HomeMy WebLinkAbout122 E Meadow Dr BUILDING D - Condominium Specifications 1974#
Page 1 DMSION 1 - GENERAL REQUTREMENTSSection 1A - General ConditlonsSection 18 - Special CondltionsSecti-on 1C - Supplementary General Conditions9 DTVISION 2 - SITE WORKSecti-on 2A - EarthworkL2 DIVISION3-CONCRETE
Secti-on 34 - Cast-In-Place ConcreteSection 38 - Precast, Prestressed Concrete14 DIVTS]ON4-MASONRYSection 4A - Masonry Work18 DIVISION 5 -METALS- STRUCTURAL & MISCETLANEOUSSectlon 54 - MlsceLlaneousSectlon 58 - Structural SteefSectlon !C - Metal Decklng22 DIVISION 6 - CARPENTRYSection 64 - General CarpentrySectlon 68 - M11lworkSectlon 6C - Insul-ation29 DIVISION 7 - MOISTURE PROTECTIONSectlon fA - Rooflng on Flat & PLtched SurfaeesSectlon 78 - SheetmetalSection fC - WaterprooflngSection /D - Caulking,and SealantsSection JE - General Molsture Protectlon32 DTVISION B - DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASSSection BA - DoorsSectlon.BB - WlndowsSection BC - Glass and GlazingSection 8D - Hollow Metal FramesSectlon 8e - Hollow Metal Doors36 DIVISIONg-FINISHES
Sectlon !A - SlateSection pB - Resllient FlooringSectlon !C - Palnting and FinishlngSectlon 9D - Ceramic T11eSectlon 9E - Fireplace HearthsSection !F - Fireplace StoneSectlon !G - Drywall
Page 48 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIESSection 10A - FlnlshSeetlon 10B - Apartment DeslgnationSectlon 10C - Toilet AccessorlesSectlon 10D - Shower ReceptorsSectlon 108 - Shower EnclosuresSection 10F - Hanglng RodsSection 10G - Cablnets and Mlscellaneous
HardwaneSectlon 10H - Scaffold Holst SupportsSectlon LOI - Trash Chute5I DIVTSION 11 - FURNISHINGSSectlon 11A - Kltchen Appllances52 DIVTSTON 12 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTTON52 DIVISTON 13 - EQUIPMENT52 DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSfEMS53 DIVISION 15 . MECHANICALSectlon 15A - Plunblng
Sectj-on 159 - Heatlng and Ventllating61 DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICALSectlon 164 - Electrlcal CondltlonsSectlon 168 - Secondary Electrlc ServlceSectlon 15C - Tertlary Electrlcal SystemsSection 16D - Clean-UpSection 16E - Acceptance Demonstration
Sectlon l-A - General Conditlons
I'The General Condltions of the Contract for Constructlonr'r AIAdocument #A201 as published in 1969, shal_l- be consldered 1n ltsentlrety as a part of these speciflcatlons and shal_l_ carry thesame right as lf they were included hereln. Coples of thisdocument are avail-abfe at the Archlteetrs office as well as atCapitol Hl11 Blueprint ln Denver.
Where any article of the AIA General Conditions ls supplementedhereln, the AIA provlsions of such articles shal_l_ remaln ineffect. A11 the supplemental provlsions sha1l be consideredas added thereto. The AIA General Condltions and the Supple-mentary General Conditions shal1 apply to the Contractor,Hibberd Construction Company, and all subcontractors. Whereany such article 1s amended, voided or suspended by the Supple-mentary General Conditions, the provisions of such artlcle notso specifically amended, volded or suspended shal1 remaln 1neffect.
(a) Utilltles: The Contractor shal1 notify all corporations,
cornpanies, indlvldual-s and local- authorities owning con-duits, wires, or plpes running to and on Lhe property.
A11 plpes, sewers , etc. , that are to be abandoned shafl_be capPed in accordance wlth instructions of the utllitycompany involved.
th \Protectlon and Temporary Fencins: The Contractor shal1
il:ll3'"3]'. ;:ll:ffi 3" ul3"::3iil',1i"[i3*;"X?i:113"- :F""'the buildlng, the adJoining property, and workmen andthe pub11c. The contractor sha1l be responsible to insurethat all requirements as to thls protection, as legallydefined by the Town of Vaif Building Department, as wellas responslble State authorities, are me!.
(c) Contract: The entire work includlng mechanical , electrieal
and general construction, is to be performed under onecontract. This work sha11 be the construction of 26
apartment unlts, 1/ commerclal modules, and 2 leve1s ofcovered parking as descrlbed on the drawlngs and ln thespecifications as Phase III, Vlllage Center, Va1l. TheGeneral Contractor, Hibberd Construetion Company, sha11be responslble to admlnlstraLe and obtain such requlredsubcontracts, that wll-1 result 1n the bu1ld1ng being con-structed 1n conformance wlth drawings and speclfications.
(d) Definiti.ons and References: A11 references to sfandardor known speciflcations which appear on these drawlngsand specificatlons shall refer to the latest editions ofthese references.
Sectlon lC - Su lemental General Condltions
(a) Contract Doeumentg: Reference to the contraet documentsshal1 lnclude the drawings, the speci_flcatlons, addendaand construction contracts, both general_ and sub.
Modifications to these documents as described in theGeneral Conditlons, sha1l not mean that verbal - foll_owedby a written order -- instructions by the Architect orEngineers, shal1 not be allowed.
Changes to the Work: Any change to the contract documentsshall be recorded on a 'rRequest for Change?r which sha1lindicate the source of the request, as well as the reasonfor change. This document shal1 subsequentJ-y be revlewedby the Architect and shall- then be lncorporated lnto aChange Order or Addltional Work Order if accepted, whlchshall be signed by the ProJect Manager, the Owner and theContractor before such change can be included 1n the work.In the case of a change initiated at the request of anindivldual apartment owner, such owner sha1l also slgnthe Change Order or Additional Work Order before 1t maybe i-ncluded as part of the contract documents.
(e) Thc Pnolent: The nnoient sha1l hereinafter be the build-vJ vv uings deflned in contract document as Phase III, VillageCenter, Vail
(d) The Architect: The architect sha1l be "Robert J. Harford,Hibberd Construction Company, Deslgner." Where the wordArchitect is used ln these specifications, it sha11 referto "Mr. Harford of Hibberd Construction Company,tt or anauthorlzed representatlve of the firm.
(e) The Owner: The owner shalL refer to ttFred Hlbberd, Jr.t',1127 Race Street, Denver, Colorado 80206. Phone. 32I-4422.
(f) The Contractor: The references to the contractor ln these
documents shall refer to the trHlbberd Construction CompanyrrtBox 641, Va11, Colorado 8165T. Phone: 476-3600.
The Subcontractor: Subcontractors shal1 betion or lndlvidual other than employees of a firm, corpora-the contractor,with whorn the contractor makes a contract to furnlsh materia],labor or service in connection wlth this project.
(h) Examinatlon of Site and Documents: Prlor to submissionof a proposal for contract wlth the Hibberd ConstructionCompany, a1f subcontractors sha11 examine the contractdocuments and the site as required. After the executionof the contract, it sha11 be mutually assumed and under-stood that subcontractor shall have executed such exam-ination as requlred and that thls shal1 constitute lmpliedunderstanding of all conditions relatlve to the work ofthe subcontractor. If anythlng, material or 1abor, beomitted from these docunents necessary for the propercompletion of the work, 1t shal1 be the obligatlon of thesubcontractor lnvolved to present these facts to the con-tractor prlor to signlng the contract. In the event offhe failure of such notlfication to the Hibberd ConstructionCompany, it shaIl be the responslbility of the subcontractorlnvolved to make good any defect in materlal or workmanshipcaused by such omisslon, wi-thout extra charge. No a1l_owancefor l-ack of ful-1 knowledge or conditlons at the site shall-be made, except such unknown conditj-ons as are determlnedafter commencement of the wor"k that were unknown previouslyto the conmencement of that work.
Speciflcally, 1t is understood by all partles entering intocontract for this work that the owner wil-l_ not accept abuildlng which has no glass 1n wlndows, no drywall on thewa11s, unpainted or poorly palnted exposed surface. Therewill not be exposed plumbing, exposed ducls, separatedm111ard jolnts, doors whlch w1ll- not c1ose, warped and,/orunsenviceable drawers and cabinet doors, lamlnate which hasseparated from subsurfaces, baseboard misslng or separatedfrom wa1l surfaces, or appliances or plumbing units whlchare broken or unservlceable. These considerations seemlrnmediateLy apparent, however, they are consistently sourcesof dispute i.n constructlon projects. They are menti_onedhere only as a devlce to insure that all parties lnvolvedin thls buiJ-ding might know that the owner will ultimatelyinsist that each trade enterlng lnto contract for thi.s work,shal-1 furnlsh all labor and materlal as required to producea finlshed, operable and acceptable product to the owners,consistent wlth the drawlngs and speclflcatlons for the work.If areas of work and material are not clear after a reviewof the contract documents, such items must be brought to bheattentlon of the owner prlor to slgning the contract with thegeneral contractor.
(i) CorreLation ol Documents: Drawlngs and specifications are
@tary. Portions of the work whichcan best be il-l-ustrated graphlcally by the drawlngs are de-picted on the drawlngs. All- ltems and labor necessary to
erect a complete bulldlng as mentioned generally above,shal1 be furnlshed whether speclfically mentioned ornot. In case of a dlsagreement between drawings andspecificatlons, the better quality or greater quantlty
of work or materlal shal1 be the basls of contract. Inthe event of a dlsagreement between two drawings on thearchltectural plans, the larger scale drawing shall bethe basis of contract, or the greater quantity or quality
of material and 1abor. In the event of a disagreement
between structural and architecturaf documents, thestructural sha11 have precedence. In all cases, thearchitect sha11 be the final source of declsion and,/or
adJustment of a dlsagreement.
(j ) Detail and Worklqg Drawings: Additional detaif and work-
lng drawings w111 be furnlshed in ampllficatlon of thecontract documents as they may be required. All suchaddltional- dnawings as issued by the architect shall havethe same force as those which accompany these speciflca-tions.
(k) Code and Bullding Inspectorl It shal1 be the clear intent
of the owner that upon concfuslon of constructlon, thlsproject sha1l be inspected by the Va11 Bullding Inspector
to the conclusion that a Certlflcate of Ocggpansd\ will be
issued for the work. The building ls of.,Type l-.donstructlonthroughout, Group H occupancy, and has uF6G56-eslgned to meet
such regulatlons as out]ined by the 1973 edltlon of the
Unlform Bu1ld1ng Code and any appurtenant codes or ordlnancesof Val1, Coforado. If there are materlals, or work lndicatedln these documents, known by subcontractors to be ln violatlonof this code, such items shoufd be brought to the lmmediateattention of the owner and archltect before enterlng lnto
eontract wlth the owner. The owner wl1l- assume that alf such
conditlons have been brought to hls attention before the
comnencement of any subcontractorr s work.
(1) Cleanup: The contractor sha11 keep the building and site
FFeE TFom all surplus material , dirt and rubbish at al-l-
t1mes. The subcontractors w111 also be required to keep
al1 exeess materials cleaned up and stored properly. Failure
to do so could result 1n punltive charges by the contractor
and,/or fi-nes by O.S.H.A. representatlves. At the completlon
of the work, all glass will be cleaned, all spots and stains
w111 be removed from a1l surfaces' and wlndows and doors
w111 be refltted as required. Each subcoptractor shaIl be
responslbl-e fon the necessary cleanup of his work to makethe building avallabie for subsequent work as well as pre-
paring the building for final occupancy.
(m) Repair of Damage: ALl- damage to the bulldlng caused by
negJ-lgence or neglect on the part of a sub-contractorsha1l be repaired by that sub-contractor at no cost tothe owner or Eeneral contractor.
(n)Tnspection: The archltect and structural engineer ortheir representatives shal1 be responslble for seelngthat the intent of the plans is carried out. A11 questlonsarising from the contract documents shall be directed tothe architect and,/or the structurai engineer through thegeneral contractorts superlntendent. If lnspeetions are
made by other than the aforementioned, these wl1l- becarried out by a registered engineer.
(o) Materi-al-s, Workmanship and Requests for Approval of Equal:MaterlaLs and trade names mentioned in these specificatlonsare to be accepted as the basis of the proposals for thecontract and sha1l be f,urnlshed by appropraite subcontractorsunder thei-r contracts. Where materials are to be Judged asequal to a materlal- herein specified, the archltect sha1lbe the sole Judge of equal-1ty. All- equipment and materlalshal-l be new and shalL be lnstal-l-ed ln strlct aceordancewith the manufacturerts directions for installabion. Wheremateria} or workmanship is Judged as inferior or substandardby the archltect, the owner, or the building inspector, suchmaterial or workmanship shal1 be repiaced by the offendlng.subcontractor at no expense to the owner or general contractor
(p) Workmen: Any workman, foreman or subcontractor superlntendentwho, in the opinion of the architect or of the general super-
i ntcndcnf rl q. i nnnmnatanl_ che'l 'l ho z.amnrrcd rrnnn z,Anlraqt a\f, +v frrvvlrl/vvvrrv, urr4f r vvu qyv.r r vYsvpv vtthe architect or of the general superlntendent by the sub-contractor.
(q) Labor: Al-1 subcontractors and men employed on the job sha11work in accordance with the labor laws and regulations of theState of Colorado and the governing authority of the Town of
(r')Supervlsion: Supervi-sj-on of the work lncluded in the sub-contractorrs contract w111 be provlded by the subcontractorat al-L tlmes. If in the oplnlon of the general superintendent
adequate supervlsion has not been provlded, the subcontractorwill be notlfied. If, after such notiflcation, ad.equate super-vlsion ls stil1 not provlded, the subcontractor will- be charged
for supervislon carried out by the genera.L superlntendent.
(s) Closing of Wgrk: No plplng, wiring, ducts, framlng, heatlng,
etc. , sha11 be cover"ed unt11 all necessary inspectlons have
been made and certlflcates lssued for the same.
(t) Measurements: A11 subcontractors shal 1 verlfy a1I measure-ments at the s1te. No compensati-on w111 be allowed fordifference between actual dimensions and those indicatedon the drawings. Any dlfferences noted should be broughtto the attention of the archltect before proceeding wlththe work, and i-n the event of failure to so notify, theappropriate subcontractor shall- make good any damage ordefect caused by such measurement dlfferences.
(u) thases, _D-.Bcts: The mechanlcal and eleqtrlcal subcontractorssha]1 be responslble to ensure that all requlred sleeves,chases, ducts and recesses requlred 1n the structure beproperly placed for the equipment of each such trade to
make their systems functlonal .
(v) Fees and Lnspectlons: The Eeneral contractor shal1 obtalnall permits and arrange for al-l- inspections required byState, City, or other authorities having lawful Jurlsdlctionthat pertain to the general- construcbion of the buildlng.
Al-1 costs for such fees and permits shaI1 be borne by thegeneraf contractor. Al-1 subcontractors shal1 obtaln anypermlts requJ.red for their work and shal-l bear the cost of
(w) Shop Drawings: Shop drawlngs shall be requlred for all suchsystems or materlal as are not clearly shown 1n the drawlngsand specifications. When a schedule such as hardware, doorsand windows would cover the order for the work, these wouldbe acceptable. Such shop drawings or schedules should besubrnitted to the architect well 1n advance of the lnsta1l-ation date for review and correctlon as required. Shop
drawlngs will be required for all bar joists, miscellaneousstructural stee1, relnforclng (bar and mesh), fireplaces,millwork, mechanical system and equlpment, and other areas
:s snanifinrl lrr na'l lcd fnr. in fha <ncni fi nq'l-J nne trlrrroihcz.eyvvrr vrrur,the archltect and owner request submission of cuts ofplumblng fixtures, light flxtures, hardware, appli-ances,fans, toilet accessorles, toilet and shower fittings, etc. ,which will indlcate exactly the materlals being purchasedby the owner. Subcontractors who furnish and,/or installmaterial which has not been specifled or approved by thearchitect, shall risk replacement of such material at theircost.
(x)Acceptance of Preceedlng Work: Before startlng any newoperatlon or trade, the contractor and/ar subcantractorshaLl examlne all wor.k performed by others to whlch h1s
work adjoins or i-s applled and shall report to the super-intendent and/or archltect any condltlons that will preventsatisfactory accompl-ishment of hls contract. Failure toso notlfy 1n wrltlng if necessary, wlff constitute accept-ance of such preceedlng work and walve any cla1m to its
rlnc,, { f ohi Ii1-rrqrrv(l'].
(V) Pgla:/ gf Subs_equent Workjr &tual Work of any Subcontractor:Aff aefsubcontractor w111 be cause to execute the liquidated damagescl-ause of the subcontract. This in no way incl_udes acts ofGod or other reasons beyond the control ol' the subcontractor.
Guarantees: The contractor sha1l guarantee the owner and the sub-contractors shal"l guarantee the contractor, all_ work (1abor andmaterials) for one year from the tlme of issuance of the certificateof Occupancy or conpletion of the work contracled for, whicheveroccurs later unless stated otherwlse. When notifed by the ownerthat any item of equlpment, material , or workmanshlp has provendefective, or ls not in any way meeting the specification require-ments, he sha1l immediately replace, repair, or otherwlse correctthe deficienty without cost to the owner.
Insurance: The general contractor shal1 carry all lnsurance re-quired to cover responsibitity and liability of all kinds andrequire al--L subcontractors to carry slmllar insurance, includingbut not ]imited to:
(a) To indemnify and save harmless Fred Hibberd, Jr. asowner, and Hi.bberd Constructlon Company, Designer, agalnstal-l losses, damage, or expense which the owner and architectmay sustain, lncur, or become 1iab1e to on account of lnJuryto or death of persons or on account of damage to or de-struction of property resultlng from executlon of workprovided fon in this contract, or due or arising in any
manner from, any act of negllgence of the contractor, and/orany subcontractor and thelr repsective employees;
(b ) To indemnify and save harmless the owner and archltectagainst 1iab11ity from in;ury to or death of contractor orsubcontractor or any of thelr respective employees, due tothe condltion or state ofrepair of the premlses or otherproperty of the owner and architect upon, about, or lnconnection wlth any work incident to the performance ofthis contraet;
(c) Maintaln separate pollcies as follows:
(f) Workmenrs Compensation and 0ccupational Diseasewlth statutory lim1ts as provlded by the Stateor other political subdivislon 1n whlch thlscontract is performed, and Empl-oyer?s Llab11ltyInsurance wlth a l1m1t of not less than $100,000for a1f damage from one or more claims arising
from each accldent or occupational disease;,
(i1) Comprehenslve Autbmobile and Gemera; BodilyInjury Llabillty with 1lmits of $100,000/$300,000for each accldent. This pollcy to include thellabi1ity assumed in the Hold Harmless Agreement
shown above.
Fire, Extended Coverage, etc , :
1. During the life of this contract, the owner shafl- carry fireinsurance with the standard extended coverage and vandaLlsmand malicious mlschief endorsements on the building lncourse of construction, lncluding al-I material-s and equipmenttherefore lncorporated in or on the site of the building;thls lnsurance shall be written under the Bullderrs RiskCompleted Value Form, and shall incl-ude the interest of thecontractor as well as the owner.
2. Durlng the life of thls contract, the contractor may takeout Theft, Burglary and/or Pllferage Insurance to cover valueof materials, work, equipment and fabrlcabed i-tems incorporafedin or on the site of the building.
3. Owner is cautioned to lnform the insurance companies under-writing his risks of any and al-1 modlflcatlons of the con-struction contract whlch alter the stlpulated contract cost
nf f he nnmn'l of cd hrrl I dl no in thc Fnd thAt arianrlatg lnSUf anCewrrv vvlryrv rr5 vv vrrsv *svYr
coverage w111 be in force at al-l t1mes.
It snatt be tb,e duty of each of the parties of thi-s contractto advise the other of the nature and extent of its lnsurancecoverage, and the companles lnsuring the ri-sk.
Certiflcates: One (1) copy of each evidencing insurance coverage
required of the contractor or owner shall be f1led with the archl-tect before the commencement of eonstructlon. A11 certiflcatesshal-l contaln a clause statlng that the policy will not be can-cel-led without ten (10) days prlor written notlce havlng flrstbeen sent to the owner and archltect.
Subcontractors w1ll furnlstr to Hlbberd Construction Company coplesof insurance certlficates and any appropriate Vail License. TheVail License Number to be placed on Buildlng Permlt Job Inspectlon
Llen Waivers: The contractor shall- furnlsh to the owner through
Efre arAlfTec't, a full- and compl-ete release on 1lens before receiptof flnal- payment. Subcontractors wlfl furnish to Hibberd Con-structlon Company a ful-l and compfete l-ien release from themselves
and alf suppliers used in connection with thelr contract with the
contractor before receipt of flnal payment.
Generaf: A11 work included under this dlvision sha1l be subjectffiTI-conditions outl-ined in Dlvlsion I of this speclflcatlon.The scope of the slte work shall be, generally, strlpplng, exca-vatlon, rough gradlng, backf1l1, riprap, concrete retalnlng wa1ls,f111 under slabs and walks, embankments, slte dralnage, flnlshgrading, and other operations elsewhere descrlbed 1n thesespeei,flcations and drawings.
Sectlon 24 - Earthwork
(a) Scope: The slte ls to be excavated to el-evatj-ons as shownon the site plan, mentloned on the structural notes andillustrated ln the soil test 1og indicated on approprlatedrawing and available 1n fulf at the office of the Owner
and the Architect.
(b)Exeavationr The site of the constructlon is to be exca-
naEE6-fn-Eotal- as shown on the site plan and lndicated onthe structural drawings. Excavatlon for trenches, founda-tions, and fottings shall be sufficiently wlde to permltproper forming. The bottom of excavatlons shal-] be pro-tected from frost. Foundations, slabs and other concreteqhr"l I n/'\t- h6 '-' I o^ed on earth that Contalns frost . A11excavations shal-l- be shored and braded where requlred by
Ea,fety regulations, and such sh.oring shalI be removedbefore backfllIing, but not until pernanent support 1s in
place .
The testing of subsoll condltlons at the si-te indicate agenerous amount of sub-surface water w111 be encounteredduring excavatlon. It will be the responsibillty of thecontractor to trench, drain or otherwi.se remove and divertthis water from the constructlon area generafly to thesouth property l-ine.
Al-l- excavation sha11 be made a mlni-mum of three feet below
finish grades as shown on the plans 1f soil test warrantsother than vlrgln so1l for support.
0n any side of the excavatlon this contraetor sha11 provide
sheet piling if requlred to prevent cave-in. Remove suchshoring before backfl11lng, but not untll- permanent supportor or load has been placed on any wal}.s lnvolved.
Thls contractor shafl control the grading caused by exca-vatlon around the buildlng locatlon so that grade w111pltch to prevent water from runnlng into the excavatedareas of the buildlng. He shal-l furnish all pumplng re-qulred to keep excavated areas free of water during theconstruction period.
(c) Backfilling: After the footings, foundatlons, retalnlng _uwaEs-and other structural concrete work i-s completed and / r;tj(t
waterproofed, thi-s contractor shall ref11l all excavations.
Such fill sha11 not be placed if 1t contains frost.
