HomeMy WebLinkAbout124 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 3CI I oz F =GuJo- ooo oo.) ooo (\,1 o (\I ooo 6.1 (nluuJu- =E UJ(L )1/- SElgr/rr8e/4 € # y, =l c(d| (dL;# =r9l=lua>ro:zl-'loo(t5 t=r-atd.t= I I I IrlJIF lo rol@.orl <fl =l I F o lalprIF FI; El=al J =t;otod!lszt 7 lr ula = r|. d\ tF-- \\ t2 F\\ -r\rt t \\N_trN(\lx.E N:tr A.NIRE ElS*g \H? ! (U €qo ^.-42^dY ='u ,1i7 2A-A,h 4":=A?OE%#h,'eu/ vl-(Jrr-E.. .r .r-Qoc(di+rE>XoE o'o.=6 (/)F*E--*.g(t,(dxF -of 0) q) () c.9 at>(DD g;o o .9.9.: -otf(tt o o) -o 3 F o)c ()o(E o of at, .2 = c(E ui3o o) o (o Ec u, .E 3 F 't E o o c(g E. (u c .F (! E o .= =3> c o lDo (E oti fgo:EU.- V, .EY9sF'5 lD(u =*-,=€> '- o- oo=!(6Oc --: EYP! o(EO.=o:o';q pt(! -'ot5 O(!(Eccs cto dlO -F,EY= E8o(Ec-tF(g!>9-oo9aOEr-o -o N(v o rftcf)o(\t o<\l ro(\l oro $,1 ln o = UJ z c0 I uJI(.)z o- J F UJJuJ oz co = J 2 I C)u,l UJ IJJl!z tr tuE LU oE to;UJ>!! z 6uJo F U' uJ IL z gJ X nlo U'uJl,!ll- E =tL! FoF z J J aFo IJJJuJ z6 =J J 2 C)qJ = NOrlVn'lVA loIE JoE+J 3'Ft!o(,Z#o'F iLf B* qr(U JN zouJc) 19 "\r (.iJ- .s=:o zz tr^6q5F9 066 =\QZtr <(o* HgFO;Gi z tr J tro o- (, UJ F ooo (O(n a tl.l z Eo xxzoF Eu,FJ B IJJz tltlllll (1,trzlz9e?< (.)o< =HXILbci<z anFz, 9z fio36 UJlJ a E llJzY i Utt F 29 5az ; 3 F uJ IL o 3 U' tr z z .. >louJ llJ uJz(ttF (r UJc z9troo zYt! I l;,; I I-c a.-J ac.J O ut tsooo-zo F(L u,lY utd) oF F CCulo- LLo ro@. rl, F{ .- coo I t,ut-o ttt-t,zo z,n9zedro =zt:) dP iE=dd= tr CEut t!o:!!E:E<cLf60toE9fttraeEE=>=ul-E h=(J*i-: =EI o r.r-E ooI ittrE XO-r x>o-"Fo'ioiti UJc0ot- -=- ts =E lrJo-z9FofEFazoo trtrn oz J l.|- Fo J lJ.Jo =tde. =oU'Focr ui =z lltl tl =llot Iv||!l I :I Jel flEt Itcrg:a= I I I I It;l- I I Jvtq q o|sj =o zl HI -rl<l I I I I I cil =.1 uJl 1l <l>l rLlolzl3lolFI .E - P= ttr ol =.1oll!l 5l al>l bl zl3lolFI I I I Iol =.1ol r.lJ I:lal>l rLlol pl i <FCOr!<zEIJJ FraZo() <o(JF t< -,2ilo Egoa- t- =f:z z IO[! = F Fz.o(J t-tir =l-Oz F IJJF t <()gH I EEE ,v 3:t * INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT /, lln VAIL J.l€-=.pc:-5CDATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON @w THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (rnnrtrrruo n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR E o rrMl tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 12DATEt'INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ll'i JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAMIWED :READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ,E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ; SPEIN i .;. ... '),:h .,L' .) JOB NAME LLER WED THURtyoi,.-I CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER O DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO ); APPROVED CORRECTIONS: /. .1.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDIT{G: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR * DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT,!./'l-1 it I .7 " tO" ,+1 l./. NAME CALLER TUES ; SPEIN CTION REQUEST WEDil Jl*-'FRI I/ TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERR FRAMING -'noor a s tr GAS PIPING& SHEERD ij;iwdbi r.r-ii Lr r.r e tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL u n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FJNAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tINSPECTION REQUEST ' TOWN OF VAIL tt , i Ij '- I , i)"'', JoB NAME t DATE INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES T,o THUR PMREADY FOR LOCATION:!ra- : FRI I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Z,CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOH V,l CALLER TUES 1' rn#cnoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oir "L('', t3 3a WED THUR PMFRI J 3.: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I r I ^ , lqoate lut ZLjl5 JoBNAME READY FoR INSPECTIoN: 6;i) LOCATION: BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr g tr tr tr tr t-'l FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL d-nmr- 'lFnrz orld tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n o ruilr tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTTON REQUTREp CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: {,NUI1rvJOB NAME CALLER INSPEC WED THUR FRI T PMAM<C OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK B tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FI"}fl1 tr FINAL ffippaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR j \/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / i ;,DATE / '". ,' . JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: I INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL /',. 'r.. / ICALLER TUES THUR "l- a FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL o otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT NF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \F APPROVED '. ionRectrol.rs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I DATE INSPECTOB *t SPE .12-+iL\t IN / : ,',, CTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES '/./'.wED THUR /rat,| .,/ Bt tr tr u tr tr X u ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST. HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /-'#RovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ) -1 tt \'':> 2 .. J tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i,'SOn f I ,'t\0c(-L.,i' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES /r-\WED THUR ( FRI ) - AM PMA ----' .l .*- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I ../ /ool Littl( b loa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL { nennoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -, /-' - +-1 t'DATE% INSPECToR ! -t '.:'. INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION; LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLywooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: C] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR triFINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR q- +).r .ctvc CX =lt'(uL +.)'o@ +)EG)orQ F .'ro=(J+) O ttt .(tr lztrgl-P'- ooJ=3t, at'l- (F(vE o x ( \lr x fl'.xr{'tl N x (' t\.n\ ^fu\ x ;! X '; \. { \ cn or.lJ uJlJ- E uJ(L I l,.., .Ft<ro I I I .l!11 l'{., \ \lltl\n=\to r \\l II I a.\ r!Jut : l! t!z3 ci: (! .9 (! 3 F q) (5 Q) o E ?iq) - c R F Q)-c .c o (!) J (t) .to =5 o u; = E (:) (g = 3 F = =i E (E c E .s 0) -c=3 c o o !tE6:gq:E3?aE!gsE'= EE '- atto(o _(D ;>c9 :c '=io(6qrc so -=tq!.Y-o(!o€lrr(!E =o(E oo O(5 -4,(! 0' ggi's E3o(u l; >E-o o.o; YEr-o -o :\l 0r a S(x T1 a \^ ca 0 0 0 N (, 0 o N I t I u s \ il $ N '-1 o $ F uJ z - tu z IEFc)UJJu,l z =lJ(L J oz -C)UJ = L!UJ z. tr IJJG l,u o 3uJ uJ z 6 LlJ F uJ z ul x F uJo (rt\ UJuJu- tssu\tL' J F wd 2 6l! oz zo z =l () F t!J z = J Iz E uJ = J C F- P .6 zac!NOIIVN]VA n {j gJ x I IU 2J "AI5ll ^r ^t E^.\r!c\\la Y.x,-;DZ |,l-<,oo-62.r 9"6 i.rGt-3=o- d UJt t--, -=;q ---qi z Eg FYao =><)zL!< ,., fd-()toFOjai z tr l lt u.l F \, N N e o- LU J zo =o 4 lll."| |lI tlJE li2 l.ill 6 3i€ = "' li X ILIU olo =lill.'I tt>||F| |\ IlDlz ..lz 2_ =liJ + IJ, H EIg \ UJo- lt:o o 3 !c lJI<l tr1 zl zl .. >lot!o UJuJz tt)F lrru J z Eo I __l Il I I "lzl FI!)|1l@l \\ \,N z tr lrl 3uJz 4t rlo rrlti!H d ,i! z(J9z.e60>z o/ u-cI!! Jdx \J\J= ==3-;O d.d =,ffiH -.1-.1LTJ <l,^|E vtq, Eltr <l.a Elg=l$ rlltl .: =lr'lI LrlE o. lF5 rl=(, -s l;Xt cl5 =E -16lcE (u 1,,.l>tr Jl=f=E : li -E L,- lF:-:i I€: t! | -e u't :o- I IJ(D c.fJ '1 .,.'! ! tq |-, I l:l,-l-r+-J\) II{ a, ,]t. ..1 :.-.| .'' z)ii IIiil # Hg vfi$ ,{ I ) d d ..[ J "+ s $'u4 =l<I4 HIolctIaE Io- F; .i.J] ..rr ) '1.il.,.1lil'E :- ',4 ,.I----l*:l trl ..1 :il--J :1 1,,! tl-t.,,1 __J(t\' stltt4el CI.4--{ E :i ) _.:-\ \Frt- "(.S J!l =--4 ..:i ar:.1 {-V ,4$ [T I I I I IvlLl o'lz9s\l Cc \lt J:sl6lzts3 UJF t!JuJF \ ,v \Y tr tltltltltlf. lt,ltolt1ltolI rJJll:l AIl>lt!l zl3t __,-ol uJFI F c I "l=l(rl ull -.,ttlal>l rLlol zl3lpl =g I I i II .lol =:l uJl 5l al>l rr-lolzl3l :ol uFI F F UJ z --t- LIJz3 F LIJi't_ -..r O<F LrJ <zE|.rJF o <oOF :< y2tuO -a-o (5Oz.* =E--t zlro <^YFz<)ss i,z =g & d. ;,I h= o \__ J<(Jo?. J-O I 5* oF t- =ti\ff.lr lL -l O,::1i r.Io -l ?()'-H HeJo=Zf..] FLL)t+) \n v scr<>z f.R\rtlt-\<r= (u FFH-o =.6Lrl'r (5 0- l-Lv d.. L(n v1o< L,J zoc)an '--r E z, r+- =LJ+JJ+Jo(uIJ- J LTJ F TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2138 APPIIEAIiCf dournactor OWNER Lo+ z / V L,,L DEPARII,IENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit. #: 898-0182 ilob Addressz L22 E MEADow DR duatns.. LocaEion. . . z 122 E MEADOW DR (VILLAGE epplied.' ParceL No..: 21-0L-082-08-003 rssued..Project No.: PRJ98-0L77 Erqrires. ISSI'ED 07 /08/L998o7/08/L998 0L/04/L999 NEDBo coustnucri-orq P . O. BOX 34L9 , VArrJ, NEDBO CONSTRUETIONP.O; BOX 34L9, VArt, CO, DOTSON CECIL P & BEVERI,Y 4500 RoLAND 501, DATLAS Phone: 970-845-1001co, CELL# 47t-4888 81658Phone: 970-845-1001 CELL# 47t-4888 81558J TRUST TX 75219 Description: INTERIOR R.EMODEL TWO I'NITS 3C/3D Occupancy: R1 Multi-Famlly fipe ConsLruction: rr FR 1lpe II Fire Tfpe occupancy: 0007 DWEI-,LING Valuation: 195,000 FireDlace InfonBation: R.Etlictcal:*Of eas ApplLencc6: Bui,lding----->1,120.OO Rc.t.ua!.ne PIen R6wi6e-:> Plan eheck---> ?2E. oo Invc6Eigatsion> .00 will call---->3 .00 500. o0 i+Of wood/PrIlets: RGcrcatsion Fce----------> C]6an-Up D.po6it- -- -- -- - > Total Caleulabcd Fcc!- - - > Addielonal P.c6---------> Total Pcrbit Fec_-------> Pal ocnEa------- .00 2,551- oo - o0 2, 551 . OO 2,551 . OO I her.by .cknglrl.dg. Ch.t I hav! rc.d ch16 rpplLcaci.on, fillcd ouE in fu]I thc inforrB.tlon !.qui!sd, codPl.l.al rn pLan, and Bcag. Chrt a1l !h€ infor8rgion plowidcd ae rcquircd ir corrccE. I rgrcc to coipl'y ltifh thc inforErtion Lo couply lrj,th .ll Tor'tl ordinanccg rnd rtatsc lars, and tso buil,d EhiE alruccu!€ eccording to lhc ToBn's zonlng end code6, deEigtr rcwicn approved, Itlrlforu Buildlng coda and othGr ordinanccd of thc To$n RBQT'ESTS FOR INSPEETIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWE}TTI-FOUR HOURS IN AD'UANCE BY TE]'EPHONE AT rccurete plol .nd pl,ot p1an, !ubdLvi6ion TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund, Irapproveo 7 = nesist,flfSount date Add sg Ft: *Of g.s !,096: FEE SUMMA.RY rttt+rft'ttt+tt ..,.."...:f:l,ilii;;..;;;;.;;;;.1..".""..i;ii1;31.......THi:.1*;;;;;;;;;;;:;i.........'"":::,.. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTT4ENT Dept: BUILDING Division:a1/08/t998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED iIBM-irbfi;' OsaoO-irul'wrue nEFARfi',tENT Dept: PLANNING Division: 6170e/:-ggg .lRM Action: APPR N/Aitei;'o56do-Fien DEPARTIIEITi '. Dept: FrRE Division:61106/tgg8 JRM Action: APPR N/Aiian;'os5o0-P-IiBlrc woRKS--_- DepE: PttB woRK Division:o1lo6/tggg ,JRM Action: APPR N/A *l*rrrtt*it'i** i t 'l t t + t r i t t !} t * * See page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions thaE may apply to this permitr. DECTAR:A,T I ON5 gcnd cl.an-Up D.porlC To: NBDBo coNsT 08 OWNER OR th€r.Eo. A.