HomeMy WebLinkAbout124 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 4Coa ilffi[mARCHI P.O. BO]{ 2224 . Y AIL, COLORADO TE 81658. CT 970.926.3240 IINIT 4C BIIITDING B lIiltA$#,G[NTIR C0l{D 0[{NI[I[{ $ qDproved ;' V"YtL' SPL'RAD' - -rgDennd '3 c :: = 0FFiufilbpv Validity oi Pormlt OWNER Sec.303 (c) 19 U.B C. JJ,','fr :1,:R li' ff 'ljl't,':,X ff ffi t ;' # Hf H$fp' gITo iirorir o], any violation ol any of tns provisions gl tt'lt- t:dt ;'#;il;iht;ioininm or t# iurisdidtion' The lssuance- of ; #;if ursio upon plans, specifications rnd othcdsftl'$lsl n,,i orircni tnc duitoim ofticial frorn theroatttr requiring.the ,iiriret-_ien ct enon in-sald plrm, rprclflcatlons a$[;g[het ilata. " - a|sun l, t9!rj oArE: g_2145 Spccificdidt lbtrd tuly 14, l9!tj PROJECT MANUAL FOR rlv.cuxxi";;iDffr L A["-,bbr"Jo AA6 1 s rss| Lir,,+2A4h PROJECT DIRECTORY OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR VILLAGE Diane Otto 430 Sheridan Road Wilmette, IL 60091 Phone (708) 256-5487 Kirk Aker Architect P.O.Box2224 Vail, CO 81658 Phone: (970) 926-3240 FAX: (970)926-3240 A.T. Smith CorPoration Bill Smith Phone (970) 827-970r FAX: (970\827-9704 I.]NIT4C CONDOMINIUMS o CENTER PROJECT DIRECTORY FLOOR PLANS I INTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2 ADDENDA 3 ELECTRICAL 4 SPECIFICATIONS 5 I I t I t I I I I I I t I t I I I I <.-aFc-\ \J-=t, r. "eEvc vi-<Al.'c=, Ytc?orlAve.t4^iAtt-E: eaca G=? !\- CP A9 CAeBA i?otAt, /)--a- n - \- /.L)U_U1J QF:ulOVe A--' ROT GF aA;\CLOI\? t'QOM .-f t !A-- ANO ALL C?:'IG AOE'':AREAS ANP AEAV', 06.0'.ft eev,c"= r\-- cAb,\E-t ANi 'AIU AG= ALL EATING AN' <er.a\!a t\1,)u_. ?ANG"-II-iHva?o. A?)o\e ot54^At4aQ cc-f.aee - aQi cao<\G iTaYt. .r".-e =x3a\6 = ooe e-AN FrrT=q- 1 'rEN/4C NTll/' A'rEa 2. tT="v5 rrDtCAiED u- u?F > t=. 81r AR lu 6E F=Q2E/. 10 BE ?EIr'OVED ABE 3. S=_= S-=ET L:t FO? =Xt31l'.6 =LECT?iOAL AID D=YO -'r1olP A\ =.,t.1\/c A I INTERIAQ OOO?5. Er'rQ: DOO?REMAIl'i, 6. ?Ev,OVE ALL FLOO? COVZ?r:.63. 1. 3ALV AOE 4r-; f,upFr$!1N65, WALL !A1"16ll'165, AfiD EATI\A AN) coo<lro ffeYs. a. c?o554ATCAl\6 li'iDl6AT=5 \{A--5 =O B= 3Et OV7-D. ',/6', =X3T lO =;co? Ft-Af- ---l I I -f t_f I) I Itr - _l--']-- ---r- - -iL - _ __tL _ > -4 t) -1r t, Qa\rovE 9ieLv\l.l , -,-1 i2 -C /z 1,. t-c 9l R€Yav: Lav . 9 ! . e. onll-REi.tove otuteea='?Atl\TED aA3E--BzA?D AfiD TRIF'1-Ar DooRS iffi T -,"*o COV.I.4OI, E\IRYHALL ??o?o3=D =-oo3 FLAl"f ',/ B = 1-O llOTES' 1. C?O55-uAICrt\9 trDtATEs \EW WALLs TO BE FRAY=D. ,ffiw:- '<=v >LJnA n' ol-.r ||flnm' il|lltil\[1 CHITElO. bOt ztta " VAll. COLOTADO al6tt ' c T 1,/6'', ??C"C3V)7;CO? FI-AF ---lL-+-lL-Jt-4 , r]-tf t ! --lletrHlut- /1-- /1 - \- ,/ 4.\J \-/ u -.-/ I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I ----lL--Jl--lt--lf __lL__,lL_-lf----lf _lL__rL'l f_-_-rr , j LrvrNG ?oox ii =-::-: _+ I I -"-e TA llaJ!. c T --i!----.r- -r],ti a -l t- U .OMVON ENT€Y']ALL ??o7c3=o FlocP =-A) ov=e EXISTN6 FL"R PLAF 1/2>'= 1'-O l'toTF-5. 1. EXIaTING "|OOQ PLAN 5l-O^l\ Aa DAt!=C atN:=1. i/6' cov?c3T=azo?o3ED OV=e EX,3-,>O aaevt 2 i /1-l a /1 -rJ | \./LC I I I I I I I I I I t I I I /*& UY r1/2" tlEI A; FURRI|€ 5TRF5 OV=? EX5lttte sid4Je io ?Ecew= 5/6" TYPE x DRYWALT - PArlrED -42', A.F.F. :lv oR o 53- U A- Ct4l16 lllDo Ai e5 f.rEv wA--s 10 B= F?Av,=9 P?O?O3=' Lvll'=ia PCOYT & KIToIEN -LOO? PLAN REPA'E DRYWALL AI]D PA1FT 45 C'AJP=D /-T-\/i hARTtr -F=--- ,r \i/\+,-,'v4' - 1',-O" l10iE3' I. 3E= 2PEE I LI T(./F. 2. 3EE 5Ae=T 2.1 FOR 3. INSTALL FEW BAgE, KIT'HE]'.J ELEVATIOI']5 AFID NOTES. F1E?LACE AND LVI:16 ?OOY: 7t-EYAl On5. ooo? Al,D WINDAW TRlv - -r-YP1tAL.t t I I t<=vt2E) 06.o'.?5 't/ 411 LlVl\6 Al-f D K|T'!FN FI-R*I ------i_ : ---ll r\lt,/ irl \_-/ l ;-:= <-c-E> aEuove"vooD PA\EL|N6 oeiov AEA?ru AND REPAIR DRYWALL A5 REAI/FED AND TILE A5 5'rAWN Ol1 sAagl 2.1 ilffim TAIlo. lox t!ra CHITE. v^lL. coLOIADO lla!a ' I I I I s:li6 ?oov n-a- /1lJ I r./- -'\- LC ! \i'-11 \DL!t d Potulu roo. tL l!of) I oeo55- | A1 'a\e'iDo A- ea !rEr./ WAL-5 -O ea trR^Y=2 ?ECe55eC iLE E\-*lKiiI I I I I I I l. -o*rrs eXSfDl'e VEC\1. OAASE ??O?O)=D YASTE? A=C?OOY & tsATJ \/,)TFq. ,,. 5eE 3JE=T 1.= FO? P_Af. Vt=w oF El'iTeY AFjD r-Ar--. 2. 1Ee SAEET 2.3 AllD 2.4 FO7 ll'iTERIOR EIEVATiOI"S 0= MASTER BE)?OOV AFP BATFT. <trvi3=) OA.O':.o1 1/ 1', VAS-[E,R B=D?CCV, & BATI..1 M9TR BDRM i ilnIHM c TAl'to tota rrra CEITB. vAlL cOLO!lDo I latt ' o-T c Klrt!El'" acc -/Ec 1 ) FOR KT6LIEI1 PLAI'1 DJILT-|N OeetteQ i \rE5K 4 TV -- ^ -- EpRf"1 -, l.l - EXr5Tlfi6 W.6. &TUB lg ..iEV WALLg 10 B= F?AYED BIILT-J'i DRE55=R 3-,, VL' 1 - au;r-rr: Cr:< Lr' ln' u EXIST:16 V.C. &T.Bi ll j I \-/ "ra-uQ rFU-U3=-) ?EDPOOY13 E\TRY, l-]A:-i- AND2&3 REV]5EDo6.o|c5 I t I I I l llilTa[ ilrti il\!|l/i-- n c H I T E f,O. IOX ltta . VAIL. COLOIADO alara ' N'TE3, '1. REMOVE E?OUT AT TUg SURROUNDS, ,REPA3 TILE AI'.ID t<E-aFU- .3EA- O<Ut, ). 2. 5EE 3r€-ET5 2.6 ArD 21 FOP INTERIOR ELEVAIIO1S 0F BED?OOV3 2 & 3. 3. sEE 1UEE| 2.5 FAR INTERIOR ELEVATOI\S OF EI''iTRY & !ALL, 4. lf'iSTALL \EW BA5=, DOO? A:'D \,/lnDOW TRM - TYP|6AL .,,/ 4' E").TR", -..1A1_,_ ANp BED300\5 2 & 3 ]TTC - U\T l:C LVI\6 AR=A . WEST ELEVATIOIi LV"]6 A3EA -SOIT4 ELEVATIOI' LF rarrrE lr:|"rllr lfI tlL--\ .-_r-n lllI i i ; | | lll ","o, a! I o" Tt-!FM :ll|liLll U IXETI6 5!ATE (BE-T!.D !€a.r - e.'x:2 LIV}' AREA - =A3T ELEVATIO|'j 1/ 4t . 1'-O' harES oo.o').aa@tI a' I | ,?,;* | t-1vif16 ?ccY ELEVAT 'I5 Tc t l I I I I T T t T T I I I I t I I 1/4' - 1'-O cagtE- - W =:, W .A--o= <1c)=\ !AZ- 5!E4r _ 24' EePeArr-iRY caB. _i \oR-* wA-i.- o= <iT cAE\ a4' '€-9" ARCHITBrO. BOt( 222a . VAIL. COLOIADO tl65a ' T 't/A\' . ' 'O" ircT=3, 1. 3ALV A6e AF' REUS= =X3:1t10 ?=-F?EE-C^10?. YA?O-VAV. AIjD RAI6E, 2, LEADEO €LA55 A* -i}.]E WA;! 'AB\E- IN TIE FORT. EIEVATOF a=\l=| c. ..: ^11 1. 1A= 108 SPAC7 O^5=30A?D Sr.lALL VA-iOr lqe CA31>=15 4- REF.2 f O TAE L'rlt€ P:Al': FOR U'itER CABIh=r -6;1i''6 Klrt!