HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge Tower Unit 677TOWN OFVAIL org: THrs pERMrr MUST'BE p6srsp oN JoBsrrE AT ALL ?rMEs aoo/nr,t I'{F BUrLD PERMTT Pernit #: 895-0111 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 Job Address 303-479-2138/ 479-2139 Location. . . FAX303-4792452 Parcel No..Project No. Deparunent of Comntuniry DevelopmentDR Status...: ISSUED ToWER SoUApplied.. : 05/o3/L995 Issued. . . :Expires..: 164 GORE CREEK UNIT #577 LODGE 2roL-082-24-031 PRJ95-0075 *tl***hk**nhht*ffi*,*ffi**lh*FEEsul{l'|ARY APPLICANT ROCKYMOI'NTAINWOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.o Box 4374, VArL CO 81658 OlrtNER BARNES DOUG 200 vArL RD, VArL CO 81657 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL occupancy: R3 Sing1e Family Residence Tlpe Construction: II 1-HR Type II l-Hour TyPe OccuPancy: Valuation: Fi repl,ac! Infornation: Restricted: N 137,000 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 3038457863 Phone; 3038457863 Phoner 476-9530 flof Gas Logs:fof $ood/P8l,I'et: 1 -oO Totat cal'cul'ated Fces--) 1,96E'20Bui tding-----) 886.00ptan Check---> 577.?0 lnvestigation> '@Hi l' I cal' l'---> 5.oo #0f G8s Appt i ances: Restuarant Ptsn Rcvi ca--> DRB F Recreation Fce------) C Lean-Lrp Depos it------> .m 500. m 1,98.20 Additionat Fees-----> Tota I Pernit Fee----) Payments------- BALANCE DUE------> .m 1,96a.20 1t966.2O .00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE - Pivision:Debt: PUB WORK Drvl-sron: *ffi****f**ffr** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pernit' DECLARATIONS r hereby lcknovl.dgc thlt I havc read this apptication, f i l,l,!d-out in futt the infomation required, conPteted an sccurate P[ot p(an, and 3t!te thlt .tt tio iiiornaiioi proirio"a as required.is correct. I agrr. to coarp Ly iith thc infofFation and plot Pl'an, to codpty uith att t*n o.Jin"n."" and statc tavs, and io bui ttt this structur. according t9 tl,: T?:,n::-loning and subdivision codes,'dilsign nevi"v "pproued, Unifo.t Buitding code and other ordinanccs of the Tolrn applicabte thercto' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTOI{S SHALL BE IIAOE T[,'ENTY-FOI'R HOURS IN AOVANCE BY Scnd C [can-Up DcPosit To: ROCKY tlT- t'looDt'IORKS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT- l?LAl / tl"eo t gffi ft ft I ro"^s E it R,i'"$F"Ti657I9/1ggs t1u Action: APPRiL6m:' 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENTiien: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ,AWff Sg ts,u TOWN OFVAIL OTE: THTS PERMIT MUST. ADD/ALT UF BUILD BE FOS?ED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: 895-0111 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Tlpe Construct,ion: II Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireotsce tnformation: Restricted: N Single FarnilY Residence L-HR Type fI 1-Hour 137,000 Add sq Ft: souApplied. . : 05/03/L995 Issued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 3038457863 Phonez 476-9530 fof t,ood/PaI'tet: 1 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job AddressLocation. . .Parcel No..Project No. Deparnnent of Community Deue lopment- s€atu8. . .: rssUED164 GORE CREEK DR UNIT #677 LODGE TOWER 2t0r-082-24-031 PRJg5-0075 APPLICANT ROCKY MOI]NTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374t VArL CO 81658 OWNER BARNES DOUG 200 vArL RD, VAIL CO 81657 flof Gas App[ i ances: EEE-OO Restuarant Ptan RevieH-->5n.20 DRB Fee-------.m Recreation Fee--------->3.m ctran-UP DePosi t--------> ToTAL FEES---------> Tota[ Ca[culated Fecs--> 1r96E.?O Additiona! Fees---> .00 Tota f, Pernit Fec------) 1'968.20 Prvnents------- sAi-ANce oue-------> .m tof G8s Logs: ffi*ffi*#rr********ffi FEE SUllllARY ***#***'k*i***tfirffiffii**ffi*f****i-ffirrhhkffiffi Bui tdi ng----> Ptan check--> Invcstigat ion> Hi tl ca