HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 1HTOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #1H ParcelNo....: 210108207002 ProjectNo...: ?RSCO -OSS1 OI'INER CA.I1IPBEI,I., R . TREI\IIT, 'JR L2 / O7 / 2OOO 4485 W 12TH ST HOUSTON TX 77 055 L,icense; APPT,ICATIr O ' TALLORjAN CONSTRUCTION CO L2/ O7 /2OOO P.O. BOX 756 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License; coMrRAcToR o'raLLoR;AN CONSTRUCTION CO a2/ 07 /2OOO P.O. BOX 756 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License : 447 -B Desciption: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE DTIE TO BROKEN PIPES Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: II-FR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $62000.00 Fireplace lnf ormation:Restricted: Y Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: Wood Pelleh Building---> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> $550.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> S3 s7 . 50 DRB Fee---------> 90.00 RecreationFee-----------> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit----> TOTAL FEES*---_> s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees---.--> Total Permit Fee-------> Payments-----;' BALANCE DUE-_> s0. 00 $1, 150 . 50 so. o0 tlt ts l- DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME*' U{8, AV IE, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0339 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 12/07/2000 Issued...: 12/11./2000 Expires...: 70/04/2ffJ1. Phone : 7L3-522-27LO Phone: 303-827-9500 Phone: *of TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount date 0 0 # of Gas logs: Approvals:Ife'm: O5l-00 BUILDING DEPART!'IEI{Ir L2/O7/20OO KWARREN L2/1,L/2ooo cdavis Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENI Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS ROUIIED TO CHARIJIE See conditions Action: Action: NO AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with tfie information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,]ESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: O'HALLORAN CONSIRUCTION \ AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:fl) AM - 5 PAGE 2 **tt**!f*****i'tt!B**************|*!*rh*|*|*|B***********r***i******************#s#******************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit#: Bfi)-0339 asof 03-08-2002 Status: ISflfED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBTIILDPERMIT Applied: 12/07/2000 Applicane O'HALLORANCONSTRUCTIONCO Issued: 72/77/2n0303{.27-96f,0 ToExpire 70/M/2007 fob Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #1H ParcelNo: 2101ffi207002 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE DLIE TO BROKEN PIPES Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILING'AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH ANAPPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENTAPPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004516 ANY AND ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS MUST BE PROPERLY FIRE PROOOFED WHEN EXPOSED DTIRING REPAIRS Entry: 10/0a/2001. By:cdavis Action: AP Mounhin Consmcdon SPecialtm Post Office Bor 756 Mlntutn, CO 81645'0756 970-827-9600 rEL 97O-827 -92Q2 rxx O't|AII.O