HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 245 aka 343-345TTOWN OFTVAIT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIIJ, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit *: 896-0280 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. 640.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-)416.00 DRB Fee-------- I74 E GORE CREEK DR STaIus... LiPGE_AT._VAJL UNIT #345 Applied. .2101-082-21-045 Issued...PRJ96-0164 Expires. . ISSUED 0s /Le /tes6 oe /Le / Lee 603/78/7se7 Fi reDtace Information: Rest ri ct ed:#0f Gas Apptiances:fOf Gas Logs:#0f llood/Pal. Let: *********ff*tr*********fiff****************ff****t*** FEE SUtlllARY **Jrl*fr*************H*H***********ffffi****t******ff* APPLICANT R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES. INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STATRS Occupancy: R1 Multi-FamilyType Construction: lTI 1HR Not i_n table!Type Occupancy: Valuat j.on: 80, 000 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 3039495152 Phone: 3039495152 .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---> 1,309.00.00 Additional, Fees--------> .00 Bui Ldin9-----) Ptan check--->lnvcstigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .oo Tot8t permit Fee--------> 1,309.00Ui|.|'ca|'|'--_->3.00c[ean-uPDePosit-------->25o.ooPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES----.******ff****************ft***********************************rht******ff**********lrl******ffiffi******************r.l*tct***ff****** rte.m: .05100 _BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:Q9/,\9/.1996 qHARLTE A-a.ion;--Norn pr_,nws ro CHAF.LiEgg/,\g1.lgga CHARLTE Acrion: ApFR enAnlre-oAVTs----19'/.97'/.1996 cHARtrE Acrion: CANC MUST GO iO pnC\o/rr719g6 cHARr.,rE Acrion: AppR cHAmrn DAvls-Its4ri'.q54q0 plAlrNrNG DEpARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:09/.L9/.1996. CHARLIE Action: r,roie pIrANs To L[[F.EN9q'/,I{/1g9A qHAEI,IE Aaaloii: aFFn u7e-'Fen-i,Eunnw1Q7,97./,\29q CHARLTE Acriona CANC lfusr-Gcj i-d-itEe\o/74'/\9_2Q _D4N Acrion: AppR LAUREN srcN0FF 10-14-96Itbm:' 0s600^EIBE DEPARTMENT ---DepL: -Frne - - Division:9p1!e/\pp9 CHARLTE Acaio;; AppR N/A _--:' _--_" ^_ :.Itb.m:'05500-PUBLIC WORKS ____ -_,,_ Dept: pUB WORK Divrsron:09/19/]-99G CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A 't********lrl**ffi*****}************ff*lffi.ff*****'Hr*:HffiJr*ff*ft*ft***J.t****-i***********fft**ffi*****tff*******f**ff********* See Page 2 of Lhis Document for any conditions Lhat may apply to this permit. OECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appl.ication, filted out in fuLL the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atl' the information provided as required is conrect. I agree to compl,y riith tire informat,ion and ptot i!an,to.conply t{ith atl' Town ordinances and state.tavs, and to buiLd this structure accord.ing io- the Tovn's zoning and subdjvisibncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabLe thereto. REoU.ii:"lli iOf trspecttons SHALL BE I4ADE Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: R.A. NELSON Permit #: 896-0280 Job AddressLocationParcel No Description FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY o TIJ ENTY- * * :t. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I CONDITIONSas of I0/L4/96 Status: ISSUED****r.*************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMITApplicant: R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, I3039495152 NC Applied: 09/19/7996Issued: 09 /19 /7996To Expire: 03/I8/7997 LODGE AT VAIL UNTT #345 2I01,-O82- 2 1-0 4 s INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STAIRS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED.5. SPTRAL STATRWAy MUST COMpLy WITH 1991 UBC SEC 3306(f)6. ALL DOORWAYS LEADING TO PROTECTED HALLWAYS MUST BE OF SELFCLOSING TYPE AND FIRE RATED FOR THE CORRIDOR 7 ' WHEN TWo DWELLTNG uNrrs ARE CONVERTED To oNE uNrr, ONLY oNE WOOD BURNTNG FIREPLACE IS ALLOWED. EITHER ONE FTREPLACE ISTO BE REMOVED OR CONVERTED TO A GAS BURNING UNIT T OUR OFFICE F ft-', TOWN OF VAIIJ75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 97 0-479-2738 DRB Fee DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP}4ENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DRLocation...: LODGE AT VA]L UNITParcel No.. : 210l-082-21-045Project No. : PRJ96-0164 APPLICANT WIRE NUT ELECTRIC PO BOX 1112, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WIRE NUT ELECTRIC, PO BOX 1112, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Description: ELECTRICAL WORK FOR REMODEL JOBSITE AT ALL TII4ES Permit #: 896-0228 Status...: ISSUED#345 Applied. .z 09/19/1996rssued... : 09/23/1,996 Expires . .: 03/22/1997 Phone z 3034764236 Phonez 3034764236 Valuation:8, 000.00 *ffiff tt*f*** FEE SuttltARY**i'f,r"ffiffiffi*ffi Et.ctri ca [-->144.00 Totat Calcutated Fees---> '11.7.00 lnvcst igat i on> tli t L C.l,l.---> .00 3.00 Additional, Fees------>.00Total Pernit tee-----> 147 .W Payncnts-------- BALAI{CE DUE_-_ToTAL FEES--> 117.OO *iffit*f*tt******** ffi**t*t*f,*t*tf,i**fffiffiffiffit*tffi*ffi Ite$i .060q0_EI,-ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:09/23/1996 CHARLTE ection:-AFFn-ron ERNST - ***thrrt'Jrtlr*t'f,* **ffilrffi*H*Jrlffi*ffi#*ffi**rr* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *****ffi***irr*****ffi*******Hr*tiH** *ff* DECLARATIONS I. hereby _acknoutcdgc that I have read-this apptication, fil,ted out in futt the infornation required, coopteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that a[[ the infornation provided as nequired is corract. t agree to conp ty i,ith the inforrnation and ptot !tan,to conply vith ltt Tovn ordinanccs _and state talrs, and to buitd this structure according titne rorn,s zoning and subdivisiincodes, design reviev aPproved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ordinlncas of thc Torrn aipticabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IiADE TIIENTY-FOUR HouRs tt{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2'138 oR AT oUR OFtIcE FROI{ E:OO A[ 5:OO Pil -i TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8t657 9t o-47 9-2738 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT permit #: 896-0280 Job Address: I74 E GORE CREEK DR Status...Location...: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT #345 Applied..Parcel No..: 2101-082-21-045 rliued...Project No. : PRJ96-0164 Expires . . I SSUED 09 /Le /]-9e6 oe /te /Lee603/rB/Lee7 APPLICANT R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR R.A, NELSON & ASSOCIATES/ INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STAIRS Occupancy: R1 Multi-FamilyType Construction: III 1HR Not in table!Type Occupancy: Valuationl 80,000 Add Sq Ftt Fi reptace Intornation: Rest |i cted:#0f Gas App [i ances:#0f Gas Logs:#Of tlood/Pa L Let: ***********ff****i***************************|*********ff** FEE SUt tARy ******************t******i*******ff****ff*ff*fi********** Bui I'ding-----> 6/+0.00 Restuarant PLan Review--> .OO Totat. caLcutated Fees---> 1,309.00PLan Check---> 416.00 oRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Totat perm,it Fee_____-__> 1,309-OOUi l,L ceLL----> 5.00 Cl,ean-Up Deposi t--------> 25O.OO payments________________> 1;3O9.OO ******rr*****ffi****n*rr***************l?lil*liff;--*;;*i*******lii*ill--***llH*I-lli;;;;;;**il***********;ll*** Phone: 3039495152 Phone: 3039495152 Itgryti ,gliQO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:09 /.I9 /.I99 6 CHARLIe2,/,12'/,\2e6 CHARL;E "tsiisf, i frHHn tmilirroocHiRlinB'197,977,!99A CHARLTE Acrion: CANC Mitsr-co tij.Fecl9'/tt'/\92q.CHARLTE Acrion: AFTR -CnAnliE Dlvis- i|"r1ig1'fi8'q1ttilli."a3Ei3$T*ftU$; ;il; ;.