Place all backf111 lnslde or outside of foundatlons andelsewhere as indicated on structural- and archltecturaldrawlngs in uniform layers not over 6 inches 1n depthwetted to optlmum moisture content and compacted to adensity ot 95/" (Proctor). Where backfll-1 1s required
on both sides of the concrete (as indicated on drawlngs)
always malntain approximately the same 1evel on bothsides during backfill process. Where backf111 1s requiredon one side onlyn do not place backf1l1 unt1l the ful1specified strength of the concrete has been reached andthe permanent support or load has been placed.
Take a1l- necessary precautlons to insure that wa11s arein no way damaged by the backfill operatlons or by heavyequlpment. A11 compactlon shafL be done wlth mechanlcaltampers. Puddllng to reach compaction is not recommended.
Baekfill sha1l be flnished to an elevation which willpermlt water on surface to drain away from foundatlons,slabs, wa1ks, etc.
If excess material remalns on the slte after completlon'of the backfill- operatlon and.,rough gradlng, thls materlal
shouLd be distributed around the site or disposed of off-
^-.,i-^ L!,..1^6,l-,Dr!.,8 vJ wrraL,€VOI. means necessary aS directed by the Archl-
tect and Owner during the flnish grading period.
(d) Sub-Grade Under Walks and Drlve: The sub-grade undersldewalks, curbs, and drlveway areas sha11 be thoroughly
compacted, and all- required f111 shaL] be placed in slxlnch layers, spri-nkled and mechanlcally tamped to the
denslty of the surroundlng surface.
Embankments and F1I1s: Before constructilB or sculpturlng
th.e embankments and f111 areas shown on the Site Plans andthe Elevatlons, all of the decayed material on the surfaceshal1 be removed. Fi1ls and embankments shaLl be constructedwith layers of new materlal in these areaa up to B lnchesin depth. Each such B lnch layer of fill- sha11 be mechanlealfy
,-.* '
requlred, Lhis contractor may use acceptable on-site materialfrom the excavation as indicated in paragraph b above.
(g) Finish Grading: Al-1 unsuitabl-e materlal for fltl such aspeat' or other organlc soll uncovered during excavation maybe used for finish grade. After all backftrl ano rouEhgrading has been accompllshed, finish gradtng sha11 bJ care-fu11y done with topsoil and organic soil froil stripping andexcavation stockplled on the slte for thls purpose. ti:rsmaterial , however, shalr not be used under slan]s, walks orconcrete.
All- finish gnading sha1l slope away from sldewar-ks, s1abs,retaining walf s, and found.atlon walls .
A1l- finish grading shalf not commence until the owner and/orthe Architect have personally lnspected the rough gradingconditions and have directed the finish gradlng to proceed.
(h) Gravel under slabs: under all slabs on grade 1f noted andshown on the structural drawlngs furnish and lnsta1l a layerof clean gravel as speclflcally ca11ed for 1n the notesincorporated in the structural drawings.
(i) water controlr The solL tests performed on the site and theexperience of neighboring excavations indlcate the presenceof undersurface water on this site. Furbher, as shown onsite Plans, the drives and parking area are so contoured. asto collect water on il1e l_ower parking level_ of the garageand mechanical areas of building.
This contractor shall provide such trenchlng or otherappropriate measures as requi_red to carry this water todaylight at the south property 1ine.
Roug! 9ladg: The area of rough grading shal_l_ be conslderedthe full site and property as indlcatea uy sor-id contourfines on slte Plan. A11 rough grading srra:-t be acconplishedwithin 6 lnches of the finish grades shown. where fil-1 is
General: A11 work under this divislon of the speciflcationshal1 be subject to the General Condltions and other condi-tlons as outlined ln Division I of these speclflcations.
Section 34 - Cast-In-ll_ace Concrete
(l) Seone : Cnst-i n-nl A oc o.r,ne.re!,e will be aS shown on thearchitectural- drawlngs and on the structural drawlngs ofthese documents. The structural drawings are the prLmary
documents for this work and contain the basic informationboth in drawing and in notes, required for the accompllsh-ment of this work. Generally this work is foundations,footings, piers, floor sl_abs, vertlcal walls and otherltems as indlcated.
A11 work required to complete aL1 ltems of cast-in-placestructural concrete shall be governed by .Amerlcan ConcreteInstitute Standard 301-66, tltled, "Speclflcations forStructural- Concrete for Buildings,rr dated August, l-966. Aeopy of this standard must be kept avaifable in the fieldofflce of the contractors at the bullding site. A11 sectionsand paragraphs of ACI 301-66 are a mandatory part of thlsspecificati.on except as modified or revised by the structural_
encni nccr f nz, 1-hi q nr.rn i anf
(2) Architectural Conslderatlons:
a. Concrete fLoor surfaces shall be troweled smooth torecelve applicafion of tile and resilient fl-oor mater-ia1 . Irnmediately'after the floor is flnish troweled,an adequate eoating of an approved sealing and sur-faelng agent must be applied.
b. Porch surfaces are to be of broom flnlsh of color
sel-ected by the Owner and Architect.
c. Slab-on-grades surfaces and aIf other surfaces of thegarage parking levels shal-l reeeive a rough broomflnish. These will also be seal-ed as floors 1nSection a.
,.l Exposed vertical concrete: A11concrete on the exterlor of thereceive an archltectural finishor other specified finlsh.
exposed vertlcal-buildlng only shall-
nf fina qnnrl f ,4^<h \, \ usv:r / ,
-'l ?-
Concrete retainlng walls: A11 concrete retalnlngwa1ls shal"l have an approved rough archj-tecturalflnlsh to be left rough to the weather.
A11 concrete work 1s to be performed under the con-dltions of sectlon (1) of thls dlvlslon and thesfructural drawlngs and notes. Where questions offlnlsh arise, questlons should be d.lrected to theArchltect. Otherwlse all questlons should bedirected toward the Structural Engi.neer, Chuck Keyes,telephone in Denver, 444-1951
(3)Standard concrete mlx sha1l be a minimum ofverlfied by compresslon test on standard
The pump m1x sha11 also be a mlnlmum oncrete
(4)Formlng: Forming to be Jahn systern wlth l,/4tr plywood,
Bowman snap-tles, and Jahn clamps or other approved system.
Sectlon 38 - Precast Concrete
(r)Scope: Precast concrete may be used for fi.replace hearths,and for stalr treads.ln the two stalr towers. Thls con-tractor should also revlew a]l the structural drawlngs andnotes for mlscel-laneous areas of concrete work whlch mlehtbe accomplished by precast work.
(2) Specs for precast concrete stairs as supplied by manufacturerl
'r i(--L.+-
Geng.rar: A11_work lncluded under thi-s divi.sion sha11 be subJectto the General conditions and other conditlons as outl-ined inDivision I of this speciflcation.
Section 4A - Masonry Bl_ock
(a) General: Afl- masonry block constructlon in this contracthas been drawn and speclfled in the structural drawings ofthese documents. Careful attention sha11 be glven to thesenotes and drawings since they have been developed. under therestrictlons for "speclal lnspectiontt as outllned in the1973 edition of the Uniform Bullding Code. These drawingsand notes sha1l govenn materlal, labor and lnstallationprocedures for all masonry block constructlon and reinforce-ment.
(b) Light Weight Bl-ock: Light weight eoncrete block sha]l- con-form to the ASTM Standards as to cornpresslve strength andabsorption. Block units sha1l be made wlth aggregate freeof deLeterlous matter that w1l-1 stain through to stucco,drywall or other surface material . A11 unlts shall besteam alred, well vlbrated, have smooNh uniform texturedfaces and sharp square corners faid in stacked bone.
Exposed faces sha1l be standard matte flnish wlthout voldsand aggregates evenly distrlbuted and without trslickstr ormarks caused by the removal of forms. Unlts shall_ be asfollows:
l-. ilC1ay Tlter? eoncrete blocks as manufacturect by CinderConcrete Products of Denver.
2. ItIdeallte" concrete blocks as manufactured by VibratedConcrete Company, Acme Block Company or Ace Bl-ock of
3. Block by Val1ey Block Co. , Fort Coll-lns, ]aid withthe epoxy thread-11ne system.
Lintels and other relnforced unlts shaLl be €xactly as shownon the structural drawlngs.
Section 48 - Masonry Work
Fl-ue Linings: Precast fl-ue liners in nominal stock sizes asrequired by combustlon exhaust requlrements.
--l q-
Mortar for Lightweight Concrete Block: Mortar cement shal_l beprepared Masonry Cement meetlng ASTM Designation as shown onthe structural drawings. Sand shall- be natural_ buff cofored,cl-ean and free of organlc materlals. When dry, L00% sha1l passan #8 sieve and not more than fJ/, s]nal-l pass a #50 sleve. Watershal1 be free from acid, alkalie and organic materlals. Mixmortar in the proportions indicated. Add only enough water togive proper workabillty and machlne mix a rni_n1mum of 5 minutesbefore using. No retempering of partially set mortar shall beallowed, Mortar shall attain 28 day compressive strength asindicated on structural drawings.
Mlxlng Mortar:
(a) Use method of measuring materials on Job so that speclfiedproportions of mortar materlals can be controlled andaccuratefy maintained durlng work progress. Cementiousmaterials and aggregate shall be mixed dry in a one sackpower mixer, after which sufficient water shalI be addedto bring the mass to proper consistency. Mix rnortar fora period of at least 5 mlnutes after alf malerials for abatch are in the drum. The drum must be completely emptiedbefore the succeeding bafeh is placed therein.
No mortar that is partially set shal1 be retempered for use
(b) Epoxy bonding agent as specj-fied by Thread-Llne or Sarahnnri Srrsf.em
sNruc tural-
: A11 reinforclnq shall be as shown and noted on the
The Contrac.tor sha11 buil-d in all anchors, toggles,bol-ts, flashings, wall plugs, nailing strips, beams, frames, etc.as may be required. These materlals shall- be placed according tothe directlons of those who furnish them or such architectural orstructural detail-s as may be deemed necessary.
Chases: The Contraetor shall ascertain where afl chases or open-ings for plpes, wires, ducts, etc. are to go and not wait for suchinformation to be glven hirn. He shaLl construct a1f such chases
il:"{;::;:es as shown or requlred, subject to the approvar of the
fn masonry bearing walls, no chases, rlsers, conduits or toothingof masonry shall occur wlthln lBttof a beam'bearing center 1ine.
Cold Weather Procedure: No brlck or other masonry work will pro-
@s below 35o, or is expected to fal1 bel-ow
l!o withln 12 hours, unless arrangements for heating materials
and protectlng work from frost are as approved by the Archltect.
Workmanship: Should the subcontractor put 1n any work not inaccordance with the pl-ans and specifi,cations, he sha11, whendirected by the Archltect, renove the same and alter it at hlsown expense to the satisfactlon of the Architect. The carpenterwill set all windows and door frames 1n brock or block but themason will be held responsible for walllng them in p1umb, 1evel,square and fi1l1ng hollow metal door" jambs full of mortar. Con-cerning the epoxy bonding system in partlcular and also thestandard masonry system, there w111 be no greater devlation 1nthe faces of the masonry pieces that plus or mlnus L/8". Con-formance with thls devlation 1s necessary for optimim conditj_onsfor the th-oroseal ,finish, Any extra preparatioh of the masonryto enable a unlform flnish on the masonry w111 be charged to themaFonfy contractor. The masonry contractor shalf also warranta1l- masonry courses to be plumb, Ieve1 and square and provlde
any necessary supervlslon to adequately aceomplish this.
Patch around all plpes where they pass through wa11s.
Contractor shal-l build in all steel work ln conneetlon with
Protection: All- wafl-s, etc., recently bu1lt must be protectedproperl-y frorn the weather and from all lnjury. A11 work lnJuredby the weather must be taken down and rebuilt. Alf masonry,s11ls or projecting work must be protected by boarding irnmediatelyafter setting.
Cover top of masonry at end of dayts work with strlps of canvasor other non-stalnlng waterproof coverlng at least 6" wlder thanwalls, weighted to prevent blowing off if weather forcast warrants.Thts protection shal-l- be malntalned until work i-s resumed. It islmportant that no water be perrnitted to enter wal1s during con-structlon.
Rqqqval of Rubblsh; Remove rubblsh, scrap lumber and other wastemateriaf at frequent lntervals and aflow no large quantlties to
accumul-af e.
Cleaning; The subcontractor sha11 do all fltting, pointlng and
cleaning down of masonry. Clean a1l- mortar dropplngs off thenasonry and do all polntlng to the entire satisfaction of theArchltect. Under no circumstances w111 any mortar be Left onthe concrete decks after the adJacent masonry 1s finished.
A11 exposed masonry units shall be cl-eaned ln gccordance wlth theBrlck and Tile Instituters recommendatlons for speclflc materlal-sbelng cleaned or the Roblnson Brlck and TlLe Companyrs pamphlet,ItBrlck Cleaningrt. Stained masonry detergents must be exhausfedbefore acid methods are employed. Acid methods may be used onlywlth the approval of the Archltect.
wal1s must be saturated with water before cleaning and must befl-ushed down completely after cleaning with detergent or acidcLeaners. If acid cleaning is approved, aLl metals must beprotected before cleaning is started.
Cleanup of epoxy bonding agent from floor surface is mandatoryas soon as posslble after spillage. Wh,en mi_x1ng, care must betaken to insure the protectlon of the floor surface. It issuggested that a sand box,4t-0 square wlth at l_east 2rf of sand,be used to accomplish thls. Thls wil_I lnsure that noen of thecomponents or the epoxy mixture be sp111ed on the floor surface.
Speclal- Note: The subcontractor shal1 warnant the exterlorwalls to be free from leakage due to any naturaf cause for aperiod of one year from date of flnal payment for the work andhe shall, withln such perlod at hls own expense and. upon wnlttennotlflcatlon by the Archltect, pursue such approved remedlal_measures as may be necessary to cornect any condltlons of leakageand damage i-ncident thereto that nay develop. The Contractor, 1nsigning thls contract, accepts the above conditions. In so dolnghe also agrees elther that the materlals and methods speclfiedherein are such as to insure the results to be requlred, or thathe will , at no addltional expense to the Owner, furnish suchaddltlonal or alternatlve ltems of labor and material-s (or both)as may be necessary to accompllsh the statee intent of the contract,provlded that no deviatj.on from the specified and approved materialsand methods sha11 be undertaken wlthout the prior approval of theArchltect.
General-: A11 items inoutlined ln Divislon I thls dlvlsion shall conform to conditlonsof these specifications.
sleel. - Hand Ralfs: Furnlsh and install 1n the stalr towers andelsewhere as shown on the drawlngs, steel handrails.
New and unspllced materlal- shall be used throughout. A11 weldingshall- comply wlth requirements of the 'code foi Arc and Gas wel_dling in Buildlng constructlontr of the Ameri-can we]dino .Soeiervlatest edltlon. provlde tube turn bands and neatl;";r;";;;"i3t"as detalled. A11 welds shall be ground smooth. provide pipesleeves and embed rai-ls into packed sulphur capped wrtrr riii sealon vertical bal_uster where shown or needed.
A1l- wall frame rails will be constr"ucted to return to the wall_ atelther end. A11 descending center handrails shaLl be capped andplugged and all welds ground smooth.
Boltg;- The contractor shall furnish all bolts for wall plates,partitlons, door frame, rai1s, and el-sewhere as shown on thedrawings.so that all equipmeni attached to masonry, concrere ormetal studs shall_ be secured and permanently attached.
Bl"ocking 4nchors i The Contractor shal-l- provlde holes 1n structuralffiAd f .1r., rranr.rnn{ ra'ru'rL,\_-L o d.,) r.cqu-Lr _* r vr ,_..,6 of necessary wood blocking.
Palltiqg: _A1l- miscellaneou.s steel shall be shop palnted wlth onecoat of red lead and oil- or zinc chromate palnt at trre shop. A1l_field bolts and welds and seri.ous abrasionl to trre shop coit shall_be painted with the same material used for shop patrnt.
EirepLace Equlpment: Al-1 flreplaces shafl be equlppeit with castlron fireplace damp,er, hand operated, contained. 1n cast iron flrechamber as shown and detalled on the drawlngs and of a size con-sistent with flrepJ-ace openlng as shown.
Hol"low metal doors and frames w111
SteeL studs and partltion systems
Fireplaces shal1 be prefabricated masonry units asapproved by the Anchitect.
Note:be fqund ln Divlslon B.
w11l- be found in Dlvision
-t q-
Section 5B - Structural Steel
General: See Drawings and schedul-es for type, locatlon, quantlty
anA Aetails of struciural steel requlred tb- cornplete work. Anchorbolts and other incidental ltems of structural steel requlred tobe bu11t into concrete or masonry shall be furnlshed to respectlvetrades at proper time and shall lnclude instruction or templ-atesfor their install-ation. The structuraL drawings and notes glve
compJ-ete inforrnation for all steel work and shall be fol1owedexactl-y.
Shop Drawings: Submlt 4 coples of shop and erection drawings forall structural steel wonk to the Archltect for appnoval . Manu-facturing or fabrj-cating of any naterlal or the performlng of anywork prior to approval of shop drawings w111 be entlrely at thenlsk of contractor.
The approval of shop drawlngs w111 be for size and arrangement ofprinciple and auxiliary members and strength of connectlons. Anyerrors in dimensions shown on shop drawlngs shall- be the responsi-bility of the contractor.
Fabricaticn: Fabricate structural steel in accordance with currentedition of specificatlons adopted by the American Instltute ofSteel Construction and the Unlform Building Code. Punch and dri1lsteel as indicated on drawlngs or speclfied for attachnent of othermaterials thereto; punchlng and drl111ng requlred but not deflnate-1y indicated on drawlngs or speclfled shal1 be done in the fleld.
Minlmum sectlons noted: Substltutlons shall- possess an equal orgreater sectional modulus and not otherwlse viol-ate AISC Specifl-catlons.
A11 arc weldlng el-ectrodes shall conform with the requlrements ofthe Specifi.cations for Iron and Steel Arc Welding Electrode, latestedltion of the AWS.
Erection: Except as otherwlse shown on drawings or speclfled herein,all detalls of erectlon shalL be 1n accordance wlfh the speclflcatlonfor the Design, Fabrlcatlon and Erectlon of St?uctural Steel forBuilding (R1veted, Bolted and Arc Wel-ded Construction) and the Codeof Standard Practice for Steel Buildlngs and Bridges as lssued bythe Amerlcan Institute of SteeL Construction.
Provide suitable temporary braces and stays to hold structure inposition until permanently secured
Field Connections: Field connections sha1l be made by unflnlshed
@1ng, o:: high strength bolts.
Structural steel- fabrlcation shaLl furnlsh an adequate amount ofsteel shims of 2trX 4ttmi-nlmum slze, ranglng 1n thlckness froml/l6n to a/zr.
rnFpectlon- gng rests: Material furnished under thls speclfl-cation shal1 be subject to inspectlon and tests 1n the m111,shop and field by the AnchLtect or hls representatlve TheArchltect reserves the rlght to reJect any materlal or workman-ship at any time before flnal- accepbance of the structure when,i n hi q nn'l nJ nn {- 'harr An na+ annfnrv'+'4vrr, L,-rvr -rm to requirements of thedrawings and speclflcatlons.
Note: A11 structural steel members wl1l_ be dellvered to jobsite wlthout bends and warps from shlpping or poor fabricatlonmethods.
Reports of mill- tests may be required by the Archltect. Thecontractor alone shall be responslble for al-1 errors of fabrl-catlOn and for the noY,T'cnt fittlns of the str"rretr:nal membefs.
Palntlng: Clean structuralforelgn matter and apply oneor red lead palnt containlngto each ga11on of raw llnseedthickness of not less than 2.
steel of a1l- rust, snad, or othershop coat of zinc chromate palntat least 2! pounds of dry red Leado1l-. Provied a minimum dry fil-rn0 n11s.
After erection touch up fleld connectlons and abraslons wlthpaint, and al] surfaces whlch are not to be encased 1n concreteshal1 be glven a fj-eld coat of zlnc chromate paint or red leadpaint, the same as requlred for shop coat, except that 4 ouncesof lanp black shall be added to each gaflon of pa1nt.
Section 5C - Metal DeckinE
Genenal: Provide all materlal_s, equlpment and incldentaLsnecessary and required for performlng al 1 work indlcated onthe drawlngs, as speci_fied in these speclflcations or both.
(a) Steel roof deck shalL be formed from U.S. Standard Gaugestructural quality steel conforming to ASTM Speclflcatlons245-6lT, Grade C. Deck shall_ have shop coat palnt.
(b) Steel corruform floor deck sha11 be of uncoated (black)steel conforming to Federal Speclfications QQSOO 640.
Accessori-es: Where required, rldge and valley plates, closures,cant strips and roof sump recesses shall be furnished by theappropriate subcontractor and sha11 be attached dlrectly to thedeck to provl-de a flnished surface for the applicatlon of insu-lation and roofinE.
(a) Steel roof deck shal1 be attached to supportlng membersand adjoining steeL deck sheets by means of el_ectric arcweldlng in accordance wlth amnufacturerrs speclficationsand erectlon layouts. End Joints shal_l_ be of the over-lapping type with a 2rt mimimum lap and sha1l occur overa support. Cutting openings through deck and all skewcutting shall be performed in the fiel_d.
A11 welding during erectlon to be done from top slde.End 1ap joints sha1l be welded to supports not to exceed1!tr on center and at intermedlate supports not to exceed1!tr on center.
(b) Corruform fLoor deck sheets shall be placed wlth corru-gation edges up and with corrugations perpendlcular tcpurllns or joists. Sheets should be placed in thefollowing order: End.-to-end in one row along one slale ofthe building. End l_aps should be centered over supports.Bottom sheet should not extend beyond edge of supportflange. Recommended end lap 1s 2tr. Sheets ln adJacentrows are then placed end-to-end side lapping one corru-gation with previously placed rows.
Sheets sha11 be attahced to purlin or Joist by plug weld-ing through weldlng washers to supporting top flanges.Minimum weldlng requirements are as folLows:
(1) End Laps - Weld top sheet 1n valley of side 1ap7.---i_-.-.---:_^(through four sheet thickness) and again at middleof sheet.
(2) Intermediate Supports:- Weld top sheet in vaIley ofslde lap at each lntermediate support and agaln inni.ddle of sheet .
Sheets shal1 be protected. from elements in transit and whenstored at the site. Sheets shal-l not be in contact with theground and are to have a weatherproof coverlng. If extensiverusting oecurs, thls rust must be cleaned from the corruformbefore any concrete is placed on the deck.
General: The GeneraL conditions and all ltems of Divislon r ofthis speciflcat,ion are a part of this sectlon. A11 substitutionsof materi-al sha]1 be referred to the Architect for approval .shop drawlngs and schedu]es wl1l be requlred for vanlty unit,s,kltchen cabinets, d.oors and window trim, beams, and other rniliedi.tems.
No.!g: Drywall normatly included in thls divisi-on of the specifi-cations has been located in Divislon 9, with the alternate ivstemsspeclfled at thj-s tlme.
scope: Tire bulk of the lumber requi-red to construct this buiLd-Incr afher fhen dn.,.<,.,, .r..-'of s, windows, ml1lwork and cedar and,/or pinepanel- material-, and other ltems specifically mentloned 1n thisDlvlsion, is forming materlaL for concrete and w11l be found inDivision J of this specificatlon.
(1) Concrete forms: See Division I of this speclfication.
