HomeMy WebLinkAbout126 Willow Bridge Rd Unit 2Aoz tr =EuJI o oc! @ ooo rr) o $e.l aJ', UJ UJII =cUJ bblh ' .-z (\ t-\ v 1.1v Hv) z N ',' o\ O\O F]idot *>;ri Z i-'l =al ulF E F FIz =o zz v) F z 2E46=<lF-{@i-r€< or_r#zv2 aUJF z UJzB uJrF z €!n.\o(J r-roo@u) (')chO<\ao .aXo.YFaFIC)tr]OHFqA> H z frl F1 J uJo ='r ll- oF Fzo o 0) o) (/too\.(g' ; o o-co o o c =ld) E o =cl o 6 3 .9 o (t. o) '= N 3 F ; oo(! o) o a o E E' o v,; oi:(!'=g)(/,*iug8E =2*,.Yo 6FgEFlco xE cf; T€E3'l =c96'- o..c 35;_'t >.E EA =:EFOO cc-3ee!!: c.Y- (!o-o o_ sEE th€O-Ego-(6C:66seE ar (o€:iE;.F - o..! *eC(! 0'-c;q)v-.c dt O)- .eE sEit36>.o c'= v=E3i 8Bte:r o-(DcEg rn@c! lr|00 FI !n .il(n crt $ 4. ln-it++ FI14h z I\ E utc z Jl :<(Jlu z Jo- () o r.lJ lt, z6 l o- - I uJ t!q, z F TJJ TJJE C) 33 tu z 6u,o 6 cuJo o- z TIJ o x F IJJof a,t', UJ UJrr- E =(r IJJ -J F z) f F u, gJ z6 f oz (J IJJ. Fl H H NOtM'lVA I I I Itz IHIHIM I ..u) Yf4e.&;dt!){Or{zlzt o. Fr Bg e{ Z'jI UF4 (\t (\l zz tr^6:< --1=)^=EY'aoz>- <)zr!<oq o-Y "icri IlF-{lLilFi t< l:'tz loloIts lzIH lFat<I' lrh tzl<ln IA F H r .t)frltrlz irl Ft tt>tsEIFrts N z tr lJ tJ-tro f UJ F .d.o.l E t z Eoo Hxl!az tr g F ; z tllirl tzlz F- !!o< >ii>E 8o<z !3r9z!?d6iurOI '<X x X Fl(J FU) ztr c0 z cr ul --J I zl zl . >loul lu UJzg) F EuJ(L) z Eoo trlz z l rE z F Jfoz o & xh HH F (ofo:frlr) =oFO U) zHlziB 9riFl @loo-,zo Fo- uJYI ..r oq FF =*IJJ P.{o-< l!^ atao-oFl lHgurbkzo trl AH& z.,9 E =E f;>zB '-,^..f,;- iY N J.^i6 ===dd= E uJ lI,oi, uJEo E<o ./262B9vE =s=>=uJ:-E h>crYt''.() * i'i]: >c E 669 \urE XO-t :>. !lFc!.io-lri IJJ(o oF --G' F =ElrJo-zoF C) EF(nzoo txr-ra--lrxlL__lt_l ro x 5 ..lcnI;l H ffiEItt frg a It,a Il. E 2 E Hz c)zH ui z (D r._'t HzF]()zH Ht4 FA .J a E F) l]-l z z FA e r\ uJ o = (r'l F\ I COo\@+rdF\ E z H lTJB F tr llJEo J F an F]F H <nat) 4 & =tr IF ; z o uJ = z3pl Io\.il O'r H H Fr z =(! ,i (tc ci ulG JI <i>l blzl3l 9l c.l\o Io\.d.o\ u ! 4 tsFI F1 Fl =tr I@ o UJ(r ILIz3q F F\r\F\ Ax =tr cil otu 5 >J l|-olzl F] Etr oz (, uJ ! (r- z3 F uJ |lJ trt!z = F UJ|- ? <F(r()uJ<zt ., Z,o <o(JF FSo-',2 13 2? =f]Fd5 ixotr =?-: tv YZ =g (rir lJ't Fo2o <OQ ..n.3E F{|Fnfr9+9+! Etrlz,ou, Foz t!-)u,v,:I Eot! &0t-o EF2lolo to --- o cE*E.9:e:$gEBE;E EgE:A E€:Eh iEEE$ ai::8, IEE€E E;i !g:9i 36-E*ii E EFit€ EIiIl clllt bz1l'ul UJt! E =EuJc €FoF NO[YnlYA .. >lou, UJg,zoF: I.|J) zo F E'F J 'F llJ zo F J oz c tu J 2 7xYXq3;_ trYvro6bazr!<oqE!? =5JN l! t(, z ; UJ J 3 z ciz bTcg, G C\ uJF o ul Eat,@o.: zo F ulY UJlD oF F llto.II L I ulF z € D z cEcoo =ziEEI ts =IU l!o UJc F L =ujA o EO2zt<a:)6!) E9!ir.EE7t =uJEF8i ;FER IEEJEtr 6 F I-- tsE E,frlo.zo FO E,Fazo()J :*t *sE z o UJ =D $1 $s IN ll$I tz IE ; I *l ,NI $vt.\t\l N !. 6dJ j!J lqil\d1!M tlN \.1s$q>, UJJ uJF I 1lol :l blzl]lcxH l I I qt |rrlttl -.rl 3tgl vl*l ui 6t trFIF I UJ =zoo G UJz3o FouJ ts.r g,lO<FGOuJ<zG,i;2-oo J&<oC'F E3 \2d)oIO 2?=o.E G,fFd6 ct 3E 33 E6 sb =+cFFo2 () J<c)93=o sE o luwn u lltl ?5 louth lronltgc rosd vrtl, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olllcc ol communlty devcloPmettt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIl4E FRANE If thi.s perml.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department.Approval 'inoin..r-"i [iJutii works) review and approval, a Planning Department'.Liili--|""H;;iih oepii.trint-ieview, and' a review by the auildilS b;;;;t^;;i;-lne .iiit.tta time for a total review mav take as 'lons as three weelts. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to fot.tow tne aioie ;;;ii6r;a maximum requirements. ..Residential and small oro.iects st'oria iJte a lesser amount of time' However' if rliial.ii"i' ii-iriti"i-pioiects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard'to-necessary review, these projects may also talte the three week Period' Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as Possible. I,theundersigned,understandtheplancheckprocedureandtjme frame. L. //r.u,Project Name Date/ Wor SEEAT was Turned into t Comrnuni tY OeveloPment DePartment. iii t lnwn o llal 75 south lronlagc road veit. coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 To3 r.RoM! DATE: SUBJECT: of tlcs of communltY develoPmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE. (i.e. contractor, owner) fn surnmaryr'Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any p"."on:i"'iit!.t, track or deposit any soi)-, f?tkl sahd, debris-"i-r,aterfal, inciuding trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or,public place or any portiln theieof. The right,-of-way^on all Town of tail streets ind roads is approxinately 5 ft' off pavement:- This ordlnance witl be strictfy enforced by the Town of VaiI Publ-ic llorks Department. Persons found violating this ordlnance Wtff Ue given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In the eient the person so notified does not cornply with the notlce within the 24 hour tirne specified, the Public Works Departrnent wtll remove said rnaterial at the expense of person notifiea. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be appllcable to c-onstruction, maintenange or repair projects of air| street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way' To revlew Ordlnance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Tovrn of Vall Butlding Department to obtaln a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. L onlRe =oF-'qto-Eqge' =9s'1.Jrt)<t> II fl\ \.. fJ :r=3.ffi5% 43 O )E>Ec >,v .aG9EsEEai ==(!F H.a3 S-b Ftro >€EGESIJce .,1 = o-=-o$- =g- ;E ilF-c:tc' -s.j) 'L.1I'..! 'ff 9c<-+3<o Nsd il s $ a s \ s $\e t:'tost ) ri,',F o Egit 8S at PaG'q oc lta (g.(t'7 qto,r! a(l) av 1) 4, BFs -og i) (J so d q \]5a s.J \ U -AJ L) hd: f, 4 .(1v./xo o M) \, v arvg -\-J .t >!/av _s\J o5 3\\).oo U -g"(3q qJ T ',8i:5o lJ j 4j $,r*.i 7 i.-P j ,)+:";Y 1g *-{i* ;)il-{i':e"{i#,i S; j ;dnuJ_8f 5j oott.rofo\) 2+ I ]]s\t \s 'd\J 1\,.\vx I $ \ijt c,,{s -(b c; PIan Revier Based onthe 1992 llnifom Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 040792 ADDRESS:. t24 WILLOW BRIDGE RDvArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY: R-1 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11F.R. DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED: NO NAME: VINCENT DATE:4-7-92 CONTRACTOR: BECK & ASSOC. ARCHITECT: NONE ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMTNER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itemg listed below are not intended to be a complete listingof all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is a gruide to selected sections of the codes. Tbe folloring is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- riri""" "f tb" "d.pt. il. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS PGQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND CORIDORS, AS PER sEc. 1210 0F l-992 U.B.C.2. ALL PENETRATIONS TO FILLED V'IITH APPROVED FIRE STOPPING MATERIALS IN CEILING,FLOORS, PARTY WALLS, AND EXTER]OR WALLS. 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT PHYSICAL TNSPECTION REQUIRED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CAN BE STARTED4. ALL FRAMING TO BE METAL STUDS AND ALL BACKING TO BE NON- COMBUSTIBLE WOOD. -INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES ----rePM ' r l\ l\V \PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ JJ,*o,-tr FINAL (ppnoveo --& tr DrsAppRovED B RErNSpEcroN REouTRED INSPECTOR hliFs,rop 7bl . t, . lt-hrM "t1av'{fua J'REOUEST VAIL I PERMIT NU otre ?NAME CALL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES AM@ !eeenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tr tr tr D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION i STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETRO9K tr POOL / H, TUB O HEATING tr RbUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR FIIAL INSPECTIONIS COMPLETED I' The ltene belor need to be conplete beforeglvlng a peruLt a flnal C of 0. Please check off lD the bor provlded. FINAL PLI'MBINC DATE! FINAT UECHANICAL DATE: I}TPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE! WEST SIDE: ELECTRICAL FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE: n E tPl--r- tr l I rl TEMPORA3Y C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: I"ANDSCATING DUE DATE: ,rr, *n*, \..::a *S\\*.-.\N - \S\r\ \N*s \srN+n-r \-\* ..,.,ynl nF vArL'/5 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADvAIrJ, co 81557 )';c--4',79 -2L38 APPLICAI T CONTRAqfOR O!'TNER NEDBO CONSTRUCTIONP.O. BOX 34t9, VAIL, CO, NEDBO CONSTRUqIIONP.O. BOX 34L9, VAIL, CO, Phone: cErL# 471-4888 816s8 Phone: CELL# 47L-4888 81658 LSI t- 1/ Lr 7nc\_ ISSUED09/2t/L998 09/22/L99803/2t/L999 970-845-1001 970 -84 5 -10 01 DEPARTMEI{:T OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT permir #z 898-0279 Job Address: 122 E MEADOUI DR Status..I-,ocation.... 1,22 E MEADOW DR bLDG A 2-Applied.Parcel No..: 2101-082-09-oo2 rssued.. Proj ect, No. : PR,J98 -0229 Expires . VINCENT JAIIES Lt BIOGEN INC, 14 CAMBRIDGE CENTER, CAI\,IBRIDGE MA 021-42 DescripLion: INTERIOR REMODEL Occupancy:Tlpe Construct.ion: T)T)e Occupanev: Valuation: R1 Multi-FamilyII 1-HR 1\4.e II l-Hour 162, 000 Plan chcck- - - > Invcrtigacion>};il1 cell----> 642 -20 ,00 3.OO ToLai :alculaEed Fce6- - - > Addigional Fc.6---------> Tot.a1 Pernit Fe!--------> .00 2,333 .2O TdfArJ FBES----- 2,333.20 Pa) nents.-------- 2'337.2o BAIANCB DUE---- .oor.rrrrratrrratrr ."tat".trr.r... Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI4EI{I DepEr BUIL,DING Diwision:09,/2111998 'JRM ACtiON: APPR APPROVED'JRM - IEbm:'.054q0 PIJANNING DEPART!,IENT Dept: PI-,ANNING Division:O9/2L/L998 ,lRM Action: APPR N/AIEbgr: "05690 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT '. Dept: FrRE Divj-sion:o9/2t/t998 JP&I Act,ion: APPR N/AItsbm:'.05590 PIJBLIu ;;JRKS Dept: PIIB WORK Division:o9/2L/L998 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A *rirrrrrrrirti+ o^: l*, ? of Lhi-s Document for any conditions Frr:r- may apply Lo t-his pennit. I hereby acknowlcdge that I hav€ read bhie application, fiLlcd out in ful1 the informall.on rcquircd, codpleted an accuratse Pfot p1an, and statc that all thc infor$alion providcd as rcquircd i! correcE. I aglee to conply with the inforoabion and plot pfan, t.o sgnply rith a]t To$n ordinanc€E and strt! larie, and to build thig sEluctur€ aqcording to th6 Torrn'6 zoninE and subdiviEion codee, dcaign rcvicr apptovcd, unlforn Bullding codr and oEhcr ordlnanceg of tshe Topn applicablc th.rcto, REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS .iIALL BE MA.DE TI{ENTI.FOIJR HOURS IN AD\ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-213 oLT. OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5100 PM TOV/Comm. Dev. Add sq Fuate .00 200.00 .00 FircplacG InfonBebj.on: Rc6tricEcd:*Of ce6 Applianccs:#of ea6 J,og6: FEE ST'I.,IMARY Rc€tuaran! Plan Revier- -> DRE Fce-------- Rccr6rtlgn 8ce----- cl..n-Up D.posit------- -> *of wood/PatI.t: send clcan-Up D€podit To: NEDBO O{NER OR FOR HIUSEIJF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0279 as of 09/22/95 Status: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit Tytrle: ADD/ALT MF BUIITD PERMTT Applied: 09/2L/L99eApplicant,: NEDBO CONSTRUeIION Issued: O9/22/L998970-845-1001 To E:<pire. O3/2L/L999 .iiiu Address :Location: 122 B MEADOW DR bLDG A 2-AParcel No: 2101-082-09-002 r-lescription: INTERIOR REMODEIJ Conditions:1. FIEI,D INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO qHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE.2. ALL PENBTRATIONS IN WAT.LS,CEILINGS,AIiID FI_,OORS TO BE SEALED WITII AI{ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DBTBCTORS ARE REQUIRBD IN AI,I. BEDROOMS AT.ID EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F TgE 1991 ttBC.4. FIPA DEPARIT{BMr. APPROVAIJ IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI{Y I{ORK CAli[ BB STARTED.5. SMOKE DETECTORS REQ'D5. MECH VENTILATION REQ'D IN BATTTROOM TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Elcctricrl---> DRB Fcc Invc!tsigaEion> Will c-lI----> TCITAL FAEg- - - > DEPARTMEIfI OF COMMI'NITY DBVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permie #: 898-0238ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: L22 E MEADoW DR Statsus..Location..-: L22 E MEADOW DR BLDG 2 2-Applied.Parcel No..: 2L01-082-09-OO2 Issued..Project No. : PR,f98-0229 Expires. ISSI'ED 09 /2L/1,998oe/22/1998 03 /2L/1,999 APPI,ICAI T I-,EETRIC I]MLIMITED INC Phone: 9.10827-5980 1.768 AI.PINE DRIVE ]-, VAIL CO 81.557 CONTRACIOR LECTRIC UMLIMTTED INC Phone| 970827-598O 1768 AIJPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 8].557OWNER VINCEI{T i'AI'!ES tI BIOGEN INC, 14 CAMBRIDGE CEIiITER, CAMBRIDGE MA 021-42 DescripLion: ELECTRICAL FOR IIiITERIOR REMODEL ValuaLion:1-2,000.00 PEE SUI4MARY 216.00 . o0 .00 3.O0 219.O0 Total Calculated Fees-- -> Addieional Fees--- ------> Total Pcrlrit Fec--------> Pal/m€nts------- 219 .00 . oo 219. OO 219. OO BA].ANCE DUE---- .OO It,em: 06000 ELECTRICAIT DEPARTMEIIT DepE: BUILDING Division:O9/2L/1.998 iiRM ACIION: APPR APPROVED.fRM ^ Itseq:'.05690 FIRE DEPART14ENT Depts: FIRE Division:O9/2L/L998 'JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}ICE. DECLAxA*TIONS I heleby acknor{1€dg6 thaC I havc read thiB application, filhd outs in fu]1 lhc informatsi"on rcquired, compLcLcd an accurate plot p).an, and 6tate lhae atl Lh6 infornaeion provided ae requireil i6 correct. I aglee Co courply eith lhc information and Plot p1an, !o conply with alL To!.n ordinancce and 6Catsc lawe, and to buitd chiB Btlucbure according to the Tom'B zoning and gubdivieion codes, desi.gn r.view applovcd, Uniform Building cod€ and olher oldinanceE of the Torrn applicablc lh€L€co. REQUESTS FOR INSPE(TION9 STIALIJ BE MADE T}'ENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TETJEPHONE F.T 479.21.35 OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROI,I g:OO AM 5:OO PFI TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FROISIAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIIBNT OF COMMI]NIW DEVEI.,OPMENT NOtE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTBD ON iIOBSITE PermiLPLI'MBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMBS P98 - 013 0 ,.7ob Addreee: Locat,ion. ..:Parcel No..:Project, No.: T22 B MEADOW DR SLALUS.. L22 B MEADOW DR BLDG A 2-Applied.2LOL-082-09-002 Issued..PRir98-0229 Expires. ISSI'ED 09/2L/L998 LO/07 /L998 04/ os /L999 Valuation:15, 000 . 00 FEE SUUUARY ir * * * 'r t * r 'lt+ t t t t CArr{BRTDGE ytA 02L42 /0 -7 _d Pq;-D Eolrl crlculat.d F..a- - - > Additsional F.cs------ --- > .oo t ta t t i tta t tttt*t * t a t.r t t* t t a tt t ttr tt.tt 'r a t t * t t t ItsEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARIIIEIU DEPt: BUILDING DiViSiON:O9/2L/L998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]RItfI!b.qr:'.05500 FIRE DEPARII'IENT Dept: FIRE Division:09/21/L998 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A a*tttrt***rt'lr* rrr*rttttrt*trrttt'}ttt*a**t*r|r*rrJ*i*'rrtta*ttfJta*tt.rr,r*itttt . COIIDITION OF APPROVAI, rt*trti*i*a**r**rrrrarr.r*rrrrt'r*rr+i*atrrttat'rttt*rtarrrrr*'rr r**i*a*at*lrtat DECI,ARATIONS : h?rFt'I acknovlrdgr !hr! I hav. r.rd thl. rppllcrrion, fLll.d ouE ln full th. Lnforrnll,on r.quired, coBpl,.c.d an accur.Lc plots p1an, lrrd rtsato th.t rLl fh. inforurtsion providcd ea requircd Lr corr.cts. I .916. co couply ttiLh tshc lnforuetlon and plo! Phn, fo coutrLy rith r11 Torn oldin.rlcc! ind atat. hr!, rrtd to build thla 6cruccurc rceording to tshe To*n'r zonl'ng .nd aubdiwision codla, deciEn rcwicr e;rptovcd, UnifolE BulldinE code and ochcr ordin.ncc! of thc loun rpplic.bla chercto. nEeIrBgTA FOR MSPECIIONS gHAIlL BB IIADE tt{fltTf-PofrR HOORS IN ADVAIICB BY TEIJEPHONE AT a?9-2138 OR IT OUR OFFICB FROU 6:00 AB 5100 PU sIGmTmE OF OI{NER OR clolrtRAcloR FoR HIMSBLF AND OWNER AII{ES IJ BIOGEN INC, 14 CAMBRIDGE CENTER, COIITRA TOR GI'AR;ANTEED PLIJMBING APPI.,ICANT GUARAI{TEED PLMB Dlscription: PTUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Pluoblng----- > Plln chcck---> lnw..Cig.C i on > FilI crll- - -- > Raaluarrtrt Pl|tl Ravian- - > foDtrt rEEs----- 225 .OO 56.25 .00 3 .00 .00 244.25 2e4.29 Tocal PcrDits trc6--------> Fay[anua------- BAIANCB DT'E- -. - 2e4.25 2e4.25 .00 066' I0 dls D(-Building 6\:-erumling ftJ-Electrical [ ]-Mechan.rbal [ ]-other,?y € ry,a_t -V,rto.l. O'at=--rob Narnd: fuEl--L4*ct Legal Description: Lot owners Name: f(z-;l/,.uct Architect: General Descriptioner Work CLass:- [ j-New Number of DwelJ.ing' s: s: s::::::.:"fr Address: ElectricaL Contraccor:Address: PlunbingAddress:Contractor: Mechanical Contractor,:. Address: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE:MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPA OF FEE: ND FT FFE.. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PTUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATTON FEE:CI,EAN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATUR-E: ZONING: STGNATURE:Comnents: BUILDTNG: PLUMBTNG: K;:::.::I grytu , , pn4(%.