HomeMy WebLinkAbout120 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 5K--- - --4-3A-I 99/ I : 32AM Frn-e6-ltt, .l r, f,u .^H rA - -J p. Z-i U " 'c*11_rtFITOM SANDLERSUFIOCKETLEWIS 4IU Eb4 u,r" lftLHl lELts Q |c$islr? CaU thc Plsnring Srnlf rt rtzg-2 | lt APPLICATION FOR PLANIIIIT G AI{D ENVIROIIMENTAL OOI}|MISSION APPROVAL GEIIFRAL INFQRMATICN Ij:9i9": :: lT:Lfj*t r:{Ittrus Tptovol by tlc Plarning .l'd Er,&oruncnbr Coorui$ion For speifrclmolrrlroo. rce lhc afiritEl rcquitlucitts for tte patiorhr rrr9rorrl thrt ifi r.qrrcrt$. Tte ryplicatisr c3n not bcrcc-qi?.! onril rll roquircd iafocmioa is uubmittrd. Thc prcjrxt'my rko ns d m bc rci,iarec iy thc rown Ci1;DcitarUor tbc Dc[g Rcr'ia* Bord A, TYPEOFAP?LICATION:A Additiqut GRFA (Zj0)tr Ecdrnd ggr{td{$r tr CoodidmrlUrcPcrmitEl Majot c tr Minor Subdiviricrtr RezoningO Sigr VarhnrcO Vuirnl:cE ZonirryCodcAsmdrncrf O Ancndmcn r o m Agprwrd Dcvslopnail ptarrB EmpluyocH:uringunir(T)"q ,tr Meloc or O tt {inor CCI Extctior Alrcradon' (Vrtt Vilf rgo)El MajorrB llimrCCtl ErtctiorAttcntiqr (Uonrtcad) Spcsial Devc oprcrt Dirtict lrtrirr or tr I tinor Amrdocot to rn SOD IBo TWTIOFVIIL t, exterlor modi fications. c. D. E. LOCATIoN oF PROpOSAL LoT___E_BLfi:tL_!g_ Ht.rNC _llsi I vi I I age . I st ZONING: - CCZ % NA'VIEOFOWNER(S): Drs. Stanley and.,Cecrlia Sch(cket MAILING 4pppg5g1 3509 Anton Fams Road Baltimore, l.lD 21208 I"z- H. F. o.NAME QF REFRESEMATI\G: l{ort€r Archl tects owNEn(s)stcNA IUAILINoADDR.*' lfiif*i8 ft$i, o"t'" FEE - SEE TI{E SUBMITTAL REQUIREME}{IS FOR l}IE A!T'$ OPR,IATE FEE. SUIfITIT TIIU' AI?LICATTOI|I ALL SUBMUTAL REQUIREI iENIS AND tHE FEE TO TttEDEPAKTUENT OF COMMT'NTTV DAVDLODMENT, 75 S )UT}I FRONTAGE R,OAD, lovirnt (196 TDTFL P.A2 SCHOCKET RENOVATION VII.IAGE CENTER, UNIT 5-K RE: Proposed Remodel Aprif,l1,1997 revised The work includas: complete reconstruction of the existing loft oreo in o non-combustible, code complying steel frome construction. The reconstruction is entirely obove the existing unit ond qborre the existing comrnon oreo hollwoy to units 5H qnd 5K. The reconskuction will not odd ony odditionol squore footoge loken from comrpn elements only renorrole oreos ond squore foologe currently port of unit 5K. Current squore footoge's 1,755 sq. fi. Proposed squore bohrge's 1,745 q. $. Note: a portion of the loft will be renrovd for lhe nevv stair resuhing in o nel /oss in squore footage Roof/Woll Penelrotions: No odditionol roof or woll penetrotions. Existing plumbing vents will be re-roubd b existing roof locotions. No chonges ore plonned b exisling woll louvers beyond replocements to motch exisling. Plumbing: Existing plumbing raents will be re-routed to existing roof locotions. Additionol woste line br loft both tied to existing system. No eiension of existing heot lines to loft oreo New both ot loft to include sink, toilet, tub ond shower, New second sink ol existing Moster Both. Reconfigurotion of existing Moster Both Exlerior lssuas: No chonges ore plonned b existing louvers beyond replocemenls to rnotch existing. Existing secondoqy door lo unit to be reversed from inswing to outswing. existing common hollwoy moy be domoged during conshuction ond will be repoired to motch existing condilions. Eleclricolsystems: Duplexoutlels Nevr Elechic bqseboqrd heot ot Loft telephone lines rrplocemenl, odditionol phone iockr surfuce qnd r€c€ssed light ff*ures Audio splem wired in unit Shucturol S)rstems: steel Foming ftre prolection to meel stondords of eisling building Fini:her: pointed gypsum boord uood trim, woinscoting wood doir ond roil tile ot bofhrooms, hollwoyr, kitchen new cobinetry ot kitchens ond boths corpet ot oll moior rooms wood doorg a V4/LV/VI LJi{U lAr 7UZZZIU04{ UAC tsqults[tsNl' LY rg'uuz VILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION 124 WILLOW BRIDCE ROAD . vNL, COLORADO 81657 Apdt 18,1997 Town ofVail 75 S. FroilageRoad Vail, CO 81657 . RE: Unit iK-Building C. Village Cemtcr Association TO WHOM IT IvIAY CONCERN: . The purpose ofthis letter is to advise you that the Village Ccntcr Association (thc "Association"), has rp'prorcd catain runodeling and additions to Unit 5K, Building C, Villrgc Center Condominiums (the 'Unit'), in accordance with the following documesrts: l. The following drawin$ providcd by Mort€r Arc.hitects, labcled Schocket Residcnce. She€tNo. g!g!g4!jDa1g Revision A-t.t 2-5-97 Rev. I A-1.2 +8'97 Rev. 1' 2-5-97 A-2.2 4'8'97 Rcv. I A€l.I 44'n Rev' I A-E,1.2 4-8-n Rev I 2 - Drawings provided by M.L Mucllcr Co., idencificd as: Sheet No. S-l of l, Undated structural specifi oations.3. Scope of Work Docrmd by Morter Architects, dzted, A-n, ro,iscd 4-ll'97 . 4. Letta fromM.J. Muellcr dated 8 Apdl 19y/ 04/Ll/57 15:40 FAI 70ZZZIE0{4 UAC EQLI I PUENT LV.-o rgJ u u.ta Page 2 Glvfldl$ cc: Dr.'s Stanlery & Cccclia Schockctt Cnig Jagog Brandess-Cadmus Kylc Webb, Morter Architects Very truly yorrs, VTLLAGE CENTER ASSOCIAfiON The Associatron sonsents to the work on unit 5K being performed provided it . rnects all Town of Vail codes, rules and regulations that may apply an! performed in accordance with the DrawiOgs, Sheets andlthcr documents dcscnbed abwe. The Board of Directors of the Association woiild apprcciatc il if ihe town would edvise the Mrnager ior the AssociatiorU Brandess-CadmusReal Estate, and providc copy of the Building Permit when it has-been issued. If thc wOrk authorizcd by the Building Permit is not the work described abwe, we would also app,reciate notificatioa If yg1r have any questions, please contact CrAtg Iagoe at Brandess'Cadmus Real Estrte. tliO lot k blk 5e Vail Corporation PO Box 7 Vail, CO 81658 lot k blk 5e Mllage Center Assoc 124 willow bridge road Vail, CO 81657 lot k blk 5e Sonnenalp Properties 20 Vail Rd. Vail, CO 81657 lot a blk 5b Sitzmark at Vail 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 ' Charles Rosenguist c/o Vail Management Company 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Wales+Abby Madden c/o Vail Management Company 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Creekside Condo Assoc. 223Gore Cr. Dr. Vall, CO 81657 rHrs rrEM "it fiffftEl8H" PRoPERTY NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that lhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail r"iff hold a public nearing in accordance viltn Section 18.66.060 of thelvlunicipal.Code of the Town of Vail on May 19, 1g57, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building' In consideration ol: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditio_nal_use permil 10 allow for the construction of tne Rtpine Garden gOucation Center, located at 620 Vail Vhlley Driveffract A, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden FoundationPlanner: George Ruther A request to establish a Special Development District #35, the Austria Haus, located al242Easl Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss amending the Town of Vail Zoning Code to create a new zone district (PA-1). Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss amending the oJficial Town of Vail Zoning lyap tg rezone the Austria Haus property, located at 242 -East Meadow DriveiPart of Tract C, Vail Village 1st Filing, to PA-1. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. represented by Gordon Pierce Planner: George Ruther A request for an interior remodel, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 120 Willow Bridge \paci, Unit s-lvlot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. frh,""nr: Stanley and cecelia schocket, represented by Kyle webbPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for the PEC to review and make a recommendation to the Town Council.on public view'corridor methodology and criteria for the Lionshead Bedevelopment Master Plan Area. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Susan Connelly A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a seasonal structure to be erected for the purpose of selling seasonal plant products, located at2154 S. Frontage Road/(Conoco)' generally located at: THAT PORTION OF THE SE 1/4 OF SE 1/4 OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP s SOUTNI RANGE 81 WEST oF THE 6TH P.M., EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, WHICH tJEGINS AT A POINT ON I{E SOUTH- EASTERLv RtcHi-oF-WAY r-rrle oF INTERSTATE HIGHWAY No.70, WHICH Po1N-T-OF BEGINNING L|ES sB6"t4,22"wA DtsrANbE oF 1200.64 FEET AND N4B"o0's7"E A DlsrANcE oF 380.04 FEET oF THE SE CORNER OF SAID SECTION 11, THENCE ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF.WAY N44"01'05'E A orsiAucE oF 1 90.0 FT., THENoE S4s'58's5'E A DISTANoE oF 229.50 FEET' THENoE Ngs"36'13"w A OrSinruCE oF Zs7.s4 FEei iolnr polNT oF BEGINNING. TRAoT coNTAINING 0'500 AC. Applicant: Jane MackPlanner: Tammie Williamson The applications end inbrmation about the proposals.are available for public inspection drring regllar offrce hours in rii" pi|i"itt iiin^efs otrice tocateO at Ue fbwir of Vail Community Development Depertm€nt, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interprelation available r.pon request with 24 hour notificatbn. Please call 479-2114 roice or 479'2356 TDD for Information. Community DeveloPment D,epanment Published May 2, 1997 In the Vall Trail. t ,' '8 April L997 rre Ti h r\rof tel' MORTER ARCHITECTS, L43 East Meadow Drive .' srrhi pr-t . SCHOCKET CONDOMINITIM unaE #5r('Village Center Condominium,Vail, colorado Dear J J.m: existing ,structure iaused by the proposed addition. See ,' .. construction documents as prepared by D.'D. NICKEL dated 1 Apri1 , . 1-g74 that describe the'existing structure. The following iterns areto be noted.-. -. ,-----.4 : . ,"1 a)r pRoposED LoADTNG coNDrrroNs , .' Best .. aCoplct \r aila blc rrlg lJ-L \., |.t,,Dg\,4 J-r\J\Jr-. (r\-a\-al r,-rr/rIsteei spanning between the 3rr thick load-bearing masonry wal1s be tiansferrea into the existing structure throuqh new beampockets in the existinq load-bearing masonry wa1ls (rnaxirnumpockets in the exr-strng l-oad-bearlng masonry walLs (max].mum .' ; new beam pocket load.ing of 9400#). T-,ocalized areas of the.new,:rr ' ', I frarning wif f , ne qupp5rted on a ' nel^r ledger bolted to '!he:r] ,.'. . frarning wilI, be supported on a nel^r ledger bolted to the,'r:: existiig load bearing rnasonry wa11s. the vertical loadi-ng attji::rthe beam pockets is spread along the length of the load-bearing masonry wa1ls with horizontal bond beams typically spaced at B'.-Ort on center maximun. The vertical cel1s of the ruasonry beneath the new beam pockets will be grouted to thehorizontal bond beams beneath. The existinq roof beams are supporEeo rn a similar manner. . The existing typical f loor structure is constructed r,,rith steel'.'bar joists with concrete toppi,ng spanning between the load- ' bearing masonry walls (100 psf desigm loading). The concrete toppinq has been onitted from the proposed desigm to minirnize: the depth and weight of the new st,ructure. . .The proposed floor ad.dition will be framed with structural p.o. box 27 47 vail, colorado 81658 47 6-2627 47 6-2631 t Page 3l"Ir. Jim8 April In consLusion, this office confirms that the proposed addition will ' loading conditions previously described,. assume that all floors and the roof :wi1I be loaded,.to ttre maximum simultaneously. The lack ,of ahy"problems.associated to.differential movement to date with. . .: OI any " pfojffems aSSOC,IaEeq. EO . Q-LIIeIellLIctI .ILL(J vetllEll L- L(J rr.cr. Le wrulr. the "}iiting structure, r impli'es that a minor B? to 128 maximurn addition to the load bearing capdcity of a portion of a load,bearinq masonry wa1l will iot present.any future .structuraL : ... problems . .. If you have any questions regarding this reportthe project, please contact this offj-ce at the on the cover sheet. 'l oo? or the balance ofphone number shown yours, o REPUBL,IC AI,T ALTA Ovtner PoIicY AlEa tender Policy Tax Report - . TOTAL TITIS IS NOT AI'T TO TITIS ORPER, NATIONAI, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A COMMITMENT SCHEDULE A Our Order # VS251943 For Information OnIY $1, 278.00 s100 .00 $20 .00 $1,398.00 ESTIMATE OF OUR ORDER (REISSUE RATE) FEES. WI{EN REFERRING NO. vs251943 *** P.M. IWOICE, BTT AII PTEASE REFERENCE 1. Ef f ective Dat'e: z. Policies Eo be " ALTA" Owner' s 41 Insured:issued, Policy and proPosed LO-1.7 -92 s960, 000 .00 sed Ingur STAIII.EY S. SCHOCKET AI{D CECILIA SCHOCKET $510, 000 .00 Proposed Insured: CHASE MANIIATTAI.I PERSONAL FINAT'ICIAI., SERVTCES A DIVISION OF CIIASE MANHATTNI MoRTGAGE coRPoRATIoN, and/or its 6ucces6ore and aeeigns 3. The €6tabe or inEerest, in the land deecribed or referred to in this Commicment and covered herein is: A Fee SimPle TiBle Eo the eelate or interegt covered herein is at' uhe effeccive da stsed in:4. PAGE HOI{ARD B,ROBERT B. COI,E LANIJ I I 1o REPUBLI Al,t<- 2. . -) (lU ' J5 l. H(]!l: 0i'u LIi GUARAN f EE VA I L (.] NATIONAL 1'ITI.E TA C: OMMI SCI{EDI.IIE A IUr 3('J .l7b .l5J.loINSURANC. COMPANY TMEN'f l-Al,Is Z Our Ord,er # VS251943 5. Tfre tana tr)ferr't::rl t'o irl r'his Conrmitmetrt' is described :rs followr;: coNDOMrNIllM uN]'r 5K, BUTLDTNG C' VTLLAGE-qllTll', ACC:ORDTNG Tc) Tr{B CoNl)Omrllriirq mnF THEtnop rribn iclR nscoeo AND AS DEFTNED tN THE CONDOMTNIUM IJECI,ARATION NECOiDAD NOVNMBER_20' L97?'' IN TJOOK 226 Nt'L,A(iu i;;1 nllu rHs FrRsr l;uppr'limuNt THERETo REcoRt'Er) ocroBEn t, tu'i'ltrn BooK 2"11- A1'PAGE 381 AlnD THE sEcOND SUPPLEMIIN:' 'rrrr:luiij esctlHonn ocroBEF 23' r9?4 rN RooK 2:r'l Ar PAGE 23 nnn *un.nionnau ApRII., 5rr,-i:tls IN B0oK'2.]9 AT I',A(;E 5?4 AI.ID AMI.:NDMI.JNT RSCORDED JULY 11, T994 IN BOOK 645 A'T PA(;E 27' Cour'rTy ot' r,A(iLli, s;'fATE oF eol'()RADo' PAGE ApR_2<l_srz lBr 3E FRolr: LAND TrrLE GUARANTEE vArL ro, 3s:.ffb qsr.r -v': ALTn (:oMMI'I'MENT SCHFJDUI,E R.2 FA(iE Ttre policy or..p()'l.iciet Lo t)e issuerl will c()IlLairr excepil'ol'ls tct r'lt(l following unlcr;s:"if';';";; nl'e djsposea of Lo ttre satisfaction ()f the ComPanY: 1. Standard Ext:tpti()Ils I Lhr:ouglr !i prirrEe<i on Ehe covel' sheoL ' 6. Taxes artd a!;5rit:tutenr-si nor' yct' citte or payable and speciill i"".s"*.rrr" ;,;l';;;' "".i.iri"a r.o rhe ;I'reaslrrer's of f j.ee ' 7. Any unpaiti [:axt:tj or t:IgriPsiillteltls ;rgainsL siaid 1al)cl' I, Iriens for rtrrpai<l wat'er anrl sewer etrarges' j f any' (Fx<:c1:r. iotrs )OLrr Order # VS25l943 1996 TAXES NO'T' YET DUE ()R PAYARI'E AND A'SSESSMEM'S TREASURERS; (rt'FI(lE . L,IENS FOR UNpATD WATER ANIJ SFWER CHARGES;' IF ANY' NQI' YET L-ERTTI'IRD 'TO 'THU CONSTR.UCTED BY THF AUTI{(.)ITT'TY 0h. .TIIT' sim'es PATEM RECORDED July r3, l8!J9, 9. 