HomeMy WebLinkAbout126 Willow Bridge Rd BUILDING A COMMONNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBS ITE Perm.it ALL TIMES M95-00 61 AT 75 Sourh Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 479-2I38/479-2I39 FAX 303-479-2452 Job Address. . .LocationParcel No.....Project Number De partnent of C onunun iry D eve lopne nt 722 E MEADOW DR VILLAGE CENTER BUILDING "A" 2101-082-06-000 q+.i{-rrc Applied., Issued. . . APPROVED 04 /25 / 7e es 04/.26/ree5 L0 /23 /tee5 MOVE DRY SI'ANDPIPE Fi feplace Informat ion: Restricted:#0f Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs://0f [ood/Pa L Let: ******************************rr********************)t******* FEE SUl.lllARY *t****************)t**************ir***********)t************ APPLTCANT JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGP O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBINGP O BOX 340, MINTURN CO 81645OWNER CONDO. ASS . ,,/SRA}.IOUS Descripti-on: Phone z 303827 5'7 36 Phone: 3038275736 Valuation:200.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: oFFICE FROH 8:00 AM 5:00 Ptl .00 Totat CaLcutated Fees--->.00 Addit ionaI Fees--------- >28.00 TotaI Permi t Fee------.--> Payments------- 6AL ANCE OUE_--_***t(*********irt************Lt************rr***************************ir*************.i********i***************r *******)t*******i***** 14echani ca [---> P Lan Check--->Investigation> Ui !t ca L !----> 20.00 Restuarant P [an Revie\,l--> 5 - 0O DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES-----l. 0c Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI"{ENT04/26/1995 TRYNIS Accion: APPRItem: .05400 PLANNING DEPARTI"IENT04/25/1995 GARY Action: APPR 28.00 .00 28. O0 .00 28.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowLedge that f have read this apptication, fiLLed out in ful.l. the information requined, compteted an accufate ptot Ptan/ and state that a([ the information provided as required is cornect. I agree to compLy }/ith the iniormation and pLot ptan/to compLy with al.L Tol']n ordinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structure acconding to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review appfoved, uniforn BuiLding Code and othef ordinances of the Town appLicabIe theteto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TUENTY.FOUR HOUR IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND J :b'\r,rflfnf Legal Description: Iot fh 4^a-5s ly.e.1+ . C.2Owners Nane: 8r v-\Address: 'Z Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: rwovc br4 Sta.JP.'pa , fgsP .fsr an-Ee yrrc(.ee- lilork class: [ ]-Ne!r f(-arteration t l-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Nuuber of Dwelling UnJ_ts:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ^ Ipmber and 1lpe of Fireplaces: eas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ l**** * * * ** ***************** * * *** * * VN;UATIONS * ********************************rl BUILDING: T ETECTRTCAL: S OTHER: $ TOTAL: f it***** * * * :l * * * ******** * * * *** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Pbone Number! Electrical Contractor : Block Address: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor:Address: 6oy 3VA ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE3 PLUI'IBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. No. 137-fPhone Nunber: oFFrcE usg *************** * * ************** BI'TLDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAI, PI,AN CHECK FEE: - RECREATION FEES CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATT'RE! CLEAN ITP DEPOSIT RSPMID /} -.t2-'o ,f;#:f3f?,k7wg*. PLAN REGISTRATION FORM ''l .z oat" 4-11 -|4{contractorRegistrationlrlumbel "/ ) - (-/ /5 Maiiing Address City T.tpCode ,r&,t( Telephone No.-fi r.rurn" orr{oreil} Nar iand Ad Certification No.(Qualified Fire Inspector) Jurisdiction Comments I (f or additional comments use separate sheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safely upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire dePartment. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner uPon completion and sign-off.l l'- ---= lflrupurul Page No.ol Pages O u'-r I JERRY SIBLEY PLUMBING, INC. P.O. Box 340 MINTURN, COLORADO 81645(303) 827-5736 PROPOSAL SUAMIT1ED TO PHONE OATE JO8 XA'JE .t./ /': /l,/,'(Jr, n... V:-,L,- CITY. STATE AND IIP COOt JoB LoclTrox 4 -d, [1, , r I :-. 1 a,., e. Lr,, "- / ARCHITECT OATE OF PLATI S *(/,OA PHONE We hereby submit sp€cifications and estjmates lor: 1"a-,/oS e- c,aL,J "/ t-Y f/o ^l/" i/- (*l\,' *)' ./) tIt,o \\\J]$6\,^1\\q- Ars<- ccrta c.J i oA /i/t'c,po)<cL.,,/ / Wt flf npnf,t hereby to f urnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specilications, for the sum ol: dollarc {$) to be made as lollows: All mrtcrial b Su.ranieed to b. .s ipccifi.d- All work to bc compl€tcd in | $,orkmanlik. mrnnct .ccording to .tandlrd p.actic.r. Any.lt.ratjon or dcvirtton f.om ibov! 3p.clfic.. tton: jnvolvanS cxtra cost3 wrll b. .xecutcd o.ly rrpon wittcn ord€rs. .nd will becomo .n.xtrt ch.rgc ovct tnd .tov. lh. .rtimat.. All .Ar.cm.nt conungcnt upon rt.ile:. !ccid.nt3 or d.hF bq,ond orrr control, O\rncr to carry f... torn.do r'ld other nec€s3ary in3ur!oc.