&4._ a,itional I j-Repair [ ]-other Nuntrss of Accomnodation Units z I Gas Logs_ wood/petl"rxl ATIT9NS * ** * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * ** CONTRACTOR TNFORMATToN *************************** off3ft "$":; : :, "-#;Fd+-+- o E$g"f"ffi :1, .""-"0' z=L To\,rn of Vail Reg. NO. | )6"t= Nunber: Toiqn of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nunber:. FoR oFFIcE usE ******************************* $.-.$_..lr.- Lt4,'+t-ur, t i7 VALUATION .,'f .o 75 south lronlage roadvall, colorado Oi65z(303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 ALL CONTRACT'RS TOWN OF VAIr. ol ce ol communlty developmenl CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TO: FRO}I: DATE: SUBJECT: ;iIH":ti=e;".r:1":i:;;*i" ;il:lli!, ":ii :r'3l'FIi' il (i.e. contractor, owner) iiii +t "o"tt*,r$ pARKTNG & MATERTAL sroRAGE Tn sunnaryr ordinance No- 6 states that it is unlawful for any::.;:i":il1.1::i,,lT::k*::^g"t:;i;, ;;; "=iir l-=ili, sand, debris LIc r.toRKs/com,ruNlTy DEyELopl.tENT +::\,1l:n_!f""1 hu*p=t.11, -il;i";i:^i.ii:l: :;3 fljii==;.r;;1l *I*" thereof . rl. rierrt*oi_"ii-,".".ri:iiii ",This ordtr.,ah.:a ,,,rfiuil 1:- ?ppl""irnareiy s it.-l,ti pavement. To revier+"ordinance Nd- 6 in fu'L, prease stop by the Town of:3:i"::i1:i"3"";f,i:'ml*:""iiiin a copv- rirani, you ror your rhis ordinance :lil*l:-=;.;:[i;^:ii,?iIlIu"oi.in!'i"Xi"i].ll;,' Pubric warks De.artment- p.r"Ln= found .rirriri.g this ordinancevirr be siven a 24 hour ,.iit;;'norice-ro-;;;;;" said nrareriar..rn the event the person so notified.aon=-rrl"'J".prv pith thenotice within the 24 nour time specified, the public vlorksDeparrment vrirr remove said rnateli"i-i.-tnJ'^!*i"n=e of personnotified' The provision= "r- tiri= ordlnance sha'l not beapp).icab)-e to ciany srree. ;; "ill;'::'::;,"tiilir"::"i; ;I".;i*l :*:;i:= "' rgfr*.e'- 75 !oulh lronlrg e road vall, colorodo 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 429-2139 olf lca of communlty devolopmerrl BUILDING PERI:iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FRAI,IE If thi.s perrnt:t reauires g Tovrn of Vai.l Fire Department Approval ,Engineep''s (publ ii $tlrt ";vi"; "ni:ipprouul, a p)annins- Departrnentreview or Health oepartmint-i"uiewl-uio.u_review by the Euilding Sirt[ll:',1;"the estina ted time roi'a-tota'r i.uiu*-".v"iuii as r dns All commerciar (rarge or sma'lr) and ar'r mu'lti-famiry permits willhave to follor* the ibove menti6n"J-rir,rrr requ.rrements. Residentialand smal t projects shou'rd tJr,"-J-ielier amount of ii;;:' However, ifresidentia'l or snra|l er projecit irpu.i'the various above mentioneddepartmcnts wi.th regard' to-necessiiy-ieviu", *'.i. ii"j..ir ruyalso take the three-we"t peiioJ. Every.attempt vri l'l be Tige by this clepartnrent to expedite this. .pet'mi.t.as. s.eon as possi b'l e. - !v !^vLv' r'c ' l, thu undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tjmeframe, . l, IY ^l,l T(qY,!\- u/ . Date t,iork S' Community Development Department. .@4-.-J4.*- A|G -12'98{lfED) li;'t4 NEDB0/m{59't,79 E&ri l6lr 4 z/zr lev ') Rcmod€l of uit 2-A Betsy Vincent * KITCI{EN Install new alder cabinets by Thurston's New Cris. carmel countertops slabs and backplash edge detail to bc 180 bullnose Island to be granite also all carmel not much black Kitchen layour to reflect additjon of window Crown mold in Kitchen White oak kitchen floor 3 l/4 clcar gradc 6 new lighr fixrures in kitchen' cabinetto go to bonom ofbeams undercabinet lights flourescent wirh light rail move phone jack to mjss cunajns, kitchen sink to be 24 by 2g irontones K-659s we have color chipLIVINGROOM B€ams to be made of aldcr if we can raise beams please do Add decontive wobd trim where appropriatetrewcarpet TBDaddfow light fixhues for rcading TBDpossibly cbange out hearth to buJfsandstone chip ofpan ofstone so rock doesn': stick out so far shelving for tv to be thc same siirting doors below w uew alder panehng wtrerl existiag ganeling is newligbt switching tbruout bcigc 2 bose speakers in livingroom thc small ones heater covers in livingroom minimize size replace slider reverse operative sideHALL 36" hieb wainscoating three new recessed cans in hallway add washer dryer Mzytzg move drawers m opposite wall add sandstoae where tile is pa.neling where existing is raove chaldelier and tuo wall scones ski rapk built like existing one cubbies also panel interior ofcnty door __ _ _ lopc along top of ceiling SECONDBATI{ marble riles with 4 inch base TBD undermounr sinks caxronjg4rrzi gg! tea for two' slab couatertops TBD P,002 AUG. -12' 98 (IIED) 15:i5 !{EDB0/EARTHT0NES IEL:9i084599 r9 **rcff ft new toilet new faucct ard tub and sho*er rrarue* memories smdl onc (whitc) twp mcdicine cabinets one on cach side roberntwo recessed lights ovcr vanirics can ofdoor and ovcr tubraise ceiling if possiblc new hcat fan lightnewbathhardwarc TBD MASTERBATH Add robern mcdicine cabinet move vanity ow 4 inches' add 3 recessed cans new fan poruait tub no jacuzzi ncwtoila ncw hardware new marble Iight color raise cciiiugs ifcan . !{ASTERBEDROOM remove wallpaper Add crown molding aud push our for cunains so it becomes valanceNcw closst doors chock pealing paint BEDROOM 1 strip wallpaper Ty Tgpai"S dvalcnce for drapcs ad<l shclf in closet repiace closa doors demo existiug built_ins & bunk beds BEDROOM2 stip wallpaper crovm morrldings wir^alance for drapesrepEce closct doors add shelfin closet IIALL q,OSET new shelves io hall closet room for vecuum OWNERS CLOSET Dovc onc sct of dravan ro oppositc sidesaclable w&d with ncw pldbingcabincr vdoors abovc w&d flusf,Vfront ofw&d P.003 At(j. - l2' 98 tr{ED} I i: L\rLth b- llf-Alttc, | | 4 NEDBO/IARTHTONE S TEL:9i08459919 P, U()4 ,,4r SEF Z '98 1?:38 FROI'1 BERENBNUM_L]E I N5H I ENK TO 855 AGREEMENT 4919744?6?5?3 o PAGE.AA?/AAg po^r836JJi '.'ira 4-''' day of ) e-n'7a^rb<1L998, nado non-profir corporation (the ?gISAGREEMENT (tbe "Agreemenrt") is madethis ,uA aay ot 5 e-i/a^,/.;L998, by and benueen VTLLAGE cEI\srER AssocIATroN, a colorado non-profir corporation (the <-.4 "Associadon"), "frr ELIJZABETII M. VINCENT (referred to herein as thc "owner"). WTTNF\SFT}I: WHEREAS, owner is the owncr of unit ze, Buildtqg A, Village centcr condominiums (the "Unit"), creatcd pursuem to the Declaration for Village Cenrcr executed oa Octobcr 31, L972, ail recorded on November 20, 1972, at pagc 362, Book tz6, ia rhe records of the clerk and Recorder for the Couuty ofEagle, Sate ofColorado (thc "Cterk and Reconler"), as amcnded by &at certain Anendqror rc Declaratioa for Village Center recordcd ou July lL, L994. at Page 27' Book 545, in th€ records of thc Clerk and Recorder, and as zupplemcntcd from time to time (the "Declaration"); and WHEREAS, owncr dcsircs to rcmodcl fte unir, as described in Scope of work ard drawings shown on Exhibit A atached bereto and irrcorporated hereio by this reference (which imprwemenls arc refcrrcd o herein as the "Improvemeots"); and V/HEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Association is willing to approve tbe Improvcrncnts only upoa rhe tcmls rnd conditions hereinafter sef forth: ard WHERAAS, Owncr is wilting to agree to such terms and conditions in connecrion wirh obtainilg tbe approval of thc Board of Directors for corutnrstion of the Improvcmeots to her Unit as described herein. NOW, TIIEREFORE, thc partics agrce as follows: 1. ApProval of Improvemenrs. Any architect[al and smrcnral ery'meetiDg plans and drawings required for consmrction of the Inprovemenr sball be submitrcd to tbe Boardof Direcrors of rie Association for approval prior to corruncncctncol of any work. All sucb plans and drawings shall gonfenm with tle lqnovcmenrs as sho$n on Exhibit A, unlcss revisions arefirsr approved by the Board of Diroctors of the Association. The Board agrces to rcview and cithcr aPprore, disapprove, or apprcve with conditions, all additional ptars and revisions to plans subnined by tlre Owuer wfthin fifreen (15) days after a complcre scr of fia1l plans have-bccn submired b tb€ Board for review and all paymena required under Paragraph ti..l. below havebeen made' Construction of &c Improvcmeuts sball conform rvitb aud be pcrformert inwitlr the plans, drawiugs, a'ld scopc of work ro be approved by the Association rna rhe engineeriag recomrncudations dcscribed in paragraph g below. N1D€ratElttNAr/A€{\rCrallvlr<6'|lrct(st tan, SEP 2 ,98 ! ?:39 FROI'I BERENBNUN-t,JE i NSH I ENK T0 855 49t9144?625?3 o PAGE.@43/AAg 2. Roard Arnrovar of Improvements. The Board of Directors of rbe Associadon has approved the Improvemems and Scopc of Work as shown on Exhibit A and rbc dcmolition plan rnd schcdule set forth as Exhibit B. This approval is for the coocepual desigu aod owner shall submit a complere set of plaru ard drawings for the complec work to be performed for review and approval by lhe Board of Directors of thc Association prior to colluDelEcmeut of constnrction. Thosc plans must include, tr1 tr minimrrm, etectrical plans and specifications and srucnual plans and specifications (if any are reguired). Owner furtkr agrees fbat rc cbaryes or additions vrill be made o 0rc plars, drawings, or Scope of Work wirtrour prior wriden approval of the Association in accordance wth the provisions of paragrapn t. 3' Rclocation and Addition of Utiliries and Ptumbing. ffup fuilrting in which the Unit is located is built so that utilities, as dcfurcd in Paragraph 15 of the Declaration, nrn vertically tbrough aU utrits and, as such, arc general common elements. Any addirions to utilities may affect aII units in that stack. Any work whictr requres modification of utilities sgpl rhan the hot water beating syscn shall $g performcd wirh due care to avoid any advcrsc impact on other unft owners ("Other Owncrs"). Thc hot warcr hcating systcfii rna]' not be altered in arDi rruuner. 4. Indcmnification by Owner. In consideruion of Association approval of the Improvernents, Owner hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the Association, its Board rnemben, officcrs, employees, and agents, and all otber owners, rheir family members. reDaon, Icnders, and invitees (collecrively, rhe 'tndemdrccs') from and against aoy and all damage or injury to persons or Property, including cornrnon elements, units, aud personal propErty witbin units,including consequcntial darnages, lad slaims, carscs of acdon, suits, and- cosu whatsoever. arisirg in any flrutner as a result of the reuodcling work performed by owrrer and themninteo * of the owoer's unit, including a$orneys' fees and cosrs of zuir incurred in conrrction witb enforcing this inderDnity or defending againsr auy clabs or suits. Owocr shall obtain personal liabiliry insurance in rire minimum amount of $1 ,000,000, ro insure its obligations under this Agreercni, naming the Associarion and tlre Otber Owners as additional irsureds, but such insurancc shrtl as1 lffi1 thc scopc of thc foregoing indemniry. Owner shall be released from the foregoing indemnity upon iu uarsfer of tide to rlre Unit as to ciaims assert€d after such sale. The purcbaser(s) or other transferee(s) of Owner's Unit shall automadcally be decmcd ro have assuDed &e foregoing indemnity obligation upon transfer of ritle ro rhe unir. 5. other Insurance to hc obaincd by owner. owner shalt carry personalploPcrty insuraoce insuriog the conten$ ofttre Unit and shall obtainbuilder's risk insurance ioconnectioD with constnrcdou of the Improvcmcnts. 6. ContinUed Access ro Utilities. OwrBr agrees not to block, restricr. or deny access to any utilities that service other units, Owner shall norifu Slifer Management Companyin order that thcy may norify all orher owners in the building prior ro iommerrcing anyconstncdon that will necessitate utility scrvicc (including elecriJ, ivater. saniury sewer, andsinilar udlity services) to other units bcing rcmporarily dismped. Utility service ro orher unirsrnay bc temporarily disruptcd for a rnaximum of rwo hours otr .ny ooi day. Danagc to any c,rtrc6-E tur\uaqva\ariltarttnr.ra?tdt,ryn, -2- sEP 2 '9A 17 | 4A RENBNLJM-LIE I NSH I ENK TO 855FROI'1 BE o PAGE,@44/gA9 d Wallq- It is agreed there will be no walls or surfaces, including &e roof of ttrc the work ro be performed to complerc the 49t9?A476?5?3 o utilities sball be repaired immediately by Ovaer so rhar dismption of utiliry service to OtherOwners is mininized to the uuximum exteru possible. 7. Hearing System. It is agreed that there will be no modifications, additions,or cluqges to tbc hot water hearirg system in the Unit or tbe building. Owner will insall elecuicheat if additional hear is deerned necessary, 8' Srrucnrral InrFgriry- It is recognized that tbe Improvements may increasctbe weiglu placed on tlre strucure of thc buildirg. Any rcmoval or alrcradon of prcsent sulcoyalm@bers is forbidden. If anv stucurrai cbaugesare reguke<!, before commeoccment of any workrequiring any smrcurral charyes, on'ncr shall provide a report and recommcnrladon by aregistered professional engineer for mainuinini rbe suucarral integnry of tbc building inconnection with the lruprovemens. Tbe rccommendations of such engineer "h"u 61$ be approvcdby rhe Board of Direeton of tbe Association ard shall bc irnplemented by Onrler ancr aiiroval. 9. . Owner sbalt obtainand comply wirlr ail rown of vail pcrmis, codes, and any orher reg'ladons that may appry. Inaddition, prior to constn:rction, owner shall providc a lcner aom tt" To*n of Vait-suiirlg rhartle -wof to be performed { ownel *dl uor uigger ttre apprication of rown of Vail requircmensro rhe building or orher units causing "ny e*pe*" rc Other Orvners or the Associarion. If anyactions should kigger srch e4pense, Owner strall be obligated ro pay for rhe expeuse caused bytheir rernodeling work. opcnrngs, ve s, or modifications ro any cxtcriorbuilding in which &e Unit is located, included in hnprovements. lu. ll. A' owner will pay tre Association a securiq, deposir of five percenr(5 %) of the consruction costs of the Improvemenrs . The securiry oeposii wilr be held in rheAssociation's accouut and will be used for rcpair of any darnage b, ci.*-up of any commonElements or other unis or propcrty of the Association or Other Owners caused oy or resultingfrom the Irnprovemeats aod for any othcr unpaid expcnses incurrcd by rhe Association ioconDection with tbe loprovemerts, iocludiog thor" p"yr*an rcq*ircd under paragraph ll.Bbelow' Payurent of the secudty deposit shatl L *ra" prior to couuncDcemenr of consmrctiol oftbe ImProverDenb. If thc required payErnt is not made wi&in such time period, tre O$/ser sbauhavc no right to proceed wittr the ImprovemeDts. The Association shall be entiticti ro obtain atsnPorary lssq3ining order wirhout notiee to owner and preliminary and pcrmarrcru injunctionsprohibiting-owner frorn procecding with corstruction of the Improvemeuts if the work iscomrnenced prior to tbe required payment being made to rhe Association or prior to Boardapproval of the plars or any revisioru ro the p.lans ieguired for "o**.,i* oi u, t*pro""rnr*. SrEafauonuan1!^gcD{r&vt51\,!,Etjlt ^CT(.l. a:aai .3_ sEP ? '9e l7t4A FROI,I BERENBBUT-LJE I NSH I ENK o TO e5549 1 9?44?6?5?3 PAGE.AAS/A@9 Ocmer shall pay the Association's atloroeys' fees and co$s incured in conncctjoo wirlr obraini"g the injunctive reliefdescribed above. The sccurity dcposir, less any anoults expeuded by rhe Associatiou from thc sccurity deposit. shalt bc rcmrned Eo Owner aftcr complerion of thead any rcpair or clean-up to be paid out of tbe securiry deposit. Ov,'ner's liabiliry to 6c Association and Other Owners sball not be limited to tbe anount of the Securiry Dcposit. B. The Owner will reimburse the Association for any and all expeoses incurred as a rcsult of thg cxpansion projcct, including, but not limited to: Amendment. (r) Lrgal fees; (ii) Dumpster usage fees; (iiD Plumbing, fire depanment impcction, erc.; (iv) Damagc ro walis, halls, suirs, elevators, erc.; and (v) Amendment to the Condominium Map arrd recording of such L2, Miscellaneous. A. This Agreement shall bc rccorded ia tbe records of tbe Clerk andRecorder 6o3 F^gle County, Colorado, and shall be dcemed to be a coveDant touching and corceroing the unit and an eguitabte servitude birldirg upon the uDit, the owner, and anysulsegtenrpurchasers of the Unit. This Agreement strall be UinOing rpon aud iure to rhe beDefirof the parties hereto and their respective succ€ssors, assgns, beirs, and personal rcprcsentatives. B- The provisioru of the indcurnity sct forth in Paragraph 4 above rnaybe enforccd by tbe Board of Directors of the Associatios and by any Orher 6wner affected byOwner's remodeling, use, and maintenance of the Unit. C. This Agreement shall !g consgued and enforccd in accordance withtbe laws of the Starc of Colorado. Any action to enforce rhe terrns hcrcof sbal! bc brought in theDisuict Court for the Counry of Eagle. Satc of Colorado. Ttre prevailing party in any such actionshall be cnd0od to rcceive their aEomeys' fees and costs of zuir incurred in connection wirb sucbenforcemeat action. D' This Agreeurent shali become null and void if thc Owner fails too-bain Town of Vail approval and issuance of a building permir wi*rin ninety (9r0) days after thedate hereof. r1!oc06_6fFrE\!tt' oo|ro.rs\vr{cDf act€a yrrr) sEP 2'98 1?:4t FRO TO e55 PAGE.