HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 110 & 203 - ColandoJeP 4v-sr .e<,. r4. o er /Treasurer II o , \ r r \ (t Uco__,..\ \JrLr.c1. (-)Star,fe, Gntmercin[ L. L. c. J.00 Esst fiteadout I)rwt jl-]l I'hi{, Co toraf,lt I 1 a i 7 Date: Sepl ?'h 2001 To: tfcid Construction,lnc, Town of Vail Bldg- Dept. From: Village Inn Plaz.a Phase lll (lon,lominiurn Assjn Re:Remtrrle! Units I tO ^r{D I't ,q.,4 Jqis{f I Seiretr ?hant. (970) 476-515A fa4igit't) 476-5tt,r ?r 'lrt,l rn ,:)otr, Fltti (trru,n!! r(arli CfuU.-,," i2"a^[*. -\\ (\o .. ,rl{ .ti-\.rc-r \\J t\u \ :- \_., 0-o-T U ti\it g-D units 110 and 20-3 are src'heduled fr-rr an interior remodeiing pnogram. This meets \r'ith the approval o[ the Condominium Associarion piovjctect it does not affect the structural integrity of the building and is in ccmpliance with Town of Vail regulations. Phase III cornmsn oree space €nnot be ,E 9..- TOWNOFVAIL 7s s. FRONTACE nO,rO van, co giosz 970-479-2138 Ol'lI[ER Occupanry: Rl Type Construction: I FR Type Occupancy: ?? CHEDRAUI S,/N Multi-Family Type I Fire-Resistile r$ okor 'Bl\<.. 'D COLANDO CO PRIV AI\]:TONIO COIJ ENCTNAIJ XAIJA,PA VERACRUZ MEXICO 91180 I-,icense: ROAD ISSUED 09lt0l200l 10t02t2001 0313112002 # of Wood Pelld: 0 COrfTRACTOR IIEID CONSTRUCTION 2077 NORTH FRONTAGE surTE 110 vArL, co 916s7 License: 443 -B APPLICJII{T HEID CONSTRUCTION 2077 NORTII FRONIAGE SUITE 110 VAIL, CO 815s7 License; ROAD Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL #203. NO ADDITIONAL GRFA TO BE ADDED Valuation: $90.000.00 Fieelaoe lnformation: Reslrided: Y Add Sq Ft: # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 FEE SUMMARY Building-> Plan Ched<-> Investigation-> Will Call.--> Resluaranl Plan R€view-> DRB Fee------.-_-> ftscreation Fee-------> Clean-up Deposit---> TOTAL FEES-> s0. 00 90. 00 90.00 $0.00 $1, 1-41 .50 Total Calculat€d Fees-> Additional Fees*-----> Total Permit Fee-----> PaymenLe----.-->' BALANCE D TE-> s1,141.s0 $0.00 91,141.50 s0.00 9590.00 $44I .50 $0.00 Aoorovals:Ii6m: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 10/0212001 JRM Actsion: AP Item: 05400 PI-,AIINING DEPARTMHI| Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PTBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUI'.T DEVELoPMEN, U U NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: BOI-0277 Phone: 09/]-0/200L Phone: 09/I0/200L Phone:970-476-4343 .."..-...--*+..'..n'. 09 /L0 /2OoL 68 EMEADOWDRVAIL VAIL VILLAGE INN #203 101082540r 4 PAGE 2**{r*'****rl.irr}*****'l'l******+****:t******t(,k**********t ***:t***************************.**********,k************* CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0277 as of 10-02-2001 Status: ISSUED*t***++i.tl.