HomeMy WebLinkAboutFront Door 3D Subdivision Plattingaa$ .*rrYowgrctfxt Planning and Environmental Gommisson ACTIOT{ FORM DepartrnBnt of Community Developmsnt 75 South Frontaga Road, \lail, Color3do 81657 tel: 970.479.213t fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Protect Namei Vail's Front Door Plat Project Descraption: PEC Number: PEC080019 MINOR SUBDIVISION TO VACATE LOT UNES OF MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION; TO COMBINE THIS PROPERTY WIT|-ITHE PROPERTY OBTAINED FROM THE FOREST SERVICE TO CREATE TWO NEW THREE DIMENSIONAL LOTS. Pafticipants: OWNER LODGE PROPERNES INC C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 816s7 04lo2l2008 APPLICANT THE CHALETS ATTHE LODGE AT 0410212008 Phone: 970-845-2547 PO BOX 9s9 AVON co 81620 License: C000001633 Proiect Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: VAILS FRONT DOOR LAND SWAP Legal Description: Lot: A Block: 5-C Subdivisionr VAIL VILLAGE RLING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-2300-9 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Viele Second By: Proper Vote: 6-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz 0412812008 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 (PLAN): PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $650.00 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department /l[rr,*, tli''q' 1,AJ O: (nnpnt.. [Jut.: L-O-OTO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: il. April28, 2008 A request for flnal review of a final plat for a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a re- subdivision of the Front Door Site, located at 151, 250, and 280 Vail Lane/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. (PEC08001 9) Applicant: Vail Resorts Development CompanyPlanner: Warren Campbell SUMMARY The applicant, Vail Associates Development Company, represented by Gerry Arnold, is requesting a final review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a re-subdivision of the Front Door Site, located at 151, 250, and 280 Vail Lane, to create the plat entitled: "Final Plat. Front Door Three Dimensional Subdivision. A Three Dimensional Subdivision Of Lots 1 And 2. Mill Creek Subdivision And Lots 1 and 4. A Part Of The NW 1/4. Gountv of Eagle. State of Golorado". As a result of the subdivision two lots will be created which are identified as Tract A (Front Door Lot) and Tract B (Chalets Lot). Staff is recommending approval of the applicant's minor subdivision application with the findings as listed in Section Vl of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Gerry Arnold, is requesting a final review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 134, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a re-subdivision of the Front Door Site, located at 151 , 250, and 280 Vail Lane, to create the plat entitled: "Finai PIat. Front Door Three Dimensional Subdivision. A Three Dimensional Subdivision Of Countv of Eaqle. State of Golorado". As a result of the subdivision two lots will be created which are identified as Tract A (Front Door Lot) and Tract B (Chalets Lot). The purpose of the final plat is to re-subdivide Lots 1 and 2 of the Mill Creek Subdivision and an unplatted pare,el of former National Forest Service property acquired by Vail Resorts Development Company. The proposed plat includes a three dimensional component in order to address the subterranean tunnel which is constructed under the site running beneath the proposed two new lots to access parking and the loading and delivery facility. The ilt. plat depicts these three dimensional elements using both horizontal and vertical boundaries as shown on Sheet 3 of the reduced plat drawings. Once completed this final suMivision plat will allow for the transference of property as contemplated in the approvals of the Front Door Base Lodge and the Front Door Chalets. BACKGROUND On September 16, 2003, the Vail Town Council approved on second reading Ordinance 16, Series of 2003, an ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map to zone Lots 1 and2, Mill Creek Subdivision Ski Base Recreation-2 District. On September 22,2OO3, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved the Front Door development and its associated elements after many months of review and work sessions. The Front Door development include a new base lodge skier services building, a member's ski club building, and thirteen (13) dwelling unit residence club. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONINGtv. North: South: East: West: Land Use Mixed Use Forest Service Land Residential Forest Service land Zonino Commercial Core 1 NA Two-Family Primary/Secondary NA V.