HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 403 - TobinProject Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesar Description, ao, O ,erocr< 6-D ,ririns Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL E statt Approval _a 1=BECKI I AA,D ASSOCTaTES, 'NC.ilr November 26, L99L Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Shelly Melo Dear Shelly: Attached is the revised letter of approval from the Vail Village Plaza Condominium Association and the revised site plan for the Tobin Satellite dish. I also have included a copy of my letter to Kinney Johnson dated November 13th since the letter of approval refers to this letter. Please let me know when *L'\ \ .\. .\L Frank Payne Project ldanager Beck and Associates, Inc. final approval is awarded. FP\di Attachments GE,JEBAT CON'RACIORS PO, AOX 4030 varL, coLoRAt o 816s8 (3O3) g+1A(n 343 692 96E6 CFrPlTfl- lEfl-TH Nonenber 15' 1991 Ur. Frank Payne Vlco Pretldent Beals and AiloalatcrP,O. Box {O30Vall , CO 81658 Doar Frank, rhe Board of lranagers of the Yatl Vtllago Plata conddnlnlurs hereby apprwes tti-iai-""il=eii.r""-"i i"-'4 r'guae! 14rar1qiiil-sifnii-iobln,e-sitelrlts as presentll In your NovclbeE 13, 1991, Lett€r. EeeldenBTtllage Plaza Condonlnlun Agsocl,atlon Lt/tg/gI 15:33 to November 13, 1991 Kinney Johnson 100 so. Dexter St. Denver, CO 80222 Dear KJ.nney, Attached ls a revLsed drawing and a revised site plan whichrepresents our plan to install sylvan Tobin's sateltite dlshwlthout the fence. We should have this work completed by Novenber 20 or sooner. I'rn not sure what your next step should be, but I will need an updated letter from you for the Town of Vail. If possible I wouldlike thls letter by Wednesday, November 2o. ff you need longer to acconplJ.sh approval of the revised plan, ne can probably work something out. Please call me with your input on this matter at your earliest convenience. SJ-ncereIy, fn'--L,'?*7*L/t)Frank PayneVice President Beck and Associates, Inc. rPlkh Enclosure rg+ : ,i), ft-','i ba It'fl| "i r\ \l/" I't...) -l--1-l-,i -1-:.-- lll l--l I ' , ,S I i ,.r\ ,-.--, .2r.''.,isli;'i'li'i fl \- Ii )4\)K'# VY k#iqsp l- 1:', \ I I I *-h \ \ IINOS o nowb e?+??v*e Z.<ptfve_.fuiiz I \\ I \ \ \ \ \ \ r \ \ I o o rg+ : ,i), ft-','i ba It'fl| "i r\ \l/" I't...) -l--1-l-,i -1-:.-- lll l--l I ' , ,S I i ,.r\ ,-.--, .2r.''.,isli;'i'li'i fl \- Ii )4\)K'# VY k#iqsp l- 1:', \ I I I *-h \ \ IINOS o nowb e?+??v*e Z.<ptfve_.fuiiz I \\ I \ \ \ \ \ \ r \ \ I o o revised 6/L8/9Lo APP DATE APPLICAT]ON DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs APP,,rcArfililL;iio, "" A..EPTEDnNrrl arl. REQnr*.o.j_To_Ti:IJroN rs snBtrrrrED PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: Installation of 8' satellite dish ald 6l trish cedar screening fence and landscaping at S.E. corner of VVI LICATION _ TOWN o oF vAlL, CO RECEIVED: DRB Er0cT 14t9s LORADO Pl aza Bui I d'i ng 1 B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Minor Alteration ($20.00)Nen Construction (S200.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:100 Vail Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI O BIocK 5D Subdivi si on Vai'l Villaqe lst Filinq If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andatt.ach to this application. ,azONING: VVI Special Development District jl,C LOT AREA: 1f reguired, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing 1ot area NAME OF APPLICANT: Svlvan Tobin ^\"I'"1 I. r F. Mailing Address:101 Cheswold Lane 5D Haverford. PA 19041 Phone 215-457-7300 l.t NA}{E OF Mai 1ing APPLICANT' Address: NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailinq Address:PA 13041 Phone 949-1800 Phone N"I),.Condominium Approval if applicable K DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to bethe time of submittal of DRB application. applying for a building permit, please accurate valuation of the proposal.will adjust the fee according to the ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION FEE s0s 10,001$ 50,001cl Kn nn1YI.JVt Wvr $500,001( Arrar - s 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- s 150,000- $ 500,000- 91,000,000 $1,000,000 $ 20.00q qn nn $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ter, whe Town of \lailtable beJow, t rNO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE o YYI PROPERTY DESCRIPTIOII A parcel of land tn LoLs Il, N and 0, Block 5-D, Vatl Vtllage, Flrsu Flllng' .,,r Secclon 8, Tounshlp 5 SouEh, Range 80 HesE of clre 6rh Prtnetpal l'lertdlan, Tom of Vall, Eagle County, Coloraclo, belng nore par!lcu1arly descrlbed as-follorsl CotB{EllCIliG at the northwes! corner of Lot N; THEIICE S79n46'00" E along the south rlgtrt-of-way llne of I-70 Frontage Rqail a dlsrance of 174.71 fee! ro rhe PoLNT oF SEGINNING, eatd POINT OP BEGINIII:;G alsc belng the oorgheas! corner of thar tract of land descrlbnd ln l:cok 23C ec Page 556 of lhe lndlctes of the l:agle (lo,.rrrty Clerk and ltecorderl l'llENCg conE{n,rlog 379olr6r00" E along s<ld rlght-of-.va; llrre a dtsi;.rrce of 178.21 feeE, Co the norttrwesc corner of Phase 3 of Vall Vlltage Inn; Tl{::iCE along the bouodary of Phase 3 of Vatl'Vlllage Inn Bhe followlng flve ct irses ! l) S9o30r00" W 190.14 feeE.;2) THENCE S80c30r00' E 56.60 feer;. 3) . THENCE S9o30r00- W 20.00 feeu;4) THEICE.S39o30r00' E 82.011 feeri5) THENCE Sl0ol3f02- l{ a dlslauce of 52.98 feet to a potnu oo the norch rlght-of*ray llne of East lleadow Drlve; TTENCE N82c35r00'.W aloog the norBh rlghu--oi-eray llne of East Meailow Drlve a dlstEoce of 105.87 feel Eo a polnt of curve; THfiNCE cooElout.sg along eatd norlh rlght,-of<tay llne aocl along salil curve to the left, havlog a central angle of 21'32t00", a railtue of 545.92 feeB and an 8rc dlstance of 205.17 fee! to a polnt of tangent! THENCE S75o53t00'tl along sald norrh rlght-of-nray llne a dtetance of.77.33' feets to a poluE of curve;,- .i---. TEE}ICB along salil curve to the rl.ght, havl.ng a ceotrsl angle of 103n43r-33", a. re,Sltis of 20.00 feai aail e.o erc. dLsLartce of, 3i'.2L feet to a polnt. of taogerri; rHSNCE N0n23r27'tl aloog the easE rlght-of-way llne of Vall Road a dtstance of 242.97 feeE to lhe southwes! corner of eald tract of land ileesrtbeil ls Book 230 at Page 555;. 