*******:*r*************************** '****+*** *+******x************************+++********rt******* PermitTlpe: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: O9ll0/2001 Applicant: HEID CONSTRUCTION Issued: l0l02l20}l970476-4343 To Expirc: 0313112002 JobAddress: 68 EMEADOWDRVAIL Location: VAIL VILLAGE INN #203 ParcelNo: 210108254014 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL #203. NO ADDITIONAL GRFA TO BE ADDED Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS.AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFOREANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledgc that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as requircd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codcs, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQLIESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-213E OR AT OI,'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clea&up Doposit To: SIGNATUFJ, OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSEU] AND OWNE ..- 'i. "'.- . Town of Vaif OFFIGH OOPY FAxpo,/ERs,{EEr POt - OO{O E NVIROI{ t EI{TAL cOt{sTRUCTlOttl s P EC1'lUgTg lN C' l.l4l W. 45tfi Avr. Suitc t2 Drnvcr CO t02l I Tetcphonr9OS/ 1771T|![J Fex !03147.7080 RrcX' TO: ., ,, -Hrco colstRuctlol{ lt{c. llumbrr of prgrn (including covr *# o E!YI-S-t!!@tlls SU-8InPCEIOI SPECIII lglg. IXc' 7t4! ff. 16ffi AW.,grrtE tz DEily:nt oorfrrno Eo27t-2338 (3o3t177-l7OO FA' ( 3O3 ) 177-7O3O Detc: Scptenber 2, ?OOL lrvoice lfo: 2955.01 [IED COilSfRUCTIOTI INC, 2111 NORTH FROT{TAOE ROAD SUTTE tvArL co 9165?Phr (970) 390-257{trr (970) 176,-4337 Request tor Paynent: Project: v rr VILLAGE Ml{ VAIL, CO RC: APARTHEHT Dctcription of t{ork Complctcil; 08/31 BULK SAilprES Ot ClItIrfC Ar{D IfAIJE Ot APASTHENT f{10.00 IIO ASBESTOS DETECTSD III EITffER SAIiPLE TAXE}I Ba18nc6 Due ugon rocoiptl l{10.00 All ovrrduc lnvoicee are eubjtct to a 1.51 nonthl,y lntcrcetchargc alter 30 dayE. thank You til O.cE.(t, bat.thoao: 303/471'2559 800/3 96- 3136Fn\: 303/t177-2580 c-nral,l t Ca89ao0ir.. ne tcon. coltl 14Ax W. 45!h lvc., Sulcr 14 Denvcr, CO 80211'23 38 S€Dtenbs! 3, 2001 Mr. Nlck Ortlr E$v l rgrunrrrtd. Conctluction spoclallst., Inc, 14rt1 tt. 46th Avo., suiBo 13 Dgrver, CO 80211-2338 Rs: Lrrb litunber 105369 Drojrct: vail vlll.rgc Inn D€r! t{r. $ick OrEil; Itrc bulk runqrlrt cu.Emltted eo sRs GcoEaeh, Inc. havo bcctr .lraiyzed by polarizcd light nrlcroslopy ( DL!{l , Bhe EPA-rcco[rn€Ir(td rEttrod lor dcter:nlnaElon ot f ibrotl. eoirtltuenEe ln buildinC t|t|Ecriala. 1!hr ggrceag of r'bGt?os contelnd ln Ehe Br4)1t. ir r vlsu.l .rEilnglon lrasOd ugon comraatsona rlth gt$l irfrcd cbarlt. lhJ rcrules of lbcsc analy.€F 61'c lluuurl zfd ln the !$clo.cd frblc. Thit roporE roleta, oaly to the i tanra rcc€ived ltd resEed by suf :.aboraEory. According bo regr,rircmute gcE blr ths Natlonal Instituta of gtandrrds and Tcchnolcgyr'N\IlAP, thi' report r|usE no! be urcd to clrln cndcccertAnt. by !flrLAD of .roy rg.ncy of ehe US Governmcnr, A160, N\E AP gruldcllnee spaci fy thac this rrlrott ihould aot bE rc5,agcrtc.d, crcepg in full, elthouE Bhc w3ltE.r 4tprovel of D'Rsl. A copy of y,our Chain of culEory lE rctrchcd for your cqnvenl'eico. llrl t lcport ls coneldcred hlgfhly conlldenElal , ttrsultt will Doc bc dllcuracd xich any pcr'on noc aasoclatod wlth you. F1eaoc call if you bave any q'.reeticnr rbour thls rror*. Slnccrely, Drvld A, Scbroed€r, ?h.D, Datl Conlrollcr Stclorurec tJvI/Ag AccrcdlEod Lab *1020?8-0 AIHA Accredtscd L..b ILCL597 ata." ,a ;6 6q459!, ls. 11141 w. 06!h avenuc, sulte 1d Den'r:r, C0 8 C211-23 3I thonc! 