RA[| t0ilsrI|J[il0il September 18,2001 TownofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Restoration Repairs, Various Units, Village Center, Building C 120 Willow Bridge Road, Vail, CO, PERMIT # 800'0337 To WhomIt lvlay Concernl Here are the original unit mrmbers, parcel numbers, owneni naurcs and original valuation amounts for the-pemrits issued in December, for Village Center, Building C,122F, MeadowDrive, Vail" CO, permits. Unit# Owner Parcel # Original Amont NewAmount Pennit # lH TrentRCampbell,Jr. 210108207002 9200.00 2H Pegi DeFoo 210108207006 7200.003H hwin Krnftld 210108207010 6000.00lJ Roger Droel 21010820?003 8m0.00CornmonAreos 210108208000 4900.00 Code Upgrades, Electrical are $45,000. Please call ifyou bave any questions. 62,000 51,000 21,fi)o 54,000 16,000 -- fiAlt'tlg Best t{egads, RtcD sEP 19 2001 TWNuvvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd,Vail, Colorado 81557 APPTICATION WIIL T{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Building Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! 9PP'"t< 97O- 479-2149 (Inspections) ConEd Asssrc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit forParel #wu ll -:oo ooorur' P't'tLD j),'e c'll t.?t' il)tt),bu) tlLrDr,E Pt) Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll riting:Subdivision: owners NamerI C4lilpbE!_a4ll Address: l+0u5-f0/rJ; TX --1W Architect/Designer: Ltep{Address: tl A Phone: Al A. Phone: AJ k. Detailed description of work: wrtuL 0/qM/fi/- | ftiltnil^ .7w4 ttlrttt* Arlflrtzae r /2/rt'ra WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair\[ Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior DQ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) ruoPQ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family Q{ Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$rer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 7 4-,No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/TvpeofFireplacesExistinq: QgsAppliances( )GasLoqs( )woodiPellet( )WoodBurntnqX 7{) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Io qC No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkter System Exist: V"d t Ndrc COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUITDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ 7,zeo ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: S 7,?A REFUNDcLEANUe DEposrr ro: [ )t.llqLl DMIJ ( tt ,]Srfu ,{r/tn, I L CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: t /t/hnm#tn (Y^Bfffi.:rtDN Town of Vail Rgg. No.: 4,-+-l - lh Contact and fhone #'s:?A/l-trtnt, 470 -+137 Contractor Sig nature r/ { ) !t**************...b rr** ***********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****************r.*'r*******rr**r(**ir*** .r ? 0l\fl IlJf.U tt t t-t'"" F :/even/one/formtbld gperm TOv-c-or4IlEv' TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 970-479-2t35 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Job Ad&ess: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #lH ParcelNo...: 210108207002 ProjectNo : Q0-lco- d7t'1 0L/]-0/2001- Phone: A0l-0006 ISSI.]ED 0l/10/2001 02t0912001 08/08/2001 57s.00 s0. 