51,51 834 Tire Exp T{ lnspaetion History.. . ..Iter: WA?'?6 FIRE DEtrT. NOTIFItrATIUNItorr OOEIO driveway qrade finalItrr r OOOIO BLDG-Foot ings/SteelIterr OOO?0 BlD6-Foundation/5teelIterr OOS?O PLAN-ILtr Site PlanItar r OOO3CI BLDG-FrarinqIterr Olto4o * * Not On File * * f ter r- OOA50 BLD6-Insulat ionIterr 00060 BlDG-Sheetroek NailItetr OSOSO * * Not f.ln File * * Iterr go,070 BLDE-ftlise.Iterr OOgqG BLDE-FinaIIterr Sg53S BLDG-Terp. tr/LlItcrr 80531 FIRE-TEttltr. ClOIterr rn053e Frll-TEliltr. C/AItcr: @533 PLAN-TEII|P. CIUIterr GOS37 FLAN-FINAL C/OIterr m53A FIRE-FIltlOt- C/Ofterr OO539 PtI-FINAL C/OIterr m54O BLDG-Finar C/O E-a 7ar g/so REPTIsI g7 ltDgll9q9 OO:PI RE0UESTS TtlHN OF VFIIL,- rNgtrEcTN HORI{ CT]LORADO SHEETS F0R: 7/ 9/1999 pA6E 16 AREA: JRFI Activity: FXldress r Locst ion l Farce l r Descript ion r Appl icant : Owner:Contractorl tr99-gG4B 7/ gllg Type: E-pLl4B Status: ISSUED Constr: AfltrT T74 E 6URE CHEEK DR 174 6ore Creek Dr. *?3?t 234r Lodqe F e101-Eae-41-Qe4 Plurbing for new ASIT flND i'ICFERRIN JUDD ROEER D AST AND IICFE.RRIN bath fi xt ure s $JLUITIBING & HE rJLU]'IBING & HE Vai I Occ: Phone: 97O-925-586P Phone:Fhone: 970-9e6-56ge \^-o&.". z!e+ Cp-?'los u'" $1;11O. 1(**r$ U Inspeetion Request fnforrat i on. Request or l Phone: iO4-E151 834 - I.IILL CALL on Corrent s e3e & Act Tire Exp Re rentsr UNIT Inspected... Inrpcction Histary., ... Wdelg PLltlB-Und ergro und AOeeA trLlIB-Rough/D, tf. U. MEES FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH GO8SS PLltlB-Roughli.lat er o,6115/Sq Inspector: JRltlNotesr 5/B EYP RtrCK NEEDED OG?4G trLFlB-Gas Piping O0e5S PLltfB-PoollHot Tub ooe60 trLlrlB-Mise. 8Ae9S trLFlB-FinaI OO53A FIRE-FINAL TlO Iter:Itcr:Iter rIter: Iter lIter rIterrIter:Iter: Action: AtrCR BEHIND TUBS FOII AT'TJR T.IITH CORRECTIONS FIRE RATED T"IALL/IJNITS uEsted t PLlt[B-Final rur