-;ie* : 'LANNrNG Division : 927,127,+290 cHARLTE gcrion: AFFn r.l7ii- Fnn-rEijiilfr'' i'li"l!12'g1^ S{tl' :-- tEE i8fi : E$Hf; IHlin,sd,T.3^-8FF, 0 - 1 4 - e 6I!erni'.q5qq0 FrRE .pEpAnrMewr ------ -:--'-- ---iiept: -irff.ri -" Division:09/L9/1996 CHARLII!e.m:"oss.o "u""iE"i8fikFilf aeen w/a ::::: :,og/7g/Lgg6 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A Dept: PUB WORK Division: ****t************************************************)k*****************i******************i************Jr************************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknou Iedge that t have read.this appl,ication, f itl.ed out in ful,t the information requi red, compteted an accurate pl.otptan, and state that al'l the information provided as required. is correct. I agree to compl,y with the infornation and pLot ptan/to compty vith att Toun ordinances-and state [aws, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivis.ioncodes, design revielJ approved, unifonm Buitding code and other ofdinances of the Town afpticabLe thereto. REOUESIS fOIi INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I{ADE Send CLean-Up Deposit To: R.A. NELSON Permit #: 896-0280 HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y CONDITIONSas of rc/r4/96 SIatuS I ISSUED o TTIENTY_FOUR ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/AL,,T MF BUTTJD PERMTT Applied: Og/tg/lgg6Applicant: R.A. NELSoN & AssocrATEs, rNc lisued: og'/ts'/rgg630394951s2 To Expire I O3'/LB'/I991 Job Address:Location: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT #345Parcel No: 2101-082-21-045 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STAIRS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS'cErLrNcS'AND FLooRS To BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.s. sprRAL srArRWAy MUST COMpLy WrTH 1991 UBC SEC 3306(f)6. ALL DooRwAYs LEADTNG To PRorEcrED HAIJLWAYS MUST BE oF SELFCLOSING TYPE AND FIRE RATED FOR THE CORRIDOR7. WHEN TWo DWELLTNG UNrTs ARE CONVERTED To oNE UNrT, ONLY oNEWOOD BURNING FIREPLACE IS ALLOWED. EITHER ONE FIREPLACE ISTO BE REMOVED OR CONVERTED TO A GAS BURNING UNIT T OUR OFf ICE T .1: TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE Permit AT ALL TIMES P96-0L49 APPLTCANT coLoRADo PLUMBTNG SERVTCE phone: 970945980945705 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 8l-6oLcoNTRAcroR coLoRADo PLUMBTNG sERvrcE phone: 920945980945705 HIGHWAY 6 &. 24, Gr_.,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Valuation: PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: I74 E GORE CREEK DRLocation...: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT #345Parcel No.. : 21,0t-082-21,-045Project No. : PRJ96-0164 .00 228.00 Status. . .epplied..Issued...Expires. . Totat Catcutated Fees--->AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> Payments------- ISSUED oe/Le/1.ee6 oe / Le /7es 603/t8/7se7 228. OO .00 22E.O0 228.00 12,000 .00 ***t******#***tf***********#**************ff************* FEE SUI'tttARY ******tri**************************************#********* P Lumbing-----> 180.00 Description: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Restuafant PLan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES-----PLan check---> Invest i gat ion> Ui l. L cal.l,----> 45 .00 .00 3.00 *****ft#*n***#**n**n***rr**r****:t*r*rr***************#********nff************iilll:i-:$;;;;;;i*iii************i??*** rtem: .05100_BUrLDrNc DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:09/te/7996 CHARLTE AaEiont eFpn cHenLrE DAViS *********fi***Jrt*#******ffi****J.t*****t*#r***Jr***************i*****ff*********tr******t**********t*Jr***t**ff***i*********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ErELD TNSPECTIQNS_ARq BEQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS AND CEILINCS_MUSi_ES-3'EALED-'trTIHAN APPROVED FIRE RATED MATERIAL *ff*lr***************************************ff**********Jr**********ffi*******t****Jl**ff****ff****ffi******ffi**ff******ff******* DECLARATIONS pl'an, and state that al.l. the information provided as rcqui red is correct. r Bgrce to th the infofmationto compty with atL Toun ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this s t ru ctu re:ac cord i]ndzto Town's zoning andcodes, design revie* approved, uniforn Bui r,ding code and other ordinances of the ]grd"ip REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY accurate pl,ot and ptot p tan/ subdivision 8:00 AtlAT OUR OFFICE HII'ISELF AND OI,JNER 1: TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 9't o-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permi-t #: P96-0149 Job AddressLocati-on. . .Parcel No..Project No. T74 E GORE CREEK DR I.,,ODGE AT VATL UNIT #3452tot-o82-21-04s PRJg 6-0164 Status. . .Applied..Issued...Expires. . TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Addi t i onat Fees---------> Totat Permi t [ee--------> TSSUED 09 /te /7se60e/te/lee6 03/L8 /7ee't APPLTCANT coLoRADo PLUMBTNG sERVrcE phone: 970945980945705 HrcHWAy 6 & 24l GLENWOOD SpRrNcS, CO 81601coNTRAcroR coLoRADo PLUMBTNG sERVrcE phone: 920945980945705 HrcHWAy 6 & 24, GL,ENWOOD SPRINGS/ CO 81601OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRTSON NY 10528 Description: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:12,000 . 00 *******************|t************ff****************#******* FEE SUt"$tARy *******************ff**************f*********************)r .00 228.00 228.00 .00 228.00 L,i l,L Cal.t----> 5.0O Payments------- ********"**tr*|H***,t*****lhr***'.'.***ici*************************i*r***********************ilHIii-lli;;;;;;i*iii*n*********ill*** J!e.m!.05100_EUII-,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/L9/tge6 CHARLTE A-tion;--EFFR cHenr,rE DAViS *****************Jr***f**ff******Jr*ff*i|1tlr*****ffff***ff****t:H***ffffff***t*idr**l***ff*iri************ffi*-**ff****t****tr*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'r_ELp TNSPEqTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS AND- CEJ'iT.iCS-i,iU5i_5S-5'EALED-''frTtHAN APPROVED FIRE RATED MATERIAL *ff*******f****Jriff*r****Jr****ff*ffilri't't******ir*fr*lh***rr*ff**********ir****tr***ff**i*lct*************t*******ff******ff*ff****t*** P Lumbi ng-----> PLan Check---> lnvest igat i on> 180.00 1+5 .00 .00 Restuarant P(an Review--> TOTAL FEES----- DECLARATIONS r hereby acknowledge that r have nead this apptication, fitted out in ful,L the informationptan, and state that alt the information p|ovided as required is correct. I agree toto compty with atl, Toyn ordinances and state taws, and to bui(d this structurecodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ofdinances of the T REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS 5HALL BE IIADE TI'ENIY-FOUR HOURS tN AOVANCE BY accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdivision HII.ISELF AND OIINER requ i red, conrpteted anith the i nformat i on nhe Torrn's zoninq and cabLe r*r6Ffil--i- AT OUR OF FICE 1;io: FROITI: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' IS REOUIRED Job Nam Date: a Please answerthe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'pubtic Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public properfy? ls any utility work needed? ) ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Ol Way Psrmit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO ^ 1) 2) 3) 4l 5) K d\ x, K \ v\ \ 6) 7) 8) !t_V9u- a19yet"d y"s to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained."Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public WorKs office or atCommurity Development. lf you havaany questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Townol Vaif Construction Inspector, at 429-215f'. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name :, * agg A- gnature How it relates to Buitding permit: 1)grmit a lication. z',) 3) 4) s) 6) 7l lf yes was answered rg 3ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at either community Deveropment,located at 75 s. Froniage Road or iiioric wo*", rocareo aiiidJv"irVailey Drive. Notice sign otfs for utility. companies. Ail utirities must fierd verify (rocate)respective uririties {o1t9 signing appricarion. some utiiiyco.ipanies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i td&te), A construclion tratfic contror ptan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.This plan will show locations or atttritrrc dontroldevices (signs, @nes, etc.) andlhe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sketch of work being performed musr be submitted indicaling dimensions (rength,width & depth of wo*1. rnis may oJJrawn on the tratfic iontror pran or a siteplan for the job. Submit completed application to the Pubtic work's otfice lor review. lf required,tocates wit be scheduied rorrhe rown oivaiil&Hl'n-J"io';ig"tion crew. Thelocates are take prace in the morning, but r"y require up to 4g hours to perform. The Public wor4<'s construction Inspector wirr review the apprication and approveor disapprove the permjt. You will de contaaeo as to the it,itus "ro any changesthat may be needed. Most permits aie rereaseo within 4g r,ouis or oeing received,but please allow up to one week to proceir. As soon as permit is proces.sed, ? copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the "Buitdinq p.9ryif to o" i5rr"*0. a""..iJi"i "-"rilre rhe "pubricway Permit" with a'Euirding eermit;60-o-,"o* on a project site irsetf. Note: *The above process is lor work in a rfght-of-way only. 'Publlc Way permlt's are vatid onlv until November 15th. *A new publlc Way permit is required each year. TOI{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTIO o N PER}IIT /I Jtor -o8*- 2rovs ""*SIrllHf#H 'o* Legal Description: Lot Block_ filing sunorvrsrou, Addresst 4.?,e/,c-V+'+t L*wc' ph. Ar6aFot?HtryrE L7 .<r'.AAAddress: i6Z At)tn ''Ri> ph.1j? lCzl tOnners Name: LE"qp Lls Arshitectzfu General Description: Number of Drelling Units: Work Class: [ ]-Neh' t}(aft.".tion I [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Accomnodation Units: Tolrn of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Nurnber: ****** * * ********* ***** ********* PI,AN CHECK F8E: l-AdditlonaI Nunber ^ q$nber and Type of Fl.replaces: G 4-... ...g?zr ri u6 . . . * * * * * * * * * * :: W;M: :. ::: :* :: ::f : : : :. . . ...t" " - " " - - W : 4 5$5 - " " " * * * * * * * * u ^* oryq7\oit g * * * * * * * * * * * * BUTLDTNG: lF?t..^a - ELECTRIgAL2 1-AOWTC OTHER: $ i*'"n,imljg6; uE*rANrcAl,:$._- roiaii W Gi= i, 1 ; *iiiil I . ?lJ. .,iL:=o:'3"'*'n'o**" o*,lil. I ; T: i i .;:; : H E# i:Address: .itoX. 5j<$ phone Number: Electricar contrac,tor: lL)((/{- [I.,'i- l(*., Town of Vair Reg. No.ru?EAddress: phone Number: . q_rq q",A? Plunbing Contractot: Lo(aA*oo ?&-*+^,? Totrn of VaiI R!9. NO. /a?-pAddress: phone Nurnbei: 4ro,:g ?eocl Mechanical Contractor:Address: *********** ********* * * ********** FORBUILDING PERUTT FEE:PLWBING PER}TIT FEE: I'IECHANICAL PERITiIT FEE! ELECTRICAL FEE3 OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: OFFTCE USE BUILDTNG PLT'MBING PI,AN MECHANICAIJ PI-,A RECREATION FEE CLEAN.UP DEPOS TOTAI, PERMIT BUILDING: SIGNATUREs ZONTNG: STGNATURE3 CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEN'NI' VALUA?ION luttn 75 soulh honlage road uall, colo.ado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflcc ot communlly dcuclopmcnt BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this p."lit. requires a Towp of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineer,'s (pyblic *glfrl reyiew ana apirovail'i piiniini'b"pu"t "ntreview er Health Departnrent review, anb'a_review by the Bui'rdingDepartment, the estirnated tine for-a totar "euien-ilay iu[I'is r6ngas three weekg. fl] c9rrn9r9ja] (large or smar'r) and a'r1 murti-famirv permits wiilhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnii. 'iesiaential and.small projects shou'l d taLe a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact ttre vJrtous-;il;" mlntioneadepartmmts with recard. to-necessai"y revie*,-ih;;; ;;;j;.ii"*va'l so take the three weet perioA. Every attempt will be rnde by this department to expedite thispermi.t as seon as possible. - I, the frame. underSigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and time Jp ?--4- n- t/A,L H-\{t-Project Name Conrnuni ty Development Department. 75 soulh fronlege tord rail, cotorado 81657 l3o3't 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 TO: EROIVI: DATE: SUEJECT: oltlce ol communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED IVITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC t{oRKS/COMMttNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STOR,AGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfu] for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ani =oir,-rJ"i, sand., debrisor material, incruding trash hunpster3, f-"i"ui"--toil"ts and,worknen vehi.cres. upon any streetl siaeivaixl -;ri;y or pubricplace or anv porti-on trreieoi. --tit" right-oi-;;t-;" a]r. Town ofVail streets ind.Ig".dr is apir"iinatety s ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be. striEliv--inforced by the Town of vailPubric works DeDartment. persins found vi;ralin; this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour writiEn-n"ii".-t"-;;;;""""id naterial.rn the event the person so notified aoes noi -ornpry with thenotice within the 24 rroui tirne-"p""rriJ,"il.;;tric worksDepartment witr remove said rnate;i;i-;r-inJ"!"i#=e of personnotified. The provisions-of-ttri= orainance sharL not beapplicable to clnstruction, ..i.,t.rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities in ite-iigii_._*.y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Tor,*n ofvail BuiLding Department to obtain a copy. rlani you for yourcooperation on this matter. contractor, owner) a' 75 louth trontrge road Yrll, colorado 81657 (3(B) 47$2138 (3G!) 47S2139 offlce ol communlty development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, t99I , the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the forlowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The towrr of VaiI FubJ.ic Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess poiats from the road or street on to the construction site.such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please calr 4'lg-2t60 toreguest an inspecti-on from the public works DepartmenL. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail PubLic Works Department wilL be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation with resul-ting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval musL be obtained prior toFj,nal- Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 1. 2, Department of Comtnunity Development ITTFORIiATIOII f,EEDED INHBlr IPPLIIf,G FOR A IIECIIAIIICAI" PERUT:T 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN rN TO SCALE, WITH pHySrCAt, DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow sIzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL AISO BE INSTALLED IN MECI{ANICAL ROOM. FAILURE !O PROVIDE THIS IIFORIIATIOIf I{ILL DELAY IOUR PERI.|II. TOW OFVAIT d r'ir ,--(n fi+ I Puv \^V -Z *TTA , 5*ilr'I,l <J'a-t l. \ 511 l^u , \'Yfl )) ;..: rr'' 'ii; "t'T-) ,.i"ilo,, tl\ /it?v1 f$vl lf- ; jp 1s ?yp 7 r1't''lil^l^ifir.\ {il\\\ .jsoo,\,i- 1tv .=)jl r4,tl -r^ntqWQ -.!o Tszp .q, roud Yrrtsfliia "+ +..,"1\u n1\d;.l} T\,\Q )"4+nV 1a'rA\ ry 7)t) ['aw']1.t'\.fr'1s] tott.ttll artro1 a 9-19-l9Sg 9:32414 $ttt t Bv=;Xiror l€ lDcopler $ea@rbs 17, 1996 lvfrs Shsy L,afi&8 23 Dcbvra l$E H8riloo, NY t0326 Ilc* lrfirc,l^ryHuc; It i3 lhE urdf8filtt8,g dt oCgn aparucnt Oondsqriuinru AssEEisl]su ttl't yu0. vruull lilc riu re-rnodel nti*E tour GedomldrEL Wo lavc rsdpxed the plur fiA rooomgl[c 6c udt ircludilg tbr Ws hrve rbo trct itrrard thd Mcsoe rnd Asrociafa *rufiF*t cilslnacr+ kvo Uorlr t0 rE0trrg tbe silouilrt tud.tritv of rtc luilding. fhc ooly cudidm tb t olfe l.prrtruoAr{$iiltqt ttruld F u thie o@fE frfi$ sqrdbe th$ rhc *rsr'fird$br pwidad wilh 0finnmnre ftcru the .ngruer sd cDfiEtchr rotftrt u,c uay bc rsrpd oftod ooC*kn af|!tf fifufuDg thErtfidrrE. IboE necing tte atovc mcufionod mditicrs, the Asrclltion grntr npprovol cf lhbptt[!llllithyucodla$E The lnd,p at Vail 174 last Gom Cncr Drrve. Itrtl Colorrdo 81657, UgA Ibhphone (gro) d6,5011 Feegioile (970) t7&74t5 plojcd tUffiocsffi 7"4 305 3EB 6522i* 2 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL/ CO 81657 970-4?9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Permit #: 896-0280 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. t74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIIJ IJNIT #3452701-082-21-045 PRJg 6-016 4 Status...: APPLIEDApplied..: 09/L9/L9e6rssued...: 09/L9/L996Expires..: 03/L8/L997 Phone: 30394951-52 Phone: 3039495152 APPLICANT R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 CoNTRACTOR R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STAIRS Occupancy: R1 TIT)e Construction: IIITlpe Occupancy: Valuat,ion: Fi neptace Intormation: Rcst ri cted: Multi-Family lHR Not in table! 80,000 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Appl, iancas:#Of Gas Logs:fot Uood/Pa [ [et: tdct*irf't*f,tffilr***f,t**,|***"||***trtht***||ffirrlr*ffr**ffi*rr*ffr FEE SUltt'tARy tnHet*irlrffiffi(ffi***ffi**rt*****ffi**rffirffirrt*fr* Bui I'ding-----> 640,00 Restuanant Pl,an Review--> .00 Totat cal,cutated Fees---> 1,409.00PLan Check---) 416.00 DRB Fee--------rnvestig.tiorD .m Recreation fce----------> .oo Totat permit Fee--------> 1,409.00Uil|'ca||'---->3'00cl'ean-upDeposit---._-->25o.0oPaynents-------------.--> "****i'************'i******r,ffi*-lilihjiff;;*;;;;i*******klli;ll****lllfl.i..L.llli******;;i***.li#LA*Iteui .051q0-P9_II,DING DEPARTMENT Deprs BUTLDTNc Division:9e^/,!9/,1996 gtlARr_,rE A-Eic;ii;- Nore pr,ANs ro crAF.iie09'/.19'/.1996 qHARLTE Acrion: ApFn eH[H.l,ru-oAVrS---L9'/07'/!996_CHARLTE Acrioiii cANc MttSr-G6 f-ci pscrtem:' 05400_PTJANN-rNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:Qg/,!2/,!99q qtiAEI,IE A-Eid;i;- Nijie pleNs ro r.,A0F.EN897.L97.tee.6 cHARLTE Action: AFFR N7i\ .FeR-r_,E-dREN- L9'/o7'/I996_cgARLrE Acrion: b-alld l,fuiir-dii itj pecI!e,ti"Q56Q0_qIB DEPARTMENT ____ -,_- -- --DeFr: FrRE Division:92112/I229-cH4BI,IE Acrion: AppR N/AItem:' 05500^PggLIq WORKS -___ --',_ Depr! pUB WORK Division:09/L9/1996 CHARTJTE ncLion: AppR N/A *rntrHr*ffiffiftttrrrit*,tf,ffirt**lr***trf,Hffrffi(***Jr**,rffi***f|hffrt****ffffi*********ir**!r*t*t**J.!ht*ffi***t*****ffiffi****ffi***** see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that, rnay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r. hereby .acknor'rtedge that r have read.this appl.ication, fitted out in ful,l, the information fequi fed, corpteted an accurlte plotptan' and state that !L[ thc information Pro;ided as required is correct. I agree to conpty riith the in?ormation and p[ot pl.En,to.compty vith al'l' Tovn ordinances _and state [aHs, and io buiLd this stfucture according io tt. town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, deslgn reviex approvld/ uniforr Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVAICE BY TELEPHOI{E Af 479-?13A OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROII 6:q) A}I 5:OO Pl,I Send Ctean-Up 0eposit To: R.A. NELSoN SIGNATURE OF O}INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND O!'NER *******************************************************************!k************ CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0280 a8 of 10/07/96 status: APPLIED******************************************************************************** PETMiI.TYPC: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPliEd: Og/Ig/Lgg6Applicant: R.A. NELSoN & AssocIATES, INc teeued: 09'/B'/1996303949s1s2 To Expire z o3'/ra'/t997 Job Address:Location: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT #345Parcel No: 2101-082-21-043 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL AND ADD SPIRAL STAIRS Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. sMoKE DETEcroRs ARE REQUTRED rN Ar,L BEDRooMS AND EVERY sroRYAS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTI,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED.5. SPTRAL STATRWAY MUST COMpLy WITH 1991 UBC SEC 3306(f)6. ALL DooRwAYs LEADTNG To PRorEcrED 1IALLWAYS MUsr BE oF sEr,FCLOSING TYPE AND FIRE RATED FOR THE CORRIDOR7' WHEN Two DWEILTNG uNrrs ARE CONVERTED To oNE uNrr, ONLY oNE WOOD BURNING FIREPLACE 1S ALLOWED. EITHER ONE FIREPLACE ISTO BE REMOVED OR CONVERTED TO A GAS BURNING UNIT TObIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-4',19-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT Permit #: ALL TIMES P9 6-0149 Job Address Location. . . Parcef No..Project No. 174 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL I'NIT 2101-0 82 -21-045 PRJ9 6-0164 .00 224.n Status...: APPROVED #345 Applied.. : 09/L9/L996Issued...: 09/L9/L996Expires. . : 03/L8/1997 Phone: 9709459809co 81,601 Phone: 9709459809co 81601- COLORADO PLI'MBING SERVICE 45'lO5 HIGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, COLORADO PLT'MBING SERVICE 45705 HTGHWAY 6 & 24, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANEI HARRISON NY 10528 Description: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation:l-2, 000 .00 ffi**r.