@46/A@9 E. Tine is of tbc csscncc in tbc perfornance of Owner's obligatioos herqnder. F. This Agreeornt may bc exequed in courterparts a[d shal| be biudiag upon mrhral exchange of counrcrpart signanrre pages. Facsimilc sigoanres sball be decmcd originale for puposcs of this Agrearcn. Thc parties agree to deliver original signanrre pages for recordation purposes after exchaoging facsimile signaaucs. G. \Iy'ork is sdrdulcd to begin Sepreraber E, 199E. Ir is agrocd that tbrc will be no work pcrformod on-site durirg any holiday periods (ic., TbanksgiviDg wec.k od Christmas/Ncw Year week - Novernbcr 26,, Tl ,28, and 29, L998, and Docesrber 23, 7998 rhough Jaorrary 3, 1999). H. All rpise-relalcd constructiou sball be perforrred only betwcco tbs hqrs of 8:00 o'clock a.m. and 5:(X) o'clock p.m., Morday duough Friday. H(ECUTED as of thc day and ycar first sct forth above. ASSOCIATION: VILIJ\GE CENTER ASSOCIATION. a Colorado non-profit OWNER: tlFcro.D{llDl/!.rclnNo||lrvtr(Dtt.dt (.alr,ra) I'I BERENBAUI'1-I,]E I NSH I ENK a 49t9?647625?3I By, SEP ? '98 l7t4? FRO cogNry o* €a-ql<-- ]ss' U / The foregoiog Agrernreru was acknowledged before me ,kit 4 a^v ot qS Za/On/rZZ 1998, by Gary L. McDaniel, as hcsidcnt, of I4ILLAGE CENTER ASSOCIATION, atolorado T0 855 srArE oF LIIIAA-&4 ) non-profit corporation. WTTNFSS my band enrr official seai. My commissiou expires: Nonrv Public srArE oF (tth,t nr/t ) couNrY or €rt42--t l'' dThcforegoing Agreememwasacloowledgedbcforcrne Us 4 aay 1998, by ELIZABETH VINCEIfT, as Owncr. F \ryTINESS my hand and official seal. My commissiou expires: 11 EERENBNUN-I,JE I N5H I ENK o 49t979476?5?3 o PAGE .Ag1 /O@9 Notary h$lic H)DocstallEt\nrll\V8J\ccErtuct{IS\rlNC€)lr.AcT (clr 9/rtE)-6- sEP 2 ',9e t?:42 FROM BERENBnUFT-r,.iE I NSH l ENK TO 85549 tg?A4?625?g pAGE.@@A/AAg -vv RXTIIBIT A sc.oPE oF woRK ANp DRAWTNGS H.\DOCS1CLENT'rE\\4.^C(5lMfjrfiS\\1rtCElrT^cT(Cr8t/?4!) A-l AUC. -12' 98(ltED) Ii:5{NEDBO/EARTHI'ONES fiL:97084599?9 €x+lrgrr 4 l{edbo Construction fnc. PO Bx 3419 Vail Colorado 81658 970.845.1001 fax 9?0.845.9979 F'ax Transmittal Date: 8/72/98 To: Vic Chaffrot Pages:4 From: Tom Henderson Project: Vincent Residcnce Remarks: Here is the "scope of work" and a set of drawings for the Betsy YhTot Residcnce, BuildingA, Unit 2A. ffr. ,turt datc is Septerrber g, 199g,finishing Deccmber lo, tsgg, The cost of the work is $164,333. she docs notwish to persuc the window addition at this time. Please call ifyou havc any questions. P.001 o REtrT131 TOWN OF VRIL, COLORRDO 1Pl1s,/99 OBrO4 REOUUST$ FOR INBFECTION WORK SjHEEI$ FORr teltS/94 PAGE AREAT CD Activity: ndcJre s 9 r Ltrcat i on r Frarce I r Desen i pt i on: ffppl icant: uwner: Cont ract or: 898-@a79 leltB/9S IEE E HEJiDOW DRlgS E MEADOI.' DR bLDG E1&l -66e-O9-Bgre INTERIOR REI'IBDEL NEDBO CONSTRUCTION VINCENT JAIYIES L NEDBT] CONSTRUCTION Type: FI-MF A E_A Status: ISSUED CorrEtrr AlrlF Bcc:UEe: II l-HR Fhone : 97rZt*845"1t08t1 F,hone:Fhone: 97€t-845-lOOl Inspect ion RequestRequestorr TJOODY Req Tine r O8:.OOItens r*eqnested to. 0AA9A BLDii-Final Infornation.....Fhone: 949-EOSS ConmEntsI BUILDING N UNTT ilAbe Inspected,.. fletion Comment s Time Expbe Inspected,.. Actlon #-a Inspect ion History.. ...Itenr S{t51O driveway grade final I bem I tZrOEl0 BLDB-Foot ings/$teel Iten r gtOOeO BLDG-Foundat ion/SteeIItem: 00gerA trLAN-ILC Site Plan ltern : ArAtAgA BLDG-FraningItemr E@048 * *. Not On File * * Itemr AO$5A BLD6-InEulationIt ern r A'4064 BLD6-Sheetrock Nai IIten: 60060 * * Not 0n File * * Itenr 0O@78 BLD6-Misc, , Iterr O$690 BLDG-Final, I t em I (tO53S I{LDB-TenP, C/OItenr g053l FIRE-TEMF. C/tr I t en : BS53e F'h,-TEF|F,. C/trItemr 4S533 PLAN-TEMF. trl0It em : tItA537 FLAN-FINAL tr/OIten: 0653e FIRE-FINAL C/OItem: OO539 F|d-FINAL C/0Lten: A$E4O BLDB-Final C,/0 ,,itsf,. ftb_FT 13 t 1e./ tu/,Js o TOI^fN OF VAIL, gEL-{iRHDO rl9:?F ITEAUESTS FOR IN$F,E{:Tlot{ WoRt( LiHEF-rS F:ORr ll,/16./99 Ar:tivity: tr96-OlsO tE/tU/9A fype: L1-[-,LMB Stirtusr ISBUED Constr: AAtrT Ficldr.essr llE E NEitlJOl.l DRLoeation: lee E HEADOW DR BLDG A E-A UILLAGE CrR Farcel l llt4l*068-gl9-Ot43 Ucc: Use r Deser.ipition: trLUItlBIN6 FUR INTERItrR REf'lOD[:L Flppl icant r {iUARANTEED PLMB0wnerr VINCENT Jf.tl{ES L Liontr"aet or r IiUARJiNTEHD F'LUMBING PA6E 1 AREAT CL) Fj'h orr e : Fhone l Ifhone! Inspeet i on Reque st Reqr-testor; ld0ODY heq l i me: 1t ems requested to Cilag9tZt FLFIF-Final Inforration.... Eo;;ent g: he Inspected... F,hone: 949_prZrEO i crn Comrnent gRct Tine Exp Inspect i on History..... L t enr l OOPlrzl F,LMA-Undergr.oundIten: OBegS' trLlrlB-Rough/D. t^J. V. 1fi/U7 /96 Inepectorr JFllvl lrlot as ; f RAFS tiND FLOH fESI I t em r el{APSA trLFlB*Rough/l,rlaterILenr OO€4O FLMB-Gas Fiping 1 u em : tzrmgsra PLMB-troo I /Hot l ub Item r raureAa F,L|4B-Misc. .[teE ! UUegO F-'LlviB-Final Frction: trA FLOI., TEST NEED TO ADD TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME /5 S. i;RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 OWNER VINCEMT, ELIZABETH 7720 E VAQIIERO DR SCOTTSDAI,E AR 852 58 L,icense: CONTRACTOR PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 711 HARRISON, I]NIT B LEADVfITIJE, CO 80461 I-,icense . 226 -Yf APPI-,ICANT PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION ?11 IIARRISON, I]NIT B I-,EADVILLE, CO 80461 License:226-M Desciption: fue sprinkler installation 2a and2b Valuation: $14,575.00 Mechanical--> Plan Check--> Investigation-> willcall-> 03/07/200a 03/07/2o0L Phone: 719-485-0188 03/07/2ooL Phone: 719-485-0188 Status . . . Applied.. Issued . Expires . Phone: : ISSUED: 03/07/2007: o3/73/2001.: 09/09/2007 FEE SUMMARY $3 oo . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> S?5.00 DRB Fee-------------- > $o. oo TOTAL FEES-----_.-----> s3.00 $0 - oo $0 - 00 s37S.00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees---> Total Permit Fee---> Payments-----1 BALANCE DUE.-_> $3?8.00 $0.00 93?8.00 9378.00 $0. 00 inspection ONT - Lori- \c AVi€ vArL FrRE DEpARrMErvrlt v{'" |, \tlt | \ r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMIT Permit #:F01-0005 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: VILLAGE CTR unit 2a and2b ParcelNo...: ffiProjectNo: PAXOl-O(rti Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTT\tElflr B/oe/2ooL mvaughan Action: AP changes subject to field CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inJormation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stmcture according to the towns zoninl and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADNENTY.FOUR ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF rr*rHft'L ,\ h,' - ilg\vr-@o3 /\'r*S 7E L Frontag€ Rd. veil, Colorado E1657 Eulldlng Pefl$it f: l.ledanical Pcnnlt#3 g7o-47r-2tAg (IrcPecdom)ooo 5 penntt wttl not be acceplBd witrr(tut the followlng: Plolrittc l,ledlEr{cal Room layrut d]r$tn to rc'le b lndude: o lledrrntcal Room Dlmsoribnro Comburtion Alr Duct SItE and Lo,ijldon e Fl||q Vent and 'C||3 UnG 9r:€ and loc'tion e Het Loaf calqlo lqulpnrrrtCutrSPdShdltt c...fC;'ar"Cb Job ${amer y ' WortClass: NetY( ) Addfion( ) r!ttep{j_-!gnlr( } O&er( iffi'lHlffiislocauon: Yes( 1 t'to( )ffint ltt,t*( ) Bfierlor( ) other( ) @"t'odi-) Rc&unnt( ) oth'r( ) iio, ot-aaorirmooation Unlts ln thb bu$dlng: Xo. * e<fti,tg D,nellhg Unfts In this brrildirg: No/ryp€ ofFEphccs propcea; Gag ApPlhrrcg (i'i r,i col.{PLETE VALUATION FOR MEGttAt{lcAl PIiIRMIT (tabor & Materialr) @f{TR 'clloR lNloR'HA1AOil *rl*i.*rltlr** 3P411a1 9x**'l***{r|}**1.***t* * :B{c* * t**** :t ***** +tt F /Eufitotr./to.rrr/tnc6Pctttl ,(D \ri6' DEPARTMENT oF coMMLr*?orurrorr^1'' uffi 'TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Irwestigafio-> will cbll-> So . 00 Rcotdion F.€-> 93 , 00 Cl€an-uP D€posit-> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ADD/ALTMFBUILDPERMIT Permit #: B0l-0001 Job Ad&ess.: t22 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSLIED Location......: VILLAGECTRCONDO'S I22EMEADOWDR#2Al Applied...: 0l/03/2001 ParcelNo....: 210108209002 TOTALFEES--> S1, s84 . oo RAI ANCEDUE.-> Issued...: 0l/05/2001 Expires...: 07l04l200l 0L/03/200L Phone: OL/03/20Ot Phone: 0!/03/2OOL Phoner 970-845-1001 AddSqFt: 0 # of Gas lrgr: o # of Wood Petlet: 0 So . oo Taal Permit Fee--> $1, 884 . 00 $0.00 Payn€nts--> 51.884 . 00 $0.00 ProjectNo...: PeUot. oog OWNER VT}ICBIT, EIJIZ.ABETIT 7720 E VAQI'ERO DR. SCOTTSDAIJE AR 85258 License: CONTRACTOR NEDBO CO}TSTRUCIION P.O- BOX 3419 VAIIJ, CO CELI# 471-4888 81658 IJicense: 251-A APPLICAIIT }TEDBO CONSTRUCTIO}I P.O. BOX 3419 vArlr, co cEr_,[,# 47].-4888 81658 Licenge: Desciption: GUT& REMODEL#2B, SMALLREMODEL IN 2A Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: II FR Type II Fire Resistive Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $200,000.00 Fire/ace Infonnatioo: Resicted: n # of Gas Aptianc€s: 0.'..|.t*a.tt|t*|'}|.'|..t|t.....'}.*|.***|||*.*|'|.*'''|**:}*:}|**.'}..t*|.|iFEEst.lMMY Building-> 91 , 14 0 . 00 R€stusrad Phn REview-> Pltn Ch€*-> 3741.00 DRB Fee------------> 50,00 Total Calsulated Fees-.> $1,88{.00 So . 00 Additional Fees.-*>s0.00 Approvals:Iiem: 05100 BUII-,DIIIG DEPARTMENT 0L/03/2OOL I$IARREN Acrion: NO ROIITED TO CHARLIE Ot/O'l2O0L cdavis Action: AP See correctione on Appro\red Fleld drawings Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARIIIENT It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIIT Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORIG See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby aclcrowledge that I have read this applic*ion, filled out in firll the infonnation requird, completed an acsurate plot plat, and state tlut all tbc infcmation as rcquired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plaa to comply with all Tom ordinancas and state laws, and to build this stuchre according to tlre tovms zoning and zubdivision codes, design r€view approv{ Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAII BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN Send Clcamrp Dcpocit To: NEDBO @NSTRUCTION 138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATURE OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE PAGE 2**:|** l* ** *** l* ***ti +* ** ** * ** t*!t*'i * **** ***** *** *!t'i *** * * 't !t*** * * * **** * * * *** **:|.** ***** ***,* * * * {. * ***** **{r* **:t* * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B0l-0001 as of 0l-05-2001 Status: ISSUED | ***tllttll.tlltl*t| ********* ****tl l* *'l * l**** ***** ***'*** ***** ** *** * +* *'t't* **** *****'t*** 't:t*t * * * *{r******* t*'ttt!t*t} t Pennit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMT Applied: 0tl03l20}l Applicant: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: OtlOsl2OOl970-845-1001 ToExpire: 0710412001 JobAddress: I22EMEADOWDRVAIL location: VILLAGECTRCONDO'S 122 EMEADOWDR#2Al ParcelNo: 210108209002 Description: GUT & REMODEL#28. SMALL REMODELIN 2A Conditions: Cond: 12 FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQI.NRED TO CHECKFOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED W]TH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERI,AL. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.310.6.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQIIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. mwN0Ftttn 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATIoCLL NoT BE AcCEPTED IF INcoMPLEO*, Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) Separate Permits are required for electricat, Ot"frr$*iffBanicat,eX /- s-oa Crt_) Conbct Asssorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit vvww.for Parcel # Parce! # 2rotogZ-o1(bZ I rob Name:Vrx/4sxt T- R€E- Q.6TAOUA r ob. Ad d res s : iiiF.E*cArfd'.- ao,.roo\l}q LrtLLrJ-! EArp6c-- -Aij Lesal Description ll Lot: f{ ll etoct<: $E ll nirins:Subdivision:l6xL Vr(+ ff,uxq I oryri"5AgflFi-. fuzsecrv4'Mdress:7 72o &-#t"ffi*. eg*l Phone: ArchitecVDesioner:Aiet'l'iit6*Od.t tr.r tc-l( ^A<dj ,{99€L.J", *,r^ c ubs,t\od. .all{hon "' ? L} 1 - + + + t Engineer:41^,; fulr1€ *t6 $Address:prp.Erlt 3zZ5, (4rZut' ffnone: +lL Zl-tO WorkClass: New() A9ldition( ) Remodel 6,{aepatrtl Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: lnterior (ylf Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No M Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamily 1.,..{ Co ^.rcial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this building: . ( NofFype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood eurning ( vl Nqfype olf{epl ces Proposed: GasrAppliances ( () Gas Loqs (O Wood/pellet ( Z9 Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) ,, Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (vf No ( ) lfDoes a rire Sprinkler Systen' Exist YEsl f ruo 1/ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUTLDTNG: $ /totooo.ELECTRTCAL: 52t2 roe,<2 OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ 2O )eet MECHANICAL: $ (Or O@ ,rorAl: s ztoo r oo@. REFUNDCLEANUP DEpoSrrro: lfeep co^rs77.L)q7o/\r. CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor:N& @^fs Town of Vail Reo. No.:2et -A.Contact and Phone #'s;2./L{6p 70+-573/, *:i+**************r.*****tr***********.****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************rr*******:r:r*'rr.********** .IAI{ f) J ZOUI] TOV-COM.DEV. F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm 'I VILL o AGE CENTER ASSOCI ION 124 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD .VAIL. COLORADO 816s7 January 2,2001 Town of Vail Department of Community Development I I I S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 To Whom It May Concem: This is to serve as formal notification that the Village Center Condominium Association Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the plans for modifications to take place within unit's 2,A' and 2B. NEDBO, the general contractor for Betsy Vincent, has been authorized to begin work on January 8, 2001, provided my office receives all certificates of insurance. Should you have any questions, please contact me at (970) 926-0286. Wthljfrest regards/ /u1" Uate Nicki Viars Village Center Property Manager cc: Betsy Vincent - Owner NEDBO - General Contractor o AT C/O Slifer Management Company Inc., 143 E. Meadow Dr., Suite 360, Vail, Colorado Telephone (970) 476-1063, Facsimile (970) 475-2523 81657 RHCEIVED .!Al{ 0 .j /ij: il TElii -c()M.DEV. O o"t.a9 2A@ A4.tgPn P3 :';,.iP!{NE NO. i t 9?A 242+!L2A A & B ASBESTOS ABATEMENT, INC. 635 WEST WHITE AVENUE GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81505 1-800-748-1204 INSPECTION REPORT PREPAREO FOR: NEDBO CONSTRUCTION, INC P.O.BOX341e YAIL, COLORADO 9t658 LOCATION: VILLAGE CENTER CONDO I23 BRIDGE STP€ET TJMT 28 VAIL, COLORADO 91557 RECEIVED .tA,ht 0 3 20t]0 TC' '"CM.DEV. REPORTPREPARED BY: PHoNE N0. I t 97A 242+7L28 Ocr. Ag 2AA@ P4 INrqOOuattatJ, On Seltember 21' 2000 5 bulk samples were collectcd of suspected asbestos conraining nratelal a! VILLAGE CENTER CONDO I23 BRIDGE STREET UNIT 28 VAIL, COLORADO 81557 The suspcCt materials that were identified and sampled are as follows: One rype of wall tcxhre andcomposite sheetrosk. At fie requost of the client or:ly thc insidc ofthe unit that is bcing rcnovated was ilcluded rn thisinspection/surucy. The inspcction was made and the samplcs wcre collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and Starc ofColor:ado certified Building Inspeqtor, Great cslc wss taker during rhe inspcciio,r and,s4mpling [o bc asaccurate as possible. It shou.ld bc noted that minimal damage was done ro tjrc cxisting buildinglu.ucturesduring tho inspectio.n so therc is no documeafarion for ungccn couditions or slored itsnrs. Al1 samples were analyzcd by DCM Science Lab in Lal,cwood, Colorado. This laboratory is decmcd"Proticicnr" in the E.P.,A. Quality Assurunce (eA) program for thc deterrnination of asbcstos rn bulkmaterials, and is accrcdited by the Amcrican Hygiene Association (AIHA). SAMPI .ING PROTOCOL: A random sampling schome was used to samplu the .\uspect marerinls tbat were <iiscovcrcd. If dwing anyfithre deflolition or redovs,tion *ork.ouspecimarcriat ii discoyered rhar hssn,t beefl sanplcd and would bedisturbod, work should be haltcd until thj metcriol has bcen tested. BU ILDTII0 nPSCRrpr]oN: Unit 28 of the Village Center Contjo .is a three-bcdroon: un jt approxirnatcly 1300 sq, ft. Thc interior wallsare covered with sheetsock \r'ith a light toxture and wood phnking. The ..iling, oru o1r"n bearn and trcxtured' shcctroclc that is the samc es tbe.1va.