l,l,----> '00 .00 500.00 1 ,91a.?0 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division:DeSti puti-wonx Division: See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPPly to this permit' DECLARATIONS t hereby acknontedge that t have read this application, fitl,cd-out in futt thc infomation required, conptlted an 'ccurate P[ot ptan, lnd Btatc thlt rtt thc infornation provided as required is co.rect. .r agree to cosPty tiitn tne infofnation and ptot ptan' to conpty uith att Toun ordinancls rnd stat! [avs, and io buitd this structurr according to the Tovn's-zoning and suMivision codesr'disign rcuiev app"ovJ, Uniforn guiLding Cide and other ordinanccs of thc Town applicabtc thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSP€CTIONS SHALL BE ADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctcan-Up Deposit To: RoCKY tlT. I|ooDUoRKS Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTAal24/I99s LoRELEI Aqlie4i -AP-PRiL'e.n t' 05400 PLANNTI{c DEPARTMEN!-6i/79/7995 Jrr"l Action: APPRIt,em:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: 05500 PUBLIC woRKS 'r%frffi Sg (oq,e I I i l?H. 9I. ylll;. ggf?Irriil- : :......'ucarernnr Number ! ** *r i * * * * * * * * * * * * n * r... ;;. :;. ;;:::... " * * * * * * * * !r rarznent Merh.rr . lPc-oot; ";;il; :. - * * * * *l *::: *** ** **,t * * :li:i$l::r:::-5:P:: Sii *llSI3;; uon,,,l, ;;;:;;';;);i);;.i;:;; .'.,;#ii,{i;iijllsl:*n*-*===-;-"};;;i;i;i* Location, urir"Iii,"ilff,-frof;olvER sourr ..::::.::::::.. !,s68.20 ,"..I*J j*:; 1,s68.20 3i'3#; t?gi^ * * * * * * T:::;;ff;......'ilii;;j.....'...t. ljlr ii. "9-t gooo ii;;; -B-u-rlDtrlc peRr'rrr rees Amount o-1 oooo ;;6;; tlry cHEcK FEEs eaa.oo01 oooo ;i;;; ,::.ESgt oeposirs 577.20 III_"_:9" rHiiiirroN ree 3. 00---:::_ wlLL CAIL rNSpnc,nrn,, --- 500.00 't LmzfruGR€gO ADD/Ar'T t#rcnit *: Be5-0111 Status.. Location... Plied.Parcel No.. ! 2101-082-24-O3L lesued..Expires. Job Addresss L64 GoRE CREEK DR ftlrhlltirl***ta**tlttttia*tai*ttt*t**i*tttttli*atatttt*tt**ti FEE S{I{4 nY Project No. : PR.t95-0o75 APPLICANT ROCKY !-TOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 8L558 CONTRACTOR ROCKY I,TOUNTAIN WOODWORXS P.O BOX 43'1 4, VArL CO 8L658OWNER BARNES DOUG 200 vArL RD, VArL CO 81657 Description: INTERIOR REUODEL occupancy: R3 single Family Residence Type Construction: II l--HR Type II l-Hour TIT)e Occupancy: Valuation: Fir€place tnformation: lestrlcted: I 137,000 Add sq Ft: *0f ca6 App[ ianc*: Phone: 3eilE*lf7€€lF/76 zsso Phone : i|.Gl€r45+8.(l-{?/ /-{saPhone; 476-9530 *lf lrood/Patlct:1 .00 Totat crlcutated Fees- - ->1,968.20 lddition t fees---------> .00 BUILDINGPI,ANNINGFIREPUB WORK HEALTH NOTE: THIS PERI.TIT MUST BE POSTED ON lof Grt Loos: .: APPLIED.z o5/o3/L995 Bui tdiru- -- - -> Plan check-- -> 888.00 'Tt .ZO Restuarant Plan Revi!r- -> BUILDING DEPARTI.IENTPI,ANNING DEPARTMENTFIRE DEPARTI.IENTPUBLIC WORKSENVIRONMENTAI, HEALTH trwestigltion> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Totlt Pcroit Fee---""'> 1,968.20 tliltcatt.--->3.00clean.UpDepo8it-...-..->500.00P!},iE'|ts.----...........> TOTAL FEES-----liaitttlttttttittti*i*tt*t*rl!a**tta*a*iltrtt'ta*ttttrttt**i**laaalt*tittatllltfftatatfftlErErxtltlttfit*lErhttttat!.tatti*l.ltt!fft.a ftem: 05100Itern:05400Item: 05500Item: 05500Item: 057o0 r******tttttt*t*rllr**t**tittratrtttitit***rtrtt*tt*i**ttttita*i*fiattr,t*ar**ffttt*ffitttfit*itit**ttlttttiff*ttflEtttattttttit*t* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this pemit. DECLARATIotlS t hcrcby sckno{tedge that t have read this application, fitted out in fult thc inforfletlon ru(lri rod, cetetcd !n accurate ptot ptan, and state that att the informatim provid€d Bs reqJi red is correct. I 6grGr to coety rith th. infonFtion 8rd ptot ptm. to coely rith st t Tosl ordinarres and stlte lars, ard to bli td this strtFtura acordirt to the Tol'r's zmilrg and slSdlvlsion codes, design revis approvcd, lrnifori Buitding cod€ ord othcr ordinencae of thc ToI1 |ppt lcsbte th.r.to- RE{lUESls Fn IISPECTIOIS SII LL 8E ll DE IIJEIIIY-F€IR HqnS tI ADv ICE BY lELEPlloxE AI 47?