- Our worlcr! rt. fully cov.rcd by fYorkrncn'i C.ompcns.do.r Insur.ncc. Authorized Signature Note: This proposai may be withdrawn by us il not accepted within days. AfffptUnff Uf PfUpunUI - r* aboye prices, specirications and condltions are satisfaciory aid are hereby accepted. you are authorized SigEtuto to do the ryork as specilied. Payment will be made as-outlined above. Date of Accepiance: - siSnature I Job Address... I L22 E MEADow DR Location. : BUILDING rrArl Parcel No..... : 2101-082-06-00OProject Number: NOTE: THIS PERMIT Mt'ST BE POSTED ON MECHANTCAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: l,[95-006]. Phone: 3034275736 Phone: 3O3a27 57 36 Status...: APPLIEDApplied..: 04/25/L995 Issued. .. :Expires..: APPI-,ICANT CONTR,ACTOR OWNER Description: I4OVE DRY STANDPIPE Fi reolace lnfonmation: Restri cted: JERRY STBI.,EY PLIIMBING P O BOX 340, MTNTURN CO JERRY SIBLEY PLI'MBING P O BOX 340, II{fNTURN CO coNDo. ASS./BRANDUS 8164 5 8l_645 Valuation:200.00 #of Uood/Pat tet:#0f cas Appl i ances:tof Gas Logs r 6t1*rl*r*a**t*.*t*lr*rtat*a**tttrrt*itti*aattttt*ttattt FEE SttaHARY tattt*tlat*tttl*tttlltatttli'tt*it'tti*ltlrtt*tt*l*it'ttit't l,lechanical---> 20.00 Restuarant Ptan RevieH-'> .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 28.00 Plan check- - - > Investigation>tlitt catt----> DRB Fee-------- IOTAL FEES. - -. - Additionat Fees-- -'-'- --> Tot6l Pefmi t Fee"'- -- - -> Paynents------- BALAIICE DUE.... 5.00 .00 5.00 .00 28.00 .00 28.00 .00 28,00 *ti*****t*tt*i}*r*atttt'**rttt!.**tt*i**t*at*it*trtr.*ta*r*titlttlt*tiltaat*t**t*l*it*i**t*att****taat*tt*a*l*it*ttllt*t**t*i****t**t* rtem: osloo BUTLDTNG DEPARTI,IENT Dept: PgI-t-PINq pivision:iieiii; o5aoo FLANFINc bEFAIiil,tENi Dept: PLANNING Division:o4/25/L995 GARY Action: APPR CONDTTTON OF APPROVAII ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby ackmrtedge that I have read this appLication, fitled out in futt the infomation required, co0pt eted an sccurate Ptot ptan, and state thit alt the information provided as required is correct. I agree to coflPty tith the infoflmtion and.p(ot-ptan, to c6npty r.ith att Town ordinances and stlte latrs, ard io buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, dlsign reviex approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tosn aPpl icabte thereto- REOUESTS FOR IIISPECTIOIIS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,|ENTY.TOUR NOIJRS I}I ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AI 479'2138 OR AT CTJR OFFTCE FRd'I 8:OO AiI 5:OO PII STGIATURE OF OJ}IER OR CO{IRACIOR FOR HI}ISELT AIID C'IIER Izt!T.r.,1 U r_Nd-Fur<&-zr!L($|Hflggg,iggg$gggtl,l*t:l$l fl= 3 !: $'* Rx gHfiifr* F ^..( ZUluFuiI $r. <tr,to _J{>r {q) p $lrt5El dlrlatol f,filElgr I s fl fi9i !+i 3.*Jq*t<i ''n H c{ l* I i I I I i ' ,.oq I rri lt (ltt t0t d) '!lli:ptti i [,{iiii 'ill r ;,f !! ilifi | {.IL d Pl rn I o ti-l 6i It iA 'o.'& VILL E CENTER ASSOC oIATION 124 wILLOw BRIDGE ROAD 'VAIL, COLORADO.:tf tt / " I I Uz5( r-//' t{-"/' , I Date: January 31,2000 'Qr^t*"'A To: ViltageCenterHomeowners ?ZO 7 { K From: Village Center Board of Directors ./') .--a '-"'7 | This is a status report on the Village leater-\epair and Remod^e tygy'--iL-/5 Ll o AG -/.^',N,,1 Ifil-bt6BuildineA lW \,\,. I | /) We have completed a fixed price c6..---.-ntract with HarneyA{aill Inc' for the repair and l/lr* remodel of Building A and common elernents adjacent to Building A. The work will be completed between April 15 and October 2000. received favorable references from both residential and the Vail Valley. Some projects were considerably larger HameyA',Iaill, based in Avon, commercial clients throughout than Building A. homeowners and to bring costs in line with budgets. The repair work and architectural stylgupgrading for Building A will.be sPbilT9lE9 presenied at the hofrdifrerS-fr-s rn99!4g1lg_!!!! GllusEations-eaclosed)- We havepres€nted at the nomeowners meenngs rn Lvvv Ullllgl&lLlgp-glglsrsg Yv e '4v r' ;.rmovfi some e@ planreffia-ll-@sGd by numerous + C+&'r rnr.qt^-..--,t-..vtC-A---L--J , Snowmelt in sidewalks was planned as a future project. Since we will be tearing up some of the north side sidewalk as part of the remodel project we will install snowmelt on the north side of Building A at this time. The Fixed price contact is for $284,781.00. The contract protects us from cost ovemrns except those caused by necessary additional repair work, not apparent now but discover€d during construction. Funding Funding for the repair and remodel projects come from several sources. Costs associated with a specific building are paid for by regular and special assessments paid by the owners of that building. Costs associated with "comrnon elements" are shared equally by all Village Center homeowners. Landscaping, exterior lighting, sidewalks, format entries, gardens, pool; are all examples of common elements. Because we have reduced some of the common element work planned in conjunction with the Building A remodel the common element special assessment has been reduced from the anticipated $5,500 to $4,000, $2,000 has been paid to date C/O Slifer Management Company Inc., 143 E. Meadow Dr., Suite 360, Vail' Colorado 81657 Telephone (970) 476-1063, Facsimile (970) 476-2523 r-:--=-Ft16;t t t:E1- \ lia;* I t;{.Gg;i-5 1-" lq.