HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 4053l cll --dooaA r\ { D loui"'"(ntrn.1cV tnT,t"?Pft:iil[:.".r l74l,ust ( irrrc (-rcsk I.trirct u -. ( r,torud(r glGiT i1 )tt-476_5t) | |-Ictcx -l.i{,il7.i + I- 4.) 0 J 0 0I ll d tT n 0 J I,g 7 I, J 0 d 0-0 JI 2i o 520,521,522 and 523 4Tll and STll Ft00n EXFIII{G 405,400,407, 515' EIflE ('..r--4 'F.'Ertr! rr9)r rt.? --€tl-9, tJ1-t \ di 1 ..- - -sT(IIIGE APANTilEI JIO'S: ,"f B. D. KnvBr.r CONTRAC?OR ANO BUILDER INC. '1 FEDERAL 8LVD. 9?22$TIO oEfiVER, COU)RADO 80219 June 5, 1985 Mr. Chris Vanderbars Lodge at Vai L 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vai L, Cotorado 81657 Dear Flr. Vanderbars: The fottoxing is a brief exptanation of our anticipatedrork involving two smatl room ai r conditioners in the Chorney condominium, fl405. Due to the size of the air conditioning units, re must enlarge the center sect ion of rindous. ]'le ui t I remove a[ [three sash sections, and instatt neu smatter venting sections on each side, thus enlarging the center section, enabl.ing usto instaLI our rindor type air conditioning units. The neu sash units rlil. l. be of the same type as the presentty existing(Andersons), onty they ri t.t be insuLated gl.az.ing. Enctosed is a spec sheet on the air condition.ing units. My eLectrician and your in-house engineer have deter.minedthat there is adequate eLectrica[ service in the condo at presentto accommodate the proposed units. Thank you very much for your assistance in this natter. Respectfut ty submitted, B.D. Kaven Contractor & Buitder Inc. Simple opplicotion . . . eoqf inslollcilion RAB21 CASE FOR ''J'' SERIES MODELS Th s smooth sided !1,a case is fabr calec ol ga van zed stee and i n shed with bakedefame loT maxtnrum corrosion resistance. Al welded areas are coated with a sealing compollnd to prevent rrrsl A polyrner gas ket means a tighl we.rther seai of chassis lo case Standard heavy gauge a um num gri le (RAG10A) is lactory assemb ed to the RAB2l lrra I case A pane. removable trom the room s de provrdes w{-'atf.er protect cn pr or to Instal at on of the chass s RAB2Iwall case dlmensions: 26" ,,r de. 15ta" high 161,s" deep NOTE: For tenant opt on rirslallat ons where more permanent weather protection is desirable wall cases wrth closure panels arc avai able on specrai ordcr (RAB20) _Make lrame f destredor caulk beir/eencase and sid in q flm Mould ng if dcsrred) l, lN S IOE CHOICE OF OUTDOOR G RIL LES Slandard heavy gauge alumrnum gr le s shipped w th RAB21 wal case lvhen an arch tectural loLrvred grl e s de sired, order RAGI IA separately. (Aval aDle only ior nstallatron with HAB2I and RAB2LT caslrs )rnilnIilIIIiTrffiilnrfiflfln WALL OPENINGS FOF RAA21 CASE A lrnrshed.pe.rrg or:)(; r" r lar,a" .rre.r.r 'rilrLlsrons s iequrrcd Kr.p c earance ol a lronr s drlw:ls Br ck reneer .i rr.rme wa s shDU d ha!e \!o, ( slldcr.9 sLrrr rr'arr q s --ev€ l. rrov de I .ni r' ( r, ),.E wnh sc'-ess a.se .:.. te !asler el il '.fl ' r:l .rick r' ! o.k wr l. r th i The3e clrarving! are ror plann n9 only. See nsl.l a lion iffitructlon 30 7630 lor complele delails.BRICK B LOCK AND BRICKVENEER CONSTR UCIION U ndercut brick3" on eachside of wallsover 11" lhick Caulki.g Dr p Ra I RAB3O CASE FOR "F'' SERIES MODELS RAB5O CASE FOR "D" MODEL Sides of these galvanlzed all-metal wall cases are louvered for high cooling capac-ity. Aluminum oJtdoor grilre is factory- assembled to wall case. Inside melal coverprovides weather seal prior to chassis installation. Delivered with strong center support which remains in place until chassis is in- stalled. RAB30 wall case dimensions: 26,, wide, 18" nigh,24" deep. RAB50 dimen- sions: 26" wide. 18" high, 297r', deep. Indoor g rille-shtpped wtth cnassts. 