HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 526Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Oommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: Tytel Residence DRB Number: DRB010,+07 Project Description: Window addition and balcony door reconfiguration Participants: OWNER TYTEL, HOWARD &SANDM 12105/2001 Phone: lOO OYSIER BAY RD MILL NECK NY 11765 License: APPLICANT Resort Concepts Renovations l2l05l200[ Phone: 904-5600 Tony Ferguson POB B13O Avon, CO 81620 License: Project Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Unit 525 Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (Tl-lE) Parcel Numben 2L0L08221072 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcval: CondiUons: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review commiftee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 o ;)-_r 1 t1 URi) 0 d Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application is for any project requiring Design Rwiew approval. Any project requiring design review must receive appmval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenG for theparticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unbl all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Envimnmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within-one year of the approval. Descripti of the Requestr Location of the Proposal:Lot:_Block: Physical Address:Lo /,*v.l^ uar'/ ,tz,a /74 Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Ez;"t;/*'*).y' Dr-. Subdivision: /o/0Fz L/o) /'/Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:sfu +// tua/- Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: .'' -a 7,/.. / L/'. )2 rvz w /JL1 $200 $s0 $20 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to building5 and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, ftnces and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Rs/iew Board \ PLEASE SUEMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. ' /au, 1kt ,l/6 z.o Phone: Type of Review and Fee:D New Constructiontr Addition E Vinor Alteration tr Changes to Approved Plans o r0l4,Nm Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPR.OVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addiuon of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS S$Alalnpd topographic survey*, if applicable 1O Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions* ft enons or plans which cleady convey the pr;posed building or site alteraUon(s)* 76, el relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. ffi tignUng Plani and Cut-sheet(s) f6r proposed fixtures, if applicable ff Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable -o The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of addiUonal olans. drawinos. specifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a pCIect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Ptcase submit three (3)'copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSAIS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: $ Cotor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) 4ft nrcnitectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the locaUon of proposed colors (ie.r siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: I Buildino Mahriab Roof Siding Other Wall Materiab Fascia Soffib Windom WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Raib Flues Flashing Chimnep Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other llotes: nilWu c)'sh3 ,1///4 /v/k C.olor u//+ /v/n- N//+ /v /h -/* Please specify the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All exterior lighting must meet the Town's reguhtions regarding lighting (see TrUe 14 - Development Standards). . If sGerior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of ft<ture and locations on a separate lighUng plan. IdenUfy each fxture type and prcMde the height abwe grade, lunens outrut, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. TVoe of ilatedal /uh /ha,fr/, E>,rh^n --r/tr/4 Evshn, - /V/A /v/4 ft|atr,/' /14 d'/i,r. t*, s h + /Ltorll EvE /u/,* €7tsh' Exshn November 21. 2001 Mrs. Sandra Tytel 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail CO 81658 Dear Mrs. Tytel: The Board of Managers for Lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your request to remodet your condominium. The construction will include the following projects: 1. Remodel the entire kitchen. 2. Remove all flooring and replace. 3, Remove all bathroom fixtures and replace. 4. Moving walls to faciliate bathroom remodels. 5. In'stallation of ventilation. 6. Elecnical upgrades.7. Replacement of all windows to match existing. 8. Addition ofa window and reconfiguration of the balcony doot'. Subject to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves of the proposed plans: 1. An approved condominium constnrction documeni is signed and all conditions are adhered to. 2. All required permits are obtained ftom the Town of Vail. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincerely,\BIQ V. Charles Viola Managing Agent Lodge Apartment Coudominium Association The Lodge at Vail, 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81652 USA Telephone (970) 47&5011 Facsimile (970) 476-748 Intemet: www.lodgeatvail.com November 21,2001 Mrs. Sandra Tytel 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail CO 81658 Dear Mrs. Tytel: The Board of Managers for Lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your request to remodel your condominium. The construction will include the following projects: 1. Remodel the entire kitchen. 2. Remove all flooring and replace. 3. Remove all bathroom fixtures and replace. 4. Moving walls to facilitate bathroom remodels. 5. Installation of ventr lation. 6. Electricalupgrades. 7 . Replacement of all windows to match existing. 8. Addition of a window and reconfiguration of the balcony door. Subject to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves ofthe proposed plans: 1. An approved condominium construction docunrent is signed and all conditions are adhered to. 2. All required permits are obtained from the Town of Vail. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincerely, \BIQ V. Charles Viola Managing Agent Lodge Apartment Condominium Association The lodge at Vail, 174 East Gore Creek Drivg Vail, Colorado 81657, USA Telephone (970) 4765011 Facsimile (97O) 47('7425 lntemet: www.lodgeatvail.com frlt c0PI Departmmt of Corwnnity Development 75 Souh Frontage Rod Yail, Colorudo 81657 970-479-213E HX 970-479-2452 www,ci.vail.co.tts December 20, 2001 Tony Ferguson Resort Concepts Renovatiom PO Box 8130 Avoq CO 81620 RE: Tytel residence - proposed exterior modification (174 East Gorre Creek Drive, Unit 526, The Lodge at vsil / Lob AB,C; Block 5C, Vail Village l" Filing) Dear Tony, Per your request, tbe Application for Design Review @RJ0l-0aB) for the proposed exterior modificatiotrs to the Tytel residence (Unit 526, Thc Lodge at Vail) has been witbdrawn- Ifyou havc any questions or commene, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, d)c /h. ./7/L,-- Bill Gibsoo, AICP Planner I Town of Vail tr *noor^* To: Town of Vail From: Tony Ferguson (Resort Concepts Renovations) Date: 12/21/01Re: Tytel DRB Application To whom it may concem, Please withdraw our application for desigr review of the Tytel residence, (unit 526 in The Lodge at Vail). We have been asked to withdraw our estimates and will not be persuing the permit application process. Thanks, Tony Ferguson 37347 Hwy. 6, Ste. 206, Drawor 4675 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . 970.949.9'82 . Fax 970.949.9755 . E-mail: rosorl@resortconcepts.com FI/AIT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 teli 970.479.2t39 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Tytel Residence Project Description: Change deck door, change window and add window and add AC unit Patticipants: OWNER TYTEL, HOWARD &SANDM 03/05/2002 Phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK NY IL765 License: APPUCANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL. CO 81658 License:117-A 03 | 05 | 2002 Phone : 970-949-1800 CONTMCTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC O3lO5l20O2 Phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 117-A Project Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: unit 525 & 528 Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (THE) Parcef Number: 2L0L0822I072 Comments: DRB Number: DR8020043 ..:-\ L',1\., 1'.- ^;,lp;l ---t \ t\ Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval| 031 12/2002 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO IOWAi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cotorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An aiplication ior Design Reviewcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andlor the Planning and Environmental Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and cdnstruction commences withinone year of the approval. Request:rs Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block:_ Subdivision: Parcel No,: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for oarcel no.) Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) l{ cnung", to Approved plans $650 $300 $2s0 $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office^Usepnly: Fee Paid: tt: Check No.: Date: Planner: tr Separation Request * * +'i * + * * ** * * + * * * * * f **f,**+****** * * ****** **++* *** + * * * * + * * * * * * * * + +* * * + * * * ** t * +* + * * | + * * * * * **a*** TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement*+* +* * ***+*** + t * * *+ + * * * f +* * * * + * * * i. * * + * * * * * + * *** I f * * * + | * * * * * * 'l t ** + * * * | t * 'f * * +t * * *t | * ** | +** + * *+ Statement Nuiber: R000002012 Amount: $20.00 03/05/2OO2I2:19 PM Pa)ment Method: Check fnit: L,C Notation: #4351/Beck & AsEoc Permit No: DR8020043 TIT)e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plan8 Parcel No: 2l0fO822LO72 SiIe Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: unit 526 & 528 Total Fees: S20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00Balance: S0.00 *** *+******** * +*** ***** ****** * * * * * * + * * * * * * * + * * * * * ** * + *t * '3 +* * ******** **** *** * ** * * + *,t + * * * f, +* * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIE|,J FEES 20.00 t'o /Jrt,dt+tct/ r77 (/,r, /{'l 6' /015, fr7 t/t', t tl l/- | tIhllti,t naol4,-U trro n FJrt' lr ti' (,r,)yt/or.u, n// c.loor //t 'u, E x, ,/ ; r, /oni r^/ J Ttt d3 t ruon 7Y 'T ttt r itli n1 Tr fi t 'n tt'+ t/ SoulA f /'sl"o4 (t.alt //.t"= /' t] (, of'//z a' /o IIj ,i t /itte"<t/| -t,t Ii,'r ,ft tl c' -. ,--fi"'/ I .Jf xir { / i 1 J it I i I I I/I I I I I I ! i Iii |mi j i't/5 frr'l 74 ,4 i a,7 , r/o ,nt L7 t, / ---.-...r-.*. o ilrttdtat ( L/,y,'/ tlj, AI Uq* / 0 -7 n {/(1,-, ,, /, r/q t, /, ro ,r/, n I lar"tlr* / ti t s/ tr/, a ,€ /r'o 11 '7c ,{|torq l/ stnft,rt" // Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Tytel Residence DRB Number: DR8020016 Change deck door, change window and add window and add AC unit 0U2212002 Phone: Project Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address; Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commentsi OWNER TYTEL, HOWARD &SANDRA 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK NY r1765 License: APPLICANT Gary Walker 0ll22l20lZ Phone: 949-0703 POB 4030 Vail, CO Gary@beckanassoc.com 81658 License: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: unit 526 & 528 Lot: A Block: Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (THE) 21010822t072 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt 0t12412002 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P1-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005173 All materials, colors, etc. to match existing. Cond: CON0005174 Not a consolidation of units. Remodel of 526 and it's lock-off (528). Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paad: $25O.OO p/t{ //ew fJo', & ,' ilcltut z. ,-'/'- ,Q/arY tr/to*/ic'Y\L.ett/.-.->1 1-i A\ Dc; i/0 J @r./' \-i" '--- ,€hc'u t toGfll.,.f "7,," I Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.419.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Descri of the Request: (Ii&n Aly.ltt j Block: physicalAddress: /r,{f n ' ,- /tu /r/J,/ '' 6ot Cr. / t./^'".<-.^t, "ztr \,1[^ .. paJ-lid;, ?tO/n ff2/d72 (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 rol. parfet .".) \MhS" .,^_:r_,. It!