00 975,00 s?s.00 s0.00 OWNER CAMPBEIJtrJ, R. TRE!flI, ,tR 4486 W 12TH ST HOUSTON TX.t7055 Licenee: CONTR.A.CTOR COMMERCIAIT SPECIALISTS OF 0L/I0/200L Ptrone: 970-513-7100 I{ESTERN COI,ORADO, LLC P.O. BO:( 1572 SILVERTIIORIiTE, CO 80498 License: 1-61-S APPIIICAI'{:T COMMERCIAI' SPECIAI'ISTS OF WESTERN COIJORjADO, LLC P.O. BOX 1572 SII,VERTHORNE, CO 80498 L,icenEe: L5L-S 0L/L0/2O0L Phone: 970-513-7100 Desciption: REPAIRWATERDAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPES Valuation: $3,697.00 FEE SIIMMARY rl.rraaaaaata'a4.ar....r.....r........*&:*raar*raatia..til..... Elect'icfl-> DRB Fo€-> Iwestigrim-> Will Call - .> TOTAL f:EES.-> s72.00 s0. oo 90.00 93.00 975.00 Total Calculrt€d Fecs-> Addiaional F€€s-> Toial Permit Fee---> Paymenls--_.--> BALANCE Dl,'E-----> Approvals:IE6m: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBflT 0L / 2s / 2 0 ot l,fvAUGIIAlr Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information requird complet€d an accurate plot plao, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigrr rwiew approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. .FROMt:00AM-SPM. FORHMSELFAND OWNE REQUESTS TOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TVYENTY-TOUR HOIJRS IN AI'V WorkCls:Itew() Addition( ) Rernodel( ) Repair() R€ro- 0e OUter( ) Tne of Bldg.:9ngFfamiV( ) Twe,famiV( ) Multi-famiV( )Cormercial(X)Restaurant () ofier( ) @ilPl-ETE VALUATIOIfS FOR ALARil PERHTT (laDor & ltlabfirl9 ooFlrc Alarm: $ :3, Gq1. r.r.rrtf.rr....**1r.....r.r*.rt*trt.r.*FIOR OFEICE lrSE OllLYirrr..r*...*tt.tilr****r*t*.rt.tll.l. F{HCFI'vgD: i .JANl0Znriu i Ii I I : a FRDN ; Fax : 970-827-902 fr'{O{E tf"l. I t 9?6 lc?+Ll?g Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.m Jar,, 22 "jol @!stP,i BE RSEESTCF NEETEIGNT' t{C' N s A & E ASEE|9TOS ADAIAMENT| INC' Gls WEST WH.ITE A\TENUD GRANI' JUNCTTON' COLORADO TT5O5 l-t00-7d&1204 IN _.[ fir$tcrot nepor{T PRIP FED FoF:\-/V O }lalloran C.onstructiol P.O. Bol( 716 Misttttn' Colorodo t 1645'0756 l,ocation: Vitlage Cenrcr C;mdo UniB lII, 2H, ll't Euilding C V-;f i:"::::"*t Iiii? RPPORT IREtsA.RED BY: JOIlttl& ?ETEIMA!i usEPT'CTORIYIANAOER CDRTTFTCA:E NO: t26lS l9:z C $T. ranfrtd. pcJoo. o!gt, +A}f-DcftD-Pcto -O331qndrr h15Oltme REGEIVED JAN Z 7 IOUO TOV.COM.DEV. ' Fax | 9?0-827-9202 f*':tn t FS,B ffiEESTF qBcTEil'=NT, INC' F'tti\G Nt' 2 L 97a 242+!t7!; TNIBODUSIIO\L On Jrnurry It, 2001. an bspcoriontsrrvey u'nr co:rducted and 9 brrll ramples t$tc doli3clsd fronr tlrs \ItrLAGBCT{TEI CONDO tt{ITS 3H,2H, lH Euildiat C VAIL,@I,oRADo tI657 Tbc p,trporc of the inrFectiods[t'ey was fo locrlc atrd rllnple sLfpcsted a6be939 sclrmuling ttratsi: 5 fi.l taight bc lnc'att itr tbrcc v.t.r{rtulEcd ufiitr. Tha inspcodon rvrr ma& end tlo sirnrpls5 vgrc oollc:rerl by Johr R. Pet€nn.a. rs A.H.E.RP-. md Sutt of Q6londo octtlficd guildirls lorpccror- Grcrt carc wrs raken drrriag rhe Inrlxction snd $rnpllng lc! bc rs g6o(uEtc rr Dosaiblc. lr rbould bo notcd tblt rninirul d{.Eigc wli donc to rhe arinirg bui}dmg ttntcrrutt duriq tbc iorpoctioa rc beco is no doclmcandon for uncoco condirioM or ttottd items. AL th. tequcsr of Lhc c,liot thif rrpod only covcn rh? u!,it! listcd. All craplcr woc rudlzcd by DCM Seicrrcc Leb in L:tcr ood- C.:olorado. This lstiotabry is dcettrcd "Pmllcicnt" i! 6c EP.A. Qruliry Arruluca (QA) progrua for tbc dcrerndoetiou of lsbesriJJ !!r bulk aurcrirJr aDd i. roorcded by thc Ancricar Hygiaao .