HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 3HTOI^/N OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H ParcelNo....: 21,0708207010 Project No...: owNER KORNFEI_,D, IRWIN - KORNFEI_,D, L2/O7/2O0O I,II.[DA R. TRUST 420 MONROE DEIVVER CO 80206 Lricense: Appr_,rcANT o'HAT,LoRAN CONSTRUCTION CO L2/07/2O0O P.O. BOX 756 MINTI]RN, CO 8154 5 License: coNrRjAcToR o'ItAr-,r,oRAN coNsTRucTroN co a2/07 l2ooo P.O. BOX 756 MINTI'RN, CO 8L645 L,,icense : 44'7 -B Desciption: REPAIRWATER DAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPE Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0341 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 72/07/2000 Issued...: 1.2/08/2000 Expires...: 1.0/04/2001. Phone: 303-321-2550 Phone:303-827-9500 TO Com Dev. Clean-up p bit Refund ev.a Valuation: Fireplace Information: Building---> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--> R1 Multi-Family II-FR ?? $21,000.00 Restricted: YES 5255. OO Restuarant Plan Review-> $15s .7s DRB F€e--> S0.00 RecreationFee--> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit--> TOTAL FEEg-_--_> Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: 0 0 # of Gas I-ogs: 0 Wood Pelleh s0.00 s0.00 $0.00 $100.00 952 3 .75 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee--> Payments-----_.-;' BALANCE DUE----_> i523.15 so. 0o s523.15 s0.00 Approvals:I€em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI L2/o7/2ooo KWARREN t2/o7l2ooo cDAvrs Item: 05400 PLAI{NING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI Item: 05500 PtIBLIC WORKS ROIITED TO CI{ARIJIE SEE COI{DTIONS Action: AcEion: NO AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENry-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: O'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO ORAT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 SIGNATURE OF OWNER O CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET \ PAGE 2 Permit #: 800-0341 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 03-08-2002 Status: ISSLIED PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 1,2/07/2N0 Applicant O'HALLORANCONSTRUCTIONCO Issued: l2/M/2000 303-827-9600 To Expire: 70/04/2W7 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H Parcel No: 210108207010 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPE Conditions: Cond:12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMSAND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.5.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004514 ANY AND ALL STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS EXTIOSED DTIRING REPAIR MUST BE PROPERLY FIREPROOFED Entry: 10/04/2001, By: cdavis Action: AP roWxorven 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H Pmcel No....: 210108207010 Project No...: ovtNER KORNFELD, rRwrN - KoRNFELD, !2/07/2000 LINDA R. TRUST 420 MONROE DENVER CO 80206 LicenEe: CONIRACTOR O'HAI-,IJOR,AII CONSTRUCTION CO L2/07 /2000 P.O. BOX 755 MrNruRN, co 81645 License:447-B Appr.rcAtflr o'ItAJ.LOR.jAliI coNsTRucrroN co a2/07 /2000 P.O. BOX 756 MrNruRN, CO 8154 5 LicenEe: Desciption: REPAIRWATER DAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPE Occupanry: Rl Multi-Famib TypeConstruction: II'FR TypeOccupancy: ?? Permit #: 800-0341 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 1210712000 Issued...: 12108/2000 Expires...: 06106/2001 Phone: 303-321-2550 Phone: Plrone:303-827-9600 Valuation: $6.000.00 Fireplacc lnformation: Rcstricted: YES # ofcas Applirnces: tt*i**tttlrttttt*ta'taaaaa*lta,lat*rrrlttarr***r*rtl'lla*r*****rlaattllr Builrting-> Flos.oo Reshrarart Plan Review-> So.o0 Totsl calculal€d Fees-> 5296 '25 Plan Check-> 968.2s DRB Fee--.__> 92o.oo Additional Fees-> 90'00 InvestigariorF> to . oo Recreation Fee--> 90 . OO Tolal Permit Fe+-> 5295 '25 Will Csll-> S3 . oo Clean-up Dep6it-> Sloo . o0 Palmods--> 3296 '25 TOTAL FEES-> i2e6 .2s BALANCE DUE-> $0 . 