\, Thc floon are carpeted rbioughout Jti ceramic tit" at the er!ry 6ndbathrooms. Thc heating is providcd by hot waster base br:rrrd heqt nJsuspcct TSI was visiblc at the tinre ofthc inspection. CONCI.U$IoNs ANDRFCO'\TMFNDATIONS: * Laborabry analysis of thc tcxtured composite sbcctrock indicate that asbc.stos is present in all five of thesamplcs. However the asbestos content is less than thc rogulatory limir (grcatcr than trl"1. rn" agbestoscontent wss verified by the r.equired point count anslysis. O IA"Pf Asb63!os abatement Will not bc requirc{ fOr lbc shcctrock removal, f --3--aoie'@ SAMPLE# vc28.8.001 vc2B-8-002 vc?B-B-003 vc2B-B-004 vc2e-B-00s SAMPLE LOCATION AREA SAMPLED FROM North bedroom clqsel wall Mld bedroorn closet wall Soulh bedroom closet wall Soulh west corner of North bedroom South bedroom north east corner behind door OESCRIPTION Composite sheetrock w/ light texture Composite sheetrock w/ light texture Composite sheetrock w/ light lexture Composite sheetrock wi light texture Composite sheetrock w/ light texture FRIABLE YES/NO Yes Yes yes Yes Yes -FROM j €88 RSBESTO' Ornr=**r, ,f pHoNE NO. i t s?A ZiZ*nZa o oct. @9 zwa a4t2wi1 p6 SAMPLE RESULTS COLLECTION DATE: sl21l0[ SAMPLE # OESCRIPTION ASBESTOS TYPE VC2B-B-001 Composite sheelrock W light texture CHRY VC2B-&,002 Composite sheetrock w/ light texture CHRY VC2B-B-003 Composile sh€etrock w/ light texture CHRY VC2B-B-004 Composite sheetrock w/ light texture CHRY VG2B.B-005 Composite sheebock w/ light terture CHRY - KEY: CHRY - Chrysotile % 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 SUSPECT MATERI,AL CONOITION SAMPLE # vczB-B-001 vc2B-B-002 vc2B-B{03 vczB.8-004 vc28-8.005 KEY: SUR - Surtacing TYPE OF gUSPECT MATERIAL SUR SUR SUR SUR SUR OVERALL CONDITIONS GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOO DAMAGE NO NO NO NO NO TYPE OF DAMAGE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A % 0 n n ' ':, 5iOr"r :- nlE nsEESTOS nenrEmeNi, rnrf PHot€ t,to. I L 97a 24?+1t28 .f o"t. a9 uwa @4"t1p11 pg I POTENTIAL FOR DISTURBANCE POTENTIAL LOCATED IN SAMPLE # ACCESSIBILITY POTENTIAL INFLUENCE AIR PLENUMYES/NO CONTACT VIBRATION EROSION YES/NO HIGH LOW HIGH LOWHIGH LOWHIGH LOWHIGH LOW LOW NOLOW NOLOW NOLOW NOLOW NO Fr: Irmothy M Boyle Tor Charle Dav|s I Date2/22/2m1 Timer 4i27r3o PMt/W-a- o Boyre Ensinccrin*, "o. Eb;- 6,ODl 143 E. Meadow [hivs, Suitc 390 Vail, Colorado 81657 Mrrk ll,oylc - Nedbo Coastruction P.O. Box 3419 Vail, Colondo 8155E - The following items werc observcd. 4- ' .. This rcmodcl is 1007o structurally complae at this time. The channels and steel beam have been installed according o the plans and spooificatioas issucd by this of,Ece on 1-23-0t. Only thc cxirting stccl pipo column rcmaincd to bc rernoved u the time of this inspoction. I hereby approve of thesq modifcations as constructcd. Plcasc fcol frco to call mc if you have any qucsuons or Timothy M. President Charlic Dovis - TOV 4-. Page 2 ot 2 Date: 2-21-2001 Job Number: 204'lProj€ct Vinceil Remodel Location: Vail, Colorado Contractor: NedboC,rnstruction Owner: Thc Vincert's WEatbor: Cloudy, 34 dcg Present at Site: Tim'Boyle Mark DoYle BO f romi Trmothy M Boyle To: Charlae Davrs Oate 2122/2ool Trme: 4r27:3O PMI FAX COVER Page I d2 Message:Date:2/22/2OOl l'll send two hard copies of this report to Nedbo's office. Thanks, Tim Boyle 4- To: Charlie Davis Company: Town of Vail Building Department Fax Number :4792452 Pages including this cover page: 2 From : Timothy M. BoYle Company : Boyle Engineering Fax Number 9704764383 Subject :4_ 4-.. WinFax PRO Cover l i. ,i*1,' *i:4.i, ,: 720 Eas Vaquero Driv€ scotbdalc. A&ma. 85258 Phone 4€D€€{D44Fax€Os€.ffi Dcq^-\n. Va.^6he^A ^ \D1jp^?+R' tot^t;m4 trr^Rtit1 lpvnr t|ria r.{{nrrgn. -0 errrn .Oo cr\ c1,1/n"-{ eJr1r^+ th't (llr. .seFT efivr1 \ri4o* q-,itn a-A \i^^if bed-^J{ -dh.r- -N."t1. M SrnuQ, & {pr^tlq crry$E^ lodarre.rr ( Of..t, { 4e^* c-{NB{..{- 1. +.^a ir^ {AArt ' \\ilr'e L'\f .X:J,.- {pona u^f phrao $'rrr r^dtrx.t +Ar^r *..lt lo..-. a, tlrofr\ rp"*llnd \r){rg g{J..,i buifl r"-1oinq tt wta JaCq. 3.+3\tA. torrut- Feq"Nlel 1t^r.i-1 t .' G;r& ttuc{ " *6po.* tAc{ Srnrrl- & {1g? q,n'[.^I;ftq!rt![-- a0.o,.1 s",]t -Li;[q n *hr^1 )fld.F4 * 4.he-n*t Uir.^ uu4- nr^ni,rrz.f ${ \N\c-'u^ -?la^^ hmrtiE^I'a DAnJ.,r".o {p*rn F^.16,r.'., P;^r @ [r.hd ?r-^ nZ) E st Vaqu€ro Dtue Scdtsdalc. Ar?on . 8ffia Phone 4tX}'348{X!.14 Fax48(}38.ffis ffi.;; Drf'"-l*1 lru\ gc ut J )- €1lr4 %44-^44.d -9tJt'1 tJL..l e$.ir4 e_.,j,")J ^,16 &- Bl, iooo +o"4 "{ Sctr+ *'a'^g'.a 'b "{ TtA t^U* u)ilJnJ Y1+t4''-- J uL- t *)r ea (L %."d 'C.i{ .So,t,fiy i;$^ LLit Lr. o*l ^^4 "t/('tl*Jt if b- Jvato-l q -tf $ro.J 4F appnr,r'r&, e-n-1 -!.Lt1p -*4"* .p* c-; t hlt ya\r. ;'.tJ.i-fn.tbri . ^tl.^:,,^-t' .$;^ --."1 B.{E.1 TOWN OFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 816s7 970-479-2t38 o"?*rrr*r oF coMMUNrrt oruuror#r, So . oo TOTAL FEES-> S19O .50 Total P€rmit Foe-> 9190 . 50 Pslanents-> 9190.50 NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLI.]MBINGPERMIT Permit #: P01-0007 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Stahrs . . . : ISSUED Location.....: VILLAGE CTR CONDO'S 122 E MEADOW DR #2Al Applied. . : Olll9l200l ParcelNo...: 210108209002 Issued. .: 0I/3012001 ProjectNo : ?Q-5Or -(rc9 Expires. .: 0712912001 OI{NER VIIICEMI, EIJIZABETH 0L/t9/200L Phone: 7720 E VAQUERO DR SCOTTSDAIJE AR 85258 License: COMIRACIOR LORTON PLIJII{BING INCORPORATEDOI/ L9 / 200]- Phone : 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3535 EAGLE, CO 81631 Licenae: 255-P APPIJICANT L,ORTON PIjJMBIIIG INCORPORATED0I,/L9/200l.. Phone: 970-328-5900 P.O. BOX 3635 E,AGI-,E, CO 81631 License: 255-P Desciption: GUT & REMODEL#2B, SMALL REMODEL IN 2A Valuation: $10,000.00 Firephce bformation: Resbicted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# of Gas Log: ?? # of Wood Pallet ??|t.|t|'||tllll.lll||||.||*.|||.'l'Fta!El'******.'hta:.:tt1t||t'''l||||||FEEsUMMARY.|*|****'*.i*'.** Plumbing-> 5150.00 Reshrarant Plan Review-> 50.00 Tdd Calculal€d Fe€s-> 9190.50 Plan Cbeck-> S37 ,5o DRB Fe€->90.00 AdditionrlFr€s->90. 0o Investigation-> will cb ->93.00 BALA}ICE DLTE->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENT OL/L9/2001 JRM Action: AP NO PLASTIC PIPE ALLOWED Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTME!f,I CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI'DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. DECLARATIONS I herefu aclarowledge that I have read this applicatio& filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurab plot plaA and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with tbe information and plot plao, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approvd Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQ1JESTS Ir)R INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE o TWENTY.FOUR HOI]RS IN 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSEI.,F AND OWNE Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) NWNOFYI: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 7 O 7'D7 Contad Asessrc Otrice at 97O-328-8ilO or 'rorVarcet * Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) zIJob Name: VrN<-e*-- RerD-sr.-g robAddress: [:'?:L:CJ5.;E: s L\r{ Lesat Description ll Lot' ll aro.t' ll ririns,Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:aS srr.vL C.o\^?L€-r€ f.-s6x$rAt SY:;-re'r'r ?e? ?etxl5 WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration}<l Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-.family bQ Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: \ Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No b< 6 PLUMBING: $ \D, OOC) Plumbino Contractor: Lo t ----sori ?--,ru6 t Al^,Te Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: -S'rl) 3Zb Sqcc-> COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION ********r.************************trr.,t***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************?tJ.*******************r.*** Other Fees:.Date'Received: rr^,lAccepted Bv: PlaRl ti F/everyone/forms/pl mbperm TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 y7H79-21X ot*rrr*T oF coMMUNrrY DEVEL*T* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMUS ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E01{030 Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSITED [ocation.....: VILLAGE CTR CONDO'5722E MEADOW DR #2AlApplied. . : 03/19/2n7 Parcel No...: 2101082@002 Issued. . : 03/79/?ffi7 Project No : Expires . .: OITINER VINCENT, ELIZABETII O3/Lg/zOOa phone: 7720 E VT,QUERO DR SCOTTSDAI.E AR 85258 License: COMIRACTOR DOUBIJE Q EITECTRIC 03/L9/200! Phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 mIIARDS CO 8r632 License: 190-E APPIJICSNT DOUBLE Q ETJECTRIC 03/I9/20Ot phone: 970-748-9780 P.O. BOX 242 mwARDS CO 81632 License: 190-E Desciption: ELECTRICALWORKFORGUT& REMODEL#IB,SMALLREMODELIN2A Valuation: $18,(n0.00 FEESUMMARYElechtcal-> 3324. oo Total Calcr atedFees-> 3327.00 Additional Fees-->90.00 Total permit Fee_> g32Z .00 Paynr.€!rts--> 5327 .00 BAI^ANCE DUE-->s0 .00 DRB FEE-> lnvestigation-> willcall-> l0 .00 50.00 s3-00 TOTALFEE-> 3327. OO Approvals:I€ei.n: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMHS:I 03/!9/200L CDAVIS Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BIjDG.) r FIELD IIISPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COUPLIAT{CE. DECLAITATIONS I hereby ac*nowledge tlat I have read this application, filled out in full the information requtud, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information aad plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable REQUBIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47}2138 OR AT OUR OFRCE FROM 8SO AM . 5 PM. !AppllcArroeu Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLElR ,NSTGNED Project #t tnlo 1- Building Permit #:, 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (Inspection s) rcWNOPY;lfiI 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Assessors Office at g7O-328-864O or visit for Parel # Parcef # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Zrcl OgToiOoi lob Name: /rri".-t Ae.rr."L I Job Address:)2-z E ll\aa-ttaur gJp Legal Description ll Lot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision:oWDIIE** rts^^r 99ttz € tLzr,,2,a "- "-.o...11 Phon"' trrElleer:Address:az 3 'Lr 8 ll Phone: Detailed description of work: R<,.r1 tr/e. workclass: New() Addition( ) Remode!ftf) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: InteriorX) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamit4>f commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: t No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes (No (.X) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (>Q No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VAIUATIONS FOR Att OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $aa CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: 't****t ***********t{***************^r****'tFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*********,t*,r**r.********************** F:/everyone/formtelecperm , -, .'i) q'. 3J ''"- TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMa.ITO VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 122 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . location.....: VILLAGE CTR CONDO'S l22E MEADOW DR #2Al Applied. ParcelNo...: 210108209002 Issued. ProjectNo : Expires. Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Feos.-> TotEl Permit F€e--> Paym€nts_.....--> RAI.AI{CE DU|E-> A0l-0011 .: ISSLIED... 02n2t2001.: 02ll2l200l .: 08/lli200l 9s3,00 90.00 $s3 .00 ss3.00 s0 .00 ow![ER vrNcBcr, ELTZABEfiI 7720 E VAQITERO DR SCOTTSDAI.,E AR 85258 Iricenge : CONTRAqTOR COMMERCIAIJ SPECIALISTS OF I{ESTERN COLORADO' IJIJC P.O. BOX 1572 srrrvERTHoRNE, CO 80498 IJicense: 151-S APPLICAIIT COMMERCIAL, SPECIALISTS OF 9IESTERN CoLORADO, L,LC P.O. BOX 1572 srr,vERIItoRNE, CO 80498 License: 161-S 02/t2/20O]. Phone: 02/L2/200L Phone: 970-513-?100 02/L2/2001 Phone: 970-513-7100 Desciption: FIRE ALARM REMODEL Valuation: $975.00 atltatatttttiiarr.rtttr,taarrr.taata*****i*aaaarr****r*t:lr**l*t*'|.aaaa. FEE st MMARY rrrrrrrrrll***t.r..*...r.***.tararrraraaraataa*r,|rraaaaarraa El.clrical-> DRB Fee-> lavcstigatioG-> will csll__> TOTAL FEES.> 9s0.00 90. 00 90.00 s3 .00 9s3 ,0o Aoprovals:Itrim: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMBTI 02/t2/2OOr MVAUGHAIT Actsion: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby aclnowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurat€ plot pla4 and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Tovm ordinances and statc laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design rwiew approvd Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2135 FROM t:lXl AM - 5 PM. WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE NTQUESTS NOR INSPBCTION SHALL IE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AI'V 75 S. Frontage Rd. Colorado 81657 . application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, 2no page of this form. ApplicaUon will not be accepted without this information. Work Class:New( )Addition ( ) Olfie at 9 or visit Remodel Repair( ) Retro-ftt( )Other ( ) ypeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial(;Q Restaurant( ) Other( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARI,I PERJTIIT (lAbOr & MAtE]iAIS) Fire Alarm: + 9f S .4 Parcel # (Required if no bldg. Permit # is provided above) JobAddress: lZc \^)tti-orp Bn_rooe t LLI€a L,ersrEfL \3rlLD{rr1 - Utrsce-xr R Phone: (qtd\ \Zs_ O .e., floor, unit #, Detailed description of work: No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System E\istr Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Alarm Exist: CONTRA TOR INFORMATION Fire Ahrm Contractor:C<rnrner[cr AL EP€SJALr59 oF Town of Vail Reg, No.:Itt-5 *r*rrtt**ri*i**i***trrtnr*********i**r*FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*r*ri*.**r**i*r*itn*t*t*i.tt.ttttit** is5Co4 F: /e\€n on4fi orms/alrmperm :Stocxeo Ir/A-.+- N/A-v- - 'r=--\\ \r -=<- \ \\. \\.. \ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL EIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residen6al Fire Alarm shop drawing rcquirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp. Device locaUons on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numberc. Equipment flt sheets of each type of device. The number of each type d device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conducbrc. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locaUons. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monibring agency. Information regading F'roperty managens and contact numberc. Owne/s primala residence location and contact numbers Instnrctions for fire alarm system operations and any pefinent code numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our revieuY process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and underctand the above listed submittal rcquirements: Project name: Contractor Signature: Date Signed, - a\'=-\ of b€Ep. b be-;iEc,,+t:: FE Ei-€5;EPE.! E b "E EESgFtr >.8.1 '=9'i9Er5" F$ggs5 =UFPES€=Et;';:":* B.E.5-s 9ei;E;i! sr I i E€tr " ! a-;t 5 HI iEieE $ ,iIti CJ z & IIIII I I I I I I II I I II =lHI-l I I e (J F,rq U oqJ F o liI (d I >-AE 'or 35g>,tr :e H .E i,bp l.F*E:: r.=vsd bo r,rl .,a:_ 5 ; jjot- :5: ..jJ9E- )::x.i;e oJ(!'U€33 )i99 9€ IqiPoFEf tE 1o- -!E8}D ! 5.::93F"E:9 - q., !'6tr3i'8 8O c,, oJ X-'';rb6r'o'-6(u.gl4I CJ h^(l .e'i,9EE 6hh!^x'v't= tt-.=Ft s HUz4ADUUo Fo HH4UH F{H Ht, FIU N\rotr\oOFta< oo Ar<JJ(')*:\ .F€l.t.{ S*s .xv L^ENS F--lsL\O =, =F< q) L Fi- q) a.I rX (a F-J !,) p () ( o .llq:'(t) oo th <t) al 3\J (J <aqt c, 'd U 'r-1 liItt OJ 'c z b|rpi$onFgqrlFt Frquetd FupcotOrbrAsihnod To: |nrpeoilan Typd:lffbooilorrAbcSlteAfttrccrl Frurn Jt||te (tr,2lXll EGr-ffiztf ET.EC EGIUI E f,EATXIW ORVAILvltJ. GE CTR COI'|t)(rS |fr, E r|EADfl m|lA, Pfrna: 9?O-74&O7fl1Pfpnc; fltl'74&97tll A/PtDlnfonnr[o , T!l T:Ooc|'ltiirf stc ilxt EDh|Plrl: EG * ,. J ..t'. 'rf\v .,\ *1m: * FOR GUT & REI'ODEL '?B, SUALL RETIOD€L I'I 2A ^[leit!4.Ig: Efl,'ATiar _ Ennrdq,: Dn.ORE9 KAdtp1ld.To: EflfiZLE Ptplr: 9lD?4t€IDR..qn$t: QWzu!QEI.ECTRF_ lhn: l3o ElEqfltld Rqutcbdn'tter A$AS ".i\ - lfitr J lnrEac0drtlrbw ;tl: llq ElE_CT,.m.tur {optonot} / 9,fn,t?0 ELECfiolgh {Oadt*g$ ftADorolrd* ta ' (r. |;i/izlx}[ h|ccbf: co- Id'on: APPRAPFRChEDlm: l3O ELEc,€on.lrff todboctlhr l'o EI.EC{ft. {Oe{illalt.- -,,ffw l$ ELEG#H th*f*ett) "a:.x, -rfirr w rFnrEp: ._> L lg_op/--"' - | RET{T131 ".tu R|rn . Id: 699,t 8ffi' *ffiffffi[,fi,H9 - *: R.q|eoild lncDcor Dabi F trby, Junc 08, 20{lf' A$trn.d To: CDASSlnrprcllh Trpc: Pt-fB lncg.c0on ,ica: JRfSlbAddrcs: ltl E XEAIXTYUDRUALl/rLlrcE crn coMxts 122 E reADOW mA|, AFDlrfornfrr *""H sublH: Alf fnpA'r: .m Ptrom: 97(}C2&€0OPftoc: 970"328{ffi shfrr: l8t[.ED I i: !;i-i iit{j*r'-j .t li "r unfi-dofid! - fuorovrd "-. A.don: APAPPROI,ED hn: 260lm: 2Shm: 2S RdmGchdTlmil |[!004t' Ptrofil 9?USE{ffi Eil|dry DFLOREE I( * Aoorovd*- ' Acfon: AP APPROT/EO btu 2lOllrr ?a) ConrrElr: RFsrl31'l ,tt14 fi ! :^ R*.Idr 699 ,*' t ffi*'. "lW.sm[ft"**-_ tusc3 Rr$|3cH Insp.qtDrbl' Aril$tod TolI$rrocf(Ir fvnci Indrccrdon Aiin:ShAddmacr TYle: A"llFocc|f.rlg!