10. 11 .RIGHToFPR0I'rrI't:,I.oROHAVEIN()RLODSTodXTRACTANI]RF;M(]VBH.[.qORE THEREFRoM sHoULr) ilru snmu nE I"oUND io r'luuinnrE QR INTERSIIC'I' 'rllE t'REMrsBs AS RESERVED rN gNITED sTATE:s pATENT RuaoRDED '.Irrly it.l' l-899' IN BooK 48 A't' PAGE 475. i*Et[DoR$5MI{N,t, ro0.2,r*.r THU c''cMpANY HuRDRY lNsUREs A(;AINST LOSS WHICII 'r'ttE INSURED SHAT,L S.}{T$'IN1N BY R.FASON OF I,'AMAGE TO EXISTINC TML)ROVF:MENTS' TNCLUDTN(; LAwNs, irlnirsBnnY OR TREESI--Hesur',rruc-.ItgY THE EXEltcIsti ot.' ANY RICHT TO lr;!i TIIH S;URFA(,:g OF SAID r,nifO Fili THF gXTRA(:'|ION oR DF:vuLoPMEN'l' OF TT|E MINF:RALS F:XCEii;D FR.OM'l'IiE DESCRIP'IION OF SAID LAND OR' I;HOWN AS; A RESERVA'T'ION TN SCHEDUI,E ts'1. 12. RIGHT OF' WAY b'OR. DI'ICTIEI; OK (:ANALS I'NITED STNI'U,t AS; RDSERVET) IN IJNITEIJ IN BOOK 48 A'T !'AGE 475. *irFoRM 10.:r-.t..rr.l.t{E C'{)Mt'ANy HEREBy TNSURES AGATNST Loss (.)R IJAMA(;II wHTcl{ THE INSUI{SI) ijHALL SU!j.rAIN TN TIiE-HVENT 'I'HAT Tl{E OWNFjR OF 'r}lE F^SEMIIN'I' REFERREIT T(.) ntsovE sjI{ALL, FoR TH; trURP()gE oF tsXERCTSING'rHE RI(iHT oF ttsn ()R .MAIMENAN(:I.: OF $AIIJ EAiJEMENT, COMPEL THE REMOVAL OF ANY POR ]ON {)I'' TIIE IMpROVEMEN.Ts irr.r sarn r,axn WHICH ENCRoA(:H uPoN SAID EASEMEN',T. I3.RESTRICTIVE(.:(.)VENANT!jwtIIcHIJoNoI.CoNTAINAFoRFEITIJREoRRSVnRTERCI,AIISE,BuroMrmTN(;RUSTR1C'IION!;,TFANY,BA'qEDOIllgP'(:oLoR'RELI(;toN'olt NATIONAL OFT(;rN, A$ (:6NTATNED TN igStnur4eNT REC6RTJED Augus:r. 1r.)' Lt)62' rN BooK 174 Nl' I.',AGtl r?9 ' \ PAGE atr ll( -<-r -- a r rJ I rrtt Our Order # VS251943 EGRESS AS SHOWII AND OF VILI,AGE CENTER. ALTooaoMMTTMENT SCHEDI'LE 8.2 (sxceptions) t4.ln,t[,ITYEA.CjIiMFNTFoRTYFEETINwIDTttALoNGTHENoRTHERI.YLoTI,INEASSHowN. ON THE B1..g1 rIF VILI,AGE CENTER.NiiONiJEd_iSCPMSNT-i-'-_ igZZ IN BOOK 226 AT PAGE 624. 15. NQN EXCLUSI.VII EASEMEM OR THE PURPOSE OF INGRESS AIID RrJf;ERvED oN .rtre -RECoRDED FrRsr SUPPLEMEM To rHE MAP l-6. '].[OSE PROVTSIONS. covpunrq 4ND COIIDITIONS' EASEMENTS' A]'lD RESTRICTIONS', wflr(:H ARE A tsURDEN TO THE CorO-Ouir'riUrq UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A' AS (:oNTAINED lN TNsTRIIMENT REcoRoiij--r'i"""4'uer 20, tiiz' IN BooK 2?6 M PAGE 362 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRT]MSNT Ni-CO6EO.OCCOtrCt Z1' igI3' IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE igr AltD A.S.SSPpLEMENTED lN rrqdinuflsur RecOnpso OLroeeR 23' 19?4 IN BoOK 237 A',r'PAGB 23 AND RECORDED APRIL )i"'1i\^I-N-9PI-23e Ar PAGE s74 AI'ID AMENDMENT RECORDED JutY 11, TggC'TH BOOK 645 AT PAGE 27' L'] , HNSNMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS S]{OWN A}ID RESERVED ON THE RI.:(:ORDED qONDOMINIIJIVI MAP OF Viif,nCe CENTER AND SUPPITEMENTS THERETO AND nMEwDMENT 'THERETo REcoRDED .'luivlil igge rw BooK 645 AT PAGE 26 ' 1,8. Dt:8D OF TRtIs;'l'DATED.tanuary 09, Ls99',IRqI--S:$LEY S' SCHOCKET AND CECILIA s(:HoeKET'r'O'nrs puBl,ic rnu'stse'oF-iacr,n coul{TY FoR THE USE oF CHASE MANTTATTAN PERSONAL FrNAr.rcrAt snnircci' A DrvrsroN oF cHAsE MANITATTAI\I MOR.IGAGE CQRpoRATION TO ssCUni-ittE-suil or S51o;000'00 RECORDED January 19' 1995, IN BooK 686 AT PAGE 224 ' .***ENDORSUMI1NT 2g1.lirr THE coMpN,ry HEREBY TNSURES AGATNST Loss oR DAIIIAGE ilgY REASON OF: f4,( t) THE INVALIDITY OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE IIEN OP ]THE INSURED MORTGAGE H.Ii:SULTING t'RoM THE PROVISIONS TdffiiN-wirCH PROVIDE FOR CI{ANGES IN THE RATE QIi INTEREST. !,Otis OF PR IORITY OP THE tIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGE AS SECURITY FOR THE IJN'ArD pRINcrpAL BAIAIIcE oF THE L6AN, iocersnn wrrn TNTEREST As cHANGED rN nilcoRDANctt wITH TttB PROvISIONS Oi-tni INSURED MORTGAGE, v{}tICH LOSS OF ,,krORrTy r$ cAUS;6 eY- ierD cHnNCss IN THE R.ATE OF INTERBST ,,c:r1ANGEs rN,rHE RATB oF TNTEREST;;;-t qiEq gt-Igs EIIDoRSEMEIII' sHAtL MEAN ONr,y TItOSt: CHANGES IN THE RATE OF fntpnfsr CAITCULATED PITRSUANT TO THE FoRMULA ptovroei-iN-rnE INSURED MORTGAGE AT DATE oF POI-'ICY' Trrr.S EttDoRssMENT pOeg NOt INSITRE AdArfSt loSS oR DAMACE BAsED UPoN (A) rrsrrRy, OR (B) llly COt{SttMER cREDIA piOteCTfON OR TRUIH IN LEIIDING LAW' IHIS ENDORSEMENT IS I{ADE A pART Or-ilie PoLrcY A}rD rs suBJEgT To ALI., OF THE ,t,li:RMs AND pRovrsroNs THEREOF arO-br-alry FRroR BNDORSEMEMTS THERETO' EXCEPT .I,HAT THE TNSURANCE AFFORDED By THii lNOOnspr'reNT rs Nor SUBJECT TO PARAGRAPS I (D) OF.r'ne sxCiusiotrls FRoM COV;RAGS. nxCSpr To THE ExTENT ExPRESSLY s.t,A1.Ht), rr NEITHER MODIFIES AD'IS 6;1i'[n ieel'rs AIID- PROVISIONS OF T]IE PoLtcY AlrD Alry IrRroR Et{DoRsEMEMrs, NoR ioui---it ExrErrD THE EF!'EcrrvE DATE oF TtlE porltqy I\ND ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTEI-gOi DOES Ir INCREASE THE FACE AMSIJNT THEREOF. PAGI,;\ a\ tsAtrEoo..I,D REPUSLIC NATIONAIJ TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ALTA COMMITMENT AIrTA Owner PoIicY AIta Lender Policy Tax RePorE --TOTAL-- SCEEDUI.E A Our Order * VS251943 For Information OnlY $1, 278,0o $100 .00 $20.00 $1, 398 . oo ESTIMATE OF OUR ORDER (REISSUE RATE) THIS IS NOT AI{ INVOICE, BUT AT'T TO THIS ORDER, PTEASE REFERENCE =l*1. Effective Date: z. Policies Lo be "ALTA" Owrrer's and proPosed LO-l.7 -92 Insured: covered herein is at the COLE FEES. WI{EN REFERRING NO. vs251943 *** P.M. CHASE to in 41'at 5:00 issued, Policy $950, 000 . 00 ed Insu STANLEY S. SCHOEKET AI{D CECILIA SCHOCKET $5r0,000.00 Propoaed Insured: CHASE IIIAI{HATTAI PERSONAI, FTNANCIAI' SERVTCES A DIVISION OF MANHATTAN MoRTGAGE CoRPoRATION, and/or ite Euccessore and aeeigns 3. The egtace or inEerest, in the land described or referred lhis Commitment and covered herein is: 4. A Fee Simple Title Eo Ehe esuaEe or intereaEeffective da hereoTvested in: HO}IARD B. PAGE ROBERT B. A?|(-2 . :t (I9:J5 It(g}I , LAITI|J II ILE SUAI<ANIEE \/AIL J€.t .L/b .t i J.a FAlrli Z NATIONAL I"(TT.E INSURANCTI A COMMIT'MSN'T SCTIBDIJLE A Our Order # VS2frI943 COMPANYOi,IJ I{ET'UBLIC: ^?rTl,\ lt r 5. The larrrcl tr-rf et'tt::cl ucl ir: t'his Conrmit'meuL is described as followr: CONDOM1N.T(IM IJNT'I 5K, BLTTLDTNG C' VILLAGE-!EIT!I' ACCQRDING T() THE CONIX)MINT(rM MAP THEItnOrr rribn Foi necoaD AND AS DEFINED tN THE CONIJOMTNIUM DECI,ARA'TIOI{ rIEEO-RUEN NOVEMtsER-20' L9121 1N BQQK 226 NL,t'A(;u 3;;j enlu irre FTRST Si{TpPLUMENT THERETO RECORI)ED OCTOBER.}, 'U'iJ.TN NOOK 2..3]. AT'PAGC 38I AND THE SECOND suPPLsMliNr' 'rrrnlui; ttscoRDnn ocrotsER 23' r9?4 rN B00K 2'3'l AT PAGE 2l nNp *ui.F.coRneu APRTI" i5' r"zs iN 800K'239 AT PAGE 574 AND AMUNDMI.;NT RCCORTJED JULY LL, Lgg4 IN BOOK 645 A'T PAGE 2-7' Coun'v ot' nA(iL,ti, S;TATE oF col'oRADo' PAGE vALTN (:OMMI'I' SCHHDUT.E R.2 ( Ex<:c-1:rr. iotrs ) tMUNT Our Order # vS251941 CONSTRUCTED BY THF: AUTI"IQRT.TY ()I' 'TIIT' iiaTes PATENT RECoRDEII Ju ly 13 , l8cJ9, Thepolicyor.pol.iciesLot)ci.sstledwiIIc()lll.airrexcopr.i.o|lFtc,r.ltt]following unrctir; ii'"'*"tn" Ctr-e disposea c't to the sat'istac[ion ()[ the eompany: 1. Standard Ex(:{tpt i()lls I L!rr:ough li prirrEeri on Ehe cover' $hecL ' 6 . Taxes arld arjstf t:tuter'lL-'si nor' yct due or' payarble and special asseEsme.r" ,l,li."Vll' "*ii-iri"J r.o rhe l'reasttrer's of f j ee ' 7. Any unpairl t:axtrg or ass;esslnerrLs againsL Said larrd' 8. Liens for lrllpai<l water'and sewer ctrttrges' if any' 1996TAI(ESN(II'YETDUF()RPAYABI.'gANDASSESSMENI'SNQI'YF:TCERTTI.TFD'I'O'i'I{ti TREASURERTi OTTFI(IIi . L,IENS FOR UNPAID WAlrUl?' ANIJ SFWER CHARGE'(;' IF ANv' RIGtlloFPR0I]|.|1,u,foP'()t,AVI]INORLODST0uXTRACTANDRnMoVEHISoITH TITEREFROM SHotrLt) Tt{E SAlvlE FE l.OiiND iO piHnrna'I,E (')R INTURSIICI 'l'llF: PRnMISES AS RESERVED IN gNITED sTATEs pATENT REaORDED,tuly,l-l' 1899' IN tsooK 48 A'r PAGB 47c'. riE![DoRsIlMEN,r, ro0 .7.:)* . THE coMpANy HsRERy TNSURES AGATNST Loss wHrcll 'l'ilE INSuREDSHALLSI.Is;'I.AINBYRF:AsoNoFDAMAGETQEXI.STINGTMLIRoVEMENTS' rNcrUDrN(; LAwNs, iHnUgBnRy oR rREEs,--Hesur,trNc,.:l9Y THE ExF'RcI:s9.!lI--lNY RIGHT To t,!;ti 'IIIF: s;UFFA(:u oF SAID r,nirO pili THE EXTRA(:'I'ION-OH .nEvELoPMsN'f oF THE MINr:RAL,ij r.lxctEpibu Eporur ,I'IIE DESCRTF',I'ION oF sArD LAND oR. srHo!.IN As; A 9, 10. 11. *rrFoRM l,o.t..ilr.} ,l.t{E cQMlrANy r{EREBy rNsuRE:S AGATNST Loss ()R DAMA(iC wHT(:li THE INSI1REL) $llALL SUlj'rAlN TN Tiin-EVBNT 'I'HAT TI{E owNFjR OF 'l'llE FASEMI1NI' REFERREIJT(')ntsoVE$HALL,FoRTHEIIURPOSEoFExERcIsING.I'HBRT(,;H'IoF'tIsE()R MAIMENAN(:I.: OF SJAID EAg|EMENT, COMPEL THE REMOVAL OF ANY I'OR'TION 0I'' 'l]IIi IMpRovEMuN'rS on-Sain LAND lvHiCH ENCIROAL'H UPON SAID EASEMFN'I'' 13.RESTRICTIVUcr(.)VUNANT.glt,uleHDoNo.i,CoNTAINAFC)RFEITI,REoRREVnR.TERCI,A(JSE,BUr OMT',fTTN(; RUSTRTC|IoN$. rF ANY, BA$BD OI 1199' COLOR', RSLT(;roN', oR NATfONAL OFT(;IN, AS CONTAINED TN ipstnWglit RECORDED Augtrt:t l-f't' Ltb')'' IN BooK 174 Nf I]AGE 179. RESERVATION TN SCHSDUT,F ts.I' 12. RIGHT OI.' WAY h'OR. I]I'TCIIEf; OR (:ANAI.'S UNITED STN'I'I,iI] AS; RDSF:RVED IN TJNITEI) IN BOOK 48 A'I I'AGR 475 ' \'' PAGE Fr|-||a-3.t-;, r rrtJ: rtct r.ELrt't r t Frar.t/ .* .r * ENDORS EMnNT iIBf REASON 0I':r'{l) THE INVALIDITY H.Ii:SULTING T'ROM TT{E EE \'F.i I & 14.1I1,1.[',ITYEASjBMHNTFoRTYFEETINWIDTEALoNGTHENoRTHERLYLoTI,INEASSHowN, oN rHE pLAr oF vILLAcE cENTER da-0il#-nBCBMaer i-'-- igtZ IN BoOK 225 AT PAGE 624. 15. N()N EXCTUSI,VU EASEMEMT OR THE PI'RPOSE OF INGRESS AI{D RIdSERVED ON THB.RECONOEO FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO THE MAP L6. 'l'tosE PROVI,'jTONS; covENAl$s ll-{D colIDITrONS', EASEMENTS' AI'ID RESTRTCrIONS', wtil(:H ARE A tsuRDEN To rHE cown-orqilliu'r utsrt nnscRrBED rN scnEDuLE A' AS C,NTAINED rN INSTR.MENT RECORDiii-i"i""umUer 20, tdtZ, IN BOOK-225- AT PAGE 352 AND AS AMENDED rN TNsTRU'1SNT niEOi$no-ocgolet-z1, igz3' rN BOOK 23L AT PAGE Irrl Al,lD AS sUPpLEMENTED rw rr'rdinuMerlr necOnnro OCroeeR 23' 19?4 IN BOOK 23? A.f pAcE 23 AND RECORDED ApRrL )i-'"1g1s IN_PgO5- 239 AT PAGE s74 AIID ^MENDMENT T'gCONilED-JuiY TT, 1994 IN BOOK 645 AT PAGE 27' I?. ENSEMENTS, RBSERVATIONS AI{D RESTRICTIONS AS SftOI{N AND RESERVED ON THE FI:(:ORDED coNDOMINIW MAP OF viittcE CENTER AI'ID SUPPLEMENTS THERETo AI{D AMEIIDMENT ',l'HBRETO RECORDED JULt-ii; igsa rN BOOK 54s AT PAGE 25 ' tB.DI.;8DOFTFIts;'I'DATED.Tanuary09,Lg96'.IRqY--SI$IJEYS'SCHOCKETANDCECITIA .9(:HOcKET 'r'O 'nrB-pUer,iC tnU'StEE'OF-ieClr CO\JIITY FOR THE USE OF CHASE M4NHATTAN !,IJR5ONAI FINAI.ICIAL ienirE-dS, A DIVISION OF CHASE MANHATTAI! MoR.ItiAGE qqRpORATION TO SECUfi-T$-SU14 or $510,000'00 RECORDED January 19' 1996, IN tsOOK 686 AT PAGE 224. AIJTOO.OMMITMENT OR UNENFORCEABILITY OF THE LIEN OF THE INSURED MORTGAGB PROVISIONS THEREIN-WiiCTT PROVIDE FOR CITA}IGES IN THE RATE SCHEDUI,E 8.2 (Excepcions)Our Order # VS251943 EGRESS AS SIIOWN AND OF VILI,AGE CENTER ' 28]..1*.* THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES AGAINST LOSS OR DA},IAGE liti*53-BiT,i*rr" oF ',E L,rEN oF rHE rNsuRED MoRtcAcE As sEcuRrrY FoR rHE TJNL,ATD pRrNcrpAL BAu\lrcE oF TH; ;oAIt; TocETHER-JrrrH TNTEREST As cI{ANGED rN n(lCoFDANctl wrTx THE PROvIsIONS-o;-THb illSUnnn MORTGAGE' wHICH LosS OF I,RIORITY T$ CAUSSO BY SAID CI{AI{GES IN THE RATE OF INTERSST' ,'CII.ANGES TN TITE RATB OF INTERdi;; I-S USSO IN-THIS EIIDORSEMBNT, SHALL MEAII ONT,Y THOSb: CHAI{SES IN THE RATE OF,INTEREST CATICUI'ATED PURSUAIIT TO THE }'()RMUIJAPROVIDEDINTHEINSI]REDMoRTGAGEATDATEoFPot,IcY. TIIT.S EttDoRsEMENT DOES NOT fNSunE-'AdArt'lSi I.,OSS oR DAMAGE BASED UPoN (A) rfrjrtRy, oR (B) Al{Y CONsUMER cnSDir i'ROrncrlOt't oR TRUTII IN LEIIDING LAw' 1I,HIS ENDORSEMENT IS l,lADE A PARi OF TIIE POLICY AI{D IS SUBJECT TO AtL 0F THE ,],1i:RMS AND pRovrsloNs THEREOF alqO-6r-alry inron BNDORSEMENTS THERETO' BXCEPT 'I'HAT THE TNSURANcE AFFoRDED er TBis SNDonSSMeNT Is NOT sUBJEcT To pARAGRAPH .f (D) op'ure bxCiusiows FRoM coiERAGS. nxcept To THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY s.tArEt), rt NoiirreR MODTFTES Alrn'il ir{i icsms Ar,lD PRovIsIoNs oF TIIE PALICY AND ANY PI{IOR ENDORSEMEMTS, ,NOR OOUS Tt EXTE}ID THE EFF'EETTVE DATE OF THE poLrcy AND ANy pRIoR EblDORSEMEtirs,-lrOn oOpS rt INCREASE THE FACE A'!4OUNI THEREOF. t\.\ PAGI.: N IOI4'NT# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Village Center DRB Number: DRB030218 Project DescripUon: MINER ALTEMTION NEW SKYUGHTS Pafticipants: OWNER SCHOCKEI, STANEY S. & CECIL06/16/2003 Phone: 3509 ANTON FARMS RD BALTIMORE MD 2L208 License: APPLICANT WEBB, KYLE H. O6lL6lZ0O3 Phonet970-479-2990 953 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD #216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: CONTMCTOR WEBB, I(YLE H. 06/16/2003 Phone: 953 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD #216 vAIt- co 81657 License: 153-L ProjectAddressz L22 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 122 E MEADOW DR Legal Description: loe Bbck Subdivision: VILTAGE CENTER Parcel Number: 210108207020 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Voter Date of Approval= 0612612003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO 5-23-2A3 9:31AM FROM SANDLERSCHOCKETLEWIS 4lA 6& 587@ . tlflr-zt-zuuJ tfru ubrll yn KoltLsu il{cfltltc]$ FAx lto. 9?0 4Qg65 Appllcation for Design Revlew __ Oapmm,rO of Conrrunatt Da,EbpdEnt TSSq.rrh Fror&O.F|€d, Vri, Cdoredo 0l66t tet e70.a79.2139 tilIt gT O{f924tzrrb; rwv.d.vdl.co.rs Gaaln! tntoamrtfon: {iggJS 's$jldns &Gil't aldet tlri.rt Dottif opp"ond tnor ro [il!n{ur€ I b|,itdlu 9€ftrrt a0ptic|[on, pbra fl_"I P.ho o,bn'ithr rffFirelenu tr.$rc pcrmrii tr,&- dirr; lqrcbd. An appri-rrn for D6;s6 Rcv,rwcqnnot br:'@epbd un0l .t l"auircd.irnh;'tnon te ni;.iK; attr o;ilii o#p"Jiiiilfr_rn. n"prcFcl ,nty a&) negd 1o b! rctcm Ay n. ro,m C"iJ--fujirf" phnnlry and Environ rpntrl C{rflmhgorr,oorlgn rlvleu apgrovrl tumc udeei a Uirriiie-ehaflJ;$.d .nrt Gon5truc on a n,crs.r wttftirroos tcrt ot tho .pprovrl. ' Dorc.lpUon ontr Rcqurot: M lforfn.-Slfr+_ - .- " --t{grl_5{Yl.l(Jrrs-_--_ P. r- | ml03 ,.ffi phyrcrtAd.rr.o* -J4?,f.-rhnnaUUU"VlfL_ _nrca xo.: 2Dtfu70&o -- (oo'd.crEaeto oo. Assrar 970€2&8540 fofz*'ng,-4.4L rin (r) cr ovner(e), -9f*.t f y 5'r_V{t tJ,'- fr',l'Jf,e'--._ffiffiffi owrcd3) sirnlt urcplt J9_4L'7._fuLoJrd l-ocrtlonof ttrproDo||t: Loti __ ffi 9tttlvbhrn; l{rt|c ol Appficrnt; Tync of Rrvltw and Frc:. €gnt. Coroplud Royiew. t{aw ConBm&tior. A(tdilbn . llnor Ar.ratbn(n ltl-htn{Yroofiictdal) . Mno. Alroiabor(s[rd+fanfiy/drlpbr] . Chrn$a to Agprod pbns . sopeioton Raquegt FOO FttII': --_ *B 'taiDngr/@e$'J533-.Jtorwtt-gs--ibas-ae--;;v#l;#., W S50 Plr! $t ,OO por fquoJp ,oot ot rttct r€n ,tf,.ib Fs. !9!9 Fo ror|clnrclofr Ots n€rv hritd,r,g or dcmoj/reDultd.Jim ff m rddtUott rtpre sqgc fr;troe t ric"J io mv ,BUeniiat or..,.