'THENCE along the southerly ltne of sald tract S79o.46f00" E a. ill.stance of 147.07 feeE to the southeasB corner of sald tracci TBENCE Nl0ol4r00" E a'rdtsbairce of 147.33 fee! to the POM Otr BECINNING. October 11, 1991 l,tr. Eranlc PalmoVice Prrel.dcnt Bock and AcaociatErP.O. Box 4030Val.l., CO 81658 D,ear Fran*, Wlth reEarde to ttr. Sylvan Tobl.n,s request to install asatelllte dirh on the ValI vlllage rnn Plaza condonlnl.ulproperty, tlre board of, uanagerg hag approved the requect atprcsentcd Ln your letter dated Septenber 27, L99L. lE^H"HS.K October 15, 1991 Shelly Melo Town of Vail Planning Staff75 South Frontage Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Dear Shelly, I wanted to drop you a note to discuss briefly the Tobin sateLliteDish Application. In particular I would like to give you anoverview of the proposed location of the dish itself. It is our opl.nion that the best location for the dish is approximately four feet behind the south wall of the adjacent deck. Although this location will require the removal of two trees it hasthe following advantages: 1. The arnount of wood fencing required to screen the dish is reduced. 2. The existing bushes between the dish and Kitchenworks will not be disturbed nor will they interfere with satelJ-lte reception. 3. The dish will be naturally screened fron above with existing and new treeE. 4. The whole instaltation will be less visible from all adjacentproperty oltners from the north, south, east and west. I realize that this location is not in keeping with the Conmission's wish to not remove trees. Ilowever, in rny opinion thislocation is actually more in keeping with the commission's reconnendation that the installation be rrintegrated into theexisting landscapingrr. Dtoving the dish in front of the existingtrees and throwing a large fence around the west, south and eastsides is not in keeping with thl-s recomrnendation. GEI'EFA( CON'FACTOFS P.O. BOX 4030 vatL, coLo8Aoo a165a t303,949-laOO Shelly lleloT.O.V. Planning Staff LO/Ls/eL Page 2 Mr. Tobin has asked ne to assure you that he is willing to replacethe two renoved trees and to do whatever else night be necessary toassure that thiE installation is not an eye sore. I an sure thatwith the proper touch rde can nake this installation blend well intothe slte. FrankVice Beck FPlkh PreEident and Associates, Inc. I o Qg ?or1 "tsgtrl . <., ' \ Appl ication l. ' fffO OCf t 41991 DRB MEETING DATE November 6, 1991 AODRESS-]IL CHES}IOLD LANE// VAIL VILLAGE INN PLAZA, UNIT 403 I. APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA Procedures.for_applying for a satellite dish antenna are outlined inOrdinance #9 of 1985. Oetails of these procedures are available fromthe Department of conmunity Developnrent. Applicants are encouraged tocontact the Department of Conmunity Development for additional iiformationconcerning submitted requests, revjew critiria, and the approval prociss. A. NAME OF APPLICANT SYLVAN TOBIN HAVERFORD. PA 19041 // VAIL. CO 81657 PHONE LEGAL DESCRIPTI0II LoT 0. BLoCK 5D (see attachment) B. NAI4E 0F APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVES Beck and 4ss-q_c-iates, Inc. ADDRESS P.0. Box 4030. Vail. C0 81658 PHONE 949- 1800 ,/ D. NME 0F 0l.lNER(S) S I GNATU RE List of names aproperty incl udin( mai I ing addresses. addresses. ses of alI roperty behjnd The applicant See Page 2 for names and addresses property adjacent to the subject and accross streets and theiris responsible for correct mailing AS OUTLINED IN ORDINANC! T9, 1985, I{OTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY 9YIISII IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO-REVIEH Oi NUY NPFiiCNrrOHi di iHL DESTGNREVIEI.I BOARD. FOR TIIiS IEASON, COMPLETE APPLICATiONi UUir iJL SUSNITTEOTO THE DEPARTMENT OF COPI.IUNITY'DEVELOPM'NT 2I DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULEDDESIGN REVIElI BOARD MEITiNG. Application For a Satellite Dish Antenna Page2 List of adjacent property owners: D. List of names and address of all property adjacent to the subject property including property behind and across streets and their mailing addresses. The applicant is responsible for correct mailing addresses. Colorado Division of Highways ,r/ P.O. Box 2107 Grand Junction, CO 81502 ,/ (Cross Roads) V' Robert P. Smittt P.O. Box 700 Evergreen, CO 80439 (Swiss Chalet and Sonnenalp) Johannes Faessler 20 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 (falisman) ,/ Talisman Condominium Association z 62 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 (Gateway Plaza) Leo Palmer 2735 Iris Avenue Boulder, CO 80304 Vail Village kn Joe Staufer and Cecil Dodson, President, WI Condominium Association 100 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 \ \*\\*S i\alt \ \\ \X \rjsr,qss \c13b \\. <__\\_.-\ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that, the Planning Staff will be reviewing aDesign Review Board applicat,ion on Noverbac 20, 1991 in t,he Town ofVail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for a Satellite dish at the Tobin Residence locatedat, 100 Vail Road/YaiI village Inn Plaza Unit #403. Lot. 0,Block 5-D, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant,: Mr. Sylvan Tobin The applications and infornation about the proposals are avaLlablein the zoning adminl-st,rator's office during regular office hoursfor public inspect,ion. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNI TY DEVELOPI,IENT Published in the Vail Trail on October 30, 1991. U TOBINRESIDENCE SATEIIIIE DISH I-IST OFMATERHI^S I Winegard 8' diameter perforated dish I Winegard 3' x 3'dish support I Saginaw motorized jack,2 x?,4' I Fed, with support and weather correr | 3rh' OD steel post, by 4' 100' I run (6 plex) cable MODETS CK-,| 088, CK€04E '\ffflRgEGIA,FIf3' O lriU,RoD;JcT BU,.LLlllr 120 C-BA].I Dflru"g t'! D PERFC M.T[ D SF.TEI. l,|TE ANTEN NAS N{D CK-60,t8 frlfLEtiaEEnE!tnullta-\ I -(SSI I - -!I--t WINEGARD.. . THE TEADER IN ANTENNA TECHNOLOGY, INTRODUCES THE BEST C-BAND/KU-BAND SEE.THROUGH SATELTITE ANTENNAS AND MOUNTS. engineering slondords whlle npintoinlng the se+ throrgh choroctedstlcs of Wlnegqrds design. ., ond v,rhen comblned wlth ol t,030 surfoce '*.toleronce, thE results ore somethlng lo brog oboutl Experience thqt sense of pride thot comes tom true quolity. Step up io Wnegord . .qt for less cost Wnegord's unique sotellite lV ontennos hcnae been recelvlng rqve reviews ever since they raaere. Introduced. Consumers, deolers, technicol writen - - e\€n our competitors - ho/e told us you cont'flnd befter looking, better performing, better . quollty dishes on) rhere. Assembly orxJ .lrstollotion ore extremely simple. requiring for lees 'tim'e to get o system up ond working. But no,v the best is even bettEr, offering yo.r $iperlor reception of Ku'bond frequencies os well os C-bond. We've reduced perforotion hole size tlreirnS/32' to ilc/l'diom€ler. lhls o<ceeds . : , thon you would irnogine. 8 FOOT REFLECTOTI (4 SECTTONS) cK-8048' tc0.clot Olom.llc 6 tuel (2 3l'r€l€6) Surloca lola.q.rca: ' 03O krqu€ncy Ro^ge C-8ord 3 7 ro a.?GHz ku-Bond ll.t lo l2.7GHl Hol. slr.: .078 Coln: C-BonJ 3E.5dB Ku-Bond 465d8 E lcl.ncr C-bond 674 Xu-oond 553 8ofitowar laornwidh: 21' F/D Polio: 0276 Cro3r Polorltollon: 22dB dorn Slde lob..; 20d8 down Opalqllng l.mpqoirra: -tlo' lo .140" F l{ind Op.|ollonol: 65 mph Wind Survlvol: 125 moh Fe.d lD.: P|rr€ Focl.r! D.plh: 20-1ld inchoi Focol tangli: 25 inchs3 Rnlt r: Pg*dor Cool Srnoled Chrom€ Gouga: 0!O Pedo€ted olt'ninurn W.hht AelEclo. w€€h! at lb!. faa<t Type ftlrno Focut 0.91h: 16.2 ancher Foc€l lorEih: 19.56 lr€fr.3 nnki: Pot^d€r Cool Srnolrd Chtott!€ Couga: .O5O Mo.ot€d dumhtn Waight frelbclor v.eaght 22 lb! ftolltow€r Seomwldlh: 2.8' F/D no o: 0 278 Crort Polorirdllon: 20dB dolvn Slde Lobe.: 20dB dorn Oparolhg femperotura: -40" to -llo' F Wlnd Op€rollonol 85 mgh lvlnd Survlvol: 125 moh E Pr.^. araOMXr..d ll Pl.n. ataOMX:..rd x F z H ft.. attaaHr 'r.1Cror| ?Crtlr.ll!. lat' au||o.{l.al} 6 FOOI REFLECTOR (4 SECTTONS) cK-6018 nofl.clor Dlomelet 6 Fgsl (1.8 Msl€G) Surloca lolaronca: : 030 k.qu.ncy lonla: C.8dld 3.2 lo 6 2GH! Kv-8ord t 1.7 ro l2.7GHr Hol. Sh.: .07E eolnr C'Bd|d 36.4d8 Xu-Bond 44 sdB Emcl.nqr C-8ond 73X Ktl8orld 55* TEST RESULTS WNEGP{?D MINI-CEPIOR* 6' DISH Nol3a TcmpGrtiura Eleralon anglr, atagrr!3 WINEGARD PINNACLE 1O' DISH I Pt.d allolHt raCro.. PCr.lr.tlon (at. lcndhootl ' U.S. Polenl No. a.56C.9!5 ond olh€r U.S. Potenl3 Pendlng. PAXION, INC., INDEPENDENI ENGINEERING tAB IESI 't *^N oo nawA ap. ,EP(.?" ra \.\ t\ \ \ \ I I iI.. I ;I I I -r-DEtN aDateAppl ication PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a varlance. The applicationwlll not be accepted until a'l'l infonnation is submitted. tA. NAr,tE OF AppLrcANT_.5j.1 v-as_<o_R ADDRESS U P \T 4O 3 V AtL VreL Ar.-1 B. NAME 0F AppLtcANT,s REpRE5ENTATIyE S ,trc E LL .r€- e-CF i ! r,F_\ h eooness @uxee- =\tua ' ADDRESS 4g o Ur'fls i< 1+:,,Rc. (-r-> LutQ 8€D LUF?pHonE ffi+ s.f6 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRE55 VAtL V .uL af-rE !"^.xJ II. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK FILING E. FEE $]OO PAID cK#FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }IIIL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of a'll property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PRoPERTY BEHIND AND ACRoSS STREETS, and their mai'ling addresses. THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.|ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TOjDETERfiINE IF ANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION }'ILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT lS CoMPLETE (MUST TNCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THE ZoNING ADMINISTRAToR). IT IS THE AppLICANT'S RESPoNSIBILITY T0 r'.rAKE AN APPoII{TMENT I.,ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECEEffiJXG_TUT NUTIEER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNINO AND ENVIRONI'IENTAL COMMISSION I4AY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I.IUST BE COI'IPLIED }IITH 8EFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIIED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEI'IENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other exist'lng or potentlal uses and structures in the vicinity. Z. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal lnterpretation and enforcement of a specified regu'lation is necessary to achieve compatibility and unifomity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this tit'le without grant of speclal privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic faci'litiis, utilities, and pubiic safety. III. Vari ance 4. How your request comp'l ies wjth Vail's Comprehensive Pllan. B. A topographi.c and/or improvement survey at-a scale of at^least l. - 20, stampe(' bv a Colorado licensed surveyor including-locations of all.existing imprJve-m-ents, including_grades and ilevations. -Other elenents wnrch must be shownare parking and-loading areas, lngress and egress' landscFped areas inA"- "'. utility and drainage features. C. A site plan at a scale of at leasb l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bui ldings. D. AII pre'liminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensions' general appearance' sca'le and use of all buildings and spacesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A pre'liminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a mu'lti=family