-2138 (n Al CUn OFFICE FRoa S:00 All 5:00 Px Division:Dlvision:Division:Division:Division: DeDt:Debt:Debt:Debt:Dept: Send Ctean-up o€posi t To: RocKY LT. t{DlrcRKs dA lrlt)al /erl I {-?t-q6 lU4tz SIGIIATIRE OF qflER fi OflITACTM Ffi IITSEIF ATO d'TER a *i****r*******!rrt*i** ********r* ******** f**t**tt*ttt*** ****t****ttati******t**i** Pernlt *: 895-O111. colrDrrroilSac of o5/Lo/95 **i**i********* ******** * i*** ******************ti*****a****aa*l|*rl*rl*********tll*** Pernit Type3 ADD/ALT uF BUILD PERIIIT Applicant:. RoCK! UOTNTAIN WOODI|ORKS . 3038457463 ,fob AddresE:Ipcatl.on: IINIT #677 ITDGE fowER Sou$IParcel Nos 2101-082-24-031 Description: INTERIOR REI.IODEL ConditLons: Status: APPIJED Applied: o5/o3/L995 Ieeued:To ExPire: t . pencnr #, Y.r o r o tr zoe" s t?TgH"?[ XlilrAili3fi'Fl'PfrP{ue<'aor{ DtrEz tJvlar'lt-4 ) ';;r.--; !r???n^ ^,'- ^^.j*-'----.. ^- rA" ';rr nFl' nEgf J AppI,rcArroN MUsr BE FTLLED our cor{pl.ErEly oR T$\lr Urrrhfi,,{ffKalreneor****************************** PERMJT TNFORI{ATroN *****************************,l fi-Building I J-ph'nbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other/^ Job Name: Legal Description: Lot Job Address: Block Fi l incr qrrRnr\rrqrrl\r. :tl:-t= _Name: @ Address , zuo J^,,-zd (*ui ph.4z.-q,E7oVeSaepG{L. n .._i.iiJn1tEil, W Address: ?.o. -s.rrr y'+.. C",_ ph. General Description: work Class: [ ]-New lX-alteration [ ]-Additional t l_Repair [ ]_other Number of Dwelllng Units: I Number of Acconmodation Units: ********************************FOR oFFICE USE ******************************* Plutrtbing Contractor:Address: -Eo Mechanical Address:Contractor: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBINC PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town o-f Vail Reg. HO. io3fPhone Nurnber: e1q _ t--razGx€Town of Vail Reg. No. lo3 IPhone Number: g.1q _ t-Gi- BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE;PLI'MBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MFITOIiANDUM .ALL€ONTRAqTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEP MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": YES NO 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires lhe use ol the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the drivewaV beig lepavedS*q ls different access needed to site other than existing diveway? ls any drainage work being done 3) 4) 5) 6) . : .,5f t,, --;'d _ atfeaing the right of way, easemenls,' ,xll or pubtic property? 7') ls a'Revocable Righi of Way permit' required? 8) A. I b the"rlht ot way, easements or public property'to be used for staging, pafting or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f_V9u_ alswered yes to any ol these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offics or atCommurity Development. tf you have any questions please callChartie Davis, the Townof Vail Construclion Inspec,tor, at.479-215f.. I have read and answered allths above questions. Job Name Contractor's Sig nalu re Dale I PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buitdino permit aoptication.lf yes was answered to any or tn@public way" is' required. You can pick up an application at either community Developmenf, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 13Og Vail Valtey Drive. 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire upto a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofconstruction, staging, etc..). This plan wiil expire on oct. 15th. and will need tobe resubmitted for approvat through the winter. 