HomeMy WebLinkAbout122 E Meadow Dr BUILDING D COMMON & COMMERCIAL 1993-1996TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81557 s7:-479-2138 NOTE: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTI.IENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Addressr, !22 E MEADOI{ DR Location... : VILLAGE CENTER Parcel No.. : 2701-082-25-003 Project No. : PRJ96-0032 SUPERIOR AIARM VAIL PO BOX 2644, VALL CO 81658 SUPERIOR ALARM VAIL PO BOX 2644t VALL co 81658 VILIAGE CENTER ASSOC 124 WTL',LOW BRTDGE ROAD, VArL co 81657 ON JOBSITE AT ALI,'TIMES Peunit #3 896-0068 Status. . . BUILDINGS APPlied.. Issued. . . ExPires. . Phone z 30347 ISSUED 04/26/Lee6 o4/25/Les6 ro/23/Lee6 67300 90.00 3.00 93.@ Tote I catcu[!ted Fces---> Additionat Fees-------) Total Pefuit tec----*> Payoents------- BALANCE DUE_- Phone: 3034757300 Valuation:5 r 000. o0 9r.00 .00 93.00 91.0c .m Descript,ion : FIRE ALARM woRK/RENovATroN f EE SUI'II'IARY it*i*r*****l**i E [.ctri c! [-> oRB Fe" tnvcsti gat i on> Hi t ! catl.-> TOTAL 'EES_> Item:.06000 o4 /26 /tee 6 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI'ENTCHARIIE ACtiON: APPR. FOR DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: ERNST G.- CONDITION OF APPROVAL F I EloolRS"BEE1S$I'^ffio-EqB?[gf 'Ui8fi sBRliti.ssls-so*'L r ANcE na*.59 Ee, ruEH$iR;BlSx#vi$?-#;HH8$oE EuBli'8HR9fi 8o'BE[88" CONTRCI POLICE DISPATCH ***ttiitt*It**tI DECLARATIONS I hcneby ecknovtedge that I havc read this apptication, fiLtcd out in futl' th! infornation requ'i red, cooptcted an accuratc Plot ptan, and strte thlt 8tt th. infor.bstion providcd ". |^.quit.C-i. .orr.ct. -t tEi:: 19 cornpty vith thc info'tlation and Ptot Ptsn' to conpty vith att tovn ordinaices 8nd st€tc [aus, and io buitd this stnucturc according iothe Tovn's 2oning 8nd subdivision codcs, dcsign r.vi.v "pp.ouJ] u.it.ri euitaing c6de and othcr ordinanccs of thc Toyn appticabte thcfeto' I 2.3. REQUEsTS FoR tNspEcnots snALL BE IIADE TuENTy-FouR Hot Rs rN ADVANcE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479'213E oR AT ouR ottlcE tRoll E:0o M 5:00 Pll ar2 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArt, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTI.{ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT THIS PEzu'TIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI.,'TIMES ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Pernit #: 896-0068 NOTE: Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: L22 E MEADOW DR Status" ': ISSUED VILLAGE CENTBR BUILDINGS AppJ'ied' 't 91/,?9/,!226-ziovoaz-25-003 rssued' "' o4/.26/.Leeo, pRJ96-0032 Expires''2 lo'/23/L996 APPLICANT SUPERIOR AIARM VAIL PO BOX 2644t VALL co 81658 CONTRACTOR SUPERIOR AI,AR]'I VAIL Po Box 2644, VALL CO 81658 OWNER VILLAGE CENTER ASSOC 124 WTLLOW BRTDGE ROAD, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3034?67300 Phone: 3034767300 Description: FIRE ALARM WoRK/RENOVATTON FEE SUHI'IARY ****i****i*tt*li 93.00.\ , 91.00 93.00 .00 Valuation: Tota I catcu tated Fces---> Addit iona I tees--------> Tot![ Peroit Fce-----> gli_uce oue-._-_--> 5, 000.00 E Iect ri ca [-> DRB Fee lnvesli gat i on> Ui Lt Cat l.--> TOTAL TEES_> 90.00 .@ .@ 5.00 93.00 Item:.06000 o4 /26/re9 6 ELECTRICAI, DEPARTMENTCHARLIE ACtiON: APPR Dept: FOR ERNST G.-BUILDING Division: 1.2.3. CONDITION OF APPROVAL $ I $f oo?fi E'f;EEt8$3"offio*Boli[8f-TUl8fi qBRliHR.sgl'--sox"L rAN.E nafu 5eg8,ft 3Eg#g,l*n-BYegt-X,ryigoEEuBii'g#fi 9fi 8o,lB[8$' C6wract PoLrcE DTSPATcH DECLARATIONS I hrreby ecknovtedge that I have rcad this apptication, fitted out in futt the infonmation required' conplcted an rccuratc Ptot ptan, and ststc thst al,t thc infor.nstion provided as requircd is correct. t agfce to conrp|'y riith tirc in{ormation and ptot Ptan' to conpl.y yith !u, Tonn ordinances and statc tavs, and io'Lritc-tni. structure according iothc Toun's ronlng and subdivisicn codes, dcslgn ,"ut.r. "pprou.6, uiifo"" Buil,ding cfde and other ordinsnccs of the Tovn appticabte thcrcto' - }P.--***j BE NADE TUENTY.fOUR HOURS III ADVNCE BY TELEP}|ONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OF'TCE TROII E:OO Ail 5:M PT (-'- )-;.*-r'1 stcr4:ruRE 0; OUNER 0RTle-s' REQUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL <-^<O fL-<.----- a **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIIJ, .COLORADO . . . . ..Lar!44J.&.D. Statennt ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statemnt Number: REc-0128 Anount: 93'oo 04/26/96 L4244 payment r'rethod: ci Notation: {t22g4 Init: CD Permit No: 896-0068 T!Pe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL Paicel No: 2101-082-25-003 Site Addressz L22 E D{EADOII DR Location: VILLAGE CENTER BUILDINGS B & C Total Fees:93.00 93.00 .00 PERMIT This Payment 93.00 ***********************:l*********t*******************!r:l**:r****** Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description ELECTRICAI, PERMIT FEES WITL CALL INSPECTION FEE Anount 90.00 3.00 *i Contac t ff :l;.ST::'"f ::i";lo'.';,K ^,r2.q,16i0 fosnpgra,e) 4j^- Towlt oF vArL collsrnucrro!\LIvI _QVCF d>-OU-) PERI.|IT APPLICATToN FoRITT c x!ff#rTt DATE: PERI"IIT /I , APPLTCATTON IIUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELy OR rT l,IAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDu...X***************************** PEtU{fT fNFORI{ATfON ************:l****************fll [ ]-Building 1 3-eturnling (f-electricat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Legal Description: Lot ON: Ph. ceneral Descriptionz Ftt-e 4t *ZWt t,._tOilf _ work crass: [ ]-New t$-arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units;Nunber of Accornmodation Units: #tu"t and rype of Fireplaces: cas Apptiances- Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_ ar******************************:l''tttt* *r * ******** * VetUffiO-W N$t, t **t *t ** ************* ** * ****** durroruc: $ _ ErJcrRrcAL: s5" &)o. oo orHER: $ rSLUr.rBrNG l****************** ** *****lr* CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ******** * * * ****************fEeneral ContractorsAddress: pbone Number: racEo lts'et- . rAriR--*r+"4..r+VA'u Town of Vail Reg. NO. Owners Name: Architect: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLI'MBING PER}ITT FEE: MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,EEIRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF PEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******** ** ********************* BUTLDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:I,TECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Address: Address: ElectricalAddress: t4= -13-* :;-@ phone Number: - FOR BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAIT]RE: CI.EAN I'P DEPOSIT NEN'f,D llo: 75 louth lronlrg! rold Y8ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olflcc ol communlty deyclopmcnl TO: FROM: DATE: su&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WITII TTIETOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PT'BLIC IVORKS/COI,{MT'NITY DE\TEI.,OPMENT I'IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn suumary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit "nv-r"ir]-"J"r, sand, debrisor naterial , incf:g nS trash iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles.upon any streetl =ia;;.il;-;ii;y or publicprace or any porti-on ttreieoi. --tf" rlght-of-hray on ar] Town ofVail streets and.roads is approiinately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be ;ari;irt'-enforcea by the Town of vair.Pubric works DeDartment. -p""=lns found .rriirritins this ordinancenilr be siven a-24 hour r"iaa;;';oiiI"-t"-;il;:'=.id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified_aoes noi- compfy with thenotice within the-24 rrour tiure-=p""iiiil,"i;"-;;lic worksDepartment rrirr remove said mateii"r it-irr" -""i"i=e of personnotiried. The provisions or-trris-oiai"."II ;frIii not beappricable to c-onstruction, nainienance or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utirities il G"-;iiii_"_""v. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fult, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departnent to obtain a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. contractor, owner) .1 t- TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL/ co 8165'1 9t 0-419 -2t38 P Lumb r ng-----> P Ian check---> lnvestigation> Ui Lt CaLL----> t'-,\\t,,1'.- \-a\t < r---r. \ \ . \,\-,t\,,1,.- (5r't DEVELoPMENT \.1t*1 B r-) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0179 Job AddressLocation. , .Parce] No, .Project No. 122 E MEADOW DR VILLAGE CENTER CONDOS 2101-082-08-000 Status . . .I SSUEDBUIApplied. . : I0/2I/r996Issued...: I0/23/I996Expires. . : 04/2I/I99i APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES phone: 3Q392891630151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 81601 CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SERVICES phone: 3Q392891630151 PONDEROSA DR, GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 81601OWNER VILLAGE CENTER CONDO ASSOC. Description: INSTALL BACKFLOW PRENTION ON FIRE Valuation:S 4/700.00 ****1**************************rr*************************i* FEE SUt'll.1ARY ******f,******************t******rr*****t***********t*******75.00 Restuarant P lan Review-->18.75 TOTAL FEES----- .00 3.00 .00 Tota L CatcuLated Fees---)96.75 Additional. Fees---------> Tota L Pe.mit Fee--------> Payments- 96.75 _00 96.75> 96.75 ***************************i*********i********************************r****************?lfllii-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************i??*** Itqm: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepT: BUILDING Division:I0/.2L/.1996 CHARLTE A-Eionl Noie pl-,er.rs ro FrRE-DEFi^--l0'/23'/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR pER MIKE MIte[!',056q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:I0/23/L996 CHARLTE AcrionJ appn pER MrKE MCCEE ********************************************************************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *********************t**********t******t*********i*****t*****t**t**************************t***t**t*********************i********* DECLARATIONS t hereby acknowtedge that r have read this apptication, fitted out in futL the information requ.ired, completed an accurate pLotplan, and state that aLI the information Provided as required is correct. I agree to compt.y wittr tire iniormation and ptot plan,to compLy with al't Toun ordinances and state laws, and to buil.d this structune according to the Town's zoning and subdivis.ioncodes/ design reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town aool.icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEP|IONE AI 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE F ROl,t 6:00 Atl 5:00 ptl SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIiISELF AND OIINER . jtbori:act Eagle County Assessors Officel4l^t lz0-32-8--86_4_0_f_o-r_Parcel /1. ToI.lN oF vArL coNsrRucrroN pERr'rrr /t EPARCEI #: 210108208001 pERMTT appircarior.i-ronr.ltv DATE: to-18-96 , APPLfCATION I'IUST BE FILLED OUT coMPLETELy OR Il MAY NoT BE ACcEPTED t(***************************** pERl{rr rNFoR!.rATroN 'r********************.******** [ ]-Buildins txl-Prumblng [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [x]-other BFf?*",o Job Name: WLL,AGE CENTER Job Address: 124 WILIOW BRIDGE ROAD L,,egal Description: Lot Block Filing suBprvrsroN, Ph.476-1450 Architect:Address: General Description: PUT BACKFLOI{ PREVENTION ON ALII0 FfRE SPRINIf,ER SYSTE}{ Ph. q'work class: [ ]-New [x]-Alteration [ ]:Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dlrelllng Units:Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: lPtl"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances ' Gas Logs_ lrood/pellet_ {********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* EIJCTRICAL: S OTHER: TOTAL: INFORMATION ******* * ** * ********** * ***** Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Address: Address: .Plunbing Contractor:Address: 0151 POIIDEROSA Mechanical Contractor:Address: * * * * *** * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** ********FOR CES, INC Town of,VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUIIDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLTJI,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: M!4NICAL PIi4xi.cHEcK FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. NO.45q-SPhone Nunber: gz-e-gros - BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I,IECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL F8E: OTIIER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: RECREATION FEd: T i. ZONfNGS SIGNATURE CLEAT UP DEPOSIT RENND TO: I 'i" 75 south ,rontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 ot 479-2139 TO: fROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlty developmenl ALL CON?RACTORS CI,RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{N OF VAIL TOI{N oF vArL puBl.,rc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGErn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or a"p""it. ""v-.Jiri-rlJi, sand. debrisor material, including t;;=;-I;psters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles*upor,-.rry-;lr;;i, sid.ewalk, al1ey or publicP1?9" or anv porrion rheieof. -rl" rigtrt-oi-;;;-:, arr_ rown of;ii: ::ffij;":"*, I?.9: :."-ipp."*inai"iv-s-it. -iri pavement. -pu' i c - wJ;il";";l*iT:;. :'.i::lI":":H;;",?Ir:*; jfl F"iiil" " ".wirr be qriven a'za houi-rri;;;;";otice to rernove-said nateri_ar-.rn the event the person so notieiea.does not "ornp:.V with thenoti'ce within the- 24 hour tir"-Jp."ifled, the pui:.ic worksuepartment wirr renove r.iJ-r.tlii.r _ut-itr."."pJise of personnotified' The orovi.i"ns-Jt-'iii= orainance siriri nor beappricable to c'onstt"riion]-liiii:ll"ge gr repair projecrs orany street or alley or any utiLitres j,n the right_a_way. $:ri';iilu?I5'il31"e No' o in full, please stop by the rown of "o"p"iuii;;";'Tf;i:til:i:.:: obtain I copv---ri..;i you ror your osirionlneEGiEEG (i.e. contractor, owner) FiLI Henry Pratt seconded the motion. The project received unani approvalwith a fifii')Y staff memo. vote of 6-0. 6. A request for a major exte or the exoansion of La Tour Restaurant and the Gotthelf's G it tor a modification to the outdoor dining deck, loca 22EastMeadow Drive/a portion of Block 5E, Vail Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther presented this proposal request to the PEC. He refened to the model regarding the "dark area" in lront of the building and dressing up this area. This request is for a 508 square foot addition. On the calculation of parking spaces, there is 1.33 spaces necessary with this addition. George slated that the applicant could pay into the Town parking fund in the amount of $15,660. The revised planter feature is not shown on this plan but there will be a planter and a water feature. Also, the applicant is requesting a proposal for an outdoor dining area. Staff is supporting both the exterior alteration and the conditional use permit for an outdoor dining patio with the three conditions of approval listed on page 10 of the staff memorandum. Pam Hopkins, the applicant's representative, stated that the applicant can comply with these conditions. Bob Armour expressed that he wants lhe PEC to get away from approving "blanket' conditional use permits without stipulating a time limit, possibly a year, on all conditional uses permits. Bob staied that in the future the PEC will take that direction. Mike Mollica stated that the conditional use permit is attached to the property and it does not need to be applied for each time when different or new owners take over the use. Henry Pratt asked if the lire stand pipe was being relocated. Pam Hopkins stated that the stand pipe can be relocated and moved. Mike Mollica stated that the PEC should have the relocation of the stand pipe as a condition of approval for this proposal. Bob Armour asked if increasing the height of the dormer three or four feet will take away some of the massing of the building. Henry Pratt asked the staff and the applicant if the outdoor dining area could be larger. Bob Armour and Kevin Deighan asked if there was a market for a larger outdoor dining area. Pam Hopkins stated that the restaurant is only open for dinner, so the deck would only be used in the evening. George Ruther reiteraled that on page one of the memorandum, it staled that this deck would only be used during the evening hours. Planning end ErNironmenlsl Conmission April t0, 1995 Minules I Jeff Bowen made a motion that the proposal be approved as per the mernorandum dated April 10, 't995, with conditions 1, 2, and 3 listed on page 10, and also to add another condition that the stand pipe be relocated and incorporated with the landscaping planter, if possible. Bob Armour seconded the motion. Unanimous approval with a vote of 6-0. Greg Amsden expressed a concern that the landscaping and stone work match the existing materials. George Ruther stated that the exterior materials are to match existing except the smallportion of the cedar shake roof. George Ruther said that he would need a revised site plan lrom the applicant so that the Fire Department can review the changes and relocation of the stand pipe. . Mike Mollica explained to the PEC that the Fire Department will only allow annual and perennial plants in lhe landscape planter. The Fire Department will not allow any large shrubs or trees that will obstruct the access to the sland pipe. 7 . Approval of minutes for March 27, 1995 meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion that the minutes to the March 27, 1995 PEC meeting be. approved as written. Bob Armour seconded the motion. Unanimous approval with a vote of 6-0. 8. Town Councilupdate: ' Vail Commons Mike updated the PEC on the Vail Commons project, and explained that the field of developers was narrowed to four teams. Jeff Bowen stated that one of the difficulties in comparing the proposals is that they are all very different designs. Each proposal has merit but regardless ol who is selected, there will need design changes. Mike Mollica agreed that they are very different proposals. The Town will have each team take a shot at specilic ideas and major items that the Town would like to see in each design and present it to the Town Council. Jelf Bowen stated that each proposal needs to stand on its own on this site. The Town needs to look at this from a public policy viewpoint and what works best for Vail. Kevin Deighan stated he has been in the shopping center business and offered to have submittals reviewed by him if they want. He has experience at looking at financials, debt ratios, etc. Jeff Bowen stated that the EHU proposals will have to be looked at closely. Jeff Bowen asked if Kevin Deighan would join the Vail Cbmmons Task Force. PLnningrnd Environmenld Commbsioo April 10, 1905 Minutes Kevin said he would be glad to join the task force. f t f f ,: ' The Ruins Mike Mollica stated it went to Town Council and was approved on first reading with the recommended PEC conditions of approval. Staff was instructed to work out the details and the developer is to look at taking one of the lockoff units and convert it into an EHU. ' Lionsquare Lodge Mike Mollica explained that the PEC approved this proposalweeks ago and the Town Gouncil called it up. This proposal was also approved by DRB. Basically, there were minor changes to the approved plan. Mike Mollica expressed that he wanted to clarity an issue in regard to the Village Center/Fred Hibberd proposal approved in this meeting. He stated that when the PEC adds a condition with an "if possible" atlached, that it creates problems for the staff because it can be difficult to require the applicant to conform and follow through with this condition. Jeff Bowen assumed the applicant would, in fact, move the stand pipe, based on Fire Dept. approval. Mike Mollica explained that the Fire Dept. will probably approve it with the conditions stated above. Mike also explained that Pam Hopkins was not at the last meeting and she was taking a shot at saying lhe applicant will move the stand pipe but he telt that the applicant, in the past meeting, was not interested in moving it. Generaldiscussion ensued regarding stand pipe issues and DRB approvals. Greg Amsden asked if the Fire Dept. is subject to DRB approvals. He expressed that the stand pipes were very unsightly and could be placed in better areas. How can they jusl put it anywhere? There was further discussion on the stand pipe issue. Kevin asked il the PEC can send a letter to the DBB regarding stand pipe issues. Mike Mollica said that was okay. Jeff Bowen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bob Armour seconded the motion. Unanimous approval with a vote of 6-0, The meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Plaming rnd Envif onmsntd Commission April 10, 1905 Minutes *ign Revierf Action FOr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number oate /t/3/94 Building Name: Proiect Description: owner,AddressandPhone: \l a,',. I (a t.* (a, t e/r', -t )-. . . .',,, ?.-,un" - Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: / 4 ? E*',/ 'tt l'. ^,,Jc , t D.t' . .. Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: D Approval fl Disapproval X: StaffApproval r..er3.d7lr./e. O O,, DESTGN REvrEw BoARD ApprJrcATroN - Tor{N or vitr., DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:********** COI,ORADOi,. i. , tt-l' !t I. A. *t******** New Construction (g200.OOl X ruinor Alrerarion ($20.00)Addition (950.00) '_ConcepEual Review (g0) ADDRESS: LEGAI, DESCRIPTION:Subdi.vision B. TYPE OF REVTEW: c. D.LoL BIock If properE.y is described bvdescription, pldase providLEo this applicaLion. a meeLs and boundson a separat.e sheet. lega1 and attach ZONTNG: NAME OF APPLICAI{T: Phone NAME OF NAME OF OWNER(S) : APPLICANT'SMailinsAdd;ess: OInIER (S SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: Phone APPL'rcATroNs wrLL NoT BE pRocEssED wrrllour owNER, s sreNATttRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. 'J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid at. theLj.me of submittal of Lhe DRB appli[acion. Later, whenapplyi.ng for a buirdinq permiu, plbase identify the accuratevaruation of bhe proposal . The iown of vait witt adjust. thefee according to the table berow, Lo ensure the corr6ct feeis paid. AID: $ m- FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n + .t ^ nn^vv$ 10, 001 _ $ 50, 000$ 50, 001 - $ 1s0, 000 $1s0, 001 - $ s00, 000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESTGN REV]EW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRESAPPROVAIJ IJNI.'ESS A BUILDING PER.}!IT ISIS STARTED. Y!- FEE $ ;o:oo $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AIVD CONSTRUCTION qO ($s0 . 00) II. A pre-application neeLing wit.h a member of the planningstaff is encouraged to deL.ermine if any additionalapplicati.on inf ormaE,ion is needed. IE is che appli-cant, sresponsibilit.y to make an appointment r,rith t.he sEaf f Eodetermine if there are addicional submitLal reguirement.s.Please note Ehat. a COMPLETE application will streamline thereview process for your projecL. IIT. IMPORTAIflT NOTICE REGARDING AIII.I SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. h addition to meet.ing'.submiEEal reguirements, theapplicant must stake and tape Lhe projecL site toindicate property lines, buiJ-ding lines and buildingcorDers. A11 trees L.o be removed must be taped. AIIsit.e tapings and staking must be complet.ed prior to Lhe DRB site visi!. The applicant must ensure EhaE sbakingdone during the wint,er is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requires L\^ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board:.aconcept.ual review and a final review. C. ApplicanLs who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on Lheir scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance Lhat discussion on their iLem bepost.poned, will- have Lheir items removed from the DRBagenda unt.il such Lime as Lhe it.em has beenrepublished. D. The following iLems may, aL the discret.ion of thezoning adminisLraLor, be approved by t.he CoNnunit.yDevelopment. Departmerit sLaff (i.e. a formal_ hearincrbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skyLights and similar exterioJ changeswhich do noL aLter Lhe existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addirions noE. visible from any other lotor public space. At the t.ime such a proposal issubmitted, appLicant.s must. include letters fromadjacent propert,y owners and/or from t.he agenL, foror manager of any adjacenL condominium associat.ionst.ating Lhe association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris f 1ow,weLland, eLc. ) , a hazard study must be submitled andthe owner must sign an affidavj.t recognizing Lhe hazardreporL prior to the issuance of a building pernit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a fown plannerprior to DRB applicatj_on to det,ermine the relationshipof Che properLy to aII mapped hazards. F. For alI residential const.ruction: a. CIearIy indicace on the floor plans the insideface of the ext.erior strucLural walls of t,hebuilding; and b. Indtcate r^rith a dashed line on the sit.e plan afour foo[ disLance from the exLerior face of thebuildinq walls or supporting columns. G. ff DRB approves the applicaLion wit.h conditions ormodifications, a1I condit.ions of approval must beaddressed prior Eo Ehe applicaE.ion for a buildingpernit. SALES CONTRACT Since 1899 PAYMENT TERMS Merchandise desc{ibed hereon is offered for sale in accordance with he Terms and Conditions shown on the reverse side of this Agreement on the lollow- ing payment lerms. E SOZ Oeposit *ith balancB due on rec€ipt of invoice. Accounts are d€linquent atler 15 days. Interest charges of 1r/2% pef month are due on delinquent accounls. DEPOSIT FECEIVED (Deposit musl accompany this contract.) Dare Otfer Made 9 / L9 /94 Estimated Date of Detiverv 4 - 5 ve ek s pend i ng ci ty perfr-fE--eFpTEva-l I cnsx' DA'E - AMr To Vail Core Condo Association Ll cttEcx: r-DArE-AMr- Address P. O. Box 4966 Vail, Co.81658 VISA CARD C MASTER CARD Vai1, CoLouthan Ph-476-15f1 EXP DATE OFFER Material - Sunbrella Firesist in color of choice. Convex Style Entrance Avning Complete tr,/ Welded Steell l" Square Tube Frame - Paint 81ack. Slope rridth-19'-6u Drop-2'-6" Projection-3'-9" Bottom of frame is to be 8'-0 above sidevalk level. City permits or required engineering will be in addition. Quote includes labor, material, installation & tax. Prlce $ Sales Tax $Perr Larkin Tolal Prlce $ 2,285.OO Gotorodo Genvog Awn0mlg Go.o 0mG" II'^NUF^CTURER OF F.ABRIc AND ]\,IETAL PRoD|,jcTs 1051 South Platte River Drive, Denver, Colorado 80223 Phone: 303-744-8929 FAX #: (303) 777-4204 Condo stairvay entrance Zrp Code 122 East Meado NAME ONDr CARD #Delivery Address Phone Ann AGREEMENT Alllerms, conditions and prices contained he.ein shall expire thirty (30) days trom date ol ofler and at any time belore that date are subject to change or withdrawal without notice unless Purchaser has first signed and delivered this agre€ment to Seller. The undersigned Purchaser hereby accepts this ofler and orders and agre€s to purchase and pay lor th€ above described merchandise and to be bound by all lerms and conditions stated, including Terms and Conditions on rEverse side. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON REVERSE SIDE - READ SEFORE SIGNING. Purchaser hereby acknowledges receipl of a completed copy of lhis Agreemgnt and acknowledges that Purchaser has read and underslands every- lhing contained herein. Dated: Purchaser Accepted for Colorado Canvas Awning Co., Inc. by: Authorized Signature Purchaser STDE ELEVATION I N l'"''. t 3t-9" awning to I follow tine \ o (! I or{a I o @ I I P- 15r_6''Level of sidevalk : lover Gs0ouodoG$mnseAPnffiEl JoBNAME Condcr Stair WaY Entrzutce JoB ADDRE5S 122 East Meadov Dr-- coNrAcr -Yai l , Co .- DArE Ann LqlLban PHoNE 476-151 L- ,{.tT.j;lli*'.,11{i7,firy!t'',1::Fw".{mqt$*fintte,!fiFF:?F!f,'|qr.Fx\rcrrrrir'r''t\ir''rr+'-}irDre. -^r' -| .t {r €t'r . D*n Review Action For{" J.. TOWNOFVAIL;i"*,'-'-. -..,st.i* ' ,,;.. Category Number L ll -. /7 /oate ll' /' ''lf -r- nl - ")Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architecvcontact, Address and phone: l'.,lf^tA Kftll rf f , 'l-nrt r I tf i. -i-- ah irt+ , (, 4t Comments: Action Motion by:vote: + - e seconded oyt*tri\v\ .