HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 268/^#e O U,ei/O , PzH TOWN OF VA]L 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2r38 APPLTCA}IT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTN,IEMT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PeTmiT 899- 0263 .JOb AddrESS: 174 E @R3 CREEK DR SIALUS. . . : ISSITEDL,ocation.. .: I74 E Gore Creek Dr #268,App1ied. -.vt0/04/L999Parcel- No. . : 2r-01-082 -2L-038 Issued- -. z IO/07/L999Project No.: PRiI99-0289 E>q)ires..: 04/O4/2OOO COLORADO CRAFTSMEN Phone: 970-949-L645P. O. BOX 1405, 237.t OLD TRArr. ROAD, AVON, eO 81620 COLORADO CRAFTSMEN Phone: 97Q-949-L645P. O. BOX 1405, 23Lt OLD TRAIL ROAD, AVON, CO 81520 RIITING WAYNE M & GAYNOR M 852 WILLOBE WAY, GOLDEN CO BO4O]- R1 Multsi-FamilyIII 1-HRTySre IfI l-Hour Reatuarant Plan Reviser- - > DRB Fee--- ---- - Recrealion Fee-- - -----> CL€an-Up Deposit.-- ---' - -> i r ** + a * r l * rr r * r * r rJ r ** t 'l * * t* t * *of cas Loga: Total calculatred Fe€s- - - > Add Sq approved 6mount date FT: Building-----> Pla'r Chebk- -- > tnvcBtigatsion> will call- - -> . o0 .00 . oo 100 ,00 309.25 It,CM: O51OO BUILDTNG DEPARTMEI{T LP / 04 /19_29^^K4Tgy__ Action: APPR ApprovedIIEM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMETiITLO/04/1:999 KATITY Action: APPR N/AITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIVIEI\TL0/04/L999 KATIIY !,ction: APPR N/Aftem: 05500 puBLIc woRKsLO/04/L999 KATHY Action: APPR N/A 125.00 ,00 3.OO Addit.ional Fees--'----'-> .oo TgCal Permit Fee-- ----->309.2s Payments- - -- - -- 309 .25 B.AIANCE DUE---- llof vfood/Pallet I 309.25 .oo Description: TOV/Comm' Dev. Bath rimodel/fixtures & elecrrlal/no walI ."*o.r"f,lg€n-Up DefpSR Rgf Occupancy:Tlrpe Construction: Tlr[re Occupancy: Valuation:8, 000 FireplscG Infor8atiolr: Re6tricled: yes +Of cas ApplianceB; FEE SUI4UARY Dept: BUIL,DING Division:Der- KW- Dept : PI,ANNTNG Divis j-on: Deptr FIRE Diwision: Dept: PUB VIORK Division: *i***.**r*r**** See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditlons thaL may apply t,o t,his permit. I hereby acknoeledge EhaL I have read thid applicabion, filled out in fulL the information required, completed an aqcurate plot plan, and state tshab all bhe infonation provided as rcquired is correct, I agtee to corFly witsh the information and p1ots plan, to cobply *ith alL Torn ordilratlccs and staee ian6, and to buiLd this ELruccure according to the To!.rr'5 zoning and eubdivioion code6, desigm r€vj-ew approv.d, Unifor6 Building Code and othe! oldinancos of the Town applica.ble thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,IJ BE I.IADE TWENTY'!'OUR HOURS 1N AD1'A.!ICE BY TEI'EPHONE AT 479-21 AT OIJR OFFICE FROM a:0o AU 5:00 PM Refund g.nd Cl,o.n-UEr D.lro.its To: colorado craft.Een OR CONTR,AMOR FOR HIMSBIJF AND O!{NER ****************************************!t****************:l********************** cotlDrTroNsPermit #: 899-0263 as of t0/07/99 Status: ISSIIED***:r**:l************************************************************************* Permit Qpe: ADD/ALT MF BUIIJD PERMIT Applied: tO/04/L999Applicant: COTORADO CRAFTSMEN Issued: LO/07/t999970-949-t645 To E>cpire: O4/Oa/2OA0 ilob Address:Location: 174 E Gore Creek Dr #268, Lodge At VailParcel No: 2101-082-21-038 Description:Bath remodel/fi-xtures & electrial/no lrall removal Conditions:1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE EOMPTIAI$EE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI,I,S,CEIIINGS,AND FTOORS TO BE SEATED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL,3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALr, BEDROOMS AIID E\lERy STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 0F Tr{E 1997 UBC-4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI., IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CAI{ BE STARTED IF TIIERE 1S A FIRE AI,ARM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXIST- rNG IN TIIE AREA OF WORK. a DEVELO Phone: 97Q-925-81-31 PLUMBING FOR REMODEL Valuation:5, 600 . 