HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 2KTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARSI{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address. . ..:Location......!Parcel No.....:Project Number: Descript,ion: REPLACE HEATING BOILER Fireptace Information: Restricted: llechani ca [---) 1 ,300.00Ptan check---> 3?5,00InvestigatiotD t,i Lt Cat L----) NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL fof cas Appt iances: Restuarant Ptan Revi !lr--> DRB Fee-------- Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: os/06/199?Issued...: 05/06/1997Expires..: LL/02/1997 ALIJ TIMES M97-0069 97024257 90 97 024257 90 8165 7 65, 000. 00 #0f lrood/Pa L l.et: BE POSTED PERMIT ON JOBSITE Permit AT #: APPLICANI LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone:2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone:2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND .TUNCTTON CO 81505 OWNER FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA Mt VAIL MANAGEMENT CO, 201 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO VaLuation: fOf Gas Logs: ***i*ff*****t******ff***********************fi*i********** FEE SUI{}lARy ****************************t**********t*******ft**t*ff*** .OO TOTAL FEES-----Lm Tota[ C8tcutated Fces---) Addi tional, Fees---------> Tota[ Pennit Fee-------> 1,628.@ .00 1 ,628. oO Payments------- .00 .00 1,62E.0O ***************r*************************r*********************************************lll$lf-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************iff*** ^I!e{ri,q51Q0_Bq_II,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:05/06/L997 CHARLTE Act,ion: AFPR CHARLTE DAVISItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: COND]TION OF APPROVAL I. F,'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. coMBUsrroN ArR Is REeurREo FeR Snc.--607 br,--rHe-lgii--oMe;-'--'3. INSTALTATTON_!!qgT CONEORM TO MAN0FACiURSS- rl.r-SrnueiION-S-anp. TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991--OME_._- __ _ 4. l,rEgHANrcAr, RQqM MUST HAVE A oNE- n6Un -narnp ENcLosuREs. ALL PENETR.ATIONS MUST BE PATCHED WitH- ar.r-[pFn6VsD-FrnnRATED MATERIAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby €cknowhdge tf?t I_h?y:,l9:d-this appLication, fitted out in ful.t the 'infornation required, compt,eted an accurate ptotptan, and statc that atl thc information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compty iith tlrc in?ornation ana ptot i[an,to.compty !,ith al'l' Town ordinances _and state [avs, and io buitd this structure according io'the townis zonint ana subdivisioncodes, design review appnovcd, Uniform Buitding code and othen ordinances of the Town afpticabtc thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CO'{TRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AIIO O9NER FR00l 8:00 A 5:00 Pil TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Job Address...LocationParce] No.....Project Number Description: REPLACE HEATING BOILER Fi reptace Infofmation: Restni cted: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL 1,22 E MEADOW DR VII,LAGE CENTER BUILDING 2K 2101-0I2-0 7-0 0I BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES M9?-0069 AT #: APPTICANT LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone:2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL phone: 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81505 OWNER FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA Mt VAIL MANAGEMENT CO, 201 coRE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 Status. .AppIied.Issued.. Expires. Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: ISSUED os / 06 /ree7 05 /06 /ree7LL/02/rss7 97 024257 90 97 024257 90 65, 000 . 00 fOf tlood/Pa L tet: ******t***********|hl*************ii******************i***** FEE SU l,lARy ********************************************************** fof Gas Apptiances: Restuarant Ptan Rev i eu--> oRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES----- TotaI Ca(cutated Fees---) AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Penmit Fee--------> 1'lechani cat---) PLan Check---> Investigation>Uitt Cal, L----> 1,300.00 325.00 .00 5.O0 .00 .00 1 ,628.00 't ,628.0O .00 1,6?A.OO Payments > 1 ,62E.0O 1.2.3. 4.5. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknov Iedge that:-h?y: read.this appLic.ation, fitted out in ful.L the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required. is correct. I agnee to conpl.y with the information and pl,ot irtan,to.conPty |,ith atL Town ordinances_and state-taws, and to buil,d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviel, apProved, tniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabte thiretJ. " Itetli .q51q0 BUIIDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:05/06/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AFFR cnenlrE DAViS--It'em:- 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL EIqIP-INEPEqTIONq ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.qOYBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THN_IS9I--UME;----'INSTA_LIATIQN _!,rqgr coNFoRM ro MANUFACTURES rNSf nocrioNS -ewo TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 2L OF THE 1991--aMe-.---upqHANIgAI, ROQM MUST HAVE A ONE HOUR RATED ENCLOSUREALL PENETRATIONS MUST BE PATCHED WITH_ AN_APPNOVND-IiTNERATED MATERIAL REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OT'NER BI IELEPHONE AI 479-2'138 0R AT oUR oFFICE FRolt 8:00 At't 5:00 pr,l TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Etcctr i ca [---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> tli l,L caIt----> Status. . .2Applied..Issued...'Expires. . I S SUED 06/oe /tee706/0e /1.ee712/o6/ree't DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0102 Job Address: L22 E MEADOW DRLocation... : VILLAGE CENTER BUILDINGParceI No.. i 2101-082-07-008Project No.: QUAIJITY ELECTRIC & CONTROLS 57O 32 1/2 ROAD #21, Clifton, co 81520 CONTRACTOR QUALITY ELECTRIC & CONTROLS OWNER 570 32 f/2 ROAD #21, clifton, Co 81520 FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA Mt VAIL, MANAGEMENT CO, 201" GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: RUN NEW LLo CIRCUT TO BOILER Valuation:2,998.00 **********t**t***tr****tt't******ti***ff******i*************ff tEE SUl.tttARY ****t*************************t*ff*ffi*rr**ff************** APPLICANT Phone z 3O324276O0 Phone : 3032427 6O0 54.00 .00 .00 3.m TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 **t***********************t**t****************************************************************************************ff********** I9e,[i,9QQ90_ELEqTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:06/09/1,997 CHARLIE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept! FIRE Division: ****t*********fft*******ff********t****************tr**************************f***************************t*********************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********t**********tt********trt**t**********ff************************************************************************************ DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, fiLl.ed out in futl. the infornation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compl,y iith tire information and ptot i:tan,to comPly vith a(l Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to'the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances ol the town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR IilSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{AOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOIJRS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR A OUR OfFICE FROI{ Totat Catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> Totat Permit tee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 57.@ .@ 57.m 57.00 .00 FOR HITISELF ANO OIINER TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-4'.19-2I38 Etcctri cat---> DRB Fee Invest igat i on> tli l, L caL l,----) TOTAL FEES---> Job AddressLocation. . .Parce1 No..Project No. 54.00 .00 .00 5.00 57.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED ON JoBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0102 T22 E MEADOW DR Status...: ISSUED VTLLAGE CENTER BUTLDING 2App1ied.. : 06/09/19972101-082-07-008 rssued...: 06/O9/1997Expires. . : 1,2/O6/1997 APPLTCANT QUALTTY ELEcrRrc & coNTRoLs phone: 30324276005'10 32 1/2 ROAD #21, Clifron, Co 81520coNTRAcroR QUALTTY ELEcrRrc & coNTRoLs phone: 3032427600570 32 t/2 ROAD +21, Clifton, co 81520OWNER FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA Mt VAIL MANAGEMENT CO, 201 coRE CREEK DR, VArL CO 8165? Descriptiont RUN NEW 110 CIRCUT TO BOILER Valuation:2t998.O0 *********t*t*t*****************ff**t*********************** FE€ SU t4ARy ***************************************tr***************** TotaI Catcutated Fees---) Additional. Fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- 57.00 .00 57.00 