HomeMy WebLinkAboutPH 5 100 E Meadow Dr Village Inn Plaza COMMON8OX 157 / Y AtL, COTORADO 816s7 / TEtEPHoNE 303 476-s622 Junz 27, 1978 Manlz tlaneltut Bwi-Lding 06/"LciaX- Toum o[ Va,i,L P, 0, Box 100 Va.i.X-, C0 81657 Oean 9Ut: In ,LepLLt tn tlou)L .UqLLi-,Lr,l neqat-ding iwtzndzd ue o[ the [ouz ace.orwnoda.tion uni.il' n6w be,Lng cowitzui'ted o^ tila. fuu'th dLctctn o$ t[te Va-i'X- V,UInge Inn Bwigd,ing #5, I"wi-alL ta ,sta'te tha.t tfi"ue unLA wiXI be ued zx&utivel4 a's wLgh.tlq )Lentu[- hate.t- awi.tet and not a,t dwe,LLing wvifi. iNc. UFER r trtlltsr Appll$arrPrl- "''d-r- /* Froject Name: Froiect Oescription: Contact Person and Owner, Addrc$s and Phone:z :'fl /,././ Q,il,-5i72 Archlt3ct, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date l$otlon by: $eco*ilqd by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL $ummary: { st"uApproval ,i,l i 'I l.1t- I e,, ^"s .t"o,- slss,o { .o,a= D c _ssoo oc ,-Q ^\- F'Y - t-5(!t ,i+,f I C! -ri IUJci i 'u1-J/lJ(l *rll t-- 1LJ I:l 2 -r) i- CJo-<J. I -t2g 7 *r dY) -7al'trJ ,,1 s) --Jt --J--a 1) h ,l ra,\rl =:Et) -{ s l-i t'14 lgR tALs o_ by thc applicant to thc Dcsign llcviewThc fol lor',ing infornat ion isBoard bcfore a final approval A. BUILDIN(; MA'TERIALS Roof Siding Other l{alI Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Tririr Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash j-ngs Chimrneys o Ii,\l'!i'01; t'l(0, i [C'l' Lligtl" Dlitict{il)'II0N: t,o.l,r,ocK. 5c. -t;l t. Dic /t rcqu ilcd for submi. t talcan be givcn: Coior ^gr. l Trash Encl osures Greenhorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name. of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Cormon Name 0uanti tv Si ze DI;.;Ctr I t,'l'lo:.t ol; FR0.JIic'I' Type of lf;rterial SHRUBS GROUND COVERS SOD SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FooTAGE € l SEED TYPE squARE FooTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wal'ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. FILE COPY Departmnt of Community Dcvclopmcnt 75 South honuge Road Vzil, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 tuutut aailgw.com January 9, 2008 Staufer Commercial LLC c/o Josef and Jonathan Staufer 100 East Meadow Drive #32 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village Inn located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailVillage Filing 1 Mr. Staufer, This letter is being sent in response to your request for a letter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell parking spaces which he owns within the Vail Village lnn development to you, Mr. Star.rfer. In our previous discussion we have spoken about the parking shortage within the Vail Village lnn development due to the past sale of parking to individuals outside of the ownership within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with them as they were sold off separately in the past. We have discussed that this pfttctice was not permitted under the Town regulations nor was it beneficial to the long term viability of ihe development. ln the past several years the Town and ownership within the d€velopment has been working to rectify this with each proiect. With that said, Staff is in support of the sale of parking spa@s from Mr. Prado to you, Mr. Staufer, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required parking for any commercial or iesidential spaces owned by Mr, Prado in the development. The only requirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all parking spaces need to be OeiOeO and recorded with Eagle County to. the individual commercial and residential tenant spaces you own in Vail Village Inn. This requirement will insure that the required parking ior the bevelopment will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Pfease review these comments and contact me at 970-479-2148 if you have any questions. I look fonrard to working with you to accomplish thi5 goal of the Town and yourself. JilM,,I,^,,,W Cc: File $ u*uo r*o FILE COPY Dcptrtmmt of Community Dcucbpmcnt 75 Sotth hontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81557 974479-2138FAX9zo479-2452 January 14'2oo' wwu.uailgoa.com Bonnie Havlick P.O. Box 792 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village Inn located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Viltage Filing 1 Ms. Havlick, This letter is being sent in response to your request for a lefter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell five (5) parking spacos which he owns within the Vail Village lnn development to you, Ms. Havlick. In our previous discussion we have spoken about the parking shortage within the Vail Village Inn development due to the past sale of parking to individuals outside of the ownership within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with them as they were sold off separately in the past. We have discussed that this practice was not permitted under the Town regulations nor was it beneficial to the long term viability of the development. In the past sewral years the Town and ownership within the development has been working to rectify this with each project. with thal said, staff is in support of the sale of five (5) parking spaces from Mr. Prado toyou, Ms. Havlick, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required parking for any commercial or residential spaces owned by Mr. Prado in the development. The only requirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all five (s) parking spaces need to be deeded and recorded with Eagle County to the individual commercial and residential tenanl spaces you own in Vail Village Inn. This requirement will insure that the required parking for the development will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Pfease review these @mments and contact me at 9704792148 if you have anyquestions. I look fonrard to working with you to accomplish this goal of the Town and yourself. E aaa-r,- Ail'J"i'-"' A fi rrrrt I tt n.lu" l;ttllttrn UMQhL|"tWanen Campbell Cc: File {g **r.uo onro FILT COPI Dcpartmcnt of Commanity Deuchpmmt 75 Soath Fronuge Road Vail" Cohrzfu 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.uailgoucom January 9, 2008 Helmsing, Leach, Herlong, Newman & Rouse, P.0. c/o Leslie Weeks P.O. Box 2767 Mobile, 4L 36652-2767 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village lnn located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1 Ms. Weeks, This letter is being sent in response to your reguest for a letter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell parking spaces which he owns within the Vail Mllage Inn development to your client, Meadow Drive Ventures. Currently there is a parking shortage within the Vail Village Inn development due to the past sale of parking spaces to individuals outside of the ownership within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with thern as they were sold off separately in the past. This practice was not permitted under the Town regulations nor was it beneficial to the long term viability of the development. ln the past several years the Town and ownership within the development has been working to rectify this with each project. With that said, Staff is in support of the sale of parking spaces from Mr. Prado to your client, Meadow Drive Ventures, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required parking for any commercial or residential spaces owned by Mr. Prado in the development. fhe only requirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all parking spaces need to be deeded and recorded with Eagle County to the individual commercial and residential tenant spaces you own in Vail Village Inn. This requirement will insure that the required parking for the development will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Please review these comments and contact me at 970-479-218 if you haro any questions. I look forward to working with pu to accomplish this goal of the Town and yourself. Regards, A n trn/.