\l' Physical Address: Zoning: Mailing Addressi Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: (// $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 'ry, / Type of Review and Fee: n Signs E Conceptual Review - New Construction! Addition ( Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $650 $300 /'- '---- | $2s0 ,, $20 tr D Name(s) of Owner(s): E-mail Address: For Office Use Ojly: Fee Paid:-__4{if- RECEIVTT ,.: T0l",4V MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General InformaUon: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable Site and Grading Plan, if applicable* Iandscape Plan, if applicable* Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions*o Photos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.B Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted wilh an asterisk (*), Topographic survey:p Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyoro Date of surveyo North arrow and graphic bar scaleB Scale of 1"=10'or t"=20')D Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be cleady stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown, Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.u Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalstr Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).o All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) Page 3 of tzl0lll0l0z '. Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:CableW Sewer Gas ElectricTelephoneWatero Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of L"=20'or larger Property and setback lines Existing and proposed easements Existing and proposed grades Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade. A 4'wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site,o Location of landscaped areas.tr Location of limits of disturbance fencingD Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable ,/ i/ Landscape Plan: I a Scale of 1" = 20' or larger I o Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. I o Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated .. \ (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as i'\ , / OuUUle) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. l.f / o Indicateall existing ground coverand shrubs' ' ) ,f o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers,"\ gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant \ material including ground cover. \ o Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and \ construction. \ tr Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of ocisting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation. Page 4 of L2l0Ilrcl0z / Itl ,i tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Laghung Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSAIS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manubcturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Pase 5 of t2l0!L0l02 ,. Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other ((t ro/n.mrt5 f(1f Notes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Pase 6 of LzlOtlLOlOz I PROFOSED LAilDSOAPIilG Botanlcal ilamc Common llame Ouadtv SiZg . .t PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Gliper Coniftrous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Squaro Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2l0LlL0l02 UTIIITY LOCATION VERIFICATION This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availability of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan, Authorized Siqnature Date QWESr 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.02s7 (fax) Contact: lason Sharp PUBTIC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.a68.2528 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.9a9.5892 (tel) 970.949.4566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 303.571.7518 (tel) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANTTATION DISTRICT* 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.949.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems, 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way PermitfromtheDepaftmentofPub|icWorksattheTownofVai|.@ diogino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoarately. Page 8 of L2/0Ufi102 NOTES TO AtL APPUCANTS Prc-aoplication Meetino A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identify any criUcal issues peftaining to the applicant! proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many @ses, the pre-application meeting helps to expedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 970.479.2128 or jrggtig_uez@c!=rc[co,u5 Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/olannino/drb/meetings/defbult.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Review Board hearing, Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12, (Zoning Regulations) and Ttle 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Requirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wetland, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a site-specific Aeological investigation determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensitive area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Required Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be atthe same scale,3. Graphic bar scale.4, North arrow.5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description.6, Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number.7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates.8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger.9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11, Names of all adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Page 9 of I2lOLlL0l02 Desion Review Board MeeUno Requirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building @rners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aoproval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Ra/iew applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. AddiUonal Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army @rps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicants request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review by external consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the Community Development Departnent may hire the consultant' The Departrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an aPplication. The applicant shall pay expenses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount fonaarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any a(cess funds will be returned to the applicant upon rwiew completion. Page 10 ot LZlOUlOlO2 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community De\relopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 tr landscape plano TiUe Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)o Treeso Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utillty, pedestrian, etc...)o Topographyo UUlity locationso Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphaltfor both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. TOIII]V web: www.d.vail.co.us *fhis cltdcllst must be submlttd pdor tu Publlc Wottcs rcview of a popo*d developmenL Owners/Project Name: Project Address: Applicant:Phone Number: Submittala Stam@ survey of propertyo Civil/Site plans Survev Reouirements: o Surveyo/s wet stamp and signatureo Date of surueyu Nofth arrowD Proper scale (1"=10'or l"=20)o Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevationso Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Requirements: L Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan.u Unheated q Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)D Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; lOo/o of driveway area if heated)o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):_o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 U. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan.o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. Page 11 ot L2l0Ufi/02 o. III. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.u A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested byTown Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped,q Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VL Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)tr A Hazard Report has been providedo The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VIL Grading (check all that apply)u Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.s All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 grade. o All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.o All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shgwn on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and typ€ of wall construction.o I{o retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. ExplanaUon why: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 12 of t2lOULQl0z Applicants Signature_ Novernber 21, 2001 Mrs. Sandra Tlel 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail CO 81658 Dear Mrs. Tytel: The Board of Managers for Lodge Aparbnent Condominium Association has received your request to remodel your condominium The construction will include the following projects: 1. Remodel the entire kitchen.2. Remove all flooring and replace.3. Remove all batbroom fixtures and replace.4. Moving walls to facilitate batbroom remodels.5. Installation of ventilation.6. Electricalupgrades.7. Replacement of all windows to match existing.8. Addition ofa window and reconfiguration of the balcony door. Subject to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves of the proposed plaus: l. An approved condominium construction document is signed and all conditions are adhered to. 2. All rcquired permits are obtained from the Town of Vail. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincereln vslP V. Charles Viola Managing Agent Lodgc Aparmut Condominium Association JAN-I7-aA6? 78.18 '. . JRN.t7.m? .f.,:1 ";,':.. ' ;: ror 1u4:4ff.oro 't .: '. '.,i'.':" ), P.We/AAe P.? ,r'." "" -"' ' )'-' "'i' jlr' ,., FROI.I: B: A3NF . :-.r ,rm Application for Design Review . DcDlrgnent d Communiv D{tdoi|ncnt-- n'ifri Fronuse Foad, vail, cdora&- 816t . -orrnerts) sign*u!€(s) : Mailing Atidless: Phon€: E-mail Addless: lIfE $!.00 per square bd, of!d iqn atE :Ilpe ofReu-et and Fee! tr g6lns .tr ConCePU;al Revlew'. O lreti+ Crnrrnr:io.r Chlnges o nrpo*d Flerr tr .sopore'iL'n ?equesl For giffice Use 'H Dosign Rsview Board- $-Eo No Fce $650 $309. 'tzo ' Ho Fee Chcd l,lo.:--- BYituPaidi _,_-- Pr{cct ib-: DRE ilo.i lir t'O BECK AND ASSOCIATES, INC PROJECT INFORMATION TYTEL RESIDENCE Date 114102 JOB #: 200133 PERMIT #: TAX EXEMPT: No FU N D I NG SOU RC E : Owner_Lender (name)_-______ Other (specify)_ EXECUTED OWNER CONTRACT DATE: ESTIMATED COMPLETION DATE: August 2002 TYPE OF GONSTRUCTION: 1. Use: Remodel 2. Construction Material: Wood Steel Concrete BECK AND ASSOCIATES Office: 970-949-'1800Fax: 970-949-4335 MAILING ADDRESS: PO Box 4030, Vail, CO 81658 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 780 Nottingham Road, Avon, CO 81620 SENIOR PROJ. MANAGER: Bryan Brubaker Cell: 904-1288 PROJECT GOORDINATOR: Robyn Greenbury Cell: 904-0562 PROJECT SUPERINTENDENT: Gary Walker Pager:904-0703 Jobsite: Fax: LEGAL: PHYSTGAL: The Lodge at Vail, 174'E. Gore Creek Drive, Units #526 &#528 OWNER: Sandy Tytel Home: 516-624-0702 100 OysterBay Road Cell: 516-650-5115 Mill Neck. NY 11765 Fax: 516-922-2748E-mail: saridge@aol.com ARCHITECT/DESIGNER: Diamond Baratta Design, Inc. Office: 212-966-8892 270 Lafayefte Street, #1501 Fax: 212-9664261 NewYork, NY 100'12 E-mail: misha_rakovsky@hotmail.com Misha Rakovsky- architecf ext 18 Jaime Magoon- designer- ext 15 PROPERTY MANAGER: Charlie Viola Office: 970-476-5011 Lodge at Vail Fax: 970476-7425 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 L4nlrd 0 0 l.L d CI 0. 0f 1. $ \ \\r \\F 01bf\ \ st \$" \s \si'R 5\s (-tq\s+ il dt JI ql ",1 il <l n00n ffi.sllt8 LomE tt r{t r?9!.:6<ll fi,dl{ d{!lt I dlg I I I I l l l l l l l l l I 1l l l i t?tffiilEilT tS ilt nil rtrr,c/eorc/ -'1oal5t frT /ai/I O,,/ {} 6 pil dca' turrt/o* n// Nrat door f,x ,s y'r'rt /r*/ ro, To [3/na,y -- f tt t ,,/,rS V flrna)a tor/,| tr/ rr/, o'v n7 0rr/ Sc,r /c y'd", / ' To Iltlm /0 ml 0(tf . iador. - 4fu1 /Lrs,'d(r.u'c Urot sae /"4-*7 /^'' / hJ ttV E/cu a/r'o '|r Sla/t '/e'= / ' o DEPARTMENT oF coMMU"f orurroPMENT r rrJ ill t"+ AtL,S\Ks(- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0007 Job Address.: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: LODGE @ VAIL IrNIT # 526 Applied...: 01129/2002 Parcel No....: 210108221072 Issued...: 02/12/2002 Project No...: Expires...: O8l1l/2002 owNER TyrEL, HowARD & SAIIDRA oL/29/2oo2 phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MTIJIJ NECK NY LL165 License: coMrRAcroR BECK & AssocrATEs, rNc oL/29/20o2 phone: P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIT, CO 81558 I-,icense: 117-A APPLJfCANr Beck & Associates Oa/29/2OO2 Phone: License: Desciption: REMODEL EXISTING UNIT Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: III lHR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $368,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 firepface lnformation: Restricted: y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pell€t 0 *r* * * 'l '|,1* *,1't * *'l*:i Building----> $1,812. o0 Restuarant Plan Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> $3,192.80 Plan Check--> $1, r-??.80 DRB Fe€------------> 9200.00 Additional Fees------> $0.00 Inyestigation-> S0 . 