303/C17-2559 E00/3 86-3135 Fax: 303/d??-1580 lab No.:105369 Pager 1 of 2 10c rlIE -m"'1riti r.rr"tr gclataaor trt-l tot'rnao-' Cllerrr,: Edrosctrl Coo.t:ildtls trtaclalllct ' I!s' plojest rD:rllltr villr!. IFn + tDtf 08.r31llt- DFrrqd.IL e dooF 96 nqrtb--hldroo'n lrrlll ls1 th curf$cr roats.-ir1 fu - -eL!-!fu31J-0jt r$htt. .rrvr,tel l t,ith inEcPara4}s d Er@:r-u.ltlbsr 9lro.[E S.!9iArrblllcr D4l3 DesEs.iDgler D- 1 tA'l o$rlhorrdl G 8.. Ce/37/oL I olll-whi te :ur{acc natertall . L tDr. o8/3Llol fDfhi!€ ttrinr.l D-2 r Ertlrrat (DclcEncs decrrrmlned by visull rrtifiaclonl 6erpl€ ltunb€r I D-l-r D-1 lal !:j-LEl- D-r tcl D-ar --P!!--!.lClJ/gf n?r'l'rr1 c€ilr ng EaEE cr5rt '! hodroon Bu*fnce lrurtcr!'a,l and pairliL , l.aVrl tariFagt t ArbcsEor UineraLt:lmorll,r tnthoghyll I r.r Cbr),scBllccrccidollre Trcmol iEc-lcc inoi i te rlbroua Glaee Crl1uloge 9lmtheLicr othcf r Nonf lbrour l.Iatcrial r corq)os lco alalyEls.* ND nean6 An.trl'sf !:cffj|]f trrrcc <11 _!2- 60 100 102070 508r& rsll'tof e!!- OChe! Flbrous Materlala r tDrt __E__-EL- --E!- TracE <lt q7 100 (flrlEilayetcd sarPle, scc indi.vidugf :.00 ._.. _?L lry'+r uralyse! i . oacer ll9llLll.0l Davld 3. Schrocdar r(4t" tts g:ptrg, rE. 1441 l{. {6bh Avenue, Esitc 1{ Dcnver, CQ 80211,-2336 Pboucr 303/417-2559 800/386-3136 eax:303/{77-2580 La.b No. r l0t3f t Pag.: 2 oE 2 IIdtttF! fl lEr.4r-r[!.!|m! tlE,l rlr".vtrfl rt ldrrrrr.|! nta][! FaaF|trp? {rl''t lDLilil4-al ,ra6 Clicnc: Evlsosrd cccaclucEiG Sr.3irll.gr, l!!. P*rj ccc JDrvdl vlll.Nl. I!! E.algilr-tBrEhEr D-2 IAI D-2 tBl D-2 ICI SarcraB3 s8nt'lel|lDillnr PEEe lrrsslElies ID.r .oilJllgl f grhi ra dtr .ral1 u'tlh i n r.rt.?eql . grey cardlora:'dl . -Ej- t!.4[l^0l rorf -t.lhlFa aurfrcc macr?l.all . --p 08/'31,/01 lrihi ta r'ri.rl-l lanlyrar (Derc€nus dleEelmlncd bttf S.Ir[)].€ Nunberr D=Z-IAJ-. vleuat estlnaElon) D:2.-IEI-- D-2 I't --. INrra hagrst l AsbesLos ltloerals I ATMEIE6 AoLhopbylUu€ ChrysoEll. Crocidoll ec Tr€nol1te-AcElnolltc 10TE tos& r8arEElog -E:__ Cttrer Flbrcue Ueterl.tle r -@!- E.t llbroua Glass C6Iluloae ,9!aEhsclcs I It trar:? <1 t --10-- .l'Drou3 DIatcrial ---69- J,.00- ComDoe{be an6l y6iF (nultilayereal sarDle. 6ee NONB DEEECEEd enalyst -t00-- indivl<lua I layer arc I yses l ND Darrr O9l!.lLz3l Davld A. Schrocdicr ni'?iiii=ii=;;i,f '.D.a?.r C{l l0lll-2! Th[t rlDor E ls conct:atC rubtnl Bgrd co lC! !..r3ad bY FRs @ ,0. o,!!lf,i3l?lf'"?LTl!l ;tfff,'Tff# i? ff; #;;;G-ie cr.';iiliri'.E -'I5Jciiuga: Eo c'br old i-'e'ait" Y!'?d' r!1 tEcrt G'";lh" ,r:rr.-u.irroa i;-;iiil;,-mi-iJiioqr-iui''olc.. tacorid Ecthec radzoriiiilri--'.'iig',Jil*"y-:T;?'.""#"1*';";ilt"*'Ti!!i-vr llrlrr aaalvrcd- r,rd c.Dorcf.