=f =t =\/ A -r nNqL-t...l- v H t\J i .J 5ol'a - W At-- OF <-C4=\ 2 tal dE-vea MASTER 3ED?OOV1 - l.tARTi..I WALL I slri -'--'_ lrrJ t+)"Z\ Z\- 'RwALT - MASTER 3=DaOOV - EAST WAI--L oASEaOABt - VOOo!€AI gA5EgOAFD MASTEa 7EDzOOV -sOU-r-) WA:L flilTlii- ilril.il\l[ARCHITBtO. !ox 222a ! vAlL. COLOl'ADO al,tl ' T MASTER 3=O7CCY, =l=v AT irl'13 til]tltl*-f- |t-frJ FAi'r -----l (i4ATtE CABneI Ffi5..1 il Grar€-) =L-- BeaeS*oLE}{r 'D(TIRE5 NaAs-=R BAi; .rAi'€5 ",zcr-s,+.o ILE'!4 sxtLR= _- l-1 PAaTiED TRY\,I/AI! i*F4.GNAVEU - 30 10vE- 5_1t ]' v^^fry - l,A!! T, \|/A!Lr/FFtrQ _ lwrsr I ltooe ll\ra-! |IVALL I 5eOV7? O MASTEa 3ATP a6.oi.?t MASTER SATI =l=V A lrl-'.'3cTTAa,a5r. /)-T ': /1lJ t \-/ T I I I I 3C-T- =I=VA-1CN - ;A-,- & EI--TRY - voo) e-a'fa vt=acoAl )oo<3 vooD ooRlc-g B'ARP c-air\=t- ?ja'o vooD oa\eL'\6(w--E vAs') Cr-.lAlR 6r.A'!'rEL RUSTGvooD PArl?_ilt6 (wrlTE !,/A5|.r) '*AR5Ki R^Ct< ,aow\ voo) - EI-T?Y v/E3T EL_=V. - =\-R- ,Rr'tj 1/4" - 1'-O" YOU-O16 L vooD BEns- &5WPOPI5 \r?-1-- =-'-=V AA O> llfl lviiIllll llrdulllJ!!:r h\ t C H I T E lo. !ox t22a . YAtL, COIOtADO rlata ' T vooc PA]\TED DRYVALL <-=v )=J El-'-l-RY AI-j, FlAl-1- ELEVAT OI-.I5 .,./ /t' - 1,-O" _ =-Tq- & IALL /1-T- n -L./ I i \-/ li-iA;! OAAI? RAIL vooDPAI'JE:NAmm L- g45gg44PP =A3T =*,-=V ATICI'I - B V/=$-i- =,-;=Y AT O1 - 3=CeCOtw - F,: . --iN = tF=Ja=< v5'/')' 3 Wc,?Aa ao=cl?ar 4 ,___**! x '' ee6 c?ATe I - 16A= Frpe=1'ena Flx-it RE3 -72' A.a.a. r',1rRRdR 9AOK .12r A.F.e. 50orce - VA\ITY @3Oev32&3 3=D300v3 2 & 3 E-EVA-[ 01"15 PANTED DRYWALL aea<IaP - 5=,-CTlor @ vANl-l-Y cHllo. Dor 22ta . vatL' coLollDo 1/1t - '''O'\ t I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I iltfiffiA P.O. BO RCHITECT x 222 4 . VAIL, COLORADO 81658 ' 970.926'3240 Julv 12. 1995 Phone Memo: Diane Otto and Kirk Aker l. Remove all kitchen appliances and replace with new white appliances. Refer to Kitchen notes on sheet I .1. 2. Repair and/or replace trim as required. Overall removal as indicated on sheet 1.1 is not required. 3. Review the most cost effective way to eliminate the wood at the beams and walls in the living area. Either remove and repair the drywall or cover the existing wood with drywall. Refer to sheet l.l, 1.3 and 2.1. 4. We will remove or cover the existing black slate at the hearth and replace with tile. The wall below the hearth will also be tiled. Refer to sheet I .3 and 2' I . The shower in the Master Bath will have a bench on t}re south elevation and the shower head will be relocated to the east wall. Refer to sheets I '4 and 2.4. We will provide a desk/make-up area in Bedrooms 2 & 3. Refer to sheets 1.5 and2.6. The north elevation of the Hall (sheet 2.5) will only have a wainscot of wood and not full wall paneling as shown. 8. Relocate the recessed lights in the Kitchen so that t}rey are directly over the countertop and sink. Referto sheet 4.2. 9. Switch the wall mounted lights over the headboard of the master bed from switches located on the built-ins either side of the bed. Refer to sheet 4.3. 10. The master shower and the two tubs will be surfaced with a solid material such as "Corian" versus tile. We will investigate suitable materials and costs. 11. All art work will be salvaged and stored in Unit 5D. 5. 6. 7. tI iltfiffi I 'i'"'-R c H I T E c T I Phone Memo: Diane Otto and Kirk Aker JulY 12, 1995 I Page two I I 12. All bedroom furnishings will be removed and given to a charity. I 13. All Living room fumishings will be removed and given to a charity with the I exception being what will be removed by the Otto's' I 14. We will be required to install a code updated fire alarm system in the unit. I 15. We will rough-in for future sprinkler systems only if required to do so by the Fire I Department. I I I I I I I I I I I I tI I T I I T I I I I I I T I I I I ilrfiffi CHITECT P. O. BOX 2224. VAIL, COLORADO 81658 ' 97o'926'324o July 13, 1995 Phone Memo: Diane Otto and Kirk Aker l. Provide additional TV outlets in the Living Room as follows: r One at the south end of the fireplace hearth on the east wall' o One at the south end of the east wall. 2. Provide a light soffit to 7'-0' over the vanities in bedrooms 2 & 3. Install double 2' fluorescent strip lights with a clear spectral egg crate lens. The two wall sconces are to remain as shown on sheet 4.4. 3. Provide a wall sconce at each end of the Master bath vanity. The recessed lights shown on sheet 4.3 are to remain. 4. Provide 3-way switching for the two recessed fixtures in the Master Bedroom on sheet 4.3. Locate the new switch above the headboard ofthe bed at *36". 5. Provide a duplex outlet above the headboard in the Master Bedroom. Refer to sheet 4.3. 6. We will provide room for a King Size bed in the Master Bedroom. 7. The Kitchen appliances will be specified as GE with "middle of the road" features. CC: Bill Smith I I I I I l I T I I ilfiflffiARCHITECT P.O. BOX 2224. VAIL, COLORADO t1658 . 970.926.3240 July 17, 1995 A. T. Smith Corporation Attn.; Bill Smith RE: Unit 4C, Village Center Condominiums 1 . The Fire and Smoke detection system will be a part of your scope. 2. Diane Otto wishes to investigate if the Sprinkler system is a requirement from the TOV Fire Department or an option at this time. If not required, Diane does not wish to spend the money for rough-in at this time.t I I I I I I t I 3. e.- trLAb- 4. Attached to this memo is: r APpliance list.r Plumbing fixture and trim schedule.o Electrical scope ofthe Project. Sincerely; Kirk Aker, AIA CC: Diane Otto OTaC - rJ\- LC KiTCIiNc^,r-| 1i li Icil ;, COVYC|- E\-RYHA-- EX|S-INA =-;EC-?|C A"- -Ai OU- I v,Aa-t8 **O 1/8" = 1'-o" 1/O'', =Xl3Tl)e7;7C. P;Al b)?v 2 b)Q'v > H t TIllatl.c T I I I I I I I t I I t I I I I I I T LVN6 ?OOY . ut =..PAF=- =eo?o3trD Liv\,o eooY & <tTC)=> FLCO? PLAN 1/4" - 1'-O >oTE3' I eL=cT?cA- DEVTC=s SI;OWF ARE lN ArDrTlOtl. TO Exts1t 6 OEVTC=5 r1O- 10 9= ?=V,OVEO (1EE DEVO;TION PLAI'' - 3AE=i 1.'i 2. UP 6?A2E TO OU??E:-1 s?EOtFtOAlOrtS ALL =LEOI?tOA- gEVtC=s SHOWN TO REMAI. Ot\ s)EeT 4.1 U]'1LE55 t101ED OIU=qWFE- 3. 