(2) Temporary enc]osures: The contractor will provide temporar.yencfosures and barricades to prevent entry by unauthorizedpersons into the buildlng as wel_l as barricades for pro-tection of personnel as described in Divislon 1.
(3)Finish.F -Lqr-Fn naroware lnstrat]atlon: 'lhis Llontractor shail provideand instal-l- al-f finish hardware in accordance wlth the manu-
hardware installatlon:This Contrae tor -t^^. TD1ld,-L-L
facturerrs instructions. Thls hardware is outllned inDivision l-o of this speciflcation. The locatlon of hardwareshall be as follows unLess otherwj se snecifJcallv noted inthe hardware schedule:
(a) Door knobs: A11 knobs shall be located 36t' from thefToor-To the center of the knob. The knob shat]- belocated Jtr from the edge of the door to the center
(b )
of the knob.
Cyl-inder deadl-ocks: These shal_1 be centered 52"ffioor.
Hinges: The top of the top hlnge shall be located/tr from the top of door, and the Lower edge of thebottom hinge ftt from the ffoor.
Install all rough hardware and metal- fasten-the drawlngs, specified herein or required
Hardware:as shown on
Note: Materlal to be f ire-retardant treated .
for proper lnstarr-ation of carpentry and m11r-work items.Nail-s, splkes, screws, boIts, and slmllar items sha_Ll- beof sizes specified or noted. where such devices have notbeen noted, the Contractor shall insure they be of sizesand types to rigldly secure members in plac6.
Angbgrs .a.ng BJocklng: The contraetor shar-f furnish aflna11].ng, b_Locking requlred for proper installation ofwindows, doors, ml1lwork, masonry, sleeves, blockouts,furring and other items as requlred. A11 wood blockinEand nallers wlth bolts, (wood. to wood, wood to concretS,wood to b1ock, ) as shown or as obvlously requlred forattachment .
Exterior si-d1ng: on the exterlor surface of the buildlnEas shown on the elevations, thls contractor sha1l furnisf,and 1nsta1l where needed 1 x B channel-lap rough sawn cedarsiding or texture 1-11 - 5/8" plywood placed h6rizontally
!9.. I * 2 furrlng placed vertlcally on the masonry block ltf 6rr OC. The cedar shal1 he rnrrcrh sawn and free of openknot hotes. This *.f"ii"i'i""i3"u" placed tn such condi-tion that if it is to recelve a tnansparent stain, it mustbe free of lumber deslgnations, chalk marks, and iny otherdisfiguration to the wood surface.
Note: The owner wil_l_ accept proposals of l_ x 8 pine sidingto be used 1n place of the cedar specified above. Further,such 1 x B patterns obher than chahnel 1ap as may be avalf-abl-e will be considered as an acceptable alternate to thecedar.
(7) Exterior trim: Exterlor trlm wil-l_ bemG-naterial shal1 be clean and readycatlon of approprlate coverins.
placed as detailed.for a finish appli-
( B ) Hand.rails treads
(a) Handrails: On all balcony areas the Contractor shall_furnish and lnstall S45 standard and better fir hori-zontaf members as shown on the drawlngs. These membersshalI be attached as shown to the vertical 1rr squaretubular steel posts as shown and detail-ed. Al1 suchrailings and posts shal1 be securely anchored to theporch or balcony frame so that the rall_ 1s perfectlysofid wlth no noticeable E1ve. See detall_s.
Note: Plne or Redwood, S4S, will be consldered as anacceptable alternatlve to the flr specified above.
(b )Where rip rap is shown as retaining wa11s on draw-1ngs, rall-road ties or rough sawn pine as are avail-able sha1l be placed ln locations and pattern shown.
The f1Ll behind this wal-L may be compacted meehanic-afly or by puddling provided the face surface of thetles is clean at the conclusion of the f11l-.
(9) fnterior Pane]ing: 0n the room f1n1sh schedule for allapartments is lndlcated cedar, rough sawn paneling. Suchpaneling shall be 1 x 8 with mltered joints. A shiplapjoint which w111 create a finlsh wal-l with no greater than
1/1-6tt visible Jolnt w111 be accepted.
(f0) Wood beams in the llvlnE room: In all livlne rooms asdrawings, a wood beam casing of roughhe n l aned ower t.he f i Penroof i ncr aroundsawn cedar is l-n
the bar joists. These will be bu1lt 1n place and willconform to detalls or glue-lamlnated beams with a rough
sawn flnish will be used and where indicated by deLails,rough sawn cedar shlplap paneling will be used to finishceiJ-ing between beams.
(l-t-I Closet Shelving: In aI1 closets, as indicated in thedrawings and the room flnish schedules, and as lndicatedby broken lines on the plans, thd.s contractor sha11furnish one 16rt x 3/4" plywood shelf to paint, self-edging wiLh l/Ztt parting stop.
CfZl Mis.cell-,an.eous bl"ocklng: On door heads, wJ-ndows, and efse-where as required or as lndlcated on the drawlng, theContractor shafl- provide such carpentry items as will be
r..anrri r-rarr f aro o nnqnr a+o I ^h to f it the dimensiOns shown onthe drawings.
Section bB - Millwork
General: Alf mill-work as described ln this secti-on shall bepresented to the Generaf Contractor for revlew before instal-]a-tion into the work. The millwork as drawn and specified is
i-ntended fo be furnished by one supply house or distributor.Therefore, the owner is agreeable to adapting the detail-s andspeclfications as hereln presented to the standard componentsavailabl-e from a particular distrlbutor 1f such adaptation willresult in a reductlon of cost and,/or a hlgher quality instal-la-
annno. rrha hirrr.,ork on the work w1fl lnclude wood base, doornnd windnw t.r'im. wood sadd'l es. n lc--' -r-^'1 '-'r *- t't tchen cabi-a,ll\r wrr.rr,{\Jw r.,r r.rlr, wv!r\.r Jcl!^!r.!sJ t vJ!/DE U DtlEl-y-Llr6t ,f\ -Lnets, kitchen counters, bathroom vanlty unlts, and upper cabi-
net in kitchen area. Further, the m11lwork may lnclude the
wood panel1ng, doors, s1l-1s, and other wood items specified
herei.n or el-sewhere 1n thi-s soecif icatlon.
(1) Kitchen cabinetsl The kltchen cabi-nets shall- incLude thecabinets, upper and l_ower, and the island eabinets withthe standard upper wal_f cablnets.
The kltchen cabinets are to be as shown on the details ofthe Architectural drawings.
(a) The cabinets are to be constructed of materials to bespecifled prion to manufacture. The cabinets may bebu1lt on a framework of flr, pine, or other aceeptablemateriaf. A11 cablnets shall be furnished with bases,shelves and backs.
(b) Kitchen cablnets shalt be furnlshed to the job withall required hardware. Doors shall have concealedhinges, frictlon catches and shal-l open by door pu11s.Drawers shall be furnlshed wlth metal drawer guidesas approved by the Archltect.
(c) The supplier of the kltchen cablnets shal1 be re-sponsible for co-ordlnatlon with the Contractor onsite. As-bullt di-menslons of the kitchen areas willbe made prlor to fabrieations of the kltchen cabinetmanufacture to insure that all cabinets f1t lnto the. work and are eonstructed to support the loads to beimposed on them.
(2) Wood base: In all roorns as lndlcated on the room finishschedufe, the Conlractor shal_l furnish 3/4 x Z-I/Z roughsawn cedar base where cedar panellng or wainscoting occurs,and,3/4 x 2-I/2 pine base on drywall and door caslngs. Itshali be the responsibillty of Nhe painter to ensure thisbase is caulked and sqaled against t,he wa1l surface. Anopening of any amount at the top of the base will not bepermilted. This maNerial sha11 be sound, stralght andmilled. The materlal sha11 also be of such Erade as issuitabl-e for staininE.
(3)Vanity units:fnvanity units shal-1speciflcations in
al-1 bathrooms as shown on the plans,be furnished which will conform to thethis sectlon for kitchen cablnets.
(4) Kitchen and Bathroom counters: In all bathroom and kltchenareas, the Contractor sha1l furnish counters as shown onthe drawings. These counters may or may not be supplied byfhe kitchen cabinet manufacturer. Atl tops will be 3,/4r?exterior DFPA plywood. A11 face edges shal-l be self-edgedand all backsplashes wlll- be vertlcal (not moulded). Thesecounters sha11 be furnished to receive an approved plasticlaminate or oak parquei floorlng as shown on the drawings.Backsplashes shall be contlnued on all sldes of the counters
(5) wood handrall-s: The ra11s and treads are speclfled undergeneral carpentry of this division.
r'6\Apartment Designatlon: Letters and numerals as speclfledby the Archltect shall be attached to each apartment entrydoor.
(7) Door and Wlndow Trlm: A1l d.cor and window trlm shall_ be
S4S pine in sizes and locatlons as shown on the drawingsand details. A11 wlndow s11l_s shal1 be furnished with asmooth finish. A1l" plne trlm sha1l be furnlshed to thejob unfinished, clean and prepared for a staln finish.
(B ) St,an,Cards : Al-1 millwork is to be standard grade of theAmerican Wood Work Instltute, Quality Standards i11us-trated, Iatest edition.
General- Note: fn all cases where cedar, rough sawn, has beenspecified above, the Archltect and Owner wil_l al_1ow rough sawnp1ne. fn those cases such as sills, bench sl_ats, etc., whichare to be smooth, only S4S material is permitted.
Section 6C - Insulation
Scope: Insul-atlon 1s used 1n thls building as temperature 1n-sulation and as sound lnsul-ation. General_ly, the areas to belnsulated for thermal considerations are the exterj_or walls,perimeter of the fi-rst fl_oor slab, and the roof .
Sound lnsul-ation is found ln party walfs, in plumblng chases,1n walls between bedrooms, and in the ceiling systems of thebul lding
(1) Insulation on Exterior Blockwalls: On al-l exterior blocke (tne wall to entrycorridor and around the standplpe area) the Contractorsha1l place insulative lath as shown on the drawings anddetail-s. This rigid lnsulation shal-l be styrofoam-typelnsulation, 1'r thick and shal_l_ be applied to the blocksurface between ttZrr furring channels that have beensecured to the masonry by appnopriate means. The masonrysurface is to be rough cleaned to permit a p1umb, fu1lyvertical , and smooth app]lcatlon of the insul_ation. In-sulation sha11 extend from finlsh floor to corruformwith maximum jolnts of l/9tt and no holes 1n the i_nsulatlvef1]m.
lnsulation: Around the noted sldes of thefirst floor slab peri-rneter, rigid insulation is to beplaced as shown on the archltectural- deta1ls. Thls 1n-
sulation is to start l/2tt from the top surface of the
floor s1ab, extend down vertically !'t unt1l it buttslnto the concrete footing. It is then to extend intothe interior of the bu1ld1ng over the top surface ofthe footlng in a horlzontal directlon. Such i.nsula-tion shall_ be 1tr styrofoam as manufactured by the DowChemical Co., or approved equal .
(3) Sound board i4EBla_tiofr gn parly walls and on the ceit_ings:be placed on all cellingsoetween apartments as shown on the drawings. This boardmust be placed on the Jolst side of the flre rated dry-wal1 immediately above the drywa11.
Sound board l/ztt t]nick 1s also to be pfaced to the im-mediate rear of the dnywall on the entire length of theparty wal1s between apartments.
Sound board 1s also to be placed on the wal_l between anybedroom, and the adJacent bed.room. Thi_s wall will havedrywall surface wi-th sound board between the d.rywall andthe metal- studs.
The sound board sha1l be )_/Ztt as manufactured. by Owens-Ford Fibreglass, Gold Bond, or equal
lll)Ihe 2-I/2tl
a dual function.tectumft acts not only as sound board for the ceillng, butal-so as form board for the concrete deck.
(5) Sound board on party waLl-s: On the major 8tt block wal-lr"eparatlng the apartments on each floor, this contractorshall place 1,/2" sound board underlayment to the masonryand atop the underlayment a finish appllcatlon of 5/Btldrywa1l. This application shall be as detail_ed on thedrawlngs. On the non-masonry party wal_l_s , I/Ztt soundboard and 5/Btt d.rywa11 ls placed on both sid.es of adouble stud wall- as detalled on the drawinEs.
(6) Batt InsuLatlon:
(a) In the plumbtng chases, the contractor sha1l packful-l al-1 void areas wlth batt i-nsulation.
(b ) In voids between metal- studs in the partitlon atadjoinlng bedrooms and non-masonry party wal1s,the contractor shall place ful-l thick batt insu-lation as shown on the drawi-ngs.
(c) In the area above the sound boand in all ceillngsbetween un1ts, the contractor sha11 place a blanketof fuLL thick batt lnsulation for sound deadening.
rd \In all the areas as shown on the drawlngs as wellas those that calLed for above, where batt insu-lation is shown by detalls.(noof, window wa1ls,overhangs, doors, etc.) the contractor shnl'l nr,.)-vide fuJl thick 6att lnsutatlon r"-i"ii"r;;;.'-"
A11 batt insulation sha1I be full thick as manu-factured by Owens-Cornlng Flbreglass, Carey orequal .
(7) F..oof Ingulatlon: Above the metal d.eck on all roof areas,the contractor sha1l provlde 2tr rlgid insulatlon o" 2-l/it,tectum as shown on the details. This lnsulatlon i_s forthermal control ont_y and sha11 be of such r1g1d1ty as willaccept the finish roof surfaces indlcated. Thls lnsulationsha11 not contaln asphalt in any way. Mastic shall beapplied to metal decklng in accordance wlth manufacturerrsdirectlons.
(B)Pipe and PLumbing fnsulation: A11 piping and plumblng onthe work within partitlons 1s to be lnsulated as cal_1edfor 1n the mechanical speclflcatlons, Divislon 1!, of thisspecification.
Genera] Notes: rt is not the lntent of these drawings and speci-fications to have any party wal1 in the constructi_on nor anyfLoor,/ceiling system ln the construction to be without soundlnsulation. Further, 1t 1s not the intent of these documentsto have any exterior waLl surface, roof area, or areas otherthan wlndows and door, that does not have thermal insulatlon.It shall be the responsibility of this contractor to furnishapproprlate insulation in such areas whether call_ed for or not.ff clarlflcation is needed, the Architect and Owner are avall_-able at alL times for such 'clarlflcatlon pri.or to contracturalagreements for lhe work.
Generaf :T;;r--T;
Sectlon A - Roofin on Flat and Pitched Surfaces
On any ffat or pitched roof areas as shown on the drawlnes and
datai l c i-l-ro nan+noaf nq aL-a'1 I 4r.,--.l - r,. ^qJ {-^,r-^ l! s ucr.-L-,-o, urrs uurrtractor shal1 furnish and lnstall a 7-p1y hot-mopped, built-up, tar and gravel roof. Thls 1s to conslst of:one layer of 2rr rlgid insulatlon oy Z-I/Ztt tectum, one layerof 43# fel-t-vapour barrier, one base layer of 30# felt, fivecap layers of 15# feft and aggregate: 250# to 275# red pumlceaggregate. The gravel- shall be as red 1n color as is possibleto obtain and shall- be generously applled to the roof area toglve the roof a red color when observed from the air. The tarshall be deslgnated as'rsteep asphalt tarrr, GAF st,eep roofingasphalt, with a 2000 soflenlng point, or other approved equal,to be furnished by the roofing contractor. A bond wil1 not berequlred for this roof, however, the installatlon of thls roofshall be such that 1t woul-d meet the publlshed requi_rements fora built-up roof and coul_d be bonded if neeessary. The roof isto be free of all defects and l_eaks. If water penetrates theroofing after the completion of the work, it shall be the sol-er,pqn^nq i h'i i J trr nf t- l.' a rnaf J!vryv'u:urrrwr wr --,6 --,,tractor to correct such feaks.If the sub-deck 1s not, in the opinion of the roofers, accept-able for the appllcaLion of the roof, then 1t shall be theresponsibility of Lhe roofing confractor to so notify theArchitect prior to the application of the roofing material .
Guarantee: The subcontractor shal1 guarantee a1l- materialsenE-woffianship furnished in the appfication of the above roofagalnst any defects in workmanship or materlal s for a periodof five years fron the date of completion thereof barrlng actsof God or accldents over which the contractor has no control .In the event of defects in workmanship or materials during thel-1fe of this guarantee such repairs as needed will be made with-out charge.
Sgction 78 - Sheet Metal
(a) Flashlng: Around a1I proJections 1n the roof area, accessdoor, pltehed roof, jambs, chimney, ducts, drains, and
eLsewhere as shown on the drawings and detalls, and overwlndows, skylights, etc., ds shown on the drawlngs, thecontractor sha11 provide Keystone, U.S. Stee1, or ApoJ-loBest Bloom galvanized iron 22 gauge.
A1l- work included under this division shall be sub-the AIA General Conditions and all other condltlons asln Dlvision f of this specificatl"on.
Do all backing up of sheet metal as requlred 1n above areasto make the roof secure, tight, and complete. Furnish andinstall- necessary gravel stops on the entire fascia area as:lotl , and drip caps and miscellaneous flashlng and counterflashing as required and,/or shown on the detalls.
In all cases where metal counter flashing 1s applled, suchflashing ls to be 1et into metal reglets anO piltua witfrI oqd r"nno
(a) Hot-Mopped Asphalt: To the exterior vertical- surface ofthe concrete and masonry bLock walls to whlch surface baekfill ls to be app11ed., the contractor shal_l provide hot_mopped waterproofing to a 1eve1 approximately equal to theelevatlons of finish grade as shown on the drawings.
(b) French Drains: At the outside and at the bottom of themffir concre% wal-l-s, as well as elsewhere shown on thedrawings, the contractor sha1l provlde clay tile orcorrugated metal French dralns as needed for adequate andcomplete drainage.
(a) Tlrlq?hoIds: All- thresholds to exterior doors includingslidlng doors to porches, shall be set in full bed ofcaulking compound.
(b) Exterior caulking: A1.1 exterlor door frames and sliding@hts,'wlndows and arl other penetrationsthrough exterior wa1ls, are to be caulked.
Thls caul-king is to be of a color as close to the f1n1shcolor of the wood, metal , or other frame, as possible.The eol-ors of these areas should be carefully checkedagalnst the color schedule for the work.
In no case w111 the owner accept cracks ln whlch daylightls vlsible from the exterlor to the intenlor.
(c) weatherstrippingr Al-1 openlngs to the exteri-or sha1l becompletely and adequately weatherstrippped. Doors shallrecelve Western Metal Strlp (Al00B) or approved equal tomatch as cfosel_y as posslble j-n color the hand rubbedbronze of the hardware finish.
The weatherstrlpping for windows and sl-iding doors shal1be as supplled by the manufacturer of these un1ts. Unitswithout such weatherstripplng w11l not be accepted.
(d) fnterior Caulklngr The generalffiere wifl be nootherwlse unfinished workmanshlDlngs of trim, baseboard. counterdrywall_ openings, wlndows, etc. ,caulked as requlred.
intent of these specifi-
Baps, cracks, volds, oron the Job. The open-tops, to1]et fixtures,will alL be seal_ed and
(a) Drai{rs_: Roof dralns, area dralns, etc., are shown andspecified under the mechanlcal sections of the documents.
(b) surface Run-off: The slte plan ind.lcates water controland general- contour flnlsh gradlng whlch will facllltaterun-off from the slte to the south, generally. If pro-gress of constructlon so changes the general drainage ofthe slte that it does not conform to the site pIan, 1tshal1 be the responslblllty of the contractor to tnenchor otherwtse adapt the slte to a posltlve run-off situ_at1on.
General: Al-l- work under thls division sha11 be subject to theGneFaT conditions and to the other condltlons as outl"lned inDivislon I of this speciflcation.
Secti-on 8A - Doors
Scope: This section sha1l include
f-er,-l or' ( en t rrr ) i retar-i nr- n'l acal-r t LLLwvL rvf , \?!\JrJ(; v,ls responsible for a1l_ materlal_ totion as called for on the drawlngs
all doors on the work; ex-and flre-rated. The contractorprovlde a complete 1nstal1a-and speclfled hereln.
Exterior Entrance Doors: A11 entrance doors shall_ be solid
@3,/4" thlck 1n helghts and wldthsshown on the schedules. Doors shall be furnished to thework unfinished and ready for a staln and seal applicatlon.These sha11 be rrBtr labe1 fire-rated doors in trBrr labelhollow rnetal jambs.
(2) Closet Doons: A11 closet doors as shown on the drawlngsand door schedules sha1l be two pane1, plne louvered 1nsizes as indicated. These doors sha11 be clean, unflnlshedand ready for a Job appllcatlon of flnlsh
(3) A11 Interlor Doors: A11 other j-nterlor doors sha]I be solidffi Mahogany, i-n sizes called for ln theschedules. A11 doors sha11 be unfinished and prepared fora job finj-sh application of stain and seal .
(4) Stair Doors and Mechanical Room: These doors shall beon the dnawi-ngs and door
s chedules .
\r/Sliding Doors to Porches: In all apartments there is atleast one sllding door to the porch or patlo area or in useas a window waLl. These doors sha]l be of sizes as shownon the drawlngs wi.th duaL tempered glass glazlng. The doorsshal1 be Pe1la wood sl1d1ng glass doors, 16t-Brr x 7rOtr OXXOas indicated on the drawlngs, or approved equal .
General: A11 doors must be fu1Iy guaranteed for one year against----..:__,.warplng (1n excess of 3/Bu) of checklng, of delaminatlon of faceveneer, as well as full- operation in the case of sliding doorcomponents. Doors lnstal-led on the work shall have such guaranteeby the manufacturer for thls work whether thls 1s the custom ofsald manufacturer or not. Warped doors in excess of 3,/8" warpsha1l be returned at no cost to the Owner.
Fcope: - T!i" sectlon w111 deal wlth wood wlndows of both operat-lng and fixed sash seetions whlch are lncluded herein and. may besupplied by the wlndow manufacturer. However, th; Architect willalso aecept material whlch generally conforms to the detalrsslgy" if supplled by proposal and wj_th shop drawings from themillwork house, bidding other aspects of the work. Ther.efnr.,c1t 1s important to review both Divlslon B ana oivrsi;;-a';;;;;"submisslon of a comprehenslve porposal of the work.
(1) Operating_Sasb_: A11 operatlng sash ln the bu1ldlng areshown 1n detail as well- as on the elevatlon and plan draw-ings.
(a) casements: A1r components of the wlndow war-r-s andlncorporated into generally fixed sash sections arecasement wlndows whlch have been desi-gnated and de_tal1ed rn accordance wlth pe1la detairs. The ownerand Archltect w11l consider other manufacturers 1fquoted prices w111 furnish unlts ln the exact dirnen_sions lndlcated. on the drawlngs and details.
A11 windows must be of wood, cLear, with no mars,d.istressed pleces, broken, rough, or otherwiseItrustlctr appearing members
Pel1a units are hereln speciflced as a standard.Any other manufacturer to be consldered nrust presentto the Owner a unlt showlng the materlal_s of con-struction for ap'oroval.
Note: Trapazoldal wlndow units must be of such de s ignas to match attached standard wind6il units. A11 glassin these units will be fixed glass
(1) operating Sash: Glass stopped in all wlndow units ofoperatlng sash shal1 be wel_d.ed insulated glass glazed asnormally supplied by the manufacturer.