00 a'taaa'tl*laila**|tI Approvals:It6m: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMENI !2107/2000 KI{ARREII Action: NO L2/07/2000 CDAVIS Action: AP ITEM: O54OO PI-,AI{NING DEPARTMNflT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMNI Item: 05500 PITBL,IC WORKS to| ? 616 r€ DEPARTMENToFCOMMUNITYDEVELoPMENT t/ Utl ItY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date J4- TUDf AddSqFt: 0 0 # ofGas t gs: O # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY t,r'ratra,tttraatttttaa',atttaa't:tttrtrttt**tr|.ttt'r*r'rr**t*:rrt"' ROUTED TO EHARLIE SEE CONDTIONS |'||*.|....||t.t||.|||'...|||'|.|***||||l|...||||..|||..|tt...|*|'.|*****lt|t..*'|||||.|||'|'|.||t|*...**|..t||.i*|*||i'.*.*..| See pa3e 2'ofthis Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Tovm applcable thueto. RIQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLTR HOTJRS Send Clean-up Deposit To: OTIALI-ORAN CONSTRUCTION CO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioq filled out in full the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, anO to uula us strucure according to G towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip review approvod" AT OllR OFFICE FROM 8:00 Alvl - 5 PM. MIBN ON CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2 ****************'t*+**rt*+***t**'|***'tl'*l************'l't*l****************+*!t******************'i***'|*t**tl** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: B00-0341 asofl2'08-2000 Status: ISSUED * * **'i ** * * +'trt * | * *rt* * t ** +:i*** * ** * ***{t l.l * * * * * * * * ** *i* * * * {. tt't** * * tt * * * i.*'t** * ** * * * tt* ** * *'t** ** * * * **** * tl'}* * *tl* *'f * PemitT)rye: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 12107/2000 Applicanr o'HALLORAN CONSTRUCTION CO Issued: l2lo8l20oo 303-827-9600 ToExpire: 0610612001 JobAddress: 122 EMEADOWDRVAIL Location: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H ParcelNo: 210108207010 Description: REPAIR WATER DAMAGE DI.]E TO BROKEN PIPE Conditions: Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQI.NRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI.NRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3 10.6.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0004514 ANY AND ALL STRUCTI.]RAL ELEMENTS E)POSED DI.JRJNG REPAIR MUST BE PROPERLY FIREPROOFED O'HAI.I.O BA|ll [0il$tR lJ ilt0tl Septerrber 18,2001 TownofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail" CO 81657 Re: Restoration Repairs, Various Units, Village Center, Building C 120 Willow Bridge Road, Vail, CO, PERMIT # 800-0337 To WhomltMayConcern: Here are the original unit numbers, parcel numbers, owners narlrcs and original valuation anounts for the permits iszued in December, for Village Center, Building C, 122F,. Meadow Drive, Vail" CO, perrrits. Original New Amomt Amomt Mountain Consuuction Specialists Post Office Box 756 Minturn, CO 81645-0756 97o-827-9600 rEt 97 0-827 -9202 F^x Permit #Unit # Owne,r Paroel # lH TrentR Campbell,Jr. 210108207002 9200.00 62,0002H PegiDeFeo 210108207006 7200.00 51,0003H Irwin Kornfeld 210108207010 6000.00 21,000 lJ Rog€rDroel 210108207003 8900.00 54,000CqnmqrAreas 210108208000 4900.00 16,000 Code Upgrades, Electrical are $45,000. Please call ifyou have any questions. ffir+- FttrLog Btn-0341 800-0340 800-0337 Best Regards, RECD SEP 19 2OO1 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Building Permit #: IOWTiWVAIL 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 frru,,a)(ffice at 97O-328- 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are req uire.d for electrical, plumbing, mechanical. etc,! Contact Aswsrc (ffice at 97O-38-8&O or visit for Parcel # Parcel #,-.