5e=- 3r==T 4.5 FO? EreC-?ltAL FIXTURE 5CU=9ULE. A. OOt'i?AClOR 5l-.lALL ?7OVDE'D=3\OF ButLD" SE?V\OES =O? POWE? Ar!9 Li6f.lTlra EN6INE=R|r''A AFD ALARM 515TEv'. <=V3=J 06,oi.oa nililinlitiliirii"-:r c H I r Eto tox 2l2a . vllL, cololaDo alaJa ' c T .I/ 4'ELF*CT ?IC AL P]-A\A: <tTCi_.1Er..1 A])D LiV:} I vourt turgE -xrrf=5 ; ot1 10 ,)c- ol gaAtfi It],5le ext5ltw c$O ]f') O-TC - ,J\- LC lvir,6 ?oot4 II l I T I I I I I I I T I I I I FC? ;A__ AN' =\TRY= =a ? ^r.\ E--Q.'r rI)\-/ .LOt 97 i--__-liDAl- i *.oY.=3 =?O?O3EC ELECTBI'AL FLAF A'- VASTER 3=DPCOV & BATI \oRTi...i ",/4' - 1t-9:t >,o-83, 1. ELEO-1oAL D=VV25 s!O\,/fi ARE t\ ADDTT|OT rO EXtsll1O oEvtc=s roT 10 aE REY\2VE) ISEE DEVOL|TIOI* PLAn - SrEEi 4.i\. 2. J? OPAOE TO oJERENT 5?EOFOATIO:IS ALL EL=OTSCAL D=VICE5 s!OW\ -O REMAlli Ol 3rE=T 4.1 UFiLESS I,OTEO OlrEeWtSE. 3. sEE S)EET 4.5 rOP ZLECICI6AL FXTURE jC','EDOL=. 4. OO\T?ACTO? 9..rALL PROVIDE "OE5t6l 1rLD',5=3VCEs FO? ?OWE7 AI1D I-61-.1TIi6 EF6I]EERI]'16 AND ALARV sY9TEM.<av>=J nA n'q T I CHITE. VAIL COLOIADO ll6ta ' c 1/4''' 7I-TCTRCAL P!Af" A- MAS-i-ER 3=,-D?OOY & 3A-l-t KlT6r...]Ef i FAIE- I \ : ^c Irn f--t r'T llY=' ll\ ll/tl/ tltlu= ll/' ll/ tl' r>, ll\ \2 ll\U {}r in/t-/ F" \4 s<s -<, / ,, ,.-_--,,1 \ Z-\ /*o' Ill I *a-=,4\---i' )v ?PO=C3=) =L=CTR'AL LAYOJT AT Eii':RY, '-A-- A\D BEDROOY:S 2 & 3 NCT=3, 1. E-ECI?OAL D=V\CE1 S!.]OWF ARE l:r ADDITOF TO EXl5Tl:r6o/voes \or ro Be PEy,ov=o 6E= oanoLtllrl PLAF - gu=ET L.1). 2. O? O?ADE TA 'URRENT 5?EOFICATIOI\1 ALL EL=CT?CAL DTVICES Sl.raw\ To R=MAll'i Olr 1sE=T 4.1 Ur'rLES9 lrOlED OTAEPW\SE. 3. 3E= 3I=ET 4.5 FOE ELEOTA'AL FXTURE 5OUEDJLE. I I I l] <=v3EJ oa.o'..o4 xlTlvaIt" COLoIaDO lla!a ' T 1/LU =IECTRI'A- FLAII AT EI|TBY, HALL AI.ID BDRYg 2 & 3 .=a'i { } i"r. Fl -rl {i --r L.r' I tsreM 3 TAI-L oo SPECIFICATIONS UNIT 4C I VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, COLORADO JULY 14,1995 KIRK AKER ARCHITECT P.O.BOX2224 Vail, Colorado 81658 (970) 926-3240 t T I 1JNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I uNIT 4c - vILLAGE cENTER coNpoMrNruMSI I- OUTLINE SPECIFICATION T. TABLEOFCONTENTS I DTVIsIoN I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS I OIOIO SUMMARYOFWORK I 01027 APPLICATIONS FORPAYMENT I 01035 MODTFTCATTON PROCEDTJRES OIO4O COORDINATION I 01045 CUTTING AND PATCHTNC I 01200 PRoJECTMEETTNGSI OI3OO SUBMITTALS OI5OO TEMPORARY FACILITIES I 0163I PRODUCT SUBSTITUTIONSI or?oo PRoJEcrclosEour I DrvrsroN2-srrEwoRK I o2o7o sELEcrrvE DEMoLrrroN I DrvrsroN3-coNcRErEI DIVISION 4 - MASONRY I NO REQUIREMENTS I DMSTONS-METALS I No REQUIREMENTS I DrvtsroN 6 - wooD AND PI-Asrrcs I O6IOO ROUGHCARPENTRY t 06200 FINISHCARPENTRY I 06402 TNTERToR ARcHrrEcruRAL wooDwoRK DIVISION 7 . THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION I O72IO BUILDING INSULATION I DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS t 08212 STILE AND RAIL WOOD DOORS i 08710 DooRHARDWARE t INDEX- 1 I I I DIVISION 9 - FINISHES I 092s5 GYPSUMBOARDASSEMBLIES 09680 CARPET I 0e900 PAINTING I DrvrsroN ro - sPEcTALTIES I rcs2z FIRE EXTINGLJISHERS, cABINETs, AND AccEssoRIES T IO8OO TOILETANDBATHACCESSORIES I DIVISION II.EQUIPMENT t 11452 RESIDENTIALAPPLIANCES I DrvlsroN 12 - FURNISHINGSI 12372 KITCHEN, BATH AND BEDROOM CASEWORKI l25ll HoRIZoNTALLowERBLINDS I DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION T NO REQUIREMENTS DIVISION 14 - CO}WEYING SYSTEMSII NOREQUIREMENTS I DIVISION 15. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS I PLUMBING FIXTURE AND TRIM SCHEDULE I EXHAUSTSYSTEMS r DIVISIoN 16 - ELECTRIcAL sYsrEMs UMT4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I I t I t I I INDEX - 2 I I I I.INIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIT]MS DIVISION I . GENERAL REOUIREMENTS I 0loto SUMMARYOFWoRK: The Project consists of the remodeling of an existing condominium unit known as Unit 4C located I in the Village Center Condomium's Building B, fourth floor. The Building address is 124 Willow t Bridge Road, Vail, Colorado. Unit 4C is approximately ll50 square feet is size. I Project Description: I I i ti'**u i3"j'i"1?i""' 'oI . Construction Type Type II - non'combustabler Interior walls, Light gauge metal framing and non-combustible wood studs. I rhe Work includes the demolition and re-construction of a one story condominium unit including interior furishes, built-ins, floor coverings, window coverings, bath exhaust, plumbing, electrical, r and related improvements as required. -,-1 Work not included: fumishings I Ruilding permits shall be obtained and paid for by the Contractor.I The Aqreement Form shall be AIA Document All7, 1987 Edition, Abbreviated Form of I Agreement Between Owner and Contractor where the basis of payment is Cost plus a Fee with a I Guaranteed Maximum hice. r 01027 APPI.TCATIONSFORPAYMENT It Each Application for Payment shall be consistent with previous applications and payments as reviewed by the Architect and paid for by the Owner. I Payment Application Form: Use AIA Document G 702 and Continuation Sheets G 703 or other forms as rnay be acceptable to the Owner. I olo3s MoprFlcATloN PRocEnURES change Order proposd : Use AIA Document G 709.It Change order procedures: Upon the Owner's approval ofa Change Order hoposal Request, the Architect will issue a Change Order for signatures of the Owner and Contractor on ALA Form I G?01, as provided in the Conditions ofthe Contract. I -lt I DIVISION ONE. 1 I t I T I t T l.t TJNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS OTO4O C(X)RDINATION Coordinate activities included in various Sections to assure efficient and orderly installation of each component. Coordinate operations included under different Sections that are dePendent on each other for proper installation and operation. SECTION 01045 - CUTTING AND PATCHING: GENERAL Cutting and Patching Proposal: Submit a proposal describing procedures in advance of the time cutting and patching will be performed. Request approval to proceed. lnclude the following: l. Describe extent of cutting and patching. Show how it will be performed and indicate why it cannot be avoided.2. Describe changes to existing construction. lnclude changes to structural elements and operating components and changes in the building's appearance and other significant visual elements.3. Indicate dates when cutting and patching will be performed. 