--"iotig rirrt .iEf:-f irn i'r voltrnr pcgcJnC-ag e P.IE o! Eh. to:.l resrplr ' Addle1caally, an orrs,;iBt!-Eonporilt- tor- cnr-iorrl iriple,.al rccrlrcc by chc lab. l! ilil;ile-i;;'rrvri"a-nilii..;--i;iat?iion on ch. fu'"url as.d su.nrlEv o! nrcrsiels as iF.-.-i15eri"g iiir, snrJi-ii-..gu"ciiourr Eo rR:i, gupe b€ ucrd LrY 16r c1!3nc Eo d.Ertldac wh.rhcr 61 seg Ehlr rrtEhrnsBlc corgollli-ol ihJ rengL ir. r.FEre.nceclva o! i[i-i},.irii", i. lrri-i*i.E-u-iiln.--ttrir-ra6 lalosr.cicn-nLre br urd bv Eh. iiir-iE-ii-l.rer:niae "lcEiiii-ci'n6;-."y r.yerJ-'"t-iiii, ai lc_rxires ln plrir, rhould br crertrd ar !.vartl, dilfcrcng nagcrirlf eT .-.ecnpg-alBr.E c'arr!' - --l;l i-osii.-tivrii;-;;;i;.e lsd-raalvgcd i',r riftrcclv'- itrd'* oll3 Elt* rr' cerct Et-]jlri rHJ -ntanii iia e-urir, -crrclth Laboiaccrtrr. - R.!trc!iv. iadiccr lrf $Qatutrd l'.-ah.-Drrpirrroa sarriiiil-iicil-li;;. -i-g!iio'r rllrsiargic$-scEhodr. rc€ordinef Bo uht€h r.ttrodt tc lErB r#riirlfl"io-;i;' t;;?1.-;;iirirf . Arb.. Eo. colrc.nt le-rrPorsrd .J-i -eiiscint of eh. friltfi, inA ir e- vtiuat asCto.Eion bct.C ugon. srocr ranplcii.iiiiiio-ti-.;e i;p"-;;i *iJt' p*rrrth.d c'otibtarlon charct dulins Pt.t'1 enrlvsia. rrhtng ls a pr.g.raioEy procc4.lftiliffii-o'.t co clilnlne:o-nanY lne-cr-ferTi! ."9 ashrrtcr ; fE"i-efifrr ]. e f6riton of Eb. .rq)b ir pleerd ln r lurrracr aE 500 C.gr... Elf.i"i-f"e b.lHaon 1 166 {-hoqr., thG .ccu*t c lor virlrr lccordtng to rmph t59' ir,i- rnJ,lai oi -irliiuir eror.og in Bh. origrtnal r.ngl. lr ctlculaicd, bre.d. uDon t'h. "ilehC- loin due Eo rrhi-nc. -ri rtre rasrDlc-hrd * 30i $rtghr rerr. rcr'd chr vkurl iiiliigio"-oi iru.t:"i-ei.r;.; ;;i 20t, cht rrror,urt o! aibrteor a.gcrr.d rroulil b. tOt. All rslrcC t&lDlaa ara ao no!,rd oa thc ?lnrl Brgorr. pa*iclcr eg 'u-@oi tE!. rnd accinoiice slcb l.asgh Bo rrldEh trBi;a .clr^lT- ro ot cxacciing 3 rl rn4 cvurlt Langcht gE..E.3 cbur 5 c'icioar arc occllionllly -drrrcurd in roari bulk arltgle . . whiL. auch- t[rglcl.r (b ltrcq Ehe .olc. [rg4l dcElnLEiOa o! llberl. chry do $os rq..E Eha elrrsic.i clfiniiror ot erbcrcos bcciuer ghty do noE occur ai UuBAhl o! pornllcMb.st -tg!B.n crhibiging. rolarrd cBdrl, naEea gt*rcce o! fnCfviaurf ftbcrr, or loog' f hxibic, md/or euwrd iiAii,faunf frterg, Thc BBjctiB$ af aimnl fib.rr in e rerPle tiust ClsPlry ch..c. ibrsrcgctircice !3 flrll ar-cxhiLir e leadBh rs wldch rallo oE .B-l.rrB 10tl tg! th' ;dc;ii-6-te-ccilcnored ;ailJii,or.. itrisc grridrllnor .rr tD.cill.d ia che 'l{rry'!r;h;-; iiaieocii:ijiti6. or; rin.rl Rrpoie iilc:c to noa.erbcrttfcsF rlBhoelryltlgr.gtslcllE., sAd rcEtaollc. ea tt chlrF(rn.rsbagE. E!l!t..,.c!in'i, QE 'blon'rabrat. adEho9byl ,', which.v.s if |Fprcgrirt.. rli taloraco d-CejQ9 f-ldcliner, radrn lrrElcl! resulcr irc trlccrbli gc &nogJn rclrrrnCr ltrndardr anC procadurat. laiaailion io enr tcsal lequlrcaenL thac rot o! all ranples rrcrivrd b. E.