HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 303 - Schellerozt =ol UJo- I -,1 c! o !n o\ ouJ UJl!F =Eulo- ft() tb-r\*h.pd l<.'rtz 'pqfo,ffi -i-(\ \' e' v HE3 Fl HE iN I I slx =lltrNiE 5_yl9T=q-JN E- trn: ;^ IJJ oz = = .D od o z_z UJz3 u,lrFoz @ro\o()oo@u) (nsto<.s o €Xo.14EJ rdo<laO{ > F' Ail z Fl(.) lJ.J|r|g) i l! o z o(ro F z 6 c.9(/)A tc) .rt 9€:oq)vocI 'a-E'; o.Ec.oc =3v,o 9Fqq)(!.c (6 q)EoO o): = d) E =l Eo o - .n) o, 'o o C)(! g oo o o o E G o3(5 c) (g v, c(g at, (! = =oF (r' z = E (! .9 (5c o ; 't Eooo o E Ct)C' f() (D o .2 o'5u C) ED(Eoo)p o. () (! E qt (u at, (g o o- Q) E ooG ooo -9cl Eoo Eo o€) o E oc o o co (!() CL (! .2 oq) o (! (! o Eq) 'o Jo(tt 0o (D lno\ CA r\t\\'scN lr)!nNN !n $ t.tr{ Jf< trI .\i "-f F UJ z J Y u/ ()z J(L ) EFOTIJJuJ z to E J 2 uJ ul u-z tr UJ oUJ oE 3g lrJEz -t UJo F -t/> cr!o(Llz uJJo x F uJo .t) rJ.l LUlJ-t = UJo- J F F z J J d.FC)luJ UJ oz ao = o.- J Iz uJt Fl H H NOt.lvnlvA F{ FF.oatlR=%, =\2{tu #il N(\l zo6 6 >0< -I zo F^ FY.1, o7to2t!<v= OH.x ;(\i t.v)aFi H F BKts Fp f: Fts E F z tr l uJI F ch ao-uJE z Eoo *i5z tr (r uJ ; UJz II I I Ez:)zOo <oo< =Hxr!6o<z Lz 9z -iF do3tror uJl CL u) I!zYOI F zsF .J az I -l -l ,.]oqlEI I z 2 I =F L!(! o 3o ljl ,l :5l Jl 5l zl zl uJ uJt!zotr l!o J zIL zF dt t tl, AIvr It ..1 (o5cnr-1 r.-oDl Ed .J)z Fl uth U)o -zoFo-utYuJ o\clco r-'{ FtxFH CEHRttloea18qIA HuJbkzo 7A,n9 g c-< acoo s =z E =J O rrlTI- LL ..i3 =Ei=(J*=lll;dd= F TEuto- oPt!E9E<of6062B9tt ir ci C'Jr- =utr-E h=o + t1:E :TE Eb9 iurE Xo-E X>€IiiFo- ,.ioi!i Itl CooF E =Elrlo-zoF C) E.Fazo C) xtt oxJ"+{ IP. lrl(olol-l dl =.1 ill n'trl'f, -.rlFatT 'l$zl *l FI I I I I .t ?loluJl CEIJI <lilol 3l IOl t/rFI F oo@ Io\\f,o\ I<lrlr\l =l I cilzl ctl rlil>l rr.Iolzl3l sl antt) 4 V =q (i .+ Io\.it c Irltlr4 l.sl-l I dl =.1oluJl 5l :lq zl =lolFI li& E-l EIFftrr rlr H t4E{H B =tr I I I It-lo' It<Iorlot<lp(/t (Jn<EI E6i icrFgj<tr=o Fltrr EEl & FlFrt! n) ui =zoo") rl&l Bl-rO I r.nall<l\OHl *rl * Icil-1 |-t "Jfri;i<d>nI E() F(ri\ uJ *EOz E2? =ffF d.6 oF EFz z 7 UJ E:o<F uJ<zEtt, F(qZo IE LIJJ UJ FOuJF- ? t ffi F+ D<h D<l xl D<l 75 3oulh frontaga road vdl, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (3dl) 4792139 otllce ot communlty developnent Plaa Revieu Bas€d ontb€ 1988 Unilorcu codee PROJECT NWBER: 12591 ADDRESS: VAIL VTLI,AGE INN PI,AZA 1OO E. IIEADOW DR. OCCUPANCY: R]- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: II-FR DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: YES NAME: SCHELI,ER REMODEL DATE: FEB. 7, L99L CONTRACTOR: BECK & ASSOC. ARCHITECT: MoRTER ARCHITECTS ENGINEER: NONE PL,ANS E!