4. Utilities: List utilities that will be disturbed or relocated and those that will be temporarily out-of-service. Indicate how long service will be disrupted. 5. Approval to proceed does not waive the Architect's right to later require complete removal and replacement of unsatisfactory work. Requirements for Structural Work: Do not cut and patch structural elements in a manner that would change their load-carrying capacity or load-deflection ratio. l. Obtain approval before cutting and patching the following structural elements: a. Bearing and retaining walls. Operational Limitations: Do not cut and patch operating elements in a manner that would reduce their capacity to perform as intended. Do not cut and patch operating elements in a manner that would increase maintenance or decrease operational life or safety. l. Obtain approval before cutting and patching the following operating elements or safety related systems: a. Primary operational systems and equipment. b. Fire protection systems.c. Electrical wiring systems. EXECUTION Examine surfaces to be cut and patched and conditions under which work is to be perfonned before cutting. If unsafe or unsatisfactory conditions are encountered, take conective action. l. Before proceeding, meet with parties involved. Review areas of potential interference and conflict. Coordinate procedures and resolve potential conflicts before proceeding. Temporary Support: Provide temporary support of work to be cut. c. t.2 T T I t I I I I I I T I B. DIVISION ONE - 2 I I l I I I I I I T. I I I T]NIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS C. Protection: Protect existing construction to prevent damage. Provide protection ftom adverse weather conditions for portions that might bi exposed during cutting and patching operations' D. Avoid interference with use of adjoining areas or intemrption of free passage to adjoining areas. E. Avoid cutting pipe, conduit, or ductwork serving the building but scheduled to be removed or relocated until provisions have been made to bypass them' F. Performance: Employ skilled workmen. hoceed at the ealliest feasible time and complete without delaY. l.Cutconsfuctiontoinstallothercomponentsorperformotherconstructionand subsequent fitting and patching required io restore surfaces to their original condition' G. cutting: cut using methods that will not damage elements retained or adjoining construction' Comply with the original Installer's recommendations' H. fatcfring: patch with dwable seams that are as invisible as possible. Comply with specified tolerances. l.Inspectandtestpatchedareastodemonstrateintegntyoftheinstallation.2. Restore exposed furishes of patched areas and extend finish restoration into retained adjoining consruction in a manner that will eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. 3. Where removing walls or partitions extends one finished area into another, patch and repair floor andwall surfaies in the new space. hovide. an even surface of uniform co|orandappearance.Removefloorandwallcoveringsandreplacewithnew materials to achieve uniform color and appearance' 4. patch, repair, or rehang ceilings as n"cls.ary to provide an even-plane surface of uniform apPearance. I. cleaning: clean areas and spaces where cutting and patching are performed. Remove paint, mortar,oils,putty,andsimilaritems.Cleanpiping,conduit,andsimilarfeaturesbefore applying paint or irnishing materials. Restore damaged pipe covering to its original condition. OI2OO PROJECT MEETINGS ProgressMeetinSs:Conductprogressmeetingsatregularintervals.Notifytheownerand Architect of scheduled dates. Attendees shall include the Owner, Architect and their consultants, the contractor and its superintendent, subcontractors, suppliers, manufacturers, and other concemed parties shall be represented by persons authorized to conclude matters relating to the Work. OI3OO SUBMITTALS Coordinate submittal preparation with performance of construction activities, and with purchasing or fabrication, aetiverl otirer submittals and related activities. Transmit in advance of performance ofrelated activities to avoid delay. O15OO TEMPORARYFACILITIES Comply with applicable laws and regulations' OI?OO PROJECTCLOSE-OUT I I I I t I DIVISION ONE.3 t I I I t I I I I I I I I T t I I I I I VILLAGE C UNIT 4C CONDOMINIUMS Final Acceptance: Before requesting inspection for certification of fural acceptance and final payment, complete the following: o Submit final payment request with releases.o Submit a final statement, accounting for changes to the Contract Sum. o Submit a copy of the final inspection list stating that each item has been completed or otherwise resolved for acceptance.. Submit specific warranties, workmanship bonds, maintenance agreements, final certifications and similar documents.r Submit record drawings, maintenance manuals, final project photogfaphs, and similar record information.. Change-over permanent locks.r Complete start-up testing of systems and instruction of the Owner's personnel. . Complete final clean up. End of Division One o ENTER DIVISION ONE.4 I I I I t I I I I I I I T I T I I I I I VILLAGE I.JNIT 4C CONDOMINIUMS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK O2O7O SELECTTVENEMOLITION: A. This Section requires the selective removal and subsequent off-site disposal of the following: 1. Removal of interior partitions as indicated on drawings. 