\ tt ilfll'UJatvv^(W Warren Campbell t Chief of Planning Cc: File $ u""ct"o ruo FILT COPT Dcparmnt of Community Danlapment 75 Soatlt Fronuge Road Vail, Colmafu 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 uruu.aailgoucom November 30, 2007 Luc Meyer P.O. Box 176 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village Inn located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailMllage Filing 1 Mr. Meyer, This letter is being sent in response to your request for a letter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell seven (7) parking spaces which he owns within the Vail Village Inn development to you, Mr. Meyer. ln our previous discussion we harre spoken about the parking shortrage within the Vail Village Inn development due to the past sale of parking to individuals outside of the ownership within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with them as they were sold off separately in the past. We have discussed that this practice was not permitted under the Town regulations nor was it beneficial to the long term Mability of the development. ln the past several years the Town and ownership within the development has been working to rectify this with each project. With that said, Stafi is in support of the sale of seven (7) parking spaces from Mr. Prado to you, Mr. Meyer, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required parking for any commercial or residential spaces owned by Mr. Prado in the development. The only requirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all seven (7) parking spaces need to be deeded and recorded with Eagle County to the individual commercial and residential tenant spaces you own in Vail Mllage Inn. This requirement will insure that the required parking for the development will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Pfease review these comments and contact me at 97G479-2148 if ylou have any questions. I look fonrard to working with you to accomplish this goal of the Town and yourself. Regards, '[h,,^(-,]rXl Wanen Campbell t Cc: File $RECYCLED PAPEN FIL T COPY Department of Community Deuchpmcnt 75 South Frontage Raad Vail, Cotarado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwu.uaiQou.com January 9, 2008 Monika Oberlohr 2656 Davos Trail Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village Inn located at 100 East Meadow Drive/Lots M and O, Block 5D, VaitViilage Fiting 1 Ms. Oberlohr, This letter is being sent in response to your request for a letter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell parking spaces which he owns within the Vail Village lnn development to you, Ms. Oberlohr. Cunently there is a parking shortage within the Vait Mllage lnn development due to the past sale of paking spaces to individuals outside of the ownership within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with them as they were sold off separately in the past. This practice was not permifted under the Town regulations nor was it beneficial to the long term viability of the development. In the past several years the Town and ownership within the development has been working to rectify this with each project. With that said, Staff is in support of the sale of parking spaoes from Mr. Prado to you, Ms. Oberlohr, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required parking for any commercial or residential spaces owned by Mr. Prado in the development. The only requirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all parking spaces need to be deeded and recorded with Eagle County to the individual commercial and residential tenant spaces you own in Vail Village Inn. This requirement will insure that the required parking for the development will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Pfease review these comments and contact me at 970-479-2148 if you have any questions. I look forward to working with you to accomplish this goal of the Town and yourself. R;qards, A I A/ I tt IA,t t' ^il lll '(^JdtMl^^ t^-{xf.ry Wanen Campbell Chief of Planning Gc: File {g oror- rnro Jrn OB OB O8:59r Obrrlohn t p.1 MonikaObsloh 2656DrvwThil Vail, CO 81657 Janury 8,2008 Town ofVail Dcpar@mt of Cmmunity Devolopmont Atb: WucaCeopbcll 75 Souilr Frontago Rd VaiL CO 81657 Frlx#:479-?A52 DcarMr- Canrpbcll, It carc to uy rtffiion thd I\&. Pndo is curently selliag pa*iog sprc d Vail Villa3e Inn" f 0O liart Moadow Drivc in Vail. I own sordmiuirm 308R09 at the Vail ViUEgs Itrn" PhEse V aod at this U-t *,.fa U vcty much intacstcd in grohasing tu,o pa*ing E ac€s firom Mr- Prado. I rndcrshd thd thc pnlHng cprcec will be deedcd to ry property witbin tbe Specirl Dirtrist#6. LookiDg furwurd !u rporitivc r€$pond. tusa6&, l:' ;'.t' t rrlttr:.. lynk|r MonikrObclohr FILE COPY Dcpartmnt of Communiry DanhPment 75 South Fronugc Road VaiL Colorab 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwuvailgov.com. Hanlon Family Partnership c,/o William Hanlon 385 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Regards, January 15,2008 Re: Sale of parking spaces within Vail Village Inn located at 100 East Meadow Driw/Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailMllage Filing 1 Mr. Hanlon, This letter is being sent in response to your request for a letter from the Town confirming the ability for Mr. Prado to sell single parking space which he owns within the Vail Mllage Inn development to you, Mr. Hanlon. Cunently there is a parking shortage wllhln tne Vail Villagi Inn devbbpment due to the past sale of parking spaces to individuals outside ofthe ownershii within the development. We have several cases of commercial tenants and condominiums which do not have the required parking associated with them as they were sold off separately in the past. This practice was not permitted under the Town iegulations nor was it beneficial to the long term viability of the development. ln the pasi several years the Town and ownership within the development has been working to rectify this with each project. With that said, Staff is in support of the sale of a single parking space from Mr. Prado to you, Mr. Hanlon, so long as these spaces do not serve as a part of the required par$ry ior iny commercial or r6sidentiai sp-aces owned by Mr. Prado in the development' The only r6quirement the Town will place upon this sale is that all parking spaces need to be OedOeO'and recorded with Ealb Corinty to the individual commercial and residential tenant spaces you own in Vail Village tnn. tnis requirement will insure.that th€ requir€d parking ior the ievelopm€nt will remain a part of each space and not sold off separately. Pfease review these comments and