}ID OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permits #: 898-0182 as of O7/08/9e Status: ISSIIED****+******************************:r******************************************** Permits Tylge: ADD/AJ,T MF BUIL,D PERMIT Applied: 07/oe/L998Applicint: NEDBo coNsrRuerroN lssued: 07/.08/.+998970-845-1001 To hq)irez OI/O4/L999 Job Address: LOCATiON: f22 E MEADOW DR (VILLAGB gTR) Parcel No: 2101-082-08-003 DescripEi-on: ITiITERIOR REMODEI., TT{O UNITS 3Cl3D Condit,ions: 1 . FIEIJD INSPBCTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIVCE '2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ. 3. SMOKE DETE TORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALt BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 I'BC.4. FIRE DEPARIIiIEI\IT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAII BE STARTED.5. MORE INFO WII-,L BE FOWARDED FOR THE COMMON DOORWAY BETWEEN B TII T'NITS.6. STRUCTUR,AL ENG. LETTER NEEDED ON CT'TTING OF WALL FOR COMMON DOOR WAY.7. CHOOSING OF OPTIONS WILI DI TATE SPECFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR FIRA SBPARATION,EGRESS,SPRINKI,ERS ETC.8. WIIJL NEED TO ACQUIRE PERMITS FOR ELEC,MECTI,PLI'IB a tJ, no.".ol. Eagle counu, n"""""o.fff ft"" "f,,ilI ,;' "'#:;l; "il*F:'*gltztiue;;4H.," * Lesal "i.-5Jptf-""j :?t]L arocxf-E 5.iri.nUHL yl#*rlff Flt'NQ owners -#W;;"=, o N PEzuIIT /i PP-tq P- 6\rr , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ft * * * * * * * * * * r( * * * * * * )+ * * * * * * * * * rr * PERtvtIT INFORMATION ***********r!***J,*************,Y. -i,Fftcf aLegal'n.'JL"r!.pti%n: r,ot l(, Block S-L FirinqUltlL YlV*tL vtu&_E-_-13-tg?+ta^ry*z- Archirecr: / bBo @r-{sTPdqtcrml'esS37Ll t/*tL co glG vn.64S',lOol lwork class:. [ ]-New ffi-elteration-rLtnrrrs =. t BD t rEfaL\ Covwl[}tF-?t)Numbdr of Dwe1ling Units:Nurnber of Accornrnodation Units , L frlectrical contraccor: Address: ( etn^uinq Address: Contractor: SMechanical Contractor:'Address: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: FOR General Descripti "". TirJTE&t'oTZ- WU'6DEL- fmber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-_ Gas Logs_d"-@e"rret z. f *********************ik*********** vALUATToNs *****************HF*1*S*Tlt{ f4*** \ ,.F$ ^^-,\iurr.oruc +_/9rod Er,EcrRrcAr"z+ fr,&o orHER: $PLUMBfNG: $ MEcHANTcAI.. i 27 -;-^ ,nnmrrr . ITLUMBTNG: $ MEcltANrcAr, $Zi:o__ ToTAL: +W- fo * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r *'*jt l]f t t r * coNTRAcroR TNFORMATIToN 't * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * * *'^ex:z:* "I;:l";i:*ilI;AJH rown of vair Reg. ruo.4?l Alf Phone Number: Town of VailPhone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OFFf CE USE * * * * * * * rr * * * * * r.* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK IEE:I'IECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: l' I -Additional It*io or.{L vurr +-4trS'+Ld-?*9 conments ! CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: VALUATION __-lntryrt r BUILDING PERI4IT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE If this permi.t requi.res a Town of Vai] fire Department Approvar,Engi neer ''s (.Publ ic W91ls ) reView una-upp"ouu1 , a plann.ing Deparrmentreview' or Health Deoartm6nt-ieview,-un['u- review by the guildingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a lota] review may take as longas three weeks. A] l commerciai (rarqe or smai'r ) and a'il murti-family permits wilrhave to fotlow the Sbove ;;;ii6nil-ri*ir* requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd tire a-iesser"amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impaii the virious;;;;",nintion"odepa rtments wi th reoa rd' to- necessai,v-""vi "r,-ih;;; ;;;j;. i!' ruyalso take the three weef peiiJa. Every.attemSit will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi't as. sqon as possible. - vv v'rrEu 75 3outh ,ronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303',, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 of llce of "orrunily developmerrl slg understand the plan check procedure and time W,> 7 tuts>6 MrVhrteL - /ru'*qa CfuNEL I' the frame. hzrt@aS Com,muni ty Development Department. Nedbo Gonstruction(t". PC, Box 3419 Vril, Co. 81658 40690 HWY 6 & 24 Sui0r D Brglc-Vril, Co. 816110 ['SA Phorc 97&&45-1001 Frx y,0-84t9979 Iuly 08, 1998 JR Mondragon 75 South Frontrgc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear JR, Per our conversation on Tircsday, July 7 I have put together two options for Village center Condominiums Unit 3 C&D, lhe Noroan Rcsidedce. Assuming wc are not going to frnd any documentation that the 2 unib were legally combined herc are thc 2 options Nedbo will pursuc: Option 1: A minimum of l-hour ratcd doors betrreen thc uni6, also a kitchenett€ in addition to thc primry unit . kitchen. Option 2: Obtain a varimce, rcoovc one woodburning stove and replace with gas. No kitchenette or l-hotu doce. Stewut Kisscl Town of Vall 0FFtcEcoil \$\ I. EERENBRUI"I-IJEINSHIENK 3A3 629 26fi TA UULft62 Cffi i2FJ,to6ELAGREEMF'IYT n THIS AGREHP_II_q. ',Agreemenrn)-is rnade ni, ;!