development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association ln support of theproie'ct must be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. review of the application as survey and site plan nay be G. Any additiona'l material necessary for the determined by the zorring administrator.. * For interior nodifications, an improvement waived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(rs desc'rihld above) m:rst be subrrii.ted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomplef.e applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the Znd and 4th llondaysall accompanying materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- PUBI,IC NOTTCE NOAICE IS IIEREBY GMN ttrat the Deslgrn Revlew Board of the Town ofVail will hold a publlc hearinE on Novenber 21, 1990 at 3:00 p.n. Ln the Town of vall uunicipal Euilding. Consideratlon of: 1. A requeat f,or4.nstallatlon of a satelll,te pleb on the roof ofttre Vall VlllaEe Inn Plaza. Iocated at 100 Vall Road. I,otO, Block 5D, VaJ.l Village 1et Flllng. Applicant: Satelllte RecelvJ.nE Systene The appll.cations and lnfornation about the proposals are availablein the zonlng admlnistratorrs office during regrular office hoursfor publlc Lnspection. TO$lr OF VAIL COUUUNTTY DEI'EIOP!,IENT Publl.Ehed ln tbe Vall Tral,l on Novenber 2, 1990. Bqr\ \ b\-srlqS.= \- c\\N\.'\*\o \t,-\1-\S' .LIST OF I.TATERIAI.S NN.TE OF PROJECT!berl.\ Sare LL rtE +*rrexlxl A IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I,oT ;** D r""*uitto* VAIL v.LLJ 3t DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT! sTREETADDREss: - - l'r^t t tREEk. A/t.. ^ _ t X@DscAPrNG! Name or PLAI|I MATERIALS: PROFOSED TREES Botanl.cal Narne requl.red for eubmlttalapproval can be given: TYPE OF }TATERIAIJA. The followLng informatLon l,s RevLew Eoard before a final ING I.IATERIALS: Roo Sidlng Other lfaIl terlals Faecl-a Soffits l{lndows lflndow Trln Doors Door TrLm Hand or Deck Ralls FIues Flashings Chlnneys Trash losures G B to the Deslgn COITOR Deslgner: Phone: ouantLtv SLze*.BUL "JPR.o/d..' 2 TO tu uF 5lRu4e 3 .EXISTING TREES BE frfi{ovED *Indlcate calLper for declduous trees.Mlnl.mun calLper forhelght for conlferous Conmon Name trees.Indl.eate PIANT UATERIALS! Botanical Nane Common Name ouantity Slze* PROPOSED SHRUBS J ur.lrr \PthR q €q,l---\r EXISTTNG SHRUBS TO BE REI{OVED *Indlcate size of proposed shrubs. Minlnun eize of shrubs Ls5 qallon. Type Scruare Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION . TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, c. oTHER IANDSCAPE rEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swlnnlngpoole, etc. ) Please specify. Indicate helghts of retainlngwalls. Maximurn helght of walls nlthln the front eetback Ls3 feet. Maxlmum height of walle elgewtrere on the propertyis 6 feet. fen)4e | \4'yZo /X/ /, z,pla[<r.srr-,*\ ro 4 02 *, { ,1 0il A 4 x t ( 4 d u I. (PLEASE PRrNT ORA. APPLICANT B. E. F. ADDRESS | 4 ?- t t a-r 9E €.> r'' , R,L pHoNE 821 {84\ c.PROPERTY OWNER OW}IERIS SIGNATURE MAILING ADDRESS PHONE D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAL: STREET ADDRESS q f f E . .-..J DATE APPLTCATTON RECETVEqi_i.L! ''l\'l_ Mino r *Mad,M(ff APPLICATTON FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT DEVEI,OPI,IENT PI..AN This procedure is required for any project that would gothrough the Special Developnent District procedure. The application will not be accepted until all inforrnationis submitted. ,*\ ilAITJTNG ADDRESS leCI €- s^F i+D1)r-) aeg6-K_/ JfA-b V A\; , CO 4l , f, <? puoy" 44 6 4?7 O r,or-L s*"oSL ruBDrvrsror V AIL utc( A{ftrr,rHe Ft AppLrcATroN FEE gvdorgo pArD- DATE- cHEcK #-!fllOo= A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent tothe subject property and their mailing addresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information: Detailed written/graphic description of proposal; An environmental irnpact report shall be subnitted o thezonJ-ng administrator in accordance with Chapter l_8.56hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.03O, exernptproj ects; An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meetthe demands generated by the development without undueburden on available or proposed public facilities; Existing contours having contour intervaLs of not morethan five feet if the average slope of the site istwenty percent or less, or with contour intervals ofnot more than ten feet if the average slope of the siteis greater than twenty percent. A proposed site plan, at a scale not snaller than oneinch equals fifty feet, showing the approxinatelocations and dimensions of all buildings andstructures, uses therein, and all principal sitedevelopnent features, such as landscaped areas,recreational facilities, pedestrian plazas andwalkways, service entries, driveways, and off-streetparking and loading areas with proposed contours aftergrading and site developnent; A preliurinary landscape p1an, at a scale not smallerthan one inch eguals fifty feet, showing existinglandscape features to be retained or removed, andshowing proposed landscaping and landscaped sitedevelopment features, such as outdoor recreationatfacilities, bicycle paths, traJ-ls, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements; Preliminary buiJ-ding elevations, sections, and floorplans, at a scaLe not srnaller than one-eighth equalsone foot, in sufficlent detail to determine floor area,gross residential floor area, interior circulation,locations of uses within buildings, and the generalscale and appearance of the proposed developrnent. II Tlne Requi ts The Plann and lronnen Conm sion meets on4thysoeach mo . Ana lication the a na ial must four weeksthedate of meetJ.ng. District a ted, a review andould be set up wit!e Department ofConmunily Devqlg n pr {l a titO'l OCT 1 61990 Appl ication 0ate DRB I4EETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A SATELLITE DISH ANTENNA ADDRESS 