^ =Jr:l9.br,iH'nq (idrd6 2i0 adddons & iilcrior;onErsiru).tan Fo? m_tmr drrngGr to brfif'€B td 3lb imrtu/onarx!, qJdr G,rofootj'rg, priffim. *nOort ddtriorts, tnOr+trd, t nrr *l('nta|n.tl|! w€tb. ctc.C20 For ninsr crrmgrt re hlgtril nrd Ctc inHovrrrEnB, $JCt srlrE @lln$ pi*lmo, wtnrhv addtions, brrdlcerr,lg, t ,*c .,o- rullinrng wilb. gtc.120 F qtFl b pl.nr ehedy apF|E,|(t by pbnoln, sHt or rhoDt6l$t Rar/low Soard.r{o fce l'o,"o.no., *tZP-*,- _ : Apglic!$on oale: .-- Projrc! lb.: o LLAVIGE CENTER ASSOCIATION 124 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD €VAIL, COLORADO 31657 June 10, 2003 Kyle H. Webb AlA, Archilect K,H, Webb Architects P,C. 953 S. Frontage Rd, W. #216 Vail, C0.81657 Re: Schocket Remodel Dear Kyle, This is to serve as formal notification that the Village Center Condominium Association Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the plans for modifications to take place within unit 5K. The section in the Remodel Agreement addressing the prohibition of breaching the roofs should be disregarded as we have approved your installation of skylights, Please note that until the Remodel Agreement has been signed, required deposits received and certificates of insurance obtained, that work is not authorized to start./4 Ass$iation Burton L, Nordstrand. ATTIC NEW SKYLIGHTS (APRoX. 2'0"x2'x8") CENTERLINE OF BAR JOIST CENTER SYLTGHT OVER VA!]nL WHILE MAXIMIZING WIDTH CENTERLINE OF BAR JOIST BEDROOM CENTERLINE OF GLU-LAM NEW SKYLIGHTS W/ MOTORIZED SHADES /'l\ s(ll IGHI Loca toNS..l,-__'-.-'_ b s cr-roc<rr Brs r ne uce c t s p c voit Vtloge Center 3ldg. C Unlt 5K Voil, Colorqdo NEV SKYLIGHTS . C516,?OC3 h ekr SKYLIGHT CONFIRM SKYLIGHT MTD DN ROOF CURB - EXACT CURB DETAIL V/ MFR z = I FLASHIN6/RF6 MATERIAL EN EXT PLYVD FRAMED RI]OF CURB V,/ FULL BATT ]NSUL & VAPER BARRIER 5,/8' GVB LIGHT SHAFT T[ UNDERSIDE EF SKYULIGHT - FRAME AS REO'D BUILT UP ROOF ROOF INSUL MTL ROOF DECK<- EXIST MTL BAR JEISTS NEV INTERMEDIATE ROOF OPENING FRAMIN6 TE SUPPORT SKYLIGHT SCHOCKET RESIDENCE a\ SkYLIGHT DETATL!/' hw oA cls Voit Viltoge Cehter BldO. C Unit 5K Voil, ColorodoNEV SKYLI6HTS - 05.16.e003 O Q tZTr>U'o(t 9L DEPARTMENT OF COMMLINIry DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 803-0166 :l*t:t*'||.|*.lt*|.|:l:tt'}.t*.|*.t||.t|.*,}.t+|t....,},}|.*:}|+'.*.tt.|.1l.*. ((€ (.-ttrOt Cv.u rdwN or'vnn- 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 ADD/ALTMF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location......: I22EMEADOWDR BLDGC5-K Parcel No....: 210108207020 ProjectNo...: -?RS33 diOt owNER scHocKET, srAI{LEy s. & cEcrIJ0T/02/2003 3509 ANTON FARMS RD BEJ.,TIMORE MD 2t208 I-,icense: Phone 3 o7 / 02/2003 Phone: 970-845-1001 o7 /02/2003 Phone: 970-845-100i Add Sq Ft 0 # ofcas l,ogs: 0 l,o1'1.(0tl CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIIJ, CO 81658 I-,icense: 25L-A APPIJICANT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 34r.9 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License:251-A Desciption: MINER ALTERATION NEW SKYLIGHTS Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: FireDlace lnform*ion: Restricled: Y Building---> Plan Check--> lnYesaigalion-> Will Call--> ?? $15,000.00 # ofGas Appliances: 0 $251.25 Restuarant Plan Revi€w--> $163.31 DRBFee-----------> $0. 00 Recrcation Fee-. - $3.00 Clean-upD€posit-------> TOTAL FEES_---_-.> s0. 00 90. 00 $0.00 $0.00 $417 . s5 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees----> Total Pemit Fee------> Payments---.----t BALANCE DUE-_-.-> a (/, i 14tt,^-r- Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 07/0212003 Issued...: 07/16/2003 Expires...: 01/12/2004 # of Wood Pellec 0 s417 . s6 s0. 00 ${1?. s6 $417 - 55 s0.00 Approvals:Iiem: 05100 BU]I-,DING DEPARTMEIfrT o7/t6/2oo3 df Action: AP ftem: 05400 PIJAIiINING DEPARIT{ENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI Iten: 05500 PI]BL,IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 **,f **'i'li't*,f **,t***********'t*****************:B***t***'i**,f ****,t ** * **'**,t**'if *,i{.'}* 'tt,t *************************:t CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: 803-0166 asof07-16-2003 Status: ISSUED '|.*,f,}ffl'|.**'t****'**************,i**,t!t*,}*tt******:|t*!t*,*'t**{.,t!'}!t,t*{.,*!t**{t**'t!**!********,tt*,}*,|t******************** PermitType: ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Applied: 07/02D003 Applicant NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 0711612003970-845-1001 To Expire: 01/12/2004 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 122 E MEADOW DR BLDG C 5-K ParcelNo: 210108207020 Description: MINER ALTERATION NEW SKYLIGHTS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE I997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. tl INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: Buildino P6rmit#: et-o-+zs=21ieilfi afr btti:fr Fr- MVNOFIIAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ILDI forr- INFORMA TA CA COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S lf.m.rn ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$roTAL: $ / 5. OOA.o O For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit )'lolDg207A\r>CoO {-t< l"o-ke( Pe^oo(JobAddress: )>E m SubdiVision: U, /l 453 5"Fr" WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remcidel $$ Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) t',to (VWork Type: Interior ( 1 Exterior fr) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mulli-family[; Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: .)t : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( l) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes **************#******ssf***FoR oFFlcE usE o N Ly***********i************************ Other Fees:ffi Public Wav Permit Fee: Plan \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 t26t2002 o Team tl Questions? Call the Building at 479-2325 Department of Community Development Proiect Name:*,h.,.G Qe^oJn l, Proiect Address:l)2 E mea.lo.u Dr^iue-. r' This Checklist murt be amoleted before a Buildino Permit appliation is acepEd. .f X pages of application is complete -ffras DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form p/-Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex o Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) o Staging plan included (refer to Public Worls checklist) No dumpster,oarkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval r, . r ^.,,t'-Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring - do*e o,u €-t't 2 Dvt ldl i*t 5 e4rchitect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) -ffiull floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MultFFamily and Commercial Buildings) tr Window and door schedule o Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) o Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) o Soils Repoft must be submitted prior to footing inspection .--D,- Flre resistive assembl ies specifi ed and penetrations i nd icated a Smoke detectors shown on plans - fer,+ by olhets a Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC Received By: 04t02t?003 IUfrV0F BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Depadment, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time, However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for, Ar Asreed tobyt KolA,l 7 Ke5bA -t Project Name:Seho.t*t Date: a -T'O 3 F:everyone/forms/bldperm3 MATERIAL STORAGE AND CONSTRUCTION PARKING Please read and check off each of the items below. (Crpies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10; DEPOSTTS ON PUBUC WAYS PROHIBITED u Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlaMul for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. o Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Work. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Work, or other authorized agen! may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. o Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. o Notice and Penalty: It is unlavvFul for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-t AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED D No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) o Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) $ 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: 7-7-O.a F:/everyone/forms/bldp€nn7 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: u The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the fol procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately establi proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads streets. s The Town of Vail Public Works Department drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or or permanent culverts at access points from will be ffiuired to inspect and approve and the installation of temporary site. Such approval must be obtained to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department foq ngs, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sa at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department.a minimum of 24 hour notice. o Also, the Town of Vail Puplic Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage approvaland culveft instal must be obtained with resulting road patching as necessary. Such to any Final Ceftificate of Occuoancv issuance. Agreed to Print Name Signed: road or street onto the construction F :/everyone/forms/bldperm6 Signature Jun-2F03 0l:34pn Frm-Io*il 0U coilutitTy OEvEloptftrr I0t4nm tffilj$%H,ffiiqg''Offirn Project ilamG: Village Center nroj.ect Descrip6on: MINER ALTER,ANON NEW SKYUGHTS Partdpants OWNER sCltocKEr, SIAI{I"EY S. &CEQL06/16/2003 phone; 3509 Ai.ITON FARMS RD MTTIMORE MD 21208 Ucense: APruCANT WEBB,ISLE_H. o6l16n0o3 phone;97G.47$2990 953 SO. FRONIAGE ROAD #216 VAIL, CO 8165/ _ License: CONTRACTOR WEBB, I(YI.E H. 953 SO. FRON'AGE ROAD #216vArL co 816t Uc€nse: 1S3-L Pruject Addressz, LZ2 E MEADOW DR VAIL122 E MEADOW DR tegal Deecrlpdon: LoH Btck: SubdlvlCon: Vtr_iler CENTER Parccl l{uoben 210108207020 Corilnentsl 9i0{i92452 I-8i6 P 00l/003 F-419 ,,sffimss.,#,ffiH$*Gffif#!3yy,rv41 ;TCAPY Deslgn Review Board ACTION FORM tel: 970.479.2139 tax 970.179.2452 uJeb: www.ci.vail.co.us DRS.Number: DR8030218 Q61L612003 Phone: Locrion: Motion Bp Second By: Vote: Condltirons: BOARD/STAFF ACnOr{ " Adon: SIAFFApR Date of Approv,an ffil 2612W3 Cond: 8 lf$rytlNo changes to these plans may be made wlthout tfie wrttten cons.nt of Todn ofVall sbf and/or he appropriate revlew commitee(sj. --- Cond: 0 (PLAN):-DR8 approar does not cons0hJte a permit for buirding. please onsurt withTown of Vait Buitdtng personrel prtor to con*ruarJnicdUes. Plenner: Btll Gibson DRB Fo. P.ld! ;2tt0,00 SCHOCKET RISIDENCE PERM IT llAII '/ILLAGE CENTER BLDG. C, 5-|( \/AIL, TOLORADO 06.27.2003 GENEML NOTES: I DO NOf SC Lt OMWTNGS I vtRfi A!! orfatr.rsloNs. coNoflloN! AND ltrtuTY loc TlolG PRIoN lO ElGtNlNG A|VY WORX OR OrOtRtr.lG ANY H rErlAlS NOTIFY AiCHITECI Of ANY CONFIICTI OR O6CRIPANOTS IN TBC DOC1,MINTS I'IH€D|AIIIY. ! A8EA5 OF CONfUCTS OR DISCRTPANrcIES t|I,sT BE 'IIIIY iE5OIVED W TH WAIT'IEN APPiOVAL 'ROr| THE AIC}IIIEqIS ETFOiE CONSTTI.,CT|oN CONNNIES IN THTSE PARTICTAAR a. Pl N Dtl'tN5rONSAlt TO tAC[ Of STUO, C[NrfRUif or JTEL Tlt',l3€R. STUO COlUtlNt OR FACE OF CONC8ETE UNI.Ess OTII€RW5E NOIID. SECNON ANO ILEVANON DIII'NSONS ARC TOtOPOt CONC(EIE rOPOf PI.YWOOD. OR TOP Of W IL n-ArES Oi BE\t',i5 rJNtE 5 oTLtRwtsE NofEo 5. PAOVTO€ AL! NECGSSARY 8IOCXING lN STUo u,At'ls NO CIILINGS LOCATTONS TNCtUO€ 8UT AiE NOT IIIIIT9D TO CTIIIN6 AND WAU IiOUNTED fXT\'RE TOIETS. 'OUFTacctstoilts. caarNellY. couNT€rTo6 grElVEs' CICTSET ROOS ANO faL5E aE^r',E 6. mFrR TO fr-ooR Pt.Ants toR ooo{ locrTlonr' RE EI TO DOOR 'cH€OUl€ fOR OOOR TYPE5. t REFER TO flcro8 Pr-ANS FOR WNOOW LOCITIONs. REfE TO WINETOW SCHIOULE FOR E. COOROTNATE ALL Et tCTtrcA! aND raEcftaNlc^l frxTurRgi To ftl wrTHlN ctltlNc tLcloF, Ailo waL SPACE vElrtY wTH AICIITECT WHEI{ OmlTlNG FROH ORAWT"IGS 9. IN THE €VINT IH^T AOOINONIAI OETAIIS Oi GUC'ANCE S NEED€O EY THE CONTP"ACIOA lo^ cot6TRlJcrloN of atjl asftcr of rHE Pioj€cr. Tll€Y sHAu rllilEolarELY r"lorlFY rHE AICHITECI FAIIUiE TO GIVE IO DAY NOTTC€ TO AACHTT€SI SIA|-I NOT CO^6TIT(,I' A OEIAY |N rHr nortcT IO THE GETIEML CONT'AqTOT SHALL BE R6?ONS|II€ fOR 5ANSFiNG ^L! APPLIC,ASIT CODE5 ID OCTATNING A!! PETI'ITs ANO REQLIIi,ID APfAOVAII TH|' Pi'OITCT 15 COVERENEO AY IH€ uNtFc'Rll BlrlorNc coo€ l''7 EDlTloN COHTANCI lS ?IANDA]ORY lHl CONSTAt CTTON DOCIIIIENIS S}TAII NOI P!R'.IT \A/ORK T}IAT OOES NOT CONfC'Rh TO ALL REL€V^NI COOES |NCLUOTNG rN U8C ANO AtL IOCAI ANO RtGlO||Al COOEI I I. TH€ GENCRAT CONIi^CTOi AND SUECONTRACTOiS IIIALI- fIELD COORo|NA T€ ANO oSTAlN APPROVAIs rROi rftE ARCt{r€ctEflGlNCEA 8€toi€ allY cultlNc NorcHrNG oR DAILIING Of ANY C SI.IN.PIACE CONCiTTE sIRT.,CTIUA! fRAIIING OR ANY OTHfi STITICTURAL ETTHINTS WHICH }{AY A'TEC' THE SIiUCTI.iAI INTI€GTIY OT IHt coNsTRr,rcItoN 12- THE G€N:ML CONIRACTOR SIIALI" VEA'|Y ALL D(6IING GRAD€SAND 5C I€ OUI IH€ 8I'-OtnIG IOOTPRINT FOR OWNIR AND ARCX|TrcT A'PiOVAL P'IOi TO BEGINING ANY sITE It. THE OWNER H^5 SEEN ADV|SEO T|{ T OU: TO HARJH WNTTi CONo|T|oNS. iOOI T OTCK atfacEs |.nJsT B€ r,r |NTA|NEO ilasolla8l-€ tlE oF KE t sllow fo €Nsuit talNlM l PiOSL€H' W|rH 'H6E 5URfACEI ta slJSsntulroN5 ol "EQlraL'PRooucli wlt! B€AccE laSLf wlTH ARCHTTECT5W{TrEN I'. 'T tS THE INTEN] ANO 'IEANING Of THBE IIOOT'IIENTS THAT IH€ G€NEML CONTCACTOR ANO EACH SUSCONTT^CTOi PiOVIO€ At LASoL HATtllAls rMNsPoit^lloM. S{rptlrEs. EQIJI?hTNT. €IC.IO OBTAINA COHPLETE'O! VI4THIN THf iECOGNIZED sIANO^ROS O' IHT INO(',5TRY. I6 AtL CQNSTRUCIION IS 10 IIT WTTIN THE I}IJT-OING EIWEIOPE ANcr/OA OIJ ISIOE S€'6ACK5 WTIHOIJT CREATING EASIIITNTS. N('TlfY AACHTTTCT II'MTDIATTIY Of ANI orscn€P Ncras 17. THE GEr.lEr^L conlrRActoR 5r{ u fl€Lo VERIFY THE LocaTloNs o,^LLtrrsrrfJc uTtltlt€s att ullut|Eg SHALL 8E lOClrlO rO l'lNll4lzf Excav^rloNANo vE6tlar'ot! ||lPACtS lO rHE 9ra t6 lH€ctN€F.^L coNTlacto^ StiALL talMr.llzE THE UlllTS Of €XCAVATION ANO rA<t OTQT' TE I,lEA5URES TO PROTICT AI! VEGSTATION 8€YONO IHE LII'IITI O' CIC^V^TION ALL ,\^EAS Or OISTUiBANCE 9]ALL SC RE.VEGETAT€O fO SlEl'lO wlIH Ttl€ NOtl OlSlt'hC€f) |-ANOSCAPt EXC^VAnON. ALLAAEASOT D|STI'NSANCE Slt l!- 8t Rt.VEGtrArfD r" eL€No wtTH THE t]ON.OrtlUFgtO LANOSCAPE r9 rHE SOt5 AEmir rS AvAtLASlE rnod owNER's soll.s [NGIN€E8. 