2. Removal of doors and frames indicated "remove."3. Removal of built-in casework indicated "remove." 4. Removal and protection of existing fixn[es and equipment items indicated "salvage." B. Related work specified elsewhere: l. Remodeling construction work and patching are included within the respective sections of specifications, including removal of materials for reuse and incorporation into remodeling or new construction. 2. Relocation of pipes, conduits, ducts, and other mechanical and electrical work is specified in other Divisions. C. Schedule: Submit schedule indicating proposed sequence of operations for selective demolition work to Owner's Representative for review prior to start of work. Include coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services as required, together with details for dust and noise control. F. Partial Demolition and Removal: Items indicated to be removed but of salvageable value to Contractor may be removed from structwe as work progresses. Transport salvaged items from site as they are removed. l. Sale of removed items on site will not be permitted. G. Protections: Provide temporary banicades and other forms of protection as required to protect Owner's personnel and general public from injury due to selective demolition work. l. Provide protective measures as required to provide free and safe passage of owner's personnel and general public to and from occupied portions of building. o CENTER DIVISION TWO - I 2. J. 1.2 I I J J T I I I I I T I I I I I I I T I J, 4. UNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS Protect from damage existing finish work that is to remain in place and becomes exposed during demolition operations. Protect floors with suitable coverings when necessary. Construct temporary insulated solid dustproof partitions where required to separate areas where noisy or extensive dirt or dust operations are performed. 5. Remove protections at completion of work. Damages: Promptly repair damages caused to adjacent facilities by demolition work at no cost to Owner. Traffic: Conduct selective demolition operations and debris removal in a manner to ensure minimum interference with roads, steets, walks, and other adjacent occupied or used facilities, Utility Services: Maintain existing utilities indicated to remain' Keep in service and protect against damage during demolition operations. r Do not intemrpt utilities serving occupied or used facilities, except when authorized in writing by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary services during intemrptions to existing utilities, as acceptable to governing authorities. Environmental Controls: Use temporary enclosures, and other suitable methods to limit dust and dirt rising and scattering in air to lowest practical level. l. Do not use water when it may create hazardous or objectionable conditions such as ice, flooding, and pollution. Execution: Inspection: Prior to commencement of selective demolition work, inspect areas in which work will be performed. Photograph existing conditions of structure surfaces, equipment, or surrounding properties that could be misconstrued as damage resulting from selective demolition work; file with Owner's representative prior to starting work. Cover and protect furniture, equipment, and fxtures indicated "to remain" from soilage or damage. c. DIVISION TWO - 2 D. F. G. I I i I I I I T t I I I I I T T I I I I. LINIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS Erect and maintain dust-proof partitions and closures as required to prevent spread of dust or fumes to occupied portions of the building. Locate, identifr, stub off, and disconnect utility services that are not indicated to remain. L Provide bypass connections as necessary to maintain continuity of service to occupied areas of building. Provide minimum of 72 hours advance notice to Owner if shutdown of service is necessary during changeover. Demolition; Perform selective demolition work in a systematic manner. 1. Demolish concrete and masonry in small sections. Cut concrete and masonry at junctures with construction to remain using power-driven masoffy saw or hand toolsl do not use power-driven impact tools. 2. Locate demolition equipment throughout structure and promptly remove debris to avoid imposing excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. 3. Provide services for effective air and water pollution controls as required by local authorities having jurisdiction. If unanticipated mechanical, electical, or stuctural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encogntered, investigate and measure both nature and extent of conflict. Submit report to Owner's representative in written, accurate detail. Pending receipt of directive from Owner's representative, re€Irrange selective demolition schedule as necessary to continue overall job progress without delay. Salvage ltems: Where indicated on Drawings as "Salvage - Deliver to Owner," carefi.rlly remove indicated items, clean, store, and turn over to Owner and obtain receipt. Disposal of Demolished Materials: Remove debris, rubbish, and other materials resulting from demolition operations from building site. Transport and legally dispose offsite. l. If hazardous materials are encountered during demolition operations, comply with applicable regulations, laws, and ordinances concerning removal, handling, and protection against exposure or environmental pollution. 