HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 111 - Thornburgti BATLEY, Hennntrc & hrrnsoN A PRoFEssroNAL CoRPoRATToN AmoRNEYSATLAw LINCOLN CENTER 1680 LINCOLN STREET, SI'IIT gT75 DENVER, COLORADO 80264 TELEPHOI\E (SO3) 837-1660 FACSIMILE (903) 837-{tO97 January 2, L996 VAIL NAIIONAL BANK BLDG. r08 gouTH FRoNTAGE ROAI) WEST, SUTTE 307 vArr,, coLoRAIrc 81667 TELEPTTONE (gr0) 47&mO2 FACSTMTLE (9?0) 479.046? Mr. Mike Mollica Conrnunity Development Departrnent Town of Vail75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mike: I have a client who is purchasing Unit L11, a two bedroon condorniniumunit in Phase fII of the Vail Village Plaza Condominiurns. He intends to move sone nonsupporting walls and add an additional bedroom withoutincreasing the gross residential floor area. I spoke to you on two occasions about this, and you told me that there was nothing in the VaiIVillage Inn Special Development District which lirnited the number ofthree bedroom units or that mandated a certain number of two bedroomunits. I am just writing to confirrn that I an correct. If I arn notplease let me know as soon as possible. Very truly yours, LE: ne Larrrr Eskwith TOWN OF VAIL rl I Category Number Date I'r\r,tt , Project Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecUOontact, Address and Phone: ) ,,,' t- -fTf L€gal Description: Lot " Block- SuOOivision V V' \ - P\ )A':' *l-F- Zone District Project Street Address:Ii,rL ?, /4.,,7^7,',, l),',n?- Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval E Disapproval XStaff APProval Conditions: Town Planner 'Lr-' l ' Ir.Tl|rd tiru.r9a &: ET DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLT DATE OF ($200 DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEI,J: New ConstrucLionAddition ($s0.00) t ADDRESS: I,EGAIJ DESCRIPTTON:LotSubdivision $ s0,001 - $ 1s0ffi00 $1.s0,001 - $ soo,i.0o0 $500, 001 - $1,00$ over DESIGN REVIET{ BOARD AP APPROVAIJ UNI-'ESS A BUIIJDXNGIS STARTED. FEE 9 ZU. UU$ so. oo $100. 00 $200. 00 $4 00 . 00. $s00.00 ONE YE.AR AFTER FINAI.. ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION Best copy Available TOT{N OF RECEIVED: MEETING:t**t DEN *t*I. A. B. D. E. D^I fTJJT ZONTNG: NAI{E OF APPLICAI{T:Mailing Address: Phone G.NAME OF APPLTCANT' S REPRESilingAddress: H. NAME qF OWNER(S): o**r*(r, ,rn*^rr^rffi Mailing Address: Phone APPIiCATIONS ,IN,L NOT BE P SED WITHOUT I. Condominiun Approvat if app le. If prop.erty is describeddescripti.on, pleiase provito this application. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shownLime of submitLal of the DRapplying for a building pervaluation of the proposaL.fee according to the- cable,.is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: , if , VALUATION I.is 0 s 1c,'-00c$L0,00L-$ s0Pooo IRES /*rnot Alrerarion ($20. 00)Conceptual neview (90) Block meets and bounds tegal .,,and aLtach ': a separaLe sheet OT,IhIER'S S.rcM?ttRE t,, please identify the accuratee Town of Vail wiII adjusL Eheow, to ensure the correct fee ZZ IS 3f*''il " ,' ,i:. IJOT--@ B information is r red for submit,Lal Eo the Designbefore a final app can be given: OF MA1TERIAIJ wal1 Materials , |'ut7- ltl I v+n vtu.r+ltt$^l fitErsuBDrvrsroN l2,r rrr,t,€ fi/.r;;Itr -: I,rltl. Soffits llindows Window Trim Doors ' Door Trim ., :_. .1. ,lland. or Deck Rails Flues .1 : ' Flashings :..:, Chimneys frash Enclosures Gfeenhouses Rereiqing vfalls E$t"q$9T. Lightins )|: Other LANDSCAPING:B.Name of |rvl!F,d zlAhg Date of Applicatlon Dats of DRB Meeting Date of PEC Meeting Type V EHU 250 II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of ihe planning staff is strongty encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can be added to a sit6. lt should be understood that this ordinance