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Chapter 4, Minor Subdivision, Title 13 Subdivision Regulations, of the Vail Town Code prescribe the review criteria for a request for a minor subdivision. Pursuant to Section 134-2, Procedure, Vail Town Code, the criteria for reviewing the final plat shall be as contained in Section 13-3-4, Commission Review of Application; Criteria and Necessary Findings, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. According to Section 134-2C, Review and Action on Plat, "The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the plat and associated mateials and shall approve, approve with modifications or disapprove the plat within twenty one (21) days of the first public hearing on the minor subdivision or the minor subdivision will be deemed approved. A Ionger time peiod for rendeing a decision may be granted subject to mutual agreement between the Planning and Environmental Commission and subdividef . The purpose of the final plat is to re-suMivide Lots 1 and 2 of the Mill Creek Subdivision and an unplatted parcel of former National Forest Service property acquired by Vail Resorts Development Company to create two new lots identified as Tract A (Front Door Lot) and Tract B (Chalets Lot) as contemplated in the approvals of the Front Door development on September 22,2003. Once completed this final subdivision plat will allow for the transference of property as contemplated in the approvals of the Front Door Base Lodge and the Front Door Chalets. According to Section 13-3-4, Commission Review of Application; Criteria and Necessary Findings, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code, (in part) "The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and other peftinent regulations that the planning and environmental commission deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations made by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under subsection 13-3-3C of this chapter.' One of the basic premises of subdivision regulations is that minimum standards for the creation of a new lot must be met. This project will be reviewed under the Major Subdivision Criteria, pursuant to Section 13-3-4, Commission Review of Application; Criteria and Necessary Findings, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code as required by Subsection 13-4-2C, Review and Action on Plat, Subdivision Regulations, Vail Town Code. The flrst criterion to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a Major Subdivision application is: Lot Area - The Zoning Code requires that the minimum lot or site area for a lot located in the SkiBase/Recreartion-2 (SBR2) zone district shallbe 10,000 square feet of buildable area. Sfaff Response - AII parcels created by the minor subdivision rneets fhls requirement. Tract A (Front Door Lot) is 265,193 square feet and Tract B (Chalets Lot) is 48,308 square feet. The second set of criteria to be considered by the Planning and Environmental Commission for a minor subdivision application is as follows: 1. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision rb consrcfent with all the applicable elements of the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined inthe Vail comprehensive plan and is compatible with the development objectives of the town; and Staff Response: Staff has reviewed the Vail Comprehensive Plan and determined the Land Use Plan to be applicable element of the Plan to this request. The Vail Land Use Plan identifies the properties proposed for subdivision with this application as be Ski Base (SB) which stated the following: "Ski trarls and facilities fo a ski base are included in this category." Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan as required by this criterion. 2. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision complies with all of the standards of this title, as well as, hut not limited to, title 72, "Zoning Regulations', of this code, and other peftinent regulations that the. planning and environmental commission deems applicable; and Staff Response: Staff has determined that the land included in this minor subdivision proposal is zoned Ski Base/Recreation 2 zone district. The purpose of this district is found in Section 12-12-8C-1, Purpose, Vail Town Code, as follows: "The ski base/recreation 2 district is intended to provide sifes for facilities, activities and uses necessary for and appuftenant to the operation of a ski mountain. A variety of other facilities, uses and activities, including, but not limited to, residential, public and semipublic uses and special community events typically associafed with a vibrant resort community are also permitted within the zone district. The ski base/recreation 2 district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to permifted and conditional uses throughout the zone district. ln order to achieve this objective and to ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses, ail permifted uses, development and activity within the zone distict shalt be subject to approval of a comprehensiue development plan in accordance with the provisions of this afticle. Furthetmore, due to the likelihood of this distict being located at the base of Vail Mountain, and upon some of the most critical and important lands to the future success and resoft character of the town, development within this distict shall be evaluated based upon its abitity to meet the specific purposes of this title and to provide "compelting pubtic benefits which fufther the public rnteresfs" that go beyond any economic benefits to the landowner." staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with the Vail Land Use Plan as required by this criterion. 3. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision presents a harmonious, convenient workable relationship among /and uses consisfent with municipal devel o p m ent o bj ectiv es ; an d Staff Response: The review of the Front Door Development and eventual adoption on september 22, 2003, focused on the elements found in this criterion. lt was determined that a new base lodge skier services building, a membeis ski club building, and thirteen (13) dwelling unit residence club were harmonious with the surrounding land uses and consistent with the municipal development objectives. Furthermore the ski Base/Recreation 2 zone district was created specifically for the parcels included in this minor subdivision request. staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. 4. The extent of the effects on the future development of the surrounding area; and Staff Response: The comprehensive planning effort utilized in the review of the Front Door Development, and the associated creation of the Ski Base/Recreation 2 zone district, and the annexation of property into the Town from the U.S. Forest Service land established a plan which does not have any negative effects on the future development of the surrounding area. A large portion of the adjacent land area to the south of this minor subdivision still remains in the ownership of the U.S. Forest Service and will likely never be developed further as the slopes increase dramatically in excess of 40o/o in areas. Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. 5. The ertent to which the proposed subdivision is located and designed to avoid creating spatial patterns that cause inefficienci* in the delivery of public services, or require duplication or premature extension of public facilities, or result in a "leapfrog" pattern of development; and Staff Response: As stated in the above criterion the comprehensive planning effort utilized in the review of the Front Door Development and its associated applications will result in efiiciencies in the elements identified in the above criterion. Furthermore. this development includes a public/private loading and.delivery facility to address existing concerns and issues related to loading and delivery in Vail Village. This facility is to become a part of the dispersed loading and delivery network the Town has been developing to keep these types of vehicles out of the pedestrian core. Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. 6. The ertent to which the utility lines are sized to serve the planned ultimate population of the seruice area to avoid future land disruption to upgrade undersized lines; and Staff Response: As a part of the review of the Front Door Development Plan and approval on September 22, 2003, the utillty companies supplying services to this development were consulted and signed off on the ability to serve the site. Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. 7. The extent to which the proposed subdivision provides for the growth of an orderly viable community and serves the besf interesfs of the community as a whole; and As stated in the above criterion the comprehensive planning effort utilized in the review of the Front Door Development and its associated applications will result in efficiencies in the elements identified in the above criterion. Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. vt. 8. The extent to which the proposed subdivision results in adverse or beneficial impacts on the natural environment, including, but not limited to, water quality, air quality, noise, vegetation, riparian corridors, hillsides and other d*irable natural features; and As stated in the above criterion the comprehensive planning effort utilized in the review of the Front Door Development and its associated applications will result in efficiencies in the elements identified in the above criterion. Staff believes the proposed minor subdivision is in compliance with this criterion. 9, Such other factors and criteria as fhe commission andlor council deem applicable to the proposed subdivision. Staff has reviewed the application for a minor subdivision to create Tract A (Front Door Lot) and Tract B (Chalet Lot) and finds that the proposal complies with the criteria prescribed for a minor subdivision application. A reduced copy of the proposed final plat for the "Final Plat. Front Door Three Dimensional Subdivision. A Three Dimensional Subdivision Of Lots 1 And 2. Miil c 1/4. Section 5So Eaqle. State of Golorado", has been attached for reference (Attachment A). STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning and Environmental Commission approves the request for final review of a final plat for a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a re-subdivision of the Front Door Site, located at 151, 250, and 280 Vail Lane/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. Staffs recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section V of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: "Upon review of the request for a minor subdivision to create the "Final PIat, Front Door Three Dimensional Subdivision. A Three Dimensional Subdivision and 4. A 1/4 Vail. Countv of Eaqle. State of Colorado" the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. That the subdivision is in compliance with the criteria listed in subsection A of this section. 