00 Recr€ation Fe€--------.> $0 . 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $3, 192 .80 Will Call---> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> $0 . 00 Palments-----------> $3 , 192 .80 TOTAL FELS----------> 53,192.80 BALANCE DUE-----> S0.00 Approvals:Itemr 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 02/05/2002,JRrti Actj.on: AP Item: 05400 PITANNTNG DEPARTMENT oL/3o/2oo2 ao Actions AP ItEM: O55OO FIRB DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PIIBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS Send Clcan-up Deposit To: N/A BY TELEPHONE AT OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o PAGE2 * * * * * * * ** * *:t {':1. *:t *:t 't * *****,}*:* ***+*+* * * * * * ** * * *:* * * ++ {. + * ** !t ** * +** * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * *:t 'lr *{.*d. ** {' * * * '* * * * ** d. * * ** rt *:i CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit#:802-0007 asof02-12-2002 Status: ISSUED*{.********** **,lr {(*** 'id.**{.*+ +* * * * * * * * 'i * * * * * + {. * * * * * * *:* 't t * * * * * * * t * * !r ***:F******!t*** * * * * * * '8 * * * * 't( * *;i *:f *'}***+*** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 0l/29/2002 Applicant: Beck & Associates Issued: 02112/2002 To Expire: 08/ll/2002 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL l,ocation: LODGE @ VAIL UNIT # 526 ParcelNo: 210108221072 Description: REMODEL EXISTING TJNIT Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: l4 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3I0.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}TY WORKCANBE STARTED. WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U rort{0ryAtt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials ForParcel # Conhd **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy********** Assessors Office at 970-328-864O or visit Parce_f# 2/010 tr/2/(application will not be accepted without parcel number) -*"'rvft/ Rtsllr-aoz,.i?y+,?> /' ),7.'.1,ifi*' I Legal Description ll Loh ll elockr ll riring: ta Subdivision: o*e?F,li2netr,-1. /A9f;'ff'^..,cy'r, Ea, ril n.'t/'/"J )[tP^r"-fit, d2q-o]t Eis##Infro,ofrn n.,.'.Adt) rAcc. / | t777''ioJs,-, fl. (* Ht/ tty'.!!?iT'-sru-tseaEWflnt'ilArjtr;r; Detailed descriotion of uprk:4r uro/J F.,ili. /J,u,'f Work Class:New() Additionl; /nemoOetpp Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both Q()Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familV (z\) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NoffypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances( )GasLoos( )Wood/Pellet( )WoodBurninqLVf drVe- No/Type of Fireolaces Proposed: Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves fi) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( 1 tlo (r{) F:/everyone/forms/bldgperm P. 194S 1s??s70 o Rr',1Ifi:.';il 53PFI F O. gOX 4572 \*_.vArL. coroRADO E1658 CONSULTHNTS I IIC. (g?0) 949-fir91 FAX 94*t 5r7 CONSULTANTS. INC. FN( TRANSMITTAL It DArE; ozl O4/oz- - FAX TA: r. NAME c4A ?v u3 G<,\(-C OMPA NY FAX t{1- +3Bf PAGE$i I 2. f'fAME COMPAItJY oEscRtFTto$; BElllAlKS: I - Arvrf /t4€' 4 c+,L{-- tJ/ }ft'J'f ou€{ro^1s. SIGNED: JOB NUMEEi: ol,l2--1€ rTEMA tH ASOITIOI{ fO tHls ttlAll$MlaTALl: KRFI CONSULTRNTS INC.s70 g,fs l5?? L -lA1 4x 'e /'e Y]fl(3 I 3 q) *'rt 0:( r{ {iFJIx Ll'! I d $l ,A)J 4 LI u F a+./\?a = 40Itt$ I f I I III II I I WB ,{ $Hr H3;Szet, I Ij i I I I 'J Ij Uv 1- {4lt ;\:7+ u TD€I-d[.- + 5 C > JxN+ \4 AI u 63 {o d)F '/l -52 .J.o'-+'o r EJ' u+.'.a{Juz z; bgFl,l z oxN t' ! UJ I t I-rt-xl{l -$.t- | a I I t(Fl llrl coNsuLrANrs, rNc.(c70) 949€3s1 FAX 9{$1577,{''o.o. gox rsr:. vAl|. coLoRADg 6'.1658 Fl.)( TRA'\'SM'TTAL lrootr, f-l./Z\ {O_z- FAX TO: r. N^ME G^o COMPANY BTCLF...r*x ?ffi:-*Jf'T- 2. NAME ffFlis 0N ADolllol{ To THIS TBAll' llTTAtl; COMPANY RTMARKS: ?a<rrr-rt .e* QsrqnrL tr.-larqrud+ avt+tL - -Ltvr rU4, Ps*,r - '- - f(ff W| cDNs..LrANTs, rNc. ?.Fo'{'lilvi otoR Do g'lt3a tttu)3{9.91 frx 9aFlstT RECORD tl morrcr, fvI+ " S mger'(._ o,trc: dlzl-&'-- .,nat bllu-,( h n ruaErtNc rvorls E rqlronat E cuarrtcrloit'cxAllc! G,*g( - O - -fr*t cElr-rdcr le*fr ovrg|- t:t+E Llvrirrr. PEoi4 l1*X w ZyL,'-s e ?4\ (t*a-q,. *rt Spr4roirrira Aerreov. {31.tro. -ft+g bx(or" rvtus{ W. Sr-rpp614.-.,gg € gAq{ Zeb . @ - Tl+e r{uR, Efuu, ?1€ E)csrf.,, i.bxrtS R^Fr€?sst{n,*-- ItE G}. zxC. o-tJJ€ (z\- ?^rto'" ovsR* €A,, 6€.Crlr.AJtl€-Tia^:6gg"5. cow TO: o Questions? Cail the Building Team at 479-232s r0l4{v Department of Community Dev.elopment / This checklirt must be completed beforc a Buitding permit application is acepted. o All pages of application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form t9l Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complexo Complete site plan submitted fu4/ Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o.'-Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaqeallowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval e/Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) w Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) a windowanddoorschedule * '7o Ptc;/"4 <xis/'or.,/'o Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) D Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection a Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated s Smoke detectors shown on plans E- Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: /o'fi/lu- orlc <xis /r\ f^tooa( /ornr>5. :ate_of submittar: 1/Z-Received Byr _ F:/arenoneforms/bldperm2 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A..PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': 0 Is this a new residence? YES NOE tr Does demolition work being performed require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property?YES l./' NO o o f| D NO ,/ No /-/ Is a diffefent access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements,YES NO tl Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No i/ Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? YEs_ No_lz or public property? l?lpfiHtv' t*"t"nts or public propertv to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained, "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signature t t JoborProject Nu^., *fi/t-( Ers|/rm f - Date signed: ti,/'3/ O?- F:/areryone/forms/bld perm4 Company Name I{ow it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Building permit Apolication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "public way" permit is required. you can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width anddepthofwork). Thismaybedrawnonthetrafficcontrol planorasiteplanforthejob. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew, The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to peform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed' Most permiG are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the"Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "public way permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new public way permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November lSth does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understand the o BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve, Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: F: everyone/forrnvbld perm3 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: 6i" Town of Vail ensure that new from building sites Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to construction sites have adequately established proper drainage along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. {meTown of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be-obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Depaftment. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. {Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depatment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-1Or DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED Er- Unlawful deposib: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit/ or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. az-Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dift, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. 4'- Summons and Penaltyr As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. u/ Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as pr:ovided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-I AND 7-3A-3T PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED El'- No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) E' Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F :/everyone/forms/bld pennT a -7. -- o {-,7 s 7cT ,/!rsr'dr.u c t' /rtlqr ft7 l/a*, rJ o(/iv, / 5F ri h;i;b [ba\'aool o:; \,r;.:if :ftpY F,Jtt lr t t; L,;,'n/ow nJl t-[Lcq { //r*, E xir/ iry Ha'J r*/ J- Tu {3 tr4o' 4 f ttt rxJrnj Tr frt'*a^r/ SoulA iluo!"ot Qra/+ /,/,tt'. / / _to7, lJ 4rtr/"+tr ti,y7tstd{I o tl3t 87 {,tw / t:0 7t {Yt o,f" tx r r /1n5. (l Nl on5 ,/o lo |tt Io'/ ,{} ;11i,, iE s I'd,: {r /&or t'orr\io3 lan r/'*l N r st' f/, u,q fr'ori To,{3torw'ly stnl 'fr", / r TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUT O'UU'OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D0l-0048 Job Address: 174 E CORE CREEK DR VAIL Status. . . : ISSUED Location.......: LODGE @ VAIL LINIT # 526 Applied . . : 10/19/2001 Parcel No....: 210108221072 Issued. . . : 0111612002ProjectNo.: ?? Expires...: 07115/2002 oYirNER TYTEL, HOWARD & SANDRA 1O/L9/2OOL phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK NY L7.765 Lieense: CoNIRACTOR BECK & ASSOCTATES, rNC Or/08/2002 phone: 9?0-949-1800 P.O- BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 8L65I Iricense: 117-A APPIJICAI{m Beck & Associates oL/08/2002 phone: License: Desciption: demo interior walls and sub floors Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: lll I HR Type Occupancy: 'l? Valuation: $14,145.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Building--> $195.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> 912G.75 DRB Fee------------> Add SqFr 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY a:|tart+:*a'i'i++*lt*li:rr.*t:t****)***'l't'**:*)t**r,r*r:r*a**ra*rtr**a'tr:**,1.'a S0 - 00 Total Calculated Fees-> S324 .75 $0. oo Additional Fees----->$0.00 S0. 00 Total Permil Fee----> $324 -15 $0. 00 Patments----> 5324 .15 s0. 00 # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 lnvestigation-> Will Call-> S0.00 R€creationFee-----------> 53.00 Clean-upDepnsit---> TOTAL FEES----.--> 5324 .75 BALAIICE DUE--> Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI 11118/2001 GRG Act.ion: COND asbestos abatement must be completed & documentation of complet,ion submitted before this permit. is issued. 0L(LO/2002 JRr4 Actions AP ASBESTOS COMPITETE I.,ETTER OF FINAL A]R SAIUPI,ES RECIEVED AND IN FII-,E. IIEM: O54OO PITANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEI{I| Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS * **:*{.* ** +rl I * ** ****+,} | 'ilit lt'i i**a*tl I l|l||ltl * * PAGE2 :f ,**'f *:f,rt*'$*:it******:l:t ** !i * !* ++ * * * * * ** * * * ** * | * *** ** * * * **,l * * * + ** *,t,t* * * *,* * * **:t ,t:i***+**!t****,i.***,*:t,****t t *,t***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D0l-0048 as of 0l-162002 Status: ISSUED ** **:lt:t'lr***'i'****trrr** ****:t ** * + * *'8 * * * * *,t 't' * ** * * * *** 't {r * * * * * 1. *,f * * *,F * * * * * * rt,t * * *:t r! * *++***rf *** *,tr***:t :},i* ** * {r,tr * * * * * {. Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDC. Applied: 10/1912001 Applicant: Beck & Associates Issued: 0l/1612002 To Expire: 07115/2M2 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LODGE @ VAIL UNIT # 526 ParcelNo: 210108221072 Description: demo interior walls and sub floors Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AT{Y WORK CAN BE STARTED, Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CffiCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. for any conditions that may apply to this permit. ,!*+aa*a.ta'i|||ta*t*.ttt:!*'!it*tta,ia,t+a See page 2 of this Document DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV Scnd Chrtr-up Depmit To: N/A awn OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ILL NOT BE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 electrical. CONTRACTOR INFORMA General C,ontractor:Ar'kt flssoc. Tn,Town of Vail Reg. No.: //7 4 Contact and Phone #'s:(,qn, A/n//,- 9a Y- lt 7r < NS BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILpING: $ ilfud.fl ELEcTRTcAL: $ q/. q ad ,a0 OTHER: $ ,, PLUMBING: * Z, ffi.U0 MECHANTCAL: $,/.' A E {. 