20. GCNERAI- CoNTRACTOT sHA[ vtSlfY Al! glt DEvEtOPtitNl wrlll t r)"'it't CONSTRUCTION OOCUHENIS THE SITC ?TAN t5 FOI GRAO'NG IIO IAIICSCAft fiAII II TOi IAYOUT ANI OI'CRIPENCI€' VERIFY WIIH ARCHITTCI, PRO-IECT -SUMMARY: Codel UNIFORM BUTLDING CODE T997 EDIIION Occupancy Classif ic.rtxtr TYPE R OIV ]. Construction TyPe: FR2 PROJECT TEAM: DMWlllG lilDtx ARCIIt0utAt A 100 ur I l0l t . tir tmor ottu I | !ruouu ttnrt'ir iittrl ARCHITECT K.I{. WEBA ARCHITECTS PC. 95I SOTJIH FRONTAGI RD. 'UITE 2I6 vAlL co 81657 *+ 970.1f1 .2990 FY" 970!.n .2965 3ardio@lh*.bb.<om CONTACT} KYI,I H- WEBS/ }IIIIIE }4ONTGOMERY GENEMI- CONTRACTOR HIGHLANO BUILO€RS CORrc)MTION 2598 PAI}4ER PARK 8LYO, coLoMDo 9R|NGS, CO 8090' PH.7t9.520.5r00 FX 7t9.t99.9248 CONTACT: MARI( HALLENE€CK FNE PROTECTION EFPE PH. 10t..t26.01.r2 D( t0!.t2t.9205 CONTACT: P€RRY HATHEWS I'v .we0r) .chitet:t. !Cfi0r.i/i I r.i ',tlri r.t \/.,i1 \/i|nae ce.,\p. lr,ttt I t,.,,1. '),. (& *( -F"\ KYLE H. WEBB 203186 ATTIC NEW SfiLIGHTS (APROX. 2'0"x2'x8") CENTERLINE OF 8AR JOrST CENTERLINE OF BAR JOIST CENTERLINE OF GLU.LAM NEW SKYLIGHTS W/ MOTORIZED 5HADE5 A 1ti0 .:CIIOCi' ET PESJDTNCI trt.Ce Ce^r"r BldO C U^lt 5NVnl, La\orodo I tl ',t ar trl1ql'. 05162001 cENTER SYLTGHT OVEX vA!I.L WHILE MAXIMIZING WIDTH BEDROOM h 6i,-_*\q"z-q_gENq/ xvt ru \"o * { WEBB l* KYLE H. WEBB 203186 z = o I SKYLIGHT MTD ON ROOF CURB - CONFIRM EXACT CURB DTIAIL V/ SKYLIGHT MFR FLASHING,/RF6 MATERIAL ON EXT PLYVD FRAMED ROOF CURB V,/ FULL BATT INSUL & VAPOR BARRIER 5/B' GVB L]GHT SHAFT TO UNDERSIDE OF SKYLIGHT - FRAME AS REQ'D BUILT UP ROOF ROOF INSUL MTL ROOF DECK<- EXIST MTL BAR JoISTS NTV INTERMEDIATE RONF OPENING FRAI'4ING TO SUPPORT SKYLI6HT e0t.t.' /. l0I ; 'tu,* 'l 6 2oo3 5:24Pr'{ ||LnSERJEI 32oo p.3 JoB VILLAGE CENTER RENoVATIONS #0J04-1J KRlvl CONSULTANTS, lNC. P.0. Box 4572 Voil, Colorodo 81658 (e7o) s4e-9391 Fox (970) 949-1577 s*tEI llo.1 -cr 1 caqrLlnD gr TFA oaIE 06/16/05 OIECK 8Y OAIE Ar t^.," NEw CONT. L 4x4x1 /4 TYP. EXSTG. SIL BAR JOISTS ROOF-=LoPE- z. 4zg,i | ;i trjLxar oo NEV/ CONT. L 4x4x1/4 TYP. ; EXSTG.I JOISTS STL BAR NtW SKYLIGHT OPTNING VERIFY PLAN VIEW GTNERAL SCALE: 5 4" n 1'-Q" TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 ot*rru*r oF coMMUNrrY DEvELott NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0146 Wl Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 122 E MEADOW DR Applied. . : 0810712003 ParcelNo...: 210108207020 Issued. . : 08/11/2003 ProjectNo : ?RS6 i-OZo1 Expires. .: 02/07n004 owNER SCHOCKET, STAITLEY S. & eECIr.,O8/07/2003 Phone: 3509 AI{|:TON FARI,TS RD BATTIMORE MD 2L208 License: CoNTRACTOR HEjARTH EI(CIIAIIGE, INc. (Tt+E) o8/o7/2o03 Phonet 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 570 MINTT'RN, CO 81645 License: !74-Yl APPLICANT HE.ARTH EXCIIA}IGE, INC. ITHF,) 08/07 /2003 PhONE: 970-827-9623 P.O BOX 670 MIMTURN, CO 81645 License: L74-M Desciption: INSTALL GAS LOG FiP IN EXTSTING WOOD BURNING F/P (coNvERSroN) Valuation: $1,592.00 Fireplace Information: R€stricl€d: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # of Gas L.ogs: I # of Wood Pellet: 0 l,l*+a'l **+ l:t:ttl*l 'lll *l* *l't **:tt*al *'l Mechanicsl---> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> ${0.00 R€stuaranl Plsn Review-> $10. OO DRB Fee------> $0.00 TOTALFEES- - $3.00 so. oo Total Calculated Fees->ss3.00 50.00 Additional Fe€s__> (953.00) $53. OO Total Perm t Fee-->$0. 00 $0.00 $0. 00BALANCE DUE*-.-.> Item: 05L00 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT I8/O8/2OO3 @D Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI.{EI{T CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPLIAIICE. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAILATION MUST CONFORM TO I,IAI{UFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}lD TO CIIAPTER 10 oF THE L997 I,MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPITIANCES SHAIJIJ BE VEITIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 AIiID SIIAIJI-, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE L997 rdn/Ig, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BI,DG.): ACCESS TO HEATING THE 1997 UMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 Cond: 32 3 AND SEC.1017 0F (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLAI,IS AND CODE AI{AIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. I rrtrttt tatl+t I tt+t +tr rtt a t+t I tttr tat *t+* *'r DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY T 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ORCONTM FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET o EHAPTER o EQUIPMENT OF TIIE 19 MUST COMPIJY WrTH 97 rMC. . "1.;-h:::r.:;,',i'rrj-ri;itttr*i:)'{i* ^3iai?Ar1r!i!ti!$:.{tt Sti.,:***r'$Ji'tlt:rnA.i&tu,.i}*S$ii$b }l[!hUrij,rr+xi*.t*t$.{l iFnffitrFl?:!t-{-^ ./ /r\ L^--. Pruicd#: l-K,\G>-(Ja4-(JfrTt Burt.iing Fermil#i- Hechanical Permit #:ffis*nw Permit will not be accepEd wlhout $e following: Provide Mechanical Room layout dr.wn to rcab to Includelo Mechanlcal Room Dlmcncionso Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vcnt rnd Gcs Unc Size and locaUono Heat Lorr Calculatlonro EqulpmentCut/Sp€csheets CONTRACTOR IMORMATTON illFry0r 75 S. Frontage Rd. IVait, C.otorad. tr((rll ;(rt Q' Ltlt, \r. Contact and Phone #'s: 7- ral4pv COMPTETE VALUATIOT{ FOR MECHANICAL pEil r & MateriaisJ -- I urcu""' $ /f/2 cto ll - OffieatgTO-or Ydstt tf d. rf *r**rtl.rl.!*{.*!t** r*i.****rt *usE oN Ly*,t,* * rr* :r r * rt !t tt :t * :r * *,t !r * * * * * * * * * * F: /cYctluns/fonn /mrdrpcrm , r*-r rr.-Ll.,]-iC,rJ A,\D OPERATIOt{ GUt: HAHTROVE cafrocs NATURAL GAS tuoTE ! ADEOUATE FIREPLACE VENTILATION IS REOUIRED FOR SAFETYGAS Locs MUST BE TNSTALLED By pERSoNNET_ ouAlirred ron TNSTALLTNGGAS APPLIANCES. nFAD TNSTRUCTTONS FULLY BEFOHE TNSTALLTNG OR OPERATING.INSTALLER LEAVE THESE ITSTNUCTIONS WITH CONSUMER! fl:,:sJ:j".yjlYl"^"ll:T:9?_9{gti.on uses,.refr.actory materiar to creare ceramic toss. Each tos is hanr l,1l:n,?1,:^,:::"T :j,:"T.li,f93tl',i"r,oeiiireo rog iJaiiubli. -ri,rl"i'6;;;;;;,'#;.;";;;rjd;#'i; ?yi,T,.lT,::::d^* yll,". .ygj!_qy....9r.y iramp . Fo', tniiieas"; i#-;;i";;;;'n;;il' ;il#";;il ;;.J:,lfY,::l:*1,"-:;:,:Tl^r^.tifte ti,lgorgce with tl"-olnio"r ",orqr"i"ri *rd.*iiil;;;;*y'iA;i';;;bstructions or restrictions. T.h9 fireptace must beGr@iffapproved to burn *o;l.ti'h;';;"'];"rjfiermanent, free ope he fir;tt;;; ;hir;!t ;;;5; 8; fi;i.;;i;;'("Eo ;q;;;.'i';;ij;:f i IT IS THE HOME OWNERS BESPONSIBILITY TO ASSUBE THEIRFIREPLACE HAS ADEOUATE DRAFT. he reaiistic yeliow frame produces carbon monoxide and soot.re exhausted up the chimney. lf fumes or soot trom tfre-gJi-he damper is.fully open, it indicates that the fireplace Oraiilet until the fireplace draft is corrected. Under normal conditions these produc:s burning are evidenced in the room lvncndefective. Do not operate your gas log T' ' ::ZE CHART BELOW II'JDICATES THEM; .,LlM SIZE FIREPLACE OPENINGS tN WHICH DIFFERENT SIZE GAS LCG S=TS CAN BE INSTALLED. jEOUATL .,,ATION IS REAUIRED. FOR YOUR SAFETY IF YOU SMELL OPEN WINDOWS DON'T TOUCH ELECTRICAL SWITCHES EXTINGUISH ANY OPEN FLAMES IMMEDIATELY CALL YOUR GAS SUPPLIER FLAMMABLE VAPORS MAY BE DRAWN BY AIR CURFENTS FROM OTHER AREAS OF YOUR HOUSE TO THIS APPLlAivSE. ,1 GAS LOG SET SIZE DEPTH FRI,iNT WIDTH to 18 1A ?n 12tl 1?" t+ 1Ant+ 1C" B4EEB\@@rs 2n" a.)tl1- /- lAf 40" FIREPLACE SIZES FOR '/OI.'R SAFETY DO NOT STORE OR USE GASOLINE OR OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPCPS AND LIOUIDS IN THE VICINITY OFTHiS OR AIIY OTHER APPLIANCE. ',,,|4VN5TRUCT,NGHAR r -4 | OF 4 t, o/, o/gst BURNER PAN MEDIA l"_ -,_Iltl theburner pan withsitic"?";""d revetshoutdbe slo-ped evenly_with the sides of ember burner. place2r3 0f the Part A Embers on top of tne sano. Burner shourdbe completely full and level. 2. Light the gas and observe flame for even distribution. 3, Part B Embers (rockwool) are placed over the sand tosimulate giowing em!91s. For best i;;rtt; pinch off piecesl': th'- Par: B riateriar the size of a oime lnd feather'it out.i rce as-much as desired over the aiei tne ga" "o*eltnrougn. (See Figure 3,) GRATE PLACEMENT Place the grate over the ember burner using the referencenarks made on fireplace floor earlier. LOG PLACEMENT 1.. Tiielong"st log is.the front log. ltshould be placed on:he f ront of the grate with the flat, uif inisheC ^;rje iacing theback. lt is ec:enrialfor this log to be positio; ,th theilat,unfinished siuc being straight up anC dowil. (lf the lcgs r ,: laid flat on the grate the safety pilot controlpa;ts will ovL ...-: and shut the system off.') 2. The second longest.log is the back log, lt is positionedon the back pedestai of the grate with th; flar side down. 3- .The rernaining logs are top logs. These logs areoiaced'ir-^";ratiy across the bdttom logs and c6n besrre flgeu .., ,. Jate the most realistic flame oatterns. See Figure 4.) Siiica Sand Figure VOLCANIC CINI:RS Figure 4 l. Thebiacirvolcaniccindersareusedtocoverthefireplacefloor,fittingsandtubingarc!.-.j--?.r, tystem' Although not functional, the black cinders act as a picture frame tlo show off ihe growrng efr,oerslnd yellow fiame. I The remaining 1 13 Part A Embers can now be s p read over the volcanic cinders to look like add j,,.r n ^ |bllen ash under lfr ., loos. uo not use this aooliance iflmmediately call a qualified appliance and to repiace any'./nr'' .: teen under water. Kcep this appliance clear andgasoline, and other flammable ",any part has been under water. service technician to inspect thepart of the system or gas control ::., free from combustible materials.vapors and liquids. $$ HAFGROVE MANUFACTURING COqP'- :-':\J IrJp uoTraTl f;'ff l ;:3,i,:T t# :Hf iJr, :i :ttli 3 l: ff ,i1ii,'"jfireplace damper blade. (See Figure 1) lf the damper stop provided does not fit, the installersnall.lnstall a permanent damper stop that will keepthe damper open a minimum of 3". II CAUTION * II-E_DTMPER MUST BE FULLY OPEN WHENOPEFATTNG THE GAS LOGS I - -' --' FIGURE I 1. Turn gas off . 2. Remove old log lighter, ashes, and otner mate_rial from the firebox. 3. Center the ember burner on the fireplace floorwith the burner pipe compietely visible from the front.For best results the ember buiner should Oe Oirectiyunder the flue opening with a minimum of 4,' from thefront. edge of the ember burner to the fireolaceopening. ! Place the grate over the ember burner so frontlegs of,grare are just in front of ember burner pipe.Unce rne rtnat positioning is establisiled. mark theburner and grate position on the floor of the fireptJC-for.reference points. Remove the grate anO proceeJwith the gas connectton. lSee Figure 2.)Figure 2 GAS CONNECTION l. The gas supply line should be 112,' Inside Diameter ilD)up to 30 feet and 314" Ior longer distances. Z. Tighten the black pipe cap on the end of the burner pan prpe. i' Us.::he :lurninum conn€ctor io connect.gas supply to the ember burner. When bending alumirr:mubing use prcplr bending procedures to avoid-t<int<in!id" rri;;. ilf a safety pitot control is used follorrynstructions included for connecting gas to the piiot dontrol. [. Check all connections for leaks using a soapy water solution. i' Damper must remain fully open during operation, Place a lighted match next to the burner pipe. Dolot hold the match in your hand while tightin-g,the gas. turn tne gas suppty.on stowtv unritthe gas ignites.lheck the flane :'rr ;','(rrr ,jisiribution, Ttame-!-"isl, ano preisur"e. attdr in""ffiTne flame turn off rneire. (To turn off ,h" fifq,trl! rhe,gas'vilve off.)"Do nor,ctose the damper untii ait the ftames have died.;eep the glass doors fully open diring all nurning. INFORMATION .99.!-9I -USE A NATURAL GAS SET FOR PROPANE OR A PROPANE SET -:O;. NA::.:-AL GAS.WHEN uslNc PRoPANE tr-pct chC AN AUToMATTc ptlor sysreru-rvrusi-er-ir::; :LED. .1:,f.h,9t-" are many different local codes for gas fire logs. The installaticn of this set must conformwrrn-rocal codes or, in the absence of local codes, wiin the National Fu,-, Gas Code ANSI ZZ2a.j1984. ?. .f.F" Iog set is designed for use with Naturat Gas. ?:.u'l^":jl?11J[eotgce doors are used always operate gas log set with the doors fuily open to anow;i,' ,iiOper COmbuStion air.4. A fire screen must be in place when the log set is in use 5 ' The appliance and its individual shut off valv"e must be dislonnectec f rom the gas supply piping :y-qltl_9t l"st pressures in exce.ss of 1 12 psig. The appliance must be isolated frolm the gas iuppli f,'P]:9 Y:-t-9tb,v closing its individual m'anual snut'dttvalve during any pressure testing ot'faisupni// system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psig. 9:-Y:ti-Y- iniet sup-Ply pressure ior Natural Gas is 7'i wate-r column. Maximum intet supplypressure for Natural Gas is 10 1/2" water cotumn.7' After burning, the logs become fragile ind should not be iiandrrd. Knocking or rubbing logs cancause concrete to crumble and is not covered under the warraniy.8' U,se a soft. dry paintbrush-for periodic ousting ottnJ gaJfir" lojs. Special care musr be taken :n:l"n.l :h:..9l:l-lgqt .Rub-bing will remove soot but ivitt atso remove rhe white pigments,v. ir.J lti-rr burn wood with this set. NOTE: cAS LoGS MUST BE tNsrALt_!_"FRSONNEL OUALIFIED TO INSTALL GAS APPLIANCES, ;,IT-..1LLING YoUR H A R G R O V E GAS !,.\GS Remove all the parts from the shipping container. Your set includes the following pans... Number bv Set 1.P:::r;tal Grate l.Ember Burner 3.Silica Sand 4.Fire Embers 5.Safety Pilot Controt (optionat) 6. Alr.rminum Connector 7.Firt Log; S.Damper Stop (optional) 9.Volcanic Cinders (j-)'-. -..-l- rllrl'I wFffi*#! 16"-21" Sets 24" SetsPG-16 PG-20EB-14 EB-'t8sD-l SD-1EM-1 EM-1SPC SPCAC-18 AC-18* Number of logs determined bvDS DSvc-1 vc-l 28"-30" Sets PG-25 -::. :-1 lru- | EM-1 SPC AC-18 lq" s rzg vc-1 Gtr-)D -6 \dO ffiHry6 GENEHAL The Y8610U is a compiete kit for convertins convenllonal standing pilot systems to inlermitient piiot systems. lt is used on gas-fired almospheric furnaceE, bojlers. and heating appliances. Not for use on di'cct venl or power burner eou oment. Meets ANSI 221.71 standard lor automatic nlermritenr pilot ignitjon svstems for field installations. FE..