(2) Wlre Glass: In the stalr tower of the bu11ding, all glasssreTT-Ee wire glass meetlng und.erwrlterrs requirements fora smoke proof enclosure stopped into a horlow metal framewith trHrf shaped metal muntln strips.
(3) Flxed sash: other than wire glass 1n the stair towers andthe glazlng on the slidlng door unlts, all other glass 1nfixed units shal1 be clear crystal welded insulated glass,true and out of wind., and of thlckness to adequately-reslstwind loads for the areas lnvolved.
(4) Miruors: over all vanlty unlts in location shown on thedrawi-ngs shar-r- be plaeed a mlrror of r/4r' polished p1ate,mirror glazing gLass wlth electro-plated ebpper Oacling -
equal- to Everlast. A11 mirrors sha11 be fii- to ce111nEand shall be applled to the wa11 with conceafed hangeri.
(5) GlaEs in Patio Doors: A11 sliding patio doors, speclfiedas Pel1a shall- be furnlshed to the work with a dual , tem-pered, thermal glazlng as ls standard by the manufacturer.This sha]1 apply to the slldlng units as well as the fixed.side units of the patlo doors.
These frames shal-l_ be fabrlcated of cold-rolled steeLframes shall- be of 14-gauge stee1.
(5)Wgrkmanship: A11 materlaL shall be furnlshed to the Ownen,clear, unscratched, no chlps, cracks or breaks. A11 glass-which is made dirty by other traces, particularly the-plaster or mortar, sha11 be cleaned within a period ofone week to prevent Jagglng or other permanent staln. Itshall be the responsiblllty of the General Contractor tohave the offending subcontractor clean the g1ass.
Fixed glass shall- be cleaned on the outslde before glazlng.At the conclusion of the work, all glass shall be presentedto the owner clean, polished and will have alL caulklng andglazing compounds neatly trlmmed, ready for occupancy.
Seetion BD - Hol-low Meta!
where shown on the drawings for metal- doors, wire glass windows,doors to stair and el-sewhere as detalLed on the dr"-wings fordoors and wlndows, the contractor shall furnish ho1low metaldoor frames and window frames.
A11 such
Miter weld and grind corners. welds shall be fu1l to the tlp ofthe miter. Erect the frames accurately to line, p1umb, and dlrnen-sion and brace firmly in posltlon before anchoring, permanently,Provlde a rninlmum of one anchon on each jarnb per iiOi,of frameheight, and insert a temporary spacer at mid height to preventbowlng. Anchor bottoms of all frames to fl_oors at each-slde jamb.Use an iron angle spreader across the bottom of each frame toprevent distortion.
Any joints in the metaf requlring fl11ing sha1l be fl11ed wlthhot solder and ground smooth. Plasti.c will- not be used. Framesshal-1 be reinforced wlth the following plates: 6-gauge forhinges, 12-gauge for locks, etc., lO-gauge for closers andholders. These should be dr1lIed and tapped for the instarlatlonof the hardware speclfied. Relnforcement plates shall be providedfor all types of surface applled hardware as specified..
Provlde label-ed frames (as rated by Underwrllers rInc. ) where such tabels are requlred and noted onand schedul-es.
where glass is 1nstal1ed 1n metal franes, provlde lg-gauge metal_stops, set 1n mastlc and secured in pLace wlth eounter-sunk flathead machine screws. A11 stops sha11 be mltered Jt trre corners.
A11 hollow metal- shall be shlpped 1n manufacturerrs baked, prlmecoat. shop drawlngs shall be required to the contractor ror nisapproval.
Frames sha1l be manufactured by R.c. Hol-low Metal co., of Denver,or equal, and may be furnlshed to the wonk in knock-down units.
Sectlon BE - Ho11ow MetaL Doors
Furnlsh and instalL ffush panel, ho11ow netal doors (Type F) asshown on the 'drawings and schedules. These doors shall be con-structed of two formed sheets of 16-gauge cold-rolled stretchedlevel stee1. Doors shall be rlgldly connected and relnforced1ns1de with 18-gauge verticaL channel relnforeement runnine thefu1l length of the door at 6rt O.C.
The doors sha1l be fu11y prepared for approprlate hardware in-sta1lat1on.
D99rs, after assembly, sha1l be thoroughly cleaned and flnlshed.ALL welds and joints are to be ground Jrnobtn and fi11ed flushwlth mineral flller so as to conceal all seams. Doors shal1recelve two coats of a light baked-on prlmer of two coats zincchromate, rust lnhlbitlve. A11 doors sha11 be free from mars,dents, scratches or other blemlshes whieh would show afterfini ch noin{- r'nay qrrl e -Lrr6 .
shop drawings sha11 be prepared for these doors for the revlewof the Contractor and the Archltect.
Laboratorles ,the drawings
Liener a_tDivision
A11 work
Condlt lons1 of this
under thls dlvlslon shall beand to the other condltlonsspecificatlorr.
c rrh ianl- #a +l-'^esv.Jvv e L,v l'r.tgas outl-i_ned 1n
ln atl entry ar"eas of a1r apartments, on all exposed surfacesof the cantllevered hearths, and on other fl-oor areas as shownon the drawlngs r the subcontractor sha1l furnish and lnstallslate.
A11 slate sha11 be a random ashlar pattern with 12" x 12r? maxi-mum and 3tt * 6" minlmum surface areas. slate shall be l/41, thick,set into I/2', thj-n set bed.
Afl slate shal1 be true and square wtth the wall-s involverr - esmuch as possi-ble as approvea b'y the Architect, or i;';;;;;;6;accepted and will have to be replaced.
Slates shal-l- be sawed to a gauged thi_ckness.
A11 slate sha11 be grouted with a maxlmum r/4" ioint. Groubsha1l be removed from slate faee whlle wet and inarr be removedwlth acid if necessaly. A11 grout shall be natural gray 1n eol_or.
sl-ate shall be black coror and of pattern #10 as packaged byrrvermont Slate companytr and dlstributed by rdeal beramlc andMarble co., of Denver, or approved equal . After grout bed isdry and slate is clean, the. lnstafler sha1l apply a f1n1sh ofItTrewax" sl-ate sealer. Thls material- should tiren oe wlped cl_eanof al-l sl-ate surfaces and the entire job protected untlL finaloccupancy.
('1 ) Egg.er .In all bathrooms as shown on the p1ans, the sub-contractor sha11 instal] nesi]ient floor material as hereinspeelfied. The limlts of this material are indlcated onth-e drawi-ngs or specified on an approprlate sehedur-e. rfthere is any questlon or lf the subcontractor 1s not sureof such lj"mlts, tlrese questions must be dlrected to theArchitect prl9r to the proposal acceptance. The Owner willgiye no consl.deration af ti:e eoncluslon of the work to extracharges for addltional material he has not speclflcally re-quested in wrltlng to thls subcontractor.
(2) Yaterial: A11 resir-ient fr-oorlngs shar-l be vinyl froor-ing, Armstrong Coronelle series, with hydrocord. baek.Color selectlon will be made by the ArcLltect.
(3) Ipstallatlon: The subcontractor shall malntaln ZOo 1nthe area in whlch the floorlng ls to be lald durlng in_stallation. After instarlation, the temperature shal1not fall_ below llo. Therefore, no res111ent materialshall- be la1d until the heating systern has been put intooperation.
Adhesives sued sha1l be appropriate and approved for allapplieatlons and shal1 be used in accordance with manu-facturerrs written instructlons.
Al-1 resllient flooring where a joint is necessary w111 bepatter"n-matched or will not be accepted.
The subcontractor shall carefully check all floor surfacesbefore the floor coverlng ls applied. If a report 1nwriting 1s submi.tted to the general- contractor that floorsare not ready to recelve th.e materiat, prior t.o installa-tion of the floorlng, then the general contractor shaLl- beresponsible to see that such corrections are made as w111meet the requlrements for a good installation. otherwise,it shal-l- be the responsibllity of the materlal subcontraciorfo insure a proper and good installatlon free from bumps,hollows and other irreEularltles.
/ l, \t,+ J u-Lealing: At the "orpi"tlon of his work, the floorlng con-tractor shal1 remove all spots and forelgn materlal . Thematerial- contractor shall not be responslble for the pro-tection of his work after the floor has been cl-eaned. Thlsshalf be the responsibility of the general contractor.
-37 -
The edging of all vinyl shal1 be by the carpet 1n-
vlnyl base shall- be instafl-ed tn al1 bath areasnot vinyl flooring is involved.
(6)Ease: q"
ffiTher or
Sectiop .9C - Parquet. Woog. F1oorfulg
r"t )Scope: In all kitchens as shown oncontractor shal1 install nomlnal 4,'patNern parquet f1oor. The flooringstalled unflnished and subsequentlystai-n, flller and sealer or varnlsh
the p1ans, the sub-x 3/8" oak ttfingerrr
materlal sha11 be in-flnlshed wlth the proper
l< <nan'l f'l adev vt,vv-:*vg.
(2) Installatlon: Instal-l-at1on shal_1 be accompllshed at atlme when unlform heat above 65o may be malntalned. Theadhesives used, as welt as the parquet wood 1tse1f, shallbe lnsfalLed accordi-ng to manufacturerrs directions.
(3) Workmanship: When completed the parquet floorlng shouldbe fastened securely and f11led and flnished property.If, in the opinlon of the Owner or Architect, thls 1s notthe case, the work will- be ordered redone. It 1s lmpera-tive that the workmanshi.p be of a superior nature to insurethe longevity of the flooring in p1ace.
Secti-on pD - Palntins and Flnlshj.nq
/'r \Scope: The followlng speciflcations cover fhe completepalntlng and finishing of all wood , drywall (or plaster),unflnlshed metal-, doors, windows, kitchens, and other ex-posed su.rfaces on the interior and exterior of the build1ng.The subcontractor sha11 supply all l-abor, materlals, too1s,ladders, scaffold materlal , and other equlpment as necessaryfor the completion of h1s work, and shaLl examlne the draw-ings and specificatlons for the various other trades, in-cluding electrlcal and mechanical-, and shall thoroughlyfamiliarlze himself wlth all their provisions regardingtheir painting requlrements. The painting contractor shall.understand that al-l surfaces left unfinished by the require-ments of other specifications (such as doors, etc.) shallbe flnlshed as part of this contract unless speciflcallynoted to be left unflnlshed.
Fire and Accidents: It shall be the responslblllty of the
palnting subconLractor. to keep his materlal closed as 1spossible and that clean up be such that flre hazards arenot created, but avolded.
Spilled paint shal-l be the responsibility of the paint sub-COntfaCtOr tO Clern nnrroaai an rgplggg lf neCeSSary.
(3) Other Trades: If any materiaL furnlshed and,/or lnstal-ledby another trade which 1s to receive paint is not preparedfor such paint appllcatlon, thls subcontractor must so notifythe General Contractor who will- be responsible for the cor-rectlon by the subcontractor lnvofved. If paint is appliedto a surface, the palnt subcontractor wil-1 therefore assumethe responslbility for the flnished product. Drywall whichhas poorly taped Jolnts, sp111ed spackle, popped na11s, woodwhich has gouges, ripples, cross-sanded areas, doors withsp1lt veneer, metal wlth grease or oi1, cedar or plne withchalk marks or distrlbutorts advertising, flues with stucco,mortar or cement globbed to lts surface, etc., are not readyfor finish painting and must be corrected before paing appli-cation.
At the concluslon of the project durlng the punch listinvestigatlon, the Architect and Owner w111 hot acceptmaterial whlch was not properly cleaned and prepared forpainting and subsequently painted and shal1 hold thepainter responsible if notlflcation was not gi-ven asspecifled above to the General Contractor.
({) Materlals: Alf paintlng and decorating materials shar-l beexactly as herein speclfled. Materials must be deLiveredin the original contalners wlth seals unbroken and labelslntact. MateriaLs shal-r- be used only as speclfied by themanufacturerrs directlons as placed on the container.GLldden Paint materials and Olympic Stalns are herelnspecifled and designated. Benjamln Moore wlll be acceptedas equal provlding it is of the same or better qualityfi-ne as the Glidden speclfied hereln. The Architect witlnot permlt substitutlon for olympic stain products unlessa fu]l sample of the staln on the wood spebified is pre_sented to the Archltect at his offlce. tne Architeci wlllnot make-such declsions and approvals at the job site fromcontainers of other materials which a palnt contractormight assume to be acceptable.
(5) Color ScheduLe; At the appropriate time during the pro-gress of the work, the Owner will prepare a full colorschedule of all- finish materials. Thls will be presentedto the General- contractor. palnt colors will be made fromapproved paint manufacturerrs color neference numbers. Ifa colop appl-i.ed is not the col_or sel_ected by this sched.uleand devlates from the selected col-or in any way, i_t shallbe the responslbility of the paint subcontracror ro correctthls col-or so that lt w111 be 1n agreement with the colorq nhadrr I a
If the palnt material herein specified is not preferred bythe palnt subcontractor who may wj-sh to use other materlal ,it shaLl be his responslblllty to so submlt this haterlal_in l-etter to the Owner for approval wlth an appropri-atecolor selection system. If paint is used on the wonk notso approved, both the materlal and the colors may be re-jected by the Ownerrs optlon and will cuase the nai'n.{:ento assume the responslbility of repainting.
(6) Workmanshlp: A]1 materials sha11 be spread evenly and.smoothly without runs or sags. Visible brush strokes,drips, spots, etc., w111 not be accepted and wil_l_ becorrected.
A11 surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned and free of loosedlrt and dust before palntlng is started. A11 knots, pltchstreaks and sap spots shall be touched up with shellac. A11
a color
A11 netar surfaces shal1 first be washed wi.th rnineral splrltsto remove any dirt or grease before applying paint. Removerust or scale with a wlre brush or sand paper. All_ galvanizedmetal surfaces shal1 be chemi-cally treated with a eompounddesignated for thls purpose (Jithoform, Stiboloy or TblfoMetal-lic Coating) i-n accordance with manufacturerts dlrectionbefore applylng the first coat of paint. clean and touch upmarred shop coats of prlmer or paint wlth Glidden primer.
Alf undercoats of palnt sha11 be tinted to the same or ap_proximate shade of the flrst coat. A1l wood work to befinished wlth enamel or varnlsh shal1 be sanded smooth andthe surface cleaned before proceeding with the applicatlonof the first coat. AlL coats shal-l- be thoroughly dry beforeapplylng succeeding coats. Enarnel_ or varnlsh finish applledto wood or metal shal1 be sanded between coats wlth flnlsand paper to provi_de an even, smooth finlsh.
Al-l- doors to receive f1n1sh on the job shalI receive suchfinish while free of their respective hardware.
Al-l- closets shall recelve a flnlsh equal to the adjoiningroom.
Exterlor finish sha11 not be done damp or ln temperaturesbel-ow 50eF, A11 exterlor trlm which 1s to be painted shallbe backprimed before installation with Glldden EnduranceBaseeoat #1851 or equal (this shall_ lnclude exterlor woodsiding, window trlm, 4nd lnterlor area of ski storage
c foset s ) .
The subcontractor shal1 not only protect this work at allt1mes, but sha11 also protect the ad.Jacent work and mater-ials by a suitable coverlng durlng the progress of the work.At the conclusion of hls work, he shall remove all palnt andvarnish spots from sloors, glass, and other surfaces.
Note: In cases where a shop coat 1s app11ed. at the mi11,it sha11 be so noted below and is not to be inc]uded inthis work.
(7) Exterior Work Schedul-e:
(a) Exterlor rough sawn trlm, if speolfled, ls to necelveone coat of 01ymp1c Staln 709.
(b) Exterlor window trlm and lvindow un1ts. ALl plne win-dows on the exterj-or face of the bullding shal_l befurnlshed to the work wlth a factory primer. These
necessary pufty work, fllllng of nail holes, cracks,shal1 be done after the flrst coat, wlth a putty ofto match that of the flnlsh.
lr r-.t-L-
units and the accompanying trim, as we1l as the ex_terlor surface of the flxed sash members, shallreceive two coats of Glidden Spred Latex house paint.Color to be approved.
(c ) A11 exposed surface of the chlmney flue extenEr.ons ofclay tile shall recelve two coats of Glldden masonrypalnt. Color to be approved.
(d) Handraits and supports and facia. Ar1 exterlor faciaand wood handrall-s shall receive a two-coat applicationof Olynplc Staln 209, one prior to lnstallati-on as aprime coat and one after lnstallation as flnish coat.
(e) Exteri-or steel. Except as elsewhere speclfled, exposedbolts or nailings, exposed. exterlor stee1, plates, con_nectlons, exposed steel on stairs, metal rails on stairs,and all other exposed exterlor metal surfaces shafl re_celve one coat of Glldden Rust Master Galvanlzed Metar-prrmer #5229 and one coat of Gl_1dden Speed Enamel. colorto be approved.
(f) Metaf doors and frames. Al1 metal doors and frames shallbe factory prined and shal_l_ recelve two coats of GliddenSpeed Enamel under this contract. Color to be approved.
(e)Exterior vents, mechanlcal gr111s, and. all_ mechanicalmaterlal projected through the roof, shal_l receive onecoat of Glldden Prlner #5229 and one coat of GliddenSpeed Enamel-. Color to be approved.
(h) Exterior wood doors. The exterlor face of all wooddoors and trlm shal1 receive one coat of Olympic Stain#709, one coat of lacquer sanding seal_er and two coatsflat lacquer.
(1) Interior surface of masonry block on the stalrs andha1ls shall have the same flnish as the exterlor surfaces
(j ) Exterlo? surface of exposed concrete sha1l receive thesame finish as extenlor masonry.
(k) Exterior surface f1nlsh of masonry block to consist ofa one-coat finlsh of |tThorosealtr with a 11ght stipplefl-nish whlch has been floated to provld.e a level_ finish.The Thoroseal is then flnished with one coat of GliddenMasonry paint. Color to be approved. The subcontractorto guarantee the appllcatlon of the flnlsh to adhere tothe Speclal Note as stated in Division IV, Section 48coneernlng leakage due to natural causes. This sub-contractor to also warrant flnlsh under manufacturerrsguarantee.
(8) Interior Work Schedule:
(a) Interior d.oors. Al-1 interlor doors sha11 receive onecoat of Olympic Stain 709, one coat of facquer sandingsealer, and two coats of flat lacquer.
(b) A1l- interior wlndow and door trim. Window sil_ls andall other sanded flnish trim shal_l recelve one coatof Olympic Stain 709, one coat of lacquer sandlngsealer, and two coats of flat lacquer.
(c) Kitchen cabinets. Kltchen cablnets are to be finishedby manufacturer with llnseed oil or stain as specifled
(d) lough Sawn GLu-Lans. A11 roUgh sawn glu-lans in thellvlng room area w1]1 be flnished with one medi_um coatof llnseed oil- to brlng cofor to a more consistent anddeeper tone.
(e) Drywall. A11 ceilings and walls not covered. by woodpanel, tile or other materials, and exposed shal1 bepalnbed unden this contract. Drywall shal_1 recelvetwo coats of fini_sh as follows:
rr \Al-l- bathrooms
Spred Latex,
: nnrrnrrarl
sha11 recelve two coats of GLlddensemi-g1oss enarnel . Color to be
(ii) A11 other drywall shal1 recelve two eoats ofGlidden Spred Latex flat paint. Color to beapproved,
(f) Closet shelves. Al-1 cl-oset sheLves sha11 receive twocoats of Glidden ntgfr gtoss enamel, wlth one coatGlidden #555 enamel undercoat. Color to be approved.
(g) Base-board metal . A1l- metal baseboard covers shal1receive two coats of Glidden Spred Luster Semi-GlossEnamel, to match adJacent wa11 .
(h) Slidlng doors. Wood frame w111 requlre a finish ofone coat of olympic #709, one coat of lacquer sandlngsealer, and two coats of flat lacquer.
(i) Area under flrepl-ace hearth. All exposed materlal-irt thls area, drywal1, wood, baseboard heatlng, ormasonry (other than the hearth) shall receive theapproprlate finlsh.
Drywall behlnd baseboard radiatlon. Thls area 1s tobe palnted the same color as the rest of the wal-l-.Views of unpalnted drywall below fhe cover"s witl notbe accepted.
(J ./
General: The following ltems shall_ not receive paint or finish:-:-:-by this subconNractor: stone over flreplace, concrete hearth,all floors, slate, ceramic ti1e, kitehen counters, kitchen andbathroom cabinets (by millhouse). A11 other areas shal-l- receivea flnish under this contract as noted in these specifications.rf an area or type of flnish 1s in question, it lhould be brouEhtto the attentlon of the Architect lmmediatefv.
Section 9E - Ceramie Tile
-+ 5-
Scope: In all bath and,/or showersha1l furnish and install ceramicof the tub to the ceil_ing on threeshower encl.osures as shown on the
aFc. q 1-ha crrhn nn- *- - -..Eractor'Li lc frnrn thp inn pdcre
sldes of the tub ordrawinEs and schedules.
\z ) t"taterlal: Til-e shall be standard qua11ty, dust pressed,
machTne-made, whlte body, square edge tile. Slze shall-be 4-I/\ x 4-t/\ 1n al-t- bath areas. Fiel-d tile sha11 bemanufactured wlth two 1ugs on each edge of each tile toassure a uniform jolnt, approxlmately .04".
Trim pieces shall be pfaced at all vertlca] edges of thefield and shall be manufactured standard trim of the samecolor as the field til_e. A11 angles, bu11-nose, etc.,used sha11 be factory manufactured.
Grouting naterial shall be white Drl-seaf or Super-Drl
Ceillng joints, corner Jolnts, and joint at tub will becaulked with sll-lcone seal-er only - grout in these joints
wil"l- not be accepted.
Adheslve shall- be Macco-M-III or approved equal .
Til-e color shaLl be white unless changed by the Architectin the color schedule. til-e shal1 be Dal--T11e by DallasTile Company or approval equal . Thls subcontractor shallsubmit sample tile to the Architect for approval .
(3) Instatrtration: Ceramic tile Instltute speclflcatlons foradheslve applicatlon to drywall sha1l be used and arehereby incorporated into these specificatlons. A11 speciallnstructions of the adhesive manufacturer shall- be fol-l-owed
Center tiles on the midpolnt of the rear waLl- and worktoward the corners so that the corner pieces w1l-l- be ofthe same horlzontal dimenslon. Then work from the frontcorner to the tub face so that all tifes at the two endsof the tub enclosure are flush wlth the tub face to preventlmpractlcal and unsightly cut pieces between the tub andthe trim pieces. Then the tile trlm plece shall- extend tothe floor.
Rub al-l- cuts on tile smooth wlth a fine stone. Flt a1]glazed t1le with a uniform Joint, formed by the two pro_jectlng lugs on each edge of all fiel-d tile.
Grout square edge tile joints flush wlth the face of thetile and strike the Jolnts making a neatly finished andsmooth surface' Grout joints with grouting cement mlxedwith water to a soft paste conslstency and thoroughlyforce into Jolnts to fill the ent j-re depth of the joi-nt.
CLeaning and Protectlon: Wipe alL wal_ls clean aftergrouting and proteet before any other trade has accessto the room. Clean all adjacent walls of grout or othermateriaf caused by the 1nsta1lat1on of this tlLe.
Ceramlc til-e work shall 1n no case be accompl_ished intemperatures below 4lo.
Sectlon 9F - Fineplace Hearths
At all fireplaces, the contractor shal_l_ furnish and lnstal_1cast-1n-p1ace cantlLevered concrete hearths as drawn and de-tailed on the drawings. These shal1 be flnlshed as speclfledunder Section 94 of this Division.