contact me at 970-479'2148 if you have any questions. I look forurard to working with you to accomplish this goal of the Town and yourself. It,,,'^^ Warren Campbell Chief of Planning Cc: File $ o"t"r", r*"r Hanlon Family Partnership 385 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 (e70) 47C3764 January 14,2008 Town of Vail Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 f'E. _Rea99st for permission for sale of parking space within Vail Village Inn, located at100 East Meadow Driv€/ Lots M and o, Bloct<-sD, vait village Filing i, SpecialDevelopment District #6 Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, w9 * uniting today to request permission from the Town of Vail for the owner of thevail village_krn development to sell one parking space to Hanlon Family partnership (IIFP), a colorado limited partnership. Hrp is freiently the owner of a commercial space within the Vail village Plaza condominiums, unit 20 (a copy of our currentinformation from the Assessor's office is enclosed). We understand that the staffhas determined that a certain number of spaces within thecomplex may be sold by the owner of Vail Village Inn" subject to a requirement that theparking spaces need to be deeded and recorded with tagle bo*ty to tire individual commercial or residential s_pace_s that the buyer owns in the projecr we would very yryh appreciate anything that the community Developmeni Dipartment can do tofacilitate a prompt response so that we can complete this transaction smoothly. Ifany additional information is needed, or ifyou have questions about this request, please contact us at our earliest convenience. Thank you very much for your time an-d attention. Sincerely, William Hanlon General Partner, Hanlon Family partnership /f]Eh-=-,/i)/ * \" lE il V tril'/ n JAil142000 %Varr Printable Details AccountNumbon RO1191g Parcol Numb€r: 210108256020TaxArr.: SCIO3 Mlll LeW: 4S.S7.f 0 OYvner NamdAdd]t.t: HANLoN FAMILY PTNSHP 385 GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 Logal Dolcdpflon: CONDO: VA|L V|L|-AGE PLAZA CONDOS UN|T:2o BK.OOZ9 pc_0031 eCD 0$1't-92 Phyllc.l Addrr$: OOOIOO E MEADOW DR Unit : 20 VA|L AREA Acna3 Page I of2 P?op€rty Tu Valudlon Intonna0on Acfil]V!lu.Aer.r$d Veluc V.lu. Lend 69830 20250 lmpn omcntr 15(X90 .li!640 Totel 220320 ei890 Selo Hbtory Recoptlon Numben n/a Book: 0426 Pago: 0611 sate Date: 10/1/1985 Sale Pdca: 28{t0@.00 Dced Typo: WARMNry DEED Grantor n/a Romad(3: n/e lmprcvement Info.mdlon R63itrntialBuildings: 0 Commercial Bultdin$: 1 H..bd Arra MAIN FLR AREA 577,OOO Total 577 AllA]€e. MAIN FLR AREA 577.OOO Bulldlng Charac,t rb cr (FlFt lmptovmom h Account) ABSTRACT-CODE COMMERCIALCONDOIMP ACT-YEAR-BLT 1978 AIRCOND NONE ARCH-SWLE RECREATION BASEMEITTFINISH NOBASEMENT BATHS BEDROOMS O.OO BUILDING-WPE MERCHANDSNG CONST-QUAL V.GOOD DEPO3 YEAR.1976 EXTERIOR-WALL FRMSTUCCO FIXTURES 2 FLOOR IIARD V\,oOD http ://fcs. eaglecounty.uVpatie/printable_detai ls. cfm l/r4t2008 Printable Details FRAME GARAGE HEATII.IGJUEI HEATING-TYPE INTERIOR-WALL }IEIGHBOR}OOD ROOF-COVER ROOF.STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPELNtsHD UNITS tsE_@oE WALL.FIN VIOOO FRAME NO GARAGE ELECTRIC ELEC BASBD DRYWALL WI,WPLAZA CEDAR SFIAK GABLE/HIP 1 N/A sToRtEs 1.0 VAIL CORE COMMERCIAL 0 COMMERCIAL lt/A Page2of 2 T.x Hbtory Trx Y.!r Tnmacton lyp. Amountm07 Tax Amount 2511.522006 TrxAmounl 9170.g62006 To( Paym.nl: trvhotc -0170.562005 Tax Amount 29i,0.72 2005 Tix Paymcnt Whob -2$OO.T22004 TuAmounl 3048.762W Tu Paym.nt: tvhotc €(xg.z620(xl To( Arnount 2975.10 2003 T.x Peymcnt Vtholc -297S.i0 http ://fcs.eaglecounty.uVpatie/printable_details.cfm ut4n008 !)" ^\ \) i t z.t.t3t-t u r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E0l-0138 APPLICAIqI A.K. ELECTRIC 06/15/200]- Phone: 970-390-3253 2103 ZEMATT I-,ANE I'NIT 2103-A OVJNER 06/L8/200L Phone: coNtRAgroR A.K. ELECTRIC 06/I8/2O0L Phone: 970-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I,ANE UNIT 2103-A VAIL, CO gt6s7 License: 117-E Desciption: INSTALL POWER TO WEATHER STATION Valuation: $500.00 't...*.|**||||||..'t.|':',l|'|||...|t...:t+,l*'t+tt|*''*':!+l'lt,t,}''...'''l''Elecirical----> $50 . oo Total Calcul&led Feas-> $53 ' 00 DRBFee-> So-oo Additional Fees--"'-> (9s3.00) lnvestigation-> $o - oo Total Permit Fee-----> 90 ' 0o Will Cdl-> S3 - oo Payments--> 90.00 TOTAL FEES--> 553 - oo BALANCE DLID------> S0 ' 00 'l:h|*llttlaaattlaaa Aoorovals:IfAm: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMENT 06/19/200t eP.G Action: AP ,t|'**|*||t'|'|t.*t*.}+.':Fl*|||**,r*t)i('*t**t||tl:t*,t****t*'t*tt'***:}:}:},}t.|.t.tt''''..t**tt.|tt.|******'*******'* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: L2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAITCE. |||ta'ta*l**l.illtta DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to G towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. RIQ{JESTS FOR TNSPESTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIrR HOTTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM ' 5 PM' q TOWNdTVRn 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 e70-479-2138 , L(..*^ $r -B((B\ ,- DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Ad&ess: 100 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location.....: WEATHERVAINE ParcelNo...: 210108261002 Project No : VAII-,, CO 8]-657 License: L17-E TOWN OF VAII, + FITIANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD vArr, co 8]-65"1 License: U.-^-^\ U't U.t" }'il?LrJ'r ISST]ED 06/18/2001 06n9t2001 12iL612001 fv/ftv4 6Ko- a/ft/el APPLICATION WItt NOT BE ACCEPTED rr TNCOUPITTE OR UNSIGNED TOWT{WVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 000 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 ( Inspections) ;,"Rlvy Electrica I Conb-acto r: 11 /-< E./e r 4, r,'r Town of Vail Reg, No.: ,E //7 Contact and Phone #'s: To [^ i7o' 32 <F Contractor SiOnaturey'a Vl6-l'-- COMPTETE 6Q. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATION: f,i k /1tr',-- Conbct Assssorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parel # (Required if nobldg. permit# is provided above) J t Hl At ){ o lh}]-,l Job Name: w ea{ r.,. * , lJ,, ^. e lobAddress: (tr,rrtttfu flg r Legal Description I Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Onners Name: 7, i , t./ . ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descripUon of work: T'rz s /-a //Azur-,<- r lo i,r/ea//er- 5L /r'a*- WorkClass: New(qa.Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 6lI Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (DoeS a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) ******* ************* * ***** * ** ** * ***** * *FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***** ******** * *** *** ***** * ** 't**** *** * F :/everyonqbrmYelecperm $l't | 5 2001 \r .-.- \u,(\.,... \ J' ' ,\'\^orr o Btir\:\> ' ),,.,-^\'r), \\r-r.- r, ;i l'-.'^ {\a- .i-^- i) !.J Vail Villasc Intr Fire Alarm Svstem Vail Viltege laa- Eotcl Po'rtioa, Sctedule of EqBiDglgs! I - { Zme fire ffaro Pao€|. eqriDDcd vith BiltEr?Backrp 5 - S}sbo Soo&eDeucms 5 - Rateof-Rise / tlcrmal Detecrors I - ftled leopffaftre Derecrtrs 53 - Local Soote Detecws- vith integrcl Eurt md Isolabd tleroal Detecttr ? - EirsEorns { - Pcoote Indicatsr Lighls E- hublFAcdm Uanral Pull Stations { - En&of-Line hmr $pervisim nelgfs Z - Shgle, Foltritynsmrsing RBlafE I -fnorBu Vail Villrge lal. 