does not assurs each property an additional 250 square feet ofGRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows lor uo to 250 souare fe-et if the conditions sei forth InChapler 18.57 or Chapter 18.71 of tne town of Vait coOe are met. Applications for additions under this section will not be accepted unless they are complete.This includes all information required on this form as well as Design Review Board sribmittalrequirements. qIII. APPLICATION INFORMATION PROJECT DESCRIPTION APPLtcAToN Fo R ADDTT.NAL G RFA (250)l DJ If;GnUVIFIn t rYP,E oF REouFgf lll\'- Apn ? 2 il$l!,\ / Standard 250 Type ll EHU 2S0 t B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: Zone District C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Lot_L Btock :f;L Fiting tlartguactL FUy+ FUN| s{ E. Addre* 48 stMr.,xs u- r-rg . t *Otnt , N , D.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPHESENTATIVE: LYNNI uJTa,NI Address NAME OF OWNER(S): tr Slgnature(s LoLltF. Filing Fee of $200.00 is required at time of submittal of a standard 250. For a request involving an EHU, the fee is waived. {Zao-oo lcl hlzzlqu \frl,tzle,,-Rlr" c"Rtw-t' Mountain Media O t (3o3) 331-9s26 @4-/6 cQ2:o6 PM , Viltage Inn PlazawCondominium Ass#lation 7 100 East Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 D 1t2 'F an nitted by Facsinile ApriL 22, L996 Lynn FritzlenArchitectFritzlenPierceBriner L650 East Vail VaIIey Drive, Suite C-1.Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Conditional Approval to Proceed with Town of Vail Approvalsfog Rerrodeling of Unit 111 Dear Lynn, The Board of lttanagers of VilJ-age Inn Plaza Condominium Association(Phase ffl) has met and considered the request for remodeling ofUnit llL initiated with your firm'a let.ter of April 9, 1996, onbehal-f of your client Mr. Thomas Thornburg. owner of Unit 111. We have reached the conclusion that it would be unwise. to grantfinal permission for you to proceed with the project at this time.There are a myriad of matters related thereto which are stillunresolved, and it makes sense for the Condominium Aseociation togive final permission to a project of this scope only with moredetaile firnly pinned down and agreed to by all parties involvedthan is the case now. fn view of your request today, f am prepared at this time,however, to give conditional approwa I which wiII let you moveforward to the point of seeking the necessary Town of Vailapprovals for the project. This conditional approval in no waycommits or obligates the Board of lt{anagers to giwe its finalpermisslon which would allow construction to begin. At least allof the points l-isted below would have to be fulfilled to theBoard's satisfaction before permission to begin construction couldbe given, and there could be additional requi-rernents. We presumethat we will all be working towards getting the myriad of detailsironed out so the Board coul-d make a final decision which mightal1ow construction to begin at the end of next ski season, though we might consider an earlier start date. (1) anconmon area(2) an Current Conditions :agreed upon lease for the arrangement for the owner proposed use of of unit 1. ]-L to TX/RX N0.38r404/22/96 13:07 P.00r Mdunlaan Medib vLP CondiXionaT AppEoval a B(3o3)331-ss26 e4o3 C)2:17PM unj.t 111 Remode] j ng P.equesx I page 2J D22 assume responsibility in perpetuity for all repair andmaintenance for (as well as full liability for) aIIchanges to the exterior ehe1l of the building(3) a very detailed construction schedule,agreeable to the Condominiurn Association and neighboringunits, which would minimize construction nuisances forneighbors. Because of past experiences withconstruction which ran well beyond verbal estimates, itis quite possible that we would feel a need to attachpenalties of some sort (including stopping work incertain time periods) for failure to comply with theagreed upon detail.ed construction schedule.