Sectlon 9G - Fireplace Stone
Above the fireplace 1n all apartments as shown on the draw-lngs and details, the subcontractor shall furnish and lnstallstone veneer of a size, type and col_or selected by the Owner.The details permlt a maxlmum size of llttthick, however, a twoto three inch veneer type would be preferred. The stone shall-be lald in ful-l mortar bed with corrugated rnetal ties attachedto the back-up panel. Maxlmum Joint dlmension shall b. 3/t1".
Sectlon 9H - Drywal_l
(1) Note: To insure conslstency of installati_on of all dry-wall in a1l areas throughout the building, this specifi-catlon must inslst that all installlng be done by one crewand one crew only. Fallure to conform to thls request willnot be tolerated. This request applles to the flnishingof al-l- drywall used.
(2) Scope: A11 wa11s and ce11lngs throughout the bulldlngare to recelve a full drywal_1 appllcatlon as shown on theschedule for rooms and the drawlnes and detalLs.
Since drywall is the materlal which, wlth masonry b1ock,is essentlally providing the bullding with 1ts basic firerating to conform to type one construction for Grouo Hoccupancy in accordance wlth t|.e I97l Lrnlform Bulldingcode requirements, all detalLs shar-l be carefully checkedby thls contractor. He shal1 report to the General Con_tractor any areas whlch 1n his consideratlon are inade_quateJ-y covered. _ At the completion of the work, underthe lnspectlons of the Local_ building lnspector, thebuildlng must meet all requirements ior fire protectionas outlined by the Code.
Drywall is to be applied to metal studs, rlgid insulation,sound board, and to masonry b1ock. The ri-giO lnsulationis specified under lnsulation in Division 5 of this speci-flcation. Metal studs are specified 1n Dlvision 9 ofthese specifications. Metal studs, sound board ana rigidinsulatlon as well as other naterlals required for a ful-linstallatlon, may be supplied by one contractor.
Proposals which 1nc1ud.e al-1 such material and labor maybe submitted to the General Contractor providlng theybreak out each part of the with with a separate prlcequote.
Pay particular attentlon to all framing soand wal-l-s shall finish 1eveL, straight, anaceilings, rounded corners, or waving wallstolerated.
that ceillngsp1unb. DomedwiLl not be
A11 sheetrock shal1 be carefully screwed to the bottornp1ate, and the bottom plate adequately secured to thefl-oor so there is not .notlceabl_e movement in the walL.
9ei++e!: - A typieal celling is i-ndj-cated in the drawlngs.Detail-ed is a typlcal system. Whether indicated there 6rnot, all ceilings shall_ be constructed as herein specifled
To the bottom of the steel joists, the Contractor shallapply and attach perpendlcular to the jolsts 7/8" deep by2-5/8" by No. 25 gauge hat channels at 12rfon center.Half inch sould board as specifled in lnsuLatlon shallbe attached to the bottom of tfre hat channels.
To the bottom of the sound board shal-1 be applied theceillng board of 5/Btt flre-rated drywal1. Rbove tnesound board filling the spaces between the Jolsts sha11be la1d one blanket of fu11 thlck batt lnsulatlon. Theentlre system is then to be screwed through to the hatchannel wjLln z-r/4'r bugle head screws, thus to conformwlth ltem 11, Table 43C of t]ne j-97 3 U.B.C.
A1l drywall shar-1 have beveled edges over whlch the con-tractor sha1l appfy perforated, joint relnforced tape.Ready mlxed igint compound shalr- be applled to arl jointsto glve a furly flnlshed surface to recelve paint. cornerbeads lrrx l-1,/4ttsha1l be pJ_aced at corners and on dropsoffits as requlred. Al-r corner beads sha]L oe taped bbtnsides the same as the j-o-f nts .
The drywalL contnactor shalr provlde all required caslngand trlm beads as the work necessitates.
rf thls subcontractor does not aecomprish the insulatlngwork, he then shall_ check the ceillng surface of aLl_ inlsul-atlon to see if 1t 1s level, and ready for the drywal]_apprlcation. He shar-r notify the Generai contractor ifthe surface is not so prepared to the end that a1l flnlsheddrywall sha1l have acceptable 1eve1 and surface and it shallbe the responsibility of the drywal_l contractor if suchnotlflcation is not rendered.
The drywa11, 4,/8", sha11 be applied wlth the screw attach-ment at B" maximum spacing. Screws shall_ be secured atend Jolnts and to bottorn plate of the board at 9,, intervalswith the screw-head centered 3/8,, from the edge of theboard. Casing and trlm beads shaLl be 1nsta11ed at term-inatlon points. Corner bead shall be installed at aI1exterlor corners.
Jolnt connpound shall be mlxed per the manufacturerrsrecommended procedures. A uniform thln coat of compoundshall be spread over all jolnts and corners wlth per-forated tape center over Joints. The compound sfral:_ be#1-'n-a''nL Ir' ^urrur.uugnry embedded in the tape. The compound shall_ befour lnches minimum in wldth. Al_l_ screw ireads shall_ befilIed wlth the compound.. A11 joints, angies, beads andtrim shal-I be treated wlth at least a three-coat appli-catlon of compound. After the lnltlal coat of the compoundhas drled for 24 hours, a seal coat shall be applied toall Jolnts, screws, corner beads and tr1m. Al1-jointsor surfaces treated with compound shal_l be feathered,sanded and left absolutely smooth, ready for decoration.
Throughout the job, the same type and manufacturer of thetaping compound nust be used. There will be no devi-atj_onfrom this requirement as it is necessary for a conslstentflnish throughout the buildlng.
(4) Exterior Block Wal-ls: A11 apartments have exteri-or masonryblock walls which sha1l be constructed as shown on detailhorizontal wall- secti_ons on the archltectural drawings. Theinsulatlve lath is to be applled to the lnside block surface
as specified in Divislon 6 0f the specifications. (Thislnsulatlon materi-al may be furnished and instal-r ed hv i.hpdrywall subcontractor.\ "2" furying G-";;ii;;-;; ;t.""'wa11; then the 5/8,' drywall 1s applied to- lrre furring,wi-th 1" rigld insulation placed between the furrlng. Thedrywall shall be finished, taped and covered wlth jointcompound as described ln celllngs above. The flnishedsurface shall be smooth and ready for decoratlon. Therewlll- be no nalr-s used to hold the drywall on these war_ls.
(5) IntellgrJartl!tons: Interlor partitions shal1 be 5/g".x.-rated drywall to both sldes of metal studs as shown onthe horizontal wal_L studs sectlons of the drawlngs.
(a) Tnterior partltions in living room corridor and entrywill have finlsh surface of cedar or pine panellngand need not be finlshed, but shal-1 be flre taped.This 1s lndicated 1n horlzontal- sections 1n drawlngs.
(b) Interior partitions between the bedrooms sha1l haveone J_ayer of drywall on both sides of the studs withone layer placed over L/2,, sound boards on one slde.as noted on drawings, and 'the studs sha1l be f1l1edwith batt lnsulatlon as shown in horizontal wal_l_section on the drawings.
-47 -
\c/fnterior partllons at adJoining bathrooms. As shownon the horizontal wall sectlons in the drawlngs, thedrywall of 5/8" thiekness shalL be applled to a doublesteeL situatlon as shown. The application of the dry-wal1 shall be as prevlously indicated for the ce11ings.The chase wal_L shall then be fllled with batt lnsul_a*tion.
(d ) Tnteni or. n.ar.tltlOnS to cover ni ne ch:se: Those n:r.tl -y*r e4 r, \r \,L/ vsr ycl,r v.!_tions shal1 be as lndicated by horizontal wa11 sectlonon the drawlngs. The contractor sha11 apply one layerof l/Ztt should board and one layer of j/Btt X-rated dry-wa1l to span the opening. The entire vold area of thechase shal1 be packed ful_l with batt lnsulatlon.
Note: At all times the quality of worknanshlp lnvolvedwith drywall lnstallatlon and finishing 1s subJect tof }ra annzrnfn'r of the Owner and the ArChlteCt. Tf et nnvv1r\.: \Jwllgr ctltll 9tlg t!.l \itll |Jcu t/ . rJ. ct v cl.lt vtlme this is found to be incorreet or lnferlor, the workwil-l be replaced lmmedlateLy at the expense of the sub-contractor. It shalL then be the responslblllty of thesubcontractor to lnsure adequate supervlslon of l_abor,quality of materlaLs and flnlsh and thus warrant anacceptable job.
General: A11 work
--:snarJ_ oe subJect toAIA, and the otherspeclfications.
-4 B-
under this dlvlslon ofthe General- Conditlonsconditions outllned in
the speclflcatlonsas publlshed by theDivision 1 of these
Flnlsh hardwar"e sha11 be cLaremont 1z-A finlsh on all. schlageA & D seri-es l_ocksets, Lawrence Brothers Hinges ln US l0Aflnlsh, standard weight no. 4181 , wlth ball-bearing #4101where closers are requlred. fves #61 door stops shal1 beplaced at all stop locatlons. Doors to smoke enclosure shal_l_be furnished wlth approprlate rated hardware as requlred byCode. Closers to appear on metal fire doors on1y.
The finish hardware sha]1 be revlewed by the hardware suppllerto a negotlated top set prlce, whlch 1s the company of tLLfinlsh hardware schedul-e, sha]1 become the hardware allowanceand specificatlon fon thls work. Keys to be marked with apart-ment designatlon only stamped.
Hardware 1nstal1at1on shal1 in any case be as speclfled 1nDlvlslon 6 of this speclflcatlon.
Se.ctlon ]0B - Apartment Deslgnation
Plastic letters and numerals as specifled by the ArchltectshalI be attached. to each qnlt entrarlce d.oor. Such signs maybe prepared elsewhere from the work and atelivered eomntetc rnthe Job for installation.
Sectlon l-0C - To1let Accessonles
(1) Soap holders. At each lavatory unlt on the wall at the rearof the vanity and centered 6tt above the top surface of thevanity shal1 be placed a soap holder of satin chrome as manu-factured by Ha11 Mack, #420-F. Thls holder shafl be placedon the side of the vanlty most remote from the water closet.
(2) Garment hooks. On the bathroom side of all bathroom doorsand on the bathroom slde of a1l_ storage doors to the bath-noom, shal1 be placed one garment hook #4BZ-tr', as manufacturedby Hal1 Mack.
(3) Paper Holder. At the slde of all water closets shal1 beplaced a paper holder #47O-F, as manufactured by HaIl Mack.
G) Towel
(4) soap and Grab. rn the ceramlc tlle in aL1 tub and showerareas shall be placed a r"ecessed soap and grab #46!_F, asmanufactured by Hal-l Mack. Drywall lnstallatlon bracketalso supp11ed.
Bars. In each bathroom shall be placed two towel24" in length, #495-F, as manufactured by Ha11 Mack.
(6) curtain Rod. over the edge of all tubs instalL curtainrod, ehrome plated #35L, as manufactured by Crane. Thlsrod shal_l be securely attached through the tile at bothsldes of the tub area, 6t6n from the floor.
(7) Above the vanity backsplash shal-l be plaeed a compartmentof the same finish and and constructlon as the vahlty basecabinet. See drawlngs for reference.
A mirror shall then be 1nstalled from the top of the vanltycompartment extendlng to the ceil1ng.
In allor maidplatedln allgreatersupport
closets as shown on the plans other thanstorage, the contractor sha11 furnish aad;'ustable hanglng rod. A center supportbedroon closets and ln no case shalL the
.distance than lt0tr honizontally without
linen storageK and V chrome-sha1l be typlcalrod extend aintermedlate
Section l0B - Cabi.net and Mlscellaneous Hardware
For all cabinet and miscelLaneous hardware refer to Dlvlslon !under mil1work. cabinets are to be provlded with hinges, fri-ctlon catches, door pu11s, drawer pul1s, drawer guideJ, andother miscelLaneous items as requlred and explalned 1n thatsection of the specifications.
Sectlon 10F - Scaffold Holst Su orts
supports which w1l-] lndlvldually accommodate a minlrnum of frooopounds shal1 be anchored to the steel joist extenslons of theroof areas. These supports shaLl be placed at approprlate dis-tances to fit standard scaffoldlng on all the soffit areas ofeach pitched roof. These supports shaff be exposed after theflnish has been applled to the sofflt surface.
Se ctlon
Supply and i-nsta1l a flreplace screen attaehed to the anglellniel at the top front of the flrebox and at each s1d.e ofthe firebox. These screens shall be a woven steel clothsuspended from a track. Means of openlng and closlng thesescreens sha1l be by pul1 chaln, rlght or left hand. Centerclosers will not be accepted.
-q'l -
Genelal-: A1l- work under this dlvision of the specificationssIErT-E-e subject to the General condltlons and the other con-ditions as outfined 1n Dlvlslon I of these speciflcations.
Sectlon fLA - Kitchen Appl_lances
In a1l- kitchens as shown and detalled on the drawings, thiscontraetor shall furnlsh and lnstaI1, fulr operatin[ (includ-1ng the hook-up for icemaker, etc.) kitchen appliances ashereln specifled.
Each apartment shal1 be furnlshed wlth one each of the following:
(1) Range and Oven: Thls range and oven shal1 be as manu-factured by General" Electrlc, self-cleaning, coppertone,drop-in unit #JMgl P/ de1ux, with backsplash control_s.Units are 26" wide by 23-3/8" deep and 26i,/r6r' high.
( 2\RefrigeJator: Atl refrlgerators sha11 be General Electrlc
#TBF-J-6D, coppertone, with addltlonal_ icemakers, no frost,64" hlgh, 3o-I/2" wide and 28-3/8" deep. The refrigeratorsshall be equipped with wheel_s rather than glides.
(3) Dlshwasher: A11 dlshwashers sha11 be General Electrlcrn6aeT-7Slz81 with a eoppertone front panel. The unitsha11 be two cycle wlth dall_y loan 1eve1. All units areunder-counter, 26't deep, 3\-I/Ztt hlgh and 24" wlde.
(4) Kitchen Hood: Provlde, a General Electric JVIO or equal ,3-ITlong coppertone range hood, pre-wlred wiin tignC,grease filter and fan wlth swltch on hood. Top vent.The color of al_l unlts w111 be coppertone.
(5) Washer and Dryer; The washer sha1l be a Westinghouse LT10Ostandard washer. The dryer sha11 be a Westinghouse DEI-00standard dryer. Brackets to 1nsta11 the dryer above thewasher Shaf l_ hc c,rnn'l i od h'r LteStlnghouSe for the specifiedequipment.
(6) Trash Compactor: A11 trash compactors used shall- bedenEraf-ElecT}Tc cG450 wlth a coppertone front pane1.
Ranges, refrigerators, and dlshwashers by Westinghouse 1napproximately equal quallty and slze may also be acceptable.
Note: For kitchen slnks and dlsposers, see mechanlcal-speci-fications .
There is no speclal constructlon requlred.has not been specifled 1n other dl_vlsionsbhls speclflcatlon.
for the work thatand sectlons of
There 1s nospecifled 1n
equlpment requlredother divlslon and
for the worksectlons of which has not beenthis speclflcation.
There are no conveylng systems for the work whlchspeclfied ln other dlvlsions and sectlons of this have not beenspeclficatlon.
-5 3-
Leneral: A11 work under this speciflcation shall be subject tothe general and speclal condltlons and this contractor i.s refer-r.rpd J-ha:-'al-n
Section 15A - Plumbing
r1r5 ct I_Lto make
Soil and Waste:Make soil and waste connections to a1l flxturesano run Eo sewer.
The plans show the l-ocation of flxtures. The plumbing contractorshall run 4" C.I. soil pipe from the foot of ei.ch group of fix-tures contalning the water closets. A11 fixtures sha11 beconnected ful1 size to these li_nes
AlL soil and waste plping underground, both outslde and insidethe bullding, shal1 be stand.ard cast lron soil plpe unless other-wlse noted on the pfans. A11 joints sha11 be made wlth neoprene.gaskets. Hubed plpe shall be used below grade and hubfess pipeabove grade. Gal-vani-zed steel pipe wlth black cast i-ron recesseddralnage flttings may be used for all waste plplng 2r?and under,above the ftoor. A11 those over 2trshal-I be cast 1ron. soil andwaste lines shall be properly graded. No-hub soil pipe withclamps is acceptable.
Where VCP (Verified Clay Plpe) is cal-led for on p1ans, it sha11be standard strength salt glazed hub and splgot pipe with Jolntsmade by neoprene gaskets per manufacturerrs instructlons.
Full- size brass cleanout plugs sha11 be installed at the base ofthe sfack and where plpes change dlrection and otherwise requiredfor proper cleanlng of entire drainage system. A11 clean-outswill be lnstalled no less than 12rtabove any fLoor l_evel . Clean-outs 1n concealed lines shal1 extend through the wa11s or floorand shall have flush type chnome plated access panels or covers.Locate !Qt-6tt maxlmum spaclng. Exterlor clean-outs shal-l belocated f00r-0rr maximum spaclng.
The work covered under thls sectlon conslsts of furnlsh-materlal flxtures and equipment and all labor necessarythe lnstal-lation of the plumbing, flxtures, piping andas lndlcated on the plans and as herein speclfied.
Vents: Each fixture shal1 haveto Colorado State Plumbing Codestacks above highest fixture.plpe with galvanlzed cast ironrequired by ordlnance. Stackstend l- | -6 rr ab ove roof s .
separate vents sized accordlng
and shall be connected to soilVents sha11 be galvanlzed steel-or mal1eab1e fittings, all asof independent vents sha1l ex-
Fl-ashing: Each vent, stack and roof draln line throuEh theroof shall have not less than l0rr square 4 pound sheef leadflashing turned up around plpe and caulked lnto hub con_nections or flashing r1ng.
Each roof drain sha1l have not less than 10, square 4 poundsheet l-ead f l-ashins' el amncri nn snlds1'gd inbo f jashi ncr r.i ncr nfdrain . Ff oor ararfis -.r..ii-o"^ . iiirurrv f rashed to'iri5rililfr""'
r^t D'l- 6 1.|r, E^ ^ f i h^!! s vs r .[/r vv+ rr16.
(a) service: Provide compr.ete water service including ex-fension to maln in street, cost of tap and approvedmeter pit wlth valves on both sldes of n:eter. Fromthis water service 11ne, run water plping as required.and as shown and connect ful-1 size to all fixtures.Servlce fine to lndividual groups of fixtures shall_ beequal or larger in cross sectional area than the total_of all flxtures suppli.ed or as shown on the plans.Pltch all piping to dr"ain at low points wit,h hose anddrain val-ves,
(b): Al-L domestic hot wafer plping and cold waterwl-th 50/50 solder joints
Jolnts where buried). Afl
piping shal-l- be ftMil copper(1 copper witin 95/5 solderexposed fixture connectlons shal1 be chrome pl_atedbrass pipe un-insulated wlth stop valves. providestop val-ves for all rough-ins.
(r'\ Tnerrlrf ina I@gs: Provide dlelectric insulationbushings where piplng eonnects to dissimll-ar metals _
EPCO Co, r or equal .
Hot water Heaters: Provlde two commerclal water heaters as@s with insutaieo tank, p & f" rel-ief valves,thermometers, controls and stop valves. provide HWC punpcycled by aquastat 1n return maln. Make two Rheem Mfl . bo.model- l3O2-75, 75-ga11on tank, 10O-gallon gph recovery lOOo!.f. 360,000 btu units naturaj. gu".- 8" f1JLs. pump shal_l beB & B L-t/Zu. fnstal-l unlts as-detall_ed on drawings.
InsBlatign_:. DomgsJic l.lot l{ater and Hot Wat,er Circulating i 1-I/2tlprer ormeo r'lbreglass with b ounce canvas jacket pasted 1n placei-n Bo11er Roon onlv.
Insulation - Domestic Cold Water:\Inna z,anrr i r.odvYu4r vs.
temporary stool-s as soon asPlumbing contractorpossible for the use
shall set twoof workmen.
Testing: After the system has been roughed-in, c&p al1 open-i ncrq q r'r nl ta<t r1 I n{ ni -^ ^+ ,l^,,r-,'lwuu r-, q.rr uJ_pJ_ng aE oouo_Le the operatlng pressure andas requlred by code 1n the presence of the ercrrltLct and plumb_1ng inspector. After tests have been made and approved, theplpes shalf be covered and trenches fi11ed. The iystem shallremain sealed untll_ fi_xtures are seb.
9as $grvicg: Provide gas servlce and provide valved connectionsto al-l- equlpment requiring gas. pipe ;harr ne-ETnEda.d .n,"i;;;..-bl-ack iron. A11 gas piplng-conceal-ed or burled shalr have ileldedforged sLeel flttings
All gas piplng buried underground. sharl be tarred and wrapoed -p.s. Co. #2 wrap or Mlnnesota Mlning and Manufacturing Co.'?tscotchrap" lapped 1rr. Enclose pipd buried under building inmetal conduit. Gas servlce to meter by 1oca1 gas company underseparate contract.
Fixture.s: Al"1 fixtures shall be securely bolted and screwed towaiG-and floors in accordance with rnanuiacturerrs rough-in andsettlng requirements. Make proper provlsions for hanging fixturesduring building constructlon.
steel- backing plates or non-combustible wood sha1l be used tosecure fixtures rigidly. set alf lavs in accordance with manu-facturerr s re commendatlons .
After fixtures have been set, they shall- be carefully protectedfrom all hazards, i-ncludtng speclal protection for tubs fromwelding sparks, untll the buildlng has been finally accepted.Any damage or defect developing before acceptanee shal-l_ be mad.egood at this contractorts expense. Al1 metal trlmmings on fix-tgrgs and exposed piping to. flxtures sha1l be chromiuil plated,with chromium plated excutcheons.
Watef C_logets: Eljer E-5250 vitreous china, free standing closecoupted closet combination E-7940 Eljer Alkyd noul_ded seai withcover, supply, tank fittlngs.
Lavatories: Eljer E-1514 Cl_ement Donna f9-I/4,, x 164./4r ovalcounter top enameled cost lavatory wlth Delex 2522 push_pu1ltrim aerator and pop-up draln witin B-9756-W supplies, n-g7ZT"Pfr trap, and E-99I2 stalnLess steel frame
Sinks ; Eljer E-2276 24!r x 21rltone enameled cast lron counterDelex 2402 faucet assembly with
ni ano rccomrr_lrrsv u errryrJ .
Ledgbrook acld resisLing copper-top slnk wlth lfat rim, with
snPrv 9A].lt:nP f. r,2r-\ a nd ini l -
quart contlnuous feed, I/3 hp I20
stFF l :nrl nrT l tlcsf e?-, h.\nna7r r"7'l + hr rvyPv IFC-851 1s acceptabfe as alternate
Disposals : G. E. FC-450, oneV.A.C. , 60 cycles, stainlessstainless steel cutter. G.E.if FC-450 not avaitable.
Baqh Tnbjr: E1Jer E-1085-PM (r1ght) ana E-1080-PM (left) as 1n-dfAffiA;60" long recessed contour acld resisting enameled cast1ron, wlth Kohler I'Flalr-Dalneyrt #K-7014-FL clear fi1ler valves,and E-9462 pop-up drain fitting. Provide Dole flow control valveon each shower head 1f not lncluded wlth specifled flttlnEs.