*f*****t***********t**ffffi**ffiffittrrffi FEE SUllllARY **Jnffi*ffi*ffitr#*#rffirffirff**tr**ir***ffi**ffi** Total catcutated Fees---> 228.00P Lumbing-----> Ptan check---> Invest igation>tlil.L catt----) 180.00 45 .00.m 3.00 Restuarant PLan Revi er.l--> TOTAL TEES----.00 228.00 .00 228.00 Additionat Fees--------> Tota[ Permit tee--------> Payment BALANCE DUE---- *** *i*ffi***********t*lnl*ffitrffintff Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:09/1,9/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARL,IE DAVIS *t**** **** t*r**ffir*ffr COND]TION OF APPROVAI.,, 1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS AND CEILINGS MUST BE SEALED WITHAN APPROVED FIRE RATED MATERIAL ffirr**ffi*ffi**iffiffiffi#rlffr DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitled out in ful,t the infornation rcquifed, conpLeted an accurate ptot plan, and state that atl the informat ion provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compl,y with the information and ptot pl,an, to compty vith atl Toun ordinances and state [av6, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tolrn's zoning and subdivision cod.s, desjgn revieH approved, uniforn BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticab[e thereto. REOUESTS FOR ITISPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TUENW-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOO{E AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRON.I 8:OO ,' 5:OO PIt SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OIINER tET-39-19*; 15:11 P.A7/AL \Aril, a'lnkrr$lo Dcntfi. fnlofido { Monroe & Newell F,ngirxcrs, Inc. Dde 28 Ostob€r, 1996 Proicct l.odgc at VEil" Udts 245,?41,343 Weathcc N.A Proiect #3214 Iocmion Vail, Colorado Ternp: ' st N.A. Lodgs fitVail 174 East Gore Crcek Driw vd,coEl657 Mr. Charley Viola Thc fo[owin8 wastroted: ThG stccl frErrting for the new opeming in tho hollowcole concr€te floor was irsnallod ad thc bollowefloorisremoved. Thc incttldim of 6e steel frldlg rppcrrs to be in corrfornarc $iith th€ iucot of the stmcfirrsl oo otoeptioos to the in place wrt re hlsen. R A Ndson& Arsociates, tary P. (), lrol 1597 . Avoo. Golorado Eld2O e (5O!) 949-T76al o |JAJ( (lol) 919'ao1/r TOTfl- P.El To: Attn: OO48 E. lkevcr Creek ltlvrl. r strilc 5Ol . J., F.AGE 19 AREAI EG Descript ion: ELECTRICAL- I^,ORH FOR REMODET-Applicant: hIIRE NUT ELECTRIC OwNer: LRF.IDUS SIDNEY & RUTH / Contractor.: WIRE NUT ELECTRIC Inspect ion Request Informat ion. . . Reqrrss,trsr: Steve./l,lit*e Nut Hl ee Req' Time: Ol:OO Comments r Unit 345 &flct ion Connent E 'f i me Exp REF,T13I TOhtN 0F UAILi COLORADO t;/[r6196 07: 1* REmUESTS FOh INSF,ECTION ['ORK SHEETS FOR: le.z 6/9fr I Activlty:896-t?tlflA tE/ 6.196 Typer B-ELEtr Statusr ISSUED Constr: AAFT Addresss I74 E 60RE CREER DRLocation: LODGH AT URIL UNIT *345Farcel! ilf0t*rl8E-e1-043 Occ; lJse: f F,hone: 312134764336' Fhone:.l F,hor,*:,912134764fl36 --****--+ F,hone:476-4836 471*eBEsP43-will cxllItens, requested to be Inspected...rahl9A ELEC-FinaI -r---+*- I n speet ipn Hi st or"y. . . . .' It eil ! 861 lt7t ELEC-Temp. Fower' ' Item: OOl3O ELED-RoughLA/9,3/96 Inspect or.: EFIteml 04130 ElEtr-tronduitItenr AOl4er ELEtr-Flisc.Itenr Oqtl9rA ELEtr-FinalItemr O0Hl4 FIRE-nLARfil ROUGI-I, Iten: tlO53B .FIRE-F. INAL lll0 /2-6-26. Action: AtrFR APPRBVED REF,T I 3 T l';:/ 17 /96 tl6 153 Activity: ftddresc: Loeat i on: Farce I :Deecription: Appl icant r Own er rf,ontraet or l TOHN OF UAIL, CtrLORADO RESUESTS FfiR INSFECTION t^JORK SHEETS FOR:l'&.1L7/96 Status: ISSUED F.ffGE 5 AREAr EI) Constrr AAtrTF96*ff149 I?./ L7 /96 Type: B-PLltlB174 E GT]RE CREEK DR LODGE RT URIL UNIT *345 91 01 -'aBe*e 1 -a45 PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL CBLORADO F.LUMBING SERVICE LRF'IDIJS SIDNEY E, RIJTH trOLORffDN F.LUI{BING SERUICE Oec: Use: Fhone: 97t194598O9 F,hone I Fhone: 97rZr9459SO9 lnspect i on Reqr-rest Requestor: R. A.Re{'TiEe: AB:rZtAIt emE. requested to Infor"mation.... NELSEN./DANTE Comments: UNITbe Insoected... Fhone: 47 1-0833 345 Rct i on Eomment s .Time Hxp Inapibctlon History. . ", . Iipen: B@Ee[t PLlvlB-Rouqh/D. t^J. U.. lEle3/96 Inspector.: CF i -' 10189/96 Inspeetor': CF' 1Q/3n/96 Insnector'; DS CIBegs FI RE-SFRINKLER R0UciH O6E3IA trLMB-Ro r-rgh/l.Jat ert0/e3/96 Inspector": CF 06444 FLMB-Eas triping 06fl50 F,LMB-F,oo 1 /Hot Tub 6@e6A trLf'lB-Mi sc. ooegct trLf4H-Final OOSSB FIRE_FINAL C/O Aet i on : AF,trR FL0t"l TEST REfrU I REDAction: DN NOT HOLDING TESTAction: AFFR AFtrROVED Action: AFtrR NAIL FLATES.REGUIRED Item: Item r Iten:Item:' Itemrfteml , Item r REF.T I31 TOhJN trF VnIL, C0LORADn T.A/ 17 196 06 ;53 FEGUESTE FOR INStrECTION I,JtrRH SHEEI-S FOR = L-C/ L7 /96 Aetivity: 896-OESf] t7/L7/96 Type: A-lvlF Statur: ISSUED Address r t74 E GORF CREEK DRLocationr LODGE nT VAIL UNIT *345 Far.cel : E1fi t-rZtBE-e1-1445Descriptionr INTERIUR REMODEL AND ADDApplicant! R.ff. NELSON & ASSBCIATEST Owner: LAF'IDUS SIDNEY S RUIHContrector: R.A. NELSBN & ASSOCIATEST F'AGE 4 OREA: CD Inspeet i on Request Infor.nration,,,,. Requn st or: R A NELSONI,/DANTE Fh on e : 471-fAA33 Req Tinel OB:EIrZl Oomments: UNIT 345Iterns requeEted to he Inspeeted. . . Act ion Eomments ftArO9O BLDG-Finn1 Occ: SPI RRL STAI RI;INC Fhone: Fhone: INC Fhone: 3'2394T5158 3Ar39495tSE f,on st r. : AMF Use: III IHR T i me E.xp ---*\d; -j5-Inspection History,....Itenr;' OS6SB BLD6-Framinqt@/?5/96 Inspeet or" I CFlo/gg/96 Inspector: CF 1A/3,A/56 Inspect or.; DS Action: DNftction: DNAetion! AFFR DENIEDFILL F.ENETRRIONS APF.ROVED END FLOT]R ONLY RPF.ROVED REC ENG LTTR FR CONC FLR ItenrIteh:Itenr Iten: Ifernl ltem lIt en: Iten r Item:Itenr Item:Item:ItenlItenl NoteE: FILL ALL F,ENETRATIONS EN6 LETTER OF APtrRffVAL REOUIRED ENTj FIELD AFIF,ROVAL REI]UIRED Qgro4o * * Not 0n File * * dguSa BLDG-Insrrl at i on AOO6el FLDE-Sheett'gck Nai IIl/Qr./96 Inspector: CF Actionr AFtrR l1/la$/16 Inspectt4r": EG f;t:t i on : AF,F,R AOO€CI * * Not On File * * AAATO BLDG-Misc.1el85/96 Inspectot: CF Action: NO SOO9O BLDG-FinaI - ff6538 FLDG-Temp. C/u IAO531 FIRE_TEML'. ClA 6653e trh'-TEMp. C/O aos33 pLAN*TEMF. C/O 6UI537 F'LAN_FINAL CIA 6IA538 FIRE*FINAL C/O 08539 F'I^'-FINRL C/D 66$40 BLDG*Final C/O .t:" TOWN OF VATL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2!38 E Iectri ca [---> DRB Fee lnvest i gation> lliLL cal.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> Job AddressLocation...Parcel No. .Project No. 54.00 .00 .00 57.00 UNIT -045 Totat CaIcutated Fees---> Addi tional, Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE OUE_--- Status. . .#34s Applied..Issued...Expires. . Phone:30394 I S SUED 12 / 03 /7se 6t2/03/Lee6 06/or /Lee7 91403 ELECTRICAL PERMIT -.f, tL.'./l I lr /rl/'t' JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: 896-0301 i*, I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN CREEK DR Phone: 3039491403 Description: UPGRADE FrRE ALARM sys. vaLuation: 3,000.00 ********Jr**********ff********trf**************ff*ff********* FEE SUl,!fiARy *****)t*************************************ff************* APPLICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRICP O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER EIJECTRICP O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAP]DUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 57.00 .00 )'.UU 57.00 .00 ****************k***************************trt******ff***rH********t*lri****i***************Jr**t*lr********************************* Item: -O6000^ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:tz / 03 /r99 6_cE[nr,ir- -ect-ioirl APFR-CHARLTE DAVIErtbm:'0s600 FrRE DEpAnrlrni,ir ' -------- -'-naFr: FIRE Division:L2/o3/L996 CHARLTE actioni eppn ***tr****ff**i*#*t**i********J.