101 CX{ESWOI"D T-IItt. // VAIL Vru.AGE INN PIAZA. TJNIT 403 HAVERFoRD, pA 19041 // Vtrt, cn 8L657 pHoNE LEGAL DESCRIPT]ON LOT O, BLOCK 5D (see attachment) B. NAI4E 0F APPLICANTS REPRESENTATIVESSateIIite Receiving Systems ADDRESS 148 Water StrBet, Red Cliff PHONE 827 -584t 4oJ I. Procedures.for_applying for a sate'l lite dish antenna are outlined inurd'rnance trg 0f lgg5. oetails of these procedures are available fromthe Departnent of. conmunity Developnrent. nppticants are encouraged tocontact.the Department of Conrnun'ity Developinbnt for additional iiformationconcerning submitted requests, review crit!r'ia, and the ipprovai p";;;;:- A. NAME OF APPLICANT SYLVAN TOBIN c. NME 0F ol^lNER(S S I GNATU RE D. List of names and adproperty including p mai I ing addresses. addresses.. Colorado' ' POB 2107 Jam s J. HerioE c0 81502 The applicant is responsible'for correct mailing Division of Highways V\ brand Junction, (Cross Roads )Robert P. SmithBox 700 Evergreen, CO 80439 ,X(Swiss Chalet & Sonnenalp) n * Johannes Faessler 20 Vail RoadVaiI, C0 81657 ( IaI].sman/ Talisman Condominium Association 62 East Meadow DriveVail, C0 81657 Continued, p2 AS. OUTLINEO IN ORDINANCE #9, 1985, NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY9!!!!E! Is REQUTRED pRroR lo'Riiriiu ijF nnv AppLrcArroNS By THE DESTGN!!V!E! BOARO. FOR THIS..RENSQII, lOMFLrrt RPPI.TCRTIONS MUST BE SUBMITTEDI9 IlE DEPARTI|EIIT OF COMIIUNiiV'OiVETOFIIENT 2I DAYS PRIOR TO THE SCHEIULEO.DESIGN REVIEUI BOARO MEETING. Application , for List of adjacent o a satellite dish antenna, p2 property onners, contrd: (Gateway Plaza)Leo Palmer 2735 Iris AvenueBoulder, C0 80304 Vail Village InnJoe Staufer andCecil Dodson, President, WI 100 E. Meadow DriveVail, C0 81657 * Condo. Association SYLVAN M. TOBIN TOI CHESWOLD LANE. UNIT 5D HAVERFORD. PA 19O4I Octobet 10, 1990 ar. Jl.n Eet!.ot Satel 77te Recelving Sgste'Is Box 4, 400 watetRedclltf, CO 81649 Dear Jim: I am authotlzlng gou to act as mg reptesentatlve and appear for me befote the Deslgn Review Boatd of vail to applg fot petmisslon to etect a satelljte ilish on the toof of VilTage Inn Plaza. Let re knov lf angthlng tutthet needs to be done. StitT/Etd THEIICB along sald curve to the rlght, havlng a centralradlus of 20.00 feei artl eo arc dlsLarrce of 36.2I feet THENCB N0o23r27' l{ along che easc rlght-ofnray llne of 242,97 feet to the goulhrree! corner of salil tract of 230 at Page 556;'THENCE along the f47.07 feet to the TIISNCE Nl00l4'00" EXITIBIT C A pareel of land tn Lots lt, N and 0, Block 5-D, Vall Vlllage, Flrsr Ftltng, Secclon 8, Tonnshlp 5 South, Range 80 West of tlre 6th Prlnctpal l,tertdlan, Tomof Vall, Eagle Councyr Coloraalo, belng nore particularly descrlbed as followss CO)LlEilCh*G aB the norchwes! corner of Lot N; TttEllCE 579o46100'E along the south rlgtrt-of-way ltne of I-70 Fronta6e Roail a dl3tance of 174.7I feeB to the POINT OF BEGINNING, sald POINT 0F BECINIII:iC also belng che oorlheas! corner of that tract of land descrlbed ln took 23C ar Page 556 of the lndlcles of the Eagle County Cterk and Recorder; THENCE conEtnulog 379o46r00" E along eatd rtght-of-way llne a dtsEance of 178.2f feeE to che norttr$resE corner of phase 3 of Vall Vlllage lon; T!{::;CE along the boundary of Phase 3 of ValllVlllage Inn the followtng flve cr'.i:ses: l) S9o30'00" W 190.1,4 feer;2) TEENCE S80o30'00' E 56.60 feeE;3) . THENCE S9o30'00- t{ 20.00 feeti4) THEXCE.S3g'30r00" E 82.00 feeri5) THENCE S10oI3'02" tl a dlsEance of 52.98 feet' to a polnt oo the norlhrlght-of-ray llne of East. I'leadon Drive; TIIENCE N82c35f00- H along Ehe norch right-of-way llne of East Meailow Drtve a dlstaoce of 105.87 feet, to a polnc of curve; 13ENCE coocinultrg along sald oorlh rlghr-of-tay llne anil along sald curve to thE left, havtog a central angle of 21o32'00", a radlue of 545.92 feel and an are dlslance of 205.17 feet to a polnE of tangenti THENCE S75c53r00" W along satd norih rlght-of-way llne a dlstance of 77.33feet Lo a potat of curve; angle of 103c43r33"r ato a poln! oI taogerrliVall Road a dlscance ofland deecrlbed 1o Book southerly llne of satd tracE S79o.45rOO" E a. dlstance of southeasE, corner of sald tracl; E a dtscance of 147,33 feec to the POI}II OF BEGINNING. T0: Town of Vail Community Development/ DRB FROM: Satellite Receiving Systems RE: Material List; Tobin installat,ion 1 Winegard 8r diameter perforated dish 1 Winegard 3' X 3' dish support 1 Saginaw motorized jack, 2" X 24" 1 Feed, with support and weather cover 1 3*" 0D steel post, by 4' 1 roof mount 20' 1 run (5 plex) cable tu ooooucr BULLTflN 128 C-BAND/KU-BAND PERFORATED SATELUTE ANTENNAS MODEIS CK-,|088, CK€048 AND CK{o'lE N WINEGARD. . . THE LHDER IN ANTENNA TECHNOLOGY, INTRODUCES THE BEST C-BAND/|ru-BAND SEE.THROUGH SATETLITE ANTENNAS AND MOUNTS. Winegord's unique sotellite TV ontennqs hove been receiving rore reviews ever since they were introduced. Consumers, deoler$ technicol writers - - even our competitors - hove told us you con't find befter looklng, befter performing, befterquolity dishes onyvhere. Assembly ond instollotion ore exhemely simple, requiring for les time to get o system up ond woking. But noar the best is even betfer, otfering you superior reception of Ku-bond frequencies os well os C-bond. WeVe reduced perforotion hole she llom 5/32" to 5/&" diometer. lhis exceeds engineering stondqrds while mointoining the se+ through chqrocteristics of Winegord's design. . . ond vrhen combined with our t.030 surfoce toleronce, the resulis ore something to brog obout! Experience thot sense of pride thot comes fiom true quolity. Step up to Winegord. . .ot for less cost thon you would imogine, vVIIVEGiA,trID' SPECIFICATIONS .r0 FooT REFLECTOR (8 SECTTONS) cK-1099' Rsfioclor Dior'labr 10 Feet (3 t4eters) grdoca lol.ronca: - 03Cr FroqrorEy tong€: C-Bond 3.7 to 4 2GH. {_-BonO 1l 7 ro ,2 Tcfiz Hol9 Slrc: 078 Goln: C-Bond doldB i(u-Bond a9.0dB E ticLrt€I C Eond 674 (u-Bond 46.5i5 Holl+o*,ar l€omwidth: . 