4l Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic iontrot ptan oi a liteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. Thelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hou?s to perform. Thd Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai mayneeded. Most permits are released within 4g hours of being received, but pleas6 allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Building permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above process ls for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are vatid onty until ttoverirber 1Sth.* A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 6) 7) cdlq'ay t I 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 30s-479-2452 1. 2, D e pan me nt of C omntuni r. 1* D eve lo pn ent IIIFORXAITOf, IEEDED IIIIEf, APPLXITG FOR A I{ECITIITICAL PERrrr 3. 4. HEAT IJOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PIAI{ OF MECTIAIIICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECEA}IICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LoCATTON OF COMBUSTION ArR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVA?OR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALI-,,ED IN MEC}IANICAL ROOM. FAILURE !O PROVIDE THIS INTORTATION WII.L DEITA! IOUR PERITI:I. TOWNOFVATL o hwn 75 toulh tronLg€ ro.d vell. colorsdo 81657 (303) {792138 (303) 4792139 olfice ol communlty dwelopment NorrcE To coNTRAcroRs,/owtrER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, !991, the Town of vair Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructj_onsites have adequateJ-y established proper drainage from build.ingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads oi streets. The Town of vail public works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vair roads orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must-be obtained prior to any reguest for inspectionby the Town of vail Building Department for fobtings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please calt 4ig-2i60 t;request an inspecti.on from the public works Department _ Al]ow aminimun of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of vail publ-ic works Department will be approvingall final drainage and. culvert installation wit.h resurting roaipacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior toFjnal Certifj-cate of Occupancy issuance. 75 touth trcnlag. rord Y.il, colortdo 81557 (303, 479-21,38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlco of conmunily devclopmGnl ALL CONTRAEIORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{TTH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC .I{oRIG/COMMITNITY DEVELOPIITENT IIARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERIAI, STOR,AGE rn su'nrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit. a"i-roir]-t""i, sand, debrisor naterial , incruding trasrr iunisters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any strr.::-. siaewaiil-;ii;y or pubricptace or any porriin tneieoi. i"" ;i;h;:;i;;;-;n arl rown ofVait streets and.Igag, is afproxir"t"iv-s-ia.-lri pavenent.This ordinance witr be ;t"i;ii;^enforced by trre Town of vair.Pubric l{orks DeDartment. persins found "iirilini this ordinancenilr be siven a 24 hour "tiii;;";"ii""-ti-;;;;;;"=.id nateriar.In the event the person so notified.aoes-not-;;;piy with thenotice wittrin ttt_za nour tirne-slecitied, the puLtic worksDepartment wirr renove said urareii"i ii-it " '."i#!e of personnotified- The provisions "r [rris ordinance snirr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, rii"l.runge 9r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utititres in the right_a-way. .f.I}, please stop by the Tolrn ofobtain a copy. rirani y;" i;;'y;;. ect (i.e. contractor, owner) o lown 75 loulh fronLge rord urll, color.do 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ofllcc of communlty dcvclopmcnl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this peryrit lequires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engjneer ''s (pubr ic r.rorks) review and ipp"ovat ,' a ptinni ni-bepartmentreview or Health Deoartmint review, ani-.