00 rorAL: sP//, / y{. rnl COMPLETE VALUATIO FOR **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************************lr*rt*t ****tr*rt For Parcel # Conta(t Coun Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo$Q Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (X)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single'family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily ffi Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ottrer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Wood Burnino (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (/') No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No F:/everyone/forms/bldg perm RE0D JAN 07 7|,|,? fi'r. oz .?oo?BOULDER ENV I RONI.IEIITRL ]'IRN ( 3O3 1 449 - I I75 p.1 facsi Kevin O'Domel From: ChLris Maron (r"1 (97O)9494335 t2R0/01 Lodge At Vail Asbestos Rernoval Town of Vail $. JHN 02 , ?OO? 3: 43Pl'1 BO ER ENVIRONMENTFL HRN (3 December 30, 2001 RMCAT Environmental Services Mr. Dan Yarmon 4975 Paris Sheet Dcnver, CO 80239 RE: Final Air Clearance Monitoring Lodge At Vall, 174 Gore Creek Road, PO# DE006s6 Job # 1035121890 Dear Mr. Yarmon. ULDo 03)o 449- I 1?5 p." Boulder Environmental Management, fnc. S lleer Trail Road, Boulder, CO td302Phone@03)4{9-rt?5 Far:(rO3)lrureOS T\l,*' "tr"I z\) nc\V Vail, Colorado Attachedis ttre report for the final air clearance monitoring performed on December 14,2001' at the Lodge At vail',r74 Gore creek Roaa, nn.Eics, va[ cororado. If yo:1 haye any-questious regarding the contents of this report, do not hesitate to contactus, Thank you for this opportunity to have served you. Sincerely', ch^^/lr% Chris Maron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hyglene*Sefety*F,inal Air Tetting**Ilealth and Safety TralnlnE JH.N O2 ..2OO2 3:43P1.r BOULDER ENVTRON]1ENTRL HRN ,49' .rr+9-117s Bouldeltnvironmentol Manag...fi o.. 5 Deer Trail Rosd, Boulder, CO 90302 Phone: (303) 449-t7t9 Far: (303) 4t&1605 Introductlon: on December 14, 2001, Boulder Environmental Manageme.nt, Inc.'s air monitoring *egal5t, scott symmanrg colrected final air clearancl t"rrrpiu, from tho Lodge.itVail, f74 Gore CreekRord, Rn 526-t, Vall, Colorrdo. Prior to testing, a visual irupection was performed to confinn tbe completeness ofasbestoe removal and oleanup. Thc visual inspection was perfomred in accordance withthe Amsrioan standard for Testing and Materials' *standard practice for visual p.3 Inspection of Asbestos Abatement projects". Sanple ID Location Air samples werc then collected insidc the contained a1p6 utilizing aggressive air sampling techniques as described in 40c.F.R. part 763, AppendiiA'i-o subpart E @pe199s). Five samples and two blanks were analyzed utilizing phase contrast Microscopy (pcM) employing the NIosH 7400 metbod. The reeults of the pcM analyses as follows: l. 2. 3. 4. ). l2-14-SS-C0l l2-14-ss-c02 12-14-SS-C03 12-14-SS-C04 12-14-SS-C05 downstairs north room downstairs S1{ room downstairs - front door upstairs SW bcdroom upstairs bathroom Yolume (literr) 1455 r470 t455 1440 1455 Resulr (fiben/cc) 0.006 0.005 0.003 0.007 0.004 Dlscusslon: samples were analyzed.by a hained microscopist under tho direct conrol of Bouldcr Environmental Management, Inc, Boulder Environnental Managemen! Inc. maintains a proficient rating in the American Industrial Hygiene Associationts Proficiency Analytical Tcsting Program (PAT) for detcrmining concentrations of airborne asbestos fibers. (Laboratory I.D. 102935) Conclusion: The sample results complied with the State of Crolomdo Dcpartnent of Public Health andEnvironmcnt regulations for post-abatement air quality. *Asbestos*Leed*Industrlal Hy$ene*Safety*Finrl Air Tesfrng**Eealth and Safety Tralning* P. r+JB.N Oe . eOOe 3: 44Pl'1 BOULDER ENVIRONllENTBL I.,IRN (303t 449-1175 a |h")rt ."]F b.\4.t 6\t0 ++ 0.'s 0_ts,gfi{q gg $..s, E$ ,95E& fr I F * 3gITo : hloul: '(N XUIed HdgF:68 T@A??s'fr ffi==.iffizmrx"----ag,,;(ffiXeD*-=;..f-e*aa:,---2.i.*-i.,ax {-l -2 N No N 0, ++n = OE 3Dz a ut &pnvirznrtental --'\- =TGiHf,,:" 2761 West OdordAvcnue #? Englewood, Colorado EOl t0 303 781_M22 CERTM.IES TTIAT SCOTT S\T\4IV{ANK has successfu lly completed THE NrosH s82 EQUIVALENT CorrRsESAMPLING & EVALUATINC AIRBORNE ASBESTOS DUST Date: 05ltt-14/99 . ofhours: iz {'r*tAleDate: 05/l4l9g _cate No.: DO051499 - 10 ' Aurhorized Si Ds-/.a':...a frnvironmental*Tiq:::,t,*_ , .tlt J ctnsulting 2761 W*t Oxford Awrme #? Englewood, Colorado 801 l0 303 781_o4T2 CERTIFIES TTIAT SCOTT Sl'I\4MANI( has s AIR MONITORING SPECiALIST COURSEand has passed the required examination io tt ot ais"ipiio". ''nr-s corrrse is approvcJ by thc Colorado Depattnrent of Healthin accordance with AeCC Regulatio;i Date 05llt-t3/99 . ofhours 24.,........rrr--Date 05113/99 {'*tNo. DO051399 - t0 (J.n'z N N OJ $on 3 f!o T o lAis conrse meets tbe requiremenb of AQCC Reg.#8Environmental-Tff!:::f,,:, .. 27 6l West Oxford Avenue #71 Engfewoo4Co 80110 903>t8r44?2 CERTIFIES TFIAT scoTT SYMMANK . has successfully completed the EPA-AnnovrnAHERAAsmsrosCorrrssfor . -SUPERVI$ORand passed the required ocamination in ttut discipline This course is EPA-approved rmder Section 206 of the Toxic $ubstaoce Control Act (ISCA) ConrseDate 05117-21199 No. of hours 40 : -ExamDatc OSDIE certifi catc No. Do0stDill 3ltsExpires 05nIn000- -' ' - TE L'z oN No N 0, + n3 mn m7 n z3 FIz{Dt- 3Dz (^) G' $+(o {(n OE T \] JRN OA,2OOZ 3:48PM BO P.a ,.'*#.. .&|zrr{*t4 ULDER ENVIRONI.IENTRL I.lFNI (!p|r,'fffi n$,..:;'-;irid. rr------ -i-nrtrilIitidr fiatt8u*lit l?rf l! ur to,br$td. 1n.ltai'riiEr*.r: _t -ii, l:il]:: :l'jl jil DE'ARTMENT oF coMMuN,{lrurroorr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Pcrmit Status . . . : Applied. . : Issued . . . : Expires . . .l LL/30/20OL Phone: 303-475-5011 Phone: 303-425-7526 Phone: 303-425-1526 Desciption: full contianment mcthods Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: 'l? valuation: $29'047 35 Add sq Ft: o trireplEca fnformation: Re*trict€d: # ofGas Appliances: O # of Gas l'ogs: 0 ,... - !.of. Wood,Pellet 0 't,l,t**t,t****ta:!**tt '|'OTAI- I'EES------' S58 o . so BALANCE DtlE-------;' S58 0 ' 50 '*****,t+++tllt't*lt* Approvals:IfEm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMI L2/01 /20ot df Action: AP IIEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT tL/30/2OOt rmraughan Actsion: AP Exterior hallway door to be labeted in appropriate languagie aE to advise of asbestos abatement opertations ' This notice sha1l give TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPI.,ICAIfT Building-> Plan Check--- Inv€stigati orF> Will Call-*-> DEMO. OF PARTiALLBLDG. Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location.......: unit # 526 ParcelNo....: 210108221000 ProiectNo.: ?'l APPROVED tv30/2001 I,ODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR vArr,, co 81557 License: RMCAT ENV]RONMEIiTTAI, SERVICESLI / 3 O / 2OOT 5752 I.AMAR STREET ARVADA, CO I0002 License: 1.95 - S RMCAT ETTVTRONMEIqTAT, sERvrcEsll / 30 / 2oot 5762 LAl"lAR STREET ARVADA, CO 80002 License; 195-S 8350. oo Rcstuarant Plalr Review-i i221 .50 DR R l'cc----...- $0. oo Rectealion Fee---------' 53. oo Clean'uP Deposit------ ' s0.00 $0 .00 $0. o0 90.00 Total Calculatql F€es-l' Additional Fees-_____: l Total Permit Fee--.--> I'atmenls-------. $580.50 so - 0o 9580.50 i0. 00 PAGE 2 * *l **l+***+'l* ******t f**+:**'tt* * * * **** **l* ****:t!tl' * ** **{r***{!:}{r***,t**t* ri t**** ** ** * + * ** * * * +*:*:t **{.{r*+ + r *+ * **+* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D0l-0052 as of 12-03-2001 Status: AppROVED***tl* ***********!* * **tl:* ** !t * ***f****** **{' *** +++ * **+**+* *+ * +'}* ** ** * *+ + * **++ir*+****++**'}'t '* **** *:t *:t*!* ***!t **:} Pennit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Apptied: I l/30i2001 Applicaot: RMCAT ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Issued:303-425-7526 To Expire: Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location: unit # 526 ParcelNo: 210108221000 Description: frrll contianment methods Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PzuOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK occuRING oN THrS SrrE. rF FTJRTHER QUESTIONS ARTSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479.2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. cont,act nurnbers, a"a.t times of operat,ions, .ra Iresponsible party. Measures sha1l be taken as to prevent acEivation of false alarms. AbaLement company and G.C. shall be held accountable in the event of false alarms. This permit shall be posted on the hallway door at all time6 while the abatement operacions are occurring. Failure to poat this permit in a visible location may result in prosecution of both G.C., and the abatemenE company. L2/03/2o0t df Act.ion: AP It,em: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS tlltatlrtaaa!t**ai'lt See page 2 ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws. and to build this structure according to the towns zoniag and subdivision codes, design review approved" Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOLIR'S Scnd ClGrn-up Deposft To: n/a 138 OR AT OLrR OFF'ICE mOM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. 0b- CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE NOV-2?-Or 1l r03 FROM.TOV-COM-DEV-DEPT.tD '97947924s2 PAGE 2/2 PI-E|],UNSIGT{E)- proF+: /o'35 / ' 7t8+o Building Permit #: - Asbestos Permit # ruRbe^rl1.Ar Fz-4lir, 'LjlAE ilo.19 of 1998 A"PPIIGAIION IL NO' ", ACCIEPTED TF INCOI.I TOVtlWYl 75 s. Fronlage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 5ltqtllr lEa FEI lralrlflqral* rur. .irt vY" permit appfcatiori wllt rro,t be accepted without the following: r. copi,es 6r-cmeml Abatenrent Grtificate and state of colorado cefl'{iT t. ;"ffi;?;;iiil'ffi"s.r1gn6 ;ilr ure facility operators for arry-tanporary g-rsaHirts of sts aii trlhdfinq svstenrs. n-re i#nfaer-sr*!m. anit a'tatm sy$eins wrtfr Jre names and conbdiiii?hjrltie ffirlf,o iiiinttei-wia*. ani a'la'm sy$eins viritr tre names and 6nbd phone numbers of these indavtduals.l. Site pan with details addressing: wa*e container storage hcatiott' waste load out area locatbn. entry and e<firg details of abatelnent area' details of entry inO o.itrng plans br te ocupanB of d€ siluqture in unaffeded arers' per COI{PT.ETEVALUA INFORMA taleaaal ASBESTOS ABATE]IIETIT (libor & Materials) 8::;ra:1#i lsuestosmatement; $ 29, O.ll.Zs @rrAd 97I|-328-WO vfsrt 363 '(Ll1-ttz{ . (gnn,at,e.ro y'/emo T7)tAt &ur 6( AC*t T€r7ue€b be NlILL turbunt cf Asbestos: Linear Feet:Square kt:55/@l Drurns: Work Clm: New ( ) Additiort ( )Renrodel (\2{ RePair () Dento( ) Ocer( I workType: Irrterlor $() Exerior () Both( ) Exist: Yes Job !,lame: -1'/.N€ cctee @ v*,c { r4e h Fire Alarm exi*: Yes (X) No ********!t**********t*.******t*l***+*.rrFoR OFFICE USE oNLY************+*** * a *************t***:t* FEE ASBESTOS ABATEMENT NOTIFICATION and PERMIT APPLICATION FORM r,ausr AccoMPAeI{rs FoRM. TNCoMPLETE APPLICTONS WILL BE RETURNED. (Permit tin bc grailed to abctemeot @ntraclor uoless s$ffied othcrwise) ' Pleasc i.odicaa thc typc of noti application bY oarking (/) the ASA,TEI'IENT Co NTB SIqB : Sgecify lertion whcre eork will trlc Ptrc€ (c.8. oo., rcom. rving, ct€J/7/ 6az€ (ze t ,,8 75zL BUILDING OwNeR oR OPERAToR: PROJECT M ANAGEB,_!2ESIENEB AND AMJ ; NrrF (pl€r.. Pdr{).@sct (r Ihir bor for CDPHE Ur Only: hoj. Mgr. rcq'd? Y N w Pcrsrir f: Podmrst.d ot HD: Chccl l: lrsr.rcd: -Tciephotr ..ffip-FFaN..tE (Pl€rE Priol) '1* it + a gV :, (rlv u t 4 o at, n lznmAis Modilontt sPC.lJla NrlE (ltlcrlc ?rur, Colofldo hoJ. Dcrig[€ Ccrt. oumb€f sbn D.E: ,M /0.ryt $rafinrc: M6,r* Ead Drrc: NC ZO, ZeAt AJlo{d of A.$€tor: Dryt of CF'Ftic't 1 :;rlc): LLs. f..a: Sqrlrtr; f€qt: 55/3r.1 drtau: &r Singlc Frmily Homa? Y Erncrgcncy hojccr? Y '*@ Sua @ @ ptcrr dcrcribc bctos tlrc vort ptrcticcr rrd proccdurero bc cnploycd ia conductirg th. rb.tclrar of rrb eaot !3;299!fo. Ldicrtc tnc(r) of ACBM !o bc tbrtcd (c.3. vAT. ceiliry titc. TSl. cG.) Urc otlcr ri& of prgc. if rcclrry. StWf br/8/6T6 6 tpFov,nerlly /fubJ af Acn DEyua+ ZeXn*z. AgAl t+2cc E ffe*rya ls n ft2a. q,ur4/^ltr|nrr //e-e fir4 frc5g114q )O.AZ, S€MgTz b*t our ! hcon, flzq vxLL 8€ VtSut+LL7 ngpEcreD Atub .t(E/tt€0 tsV fu' '7'uD4€A/>+'vr 4,'lS- lrllien(ElC1 !l:\...Vo.o.,\do.ixt.t'.4\@ lt9?9r7 M Desr AMS Sutc Zip Coac 84't71771 Colotedo GAC numbcr DISPOSAL 4zl -so Sent By: RESoFT CoNCEPTS; 9Ba7 Hwy. 0. S14.206, OrrYrer 4615 .Cdo.ffi E16AO . 