{ s'I! gi;SE g€€d f ES*i * B}EEE: E*'9- 6ir: .tlfi St I rDtt-t-{til$e$rliilr Hdos o1 tft/ ri.f;*"$ -r!$EglEs sbR#fit\iFl $l P _$ ;Rdtt IfEs{ 1"'$6tg B-r9:8.l t€S3$,J 9 'tPitedEFgsSJ'bffial t: :tE:l E Srdfl H EY qilolEI.stEIGI EJ r-lf,gs&t3Hlfilttl ,61fi Ft&r 3H4qg9' SfnitrHf,trlUf;'-tl*r?Ufiersc €rTHrf, .t" \.*tr * \ e.,o(t t- { B$l3llll j ,t t t,t $I lit tr a ! ,-.} -a Yr I\J t,J o.t a}-f I?'4T\ rfi i Ui,tl 5 tlii H it1'!t z .'j:r lLixFfr 't ,4n ? ,--,i, I I n iitrit t i u' ltfi'f { i'I't'l ''r+ tIJ ilh.lJf' .r{1tlt JUI.W) tuttL-y t-.]aa,Yt d t:C1;1-1 A-24A1 t F. ttJ aftD vil Lg H cENrEF. Assoc#fto,o r^. ir?rr r,"r1_r_rDprrrnE pnan.varr. flor.oR_dDo 8i6J7 . , I /Lla'D tr LL.L,V .-, e | (a({V,?Jt , i I !-\:r:. h:t.:sr,1l rr,..,o J), - !)rt )---.rl\ . k{uvi;';-,t ir---., --'-' 'fLU'r"1,-'-' -'' i i ,,i i ?1:t l/illorrl ra.nt.,r l{l'trnF.rr.t1rn;r5 ,rn.-t r l 4 tf (./ |- '-{' iu i t'6 -1.11111 r,r!!!arq f antt*+ Flnlrrf of i1)irectorg q--rt'71 1 IJ\J_llhi: !g d e!qt,!s FF''^rr rrn thr Villaeo Crarcr3spair and Rcrnodcl Projcct Et..it^irrr A \v"y YI: hg,re ,,rannfete-d a fxcd gntc'ffiE?t lri*r lleraeyA..lajlj Inc. f,or thc ttparr ind r:ell4:! 1!ar1!!iino A enrl commou e{gtnmt$ ?d..iacetf.lo Brj.tding A.' The work wrU bc lorzuleted hr,mnr.n Ann I I 5 aflri Octobcr 2000. Ilgssff.laill, bascd iD Avon, rccciveci favorabie nrisrsu.;.or ivr,. 'i,i'*!i :tsidcnScl s:d "omst*gtiat ctiants tb$ugbout tne yaii Vaiiey. Somc ptujsuir frtiil nsidi3;ably !:64 thenAuiHilgA" *rl- / fle tepsb wott Enct archtecrurzu sryio qplrariiog iur E'tiitii"6 A.*"il b; ;ib*3f3lli g zt IT -- -t- --l\ ll7- L.,.ra||llv rl,r'r,ia]r, , .... -r-J L-' -r!--^.rnLt I sqiat-'l'lwr. et g-..Y.Y a 4- -lt\ N1lYI L^r,t -,/, I 1 \1c ,. I til(t)l vt . ,.-)- lnllb til,4{)x, {at \ \ \ I I Snor+ruatt in srdrws.lks was pianncxi ag e i,rrurcArujesi, Si.i;c rc till bo tcffig i:p s3::a of f5le lAtrrh sidg Erdcwa1( aS gan qf the rems{iei pruj*i -r "ill }rtal'. ac:nclt c= te trodh Eide oflalrtrclrng .+ at riris time. Tbc FixdFnCC contracl is for 526476i.00. nrs v\jn'rE i Fioi;ci '.:5 kn C33t c''':ru err.fDt tbnse caueed by neccssary adriiiiouei reycir ;'oik ffit aFF;:'lt lrv b':t dj.qcovercd dufi4g con6mrcrion. Fuading fOr SO rrpalr an<t reoroO.ef pft-ieqt5 com€ from ueto.iri uvrurl€S. C;t'; *S;A:t:l rdfh e-sgcciffc UtrrfOrng ar€ Parc ior-by reguia.r a'ti opc,.iol 1i;s'^..T'r; paiS b;' *.!: gwnct! ol tbat bt1itctt g. UoBt; asgocrateci wirh serrrruu! cie.ii.li;" a.-; ;hand eq::d!i' b1' *JJ Vitlaga Ceoier nomeowners. Lan<iscaping,, s.tbuvr l;iltinE, ;i3;';'=!!r, S:rt qfries, gud.ens, Paoli ala au orarnpics of corsrtuu cieur-,.i6. Br:AaU!€ w€ bAVC rCAUceCi tOme of ihc o,.rrur,.ru olo.:A;i:,i ;o;k -"!m;Cd n Cclj'eCtillt n jlh tle lllulduu A| rtmo<iei tirc cosur^.ru ctsuro; ;ii;;ia! ;5;s::i:::l h" b:?1 e{r|!i lton tip mncipare<i $5i0O to S4,000, S2,000 l"as b*a pali lc 4ct: C/O S!!fb Mrnro;rrr*nr rlnrrmany [nc.. 143 E, r]fegdon'$r., 8td$t-]60, V.r,il' Colsrsdo E1657 Telsohontf 9?O)416-1063'Ezcsimih(970)4't'6'252,2 TnTr'll O at'? Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name; Village Center East Window Well Replacement Project Description: Replace existing wood timber retaining wall with poured concrete retaining wall Owner, Address and Phone: See Below Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Stephanie Lord, Fritzlen, Pierce, Smith Architects, 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-1, Vail, Colorado, 81657 476-6342 Project Street Address: 124 East Meadow Drive Legal Description: Lots C & K, Block 5-E, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 2 101 08225003 Building Name: Village Center Comments: Project#: *,b*PLEASE CONSULT THE T.O.V. BUILDING DEPARTMENT REGARDING POTENTIAL ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ISSUES _ 479.2325***T. Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Retaining wall surface shall be stucco to match existing exterior building materials Town Planner: George Ruther Date:5/13/00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\gn I DRBAPPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Ir'**,ffiff6T,;g!,*t 4,eL[. ttu4+.