HomeMy WebLinkAbout124 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 1FI ciz F =EuJL rc ca o oor.f) I + (,t) IJ,Jt!t!F =t UJ.L o E '?t'irlFo I I -l (o@, co\\(o. C\t{snH '.f lo I I I zll elz. I55l =:Et# Idr9 |EFI r! e. F Fu, = zz ouJFozoz6J ct .! z2 EuJz3 uJ oz lt tr.l =i IL o t-z o q # /)/A \/d- 4 .1 /,^,w \/d-,4 / 0 2E '7a y'c,,/ :,4' At3t/ o o o (l = 6 =oF o, boqo G.ct o o (E 0)E o o)cI E =l o o.6;.9 o FHt9 :.q sl€*t : e EBEE :$F i; >=:c96E'- o. -c -t5;'5 EEiRi!Eo EE:E Elo'eo- (E ct-sEieoi6-or5*eE E6:F :E€ HIeEets=! ct O -.:!; o o ef;; f E e;; r5 E: as: ieEg* - o (6: c (Y((?)!O<f g(\l olrI (r)r.o(\l ==uJ zo Y ll,l 2 J J F qJJ UJ z ao o.- J =o TIJ = UJu,ltz tr uJ o UJ c0 3tlj llJ z 6 UJ FaocuJocf,2 UJ o x F uto aulgJu-F =e. IJJo J Fo F z lo J 9eFou,JuJ z = d 4.9:zt<( 6rul NO|lVn]VA ItlF IHlcr l_- li* l.dI'yI X1.l;uZ ll-'io oF6zd;oz a-O< U, J-#3tu2zcl!.(.'- ('..s c<> \gt fl)w ztr^ FOtrcU'O1>q)oQZr,L <o* o.9iE;Ai IJ.J z tr J t!tro o-foEo UJ F uJ z Eoo ><x><z EEuJ =uJ2 tllltltlI zlzOai6o< =PxrrX.i<2 g)Fz. 2= =idoEE uJl = (! zoF 5oz I =F IJJ TL 3 o .l JI<ltrI 2_l z1 .. >l IJJ UJulz at) =(r IJJ(L J z E o uto sc\ ztra 5 [[ l'ls l'''lu,.it>og IG .-lJ' '.OJOO ro @<! sf F= tdF o t!lOdrq8Sr-lHu,bkzo 4A{ t4 4.1/4 tl y'^. //,J L0E /lo 2Z Qr'fr -r dloF tr,Eluo- z oPze coO ==d8 J "dq ="RiA;E =EllJo-lI- EE E<tll€8EEIt ir CEfsF-J, =ul:-E h=o f ti:: >df o r.r-E oo9 |tttE XCE X>t q- €= luo I-- h =ElrJo-zoF C)fEFazoo n!tr a o, oluJl(El JIal>lr.lolzl3lolFI ol =.1oluJljl al>l u.lol fl I I I Iolzl c;l rl <l>lttlol al i .=l )tx x(, =jt! I ,,t 1+l.Ft aFo Ju.l o U.J U7 a.r1 ii =zclo:) lo Icol@(NlcNl|a')l(oIJ l-$I lrl l+,lut nl'=@cd-cl .F{=J =o s +aT>!s +>l t!t U) d. Ll.lFz.tu lJ-J = Lll =F E -rO<F r!<zEurF(tZ-o C) t 2P e3]F d. zo c) E i\ *Eo2p4F<r-l tr< b< Ll 1 ..Y5-c = l. l z J f x x o \a (n tJJttllJ- L = LU llJ E F FI = z N. Iilli { r! \rl|i' N=€w rrD \ I a!)ulFozoz6J d) .6 oz UJz3 t],IF z o q) q) .o ; F o) E\tt3-\c-\\ c \_\ =N\o\ o oo ==ldl E l E0, o (ll '.; dipi96ia = e *3:EPB;.: rE - .: q) y.9c-o>e:5i:83;-.r.: - n d63': BEAR =!-E,^;tuiSteEd!._: ,=- G' - o=, o$;! o-oiE-orEgo.s(!C\,, EEEF o(!=--AcHE-c(!;=r --cPc=(Dq) o OE.9 :'!E: =I ?;E36>.= *FFs6 9 5 ..,'B;e= l.r, o- o - c E g: o 0 cf.. \$ tvl f^ J IJ \At. \ \ I I I u g d \\ $ ss'- \ F =uJ z J5 Y z o t! UJ z =l oz- lrJ = u,u.ll!z tr ul (J uJ o(E Bg u,t z -o UJ UJ z UJ x FulU) a.r) r,U [Uu- ==l))/ F- F o FQ|lJJllJ z = 2 IJJ )( l--,oF NOtlVn Irlt='1 I I "H!-: I o>li9; l5r :<$6'.3cz z t!- ( F ^ tJ' z< 3 ; = F:tD O C-Z ! (JC8I fi: ^,'S :jY q E(S g ETF I 6'id (\t (J -' z tr J e. gJ F \ \)\ v- zo =oo F z tr IJ.JF) =UJz tl>Fzlz <Oo<o*>E2aERqEo<z at!z,. 9z fio3tr I Irul -iI<l?l.cl I hizl ol I If rrll -l II I.,1zl FI1l 6lzl l! I N \'F+-\) t\ L_l o,-' :I o o3 o j<ltrl =l zl .. >l6ru l!ulz <nF ulL J z Eoo \J = oz q) I ,l .