>I UIL\tt 2ilo ib N '*rzl LLftLE UNrtrre 3/t Job Address: Btt i t-D llJe C--- ----l# lllur,ti 6eta€ z,t> Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll Fiting:Subdivision: ownersName: I. (.Dphr F€Ut fl ndaress:)g1,V EZ, aO ]W Architect/Designer: tll fn f Address: ^ 1 Al\/ ,q Phone: L, Q.Ensineer: NUJ| llndoress: lJ,. fr .Phone: N,ft , Detailed description of work:lV/m/- 0tu1d/tt/- , /,+ntlrta/a Fnnuzt tilffirL A r,tu4 rfda WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair(g) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No X Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multr-famif \!Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1r' A)No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Nsffype q[ Itreplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (X '7.t) No/Type olfteplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Woodipellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAlarmExist: Yes([ No( ) ll DoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No()... COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ hrffi ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $ro'IAL:S 6/e?O REFUND cLEANUn Dlpostr rot fJl+n ULL{r1J I 4,1:a-tpy(fl 0L ( {' CONTMCTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: / 01t A tLu Bnv I tL\TtuKnat t . Town of Vail Reg. No. 44c - 13 Contact and Phone #'s: 9,41-tluntt .nn-4rc7 Contractor Signature: / \)rKl ************ *---- - -I-.g[],****** ** * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * r. * * * * * ** * *** ** ** * * * ** * * * * ** * * *'r ** * Otlrer Feesl DRB Fees: !,qt''DrU 0 ? l0iJrlF:/everyoneforms/bldgperm $ T0i/-c-01!:D€1/rl 1o-o4-2tx)l Inspection Request ReOorting7;.Q3-sm__ ____*vd[L*ca._:.ToHfir]nF____-'.* Faequestrd tnspect Dtte : Inrp€idon Are.!: si|teA(ldrussi Tyn€. A--MF OccuF€rrr. R€ouccbd lnloccdori(sl ttsn: 90 BLItg+h.l Roouador:Conhrmlr: BT-L FIAK O,I.J SITE ANYNME A83lond To: CDA\rll- Ac{on: Tlm3 Exr, |nsp€cdgn HlshrY It m: 60 Th irrsday. O!"tober O{. 2001co '2E E ilEADOW OR VAIL 122 E MFADOII' OR SLOG C SH sut' TyFT. AlvtFtjse: IFFR Phorie: 30+321-?56L\ Fhonr; 30&8?7-9600 Requ€sted T|m;: 0E:00 Alf,- Phona: Ent rsd [tu: JiTONDRAGON ISSUED.cD A4PrD lniormruon Aclhdty: Const T!D€:P!|Ed: Ornct:Confxtor:Appllc.nt. Dadclgdbn: BOCF(}3{I 2101084070ro Snus: h,3p Arco: KORNFELD. IRhfFI - XOffNFELD OHALLORAN COiFTRISTION CO CTHA,LLORAN CONSTRUCTTON COREPAR WATER OAIIACE IIJE TC BNOKETI PIPE 1l t. ,{ Itsm: 10llcm: 20fbflr: 30lFm; 50 BLDeFoollno|/steelBLD&For'|ddon/Sieri BLDG-FramlmBLm'-fF{ld6n -'AtDrosso * 02t1UOl lilptcror. CDAVIS A{riorr. AP APPROVEDComnpnb: ^LSOAFFROVEDBACIT BXIM; FOR CEli-thl6 CAIISELDGSheenock Na[ '- Ae'prwsd "02lz$0i firtordo{: cdflrl3 . Acrion; AF APPROVEDBLDEMbc. BLDC'Flnd UNrr ?IF WYt-0339 .? r lIEf HYXnu6D lIlA;/ | 'ftl | |y! lffir: ruSem: S) REPT131 RrJn lct;c 987 .rT. "tI -l li I TOWN OF VAILFIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAI. SPECIAI.,ISTS OF WESTERN COI.,ORADO, LLC P.O. BOX 15?2 STLVERTHORNE, CO 8049S L,icenae: 151-S APPIJICANT COMMERCIAIJ SPECIAL,ISTS OF WESTERN COIJOR',ADO, IJJC P.O. BOX 1572 SrL\TERTITORI{E, CO 8049S L,icense: 151-S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL [,ocation.....: 122 E MEADOW DRBLDG C #3H ParcelNo...: 210108207010 ProjectNo : ?f66>-oi3t2 OWNER KORNEELD, IRWIN - KORNFELD, 0L/t0/2001 Phoner 303-321-2550 LIIIDA R. TRUST 420 MOIIROE DEMTER CO 80205 Iricense: Totsl CslcN.rlatod Fees-> Additional Fees--> Tobl P€rrnil F€€-> Paymerts-_-> BAI,{}ICE DUTE-> A0l-0005 ISSTJED 0l/10/2001 0210912001 08/08/2001 993 . oo 90.00 s93 . Oo $93.00 90.00 0L/L0/200L Phone: 9?0-513-7100 0t/L0/200! Phone: 970-513-?100 Desciption: REPAIRWATERDAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPE Valuation: $4,112.00 t*'l||||..t1.*tf**|||.|l|||||''.|tt||||...'.|...tl.|........