$ay of rune, 1998, by andbetween VILLAGE CENTER AssocIATIgN, . coloriElon-profit corpor"tion (ttr."Associadon"), and GREG and LAURA NORMAN (collectivety referrcd to ierrin "r'n."Owncr"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, owner is.rhe owner of units 3c and 3D, Building B, vinage centerCondominiums (the "Units"), creatod pusuant to the Decraration ior Viilage Ccntcr executcd onoctober 3L, L972, and recorded on Novcmber zo, rg7z, at page 362, Book zze, io ,n i""ora,of the clcrk and Recorder. for the Coutty of Eagle, Satc of Coliado (or .cterk irnd Recorder,),e:' rmer:ded by tbat certain Amcndment to Deilararion for villagc i.ntu iccorded on Juiy 11,1994, at Page27, Book 645, in the records of the clerk and Recorder, and as zupplernented fromtime to rime (the ..Declaradon"); and WHEREAS, owner desircs to remodel the uni$, including rdriroval of portioas of ageneral common elernent separating Unit 3C from Unit 3D, conversiJn or the remaitrder of suchwall to a lirnited common element, generally as shown ou Exhibit A anachcd hereto andincorporated herein by *ris referencJ (*nirtt improvements are referrcd to herein as the'Improvements"); and WIIERE.A.S, the Board of Dircctors of the Association is wiiling to approve lheImprovements only upon the terms and couditioru hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, owner is willing to agree to zuch terms and conditions in connecdon with 9-btaining the approval of the Board of Directors for constmction of the Improvements to theirUrut as described herein. NOW, TIIEREFORE. the parties agree as follows: 1' ApProYal of Imnrovemep$. Any architecnrral and shrcnral engineeringplans and drawings reguired for constmction of ttre Improvements shall be submitted to the Boardof Directors of the Association for approval prior to commcDcernent of any work. All such plar:sand drawings sball conform rvittr tlrc Iurprovem.ot, as shown on Exhibit A, unless revisions arefirsl approvcd by the Board of Dircctors of thc Associadon. The Board agrees rc rcview andeither.approve, disapprove' or approvc with conditioru, ail additionaipi*r ana rcvisions to plaassubrnitted by 0re owner within fiftcen (15) days afier a complete slt of final ptans t ave'u""nsubmiued to the Board for review and allpayments requircd under paragraph 11.A. below havebeen made' Construction of the Lnpiou"mens shall conform witi anrl bc performed inaccordance with the plans,.drawings and scope of work to be approved by thc Associarion and rheengineering recommendations descl:ibed in paragraph g bclow. (; JUN A2 '93 1g:52 FR BERENMUT-IJE o INSH]ENK 3A3 629 x49215855691 97AB P. A4/ tL76LA ID o 2' The Board of Directon of the Association has approved the Improvementsas sbown on Exhibit \ and the demolition plan darcd June 1, lggg, set'forth as Exhibit B. Thisapproval is for thc c rcprual design and o*n"t shall submit..o*ptrt. r.r of plans, clrawingsand a descriptivc scol's of 1o5k for the complee work to be perrormed for revicw and approvalby the Board of Direoors of the Association prior to commcDcement of conshrcrion. Those plaasmust include, at a minimum, ejectical ilans and specificatioru anJ ,ro"nr.r plans andspecifications. Owner furrher agrees thar no cfranges or addirions will be rnade to the plans,drawings or scope of work without pricr written approval of the Association in accordance withthe provisions of Paragraph l. the Unit is located is builr so rhar utitit*, ^, +fr"A in f"r"gr.plG ";; pu]ffi;'il,H; ::]""111"3,|iql,:|,yTJ:-ard,.as such, aregcncrar common erimints. Anv additions !o urliriesmay affect all units in that suck. aoy wori which requiies modificarion;ffiil;;r:ru:;the hot watcr heating system shalJ be performed with iue care to auoiJ ^ny adverse impact on mJr, owners ("other owners"). The hot water beating system may qor be artered in any 3_ , .- . The building in which 5-^. ,-._ . Owner shall carry personalpropert)'insurance insuing the contents orniGitrlno rirril[.toi" u"lirr;, ifi;l"ffi:"J:;connection with corsuuction of the Improvements. 4' T"demqificatia[ b]' owner. hr consideration of Association approval of theImprovements, owner hereby ioaitnnin*io irota, harmless the Association, its Boardrnembers, officers, emproyces, and ageils, and au other owners, their family mernbers, tenants,ienders, and invirees (collectivety, the "Indernnitees') from and against any and all damage orinjury to persons or properry, including common erements, units, Lo lersonal propeny withinunits' including consequenrial damages, and ciaims. causcs of action, zuiis, ard costs whatsoever,arising in any manner as a result 'f the remodeling u,ork perfonned by owner and themaintenance of the owneJ.s,units, inciuding attorncys'fees and costs of suit ircuned rnconnecdon wi*r enforci4g this indemnity or deiending against any claims or suits, Owner shallobtain personal liability insurance in ti:e minimum -rmo,rnt of $1,060,000, io ilsure irs obligationsunder this Agrecment, naming the Association and oe other owneis as additional iruureds, butsuch iruurance shall not iimit the scope of the foregoing indemniry. owner shall be released fromthe foregoing indemnit5' upon its transfer of title to tire unis as to claims asserted after such sale.The plrchaser(s) or other ransferee(s) of owner's unim shall automatically be deemed to haveassumed ore forcgoing indemnity obligation upon transfer of dtle to the unrts. ( 6. Continued .:eJ:r$_Utiljd$. Owner agrees nor ro block, resrrict, or denyaccess to any utilities t}at service oi.ber units. owner shall notiry uu other owncrs in the buildingprior to commencing aDy construction that will necessitate uiltity service (including electric,water' sanitary sewer' and similar utility services) to other unim 6ring irmporarily disruptecl.C iuN a2 '98 1g:53 FR tsER=NBNUM-LJE O INSHIENK 3A3 629 ?6I '(88215855691 9?AA P. @5/ !!910 o (.