-* Mt<+ s<7"- Questions? APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL 6€. GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any poect requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review apprcval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal reguirements fur the partianlar appoval that is requested. The applhation cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The poect may abo need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design Revierr Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPNON OFTHE REQUEST: TL?+,1rrr E+DtJV€b,reNtr- ntr'rH6 e{.r5atrla e.r-rL".oAt.\'Tlt ?z,TA.lrLrNA Wrr-r-'\rtrr* A -<tl+ ceas aoNta.p.,rc-rg #e{errrNr{4 v{Arr B. c. D. E. F. G, PHYSIC.AL ADDRESS: PARCEL *, A l0 t oT2 qss ato ct Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) LOCATION OF PROFOSAL: LOT: Z+K BLOCK: 5E FIUNG: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Constnrction - $200tr Addition - $50 ZONING: Cd,1Hg?2.\\r- 1 .'tu., G. NAME OF OWNEKS): MAIUNG ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATU RE(S): lr|AME OF APPTICANT: MAITING ADDRESS: H. Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, hndscaping, fence and retaining walls, etc. Minor Alteration - 320 DRB fees are b be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permiL pbase identify the accurate valuation of the pmject. The Town of Vail will adjust dre fee according to the proje{t valuation' PLEASE SUBTIIIT THIS APPUC,ATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMEI{TS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T' 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81557. Ii'r--j-.-*_--.-..-_..,-. 1.,*t r0l4Nm MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or o<terior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is Sdded will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITIAL REOUIREMENTS tr Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the eristing conditions. U Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). n All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. n Condominium Association approval (if applicable). n If the intent of the proposal is not clearly lndicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. o Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2L38 T BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sof{it.s Windows Window Trinr ..Doors Dobr Trini Hand or Dcck Rails Fh.rcs Flashings Chiruncys Trash Enclosures Grccnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COTQR:+ 6v.t Brz*- Fnegsr Mr6/$ tir6'nrrq + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip i* All cxtcrior tighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If €xtcridr lighting is proposcd, plcasc indicate the nutnbcr of fixtlrcs and locations on a separatc lighting plan. Identify each fiinue type and provide the height above grade, luntcns output, luninous area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixturcs. 3thraeeo €,orqaEET€, t, . -'-,l PROPOSED LANDSCAPING . Botanical Nanrc Conrrnorr Namc Ouantity Sizc' PROPOSED TREES 'tr<a_"tJNErNS_ SpF.trag Z AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: ' *Mitrintunr icquirenrcnts for landscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrou.s trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 sallons Tvtrc souarc Footase GROUND COVER enn IRRICATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ..f .{ I' Updatcd 647 OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining *aiis. fenccs, swirnming pools, etc.) Please speciff. Indicate top and bottom clevations of retaining walls. Maxinurnr height of watls rvithin the front sctback i" ? feet. Maxirnum hcight of walls elscrvhcrc on thc propcrty is b ibct. T UTII.ITY LOCATTON VERIFICATlON Thi.s fornt is to vcriry scwicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction rvith prcparing your utiliry plan and schcduling installations. The location and availabiliry of utilities. whcthcr thcy bc rnain trunk linqs or pioposcd lincs. mu.st bc appiovcd and verificd by thc following utilitics for thc acconrpanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Siqnarurc U.S. We.st Communications t-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Scrvice Company 949-578 r Cary Hall Holy Cross Elcctric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/Jolrn Boyd T.C.r. 949-5530 Floyd Salaz.ar Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 476-7480 l' rco flastcc * Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan, and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signahrrcs. Firc florv ncccls rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES; l.If thc utility vcrification fornt has signaturcs front each of the utility companies, and no cotlttlcnts arc tltadc dircctly on thc ibrnr, thc Torvn rvill prcsurnc that therc arc no problenrs and thc dcvclopnrcnt can procccd. If a utility courpany has conccms with thc proposcd construction. the utility reprcscntativc shall note directly on the utility vcrification fonn that there is a problcm which nceds to be rcsolved. The is"-uc shouiri then bc dcuilcd in an attached lctter to the Town of Vail. Howevc;, pl*.se kccp in mind that it is thc rcsponsibility ofthc utility company and thc applicant to rcsolvc ij:::iiicr.. 