Plumbing Specialties:
Floor Dralns: Floor dralns shal-] be:---..---__.trap, backwater valve and cleanout.
Josam #910V wlth built-lnArea dralns sha11 be Josam
Icemak-'s, 7/4" tublng, valve and other necessary fittings tosupply water to i-cemakers in refrlgerators will be provlded lnall kltchens.
SllL Faucets: Style B Woodfond J,/)ltt lreeze proof hydrants wlthremoffilE-Eey. Provlde Hayes #1100 stop and draj-n valves onall s111cock L1nes.
W4eher Wal-l Boxes: Provide Guy Gray BE-200 washer wa11 box
@er, r/21, rrosL valires, 2, draln and vest con-nections. Locate behlnd a1l automatlc washers (coded AW).
Roof Dralns and Downspouts: Run dralnplpe from all roof dralnsas shown on pa1ns. Dralnpipe sha1l be standard welght, galvanizedsteel plpe complete with couplings of same material . Connect sameto dralns where lndlcated. Drains buried in ground shalL bestandard grade cast iron installed as specified under rrsoil andwaste p1p1ng.?? Roof dralns shall be as follows: Josam #410.
Downspout nozzLes shall be Josam #4980.
Wet Standplpe System: Provldestandpipe unlfs, consisting ofhose valves, hoses and nozzles
Standpipes sha11 be black steel
as shown on drawings, complete 4tl
standpipe risers, hose cabinets,
where lndlcated.
plplng wlth screwed flttlngs.
or equal .
#11-0I steel cablnet,
22-Z/Utt 7 JQ-J/\tt a
Hose valves shall be Etkhart #U-20 L-l/zt'
Hose cablnets (coded FHC) sha1l be Elkhartsol1d front recessed type. Unlts sha1l be6-l/4" D, or equal .
Hoses and nozzles for a1l standplpe rlsers and,/or hose cabinets
sha1l be furnished by the suppller wlth the cabinets.
Entlre instal-latlon shall be NPPA and local code approved and be
installed in accordance wlth thelr requirements.
VAuua " +'b' A{b=ro trrocrr- L*, /G \'-
-57 -
Dry Standpipe Sytem: Provlde as shown on drawingsr & conplete4rr dr.v slandninc srrstcm - nnnsistino nf c1-endn{n,r r.-r ur r u eqrrs},r!,! vrr-(_ v4 - iser, f iredepartment connections and outlets on each floor.
Standpipes shalf be black steel piping with screwed fittings andbe of sufflcient strength to wlthstand 300 psi of water pressurewhen ready for service. A11 horlzontal members will be pitchedat the rate of \/[tt to l0 feet to facllitate draining.
This 4rr standpipe shall- be equipped with a two-way fire depart-ment connection which sha1l be loc.ated not less than l8tt nor morethan 4r above grade and sha11 be equlpped with an approved straight-way check valve and approprlate caps.
Each outlet at fl_oor landlnEs 1 be an approved 2-I/2"
I bove f ]oor level. A11
val-ve r c&F and chains.shal1 be equipped with an approved
Thls svstem shal I be marked With a s'i sn ndiaeenl to the flrevrr@!JbrluuJ4vvrrwdepartment connecti-ons, Such siEn shalf read rrDRy STANDPIpETT
Section 158 - Heatlng and Ventilating
General: A11 work under this speclfication shalf be subJect tothe GeneraL and Special Conditions of the Specifications and thiscontractor is referred thereto.
Scope: The work under this sectlon lncl_udes all labor, materlals,fees, permlts, equipment and services for and properl_y lncldental_to the completion of the heatlng system as shown on drawlngs andhereln specified.
Description of Systern;The heating syslem consists of a completeforced hot water heating system. This contractor shall providepumps, radlation, piplng, controls and all labor and materialslncldental to a complete heating and ventilating system as deserlbed.
Boll-er: Furnish and install one cast lron boiler complete with gasburner, insulated metal Jacket, shut-off vaLves, automatlc p11ot,gas pressure regulator, throttJ-ing contro] with M-H 160/280"F aqua-stat, McDonnel M11l-er #63 low water cutoff.
(Note: Wire 1ow water cutoff to stop burner and heatlng pump. )
Drain valves, same rellef valve, and horlzontal draft dlverter andsafety wirlng to satisfy all governing codes. Boiler shaLl- be Cranewhose size and ratlng to be detenmined by Mechanical- Prlnts. Breach-ings shall be of a dianeter necessary to vent to flue. Flue bygeneral contractor. Boiler shal1 be ACA approved for natural gasflrlne.
out 1e t
oul1et s
Plpe and, Flttlngs: A11 piping sha1l be new and free from dentsand scars with ends reaned out smooth. Type L copper insulatedunderground and type M copper above ground,
Heatlng piping shaLl be National Tube or Youngstown black Schedule40 (standard welght) steel plpe with grey cast lron flttlngs.Plping run below floor slab ln f111 shal-L be genulne wrought 1ron.In lieu of steel type L, copper wlth 95-5 soldered jolnts w111 be
: A system of hot water heatlng plping shall be run ason the drawlngs and hereln descrlbed 1n the specifications.
and drain valves to be 1nstal1ed 1n each zone to isolate forPlplng shall be run generally as shown on the plans and shal1
concealed ln radiablon and heatlng unlt enclosures, hung ceilings,
wal-1 chases, except in mechanlcal equlpment room where piplng shallrun exposed as noted on plans. Each branch circult sha11 be pro-
vlded wlth balanclng cocks. P1p1ng sha1l be supported at 10'-0'lcenters maximum.
Specialtles: The fo11ow1ng speclaltles shal1 be provided:
1. A.S.M.E. pressure rellef valves, furnlshed with boiler. Setat 75 lbs.
2. Pressure reduclng valve on col-d water supply to heating system.B&G#7-3/4"slze.
Expanslon tank or tanks.
AirNrol tank and bo1ler flttingsB & G ATF-20 at tank. The aboveapproved equal .
Taco 436 Alrscoop and twoshal1 be Be1l and Gossett or
Low water cut-off: McDonnell-Mil1er #63
Water Circulating Pumps: Furnish and lnstall clrculating pumps as
shown on plans. Pumps shall be constructed wlth bronze 1mpe11ers,staj.nless steel shafts, mechanlcal seals, hlgh temperature bearlngssultable for 212oF waterr & d provlded wlth thermal overload pro-
tection. Pumps shall be Bell and Gossett of slze, type and capaclty
noted on plans or equal by Taco.
Insulatlon: Cover all heatlng plpe and flttlngs with I/2" thri-cki$reglass pl.sformed. #6 densliy-lnsulation l/2rrwal1 Armafl-ex --properly applled and finlshed wlth plastlc tape and musli-n wrappedto underground plpe only.
Valves: Valves for the heatlng system sha11 be Crane or equal by
iluco as shown on drawlngs.
Flntube Radiafion: Furnlsh and lnstall where shown on drawingsflntube of the slze and type lndlcated. Flntube shall be completewith non-ferrous heatlng element mountlng angles, 16 gauge coverswith rubber seal strips, expanslon type hangers not over 16rro,c.,butt trim and plates, lower braces, element spacer stiffeners, andshall be designed for continuous wall mountlngs and run wal1 towall" except where otherwlse shown. Dampers shatl be continuousfrom walL to wal-1 ln all rooms, wlth a maximum length of B'-0" persectlon. Hangers and enclosures sha11 be designed for noiselessoperatlon during temperature changes.
Fintube shall be fBR ratedare cal-led for, they shalllength. A11 fintube sha1lowners.
as shown on the schedule. Where dampersbe fingertip operated 6r-0t? maximunbe selected by general contractor and
Sheet Metal Work: The contractor shal1 exerclse the utmost too6tafi-a=;ooTE--surface lnslde of all duct work, absoluteLy freefrom sma11 flns, imperfect Jolnts or other obstructlons which
cause noi-se and lncrease frlctlon. A11 Jolnts must be air tightAny addiNional duct offsets or turns not shown on plans or in-creased 1n length or run necessary to ovencome obstacles shallbe provided to obtain performance deslred. Provide Tuttle &Balley duct turns.
A11 sheef metal shall be galvanlzed soft ironbracing and seams as recommended by the Ashral
Manual . A11 exposed ductwork shall- have FLATtaken for neat externaL appearanee. Caulk all
Storm louvres shall be 20 gauged galvanized BrrI/[t' galvanlzed mesh on inslde face of louvre.
ductwork of gauger.
Gulde, or SMACCA
SEAMS wlth care
seams air tight.
x Brr x f6r with
Note: These pleces will be' delivered early enough fo be installedas masonry progresses.
Automatic Temperature Control: lfProvide a complete low voltagelemperature control system includlng all control wiring, dampermotors, thermostats, etc., a,s manufactured by Mlnneapolls-Honey-well or Barber Colman, or approved equal . Three sets of shopdrawings shall be submltted and approved by architect before workis commenced.
/l{ T.,\+a. rIhJ c fn h^\ rr\-,/vs ! -lllrD uv rJg
Radiation; Provlde_..--.-'---.....zone val-ves for eachshal1 be controlled
Thermostat units
Boller Cutoff l_-=_-----.....:..:-anct neat1ng pump
provlded by Mechanlcal Contractor. )
a 24-volt room thermostat to control respective
zone to maintain room condltions. Each unitin one zone.
sha11 be as selected by the owner for appearance.
Provide an outslde thermostat to stop boll-er burner
when outslde termperatur"e rises above 6BoF.
Tests and AdJustments: The entire lnstallation of piping sha1l besubjected to a test of fu11 operatlng pressure under normal con-ditlons of use before any plping ls insulated or concealed ln con-structlon. Pressure sha11 remain on system for at least four hoursbut a sufflclent perlod of tlme to permlt complete examination. Poor
workmanshlp or materlal which appear during test sha11 be properly
remedied and test repeated until satisfactory.
A11 testlng shall be ln the presence of the archltect and shafl
meet wlth hls approval. A1l- fueL and electrlelty necessary fortestlng shal1 be provlded by the owner. A11 instruments and labor
necessary for conducting tests shall be supplied by the heatlngcontractor.
Upon completlon of eleaning and testlng the entlre system, the
Mechanlcal Contractor shal1 f111 the system wlth a solutlon con-slstlng ot 50% water and 5Q% ethylene g1yco1 (by volume ) . Theethylene glycol sha11 contaln a rust lnhlbitor and shall- bePrestone, Zerex, or equal. The freezlng polnt of the solutlonsha1l be -33oF minlmum and be so proven by performance of threeseparate hydrometer tests wlth the solutlon operatlng temperatures
and the syStem operatlng between tests. The tests shall be madein the presence of the archltect.
- o _L-
Section 164 - Electrical Conditions
1. scope of work: work covered by this sectlon shall consist offurnishlng all l-abor, equlpment, supplles and rnaterials unlessotherwlse specifled, and 1n performlng all operations necessaryfor the installation of complete el-ectrlcal systems as requiredby these speclfications and/or as shown on the drawlngs, subJectto the terms and condltlons of the contract. The work shaI1 alsolnclude the completlon of such detalls of electrical work notmentloned or shown whlch are necessary for the successful operationof all electrleal systems descnlbed on the drawings or requlred bythese specifications.
2. Wqrk Not Inclqded: Certain 1abor, materlals and,/or equlpmentmayffiothersect1onsoftheSespecificationi,uyutllity companies or by the owner. When such i_s the case, theextent, source and descrlptlon of these ltems shal1 be as indicatedon the drawings or descrlbed 1n the specificati_ons. Unless other-wlse noted, all 1abor, materlals and,/or equipment for the completeinstallafion of the el-ectrical work sha11 be provlded under thlssection of these speciflcation.
3. Speclal Requirements; The General_ Conditlons, the Instructionsto Bidders, and,a11 other requlrements prefixed hereto form a partof these speclfications and apply to aLl contracts or sub-contractsrelatlng fo electrical systems.
(a) Definitlons: Instructlons such as ttProvlde the outlets...rrsha1l mean the same as though the words trThis contractor shallttpreceded the lnstruction. ItProvldesrt sha11 mean Itfurnlsh andinstall.tr Where tbe wbrds ttapprovedtt or ttapprovalrt are used,such ?tapprovedtt or ttapprovalrr action by the engineer and,/orarchitect denotes that the work or equipment itern 1s 1n con-formance with the design concept of the project and, in general ,complete with pertinent lnformatlon glven in the contract docu-ments.
(b) Standards for Mate4141s: A11 materlals shall be new, sha1Iconfo@]icable lndustry standards, NEMAStandards, and sha1l be. Underwrlterts Laboratory Standards flstedunless otherwise lndlcated. Workmanshlp and neat appearanceshal1 be as lmportant as the electrlcaf and mechanlcal effi-clency. Defectlve or damaged materials shall be replaced orrepaired, prlor to flna] acceptance, ln a manner meetlng theapproval of the architect and at no additional cost to the
(c) Llsting,of Equlpnent: The successful Contractor shat-lsubmit to the Architeet wlthln 30 days from the award ofcontract a complete l1st of those ltems of equlpment whichwill be furnlshed under thls contract. Thls shall_ be a type-wrltten ]1st of alL ltems of equlpment and,/or materlals,regardless of the nethod by whlch the item has been lndlcatedas acceptable for use under thls contract. IncLude the nameor description of the 1tem, name of manufacturer, model ortype and catalog number.
(q) Dralvlngs: The drawlngs indlcate the general aryangementof eircults and outlets, locations of swltches, panelboardsand other work. Informatlon shown on drawlngs is schemati_c1however, reclrcultlng will not be permltted wlthout speciflcapproval . Drawlngs and speclflcatlons are complementary eachto the other. What 1s ca11ed for by one sha1l be as bindingas lf call-ed for by both. Data presented on these drawlngs1s as accurate as planning can determlne, but accuracy is notguaranteed and f1e1d verlflcatlon of all dlmensions, locations,leve1s, etc., to sult fleLd condltions 1s dlrected. Revi_ewall archlteetural , stnuetural , and mechanlcal plans and adJustall work to conform to all condltlons shown thereln. Thearchitectural- drawings shall take precedence over al1 otherdrawings. Dlscrepancles between dlfferent p1ans, or betweenplans and speclflcatlons, or rregulatlons and codes governingthe lnstal-latlon'sha1l be brought to the attention of theArchitect 1n wrlting before the date of bid opening. In theevent such dlscrepancles exlst, and the Architect is not sonot1f1ed, the Archltect sha11 reserve the right to exercisesole arbltratlon authorlty.
(e) As-Bullt Drawlngs: Maintain a contnact set of electrlcalorawt-@1th all changes or deviatlons from theorlglnal dr.awlngs neatly marked thereon in contrasting color.Thls shall be a separate set of drawings, not used for con-structlon purposes, whlch sha11 be kept up-to-date as the Jobprogresses and sha11 be made ava11ab1e for lnspection by theAnchitect at all tlmes. Upon completion of the contract, thisset of 'ras bulltsrr shal-l be dellvered to the Archltect.
(f) Shop Drawlngs: Submlt three (3) coples of shop drawlngs,tayouEf-iffiT6ctu-rer I s data, w1r1ng dlagrams and mb.terialschedules as may be requested by the Archlteet and/or Engineerfor h1s review. Sueh revlew by the Architect and/or EngineershaLl lnclude ehecklng for general conformance with the deslgnconcept of the proJectr &nd general compllance with informatlonglven ln the contract documents. Indlcated actions by theArchitect and/or Englneer which result from their revlew shallnot constltute concurrence with any devlatlon from the plans
and speclrlcations, unless such devlations are spec1f1callyidentlfled by the method deserlbed be1ow, and further, shailnoN reLleve the contractor from responslui-ttty for errors oromlsslons ln the submltted data. The contractor shall beresponslble for: Dlmenslons which are to be conflrmed andeorrel-ated at the job slte; fabrication processes and tech-nlques of constructlon; coordinatlon of this work with thatof the other trades; and satisfactory performance of hiswork. The contractor shall check and verlfy al1 measurementsand-review shop drawlngs pri-or to thelr submlttal . sign orinitial a statement on the shop drawings whlch slgnlfles thelrcompliance wlth plans and speclflcations and dlmeislonal sult-ability for the app11cat1on. If any devlatlons from thespecifled crlter"ia for any ltem of materlal or equlpment ex-1sts, such deviation shall be expressly stated :_n writtnglncorporated with the shop drawlng submlttal. The Owneriscoples of the approved submittals shall_ be retained. by thecontractor unt1l completion of the project and presented tothe Owner in bound form.
Shop drawings sha11 be submltted for the following ltems:
(1) A11 switchboards and panelboards(11) Gnouped Meterlng Equipnent
(g). Reyi.ew of.Equlpment and Materials: Where items of equlp-men! and,/or materlal-s are specifically ldentified by a manu-facturerrs name, model, or catalog number, Nhe follbwing shallapply for all such items furni_shed under this contract:
(i) 0n1y such speclflc ltems may be used 1n the baseb1d unless pri-or wrltten revlew of other materi-al hasbeen obtained. from the Architect. Submlt applicationsfor such revlew 1n trlpllcate at least seven (Z) caf-endar days prior to bld opening date. Appllcationsfor revlew sha11 be accompanied by a typewrlttenllsting ol the specified manufacturer and catalognumber and sha11 also state, 1n typewritten detail,any and all signlflcant details in whlch each ltemdlffers from the ltem specifled. Failure to so l1stsuch information shal_l_ not relleve the Contractor fromproviding properl_y functioning or flttlng materlalsregardless of the review action laken by the Architector Engineer. The Contractor shall provlde onlymaterials whlch have been specified or accepted priorto bid openlng under his base bld. Appllcatlons forprior revlew may be submltted by elther suppllers orthe Contractor.
(l) S\rbstlt_utiop of Mate{lals After Award. of Contract: Sub-stltutlon of equipment and materl@ otherthan those specifled and/or those that have been glven writtenacceptance prior to blddlng w111 be consldered for revi_ew onlyas herelnafter provlded:
-6 4-
(i) Proposed substltutions shall- be equal or superlorto ltems specifled or prevlously accepted. The Con-tractor shall submlt any requests on his letterhead 1ntr1pllcate, wlthln thirty (30) days after the date ofawand of contract. Thls request for substitutlonsshal1 be a complete, typewrltten list submitted at onetlme and must be accompanled by a statement outlinlngreasons for each requested substitution. Incl_ude cava-log numbers, technlcal data, cuts, diagrams, and othersuch descrlptlve data or samples as may be requlred.The Contractor sha11 also state in h1s letter a de-tailed statement 11st1ng any and all signiflcantdetails 1n whlch eaeh item requested dlffers from theitem speelfled. Fallure to so l1st such informatlonshal1 not reLleve the Contractor from providing pro-perly functlonlng and,/or fltting materials, regardlessof the actlon taken by the Archltect or Engineer. Ifso requested by the Architect, submlt samples of boththe speclfled material or equlpment and the proposedsubstltutlon.
(11 ) In all cases of a dlfference 1n price, theshal1 recelve all beneflt of the di.fference forsubstltutlons, and the contract amount sha11 beto credit the Owner with any savings so obtained
(1) Permits and fnspectlons: Obtainand licenses requlred and furnish thea centlficate of final lnspection andAuthority havlng jurisdiction over the
(J) Examlnatlon of Site: prlorsite of the Job and ascertaln aL1posed electrical lnstallatlon andthereof.
and pay for all permltsArchitect for the Owner,
approval- from the LocalelectrlcaL lnstal-lati-on.
to submlttlng a bid, visit thecondltlons affecting the pr"o-
make provlslon as to the cost
(k) Guarantee: The entlre electrlcal system installed under
*lt;";;":ffi i:,:131' "l;,1::' "il l::n:"-N::xili, "Ii"5;*,.ffi31?"i;"_
vlded under this contract, whlch develop defects w1th1n oneyear from date of flnal acceptance, or from date of aceeptancefor beneflcial- use by Owner, whlchever 1s earl1er. A1l- materialsand equlpment shall be guaranteed agalnst defects 1n compositlon,deslgn, or workmanshlp.
-o )-
(1) A11 temporary constructlon wiring as requested by Super-intendant shal1 be done. Two 110 and 22Q YoIt stations at eachfloor as work progresses.
(m) Codes and Regulatlons: The complete lnstal-1atlon sha11
comply wlth applleab1e locaL and state wlring ordlnances andcodes, and wlth the Natlonal El-ectnlcal Code of the NationalFlre Protectlve Assoclatlon and wlth requlrements of the Ut1l1ty
and Telephone Companles furnlshlng servlces to thls lnstallatlon.All- codes and standards shall be per the l-atest edltlon wlth all
supplements and offlelal lnterpretatlons 1ncluded. The drawings
and speclflcations take precedence when they are more stringentthan codes, statutes, or ordlnances 1n effect. Applicable codesgordlnances, standards and statutes take precedence when they are
more strlngent or conflict wlth the drawings and speelflcatlons.
(n) Dellvery and Storage of Materlal: Make provislons for thedellvery and safe storage of all materials. Careful-1y mark andstore all materials. Deliver materlals to the Job at such
stages of the work as w111 expedlte the work as a whole. Care-fuI1y check materlals furnlshed to thls Contractor for installa-tion, and furnlsh a recelpt acknowledglng acceptance of delivery
and conditlon of the materlals recelved. Thereafter assume fu11responslbllity for the safe-keeplng of same unt1l flnal installa-tlon has been revlewed and accepted.
(o) New Construction Cuttlng and Patchlng: CarefuLl-y lay outall work in advance so as to mlnimize cutting, channellng,chaslng, or dr1l11ng of floors, wa11s, partitions, ceillngs,etc. Perform all cuttlng, channellng, driI1ing, etc., as re-quired for the proper support, concealment, installation, or
anchorage of raceways, outlets, structure, piping, ducts, equip-
ment or any defaced flnish, t1Ie, plaster, woodwork or metalworkshall be repaired by skilled mechanlcs of the trades involved atthis Contractorts expense and to the satlsfaction of the Archi-tect. A11 cuttlng, channellng, chasln€!, or dr1lling of unfinlshed
masonry, ti1e, etc.t ol cutting, drl111ng, anchorlng to or weld-ing of structural members shall be performed ln a mannetr havingthe Architect's prlor approval . A11 openings made 1n flre-rated
wal-l-s, floors, or ceiling sha1l be patched and made tlght ln a
manner to conform to the flre rating for the encfosure.
(q) Trenching and Backfllling: Perform all trenching and back-
fltllng requlred by work performed under this sectlon 1n aceord-
ance wlth the excavatlng and grading specificati-on and as herelnspeclfled and under the dlrect supervlsion of the Generaf Con-
tractor. Excavate trenches to the depLh requlred for the
utllltles lnvolved; the treneh botton shal1 be graded true and
free from stones or soft spots. Trenches through speclally
treated or surfaced areas, such as paving or blacktop, sha1l
- 66-
have the wldth of the surface cuttlngs extended for a wldthof B" on each side of the open trench. unless otherwrsenoted, such disturbed surfaces shaIl be replaced equal tothe orlglnal construction to the orlginal btacu, with thesame type of materi-al and to the same depths and Linlts asthe materlals renoved. After approval Uy ti:e Architect,backf1Il, tamp, and compact to lnsure against the posslbilityof dlfferential settling, ut11lzlng approved materlals freeof stones. Repalr any trenches where sett]ement occurs, andrestore the surface. Dlspose of surplus backflLl_ as approvedby the Archltect. verlfy location oi existlng or new utilitlesand, 1f damaged by this contractor, replace af, contractorrsown expense.