* Utility service lo other units may be temporarily disrupted for a maxirnum of two hours on anyone day. Damage to any utilities sball be repaired immediately by Owner so that disruption ofutility senice to other owners is mininized to the maximum exdnt possible. 7. Irpating System. It is agrced that there will bc no modifications, additions,or clunges to thc hot water headng system in the Units or the building. Owner will insail clectricheat if additional heat is dcemed necessary. 8' Strucrural Integritv. It is recognizcd that the lnprovemeuts may increasethe weight placcd on the structure of the building. Any removal or alteration or pr.r"nirn-ortur.imembers is forbiddcn- Before commencement of any work, owner shall provide a report andrecommendadon by a regisrcred firofessional engineer for maintaining the smrctural inegrity oftire building in conneciio:r wi$ $e Improvements. The recommendatloru of such cngincer shallfirst be approved by the Board of Direirors of the Association and shall be implcurentJ by ownciafter approval. 9. Govemmentai laws. Bules alrl Regulations. and Codes, Owner sball obtainand comply with all Town of Vail permits, codes, and any otne.cgutations thar rnay appiy. Inaddition, prior ro con.structioa, owner shari provide a lener from ttre Town of vaii-sratin! tlatthe work to be performed b}' Owner wjll not rigger tbc applicarion of Town of vail .equirrirentsto the building or other Units causing aoy expense to other Owners or the Association. If anyacdons should uigger such expense, Owner shall be obiigated to pay for the expense causeo bytheir remodeling work. 10. Pe4etration of Exterior Roof und W"llr, it is agreed there will be noopenings, vents' or modifications to auy exterior walls or surfaccs, inctuOing the roof of thebuiJding in which the Units are iocared, included in the work to bc performed m complete thelmprovements. 11. . A. Owner u'ill pa1' the Association a securiry deposit of five percent(5?L) of. the construction costs of tbe Improvemenrs. Tbe securitl,deposit will he held in theAssociation's account and will be used for repair of any damag, b, .iurn-up of any comrnonElemen$ or other Units or proPerg' of the Association or othei owners caused by or resultingfrom the Improvements and for any olher unpaid expenses incurred by the Association inconnection with the Improvemcnts, Payment of the security deposit a-ud the expenses describedin subparagraphs (1) and (5) of Paragraph 11.B. beiow (other rlan recording iees a,,6 costs of Preparation of the Condominium Map Amendment) will be made prior to commeucement ofcorstructiou of the Improvements. If the required paymcnt is not made within such time period,the owner shall have no right to proceed with the lrnprovements. The Association shall beentitled to obtain a temporary restraining order withoui norice to owner and preliminary andpermanent injunctioru prohibiting owner from proceeding with construction of thi lmprouements -J- if the work is commenced prior m the rcquircd paymcnt being made to thc Association or prior to Board approval of the plans or any revisions to $e pla$ rcguircd for construction of tbe Improvements. Owner shall pay the Association's aromeys' fees and coss iDcurrcd in connectionwith obtaiaing the injunctivc rciicf dcscribed above. The sccuriry deposit, less any amounts expended by the Association from thc security de:osir, shall bc returncd to Owner after completion of tbe Improvernents a::d any rcptit or clean-up to be paid out of the seclrity deposit.owner's liabitity to the Association and Other Owners shall not be limited to tle amolnt of the Security Deposit. B. The Owner will reimburse the Association tbr any asd all expenscs rncurred as a result of the exparuion project, irnluding, but nor timited to: JUN 02 '98 lgt 53 FR BERENBRUN-I^JEINSHIENK 393 629 ?6Ia T0 x4421585569L9?aB p.gs/rt .A.mendment. (1) l-egal feesi (2) Dumpster usage fees; (3) Plumbing, fue department inqpection, etc.; (4) Damage to walls, halls, stairs, ejevators, etc.; and (5) Amendmenr ro rhe Condominium Map and recording of such ( 12. Miscellaneous. A' This Agreement shall be recorcled in the records of the Clerk andRecorder for Eagle County, Colorado, and shall be deemed to be a coycnant touching andconcerning the Units and an equitable servitude binding upon the Units, the Owner, "nl "oysubsequent purchasers of thc Units. This Agreemenr shall be biruting upon and inure to thebcnefit of thc partics hereto and their respective succcssorsr assigns, heirs, and personal represcntatives. B- Thc provisiors of the indemniq' set fonh in Paragraph 4 above may be enforced by the Board of Directors of the Association and by any Other bwner affected by Owner's rcmodelhg, use, anC mahtenance of the Units. C. Tbis Agreement shall be coosrued and euforced in ascord,ance with tbe laws of the State of Colorado. Any action to enforce the tems bcreof shall be brought in OreDistrict Coun for the County of Eagle. Statc of Colorado. The prevailing parry in ury su-ch actionshall be cntirlcd to receive their atQrneys' fees ancl costs of suit incurred in connection with such enforcement action. 4- 0g/o4/gg 08 r 59 o JtN 92 's 11:0A tffihGnu|+{€r!{sHrElK 3ar 6a9 ?6fi rryt*65691?422 P.t?