{ssuciedon (AJHA), SAMTTNTfr-EBQIOCOII Ji rardoE l.tnPling solclre war ured Io lernplc rhe erupcota*rrials Oat rrerc dirovcr<.d. If during ury fututt dcntolirion or rcnGvllion $'61 susplcr r!${ial is figcororcd thu hrsn'r bccn .runplsd rrtd uouid bc diaalfrcd. worl rbould bc heitcd uotil tbt nrcmiir.l has Sr-cn trccd, suBvEI qRE l oa-qcn I prroN' Thb rcpon coy:rr ur:itt ftt, 2tl, atrd t H btuldrng C of ]bc viu.g. Cent r Coado, vlU ('otorado. Tbeie 'r$i!enccjvrd hcrv) wract datDltc wnan r wocr standprpe lcze url bokr. Tlro lrrrrlor of rlie units worc bodly r$orgcd in thir llood. At ttp d4 of d! lnrpcorion nruch of tbn luod.4rnlgcd .tebril hrd bee rsnrovcd from the unjrs iltr qr,rcrtion, Uoitr 3Hr 2llr md I tf st dl of Ulc con$ruclAE crd rrrcc hrdlt !t thc sarrc dmc. No appuur ronowtiong hrvc bccn rboe lo tc |4itr. ?lro iacrior *rlh rrc mctsl rtudr wirh ttgbtiy rexrued rhccrock widt srrundboard urier t}rc slree.rrocl.. Thcrc h rqnc nrood covcing walls ia &c unia. ?b c{illngis $rE s,,r'pirrcd bcam and ihccrock eod liglrrly remuc.: sbcccoolt IjLc drc rnlB. Thc floott urcrs coveed for rhc rnort 1nfl, *ith carpc: wirh solnc cengric rih rld tbact viryl ia oat unh. Tlre hmt is provldod by hot wrrer brreborrd hcgt that rs pro\tdcd by rs rlr.olc bciler. Cf'NC|ItSIoNS {ND RECO}rtrvrF\D^TlO\$ Lrbontory rolyrb of thc 3 curpoot nrrerlgb 6tt rcp tccr€ij irdic$a ri.r rwo r:f dte srupcct rrratctialr @nUin tto rictol ttra art Estt tod rbcetosk agd 6c roundbocrrl r&d.r lhe sh.etock. Tbc rh$t vintJ llooring colnllt ubcrtoi 6u is ir crccse of ths rcgulrrory liruit (gruarcr.rbng l7o). this iLcd vinyl Eusr bc GmdEd rl Ft Colorrdo Brguledon #8 prior to disodrncc of lhir rarttrial. Jan 22 '01 16:50 P.09 Jan' 22 &6r a4istl'Y' i'LZ -.ts- FROrl : CtE 'rJl€sr (E rax ; 9zo.!jJ;Jm2 AEr.TEfENT, lr.{C. P+f'{: N-J. : 1 9?A 24?-4lZA Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.10 J:r u .i2 zaat ;r4: 56P|1 :-11 SAI'PLEI HS+00r H9.8Q2 H98{03 HS-8.@1 HS-e-(nt H9F0o0 H9B-@7 Hs.B408 HS€409 FRIABLE YEg'NO NO NO NO NO NO l';g NO YES YES SAMFLE LOCATION AREA EAMPIED FROIS Errt Brdrt'om wall tH MutttoBcdroom wdl 3H Wc6l E droom fail 3H Fa3l Erdroom wall unit 2H WGrt dqsct uall unlt 2H E.st b.droom wall 1H Wart rrall doset Abovc rhrolrock 3HgrthfDomr iocr 2H DESCRIPTION Coryrposit! shoettock wdlght texlure Conrgodt€ ehectrock wllghr tfi3Jre crnpooitc rhcct|vck *nlght lanure Composit€ th6clrocl( wi light texture Composltc sheetrocii w/laght Gxru.9 Compo$g rhccuoc|( rvllight tcxtut€ Compositt rhcctroc*. dlight terlure Sounclbo.rd ShdYiny ss . Fax, :.,970-827-9202 FRil,l : FBB FI5BESToS qEeTilrENT, l1C. Fro\E l{J. | | 9?A 242',.+L!23 Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.11 Jerr' 22 2&L Z&S?41 e12 SAUPLE ' Hs€-001 Hs&O12 HS-B<t03 HS€{04 HS€.O06 HS-B.OOG HS-B{07 H6-a'@E Hs-B{09 ASBESTOs TYPE NND NAD NAD IiAD NAD ]\AD NAD NAO CHRY SAIIPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE: rr{qrot oEgcitPTrol{ Compocite sheeirock wlighr terturs Compodie shrctrock wllsht lexture Compolltr shaolrgcl( Wllghl !e$u''g Composite sheclrock w/l(?ht terturo Compositg sheetock Wlighi teilurc Compo:lle slrcatrocl v/light toxrwo Composlle rh€etoc{( Wlight texf uro Soun.tboarO Sheer vlnyl 9i o U 0 0 0 o 0 0 4 KCY: CHRY. Chry$ril€ NAD . NO Albe8los Dctgolad ss# \t FRC{ : n8B CSEESTLTS A8e]';r'1ENt, t}{. Fax : 970-82?