-"euid ;i-il;;";riiaingDepartment, the estimated time tor'u-litur review may take as longas three weeks. All conmerciar ('rarge or small) and alr murti-famiry permits wilrhave to follow the ibove mentioned ritirrm requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd take a teiie"'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impa-i the virious-ii]Jre rintion"odepartments with reoard to-necessai"y "eui"r,-,r"i" p"ij!.i]' *yalso take the three-week period. ' Every attempt will be B9e ly this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSC BE POSTED PLI]MBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P95-0065 AT T. 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Cotorado 81657 Job Address: 303-479-2138/4n-2139 Location. . . : FAX 303-479-2452 Parcel No. . :Project No.: 154 GORE CREEK DR UNIT # 677 LODGE 2101-082-24-03t PRJ95-0075 De parn nent of Community Deve lop me ntStatus...: ISSUED TowER SoApplied.. : 05/a2/1995 Issued. . . : Expires. . : APPLICANT ROCKY MOUNTAINWOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374t VAIL CO 81658 OWNER BARNES DOUG 200 vArL RD, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & EI,ECTRICAL I P o Box 5080, AVoN co 81620 Description: Valuation: PLUMBIiIG ORF ERMODEL Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 3038457863 Phone.476-9530 Phonez 303949L747 22 , ooo .00 FEE SUhltARy ffirrffi Ptunbing---) 550.@ Rrstuarlnt Plan Rcvie!r--> Ptan Chcck---> E2.50 ToTALInvcstigation> .00 tli l,l, catt--> 3.m NEOUESTS FOi INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI'ENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OT OIINER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIJNER .00 Total catcul,ated Fccs-->415.50 AdditionalFecs------> Totr[ Pernit Fee----->Paynents----------> BALANCE DUE----_-> 415 .50 .00 415,50 415.50 .00 *t******tr***** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/23/t995 LORELEI Action: APPR05723'/1995 LoRELEI Ac!i9n: APPRCONDITION OF APPROVAL #Hr*rffirJt#ot**i-i*i** DECLARATIONS t h;reby scknoutcdge' thlt I have rced this application, fil,l,ed.out in futt the inforfiation requi rcd_, cottptctcd an accuratc Plot ptin, aiO state thlt a . thc infornation pro;ided as rlquircd is correct. I agrce to conrpty with the infornation and Pl'ot ptan, io conpty vith aL Toyn ordinances and stite [avs, and io buil,d this structure according to the Tor.n's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign revien approvcd, Uniforn Buitding code and othet ordinanceE of the Town appticabte thereto.. ./t 0o1ZG6'e +5b'2 6la7la< w i *************************************************!t*:************!**!t********* CONDITIbNS Peradt *P95-0065 a8 of 05/23/95 statuE: APPIJIED ************************************************l*****************r******i* Permit r!fl/pe: PLI'I|BING PER!,IIT .lpplied: O5/O2/L995Appliclnt! ROCKY MOI'NTAIN WOODTIORKS resued:3038457863 To E:rpire: Job AddreBE: 164 GORE CREEK DRI.ocation: UNIT * 67? LODGE TOWER SOUTHParcel No: 2101-082-24-O3L Deacription: PLITMBING ORF ERMODSL Conditions: ******* *************!t**** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO *****************************************it********************** Statemnt Number: REC-0023 Anount: Payment Method: 8266CK Notation: v *******************t********* o *********** Statemnt 41s.s0 05/23/e5 11:38rNit: LRD P95-0055 T!pe: B-PLI{B PLI'MBTNG PERMTT 2L0L-082-24-031 164 GORE CREEK DR T'NIT * 677 LODGE TOWER SOUTHTotal Fees: 415.50415.50 