-tI_l I I ^l=lu, Iol \ \) \\< as 0) =.o a |.! 'r C Oo_-O- IF .{J C.9 O-.r rd = rov Cao -.r Or O-LJ- v C X.roJo..3 t-l- (n l- .l-.)ur! (uo<l! oo-o o+J EuJ Tt o oUJ C- (J (JEo/)_o=H L (JP c5 !-(F .z. r+- o a =tr,cO 0) P.--l .r-, 0J =JPloIO t!JC!! P ts Ir uJ(L rtlO .olrEloNlo!r*l HuriFl-,zox L!-^^F .-l C\.1 L! \r F\tD I1-, \n zo= =< =z cLr! Jdfirn / \ = =8ft dd= Dtn E = uJ r! uJ F C>Zot c!a=-9=9><au:T' : ,.,cdEt!:=E= o=r.=cvt!, qu- (l) '.' LIJJ -),.. ?.1fEl HEIfrillElYtrI cool lullptt4tr-'| 0I(J 'r'l C)tr04,1 2Fl- -J* F-l c.) ao ui z ort "l.-] aulqx : F,! IuJ =4 crl\J x cq ^ A q> TJJEo E cc(f tlNO .lJ OI 'F{E F c) Fr oB .u F4 =tr FcOcr) x o E tn\' fr-if J Fl,Fl F o v)'ri! tr 0).u $.1r-l B tr(u E-r =I c'tq 3 UJ 5l ?l>l r|-1olzl3lotFI !l-c z oz ou,E J l!oz3oF E .] oull a oz3 l,/F = ctz (, ul J l!o zl 3l9 :r tr "1=.J sl 1l <lilol zl BI 9lFI ul UJF LIJz3 FOuJET <F uJ<zEuF(1 Z <oOF -<itr -.-)- (,OZF =ffFJZ,(!O (J ix ::F7<)=<+E YZ =g (rir = \JZ <oo2=t EE}N .</. Profrcl Appllcatlon IJ Logll Dorcriplion: Lot ts - arocr 6 E Filing :-- , Zone Comnantt: Best CopF AvailableDclgn Revlew Board Date Molaon by: S€condod by: DISAPPROVAL O'Sratt Approval Conuct Paflflr ara Folec'l Appllcrtlon r_ t_-gbql I-: ti , Fitrng Dcrlgn Revlcw Board Motion by: Secondod by: DISAPPROVAL B Statt Approval 1-==., \ VILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION U4 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD March 29, . VAIL, COLORADO 81557 1986 Mr. Donald RosgP.O. Box 4300l{llmlngton, Delaware 19807 cc: Kathy Warren P.O. Box 3370Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. Ross: Your proposed plans for remodell-ng unit lF to add a roof andsky ltght to the wLndow well were reviewed by the VillageCenter Agsocl-ation Board of DLrectors on March 8, 1986. Theboard ls pleaeed to advtse you that they have no objectionsto your propoaed plans wlth the following restrictLons. (1) l.te presume that the wlndow well is a llmlted commonelement ag deft-ned Ln the DeclaratLon. The Board of Dlrectorscannlt legally deed that llrolted conmon element to lF. Butwe can allow you to modlfy Lt as proposed. (2) The Aesoclatlon needs to be legally held harmless as aresult of any of the changes belng proposed by you ln the conlnon element. (3) Any Lurpact on the Assocl-atlon's insurance for the bulldlngswould have ta be bnrne by unlt lF. (4) The Declaratlon forblds any busLness belng operated outof any of the unlte. rt Ls assumed that this is not your intent. (5) Sl-nce the proposed change does affecr the externalappeerancc of the bulldlng, the necessary approvals will needtr be obtal.ned from the proper town authoritles. Coples of your proposed changes were submltted to unit 2F. Inmy opLnlon thls rres the only unit I felt could possibly be Mr. Donald Rose March 29, 1986 Page 