-9202.j..? P{}E N_1. ; I 9?A 2421iL2.--1 Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.12 !.fi, 22 2&L A4:3'?Fi .'I3 SU3pECr ilATER|IL CONOtflOfi 3 ilPrE' HS-A-001 lts€{02 HS.8403 HS&00f HS-B.oo5 HS€406 HS-E{07 HS€40t HS-B{@ 9UR suR SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR Mrsc Mlsc DAMAOE YES YES YES YES YES Yes YES YES NO TYPE OF OAITAOE Watsr/Ph)4e Wat r/Phys WalxJPh6 Wtlcr/Phlt Waisr/9h)4s Wete.r?hyB w'ter/Ph)€ WaFr/PtryE NiA TYPEO' SUSPEC? OT,ERALLff TgRtAL COilomoNS BAD BAD 8AD BAD B,{[)gAD 8AD BAO FAIR % 7i 71 75 75 't5 7S 73 76 0 KFt': M EC - MlraOtrrnoou! 9UR- Sufadng PHY$.Phyricrl J$N€ { -$ Fax .: 970-827-9202 Fttor'f : Ft&E ASBESTOS qBfiTa€NT, l\8. Fr€\E r.{Cr. ) t 979 242+LLZa Jan 22 '01 16:35 P.01 Jarr. 22 ?AOt ild:sEt'Ft Fl4 FOTC}|NAL'Oi O IITUREAT{CE TAIFLEI ACCEATEIU'YYls,to POTEI|TIAL cot{TAcT HIOH I{IGH t{toH HIOH HIGH HIGH HIGH fttct l HIGH NFLUENCE vtti,Aftolf LOW tow ,LOWLow LOW LOW LOW LOW LOw POTEiITIAL AIR !ROgtON LOW LOW LOW LoW !ow LOW LOW LOW LOW LOCATEO til ftEr{ux Yts/No HlA"001 H5-8.002 H9D.000 HSI€0. Hg+003 H9gO06 HS+07 HS.E{ot H6€.009 NO NO NO N9 NO NO NO NO NO YE9 YES YES v€S YES YtsYts Y€S YES 4 .. \j a).. .'. ..'G'g\"\V # T0Wt:{ 0F Depanment of Community Development 75 South Ftontage Road Vail, Colomdo 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 Date: To: From: memorandum January 5, 2001 Phoenix Fire Protection Attn: Tracy Ksthywanen @ Subject: Corrected Fire Sprinkler permits for Village Center Condo's Tracy, Mike McGee brought to my attention a few days ago that I had accidentally issued mechanical permits for your sprinklcr work at Village Center Condo's, I have voided the mechanical numbers and reissued sprinkler numbers. I have enclosed a mpy of each of the correct permits for your records as well as forwarding thsm to tvtit<e MiCec for his records.. Please refer to these nurnbers when you havJ questions or need to requestinepections. Also, please discard the mechanicai permits iszued in error. I apologizi for any inconveniencc I may have caused. Please call me if you have any questions atg7}47g-2325. cc: MikeMcGee Prroject Fite ?g5oo'Otlt ' CArnpeeut Town of Vail Finance {p'o'o*'^"* TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0004 JobAddress: I22EMEADOWDRVAIL Status...: ISSUED Location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #lH Applied . . : 0l/0212001 ParcelNo...: 210108207002. Issued. .: 0l/08/2001ProjectNo: PBtrOo'o33rf Expires..: o7lo7l20ol owNER CAMPBELL, R. TRENT, itR 0L/02/2o0L phone: 4496 W 12TH ST HOUSTON TX 17055 L,icense : CONTRACIOR MARIT{OT EI-'ECTRIC OL/02/2O0L Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 451L AVON, CO 9L620 License: 250-E APPLICANT MARMOT EIJECTRIC 0t/02/200;-. Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 81620 IJicenBe: 250-E Desciption: REPAIRWATERDAMAGEDUE TO BROKENPIPES Valuation: $10,000.00 FEE SUMMARYElectrical-> Slgo.oo DRB F.€-> Inv€lig.tion-> will cslt-> o]-/o2/20o1 rRNt Item: 05600 FIRE DEPART!{EilIT Total Calculatod Fees-> 5183 . 