&l,r'.u *,\ - --"-:"- --,,, \ .._'RARRrovaL" ' fl Disapproval f] StatfApproval i -.1.'.r ,, r I ,,r | \Jl t , I1i,;r',r ,',ltf,r'i i. .,2 L.l Town Planner ,'-\/-)g31e' 1 ,,.' '. _1 ( /..f - I ti DRB Fee Pre-paid ,,, ..) D(b-, \\'L -4+o APPLTcATToN DATE Off n: lggg S IGN/A9Iil ING APPLI CATIO}T It lll " /'nfi/i,1,l r\-r r n-, v i " uulyilVi U; i4 Dl,tPrint or Type)PROJECT Charlie's T-Shirts PERSON SUBMITTING Nate Knauer PH0NE_4J.5:9J.?J_ ADDRESS 64! r ionhead Cirele Vail t C,o. kfl/lt €Tauw 328<t828 OWNER Charl i e Sfnne PHONE---4J5=9J3J- SIGNATT'RE OF OI{NER LOCATION OF PROJECT 122 E. Meadow Dr. VaiI. Co. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECI recover existing convex stvle awning THE FOLLOWTNG TNFORMATTON rS BEggLBgq FOR SUBMTTTAL BY THE APPLICA}IT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN to be recovered wi th ne signage SIGN OR AWNING I"IATERIAL OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF bp x6,5" hiqL,= fr6'-2t.rtq /" 11 ' LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) ;ryl i@"^I3*o$ol'hlflf u9o',i\,@ SiLe PIanElevations showing exac! focation of sign or awning on the building (544 Fh$io)Photographs showing proposdd locaLion Colored scale drawing Sampte of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available (PIease NAME OF NAI,IE OF NA}4E OF ADDRESS (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. existine convex stvle )'fe put B. LOGO D. F. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIAE LIGHTING (EXISTING where lighting is limited to 2 3. 6.-v-V s00 fso3 LETTERING AND x 6,5"(,9',1') h; OR PROPOSED)@ng coming through letters only Sign Administrator OVER TO: SIGN APPTICANTS !{hen applications for signs are submitted, the following information J.s required: 1. 2. completed sign/awning applicatsion (att'ached) . site plan showing t,he g4L location where the sign Lo be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the ProPosed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign, as folfows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wifl be.(b) A list of nateiiaLs to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas r paint, et.c . )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, subnit drawings showing exactly how and wnere the awning is at-Lached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed' 6. Description of tighting that wilt be used in conjuntuion with ihe sign or awning. .rf proposing. an awning, Iighting is not allowed Lo shine through the entire awning which cal]s undue attent"ion Lo the business. Llghting may spotlight only the atctual sign Iettering on the awning- RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. Be speciiic. vagueness on design, size, construction may delay the approval cf Your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or lJederal agency other t.han the Town of VaiI, Lhe application fee sniff be increased by $200.00. Examples of such rLvie*, may include, but are not lirnitect to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Arny Corps of Engineers 404r etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which ire in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's reguestr BDY natter is postponed for hearing, causing tnL rnatter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the Community Development Department to have significant design, ]and use or other issues which may have a significan! impacl on ghe community may reguire review by consultants other Lhat town staff. Should a deterninat.ion be made by che tovrn staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shalf esEimaLe the amount of tnoney necessary to pay him or her and this anount shalL be forwarded to the Town by Lhe appficant at the tine he files his application with the Com,nuniLy Development Department. Upon cornpletion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consult.lnt. which have not been paid co the consultant shal1 be returned to the applicant. Exfrenses incurred by the Town in excess of r he amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by t.he Town. A Ais a "\1tu+k€J-,"*v,- | ,aA .l t^Q9& t t!,t c)Fz 8-' !Urtu@ 31rfl"', p.!;"EaA L!.1 =*60v fI" -- l' .1A* \ \""t ^\/)+ qt: trtr rq 's-n\n t, cAll Fsin' f''{, 'oa :* {,$^>f\ rtl v{ =( *(-n 'r.te'rrJr]\ -\,-b V-q --br---,v l|. =$ >qT\* t\4 \+) L eSu 31a-/)qJrv -F(-(J -\s, =E €\{ oo CHAPMAN AND ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS ANO @IJNS€LORS AT LAW .I43 EAST MEAOOh, DRIVE Su[E 498 VA|L, coLoRADo 91657 ^ 1 l^t:-,,. ) BRUCE D, CHAPMAN' B.C. ANDERSON July 20, 1993 Ms. Kristan Pritz Conmunity Development Director Town of Vail75 S. Frontage RoadVail , Colorado 81657 Re: Pazzo's Pizzeria RemodelVail Core Condominium Our File No. 2269.1 Dear Mg. Pritz: We represent vail Core Condominium Association,Inc. (the"Association"). Vail Core Condominiums is the residentialcondominiums located above Pazzo's PizzerLa and the other ViIIageCenter shops. The president of the Association did not receive anynotice that the Town of Vail was processing an application for abuilding permit regarding the remodeling of Pazzo's. In 1984 when amajor renovation of the Vill-age Center shops occured, the Associationalso did not receive notice. This resul-ted in the construction ofimprovements that significantly affected the exterior of the Vail CoreCondominium Units without the owners of those units having a chance toparticipate in the approval process. Although the current remodeling is relatively minor in relationto the 1984 remodel, the Association feels that it should have beennotified so that it could have informed its members. Additionally theAssociation has been desirous of running a gas line from the garagebelow the Village Center shops to the Vail Core Condominiums. If theVail Core Association had been notified of. the proposed remodel ofPazzo's, it would have had an opportunity to incorporate theinstalLation of the gas l:-nc wi-th the remcdeling. Ilor.r to accompJ-:-shthe same work in the future, it will be significantly more expensive. TEITPHoNE: (300)'|7e0o75 TELEooPIER: (303) 478-@78 E.l.N. 64-l I Orl400 Please review this matt,er. The Associationresponse as to whether or not you agree thatnotified of the current remodeling and how thisavoided in the future. would appreciate ait should have beensituation can be Thank you very much for your cc: Village Core Condominium Association t t/ I 300, LzLt2269 *rr ,, \L "'uww ffi*^ry''6 rJe+\^4r'4/4aoJ {w F_ lljFoo -zo |-(LulY ulo F F cEcal! o\o-or lt-o ir-OclOC guJbEz6 z ze coo =z O- Lr- E ='E UJo-IzIFo EFozo,c) E =ul(L ollloz loLoF(r Eo- JFt!-h= duJEO-OL9o{urxo-:>rJl-luJ tr ru(D F o Eo -9o o!t c E EoC' glLtf J..i6\,, \-., = ==3coil> ul zoz =f,o .6 oz 0.Jo+J -t .1' \l qJ d+Ja Zr-L*YLtgftYlr4) (nulluILL =UJ t5Itrs13I l= o l*€ ltF E $NE S\ t{9 PNE I s{ cc \Nlr H*q E\S5E *Ng! E r-!I i-1E C-:oo) O{'.S /\<E) .-+ =dl E 6l\-e tsl+ c HI '> 3 ElioF.{l> rdl -l9al v FglSt =1 .\- .e 3l EEI oti(!.Y' 3i{€EEE"t EiH: E 6P:Ec-o> :$E i;>=:c96F -*=o): F;.8;i>,5:Eg;*oociEo'eesfEi$E o- o cL-SE; so!EorE€:€EE:iE? b E E;E E-o:o ! -.c -^ $fi; E te:=9 oEE ;E F';*;E9Eq) -c5g* - o 6.: ca + N rn at>rlJ |J.J(ll L = uJ J Fot- F =uJ zo oz6 =fJo- oE =UJtulEz 6llJo zoI = aL (rruo- J z Eo f cc dt <>og Lz Azz- ;oB6OI !E t;IE JJ 3 F |ltllltl.tl:tltlFll ql1l1lglql'rtl .F{ |HI ..,1 rlC t{lol olf4 El '141 .-ll l-ll6Jl Ol Ekl €,,1 'Fl Ir,l Bl ;E Bzz!- tr ^ 6zX r ZYE 9 OE aoEz'>()oo9.ezXlr- <oq iuJ-5 ,-r U.,aXz !N(J >(r -r(')lLuS =cDN z tr a uJ J zotroo E. UJF 3LUz ctz tr =Eu.lc €J ffi +l #"l 'F-: J IJ- q B rlF o NN A ui =z cotx tro .r{ c,H UJ =z l.r ForqlqIo = NC.l UJEo a o- r\LN 6 r-t d =o o .r{Ji o B .A tr t{ CJ oo - = C\.1 I\o Fln\o @ FI (! F >iH {-,rl o l.toC) {Jo l.ro4 c,)q(! Ecltr Ic!F- z oql(r J t!oz3oF F I o\an (\ (.) I g IJJ IJJF .Fllr.u OJFI r-l trtr T z Itl T u-oz3I co orln IFN u,I FI 'ft d o o) =tr I s .i2 ollJ J t!oz3 F (\ Fl\tN I\o ui.J IJJF c z ouJ Ja r!oz3 =e.tr z,; tu J IL z3oF IJJ)lltF I.IJz3 I F UJ:'f' t E. --.r O<F I.JJ <ZEUJF.iZ -JE<o(JF FS ;F=zIO Ezr-E?>t)zrr- o ixoF 13iFil< =E E C(irsi*Eo2 I LUJ trflr TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCT PERMIT APPLICATTON FO .fob Address: I #t,tt -t tgestJ Town of Vail Recr. NO. Phone Nunber: Fit-S9F Town of Vail Reg. NO._ Phone Number: 9A6-e 4 / a Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CIIECK FEE: /5.7,.Aa PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK F8E3 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Jt.ac) w ll r-t-t-t-t BUIIDTNG: SIGNATURE: zoNING: d//, SIGNATTIRE: oarr:{ose._3 - ^ APPLICATION !.TUST BE FTLI,ED OTII COIIIPIJTEI,Y OR TT U,AY NOT BE ACCEPTED2 I****************************** pEIU{fT INFORTTATION ******************.********** tl ,-- - 1 tfstilding g {.-ffurnling I q/-rtectrLcal I J-Mechanlcal I J-Other oION RM?s Job Nane: LU t nd c>qt d- DeiLegal Description: Iot_..[_ock-.,1 rirrng \art.l:\:^i ;;,rzz= owners Nane: Fne\ \'..\-\-(-r.\ Address: /olA /ic.f ./71 zoJnu., o/. pn.l.q+ly2=>2 Architect: bv-o.,Address: ,)ol Ccor. Cr^ tCr gA.f+?e-?tor General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New |{ttgeralion f-]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-othercon,ae r^ci c.\ Nunber of Dwelling Units: *trtes, Nunber of Acconmodatl-on Units: tlprnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances_ cas Logs_ Wo V of Fireplaces: cas Appliances- Gas Logs- wood-/fctlr$e4 Ir**** * ******* * * *** * ** *** ********** VALUATIONS ******** * ** **** ************ ****** iy_*1ryq, ! 'l^ o u -Eryg$Iqp: l--Zr-e-ar: gTlpl'PLTIMBING: ] 1 t> o .' MEcHANfcAf: $--.-.-.--- ToTAL: l=+as-,v+/l**** ** ******* ******* * * ***** CONTRACTOR INFORI.IATION *** l trtr * ********************tEenerat co-ntractorz l/dsei hors-f C,-arAenla.z Town of Vail Req.- X9. '7'-B Address: A.' x nQ T Phone Number: 3'zu''>@{- Electrical contract"rz Ol{ elr-*Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: -4"<,AO PLWBING PERMIT FEE: q€,o() I.{ECIIANICAIJ PER}TIT FEE: EIECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Connents: ...,\ *'.h\"-.,s d CLEATT UP DEPOSIT REPIII{D trO:BoX n7qu7 ^llLC-l C4J q..ta C J n/ Co ', q5e ol" s C +f pea 75 3outh tronlage rord Yeil, colondo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.'ECT: ofllce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITTI THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVEIpPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sunmaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash duurpsteri, portabte toilets andworkrnen vehicl-es upon any street, sidewal.k, alley or publicplgce or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinateJ.y 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be stri-Lly enforced by the town of VaiIeg!_lic vlorks Department. Persons found viorating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLtic WorksDepartrnent will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuIl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this natter. to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Co n {naJ\osition/Relat,ionshipr Ia 75 louth froni.gc rord v!ll, colorudo 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 ottlco of Gomnunlty dcvclopncnl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requt:res a Town of Vai'l fire Department Approval ,Engineef''s (.fyblic Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning'Department revi'ew or Health Department review, and a review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas three weeRs. A1l comrnercia'l (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq fo'l low the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt will be rnde by this department to expedite thispelnit as. sgon as poss'i b1 e. I'' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame.. l( Pc. zz.r=, t^rinSo.^rs $ de-<-t\? Project Name Connuni ty Devel opment Department. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: PAZ,ZDS WINDOWS & DECK DATE: G10-93 ADDRESS: l22E.MEADOWDR CONTRACTOR:HAZELHORST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHIIECT: SNOWDEN/HOPKINS OCCLJPANCY:B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPB OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUn.ED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DBPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEF'ORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. EXITS NOT TO BE ALTERED WTIII THIS PERMIT. 3. GUARDRAIL TO COMPLY WTTH SEC. I7I2 OF TIIE 199I UBC. o lVtA WotAntcad7vz 40r<Noa zxvYittv llw+ c*fo?t' 1,':'inA('i r>'{trt,t NEt.l l?g flA,.a,olvW:(v-t@ Y7WV4 Q.' rli 'Net,.. I uwf t o'l Vd'll llwillAvt-,11t'tOW? ,flfr',1.',-. /.*:i.y:, Y4t a f'a 'i .,; i. r''i Plan l_-, ii l'...t4rl?ldTue2 f,.YKofl W.sIfia u, , .-;:., .;.; .1,.,.:;;i-. ,_ 1!r': iir :i t' i :;,1,,i,'"'rhkeCat. ' , "' l;:,1ti:'i'Jlil.,';;,i,ur' rr -'e a u ;;' '.'';, ''1 "1 .,:1.::i;;"tit'til*' oi t' y oi lire E'iirs'|'-,,ii''- i -'i'': ;:'s . .: ;,r\i ctha' ordt:'ancd ot 't'J ii iiltir'orr ii'a :'"r-,air:.cl ; 'r.., ,..,ii na.r,t *pt* piun: .specii'calicrts tto tt"u-,"-crta -*']l ' ;.'jr r:.ovent the bU.lcin0 ot;rciai Irom therealic| 'eqL:l!.:ntl tlie ;;;,;rl;;;i ;rors in-said ptans' specriicaticns and 0in0' 'rA-f E' lc'o -q7 il tjoAvl TV7vNwrl Town of Vall NlrlDaN 4 wo? Wj4ozw' tu/ | lqq OFFICE COPY 'bh/-'i"Flro il oo H4r'Li#dW,/ 1lt v ?vd;v Tvaar r'?lAN fr-v1qrr l", wz70'4 NND2A 10W? Vyr400w ' n:q.. i,.;,li_L \f ffi'd h* v,i t", n /v t'4, il,I ,lt'*, ...,DATE .J 31 tt /qo Town of Vail orii0EcoPY ot F COP}/ , mqryt"o NtHnaN iOW-? WtlOOfu a 993 'lfr O ffid Buvllne sssr ExrpnroR, Bt-nolotNc FRENCH D00R Svsrnnt Tnqr Mmns Lnncn 0pnuucs Possmln o Tnn -l-l = -%,%tG -lc5c5 - -- - - lrltrl-E' tf-lqrIlr c, =u)!EC'€a ct u) =C'a =- = = =E Resldcnce Cnlisloga, (A PP.Product Presenlation ^A unru rlimrrrrsion in tlcsign flexibility rvhile offering an engineered system with exeel lent weathcrtigh tness. high scerrrill: r,nse nf opornlion. anrl qtta I i t.v hn nrlcrafted n,ood construction. CONSIDER THE POSSIBITITIES, , , With tho 0pcning0lass Wall, completely open large walls for indoor/outdoor living and cnter. tainment aram. lVith thc 0pcning 0lass Wall. bring lhc outdmrs in to arpand an)'mom. Includc outdoor artas as a part of intcrior space With the 0pening Glass Wall, brighten any area with unob- structed natural light. lJo-u."., Applications Resldentlal - Exterior Thc Opcning Glass Wall makes possihlu the opening of large, r:xtcrior, glass walls. Plcasant weather allows the OPening 0lass Wall to be fullY oPened and folded to the side, whereas in lr,ss drsirablrr conditions, it cnn quitrklv bo t:losed t0 cr()ale n hrirht, insulated solarium. Residcnce Enchankd lnke. lhttrtt Residentlal- Interior With the 0pening Glass \['all. artras can lltr oponcd or partitioned at will, to ereate cilht'l a snund resistant, see-through room rlilidt'r. or r complllr'11'opttn. largt'r ronm. Some applltatlons: . Solarlums. separatlon ol non'heated space from the maln slruclure. . Llvln9entertalnmenl/reereatlon/ offlce areas, m ultl-functlonal uses of space Some tppllcttllons: . lndoor/ou l drxrr llvln( ttnd enlerlnlnmenl ttretts. tts Bccess to eourtyards, decks, patlos and breezeways .Fool houses . Spa enelosures . Solarlums. as end or fitt'e rvalls . Garuge/llr'lng spnee converslons.... appllcations Bre llmltless, and vlews are dramatlcally enhane.ed. Resldt'ice ,\"aln, tu lfomia llrtirh'urr ll*uk'l:hrul Commrirclal- Exterior I he Opcnrng (ilass \\all provirlos rr bcautiful uood allernative to a lu m inurn sliding systems. Some appllcatlons:. Restaurants nnd sldeualk cafes. lndoor/ouldoor soalIn[ rpns. Slores and nrnll fronls. Inrllln( €ntrSnces lleslaum, l'illrburyh, I'e ns.t'hn,tla Ilesh mtl ,\hi Indge Aspon, C.nlnr&t lk'h4.'lln I' lo .lll1,. (.:.tliFtmul Commerclal- Interlor Thr, (lpr,ning (ilirss \\hll prrn ir|r,s a cl'irI glitzlrl llli,nr;tli\1'ln npl ra hk' l tliltr)lrs. Some appllcatlnns:. Churches, sanctuary and cry aress. Restaurants and caleterlas. dlnlng room partltlons . Conferente and offlce rooms. flexlhle use of spa<:e . Yacht end country clubs, room dlvlslons v'- .tlirhi!:an TousIDER THE Sntnuc Fn^ltur ' TS - Technical SuPPott The Opening (ilnss Wtll '" is a door systcm thtt mrlti' functions rs a single cntry doot r.s swinging douhlo' opereting French doom with { and 0 panel models, and rs exterior bi-folding doors - all in one unit' It can either be closed, partially opened with a swin$ng panel' or fully oJrentrl nith nll panels strckcd to thc sides Soe Itiagrnm A. Thc 0pening Glass Wall is a complete, prccision huilt tnd cngrnor'rlrl systcm which is pre'fittcd, &ssem- hlr,rl. irnd tlsk'tl itt th(r f ('lt)ry htfort shipping stt that rr,-irsslntltl) itttrl ittslallitliott is rlly citsl: The Opening Glass Wall. cxquisitcly handcrafted.lmm soloet vortieal grain Dougtas fir, prcscnts clcan, htnd' romr'lint's ttntl lirrrrpla n st11ing. Douhh rrbhctcd c0nstruclion. singl0 plnn0 porimcter e0mPression weatherstrippi ng. douhlc u'cnthlrstripping tx'trvacn pa nols. n isr.rl thrnsh'rltl rl'si$. rt trrl,1 I 1'1gl nt'r'rld. pitlr'rtlt'd't'onlilill ir nrl tlrir t lt' \\ r'ttl) \\\lr'lll hcl0 to lnsttrl rcsislilllt't' lrr n ittll lnd lltllr infiltration. Tlnrpcrlrl insrrllting gllss is used for enorl5 cr[scr\tltion. Top hung pnnr'ls comhinld sith slnll"()['tIF rrl (iormnn ntitdl ltnrdsrtn' prolidc sntnolh slidinq rrnrl foklittg rr;tlritlion. cri'll rrhln lllt' bottom trnck hils somt'did or sitnd in it. Tht' main rveight is carried hl thc head trach: thl sill track is merclY a guide. 'Ilrr.(\x'nirtg (ilass \thll is avnilahkr with thn'e' forrr. fiu,or six pnncls. in dilfercnt widths ud h{,iqhts tt[d in diffcrcnt configttrnli0ns. S00 l\r(e li. A choim rrf glnzingoptions its stllrts trrrn rlividnd liics are arailahle for t'ustomiz;ltion' .\ tI\ nlu tir,nlr). r'onllitl'd mulliplt'point kx'hinI slslr,n is tts0d f0r st'curitl- tgainst for(d t'nlr1l ttt Irr,lI n'rluec slrur:tutal drflection undcr high willd conrlitions. and lo minimize any chance of \{arpflqo. \\ten a hnndle is turned, all locking nninls movc inlo placn at once' The primtry string punr'l inr'lttdes a rlendbolt. \'- ffiv v: -Futtcllo t ptcsihb uilh a lour prcl RJ+ I n&l' OLgrlm A \ua\i, (ilili axt fla clme Plano, fesas ES 0F THE 0pnmft Gmss Wru, o (jontinutd, l,,ong - I0rru. Satisfrt:torv {}peratlon With time. builrlings ehanga. move, and sefllo, criti. call) nffoctinq lamn opnnings. r\djrrstmlnt flaIrrrls. as shown in Diagram ll. hclp trr mtrintlin r positirl scal and lo continuc t0 proyidc optimum casl of oplr- ation. Adjustmcnts can hc made without rcmovin[ panels from the tracks. Ha rdrlt re Opt lons Strndard handles and I Lfi ho rov6r h.ndro haeksrrln. avnilahle in ijlf$*n fogrd plishnd hrass. ' 3T:1,:;" -'-. dnrk hmnZn or WhitC .Dcr,^q rn^r( powdercoatd linishes, r ffl:i,.gJi"J?:i,:f arc ShOWn. The internal rhe rocraer hardwarc is comprtible ' l*,ll!,91'^:-0" wilh other Eurnpoan han- bcr''e Eo'hr! dlo,s. Hxldlps p6n lx' rrstd ls rcgr. Dtrgrlm clar lovors ns woll as lo ooorfilf lho multiplo knking s.ystom. Soc Dirgram C. 'l ltt't.:holrl 01ll irr rr:, The standad sill for inwrr{ opening units is rr rrised. ther. mally hmken. aluminum thrashold. {)plions inr,ludn a nisod. oak lhrnshold for outrvnrd opnninq unils. a llat sill lnr inlcri. or nppliettions. rnd a yr' risl sill that mry h0 roensscrl with u drain and gutter. Please chcck with Nana lVinrloss & Doors or your npresentalit'e about other sill options to meet higher water pnetralion rcquirements. l.r l9t_ l,0r" []lffiog lnrldc htl beu e nnd flate n'ilh lhunhhttd Awilahle ln hmns, wbite. and furh bmnze. )' i r'rrll\ Thn 0pening Sere.on Wnll, an automatie. rolmclRhlo. oxtnrior. ovnrhnad. sun/insoct slstcm. is avrilahlo ns an option. Thc sys- tcm hls becn dosignod such that it is out ol view when not in use and such that the soeen material can be easily re-installed when set loose upn inpacl. [^lHols'ng-l \./: I +mlnon t'rhp lli il 61,'6" gna""1tza\ we,g"r liflil Sotar Sc,een Load Ba,.l lJll sha6e C ross.Snrl lon of lhe(lponlnq Sr.reln llnll'" Ologram D lkrkrtr(ul I lil. Coknrht urrrt wx!!r .- ..',.ssrrarv .', ...i l.,aIv 1.16---:'D -:xrNor ) Ia i'r.i -ro,\JaF) -1;r nj -t '.116" .,.,0_ t;5^,1 [f .i"l- aa r-'Sr',t OLgnm I lblklop. Calilonia Tltt oPEt{rue fiss t,vllr"op - OarrProduct EWWWWJ rr.{ l|ro t,:. | (:r I llJe FoRMoDET^S 'r"w 3'w 0'8'H 7t"H I'rlr r ._^n oi,i- 0uteide Frsme 8,6' 9,5, ?'21i" ?,tOh" 9,6t4'; lj+||, n8+0, SirqcrtraIr+1, Rt+l Ro@ 0pening 8'6x" 9'61(" 7',3'a" 7'llh" 8?h" SIZES AND CONFIGURATION l.cft or rifit oJx'ttittg is delcrminod h1'lhr,dirnclinn tho nur,ioriq'r'nf plnnls slnrk, lrxrking fmm inside for inwul opc.ning units lnrl from outsidc for ouhvlnl olxrning urrits, cn gJcttr,- EJ-f rt [5+0, n5+0, ll+t, M+l, IJ+1,il+l 0utside Frime Sumsted RoI-S 0peoing ll'w s' w 6'8" H ?'{' H t' H l3'7tt' ltlYr" ?'\vr" ?'l0l,r" 8'611" l3'8ri' 1t'4r6" 7'3b" 7'illa' 8716' Alr lnflltratlon. Water fbnetratlon. Struetural and Thermal hrformance Iixn'rpt of lcsl results of u standard 4 panel I lh" x 7'%" inward opening unit with a raised thnshold and & 0.9" water trough, performed by a certified, indtpenrllnt testing lahoratory. Conforms to N\\\111,\ LS. 8.88 for swinging d00rs, equivalent to (iradr'21) ol N\l'\ITA l.S. i1.88 for pntio doors. r\ir Infiltriltion-ASTM E-28.1 @ 1,57 pst (?5 mph) = .07 CFM per squan foot of overall frame dimension Water Penetration - ASTM E-5{7 @ 2.86 psf (3{ mph) = pass Stnreluml lond deflection - ASTM E-3.30 lhsitivc tnd Nrrgutivr pnrssurc (r, 2ll Dsf (tXl mph) = puss (0" dellection) (Folding md krrking hnnlwrn comply with ASTM B-ll? for Salt Spray Resistance) Thermal Performance ol 0lazing 0ptions Center ol Glass Values U VAI,VE R VAL!tr Irrsulating rrk,u Solar Bronz,e Low.Et Al - Installation I nstallatlon Conslderatlons Because of the large dimensions involved and because much of the weight and movemenl of lhe panels is carried by the hesd section, the structural integrity ol lhe header is critical for proper nporation. Any application should take into ronsidcrllion the following l. There is an eccentric load when the panels are open. 2. If lumber is used as the header, it should be kiln{ried.3. Defleetion ol the header should be limiled to l/{R0lh 0t th0 spfln under full lile and dlad londs. 1. 6'8" pnnels weiglr 85 lhs. and 8'0" panels weigh ll0 lhs, An Owne/s Manual with complete sssenbly and installation instnrctions and a copy of the Liniled llhrranty nn ineluded with each unit and an lvr ilnhlo upon roquest. .44 .{l .30 2,2? 2.45 B,3B WWaa UJtrto- trl-Ett 2',8" W t'W 0'8' lt ?4" H I tl If'lh' l2'6tr" 7'2v1" 7'10U" 8'61'r' fl'th" tz'r7|' i':l\1" 7'llr,r" 8'?" FOR MODELS Lt+t. R.t+l Outsidn Framo SugqFsFd Roiidr OponinI v) lutrtc- UJ- o. rl't'E'w t'w 6'8'H 7t. H 8 H r0'8ri" t8tsh" 7'2}{" ?'l0rt' 8,0t{' FOR MODELS Ll+|, Rti+t IJ+3. R:l+3 0utside FnDe Suflested Ro[Er Openinq tfl4n" t8'4r{" 7'l|'/'" ?'il}1".8'?11, Also available &re 5'6" high units for use as 0xt0ri0r. bi-folding rvindows. OP - Overall Product in !\\\ \;11, r,' , .:. iri tr{ru ECo STnUCrto Place Tilr oPtilil8 ! s fi IRAMI ColtsTRu(llloN 8u$8 WA[['" ASONRY VDNEER CONSTITTTTION lt.llst:I \l,r \ \r \t $:s[ t.tt \1T T\r'rr'\t. 1 ,t.i ftJntl tt \tst:tr \t,l \ \t lt Tlllt:sllrt,tl $ ll ll T\11r'\1. ll tlltr\l1x )lr ]Lrr rl r\tsli ,r'vt\r lt l| tt:s nl.D $tT[ nt'tt \t. r'\ IiT fllx)tt lrlS|DEJAIS I r{islDEJ,lllB rAs'0NRY VENBIR WAt L SIDE ,tA[B R..lls]:lr o.lx Tl tt:sI(|t,D l'l"ll (llli TllIt:s[r rt.tl 'c ntst.:ft,tr ,u.l !llsl \l TltIHslfi)l,ll norrov RiUt. AirD TflRl:sltol.l)fllt n1'I . nlltxru nitT THnEsH0t,D mR 0tTr{ARlr OPF,NINI| UNN rl ill ll :lr !. \ \l l ilil (ls D]:N0T]:lt llI slZl:S ..ltiD l'o:(fl(il;RAT|Oiis ltRAll't.\"(iS (lN PACE ff) OI|II{ARN OPENIN(i SCALE= lh" = l'0' TS - Tcchnlcal Support Gulde Speclllcatlon - Sectlon 08640 PANf,I.OENERAL l.0l Sunrry lL Scthl llcldot: Bi.lolding w<nd rnd fla* dmr ryilrm,lmluding wrnd lnme, thrnhold. pttnolr. blloldlnJand lfflin( hrrd*ir!. wprlhflilrippinf Elsss. ind dMing: dosiqnr.d ln pmvide rn opcnint qlnm wrll. t.0! Subnlttdr L Sbop Dnxllt& lodicEh dlneuloniDs, gu.nl coBslructlor, comF)oeDt jolni[& crnnecll0nE rnd loctlloos. mchor mcthods !nd l0(ltionfi, !nd hlrdwrn harlion8.B. hodrct llrta: rnuLr.luror'r litor||t|ln inrludinl Ownrr'i M{n||rlirrrl lr,sl d tfl lislin( pcrfonmn(" 0rilnrir h)- fl,nilir{ ind0p0ndrnt FrtlnS lrhonlory. LOt Qnrllty Argursncc A lludrctl|tn Prur'lde complet0. pncl8ion bN|ilt, rlginc.nd, pr}fittrd unit byr sinde nrIul|.tu|tr.& Plrfotnrnca Crlt dr: fhrvide s,\ em testfll h rtdified indppendent loslint hhomtnry. L For in$rd optrning [nit nith nis{'d thrrFhold. to mr?a NstlonllWnd \ ndow and llarr Alsoclrtio! Test NWWDA I.S. 8{8 fnr rirhfllt ti0n, wEter penetrrtion rnd shtcturrl lord dellclion. e Srlt Spny R€sishncc: Ei.folding and intemal locking hrdwrn in w$nlEnff with ASTM B II7. PART 2.PRODUCTS l.0l llrnulacturer l. Nrnr lVlndorr t lloon, lnc. 707 &dwmd Highwry ill Vrllcy. Crlifomh 9{0{l Teleplnnc: (ll5) 3&1-:l t{8(sn) R?si67tFAX: {116) 3T1.0:l 12 l.O Matcrlala A. Prml|: Mlnutr0turor'R shndtnl qrtrm: I v' p|n,llhlcknesr. Nominrl Etile rrd top nllwldtl 0f I tl'. nornlnrl tnllorn rEil width 0l S 14' [0R I l'l tor dmn rnd { 16' for windm,s. t. Wood: Solld, kila drle.d. cle,tr, untinishcd. Itufru tlr. l. Divlded Liton, rs opliOn: Tntp dlvidfll lilrF. 6'*'hid prnnls. l0 lf)R lil lites pr pnnnl. nnd 8'Jl'hi[i panclr t2 lolt l,tl lit0s por Drn?1. B. Hlrd |t|d Sldo Jrmbd Mrnutm.hrer't sla||drrd Eyslcn: two interlocking pier.r 0t solid, kiln dried, clear, unlinished, Douglss flr. utnnecledlnrTshrp..C. Glrnr: Pmvido msn[hoturer'R shndffil t{' insxlilnd dnfls; ntll.v lrmnrrr'd ^aloty d&rs complvinq $ilh apllirihk' c.xlor ('lonr Insulnting Glnss l0ll Snlnr Hmnzn (ilnssl l0R Solar Gny Glas*l lOR l,<rw.E l [0R !6' Lrminated Glrssl. D. h!3r!rl Lckha Hardr.E: Mrnufrctu'lr's rtrndad !€cun multipllF)iIl locking Dtstent hrnlwln with exF\srd rrc|s l0 h. bhck pwdct mf,trd nr lscqupmd. I'mvidp h8rdwaro on primrry *ing plnrl. on x.rondrry rwing prnr,l aor I rnd 6 |xrnol n.xlolr, rnd li'lwn'n rrch mlr of hi.lokllnft 'ls.F- llrndlrr rnd F,rc.utct?on Plrtifi l'mvidn onc Rert leirr hrndleE End oscutchcon Dlsles 0n primar-r rwlng prnel. Pmvld€ r sccord ret for rec{nd!ry twlng plnelol4 rnd 6 prosl modelE. Provlde natching handle lor erch prlrotbilolding panels. l. Style: ltlrnufrcturer's rtandinl Bprlin style l0r hrndles and Trim Snrifs 1000 lor osfuleheofi plf,lrs. t. Finish: ForgPd p,olish0d brnis loR dfirk hmn7, pnudcr fo{tedl loR white pwder cortedl. F. Locksctr Pmvldr key operrble morlile loclnet. l. rylinden Polished brsss exFls0d rr€rs [0R nickel plrte.d with whilc thunhlrtehl lOR nickel phtted with hhch thomhlatchl. 2. Krying (hmpltible with Schls$ (' lflryit. Koy0d dilfrrcntly 1ofi koyFd rlit0l. G. Slldln/Bl-Foldln( Sysaem: Toph n( rdjIslahln romhinnlinn slirlin( nnd hi.lr'ldi ( hlrlvrre: fystrm l0 allow f0r ldJustmrnt in certrln phnes End dimenslon& t. Prr\idc l0r erch poir ol bi.folding prnnls. m8[ulacturer's Blrnd[rd !pp?r rt'he.el affsrnbly rnd Inwer guide hrrclet. ltwide lor erch pnel, th ni. mtrnt|larl0n'r'i shndr]d rdJnst||hlo hin(|lN 2. Molsl ('omflrnrnlr: (hh'rni?rrl (irnd. A Ft0rl u ilh )'0lln\r rhrrnnlr'd linish. :1. (:ov?r l'lit0s: Ihrun |\(' lOR whitr r\'('1. H, olher Componont|: l. Threshold: Rsised. thprmsUy hmken. darl hmnze !n0dized rluminun thEshold toR nis€d olk lor outwad oppnlnll l0B nat mk sill l0r interinr npplicationsl l0R l/{'risr llrt Iluminlm silll, t. tlhnlhorslrinnin& Uin lirlln'r'r st{ndrnl Q.l,0 r- tntm s{'fl1 fir}d l:lrstrpn'n. l'nr flrl silh. drip cnp uilh hrush snonp. :1, Pml'lde nrnulaclurer's sl![drd dark bmnzr Enodiad top rod bottom trrcks, itainless stccl slflt0rplates rnd scrrws, snd cerrnlc cort.d :.rirl, ;. ,ir.rtl:il)lt' r)ll lt'{lllr'.1 !.0t Frbrlcatlon A. Ure doublc nbbelcd coostrudio!, sioglc plaoe perineter cofl pns8io! wcatherstrippl0g double wlther8trippinS betcrcel paldr, ard lor ioward oprning unit rvilh rsis0d thnshold, rn €ngin€er€d w{fp systrm 1o di|"ct wat?r lo rxterior.ll. Sizrs nnd Conligunlions: Ms0ulrcturcr's shndrrd nonind sizes for codlguntioos rs indicsted 0n Dnwings: loolDal p|rcl heigt 6'{' lOR 8'{'l lOR 7'-l'l lOR {'-tt }t'1. Nomiorl prnclwtdth 2'€' [0R8'4'1. hwad [0R outwadl opening unlk: l. Thrce Prn.l Model: U|+0 [0RR3+01 lORlr+ | | lOR P.2+ rl. t. Four lbnel M0del: L1+ | lon nr+ ll. :1, fivr'l'rnfll Mtrlrl: 1.6+0 JOR ltt+01 l0lt 1,.+ I I lo8 Rl+ ll lOn L$+tl loll lll+21. {. Six Prnel Model: L5+ t lon R5+ tl [0R lJ+31 [0R R3+31. C. Plclory Flnt ope0ing gLsE wlll syrt€m rDd hctory mrchioed lor hadrur, rod pnrreonble hrdwr|t lo €rlelt telsible; hadwan nay bc removed lor rhippiog D. Ar.r.0ntdy fil togrlher loirls rld coneB; nrtch rnmfnnpn]s e[su ngconti[uity ol liDe ald design: rniu|t ioi[ts rnd connectionc rtt llush, hdrline rnd wPrthorpnnl. t.oil Accossorlos Edlt tor prclrca rqulnD!!lr, A. Pmvide the opcning &ree0 Wrll, r notodzcd owrhe0d mtrsctrble mlling rolar/insccl rcrten. in dlrl bmwn lOR whitel llunilun finish. Provide werther rraled Somly lubul[r moaor co[ceal€d iI E roll tuln. I thmo prsith0 swilch, a pmt€ctive bol' .side channels, a losd brr,.nd vinyl corled lihcrfl&rl icreen. PART S.EXECUTION t.ol ExinlnrtlonA. Bccaurc much of th€ wliot rrd novement ol thc lnnols i$ crnisd hy the herd section, verify th€ rtru('tuml htc.grltyot the ie.rder.B. Errmine surlactr 0topenin8!, wrify dlDeosions, rnd veriry mudr openinSr !n rbmlutcly level, plumh. rnd tquln, wilh m ulcmnll.ss, bowi[g 0r hunos on llmr. t.0l lnrtallrtlon A. lnfhll in lccordrnce with nEnutrctupr'! mnnmndrtion.g lnd inshllrtiol in8lruclions.B, Inltnllpr t0 pm\idc rnchongs devicot lnd to vfurely rnd rigidly fil frrmc in plr(l, stniot, phmh. nnd squan,C. Instill prneh, hrndlos rnd elcutchcon pht€s D. ll nscessary, rdJust bldws|t lor proper operrtion.E. Seal end lidsh pmngtly rlter lortallrtlol rad Drlor to erDosun lo s€rtber. Eod o( S€ctioo3CBlrr8. Nanr Wlndows & ftnrs. Inc. rcserw lhe right t0 lhange sperifications without notiee. AC - Avallablllty CIg$ NANA WINDOWS & DOORS ilmrnnrrln 707 Redwood Highway Mill Valley, Calitornia 94941 (415) 38$31118 (800) 87&5673 Fax (415) 383{312 tttilrljllw|lI. tnnar Is..ra $\oe, \7'7, '\:.::: -.-- -a/--..-- -- s F ItrE(Fdtm)al58\zb{iq\B{ taiv, .o \\ ds t I z 6 f, a F f, I .U o.J,{ .ll\ +!( ..\. I Town of Vail JUN 1A '93 81354P1'l BOYLE EI.GII.EERING o boyle engineering, inc. REu.iilri: 1i1995' Il{C. VAITJ C0.P.t /L profess ronoi shuclurcll engtn€Ers Iunc r4 1993 Mr. Dmstuict Buildiug Oficisl TowuofVail 75, S. Ftorbgo Rmd West VsiL eobrado E1657 Su\ier North *all hcadcr Pazdsfu, Vail, Cotorado Doar Dau This is o confinn thag I havc 6izcd rb hEadcr rtquipd b cc& a Ll'{' opiliry in rlc criSing norft cxterior mll sf Ptzob Pizza" I havc &tcroiqd tt'd thrcc l.?5 x t t.E?5 mfotrlarus will bo rcqufucd n spr this oping: Tlw mly bc rigpod down o an I l{ dcpdr if trFwy to 6t witbtn Oe cxi$ing ftamlog A ciugle 2 x 6 trim'er wIf tG adqtratr fi' s4nort Eis hdrr rt trh c[d. Ptcrsc girc ac a call if gr ll'to aly rpcnimr Ggfdilg |bir rffi. T[,fB/dt l1;,*t;tiLoj.r+" '.d r--! 14968 .ht%*r^.s$ 143 e. meodod d. suite 390 r c-os$roode shoppng centq e voil. colofodo 81657 o fi3/4762179 rRf0,n"llJilr 1 S lggt boyle engineering, inc, professionol structurol engine.ers June 10. 1993 Mr. Dan Sanick BuildingOfficial Tw'n of Vail 75. S. Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Suliect Nortlwall header Pazzo'sYtza Vait, Colorado Dear Dan: This is to confirm tlnt I have sized the header rcquired to create a 13'-8n opening in the existing north orterior wall of Pazo's P|EL I have determinod that three 1.75 x ll.E75 mictelams will be rcqufued to span this opening, These may be ripped down to an 11" @th if necessary to fit within the existing ftamiry. A single 2 x 6 trimmer will be adequate to srryport I'is header at each end. Ptease give ne a call if you bave any quesions rcgarding rhis math. T?vIB/dn f,.$!.ef"t}$iibste;;:;q'.s-je' -oi.?l Fi-- t 49 6s *:r,"A _*$.J €pmF 143 e. meodo,v dr, suiteiJ o crossroods sfnpping center o voil, tJ* 8'1657 . 303/4762170 t SPE /. .r' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,,L READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT N MBEF O PROJECT JOB NAME eg9:)PLUMBING: tr tr ]L tr o ( tr FOOTINGS / STEEL N UNDEFIGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Riisxop PERMI DATE lLt// | T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI , j <. z- /.t11t2f,aa-.t INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB -n_ r-l tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-l - tr FINAL r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr INAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ry-oTSAPPROVED ){I-REINSPECTION REQU IRED DATE INSPECTOR I I t-f//'lI /L,L I ' J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME rNstcnoN REeuEsr''TOWN OF VAIL : 479-2138 INSPECTION: CALLER t(oN) TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION:/ ) 2 ,/-- y''/t./i2a, t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ olA*o'tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D- tr D SUPPLY AIR r] FINAL tr FINAL 'flOVED ECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \\.)..9 ryrc)F- oItlFozoz6 5dt€ I Ilr!.Fl<ro I I I I I, IFt< IF| ./,2t=to lz |ruIF lo I I I I I I t, rc) IE ,z tJ if,c'l I Io I z an z tn UJlul! tr =EuJo- ltJutU' =I oH HHatto frl A z IrlFl o!o;o.:Ec) sgoo)l,.oa(!6.9'6E'; cr E(u.ocf3qropF FEo)-.goEttOc)N(} o I ldt E o =l do o o.o.6i.g o E o o .9E p .o o EcG a/;;(! O:Eo; o'=O).') sbE EEE6P€c-o'- ate:=- 6.o= ttFe'; --oG B E';_E> EE=',FOO i:oeietqr c.:- 6o-o c!*EEor o.Efie E;66"- E E.E E 0-6 ,EFE evE6 0'-.c; o- --c E't €-gl; 'd>o (E: E*a ag: P5g -o6 ouJ UJt! E =E uJo-J FoF =uto. z ,l U' FJ q trl 1zclHF{ a IF{ti g x ;lt z F U'|lJ zlu =>E -ldlE tr't .S =lo(\l zz99F^aaq5E9 0vro6b<)zr!<oqHqi5;6j { - UJ ) z E ? z tr IJJFJ zl :a >l uloululz <t) ==UJo- J zI tsoo F 2. 9z"iF 3EOI n!t] o9zeoo =z=:)JOfL Lr- "dq6Ei = ul;dd= ffinn UJEU' @o-zoFc UJY lrJ @oF tr s3o-q tI-t - r..l EfrIotlI F-11gEJbEz6 t =EuJo-u-oEE E<cl€uE9!a .=lr =o.::> =uJ:-E FEE =*E 66I iuE X'Lr x>a=Fo.1o-;!E ul F (rE\zrE .! F =E lrJo-z9F(J :) E,F(nzoo =.1olurl 5l 3l t!lol fl oz llJ J l! z3 F lll!lItslI lF\lzle'llol(fll(/ll F-lEl.strl <lcnp4 F)lF-14 tlcq-flF-FqF-lOH-tl(,.)qF IdflflHJCedE4E<.r JI f,*l F-l F-{ A Hu 'li=z (Do-) HI <lFllFllHl-l iil z J u- J@ I I 1 5 -Jrl<oOF FSXF-zilo t 2P s3]Fd6o d i,u.r X!(Y l-.o2 g, -rO<Fc()uJ<zEr!Farzo // fj-7+.-t.'t,RryTY,W-OI{N OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLICATTON FORM DArEzOcf - 3- ql PERlrrr # 10 lJ Legal Description: Lot eLock-5 L owners Name:f".t t\',f-U""* ;of 'narne: l(i Architect: Job Address: Address: Address: Pl|.. ,?35rDs1 Ph. General Description: n'/. \J \l Work Class: [ ]-New llfetteratlon [ ]-Additionat 1{nepair [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: BUILDTNG: $ !****** Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: l{echanical Contractor: Address: * ***************** * * ************ BUTLDTNG pERtrrr FEE: //5-PLUI,IBING PER}IIT FEE: MECIIANICAIJ PER}TIT FEEs ELECTRTC'AL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF F8E: DRB FEE: ELSCrntcaL,: $ I,IECHNIICA'.t $-OTHER: $ TOTAL: t 7at.-rt -_ Phone Nunber: ffu! Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE ** * ** ********* * * ** * ************ BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: 15.PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL PI,AN CNECK FEE: FACREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: VALUATION BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE:Cornments: ds pcr nCLEATT I'P I'EPOSIT XEFTIND TO:l? + Ea =-t'vvteoduru Ay, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED 1) z',) Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being pedormed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right of way, easements, or public property? YES NO(-/ L-''-= L-'"'3) 4) s) 6) 7I ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, pafting or tencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' rnusl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or ai Community Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspector, at 479-2158, I have read and answered allthe above L/' L/ 1-t' .>/"-- z-/' ftt Signature - 3-2 Gueuc wav penur pnocest How it relatEs to Building permit: 1) Fill out the our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication. lf yes was answered t9 3ny of the above questions then a "public way permit" isrequired. yoy 9an pick up an apprication at either Community oeieroprent,located at 75 s. Frontage Road or Firotic works, rocateJai ig09 Vailvarreioriue. z',) Notice sign ol.fs for utr'lity. companies. All utilities must fbb verify (locate)respeclive utilities prior to signing application. Some utitity companies ieqlire uito a 48 hour notice to schedule i 6cate). 3) A construction lratfiq control ptan must_be prepaged on a separate sheet of paper.This ptan wiil show rocations of ail traffic doniror ol"icesisigns, @nes, etc.) andlhe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) r i 4) Sketch of work heing performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (lengrh, ryldth- & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tram-c tntrot plan or a siteptan for the job. 5) Submit co-f.rPleted application to the Public work's ofiice for review. tf required,locates wilf be schedufed forthe Town of vait glearicd;ft Inigation crew. Thelocates are take prace in the morning, but may ,'"did6 to 4g h-ours to p"rrorr. 6) The Public wots-g9n:1ruction Inspector will review the apprication and approveor disapprove the permit. You will de contacted as to the siitus ano anidiigii lhat may be needed.. Most permits are reteased within 48 trours ot being received,. but please allow up lo one week to pro@ss. 7l As soon as permitis pro@ssed, a copy wifrbe faxed to community Developmentallowing the 'Buildin-g-Permif to be ril'eased. Ptease oo noi confuse the ,pubtic way Permif with a'Buitding permit'to do work on " prol."i site itserf. Note: *The above process ls for work In a rlght_of-way onty. *Publlc way permrt's are vaild onrv unilf November lsth. *A new publlc Way permlt ls requlred each year. MWII OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-2139 FAX s03479-2452 De partment of Community Deve lopment I||FORIIAIIOf, TEEDED TNHEf, APPLTIXO FOR A IiIEclNIlICEL PERTIT 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCA].,E FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAI., ROOM TTITH EQUIPMENT DRATIN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIUE}ISIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow srzE AND LocATroN oF coMBusrroN ArR Ducrs, FLuEs, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. 4. FAII.URE $o PROVIDE TIIIS IITPORI'TAIIOtr WII.L DELAI IOUR PERXIT. hwn 75 roulh lrcnlage road Y![, cdor.do 81657 (3O3) {7}2138 (303) {792139 office ol conrmunlty development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Town of VaiI Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately established proper drainage frorn buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail- Public tforks Department wiJ-l be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of VaiI roads orstreets and tbe installation of temporary or pernaneat culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site.Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please call 479-2160 torequest an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. AIso, the Town of Vail Public Works Departnent wilL be approvingal1 final drainage and culvert installatj-on with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prj.or toFj.naI Certificate of Occupancy issuance. 75 soulh trcnlagc rcrd uail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 TO: trR,OM: DATE: SU&TECT: rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any soil , roJi, sand,, debrisor rnaterial , incruding trash dunpsteri, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres.upon any streetl siaewairl-;ri;y or publicpr?g" or any portion theieof. rhe right;i+t-;n arl Town ofVail streets and.:gagr is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.Ttr= ordinance will be striiliy--enrorc3a uy the-iown of vairPublic works Deoartment. pers6ns found viorating this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written ""[i""-ti-;;;;"t=aid nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornpry with thenotice within the 24 hour time ip""iii"a,--th";;;iic worksDepartment wirr remove said mateiiai ;a-irr" -""i"ile of personnot_ified. The provisions Jr irri= ordinance shal1 not beapplicable to c-onstruction, r"ir,i"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or all_ey or any utilities in tfre-i'ijf,i-"_".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, prease stop by the Town ofYlll B"llding Department to obtain a copy. rhanr you for yourcooperation on this roatter. olf lce ol communlly developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETO}IN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMLNTTY DEVETOpMENT I'IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE p (i.e. contractor, owner) luwn 75 aoulh trontrge rord vell. colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 offlcc of communlty dcvrlopmctil BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI-IE ll_!li: f"ljt.lgauires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, :l.ql1.1.I.^r,,!ll9l i: ngrfs ) reyi ew and approval,' a pt anni ni' Departnent I::l:I_91-lteatth Department review, and a-review by the Euilbingueparrment' tRe estimated tine for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. f]] cgrrngrgial (large or small) and al.l mu.lti_famity permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requireminli. Risidential :19.:T1l projects.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresloentTat or smaller projects irnpact the various above mentioned lgl:"imr:.with regard to necessary review, th;;; p;;j;.II'*varso take tne three week period. Every.attempt wril'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. - I' the underSigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Comnuni ty Oevelopment Department. o/l -F ';'-r -l/"1\)J tJ I \ \ c La\)>- \r.,) \) \) \ $ s c --1-/\ .tv.u $ ( . vl i_It9 qJ I \saq- ll :1 \t 2i\)\s aqg C! \t'! 1eQ$.r)() oqoe{C! L'l .r.) I'--f- \.1 -A u--rd] ) d4...1 Y:.r \z\\ {oa:- (._i 9t(N -5U j \i(3,\aJ ,1, r..<z ql . ---t'( / ,.; . U ,,'; ><-tz - (>.-,.6 Town of \hll OFFIOE CTPY /Lt/&4zz-z ev F. I.i 3q { t- )t ol ..., Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: KIDSPORTS REMODEL DATE: 10-6-94 ADDRESS: 122 E. MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR: IIASELHORST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCI.JPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ll-FR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUIREn The items listed betow are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR TWO SLIDING GRILLES ONLY. 3. FTFI D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WIITI AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Tcrvrn of Vall Fi:lili: il*PY 2[./d-/Ztz az,' I,l ,tiltiltii lrllillillillr Itiltll ''ll I rtl dt IF{ trl .t6vl t^t ll;I IIr. .u i8Ttt,HH I I I '; ! I I I I I I l illlta IEI'l It{I S-4IHt{ I r.Jt{lz IH d'.1 i{E i -i '-i €gxti i i i:r \t:l ii i { l: 't ti 1 I I I I 1ili-.\'r I-l ;.--.1 I I::I j It. l. I I i: iir _r\/ s I bo rV(J FI u) l-r,9 it Egf,r ;t HA il E" fi n# ;\0 Htf HF'!IT z HF{ frlJ HnItc lh6)-nvl ,,8/9 I EF -rE+*>,; lor roog !t ?a. g $u' F ol' et ilLn fr)."l 4 ;>aIJ.42('1 *n\'lo I it) E JJs €ll ts t\t) cr l! PTx o,i)ta! F cq)xlsl FI HFlFr 9l q.io T-{ atJ 'F :ri 9 ,o8 i3 .t/t I* AIt-ltr],^rl |" "., :aJ cvfrlH v1 FI D"U I F(tV. !11drusFl:!a +Frttf{al d!!di!; ffi) Uodd$s IsE{ al roolJ p.}rt$tqf .'' ; '.'; rrilf;;"=.,.,==A*- --:.:.. ,. ..1 :r a'is lUl :'A ) , t.(''t h/,l !! ,,Wj gfl gE 5gg3if !;:EtrE !, n{9E f;58 EE,E EBE {l-t. B E - -.-..- 5,*- H',,3 rOr :<!Hm f;.1 l''1!l .1-: l.l,.l () d Im a.1 F{ .tt F 711zrrl lFl Fd.t H &Y Flf,F ts 'Ttt ( F"tI ii H-J'Y' l, I I I l' I t{. tch f; i'.' rr, I-_,---q(q d 1rlr.t E hX] $r il-ft at' t{ 1r tit', il ,"rt"roN REeuESr3.'t >_/(-'i<- P€RMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE / -/ j - f'::- rca NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND C] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING ,.-,' FOOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc / "/i *''i"; -- lNsPEcroR oluF za = =fdl .d oz F I? = =z chllr RI I ""rl I I I x;3 z,i?*tF(/)lo e6al= -@ t,,!1/!/t ttJulu, =I .Eoll.toF Fzoo tr uJE F z(9 o gt ID' -LlEtl\ 3lhN\ ;e\ ss9\:i.- ;\NNT\6 5 r.r;R Ed s{.o{tb\ 55 BQgdt o) .Do g; o) oo .9.2 Eo (lt CD '= N o 3oF o o gl oqt qt oJ o .9 E o .tt c(! at3(E -'- c)oti (!'=O(',*io;oc-o(tlcat o.9; 8EPc-,= (s c-o'rfrs =ei c96'- o. -c EE5 EEA -E-3cgFi c,:- (6o.o c\ sEE(,'- o.E€:E; IEE Eo6= EdE --C(! o'- e-E $€€o:3 =6>,9 ca ?i(Ex,!?6hts9E-oOEE!oct) -o(tl u, UJu,II ==G IJJo- FoF g 6Fi>-#.# Koh -4rlaHuJ+afr =>8, -IoE tr,t & =@ol o9 53 2 .tO7,>6Zu-<oo-HcrE8;ni J e. (L UJ z Eoo z E u,iFJ 3uJz =.1(t uJl 5l uJl 5l<l>lt!lol zl =lolFI I ol =.1(Jl utljl <l>l l!lol =t u,l>l Jol r! d4 ilfl H=l H3l zl3olH oz =IL FlH H v E H ii =z lltltltltlIItl| _rit\t{lAINH*Fal qFql 0qHt IiJlt Utt.at'\l 4l =|qHqae4A EoFC) EFz.o E(,ozts- =#JZrlO o(!h *Et-Fo2 () r* t.c(c oz ts =GuJo- z.n9 >_z(D0 =zflJOCL Lr- =fi- l'ii oA;E !D = H E5 E<clf€frB9!iri9 =[F :JF =ulr-E b=o c-E; >o-i 8aE irH ;=6. 14o-!* Ho ---tr!! IIJF (t) @o1zoFo LlJY ulo oFFx>o, Lll(L bRl>>lo- pllosla\ Pl-Zlt<lI Frl H !r,bkzo ts =E.lrlo-zoF()3EFazo() -'I 75 aouth fronlrge rcrd u!ll, colorldo 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otffc. of oomnunlly doY.lopmcnt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TII4E FRANE !f th.i.s peryit requires a Toyrn of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineeq Ls..(.Pyblig Works) review and approval,' a p1anning' Oeparimentreview or Health Departnent review, and'a review by the 6uilbingDepartment, the esti.mated time for a total review iray take as l6ngas three weeRs. All corrnercial ('large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits willhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand-sma'll projects shou1d take a lesser arnount of time. However, iffesi.dential or smal'ler projects impact the various above mentioniddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this Permi't ag s.qon as possi.ble. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Communi ty Development Department. t. 75 loulh tronlrg. road vsil, colo''do 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: rROM! DATE: su&fECr: offlcc ol communlly developmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLII, REGISTERED TNITII ITIE TOT{N OF VAIL [o!{N oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI{MUNITy DE\IELOPMENT I'IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE rn surnmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash duurpsters, portable toilet! andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public P1*9e or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way on alf Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strillty enforcld by the Town of vailpyPli_" works Department. persons found vi6latin9 this ord.inancewirr be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance strltt not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or al-ley or any utiLities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departrnent to obtain I copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this natter. \ osition/Ref -tf onship-to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) -o tq d IJ s o 4 0]1 C+ e,so \ -a(). \ st\ \ N g o F P ? 515b'a-H gllasli';iE Ep:;5=_e ?i.= a': Ir F -.:; g#€;.8i;f sEEg =: IigE€:E i l: * i;iE; i!ii ;:i;; g3;- ,: t;';: -; g;€ ; 1r:-' r '!; E ;'= b il,;;;ti ?, '' l: .. .- .a: ., c)' a .-: il ---i <) :.: -:,: _ i\ -';_ = -r- .tJ.' ilre=t E i: ;:- ,'- E t 59.r c-cr=o:e (D _(D50; =c ct .-.Lttl:'i- e<\t ,.-cL i-l il \ $ AJql { a --r\ (} ( tl\ \ I rut o+4t t s o 0a \l = s ? s qJ Y \ .0 as';{ s t q t qJ tkst \ t- fuorrr^ a,?to C'!dtli= 't: F i5 c:':-: (:\:,t (a l-l gan gr!cL '. -l t1 F(\i tt ? -c;E-cr=o:v ct _(DEO =!l5 7, p urF C r_J t:" ():.r:J \ \ \ \ \ > FO (, ( -{- vl (H L o oa (5-= t o s U -1- ,s .; S -tr- ilt qJ r'ff r Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TOY MAKER TRAIL DATE: 1-20-94 ADDRESS: 122 E. MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR: HASELHORST VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: B ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the adopted cndes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WITTI5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FIELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. *7#*-S'. . 'l ' u.o!*t oF vlrr. eoNs,rrerrclnroN "-**tt #EHl., t TO!{N OF VArL CONSTRUSITON , , PERI'IIT_APPTdF'ATTON FORM DA!In ! nLl,ll ti.,------ -""'w I g t994 ^ APPLTCATION MUST BE FILI.ED OUT COMPI.ETELI OR II }IAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt vrr a vvl.ls alrit r rfrrr a v5\ !****************rt************ pERUIT INFORI{ATfON ***************************** ^- -/142'-Building I J-Plunbtng [ ]-Eleetrlcal I l-Uechanlcal I l-Other Job NaDe:ilob Address: "ir:.td"'brv?trr'g 6' nsr ru*rurrr*, omers Name: f.nL \\.Ub"^J Address:p3.7-ns ?dt") Architect: F\os", ilr,.^.t Address:Ph. General Description: Work Class: I l-New 1{ttteratlon I J-Addltlonal I {a6epalr [ ]-other Nrunber of Dwelllng Unlts:Nurober of AcconrlodatLon Unl.ts: - $rnber and llpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ lfood/Pellet_ ^]******************** ************* VALUATIONS * * * ********************* ** * ******rl EullotHe: { 3 nno ELECIRTCAL: $_ OTHER:pLUMBTNG: T- MEcHANTcAt: $- TorAL: f- * * * * **************** * ****** Contractor: l\as CONIRAETOR INFORUATIONsf Aa.^loo !{trt/Town of vall &eg. No-.'^ f)Q Y;Address:d c<-a t^Phone Nunber: qJhf!FT- Electrical Contractor :Address:Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address: llechanical Contractor :Address: t** ************ **** * rr *********** FOR oFrIcE usE ********************* BUIL,DING PER}TIT FEE: PII'UBING PERUTT FEE: I{ECIIN{ICAIJ PERI{IT FEES EI"ECTRICAL FEE: OIITER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE3 7e" qtt)Lt BUII,DING PIAIT CHECK FEE: PLI'I'IBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: UECTIAI{ICAIJ PIAT{ CHECK FEES RECREATION FEE: CI,.EAI[-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAI, PER!,IIT FEES: BUU,DING! SIGNATT'RE: ZONING: STGNATTTRE: qse L^J r pe n-('- y 7 J-^CI.EAf, I'P I'EOSIT IEFTIIID IO:Aox00 ^*'?rla t '',, I 'ft F Ns F sbN+tr \\.\ N't N K) R .r\N*_\ R\tr'R. r'\l'r-.) oo *INSPECTION REQUEST'b5 7l T NUMBER OF PROJECT /- lv-q€ JoB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES t'-', t<l/ L {: t^f oala,r,t TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I PERMI DATE FEADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING l-l ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr n Df.ttrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNDurr rt tr SUPPLY AIR n r] FINAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIBED CORRECTIONS: DATE /a a TO: FROM: DATE: MEMORANDUM File '^(George Ruther, Town Planner April20, 1995 The purpose of this memorandum is to brielly identify the history of the major exterior alteration and conditional use permit request for the Village Center Buibing. The information below is intended to be a time saving device for anyone having questions regarding the Village Center and specifically questions regarding the Village Center major exterior alteration and conditional use permit request. 1. February 27,1995: On February 27,1995, the applicant, Fred Hibberd, and his representative, Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, submitted an applicalion for a major exterior alteration in Commercial Core | (CCl) for the Village Center building located at122Easl Meadow Drive/Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. 2. March 9, 1995: On March 9, 1995, the Community Development Department sent a correspondence letter to Ms. Pam Hopkins of Snowdon and Hopkins Architects, identilying the additional information needed to accurately review fte proposed plans. The correspondence letter requesting the information needed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department is in the permanent file. 3. March 27, 1995: On March 27,1995, the applicant appeared before the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for a worksession discussion of the major exterior alteration to the Village Center Building. A copy of the Community Development Department's memorandum to the PEC is in the perrnanent file. The memorandum identifies the description of the applicant's request, a zoning analysis on the property, identifies the criteria to the be used in evaluating the applicant's proposal, and discussion issues in which the staff had identified and would like further discussion on with the PEC and the applicant. 4. March 29, 1995: On March 29, 1995, the applicant's representative submitted, to the Office of Community Development, an application for a conditional use permit to operate an outdoor dining patio at the La Tour Restaurant located in the Village Center Building. The request for the conditional use permit was in response to a statf request that the applicant receive a conditional use permit for the operation of the existing outdoor dining dec* since a _ conditional use permit had never been applied for and approved in the past. 5. April 10, 1995: On April 10, 1995, the applicant and his representatives appeared before the PEC for final review of the major exterior alteration and a conditional use permit for an outdoor dining patio at the Village Center Building. In the memorandum prepared for the PEC by the Community Development Department dated April 10, 1995, statf recommended approval of both the major exterior alteration and the conditional use permit request. Staff found that the applicant had successfully met the criteria necessary to grant an approval ol the applicant's requests. 6, April11,1995: on April 1 1 , 1995, the community Development Department stafl presented the results of the PEC action on the applicant's request before the Town Council. During a report on this item to the Town Council, it was indicated by Council Member, Merv Lapin, that there may be concern over the existing parking at the Village Center Building. Merv had questions regarding the use of and availability of several of the existing parking spaces. Upon a unanimous approval by the Town Gouncil, the issue was "called up" for Town Council review at their next regularly scheduled evening meeting. 7. April 12, 1995: On April 12, 1995, tfre Community Development Department staff notified the applicant and his representative of the Town Council's desire to "call up" the issue for their review. Upon hearing of the Town Council's desire to "call up" the issue for their review, the applicant requested that the item be withdrawn in its entirety from the review process. ll was indicated to the applicant at that time that a withdrawal of the application and the subsequent approval of the request to withdraw the application by the Town Council, would null and void any approvals granted by the Town ol Vail. lt was further indicated to the applicant that a letter was needed to submit to the Town Council announcing the applicant's request to withdraw the application in its entirety' L April 18, 1995: on April 18, 1995, the community Development Department presented the applicant's request to withdraw the applications lor the major exterior alteration and conditional use permit in its entirety from the review process. Upon a motion duly made, the Town Council unanimously approved the applicant's request to withdraw the item. Therefore, the PEC's approval, granted to the applicant on April 10, 1995, lor a major exterior alteration and a conditional use permit is null and void. For additional information on this item, please see the set of proposed plans enclosed in the file. The plans have been dated April 10, 1995 by the Community Development Department. lt is those plans dated April 10, 1 995 thal had gone before the PEC for their final review. Furthermore, it is those plans that were subsequently withdrawn from the review process by the applicant. Therefore, if in the future the applicant were to bring this application back for review, the April 10, 1995 plans should be used for comparison to any future proposals. F :w€ryone\g€oqevnqno€Villcnlr.420 r o nvir.d l/26i!a \ Date ot Date of OR MODlFlgl.HOr€ft COil'ITIEECIAL CORE ll@- ru#.0m&\J,utirT Planning and Environmental Commission review is required for the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or the APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS replacement ol an existing building located in the CCll District. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE HEVIEWED BY THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD (DRB). Ths appllcation wlll not bs accepted untll all Informatlon and fees are submitted. A. NAME OF ADDRESS B.NAME OF ADDRESS PHONE C. NAME OF BUILDING OWNER(S) (Print or Type) SIGNATUR ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:6.8,V tuN, ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE 4! FEE $200.00 (LESS THAN 100 SQ. FT.)r $500.00 (MoBE THAN 100 SO. FT.) E. PAID $22_ cK THE FEE MUST BE PAID UNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL, PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A pre-application conforsnce with a planning stalf member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional inlormation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by lhe zoning administrator). lt is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. PLEASE NOT THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PEC MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOWII.IG MUST BE SUBMITTED: and location ot-bl'Hlnglmprovement survey of property showing prop€rty lines improvements on the land. #$il il. ilt. v (Condominium Association approval will also be required, if applicable.) o 4uoo. --.r,_-.= 7 N B. c. The dgtenotb*Q[lcale and name 0I the proposed ( with (t's legal description-bhall be shown on the site plan. ow, scale and name of the proposed development /g E @ @ o 4 - o'f ADDRESSED, STAMPED ENVELOPES AND A LIST OF THE NAMES OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERW ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERry INCLUDING PROPERW BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS. THE . APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. Submit four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: (1) The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24' x 36' at a scale of 1"\'' = 20' showing existing and proposed improvements to the site' A variation of the sheet or scale may be approved by the Community Development Department if justified. The existing topographic charactsr of the site including existing and proposed contours. The location and size of all existing and proposed buildings, stuclurss and improvements. The existing and proposed landscaping, patlos, additions or deletions. A title report to verify ownership and easements. Preliminary building elevations, sections, and floor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one loot, in sufficient detail to determine floor area, gross residential floor area, interior circulation, location of uses within buildings, and the general scale and appearance of the proposed development. A scaled modelmay also be required if deemed necsssary. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GHAPHIC FORM A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING THAT: Hi 3[?'"?Sh J"']=:?J53?Y ilff #JIH TH E P U R P oS ES o F TH E B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN AND CONSIDERATIONS AS FOLLOWS: 1. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framework4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Building Edge7. Views8. Sun Shade Analysis Many of these items may be addressed by graphlc means, such as sketches, models (including neighboring buildings), photos, etc. or written statements. . lf the apr,rcant is proposing a major change to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the procedure lor changes are noted in Section 18.24.220(8). , C. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF HOW THE PROPOSAL COMPLIES WITH THE.* { VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN, STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN AND OTHER RELEVANT DOCUMENTS OF THE VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. D. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. I r.vitcd LOIS/ o 92 Date of Date of APPLIEATTON is reguired for anY Projectpernit. wllL not be accePted until FOR CONDITIOIIAI.. T'SE PERMIT IOi'"required MAR2$ alI inforrnation i.s yli*|lt"iI.Thls procedureconditional use The application submitted. A. NA!{E OF ADDRESS B. c. NA},IE OF APPLICA}IT, S REPREEENIATI\TE ADDRESS NA},TE OF oerNER(s) ADDRESS OWNER(S) (print or tYPe) D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: ADDRESS :hz1 'ltttb I iIGNATI'RE (S) lo. fa* 741 PHONE PHONB ,.v rLrNG v.*tl.Yt FEE szoo.oo ,orlzgy ,i * 11tb rHE FEE I,IUST BE PAID BEFORE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. stanped, addressed envelopes of. the names of owners of aII property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND enO ncnoss STREETS, and a list of names and mailing addresses. THE AppLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CEbqe,Ct owNERs AND coRREcr ADDRESSES, .#' nz\U' , \Y" ,.tr' V II. . PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: .(.. ii." A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongfy- suggested to det.ermine if..any additional information is needed. No application wil, l be accepted unless it complete (must include all it-ems required by the zoning administrator) . It is the applicantrs responsibilj-ty to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A EOIiPLEI]E APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMrssroN (pEc) MAy sTrpuLATE. ArL CoNDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED, Four (4) copies of the following information must be subrnitted: 1. A description of the precise nature of the proposed use and its operaLing characteristics and mea€ures proposedto make the use compatible with other properti-es in the Bv '{oiletN Ar-tpffiiitffiE COMMUNITY ftofrltt, vicinity. The d'escription must, aLso address: a. Rel.ationship and impact of the useobjectives of the Town. - \*!-,--> on developnent I J -- i ' \'eon.; ;l l t',/ 4SY. lFIt! Applicati PEC Meeti LICANT tl. l/ trrb6le PHONE b.:f ':::,i;:;, ";:"::ollg::,3l"ill i ft 'c ribut ion utiiities, sihools, parks and recreation facilities, and ot'her public facilit,ies and public facilities needs. 2. c. Effect uPon traffic, wlth particular reference to congestion, autonotlve and pedestrlan safety and conveniencer traffic flow and controL, access, naneuverabllity, and removal of snow from the streets and Parklng area d. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed- use is. to be located, including the scale ind- bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses A site plan at a scale of, at f'ebst ln n 20' showlng cropose-d developnent of the sitei including topography, Luiioing locations, parklng, t'raffic circulation, useable-open space, landscaped areas and utilities and drainage feaEures. Preliminary building elevations and floor plans. A title report to verify ownership and easements. If the building is condominiumlzedr a letter from the condominium association in support of the proposal must be submitted to staff. Any additlonal rnaterlal neceasary for the revlew of the apptication as determined' by the zonJ.ng administ'rator. ** For interior modificatlons, an improvenent survey and site plan nay be waived by the zoning administrator. REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Conmisslon meets on the 2nd and At,h Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying mat,erial (as described above) nust be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning adrninistrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved conditionat use permits shall lapse if construction is not conmenced within one year of the date of approval and ditigently pursued to completion, or if the usefor which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. If this appLication requires a separate review by any local, State or Fedbral agency other than the Town of Vaili the application fee shall be increased by 9200.00. Examples of such rdview, may include, but are not linited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Pernits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. .The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees-'which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If,.at the appticanL's reguestr aDY nattbr is postponed for hearing, causing the natter to be re-published, then, theentire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. 3. 4. 5. 6. IV. TIME A. B. A.v. B. t ,--*-n - \ t -- Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 February 27, 1995 Mr. Mike Mollica Community Developrnent Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Mike, Following are further explanations to Part IV, B of ourApplication for Exterior ALterations or Modifications in Cornmercial Core ff Lionshead Application to PEC. 1. PedeetrLanLzatLon Pedestrianization wiLl be improved with the addition which creates a more inviting area in the plaza open space. The La Tour Restaurant entry is defined and helps balance theprevious tower addition by reducing the height down to the p1aza. 2. Vehl,cle Penetration Vehicle penetration is not affected by the additions. 3. Streetscape Franework The streetscape framework wil1 be inproved with theadditional spaces, entry to La Tour Restaurant and added space with the bay window at GottheLf's Gallery. Both create a more interesting architecturaL feeling for the space. Thebay w5-ndow is sinilar to the window at the Finishing Touch, adding continuity to the building. 4. Street Enclosure The street enclosure will be enhanced by the more humanscaled entry roof and bay window. The sheer vertical north facade wil-I feel much ]ess vertical . 5. Street Edge The street edge is not affected by the additional spaces..2 t_. Mike MoLlica February 27, 1995 Page 2 6. Butldlng Edge The building edge will be improved by the additional spacesas it simplifies the facade of Gotthelf's Gallery andenhances the tower with entrv to La Tour Restaurant. 7. Vl.ewe Views will not be affected by the additional spaces. 8. Sun Sbade Analysis Sun shade analysis will not be affected by the additional space as it is below the existing architectural elemente. The new entry at La Tour is on the north side of the existingtower and well below it and the added space at Gotthelf'sGallery is an extension of the existing roof plan. If you have any questions or need additional informationconcerning this matter, please feeL free to call me. Sincerely, - ARCHITECTSOPKINS Snowdon TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Ffl F fift[}vI LtL", r,ivl { MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 27, 1995 A request for a worksession for a major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll Zone District for a proposed building addition at the Village Center Building,located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Bloct< E5, VailVillage First Filing/Lot 10, Block B, VailRidge Subdivision . Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Lee Neely of Snowdon/Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther lt. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Lee Neely, on behalf of La Tour Restaurant and Gotthelf's Gallery, has requested a worksession with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll (CCll) zone district, for a proposed building addition to the Village Center Building, located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Block 5E, VailVillage First Filing. The proposed addition will contain a front reception and waiting area for the restiaurant, and a bay display window and an increase in retail floor area for the gallery. The proposed addition is approximately 402 square feet total and will be located on the north side of the Village Center Building below the existing clock tower. In addition to the proposed building expansion, the applicant's are proposing to improve the wood tie landscape planter currently in the plaza area north of the proposed addition. In addition to the restaurant and the retail uses in the Village Center Building, other uses within the building include residential and prolessional office. ZONING ANALYSIS The following summarizes the relevant zoning statistics for this request: A. Zoning: CommercialCorell(CCll) B. Lot Area: 32,948 square feeV0.756 acres. C. Setbacks: No changes proposed. It. D. Site Goverage: Allowable - 23,064 square feet (70% of total site area) Existing - 15,526 square teet(47.1%l Proposed - 15,940 square feet (48.3%) Remaining -7,124 square feet E. 'Parking: Restaurant addition - none required Gallery Addition - 131 sq.ft./300 square feet = 0.473 spaces F. Loadlng: No change. 'Al least one-half of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. No parking or loading may be included in any front setbad< area. As this property is located in the CCll zone district, any new parking spaces that are generated as a result of the proposed building addition must be provided on-site, however, if the site is unable to accommodate additional parking spaces, the applicant may pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. At this time, parking spaces are $15,000 each, plus the percentage of Consumer Price Index (CPl) ol the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. The amount of this years CPI percenhge increase will be released shordy. The applicantwill be required to pay the parking fee that is in effect at the time that a building permit is issued for the proposed remodel. NOTE: The numbers provided in the zoning analysis above are based upon the information provided 2127195 and may be modified as a result of the worksession discussion. Staff will modify the zoning analysis prior to final review before the PEC. CR]TERIATO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL As this item is a worksession, statf will not evaluate the review criteria at this time. However, please be aware that the lollowing criteria lrom the Zoning Code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and the Vail Village Design considerations will be applied to evaluate the proposal at a later date. A. Compliance with the CCllZone District Puroose Statement As stated in the zoning code, the purpose of the CCll zone district is as follows: 'The CCll District is intended to provide sites tor a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. The CCll District in accordance with the VailVillage Urban Guide plan and Design Gonsiderations is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quality of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards.' B. Compliance with Sre VailVillage Urban Design Guide Ptan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan does not specifically identify improvements for the Village Center property. The only sub-area concept in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Village Center addition is the landscape element. According to the Landscape Elements, retaining walls, if proposed, should include seating opportunities and be constructed of either concrete or rounded stone cobble with hidden mortar. The Landscape Element guidelines specifically indicate that wood retaining walls are strongly discouraged due to deterioration caused by the harsh climate. Currenfly a 48 square foot wood tie landscape planter exists in the plaza area north of the proposed addition. The planter is owned and maintained by the applicant. The planter is beginning to deteriorate and show signs of age. Therefore, the staff would encourage the applicant to propose a new stone planter with seating opportunities, to replace the existing wood tie planter. C. Compliance with the Urban Desion Considerations for Vail Village and the Exterior Alteration Criteria. 1. Urban design considerations. a. Pedestrianization b. Traffic penetration c. Streetscape framework d. Street enclosure e. Street edgef. Building height g. Views 2. Architectural/Landscape considerations. a. Roofs b. Facades c. Balconies d. Decks and Patios e. Accent elementsf. Landscape elements g. Service Compliance with the Town ol Vail Streetscape Master Plan. The Town of Vail Master Streetscape Plan attempts to improve the functioning character of the area by adding sidewalks where none presently exist, screening parking areas and replacing railroad tie constructed retaining walls with boulder or, stone walls. Approximately 1/2 of the sub-area (which includes the Village Cente0 is already well landscaped. The existing raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center Commercial area is a good example of an area that is well landscaped and well appointed with site furnishings. The only improvements suggested by the Plan for the Village D. tv. center area includes expanding the planter on the south side of the intersection of village Center road and East Meadow Drive. The Plan indicates that fiis would better define the roadway as well as increase the overall landscaped area. This was done approximately 1.5 t0 2 years ago. Upon review ol the site by staff , the improvements suggested in the Town of Vail Master SUeetscape Plan have already been made. ptscussroN rssuEs Since this is a worksession, statf has not prepared a formal recommendation concerning the proposed major exterior alteration reguest. However, the statf has identified the lollowing issues which we would like to discuss further with the PEC and the applicant: 1. The site design ol the propos€d addltlon to the La Tour Restaurant. The architecture of the proposed addition to the restaurant is very well done. Staff feels the proposed addition will result in an attractive, highly visible front entry for the patrons ol the La Tour Restaurant and Gotthelf's Gallery. However, staff leels the site design of the addition creates a'void" or "dark corner" in the building. Staff is specifically relerring to the area in the southeast corner of the existing plaza (see attached site plan). lt may be possible for the applicant to revisit the plan for the proposed addition and anempt to remedy the creation of the "void" or "dark corner". 2. Address the new location of the exlsting wallsigns, menu bor and intemational llags. During a site visit, staff identified the need for the applicant to address the future of the wall sign, menu box and international flags. lf the existing signs are simply proposed to be relocated and displayed in a similar fashion, staff would recommend that it be addressed through the major exterior alteration review process. lf the applicant is proposing significant changes to the signage on the building, staff would then recornmend the applicant complete a sign apptication and proceed through the sign review process. Either way, it is statf's or,lion that the applicant and the PEC consider the future of the signage and flags on the building. 3. The applicant has requested the ability to improve the existing landscape planter north of the building in the plaza area. The applicant has expressed an interest in improving an existing landscape planter. Gurrently, a wood tie landscape planter is located in the plaza north of the building. The wood ties are beginning to deteriorate resulting in an unattractive plaza landscape element. Staff is supportive of the applicanl s desire to improve the appearance ot the plaza and has encouraged the applican. ro proceed with plans for a new landscape planter. Upon review of the Towa of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, statf would suggest the applicant replace the exlsting wood planter with a stone veneer planter to match the other planters currently on- site. 4. In the past, the La Tour RestauEnt has operated an outdoor dining deck. Pursuant to sectlon 18.26.030 cross referenced to section 18.24.030.C.7 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, an outdoor dining deck is a conditional use in GCll. According to the Town ol Vail files, the restaurant has never received a conditional use permit for the operation of their outdoor dining deck. Prior to the preparation of this memor staff discussed the future of the outdoor dining deck with the applicant's representative. At that time, it was unclear as to whether the outdoor dining deck would continue at the restaurant since much of the existing 368 sguare foot dining deck would be lost as a result of the proposed addition. lf in fact the applicant desires to continue to operate the outdoor dining deck, the applicant must make application for a conditional use permit, and subsequently receive approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission. The PEC may wish to review the impacts of an outdoor dining deck concurrently with the review of the major exterior alteration requests. 5. Other issues with regard to the completeness ol the application. The building elevation submitted does not fully represent the existing conditions of the building. Therefore, statf would suggest that the applicant submit accurate building elevations prior to final PEC review of this request. V. STAFF RECOIIMENDATION Since this is a worksession, no formal staff recommendation will be provided at this time. However, staff requests that the above listed issues be discussed with the applicant, so the applicant can receive specific direction on how to proceed with the proposed building addition. lf the applicant wishes to receive final PEC review of this major exterior alteration requesl, at the April 10, 1995 PEC meeting, all revised information must be provided to staff no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, April 3, 1995. F :\everyonegecVnemo\gotthell.3? ., Bcl !. Gs- o @$ !1 It! 1iJ.{ rr1o,q) G, = sF.ISxts$s_ f.*J \!' i!#i rf\rz'tf i$ $+ F /0 -{r--( +tE E'*.t Nt- 0 ]/ T.-r, t-T'*'$ 5 5$$ ArI & = IvT+I!\Z,Jtrs F I'l i,$J *,,sf( I -t\r$$ ET\\r \ ,,27 'Vz// e il ,t4Y:l'_J tf.Fll l(,l J+i.i il -*--- N; l-t $ \-_____{F .'.,'r lii i;'i'J" I u)CDot E, = \$ ) i d $ */r|t.rfEE ft J $i Ff L-:\!.il {rTt KJ g 1E E(r t{t t Et\ ,t H - o o FlLtcrtPY Jetf Bowen stated that the variance is warranted because lhere are extraordinary conditions (Finding 38) and other properties in the same area have same problem. Bob Armour stated that Findings 1 and 2 are also met. 3. A request for a wortsession for a major exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of La Tour Restaurant and the Gotthelfs Gallery and a conditional use permit for a modification to the outdoor dining deck, located in the Village Center BuiEing, 122 East Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther presented the project to the PEC. He stated that the approximate size of the addition is 402 sq.ft. There are not any site coverage issues. The Gallery is proposed to be 131 sq.ft. of floor space which would cause an additional 0.473 spaces of parking needed. Since these are nol available, the applicant would need to pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. The site design of La Tour Restaurant may be creating a dark hole. A new location for the wall signs, menu boxes and flags needs to be discussed. The addition would displace these items. The third item is that the wood railroad tie planter would be impacted. Staff recommends that the planter be replaced and improved with a stone planter and have seating space available. Another issue is that the outdoor dining deck requires a conditional use permit. The applicant needs to submit for an outdoor dining deck conditional use permit. Also, the window diagram should appear on the elevation plans. The applicant should be put on notice that all changes requested be submitted to the Town of Vail Gommunity Development staff by April 3, 1995, to give staff time to review the proposal in tirne for the April 1Oth meeting. Bob Armour would like to see the elevation drawing. He stated that the PEC would like to address each item individually. The applicant, Fred Hibberd, gave a briet history and background inlormation on this site. Prior to proposing these changes, the building didn't have "follow through" lines to tie the building together. Staff (George Ruther) suggested the applicant propose to finish the line. Fred would like to put in a bay window to fill this space and lie it in to the rest of the building. Fred would like to make improvements to the lront of the building. He proposed to eliminate the planter in front and do a waler feature and keep plantings around it. The benches would stay. He stated that he had a sign approved but has never put it in. He would like to put an embossed sign in the stonewoik with "Village Cente/'. This would complete this area and would still leave room for an outdoor dining deck. A waiting area is long overdue. He finds people waiting outside the door and leels it would be an asset to the business. He feels the concept of the improvements would be an overall improvement to the Town. Bob Armour added a suggestion that the fire stand pipe would be a nice addition to the planter. He stated that the Fire Department should not have a problem with it. He stated these are things are for consideration. Can this be incorporated into the planter? Lee Neely, with Snowdon Hopkins stated they would be moving the planter slightly. The first issue of the site design of the proposed addition was discussed by each PEC member. Greg Moffet stated that he felt that bringing the building line allthe way across would be preferable. Planning and Environmenlal Commission March 27. 1995 Minules Fred stated that this would be additional restaurant space. This isn't approved by the restaurantowners as yet' but could be availabre for future use by the restaurant. Kevin ,Deighan would like to see building extended. The soffits not finished, and he wants to seethe building comptetety finished and painteo. Fred stated that the problem with the soffit is the "rose mauling" (swiss painting) and was waitingto have it done to fie building, and needed to coordinate the c-oldrs of the rose mauting with thesoffit color. Fred explained that is why the soffits have gone unpainted. Kevin wants to see everything completed at one time. Fred stated that was tair. Greg Amsden is in favor of bringing building lines all the way across also and encouraged theapplicant to bring the planter out to accommodate the outdobr dining deck. Jetf Bowen stated that the model was not to scale. He stated that he would like to see the wholearea filled in to tie in the roof.lines and entryway. He felt there is a much more efficient way ofchanging the building than what they are reque'sting and wanted them to look at other alternatives. Bob Armour stated that changing some of the lines may be something to look at to save theapplicant money. Fred stated some ol the areas depend on light and it is a concern with covering them. Bob Armour again stated that this is a worksession and the applicant can do what they want withthe suggestions. Greg Amsden stated that enclosing this area may make the building look more massive looking. Henry stated that the dark corner of the building should be filled in. The next item of discussion was the wall signs, planters and flags, and menu box. Henry Pratt stated that the flags should be executed better or flags should be cleaned or newones put up, or maybe remove them altogether. Jetf Bowen felt that this issue should be addressed after the design issues are addressed and clarified. Kevin Deighan would like to see these items included in the design drawings so the pEC can seehow these are addressed with the design of the building. Greg Moffet likes the idea of the flags on a larger scale on both sides of the entry. lssue #3 regarding the landscaping and planter was discussed nextl Greg Moffet would like to see a landscape planter on the north side of the building. He would liketo see more river rock in the planter design. Kevin Deighan agreed with Greg Moffets comments. Planning and Environn€ntal Commission March 27, | 995 Mnutss Jeff Bowen stated that when outdoor dining is determined, the landscaping should be considered at that time. He would also like to see river rock or a water feature in that area and felt it still could address the pedestrian traffic flow. Fred stated he can move the planter out and that it can be in the river rock style suggested. Henry stated that he feels the planter in the current design is in the worst possible place and suggests that the applicant look at another area to place the planter. Henry felt that in regard to the outdoor dining deck, if pursued, that the planter should be moved out as far as possible and use it to separate the pedestrian walkway and the outdoor dining deck. The design for this whole area has room for improvement. The water feature would help with the traffic noise. Greg Amsden stated that he strongly encourage the pursuit of the outdoor dining deck and requested that the applicant apply for a conditional use permit. Kevin Deighan asked if outdoor heaters are used now. Fred stated that he didn't know if they were used and that he would have to ask the restauranl owners. Greg Moffet asked about the water feature. This area is on the north side ot the building and he was concerned that it would be too cold and was concerned that the water feature would freeze. Lee from Snowdon Hopkins stated that they would study this issue. Bob Armour stated that the PEC feels positive about filling in the "dark hole". The signs, menu box and flags will be dictated by the final design. The planter needs to be in river rock and the fire stand pipe incorporated into the planter. The PEC encourages the use of an outdoor dining deck and lhe applicant should apply for a conditional use permit. The applicant should look at improving the waiting area. The PEC would like to see the underside of the sotfits painted. Fred Hibberd thanked the PEC for thinking in a positive way and will come back with some of the recommended changes and suggestions. 4. A request for a modification to the Land Use Plan lrom Open Space to Public - Semi- Public to allow for the redevelopment of the golf course maintenance parcel, located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by the Vail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Russ Forrest Russ Forrest made a presentation of the proposal. The key issue is the golf course maintenance facility which was built prior to the development of the Vail Land Use Plan. The zoning for this property is Natural Area Protection. Russ explained how conditions have changed since the building was built in 1966. The zoning designation given to this property was in error. Staff recommendation is lor approval of this request. Ernie Bender, representing the VRD, stated they can't proceed without a Land Use Plan and zoning change. The Vail Recreation District needs to expand the facility to store equipment inside. They would like to see their equipment protected and they would better this area with trees and enhance the front entrance. They have underground tanks that are intact but would like to get lhem out frorn underground and place the tanks above ground for environmental Planning and Envkonmsnlal Commission March 27. | 995 Minules MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FIL E /;/iPY FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April 10, 1995 SUBJECT: A request for a major exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in the Commercial Core ll zone district for a proposed building addition and outdoor dining patio at the Village Center Building, located at 122 East Meadow DriveiBlock E5, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Lee Neely of Snowdon/Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTS Lee Neely, on behalf of La Tour Restaurant, Cleone's and Gotthelf's Gallery, has requested a major exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in the Commercial Core ll (CCll) zone district, for a proposed building addition and an outdoor dining patio at the Village Center Building, located al 122 East Meadow Drive/Block 5E, VailVillage First ' Filing. The proposed addition willcontain a front reception and waiting area, and an additional 98 sq. ft. ol dining area for the La Tour Restaurant, a 12 sq. ft. bay display window addition to Cleone's, and a bay display window and an increase of 131 sq. ft. in retailfloor area for Gotthelf's Gallery (see attached site plan). The proposed addition is approximately 508 square feet in size and will be located on the north side of lhe Village Center Building, below the existing glockenspiel. In addition to the proposed building expansion, the applicant's are proposing to replace the wood-tie landscape planter currently in the plaza area with a new 60 sq. ft. landscape planter and water feature. The applicant is also requesting the grant of a conditional use permit to operate an outdoor dining patio at the La Tour Restaurant. The proposed outdoor dining patio will be approximately 296 sq. ft. in size. The applicant has proposed to place four, wrought iron tables and sixteen matching chairs on the patio. According to the applicant, "the outdoor dining area will be used during the evening hours, while the La Tour Restaurant is serving dinner. The area of the outdoor dining patio is delineated by the building, planter, and railing as required by the liquor laws. The railing used to physically separate the dining area and pedestrian way, as required by the local liquor licensing board, will be wrought iron. In addition to the restaurant and the retail uses in the Village Center Building, other uses within the building include residential and professional office. ZONING ANALYSIS The following summarizes the relevant zoning statistics for this request: A. Zoning: CommercialCorell(CCll) B. Lot Area: 32,948 square feeU0.756 acres. C. Setbacks:No changes proposed. D. Site Coverage: Allowable - 23,064 square teet(70/" of totalsite area) Existing - 15,526 square teel (47.1"/o\ Proposed - 16,031 square feet (48.6%) Remaining - 7,033 square feet E. 'Parking: La Tour Restaurant addition - Gotthelf's Gallery addition Cleone's bay window 98 sq. ft./15/8 = 0.817 spaces 131 sq.ft./300 sq.ft. = 0.473 spaces 12 sq. ft./300 sq.ft. = 0.04 spaces Total required = 1.33 spaces |il. F. Loading: No change. .At least one-half of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. No parking or loading may be included in any front setback area. As this property is located in the CCll zone district, any new parking spaces that are generated as a resull of the proposed building addition must be provided on-site, however, if the site is unable to accommodate additional parking spaces, the applicant may pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. At this time, parking spaces are $15,000 each, plus the percentage of Consumer Price Index (CPl) of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. The amount of this years CPI percentage increase is 4.41". The applicant will be required to pay the parking fee that is in etfect at the time that a building permit is issued for the proposed remodel. CR]TERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PR9POSAL The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The emphasis of this review is on the proposal's compatibility with the zoning code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the VailVillage Design Considerations and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. A. Compliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Code As stated in the zoning code, the purpose of the CCll zone district is as follows: "The CCll District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified B. development. The CCll District in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quality of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards." An outdoor dining patio on the "first floor" or "street level' shall be permitted in the CCll Zone District subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter '18.60. For the PEC's reference, the condilional use permit purpose statement indicates that: "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to lhe purposes of this title and with respect to their affects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended lo assure compatibility and harmonious develoDment between conditional uses in surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation ot the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use oermits shall be denied." STAFF HESPONSE: Upon review of the proposed maior exterior alteration to the Village Centq eirllOing and a conditional use permit request for outdoor dining at the La Tour Restaurant, staff believes that the proposed addition and conditional use permit request complies with the purpose statement of the CCll zone district as well as with the purpose statement for a conditional use permit. Compliance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan does not specifically identify improvementi for the Village Center property. The only sub-area concept in the immediate vicini$ of the proposed village center addition is the landscape elemenl. According to the Landscape Elements, retaining walls, if proposed' should include seating opportunities and be conslructed of either concrete or rounded stone cobble with hidden mortar. The Landscape Element guidelines specilically indicate that wood retaining walls are strongly discouraged due to deterioration caused by the harsh climate. Currently, a 48 square foot wood-tie landscape planter exists in the plaza area north of the proposed addition. The planter is owned and maintained by the applicant. The planter is beginning to deteriorate and show signs of age. c. STAFF RESPONSE: The applicant has proposed to replace the existing 48 sq. ft. wood-tie planter with a 60 sq.ft. stone-laced landscape planter and water feature. The new landscape element will be designed to include an art sculpture, water fealure, plantings and seating benches. The applicant, however, has not proposed to incorporate the existing fire protection standpipe inlo the new landscape as requested by the pEc during the worksession meeting held on March 27, 1995. Staff believes that the applicant has responded to the landscape concerns identified in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Additionally, staft teels the landscape planter and water leature will enhance the outdoor dining and pedestrian experience of the area. Comolaance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village and the Exterior Alteration Criteria. 1. Urban design considerations. a. Pedestrianization A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant pedestrian ways. Statf believes that the pedestrian way to the north of the Village Center Building is already a pleasant pedestrian environment with the brick paver walkways, large areas of mature landscaping, and the appropriate pedestrian scale of the building. The plans proposed by the applicant further enhance the pedestrian environment through the introduction of an outdoor dining area and the creation of a new landscape planter and water feature. b. Traffic penetration The major exterior alteration and outdoor dining deck proposed at the Village Center Building willhave little or no effect upon vehicle penetration into the Village. The proposed addition will generate an increase in the total parking requirement ol the Village Center Building by only 1.33 spaces. The increase in the parking requirement will be met through a payment into the Town of Vail Parking Fund. Therefore, staff believes there will be no impacts to vehicle penetration into the Village as a result of this request. c. Streetscape framework According to the Vail Village Design Considerations, the quality of the walking experience should be improved when necessary, and the pedestrian ways should be maintained. One means of accomplishing this goal is to infill commercial store fronts. Staff believes that the proposed addition and outdoor dining patio will generate commercial activity and add to the visual interesl of the building without jeopardizing the walking experience or pedestrian way in the area. d. Street enclosure 2. Generally, street enclosure becomes an issue when each side of a street is fronted upon Oy buildings. ln the case of this proposal, only the south side of the street ha; a OuitOing on-it. The north side of the street adjacent to the proposed addition is the intersection ot East Meadow Drive and Village Center Road' lt is itafCopinion that the addition, as proposed by the applicant, will have a positive eft"ct on the perception of street enclosure. Siaff feels the proposed addition will bring the building out closer to the main pedestrian way, thus diverting the attention of a pedestrian back to the building fronts' e. street edge According to the vail Village Design considerations, buildings in the.Village should foim a strong but iiregularLdge to the street. The resulting "iogs" in the buildings should beirsed as ictivity areas lor pedestrian use (i.e. gathering' resting; orienting, etc.). Statf believes the creation of the irregularity of the buildin'g proposdd by ihe applicant is positive, and that the introduction of an outdooi bining patio'anO s6itng benines, meets the goals of the VailVillage Design Considerations. f. Building height The building height proposed by the applicant is in keeping with the.intent of the Vaif Virfagebesi-gn borisiOerations. firb neignt ot the proposed lddition will be significaritly less-than the overall height of th-e existing building- Staff believes the iipticant has done a good job of malching the scale ol the addition with the existing scale of the building. g. Views The Vail Village Design considerations stress the importance of-views in the village. ns proposedl the addtion will not encroach upon any of the established view corridors. Architectural/Landscape considerations. a. Roofs Theapplicanthasproposedacombinationo|roofformswiththisproposa|.The new rool over the gail[ry aOOition will simply be an extension of the existing roof' The roof over the restaurant addition is proposed to be a combination of a shed roof and gabte. fhe ined portion of the ro6f matches the exis1ng roof pitch of the buitding, ilnite me gabte root over the tront entry matches the existin-g_roof form of tne gtoii<enspiel. ihe applicant has proposed to introduce cedar shake shingles to the root over the resfaurant addition. The existing roof on the Vail Village c.nte,bui|dingisgrave|.Thereasontheapp|icanthasproposed.tointroducea different roof material (to tne new roof over ihe restaurant addition) is due to the fact that it is that portion of the building that will now be down lower and closer to the pedestrian anO sirlettevel. Adctiti6nally, the cedar shakes proposed for the front entry to tne reslaurant will match lhe cedar shakes currently in existence on the glockenspiel. Staff finds that the roof forms and roof materials proposed by the applicant are in compliance with the architecture landscape considerations of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. b. Facades The applicant has proposed that all building materials of the addition match existing materials with the exception of the roof materials. Additionally, the applicant is proposing lo reuse the existing, front entry door, french-style doors and windows on the restaurant addition. The applicant is proposing to add two additional bay windows to the north elevation. According to the Vail Village Design Considerations, bay, bow, and box windows are common window details, which further variety and massing to facades. Such window types are encouraged. lt is the opinion of the staff hat the applicant's proposal to match the existing building materials on the new building facade, as well as add two bay windows to the north elevation, is a positive improvement to the structure. Statf would suggest however that the applicant complete the painting of the building soffits as parts of the construction process of the proposed additions. c. Balconies No balconies are included in this reouest. d. Decks and Patios According to the Design Guidelines, "dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of a busy street, making a richer pedestrian experience than if those streets were empty." The applicant has proposed to incorporate an outdoor dining patio into the plans. The applicant has further proposed to replace an existing landscape planter with a new landscape planter and water feature to provide the physical separation of the pedestrian way from the outdoor dining patio, as encouraged by the Vail Village Urban Design Considdrations. The outdoor dining patio proposed by the applicant will be slightly tucked away into an existing alcove in the building. Therefore, protection will be provided from the wind. Additionally, the applicant has proposed to move the existing outdoor dining patio to the north. By increasing the distance from the building to the north, the results will be an increase in the amount of sunlight received to the ouldoor dining patio. Statf linds that the infoduction of an outdoor dining patio as proposed by the applicant is a positive feature to this request. e. Accent elements colorful accent elements consistent with existing character are encouraged in the Village. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing international flags currently on the building above the restaurant entry with new flags. Statf believes that this will be a positive element on the building. Staff would suggest, however, that the flags be regularly maintained to insure a quality visual appearance. Additionally, the applicant has proposed, although not as a formal part of this application, to possibly introduce painted wall graphics to the building. A water feature and art sculpture element is proposed by the applicant. The final design of the water leature and art sculpture element has not yet been determined by the applicant. Staff believes, however, that such an element, when properly ' designed, can have a positive affect on the area. Staff would suggest that the final design approval ol the water feature and art sculpture be reviewed by the Design Review Board. f. Landscape elements Upon review of the site, staff finds the landscape elements currently on the site are adequate with one exception. Statf feels the wood-tie planter is in need ol replacement. The existing wood-tie planter is beginning to show signs of deterioration resulting in an unattractive plaza landscape element. Staff is supportive of the applicant's desire to approve the appearance of the plaza and has encouraged the applicant to proceed with plans for a new landscape planter. Upon review of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, statf suggested, and the applicant has agreed to replace the existing wood-tie planter with a stone veneer planter to match the other planters currently on site. g. Service No additional loading and delivery services are required as a result of this request. Compliance with the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan attempts to improve the functioning character of the area by adding sidewalks where none presently exist, screening parking areas and replacing railroad tie constructed retaining walls with boulder, or stone walls. Approximately 112 ol the sub-area (which includes the Village Cente0 is already well landscaped. The existing raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center Commercial area is a good example of an area frat is well landscaped and well appointed with site furnishings. The only improvements suggested by the Plan for lhe Village Center area includes expanding the planter on the south side of the intersection of Village Center road and East Meadow Drive. The Plan indicates that this would better define the roadway as well as increase the overall landscaped area. This was done approximately 1.5 to 2 years ago. STAFF RESPONSE Upon review of the site by staff, the improvements suggested in the Town of Vail Master Streetscape Master Plan have already been made. Therefore, no new streetscape plan improvements are needed. Gompliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address outdoor dining areas. 7 E. The relevant elements and sections are listed below: A. Land Use Plan "4.3 The ambience of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, nalural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should all be maintained or enhanced." Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. Commercial in-fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the village. Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. Private development objectives shall incorporate streetscape improvements such as paver treatmenls, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercialin-fill or redevelopment projects." B. Vall Vlllage Master Plan "2.4 Objective: 2.4.1 Policy: 3.1 Objective: 3.1.1 Policy: 3.3 Objective: 3.3.2 Policy: F. STAFF RESPONSE Upon review of the objectives and policies identified in the Vail Comprehensive Plan, staff believes that the applicant's proposal achieves each of the objectives listed above. Compliance with the Gonditlonal Use Permit Criteria The following criteria are to be used in reviewing the proposed conditional use permit request for an outdoor dining patio: A. Consideration of Factors. 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The previous section of this mernorandum sites several policies of adopted Town of Vail planning documents that support outdoor dining areas along major pedestrian ways (i.e. East Meadow Drive). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village, undoubtedly creale a richer pedestrian environment and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere with adjacent properties and uses. Staff feels that the design of the outdoor dining patio proposed by the applicant is appropriate. lt is staft's opinion thal the proposed layout ol tables and chairs, and the physical separation of the dining area from the pedestrian way will not adversely impact the adjacent retail shops or the pedestrian way. 2. The effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public lacilities needs. Staff agrees with the applicant that the effect of the use on light and air is increased by the outdoor dining area moving to the north. By moving the existing outdoor dining area to the north, much ol the shaded areas caused by the higher roofs to the south are eliminated. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traflic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the street and parking areas. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have liftle or no negative impact on the above listed items. 4- Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to the surrounding uses. Four tables and sixteen chairs are proposed to be located in the new outdoor dlning patio. According to the site plan submitted by the applicant, no tables are proposed on Town of Vail property (see attached site plan). The four tables and sixteen chairs fit well into the space provided for the outdoor dining use. Staff is also encouraged with the fact that pedestrian flow, both into the La Tour Restaurant and along East Meadow Drive, is not impeded upon. The proposed ouldoor dining patio will enhance the pedestrian experience along East Meadow Drive by providing additionalstreet life and pedestrian activity. The scale of the use, four 42-inch wrought iron tables, is appropriate for the size of the outdoor dining area and its location on East Meadow Drive. Staff is further in support of the use because ol the applicant's desire to use wrought iron tables and chairs on the outdoor dining patio. lt has been the Town's policy to have wood or wrought iron tables on outdoor dining decks. lt is has been the opinion ol the PEC and staff that wood or wrought iron outdoor dining furniture enhances the appearance of the pedestrian areas in general. Findinos The PEC shall make the following findings before granting a conditional use pelrnit That the proposed location of the use in accordance with the purposed of the conditional use permit section ol lhe zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or rnaintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That fie proposed use would comply with each of lhe applicable provisions ot the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff recommendalion lor these requests is for approval. The recommendation for the approval ot the major exterior alteration and the conditional use permit requests are based upon the positive effect the proposal will have on the surrounding uses in the area and the lack of negative effects the proposal will have on the area in general. Staff finds that the applicant's major exterior alteration request complies with lhe criteria outlined for a request of this nature in the zoning code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Design Considerations, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Staff believes that the overall concept of an outdoor dining patio in this area would have a positive effect on the Village in general. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as outdoor dining patios where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. Staff finds that the applicant's conditional use permit request complies with Criteria A. 1, 2, 3, & 4 and that Findings 8.1,2, & 3 have been met. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's request for an outdoor dining area, fie staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the outdoor dining area be maintained free of trash and debris at all times by the applicant. 2. That the Design Review Board review the proposed outdoor dining furniture and landscape planter and water feature design. 3. That the unpainted soffits on the existing buildilng be painted. F:\ev6ryone\pecvnemou|ibbef d.4l 0 B. 2. e L0 Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 March 29, 1995 Mr. George RutherPlanner Conrnunj.ty Development Department Town of VaiL111 South Frontaqe RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear George, Following is an explanation to Part III, 1, a-d of our Applicationfor Conditional Use Pernit to the PEC. 1. Outdoor Dining Area to be used during the evening hours,while the La Tour Restaurant i-s serving dinner. Area isdefined by the building, planter and railing (as required bythe liquor laws ) . a. The relationship and inpact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town is consistent and positiveregarding the interaction of the pedestrian traffic andthe dining experience in VaiI Village. b. The effect of the use of light and air is increased bythe outdoor dining area moving to the north out of muchof the shaded areas caused by the higher roofs to thesouth and closer to the pedestrian flow and i-nteraction. c. There is no effect on traffic congestion, automotive orpedestrian safety because the outdoor dining area is back away from the street and into an area of building surrounds. ,2 George Ruther March 29, 1995Page 2 17a'e;7'J5 d. The effect upon the character of the area in rtl"t, tt"proposed use is to be located will be very pdte as itadds to the experience of night life activities encouraged inthe village environment. The surrounding shops will receiveadditional attention with the outdoor dining attraction. If you have any questions or need additional informationconcerning this matter, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS 6X*?&4 J. Lee Neely /kr o $ \l\t\l- \l : ll. tt i\ a-r rllFa.l.b. > -.T--..*- YTLLAGF CEI{?ERIEreL ti iffi- Y^rL.coLoRADO ,I 11F $ T Tt.-t aZSr rX\Y IY Y\>-<. \><i (Ai\N-,/ i It l;=1g{ IILL^GE cErrEn nEropFL tP l:+-r Ulrl. CoLOnApo l!*.tlrn-r.adrb ---h o ffi -?r IJ Irr5 h li il ffi'rti tIlii IYILLAGE .CENTER NEIODEL IillLr:GOIORADO ialr lrtr*r.alrEt ^-frL9*;+-1A1611|Ot{Al i'."\v- COPYFif ILE 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I i8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 9. 1995 Departnent of Contmuniry Deve lopment Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive, Suite 201 Vail, CO 81657 RE: The Village Center Exterior Alteration Dear Pam: The Town of Vail Community Development Department has received your application for the proposed exterior alteration to the north elevation of the Village Center Building. I will be the planner responsible for taking your project through the review process. Upon preliminary review of your application, staff has determined that additional information is necessary to accurately review your proposed plans. The following additional information needs to be submitted to the Olfice of Community Development by no later than 9:00 am, Tuesday, March 14, 1995: . 1. Amend the site plan dated 1 1/1 5/89. The new site plan should accurately illustrate the proposed additions to the Gallery and the restaurant. 2. To verify ownership, easements and any encumbrances on the property, please submit an updated Schedule A and Schedule B of the Title Report. 3. The building elevation submitted is sufficient to illustrate massing, however, it lacks the necessary detail. Therefore, please submit revised north and east elevations which accurately illustrate architectural detail (i.e. exterior siding, doors and door treatmenls, windows, trim, etc.). 4. To help better understand how the proposed addition will tie into the existing structure, please submit a partial roof plan. You need only show that portion of the existing building currently under review. 5. Please submit a sketch perspective, colored rendering, or model of that portion of the existing building currently under review. At this time staff is not requesting an updated survey. We hope to use existing information currently in our office to determine existing and proposed site coverage. However, il we are Ms. Pam Hopkins March 9, 1995 Page 2 unable to use the information in our otfice to accurately determine site coverage, an updated survey will be required. I will let you know as quickly as possible as to whether an updated survey will be necessary. Again, the office ol community development has preliminarily reviewed your application for the proposed exterior alteration to the Village Cenler building. In order to complete our review and remain on schedule for a March 27, 1995 Planning and Environmenlal Commission worksession meeting, I will need to see the additional information requested by no later than 9:00 am Tuesday, March 14, 1995. lf the deadline established cannot be met, please do not hesitate in giving me a call at 479-2138. lt may be possible for us to work our an alternate deadline. Sincerely, fJ.-"^"- Q'*lr-t George Ruther Town Planner 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. Tom Moorhead Bob Slagle 8:35 P.M. Jim Curnutte 8:45 P.M. 4. Andy Knudtsen VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRTL 18, 1995 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCIL CIIAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Cltizen Pafiicipation. Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1995,,tirst reading ol an animal control and carriage operations ordinance. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/deny/rnodily Ordinance No. 5, Series ot 1995 on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Afterturo woft sessions, a corprehensive animalcofirol ordinance which also addresses horse cariages is presented for consiJeration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Select I or 2 alternatives for control ot animals. Either the leasMetherirE requirement as presenlly exists or as presented in th6 new ordinance. Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1995, first reading of an ordinance rezoning Tract C, Vail Village First Filing/967 Vail Valley Drive trom the General Use Zone District to the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Applicant: Pal Dauphinais. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/deny/modily Ordinance No. 9, Ssries ol 1995 on tirst reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On February n, 1995, the Water District received Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review and apprcval of their request lo change the Vail Land Use Plan designation of this property from park to Low Density Residential. On March 1, 1995, the Vail Town Councit approved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 which authorized the change to the Vail Land Use Plan from Park to Low Density Residential. Resolution No. 5 contained five condilions which rrust be addressed by th€ applicant prior to the transfer of ownership of the property. On April 10, 1995 the PEC unanimously approved the Water Distrht's request lo rezone Tracl C from the General Use District lo the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District (see attached stalf memorandum to the PEC and dratt copy of the meeting minules from the April 10, 1995 pEC meeting). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 9 on first reading. Odinance No. 8, Series ol 195, second reading of an odinarrce repealing and roenacling Ordinance No. 7, Series of 1993 to provile changes to Area A requiremenls lor SDD #4 that concem the development plans lor the Westhaven Condominiums (The Ruins) Development site ard setting forth details in regard lhereto. ACT|ON. RF.aUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approvo/deny/mdlfy Crgtnance No. Series ol 1995 on second readirE. 9,4CKC!?OU!:D nATiOi,iAL[. Oii Fei;ruary Zi, ifrS, ihe FeC voreo rFl r€oommending approval ol lhe requested rnaFr amendment to the Cascade Vllhge SDD. Please see tho attached stafi menp. STAFF RECOMMENDATIQIT Approve Odinance No. 8 on second reading. 9:15 P.M. 5. Steve Thonpson 9:20 P.M. 6. Randy Stouder 9:35 P.M. '7. George Ruther 9:,|() P.M. 8. 9:45 P.M. 9. Resolution No. ll, series of 199s, a Resolutbn designating Bank one wisconsin Trust Co., N.A., the One Group U.S. Treasury Securities Money Market Fund, lllEast wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, wl 53202 as a money markel acccunt lor thefunds of the Town as permitted by the charter of the Town, its ordinances, and the Statutes o, the State of Colorado. ACTIoN REQUESTED oF couNCtL: Approve Resolution No. r1, series of 1995. PACKGRPUND RATTONALE: Our tong-term investments managed by DanaAdvisors is arnently safekept at cotorado National Bank. we wanito move thesalekeeping to Bank one whose annual fees are less than half of coloradoNational Bank's fees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution No. ll. Site Visil - Alpine Standard/Amoco Sign Variance Request. Sign to belocated at the Vait Atpine standard, 28 vait Road, Vait viltagJzno. Appticant:Doug Sterkyl. ACTION REaUESTED oF couNCrL: Appove/deny/modity rhe sign variancerequesl. BACKGRQUND RATTONALE: On Aprit 5, 1995 the DRB voted 5-0 recommending approval of the variance requesl. The changing geometry and landscaping ol themain vail interchange relaled to the construction of the roundaboul neceJsitatesrHrientation of the sign. since the sign has to be re-orientecl and reconstructedfor effective signage purposes, the applicant wishes to take this opportunity toupdale all signage on property to reflect the current corporate name (Rmocol anoreduce the noF-conforming aspects of the signage to the maximum extent feisible(see staff memo). srAFF RECoMMENDATToN: Approve variance request with conditions in statfmemo. Town courril od up of the pEC approretl mrNor extrrlor aleration of the vllageconter Buildhg (LaTour Restaurant, cloohe's ina eottnefs Gallery). r_otaeo-ar122 East i,freadon, Drive. Applicant: Frcd Hbbad. AFJION FEaUESTED OF COUNCTL: Ackno.rrtedgB the appticants request rowithdraw the rnajor exterior alteration approval. W.Atthe April ll, 195, Torn Council rneetirqtheTorn courril members unanimorsly appowd a motion to cail up the p-C lpproval of the maior exterior alterdion and condltlonal uso pormit lor an outdoordining deck request for the village center BuildirB. The mairr extorior anJralonand conclitbnar use permit request was unaninu,rsly apprcved by th€ pEc onApdl 10, 1995. upon hearing ol the Torn council's desire to reviap the pEc,s decisioB theapplicant, Fred Hibbard, has reqrested to have the item withdrawn. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A. Town Manager's Report. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUEJECT TO CNANGE) ...t4rl/-.lr-vvrt!t THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwfLL BE oN TUESDAY,gu95, BEG|NNING AT 2:dr p.rrr. rN Tov ceuNctL OHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL RETULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, t9/95, BEGINN|NG AT 2:qO p.M. tN TOV CO|TNC|L CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENII.IG IIEETINGwlLL BE ON TUESDAY, t2y95,-pEG!NN!NG AT 7:30-A$. tN TOv COUNOL CHAMBERS. 5.A request for minor subdivision to amend the location of the platted building envelopes located at 1374 and 1378 Sandstone DriveiLbts D & E, Briarpatch.Aff-""l' Vok: b'o Applicant: Planner: Jim Guida Construction lor Briar Patch LLC Jim Curnutte iequest for a-maior exterior alteration to allow for the expansion ol La Tour Restaurant Approval of minutes for March 27, lgg1 meeting. - A/f*-( Uol-: L- O Town Council update: Vailcommons- 4 &^,"/?,* @ fD ^ 4/--'( .4;4, The Ruins - ffa4l p t* .e--cU- Q *".t^**) LionsquareLodge- N, r fec rbrca ^u^^.-.r.-z-i , 1/rr/'/r lL o''a 12 AvJ /,o"l "n il, f**r(f ^. {',\ t7r '"'l r ,,t( .h/) J- 12'r-t7' " ' r f, H' tno -'^? sf " ' '-'.- ,u 2,. -. { (-., r f Or-t'{ ,tt .x J '" ht -t f/" ?C-.1 o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Aprit10, 1995 AGENDA Planning and Environmental Commission Training Workshop (with Charlie Unseld - Colorado Department of LocalAffairs) Prolect Orientatlon/Lunch Slte Vlslts =r+=_E-=Ileo!@iq-ffi4. Village Center5. The Daily Grind Drivers:@r*mdr 6K > /-!^/ Public Hearing 2:00 p.m. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1 st Filing. 10:00 a.m.' 11:30 a,m. 12:30 p.m. 1.pn.uLwaffid VaIe: 6 - O A request lor a rezoning lrorn General Use District to Primary/Secondary Residential District to allow for the development of a primary/secondary residence located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais for VailValley Consolidated Water DistrictPlanner: Jim Curnutle Ron Byrne Lauren Waterton fu4^*-ltilf',rr,4 Vol<: b-O A request tor a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Daily Grind t\t*; k &",2.(located "t 288 Brids" Str""vL u3'tu,llragil,l.Filing. Volct 2.'-f -----;)-?'r'-,- Applicant: The Daily Grind Coffee House / etrq4 42 *-rt4 Planner: George Ruther Volet b - O ru,A,{ ae^-7 A request for a worksession for a major SDD amendment to allow for an expansion to the Glen Lyon Office Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road/Area #4, Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. Applicant Glen Lyon Partnership represented by Gordon Pierce and Ken O'BryanPlanner: Randy Stouder vot.z 5-o-'@"ffi/tu) MEMORANDUM f{I f svpy TO: Town Council FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April13, 1995 RE: Call up of the PEG approval of the Mllage Center maior exterior alteration and conditional use permit rcquest. Applicant Fred Hibbard represented by Snowdon/Hopkins ArchitectsPlannen George Ruther On Wednesday, Nt'rl12,1995, staffnotified the applicant, Fred lfibbard, and the applicant's representative, Snowdor/Ilopkins Architects, that the Vail Town Council desired to review the PEC's April I l, 1995 approval of the major exterior alteration and conditional use permit request for the Village Center building located at lZ?EastMeadow Drive. Staffindicated to the applicant, and his representative, that the Council call up was related to a parking issue. Upon hearing ofthe Council's desire to call up the PEC approval, the applicant has requested that the item be withdrawn in its entirety. Acceptance of the applicant's withdrawal ofthe request,by the Councilwill void any previous action taken on the major exterior alteration and conditional use permit request by the Planning and Environmental Commission. f; \weryono\goorge\ncmoVillcorr,4l3 ApR 14 ',95 !3.47 TIMBERLITIE-C0RP-- 3A7-733-L465 -t P.? vlr,urcx Cnrrrn Corrf,unclAr, 45 SrYlwe JAcKsoN, WY83001 (307t?33-1t21 Fa*(307) 733-1455 April14, 1995 George Reuher ToYrn of Vail Oficc of Gommunity Devrlopnnnt 75 South Fronhgc Roarl Vril, CO 81657 DearGcorge, Due to tim6 con$traints gnd ths upcoming sumrner touriat toa8on ue will not procccd with the Vlllage Genter upgrado - rcmodel proiec-t. I wquld tiks to thank you and the l€st of the stefralong wlilt the danning commiscion for ruppoding thie proiect. Very Truly Yourg, ftuJ il;-t/*,J Frrd Hibbard THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERN PUBLIC NOTICE 414 Tr; nqtls NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Con,,.,- Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 10, 1995, at 2:00 P,M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ol: 1. A request for a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located al 4524 Meadow Drive/Timberlalls C ondomin iums. Applicant: RichardVossler,TimberfallsCondominiumAssociationPlanner: Randy Stouder 2. A request for a rezoning from General Use District to Primaryisecondary Residential Districl to allow for the development of a primary/secondary residence located at 967 Vail Valley Drive/Tract C, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais for Vail Valley Consolidated Water DistrictPlanner: Jirn Curnutte 3. A request for a conditional use to allow for an outdoor dining deck for the Daily Grind located at 288 Bridge StreeVLot B, Block 5H, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: The Daily Grind coffee HousePlanner: George Ruther 4. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for an expansion to the Glen Lyon Otfice Building located at 1000 South Frontage Road/Area #4, Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. Applicant: Bill ReslockPlanner: Randy Stouder 5. A request for a conditional use to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit (EHU) to be located at 126 Forest Road/Lot 5, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Ron ByrnePlanner: Lauren Waterton/Jim Gurnutte 6. A request for minor subdivision to amend the location of the platted building envelopes located at 1374 and 1378 Sandstone Drive/Lots D & E, Briarpatch. Applicant: Jirn Guida Construction for Briar Patch LLCPlanner: Jim Curnutte |e&ff 4f'^- /'a /)'''r + '*6nfik Mfuu'c' @)^ 'l? {il*o o 7. A request for a major exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of La Tour Restaunnt and the Gotthelf's Gallery and.a conditional use permit for a modifhation to tho outdoor dining deck, located in the Villags Center Building, 122East Meadgw Drive/ a portion of Block 5E, VailVillage 1st Filing. Appllcanf Fred Hlbberd, represenbd by Graig Snowdon. Planner: George Ruther .t LIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS TO THE VILLAGE CENTER BUILDING Crossroads:Manager: Sonnenalp: Sitzmark Lodge: Gore Creek Plaza Building Bell Tower Building: Creekside Building Slifer Management 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 360 Vail, CO 81657 Karl Heinz Faessler Sonnenalp Properties Box 7@ Vail, CO 81658 Bob Fitch 183 Easl Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 8'1657 Chuck Rosenquist Box 696 193 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81658 Clark Willingham 1 Turtle Creek Village Suite 606 3878 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219-4471 Greekside Condominium Association Peler S. Switzer 1 Madison Street Rockford, lL 61104 Russell & Dorothy Gottenberg 9187 East Floyd Place Denver, CO 80231 Larry Vande Garde 3561 South W. MacVicar Topeka, KS 66611 Douglas R. Whitaker 52 Dellwood Avenue White Bear Lake, MN 55110 Charles Rosenquist P.O. Box 686 Vail, CO 81658 FI!- E OOPY Penthouse CRK Common and Land Lease #1 #2 #3 I THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on March 27, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major exterior alteration and site coverage variance to allow for the expansion of La Tour Restaurant and the Gotthelf's Gallery located in the Village Center Building, 122 East Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5E, VailVillage 'lst Filing. Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: George Ruther 2. A request for a height variance to allow a satellite dish to be located at 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 240, Crossroads EasVLot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant BillWilto, representing RE/MM Vail, Inc.Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a modification to the Land Use Plan lrom Open Space to Public - Semi- Public and a rezoning from Natural Area Preservation to General Use to allow for the redevelopment of the golf course maintenance parcel located at 1278 Vail Valley Drive/Parcel E, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant: Ernie Bender, representing the Vail Recreation District Planner: Russ Forrest 4. A request for a sehack variance to allow for an expansion to the Redpath residence located at2692 Cortina Lane/Lot 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Bob RedpathPlanner: George Ruther 5. A request lor a setback variance to allow for the construction of a freestanding garage to be located al4524 Meadow Drive/Timberfalls Condominiums. Applicant Richard Vossler, Timberfalls Condominium AssociationPlanner: Randy Stouder Published in the Vail Trail on March 10, 1995. flJjar"nt lell 'rt 5e ''rl 3' lo'75 /u LIST OF ADJACET.IT PROPERW OWNERS TO THE VILLAGE CENTER BUILDING Crossroads: Manager: Slifer Management.|43 East Meadow Drive Suite 360 Vail, CO 81657 Sonnenalp: Karl Heinz Faessler Sonnenalp ProPerlies Box 700 Vail, CO 81658 Shzmark Lodge: Bob Fitctl 18i! East Gore Creek Drlve Vail. CO 81657 Gore Creek Plaza Building: Chuck Rosenquist Box 696 193 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, GO 81658 Bell Tower Building: Chrk Willingham 1 Turlle Creek Village Suite 606 3878 Oak Lawn Avenue Dallas, TX 75219-4471 Creekside Building Creekside Condominium Association Peter S. Switzer Penthouse 1 tvhdison Street Rocldord, lL 61104 Russell & DorothY Gottenberg *1 9't87 East Floyd Phce Denver, CO 80231 LarryVande Garde Y2 3561 South W. MacVier Topeka, KS 66611 Douglas R. Whitaker #il 52 Dellwood Avenue White BearLake, MN 55110 Charles Rosenquist CRK Comrnon and P.O. Box 686 Land Lease Vail, CO 81658 er.a** . rwvl . - r -; t cofrHrftcloR rITLS lfisuMNcE purporhd gts..B Addrrrrl PURPORTED STREET ADDRESST 122 Eaet Meadow Drive Rrfarlocr No. CorolBcrng No. 4854438C-C2 ClOs8ltlltll 0llrcER! ,TICOn TIILE INSUR NCE COUPANYT (r rt,oclt conprny), r Crlilornlr corPolrtlon, hcrrln ' crllod lhr CoEp.ny, for r vrlusblc conrldrrrtiin, nercUy comml!r Bo irruc lCe Policy oi poticll of'tiiir inlurrncr, rr ldon!i!ird in Sctrcdulr A, in Irvor of th' orooolrd Inaur.d nrord in 8chrdulc A, rl ownrr oE mori3.8ar of ihr €rcrEr or i;;:;;;c;;;;;;J nriauy in rht lrnd dmcr!brr! or rrfrrtrd co in Schrdulr A, uPon peys.nt o! thr prrrturr rnd chrrScr.lhrrc!sri rlI rubjlci lo lht prov!tionr ot 5;[;;;i.;-l-ria'8 rod co rhe conditlonr end gtipulrtionr hcrrof' l. 2, !ttrotlvr d.3. of tht. tt. rrqrlr or lnlrrrr! covcrrd hrrcin ir fer v.rBad tni IRED HIBBERD, JR. SCHIDUIT A co@tllirGnt lr OCSOBER 7, 1987 ln cho lrnd drrcrtbad or rrtrrrrd clmplc and ciile th.r!to lt l! she gnr lory at 8t00 A.M. co ln chir cooottornB rndc!frctivr dr tr hlrlof l. ' Potlcy or gollclrr to bl irrucdl (r) Alil oencrrr PoltcY Propoard lnrurcd ADDITIONAIJ ADVANCE ENDORSETIENT T0(b) ALTA Lorn PotlcY 4854438 Proporrd lnrurrd UNTSID BANK OF DENVER, NATIONAL ASSOCIAEION ADDITIONAL IJIABILITY $ 8q,000.00 I r90,00 AfiOUNT I _.'. CERTTFICA1E OI TAXIS DUE gURVSI ADDITLOIIAL CIIARCES PRSUIUH NOT ORDERED NOT ORDERED I 9 Jltll,uuL|J A \uvrrr ' ''c/ /..///d { Co@lmfnl No.lgsltc-cz 4. Tlrr lend rrtrrrrd te ls thlr corolloln! il drrcribrd rr tollorrl A prrc of lrrcg c rnd tot K, Bloek !-8, vrtl vtrllr3rr Ftrrt Flllngr lor]1 of Vrl'lr ducrlbrd er f ollosr t C@r$clnl rE r Po1$t tn^reid Tlrot C lrm nhrncc thc NorChsrrt cornrr o! LoC b' Block 5-D bearg Sourh 37015'50'r wea! 79'44 tccti' Bh.nc. NorEh 64062156" !,l.rt 32.00 feeci thr$ol south 690!7t04" l'lelg 117.00 lcrci thrncr South 86017rO4trWrst II5,OO fcct to tht True Polnr ol B'gtnnlnti lhrncr south 08057'37" Ets! 14,68 leeti ifiinci souch 7i0t3'oO" wrr! 7.40 lccs ro rh. souch.t.t corn.r of rrld LoE Ki Ehrnct contlnulng Soueh 71053r00r"ricr! 304.50 lacc rlong thc Southtrly llna of rrld let K; tbrncr tlorttr ie907r00" Wolt 80.67 lrrri thrncr Notth 71053r00" EerB 31.E3 !..si Bhrocr Norgh t8o0?r00'r wtrt 6,00 trrli thrncr North 7lo53r00rrEul 26'67 frlrl th.8c3 North 18007r00'r l'hrt 10.00 f arc i thrnct Nosrh 7l?53rOO" Etr! 61.00 lrcri thrncr NorEh 64016t07" Erot 22,73 tceci thrncr Notth 78053r00" Ertr 31.30 freti chtnca NorEh ltoo7r00" l.lerg 16,00 faoci thrner liorth 78053r00" Eals 69.10 letsi thrnct Norlh 89048r04'r Eelt 35.58 fert,i th.r|ct Nolth 8IoO2r23" Eal! 68.66 lclci thtncr tiorEh O8or7r37" l'I.r!, !5.39 flrc so e point' on ' cutv'i thrnc. gD I curit. to th. rlght, whOrr rrdlur tr 145.77 tertr shora c'nBrsl iiii.-fi-'f,,0[[r15,' end whorl chord braro Norrh 43047'57" l.trttr a dlrcrncr of 3ili7 feerr Bo rrc dlecrncc of 35,66 feec go h Poln! on s curvei thanca on e curv. Eo lhe lef!, whoae radtus 11 59,58 !ccc, whoec cengrat "iii"-tr 650Il'42',, and whoae chord bcars sorrh 68e57'16'rr,leE!r an trc dlerance of 79.17 !orr,i thrncr souBh 78027r25" l.t.lB 34,41 lcct co r poinB of cangrnt^?{-1,,tutu? co th' lr!1, whorr redtus 11 20,00 fcof' !.rhoac ccncral angla ir 20-04'25"' En6 vhotr chord brrrr South 68025r!2r' t.l.tti lhrnCe elong Chr rbovc rrtd culVrr 6,97 frrt lo A poing ol rlvaraa curv.i tha$Cr rlong lhc curv. !o Che rlgltCr wltotl rldlus lr^J26,72 frrtr t{hor' c'ncril iniii-i, tq6lf'26", lnd whoac chord brrrr Sourh 6r"48r43'r w.!cr !o !!c dlsgencc ol 97.68 frrc; thanoa rlong r curv. co thr le!g, whotl radlur 1r 120.00 frlcr whore sontral iniii-r, sru3Ir3ii' .na "norc chord beare Soueh 27o24'10" tl.ts 18I.95 feet, an rre dlatrncr of I9I.69 teeci thcncr South 18007r00" Eaat 10.05 leer to the Trur Polnr o! g3glnnlng' lXCEiltNO thr rtr rpacr wllhtn thr lowrr ftvrl grrklnt sttr ol Urlldtng gr Vltlrgt Crntrr rs dePicled on |,tap of Second Supplcmens to the ll,rp of VIIlega Cen!er, rnd EXCEIIINO thrt prrc th.rcot drrcr{brd rrcordcd JuIy 1, 1975, tn Book 240 at tn.look 240 ee pegr 615. Couaty ot Er3lrp Strtr of Colorrdo. rr VAIL COR! CONDOI'|INIU}IS ln Condoolnlur Mrp prgc 5I6 end Declrrr!1on r!corded July I' 1975' o Th. !ollowint rr. ,.qu?-.n,, Requireatencl co br conglied clchl I t. Ptyuanl to or lor Bhl rccounB of tha Srr$lorr or dorttrSorr of lhr full conridcrrtionlor Bhr rrg.la or inccror! go bc inrurrd, Proprr lnrtruocnt(r) crrrting thr 6rcr!a or lnl.rrrt to bc inrurrd murt bc rx;curcd and duly filrd for record, !o wi!i Duly cxcouted and acknowledged Agtcenent lor Additlonal Advance by and bet,ween Unlted Bank o! Denvor, Natlonal Assoclationr and Fled Hlbberd, ,rr.7 increatlng thc loan arnount from s800,000.00to S980,000.00, under the terms of the Deed of Trusc recorded Augu3t 29, 1985, ln Book 423 at Page ?96,NOIE: A Copy of srld Agreemant for Addltlonal Advanc€ muse be rubrnltted go and approvcd by tlcor TitIe Insurance Companyfor approval prior to the €xecutlon o! sane. FITE FOLTPWTNG IS THE DEED OF IRUSI! INSURED I'NDER LOAN NO. 4854438I Drrd ol Trustr .li cohtalned ln lnttruntnt entltled DsEd of Trultr f,rom Ered Hlbberd, Jr. to the PubIIc Trustee of the County of nagle, lot the u6e of Unit,ed Bank of Denver' National Associatlon' to-cscure S800,000.00, dated June 30, 1985, recorded August 29, I985r in Book {23 at Page 795 Arrlgrunent of Lralrr and R.ntt rrcordrd Augutt 29, 1985,'ln Book 423 it Page ?97, given j,n connection wlth the above Deed of lruct. l. 2, 3. rhr oolicy or portcirlo br rrrurd ril':iln rrcre;r for drrrclr, rirnr, ;;"fi;;;.r; :d";;;. clrtor or othor ErBB.rr, if rny, ctr!!.d, !irrr rpprrrins in ifrr-puUftc ricordr or rsgrchinS lubr.qu.nt so lhr affscCivc drCc hcreof bu! Prlor to Cii i.g. tht progoard lnturcd iequiror of rrcord !or vrlul shr otcr!. or intarrrt or Eortl.l. ghasage covlrod by rhir Cooilorng; lnd rxcrpCiona co Chc totloring unlert thr rrsr rrr dlrgorcd ol co rhc retisfrcrion of chr Cooprny: RtShtf Or clrlor o! pmitcr in porrrrrioo noc rborrn by lhl pubtic rccordr. hfaorng.r or ctriar o! ..r.E.n!r, nos fhom by lh. Pubtlc rrcord'' DlrcrrpenCirrr sorl!lic3r in boundrfy llnrlr fhof!llr in rrrlr lncrorcho.ncrt rnC. rny !actr ;hlch I cotrtc! rurv.y rnd tnipccrion o! th. prrnlrrr would dlrclo!r rnd r,hich .rr $oB rhom by Bhc Public rccordr. 4, AAy lhn, or right go r lirn, lor rlrvlcrt, l.bor1 or or3rrirl hrrrcolorr or hrrrrtCrr, !urn{rhcd, toporcd by lor rnd nog rhOwn by rhr public rrcordl. t,Trrrr durrrlltt 0rrrlrr. tnd pryrblri rnd rny lltt, rPoclrl rlt!rrEantrr €hrEtrr or llrn lnrpolrd lor rorrr rirvic!r or for rny othrR lprcirl CstinS dirgrict' .ny unrrdrrtrrd !8x Any and ull unPald ta*.t and alr.rrm.ncr 6, Aatcttctto$a, whlch do not contaln r forlattust or rqvcrtar cltuaar rf concelnad in lnscrulcn! recorded Auguc! 10, 1962, in Book L74 ^t page 179, 7, Errotatl for prrklngr vahlculrr rnd ptdrrtrlrn accrrs to thc prrklng ererr Iocrrrd on rubJecc propetty and co rhe Eulldlngr.re!crrrd to !l Bulldtng!A, I rnd C, V1I1r8,c Cenler, veaced or to bc vcglcb tn rhe oencr! o! Condontnluu Unlt'a tn tlld aulldtngs A' ts end C as provtdcd for by lrclrraclon lor VtllagcCcntrt llcordcd ln Book 2?6 ac pagc 362, airrr Suppleoent ro Declrratlon forVlllrgr Canrer rrcorded ln Sook 231 rt prgt 381, and Socond Supplrmlnt roDceltrrllon for VlIIagc Ccncer rccorded ln Dook 237 tt prgc 23 rnd ln Sook 239rc pr3r 574. 8. Easemcnt lnd rlght of l{ry fon the rlght, prlvll€9€ ond authorlty t0 ConStruCt, operate and nlintoln eleciric transformer' togethel witfi right to inter upOn satd premises, as granted. to-Hol.y,.Cross Electric niioititton, lnc,, a cooperatlve corpoiatlon Oy ifgd Hibberd' Jr' 'in tnstrument rec6rdeO Jinuary 3, 1975, in Book 238 at Page 501,. srld easement and right Of 'l{Ay belng ln, throughr ov€lr unoer ano across the followlng described property:--A-i6riidn ot solO-Lot K, Block 5-E ai 1110re partlculdrly described ln sald lnstrument. ,,T'RR 16 '95 16:37 TIMBERo-ao*t--r.o307-733-1465 ECHEDULEg-9rollon2 EroPtlonl (Contlnucd) 9. Elgenent Deed lrom frod Hlbbord, ilr' t'o Town. nf val] ' e Colorado r,auniciiai' Coipoiiiion, -togetner with burdons, obligations,, termt and conditions contained theiein, recOrded March 'l , L986' In gook 437 at Page ?0?, said easement belng in, throughr oV€!r under the acrosE the following descrlbed prope':ty: A PerPetual non-exclusivE ea6elTlent over the pt9!::!y-, dcrcribei on ths attached Exhlblt "A" r for the purpose ol pcdestrlanr vehlcle and draj.nage acccls 10. Elremcnt and rlght of way lor thc rtEltr prlvllege an{ authorlty to con!trucg, op.rat. and rnain€atn uidcrgiound clccbrlc Lrantml!slon or dlstrtuutioi-ii;;;, toseihii wtt'n tne-rrght !o enter upon sa!d premlres, at to Holy Cros; Elestrict Assoclation, Inc" s A#;;;ii"J-c6ipoiition, Uy rioa iibbrra ur. ln lnstrument recorded Uii'ZS, 1985, ln Book 442 at pig.645, eaid eestment and rlght of wa| uetng tn; throughr over, unaer and across the following dcrcrlbed PropettytAn eccelr iaerinent as shown on attachrd Exhlblt A tnd an 6a!'m'nc ten (I0l fcet ln widthr the cenilrline for eald aasemen! being under- gtouna powrr-facifttiei, t5r afproxtmate location of whlch uPon the above described paicef is show'n- on satd Exhiblt Al and an 'asementlor undergrouna ;;;;; faciliiiLc as dcscrlbed on artached Exhlblt B. Exh1birg A and B are att;ah;d hereto and made gPart hcreof by rcfar6nce. Thir document "pu"ifl"iiiy allowr thr Gstallatlon and removal ot aaaitfonal underii6una confitlctors, condults, pad-nounted facilitles, and/or related iguiP.ent upon the easment descrlbed by ghe attached Exhibits A and B. Snowdon and Hopkins e Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 3O3 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 February 27, 1995 Mr. Mike Mollica Corununity Development Department Town of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear Mike, Following are further explanations to Part IV, B of ourApplication for Exterior Alterations or Modifications in Commercial Core If Lionshead Application to PEC. 1. Pedeetrlanlzatlon Pedestrianization will be improved with the addition whichcreates a more inviting area in the plaza open space. The La Tour Restaurant entry is defined and helps bafance theprevious tower addition by reducing the height down to theplaza. 2. Vehl.cle PenetratLon Vehicle penetration is not affected by the additions. 3. Streetscape Framework The streetscape framework will be improved with theadditional spaces, entry to La Tour Restaurant and added space with the bay window at GottheLf's Gallery. Both create a more interesting architectural feeling for the 6pace. The bay window is sinilar to the window at the Finishing Touch, adding continuiLy to the building. 4. Street Enclosure The street enclosure wil-l- be enhanced by the more human scaLed entry roof and bay window. The sheer vertical north facade wil-L fee1 much less vertical. 5. Street Edge The street edge is not affected by the additional spaces..2 t Mike MoIIicaFebruary 27, 1995 Page 2 6. Bulldlng Edge The building edge will be improved by the additional spacesas it simplifies the facade of Gotthelf's Ga}lery andenhances the tower with entrv to La Tour Restaurant. 7. Views Views wil] not be affected by the additionaL spaces. 8. Sun Shade Analysls Sun shade analysis wilL not be affected by the additionaL space as it is beLow the existing architectural eLements. The new entry at La Tour is on the north side of the existingtower and welL below it and the added space at Gotthelf'sGaIIery is an extension of the existing roof plan. If you have anyconcerning this questions or need additional informationmatter, please feel free to caLl me. - ARCHITECTS /kr Sincerely, OPKINS Snowdon TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: FIt[ #fFY MEIIORANDUTI Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 27, 1995 A request lor a worksession for a major exterior alteration in he Commercial Core ll Zone District lor a proposed building addition at the Village Center Building, located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Block E5, VailViltage First Filing/Lot 10, Block B, Vail Ridge Subdivision . Applicant: Fred Hibberd, represented by Lee Neely of Snowdon/Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Lee Neely, on behalf of La Tour Restaurant and Gotthelf's Gallery, has requested a worksession with the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) to discuss a proposed major exterior alteration in the Commercial Core ll (CCll) zone district, for a proposed building addition to the Village Center Building, located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing. The proposed addition will contain a front reception and waiting area for the restaurant, and a bay display window and an increase in retail floor area for the gallery. The proposed addition is approximately 402 square feet total and will be located on the north side of the Village Center Building below the existing clock tower. In addition to the proposed building expansion, the applicant's are proposing to improve the wood tie landscape planter currently in the plaza area north of the proposed addition. In addition to the restaurant and the retail uses in the Village Center Building, other uses within the building include residential and prolessional office. ZONING ANALYSIS The following summarizes the relevant zoning statistics for this request: A. Zoning: CommercialCore ll (CCll) B. Lot Area: 32,948 square feeU0.756 acres. C. Setbacks: No changes proposed. ilt. D. Site Coverage: Allowable - 23,064 sguare teel (70o/o of total site area) Existing - 15,526 square teer(47.1%l Proposed - 15,940 square feet (48.3%) Remaining - 7,124 square leet E. 'Parking: Restaurant addition - none required Gallery Addition - 131 sq.ftJ300 sguare feet = 0.473 spaces F. Loadlng: No change. *At least one-half of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. No parking or loading may be included in any front setback area. As this property is located in the CCllzone disrict, any new parking spaces that are generated as a result of the proposed building addition must be provided on-site, however, if the site is unable to accommodate additional parking spaces, the applicant may pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. At this time, parking spaces are $15,000 each, plus the percentage of Consumer Price lndex (CPl) of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. The amount of this years CPI percentage increase will be released shortly. The applicant wilt be required to pay the parking fee that is in effect at the time that a building permit is issued for the proposed remodel. NOTE: The numbers provided in the zoning analysis above are based upon the information provided 2127195 and may be modified as a result ol fie worksession discussion. Statf will modify the zoning analysis prior to final review before the PEC. CR]TERNTO BE USED IN EVALUATINGTHIS PROPOSAL As this item is a worksession, statf will not evaluate the review criteria at this time. However, please be aware that the following criteria from the Zoning Code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, and the Vail Village Design considerations will be applied to evaluate the proposal at a later date. A. Compliance with the CCll Zone District Purpose Statement As stated in the zoning code, the purpose of the CCll zone district is as follows: "The CCll District is intended to provide sites lor a mixture ol multiple dwellings, lodges, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. The CCll Disfict in accordance with the VaitViltage Urban Guide plan and Design Considerations is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quality of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards." c. B. Comoliance with the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Ptan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan does not specificatty identify improvements for the Village Center property. The only sub-area concept in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Village Center addition is the landscape element. According to the Landscape Elements, retaining walls, if proposed, should include seating opportunities and be constructed of either concrete or rounded stone cobble with hidden mortar. The Landscape Element guidelines specifically indicate that wood retaining walls are strongly discouraged due to deterioration caused by the harsh climate. Currently a 48 square foot wood tie landscape planter exists in the plaza area north ol lhe proposed addition. The planter is owned and maintained by the applicant. The planter is beginning to deteriorate and show signs of age. Therefore, the staff would encourage the applicant to propose a new stone planter with seating opportunities, to replace the existing wood tie planter. Compliance with the Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village and the Exterior Alteration Criteria. 1. Urban design considerations. a. Pedestrianization b. Traffic penetralion c. Streetscape framework d. Street enclosure e. Street edgel. Building height g. Views 2. Architectural/Landscaoe considerations. Roofs Facades Balconies Decks and Patios e. Accent elementsf. Landscaoe elements g. Service Compliance with the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan. The Town of Vail Master Streetscape Plan attempts to improve the functioning charaster of the area by adding sidewalks where none presently exist, screening parking areas and replacing railroad tie constructed retaining walls with boulder or, stone walls. Approximately 112 ol the sub-area (which includes the Village Center) is already well landscaped. The existing raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center Commercial area is a good example of an area that is well landscaped and well appointed with site furnishings. The only improvements suggested by the Plan for the Village a. b. c. d. D. tv. center area includes expanding the planter on the south side of the intersection of Village Center road and East Meadow Drive. The Plan indicates that this would better define the roadway as well as increase the overall landscaped area. This was done approximately 1.5 to 2 years ago. Upon review 0f the site by staff, the improvements suggested in the Town of Vail Master Streetscape Plan have already been made. DrscusstoN tssuEs Since this is a worksession, statl has not prepared a fomal recommendation conceming the proposed major exterior alteration request. However, the statf has identified the following issues which we would like to discuss further with the PEC and the applicant: 1. The site design of the proposed additlon to the h Tour Restaurant. The architecture of the proposed addition to the restaurant is very well done. Staff feels the proposed addition will result in an attractive, highly visible front entry for the patrons of the La Tour Restiaurant and Gotthelf's Gallery. However, staff feels the site design of the addition creates a "void'or'dark corner" in the building. Stafl is specifically referring to the area in the southeast corner of the existing plaza (see attached site plan). lt may be possible for the applicant to revisit the plan for the proposed addition and attempt to remedy the creation of the'!oid" or "dark corner". 2. Address the new location of the existing ruall signs, menu box and intemational flags. During a site visit, staff identified the need for the applicant to address the future of the wall sign, menu box and international flags. lf the existing signs are simply proposed to be relocated and displayed in a similar fashion, staff would recommend that it be addressed through the major exterior alteration review process. lf the applicant is proposing significant changes to the signage on the building, staff would then recommend the applicant complete a sign apptication and proceed through the sign review process. Either way, it is staff's or. nlon that the applicant and the PEC consider the future of the signage and flags on the building. 3. The applicant has requested the ability to improve the exbting landscape planter north of the building in the plaza area. The applicant has expressed an interest in improving an existing landscape planter. Currently, a wood lie landscape planter is located in the plaza north of the building. The wood ties are beginning to deteriorate resulting in an unattractive plaza landscape element. Statl is supportive of the applicant's desire to improve the appearance of the plaza and has encouraged the applican. ro proceed with plans for a new landscape planter. Upon review of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, statf would suggest the applicant replace the exlsting wood planter with a stone veneer planter to match the other planters currently on- site. 4. In the past, the [a Tour Restaurant has operated an outdoor dining deck. Pursuant to section 18.26.030 cross referenced to section 18.24.030.C.7 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, an outdoor dining deck is a conditional use in CGll. According to the Town of Vail files, the restaurant has never received a conditional use permit for the operation of their outdoor dining deck, Prior to he preparation of this memo, staft discussed the future of the outdoor dining deck with the applicant's representative. At that time, it was unclear as to whether the outdoor dining deck would continue at the restaurant since much of the existing 368 square foot dining deck would be lost as a result ol the proposed addition. lf in fact the applicant desires to continue to operate the outdoor dining deck, the applicant must make application for a conditional use permit, and subseguently receive approval from the Planning and Environmental Commission. The PEC may wish to review the impacts ot an outdoor dining deck concurrently with the review of the major exterior alteration requests. 5. Other issues with regard to the completeness of the application. The building elevation submitted does not fully represent the existing conditions of the building. Therefore, staff would suggest that the applicant submit accurate building elevations prior to final PEC review ol this request. V. STAFFREGOMMENDATION: Since this is a worksession, no formal statf recommendation will be provided at this time. However, staff requests that the above listed issues be discussed with the applicant, so the apPlicant can receive specific direction on how to proceed with the proposed building addition. lf the applicant wishes to receive final PEC review of this major exterior alteration request, at the April 10, 1995 PEC meeting, all revised information must be provided to staff no later than 5:00 PM, Monday, April 3, 1995. F :bveryone\pecVnemo\gotlhelf .3? ,t ag !t E - o G T \ \\ \ .) \-/ /,- tt, 1tIi oo t!)o>cr, € = tl .tl.-, I ll .L.'irtt- { t rI tl. _ -c >Y/rr\rz'tf 5$ $+ $at FL$si{f-:r{$trfT.S EF /o-{r( +frE Ei+ J'T+rKT 5$$ T,4\ s 'iu: = ) l:L:' $]l +' la ,' *;T N $tN ,F H* ,i ' +51 4 ---= . -j. i[X *lJ ,.\( -rrr.yr' \I If{r!tlz'Jrt p !r "fi : .$..',,W, z" .-\': --ift I -s\r$s ET\\r \T t ./7r// ./7' e +.".,'.lii j c-- r. jc - lr. i I -r. rllCDo, q, = i{ a B/ilB .r+ EE II J '{Ft [I L-t\ E.il {rxtI $ffi I tt eI FILT CII|PY Jetf Bowen staled that the variance is warranted because there are extraordinary conditions (Finding 38) and other properties in the same area have same problem. Bob Armour stated that Findings 1 and 2 are also met. 3. A reguest for a worksession for a major exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of La Tour Restaurant and the Gotthelf's Gallery and a conditional use permit for a modification to the outdoor dining deck, located in the Village Center Building, 122East Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5E, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Fred Hlbberd, represented by Craig SnowdonPlanner: George Ruther George Ruther presented the project to the PEC. He stated that the approximate size of the addition is 402 sq.ft. There are not any site coverage issues. The Gallery is proposed to be 131 sq.ft. of floor space which would cause an additional 0.473 spaces of parking needed. Since these are not available, the applicant would need to pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. The site design of La Tour Restaurant may be creating a dark hole. A new location for the wall signs, menu boxes and llags needs to be discussed. The addition would displace these items. The third item is that the wood railroad tie planter would be impacted. staff recommends that the planter be replaced and improved with a stone planter and have seating space available. Another issue is that the ouldoor dining deck requires a conditional use permit, The applicant needs to submit tor an outdoor dining deck conditional use permit. Also, the window diagram should appear on the elevation plans. The applicant should be put on notice that all changes requested be submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development staff by April 3, 1995, to give statf time to review the proposal in time for the April 1oth meeting. Bob Armour would like to see the elevation drawing. He stated that the PEC would like to address each item individually. The applicant, Fred Hibberd, gave a brief history and background information on this site. Prior to proposing these changes, the building didn't have "follow through" lines to tie the building tolether. Staff (George Ruthe0 suggested the applicant propose to finish the line. Fred would like to put in a bay window to fill this space and tie it in to the rest of the building. Fred would like to make improvements to the lront of the building. He proposed to eliminate the planter in front and do a water feature and keep plantings around it. The benches would stay. He stated that he had a sign approved but has never put it in. He would like to put an embossed sign in the stonework with "Village Center". This would complete this area and would still leave room for an ouldoor dining deck. A waiting area is long overdue. He finds people waiting outside the door and feels it would be an asset to the business. He feels the concept of the improvements would be an overall improvement to the Town. Bob Armour added a suggestion that the fire stand pipe would be a nice addition to the planter. He stated that the Fire Department should not have a problem with it. He stated these are things are tor consideration. Can this be incorporated into the planter? Lee Neely, with Snowdon Hopkins stated they would be moving the planter slightly. The first issue of the site design ol the proposed addition was discussed by each PEC member. Greg Motfet stated that he felt that bringing the building line all the way across would be preferable. Planning and Environm€ al Commission March 27. 1995 Minutes Fred stated that this would be additional restaurant space. This isn't approved by the restaurantowners as yet, but could be available for future use by tne restaurant. Kevin Deighan would like to see building extended. The sotfits not finished, and he wants to seethe building completely finished and pai-nted. Fred stated that the problem with the sotfit is the "rose mauling" (swiss painting) and was waitingto have it done to the building, and needed to coordinate the c-oldrs ot tne rose-mauting w111ihesotfit color. Fred explained that is why the soffits have gone unpainted. Kevin wants to see everything completed at one time. Fred stated that was fair. Greg Amsden is in.favor of bringing building lines all the way across also and encouraged theapplicant to bring the planter out to accommodate the outdobr dining deck. Jeff Bowen stated that the model was not to scale. He stated that he would like to see the wholearea filled in to tie in the roof_lines and entryway. He felt there is a much more efficient way ofchanging the building than what they are reque-sting and wanted them to took at otheralternatives. Bob Armour stated that changing some ol the lines may be something to look at to save theapplicant money. Fred stated some of the areas depend on light and it is a concern with covering them. Bob Armour again stated that this is a worksession and the applicant can do what they want with the suggestions. Greg Amsden stated that enclosing this area may make the building look more massive looking. Henry stated that the dark corner of the buitding shoutd be fiiled in. The next item of discussion was the wall signs, planlers and flags, and menu box. Henry Pratt stated that the flags should be executed better or flags should be cleaned or new ones put up, or maybe remove them altogether. Jeff Bowen felt that this issue should be addressed after the design issues are addressed andclarified. Kevin Deighan would like to see these items included in ttre design drawings so the pEC can seehow these are addressed with the design of the building. Greg Moffet likes the idea of the flags on a larger scale on both sides of the entry. lssue #3 regarding the landscaping and planter was discussed next: Greg Moffet would like to see a landscape planter on the north side of the building. He would liketo see more river rock in the planter design. Kevin Deighan agreed with Greg Moffet's comments. Plenning Bnd Environmenlal Commission March 27. 1995 Minules Jeff Bowen stated that when outdoor dining is determined, the landscaping should be considered at that time. He would also like to see river rock or a water feature in that area and felt it still could address fie pedestrian traffic flow. Fred stated he can move the planter out and that it can be in the river rock style suggested. Henry stated that he feels the planter in the current design is in the worst possible place and suggests that the applicant look at another area to place the planter. Henry felt that in regard to the outdoor dining deck, if pursued, that fie planter should be moved out as far as possible and use it to separate the pedestrian walkway and the outdoor dining deck. The design lor this whole area has room for improvement. The water feature would help with the tralfic noise. Greg Amsden stated that he strongly encourage the pursuit of the outdoor dining deck and requested that the applicant apply for a conditional use permit. Kevin Deighan asked il outdoor heaters are used now. Fred stated that he didn't know if they were used and that he would have to ask the restaurant owners. Greg Moffet asked about the water feature. This area is on the north side of the building and he was concerned that it would be too cold and was concerned that the water feature would freeze. Lee from Snowdon Hopkins stated that they would study this issue. Bob Armour stated that the PEC feels positive about filling in the "dark hole". The signs, menu box and flags will be dictated by the final design. The planter needs to be in river rock and the fire stand pipe incorporated into the planter. The PEC encourages the use of an outdoor dining deck and the applicant should apply for a conditional use permit. fie applicant should look at improving the waiting area. The PEC would like to see the underside of the sotfits painted. Fred Hibberd thanked the PEC for thinking in a positive way and will come back with some of the recommended changes and suggestions. 4. A request for a modification to the Land Use Plan from Open Space to Public - Semi- Public to allow for the redevelopment of the golf course maintenance parcel, located at 1278Yail Valley Drive/Parcel E, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail, represented by the Vail Recreation District Russ Forrest Russ Forrest made a presentation of the proposal. The key issue is the goll course maintenance facility which was built prior to the development of the Vail Land Use Plan. The zoning for this property is Natural Area Protection. Russ explained how conditions have changed since the building was built in 1966. The zoning designation given to this property was in error. Staff recommendation is for approval of this request. Ernie Bender, representing the VRD, stated they can't proceed without a Land Use Plan and zoning change. The Vail Recreation District needs to expand the facility to store equipment inside. They would like to see their equipment protected and they would better this area with trees and enhance the front entrance. They have underground tanks that are intact but would like to get them out from underground and place the tanks above ground for environmental Planning and Environrn€nl8l Commission March 27. 1995 Minues a MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and EnvironmentalCommission FIL T /j//PY FROM: Community Development Department DATE: April10,1995 SUBJECT: A request for a major exterior alteration and a conditional use permit in the Commercial Core ll zone district lor a proposed building addition and outdoor dining patio at the Village Center Building, located at 122 East Meadow Drive/Block E5, VailVillage First Filing. Applicanl: Fred Hibberd, represented by Lee Neely of Snowdon/Hopkins ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS Lee Neely, on behalf of La Tour Restaurant, Cleone's and Gotthelf's Gallery, has requested a major exterior alteration and a conditional use perrnit in the Commercial Core ll (CCll) zone district, for a proposed building addition and an outdoor dining patio at the Village Center Building,located at 122 East Meadow DriveiBlock 5E, VailVillage First Filing. The proposed addition will contain a front reception and waiting area, and an additional 98 sq. ft. of dining area tor the La Tour Restaurant, a 12 sq. ft. bay display window addition to Cleone's, and a bay display window and an increase of 131 sq. ft. in retail floor area lor Gotthelf's Gallery (see attached site plan). The proposed addition is approximately 508 square feet in size and will be located on the north side ot lhe Village Center Building, below the existing glockenspiel. In addition to the proposed building expansion, the applicant's are proposing to replace the wood-tie landscape planter currently in the plaza area with a new 60 sq. ft. landscape planter and water feature. The applicant is also requesting the grant of a conditional use permit to operate an outdoor dining patio at the La Tour Restaurant. The proposed outdoor dining patio will be approximately 296 sq. ft. in size. The applicant has proposed to place four, wrought iron tables and sixteen matching chairs on the patio. According to the applicant, "the outdoor dining area will be used during the evening hours, while the La Tour Restaurant is serving dinner. The area of the outdoor dining patio is delineated by the building, planter, and railing as required by the liquor laws. The railing used to physically separate the dining area and pedestrian way, as required by the local liquor licensing board, will be wrought iron. In addition to the restaurant and the retail uses in the Village Center Building, olher uses within the buiHing include residential and professional office. II. ZONING ANALYSIS The following summarizes the relevant zoning statistics for this request: A. Zoning: CommercialCorell(CCll) B. Lot Area: 32,948 square feeV0.756 acres. C. Setbacks: No changes proposed. D. Site Coverage: Allowable - 23,064 square leet (70V" of total site area) Existing - 15,526 square leet (47.1"h\ Proposed - 16,031 square feet (48.6%) Bemaining - 7,033 square feet E. 