57.00 .00 ************************lt********i********t*******************************t*******************t********************************** Ite.ui .90Qq0_EI,EglBrcAL DEPARTMENT Depr! BUTLDTNG Division: 9F /o9 /\9_9-Z _ CHARLTE Acrion I Appn-ron ERNSTIIEn:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT _ Dept: FIRE Division: *******ffi*******i*******t**********t******ff****t******t******************i**************************Jr****t*******ff**t********** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **t***************************************************t*********t****************************************t************************ DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication/ fil,ted out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required. i.s correct. I agree to compty iith the information and pl,ot i:l.an,to.conPty lrith rl'L Town ordinances -and state tavs, and io buitd this structure according io'the Toun,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Building code and other ofdinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL B€ I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Ar 479-2138 OR A OUR OFFICE FROIT FOR HIITSELF AND OIINER l/,rnrfr6 -q-.q7 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-01-02 Job Address: 1,22 E MEADOW DR Status. . .Location.. . : VILLAGE CENTER BUILDING 2Applied. .ParceI No.. : 2101-082-07-008Project No.: APPLICANT QUALITY ELECTRIC & CONTROLS570 32 1/2 ROAD #21, Clifton, CO 81520 CONTRACTOR QUALITY ELECTRTC & CONTROLS570 32 7/2 ROAD #21, Clifton, CO 81520OWNER FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA MI VAIL MANAGEMENT CO, 201 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 8].657 Description: RUN NEW 110 CIRCUT TO BOILER Valuation: 21998.00 t***t**ffiffi***ffi****ffi*t****H****************** FEE SUtlltARy *************r***ff********r********ffit*#************ Etectlical---> 54.00 Totat Catculated Fees---) 57.m AdditionaL Fe!s---------> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 57.00 DRB Fec .00 .00 APPROVED o6 /oe /|ee7 06 / oe /tee7L2/06 /Lee7 Issued... Expires. . Phone: 303242760O Phone: 3Q324276OO Investigation> .00 !,i l,L ca[[----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 57.00 BALANCE DUE---- ****i****t******t**t*t*******f,*t*tt****r****t***ffrH*t****trt*,t*t***t*ffi**t**ffi*t*t*tt*tffi******ff*t**t****ffi**ff.**t*ffi* Ite.ni .06Q00_EI,EqTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:06/o9/!997 CHARLTE Act:.onr-ApFn-ron ERNSTIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***ffit*****************-t***f,l"*ft***t****i**ffi*'r,t*****t****fi*******************ffiffi*******t**tffi*ffi*******ff CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *!t**ffi******!t*iffi***ft*trtffiffi'r**tt*****t**ttt*****t***********ttffi**********ff**ttff*ffi**ff******ffit*******ffiffi*H**** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrtedge that I havc read.this appl.ication, fil.ted out in fut! the information requi red, compl,eted an accurate p[otp[an, and state that atl the information provided as requi red is conrect. I agree to conpl,y with the information and pl,ot ;:tan,to conPty with al'[ Town ordinanccs and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure according io the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design review approved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ord'inances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoIIS SHALL BE I'IADE T[,E]{TY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2138 OR AT oUR oFFICE tROtt 8:00 Att 5:OO ptl SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FON HIISELF AND OIINER JUN- O-97 FRI 15II5 OUAIITY ELEC. / AHS ro*lir-t" r I, tE pEox.to.r-l-otv-DEpt.'ii:;.:l'f,l'jftn*';i@Wry . Agplite'ntrtrqr tDR! EB lr!fi@ oulD SIEI8TEIJC @ Itf rolf, mf An acEflEUa,f$****'*'***t****'r*l#r**r* ERII:! UoE6cril .ll***l**.rr.fffi.***rrrc*i*,rl t l-DdlclJtE r l-Dlretus t/-rrectri,cir "1 l."areadnlbar t l-otlcF _-rorr warr lllhg 6iUc n":u,t Lgral DE6Olr4DiEl@i Ia!_., gl,oolr_ pll o'adr' ra'es ll4q rr*$t#g* ffi,** elrEhttese - fr:' .radre€cr P.02 PACE C/E nrffir t -. , nuDerr of facouodatfon EAttrr cenctal Drrcriyti.qre IloEf Clsas! C l-ller t l-AltaEattdr t t_AitCi,tIoDNt t l_re!rf= g/1llurbcr ol Onrlltng Unitsi r"i EllIIE of Fia€lrhes3 Grs l5plhnoes_ cas 169|g_ rooqrrFcl.t€t_**r**.r**.rHir***ar.