'Swiss Hot Do'g' Portioa, Sctrednle of EquiptEgg! I -IbmalDetector I - Uiai'f,ffin I - P,eoote Iadicaltr Lighr I - DouDle - Actton, UiluEl Pu0l Stdion Vail Village Im. Tood aad lleli'Portioa, Sctrednle of EqUipuegl 5 - Thernal Daectorr I - tirad leoper*ura Debctor 1-EircEft:a 2 - ReDore lndcator llghB I - Ds$le - Actim. Uaoml Rlt Station Zore Sctredule Zmc t - Bmeat Lfl"L to ioclude I Eotel Rmos, fechmical/Laradrt, ad Connffcial Zffie 2 - tifftflmr, toiaclude 2B EorelRms, andYendirg Zone 3 - SecondFlffi,toinclude 20 Eotel R.mos, aad 9endiag Zooe { - IopElm, b ioclu&SEotelRmos,Cmoon Ealkay,llffice, aadSromgp ,ry',fl'\ {*,1d t",, v I I,I.l [il' { .,n' l'"' t-Cl +, r+'.-, Gt l- !lLt +, O+, l-o}(,' +, {t} o}66 BEE:S ET3v- uuur EP ot ot-E;,XEg?t,FEg6'- -'- c+rC G'E'-gl rt {.l|-rEAE 3E E @ U} oqt- o'a u. Icto{/'l o'C, ..,or€IfJ/, l|-Foo qJ m h+-FqJile q'..O LLI -- r-F rl oo qJ rS-\- m qJqgs -cQ- s a_ E J.,_ t5 ,-\FqrJ I.* qJ tLut-stJ{ =qr--r- c qJ =qnTJU>€Q -ctrD'3 ol (f Eoru. E cLo- o,t-iI -tl ccl G ttf =fL N [] 6ild pua0a] tJq Ei') tLo <)4 |! ttloo o- IA Fln L{, ELolr- 3c.sF;oL.!E E-t.\E('a,iE>.9fiE |!o JrLT'c =.uJ I!E L,' C}E. Et'.E i!E(tEOoE I .!bL{ t4UI&('c).{ I l! {,.EFFflrJg IA EfiEfi | Et E I RE,t I Fo@ l--L ttE FTFX | #€ur | 5t € | REn h;€ =8 \!trf{6E F;€i! | El,& I 30 E I REd h E€ =dt F | ftF3 L:e d1 s.*e1g t-f; E; t'6f(Jdo+rLUr O{'} *,(,t O}E 6E 36E+ oll E+=E S; ?E3+ ,F F'EE g F sE fiHgf il- -'- ={D .s .g Ct .c'-a+' (-}*,E& ,ilF 5tE c, a (tq) - t!o EdFo -cE}: tl) o E(D u. E c!-o- o).=ll- -lIJ co @ {-r} ==(L LJ puafra] t-.qJ qJ \- g tl +-(J \ q-:q mqJ m r_ a_ t-_ a)+-ttu t- \- AJ m m t5e r- oO |n qs a_ E !,_ t5 \ qJL tL l*o(f \L +-tn r*- \L {q AlSttl S \+ t5 E>oo.:lq (/! + E oo L,t {t) + fiE F(}g€c{' =gl $tF]r}8FosStri[' =E t d E{um!l'('(}{ I mtrM6Fo*tg(Df{D \tFloEFt}rtc{, =tD I.D F146 -t}eSC{'=m ffiE *SE.I.f,qt FtrmEiFo=tEtJ,=ct strr{) Ei -ot;€El'f(o $trMEFog$co=o otrtfE ==tc{,fdr ;E*tC, 1r =gI (\,t trrt EiFortCct =6 t4tr$b s€c{,fID .(ttr$6Fo*tE .t] =6 Vttr\TEFo+Sc{,=o iI) trtlE -o=tcll,3qt 5E-o;tco30 @g+b -ostCOt =lD (ntrrr Ei -0stEo,f6 otrrfl E -OsScil'f@ I t I I t-CI +, a+'+rEl-ct(J#Odt-ol ('I +, u, o'6f; 3EE?s Es e;- -cr(/joF oro)-EE *68?t fiEgd'-+rE O.c'-gD +' Lt-,EAE 5 = E EId" D (/l Eo'- (lt(t| u.+'l @ oU'I (l} @otc'-u Lr- Foo cLo-(l)Lii t_l puafra] ccgro J+r{DgEurFot=04 (L EEI qq f- oo UI \-+lqJ \-g ll -.eq-rq T-)q mq) m t_ a_t*q)t-qtu +-+- AJtn m$ se q f5 a_IL- t5 \ qJt: tL t__qJO(},O S t*- \) \-CI*H FFEI =tn f.t tr RE =Sc{,f8 t .toL{ so(}o{ I totr REs*ElDfo \lF HEstEat3tD |f'FfiE**coftD 1I}trREs$C{tfo FFfiEs€cof(D @FRE*tg {1, =gl (^F REstCl'f@ (f,tr EEsSc{, ={D Ftr &Estcn'ftD C',1 trSEgo'Ett:f dl totr$EsSco:fo IFsg;tcq|fa tnESEr€cll,fq) 1I}FfiE*icO'faE FtrSE;sc& =6 (Dtr SE*tc{, =E o\trEE;tc{' =iD otrKE+tC{' =(D I t I I t-i SE LrEt(J.-'O+rL(t) o)(,., dU)OlE df; HEE+ os 6+=x g= c];6 tn e P qt Ot-+ ,FF'EEgh FE hHgI 6'- -'- Eo} +r -C G'.c'-+r AD +) Lt -, .tf& aE -3 IF tE a (ttl'- Eo c trEEIFo pua6a] qsa- - L- t5 \ qJ 5__ LL l.--oC TL a_C F- qq AJtf-U = i5 +-qJ AJ\-- g tl q-)q (_)q mqJ cf} J__ a_ t,_ql \-qtu +-+- AJto t0 t5 ce f- oO lJ-) g!-o-o,.= LL LI -ccE) Cl J .rt -.GErn at=u. tL o. ctl 11 i U' E | ,loo.reaa g r$ Fsf E ie &E , S ecr= lro 'Fb:J E ie fi | uroo.roaa fuE EF E | ,loo,rpag {,g | f; Fs- I g ie fi | woo.rnae C'(r', CD crJo(3 IJJF ct)loo'tzoFo.ulY uJdt oFF El!LN ^* Bttr _la ..16Klol.>Irsl-EHzo rrI-xr-]r -r|:.-tLJ E =lrJ 6EqE<ta6eE9?ab9 =EE dbE FE: >o-E 8bI iurE XO-E ;Taul€; HoF E- z.n9 -F=<60 =zt:)dP EEi =Hg E =ElrJo-zoF(J EF- zoa oz E-oa IIJo- i;rE*$ l!J UJo =.E lt o ;B:im sg;?E$ E5; F€ EiHEEg=Er+ SEeel I I2 HlrJg .d Jtr{J.4Y.IEooq= CI LJolFiFr(q y)JolL!lrl Fo4< HUJ(ld =o40d4 ;e, 3ZZtLo ootr ^ 6zI5 >9E I oE anoE5b ti3= 59q iEH Eqd edot(J E>E _Iavl Eur.S =aO(\l 2 ..12f trlOl lcals =lEl lil; rlit 5t3tx = +tzt PtilH t\r\r\ Iorsf Or I@ ciz o UJ J lr z;oF oz ci UT Ji |roz; F Lr. tctr 1:l =lcJlolsl =l =(o (9 =J lr- I I F lrlv) o- z.z, LTJ(5 JJ J ii =z cI =.l.F r+ ca IJJ z o) C'+J e(tJ (u.4,o- o!L =l El sl cil sl :l LTJJul I>. ror0rif IOl Ol lotzl ctlull 5l =l :lotFI Oz. (J (-)lrlJLrl =trJz, :g I I fl flt!lol flr Eh =Fl-o2 t -rO<FEC)IJJ <ZEUJFozo () t#txt )at<r b{ FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. PLUMB ING FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : T FINAL BUILDING DATE: CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPOMRY C Of O DATE : DATE: 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7@0 ottlce of communlty d€Yelopmont TO3 Joe Norris/Vail Village Inn Phase V file FROM: lom Braun DATE: June 9, l-988 SUBJECT: Vail Village Inn final Certificate of Occupancyinspection. The following issues need to be addressed prior to our approvinga final Certificate of Occupancy for Vail Village Inn Phase v. 1. 2. Remove of temporary site developnent sign. Prior to construction, a Town nap/directory waslocated at the corner of VaiI Road and East MeadowDrive. This needs to be replaced. .- Two trickle trenches shown on construction drawingsare not installed. A trench draining to East MeadowDrive has been done inconsistent with approved plans.(see attached drawings) . Downspout on south elevation cannot drain directlyacross sidewalk (adjacent Posties and Anthony Vernons ) . 3. 4. 5. 6. Flues atop the tower Previously existingDrive and vail Road need to be painted. spruce at corner of East Meadowis no longer there, it needs to be 7. 8. replaced. Planter adjacent Anthony Vernons has not beenplanted. Concrete tcapt' on store verier is unacceptable, rnetalcap was called out on construqtion drawings. 2-3 aspens along Meadow Drive appear dead, they will need replacing.9. 10. Stucco andr/or paint at cohmns and walls needs to cone down to grade ln area adJacent the stain gl.ase ehop. 11. Parking lot needs to be striped. L2. Street lights along VaiI Road need to be installed. 13. Need final nOKr from E\rblic Works on drainage andirrlgatlon systen. 14. ltodlficatLons to parking lot adJacent gas station bavenot been done (see attached drawing). contractorghould consult with Etaff prior to constructlon. 15. Concrete in area of loading zone is unacceptable, necdg to be done to plans (see attached draving). 16. Three Bpruce north of driveway have not been planted. Cordon R. (tr.*. Architect. A.l.A! 81657 July 4, L987 Mr. ,tack BergaDuddy-Viele Construction Companyd West {\'' .Dear Jack: Attached are trdo proposal requesLs attempting to delete costfrom the project. These items are for pricing only, to beable to weigh the cost savings versus the finished product. Proposal Request *1 was discussed with Gary Murrain of theTown of VaiI Building Department on Juty 2. He feels theprimary structure can be protected wiLhin the floor and roofassemblies with the restricLions outlined in the proposal. Requests. We have deleted the spray fireproofing from ourspec. because of this ruling. Beams that carry more thanone floor and a roof may be gyp board wrapped. Proposal Request #2 was discussed with Steve pawlak of Chenand Associates on July 2. He stated that although the soilsreport requests the dralnage matt and he still recornmendsthe matt, he feels that it is not absolutely necessary. Wehave also deleted this item from our spec. I hope these two proposed deletions help bring the projectcloser to our target budget. If you need furiher clari-fication for pricing, please call. Sincerely, A.I.A. SS/ lrt enc. cc: Mike Lauterbach Steve Pawlak, Chen Gary l,turrain, Town & Associatesof Vail f000 South Frontage Road West. Vail. Colorado 81657.303i476-4433 PR,OPOSAI REQUEST DOCUMENI G7W {Htffi"- EItrEE ::::; ;:ff::::::"il::""n Jack BergaFIELD OTHERtllAL PROJECT:(nlnc, rddrotr) OWNEI: TO: K.oourctor)r VaiI Village Inn Phase V Josef Staufer -l Duddy-Viele Construction Co. 1000 S. Frontage Road Westvail, co 81557 I PROPOSAT REQUEST NO: DATE: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: . CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACT DATED: I JuIy 3, L987 1053 Constructi-on June I' 1987 Please submit an ifemized quotation for changes in the Contract Sum and/or Time incidental rions to thc C-ontrecl Oocuments described herein' IHIS IS NOT A CHANGE ORDER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCEED WITH THE WORK DESCRIBEO HER'EIN' Dercriptiml (wdna dnctlptloo d dr wo*l '. 