-arulys.6, FRs Oeciect re.agalyrri atl jrnptrl lor wblch a creca so 3t ublrior lr rato-rlad. . -tLc Ncw trbthod (EPr./60C/R-9i/1161 concrlns th. tollo{ing Sugs.tg.d }c€rPuor' Error Crb6 fcr DL!.t rnalynec wit,h quaniJ ftcaEion by virunl rrElnrir ovrs 100 ficlds of vtett: Arocl PsreGnE AtbG! Eot Accegceble lange oi Asb35co5 R.Pctts{i 1t >0t co 3l 5t 1t EO 9i tcr St lo 15i 201 lo! norel plur or n{nur lCt 1-r0!-a??-2t3tI"rgo'rrr'rUCu-301-a??-2t40 trr oaly wielt rcrulBs of Battt DcEf onted o:i lmFles geoEach. tnc. -"*';'tC J /*O a\tv - std! zr4- Tclcpholc: FAX: PLll Ghaln ot CusPO ms r{b rc.106367 FRS Geotech' Inc. r44l W. 4fih Avc., SuiF 14 Dcaver. Co 80411.43 30914;n -?559 or t6/3t63136 FAX: 303/4?7-It0 P.O.#:- TurarqrPd ncqua$cd.Rurtr- ldrylA* 3{sY- S{rY- Tclcphonc (lf diffcrcll from absvc)Roturn Srnplc6- AccsDt/ SeoPIc $anplc Dttc f.)/- o/ I V SaDpl.Dcrcrigtiol Rcjoct NctDbcrA/_ 4-./_,Le Rc ta ?.. t. by tbc); 'r' )/.d,/rJsf ,. by Nr6o. ilrb Hnt copy tor Chcnfr l&cordf'scnd whrE & Ysllov ooPlcs wlln eamptcs (Yellouf copl to bc rcrumed s'llh Lcpon), TSIAL P.g7 , I f t , t I nIw -olll APpLrcATroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rr rncoMDlrrE on unsrcneo Project #:(lo\'P*t Building Permit #: 97O-479-21,49 (lnt Separate Permits are required for electrical, plum mechanical. etc,! 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 l-Oll"CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No,:Contact and Phone #'s: TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 10,oOo ELECTRICAL: $*ffiA,s looo PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ COMPLETE VALUA For Parcel # Contact *********************************r'****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**r.*!t**t(*'t**t ************************* Other Fees: lB Fees! 'ublic Wav Permit Fee: F:/everyoneforms/bldgperm ytv"/ 6 lr,{t Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visitParel# ;l/o/ - o82^ t/o/t-/ (Cpiification will not be accepted without parcel number) tto *^ " (16, /,(nu, s(e1i'.' /.n-.JobAddress: oa E. rvao/-u D< #so,r Legal Description Lot! -Block: -Filing: -Subdivision: V; //ap Vta F/tzrz Owners Name: (.4 cJ,en ni Address: fuLf{-tc.b Phone: Architect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: -fry'n< ; o4 /cr:oo/. / (o^t)/)D *ffr,<ri-u rh.n p WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelS4J Repair( ) OemoJ\) Other( ) g Work Type: Interior (24J Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamilV ([) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Woodi Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq Xl tf \ Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOTALLOWED). loes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( [) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No K) IOil'Nffi Questions? Call the Building Team at +79-2325 Department of Community Development ././ tProject Name: / he/(4u, ProjectAddress: 2a y' tl'a"/nar ZZ . I Zo3 This Chrcklist must be completed before a Building Permit annr;ration isarcnfud. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaoe allbwed on roadwavs and shoulders without written approval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on Dlans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown o a B D B o a ,a a o o o tr o o u Applicant's Signature: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Date of submittal: Received By: r0mv0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departmenf the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-famif permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Project Nam /tDatet ? /6/4/tf f F:everyone/f orms/bldperm3 To: From: Rc: ltt J<isCf I Segret /TreasurerillI' 'hortfer Cmmorcid[, L. L. c. Date: 100 Ewt fllcaiou !)rtir;. #-]l .Uai[, Coforndo St65Z Sept. ?'n 2001 Heid Construction,lnc. Town of Vail Bldg. Dept. Village Inn Plaza Phass lll (lonrlominiurn Ass'n Remnde!units Lo^G)\--'z Units 110 anrl 20-3 are sche,Juled for an interior r.emodeling pnrgram, This meets \r'ith the approval of the Ccrndominium Associarim provided it does not affect the structural integrity of the building and is in ccmpliance with Town of Vail regulations. Phase III common orea sp{rce cannor be encyachef upon without priqr appruvai of the Board of Directors. {itr Bu.otu Sor -otn 'Pfan(. (97A| 476-5450 fax_i970) 476-iaol P,|rhl'lrrt,)0q,lot:.!n?une!'^a't{ ,";1. ";,L F'RE ouro*rrr*? vArL F'RE DE'ARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: A0l-0053 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN #203 Applied. . : l0ll9/2001 Parcel No...: 210108254014 Issued. . : 02112/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 08/1112002 o$INER COITAITDO CO LO/L9/2OO]- phone: PRIV ATTTONIO CHEDRAUI S/N COIJ ENCINAI XAIJAPA VERAERUZ MEXTCO 91180 License: CoNTRACTOR APEX SECrrRrTy cRoup Lo/L9/200! phone: 97o-945-2!52 1429 GR,AND AVENI]E, SUITE D GIJENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601 License: 424-S APPIJICAIIT APEX SECI'RITY GROUP IO/L9/2OOL Phone: 97O-945-2!52 1429 GRAND AVENUE, SUITE D GIJENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81501 L,icense: 424-S Desciption: TENANT REMODEL TINIT # 203 Valuation: $ I ,667.00 *'|*ir*'|*'ilt**,f ++,1.'l:**:tl,l,l*'t****+:+*+*t*****:***,lt*tt++,t**,1******+**:ttt*+a FEE suMMARY Electrical-------.> DRB Fee------> Inv€stigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-> $s0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $s3.00 Total Calculated F€es-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee--> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE..---> $53.00 $0.00 $s3 . o0 $s3.00 so.0o Approvals:IIEn: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT O]-/3o/2002 mwaughan Action: AP :t+++:+ +t **'l *** *tl * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an acculate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply witlr the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIjESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI-EPHONE AT 479-2rt' FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF t o*rr"*r oF coMMuNrrt orurr#rr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: VAIL VILLAGE INN #203 ParcelNo...: 210108254014 PRIV ANToNIo CHEDRAUI s/N COIJ ENCINAIJ XAIAPA VERACRUZ MEXICO 91180 Desciption: REWIRE REMODEL #203 Valuation: $12.000.00 *++*:+,tt****ar*****'!,tr.