9709193{@ . Frx970949'9755' E mai[ n salen6dtcsroPucotn Dlrc: To: Attn: Fmm: Rr: To Whom It Mry Conccm: Plcaro bo advisod drd RMCAT apprcvod for tbc abatmnr ftc acrttpt nccdhg occ|llGd dre ro ! ndty roof rignif smcc of thc dirtrbancc applicd fqlhc pqrmit 970949 9755; Novcmbcr ?8, 20t01 Colorrdo Departnent Paula Ross JcfrNhbols, Rcsort Rcnovarionr ttc l-odge a Vdl t74 Gq! Cted. Dr. co il657 Pnblic Herlth cnd Envirooncnt NoV 01 t0:18AM;-30-o Page I /1 wa dirurted by thc cnginelrhs dcp6nncot .3 a r6ulr of a le rk thar the runsSovc rlrc ufr. Unbnuntly, *r dts Dot rcdizc drc Drn Yarorn of RMCAT w!6 urt*nru of th. ncart brue wh n hc Scoing rs dtoteh r ligtifican of lbcdos conmtilatad drywd tt! bccn dirhrtcd, rve ! rc sNgcl to comtrcacc frc nmrt ls soqr as neiglbqhg uoiE ud ary sufi to mitigdE ory rffii{nal oxpos$c o my occrtpolur of $ TIE I.odge. Ptcsc corti&r lvriviog fu an dry wrl priod bcforc Lrring thc pannit so {ret Tcx| comaol mdporla fic rrta imrdirlcly. Ifyou hrw any quodion+catl meat97tr9,f9-9432. Slnccrcly, fr.fl;lAa Jcfr Nicholq hojcct Milrgcr Rcson Conccpl3 RfioyrtioDs &"trroroNsHEErlcr.vrioxr!iraL !aivrcE., lt{c.l-:- Name of Ctient RgoAr Corr,sc PrS Rr^Jov,+zo^X e,ot"d r,E Looc,e @ V*,- ( r-liJ)Qz/{-,\ oescription AL[4 -r€ttuee Poo,/.,, #-526 5 S'fiRV,AY srf |RwA\ Sheet Number_ of Date Job Number Computed by_ Checked by. nA*r€*rAL n) B€L.ol+c€4 TO T1+e 6ROU^Jb r VJA')re t6r{O Oo'1- - Nttr' A,tL maL*tNE'=--&u'sT F-TuEtbe - Rorlr Dooizs okN m tuturTlpc I/ALLWM(,4n,ule1 WLt- funt+nt CtAe) I - fr", CoNr4ruarattr koceDuRd fiyruPd to Be Reznovft lls ltL/J'HU,l Tornu &rF of Ualrr (nCA oil bPyNaLL T€xru?€) -./uDtt., tsctA 71 B€ bnaso tano 77uc/t n$ tl4urco ryF s/re A,rat )umPsrE< To Kantsnv 0// :/r€ urtT/t- C1noPurttla/' 4Lu Dunpsa( rc EMERGENCY CONTACTS Asbestos Contractor: RMCAT Environmental Services 4975 Paris St. Denver. Colorado 80239 Site Supervisor: Project Manager: General Contractor: Resort Concepts Renovations 37347 Highway 6 P.O. Box 8130 Avon. Colorado 81620 Project Manager: Project Manager: DarylYarmon (M)3034344588 (P) 303-251-9746 Dan Yarmon (o) 303425-7526 (M) 303-,434-4588 (P) 303-2514006 Tony Ferguson (o) 970-94e-9432 (M) 970-e04-5600 Jeff Nictrols (o) s70-s4e-e432 (P) 970-904-2025 Friday November 16, 2001 Resort Concepts Ann: Tony Fergson PO BOX 8130 Avon, Colorado 81620 R[AT Enyironmental Services, Inc.V 4975 Paris Street Denver. CO 80239 (303) 425-7s26 Fax (303) 425-6575 Phone: (970) 949-9432fax: (97O)949-9755 RE: Asbestos Abatement in The Lodge (@ Vail RMCAT Environmental is pleased to submit a price for the Asbestos abatement at The Lodge @ Vail Colorado- As determined through the site visit and phone conversations with you, we have established a scope of work. [t is our underStanding tlrat the entire condo is to be gutted for remodel. It has be€n our experience in the past that anytime you remove fixtures from walls that are textured with asbestos, asbestos is disturbed. It has also been found that when you pull up the carpet padding you will find ACM over spray from the wall tex$re on the floor as well as on the back of the padditrg. As we discussed we will handle all of the fixtures and carpet removal, only after we have established containment with negative air prrssure in order to avoid any spreading of contarnination to other parts of the building. All items will be cleaned if nccessary, and disposed of as non-AClvt or disposed of as ACM if items are deemed uncleanable, such as the carpet padding. SCOPE OFWORK: + Mobilization + Full containment procedures. . Cover the fireplace and rock in 2 layers of 6-mil poly. o Cover ceiling in one layer of 6-mil poly. o Cover any other items not to be demo[shed in 2 layers of6-mil poty. o Establish >{.02 negative air pressure . Remove all f.xnxes from the condo, ctean if necesary, and dispose of as non-ACM. r Non-ACM items will be loaded into the tmck and hauled to the closest landfll. o All items uncleanable will be disposed of as ACIvL o Demo all dryuall and dispose das ACM. . DeBo all insulation behind the drynrall and dispose of as ACtvL o Clean all surfaces iocluding the floor from any dust or debri. . Encapsulate the entire condo in order to lock down any airborne fbers. o Have the area inspected and cleared by an Independent Air Monitoring Specialist. . TeaJ down and demobilize. A EELForftf Company Providing the Finest in Environmental Semice CONDITIONS AI{D ASSUMPTIONS: L RMCAT Environmental Services proposal only includes the lvork mentioned in the Scope of Work. 2. The Orvner will provide electriciqv and Water. 3. All appliances will be removed prior to RMCAT Environmental Services mobilizing. 4. RMCAT Environmental Services will be able to park an ACM dumpster in the parking lot. 5. RMCAT Environmental Services will have access to the patio for storage of Asbestos bags. 6. Access to the patio wiII be granted through the condo next door. 1. RMCAT Environmental Services will try to limit the amount of screws, staples, and tape damage to all surfaces including the rock on the fireplace but some unavoidable damage will occur. 8. RMCAT Environmental Services will not be held responsible for such damages. 9. RMCAT Environmental Services will have access to the lower roof in order to s{rfely lower non-ACM material, as well as ACM material to the ground. Plywood will be screwed to the shingles in order to avoid damaging the lower roof. 10. H additional work is needed or if there is a change in procedure the additional work will b€ tracked and billed at $49.00 per man-hour. I l. Any changes or additional costs will be pre-approved in writing. 12. As requested, the Asbestos Permit was purchased and work will begin on the 27th of November A EE]Fon fof Company Providing the Finest in Environmental Semice Pricc Breakdown Mobilization and Demobilization Abaternent of origrnal scope of work: Tuck Rental Per Diem Lodgrng $49.00 per man-hour not to exceed.l00 IWHRS. Cost plus 15% Estimated $1200.00 plus 15% $28.00 per dav per man plus 15% 5 men 9 days, I man over the weekend $1,316.00 plus 15% Cost plus 15% 5 men 9 nights (@ the Roost Motel I man over the weekend (@ $59.00 = $2,773.00 plus 15% cost plus 15% Estimated 30cy at $30.00 plus 15% $2,100.00 $ 19,600.00 $ 1,380.00 $ 1,5 13.40 $3.188.95 $ 690.00 $5?5.00 $29,047.35 and conditions are satidactory and are hereby Net payment will be made within 30 days. Disposal Dumpster and transport Cost plus 15% Estimated $500.00 Acceptance of Proposal: The above price, specifications. accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. ESTIMATED TOTAL RMCAT Envirorunental will assign only Colorado-Certified Project Supervisors and workers to this job. Disposal of the asbesos containing waste material will be at an EPA-approved landfill that accepts ACWM. The building owner will provide RMCAT Environmental Services Inc. with copies of any asbestos surveys of this property. All asbestos abatement activities will be performed within the regulatory requirements of EPA OSFIA and Colorado Regulation 8. RMCAT Environmental will furnish all costs associated with the labor, supplies, equipment, OSHA monitoring. $10,000,000 occurrence insurance and waste disposal needed for the RMCAT the opporrunity of serving you. If you have any questions or concenxi, please feel me at our offices. ,l/ar.4rcr RM Service, Inc.Date Dan Yarmo& ldanager of Services Date PO# A BEIFoR fot Company Providing the Finest in Environmental Setttice I)EC. 3.e@1 19:s2F1'l N0.z1y t'.4/4 PAGE 2 *aa+1++flf*lt**+i+*+*arrl+t+r+++*+{.f+*tlf*f**t**++++**ttlt.a**t***riaarr'}..3.rraal.l**.+*+*t' l{+t**++'{ltt CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Peruit#; ullo052 r80f12.,03.20t11 strtrs: APPRoVED t*t+tliirtrtt+tf**t*a*ritii?++t+++f+ffflIlt++t++++++ta*lal*+t++++{a*t+**l+rl*lff,*'****l'tft+t *+**++'11**** PafnitTypc: DEMO. OF PART/AII BLDG. Amliltnt RI{CAT ENVIRONMENTALSERVICES 303-{25-7516 ' JobAd&cm: IT4GORECREEK DRVAIL Lcatim; udt#526 TrtelNo: 210108221000 Dorcriptio: firll contiumilt ttrctltods Cmditlmr: Cod;3s (BLDG.): THIS PERMil $ GOOD FOR ASBESToS AEATEMENT oNLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIPICATE SHOWING THE AREA FRES FROM ASBESTOS IS REQIjIRED PRIOR TO ANY ruRTIIER WORK OCCTJRING ON THIS SITE. Itr FI.JRTHER QI.JESTIONS ARISE. CONTACT THE VhIL NRE DEFARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cofl* I (FTRE): FIRE DEPTNTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIFGD BEFORE ANY WOnf CfN BE STARTED. Vn,, {i*i €'*t€eaenr'1 fu1v rte\Coo4l2 | (BLDG,): FIELD IN$PECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FOR CODE COMPLI,ANCE. Applied: I l/302001 Irsued: To Expirc: l/ewc Lr1}4rq,, o FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL To: Gomilatry: Fax #: Date: Prgcs: Rc: Doris Flops ToqmOf V.ail 970479-2172 Dec 3. 2001 Asb€+o6Permit Dorte, The checb is being proccsscdfor 0re pernit It will be setrt out ovsniglt ThalkYou. . Ftom tha daek of.-. Dan Yarmon Mnnrscr of Alb€ttos Serviccr- RTI CAT E|wlorrn$Ll S.trric.3, t|G' 4{r7E Pans st Darnrer, Co. 8O239 (3031 425-7526 Office (9O3) 42&8575 Fax (3O3) 434-4588 cell 24 HOITR EMENCENCY RESPONSE HOTLINE 800-930-OOrl To: Compnry: Drtol Pago3: Bc:if&rdr,wt yEk&L: furytp,a S*t-tg-, tbto tv7 zz fr*0") My 24 HOUR EMENGENCY frESPONSE HOTLINE 800-930-oor1 ilm So,zaot ? nerq inctuding Qfl,rr rlrcet -- zre?' @r*t .- -. i ftzarr hzdre't bV C APt dtano^ts 'Pu*s* {'r'e /1 C4LL Nfl GAT Elvlonnrntrl Srrvlcs. hc. 4975 Fade St Oc,n t?, co. 80239 (SO3l tt2E-7526 Otflcs (3031 42F657S Far l3cl3f 4tl4-4588 call From thr diik of... Dan Yarmon rl lli,.$ rD'9?O{?Ee{52 FAGE 2/2 flMYtr 75s. FnontlgE nd, Ybtr, Colondo 81657 perOrfimtu dfFAc air t". 2. 3- Lelw Q>s_?S? s _ BrlldhgFttnEt#l Asbcfus Feflnft t €4tea?ncL4t.r.E7 altl @nEad *oqc locauon.we bad oularee hcaEon. enuy a(d eddng ffi of abaEnem arE Cai;ii r *tw ino efing plsrs br fte ffiPmts dth drudfire in rrtrcHl arers' ')rT:;Y:i$'Tt OOXPI.EIEYAIIIA (Ufr&l.rtEmb) .ls*i*f,.*+*t..****tlt****'r+t!rtSi"rrrliOR (lfirtcE lJgE ONLYrrr*'G"'*'**''t'!tr'****'rl*'*""rll*** turicstnc Abteiltent t 29, o47.)9 scll -44r-ll7{ Job ilarrc:fta i-nnar Ql/ V*,t- { *e tnc &ut oF AAq 7€y7at€b Anronr*dAsbcsbe Llnsffi, JiL S5/@lDrums: WorkClas: New( ) Addiftn( ) Rem"dd- l rruo*rtoe InerbrM) n<eniot( ) Both( ) ASBESTOS ABAndENT NOTIFICATION urd PERIvIrL$PLICATION FORM .FEE MTIST ACCOMPAII'IHIS FORM. INCOMPLE'IE APPUCilNS WILL BE RETURNED. (PtibiS witl bc Erild b rbrtctnrot coutfactof qlt+tc accified othcrvisc) - ' '" t657ffir DISPoSAL BUTLDING OWNTn PROIECT MANA pfc.rd.-rft b&rrrDc;ort grf,dc.s rd precdrrcrb br rcphfa h cord4iirrtrlc $lrac ofrrtc',g- tt;g46ltrA,. Indicra lylc(r) of AC&t F b' o'ldl (r,& vAT. d.itlg rtlc. ?5L .trJ Ur orlct dtk of pr3:. if ru|rry. ftnw- futgtarx € frlfuwncr€ty lfu+ 6,Ac*t Dpiua* Exnie. A#4+'A)tct- W feffi lt n ffia u1t(+/^4rqeur: rU* Aq l?ttSuAe )Ogi, ,SWP4\€ (o*p.our ! beq,,4ne* vlit c U VtStru.T 4tsp7cre *rua .lte#e-a B/ tu a'Aeea***t ,4,45, ,. ; _ 'U'l&'t|&,tnH:\'..vo.[.lslEEtt.l' rof 1t'91? F5zb -50/ tlrir bor 6c CDDIIE UE o.tt! tt€j. M;r. Fflt Y l{ lY ;grdtf: h.arllrl6d6HD: cficchf; trqrcdr @@l{er(?t.rFil) ,l sr^.rD.f.: (kL/ll4y ErdDr: UC AO.2&l s.nrl,,'f Eld6,* Q,''rro,r: ,ffib.- Arrr of A$rao|: Dr't of OPqFdcn L;,rh): Eur (ra: set$E fc.t! . lfbc Si*h Fldty l{em? , Y Fridny Norrcmber 16, 2001 R.son CoDcrpts Attn: Tony Ferguron PO BOX 8130 Avo[ Colorado t1620 RE: Asbestos Abatement in The LodEF @ VaiI ' nUf nnvironmental Serviceq Inc. 4975 Paris $hcet Denver. CO 80239 (303)42s1526 Fax (303) 425-6575 Phonc: (970) 949'9432frx: (nq949-9155 RMCAT Erwiroumental is pleareil to suhrit e pricc ftr tle Arbcstos abstfircnt at ftre foage 6 Vsit Colondo. As det€rmined tluough the site visit, and phone conversationc with yoq lw havc cmblislrcd a scope of work. It is our undentandhg that thc ertLt condo is to be gutbd ftr rcmodcl- It hss bcsa or crpcricnce in tbe past tbat anyine you rccrove f:<tues tom wslls thst arc tet<hrcd with asbegbs. arbestog is aist tfioa, lt has atso bcstr fornd that vhon you prtl up thc carpet padding pu will find ACM owr ryray fiom tbc rr4ll p;Cu1c oo thc fioor as lrGU as m thc badr d thc paddiag As st disq$sed ne will handlc all ofthe fixtures and d|Ipct rEmovat, orrly after ve hnre cseblishert coiltNifitrctrt *fth ncgrtirrc air prcssure in order ro avoid any spicrding of csDtsmiralion to othpr pafts of thc building. Alt irns will b€ cla$ed if lecqary, and dispced of ar nou-ACIvI, or di$posed of as ACM if itctts arc dcened unclearablc, such as thc carpa padding scoPE oFltroRK: o Mobilieauon o FuIl containncot procc&rcs- r eovar th trtlplacc ard rccla in 2 la5crs of 6-mil poly. I Cover ceiling ln onc taycr of 6'mil poly. r Covcr uy otlcr inilrr qot to bc dcoblishcd in 2 lrytrg of 6-mil Eoly. a Esbblish H),02 ocgttinc ak ptts$trc r Rsmorc all fxtues from the cnndo, clea! ifnecessary, and dispose ofss non-ACM r Non-AOv{ itcms will bc lmdcd into the tnrk and hauled io tbe cloeest lardfll. r Alt itcms urrcleaublc rill bc disposcd das AOvI- o Dcno atl dgnall and ditposc of as ACM. r Dcmo all itr$ilation bchind thc dryrmtt aod disposc of s$ ACM o Ocan all surficcs iacluding the 0oor from aay dust or @ri. c Encapguhte tbe entirc codo ir ordcr to lock do*n aly afubonc fbere' t Havc the arca inspcccd and cleared hy ro lodcpqrdmt Air lvlonitorirg Spccialist o Tcar dom and demdilize. A Er'rlal Company Prwiding tho Finest in Envircnmantol $cwbe CONDIIONS AI{D ASSIIMPTIONS: l. RMCAT Etffimnmeohl $ewiccs propocal only includes thp work mention€d in the Scop€ of Worlc 2. The Orvncr will.prwida clcctricity and water. 