3 WALL OPENINGS FOR RAB3O ANO RA850 CASES, A t nisfred ooen ng 26 ." x 18 6' c ear oi Inlrusrons ls reqr red Keep clearance ol 4" lrom s de \,!al s Smooth-sded areaextends lor a depth ol llt;" on RAB30 and 141,:" on RAB50, trom roomside. Wall th cknesses ex ceeding the above measurements, must be chamlered to alow sde louvers to provide lJl a I f ow lo Lo de lcr srde of I'e chJs)is These dravyings are for planning only. See installalion inslruction 30-7512 lor complete details. Make lrame if desired r caulk betweencase and siding 26 B'r a..a Tr rn Mo! ILJ Ing {if desred) INSIDEOUTSIDE 'ilTi:i' I I -rl Caulkl Caulking-'--1 D rip R arl TYPICAL MOU NTING POSITION CHAMFERING REQUIREO FOR WALLSIN EXCESS OF ,1 1" IN WIDTH 26:t . ARICK BLOCK AND B AICKVENEER CONSTR UCTION 26lr F In rshed Open nq 32l;'Arick orlllock Open rng OUTSIDE FRAME CONSTR UCTION FLEXIBLEMOUNTING POSITION FRA It4E CON STR UCTION Low In-Wall Mounling Standard h€avy gaugo stampod aluminum axt€rior gdlles. with wall ca8e. Flush-Mounted lnslde Flush Mounled Oul8ide("J" Models Only) Boiary @mpressor- compaot-rellabl€. Wall csse- h€svy gauge, loul- sided galvaniz€d stoel clnstruction finished with bakod enamel. RAB 21 no slde Louvres: BAB 30 and 50, side louvred. Spine fin hoat t|ansf€r surfaoes. lhousands of liny aluminum spineg are bondgd to conllnuous lubing which naduGes lho pog3lbility ol refrigeranl l€aks by olimlnallng dozens cf brazed tubing conn€ctions. Roomside grillo. Handsome, strorg, high impact polystyrene grillo hag directional air flow adiustmont. Shipp€d wlth chassis. Sladcoul cha33|3. REPLACEMENT ADAPTOR KITS It's easy lo replace obsolete built-in units with General Electric 26" J models by using ihcse convenient adaptor kits. BAK56 to r€place ACLB or RCL chassis with new J series. Pub. No. 30-7520. RAK60 for rnodels RB32P. RB52P and RB72P. Pub. No. 30-7521. RAK68 to replace R475-RT chassis wilh naw J series. Pub. 1.1o.3G7523. RAK106 to replace ACTB chassis with new J series. Pub. No.34{133. RAKIAl-Adaptor kit tor installing flA821 case and "J" chassis into Fedders "A" builder sleeve. Pub. No. 3G769. RAK125-Adaptor kit for installing "J" chassis into \ /esunghouse wall case. Pub. No. 30-761&0. It none of the above kits fit your applicationt please contact your local General Electric dislributor or dealer. ln addition to the above adaptor kits, GE has a com-plete line of accessory kits to complement mosi installations. iitr Oiw 20 iIt- u*ttmtut?s'fl..3r?- WALL OUTLETS-AII wiring including installaiion ol receptacle must be made in accordance with local elec- trical codes and regulations. NOTE: Aluminum wiring may pose special problems- consult a qualified electrician. @ O ROOMSIDE VIEW-\ /al| receptacle |ocation, Roomside view of cabinet or opening in the wall. J models feature concealed power cord storage eliminating excessive cord expo$ure when receptacle is located close to unit. DELUXE 26-COOLING ONLY(1) SPECtFrCATrot{S '1" Models "F" Models 'D" Mod€l AJCO6AC tJct'618 AJCl}?M AJCMAA AJClOAB AJC09m AJC1000 AJC1 |)OG AJC1 lDA AFCI3DA AFCI2DA AFC r 50C CooliI{ CaDacily B]UH AHAM {3) Volta06 Rated holhg Amps AHAM Cooliru $fatts 6100 115 93 r060 b.8 5800 fi5 6.0 665 8.1 7300 115 890 8.2 8300 115 12.0 | 3,10 6.2 10200 It5 1 1.4 | 280 8.0 9400 230/2M 5.9/6.1 1285/1245 1.3/7.3 9600/9300 230/ztB 8.0/8.0 r 575,/1525 6.1 10200,/ 1 01 00 2N/m8 5.8/6.3 1340/131 5 7.6t17 1 1400/11 100 230/208 9.0/92 r8s/1830 6.0 12800/121UJ 230/28 8.8/8 8 1815/1755 7.1t7.3 12000/11900 230/2M 1.1/1.2 15,S,/1465 7.8/8.1 14700/14500 n0nM 10.5/11.0 2320/2260 6.3/6.4 Lifie Cord Plug Fecommended Clrcult Prol6ctlon (Time Delay) Fan Sp€ed S€lsctiofls