00 Additiolrsl Fo€s--> s0.00 Total P€tmit Fee-> S1A3 . 00 Paymedt ---._> 9183 . 00 $o.oo s0 ,00 93,00 TOTALFEES-> 9183.00 BALANCE DUE--> 90.00 r:rarrrrrttataaatlrlrt Approvals:IE6m: 06000 EI-,ECIRICAI-, DEPARTMBII Action 3 AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIEI_,D INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, aod state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Tovrn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tovin applicable thereto. PJQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAIT BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.IR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY ?y ^r ynts:oR4olrRomcEFRoM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE APPLICATIOI{ WTIL T{OT BE ACCEFTED IF ITIIGoMPLETE oR uI{sIGNfD - ^Proiecr #z PRJ &) - Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) f5_Q. [rqntagg COMPTETE SQ. FEEI FOR NEW BtlItDS and VALUATIONS FORAlJ- OTHERS (labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SQ FTIN STRUCruRE:EECTRICALVALUATION: i lO-€OCr-O,o SOI{TRACTOR INFORMATION 75 S. Frontage Rd.:Vail, Colora-do a1657 ConbctfuaE@arfl Aws OIfre at970-328-8&n o0ov :ountv,@m foFParel #Ol- Palef # (Required if no bldg. prerra lotu'lV,rLa$e &qTiL rob*dress: tU g*g r6rp-lbL. Legal Desctipfron lf Lo* [ Block I Rling:subdivision: Vt1;.Gq- &Te L Mdress:Olvners Name:Phone Mdress:Engineer:Phone: Detailed d€scriotion of work: Rgr.r,a.s. pob AfueG To CqeIE^7 CcilE Lrr.r.rlGF-L ElE€f/gtctl WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repairp( Ternpporver( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (}[ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU o<istatthis location: Yes ( ) wo 0(f Typeof Bldg.: SingleFdmdy( ) Duplex( ,I lulti-famityAf Commerciat( ) R€#urant( ) Cther( ) No. of Existing DrelEng Unats in thb buildiqg: ?No. of Acommodation Units in this butlding: Is this permit for a hot [rb: Yes ( ) No tt-') Does a Fire Alarm Exis* Ves S/ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist: Yes (1f? No ( ) Town of Vail Reg. l'lo-:cl26 -o7 t o **'IFOR OFF[CE USE ONLY*************************** y'd r 9e6- ez8- oe6 5U ! uulnS uqor TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: FOO.OO45 .I T5"TH"9Y--- Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #lH Applied . . : tZllZlZOO} ParcelNo...: 210108207002 Issued. . : l2ll5l2000ProjectNo %Oo'0t3V Expires..: o6lt3l2ool OI{NER CAMPBELL, R. TRENT, iIR 0L/04/200L phone: 4486 W 12TH ST HOUSTON TX 77055 Lricense: CONTRACTOR PHOET{IX FIRE PROTECTION 0L/04/2O0L Phone: 7L9-4S6-0L88 711 $RRISOT.I, ttNIT B I-,EADVIIJLTE, CO I0451 License t 226-Vl APPLIC.AIIf PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 0L/O4/2O0L Ptrone: 7I9-486-Ot88 711 HARRISOII, IJNIT B IJEiADVII-,L,8, CO 80461 Licenge: 226-tq Desciption: INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2.500.00 Fireplace Informrtion: R€drict d:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Cas l,og: 0 # of Wood Pell4: 0aalaaraaaaraaarrar****tt**arttrrrarrtttta'tlt'|t'tlttttttt|trrat'''l*rrr*t FEE suMMARyMechanical-> 960 , 00 Rodrarant Plsn Review-> Plan check_> s15 . 00 DRB Feo__> 90.