Total AL,L Pmtgz 415.50Balance: .00 ***********************************************rl**************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: Thie Paynent Account Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4t33201 0000 41336 Description PLI'MBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 330.00 82.s0 3.00 TOWN OFVATT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PLI]MBlNG BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TII,IES Perrnit #: P95-0065 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 Job Addrees: 303-479-213s/ 479-2139 Location. . . : FAx303-47e-24s2 il:i:l..i;:; 164 GORE CREEK DR UNIT # 677 LODGE 2L0L-082-24-031 PRJ95-0075 D e partrne nt of C omnt unity Status. . . TowER SoApplied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Development ISSUED 05 /02/Lee5 APPLICANT ROCKYMOUNTAINWOODWORKSP.o Box 4374, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOI'NTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArr., CO 81558 OWNER BARNES DOUG 200 VAIL RD' VAIL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE I,IECH. & ELECTRICAL I P o Box 5080, AvoN co 81620 . Description: Valuation: PLI'MBING ORF ERMODEL Phone: Phone: Phone: Phone: 303 84s7I53 30384578 53 47 6-9s30 303949L7 47 22,0O0.00 ****************t*ttr***********t**************t*********** tEE sul'll,lARY *ffirffi.m Total, cal.cutated Fcca-> 415.50P tuebing---_) Ptan chcck-->lnv:sti gation>tlitt cltt--_> 330.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> E2.50 TOTAL TEES__- .m 3.m 415.50 Additiona[ Fees---> Tota I Plrmit Fec-----) PaYments----_ BALANCE DUE-) .00 115.50 415.50 .00 **t*****r****tt* Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division: 687 ii t156i,- L6iEiE i-' -aEEiiiri l- aFFn05723'/1995 LORELEI Ac!ign-: APPRCONDITION OF APPROVAL ffiffi***fi*,.tffi ***ttt*********t***r*itt*t**********t*tr*********J.* DECLARATIONS I hercby scknoutcdgc that t have read this apptication, filted out in ful,l thc inforn tion requirld., conPtetcd rn lccurltc Ptot ptan, a'nd statc thit att the'inioraration prolided as niquired.is corrcct. I agrce to cornpLy vith th! informat ion and ptot ptan, io cinpty vith a1, Toyn ordinancas and stite [avs, and io buil,d this structure according to thc ToHnrs zoning and subd'ivision coaesr'U'esign neviev approvcd, Unifor[ Buitding Code and other ofdinances of the Toln appticabte thereto.. REOI'ESTS FOR II{SPECTTONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAIICE BY SIGNATURE OF OII}IER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF ANO OI.II{ER ./t 7ffi2a6'a +5b'2 6laTlasg oo **************************!}***rt**********:*****************tl**************** CONDITIONSPenrit *P95-0065 ae of 05/23/95 Statug: APPLIED***************:r*********************t*************************************pernit trype: PtIntBrNG PERMTT Applied: o5/O2/L995 Applicant: ROCKY MOITNTAIN WOODWORKS lesued:303845?863 To Expire: JOb AddTEEE: 164 GORE CREEK DRLocation: ttNIT * 6?7 LoDGE TOWER soufHParcel No: 2101-082-24-031 Dcscription: PLI'MBING ORF ERMODEL ConditionE: -l vrt *****!t*t****************************tl********:r****************** Statennt Number: REC-0023 Anount: Payment Method: 8266CK Notation:4ls.s0 os/23/95 11:38Init: LRD * * * * *:* * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * *** * * * ** * * * i* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * Permit No:Parcel No:Site Addrees:Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131101 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 P95-0065 Tlt)e: B-PIfiB PLITMBING 2101-082-24-03L 164 GORE CREEK DR T'NIT # 6?7 LODGE TOWER SOUTHTotal Fees:415.50 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description PLIJMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES VilILIJ CATL