*r***l*alaaa* vzlltlllEtqtlr" arraltaa l**t***t't.1.t!t*atl*aa**at** EIesEri.cafll&assi :,![orra of VlaLl naE. l]O.Pb,one ltu&cr: ti*ilui ilff!# contraqror:srrD of Vall n!gf. lto.Dtone l|iuDerl - k- t{.6'bErrtorl .cogl llum of VatJ,Ittcrrssr Ihqrre lrnbbeat r'.-, - Ji-g?E -r**tif aaaaatlll*-**a*!F.*,r+trt-rErrDtrsc s@ftr EE:IPB OEIICI !g! ..*a**r*****,lr**r*-3r_..8.a**|EEET-tlqgnrc ieuurr retsrGqllltlcll, ER[![ 143EII4IRIGAI. EBBsal|r |!!Dtt ol tEE:EB TEB: AIlIJDnrc pItU Cmcf, EBc -PlPElE[c prer ecscr rrriECA.rIICAL Tr.rf Cgr:* eS:.RBCRBA:ITOII EEE3qlEl[{rt D!DOSI|IrE?IAL gElgD EESs ErIDNTC'SlqllllE!t zoSfnlgt SIGttAl.DGs EIEEDIEGTl =_ EI&IRTcf,t;ttary?*fTjT*;r- *qiffiffi?re Sffi: fHHit:HHffiI*r**"'r ffio.c'd urrmr;rm rl**.**.+**r**rrrr*rrr*tlf***eddrare: 3S3^"9f.-$ LE. tto-_FA6e Xtnbar: JIJN- 6-97 FRI 15116 OUAIITY ELEC, / AHS I .rrii-os-a? ll.ea Faoil.ron,G'D"'v-E6pa.'1:Y;.:l3ryn' P. 03 PAtrE fu'E ffiff.ffi"ffiffir - ;:ffi-:ffi"Tltr3""rffif:.lt tftlr deprrtuent to exlreorc tbir . +f.tr unda:'fgnea' undsnsbtd the plarr elreci riiuc*ruie r," ,,-c.. ?t$linfiDg.tEqlrldoodogm OGI 479-?rgE or 4z9.,Zltg ElrItDI[e PEmfiI rssutlcE rilE FRAIiE ollEl!tEEE|Vd||tcFHO t 't, iirr ,,..'t . ,:rr lr...l t... itil- 6-97 FRI 15:15 ,tA5|Er."Ec./AHs FAx ]s. s?ou3sr SUAUTT ELECTKIC & CONTROIS, INC. P.O. BOX 1172 GRAND TUNCNON, CO 81502 9Vt1t+7W FAC gIdIIE TRANSMT$ilON SHFJ:T rct {zd-l7y'-Aan P. 0t tu 4-i-fr Tlwdrygfo: 6-- r/&/ /.^*,"^+* ?.rhfr.-l Atat /lufu . ?ot .-. _ Pages Ttazfinlaod hrffig lhts &eet : Conwmt ,,'$;i"nl :1'.l: 1., #ry-::llJ"T:'.,i3;.iJlf,'il hru tt-lltiEtE rU!f,*ralof,laEB!* /r79-2lFg or f79-2t!9 P. 04 FAGE 006C ocl|inr[qt{.r5tnil ![ro: PBOU: DilEE: MIBG!t ffiffi cmulmlr.ersinbrauutu tloxn o v:arr. EnEEIc TffitE/cotnmxff D8g:Eomgil! tnncE 36, tgSE GiillBlltt,qrrtr Dt@ & lnmBEa& amnrcE $LiffiflirffE"-rb. q-rtat€€ t'at ir-is Er,,.avtrr ror auv ffi*ffi:".Ixrk r'ff;.'"rr,H m p*a atE'u eabonf€dg3A ryr . J[JN- 6-e7 FRr l5rt7 0UolITy ELEC. / AHS FAI{ N0. s704AFsl - JUN-Df-i? lt r to pRot r.o.rl-o=r-DEpT. ,o,"rr"J.t.r fliEil(,lrAilquu P.05tAoE sra ffi FHOII: DAIE FE: AtraorrHAErOF$' lplyr{ oF vAtL prr8trcwoHt(8 DEPAETuENTtfAYq fis4 WHEil A ?UBUC WAY FERI.|. E REOUIRED ,fob t'lanre:DGi .' Pbe utlngilts nred0rapufficf,Tryhdnfi} t) b$bi rwrBaUErE? g, Irdfnotuon$rortbehgperformedrhdlequint rhr usaof-th3 rlght Ol u,a!t. easemenls Or pr.bic toroertbf? 9t tt any'ranny rrortt nee&d? a) bthe ddvmrybdng |Gpaued? 5l b dmtrnt sqr3 medbdb siledrcrthsr er&ilrg dtwrlry?- -_ 6) le-sqf &alte w|s bCrE .tonc€ttecfltlg lhe ttght d urey, easemems,orFIDFPropotil? n b e.Fnocebb Hbftr O Way permir., le<xrltcd?. S) +-_ b.th. Aghof sii,.rlen||n8orprroF propryV-lo_lc ,"Lb tur,-s*i;{,. paddng orbndtq, B. I ngtg 8A, tg a Daddnd- ir.nri-ffiFffiJilH.,ffi .E !p (/ llluJ luila€dyas t t htn rutd ard afuil,Emd d UD sbore Sr€Ffiorp. ,U t*r44 fr*6rr,rL aAJU|| REPT131 A6/e4/97 67 r57 'u TDh,N oF VAIL! coLoRADo REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTIUN I^,ORK SHEETS FORz 6/e4/i7 PAGE 7 AREA: D5 Hctivity; Addr"e s s : Locat i on: Farce I r Descr iptionl Appl icant: Own er' : Contract on: Inspeet i on Reqt te stRequestorl ROB Req Timer Gl:tl6 Item,s requested to EO39O MECH-Final M97-r4069 , 6/44/97 Type: B-MECHlEE E NEADOI^J DR VILLNGE EENTER BUILDING EK 81 O 1 -ra8e-47-OAB REF'LACE HEATING BOILER LUNSFORD B,ROS. MECHANICAL. FERRISS STEF.HEN ALAN & RITVA LUNSFORD dROS. MECHANICRL 5tatu1 r ISSUED Constr': AAFT Occ: Use: Fhone t 97il-94E379b F,hone: Fhone z 97084?379& Infornation.,.,. -" F,hone: 970-E4E-$79O Connent s:be Inspected... Aet i on Conrnents Tine Exp I n s.pect i on Itemr Iten: History..,.. A€t34O MECH-ltlisc.A6/'t9/97 Inspeetor: DS 00394 ilEtrH*Final ( ! \*;,:,.TIbt i ON : AF.F.R Btr I LER TOWN OF VAIL)s s. FRoNTAGE RoADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 Description: REPLACE HEATING BOILER Fi rcphc. lnf ormtion: Restrictcd: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT tVonF rEO s-b-q7c9. JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M97-0069 APPROVED 05 /o6 /Lee7 0s / 06 /ree71r /02 /Lee7 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Addre6s...: 122 E MEADOW DRLocation : VTLLAGE CENTER BUILD]NG 2KParcel No..... : 2101-082-07-008Project Number: Status. . .App1ied..Issued...Expires. . APPLICANT LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone:2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505 CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone: OWNER 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81505 FERRISS STEPHEN ALAN & RITVA M* VAIL MANAGEMENT CO, 2O]. GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 97 024257 90 97 024257 90 8L6s7 65, 000 .00 fof Uood/Pal. Lct: ffiffiffi***tt***}ffit****ffiffir*ffi FEE SUtlltARy *ffi*fffiffr***R*ffi**ffiffi*ffi*ffi fof Gas App(ianccs: RestuaFant Ptan Revieu--> DRB Fee-------- TOTAL FEES----- Valuation: fof Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional, Fees---------> 1,628.00 Total Permit FeF-------> llechani ca [---> Pl,an Check---> Investigat ion> UiLt CaL l.