6' t/O Tollot A2tE CrO$ Polo rolioi: 25dB do*n Sldo Lobo.: 20dB down Oparollng lgmperoturor -4Oo to .l4oo F Wlhd Op.rqtlonot: 85 mph Wlnd Suryivol: 125 mph 8 FOOT REFLECTOR (4 SECTTONS) cK-8048' 6 FOOT REFLECTOR (4 SECTTONS) cK-6018 R€fiecto. Dlqm.lcr: 8 Feet (2.3 L.4€16l5) $rrloca loLronct:..O3Cf fttgud|cy Pqngo: C'Bond 3 7 lo !.2cfi2 Ku-Bond 1 1.7 to.t2 TGH2 Holc Slr' 078 Goln: C-8onl38.5d8 Ku-Bond 46.SdB E tlcbfic': C-bond 67% Xu-8ond SS% loflacloa Dlgmalgn 6 Fe€l (1 I lv1€te6) S|Jrtoca lolttonce: 1.03€f Fraqs.n€t nongr: C-Bond 3.7 to 4 2GHz Ku-Bond 11.7 ro l2 TGhz )tol. Slra: .078 Goln: C-Bond 36.4d8 Ku-8ond !.d sdB tfffcl.rE,: C-8ond 73% ku-Bond 55% Holt.Poner l€omwldih: 2. 1 " F/D rolio: 0.278 Croaa Polorlrolion: 22dB dorn Sldc lober 20dB dorn Opryqilng l9mporsfurar-40' lo 1140' F Wnd Operqllonol: 85 mph Wlnd 9rrvlvol: 125 mph Holl?owtr l€omrldth: 2.8' f/D Rgllo: 0.278 Crott Poloriroilon: 20dB do/vn Slda tgb.!: 20dB do\rn Oparqfig Lrnp.ronrri -40' ro *1a0' F Wl.rd Oplrqtio.El: 85 rph wl.rd SUMEI: 125 mph Feed tlDr: Prirng Focus oeglhr 162 inch€s Focol L.nglh: 19.56 inches Flnlah: Powd€. Cool Smokgd Chrorno Oouge: 050 Pe oroted oluminum Wgight Refi6cto. r.€i9h5 22 lbs ' U5. Polenl No, a,566,945 ond olhe. US. Potents Pgndtng, PAXTON, INC., INDEPENDENI ENGINEERING LAB IEST Nolse Temfrarllure F z TEST RESULTS WINEGARD MINICEPTOR'" 6' DISH I Pl.n. ataoMHr Eleralron Angle. degrees WINEGARD PINNACLE 1O' DISH E Pl.m.150ral{r Onno9o|r.l lultonhool l..d O.lho9oml Boto.hool f rd k lypa: Prlrr€ Focus Deplh: 27 rrchos Focol t9ngth: 33-5/16 inchss Finlth: Powder Coc Srnoked Chrorr€ Gougoi 040 Pgrlorol€d otsminum Weighl: Rett€cto webhs 92 tbs. Feed typa: Prirn€ Focus Dcplh: 20.1/4 lrcl-tes Focol Lngfh: 25 rnchgs tlolrh: Powd€r Coot Srnokgd Ch@arE Gougra: .0{0 Pedolol9d olumi fi Welghi Qeflector wsighs d7 lbs |l Pl.n. a laollxl .nd x Pbnr artotaHr rrlCro|. tbl.riDtrdr lat' bno.$oor) E Phn allo{H..ndCro.. tol..lt iton (a!. lu onhoorl - S ../ -: . . i"---1.,,: -.1..,,rr.,r9-'. Bing ol 80: FROUs DATE: alt&tEqf s |trUESIIDTI Plannlng and EnvLronmental CoulssLon Cmunity Developnent Departnent Staff llarch 11, 1991 NotLflcatLon of PEC of staff approval of Mlnor lnendnenl to SDD *6 - vall vlllage Inn to allow for theinatallatlon of a satellite dieh Ln a eet'back. |llre etaff recently apBrorred a request for a ul'nor anendnent to ttre val.I Vlllager-Inn- speclal Davelopnent.Dlstrict *6, to- allow- for tlre lnstallatlon of, a satelllte dlsh ln a slde setback on the east end of the property. The eetbacks I'n vall Village Inn are- actually ttre exlltt;g buildLng footprlnts. Any stlucture that is not wl.tlrln tlre bulldi.ng footprtnt ls consldered an encroachmentlnto the aetback. For thl.s reason, a ulnor anenduent to the sDDfor the encroachuent into the setback on the east slde of theVall Vlllage Inn devalopnent ls necessary. The top of the dleh wlll be 8 feet above grade and-7 L/2 feet Ln dianeter. lltre dletr wl.ll be brown, perforated netal . A wood acreen f,ence palnted brown to natclr- the building tri.n v111 be Lnstalled, aaaltlonal evergreens w!}I also be placed adJacent to tbe fence. Please aee slte plan. under Sectlon 18.40.020(8) o! the Town's mrnlclpal code, the staff uay approve nl.nor amendnents to special DevelgpnentDl.strLc6. -1 nLnor anendment Le deflned aE tlre followLng: il,tLnor anendment (Staff review) n shall mean modiflcations to buildlng plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basiClnteit and character of the approved epeclal developnent dl.strLct, and are consiEtent with the design -crlter-la of thle ehapter. t{lnor anend:nenta may lnclude, but not be lLrnlted to, vlriations of not more than flve feet to approved eetbacks and/or bulldlng foot,printsi chanEes to tiiraacape or rlte plairs that do not advereely J'npact pedeetrian or vehilular cireulatlon tlrroughout the tpecLal developnent dlstrLcti or changes to grose floor area(excluiing resldentlal uees), -of not n91e t!a1t five percent dC tfre aplroved Bguare footage of retall, office, conron aroaB and other nonresl'dentlal floor area.tr Ttre ctaff fl.nds that wltlr tlre propoged landscapLng and screening, ttre propoced eatelllte ilieh wtlf not alter ttre baslc lntent and ctrarictlr of the ipprovea Speclal Developnent Distrlct, and !e consl.stent ulth the deslgn crlterla of thle chapter. c : \nc\uenoa\satel lte. 3 u o ?u/fu" W-^* U$ W&1,.W- Dan A - AMM,rtul\!-A Oiaor^# mo-vr'^+ lrvzs\y\+:<,oyk- U UnAUg W +rufr ,\N' *O\ tFcafi'N-\ fi t i- \'- ,. ' a-t- I G''- a : i_..-; \.1_,"g- . --:- b' f.+s,' ,+-? ' ',,' l. \) 1lII t I,\ t,\d \h$41 \ Dts tl l\ \I \I \I i \ \ \ I \ \ t G . AFI'[', #r*tc E- Tursrrr@(/a Afd ,f g5 r r€- ,t\t orr A t' I i I SATELLITE RECEIVING SYSTEMS 3ALE5 A SERVICE OF AUOIO O VISUAL COMPON€NTS BOx 4, /aOO WATER REDCLTFF. CO 41649 303 927.5441 ;lrn'^' ' " ,l., .,t nI-) tggl j/5/eL Town of Vail Office of Cornmunity Develognent Minor Amendment Application Sirs: this proposal concerns the insLallation of an eight foot diametersatellite antenna on the east grounds of the Vail Village Inn. The antenna is of a perforated construction, and may be painted any color the Town deems appropriate, although its gun-powder grey finish is very neutral. The antenna will be surrounded by a six fooE high, vertical plankedt cedar fence, open one foot at the bottorn perimeter to facili-tate snow removal. Itre fence joins with the south-east corner of the building, runs threnty feet to the east, then fourteen feet north, then twenty feet west where it meets the east side of the building. The fencewill be stained to match the existing exterior trim of the building. The enelosure w"ill be landscaped to minjmize visual impact, yet retainline of site contact with satellites arranged in an arc from 110 degrees Lo 225 degrees. From the north and east sides the area will be screened by mediun sized connifers. Three trees at the site will be moved to new locations and two additional Erees placed to optimize screening. The southern exposure will be planted with smaller connifers and junniper shrubs. It is proposed that planting be delayed until the weather is warm enough to ensure survival. e$<o l",nn%-trguG describod in Book 2I4 at Psg€ 2:15 ol t 'ile uounty lnolcl63i TIIENCE S08ct5'05tw alon-g the we, ,ne ol sald Book ?1{ at Page 235 tract I distance of 6{.88 feet to o point on the r'. . ty line of ssid trrcti iHfHdS "onli*ing along ihe westerly lirr.' ,rf said trEct S50oll'32'rW r dstrnce of 4{.