HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge Properties-Lodge South Master Lease Ex.1' ' '' t;'iiL I i ' i!,.i ., r ,.i,1ri r,, '
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,i i,_^ .:Irllil _'ij,{,To l4AsqSR I"EASE' ' 'll [-.-;-":'"--';-: 'iii "1,,'i.ne|rF.nll,1,t ,,,. ,i I ill.. Loqge properbiqh, Inc,. (Leisor)an$,;i.t9fl,ge Soutt{lJ rnc. (Lessee);litiri i{:i:i , .; 'll
ofs,F,fip,fi{oni qr flAa"ea premises
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A portion or Lo^r :ltl"ffi j=4r. tlirr-Viltase1 Firsr Filins,a subdivision in ttil +ptl orlva:irr counry of Eagter stare ofcoLorado describe-dj:lei:jliliq"*,"""g;1s ar thl sw corner or saidLot a; rhence p. 6gb :'4ilr'*so,i q-alfi:-;:#. .ii.i".n. southerryline of said Lot a to the-tirJu-ilornt of beginningi rhencecontinuing along- said soutr,,"iivilf i"e N 89o 41, 50, E 1g0. 5feeL,' thence * t:-tr.: lg,t-f .ii', + feet; rhence N Beo 42, 00,,E 3' 60 feet; rhence N ooi rB,' ,oo1f 'w-ii-io-i".ii .n.r,". N B9o42t 00" E 8.00 feet; tt,ehce' H-6[l , f g, 00,, w 16.00 f eer,.thence s 89o az, _ooli 1^i!.gg'5"e,p; thence N 0o rB, 00, h,16.00 feer; rhence s 89;-4i;;061;,w 156.30 feet; rhence s0q lB' 00" E 1?.?g..feer; i;.",:;;iF .t, o 42, OO,, w 7.70 t..eL;thence s 0o tB, .99"^E^f :eo-i"[i jl;tr,.r,..-s di. .iz. oo" r,r19.{0 feer; thence s oi lB,toO;'iF 30.30 feer; thence N B9o42', 00" E 13.10 feer;. thb""e-p ,ih ,d;-60;-i-is]is r""tto the true poin:^:f ueginnini J{r,.uinir,e 14,;;10 ssuare feeror 0.3341- acres more "t-f"iili li ---"-")' r''JJ'r'
tosether rlith an elsi{nelr fa.lirr{p.ss and egress to andfrorn rhe above described rr4pirlyi to .and from the publicstreet known as Gore creei q;i"ejJl.ror vetric"luJ".na pecles-trian rraffic across ttre puii+c-ldpiveways and walkwayson the propertv :1:l::l* Lo the qb""; A;;";i;.j-p.opur.yowned by Lodse ni:t"::i:it ,"*:.,11!;d-r;;;;i.i=iiin dD Gcrs€_ment for 24 parking spaces oni,thg, property adjacent to theabove described nropeity "r""d-ililt i"a;. ni"f"irl"., rnc.subject to the rj:?ht.of-r,oagetnlf,perties, Inc., its successorsand assigns, to regurat. tte-i".lli"" ot'p"r[iis-areas a.ddesignation of puriir,g "t"iij"]--1i^"" '|Jr ucr,.Ar'e
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