2 affected by your propored change. They have no obJections toyour plane. I have asked Cralg Granlund at Brandess-Cadmus to coordinatewlth legel couneel and Lnsurance representattves regardlng ltemr (2) and (3) above. Sincerely yours, Vlllage Center Pres ldent As soclat ion VILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION 12.0 WlttOW BRIDGE ROAD . VAIL, COLORADO 81557 March 29, 1986 Mr. Donald Ross P.O. Box 4300t{llmlngton, Delaware 19807 Dear Mr. Ross: Your proposed plans for remodeling unit lF to add a roof andsky l-lght to the window well were revlewed by the Vlllage Center Asaocl-atlon Board of Directors on March 8, 1986. Theboard [a pleaeed to advLse you that they have no objectionstD your proposed plans wlth the followln! restrLctions. (1) Irle presume thet the wlndow well ls a llmlted commonelement ag deflned Ln the DeclaratLon. The Board of Directorscannrt legally deed that llmlted common element to lF. But we cen allow you to modlfy l-t as proposed. (2) The Asaociatlon needs to be legally held harmless as aresult of any of the changes belng proposed by you ln the c ornnon element. (3) Any lmpact on the Assoclatlonrs lnsurance for the bulldlngswould have tc be bnrne by unlt lF. (4) The Declaration fcrbtds any buslness belng operated outof any of the unLte. It is assumed that thls is not your intent. (5) Since the proposed change does affect the external appearence of the bulldlng, the necessary approvals w111 needt.r be obtatned from the proper town authoritles. Coples of your proposed changes were submltted to unit 2F. Inmy oplnlon thls wae the only unlt I felt could posslbly be cc: Kathy Warren P.O. Box 3370 Val-1, CO 81658 rii Mr. Itonrld,,lo*illarch 29i l9t6 Page 2 affected by yor proporcd change. They have no obJections toyour p1au. I hevr ratad Cretg Granlund at Brandess-Cadmus to coordlnatewlth lcgel counael and lncurance representatLves regardl-ngltcnr (2) rnd (3) rbovc. Slncerely yours, Vlllage Centet Presldent AssociatLon PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I INSPECTION REOUEST THUR TOWN OF VAIL oor. S -'\\\ INSPEGTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL OOF & SHEER B GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED T\\r\cr\\. ;; PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor= I -$.-\v READY FOR INSPECTION:MON tINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL CALLER \\.\\. rUES (y,,*r;THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING { nouon tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR lNs CTIONTOWN OF e-t, 'l' z-* REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES t( @i,WED THUR FRI oor, -{ / /('r?{ JoB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,7 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED .-,.iI \./\.1 | -.