{l fect to e poinl on the easterly Une of sald lot O; rnEHc i 'soo j zr,00nE along tho easterly line o( sald Lot o r distanca ol 216.28 fcet to the *uin.irt eorner ol raiO Lit O, olso bilng a point on the northerly rlght-of-woy llnc ot East Mcsdon DrivoiiirSxcE Nsz.3ii00'rw along the southerly linc of sald Lot O and lald nocthetly rlgtt-of- wav line of Erst Meadow Drive e distance of t9t.?5 feet to r point o' curve;rntrce aontinuing along seid north rlght-o(-way ling and rlong t curve to tlle- -19(-t:i""ii.tii "*,iit ni16 oli1n32'00., a radl's of !l5.gZ fcet and an &rc dlstancc of 205.t? feet to o polnt of tangent' fiiiHCE'SZS. Sl'OO"it atong said north right-of-wey fnc a distance of ??.33 feet to I point of curvet tHelfCE atong satA curvs to the rigit,- having a centrat.rngle of 103o43'33n' a radius of 20.00 feet andan arc distance of 36'21 leet to a point ol tsngonti iUfUCt XO'O.Zf'tt*W along the east rlgtrt-of-way linc of_Vlll Road a disEtnce oI 242.91 le€t to the southwell eorneiot thc trsct o( land describcd ln Book 230 at P88e 555;- iUeHCE itong tte 'outhsfly llne ol sald trEct S?9c46'00n8 r dlstmce ot t'l?.g? fcet to the southoast corner of sald trrctliusxce xto'trt0onE r dislanas of rl?.33 fcet to tho PoINT oF BEGINNING' Contelntnt 3.{48 tot.s, mee o( lcsi. - ! 7o^' ..-.- ---//"nn /o' s6a a /81 OO'E,os perltre filed '- Aom€nl locolion ct , ti"'wote7 tine --- \dve no. 5 rebor - (DATUM a4sEo oil SEN0HMARK 9 gtotvu oN suEEr A't ff PLANs: PffiPANEO AY SANTANGELO -8' t; ;; rtA:N- ffi c Ht n i ;i- ) HIGHx CAICfrETE POST TOP POST ELEV'lnlg Bk.2t4Pq 235 'll, t' Fnd no. 5 reboS no cop "Fr" lO' Utilily Eosement to Holy Cross Elec. Assoc. Incl Fnd no. 5 rebor, oNI(\l'2,,a' ooo,(\ll no cop.- SE Cor Lol O- Land Title Guarantee Compatupon for all easement trnd righ Prope-rty subjeet to right of ptherefrorn should the same bein United States patent reeorrt, ' --' --- ./ 4- 4' Pvc Elsc condult N--"ffl-"::*r:::gl",I undorgromd powotgdduil 7.tB alo,dcF f,x,otLs / a,!.' .t,/'/ea,/oa t'r.6v O./$'' tLnos 7/ \ \ \ \\ I I \ \I \I \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I;-l I {TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Planning and Environmental Corornission Comunity Development Departnent Febnrary 11, 1991 A reguest for a height variance to allow for thelnstallation of one Eatelllte dlsh antenna on the roofof the Vail Village Inn Plaza, located at 1oo VaiI Road/ I€t O, Block 5D, VaiI Village First Filing.Applicant: Satellite Recel.ving Systens DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requestinq to place one Eatellite dish between the two south facing dorners of the vait vitlage InnPlaza. The disb measures 7.5 feet in dianeter and with supporting Btructure, will be 8 feet above the roof eave ofthe dortner. The purpose of this Eatellite dish is to provLde an alternate cable senrice to the Vail viLtage Inn Plaza. The dish would be suspended on a structural beam spanning between the 2 dor:mers. The top of the dish exceeds theridge line of the dorner by several inches, depending on the angle of the dish. The height of the dish will vary_due tothe changing angles of the dish. The base of the unit isapproxinitely ss feet above the plaza at the dish location,witn tne top-of the dish having a height of approxiuately 64feet above the plaza. The top of the dish will be approximately 8- feet below the nain ridge line. The dish pioposed is gray, but can be painted to natch the color of the building. A mesh dish is proposed. The requested variance is from Section 18.58.320 (D,3) which states: I. rrThe rnaxirnun height allowed for any satellite dish antenna, when meisured from the top of the satellitedish antenna down to existing or finished grade, whichever is nore restrictive, shall not exceed fifteen feet. r IT. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon revJ-ew of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.050 oftle vail ltunicipal code, the Department of connunity Developnent reconmends denial of the reguested variances based upon the following factors: iA.Consideration of Factors: The dish exceeds the top of the dotmers' due tothe changing angles of the unit. The dish will be screened from view on the north by the ridge lineof the building. It ltill not be visible fron the Frontage Road. It sill not be vlslble fron the pedestrLan plaza, but will be seen fron MeadowDrive innediately below the dish. If thls dish were ground mounted, it vould neetthe Townrs criteria for satellite dish height. The staff looked at placing the dish at ground Level . It was felt that there are other possible locations at both grade and above grade which would be less visible. The relationshl.o of the recruested variance toother existincr or ootential uses and structures inthe viclnitv. 1. 