|: gtbTYDe: AilF INTI|:[he: IFR hrpfir: Pfpnc: 97G8{Sl00l.fB, sltALt RE[rooEt r.tzA LETTER OF APFROVA TO DO TYORK RECD ON OI/ffYfi. . CDAI/}g : REPORTE SHotrrk{c I.IOASAESTOS ON F[.t. Oilor|Ol.. COAT'S Reqrterbd TlnF: 0t:(F At' PfFne: 9?$84+l{Di Enttrtdqf D;tORES K I AJPfit hfonn.ilon Fddrt, JunG 00, molcoAvts BLDG CDIZI E TEADC'WDRVAIL vill-AGE CTR COI{DCrS {re E reAD(nY m nAt FR Ttr\K}APPRChJEO I FIIE RE$STWE ASSEMLY FOR STRT}C EEAT roilrCorilTlri:htrt tOurr:Co{0r*nADDfcf|[Dri:l|fril:CmtutfCoilnan[ BSIED CD fi!,:laBlCommffi: 6{l El."D0lqddon0 SL[Xt€htoct oa,llxvo{?tr Btlxlk.s H-DoFfd (OCor*l' loDloiil) - ADDrqafil "*(l tuton' ATAPFRO\rEO(HoiHl(Rdrnrfr.4 Y t/i [1-0. TCo lt+W!'@ ?nur Gr,wanv.lPn^r Gr,q<tatvil;;"'osB fto^ 4"'r\ p-ruttrr fuw lAr*o** ) frz trturcF Cfivb \ iI?'t %,f(ffi hr tl fm: nln: t0fn: 6g .j *' - t{-''Rspt!.31 Acilon: AFAPPROTIED COiIPIETE Pls.III{6 OF CT ARD RtLrercVE OSB FROT' HALLWAY WALSREKI,E ruT!| BOARD AiD BIT$(ETE FRC'iI FLOORS fli Arilon: PAPARTIATAFPRCIALtr rtruchral bearm rtd DXba onlY.r ls!tr d.FDforrrl .od Bubail rwii{d drrrtrltD$o b€r narin dof Fhe RcbfirE Rc,whanfr tor fru.fif,tl filFheRcbttvrRc(nrffi Acfion: APAPPf,OIIED Frftlly, Jme 29, ?O0l CD,tzz E tEtDovu D*vAlL\NLLA(E CTR CONOCIS I2:T E ilEATX'IVDF|aA, illt: BSIFDhmAil-: CO AtPtD||tfomrthn R.qra€t|d Inspcct D$e: lncpcauon Arca:SbAddruasi BOr.{m1 subTYsc: ArF[fire: $ F? RElioo€L;{ 2A AFPFCn/^L TO M WORK REgD ON O4/M'O{. - CDAII|8SFtflilf\|G NOASBESTOS OIJ FU-E.Ol,Og/01. - CDA\tl9 R.$l|rH IUne; 0l;{10 t' Pltom: g7OEaFlSl ClsndBy: OFIORES K (otArcwv6 ryry '8lslGllErusltsElr| liil: 70'th. r'Rclofi IGDEOC,oiI!BTRt C'TK,llCori|tr.nb; WC47l-38t3lillc|ladTo: CDAI/ls- Lilofi: TkncEp: Co||mcbr hn: 50l|n: g, ASSETH.YrcN STRTE BEAI Acto|t APAFPRfi/ED*ftbrovod" CJO '!^Do|UYdFtu*br: C,|lAlrtS'FCRF}IAI-: g} BLtr}FM Rffr ldt ?31 l{i i Coflmfr: -- ACTION FORM Deparlment of Community Devdopment 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fay.: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prctect Name: Village Center Satellite Dbh DRB ilumber: DR8010194 Project Deccription: Rooftop sattelite dish Participants: OWNER VINCENT, JAMES L. 0211/2001 Phone: C/O BIOGEN INC 14 CAMBRIDGE CENTER CAMBRIDGE MA 02142 License: APPUCANT KH Webb Architects 07|LU200L Phone: 476-3761 Kyle Webb 953 S Frontage Rd West Vail, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddrcssz t22E MEADOW DRVAIL location: 126 Willow Bridge Road lngal Description: [ot: Block: Subdivision: VILTAGE CENTER Parcel Number: 2101082@007 Commenb: t Design Review Board BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 07lLIl200L Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be nnde without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pt AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Ptanner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fee Pald: f20.00 Ittll,ir Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Reviewapproval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particulai approvalthat is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to bereviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review e6ari appr6val expires oneyear after final approval unless a building permit ls issued and consirucflon ls started. A. E. H. $200 $s0 $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation ofthe project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the pioject valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657, For Office Use Only: -Fee Paid: 80 .i't. 'Application Date: Pre-Application Meeting Date: By: DRB Meeting Date:f,fft't 421 DEScRIPIoNoFTHEREeUEST: E-E=FT Dbh LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT: C]& BLOCK: 5E FILING: UAit U|\ACE. pHysrcALADDREss' [?tr2 \r)i\!e.r..: evidqF'?A. tJitb,1a GrerG. lrr Cada,rr.ul,Y<f PARGEL #: '?)Olab?q@6 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: pAD. E. NAME oF owNER(s): Fcf3.1 YiTc,ff, / I owNER(s) srcNAru RE('X //W''rtfuf-exone({rc) 47a -s7b I NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - Addition - Minor Altoration - KH Webb Architects 953 So. Frontage Rd. West Vail Professional Bldg. Ste. 216 Vail, Co 81657 PHONE 970477-2990 Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. '^/ct<*: ..Q 1 /b 2Rbr -crcr 7 BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting .,Other tl ,c*., (tr;_114 - eltu0J "Please specify the manufacturers color, number and attach a small color chip -'Aff exterior lighting must meet the Towns Lighting Ordinan ce'12-11-5J.lf exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. ldentify each fixture type and provide thi height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. $ryee Jul 1O 01 12r lOp !^n! Mrnlgcmcnt Inc s?oO6 oe8s p.l Villege Center Condominium Associstion l24WillowBridgeRd, Vail, CO Et6J? Iuly 10, 2001 To: Chds Vinccnt for Betsy VincEnt From; Nicki Viare Rc: SEtellitc Dish Proposal The Board of Directors of Villago Ceuter Coniominium Association hereby applovos your proposal dated Junc 27 , 2001. Howevcr, the following irrues must bc emphasized. l. The essociation will ber no costs associatcd with this installation' 2, Thc lssocistion will not prccess arry iovoicing associatcd with thie installation or mairtcnancc thcroof, 3. Roof penetrations will bc neccsssry'for install-gtion -of this equipmcnt' The roof is conddered I corutron clemeit. Tlreneforg if ury firture darnage occurs rvhich is dircctly linked to this installation (c.g. roof leak carsing drywall damagg ao.), thg sssooiation will nst bc responriblc for tho repairs of said damage. Pleasc notify nc when tho work is fo be 'ompleted urd provide me wiffr a gopy of the rpproval obtained by thc Town of Vail for thework to be completed. Ifyou strould havg |ny quesiionr, please do not hesitate to call rnc. C/O Sicna Managerncnt, P O Box 3842' Vail, CO 81658 Tdephone (9?0) 926.0286, Facsimilo (970) 926'0283 Email: sienungmtin@aol.oom Design Review Board ACTION FORM' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Proiect Name: Vincent Landscaping DRB Number: DR8020170 Prcject DescripUon: Additional landscaping between Austria Haus and Village Center Pafticipants: OWNER VINCENT, EUZABETH 05/04/2002 Phone; 7720 E VAQUERO DR SCOTTSDALE AR 85258 License: APPLICANT Fieldscape - Brian Doyon 0610412002 Phone: 845-9045 PO Box 1871 Avon, CO 81620 License: Proiect Addresst I22E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: t€gal Description: Lot: Block Snbdivision: VILLAGE CENTER Parcel Number: 210108209002 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By;Vote: Date of Approvall. 0610412002 Conditions: C,ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005311 Applicant must provide some form of erosion control at creek side Cond: CON0005312 No new improvements located within right-of-way Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO APR. 8.2@ 11:22ff4 Deecription ttr Rqueet Pfiyllcalfiltltt* Frrcd llo.: aning: o *cl tlo Fee t6s0 s3s $zso s20 s20 lb FeE tr tr tr \/ tr tr B Es $1,0 per sq.sE frot dbbl sgn ar$. For corufi.dqr of a rH h.ldlrg tr dnm/rctulld. For an eddlton u*rete s$Bre fraaage b # to any rs{d€tlthl or oornmercid buildlm (lndudes 150 ad.ftiru & llltlrld o.lt Ersiotls). For mlnor ctlgngei b buildingp and E'E inFo!€ments, sudl Es' rermfing, paiflthg, wltldot{ addti:ns, hndsc$lnE ftftes rd |tEinlng vFiq €ilL furnimrduUcr b bunffiF and slE impruu!|llents, fldr is, rcffiofingt pahtrg, |^,ttlow addfbrE lan&caplng, fu|Gcs ild r*ining il€lh, €E For ra,idorE b dens ettHdy approved by Plf|ning Sffi s tfn Dcslgn Revleil 8otrd. TAw'r\qo NO.63E P.1./t3 Application for Design Review Deparfient d Cdlllrunity Det elsnleit __ zs sourr rronuge Rod, VH, colo.ado 816t H: 970.479.2139 frr 9n4?9'?452 wc!: f,ww.Ei.tEll'co'us GenerEl Infrnnetim; Alt p|qjeG rcqriring G*ln rEyiew mu$ nrdrt appmral pftr b s/bmiE lg a bdldng prmlt epflbt'tan' Please Gnr 6 fie s,rlmt6af rcCtIlE neils fir t* par6otai appr,irll thst is rcqucstn t. lrr apldon hr Dei91 Rettlerv cirnot be aooepmf urd an requlni rtfo;.don f rirdvea by tE Co{nmulity Dtrlopmert Depsrtm€nt Ttle projed rnay a6i neeO O U. ,"iir"ea by the Town Coundl aniUc the Planning and Ervlrurpntal Gmnisitr' ixifgn rii'fer a'n iil t p*r-;i[; urn*,f erl* gi*d ar.l orsr6g1 qrutarc riErin one leor of tfie aFlrat H.meof Apfll('r|E Subdivtdon: HallllrgArfihc$ /--rlra--\a, A4ellz - ., , -ftorp- 91G4o1q. E-mail Addrces: TYpc of Rclficlf and Feertr Slgns Conceptual Rg|lerl ililCs$ufin Additidl Mhor AtErotlon (multi.f amily/onmerrcbl) Mi1orAlbrathl (9rEle#mily/dupls) Clranges to Apgrured Hdns SeperaUon neeJe* ForofliGt r Fee FaE: - chrd( No,: By: ORB Ns,; Hanner: DIF: Prrjed No,i WL-Dno ^ ,";JUNDERqRCIUNDQg^eATORS|4 q,r"irrnqs-E4a* *?*'gr,rhl .ir|ri r,$|Q- 257-7917" /{e"'1 ar: nvzI I ckr,t l,ltir. I tltiif'rl litrr$ ( /E*/ -%-|-rc6 l-i|igiir,irl f;aIi, t)atr,rr 0'3,'1,3.. k1J. Tlnt:r {,11rAP Sitcl {Jpl F,617{;otrtr'[:.:,rr:::*.r f]ilbn I ft-'+/'*r+.r$1. Timer r]Tr{Sgl i:lM €xteli'JerJ j*rbl 14L.:t{:,*t:6, Ii} v ih{t r} r E?lfil,jritl 'riner ltrgg Fil+t Hr"s $hrcer ii/r i.leph r Nf'itatei: {}tf (]loc.irrl:yr S:,ll6t-H (iiLyl tJr:tll- Firtdr'r iiii:, ',:rtr.i:pt * t-tILl.t:tt", $RIn{rE fttti:irirls r iltf.,fifl{J0l"f'fiiiF{. i/. rr., -.,. ,r ' r Lagat I C f '-,rper o{' hior'f* l-,LnH't INH pl-Flhi}-''1 d.'}* ; ' [;.i.rgi. : frl t],,rr.inrr: l.li.-hc;iticn: l-t-rl-* ENTIEF. E./SF OF 1.$T{* *R{:L-ESF Ofr*-N **Up$iifE illjE'ffi ':fJRRli{:TE0 i1I}DRHSSI FrtrFt Cfit-.LFR l-:ortpeFy s $ftlfiq P0Y{,N Uln{-.{l ltrr' : B$IIAN D0./$t$!-lor,a trr; llt8IftFl DOV0N t-|,/u R;+m:av''k r, r .,,rr.i . Meflli*r''6 riil lr.l'.f 1 snlmHYL rt.l{"'kl-S,} l$'l.lf-tl,$l rli{llf.lHtl$ rlj$t-lt'|13 List Co. Billing / tt :t /(.) I .l ",1 ["",r/ I ' / $ t4r'/ LOCATOR'S Fth$n8r {S?O}8,'*9-9*4F *7'l s / / ,.i \'4o1 \fi/ o' ''?',3{.) ..".:- /'Q"/l !DAtrE : J 1 !/t t Signature of person on job site g-24-2A2 5,lsPM 4$6trt .r FROMo T|€,LAZAR'COT"PANY 5452d69r 6t P-2 FRff :Pl€r.€ r{], :tlo,,,- 24 ?fB7 Eli8ffl'l P" TREEAGIEDME'\T Thir Ths Agr€ern.dl (tc *Alrrct{tgd} is mlL tffcctiw &b ?{tb dty of Miy' 20Of by md bcftrrtcn Artuir llats Conrlqltm Algodrtioo' Inr- a Coloredo nm{rcftt . . corporuim f 4qgdsll$} md ElizSclh ll. vincc* (@f ). L NE(rIAI5 & \rEaesr ir th or!!r.of uBiE zA rd 28, Bcilliry A viltrsF futt CaUarfulrnl .eor.lirB to tlrc cmdrydoiua tllP tbdcoftsccrdcal Dtocoba 6. f 972 iD boot 226 er pegc 624 ra Rccqdon No. I Attl7z end 8 .tcM in dE oordotlrinho ilcck*irm tkcsf reccdrd| Novalbcr 2D, I yrll b bo€& 226 rl P€e 362 u Rxcptioa No. 122l5tl td anedncat t codod ttrty tl, l99{ h boot 645 d Fgs 27 rs Resrftkn No' 541{I|l' EqEiF Cotstty,(tc@mun_g). b. Tbr codmidrqs ql loclacd m &e aaqly dda of Huing A dth VilrSs c!!tF condorrildur$,snftL L rdj|edr n *c w*cly bonfuy cf thr ArEilir HE|6 ||nd (tb&sfl. c. vlnocnt dcritcr !o pbnt fus lodgc Polo Piu. EG (lbt !99) ct 6c Pr'opctry of rhG hd€hr .$d in drc loc*ios sct rorth on &hsit "A' utachod hctso ard nedc a par h€of byftirrcfusra. c. An$ia II5E it wr-lliry o 8r.d vi*a4 !0r t$drl' calopcr' comrore rad Dbcoffi.a r qorrt hca* o{ &d ov|e' tbe Pr,Wcty Amnc o ad urbioct'to fhs tme hcrt*tr b St duG tmrdlyErd*arry b tmitviocllt !o pl8tfrG TiE3 bthc locAimerd hho Exhibir*A- (tk-!Ern!d Phg!gy") 8d do ruEbdthc"vro* oe sd frabhgdn IL AGREE'lrtrEt{T NO.t\t, THERIFGE, ac prti.' rgtcc: I. Arrrttir Hrrs hrcty grs b VilGGaL r trqorery liccoro (tb'I{ep'? lo 6tE rry'6 ec Uccascg hr+ctty iutlout to tttc 9ll. hradl fu tts pb p*poeE of ildto fu 16(ht;aasonably r,*crr"ry -16 iirnit Vittcat, bE aodlrra*436 rnd rubcsotrrct$r tO p6C tha Trtts ofrbc hciglf lnd h tb hc*ios'r€t brth oE Exhibir'A ' echcd htrt*o' 2. TbG Lic€osc ddl cmec! Sts. (3) buiiDcts dry e vinca obffi rll gDv@Ergtd ryFFv.l6 oit PasiE ncccory frr tlc p[mtlng of $|c Trtoc' g-1S Ertu-"*ugoa rhc e*Iia o'f G) cryl*itn of ilr pluiogr erdsiuE G ndoYrl ol lDc lnc3 {s corlogl*dkdner(fi) 3{0 p.nr-<n Juu.?l' 20OL 3. Tb. Lic.cc s.ll Dt crcrls erfr rifhr * ptivitcasr is ry pcrmc d Gtdd6 otbG8 te Vitscat, UAiviadt,', l,Icitk tb Licatt mr euy cf the prroviairu bercof ebdl ruq wi& &. bid or ba bitditrg l{|tu, th Plqrrty o ttc lJcood *qPEry' B-24-2A2 5,1EpM :FRtfi,: FROM THE"L,AZAR'COI'PANY 6A5246SI Ptoi€ r.E. :l.lorr. 24 2ffi1 el: lEPt'l Pj Y-3 + Viasr tct*y_eerecs to tdaodry, dcfu4 sit bolrl Aurria Hrrrr, atsq*D.rsr dirocros, olEccrs,__8ucrg d qdtl hdcss too rff [$iliry, ;&r.r,lots, du.sq @d.og8 nhiiat Aosri{_Uas g rry if putics qsy-tosu dtu;;#tii-*rr,rac.ts$ rtuyt'ftc, aicing our ofor&l*rd-b Vidrd, ts g&*A E!pts.r;i,'-*F..t*,std suooa[lchs' we of drc-Liccmc or the plding; xrtainc erEoovEl'of-&c irra * rlo,tiuc incftrding. virhoot tbdruion, uy dnuge'b e"il* oo fnop*tf^ 5, ViE@t, a the conFeclof rndfibhg rbF wert Fa'strrtrt to rhi{ Liccngg, Sballo6fain rnd orinain inaroce rs 6ll0ws fu iltc lsrm cftlc Liccnsc: L Gouogsid G@cr.l Udrifiry hilrmoc in rlc uu of $l,m0,m0 q.A. occ ttcrE b. Worh'r Corymnm d Ersplqlc.t Urbiliry Inrocc rr ad ifrcquirrd by th* hwr of th. $rrc of Colgrdo, €o\rcriq eII rmplolrcr *ln rrob ptovi& rGfticcs at oetceplilcd ust.r Odr eg'lc[rcot- c Alt policin a$rt Frrc Auslh llil$ Coodminim Amirtion, Ias., itsorrmq {ircn{orr, rfircrili cfiployiaq gur* d rgEds t .d.Ud_orml iarurads. Atr iusuracc polic+r drlt pmvioc fu ro or:E Fior vrritt@ Dodoa !oArgdr ENrs of csl!*iqr or lon*wrnL Ccrtiec* of inaseoco fc ellrrqcird covaats rtall tro Foviibd b Ar*b Herr5 1rriff to &ccoamcmcat of ary*nlc o &c Licd proFcrtJ/. _ 6. lq'nndrhfy trr &E fttGr r! d|obd Vincril &I rtmr|t lcy bud rn ttcPrqcrv' diroboa $ ocb cee plenniog; rs n.dly er ic rcrsarbly posriblc, to thc codirbn it*a in fulldiody pric r thc cmwvncrl of rhe uccosr. vil:Gfit sb.u loE raove, riu crdme.ay ai*ing ueB or dmDD.ry locrtsd g| tb paplfry witbod er F .iw *rittra consaorofArxuir Erls. . 7. Vtlcat or f:r agEat qd-hip Werrta, tbc mgpf Of 1!q Allrfiir rrrr efofomd rrotGl-'. sbrll rt'!e s r schEfrrle whici witr Fscb b! rlccr lo t6 pt*]!o.t tiirtonrtmCrsoarbly dsffitdng c hrrfcr'rrg wilh tc estiviri* ofr,tc of,mErs sld gucjr of thg AurdrHTEChD srdllsd. 8. Ana rtc Tro* br+ bccq plalad o tta fippsba ttsy &ll bccooo tbc colc FoFrray of A8trir 1116 |od viuctd! drntt gaEdR' drb b &c T'a r to Arr*ir Eeur by bill ofrds ir e h rtdly acer*te o rbc prtic+ Fllndy & F.h gluing lis t -ooltplEioc Vinc* *rll ctorc tbc hOr*pin6 soopul, plntilt rb Tr"(* ro isrc-t *rrdy(Uc iTtac_WF Cq]) er ec bcn6t of V.E;ut un iriuia Xars, io a &rm c€do@sy iE tltHscl-.rg udc inE Eb Cqtdy. 9, Arrli.Hsor win cor lrvc zy liability n 6blB*im b nirEb ttc Trm or fhcTlcc w3aro|y. Doriry 60 crta of ihc Tbpo ntgrart/, Vinca *all bc FralBcd !o ;at!r &ETraca provided ercb wdrin5 ir {h ftE rhc %nrgs ecr*a Codmld-,m prFFly |od do(' g-24-2A2 5:17PM THExr ^ 7AR'( CO|VPANY Pts€ f€. : 6@5246e11\r.4 FRryI 1{o/, ?4 ?EIl1 91: 1@m Pa $( iffirfu! wi,&, tbp oPrffisw ff us of Arsda llaus' l!o?sty. vincEt sl$ll oot PlmG o( iu;tatl aury idgalior s ixts wsttritlg rquipurat ol ot ubdrf, tbc hoputv' lO. br rt crlcd uv of &3 It!r. diE d bffi ditre$d wt&tu !!o (10) ycrs of dr: enftctiw ddc of oir A:rcincoq vinrsr drll bG obfud!4 d h'r qtis od oqol4 !o Jft*;r; r,r"tr TrcrrfuuEw +,6 |initd ro &* ufridt wa6 odgindv pt^mtcA q eben "aro* "J tt * Ed iltlrn tb 6c&cc Of d|c sloud !o hs oortitfun t[i*inS Pfior to tr t;rg.i,br Its. Vitc(ilt O.ff brv'. "ofgot ty liccor-o ftr-orcb rrPI*gtT!or ryovrti,rnrril to *rc r*no rcilns d coaditifi! Otttc-Lic.ota sd fttrtr hcrcel' trovidcd bowrvtr' th* rbc ErF of rrd tiocoec firll c@fiogo EP6 Vltrd't entsy Wil lbE Limard ETP$ + sl|all co.sislc 16 $rty (J0) dry+ rlnrmfitr t udil lh phuiog or rwpvd of .s]cu Tfcc8 tE ccoplard, wbi.t cvrr GsdE Soroocr' I l. In fto crd rov of tbc Tree iurrtrcs rr uy tiu{r} *itb tbc oryrrdgtrs T Y of ft*iil H;. pr"F.rtt, .. &fuflo;o'd by At$lir IIflt ia iW so1dirsttior' thcn A'stsia Eu thdl hrrt|b ;dil to ttsro\rctrto totocllq diiDaqctrtrc'lcdTt's' tzvi*d$.llEiubtdFAufrhHsisrtrroebteraorucyftf,Brc|riqgolt€ nttpdrd,a todFtD{IilEooofthh Agunrot. 13. Asy pro,vigion of thb furtourart uAicl Sall prwt to bgi$r,'li4 -void or llogsl *att in so wey |fi&tl irqair u invs$d;rr ary ctcr Fovicisr brEof rd f,leb s{htr ptof isiotr shall rwrrio b ftrt ftntc r|dsfu. t4'Tld:AglEoanad|bc(rrbiti6sdddrofus*dcrrl.r.+iru},'c$Eitr eG -*;E- ."'-.;;f er pur;.s s ro ri' otir*t.srtt- hrreoB sparcd.o .ll Ffi rcgotisiorE -eal "errn .*-or tt, lcti1 ; r tb-g&jot usrt kfoof. Thcrc rr no cel .frrro t ,6' d rb p*ri6 ui1ci' thir Aerrccnat-(iocftding sit s?