{AI'IINER: MfCHAEL WHITAKER CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The itsns listed b€low are not Lateaded to be a complete listingof all possible code requireuents ia the aclopted codes. It is aguLde to sel€cted gectLoDs of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be aa approval of any violatioa of aly of tbe pro- vLsl.ons of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of, the lloltD of VaiI. 1. Ceiling fire rating to be naintained. Any penetrations inceiling must be protected. Allowed: 1o0 sq.in. per 100 sq.ft.2. Maintain wall fire rating at all times.3. Electrical to be in approved netal conduit.4. Replace hearth as per code. Maintain clearances fronfireplace box as per manufacturer installation recommendations.5. Gas fireplace appliance to be installed as per installationinstructions. clearance to side wall vent ternination to be as per uMc s06(f).5. Ventilate laundry room as per UBC 1205. Supp1y dryer moisture exhaust as per Ul,lC 1L04 & 1903.7. Maintain 2 hr. fire protection around all structural elementswithin unit for building.8. Interior partitions may be of noncombustible rnaterials orfire-retardant-treated wood as per UBC l-7O5(b)2.9. Maintain access to jacuzzi equiprnent.LO. Fire Department approval required for Fire Alarn and FireSprinkler systems. Drawings to be submitted to Mike Mccee for review prior to instatlation/alteration. I--BECKI t aND assocrArEs, rNc.ilr Dtay 14, 1991 Gary Murrain Department of Connunity Development To$rn of Vail75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary: I wanted to wrlte this letterregarding the bath fans at thevillage Inn Plaza Building. as an afflrnation of your decislonScheller residence, Unit 303, vall It is rny understanding that we will be required to provJ.de anexhaust fan to the outside of the building at the Laundry roomonly. We will also vent the dryer outside. fn light of the factthat the bathroonE are not gettlng larger nor the fixturesrelocated, we will not have to vent any of the bathrooms to the Project Beck and FP\di yne ManagerAssociates, Inc. GE'VEFAL CONTR/TC'ORS P.O. BOX 4030 vatL, coLonaoo 4165a (303) ss-1800 t ,t,t 't/,4 k ''r fn,"gt a\ fu/^'4,fr*"' F/,& qG-);fr " J+ora%o" ' =rrrlr"z p.sL ,n* /; *l;,?r;" hh. f:-;k 2417 Aztgc Rbad NE, Atbuquerque. New M6r(ico gn07 ,June 24, 1991 White River ELectricAttention: Rick. Per your request for information concerning theuse of Celotex Corporation's SeundStop goaid inconjunction with AzLec Flexel , attached isinformation received directly from Celotex thisaftbrnoon. under "caution" paragraph, ceLotex states that ,rsoundstopBoard shall not be used-in close proximity to chirnneys,heater unite, fireplaces etc. or other suifaces whichcrould proylde long term exposure to