-?' ' I(/ PERMIT NUMBEB OF PBOJECTf, ,o, ,o"= o PErNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL-i,,),- : . READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI - !Jo- (a 1.tf a 'll BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELE trT trF trc tr- MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E*F{AUST HOOOS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I INSPECTOR 1JLt o/7- | tl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I tPErNs CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooo NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE (p - a3- 8b INSPECTOR ,"rt"toN REOUEST VAIL t a t PEBMIT NUMBER OF TOWN OF oor. \a-E- \ JoB NAME !!you.'READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr r-l UITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL T] FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR $ rrrual tr FINAL /',.''.4PPHOVED tr DISAPPROVED U T{tsIN!'I'EU I IUN I1EQUII.IEU CORRECTIONS: - -Proiect Appllcatlon I.z.g(o Proi€ct Name: proiea oescription, U\u .J t,LaJ WaIl iv.{ i I I Codtscl Person and Phone owner,Addressandphone: Dt'-wt 1 ?-T.r , -\v (rzoz'ttez' azcm) Archilect. Addr$s and Phone: LesalDescription,tot K , atocx 5Y , t","s V il Vi[\a3e l'+t , zon" @ Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: \\Date: W$5 l.'L 3b Project Name: \ | rr / 'rProject Descripli6l' \l lra,I nLrJ \ rrrll rh * r ll contacr person and p6on" tL.- t / Vl,'t r rart Ar,'ls tec tsI4lt".4oou Own€r, Addr€ss and Phone: Architecl, Addr€ss and Phone: 1' l/-Legal Description: Lot r--arocr 5 E , rilns V?r.l V',\\.e.r.,., iz* , zone J,IL Comments: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL r: /t? Town Planner\\ ' \ I \., r-r \L \\> APPLI CAT ION FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALL(]!,JABLE GRFA Date of Appiication Date of DRB Meeting 1-2-86 PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-app1 jcation conference with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which additional GRFA can Oe aididto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property i:^.99]ligra1 250.square.feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance altows for -u_p tb250 square feet if certain conditions are mer. Applicat-ions for additions under thjs sectjon will not be accepted unless theyare complete' This includes all information required on this iorm as wejl ji" Design Review Board submittal reou.i rements. A. PROJECT DESCRiPTION:The addition of a roof and skylight within an existin concrete window well . The enclosed s e will be accessed from the livin rox ima t el B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Village Center. Buildin Unit IF, I24 Wi11ow Bridee Road Legal Description; Lot K Block 5E Filing Vail Village First Filing Zond District CC2 