1,. -ll -.,,-. Thesc vcrifications do not rclicvc thc coutractor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit front thc Dcpartment of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtaincd bcfore diesing in any public right-of-way or cascnrcnt within thc To. wn of Vail. A buildine oerrnit is not a Public Way pcrnrit and nrust bc obtainld seoaratcl],. r; Uj:iated 6/9? o "-.1 DaE 2. 3. oEt6412420 e7a4764sD 4762F23 FPs g-IFER I{AI{ACEI,€NT Agi67 Ej27 tt; q I(;S'';j4 lfu.o i I rl VILLAGE CENTER AS$OCIATION 124 WlllOW BRIDGE BOAD rVAIL' COI'ORADO 8165? Mry 3,2000 Tor*,n ofVril Deorr6rmt qf C.,unnrurity DcvoloPmot tti s. r-nt"soR'd. Vril, Co t1657 To Whomlt MrY Cbnccro ThirlrtolGrvcrsftrurlnoliEcatiorrtbattbcVilegp.CcntccCoudominiuloAssocla|ioD Board of Directdl lru ";criilii qp"{ tbc-planr fc rcpait rnd replrrcmot to A;l;;;iit*ioa*, *'1nttu nsrt ri m eert rtdc of Buildbe A' Shnrld you hrvc my quatiou, plcrsc codrct nc lt (t7o) 17Flo6l' Nicki Virre Viltage Ccntcr PmPlrtY MrurgFr sc: Fritzhu Picrcs' & Srnith - StcpEtie lld c/O Slifcr Mrnrganrat Compmy loc', 143 E Mcrdow Dr,-Srutr !6O' Vtil' Colondo E1657- Tclcphmi (e?01{?6-1061. Frrdmilc (970) 476'2'JZ3 PAGE g2 PtriE OLIgi 05/691262g 16:05 97g476494 Far Cover Sheet FPS PAGE gL ';fi Date: To; Fu: Rc: Scqder; May 9,2fi)0 Judy or Gcorge Ruthcr {t9-usz Village Ccotcr Window Well Stcpbruie Lord FRITZLEN PIERCE SMITH ARCHITECT s \ call(90) 47Gl6342F;r.l..15. Judy - Pcr yout tclcphone mossoggattachcd is a lefrcr fiom thc Austsia Haus Club aurhorizing Villagc Ccnt€r to repeir the wirdoni rrcll rctaining urall. Pleasc lct mG lcnow if you nced additionalyinforuutim or approval. Per my telephons convprsation with Gcorge Rutha on May 8,2000, it is my,,ndcrstanding wc havc approval to begin working on thc wall with the understanding thzt a stucco finish witi havcto b€ used rmlcss the DRB arproves ttp p*tem€d consrete ontbc retaining wall. Pleasc let mc know if tlrcre is anything else you need. Thanks for yoru help. j>.r/47+ f :Ulo{-vlurgc c.d6lTo\r\fr,ttry.flojgt-r?d I I planningaArchitedtrcalnbriors 1650 tr* vrirv'lrey Dfive F ttrk'tc Gr . vair. c0 01657 r ft@corondo.nca . fs (9201 476-{901 . (9ro) a7ff3a2 ,l iti'r '! i. ,, u'i" r ill# '.l,ini i,N'rilri.,tt ,.,; .il .. ; l, '.. .fi'I. rri i,l. !:i' 651g3/2u2a 15:05 37A4764f'FPS Photr. n0f242-9236Far; nuur-5618 PAGE O3 PAGESI 5 hr! 'oufCart t exicrg rod of$c to !o3 in I' FAX DA TO: TROH; March 3O 2000 Ivlr. Joc Trclcvcn Dirdor, \'ilkge Ccntcr Assocition ob Sliftr Manrgemcl! Cmrpaay 143 PaC Merdow Drivc Suitr#360 vril, CO tl657 Rc: Windry WcU RcprirJvilhSo cara. BuildiDS A Dcer Joe: At tbc rcqufft of Oordoo Pirw, rc hrrc brd Fircnrn'r Frrd rcqucs fa nirrhmcmcrt of corts associrrd rlir[ window*tlt trp.lrroBuil{ilg A. Finmab'r nrd Oaerrnimd tha! by mntacr, it uy tiaiitry fc W it will bo tlp rc+onribilig of oru g:Acnl conlrebr'Stew ConltnrciA, lhcir fuuururc canla. Yc*rdry, I tpo&F s,ithClut Attinronet Shsw rodacrtrrurcd fbfthe is tcodorod elaim fioo Fircnlr'e (c !ffrc+ondcocc rcdd). I al; ul touch witi yoq eo tH thlr mdtcl mty bc rr*ohna uitlil yorrr d.tirod If you havc Dot yer hcrd from htca preose 6661 hln dirac0y d rhc ClNrh A&iDcoD, Pmjcct Managar Shcw Conrtnrsrion gomptry 760 Horizon Drive GrqdJuction, CO t1506 I I WMc$ip l{re. $rn Fnmirco, Crllrnir 9{ I I t +ls.tt-9601 r lt3.t9l.96t3 br @ 1N!l{Dvl.tvt{ u3JItS:svJ I ts/to :91 BSgubetss 65/A912A2A 15:05 97g4764D FPS Mr. Joc Tnwlan MrEb 30.2000 Pctc 2 Zahna; tb can bc rorphod n 9?014?9.5650. thn pruiswrsnancd. If r crn as$st furthcr, plcrsc fGGl ftrc to oll me a 4liflgl-960t. Sincctcly, .,M:k#t"f- Othf Financlal Otficor Attacknads (2) cc: C. Atkinrsr O. Pietcc L.Zarlurgt Audria Hfti Corrdourinhs Asrocidion Im. PAGE A2 Oru dovelopnurt grcup lras trmcd courol of tDi prrfcrty ovcr to tbpCondouriniwr Asooiaicn. Tha Arrocirtion Uoui tof which I u rapprovGd sorctnrction quiEmcot ucocs b Aurrria l{ars Club popcrty rocontiryrnt rn advrncc coodiufioo to 16 b bc le$t OrnpCvi to oeitnid May worrld br idcrl. pt6sc soordiDer 6ir wirl our-o citc ciub Heru hrr ttptltrr to Irrlir i apolugizc for rhc dnurn o.rt tining on lhir. Thc in$rarcc sorDpot:y Inot unrrsud: hovrerrcr, I do rndcrccud 'ru'r iopdicoca ar t brr bccn zslzg =tud m !{ti3pvtlttt tSJl'lS !91 gg?,f.lRalca lir(.n l,r'ioti y [4 Eaj , io :Jtrt,l nr, e Lo.:]o FAX COVER ;r8e I 01 5 Message:Date'.5/L/2CC0 Here's the design of the wall system for the Village Center l believe t is fatrly clcse tc the concept that Terry and I discr.rssed n our meeting last week We w ll have to coord nate lhe stirrup connectrons between componenrs wculd prefer that Terry prcpose a layout oattern, and I vrill review, and approve or rncdrfil it as needed Give me a cali in tf-e morntng to ctscuss Tnanks, T m Bovle To: Stephanie Lord Company Fritz'en Prerce Smrtn Fax Nurnber',4764907 From : Timothy N1 Boyle Company : Boyie Engineerrng Fax N umber : 97 047 643?,3 Pages rncluding thrs cover page: 5 Subject r Vtlirfax PRO Cover tr Tya\ E\ryc erg|r.alho rlc I f? ^\ rt', F md.Lh{ arr./. tL L 3ia I l/,/ | | E ocroodt ooo5r rg :t.fr* | - 1-/ / /o ..or('ocb 8loa7L J/ A?0/4;62ii0 ShEET iO fAl'2-Bt --L:-.:--2.