/2.L D- Ilis Agtccaocut rhrr lsesqag mrll aDd void. if &e oqrrcE 6ns ro ?hP T*F of Vail approval and issuansa of a builrrilg pcrroir wi&ia liDery (90) days afar tbcdae hereof. bcrrundcr. E. Tge is of thc esscoce iu rbe pcrfonoalce of Owncr's obligations YIITAGE CENIER ASSOCIATION, A Colorado non-prof t corporation E ooe I F. This Agrceoeor Eay be exeeucd in couataparrs aad sbalt bebiading 'pon munral cxchaqgc of courcrpan siglanrrc pages. Facsimile ;isr"l*, shall bcdtt-{ origlnals for g'rposes of ais Agrecncil. Tbe partici agree to aaivcr Jrgioar siglauuepages for recordation E:rposes afics gxqhrngirE facsimile sign n rcs, EXECUTED as of tbe day and. ycar first set fur& abovc. By: i C -t JUN 92 '9E 1B:54 FR tsERENBNUN-I,.JE o INSHjENK 3A3 629 ?6t x44215855591 9?A8 P . gB/ t 1, OlilNERS: 410o i -; /STATE Or r./k,tltdo ) couNrY oe far/tt l", foregoiug Agrec'ent was acknowledgg !:gr_ry ly !-aay or Qft-u-1-,1998, by Gary L. McDaniel, as hesidcnr, ortry,LlcE cEl\irER;S5o-crAnoNfitTloffi non-profit corporation. trrITNESS my band and officiai seal. I\ STATE OF J/N;2 COUNTY Oe Y,-U Bt *t- The forcgoing Agreernent was acknowledged beforc me tlis J.J day of e,...r- ,1998, by GREG NORI\,IAN and LAURA NORII{A}{. -'' --" WITNESS ruy ha-ud and official seal. My comrnission cxpircs: ) ) ss. ) c_, ))t N, Vcu,l.o - Nfury Pubtia JUN 92 '98 LgI54 FR EEREN3EUT-UEINSHIENK 3A3 629 ?6!A o*n|rr Cl*ttr E]O{IBIT A Norman Residence, Village Center TO xgg215g5569t97ge P. la/Lt' ru|;,r;l$ Yfl[*19'3t,lf tt"filo#f^niilfl$fi,'c0 IAHnoilsoe4eT?E2523 r. bbr' t Master Bedroom 2 Living Room C JUN I '98 ll:lt PAGE , EA8 JUN 92 '98 16!54 FR BERENtsNW-UIEINSHIENK 3A3 629 r ufin i-ole rlH u',6' irl,f t t' lfil, #]ilf f i',lf,tl, c 0 76tA fO x@21585E6919?gA P.tL/Lt "il'n,139dff'u"PIr.6it' EXIIIBIT B a (.- Nedbo Constraction fnc, ?O Box 3419 Vail, Colorado 8165E Junc l, l99g 970.E45.1001 fsx970,8a5.9979 Rs: Notman Residsncc vilagc Ccnrer Unit 3'C&D Dcnrolirion plan Nedbo constilcrion will rcmove the existing finishes, cabinetry, prumbingfixturos, intaior wall partition; cct., jn rhe dllowing *"r. ' '^ fitc cornmon hallway to the urir will hs.vc a prorcctivo layer of visqueen / plastic,dcsignfor renovation work. ( manufactr:rod by ',protecrive producrs IntemstionalInc, l-t00-?89-6633) The waUs will be protectcal wirb e layer of Styro.io*pmtection board. This prorecdon will cxtend to encompass &e Dsly oxrerio: floorcovcnngs. fhe clevetors will not bc uscd for thc demojition of the rrnit. AU of the demolirion trash, as-well as thc gcneral construction rrash, will bodispossd^of using the Ncdbo constrtctionLsh rruck. we have two trrrcks, oneu'itb a 13yd cspacity box and one wirb a 20yd capacrry box. These cur be perked at thc west side of building K, wa will rvork wirhu tirc Town of vail Guidelinesoq pErking, NeCbo will not be using the Condominium trash facilitigs for any of ourcongtnrctior derbics. Tbc denrolttion phase will rakc ab.out 2 wolks, frorn thc staning datc of the projcct,to complete, Aflcr tbat timE we will suinrain ihe protecrive flo-or coverings andprotcct thc wrlls only as nccded. If lhere Bre aly furthcr questions, ptease contacl D:vid p. Gossen at 970,S4S-100I Tha!,k you, JUN E ,gB ?:28 PncE.993 BnsssMsn Tnusr Coupnny 1@ WOOOARTDOE C€hrTEn OF|VE wooDERloSE NJ. O7('e5-1 I e1 THIRTEEN THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED FIFTEEN AND VILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION C/O DAVE GOSSETT NEBRO CONSTRUCT ION PO BOX 3419 vA I L. COLORADO 81658 n. egLE I ?[' !:0 ? I p0 t{ ?0ri 000t,oil 15/100 DOLLARS corTRoL ||o. o{ai( aro. 013952 55-307NT rJUNE 10 1998 0.1 3, 415 . 1 TBIJSTAC@UNTTO?HE . ONOER OF GREG NORMAN IMA VA I L CONDO HE r SECUF I TY DE POS I T OF 5t OF THE CONSTRUCT ION COSTS BBssnrupn Tnusr Coupnxy 2848&1,5' $'13.415.1r OF BTClO @r{no( iD. CHECX ito. r"- -: -:--{ P - g2 'it laTol8.e3r9r lfiAxls.$r5zFqn 4lTevaL ocu:R/rm BlQgg DATE, JO8 t ,- 1 o ) r'l i 1I.t.!.l i -l -...4. ) I I i,.i ,_ 1l .' 'i Copyes ,1 SIGNED: l/' t RECORD PROJECTT \O q,MAt-,1 Ll !.r e +(vr'uu4qg .ENTEe :c -:o) C RFI O MEETING NOTES FCE THE 4-C h]IDE MAgOI.,IRY CPE,VJNGT/= lALr- BETAJSEN TF e LlVtN6 RCaV ESCV iDts A L N 1-E L A6 6 F., iAN '" '! t' lr I.L3izx3,'z xf t eAcl €tDE BEAE .+' 1.,4rr.r , EAC'rF\D -Olr EX9T.-. CM'J Available COPY TO: ldEpEl) ccNg?EU4r!OhJ ! CIAFTFCANON/CHANGE Tc tsE CU-l- lN;o AND TH E s]-uoYr O Lr**\ r Besta ,{ nesror.se (V--- Ex.b-q, b cuu r,,(Arr- n ffI, ,u/.. H CONSULTRNTS,i H:.laeae r szzU F. e1 lcToleaesEl lFrxlg41t377 -r_ !,'- ' -' KFIM ccrvsuLralrs. tr{c P,oD(457e vAu of,,Grcp 6.to lloarr,t _ a/ 3o/ 7s FAX 7Q: r, NAME JpJA,ViD qo9FET-I COMPANY 4l F r\ bo _ FP(TMNSMITTAL 3, NAME COMPANY FAX 4, NAME COMPANY FAX F^x 8+>::lat-24 . 2. NAME COMPANY FAX PROJECT:JOE NUM8Eff; WE TRANSMIT H€REWTH THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IIN ADOITION TO THIS TFANSMITTATI: ' PAGES: DESCRIFTION: , 1 )A/T:eL . De?-AtL _ REMARKS: g\uNt$1 ^A .frt1 t - TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROTiITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 DescripEion: PLLIMBING FOR REMODEL rrr**i.rrrtr***trrtr.r*iilrr*r* F8E st ulrARy SLatsus...: ISSIIED C3-DApplied. . : 07 /29 /L998Issued...: 07/29/L99e E:q>ires. . : OL/25/L999 Phone: 845-6300 Phone: 845-5300 Valuation:7, 500 . 