(4) an agreement for all of the CondominiumAssociation's expenses related to consideration of theremodeling request? to preparation and implementation ofthe conrrron area lease, and to any needed conetructionoversight to be covered.(5) a final set of agreed to drawings for theproposed remodel from which no deviation would be Bernitted without the vrritten conaent of the CondomirriumAssociation. You are aware that in another project wehad a problem in thig area, and we cannot tolerateanother one. D. Deane HaIl, Jr.President Board of Managers cc: I'lr. ThornburgVIP Board of Managers Sincerely, 04/22/96 13:07 TXIRX NO.38l4 P.002 o YOT'R LAIID TITIJE GUARANTEE COMPAI{Y COIITACTS o our order No.: v252999 TOM G.THORIIBI'RG or require furtherlisted below: assisEance, please For Tltle AEeieEauee: ,TILL WELLS 108 S. FRONTAGB RD W. vArrJ, co 81558Phonez 970 476-2251 Fax:970 4?6-4534 :f; April 08, 1995 Buyer/Borrovrer: Seller/Owner: Property Addrese: If you have any inquirieecontsacf one of the numbers Phone: Fax: Note: Once cbangeE will an original corunitment has been issued, any snlrsequentbe eryhasized by underlining. THAT'IK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER! ffN##+'{# r"{W':riiYlfli",.:, 010 RIPUBLIC NATI0NAI- TlIl"E INSURANCE C0MPANY, a Minnesola corporBtion, herein callsd the Company, for a valuable considerclion, hereby commils to issue jts policy or policies of rirle insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in lavor 0f lhe proposed Insuled named in Schedule A. as owner or mongagee of the estate or interest covecd hereby in the land described or refened ro in $hedule A, upon paymenr of rhe premiums and charges rhereforr all subjecr ro the prorrisions ol Schedule A and I and ro rhe Condirions and Stoularions hereof. This commitment shall be elfecrive only when rhe identry 0f rhe proposed Insued and fie amounr ol rhe policy or policies commitud for have been insened in Schedule A hereof by the Company. either ar rhe rme of $e issuance of rhis Commrtment 0r by subsequent endo$emenl This Commitment is preliminary l0 the issuance ol such policy or policies of tde lnsurance and all liability and obligetions heruunder shall cease and lerminate six months after the effectrve date hereol or when the pollcy or policies commitcd {0r shall rssus, whichever lirst occurs, provided thar the farlure to assue such policy or poftcies is not the fauh of the Company. CONOITIONS AND STIPUI.ATIONSL The term "mongage". when used herein. shall include deed of trusl, trust deed. 0r orher secu ty insrument.2. lf the proposed Insured has or acquires aclual knowledge ol any defec1 lien. encumbrancs, edvgne claim or olhsr mrnr aflecing thE ssltle or inlonst 0r m0ngage lheBon covomd by thrs Commitmonr orhu rhan rhose shown in Schedule I henol. rnd shsll fail r0 disclose s$h lnm,ledge t0 fis Comptny in s,iling, $s Company shaf be olisvsd from liability lor any loss or damoge muhing fmm 8ny rf 0f rdisncs hsrson ro rhe srnnr $r Ctrnpsny is lnjudicod by failue of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. ll the proposed Insurod shall disclose such tnowledge ro rhe Cornpany, or if fi€ Cgmpany orhemnse acqurres aclual knowl€dge ol any such defect, lien. encumbrance. adverse clarm 0r other rnatlel the Company ar its option may amend Schedule I of this Commirment accordingly. bul such amendmenl shall nol relieve the Company lrom liabalily previously incurred pursuanr l0 paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Slipulalrons.3. lisbilily of the Company under this Commhment shall be