- - oAr!6-l-.aO.AICUIATED CHEC(EC BY scaLe _ OAI: &'\gtf(M, atA*1- 1x'.xi.a' -g)lrr.ltJ s TY{i+<L LFi<"Tltt,-1\_ i-tl*L - * ? 2a ti----v- ii;i=.Ai_E Ai-L C{}ru cls''€ Sih{ A.JTAI A, A zp i'1\,1'h ^J PA#; t ug ::(r;;t-i lYt' c {> + k *l , fl*!e.it} $'..'"otsreoj;J,E"id -o-.; F! .'^^- '.(-tra 1496s !m!rt-a.. A, o': rlll0rll2(4 r lir!lb{n{5. Fdd) U )rtd a/1/.ff',] l nte a' il l4':^'J tr ,@ boF6.ngn-fE, ilc. i4il C lnro<loYv dlv. rllo 3t0 c')ca>9di ahopplno ceri6i voll. Ec'orodo 81t57 97!t416.2tn SHLET NO. ,"" VILL*ai GrlTep- Aru--sz "^rorurn", fl-? - o^n F-l-oo SCALE - CHEC<EC BY-...-- DAIE F0 tuc; ?01.1 il' Slcr !t ftlla Fr(]m _lm.rl v Nl iar 1:tnpha e lir:l l',.......1:*:' - O ,*- Vl,v,t-hAE CEHfd- WNL,*.,*. f4 -n,*"u,^.ror"_ fME> *r.6 -l- oob/|e cnolrt ano, roe l4-i o Lado|t ort/o s,J 19 39C cro6arEd! fepptE c€nl€r F'ara Trnrollr\ Lr' tDil3 Tr :l€ilirf € L:nl .n ooyl afo.aalfi9 h: l,O c, rnaodc|l.,4wA s/t9 ago ciEdlooaS *lopr)i']c ce{er vdl cdoroeo € 1667 910/476.?ti0 cA:uL -EDBY - {^A 6 -- o^rE 4 . 1- O O CHECKEOBY ACALE DAIE Oale 5/l/:00', lrre 5 1i 54 Pl,, Exieling View From AusLria Haue ExieLing Norlh Yiew ExieLing ReLaining v!'all b<ieting 1outh Yiew Yillage Cenler ?elaininq Y\all DRB SubmilLal f,,, , nl '1., Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 ;'38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail,co.us August 8, 2000 Ms. Melissa Baum Fritzlen. Pierce. Smith Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive, Fallridge C-l Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lighting Proposal at Village Center, Building A Dear Melissa, I have received your submittal for the proposed light fixn:res to be installed at Village Centcr Condominiums, Building A. Having reviewed the materials I have determined that additional inlbrmation is necessary. The purpose of this lener is to provide vou with written documentation of the required additional material- Please submit a complete Design Review Boaid application. Since not all ofthc fxtures are full cut off fixtures you rvill need to demonstrate that the light sources meet Town of Vail outdoor lighting requirements. Pursuant to the Town of Vail Development Standards, light sources located on all property withh the Town which are not fully cutoff shall exhibit a ratio of source lumens to luminous area nol exceeding 125. For example, Source lumens < 125 Luminous area Additionally. you need to provide information on the height ofeach fixture above l-urished grade. According to the Town's regulations, all light sources located in a commercia.l zone district that exceed fifteen tbet in height shall have a full cut off shield. Once you have submitted the necessary information I will complete my review of the lighting proposal. In the meantime, should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me by telephone xt 97 0-47 9-21 45. Sincerelv- At+'R.*,n George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {p 'un""to 'n"to |J|Jt L0/ zuz6 Ib:13 31lJ41 August 10,2000 George Ruther Chief of Planning 75 South Frcntagc Road vail, CO 816s7 RE: Light Fixhres at Villagc Center Building A Dear George: 64581o PA(f v2 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCH ITECTS Per your rcquest following is the information regarding the light fixtures-for Building A' I havc ;ty ;;;*J the Type dfixtrrre since it is the only one on thqgterior ftce of the building' l. Sourcc Lumens Ratio Fixture Type B ' ulcd on South Elcvatiou Luminous Area = l0l sq in 60W A LarrP lumens = 855 lumens' iper Phillip Liehting see attached t55/101 = 8.46 <125 The fixhre mccts thc sourcc lumcn ratio 2. l5'cutoffheight for fixturc The majodty of tbcse fixtures will be mounted 15' above gradc and do not the meet the full cut+{f requinement. 3. Thcse fixture were submitted on Febnrary l E, 2000 as the DRB approval rcquested (sce attached). Since I did not rcccive a letter back from fhe TOV at that timc rcquesting additional information,I assumed they had been approved and we have otdered these fixtures. .4-- 4. I have contacted th€ light company to dctermine if full cut-ofi shicld can bc installed over the fixtruc we havc ordered. Attached is a cutshea ofthe shield the manufacturer suggested. I do not have the availability or additional cost ofthe shield' 5. At this poin! I would requcat that the electrical permit be released with the following conditions: I . the new fixtures are allowed bclow the 15' height and we wi[ reinstall the K:\916a-vilh:e Corcr\TO\Atroll 0 rvpd Plannan8aArchitecturealnteriors 1650 trnvaff valf€y Drive Fallridte c-r . v.il, co0r557 . h@olondo.net . fu (9t0)426-4901 . 