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 978.00 S0.00 AdditionalFees->90.oo Inv6tigstiff>S0.00 TOTAL FEES-> S?8.00 Total P€tmit Fe€-> 578.00 will cdl-> s3 . 0 0 Paymer s..---> 978 . 00 BALANCE DIJE_> g0 .00 aaa+ttaatltaaa'taaaItem: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTUEIIT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTUEIIT L2/L2/20O0 PER MCGEE Action: APPR PER MIKE MCGEE IN OFFICE VERBAIT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD IIISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that all the infomration as required is oonect. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinanc€s and state laws, and to build this stmchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECflON SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOI.rR HOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-213t OR AT OttR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE oF owNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIIVISELF AND OWNE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES .j ^ | \r.! .,,'\<c')' '-' I' MECHANICALPERMIT PErMit #: MOO.OI64 I Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [ocation.....: I22EMEADOWDRBLDGC#lH Applied..: 12/12/2000 ParcelNo...: 210108207002 lssued..: 1211512000 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 06/1312001 OWNER CAUPBELL, R. TRENT, iIR L2/L2/2O00 phoner 4486 W 12TH ST HOUSTON TX 77 055 I_,icense: CONTRACTOR PHOE{IX FIRE PROTECTION L2/L2/2OOO Phone: ?19-496-Oj.Bg 711 HARRISON, UNIT B LTADVILLE, CO I045L License: 226-ti APPLICAI{I PHOET{IX FIRE PROTECTIO}I 12/1,2/2OO0 Phone: 719-485-0L88 ?11 HARRISON, UNIT B LE,ADVILI-,E, CO 80451 License: 226-Vl Desciption: INSTALL SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2.500.00 Fireplace Informetion: Restticted: Y FEE SLMMARY aaaaaar|:r:l'''fi *'i******trtta*'t**'|***:*:r:||:l'r'|taa'llaaaaaraaaa*r # of Gas drpliances: 0 Meclunical-> Plan Chcck-> Iwestigatio-> will call-> S5o , O0 Restulrant Plan Review-> 91s . 00 Pf,$ fse.---.__> 90. oo TOTALFEES-> 93.00 # of Gas L,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 So . oo Tolal Calculated Fe€s--> 90.00 AdditionalF€cs-> s?8 .00 Total Permit Fee--> Paymenls-> BAI_ANCE DllE-> t78.00 s0.00 978.00 s78.00 $0.00 Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/L2/2000 MCGEE Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. Cond: 22 COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 199? UIIIC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 INSTALLATIOII MUST CONFORI,I TO MAT.IUFACTI]RES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1"997 ul,lc, CHAPTER 10 0F TrrE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 GAS APPI'IANCES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER I Ar.ID SHAI;I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 IJMC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF TTIE 199? IMC. Cond: 29 ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENI MUST COMPIJY WITH SITAPTER 3 A]iID SEC.1O17 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 3L BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]MTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBI,E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 PERMIT,PLAIIS