|||||*.t*FEEsl'MMARY||||'|||||lt.l*|'|'}:|:,.i,l'|.ll||||||'||.|...r|..|.''.'|......t* El€cb'ical-> DRB Foe-> Itrv€stigatior}-> will cdl-> TOTAL FEES-> 990.00 s0.00 s0.00 93 .00 s93 .00 Approvals:I€,Am: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMSIT 0L/25/20O1 MVAITGHAII Action: AP .|f'll|||l''li|.||t...''i....t|''',li'}'}*|'.''|'|||,..|''''|'|||.||'||''.''}tt|..||l'.|.'r|.||t||.|l||..'t||'..:r.|||.!.|l'J.ll|||.|...!t.i|....| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL iltt||Itaa,lttaaataaa*llttal}rrr{rala DBCLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in frrll the information reguired, compl€ted an accurate plot pla4 and state tltat all the information as reggired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot ptaq to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto' NEQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SEALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AI'VAIICE BY FROMadnAM-5Pll{. SIGNATT]RE OF CTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE rhb WorkCls:Nety() Addition( ) Rentodel( ) Repair() ReEq-fft(x)Other ( ) Type of Bldg.:Single-famiV( ) Two.fiamiV( ) Multi-famiV( )Comrsctrl0()Resburant () Outer( COIIIPLETE YALUATIOIIS FOR ALARII PERIIIT (1ADOr i IIATCT|AIS) Fire Alarm: $4, ttz. E * **r Irr*.r*i**t***r r*r*!i*..*****ttrr*riFCrR OFFICT USE OiILY*frt*r** *..**lti. tl* I **.*t*tia* l..trr I t,\(l I /l ,n'rl.lF\l\'l i rr /_ri'JL : ti r,r-.;{:if .il8V. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E0l-0002 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H Applied . . : 0t10212001 ParcelNo...: 210108207010 Issued. . : 0l/08/2001ProjectNo: pQ.lOD.O33tr Expires..: O?l07l2OOl Olf![ER KORNFELD, IRWIN - KORNFELD, OL/O2/2O01 Phone: 303-321-2550 IJINDA R. TRUST 420 MONROE DN\rER CO 80206 L,icense: CONTR.ACTOR MAXIVIOT ELECTRIC 0L/02/200L Phone: 970-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8r.62 0 License: 250-E APPLICM I,IAn!{OT EIJECTRIC 0L/02/2OOL phone: 910-926-0990 P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 8L520 License: 250-E Desciption: REPAIRWATER DAMAGE DLIE TO BROKEN PIPE ELECTRICAL REPAIR Valuation: $2,000.00 FEE SIIMMARYElectical-> S5O. oo Tolal Calculaled Fees-> S53 .00 Additional F€€s--.._>s0.00 Total pelmit Fee_> SS3 . 00 Payrnenls--> S53.00 BALANCE DLIE->s0. oo DRB Fce-> Inv€stigalion-> will chll-> 90.00 90 - 00 93.00 TOTALFEES-> S53. OO Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT 0r/02l2oo]- JRr[ Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT AcLionr AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 FIELD INSPESIIONS.ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the information as required is corrc,ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tov,'n ordinances and state laws, urd to build this sEucture according to the tov,'ns zoning and suMivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESITS FOR INSPECTION SHAIJ BE MADE TWENTY-FOTIR HOURS AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHMSELF AND OWNE APPI.JCATTOil W[.T NOT BE ACCTPTTO IF rilCO[fPT.ETE OR U Pruject #: Building Perinit #:-E-o?t!! ElecUic5l Perrnit *: 97 O47:}-2JL49 (Inspections) NMIWYAN 75 S. Frontrse Rd-'Vail, Coloeado 81557 AwsOflIeat forhrcet'# COMPIETE SQ. FEET FOR llELll Bl[lDS and VAIUA]TIOI|S FOR ALL OaERs (bbor & Merials) Afrcur.rToF sQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVAUJATION: $ 2AO.* COITTRACTOR IilFORIIATIOTI Parcel #no bldg. permit # is providid abore) Z t OlOg?A ? Ol O JobNane VtLcAGe-Job Mdress: workType tnterorff) E<terior( ) ryt( )DoesanEHUedstdUrslocatbn: Yes( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: gngle-family ( ) Duplex ( ) ttultsfirmiyt f Comrsciil ( ) Reshurant ( ) qtrer( ) No. of Aornnrodabon Unils in thb building: Is thls permitfor a hot Orb: Yes ( ) l.lo De a Fire Alarm Erisb Yes (a Firc Sprinkler Sysbm Existr Yes (\g) No q"3 -o1?o .:()Eats.Rieecivrid: r DRBF€i:*.Acaiiled:Btr:ltiff: ,, 7'd r 9e6- az8-oe6 su t uronS ui',loc TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: FOO-0046 srE mco-6lu?Fe $qnenrre Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED lncation.