1. Deletion of alL spray fireproofinq unLess beam carries more than one floor and roof. Install fire safing insulation at outside space of al-l perimeter/edge beams. Delete 3 L/2 x 2 L/2 x !/4" cont. and 3" long t anqle section at B.O. perimeter beams throughout and\- taSor for installation of angles, bolting studs to angles, and spraying. Penetrations,/fixtures exceeding 100 square inches per 100 square feet of ceil-ing must be one--hour tented to maintiin the fl-oorlceiling or ceilinq/toof assembly integritY. to proposed modific.' Attafitnanbl oll .[rd.d doqlt .r! hrt .{reoo.t d'rctlP 'ool Gary l''turrain Town of VailBuilding DePt. TCTIITECT:Gordon R. Pierce qRoPOsAt . REQUEST tR rEcr R CrOR trtr EIts :::il ;:tf,::::":::::"""n Jack Berga G70p fIEtD OIHIRAtA DOCUMENIL- PIOIECI:(netlr, rddrrrll Vail Village Inn Phase v Josef Staufer PROPOSAT REQUEST NO: DATEI ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO:' CONIMCT fOR: 2 July 3' 1987 r0 53 Construction June 1, 1987 OilNtl: fO: Gonurcbd Foouu 1000VaiI L y-Viele Construction CJ S. Frontage Road West , co 81657 J coNrR cr DATED: plce* rubmit rn itemized quotation for changes. In the Conlract Sum rnd/or Time tions to thc @tlttrct Documctt5 descr'bed heteln' THIS IS NOT A CHANGE OROER NOR A DIRECTION TO PROCETO WITH IHE WORK DESCRIBED HEREIN' incidental to ProPored tnod'f'cr' L olrCriptian: ilrlr.h.l9.b o, t rwl$ Arhclnnrr8: lI. d.t dffi h.t tnPtorl diolFlc|) I. Deletion of atl synthetic drainage fabric.at.perimeter of concrete foundati-on waLl-s, and tiUor for installation of material. Setf-adhesive W.P. membrane, protection bd and 2t-0u x 2''0" cont. washed gti""f at perimeler drain to remain' ! rcHIrECt:Gordon R. Pierce,Architcct !Y: cc: SLeve Chen P.avlak. & Associates AUt DOCIrItrr G'|t ' tloPos l . APRI!19t0 totTloN AV[., N.W.. . AlAo . 01970 ' rHf wASHlNGroN, D.C' 2ffiAMrt|c^tt ll{sflrun of AlcHlrtcrt l73t NIW YOTK oilt P cE {2FrL,Al-{f .tu. '3qaryyi'ct,?t4 *ttb =b- .A?4 #F\HC.,'.Te Ald?\#, aLArail4.tH, 'f1p4 2r.q,t$c-, TeEE Tlc:.|1f fa./5llfrlr'e Ofr.b I ll{2 I I Lrelo-l?'b1 AO PtbC,i=h,W tl,/ l*ryX*Xl(1#Y ;,'l+-r-14,f./,v. e-ft.g\ / AN,CHITECTS SUPPLEI{ENTAI PROJECT (mme, OWNER: TO: GoNTRACI fiQN; construction AIA DOCUMENI C710 (lnstruchons on Josef Staufer DATE OF Duddy-Viele Constr.uction ARCHTTECT: (Contncor)Company Owner Architect Consultant Contractor field SUPPIEMENTALNf|: 1l october Gordon R. ARC}IITECf'S PROTECI NO: ' 1053 'o INSTRUCTIONS il EI trtrtrtr 19, 1987 Pierce, Architect The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental initructions issued in accord' rnce with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Cont,act Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructaons for minor change lo the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Dercription: Fire safing at perimeter beams may be as shown onattached sketch as discussed witli Jack Berga andGary Murrain on October 15, 1987. Attrchments: (lrm incera rn.iif o, &anpltr t/irrt upa dcxrigtiull See attached 1/S.I.11. Gordon R. Pierce, Architect Duddy-Viel"e Construction Cornpany AtA OOCUMff{r Ctrt . AnCH|TICT'S SUPPrtMtNrA[ INSTRUCTTONS . MARCH 1979 [DlllON . AlA. 3r97t . Tirt AMTBICAN lNsrrrurl of Ancnrrtcrs, lnt Ntw yol( AvE., N.w., wlsnrNcroN, D.c. 20tp6 GnO - l9t9 o 1 llFr [,il'AnW-ctAL l7ot Z- ZXIra t1-,45f fu*^cg-HAFt6 aFF::DetJE)bE he@ tbt e,o,, t 2- 2>4 bleF.tnal I*l:;6rr\ ptr\T F:EAFlc! --n a' ?'fq$4f1171,9 t-lJut aH - A/d. g* Hets, :la44st2r4 - -,.,tt 3 ta, =2* I+{ae I"lAr-L NHaa61 -IH? LJALL a+?Tw,V-ltql Hee t Jetbfb <r\f W, 2Y? W. Jrl'ltb g)<1-+t€,ieN.le 4. t+rc :JTH|<- hIrTH?|fr 4 fr--=r{irr, aEi b. ? Utrrr,arAq eFcTt€r. lf /r =1'-a, +II-e '<,,Y DP 1rr.;ag r.€./it'Pfli,;7w' 4J, tc/c|r/b1 DoA. H*** o I suPPlfltENrAL tNsrRuciloNs I n^ *uutNT c71o (tnstructions on rqerse side) Owner Architect Consultrnt Contractor Field Other EO EI E EItrtr PROJECT: (mmc, OWNER: TO: Josef Duddy Staufer Viele Constrqction ARCHITECT'S SUPPIEMENTAT INSTRUCIION NO: 12 DATE OF ISSUANCE: L0/21/87 ARCHITECT: Gordon Pierce, Architect (Contnctod CONTMCT fOR:Construction ARCHITICI'S PROIECI NO: ' 1053 fhe Wolk shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental inrtructions issued in accord- rnce with thb C,ontract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in lccordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance oJ these instructions for minor change to the Worl as consisteot with the Contract Documenls and return a copy to the Architect. Description: Construct one hour separation between comrnercialIoft and retail space beLow as indicated on attacheddetails AnfdfmenB: tra,r tudr lidi.f c dc.||trr.!u tl{|r sry//t d.x,tterio,,.) See attached detaiL L/9IL?. Gordon Pierce, Architect Contrrctor Duddy Viele Construction AIA DOCUMttiT Gt|| . AtCHtItCTS SuFpttM[NIAt lt{SltaucltoNs . MAtcH t9?9 totltoN . AtA.olrlt. rHt AMtllcAN lNS rurE of AlcHtTtcrs, lnt Ntw yotx Avt., N.w., w^tHtNcroN, D.c.2006 G7l0 - l9t!t BY hcnmcrs SUPPl.EI\4ENTAt NA D&,UMEM G710 (lnsuuctions on rryerse side) uo rNsTnucfloNs Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other EO EItr EItra-Gary Murrain, TOV PR,OJECT: (nrme, rddr, OWNER: TO: (C.ontractor) ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO:11 DATE OT ISSUANCE:October 22, L987Josef Staufer Duddy-Vie le Cons t.ructiorlRCHlTECt: Company Gordon R. Piercer Architect CONTMCT FOR: Construction ARCHITECTS PROIECT NOr r053 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental lnstructions issued in accord' rnce with fhe Contract Documents without change in Contracl Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate fr-ur acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Wo* as consislent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Dercdptaon: Fire safing at perimeter beams may be as shown onattached sketch as discussed with Gary Murrain on October 22, 1987. AthChmenB: a rt. laxl a tittiat o, dcctJmcoe O.t tt trorl dcrctapaioo., See attached l/S.I.l.l ContBctor Date Gordon R. Pierce' Architect Duddy-VieLe Construction Company AtA OOCUATINT Gtro . ARCHIT€CT',5 SUPFLIMINTA! lNsTrUcTloNs I MARCH 1979 tOlTlON . AlArotm. rHt AMtlrcAN rNslrurf of Atcxrrtcrs. 