HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 109 - Alexander DiskinProject Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: .-+-- \ lr -i-1-\-I \,Lesat Descriplion, t-ot \ jU -\ ,Vr#NAS"l-\\ ririns Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: \tr-\An VrLLqcs IxN Village Inn Plaza Condominiums 0ctober 28, 1987 Hs. Beth Lev ine Gordon P ierce Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West va il , c0 . 81657 Dear Beth: This is to let you know that at a recent Board of Di rectors of the Village Inn Plaza Condominium Association telephone meeting, the Board has'approved your proposal for the renovat ion and remodelof un it #109. The only exception was the additional balcony on the west sideof the chimney, which I understand has now been deleted. Good luck with your remodel. S i ncerel y yours, J Pr nag ing D irector JS: 100 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-5622 the pro- 1Photo ll - This is a tourhed rp photo shoring the pro- posed alterations rs they rould appear lror the rallray stairs of the Irossrords p€dpstrian pass-thru. This is the rost encorpassing vier ol the oroposed revisionE iror any ground lloor location on or oJl the property, lt is diflirult to Celeninp that the derl i: ihere berause the eristino roo{ geryes as the dect oerirpter, Ihe ner rindors (a0 b€ spen {ror this point of vie*. lhe rindoxs have been designed Lo ratch the sparing ol those above. A srall portion of the restern decI sideral I is visiblp {ror this oersoertive. Photo 12 - this is a at lhe proper ty ]ing, cindois can be seen. touched up ohoto fror the ground f loor. Fron this angle only the iro eastern ts* EJ -)z.' Photo f3 - This photo, {eet aray fror the llordl ino's unj t, The {roo tl.lg ang1e. looling northeast, is talen about tro living roor rindors ol unit 502, ir, proposed alt:ralions are not vjsible Photo l{ - This photo tooling north, is trterr dbolt sir feetlrry {ror the livino rooa rindors of unit i0Z. Th€ ororosedalterations are not visible tr0r this an0le. -tlD=Fr- - lhis photo looking north-north east is talen fror standpoint as photo lI, absut tro {eet aray fror the A portion ol the proposed dect is visible fror this eight f rrct high eversreen is shorn at the southrest the pr r:pos"-d rler I . Photo t6 - Ihis photo' looking as east as is possrble the living roor rindors 0l 502t ras taken rpprorirately aray lroc the rindor. lhis is the rost entorpissing vier the dpct frcr 50?. Eight foot high evergreeos rr€ shohn on the southern ed-oe of the deck. I have diaens:"oned the hnr. fruo thr edgc cl the roo{ eave to the b€l:Inning 0{ dect and irnn thi' resternnost edge of the pruposed dEtk the e;:terr*,.:t ei-,tt o{ the 502's rlr'''.s. Photo t7 - I have included this photo to provide a reans of corpar!.son, This is a photo of unit 502 fror the ground floor on the xestern side, I have shocn the dirension lror the closest edqe of an exlsting adjacent unit balcony, to the ne:t€rniost edge o{ the rindors o{ unit 502. Ihe oirensior, o{1?'-(i' is 5' i' less than the l7'-0" disttnce iror thp rr0- gcsed deck t0 ths easternn!st edge o{ the nindors ol 502. fle- I er to photo lt. Photo fE - not sholn 1 Photo f5 the sare riindors. ang lo, An rorne r ci lror o{ are d 1s- the t0 o Photo 19 rnd ll0 - The tr.peroidrl iiilot strorn ie an erte- rior rlterrtion thrt rri rpprovgd'bt the bo'rd proviously' Ihis rrs rpproved rithoirt a vote ot th? mtire usorirtion rnd is highiy visible fror llaidor DriYe' The *indor shrpe contrrsts rith the miority ol the eristing lenegtrrtion' 241 ^%4 Ifrflv c.{AC'214zv.= iH!0o-zo F.(L ulY luo E,l iil ?dl EHI Etrtr ifi l=r== = u1E6tr=ddr ts uJ lto:H-oYE<afotQE'JB9Eir trd5:9J* = uJ-E h=o i iii: >o- E 9o9 itnE XOf x>F :'i.: Fct -io=TJI ul F -E z,ao >_*<coo =zJO(L IL E =E lrJo-zoF() :)EFazoo 6 a oz E =tlud ooo oo t-{ oo rJ)(\ ooo roN ooo o rO !i vl (n uJUJu-F =tuJ , a/K,, oo60* rdl r.-l @ql-l "itpNtE otz I IzHI4'MI HrSEr9 Iu-!rro;i'r't(.9 $r6 uJ ? 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