3. All eppliances mll be removed prior to RMCAT Environmentql Services mobilizing- 4. RMCAT Erwironmerbl Scwiccs witl bc abta b palt tn ACM dumpcar in ttc porting lot 5 , SIvICAT Ewironmental SeMces will haw acccss to rhc patio for stoogc d Asbcstos bags- 6. Acccss ro thc patio will bc grentcd tfuough tle coflb dcxt door. ?. RMCAT Emrironmculal Scrviccs wil ty to linit thc a$ount of trrcf,ls, $aplas, and tapc domngG to dl surfaccs itrcl'rdhg thc rtck or tbe firplaoe but mms rmavoidable duugp wil occttf. E. RMCAT Envircomcntrl Scricas will oot bc held rspontible for ilch damates. t. RMCAT Environnrntal Servfr:et will havc acccss to thc tourcr rmf io ordcr to saftty lowr non-A(Ivl materid, ts we as ACM matcriat to tha ground. P8/taood sill bc scracd gt ttc shingles i-u ord.r b avoid damagirg the lo*tr md- 10. If additional *ort ls nccdcd or if thcrc is a change in prmdure tbe additional rruk will bc trackcd ard bilcd at $19.00 per nal-hour. Il, Any changes or additionrl costs will bc prcapprored h writiqc. 12- As Equesto4 thc A$cgtos Pcmft wes F rchascd and vork will bcgin oa thc 27th of Notrcnber A rtlFotfaf Gompeny Providing the Finest in Ewironmcnul Senice Pricc Breekdom Mobilizatron and Dcmobilizati on Abaiernent of original scope of wort: S49.00 per man-horu not to et(ceed 400 It'lHnS. Cost ptus l5lo Estimatcd $1200.00 plus 15% $28.00 pcr day per man plus l57o 5 men 9 days, I uror over the wckend $1,316.00 plus l5olo Lodging cilnplt$ l5% 5 nen 9 nighrs @ thc Roon lvlotel I man orcr the neel(end @ fs9.oO = S2.??3.00 plus 15% Dimosal cost plus 15% Estimatcd 30cy at $30.00 plus l57o Duryster and transport Costplus 1s7o Estimaled$500.00 Trrck Rental PerDicm ESTIMAIEDTOTAL s3,1E8.95 s 690.00 $575.00 32t,047.35 RMCAT Envimnmcaal wilt ascign only Colorado-Ccrtificd Pmjea Supervisors and wrtcrs to this job- Dispffil d t1e asbestoc contaimfg wa$c naEfitl rli[ bc sr an EPA'uppraved laldfll tltat accspts ACU/M- Thc buttding mrner will prwide RMCAT Ewiroumcntal Scrvic.s IrF" ntith copids of ary aebegtos cun cyc of this propcrty. AII asbestoE abalsmetrt activitieg wiu bc perftrmcd wirhin tle reeulatoty t!$$rEmcnts of EPd osHA and Colorado Rcguletion 8. RMCAT Environmental will fiunish all cosb associded with the labot, supplicg eqgipncnt, OSHA notitoring, $10,000,000 oocunrnoc insurancc and wanc disposal nccdad for tlr RMCAT thp oppot$tlity of serviry you. If ltu ha|re ury qtcsrioos or conoerns! pleare fccl mc at our offices, ,t/*.t4 zot Scwicc" Inc. DanYarmn l.laugff of Sewiccs $2,100.00 $19,600.00 st,tE0.00 $1,513.40 Acccptucc of Proparl: lla abo'c pricG, spocification$, and condftionr are eatificmry urd arc hettby tcccprcd. You arc althorized to do the wu* as spocifred- Net payrnent will be madc within 30 dtrc. Prwiding the Fiaeil in Envitonmental Scrt'ice A rt]]lrtal Gompany Scnt Byr ftESonT CoNcEPToi 'tt|{t irt, 0. ga 26. Oanrldli r Cffi ttlQo I gtodg.g|Q . Fr.Srue|e.gtlF' F|IED r'sla|l.l.luufrdrt s70t1o o?i55i llah.!dEoviutrgtr fqnnlor . Nov-30O10:roAx;Frg. I /l tlS* Nmrba2t,200lTo: Colon&Dcp0rtcnAthr krhRo.r Frmr: Jfitfislpbntrst Sc:llct d$rvrll l?.lOoltqe|(Dr. GO il6t' ToSholtlfiyC.rmnr: Pl+atrdvlrrdtunHCAtqmvcdbrtbea Drfrnnacdigocctld&corBtt!o( i i Ittt&qr'ml trr*;| tr. i *lt!8 b lnc llrqlcy p:mir I ouliocd h rtsD.illl?g8.dh I ltr hlr r Vdl f$6 'l ur dhrtol tytr *irr!ftEd.Frr.l s rraft de b * thl th ur 6ow Cc tt[+ t .fitr|olY. s dE Erdlt G I Dr Y|u o(lllc^l il rtrtrl cf lht|Hl i|at! st. n lF,.i of r0rtr omnhrd drylillltr bilrF rto4 p rc orlr booffiuryfiimd@r!rryoconxlof n a Ib Lota dcrrcddrrrldctl nit'*rlt 0.tlod rfrErooofhrfuhtc. ryp[cAtufiratnn Srnarstha$r dgrllloc.mtrctrrqtGnglar n$taisEibraday*rfitcerci$frttt nrtflrotlt f cn carirol rdlgrucr th rrr in:{ncV. ! Iffuhvomyqet{ilt erltrrrg?0a$4ftd I I I i ! I i SbcrEly, fr.7r;lAatctrNldohPrqlrtllatrgrr R.!odCorcGIBxfffitlo[r J COMPT'TATION SHEET Nam6 of ctiertr ReoAr 4o.nprr Fqqopnro,..lS Pmjec Descrlptlon o sh€ci Numbor- of Job Number Computed by--- Checked by- 2$e EMERGENCY GONTACTS AqbF.slos Contractor: RMCAT Environmenlal Services 4975 Paris St. Denver, Colorado 80239 Site Supervison DarylYarmon (M) 3034344588 (P) 303-251-e746 Project Manager: Dan Yarmon (o) 30342$7526 (M) 30S434-,4588 . (P) 303-2s1-0006 General Contrqchl: Resort Concepts Renovations 57347 HighweyG P.O. Box 8130 Avon, Colorado 81620 Prolec{ Managec Tony Ferguson (o) e70€4$e432 (M) 970-904-56m Prolect Manager: Jeff Nictrols (o) e70-s4e-9432 (P) e70-90t-2025 TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 toorru* oF coMMUNr* or,rtu**, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMT Permit #: E02-0008 ]ob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: LODGE @ VAIL UNTT # 525 Applied . . : 07/31/2002 Parcel No...: 210108221,072 Issued . . : 02/07/2002 ProjectNo , e1f,l-6 \-Ort.Z3 Expires. .: 07/31,/2002 oWNER TyTEr_,, HowARD & SANDRA oa/3L/2o02 phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK NY 117 55 I-,,icense : COII'IRACTOR SHAW ELECTRIC o1_/3t/20}2 phone: 970-926-335a P O BOX 145L AVON CO 8162 0 L,icense: l-06-E APPLICAI{:r SHAW ELECTRIC OJ-/3L/2OO2 phone: 970-926-3358 P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 8L620 License: 105-E Desciption: NEWSERVICEANDUPGRADINGLIGHTING Valuation: $12,000.00 FEE SUMMARY Electrical----- > 5216.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S219.00 DRB Fee--> Investigati,on--> Will Call-----> TOTALFEES-> 5219. OO $0-00 s0.00 $3 .00 AdditionalFees >$0.00 Total permii Fee___> S219.00 pavmentF___---> 9219.00 BALANCE DUE->s0.00 Approvals:Ide'm: 06000 EIJECTRICAL, DEPARTMENT 0L/3t/2o02 DF Action: AP ITCM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIfT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 "::."..":1.:_:.'_:."":..i.:::_":_T:::j:*:::Y::"*"*::::::*:::?.:-1::::-'*? DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in{ormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tlais structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design *tt"tnorovu4 UniforrrBuildingCode *#er *u*.es of the Town applicable ttret|eto. RBQUESTS FOR INSIECNON SHALT BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI,JR5 PM. ANCE BY TELEPT{ONE AT{79-238 OR AT OI'ROFIICEFROM 6dIOAM -5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI},ISELF AND OWNET *****+*+**+***** t*+*f*************f*****'t****t*+*++++***************'it+++*+++*f*+*********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratem€nr***+ *++* f, * **lt **t*** * *+*********** * **+*** ** t* **++ ***+++****+ * ****{.:}****+*t*++f+ +*'} +*********** Statement. Number: R000001940 Arnor:nt: 9219.00 02/OL/2Oo2L2:45 pM Pa:ment Method: Check Init: LC NotaEion: #10842/Shaw Electrlc Permit No: 802-0008 T)pe: ELECTRfCAL PERMIT Parcel- No: 2LOLO822L072 Site Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIr Location: LODGE @ VAIL UNfT # 526 Total Fees: 3219.00 This Payment: $219.00 Total ALL pnta: 9219.00Balance: S0.00 l' 'i,t ** + * * * + * * * * '* * ** * * *,i + * * * * * * * ** * {.* * * * * * * * * * ** f, * * *x. * *,} ****,} * ** ** +* *'t+ +*** * * * ** 't' ** * * * !* * + **tr** ACCOUNT TTEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POWER PERMITS l^JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECIION FEE 216. 00 3.00 FRO.I : S[frJ E_ECTRIC NVNWWn J$f. 3A A@. A1,.5F,{i PI (1r^1,' Fermit #: 75 S. Frontege Rd. Vall, Cplorado E16tr7 F/avrqonCforms/el€Ep.rm Irlrr rt..r. t. r..r......{...*r*it*trl.*r*Kn. OFFICE USE O6LYa.at**r I rr.rr.a lt * **t.t."l'tlll l*t'a and Phone #'s: q?L- --frtn&,;,1- Shat^s ?,q}-t]ft aECf,RICAIVAIAXON: $ |AMOUNTOFsQ FTIN 5TRUCTURE' I{6O .Iob Addrcss: 'F.t A- Wil {Sztt. fuv f-nrrLr $p'. Va'.|rob Name: {g+eL RpSiAevVe- Y1*1 stnmV + v71rad.Lt;Sht WortClass: Neu,( ) ^ddUon( ) Rertodel(,,f Rcpak( ) TetrtpFolrcr( ) OqeI-L] Aoes an EHU exi5t ttrfiis locatiOn: Yes ( ) l{o (/}Work Typa Intedor (-/) Ederior ( ) Eoth ( ).: Tlpeof g.1g.: Slngh-r.dly( ) Dupts( ) l.tdt{rm8yt/l O*i*cd( ) REshnnt( ) OSt€.( ) dh@.rmodatbn Unils in thE bttildlttg:No, of bristhg Dlvellins Un'rts in this buiHing: Does a Fire Alarm bdst: Yes ( / ) No ( ) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 9'to-479-2138 olo*rrr*T oF coM MLrN,* o"urro**, NO.|E: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0035 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: LODGE @ VAIL UNIT # 526 Applied . . : 03/12/2002 Parcel No...: 210108221072 Issued. .: 03/1912002 ProjectNo : pi5 ot- OlX 3 Expires . .: 09115/2002 ovINER TYTEL, HOWARD & SANDRA 03/L2/2OO2 phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MIIJIJ NECK NY LL7 6s License: CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECIIANICAI-,, INe fi/L2/2002 phone: 970-949-O2OO P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, CO ut-bzu License:189-P APPLICAIIT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, rNC 03/t2/2OO2 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 11"55 AVON, CO 4L620 License: l-89 - P Desciption: ROUCH-IN FIVE ZONES OF BASEBOARD HEAT. TRIM THERMOSTATS ROUGH-IN AIR HANDLING TINIT'FOR AIR CONDITIONINC Valuation: $12.500.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted; Y # ofCas Appliances: 0 # ofGas L-ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 Mechanical-:> Plan Check--> Investigation-> Will Call--> $260.00 Restuarant Plan Revi€w-> 965.00 DRBFee-----------> $o. oo TOTA|. FEES--*------> $3-00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $0 . 0o Additional Fees------> $328.00 lotal Permit Fee-------> PaYments-------.-'----; BALANCE DUE-..--> 9328.00 $0.00 $328.00 s328 - Oo g0-00 rtem: 05100 BUIITDTNG DEPARTMENT o3/L9/2O02 CDAVIS Action: AP SI]B.]ECT TO FIELD INSPECTIONS Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG-): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 29 (BI-,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 1997 I'MC AND CTIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIIID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECTANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQUEST. * + *** * + a + + t + * ** * * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforrnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plur, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. =-:.==_:-AND OWNEF Building Permit#:,__- Mechanical Permit #: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colondb g16s7 without the follouring : rl t-l Xx Cut/Spec Sheeg (Fth -/2. 5Fq2a UUIAaf 411r"*, Town ofVail Reg. No.:aJ qWozoo COMPLETE VALUAIIOILFQR MFcHAItIIcAt PERIIIT !3!or & Matedals) ,t Parcc{ # ffi ?tolotzzt robName: Trr*Ra^oDL -l rob Add ress : i", lfey T.ffi ffi -ggl oo.n*'*_L*, --lqo.o-Til"n, SuMivision: U*rn*r, @zKouq2-dr- 6ve@'u';;inii-,E't-l-fs tprn Plnne:97o -?€-ou,n4/ a4utr-t'f 7 ? fa-tt-be<.4' tLe_a-E :TE-Er air aoa{;/7'aaSrn. norerlrlcauon:lrlgnterior( ) Exte/nr( ) Otfrer( - Repalr( ) Other( ) G!! )Does an EHU odst at thb locadon: Yas / I Nn r../)_-_ ,_\ / ,.-.r t*dEHnt t'"n,*A.ittt I O"pt*l Ho. of a,gU No. of Acconrnrodation Unlts in ttrG OuiUlnE-Z +4tpgq{te1"*" E-,sdrq' Gas ApJil." }<- 'Ys/ rype or Ftreptaces propced: Gas Applhnces ( ) Gas LoSs ( ) W_al - ..-.-.*- -,- . *','.t"'"r, an EpA phffi tr dwice? ygS ( ) NO ,3 r***,**r***rl.***rt!*rF*rF*!*{.,t* FrlGfapn /bnr/mdrpcrm usE oIILy*,trtrt***rr*,rrr:f ,t**,r*i.:ts*****{.**** coNc.EPT MECIIA*,0', INc. PLUMBING I HEATING. SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 lol prevelrt t!: b;i)Ji;:3 cf..cirl ficrn thcr::|::r requiring thc conlctioo of. : j c:::.: a', c: ficm prcventing buildilg :laticn of this codc or ol PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949'0300 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Boad West Vail, CO 816f7 RE: Tpel Remode! Unrt526 The Lodge at Vail Vail. Colorado '',, .. :v:lopmeht Ct?artrnen Builc'r;tg S;.i;i;r & Incpectior S,eryicos OFFIGH COPYTo Whom It May Concern: Enclosed with this letter are my heat loss calcllations and heat loss rummary for this project. We will be fuEta[ing double tier fin-tube at several locations' The tqtal heat loss-ftrlib unit:ir ryrinrtt$ 35,3{0 Btuh. Ir$l ralcultim*based on Zff interioF temp€ratue and a -2fF exterior desigt temperature' Ttris is an existfurg unit at the Lodge at Vail and we are simply reprylnS,9e €'dsting building hydronic copper lines ts nen' fin-t|nbe locations o necessary with tr€tY zoo€ vares Iniarc4 withinthe unit. I have enclosed a cut-sheet on the fin-tube. Pleas€ call with any questions or comnr€lrts. Thank you' Secdo! 