2. Buming of removed materials is not permitted on project site. DIVISION TWO - 3 I t VILLAGE UNIT 4C CONDOMINIUMS I CENTER J. Cleanup and Repair: Upon completion of demolition work, remove tools, equipment, and demolished materials from site. Remove protections and leave interior areas broom clean. K. Repair demolition performed in excess of that required. Return structures and srufaces to remain to condition existing prior to conrmencement of selective demolition work. Repair adjacent construction or surfaces soiled or damaged by selective demolition work. End of Division Two DIVISION TWO - 4 I I I t I UNIT4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I prvrsroN3-coNCRErE t ffif*" includes cutting and patching of existing concrete topping for plumbing and electrical I Related section includes Section 01045 - Cutting and Patching. I END oF DIVISI.N TI{REE DIVISION 3 - I t I t UNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I prvrsroN 6 - woop AND PLAsTrcs ,- 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY t Install rough carpentry work to comply with N.F.P.A. "Manual for Wood Frame Consfuction", Form E30, - "APA Desigrr/Construction Guide - Residential & Commercial," I and the following: - . Recommendations ofengineered wood products manufacturer. I e Recommendations of manufacturer of sheathing, underlayment and other products not covered in above publications. I SECTION06200-FINISHCARPENTRY: I I.I GENERAL I A. Subminals: Submit product data and samples for each type of finish required, and for each li type of paneling. 11 PRODUCTSIt A. Lumber Standards: Comply with PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" for lumber and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies. I B. Plywood Standards: Comply with PS I "U.S. hoduct Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood" for plywood and, for products not manufactured under PS I, with APA PRP-108. - C. Formaldehyde Emission Levels: Comply with formaldehyde emission requirements of HPMA FE for hardwood plywood. r D. Wood Moisture Content: Comply with requirements of referenced quality standard and manufacturer's recommendations for moisture content of furish carpentry. I E. Interior Standing and Running Trim. Provide any wood of paint grade quality. F. Plank Paneling: Interior Channel rustic western red cedar, clear, rough sawn Grade I wood plank paneling complying with Wood Moulding and Millwork hoducers Association WM 9. l. Paneling Finish: Stain. G. Fasteners: Nails suitable for substrates at interior locations. I I t I DIVISION SIX - I aI I 13 ExEcurIoN O uNIr 4c VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS A. Condition finish carpentry to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas before installation for a minimum of 24 hours. B. Install finish carpentry plumb, level, true, and in proper alignment with adjacent materials' Use concealed shims where required for alignment. Scribe and cut finish carpentry to fit adjoining work, and refinish and seal cuts as recommended by manufacturer. C. Standing and Running Trim and Rails: Install with minimum number ofjoints practical, using fi,rll-length pieces fiom maximum lengths of lumber available. Stagger joints in adjacent and related standing and running trim and rails. Cope at retums and, miter at come$. D. Paneling: Insall in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. Select and arrange panels for best match of adjacent panels for paneling where grain character or color variations are noticeable. Install with uniform tight joints between panels. E. Repair damaged or defective finish carpentry where possible to eliminate functional or visual deiects. Where not possible to repair, replace finish carpentry. Adjust joinery for uniform I I I T I appearance. SECTION 06402 - INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAT, WOODWORK: I l.l cENERALI t r.2 PRoDUcrs Scope of work includes solid surface material installation at tubs and shower and plastic laminate counter tops. A. Interior architectural woodwork includes wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips unless concealed within other construction prior to woodwork installation. B. Submittals: In addition to product data, submit the following: l. Shop drawings showing location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, Iarge- scale details, attachment devices, and other components' 2. Samples of solid surfacing materials. C. AWI Quality Standard: Comply with "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards" of the Architectural Woodwork Institute. I I t T t I I I I A. Solid Surfacing Materiat: Homogeneous sotid sheets of filled plastic resin complying with the material and performance requirements of ANSI 2124.3, Type 5 or Type 6, without a precoated finish. L hoducts: subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: a. Avonite; Avonite, Inc. b. Corian; DuPont Polymers. c. Surell; Formica Corp. d. Fountainhead; Nevamar Corp. e. Swanstone; The Swan Corporation. f. Gibraltar; Ralph Wilson Plastics Co. DIVISION SIX - 2 I I i J UNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS B. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Fire-retardant-treated softwood lumber, kiln dried to less than l5 percent moisture content. C. Fabrication, General: Complete fabrication, including assembly and furishing, before shipment to Project site to maximum extent possible. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide ample allowance for scribing, bimming, and fitting. D. Countertops: As follows: l. Type of Top: High-pressure decorative laminate as follows: a. Grade: GP-50, 0.050-inch (1.270-mm) nominal thickness. b. Colors, Pattems, and Finishes: Provide colors and textues of laminate surfaces complying with the following: l. Provide Architect's selections from laminate manufactureCs full range of colors and finishes. c. Edge Treaunent and backsplash: Square edge same as laminate cladding on horizontal surfaces. t I I I t I r.3 ExEcurIoN I I A. Tops: Anchor secuely to base units. Seal space between backsplash and wall. B. Solid surface installation oer the Manufacturer's recommendations. END OF DIVISION SIXt I I I I I t I DIVISION SIX - 3 T T t UNIT4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I nNrsIoN z - TTTFRMAL ANp MoISTURE pRoTECTIoN I 07210 nuLrrING INsttLATroN Eo||Dd-EtSr: 3-12" sound attcnuation batts around new walls associated with the mastcr barh. I END.FDIVISI.N sEvEN I I T T T I I I I t I ;I I DTVISION SEVEN. I I T tI UNIT4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS NNISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS I SECTION 08212 - STILE AND RAII WOON NOORS:I I.1 GENERAL I A. Submittals: In addition to product data, submit the following: L Shop drawings indicating location and size of each door; elevation of each kind ofr ffi:il"trfr1":L::i:f"1ffiffi::1':l*T::'*111,T:IlT:.H;,[l;'ll '#l;;_ requirements for veneer matching and factory finishing; and other pertinent data. I B. Quality Standard: Comply with the following standard: I l. AWI Quality Standard: "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards" of the I Architectural Woodwork Institute. 1.2 PRODUCTS IIl A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide doors by one of the following: I l. Artistic Doors and Windows.2. Eggers Industries.3. Louisiana Pacific Corp. I 4. Pinecrest. 5. Simpson Door Company. I C. Interior Stile and Rail Doors of Stock Desigr and Construction: As follows:I l. NWWDA Grade for Opaque Finish: Standard. || 2. Wood Species for Transparent Finish: ldaho white, lodgepole, ponderosa, or sugar t Pine, Plain sawed/sliced. 3. Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Manufacture/s standard softwood species and cut for stiles and rails; with panels of same species or wood base construction materials. I i:. lff-"fffiT}ili1l'rfli"l,'* described berow under NWWDA design group. a. NWWDA Design Group: l'3l8 Interior Panel Doors. I l) Panel Design: As indicated. F. Fabricate stile and rail wood doors to comply with either of the following requirements: T I' I DIVISION EIGHT - I I I I t I T I I END OF DIVISION EIGHT I I I I I I I I t O IJNIr 4c VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS l. In sizes indicated forjob-site fitting. 2. Factory fit doors to comply with clearance requirements of referenced quality standard. Comply with requirements of NFPA 80 for fire-resistance-rated doors. t 1.3 EXECUTION I A. Install wood doors to comply with manufacturer's instructions and referenced quality standard and as indicated. B. Align and fit doors in frames with uniform clearances and bevels. Machine doors for hardware. Seal cut surfaces after fttting and machining. C. Factory-Fitted Doors: Align in fiames for uniform clearance at each edge. I 08710 pooRHARpwARE vOL. o I Twical Finish: 626 - Satin Chromium . Butts: Hager.o Loc$dc[le$: Schlage A Series, Orbit knob. . Holders, stops. bumpers: Triangle Brass. . Bi-pass sliding door hardware: Heavy duty commercial DIVISION EIGHT - 2 I t I I I I I I I T I t I t I I I I o UNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS t pIVISI'Na-FINISIIES I oa2ss cYPSUM BoARDAssEMRt.rEs Steel framing for reference only if option to provide steel framing in lieu of non-combustible wood framing (wood framing subject to governing authority approval). Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide gypsum board and related products by one of the following: Georgia-Pacific Corp. Gold Bond Building Products Div., National Gypsum Co. United States Gypsum Co. Steel Framing Components for Suspended and Furred Ceilings: Sized per ASTM C 754. Steel Framing fot Walls and Partitions: Comply with ASTM C 754 and the following: Component Sizes and Spacing: As indicated but not less than that required to comply with ASTM C 754. 16" o.c. Gwsum Board: Provide gypsum board of types indicated, in maxirnum lengths available, to minimize end joints: Texture: Light skip trowel and sponge to smooth edges. Sound Attenuation Blankets: Equal to "Thermafiber 3" by United States Gypsum Co. O93OO TILE Scope of work includes tile flooring at baths and fireplace hearth, wall tile at fireplace and an alternate for tile at tub and shower sunound. Sizes and Thicknesses: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's standard sizes and thicknesses. Floor Tile: Unglazed factory mounted porcelain flat tile. Alternate to solid surface material at tub and showers: WalLl.ile: Glazed factory mounted natural clay flat tile. DIVISIONNINE- I I I s!I I.JNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS lnstallation: TCA "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." r Shower; B4l5-95 mdW244-95r Tub surrounds; W244-95r Floors and hearth: Fll3-95 | 0e6s0 c'RPF; wall tile (non wet areas); w242-95 By allowance: Installed at $25.00/yd. I oqqoo PAINTING I I T I l T I I t T I Paint Schedule: Provide the following paint systems for th€ various substrates indicated. A. Woodwork - Interior doors. misc. trim First coat Primer. Sand Second coat lnterior 100% acrylic latex enamel. Sand Third coat Interior 100% acrylic latex enamel. Sand Forth coat Interior 100% acrylic latex enamel. B. Woodwork - Rough sawn cedar First Coat Alkyd base stain Second Coat Alkyd base stain C. Gypsum Board - Skip trowel finish. First coat Primer. Second coat 100% Acrylic latex, egg-shell. Third coat 100% Acrylic latex, egg-shell. D. Gypsum Board at Bathrooms - Smooth finish. First coat Primer. Second coat 100% Acrylic latex enamel Third coat 100% Acrvlic latex enamel E. Ferrous Metal - Painted. First coat Zinc Chromate primer Second coat Alkyd enamel. Third coat Alkvd enamel. I END OF DIVISION NINE :;I I DIVISION NINE. 2 I T i I UNIT 4C VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I I I MASTFRqATH . m*, frameless showerdoor o Toilet paper holder. one robe hook. two 15" towel bars. one 30" towel bar. one | 8" towel bar sliding bi-pass tub enclosure I I I I I I l' I BEDROOM #3 -$*kAr - clear glassr sliding bi-pass tub enclosure NNISION 10 - SPECIALTIES r t0s22 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. cABINETS. AND AccEssoRIES I Extinglrisbss: Multi-purpose, dry