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H Applied . . : l2ll2l}}C/l ParcelNo...: 210108207010 Issued. . : 1211512000 hojectNo : P?!Ob' OAAb Expires. .: 06fi3t2001 OVINER KORI{F'EIJD, IRV|IN - KORNF:ELD, 0L/04/2O01 phone: 303-321-2550 I.I}IDA R. TRUST 420 MOI{IROE DEIIVER CO 80206 Iricenee: COI{TRACIOR PHOESIIX FIRE PROTECIION 0L/04/20OL Phone: ?L9-486-01-88 711 ITAXRISON, I'NIT B IIEADVILLE, CO I0461 Lricenee:226-Vl APPLICANT PHOEDIIX PIRE PROTEeIION 0t/O4/200t phone: ?19-486-018S 711 ITAXRISON, I'NIT B IJEADVILLE, CO 80461 ticense:226-ltl Desciption: INSTALL SPRINKLER SYTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2.500.00 Fircplace lrfocnafion: Regbiced: # ofGas Appliances: 0rrr|rar,raaaa.a.,ra,r'ra*a'raararrraaararaaa,r,ttaaaa'a'ar'ra'aaa'ra'raarr**rr'r*lr FEE SUMMARyMcchanical-> S60.00 R€stulrarn Phn Review-> Plan Check-> S15 . 00 DRB Feo--> # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pelle{: 0 So. oo Tolal Calcul ed Foes.-> S78.00 S0 .00 Additionrl Fe$--->s0. 00 lnvectigatict-> will crll->s3.00 BALANCE DI'E->$0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMEIIT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPAR1'I{EI{T L2/L2/2OO0 PER UCGEE Action: APPR PER MIKE MC13EE IN OFFICE VERBAL ON L2/L2/00 CONDITION OF APPROVALCorrd: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR3D TO CHECK FOR CODE EOMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiorl filled out in firll the information required, complet€d an ac{urat€ plot plaq and stEte that all the infomation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply wi0r all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the tovms zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. S0 . 00 mTAL FEES-> S?g . oo Total Peonit Fee--> S78 . 00 Paymcrfs-> 976 .00 REQUESIS FoR INSPECI'ION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLJR HoIJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 oR AT olJR omCE FROM 8:Oo AM - 5 PM. SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF'AND OWNE Depanment of Conmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado E1657 970-479-2138 FAX 970.479-2452 Date: To: From: memorlndum January 5, 2001 Phoenix Fire Protection Attn: Tracy Kathy wanen @ Subject: Corrected Fire Sprinkler permits for Village Center Condo's Tracy, Mike McGee brought to my attention a few days ago that t had accidentally issued mcchanical permits for your sprinkler work at Village Center Condo's. I have voided ttre mechanical numbers and reissued sprinkler numbers. I have enclosed a copy ofeach ofthe correcl permits for your recordi as well as forwarding them to tyt*e MiCnee for his records.. Please refer to these numbers when you have questions or need to rcquestinepcctions. Also, ptease discard the mechanical permits iszued in error. I apologizi for any inconvenience I may have caused. Please call me if you have any questions atgTO-47g-2325. cc: MikeMcGee PnojcctFile - P85e'. o33o - Koesssr.o Town of Vail Finance {9"tn"uor^*o TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Pennit #: Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : Location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H Applied . . : ParcelNo...: 210108207010 Issued. .: hojectNo : Expires. .: OWNER KORNFEtD, IRWIN - KORNFELD, t2/12/2000 phone: 303-321-2550 LINDA R. TRUST 420 MONROE DEMIER CO S0206 License: COIITRACTOR PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 711 MRRISON, IJNIT B ITEjADVII-,LE, CO I045L License:226-M APPI-,ICAIf,T PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTIO}T 711 HARRISON, I'NIT B IJTADVILLE, CO 80461 Licenge:226-Vl t2/I2/2000 Phone: 719-486-0188 12/L2/2OO0 Phone: ?19-485-0L88 Desc$on: INSTALL SPRINKER SYSTEM PER CODE BY ORDER OF THE FIRE MARSHALL Valuation: $2,500.00 fireplace ldonnalion: Rcfic'ted: Y FEE SIIMMARY --) .