*on l-l),**-*t b' !;aie.o or oedail;.t h a rrridrg ddcd bt .u fri€t hga. Witorrt listitirB tb dUty of thc F,aordhS;cerc, to J** O,f canAr"t umg 6c psdcr D:rsto $IbEqptsi t t* ati" lo*t-*ttrtt ootcdEc aEndifiErtiod q rmdurd ro thb AgFEt' r 5 ' Ttds AgtoGEEt $.ll bc Sovtdttd bt Ed coastrnEd j''nr-rn$l to sG laurs sf tlc Strtc of Colo?i.lo. 16. Tbc ooarc od coditim of tlb Aet! ocd Eb'lL {rgty b rnq !,id q:t btirr' rtrFoatn$ oo.oUn", rdtrhi&.ut ud rdgn of rtr pti- P:tot$oTfT tu FrcccdhE 'tafirrtoc tt tF cofrry' tb A9"-.1il thll mt be *gdlc tty \fmcat witlnn tle lric uritEn coru of Arrrrir HIsr. r7 . ta So avc of my tirigaim $hg oc of thir Agrtrnra& OF prwaetiitg pnty gbdl be arrsrdcd ie *a*rrrbh arcncT't fels $d ootrt coets' w{-rc. FRilI i 5: lTPM FR[},Io T€ rL.AzARrcolPAArY E6246Sr LFo\E I : Wg.tIIlD s otes &y ud fr ftt rfiffi rtove. ArSirEuheft/lfldrd$b. ilo, Pr*.d P.5 r.b/, a4 z$l 6l311Frl F5 (/r-r,*,j ;.:-* E'17PM o*" *''ffi-;":NPANY EaE24FrL P.6 lb,.- e4 A1 81: llPn F6 €E ltg,t 3a?Ti|:It V \ iiE ;E iii iii lsi lii iE r$ rlrf(D cgt FI !,ED ETta o6e?arc Fg.':r 6'5 r'! ,EI g. g !a 2 !r :l x cE tfq E I TR6nI {D;t e.a 3ll':F it I3:3 t l_li b.i^Grbitl \4nsrtResidenceatVi| | r..ic-dErd*.Ydrih rFtrla+rrr.lc,*grI --!- Ltr I a'i!\tt_-) zio-ara- ,,V ^ i;1:Yxj Septcmber 7,20o1 To: Bctsy Vincenr From: Dianc L Otto. President Villagc Ccntcr As$ociari on. As you know, tltc Boad ma by confecncc catl last Thrnsday, Augttst 30. We discup;ed your offcr lo landscapc the east sidc of Building A. Wc approvod tbe pmposal you submined rvith somc stipulations. Wc nocd for you 0o put down r constructioa depoeit of fivc percent (5%) of tbe estimatcd cost of thc projcct. As you arc awarc. the Associetion will hqld this deposit uutil fre projcct is finished. At that time, it witl bc uscd to covcr damage, if any, to the propcrty caused by thc project. Any money rernaining will be returned to you. As with sll constructio,n grlojccr you m|tst gct a Pcrmit frotn thc lown o'f Vail bafore you can begin. You must elso get writtcn pcrmirsion, which you must 3ubmit to Nicki' from the Austris Haus to begin work both for any pl0ating you do on thcir proporty and to uso thcir &ive to bring in Dcdcd matcri.ls. Furr,fibrvc wdfi'fboth you aDd ytltu coattector !o sign a hold harmlcss agtecmcnt in favor of thc Associadoo in'case of any darnage to Austria I'Iaus propcrty. Whca we workcd on Building A rnd tbc window wcll tbc con$actor fr$t pW dor,vn sand and thon timbo6 on thc drivc to trot3ct it flom damagc' You rnay have to do sourethiqg likc this to Prcted the drivc. Plcase undcptsnd that thc A$ociation will not a:sutnc any liability for damrges caused by your proposed landscaping, I can undcrstand yow conccrn about tho position of tho cscapc laddcr that is.in the well, We do oot have i probtem witlr your moving it, and bccause it is not !o bc directly across fiom Kurt's windows, I hope that it will not bc a problcm for him eithcr. I arn sure that you witl cxplain tlis to him. Nicki said thst you aad she had discussed moving thc gatc in the fcncc to a position oppoeite where it is shown on your plan, and tbis is okay as well. We undcrstand thst you want tho arca in qucrtion to bc feturucd to approximatcly the samc condition itwas before thc window wcll was replrcal and tho plantings damaged. Thc Boand thanks you for your initiacivc in moving fonrard on this plan and we wish you wcll in gcttiug it accomplirhod. ,t,hCc: Nicki Viars (r!o q - oqoro (D F.l o(D V) 'o U)g E =D H ! at)oo D) F!(D tr l-l Ch -\ 'o'> PF =A,-', s.e* 9,15-v;'r-cr,! ii'i 7a>9 PdFe.9: 6ZYt' a,( l(e F9(,)u) dd-'d : (D d o o x oq H5o tr[')FFFIIt. 9) FI*r F)tr(,) -l|n:!x H0q t-------lIt.Hi-z$ x-'!oo5frj c8o nao 5;l-t 1 A) = 'r:OiD FE.EI HO.-?Dl-aJno !0|.n rn> g9 9E rD oc oc I.r-l ri 5x fBE gd tr3 EoFO o(tto,-. AFlvr'U)FE -E aorl oo@ rTxo € { €(D lo ul l-rrll-l Schematic Landscape Plan Vincent Residence at Village Center Lots C and trC Blod< 5E, Vail Village filing No.1, Vail, CO to at,(Dg q g oaot6 (D (D H (D(D(D r-l E t 5 I € ifr{'O$E-=o \,,Dc) ra6'EEorF*E(rt Ed r o a <:, ft?frq E'? r-F a s;\ F3.\ x=I EC\ d5't o.-)o il. oFtoro (r,os S)s (D troqo Fd 5(D at, E B F Fl F if:<. ffF HOR'|+{ 6Dtd EldFE>9 Pd!f €,E: S-z- l1 te iT rtx rE6'(, -6 (D € (D o e --l Ftoro oao wotooFI €9) .|r!xx o:. 1€rrr ct!Fca (,) FD =Hl2 rn9F} t! o oEoq F)5.) tr r)7 EI o {(DFI EO(Dg r------l x 0c = oq FIno FFFo(r) 9.oH r.)o F.)dt- 9) oq tD no5FFo FT HHtJo trq] FFl.'iIt. 9) lT{l-l 9)t U) 9r ii*ss Fi8d 6x. rz\F fH -,n 3 aF I*r. qou.I 3Fp.< -oa, oc"oEE'F O\JIDO 6- rlFrr3tP9*i>TF*D (! EDr CDor)op EI oo 7' iJ\ It: ?'\(. -a3c n\ Y:.t; ,{ !-.rt E. ^?-l ,l: t I I I I = 6 E E: .' **$ :L, :. rY,i9e xar FEs€EH ;+ i. lr @ l A ! o :,-<,. *-? :S" lur-l Sche matic I- andscap$nhf t Vincent Residence at Village Center il 'l P. o. lq l87L Avrn Colando 8l6d) hFq's.rys Fu @slFIlIBNo.l, Vai! COLots C and IC Block 5E" Vail Villege t"? I r cl.r*L f4tlr.; {ir:it,I l[.rg Or'igittrit C.,'iIi llatrlr O?/'1?.OL Ttnri: l'ltl tiie pl'i t ont-r' i:.:tr:*v lt.nt +r r {81J.}'i?4.it}1 Tio*: 07t0!fi flM L.rc*te flt ilat{' ! O3/'i':1,/$1 f i*re: 11r59 Pn ,6t at er : CO f,orr:rt y * SflGi-Fj tli t y ! firlrjrr ii:ti Street * 1+ll-t.-fiH FRInfiE ftt' l.:i*le1.:i, rit5$p},$t1l.i$€** Lritrr:rt L..+* . ; l-Fgai 1 C fy;irr gf' l+fir'ki i"'Lflt{TI},tF pLnhl L'xp' r N Hrrr'inttr l'l l.-ucati(3n: l-{Jtl g}lTIRf'. F/$F tlF t',t11# 'i'6lccg$li l}pF"}l **llFlifiTg t'ljg In t:OftRU{:TED nODRF"tiS r FER {:SII.LER f::r!*rglsnY I fitilllil n0Y0t'l HlO I;rtt$r' : SFIAN ll|Vt3t{iir.rliq f or; tlllIAN DDYtlit ft/r1 it +r *r .'r r'' k 9. ; .,'r.n! . l4eml.r*r'.6 r[]r"ittv1. Bf.]LIf4MYl l]ififil*r8i? lF'tif;:tu01 rr-rtl]N00tfi llj*ll"lbf 13 List Co. Billing ATO,RST4 {rtil ifi'i+ri-'a$a{r Ntr b|i!'i i{] L.wa-257 -7917 rJPr trfiT Eritertde,l j*lil f'l l'{r= c Flo'L rc':: 11/r Fleet: N t.rii I l.- (; tt:^ i5 t.t '/ i",(/'1 tt/?//' ! I ]4r ',/ LOCATOR'S NAME / Signaturs oJ Person on lob site ?l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail.co.us Ff[ t ci#t y January 24,2002 Brian Doyon Fieldscape PO Box 1871 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Vincent Residence, located at 122 E. Meadow Dr., Village Center / Lot C/K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1't Filing. Dear Brian, As no activity has occurred on the proposed landscaping at 122 E. Meadow Dr., Village Cenler, I am withdrawing your application. You must re-apply should you choose to pursue the proposal. Specifically, because the proposed landscaping is located on an adjacent property, Planning Staff needs lo receive wrilten approval from the owner. The information you have submitted to date will be kept on file with the Department of Community Development, if you need to refer to it. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. Allison Ochs, AICP Planner ll Town of Vail tP *uo'^"o t I0tftrm Application for Design Review Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Fontage Road, VaiL Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application b fur any project requiring Design Ro/iew approval. Any project requiring design r€view must receitre approval prior b subrnitting a building permit application. Please reEr m the submittal requirements for theparticular apprwal that is requesEd. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted .until all required information is received by the Community Ds/elopment Deparlnent. The project may also need b be reviewed by the_ Town Council and/or the Ptanning and Environrnental Commission, Ilesign Review Board approval lapsei unless a building Permit b bsued and construction commences within one year of the app-roval. Description of tlle Request: Location of the Proposa lt trx:4\<anct. 6 E subdivision: V. V- | , PhysicarAddress: Y>2- t+xI - :.laS+' f V.-;r;,q e'U.n- * parcer No.. lblrygg+J6(."r",1*f;ffi". Assessor at e70-328-8640 ror parcer no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): B,YtVfFT Maifing Address: +?Zl X Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:?te+fuft- Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: \ ctrun g.!f gppmved pta ns N' E[ $\ PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROMTAGE ROAq VAII-, COLOMDO 81657. For corEtsuction of a new building or derno/rebuild. For an addition where.square fuotage is added b any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiorE). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing paintirE, window additions, landraping, ftnces and rebining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board o. Bt7- lgDl Questions? Gll the Planning Staff at 479-2138 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Informationl This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*o Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)xo All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.f, Lighting Planx and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicableo The Administrator and/or DRB mav reouire the submission of additional plans. drawinos. soecifications. samoles and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: D Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ieaJ siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example:te: 'b7q o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERHU; Tvoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windours WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: C.olor Please specify the manufacturer's color and number and attach a color chip. All erterior lighung must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Title 14 - Devdopment Standards). If oderior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiry each fixture type and provide the height abwe grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe light fixtures. PROPOSED I-ANDSCAPING Botanical Name PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Hu%a Pue Size b, w G'12 s <1-la BB OuantiW z A ? Common Name / ar,v-F R< R- Minimum RequiremenE for Landscaping: GROUND COVER 50D SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe l-lc)ilo 4u*q' Ae r[rper'. €yt5n\J4 Please speciry other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.)Y-..^ r^-- F -r- t,-. ,/-\ o UTILITY TOCATION VERIFICATIOI{ This form is to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction witi preparing your utility plan and scheduling installauons. The location and availability ofutiliUes, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for the accompanlng site plan. Authorized Sionature Date QWEST 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.38a.0257 (fax) Contact: Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.468.2s28 (tel) Contact; Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.949.5892 (tel) 970.9a9.a565 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 303.571.7s18 (Er) 303.571.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGI..E RIVER WATER & SANIIATION DISTRICT* 970.475.7480 (Et) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 970.919.1224 x 112 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, lloor plan, and elevaUons when obtaining approlal from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1, If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no commenE are made direcUy on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2, If a utility company has concerns with the propced construction, the utiliW representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Torvn of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility b obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. UtiliW locations must be obtained before diooino in any public right-of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obbined sepantelv, NOTES TO Att APPLICANTS Pre-aoolication Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged. The purpose of a pre-application meeting is to identry any critical issues peftiining to the applicantS'proposal and to determine the appropriate development review process for an application. In many cases, the pre-application meeting helps to e<pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in thi preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting iudy Rodriguez at 970.479.2L28 or imdriouez@ci,vail.co.us fime Reouirements The Design Review Board meeb on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accornpanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planhinoidrb/meetings/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeks prior to a Design Reryiew Board hearing. Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Tite 12, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and Tide 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rocKall, debris flow, floodplain, weUand, poor soils, ek.), the Community Development Department may require a site-specific geological investigation. If a sitespecific Aeological investigation determines that the subject prope0 is located in a geologically sensitve area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard repoft prior to the issuance of a building permit. Applicanb are strongly encouraged b consult with Community Development staff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed.2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20', All plans must be at the same scale.3. Graphic bar scale.4, North arrow.5. Title block, project name, project address and legal description.6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number,7. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates,8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger,9. Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Desion Review Board Meetino Reouirenrents For new construction and additions, the applicant must sbke and tape the project site to indicateproperty lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be renroved must be tapeO. iniapplicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings andstaking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail b appear before tie Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items remored from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the applicaUon with conditions or npdifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Mministrator (a member of the planning staff) may reriew and apprcve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Rwiew Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Re/iew Board and any staff decision is subject b final appmval S the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this applicaUon requires a separate review by any local, state or Fedenl agency offier than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colondo Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineea 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in excess of 50% ofthe application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter b be re.published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require rwiew by o<ternal consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determinauon be made by Town stafi $at an o<ternal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay expenses incuned by the Town in o<cess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o<cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. I0r,m,m JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print namel €Ek\\r,.<a"\- , a joint owner of property tocated at (addres/tegal description) VLrxafB Cr**- provide this letter as written approval of the plans O.o.O 16 &,n* ZOO I which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: Frt+cz v<.4u1- *?-aslil4oe %:a A.xr- stre,r*<i A^lp firb ?abeff,a: af Crl e-ar^rl4*r-' fZbrt. I further understand $at minor modifications may be made to the plans orer the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. 1-lf Al (Date) ,r-m Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Projectilame: PEC Number: PEC040055 PEC Type: VINCENTSEPEMTION REQUEST Project Description: CONDMONAL USE PERMITTO COMBINE TWO DWETIING UNITS Participants: OWNER VINCENT, JAMES L. O712812ffi4 Phone:. 7 AUDUBON RD WESTON MA 02493 License: APPUCANT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 0il28/2004 Phone:970477-2990 953 S, FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: ARCHffiCT K.H. WEBB ARCHffiCTS PC 0712812004 Phone;970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81657 License: C000001627 PrcjectAddress: 122 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: I2SWILLOWBRIDGEROAD,/_ r, r r. | ,\r f.r- t>t- h J0-.lt,t\ F-t\th'q t Legal Description: L5E Block:' Subdivision: VILLAGE CENTER PArcel Number: 210108209007 210108209003 Comments: See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bernhardt Action: APPROVED Second By: Lamb Vote3 6-0-0 Date of Approval; 0812312004 Meeting Dat€t 0812312004 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 0t/"4 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communig Development Department August 23,2004 Applicant: Planner: (J\i.