AT..ID CODE AI{AJ,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHA}IICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 DRAINAGE OF MECIIAIIICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-IIATER SIIPPLY BOIIJERS SmLL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. L022 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F TrrE L997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an aocurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfructure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVA}ICE BY TELEPHONE 2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t;(X) AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNE APPLICATION \tltILL NOT Br: i\(CEPTED IF IiTIJHPLETE OR 75 S. Frootage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8tr657 Permlt will rtot lte accepl:gd wiurglrt the following: Prorith Hedtanical R'oom Laycut draurn to 6cale to lnclude:o Hedranlcal Roo,m Dlmendbnra C.omburtion AIr D,uc! Slze and Lqfitono FIuc' Vent and rcar8 Unc Sltze and l,ocrtiono t{ot Lacl Calqla lqulpmcrrt Cut,/Sp€c Shalts Bulldlng Permit f: for # ror_iiEf:imt-@ rob Name: U i \t..".- t*rr{.r t"^Jnr2-H l€gBt D€scripuon ll loe ll Block I Filing:SubdMsion: OmersName: $npbell ll Address:Phone; Englneer:Addrcss:Phone: Deailed desolpdm {no#. )*^\.J*\d'"'-\---.^- :;*..-li.-.., I--,,_,'J{^-.-I L !"m- one,r ) h*" rJ lFffiaHU o(Ft at Urts locauo,t: Yes ( I tlo ( ) No. of Exbting Da€lthg Units ]n this building:llo. of A('(ommodatiofi Unlts ln thb butldlngr NofTVDe d Flreohc€s F.xlstlnqr Gas Aodbnes ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) W<xrJlPellet ( ) Wood Bumlm ( ) fidrype of Firrptaces Proposed: @s Appliances () wood Bumhg (NOTAIOWED) E,a;ffiffiltte-Ifdirm-Fa) No( ) COI'IPLETE VALUATION F.of( MECTIT\I{!,CAL PEIRMIT (LAbOT & MAIETiAI') CONTR'GNOR INITRHA?ION **** * *+ {. * +*+ + rr tr{.{. * *rk*** tF oFFICE USE OilLY,r* ** * **+** * *+*'r * ** * * * t *:r** *** 1F! /cr€ryonc/fodmi/mcdtpcrm 6"9 Inspecdon Re4uast Reportlng 8:2E am Reques88d lnspect Llate; Asslgned To:Intpecllon TyFel Slte Address: ifllednesday, ll,|ardr 07, 200! cDAVIS BLDG 122 E TEAOOU1 OR VAILi22 E IIIEADOW DR BLDG C *1H Arn D |nfomr0on ActMfv: e[tG03i]9 T\D€: A-MF $ub Tvr€: dMF ConC Tni: Occupch'ry: l.tiie ll-FFParae{: 2tO1(}82O7(mOrrrnr: CAMPBELL. R. TRENT. JR Phc,no: 7'13-5?2-2710Appficrnt OMLLORAN CONSTRI"TCTION c0 Phon€: 30S427-9droCtrador: OMLLORAN CONSTFLTCTbN CO D.6crfp$on: REPAn WATER DAMAGE DUE T0 BROKEN PIPES g€or.rested lnr pec{ofl(s I lL8qrcflan H|sbrv H KA fr.ffr, .T-/a/-.. /S Kr-e,/ qfrp lbm: 60 BlDc.Sheetrocktlsll Requ€st€dTlme: 08:004ff Rioueitbr: OIiALLORAN CONSTRIJC'rfi)N CcliBlil Fhono: 3gl-4737Codirni$.: Unlt l-H Vllbo. C:tr*'s$,lfii Wharua ,ng**+*6 E.toradBv' LCATIPBELL l( \A,f gqTunaanr /Jfr rdnfln7,a E/vo 6trtt,3:lr€p Aruc: ISSTJED llam. l0 ElDc-Fooilnogstssl iOodonal)Itsfl: 20BlDc'.Fo{|nfforvsteet'topton6ii[om: 3() BLDC'FErilhg (chtrhd) lbm: 50 ELDGlmuffin {Odon l} * Approvod '-oz2tyol IngD€cior: cdlyls Acti<;n: Ap APFROVED - _ qo{rtlanb: .nc€pt sourd hEuLtlon betwrcn batlrroom groups. Thls b not requir€d to bo tolr|sp*bdfhril: 60 BLFshe.trockNall tffihnail!crn: 70 Bt-Dc'.ilbc. (Wt'd! fr.m: q) gLDC-Fln l {RilultEd) ,REPTl31 Run Id: 442