*#*H********fird******i*******ff**#ftfi***ff**********************t**ffi*ff*rr*t d****rr**** CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL 1. TIEID INSPEq!IqNq.ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. 4_TINAL INSpEgTIqN-APpROfAr,-'rS nno;5-U- tF'E FiRE nEitb-F'rtt6F.'TO BUILDING FINAL INSPECTION SEiN6 bOIIE -..- ' *********************************************t************************#****************ffi**************************i*********** I hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this aPPticat'ion, fiLl,ed out in ful,l, the information nequired, compteted an accurate pt,otpLan, and state that "tt ah:-111?1":t ion-provi ded as riquired.is correct- r agree-to compLy with the information and ptot pt,an,to compty uith aLt ToHn ordi r,t'ances -and state.taHs, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, tlniform Buil.ding code End other ordinances of the Tolrn rppl,icabte thereto. DECLARATIONS REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 174 E GORE AT E OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF t TOWN OF VAIL75 S. F'RONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Etect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation>tliLt caL l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 54.00 .00 .00 3.00 57.00 ISSUED t2/03 /tse6t2/03/tse6 06 /oL /tee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ELECTRICAL PERMIT T74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL UNIT *3452101-0 B2-2I-04s PRJg6-0164 JOBSTTE AT ALI, TIMES Permit #! 896-030L Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . .Expires. . APPIJICANT WHITE RIVER ELECTRICP O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRICP O BOX l-118, AVON CO 81620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON NY 10528 Description: UPGRADE FIRE ALARM SyS. Phone: 3039491403 Phone: 3039491403 Valuation:3, 000 . 00 ****************t*****************************f,*********** tEE SUIIMARY ************ff***********lr********t********Jr************** TotaI Catcutated Fees--->Additionat tees------*->Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 57.00 .00 57.00 57.00 .00 ******************t***********s*****************t***i.*************ft*************r*********************rr*****ff******f,t*tct****** Item: .06000_ELECTRTCAL DEPART!.,IENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division: L? / 0 3 / Lge- Q _ cHABLiE - -ectloirl-'eFFii - cHanr., r E DAViS -' ItbM:.O55OO-FIRE DEPARTMENT ---O6[t: FIRE DiViSiON:12/03/L996 CHARITIE -ec'tion: eppn *********ff*trf,****t*****t*******i**i*t**,ht**ff*|tltffi|t*******t!H******ffi******ii-****ff**ffi*ff**ffi******Jr****t*ff**r***ffi****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. EIELP..INEPE.CTI.qNQ.-ABE_&EQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. A_FINAL lNspEcrroN AppROVAl,- rS nnp;D-BV tH-E FiflE DEFr-FilioR'TO BUILDING FINAL INSPECTION BNiIIG bOITE -..- '-'- ****lr**t****tr**i*i*ff*********ff******ff*t**ffi*ff***ffr********ff****f,*fftrffifr******t*******t*ttJ.H*f***********rffi*ff*ff****** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknovtedge that r have read this appl.ication, fil,l,ed out in ful,l, the infofmation requi red, compLeted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that 6LL the information protided as r{uired. i.s correct. t agrie to compl,y vith the information and pl,ot ptan,to conPly uith al'l' Town ordinanccs _and state_talrs, and io buitd this st ructu re-ac cord,ing to the toun,s zonin! ana subdivisioncodes, design review appnoved, uniform Bui l,ding code and other ordinancci oi irti Toun afpticabte thcreto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TOIVN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN .JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES EIJECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E96-0301 Job AddressLocation. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 174 E GORE CREEK DR Status...: APPROVED LoDGE AT VAIL UNIT #345 Applied..: 12/03/19962101-082-2]--045 rssued...: LZ/03/1.996PRJ96-0164 Expires..: 06/0I/1997 APPLICANT WHTTE RTVER ELECTR]CP O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8l_620 CONTRACTOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRICP O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8l_620OWNER LAPIDUS SIDNEY & RUTH23 DELEVAN LANE, HARRISON Ny l_0528 Description: UPGRADE FIRE ALARM SyS.Valuation: 3,000.00 ,H(ffi****Jr****ffi**ffi**ffi****l.t*,(|k***tr******ir*****t tEE SUltllARy r**!t***ffi*'r*ffirnttrt******ffi*****ffi***** Phone:303949 1403 Phone: 303949L403 E tectri cat--> 54.00 DRB F..hvestigation> .00 trti l,L CaL t----) 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 Total Calcutated Fees--> 57.00 Additional. Fees-----> .00Total PePmit tee--------> 57.00 Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- ********i****t*i*ff**rffiffi*i**ffi*********t*ffi**i******t***f*ffi*****ff******ff*i*****ff**************t*ff**t***t* Item: .06000-ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:L2/03/!996 CHARLjE- ecrion: ApFn-cnenr,rE DAviSI!e,4!"q5€q0_E_rBE DEPARTMENT -- ---DeFr: FrRE Division:1,2/03/I996 CHARLTE Acrion; AppR It****t********t**i*fi**ffi**ffffi*******fi****t*ffi*********ffi*tl*t*rttff.*****t*f,t*t**t*ff,ffi***ffitffi**ffi*t***iff CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. F_'IELD_INgpECTr_QNS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. A.FTNAL TNSPECTJqN AppROVAr, 15 nnorD-BV tHE FrnE DEpt-F-RiOR-TO BUII.,DING FINAL INSPECTION BEiNG bOWN _--_ _ __ ffi*******f****i*****#ffi**ffiH**ff*#ffi*ffi*******|H(****ffi*************i********ft******ffi****i*******ffi***** DECLARATIONS I.hcreby acknovtcdge that r have read.this apptication, fil.Led out in ful.l, the infornation required, compl.eted an accurate ptotpl'an' and state that atl the information provided as required. is corfect. r Egree to compty riith tire infornation and pl,ot il,an,to comPl'y uith al'l' Torrn ordinances _and state taus, and to buiLd this structure according iothe Town's zoning and subdivisioncodcs, design revieu approved, Uniforn Buitding code and other ordinances of the town aipLicabl,e thcr.to. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoI{S SHALL BE IADE TIIEI{TY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROl,t E:OO A 5:00 pl4 SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CO IRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF-Tfi6-6IIER_ L2/03/gQ 00:42 FaX S70 949 6?40 IEITE RIYER ELEC i*costscr - Elsl: . 9*r-rtr lr"*s rf 0f f ie-c- nF vral, eoTsrRuctr o' t'.1i.*i;:.gronHg'.ji1'6'rTlil#;X#irEliiF"$3*u-.- 14 002 PERhrrr *.ng1l_90 Aildsege: sh .,,-i"J- Ph.-..