C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address P.0. Box 4300, Wilminston, Delaware 19807 phone_(902:g!Z:g3QQ) D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: peel/Warren Archirects Address p.o. Box 3370. Vai1. Col0rado 81658 phone__42_6:45Q6__ E. NAI'IE 0F Oi,.JNER(S): Donald p. Ross. Jr. ** Signature(s ) Address P.o. Box 4300. Wi1' phone_(j02=6j2=g39Q) F. Filing Fee of 9100.00 is required at tinre of submittal tN The following information, jn addjtion to DRBrequired with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and maiiing addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This informationAssessor's office. 3. Condomjnium associatjon approval (if appl icable). 4, Exist'i ng f1 oor plan of structure. ADJACENT PROPERTY OI,JNERS: Vail Core Condominium Associarlonclo YaiT Bookkeeping & Accounting 508 East Lionshead Circle Vail , C0 81657 Mr. Fred Hibbard 1977 South Park Route Jackson, WY 83001 SEE ATTACHED L]ST OF VILLAGE CENTER OWNERS. submittal requirements, shal 1 be a final certificate of occupancy. property owners and of or\,ners ofis available from the Eagle County Sonnenalp at Vailc/o Johannes Fassler P.0. Box 700 Vai1, C0 81658 VILLACE CENTER ASSOCIATION 124 WILLOW BRIDCE ROAD . VAIL. COLORADO 81557 o,iNERS AS OF 3/9/85 BUILDI}IG A 126 hNLI.CN BRTME ROAD _Lta (w) 3B (vm1 4B (AB) 476-568L Inc. 476-L450 476-1422 949-4242 476-5081 476-222L 476-5803 4't6-1542 949-567 5 4'16-r]']-7 Wil-lian N. Sick 3301, Princeton Da11as, Tx 75205Bus: 2I4-995-499L Res:Vai-l: 476-2776 Mrs. Ajtrey R. Croke 34 Lake Avenue Colorado Sprhgs, C0 80906 Bus: Res: 303-632-9531Vail: 476-2707 thcrnas f'. & llarlr A. KeIIY 1115 S. Plyncuth Ct. Apt. 608 Chicago, IL 60605 Bus:Res: 3L2-427-1944Vail-: 476-2724 L.W. Stolzer 529 Houston Ir4anhattan, ICS 66502 Bus: 913-537-1234 Res: 913-776-8582Vail: 476-5367 (JIIJ,| (Bc) (vrn1 unit Kurt Burghardt 985 7th Street Boulder, CD 80302 Bus: Res: Vail: 303-449-6889 476-2778 clc-owner: Cleon T. (Bud) & Betsy y\napp Janes L. Vincent 30 Iake Road Short Hi}ls, NJ 07078 Bus: 201-455-3818Res: 201-647-0105\,'ail: 476-376I Stephen Masgnart 4157 Via Marina l"larina De1 Rey, eA 90292 Bus: 213-822-'7754Res: 213-278-8758Vail: 476-0134 H.A. Ittleson Hennan Holdirg Corp. 660 l4adison Ave. Nev'r York, NY 10021Bus: 212-572-6286 Res:Vail: 4'76-3534 internally managed bY: (AB) Arthur G. BishoP E CcrtPany(BC) Brandess{a&rms Real Estate,(E) chris & Pe1le d<lund(G) Mardie Gass(KT) Kiandra Iodge (VI{R) Vail H,crne Rentafs(id) Irene WestJcye(B) Ilelen Bird(A) Linda Arnst rong (T0'1) Ibtal Condcrninirn M3t. zt5 3A (I^I) IC BUILDI}IG B 124 WILI-OT BRIre ROAD ttKnpson B. Sanders 141 W. Jackson BIvd- Roori 1536 Ctr-icago, IL 60604Bus: 312-922-867IRes: 312-565-1235 '/ai.1:476-1235 Irtilliam N. Sick 3301 Princeton Da11as, W 75205 Bus: 