00 r,EE SIJUMARY Pluubing- ----> Plan check---> rnvest,igat'ion>will Cal,l----> TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER corqrRAeroR APPLICAI{T Description: ..,... " -, ".nHT-3Yl; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; :" ". ". - "., -. ; : : " " - Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEP.A,RTMENT Dept.: BUILDING Division:L0/04/L999 KATITY Acrion: AppR eppRovED pER:ro.I I!gU; ,g5qg0 FrRE DEPARTIIIEMT Dept: FIRE Diwision:L0/04/1,999 KATtry Action: AppR N/A r*****t*******a CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPESITONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI,{PLTANCE - DECI,ARATIONS r h€reby acknowledEo chat r have read thls aFFLication, filIed out in fuLL the rnfonnatsion required., cordlrleted an accuraLe plotplan, and state bhat all the information provided as required iE correct- I agree Eo conply rdth the infontrarion and plot Flan,to codPly with aL1 tolrn ordinances and 6t.at6 1a!rs, and Eo build this struccure according to the Toen, s zoning a.rrd subdivisioncodes, desigll rewiev approwed, Uniforfil Building code and orher ordinarrcea of rhe fol'n appLicabl_e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TI{ENTY-FOUR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479- SIENATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR : ISSI]ED :A1,0 / Q4 /1,99e: to/04/t999: 04/0L/20o0 DEPARTMEI{IT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT .fob AddrESS: 174 E GORE CREEK DRLOCAEION...: 1,'14 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2101-082-21_-038Project No. : PRJ99-0289 RUTING WAYNE M & GAYNOR M852 WILLOBE WAY, GOr_,DEN CO 90401_ PEAK I PLI]MBING & HEATING LtC P.O-BOX 963, EDWARDS, CO 81632 PEAK I PLI]MBING & HEATING PMEIi T ,loBsIrE Permit, AT ALL TIMES #: P99-0L19 Status... S268,Applied..Issued. . .hq)ires. . 90.00 22.50 - 00 3.00 .00 115 - 50 115 -50 . o0 t 15.50 ResCuarant Plan Revielr- - >TataL CaLculated Fees- - - > Additlonal Fe.s- ------> total Pernit Fe6--------> Pa)rhcnEs-------- 115 .50 o DEVEIJO DR Status... DR #258,Applied..Issued. . . Elq)ires. . Phonez 970-468-2404 Phone: 9'lo-468-2404 1, 000. 00 : ISSUED zALO/04/L999: 1O/L2/L999: Oa/09/2ooo TOIIN OF VAIL75 S. FROIITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L39 APPTICAIilT CON:TRACTOR OWNER Electlica] -- - > DRB Pr. Inve et igat i'on > Wt1l CeIl--- - > TOEAIJ FEES-- - > DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMUNTTY NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 174 E GOBE CREEK IJOCAIiON. ..: L74 E GORE CREEKParcel No.. : 2LOL-082-21-038ProjecE No. : PRiI99-0289 PMENT ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 899-0185 HUGIIES & SCHNEIDER EI,EETRTEP. O. BOX 3926, DrtLON, CO I{UGHES & SCHNEIDER ELEETRICP. O. BOX 3926, DII_,LON, CO RUTING WAYNE M & GAYNOR M 852 WILTOBE WAY, GOI,DEN CO 80435 80435 80401 Descriptj-on: ELECTRIC FOR BATH REMODEL *r**+r**r*******r*rrrrttrii+rlrrrr*'rtt*ff*ir**r***:r*+*****r*r FEE stttirMARr Valuation: Aaditional Fcqa---------> .00 ***r*attt********ririr.rrr*rrttatttttt****r Tot-aL CalculaCed Peea--->53.OO50-o0 .o0 .00 3.O0 53.00 53 .00 . oo TotaL Pefilit Fee--------> PayEent,s- -- ---- BAIJAICCB DUB-- - - **+tr*ttttt*'iit*tt*!r*t*rrir.i*i+rait.rr*rlr**rrrrr*irirtl*****+* ***tt t*!r****r*rt rr ra*r*r**'rr*ata***t**r*r*i*r**,i!r*'rttJt Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTTT{ENI DepE: BUILDING Division:LO/04/L999 KATIIY AcI.ion: APPR APPROVED PER. IffiItem: .056Q0 FI4E DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FIRE Dj.vision:tO/04/L999 IaTI{Y Actsion: APPR N/A *rl rr*r*ra**rtrltt***t***rr*** r**r rrl*r**t****rrr***r ****a*:l****r****ar**r**J* ir**J**** ***?