1971t1a764342 A" \oo\F{rrtnil<tXe 6a/Iql262a 16:13 97b47649aro FPS PAGE A3 ru^,, Q-,,,^ Q-- .,, Q*, o-,- @--,, Q*,Q A,\/FrJ to EilFWI m - rrw sruin! prudrd 8r- Eoad [rcandeecedt ]atnpo = G-10 -K-19 =PAR-10 t For fl|on Inlundiq| r,lln qcnhd rl 120V 60. p{6 5+60 l5.r h.r l/Itl r rO P R-r6 rfi. [,TSE OEddn nilh6 hodEt t tlfl Shcr tct Hlrifl I I t fr-T1t TfrcErhtdsle lc.cc{4246 3 ltl,i lr l'|o I nrt\ Erl'idr::- -1:::Sr - "*,o." *&*or*'"*,9o *tJ * *"LtJglUH 1r l,|r I Fo4 hdu$b srrvict 'iladi|'n 8 fl X -Ot|N nf b. d{pgd uil inEtuy b dC@ m hn0[ mrNMurafl EA/L412626 15:13 97s4 IKKO GRItt vi50r IttI *---ir -^I \\o1)(9 t"'t' /enedor mada of polycarbonate accordingsef-eifni$ishin g Poly(an onar" ac(or io Ut-gr Class vo. dow wlrr test 96ooC . dlftuser made of lce'erched Slass - iiurninium rcn cror (ncandiscent wlslon) . sttinlesg $ftI 5crerYs - rjw and $W Yerslons 6re suppll?d comPlete uith lamP T, 1 ZBIL6/2624 15:13 ,tu*ry, MEMORAI\IDUM George Ruthcr, TOV Communig Devclopment February 18,2000 Stephanie Lord Village Center Building A PAGE A5 FRITZLEN P I E RC E SMITH FPS o TO: DATE: FROM: RE: ARCHITECTS As pcr oru meeti4g of January 13, 2000, village ccntcr is moving forward with the Builditrg A L,audscaping aad E*t",i- tr"p-vements. The Design Rwiew Board ap,prowd the projcct on 7nyg. Due to some on-going desigp issues on thc rnnster plan and budget concems, thc following tarrdscaping items are no longer included in thc Buildrng A scopc of work: L South Elevation - Delete boulder walls between gF two gFormd levcl patios 2. Sourh Elevation - Delete (2) light colunns at theails of the boulder walls 3. Sourhwest Corncr - Delae (5) light columus and all the stonc landscaping walls baween lighl columns 4. North Elevation - Dclete (2) light columns in metal railing atthe ligbt well, reptace with continued mctal railing 5. Northwesl Corner - Delete (l) light column at base of stairs 6. Northwest Corner - Delete (2) stone walls and rnetal- railings between the columns and stairway 7. Northeast Corner - Dolete t}e stone piers and wood columns thst $upport the eutry roof 8. Northeast Corner - Shorten the entry roof to s 3'-0" Projecton 9. Noiltoast Corner - Add corbels at thc northeast cntry lvay to support roof 10. All - Dclete all new landscaping See attacfud details. Thc majority of thc building specific improvemeuts re included as per our odginal DRB approval. As we discussed at tho Jaouary 13, 2000 meeting we expect to incorPomte many of the sitc improverncnts back into thc projcct with a latcr phase of the Master PIan. Thc DRB approval also rcquircd that thc extcrior lighting phn and light fixtures cutshcets be submitted. Thosc are attached with this memo. Please call with any qucstioru or comments. K:\9 861-Vilt*r Ca drTO't bldgpcrnitncmo{n | !.u4d Planning 1650 Ca* Vail Valley Orive fellrid6e C-l o Archiledure I Interiors . Vaif , CO 01657 . h@oolor.do.nct . fax (9701 47&a9O1 . (97O a764''a2 PAGE O5FPS9164 t6436I o :&aEr 7o\o 5'9ltloq A Eo acn4 A Foo\ cio1Ed()o F] t)7 Et)ItlE HIJq o\C' tro (tIs QE H t)E=qt Et Bo o 5 gs.E4.8EEoaD.g.g EE6 .E E<FJ Ar 4 H.H3EF.qFE EE F 5g #*F 3'A?E Ee6 .td f €#d *gE," EIo r!(,o.1 F4-e 4r tll 4-, a ga/Lgl2629 l5: L3 ahx&{ rtd & FTEptru h z E zotrI aaI(a t-Ja za E rr2 (r)FzfrfEte catE &o &EII-i.i(f-loz (JztUrttQz Ji(JzaFl lA EXsE !r1 E FHs,J d F^l E3e.{e r.!= giR =F5g g8/LA/2A2a 15:13 97447 5494o FPS PAGE 67 ll Y BL cu[vIu rRll SrillGrr lFt v F 3 ] l f t ] ] ] ] f ] r ] ] ] 9r1 WHI 6LUE IE[{S PMS S8E sr- sft16 ss - 70MH st s[16 ss - ]5HPS sr sfl 15 ss - 2600I sL snls ss - 50MH sr, sfir6 ss - 50HPs st 5Rt6 SS . 70HP5 oPr|0 f,s st s8t6 CA . 35HPS PflS Pendad md sriv?l wih 48'dltn otl|ef sOfl lgl0lhs avrilable 0n requ€st Ballasl is rem0le. mclosurc by nffs. (snown a00ve, s8E Surtac Dallast enclosute lor use with tlle PMs (p!:!aanl mflJnt) 0phon. lhc lfd0sue b I irrhes n dlansl?{ ltt 5 5 lllclEs mgn' (shoffi abon' 5L sn16 cA - 50HPs st snr5 cA - 70HPs IrttPtEs fFo!9?lc!l$! ,-" st ssHtrss - 50rN r20 st si16s3 - 2lD0T 120 sr nrri ii-ionrs r?o eiloiooJii-iixrC arr FInURE l L mP Vott GE FAL6O?O ssP c0t_08 COP Polished coDorr shom Requrres a feoole ballasl. Ihe shade rs s0un c000er. The upper housing is casl eluminum wilh a copper slin spun permanenlly onlo he cast aluminum lop sealed wrlh a T6lc polyesler po$oer coat lintsh, PCW Pend?nt mounl wilb 12leet 0l while 9laslic sheelhed l8-J cord: rvhile crmty OFTIOiIAL coL0REo GLlss tEilsES gruti€NsO rior.trcf onertLtHsf oRANGEL€Ns)R OPYIONS S$l Straighl slfln wilh 5' rcund llal cast warl olalE Erllasl rs remots, enclosurs by olhgrs 0ptl 01{s st sRt6 cA - 70llH <i""--l tl ll I t I t t I I Iryt' I I I I I 8A/IO/2624 16:1.3 37A4764301 ll f r\f\|t, NIKKo Luminairc compriiing of : B"L . body, trim and ftfl"(lot m6de ol t?lf'extinSui5hing polyca.bonalc accotdinS lo UL94 Clats Vo, glowwi.e teit 96o'C- dlffusar made oficc-rt(hed tbs5- aluminiurn retlcctor (inctndp3c?nl rEtsion) - 5lninl?53 gtecl Strttv9 - rjlv end 18W verrioni dre suppii?d comphte wilh lamp fiEr]il i:,; Arncrt/corour l{ lkkor48o 1489 whiter4El l49o bla(kr4A2 149r - metaltic grey %l;{f r'rril,S ;ri .;i;'jrcu) t6tt)\-J7. -\r.iz lrtr Lcridr relr r.rr.r- mar r x 6ow E26 i t x r5w FL€ r5TBx E:6 Itr3w Gi4d-r i l{16w = G24d-e t,, o e 6496q gli Clt. No. lCIl6 lC Hrrig" iFlo.t n dtl Eaanrctrnirrr mnfcrforud da[h vr0 hanrinr. For Air-ls ords ALC926 Air-lo. Gerftl. Hooriig cra b. corrd *ith ierdrtioo tir 2'r i' conrmrdon- Cc,li ,B oF."f 6rn r f/.'