2L4-995-499I Res: Vail:476-2067 ID Douglas P. Beedon 1790 N. Iexington Ave. (WIR) I*oseville, MN 55113 Bus: 612-488-2844Res: 512-451-8944 vatt :4'76-02L3 2D Walter A. Frank Cape-York Shipping, Inc. Seven S Circle Dr. Great }bck, llY 11021 212-564-6344 516-482-6923 476-3232 Cecil P. & BanerlY J. Dotson 45OO Rolard Ave., *501 Dal1as, TX 75219 Res: 2L4-522-L884 Vail:476-5599 4D Tlrcnas H. & Charlene Bentiert 22 Honer Plac-e l&rnsey Park,(BC) Manhasset, NY 11030 Ellrs :Res: 515-627-557Ivail: 476-2375 5D bbert L. OrConnell 402 Pontiac St. Bk. Blcti.(KI) Pontiac, F[ 48058 Bus: 313-334-6]00 Res: 313-644-5214 Vail:476-1838 6D Dr. StnnIeY J. Cristol 2918 Third Street(T(}{) Boulder, co 80302 Bus: 303-492-666IRes: 303-443-1781 Vail:476-443L 7D Franz Rodrig'uez-Er&nann, M'D' 3255 Brcr.'kdale Lane lJrrttrlcrook, TT. 60062 Bus: 312-878-4300Rcs: 312-679-6320VaiI: 476-4937 2C (w) Bus: Res: Vail: 3C (BC) 4C (BC) 5c (Bc) 6C (AB) Cecil P. s Beverly 4500 blard Ave., Dallas, W 75219Res: 214-522-1884 J. Dotson #50r ?n (BC) Vail:476-2162 Grant & Helene h'ilson c/o Beverly I'4edinger 4 T\rpelo Road Cohasset, MA 02025Bus: 617-383-0758 Res: 6I'7-369-9437 or 617-896-6220 7/I-9/I Vail:476-6922 Dr. Lawrence & doan Zaslow 5556 Dayna Court liew Orleans, IA 70124 Bus: 504-482-3777Res: 504-482-3762Vail: 476-4627 Lawrence B. Kirstein 5044 lfillvood l,ane' N.w. l{ashirgton, D.C. 20016 Bus:Res: 202-966-2464Vail: 476-3385 Allen T. I Gl-oria Gi1liland 4281 Weise Road Carson City, lW 89701 Bus: 408-998-7333 Res: 702-882-1396 '7? Vail:476-3769 t)\ BUILDNG B 124 I{ILtCI'l BRIEE George Brock Associates, Inc. P.O. BcD< 1265 Shreveport, IA 71163Bus: 318-22I-2953Res: 318-865-0259 Vail:476-1736 Fred L. Ahern P.O. Box 50099 Jacksonville, FL 32250Bus: 904-241-4355 Res: Vail:476-3596 Vailte><, A Gereral Partnership P.O. Box 5210 Rictrardson, IX 75080 Bus: 214-234-4466Res: 214-233-4753 Vail:476-0288 John FgJ-ish Internatj-ornl Security Corp. 1800 N. Kent St. Arli.ngton, vA 22209Bus: 703-527-6l-00 Res:Vail:476-0477 Tbcton Corp., J.L. Debrey P.O. Bo>< 1586 Sprirrgfield, lL 62705Bus: 217-528-1788 Res:Vail:476-0068 Joe N. Iulilcs I Sons, Inc. Box 92 Lunberton, l4S 39455Bus: 6OL-796-420IRes: 601-795-8286Vail:476-067I Carl W. Surmers 261-1 Cedar Sprirqs Dallas, Tx 75201Attn: Donna Eascrn Bus: 2I4-87L-L987 Res: 214'528*3595 Susan & Donald P. bss, Jr. c,/o Vail Bookkeeping & Acco.rrltiJrg 508 E. Lionshead Circle, #2 Vaj-i, OO 81657Bus: 302-652-8300 Res: 275-268-3469Vail: 476-L8O9 ROAD r.tr (AB) 3E (AB) 9r, (AB) 6E (BC) ]r' (B) 2E 2F Herbert Cook I31 S. Eudora St.