2.The decrree to which relief from the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified recrulation is necessarv to aclrieve 3. conpatibilitv and uniformitv of treatrnent anong The proposed dish would be placed approxinately 34-36 feet back fron the front of the dormers. Rooftop Lnstallations are not always desirable forsatellite dishes, however occasionatly thls approach provides the optinun nethod for screeningoi tne dish. This option has been approved in thepast if inpacts on adJacent properties are decreased. The staff finds that in thisparticular application, the proposed dish would not be substantially screened, and therefore would have unacceptable visual inpacts on surroundingproperties. In ttris location, the design vould bevislble from other properties. Impact would notbe linited to the Vail village fnn. Relief fromthe height requirenents is not warranted becausethe visual inpacts on adjacent propertLes has not been substantiallY nininized. utilities, and nublic safety. There is no inpact on this crLteria. The effect of the requested variance on liqht and (III. FINDINGS o A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent wlth thelinitatlons on other properties classified ln the samedistrict. a. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrimental to the public health, eafety or velfare, ornaterially lnjurious to propertles or funprovements lnthe vicinity. c. That the varlance ls warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: 1. The strict literal lnterpretation or enforcenentof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecestsary physical hardship inconsistent wlth the obJectives of thistitle. 2. There are exceptlons or extraordinarycircunstances or conditLons applicable to the sanesite of the variance ttrat do not aPply generallyto other properties in the same zone. 3. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the appllcantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other Properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOI.IUENDATION The Etaff recornnends denial of the request. staff has examined the property and feels that this is not the best location for the Eatellite dish, and that the visual inpacts would not be substantially nininized by placing the dish in the proposed location. we feel that the granting of the variance will constl-tute agrant of special privllege. The Planning and Environmental Conrnission has grlnted height variances for satellite dishes in the past, including the Lodge at Vail, the Sonnenalp,Marriottrs Mark Resort, and the Gasthof Gramshanmer when irnpacts on adjacent properties are nini:nal or non-existent. However, staff feels that the irnpacts on adjacent properties have not been ninimized, and therefore we do not support the request. c : gec\nemos\satelite. 2 11 o Wwfu^I I sh f=ir\)rssE:= S E:+ li rFfoo il' iilt rlflrlrlil,t rlII I Ijl ', i 1 I s Iq I F re ti\; : tl rJllhl l.si 'rl {r !JNl- :irAItl '^. ra It \ 0 I t/:" lq, @ ?uE&IC trOrICE NoTfCE Is HEREBY GMN that the Plannlng and Envlronnental ConmLesLon of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing ln accordance sith Section 18.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of val.I on February 11, 1991 at 2:oo p.m. in the Town of VaiI Munlclpal Bullding. ConsLderation of: 1. A r€queat for a revl.ew and recornmendatLon to Town CouncLL regarding adoptlon of the Stephens Park ltaEter Plan; Elte located at the southeast corner of South Frontage Road West and Kinnlckinlck Road. Applicant: Tonn of Vall 2. A request for a helght variance to allow the Lnstallatlon of a Satelllte Dish on the roof of the Vail Village Inn P1aza. Located at l0o Vail Road. Lot o, Block 5D, VaiI VLllage lst FiIing. Applicant: Satelllte Receiving Systerns A requeBt for a rear Eetback at Cascade Crosslng at 1031 South Frontage Road on a parcel of land located ln the northweet L/4 of Section 12, Township 55, R81W of the 6th PItl, Tosn of Vail , Eagle County, Colorado. tppllcant: VaiI Enterprises Partnership A requeat for setback, landscape and site coverage varlancee and an exterior alteration to the Lifthouse Lodge at 555 East L,ionshead CLrcLe/ I,ot 3, Bl.ock 1, Vail Lionshead 1st 3. 4. I 5. Filtng. Appllcant: Robert T. and Dlana l-a,zLer A reguest for a uaJor subdlvision, to approve the final plat. Satd parcel is connonly referred to as Spraddle creek, an approxinately 40 acre parcel located north and east of the llaln YaLl/I-7O Lnterchange and east of the Spraddle Creek 1J.very. Applicant3 ceorge N. Gillett, Jr. A request for approval of a nodification to a developnent plan approved by Eagle County for Phase Three of Spruce Creek Townhouse located at 1750 s. frontage Road qlest/ spruce Creek Townhouses at Vail. Applicant: Carl DletzrlMichael Lauterbach A requeEt to aDend Ordinance No. 13, 1983 to establiEh an additional vielt Corridor and to clarify wording In the ordinance. The view to be protected extends to the east down Haneen Ranch Road over the Red Lion ln front of Frivolous Sals. Applicants Town of VaiI 8. A request for a front setback variance, 5188 Gore Circle/ I,ot 7, Block 3, Blghorn 5th Fiting. Applicant: NoweII ltay 6. 7. !I 9. A rGquatt tor a dcnelty varl,ance ln order to conEtruct addltl.ong to the Chrlrtl-anl.a Loclge, 356 Han3en Ranch Road, lot D, Block 2, Vall VlIlaEe 1et Fillng. Appll.cant: PauI R. Johnston The appllcationc and lnfornation about the proposalg are avallable for publlc lnepectlon ln the Connunlty Developnent DepartDent off,lce. Torn of ValI Comunj.ty Devclopnent Departnent Publlehed ln the vall Trall on January 25, 1990. an IJJ UJl! E =0lutL she*fi I I Ic'col6t\l-l .ip ,ct6 El I I oDlH. c4l ol2"1 &J lC)oltrr-r:b t(,,zro ctl BgoEdo;i .c 8f Eg(',cL.;C\ €@l!ca:pF EE :E6goo Ep()6Oo;8g)c.=65Ccr=o::o6c -i6.ottF'l= 9cctt E '5 g E .9 6 E o .g o.c J .g :o Eg ltJuJut = otl. troFo GFzo{) tro € \o ('l@ .if, -{O Xo^FC FlHo<Fr> cntllf-a< H ct) <n € M € H A z r-l Fl Ecooooo ct)c! o E o =cl oo o o.CI6 '.9 E +,oo+.agt EF65co 3H Ee e6.E= or6E.g !='io EEEoo-oEoc!(5o.o(a Pi o 6oo 6ig o. o o,o E5o(,al tr6Itoo CL Eoo .9 tt(E E o oE GE ootIt -9]ocJ()6 ooo.c (fl F\r\ e, anUJ IJJlf' tr =GuJc J FoF HI gl EI stE 8lE f,lH rqlH HIE =>E -lir)EurN =aDol xe Bz2wo ootr ^ 62q 5 =9F9 OE.noEF0 fi l!<oq eH6 *-R Z <NA J { e ule. 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