*r,at'i't:r*:t:t'r*+r,':r***r,raar+*+,*+***r**,*******:irar+* FEE suMMARY **r:arr******,*****ll'rr Lo/o8/2oo1, Phone: 1,0/08/20oL Phone: 970-51-3-0053 LO/08/2OOr Phone: 970-513-0053 Permit #: E0l-0230 Status...: FINALApplied..: 10/08/2001Issued..: 10/0912001 Expires. .: 12121/2001 $219.00 so. o0 s219.00 $219.00 ^^r'it,tr AIL ,ONTAGE ROAD ;O 81657 ,0- . r-2138 Project No : OWNER COI,AIIDO CO L,icense: COMTR.,ACTOR ASCENf EI,EETRIC P.O. BO]{ 2027 SILVERTHORNE, CO 80498 License : l-3 4 -E APPIJICAIIT ASCENT EIjECTRIC P.O. BOX 2027 SIIJVERTHORNE, EO 804 98 I-,icense: L34-E Electrical-------> DRB F€e----> Investigation-> will csll----> TOTAL FEES->BALANCE DUE____-> 90.00 $215.00 s0. 00 s0. 0o s3-00 $219.00 Total Calculated F€es-> Additional F€es------> Total Permit Fee------> Paymsnts--------------> +,t* **,ra ** *:i *+* t*,* +**a 't 't'l | 'lt * +:*+ i!* +*'l *l *+t,a:+ * * * * * 'l:l *!t**'l+'a Approvals:Item: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMEI{:I LO/08/2OOt DF Action: AP :::::--:-'"-::-:--:]"T-::":T#1T**********"*j}**,****|l.|.***+*,i.+**|l..l*|l*+:}**:*lt'*l CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 -ti-I,.o"?-:l-;--1,t.1*--:i::i::'.""*X.-T-.'.-1":3:-::t-:,-T:-:::.:.1.i-:1.::.:-1.-::li-1LTL"-;--:l:*,,.,,*i.+,,.,*,i**,*,,+,**,,,*:l* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that l have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. . i{.. ,... O O REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF 14 er t.r TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 #o*rrr" r oF co M MUNrrv osvEr.o p?enr il ofCras Appliances: ?? NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBINGPERMIT Permit #: P0l-01l6 Job Address: 68 E MEADOW DRVAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VAILVILLAGE INN #203 Applied. . : IOl0Bl200l ParcelNo...: 210108254014 Issucd. . : 10109/2001 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 04/0712002 OWNER COLANDO CO L0/08/Z01L phone: PRIV AITTONTO CHEDRAUT S/N COL ENCINAL XAIAPA VERACRUZ MEXICO 91].80 I_,icense: CoNTRACTOR KELLY'S QUALrry PLUMBTNG SER10/08/2001 phone : 970-328-6093 P-O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 8163 L License : 279-P Desciption: MOVING SHOWER DRAIN AND VALVE ADDING WASHER BOX MOVING ONE LAVANDTHEKITCHEN SINK Valuation: $2,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: ?? FEE ST]MMARY Plumbing-> Plan Checft--> Inveetigation-> wilt csll-> 940.5O 90.00 s40. s0 s40.s0 s0.00 930.00 Reshrarant Plan Review-> 97. s0 DRB Fee---------------.:> so. oo I'oTAL FEES---> $3.00 # ofGas l,ogs: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? So . oo Total Calculated Fees--> S0.00 AdditionalFees------;' 94o . 