excesslve.heat,maximum (212'F) without adiquate thermal_ piot""lfor. " The Underwritersr Lab, test for Aztec Flexel perrnitteda maximum operating temperature of 90aC (194'Fi: -- Aztec Flexel operates well below the na*imum aiiowaoLelld: consequenttyl we see no problen ustnf a"[ec-ife*"frn con1unction with SoundStop Board our UL Files crirvering Flexel are #E90921 and #879807. Sincerely, Z^ffi- E/(. Mattheh' E. King, ?n.nu"Engineering/ SaIesRadiant Heating Systems JUN-24-91 l4rlH 17 :44 ))rFr-Tt- {3ffiE AZTeC 'IliFll. AZTECH|NTERNAT|oNAL,LTo., hrnftrl. t xlU lobl., lE| o.c, P!Q{h-or: }t'piivood ffi,'p,figmBpiif,,.lr,o,lllffnlemediat6ly.it'o,illff oJ?'o!?,q'df ;11 )ne Hour Flre HeslstVe WallAssembfi Ofl 87C4.5 b 4e: ---- ]Tu*r,*rfrvffi r "QuietZoning', FOF STGfi; ilo tlg est.. fnrnfng. I x1V lolst$, l6'0,c, ffi,*{'#;#l#m"T,o,liegs:Iglfssl"j.'g#ief s: FOH STC"lSt l|o 14 ed,. pf ,$firiffi r,ffi{ffif 'ffi ltffif,},#t{ffi lnlrh Flooa Llnolsum md b[ llnsr. ffiffiffiffit*t'tr:':'Hf ffi ffii$ilffgdfl ft;tfii:1"'mas,rffi'lli1'Prffi, ilrj}t"d"",l'"glFtg,r_1qpg!|!9_lgqgnb-lnJchp,ovtdor,t.nr-rrg pqtn rgf nolso tranfmiBsit*lH rirpiii- iijL;"ri3iifi li n".Ej llfl lnl ?"ilTt il,iS DUfi$ ft Lil{r*,g,t{iffi;rfriffilli},'$d?lru,ffiTrtl.il; CAULXINO 9lyllilE ln rhe .lqhl prrcos, qTsi:ilH#i,iti'#""lsldfl|fjfr*t'11[Tllirfi ii nEf:,liffJ !siilr:* Fr.'cnc ouuetl rhourd epprar In rtrorr =452437262ttJtlFE QPeK tuecrd,(.*zt7u"' ffrc< l'toN I ? :46 P. O1 I ffiig,flr,mwl;,ffiilmffiffi Flnlrh F'loon Crrpettng tid frtt D|d. ffi.ilr?tf#,fth##?fd[]iJii:i;i,?j:nerFXT"r3[tti$i$##,tr uio uncoi pr-ffi iilr Ti, .*r,u*. 9onplr ction Tech n iques for Not_Breakin- tE;- Sound Barrier I"T,js,ffi,;f Hilfiii3rft {,##j,fl $ifrHr#ffi18j#rH moRs iiii'i'ff ff xlgf,Hffi ilffi ,1fl ff ti.*#Jr.gi$,JiTd ffirtr#trft'r,rgf*tr"#f,*;ffirnffi SUBFL@H c ,@ B,g;,fi ,gggf g_ffi flgfj!Hi"i:1ffi.';;s. ffi$nqf,ffi-:''i; flfirffi j"fi r,T?"T,ft,iqffi!]1,fl iil; |, Wff ffih#i!:; t !!';t trv{r"W r?iimrr; W -1,i;flf1ffijirftt,Ti;T,ft,{r#ljfj{ffi 1 Y"*!,!ffms#j!:;t!r#trW":,i"'rt,",!di,ffi;E ccrrrhrrrrrleJlr'i;r,;y.rorr,"tio.,,*;Lq;":. . ,,' -. l. .:SSlg|1lr,:p i-oriiS,_"p.er..ir.tar.i,.j "i ,irLn"r..;:,. ..'ir. *.yS*;*4qo,. "',.. i l.:,SSfltmf si,ilisr."n e'r.i,aii,'.1r0 oiff,iL'a"r. rbe rreug r"r",,!f.:-::t::rr":.tff:- glvlag a pernlt a ftnal C of 0. Pleaee check off lu the bor provlded. FINAL PLMEINC DATE: FINAL I.TECf,ANIC.AT DATE: I n n 'nt'r LFI IilPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: FINAL BUIU)INC EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: oorr, / Z^ Zo '? / TE}IPOMRY C OF O I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE! I.AI{DSCAPINC DI'E DATE: FILE NA}IE