-Archltect! Genrral Description, APbnAD7 ,oE-finE Alfif!r'-'-- ' 11ork cla6s: [ ]-New [S-arteratlon I j-Addttional 6 1-agpalr [ ]-otlras-- ilunb.r of Dwell'inE Units:a I Nu,uber ol Acconnodation Unlts: P?dqb - o/b/ APPIJCATIOH UTIST BE FII.,LED QII1I CO}1PL!;'T.ELY OR I1T I'IAY NOT BE ACCS TED *******:.* *****i*t******* ****' PEltl'lIT IHFOR}IATIQII *tt***t****ill**'r****+*rf ****** t l-Building 1 l-PlunbinE [ ]-Electrical [ ]-uechanl'ca1 *D(:-ourrer fJlEJtfun- Job Naue: L Irgal DascriPtionr lot Block_ FiltnS Suspru Owlrsfs Naue: L@ [orr f{ tdarecs: i i6+rd {pnber and T}Fe. ol FireplaceE3 Gas Applianaeg- Gae l-,ogs'# }l6odyP3llet- V*********+*************t********* vBLJirrlIs *!t**********!r**t***********li***rttt E't(o- oso Iiunonre' :t*:T*I*fF"-' , ;Htr; l+LIJI{BINGI ilil;;;r Po DnJk'En- Elr€trical contrreto! | W,ri(-:-Addrtts: 3 llown of vall Reg. NO.- Phone Number: 911 5t5-7- REE.no.-792-s-5r:-',+r- Rag. llo.- neg. ll0 OFFIC.E USE * t*** it**:l *** ***t ***t********t * DUIITDINC PIrrN CHECK FEEI PI,UIIBING PINN CHECK FEE: I{EC::IANICAI PI.AN CHEC$ fEE: REC:REAEION FEE: CI.E.[N.UP DEFOSTT: TOT.AIJ PERI.TIT FEES: BUIL,,DI,!IC: SIGNATJRET ZONINGi SIGNAT JRE ! A6eyn 6f Vtil Phoni Nutrber: fom of Vall Dhonr Fultlb€r: town of vail Phone Nuruber: PlunbinE Contractor: Addrets: ltechanisal Contrastor: AddrcsE: *************ii************t*t** PoR BUILDING 9E8}IIT FEE: PLUI{BTNC PEB}IIT TEEI }.IECI{ANIC"{! PER}'IT FEE 3 EIECTRICAI., FEE; OTHER EYSE O}' IEts: DRB Tf,E: LZ/tt:[/96 0u:42 lAI c70 949 674S TO! FHOM: DATE: REi YiEITE RIYER ELI;C MEMoHANcruu o ALL CONTHACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUELIC lIVORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY FEHM|r'IS REQUIRED rgl(r0;t 1) 2| 3) 4l 5) Dslet -t:t-' Z.--.ul b pteesE answer the fotto*lififfi1ion-n-are regarcting the need lor a'Public way Psrmit': ls this a naw residence? ls demolilion work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easements or pubJlc Property? ls any utility wod< needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed 1o site other than exirting drivewaY? ls any drainage wort being done affecting the figfrt otway, easemenls, or public propedy? ls a'Revoceble Hight Of Way Permil' required? A, ls the righl of way. easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lenoing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, $aging or fencing plan required by Community . Developm€nt? ll you answered yes to any ol these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Publio Way Fermit' appllcattons may be obtained at th€ Public Work's sflice or at Community Developmenl ltyou have any questirns please callChalie Davis,lha Town ol Vail Corrstruction Inspeclor, at a79-2158, questi0rrs. NO \x / X K { YES 6) 7) 8) A- nd answe ntrastols signature 12,/03/56 0E i 42 FAX s?0 940 6?49 WXITE RIYER ELECo ld 00{ ofller ol Ea fi munlly' drfi loF,rranl 7l roulh frutltg+ ?Oad vrll, colcndo 81657 {t03, 479-2138 or 4?9-2139 BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUAI{CE TIME FRANE If thtls penUt fcquires a ToHn 0f VriI Fire Deparbrent Approval ,Engineer'$ (Pub'l lc Ltorkr) rcview lnd approva'| 5'a Planning Deparhlent revlew 0r Hcalth Departmrnt raview, ard a review by the BuildingDepartment, thc cstirnated tjrrp for a t.otal review rroy take as lolrg As three hrceks., All cormerc_ial '(large or snn'll) and all multi-fanrfly permits xill have to follow the above mentloned maxtmum requ,lrEnents. Resldentltltnd small projects should take a lesser amount of time. ;iswgyEr, ifr€sldential or rmal'ler projects inpact the various aboye nientioned deprrtmerts with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week Ferlod Every attempt ttijl be made by this deFartment to expedite this .permit.as soon aS possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tlrneframe. f,Fou'*Mi Dus = r Coomuni ty Develoomert Departnent. Lzlu:ttgv uu:{z FAI 970 848 0748 frEITE RI\'ER EI,,ECo ld 005 7l routh frunl.g! rErd rtll, EElor.do ll65t (3051 479-2t,38 or 479-2139 80t FROI'!3 DATE: susrEcT: P,r*, I z- z'-l I - In su:nnary, ordinahee No. E strtes thet lt is unlavful lcr anv PGrEon to litter, track or daposit any roil , tock, sand, debrisor natcrial , including traEh dunpstcrs, porta^ble tallltr andHork:nen vrhicles uFon any street, sidewaik, altey oE Dublicpllge or any portion thereof. The risht:oi-wri in ati ?onn ofVail streets and soacis is approxruatcly E fE. iff Favenent-This ordinanoe Hilr be striclry inrorcia li thr is[/n of vairPYtli.c worl<s Department. pers6ns found vi-olating trris-oriiirncertrrl- be Elven a 24 hour trritten notice to rcEove eaid naterier.In the event the person so notrt,icd dors not cornply sttfr thenotice $ithin the ?4 hour tilne s:pecified, ttre puLfie worksDepartnenE hrill re$ovc said hate,iial, at the erpense of pe*onnotified. Thc provisiont of thje ordj.nance stritt h6t bcappricable to eonstruction, mair.tennnce or repair proJactc cfany tEr€et or allry or ary utilities in the r-ight-l-way. To.reviaw Ordinance No. 6 in fu]l, Flease stop by the gown ofYli] Fullaing DeFartnent to obtrin E eapy. tLanl you iot--y"""coeperation on this matrer. oltlec of cornmunlty drvdopmrnl AI.L COIflIRACTOFS HINRENTLYIJ REGISTERED IfITE THE TCIWN tll' VAIIr TOWN OF VAIIJ PUBLTC WORX.B/COfiMUilITC DEVErOpltENr TIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCSION FARI$NG E UATERIAI, STOR,IGE (i.e- eontrastor, owner) K1,.-; coNSTRUcIroq pERMrr liL' ;:rTl li PEaMrr ro BE KEPr oN JoBSrrE rrn \oL,r 6\ \Y" . department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E aurLorlrc E pr-uruerruc E rlectRrcnl D FoUNDATToNi-I MECHANICAL T In4 Gore Creek Drive LEGAL DESC. LOT A BLK 5C FILING VV Ist FiJ-lng JOB NAME: Lapidus (Lapidus Bathroom) OWNER NAME Lapidus MAIL ADDRESS C Y PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GEN ERAL CONTRACTOR F|RM Timberl lne Ki tchen lol /x,of vA!! rEG. Na.. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO ta4 -11 Vhbiw-r,-_, i PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM Chrrcks P l rrmtri no TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIVN Of VAIL REG. NO, OTHER , CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWIILOF V4L REG. NO. TELE. 606 B 1. IYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCV GROUP A B E H IR M DfVfSfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKBathroom rernodel. PERMIT NO. zo EUILDING 6000.00 ce ELECTRICAL 1000.00 PLUMEING 2000.00 MECHANICAL oAnn nn TYPE GROUP G.R,F,A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES III lh;R-1 BUILDING PERMIT 13s.00 Cy\ ,,ON \ \vrtSs\f\A I YF PLAN CHECK 88.00 ELECTRICAL 50.00 NEW () ALTERATION (XX AODITIONAL ( ] REPAIR ( ,PLUMBING 30.00/PC 8.00 #41 DWFLLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNI'IS -HEIGHT IN FT - NO,FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:THICKNESS R.VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN UP DEPOSIT r00.00 USE TAX TYPE ELEC OF SOLARHEAT oot _ _ wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 411 .00 Dan Stanek 5-20-93 ADUITIOT(AL PERMIl S NEEDED-ry tv;*r Q/- Y N rNrtAL sr cur--I | | - }UILDING OFFICIAL OATE ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE 3*at'*o pll!ry G *_B_ul L o | ! s-ry o_T lsir -LrE .rjEyL. dppruv.tr req. Lretu.Le atly worK can be started. Smoke deteator iquirEil ir I hereby acknowtedse rhat I have read this "ofii"El$"1*n8S".t19fi fufitHt5""Arfrgliofior$8ufr88P1 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the To;wn's zoning and su review approved, Uniform Building Code and other CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND THE OWNER. OB CONTFACTOR 1 TOIOT OF VAIL CONSTRUCITION fi'r"oa( ""*il'3i"Ttfr TfaTel"fi $t , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OIII COTfPLETELY OR IT I{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED I***********it****************** PERMIT TNFORI.IATTON ** ***************************ttl 1l !'J-Building D(l-Ptuqbing f\]-Electrical [ ]-uechanicar [ ]-other Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: I{ork class: [ ]-New [>4-Alteration [ ]-Addittonat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nuraber of Accornrnodation Units:I nYurr,orHe , t /^,ooo!7 Er.EcrRrcALrs_fue_ ornnn: s ^ BruMBrNG, W, !