(r^JLC(,2\>''| \ ^/'Ur'^l-1,. CXr t/ t2f L,* M00-0165 ISSUED raw2000 rut5t2000 06n3t2001 # ofGas Applirnces: 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of Wmd Pcllct" 0 Mcchanical-> Phn Chock-> lnv€stigation-> will calt-> $60 . 00 Rodrara Plan Rsvi€w-> $15.00 DRB Fee'-> so. oo ToTALFEES > s3.00 90.00 s0.00 s?8.00 Totrl Calctlood Fees--> A&litiqnel F€€s-> Tolal Peonit Fee-> Paymenls---.> BAL{}ICE DU|E_> 97E . OO s0.oo 978 .00 s78.00 90.00 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARll{n[I L2/L2/2OOO MC13BE Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS Cond: 22 COIIBUSTION AIR IS 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 INSTAIIATION MUST CONFORI'I TO !,lAlIItFACl'ttRES INSTRUCTIONS Al[D TO CHAPTER 10 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 ARE REQUIRED REQUIRED PER Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL TO C:IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 OF TIIE OF TTIE GAS APPIJIANCES SHAIJIJ BE VBITED ACCORDING TO CIiAPTER I Ar.ID SI{AIJIJ TERMINATE AS SPEEIFIED IN SEC.SO5 OF THE 1997 T'I{C, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 ACCESS TO HE,ATING EQUIPMESIT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH CIIAPTER 3 A}ID SEC.1O17 OF THE 1997 IJMC AND C]IAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC, Cond: 31 BOILERS SIIAIL BE MOIJIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I'NLESS LISTED FOR MOI,NTING OI'I COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 PERMIT,PLAIiIS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHAITICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AN I}ISPECTION RSQI'EST. Cond: 30 DRATilIAGE OF MECHAIIICAIJ ROOMS COIf,IAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SIJPPIJY BOIIJERS SHAI.,& BE EQUIPPED WITH A F].,OOR DRJAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the infomration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaq to comply with all Tovm ordinances and statie laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Unifom Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOI,'RS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE 479-2138 oR AT OUR OmICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. TIJRE OF O ORCONTRACTOR HMSELFANDOWNE 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 816s7 APPTICATION urILL NOT Bt5 r\(:CEPIED IF II{CI]HPLETE OR U Provida H€chanicitl R,oom Lay,cut drawn tD 6€ale tg Include: o Medrantcal Roo,m Dimensibnsc Combu;tion Air D'uct Size and Loiltiono Flue' Vent and tcars Unc grze and I'ocruon o Hetlocl Calqla Equipmr* Cut,/Spcc Shcr:ts Building Perrnit f: Mecfianical Parmlt#: 9TO-479-2L49 ( I nsPections) Permit will no.t lle acceplpd wif,oltt the following: fsrPetdl# 1[omiEl rtrove)-Ao. ogZ: O@ rob Narne: U i \lor*- t*n{- [""J,ui-t-l J''b Addni$s:o r,o',t\o* &-rdo*-iZl. #- LBsatD€scripuon fr totr ll Btock: ILI!!9j SubdMsionl lgsst Phone; Engfieer: --Addrcss:Phne: m'il€d de5oiption of worJc . \.. * L ". Q-\d;.s.- .+\:.."-^- -Stt)t.^t {',."-, Workclas$,: New() Addtuon( ) Altcratbrr ( ) aerelrlQ offter( )--:--::;-.-u-- | ! ' !:'-i BoilarLocauan: Intedor( ) Exterlor( ) other( )[)oes'an iHU exisl at this location: Yes ( ) t'Ip ( ) No. of Exkting Dwellhg Units ln this brtildir€:lloif Atornrnodatiofi Unlts In thb bulldlng: --. No/TVDe of Ereohces Exlstlng: Gas Ap.ltEncegfJ cia*egE'j ) W(xd/Peliet ( 'l -Wood Bumtnq ( ) No/rype of Firtphces Propos€d: Gas APpl'rlnies ( 16 thls a con\erslofl frqm a wood burning fireplac ), Gas Lc,gs t. r!EGt:!i h) an EPA Phfi Wx$/Pellet (wood Bumlng (NOT AIIOWEDI No( :res COHPLETE VALUATION FOtt MECHANICAL PEIRMIT (taUor & Materials) Cec^,\ )19.