00 iat*r*ttttt*rr* DEPARTMENI OF COMMT'NITY DEVEI.,OPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLI'MBING PERMIT Job Addreasl. L22 E MEADOW DR LOCAt,iON. . . : VIIILAGE CBNTER IJNITS Parcel No. .: 2101-082-08-003 ProjecE, No. : PRiI98-0a77 APPLICAIIT GUARANTEED PLI'MBING 6. HEATING P O BOX 42L0, AVON, CO 81520 CONTRA,CTOR GUARAI'ITEED PLIJMBING & HE,ATINGP O BOX 42t0, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER DOTSON CECIL P & BEVERIY 'J TRUST 4500 ROLAND 501, DALL,AS TX 75219 ON .'OBSITE AT PermiE #: ALt TIMES P98 - 0096 Plumblng-----> Plan check- - - > Inve6Eigation> wi 1l call----> 120 . oo 30.00 ,00 I .00 . oo r53 ,00 153 , OO . oo 153 . OO 153.O0 vi 6ion AM 5:00 PU Rcgtuafant Plan Revi6v- - > TOTAL FEBS----- Toeal ealculaged Peea_ _ _ > Additional Fees-'- - - -'-- > Total Perni.t F!e-_--_ -_- > PaynantE-----___ BALANCE DI]E- -.. .OO i rr**r*r *r r rr *r I f J*ir*rir*r *r* t* *r*** ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT{ENT DEPT: BUII.,DING DiViSiON:07/29/L998 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISitbmi'o56do-rrns-DspA[rntEvi ----- --- ----- - Dept; FrRE Division:07/29/L998 CHARTIB Action: APPR N/A rtrarrrarr*raaa CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI'ICE. t I tt I * i titt**i *tt* r* * I rti*t+ t t*** * tt* f ** t'r i* | **f 'l l' r*** ti'*t" t l *l r ,'*t*tr*** t * * rat*t* DECI,ARATIONS t hcreby acknorladgq lhrc I hav. rsad chl6 cppllcacion, fillcd out in full ch6 lnforuatlon required, coEplat.d .n pLan, and 6CaEc tshrt all Chc inforEetion providcd a6 rcquircd ia corlcct. I a9!6c bo couPly laith Che infoinaCion to conply nlLh atl Torn ordinanccs |frd Etet'e lar6, and Lo build this BErucEure accotdlng to Eh. Torn'E codc6, de6t9n rcvlcr approved. Unlfofi! Bullding code and other o).dlnancqs of the Toirn apP1lcab16 Ehereto. REQUEgTS FOR INSPECIIONS 9IIAI.L BE UADE TWENIT-FOI'R HOURS IN ADVANCB BY accuratse plot and plot plan, OF OWNER OR AV o ttz PER}IIT /i - ' APPLTCATTON UUST BE TTI.IAD OUT COI{PLETELY oR TT uAY NoT BE AccEP?ED.TIf***************************** PER!{JT TNFORI,IATJON * ***************** ** * **** * **r7l [ ]-Building tx-plunbing [ ]-Electricar [ 1-nechanlbal I J_other Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing owners Narne: l)o l-;;fi oF vArL coNsrRucrril€ PERMIT APPLICATION FORi.IDArE.7/2"/7dr Address: Address: Ph. Architect: General Description: Ph. ?I{ork Class:- [ ]-New tX-Alteration I J_Addi.tional I 3_nepair [ ]_other Nunber of Dvetling Units:Nurnber of Accomrnodation Units: ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas ApplJ-ances_ Gas Logs_ I{oodlpelletv llt********************************* vALt ATroNs **** * ************** ** ************ BUILDINGs $EI..ECTRTCAL: $OfHen: SPLWBING: ffiTELWBING: | 7mo.ao uEcHANid;; X;;;1.;;;;::il::..,,***** coNrrur"ro* *Iil TOTAL: $ Address:Contractor: Electrical Contractor:Address: Plurnbing Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE:I'fECHANICAL PER}TIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: CoNTRACTOR INFORUATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: .$0 T.""n of VaiI Reg. No._" Phone Number: Town of VaiI Req.Phone Number: A Town of Vail Req. NO.Phone Nunber: FOR oFFrcE usE *** * * *** ******** * *** ***********BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE:PU'I{BTNG PI.AN cHEcK FEE3ITTEC}TANICAL PI,AN cHEcK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT!rOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Contractor: CLEiNI IrP DEPOSIT REFUND r0: 75 south lrontaga roadvall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOIfN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DEyELOPITENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary. ordinance No. 6 states that it, is unlawfuL for anyperson to ]itter, track or aeposit any-."irl-.Jirl "."a,";";;i=or materiar, including tr""n-5u*psters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewa)-k, aJ.ley or publicplace or anv nor:ti'on th;;";i:--il" right-of-way on a'r Town ofVaiI streeti and.roaa= is-"ppr"*ir"ateiy 5 fL. Lff pavernent.This ordihance wilr be ;r-r:ii;^enrorced by the Town of Vair.'Publ-ic works Deoartrnent. --p"r=lns found violating this ordinancewilL be given a 24 hour r.iii"n"rorice-ro-;;;;;; said rnareriar.fn the event the person so notified.dges not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pubric worksDepartrnent wilr remove said mateii.i ii-[n""J*pJn=e of personnotified' The nrovi=ion=-ot-"tnls orainance strirr not beapp)'icabi'e to clnstruction, ruint"nun.. oi-r"paIr proj""ts ofany street or ar.rey or any'"iiri;i;;"i; ;;".;I!i._u_"uy. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu'L, p).ease stop by the Town of:3:i"::tl:i"3"Tf,i:'*:ll":i""iiiin a copv- riiuni. vou ror your z.'ll 'l tl oSitionTnelaEf onsnip- lnuln n llal 75 soulh lronlage roadv!ll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 of flce ol communlly dovolopment If this perylt requi.res a Tovrn of Vail fire Department Approva.l,Engineel''s..(.Pgb.lii works) leview ana'ipprovai,'i Fiannini-bepartmentreview or.Hea'l th Departm6nt.ieview, an[ a_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a iotar ;;;i;*';ui"iu[i'a, tongas three weeks. A'll commercial (large or sma'll) and a]l mu'lti-fami.ly permits willhave to fotlow ine ibove ;;;ii6";;-ririrrr requirements. Residentia.land.small projects should take i resier amount or-iiru.- However, ifresidentfal or snrailer projects impiit the various auov. mentioneddepartments with regard to necessai^y review, tt.r. ii.j..