chemical, ULrated 4-A:60-B:C' 5 lb' Schedule: One required located in entry hall. I IOSOO TOILETANDBATHACCESSORIES I Schedule: BEDROOM #2 ,s'o+Io -Clcar glass, . Toilet paper holdero robe hookc one 24" towel bar. one 15" towel bar . Toilet paper holder. robe hookr one 24" towel bar. one 15" towel bar END OF DIV]SION TEN DIVISION IO - I t I T O LJNIr 4c VILLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS r nwISIoN ll -EQUIPMENT I 11452-RESIDENTIAI'APPLTANCES: Manufactur€r: Generet Etectric unless noted otherwise' t APPlicancer to be installed: - r Refrigerator; Model TBXIS DAX I r Electric Range; Model JSP3I WTr r Microwave: Model WMZ230 WL r Dishwasher; Model GSD680 X WW I o Disposal;Model GFC700V l/2 HP ENDOFDIVISION ELEVEN l. I I t I I I I t' I DIVISION 11 - I I I I I-INIT 4C VILLLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS 12372 KITCHEN. BATH AND BEDR(X)M CASF'WORK Scope: o Kitchen cabinets and countertopsr Master Bedroom to include: Headboard Drawer base, shelves and wardrobe each side ofbed Drawer base and desk top with pencil drawero Bedrooms 2 & 3 to include: Built-in dressers and tops Desk tops and drawerso All bathroom vanities Submittals: In addition to product data for each casework and hardware type indicated, submit the following: o Shop drawings for casework showing location and size, accessories, materials, finishes, filler panels, and anchorage details to countertop and walls. o Shop drawings for countertops showing sizes, shapes, edge and backsplash profiles, cutouts for plumbing fixtures, and methods ofjoining.. Samples of sections of units showing the full range of colors, textures, and pattems available for each type of material indicated or exposed to view. Cabinetry will be by allowance based on an agreed upon amount prior to confact signing. 125II HORIZONTALLOUVER BLINDS Horizontal Blinds: Manually-operated for all windows including sliding glass doors to the deck. l " Aluminum slats. Manufacturer's standard baked-on enamel finish' END OF DIVISION TWELVE l, I I I I t T I t I I t t I t I DIVISION TWELVE. I I I I I I I T I UNIT4C VILLLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS DIVISION 15 - MECFIANICAL PI.UMBING FIXTUR"ES AND TRIM SCHEDULE: . Kitchen: Sink; Kohler stainless srcel, higVlow, K32E5-H r + Moen ?375 Euro style "one touch" pull-out in white/chrome Disposal; ISE, l/2 hp (non-batch feed) . Master Bath: Lavatories; KohlerFarmingtonself-rimming,white I I t I t t I I t Toilet; Shower; . Bedpom-fj: Lavatory; Toilet; salvage recommendation. Moen 5901 in chrome Kohler 2-piece Wellworth elongated bowl, white Moen 2359 shower faucet Kohler Farmington self-rimming, white Delta single lever, M520 MPU in chrome and reuse existing, provide new solid plastic lid per manufacturer' *.$ dk$ t I Tub/Shower; Salvage and reuse existing fittings and trim e Bedroom # 3: Lavatory; KohlerFarmingtonself-rimming,white Delta single lever, M520 MPU in chrome Toilet; salvage and reuse existing, provide new solid plastic lid per manufacturer's recommendation. Tub/Shower; Salvage and reuse existing finings and trim EXHAUSTSYSTEMS Scope of work includes: Tie-into existing exhaust ducts at the three bathroom exhausts. Tie-into existing exhaust ducts at the electric range exhaust fan in the Kirchen. END OF DIVISION FIFTEEN DIVISION FIFTEEN - I I t II I t I T a UNIT4C VILLLAGE CENTER CONDOMINIUMS I DTVISION 15 - ELECTRICAL t Cgne13l: All Systems shall conform to goveming agencies and disficts. The Contractor shall become throughly versed in requirernents of the Town of Vail and the Condominium Association. I llhlhe_iilenl of these specifications to provide for the desigr, fumishing of equipment and fxtures and installation of complete electrical system including, but not limited to: All feeders, panel boards, branch circuit wiring, wall switches, receptacles, outlet boxes, plates, conduits, wire as required for a complete electical installation. lnclude rough-in and connection of automatic garage door operators, Whirlpool tubs, mechanical equipmenl Kitchen equipment. Up Eade of existing branch circuit wiring, conduit, wall switches, receptacles, outlet boxes,and plates to cunent code Lbgtgltagg connections for heating and mechanical equipment. I ighting fixtures: See schedule at the end of this Section 16000. Smoke and fire detection system: Submit a complAe description of the system to be installed' including layout drawings and product data for approval by the Owner and review by the Condominium Association. Secure and pay for necessary permits and fees. Prepare and submit drawing and calculations as necessary. Telephone: Rough-in and nim, phone system by others. All outlets shall "homerun" back to telephone backer board. Cable tetevision: Rough-in and trim at locations shown on Plans. All outlets shall "home run" back to entry Location. I Regulatory requirements: Comply with applicable codes and regulations. Comply with National Electrical Code. t Submjr certificate of inspection indicating approval of installation by local electrical inspector at completion of installation. I Materials: T I l, I I t' I Light fixtures: lnstallation ofall fixtures is included in the work under this contract. I ighting fixtues and equipment shall be complete in every detail of lighting desigt, and properly wired and connected to circuits. All fixtures shall bear the label of Undenrriter's Laboratories. DIVISION SIXTEEN - 1 UNIT4C I VILLLAGE CENTERCONDOMINIUMS I Device plates shall be White Leviton Decora AC quiet rocker switches and slide dimmers with I rocker switch. I Installation: I Comply with applicable codes and regulations. lnstall wilh skilled craftsmen. I rrovide and locate outlets, lighting fixtures and switches as indicated. I Wak through prior to rough wiring when all device boxes are in place will be under taken by ther Ovmer. ENDOFDIVISION SIXTEEN DIVISION SIXTEEN - 2