1735 Ntw voii ,rvt, i.w. w,rsxrxcroN. D.c. 2om6 GTlo - 1979 BY "1I I I I I I I f?ttrtAFtf .fu. d)E4Hrs, f4 ?tft 4AV- ITECJI.ATI?Fi INbt5f tr#t{ea?ta I n*:A,prH<, . e AVbe tf,L, 7 Sq -fo erto,+g,*l/ |4tlt + carrflNuauSr-y Ta ?,a,-e,* IL*ll{2ffiAt ta-ZZ-b1 A<2 ?ibQJ=5r? ;/ tx*We4/C#a g+,lH,T,J,v, e'2?'91 / ARCHITECT'S SUPP]-E[4ENTAI a INSTRUCTIONS NADOf;;UMENI G710 (rruttuctjons on reverseside) troOwner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other atr EtrEl-Gary Murrain, TOV PROJTCI: (nlme, OWNER: TO: Josef Staufer ARCHITECT's SUPPTEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: DATE OT 65UANCE: AR,CHITECT: 13 october 22, 1987 Gordon R. Pierce, Architect Construction(C.ontractor) DuddY-Vie le ComPanY CONTMCIFOR: Construction ARCHITICI'S PROIECT NO: 10s3 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental inslructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contraci Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceedin8 in accordance with these instructions, indicate yoiur accept.nce of lhese instructions for minor change to he Work as consirtent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. Description: o All column wraps to run to underside of structural deck(including wrapping,/protection the web stiffiners of beamsdirectly on top of columns). o Beams to be individually protected within I hour fLoot/ceiting assembly are indicated on attached s2 - s5. (As discussed with Gary Murrain on October 22 ' L987 .) AttachmentS : Qi[l'a ,rUf,'tl lit irrt ol &.un.|t! o.t tlrppo.r d.*.Wim.t Gordon R. Pierce, Architect Sheets S2 - S5. Beam protection plan. uL#.^rerN;;;;i ii i zaf, uzar a'a*'f;a4w'-- a,'fuuta-fu<, Contractor Dete Duddv-Viele Construction Comoany AtA OOCUMIIII CnC . ARCHITECI's SUPPttMtNTAt INSTSUCTIONS . MARCH 1979 f OlTloN . AIA'oiin-.-ii'i-rlint-ex rxsrriurt of ^tchrrEcrs, 17!5 Nfw i'iiii'evr., x.w" weinnrcroN. o.c.2006 G7lo-llyn Derign No. N303 Restrained Beam Rating-3 and Unrestrained Beam Rating-2 l. Borm-W8r2O mln rizc. 2. flonn.l W.lght Conorrt}-l6o I 5 pct unit wsioht, 45OO pli compro!.ivo rtrcng[h. Llehtw.ight Conor.tFl t6 t 5 pcf unit woighr, 45OO pj comp.cs.ivc .trongth. 3. Wrlded Wir. F.b.b-6 by 6 - ro,rlo SWG. a. tha.r Connactor-(OprionrlFstuds, 7. in. dirm by 5% in. long, ho8dod typa or equivrlnrper AISC rpccitication. Woldod to tho top tlango of bo€m throueh tho d.ck. 6. ataal Floor rnd Form Unltr.-Compotitc 3 in. doop, callulrr unilr hrying m|x call widtho d$/r in. or 3 in. di6p tluted unit| having mar lluto widths ot 8 in. €. flinrnl rnd Flbrr lord.'-F8ctory-lrminlre d bo!.dr rupplird wlrh l% In. $ipllpp.d cno Applicd in min thickno$ rhown brlow: 4Hr Hr Eclrdn .llnm|herttr 1 3 UnraalnlnadLm 8.!ngr lf 2 2 JohFll.nYilla Corp. Cor.lorm 2O2 Ihlmrmmdn |.,||L 2%1ft 7. tartJ|.r|-No. lO SWG ,tcol wiro studs rcaistance ryeldod to.u.fscaa ot.tool b.!m rnd alaal floor unita. Studr locltod 3 In. from cnd on both rid of board ioint locrliont. MsI rt||daploing lg in. O.C. along wobr, rnd mar rtud spacing 9% in. O.C. along tllngo. On. lcngt)wir. tow of 3tudr por 5% in. u lossor width of fbnge. One tengthrviso row of rtuds p.r 5 ir or la||ar hoight ol wob. Bosrd! locured wilh No. 26 MSG min gElv rtocl triction.tit wrai.nt% In. q mln. pl.cad ov.r tho rtudr and pressod firmly rgeinrt borrd rurfacc. ilin ol 7r iearca$ atud langth raquiaad snd bont approx gO dog, parlllal with boerd aurtscg. 8. Ulnaral Wool-6-l2 lb dendry. Stuff.d into op€ninO. of tlstad .t ol tlooj unita lcrosr top 0a boam llrnga rnd bram prot ction.g. Ltt n'{Alaemrtc io ltom 8|J/, in. min thieknors, min 16 in. wids by 48 in. loog tlin.rtlnd Flb.t Bortdt' on bolh ridcr of borm securod lo 8tool tloor unit. with rlool ttudr lndw|.har| rt in ltam 7. Stnanr bunod r! endr snd rgrinst barm protoction. Two lang$ub aoua.8 in. aprrt, of.lool rtuda par tE In. bancn width. Mar rtud |p.cin$ 19 in, O.C. Johndl.nvlll. Corp. Conform 202 '8..ri||g 0t UL Cl...iffc.tbn M.rllng. Decign No. N304 .,fr?:ff :il:"P;:il'f, :'ilff -J{:,:"Qii;, Dlahr- (lt|., Brrtrtnrrl lrrn nrUrg lHoag " lytUnlod 8i.0. Gyprurn Co.'L.rln! th. UL Ctr.lftcrtton M.rting t. Ba.m-W8 x 24, mln tl,r.2. ilotm.l .W.Jght gr -Ughfmbht Concr.ta-l{o.mrl ru.lght concrat., clrbonrtc, o, rlllccou! :g!:T-.19._l?9- 1,,3 pcr unti wotshr, .t6oo p_rr comiieiJivJ rr.enOi,. ught*ciir,i coiiiJolrprnooo rnu., clry or rtrt aggragrta by RotrryKiln mrthod. 120 t-3 pcf-unlt wdghr,l50O prl compotrivr nrcnsnh, v]Srrtid.3. W_.td.d- wlr. Flbdr8 by 6 In., No. ro/10 swc.a. lharr_conrrsto.{OptlonalFstudr, r/r In. dhm by 3% In. long, hcld.d typ. or aquhr.Lnt_ pcr AISC lpccificrrton. Wctded ro top flingc ot Ucril $riiuqfr ine occf.6. 8t .tfloa .nd Form untt.-4omiriii;; ;fi;;;il"'it rn. o""p ccilutrr mtn t{o. 2ol- 20 MsG and l% In. d..p flur.d mt; No. 22 uSC iyp'or, wltoeo ro ucam.o. ?.aranaiFTyp€r A lnd E. o. t2. SWG rpring rtcal rtuds sprcrd lenetiwirc not grcrtc,lirn t2 in. o.c. rnd 2 In. from ondr ot urtti. iipc l rtrioi rtr""rtco to bonom bclm frrno.odsa. Typr E.rud! rnlchcd ro uppcr brrm ttc,i6j .osi,tbiiini;; b;i";;;;;;j';il;9:tj: !,"1 rhomrrc, thc type A-ind e rarrJrrci- -ii-uJicptacjd wtrh no. ro SwO wircrruor 'latl.nco wotdrd to ihc barm rurtlcar. Stud! to b! wolded to borm wcb ncfi uppoirnd.lowr. tbnocr. lnd to bottom ftangc rica oi L=cr; n"", "agu. spacing uetwc.n-ro;r'dtrtudt on.wlb rnd lowcr flrnCa. to bc rlpror tqud io inU noigieater it an -6 in. ganr imprfcO- oy.r tludr. Ercor3 rtud rcngth bcnt cpd,rbx 9o icg, pairrrei witi lurrrce ot uanr ano otoiriirl7. cllocjr sht.l-d-{ro. 26,MSG gatv rrcii r% in. oiilrilunl "iino, sr,ieroa tor ura wi r TyD. Arrq rypr E raatoncls. Rounat or lquarc clinch lhialds. I in. sq min, for u36 with No. 10'swc- tt.cl wirc.stud. Min % in. stud exic!' tem epproi 90 deg, pirattct with bett surtrcr.E. l.tt. rnd 8bnk a.-Mincrrt wood b!n!, 21' by 40 Uv'Z inl t] icf. An6ch.d to berm bv tm.prttno ov.r wire tssronon. Joint. !p!c.d app.oi rg li. b.Cl si;&;;;'j;d .;;;d;dj:wh.n.tlut d tvp. unirr are used rddirlonal piJ"cl oi l"iii iiu?.a u-"-r,'"""n-"r.r6 ot thritur.d.t.cl dccl .nd borm. Thtckn.$ tor rarlngr it ajioitor"i,-- ----' tllt^ ?F ffiffi thr..Hn d lrn B|tng (lt) 2 1V. O "",o,,?li'H,H;Ll;'n1r r,. O Unrestrained Beam Rating-2 Hr. rr|r .i i.,.-4\' l. !-nFW8 x 24, mln rh.,I oflrrl walght o? -thhtrabht cor|c aH{omrl wrlghr concr.ta. c.rtcnlt o, .lllc.ou.teeroelt.. t6o t 3 DG-t unh w.isht, cooO pii co.i_iiiii,Jlnngrir. usrrtrriicti.;;;;;",.rprnd.d rh.l., dry or rtatc 1s.g69516 Oy hotrry-iltn 'mcttroO, riO + -e - iJ-liirri-iiiiii- tl6OO pal cornprculvc rtrcnsrh, yibreica. 3. W..5.d-Wl|t F.bf|r6 by 6 in., t{o. 1ol1o SWG.r' un"r g'00nactoc-oDtron![-stud., '/. In. drrm by 3% In. rong, h.ldcd typ. or cqurvrrant_ qrr At_sG rp.ctftcrtton. wctoid ro top nlneJ "i 6;i ;;;"il iic orcr.6. ttaal Floo? and Form Unlb.-uqmp6d1c or non-comporltc l% In. dcap flutcd typlr,rrln No,22 MSG. wcld.d to b.!m.!. F.aLnarFT_ypcr A and E, l{o. 12 SWG Drlng atacl atuds tplc.d tcnethwlaa not ercrtc,th.n 12 In. o.c. rnd 2 In. from andr or urtri. iipi'-i'n,iil-anicrrcc to donori-oliir'iriniiiodg.r..Typ. E.rrudr rnrch.d ro upp.r bolm flrfi; .a;;;6iirftrno b.rw..n b.rm rnd rrc.ld.ck. Ar.rn rrr.rnrrr. thc tvpc.l'ind e i"i.nci- riii 6"c-iepraceo wtrh No. to swc wrr.ttudr r..t*nc! wddrd ro rh! berm rurfrcor. srud. rir 6i rJJrjjiio ril;;;;"-";;";;; 'nd.lowcr lhngo..rnd 'o borom ltanec tacc oiL-ci. -nJ"i "ig"" sprcine u'crwcln roviiiirrudr on.w.b rnd row.r frrneo. ro uc r-pproi cquri ro ino--noiiiear"r'trran 6 in. giii r,r,i-ircJov.r.tudr. Erc.!!.!ud tcngrtr bcnr rpirbr eO itcf,, ;;;it.i-;tr'i, .udlcc o, brtu !nd-bd;f-.i; s jvf ri.iiift;-ffi ;";';ff;]"i[il.iijt-iTil."ff |,:Ti;.:Ti"f ,ii:iJ,Sii.. if*':11_t"f#[i+;|ti$:l*.H'#ittiijJs1 ido'"j *io-biniiiil,"i.'