Section 168 - Seeondar
1. The servlce w1ll_ be IZ0/2OB voLt, 3-phase, 4-wire, wye con_nected for llghting and power and will be avaitable at the second-ary terminals of the pad-mounted transformer located as shown onthe drawlnEs.
(a) Provide the condult frorn the exterior walr- of the bui]d-ing to the servlce quipment and metering facllltles rvhereshown. The utlllty company will cause to be lnstar-red thatremaining portlon of the servlce whlch shall extend. from theexterlon wal1 to the secondary termlna]s of the pad.mount trans-former.
(b) The transforrner and prlmary cable and portions of theraceway thereto w111 be provided by the Utility Company.Provlde an empty raceway for the prlmary servite.
(c) The contractor will cause to be installed the maln forthe apartment feeder, the main at each apartment floor thatthe apartment metering occurs, and the conductor feedlng thesefaciliti-es. The contractor shalr furnish the conduit for thisconductor and the apartment metering equipment.
Melering Facllitles:
(a) Provide building meterlng faclllties as an lntegral partof the main service equipment as lndicated on the ariwingi.
(b) rnstall one bulldlng meter for both llght and power. ThePower Company w1Ll furnish the current coi_ls, meter housingsor sockets, etc. Provide C.T. cabinet, meter conduits, andinstaLl all- metering equipment except in the meters themselves.rnstall metering facilltles in accordance with the requlrementsof the servlce Power Company.
- 67-
(c) Apartnent meterlng - Provlde grouped meterlng equlpmentfor indlvldual. meterlng of each apartment as detalled on thedrawings. See rrGrouped Meterlng Equipmenttr sectlon. TheUtility Company w111 lnsta1l the meters for each apartment.
3. Groundlng: A11 servlce equlpment, condult systems, supports,cablnets, Ilghting standards, equipment, flxtures, etc. , and thegrounded circuit conductor shal1 be properly grounded in accordancewlth the latest lssue of the Natlonal Electrlcal code. provide allbonding jumpers and wi-re, groundlng bushlngs, clamps, etc.: &srequired for complete groundlng. Route ground conductors to pro-vide the shortest and most dlrect path to the ground electrodesysten. A11 ground connectlons shall have clean contact surfaces,tlnned and sweated while boltlng. rnstall all ground conductors1n conduit. Make readlly accessible connections to a contl-nuous,meta11ic, underground cold water piping system at the point where1t enters the buildlng. If thls i.s not practlcal , connect to acold water plpe of adequate current-carrylng capaclty as close aspossible to the meter and provlde a meter jumper. Make connectLonsto the water plpe with T & B serles J!00 ground. clamp, or asapproved, grounding the condult encloslng the conductor as wellas the conductor. Bond col_d water plpe system to separate ground-1ng electrode per Denver Code requlrements.
(a) Pnovlde a separate groundlng conductor, securely ground.ed.on each side of aLl- raceways containlng sectlons of plastic,fiber, asbestos cement, or flexlble raceways. Slze in accord-ance wlth the Natlonal Electrlcal Code and route inslde raceway.
(b ) Provide a green goundlng Jumper from the ground screw toa box groundlng screw or clip for all grounding type devlces.Use insulated wlre.
4. Supports and Hangers: Support and al-lgn all raceways, cablnets,boxes, flxtures, etc., 1n an approved manner and as hereln speclfled.Support raceways on approved types of wal1 brackets, speclal sprlngsteel c11ps or hangers, celling trapeze hangers, or malleable lronstraps. Plumbers perforated straps not permltted. Brackets orhangers shall be ItKlndorftt, ttElcenrt, or ttBlnkleytt, ttMulti-Framett,ttPower-Strutrt, rrUnistruttt, or as approved. Do not suspend racewaysor equlpment from steam, water or other plping, or ductwork, butprovlde lndependent and secure support methods except as otherwlsepermitted.
Provide toggle bolts or expanslon (splder type) anchors in ho11owmasonry un1ts, lead expanslon bolts ln solid masonry or concrete(or preferably use preset concrete lnserts in concrete), machlnescrews, bo1ts, or weldlng on metal surfaces, and wood screws onwood construction.
Note: Nails, or proper type and heads rnay be used to anchor lnwood construction 1n l-ieu of screws only where rigid support willbe provlded by thelr use. use of power-drlven studs is prohibitedwithout express permlsslon from the Architect.
(a) Support lumlnalres only from structural_ elements capableof canrying the total welght. All- 11ghtlng flxtures sha1l bemounted rigldly, wlth no rrrocking?' action.
(b) Where outl-ets are installed in steel stud type systems,provide addltlonal cross-bracing, brldglng, and-/or straps asrequired to make the outlet completely rigld prior to thernn lI nr*{ nn Of the Wall-faCing materlal_.errv eYCLJ_r-.J' clvrl
5. -.Meghanlcal Equlprnent Wlrlng and Connections: Untess otherwlseincticated on the electrlcal drawlngs, all heating, ventilating,and plumblng equipment motors and controls, lncluding fire pro-tectlon controls, sha1l be furnlshed, set in p1ace, and wared inaccordance with the folLowlng schedules: (carefully coordinateall work wlth the Mechanlcal Contractor).
Equipment motors
Magnetie motor starters: (2)(a) Automatlcally control-l-ed W/ or WO,/ HOAswitches
(b) Automatlcally contnol-Ied W/ or WO,/ HOAswitches, and whlchare furnished as partof fnntnrrr i^ii4gfl
onrr i nmanfvYs4},r|rvrr v
(c) Manually controlled
(d) Manually controlled,
and whlch are furnlshedas part of factorywired equlpment
(e) Speclal duty types(part wlndlng, etc)
Pushbutton statlons nJ'l nt
11ght s
EC _c, tr
Di-sconnect swltches, thermaloverload swltches, manualoperating swi-tches., (2)
Mu1t1-speed swltches
Control relays, trans-formers
Electric thermostats, timeclocks, remote bulb thenmo-stats
Motor valves, ftoat controls,
Temperature control panels
and time swltches mountedon T.C. panels
Motor valves, damper motors,selenoid vaLve, EP and PEswitches, etc.
Control circult outlets
Boiler and water heatercontroLs
Temporary heating con-nectlons
MC - Mechanlcal Contract EC - Electrlcal Contract
(1) Set in place by EC except when part of factory wired equip-ment, in whlch case set in pl_ace by MC. Control_ wlring shall beprovided by Ec except where starter 1s automatieally controlled1n whlch case control wlrlng shall be by MC.
(2) A11 disconnects and starters for motors 1,/2 horsepower andlarger shal1 be of the combination type unless otherwise noted.and except for ttspeclal dutytr starters.
t1J Provlde for each motor 1/3 horsepower and below, ahorsepower rated dlsconnect swltch and thermal overloadprotectlon unless integrally provlded with the motor (exceptthat al-1 furnace and boller motors shal_l have separate pro-tectLon). Thermal overload swltches for single-phase motorssha]L be Allen-Bradley BuLl_et1n 600 or equal_. Slze heaterunlts for approxlmately It5% ful-I load motor current.
-T o-
(11) Provlde equlpment connectlons in accordance wlth?tRaceway Systemstr sectlon. Provlde type-S rubber Jacketedcord 600 voLt, heavy duty servlce, or code slzes andlengths as requlred. See ttGroundlngil section.
(111) Provlde motor control equlpment (starters) foreach motor, or group of motors requlring a single control.
See rrMotor Control Equipment (Starters)" section of thisspecification.
(iv)Miscellaneous Equlpment: Where outlets are 1n-dlcated for mlscellaneous equlpment requlrlng eLectrlcpower or control, provlde w1re, condult, etc., and makeall connectlons to same, unl-ess otherwise lndlcated.I'The Eleefrlcal- Contractor 1s referred to the MechanlcaLSpeclflcations and plans covering sprlnkler systems.Provlde wlrlng to flow alarm swltches and alarm s1gna1s. )Provlde all power clrcuits, wlrlng, condui-t, outlets, ebc.,
and provide flnal el-ectrlcal connections to all equipment.
6. 4ltehen an4 : ALI kitchen,ana separate con-tract; however, provi-de wlrlng for same, and make up all flnaleleetrical connections in accordance wlth manufacturer t s recommen-datlons. Where equlpment 1n open areas is fed from wlring in theslab, terminate conduit 1n a flush coupling at the floor or sultablewater-tight box, from whlch polnt, extend a rigld conduit nipple atleast Btr above the f1oor, and provlde flexlbl-e conduit connection tothe equipment. Make all condult connectlons at the floor water-tight.
(a) Provlde flex1ble armored or Type-S rubber cords, plg ta1ls,caps, etc., as required for an operating system. All flexlblecords sha1l have a groundlng conductor. Ground all equlpment.
See ItGroundlngtr section.
(b ) See |tOutletsrr section for nounting helghts .
(e) Refer to af1 equlpnent manufacturer shop drawlngs for de-tails of equlpment connectlons. Provlde receptacles as requi-redto match the cord caps on the equlpment furnlshed. Provlde eltherdlrect wlrlng or receptacles under the base bld for flnal con-nectlon to equlpment as requlred for the partlcular equlpmentfurnlshed, regardless of the type of outlet shown on pIans.
7 , Group Meterlng Equlpment: Provlde grouped meterlng equlpmentfor each buiJ-ding as speclfled hereln and as detalled on the drawings.
The grouped metering equipment sha1l conslst of an array of meter
sockets wlth assoclated overcurrent protectlon provlded by use ofclrcult breakers and shal1 be NEMA-I construction. Each unlt shaflbe factory assembled, rigld bussed (s1ze as shown on the drawlngs)
and shall requlre no lnterconnectlons. Meter sockets shalL be sup-pl1ed with snap-type seal rlngs.
-a _L-
Group meterlng equipment sha1l be manufactured by Square D. Co.,G,8., LT.E., oF equal .
Sectlon l-6C - Tertiary ELectrlcal System
1. Junction and Pull Boxes: Construct Junctlon or pu1l boxes notover 150 cu. ln. ln slze as standard outLet boxes, and those over110 eu. 1n. the same as rrcablnatsrtr wlth screw covers of the samegauge metal . Rernovable covers must be accesslbl-e at all tlmes.Mount per rrOutletsrr sectlon.
(a) Provlde a standard access panel, havlng a hinged metaldoor neatly fitted into a flush metal trlm, where a junctlon
box or equlpmeni is located above furred ceillngs or behindflnlshed wall-s. Coordlnate locatlon and type with the Archi-
+ 6/r+
2, Cablnets: A11 cablnets shal1 meet NEMA and MEC requirements,be oT-EEffiErd make, U.L. labeled, of sheet steel with corroslonreslstant flnlshr and wlth ample space for all wlres, connections
and equlpment. Provlde each cablnet wlth a door and flush catchand lock. AL1 locks sha1l be keyed allke. Furnish five (5) keysto the owner.
(a) Cabinet fronts shal1 conslst of sheet steel panels wltha hlnged door. Fronts for flush cablnets sha11 be approxl-mately 3/4tt larger than cabinet on all sides and set so thatthe front w111 rest flrmly against the flnlshed wall surface.
(b) Provlde sultable devlces for securing, supporting and
adJustment panelboard lnterlors and fronts. Cablnets shal1be arranged to provlde. a wlrlng gutter not less than Jrr orlarger as speeified ln Artlcle 373-6(a) of the N.E.C. A11cablnets sha1l be set rlgldly 1n place, wlth fronts straight
and p1umb, entire paneLboard j-nteriors 1n door openlng. Mountcablnets per trOutletstr and ttSupports and Hangersrr sectlons.
(c ) Provlde telephone cablnets of size and depths as noted.
on the drawlngs, complete wlth wood backboards. Surface nounted
telephone cabj-nets sha11 have a door hlnged dlrectLy to the
cablnet .
3. Safety and Dlsconnect Swltches: Provide encl-osed, fuslb]e ofnon-fuslble safety swltches where lndlcated and herein speclfled.
Safety swltches shall bear the Underwrlterrs 1abel with each en-
closure belng of the NEMA type sultable for the surroundlng area
and c ndltlons. A11 swltches shal-l be mlnimum normal duty, horse-
power rated, and shall have qulck-makg and qulck-break mechanlsm.
A11 swltches used on motor clrcults sha1l have adequate horsepower
ratlng for the motor served.
-l z-
(a) Safety swltches employed as motor disconnect devices
sha11 be of the fusible type only where two or more motors,or other loads r ap€ connected to the same branch circuit.
4. Fuses: Provlde accurately callbrated fuses, of the correctcapacity for over-current protectlon for all circults utilizlngfused protectlve devj-ces. Fuse shall be rated for voltages atwhlch they are to be applled, or hlgher when so noted. Parallel-ing of fuses not permitted. A11 fuses shaff be properly coordinated
and of the same manufacturer. Fuses shall be as manufactured by
Bussmann, Chase-Shawmut, General Electric, or as approved.
(a) Except as otherwlse noted, fuses for applications at
600 amperes or less fuses sha11 be rated for 250 volNs andshal1 be one (1) dual-element type wlth 100,000 rns amperesi-nterruptlng rating.
(b) Provlde current limlting type fuses rated for 250 voltsfor all fuses larger than 600 arnperes and for all fuses i-nthe mai-n service equlpment, and for malns for grouped meter-ing equipnent. Current 11m1t1ng fuses sha1l be Bussman
"Llmltron" or approved equal .
(c) Provlde one spare set of three (3) spare fuses for everyfuse size for all fuses installed. Provide a metal cablnethaving a hinged door and shelves or holders for neatly storlngfuse boxes and mount same near the main service equlpment.Label ItSpare Fusestt on face of cabinet.
5. Raceway Systems
(a) General: Provlde raceways as requlred below for all
raceway systems, Condult sizes not noted on the drawingsshall be in accordance'with the requlrements of the NE Codef nr., tha .!,1eht:i ti eS and SIZeS Of Wire inStaf 1ed thef eln.v trv \a**.rv+ v+!
Where non-metalLic raceways are utilized, the Contractorshal1 provlde sizes as requlred to conform wlth the f1llrequlrements of the NE Code, with the grounding conductorconsidered as an lnsulated additlonal conductor. SeerrGrounding" sectlon. Securely fasten all raceways at inter-
val-s and locZltlons requlred by the NE Code for the type race-
way employed. Refer to ttSupports and Hangersrr section of thesespeciflcatlons, Embedded raeeways shal-1 be securely tied inplace prlor to embedment. Lay out work in advance to avoid
excesslve concentratlons of multlple raceway runs. Locate
raceways so that the strength of structural members is un-
af feeteri .enrl f.hev do not confllct with the services of othertrades. Install one inch or larger raceways in or throughstructural members (beams, s1abs, etc.) only when and in a
manner approved by the Archi-tect. Install plastic racewaysin a manner which wtlI permit thermal expansion of the race-
(b) Raceway Installatlon and Materlals - Above Grad.e:
(i) General: Insta]l al_l raceways concealed except atsurface cantnets, for motor and equlpment connectlons and 1nmechanlcal equi-pment rooms. Install a mlnimum number of 6rlfrom f1ues, steam p1pes, or other heated 1ines. provldeflashing and counterfLashing or pitch pocket for waterproof-1ng of all raceways, outlets, flttings, ete., whlch penetratethe roof. Route exposed raceways para11e1 or perpendlcularto bullding 11nes wlth rlght angle turns and symnetrlcal con-centrj-c bends. Concealed raceways sha1l be run in a direct1ine, and where posslble, wlth long sweep bands and offsets.Provlde sleeves in forms for new concrete wal1s, floor slabsand partitlons for passage of raceways. tr'Iaterproof all sleevedraceways where required. Provlde one empty 3,/4r' conduit foreach foun spare unused poles of each flush mounted branchclrcult panelboard. Termlnate empty 3,/4t' condult ln a Juncti-onbox, which, after constructlon completlon, is accesslble toenabl-e future branch clrcult extenslons. Provide raceway ex-pansion joints with necessary bonding conductor at buildingexpansion joints and where requlred to compensate for racewayor building thennal expansLon and contractj-on. Terminateraceways I-I/41' and larger wlbh insulated bushings or raln-ti-ght connectlons wlth lnsulated throats.
(ii) Special Areas: Methods for raceway lnstallatlon(with appropFTEEEGsl--offs, exploslon proof fittings, etc. )1n all special occupancy areas, as defi-ned and classifled inArtlcLe 500 of the NE Code, sha1l be in accordance with thatArtlcl-e.
( 111 Jconduit Condult:installed Hot-dipped galvanized rigld steelin the followlng above-grade areas:
rr Embedded ln above-grade concrete floor slabs;Where exposed to mechanical- inJury;
Where speciflcally required by the NE Code.Any remaining areas, where speclfled onl_y,except as permltted or speciflcally requlredin the fol1ow1ng paragraphs.
Rlgld conduit sha1l compJ-y wlth Underwriters I LaboratorlesStandard UL6 and USA Standards Instltute CB0-1. Provlde doubt_el-ocknuts and bushings on a1l- conduits terminating at outletboxes, cabinets, gutters, etc.
( 1v ) Electrlcal Meta1l1c Tubin
may be lnstall-ed 1n dry areas arh'l 1r J n
Concealed locatlons 1n furred wa11s or ceilings;
Enbedded 1n poured gypsun;
Exposed at least 5 r above floor.
-7 4-
Such tublng sha1l be galvanlzed on the outside and coated. onthe 1ns1de with a smooth hard flnish of lacquer, varnlsh orenamel. EMT fittlngs shall be steel compresslon g1and. EMTshaLl comp]y with Underwriters I Laboratorles Standard UL Z9Zand USA Standards Instltute CB0-i.
(v) Flexlble Metal Condult: Shalt- be provlded in suf-
flslent length(s) for:
(1) Make-up of motor or equipment and racewayconnectlons where iso]ation of sound andvibratlon transmlsslon is requined. Forsald equlpment connections in locationsexposed to weather, or in lnterior loca-tlons subJect to rnolsture, watertight,flexible conduit sha11 be used.
(2) Connectlons to recess lighting fixtures.
A11 conduit flttlngs sha1l be stee1. Lengths of f1ex1ble metalconduit shal1 contain a separate grounding conductor as outl_inedunder rrGrounding.rt
(vi) Surface Raceways: Where lndicated on drawlngs, shallbe metal a@oved for the number and size of wiresto be lnstalled; shal1 be lnstalfed ln a neat, workmanlike man-ner, wlth runs paral1e1 or normal to wa1ls and partitlons; andshall be rrWiremoldrr or as approved. Racewayst e1bow, fittingsoutlets and devices shal1 be of the same manufacturer and desiEnedfor use together.
(vlf) Wireway(s): Where lndicated. on the drawings, sha1lbe of the hinged or screwcover type of sizes lnd1cated., completewith eLbows, tees, connectors, adaptors, etc , , wlth all partsfactory fabrlcated and of the same manufacture, Screwcovertype wireway(s) sha11 be Square-D "lay-in ductrr or approved.Hlnged cover type sha11 be General Electric Company type rrHlVrt,
Square-D trSquare-Ductrt or approved.
(c) Raceway Installation and Materlals - Below Grade:
Deflned as the area below flnlshed grade for a building exterior
and below or within the bottom floor slab for a bullding interior.
(f) General: Below-grade raceways ter"mi-nated under mainsenvice equlpment, pad-mounted transformers, etc. , above floorslabs and equlpment foundatlons shall proJect 2rr minlmum abovethe floor or foundatlon flnlsh to prevent water entry. fnstall-exterior underground condults 30r' minimum below flnish grade.
(11) Non-Encased Raceways: Unless speclflcally noted onthe drawlngs for concrete encasement, provlde the followingraceway systems for lnstallation in or below slabs on grade orln earth or gravel:
(1) R1gid, heavywall, Schedule 40, polyvlnylchlori-de (PVC) plastlc condult, suitablefor di-rect burlal. Conduits l_-1,/2il andlarger sha1l meet requlrements of Under-writers I Laboratories. Conduits sha1l bemanufactured by Borg-Warner, Carlton,Ethy1, Krayloy, Triangle, or approved.
(2) Or rigid, galvanlzed steel condult havlnga 0.030tt mlnlmum thickness, factory bondedPVC, or polyethylene plastic jacket.
(111) Encased Raceways: Where specifically noted on thedraw1ngsrffiement,prov1deoneofthefo11ow1ng
raceway systems for lnstaL1ation below slabs on grade or lnearth or gravel. Concrete used for conduit encasement sha11red-dyed, having a 2rr minlmum thickness over the condult, freefrom honeycombs, and conslst of a four-bag mix wlth 3,/4" maxi-
mum aggregate. For multlple runs of condult subject to mono-lithlc encasement, provide plastlc spacers on maximum 10r centersto maintain horizontal and vertlcal spacing of the condults.
(1) Schedule 20, type "A" polyvlnyl chloride (PVC)plastlc conduit, of wall thlckness suitablefor encasement. Condults I-I/2n and largershal-l meet requlrements of Underwrlterts Labo-ratorles. Condults shal1 be manufactured by.Borg-Warner, Ethyl, Carlton, Krayloy, Trlangle,or approved.
(lv) Refer to rrUnderground Util-1ty ldentification'r portlonsof the rrCompletlont' sectlon os these speclfi-cations.
6, Qqll-ets: The exact tocatlon of outlets and equipment sha11 begoveFfr6F-6! structural condltions and obstructlonJ, or other equip-ment items. When necessary, relocate outlets so that when fixturesor other devices are instalLed, they will be symmetrlcally locatedaccording to the room layout and wiLl not lnterfere with other workor equipment. Verify final locatlon of all outlets, panels, equip-ment, etc. , wlth Architeet.
(a) Provide zlnc-coated or cadmium plated sheet steel or plasticoutlet boxes not less than 4tr octagonal or square, unless other-wise noted. Equlp flxture outlet boxes with 3,/Bn no-bolt fixturestuds. Where flxtures are mounted on or ln an accessible typeceillng, provlde a Junction box and extend flex1ble conduit to
each fLxture. Outlet boxes in flnlshed cell-lngs or wa1ls sha1Ibe fltted wlth appropriate covers, set to come flush with thefinlshed surface. Where more bhan one swltch or devlce is loca-ted at one polnt, use gang boxes and covers unless otherwiselndlcated. Sectional swltch boxes or ut11lty boxes w111 not be
permitted. Provlde Steel Clty Series tGWtt tile box, or asapproved, or a 4tt square box wlth tlIe ring in unflnlshedmasonry concrete, cinder block wall-s, or where t?drywall'r typewal1 flnished are applied.
(b ) rrBack-to-backrr outlets ln the same wal1, or ttthru-wal-1rt
type boxes not permitted. Provide B'' minimum long n1pp1e inoffset all outlets shown on opposite sldes of a common wall-to ninimlze sound transmlsslon.
(c) Except as otherwlse noted, locate outlets and panelboards
as follows:
Dlmenslons glven ar"e from flnlshed floor to center 11ne ofoutlets except panels. AdJust heights of outlets in masonrywa1ls from that lndlcated here so outlet box will set incorner of block or brlck. Outlet helght so adjusted shall- beconslstent in one direction.