only ro rhe named prgp6sed Insured and such panles included under the dsfinition of Insured in the fotm of polrcy or policies commined for and only for acrual loss incunsd in reliance hereon in undenaking in good fanh lal to comply with the requinmenn hereof 0r lbl to elimtnale exceptrons shown in Schedule B. 0r lcl l0 acquire or ccale th€ eslste 0r inler€st 0r mgngage dl€reon coverud by $is Commilment. In no event shall such liabilrty excsed the amount stated rn Schedule A for tie policy or poftcies commrlred for and such liabilily is subjecl lo lhe Insunng provilons and the Condnions and Slipulalt0ns and fie fxclusi0ns from Coveraqe of rhe form 0l policy 0r policies cornmined for in lavor of ge Drooossd Insured which afs hereby incorporuted by relerence and made a pan 0f rhis Commrlmenr except ss expressly modrfied herein.4. AnY aci0n 0r actions or nghts of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring againsl the Company anslng out 0l lhe sbtus 0f lhe tttle l0 te etlale 0r Inlemst or fie status ol the mongage fiereon covered by rhis Commimenr musr be based on and an subiefl r0 lne pmvrsrons ol thrs Commrtmenl. STANOARO TXCEPTIONS In addlllon to the malters conlained rn the Condtons and Sipularons and [rclusions from Coverage dove rsferred 10, lhis Commitmenr is also subiect to the followrnq, L Righrs or claims 0l panaes in possession not shown by the public fecoros. 2. Easemens. or claims of easemenls, not shoum by lhe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, encroachmems. and any facrs which a correcr survey and rnspeclion of the prcmrses would dlsclose and which are nor shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or nghl rc a lien, for services. labor or mardal thentofore or hereafter furnish€d, imposed by law and nol shown by the public records. 5. [)efecm, liens, encumbrances. adverse claims 0r o$er malrers. it any. creared, lirsr appeanng in rhe public records orattachingsubsequentmthee||ectiveda1ehe|eo|butpnortothedatelhepI0posedinsUtedacquirsolrecordforva|uethess1aleorinleBsl0rm0ngagsthr0nc0vgrdbY[his Commitment. lN WITNESS WHERIOF. Old Repub c Naional Tide Insurance Company has caused ils corporan name and sest o be hereunto affired by ils duly authodled ollicers on the dam shown in Schedule A, m be vslid when counrersigned by a validaring officer 0r orher authorired signarory. 0t0 REPUEUC ilATtoilAt TITrE ttSunAIcE conpAxy A Stoct Conpany 400 Second Avenue South. Mnneapllis. Mnnesota 55401 16l2) 3/t- ',' jlfr &#i*#'$6#c$#*!YiYlt'itt#i'S*QQQ$ft SSff#ilSfrtRQftQS ,'::iji{1b:?Q9c#i{#r{It*#r{i$rf #}rsfrtr*sRsf#tts##*Y*RftQsf ifij -fu- 4L--^--"'- 0y Aatlnrind Sgnuory 0m tor.| 2612 At,es( $rtra7 Se eHry ppwtc NArroNAr, rrrlE rNsuRAlrnoMpAlrv AI,TA COMMI SCHEDUIJE A Our - Charges. - ALTA Owner Policy--TOTA!-- *** TIIIS IS NOT AN TNVOICE, BtIr AriI TO ITIIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE 28, 1995 at. 5:00 TMENT Order # V252999 For Information Only $17o. oo $170 .00 ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING ouR oRDER NO. V252999 *** P.M. .jtr*."#, nALTAtt Owner's PoJ.icy Proposed Inzuied: TOM G. TIIORIIBI'RG LO-L7 -92 3. The estaEe or interest, in the land described or referred co inthis Cormitment and eovered herein is: A Fee Siqlle 4. Tit,le to the eataEe or intereat, covered herein is aE, theeffectsive date hereof vested in: TOM G. TIIORNBT'RG 5. The land referred to in this Conun:itment is described asfollows: CONDOMINTI'M UNIT 111, VIIJIJAGE INN PI,AZA, ACCORDING TO THE COIIDOMINII'M IIAP TIIEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 1-9, 1.982 IN BOOK 349AT PAGE 11, AI{ID AS DEFTNM IN THE COIIDOMINII'M DECLARATION RBCORDBD ll0\lBltlBER 19, 1982 IN BOOK 349_AT pAeE 12, COUI{TY OFBACLB, STATB OF. CICIrORADO. : EIGE AI.,TAIOMMITMENT SCHEDT'LE B.1 (ReguiremenEs) The following are the requirenents to be conrplied with: 1. PaymenE Eo or for the account, of Ehe grantors or morcgagorsthe full consideration for the egt,at,e or interesE to beinsured. 