- -"- ;:f*U*:]*.yii$yI,-J"l.lrpaceaipproi'ril;.'B:*lff iilT.i',,[3.."iir?;.;;;r"."Hllt"""lliilr3,i"er doct lnd bo!m' sarirr. .rrq ''ngm ocnl rppror ao dco pr'|llal wlth aurfrcc ot brtt! lnd bhnlarr.7. :!Ir?|__8_h!f. flo. 20 Jrtsc er|y tnct t % in. di.m. round clnch rhirr.rr ,^. ...- _.. ...-- . i O*",.,.33;srx"t|;;|o5.of z n,.. Unrestrained Beam Rating-2 Hr. St al !..m--ltin riro, a W8X24 with ouraido dimonsion. ol 7'fu6th in' with I fllng. lhic& ncu of 7. in., ! wob thickn.lr ol th la., tnd ! croaltoctionrl rrcc of 7,OO aq in.l. llorn l W.ieht Conar.t -lag pcf, 2, St..l Floor rnd Form Unltr'-l% in. tlutod iypo. wcldod to boam. 3. Ddll 8cr.w4o. &18 by yrln. lone Phillipr' pan-lrcrd d.ill rctew., !.fdrilllng lnd..lttP ping, mrdc ot cE{..doncd $.o1.f, huim AneF2.t MSG galv rtt.l wilh I lnd 2-in. lo0r Fr.r.n.d to .cl d.ck 12 in. O.c' with lt m 3. 5. Chrnnrl Strct.t-Fsbricstcd from 26 MSG galv rt.ot. t'l l/16 In. d..p with l{n. Lg. .nd tp.ccd 24 in. O.C. Fsrton.d to ths .unnor anglo. with ltem 3. e. domrr AngL-Srmc mstorlll a. ltom 4, tattan.d to channsl b..ck.t with lt m 3. 7. W.llboard GYprum'-r/r in. thick. Fit.t tryff fr.lonod whh 1% in. - long-, o' l5O in' dirt rcrrwt r9rcrd - 10 In. O.C. Sccond tryo. attrchod wlth l% In. long, 0'160 ln. dlam tcr.sr rprcod 8 in. O.C. Scraw. .ta rltd.lling .nd |.lt-t.pping Plrllllpl hcrd m.da of cr|}h|r+ .n d rt..l.Am.dc.n Gyprum Co-fvpr AG3.3le Hom OyD.um Co.-Typ. C,Crlotu Cort-Type SF3.Domt r Con.tmctlon I.t d.l.-Typc GF3.Fllnttot Go-Type lll. G.o0l.-P.clflc Corp., OyDeum Dly.-fyp.t GPFSI, GPFS3. Oold lond Eulldlng Product -Typea FSW, FSW€ or FS(4.foxm Gyprum Co- Inc.-Type -3. Prbco Gir'prurn, A Dlv, ol Ficlflc Co[t Blde. Ptoduct , tm.-Typo P6'3. Bcpublic Gy9eum Co-Type RG-l or RG3.lhr.. 8lv.?3 Gygrum, l,nc.-Typc 383. Unlt.d 8t 1.. Oyp.um Cq-Type SCX C, O, lP-xl, or lP-x*-W.y.thr.uxr 6., Gyplum Dlv.-Type DDNr. OoC2 or DDDG3. Wlndror Oy9.um lnc.-Typo wTn or wT&G. 8. Gornrr S..Htbticalod Itom 20 MsG gllv stool to fo.m.n anglo with 1% in. l.Or. |. $ porforat d wiih % in. dilm holcs appror -1 in. O.C, Aflrchrd to wrllbostd with rpccirl ctimg ing tool appror 6 In. O.C. Ar m lltomote, tho boad mty bc nsilod to the wlllbo|.d. 9. Jolnt Compounibl/32 in. thick on bottom End ridor of w.llbottd fiom cornu bo!d' "fecthetcd o'ut. Prpor ttpo cmb.dded in ioint comFound over jointt with cdg.. of oompoutttl fclthorod ou!. tO, Prol.civ. ll.otbre.m.ntltiou. llirlur..'-Sptay lppliod to tho und.ttido of thr rtrel floor unitr, filling the flutos of ih6 unitr and groviding c tmooth c.iling which wrr rZ in. tlicl' !t malturod faom tho bottom plane of tho tloor uniaa. Sos Cemcntitiout Minuter (CALV) calaeory for n!m!r of mrnufrcturcn I t. Ahom.t Jolnt 6y3r.|r|.{Not ShownHot lrth only. A %r In. thickncr. ot gyprum gba|| appll.d ro antir. cxporcd rurfacc ovcr clihor plprr t!p. on iolntt embeddcd In ccmcntitlout compound or 2Yx ln. yvido Cl!a! fibar tlpc ltrplcd 8 In. O.C. on ioint|. 'Ec|?ing thc UL Clrt.iticatlon M.rklng o *:y;ff#*ff'l'irfil:r,l o 8r"f ''am-Mrn !rr., ! wgx24- wirh outlidc drmonsions ol ,,hxg,/t In. wirh e 'lneo thick-ncrr of y. In., a web rhicknerr_of y-. i""i"Ji -".i'J"iiiitirl ,rl" oi-r.oe ii.in.l. tlonn _l W.lght Concr.t}- | 48 pci. ' - - Z, E!.al floo. rnd Form Unltr._t% in. flurcd typ., wold.d to bcrm.3. Dtlll 8cr.w-No. 8.18 by 73i1 r.ong iliri,pj'iJi-'iJl-ciirir-r ,"r"rr". lctrdiiltns lnd lot -l.Fpang, nrd. of calo.hlrdcncd slrol. -r' iunh'? chrnnor-Frbrrcared trom 26 MSG garv rtoor, r-11l1g rn. dcep wirh '.rn. r.g.. Fla_ tc..d to- !tc.t dock with lrom 3, 12 t". O.a. "-'o' uhtnnd Er'ck'r-samr mlrorilr o! rtom 4 rnd t63tan3d ro runncr chrnn.rr wittr hcm 3-Broct.r rprced 24 in. O.C.t' conrrnctrnnor-sama mrtorrlr t! rtsm 4. prrcod in cutoutr of ch.nnlr brlckar, wrrhout rr- 7' Wr'bo'd, Oyp.um..ry. in. rhick. Flrcr tayer falronod with t % in. long, 0. I EGln. dirm.c.cw. lnd 3prc.d t8 in. o.c. sccond riiir.tiii'r,ii *it tv. l;. i""i, o.i6oi.i. iiiircrowr rpcccd 8 in. o.c. screwr uo rcrrrririine iiio liri.dppins Firirpi r,lio-i'"oi'6i iiillhlrdcnad atc.l-C.lot r Gorp. Th._Typet t, SF3.Domtar CoortTuctlon Matarhlr_TvDe GF3.D.gmFr Oyp.um Amrrlcr, tnc_rvi[-t, Z, r. or O.F nrkot Co._Typc lltiO.orgt..prcttb Corp., O_yplum Dty._Typot cpFSt, GPFS3.crrnd Rlptd. Gvpolm c6._ripe ic_i.'-- -' ' ''|lonv..t gyp.um_Type Firc X or Backing goard Firo X.Plbco cypeum Co._Type pG3. l.pub c Gyprum Cojl,pe RG_t or RG.g.lhrrr Flw?t Oyp.um, lric.-Tvoe-3R3l -' Unlt d stlt . Gyprum Co._Tlpo SCX, C, O, lp.Xl, o, tp_X2.!ry..t.rn Gyprum Co._Type t. - - - -"' _ W.V.itr.cur.r Co* Ov_pdrh Dtv._Typ. ODN t, DOG Z or DDOG 3.E. corn r 8r.t-Frbricrrad t:om i'o nsc iir"' lL-"it""iJiriin lnsro wirh r% In. rogr. L.srpcrto..d wirh '!z in' dram horcs. appiox i-i;.Ei. inii'ri"o'to warboa.d with tpoci.r cdmD._ Ing tool rpprox 6 in. O.C. et an atrc'rnare, rt J O_J .iii[" iaitod ro rhe wsflbosrd.9' Jolnt comr.Un6-7rr in. thick on bottom lnd tidos oi- -irtuoaro from corner bc8d! lndfc.th..cd out. plpor troc embodded i; i;i;i;;;;;;;il"ii ,o,n,, with odsos o, compoundtcrlh'r'd. oqt Nom r/a-in. thick. gyp8um veneer prarter mry ba lppri.d ro iho ontira ru.t'c,.^ of Ch.riftod yonoor blroborrd. .lo-iirig ruiniorco-iru' r'nor'cay. irrta?h|-c.n.ntrtrour iflxturr.'-spray rppried ro rho undorddo ot rhc stccltloor unrtr, fiflin' tho frurcr of th. unilr ond providing ! rmooth criring which wr! 7. in. thrckrt m.tru_.cd from thc bonom pbno of tho fl6or unirr] ' - -- . S.o C.mcnttttour Mtxturrr' (CALVI "ir"gbi' fii'n".* of mlnuhclurllr.'Ec.dno th. UL Cl.rdflcltion Mrrtino Gordon R.Pierce . Architect . A.l.A. October 26, L987 Jack Berga Duddy-Viele Construction Box 33LVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Dear Jack: Please disregard the first item on our Proposal Request No. 5. The l-oft and all elements associatedwith this loft are not allowed by definition of a Loft/ mezzanine in the U.B.C. We stiLl need a price for the addLtional us'window and the toilet and sink at the retail space as described. If you have any guestions, please do not hesitateto cal-l me. Sincerely t 1/ /dt'r/"ffiSaundra Smith, A.I.A, cc: ldke Lauterbach Gary Murrainilo Nicol- Proposal Request No. 5 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.303i 476-4433 Cheri Associates Consulting Geolechnical Engineors 5080 Road 1S4 Glenwood Springa, CO 81601 303t94$7458 Casper Colorado Sp ngs Denver Ft. Collins Phoenix Rock Springs salt Lake cily San Antonio suaYy{(u Job No. 4 240 87 Duddy-Viele Constructlon, Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road, Ifest VaIL, C0 81657 Attn: Mr. Ulke 8111s GentLemen: As requested, Chen & Associates, Inc. perfonned structural ateel inepec- tlon at the subJect slte from August 5, L987 through Septenber 9, L987. Upon revlew of the reports, rse f lnd the f ollowiag: 1. The frequency of tests were conducted as per the design plans and speciflcations. 2. The nagnet lc partlcLe tests rrere conducted ln accordance uith AllS Dt.l scructural velding code standards. 