- A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B.5B, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for the consolidation of two dwelling units, 126 Willow Bridge Road, Units 3A and 38 (Village Center Building A)/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. James L. Vincent, represented by K. H. Webb Architects Maft Gennett ll. SUMMARY The applicant, James L. Vincent, represented by K.H. Webb Architects, is requesting a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination of a dwelling unit in order to consolidate two dwelling units located in BuiHing A of the Village Center Condominiums located at 126 Willow Bridge Road. (Attachment A) Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's request based upon the criteria and findings contained in Section Vl of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant is proposing to consolidate units 3A and 38 in Building A of the Village Genter Condominiums. The proposed connection will be accomplished by eliminating the common wall and small hallway between the two units. (Attachment B) According to Section 12-7C-3 (Permitted and Conditional Uses), in the Commercial Core 2 (CC2) District, permitted and conditional uses for specific floors shall be the same as those permitted in the Commercial Core 1 District. Pursuant to Section 12-78.5 (Permitted and conditional uses; above 2nd floor): the following uses shall be permitted on any floor above the 2nd floor above grade subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit: Any permifted or conditional use which eliminates any existing dwelling or accommodation unit, or any pottion thereof, shall require a conditional use permit. The applicant's proposal calls for removing the existing kitchen from Unit 3A. Units 34 and 38 each contain 1,220 square feet of GRFA at present, and share a limited common element (LCE) hallway off80 square feet, which the applicant proposes to incorporate and combine into one dwellin$ unit with a total GRFA ol2,520 square feet. (Attachment C) The applicant is not proposing to add any square footage or site coverage to Building A, nor is the applicant proposing to modify the exterior of the building in any way. [1. tv. BACKGROUND On June 11 , 2001 , the PEC approved an identical request for a conditional use permit to allow for the consolidation of two dwelling units, Units 4,A and 48, located in Building A of the Village Center Condominiums, one floor above Units 3A and 38, 126 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, VailVillage Filing 1. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS In reviewing this conditional use permit request, staff relied upon the goals, policies and objectives outlined in the various Town of Vail planning documents. While the purpose statement of the Commercial Core 2 Zone District specifically references the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan, staff has determined that due to the location of this property within the Vail Village Master Plan Boundary, it is more appropriate to consider the Vail Land Use Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. Municipal Code According to Section 12-7C-'l, the purpose of the CommercialCore2Zone District is intended to: Provide sifes for a mixture of multiple-dwellings, lodges and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. Commercial Corc 2 Distict in accordance with the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations, as adopted in Section 1 2-7C-1 5 of this Article, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of building and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the Distict by establish ing appropriate site development standards Vail Land Use PIan1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a contrclled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and rccreationaluses fo serve bofh the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possrb/e. 1.4 The oiginal theme of the old Village Corc should be canied into new development in the Village Core through continued implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan. 1.12 Vail should accommodate mostof the additionalgrcwth in existing developed areas (infill areas). 5.1 Additional residential growth should continue to occur pimarily in existing, plafted areas and as appropiate in new areas where high hazards do not exisf. 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the market place demands for a full range of housing types. Vail Villaqe Master Plan Goal #1 :Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unigue architectural scale of the Village in orderto sustaln tts sense of community and identity. Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. 1.2 Obiective: V. ZONING ANALYSIS Village Center Condominiums, 1 26 Willow Bridge Road/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Mllage 1" Filing (The Village Center Condominiums are comprised of Buildings A, B, and C of the Village Center complex, which also includes retail spaces in other buildings.) Zoning: Commercial Core 2 District Land Use Plan Designation: Vail Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Residential Development Standard Allowed/Required Existinq Proposed Buildinqs A. B. & C: Dwelling Units 56 50 49--- 14,710 square feet No ChangeSite Goverage 21,289 square feet Parking Spaces 56 Buildinq A: No Change56 GRFA Dwelling Units 10,080 square feet 8,960 square feet 9,520squarefed 8 7 6- vt. Parking Spaces I 8 CRITERIA AND FINDINGS FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT No Change f n accordance with Chapter 16, Title 12,Vail Town Code, an application for a conditional use permit within the Commercial Core 2 district shall adhere to the following development factors: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. Staff believes the applicant's request to eliminate a dwelling unit in the Village Center Condominiums will have negligible negative impacts on the development objectives of the Town. lrrespectively, staff believes that the proposal may contribute to an eventual reduction in the effective occupancy rate of the Village Center Condominiums, which, if compounded throughouttheTown of Vail, could reducethe total bed base in the Village. However, as there was originally one space required per dwelling unit, the parking surplus subsequent with this proposal, as with previous ones of similar intent. result in a more efficient and self-contained use that is in vil. greater harmony with the development objectives of the Town of Vail. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. Staff believes the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit will have no negative impacts on the aforementioned criterion. 3. Effuct upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. Staff believes the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit will have no negative impacts on the aforementioned criterion. As stated in previous criteria, this proposal will have a positive impact on the parking areas in Vail Village. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. As there are no exterior changes are contemplated within the scope of this request, staff believes there will be no negative impacts on this criterion. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a conditional use oermit: 1 . That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the Zoning Regulations and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use will comply with each of the applicable provisions of the Zoning Regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the applicant's request for a conditional use permit to allow for the elimination of one dwelling unit via the consolidation of two dwelling units at the Village Center Condominiums. Staffs recommendation of approval is based upon a thorough review of the criteria outlined in Section Vl of this memorandum. Staff recommends approval of this request subject to the following findings: 1 . That the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit is in accordance with the purpose section of the Commercial Core 2 Zone District. 2. That the proposed location of the dwelling unit to be eliminated will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, orwelfare or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity of the Village Center Gondominiums. 3. That the proposed elimination of the dwelling unit complies with each of the applicable provisions of the Municipal Code. VIII. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicanfs Request C. Reduced Architec{ural Floor Plan D. List of Adjacent Property Owners E. Public Notice F"!t ,k Crt 6<) Attachment: A -\ tl Joo {:E s 8. .g; 'iII: <Q tt }.Tx: Ir1 f;4 ?FE n lii 689I qr+; tliai :dT4 zU{ I {-r 07.2t.04 (}Attachment: B James L Vincent Renovation Village Center Condominiums #3A and 38, 126 Willow Bridge Rd. Lot C & lL Block 5, Vail Village first filing DESCRIPTIO]I Of PIOPOSTD USE: Ihe ()wner presendy owns Unils JA and 38 in Building A of the Village Center (ondominiums. }|e wisher to combine the uni$ via an interior converuion and modernization of both units into one. Punuant to paragraph l2-7B-5B of the l'|unicipal Code of the lown of Yail, this conversion requirel a conditional use permil The Applicant addresses the matters set forth in the application as follows: l. Relationship and impact of the use on deyelopment objectives o{ the Town. The development objectives of the town will not be detrimentally affected by this proposed converrion. The proposal will techniolly eliminate one dwelling unit, but will not signilicantly lower the bed count bale of the town. A similar conversion precedent hu been set with the adjacent uni$ above l'lr. Yincentl units. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transporhtion facilities, utilitier, schools, parkl and recreational facilitiel and other public {acilities needt. The joining of the nrvo units will have a negligible impact on the above lilted itemt. J. [ffect upon traffig with particular reference to congeltion, automotive, and pedeltrian safety and convenience, traflic flow, and control, accesr, maneuvenbility, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. The loining of the nro unitl will have no eflect on the above listed itemr 4. Effea upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surounding uses. The character ol the area will not be affected in any way. There are no exlerior changes made to the existing building in this proposal. 9E!E8A!!g!.!qrE! 1. EXIST NG ELECTRIC BASESOARD HEAT(1t2r0 l/4. ITNEAL FEET) 2. NEW ELEC. SAsEBOARO HEAi (II2 -O') 3. 3'g STRWIURAL TEEL PIPE TO 8E RELOCATEO, sEE SIRUCTUAAT Attachment: C T'FoTo(, mI oov !t- z H 5 IIt ; : {;vl|\|cEl{I Rtl|0vAIt0l{ Yrulol clmt (0NDorllNlullt u||It ]t trD l8 flrL lot0NlDo webb rll \oufi frmffi mDf$l rufi Ir{to.tl t'|0 Attachment D 07.1t.04 Jamel L Yincent Renovation Yillage Center (ondominiums #3A and 38, 125 Willow Bddge Rd. Lot C & [ Block 5, YailVillage tirst tiling ADJACE]{I Pr0PErrr oUrErS lrAilES & ADDIE$ES Tom of lail, Stream tract open Space Depaftment of Community Development 75 South lrontage Rd. Yail, C0 81657 Cmsroadl of Uail Condominium ftsociatio4 Sub. Vail Village filing 5, Block 2, Lot t do Chridtiana. Inc. J56 Hanson Ranch Rd. Yail, C0 81657 lrndma* ftmmenid Condominium$ landmark Yail fondominiums, commercial unitr 610 W. lionshead Circle Suite 100 Vail, t0 81657 tilhp Ccnter lssodation, Yillage Center [ondominiumr, Sub. Yail Yillage lo filing, Block 5-t 124 Willow Bridge Rd. Vail, C0 815657 Ausfia Haus Condominium ftsociation, subdividon Sonnenalp, Block 5-E, Lot I 20 Yail Rd. Yail, C0 81657 Sonnenalp Propties Inc-, Sub. Sonnenalp, Block 5-E, Lot I 20 Vail [d. Vail. C0 81657 $m* at Uail, Incorpontc{ Sub. Yail Yillage l" filing, Block 58, Lot A 183 Gore Creek Dr. Vail. t0 81657 7 **m NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 23,2004, at 2100 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of; A request for a final review of a minor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to construct an enclosure for King Ludwig's patio, located at 20 Vail Road (Sonnenalp Resort of Vail)/Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, represented by Resort Design AssociatesPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level, and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space to conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-78'-58, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for the elimination of an existing dwelling unit, 126 Willow Bridge Road, Units 34 and 38 (Village Center Building A)/Lot K, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: James L. Vincent, represented by K. H. Webb ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Units 1 6 and 1 7 (Vail Village Plaza)/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Nico Vail, lnc., represented by John SlevinPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, August 6, 2004, in the Vail Daily. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE T'1-b EEr- -c{,}{rrbI'rltrt Aftachment: E ,-ffiTHIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on August 23,2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a minor exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-'12, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to construct an enclosure for King Ludwig's patio, located at 20 Vail Road (Sonnenalp Resort of Vail/Lot L, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Sonnenalp Resort of Vail, represented by Resort Design AssociatesPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Sections 12-7H-2, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Basement or Garden Level,_and Section 12-7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, Vail Town Gode, to allow for a conversion of existing lodge space to conference facilities and meeting rooms/Lots 4 & 7, Marriott Subdivision and Lots C and D, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7B.5B, Permitted and Conditional Uses; Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for the consolidation of two dwelling units, 126 Willow Bridge Road, Units 3A and 38 (Village Center Building A)/Lot K, Block 5, VailVillage Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: James L. Vincent, represented by K. H. Webb ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Units 16 and 1 7 (Vail Village Plaza)/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Nico Vail, Inc., represented by John SlevinPlanner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular ofiice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone forthe Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, August 6, 200z1, in the Vail Daily. Description of the Request:SePAp*nbd fEO\tAsT -€(rg ^lTfclts=\ RECEIVED ,l'.r6.,.': $6so $400 DOSU $800 $1s00 $250 $1300 $soo $200 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontiage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2'1 39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.mm General I nformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Eloard. Type of Application and Fee: Rezoning $1300 Major Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 b(emption Plat $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exte rio r modifi cation s) . Conditional Use Permit. FloodplainModification. Minor Exterior Alteration. Major Exterior Alteration. Development Plan. Arnendment to a Development Plan. Zoning Code Amendment. Variance. Sgn Variance Location of the Proposal: Lot:6t-ts. Block: f,SuMivision: VAlu rJrurJdf [d tr41^J& Physical Address: Parcef No.: Zlol o8,zdr ool I oot - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning:4or,^twer4,t^x-. cgrr€ ff Name(s)ofOwner(s): @ Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: EcN 6. pf€^Jftlcrf, PD. u*!il:f SurT€ ?