[i ,uya'lso take the three-weel perioJ. Every.attempt vrill be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermi't.aS sgon as possib'l e. - BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMNE plan check procedure and timeI, the undersigned, understand the frame. ^/t^Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Departmept. TO: FFOM: DATE: HE: MEMORAND[JM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS PERMI'I'' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED 1) 2) Job Name; Date: Please an quastffiJre regariJing the need lor a'publicWay permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right Xof way, easernenls or public property? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs differenl access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling lhe right of way, easemenls, NO a e\ 4) 5) X X X X X X 6) or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right Of Way permit" required? B. f f no to BA, is a parking, staging Vor lencing'plan requirej Uy c6hmunit! : ^Development? . .. lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained,"Public Way Permil" applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or alCgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Townof Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-215g. B) A. ls the right of way, public property to be used . parking or lencing? I have read and answer ,D&^@-r/ , easements or lor staging, estions. ractor's Sign-ature DbteJob Name Co o Nl,Pn t?/1Bt')B 08:O4 REQUESTS FOR INSFTECTIUI! t'.lORK $HEf::l-S FOR zt?./ IA/98 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'!1il;;;;;;. . . . : -- Reqr-test or: lrifJODY [-']rone : 9r+9-*rl58 Req 1imer OS:til0 Comnents: fiLDG B UNI"f 3C, 3t)Items requested to be Inspected... Actio4 Conments Time Exp rdttug{A t{L-08-F i na I o RHF.T T 3I 'ruurN oF vffIL, col'ottFtDo F.RGH 39 flREA: CD Actrvity: B9S-tZtlBE 1el1S/98 Type: A-ltll:Adrjressr ItsP E MEIIDIJW DRLocation: lee E MEADqt, Dfl tVILLAEi'E CTli) ' |..'arcell ts1tZt1-OBE-rAArOetS Descript ion r INTERIOR REMODEL Tt^lU TJNITS f{pprl icant: NESIIO UUNSf HUC'I ION Owner: DilTSON CECIL F f. BEVHRLY J TRI-,$TContraetorr NEDBO OONSTRUCTION Inspect ion Higtory.... .Item: EOOJqt BLDG-Fr-aning A-7 /e4/94 Inspectorr CD JC/ 3D f;ct i ori : fiF FR SEE N0TES Act i on: FA FARTIRL HAsTER BAiHROOM (NO]' REflDY) Act i on r tlt-'Ftl AF'pttOVED MATERBATH 5t at r-rs ; I SSUED Con ct r t AMF Occ: o00t7 Use: I I FR [-'honp, : 970t*645*f fi€tl I'.'hone: F,hone : 97Ur-84S- lrDOl ItemlIteml Itemr Iteml .[tem: Item: It em l Item: ltem:Iten: Item: Item: Iterr : Item: Notes: trENDINB ELECTRICAL, FLUMBINIE, AND MECHANICAL ROUGI'I AF.F.ROVALS tArAO4O * * Not On FiIe * * a{4ra3ra BLDGi-Incu lat i on rafte'64 HLDB-Sheetrock Nai 1qA/17 l9g Inspeetor! JRIYINotesr FARTIAL- FEINSPHCTtnq/Ib3/gg lnspectonr JRM AAOSO * * Not Orl f:ile * * 4AV7A BLDG-Mise. 'ao'agut BLDG-Final AA53S' BLtiB*Temp. C/O ourgsl FIRE-"tEMtr. t:/$ Ur053e FW-TElvlP. e/Ada533 F,LtlN-TEmp. Ctr)44537 F,LRN_FINRL C/O IZIOSSB FIRE-FINAL C/O raq'539 F,[^J*FINAL C/O rzr$54r4 BLDE-Final tr/U * rff" o HEF,l f 3I TOWht 0F vAtL, COLORHD{i F,n6E I AREflI CD1c/1ni 9r, O9:18 REIJUES-I$ FtrR tNSpICIIUN NORK til"tEET5 FORr I?./ tA/9A f-rctrvity: fi96-OO96 te/IBlqA Iypel H*trLtrlB Statr-rs: IEi$iUED Oonrtrr AJItrTAddressr l;l3 E MEADOII DR L"ocat i on: V ILLAGE CENTER LJNIT$ C:j-DJ F,"rnce I : EI 0tl *Ogs-rA8-rZrO3 Ot:r::;Use:DeEcriptionr F'LUMBING FOR RENODELtlppl icant: GUARANTEED FLUMHING & HEATING [:,frone: 845-63OO Uwner.: DOT$ON CECIL F, & BEVERLY J TRUST F,hsne:Iontr-acitor: EUllRANlEED trLUMBINti & .HEHT IFl6 Fhone; 845-.€'JtZtQl Inspecb iorr Reque st Heq r.re st or r hIOODY Req Tiner O6;EOIt ems requested to A'Z'egra F,LMH-Final I nfornat i on, . Eomment s lbe Inrpected, I-,horr e I 949*PtZtStZt lnsp*ct ion History. . .. . Itent : EAgl$ FLFIF-'Undergrouncl l b em r ku'Eea IrLHB-Ftough/D. l^.l. v. Ut7 /31, /96 Inspector-I CD I b em: tarAest, I-'LMA-Rourgh/l,,lat en ut7 /3ll98 Inspector: CD Notes : trRE$liUF'tE BFILANL;ED TUBS AND SHOI^JERSItem: ArAe4tA FLlvlB-Gas triPingrtem: rilOESrl F,LMB-F,og1lHot Iut Item : tafAE€.'A FLMB-I4iEc. I bem : Crgtgg0 PLFIB-Irinal ACt i OIr : FitrtrR I"IATER COLUFIN TEST ActionI trFF,R AFFRI,iVED VALVE.S LlR NEI.J FIXTURES REOUIRED ON NLL 1 .J 9 4 L,r,C 4ItA . '7 [{ itrF. ,l REtrT 131 Q7 /e4/9A O7 : €t3 REOUESTS T0wN oF VAIL, COLURADO FOR INSFECTION l,lORK SHEETS FOR: 7/?4/94 F,A6E AREAI CD trctivity: Addr'e s s : Locat i on : Fatce1rDescriptionr Appl i cant : Own er: Cont raet or : 898-01Se 7/?4/9A Type: A-MF IEE E MEADT]W DRlEE E ilERDOI.I DR (UILI_AGE CTR) a 1A 1-rZrSe*rae-raog Statr-rsr ISSUED Occ: OOOT Constn: AltlF Use: II FR INTERIT]R REMODEL TI^IO UNITS 3C/3D NEDBU CUNSTRUCTI0N Ftrone: DOTSON CEtrIL tr & BEVERLY J TRUST Fhone: NEDBO C0NSTRUCTION F,hone: I7rZ'-945- l CtO 1 97rzr-945- 100I Inspect i on Reqne st Requestot.! WOODY Req Tine: OBIOO Items requested to hOA36 BLDG-FraninE Infor mation,... Comment E: BLDG.be Inspeeted... F'hone: 949-*O5Oc&D Comm ent s ''8" UNITS Ant i on Ti ne Exp Inspeetion Item: Item: Itemr Item:Iten: Item: Item: ItemlItem: Item: ItemrItenr Item lItem; Item:Item: Item: Item:Iten: Histo AO51Ct aaala @naea taoSeta ooct30 EraE40 AraASEl ao060 aBaSa aara70 erSrO9O rZtA53rA ero531 erQ53e 00533 o0537 erA538 44539 oo540 dri veway grade f inal BLDG-Foot i ngs/St ee I BLDG-Foundat i on,/5t ee PLRN-ILC Site F'lan BLD6-Fr.am i ng**NotOnFiIe** BLDB-Insnlat ion BLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1**NotOnFile** BLDG-Mi ec, BLDG-F i nal BLDG-Tenp. E/e FIRE-TEMF'. C/Opw-TEMF,. C/tr PLAN_TEMF,. C/A FLAN-FINRL C/tr FIRE-FINAL C/Opt^l-FINAL C/O BLDG-Final C/O