Fan 0nly Position Air Flow ICFM) Soomside HilLo Air trcttange E$aust Wall Cese Mdel Requird thltumiditicalim (Pls/Hr) Appro mare Siipping lhiolrt 0bs) Parallel l5 Amts 2 res 210/110 Yes RA821 l-3 83 Parallel 15 Amps 2 Yes zffi/26 Yes R4821 1.3 88 Parallel l5 Anps 2 Y8S 240/zfi Yes R4321 2t 96 Paallel 15 Amps 2 Yes 260/2n Yes RAB2I 2.0 93 Parallel 15 AnDs 2 Yes 2W2n Yes R4821 3.1 Tandem l5 Amps 2 265/2h res RAB2l 2.8 96 Tandem 15 Amps 2 Yes 270/2n res RABzI 2.6 95 Tandem l5 Amps 2 I€S 280/2ffi Ye5 RAB21 2.7 s6 Tandem 15 Amps 2 Y95 270/230 Yes RAB2l 3.5 96 Tafldem 15 Amps 2 Yes 410/300 Yes BAE30 4.0 130 Tandem 15 Amps 2 Yes 380/290 Yes BAB30 3.6 r3l Tand€m 15 Amps 2 Y€s 430/370 Yes BAB30 4.4 130 DELUXE 26-COOLING WITH ELECTRIC HEATi,, SPECIFICATIONS "J" Models "F" Models "D" Model AJET()DI)fuEI()DF AJE1 I OA AFEI2DA AFEISDC ADE1 St)C Cooling Capacrty BTUH.AHAIU (3) \blraoe Bated Cooling Amps AHAN] Coolino Walts EEB s500/9300 230/208 1560,,1485 0.1,,6.3 102001'10100 2g/208 4.7 /6.2 1300,.1280 1.8/7.9 I 1400/1 1200 230!2M g 1t92 r 910i 1835 60i61 12r m,,12000 230i208 7.5i16 1615,/1550 t 5/11 14800r'r4700 2n/208 10.51'l ] 0 2304i2245 65166 181m,?17700 2W/208 13.3/r3.8 2835/2710 6.4 Healino Capacily AHAM Barcd Heating AmFS AHAI\4 H€ating lvbtts 14r 9900/8100 1!.1i12I 3245,'2695 10000/8200 14 2i130 3255/26S0 11000,'s100 r6 0,i r 5.0 3730/3115 10300r'8500 151,,13 7 3480,'2870 10300/8500 l5 1/13.7 3480r'2870 13900/11500 200/18.2 4594/3800 Line Cord Plug Fecommend€d Crrcuit Proleclion ilime o€layr Fan Speed Selections Fan only Posilion Air Flow ICFM) Ro0nside Hi,/Lo Ai Erchange E$ausl V'All Cas€ Model nequlr€d Deiumidilicalion lPts/Hr) fuprox. Shipping $higfit (lbs) Perpendic!lar 20 A,nps 2 Yes 260t220 Yes 2.6 96 Perpendrcular 20 Amps 2 Y€5 zffi/250 Tes flA821 2.9 96 Perpendicular 20 AmDs 2 Yes 270i2?n I€S FAB21 35 97 P€0endiculal 20 AmDs 2 Yes 440t390 Yes aAm0 3.0 139 Pe,pend cular 20 Amps 2 Yes 440/390 res 8AB3O 44 139 taroe Tandem 25 Amps 2 res 520t440 Yes RA85O 50 158 baseboard heal nol exceedino 250 wats ter {001. {21 All c0oling nith electric h€al models are lurnished wih a heat-resisiant roomside grille. El Beduced Capacity with BAG] lA Grille, 3% l4l Maximur Conoected Load. /^\r-t I t{e llt{ddMlrI[iIfE I TtrJG tIt:tL\l:L\T[I l*- 'ils! a^I oIV; tr( /* rLn'lb ,+ il' o';'w&'t^J"*"A/,-,/x,n | , 4l^-h . .e ^,.^, *\fi*' r,tf: tFr. .orlt /1^ (t(,^ Jb$J uty /,N-#lw ,./ cani, w,NPo$./ ilew rtxep .gr\sr{ r | --7.AI.J Utrw ilo seAuz4 AJT!tDE *ertorl l/o scA LE AR CA,lvttOtltNG UNtT 1 bua{J. ,ulcro( q1 fiuanirr IN}IDE oo AtR ca.lv.rtottltUo uN tf -lava-lcf..coir of & u,r'ln ii^ i^J,flOE a)TgtDE MNw^n a NErl Ctn7., wfNaon ': ,.- tlcw Fueg gAsH tlo seAuz *lroxt A/O SCALE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE A?RrL 14. 1994 dspartmem of communaty development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT )!ET ET BUILDING ELECTRICAL CHANICALtr LEGAL |lesc. rot zt eLK"--: FlLlNc( LIDGE-(_ v LrL-l!!\s-Z -JoB NAME' r,oo"u )i-an-Taoit OWNER NAME ALAIN WERTHEIMER MAIL ADDRFSS cttvNY, NY px.476-50II ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AOORESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR plpyADAMS CONST. lol fN oF vAlL EEc- No. 199-B 47 L-1234 lrr.r*,.o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM RNNq FT I'NTR T 1] rowru or vntl nec. r.ro. 103:E rEl:|-.949-L662 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnuROYAL FLUSH P&H 163-PTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 328-6213 MECHANICAL FIRM TQIUN OF VAII BEG.NO-UUN I KAU IUK OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWIIOF VAIL REG. NO TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP I tl t tv v EHIRM 2a34 A B DIVISION t 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : -REMODEL KITCHEN, 2 BATHS, PERMIT NO. J z tr BUILDING s0.000.00 ELECTRICAT 2.000.00 PLUMBING 4 .000 . 