50 Total Permit Fee-.--> Palmenls-'-'----> BAl,{llcE DLfE-----> Item: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT L0/08/2OOL DF Action: AP Ttem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full tle information requircd, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that all the information as required is corrcct. I agree to comply rvith the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to thc towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HoURs tN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIoNE AT 479-213E oR AT oUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATIJR,E OF OWNDR OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE 6 t I il WNOPUAN, 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Plumbino Contractor: Lab"-0,,*1,1, D/^*l **.- Town ofVail Reg. No.: a-7q -p Contact and Phone #'s:llal Ool*.- zto-€l-t7 Contractor Signature:,fuffi-Fr COMPLETE VATUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PI-UMBING: $ }ryrt - Aswsrc OflTce at 97O-326-864O or visit Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Address2 tE tt+oout Dzt lw / WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alterationffi Repair( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: SingleFamily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-familyffi Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I >No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: / Z Is this a @nversion ftom a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No **************** ****** * * **** **** *** ** rr* FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** ** ***** ** **** ******** **** * * *** ** *** Other Fees:DabRee ued: DRB Fesl Acceoted il: Planner Siqn,,afr: F/everyondfonwplmbperm '1 fr. r '/ o1-Z3.3tX)! Inspecffon naguest Heponlng 7:04 am -,-**- '_uAtL cgj;.o!HnjrE_-__:_ 8t11.$277 2101{i825"t{.114coLANDoco Reguest6d Inepeci Dete ; lns3€€Gon Arca:glte Addr€ssi Tytta: A'MF.().-r-up+rncy: dr'einfsdiy, January 23, ?00X JRIII S8 E iIEAIOW DR VAILltAlL VILLAC€ la\iN #A0X #l Sub Type:,, AMF,tj8c: - | FB sttns: lrcFAJoa: ^"p !t i hm: Z!8 F[tE DtPr. NOTIFK:ATIC]ilsrl t0 BLDC'-FooiliE$'Stslirir 20 EtElc'-Foun&lbrugt€eltrm: 3H) BLDC'-FramrU " fu**oved -10?6'0l -FtgDsclfl JF{M' Autiorr' AF APFRSVE(rhr: S il^m,-hsuHon Apgrdvod '' 101601 lmpscior; JRM Adtion: ASJAPPROVEDCoilr'nenE: APPRA1EN BATH FA$IS EfrID DRYER DI-ICI AII}C)htt: S ALDGSh€dtroc,k Nsll " ApO|wGd - t t Ol.O f lnrpcctur iRM ' ' Artlon A!3 APFRfILEOhm: 7{l BLDG.MF{ L L HBBrtl31 "a' I HEIDOONSTRTC]nbI Phone: 97O'47H343 HEII} CCNSTRUCTiON F{TERICR REMOD'€L *4O3. NO ADr,{N$NL GRFA TO BE AFOE6 t{o Phnning *pfrovob raquhcd. " BI/VILSON E fl||.tp|nrpecgo-lrgj Item: 90 BLb'G-FruaiRrquerbr: Hf lfj CON$Tfi UuTtrf,fj @pc{on t$rtorv lhm: !Plru 21bn: 2, iq€flue st€{.I Tims: 08;00 AH' Phone: 9i{F4764343 -or- 97T,-4?AI 433? Frdsmd$y: DFLORES F ISSIJED -{Rri h_{5 &/r # ft<-+/ C4 A-\- Run Id; 1280