--!EL.:Qire ?r ****#**#* )F+++*$x* * *'*,1.** * fOR Y.! * ** * ***** * :ts+lt * * !r* ;E * * 3 * r'** * * * F: /cvcryonc/ forrnt/ m edtPerm 1bo" "Slt-l t AEB ffiEEsr6 nmrpGlrr' l\E' Fax : 970-8274n2 ft{$fE tfJ. 't L E{A 242+!14 Jan 22 '01 1b:5J P.w tae., 22 ?&r 04:53P|t P) A & D ASEESTOS AEATDI'IENT' INC' 6t5 WEST WIIITE AVENUE GRANT JUNCTTON, COIJOnADO t130s lstx)-74&r204 N s cq$ -t.-Fl F$- G,"pbss- Pei o. ora/ IN -afrrlicnou neror{T PREP^nED FoR:v\" oHotloran constructios P.O. Bot 7J6 Minturn Colonrlo tl64t-0756 Location: Villagc Ccnrer Cordo units 3II, 2H, ll't tsuilding c \.. .:i i:.:ir.:...:i : .:: j. RBFORT lREfrr.RBD BY: JOIIN&IETSNMAN U\BPBCTORMAN^GBR CERIIFICA?E NO: tz6 190 192 'id*ii*,riiVtTffi I .l.r\,{, ,lfntrJ ! 1ft'*-cqftr.-qry:-i $At[-DcrlD-PE oo-0331undr lto6lfrtn& Fax : 970-827-9202 Jan 22 '01 16:30 P.09 FRDI I Fri.B ASBESTOS qBqTEFENT, tNc' PHuNE N0' i t g?a 2lr2+l,:,'"8 Jan' E zml a4:-isFr !:14 INIBODUCSq*, On Jmlry lt, 2001. an iaspcrltionrsrrrvcy $ti co:rdratcd ead 9 brrlh ramplis r.,otd ',:ollctad frrar thr I/.ELAGBCEiITET CONDOIttm 3H,2H, lHEuildiag C VATL @T,ORADO EI657 la! P.trpotc of $a inrlcstiodlrvcy wai to locrtc ard rarolc sLrpcctcd aibctor cortrurint rt|ltl :fl:i t].t !Di$r b Fca.trr in tbrcc wrcr{rtultcd uiirr. ThG itrlDro(ot| r|/|, me& ood tto r|'nplcs wrrc mllc:led by Joha R. Pet6r|Dra, rr A.H.E,RA. rnd Srec of Colonrdo ccti|Iicd Buildiry lar2cctor. Qrcet cerc vus ralcea during &c Inrpctirn lnd arrnFl&r! trr bc rr rco(utlc.r Dotalblc' ll rhould bq noEd tb rlnirusl dutrfic wlr .lonc lo lhc di$ing buildmg stnlcrr',$r {udtg tte iryx$m eo thcro b no docurnonrrdon for ucsoco cordlrio&! ot !t6rd lterns. At th. requcat otLl€ cliDt tDit rrpol only covon dr. unit! !ir!cd. All rodcr wcr lrrllZcd by DCM Scicncc Leb in Lltor uolt C.jolomdo. Thtr lrt'orrafy is dcorrrd "Pmflcicnf' iB tL El.A. quut Arru'rocc (QA) pmgr*o for rbc dcrerminario! of srbeslol iE bulklurcridr .!d ia aoonded by rho Anrcricarr HygiGoc .{$cucierion (AlilA), SaMELINOfiO?ocor: rr rrnrha umglinE rltlro *u uicd lo rr.nrplc rhe $urp.ot rn$.riats rlor *crp ditsovc&1d. {f during urylrn|rt daDolhio[ or tttlovadon $'d suspccr r!*crirl it discororcrl thar hrsr'r bccn suuplc.l and\^l)itld lcdia$stc4 r/ort aboukl bc hrirql uotil tbr nrrtrir.l bm br=o caed, SlJLlftJY -^rE^ rrBscR r PTTON. Thlr rrpon covrn uritr 3ll. 2tl, and ut brul&ng C of lho V irg. Canrer C(rndo, vail, (btorado. Tbere u'lilrrrc:ivrd-lurq' w-rr -datltgo wnrlr t wotcr srendprJre foze md bmlt. TIro lnrrlor of rhc ruir.r wcrc bsdlycoegcd in thl. llood. lt tt3 !s qar. hrpcpdon nuct of tIo ouort-<tlnagcd ,lebrrr tud beo rtnrowd frorn rhe units iio q*rtion.Usiu.3H, 2ll, rtld I tt rn rll of llkr ccnstrlrcsiqs ud crclz hrdlt it thc sagc rime. No lpp11la1r rrnolrBtio71shfft b'!an d(||r. lo 6c uUrr. 11r icdor yrlb rt stctf,l {udr wirh dghEy l€x$&d shccnock sith soundbserd urider thc shce.,roclt. ?hcr:c l1 mnc po9{ covciag.*allr ia tc rmiu. TL oeirurgs re clpt rcd bcam and ihc?trock aad lidrrly rctnucdrhaagols llk dr *tltr Ttp floort wcrc covecd tor rbc mQtt pan.ritJl calp?: rpi*r 6g,ns cerealid iilc Ird,rbcat visi b oor unir. Tbc hart ir prcvldcd by hpt warer brrcboird Lo*t rhat-rr pratirtcd by r3 Frr.olc bciler. (loltclnrlollll rxE R EcoMME\p^TroN& Lrbonoty rlllnb of rhr t rutnor rrrrcrlolr trt rcrr rctrcd ilrdfust! tbar rrr.o of thc sr6pcsl irr*criakgonuin no t*ltet rtrs trr ratrod stc,snock lsd tbc ,oul|dborrd |,md!r rlr? sbdafock.'Thc ,h4?t vinrl Oootihg co[fdD3 rrbrrtor 6g ia ir crcrss of rbc regulrrory liruft (6rrertr rlrnn l9o), Tbis lLcct vinyl Eusr bcrEnosd rl F," eobndo lagulrdon #t prior to dirorbonc of tbiirultrid. -"ts- Fax,t, !70-{;!2 nHT.lfENT, I !