* *****r*rrlr*****i*a**r**ttir*rttrr**t***1t*t *t CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE R-EQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. *.' * **' " ',.t * ** * - -- -; " " " - -- '. ' - DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknowledge EhaE I have read this applicaLion, fi11ed ouE in fult the infohnabion xequired, eomplet.ed an accuracc ploc p1an, and €taee that aII che information provided as required iE correcL. I agree to colFly ltibh the infoqtation altd ploe Plan,to cottrply wlgh all Toin ordinances and state latrs, and tso build this etsructurc according l:o the Totn's zoning ald dubdiwision codes, design revl6tt approved, Unifolrll Building Code and ogher ordi.nanceB of the Totn applicabLe thereLo. REqUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS S}IAL! BE MADE T}IEITTY-FOOR HOURS I!' ADVANCB BV TEIJEPHONB AT 479.cE FRou eroo Al4 5:o0 Pll OF OWNER CONTRA(TOR BOR AND OwlTER o","' tol4 h7 pp$q. oztq TOWN OF VA|LINSTRUCflON pERMtT APICAION FORM INFOR]VTATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE R"EJECITI) Contac't theEagle Counfy Assessors Office at 970-328-6640 for parcel #par"eti ZWl- @82^zt 63g' Job Name:Job Address: BuildingfCF Plurnbing (B-Electrical (4 Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Owners Namei l( u c\ r'vr_\_-._J--7' lrtl 0enu.-.- 9o zot-orqq Architect: Permit# Bm' OZb3 Other ( ) Phone# Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Alterabon ( \f Addirional ( )Repair ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: (Number of Accommodation Units: VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ rooo*- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Other ( ) Wood/Pellet $ fooer.oa Number and Type of Fireplaces: Cx &pnnes------:{- Gas Logs BUILDING: $p ltloo PLIJMBING $ SLOO MECHAMCAL $ ,cFp6c"o"""t coot"r"to"' frlo A* G.Wrrrt-rr\ eaoress: PO Town of Vai.l Regisradon No. Electricel Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Pe q\l- Town of Vail Regisuation No.?:os-? Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registratron No. OTTIER: TOTAL Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phone # trUI04 1999 FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: LI71 +SS @Cn Cfr$ractca- cf *o,pe.u1 &-+irere o({-\y.1 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIYCE TIMN FRAME If.this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Depfitment review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will bc made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigncd, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date : into the Community Dwelopment Dept.Work Sheet was turne {S*""t"uor ro TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITI{ THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS AND COMMI,JNTTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKINC AND MATERIAI STORAGE CODE S2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYSPROIIIBITED A. Unlavr-ful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereol it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littere4 tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt. snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon imy streeL sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notiE/ and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof or who has in the Director's employrnent a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove suCh san4 gravel, rocks, mud, dlr! sno*', ice or any other debris or material wifiin twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other aulhorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley atthe expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions ofsubsection A hcreofshall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate arca of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telcphone line or any appurtenance tleretol 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsectron B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may bc issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa viotation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-l ofthis code- E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of thc Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof" upon being found guilty of a'r,iolation hercunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: Date: (i.e. contractor or owner) t@17-l m0vf LmGEATVAIL EXEC OFF 197AtL7@61 o October 7, 1999 Mr- Waync Ruting P,O. Box 149 D€nver CO E020 | Dear Mr. RutinS: Thc Board of Managers for l-odge Apartment Condornhium Association has receivcd your request to rcmodcl your batbicoms. Wc havc rcviewcd tre plalu, which include thc following itcrns: I . Dcmolition of enrire existing bathrooms-2. Rcplacemc|lt ofsll fixtures aad fauccs.3, New cabincry4. Ngw countgr tops and tile- Subject to the following condirions the Board of Manrgers hcrcby appmves ofrhe prcposed plans: l. An approved mndominium mnstrustioD document ig signed and rll conditions crr adhcted to,2, All requircd permits are obtainEd from the Town of Vail, We wish pu wcll in your cndcavor. Sincerely, \AIP Cfiarley Viola Dittctor of Owncr Serviccs P.2 Date Received The Lodge at Vaif 1711 East Gore Cru k Drivq V*il" C.olorado 81657, USA Telephme (970) 47G5011 Facsimih (970) M67415 Intcrnc! www.lodgedtvail.coth ocT 0 7 1999 REtrT131 I IL/le/1999 68:14 REAUESTS - INSF,ECTN t-,lORK SHEETS FOR:11/18/1999 1 AREf,: JRlrl s=:a!*lai!!Er'.loat=s=Er!=a!t====-::===== =Fg=====g=====ra!=ss=F= a==E===t==€=*=tEo=*=t=*=-=======* Activity: 899-tDE63 lLl te/19 Type: A-lvlF Status: ISSUED Constr: AMF T0t^tN 0F vAILr CULORADo Lodge fft Uail Occ: & el ectrial lno wall remaval F h on e : 97fi-949* 1645 Fhone: Phone r 97O-949-1645 PAG|E ET Use: III 1*HR f,ddreEe: 174 F 6ORE CREEH DRLocetionr 174 E Gore Creek Dr *368. trareel r E1O1-tZtBE-e1-838Descript ionr Bath remodel,/f ixtr-rresApplieantr GELORADO CRAFTSMEN Ownerr RUTING WAYNE M & GFYNER MContraetonr COLORADO CRAFTSMEN Inspection RequeatRegurstor: MARH Raq Tine:0€lO0Itens requested to E6O9A BLDE-Final Information.... ANDREt,IS Fhone: 9ttr4-5151 Conmants: UNIT 868be Inspect ed. . . Act i on Comment s Tine Exp Inspeetion History.,..,Itanr OOaA6 FIRE DEFT. NIITIFICflTIItenl O051O driveway grade finalItenr @OA1E BLD6-Foot ings/$teelItBNr OCIGe0 BLDG-Fourndat ion/SteelItcnr oo5ggt F,LffN-ILC Site F,Iarrtrtenr O0O3O BLDG-FraningItemr O@et5O BLDB*Insr.rlat ionIterr 0066S BLDG-Sheetnoek NailItGrr AOO70 BLD6*Mise.Itenr OO09A BLDG-FinaLItem: CIOS3S BLDG-Tenp, C/0Itenr OO531 FIRE-TEIYIF'. c/oIteml BA53e FN-TErYIF,. C/aIteor 60533 PLAN-TEMF, qll Itenr CIOS37 pLAN-FINAL glu Itour SOS3S FIRE-FINAL C/0 Itenr r CI0S39 FW*FINAL C/0 '!{' Itenr e054g BLDG-Final C/tr -I 1/ 1tsl 1999 p99-ra1l9 LL/le/19 Type: F-FILMF Status: ISSUED 174 E GI]RE CREEK DR 174 E 6ORE trREEK DR {+368r LODGE g e101-aBe-E 1-03A PLUMBINE FOR REFIT]DEL PEAK I PLUFIBING 8. I-IEATINB RUTINF I^JAYNE M & GAYNT]R fYI PEAK I PLUIYIBING & HEATING LLC Infornation,,. Donments: UNIT be Inspected.. Ttlt"IN 0F UAIL, trOL0RADO RENUESTS * INSF.ECTN hJtrRH GHEETS FOR: REFT131 L1/Lelt9qq E8r lS trA6E ee ffREA: JRltl Aetivityr AddreEE: Locrt i on l trarcel ! Deseri pt i on r Appl icant l Owner: Contraet or l I n rpect ion Request Raquertonr MARK Req Tloel OB:08It ens requested to ACIA90 FLFIB-Final VA IL Oce; trhone: F hone !Fhone: 97tD-936-$131 Fhone: 9O4-5151 Constr.: AAtrT Use l Exp Insprction Histony.....Itesr et0elS PLMB-UndergroundItenl €tOeEO trLMB-Rouqh./D. t^J. V. Itea r OOPSO FLf'tB-Rough/l,later' 1O/11/99 Inspector: CD Aet i on : AF FiR STREET F.RESSURE3 NEtl TUBS i^IITH Iten!'ItelrIterr Iten I NoteE: IN$F'ECTION INCLUDES COF.PER RUNS TO F,RESSURE BALANCED VALVES Eqe4O FLMB-GaE F,iping OOegA PLMB-trool/Hot Tr-tb 0A?60 PLMB"ltli se. 0Oe90 PLMB-Final '\,