3. The deficlency noted in Report /115, dated 8-13-87' ttere correct- ed and reinspected as documented ln Report {12L, dated 9-5-87. If you have any questlons, or lf we can be of further senrlce, please do not hesltate to ca1l. DPlew CC: Gordon Pierce, Architect (Saundra Smith): Josef Staufer: Colorado Slncerely, Chen Associates Consulling G€otecfi nical Engineers 5080 Road 154 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 303/945-7458 Casper Colorado Springs Denver Ft. Collins Phoenix Rock Springs salt Lake city San Antonio November 16, 1987 Subject: Concrete T est ing Vail Village Inn, Vail, Colorado Job No. 4 240 87 Duddy-Viele Construction, Inc. 1000 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 Attn: Mr. Mike Ellis G ent I em en: As reguested, Chen & Associates, Inc. performed concrete testing at the subject site from June 23, 1987 through September 5, 1987. Upon review of these reports, we f ind the following: 1) Concrete testing was performed in accordance with ASTM reguire- ments by a certified concrete field testing technician. 2) All cylinders tested for compressive strength met or exceeded the design strength of 3000 psi in 28 days with the exceptionof cylinders cast on 6-23-87, footing on l0 line A to F lines. They failed to make design strength in 28 days, at 45 days, these cylinders exceeded the 3000 psi design strength as per the attached concrete test results. lf you have any questions or if we can be of further service, please do not hesitate to call. Enclosure DP/ew CC: Gordon Pierce, Architect (Saundra Smith): Josef Staufer: oa C hwn 42 we.t mcrdow drlrty.ll, color.do 81657 (303).76-2200 December 17, 1987 fltto drpdmonl tlike Ellis DUDDY-VItr,E @NSTRUCTIOIiP.O. Box 668Vai1, CO 81658 re: VAIL VILLAGE INN - PHASN V 1EMPORARY CERTIFICATE O}' OCCUPAI.ICY DEAR I{R. ELLIS: Having conducted an inspection on December 17, 1987, the VaiIFire Department makes the fol]owing requirements regardingoperations under tenrporary certificate of occupancy: 1. UFC 10.302A - All fire alarm work including temporary removalof fire detection devices, sl'ra1l be under the authority of alicensed fire alarn company. 2. UFe 12.103A - All public corriclors shalL be maintalned freeand clear of constructioir material, including basemenLcorridor, main lobby and stair ways. 3. UFC 82.104 & 105 - AJ-I propane containers shall be removedfrom the interior oi the bullding. No exceptions shall begranted. 4. UIe 79.104A - No flanmable liguid storage in excess of 6Cgallon total shall be allowed withir' the buiJ-ding. Flarnmableand combustible licluids shall- be stored in a flre rated roomand all containers shall be closed when not in use. 5. UFC 10.209 - Provide master keys for each occupaitcy. 6. UFC 10.3018 - Proper venting shal-l be provideci for all spraypaint operations usiirg flarnrnable or coinbustible J-iquids. A11construction areas shall be posted "i{O SI'IOKII{G." 7. UIC 10.402A - Label doors to el-ectricaL roor,ts, rnechanical rooms and all related areas. VAIL VILLAGE INN ^c. PHASE V TEMPORARY CERTIF?TE OF OCCUPATICY Page 2 t 8. UFC 10.306 - FLre alarm sysl-em must be connected to approvedrecelving station. 9. UIC 10.308 - Fire sprinkJ-ers on basement, first floor andsecond floor shall be maintalned and operable at all times. 10. TOf I1UNICIPAL CODE 15.02, ORD. 3, SERIES 1983 - Fire aLarmplans are not approved. Subririt plans to Vail Fire Departnentfor revlew and approval. AlI required flre alarm work shaLlbe completed prior Lo occupancy of any residerrtial portion ofthe building. The foregoing items shall- be effective upon receipt of ateinporary certificate of occupancy and shall rernain binding untllfurther notice. Failure to comply wlLl result in further actlonbeing taken under the provlsions of the UFC 1985 Edltlon, whlchmay lncJ-ude your belng issued a sunmons to appear in Munlclpal orCounty Court for the violation above specified. Upon a findlng ofguilty of sald vlol-atlons, you will be subject to the penaltiesprovided by law. Slncerely, MICHASL McGEE FIRE MARSHAL ab cC: BUILDING DEPARTI'TENT Receivedtrlz: 7 ' , ' ' Date: kWZ D,U,C, \i Sauett €ntecpciaea, 0nc. P. O. BOX 117 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 (303) 32&6677 tmd and Dcli Umagancat YdlYiU€e Inn lfilt.UeatuvDrirr VaiL c0 8165? DetrSirs, Deoeobcr 9. 156 Te hare recently eatered iato a Contrtrt to install a fire Alarm Spten fur the Eotcl Rmmtof rhcYailYiltqc Infi, ftlldiagJ. As the Emd and Deli ocopies aportioa sf this Buildiry. in Eddirion to &e notet R@ns. it i3 aecsssar7 tbnt th8 Emd and Deli be a{dpfed rith cartain Eire llrm devicae. vtich are csanected to rhc Eite Alt.n Systcm of the remaiader of the Building. Ye re tberefore pleased to Dfesear tbe fo[oviag propmf to furnish laDu and ssterisls, to install the portim of the Eire ffarE S7stef,, at thB vail villqe Inn, Building f,uuber 5. in thc space occryied byThe Eood aad Deli. Scledute of Equipmeot 12 - I'hernal DAeCors Z- fira Eorns I - tcootc Indicd0r Lighr I - Dorr0le - Astioa, taual Ptll Slation 350 leet - Tireootd'. b eaclrc tbe vire, nhere ir is nn inside the Connercial Space As trBcssrary- IIL Listgd fire llarm Yire rqui@ .lJZ5{.00 \oMedMitaetment Fait FiWetaa I gc ? tuatul.tffi 72t tt Ibis pctim of the Eir: llile ffieovill use tbe saile fire Altro Cortrd PeeL vbicb afe ro iaslall for tha Botet Rmmr. Tle D|re Altro St'tE& tnsta1ed by Barsem EaterpfiEeE, lnc., tt fttlly rura,t<t gaiast defectir" osbfials ad rortuasbip. for a period d me Wc, folloving the iha d iactalldim. tolloriag the iaitial pr, ru will cstirnE to groyide eemica, oa alioru,fudefials bcis, or tbroqh the prorision of aUaiatcaaaca Contrast. Ye OOreciae fuur coasideruioa of Bsett Enterprises. Iac- ud loot fotwd to being dsemice io lsud the Vail Yillrye Im. Stacet=lf, ktt Enterp'rises. Inc. Iitsllul Salcsom Ycc.Ir. Uicbcl fcGca, Eire frsbal,lorn of Vait fr. $sefslilIbr, Vail vlllqe Tnq Sauett €ntecpeiaea, 0nc. P. O. BOX ll7 EAGLE. COLORADO 8r53r (303) 32&6677 Xr.JoccfStaf€r Vail9illrye Ioo lfllE. HeadsvDrire Vail. fl] 8161? DwXr.Stafer, Deceobcr 9, lS6 Ve au glmd to praf€ot tbe follovilg propmt to firrnish laDc md odtrisls, to iasrafl afire Ate1E Stil€o. at lhc YailYillqc r+.|+1, luildiag XumDcr ', in thc sgace recendy occugied bt lte Sviss Sst Dog fafiorf. Ihis p'ropml is aa Addelrdrm to our Cmtnac't to istall afire lta:n Sfgten- in tbe florel Rmms of this fuilding. Schedule of F.qutDnelt 2-lbernal Datecfcs 1-tircEo:n 1-PeosE lo(ilcdffiLigbr 1 -Do6le - Acrio!" Uaual Rll Srstioa lm teet - Tireoold'. to enclose the rire. vlxere it ir fllo insiih the Coomercial Sgm Asaocarrarl- IIL Uncd tire llun Virc Equipmcot aad Imtallatioa L5-9!.99 tlis Dtrtioa of lba tirc Alars SFteovill use tbe cile fire Alaro Omtrot PaeL rhich al to iastall for the Xoel Rms. a tr."MSw* TailFitEetaalgr ? h@Mglffi ?frtr Ihc tirc ffrln Sltgco" ilstallod by Earren Encrpriser, lnc- is fiIfy rarracd qainrt dafastin oftrialr md rortomchip, for a period of mE Ftr, folloriag thc do of iola[aim. fofloriog rhe iaitial pc. rc vill coatiaw to Druyide scmice, oa ari0ffid{flEfialr bcls. r thmgb the prorision of aualnEnece cmtfact. Ta qgrecim pur cmridarAim d Bwtt Enterprirec, lnc- ad loo& fmud to Dciag dcryicc ro toud rbc Tdilvillqc laa. Siacrclf, bettEnteryrirac, lnc. Iibtlrd Salacom Zcc. Ur. Itchel U{O€e, f|r? ftrsbsl, Iorln dVdl