----> 1 ,300. m 325.00 .00 5.00 1 ,62E.00 .00 1,628.00 .00 *******ffi********ffiffi*********ffiffi*ffir****ffi****ffii***ffi**************fffl:5-1ff;;;;;;;;;;i*******1iffi.#*** Ite4i ,951q0_EqII_,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:05/06/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAViSItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. E'IELD INSPECTIONg ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. qo!4BusrroN ArR rs REoUTRED pER SEC. 607 0F- rHe-rS9l--uMel-'--'3. INSTALT,ATTON_MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTR0CfIOIIS-aNO. TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UME-._-{. t4EgHANrqA,L ROQM MUST HAVE A ONE HOUR RATED ENCLOSURE5. ALL PENETRATIONS MUST BE PATCHED WIfH AN APPNOVED-F'INTRATED MATERIAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknot', ledge that I have rcad.this apptication, fitted out in ful,l, the information requi red, compLeted an accurate ptotPlan, and state that atl the informttion provided as requi red is correct, I agree to compl,y riith the iniormation and pl,ot itan,to.comply uith atl' Toun ordinances -and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according to'the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, dcsign reviev apPfoved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town afplicabte thereto. REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE }IADE TUENTY-Fo|rR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHON€ Af 479-2138 OR AT oUR oFFIcE FRot{ 8:OO An 5:OO p SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER Ass e s sor Parcel /l . ConEacE EagIe Coun Ey aE 970-328-8640 for ARCEL #: fice OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMTT APPLTCABTON FORMDATE: 5/5197 o PERI.IIT I I eeer,rcATroN Musr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr l,rAy Nor BE AccEprED | '.-' r!\,. ss .. $***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON *****************************I [ ]-Building [ ]-Prurubing [ ]-Electricat fff!-Mechanibal [ ]-other )!'nerSNane:vIrffi.Address;124t{i11owbr1dgeRoad'Va1iIrp5.970-476-1450 \rchitect: BEAUDIN-GANTz Address: P.O. BoX 39 Vall , Co. 81658 p1.970-949-6108 j ieneral Description: tob Name: YArL VILIACE CENTER BUILDING CJob Address: 120 Wtllow Bridge Road vaiL, co. 8L657----- ,L.<4tav_ 4/\Legat Description: Lor_ ffi_-J riiirs ,u* REPLACE ITEATING BOILER o'Iork class: [ ]-New focl-arteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair t l-other lumber of Dwelling Units: N/A Number of Acconmod.ation Units: N/A lrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-N/A Gas Logs N/A Wood/pellet N/A '********************************* VALUATIONS ********************************* IUILDING: $EI,ECTRTCAL: S UECHANf cAr, : $TSU0f.Tf-OTIIER: $ rorAL: $-66001T---LUMBfNG: $ *************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORI.IATION *** ******* * ******* **** *****eneral Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._ddress: _ lectricat Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._ddress: - -- runbins conrracro", r*"r.* r*r"r-ffi *.r;;:".IIr,' -." -,ta- idress: 2481 Comrerce g 505 phone Number: f ******************************FOR 'TLDING PERMTT FEE: IUMBING PERMIT FEE: ICHANTCAL PERMIT AEE: .,ECTRICAII FEE: ]HER TYPE O8 FEE:IB FEE: lnments: oFFICE USE ** *** ** * ******* ************ **** BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: ,EAII I'P DEPOSIT BEIIITID !O: o luwn n llal 75 3oulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2t38 or 479-2t39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VArL TOr{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STONAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, ,""f., sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash iumpsterl , pori.Ute toilets andworknen vehicres. upon any srreetl siaewaixl -;ii;y or publicplace or anv nortion theieof. rrre rigtrt-";-;;t-;n arr Town ofVail streetl ina,:g"g= is .fproxinatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wir] be. =triE[iv--lnforced by the Town of vairPubric works Department. pers6ns found vi;raiin; this ordinancewirr- be given a 24 hour writien-'n"ti""-t"*;;;;:'""id materiar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-"""rprv with thenorice within rhe 24 hour.tG;-;;;;iii;;,"tn.