-\b (-o __ ar6f? E-mail Address' 96uaL-a@hhrxhb. Ls Fax 1]o.4t+.2165 1le. +v+. a1lD For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: 4 So^ j-cn*r No., Meeting Date: tt'25-Oq vt{By: PEC No,:Planner:--- D- ,. Project No.: (. tt- utrtXo / Page I of 5-04/01/04 From Land Tit'le (SC) ltVed 30 Jun 2004 11:52:46 AM MDT Page 1of 10O. m Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DLSTRIBUTION Datc: 06-3)-21[4 Itoperty Arldrois: vAll, co E1657 Our ()rdrr Numbrr: V5lX||m02$2 ILII. WEBB 953 !i. trK)I\tTA(:l: Rt). W, }.AIL PROIESSI(T{AL BLDG. ST'IIT, 216 VAIL CO E1657 Afrr KYl,l: Wtlllll Php,tr,z 97U471-299{D tr'a: 97Gt7-2965 Scnt Vb l'd If y ru have any iqriries or rcquin furtber as.sistane' pler.se conhct oa rf frt ndrers below: For Tltle .d*siduncc: Vail Title DepL 108S. I'RONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 vAlL, co E1657 Phone: 90-476-ZXi1.Ftxt 97O.4i1G4i732 From Land Tit'le (SC) Wed 30 lun 2004 11:52:46 Altrl MDT Page 2 of 10O. Land Title Guarantee Company Drte: 06-30-2llH (hrr Ordtr Number: V5lXflllf02$2 Itopedy Addre*: VAII-' co Er657 Buyer/Borrower: JAMIS L VTNCINT Sellcr/Owncc JArfts L vrNcENT -\ctd a map or dircctions lor your uxoming docinq? Check out Land fitlc's wcb riil,c at www.ltgc.cort for directirins to env of our 54 oftice locatioiis. -- I]STTMATTI OF TITT,E FT,ES Idormdionl[der Afflioml(lqin €77s.00 $1s0.00 It L.nd /cl. cr.r.rt.c cq-ny tltl b. cToelng thir lr.ltrrcclon, abov. te.. ,ttJ b. couec.x.d.t thrc Ctac. TOTAL 9325.00 aoE collt ct 0a/0a IEANK YOU FC'R YOUR ORDER: From Land Title (SC) Wed 30 Jun 2004 11;52:46 AM MDT Page 3 of 10 -thndTitle I.AhD IITTECI^NFANIE CTT'PANIY INOCE (lrnen JAMF^S L. VIN(ENT Propcrly Addrtss: VAll, CO E1657 You Refereure No.l Whcn rtf,eni4 hr lldl ordcr, ple.ase rtfercnce ou Ordcr No. V51nffi025-2 Plesc nula chcls payable fir: I qrd lillc ftaralcc c-ompny P.0 Brrx 9t4{l Denvcr, CO 110217 . CHARGBS - Idrmrati<rn Bi'l"r Addliorul Osin $175.00 $rso00 --Total--$32s.00 From Land Tit'le (SC)lUed 30 lun 2004 11:52:46 /tM MDT Page 4 of 10 I Chicgo lIOc lcunrc (bnpany ALTA COMIVTITMENT Slchedule A Our Ordcr No. V50006025-2 Cmt Ref.: Prrperty Addrmt: vAlL, c0 81657 1. Effoctlve Dete: fue 17, 2fi14 at 5:00 P.IVL 2. Policy to bc f,*med, and Pnlpmd Insrrrrdl IfomutionBidcr Pmpced Insurtd: JAI\TN L VINCTNT 3. Thc e*tate or inlers* in the land described or referred hr in this Comnritment and covered herein is: A Fet llinfle 4. Titlc to thc cstatc or inlcrcst coycrcd hcrcin is at lhc clfcctvc dalc bcrcof vcsl,cd in: JAME'IL VINCTNT 5. Thc bnd rclcficd to in this Commilmcnt ig dcccribcd as follows: IIIE ATTACIID PAGE(S) FOR LBGAL DESCRIPTION a From Land Title (sc)Wed 30 lun 2004 11:52:46 AII MDT Page 5 of 10 Our Ordcr No. V5lX)0fl)jlt2 LE!LIECFmO.I PARCDL 1 cor{DoMNruM uNrr'3A, B|JTDINGA, VLr.AGfi CENTE& wlTH'lrtB EXClr.UswrJ Rrclll'10 usrl PARKING SPACE4T ACCORDTNC TOIIIEMAP ()F VILI,A(;E CENTERRECORDD DE(DIBER6, 1Y'2 IN Ro()K ZD6 AT PACN, 624 AND TITE SF]COND SUPPI,NIITNT TO THN MAP OTT VII,I,ACE CUNTERRECORDS,D OCT'OBER23, Ty'4 N BOOK237 ATPAGETA, AND DDCT-ARATION T..OR VILLACE CB{TER. RECONDED NOYBIBER, 20, 1!'72 T.I R[X)KT26 AT PAGE 362 AND TIR.ST suPPr,ErlrnNT To Dncr,/\RATroN RrrcoRDr{D OcToRtrR 3, 1973 rN RooK 231 AT PAGII 381 ANn SI]COND SUPPT,DIT|ENT'IO DECL,ARA'IK)N RECORDOD IN SOOK 237 AT PAGIJ 23 AND RECORDEI) IN B(x)K239 AT PAGE 574, C0UNTY ()F EA(;I,E STAIE Of,'COU)RADO. PARCXL2 CoNDoMINIIJM UNrr 38' BUIIJINC A, VILT,ACII CTiITE& WrrH THII ID(CIJSTVE RIGITT T0 USn PARKING SPACts 23 ACCORDING IO l.HI] MAP OT'. VILI,AGfi CIiN.T'ER RtsCORDTD DDCIIMBI]R 6 192 IN B(NK 22{I AT PACE 614 AND TEE SECOND SUFI'I,UVIENT T0 TIIE MAP 0F VILI.J\GD CTdNTIf.R RF{ONDTJD OCTOBIIR 23. IY'4IN BOOK 237 AT PAGN 24, AND DIdICI,/\RATTON FOR VILLAC,I) CI]AII}]R RECORDT]D NOVEMBI]R 20, T972 TN BOOK226 AT PAGTJ 362 AND I'IRST .SUITI.ES{EDITT()DECI.ARAIION REC'ORDED ()CT0BER,3, 1973 IN B(X)K231 ATPA(E 3It1 AND SBCOND SUPPIJ,I|IF]I|T T0 DICI,ARATION RIICORDBI| IN BOOK 237 AT PACIT 23 AND RF,CORDLD IN BOOK 239 AT PAGfi 574, COUN'TY Otr' EAGLE, STAII] OF C'OTORADO. a From Land Title (sc)Wed 30 Jun 2004 11:52:46 AM MDT Page 6 of 10 A L1'A COMMIl'MI'N T Schedule B - Seclion I (Requirtments) Our Order No. V500ll6ll25-2 Thc folowiq sre thc rtquircmcnts to bc complicd with: l{cm (a) ltyrrcnl to or fr thc accornl of lhc gr:rdora or rrnr{ggorf of lhc fril comidcralion for lhc csldc or idenst to be fuxs[ed. fbm (b) fbpcr iEtilmco(s) crulir4 lhc cslab or idcrcst lo bc irBurrd fitr$t bc cxctulrd ad drdy lilcd for rtcord' tFwit: lbm (c) ltytrtd of all laxcr, chargcs or s$cs$ncnb lcvicd od asscsscd against lhc suUicrt prcmbcs which ut duc ad payatle. I{cm (O Adilioml cquircmcnk, if arry dscloecd bclow: l}ils coMMrr.MEN.r $ r.oR tNtoRt\{A1'toN oNLy. AND No Fo|jrcy wil.t nB tssuED PI,RSUANT EEREII). a a From Land Title (SC)ItYed 30 Jun 2004 n:52:46 AM iiDT Page 7 of 10 ALTA COMIVITTMtrN T Sclptule B. Section 2 @xceptions) ()ur Order No. V5{f0lf6lf25-2 Thc policy or policics to bc issucd will contain cxccptiou lo Oc following unlcss lhc samc are dilposcd of t4 the satisfaction of the Company: f. Righls or clairs of porlics in pooscwsion noL shown by lhc puUic rccords. 2. fduenrcnts, or claims of enserpntg, rbt shown by fte pblic rucoib. 3. Dlscrtpmieq codic$ in lxrdrry lirns, shorirge in urrtr ercmrhrenb, and ry frk wtdch a correct survey ad impeclion of fte punises wodd disclose ad which at mt shown by lhe puHic ttcottd* 4. Ary [en, or right to a IieD for serviccs, h]nr rr mrterid heretrlfirte or herealbr frmfulp4 iAosd by law ad mt shown by 0te public rccods. 5. Ddoctl lienl ermlnurrs, advene claim or olhcr rufles, if ary, crcatrd, frrsf apetuirg in fte prblic records or atfacNrg sth6eqEltt b 0re elfutiye dab heilof btrt prior b tre dab tc pmposed inrutd rcqdreil of r€cord for vrhn lh csblc or inhrcst or rnodgagc lhcrcon crvcrrd by this CommitnrcnL 6. Tues or spocial sserignrer*r wHch an mt shown as existirg liem by tre public records. o tlr TrtmurtrJs office. 7. Licns for rryuid wrrer and liewer chrges, if ary.. E. ln addiliol, lbc ownt's policy will bc sr{crcl lo ah trDdgagc, if any, olcd io Scclion I ol Schcdulc B hrsof. 9. EXISTTNG LEASES AND IIINANCIIiS. Ir'ANY. IO. RIGIIT OT.. PROPRIU,TOIT OI.'A VETN OR LODE ,TO EXI.RACT AND RIiMOVT] H|s ORI] TTIERIf,ROIVI SHOULD TIIE SAME BE F'(XJND TT) FENETRAIE OR INTER.SECT TIIE PREM$ES AS RTqSERVED IN UNITRD STATTJS PATBNT RI'CORDF]D JUIJ T1 1899, IN ROOK 48 AT PAGfl 475. 11. RTGflT OT.. WAY lORDIICHIN OR CANALS CONS.T'RU T.E.D ItY THI' AUT}IORflY OT..1}II] UNIIED STATES A"S RE.SD,RVED IN UNIIU) STATES PATtsNT RECORDED.IT]LY Y2,I[IY), rNBOOK48ATP Gn475. 12, RI{STRTCTIVB COVT.NANTS WHTCH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTTCITURI] OR RDVBRTI"R CI,AUSTC, BU'f ONrrrnNG ANY COVENANI' OR RESI'RTCTTON BASBD ON RACq COIOR, RllLlGlON, SDL EANDICAP. FAMILTAL STATTJS OR NATIONAL ORI(}IN UNLNSS AND ONLY T() TITE Tflfff.jl|T TIIAT SAID COVTCNANT (A) $ T.)(T'I\{PT UNDRR CIIAPTNR 42, ST4CTTON 36fi OF 1TID UNITI'D STATDS C1DDE OR(B) TIILAIES TOHANDICAPBUTDOILS NOT D$LTIIVIINAIE AGNNST IIANDruPIIED IIER.SONS A^S CONTATND IN INSTRUMBIT RI]CORDT;I) AUGTJST IO. 1962.IN B(X)K I74 AT PAGTT I79. 13. UTILITY llASIri,tEX\T rm ITIiIIT IN WIDTTI ALONG THn NORTTI|IRLY I{)T LINE AS SHOWN ON From Land Ti t'l e (sc)I'Ved 30 Jun 2004 11: 52:46 AM MDT Page 8 of 10 .l ALTA COMMITMEN T ScheduleB-Seclion2 (Exceptlns)Our Order No. V5m0{il,25-2 l'hc policy or policics to bc issucd will conlain cxccpuons to lhc following unlcfs ahc samc arc disposcd of lo the salidaction of bc Compsny: THT, PLAT OI- VTLLACE CEI\il'R RI]CORDI]D DI]CESIBER 6. 1972 TN BOOK226 AT PAGI] 6?/.. 14. NON.EXCI,USN'E EA^SENIENT FOR TTIE PURF(NE (F INGREJS AND E(;RBSS AS.$IoWN AND REsT,RVTtr) ON THE RECORDED FIRST SUPPI,F,IVTF}IT TO TIM, lvIAP OT V|IJAGN OJNTT':R. 15. TIISE PROVISIONS. COVnNANTS AND COi{DITrONS, RAS'rd\tF,l{TS, AND RBSTRICTTONS, WHICIT ARB A BURDE$I 1O TTTD COI\DOMINIUM UNTT DITSCRIBI]D IN SCHT]DUT,E A, BUT OMIITING ANY COI'ENANT ORRESTRICIION BA.SDD ON RA(r, COLO& RELI(;I(X{, SIEX, HAI{DrcAB FAMIIJAI, STATUS OR NAT|()NAI, ORIGIN UNT,RSS AND ONI,Y TO THI] I(XTT.]NT lt|AT SAll) COVEITiANT (A) rS I)(HMr'I UNDIR CrrAPlrR 42, SEgnOi\- 36{}7 Ot.'ltIE UNIIED STAIES CODE 0R (B) REI"{,'IEJ T0 HANDICAP BI]T D(ES N(}T DTSCRIIVIINAIE AGAINSTITANDICAPPTJD HT,RSONS AS CONTAINT'D N INSTRUMENT RTdCORDFD NOVFT{BNR 2U TN2. IN BOOK 226 AT PAGtr 362 AND AS AMf,,IiDED IN INSTRUMtsNI' REC(XDI]I) (L'TOBER 23, 1973, tN B(X)K 231 AT PAGE 3tt1 AI{D A,S SUTPLUVmNTm IN INSTRT]I}TTNT RfgCORDf'D IN BOOK 237 AT PAGO 23 AND RNRF-CORDND APRII, 25' 1975 lN BOOK 239 AT PAGE 574 AND AMEI\DMtsNT RECOXDIiD ruLY rr, 1994 IN BOOK 6,15 ATPA(N,27 16. EA^$frIEt{IS, RESERYATIOTIS AND RES'TRIL'TK}IIIS AS SHOW}I OR RESERVD OI\ TIIE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM IvIAP OF vILI.{'cIl CtsNTnR AND SUPPIJ,^{IdI{TS TIIFRIdTO. I7. ANY T,6S OR DAMAGD T}TD INSURED SEAI,I, SUSTAIN DUE TO NNCROACHMBNT OF STORAGN? SPACD ONI'O PARKTNG SPACS 47. (THE ABOVts ITUM AFFECT$ PARCEL I ONLY) 18. DEDD Ol'I'RUST DAI'ED ruND 04, 2lXE r,'ROM JA..MDS L VINCENT 1'O THE PUBLTC TRUSITE 0F EAGLE COUNTY F()R THE, USE 0F CHA"SE IV'.{NHATTAN l!IORT(;A(E CORFORATTON TO S,]JCURN TIil] SLWT OF $sOO,IxxIOO, AND AI\IY OTHI}R AIIIOUNTS PAYA.IILE UNDITRTHETERMS THtsREOI,', RECORDIjD JUNE 06, 402, UNDI'R RIICEPIIOT{ NO.7$Un. (THE ABOVE ITEIT AFTtsLTS PARCU. 2 ONLY) From Land Title (SC)Wed 30 Jun 2004 11:52:46 AM MDT Page 9 of 10 I 'al LAND TITLE GUARANl'T]!] COMPAN Y DLS CL( \SI,'RE STATEMENTS Nrft: I\usuad b Cf,^$ 10-11-U12, nrlice is heretry given ftd- A) The ilbifl nal poprty may be locded in a specirl taxirg distsict B) A Ccrtifrcatc of Tlrct Duc lisfing cach taxire jurisdiclioo nqy bc oharrud fmm lbc Counly Ile:stnBt's adxnized o$nL C) The irtrormnion regsdiqg speciat districts ard fte bowxtories of such drhictr ray be obtuned fmm lhc Board of County Comnissioncrs, ihc Courxy Clcrk and Rc:cordcr, or lhc (bunly Asscsor. Note: F,frective Seplen$er 1. 1997, CRS 3{Ll0-406 requirts drat dl ibcrurpnts nceived for rccondirg or filirg in thc clcrt ad rtrordcds olfrcc shall corlqin a lop nnrgin of al kast or irh ad a lcll' dghl8d botlom margin of d lest onc ba|f of m imb. Ib clerk ad rccordcr nny rcfwe to nrord or lile any drctment 6at does not corform, excets td' dre rcqirerrcnt for dre bp nrargin shrll mt ppy b docunefls usirg fonrrs on wtich spcc b providcd for rccordirg or filiqg inlonndioo at lhc bp mlgin o[ ltrc docunrrL Nob: C-olorafu Division of Imurare Reguldiom 3.5.1, Paragrryh C of Arlicle YII rcquins tlul 'llyery 0llc cnlity sbtl bc rcspofrgiblc for dl nratlcrs wbich appcar of rtrcord prior lo lhc tinc of rteonflng whtnever fu tide entity codrcb flre ckning md is nsgmiHe for rcc(trdi4 or filiry of legal dosmrcnts resullirg from tle tamrtion which war closed". Rrvided fut Iand Tltle Guaaniee Compony conducls Oc closirg of lhc insurcd transaclion ard i6 rcspodiuc for rtccorrfing thc legal docrmnts fnrn tbc talltraio4 exceptftrn nmher 5 will urt apprxr on fte ()rrrrcCs fi0c Policy rd tr knders Folicy when issrd. Nob: Affrmlive nrchanic's lien prubcli<rn for the (hvner may hr availa}le (typcally by &letion of lirceflion m. 4 of Schefrle R, Seclinn 2 of Ore Oonrmitnent fmm Op Ownef s Policy b be bstrd) upon conpliarc wilh lhc folbwi4 codilioa: A) Ihe l"nd &scdbed in iic.hile A of ttis comnifriers murt he a singk farily rcsftlerre which irludes a cundomirium or bwnhouse urit -B) No bbor or materials bvc bccn tunishcd by rncchrrics or rulcrid-nrcn for purposcs of combuction on llc lad deicdbed in Schrdute A of this Commihnt wi6in he F$t 5 rrtnthi. C) The C-ompany must rcceive an {prop.iate dfidavil irdernnifyirg the Comparry €ailnt un-liled rcchanic's and mtcrial-mcn's licns. D) the Compary nn$t Eceiyc payment of the apgopiae prrmirm. T4) tr drcrc hrs been comtrrtiorj impmvenrcris or nqior rcpain ur&rlaken on tre pmpefty b be prchased wilhin six nndb prior lo tln Dah of lbc Cormilrrrnt lhc rcquircncds lo oblaio covcrrgc frx unrccorded liem wfll lrrchdr: dhcknrue of cedrin comtrrlion irfomrrlion: fiDardd idondion s tr the sdler, tre lrril&r sd or lhe co racbr; paynent of tre ryrotriae p.emiun fuIIy cxcculcd ldcmnity Agrcclmnl8 sslislaclory lo lhc compony, arl, or| addilioml rtquircrncnls as may be mce$irry dter an exmirrtion of fte drrrcs;aid ifounalion lry be Onnpony. No covcragc will bc givcn urdcr any circurnlarccs tror labor or matcdal lor which th icrrtd hx codactrd fi)r or qgnnrd t0 Fay. Noh: Iftrnuant to CR.S 10-11-U3, mlicc b hcrtby givcn: Ilis nrtice apdfuxr tD owrcls policy cormihrenh conhiniq a rninral severarrt itl;trlncd exceplion, or excepliom. in Schdule R, Section 2. A) Ihal tbrt is rtcodcd cvidcncc lhal a mircrol cslatc has bccn scvcrcd, lcasc4 or olbcrwisc cowcycd fnrm lle surfre estle 'orl thrt lhre is a sulsbrlid lilclihrxrd that a ftird purty holds sorne or dl i erert in oil, gm, other mirrrCs, or geo0rernrd arrgy in lhe poperty; ard B) tht such 'ri.Trd cslrtc my ialudc lhc r$a to cdcr and usc lhc Fmpcnty without llrc surfas ownds pemdsion Nolhirg hcrcin codrirrcd will bc dc,cmd to oHigalc thc corpony 1o providc any of th covcrqcll referrcd to hrtin urilcss tbe ahrve crutlionr are fullv salidied. toln D:3chostlE O9lOllO2 From Land Ti t'l e (SC) ,, lVed 30 Jun 2004 11:52:46 AM MDT Page 10 of 10at t .TOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY P()LICY Fiddity Nofional trlnuncial ()rrnp of Conrpanirs/C'bicago fitlc h*urancc Compuny and f{nd lillc Guarrnl,cc Compan-v .IulY 1' 2fi)l Wc rtcosnizc ad rteccl lic rivrv cxmclaliorr of lod 's cor$urrcrs and lhc aqrircnrcnls of apdicabk fcdcrnl ad stah.niiir'v lmps. Wi bclicve tbd rinkiirp vou arryarc of lirw wc usc xrmurn-mt ic Dcni(tnl idrrnmtion ('Itcrsrmd lotorindiod'), ad lo whon il is discloocd .*ill fodn Orc beis for a rilrliochii of lnil bclwccn us !d lhc puHic Ittrt wc Hcrrc. lhis ltivny .Suicmnt providqi lhat cxplanelirn Wc n:sclac tbc righf tr chengc this ltivucy Slslcmnt fmm lirr to limc ctcislcnl-with applictHc-givry laws ln lhc coursc of our busincss, wc may collcrcl Pcrsonal lnformalion aboul you from thc lollowing sourocs: + I'rom apolicatioc or olhcr forzx wc rcccivc fiom vou or your autborizcd rcprtscnlalivc;| tr'nlm yirir fransrrli<lns wiflr, or ftrun tlr: scrviccs h'irg lirfilrrr{ hy, ni, o-E dliliafrs, or olhcrsl* F'mm 6ur inhrmt wcb $ilcrl-| tr'nlm lhr. fHic nrortls nrainteind by govcrmrcntrl cntiliui that wc cith'r ot ain dintdy fnm thxsc cntitics. oi from our olffliatct or othchlandI t'nrm corrmncr or othcr rcpxtirry qonfuics. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ol the Conlidenliality and Security of Your Personal InJormalion Wc nuinlqin Dhvsical. clcttrrnic nd urrcrdural safruuartr to Dmt($t vr)E I'crxlml ldonmtitm fnlm "run'fktrizcdrccss or inlriaioo Wc limil acccfs tri th t crsoml lifomutioir ody ti thosc cmployccs who mcd such rcccss io con'ction with Fr'vidrry guducti or sewiccs tr you rr for olhcr lcgitimatc lNsimris F|rFlsLs. Our Policies and Practic€s Regariling the Sharing of Your Personal Inlormation Wc nuy shm your ltrs<nal Lformfion with rur ffrliat's' such s insuaac cr)mpanic\, agcds' ud rllbcr nrl cslatc sbfltclrcil scrvicc pmyidcrs. Wc also may doclosc ydrr Pcrsooal lofiomntid: t tro ucnlr, bro*cru or rtortscnlllivcs to orovidc vou wilh ccrviccr you bavc cqucslc4I to liirG'drty cofraotn* rx scrvicc prlii*.rs wkr prrvidc scrvirris or pcf<lni nurlrctir4 or othcrfrnclfiori ori our bchalf: andI to olhcrs with whlm wc c.rrry idt ilid mlcting rgrcnrcrft for ptdmts or $crvicLi that wc hcficvc you IInY lin l o( idctcsl ln addlion, wc will disclosc your Itrsonal tdoooalion whcn you drc-cl or givc rs pcnnissiorl whcn wc ll rtqired lry law tl do rxr, or w.h:n wc .sosnct fruudulcd rr crimind rtiyitics. We alxr nuy -dr*ltxc your ltrsttol Informalion whcn olhcrwisc ocnftihd bv aDoticrblc orivrcv laws slrh gs. lor cxanrolc' whcb drsclosurc is mcdcdtt cdirrcc orr righs arising iirut rf rny &nir'nrcf, Eim;acdon or nlatiomhip with yiru Onc. of lhc imporbnt nsgrmilililis rf urm: of our rffiliafid compdrios is to n'cord d(lcurrcnts in thc ptHic domain Such'docunrcnh'my conlain your Pcaoml lnformalion ' Right to Acccss Your Pcrsonal ldormation and Ability to Corrcct Errors Or Rcqucst Changcs Or Dclclion (hrlain slalcs altord ,vou tbc right lo Fccss ]our Pcrsond Inlormdion an{ udcr ccrlain cicunslarE(E b fnd out lrr whrm vorr ltnxrrial lfomiridon bl; hcir discftntd. Also. c('rhin stetc$ rffrrrd vou tht ri[hl U, nqu]$t corrcrclioi, anrcdrnnt or dchlion of your ltnoml Infornralion Wc rcscnc lhc riilht whcrt pcnnillid by law. 10chrgc r n:astrnaHc fcc trr c(lvor abr. c{}sts imulftd in nrprndug tr such nqu.sb. All nqucsls submitbd b |hc f,idctity Nolional tinaairl Goup of CompanicdClicgo 1i0c lrsurarru Compuy shull E in wri6rg, nrd dclvcrrd t)'tll. foll{twiqg ddnjr i: Privacv Comdirrre OlTicerlidclitv Naddnd fioarrid. ltrc, 4050 Calle Real, Suile 22{) Sadafkrbara. CA 93110 lllultiplc Products or Scrviccs lf wc govidc -vou wilh mrc lian orr lirwr.ial pmduct or scrvicc, you rmy rrccivc mrt lban orrc privacy nolicc Imm us. Wc aFrl)giz! firr stry immvcdcrru lNs mry cuusc yorl torr ?irv . POL . CEr i I a uL#oE cENrERASSo.t ro* 124 WILLOW BRIDGE ROAD oVAIL. COLORADO 81657 July 26, 2004 Kyle H. Webb AlA, Architect K.H. Webb Architects P.C. 953 S. Frontage Rd. W. #216 Vail, CO.81657 Re: Vincent Remodel Dear Kyle, This is to serye as formal notification that the Village Center Condominium Association Board of Directors has reviewed and approved the plans for modificalions to take place within units 3l//8. Please note frat until tre Remodel Agreement has been signed, required deposib received and certificates of insurance obtained, that work is not authorized to start. Sincerely, W. T. Carpenter T. EXISTING ELECTRIC BASEBOARD HEAT {112 -O V4" L NEAL FEET) 2. NEW ELEC, &A5EAOAAo HEAT {11210'l], ]"O STRUCTURALSTEEL PIPE TO 6E RELOCATEO, SEE STRUqTURAI- II I I T'2o!oamU .Tl oop !t- z $ tl o ; : -;VI1'|CENT RE|,|OYAIIOI{ r[u6! c||I (o||oofi tunt u ll ll 0 t8 YA L COIOIIN k.h.webb rttlittrtt.p( nl$ r [0[u( r*o fin rum lrtrtrit.$0 R==