106.4J, Uoiform Bulldlng Codc, Validiry of fcin:r- The issu@Eo gnating of a pcrmit or approval of plax, spccifrcarions ard corrputadoc rltoll not be construcd to bc r Frmit for, ot an opproval of, any violaioo o[ ray of the provisions of this codc or of any othcr ordinancc of the jurisdidiotr Pcmits pnsuming to givc authority to violatc or cancct the provisions ofthir code or othcr crdinmces of the jurisdiaion shall nor bc valid.llp issuancc cf a pcrririt based on plam, specificarions ald othcr dara shalt INITIALS:,^,r,3- I ?'o+ coNcEPr *=artoL, rNc. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN PO. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81020 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Fax: (970) 94$,800 "^r"uurro", T/R oon /- 3d -'6 / SIIEET NO. trH CHECKED 8Y R \,9 rti \)t,\ ,J'ffiPECIFICATION$ Q *or,*., for EIvIBASS'/ S/SIEM{ Bru/hr. lineor foot 65o Entering Air HEATING EITMENTS HOT WAIEP RATINGS IN SEN{ ENCTOSURE t@lE: .\il th€ above l=8=R Rdtlngs aE fu@d on aclive l€ngth, wlllch ls 4'|FsF thffi W lerylh, ond lncludes a l5% afilllon br healfrp ellect TABORATORY RAIINGS for EMBASS'/ S/SIEM4 BTU/hr. lineor foot 65' Entering Air Model SCE{32 5/r'l{ominol Copper lfDlngfw h 2'x3rl.'x.010' fhbk oluminum llrs(nofirrolfini$l.x46i'ins p€r ff. Pr€ssur€ Drop (ln fi. ot h€od p€r 100 tt, I GPM = 0.39 ft.i l@ tt. ond @ 4 GPM = 4.38 ft./100 ft, 19 ftessure l4l2 psi.i Operoting Pressuro 283 psl../Model SCE{33 /r/.'Ncninol Copper Tublng wilh 3-x3'/|')(@' lhick ohmirxJm fins (nohJol flnistr) x 5l flns per ft. Pressrre Drop (in ft. of heod p€r 10 ft Model SCE{53 l'/.- llomhol Copp€r Tubl!€l-,riltf3'x3'/.'x.@0- thick olumlnum nns clolrxol nnish) fjsl.f,t!-p€r ft. Presswe Drop 0n ft. of heod per lm tt. - ft./lm ft.) @ I GPM = 0.39 ft./100 fi. ond @ 4 GPM = 4.38 ft./le GPM = 0.05 ft /100 tt, ond @ 4 GPM = 0.53 ft./lm fi. Burstlng Pr€ssure 1412 pd.; Operoting Pressure 28i| psi.Pr€ssur€ 1556 psi.j Operqtlng Pressure 3ll p6i. Model SCE642 Model SGE{55l' Nominot Copper TubhgjldtYfx3tl.'x.010' thlck oturrdnum nns I '/.' IPS Sh6el Plp6 wfh 3'4y.Dr.€26' thick ste€l ffrE (polnied finlsh) x zE firs per ft. PreSg!F€(6-p @ a GPM = 0.35 fr./ lm fi.(nqturol frnish) x s8_ltDs d6i ft. ftess1lr€ Drop (n ft. of heod p€r lm n.-lt.ll@ftU|rcM = 0.1I n./l6fi. ond @4GPM = l.2l tt./1mft. &r]Iliegtrescure l@2 psi.; Operqtlng Prgsure 216 pd. Both €ldsffi-ded. Bursting Precsure 7590 pi.i Opsoting Pressure Model Tube/Fln Flow Rote AsqE $bl€r Isrtr'qolura zof reof reof zul ewllrr"lzr{.zrr. SCE-oJ2 Copp€r/Al 4 GPM COm lbs./Hr)710 Eqt 8m 970 tu/u r t5o rzorJ SCE-o3?Copper/Al I GPM (500 lb€.,/fk)670 7&8d(I qn tutu I180 t2.€ scE{ii3 Copper/Al 4 GPM Cm bs./Hr.)7N 870 970 r60 td60 sc€49,Copp€r/Al I GPM i5@ rb6./Hr.)730 820 c8 t0l0 lo tz\ll 1380 scE{,e Copp€r/A 4 GPM (2@0 b6./Hr,)@ ;7@ 930.IuoFl9olr2so scE.642 Cooper/Al I GPM (500 lb6,/flr.)640^7n 979 ta'(l t2r0 scE{A}CopFi€rlA 4GPM @0 rb6./tk)7&84{l 930 tirztl €cE 64rl BJrF'IN l. GPM (5@ lbs/tlr.)7m 790 sso'led 1(}70 rcJ 134(} SCErrSS CoFp€r/A { GP.M Cm bs./Hr.l 7IO 0 m I60 :S9-E+SO I.GFM (S [3.ltrtt ;lO "C" Dlmenslons scE 632 642 633 643 653 655'C' 3%o 3%o 3cl'o lAr 3eltt 3r/'c scE{65 IPS Sl€€l d GPM €m bs./tlr.)610 690 TN 850 930 l0l0 I 170 scE655 IPS Sts€l I GPM (5@ lbs./Hr.)580 6m 730 8@ 880 %0 |l'|J ll0 lm)??lfl/^, / |- r rr:-/ .\*J\*--zrt'1-" \\$fi, *tr{d -wilh 3-x3r/.'x.O20' lhick ohJmlnum fins I tlns per ft. Pressur€ Drop (n ft. of h€od p€r 100 ft' h.) @ I ePM = 0.1t't./ 100 ft. ond @ 4 GPM = r.2l ft./lm fr.-Jfr.fi6 ft.) @ I GPM = 0.1l't./ 100 ft. ond @ 4 GPM = Bursling Pressure 1082 psi.: Oberoting Pr€ssure 216 psl. Unlrtt f Jrrl||tt - &ib...y krdurnb., ric. \€trriii d *l lo b3 ftd d drtcj! h nEtd/<i a|d t/qbrEr3|tb lq oi!.ndot ot$F .llBrt.rrrrsl,Etr x,lnod qld nollca o i trra d€lrn nactjfi.drd r.ncbr trFLd LrorcJ'lnr a llli|€d to llr |!9d (' chd!€. qt fuday't.pibn dt dry .lsbc$/€ h<aAo,'d oalchd !!aa oaty. and oary f ria d6f6clvg bdobood or pcrt Embollt lndl||rL. lt{: al the oct('€d tarlcdiad oi lhc oppadL poos. Ath., c,o.urrw seftc. o€podmsni. ltligttt trlpdcl,ycs pdlod. Ilt wurohty is vold f lhe bot6bodd ho b6dl o. r€pofad cr dqnqcao rhn€h tnblr€. tH€ FOQCGCTNG oF A! Oll*t OCQES W{Pftr$mEg AtL ITHIEO WrA DESCWIION, |\/EFChANIABUT AND BIN€S| FON tt{i.t oF rHs \a/l'mh ,rARRAr{w' u{ rrcr EvE{r s|lal B/aAssYblcFEfilL OR COnE€o|JEMlat 0AlrAG6. ft vdrq|ty Cl,a.l€gd rtghi., drd nrol'!1a.t torn igi. to slqfa, oliturfnD lv: CONCEPT MECHAMCAI4 INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OFF FORM BY TimRosen !_PRoJECT fVra l(eheoe- INSIDE DESIGN TEMP 7OO F Prge Jl-oI 5 DATE l-?o12ool LOCATION VfrtL, Colorado EXTERIOR DESIGN TEMP A- /RooMVoLUME: (5O2\./ BELOW-GRADE WALL: GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA i\\ SKYI-IGIIT AREA NET CEIIJNGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\IERING'R' VALUE cl,Ass ABEXqU.Pry*' tt7#wt4z(atol ,Z +DOORAREA e _ NETWAIIAREA A,4O * / o-fix?oo =tc/-lo F1oor F 0.oozu4o? -o "vo #. nl ln I{EAI Loss (Bt'rh) = lq g yO HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tub/sq. ft.) : /2" Wirsbo hePen pipe spacing: AREA oRzoryE cArcrrlArps Lt v t ,vQ / Kt zz-#e+r ROOM SrTF:. g"Z # cRosswAIl,AREA . 375 f -#effiLo,tt* 7z7h X o,// 56ooz 8@ ?tu4 r T 9q Kloo"?oo Alo hl1o 4',(t" CONCEPT MECHAMCAI4 INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OFF FORM BY TimRosen PROJECT T{TEZ KE41PD4 INSIDE DESIGN TEMP 7O.F . AREA OR ZOI{E CALCT]I,ATED P4eZorS DATE /- 7a-2o\' LOCATION Y*rqColorado EXIERIORDESIGNTEMP -20 NETwALLAREA /oO 6 X A%l*g'cK I'uktr- /ztd O-o 6? y too ' f O.t/ tr 2D"; lhnerazBercoen+ RooMSrzF: 41 7# il)ke RooMvoLrrME G ,, F r?) r o.{; t*, ?o" 16.?Q = BELoW-GRADE wALL: N 1* . cRoss wALL AREA ^ //" F GLASS AREA "6ffiorru,lra {o#K a- fix 1a'" cRoss cErLrNcoRRooF AREA A/o a 6 HEAILOSS (Btuh) = HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tut/sq. ft.) = 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = /o vo 7o?a 6oo 7o SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING UR'' VALUE M* tloao CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAIG.OFF FOR]VI 3l"rfrf'.?hz p4>262- rNsrDE DnsrcN TEMP /a'F Page 2oI 5 DATE l'%, zoo( LOCATION VA1u, Colorado E (TERIORDUSIGN TEMP .2O AREA OR ZONE CALCT]LA'TED 5za zoo?"& XO.//y%o=NETWALL AREA FLOORAREA flttste B.*t>fraooq ROOM SI7,F:///4 RooMVoLUME: Q r 4 . E) X o. 5 O /uyb'y 0 .2? : BELOW-GRADE WALL: N /n . C-ortL.?coc*. -t Jrnmswair,-Iffi-r. ?" F GLASSAREA _ O DOORAREA e-:2 - N/A. GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA SKYAIGIII AREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING NRN VALUE HEAT LOSS (Btuh) =?zo HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tut/sq. ft.) = /2" Wirsbo hePo< pipe spacing: ^/ //l I4 N/A BY TimRosen ' Fno.ncf Trr.euaRetuto;a- CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HTAT LOSS TAKE-OFF FORM /Aa 4 Yo'/1 PageLots DATE t -% 200qLOCATION'{ktq.Colorado EXTERTOR DESTGN TEMP :20-INSIDE DESIGN TEMP fu-F AREA OR ZONE CALCTJII\TEI) jgg14 $r7E:4W RooMvoLUME, (aa BELOW.GRADE WALL: 4c- A(pc{<. €RSSS WALL AREA 4 1'4 r?.s ') r o.s r / F?a",x o,7, /bvo il/4 oV?-O = zto 7v" 2a?o GLASSAREA O DOORAREA r-'o NETWALL AREA /a O fr FLooRAREA ,t/+ GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA SKY-I.IGIIT AREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING "R" VALUE v /U/A . {zo # - 8fr f /'o,< fuu= 4az V fe.We*?au, IIEAT LOSS (Btuh):5Ozp IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tut/sq. ft.) = 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = Pagejot $ BY TimRosen : PROJECT Tt/TeL Fa.r'cob q rNsrDE DESTGN TEMP _gt- AREA ORZOI{E CALCIJIa- "ITD RooMSTzE: ?fZ 6(rcr-". srn p> RooMvoLUME,G(v K 9') ," gr*rp?a",.* 0,2?= BELOW-GRADE wALL: H/* CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE"OTF FORM -(9 DATT /=%--zoo( LoCATIoN l/rttc, Colorado. EXTTRIORDESIGNTTMP .20 F /,/ox foo= cRoss WALL AREA / ZZ p Gr-AssAREA W 20 f /95-o flE7a bro L?O LTgb DOOR AREA vyoop -o- ?oo'# r P.7QAxloo- ,q /4. NEr wALL AREA / 06 #tr o..06? trfao, btc. bLae-t<ffi;hir*fr-Q xo.tl Ibo; GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA SKYI,IGIIT AREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'R'' VALUE HEAT LOSS (Btuh): I lz a 'f -t y' IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tuVsq. n.1 = /a" Wirsbo hePor pipe spacing = TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2738 OWNER TYTEIJ, HOWARD & SA}IDRA 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MIIJL NECK IitY 11765 License: CONIRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAI', INC P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8162 0 I-,icense: 189-P APPLICAITlT CONCEPT MECIIANICAI, INC Cond: 12 (BI,DG. ) : NoTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDoNIOBSITEATALLTIMES #oott * oF coMMUNrrY DE'EOMENT PLLIMBING PERMIT Permit Status . . Apptied. Issued . Expires . Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEKDR VAIL Location.....: LODGE @ VAIL UNIT # 526 ParcelNo...: 2101082A072 Project No : #: P024005 .t ISSLIED.: 01'/28/2002 .: 07 /2e/2002 oL/28/2002 Phone: ot/28/2Toz Phone: 97o-949-o2oo oL/28/2oo2 Phone: 97o-949-02oo P.O. Box 1155 AVOII, co 8162 0 License: 189-P Desciption: RE-ROUGH DWV AND WATERPIPING TO THREE BATHROOMS AND A KITCi{EN. SET AND TRIM PLBG FIXTURES Valuation: $8,700.00 Fireplace tnlormarion: Restricted: ?? #of GasAppliances:. -,--"""--:l--.-*."*--,-..1"t.t:3Pi:;--J.1* #of Wood Palleh i******* FEE Suilt Plumbing--> 5135.00 Reshmlant Plan Review-> $o'00 Total Calculated Fees-> $171'?5 Plan Check-> $33 . ?5 DRB Fee----..._.--> $0 ' o0 Aclditional Fees-----> 50 ' 00 fnvestigation-> $0'00 TOTAL FEES----'-'---> $1?L't5 Total Permit Fee---> S1?1'?s will cau---> S3'oo Payments-*--*-'> $1?1'75 BALANCE DUE.__> SO.OO Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTMENT oL/28/2oo2 df Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FoR eoDE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptcation, filled out in full the information required' completed an a€curate plot plan. and.state ttrat au tormation as required is corr*t #*:fiTl:l"Y#$: #i*'LTlt plot plaru to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws' and to build and subdivision codes, design review approved, u.ir.r g"ilding Code u,fr otrt"t otai*"tes of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENfi'FOUR HOURS \ADV PM. SIGNATUREOF f +m-nl.nod nouRoFFIcE FRoM8:oo AM -5 ANDOWNEI l'***+******t*** l.* +++ + +++*** '}{' i * * ** a**+ * i* * t * '}** * a l* | l** ***af** I * ***** **+*++*r}***** * ++* + + ++++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staremenr+++***+***i**+*****+++++++*+t+*++***+*i't****ttt**aat*tt*t rt|*t*t *,1******a'l***1.************+** Statement. t{urnber: R0OOOo1931 Arnount: 9121.?5 o1,/30/ZO02t0:58 AM Palment. Method: Check fnit: JAR Notation: 5?51 Concepe Mechalical Permit No: P02-0005 Type: PLtttIBING PERMITParcel No: 2LOLA822L072 Site Addreee: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ IJocaIion : IJODGE @ VAIL T'NIT # 52 5 Total Fees: $171. ?5This Payment: $171.75 Total. AIIL pmts: g\1I.15 Balance: S0.00 *'l**++++*!***{t*****i'** *********++ *+****ti ff+*f*tt*+******+*1r***t*+***t+*+***+**************** ACCOT.'NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 33.75 PP OO1OOOO31I12OO PLUHBING PERMIT FEES 135.00 t.JC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Jan 25 02 O9:22a ln&s?o rs4s 0300t p.2 -l 75S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657r Ir r*co'PfffJlxlffto.dr9S Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 97G479-2149 (Inspections) CONTRACTOR 1 i t I gOMPFTTE VAIUATION FOR PLUMFING PERMTT (rabor & Materiats) i I.l,l ****** ** * t** ******* Ili /l vevewondrc{ntmlnem t/ Plumbinq Confactor:0otlcesr /Llaanarc*Town of Vall Reg. Ng.:nFact a4g| Phone #'s:iruKoseat ?{7-ozoo ! VP /Secn Assesgilrttt Office at 9.or uisit brParcet# Parcel # (Requiredif no!!gg._fr.{ $ rob Name: Tyrrc- {e4'*d 1L ,*i u'*"fi ;df ;€'ffi /;#|d{I#i'tr Lesaf Description I r-oc ' ll rto"t, i [ ;r,,F"SubdMslon: I vtI+I rco uIffi s''nloN.'ut TYra'.ltaar&il&ffE ,E4ft6i o> Engfdeer: t N/*Addressn<Phonel W;WffiH";m*tr-i$dg"gmaffi workoal il"ril noufton1 I ;'p,".'--m ,Typeof Blds.: Sinslefamily( ) buplexl j rl[nr-raTt"rV|[ C"n.q"dft R"rt "r"t( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unib in this building: {?r No. of Accommodation Unib in this bullding:? Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an epAFtraF u Oerricez ves ( l No ***t**+**** *1******FO *t**** * l****:t* * * t*t**:ll*:r!tl!rtltt* _:? Jan 25 O2 O9: 2l a Concept Q, I Mechanical Ihc.t.-. I' 94S 0300 p.1 $mq*^H.*gi$!Io*l FACSIMII,E TRAT'TSMIIISON.t DATE: /-"5-bz_ To: UQr->'s . , t4 Drns //-* 0)r? G f--k-\ I nE: ryftl P/b? Pe,*,t' Fttx: ,//7?-afaRceMPAr.[: D *ry:fV*lprcrsro Forrowi r . C?