INSPECTION FEE PERMIT 415. s04ls. s0 .00 Anount 330.00 82.50 3 .00 lpD6rTlu* tA7-Ao% BI NOTE: THIS PERMIT UUST BE'POSTED @ ilob Address: Location. ..:Parcel No..:Project No.: 154 GORE UN PRJ95-O075 .on 415.50 ON iIOqSITE AT AIJL TIUES Pernit *: P95-0065 .: APPLIED.: 05/02/L995 -.:U APPLICANT ROCKY UOUNTAINWOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR ROCKY MOUNTAIN WOODWORKS P.O BOX 4374, VArL CO 81658OWNER BARNES DOUG 200 VAIL RD, VArL CO 81657 CONTRACTOR VALI-,EY WIDE I,TECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81"620 Description: Valuation: PLI,'TIIBING ORF ER!.IODEL ttttltatrtttttti*lrttl*t*itntttttfrltl**ttttt}'ratttt*t*tttt*ii FEE Sulfl RY Status.. lotol Calcutated Fees- - -> Addi tional f ea6-- - - --- - -> Totat Pemit Fee--------> Pt)rFntg- ---- -- BALAXCE DIJE- -.. epptied.Issued..Expires. Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 3038457863 Phone: 476-9530 Phone: 3O3949L747 22, O0O. OO PtLrr6ing" - --> Pton check- - -> lnvestigatim>llilt Cat1---'> Restuarant Ptan Revier- -> TOTAL FEES... -.310.00 82. t0 .00 3.00 415.50 .00 415.50 .00 415.50 IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI-TENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIOIS t hereby rcknoel edge that t heve read this apptication, filted out in futl thc infornetio.l requi ned, coaplcted an sccurate ptot ptan, and state that all the infornation provid€d as requi rcd is correct. I agree to copty rith thc inforfiatim and pl.ot Pt!n, to coflpty Hith all Toxn ordi nances ard state lars, ard to buitd this structure lccordlng to the lo$1'8 zming and st$divieion codee, design rcvier approved, Uniforf, Buitding Cod€ ard other ordinarrces of thc Iffir aptlcobte thGreto. REaUESIS tOR IltSPEcIIoxs SNALI BE H DE TtExTY-FclrR flqrRS rx x)v llCE 8Y IELEPllollE Af 4m-21fi n AT Crn oFFICE FROI 8:00 All 5:00 Pll St GIIATURE Of CIJIIER OR COTTRACT* FOR XIIISELF AIID qJIER 4i, t INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 lg1 i {t FRIINSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: --) , /:/'/, BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL fr"ouc" / D.w.v.-/'ftoror / w^rE;tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtltNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAT: tr tr tr tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr trNAL O FINAL tt L/JIA#PRoVED ti :bRnrcrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o,r;e 1r- /6 - /i{ rNsPEcroR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 't , Ltt -,/- ',ci'( , i'l *€tt tr FRAMING PLUIIIBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SftEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR I CALLER .-/Q/ READY rdn,rnspectror.r: LOCATIOT: ,^TUES, {,-ft rHYR FRI v APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc 7 - '/ 9' /S rNsPEcroR : 't'l ,f RdPT 131 Ttrt^tN oF VAIL, COLORADO LI/3A/i=.@6146 REQUESTS FUR INSFEtrTION I^JORK SHEETS FOR=II/30/95 AREA: DS --*---tActivity: B9E-Olll LI/3A/93 Type: A-MF Status; ISSUED Constr': AMF Address t 164 GORE CREEK DR Location: UNIT f677 LODGE TOtllER SUUTH Fancel : ElCrl-IZBP-94-031Deser.iption: INTERIOR REMUDELApplicant : ROCKY MOUNTRIN I-|OODI^JORKS Owner: BARNES DOUG Contt'actor: ROCKY MOUNTAIN WUODWURKS Occr Use: II l-HR F'hone: 3O38457863 Phone;476-953O Phone: 30f,8457463 Inspeet ion Request Infonmat ion. . . . . Reqrls5lsp' ROCKY MTN WOODWtrRKS F'honel 845-7863 Req Tine: OBrOO Comments: LBDGE TUWER *677 Items requested to be inspected,.. Action ftfrnnents _ Time Ex oa,aXa sLde-F inal P.N orrruf^ €t Er n tt*z -- ----".]W. ^lr fiPLrt€ GQoUT Ft lrrz--- ------- l InspectionIt en:Iten: History...., rZr0ESra BLDG-Final ergts3la BLDG-Temp, C/AtI / 17 /93 Inspector': DSNotesr FIREtrLAtrE ERtrUTED STT]UE CI]UNTER TT]F' ffetion: FA CT]MPLETED PARTIAL APF'RT]UAL .+f'