-iii[ric worksDepartrnent wirl remove said mateii"t "t itt"-'""p""se of personnotified. The provisions "r tti=-"iai""."I ;ff5ii'not beappricabte to c-onstruction, ..iri"r.rce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities i; t;"-;i!fri_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, prease stop by the Tolrn ofYlil P"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rrrant you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. ositionTnela€EiEirip-(i.e. contractor, owner) lnwn 75 roulh fronlage rold u!ll, colorado 81657 1303', 479-2138 0t 479-2L39 olllco ol communlly devclopment BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME lf ltir peryit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineerrs. (.publ ic wopks) reyiew ano ipp"ovai,' i piaii,iini'bepartment' review or Health Departmint ieview,-rn[ a_review by the BuirdingDepartment' the estinated time tor'a-totat review may take as longas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail) and ail multi-famiry permits wiilhave to follow dtre ioove mention"J muiirur requirements. Residentiarand small projects shourd take a teiier amouni of-[imel'Honever, ifresidentfal or smailer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepa rtments wi th regard' to- necessii-y- revi ew, -il,,.i. i""j".ii' *valso take the three-weef peiioa. Every attempt wilr be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as spon as possib'l e. - -- v'!r-Y' er e' I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. *N.rL\ftsr- C"rL".' Conmuni ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public properly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ts a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? A. ls the righl of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community I have read and answered the above questions. Contracto/s Signature 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 8) Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applicalions may be obtained at therPublic Work's office or atCgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-21ffi Date \,.tc.Ca"&""- 2) 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit apolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at either community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Boad or Public Works, located at 13Og Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all tratfic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc..). This plan will expire on oct, 1Sth. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan tor the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public work's construction lnspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pleasil allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public way Permit" with a "Buitding Permit" tp do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The.above. process is.for work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 1Sth.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) 5) 6) 7) cdplt ay I! o o 75 soulh hontlg€ ni.d vrll, colorrdo 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) t17gl.2130 ofllce ot community deuelopmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUII.DERS Effbctive June 20, ]-99L, the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveroped the following procedures to ensure that new tonstructionsites have adeguateJ-y established proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of VaiI roads or street.s. The Town of Vail Pub1ic Works Department witl be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccesa points frorn the road or street on to the constr-uction site.such approvaL must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please call 4'?9-2160 toreguest an inspection from the pubric works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. AIso, Lhe Town of Vail Publ-ic Works Department witl be approvingafl final drainage and culvert. installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prlor toFj.naI Certificate of Occupancy issuance.