(AB) Denver, @ 80222Bus: 303-892-1929 Res: 303-333-5722 476-0058 3F B.R. Vail Investors c/o P eggy Flinton 2617 Chaucer Drive (VIIR) Oklallrna City, OK 73120 Bus: 405-840-1983 Res: Vail:476-8008 (BC) Antonoff & Co. Gaq/ L. Antonoff 1209 l,lriters Center fV L72O S. Bellaire Denver, @ 80222 Bus: 303-759-5544Res: 3O3-76L-2499VaiI:476-1823 @ne Branscrcrlle P.O. Box 1276 Baytcrnn, W 77520Bus: 713-420-5777 Res: 7L3-424-8I79 Vail:476-'7075 4F 5Pf,.la 6l' (Bc) Richard Brubakcr lB00 Central National Cleveland, oH 44114 Bus: 216-78I-2L56 Res: 2f6-338-8350 Vail:476-0205 co-ormers: James D. and l-orin Ellison Bank Bonebrake 'tF' lr val_l:476-2529 (3) BUILDII{G C 120 WILl,c[I BRIEII IG ltrcnas S. & Diane A. Bry 7 Vi,sta Road Frgla,rood, CD 80110Bus: 303-321-8570Res: 303-789-3310Vail:476-7152 Aivars A. Zeps, M.D. 929 N. Astor #701 Itilwaukee, I{I 53202Bus: 414-27I-2633Res: 414-278-0696Vail:476-2173 Martin M. Ho!rcs 9 Cleuncnt lane St. Louis, t'D 63124 Bus: 3L4-227-6333Res: 3L4-997-6927 Vail:476-L240 Gary L. a Virginia l,bDaniel Bo< 181 Sabetha, I€ 66534Bus: 9L3-284-2L9IRes: 913-284-3396Vail:476-0494 l4rrray Financial OorP. P.O. Box 809039 DaIIas, T)( 75380-9039Bus: 2I4-851-6640 Res: Vail:476-2269 1H (AB) 2H (BC) 3H (AB) 4FI (rc) 5H (A) Thlxnas J. Cordon 550 Post Oak BIvd. ' Suite 550 Hq,rston, ax 7702'1Bus: 7L3-526-6292 Res:VaiL: 476-4347cwwner: R. ltent CarPbell' Jr. Zev B. Rosen 111 Crarnpor Drive Ttms River, l(t 08753Bus: 201-349-4100Res: 20I-349-9459 Vail:476-227L I:r,rin I(ornfeld 5699 Soutlrroor Circle frrglarrcod, @ 80111Bus: 303-777-0386 Res: 303-758-5435 Vail:4t6-1239 Richard J. & Pat Hanschen 4618 C::ooked Iane Dallas, TX 75229Bus: 2L4-233-663LRes: 2L4-363-2995Vail:476-615r W.T. Car?enter 5626 San Fellpe, Unlt G Houston, fX, 77056 Hrs:res: 713-622-4207VaiL: 476- 2G (AB) 3G (AB) (wn1 5G (AB) 4G (4) -.: Phillip Steirr 10947 Venice BIvd.Ios Angeles, CA 90034 Bus: 2L3-474-6538Res: 213-476-9817Vail: 4'16-4092 RISCo Investnent Co., Inc. bx I72 Ne\^r Madrid, l"D 63859Bus: 314-643-2476 Res:Vail: 476-2L32 George A. Redietts Oo., Inc. 8101 S. OountY Line Hinsdale, IL 6052I Bus: 312-323-3550 or 800-323-4838 Res: 3L2-323-4959Vail: 4'76-48L5 JarEs D. & zona Z. Iceidle 5205 lakestpre Dr. Littleton, OO 80123Bus: 303-292-f600Res: 303-795-1394Vail: 476-LL67 Michael lbKenzie 9301 Souttn"est Freehtay Suite 255 ltrouston, Tx 77074 Bus: 713-27).-7700 I?es: 713-494-3198Vail: 476-4L74 1J (BC) 2J (BC) BUIIDI}IG C 120 WIL[fi^l BRIEE ROAD Rodger J. c Claudia Droel 1690 L. Jolranna Blvd.st. Paul , t\tN 55112Bus: 612-571-7141Res: 612-636-0774VaiI: 476-4824 Ray Stevenson c,/o Ctnrter l4edical Corp. P.O. BcD< 209 I{a@n, C.A 31298 Bus: 9L2-742-II6IRes: 912-743-6630Vail: 476-L369 Jerly Oohen 929 N. Astor Milwaukee, v[I 53201Bus: 414-27L-3414Res: 414-27L-7599Vail: 476-L24I Millard H. & Rrth Holberg 3728 ll,ounardy Dallas, Tx 75205Bus: 214-987-1103Res: 2L4-528-2425Vail: 476-1237 Joseph T. TYeleven c/o Payco Anerican 1800 N. D<ecutive Dr. Brookfield, IvI 53005 Bus: Res:Vail: 476-119I 1K ( I^J) 2K 3K3J 4J (c) 5K5.1 (E) 4K (BC) (s)