^* Di "etgr^ II Conas4 . //e c.€|cFROM: f .-/-) :/ | rya /(aSzz MESSAGE: I tr/ \ Irt/0rrA Plua^ b, utq P,e rn-tt'*rl/r(. ) | I ^/ f e-n ri.{. /. preosu cal/ a*,e( a/ t^. Aroz,/ h^L /2e rn44{- fu" Nfu,^- rt^:d k /V"d[fl F, f>t'ek * W Ib tcioib tuirirn b ffid F qo roh '-r dr! driblic dr b *E r i r1tr+E cr clrlbrtllt U b rtrer4 cddtd db q &d rtur G rpdbtao Ir. to n Erty airiH 6 rt E!de T.-+!.! by w & -rr-& -t leirid c r &id-rsc de lqdcc i eioy ptruL rrubrc rrsdrd rt ubb ir qrs, dcr E !f [| ctEty tt r & crtr b (9:n) g*q iif 6! atid6bsi[lo !ta|b|tort€ldeE b ra! ail 77, l r- tl -,"F .:t,i T6E6AT ::ffifl".HffiffiffT6:51 am R€que3t+d Incp{ct Date: Tucsday, me,ber 29. ?00? Insp€cdon Ares: JFIU Slte Acltlrcssl t74 E GeRE CREEK BR v/ilL LODGE O VAIL UNIT * 526 AfFfO Inlbrmrte! &lidh/ BO?-0CrJ? I'voe. i.MF Sub rvoc: AMFCord Twi: Occuoaitv: t'Ee: llt iHR(X,ri€r: ! v1'LL, .{OWARD & SANdRA -JTCoflftciof: EECK & A$SOC[ATE8. INCApplksr{: Eect: S /.s$ocislss, D€airlpuon: fr Ell4CtrEL EX|snflG UNITComhont FcUTED TO JRM, RFE AND ALLISOII FOR APPROVALS " DFLOf,ES Reqqs# Inspegdon{s i It€rn: f* EL$G#incl Page 20 Slrlu8:IrrrpArt:lsst EDJRU Requ$ted TlEe: otr00 Aff- Phone' 9O4O7O3 EnbedBy: LCAMPBELL In$oGc{cn Hlrtol} lhm: ??6 FIREf,EP?.f.lOTlFlCATlON "ADD{{rrred"-1i4/12:j02 lr}sp€clc{: *rvouotlon ' ' Acdon: AF AFPRCR/EDlbm: 3O BLDC*Fr.rniill * rs$roved - OJi21t0? -lnspector. Jeil ' Acdon: AP AFPROVEDCflnm€nls: STRI.JCTURAL DOCUM€T{TS SUPFLIED AND N FIIElbm: 5t) BLfii-tnsulsilon "" App.owd * OS|ZAA hsD.clor: JRiJ|' Acdon: APAPFRO\/EOlbm: 6O BLDG-SHrtrlNoll *Apprott{t- 04104J02 hl3Doctil: JRM inthn: APAPPROVEDhm: 70 Bl Lf:-Misc. * Apfiqr€d "S4rt8,$? lnslactnr: JRtil Acton: APAFPRO\I€DCommentt: $|^hYtER PAt\l APFf?S,EDldn: 9(l BLflG"Rnri ?rs 'xw REPTl3],Run Id: 456 F'l.t 00Pr Departmmt of Community Deuehpmmt 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21j8 FAX 970-479-2452 uuu.aailgou.com I. Tytel Interior Conversion Legal Description: Lot A, the Lodge Apt. Condominiums DRB 07-000s Net New GRX'A for Tytel Residence A. Residential Increase: Inclusionary Zoning Increase in GRIA = 110 sqft increase Inclusionary Zoning requirement - l0 percent ofnet new residential sq ft 110 sq ft x l0 Yo : 11 sq ft required deed restricted employee housing B. Possible Method of Mitigation for Inclusionary Zonng 1. Fee-in-Lieui. Provide a fee-in-lieu payment to the Town of Vail of l1 sq ft x $236.65 / sq ft : $2,603.15 Payment of the X'ee-in-Lieu A. Payment of the fee-inlieu of $2,603 . 15 must be made prior to the fural inspections for the addition {g u"ntto cnro Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South ftontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Prciect Name: Tytel Residence DRB ilumber: DR8020125 Prciect Description: addition of AC unit on roof Pafticipants: OWNER TYTEL, HOWARD &SANDM 05/02/2002 Phone: 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK NY LI765 License: APPUCANT BECK&ASSOCIATE INC 05l02l2OOZ Phone;970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 2t030 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 117-A ProjectAddress: 174 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: t€gal Description: Lot: A Block Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (THE) Parcef Numben 210109221972 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= 0510212002 Conditionss Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval dos not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: CON0005269 no t1-11 allowed Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paidr $0.0O o Application for Design Review Department of CotfmunitY Dardopmeflt 75 Souttl Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 H: 9m.4'19.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 ureb: www.ci'vail.co.us General Inforrnation; A[ protscts requiring design revievr must recei\re approval prior to suHri$ing a. building permlt rpdicaton- -Ple3'serefir ti ttg submftft requrrements br tfre partioLi approvat that is requested. An appltcatbn fur OqQn eeviarv cannot be aqepted un6i all required info;ation is received by tfre Cornmunity Derdopment DeErtmenL 'llE projert may afsb ne"d ts be reviewed by tie Toan Co$ncil and/or the Pbnning and Envaronmenbl Commia*on. ilciign reirtsw approval tapees unlese a bullding permit lg lsss€d and co*stucdon commeng wltbin onc ycrr of thc appfoval. ofthe Rgquest; Location of the Proposal: Lot: TOI{I\i tfl orLtGgoee or vs&lt-rPhyslcal Address: (Contact Eagle Co" Assessor at 97&328-86'10 for parcel no') I{ame(s) of Owner(s}: Addrss: - Orner(s) Slgnature(s): Phone: ilame of Apdicant: Mailing,Address: Phone: E-mail Address; Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs E Coreptval Review $50 Plus $1.00 per sguarc foot oftobl sign area- No Fee $650 For condrudjon of a nevrr building or demo/rcbuild.LJ tr Fer Offce Use Orrly: F€€ Paicl: New Con$ruction Addation For re\risions to olans Dcsign Review Board. addit-ron where square footage is added to arry rEsidential or buifding (indudes 250 addiUons & interior canversions)- Staff or tieChanges to Approved Plans ,flo ,fierE r't E D ,+0 a April 15, 2ft02 Mrs. Sandra "fytel 174 ts. Core Crer,k f)tive Vail C0 8tf-56 Dear Mrs. 1'yel: The Board of Managcrs for Lodge Apartment Condondrium Associatim has reccived y'orr rcquest to enclose the air conditioning unil on the roof. As detailed on the plars the enclosure vrill match the existing dormer nnd ali colo$ will match existing l"odge at Vail colors. This request has bcen approved by the Association. Sincerelv. V. Charles Viola Managing Agent LdBe Apartftent Condominium Association 'llrc l-rrrlte at \r.ril, 1?4 East Cor"r (-r.:ck l)rive, Vaii, Colorado 8f65i USA Ttletr'ir.nrc (97i.lt 17610t1 Facsimile (970) '176-7'12i In tcrnei: rvrvr+'. lodgeatvail.crtm +f"#+ TYTEL RESIDENCE AIR CONDITION UNIT PLAN BP # BO2-OOO7 174 EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 526 -, 7:l// ,,/,r) V s /^at l(<'-i/l ,.'J ,'cl r a? ,rL ft rrafl r X-I"\-_ U | ,./i^l r, '( ,f J r ';ui7 ft rYrof tl ft,.ir/ ,'r,1 /,*"- / Niq fin I\ :f\t -) Ff o !, f >$'q Yrl \Jf- $ i- i{.0 \,:3 'iS lr !J 2 F$fIxu$;o:l l,J ,J JU .{L'r 'rlt\ufi L:1. u s a v{{Lv uv \'l Ft) rtl a;.\ u 0 t?titeIt-Tl$l n \L fl rl_ a a t.{{l\ !F d .\ 'ul{l!-- o uf.Jl:l --{r I f tre tl!{ U $.$ S'i.t vNFN.1 Jt- J:' '{ i l lj r-.i I -r q $9r..,id:?r\!s;r $ l$l*\U'J;-l rdgil$; n'Sd$t os \t N \v li "'1 : '1, '..il-.. \ \:!-o(taj-a -.rL.l$j.t\l -{rff?.7-vlL$: \f\\' u$si "Nlilfs;tr iq I d. a$}+i d$i$: r;s si-]rl --uil"-o=\3 $iiR5i.' s II $$i $i :\1".$ .J 6rr \1Tb lH " E o a ltl\ o {rv )r 'i -t I I slu+ .'i -\ l- ! qSli l$it t jrrst r 5t $H.jut$; d$il6'$ I t. t'\ * 'rtl- t-il llr ;llL.:-il o ft_..I_..i1 .\w'N" --------.1. k,t $.s$.t \iil$,s{t0;-( ,rgd*.i 9,.,: { st: t$*rli) { t=:t&${(Si"$i ilr\-a = -:- =l )r I $tirlj [.{. []. '.in }Yns-+a J$ $r a$ I R5{s!ia u.u I \$fr $tur '{ts,ISS - t_- ma t' +.tl t+t I\ /'-lri \L,rr ! rl''!-? d$ rfi {o:dl {rlb i*lI J+-I :g oz ts =eulo- ccJ)c 'TxEfr Oo@ L*cr(xcx* oO@ (n tJ.,luJlJ-tr =E,t!o- ,u,Lg s t6) s€ 7< l9J -i3oo\(\t'-\J 1r,ol@ r'-{ l \' IF ItP c'\ _ rdl--.r rU!-rS Er =is "iile t,.dl= .-l(5,: d' lllF E Iz =o =z oulFozoz6I @ .6 o z_z iffi orf) @(7' (lN tl rl,(?,o I J) \l I L =E UJ z J (D Yolu- z J J 9 FouJ tr (5z co =J J = IJJ u,luJu-2 uJ UJ G o@ =qJ uJEz 6tlr Fa o- UJo o- z ul o X F uJo auJulu-t =Et!o FoF t.= oz c, UJJuJ (,z t) J ()z IouJ- Et eC o *i$EEffi !EEES iiEii NOrM'tVA>lrls =19l?; tEe,; e l":: €,lj gs ZZtr- E = gEE F9 OE(?A; E=h$ *:E HEHNafr, o)ctr-P u) tr 3lc,l- l(|) I ct)IF IFt"l=ls I lvlct; z tr ) o- olCo u, > oO (\,I \ UJ .J z E zo GUIFJ =ulz g\ fz9qaFUJ<oo< >E:.8xrrdci<z otrz,. F I UJ (.)l<14 li|JJla) uJ0- ll.lo s#i-t | -J I?l | "'Iil Slilx sl : I k I P u,l J !,!)!JzY =F d\zo od <o il:-| zl .. >l uJo UJ UJz I ! I =.1otult 5l sl|rIol fl I 3l tl al p tll-llcollc\ll ,l-l-l olol zl flq;l 3l l!l =3104 0lEFI rc)r()r.()ro OrOr(f, -llEl IEt I 5to-l : lsl6l ctl Bl ;lrl :lbt it-l dtzg3 HPI I I I Itlo. I I I Jt4ut olq J -o 1<'(\,1ro J F t!(5 OJ ii =z -) t-E irg+Et- l-o2 9P s3 d6 (J z T IJJ = E-rO<Fc()IJJ <ztUJF9zo C) J (JtFoUJfi r- GJ (\,1(\c)O LO@ <! od llJF 6 LrJF (t, @oazoFo-uJY uJ @ oF b =E IJJo- lto Ioo I luFoz zr^ozedro =z=tlJOaL u- :f;* =;g tr = Ht!o:t!dYE3€aB9EL '!E::E ;tE FE: >o-;-8b9 ItuE XO-t x>I q- €= utto F -I- E =EUIo-z9F()f E,Fazo() EtrN a 5 , 8trtr \ oz t- =t uJo- IE lo I I I I I I I tdrtrlt! t(5tzr6 .:861?ci gEE:s €E HE*FJcXo €gEg-R :E3iE: i;5eii!e; iEal s EI;EE t";EgE SEreJ rEig; E6: F,{ g i.E ls;6 F:i:-"t3d c;o.,s s't;: t E l;;g T;E:A EEgEE a J 3 F d t'r- <>og ?l-l ?l zl .. >l UJotuuJzq)F (rllJo- J z E o Zzu-o ootr ^ -v, zq 5 >9agof,oog.66 fl<)zXl!<oq iET tri5 1,dN(9 =.1ol ll-l 2l =lIt-l I I I I I ^l2) (,l LulElJIal>lrrlol 3l sOl uJFI F I I Iol =.1olutl 5I <l>l rLlol zl3lplFI tltltltlloll-lIOt Itltalt>lI tr-lloltzlEBIE9llr-t Fl tltltl l^l l;ll5l tslI rr-lloltzla3lfrPl=J ll- ui =z -) I I II'l" I I) u4 sl><= =o LIJ =z I I It,l' I I A ul cIo{l><=E() L-(tsir =o2 o = \-,<- t- =ffF)ztl-o Ozr [J <FatsQr!<ZEr!F(42 <oOF FS;1F-,2ilo uJtod)o-zo Fo- IJJY lrJ @ oFt =EUo- l!o TLoo Igur 2E z zQc)o =zJOO- t-L .^i6L,\J= = Et< .u.l U6d= t lu ltoul z f,(t)I F cc JFh>-iEduJ>(!OL9oqur :>|.l-llj Jtr rlJ F --E E =E,lrlo-zoF C) EFazo() TD! '6 F E !n! t oz E =EUJe F'-oc6 * E.o,.=66s?c; gEE; $ EEE;g =$EiEltiiE EEgE€ g=EeE FEieio!EolE ;#e:t EFEgg : -'€ 9; 5a9UlE $E E:5 E EaEe ssgEg t* zz99ho-t2 =E =vr(91>E9r!<og g-E FO.jd a:lclbF * Flz| Flils uJF o IJJF U'(oo1zo o.l!v ulctoF b cculo-l!o o-oo I ulFoz i z,rPzecoo =zdP =f=j li'; oA;E ntD t ut ttoT' IIJ..E()2zE< 60Ee,B9EL.tISo.-; i- =uJ:-5 h=(, J ;'iiE =Er uBP' \ rrtr xo_E X>.!;Fo-Etr UJ @oF t q,) .C\r) !l-o7 G:-el lil Nl(,tz g \ $\ tl$l $ loil-id -l uI 4H H3= I Ij agl 6l =l HolFI ,l sJ it ilr <()qHnDn efaMts H. Ga,welvAtrrotr 6t'4 DoRsar noA,D DEvorl. PBNNBYLwAjITA t98S$ JuIy 31, 1985 To Uhom It l{ay Concera: Pleaee be advlsed that the Board of Dlrectorsof the Lodge Apartnents Condominium Association has approved the renovations belng urade to Units 523 and526 at the Lodce of Vail .-.- Stn \5 u+ U cerely, snf .l'-a.-1 | A-r '.,1- I I I Itl,l "{ ..1 "{'"rl f, Ei€:e3E g;.EaBE-E :EE€B:..9.PGq!t--Ft4 a'a .!t!r It. E.;EgEF.Ec) E!t a. ar 9 E f-.i --.s : !l li s !,t I =: 6eEBAe-- It?lffi\\; j g--aV"-E--. \N A--E-9 eE E'E!r' uiE= g-^ -- a:,:i :i ,l: P i-'i i 3ir i; r' (:; t e '- nJ*g FId tiq au,J'$qi "lElavl -4 r>'l ,rlg4.H.l,IA;l ela t U ulJ ul oct { JeI uaal E Ecoo s-tro tl- e tgDE ?E f\." e =ctFe\ *--rr \rE\a ao4 d---rd t-l'i 4vq.LErHol d=o,l dtaEl.JIgiJ "l EIda J2 =Gd t r,J o $lP)24 idia i13l{" iH "l iHl .\|q;l "l Z? o_ (t Z. -b oxift ,^tF@\L/ ; E--t!\- .6 > I ttZ ='rit 6---J OZ?{H *-T z llJ.-*9.r /-\iiE =Y-,nfv:<<-(o:{E f-\ co I ll rr 6 ! ] ! oz I -,-.- I€]'lvI 0.1 flq o .l.a i 1-. 1,':-:i ..'l- .r - | e SPEIN i ' ;^ '!'.DATE I i I} '11., JOB NAME ', <-/'t'l PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ." Z.-'{,' @ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr Dtr FINAL .FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I] FINAL tr FINAL - CTAPPROVED//:./ CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REQUEST, TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME TION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:,./, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER [ ^oro" - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL / APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: . INSPECTOROATE ,-+' ,,- * SPECTION REOUESTTOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES .TiVEO, THUR FRI\.._.'AM .PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. t-rl3ifs' LOCATION: '\ ta ^, /r' - .1 '? 't'-L-. APPROVED ,. coRRECTIONS: ','/t'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n 199.1^&^sl.qFn...^ tr GAS prprNc_ PLYWOOD NAILING_ PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - n-- n++N*L O rtruru - ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr tr_ r.t -... -.N FTNAL r'l trrNAl DATE INSPECTOR PROJECT INSPECTION: 'J- JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF )1 l/ sVAIL CALLER MON TUES wED 6; FRI ort.@READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL X*oro" / D.w.v. f"oro* / wArER D GAS PIPING - tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr STJPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 4bKppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .a/ / \,x i ,r#"toN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME rL'../': 'A/|ON..',.: CALLER TUES -..-.'rHun /rRt.7 \! WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL i H. TUB n_ r-r _ E FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr SUPPLY AIR - n_ tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER T] ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N, DISAPPROVED Et,REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR