HomeMy WebLinkAbout122 E Meadow Dr BUILDING D COMMON & COMMERCIAL 1984-19877 dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects 2588 oroso dr.p.o. box 3370 voil. co, 81658 303 476.4506 December 12, 1985 Mr. Cec11 P. Dotson, President Village Center Association 4500 Roland, #501 Dallas, Texas 7 5279 RE: March 16, I9B4 Agreement between Hibbard V111age Center Association and Mr. Fred Dear Cecil; In responce to your November 2I , Ig85 Letter to Mr. Barry Permut, I visited Village Center Building D toda-v to determine the status of the agreement items listed in your pievious letter to Barry dated September 18, 1985. The following are my observations: Item #2. A downspout system connecting the gutters on the south side of La tour fo a" ur:.derground drain is in p1ace. Portions of the 8ucler and the dor.-nspouts have not been painted. I noticed ice build-up on the ground by the trash enclosure, bu! no icrcles hanging from the eaves. Mike Hazelhorst said that the ice had formed prior to the finishing of the corners of the gutter and snould no longer be a problem. Item #4. The ceiling of the east end of the upper leve1 of the garage has been sheetrocked and the joints taped. ftem #5. Mike confirmed that the fire door on the second 1eve1 of the garage had been repaired. Thi-s was also confirmed b1' the Overhead Door Conpany. Item #9. As you are aware, the commerci-a1 space to the east of La Tour was not cot"structed as per the plans agreed upon by the Village Center Association and Fred Hibbard. Rather than the original two spaces on the lower 1eve1 , which r"ere to be used for storage, three spaces have been created. The space to the north is accessed on the lower ievel by a door frorn the gar- age and by stairs from the shop above. The space in the southwest corner is a sma11 room accessed by a door in the south exterior wal1. An additional door opening has been cut into the wa11 adjoining the garage. I knov of no reason u "p-.. this size should require two exists as stated ln Fred's letter of Qctober 8, 1985. The third space, located in Lhe southeast corner' is the lci;er 1evel of Overland Express, Tlreir primar]. entrance is on the east side of the buildrng. The door on the south accesses the ownerts office and was locked when I visited. The Overland Express staff and owner assured ne that the door remained locked and was not used by customers. 7 Dec enbe r Page 2 '1 1 1oeq Item #10. The re-designed gas meter enclosure is in p1ace. However, the access panels have not been installed. Item #12. The screen wa11s, both half height and ful1 height do not have iini"n caps. The concrete curb stops indicated on the drawings have not been installed. Access to the lower levll parking uas blocked by a motorcycle parked at the head of the stairs and b1' heavy tlmbers stored in the walkvay. ltem #13. The stand painted and would be va11. Item #14. The east pipe has been relocated as per the drawings. It is not less visually obtrusi-ve if painted to match the stucco end garage ceiling has been painted. -Il-g!-L]5.- Mike confirmed Fred ts stalement that the irriSation system r-s oper- aUfe. Oue to the snow I uas unable to see the finish grade. According to llike, the earth has been leveled and cleaned and will be sodded in the spring. Itern #16. A sprinkler head has been installed in the trash enclosure. Item #17. As per Fred's letLer, a portion of the leaks around the north side of tfr. upp.r 1lvel garage have been satisfactori 1y repaired. Mike said that the balance had been repaired, but sone seepage had occured since. The extent of the leak will not be known until mcre snow melt occurs. Although water stains were apparent on the north wa1l, no uater or ice build-up were evident. Item #18. The area of the o1d building near the La Tour kitchen entrance has been str.rccoed . The east and south r,|'a 1 I s of the stairs to the lower 1eve1 of the parage have been stuccoed. The uest, half height stair wa11 opooslte the crash enclosure is painted. Item #21. The timber stairway io the east of the addition has a handrail and 1..ds to a paver walk along tire east side of the building. The stairs and walk are clear of snow and provide access to East llieadow Drive. Iten #23. The 6 ft. square hole cut in the lower level garage floor has been fil1ed \.rith concrete. Iten #24. The half height east and south wa11s at the stairway have been ex- te"ded to meet the ceiling and have been stuccoed. There is a large unfinished opening in the south wa11. According to )like, ductr^'ork for a garage exhaust system will Lerminate at this opening and it i'ill be finished ith a metal- e.ri11. December 12, 1985 Page 3 Item #25. Construction rnaterials are sti11 being stored against the north Gfr-t of parking stalls 5H, 5G and 3J. Cars r.rere parked in these spaces; how- ever, space is limited and the naterials should be removed. The Town of Vai-1 has issued Temporary Certificates of occupancv for two of the commercial spaces. These are Karats, located on the East Meadow Drive 1eve1 at the northeast corner of theaddition' and Qverland Express, located on the mid and lower 1eve1s behind Karats. Other areas of the new construc- tion do not have occupancy Permits at this time. I am mailing a copy of this Letter to KrisEan Pritz, Toun Planner' so Ehat the Town will be aware of the agreed upon work which is not yet complete. Should you have any questions regarding this letter or the project' Please phone. Ille will be happy to keep you inforned of the progress of the work. Yours truly, Project Appllcation Project Name: Projecl Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 1 Comments: ,"""C(4 ^lLtlY'\ Design Review Board Motion by: "^," {l3Dl[; DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Sum mary: k"o\t+:rhk Date: fr.4,"u Approval LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther R LANDSCAPING:Name of Des'i gner : phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TRTES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name Quani ty Size* for con'i fers . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height o - i PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED -IJ-EY Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swjmming pools, etc.) Please spec'ify. boldrlin ossociotes orchitects, inc. orchitectute . plonning 29 October 1985 Mrs. Ann Louthan 166 Calle LargaLos Gatos, CA 95936 Dear Ann: The enclosed sketches reflect the preJ"iminary scheme forproviding six roof top decks for six of the units on the second floor of the Village Center rrD'r Building as yourequested. In this scheme f have attempted to provide similar decksfor each unit while also addressing the existing condi-tions of construction and concerns of Mr. Hibbard as weII. While the sketches and the accompanying drawing hotes maybe self-explanatory, I would like to address some of mythoughts and reasoning behind what is depicted. Eachdrawing is numbered and will be referenced when required.Please keep in mind two factors as you review thesesketches: (1) some of these drawings have been reduced ona photo-copy machine for the sake of convenience andshould therefore not be scaled; and (2', the relativeelevations and relationships between the new roof surfaceand other.elements to the existing interior floor levelwere deternined by a relatively crude method using astring and a bubble leve1 and should be considered asapproximations on1y. A more definitive conformation ofthe conditions will be required for any anticipatedconstruction. Drawing I is the plan view showing locations where I feeldecks may be reasonably considered. I realize that someof the owners may elect to not pursue a deck addition butI have shown a potential location for each of the sixnorth side units. These locations were selected due tothe location of each unit and the relative achievabilityof construction when compared to the following designparameters: 1000 south frontoge rood urest . voil, <olorodo 81657 303/4764433 Mrs. Ann Louthan29 October 1985 Page Two o Drainage flow of r,rater and waterproofing of the new roof area should not be compromised. o Deck construction should be of strong, durablet Iow-maintenance materials capable of with-standing snow and ice impact and other trarshclimatic conditions of our Local climate. o There may be a desire for a privacy screen between adjacent deck areas. o Decks added in areas where either the actualroof surface is above the interior floor levelor where the actual roof surface is below theinterior floor level but not far enough to accommodate the supporting structure anddrainage beneath the deck is inadvisable for reasons of cost and complexity vs. benefit. o Primary use of decks limited by practicatity tothe summer months was assumed. o Cost is a consideration. With the parameters above in mind, the concept whichevolved utilizies a system of shallow steel support beamsspanning from the existing building facade to the back sideof the new parapet wall. A minimum space of approximatelyone inch should be maintained from the bottom of thesesupport beams to the roof surface to allow for the flow ofwater to the three roof drains. As the roof structureslopes but the decks remain level, the actual distances tothe roof from the decks will vary considerably. Over thesteel members (beams and ledgers) f have indicated aperforated metal interlocking plank or deck system such asis utilized in the construction of industrial or librarymezzanines. (See enclosed cut sheets.) A good quality redwood material (2 x 6rs) with spaces between theindividual boards is also a possibility and should be compared with the metal decking in the areas of weight,eonstruction compatability, span characteristics andinitial and long-term cost, as well as against the otherdesign parameters stated above. Please note also that Deck Area 5 as indicated on thedrawing may have to be re-configured due to a conditiondiscovered after this drawing was made. This area willneed further studv. oMrs. Ann Louthan29 october 1985 Page Three Railings in the potential new deck areas would probably be best made out of steel pipe and connected to the support beams rather than to the decking. This type of railing is durable, not maintenance intensive and because of its transparency, does not become a strong visual element. It also facilitates snow removal. The building code requires that hand rails and guard rails have no openings larger than will prevent a six inch diameter sphere from passing through. I intend to ask the Buitding Inspector if theserailings are considered guard rails. Code also defines the need for a guard rail whenever you have a distance ofgreater than thirty inches from a walking surface to an adjacent surface. Technically, we do not have thiscondition. I would prefer to see the members of therailings be about twelve inches on center horizontally for reasons of visibility. You will notice also on Drawing l that I have dotted in twopotential bay windows. I spoke with Kristan Pritz at the Planning Department and she said that due to the fact that the Village Center was over its allowable Gross ResidentialFloor Area (GRFA) that expansions out onto the roof surface of the shops below could not be permitted. She said that the only possible condition that could be pursued would be one that did not increase the GRFA such as a bay windowthat did not go to the floor (i.e.' a window seat or shelf could be permitted). Thisr of course, would be subject to review by the Design Review Board for compatability withthe existing building. In all of the related drawings, I have indicated visual screen walls between each of the adjacent deck areas. f would prefer to see at least the screen walls between areas one and two and between five and six be eliminated or reduced to railing height as opposed to the sloping version shown. I say this because I feel they will be fairly visible eLements from other areas and perhaps more impor- tantly, will limit an already restricted view from the units that they serve. In Drawing 1 the numbers that are indicated in conjunction with a rr+r or a rt-rr are the elevations of that point relative to the interior floor level. The rr+rr numbers are above the floor level and the 'r-" numbers are below the TToor level (i.e., -7 means that point is 7 inches belowthe interior floor level, etc.). I have assumed that we will need about 7 L/2 inches of space between the floor level and the roof surface in order to construct the decks. This is assuminq 2 L/2 inches for the decking, 4 inches for the supporting members' and 1 inch of space / Mrs. Ann Louthan29 October 1985 Page Four below the member for drainage. In certain "critical"areasr this assumption may have to be adjusted. Also, if astructural engineer says that 4 inches deep support membersare unrealistic, ny assunptions wilI need modification. Drawing 2 was done to show schematically, in a three-dimensional mannerr the locations and relationships of thedecks. Keep in mind that this is not the view that will bevisible to the majority of the public. Only from the upperlevels of Crossroads will a similar vierir be visible. AIso,the area shown below the wood band parapet wa1l is onlyrepresentative of the shops below and does not accuratelyrepresent the sidewalk and stair conditions. The roof ofthe residential units is also not shown. Doors to each ofthe decks have been shown but could occur in otherlocations as wel1. Ann, I hope this will give you something that will allowyou and the other five owners to evaluate your desires forthe deck additions. Additionally, you should probably runthis by Fred so that if you elect to pursue the deckadditions he is aware of what is proposed and will not makeit difficult for you. Please let me know your thoughtsfollowing your review of this material and let me know ifyou want me to discuss this with a contractor or two forprice estimates.. I look forward to hearing from you soon. S incerely, Richard RSB/1rt enc. S. Baldwin L+-,-.-,-.. Project Name: L/ Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Prolect Application ,/oate iAJa:v )'i, /!/[i a-',t* l}} €, f\i[-rttr' t'r -( r[1 ] Owngr. Address and Phone:/ r"t^ te) sArchitect. Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board o"," llf lKlf) Motion by: Seconded by: . APPROVAL !- DISAPPROVAL \\l''--'^"'r+r \6lY'r To*n Planner E statt Approval o O$i: ^*W 5roE vrEu) \ 6xrrrtNc qDNtN6 - Apprond 5u,^,,q4l(*l*t ^ ,b US,rr i,6t^t\ ;^0k tt^.f t*to:) lown u l|tl 75 soulh lrontage load Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 19, 1985 Gail Strauch 0verland and Express Travel Service 122 East Meadow Drive Vai 1 , Col orado 8.|657 Re: Sjgn Variance Discussion at the Design Review Board Meeting, L2/18/85 0verland and Express, Vi llage Center Dear GaiI: I wanted to confirm for you in a letter the resolution that was arrived at at our December 18 Des'i gn Review Board meeting concerning your sign variance. The sign variance was tabled indefinitely. The board and applicant came to a compromise that would allow a one square foot sign to hang from a street lamp in the same location as the proposed sign for the variance. The street lamp would be exactly the same design as the existing street lamp in the La Tour courtyard. Given the fact that th'is sign is located adjacent to a public street, the Town engineer must wrjte a letter of approval for the location. I wil] talk to Bilj Andrews, Town of Vaii eng'i neer, about the letter for you. I would like to say that I still have some concerns about other shops in the Village and Lionshead wanting the same type of signage. I feel that this may be a problem that may arise, as there are many shops that havevisibility problems similar to those of Overland and Express Travel Service. I also want to 1et you know right now that I doubt that if you asked for more signage the staff would be able to support your request. This does not mean that you do not have the opportunity to request another type of sign variance wh'i ch might include the djsplay box or a larger sign on the sign post. If you have any questions about this approval or a future sign variance, please contact me. I hope this solution w'i 11 help you and your customers to do business. Sincereiy, {-il"?''l+Kri stan Pri tz Town Pl anner TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Board Community Devei opment Department December 18, 1985 Overland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request Overland and Express Travel Service is located on the east end of the Village Cenuer Building. According to the Town of Vail sign code formula for signage, Overland and Express js allowed to have |@re feet of signage. At this time,0verland and Express has a dark green awn\ngrfiith Over'l and and Express TtgveJ-=lgvjrs pqinte$.?n,it twice. The square footase for each sign was approved af&lggre_FAi. 1,SXn.'o The applicant is requesting to locate a free standing sign in the location of tYre exist'i ng post at the northeast corner of the Viljage Center property. Gail Strauchis proposing to hang the sign from a pole or light post. The clearance will be a minimum of 8 feet. The sign is 6.68 square feet and is made of wood and copper. The staff has a polaroid picture of the sign which w'i |1 be presented to the Design Review Board at the meeting. Gail Strauch, owner of Overland and Express Travel Service has submitted the following statement as to why she feels the variance is warranted: There is a specjal circumstance which applies to my iocation in the Village Center. I am the only business in the project on E. Meadow Drive that does not have exposure directly on East Meadow Drive nor js my sign visible if wa] king east on East Meadow Drive. ?. The height of the bui'l ding roof or eaves does not al 1ow a sign to be hung from the eaves within the eight foot clearance requirement. I could not place a sign on the corner of the building to be seen from East Meadow Drive and still meet this requirement. 3. I feel I really do need signage from traffic traveling east on East Meadow Drive and that it is crucial to the success of my business in the Town of Vail to have th'i s proper signage. 4. I feel that these circumstances are unique to my business and do not apply general 1y to all businesses, that these special circumstances are not created by me, that the grant'i ng of the variance will not bematerially detrimental to the persons working jn the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or the public welfare in general . As a matter of fact it will better facilitate the visitor and local al i ke to fi nd my servi ce. 5. The frontage of my business allows the awning that I have presently over my door and a sign and that the sign and awning together would not be aesthetical 1y p1 easing. .u \.q ttlC' F'T>Etl|tu, r{f{rEEC{ frlEIHFEIflEGDF +/" OIEBLIID tt BIBSS C0MPANI 180 easr so]e c.eek drrve ylrt cororado siosz (3os) 47G-220s To: The Design Revier^r Borar of the Tovin of Vail From: Gail Strauch for Overland & Express Travel Service Date: November 25, 1985 Reason: Application for free standing sign. To whom it may concern: May I take this opportunity to explain my reasons for the application for a variance.l.There is a special circumstance which applies to-my location in the Village Center, I am the only business in the proje-ct _on E. -MeadowDrive-that does not have expoLure directly on East Meadow Drive nor .f.s my sign visible if walking East on E. Meadow Drive.. 2. The height of the building roof or eaves does not aLlow a sign to be hung fr5m the eaves withinr:the eight foot clearance r-ecuiremelt. I could i.ot place a sign on the corner.-of the building to be seen from E. Meadow Drive and stil1 meet this requiremnt. 3. I feel I really do need signage from traffic travelling East on E. Meadow Drive anil that lt is-cr[cial to the sucess of my business in the Town of Vail to have this proper signage. 4. L feel that these circunstances are unique to my business and do not apply generally to all- businesses, that these special circrmtstances are nbt created by me, that the granting of the variance will not be mater=:-ially detrimental to the persons woiking in the vicinity, to adjacentproperty, to the neighborhood or the public welfare in qeneral- As I matier of fact It wil-L better fa-ciLitate the visitor and loca1 aliketo find my service. 5. The frontage of my business allows the awning that T have presently over my door and a sign and that the sign and awning together wouldnot be aesthetically pleasing. I appreeiate your review of my request for this ordinance. Gail Strauch Owner ;aItE'FEfatu, r-f{T>EEE- ElETF'Ftlr-EGDF , \:'{jprtrnol^: 0IEBLIilD E EEBESS C0MPINI losearrsorccreokd'rye yrrrcororadostosT (303)476-2200 DESIGN REVIEW BORAD Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: to request a DISPLAY BOX VARIANCE for our travel office-located at L22 East Meadow Drive in Vail' The new buildiug which \te noT,r are located in was constructed with a five*ftz-display box (approximately 3" deep) on the Meadow Drive street'siile. As bur office entrance and windows are located off the street on the East side of the building, the window box would provide us with an ideal non-obtrusive opportunity for bettei identifying our business. With your approval , the window box would be used to display atravei postei and our agency name and a notice that our entralce is arouird the eorner. We-would not intend to display price information. We beleive this request is justified as we do not have the facility to post a -clear identifying sign on our ornm frontage -that is within clear view of the normal street traffic. Also the one ft2 sign that has already been approved for our office will look Setter and cleaner if it just states our agency rlnme and is not cluttered with directions and arro$ts- Overall, the combination of smal-l sign and dis1rlay window rtil-l provide the best possible identification and clear location instructions without anv additional buiding changes. I hope we can receive your support, +/" This is agency 17 January 1986 *WILL BE REDUCED TO 5 ft2! o F I NDI NG.S hardshjp and the Board must find that: within the adjacent right of way, which would subs allv restrict theeffs'l qn I n ,-h-6wever, fhat su-h special circumstances or conditions are unique to the oarticular business draw attention. andenterprises to which the appl icant desires to generally to ail businesses or enterprises. not apply In staff's opinion there are no special cjrEumstances that applV_I9--adjaeent--lots or adjacent r:ght ot way s of signage for the 0verland & Express.! In addition to Overland & Express's awning, the owner of the Vi1'lage Center has also received approval from the Design Review Board for two building directory signs. One will be located in the same general area as the , proposed free standing sign. The other sign will be at the west end of the Viliage-eedter Building. This directory will have one square foot of signage and a map which will show the location for Overland & Express. The appiicant did not create any problems jn order to justjfy a sign variance. The applicant is merely trying to maximize the exposure for her office despite the location of her business- However- staff fecls that-+hp apol-icant-was aware of the There are specia'l circumstances or condjtions applying to the land, buildings, to p o g r ap hy, ft3tuEa-€ion,-TsrreEriituieioi dth e r matte rs gn-ndiacenL I ots or il ffi;.;:::':1,i6'20'o5ooridentify a business or organization be'i ng the sole business occupant within a building." To allow this business, which is in a multi tennant building, to have a free standing sign would conflict with a basic principal of the sign code. The reasoning behind this section of the sign code is to try and avoid unnecessa+y-free, standjng signs_for multi tennant buildings. It is felt that-it is reasonable to a Dlsiness is the sole occupant within a 0r do building. Staff aiso believes thq!_!!g lion of the sign may possib1y im pedestrian traffTc E E oTIDA V-l-rl age LenEer oul L4]-|lg. CtrlT to know how oedestri ans willS just been completed so use this area. The sign also has th" p ial to block some of the visibility into- Karars=l4 q4Qws. --:;)=- _- -- -. --,4- - D.l The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any j_T" tn:: t t requi red to i denti fy the appl i cants busi ness or use. Eefore the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone inprivy to the appljcant. Staff believgs lhlttlle-- iatgl-.-an+directory sign provide more-than<{gqlate slgnaqefor thedverlan4-&@.Fice. The proposed sign is 6.68 square tEet. Tf-isalso felt that this size of sign is much larger than is actual 1y necessary to alertpedestrians that the Overland & Express office is on the east sjde of the Vil1age Center bui I di ng. E. Such other factors and criteria as the Design Review Board deems applicable tothe proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed variance.It is felt that Overland & Express does have a visibility problem for pedestrians walking east on East Meadow Drjve. However, the awning and two directory signs serve to adequately assjst pedestrians in finding the offjce. The 6.68 free standing sign'i s not in harmony with the purposes of the Town of Vail sign code. The sign also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the applicant's business or use. Staff does not feel that there is a physical hardship due to the location of the office on the east end of the building. The applicant was also aware of the location of the offjce when tne space was leased. It is felt that to grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege as there are many businesses in Vail with unusual locations that would certainly like to have a free standing sign to draw visitors into their businesses. Some examples of busjnesses with similar visibility problems from majnpedestrian or auto access ways include Buzz's Boots'n Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops in the Mj'l I Creek Court Building, the Shaft Restaurantin the Enzian and the intenior shops of the Vail Village Inn. For these reasonsstaff recommends denial of the proposal . ,d ^. -f\uv""fu t' tQ- wr t *6-t,et, , | \,hsrf'Jtr. s^r- 6{ f\qe- \oco4,*''' " *);r.utt '&dr$otrBrydt" \ I --- -d' ,-lrffi c,l\-(ud ) '1\AN ktt^r^q , VtAY ,^'l'{"''t' htf sgt "lro$t- oo I \\\\\\\\\\ lotq,oid '$Um*jf 68rf slr M flE. o a 5 FFi !t -! 5Jl-+ -l o -\n <9 -a\ U \!/ _:7n_sq51-u,/ai-J(f\:t; 6" o .li +69 ir.p o& L 4 : vN L)\ 1 #L #3. DESIGN REVIEll BOARD December 18, 1985 2:00 p.m. Site Visits 1:15 p.m. #2 1. Benelton, The t-odgJPromenade; Vail Village 2. Arneson Fine Arts Signage; Vail 21 Build'ing, Lionshead 3. Overland Express Sign Variance; Viliage Center OLD BUSINESS: Awning Signage Policy NEW BUSINESS: STAFF APPROVALS: Giggles and Grins awn'ing; Mill Creek Court Building Houston Gallery; awning and signage, Village Center Pro Select Ski Rentals, new entry addition; Treetops commercial DRB PRESENT ORB ABSENT STAFF PRESENT STAFF ABSENT o POLICY ON Al.lNING SIGNAGE 1. For any awning the signage must stay within the al lowed signage al I otment. 2. For any awning that has more than two signs, the awnjng must be submitted to Design Review Board.---Th_e total signage for the signs must be wjthin the total- al'lowed signage for the storefront. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Eoard Community Development Department December 18, 1985 0verland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request 0verland and Express Travel Service is located on the east end of the Village Cencer Building. According to the Town of Vaii sign code formula for signage,0ver'l and and Express is allowed to have 12.40 square feet of signage. At this time,0verland and Express has a dark green awning with 0verland and Express Travel Service printed cnit twice. The square footage for each sign was approved at 3.2 square feet. The applicant is requesting to locate a free standing sign in the location of the existing post at the northeast corner of the Vil'l age Center property. Gail Strauchis proposing to hang the sign from a poie or fight post. The clearance wjll be a minimum of 8 feet. The s'i gn is 6.68 square feet and is made of wood and copper. The staff has a polaroid picture of the sign which wil1 be presented to the Design Review Board at the meeting. Gail Strauch, owner of Overland and Express Travel Service has submitted the following statement as to why she feels the vari ance is warranted: 1. There is a special circumstance which appl'i es to my locatjon in theViliage Center. I am the only business in the project on E. Meadow Drive that does not have exposure directiy on East Meadow [)rive nor is my s'ign visible jf walking east on East Meadow Drive. 2. The height of the bui'l ding roof or eaves does not allow a sign to be hung from the eaves within the eight foot clearance requirement. I could not place a sign on the corner of the building to be seen from East Meadow Drive and still meet this requirement. 3. I feej I really do need signage from traffic traveling east on East Meadow Drive and that jt is crucial to the success of my business in the Town of Vail to have this proper signage. 4. I feel that these circumstances are unique to my business and do not appiy generally to all businesses, that these special circumstances are not created by me, that the granting of the variance will not bematerially detrimentai to the persons working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or the public welfare in general . As a matter of fact it will better facilitate the visitor and localalike to find my service. 5. The frontage of my business allows the awning that I have presently over rny door and a sign and that the sign and awning together would not be aesthetical 1y pleasing. FI NDI NGS Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that: A. There are specjal circumstances or condit'ions applying to the 1and, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or with'i n the adjacent right of way, which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question:. provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprises to which the appiicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply- generally to a1 I businesses or enterprises. In staff's opinion there are no speciai circumstances that apply to adjacent'l ots or adjacent right of way which substantial 1y restrict the effectiveness of signage for the Overland & Express. In addition to 0ver'l and & Express's awning, the owner of the Village Centen has also received approva'l from the Design Review Board for turo building directory signs. One will be located in the same general area as the proposed free standing sign. The other sign will be at the west end of the Viilage Center Bujlding. This directory wiil have one square foot of signage and a map which will show the location for 0verland & Express. B. That such special circumstances were not created by the appiicant or anyone inprivy to the applicant. The appiicant did not create any problems in order to justify a sign variance. The applicant is merely trying to maximize the exposure fon her office despite the location of her business. However, staff feels that the applicant was aware of the location of the office when the space was leased. C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purposes of this title and wi'l I not be material 1y detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or to the publ i c wel fare i n general . The variance request is not in compliance with our sjgn code. Section 16.20.050 of the sign code specifical 1y states that free standing signs are used only "to identify a business or organization being the sole business occupant withjn a bujlding." To allow this business, wh'i ch is in a multi tennant bujlding, to have a free standing sign would conflict with a basic pri ncipal of the s'ign code. The reasoning behind this section of the sign code is to try and avoid unnecessary free standing signs for multi tennant buildings. It is felt that jt is reasonable to al'l ow a free standing sign only if the business is the sole occupant within a bujlding. Staff also believes that the locat'ion of the sign may possibly impede pedestrjan traffic somewhat on the walkway in front of the Village Center building. The project has just been completed so jt is difficult to know how pedestrians will use this area.. The sign also has the potential to block some of the visibility into Karats windows. D. The varjance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicants business or use. Staff beiieves that the awning and directory sign provide more than adequate signagefor the Overland & Express office. The proposed sign is 6.68 square feet. It isalso felt that this size of sign is much larger than is actual1y necessary to aiertpedestrians that the 0verland & Express offjce is on the east side of the Village Center bujlding. E. Such other factors and criteria as the Design Review Board deems applicable tothe proposed variance, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed variance.It is felt that Overland & Express does have a vjsjbil'i ty problem for pedestrians walking east on East Meadow Drive. However, the awning and two directory signsserve to adequately assist pedestrians in finding the office. The 6.68 free standing sign'i s not in harmony with the purposes of the Town of VaiI sign code. The s'i gn also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the applicant's business or use. Staff does not feel thatthere is a physical hardsh'i p due to the location of the office on the east end oithe buiiding. The applicant was also aware of the location of the office when the space was leased. It is felt that to grant th'i s variance would be a grant ofspecial pri vilege as there are many businesses in Vail with unusual locations that would certainly iike to have a free standing sjgn to draw vjsjtors into their busi nesses. Some exampi es of busi nesses wi th simi I ar v isi bi I i ty probl ems from maj npedestrian or auto access ways inciude Buzz's Boots 'n Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops in the Mill Creek Court Building, the Shaft Restaurantin the Enzjan and the interior shops of the Vajl Village Inn. For these reasonsstaff recommends denjal of the proposal ;r'i.iIli:, ,i:|FTt>E!EE- ,:'l;i1+BtFts =FI'l{EGD = 1';j. '; Strauch i-''...,l.i-'r:lr)il;1'l'1-\,:'.|:';k;'.'Jii,'"-'''...,*'.',:iii!ifiif;i.ii$i'.i.j.r:f 0IIRLII|D €t EXI$ESS C0MPANY 188 east sore creek drrve ' ya]r cororado 81G57 -:,(303) 4zG-22G6 - f*ffgftHrfiffi;ls$tu t:;# t*?tilli d:#{t'+ ii.iili:ifi i$iffi '':,ff+ffiitrsign'Review B !'rrli - /. J'.i;ir':nii ? { iiiiill'#',r[gFiBtf l i::'*+:*i*tn;'ffi ]riFt"r*#*x5ti"i.$Hli'iaffiLl'l Stiauih"-for Oveiland' &"Express Travel #lf;:r* :i, di j' i*iffi ; tjr$ili:ilrh##ii',0,.?l-,,1.?9i,r,,,,ifflllr;*f:,.il i;rhl,iffiifi'#iiif$li.'...il lij$'i$,frlir:' F:iij frf,#iii ; ; i"" -rp ; "!!,e i':; .. !fi ii'ii *r'5ift nilj i t: $iiiil at ;H#ffi :k,;iiri:itifiiiliEffi ffi tti*$+fi*i #Jir*'fliffird'.#.nbir it i'ay concern"''i:;.ii.,i,1.;.'i.l)'r\i*irir:T:,,ii:;ir.c{i'!iiiii,:jri'tiiiii; i;:.i,;'i}f;Tj;iir-r;ltiiii;,f;;i.'lMav'I take this oDDortunitv to explain mv reasons for the application.ili'r,;' foiavariance...ii''..a.'i1;1i..i]!'.;l::1.1',',;,-5'i;.l,:i',l;i;,.l'::l{i'l;i'ili,.1i-,!'ii:lL.There is a special circumstajnce which iapplies: to'my'location'in the .:;::;'. [il!age-'Center. :] I ^y the only busilesg in the proj-e-ct on'"E.,Meador'r.fi$,f:;;i., a.ti Drive that does not have 'bxposure directly on East Meadow Drive no1:r!.q..,;* ,!y .sign .visible 'if ,walking itast .on',E,,r.Meaiow.privg_.:i1l.f#j;14;",{;ili;!i,\.;t, i;;.#tjf*-,jfi,;I,i;,reiiri":bf ,:..ffi i,liiiiU?ti+n{t*1 it*n**O*;$rjg*,.'ttre height of the building'ioof or baves]does'note l-runs frSm the eawes withiitthe 'eioht fool'*cleirance 'recuirernEnt. .Ia;.':..:., ii1,ti:,tit';l;:;i:",',iu.:+iii,!it;l;;ii1i;ir;i;iffi .4.,. L. IlrEl IIEJ-EIIL \J.r- LllE ULrIJ-I..|'J-rl):, I-(rlJ! \J! E:clvED \..\JE> ll\,rL cl.l- .r-LrlY .cl Dl-<tl L\, +{1::.i-E.r'l{te trung fr6m the eaves withiitthe 'eight fool'*.cleirance requirernEnt. :Il;.'':-..., ,j'ilcould not place a sign on the corner of the building to' be seen from-.Jij+ '''',:,',E. Meadow Drive and still meet this reguiremnt., ,i:,';ii::'r,ijri::,;;,,:;:r:-;i{ii i'i;;'l"ri(i:;:':;;l:}j,ilj.lilll'i..,..];''';1;*,.li1-,i!'"j':;::.ilit:ji;,;j:,l;';.;ili'tiii:l,j'lt5.*..l.-.'.{f i,ii!. -':I feel_I really do need gignage'.-f.1on. tr-affi_c .trall-e11ing- Egst on '':.:,.;L1i'+3, '';,1 f eel I reallv do need siiniee 'frorn 'tiaffic 'travelline East on ":1:,,;!j:ri-+,, iE. Meadow Drive'ani that lt isYir'icia-L tb.the"suiess'of mv-'bus-iness'in '':.i:; ;p,4ii ro1'yl1. .<if ,!-4!_1..go__h+ve^:tt'is -1i5ope{'-;^ien;ei*l'fi:;lt;lirf't,1giliri,j:1*ii,f,L*tt,*ug}i:,, oo \,\ Polqroid 'f ?ogrtJ 59n 6'8r f' \u Uononcqv - c:-!: tu ' F L t( 1'a '$ : '-'' : I \ .. : f 2 l .cA "! .f ^oF<:t6zPi'; ..r. P-26- ,.": R{}ioi> u \..* (+l ttA A ir.lpoBrANT DL-- Onppf ication Number SIGN APPLICATION Date ,Uo v )o tQ65' Name of Project Vi + €Xpress T-I--a uel Name of Person Submittinq Phone 47& "sa aG ri J e-- Description of Project The following information is required for submittal by the appiicantto the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. sisn Materiar Cr-lOoJ a nJ copPef- B. Descriptionof Sign Ptr:t,,re atl-acheJ C. Size of Siqn I Fee Paid (k, e/rfer D. Comments 1. Site Plan "'2. Drawings showing exact location3. Photographs showing proposed locatTon]4. Actual sign _5. Colored scaldTFEwJii--6. Photograph of s'ign - --7- MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Sign Admi nistrator Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- Siqn Administrator t=. l. 2. 3. 75 roulh trcntage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlco ot communlly dsuCopmonl April 17, .|984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: S'ign Application Requirements When applications for signs are submitted, the fo1'lowing infonnationis required: Site plan showing exact locatjon where the sign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be 'located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee wi'll be requ'ired at time of application. (over1 .,-r( t APPTICATION f. This procedure is required, The application wiLl not be A. NN{E OF APPLICAIII ApplicaLion |l:c FOR A SICN VARIAI.ICE for any project requcsting a Variance. accepted until alL infornation is submitti, po*tsl}} E ff[.oJo,,: f)n,'yc nLl?G)ahb /)t-fAPPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE (-atll Sfraurc h . € :.Prcxn1Jru -ta d a ,/)or tvpe) I*ai \. S f muc h SXGNATURE EDDRESS /E ?Hol"l,n_lJ:{zaSt&_ D. LOCATION OF PROPOSI\L ADDMSs tJa 6. ffto^Jo- 'Q rluC LEGAL DESCRTPTTON 1ot blolk Filing E. FEE. g20.00. O, / , ,/u 6/Y)-. .F Z o .3 tt . i.e;hr, \t1- p,rb\i:\oa B.. NAITE OF ADDRESS C.NAME 0F O}JNER (print (over) applr_caLron for a varianceSl6 ^r' not" ,Oform o fI . Four (4) copies of the following information: A. A statement.of the precise nature of the.variance rcqucsted.,the regulation invorved', ott.l th" pri"ti"oi'-i-r-r.."otty or unnneccs..physical hardship inconsistcnt wiih trr"-"oio.tives of this titrethat would resull from strict' or riteraL-iii"tprotation ancl enio::c:,ment of the specified regulation. s'-4\,r ('rL. B. A site plal .shorving arl existing a'c proposed featurcs on 'hesite, and on adjoining-sites ii n""6""uryi-iertinent to ,che variar:requested, incl-ucing site boundaries, reiuiied setbacLr, -i'Jirai"gl0cations and heighis, ropograpny ;d ;hy;ilal features, existingsign l0cations, proposed sign locations and any related data.c. such additional material as the zoning administrator may pre_scribe or the appricant may submit p."li"Jr.I'to the apprication. III. Tine Requirenents The Design Review Board neets on: the month. An application with u.rst be subnitted 17 days prior the lst, Srd and Sth Wednesdays ofthe necessary accompanying naterialto the date of the neeting. 75 soulh tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 19, 1985 Gai I Strauch 0verland and Express Travel Service 122 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8.l657 Re: Sign Variance Discussion at the Design Rev'i ew Board Meeting, l2/L8/85 Overland and Express, V'i 11age Center Dear Gai I : I wanted to confirm for you in a letter the resolution that was arrived at at our December 18 Design Review Boand meeting concerning your sign variance. The sign variance was tabled indefinitely. The board and applicant came to a compromise that would ajlow a one square foot sign to hang from a street lamp in the same location as the proposed sign for thevariance. The street lamp would be exactly the same design as the existing street lamp in the La Tour courtyard. Given the fact that this sign is located adjacent to a public street, the Town engineer must wri te a letter of approval for the'l ocation. I will talk to Bill Andrews, Townof Va'i I engineer, about the letter for you. I would like to say that I still have some concerns about other shops in the Village and Lionshead wanting the same type of signage. I feel that this may be a problem that may arise, as there are many shops that havevisibility problems similar to those of Overland and Expness Travel Service. I a1 so want to let you know right now that I doubt that jf you asked for more signage the staff would be able to support your request. This does not mean that you do not have the opportunity to request another type of sign vari ance which might include the display box or a larger sign on the sign post. If you have any questions about this approval or a future sign variance, piease contact me. I hope this solution will help you and your customers to do business. S i ncerel y, {'.}."?''l+Kri stan Pritz Town Pl anner / Prolect Name: Prolect Appllcatlon o^," af r,f f,T Sccrtlctr,c-l "B),.,r'1. l. or, l?ck,r I S (<* -. Proiecl Description: 0lec rr-'i Contact Person and Phone Lnb,,rJ \C tL, [f,tx l\ I >\ Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Addrsss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments; Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPFOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner ""," i,),/ I3/g,t { st.u Approval o O oootication NumbererT; ' Fee paid #zp.op+losqq SIGN APPLICATI0N lZlBlgeTW. t me'or'Pro.iect Salland Pju rl ,Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Cl Description of Project Ctoltr;n The fo1lowing information is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approva'l can be given. A. Sign Materia'l fo?c-\p. (,U rou *ra B. Description of Sign E |Y\OU f\fn foof rrjtouqh+ iccln scrollY liRe sh S')n i1-selF q b;* "ori (,or Id" i n { lquor ^ rl I -r- aJ s)'O€,Cl ) J,t, Length of Comments Entire- sf r.oi tt h< ccxL+< ol ool roF ec* ; { leflens c. size of sign 33" X aa" MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sFowlng exact location3. Photographs showing proposed locaT-ion4. Actual sign5. Colored scale-dFEilTfr!'-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SuUmittET- )lgn Aomlnlstrator Sign Administrator 75 .oulh irontsge road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly dcvclopmcnl April 17, 1984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign Appljcation Requirements When applications for signs are submitted' the fol'lowing infonnationis required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the follorving) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colorerl exactly as sign wil'l be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of app'lication. bver) I. 2. 3. 7t3 L_ lnwn 75 soulh fronlage road vaal, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 December 27, L985 Paul Treacy Kids Sports 122 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 8]657 Re: Extra Sign on K'idsports Awnjng Dear Paul , I appreciate the fact that you are already in the situation wjth the addjtional signage on your new understanding that you will contact me by January you wish to resolve the signage problem. I think sharp. I hope it will increase your business. Thanks for your cooperation. Si ncerely,tt I nl {nr\un t(.ft Kristan Pritz Town P'l anner KP: br t process of remedying the awning. It is my 6th and let me know how the awning looks very o oProject Appllcation D+- .I Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Own€r, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Lesar Descri ption' r-ot tl-0Aqs.-Gec*t4r- pi r i ng Comments: Zone Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: fee ;!_.-"o Application Number \ ,._ __ ._ ,t..._, ..__ sIGN AppLiCATI0N Paid Ji /-( Lr-. rJ ,L l"( \*-;-.=-.:-.- t 2l(1lu({ 1 Date Name of p.oj.Jt J .\$rout\*.Qrl.^i*,r/ Name of Person SubrnittjnS -S.t(+lo*$,,l^Y Phone Location of Project v:rr. E. N4q. \n,..'Sr,w. Description of Project The fol lowingto the Design Sign submittal information is required for submittal by the applicant Review Board before a final approval can be g'i ven.fee is 520.00. A. sisn Materiur 3.q o*\-^.Q,*\ sjze of sisn 5 se\. +h . ,Length ofllontaqe (Ft. ) ?t 'nU. F'Comments Descri pt i on MATIRIALS SUtsi4ITTED WiTH APPLICAT]ON 1. Site P'l an Drawings showing ex,exact Iocation Y^,r 1 ^ ^:;:-:-_--Photographs showing proposed location4. Actual si gn 2. Actual stgn_ \_l'n1n-o.l c-1r6 /r '* i;;- Fine Art & Cust T-rL'i7lasattervQ Framing 122 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Cotorcdo Bt6S7 , rtct l- lgr:gY",gF^:R*115 Il!!_!! Ar rHi'saMe rlsvArroN AS BorroM 4623 AQUAMARTNE. LErrERrnd-'wir,r,-ee"fiHiis""c;;oiXiH: fi',^it\ri".AG.^.-!^ \Jh*= <r'^rs ," \.rS .,S.-\^uo ulx "qs-. ; \"rr.,",. cc,g o.' o om SPECIFICATIONS FROM CONTRACT AMERICAN AI.INING AND PATIO TAKEN OFF CONTRACT I APPROXIMATELY THIRTY L]NEAL FEET OF IJELDED STEEL I'R4ME AWN]NG WITH TI^]O SINGS USir.rC ART I.IORK I.rriiNS!4S ON BUSINESS CARD) r,ErrENirqC I,JILL BE AFFiiqiJiO ANNI^]ILL BE IN A STRAIGHT LINE . . . _ETiN ACROSS THE BOTTOI,I OFTHE AI'I.]]NG ONE INCH FROM TUE T,OWiN EDGE THERE I^}ILL BE AGRAY srRrPE (wEBLoN- 2719) ar-p 'irr u. irii;;-sii-liuer frili-fiHllfiT"ifii-'riiililgqisB:' u+$;J$?t; ;i.sjssi;in;tiiti^fiiloz4r FH8"tlil{F+ltg"T9HCH Ufi$T,D,99F; "gngjsgr:ptr (303) 476-5994 3/4 wlDr 9n ,/1ln 'g <st+l: I t *f!{q ""t IJ, d ..S .._) t${, 14 tl ed) (.)+'6 /^ r- g u \) , ]I >o I -\J t/l o . cr *{s N '1jr'J . "rd _) T+ -r(fo -.-o - f)C:l- v / fi T ll da1u/ U )- C} I 6- I ll .,' I---\" c, oUAt /l I a -f-J /"7( I I i I i II ar N-\)lT{rinttn 'ro* :S .3fi? i\ L4 sI lll T --r 19 I -- I i I \l \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I ) IlS 7 o-l- I "+-' ' EASEiTEIIT DEED KNOt.I ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: FRED HIBBERD, JR. (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), for rrH oollnns iSro.oo) ano other good and va'luable consideration, the reietpt of wtricn ii'ntrenv ackn6wledged, has granted, bargained,-- so'ld and conveyed, and by these pres6nts does grant, bargain' sell 'lonu"y and coniitr unto iHE T0ldN OF VAIL, a qglorado Munic'ipa'l Cor- ;;;;;ion,-*noi. legal address is P. 0. Box 100, Vail, Colorado -biosa (h6rei nafter referred to as "Grantee" ) , th9 fol l owi ng real .pi"perii situate in in. county of Eag1e, State of colorado, to wit: A oerpetual non-excl usi veoeicribed on the attachedof pedestrian, vehicle and T0 HAVE AND T0 H0LD the reat froperty inte\est above bargained ocrrihcd wit-h annurtenances. /UntO the Gran{ee, itS heirS' SUC- i.tsors and assigns-?biever. 4ni ttre\Grantor, f9" himse'lf, his iucc"rsors and aisigns, covenadts, gr{nts, bargy'ins.and aqrees, t9 and with the Grante6, its heir$, suice\ssors any' assigns,.does here- oy-gi.nt, bargain, sett and con\ev the\same iy' nanngl 1!g I:lT-ttaioiesa'io, su6ieci to those'lien\, tax{s, a9lessments and.3n9u!- brances oi recorO, ltfanx; said \Uove u{r3f{ned and. described real property interest'tfr;;\ in tt\ quietrgno ne1993!l: t9:t:ssion5r-[;;;1";; -iti-r,"f., suc\ssorsVaria assisnsr ae?ilst^3]l 119tlv i'laiming or to claim the whole,orevery person or pqrsons lawtttlly clalmrng or LU ur( unv i,ui't therpof,luv ot th!9r',)19!-!!e Granior, which Grantor shal'l ano w'itt !IARRhNT A\t'lD F0REVER /DEFEND. Acceptanqe o f ment by Grantee shall consti tute i ts agreemen\and lcon se llows: and described with appurtenances' 'un easement over the Exhi bi for dra age acc s. GRAIITOR acknowl edged bef ore me th'i s BBERD , JR. propertythe purpose 1.is on thethe porti Th antee shall maintain the area of the easenent that ior of the street curb. The Grantor shal'l maintain the easement on the interior of the curb' such time and in the event that the easement described-be abandoned, Grantee's rea'l property interest in the'l'l revert to ind be thereaf ter' merged '1i th the servient and de'livered this 9th day of December' 1985' ex on 2. At herei n sha'l 'l easement sha estate. S i gned STATE OF l.lYOMING COUNTY OF TETON ss: sement Deed was 1985, by FRED HI and of f i cia'l sea ) ) ) The foregoing Ea9th day of December' !'li tness mY hand My Conmission 0ctober 5. Expires: 1989 M. J. Hayes -Notary Public Countr of /-t sraF,rfleion t:i :, y llyr,inrttg My Commision Erprfes 0ci0her 5, I989 FS, SUCCsons I awfby or thro D FOREVER his eas G e o o Address: 317 ,t:l EXHIBIT A A part of Lot K, Block 5-E and a parE of TracE C, Vail Village FirsE Filing according to the nap thereof recorded in Ehe office of the Eag1e County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder descrlbed as follows; Beginnlng at a polnt on the southerly rlghr-of-way of East Meados Drlve, whence the southeaat cornar of Vlllage Center, the map of whlch is recorded ln the offlce of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder, bears S 48o37r38" E 249.48 feet; thence along sald rlght-of-way 3 courses; 1) 35.00 fee! along the arc of a curve to the left havlng a radius of. 376.72 teet, a central angle of 05"19125" and a chord that bears N 61o02143" E 34.99 feet; 2) 7.01 feet alorg the arc of a curve to the rlght havlng a radius of 20.00 feet, a central angle of 20"04' 25" and a chord that bears N 68o25rL2" E 6,92 feet; 3) 27.64 feet along the arc of a curve to the rlght having a radius of 35.50 feet, a central angle of 44"37105" and a chord that bear6 S 79o14102" E 26.95 feet; thence departlng.s..aid right- of-way N 83olL'02" 1| 20.16 feer; rhence s 79"46i03" w 10.t-a t"<cq[i[$1t"t1" S 65"44152"'bt 36.51 feer co the poinE of beginnlng conrainl_RC'gQlor lees. Colorado P.L.S. r 2350 ttb2t h= L=,!: ch (,u* R:376.72 AoANDON R.O.W a: o5ot9 25'--=-- L :35.00' cH-N6iooz'43"E 34.99' LOT K r--' --.^ AullClng Ovdittong (TYPI .- CH ' S 79o 14'O2"E 26.95' ' ,. t,5t't> - \ TRACT C Brlck Pof lo SE COR NER OF VILLAGE CENTER € Ittl' PARCEL TWO , SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE CENTE o t f,06l'\ {r.b'nq ,+o&k ClusRongs ,tr"'U Loarlio. f 6t*.* i" n\d'o..to,+"ntil '{rpenott15 \-, $/rqDdrl Dtl\JE 'huroue" LAMP A POST /,-,/4'1,1 --.=--{= STORE FRONT EXPANSIONS 22c &Lanr1 dA ( tlt.t ) Abttlt? lL.be !"D\.E! , eb4.o ra aqdD-a'*a^ 0w sTof COI/MERC ADDITON VILLAGi B,JIt vr{_LAGq __CENTER )*. FRoNr ExpaNso,{s RELOCATEO EXIST['lc TRAIISFORI,ER EXISTING TRANSFORMEF TO REMAN /;< K Appllcatlon Contact Person and Phone Architect, Addrsss and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Dale Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: l(. P',\+ ' Torvn Planner""," \\/$)st ft"- Approvar -.,'d."" b9 O npprication Number Dare tt- 18-6 Phone "116- tQqn Description of Project At.,11iaa! { The following information is requ'ired for to the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. by the applicant"T' A. sisn Materi ut Zno (cf'od 4 B. Description of Sign C. Size of Sign € rtlee" L-D; l( o HFeePaidQ-r,* Name of Name of Locati on of Project SIGN APPLICATION submi tta l approva 1 Project esp 4ec4o10a, ! Person Submitting MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 2. Drawings sfiowing exact location3. Photogiaphs showing proposed locatfon]4. Actual sign _5. Colored scale d'Filing _ 1. Site Plan 6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB submittaT- \, A, Siqn Administrator =. o -.| . n t. 2. 3. 75 3oulh t.onlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlc. ot c|ommunlly dcuclopmcnl April 17, 1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign Application Requirements l,then applicatjons for signs are submitted, the following infovmationis required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign'is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of s'ign (one or more of the following) (a) sca'le drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if s'ign'is made FEE: A $20.00 appfication fee wil1 be required at time of application. (over) Project Appllcation Prolect Nam€: Contact Percon and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: !\ .'. ..- Archilect. Address and Phone:S,I -- i.. t,\ - Lesar oescriprion' Lot . ), L[^*-' .1c , d"*.rrl*lc Comments: Filing Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL -l 'l ' t '1, .rS Summary: L-,.^h^n-f o /-1-\ o t0eer> ff 1 Kmam #a +,, Fee Pa'id 2,0,-- cfi#ry Location of Project l,ltU^W Ggg<'€tv Description of proiect \\Fl,€LPtl STInGi The fol'lowing information is required for to the Design Revjew Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. R$ TN A. Sisn Materi t Vlepo €Vx WW &* lvlt'tUA B. Description of Sign ?',16,N9 -- pAN C. Si ze of S'i gn t- b3/4'x l'- b 5h D. Conments submi ttal approva 1 by the 4ppl icant can be given. flicat'ion Number eu6 1 NoV €6 Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting erNgt'l*t'UxL pnone flb|lE?o APPLICATION 1. Site Plan MATERIALS SUBMITTED I,IITH APPLICATION Sign Administrator 2. Drawings sfiffinlTxact location3. Photogiaphs showing proposed locffi---?---4. Actual sign _5. Colored scaleTrawTn!- - 6. Photograph of sign / Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for DRB Submittal] Sign Administrator 75 roulh ttonlage road vsll. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17,'1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign Application Requirements lJhen applications for signs are submitted, the follo+ingis required: 1. Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) olflco of communlly dovclopmanl i nfonnati on be located. sign is to be'located. (a) sca'le drawing or iendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 applicatjon fee will be required at time of application. (over) lr l^ Project Appllcatlon i ,ilro, \,1i. Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Addr€ss and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board {'" . ,i,i) Molion by: i =t.lt=lllV \c- Seconded bv: t lr,';7(-Date 11/ *.--f [] Jtl APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: E statt Approval Project Applicalion Proiect Descriplion: Contaci Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board o"," Uor tl lQf5- Motion by: Seconded by: nFpiovnlE-l BI DISAPPROVAL E Statt Approval ffilO' VI .LAE? C ENI^EKw W8 DlW,!'W utLtPOe CaNIR V'W. rnfum( rcdrwd;tflitrJ 6pptr w\ito s+ilb', cagn , ,x 6'6" Dl@(Rl +" lflf utLrN& (ENTW V',W. rnfuml rcdtood;al;rd coPty. whita SIUIC', Co,etoh ' 4\ 674Wh d|?r Wdh redMo{t:dT aM irnHrcd wilnaop. vl LLA\ e7 C ENT'EK {al?' Qruiltu - Proiect Name: -Proiect Appllcation Date tjverlanC { Exoress -ravel i+nr1ce / enlry done awnlns Proiect Description:1 ) lr'xb' trdone awnins ovr.r. errtry 'loot qreen w/r.rh li e copy/s,lgnage Contacl Person and Phone .all Straueh lt76-?24( Legal Description: Lot Owner, Address and Phone:iall -'trauch b7A-22(' Architect, Addr€SS and Phone: Amarl can Allnlng I t a.ti,;r '13C1 [- Alarieda ! r')pnver,f]o- Q:16-?:127 Filing , Zone - Comments: S+.oref:ront. llnear footase - 52. C' / 12.4t)so/ft al.loxed for sl.sna.ae Amlnq to be flxed fnrrnc.l an.J val anr.ed to ral] l-n .iunllrc]]a ;:rtn ireen "{4600 .jec ekr.teh/photo Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL E'-stat Approval Dale: Al,lNING AGREEMENT Date =.SeLlo-ll0j Property qvcrlrnd & E:@rcgg Travcl Scrvles/ vllla8c Ccntcr gtrops 122 E llcador_DFl Va1l, Co. I,GalI Streuch , understand that if the condominium association ofVlllesc Ccntcr Shoog- disapproves of the awning erected' I agree to remove said awning at my own expense and will not hold the Town of Vail liable. -tra \ Application Number SIGN APPLICATIONFee Paid Date Scpt.j0.198< Name of Projec efnone Arnlng Name of Person Subrnitting GaiI strauch Location of Project 122 E.Mcadox Dr. rval1. co. (vu.lagc centcr shops) Description of Project One) *Donc Armln Phone 4?G2266 to b6 rcl.dctl flxcd franc/valanccr S,above t4'x4r The fol lowingto the DesignSign submittal information is required for Review Board before a finalfee is $20.00. by the app l 'icant an be given. submi ttalapproval c B. Description of S'ign "ovcrrand & Exprcss Trevcl ser:rrlcc...loFo,i C. Size of Sign wlthln le.bOeq/ff to nalntaln TOV si D. cornments Pleasc rcfcr to atilachcd dnrlnee/photo/end fabrre c3 . MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sh-bwlng exact location x3. Photographs showing proposed locaffin x4. Actual sign5. Col ored scal e TFawi ng x _6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB SubmittaT- )rgn A0m1 ntstrator Sign Administrator 7 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, 1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners RE: Sign APPlication Requirements olllce of communlty develoPmenl l.{henapplicationsfors.ignsaresubmitted,thefo.liowinginformationis required: l. Site p1 an showing exact locatjon where the sign is to be located' 2.Photographordraw.ingshow.ingthebuildingandwheresignistobelocated. 3. Exact design of s'ign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograPh 'if sign is made as sign will be) FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of app'ljcation' :, - (over ) Io 1l .li {t ii a 75 louth trontage road rail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 27, 1985 Mr- Fred Hibberd 1977 South Park RouteJacksonr Wyoming 83OgI CERTIFIED MATL Re: Village Center Garages Dear Fred: Approximately two neeks ago I called you and informed you that fhad a complaint from Mr. Tom Carpenter concerning the use ofVillage Center garages for storage. Since that timer I havetried to piece together the previous inspection information thatPeter Patten and Dick Duran completed in June of 1984. In theprocesa of trying to gather this informationr I have determinedthat the problem of using parking spaces for storage of construc-tion materials, etc. still exists. f asked Dick Duran to checkthe Village Center parking area to determine if the violationsthat were outlined in the enclosed ,June 28 r 1984 letter hadactually been remedied. He then informed me yesterday thatparking spaces were still being used for the st.orage of parkingmaterials and other items and also that the fire code violationihad not been addressed. Later tha,t'afternoon I rrent over to the Village Center parkingand took pictures of the parking spaces being used as storaqeareas. I returned to our office and called one of your assistantl,Mark Hauser. f informed him that the storage areas must becleaned out by Mondayr September 36 by noon. I called back toinform your secretary of the same message and asked her toarrange to have someone at the Village Center who wouLd be ableto let me in to the various parking areas. For your information,f r.ras able to determine that the following units were in violation: 1. The third unit from the west end of the building on thesouth side. 2. The first unit on the west end of the building on thesouth side. 't'i - ',,1 3. The l@th unit from the west end on the north side ofthe garage. 4. The sixth unit from the west end on the north side ofthe garage. At this time. I am not able'to determine if there are otherparking areas that are being used as storager as the garage doorsare closed. If the storage areas are not cleaned out by September 301 1985 atnoonr I will proceed to issue a summons. This has been a re-occurring problem at the Village Center Building. It is obviousto me that you are ful ly aware that these spaces should not beused for any storage. I hope you will act on this matter in-mediately so that we will not have to proceed with a citation. Sincerelyr Kristan Pritz Town Planner luwn o 75 3outh lronlage road v.il, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 25, 1985 Jay PetersonPost Office Box 3L49Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Village Center fssues to be Resolved Before TemporaryCertificate of Occupancy Dear Jay: I have enclosed an agreement, that was signed by both Fred Hibberdand Peter Patten on September 12, 1984. The agreement lays outseveral conditions vhich nust be met before a tenporaty certificateof occupancy will be issued by the Town for the new constructionat the Village Center. Items 1r 7 and g eeem to be of immediateimportance. At this tine f am not sure when Fred would Like toget a temporary certificate of occupancy. Howeverr j.n order toavoid any last minute problemsr I thought I should write you andclarify that these items need to be addressed before we wouldissue the temporary certificate of occupancy. ftem I concerning the agreement between the Hotel Sonnenalp andthe village center owners will be impossible to conplete at thistime. Horteverr the staff is request.ing that Fied submit aproposal as to how he will be handling loading and trash for theproject. This eras a very important concern of the planning Commission and staff vhen the project was going through thereview process. Even though Fred is unable to fulfill theagreementl a proposal for handling trash and loading is sti11necessary. ftem 7 states that an approval for landscaping and a curb withinthe 4O foot utility easement must be obtained from Mountain BelllPublic Servicer Heritage Cabfevision, Upper Eagle Valley Sanitationand Holy Cross Electric. This is a relatively straight-forwardcondition to meet. Signaeures would be necessary from aLl of theabove utility companies. ual Iten 8 requires that Fred grant. an access agreement to the Townof Vail for the crescent-shaped parcel localed in front of PrimaGallery village center shops. The access easement would need tobe approved by the Town of Vail at an evening meeting. A surveyand legal description would be required for the easement. Alsor note that the fire concerns outlined in Dick Duran,s 1etterdated.Iune 28, l9g4 must also be completed and approved by theFire Departm'ent. Once these items are finished, ttre Town will beable to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. If you have any questions concerning these issuesr please feeLfree to give me a call. tt'td:f'b Town Planner KP: bpr Enclosure til September L2. 1,984 Mr. Peter patten Town Planner Town of VaiI75 South Frontaqevail, co 81657 f' Road West Re: Expar.sion of VillageCenter Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September 11 , I9g4. the undersignedhereby agrees to the following items: *er. An agreement wirl be entered into with the Hotelsonnenalp whereby the mutuar use of a joint. roading facilitylocated on-the property owned by the H6tet Sonnenilp and theundersi-gned will be set forth . such agreement shart be providedP..ioI to any temporary certificate of o6c.rp.ncy Ueing issued bythe Town of Vai1. 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for themaintenance of the pedestrian sidewalk irea, as ie]I as al1associated landscaping constructed under the buildi ncr nermi I located on the west end of theshall be maintained and policed byit serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to allow the Town,at its sole cost and expenie, to movL t6" randscaped berm on theproperty in the area north of the r,aTour plaza if and when theTown decides to proceed with the improvemlnts ai noted. on theUrban Design Guid.e p1an. 5- The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrateagainst a speciar rmprovement oistriit, -if and ,tr"r, orr" if formedfor the Vail Village area. 6' A sign program for the,vilrage center Building shallbe submitted by the undersigned, or his .quit, .rrJ such signprogram shall be approved by the Design neview eoara prior to theissuance of a temporlry certificate oi o..,.rp..,.y ior the expandedcommercial area. This condition i-s hereby subjlct to the Town ofVail staff working vrith the archi.tect and the indersigned in "rJu,to meet this requirement. 3. The loading areaViIlage Center Commercial areathe undersigned, in order that .q Mr. Peter PattenSeptember 12, LgB4Page Two - {2._ Before.a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued,approval for landscaping and curb wi-thin the 40r utili_ty Lasementmust be obtained from llountain 8e11, public service, HeiitageCablevision, Upper Eagle Va11ey and Sanitation and Holy CroisElectric. -\ - +.8. -Before a temporary certificuie of occupancy is issued,E.ne und.ersJ-gned agrees to grant an access agreerEent to the Torvn ofvail for the crescenfshaped parcel located in front of primaGallery Village center shops. such access easement shall be insubstantial conformity with the attached Exhibit A- If you have any questions, please contact me. Si nnora l rrv*..vv 4 g 4'I , *d,,ffi4r" 122 East Meadow DriveVail , CO 81657 303 / 47 6-08 33 FH:mec AGREED TO A. (Ere Actin Town of Vail, Colora DAY OF SEPTBI{BER, 1984 ity Development , -. :-- -" -,r'i i ' _,- ' ,..2--...'-''2... I I I I t t---I t , ::j:_. ..-,-.\:\ oJ .o' t 't $- .f2 we3t meedow drlve vall, colorado 81657- (303) 476-2,200 June 28, 1984 rled Hibbard 1977 South Park Route Jackson, t[yoning 8300f flre deparlmenl CERTIFIED MATL Dear lft. Hibtnrd: After not hearjng frcrn you in regard to the violations for:nd on:' . the second level of parkilg at the Village Center D building I feel- that I rust set a date for ccnpliance. I have enclosed a copy of the violations and what is needed tobring these items back q> to Code. AII items nrust be ccrnpleted by Septenrber lst. Failure to do so will give me no alternative but to issue a sunrnons . As you know, the inspection was conducted on May 31st. Today is June 28th. I feel I am beirg fair in allo,trirg a three monthpera+ for ccnpliance. Silcerely, /') .4t/Ltr(/t>- Dick Drran Chief cc: P. Patten DD/hml- 'c 42 west merdow drlyeva , colorado 81657 (303) 476_2200 The following are violations found on the second llre department parking of the Village Center D Bqildj_ng on Ma All fire protective and extinqui-shing systems or appliancesshalr be maintained in an operative condition at all times.Such systems shal1 be extended, altered whenever anvbuilding is remodeled or added to. Need to relocate hose cabinet that is enclosed in garage#2f so that it is accessible. Need to replace hose incabinet near trash container. UFC Article 85 Electrical This article shall be enforced in cooperation rvith theauthority having jurisdiction for the enforcement -of -tbeNational- Electrical Code. Light fixtures in garages #4, S, 16 and the space west of5G need repai.r. Light fixtures in garages must not extendthrough walls and must have a switch in each garage. Theduplex outlet in space #30 needs a cover. Cover openel-ectrical box in space #4. Need cover in junction boxin space #8 and must relocate junction box so as to beaccessibl-e. Romex rviring must be replaced by conduit inspace #20. UBC 4304E Holes in Fire Rated Ceili-n and Wal1s Are NotPermitted A11 garages are in needhour rated throughout. been penetrated. Mus t of drywall repair. Must be oneNeed to repair ceiling where it hastape and mud. Level Maintenance 9BC 17058 Everlr openrng rnto a Shaft Enclosure shall BeProtected By a Self-Closing Fire assembly at trash chute must be repaired ...-.'. page 2 UFc 10.4Q2(a Maintenance of Fire AssembL for ProteitionOf Openinqs ' Three hour door must be repaired with fuse link. 6. UFC 10.315(a) commercial Type Hood and Ducr Need to relocate fan for La Tour from garage to roof. rn accordance with rown of vair Municipal code 15.12 if youfail to comply with this correction notice on or before thecompletetion date below your failure will result in furtheraction being taken under the provisions of the uniform Firecode' 1982 Edi-tion, which may include your being issued asummons to appear in Municipal or County Court for theviolations above specified. Upon a finding of guilty of. said violations you wi-ll be subject to the-penaities provided "by larv..'.... Cited corrections shal1 be completed. rJur.J.drng Owner,/Manger Date by Q.;c(,AM/{0 Date Department Office Pc-lt- ?>tl+a lp i TIBERTY MASONRY, INC. P. O. Box 315 AVON, CO 81620 (303) 949-5089 Vlllage Center Assoc jation 124 Will Bridge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 we hersby propose to turnlgh, In accordance wlth specificatlons oetow or on attactred pages, all materlal and labor nscesgary to complete the following: solid masonry retaininq wal-]s as drawn and specifled on attached sheet ""1 t -of 2 pages tor the sum o, Seventeen thousi,incl nine hunrirecl severlty arnd no/1OO doltars ($ 1 PAYMENIS'IO B€ MADE AS FOLLOWS 4 O% due when mate:riii1 s are del ivcred orr .lobsite wi,th balance within J days of cornpletion of masonry 7, 970 fOO due All matgtlal i9 Cua.antggd to bo a! spscilied All work i3 lo be completed in a work- menlike msnneiaccoadlnO to 6tandsrd practlcag. Any altortton or d€vlation lrom lhg stove or attaclreO sp6cllic;tiong involvln0 gxt.a costs wilt bo gxeculed only upon wrillsn order!,andwillbecomeansxtrEchargeoYorandabovelheeatimatoAllagr€enrenlsi"nti'iiJni"po"*riker. accidenls or?olays boyond our.control own€' to carrv llre' tornado and other necessary Ingurance. Oui wotkors aro lully covot€d by workmon g Compon!rtlon In3ur!nca. lflrupuBsl 6-ad v c.LL t AfffflEnfe Ot HfugUSU[ - rh" above or atrached p'rcea, sp€citicitions anO conditiois are'satlgfactory and are hereby accepled You ara u-utftorfzea to do th€ work as sp€ciflgd. Payment witl be made as outllnod above' Dale ot Acc€ptancg: Slgnature -k. .t&- Liberty Masonry ieptember lO' 198, RD: Village r.)enter Associirtion concern: l,lorth and west stone t'r-. Lilininq warff s as drawn and lpec as specified .below if icat,ions: l'ound;ltion 4'lll rler: p lrV .1 6 "'_l t r] rr 11 r:cit Lly I S tone irirl-1 : i/ idth 1 5'r llE iclt t g,/ ' ( t') Nor/4 tJa// -fnJ,. ', l's he'34/ €,., 7z c,:, t'<l S I z, 't e- (d v\,'\ (t,*) i ,r'r o w 11rari e r'r i,le f oo *ut:r ,'rt w i.,lc l;'rrlnr wlr-l f varier': al; j.ndicabed on dravting p () av ru?o-fq: av t\ M c f IIl(^rIPI I Gr ,ul t.L i\ 't oo H StonerBridrBlockdv p.O. Elox 315 . Avon, Colorado 81620. (303) 949-5089 Prolecr APPllcarlon of-- )o Date .'- ,.. - -. r Project Name: Proiect Description: Conlact Person and ,4.Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: '- irt cvol.' tile wiirC,.r..l ,y: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL 4-'\ i,l \,"' l_ I Town Planner E statt Approval oo ffi ' 161aY W(l lflc- U{+ lf E Btoa" €rrE * e Dn sLvE LETrERg 9" TFcc AOnrtrC olltY ovtR -roo t/'ril)DtJE I I I fi.'f {'It(l"t fl c.r -S,llq;Jc r'^)A tv< ,1vn\-''\ v"\*- \ +l i \'/ \\i{ +;r1-----1\. I / \\1 i-r\^-r\qJ )'r. l1.\ ,F\,\ i-r cl \- I 9 \tE +- 5 tr3 L' =t-e \L rS. l t Eg==*&€E-\c- ...--- = <- oo ( l { e'rf:- f. *l O P -.al<- a--TYr e- .A 5r(-hl ; i ''i MATCH LINE- Vtt\^/ ABoW6- \.\G,F\T\N C5 I -tEE. >ETA\\_ \T \.EFf F=roR ,{'F o Oooot ication Number B/ 20 /Bc Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Date Name of Project fhe f'oretgn Connec Name of Person Subrnitting Thomas Rau Location of Project Vlllage Centor Shops Description of Project name on awnlng Phone L+76-3L74 The following information is required forto the Design Review Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicantapproval can be given. A. Sign Materia'l Descri pti on IA]'ERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sFowing elact location3. Photographs showing proposed locETJifr--4. Actual sign I r """""i""-r. Lotoreo scate drawlnq6. Photograph of sign X- Approved for DRB submittar )lgn Aomlnlstrator Disapproved for DRB SubmittET- .-A ( | ( 5-{, 1 : IrJ.Sign Administrator -r. 75 soulh frontage road Yall, cotorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Apri'l 17, 1984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign APPIjcation Requirements offlce of communllY drYcloPment }Jhen applications for signs are submitted, the fo1 lowin9 information is required .|.Siteplanshow.ingexact]ocatjonwherethes.ignistobelocated. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the bu'ilding and where sign is to be located' 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the fo'llowing) (a) scale ,drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) PhotograPh if sign is made FEE:A$20.00applicationfeewillberequiredattimeofappljcation. (bver) The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fjven: t\ r. A. BUTLDTNG MATERTALS: TypE 0F MATERTAL tllUdtrq c0L0R LIST OF MTERIALS NAME 0F PROJECT: The Forrel rrn Connectl-orItffi"5'![HiFYion., STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR Roof 1S'id'ins Other t,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts trea* t r (- Bluersame as ln the enclosed picture -Ca,,^r, s &,'lail, @ B. Corrnon Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED for conifers. (over) . f,, w'inaows ;tr t'li ndow Trim J Doors -)Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngS Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther ffttn\'rcl cD\tr' d LANDSCAPING: Name PLAN1 MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name ;/a- wood glas s metal awninE over wlndow & door wlth name on awning. *Indicate caliper for decjducious trees.lndicate height - PLANT ]'IATERIALS: Bqlaqical Name(con't) SHRUBS Conrnon Name Size EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS TYPe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL (retaining walls, fences,swimming pools, etc.) please specify. o Prolect Appllcatlon - r 0 -{9*" Prdkl|ffi: Proiecl Description: Contact P€rson and Architoct, Addr€8s and Phone: Legal D€scription: Lot Block Filing .on" (Cfl- Commenls; Design Revlew Board €-- APPRoVAL J orsrppnovel f) rrln v.ri\\ 61 nC'I\rrNA i{a E Statt Approval o I ri>t. Daie Profect Appllcatloni-!o' FoFcrr{tme: Projoct D€scriptioo: Conlact Person and Owner, Addrsss and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing zon",(Ti Comments: Design Review Board \\,Motion by: f,fl f\\ seconded or, thQ [Q JJL 3\ .?t, 1r' t i'i t L, r.rl ,,6i{,\'q r rtA-dl|^E Stat Approval ,t. +$ ef/'-/ry- /"Arh-, 74 /-/' 4 J ,/1k-zeZ< Vct-t-z .-z--<^/ 4r4 A&<- q-a./2,4+ d//'*4. *. tu 6fr* -3.-.2",-a-. J <E:ul e-"{ fa /..--o 84'. 4/<^-utq - 4 /a.- L-,- ;* /4 a/;4 -s*;-.tr /,--.d\-L-7 //- er.L- 2L, //4 4--'-.- qz-aZn-.<,//-/ a*>/ 1977 SOUTH PABK RT. I JACKSON, WYOMING 83001 T TELEPHONE (3071733.7327 (=E 75 soulh flontage load Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, 1984 TO: SIGN APPLICANTS FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz' Planners RE: Sign APP1ication Requirements offlce of communlty doveloPmsnt bJhen applications for signs are is required: submitted, the following information l. Site p'lan showing exact locatjon where the sign is to be located' 2.Photographordrawingshowingthebuildingandwheresign.istobelocated. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale ,drawing or rendering (must be colored exact'ly (b) the sign itse'lf is made (c) photograPh if sign is made as sign wi'll be) FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of application' (pver") ;u--; Appl ication Number ,/'l r r , Date Name of Project './, L t- a..* L" *_-"{n,^ ,{''- SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project Description of Project (i'-z):k kso'- Phone -l3 g-t3 t ) C. . ( 3oa-.r'76 - /666_---..--:c- The following information is required forto the Design Revjew Board before a finalSign submittal fee is $20.00. submittal by the applicant approva'l can be given. A. Sign Material 5r, r^ j.^1.\. B. Description of Sign C. Size of SiSn" S L".-..^ .,* .D o*^.^ri,-1s D. Cornments MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 6. Photograph of sign 1- Site Plan @ Orawtngs stwTng exact 'location 3. Photographs showing proposed IocE-fjifr-- 4 , Actual s'i gn5. Co]ored scalE--iiFEilIi- Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Subm'ittaT- )1gn Aomtnlstrator \ Sign Administrator rli luvln u Ilfll 75 south tronlage road vail. coloraCo 61557 (303) 476-7000 &2. 0btaj-o--cuneCs-.aggroygl of screen' building; <iesign details for wall *..Des ign cieiai l s for ihe screen ing end -carage entry. Desi.on oe--ai I s for overa l I of ii e La Toi;r^ Pocl:e'r. iark. ii^e33, crcund ccver, -L re es of f lce of communlty develoPmenl llay 21, I984 Ri ck Ba'l drv'i n 1000 South Fron'ua"oe Road Vai1 , Colorado, 81657 Dear Rick, 0n l,,iay i4, .|934, the Design Revier+ Board gave the vi11a99 center Proiect preliminary approVal . The vo'ie tras 4-0 in approval wjth I abs',-ention (Rjck Baldiijn). The foliowing issues must be addl.essed and delivered 'uo the Connun ity Devel op;ant Departnent Staff by I'iay 23 ' 'l 984. You are schedul ed for ',-he l'lay 30th Des ign Revi ew Eoard lieeti ng. o!--r.Design a lighting pl an using Torvn of \taj1 style'l i-chts. rvall on south side of the a.l so needed. of the 1ight in the west 'l ancscapi ng, parti cul arlY in irrdica',-e t-v_ce ar'd loca'"ionto be renroved or reused. front of Ste Subnii a wri tten phasin-c ol an for 'r-he enti re proiect (a bu i1di n9 permit e>:oi res if work is s'"opped for six months). lncjicaie exactly r.rh:re the ce!^acE ::orovenent wi'l 'l be'l ocated on ihe north wall - strov; hcw far'Lhe'trea'"r-,rent of the wall will ex'L3nci - N f. ., .nLana nl0. Rerci': 9l an'"er bi> ir' f ron'" o; ,,:s',- Ioacii n9 soace ad;acen'L to r-r*r\'il}P* c.re== e n -! r-\" LU' \ /1u Show drainage P1 an siderr'al k. (P'l ease further questi ons. ) for the project, tal k to the Town page two parti cul arlY st'ra1es across Enqjneer if You have a si gned and l.1gCenter Bu i 1d inf t Devel opnent I use of ihe I add'i t ion I lA-N r ---\ trrr\WflEf\I\r h e we s t - e nd\ta) | llr'./ tr 'P/applicant toV\rooo D lan1er f or 'urucks. Tire To.;n a g rees 'Lo on '.ne -pt^oPeriY ln rr'i',? ri it cec.i des to 3es-l cn 5ui I d Pl an. ,-r.rra-=ntl;h. ;r,n Cistri c i carri :3reesif and wnen noi io re;itlnS'Lra'Le agains't a SDecla I for;,ed f or '"he Va iI Vi l la-oe area ' - A- ^. --!^--^-\t9.\5noH Ene relocaied transfor;er and necessary screenln9,\ \,'rt -..___ __ _ . Confirnr that ce;ent r,'a'l ls will be stucco and not left as p1 a'i n cenent rial I s. In addition the following conditjons must be r'et before a building permit is'i ssued: The proiect must be cons'uruct'ed under a single building permit' 6dor" a bui lci ing permit is issued for the pro'iect' r..o.J"O u-ot.et.it' by property ovrners of the Vi 11a"oe O-ana Sonnina'l p sha'li be presented to the Corrmuni ty Cepa.i-ent. Ti're agreer,ent shal 1 speci fy the mutual .jo!.t foaciing dock to the east of the netl con:nercial and ou'rline easenent agreenents per'uaining thereto ' Sefore any building perruit is issued, 'uhe appl icant-shal1 sign a ierocaUle righ,e-of-,uuy .gr..",.nt rvith the Town for improvements in Right of ltaY. ,x gu$'''@ i::.i;Ti :; il:,:iliii,':, o i;:' 3 :, :: i. l:l'' i:ffi :: : o:ln':: "liff : l:l'1.,.,..| loading area shal'l be maintained and policed, by the. - | see thSt it serves its .i ntended func,uion. -The exis'Lrng Iin this area shalI be remcved to alIow maxinurn area pay f or the cost of reinovi n-o '"he- l andscapeC bern ii''. ut.u north of ihe "La Tour Plaza" if and proceed w j ih irrr,rcVe:,rents as noled on the l"rrban The a:p'i i cant a-orees to vrorf: wi th the Town in achiev:ng tn- reouired worl' to the fire tie-p"ti:;iiity of doing a1l recuired fire re'"rof ii recuir e:.ents) at the sane i;ne' of Vai I Fi re DeDar',l--ent a'i arm system and exPioring code wcrk ( incl udi n,c i'. :.12 r l.0i e shall 5e paid baseC on addi'uional c,; ;?rc"at s:ute' I1'I page three A sign program for the Village Center Build'ing 'shall be submitted Design Review Board (staff will work with the to meet th'i s requirement).and approved by the archiiect and olner ?,i1) Specificatjons for Yard ftydrantSfandpipes shall be approved by 'r.he fi re cie;artment. F&ss easenent for Tor.rn of \tail access across portion indicated IiISn-z-i.rea in front of La Tour Res'uaurant) t{eed'le'uter from utility company for using the 40'easement along the northeast port'ion oi the'property (#2 in easement report). iiaed clarifica'uion of #5 easement from county. .further quest'i ons,' p1 ease give me a call. Thnaks for yourc n r 40 if you hav coopera ti o Si ncere'ly, (,rt'* Krist[s-.Pl -^!\.-.lor{n H lannn KP/ rme CC: Fred Hibberd 30 3O September L2, 1984 Ilr. Peter Patten Town Planner Town of Vaif 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, co 81657 Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September hereby agrees to the following items: Re: Expansion of Village Center Commercial SPace 1I, 1984. the undersigned 1. An agreement will be entered into wi-th the Hote1 Sonnenalp whereby the mutual use of a joint loading facili'ty located on the property owned by the Hotel Sonnenalp and the undersigned wili Ue sel forth . Such agreement shatl be provided prior to any temporary certificate of occupancy being issued by the Town of Vai1. 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for the maintenance of the pedestrian sidewalk area, as well as all associated landscaping constructed under the building Permit. 3. The loading area located on the west end of the Village Center Commercial area shall be maintained and policed by the undersigned, in order that it serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to allow the Town' at its sole cost and expense, to move the landscaped berm on the property in the area noith of the LaTour plaza if and when the iown a".ides to proceed with the improvements as noted on the Urban Design Guide Plan. 5. The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrate against a Special fmprovement District, if and when one if formed for the vail Village area. 6.AsignProgramfortheVillageCenterBuildingshallbe submitted by the undersigned, or his agent, and such sign program shall be approved by the Design Revielw Board prior to the issu.nce of a temp-ora.y certificate of occupancy for the expanded commercial- area. This condition is hereby subject to the Town of vail staff working with the architect and the undersigned in order to meet this requirement. A € Mr. Peter Patten september 12, 1984 Page Two 7. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued, approval for landscaping and curb within the 40' utility easement *,r=t ue obtained from llountain Bel1, Public service, Heritage cablevision, upper Eagle valley and sanitation and Holy cross Electric. 8. Before a temporary certificate of occuPancy is issued, the undersigned agrees to giant an access agreement to the Town of Vail for Lhe crescenfshaped parcel located in front of Prlma Gallery village Center Shops. such access easement sha11 be in substantial conformity with the attached Exhibit A. If you have any questions, please contact me. S ince re 1y ' -/zr ' I22 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 303 / 47 6-0833 FH:mec AGREED TO A. 'PeUe atActin Town of Director of CoVail, Colorad DAY OF SEPTE}IBER, 1984 ity Development l', '|| .....!--, \l\t. \I ..- rl\ i I \. : ".' \,. r-\, \ \'( '" -'/\--.r- ,,-''-1 '-/ 1 .z^r--^, 't\)\ \ trJlsFzs I I II I I I I I I F @o o* J - )< F- IL tl.l l-L t- o 1,lI fao r L.,IJ -Z L]J(J l! Ir(, _: I I E Lr-z q9o i.0 I t , l'\ -..''oo -- ". ,':.l' :",, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the p.tanning and E ,-. '.-.1 . : of the municipal codcode of the Tcown of Vail in the Council chambers in the Vail municipal building. Pub'lic hearing and consideration of: l. Request for a density control varianc,e in order toa Environmental Conrni ssion of the ri Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 1g.66.060 on March .|2, .t984 at Z,OO pm ''...,,ii1,,',; ' -. -'.:>":; dd 92 soq!uare feet of . . g space to an additional ",.. : .. . .:. . , .'...: 1 .i ; .. :r:: , GRFA to an existing dwelring rnit and to convert existinq sDace to Th in cr';e] !ing unii on the iop f'l oor of the sunbjrd Lodge at 675 Lionshead Square. Appl icant: Sunbird Lodge 2' Request for a side setback variance and for a density contro'l 'uu"iun." in order '," ito allow for a greenhouse/entry vestibule addition on Unit'l 'lB, Vail Town-.,:..i houses' Lot 11, B'lock 6, vai'l Village lst Fil.ing. Applicant: B.A. Bridgewater Request for an exterior alteration and for a setback variance in order .,,,.r to a{d four dwer.'ring'units to the iloncert Hail praza Building at 616 lest ut".::l::.9- g:*l: in commercill core, rr.. ,Applicant:se1by_rofe1 Associ ates A request for an exterior arteration to the village center project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addition on the east end, to revise the entrance to Toynaker's Trail, to construct additions to the ietai'l shops, anci iu construct a new s'idewalk along the north side of the project. Applicant: Fred Hibberd A req.ucst to amend Special Development District 4 (cascade village) to review a new phase plus to permit'additionar commerciai ,pu.",'Lna to add two p.arcels of.land into the sDD and to permit firepraces in some '- of the accommodatr'on units. Applicant: Mansfield Ltd. e applications and information'rerating to the proposars are avairabre the zoning administrator's office during regular business hours for review inspection by the public. rUhIN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Published in the Vail Tra!l February 24, l9g4 '"t..' Eztburlrt o ,1? u,tlrE- rVCflIEctT !*''p1;. 1C4 'l'lraL irr:r:orcl'i ntt lo Lltrl itrdicr.rs ol' tlrr: CottrrLy llccot'tlut' oi' t:lrtJ lr (,ottirt:y, (.loloi ;rrlrr t'trlirL ivu Ltr l.lru lo'l lowitrll l'cal lrlupct'ly: A PART 0F TRACT C AND 0F LoT K, BLoCK 5-E, VAIL VILTAGE 1ST FILING C0UNTY 0FEAGLE'STATE OF COLORADO. ALSO KNOl^tN AS ViLLAGE cENTER AccORDING TO THE cONDO-MINIUM MAPS THEREOF AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIU}4 DECLARATION RECORDED N0VEMBER 20. 1972 lli B00K 226 AT PAGE 362 AND THE FIRST STCpLEMENT THERETo $qgryE0 OCTOBER 3, 1973 IN BOOK 231 AT PAGE 381 AND THE SECOND SUPPLEMENT THTRETO RECORDED APRIL 25, 1975 IN BOOK 239 AT PAGE 574, COUNTY OF EAGLE,STATE OF COLOMDO. A, Easentents that affect the above dsscribed properly are as fol'lor,ls: ){ EmEmeNT AND RrGHT oF t.rAy FoR coRE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT AS SHOI.IN ON THEFIL ING. 2I UTILITY EASEMENT 40 FEET IN IIIDTH AFFECTING THE NORTHERLY PORTII]N OFSUB,]ECT PROPERTY AS SHOl.lN OI'I THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MNP_FON VILLAGECENTER. 3) EASEMENT AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION FORVILLAGE CEI{TER AS FOLLOWS: ., PARCEL Tt.lO. A NON.EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT ON, OVER AND ACROSS THE FOLLOI,JINGDECRTEED-pARcEL FoR punposEs-oF-fHdnri! -T0 pARcEL ons-nno. EsnESs FR0r4PARCEL OIIE TO AND FROI,I THE PUBLIC STREEi, TO WIT: 9F9.I!UI!G.A] THE SAID_TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AS DESCRIBED IN PARCEL OI{E; IllINcE..l..g:sz'g?l !, 70.30 FEET T0 THE iriiHi-oF-sieiNriiilo-oi sArD pARcELTlf0; TnEncE s 90"0a,?3,1 lt, 15.00 FEET; rHiHcE-H Boat.''5i;;-t.t- 74.2g FEET T0 I"I9III..OT THE ARC OF A 145.77 FOOT RAOIUS CURVE }IHOSE CETIfNNI ANGLE IS9-29'30" AND ltHosE CENTER BEARS N 48051105" E, 145.77 Fiei; rnrrrcrSOUTHEASTERLY 24.ls FEET ALflNG-TtiE enc-or snro cunvi T0-iii 1.,rFi,-ftrrLoNG CH0RD 0F WHICH Il_S^ls:q?fsgi,E,-24.12 FEET; THENCE S 8-57,37', E,55.40 FEET TO THE POINT OF SEETHNTHG. - [,,Y\g €tftfiEh"Trie,:lTlifil1ll !,iRili i].itr3,r*flf"3.flof,lii'ifi,iliE il:[IH,"' ., , L2's6" w, 32.00 FEET; THENcE s ggot7,o4i t't, tli.oo FrET; iHinCr'i-a;oij'oq', ,.W'-115.00 f,EET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNiNGI riiNCE-i:gOfJ,37,, E, 14.68leEie^l.ll:s9'00,' lt, os.ss rEei: iurHfie-r,i'so5i'ii;"tl; soloi'FEET; THENCEI_89:!?,23,,E,68.66 FEET; THENCE 5 go5Z'37,,E, ZO.jO FEti-rO rHi rnur potnrOF BEGINHING. II9IEi DECLARANT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO GRANT OTHER OWNERS OF COI.IDOI4INIUMUNITS LOCATED ON PROPERTY A SIMILAR EAS'MENT rON rHOirSS_RI.rO EENTSS.DECLARANT FURTHER RESERVES TUT TXCIU.TVE NNO SOLE RIGHT TO VACATE SAID E4IEMENT FROil TII'IE TO TIME DURING TUE OEVTIOPMENT OF THIS CONDOMINIUMPROJECT AND TO RELOCATE THE MEANS Or TIIONESS RruO TENESC-FNOTI rHr PUBLICSTREET. o [/\sfl4lir,ll palecl: SEPTEMBER 7, 1983 : ('t'lre I'inbif i[y nf' Llrc corrrlrany is titiP0t{'f CREEK AS IT AFFECTS SUBJECT PROPERTY RECORDEI) PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST l ittti l,crl to llrc l'cc lrl itl 1'ui' i:lri:.: i'c1rtri,[: ) $*t*- \t 4) SET BACK LINES 10 FEET IN I,JIDTH ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LOT LINE AND 15 FEET IN I'IIDTH ALONG ALL OTHER LOT LINES 0F SUBJECT PR0PERTY AS SHOl^tN 0N I C THE REC0RDED coNDOl.llNIUl,l MAP 0F VILLAGE ctllTER. ab|,tf / )F) urILITy EASEI,TENT As GRANTED T0 HoLy cRoss ELEcrRrc ASSocrATIoN, rNc.ilqtq'Dl'IN INSTRUI,IENT RECoRDED JAi{UARY 31, 1975 IN BoOK 238 AT PAGE 501. qlf lul 6) EASEMENTS As M.RE FULL' DES'RIBED rN THE FrRST suppLEMENT T0 THE fft-;1t (+ CONDOMINIUIIT DECLARATION FOR VILLAGE CENTER DESCRIBED AS FOLLO[,IS: EASIMENT FOR VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO AND FROM PARKING AREA FROI,I DEDICATED STREETS. THERE IS RESERVED TO DECLARANT, HOWEVER, THE RIGHT TO LIMIT OR CHANGE SAID EASEMENT FOR VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN INGRESS AND EGRESS s0 THAT AccEss |IILL BE DIRECTLY INTo THE LOttER LEVEL AND NoT I.IITHIN THE UPPER PARKING LEVELS. EASEI'IENT 0vER AND AcR0ss SAID L0|JER LEVEL 0F BUILDING D FOR VEHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN INGRESS AND EGRESS TO AND FROI.,| THE UPPER LEVELS OF THE BUILDING AND FgR UTILITIES, DRAINAGE, REPAIR, CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION. NOTE: DECLARANT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RELOCATE SAID EASEMENTS FOR PARKING AND VTHICLE AND PEDESTRIAN INGRESS ANO EGRESS FORM TIME TO TII,IE. 1) EASET'IENT AS DESCRIBED ON FIRST SUPPLEMENT TO MAP OF VILLAGE.CENTER AS F0LLOIJS: PARCEL Tl,lO. A NON.EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT ON, OVER AND ACBOSS THE FOLLOI.IING DECF'IEED-FARcEL FoR THE puRposE-oF rneness ro pARcEL oNE AND EGREsa FRoM PARCEL OI{E TO AND FROM THE PUELIC STREET, TO-WIT: .qqGINNIHG AT THE SAID TBUE P0INT 0F BEGINNTtrNS A8^DESCRilBED NN PAROEI- 0NEi, THENCE !9!I!_8-12137" EAST, 14.68 FEET: THENCE S0UTH 71u53,00" WEST, 106.62 FEETi THENCE NORTH 1I"07'OO'' WEST^ IO.OB FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF SAID PARCEL TI.IO; THENCE SOUTH 71U53'OO" WEST,206.51 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18007'OO: EAST, lO.OO FEET; THENCE NORTH 71U53'OO'' EAST 205.28 FEET; THENCE NORTH11"07'00" WEST, 10.08 FEET T0 THE POINT 0F BEGINNING 0F SAID pARcEL Tt4l0coNTAIilIt{G 2058.95 SQUARE FEET 0R 0.0473 ACRES, MORE 0R LESS. PARCEL ONE. COMI'{ENCING AT A POINT IN SAID TRACT C FROM. WHENCE THE NORTHI.IESTe0F[m'TnLoT B, BLocK s-B BEARS souiH-sioisiso,i^r^rrsi-ibl++ rrer; THENcE !9lI!_61:1?',56,'nhtEST 32.00 FEET; THENCE S0UT| 8g"17,04" llEST i17:00 FEETi IUIqE lquJH 8n"17'04,,WEST 115.00 FEET T0 THE TRUE p0lNT 0F BEGTNNTNG; THENCE SOUTH 8"57'37"^EAST 14.68 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 71U53'OO'' HEST LO6:62FEET; THENCE NORTH 11"07'OO'' t,lEST 10.08 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OFSAID PARCEL ONE; THENCE SOUTH 7I"53'OO''^WEST 49.77 FEET: THENCE NORTH 11OqZlqo" hlFST 45.05 FEET; THENCE SoUTH 78u53'00" WEST 24.i0 FEET; THENCE IORTH 11"07'00,".'liEST 42.40 FEET; THENCE NoRTH 78u53'00',^EAST 3i.30 FEET; THENCE NORTH 11"07'OO" WEST^16.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 78U53'OO" EAST-49.10 FEET; THENCE SOUTII 11"07'OQ'' IAST 21.10 FEET; THENCE NOIII'Ii 7BO53'OO''EATT 21.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11U07'OO'' EAST 39.70 FEET; THENCE SOUTH7B-53'00" HEST 27.70 FEET, T|IENCE SoUTH 11u07'00" EAST iO.Sg.rESr T0 THEPOINT 0F BEGINNING 0F SAID PARcEt oNE, C0NTAINING 7135.05 SQUARE FEET 0R0.1638 ACRES, il0RE 0R LESS. W Vonddto:'F. Aibtul 'F9dhr XaV. ?lcnninl D.C. Profect Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval Project Application Proiect Name: V ilVq Proiect Descrip tion' {-hlY !!W' l7h-)ttto',n 'e.\:r7 .5io,r , l^^r)':-r* lY- Contact Person and Phone Nty V(,1/A Hilrlt i/ -Owner, Address and Phone: Vald,uortt ,uc,o)nr.+5.Architect, Address and Phone: I ki;rtfa gd,A v)l/- I VO'L I 'Air V-ption: Lot z-f t r r't |i l/-;f. frftTritins@.zone-4-- Design Review Board Itl Motion by: 1- ( rrn Y\ , ll Seconded Uy: L c^a-'"t\\ DISAPPROVAL -t*iA i. a'r! u-.^{ .'\ i ..,,.-,1 . ,iVl{rrg\ IJ\.,,. :}\ - Staft Approval l.lRITTEN PHASING PLAN FOR TO KRISTAN PRITZ, Setepmber 4, 1984 Start Constructi on on : 1. LaTour Addition 2. Sidewalk remodel up 3. Footi ng foundati ons December 15, 1984 Complete work on above l'1ay 1, 1985 Start construction onby December 10, i9g5.to pl an. May I, 1986 Sta rt remodel on existby ,July l, 1986. VILLAGE CENTER IMPROVEI.IENTS VAIL TOI.IN PLANNER to Pizza & Pane for new shops. lst Fl oo r I evel Al so, compl ete new shops--comp1 si dewal k accordi ete ng i ng Vi I I age Center shops. Compl ete Note: This schedule is a proposar. Barring any ',eather or other un-foreseen problems, it !hould be able-to -be adhered to. l{ork to be perfornred, as referenced ibetween Fred Hibberd, Jr. and the VilAssociation, will be completed priorCert'i f i cate of 0ccupancy. n the letter of agreementlage Center Condominiumto the issuance of a Fred Hi bberd, Jr. rli :, rl iq\ft{ 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81S57 (303) 476-7000 deve lopmentof flce of cornmunlly May 21, l9B4 f ight 'in the west Rick Baldrvin 1000 South Frontage RoadVail, Co1orado,8l.657 Dear Rick 0n May 14, .l934, the Design Review Board gave the Village center project ?Igljmingfy approvai. Thb vo'ue rvas 4-0 in-approval wjth"l abstention(Rick Baldwin). The following jssues must bb addresseJ und dutiveredto the- Community Developnent Department Staff by l,1ay 23, 'l 9g4. y;u--are schedu'l ed for.the May 30th Design Review Board lleeting. 1. Design a lighting p1 an using Town of Vail style lights. 2. 0btain owner's approval of screen wall on south side of the . building; des.ign details for wall also needed. 3. Design details for the screenjnq of theend garage entry. 4. Design deta'ils for_ overail landscaping, particularly in frontof the La Tour pocket park. Indicate-tybe and rocit.ion oftrees, ground cover, trees to be removEf-6-r reused. 5. submit a wri'r-ten-phasi-ng plan for the entire project (a buildingpermit expires if work is stopped for sjx montns). 6. Indicate exactly r'rhere the garage irnprovement wi'l I be'locatedon the north wall - show how far the treatnent of the wal'l will ex tend. 7. Remove p1 anter box in front of uest'loading space adjacent to 9arage entry. b 8. Show dra i na-oe pl ansidervalk. (Please further guestions.) 9. Show the re] ocated 10. Confirm that cement p'lain cement r,ralls. for the project, tal k to the Town transformer and wal'l s will be page two '.particularly swales across Engineer if you have necessary screen i ng. stucco and not 'left as In additjon the following conditions must be met before a building permitis 'issued: l. The project must be constructed under a s'ing1e building permit. 2. Before a bu'ilding permit js issued for the project, a signed and recorded agreement by property owners of the Village Center Buiiding D and Sonnenalp sha11 be presented to the Community Development Departnent. The agreement shali specify the mutual use of thejoint'load'ing dock to the east of the new commercial addition and outl'i ne easement agreenents pertaining thereto. 3. Before any build'ing permit is issued, the applicant shall sign a revocable right-of-way agreement rvith the Town for improvements . in Right of Way. 4. The applicant agrees to prov'i de for najntenance of the pedestrian sidervalk area as well as the associated landscaping constructed under the building permit. 5. The west-end loading area shall be maintained and po1 iced by .app1 icant to see that it serves its jntended functjon. The wood planter in this area shall be removed to allow maximumfor trucks the . existing 6. The Town agrees to pay for the cost of removjng the'landscaped berm. on the property in the area north of the "La Tour Plaza" if and when it decides to proceed with improvements as noted on the Urban Desi gn Gui'l d Pl an-. ;1, 7. The applicant a-orees to work with the Town of Vail Fire D.p.rtr.nt 'l-{l in achieving the required worL to the fire a'l arm system and exploring the possibility of doing al1 regu'i red fire code work (including retrofit requirenents) at the same t,ime. area . , 8. The appl ican'u agrees not to remons^urate a_cainst a special improvementdistrict if and when formed for the Vail Villa,oe area. 9. A parking fee shal'l be paid based on aciditional coirnercia'l space. l1 ' 10. Kristan Prtiz Town Planner KP/rme CC:' Fred Hibberd Need clarificai.ion page three A s-ign program for the village center Building strail ue submittedand.approved-by the Design Review Board (stafi will worr-with ttrearchitect and owner to meet this requirdment) ll. specifications for yard flydrantfandpipes shall be approved by thefire department. 12. .Assess easement for Town of vail access across portion indicatedin PA 2 (area in front of La Tour Restaurant). 'A Q/ I::d_l:iigl_f.or utility company for usins the 40,easement alons\:-.,. the northeast portion of the property (#2 in easement report). of #5 easement from county. ' p1 ease give me a cal'l . Thnaks for yourIf you ha cooperati Si ncere'l y ('tto-t ve further questions, on. t .l {i r[ '{ t\. -i : n. \': I,IR ITTEN PHAS I NG PLAN FOR TO KRISTAN PRITZ, V I LLAGE CENTER IMPROVEI'IENTS VAIL TOt,lN PLANNER S*, Compl ete work on above May 1, 1985 Note: r\. tt*1r," lst Fl oo r I evel Al so, compl ete setepmber 4, rrro 6ruol.nT, lOauf,alStart Constructi on on : l. LaTour" Addition 2. sjdewalk remodet up to pizza & pane '^&u{!s ru.tJ\natUt 3. Fpotin^g fou.ndotions ton new s,hoA$D r$tr^dzr\Dt,\44+A( Add$o^, d*il.L Oecember 15, i984 U Start construction onby Decembef Lq, i9qS.to pl an. r1 t4 \&11- \<0, May I, 1986 Start remodel on existing Vil lage Center shops.by July 1, 1986. This schedule is a proposal. Barring any weather or other un-foneseen problems, it strould be able to be adhered to. Work to be performed, as referenced ibetween Fred Hibberd, Jr. and the VilAssoci at i on , wi'l I be compl eted pr.i orCerti fi cate of 0ccupancy. d*l\ new shops--compl etesi dewal k accordi ng Compl ete n the I etter of agreement I age Center Condomj niumto the issuance of a Fred Hi bberd, Jr. dovid m. peel kothy worren orchitects September 19, 1984 Town of Vail-75 South Frontage RoadVa1L, Colorado 81657 ATTN: KrLstan Pritz, Town Planner Dear I'ts. Pritz; We have revlewed the constructlon documents for the VillageCenter Improvements by Baldwin and Associates dated September 7, 1984. The improvements llsted in the l{arch 16, 1984 agreement between the Village Center Association and Fred Hlbbard habe been incorporated in the construction doc-uments. The Vlllage Center Association Fras no obiectlon to the issuance of a building permit so that work may proceed. Your:s truly, Kathy ecil Dotson, President VilLage Center Association 2588 oroso dr.po. box 3370 voil, co. 81658 303'476.4506 O rHE LOUTHAN'S ATa May 8,198 4 Town of Vail Design Review Boardc/o Mr. Ton Braun or lrls. Christin Pritz Town of Vail Va11, C0 81657 Subject: Conditions for Approval of Village Center Building D Project Fron Village Cord Condo Association -Building "D" Dear Ms. Pritz or Mr. Braunl Please accept this as i,nput to the upconing May 16, 1984 DRBfor Fred Hibberd's proposed construction project affectingour Bui-lding D of the Village Center Cornplex. The followingare mininun requirements of the Condo Owners Associationrepresenting Building D Condo Owners (Note that we are notaffiliated with the Association for Buildings A,B, & C): 1. The North-facing, l{est-end entrance door is one ofonly two primary entrances to the Condoninums onthe Znd. floor, and as such needs to receive specialexterior treatment consistent with the other entrance irnprovements Mr. Hibberd is making as a part of thisproject. This was discussed at the April gth Planning Commissi-on meeting, but is not reflected on the plansdated 5/23/83, revised thru 5 /zs/84 as forwardedto us by Archi.tect Baldwin Associates. (See Sheet4 of 8). Such irnprovements, we believe, must be made to this entrance door. The West Garage Entry to Building D rnust be enhancedin such a way as to provide an asthetically pleasing and "cornfortable experience" appearance for the resultingloading area and Condo entrance from within the (present) gatage area. This i,s particularly inportant as theoverall project is to result in a general loadingarea in this vicinity. The minor changes (i.e. partially wood covered wa11) proposed is inadequate. See pagettgt' of abo.le referenced plans, UNTT NO. 13.VAIL VILLAGE CENTER. BLDG. D (303) 476 -1095 May 8, 1984Page 2 1.f A11 concrete retaining wa1ls are to be faced withsinilar material as those facing lileadow Drive. Thisincludes those West-end wal1s connecting to the abovenentioned "garage" entry. (Since Mr. Hibberd hasconverted all West-end, 1st floor garage spaces topernanent storage rental units, this is rea11y nota garage; it has becone - and with the expansionproject, it will clearly become - a E€_desl-11ian buildingentrance to the Condos. It's decor should reflectthis status. u^J t-" 4. See also enclosed letter to Mr. Hibberd, iterns #4,which requires that Mr. Hibberd rnodify Building D'sAssociation's documents to assure that the CondoOwners Association incur no additiorral cost as theresult of any of the above. 5. A1 1 inprovements associated with this project, includingirnprovenents to neet Fire Codes (see iten #7, pp 6of 4/5/84 Cornnunity Developnent Departrnent Menbiandun)are to be made entirely at Mr. Hibberd's expense,with no costs allocated to the Association. We recornrnend you grant only tentative approval at the May16th neeting and defer final approval until & May 30thratwhich neeting we will again be in Vail and can attend thi)meeting. This will also a11ow tine for the Plans to be revisedaccording to the above conditions. Thank you for your consideration. Since re 1y, Louthan, President reVillage Core Condo Owners Assor:iationBuilding D Mr. Fred HibberdMr. Richard BaldwinMr. Lee Bird - P.0. Box 2060, Vai1, C0 or 6566 France Ave. So. #405Edina, MN 55435 BERENBAUM & WEINSHIEN ATTORN EYS AT LAW 3773 c:HERRY CREEK ORIVE NORTH siUITE E6O oENVER, COLORADO 8O2O9 (303) 368 -O600 ?ELECOFtEi t303t 3t6.zroc. I ay 22, 1984 \\*0 lD, f\bg H UalFr r wElNSHtlNx (t03t. t9!3) MANOEL !EFENI'AUI'I OT COUNS E! varL orncE: (3o3) a76-O7O3 ouRAt{oo oFFtcE:( 303l a47- t3 33 o K t,O9EF}I !gFE'r!AUM t{. Mrclratt rit!LeR.J09€PH g, !ORU3l. H. xarsER. ac. !|AR'TY FS'II.UI l{owaio !.0tt-t CHARIEg C LEOEF iJAMES L TUETZ. PHELANFE IFr F. loGrNSl.!tNtDwrft 0. FIFLMUl-TEF C HAFILE! A. IEWLSY I'ARSHALL O. !FTOOSXY JAMES A.JACOI3ON AI'Y TXEREgE IOFE'tFOgIYII E. SHIFLEY Mr. Fred HibberdI9?7 South Park RouteJackson, Wyoning 83001 Dear Fred: . Kathy Warren inforned me that at the DeslgnReview Board rneeting you indicated to the Design ReviewBoard that the screening along the south side of the garageand some other improvernents whi.ch were principally toi tfrEbenefit of the Village Center Condorniniums would not becompleted for one year after you conpleted the initialexpansion of the restaurant. you will recall that ouragreement provided that aLl of the inprovenents which wererequired to be nade under that agreement were to be madebefore the first certifi.cate of occupancy was issued forthe expansion building. I assune you inlend to honor youragreement and consequently the phasing proposal you send tothe City should reflect your completion- of these improve-ments simuJ.taneous with completion of the expansion space. Very truly yours, .--),l< r/I J C/..4-\r.^ l-r-<.+a--,'X-Barry Perniut BP: mb cc: Mr. Peter patton Mr. Cecil DotsonMs. Kathy Warren a NAME OF PROJECT: Villgge_CgnteT ImprgvementsPart of Tract C and List of Materials LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT K BLOCK 5-E FILING Vail village Ist rilinq BUILDING MATERIALS Co Ior Tbe-following information is required for subnittal by the applicant to theDesign Review Board before a finar approval can be giiren: " A.Type of MaterialBuilt-up roof w/gravel(sloping)To match To match existing existingRoof siding Other Wall MateriaLs Fascia So ffi ts Window Trim Doors Door. Trin Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Rubber membrane w/graveLfla t T&GWood lass ( new metal railin N,/A s334-0335Dark brown to match To match existinq match window trirn Whi te toexistin Stucco mqtcb existinqMixed color - seeStone (at retaininq wall) photo for color,/typeTo match existingWood siding (Cabots(at shop expansions) 0334-0335) To match existingsiding (Cabots existing (OIympicWood Oxford grownj Natural wood To match existinqstucco vtall and White,/dark brown to S tucco match Skvl i hts - curb DEscRrPTroN oF PROJECT: commerciar addition, storefront expansion sidewalk and landscaping redevelopment, visual screen walr additions Dark brown toSheet metal match existin lex i lass mounted clear domed B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des i gner :Rick Baldwin Phone: 476-4433 PTANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Populus Tr emul o ides Common Name Quanti ty S ize Aspen - qxisting trees to be reused wbere ossible due to maturity - supplemental or replacement trees wilI match existing in type !l1 nin. caliper Picea Englemanni Picea Englemanni Pinus Mugo Mughus Englemann Spruce Englemann Spruce Mugho Pine 6 | high 8 - IAr hish Bush Cinquefoil 15 5 gallon 25 5 qallon SHRUBS GROUND covERs Potenti l laFrut icosa SQUARE FOOTAGE : SOD Yes SQUARE FOOTAGE Approximately 4,350 sq. ft. SQUARE FOOTAGESEED TYPE OF I RRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROS ION CONTROL c.orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools,etc.) Please specify. o Retaining wal1 faced with mixed color stone with dr laid a rance. See photos). o Visual screen walls** -concrete block (sinqle score inted whi te to match existinq paint color.Glass block (cIear Decora).MetaI ** reinforcing, bracino, ca i ece inted white to match block coIor. o Pavin for walkwa vers over concrete base. SCREEN WALL MATERIALS AND LOCATIONS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY OWNER. IFCHANGED' SUBMITTAL WILL BE MADE TO TOWN OF VAIL STAFF FoR APPROVAL oRTo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD UPON STAFF RECOMMENDATION, FoR AppRoVAL. I PROJECT:Ce"t DATE SUBMITTED: COI'f'IENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING PUBLIC t,loRt(s ./1 ^ Reviewed ay, 6 /j oate_e/ZJ/4 Comments: 0 Srl*c flf ?Btp'ts lap"t't€-wt s fi/'a4#e lyH€rl( Pa OEar.u J .7 ge,HPA u-,ccc 5 or?t) ttJ 7o , FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTI-IENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date RECREATION DEPARTI{ENT Reviewed by: Conments: Date o A) B) ou inernerntHe cHefr rtst SubdivisionIot Bl ock Filing t./V4tz Vz<z,ccE- ttT /,u,:-* t. SuUmittal ltems Topo MapSitc P'lanUtility Plan Title Report Subdivision Agreement Enqineeri ng Requirements A Culvert Size C'( (Dri ver.ray Grede 3. Source of Utililief (Accept3ble) (Hot Acceptable) tUox€ A-strlea &fr,t| (a (o (c (D (E 3,/ _/ 6. -- 2. (if applicable) A) Electric8) Gas C ) Sel.rer D) lla^,.er E) Te 'leplrotie F) T.V. 4. comr,ents: @-u-c rp(ri */ erfrfft4alo) lt L6-rG nia27, tu* r'a.Jof teA6&t> 4 2 to 14Jt+rr€r.r 3ar*e/ ut,,Jc ]6' 6'49 p^a g>7G) .+,o lPlzo4t F4or1 \)Tt L 'r)t-\ Approved: Disapproved: Dcr,ar-r-'ffi Eill Attdrc:*s rdll Fctual INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El,l DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Date FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: ZV--a"sd- Conments:,/O ,a-AZ,-*>zrf AZa p <-, a./S/€,..//-/1 CZt-fz''u;/ Date ? f eo/ ar4,.'Za t/4 1 <''- -.6- tzz oz--- iz o,y' S' 3;:->--r: Zua4 ,,, ./ .a/ o aZ+<yz. <-'4, ,o/.a/ s "*n' ,, 4zO '/:srz-- .4 2 '/ /2*v/ /4 z'/"€'5;f -1-"- ^/ ,,^/ o t.r*i67*/ r,P )'t zzS J -/'-'- -/ -,t/o-ez.Z o*r.J., -toJ .o'oi 'r/t"/ - -,,, zz-zF/ .A-t ,/a-222'?? <'q ttz^"5e>'z^f/ Ptt' "//;? 7zt't/ <r 7'/<-1t a''/.a- "'v -- a z-zrz4< ,cz"< Zzzz.oJ ,o7Z"*'/ z?-*"t-''/ POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date RECREATION DEPART}4ENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date L INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEt,l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COI'TIIENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Cmrnents: PUBLIC WORKSffiG 44 ,^ Comments: A'/a c."-l Y1 tt("-1. \t-/ Llrl. L t€ ,42{cswt €a:, /z'' 4r:,r' C/r/(lyv .: FS{.),,ri->J-i, 6a//L |*feeov*"O r!-,'4 tt t-p &ctm (/7 r , t 7v 6r ,at'+. ': S Date Date REC REATI0N DEPARTI.IENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date o lt(lL o ,\SSOC In 1'IOl.l , I NC ItASEI'iXI\lT CROSS ELECTRIC RI GI IT-OF-I^IA \ .>_ ( sEii, ) ) Lly t]cnmiss;on e;ir;cs iilJrci 31, l3/0 KNOW ALL l'lEl'l BY TIIESE PRESEI':TS, That $re Undersigned, Fred Hibberd, Jr for a good and valuable consicleration, the receipt rvhereof is hcreby acknotvledged' does hereby grant, unto IIOLY CROSS ELLCTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC.' a cooperative corporation, whose post office address is Glenv,'ood S1:rings, Colorado, and to its successors and assigns, the right to enter upon lands of the undersigned, situate in tire County of Eagj-e, State of CoLorado, described as followsr A part of Lot K, Elock 5-E, Vail Village, First Piling ' Town of Vail,' County of Eagle, State of Colorado, described as: describe the access side',;aIk. l':csr-oratioll of .rny vc ietation whicl: is locateo in the easement that is dis--.:l::ed '.:iril-c ghanc;inq; transforncrs r+iI1 be the rcsponsibility of the glantor. The undersiqned covenants --:'.et ire i:: the t>'.;lcr ol tilc "1l,ovc dcscribecl ldnds and that the said lands are free a:,.: clear c'l- enc'.:;:i:r.r nc c s anc lietts of v;hatsoevcr character except those held by Uhe !o.l' I o1', ing' ; conrnencing at a point in Tract c, Block 5-E, f rorn whence the norr-hwest corner of Lot b, elock 5-B bears S 37" 15' 50" v'l 79.44 feet; thence N 64" 42' 56" W 32.O feet; thence s 89: 17' 0,1" ht 11,7.0 feet; thence s 86" 17' 04" w 1l-5.0 feet; thence s 80 57' 37" E 14.68 feet; thence s 71o 53' oo" !l 311.90 feec; thence ii r8o 07' oo" l.I 90.72 f eet co^a poanr on the arc of a 120-00 foot radius curve whose centrai angle is 17" 53' 47" and r..']:ose center bear:; N 7l-o 38' 24" E 120.00 feet; Lhence *northerly 37.4g^fect along the arc of said curve to the right, the long chord of which is N 9" lO' 06" t.J 37.33 feeL to the point cf berjj-nning of the ccnterline of sa j-d right-of-riai:, a poiDt on tlte arc of a '28.OO fooL radius curve h'hose central- angre is 6l,0 sB, 44" and whose center bears s 17o 06'49" E 28.c0 feet; thence southeasterl;' 30.29 {ceL along the arc of said curve to the riqht, the l-ong chord of which is S 76" O7' 27" E 28.83 feet^to a point on the arc of a 23.50 foot radius curve v,,hose centraf angle is 65" 09' 30" and whose center bears N 44o 5l-' 55" E 23.50 feet; thence, southeasterly 26.72 feet along the arc of said curve to the 1eft, the lonq chor4 of which is S 7?" 42'50" E 25.3I feet; thence it 69o 42' 25" 8 72.83 fc,qt to a poir)C on the arc of a 26.00 foot raclius curve ...'.1,ose ccntral- angle is 62" 59' 30" and whosc ccnter bears N 20o L7, 35" r,r l[.oO fect; Lhcr.rcc, :1o.rthca:]t-crIy 2E.5ii,,lcct al()n'; the arc of said curvc to the lcft, thc lonc chord of r.'hich^is Il 38" 12'40" U 2'1 .L7 feeEi tirence N ?60 t6' 5i" t'j 69.0i) feet; thence, N 83" 43' 15" E 42,00 feet to the ternilaticrn of s-:l:l rigiit-o j--vay ccl:tcrlirrr:, the riqirL-of-way to incluLlt 4-00 feet to each siie c'i saic] ccnt.crl jnc. Said ri<tlrt-of-way to be used only for repair and/or rei.l.rc,:ncnt oi the elecLric transformcr located adjacent to the termination of the rigirt-c': -r"'ay. 'liiL: abovc ocscribe<l right-of-way is inEended to ----l rl.i^- _/J '--.._-|The f orego irtgn ')4- , ov I.1y coi.!':tlssron il:struriieii*. L ei::iIres t'JITi,IESS r,7 l:anci tir.}rl ofirci;1 :-cal I<j- a VILLACE CENTER ASSOCIATION P. O. tlOX 18i ' VAIL, COLORADO erase January 20, 1984 From Da11as, Texas l,Ir. Fred tlibberd Hibberd Construction Company 1977 South Park Rt. Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Dear Fred: Thanks for your letter suggesting a meeting to discuss your proposed expansion plans of Village Center Building D. I think a meeting could be helpfu1. I am sure that you have read the many letters in the town file from Village Center owners protesting your expansj.on p1ans. Sj-nce none of us'have seen your new plans it would be helpful if you could send a set of those plans to each member of the Village center board of directors and to our attorney. The mailing addresses are attached. I will not be in VaiI until the end of February and I am not sure of the travel plans of the other board members' In a desire to expedite matters., f would like to suggest that you contact the Village Center attorney' Barry Permut, in Denver and meet with him either in Denver or in VaiI. Barry is very familiar with our concerns about your building plans. Barry can attempt to coordinate such a meeting with the availability of some of our Vifl-age Center board members' visits to Vail. yyu Dotson, President Center Association l{r. Barry PermutMr. Allen GillilandItlr. Mike HolbergIur. L. w. Stolzerl{r. Gary L. McDanie].--Mr. Peter Patteny'Mrs. Marta Cadmus J I IlUgL Cecil P. \/i I I A.rA t MEM0RANDUI'1 T0: Bi'll Andrews FR0l4: Dick Ryan -D B'-' DATE: April .l5, l9B2 RE: Exclusive bus pull-off 'lane down by the village center additionrecently completed by Fred Hjbberd {t,tggne.a, is a plan_showing the improvements that have been agreed upon byPublic l,Jorks, Jon [berle and Skip Gordon regarding the excluiive bul jan!in front of the Vi'l1age Center addjtion. I would appreciate a cost estimate for putting in the exclusive bus'l aneincluding drainage needed, the curbs, proposed bus gate, islands, etc If you cou]d, estjmate i{ wg-cou'ld go with a phased project. By a phasedproject, r mean, first of all we do-just the bxclusive 5us lane-and'the curbnext to the vil'lage center addition. could we not do the other curbs andchanging the turn-around island for vjllage center road? I would'l ike yourview as to rirhether or not it can be done in a phased way. part of the reasonis that village center $nti !9 complete the pitio paveis ano ianasiioiig---on the new addition to the-village benter. Fied H.ibberd may come up witfrsome of the cost expenses for the improvements in the area, but we ireea loKnow what 'it would crist so that Jon can mate a decision as to if some of itis possible in 1982 or not. I would apprec'iate the estimate by Monday morning 'if at al I possible. Prolect epplicatlon d Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Pergon and Phone Owndr, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date B statt Approval / I September 12,19B4 l{r. Peter Patten Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 Re:Expansion of Village Center Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September 11, 1984' the undersigned hereby agrees to the following items: 1. An agreement will be entered into with the Hotel Sonnenalp whereby the mutual use of a joint loading facility located on the property owned by the Hotel Sonnenalp and the undersigned wilt be set forth . Such agreement shall be providedprior to any temporary certificate of occupancy being issued by the Town of Vail. 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for the maintenance of the pedestrj-an sidewalk area, as well as all associated landscaping constructed under the building permit. 3. The loading area Iocated on the west end of the Village Center Commercial area shall be maintained and policed by the undersigned, in order that it serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to allow the Town' at its sole cost and expense ' to move the landscaped berm on the property in the area north of the LaTour plaza if and when the Town decides to proceed with the improvements as noted on the Urban Design Guide P1an. 5. The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrate agaj-nst a Special Improvement District, if and when one if formed for the Vail Village area. 6. A sign program for the Village Center Building shall be submitted by the undersigned, or his agent, and such sign program shall be approved by the Desj-gn Revi<lrw Board prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the expanded commercial area. This condition is hereby subject to the Town of Vail staff working with the architect and the undersigned in order to meet this requirement. o Mr. Peter Patten September 12, 1984 Page Two 7. Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued, approval for landscaping and curb within the 40' utility easement must be obtained from l{ountain Bell, Public Service, Heritage Cablevision. Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation and Holy Cross Electric. 8. Before a temPorary certificate of occupancy is issued' the undersigned agrees to grant an access agreement to the Town of Vail for the crescenf,shaped parcel located in front of Prima Gallery Village center Shops. Such access easement sha11 be in substantial conformity with the attached Exhibit A. If you have any questions r please contact me. Sincerely, 122 East Meadow DriveVail , CO 81657 303 / 47 6-0833 AGREED TO IS DAY OF SEPTEI{BER, L984 A. 'FeActi Director of ity Development Town of Vail, Colorad ----'t '-.'' ,: '' : r! cc F. tt--^ -2"5 a\ .,-/ \ 01 o) Fao_0 3oo^i_ LLtr> =< t<it>ol tJ.t FF o (.1zOI l an iI LrJFZ LrlO Lrl _-.i -j v a z Planning and Environmental Commission April 9, 1984 '| :30 ?.nn t. 2. Tabled 7. Tabled 8' 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Inspections Publ ic Hearing Approval of minutes of March l2 and March 26. Request for a front setback variance of .l.6 feet for an existing buildinggf lf" Vail Racquet ctub Townhomes located at 5770 Bighorn RoadiApplicant: Vail Racquet Club Townhomes Rqqyggt for a dens'ity control variance in order to add 92 square feetof GRFA to an existing dwel]ing unit on the top floor of the SunbirdLodge. Appl icant: Sunbird Lodge Request for an exterior alteration to the village center, Build.i ng D,at 122 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Fred Hjb6erd Request for a density control variance in order to enclose a hot tub atLot 8, Block 5, Vajl Vi)iage 1st Filing. Applicant: Veida Wyche - Request for a GRFA variance in order to enclose the porches of fourgdjgining condominiums at the Lodge at Lionshead" phise li.Applicants: Hazel Goode, James ihorburn, Marie Eoff, and Janet steele Request for a stream setback variance in order to build a dwelIing onLot ?, vail village west. Filing No. z. Applicant: The Elmore Gioup, Ltd. Request to rezone Lot.3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2, from Agricultureand Open Space to Residential primaiy/Secondary.- App'liiant:The Elmore Group, Ltd Request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code, chapter .|g.69 HazardRegulations, to include provisions for leologic hiiara inveitigation anamitigation'in_all areas of the Town wtriin nave been identified-as trivingpotential geologic problems. Applicant: Town of Vail o MEMOMNDUM T0: P1 anning and Environmental Conrnission FROM: DATE: Community Development Department April 5, 1984 SUBJECT: Request for exterior alteration and aVillage Center Bu'ilding D. Applicant: I. BACKGROUND side setback variance for Fred Hibberd This proposal began to be discussed in June of .|983 when the applicant andhis architect applied for a conmercial addit'ion on the east siib of the property and a redevelopnent of the Toymaker's Trail shop's stairs on the west enil. - l,le discussed redeveloping the ent'ire sjdewalk/landscaped area on the northand west sides of the building, as wel1. The p1 anning staff encouraged the applicant to treat the proposal as a "masterplan" concept which meant making it one entire comprehensive proposal , includingthe new sidewalk and landscaping on the west and nbrth sides,'thb new stairsfor Toynaker's Trail, retail store front expansions on the north elevation, new stairuay entries/exits from the sidewalk to the street, the two-story commercial addition on the east and the creation of new loading areas on boththe east and west ends of the building. The lack of adequate loading facilities on the east end of the property isthe major issue which held ihe project up so long. The staff ehcoirrag-ea tneapplicant to explore a joint loading facility witn tne adjacent propeity tothe east' Hotel sonnenaip, as they were proposing a major redevelopment ontheir property. It was not until this past Tuesday, April 3rd, th;t the Sonnenalp'sproposal was approved on second reading-of the Spet'ia1'Developrient District 0rdi nance. A1 so' this somewhat complex proposal has received a great deal of review fromthe vari.ous departments of the Town, including Publii l,lorks/Transportation,Fire and Police. The proposal in front of the Planning and EnvironmentalCorrnission today has accomplished the objectives and r6quirements of all thevarious departments. (See memos attached from Public Woiks and Fire Department.) The village center project remains, for reasons still unclear to the currentplanning staff, in the commercial core II zone district. However, the projectis located in the Vail village urban Design Guide p'lan area and must be'evaluated with regard to those documents.- Thus, this memorandum wi'l 'l proceedin five more sections: first, a description of the proposal; second, in evalua-tion of how the plan meets the vail viliage urban Desigh euiae plan; third,a look at compliance with Commercial Core-II zone distiict requirements; f6urth,a look at the requested setback variance; and last'ly, a staff'recorunendation. villase c.nO-z- 4/5/84 II. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL (See attached proposed site p1an. ) 'l The s'idewalk on the north and west sides of the Village Center retail shooshas never worked with regard to being a viab]e public'pedestrian-rJut"."-'-Historical'ly, there's been a Iack of continuity of the walk on the east end(people choose to walk on the street) and the bn-street toading area on il,ewest end scares people away from the sidewalk (traveling northilaro) ana igitnonto the street. To solve these problems, the proposal-is to relocate th;gll:tl:gt.loading area to an off-street one on the'west end ot ttre uuitiing.lhrs required relocating the driveway-entering the lower parking garage foithe condominium owners. The Town staff feels-strongly thit we ih6uld-not-reduce,loading-faci'lities in this particular area, ini we are exptoring-inepossiblility_of creatinganew "on-itreet"'loading area to the soirthwes[ ofi.ts present location on the west side of the str6et south of the Kiandr'sdriveway. Thus, the brick pavers which exist on the east side of wil'low Bridge Roadnorth of the bridge and the elimination of the loading area would invite peopleto continue walking on the sidewalk making a more pleisant and safer peueiirianexperience. The new sidewalk, as called for in thb uDGp, would be lower to - relate more to the street and have several short stairuays to East MeadowDrive to make it easier to flow on and off the walkway. -The new wattlwii lspleasantly buffered from the street with landscaped blrms which have beendesigned to handle the required snow storage. sbveral retail store frontswill. be expanded to the north between 6 and 9 feet to maintain a pleasant-window shopping experience along the walkway. lg ong approaches the eastern portion of the walkway, the existing "La TourPlaza" is improved by finishing it to a three sided-enc'losure witF the newcormercial addition containing two new,retail spaces on the plaza leve'l .The pedestrian.then may enter-this pocket park irea to shop,'dine outdoors(in_sunner)' sit on one of the benches or continue easter'ly on the walk whichwill connect directly onto.the.sonnenalp property. The reievelopment or ttreVillage Center walkway combined with thb Sonhenaip's proposeo-wiitiwii iorpi'etesll.gi!iIg pedestrian loop system. beginning at the covbrei Bridge flaia, uiBnldge Street, west on-Gore Creek Drive, north on l,Jillow Bridg;/Willow-BridgeRoad and east on the village center/sonnenalp walkway back to the coveredBridge Plaza. The joint loading fac'i'lity on the east with sonnenalp vastly improves theservice and delivery situation for the easterly shops of th! viilage-ceniercomplex. currently, the lack of loading spacei in this area have createda situation where illegal loading occuri ih front of,,La Tour plaza', and thishinders the Town's bus traffic fiow. The combination of the new joini toaitngd.ock (partially on Village center.property and partialty on-sonneiatpis sitej"wlf,n tne northerly expansion of the landscaped berm will effectively'e1 iminaiethe cument illegal loading activities. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE UBIAN DESIGN GUIDE PLS (even though in CCII) A. !qMPLTANCE l.lrTH pURpoSE SECTToN FoR C0MMERCTAL CoRE I The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe_unique character of the vail village commercial area, with its mixtureof lodges and comanercial establishmenti in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequatelight, air, open space, and other amenitjes appropriate to the permitted !.)rp".t qf buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance wjththe Vail Village urban design guide pl an and design considerations prescribesite development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenanceand preservation of the tightly clustered arrangenents of buildings frontingon pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation ofthe bui'lding scale and architectural qualities that distringuish the vi1lage. l,/e find that the proposal is in compliance wjth and furthers the intentof the purpose section for Commercill Core I. Vi 1lase center]- 4/s/84 A-new_walkway from the pedestrian walk will maintain access for Building Aof Village Center and will have a roof covering the north portion of the stairsto architecturally tie together the sonnenalp and village Lenter projectsas well as provide some protection from the elements roi tne walkways' users. B. SUB-AREA c0NcEPTs AFFECTED (see attached urban Design Guide ptan) There are a number of sub-Area concepts which are indirectly related tothe Vi'l lage Center project. Briefly, Sub-Area Concepts l9 and 20 relateto a number of physical desiqn solutions to reduce the ',lost tourist" who drives down village Road-and then west on East Meadow Drive lookingfor parking or whatever. The current proposal for Village Center recolnizesthis.as_a potential future project (Fred Hibberd gave a [ortion of ]andto the Town in .|98'l toward this end) but is designed for'workabilitywithout these improvements as the Town has no inmediate plans for thiscapital improvement project. Numbers 2l and 22 relate to the'l ast commercial addition project which was completed three years ago. Number l7 discusses improvements to the intersection of willow BridgeRoad and East Meadow Drive. A larger planter in the middle and briikpaving treatment are cal'l ed for. sub-Area concept 18 is what is being proposed for the sidewalk. It reads;"Existing walk lowered slightly to Eelomb major separated south sidepedestrian route (barrier free ramps). Landscape planting buffer along roadway. " C. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 5, Street Edge: The street edge wi 1'l Pedestrianization: The objective of this-project is to improve pedes-TFlanTafion Tn a manner directly catteo-tbr-6v-in"-uoop."''ine stattfee'ls this wi'll occur.if the proposal is implemented (refer to sectionII of this memorandum). vehicle Penetration: The appl'icant has, as noted above, qiven landToTh€-Tor,,n-rorThe purpose'.bf :mpr ementi ns 5;6-A;;-i"i"Eii, .t 9 and20 which .are attempts_at.a design solution-for reducing vehicte pene-tration.down.vi'llage Road. As the time-lapse photograFhy the stitthas conducted in this area shows, this is a major pioUiem for thisarea of the village and the prob]em needs to be adiressed so vehicle-pedestrian conflicts can be reduced. 9tre-gtfgape,frameryorf: . streetscape framework will be vastly improvedby construction of the three types of improvements called 16r iir theUDGP: 1) .continuity of walkways; 2) Iandscapin-g treatments alongwalkways with occasional plazas/pocket parks; Sf intiil conrnercii.lstorefronts. Street Enclosure: The new cormercial addition wi1'l duplicate theFeiq-gh-toT-cne T9-8-l "La Tour" addition anJ will create i'comiJrtaute1.'1/2 story enclosure on the east end of the project. overirr, tne"outdoor room" created by village center and broisroads filis with.inthe comfortable ratio set out Ui ttre UOep. villase c"nO -+- 4/s/84 be improved with the new landscaped edge separating pedestrian andaddition improves street edge byto the plaza. l. z. 4. walkway del ineatingvehicular traffic.providing the third a clear street The commercial side enclosure 7. 6. Bui,l dinq=Height: The proposal meets the requirements of the uDGpand the Commercial Core II zone district. 8. Service and Delivery: As mentioned earlier, this has been an areaffithisprojec!.Thesituationwould-begreat1y improved as a result of the proposal by eliminating the exiiting'loading.area on the west end and the iilegal loadiig area on the east.Proposed is a.comptetely enclosed loading-dock on ttre eiit-(u;;d ;iii'the sonnenalp). and a.new-loading area beiween parking garage garageentrances on the west. AIso, the staff is exploring-a new on_streetloading_area south of the Kiandra eastern driveway.- intse improvementswi'l I al 1ow I oadi ng 'located more cI ose'ly to the shbps/restaurairts bei ngserved and in an area which works better for the oblivery person and - pedestri an. Views and Focal points: Thereffigheishthides Building A of the-projectmountain views to the south. are no designated view corridors inproposed for the commercia'l addition and does not intrude upon important Village Center J 4/5/84 9. Sun/Shade: The building is so massive Shfiie-down to the sidewalk area. The'cast some shade onto the new walkway,responsibility to maintain the walk jn COMMERCIAL CORE II ZONE DISTRICT COMPLIANCE A. Uses: The proposed commercial uses are permitted Commercia'l Core II district. B. Setbacks: Required is l0 feet on all sides. Thewith th'is except with regard to the variance forfaci'l ity discussed below. C. Coverage: 70% maximum Existing = 997 Proposed D. Landscaping: 20% minjmum. The proposal provides I andscaped areas. E. Parking and Loading: The applicant will be required to pay into theparking fund the applicable amount for the commercial expansion. IV. that it will always cast nelv commercial addition will and it will be the applicant's good condition. .'> uses in the proposal compl ies the joint loading = 68% a net increase in It SETBACK VARIANCE B. Recommendation A. Request The app'l icant requests a 0 foot setback on the east boundary of theproperty to construct a jo'int loading dock with the Sonnenalp. Theproposa'l is to have the loading building overlap the property tinein this area. The loading facility was constructed ai the requestof the staff as a solution to loading problems existing in thd areaas well as a viable placement of the-ficility to enab'|6 service toboth properties. The.community Development Department recommends approva'l of the setbackvarrance for the joint loading building.as we find a specific physicalhardsh'i p in-locating it elsera,here in tiis area. t.le feel that theproPosed solution is an excellent one and will adequately serve both.properties. 41 1 impacts of the buitding are positive onis (referro serv'tce,/delivery section of this memorandum) V'illaefenter -6- 4/s/84 VI. RECOMMENDATION i!9.,99T*lnity Development. Department recommends approval of the proposedvittage center project. !'le have spent many hours.working with the bppiicant,his architect and the various Town of vail departmenti i6 irrive at lbluai;;;lo.llt_the problems in this area of the villa!e. It stroutJ be noted thatinitial opposition to certain aspects of the firoject uv-viirug. centercondominium owners has been.greaily reduced oy ttre appiiiintai ,eeiingwith the owners and compromiiing on various eiementii'rtre'itatr has i.lsospent much time with the homeowners and their. representatives ln eipriiningthe project and all its revisions. l.|e feel ttat'th"-p""iiiit repreienti " the best sotutions for all involved parties and that it [iii ue i stgniti-cant improvement to the inrnediate arba and the valt viitiqe-area. The following are conditions of approval: 1. The project must be constructed under a sing]e building permit. 2. Before a building permit is issued for the project, a signed and recordedagreement by property owners of the village center Building D andsonnenalp shall be_presented to the conmuiity oevelopment beparlment.The agreement shatl specify the mutuar use o? tt'e joini toaJing a;;i-to the east of the new corrnercial addition and outiine easemenl agreementspertaining thereto. 3. Before any building permit is issued, the applicant shall sign a revocablright-of-way agreement with the Town. 4. Tfq applicant agrees to prcvide for maintenance of the pedestriansidewalk area as well as the associated landscaping constructed underthe building permit. 5. The west-end loading area shall be maintained and policed by the applicantto see that it serves its intended function. The bxisting wood-pii[t;;- - in this area shal'l be removed to allow maximum area for tiucks. 6. The.Town agrees !o pay for the cost of removing the landscaped bermgl its.property in the area north of the "La TSur p]azau if'and whenrt.dec]ctes to proceed with improvements as noted on the Urban DesignGuide Plan. 7. l!"-ltt]l::nt-agrees to work with the Town of Vail Fire Departmentrn achreving the required work to the fire alann system ani exploringif..?g::iljlitv.of doins alr required fire code woik liniruainb i"i"6ritrequtrernents) at the same time. 8. The.applicant agrees not to remonstrate-against a special improvementdistrict if and when formed for the Vail Vlttage-arLi.'- eo luwn 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 deparlment ol publlc works/lransporlallon MEMORANDUM TO: Peter Patten, Cogpl*ity DevelopnentFROII: Stan Berryman MDATE: April 5, 1984SUBJECT: VILLAGE CENTER EXPANSION PROPOSAL This rneno is to notify you that the Departnent of public ltlorks/Transportation hai reviewed and ipproved the proposedplans for the Village Center project ds-lnruended. luwn TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 42 werl meadow ddv€ Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 llre deparlment Peter Patten ^Dick Dura" N April 4, 1984 Village Center proposal As per our meeting yesterday, I have no problem with theproposal at this time. Having the dry pipe and yard hydrant will help the Fire Department in set_up timein the event of a fire on the south side of Village Center D or a fire i.n A or B buildj.ngs. The Fire Department would like to meet with the peopre invorved with the project in regard to the placement of the drv hydrant and fire department connection. I have many concerns in regard to the construction stage which will be taken care of during the plan check. Thank you for getting a1l departments together and. allowing us to voice our concerns. took forward to working with you on all projects. o 3l<lzl =lzlolu)l > 75 .outh lronbge rord vell, colorldo 81657 (303) 476-7000 departm€nt of publlc works/tran3pofiatlon MEMORANDUM T0: Peter Patten, Co4Eor*ity DevelopnentFROM: Stan Berryrnan lyDATE: April 5, 1984 SUBJECT: VILLAGE CENTER EXPANSION PROPOSAL This neno is to notify you that the Department of PubLic Works/Transportation has reviewed and approved the proposed plans for the Village Center project as ammended. o 42 wolt m..dow drlue vall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-2200 tlre depailment TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Peter Patten nDick Dura" N April 4, 1984 Village Center Proposal As per our meeting yesterday, I have no problem with the proposal at this time. Having the dry pipe and yard hydrant will help the Fire Department in set-up time in the event of a fire on the south side of Village Center D or a fire in A or B buildings. The Fire Department would like to meet with the people involved with the project in regard to the placement of the dry hydrant and fj-re department connection. I have many concerns in regard to the construction stage which will be taken care of during the plan check. Thank you for getting all departments together and allowing us to voice our concerns. Look forward to working with you on all projects. /,/r/ furo*"-- /L/./ /r.'* a-cc.ur A 44 / /-'^ t /6^4r/ //?.2 1 I - h trArpng fugsttt - fta.l A An*b H.zz a"tr rl - /*j % 4-,/ r- *-- no- r^il( uia ^/'f1 Art 7r;1 - n. ar*t! a [,*- lJ r/-*t/ ^ f* l-Z- S**Lrt /4.J k4** ;€ ?-,*,./,/-'F,tL";7/ "fu -/ Aa a>- tr1.^9fu24 A-4/ /rlu ,/*' fr"* *r:r *f- /rA*; hr.t- -, -r,sf,T ,-,LV*../ry bcrlduin ossocicrtes crrchitacts, inc. crrchitec[ure . plcrnning 2 March 1984 VILLAGE CENTER IMPROVEMENTS PREFACE The Village Center complex, for reasons not abundantlyclear, has been designated as a detached or remote rpocketr of the Commercial Core II - Lionshead area for purposes of compliance to the Design Guide Plan, despite its physicalproximity at the fringe of the CommerciaL Core I area. we have assumed the reasons for this classification stem from the scale of the buildings, the nature of the building components and materialsl and the potential methods forrsofteningr and tpedestrianizingr this complex. we feeltin conjunction with this CCII classification, there exists a strong link to the CCI design guidelines and have therefore attempted to plan and design toward a resonable combination of the tlto sets of guidelines, knowing that a strict adherence to either one of the Guide Plans may result in a 'foreign' solution. We have further attempted to address the specific itensrelating to this site which lrtere the focus of the CCI Urban Design Guide Plan. Many of the desired objectives must be addressed jointly by property owners and the Town of Vail as neither has total control in the impelementation of the objective solutions. This process is complicated by the fact that many of the goals sought by the UDGP are quite major in magnitude and therefore require long rangeplanning, budgeting and piecemeal interim solutions that can later be united with other elements in a coordinatedeffort to form the desired end result. This request for Exterior Alterations and Modifications in the CCI / CCLI Area is directed toward three specific improvement areas of the Village Center Complex, inconjunction with the UDGP and the Design Considerations. 1. Improved pedestrian access and flow to the sitein general and sirnplified entry to the ToymakersTrail Shop.2. Commercial expansion of grade level shops inBuilding 'D | .3. Commercial development addition to the east of the existing'Pocket Park'. I 000 .,oL rfh frnnfnn,:. ro.,.l Luesl . vorl, colorodo B I 657 ,43i416 4433 1. These three areas of improvement may be implimented as separate projects but are addressed here in general termsin an effort to develop a master plan and begin initialdiscussions concerning the coordination of elements of the UDGP that are beyond the control of the applicant. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS PEDESTRIANI ZATION: Under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan it would be desirable to create and reinforce a separatepedestrian walk aLong East Meadow Drive that wouldallow the pedestrian to pass adjacent to the commercial shops in the area and be separated from therequired traffic created by the shuttle busestdelivery trucks and other necessary, but reduced,traffic along this thoroughfare. At present, thepedestrian is forced into the street to comPete withthe vehicular traffic when approaching the Village Center from the nest, east or south. The approach from the east forces the foot traffic to share the narrovr street with buses, control gates and bicycles and to walk around the traffic limiting posts, due to the discontinuity of sidewalks along the Sonnenalpproperty. The same is true when approaching from the west along the Tallisman todge property. Thepedestrian approaching the Village Center from thesouth has the advantage of walking on the brick paverwalkway. Although it is not physically separated fromthe limited vehicular traffic, it does at least designate a space specifically for the pedestrian. Unfortunately, this walkway currently terminates at the edge of the Village Center entry driveway on Wi1low Bridge Road, and again leaves the foot traffic in the niddle of the street. Once the pedestrian reaches the apparent safety of theVillage Center north side circulation system they must contend with a variety of walkways impeded by the numerous ups and downs of the currently required stePs on the site. While these steps serve their functionthey detract from the pedestrian experience and are apotential hazard when icy or snolt packed. This proposal allows for the separation of pedestrians and vehicals by allowing the pedestrian to make atransition from the paver walkway across tbe driveway and onto the site at the north side of the driveway and continue along the shop facades on an elevated, landscaped and ramped walk, unimpeded by any moreexterior steps than are absolutely necessary, and continue off the site to the linking path proposed to the east in front of the Sonnenalp. 2.VEHICLE PENETRATION:While this proposal does not address further vehiclepenetration or reduction by any function eliminationit should be noted that a portion of this site nasdonated to the Town of Vail to accomodateimplementation of the traffic circle ,/ bus laneidentified in the UDGP. This would allow for tbefuture reduction of vehicular traffic by the additionof a control gate to limit the amount of unnecessaryand rlostt traffic introduced to this pedestrianized s treet. STREETSCAPE FRAMEWORK: To enhance the walking experience along the proposed lowered walkway, several improvements that currentlyexist will be modified and expanded. The placement ofan additional commercial structure to the east of theexisting open sided park area wiII add definition tothe space of the park. The passing pedestrian will bedrawn into the park by the commercial interest and itsproximity to the walk rather than the currentcondition where the pedestrian is forced back into thestreetand away from the park. By adding a third sideto the framework of the park a finished perimeter willbe created enhancing and adding directional focus toan activity center rather than a seldom used, exposed, oPen space. In addition to the improved activity center of thepark and in conjunction hrith the desired constrictionof the East Meadow Drive bus and delivery trafficroute, a wider, more visable landscape and snowstorage area is proposed to further separate thepedestrian way from the roadway and its relatedtraffic. STREET ENCLOSURE: The outdoor room that is created by the Village Centerand the Crossroads Building falls within thecomfortable height-to-width ratio calculations. Thisspace is however, not perceived as a comfortable,enclosed space due to the random nature of theelements creating the troomt. The east and west endsof the room are open. Additionally, the north andsouth walls do very 1ittIe to aid in the enclosure ofthe room, as they angle off in opposing directionsdestroying any perceived enclosure as the pedestrian moves through the space. The proposed ground level cornmercial expansions to the Village Center D Buildingwill help in reducing the scale of this buildingallowing it to be better related to pedestrians andprovide a focus for their attention that does notcurrently exist. 3. 4. 5.STREET EDGE: Because of the open nature of the street between Crossroads Shopping Center and the Village Center Shops, and the random irregularity of their faeades, a strong definition of the street edge must be created by means other than the building facades. Thisproposal suggests that the expanded landscaping and snovr storage area created by the reduction in width of East Meadow Drive be developed to more stronglyestablish the street edge. Where not required to be fLat to facilitate snow storage, this landscape areawill be bermed to accentuate the street definition,create positive drainage and maximize the visualeffect of the landscape elements. BUILDING HEIGHT:This proposal suggests improvements to existingstructures with established heights. It addresses methods of reducing apparent building height by the addition of snall single story commerciat additions tobetter relate to the pedestrian traversing the raisedwalkway. In addition to this pedestrian / sboprelationship, the elevated walkway and shop windowscreate a visual focus for people passing by on theshuttle buses. The height of the proposed building at the east sideof the property will be low to preserve the public view of tbe mountain from the proposed vehicularturn-around and park area, while screening out some ofthe clutter to the south. VIEWS: The major view corridor relating to development onthis site is the distant view of the mountain as seenby both vehicles and pedestrians approaching from the Frontage Road and from Crossroads. As pointed out inthe UDGP a low structure could be built in this areawithout effecting this view corridor. In fact, thelatest existing addition to the Village Center demonstrated this concept. The Proposed additionalstructure in this area will respect this view corridor by rnatching the existing roof lines and will further serve to complete the near focal point of the pocketpark. 6. 1. 2. ZONING CODE ITEMS DENSITY CONTROL;This proposal makes no addition to the existingresidential space and therefore does not increase thedensity impact upon the site. LANDSCAPE AREA REDUCTIONS: When these proposal improvements have been fully implemented there will be a net increase in both the landscaped area and the snow storage area related to this site. 3. PARKING:Additional parking spaces required by the increase to the retail shops and or office spaces could not be added without detrimental effect to the site and additional vehicular penetration. Part of theadditional retail space created occurs in the form of expansions to existing shops and therefore may notnecessitate more parking for additional shoppersonnel. Parking for newly created sbops will be accomodated by participation in the parking fund or some other offsetting means. ARCHITECTURAL,/ LANDSCAPE CONSIDERATIONS The proposed building expansion to the east will be a matching architectural design to the recently completedaddition, novr containing the La Tour restaurant and severalsmaller shops. This inplies that the roof forms and wallmaterials wil-I match the color and texture of this recentaddition. The proposed pocket paxk / plaza will be built with brick pavers, as an extension of the proposed walk along the north side of the Village Center Shops. This continuation of paving materials sould encourage pedestrianactivity to flow into the p1aza. Accent lighting on the shops, Iighted window displays and street lighting willhetp make this area more attractive and safer in tbe hoursof darkness. A large planter with public benches will beprovided. Signage will of course, be provided byindividual shops in accordance with the Town of vail sign ordinance and design guidelines. The existing gas meters will be relocated to the south side of the new addition and screened frorn public view while maintaining easy access by ttre utility company. Trash storage and collection will remain in the same relative locations as they currentlyexist. Deliveries will be accomodated by a designatedsurface toading zone on the west end of the existingbuitding and by a covered loading berth to be built in conjunction with the proposed redeveloPment of the Sonnenalp on the east end. Vail , Colorado February 7, '1984 . :' : ,.; ,- l,lr. Dick Ryan Di rector, Corrnuni ty DevelopmentTownofVail .r . . Vail, Colorado, 81657. i Dear Dick, I; wculd requesti that, tle exterior itteratlon and modtfi,cationfor the Village Center be on the March 12, 1984 agenda. Si ncerely, --4/l-f^*lZl,tll Fred Hibberd I THIBBERDIITCONSTRUCTIONI ICOMPANY Decembe r 14, 1983 tlr. CeciI Dotson Presi dentVillage Center AssociationP. 0. Box 187Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Cecil: As you are aware, I have re-applied to the Town of Vail tobujld shops east of Village Center D Building. Peter Pattensaid that you had been in his office several times, expressing opposi ti on to the bui I di ng. I wou'l d be happy to meet with you and/or othen members of the Vj l lage Center Associ ati on to d'i scuss your concerns. Sj nce thebuilding would take place adjacent to Building A, I am writingindividually to those owners. Perhaps a single meeting withup. Shoul d thi s be the case, and date can be agreed upon. FHljw all those conce nned coul d be set I woul d be avai I abl e when a time Si ncerel y yours ' %,2/zz/ F red H ibberd cc:-+Mr. H. A.Mr. PeterMr. JamesMr. I'l'illi Mr . L. t{. Itt'l eson PattenL. Vi ncent am N. Sick Stol zer 1977 S()l l-l I f"{RK H f .'j..\C K S()N VVY()tvtlN,;li:,ll! 1 t ,l r,t-':. r 11 ri".,'GOPV III Mr. H. A. IttlesonExecuti ve Vi ce Presi dent C. I. T. F i nanci al Corporati on650 C.I.T. DriveLivingston, New Jersey 07039 Dear 14r. Ittleson: Several tleeks agodj cated that you shops east of the l{ould there be a we could discussof the time this FH/i w cc:->Mr. Peter PattenMr. Ceci I Dotson December 14, 1983 , Mr. Peter Patten, with the Town of Vail, in- have concerns regarding my plans for buildingexisting Village Center shops. time, either by telephone or in person, thatyour concerns? I wi I I be jn Vai I a good part wi nter, if you would like to meet in person. Si ncerely yours, %;ztzlrr Fred Hi bberd 1977 SOIJTH PARK RT r .l^.c K.soN. t/Yot,4|i\lG !l30()1 |'. 't-r'gOtPY IIt l,lr . L. l,l . Stol zer 529 Hou stonl'lanhattan, KS 66502 Dear Mr. Stolzer: Several weeks agodicated that you shops east of the lJoul d there be a we coul d di scussof the time this FH/jw cc:-+l{r. Peter PattenMr. Ceci I Dotson December 14, 1983 , I'lr. Peter Patten , wi th the Town of Vai I , in- have concerns regarding my plans for building exi sti ng Vi I I age Center shops. time, either by telephone or in person, thatyour concerns? I will be in Vail a good part wJnter, if you would like to meet in person. Sincerely yours, ,/z//-4 Hi bbe rd r977 SOUTH PAHK FiT r , \ i .\2.,EOPY I I HIBBERD !'!S8il'Blfrfl'o* December 14, 1983 lilr. l'li I I i am N. Si ck3301 Pri nceton Dal I as, TX 75205 Dear l,lr. Sick: Several weeks ago, Mr. Peter Patten, with the Town of Vail, 'i n-dicated that you have concerns regarding my plans for buildingshops east of the existing Village Center shops. Sincerely yours, l{ould there be a time, either by telephone or in person, thatwe coul d di scuss your concerns? I wi lI be in Vai i a good partof the time this winter, if you would like to meet in person. /-,.,/fu'/'.4'-/ Fred Hi bberd FHljw cc:+Mr. Peter PattenMr. Ceci I Dotson EEPY IIT III December 1.4, I983 Itlr. Janes L. 30 Lake RoadShort Hills, Vi ncent ilJ 07078 Dear l,lr. Vi ncent : Several weeks ago,dicated that you h shops east of the l{ould there be a t we could dlscuss yof the time this w FH/j w CC :-*Mr. Peter PattenItlr. CeciI Dotson ime, either by telephoneour concerns? I w'i l1 beinter, if you would like Sincerely yours, or in person, thatin Vai1 a good partto meet in person. l,lr. Peter Patten, with the Town of Vail, in- ave concerns regarding my plans for building exi sti ng Vi I I age Center shops. f,*la'-zl7Fred Hi bberd eor December 14, 1983 Mr. Kurt Burghardt 985 7th Street Boul der, Col orado 80302 Dear Kurt: I wanted to let you know that if you are worried or concerned about my plans for building north of Village Center Building A,I would be happy to discuss these plans with you. I don't think there are any detrimental effects that would comefrom the addition to the Village Center shops on this parcel .I have hired Rick Baldw'i n, of Baldwin and Associates, to do the archi tecture. The desi gn 'is to be compat ibl e wi th the Vi l l ageCenter. I have copies of these p1ans, whi ch I woul d be happyto mail to you upon request. I can be reached by telephone here i(307) 733-7327 during office hours.ind'lvidually or collectively in Vailtime. n Jackson, !r|yoming, at0r, I would meet with youat a mutually agreeable Si ncerely yours, '//-to ",/,%/,/1."/ Fred Hibberd FHlj w cc:->ltlr. Peter PattenMr. Ceci I Dotson i,','.-. 1i|''i-^lr fiT .IgOPY III ItI December 14, 1983 l,lr. Stephen ltla ssman Su i te 502 9595 }li I shi re Boul evardBeverly Hills, California 90210 Dear Mr. Massman: I wanted to let you know that if you are worried or concerned about my plans for building north of Village Center Building A,I would be happy to djscuss these plans with you. I don't th ink there are any detrimental effects that woul d comefrom the addition to the Village Center shops on this parcel.I have hired Rick Baldwin, of Baldwin and Associates, to do the archi tecture. The desi gn i s to be compat ibl e wi th the ViI I ageCenter. I have copies of these plans, which I would be happyto mai I to you upon request. I can be reached by telephone here i(307) 733-7327 during office hours.individually or collectively in Vai Itime. n Jackson, Wyoming, at0r, I would meet with youat a mutual ly agreeabl e Si ncerel y yours, 4*/ru//,/Fred Hi bberd FH/jw cc:->Mr. Peter PattenMr. Ceci'l Dotson 1.t/7 $Ot tTf-t PAFK lr-l GEPY I tttIII December 14, 1983 Mrs. Autrey R. Croke34 Lake Avenue Col orado Spri ngs, Col onado 80906 Dear Mrs. Croke: I wanted to let you know that if you are worried or concerned about my plans for bui'lding north of Village Center Building A,I would be happy to discuss these p'l ans with you. I don't think there are any detrimental effects that would come from the addition to the Village Center shops on this parcel .I have hired Rlck Baldwin, of Baldwin and Associates, to do thearchi tecture. The des'i gn i s to be compati bl e wi th the Vi l l ageCenter. I have copies of these plans, which I would be happyto mail to you upon request. I can be reached by telephone here i(307) 733-7327 during office hours. indi vidual ly or col lecti vely in Vailtime. n Jackson, Wyoming, at0r, I would meet with youat a mutual 1y agreeabl e Sincerely yours, fu.rz//".-/Fred Hibberd FH/jw cc :-) Mr. Peter Pattenl.lr. Ceci I Dotson 197r5{)tJl}li';\lil\' | silf'l WYC)1"4i^l(l tllfl(rl r UCIPY I IHIBBERDITTCONSTRIrcTPNI ICOMPANY I can(307)indivi time. FH/jw cc:--+l{r. Peter PattenMr. Ceci I Dotson December 14, 1983 l,ilr. Thomas F. Kelly Apa rtment 608 1115 South Plynouth Court Chi cago, Il l i noi s 60605 Dear Mr. Kel ly: I wanted to let you know that if you are worried or concerned about my plans for building north of Village Center Building A'I rrould be happy to discuss these plans with you. I don't thi nk there are any detrimental effects that woul d come from the addition to the Village Center shops on this parcel. I have hired Rick Baldwin, of Baldwin and Associates, to do thearchitecture. The design is to be compatible with the VillageCenter. I have copies of these plans, which I would be happyto mail to you upon request. be reached by tel ephone here i n Jackson , Wyomi ng, at 733-7327 duri n9 offi ce hours. 0r, I woul d meet wi th you dua'l ly or collectively in Vail at a mutually agreeable Si ncerel Y Yours ' Hi bberdF red ,.1 lr.i( j| \.\\'()n4lllr: l,'tir(t1 r ,,,,0PY Tttlr FH/jw 'rrrr.3,9F,i,,,.,tt"r Peter Pottqlr ,,;..i i,, r l{hen Vi I I age Cent maj or v i ews for tobstructed. Thefor commerc ial anmercial buildingings A, I and C.which includes th December 14,1983 Mr. Fred L. AhernP. 0. Box 50099Jacksonville Beach, Florida Dear Fred: 32?50 Your letten to Peter Patten in September has been made part ofthe publ ic record. Peter suggested that I write to you in re- sponse. er was fi rst concei ved, I had pl anned for al Ihe Village Center units to view south and un-zoning is Commercial Core II, which providesd residential units. I intended for the com-to take pl ace north of Vi 1'l age Center Bui I d-l,lith this in mind, I also retained the gorunde I and beh ind Bui I di ng A. Several years ago, Ceci I Dotson suggested that the Vi l1age Cen-ter Associ ati on mai ntai n thi s parcel north of Bui 1di ng A. Igave him permission, but this in no way was title to the landor gi ven i n perpetuity. I recognj ze that the Associ ation has some expense i n the sprj nkl er I i ne and vegetati on. If thi s i sa hang-up, I would consider some renumeration. You, al ong wi th other sy6s7'5, have seen exce'l I ent appreci ati onin your units. This is your gain. I sold the units and re-tained the right, as defined in the Declaration, to build onthe adjoining ground. The plans for the addition will be compatible with the rest ofVillage Center. If there are any suggestions or requests forchanges, I would be happy to listen. In the long run, I be-'| i eve i t is better to work thi ngs out mutual ly. I of ten wind up going through Denver on my v,,ay to Vai l.haps we can discuss this further. Very trul y yours, Fred Hi bbend Per- COPY tI THIBBERDIITCONSTRUCTIONI ICOMPANY Mr. Rodger Dnoel 1690 Lake Johanna Boul evardSt. Paul , Minnesota 55112 Dea r Rodger : Your I etter to the Town ofof the pub l 'i c record. l'|r.respond to it. December 14, l9B3 Vai I i n September has been made part Peter Patten has suggested that I The property that has been maintained by the Vil lage Center As-sociation, which is in question, is property that has belongedto me since before the first building was constructed on the1.5 acre Village Center site. Several years ago, I gave per- mi ssion to Mr. Cec'i I Dotson to mai ntai n the property i f he chose to do so. This permission was not given in perpetuitysince I have title to the land. I have always intended to bui ld on the I and at some poi nt i n time. Hhen I do build, the plans will be compatible with all of the Vi l l age Center bui ldings. Si nce the bui I ding wi I I be behindBuilding A, I am hoping to meet with the owners of Building Ain the event there are any concerns on thein part. The plans i ncl ude access from the street to Bui I di ng A. Thene i s someflexibi'l ity, and I sincere'l y hope things can be worked out. You ment'i on ear-splitting rock music at a1l hours from thepizza parlor. Perhaps you could be more specific. During mostof the year, Pizza & Pan6 closes at 10:00 p.m. There are nobands in the restaurant, and I question whether the tape deckthey pl ay rea1ly constitutes a nui sance. I would be happy to djscuss this with you when you are in Vail 'or by telephone. I can be reached in Jackson at the number be- I ow. Sincerely yours, ,./;&-/./:.--/ FH/jw -->c c : Mr Peter Patt en i'tjlHl'Alih l; Fred Hi bberd -,OPY 2 ouJF z z ffo .d r..l 3lFrl .{ @,C\I lLlJ FIrXu'-al I I I r{l t-{NIH'{l Iir<\.. tO tr.IEin iOYlo H16 /,lc/ 6lhbh *T) uJz3 uJfF z l! tr i II aroFo E zo cE r.lJz3 ot:6.Y, BEE:E E!HEt ;fiEEg I =EPIi (:E;;e )'- o.E ^+ i. iEiFN EE;FE: e;tgFo=-o"(! P o-o !tg€I EEEEg: -.'f .3 d(! O'- .: -.c= o (a E g€Er€ E;FIE EE$i E anulIIJu- E Iu(l-ouJ UJlJ-t =uJ0 J FoF z = E =|.tJo- z J uJl-) E oau,z i Lz, 9= tr(93trOI zH M $t{ l-{H F1.'l F]Boil zo E 14H(nx(n E {t-{ '<q zoH F.{oHFI F1o rd H lE{ FlFl4 E{(nzH =>E -r('t =ur.i=.ool x 3ZZU-oootr ^ 6zg 5 >eF9 OE Z!()o()n(Jzx oq ie-I fr.Xz -N(, l! 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N |(\ F =Elrlo- I I IJto (5z =lJ- FoJ t. o,B Y o0 'ltl 9tl EIol:l $."ll,.{l.it HIzl Yl ll I I I IIJxl d -"1NIO lF{xt o fl6stIcIoq4 J>gE IElot'lt, o0dF.lF{ o .r{ tu ,1 tl ll*Itfl IH el i: Il lliliIfl I =l g-l E9t tr|lu-r Fl Fll tl lil l=l .9 el HflnF{ =l rtt'l sl {l 3gq EFI EI ll tilsll5l I Jg,i tltlI| .;llllt8t Il:l Il;ll FI flEI I I I I .l =.1oluJl 5lal>lttlol 3l sol uJFI F=tr J<oo.nUJ luJO E u.Jz =!t FC) UJF I() EJO<(Foa()uJ<zEt!FAZoo Jt<o()F =<bFtu=-8 | sF =t-:--.:JZl*o,() x6YF7<) =#iz =g Eh =b2 X..x x x, - ZE--o F!?E dfixt 33 sdP'd!!R J.-i6 z^Ei -: i\ J- ;Hg-et r.r Fd><ff g4o-#b Ef e'E^3 95Ei= P-F c.i- 95=tr F .-r- J t-E= r' E €5* F Ejg stu-x o-E :>8Hq F €q= -uJl-taip *F**>< zoFof,E,F(nzo C) ,,1><>< DDD.l OtD *A,^uetrm 0F TRANSnflITTAL 14503 Colo. River Rd. GYPSUM. CO 81637 P. O. Box 347 EDWARDS. CO 8I632 TO Toun of Vai1 Euildlng Dept Vail Colorado 81657 WE ABE SENDING yOU E Attached n Under separate cover via-the lollowing items: ! Plans n Samples fl SpecificationsE Shop drawings tr Copy of letter F Prints n Change order OATE \nl)9.19.7 JOC, NO. a,a an;iiE-Ni'6tr-' - ' Geary lfurrain Viuage Center Duilding "D" Iower Parking lcvel coPtEs OATE NO_DESCRIP.rION Tno Tno Two Lol22l85 rol22l8s LOl22l8s FA1 FA2 FA3 Fire Alann System al tt aa at ta ar Village Center Vail Colorado lr ll ,i ta THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use E As requested n Approved as submitted E App.oved as noted n Returned for correclions E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution n Helurn -corrected prints E For review and comment D D FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS FZ y'4--S J,?4?2/,-# zr4 /ftf e(€4'<- '//,"n-u'rL /kz??zw **o7--:1 t:t "*-z'a'z:zaJ 7,2.t?F{ 7 622 c4-qJ *7',7 %12/ /2//t/ 19- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY TO ,f erc,osrr/€s are not a8 noleal, ktnally nolily !8 a ohn H. Connor CI[Fl -nfr,u.ucftm 0F TRANSnnlrrAE14503 Colo. River Rd GYPSTJM CO 8I637 P O. Box 347 f:DWARDS. CO 81532 I I TO fown of Vai 1 B ,ilding irpt Vail Colorado 81657 wE ARE SEND|NG vou b Attached D Under separate cover rl Plans n Samples following items: ! Specificationsn Shop drawings tr Copy of letter )F Prints ! Change order n DATE 1')l)ala'7 JOB NO. ATTENTTON Geary i'l rrai n RE: Vi. llage Cen!er i,.-i.1ding "Lt" lower l'arlring l,evel coPtEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION i r.ro 'lwo -fr.ro 10122 /85 ].0/221E5 10 /22 /'35 fA1 l.A(! !'A3 Iftre Alarm Syster Vi llage Center !aiI Colorado THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval E For your use E As requested ! Approved as submitted E Approved as noted n Returned tor corrections n Resubmit-copies for approval : Submit-copies tor distribution I Beturn -corrected prints D For review and commsnt ! tr FOR BIDS DUE 19_! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ,/ ,., ,zr1t-,-/ ..12.r'.-'-/'' '/)2'-' .,/.2-r/rA .2,'2",'-J tl' Z- ,, "../z 7.,/,,i 7 COPY TO lo INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\r,'\'. i. ', ' '. \.. DATE \' -'-: " '\. -- . " JOB WED THUR ., FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC q- .lHF GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL i.'l)..FINAL APPROVED T.i.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ctz b =e,uJo- c c o(o O (o st {,IJJ UJtr. tr =E IJJo- 9et9h *tJM za/ge/or t\ (o(\I F(J O \ z, frd:) = (5 r\ Ctt $t uJ.'FF-<O :Z(J J =\J>u) ll.Op-OrJl2+ JCO uJ eoF F z z ot!F z z ! c0 .! o =z F LrLIz IIF *+ ILJ UJo ='r t! oFo Fz o UJz3otr |!UJatZ --.4EvfulFI<F4o9zo<tI f^+ .JUrj J J(IJ OF z. 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I =ll,lo (U .plJP qJIJ l: vlaQ(u IlJ- J C\t Ir!lFJ^;l I t oon 'f1: l;lotql f-ll I x Iol ll x In lli l,tololvlt!l{r+l IEluJJ'rIFt-l= u,(L ll-rP rEl' ;" $ lu;luJ *19Xlo -q=al J =laol.dilz2l= N:i W F'-oc isEflo ;;E€ic.= |! - lE! f .s 6.(J € EE g-' :gEiE s 3I:t E SE i,; iEFIJ.e;eg* ci:;i f E ='g;86.u65E:5 3<: :5Eg:(!o'-i-<= o (/, tr cg;:f i HaEa ;ffiF 35$iE xX l "t\$ s \ \1 ) \${q l 't b Iqi e \ il F{ \^ N \ EEeuJo- z fl.D YoUJ ()z J(L I F tuJul (,z E o- J oz qJ UJUJ z F_ UJE()u, o o =IIJtUJ za6Itl F v> g,/o o- z ll,lJ X F UJo o',IUul\ z J f(o J 9 Fot!Jlt, z co =:) o- J oz U = J FoF F\EGrrU, J FoNO[VnuA u,F o , l:$ Ji\ qlI i .1, = T TJI:- I9'lj..{x.Fsi3Z.2tt--I oo P E = i:A, filr!<slP g iJ E g si.; ni o*-,1 .l j 1 6 \t A I uJo. F tlllz[9It-\ F< rl 3 I I It<l+ lo tr( \\9)r t o.u, l:IJt<lz l3l6tol<. f( t>ol <t EIol ^l ;lr!lzll a z) -. >loqJ 1!ruzoF UJo. J zo F6(u >o ;z I t z F EI o UJ z :< (l- zFat, J at)J ; F Iu N I$ rt:t N -\ N il- 3 4 u, ts(t)ooazo F.LuJY lll co o -F F c1! -\tJ_o o-oo IulFoz l{ -l-dJco\.rtrt5l(./t-t---Fl(5tzF-.i:tr \'-{ ) 6 E>-<-ld-| K a.,<ri vl 'tl-awl I>l ol I I IIt_lo- I I It\g q CI J>331 !r*rr) r--r uiJtuF I ?l EItEl _rl :l 3 I I I I ol ;|ull:l slrLlol =lPI I I 'lEIEl 3lrl.Iol AotFI I I I I olzl sl Ecl JI flol =l gol uJFIF I I =tr..1u.r I *lqJ (l LIJz = - F() uJE? C) -tO<F(rOuJ<zt 6Zoo JE<oC)F;C)trsgE '81 9F =-3=tr.-6 i5\.,, F =3iF E6 E t-Ei\I !JZ J<c)flfrJO Xx,x..x x z fF 5fifl E =ulo- t!oulo- F t!! u.r LgE<Guls1 a- \-/ l!aoEf u €E3aiHP-F (E.i- g 5fi l E=Lt8=:ta ^E;TU9;htr!-x 8-- 4€fi=:af3'i' F** E=i-a- F =ElrJa-zoF(J :)EFQzo() *><>< gdl I 13|/-T 'HI r\,F n lNt( t5 lo W j i I j i Ar!j J R ts6 ;g t l.. at-r |. -+ .a ( flJ 1-o t f J c. t N of' 5 oF 7 ;o ir- 6; -_-{ 'tX[ _2, t1" t6" o.<' M I-'{ ' ' =lJl c-, t llrrlI I xllclI o-II FlI c-l| ,n9ll!t;loI 1-i P r'-lC\ 4o- | \ \ (-o l^\ \k.\N:t;_\ \l)$ e-]NN IA\ E I.l-iR l-4A' E d s o a- ,C o. (A -l-o ^ o- F to.,t, 4) ,\t l4 fJ, l- N*c 6- .9 -c a<. -E- -d -1 ooo- o- c <-.$I, + I 9- 2^ ztq Lq. a, ( I 5-c fw N 1< .n)< J __9 1 |,.\-J ,^\ f'r'- I:- ttIJ NgT. r-<)<,( \-e/1.);r(Q.2i -=" -c 'f "" y> \e _r-<i \ l-vwi1 Y "'-tt-*Jrvd i -L' t' =.t3.rfx $ 'c j t01 ti Ynujtljrd ;i _9L3(ib zi >? -o 'o- 8.r vic{l EG t- Aln tr. \ D \' i: qa €) g) 5k. .u p:i o*! 1;Ei9! lo.rt orlL.= I= ;-- do 'oggts !o <Dq>o9Fa6 6X'c -- 3ii 5ro Y"" 1J _1) Je r r P-: o.l ,,;Yc--Sco,.5cE =a - <l) =>F(D o (Jii r,o <l) >:< c:- ftt.. .!2 >.at '" z 'r- CEC 96 =(g-^o (gE ct q) Lo-Ort ,i; ., -2 l.: .>t:.^i: .: -r. a;r: >.- 5 o.: o< -:: ;o.=>ts >ra (\t (lt Eo (qC:(shE n.1o t: ':t -1. C1- arJ.g 5<> : OJ:rJt:. . P*t*CnR c '=icE €>./, ca,^ att ci rs ,rg .::' <) (g( o-_o .t2 E ^,6 t) =lI! ID 6.J ctr>6=-PgP alJ (r) q)F xo .o\, \-c5.4t!5: \.i --d.-. o -*\t ^l -P+ E'9_gE €AJ Y o vo-q-.. 5 7l (e"--(''f^* --*tr,v il,yua11 3 .J cr tu l .,h 'C :r t\ D s tt o t i.n -!- L -t 9.-t'l\:lf."v,\y< --.: (..<\ Lfle + 1 'T;" J ! Y*"? 7 JhF: *,s k di E {+fi\& t J,BN Fr" b1 ..'rql,1 A lo*rh 1js xt -6 ri i- 3ei I d' shr\,rr ,u. atco *1 Jt"p c<l\t1 I C- To Txrn!! -rnoo T 3 oo7Ioc-{ g,-{Dmm5 C-o- zzmaI!cIo Noo -oIm!c @tro o.tl @o {I .Tlao I (rlo or ax (Dst-Iz -o 3-1-lCN(D :0o .I 1' (,ll\)N$) 5 N ]\)@i{o)(I)o) @oo N5(tlIN65 oc-{a6m 1l I {A maJzoa-{f, -{ ;ooo z-{€ma -T qt mt-o E = {95' 6. 6 4Bt E**ieS*i*ot<<3i{is q ll ^. rr655@O)N NqrOtqts gro)\rooN AJi5 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o X50 1:-, 3.;= @(o @ { or ol or .l b .sio aoie L I f".rbb tsglOoO(,lOO) OS Oo)O@@{ 5N(O{ .rQ9 rrrrrr,.,',t'tttio: Sl J (O @ { Ot O) (Jt Or S | (lt Ot N N r =r r i O t:ld6 (o s @ @ @ 5 a0 or { qt (o or al' N @ o) (D J o e, O /-T-\ ,/--f'\Bn 1,.1 /tq;Dfifl NSVlV \,"n/-t -'J---./ -gmffi E /ptr^ xlq>eg,9*? tr:R-FWivw zsmAE{)X) fY K)cvvw .ll zo o- !nro @ @ @ @ Hmm HEAA o!DIzo v, o m = oo 5 o FtI sr'- Irb lrb lrboo a(,r n)5 c) (r) ro =o =o Io3333 itD(r (tl lo 5 F'NJ (tl IO 3 w ffiffiffiffiffi @ @ !r\(o ql IO 33 S.' i.)@oIO 3 \w/ C, D.oz E, INmat, o@ oxr+ F m '11 T @ x - mz o 'n o t C''T{ t 4x QA>'t fi N 6 a (,) (rl aN q, .{ o U'r0 g N N G) o ;E =md9 1c;o=-1.n= o !4,2ao-ooEo /_r-\ HH ('rS0tNo3333333333 ::::: rJ,-lJJ\\\\\{@J'JNoooNog o o osrct_ _.rO O O=ot oEo N.r -r J. J.o(o6{ot3333333333 (r)(!5(,t6)oqrcrooooooo !,r irrJCIglo 3 !o !, 9o !\) po !o J- 9,-(ro @('| No s('r oroqro -o -o -o -oro lo 1o lo lo3-3- 3 t>3 INSPECTIONTOWN OFw REQUEST. VAILPEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ol;:e / o l.>(/l READY FOR LOCATION: 't/':PM d TION: if; JOB NAME MON /e- CALLER U"--.- O TUES wED THUR @ \d, B tr tr tr D tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVE CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB '.1^r-----: -) I t^ --:> PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL (lJ'"- f ar--, INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER ,.'/+ t-t< ( .\ k TUES WED THUR /FR)\--/AM PMBEADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER('rneurruo n BOOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FJNAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED\PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECT .- *\ 't. il rt; .-\ \ -- ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo', \--A)\\ JoB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF : REOUEST. VAIL BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPEC T NUMBER OF PROJECT oo INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMI L'AIE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILD!NG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING B tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE -INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST. VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT .' \\ \ DATE T. ' \ JOB NAME f','. MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR i FRI AM BUILDINGT D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D {D.FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDO APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED \V't r. i, - \ INSPECT 7 I t'2IU) PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: to INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL I NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PMAM r l-,.. z fll ro, THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL oArE: N\r: \ \ \s\ DArE : FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 t\@ Ol ct) UJJNF Jct FU)zE.L! tq,IF lo I I I I I I t_,, r5 IE,o 'xl zlF I o'Fl =t(/) | J Lg ")l 6 iEEgffi il8E; E lI EEffa \lE E{EilF j-oc lt+ =66Crd lgi-FptE l; €*ig! l;E;: (50'-.:-.E;o)(/,c sEe€i iEiig z ElrllFO OFIG12 z^*l= = EHI?rHl*6 lv, ^llJ J I LrJ 3flld s=t= ,; l= tlJ J z Fo -Jl<l-l zl zl .. >lo UJ ul uJz LE UJ J z E J.Hcp $ ciz ts =g. uJo- /) a,/)z /-)(-'//-\7 lrJF6oo-z;otF uJY IJJ c0 t\@Ol ro ()L E oF tr tr UJ0-tto o-oo I lltFoz uJF o tntr F Gulo-t! EEyzE<c!lo t!)EYE9tk.EE =>=uJ:-5 b=o dilE =*E 669 ituE X>t q-o-i!tr llJ @oF --- z.n9z2d)o =z>fdP -fi zF= E;H F =ElrJo.zoFofEFazo() - 4H(-i 5'lqJq Eq llJ ul J ? lt z3 F oz.l ollrJl 1lal>lttlolzl3l\4FI ol =.1oluJl 5l <l>lttlol fl I I I I aoluJlEl slttlol 3l rOl uJFI F ,drJll rElJI al>l al =lolEl3l :l (\l z u- EI ;l !t;l>lFo U1F -r U''IF v,td -Jd. -(-) rii =z ll l$ll*l!F<lil=l EqF<l4!<lt "ltolEcol9.1 Iaa dH Hir E(,ozrE?>(r d6o z _t_ oul = l-r.b =oz E -rO<F(ts()uJ<zgtII Fo6 () J E o UJJ F uJ =I '6nF|n g EE; H -I:3 Et;pFSiE n-- o c lr+6 r'r E.9 ld.= x; o ^ lq,.=x-o; l.t+:i€E l=eSEdF, l; ^ce9?€= I 19 igEi*lr f!;95 "(/)."Oo :EE g"= FdEg! =a€E; -csi =€:'$: = cI = 3EJ i HaEt;I F'g;g;Eg esg'ea .- o.c ^-i€:;,; = 9-F o!lseP =>E ztr^ a9aoz>-89t!< tr()>(JFO-.;rri J ul =u.lo JI<ltrl =l zl .. >lo uJ t!u,z t EllJ(L J zI =o =ro tt l,!'r C OO--o- t{- +.,(.' O-.- rO =.Ovq a(,J r.l- (r-F{ 'F g) O.-tt_ v C X.- OJc<.=OcrIJd,}Lr- (jo LtJ(/)'o (Uo< ur -o (u ol! CF (Jzoo-(JEo U'' OBH E (J+, (-5 l-(F - =.+-oa.o)-v =Lmct-O 0J +, '- OJP (u = =-l +) rn .go (u L i+-tr- -J (v -c' o oFF E IJJ o o-o I uJFoz =^^F .-{ c! uJF ox z zn )l >_zoo =zd8 ts =uJ tt lrJo- F ::l Lrl r,t)>zE = x UJ t! Ld= F -JJ tJ- LdU' UJJ (lr oo o t E Eo(J o (D (!ct.,E t-tD\)\a Y scrOz Dnn 9 u,JL! 6 z- f ! J 2 L! =T I ctct lea --l .l\llal Ilsl ; tl ffi'{.{ (,al\Zf= \( \\/] IF t\-\ \ii z A, - .|l ;l "l vliu.lE a :r. + c\( o tetY <t UJ = 9'.) 0o 7lq \{ * a,{B = u) uJ o -) o- ts ) \.,\ \ =tr oz olU J u. z39l x' \l i>lurl lq-lol IE t.'{l I D. oz oruG TL z3Y r}\ 9 s.$ '\ UJJ UJF ) E I ? HJI <l I Fi ] .o =tr z ou.l J IIo 21 =lI Y \ =tr z o UJl <1 l!oz 31 o1F IJ ru LlJz = UJ = <F uJ<zE (42o F IJ.J ge =dJZ(LO <^ ::F =2AFY,z =g 0( g \JZ O J<c)(5 ?.!E i ..^. -- : JOB NAME v,I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT't.\ DATE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRi.PMAM BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr tr tr tr E n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT -l ' s rifunLtr FINAL ---< -+ APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -11 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFiED MAIL 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 off lce ol communltY develoPmenl August 8, 1986 Mr. Fred Hibberd, Jr. Hibberd Construction Company 1977 South Park Route Jackson, l{yoming 83001 Re: Completjon of landscaping and crosswalk at the Village Center project. Dear Fred: According to the improvement agreement for Vi11age Center, the landscaping, crosswali, and drainage work were to be completed by July 1, 1986. At this time, the drainage work is complete. However, the crosswalk and landscaping are not finished. Below is a list of work that js incomplete: l. The landscaped area on the northeast corner of the project is not finished. The revised arrangement of the sidewalk is not complete. A'l so,9 aspen trees and sod are required according to the plan' I have enclosed a copy of this portion of the approved landscape plan so that you know exactly which area I am talking about- The exjsting concrete sidewal k must a'l so be removed in this area. 2. The crosswa'l k connection between Crossnoads and the Village Center project is not finished. I would like to know if you have any plans to complete these two portions of the project. Please |et me know your intentions by August 13, 1986' It is -hoped that the Town wil'l not be forced to use the letter of credit to actually do the landscape project and crosswalk. However, if this does become necessary, the Town will draw on the $3,905 letter of credit by September 1,.|986 in order to complete this work. In addition, the Town will not issue any fjnal certificate of occupancies for the Vil'l age Center project until this work is completed. I hope to hear from you soon. Si ncerely,rr I nl {nrt^{rfu Kri stan Pritz Town Pl anner ' .ffi KP: br Enc l osure Chief BuiIdin9 Officia:l' 6*i^oftg,\ts ,a <.\ r-. i;-^7x_-._-,tg SOD IV STORAGE'<= .'- Ite:1. s:1o1 - - FROIVT EXFANSIONS .,.'-e zJ4 ( i,te.u) -94- z & /,,4.O "ANTleuE" LAMP & POST \-rla-: -.:.r).t.-- -i?rt tt- $"L1tt t'6,,unildt Lt-Z nt./ 2- za.e- ,:') .':_r --J.Jc)rf ozt =c,uJo- M'Orqbu Vt Ial..\|o'c')l -l L' lo I I I I -lJ.F.l IF'<lIrJ4..<-lor- lE(./) | lJ.Z.tOd.to LlJ ,Zro E E F; H-I]t;*-€ 8! E lEg -i- o c lr+6*8.9) ld aHf;E lis o 6 rli q l- €frcE: lE E iE Fg \IF E*EfrE\g .J '= - (J';0E eg =l€e$ *E f;g :EE H;, :gEEH E=0)(,)C E[ig€ -E J -=r- to>i'=E €*ri i EFgg E 6.E -a; EsE;ei : EEgEE>G -I ztr^ F9667-6:tr< E9i5.iGl E= 3<6bd62.>9Hu o_FET8--I]J Jo<Jl- StJ,fr2.z*luJ J tJJ IJJJ (J FF o1 t5zo(J zo =UJF.Jt (,t) Jl<ltrl 2_l zl .. >lo UJ I! IUzot IJJ zItro LrJFo @9-z{.O cr,5;'t!FY= trJ o (DLU PE tr EuJ TLlr (olo col> a'.-lo- (\JlR;I Itl HuJbEzo =E==.3wd9r ifi 2F= A;H tr uJ l! 59E<af€EE9T'La9gE =>=ui--5 b=o dtr: >(LI O r.r-E oo9 lurE 9;t q-o-Etr uJc0 Il- ts =E, lrJo-zoF(J D &, 6zo() ftTtFlrJL__JXr a 2 ,t \r \ =tr Jo F -v, 8'z,o(J o, u.lt--. =lrjC), lrJ(5 JJ lll =z - tr)Ft IlO o- (o Eo =CE IL utr = c =e t! ci ouJ 1 >1 t!ol 21 =i9lFI (.) d.F(-J lrlJUJ -J =Etr TOlr-l z. uJEl JI <l>lttlol zl 3l 9l-l c\C\ (\ I\c(\ uJJlu d,l! z r.i Itl J ll-oz =IF Etr o oI! : >l *l >l =lFI I Ft-t9'f:.1'lq : =tr |.lIIOt r{ ,-iz ti ul J t! z = Ir.ot!gl llJJulF Eu,z =o F uJ tsI <FaroIJJ <zG, I.IJ F6Zo() <oOF =<)5Eiizf t 2P =<ZE d6 axYF?<)a<.i(r YZ>U tr6E4ns o.< Y\J <(Janfo !n! I I I l!, t?ro I I I I i€EiNgF n-- o c I rr.6;r 8.9) ld'= o,) (a ;i o l:JrEE;E I: €t;Efi I;c.l (E r- aJ ll,r f.= 6.e th: EE:g-e , lE :IE5: UF = E-: eF tfrsRIEt-Flr aeES:\lE 30e€hsli r"; t"g ->\E =*e€I:@'"oo EB 5 8c:or.!tP FEsgE: -'€ !; c:osrtr[*i:c g:3DJ 3 H::ac-=-> E; E: il*oEd ^-r'r : - o > eFEgs o=-oe(E ): o-E9: A F,F *l"l316 flsl=lsdl..,lSlH =>t( _rc) Eur.{ =aON zz F-6 ;3tr9oqo1>9(.':)\JZt!<oo- '., fEO>()FO.. a\i ..{ Jl<t FIzl zl .. >lo uJ u,l r.lJz .l) = t!o- J zoF = 6 +o 0.)F-H!:6 a o_-O- (F €(5 O-.- rO = rO !z CroJ(F rn-H.- O) O-LvC X.F o,d.=ocrooJl! (n l- +)(,! qJo<rJ qroa o.p Er.! -o o, oL! =F L, (JEOth _O=H L U+' (5 l-(F .z. \- o t^ . C'r -52 =rt, ct-O OJ +.r.r OJ.|J 0J = =-J +J (/1 (O o c, l- q-tr- J (\t .lJ o L!-^^*5* oF'E trIUo- bH sqr {.1Hurakz.ox zo: gl NO|lVn'lvA Lr-l Fl =<e;q=<coo g =z:;FIi J..i5\J\J= =r3- i\ J- - rrl v dd= == UJ u-o tU F C:ZocaaE9=9><G,= ,EF t ,., EdFLJ 6=oEE-9, 8t!g rrl LTJ -l Ftr-)rI) \n v sC 'O2 !ntr I I I _l .o' F J zf u- ls | --.!\\ \$ ,)\;t 9+s uJ =z % H "|;RI $iridi S 8l.s-l ./rl ->l fr> >i 5 -.t!ni q .-rl =l l>l<<t trla=ol F llItltl l?ltolI rr.rll(rl :1 ilrl g I =l 3l u.llct 9t tril,t-l Fl Fl I I I ;l rqt q <l $ll cs6l trzt ..: EI E fo ,: + U vT\al A I I I I I ol =.1 EIa>lIUolzl3lolFI I I I rl oluJl il Bl zl BlolFI 9J {. =E I ^l *:t $lil \ El ra Jl \0 rl st6ls pl i <\ =tr UJzilir 7 FOtu ts <F(E()uJ<zEUJF(nZo() <o I()F I FS Is?F I;il >Y =f'F=Jzrro ix :/F =3AF=.2 =8 & + f c =9 \F'".t rc 5q\O J<oo9.!3!!D brD A P.O. Box 347 EDWARDS, CO 81832 Vai I Ftre Department 42 West Meadow DriveVail Colorado 81657 Atts Michael McGee Flre f'larshal Vlltage Center Cmplex 120 East Meadow Dtive Vail Colorado 81657 This letter is to certify that r'The alam systenr ln buildin]g rrDr' of the found to operate as designed. A11 alarm initiating devices, remote zone, have been individualy tested, 12lozlBT Lower Garage Zone't, of the fire detection and Village Center Complexr has been tested and indlcators, and alarm si8naling devices on this and operate as designed. 14503 Colo. Rlver Rd. GYPSUM, CO 81637 CC. Town of Vail Buildlng Department Fred HlbberdVillage Center Association DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ,,l?t"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL ;wE6l rHUR FRI 76pM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAtLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED-,''t CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ol INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE .-'1 ',JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ''// THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB h tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR dF,ro' tr tr FINAL ,PROVED BECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'it '.. | \-. I /-\DATE r i '-'\1--' ! INSPECTOB >.. ''a ll -- - ---I tI,rJ3#"toN REauEsr. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAILtl U^fn,- \" ltr [JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: cALLEB 0L D MoN ruES wED rHUR 6) ----j6!- ' pr,,r' -/i . |J tr DISAPPROVEDAPPROVE CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING T] ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oor, ?-/l- f 6 INSPECTOR-.-' ctz b =t UJo- o o r-{$J N an IJJuJlJ- E =E UJo- o'9 o 1'€.s, 7) 43 /br /e Td I I I I(o.... colH Nto \c\l I I(ulir !gl (5l +)lqs!.,to'lE tv tzr6 UJF FU'z o zz u5uj zoz6Jl.o €6 o =z uJz = uJT F EJllJ U) =T tror! CE z z3 lr uJ F Eo, o C'.9o c(5 6)EoO o) = E o=f Eo cto.(rt ; .9 o, cq) Bs!E g5 8*a((t6.9'Ao';o€1.cc;e .FEbagGofCO 5sNO TE 3EJ-9qb r= oo o)cC(g E€oo EO or .E:E?i'- !-tt=oO !f =ioy ,eg'o.!oc(rt ";.,'-Ot';cE '=E)(o*ios8F 5; ggr:F'- - ;d= c-o'-oP:5:ge E >=ci* 35;_F>, E EE. 6'- O€=,q- i.:- (! cL(E 0-sEsqr- o-E9o-(ttcE6:EE EOo: ESE_ag evC6 0'- - *-c dl C)'sr6 cE L=-9i=]6> J;E8i 8Bts9EocEg -(r(t NI Oo F{(\l qJ 2 .o v uJ z J E tuJ z dt Jo- -l z uJ UJtlJrl.z tr ul UJ ao 3 UJtIJJ z 6ll,/ Itoo- UJoc z UJJ x F ulo U' IJJ UJlt E =uIo- J oF z J J tuJuJ z = 9z C)ul = NOtrvnlvA !at C G {- c c + (+ Y 3lt z tro- UJ J UJzUJ >d -l(r)ftuS =to<rl zzo9F^Ax3z896rto1>(J C)a)2r!<og -td=oFOjGi = (u+,rn ln z tr J tt uJo- ulE z E r'z tr q,lFJ BuJz !)FzlzOa <oo< =fiz,G 3ci<z aFz,. 9z tro3trOI lI ll l-:ltoltoltdl tul E aauJzY iF 2 F 5 z =Fxlu lo Fa <lFI zl zl .. >louJouJuJzot ltlG zItr ztr(t, 6 zY(E rlO rr)C!(=cl UJ E U)oo1zo Fo-lllY IJJdl oF F 6.uJIltlol- (olaq6do<lI o.'lg u,,bkzo z,r9ze(Ilo =zJO.L LL z1l =oi=u1 il6d= ts =tul bEE9zE<CL]€aB9arka95Etr'-t* =ul:-F FfE =*E 569 itlE XO_E ;IE u.lo-i!; uJ@o --- E =Elrlo-zoF C)fEFazo(J !!n I It- l" I I cUI q CI{J<tr =o I I ,l ol IJJIGlJl <lil :|olFI =.1ol|r|I 1l?l>lt!lol zl;lolFI o l- lrl o oL Lr.- s-(uP o a5 uJ =z -) Iol =.1 IJJI 1t <lilol 2l3lolFI I I I "l=.1(rl fl, E <FE()uJ<zt IJ.J F(42oo J () t-ouJJ 2? =<(ZE]Fd6 E F Fzoo z T(J uJ = l-Ei\ \JZ O <c)qH I 2 Dtr! NOtrvnlvA (UF-!<o =rd a L! 'r C OO--oq- p C5 O-.r .O =.6vC 1I,J(F (,1-F. .r Or O-u-v C X.rOd.= Lr- cO L +)(,! o,o<t! ooOopE LrJ -O C, <)LU =F (J (JEOt4_o3r-. ts (JPo(9 l-(F ^z. tl- O ua .g)y =l-l,c5-O c, a-., '- OJ{JCJ=3J+J(Jardo c., L+-r.L J c.J'O O oF E =(Eul(L ]l.o (Loo I ulFoz UJ-^^F .-{ C\.1 u.lF x tz\(,=s =E\60>z \) Jo,:o-l!\ .^iE>_ie --1 -.: L!6d= F = uJ t! tJ.l F ntE ;i e>4-da=o_9><a: Ed o* o=e=CUo I Lr- O '., UJ az u- J F ) .\< : \ < \ \f r!) v ars \.^ ii z a I I \q, qi'\lY\l I)ltl'ol "tlyt fl,\l q\8,,J < =l J<t <z2 \,\ \I -.-Y =\ \ ,fra E -! qt I -\IJ,J 2 = fi\ \ \ c--o- -s t\ t-r ts >r tr oz oUJ CE J ltol zl3t o1Fl : l\ : J'l -\l'1 ''] :a e(f \X) z oUJE -) u-oz 319lFI Icrl c{ <6 .\B s6c- uJJ!uF G al uJl 5i<l>l 6lzl3lIFI uJJ UJF = z ti uj J t!oz3I * \ _.J.t ,..\l =tr I I Il* ^l cAil -!?l "d-,ul ' _Jl \sl+ 5lo Pl r LUz = x\ F.r. Eg=I,) -.r O<F uJ<zE <oOF FS ;F',2 -ov" ZY =<zd]F!zLLO <x YF7a)Z< Y,z =g :Q s.-{ xi\gos 2J(O \r- o ?oa?.-i /a-7 PgFIENiS E:;! t4F€ -.i - o c lr+ B;E;E l= =.e*s= lP ;E E 8€ lxEgE;E IF E$:Es\|fi= ?1 l.- -- .v \ l.r.:';-9F Jl6 = 3I:8.-.-llt I€iili-lF (g>O-E 3 t -'g;=EEEo,:(/'.vooiio F ilO or6:*9 EHEg=::'€ E d c;o'acgfi;Et u i -o= 3 H=Fac - !+- >i;E:i ai:Fg F Fgs s-UVSE o- (g o.-a:- o J uJzlu =>E -. = l'r3 u.r S' =6N Jl<l zl zl ,. >| ttl tu UJzoL UJ J z Eo FtJ+)\n scrOz -et TtrI t PEtNs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL D tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION S}IEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT E'FtNAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr DISAPPROVED,'t'ott"ou=o - ; CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME .-.. -II INSPECTION REQUEST .TOWN OF VAIL iii.'{.i_U.J i,th=,,,=,., =, ., r,,.= \ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:{ LOCATION:' WED THUR FRIMI--TUES 6D PM tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr BOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR FINAL '1,.u( , tr CONDUIT APPROVED CORRECTI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE !I o oz E =E UJo- oo (o oo L() o (\t ccc c (n IJJ IJJILF =E IJJo- o ,- il.ru-\)g/ b U< tbzoLE.4Y) I I I I t.r)t ;iH *l I .=l rEil Et- >t6 etE-i3 rE t= IJJ Eo F F z = zz I I H ls lFtgl+,l!- gP 9s o(uzd =uf,?g.6doczF# FF rol(U E 6- SZ a 5 c, E E IJJz3o !JIF z t!JUJo I CEoE EoF C) CEFzoo .E tr IJJz =tl (D o olt o o) E c0 E o=cf Eo o o.o.(5;.g E c.9t,oE a;otto() c .9 .9 E.ct o c N o 'or o o) ; ooG Efof o o -c !, flt o E qt att '(! -oriEog,iuOc()6 aDo;89c =6 FE-outrEc-=6.otrF .c = ' E C) (! o, oaItcoco G E o .g o)t E;>o. Eooo 0, Eo)6 oo o() tt D0, C' Eti|! Erl)'; o (uF ; (u (6G c) (g oE (' 6e ooo 6 foo6c6Eo -go Eoo og 5o E o o E o .g q) J ; oog i .9 o.9 CLo.(! .9 IE E o .!! GE IDottt -9;oCJo(tl It Eot c ct oo t\@ .o o o(\l t ,R \ F =UJo. z f to Yotu oz o- 9gFoUJ uJ z =J J oz ouJ = utuJItz tr uJEouJE @ 'g UJ z atu o o-uJo z l! x F utat,f an UJr,ut!F =g,ulo- J FoF zo -J @ J c.F UJJ UJ z (ot F Iz u.t = NO|lvn]VA .l >El -t|9lSur N l =jgNl dl JE ;ZZU-oooF ^ 62 H 3 =FurgeZIO8e Flr<o* iH6 r.ER Z'. Y uJiN(, zoF l.J l! o- |ll ooo o(\, E llJc J z ts o zo c,!! 3uJz oEzfzOot- tu<oo< >E2,Cxtrdcj<z oF<F9= ;6}Eot utl = oUJzYITF lllo" F zo F J oz I II I I -1 olql ii, I I -1 II _+ 9lJI<l:lFI6l tn = Jl<ltrlzl zl .. >lo _.,1t! uJlU]z19l =luJlo-l JI<lzlol o ol < @l z u) J@ z t< c (\l I6 + Fl z oPzzoo =zJOaL lJ-!trtr =l J El s#9 91 6Fi ^ l =l;io =l a;EEn! ts =aruto- oEgEs€uE9!aa9'EEE-:ulEF8H\: Fl=E 5f=E :=t qE€ ; UJ.oo I I Jo Fo (,z Jtr an+) ao! nE':z ii =z(no-l (uI c, c.l|f UJ =z Olt\(\j x co ath UJ o = |<r\ I o. .t F6 =t IL Eu/Eoo J = G E €?IA.q H "rl<\I It\l i|clJI sl bl2l FI llJ uJh (u o.' {J = =tr C u : tl C 5cF +)tn & =tr 2 ut ttc z3cF =tr cj oul 1 >1 bizl =lolH = l! o oUJ 5 <l>ltrlol zl3lolFI IJJ u,lF e IJJz3o F() IIJbI C)E E-rO<FEC)uJ<zF(rzoo JE<oC)F -^. <) HE-,2dtr8 E2? =#d6 J (Jz I(J UJ Y : Y Eot-*tr =+to o <(JqH I Act/. \r) '1 <r)3 t'J..,. Oiav c) t)2 l!F 6 lrJFq, c0o"tzoFo.uJY uJo oFF =ElJlc ll.o o-oo I ulFoz rJ)@ Or <\tr-l F tbrl! = tEE, I;ut r- o-zoFc)f E, 6zoq) -,G. I <--wt=\ \./ r t t-\z/J= .:ZL 3 i{- x n \ i.d x { q .$ x 0t -i x .{ \ x an UJUJl! F =llJ.L I $\P Qi- -tl [| N s\6I.J tuF E F FI == zz H It|e l'$It* teloIJlllcol€'lo_lzl=lo,IN :g ; sa; dI 4u IiIdqI t! tro i o o o zoo !EcN; g;;F E ) IEE t";geg \ 13?sF;si r\3;E3EE6EFg96665iio F !'l Oi Fi E p EsEg=-a€E; .c;o(/)c-edi s€ -q?;DJi E:=p- E; E: iei:89Esss* '= o\o ;i O sbk: B:.e :il8::E 3E*-.=(6A(E € YE€E hk tr $ \t ) t-. Q I ta\ t \.nN ')la' $N t,il $ \ F ul z t lu z Jo- EF(JtuJUJ z =)o- J 2 ouJ = ulltll!z tr UJE()l,lle E oo 3tlltuJ z aIIJ UJ z ll,J x ula ar)lrJlIJlJ- Fsm LU J FoF z JfE} J o F ut tr z J J 9z I llJ = )( l-- P NOrl.Vn'tVA I I .1 .tY\ :\ z9r d\ Er\o E| |<:E, Hho- (rl N N zz i.o- Axf=tr9 6utoFr6Xu-<v= ^-OtoFO.i<ri z tr { uJ F d\ R o-llJg, z E z tr E UJF 3uJz =zlz E5o< =gxu-3ct<z aF3i2= fio3trOI z F)f z \ \-___i J 3t lu o B l F F <ti-i 2_l zl ., >louloltlt!zq,F CElllc J zoF6o z f- o zYtl v { a5 t-H (Ut--F{-o =.o rnoauoctlJ.r g OO--o- q- {J(J O-'- .OZ cl r--. g ro Ll-v C X.- OlE.=oc.5(I,t! (, !- +,(,-o C,o<r.! o o-oo{JErd -(' o orJJ C- C)(-)Eo.,/) O ='-{ E (J+,o(5 Lg- .z, r+- o vl =LmcO O .+r 'FJPq.,3J+J(nroO C.J Ltr- J C\t ! Eh\f,lYfs4f.OlzfG\ / I / t-, \Z'= .! tl l/-\l.dl coll , t-ll '1 I J$| lllIJ Ysl(,lzt--;^\ JY;- :<c)stfr=a $ u.i =z -1 N I,\ d >l<la \N -N '$ UJ oig -.4 = \ N\NI \ \t)s i a!)L! c t t- + s +.,1 I e { 1nsEcltr q I R \ oz),ol' uJl,TI $lttlolzl3lotFI Os.0 q. N' \c N uiJtiJF t \)s a \) =; tr oz. o IJJ 5 tt z3oF ulJuJF I-\-' (It =E oz ut J oz3oF utilF s E tr ciz ul ) a z3qlF =tr oz aultr t! z3oF utJl!F UJz3 FOuJF T -.1 O<F(r()uJ<zd,UJFt't Z O )E<oOF;s tJ.t,2 -Eo.O OOZl- =Ef,F)z|rO -48lo z2+E Y,z>U E i\g *E Foo(_) n C)z.r UJ D z F oz ou- O()zGq,.' f,f CO uJ z =lJ '.1 -.1LrJ ,nlszldl:l><t-l,,1 ;l_ -I-=t==ts-lt= lr|- - I r!'/ r Itr =l>rl- lJ.J i !.J to E o ot o .:c E Eott o F F Fh ;318rl.vll<'l ul-^^F .-{ c! gr, e3x EF lYl z-|p INSPCCTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJFCT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR (L,' \---x-.-L\ | ( L- Nr, it lr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATEBtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n d rrrunl tr FINAL APPROVED j' ,t{t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR :t' DATE /L*aqrt &.zd.t, - ,('ap tINSPECTION REOUEST. TOWN OF VAIL rl/f ,/2 i, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^rE /J-/'t,/f,6 ros BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR _ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED ,-1 ?>- 'Kp-., t a-<-*--s-.-- DATE 4. .A INSPECTOR ffzz PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \r oarc t t,i!';r(j< JoB NAME /(flr'/17 9 r "tr nr,: r€r't'i'€,t' ----\ \rHUR (:y *4 INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL I CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEI: PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL WemspecroN REeutHED INSPECTOR r-l Lr) cf) c.JOcf ulFo@o1zo Fo- UJY uJdt oFt GllJ(L H-l- col> -.\|.I orle{l,-r CV It-l He,AEzo z ra !lzecoo =z o-- P EEi B-39 tr!n tr .culClroujoz o2 =o- JFul-h='iEo- IIJ>o-Oa!9o -t IJJxo-x>fiFlu- IIJt0 F co Eooo o? .E t E EoC' o co E €o.o! ciz tr =tluo- | ;lE =! ielSil* i*|6 Eig iEl s !i; rEl: ':15 r= | 3 ,/79--' -s5, lltz BocEL IJJ :-*E=o(!o'-!-c;oos .r,' oi.9-o EF$gE JE.o =zz!-o ootr ^ 6zq 5 =9F9 OE66 A66 A?z- 6oq **J ;i G.:l x ujq6 G '.$lO =>E - - (,r) ftu.S =aOOl at)(t) uJzYIIF zl .. >lollto uJ IJJz U) = UJIL J zo F6o 2I J az =3 F uJ i*F lltltllilOII\ |bl'' I(Jt .l-l gl fl cilol gl-qt El -l -tlol il9l >l =l I =l 3l HPI zl dlu,ll 5l <l>l ol 1olr!l 5l al>lIUolzl =lolFI =.1(,l IJJI :l ;lzl}|IFI I I "l=.1oluJl 5l<l>l rr-Iol Fl i I I I Irlqtfl q H => z Jtr tn t(l,L xlri oo ,o L(u o 'li=z co -l o Fo tFz t 9PE?z.E d6() C) Fz z T() TIJ = or.b =b2 g. <FGOtrJ <zE!!F-o (J NED t- =q- x \ Nh 0 o( le( x { \\ x \ x auJ uJu- ts =uJo Yri ^NNli: Itd Ns N; luF FIz = z atul ozoz6 tr @ .5 z E.trJz3 UJr z q) (E Is o sq) 6E ! (o o) o E f 0) o 6 3o c) c '6 o (t) 0) .!) l 3'= N U' =o o o)c oo o f :t (r> = (t 3 cr- (E *ioE8F =2n;R qF.: hE'a-o Y! o(g5E-a5-60 =EF!'l =c9c 33-_'E >3 Ea =tE500 --: oE'= o P=!q! c.Y- (s cL$ o*E; (a! o.E9o-(6CE6: E E.bo(g= EEE e-C(6 0'-€ --co9-9!Es9335(J> I;E9; e'-xvBts !r, o- 0)Qee!oct) -o(s \ e\^ nl da 14 tt U.l t'a F =uJ z Y ul z o- 9 F TIJJ UJ z =J 2 UJ UJt! zIl- IJJ qJ oe, oco =g uJIEz 6u.l F ut z qJJ(, x F IJJo anltl UJu-j+ edull F F o = =lqt J F uJ UJ z Jo. J oz I llJ = J( l-- e NOIIVN'IVA.J ll{ ll',: u B: I I'l tll =Zztt-o o o,tr ^ 6 zSq 5 > 9q E E " E'.:9 E.ir! < q.Llo a- ?\rF h! z tr IL tco o.l E UJ F $ dt N\s N. \\a(Ls \ z E z tr ulF 3uJz F-;<oe'{ =FREdci<ztltltlH1;2= tro =trOI ?l alozl d. uJl)) E IF o =3 F UJ ILoo(! o = Q JI<l;-l =l zl .. >l llJoultl.lzo tsE ul J z Eo I_l l (,z a 6 ol{ IJJI@ uJo-rl>oF N Is\ \t',rs oF-Hl)E,6 \h r! .F C Oo-r o- q- P(5 O-.- r! =.6v'(o -J (F (,-;-r .r U) O-l!vC)<.Fooa.= t! (, L.lJ(n- (uo<L! qJO t! CF (Jz,oo-OEOu'r_o=F.'{ E (JPo(5 S- tl- .zq- o t, =L(,co Q) +r .FJpor=JPrr.6OOJ L|.!JC\,I.lJ Ld-^^F-rcJ t\c) Oo I 3t'i a u, x oFF (ru, ll-o o-o I I,IJF z /dL z*o93*F I>z \]8,\(L|! t-- 'I L.IJ r/):Z = >< td F t!d.tJl =F= JJ fJ- t!U) tu o E.ctoo qttl c5 EoIJ 0 !nn =E? - /\ r- ;Hg L =uj(l TL Lu(! F I I I =.1ol IJJI 1l ;l fl .1l =.1olllll 1l fl ;| 9l ol =.1olull :l <l>lttlol zl3lolFI I I I I olzl gl :l <l>lttlol 3t :ol |JJFI F c E lt =z ") oz Jtr t-G. ir b2 E(,O1ts- =#]FJZu-o F Fz z - uJ -rO<F(r()uJ<zEurF(nZ O J tr () LrJ F uJ = E!gtr oz ts =E IJJo- F 0 $ U F o to tt uJuJII F =EuJo- Nst/t r/er €:41tt4) tlrJ si: ot C\.laI I I .Ft(d SrlJ --.rf<E6 ilE 3,2 ro t! o E I = zz oulFozoz J .6 =2 TEIJJz3 utI oz lrJUJ .D =.r (r l! Fo Fz cEo ccuJz = t! E{, -9-o6.o=o,o.(g hIo\F o) so F Pq o) o E (q oEoo =o E o =l Eo oo (5 'q) E .9v,oE a;c) oo o (,, ::E o 1tco tl'- N ttl 'oF oE o o) = ooG' E = at .oE I CI .ti;6 ID ooE dtoo (0 3 F 6 o- Eoo coo o o- 6 c .9 G E o ; .=3 Eoa o oo (! Eg6'3E Rbgo 5f EEF'5E8EL'- vto(5 =PG>cP 'rCo.9 D(Eoc,-o cc.ieg: o- ag ,rr .E-- -c EE E6OELC O(Eie-c6 -o.60 s*8:E3o(! tE(BE>Elro9aOEl-o -o \^\ \ 0s H \d' VI G' tti t( t F s is fi F =EItlcoz J -oUJ oz aoEFoUJ Itl z J 9z uJ UJIu|r-zoF uJE. C)uIe. ;g uJEz06uJ F o uJ z u, () x F uJo at>uJ UJtlF =tlrJo- J FoF (,z -J @ Itr IJJ l! 2 to = Iz Iollt = NOrrvntv^ T( 3 I l-r Y ; lJ-o2 tr a uJo J EuJzllJo E>E -l(t3ur3 =@Gl zz99F^.O =3;ano1>E9r!<oq ^ ()E8 2 tr J l! ulo- F )r w o-uJe, , z E z tr eUJFJ =uJ2 I 2 z tr o oo atrzloza UJ3o v,!Jo IL!J tr oz F z FII!JI + J\A ;J =F IJJ /Oa ll.-,r I [-fr1trGltFlll t, zt Is --.1t-l| .. >t Itn --lto Ilt uJ Ilt u.t Illz Ill .t) |lF Iil= |l(r Itur Ila IlJ Il< |tz Ito It:-Flt: 3ll6 ;ll< al ztr!) J H I I Il"lzl!l<lo-l aall=tlI tGlolqtltdl''' I lErF (\l I ! r-{ f) +., cf)c!OO z.r9ze(I]o =z:)fdP :fi* ;Hg IJJ Eooo-zoFo- r.t lY uJooFF =tuJ trlo3>\ILolt1 -lc) ^tt-1'lHurbkzo ts ut TLor-HEZE<clf€8E9?ir 5gE ;=E E=o dtr: >o-I O r.r-E oo9 \utE XO-t x>t q-o-i!i UJlo F rs vr= = F =E, lrJo-zoF()fEFazo C) tr!! u, =z o-) co (! Po(J .J't lJ,l =z l=l i}| J3l tltlil Iel I(rl I(l,t .t,-t ot-l 1lJl olFt gl -l rl tsl tBlJ=lqo|EFI zri uJcc It z =F ?loluJl 1lal>lt!lol fl I I Iol =.1(rl uJltrl sl hl Elr J OtFC)u, E 9Pc?>& d6 oF(J EFz z () UJ = E i;g Ft-o2 o(.) EEtr l- =r+- x l$, \! it x $ oaa'lD X d;.z x H2 x oUJuJu- tsE t!(L J\ crr I I I rl N= ^.lN\l + oN N $ UJ o e.oF FI == zz ouJF z z =ld) .a zz ulIFoz lr llja2 l! E z o Eul 0) $F oE\ s .Ecs= $0x c) oo == E =ld =.9 '6 0) u;0) co !, aJ) c c No 3 F g)c o) J .U' c UI = 6 U' (g 0) c 3 t- 3 E () o c E o 3 E o q) c) :]E (l':Y C- O(g o)=n;> O.O D(5oc so n!.=- O-=(5: €j9 (6-'OE O$ -cs -cL !o.oc)o);?r i: }Uo(! .g;o_-(u! >E (t)Fc5 -() r a'\,X rfu IrIvl \ N F rlJ z Y t! 2 o- oeFo IJJ z =Jo- trJuJ z tr UJE uJ CE o.! =IIJ z -utuJ6 F6 uJ z UJ x F UJ tJ)Iuulu- h^. Equld\ J F F z6 -Jf(o J 9 u, UJ z Jc ozro UJ = )( l-- P NOtrvntv^ VI rld H51cl I Ei!tz)olF ''lo-, ,lEY] fi'N =v, E! F.l*{. =>E \1 r.r & =toN z.z i.o- 4X=c-90'aOz>-oc)QZrJ- <o* i-(J>oFO l '\1)'Ff(j $t J6I z tr {c o UJ F nC\ \{ -o-gJ xJ z E z tr LlJF =utz tltltlvtFz:z9q<oo< =ft>i!xu-6ci<z !,Fz,. 9z fio36 llJ) (! uJz 9 F z tr) oz o 3 a Jl<t =l zl .. >l llJ uJqJzo ts t! ) z E ztrU) q) [I- hl= l;,lioH N Iq\ { (1 OJF.- =.o tn ul .F C O o- (F +,(5 O-.- t5 = (Evg tl- v C X.r Glo<.= LL (, LP(/.,- o,o< LrJ 'lJ c) c)!J C- (J (-)=Ottt _o=F{ E (J+Jo(5 L(F .Z+O0 =rt^=O (l) +-r 'eJ{JOJ=J+)(,roOCJ I.LJ- J (\l -t, \" q q t'l4 llJF x FtJ)I+j \a Y s6,oz t!-^^F .-{ cv oF F (r a! t!o o-oo I u,lF z -/h J 2 I C)uJ =! J za - ar f,fco u, = IIJ LLo uJ F ,1 -.1t!d. F:Zod 9:9:.o-tt t ,,,E&FLJ o=Eo(|, QtL {, i.' UJ-Jo- z< 9=€-+=<.EZ.rf =) tl9 \) rntr Ir ,lbtlq|"-{tlIt{5S |1qs lc'tzq= \{ Q3aq t-, .t/, fds* €8f6,;T ill 5 TTJ =z I I lc{ )r $ ruq = E {rl ,.,1 'il (/rl r!lE 4 t\ =tr UJ o) = - F 1o I ,5 + 3c _.= ei \n-+ =g t! stat\ z outE a ]Loz =F &as ,$ c0S. UJJuJF J,a =tr z ruiqlEJ l!oz =F \ =tr /.tz "iuJ(r r! z3 F t g ll zi uJ = lJ-oz =|- { =v oz oulE J lt z3 F UJ trF )\\;i$zt *"- {-oi F UJ =.f <Ftro r.r.J < UJF(42 <oQF -< XF-, z. -Eo-o >Y =E!zrro ix =F7<) =tYtZ =g E Ft ir o=<OQ23a (|, .o {,t x l, INSPECTION REQUEST JOB NAME ' r,,u Lr!"iowN oF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETFOCK NAIL tr nf;, 'f r r., (.or ltlnrl |lud ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER iIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR a n6r tr FINAL Tappaoveo tr orsAppRovED tr RErNSpEcroN REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: ozt =G, IJJ4 F{ aul IJ.JLt- F =EUJo- l+ sB^e<-Lfu.€+Fh eld |r,@ I(f)(\I Ir\ c an!(U+)P(o q, q) +J(n t9J s9l!u. z J UJF (! F FIz = =z utul z z dJl.D .d z_zo llJz3oulI oz oc(tl.Y,63silro o 5Ee Es*t6r-6 e:0 Eo>u';EO =o tr E a 3t,\ EE\\til\ sbR: 3 Etri E!il--ooo-oaPE HE€ Es3I or.E EE;o(/,FEodE E'='istr- -s:E or;oo dOtrrEr.(E: $Ea E:E6'5E Rb eO .= El=o=LC-rbFcL OG59 =t€>c9 6.0o(6otr FO CC'=c o6 nr6'- -c EE-(UE6OELC o.Ei;-c$-a(!0 o.g(J' 6E:E3ooc-t6(!E>g-oo9aEEr-o -o oo rtlNI <\ E =eulo-(Jz = Yoll, z J ()qJJqJ z Co =J J 9z uJ UJurt!z tr luE IJE oo =g uJ z -r, uJo F6 uJ6c z uJ C) X uJo (t, IIJ IJ.Ju- E =t Luo- J FoF z J lo J EF |.lJJuJ z @ =Jo- J 9zt qJ = NOtlVntVA =l>c. l --oliur.e I=loorl ;Eo 'zZtLo ootr ^ 62.; a =Fattoc6b E(JzXu-<oq is6 sEt ;dNA IJ +-o PcoLt- t.AIP Pt t.tt t'rItt F r z tr fJ l! o t!o- F oor-{ o-[l G, .J 2 Eoo 2 F gJF =u,z (/, u,Io J ul tr oz ts2,. 2= do3tr I at) =zfzo F o : o tl *l \-.LLR t*Fffit5t t6Ft= t'l'l Itt-turlto-lt>lI'ltltlt2llollFt<ltJltfltolt=l I l _l f F(t) -Jl<l FIzl zl .. >lotuo uJuJza = Eul J z Eoo zFat) JID zY cC (\t Idt -f,5r{c\Ioo uJtrU' @oazo Fo- LuY uJo oF E Euto. t!l : rrrla colt! tlo c")loTlI F-l'lgurbkzo zo9zQ.coo =zlf cL t! EE3-r-l!6d= tr ccujo-ltoEUE<tt€frE9!i IE5gE dLE h=E ;trE =*E U59 iutE XO-E ;taul€= ulooF IT-I E =E,trlo.zoFC) E,Fazo() !tr! I =.1otuJl 1l =l<l>lruol43olFI I I ^lzl.l('l uJl CEIJIalil ali I _l(olrr, I-l ^l =.1olUI:l <l>I g olFI (J '-P(J o) lrl =o5 F I Iol =.1ol IJJI 1lal>l t!lol nolFI olz.l olull :t q oLI =(J(J =.! llJ =z ;l-l orl ?l =l:l'El>l oz II d I I IY IF J PIo vt! >Z IJJ z -) E irI*E FOz Eoozt- =#]Fd6 oF C) t z E -.r O<FG(JtIJ <ztI.IJ Ft't Z oF E z J O EF uJ)tu F ITJ =? C) '6 C ot tatr ls I; llFili ,f: ti lErlG ul rE5 Ei9>vr< .::.!"x lffm gt;f asi!s:5$if olllFozozdJ o€ozz N l* rE I I I t' f, IEc {az IE tg rE qt IUt! F- =ru 4l z llJo o ql =q,tuJ z 6 ut UJ z F ]ueo F =|lJ zo Nouvnlv^ t:la E _t t< lgJl- vl3lsJl l! (E(, o.l ol I J >lFI 7zYO3s 3sP6 Fb!,23tr o-()>ctFOjri :!Jo 0 =EE oz qr C,z J rr. F oz outltrl -rl flol 3lolFI ,l\trl N$\t'vi el "t <il \ 5x :l}lOI EIFI FI oz oullEltl flolzl FI z C'ur.cl JI<l>l bl2l3lolu, =z tr)o.-) J<C)o </,u., u,-rO G'(Jo.J 6Fz<)rFg6 gF gE d6 C) o o J o GFoUJ UJ JO<FE(JuJ<ze,IIJ F0zoC' ()ul =?()Et! o E: q-H€Ouc9: o.9'-. Ct C +,J Q-- d:< .u .+- cq- ._,5 559*140cc,o3'5oBTETLu !r+ i ;Sr g I ssHE I =,f,'- | 3 rt.9 Jete Fd-:*; g F- S.r I tr!tr z.rPzQ60 =zde oE.ILoo o1' c E EoC' o o, E |ll C'! I E_- -I F =Ur-'O.-'|.|-rrlOdlrj<.(tzt/,<:Z =o<(/):= oF><(E CJ-rl il-- ll,r Iu.e.-lH=la-rul>. o-lOCrr-l:Eol-r UJI5i*lo-Ll5-l -l5; o-1t-O_- a ! E txx>/X>< X L 'o)0)so )zLo3i { er PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON INSPECTION REQUESf I TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES WED THUR t r'l'-,_./ |-{ rtl AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr o FOUNDATION / STEET UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING qi'houcn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR q_ ilfe*ri. tr tr FINAL AppRoveo ^) .1t," tr DISAPPRovED E RElNSPEcrloN REQUIREDq/A'f HLTV EU ,/,': .,1. 'coRREcttoNS: '/' DATE r) t-'- .: ') I I l,, IElo I I I I tlJ .d5 \l(f)' '{l\J-l .>l.( t\., -l 3r_,hs5()En--ltL 113a,zc5t6 tJ auJlljt! ts =EuJ(L l!JuJo =I IE lt GoFo CCFzoo E.o GuJz3o t! urE F o Eo glt(t .9o o. 3oko.c o <too 6 t (g q,I'oo o)co=o E o= Eq) oCLG '.9 E -q)c sg€ 96U' #p€.!Ge *€g-o> fi E5E!*908o€ or 5 r.= EE: €3E E 9-P 3Ec(5 0.-E:9i =.E !Y -.=E E ,1'6(!6 EEH =-E e6trfE.9 6 ;oU, o--.9E€5 E;E F Fe E;Eo.o - EH'E E(I, C'o o (E o ; J ; oI E6 =o. CLqt tn !(! E o rEE (!.c oo) (D 3o -toG ll Q) q)E at!!UJt! ts =Eulo- FoF a IJJe J zIFo z E uJFJ I I I f; r.l :(clq Eo :<Eo =t! z tr a IU J IJ,JzqJo ->E -ri') =l!.n =6ol zz9oF^Ax=-E9 0.noz>-ooozlI-<oqiE l!tr I ol HlJIal>ltrlolzl BlolFI I I dlutljl <l>l bl pl I cqr! 1ol f,JIal>lrI|olzl FI () !-Po(U LrJ JF +,(n o I I F J t 4,,\J {F : $ LIJ =z dlo-) c, (uLt! tt z Eirs=+EFFo2 o z dl = E -tIEF C)IJJ tr -rO<FGOIJJ <zEt!Ftrt zo() oz E =Gul4 '-t I € t !!D ==CCuJLl!oEE2ZE<ct3€EB9Eir EE =>.=ut:-E !-=8 :sE =FE 669 iurE XILt x>t_ q- €= ludtoF I-- zo9 =ecoo =zdP :f: dd=!ffi (3(f C\J$JCfo ul EU'ooazo FTLulY lrJIo oFF(r) =EcF{ cr lr- -{lo.liEl R ,gl IrlHur1^F\Jz6 ts =E,lrlo-zoF() :)EF, zo CJ r/ oz E =Gulo- 6 ?r 8.9 ld iEE:E I= E; gEi llF !$igilE:t*ei iEFi H E*;iEN-""i ir 3 f E=.9!;;o65 i;E gs :-'# 3d c: o (/) tr $E;: i EH:=ac-=-> ;$:; F iFgei ;i${l = [ fltlt E !1N6 6 f fl + ; a = E,l $ EflfiI$=lEleldl?lEl9 Fl-Jl<luJ(/)taDto-to $r\1 d-l luF uJtro cooazo Fc UJY UJql oFt GUJo. l!o oo I UJFoz trnD zoPze(Do =zl> dP :E? #s!Nil E =l!o-t! uJ z aho I o. JF hEdtr>cOu-oO \UJx>fiFJJ IL ur(D F o oo 0, o 3 o|) o {- OJ AJ .C\r) !l'.o7 zJtL N I\., ,lrn i AI ) *\D = "l *lu\l $-d\t| ..1pl {-l ,l'l \l Kl rrlt@1tu{tEltollcl H:AE lltltltl tl IJt|rrtdlcttg =l Jflg cl ( \J f\ rl Iil.dIl alv'l Nl ,l-l .hl ol it 6l il51\4 al\l >l+l I>I BI =t yllrl Fl oz ouJ = l! 3I I ,l (,l trilElJI <lilolzl3IolFI 3utl 5l<l BI fl I I I I sl ";lHIJI<lilol il rOl IJJFI F UJ z. (Do-1 $!\96>i $4f'e f,'.l{ F uJF I E -.r O<F(tsOL!<zE IJ.J F o() <o()Fg? i?E-zt!OO 9P;O =f3Fd5o |- EFzo <Oq.fi ZZOO PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST NAME TOWN OF VAIL g \-/ G-."-,CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ?-- au pM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr D tr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /nppnoveo f./ coRREcroN's' - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR C INSPE CTIONTOWN OF IEPUF?'Tat p'u-,4ttlft4if, CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT JOB NAME B n tr o tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBlNG: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR vFINAL tr FINAL APPRovED //,tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB ,*r!l"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI a ). r-- ) \,1 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oRtg ,' , '' - JoB NAME INSPECTION: tUOru ) CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: \ / l\----/,I .il BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING i STEEL ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr tr tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr o FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR INAL tr FINAL E,APPROVED 'CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I I ciz t =GuJo- U' IJJuJu- tr =tIu.L =Q/''4//-'W=da?'e ao (4 I I I I rolco X.i'{ f.\l I I I 5ltnLl 0Jr{J,Pl__.r(o,<at6 olI>;o 9ilo6t= F o E FI? o zz ouJ zoz Jl 66 ozz l! ul.h ='r .Eolt F Fz o uJz3od |t llJdz.= Ev PH<FZaY2Q< IJt\t\ oc 6 -:',itRo!tt o FaE,9! Es:(Ea(5 8.0:o EE ilI_ t.\\6 $2\€5:';.= o >5 3o.N o EH$.- F\c\ \ EEA\ o-E -.PFEE€*oo EH3I o.c :E=E:do/'FEo-o -cEE'itl r=EE;A9* a'E O-oc(! ",";6qio) Fio o t'i :E E3 c..2 :.!E- ;o '-oo(l,€; =i;>c9'- o- 56Ep(6otr 5O ;et!;.Y- O(E ,rr (o E!r+.=*i:;o r-c 6r!([C-c(E-a RtO lr!O lr, (6 (|.ilJE8oc .Y: (EE >.E-OOpa=-\9Er-o -o ro C\I c\l E =e.gJ z J Y uJ z J o e. otu tr z = J z qJ = LU z tr lu OtuE Bg uJEzI uJo F6 UJ o- z u,l o x F uJo anuJ UJu- ts IIJ(LzoI =co oEFoUJ uJ z .D = o- ) 9z oIJJ = NOtlvn'tv^ ?it t o E 3 c I 3ZtL 6z =o ao UJo J EuJ2uJ (\l (\l =>c -rEut =(o z9 CV.noXil)zr!<oq io;oi-o.ioi zotr { ci cfoEo ttl orJ. e luE ) z Eo z tr E,llJ ;IJJz I tr2lz tr I Fz z J UJ3o U'lll r! tr oz F z FI trI aulJ U)a UJzY iF z F Jloz Fl F <li-l zl zl o UJ uJulzaF fflu(L a2 EooH*k>og (\l Ico rr)5 F{c!cfO ultrooo1zo F ulYt!ooF F CEuto- l!lo'',l> colo_ -.-lo cDl11 (!l- -\lI F-l'Igur i^FY6 z ,n ozt(DOEz o-- P ._i6 ===;Hg tr uJo- tuoz o ; F E JFtu-h=J-IL IIJ>[oo x>EF- =tr uJ F o Eloo a,t .E t E Eo.J o -=- E =Elrlo-z9F() EFazoo !!! g sl .,:,. z =t! JJdl o o(J o, o- (u lrl ii =z d) -)I uJ z uJE Ja: o- Fo =E llJ o = =C)tr z l! J a u- z3 F o LP C)(u Ld 06 F e.tr Lr.ga IJ,J J l!oz3o =E tr z uJ J? l! z3o =tr z oIutrJ u-oz3oF UJJ UJF. t (r UJz =o F uJ 7 E <F uJ<ZE[!Ft,,t zo <oC)F :<ir (E;F-,2tro.l E(Jozt- =#Jt-)zLLOo ex(JY 43 g6 oE, i: b2 O -J<c)<5L3E!E! rt,v, =I .EoIt | eF-ie I ess:i f*fl ffEE5 r="€Sd r SasaF gFFSf .$E!e s'9Eo"-!crtrq)(a(D:SP-iE ./iqlFoz C'z o- l C0 .a l', rE I I I I I,r9l iEt i=l tl{ rE (A o! an UJt!lt l- E UJ NO[vn-lv^ t-u,o UJ e i UJ o o 3ttl UJ z ul gJ UJltz TIJ rl, J F C) tu F eru zo | ./, UJ tr!+g UJo- JsolFI =E z 5s Fq9e:>,xov29< tr.r 5o.()>(JFO 'j.i JlslFIzl zl ilc<O. IE t: | .-: lt<l ol <tl tl tI =r!l lr.lo o =E A oztr aa F5o FaD >I I I =aO< F ia-H€O(,c(5.r .rz- 6.IE CLC+,JQ- .rci< .qtF E14,_ .F ro 559*L!(JC(Uo 3'i '3{sEl! E- |gp -.'s I s5! 5 | =sFE I =,i u - |3;t.F Jetg Ed--aroJJ-d =--FEF- 9,t I z,.o =<(r)O =zde trDD J{x dFs-ro;' cotgEdqr L uJ-.O.-.qJ,!odsr<.oZv)<52#.G-oFX CJrr EFhre=la-El>. o-loEu-l:60l-r tl.r l v ri- |o--il5-ltJtr ^:a!YJ E@ Ecto l' ott c3 E Eo(, o q, |! t}E t- 'Q)0)s.o )zL Or 3J iltf tl'l:< @' l., Jlt UJ z o-t JE69 E<b!r --r Zr.u Oc) JO<F&olJ<ZG1r, F9zo(, F() UJF?o.d(Jo F() cFzool Gru o ot-() eFzoC) ozroUJ = gF =<=tr!z C' at+5 p SPE CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL \ . tN i; I INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING r] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAILIY,- D FINAL tr TEMP. POWER fI HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDXicoRREcT|oNSi-' '/',// oor= ,f '/s''ff rNSPEcroR /,,?;,',& PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME ECTION REQUEST /-. 1'/'./'//1,ril t (.', .7ut cALLER ,14./ "?'4,:fr,,"."'- -,,+1t" ,)'r' i, 1::'/ ./--\ ,' \TUES WED THUR ( rat t .-- AM ( PM -i, \__;2.4 n '' t' v' ''j't '-' I NSP // BUILDINGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIF APPROVEDtCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o^rE ,i',, #- / r rNsPEcroR If,1A N PERM DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: I PElNs CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BI fi tr tr D tr tr tr lLDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D,W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 7 ,/z C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REOUEST ,.-'II-OWN OF VAIL/ t'---*_\rt,al DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESINSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, N ROUGH / WATERgJ*fMtNG n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr * tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL ELE trI trF trC tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FAAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIHED CORRECTIONS: Ji."''f]"' I i . /.'\INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES it'-' , '. WED .. FRI l AM ,ipv BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL E tr tr tr tr o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER0.F6AMrNG n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O ;1* tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR n trF AL D FINAL PROVED tr DISAPFROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ^l t,C)r-l 1J\ {\ I PE ,i rNs DATE JOB NAME L{ {.,.r. iq CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WEP THUR ( FRI LOCATION: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .1 -* -**-'--(.t,'( AM .PM BUlLDll.lG-: l,. -\gl,{oortrucs / srEHt PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E}ilIAL tr FINAL ty'ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: Aff, / 4 I ---,''<o..8-- 5 -- Z"r - s.5 INSPECTOR ,l (?1. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t NSP * I tl t ECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILJr CALLER TUES THUR FRI L:. .-(-. WED -,t4 //'J r' .EI., FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETBOCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, y'- 6 -3f rNSpEcroR lf1t, I I NSPI \,t !:- REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE NUMBEF OF PROJECT t / .t' 7 t-."/ ,! -) .' JOB NAME f1 ri r, IJ ': (. ,.. t JU CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: THUR FRI ----+fi)ruES (yED FOOTINGS / STEEL EA<7-pzzA tr UNDERGROUNo tr tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O SUPPTY AIR VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .r'- /-*<DATE -\ .-. INSPECTOR tffil C),/- INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUESTvArL ) i | ---1 -vf /)Z y'a'i I qrh lo' T'r ' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE rl ,(.{ o READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON/ -+-L- A.. i oLtr CALLER TUES -J 8:D IHUB FRI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB .1, o tr tr tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQU]RED l/''.:DATE ,t' -9ut INSPECTOR m PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF .(' t /j REQUEST VAILI ,''/ i' i ,', 't JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT CALLER MON TUES ,.. \WED TTHUR I FRI\'/r', "1 r' : t. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr Dtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF FINAL tr tr FINAL ,{tppeoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED m DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION QU L rt tc RE u/Al i(1 '''] 9.T.,,ht ,i't t ,l i' tj ):(il .U JOB NAME It .-1, t'?,]t"' CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TION:PM '\it. ER OF PROJECT tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING ROUGH .- ),,-'tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED >- o,.,e f -J5*,f,"'rf rNSPEcroR \fl?l t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION FRI REQUEST L. ,u.l:.:- oF vArL WED THUR 3oo @@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr E M HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 0_ SUPPLY AIR \i n.fu. n (: ( ir rrr l (jfi.)..' ut(l tr FJ'{AL ntr FINAL 'l -- ,r- ,/;'Atpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL 't$le r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJ CT DATE READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: Xy*orro*ouND - 'tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION r] SHEETROCK o tr tr n POOL i H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FDAL tr FINAL 4{ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lEtu INSPECTION BEOUCST lowN 9F vAlL,i(n (!'o t' ,o--- IL RE$DY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR4 r ,, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT. / /.". -/.a /, /r <grylg b//; /11 J JOB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr trap't tr 1'r r^ '^ /,) c /- i f' / L// FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Appaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 5'/24< rNSPEcroR ft, p y-o 11- i-< tll U 5t'rr'"J . v-1 ^/0 / u' PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE trlt/,t t(' CALLER WED THUR FRI ?_a ,/ot^' 3 o aJ,' INSPECTION REQUEST OF AIL <A <1 Aortf READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ( rnnr'rrrr.rc n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL /''ffiNspectoN REeuTREDtr APPROVED ISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t I Y)L INSPECTIONTB.WN OF REQUEST VAIL AM' PM PERMIT NUM EROFIPRO)ECr DATE f Ll.lx s JoB NAME CALLER MoN^ 4JQ WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: r^ {t BU trl trl trl IDl P'r trl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tfiw PERMIT NUMBFR OF PROJECT 4 1'z I /t s/ JoB NAME INSPECTION:.+- il PE DATE READY FOR LOCATION:"zr,; CALLER (D TUES fr INS CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL e ,1 f -p---- THUR FRI tr BEINSPECTION REQUIBEDAPPBOVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR 'e -, , l ir'') i-'INSPECTIONTOWN OF (_ REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT .!'(DATE READY FOR LOCATION: rr]R NAME . MON ,--, , ) , I \, t'nL\ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING LJ tr EI D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr tr E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION:r,! lYr- ) PERMIT NUMBER OF P OJECT s JoB NAME INSPECTION:THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr o cl tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT EF trC tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,./^PPRoVED _7 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: Q-t,.zt V r-ga-7p _,t / / 0 \ TNSPECTOR l i'1u PERMIT NUMBER OF PRO DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON rNs CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL t.__ .[, I S t PE tlI il/i ' TUES @ THUR (rl READY FOR LOCATION: FRI AM ,PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMilIIG tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr u HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL ?l!!!1,'^'.,fi tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTlONS: :: INSPECTOR ly'tt PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT,/,/' DATE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES /6il THUR FRI - AM PM LOCATION: --e P.T <n ,{ V BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr.fOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooo NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o -f,.;.. -T1 tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FI}IAL tr FINAL 'd;PPRovEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED GORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ii (t ( THUR tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t.-,\ JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES O DISAPPROVED BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: E] TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL oarc // - 2 ,z - ,f-5-- rNSPEcroR /g /z PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MO CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL .aU4,2/{&,6,o rNs I PE FRI NAME h..ta{c, CALLER TUES'ad2' t2,/t //.{ rce BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED | tr ''t-| {, / (-- t PECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILu&.u -t o t-- LL" -.; PERM rr N UMBEIR OFIPROTECT S Joe NRf,/e \lVI tNs {"I Fc \--DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED S.+(,.. I L,_.) | o i,. BUr trF trF fl' nF t- trll trs tr_ PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH /,D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trT trF tr( o tr HEATINGTEMP. POWEB BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED NSFECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR tN NAAI a.o* Yodcr Enginccrlng Consultents, Inc. lold.rrt ?lrre - t lL tCTt.O.lat'|0C.L.r& al3t -j--\... It tall|tltsttl.tltt ffili-W \llLt^M& &,fiez lj)ttz#- LEVEL l{Et-"tNL a\tlLthrwU6tW. - V!*lPf"".--=_---'-. furceenwN% nF.t ll4blbr lopZ \I I (a- vl,lwlet'I 4,Ltl l uth, lwJzLlE (rcrae n qbon*l7) wNartg z1otv! raN, WblV lutps| garP c-vt:,E,P F.'6no|"J, lNtTl*'Ll 6 Ptl? t,1AWb41 htw WLULfr tA6Wt^ (l4,Ww1) ^ vg;v.@'rurrYE ,ze'uQ . r6xd= CRAIVIF-!TI> teinz' l1gtll wT tLl N EAE T?ltv6; E<l$l1tt6 a"d*b" a!?-q'uPTtKoFl,an Yoder Engineering Consultants, tnc. lcnchrnrrl ?hn . Sslla 107 t.O. lor t7{0 AYoq Color.do 11020 to3.ta}r l9r 1{OGtt2-t259 (Colorrdo Onlyl V{.PLA)JEF,-12't3d Wl Ftzps*aeu 7L 12', \[a.T)T.(A(fo ffil,vt Lrfat',Tl($)A,W u|LhbeuNevuww L?UEL t/4'1'o" '' '-n?-9.td hartPtrzw rYeterrr -L vELar/ a1 n4e,lveh lEJ\r-,/\ q@ls6 2crZ (lg.,rL*iJ.!D I,*,r*.:ftIti-?d;q zqta).wf?e^NbvL;'{.e:E' AY&JUNG ,u Nall abL Yodcr Entincc?ang Con3ultrntt, Inc. Li.lrrtl A.t - tdL lOtto.ht7r0An C.L.|& nara tatta+rrtrr*ttr.t8ttOtltl dil,:# \ltLtK&&wv l-Dtt(LLVlw P\EF"N6 efi'WV,TWY9ldg Wol'o' a,bL (q-?)twt/r4LlltJt/z,oWJzLlE FaN un '@#1q1w t&?Ptrl'$tb.(ttrte- e dotur*tal, furcee11ry;srzw 'Eev.w'lutxE re'u$ trMb wN art6 zTov-tt w.t, vsrqv Ha)qNe,ID 1n-pE,> F'Fno/'t I ItrgtuLl 6 W? t"lnwd4l Arr4 WLU Et rgT64vt (t+,Wm) llxbl6 lor- Z . e;*6 CRATJVIET( \IEW W.l.TtUNghZ B<16'nM2 $*d u\Lq'ff\#vFtfiR. Yoder Engineering Consultenls, Inc. lcnchmerl ?lrt| . Jullc t07 ?,O. lor 5710 Avo.r, Cobtrdo llalo lot.ta$l trlr{00$l't25t (Colored,o Only) W,Plg)veE/-tz"t^d wl Ftw+t*?eH \la,ptantTo F*),tY\ utu"Abe Gk(evUWV L€vEL Y4'1'on ".-1zktd lvalrw,Ew t@te*rT -L vg4.,lrq YnDtE)'et L' ; Lflz9l',Tuz4)a,w glblar' 2c,tz el071s!, + Wp,r# ZqtALwftnNNbuL^tw' LY*J)NC2 rl i -" i i\ I|":..//u,.,:LtJ/ zc.: fuf,eDtoqD r '-?.f .-F1LE. I ILN Da'e 2rctqW 9% VAtu Yu-tX'ei@* 11+e ?Ua+o* tr ?r-ltE MGM2 lS "o hge:,'t -t?i'Aa. zrltq re rlng reJEa@'Tt+6 tMA)c4rno^JE A&%aAT€:D, tam+ l(oJrrb.tb k w\-€ Qo" t24't filp^txo* TUA fup*aep 4-TEercr?- h'.Wrytg l.-tAr-t- K.t-AA A€T Q-lr> aP Tvl€ A@,tA W@61 butu>rlJcu, -(]4tg HdE lAn-e o@oe- lz^ WtDa -f>+e Aev) L4xq*4 LM- tNlIAvJa" TD ilw4 fr+t t)euJ OAz %e )ot<,:r€, Tl*t+ l+o@ lg te W toq^,r82 Nu OA ?Aq Otr TvE LU\L lztut+r h)kbwrs oNic'u- fua- Jors* heiclve, l? VoO tlAue AN? Qo€4tot1e We*een*, rtilg FAwo AEA9 h*raq Tws p1ryP6, firrnecessary bo/e enginee(r€. irc 143.e rneodo,vdr suite n-10 crcsroocls shopping cenler \orl. cdorcdo 81657 n3/47G2170 L'7>t4x4t bsr: Wtqntra lbla 82a* tsy'r g1 /z?41d m4ova)fu?- ctEAtbt l(E- LpW- A*tz-c-tr*ra]- L4z1o Ctas *a6:4y2 LZx4*?e cd*t - C64EVWitcl^V tE2 Xr -b,,{ ?*tgz;."4b W /'{.J- VALX AJUclsfVAVftl )La.z--t+@n6; SlvgE- 4 -1a'-11,-t1y- . | | ,t .t t-Fe W-E tvtsV'2'.4/+ 1171asL- h fuz )54,37 M..lOyAe W|AL \lll*tn ffi-lrv+"r+1W{c{,t tr 41A U}lI>, ,bloeaeu ': trF4Ai ? a-to42re lW ltz'o Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. Mecha n ical z Electrical Benchmark Plaza - 5u ite 307 P.O. Box 5740 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-1 191 1-800-332-3259 (Colorado Only) September 23, 1985 Fred HibberdBox 1977 South Park Route ,.Tackson, hlY 83001 RE: Village Center Parking Garage Exhaust Dear Fred: I have reviewed the 1985 Uniform euitding Code and the mechanical codes with regard to the existing exhaust system on the east end of the Village Center Parklng carage and its discharge up through the new construction. Let me first state vhat the code minimum requirements are and then discuss what can be done vith the existi-ng system. Per UBC 705, 14,000 cfm of exhaust is the minimum required. Per UBC 706, the vent shaft must be in an enclosure and f am assuming that the new addition is combustible construction which means that enclosure must be a one hour enclosure per UBC 1706, table I7-a' As far as the disctrarge opening location for the exhaust duct is concerned there is nothing in the codes that speclfically address a parking Itarage exhaust outlet. By inference. from other requirements of the code we would suggest that a grade opening with a conventional grate would be acceptable if that opening was more than 5 feet from any operable window. We would also recommend that the grate for the exhaust be located beyond the edge of any overhang less than 10 feet above it. It appears that your present system is a manual system and thus has not be operated because the disconnects have been in the off position. To satisfy the code, the exhaust fans should be operated continuously (which is energy wasteful) or under the control of a CO detector. The existing Twin City 27OBCV fan at ttr,e east end of the lover pirxinq tevet is ful1y capable of providing the rninimum 14r000 cfm at almost any static pressure necessary to get the ductwork through- the building' The two horsepor,rer motor that is on the fan now ls undersiz,ed and not even adequate for the installatron ;;i;;-a; ln" u,rirains addi-tion' The ran discharse duct may be 24" X 36" from the fan to the exteriorgrate. Up to four elbows can be includedr but each etbow shoutd have turning vanes installed. Under these conditions, the existing fan wiu require a 7-L/2 horsepower motor and a new drive turning the fan at approximately 1'275 rPm. The liability for having insufficient garage erclraust in todayts ritigious society is too great to ignore. we recoftmend th-t you up gride the exlraust system.per the recommendatione and tode requirements above util-izing a CO detector to minimize operating costs. If re may provide further information or you have any questions, do not hesitate to call . DLY:d jw i I I \ I tot ralr I tlttsttl-tltt tColorr&Oilil ).'a i\M,Pt-ai/eE, \ ":ttl&d Wli Ft?Der8-Wrt \---..-. \1aPTt41f T? wt^ .'--'-'..i llern72 utu"AbeuMev UWV LVUEL Y4.1'o' ,Jsfe" (NVtnngAMogW l o*L wvo l lto W t6r q1t't-. W A4orveu*l%zT? caLW)^ID -,ttgt, f.O LM- f, AA^$we$PeD tpuw F L^fiWQob Mano[I '-.-\zUtd (zeutwtc, ID Wr -\. - -r 'vELaSnf nlc>rlEhlclrr) -'?zrz+4\ | -. -_z-'-..-...ry9;e, /A{9TArj- T0?llltt[2 VL,N€- 4%:L\A?o"Ure#Ll Yoder Engineering Consullanls, t nc. lca<hmrl llrre - 3oll" lOt ?.o. lor 5t'oAro.l Colondo 11320 o7tgfrl+ g;.i*^... "*'l::lffirm$ 1- \I Ce;rz+N_<er '.i. , ,,. i. ualrZ+'-_{f TD€Nltr(, \Arlss " [----"N A---- ,/.*.. _.A,_.__=.,/ \.-.,_. . /'(. '/ 1. (;, / :t ., PERMTT I.lUMBEB OF PROJECT i/, | ..DATE 'I.' ,/ -' JOB NAME INSPECTION- TOWN OF t!. !( ! REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI.'i ) P.[I , .a{.1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. PO qRouGH _ r./q\coNDUrr itr_ IN FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL I F"APPROVED CORAECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME .'.- INSPECTION: r-l MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM iPM iREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUIIBING: tr FOOTINGS/STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - n B9o.l-&-s-HqFF... tr GAs prprNc -- PLYWOOD NAILING d trusulartoN - tr PooL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - --t- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIF -r-rn_ tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: -E DISAPPROVED t] REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( DATE lh. Pdnlrt^.ir ( .1, {.w{\ (fl Y 75 south irontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 25, 1985 Jay PetersonPost Office Box 3149Vail, Colorado 81658 6Ur in (rorSu.r4[L) ntuo nt*o Re: Village Center Issues to be Resolved Before TemporaryCertificate of Occupancy Dear Jay: I have enclosed an agreement that was signed by both Fred Hibberdand Peter Patten on September l2r 1984. The agreement lays outseveral conditions which must be met before a temporaty certificateof occupancy will be issued by the Town for the new constructionat the Village Center. ftems lr 7 and g seem to be of imrnediateimportance. At this time f am not sure when Ered rdould like toget a temporary certificate of occupancy. Hotreverl in order toavoid any last minute problemsr I thought I should write you andclarify that these iteme need to be addressed before we wouldissue the temporary certificate of occupancy. ftem I concerning the agreement between the Hotel Sonnenalp andthe Village Center owners will be impossible to complete at thistirne. Ho(reverr the staff is requesting that Fred submit aproposal as to how he reill be handling loading and trash for theproject. fhis was a very inportant concern of the planning Comnission and staff when the project was going through thereview process. Even though Fred is unable to fulfill theagreementl a proposal for handling trash and loading is stillnecessary. ftem 7 states that an approval for landscaping and a curb withinthe 4O foot utility easement must be obtained from Mountain 8e111Public Servicer Heritage Cablevision, Upper Eagle Va1ley Sanitationand tloly Cross Electric- This is a relatively straight-forwardcondition to rneet. Signatures would be necessary from all of theabove utility companies. r!td:frb Town Pl.anner Iten 8 requires that Fred grant an access agreement to the Townof Vail for the crescent-shaped parcel located in front of PrinaGallery Village Center Shops. The access easement woufd need tobe approved by the Tovn of Vail at an evening meeting. A surveyand legal description would be required for the easenent. ALsor note that the fire concerns outlined in Dick Duran'g letterdated ilune 28, t9B4 must also be completed and approved by theFire Departm'ent. Once these items are finishedr the Town will beable to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy. ff you have any questions concerning these issuesr please feelfree to give ne a call. KP: bpr Enclosure September 12, ]-984 Mr. Peter patten Town Planner Town of VaiI75 South FrontaqeVai1, CO 81G57 /' Road West \Re: Expar"sion of ViJ-lageCenter Commercial Space Dear Peter: Pursuant to our discussion of September 11, 1984, the undersignedhereby agrees to the following iiems: Jsr- An agreement wirl be entered into with the Hotelsonnenalp whereby the mutuar use of a joint loading facilityrocated on-the property owned by the Hotet sonnenarp and thiundersigned will be set forth . such agreement sharl be provided PIi"I to any temporary certificate of oicrrpancy Ueing issuea Uy--the Town of Vail. 2. The undersigned hereby agrees to provide for themaintenance of the pedestrian sidew-1k irea, as ierr as allassociated landscaping' constructed. under the building p.t*it. 3. The loading areaVillage Center Commercial areathe undersigned, in order that l-ocated on the west end of theshal1 be maintained and policed byit serves its intended purpose. 4. The undersigned hereby agrees to allow the Town,at its sole cost and expenle, to mo'E tie landscaped berm on theProperty in the area north of the LaTour plaza if and when theTown decides to proceed with the improvemLnts as noted. on theUrban Design Guibe plan. 5. The undersigned hereby agrees not to remonstrateagainst a Special Improvement Distriat,-if and ,t.r, orru if formedfor the VaiI Village area. 6- A sign program for the.village center Building sharrbe submitted by the undersigned, or his .guit, anJ sucfr sign-program shalr be approved by the Desi-gn R6view eoird prior to theissuance of a temporary certificale of occupancy io, tne expandedcommercial area. This condition is hereby subject to the Town ofvail staff working with the architect and the indersigned i_n ".Ju,to meet this requirement. ., l. t' \'q CC Mr. Peter PattenSeptember L2, l-9B4Page Two _ *2.- Before a temporary certificate of occupancy is issued,approval for landscaping and curb $rithin the 40, utility aasementmust be obtained from llountain Bell, public service, HeiitageCablevision, Upper Eagle Valley and Sanitation and HoIy crolsElectric. _\ - +.8. _Before a temporary certific.e" of occupancy is issued,Ene undersl-gned agrees to grant an access agreeftent to the Torvn ofvail for the crescenf,shaped parcel located in front of primaGallery vilrage center shops. such access easement sha1I be insubstantial conformity with the attached Exhibit A. If you have any questions r please contact me. Sincerely, .__--_.r/ *#{,,ffiU2r" 122 East Meadow DriveVaiI, CO 91657 303/476-0833 DAY OP SEPTEI{BER, 1984 . 't'eActin ity DevelopmentTown of VaiL, Colora : a rn I I\- -: / \l ,--. ( '' $. lown 42 wesl meadow drlye vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 llre departmenl .: l June 28, 1984 Iled Hibbard 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Vfycming 8300f CERTIFIED I,IAIL Dear l,lr. Hibbard: After not hearing fron you in regard to the violations found on;. . the second level of parking at the Village Center D building Ifeel that I mrst set a date for ccnpliance. I have enclosed a copy of the violations and what is needed tobring these items back q> to Code. A11 items nn:st be cotpleted by September 1st. Fai}:re to do so will give rre no afternative but to issue a sunrnons . As you lorovr, the 5nspection was conducted on l4ay 31st. Today is June 28th. I feel I am being fajr in allo,ving a ttree month period for ccnrpliance. Sinceiely, t1 11.// . //t t / t.l t,,lLl4iL *l-zt2-z.'- Dick D:ran Ctrief cc: P. Patten DDlfmrL C 42 west meadow drlye vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 ?he follotring are violations found on the second flre department levelparking of the Vil_lage Center D lgilding on Ma 1.. UFC Maintenance of Fire Systems ALl fire protective and extinquishing systems orshall be maintained in an operative condition atSuch systems shal1 be extended, altered wheneverbuilding is remodeled or added to. appliancesaLl times. any Need to relocate hose cabinet that is enclosed in garage#21 so that it is accessible. Need to replace hose i-ncabinet near trash container. UFC Article 85 ElectricaL This article sha1l be enforced in cooperation rvith theauthority having jurisdicti.on for the enforcement -of :theNational Electrical Code. Light fixtures in garages #4, 5, 16 and the space west of5G need repair. Light fixtures in garages must not extendthrough waLls and must have a switch in each garage. Theduplex outlet in space #30 needs a cover. Cover openelectrical box in space #4. Need cover in junction boxin space #8 and must relocate junction box !o as to beaccessible. Rom€x rviring must be replaced by conduit inspace #20. UBC 4304E Holes i-n Fire Rated Ceilin and Walls Are NotPermitted A11 garages are in needhour rated throughout.been penetrated. Must of drywall repair. Must be oneNeed to repair ceiling where it hastape and mud. uBc 17068 Eve Open i n Into a Shaft Enclosure Shall BeProtecteda Self -Clos ing Fire Assembly. Fire assembly at trash chute must be repaired (--' . page 2 f.UFC 10.4O2(a Maintenance of Fire Assembl for ProteitionOf Openinqs Three hour door must be repaired rvith fuse link. 6.UFC 10.315(a Commercial Hood and Duct Need to relocate fan for La Tour from garage to roof. rn accordance with Town of Vail Municipal code 15.12 if youfail to comply with this correction nolice on or before Lhecompletetion date belor^r your failure wirr result in furtheraction being taken under the provisions of the uniform FireCode, 1982 Edition, which may include your being issued asummons to appear in Muni.cipal or County Court for theviolations above specified.. Upon a finding of guilty ofsaid violations you will be subject to the penalties-provided' iby law.'-'''.'.. Cited corrections shall be completed by S;C0 aut@. lrurJ-clrngl Olner/Manger Date Date Department Office \Y't >INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL /(1..-- (-!-,t. REQUEST NAME /t )- .)CALLER INSPECTION:MoN ruES lO THUR FRI r_rY-, PMREADY FOR LOCATION: ,F',-k (r-> | t''-{- lJ <- O zr- Lrr C BU trl tr {, nl fit trl tr ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W,V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr u tr u TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr EI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIDIAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDOVEDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lf t'u PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJE'f, DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON callen{ TUES WED /, t(r TOWN OFU"'4et / a REQUEST -VAIL J t INSPECTION il BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU As X- trG uP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL OUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING BOUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr Frryl(L tr FINAL '#aoueo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \tr1?--INSPECTIONTOWN OF l--e-'L f e",-' z <-./ Ito, ' f REQUEST - VAIL 4(1. / PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE NAME tl CALLER D l/ b/tS JoB READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED FRI BU trl trt trt Itri trl tEa tr ILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr tr tr E ECHANICAL: HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL /L.ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 7A INSPECTIONTOWN OF (/' REQUESTVAIL 'PERMIT NU BE OF PROJECT DATE 0 INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JOB NAME /@ WED THUR FRI ---4 PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr FINAL NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL 4 APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR !!-'l u PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT1 /_fore lo/'/V/3' rce INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF ,VAILitt't j-^ ,/0 -^ I -& ''-,' ,ffi , pv I I i1 (, ("/i NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRIG>sn vt READY FOR LOCATION:t).x,"'/ ,- ""?- <9 t lttt BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB , q\SHEETROCK NAtL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING BOUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR s rffit O FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I t INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL €r 7 REQUEST72 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER -@*'o THUR FRI BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB B FINAL OCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I Klw PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL =i,t7. I rt--"oo* Iofzg JoBNAME (,, CALLER ,/""\.READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED TFIUR ) FRI -- AM PM'/ ' (-----'LoCATIoN: L--U T=ntt 'r' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL s €+t, (( o L il-4 n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E WAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR a) a rt' d' -' t':.{* *fr1lr*, ['l z- oo-, I o /s r fE 5- JoB NAME lo-,,o,. TO l--E-e-zJ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: +1,?,,{v (;"f 11 <'t CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUESLWN OF VAIL A-/J)r'lwED THUR {_ry " AM -Prvr-- ',i; ,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr n0 *<un-, < o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr n rrudl tr FINAL otsAPPzOvED d4rr r.rspecroN REeu r RED CORRECTIONS: /0, INSPECTOR <- *INSPECTION- TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .A' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WED THUR FBIREADY FOB LOCATION: 't\L * BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooo NATLTNG T] GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB g gHT:TTf,oCK NAIL E " tLhfl. (t, l)z n tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr lF^L tr FINAL //D DTSAPPR9VED//tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: li t, t PE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBEB OF PROJECT I tNs 1.'-1 | .'- I ' ' .1- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I 1l WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: q TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL Ih 1 + :i I I tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR a,INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NU rtl F PROJECTER 'll !llI TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: NAME I : CALLER MoN @,WED LOCATION:r,) 'i 'i [r' !-.{. I I sI tr DISAPPROVED REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL REINSPECTION CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR Ufu 4t' N I \/ II r i[ft \^ | INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL .,,, ( TOWN OF I .:/^l , \ i !, PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME @ rues @ rHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING (roro" lvrq n' f ,r, t l( / r'Jl it rgrr ri,rrncr tr CONDUIT .tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .11 / - €:,DATE INSPECTOR CERTIFIED MAIL 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty develoPmenl August 8, .|986 Mr. Fred Hibberd, Jr. Hibberd Construction Company 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Re: Completion of landscaping and crosswalk at the Village Center project. Dear Fred: Accord'i ng to the improvement agreement for Village Center, the landscaping, crosswal[., and drainage work were to be completed by July l, 1986. At this time, the drainage work js complete. However, the crosswa'l k and landscaping are not finished. Below is a list of work that'i s incomplete: l. The landscaped area on the northeast corner of the project is not finished. The revised arrangement of the sidewalk is not complete. Also,9 aspen trees and sod are required according to the plan. I have enclosed a copy of this portion of the approved landscape plan so that you know exactly which area I am talking about, The existing concrete sidewalk must also be removed in this area' 2. The crosswalk connection between Crossroads and the Village Center project is not finished. I would like to know if you have any p1 ans to complete these two portions of the project. P'l ease'l et me know your intentions by August 13, 1986. It is -hoped that the Town wilI not be forced to use the'l etter of credit to actual 1y do the landscape project and crosswa'l k. However, if this does become necessary, the Town wjll draw on the $3,905],etter of credit by September 1, 1986 in order to complete this work. In addition, the Town will not issue any final certificate of occupancies for the Village Center project until this workis completed. I hope to hear from you soon. Si ncerely,rr I n I {nrhnY'fu Kri stan Pritz Town P'l anner &,'gary Mu'rra in KP: br En c'l osure Chief Euilding Official f utlcltt t'du*'pUt ar./ 2;2t= Srh^ufto'df ,/Qri -\_ t!;io3t'-'zi,tr OW STORAGE ??? c= tgzl s'lo- - - FROIVT EXFANSIONS '.2'-e ?-,^-t ( ,,rA.t ) -?..4- -- e /.4.o "ANTleuE" LAMP E POST '.-A;- t-A-f .--^ -t ? at t: _ TO t,lHOM IT FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MAY CONCERN: fr^i1t1n Pritz-, Town Planner December 5, .|986 Village Center Crosswalk A letter of credit was originally obtained by the Town from Fred Hibberdto construct a crosswalk connection between the nain entrance into theVillage Center shops across to approximately the area jn front of Denirnand Silk in the Crossroads Building. The'l etter of credit expired andFred Hjbberd agreed to construct the path in the spring of '1987. He justdidn't want to have to renew the letter of credit and incur thoseadditional costs. The staff agreed to thjs arrangement. Peter Patten andFred Hibberd discussed the issue after thjs agreement. Fred was willingto provide additional landscaping and improvements to the plaza on theeast end of the project in place of constructing the crosswalk. After agreat deal of discussion, Peter agreed that thjs would be a reasonablealternative to the crosswalk. In addition, Public Works did not want to see the area torn up, as new asphalt had recently. been laid on East MeadowDrive. The staff felt that this was a reasonable comoensation for thecrosswalk. The crosswalk saga has'now come to an end. lnwn 75 south Ironlege road veil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 November 26, '1985 Mr. Fred Hibberd 1977 South Parker Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Re: Village Center Parking Check Dear Fred: I have received a complaint about the vi'l lage center parking structure.Apparant'ly, it is felt that too nany spaces are being used for storagepurposes. For this reason, I will need to schedule another check of theparking spaces similar to what we did last year. The check should be completedas soon as possible. Please let me know when it will be feasible to schedu'l ethe inspection. Si ncerel y, r r I {l .ll/, 1 t/ t nnKoc\ f{rt+l.'.'t '- . r \Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br or- Arer Cod. & Erchucp \* - \\33 TELEFHONED PLEASE CALL Z OALLED ?O 3EE YOU WILL CALL ACAIN WANTA TO AEE YOU UROENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Opcator d *t'n \- N:N:. \oR- uF,$ Hq !r " Irui 1cui L r ri i:Y ii : :6 :f ot fF >h e. ^(t J 9:-zP.F a \n -3b{-e)*F4Y4e -Q-r-Q ( ts{( I T F atf 9ft! ( 0. L 0.u, ooc o 75 south frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ol communlty development August 12, 1986 Gail Molloy c/o Overland & Express Travel 122 E. Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gai I , I stopped into your office last Friday morning, but you were away onvacation. I spoke with a gentleman, I believe h.i s nlme was Jim,-regarding the two freestanding signs located on the sidewalk in front-of your business;--The two signs-in-question were advertising balloon --rides and whitewater raft trips. As I explained to Jim, the sjgns arefreestanding and therefore not permitted under the Town of Vail Signcode. I am enclosing a copy of the portion of the sign code whichrelates to this nntter. I requested that Jim rerrnve ihe signs and Idid indicate that they could be displayed as window signs. - Yesterday I noticed the balloon sign in the window, but I was dis-appointed to see the rafting sign st'i ll out front. I would onceagain-request the rafting sign also be rennved. If you have anyquestions please feel free to contact ne at 476-7000 ext. 105. I lookforward to your cooperation in thjs matter so thd;t,no further acti;onis necessary. Thank you for your tine. Sincerely, @,**dWdxrJ Susan Scanlan Envronmental Heal th/Zoning 0ffi cer SS:jlt o Paul Treacy Kldsport llindow Signs June 12, 1986 Page 2 I have enc1 osed the slgn code for your lnformation. If you feel that we are not interpreting the code properly, please let me know and I will be happy to discuss your interpretation with you. Please let me know what you decide to do with the signage. Sincerely, ldlhn{',h Krlstan Pritz Town P'lanner KP:j1t 75 3oulh fronlage load vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlty dev€lopment June 12, 1986 Paul Treacy Ki dsport 122 East Meadow Dr. Vai1, Colorado 81657 RE: }'|indow Signs for Kidsport Dear Paul , I am writing this letter_to clarify our conversation over the phone todayconcerning window signs for Kidsport. The code allows for a maximumof 10 square feet for the window signage. This s.ignage is used toidentify particular types of services, products or evints. The purpose ofthis sign is not to state the name of the business, i.e. Kidsport.However, you are allowed a 3 square foot sign that will state the name ofthe business at 1.5 s.f. and the remaining 1.5 s.f. may be used for thedisplay of hours of operation, credit card information, and simjlargeneral information items. P'l ease note that this area will not be'i ncluded as part of the total allowable window coverage. In respect to the design and location of the signage, the 10 s.f. windowsign may be designed as one 10 s.f. sign area or the 10 s.f. may bedivided into two signs. It is important to understand that theie may notbe more then two separate window signs and that the sguare footage for theone or two window signs must together total no more then 10 s.f. The 10s.f. could also be designed as a continuous signage band across your fourwindow panels as 'long as the total square footage does not exceed 10 s.f.The 3 s.f. sign may be located in one of your w.i ndows or on your door. Itis up to you where you wish to locate this sign. The important po.i nt isthat the name of the business may be no greater than 1.5 s.f. on the 3s.f. sign. III If you have a questlon regardlng the Village Center parklng, on Level Two of Vi'llage CEnter Building D, I would be happy to assist you. l{e have available, enclosed and covered parking spaces for tenants. RE: Village Center Parking Garage - Level Two TO XHOI'I IT MAY CO}ICERN: Unfortunately, the parking garage is not large enough toafford a parking attendant. lle do have a manager. Hls name ls l4lke Haselhorst and he can be reached at home at 926'3728 or mobile phone nunber 949-7515 should you have any problens. I am Fred Hibberd, the owner of the parking spaces and I can be reached at 476-0833 in Vai'l or (307) 733'7327 in Jackson, t{yomlng. l{y home phone number in ilackson is (307) 733-6682. Thank you for your interest ln Village Center. Very truly yours, /"tl 7/^,11,'h-/ Fred Hibberd 1977 SOUTH PARK RT. r JACKSON. WYOMING 83001 t TELEPHONE (307) 733-7327 75 south tronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 offlce of communlly developmenl May 29, 1986 Gai'l Strauch 0verland & Express Travel Co. 188 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Removal of Overland & Express Display Box Dear Gai I , I noticed on May ?7, Lg86 that Overland & Express was using the d.i splaybox area on the north side of the village center Building between tire - Karats and Scotland Blvd. shops. I have enclosed the minutes from theTown council meeting which clearly state that 0ver] and & Express did notget approval for the variance request for the display box. I am requiringthat you remove your poster immediately and that the display box either bicompletely removed or turned into a display window for scotland Blvd. The !!splay box should either be removed or turned jnto a wjndow space by June12, 1986. If the poster is not removed immediately I will be forced-toissue a sign code cjtation. I hope that thjs wjll-not be nessessary. Ifyou have any further questions please feel free to give me a call. Encl osure: cclFred Hi bberd Si ncerel y, J. t, 0.1f\n71-r.- Iv.fLlll)u\rrttT- Kristan Pritz Town Planner o I M I NUTES VAIL TOl,lN COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 1986 7:30 P.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Council was held on Tuesday, February 18, 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Counc'i I Chambers. MEMBERS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Dan Corcoran Gail |,lahrl ich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufer TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk The first item on the agenda was the Overland & Express Trave'l Company sign variance request. Krjstan Pritz exp'l ained the Design Review Board guidelines and the Travel Company's request. She also compared the request to the sign variance criteria be l ow: 1. There are special circumstances or cigditions applying to the land, buildjngs, topography, vegetation,'sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or wjthin the adjacent.fight-of-way which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question: provided, however, that such special circumstances or coRditions are unique to the particular busjness or enterprises to which the appiicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprjses. 2. That such special circunstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. 3. That the granting of the varjance will be in general harmony with the purposes of this title and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working jn the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or to the public welfare in general . 4. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title anymore than is required to identify the applicants business or use. Based on the findings, she explajned why staff and the Design Revjew Board recommend- ed denial of the request. Gail Strauch of Over'l and & Express gave her reasons why the request should be approved. After a lengthy discussjon, Hermann Staufer made a motion to deny the variance request for reasons cited in the staff memo, and Eric Affeldt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The second item was the Vail Valley Medjcal Center appeai of the Planning & Envjronmental Commission denial for conditional use permjt. Tom Braun gave a lengthy explanation of the background of the Medical Center's parking situation. He a'l so explajned the facts and findings. The findings were: 1. The proposed location of the use is jn accord with the purposes of this ordjnance and the purposes of the djstrict in which the site is located. 2. The proposed location of the use and the conditjons under which it would be ooerated or majntajned would not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or materially jnjurious to properties or improvements in the vjcinity. 3. The proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions ofthis ordinance. Mayor Johnston noted letters received, and there was a short discussion by Counci1.0r. Larry Brooks, representing the Medical Center staff, gave his reasons why the plan should be approved. [v|s. Deborah Jost, the Hospital Administrator, gave detai'ls a IloT lttg.beginning of the process of everything up to the present. She stated thelisted jtems that were agreed upon were: 1. No further expansion without building a parking garage. 2' Employees would not be given any payment incentives or purchased passes torapark in Lionshead. 3. A petition signed by 88 hospital employees stated they would agree to tryto make the shuttle system work. 4. 0nly 32 spaces would be designated for employee parking. 5- The hospital wourd provide a shuttle system for employees and pursue anyother options (carpooring, valet parking, home pici<-ui ana a"riu".vl ionnbus servi ce) . Mr' Hillary Johnson' an Architect for the Medical .Center, posted maps of parkingoptions and exp'lained the drawings. After a lengthy aisiulsion uv bounciil iisl ;ostand.Tom Braun, Hermann Staufer mide a motion t" i""itrrn-iie p.l anning &Environmental conrmission's_decision, with the inclr.iJn oi' tne staff,srecommendation that the following are completea prior-io-the jssuance of a buildingpermi t: 1. The Planning & Environmental Conmission reView the shuttle system. 2. The Town of.Vail -and Hospital Administration reach accord on a writtenagreement, incruding the items alre_ady agreed ufon as noted by oeroriiiJost' 'J Yvvv' s'' Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. nt tnis'tim". e"il }',ahrlich-Lowenthal requestedinformation on a financial.contingelcv funa oeiore-i uuiiiing permit be issued. Avote was taken and the motion passed s-2, with oan coriorin ini rJni no..-oppoiins. The next item was Citjzen Participation. Fred Hjbbard requested approval of aneasement' Since he would not be able to. attend most tvening meetings, he waniea todiscuss and answer questions regarding ttre easJmena: -i;;ilr pritz will present theeasement at another evening meeting for Fred. The next item was the Town--tvlanager's report. Ron phillips commented that LenEammer, Fleet Maintenance Manager, was the townit erpiov!" or tn" year for 19g5. Hethen noted to the council-that the changes rrom itre ilorl-ieition had been made tothe letter to the Forest Service. Mayoi Johnston male'on.-rinor change, otherwise,Council agreed the letter was fine. !'!"rv' e"q":'s' verrcr Yrl There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Respectful 1y submi tted, ^u/A.[]i.,it" Iffll/-.lnl,?rrTir,Ll x '41'1t ._7[ Pameta A. Erandmeyer, Town Clerk -2- Mjnutes taken by Erenda Chesman II a The next item was Resolution No. 8, Series of 1986, regarding the Co1 orado Local Government Ljquid Asset Trust to pool funds for investment. Charlie l,lick stated a change made in the l,lork Session had been done. His name was taken out of the resoiution and the title "Director of Administrative Serv'i ces" was 'i nserted. There was no djscussion by Council. Kent Rose made a motion to approve the resolution, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The fifth item on the agenda was action on the t: Kri stan Pritz spoke for Fred Hibberd in his absence. She exolained that Mr. Hibberd was grantini the easement to the Town. After a short discussion, Hermann Staufer made ilotion fo accept the easement, which Eric Affeldt seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. The next item was the Vail Metropo'l itan Recreatjon Djstrict management agreement. Mayor Johnston gave a brief descript'ion of background material on the agreement' Larry Eskwith noted changes whjch had been made: l. 1b. The last sentence was changed to read: "The Town shall develop and administer seasonal employee contracts and salarjes as directed by the Di stri ct. " 2. 1 e and f had been consolidated to 1 e. After a short discussion by Council, Kent Rose made a motion to approve the. agreement. Dan Corcoran seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 6-0. There was no Citizen Participation. The Town Manager's Report was next. Ron Phjllips noted new parking structure statistics that the Lionshead structure showed a 10% increase over 1984-85 transactions. It filled or was close to full eight tjmes this year when.l ast year it-was full on'ly one day. Revenue in the Vjllage park'ing structure is up 30%, and encouragement to use the Lionshead structure has worked. There being no further business, the meeting adiourned at 11:15 p'm. Respectful ly submi tted' Paul R. Johnston, MaYor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Minutes taken by Brenda Chesman -?- 75 soulh frontage road vsil, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 April 30, 1986 Mr. Fred Hibberd Jr. 1977 South Park Route Jackson, Wyoming 83001 Re: Village Center and Crossroads Crosswalk Dear Fred: Peter Patten Duane Pi pen oltlce of communlly developmenl I w11te$ t9 lgt you know that the construction of the crosswalk may be postponeduntil the fall so that the crossroads Development may participate in thllproject. I discussed the crosswalk with Duane piper-who is the architectrepresenting the Crossroads owners. He stated that the owners are interested indoing'l andsgaping and sidewalk improvements along the south edge of their -- property this fall. It was felt that at that time it would be more appropr.iateto actual 1y construct the crosswalk. According to the letter of credit, the agreement is good until July l, .l9g6. Due to the fact that the construction wiil not occur before this time, t teetthat the deadljne in the letter of credit will need to be changed. This .is notto say that the other items covered in the letter of credit should not becompleted before July l, .|986. The landscaping and sod should definitely becompleted sometime in June. However, the cost of the crosswa'l k (up to z7s orthe total project cost) should be addressed in a revised letter of'credit beforethe deadline of July 1, 1986. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely, tr. I n.) 1$iflrrlr\ ltfft Kristan Pri tz Town Planner KP: br cc: y l.rf rt Vjel.g moved.and Hgpkins seconded to approyg the fequest with the necessary favor . 3.A reouest for ndi ti onal se oermit in order to comb ine two dwel I in un its nlu One nq un n va ct rst oned Commer Appl i cant:en Kristan Pritz presented the as a conditional use because removal of a dwelIing unit. staff memo and the zone wasPritz showed exp'l a'i ned that this nust be reviewedCCII, and the request included thefloor plans and elevations. Donovan moved qnd Schul tz seconded to aporove the est per the findinqs and thestaff memo date The vote was o- There iolloured a discussion concerning the normal 1y have been May 26 and was Memorjal28, Wednesday instead of Memorial Day. The meeting adjourned at 3:30 pm. second meeting in MayDay. It was decided which wouldto meet on May / a..-"4 Project Application O f4 tr .f*Proiect Name: Project Description: conract person and ,n"^" 'jr..l {\ri\\-r tlJ6 ) ilf t ) N x'-.r owner,Addressandphone: \\nn \\\pi", \ ,ilt, tlli.D Architect. Address and Phone: \llLi I i6,l''l r&.iJ;; l-'Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board ""," ..11 lb lK{ , DISAPPROVAL -) /\JLI APPROVAL r) I ') \ |'\rs h'' "' l'i \- Town Planner ""," Llf lt/6i, E staft Approval KABATS - .)'ta 1 l'larch 31, L986APPLICATION DATE: OATE OF DRB lEEtIt{G: Aprl1 16, L986 DRB APPLICATION *****THtS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMIITION IS SUB!ITTTEO***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting wlth a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine lf any additional information ls needed. No appllcation will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditlons of approval must be reso'lved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Ad.d.ltlon of ba wlndow to front of KARATS Jewel-ry store and relocatlon of exlstlng store s18n to roof:- hung slgn at center of bay. B. LOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: L22 Ee6t lleadow Drlve Legal Description Lot Zonlng ccz C. NAME OF APPI-ICANT:Dan Tel-leen U€stern part of Tract C; Block VaIl- Vlllage lst Fi I ing Address D. NAME OF Address E. NAME OF Slgnature 122 East ileadow Drlve telephone 4?5-4760 Address F. DRB FEE: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE :ld.ney SchuLtz 1l+1 East Mead.o 4?6-?890 Dan TeLl t22 Esst Mead.ow Drlve telephone 476-t+760 The fee will be paid at the tlme a building permit is requested. FEEVALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMP0RTANT N0TICE REGARDING ALL SUBI'IISSI0NS T0 THE DRB: l. In additionto indicate should also si te. to meeting submittal requlrements, the appl'lcant nust stake the site property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the review process for NE|.l BUILoINGS wl'll normally involve two separate meetings the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thelr approval. 3. Peop'le who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thelr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. 2. The of t t,\, ,l\\ a,- a'/i sirilD. [Nrtl NAME OF PROJECT: _KARATSi-iem-besiniFrloN: 1st t2? Eg,st lleadow Doclve \' STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P Roof Sidi ng 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts lll ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ng5 . '' Chimneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREIS o LIST OF MATERIALS nrelocatlon of exlstlng stqrPl The following inforrnation is required for submittal by the applicant Board before a final approval can be fiven: to the Design Revielv COLORA. BUILDING I"IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Stucco- no ohange match erlstlng at new baY No change No change Pella clad Dark brown None- stucco butts to clad frarne No change No change None None No ch*rge None None None of Designer: phone: Botani'cal Name Thls applloatlon does not effect EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Common Name 0uanitv Size* Indicate height for conifers. (over) None *Indlcate caliper for deciducious trees. .PLANT MTERTALS:.. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTII.IG SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Conmon Nane Qua$i t.v Square Footage Botani cal Name Slze ' T-vPe s00 SEED IYPE OF IRRIGATION c. TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION COI{IROL 0THERTLANDSCAPE FEATURES (retalnlng wa'lls, fences, swlrmlng pools, etc.) Please specify. t'i --- -\ . Fee Pald Nanre of ProJ"ct KARATS Aopllcatlon Number Part of 3/3L/86 one af.r""iton SIGN APPTICATION drt" 1 Nlo{ €6 : pnone 4fl6,i69oNaure of Person Subnittlng 9l tocation of ProJect \ltt-t'W CA,rrea€'l''1aE. Descrlption of ProJect \ \Frr6LF{ 51?eg The followlng lnformatlon is ryqulrcd.forto the Desisn Revlevl Eoard befone a flnal Slgn submlttal fee is $20.00. submlttal approval appl lcant gfven. by the can be A.llaterialSlgn B. Descrlptlon of Sign q<,rb 1€',l$9 -pbr.l C. Slze of Slgn , 4"@h Slgn 2 (5 sq. ft. ) to hang fron roof by lron bracket. D. Couments Revlslons for Aprll 16' 1986 neetlnSr minlstrator MATERIATS SUBMITTED TIITH APPLICATIOII t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Site Plan V' Drawlngs showing exact locatlon irroiogiaptrs stroilng proposed locaffifrj- Actual Colored Photograph of slgn L/ Approved for Dl sapproved Sign ldninistrator ,i $ec Ei ' ++=l i *Et $ F a $ s s>ag_ E s\,zs \r' \ H $ W rtfuwtr"o,* r/pfu//)l4 ,//fn/ 4t,/h/dq luriwill ryQunlpgrytaWi'l,rue7r'{,t ffii-ect Appllcatlon - Proi€ct Name: Proi€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone Archit€ct, Address and Phone: L€gal D$cription: Lot Elock Filing Zone Comm€nts: Design Review Board Date t, \ Motion by: UJf'tfPfr s€conded or, 6\,ucrfn*lt l OISAPPROVALr Summary: Town Planner Staft Approval { hi"its Exceptional Restaurant "Yortr Best Choice'., for Lunch & Dinner'lt Full Bar Located in the village Hall \at Beaver Creek. 949-()199. \,. rOpen daily r l a.m. to 93O p.m.rsundays unlll 6 p.m.) "Apres Ski" Complimentary Hors d'oeuvreg' Sign of the times Sign regulations anger shop owner discriminatory: it a llows restaurants, real estate agenci€s ard entertainment businesses to use display bores for adveftising, but shuts out everyone else."I don't tiink it's fair," Strauchsaid. "Why single out those businesses for special privilege." According to town planner Kristan Pritz, restaurants were permitted boxes because of Vail's high tourist trade. The ability to advertise meal costs and entertainment was seen asa benefit to guesb who may be unfamiliar with the town. As for realtors, Pritz told the Town Council at a meeting Tuesday that before display boxes, there were so nany pictures and brochures lining real estate office windows that it became sn eyesore. The boxes helped clean things up. Although Strauch's bid for her own box was turned down unanimously by the Town Council, she did receive some sympatiy. " Your argument has somevalidity," said Council Member Gordon Pierce. "But there's nothing we can do; the ordinace is clear." Strauch said she plans to work toward changing tl|e ordinance this spring. According to Pritz, the process involves first presenting an amendment to the Design ReviewBoard. If it's adopted, the amendment would go to the council and requirr two succesful readings before any change in the ordinance would take effect."It's a long process," said Richard Baldwin. chainnan of the DRB. " It would take a lot of effort on her part. But I think we've given her everything that we legally can." That includes allowing Strauch to hang an additional one-foot sign on a lamppost next to East Meadow Drive. And. the construction of two prominantly disptayed rnap boxes which include every business in the ViUrge Center. But Straucb, who moved into her present location last November, is still not satisfied. She wants to use the dormant display box in front of the building. She claims the box was designed for her business and she moved in with the understanding she cuuld use it. Apparently, the owner of the building forgot to check with Vail's See Sign dispute page 2a ByMikePhillips Dally Staff Sriter Gail Strauch is gearing up for a fight. The owner of the Overland Erpress travel agency says she's losing business because of an idantity problem. She wants things changed. Strauch maintains that the location of her offic!. on tlle east cpmer of the ViIl,aSe Center, is hard to find. To remedy t}e situation, shefirst approached Vail's Design ' Review Board and finally, the Town Council about using a display box sbe said was built specifically for her shop."I would say I lose about l0 percent of my potential business a day," she said. "People call and say'I picked up my tickets at another travel agent becawe I couldn't find you.' I get at least one call a day like that."lncal government officials say their hands are tied. An ordinance prohibits most shops from using lisplay bores. And that's the rub. Strauchnaintains the ordinance is Weather hampers TV2 broadcastin Daily Staff Report message about repairs." for STREAMSIDE tOT Zoned Home and Apartment Reduced Price l$s+,eanf- $es,ooo Low Down Payment $q$ Easy Terms ! MILLER REAI ESTATE 475-1765 Local tclevision has drawn a big blanl this week. Tbe Castle Peak transmitting tower of Chsnnel 2, I(SPN, went dead last Suday at 7: l0 a.m., the victim of a harsh lce storm. Since then. VaGarca viewers tuning in to catch a few ski flicks or a news updale m Channel 2 According to sales manager Carol Warner, tlp station will not be "up" in Vail until Sunday.,^ltbat's when a new transnitting. 'o,ve\ near Wolcoft, wlll begin- carrylng the Channel2 signal. As for the empbyees of the station, this week of silent screens has been " buginess as and Glenwood Springs signals are all healthy and fine. The Vail news crew is working to fill that air space. As for lost advertising time, #"ffifs;Ht?*11,Ti:givm oportunities later, in laste February or March, to air their message.,'It witl probably be a deal," is usuallyhave been greeted by a solid -,-.-usual".black screen and. a flashingf tVarner said the Denver, Aspen Warner htsier in " Vril I] FULL BAR LIONSHEAD BAR, A GN,ILL 'lf,ulfcEniP oN TIIE l[ovE s 9.lo Lrlbl6rn ron ls cnlg. topP<d elth fth.d ct'.*. 5lred JabFno FPFr! .nd *.v!d wllh s.le sr^td *trh b.o3.nd b.ct :l.lo BREATFAST s,crlr, t atduJtor T:9OcDr undl IlrSO cttL 'Eta|&rsFdd' Omelett* ot Dr.oarc<l ustns thre h6h g.a.le st aac lchc€.al OEc|.lta I g'60 s.ntd wrrh \'rur.hor(? rr.ht* stlllt gHcr. D.ualt s a.@ Om.lctr. had. f,1th mu\nPr,m5 Itdt TEE APICE OF LIFD ttror ltourf, or tE ExDlr Sirdlrt l#- T.n&r *n6 ot rEnrt.d !t.ak or chlck . brtasl, ropFd wtlli sula.d grs FpF6 .id onlo6*ftd $lth fr!3h 0our torllllr gu..am|...hF*, !o'rr crcan ond pl.o d. gana Itc.trS.Lt 6.50 Orrr .gccrdt *@.El !.Gf d chlcl.n *nrd on e .r1!p llou. bnlua .rrl. lopp.{ s|th l.r tuc. romaro.h.{dr chc.s. go&.n f- &ur cF.n. and sls tro E-Lat Yo.rr.hok oarhbef ot.hLk n ra6. hdbb Ye. .hoL. oI ts bc,. chkl(d o. .h.s t||rrtoYdr .lblc o( Edf or Ctrck n. 1.16 ac.n arrflrd .26 CodltrDtld. 4.96smthr th. .boE w|th lGn chtlr. .EOddA.4r 6.?lorr .pl.y bcf d chhr.. E[.d In a lldrr ktnllb CoabLatloda (t ca, cDch[.dr. blirltoa] combhatloni ol rh ot rh. ltior I r.fu iivr{ sl hnc.ndb..B 6.96 Cmb|milons of {hc.f tlr.|lm ll..ms s.M{lwl(h rt...nd tEA 7.e6 cuB'rswAY 'AVOR|IIA FOR I{IDS, T' .l Ctb Bu{.r .ha* .n4 rtpl*4 s I t' \9rDrt t Wc.i.r! SloD. S a.6O Omil.lt. r..tL xr. ,.-!jp.pt).t\ .t .n\ \.,": .: a r. 'pF*tt tnb t h..t .t 't \..\. ChlcLr SirlF t,,(hr lr br.a(h .nd d..p frl.d sr.rPs o( . hl. k r bnasr *^id q 1r h !r,u. chorc. of tanA! sauc6 B|.lct of tYdrr,,rrmad,' u' t6h d.tl.!. mt lrk youll nnd souPs & sAL/lDS Soup ot lDc Dtt RGd or Grccn Chlll ... --,,t ^.t lt,r' tttnlia ]\lc9tu.c Sdrd "i /..: lrrr t at..' \tt,vlt d *ri krt'at.r ol,w. .j,.,.1,!,,,1, t, lr'thtat eNd wnt h.hrmadc staar-aunoesonOrN rrt' t On s?.ak-burg.6 ct ho^.t Packcd, ^ii."i 4 p"""i "t*,1'-st iaoia" -4y'chorbrolr''.d .o P.i.ftb^ o d // Pot to Ph*r 3.76 If,.p lrr.d pl,rnk! of pot.lo toPP.d wllh ch.ddar r hd ral b&on br! and vallrons S.rEd rllh v'ur cnam fordlpprn sc^r.it o^ rout chol. oJ rrhia! ot urh.al 7oll. scn.d u]Ll'. ou. hot t ,^ad.rLt. Vdl Old Tldcr S 9.46 'lat,irr1 tr Lrl, i h1\r l,Jt',silrl ir't' r!1r ! intr',!, i,rkr nortl Brcor-Chccrt Btr4lct S 4.75 CurcrDolc Butgct Prfty BurScr :r ^a.' o; nr qrh qntl{l onr,n\ an<l ropFd sr'h Chltl Bug.. Llon|Hc.d Yoo., hon. al r.dor4rRnr hrl' rnd ( h?tr" Ecrt'a lta Laa chorc EG arlrh chdbolLd (o 9criaooL C$cl.8 E!.-T.!t H a.n&r boncLB chlclcn b.!i.t nrrdfl(.n In tc.tt*l.nd.hubolkd. Itb f Grh. r.rrntlg ldt tEl ond.t4pJd.d. 9.,1*4 t,drh w tatn n 4LJ^aaa.et ?.6 7.tr6 a.?6 4.76 Rlo cr.!d. - Donh0lcr s 4.30 .jr.'crlr topFFd *lrh Lhe* d.4 \ "t't'" - rtd Dr *Fn ( htlr tqats q.u upn'4.'t I tr? -"" -)' 3llc''1 su!-Up Btc.E ti 3.5o trrcalfGtsarc Pr.pa.cd u3lnl\*t,lr6t 4t.', i) tlts S.^d {rth haih broc.\ and t,$' s.^!d srh ham. batn d hnt eueiln 4'5O n|'b P|-tlr B]!.btt €.95 sf rlorn 3rcak aed d I h r* t,.1tzt1. M .9'\ h4\t. BucFa Rrtc.hctoa Flour ronnh kpp.d qlrh rr.t 4ra.L A .ttg\ sm.rh.red *rrh . hrll and, h?* s+^ 'd *1rh r.lrrtd *an\ and !,nrlra\ BclgluD w.oc! Wrtlc| ttt! Frldt Your. hok.,'i l)lurt.rn6.tr \tas:rrn6 r&rf,d srth i hlpptd i rc:m Pcc.ir w.Ic toi Pl|t aon.i6t crrlci.n bfi4 ch.rtt rl..t- 4^d toppcd uah tg(n ao.mlo Sutls.n.6., o^!r.urt cl{l5ae saEdwuhJ6h.cr. t@mtu<ktaa8a.9t SAITTDWICEES A\ 6 oui.',rdnd.,'t' t -t!.d ddt Peolo cr{p. and c ltfl pLr.r.. Yd fistt ,dtffitb o ,'d.lfaan&tldt tffir a c!9 4erPJortu,'lEt('ag'ds't'|- s.^rd rlrh *hrl(f,n bu d.nd b.t msplt swup Ih. ar,^r *^.d s.rh ham &.o .'. e4a1. 5.4' P:dn wrtlc 3.25 s.^,..1 wlrh whrpprd f,!rr?r and lxr m.pl. svrup-Iht.r,^re.!td sth ham rta.n tr eu..4. a'76 coodncar.l DMdc 4.26 lwr blu.rFrry mufilns Jult.. and cofle or s 3.95 3,76 I a.96 J?C 9.46 5.a! Lt a Cllb Turt y, hrttr b@r Lttc and {od(6 srthnr.'o.rn ldrr chok ofbra.l. t -rd Ldc! A. il-t|n hEltc, tud. b.ur'lL D.UYdr clroaa of h.'|r llrr.t or P-l|ml qth S*l$chc or Aftttcan dE tt Grll'. Ctcc.G tdlMqrd. rlrh ArEndn d Sf,l- cl|c. rofe.d wllh.hR..*&n I|rllor PlrtLr Lco I9.9t r,.5{, 8 2.2t t.25 6.96 I {.26 4.26 a.66 Serving DailY 7:30 to 10:30 Located in the Concerf Hau Plaza in Lionsllqd4T6 FRII,LSFROUTruGNDL 3.rr.d ldr hd.--Lat',..fltr'dt4rdffirb. T@dd-lora..! cDlc}.d I a3!U.h8r p.r.nr.d ptes of tgont.ld||l drh.hEt b&nd o{ old &rG. YouI nnd thlr % .lrk ... |o b tnc thc chrckcn FU 4r hd. lor ltrt'o.-tt -Io!!t lr'Pltdtc a.a6 ln tub o|t vhd. 'cr.d d|lcLn .rn e phl oft arro -rj. Sdr/r. 2-a FopL. lrogo dlg, '> I Page 28 r Vail Daily Saturday, Feb. ?2, lgEo Snow showers to continue today, Sunday 0o be sunny REGIONAI,FORECAIITS By Udted Prtrs Interneti onal Colorado - Snow showers likely northern mountains Saturday,scattered showers southernmountains and northwest. Otherwise partly cloudy, a little wanner, breezy especially neareastern foothills. Showerg decreasing mountains and north*est Ssturday night. Partly to mostly sunny Sunday, warmer, widely scattered snow showers northera mountains. Ilighs Saturday 3S45 mountains and northwest. {t56 southwest and noltheast, 50*low 60s southeast. bws Saturday night e20 mountaiN, fl!35 lower elevations. Ilighs Sunday {lls mountains and northwest, 50s southwest and northeast, 60s southeast. Sign dispute Community Development Depattment about the display box ordinance, "tt's not our fault," Pritz said. "No one ever approached us and the ordinance is clear." For how long is anyone's guess. Strauch said she's not moving - either from her store or her position that the ordinance is unfair. "Ther€'s no place to move," she said. "Space in the core is limited. I've spent thousands of dollars on computer lines and I wouldn't have to move if I had that display box." Avalanche mouth," toving said. "Many times we find a chunk of ice in victims' throats." When the avalanche starts to slow,. loving recorunends getting a hand up. It allo\trs for your companions or someone in the area to spot you. Once the avalanche stops, t oving said, try to create a small breathing space, by say, crooking the othel arm - without it, you could be a gonner. "You basically have about 30 minutes," he said. "After that, your chances go down by 50 percent.' If you're skiing on a slope and yousee an avalanche, Loving recommends the obvious, Ieaving the run as quickly as possible. "Try top get to the edges and grab on to a tree or large rock," he said. Keeping strictly within a ski area's boundaries is important right now, according to Althaus. " We are recornmending to stay out of the backcountry if at all possible," she said. "The danger is very high." Minturn Country CIub Cook it yoursell on our charcoal grilll All dinners include our 23 item salad bar! Seafood Fresh Swordlish K-8ob.8.50 Fresh Shark .....€t5 Fresh Red Snapper . .. .6.95 Fresh Sealood ... Mkt. Prlce Meat I oz N.Y. Strip. ..6.50 8 oz FlletMignon .....11.95 12 oz N.Y. Strip . .8.95 16 oz Porterhouse. . . . .11.95 8 oz N.y. S|r|oin........6.50 Chicken Teriyaki.......6.50 12ozSirloin .....8.95 ShishK-Bob ..-..6.50 RIB EYE by the OUNCE "Vail Valley's Best Steak!" Locals and touri3l3, You asked tor il, now You have it-the tuaa*. BACKSiSNOW OPEN! TOURISTS: No more 2 hour waltsl LOCALS: No more waitlng unlll summer lo get a tablel Our new additional dining room is now open to help serve our guests while still serving the best quality steaks and seafood at the lowest prices! Dine earty and avold the crowds! We open for dinner at 5 P.m. Reservations accepted for 5:00-5:30 Seatings. ...and stlll, the only thlng ml*lng lc tha golt Locded on Mrln 8t. In tlnturn . T0: Design Review Board FROM: Community Development Department SUBJECT: 0verland and Express Travel Company Appeal of Staff Interpretation of the Definition of a Multi-Purpose Traffic Control Sign for Private Property. Town of Vail Sign Code Section 76.20.170 A and B Appl i cant: Gai l Strauch DATE: February 1.9, 1.986 I. THE APPEAL The applicant is appealing the staff's decjsion to deny Overland and Express Travel Company a multi-purpose traffjc control sign. The section of the Townof Vai1 sign code that 'i s actually in question is: 16.20.170 Traffic control signs for private property. Traffic-control signsfor private property shall be regulated as follows:A. Purpose, to relieve vehicular and pedestrian traffic congestion and promote the safe and expedient flow and parking of traffic on private property;B. Size, a1 I vehicular traffic-control signs shall not exceed one squarefoot, except mu'l ti-purpose signs, which shall not exceed four squanefeet. Al1 pedestrian traffic-control signs shalI not exceed one square foot, except multi-purpose signs, which shall not exceed four square feet, subject to approval of Design Review Board; II. APPLICANTIS REQUEST The applicant is making the fo1 1owing request: I believe this multi-purpose sign shared by 0verland and Express and theVillage Center offices will greatly relieve and promote the safe and expedient f1 ow of pedestrian traffic to this part of the Village Centen lvlall and relieve the congestion of parking on the private property of the Sonnenal p. Peopl e wi I having to park and pu1 know exactly what is at this end of the mall without into a very icy and dangerous driveway. This consideratjon will fal'l under sign category 16.20.170 Traffic control s'ignsfor private property. I am in appreciation for any consideration you willallow us in this matter. STAFF'S SIGN CODE INTERPRETATION The multi-purpose traffic control sign is not specifica'l 'ly defined under the definition section of the Town of Vail sign code. However, staff believes that the intent of a multi-purpose traffic control sign is clearly stated in the purpose section of Section 16.20.170. The purpose section states: Traffic control signs for private property shall be regulated as follows: Purpose, to relieve vehicular and pedestri an traffjc congestion and promote the safe and expedient flow and parking of traffic on private property. The primary purpose of this type of s'i gn is to relieve pedestrian and auto congestion and to expedite parking of traffic on private property. The purpose of the sign is not to advertise for a business that is somewhat djfficult to see from a pedestrian or vehicle way. Staff does agree that sometimes there is traffic congestion going in and out of the Sonnenalp parking lot. Staff would also like topoint out that there is a no parking sign dinectly in front of the northeast cornerof the Vi11age Center to prevent cars from parking in front of the east end of ViI Iage Center. Staff feels that it is clear after readjng the size section of the code (16.20.170b) that nulti-purpose signs would combine information for both vehicular as well pedestnian control . It js for this reason that 4 square feet is the maximum size allowed for a multi-purpose sign. The 4 square feet is to be used for general parking and business information. The signs should not be used for adding more advertising for a busjness. Staff beljeves that to allow the 1. square foot sign for Overland and Express was stretching the intent of the code. A multi-purpose traffic control sign would be appropriate for a project such as the Cascade Village Development, or a large shopping center with many types of uses included in jt such as offices,retail and nesidential . Multi-purpose signs were intended to be used for'l arge projects that require vehicular and pedestrian traffic control information in order to promote easy access through the project. The Village Center project does not need this type of informational sign in order toguide pedestrians through the project. The Village Center's two directory signswill provide adequate information for pedestnians. Staff feels very strongly that to allow a sign greater than l square foot for Overland and Express Travel Company would be a misinterpretation of this section of the sign code. Even though there is not an actual definition for a multi-purposesign, staff fee'l s that there is enough information in the traffjc control section of the code to understand how a mu'lti-purpose traffic control sign should be used.Staff bel'ieves that it is very clear that a multi-purpose sign is to be used to relieve vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The only reason the code allows for 4 squane feet is to allow adequate room for pedestrian as well as auto information. The additional square footage is not to be used for the benefit of a single business. The one square foot pedestrian sign is more than adequate to direct alost pedestrian to the Overland and Express office. For these reasons staff feelsthat the interpretation given to the applicant is correct and jn compliance wjth the sign code. MINUTES VAIL TOVJN COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 18, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meeting of the Vail Town Counci'l was held at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. on Tuesday, FebruarY 18, 1986, MEMBERS PRESENT:Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Dan Corcoran Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal Gordon Pierce Hermann Staufen Ron Phillips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Clerk TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: The first jtem on the agenda was the 0ver'l and & Express Travel Company sign variance request. Kristan Pritz explained the Design Review Board guidelines and the Travel Company's request. She also compared the request to the sign vari ance criteria bel ow: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-way which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question: provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular busjness or enterprises to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprjses. 2. That such special cjrcumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the app1icant. 3. That the granting of the varjance will be in general harmony with the purposes of this title and wil'l not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or to the public welfare in general . 4. The variance appljed for does not depart from the provisions of this title anymore than is required to jdentify the applicants busjness or use' Based on the findings, she explained why staff and the Design Review Board recommend- ed denial of the request. Gail Strauch of 0verland & Express gave her reasons why the request should be approved. After a lengthy discussion, Hermann Staufer made a motion to deny the variance request for reasons cited in the staff memo, and Eric Affeldt seconded the motjon. A vote was taken and the mot'i on passed unanimously 7'0. The second item was the Vail Valley Medical Center appeal of the Plann'ing & Envjronmental Commission denial for condjtional use permjt. Tom Braun gave a lengthy explanation of the background of the lvledical Center's parking sjtuation. He also explained the facts and findings. The findings were: 1. The proposed locatjon of the use is in accord with the purposes of this ordinance and the purposes of the district jn whjch the sjte is located. 2. The proposed location of the use and the conditjons under which it would be operated or maintained wouid not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or material 1y injurious to properties or improvements in the vjcinity. 3. The proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this ordinance, Mayon Johnston noted letters received, and there was a short discuss'i on by Council. Dr. Larry Brooks, representing the Medjcal Center staff, gave his reasons why the plan should be approved. Ms. Deborah Jost, the Hospital Administrator, gave details from the beginning of the process of everything up to the present. She stated the listed items that were agreed upon were: l. No further expansion without building a parking garage. 2. Employees would not be g'iven any paynent incentives or purchased passes to park in Lionshead. 3. A petition signed by 88 hospjtal employees stated they would agree to try to make the shuttle sYstem work. 4. 0nly 32 spaces would be designated for employee parking. 5. The hospital wou'l d provide a shuttle system for employees and pursue any other optjons (carpooling, va] et parkjng, home pick-up and delivery, town bus service). Mr. Hillary Johnson, an Architect for the Medical Center, posted maps of parking options and explained the drawings. After a lengthy discuss'ion by Council, Ms. Jost and Tom Braun, Hermann Staufer made a motion to overturn the Plann'ing & Envjronmental Commission's decision, with the inclusion of the staff's recommendation that the following are completed pri or to the issuance of a building permi t: i. The P'l anning & Environmental Comnissjon review the shuttle system. 2. The Town of Vail and Hospjtal Admin'istration reach accord on a written agreement, inc'l uding the items already agreed upon as noted by Deborah Jost. Gordon Pierce seconded the motion. At this time, Gail lJahrlich-Lowenthal requested information on a financial contingency fund before a building permit be issued. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Dan Corcoran and Kent Rose opposing. The next item was Citizen Part'i cipation. Fred Hibbard requested approval of an easement. Since he would not be able to attend most evening meetings, he wanted to discuss and answer questions regarding the easement. Kristan Prjtz will present the easement at another evening meeting for Fred. The next item was the Town Manager's report. Ron Phillips commented that Len Bamner, Fleet Maintenance Manager, was the Town's Employee of the Year for 1985. He then noted to the Councjl that the changes from the t.Jork Session had been made to the letter to the Forest Service. Mayor Johnston made one minor change, otherwise, CounciI agreed the letter was fine. There bejng no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectful ly submitted, ATTEST: PameTe TaBrandmeyer, Town Clerk Mjnutes taken by Brenda Chesman -2- OVENIRTo & EXPRESS TRAVEL CO. I8E EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE vArL. COLORADo 81657 t{3)47€.2266 Kristin Pritz Conmunity Development Town of VailVail, Co. Dear Kristin: I would llke to be added to the Design Review Board's aqenda fortheir next meeting to be considered for approval for a multi-usedirectional sign.I believe this multi purpose siqn shared by Overland & Express andthe Village Center of-ficbs will greatly relieve and-.promote thesafe and expedient flow of pedestrian traffic to this part of theVillage center mall and relieve the congestion of parking on theprivate property of the Sonnenalp. People will know exactlv whatis at. this end of the mall without having to park andpull intoa very icy and dangerous driveway. This consideration will fallunder sign category 16 .20 -I7O Traffic control signs for privateproPert,y.I am in appreciation for any consideration you will allow us inthis matter. Gail Strauch Owner r#,,0" oott Feb. 2, r9B6 SUBJECT ll€rn I ML5N72 @ Wheol€rcrouD lnc. 19@ FOLD AT(-) TO FtT DRAWTNG BOARO ENVELOPE * EUhoP ,)d' a TO: FROM: SUBJ ECT : DATE: II. Design Review Board Community Devel opment Department Over'l and and Express Travel Company Appeal the Definition of a Multi-Purpose Traffic Property. Town of Vail S'i gn Code Sectjon Appl icant: Gai I Strauch February 19, 1986 THE APPEAL I believe this rnulti-purpose sign shared by Village Center offices wi11 greatly relieve expedient flow of pedestri an traffic to this and relieve the congestion of parking on the Sonnenal p. People will know exact'ly what is a very i cy and sign category having to park and pull into consi derat ion wi lI fall underfor private property. I am in appreciation al]ow us in this matter. of Staff Interpretation Control Sign for Private i6.20.170 A and B 0verland and Express and the and promote the safe andpart of the Village Center Ma1 'l pri vate propertY of the at this end of the mal] without dangerous driveway. This 16.20.170 Traffic control signs for any considerat'i on You wi l'l of I. The applicant is appealing the staff's decision to deny Qver'l and and Express Travei Company a multi-puipose traffic control sign. The section of the Town of Vail sign code that is actually in question is: 16.20.1i0 Traffjc control signs for private property. Traffic-control signs for private property shall be regulated as follows: A. Purpose, to rel.i eve vehjcular and pedestpian traffic congestion and promote'the safe and expedient flow and parking of traffic on pri vate pr o pe rtY;B. Size, a1l veh.i cular traffic-control signs shall not exceed one square foot, except multi-purpose signs, which shalI not exceed four square feet. A1 1 pedestr.i an traffic-control signs shalI not exceed one square foot, except mult.i -purpose signs, which shall not exceed four square feet, subject to approval of Design Review Board; APPLICANT'S REQUEST The appl icant is making the folIowing request: I STAFF,S SIGN CODE INTERPRETATION The multi-purpose traffic control sign is not specifica1 1y defined under the definition'section of the Town of Vail sign code. However' staff believes that the intent of a multj-purpose traffic control sign is clearly stated in the purpose section of Section 16.20.170. The purpose section states: Traffic control signs for private property shall -be regulated as follows: purpose, to reliev! vehicuiar and pedbstrlan traffic congestion and promote the safe and expedient flow and parking of traffic on private property. ffi'-tw is 'uype of sign is to rel edite pai il"te propertv. The PurPose of --+-!--i:-r--.cnmGwhat difficult to see fromficult to see fromgn is not to adverrl se ror a ouslness LII _ !.^_!3:-i p.a.iiri"n or vehiii. *"v- Staff does agree that sometimes there is traffic iongestion soins in and oui of the SonnenaTp parkins l9t' .st1tlry!l!$14!$n0,^ll point out that there is a no parking qign cirectry ln rronr or_ Lle Irur'!-rred)!--9!Llr'r' 'irtn !i. r--the-Bqrt end o! ffif,,..'"..afterreadingthesizesect.ionofthecode(16-20.170b)YP|,&";;;;'ili;j;pose sisns woutd combine iniormation for bolh vel.ricular as.wel.l_._r', "":''l'"--'-"-- -'- - -- - -lis rcason tnat A ;q["re feet-TiTFE-TEl'imum size,A)n pggestr:ian control - It is for tf :^w- arror.,eq ,0r. .*ffii-pu.poi. tig;- -The 4 square feet is to be used for.general n' ;;rk;;; .id ursin"rs' iniormation. The sisns shou'ld not be. used for "9dil9.t:!:- crfi":;ffimrffiT, l:, : : J-: i t of the northea il;";;;.i;; ioi'.-ur.ir"r.. Staff believls that to allow the l square foot sisn for Overland and Exp."ss was stretching the intent of the code' Staff beljeves that it is ver mul t!;lv; reTieve vehicular destri an e-ffiyreason the code ows for 4 adequate room for nformat ionas aulo I nTormall on. tMN'Y,/rl. A multi-purpose traffi. control sign would be.approDriate-for a prgiect such asI'l r Ct"i:udc_Titl.o" Develont"'t, or@ter with many types of uses' U; 9a lLel wrLrr rrrcrrrJ uJPeJ v' egve liltfro- t nc , ro.o ' n li ,,r.t .r' of r'i i.. ..Jt"ii - '"t"v,.u&r rnrenqeo ro be used for largel;;Je=;G-IE;t reqti;;nehicular and pedestrian trafficil"'0 .i,.ii;"i-iniormation in order to promote easy access through the project. tht,Vitt"g. Center project does not need this type 9f informational sign in order to guide-pedestlians ihrough the project. The Viltag. Center's two directory signs will provide adequate information for pedestrians- staff feels very strongly that to al'l ow a sign greater than l square foot for. gver'l and and Express ir"u.l Company would be a iisinterpretation of this section of the sign code. 'Even though there is not an actual definition for a multi-purpose s.i gn, itaff feels that thire is enough information in the traffic control section of the code to understanci how a multi-purpose traffic control sign should be used' cr-€€ L^li^,,^- +trr+ i+ ic 'anrr '.l o:r^ thef : mrr'lti -nrrroose sion is to be used tc e Center to The additional squareT6i'Tage-Ti not-To be used for the benefit of a singte business. The one squaiej6ot pedes'Lrian sion is mnre than adequate to dire-ct lost pedestrian to the Over'l "nd eou!__El*ffii.". For.these reasons staff fee'l s tf, correct and in compl iance with the sign code. Profect Applicatlon Prolscl Narn€: Proiect Doscription: Contact Person and Owner, Addrese?nd Phone: Architsct, Addr$s and Phon€: Legal D€scription: Lot Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Dale: Town Planner E statt Approval Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Commenls: Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Summary: Dale: Town Planner E Statt Approval J TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Board Communi ty Devel opment Department January 29, 1986 0verland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request 0verland and Express Travel Service is'located on the east end of the Village CenterBuilding. According to the Town of Vail sign code formula for signage,0veriand and Express is allowed to have 12.40 square feet of s'ignage. At this time,0verland and Express has a dark green awning with Overland and Express Travel Service printed onjt twice. The square footage for each sign was approved at 3.2 square feet. The owner of the Village Center project has also provided two one square footdirectory signs at the east and west end of the project which state the location for 0verland and Express Travel Service. 0n December 18, 1985, the Design Revjew Board approved a one square foot sign to belocated on the northeast corner of the property of Village Center. The one squarefoot pedestrian sign would hang from a street lamp located on the corner. Thestreet lamp was to match the design of the existing lamp jn the La Tour courtyard. The applicant is requesting to locate a display box on the north side of thebuilding between Karats Jeweiry Store and the Scotland Boulevard Shop. Theapplicant is requesting a variance for a display box. GaiI Strauch, owner of 0verland and Express Travel Service has submitted the fo1 lowing statement as to why she fells the variance is warranted: As our office entrance and windows are iocated off the street on theeast side of the building, the window box would provide us with an ideal non obtrusive opportunity for better identifying our business. With your approval the window box would be used to display a travelposter and our agency name and a notice that our entrance js around thecorner- We would not intend to dispiay pri ce information. We beljeve thi s request is justified as we do not have the facjljty topost a clear identifying sign on our own frontage that js within clearview of the normal street traffic. Also the one fjve square foot signthat has a1 ready been approved for our offjce will look better andcleaner if it just states our agency name and'i s not cluttered wjthdirections and arrows. 0verall the combination of a small sign and a djsplay window willprov'ide the best possible identification and ciear locatjon instructjonswithout any additional building changes. FI NDINGS Before the Board acts on a variance application, the appljcant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that: t page two DRB L/2e/86 A. There are special cjrcumstances or condjtions applying to the 1and, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots orwithin the adjacent right of way which would substantial 1y restrict theeffectiveness of the sign in question: provided, however, that such spec'ial cjrcumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprises to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not applygenerally to a1 I businesses or enterprjses. In staff's opinion there are no special circumstances that apply to adjacent lots or adjacent right of ways which substantial 1y restrict the effectiveness of s'i gnage forthe Overland and Express. In addition to Overland and Express's awning, the ownerof the Village Center has also received approval from the Design Review Board for two bujlding directory signs. One djrectory sign will be located jn the samegeneral area as the proposed fee standjng sign. The other sign will be located at the west end of the Village Center Building. Each directory will have one squarefoot of signage and a map which will show the location for Overland and Express. The Design Review Board also approved the one square foot pedestri an sign. Stafffeels very strongly that 0verland and Express now has more than enough signage todirect pedestrians to their office. B. That such special circumstances were not created by the appl icant or anyone inprivy to the applicant. The applicant d'i d not create any problems in order to justify a sign variance. The applicant is merely trying to maximjze the exposure for her office despite thelocation of her business. However, staff feels that the appl icant was aware of thethe location of the office when the space was leased. C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmony with the purposesof thjs title and will not be material'ty detrimental to the persons residingor working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or tothe publ ic welfare in general. The vari ance request is not in compliance with our sign code. Section 16.20.020 ofthe sign code specifical 1y states that,'rdisplay boxes shall be allowed to onlydjsplay current menus, current real estate listings or current enterta'i nment." The display box would also only a1 low for .5 square feet of signage to ident.i fy the bus'i ness. It would definitely be a grant of special pri vi'l ege to allow the display box for Overland and Express and to not allow it for many other offjces and storesthat have unusual locations. Staff feels very strongly that with the one squarefoot pedestri an sign, two d'i rectory signs and awning that this office has adequate si gnage. D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicants business or use. Staff feelsthat the applicant has adequate signage to direct pedestrians to the office.It is felt that to have five signs for one business is rvay beyond what isactually necessary to alert pedestrians to the location of this business.Staff feels that the Design Review Board has already been very understanding by allowing the one square foot pedestrian sign. To go beyond that amount of signage would definitely depart form the provisions of the sign code. page three DRB L/29/86 E. Such other factors and cri teria as the Design Review Board deems applicable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Conmunity Development recommends denial of the proposed display box variance. Staff recognizes the fact that Overland and Express does have avisibility problem. However, the awning, two directory signs and one pedestrian sign are more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the offjce. The sign also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the applicants busjness. Staff does not feel that there is a physical hardship due to the location of the office on the east end of the buiiding. The applicant was also aware of the location of the office when the space was leased. To grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege in the opinionof the staff. The approval of the variance would set a precedent that would make it very difficult to not al 1ow display boxes for other business in the area. As was mentioned in the previous memo, Buzz's Boots and Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops of the Vail Village Inn development and the interior shops in the Mill Creek Court Bujlding would probably also feel that they had a location problem and therefore deserved a display box. Staff feels that it would be very difficult to draw the line as to which offices and retail stores have avisibility problem and those that do not. For these reasons staff recommends denialof the proposal . T 0 rt J T w =' It N ^tJ ..t t'l\. otl.9ooF( ,ilrr ory:(l1s6 '-Vtr- onrQ.S o r,r Iz.vriF'sn ,u rll LO I+ I o (4 s*il fio: 8trP'x 2 !o" -lr-r o =). 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I As birr':office -entfarice- arid-windous':-T-'l::r;'-5.LLrC. ils Utll. (JJ-r-L\-E E:lrLrc!.lll-g <lll\l - w-Llr\r\.,/Yi.;l -.:- ,. . -- , . bre located off the street on the East side of .the buildinB,;-.T,-;-1,_ ., :1- -.- -. -,,-'-tfr. windgw box would provide-us.with an idga! -lol-?]"!=::_i:grj;*.rr1,,.,.. !-r-{:' TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: t\{c lsb o Town Counci'l Communi ty Devel opment Department Overland and Express Travel Company Sign VarianceApplicant: Gai I Strauch February 18, 1.986 wp';, dd/u!4 ?,D ellE 0n January 29, 1986, the Des'i gn Review Eoard heard the Overland and Express Signvariance Request. The app'l icant, Gail strauch, requested to have a display boi forher travel agency located on the east end of the Village Center building. -She wasrequesting to locate the display box on the north side of the building betweenKarats Jewelry Store and the Scotland Boulevard shop. The Town of Vail sign codestipulates in Section 16.20.020 that "display boxes shal'l be a'llowed to only displaycurrent menus, current real estate listings or current entertainment." The staff recomnended den'i al of the proposal for the fo1 lowing reasons: 1. The busjness a1 ready has an awning with signage, two directony signs and one 1square foot pedestrian sign. Staff felt that this signage was more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. 2. The sign request departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than js necessary to identify the applicant's business. 3. Staff does not feel that there is a physical hardship due to thelocation of the office on the east end of the building that would warrant a sign variance. The applicant was aware of the location ofthe office when the space was leased. 4. To grant this variance would be a grant of special pr.iv.i |ege. Theapproval of the variance would set a precedent that would make it verydifficult to prohibit display boxes for other businesses in the area.Staff cited the second level of the Vail Village Inn deve'l opment andthe Mill Creek Court Building shops as examples of businesses that alsohave visibility probiems. Staff felt that it would be very difficultto draw the line in determining which offices and retail stores have avisibility problem and which ones do not. Fon these reasons staff recommended denial of the proposal . The Design Review Board voted 4-0 to recommend denial of the variance. The boardcited Section 16.20.020 and staff memo as reasons to deny the request. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Board Community Development Department January 29, 1986 Overland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request Overl.and and Express Tnavel Service is located on the east end of the Village CenterBuilding. According to the Town of Vail sign code formula for signage,Oveiiand andExpress is allowed to have 12.40 square feel of signage. At this-tiilej 0verland andExpress has_a dark green awning with Overland and Expiess Travel Serviie pri nteo onit twice. The square footage for each sign was approved at 3.2 square feet.The owner of the village center project has also provided two one square footdj rectory signs at the east and wesi end of the project which state the'l ocation forOverland and Express Travel Service. 0n December 18, 1985, the Design Review Board approved a one square foot s1 gn to belocated on the northeast_corner of the property bf Vitlage Center- The one squarefoot pedestrian sign would hang from a itriet iamp locatid on the corner. Thestreet lamp was to match the design of the existing lamp in the La Tour courtyard. The,applicant is requesting to locate a display box on the north side of thebuilding between Karats Jewelry store and the Scoiland Boulevard Shop. Theapplicant is requesting a variance for a display box. Gail strauch, owner of0verland and Express Travel Service has submittia tne fo1 lowing staiement as to whyshe fells the variance is warranted: As our office entrance and windows are located off the street on theeast side of the building, the window box would prov'ide us with an idealnon obtrusive opportunity for better identifying our busjness. l,.|'i th your approval the window box would be used to display a travelposter and our agency name and a notice that our entrance- is around thecorner. }Je would not intend to display price jnformation. t,|e believe this request is justified as we do not have the fac.i lity topost a clear identifying sign on our own frontage that is within ciearview of the normal street traffic. Also the onE" .square foot signthat has already been approved for our office wi'l I look better anctcleaneri f it just states our agency name and'is not cluttered withdi recti ons and arrows. Overal'l the combination of a small sign and a display window willprovide the best possible jdentjfication and clear locatjon instructionswithout any additional bujlding changes. FIND INGS Before the Board acts.on a variance application, the applicant must prove physicalhardship and the Board must f.ind that: page two DRB rl29/86 A. There are special cjrcumstances or conditions applying to the land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots orwithin the adjacent right of way whjch would substantially restri ct theeffectiveness of the sign in question: provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unjque to the particular business or enterpri ses to which the app'l icant desires to draw attention, and do not apply general 1y to alI businesses or enterprises. In staff's opinion there are no special circumstances that apply to adjacent lots or adjacent right of ways which substantially restrict the effectiveness of signage forthe 0verland and Express. In addition to 0ver'l and and Express's awning, the ownerof the Village Center has also received approval from the Design Review Board fortwo bujlding directory signs. One directory sign will be located in the samegeneral area as the proposed fee standing sign. The other sign will be located atthe west end of the Village Center Bui1ding. Each directory will have one squarefoot of s'ignage and a nap which wilI show the location fon Overland and Express. The Des'ign Review Board also approved the one square foot pedestrian sign. Stafffeels very strongly that 0verland and Express now has more than enough signage to d'i rect pedestrians to their office. 8. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone inprivy to the applicant. The applicant did not create any problems in order to just'i fy a sign variance. Theapplicant is merely trying to maximize the exposure for her office despite thelocation of her business. However, staff feels that the applicant was aware of thethe location of the office when the space was leased. C. That the granting of the varjance will be in general harmony with the purposesof th'i s title and will not be material 1y detrimental to the persons residingor working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or tothe publ j c wel fare i n general . The variance request is not in compliance with our sign code. Section 16.20.020 ofthe sign code specifical 1y states that, "display boxes sha'l I be allowed to onlydisplay current menus, current real estate listings or current entertainment." Thedisplay box would also only allow for .5 square feet of signage to identify thebusiness. It would definitely be a grant of special privilegi to allow thl display box for 0verland and Express and to not allow it for many other offices and storesthat have unusual locations. Staff feels very strongly that with the one squarefoot pedestrian sign, two djrectory signs and awning that this office has adequate si gnage. D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this t'it1e any more than is required to identify the applicants business or use. Staff feelsthat the applicant has adequate signage to direct pedestrians to the office.It is felt that to have five signs for one business is way beyond what is actual 1y necessary to alert pedestrians to the locatjon of this business.Staff feejs that the Design Review Board has already been very understanding by al lowing the one square foot pedestrian sign. To go beyond that amount of signage would definitely depart form the provisions of the sign code. page three DR8 L/2e/86 E. Such other factors and criteri a as the Design Review Board deems applicable tothe proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed display box variance. Staff recognizes the fact that Overland and Express does have avisibility problem. However, the awning, two directory s'i gns and one pedestrian sign are more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. The signalso departs from the prov'i sions of the Town of Vail sign code more than js necessary to identify the applicants business. Staff does not feel that there is aphysical hardship due to the location of the office on the east end of the building. The applicant was also aware of the location of the office when the space wasleased. To grant thjs variance would be a grant of special privilege in the opinionof the staff. The approval of the variance would set a nrecedent that would make itvery difficu'l t to not allow display boxes for other business in the area. As was mentioned'i n the previous memo, Buzz's Boots and Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops of the Vail Village Inn development and the interior shops in the Mill Creek Court Building would probably also feel that they had alocation problem and therefore deserved a display box. Staff feels that it would bevery difficult to draw the line as to which offices and retail stores have avisibility problem and those that do not. For these reasons staff recommends denialof the proposal. d a 0_ x8tl0' $ j.'l\ .9ooPr( 2 !o" r-lrrrO -^, )* C - {offi (Fr5 : I ti5- h Tl L 0 n :{ T \ UJ 'lt\ I tlfrr ory:( >Is6r \./r/tr" orn(D S o rrr I7\JlzFrsn ,[ m $ I + I0q oL' ('z G5 -. -'F<lF tr{l - cr'ir . ,('d'''' F .-: l::..t i-=:r--f .:ir-: i -; - - --:i:1-:r.- " :r ; 1r:-r::-+ .--1'-r'r' .+-- .',.. r --+.'*r, v ar r ; ;.Colorado -81 65 7 ..:;:=:i:-.: 1' ;' "r" ;':-;:'.::-l.;1-..'. E ,'.;1;:1-.11.;'-:;1...-:j.,i-.,r,:;:.:.a.-'.:--;..;..,1-;.ii:i::i;i.,...::i:1r-i...i'i.i..:.:;':=.:.-;F "i'i.ri:,i#.'.'i;,':.tli*e.-i:-ll?*Lrii li.ii'i:; l;-.j,F*li=l*,*:t€q+.F"=-Fi]i;':..i;1'x=11.;i-i:i..i!;j:i--'.':':':...j.::'i.ij..j:..=:..i,|]i..';;-.:.':':':;+:-l;l;l:*1. E -'=i,;.-*+'-"*.:1'i'.-i.1";lt-ii;+.+:iii:ril;:.-' ;:l:+ii:,li';ff.ii.--=:;+;u:t$i::i-r;l=.F*;,:. '' F ;;;----.; i-;-,. ,,Llgaf SffS:;-j-.i:.:::':'::.'-i.:":!i=.:.:::-:-:-;'-..-r:.:;-i:-i-'i--:-; j:-.Y::: i:-.: l.;-:ii:': i:1-'::, F_.2i1i-.''#:-;:==:;*ii;:'i':,.;3=:;:,-ii.gj..j.r.i:]+..;i-.;'t ;--*i,+=.#- :"-.--rj;i.=t.;;i':=i. {*-il'$:..i}l'i,i:if;r!ri9.'is.,!9 -r_es9.esj.;a;-p;.sgrey Bp_X,IAR-IA-NpE f9{ :".u1;l=--.:::..:,.-.:..;'i.+I:-.::.:-.:-...|..;.'':-i'-li'..:::-.-''..::'"---_.!d.-4.:,:,---:..-..,-.-.;ji'ail:1i;,?T.--:i:'-'-.r:;--**.:j::.<*.:-;i.j,.+;i-;ti...fi:: :t-1i:::;". {*-il,$:..i}l'!,:;'ifjr!ris -is to -t.eqriestr-e'---DISPLAY BoX VARIANCE fo! ,_qul;i;ey..9,L;f?:i+frg$i=::::"J-ii.-:;;.i3.i:.;i.j aeenev. iirriib'-'LciiEtett:Et ..izz 'Ebtillreaaoi''lrivd:in l.varr-i.::cr=s:3i*r?:E=..:-,-..l...{..-:=:.':ji:*:l..'zi.|l'.Y.r...;.1:.:'..-'.-_.'-,'j.;::-..-:::_j.:.:.iii,!J..;:;Lj--ji;}.:::'".-.;:.;:l-i.i:.:,:-:.:j.;l;:j..:1'?i._-'+j;_+F.r:l!!i;{.;.fi}..{.=11i;i:;i;"::r-.-:::-;i;.::.rl''*:::ri;i+i '-:'+j1i1*,i-:;ii.'e-:--',The 'new buitainE'rlhicn we now are rocaEeo an was. cons Eruc E €cr:*-L-:-;s#--.-' ':-"'i:':::;.:,..r:1,.r^titrr- a f ive*ftz-dilplii- 15:i'-(ebb-i6'xinarery 3il, db6p)--on .fta'++f;i'.'.:;:i'::=.i "j-;-:"::..'.:"-"Meaclow-Drive stfeet'siZle:'-ai birr:'office ent'firice'iria-winaor^rst'l-::j"='=- wrtl\r\rwD -_ -: :. ::.' , -'-,1 , b.re located off the street on the Ea'st side 'of .the building,:;!i.il:,.. ..i. -:.. --'..:.:..:---the window box would provide us with in ideal non-obtrusive.;::ti-: -,.-,'.:."',-;,l.it.,.:."pp9ltytily -fo-1,^be-t.t-ei=if.entiryilc gyf.,l,t:fu-r6."-";;li;..,r'+t:,i:,,iig:,i;$+::t.-l+. ti;*-.,.;,:r;i,; wi.r' vo;;:"no;il:f i"';r' l;u;;:tf;;tt;flrd$[tt3:'J''-sigS;'f;;t$::.*,,;:=.ldi.-:il:. -,-.-'travei 'poit^ei - a-nd'<iui'aseiicv' name 'and 'a'hoiice-'fnat','d-bi-'d;iirA;t€-] :.!i '-!':{i'+;:f:*i. i" arouird'the cbrner. we"wouid not' intend to aiipldi-"itii3e:..-j::*i{-r*,i:..r:::-;:ri1:i.,.l..infoirnatiron.-{;';::;:;,11.:.,1*';i.:'..-.-q;iFj.':ii'Gii:..:.:.-iij:ii::lii'.P+iE.iii..c .:i:1,"r "'i,;:.i;:::ii;1.i5,11,-1n+:i-:.;+#i*:::+..:*-ilf,l-.;;,,;g;11.1g;;;,iiii-i#+.-tli"iffi,.:= ,:.--'.-.:.:-:.i.-,..'::-:.;-.:.:;j'.:1!;'i1....-:.:':1.]-.r'!.it";i5;';'...,l.;i.,:.+1{.'-..;ai;t.::'..'i.;;f5.:...5';..-;'j-- f "i-'.=r 1:': We Delel-Ve Enl-S reoueSE. :l-S IUSEI-IIe(l aS $7e OO nO.E-=nave .,tne :i;'-':t--:::-;-ti-1-i :.. -.-_.'.j-:::j--.?-::.:i...-.-_.;..1'.::.:':.-.'.'._-.=:=.,':....:,:i.l;!,ii:1,"1:?i-i-:racr-Ir-qy.--!o- Po.F.c,-?.:p-.19?I+:lde_lE_-r-{.IlnC.-Sl-9n...9p,;_o.-Yf,,9.Y1,,ILQF!agq';:.lli=t':l :i+,a,::::;;;;'-.Y"-lgle-iv-e -!L'i.s_-Le.g1i-e-s.!.;i;ljq:tifie.{ C:-ge,_"_a-.ggt*Sy:.,tha':'.:;i$-:f-.i-r-::.: .,-.;:_.-:..:;.:r i=."1 ill!.-i.:IaCl-Il-tv tO DOSE a CIeaf ]-denEl-fvl-nS Sagn On.OUf O\,rn 'IfOnCag e' 'jr,:::r:::.::. '-:''.--i:it:-';,:r'.':i.--rhar''is-witnin'cledi'-viati"of -rhe'noitiir-"-si-tt!6t*'Ei:l'rrii--'als6'th.i. --:-' i,;i,.51i;i;''1.i:,i:;_gfg-ft]-"ig"- !}3,_t-13q.'a+6g{r=}a-in,gi;:p'.i"y,eqfrc;iloni'i5ijriba;:;};;;i-,T,,:l'li"rf;lf.i -<..--i;:ri;-'.1 wr-II-.IooK_DeEEer-ancl cleaner.1f _lE.Juq!.:sEaE€_s:our-agenc*v.-+a4e;-g=;j.;i::--.-f'i:i.ii';=:i1:.!.:-a:r.q ..i;5oi -c1ri.._q--t,e-g,e_ggigp ,-ai.r*e-f fi*i-s:el'*-a.=_-?3:g{+:r, i$,#1iE=l'i+iil:.ji+:i; "rJ-!;l:-'--;l---gail+-;:,;r!1!.Io-ok betteii '5nd ,dleanei .i-f _it ,jriq!.:stetes soiir -ldg-enc*y.-.r-ran-e':-if=;;:r::l,'!-_irij,'i*+:,.9.,i,"=+i-t;9-,lYri-T,-'*Fr*.L*F*9i'I=u.o,.l.i:+lr.lt,{''..E'-r;Lgi*t-ff#-g'.EEi;=*.:ii=: :-l-:|r.-.'{'i',i'..-.--::.;:I':.l'.T.:.:.''..,l.--ic\'r1\!.i+.:t...r1..;;;=}ftf+;=:':+-:i-=r,i}=..::i+iT:-:+-'{=;;:ffi'i:.:'::--i.-; f;:- -':ts j,.j: rhrprall'.:ithe 'combination 'of -sma11,-si-gn-l and display winilow- wj.1.1*::,E--:=5 i -:: : :..: i-i.:i:,'- :;';.::.---.'_ -_ . ..::::-;;-::::.j'---;:''provide the best posslbfe-identitication.and clear,. location';t;a'#-..::'"'--;. r _-:; ,_+, j. _ -. r:-r.:_!;, *.j=_i-. ;-; .-: l:l_*_:::_:::.:,i.'-..*---I''...--.:i,.---.::.:i:.'-.--.4-r::::;.::,j'-'.:i.r,..rr.j-F,:=:...t+?:--7-..:!:;r:.::;;.. -;i.:-:rii:::--i-':i:.il-- a hODe Ite Can reCei-\'e .YOUI .SUDDOft:'-l-i -: -+-.i:?. --:-"- -=i.:.: ; :.* 1.--;:=;+-.+.:=+:.':-l::!:.:iat-:,-i----:;.::;=='.::..:--';';.i r'l i j;-! .: :.- J-: =-r.a'-:.'F'.i+..:.-i:a:=^1j-+:r .l i :, *t T-00-F:'J 'ot $ril fiol rPql \:0r/tr" -.1 T-il Ox)€)lX < Fr5I6d onr([rS o trl 7'QJz Fr sf) T1 fln( |J I + I m t4 z)-ti " 2 Lo" rltltII A"-*. /&,;Z*, 64e1a/J'4 D,r,, lL /4^Z eza^t* ,O,-4+ 7, //*'p *A a/-L'-/e.4 /r*g, 7r/ 1977 SOUTH PARK RT. r JACKSON, WYOMlNG83001 | TELEPHONE (307) 733-7327 .larrann$fru{t \ 1- O U/n*d 9n,lanuarv 29. 1985, the Design Review Board heard the 0verland and Express Sign Variance Request. The applicant, Gail Strauch, requested to have a display box for, -her travel agency located on the east end of the Village Center building. SLe was )mrequesting to lolate the displa.v box on the north side of the building betwqi- KatFEillEweTry SftE-al land Boulw snop. I ne rown oT-T?rTT_s r gn sti pdTItEiTfr-5e-'ETi on 16. 20. 020 that shall be allowed to only current menus, current real estate listings or current entertainment." The staff recommended denial of the proposal for the following reasons: 1. The business already has an awning with signage, two directory signs and one l square foot pedestrian sign. Staff felt that this signage was more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. 2. The sign request departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the applicant's business. there js a physical hardship due to thethe east end of the building that would The appl icant was aware of the location of was leased. 4. To grant this variance would be a grant of special pri vilege. The approval of the variance would set a precedent that would make it verydifficult to prohibit display boxes for other businesses in the area.Staff cited the second level of the Vail ViIlage Inn development andthe Mill Creek Court Building shops as examples of businesses that also have visibility problems. Staff felt that it would be very difficultto draw the line in determining which offices and retail stores have avisibility problem and which ones do not. For these reasons staff recommended denial of the proposal . The Design Revjew Board voted 4-0 to recommend denia'l of the variance. The boardcited Section 16.20.020 and staff memo as reasons to deny the request. TO: FROM: SU BJ ECT : DATE: ["t*l Jtca,rd: Sign Vari ance Town Council Community Development Department Overland and Express Travel Company Appl icant: Gai I Strauch February 18, 1986 ode isplay 3. Staff does not feel thatlocation of the office on warrant a s'i gn variance. the office when the space TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Design Review Board Community Development Department January 29, 1986 0ver'l and and Express Travel Service Sign Vari ance Request As our office entrance and windows are located off the street on theeast side of the building, the window box would provide us wjth an ideal non obtrusive opportunity for better identifying our business. With your approvai the wjndow box would be used to display a travelposter and our agency name and a notice that our entrance is around thecorner. We would not intend to display price jnformation. We beljeve thjs request is justified as we do not have the facility topost a clear identifying sign on our own frontage that.i s within clearview of the normal street traffic. Also the sns F*' sguare foot s'i gnthat has already been approved for our offjce will look better andcleaner if it just states our agency name and js not cluttered wjthdirections and arrows. Overland and Express Travel Service is located on the east end of the Village Center Bu'i 1ding. According to the Town of Vail sign code formula for sjgnage,0verland andExpress is allowed to have 12.40 square feet of signage. At thjs t'ime,Overland andExpress has a dark green awning with 0verland and Express Travel Service printeo onit twice. The squane footage for each sign was approved at 3.2 square feet. The owner of the Vjllage Center project has a'l so provided two one square footdirectory signs at the east and west end of the project which state the location forOverland and Express Travel Service. 0n December 18, 1985, the Design Review Board approved a one square foot sign to belocated on the northeast corner of the property of Vjllage Center. The one squarefoot pedestrian sign would hang from a street lamp located on the corner. Thestreet lamp was to match the design of the existing lamp in the La Tour courtyard. The appljcant is requesting to locate a display box on the north side of thebuilding between Karats Jewelry store and the scotland Boulevard shop. Theapplicant'is requesting a vari ance for a display box. Gail Strauch, owner ofOverland and Express Travel Service has submitted the fo1 lowing statement as to whyshe fells the variance is warranted: [ffi," W, 0verall the combinatjon of a smali sign and a display window willprovide the best poss'ibie identification and clear location'instructionswithout any additional building changes. FINDINGS Before the Board acts on a variance applicatjon, the applicant must prove physicalhardship and the Board must find that: page rrvo DRB t/29/86 A.special circumstances or condjtions applying to the 1and, on adjacentFTgn structures or other matterswithin the adjacent right of way which would subsellectlveness o 9n: prov , however, that suchcl rcumstances or con ons a nique to the parti cul ar business orenterprises to which the applicant desjres to draw attention, and do appl icant did not create an robl usti f requl I i cantthe has I ste Staff feels that the Design REV by allowing the one square foot signage would definitely depart pedestrian sign. To form the provisions bui I di ngs,'lots or speci al not apply riance. Thee--.-of the is title any that amount of code. Ito (_.:-0 gpnerplly to all businesses of ente;pri gps.r ,)po'< a;unwlonaa - J $.tre4 W"pfd dtt&l;^''! Phu nq e/rlttl\ In staff's opinion there ard n'o-3p'bc4, dL* ,1 frltffd q f,nere are no sDeclal LtPo\rL.1 f,s -q Wl cjrcumstances that alply to adjacent 'l ots oradjacent right of ways which substantially restrict the effectiveness of signage forthe Overland and Express. In addition to 0verland and Express's awning, the ownerof the Village Center has also received approval from the Oes'ign Review'goard fortwo building directory signs. One directory sign will be located in the samegeneral area as the proposed fee standing sign. The other sign will be located atthe west end of the Village Center 8ui1ding. Each directory wi1'l have one squarefoot of s'i gnage and a map which will show the location for Over'l and and Express. The Design Review Board also approved the one square foot pedestrian sign. Stafffeels very strongly that 0verland and Express now has more than enough iignage todirect pedestrians to their office. e F B. Th ap lo mere c.general harmony with the purposel menta res't 0 | nor working jn the vicinitv. tdTffic-m'tTFb ooo or display current menus, current real estate listings or current entertainment.,, The r ls that the on of the off i ce when ttri spacef{irc- :l o varl ance than is appl ied for does not depart from thc orovisi e public welfare in general ., ----;--T- tol ir,, hauau.l - kt1 naiOl ia. hlAtvrtrul - tU-t nAl V:l{t ^'44itr4.The variance request is not in compliancdfiittr our sign code. Section 16.20.020 ofthe sign code specifical ly states that, "display boxei shal'l be a] lowed to only display box would also only allow for .5 square feet of s.ignage to identify thebusiness- It would definitely be a grant_of special priviiege to allow thl displaybox for Overland and Express and to not allow it for many other offices and storesthat have unusual locations. Staff feels very strongly that with the one squarefoot pedestrian sign, two directory signs and awning that this office has adeouate s i gnage. The m0re that en y the applicants business or use.f 'tve s1 ns for one bus i ness rE pe estr't ans ocati on of this bus i ness. very rsEano r ng go beyondof the sign D. page three DRB L/2e/86 E. Such other factors and criteria as the Design Review Board deems applicable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed dispiay box variance. Staff recognizes the fact that Overland and Express does have avisibility problem. However, the awning, two directory signs and one pedestrian sign are more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. The sign also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identjfy the applicants business. Staff does not feel that there is a physical hardship due to the location of the office on the east end of the building. The applicant was also aware of the location of the office when the space wasleased. To grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege in the opinionof the staff. The approval of the varjance would set a precedent that would make it very difficult to not al 1ow display boxes for other business in the area. As was mentioned in the previous memo, BLrzz's Boots and Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops of the Vail Village Inn development and the interior shops in the Mill Creek Court Buj'l ding would probably also feel that they had a location problem and therefore deserved a display box. Staff feels that it would be very difficult to draw the line as to which offjces and netail stores have avisibility problem and those that do not. For these reasons staff recommends denialof the proposal . o srfl fio: Etr lo 'x U 't ''*t0tl.9ool, {. Z !o" T{-00-p:.J"t ,- Flrr ory:( >,, 1s6r\Jr/D- an([rS o r,r IZ.UJz tr, St0n ,g rrl( U I + I0 u1 Gi;s 4'4:'t T'tffi#}.i,+*i#-';..,il;:.-.,.'..,.,-.]........-.i="::l*..j||'.,,-:'':;;.i.ij';?ijj;;i'i--.:::".].,.j,'.,...'.''l...i.'l....=..;*:i...=..,'*':.ii'.. Eg. .:===....,-,ji,::i{-?..*j:j.ii1,_al-.:.:".-.,''-':.:.;. --.-:.i'.-'- - ": -...'., E.,_asg$E$ryqp:$nnngfjli$9"qnri-5tlt+tr*i:ffii*Fi*j iffi i.i j:,. --.--...._ -,..:j:-. the wr-ndor^r box l"rould provLde gs wrth_,an adeal non-oDcrusl-v€ _';.*li;."j.' -. -;.-:i'.,:'1-r..,,.-'^oppo.tytrity for-pe-!,t-ei-identifyilc glf..Py.:ifl-s'dj:':.:7;5,-=::+i;:i**:.'.l.:-.:- -..:..',.'i..:...-.';..:..::.:.i:l--:l:-..-',1.i;...t.:l'':'.--,.l.i:.:;...,..';;::.:,i::il';.i*i**..'.+ji'l.-;;i;. :r-+-: -;::.;;1 ,-witfr'iotir'bpprov-Jil't-ifre'window -6dx -wburo :be-usect -t-q .oi-s51ii-;5:i.j-$,r;::i''.'-:1--:-:::'":.-'iratei ocistLl - and'o-ui'aeericv name'and 'a.-noilcd 'friat','oil?''d;ffafrie-tt.i." _t-.-=:-. -..,1.,;,:;. t--*-i -i:1;;l ,-witr,'votir'bpprovdr,- ;i';';;u;,T;;=*ii#1:tt;aa::ir-j:ui$fE?r:'f:l+,:-.iI'-:1--:..,:;..":.-'iratei ocistLl - and'ciui'aeericv name'and 'irl-noiicri 'friat','Oil?''d;ffafrie-tt.i.'-':'-;::Ji::-i ri" arouird the cbrner. we"wouiil not' intend to di!p1ay-'.pii'e d,#i*i:*-o:,"..,.:-..:..-_J..i]]'-:...,l....info'rnrat1o'n...r.::.;::...;;.i:;#:i:;.'i.:ii.*f€:F:::'..l..l'-i::'.:iiliifi*:l;ii.:+jis.'+Ir:I.:]f]l.. ...-.-'-:.:.'i'.''.]-...:''.:i''i,..,i..,..-l;.-{...;;:-i-i'..-i.'.s,l}:'p.1.1..i-:fj'-::.jj.:';..{.11i$.i;=!$lit:ijiiigrIii -..-!--..-_ |.-*r....r...i We Deleave EnIS reoueSE._l_S 'lusCLIt-eO aS we OO nOE .=nave ..E.ne :l;:=i!_:::_;r=nt._...-.:.':.:-:--.-,.']..-.e_.i..-.'-:.--.-....--.=i-.l:-::::::.::.1,'jll.,j';:'-.Ie+g+e-r-vt9--Eql-s--I_Cgtl9-sl=4..: .J9:::Ile_o_..4:,_ry9-._99..1%E.*?I,9 :+l:j.t;:tt1-:#.1,'';' =* . ..:;;- -.::.-i .:i ,:..: ili-..,': f dCl-Il-EV tO DOSE a Clear. l-clenElfvl-ng Sagn On. OUr Oltn --IrOnEage' 'j:'-:-1.',';: .:: ' -:::-'=:::i-'.,::'.:'1i-rhar''is-wittrin'clejr-viiji+'of ttr6'noHil--:sftaijf tiSffic:.41"6-tdi.";-,'' ...'...-l'.1j..:'==:.:::i,...'.....;,..'.-.!''......r.-.-''.'.j',r+.:-+.:i;'.r,-::-i,-'.o!9-t!:-s}-Cn-til*a!^.h3e.?r.Te-?-gv-'qe9n 1PPT.9..:e9..-Io*T::9,.9T.-;,,-9j.'rrce::i;?:'.t::iiii;' .'. .- "., . are located off the street on the Ea'sg side of .the building,-l-.i=1,-lt..-'--- -'---;1:'':.-. the liindornr box would provide us with ,in"ideal -qon-obtrugiye,';.'."i'r'-'{r; -.;!-:'--- ir--r''rr ' 'i We DeIeaWe EnlS reOtIeSt.t.l-S IlJ'SELI].eo' aS We o'O IIOL JIave ..LIIe :;;:="!-:::-;i=?:..-._-_:..:-: -:----., ' ...:;--.::,+.:;,:...,1'(:-...': f aCl-Il-Ey.tO pOSE _a -CleaL l-clent-I.fyl-ng --Sagn On. 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Gore Creek Drive Vai l, Co. 81657 Dear Gai I : I have enclosed the two memos that the staff has written concerning your sign variance as well as the appeai. Please note that the sign variancewill be presented at the evening Town Council meeting on February 18th. The appeai of the staff interpretation of the definition of a multi-purpose traffic sign wil1 be discussed at the Design Review Board meeting on February 19, 1986. The staff will make essential 1y the samepresentation to the Town Council as was made to the Design Review Eoardfor your sign variance. Town Councjl meetings begin at 7:30. Our Design Review Eoard meetings now begin at 3:00 p.m. I suggest that you call the Community Development office and speak with Bobbie to find out the approximate time your item will be presented before the board. If you have any further questions please feel free to give me a call. Si ncere ly, K-u.?'h Kristan Pritz Town Planner KPlbr f --oIfEtrCD-COURT. n^cr-F C()ilNl Y -.-___-.--.-_ . COI ORAD() =_ . :: :.::- -= : i;,: :. :::.:.j:=:-::1ii_:==5=r!=:-_-. cAsENO, _grg_.go____ rl I tlsttiiOgtA (rtmlrdf ggHINAIUR|)ttUcf, (suhpo.n do.cr trcoilrt Thc hoph ol r tr Strlc ot Groknrdo: :---=r:1--,:=_:.::::-: :'..--- .. ::r. :::==: mr --Cllu-llltrs*ls.__Yoo ar! onhrrrt m;;ffi'.ft-;--::;i?rl on -fqloglt&rt- c*il-r ____.. c*n,y (locrtion) plrinriffrnd rhfcndrnr rnd rt*, ro pn,,ti*.in'r,i. rirGfiiiii rr lnpi"rr,l.l Id|llc t|nd lamct. [r r wa|nffr lor nr* In yrrur curl<rly rr contnrl. Dlc: Far, 4' lo96 NETUNNOT$BRVICE St.tc of m ti lllit; ll il rl il tl il;l ilti il tl tl il,Itl 'ill !i il i|lr. ._ c|r|nt, I rhclrrc rnhr rflh rher I rmvtrl rhi;;rhgil;;;.nr to nrulucr. on_' - _:__:;-iF- !t thc ftrllowing l|'ccti.rn: E ht (Sra'Manncr of Sewict) E I rrn orcr thc IFG of ll ycrrr r||d rn ml lntcrcrtcd In nn r purty to t;11. "..n.Slgmd ur{o orth hcftrc m on Nrnc Notrry hbllcr I -l Privnte pr([cr!t *cnet I lShcrilf. ljr.c I lll r h,ag'e t - "{.rt Jrr5 hfrf r||alin rb. r|. $rtn|tr'n. f|f'. kf. !.f,!. n'lftI;Xt ltnal.{n tr|rhr|i.|i rtlt*,rri trr, I rlr* rtl t r r r{,r r trrr: Ar.rl D.lG County dattt lttbbcr.l Dcnver, Co 8023? Daa , T0: Design Review Eoard FROM: Community Development Department DATE: January 29, 1986 RE: 0verland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request Overland and Express Travel Service is located on the east end of the Village Center Building. According to the Town of Vai1 sign code formula for signage, Overland and Express'i s allowed to have 12.40 square feet of signage. At this time,Overland and Express has a dark green awning with Overland and Express Travel Service printed onjt twice. The square footage for each s'ign was approved at 3.2 square feet. The owner of the Village Center project has also provided two one sguare foot directory signs at the east and west end of the project which state the location for Overland and Express Travel Service. 0n December 18, 1985, the Design Review Board approved a one square foot sign to be located on the northeast corner of the property of Village Center. The one square foot pedestrian sign would hang from a street lamp located on the corner. The street lamp was to match the design of the existing lamp in the La Tour courtyard. The appljcant is requesting to locate a djsplay box on the north side of the bui'l ding between Karats Jewelry Store and the Scotland Boulevard Shop. The appl'i cant is request'ing a variance for a display box. GaiI Strauch, owner of Overland and Express Travel Service has submitted the fol lowing statement as to why she fells the variance is warranted: As our office entrance and windows are located off the street on the east side of the building, the window box would provide us with an ideal non obtrusive opportunity for better identifying our business. With your approval the window box wou'l d be used to display a travel poster and our agency name and a notice that our entrance is around the corner. We would not intend to display price information. t,le believe this request is justified as we do not have the facility to post a clear identifying sign on our own frontage that is within clear view of the normal street traffic. Also the one five square foot sign that has a'l ready been approved for our office will look better and cleaner if it just states our agency name and is not cluttered with directions and arrows. 0verall the combination of a small sign and a display window wiil provide the best possible jdentificatjon and cjear location instructions without any additional building changes. FI NDI NGS Before the Board acts on a variance appljcation, the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that: page Ewo DRB r/?9/86 A. There are special circumstances or conditions apply'i ng to the land, buildings, topography, vegetat'i on, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right of way which would substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question: provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterpni ses to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to a1 I businesses or enterprjses. In staff's opinion there are no special c'i rcumstances that apply to adjacent'l ots or adjacent right of ways which substantial 1y restrict the effectiveness of signage for the 0verland and Express. In addition to 0verland and Express's awn'i ng, the owner of the Vjllage Center has also received approval from the Design Revjew Board for two bui'l djng d'i rectory s'i gns. One directory sign will be located in the same general area as the proposed fee standing s'i gn. The other sign will be located at the west end of the Vi'l lage Center Building. Each directory wiII have one square foot of signage and a map which will show the location for Overland and Express. The Des'i gn Rev'i ew Board also approved the one square foot pedestrian sign. Staff feels very strongly that 0ver'l and and Express now has more than enough s'i gnage to direct pedestrians to their office. B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. The applicant did not create any problems in order to justify a sign variance. The applicant is merely trying to max'imize the exposure for her office despite the 'I ocation of her bus'i ness. However, staff feels that the applicant was aware of the the location of the office when the space was leased. C. That the granting of the variance will be'i n general harmony with the purposes of thjs title and will not be material 1y detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or to the publ i c wel fare i n general . The vari ance request is not in compliance with our sign code. Sect'i on 16.20.020 of the sign code specifica1 1y states that, "d'i splay boxes shall be allowed to onjy display current menus, current real estate listings or current entertainment." The display box would also only a] low for .5 square feet of signage to ident'i fy the business. It would definitely be a grant of special privilege to allow the display box for Overland and Express and to not allow it for many other offices and stores that have unusual locations. Staff feels very strongly that with the one square foot pedestri an sign, two directory signs and awnin9 that this office has adequate si gnage. D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicants business or use. Staff feels that the applicant has adequate signage to direct pedestrians to the office.It is felt that to have five signs for one business is way beyond what is actualiy necessary to alert pedestri ans to the location of this business. Staff feels that the Design Review Board has aiready been very understanding by allowing the one square foot pedestrian sign. To go beyond that amount of signage would definitely depart form the provisions of the sign code. page three DRB L/29/86 E. Such other factors and critenia as the Des'i gn Review Board deems applicable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOT'TIENDATION : The Oepartment of Cormunity Development reconnends denial of the proposed display box variance. Staff recognizes the fact that Overland and Express does have avisibility problem. However, the awning, two directory signs and one pedestrian sign ane more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. The sign also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the appljcants business. Staff does not feel that there is a physica'l hardsh'ip due to the location of the office on the east end of the building. The applicant was also aware of the |ocation of the office when the space h,as leased. To grant this variance would be a grant of special privilege in the opinion of the staff. The approval of the vari ance would set a precedent that would make it very diffjcult to not al'l ow display boxes for other busjness in the area. As was mentioned in the previous memo, Buzz's Boots and Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops of the Vail Village Inn development and the'i nterior shops in the MilI Creek Court Bu'i lding would probably also feel that they had a location problem and therefore deserved a display box. Staff feels that it would be very difficult to draw the line as to whjch offices and retajl stores have avisibiiity problem and those that do not. For these reasons staff recommends denial of the proposal. a DESIGN REVIEt,l BOARD AGENDA January 2:00 29, 1986 p.m. #I #3 Site Visits 1:30 p.m. #2 New Business Di scussi on of 0ld Eusiness Hank Residence Remodel ; Staff Present DRB Present 1. Dobson Arena Information Signs; Lionshead 2. Vail Val 1ey Frozen Yogurt Company Awn'ing; Lionshead Park'ing Structure 3. 0verland & Express Sign Variance; Village Center 4. Design Crjteria for Ford Park DRB meeting to start at 3:00 h'#*h,W,6--Y, new garage doors I iluhrrq. t^rd-lf Staff Absent DRB Absent uB.t\<Ai a I Design Review Board Communi ty Devel opment Department January 29, 1986 Overland and Express Travel Service Sign Variance Request 0verland and Express Travel Service is located on the east end of the Vi11age CenterBuilding. According to the Town of Vai1 sign code formula for signage, Overland and Express js allowed to have 12.40 square feet of signage. At this t'ime,0ver1and and Express has a dark green awning with Overland and Express Trav rinted onit twice. The square fr-Sla_Sg fg1 each sign was AAT provided two one squareproject which state the - OTVDD}( ,5u }^"v io' FROM: DATE: RE: age Center project has also directory signs at the east and west end of the Overland and Express Tnavel Service. ' 0n December 18,W the Design Review Board approved a one square foot sign to be -locdtffu-frThe-fi6rtheast corner of the property of Vi llage Center. The one square i foot pedestrian sign wouid hang from a street lamp located on the corner. The I street lamp was to match the design of the existing lamp in the La Tour courtyard. The applicant js requesting to locate a display box on the north side of the building between Karats Jewelry Store and the Scotland Boulevard Shop. Theappiicant is requesting a vaniance for a display box. Gail Strauch, owner of 0verland and Express Travel Service has submitted the following statement as to why she fells the variance is warranted: As our office entrance and windov',s are located off the street on the east side of the building, the window box would provide us w'i th an ideal non obtrusive opportunity for better identifying our business. With your approva'l the window box would be used to display a travelposter and our agency name and a notice that our entrance is around thecorner. l,le would not intend to display price information. We believe thjs request is justified as we do not have the facility topost a clear jdentifying sign on our own frontage that is wjthin clear view of the normal street traffic. Also the one I square foot signthat has already been approved for our offjce will look better and cleaner jf it just states our agency name and is not cluttered wjthdirections and arrows. Overall the combjnation of a smal 1 sign and a djsplay window willprovide the best possib'l e identification and ciear location instructions without any additional building changes. FI NDINGS Before the Board acts on a variance applicatjon, the applicant must prove phys'i cal hardship and the Board must find that: foot Iocation for page two DRB r/2s/86 A. There are special circumstances or condit'ions applying to the land, buildjngs' topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent ni ght of way wh'ich would substantj&rfstri ct the effectiveness of the sign in qrertion: provided, however, that sucTspecial cr-ffi-stdfr'6GIFconditions are unique to the particular business or enterprises to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not appiy two building directory signs. One directory sign will be located in the same general area as the pnoposed fee standing sign- The other s'ign wi'l I be located at the west end of the Village Center Building. Each directory will have one square foot of signage and a map which wilI show the location for Overland and Express. The Design Review Board also approved the one square foot pedestri an sign. Staff feels very strongly that Overland and Express now has more than enough s'i gnage to direct pedestrians to their office. B. That such specia'l circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. The applicant did not create any problems in order to justify a sign variance. The applicant is merely trying to maximize the exposure for her offjce despite the location of her business. However, staff feels that the applicant was aware of the the location of the office when the space was leased. The the C. That the grantingof this title andor work'i ng in the the nubl ic welfare vari ance request is not in siqn code soeci fi cal I sp ayc , culffon ly a1 1ow DUS t ness . box f5t have unusual locations. Sta ef@irectory s i gnage . of the vari ance wi'l I be in general harmonv with the purposes wil l not be materi a't 'ly deilrimentElto the persons residingvicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood or to in senerar . IFu'aQ_ ya compl i ance wi th our slgn code. Section 16.20.020 "di spl shal'l be sti n s or curren t. u Thefor .5 souare eet of signage to identjfyto allow the the lely be a qr ci al ri vi I ege 'i spl ay v srgns and awning that at with the th'i s office square adequate Staff feel s the office. 0ne has 0. The tifv the a I i cants ss 0r us that the applicant has adequate signage rect pedestrians tois felt tha actua eel s tha cessar to e alert oedesini:nc to the location of this S sign Review Board has alrE by a1 lowing the one square foot pedestrian sign. To go signage would definitely depart form the provisions of beyond the sign ry understand ing that amount of c00e. ,D Av page three DRB t/29/86 E. Such other factors and criteria as the Design Review Board deems app'l icable to the proposed variance. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Department of Community Development recommends denial of the proposed display box variance. Staff recognizes the fact that 0verland and Express does have a visibji ity problem. However, the awning, two directory signs and one pedestrian s'ign are more than enough to assist pedestrians in finding the office. The sign also departs from the provisions of the Town of Vail sign code more than is necessary to identify the applicants business. Staff does not feel that there is a physical hardship due to the location of the office on the east end of the bujlding. The app'l icant was also aware of the location of the office when the space was leased. To grant this variance would be a grant of specjal privilege in the opinion of the staff. The approval of the variance would set a precedent that would make it very difficult to not al'l ow display boxes for other business in the area. As was mentioned in the previous memo, Buzz's Boots and Boards on the east end of the Sonnenalp, the interior shops of the Vail Village Inn development and the jnterior shops in the Mill Creek Court Building would probably also feel that they had a location problem and therefore deserved a display box. Staff feels that it would be very difficult to draw the line as to which offices and retail stores have avisibility problem and those that do not. For these reasons staff recommends denialof the proposal . o V o I f Io ) ul & tL v\b t$ z_ F. ^'zJ tll u S!h r,l o 2\ 9s \ il.. nr Frrf-=ry{ Z *2,f tl t'l ,tu\ <:arjr i- S 5s<tll o .t i<- '1". t- -r,n'rt, -.|' 'U' -rwr r'j-r-!r^-) Eg-trsF..r EF E{erl &^ 0vE . are ". 'the boxfor .I.T'TY ? iF"r\llJ! 5_L ftZ ! e:i 75 south lrontage toad vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 JanuarY 16, 1986 Iiqns ident ?llorli"lil Pack shop lii, :';:,:::::'''l;;;' Re: Bag n' Pack Shop in Village Center Building Dear Brad: Today r lotl::d '1.:,.n:1:,;il,i'ill"?nl; i:,t:!.:!i":i't"li':lo'u!r'?"'l:v;ii'.r; center. I "T 9i.:tl":i:::":':: ti! "*..r"s. i belreve that it |i: about the arransement of the tisnlg:.31.;1".;;; ii" eag n' Pack Shop would ;.;;"";;i c'lear-at the Design Revt""'oo"!i. itliiii."ri! states that: be allowed one t'gn"'"fn'lfti sign code' it specifical ly sta The identification'lsl ol'=iqns for a business or :ii:liiiii :l' fil"ini lll,il i:T: ":'.lnin!'; ]:: ::': c'n duc'ie d within or upon the premir.r. 'in-no-ll't"l::'^however' shal 1 - the tota'r portion 9r-ll' :;fl";:::il;ll:"ti? :::;':1nl"t": o' ll: ;::?1.:l'llll.l'oili=.i'i'r''"iotlt^:::" or each sisn nnii;:+"i;iilli.tf: iri, ' has one distinct :ie" :"Illg- ]l:.t"n The sisnase on the B?9 n'-?i:*^:n?f d> v"L Y '-- ' siating Bags'front of the awntng- , r-!^-*i,L?"olli'iil"p-"ni tnotner si sn^on*the Tr()[lL vr Lrrs e" - Jri;;;; it it aitticult to 9,::,::::"';..'*::".;l"ilounl'in !'i:: .F^:?T":n:.':li:i.ll ii'"...t'-'is"' H?llY'i: i?!iil.il"n:;lyi'-:::"::"{?::??:"1',ll'3ll'l' l;;.;"; li;i:?:.-1.:l,,li':::;;il;; il yo,'".'ion apprication' v"' ";:,;ii;;;-,;;;.wJura be equa :;;;;;;-' 40L or^the-l:t?1.,:'i?,"1:','.'ii.n. as ir the.srenl?e':::,::: ld be equal to :;;;;i;;";i' i,'91: -,ll-'1,::,'l::l ll' filli ii,'''.q,i..il.'i' However' ;:;',"P;i;'and Mountall Y,::"11i'.lll.li'i";":is;;:il:-;"i;-;;ni"tn it that You have under the Town of vail.sign_code, you are able to have one sign statingThe Bag and Pack.Shop that is 4.6 iquare feet. If you wTlh, you mayorganize the 4-6' sign.to..say The Bag and pack Shop (2.g.qr"ie teeil witnBags, Packs and Mountain wear underneath the shop name (l.d.qr"r" feet.) P'l ease bri ng the signage into conformance by_January 3lst. If the signageis not brought into conformance by January 3lst, I iill haue to.i ssue acitation for the code violation. I hope ltrat a'citation wii'l not benecessary as it is not a positive use of your time. If you have anyquestions or-if you wish to meet with me concerning the iign"ge issire,please feel free to give me a cal'l . Thank you for your ioiperation. Si ncerely, r., I i;tl!\,?",r. \,.-j-lJv -ir' \\r,1 Kristan Pritz Town Pl anner KP: br Encl osu re slc|;;:33r"5 E. I-ocrlicrt, plr:rllcl to 1':ic cxlclior rvrll lrrl.,j;rccnl io tlic nrrjor pt.ilcst;i:ttt rv:ry rvlriclt thc brrilrlirrg rl>uts, srrlrjcct to llrc al)pror'31 of ihr tltsi'.:n rcvicrv bo:rrtl: F. Dcsi:rn, slrbjccl ttt ll:c :pprr-rvrl ol'lhc tlt'sign rcvierv borrd, C. Li:lrting, intlircct or p::il-cltaincicd; l{. Spccirl proYiiio.tts sh:rli l>,: as follorvs: l. Any joirrt rlircctory sign oric:rlcd torv;rrcJ pcdcstrl:rns shall bc srrbjgcl lc ilre provi:ir'rirs of lhis scction,' 2. AII joint direclcry sig:rs must bc i:cpt culrcnt, 3. Fjvc sqr:arc fi:ct inav bc inclrr,leJ in a r',':rll-nrountrd.- joint dircclory sign for tlrc prrrposo of itlcntifl,ing thc builcJing,, in lluu oi'rny oihcr. si_rn for thc srme purpos.. (Ord. l3(1976) ! 3 (part); Ord. 9(1973) S l4(3).) I 6.?0.?10 \\'ell siens-Si;:3le-busir:'::s ttse. \\tall signs, sin_qlc-brrsincss usc sirall be rclrr).rttd ?s follows: A. PrrTcse, to idtrrtify a trusincss or org:niz-alion bcirrg tlrc rcle busincss occul):ult rvitlrin e brriltlirrg: Ilfe;a.ntiI;tlt;pn:lflle none of the business or--orlani.zai.ion and--ihe qeneral nature of theflte nam.- of the busines: or organi.zption and-The general nature of the Min or upon the p# --sha i fTne iola I Pot't l on ot 'Lne S_1 gll_d-e!!rr Dl ng 'Lhe_:cenqraJ, ISlure_o_i ijle_yq+!S_t013]-q9t.!19._,ol lne_:_r 9lr_o_e_.-l_19_] ngjlg_ilrr@t -1g1gre-or !-lle- bus jr,esiexcced-40tdi '.he to'"al erea of each sjgn+errrLi rleOJSf_lnis-purpose. IhEc-lscnpiiSn- of-=fts_ge11e-rql_lElul" gl_tlg_!g5j-nss-s-sh'al-l-be-jrrcor:poratediffiicient,jfyinq:{hename_of.uhebusine5Sandshouldnot \ Ine a?scrrpiron oT ine 9enera exffij-_{Oid_l4;1e84 B. Siz.c, onc scpr:rrc lbol for c:rclr fivc fionl li:irrl feet o[ lhc building, r,,,ilh r rn:rxin)unt 3rcJ of tl,cntl, square l'c r-.t. Co:nbined rnl::i:i:urtr :lrca for;norc tliiri onc sisn shall noi cicecd t$'crl1J' sqtrarc i-ct-t;C- lJcight, no p:trl ol'illc sign shall cxtcnd obove trvenll.-fir.c fcct frora exi sti ng -crade.D. nvuntbcr, orrc si':n Pclvchicrr'lar strt'cl or nrljor pcdr,slri:r;r s,uy rvlrich t-he'businesS abutS:uith:ra nix;-indrn.of: tvo perbusiricss, as d..lr.nrrincd by llrc ldrlir:isrr:rlor, srrbjcct rtr rcvic*, by lhc tl.'si3rr rr.r'icrv borrd;E. local ion, p:rr:tllcl lo ihc cxlr-rior ,rv:rll rrl.i:rc..rrt lo tlrc slrr'ctor nr.rjor petlrstrirn rvlv rvlti-lt tbc brril,lill,: utrrrls, srrhjr.ct io llrc ellror':rl ol'llrr-- ri:si,-:n rc.,.icl, i:o:rrrl :F. D.-sig.rr, sllrj:cl to llrc :ii.pror':rl ol'tlrr rl-'sign lcvicrr, bo;url:C. LiXlrtirrl, irrrlirccl or |::::-c!r:irrrrclt'tl :ll,. S|cci:rl |ror'!siorrs sir:rll bc:ls lollows:I, Oric frctsl:rrrrlirig si::n or Iyt)i11.1i11. si5n lcy slrce.t t'r nj:lor lrr'rlr'slri:rn r,, 11' pcintiltirl irr |l.rcc gf 6111' rr:rll sign, 2. A ttt:xitttttttt of lrvcttlr,, siltt:trc f.',.'I q ill [r,.' :rllorvt'rl f.rr :t' btrild:n1: irlirr lih-c:rl iort :i:rt.(Onl. l3( 1976) $ -i (1,:rrt ); Or(1. '.,( I 97-3) S l-l(l l).)