00 CARPET t'IECHANICAL 56 ,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEESIII IHR R-I BUILOING PERMIT 520.00 Ns 334 N N v PLAN CHECK 224 nn ELECTRICAL s0.00 NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( )0( ADOTTTONAL ( ) REpAtR(PLUMBING 60 . 00 /PC L5 .00 ll 4 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250.00 USE TAX WILL CALL 9 .00 TYPE OF ELEC. HEAT SOLAR GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1242,00 DAN STANEK 4-14_94 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur | | | ]UILDING OFFICTAL DATE IONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinancJx of the Town aprliclble thereto. CLEAN up pEposrr ro: (y/D fu CHRIS ADAMS Box 2119, EAGLE C0 8163r SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOF HIMSELF AND THE OWNER, + l"r'/? PER}IIT #J Architect: ceneral Description: TOWN OT VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATTON FORMDetnz 4- /3-?r Address:,{:o^ tfa.1,e"aa, llt0'Dapn I J p94 166l g I udvn'r{'l , APPIJICATION UUST BE FILLED oUT COI.{PL,ETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION ** *************** **** * * *** ***rl [fqJ-Buildins _lx]-plurnblng fa(-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Names Z dTor Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ filirg SuBprvrsroN, ,/towners Narne: ft*=_/4-4i-)**.-._ Addressz tl/aa- yark tvf pln.476*ger ltork class: [ ]-New &d-atteratJ-on I J-Additional t ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nuraber of Acconnodation Uni.tE: 3 Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. /63-PPhone Nurnber: Town of VailPhone Number: =z-r-ffi Reg. NO._ ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE * * ****** *** ** * * *****iL*** *******BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PII'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'I,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: BUTLDING: SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNATUREs CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RXFTTNI} VALUATION Fr<st Eq 6,nE-z&R//7 44 ) 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce ot communlly developmarl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMI{E If this peryit requi'res a Town of Vail fiire Departrnent Approval,Engineer"s (Public wgrfs) reyiew and approvai,' a irinnrni-bepartment f:i:L!i-Hea'lth Departmiint review, and' a review uv itre duiibinsuepartment, ile estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. ll]..gTr:rgial (larse or smail) and ail mu]ti_fami.ty permits witlnave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requirem-enis. Residential111.:illl projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresrdentrat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 1g?1"IT:nt:,.with regard to necessary review, th;;; p"oj..ti"ruvalso taKe tne three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermrit as seon as possible. - I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time ,/l&tuAtuT v ?- ts fOa Communi ty Devel opment Department. , TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEST: 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olflce of communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRAETORS CT'RRENTLVL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMUUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERIAI, STORAGE rn sunnary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ,""[, sand, debrisor material , including trash bunpsterl , porlable toilets an.workrnen vehicles. upon any streetl "ia"w"iil -;li;y or publicp1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe riqht_"i_;;;-;n arr Town ofvail streets and.Igags is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirl be striitiy--entorcia uy th- rown of VairPubric works DeDartment. pers6ns found vi;raain; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said, materiar.