2. Proper inst,rument(s) creat,ing the estat,e or interest, to beinsured must be execut,ed and duly filed for record, to-wit: THIS COMMIT!,IET{T TS FOR INFORMATION ONI,Y, AI{D NO POLICY 9IILL BB ISSI'ED PURSUANf HERETO. ii'|i*|$rrt f ,i:11.,l,,1:1ff{n!r;yri1 :.:;,,', " TI{E COUTiTTY CIJERK AT{D RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETI'RN ADDRESSES ON DOCT'MEI\TTS SET{T FOR RECORDING! ! *********************:t*** NOTE * * * * * !r * * * :t * * :r * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * RBCORDING FEES IIAIIE INCREASED AS OF iruLy 1, 1995 TO $6.00FOR TTIE FIRST PAGE AIID $5.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE.REIEASES HAVE INCREASED TO 914.00 FOR TEE FrRST pAeE AIID$5.00 FOR EACH ADDITTONAL PAGE. Our Order # V252999 of FAGE Ar.,T^O"oMMrrMENT SCHEDULE B-2 (Except.ions) Our Order # v25z999 The policy or policies tso be issued will cont.ain exceptsions to t,hefollowing unless tshe same are disposed of tso the satiifaction oft.he Company: 1. SEandard ExcepEions L through 5 printed on t.he cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessmenEs not yet due or payable and specialassessmengs not yet cert.ified E.o lhe Treasurer, s office. 7. Any unpaid E,axes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE TIIEREFROM SITOULD ITIE SAI4E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR IIiilTERSECT THE PREMISES.A'sinEsER1'EDIN'{INrTEDsTATEsPATnflroFREcoRDININsTRt,MENr.REcoRDEDi't'LY!2, 1899 rN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. 1.0. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TiIE IJNITED STATES, AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 1.2, L899,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. ].1.. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}]:TS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, AS COMTAINED TN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE ].79. 1.2. EASEMEIfI TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY PORTION OF LOT O AND P AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF VAIL VILTAGE FIRST FILING 1.3. EASEMENT A}ID RIGHT OF WAY AS GRAIfTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC., IN INSTRI'MEN| RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, !97! TN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 32]-, ANDAS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINII]M MAP RECORDED NOVEMBER 19, 1.982 IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 11, ]-4. EASEMENT GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., IN INSTRUMEIflT RECORDED JANUARY 21, 1983 IN BOOK 352 AT PAGE 397. 15. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENA}IIS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENIS AND RESTRTCTIONS,9iHICH ARE A BI'RDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM I]NIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRITMETIT RECORDED November 1-9 , t982, IN BOOK 349 AT PAGE 12. 16. ENCROACHMENT OF PARKING GARAGE IITTO TEN FOOT EASEME}ffT AS SHOWN ON MERRICK AND COMPANY SI'RVEY DATED NOVEMBER ].3, 1981, JOB NO.322 - 42T9. 