'Parking: La Tour Restaurant addition - 98 sq. ft.i15l8 = 0.817 spaces Gotthelf's Gallery addition - 1 31 sq.ft./300 sq.ft. = 0.473 spaces Cleone's bay window 12 sq. ft./300 sq.ft. = 0.04 spacesTotalrequired = 1.33 spaces F. Loading:No change. -At least one-hall ol the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings. No parking or loading may be included in any front setback area. As this property is located in the CCll zone district, any nev\r parking spaces that are generated as a result of the proposed building addition must be provided on-site, however, if the site is unable to accommodate additional parking spaces, the applicant may pay into the Town of Vail parking fund. At this time, parking spaces are $15,000 each, plus the percentage of Consumer Price Index (CPl) of the City of Denver has increased over each successive year. The amount of this years CPI percentage increase is 4.4o/o. The applicant will be required to pay the parking fee hat is in etfect at the time that a building permit is issued for the proposed remodel. III. CRITERIATO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The emphasis of this review is on the proposal's compatibility with the zoning code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Design Considerations and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. A. Compliance with the Town of Vail Zonino Gode As stated in the zoning code, the purpose of the CCll zone district is as follows: "The CCll District is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple dwellings, lodges, and commercial establishments in a clustered, unified development. The CCll District in accordance with the VailVillage Urban Guide Plan and Design Considerations is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permined types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable quality of the District by establishing appropriate site development standards." An outdoor dining patio on the "first floor" or "street level" shall be permitted in the CCll Zone District subject to lhe issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60. For the PEC's reference, the conditional use permit purpose statement indicates that: "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the objectives of this title, specified uses are permitted in certain districts subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Because ot their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their affects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harrnonious development between conditional uses in surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permits shall be denied." STAFF RESPONSE: Upon review of the proposed major exlerior alteration to the Village Centel airitOing and a conditional use permit request for outdoor dining at the La Tour Restaurant, statf believes that the proposed addition and conditional use permit request complies with the purpose statement of the CCllzone district as well as with the purpose statement for a conditional use permit. Comoliance with lhe Vail Village Urban Design Gqide Plan The Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan does not specitically identify improvementi for the Village Center property. The only sub-area concept in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Village center addition is the landscape element. According to ttle Landscape Elements, retaining walls, if proposed, should include seating opportunities and be constructed of either concrete or rounded stone cobble with hidden mortar. The Landscape Element guidelines specifically indicate that wood retaining walls are strongly discouraged due to deterioration caused by the harsh climate. Currently, a 48 square foot wood-tie landscape planter exists in the plaza.area north of ihe proposed addition. The planter is owned and maintained by the applicant. The planter is beginning to deteriorate and show signs of age. c. STAFF RESPONSE: The applicant has proposed to replace the existing 48 sq. ft. wood-tie planter with a 60 sq.ft. stone-faced landscape planter and waler teature. The new landscape element will be designed to include an art sculpture, water feature, plantings and seating benches. The applicant, however, has not proposed to incorporate the existing fire protection standpipe into the new landscape as requested by fire pEC during the worksession meeting held on March 27, 1995. Statf believes that lhe applicant has responded to the landscape concerns identified in lhe Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Additionally, statf feels the landscape planter and waler feature will enhance the outdoor dining and pedestrian experience of the area. Compllance with the Urban Desion Considerations for Vail Villaoe and the Exterior Alteration Criteria. '1. Urban design considerations. a. Pedestrianization A major objective lor Vail Village is to encourage pedeslrian circulation through an interconnected network ol safe, pleasant pedestrian ways. Staff believes that the pedestrian way to the north of the Village Cenler Building is already a pleasant pedestrian environment with the brick paver walkways, large areas of mature landscaping, and the appropriate pedestrian scale of the building. The plans proposed by the applicant further enhance the pedestrian environment through the introduction of an outdoor dining area and the creation of a new landscape planter and water feature. b. Traffic penetration The maior exterior alteration and outdoor dining deck proposed at the Village Center Building will have little or no efiect upon vehicle penetration into the Village. The proposed addition will generate an increase in the total parking requirement of the Village Center Building by only 1.33 spaces. The increase in the parking requirement will be met through a payment into the Town of Vail Parking Fund. Therefore, staff believes there will be no impacts to vehicle penetration into the Village as a result of this reguest. c. Streetscape framework According to the Vail Village Design Considerations, the quality of the walking experience should be improved when necessary, and the pedestrian ways should be maintained. One means of accomplishing this goal is to infill commercial store fronts. Staff believes that the proposed addition and outdoor dining patio will generate commercial activity and add to the visual interest of the building without jeopardizing the walking experience or pedestrian way in the area. d. Street enclosure Generally, street enclosure becomes an issue when each side of a street is fronted upon oy buildings. In the case ol this proposal, only the south side of the street ha; a OuitOing on-it. me north side of the street adjacent to the proposed addition is the interiection of East Meadow Drive and Village Center Road. lt is staff's opinion that the addition, as proposed by the applicant, will have a positive_ effect on the perception of street enclosure. Siatf feels the proposed addition will bring the building out closer to the main pedestrian way, thus diverting the attention ol a pedestrian back to the building fronts' e. street edge According to the vail Village Design considerations, buildings in the Village should foim a strong Out iiregularldge to the street. The resul1ng 'logs" in the buildings should beLrsed as ictivity areas for pedestrian use (i.e. gathering' resting; orienting, etc.). Staff believes the creation of the irregularity of the buildin'g proposdd by ine applicant is positpe, and that the introduction of an outdooi bining patio-anO sditing benines, meets the goals of the Vail Village Design Considerations. f. Building height The building heighr proposed by the applicant is in keeping with the,intent of the Vait Vilagebesi-gn bo;siOerations. firb neignt of the proposed ldd1ion will be signilican-tly less-than the overall height of the existing building-. staff believes the ajpticant hls done a good job of maiching the scale of the addition with the existing scale of the building. g. Views The Vail Village Design considerations stress the importance of-views in the Viltage. ns proposedl the addition will not encroach upon any ol the established view corridors. Architectural/Landscape considerations. a. Roofs Theapp|icanthasproposedacombinationofroo|formswiththisproposa|.The new roof over the galllry aOOition will simply be an extension of the existing roof' The roof over lhe restiurant add1ion is proiosed to be a combination of a shed roof and gable. The sneo portion of the roof matches the existing rool pitch ol the building, il,nite me gabte roof over the front entry matches the exislin-g_roof form of tn" gioiir"nrpiet. ine applicant has proposed to introduce cedar shake shingles to th! roof over the restaurant addition. The existing roof on the Vail Village center building is grJvet. The reason the applicant has proposed.to introduce a different roof materiailto rn" n"* roof over th'e restaurant addition) is due to the fact that it is that ponid; of the building that will now be down lower and closer to the pedestrian and streetlevel. Addit'6nally, the cedar shakes proposed for the troni entry to the restaurant will match the iedar shakes currently in existence on the glockenspiel. Staff tinds that the roof forms and roof materials proposed by the applicant are in compliance with the architecture landscape considerations of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. b. Facades The applicant has proposed that all building materials of the addition match existing materials with the exception of the roof materials. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to reuse the existing, front entry door, french-style doors and windows on the restaurant addition. The applicant is proposing to add two additional bay windows to the north elevation. According to the Vail Village Design Considerations, bay, bow, and box windows are common window details, which further variety and massing to facades. Such window types are encouraged. lt is the opinion of the statf that the applicant's proposal to match the existing building materials on the new building tacade, as well as add two bay windows to the north elevation, is a positive improvement to the structure. Staff would suggesl however that the applicant complete the painting of the building sotfits as parts of the construction process of the proposed additions. c. Balconies No balconies are included in this request. d. Decks and Patios According to the Design Guidelines, "dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets, provide opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of a busy street, making a richer pedestrian experience than if those streets were empty." The applicant has proposed to incorporate an outrloor dining patio into the plans. The applicant has further proposed to replace an existing landscape planter with a new landscape planter and water feature to provide the physical separation 0f the pedestrian way lrom the outdoor dining patio, as encouraged by the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. The outdoor dining patio proposed by the applicant will be slightly tucked away into an existing alcove in the building. Therefore, protection will be provided from the wind. Additionally, the applicant has proposed to move the existing outdoor dining patio to the north. By increasing the distance from the building to the north, the results will be an increase in the amount of sunlight received to the outdoor dining patio. Statf finds that the introduction of an outdoor dining patio as proposed by the applicant is a positive fealure to this request. e. Accent elements Colorful accent elemenls consistent with existing character are encouraged in the Village. The applicant is proposing to replace the existing international flags currently on the building above the restaurant entry with new flags. Statf believes that this will be a positive element on the building. Staff would suggest, however, that the flags be regularly maintained to insure a quality visual appearance. Additionally, the applicant has proposed, although not as a formal part of this application, to possibly introduce painted wallgraphics to the building. A water feature and art sculpture element is proposed by the applicant. The final design of the water feature and art sculpture element has not yet been determined by the applicant. Staff believes, however, that such an element, when properly ' designed, can have a positive affect on the area. Staff would suggest that the final design approval of the water feature and art sculpture be reviewed by the Design Review Board. f. Landscape elements Upon review of the site, staff finds the landscape elements currently on the site are adequate with one exception. Statf feels the wood-tie planter is in need of replacement. The existing wood-tie planter is beginning to show signs of deterioration resulting in an unattractive plaza landscape element. Staff is supportive of the applicant's desire to approve the appearance of the plaza and has encouraged the applicant to proceed with plans for a new landscape planter. Upon review of the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, staff suggested, and the applicant has agreed to replace the existing wood-tie planter with a stone veneer planter to match the other planters currently on site. g. Service No additional loading and delivery services are required as a result of this request. Compliance with the Town of Vail Streetscaoe Master Plan. The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan attempts to improve the functioning character ol the area by adding sidewalks where none presently exist, screening parking areas and replacing railroad tie constructed retaining walls with boulder, or stone walls. Approximately 1/2 ot the sub-area (which includes the Village Center) is already well landscaped. The existing raised brick walkway that is adjacent to the Village Center Commercial area is a good example of an area that is well landscaped and well appointed with site furnishings. The only irnprovements suggested by the Plan for the Village Center area includes expanding the planter on the south side of the intersection of Village Center road and East Meadow Drive. The Plan indicates that this would better define the roadway as well as increase the overall landscaped area. This was done approximately 1.5 to 2 years ago. STAFF BESPONSE Upon review of the site by statf, the improvements suggested in the Town ol Vail Master Streetscape Master Plan have already been made. Therefore, no new streetscape plan improvements are needed. Compliance with the Vail Comprehensive Plan Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address outdoor dining areas. E. The relevant elements and sections are listed below: A. Land Use Plan "4.3 The ambience of the Village is important to the identity ol Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains,. natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality should all be maintained or enhanced." B. Vail Vlllage Masler Plan "2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. 2.4.1 Policy: Commercial in-fill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 3.1 Objective: Physically improve the existing pedestrian ways by landscaping and other improvements. 3.1.1 Policy: Private development objectives shall incorporate streetscape improvemenls such as paver treatments, landscaping, lighting and seating areas along adjacent pedestrian ways. 3.3 Objective: Encourage a wide variety of activities, events and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Policy: Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial in-fill or redevelopment projects." STAFF RESPONSE Upon review of the objectives and policies identilied in the Vail Comprehensive Plan, staff believes that the applicant's proposal achieves each of the objectives listed above. F. Gompliance with the Conditional Use Permit Criteria The following criteria are to be used in reviewing the proposed conditional use permit request for an outdoor dining patio: A.Consideration of Factors. 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development objectives of the Town. The previous section of this memorandum sites several policies of adopted Town of Vail planning documents that support outdoor dining areas along rnajor pedestrian ways (i.e. East Meadow Drive). Outdoor dining areas, especially those located in the Village, undoubtedly create a richer pedestrian environment and should be encouraged by the Town where such activities do not interfere wift adjacent properties and uses, Staff feels that the design of the outdoor dining patio proposed by the applicant is appropriate. lt is staff's opinion that the proposed layout of tables and chairs, and the physical separation of the dining . area from the pedestrian way will not adversely impact the adjacent retail shops or the pedestrian way. 2. The effect ol the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Statf agrees with the applicant lhat the effect of the use on light and air is increased by the outdoor dining area moving to the north. By moving the existing outdoor dining area to the north, much of the shaded areas caused by the higher roofs to the south are eliminated. 3. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control' access, maneuverability, and removal of snow trom the street and parking areas. The proposed outdoor dining area use will have little or no negative impact on the above listed items. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proPosed use In relation to the surrounding uses. Four tables and sixtben chairs are proposed to be located in the new outdoor dining patio. According to the site plan submitted by the applicant, no tables are proposed on Town of Vail property (see attached site plan). The four tables and sixteen chairs fit well into the space provided for the outdoor dining use. Statf is also encouraged with the fact that pedestrian flow, both into the La Tour Restaurant and along East Meadow Drive, is not impeded upon. The proposed outdoor dining patio will enhance the pedestrian experience along East Meadow Drive by providing additional street life and pedestrian activity. The scale of the use, four 42-inch wrought iron tables, is appropriate for the size of the outdoor dining area and its location on East Meadow Drive. Staff is further in support of the use because ot the applicant's desire to use wrought iron tables 1. and chairs on the outdoor dining patio. lt has been the Town's policy to have wood or wrought iron tables on outdoor dining decks. lt is has been the opinion of the PEC and staff that wood or wrought iron outdoor dining furniture enhances the appearance of the pedestrian areas in general. Findinos The PEC shall make the followino findings before granting a conditionaluse permit: That the proposed location of the use in accordance with the purposed of the conditional use perrnit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, saEty, or welfare or be materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the proposed use would comply with each 0f the applicable provisions of the conditional use perrnit section of the zoning code. IV. STAFF RECOUMENDATION The staff recommendation for these requests is for approval. The recommendation tor the approval of the major exterior alteration and ihe conditional use permit requests are based upon the positive effect the proposal will have on the surrounding uses in the area and the lack of negative effects the proposal will have on the area in general. Staff finds that the applicant's major exterior alteration request complies with the criteria outlined for a request of this nature in the zoning code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Design Considerations, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Staff believes that the overall concept ot an outdoor dining patio in this area would have a positive effect on the Village in general. The Town's goals and objectives clearly support activities such as ouldoor dining patios where they are compatible with adjacent land uses. Staff linds that the applicant's conditional use permit request cornplies with Criteria A. 1, 2, 3, & 4 and that Findings B. 1,2, & 3 have been met. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's reguest for an outdoor dining area, the statf would recomrnend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the ouldoor dining area be maintained free of trash and debris at all times by the applicant. 2. That the Design Fleview Board review the proposed outdoor dining furniture and landscape planter and water feature design. 3. That the unpainted soffits on the existing buildilng be painted. F:\everyone\pecvremo$libberd.4l 0 B. 2. 3. 10 Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-2201 Vail, Colorado 8i657 March 29, 1995 Mr. George RutherPlanner Corununity Development Department Town of VaiI 111 South Frontaqe RoadVail, CO 81657 Dear George, Following i-s an explanation to Part III, 1, a-d of our Applicationfor Conditional Use Permit to the pEc. 1. Outdoor Dining Area to be used during the evening hours,while the La Tour Restaurant is serving dinner. Area isdefined by the building, planter and railing (as reguired bythe liquor laws). a. The relationship and impact of the use on developmentobjectives of the Town is consistent and positiveregarding the interaction of the pedestrian traffic andthe dining experience in VaiI Village. b. The effect of the use of light and air is increased bythe outdoor dining area moving to the north out of muchof the shaded areas caused by the higher roofs to thesouth and closer to the pedestrian flow and interaction. c. There is no effect on traffic congestion, automotive orpedestrian safety because the outdoor dining area isback away from the street and into an area of building surrounds. .2 George Ruther March 29, 1995 Page 2 '=ae'('Ja d. The effect upon the character of the area in rtl"n tn"proposed use is to be Located will be very pdle as itadds to the experience of night Iife activities encouraged inthe village environnent. The surrounding shops will receiveadditionaL attention with the outdoor dining attraction. If you have any queetions or need additional informationconcerning this matter, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, SNOVTDON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS 6X*v/4 J. Lee Neely /kr oo io arard dr.Srb. > .-E:r.|*- YILLIGE CEI?En REsrtL :: i# YxL.cor-onaDo {2:s)P $I-{ I I rz-s)YI \>-<- lhqtr.i rSJr. Aliaaar--b (>i\_/1 o E il ffi,{i IYILLAGE CEI{TER REIODEL 'flllt;',GOI'ORADO l6tntldr.AttErF=#l|i}.ft*--:lI lir-o +7ra ' l ) O,t-rrt-.C\CrZ- T\rr,,rJ?, COPY -F if ILE 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 9. 1995 Deparnnent of Conntunity Developrnent Ms. Pam Hopkins Snowdon and Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive. Suite 201 Vail, CO 81657 BE: The Village Center Exterior Alteration Dear Pam: The Town of Vail Community Development Department has received your application for the proposed exterior alteration to the north elevation of the Village Center Building. I will be the planner responsible for taking your project through the review process. Upon preliminary review of your application, staff has determined that additional information is necessary to accurately review your proposed plans. The following additional information needs lo be submitted to the Office of Community Development by no later than 9:00 am, Tuesday, March 14. 1995: 1. Amend the site plan dated 11/15/89. The new site plan should accurately illustrate the proposed additions to the Gallery and the restaurant. 2. To verify ownership, easemenls and any encumbrances on the property, please submit an updated Schedule A and Schedule B of the Title Report. 3. The building elevation submitted is sutficient to illustrate massing, however, it lacks the necessary detail. Therefore, please submit revised north and east elevations which accurately illustrate architectural detail (i.e. exterior siding, doors and door lreatments, windows, trim, etc,). 4. To help better understand how the proposed addition will tie into the existing structure, please submit a partial roof plan. You need only show that portion of the existing building cunently under review. 5. Please submit a sketch perspective, colored rendering, or model of that portion of the existing building currently under review. At this time staff is not requesting an updated survey. We hope to use existing information currently in our office to determine existing and proposed site coverage. However, il we are Ms. Pam Hopkins March 9, 1995 Page 2 unable to use the information in our otfice to accurately determine site coverage, an updated survey will be required. I will let you know as quickly as possible as to whether an updated survey will be necessary. Again, the office of community development has preliminarily reviewed your application for the proposed exterior alteration to the Village Center building. In order to complete our review and remain on schedule for a March 27,1995 Planning and Environmential Commission worksession meeting, I will need to see the additional information requested by no later than 9:00 am Tuesday, March 14, 1995. lf the deadline established cannot be met, please do not hesitate in giving me a call at 479-2138. lt may be possible for us to work our an altemate deadline. Sincerely, fL^+?,*t-t George Ruther Town Planner 7:30 P.M. l. 7:35 P.M. 2. Tom Moorhead Bob Slagle 8:35 P.M. Jim Curnutle 8:45 P.M. 4- Andy Knudtsen VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, APRTL 18,1995 7:30 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Citizen Participation. Ordinanc€ No. 5, Series of 1995,.first reading ol an anirnal control and caniage operations ordinance. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/denyirnodify Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1995 on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: Attertrrro rrork sessbns, a @rTprehensive animal control ordinance which also addresses horse caniages is presented for consideration. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Select I or 2 alternatives tor control of animals. Either the leashirtetherir€ requirement as presently exists or as presented in the new ordinance. Ordinance No. 9, Series ot 1995, firsl reading of an ordinance rezoning Tract C, Vail Village Firsl Filing/967 Vail Valley Drive from the General Use Zone District to the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. Applicant: Pat Dauphinais. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve/deny/modily Ordinance No. 9, Series ol 1995 on lirst reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On February 27, t995, the Water District received Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) review and approval of their request to change lhe Vail Land Use Plan designatbn of this property from paft to Low Density Residential. On March 7,1995, the Vail Town Councit approved Resolution No. 5, Series of 1995 which authorized the change to the Vail Land Use Plan trom Paft to Low Density Resijential. Resolution No. 5 conlained flve conditions which must be addressed by the applicant pdor to the transfer ol ownership of lhe property. On April 10, 1995 the PEC unanimously approved the Water District's request to rezone Tract C from the General Use District to the Primary/Secondary Resdential Zone District (see attached staff memorandum to the PEC and draft copy ot the meeting minutes lrom the April 10, 1995 pEC meeting). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinarrce No.9 on tirst readir€. Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1995, second reading ol an odinance repealing and reenacling Ordinance No. 7, S€ries of 1993 to provide charEes to Area A requirements lor SDD #4 that concem the developmefi plans for the Westhaven Condominiurns (The Ruins) Development site and senirE fonh details in regard thereto. ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approvo/deny/modily Citimnco No. Series of 1995 on second reading B.^.CKC!?OUI.,!D nATlOfiiALE. Oti F;Liuary 2i, i99i, ihe FiC voreo rFl recommerding apprcval ot lhe requested major amendment to the Cascade Vilhge SDD. Please see th€ attached stall menn. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 8 on second reading. 9:15 P.M. 5. Steve Thompson 9:20 P.M. 6. Randy Stouder 9:35 P.M. '7. George Ruther 9:40 P.M. 8. 9:45 P.M. 9. Resolution No. ll, series of 1995, a Resolution designating Bank one wisconsin Trust Co., N.A., the One Group U.S. Treasury Securities Money Maftet Fund, 1ll Easl wisconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, wl 53202 as a money market acccunt forthe lunds of lhe Town as permitted by the chader of the Town, its ordinances. and the Statutes of the State ol Colorado. ACTION REQUESTED oF couNCtL: Approve Resotution No. u, series of 1995. F4QKGROUND RATTONALE: Our tongF-term investments managed by Dana Advisors is aJnently satekept at colorado Natbnal Bank. we want lo move thesafekeeping to Bank one whose annual fees are less than hail of colorado National Bank's tees. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution No. ll. Site Visit - Alpine Standard/Amoco Sign Variance Request. Sign to belocated at the Vail Atpine standard, 28 Vait Road, vait village 2nd. Applicant:Doug Sterkyl. ACTION REQUESTED oF coUNCrL: Approve/deny/modify rhe sign variance request. BACKGRQUND RATTONALE: on Aprir 5, 1995 the DRB voted 5-o recommending approval of the variance request. The changing geometry and landscaping of thbmain vail interchange related to the construction ol the roundabout neceJsitatesre-orientation ot the sign. since the sign has to be rHriented and reconstructedfor etfective signage puFoses, the applicant wishes to take this opponunity toupdate all signage on property to reflect the cunent corporate name tlmoco) irrreduce the non--conlorming aspects ol the signage to the maximum extent teasible(see slatf memo). srAFF RECOMMENDATTON: Approve variance request with conditions in staflmemo. Town courcil ail up of th€ pEC appored m# onuhr alcration ot the vilagecen!_er Builth0 @aTour Re$aurant, cleohe'e and Gotthor's Gaflery). Locabdaln, EaEl iteadow Drive. Appticant: Fled Hhbard. A9J|9N EEAUFSTED OF COUNCTL: Ackno$rtedgp the appticants request rowithdraw the maior exterior alleration approval. @ At the Apdl ll, l99t Town Councit m€ettng theTorn councll rnembors unanirnously appoved a motion to cail up the -pEC approval ol the rnapr exterior alteration and condldonal use pemit lor an outdoordining deck req.rest lor the Village center Building. rhe mapr extorior artJralonand conditional use permil reguest was unanirmusly appr6ved by the pEc onApdl10, 1995. Upon hearing of the Town coundl's desire to review ttre pEc,s decisiorl theapplilant, Fred Hbbad, has requested b hav€ the ilem withdrapn. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A. Town Manager's Report. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE ANO SUUECT TO CHA,{GE) -3333C3C THE NErT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY,5Ia95, BEGINNING AT 2:d) P.M. IN ToV coUNcIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONwlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/9/95, BEGINNING AT 2:fi1 P.M. tN Tov coUNcNL cnAMBERs. THE NETT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENII.IG UEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY, ryZ95,.PEGINNING AT 7:3OgM. IN Tov couNcIL CHAMBERS.