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe-"p""rii"e,"il";;;iic worksDepartment wirl remove said mateiiat at it"--""p""se or personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sharl not beapplicable to cinstruction, riiri"r.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tbe ,itti_u_ruy. To review ordinance No. 6 in furr, please stop by the Town ofYil-l Building Department to obtain a copy. ttranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. acknowledged L/-/3 -7r a4-t2-L994 A9:26AM J EOSCH L3g,34?6?425 Mr. Alain Werthheimer Ch6nolI West 57th Srrget New York, NY 1OO19 Daar Mr. Wertheimer: The tscard ol Directors of Lodge Apertments Conds Associatiqn has ravieu/ed Vourplans to remodel unit 403-4o5. The work willinclude the followingr l, Femolition cf exisring Master B;droom, toft bathroom and kitehen 2. Rernoval of existing tile. fixtures nnd mlrror 3. Renroval of non-loed bearing walls 4. Inetallation of rnari:le and fixtures in the nrester bath and loft bothrocm 5. lnstallation of marble floorg In lock-off beth 0. iastallation of ngw cabinetry and nppliances in thE kjtchEn \,Ve wi$h you well with vour endeavor. $incerely, FROI'I JERGEo P.W ;-\-{-E Prosident -t--.---_iB! oRtff.rr-ExPREss lJont s t;{ I':$';? (irrrs {-rcek l)rlvir \iril, (l,rirr'rrrjrr lJUjDT ;rO.U.+7ti.Ol)t I lrrrx ;tt):J-{rli-.i,tfi Tl.lTdt E fi.'t Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: LODGE AT VAIL 405 DATE: 4-l+94 ADDRESS: 174 E. GORE CREEK CONTRACTOR: ADAMS CONST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: llI-lHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED .rl The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing-of'atl possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. : 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC I21O OF TTIE 1991 UBC..q 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED By TrrE TOWN OF VArL TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. (.lc 4 cl , rr- (r. 8.*. t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT f"I--r-,onre e/ ., /( 14 JoB NAME. READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: CALLER n rNsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 \'( WED tI"'' ,. t1}4i,{ APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E} FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING fi nouol C] EXI-IAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr FINAL tr FINAL !-,DATE INSPECTOR /r'lr4(t r'',1 r (^ A''",trt.. \_( I I I i( >' . 1.' I P rNstcnoN REeuEsr a j j.. i\r (-i i TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 .l.1.-:-JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:'i f r i1r-. '.r 'l i'it BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND fi nouen / D.w.v. fi noucH / wATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL drnnur.,ron ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr E tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETHOCK NAIL tr FINhL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWE MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB f'l ,' r-1 Eh FI'{AL O FINAL ffiveoCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED / t I ,/a - J tt llf ItDATE :? t{ "'/ INSPECTOR ,*#"roN REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL ' a t a PERMIT NUMBER OFIPROJE T DATE JOB NAME L. Li j.i,r.,i' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER ruFq .t i'ir" WED -,,THURit :/rK,-7 qg59!g/PLUMBING:,i\=**/--"tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr B tr tr tr tr, K FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o FINAL dr,*o. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH _O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D qnFrNAL tr FINAL tfpRoveo f, / qD/sAppRovED trREtNSpEcloNREeutRED RRECT.NS: ",t/i ,., llij't,rtr: 't:t t,r-.; #4 if) .l; CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL I 't "'bb +.f PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES +VI WED r'-t)IU .0 //' CORRECTIONS: 479-2138 i tJ :ff THUR FRI i l'i rc il BUILDING: t] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTFICAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODStr ROUGH'.\ tr CONDUIT B- 'l ? -,. r .. 1tr SUPPLY AIR - tl Y rrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED f,{-, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTORDATE (o F-r{NclO |<t@I <\lI utF @ooazoFo- UJv UJ!0 ot-t G UJo- tl.o o-o C) I ulFoz IIJ o z(,9 =eoo =zdP EEi =Hg t G UJGt! EgE.5 €8B9!E .=E5g E EEE =*E 669 5tuEXOE ;Tau{€#- IJJ oF @.= E =e,lrlo-zIF()fE 6zo C) trnn '- tt€ I! oz F =&uJo- Ei* ii* Ei5Ei; ila.Pl: 3 t5 ir6 |.r). r.o I?r ?l Fll F{l(\t (\l l*l obrt:.lI rcI NtP.5r*.iiE 'c '9 lqts e d'J ITJIF z l!Julu, Goll. x o;z z|,j-o ootr ^ 6= P a ;Fooc6d il(Jzxr!<o1 iH6 EEt zdolO JI<li-l zl zl .. >lol,uo IJJllJ2otr EuJ J z Eo c;l Hl 3l I!|ol zl il I I ;lJI<lil flr I q cil 5<l>l t_-ei o +, L) ! c, L c) ii =z coo-) I ?lgrl3l ,l ol Hlll<lil E| o (U K':z o co z -C)Iu = 2?E?-.tfFd6o E, <F(tsC) rJ.l <ze,UIF(rzo trrn )< I t IH tg IT leIGto o tE zo(, Go Glr|il if;,G )uririoR Fg€g$t FeEi = i$!e "a9Eo '-- ! iE$iE t)0q \-,;\--i<*l I I I I,str3;-- |t9 lzl 3=f Bgl T6l I I tg rE qr -, E rl, UJ -olr, ().z o- t- et.r.lc. c,zo @ tnutlr.llr-)- E UJ o o =-UqJ z 6u, UJgJttz9 tl,€() u,l€ l.nllJtr.lr.l. =st\ J F1olFI I r1.II'l- =lt. ar .r IEJr., t I:: : IJeo-=0 6b! s 3a-. P 6iF; $v Z tr,, , ^.lso;s {o.C)E> () t4r,F O Z'j.\i3 J zoF6o UJaL rr>o l2o F- oz uJ l! oz IClil;qt- t: ol<l lz l- t< t$Jti :lrlr.lJ I o o o _zxGs ozF @ lto o =F ur III =3.*-t€ o(.rc EE e'EJQ. .EH 15 rts c*,* 33353*|4(JCo,o3'Fo R:€ r;EoYE I ;E!E I =E9.3 | =;;s Je;s:d =:e*gtr'-sf- 't z zE@o =z =JOfL IJ- J o59z=zo-; *53;q)r!> DDN E =Glr|-'o.-.lrlJod .E<z.t,<\z#.e=o)+<lc#i+-krH=la-uJ I&*'f960f\ llJ I5--lald:l5-lt*rv e= co =ctoo oT'bc5 E Eo|J o t_ 'o)0,s.o )zLo3l It c5t d\rj \o { (JzJtt @ F ol o P !coli, t-t.-l<l u, =z o-l ot\N\oI(\jNo\ rtoMI L! a L our:l<l>l ;l 9l oo 9F ='3d6() JE, 5P;(, =<r-r F l!O C) JO<F(lOl{, <zcl!F0zoo FoUJF ()(o? G6 aoD ffi,r. *s#{ NEI./ Crnf. w,N?ou, $cw ruer gAsH 7A^J Urrw ilo xAlz An ca.lpl-rto^ttNo uN tr a)7r9toEtN9,oe - #ero;t l/o scArE ,2 / //,INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL l' > /2/t Xzzz/t, o @PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo-.- ?,/-z,z,ii5 ne BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING {nouo-r tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR 'ff*o,tr tr FINAL ETAPPBOVED ,, CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED e INSPECTION REQUEST,.Jt /b PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -----@PM JOB INSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: oatt i'/21,/f5 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D o tr ft UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER['rnonrrt'rc r_.r ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n u rrlnr-tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /'-i'r'r,a16 ,Y' ' i' :'4'-- tNSpEcToR