(i) Wall switches 4r6rt(ii) Convenience outlets lrOrt(Except over counters, benches,speclal equlpment, over base-boards, fintube, radiators,etc. , where they shall be at aheight to servlce equlpment oras noted on the drawings )(iii) Kitchen and workroom outlets 3tBrr(Fie1d verlfy helght of back-
spl-ash )(iv) Panel-boards (to top of trlrn) 6 ' 3'r(v) Standard telephone outlets.. 1rOtr(vl) Wal] mounted. telephone outlets. . 4 t6t'
(vj.i) Flre alarm horns 12rtbelow celling(vlil ) Flre alarm statlons 4 | 6r'
7 . Wirllrg Devlces: Provlde the follow1ng lvory color devlces wherelndlcated on the drawlngs. Types of devices other than those llsted
below sha11 be of the same standard of quality. Equivalent, residen-tlal grade, devices shall be as manufactured by Hubbal1, Arrow-Hart
& Hageman, P & S, Bryant, Slerra, G.E., or as approved. A11 devlces
shal1 have screw type terminals.
(a) Receptacles: Where special recepbacles are required, verify
Lha cxaol. 1.y6p 7.p611.i r.erl hef or.a nr.,dero{ no - Sce ltGrorrndingrr sectlOD.e eJ I./ v r vY!{tr
A11 reeeptacle and plug conflguratlons sha11 conform wlth NEMA
standards for amperage and voltage classiflcatlon.
(i) Groundlng type duplex throughout:
AH & H 5252-L or equal .(fi) Duplex weatherproof: AH & H 4500 & 5252-I or equal .
(iii) Range receptacles: AH & H 7987 or AH & H 5254( see ItGroundlngft sectlon ) or equal- .(iv) Neon type p11ot llght: AH & H tZ20 (t2Ov) orequa1.(v) Special outLets: as lndlcated on drawings.
Keyless - P & S l-l-0; pu11 chain - P & SProvlde wlth 100A f.F. lamp unless other-or equals.
(c) Swltches: Swltches shall be the a.c. tumbler quiet type,AH & H-fEgO-erles - 15A or AH & H 1!!O series - 2OA or equlr.Switches sha11 be fu1ly rated for elther lnductlve or incan-descent l-oads. Key operated switches shaLL be fltted to thesame key.
B. Devlce Plales: Provide a device pLate for each outlet to suittrre aeTice-T[sTFled and blank plates or covers for junction boxesor empty outlets. Flush devlce plates sha1l be ivory crackle finishon metal . Screws sha1l be spanner head or key s1ot, vandal-prooftype, or metal , wlth ovaL heads with flnlsh to match plate finish.Devlce plates shal-l be of the one-piece type of suitable shape forthe devlces to be covered. Where the device plate does not coverthe outlet openlng, special large plates sha11 be used. Sectlonaldevice plates will not be permltted. Where exposed wlrlng 1s per-rnitted, devlce plates shall be galvanlzed.
(a) Device plates sha11 be as manufactured by any manufactureras listed under rtWlrlng Devlcestr section above.
(b) Provlde telephone plates wlth bushed cenfer or telephonejack opening and f1nlsh to match other plates in area. Verifyexact style of plate and dlameter of openlngs r^rith the tele-phone company before 1nstal1ing.
9. Wire ald Cables: Provlde a complete system of conductors 1nraceway systems. A11 wirlng shal_I be routed through an approvedraceway regardless of voltage appllcatlon. Unless shown otherwlse,
mlnlmum wlre slze shall be No. 12 except for control or signal cir-cults whose length from panel to flrst outlet exceeds /lr for 120voLt clrcuits shal-1 be No. 10 or larger, as required to comply wlttthe NE Code. A11 wlre shal1 be lnsulated for 600 volts.
(a) A11 wire No. 10 and smaller sha11 be copper.(b ) A11 wlre No. B and largen may be aluminum and except whereotherwi-se noted, ls slzed on the drawlngs on the basls of alum-inum. The contraclor may) at hls optlon, utillze copper forall s1zes, provided that equivalent ampacity to the specifled
aLuminum conductor is furnlshed. Raceway sizing may be reduced1n accordance with approprlate tables in the NE Code for copper.t
M1x1ng of conductor types permltted onry for the grounding con-ductor or with speclflc approval or as noted on tfie d.rawiigs.rf copper is i-ntended to be substituted, submlt a--tabul_ationshowlng.each speclfied alumlnum feeder, its a*paJlty and race-way slzing, together wlth the proposed equlvallnt utllizingcopper together wlth its ampaclty and raceway sizlng, forapprovaL by the Engineer.
(c) A11 termifratlng f1tt1ngs, connecrors, elc., sha11 be atype sultable for the speclfic cable (copper or aluminum)furnlshed. A11 flttlngs shal1 be made up-trgnt. Re-checkall splices and. termlnatlons and make rnechanically and elee-trically tieht during a 15-day period immediately prior toflnal acceptance of the work. Apply an anti-oxihe inhlbitor,equal to Tdeal rrNoaloxrr, to all afumlnum termlnatlons or ex-terior proximate to molsture or high humidity. fnstalr- wire1n raceways and make up all tenminatlons 1n itrict conformancewith manufacturerts reconmendatlons, uslng speclal washers,nuES, eEc.r as requlred. use an approved wlre-pu1llng lubrlcant,equal to rdeal ItYelrowrt, for all wlre No. 4 and langer. stripinsulatlon so as to avold nlcklng wlre, partlcularly alumlnum'.
(d.)- wlre sizing: Lighting clrcui-ts - #14 copper non-metalliccabLe. ppli-ance clrcults - #r2 eopper non-metal1ic cabr-e.
langes #6-3 aluminum non-metall1c eaOfe. Wall plates to beIt"qgg metaL fl-L7l. or equlvalent. Branch feeders to he inr-l/Atr E.M.T. vrith set screw couplings and connectors. Feederconductors to be #2 alumlnum. A11 house lightlng and powerand exit.llghting to be 1n E.M.T. and #12 copper wj_re. Build-1ng service to be 500 MCM al_umlnun in 3t'G.R-.-C. condult. Twoparallel runs, 600 amp.
(e) A11 conduetor lnsulation types shalr be rated for wet anddry locatlons (unLess bpeciflcally otherwlse noted) and shalrbe approved by the NB code for the particular application. A1rwlre and eable shall- have the following (or betllr) lnsulationclasses
(i(::Al-1 feeders, and all No. 4 and larger, Type THW;A11 wi-ring 1n metal roofd.ecks, in aEtLc or ;olsispaces, 1n or near roof insul_atlon, or exposed.to sun, Type THW;A11 supply connectlon wlrlng to fluonescent f1x-tures and all wlrlng in lightlng flxture wlringchannel-s, Type THHN, or RHH, equal to Anaconda'' un1c on " ;Mtnimum THW for a1f alumlnum wlring;A11 wlring ln hlgh temperature areas, where thetemperature w111 exceed 16ToF shall be rated105oC mlnlmum and a type approved by Localcode. Thls shall lnclude any wlrlng wlthin3r horlzontally or 10r above any heattng p1ant.
ri i r \
I (f) A11 wiring for control systems to be lnstarred in con-junction with mechanical_ and/or misce]]aneous equlpment, sha11be color coded 1n accordance r^iith the wlrlng diagrlms furnlshed.with the equipment. Ar1 branch circult wlrlng licluding clr-cults to motors, and all feeders shaLL be col6r coded uy rlneor phase in accordance wlth Artlcle 210-5 of the NE Code asfollows:
Wlre No. 2 and smaLler shall be factory color coded..wire No. l and larger may be coror coded by fleld painting ortaplng of the entlre length of exposed. endi or by spaghetfitublng having impregnated colorlng.
I20/208 Yolts
Phase A - BlackB-Red
C - BlueNeutral - WhiteGround - Green
(g) wire shaI1 not be lnstalled in incomplete condult runsnor until after the concrete work and plasterlng 1s completedand all molsture is swabbed from condults. rnsulatlon resistanceto ground shalL not be less than that approved by the NE cod.e.El-lmlnate spllces wherever possi-b1e1 where necessary, splice1n readily accessibl_e pu1l, Junctlon or outlet box.
(h) Spllces and connectlons shall be made as follows:
(i) Connect No. 6 and larger wlre to panel-s and apparatuswith properly s1zed, solderless approved lugs orconnectors :(11) Connect No. B and smaller r.,,rlre by twisting tight andapplying properly insulated pressure or wj_re nut
connecEors;Flashover or insulati-on value of Jolnts sha11 equalthat of the conductor. Connectors sha11 be U.L.lisfed, rated at 600 volts for general_ use andfr000 volts for use withln flxtures.
(J) Provide wire nut connectors having cone-shaped, steel-plated, coil spring lnsert wlthln an insulatlng connector bodycontalning buttree threads lnside the sklrt for gulding wlreends snugly into body sklrt, Ideal Industries ttWing Nut", 3-MCompany ttScotchlock?r, Buchanan ItB-Captt, op provide pressure,steel (copper not acceptable) splice caps with nylon i_nsulaior,Buchanan, or as approved.
(k) Provide a tape wrapplng to i-nsulate all live terminal_s forall tumbler switches on a]j- zTT volt circuits. Mount 2TT voLtswltches in separate or lsolated-section boxes to conform wlththe NE Code.
-o u-
(1) Provide cable supports for a1l vertlcal rlsers per NE
Code requirements.
10. Branch Clrcult Panelboards: Provlde dead-front clrcult breakertype umber of branches lndlcated. Breakersshall be bolted 1n the bus. Plug-ln breakers are permltted. Breakerssha1l be thermal nagnetlc type employlng quick-make and qulck-break
mechanlsms for nanual operatlon as well as automatic operatlon.Automatlc tripping shall be indicated by the breaker handle assuminga dlstlnctlve posltlon fnom the manuaf ?roNil and rroFFrr. A11 multl-pole breakers shall have a common trlp. Tie handles will not bepermltted . See rrCablnets tr section.
(a) Panelboards havlng branch clrcult breaker size of 15A to
1004 shal1 be:
(i) Westlnghouse Type NQB Square 'rDrr NQOB or equal foroperation of 120/2OB volt systems.
(b) Type NQC and NHIB panelboards may contain two subfeedbreakers having a ratlng in excess of 1004 but less than 225
(c) Panelboards having more than two branch circult breakersrated 1n excess of 100A sha11 be:
(i) Westlnghouse Type CDP for operation of I2O/2OBvolt systems.
(d) A11 nultiple-sectlon panels shall be provided with adequateaddltlonal space for cross-connectlng cables between sections.
Where maln breakers are ut1l1zed, provlde separate means for
mu1tlple feeder tap connectlons. Double lugging to breaker lugsprohlblted.
(e) The above panelboard deslgnatlons are Westlnghouse, however,provlde any of the following equlpment, or as approved:
Wayco Square D
(f) ApartmenL panelboards sha1l be Wayco (ITE) type EQ wlth
EQ-P clrcuit breakers and wlth doors, G.E. type TLM wlth TQLcircult breakers wlth doors, or approved equal .
11 . Maln Building_lwl!_ch.loard: Provlde a Serles I (NEMA Class I)free door, metal-encLosed, dead front, 25Qvolt switchboard, consistlng of vertlcal sectlons bolted together.
(a) Housing Struclure: The ends, top and rear shalL becovered wlth stretcher-leveled steel plate not less than 12gauge, attached to the frame with machine screws. The frontface members shall- be stretcher-leveled steel not less than11 gauge. The structural base of the swltchboard sha11 bebolted to a welded steel channel framing base, set on 4" hlghconerete base set on the structural- concrete floor s1ab. Theswitch-gear framework shall consist of elther Ztt or 4tr stee1or formed sheet steel channels, Thls channel framework shallbe shlmmed to provlde a true and level mountlng surface forthe switchboard. After wh1ch, it shall be filled wlth groutto ensure a permanent setting that will not separate from thestructural concrete floor s1ab. Wlrlng gutters shal_l- be ar-ranged to permlt cable entries to be made at the top of theswitchboard. A11 interior and exterlor surfaces shal_1 befinlshed wlth two coats of A.S.A. #61- lndoor 11ght grey enamel.
A11 hardware shafl be Elven a suitable protectlve finish.
(1) Provide a 4'r high concrete pad for mounting allswltchboards.
(b) Busslng: The bus structure sha]L be fabrlcated of harddrawn 98% conductivity copper or alumlnun 65/". Bus connectlonshal-l be tin silver-plated and securely joined with throughbolts to obt,aln maximum conductivlty. Busses and tap con-nectlons shal1 be of sufflcient current carrying capacity tolim1t the termperature rise of the busses to 300oC above a25o amblent temperature when carrying ful1 load current. Thebus structure shal-l be mounted on insulator supports of hlghlmpact, non-tracking, hlgh quality lnsulating material andadequately braced to withstand the mechanical forces exertedby a short clrcuiL current of 75,000 amperes RMS symmetrical.The horlzontal maln bus slze and the arranqement of verticalseitlons shal1 be as thOlcateO on the drawfngs. The neutralbus sha1l be of the same slze as the phase busses and theground bus shal1 be one-fourth the slze of the phase busses.Both neutral and ground bus sha11 extend the entire length ofthe switchboard. Within the incoming sectlon, the neutral busconnectlon the same size as the ground bus.
(c) Feeder Sections: The feeder sections sha1l be equippedwlth swltch and fuse unlts typeFDP as manufactured by Westlng-house. Each section shaLl- lnclude vertlcal busses and pressure
connectors for all cable termlnatlon. A11 units shal-l- be front
12. Motor Control- lqqlpment (Starters): Provlde each motor, orgroup of motors requiring a s1ngle controf, wlth a suitable con-trol-ler and/or device complete with pushbutton control as required.Provlde a cover-mounted pushbutton statlon 1n the starter face for
all starters not shown wlth a renote control method or remote push-button statlon. A11 control equlpment sha11 be standard lntegral
NEMA slzes and shall conform to the adopted standards and recommendedpractlces of the Industrial Control Standards of the Natlonal Elec-trlcaI Manufacturerts Assoclatlon and the standard for IndustrialControl Equlpment of the Underwrltersl Laboratorles, Inc.
(a) Provide across-the-11ne, magnetlc type motor startershaving under-voltage (release 2-wlre, rnalntained contact, auto-matically restartlng control; protectlon, J-wire, momentarycontact, holding-contact control) and a trlp-free, thermaloverload relay in each ungrounded phase conductor. A11 con-tacts shaLl- be malntenance-free, double-break, solid silver
cadmlum oxlde alloy. Starter shal-l be of such deslgn as toprevent freezing of contacts upon coil failure. It shall- beposslble fo lnstal1 auxll1ary contacts wlthout removing thestarter from its enclosure. Contactor solenoids and control-clrcult devLces sha11 be supplled sultable for operatlon wlthl-20 volt control power. Provlde the 120 volt control powerwirlng by provldlng control transformers. Control power sha1lbe so arranged as to de-energlze the control clrcults wheneverthe operatlng power supply to the partlcular equipment is dis-connected. Control circuit conductors sha1l be protected in
accordance with Article 2\O-5, Exception No. 5 of the NationalElectrical- Code.
(b ) Instal] starters in accesslble locati-ons to serve re-spective motor, and where hlgh anbient temperatures w1l-l notaffect overload relay ca11brat1on. Starters shal1 not befocated on roof, regardless of plan notatlon. Provide startershavlng ambient temperature wllL exceed 95oF, or as noted.
(c) Provlde pushbutton statlons of the standard duty type(nrlnlmum), havlng s1lver, double-break contacts, large wirlngtermlnals and adequate wlring space.
(d) Al-l- starters, pushbutton statlons and p11ot control de-vlces sha11 be of one manufacturer and sha11 be as those manu-factured by General Electrlc, A1l-Brad1ey, Square D, C1ark,
Westi-nghouse, Cutler Hanrner, or as approved. Provlde standard
NEMA enclosures sultable for the area 1n whlch equipment islnstalled and as approved by the Natlonal Electrlcal Code forsuch areas.
13. Llghtlng Equlpment - General: Provlde llghtlng equipment as
shown on the drawlngs and 1n fl-xture schedules and as speclfiedhereln. Provlde complete llghtlng equlpnent, lncluding canopies,suspenslons of proper lengths, supportlng brackets, casings, socketsholders, reflectors, baI1asts, dlffuslng materlals, Iouvres, lamps,reeesslng boxes, etc., all wl-red, assembled and ready for operation.
-8 3-
suspended 1i-ghtlng fixtures shar-r.be_supported by metal stems; hangerchaln not permltted unless speciflcally noted. Frovide recessed. fix_tures wlth plaster frames and flanges appnopriate for the ceillngtype. where a discrepancy ln tengih exiits'between the fixture de_slgned in the schedule and. the length indicated on the p1an, thescaled length of fixtures sharl determine their length Lnd quantity.Provide special plafes, ba*lers, rlngs, etc. r &s requlred to comprywlth sectlon 410 of the NE cod.e. l,umlnirles strall be u.L. 1abe1ed.
Ii]-_t"g!a1F: Set luminarles true, free of light Leaks, warps,dents, or other lrregularltles. provide the length of siems asrequlred to hang all lumlnarles Level and 1n the same horizontaLpl-ane- Mounting sha11 conform with tsupports and Hangers' sec-tion. ve'ify the type of ar-r celrlngs u-erore biddingl and pro-
Jiii "il:H;'.??":lf,g;:T; 5l3lf,il;-l#-i;,3ilt T:.,:l::F"uli."."n,piping, etc., 1n the mechanieal equipment ro6ms, storage rooms,etc. See mechanical drawinqs.
(b) constructlon: Deslgn and construction of fixtures util_iz-ing ualG;T3-shar1 meet iequlrements 11sted under ,,Auxiliaries'and rrAmbient Ratlngtt and shal1 be such that the baLlast casetemperature w111 not exceed the UL 90oC llmit in a 2!oC ambient "Fixtures to be installed in damp or wet locations shall- be suit-able for location. construct sieel flxture channel-s and caps,interlor barrlers, reflectors, etc. , af adequate gauge
i"). .$41_C!: Provlde all fernous metal surfaces with a pro-tecti-ve finish having rust lnhlbitlng propertles. palntedfinlshes shall be a minlmum of 1.5 mi:"i ttrrct and shar-r. havea balance between hardness and bending propertles sultabl_e forthe application. White finishes sha11 nave ll% minlmum reflect_ance. Appllcation and. cleanlng sha11 be performed so as toprevent saponification.
(d ) wlring: A1l- fixture wire shall conform to the l-atest re-qulrements of the NFPA and be concealed withln fixcures con-structlon- Protect wiring with taps or tublng at all pointswhere abraslon is llkely to oecur. provide chase nippl_eswhere field wiring through knockouts. rnstall wire in fluores-cent fixtures that meets temperature requlrements, and in noqase l-ess than 90oC (194oF) ratlng. See "Groundingil sectionin rcfoz.anaa fn nur .'-rr\,e r,w sroufld wlre in f lexible raceways.
(e) Dlffusers: A11 plastics used for lieht transmission shallOe fO67 vfrffi materllls and 0 .I25" mlnimilrn thickness. Noblends or co-polymers permltted. All plastlcs shall be ETLcertified as llght stablllzed, non-ye11owlng. Aglng propertiessha1l be guaranteed to be 1n conformance wiih fnS, Spt-nnURminlmurn standards for the followlng periods l styrene - 7 years;Acryllc - 20 years when lnstalled in interlor locati.ons andutilizing standard WW or CW lamps.
-8 4-
(f) Exlt flxtures shall conform with loca1 code requirements.
(g) Lamps sha1l bear labels of G.E., Westinghouse, or Sylvania,and be per G.E. lamp deslgnatlons shown 1n the fixture schedul_e,Verlfy color with Archltect before orderlng. Install all fluores-cent l-amps aligned for proper lamp contact.
Section 16D - Clean-Up
Remove all materlals, scrap, etc.,ations and leave the premises 1n acosts to the Owner for clean-up ofthe contractor.
relatlve to the electrlcal- install-c1ean, orderly condi-tion. Anythe slte will be charged against
Section l6E - Acceptance Demonstration
Upon completlon of the work at a tlme to be deslgnated by the Archl-tect, the contractor and a qual1f1ed representatlve for the equlpmentli-sted under Operatlng Manual and Parts Llst shall demonstrate forthe Owner the operatlon of the entlre electrlcal 1nstallation, in-cludlng any and all speclal systems provlded under thls contract.
Fifteen Condominium Residences
Construction ByHibberd Construction Company
Sales ByFred Hibberd, ilr.
II27 Race StreetDenver, Colorado 80206303/32I-4422
andP. O. Box 641VaiL, CoLorado 81657
303/ 47 6-3600
Vj-llage Center Building uD, consists of two levelsof underground covered parking, one floor of conunercial shopsat street 1evel , and fifteen buffet and one-bedroom units onthe top floor, one story above street level . The coveredparking was completed in December, L974r with the commercialspaces and condominium units to be compJ.eted before June l, lg7s.
The fifteen condominium units consis! of twelve buffetand three one-bedroom apartments. fn addition to the centralIocation of ViIIage Center, all of these units contain vaultedceilings, fireplaces, and many other special features. Thesespecial feat.ures, floor plans, price lists and other pertinentinforrnation are described on the following pages.
Prime location in the center of Vail across fromthe Crossroads Shopping Center with easy accessto shops, restaurants and ski lifts.
AI1 party walls are double stud !'/al1s with fullthick batt insul-ation, sound board and drywallon both sides.
Construction of the buiLding is in compliance withthe Uniform guiLding Code. Structural buildingmaterials are concrete, masonry and steel .
ALl units have fireplaces with built-in screens.
All kitchens include a self-cleaning oven withhood and fan, dishwasher, disposal and sel-f-defrosting refrigerator.
Every unit has one full- bath with heat lamp and fan.
All units are on the top floor and all of the living
rooms have vaul-ted ceilings.
Use of a heated swinuning pool is included with everyunit.
There are no hollow core doors in the units. AIldoors are one and three-guarter inch solid coreexqept closet doors which are louvered to supply
adequaLe ventilation.
Covered parking spaces are available for rentalbelow the building.
Every unit has 1 x 8 rough sawn cedar paneling abovethe fireplace and in the entry.
Al1 units have slate entry$rays and fireplace hearths.
All units have large loft.storage areas except l, 1l ,and 14.
3-11-7 5
The foll-owing ispast experience.
estimated schedule of expenses based upon
BedroomUnit Buffet
Water E Sewer
Special Assessment and*Capital Expenditure
Office Management
Fixed Monthly Expenses
Taxes (Annual) (Estinated)
Insurance (Annual) (Estimated)
Total Fixed Annual Expenses
6. 00
97. 00
I,164 . 00
500. 00
50. 00
1 ,814 . 00
8. 00
10. 00
20. 00
6. 00
r ,020. 00
40. 00
1,560. 00
*Capital expenditures for capital repairs or improvements will
be pro-rated and billed out to each owner based upon the owner-ship percentages in the Condominium Declaration.
NOTE: The foregoing expenses are estir,nates only. Any of theitems may be more or less than as set forth above.
r.',orT SToRAGE)
34 ,500
34 ,500
46 r 500
34 ,500
44 ,500
34 ,500
$1,000.00 is required upon signing the
10* of the purchase price is due withincontract (includes the 91r000.00),
A total of 208 of the purchase price is
sales contract,
10 days of the saLes
due within 30 daysof the sales contract,
The balance (808) is due at closing upon substantial completion.