{C. Fr4l'.lE N:r. : r 979 ?.42'FnZA Jan 22 '0r 16130 P.10 Jttv ?2 2-all a4: 56F!l ?t!FRtr1 : RAE fldl€Sr D6 sAflPtEf HS€-00r H9€{O2 H94403 HS-S.0q1 H9e-Od6 H5.8.00€ HS.B.m7 Hg'B408 r{s-l€09 FNNAL€ YEsrllo NO NO NO NO NO t$o No YES YES SAMPLE LOCATIO]I AREA SAiJIPLED FROiI E|!t Brdroom wall lH Mld6lo Bedroom wrll 3Hwlrt ts droom trail 3H Eacl Ecdrosn {rall unit 2l-l wcEr doset urrll unlt 2H Ea6tbrdroom wall 1H Wcu nft|ll dorct Abovo rhrclrock 3h B|'ntlom? fioor 2H oEscRlPTtoil Compotitr sh6ctmck wrllght tcrtsre Co,nporite sh€;trock wrllghtr€rrure tbnporito 6hcctrock */llght lsdure Compositc fha.lrocl wlight terturc Composltc sheet,gcli w/light lc*fure Composlte thcctrcd( dlight texturB compo$ita rhsetroct'rrrrlight terlure gou|ldbolrd Shlct virryr Ne" FRql: Fax : 970-827-9202|..-...'. BE ffiEESTOS qBeTEngdT, l:tC. F€\G N0. i L 97A ?42:+LL23 Jan 22 ',01 15:30 P.lt Jarr. EE Z L ry2s?A4 42 iATFtE I Hg.B-001 H3-8-002 H3-B{03 t'r$t€04 HS.e{O6 HS.e.OO6 HS"E{07 Ht-a'00a Hs-t{09 ASEEStOs IYFE NAD NAD NAD IiAD NAD I\AD NAD NAT) CHRY SAiIPLE RESULTS coLLECTtON DAT!: 1 t1ilt1 DttcilFnox compo6ite shee(rock ev/tighr tedsrs CompoEte shccirock vllght tetrur€ 6mpositc rhr€trccl( vllght r€rruro Com posite shcetruc{ w/ltlht texrurr ConpoCtg shcc$ocf rr/li ght tertnc Comporlie shcotroct u/light tanuro Composlre th€6to€i( w/light tcxturggo{odboaru Sh€et vlnyl tr n v 0 U o 0 0 4 KtY: CHRY. C||ty$ot.NAD . No Atbc8tos Octeclrd S'Sbq.r FRO'I 3 FI&B €SESTG qEaT€ENT, t{c. Fax .: 970-827-9n2 FrO\E t{]. i L gW 242+ LLaA Jur 22 '01 16:35 P.01 Jarr. 22 ?ff|t a.l:sBPt1 Pl4 POTCXTIAL'Oi OIiTURCAT{CE 'AFLCI H$8401 H5-8.002 Hgt 00c H3a€|ol Hg+003H98{6Hs}mt Hg.t40t H5+009 ACC:SttttuwYlt xo POTEI{TUTL cof{TAct H'OH HIOH HIOH HIOH HIGH HICH HIGH IIIGH HIGH II{FLUEilCE YItiA?loTT POTEI{TIAI AIR ERO!ilOil Low LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW L()w LOW LOW tocATEo $l PTEIIUX YTS'NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NA NQ LOW LOW ,LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW LOlv YES YES Yes vEs YES rGs Yts Y€S YES /7 -, \l /), .,-..uA.t."oU9\\ ..1 t\z # tncr : AtB *:Esros qP?rF"nENI, ll{c. Fax : 970-827-9202 P .{thE Nl , ; t g?8 2-421 \L?1\ Jan 2'2 'U1 lbr$u r.Il t!r,. '22 2&r A4is'lF!. t'1.3 tu3FECr f ATtil^L CONOI?|O| S ilPrE| l{s-B-001 tJs€402 H3.B{03 l'1S"8.0(X H3-8.005 H3€{06 HS.g{07 HS€{0t H9-S00C 9UR suR SUR SUR SUR suR suR MtSC MtSC DAMAOE YE5 YES YES YE$ YES YES YES YES NO TYPE OF DAfTIAOE Walcr/Fhy6 rn/a(€rlP ryt Weler/Phys Wrb,r/Phy€ Wator/9hp wste tPhyr w.ter/Phyl W.Fr/FtryE NJA l!?l ot lu3Fac? olr:RALL 1| TEnAL ColtlomoilS BAD EAD BAO BAD B4I) BAD BAD BAO FAIR % 75'rl 75 75 75 7S 7S 76 0 Kff: M'8C - Mlrqll|.naoul 9UR- $uilrclng PflY$ Physisrl f$N€ { s P:EPT131 P.un Id: 358 J>gu N,,4 01-30-2001 Inspection [equqgt Requested lnspect Date: Tuesday, January 30, 20U1hrsuciliunArea: EG' EfieAddress: I22EISEADOWORVAIL 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C #3H A/Pi D hformdlon Ac'tivity: E01-0002 Type: &ELEC Sut, Tvpe. AMF Consl Trpc: Occupa-nb,l: Ube'O*rier: KORNFELD. IPWIN - KORNFELD. Phone: 30$321-2550 ADDlicar : MARMOT ELECTRIC Phone: 97G92&0990Cohlrlctor: MARMOT ELECTRIC Phone: 97&92F0990D6$ndl,on: REPA|R WATER DAMAGE DUE TO BROKEN PIPE ELECTRIUAL REPAIR Slatus. ISSUED Insp Arca: EG Reouested lmpectlon(sl Item: 120 ELEC.RouohRcqucslor: MARITIOI ELECTRIC/JohnCofrrineids: #3H,ssigncd To: EGLATZLF'--'Aiiii: -;;;b rimaErp: '" rfl '-fv krsocc{krn Histolv Item: lto ELEC-Temp. Pouar (OFtionat) Item: 120 ELEGRotdr (ODtidnal) Item: 130 ELEGConfuit (Oirtional) Item: 140 ELEqMisc (CEiionaliItei'l: 190 ELEGFirrsi (R€quiredi Requested Tlme: 01 :00 Pfl- Phone: S7ugrzil)gtltr EnJered By: LCIMPBELL K t'" __" ntoo'tt- )o'2'/ v',/1,." AfuP c",A