\TURES . Y8610U kits can be used with either natural or LP gas.. Y8610U provides a 90 second maximum ignition trial. snuls olf. waits six minutes nominal, then reinitiates the Dilol rEnition sequence. The ignition trial. shutotf . and wait cycle repeat until the pilot lignts or the call for heal ends.. Y8610U kits can be used with either natural or LP gas; it orovidas timed trial for ignition and 100 percent pilot shuio{f in loss of tlame. Y8610U Inter'mittent Pilot Retrofit Kit ri-' a1l 1'+rI ' Ua i.''irt Each kit includes: - 5861OU Intermitteni Pilot Module. - VR8304M Dual Valve Combinalion G3s Control' - 392431 lgniler'Sensor. - 394800-30 lgt":ition C:hlr. - 393691 Natural to LP Gas Conversion Kit' - Wiring Harness. - 393690-14 Straight Flange Kit (3''1 in', - Reducer adapters for gas controt. - Adhesive mounting option for 5861 0' - lnstallation hardware.. Temperalure Rating: - VR8304M: -40"F to 175 F ('10 C lo 79 C) - 58610U: '40''F to 165'F ('40 C to 74 C) 'lt r"n:rin valve currenl is 1A or less. 175 f " - -" "';'x:i'r r':l ambient aPPlies.) iJIODULE. Uses rectification principle {or flame sensing.. Provides 13 kV peak capacitive discharge spark c::;'",:l (ji -- r:-- ;t3d). GAS CONTROL. Straight through body pattern.. VR8304M capacity at 1 in. wc pressure drop (0.25 kPa pressure drop is 270 ft3/hr (7.6 m3/hr).. Manual ON-OFF valve blocks gas f low into the gas control when in the OFF position.. Two main aulomatic valves---one.cr-'"' l-'}no!'ilrd. and one a servo-operaled diaphrc, IGNITEH/SENSOB. Single electrode made ot Kanthal provides both ignition and flame sensing.. Rated tor 1775'F (968'C) at electrode tip. 1250'F (677-C) at ceramic insulator. Contents Fe.t:res Spec f car ors Oroer.ng in'ormarjon Plarnrng the Insta,laiton 1 2 2 5 5 t.) 19 Installation CheckoLr Oceration Trcubleshoorino ANSI Stanoaros i illril tiili iili tillri llil ltlll iltllilllllllll lilt rlli Y86 1 OU, t NTE R M rTT ENT P I LOr r ror,, *'' SPECIFICATIONS IMPORTANT Tke specificatiars oiven rn this publication dc not : :.Ce a7 ;'ei -:,.-,.iac:-ii,ng ioterances. Therelore, ..1 ;S nltqnt .-tc! :ia:cn .\e tisted SDectfications exactly. Also, unrts are tesaed ano calibrated under closely controlled conditions. and some minol differences in peiormance can be expected if those conditions are changed. SUPEH TRADELINE@ Models SUPEF TFADELINEO models are selecrec and oackaoed for ease of handling. ease of stocktng, and maxrmum ,epraiement value. SUPER TRADELINE@ model specifications are the same as i:.tse of standaro modeis. exceDt as noted. SUPER TRADELINEO Model AvaiIab|e: YB61 0U lntermittent Pitor Retrotit Kit:. lvleets ANSI 221 .71 Auromaric Intermrttent pilot lqnrrion Sysrems for Field Insrallation.. c.r natural Cr l-P .las:anti.3|iO^. intnuies iicminat. :hen retnttiates ine .ll uli ;i:r-;i: , .l :eouencc. The ronttron inal. shutor _lno '.vir: _.;,. :repests untrl the orlot tights or the catl for heat cr 100 :. ?r'cent ptlcr snutotf on toss of f iame.. 586 rU lntermtttent Pilot Mocule.. VR8304M Dual Valve Combination Gas Controt.. Refer to Fig. 1 for oiher comoonenrs. Ambient Temperature Rating: VF,33C.livl: -r0-F:l:i3-F i-.lC C lc:l':). 58610U: -40'F to 165'F (-.fO-C to 74 C). (lf marr .aive current is 1 A or less. 1 75'F (79"C) maximum ambient aDplies. ) Also reier to lgnttersensor specliicatlc;:s. Electrical Ratings: Voltage and Frequency: 20.5 to 28.5 Vac (24 Vac nomrnal), 60 Hz. Current Rating:0.74 iincludes both module and gai; tonlroll. Thern:ostat Anticicator Setting: 0.7A plus curre!:I'r::nc: r,f other devtces In lne iheimoslat ccnlrol clrcult. Relative HumiditY Rating: 5 to -o0 oercent at 95 F r35 C). ^ Can?.-1.- ':4:l: . ' ira Sei 'ce ';-'ce i .:a.t(r tal.' l:ir:eriaTc:. Thermostat Compatibility: Compatible wrth any Honeyweil 24V thermostil and '1' Ih competitive 24V thermostats that are powerec, Inoepenceni v of the module. Tr:nsformer Sizing: AdC current ratings of Y8610, vent damper. ano ariy )i.- :i' control system componenls. Mulliply this total by 24v :o determine the transformer VA requirement. ,Tiring Connections: Between the module and gas conlrol: 30 in. (762 rn rn i wiring harness wilh 1/4 in. quick-connect lermlna:s. Betvveen the module and the igniter-sensci': 30 ' 062 mml ignition cable with stud termrnal ano i - quick-connect termlnal. Intermittent Pilol Module Specifications: 5861OU Intermrttent Pilot Module. fcl' neturi]l .r !P 'ra: aoplications cnly. Dimensions: Flame Failure BesPonse Time: 0.8 SecOnO maxtmum at 1 C uA ijame currer]:. lgnition Timing: p-rovides a go second maxrmum ignltion triai. shuis ali. . ja.:: six minures nominal, then reinitiates the pilot ignltion seouence. The ignition trial. shutofl, wait cycle repeats Lrnl:l ine pilot lights or the cail for heat ends. During ihe shurcri sequence. gas is shut ofl 100 percent. Mou11lnq; Mounls,n-6ny position except wtth terminals up. Recommenoerl mounting position is with terminals down to provide maximun' Frotection f rom dripping water or dust accumulation. Fasten v.irh No. 6-32 machtne scre' s or No. 8 sheet metal screws ol appre.lriate length. Refer to i:! 12. Spark Generator Output: 13 kV peak at 25 pF ioad (16 kV peak open crri-,... Terminals: 1/4 in. maie quick-connects. 58610U has N4olex plug for ccnnection to Honeywell D80D Vent Damper. Once the 58610U has powered a vent damper. the rnooule worKs cr^l',/ if the vent damoer is connecled. ORDERIi\G II.! FO EMATIOI\I For crdering information ',vhen purchasing :eDlacement ano modernizalton oroducls from your TRADELINEe '""noiesaler :r "'cur o"i', 'Urio,. ieier to ihe FADELINE,g Ca:ltog or pnce sneels ior complete oroering number. or specify: 1. SUPEa TRADE-:NEl order numoer. lf vou ha'/e additionai ouestions. need funner iniormation, or want to commenl on our products or servrces 2ieas= 1l ' 'i' phone:'' J. -VoUr local Honevrrrell Home anC Bu idin-c Contro! sales office icheck 'rh1te pages of cnone directcrv; 2. Horne and Bull0ing Control Cusroi'ner Loglslics Hc'le'/v. ('ll Inc, ' 1 8d5 i,,, llas Drive North Manneaooiis. l,linnesota 55422--1335 (612) 951-1000 ^t.,r^.1ra a: -: :: t: ; q, -G-d 392431 iGNITEH-SENSOFqssElrSt-Y ALSO INCLUDED: ..:9i60i'rc .uirriili! !i8LE,.J0 ill, ;o\l .nrir) .393630- IJ SiRAIGHT Fi-ANGE KIT .39369I NATURAL GAS TO LP CONVERSIOIJ KIT . F€DUCER BUST,IINGS FOF GAS CONTROL Fig. 1. Y8610 retrotit kit components. Honeywell Fig. 2. 5861 0U module dimensions. Y861OIJ INTERMITTENT PILOT RE)FIT KIT Dual t/alve Combination Gas Control Specilications Model: VR8304M Dual Valve Combination Gas Control. Ambient Temperature Fating: -40" to 1;5'F (-40":o 79'C). Capagitya: 27Q ttr lh'r (7.6 m"1hr) at 1 in. lvc (0.25 kPa) pressure drcp. Pipe Sizeb: 1i2 in. x 34 in. NPT iniet x outlet. a Based on 1.000 Btunift3. 0.64 specific gravity naturai gas at 1 in.',vc pressure Crop i37.3 MJim'. 0.64 specific gravity . natural gas at 0.25 kPa pressJre drcD)." With a 1i2x3/4In. straignt llange {inciudeo). - -:.':i::::: See Fig. 3. Mounting: Can be mounted from 0 to g0 degrees rn any Cirection, lrom ll-c .rc a-n.rnt .r^r r!;l -^qr-.on. Pressure Fating: 1tZ ?stg (3.45 kPa) inlet pressure. Terminals: 1i4 in. male quick-connect terminals. lgniter-Sensor Specilications Model:.92431 lgniter-Sensor. lncludes ignitersent^''::3i' - r :cund rod, and adaDter (refer to Fig. 1 ). Dimensions: Re{er to Fig. .1. Ele.irode/Flame Rod Material : Kani;ral. Maximum Temperature Ralings :/:"n r-.1 tr^.i Tin r --. c ,OA8 a: Ceramrc Insuiator: 1 250 F (677-C i. Mounting: ReplaceJthe thermocouple on the e'\isting pilot burner' CU,C<.:Crl'.::__EF,rrr.rLs ,UtlDEa CAP -'Cf Eijv). INLE; PRESSLRE TAP \ rruler I AOJUST:'l:UI a3lrvE'.1:NC: .PT CI]AL) , ,.,JIFI\G :Eil,.rNlLs.:i -c'.'-'-a- f ourwr . PILOT OUTLET PILCT ADJUSTMENT IUNDEF CAP SCFEVr'] rl,.',.:A ' cAscilrTRoL(NOB l\': t r .7N 6 \361 I (1311 i r25i 1 16 ':9 r Fig. 3.',r1i330,:i\: ;ncunling dimensions in in' (mm)' :.] II I I I r rli ,.,)21 .:rtjwiuc iacii-s -l I '. aaaa :ig. '1.392431 lgniter-Sensor mounting dimension in in' (mm)' o,uro, TNTERM.TTENT PILor RETFioFi . PLANNII.IG THE INSTALLATION lntermittent pilot systems are used on various types of centralnealng equrpment and on heating appliances such ascomn3rc j3i .j:cKers, agricultural equipment, industnalnealng .equlpment, and pool heaters. Some oi theseapprrcalrons can make heavy demands on the controls, eilhercec:ise ,l trecuent cycling or because ot rnc..,.. .e, corrosivecnernrcals. dust. .)r excessive heat in lhe en,,rr.-,;. .tent. Inthe3a :rDlications. special steps could be rei,.:j. " to oreventilur: :.r;-. shr'rClltns and premature controi lr.iii. -. -l.tese a0pr.3trf,ns.-ecurre Honeywelj Home and Burlotrg ConuolEn9tneenng revr-ew: contact your Honeywell SalesHepresentatjve {or aSsistance. provide covers for the module and the gas control that e- envrronmental conlamination. A NE!'1A J enclosure is recommended lor the ign jtion module: see the Electronic lgnition Service Manual. form 70-6604. Heat The controls can be damaged by excessively high temoeratures. Make sure ihe maxi..'Jm ambieni..-?:ra at the Control localion oces ,:oi - : .i the raljrg ri :_o conlrol. lf the appliance norma. r '- i'lles 3t very hiqh iemperalures; insulation. snieic'.- '- : )t( ,)"r:,r iL. : rJ. b-. necess.:ry to protect lhe cln:,--ls ,:roper ,;, : . - -' shieiding should be provided by the a0pliance manL;ac:, make sure adeouate air circulation is maintained when :: aooliance is installed. When Installing this Product... ' Fgar'1 lf'Fca i^ctr,C:iohc .iro{r'lr\/ tr:rilr-''e i^ i^i'^ u! !riu !<iinqgs .:lr: . i! - -.- . condrtion. 2. Check the ratings given tn product to ensure the . aoplicatron, lnslaller must be a trained, excenenced -- ,- tecnntcran. After completing installation, use rhese insi; -. -. :-s check oroduct ooeration. Water or Steam Cleaninu Once a module or gas control nai r:.,. -,1 ir .en ^^.r,rounrelr:bry and musl be replaced. rf . . .,-;;;T;;;; wrrh lvater or sleam, the controls an,j j_.-_.,_ j ";rino - shouid be covered so water or sleam flow cannot reitl tnem.The controls should be high enough above the ,:abrnetoonom so ltooding or splashing water can not reach themounng, normai cleaning procedures. lf necessary, shield thecontrols to protect them from spta:,ring water. A NEiriA _enclosure is recommended for the ignltion module; see theElectronic lgnilion Service Manual, ibrr ^ 6604. High Humidity or Dripping Wareruver trme, ctripping water or high arnbient humidity can createunwanted electrical paths on rne module circuil board, causrng the module to fai,. Never install an appliance wherewaier can drip on the controls. In addition. high ambient humidity can cause the gas controlto corrode, and finally to fail. When the appliance is installed in a humid atmosphere. maKesure air circulation around the module and oas control is adequate to prevent condensation. lt is alsd important loregularly check out the system. A NEMA 4 enclosure could beneede.r: see the Electronic lqnition Service Manual,form 70-6604_ Corrosive Chemicals Corrosive chemicals can also attack the module and oascontrot and evenlually cause a failure. Where chemicijs areusec routinely for cleaning, make sure tne cleaning sotut,oncannol reach the controls. Where chemicals could besuspended in air, as in some industrial and agriculturalapTlications, protecl the ignition module fromlxposure with aN_EMA 4 €nclosure; see tie Electronic lgnition ServiceManual. form 70-6604. Du;t er Grea:-e Accumulation tseavv accumuiatjoit o{ dust or grease can cause the controlsto maifunction. Where dust or grease can cause a problem. .-se .l.qlrr-lctionS anO : . . r: 'e icr ','ou r 3. IMPORTANT 1. lnstaller must compi)/ vlitl- it .:i:es and odinances of the Nationat ruet t,ode (ANS|7^23.1-NFqA No. 54) and Nationat Electricat C(ANSI NFPA No.70).2. lnstaller must fill in and attach labe! to aopliance being converted.3. Use Y8610 Retrofit Kit onrv ,^,ith atmosDhert: burners. Do not use - .: - . j Jipower burners-4. Do not use the y8610 Retrolit Kit with mercurv c.or 250 to 750 mV pilot systems. A wanNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSTON HAZARO CAN CAUSE PROPEFT'/ DIi,I,lGE. SEVERE INJURY, OR DEATh, Follow these warnings exacfly. 1 . Disconnect the power supply betore wiring toprevent electricai shock or equioment damaoe2. To avord dangerous accumulatton ^f.uer ea5.turn off gas supply i .: obelore starting Insta,,,,. ;..,.,,:oim it;e Ga ^ L€ak Test jmmediately foltowtng lhe installatiorr. r\ever Insta where water can flood, drip, orcondense on module or gas control. Never usemooute or gas control that has been wet. lf wetcontrols can malfunction and lead to an , accumujation of expiosive gas..+. uo-not ttght or operate eiectric switches. jights. 1ol!3nc.es unrit. you are sure the apptianc; are :t^'j::^ "1-S". Liquef iec perroreum ilpl gas isneavter than air ano does no1 vent upwa;onaturallv. Y86I.OU INTERMITTENT o Perform the Preinstallation Safety tnspection Il? 9,."]::l1t1,l_T.checks described in ANS| standardu re At\Dt btanoards section must be performedbetore rnstalling the yg6 j O. ll an unsafe condition is detected.the appriance should be ihut off and t " o*""i "O"irrO "i tn"unsafe _c_cndition. Any porentially unsafe condition .rit O"corrected before proceeding wiih the tn.rariaiion. Majntenance Requirements in Severe EnvironmentsRegular preventive mainlenance is important in anvapptication, bul especialty in .ommercli'"ooiini Jgricutturat,and industri3l application's because:. !l!q:g rppticarions the eguipment operates 1O0.OOO io 390:0-0! :v:,":.per year. Sr"A n"auy5yc["s ."""riJ;, .r,tne gas control in one to two years. n n-orma] f-";;rurnace lrhe originat aoplicari6n ro; ihe;;;;;i;i:;;:;, ," operares iess lhan 20.000 cycles per year.. Exposure to water, Oirt. cneriricatsl ini-til"t ""n damaoe TO iRANSFCFI,IER ;o iFANSFOF,[IEf, ;qA\SFCBA.lEF 'to rH::1.10s- 'i--J - -'r.-., ohecKout as outlineo in the 1.1''- 'c JL'r .:;- *, .j,;:.,,,iuneckout section. -yJre r,i.,^r NEivl;r + cr.lctosufe can reouce exposure Ioenvironrnenrat conraminants. See gleiironJ;;;;;;" Service Manuai, form 70-6604.Remove Standing Pilot Gas Control O lf the qas control has a common terminal/s). re,"nove spiice rogerner with-onc oi ,n" *,r" nr* orovrcec. ' €) Laoel and remove trre remaintng ,r,ires. A wnaNtNG Do not bend the pilot gas tubing at the gas controt cr at the pilot burner to prevent gas leakage at the connectton. O Disconnect the pilot tubing at the gas control. Cut otfand discard the compression fining. Do not disturb the ^ cornpta5sisn fitting or piiot tubing at the pilot burner.I :i::9lryrl lhe thermocoupte tead ar rhe gas conlrot.P :l:!?nl:tt tne sas piping at the gas contiol.