. Frnuc hiShr 74-. PAGE a9 Ftr Iliftrcr . Crt. No, 6l0l-Blil BrffL . Crt. No. 6l0W-Whir Brfllr lC: {oW Al9 TC; 6WA19 hd.-Ddn&h. . fCrr. No. dr{B -Bhctldtrr Crt llo. 6t{Vlr- Whirc Brflh lG 9our PlRSl TC: Qt50W PA&[ FPS ntrnal-or-Jl | | /"'\ltttandard )lope .zltz, i sit2 Pitch (f to 2Z) ' Cr. No. TOll6 TCHndqr Rcqtrio 3 qrirg fqtr iorrrLtiro.I Fc 2' r B'a 2' r l0' coornrrtbn- C.lin! oF nr3 6rf r 6'li, Aiiunblc fctn kidt 7/i to f . Crt. !lo. TC!26R TC Rtnodd Hrlirg Rcquio 3' 1orig 6q! irE rdon. For /r 8' a2' r l0' co.rdudirr. Giliq opadq 6%' r dzi. Adfurl* 6rrt.rc highr :7h' n f . Crt No. 0l5C Multiolis-Clcu Cr:. No. trfG Mukiblirr- Cold Cg. No. atJB Mu&iO&r-8LrL Cn. No 6l5W MullfieWhir 7'rry PA"RJ{' Cyidct Spodilblllr Vd.*G.-' rlrto. 6la} lxl Cy'indrr \ A8/Ig/2824 15:13 97447 f;" tf+..h'T;r'utta . /.\ |Juper )lope 7172 to lYl2 Pitch (30' to 45') @\ Spdihr wirh B|rt BritrcCr. Nc. llSW-Whitc Cvl2SFdirlrr rirh fVhitc B 6alw FlRl6 4- sbd.d sl FTdn siar: 2r" o.D. (E|!(Pr crt. No 6ltB lnd 6l{w-7%'r 7h'). Trir Frirlr wt|-$/hrre, dl uirru lpB-po&,Ed lrer Trin rnir-rur 'U5.Prr<nrNo r,719,01- CrarJirt Prrcnr No. 126a158. -Ur diD,,.F r?.cif.rIt&rig*t fo. Lo, votr4 <oJ id.c, Nor:: ln CrrA rln irrsrtlkn i F.r... TtD. IC [&rq llru. b. rrd- M.ldtt t FCt, No. lctll lC Hcuia3'Air-l.ccr Rcrd/ Errrp'clfricnt, ron-pcrfoarcddodtrrrll boruinr. For Air-Loc or&f AIJC928 Ai;ld cltktlloning cn bc cornd r.itlr rnarlrtioo. Fra 2' r t' conrtrrrtion. &if,l! oFnir< 6%'r t%-. Fururc h.rthr 7%'- C*. No. TC'9ll TC Hotrilg R<{ultr 3' r'xinr from iarqhdon_ For l'r t' o; I rio' rorEEuclion. Coling opcainE 6'4' r 8,4'. AdFtnU. fururc h.igh: 1th' to 9'. , C&SFli0ht-l,orV.lof! 4 Ct No. 3l?W-Whirc Sgodfulrj 'i6 $,hitc B..n'' lC:3lW MRI6TC:50WMRI6 - 5rf.a ri* qrd cd rri.rE E rfr! $, tCrr No. 6tif-Epbrll in, Dhct BrltrC* No, JllW-Eythtr ia Wlrirc Brtflc 75W FARIoURTO S.OFDuliShr lCrt No. 60lB-lhct Erflc Crl. No, O,lW-Whitt Br6lc T.itru 8%' t 9'l.' IG 9OW PAR]E TC: Q!5oW 8AR38f- .rFi.. r.ft.r ,r. 75tt PAIJO. Cy'ntd.r Stodittt - l&! Volrr3r Cer, {o, 6061-Ehck Crlindrr Spotlihr rith ltnl BrilcCr No. J06W-Wlirc Cvlivlr Spotlrrhr wirh Wlrirc Brfrlcfri.,i'a' o.D. gow PARrr ,L"t) SAILA|2424 15:13 PELETE gTONE AND tAlLlt{6 --------- I4ALLg IN BEI'ITEEN c,o|lJnt,lF PELETE 5Ti ANP RAILINE}.{ALLs IN EEATEEN@lJn''E 97647649a1-o FPS PAGE TA WEST H.EYANOil gtbarrat.liqDitryrqtc-lrflt tatra- attt lh"=l'-O" YI.LAC CEIVTENrfrA tla.lsT l€r, ctra a.lat at--at h F!, rrH|rrE-F,'tllb.ob&r-J PAGE 11FPSAA/LA/2A22 15:1.3 97A476496Lo I I I I I I I E # < -W-ff.ffi'*T e.v? t?lc,tr,-l- I I E -r ar=-erv *-.a= t-lo?r"t Wronn eeer srTnV -lFbV-vl|Ll4ii ?dbq. ?1Lat. qta'- s7ana, a*dalt ra. arrA,l at-{olEl{dlb?a..tut-a FtAJlk;ytaffi, ffr A rRa.Ea? rt', atta4 |:laaJE aDD ar - ro-Ii,-.r{DerAtL r|ra6tt Add 01.09 atr,A5t',,An ENE t9'6 t3.tE ta,E 68/18/2a24 15:13 97447 54901o !,',l',llltE a{'lrD^ NljAro r lxr cltlnExt fcfi t lrlA FPS PAGE 12 BILDO-D l/lb"=l'-O" ALT *2 26-B iffi.a.grrcffH tL-ilD .E {i!C'WE lEtsfl' rE, El Ytl lllbt Dh 'dt'r,'r.-rYl,"C.fr a3la||Dr a'iaaaar ;r ahor.llF4rFlEHatl lbp.GatF-b't VLt (G CgfIERHA r r€, .5.4 aBlLol262A 978476494I FPS PAGE 13 BLDG-D\fl.r^iat cantr Jtp3Alo F^*,fig allEll;l|o tlElr' rr.5 ,r€A rE4^t3-flgrEAt'q2 t*'lr&gaf#H|l^ 7e-B @rlrUlmrl rilTA.H FEFCE FfiHffi trE ha vut ht|.t dr.4.q'.1v-,a*.-, nrlrlar.t*a!t h fnara.S{olE-!El fFa3otr!6r* *-L*t!w, . lllb"=l'-O" YT|..AC CEI5THllfA Fla.Ecl t9, raaa 10-25-2006 lnspection Request Reporting Page 55 4:21 pm Vait CO'- Ciiy Ot - Requested Inspect Date: fhursday, October 26, 2006' lnspeclion Area: SH Site Addrese : 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL VILLAGE CENTER BLD'A' A/P/D Information Activitv: E0&0211 Const Tvp6:O$tier: VILLAGEAoplicant: MOUNTACohlractor: MOUNTADescriotion: CHANGE : B-ELEC SubType: ACOM: use:Status: ISSUEDInsp Area: SH Reou6sted Inspection(sl ,,r/0) Item: 190 ELEGFlnal Reouested Time: 08:30 AMRequestor: MOUNTAIN ELECTRIC Phone: 970-524-7115Coniments: feeders between m€ter and panel in2A&28,will call (719)499-924.8red By: DGOLDEN KAssignedTo: SHAHN Time ExD:Comment: frffiservice-,flIlEi8 meters -unit 1'-b n?EFdfrEf- | h,'t fr"l,.ot, b,''/ 2' fl - 2 B' - I fl ' flff'"'-'*- d-tr/A /o -26'4006 InsoectioLn llistory Item: 1 10 ELEC-ServiceItem: 120 ELEC-RouohItem: 130 ELEC-ConduitItem: 140 ELEC-Misc.Item: 190 ELEC-Final * Aoorcved * 10/19/06 Inspector: eq Action: APPR APPROVEDComment n€W service 400a 8 meters -unit 1-b new panel Run Id: 5849REPT131