17. RECIPROCAL EASEMEIII AGREEMEI T BETWEEN VAIL VILLAGE INN INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, iTAMM LTD., A COLORADO LIM1TED PARTNERSHIP AND VAIL VILLAGE INN ASSOCIATES, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTNERSHIP RECORDED JANUARY 3, 1983 IN BOOK351 AT PAGE 324. PAGE 3 Ar,TeOcoMMrrMENT O SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V252999 18. TERMS, CONDfTfONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT RECORDED September 09, 1983IN BOOK 367 AT PAGE 833 19. EASEMEMT BETWEEN VTLLAGE rNN PLAZA COlfDOMrNruM ASSOCTATTON, A COTORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, VAIL VILLAGE INN, TNC., A COLORADO CORPORATION, AIiID F &L VAIL VILLAGE PARTNERSHTP, A COLORADO GENERAL PARTTIERSHIP IN DOCIJI4ENT RECORDED ,fttl.,y 10, 1984 IN BOOK 388 AT pAcE 852- 20. EASEMEN|S, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN AI.ID RESERVED ON THE RECORDED COIIDOMINII]M MAP OF VITLAGE TNN PI-,AZA. 21. DEED OF TRUST DATED ,fanuary 08, 1996 FROM TOM c. THORNBITRG TO THE PUBLICTRUSTEE OF EAGIJE COITNTY FOR THE USE OF WESTSTAR BANK TO SECURE THE StM OF$453,945.00, AIiTD ANY OTIIER A}4OTJNIS PAYABLE T'NDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED March 06, tttrlr, *rN BooK 689 AT PAGE 401 PAGE 4 TJAND t il, e GUARANTEE COMPANY A) B) DISCLOSI'RE STATEMEMT Reguired by Senat,e Bill 91-14 :;l::'i:$iormation regarding special districts andof euch dist,rict,s may be obEained from the BoardComnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or AsEeEsor. The subjecE real property may be locaced in a special Eaxingdiecrlct. A Cerfificate of Taxes Due lisLing each Eaxing jurisdiction rnay be obtained from the County Tieasurer or Etre CountyTreaEurer's authorized agent. :. < , K;, , .-.'''-il ' Jghe botrndarlcEof CounEy Ehe County A)A Cert,ificate of Taxesshal.l be obtained fromTreaEurer' s aut.horized Requj-red by Senat,e Bill 92-143 Due liscing each taxing jurisdiction the County Treasurer or the Councy agent,. :t ^.U '--.*---'.'.--- List of adjacent ProPertY ourers: P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO (Cros Road$ V' Robert P. Smith P.O. Box ?00 D. List of names and address of all properry adjacent-to ptop*y betrind znd adoss strets and their mailing iesponsibleforcorrect mailing.addresses' -/-./ Colondo Diiision of HighwaYs t/ the subject property tttuqhtr- addresses. lle aPPlicant is _"- 15028 Evugreen, CO 80439 ,/ (Su,iss Chalet and SonnenalP) t/ Johumes Faessler 20 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (Ialisman) . ,/ Talisman Condominium Association z 62 &st li{eadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 (Gateway Plaza) Leo Palmer 2735 iris A\.enue Boulder, CO 80304 Vail Village Inn v Joe Sauf;end Cecil Dodson, President, WI Condominium Association 100 E. lrfeadow Drive vail, CO 81557 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Mu.nicipal Code of the Town of Vail on lifay 20, 1996; at 2:00 P.M. in lhe Town ol Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a Conilitionat Use Permit in the CCll Zone District to allow for a miniature golf course to bs located at 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Charlie AlexanderPlanner: Jim Curnutte - A reouest for an interior residential addition utilizinq the 250 Ordinance, located atI tOO East Meadow Drivelt/illage lnn Plaza Phase lll, Unit 111iLot O, Block 5D, Vail Village lst Filing. - n Applicant: Tom Thornburg- Planner: Lauren Waterton A request to modify a condition of approval for a conditional use permit for volleyball courts to be located by the soccer field, located at 620 Vail Valley DriveiTract A, Block 2, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for a Conditional Use Perrnit to use a tent at the Lionshead Ski School for Camp Vail, located at 520 Lionshead Mall/ Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st filing Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Sign Code Amendment to allow for an amendment and reorganization of Title 16, Signs, Chapters 16.20 (Sign Categories) and 16.22 (Sign Categories for the CC3 and ABD Zone Districts). Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello ililililt/l Spn language interpr€tation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2358 TDD. for informalbn. Community Development Departm€nl Published May 3, 1998 in lhe VailTrail. / W];:,;1, T0l^lh,.l (fF 1JFIII- l'liscel leneous Cash Q4.'24:'t6 g'J1,34tBA Receipt * 19?143 Bccount * C,tl FRITZLEH, PIEPCE,. DIX_ ffiFC Iterr paid arw4rs1ftqs , gtgE€€4rsSgaaa Change rrturrted .j * 646916:378 gFjII.,IEF...PPO ORE FEE5IFIF ? 228.98 Rnrunt F€id 74.98 ?rtg.gg . &.ag TF FtHt< v(flJ ':|ottr caahiar JIJD? l)l. '-\/ TOWNOFVAIL DEPAn'T}IE}iT OF COfT'UU!iITY DETELOPME\T )-A,u ADDRESS DA PRo.'ECI CBECITS MADE IAY^.BLE TO TO\TN OF T'AIL AC'OOII\T\O. 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.000l 0000 4:415 UMFORM BUILDING CODE s54.00 0t oo00 42415 UMFORM PLUMBINGCODE 539.000l oo00 424 t 5 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE s37.000t 0000424t5 UNIFORN{ FIRE CODE 536.00,l U)00 41.+l 5 NATIONAL ELECTR]CAL CODE sJ7.0u 01 000043415 OTIAR CODE BOOKS0l oo00 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0 I 0(}00 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.250l oo00 42412 S .I UDIES 0 I (I)00 r1?4 t 2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.000t 0000 4?371 PT,NALTY f EES / RE-INSPECTIONS0l oo00 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE [S4O PER HR]0t oo00 42-ri2 OFF I]OURS INSPECTION FEES 0t 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS L]CENSES FEES0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.000l 0()00.11.{13 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SO.FT.I -41'l#€nJ,iJ-{0 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION0l 0000 -11 ji I }RE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE '7).D/>-€ffioor4Ti7l I}N/ESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) i10(}00451r0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l oo00 l:027 I OV NT,WSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0t 0000 21il2 T,TXABLE@{.52 (STATE)r 0l e000 4t0t0 T,LYABLE @.i . qZ (!or^rNj 0l oo004li7l BUILDINC INVESTIGATION OTI.IER . 0l urou 4t jio ADDITIONAL GRFA "250 s200.00 2rX.C I -rrilrw4 t jiO CONDITIONAL USE PERN{IT s200.000l ooo0 4r330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TT{AN lOO SQ.FT.]s200.000l (IloO 4l jiO EXTER]OR ALTERATION IMORE TI{AN IOO SQ.FT.I s500.000l oo00.1ti30 SPTCIALDTYLLOPIlENTDISTRICT INEWI s1,500.000t fl'00 41.330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND s1.000.000l (X)00 4 1330 SPECIAL DEVELOPN,IENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND s200.000l 0(10041i30 SUBDIVISION 0l fitoo 4li30 VARIANCE s250.00 0t flrco 4t330 ZONING CODE AMTNDMENTS s250.000l fi)00 4t3_i0 KE. ZONING s2(X).00 OTHER ITHER @ ,"""..*, -Tho(nbur4 ?@J GE' , .*.,ll.1.0Ll *".."r-&)-- FritzlenPierceBriner Architecture Planning Interiors 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive Suite C-l O Vail, Colomdo 81657 a 970 476-6342 O Fax: 970 4764n1 April 19, 1996 Existing Photos of Unit 111, Village Inn Plaza Phase III EXISTING SOUTH FACADE Ll96 | 2\l)OC\l,ltcrl l 996.WPl) EXISTING WEST FACADE FritzlenPierceBriner Archite cture Planning Inte riors Vail Valley Drive Suite C-l O Vail, Colomdo 81657 a 970 476-6342 O Fax: 970 4764901 April 19, 1996 Existing Photos of Unit 111, Village Inn Plaza Phase III EXISTING EAST FACADE 1..\..,6 t l\lx)cu)lc+ 199(, wl,l) EXISTING EAST FACADE FritzlenPierceBriner Architecture Planning Interiors 1650 E. Vail Valley Drive Suite C-l O Vail, Colorado 81657 O 970 476-6342 O Fax: 970 476-4901 April 19. 1996 Existing Photos of Unit 111, Village Inn Plaza Phase III EXISTING STAIR TOWER EXISTING STAIR TOW'ER ENTRY L \96 1 2\1)OCU)Iic.l 1,196 WI't)