(jtf lJlSCarO lhe gas control Remove Thermocouple Unscrew or snap the thermocouple out ot the oi,.discard. See Fig. 6. NOTE: lt could be necessary to pull out the main burner Jor access lo the pilot burner Do not move or relocate tnepilot burner. Do not bend tubing near the pilot burner. FEa.tovEIHEiI,ICCOUPLE Shut Dowrr Appliance Turn off the gas suppiy at the appliance service valve.Do not use the gas control knoo. Turn off the electricitv at the service eltrance. Check Appliance Wiring The standin3 cilot gas conlrol ,.vires are used with rhe yg61O krt. Careiu'i7 ientif,r J i-'l'he ",rrr-.s before Oisconneci,nqSee Fig. 3 lor rhe t,T- jr cc::lmon :_.:es of termtnat --'. - Srrangements. o @ M6852 A4\ WARNIING FIFE OH EXPLOSION HAZARD C.AN CAUSE PROPEBTY OAMACE,SEVEBE INJURY, OR DEATH.Do not attempt to disassemble or clean the moduletmproper reassembly and cleaning can causeunreliable operalion. Maintenance frequency n .r3t b€ determined individuailv foreach application based on:, Cycling frequency. Appliances that cycle more than 20,-lr0times annually shouid be checked monthlv.. lntermittent use: Appliances lhat are used seasonallv should be checked belore shutdown and again beioie thenext use., Consequence of unexpected shutdown:Wherc the cosl oran unexpected shutdown is high, the system shouid be checked more often.. Dusty, wet. or corrosive environment Because lheseenvironments can cause the controls to deteriorate morerapidly, the system should be checked more often. Any control shoulo be replaced if it does not perform properlyduring Checkour or Troubleshootrng. In addition, replace'anymodule i{ it is wel or looks tike it has been vret. proiective enclosures. see Planning lhe Installation, are recommendeoregardless ,,,f c r3ckout frequency. Fig.5. Femove thermocouple from pilot burner. ,uu O, rrr rM trrENT P I Lor RETR, F IT K t r BE suF€ tHE GFoUND cltp ts sNAppED oNto ,fiE ptLor BURNER oR trs cAs LtNE. Fig. 7. Mount ground rod on pilot burner. GACUNO ROO lvlCUir flNG 9RACl.iE: Installthe Gas Control A wanNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PFOPERfi DAMAGE, SEVEFE INJURY, OR DEATH, Follow these warnings exactly: 1. Do not bend the pilot :'- " ' - - ri :rre J:s control or at the pilol bt ' ,-- .ie compression litting is ti-ch.'r "-:. ias eal'.age at the connection can resuit.2. Always install a sediment trao tn the gas suo3l'/ iine to prevent contamt!',:tion oi ne gas.l:1li'ji. 3. Do not force the gas control knlb. r'se only yoLrr hand to turn lhe gas contrcl :'":-,3. :"^e cas control knob does not operaie Dy nano. :ne gas conlrol should be replaced bv I :u: 'ieC service technicran. Force or attemp,e.j :- -'; i can resutt in a fire or explosion. IMPORTANT These gas controls are shipped with Dialective ;ee s over the inlet and outlet tap,'' '- ' - ^3t remove re seals until ready to connect tii- t-,r,.. g. Converting Between Naturai .i,,J rP Ll'l A wanNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZ." ^^ CAN CAUSE PROPERTY : SEVERE INJURY, OR DEAi-.'1. Do not attempt to use a !,is ccrtro' set for nalural gas on LP gas or a gas control set for Lp gas on natural gas. 2. When making a conversion, main and pilot burner orifices must be changed to meet aopljance manufacturer specifications. To convert from natural gas to LP, Conversion Kit that is included with rhe i oc , _ J ,,.u, mittenrPilot Retrofit Kit. To convert from Lp to natural gas. use the394588 Natural Gas Conversion Kit (ordered separatety;.Step-opening gas controls cannot be converted. To convert control from one eas to another:Q Turn off the main gas iupply to:i.t ..,trcriaice.€) Remove the regulator cap scrs ., -. , . _ . .. e_ regulator adjusting screw. See Fig.3. @ Remove the existi-ng spnng. @ Insen:he reptacem6ni spring wrth lhe taperel enddown. See Fiq. 9.O Instail the ne; plastic pressure regulator af jr rc1- ^..1 screw so that the top of the scre.,, .; i;l the top of the regulator. Turn the prc.. . , - .i jijr r_wradjustment screw clockwise six complete turns. Thisproyld9: a pretiminary pressure setting of about 10.0 jn. wc (2.5 kPa) for Lp regutator and 3.5 in. wc (0.9 kpa.1ror narurat gas regulator. @ Check the regulafor setting either with a manometer or ^ by clocking the gas meter.-See the Checkout ,..tion.!, tnsla tne new cap screvv. G) Mount the conversion jabel on the coniic,.O [.]3! the control and appliance accoroin_o io iheapptiance manufacturer instructions. lnstall lgniter-Sensor AssemblyO Install the ground rod, if needed. See Fio. 7.. Mount adapter lo the ground rod, if n6eded.. Align the ground rod so the clip huqs the oilo: blrnerand keeps rne ground rod trom rot;tino. See fio 3.. Insen the ground rod in place of the th-ermocou6reon the pilot burner. push the ground rod all the lvay up and fasten as shown in Fig. 7.@ SJice the ignitersensor mountin! bracket ovcr : .cp of the ground fod. @ Adjust the electrcde aosition so the electrode tio and spark gas are In ihe pllot flarne. Turn the qround roo to mo'.,e the igntter-sensor uD and down.Q Checx thal the chosen position allol.,s room to connectthe ig;lltion cable to lhe stud terminal.€) Tignten the setscrews on the mountirq rracket usi;rgthe hex wrench provrded. SLIP NUTOFF AOAPTER AND CLAMP GROUNO ROO IN PILOT WITH SHOULOF^ A80Va :L : 'e as sHoWN |l U nf-l N# GFO.,i,O nCO ? LCT JUF Il EF IGNITEF.SEI.]SOF STUO TEFI,4INAL GROUIl D BOD CLIP FILCT GAS TUBING CLAMPTYPESCFEW-IN TYPE PUSH.IN TYPE Fig.3. Fasten igriter-sensor to ground rod. yaaiot', rl-ERtvurrENT ',167 pEf.tr ,<tr InstallAdapters to Gas Control (if used) 393610.14 Straight Ftange (3/4 in.) Remove the seal over the qas control inlet or outlet.Make sure that rhe o-,rng i-c fitted in the flange groove. lf the C-rrng is not artacneo jr missing, do not ule the ilanoe. O With the O-ring facing the gas control. align the gas control threaded holes with the flanoe clearance-holes.(t lnsert and tighten the.:crews l'ovidld with the flang.l. Tighten the screws to 25 inch counds of toroue to provtde a gas tight seal. Bushings O Renove the seal overtheqas ccntrol inletorou:let.€) App,y a moderare amount 6f good quality pipe compound to the bushing, leaving the two end threads bare. For an LP insiallation. use a comootind !'esistanr to uP gas. Do not use Teflon taDe.O Insert the bushing in the gas control and thread the prpe carefully into the oushing until tight. o @ J_t-- 1\ .ii :elos ttt ue'iALL'' ruBlNG sHouLD BE S:'Oo-iii -\ 'ru- af. 5pr ; CcF l1E MAIN G"lS cLF=r ,''c:-o- ' - rr n ,-,rp -u oaEVEN- GAS FqCl,4 Fl-- :.G T r: i;o- . : . ill .fs ielxnca xHE\ rNsrrL-ATroN rs ccMF-iT- Fig. 10. Install sediment trap. Mount Gas Control O The gas control can be mounted from 0 to 90 degrees. in any direction including verlically, from the upright Posltion ol the gas control knob. @ Mount the gas control so the gas tlow is in same direction as the arrow on the oas control bottom. @ Thread the pipe as liated in Tibte t . NOTE: See Table 1 for maximum pipe threading depth. lf the pipe is inserted tct, the gas control, the second ma,rr .,. safety valve can distort or malfunction. Fig.9. Installation of conversion kit in regulated gas control. Install Gas Control Piping All pipe must comply with local codes and ordinances or rvith the National Fuel Code IANSl 2223.1 NFPA No.54), whichever applies. Tubing installarain must compiy wtth aooroved standards and crictices. Q Use new, properly reamed pipe lree f rom chips. lf tubing is used, ensure that ends are square, deburred. and c'ean. All tubing bends must be smooth and witf c,rt deformalron. O Run the new pipe or tubing to the gas control. When tubin j s used. c:r'lir a tuf - -,o-pipe coupling to cor ecl ihe iubrr- :-' :- l ; control. @ In.-i:ill a seairn€nl trap r i" , ;as supply line. See Fig, 10. Apprv a moderate amount of good quality pipe compound to pipe only; leave the lwo end threads bare. Do not use tef lon taDe. In LP installations. use a ccmoound resislant to LP gas. See Fig. 11. Remove protective seals over the gas control inlet and out er. f necessary. o o Table 1. NPT pipe thread length (in,). Pipe Size Overall Thread Length Maximum Depth Pipe Can Be Inserted Into Gas Control 3/8 9/16 3/8 3/4 1t2 3i4 13/1 6 3/4 ,ru,Arrr*TTENT FtLcr nETRoFtr Ktr TWO IIIIPERFECT THFEAOS , cAS CCNTROLmmffit THFEAD PIPE CORFECT LENGTH APPLY A MODERATE AMOUNT OF ilff "?{^?3 :[B lffliB 3 :Y-,,,rl:l: Fig. t 1. Use moderate amount of pipe compounC. g Connect the pipe :o the qas control Inlet and outlet.Tightcn ihe inlet lno cutiet connectrons usrnq a wrench on the gas control prolecting wrench boss. See Fig. 3. Connect Pilot Gas Tubing O Cutthe prlot gas tubing and bend as necessary forroutlng lo the pilot burner.. Do not make sharo bends or deform the tubing.. D: ::ri ticno ine rubrng at the gas control alleitf ecompresston nut has oeen tightened; gas leahace althe connection can result. Square otf and remove the b_urrs from the tubing end.Unscrew the brass compressicn f ri+ :.:-r i:om piloi oasoutlet (see Fig. 3). Slip the titting t.rei'ine giiot gaitubing and slide out of the way. NOTE: When replacing a gas controi. ,.r. "e oldcompression fining and replace with the f,ewcompression fitting provided on the new gas control. Never use the old compression fittjng as it might not provide a gas tight seal. See Fig. 12. Push pilot gas tubing into the pilot gas tappinq uniil it boftoms. While holding the tubing s1| 11.1s 'vay rn, slide the compression fitting inro Dlace and e,trr::;e ihreads. Turn the f ittrng until f inger rig|t Jse a wrench to tighten one more turn. Do not overtighten. Connect other end ot the pilot gas tubing to the pilot burner according lo pilot burner manufacturer Inslrucllons. @o MOUNT IN ONE OF THESE POSITIONS TERMINALS FACING LE FT ;Er'.i i,^-- DO NOT MOUNT WITH TERMINALS FACING Fig. 13. 58610 mounting recommendations. UP t o o Fig. 12. Always use new compression fitting. Mounting 58610U Intermittent Pilot Module se: ,ci e ,ocarron close to the pilot burner to allow the ignition cable to run to the ignrter-sensor. The ambient temperjture and other conditions snould match lhose lisled in theqna.i{i.elinnc ,.i'e reclrn:'nend mounting the module with the terminals down so tne lermrnals are orotected from dripping water and dust. ltcan also be mounteo with the terminais on either side. Do not mount th? :'ii1:1'.i:? ',./iih ih-" terminals pointing up, See Fig. 13'orr-o- -: j : ons. Fasten the module securelv '"vrrh four f.Jo. 6-3: I la-nine screws or No. I sheetmetai screh/s of aDorooflate lenoth. Wiring the System A CAUTION Disconnect the power supply oeiore t..,ar. i i ti .. conneclions to prevent electrical shock or equiomenr oamage. Connect the lgnition Cable O Connect one end of the rgn,rjon . connect SPAFIK terminal on the _ -Connect the other ignition cable eno to rne j92431 lgniter-Sensor. Connect the Vent Damper The D80D Vent Oamper can be used with all iqnition modules.allhough the Molex plug provided on some moiules simolifieswrnng connecrions when used with the DgoD tr.r -.,..,/e-t Damper. Once a module with a vent damper ;:t_; .. p,_.rer." a vent damper circuit, rt cannot be used tn a qasivstem withoura vent damper. A non-replaceable f use n ltre moOuie blows cn o TEFIMINALS FACitlc 0 tr'!il ]IGHTEII NUTO E TURN 8E/OND FINGEF TiGHT FITTING BREAKS OFF AND CLINCHES TUEING AS NUT ISTIGHTENED yqqtolJ rNrERMrrrENr ertor n$Fff Ktr initial oower-up. Once this fuse has blown, the module does not worl( unless the vent damper ls ccnnected. To connect the plug-in vent damper:Q Femove and discard the vent damper ptug from the module lerminal slnp. @ Using the wiring ha:ness supplied. insert the matchingprn olug into the r:.3Dtacle on the module and the other end lo the vent damper. To connect the D80B Gnt Damper, loilow the wirino diagrams supplied with the vent damoer. Connect SE510 Module O Connect the gas control and other remainino svstem components to the ignition module terminalS-as shown in Fig. 14 through 16:. Fig. 14 shows a basic circuit for a heating onryatmospheric burner system.. Fig. 15 shows a heating only atmospheric burner system with a D80D Vent Damper.. Fig. 16 shows a hearing onli/ system with a DBOB Vent Damoer. O Adiust lhe thermostat heat anticipator to match the system current draw. The current draw equals the total current required lor the ignition modJle i0.2.A) plus the gas control and any other auxiliary equipment in iie control circuit. Connect Ground Control System The igniter, flame sensor, and ignition moCLl3 rnusi share a common ground with the main burner. O Connect the ground wire with ine fen , ' "r .n. ;uick- connect terminal to the male quick-connect GND (BURNER) terminal on the ignition module. O Strip the other end of the wire and fasten it under ihe igniter bracket mounting screw. lt necessary, use a shield to protect the ground wire from radiant heat. @ The burner serves as the common grounding area. if there is nol a good metaFto-metal contacl between burner and ground, run a lead from the bufner lc lrcund. NOTE: Earth ground is not required. I ThcqMOSTAT a ,A a' ttt'.ltrA coNTFoLLER A ,A A POIIiEF SUPPLY. PFOVIOE O]SCONNECT I\,1EANS AND OVEFLOAD PBOTECTION AS FEOUIBED ALiEFI..ATE. MIT'ONTFOLLEF LOCATION, COfiTFCLS it\ 24V CIRCUIT f,4UST NOT 8E iN GFOLN0 LEG TO TFANSFOFMER. /.I\ JUI,4PEI iviRE FRoI,4 cIRcUIT eoARD To SENSE CC,'INEcToR FEMAINS IN PLACE. Fig. 14.Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating system. vao r() Nr e autrrENT P t Lor R ETRa Ftr Ktr l-t ogoo vENl :A D^MPEF I eowen sueeLv pFovroE orscoNNEcr MeaNs ANo ovEBLoAD pnorEcrtoN as BEoulBEo I otrennnre uvr coNTRoLLEF LocATroN. A co"t"o,-s ,* ru ciFcurr MUsr Nor BE rN GmuNo L,EG To rRANsFoFMEa. A eElovEeLUGoNL, r .....\TDAMpER. FusE Blows oN srAFTUp wliEN pLUG,s REMovEo ANO !E\- - f,^vP€F wrc \G F -:io iriinir-o-o-uGoeineres oNLY WHEN VENT oAMPEq rs coNNEcrEo [ ,,r,,,"r" *,"a."o,., a . t-] SENSE CONNECTOR BEMAINS IN PLACE. Fig. 15.Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating system u3271 with D80D Vent DamPer. N.O LrMrr A LIMIT CONTFOLLERCONIROLLER A "o*en su"pt". p"ovloE o scoNNEcr MEANS aNo ovEBLoao PBorEcTloN AS BEOU FED. I orre",.,^ta a,t,t "oNTFoLLER rocATroN. l3\ cor,inors tru elv clRculr Musr Nor BE tN GnoUNDLEGTo rnaNsFoRMEn [ "o*"a"a ut"tootPEFTESM NAL 1 rO TH-w, LaAVE 24V OPEN. OO NOT BEMOVE VENT OAMPEB PL{JG. i\ "olo"r ^tra^to* FE HAFNEss. rF usEo. 2\ .rrU"e" *'^e raO" CIFCUIT BOAFO 10 S€NSECONNECTOFT FEMAINS lN PLACE Fig. 16.Y8610 in typical atmospheric burner heating system with D80B Vent Damper. ],1 Y86 1,0U, I NTERMITTENT P I LOT "'*T'' r'' CHECKOUT Check out the gas control system:. At initiai appliance instaflation.. As part ol regular maintenance procedures. Maintenanceintervals are determined by the appljcation. See planning the Installation section tor more iniormalion.. As the first Troublesnootinq steo.. Anytime work is done on ttie svstem. A wnnNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE. SEVERE INJURY, OR DEATH.1. lf you smell gas or suspect a gas leak. turn o:f thegas at the manual service valve and evacuate the Installatlon STEP 1: Perlorm a Visual Inspection.. '/r'ith lrre rower otf, make sure all lviring connecrrons .:e ciean and tight.. Turn off all oower to appliances and the ignition mc;.. Open manual shutoff valves in the gas lin! to theaootance.. Perform Gas Leak Test. A wanNtNG FIRE OR EXPLOSION HAZARD CAN CAUSE PROPERTY DAMAGE. SEVERE INJURY, OR DEAT I. Check for gas leaks with soap ':nd water solution anytime work is done on a qas control. Gas Leak Test O Paint all ptpe connections upstream of the gas control with a rich soap and water solution. Bubbles indjcate a gas leak. @ lf a gas leak is detec::t. li! ,',cn i,.e I:ipL : - - tu3:,on.O Stand clear while light'ng the main burner to prevent injury caused from hidden gas leaks, which could cause flashback in the appliance vestibule. Light the main burner.O With tne main burner in operation. paint all pipe joints (including adapters) and gas controt inlet and ou et wrth a rich soap and waler solution. G) lf another gas leak is detected, tighten the adapter screws, joints, and pipe connections. Gt Beplace lhe part if the gas leak cannot be stopped. STEP 2: Review Normal 0perating Sequence and Module Soecificalions.. See Specifications and Operation sections. STEP 3: Reset the Mtdule,. Turn the thermostat to its lowest setting.. Wait one mrnute. As you perform Steps 4lhrc!'lh -o. ^atch tor points where operation deviares from nor;rar. S:e ihe Troubleshooting Guide, Fig. 19, lo correct lhe problem. STEp 4: Check Salety Shuloll operation.. Turn the gas supply otf at the manual shutcff '.'alve.. Set the thermostial or controller above the roon ternperature to call lor heat.. Watch for spark at pilot burner.. Time spark lrom start to shutotf. See Specifications section.. Open the gas control knob and ensure no gas is flolving to the pilot or main burner.. Set the thermostat below the room temperatui'e ano wart one minute belore continuing. STEP 5: Check and Adjust Gas Input lo Main Burnet. A cauloN 1.an lt.re meter is that of the appliance beir, -., ... Make sure that other appliances ' 'ff and that the pilot burners are exu;rq-.-. .- ''rdeduct the gas consumptions f rom the meter reading).. Converl the tlow rate to Btuh as described in the Gas Controls Handbook, totm 70-6202 and comoare to the Bluh inout r:i;-^ ^4 rhe annliance nameplate.3. It checKrng gas inpui wrth 3 flraoon,c.- (pressure gauge):. Make sure lhe gas control knob is in the PILOT position before removing the outletpres€ure taD Dluo to connect the manomeler.. Turn the sai bonirot knob back to PILOT when romoving the manometer and replacing the outlet pressure tap plug.. Shut off the gas supplyal the appli3-.l service valve or, for LP gas, at the - . - before removing the outlet pressure tap plug and before disconnecting the manometer and replacing the outlet pressure tap plug.. Perform the Gas Leak Test at the inlet pressure tap plug. The gas control output pressure should mai;i-, ihc manlfold pressure listed on the appliance narnep ate. With the main burner operating, check the gas control flow rate using the meter clocking method or check the gas pressure using a manometer connected to the gas conlrol outlet pressure tap. See Fig. 3. lf necessary, adjust the pressure regulator to match the appliance rating. Gas control outlet pressure is normally sel at 3.5 in. wo (0.9 kPa) nominal tor natural gas. lt can be adjusted from 3 to 5 in. wc (0.74 to 1.2 kPa). Gas control outlet pressure is normally set at 1O in. wc(2.5 kPa) nominal for LP gas. lt can be adjusted from 8 to 12 in. wc (2 to 3 kPa).a. Remove lhe pressure regulator adjustment cap and screw.5. Using a screwdriver, turn the inner adiustment screw clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to cecrease lhe main burner gas pressure.c. Alvravs reolace the cap sci'e\iv and tiqhten :irmiv. o @ o vaar ofhreaMffrENT ptLor RErRoFtr Ktr O lf the desired outlet gas pressure or gas flow rate cannot be achieved by adjusting the gas conlrsl. check the gas control inlet pressure using a manometer at the inlet pressure tap. It the inlet pressure is in the normai range, replace the gas control; otheruise, take the necessary steps to provide proper gas pressure to the gas conlrol. STEP 6: Adiust Pilot Flame. The pilot llame shoulcj envelop 318 to 112 in. (10 to 13 rni..) of the ground rod and tip of the igniter-sensor. See Fig. 17 !o aolusr the oilot liame. GiiIIER-SEI.]OR TIP IN PILOT FLAIIE GFOUND AOD Make sure the main burner lights smoothly w'thout flashback.Ujl" trt" the main burner operates smoothly without iioiirng, f ifiing, or flame rollout to the f urnace vestibule or heat buildup in the vestibule.ii;; gas line has been disturbed, compiete the Gas Leak Test following SteP 1 . Turn the theimostat or controller below the room temoerature. Make sure the main burner and pllot llarnss oo out. 3ROPER FLAlvlE AOJUST|llENT ELECTROOE SCREW ,GNITER.SENSOR ASSENIELY Fig. 17. Proper f lame adiustment. Flemove the pilot adjustment cover screw. See Fig. 3. Turn the inner adjustment screw clockwrse to decrease or counterclockwise to increase lhe pilot flame. Always replace the cover screw after adiusln:int and tighten firmly. STEP 7: Check Olher Syslem Components. On Furnaces: It/ake sure the limit controller and fan controller are operating in accordance with the appllance manufacturer instructions.. On Boilers: Make sure the circulating water pumps, low w3ter cutotfs. automs.tic ':ed controllers, pressure and te,roerature limit conirc.rers, and relief valves are operating in accordance with the appliance manufacturer recommenoalons. STEP 8: Check Normai 0peration. Sel the thermostat or ccnlroller above the room temperature to call for heat.. lv'lake sure the pilot lights smoothly when the gas reaches the pilol burner. oo o OPERATION System operation is diviciec into l,Yo jtag3s; 1. Trial for ignition. 2. Main burner operation. See Fig. 1 8 lor the normal operating sequence Trial for lgnition Pilot lgnition Following the call for heat, the mooule energ;z :.: ii1€ rrlSi main valve operator. The first main valve ooens. which allo''vs gas to flow lo the pilot burner. At the same :r:' ' :e ':lec:':: J ipark generator in the module produces a hlgh voltage si':i:{ puise output. The voltage generales a spark at lne lgnller- sensor that lights the pilot. lf the prlot does not light, or lhe pilot flame current is not at least 1.0 uA and steady, the moduie can not energize the second (main) valve and the main burner can ''' "'nt. After 90 seconds maximum, the system shuts Ji' ,.. ,. pilot valve closes; lrial for ignition reslarts afler a mtnimum of five minutes (six minules nominal). lgnition, shutoff, and wait sequence repeats until pilot lights or call for heat ends. Main Burner Operation When the pilot tlame is established, a-i':' ' ^ ' ":--i^n circuit is completed between the sens., ... The f lame sensing circuit in the module detects the flame current, shuls off the spark generator and energizes the second main valve operalor. The second main valve opens and gas flows to the main burner. where it is igniled by the pilot burner. When the call for heat ends. both valve ooeraicrs are de- energrzed, and both valves in the gas contror close. , YFQ\ C,U T,ITERMITTENT,'ILOT Ril)FIT KIT START I IY STAGE 1 TBIAL FOF IGNI]TION STAGE 2 :YIA N BUFNER OP:FATION v END Fig. 18. 38610 normat ooerating sequence. TROUBLESHOOTING IfuIPORTANT 1. The following service procedures are provided as a general guide. Follow appliance manufacturel service instructions if available.2. Metet readings between gas contrcl and ignition module must be taken within the trial lor ignition pe,iod. Once the ignition module shuts off, wait for retry or reset at the thermostat.3. lf any component does not function properly, make sure it is correctly installed and wircd before replacing it.4. The ignition module cannot be repaired; il it mallunctions. it must be replaced.5. Only trained, experienced servrce technicians shouo se rv ice i nte rm ittent p ilot syste ms. Perform the Checkout (see Checkout section) as the {irst step in troubleshooting. Then check the appropnate troubleshootlng guide (Fig. 19) and the schematic diagrarr| lFig.22) to pinpoinr the cause of the problem. r.,Vhen troublesnooling indlcates an ignition prooi':-. see:ie lgnition System Checks section lo isolate ano correct the problem. Following troubleshooting, oerforn" ihe Checkout orocedure again to be sure system rs operalrr':g rcr:'nally. lgnition System Checks STEP 1: Check ignitlon cable, Make sure: O lgnition cable does not run in contact with any metal surfaces. O Connections to the ignition module and to the igniter or igniter-sensor are clean and tight.O lgnition cable provides good electricai conti- . ..'. STEP 2: Check ignition system grounding. /Vuisance shutdowns arc often caused by a poor or erntic ground.I A common ground, usually supplied by the pilot burner bracket. is required for the module and the pilot burner/ igniter-sensor.. Check for good metal-to-metal contact between the pilot burner bracket and the main burnar.. Check the ground lead from the GND (BURi',cn) terminal on the module to the oilot burner. Make sure connections are clean and tight. lf the wire js damaged or deteriorated, replace it with No. l4- 1 8 gauge. moisture-resistant, thermoplastic insulated wire with 105"C (221"F) minimum ratinq. - Check the ceramtc flame-rod insuta:or ::r - .: - : evidence of exposure to exlreme heat. whicn can permit leakage to ground. Replace the pilot burnet igniter-sensor and provide a shield. ii necessary. - lf the llame rod or bracket are bent out of Dosition restore to correct position. IHERtTOSIAT (CO]{TROLtER) CALLS FOR HEAT Fir$ valv€ (ptlot) opsrator opens PILOT BURNER OPERANON Pilot bumer lights. Aller gO s€conds maximum. systgm shuls oll and o|ol Module senses oF vatvo clos6s: Inatlor gn ron rostans aier mrnrmum ot Ilam€ currenr. 5 mrnutos (6 minutes nominal). lgniion, shltoil. wa sequenc€ repeals unlilp ol lighls orcail tor heat encs. ' Spark gen€rator off. 'Seconc, valve op€raior r-: n) POWER INTEFRUPTION Systern shuls oll. reslarls wh€n po\,!er s reslored. PILOT FLAiIE FAILURE Main vahe CIOS€S. Modure slarts ltal lor rgntlron MAIN BURNER OPERATION Modul€ mondoG ptiol llam€ sATlsi:: l valves ctose. !.,. bumers are od. ,,u,) T,,,M ITTENT P I LOT R ETRO F IT KIT STEP 3: Check spark ignition circuil. You need a short jumper wire made trom ignition cable or other heavily insulaled wire.I Close the manual gas valve. -l lisco,lre.:'-e rgi'firon cable at the SPAFIK termin::l cn ihe ,nodure. AA \JVARNING When Denorm:3 the following stecs. lo n.t ll'-ci: stripped end of lumper or SPARK terminal ' ire icnition circuit generates over 10,000 volts and etectricat shocK can result. Energrze the module and immediately touch one end ol the jumper firmly to the GND lerminal on the module. Move :he lree end of the jumper slowly torrard the SPAFK terminal until a spark is established. Pull the jumper slowly away from the terminal and note the length of the -oap when sparking slops. Check tat:e below. Check external fuse, if Provided. Verify power at module input terminal. Reclace module if luse ano power are oKav. !l Ensure adequate f lame current as follows:- i' irtn off tne furnace at the circuit breaker or fuse box' . Clean the flame rod with an emeq/ cloln' . frrf"f" sure the electical coFrr''C'i . : ie :l-::'t inc I gnt' n"pi""a damagecl '"vire lvllh :l:':::-' l' ''s ;'' 'l' 8 wire rated for conlinuous d['i!'ut :') 3-:'C -'-'| =)' . Check for a cracked ceramic trrsulator' Jvh;'t c3n cause Jf'ori io g.uno, and replace the igniter'sensor' f necessary.Aiih;;"; control, disconnr:: :l:; ra;n "al'"e "';ire ircm the TH or MV terminal. irin on rn" power and set:he thermostat to cell for heal. ;he pilot should ligilt tut the i-nain cr 'r'ner' e:laris off because the main valve icluatcr is Jiscanneclec Checf tne pilot flame. Make sure it is blue' steadv' ano enveiops S'€to ltZ in. (10 to l3 mm) c' ihe ilame roc' See Fig. 20 for possible ilare :roc i: ''": inerr causes. lf necessary, adjust the pilot flame by turning the pliol adiustment screw on the gas control cloclcwise tc de-crease or counterclockwise to increase the cl o! flame. Following adiustment, always replace tne crlci adjustment cover screw and tighten firmly to assure Drooer qas control operallon.'Set the-thermostat beiow ti - 'JLT :e-oeralu13 Ic :ic rl,r,r.^tt.-r F o.t No arc or arc less than 1,'8 in. (3 mm) STEP 4: Check pilot and main butner lightoll. J Open the manual gas valve. J Set the thermostal to call for heat. J 'Vatc he pt'ct burner during the ignition seauence lo see ''. ignrrion sparK continues after the pilol is lit:. prlct lights and the spark stops, but main burner does not light. J fiecn;:ti .;I1 . - r -3:-l' :'.:. Recon;recl iie marn \ ni'. Set the thermoslat Io calr lot :'',.]t'. Watch the ignition sequence at the burner.. ll spark still does not stop after the pilot lignts : - the ignition module.. lf the main burner does noi llc'rt 1r il lhe rnain burner liohts but svstem shuts down. Jieck i'nooule. grcJ ''J w]re. and gis control. as describs..i .: il , troubleshooting guide, Fig. 1 9. START TURN OFF GAS SUPPLY. TURN THERMOSTAT ICONTROLLER) TO CALL FOR HEiT Check lano voltags pow6r,low vo(ago fansfoiner. limit conlroller, lh€nnGtat (claltro ea) and wiri.l. chect lhal v€nt damper (it us6o) ;s oo6n and end switch is mad€. POWER TO MOOULE. (24V NOr,lrNAL) Pull ignrtjon lead and chock spalk al modul6. On models wilh wnl damp€r plug, mak€ suto vent damger has nol be€n installgd. thEn removact. R€placo venl d.r_aer it n€cos$ry. On olh€r rnodels. replaco modul6. IUBN ON GAS SUPPLY,. Chock lhat all manuat qas valv€s are op6n. supply tubing and prassures ar€ gooct, and pilot burner oniice rs not blocked. . Ch6ck elecldcal connectrons bei{€€o modu16 end pttotoperalor on gaB control.. Chock for 24 Vac across PV-MVr'PV termrnats on modure. It vollage rs okay. rcplaco gas conirol: il nol. replac€ |nodr.rle. SYSTEIVI FUNS UNTIL CALL FOR HEAT ENDS? NOTE: 3etore lroublesiootin!, lanttanz€ yours€f with tr€ shnup and ch€ckout proc€duro- . Ch€ck ignilion cable. g.ound wiring, calamic insulatorand gap, and correcl.. Check boot ol lhB ignition cable forsigns of me ing or buckting. Taks protectiv€ action to shietd cable and bool trcm e:ce.rve lBmpBraturcs. 