{EcHANrcAr,: $- TorAL: WV --@po- WI*****************!r********t CONTRACTOR INFORI.|ATfON **********************,,qlrlL,/Eeneral Contractor: 7,',ql.cU."e /zJlcl.,^ + i3".\.. Town of vaIl Reg. No.F'*""ffAddress: /fgZ 5 8"".d-o.^t W- phone Nurnber: Erectricar contractorz (tta-L,<- F/gu Town of Vail Reg. No./od'-olAddress: /45d l,ul t,t.. tor^. SrtaG*rec phone Nunber: -|ct- crl'la Plunbing Contractor:Pat;/-i'"$Town of Vail Reg. NO. '- -- ( Address: 9.O-Bcx too t-Aruido.- eo- ---------- phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Req. NO.Address: phone Nunber: ********************************roR oFFrcE usE ***** *******************r * * **** BUTIJDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBTNG PERI{IT FEE: MECIIANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 3o,oo BUTI,DTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PEUI'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: T.IECHANICAIJ PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECRE,ATION FEE: CI"EAN-UP DEPOSTT:7oT4,//. aO 3[_BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: I t 75 south frontage rord Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol cornmunlty devolopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,tARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING & I,TATERIAL STOR,',A,GE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soi.l, rock, sand., debrisor rnaterial , including trash dunpster-, poriable ioileti andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp119" or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way -on ali Tonrn ofVail streets and_roads is approxinately S ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordLnance wirr be strillry enforcid by the Town of vailPYlli-c works Department. persons found vi6tating this ordinancewlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said materiar.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartnent will remove said rnateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrif1 not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1t, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departrnent to obtain i copy. ffranf you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged byz /,/Y,r4 f /- v l//\-C^f-osition/Relationshin Eo-F oteEE (i.e. contractor, o\^rner) .l r ,,1! 75 soulh frontege road vril, colorldo 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlce of eonmunlly dcvolopmcnl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE If this permit.Iequires e Town of Vai'l fire Department Approval,Engineer"s (Pub'l ic tJorks) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'oepartment review or Health Departrnent review, ani'a review by the 6ui'lbingDepartment' the estimated time for a total review inay take as l6ngas thfee weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to fcllow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residential and.sma'l I projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispemi.t as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. fzo- Connuni ty Devel opment Department. F-- I I I I Il-tli -l I I I i hJ i i I 1 ; I I i -+-- -$: -t-- i { iltl ' *-* |Ir IsT IPIH R.f $ {- \rl ,_-$ ( sxb \ SPECTION 'l TOWN OF REOUEST VAILPEHMIT NUMBER,OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: JOB NAME FRI /,-...-*=-\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGROUND ffiouo^/ D.w.v. frAouon / wArERC FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG O GAS PIPING O INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr u tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: Cl HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS o cihrourr tr SUPPLY AIR tr o FINAL n tr FINAL F,4PPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR " '' Gr'r'o *tt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JoB NAME ,.;)'] CALLER -TINSPECTION NCOUEST.r-,/ TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON IUEV,-Y'R BUILDING: ,/'\-j----l_/- O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr D tr tr tr tr n UMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING T] INSULATION POOL / H. TUB d*r.t*o"K NA'L o T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL :tr FINAL "'wfu4 VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Rffisrop ,d\ --INSPECTION a REQUEST VAILITPERM DATE NfMB V/ OJECT TOWN OF 3 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: CALLER ) /, TUES ( WE ry. f-i t'' /1' ,"1q: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .a lr INSPECTION REqt'ESTTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON 'i '+ a'\' i BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr E tr o tr EI n UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLTNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n_ tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n {rr,'rnr-tr FINAL APPROVED ,-;(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:,i'' DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION:I 'r JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES I'r rr ii THUR INSPECTION €tuit-v I \"''. ,.?REOUESTvAtL I .\l - --i AM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr E t-l UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGBOUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING D }NSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n trrr*rlr-VirNar- ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr D o tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL /1-OVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r'-'.1 - ,/f /,,r' . Joa l INSPECTION:MON NAME INSPECTION REQUEST '' '" i/ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL DATE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STE tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING O INSULATION -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr-_==_- tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER -/noucn tr CONDUIT tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB D O FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL EL tr t'aeeeovrrr,{;t'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,'.t tt. i. t, //''f r f f , t a[ , j /tt ],/-\ :-'t-2O ,1+ niFsnop DATE /,i'. ,/{. ;,J INSPECTOR