'Ch€ck continurty ot ignrtion cabl6 and ground wire. 'Clean tlame rod. : belwogn ilame roo anc rrcdule, ' :iiead iai ai:.-.. ' , rod insutator. 'Chockthatprlotn-,i,-. -. im6 rod and,s steacly anc, blue. ' Adiust pilottiame. 'll problem persists. rep,air ' ,-1uts. . Ch€ck lo. 24 Vac acros6 MV-MV/PV tormrnals. lf no vollago, replacg moctul6. . Check €l€ctr,car connections b€tw€rn tnodul€ and gas control. ll Okay, rgplace gas control oa gas control oparator, . Ch€ck continufy ol '9.. ilon cablo dd ground tt irs. NOTE: lt ground is poor or €rratrc. 9trutdoflns can occur occasiooally even lhor4h opocrlion is normal at lhe tme ol ch€ckout. . Check thal pilot iarno cov€6 llame |od and is st€ady and blu€. . ll chocks at€ okav, r€plac€ mod.rl€. Repeat proceo\Jre unl I lroublekee ooeraton is oblarned. Fig. 19. S8610U troubleshooting guide. . Ch€ck tor proper lhermoslat (conroller)operaion. . Romove MV lead al module; rf valv€ clos€s. recheck le.nDeralurE conlroll6r and wiing; rl not. replace gas ;ALL FOR HEAT EIIDS. o vsu, OrreaMffTENT PtLor RETRIF.T Ktr APPEARANCE HARD SHAFP FLAMEfr Fig. 20. Examples of unsatisfactory pilot flames. CAUSE Adjust Pilot Flame Current Tha oilot flame current must measure at least 1uA and steady or nuisance shutdowns can occur. Use a Honeywell W136 to adiust the pilol flame current. if Discbnnect lhe furnace power at the service.entrance 6 Disconnect the control module green.ground wire. 6 Connect the microammeter negative lead to the control module GND (BUBNER) terminal axd the positive lead to the green ground wire (see Fin I 1 )' @ Discon-nect the red wire from Ih". --": :or:lroi TH or MV terminal to disable the gas control' O Loosen lhe set screws holding the igniter'sensor on ihe SII1ALL BLUE FLAME CHECK FOR LACK OF GAS FFOI,I: . CLOGGED OBIFICE FILIER . CLOGGED PILOT FILTER . LOW GAS SUPPLY PRESSUFE . PILOT ADJUSTMENT AT [jINIMU[I CH€CK FOR LACK OF iIR FFC . . OIRTY OFIIFICE ' DIFTY LINT SCFEEN.IF USED . OIRTY PRIMANY AIF OPENING, IF THEFE IS OI]€ . PILOT AOJUSTMENT AT lllINIIlIUI,]l \OISY LIFTING BTOWING FLAME CHECK FOR: . €XCESSIVE 0RAFT AT Fll-OT LOCATION . sEClFCULATlflc PROI'.IC-S OF COMBUSTION CHECK FOF . HIGH GAS PRESI 'aE oo @ o !, o orouno roo. Restore oower and set thern'csiat io :iil ;lr ne:.'. Wait until the pilot lights and sparKing siops. The matn burner can not light. Adjust the igniter-sensor position anC " '?tch the microammeter reading. When you iind the igniter'sensor po:rtilr that gives the maximum microammeter reading, tighlen the setscrelvs to lock the igniter-sensor in place. This reading must be at least 1.0 uA and steady.-, ^ -:f po"?ci. ' - - .. " 1' - ' - - n ' ' : 1" - : red and green leads. Perform Checkout procedures. THIS FLAME IS CHARACTEFIS,,C OF MANUFACTURED GAS CHECK FOR: . HIGH GAS PFESSUFE . ORIFICE TOO Si,tA .L 24V .'J r:ta t-EST Mg:EF .)- ST I6i]Ii:R,S=I']SOF UNT]L Fi-AI"4E 'UFRENT SAUALS AT LEAST I O UA IAND STEADY\. GND 'BURNER) VENTTH-W DAMPERIOPT) PLUG LAZY !:i-:OW FLAi,iE Fig. 21. Adjusting flame current. ,.V861OU INTERMITTENT PILOT RETff KIT i"on oN-oFF LtMtTA SWITCH 66P1s611Es ^ '--_- _ffi[--6f,1--__ THER\IOSTAT /r\ f-'l l+Jn,--r-fo\oJ-.-o11o. '\-/ t'r"' ----:;+-c-:--t--ra 1K2It- ilK1 Ii|-=F- \.,ENT 0AlvlPER PLUG HYBRID CIBCUIT a PowER SUFPLY. PROVIDE DTSCONNECT MEANS ANO OVERLO.\D pFOTECftON AS REOUIFED. lA ALTERNATE L|MIT CONTROLLEF LOCAT|ON. 43.0AMp NoNREPLACEABLE FUSE. FUSE Bt-c,.{rs wHE), ,:\r' -rvpER rS PLUGGED tN. Fig. 22.Y8610U schematic dlagram. /fG\ I'> +----{ (suR FrcNrrER \5y I-l- BURNER GROUNO - INTERNAL IVIFING. -- EXTEFNAL..,I: . M31l Zr a^ ,ru, o)rrrMtrrENT PrLor RETR,FTT Ktr ANSI STANDARDS Exhibit A Becommended Procedure for Safety lnspection of an Existing Appliance Installation as a Preliminary Step to Applying an Automatic lntermittent Pilot System The lollowing procedure ts intended as a guide to aid in Cetermining that an appliance is properly instat 3-i 3.,,condition for continuing use. :. Applicable only to warm air heating appliai;." Inspect heat exchangers for cracks, openings or exL!_r,. .J __rlcsron.6 Applicaure only to boriers. Inspect for'eviri:',c , ,t niater oi cororiiiJn proor.tlear.r. - - -- 7. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors and windows and all doors between the soace in which the aooliance islocated and other spaces of the building. Turn on clothes dryers. Turn on any exhaust fans. such as range n6ocs anobathroom exhausls, so they will operate at maximum speed. Do not operatsa summer exhaust fan. Cloie fireplacedampers. lf, after completing steps 7 through 12, it is bblieved sufficient combustion air is not available, refer to 1.3.4 of'' : ^' ::.:t: i,.:: ,l-.- :::j3 (22:3.1) for guidance.8' Place.in operation the appliance being inJpecteo. Fofrow the lighting instruclions. Adjust thermosiai so ai:iJliance willoperale continuouslv.L a. Determine that the pilot is bur.nirg pre..: ,.fly and ihat main bumer ignition is satisfactory by interrupting and n-. establishing the electrical supply io ri.ie .rppliance ih any convenient manner.b. Determine manitold pressure in'order to match input afier the new control is installed.10. a. Visually determine t:rat main burner gas is burning properiy; i.e., no floating, lifting or flashback. Adjust theprimary air shutter(sl as required.b. lf appliance is equipped with high and low ftame control or flame modulation, check for proper main burner operai;on atlow tlame.11 Test for spillage at the draft hood relief opening after 5 minutes of main burner operalion. Use a drart gauge. ihe flameof a match or candle, or smoke lrom a cigarett6, cigar or prpe.l2 Return doors, windows, exhaust fans, firerr.::e caipers anO att otner fuel-burnrng appllances to their previousconditions of use.l3 Applicable ';nly to warm air heating appliances. Check both limit controller and fan controller for proper operation. Limitcontroller cperation can be checked by temporarily disconnecting the eleclncal supply to the blower motor anddetermining thal the limit control acts to shut off the main burner gas14. Applicable only to boilers:a. Determtne that the circulating water pumps are in operating condition.o. -rest low water cutotts, automatic feeC controls, pressure and temperature limit controls and relief valves jn accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions to determine thev are in ooeralnocondition. Exhibit A of ANSI Standard 721.71tor Automatic Intermittent Pilot lgnition Systems for Field lnstallation. a safe This procedure is predicated on cenlral furnace and boiler installations equipped with an atmospheric gas burnerts) and not oJ the direct vent type. lt should be recognrzed that generaiized test procedures cannot anlicipaie all siiuations. Acccroingly,In some cases. devjation from thls procedure may be necessary to determine safe operation oJ the equipment.a' This procedure should be pertormed prior to any attempt ai modification of the appliance or the installatjon.b' lf it is determined there is a condition which couid resuli in unsafe operation. the appliance should be shut off and theowner advised of the unsafe condition. The following steps should be followed in making the safety inspection:l conduct a Gas Leakage Test of the applia-nce piping and control system downstream of the shut-off valve In the suppryline to the appliance.z' V]sy3tly inspect the venting system for proper size 3nd horizonlal pitch and determine there is no btockage or ^ restrictions, leakage or corrosion or other deficiencies which could cause an unsafe condition.r' JnuI on all gas lo the appliance and shut off any other fuel-burning appliance within the same room. Use the shutoffvalv-e in the supply line to each appliance. lf a manual gas valve iJnot in the gas supply line within 6 feet of iheappliance in an accessible location, one shall be instalied.4. Inspect burners and crossovers for blockage and corrosion. !.8.610y tNrERMtrrENr ptLor REOFE Ktr Exhibit B Procedure for lnstalling Automatic lntermittent Pilot Systems Prior to beginning this procedure, a preliminary examination ol the appliance and the automatic intermittent pilot system should be maoe todetermine that lhe automatic intermittent pilot system can be properly applied to the appliance. This procedure is intended as a guide to aid in safely installing a listed automatic intermittent pilot system on an existing listed applianceequrpped with an atmospheric gas burner(s) and not of lhe direct vent type.This procedure is based on lhe assumption that the history of the speciiic installation has been one of safe and satisfactory operation. This procedure is predicated on central furnace and boiler installations, and it should be recognized that generalized procedures cannotanlclpate all situations. Accordingly, in some cases, deviation lrom this procedure may be necessary to determine safe operalion ol the eauioment. The following steps should be tollowed in making the modifications: 1 . Penorm a safety inspecion of lhe existing appliance installation. See Exhibit A for a recommended procedure for such a safetyinsoection. Shut off all gas and electricity to lhe appriance. To shul ^I{ gas, use the shutoff valve in the supply line to the appl,ance. lf a manualgas valve ls nol in the gas supply line within 6 leet of lhe jopliance in an accessible location, one shall be installed. Do n-t -.c iie shutotl valve which is provided as part ol a combination control. Install the automatic intermittent pilot system in strict accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Turn on all gas and electricity to the appliance. Delermlne that the appliance transformer has adequate capacity by following the steps outlined below:a. ComPUte the approximale current draw by adding the current draw of the automatic intermiftent pilot system to (1) the current draw of the associated valving, and (2) the current draw of any relays or other devices operated by the transformer.b. Nlultiply Ihe total current draw as computed above bv 24 V to determine the total VA (vott-amoere, reoutreo.c. The tolal VA (volt-ampere) requited should be ecual to or less than the VA ratinq of the transiormer.d rt the totalVA {volFampere) requtred is greater thar rhe VA rating ot the transfoirer, lhe transformer must be replac+d .rrt" l Class 2 transformer of adequate rating. Check the heat anticipator in rhe comton ihermostai : ,.re rf it is properly adjusted to the current draw ot the cJnirci ,, -.cin.Follolv the thermostat manulacturer s ,nslrijclions. Make cerlain wiring connections are tight and wires are pos/ironed and secured so they will not be able to contact high temperaturel0ca!ons. Conduct a Gas Leakage Test of lhe appliance piping and control system downstream of the shut-off valve in the supply line to the aooliance.a. Adiust the thermostat to its highest temperature setting, and test manifold pressure and adjust the pressure reg original input as required (reter to Exhibit A. rleD gb).b. Visually determine that main burner is burning properly; i.e., no lloating, lifting or tlashback. Adiust the primary air snurtci. s) as required. It the appliance is equipped with high and low flame conti:. or flame modulation, check for proper main bumer operation al both high and low flame. Oetermine thal the pilot is igniting and hurning properly and that !'nain bumer ignition is satisfactory by interrupting and reesteblishing the electrical supply to the apFrincc ,,r .rnt conV€nient manner. i",taks lhis determination wilh the appliance burner both cotd and hol. Perform this step as many times as is necessary to salisty yourself that the automatic intermittent pilot system is operating proper v. Tesl the pilol satety device (1) to determine if it is operating properly, and (2) for turndown characteristics according to the manutactureis installalion insiructions. No adjrj'.'n:ents should be made other than those recommended by the system .'- Sequence the appliance through at least three opcrating cycles. Applicable only to furnaces. Check both the limit controller and the fan conlroller for proper operation. Limit control operation can be checked by blocking the circulating air inlet or temporarily disconnecting the electrical supply to the blower motor and determining that the limit controller acts to shut off the main burner oas.15. Applicable oniy to boilers.a. Determine lhat the circularing wat€r pumps are in operating condition.b. Test low water culoffs. automatic feed water controls, pressure and temperature limit controllers and reliel valves in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation to determine they are in operating condition. 16. Add the iabels (see 1.6.1-n and -o) on the appliance. B of ANSI 71 for A 3. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, tJ. I{ome lnd Building Control Honer,"veil Ii: ,'. Honevr" cil i)l ...r P.O, Box 5l-l !linncapol is .\lN -i-i-l0I-().i:+ Honel rlcll Lllrn \nrcrican Division \'liamr Lakc: ..--.,i-rru. i.rs i-1,505 Commercc Wav Surte i00 \liarni Lakes FL -.13016 Home and Building Control Honevwell Limircd-Honeyrvcll Limirie 155 Gordon Baker Road Nonh York. Ontario M]H:C9 Honevwell Europe S.A. 3 Avenue du Bourget B- | l.l0 Brussels Belgium Iloneywell Asia Pacific Inc, Room 3213-3235 Sun Hung Kai Centre No. i0 Harbour Road Wanchai Honl Kong Honeywell oo -[;,':^ :T u--,{ DAILY INSPECTION REQUESTS: DATE rNspEcrroN cALLeu rr.r: .J-q-DV .?-s-osIN5PECTION DATE REQ: PERMIT #: BOZ- Ol3D7- Ol br " - tFo, utiqad.{w bL. NEEDED:frncl-TYPE OF IN5PECTION + 5-\( WC PHONE/NAME #: /r J ,.,,J' A55TGNEO :'o: futq ) 'C 5'ct 7 -/ .t/ \<-) TI,IAE CALLED IN: ((yo P,t^ REQU€srED ENTERED BY: Hnfs ,av o -Tio,n o{ V"- rl DATLY TNSPECTION REQUESTS: DATE IN5PECTION CALLED IN' '-I'I-.bq \ rt-'.' ,. ENTERED BY: ,f--tt t ttS rNsPEcrroN DATE neq: & -s - Lru PERMIT #: TYPE OF NEEDED: ECTIO n WC PHONE/NAME #: A55I6NED TO: TIME CALLED IN: OR PM REQUE5TED IL)V .