2. That the subdivision is consisfent with the adopted goals, objectives and policies outlined in the Vail comprehensive plan and compatible with the development objectives of the town. 3. That the subdivision is compatible with and suitable to adjacent uses and appropriate for the surrounding areas. 4. That the subdivision prwnotes the heafth, safefi, monls, and general welfare of the town and Nomdes the cooindinated and harmonbus development of the toun in a manner that anserues and enhanes its natural environment and its established chancter as a resort and residential community of the highest quality." VII. ATTACHTENTS A. A reduced copy of the proposed subdivision final plat B. Public Notice trlrllltiiffififl[fiftffffi li ETtlirh llt!li :il: ! il:x lll: tilE lrl E l;i E ri! L,i:- J{i:liFr:lt tll!ll dItt'tijf irll'll;iil tirllillI;lgr!!i!il!l II!tt!ii!li!F!rlri iI t.ll!t:lta;lrlili! !t lrrtr!IIilE-l!ifitl ffilfifilnffififififiiiiifiiiiit$!itili[fifii$L r= FFR\*t S siiiiR*E oilAFt Til!il*c Eb: Eq iH*: si *issrs I*is:o=3 .5o'rt>s- lis is EFx lr*uSf 6l,l!r:J l.!!{ !:i :l! lili;i |iiilir ,l'ig!fii !6 IEIt tai!!i l.rl!r il ;iiii siil,! liillti tiuiifirlrll iit It:t il:b!l! !ii 6 g ll ilat IDir ii lrlr l!!t t! :l ir5lt: ritrt? !it:trlir itt !!il! r!rll i*! ifi !tE iI[ 'i ll i!!;:t ti ;t a I I ilil !ili ;:ilit ,:r: I Ir H $:ta!r! II rl ;iiliililllliir iiiiiiiii iliiiiiil!lil :rr6:E;!i!! !g "iiti! E;iii; 3:iiii E!;iii eiliir; i! E l!Hj I ! I A,tachmentA FINAL PLAT FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISIONA THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION OF LOTS I AND 2, MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION AND LOTS I AND 4, A PART OF THE NW I,/4, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANCE 80 'rEST OF THE 6Th P.M. TOVN OF VAIL, COUNTY Of EACLE, STATE OF COLOMDO LOt r. 4.00( 7 I @@ LOI t{6 ($, o'€ v^,. \ u;$hc rotcl srFEr t00cE HANSONRlncl{ iol! lF^ct E 1___ lF- -1 PAAC& I II+ il ,roNal6trt LEcctao cn^Pruc scdlt#t#. rl E *d.e'd- r/dEti'||4 *fi-':o -.- .dgft-*------\ It I E.SFttrNr AETlrL L5 rc7--gt*:!S \a rai $l: llli*;J \\- -- J,,-*s,":x* u.ll*;:i' a,, 6\TIVJqO NOIJS7S V d., F\TIVTgq NOTJ7S V I-.it__ - s:'i- I -,,ti- I -,&.,- II v l.vtt I a rlYu I v llv{r I t-- -.ili- l ,"G-I v rlvur I g rlvur v lfvtt 'dII /NTIVJqO NOIJSqS V TIVJTO AYYqNNOq qJVIVNS-gNS Il--5-- I .it,;-I v rwul I t Dvrr .t,'4"-'.*-:-T'E.r rnTMIO NOIJSqS v E lavcl I lJvrl @ A6 (aY,l ( sYrn) .!$69 - lre.$.6('5 ",T-;:T ,ffi I + I I oow0703 t0 SJVJS '?IJVS ,{O AJN0OS 'TIVA g0 Nt40J 'tI'd q19gHJ d0 JSgl. 08 scNw 'EJn0s I 4IHSNAOJ '8 NOIJSTS 't/| AN rHJ t0 JAV4 V ',' ONv t SJ07 oNV Norsrtrcgns xggvs77IT{ ,E qNV ' SJOT IO NOISUIqqNS TVNOISNZNI( TXAHJ V NOISIAIOSNS TVNOISNENIO ggUHJ {OOO JNOU.{JWd TVNIT *::P-'i:.s!i:,*111:-T--..::!. I \trd.N ,'r.\ \\ts- - - -l-r--i Ii- ,.. ----r- rd ---J n FILE COPT THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERry PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on April 28, 2008, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of variances from Sections 12-6D-6, Setbacks, 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, and Section 12-6D-1 1, Parking, and Section '14-3-2F, Other Requirements, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Yanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition and remodel with required parking located partial within the public right-of-way, located at 2955 Bellflower Drive/Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Intermountain, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080018) Applicant: Alan Peters, represented by Kad MuellerPlanner: Nicole Peterson A request for final review of a final plat for a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a re-subdivision of the Front Door Site, located at 151,250, and 280 Vail Lane/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. (PEC080019)Applicant Vail Resorts Development CompanyPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposed update and review of the Vail Village Master Plan, pursuant to Section Vlll-C, Adoption, Extensions, and Amendments, Vail Village Master Plan, to affirm the applicability and purpose of the Master Plan, located within the boundaries of the adopted Master Plan/(a complete legal description is available for inspection at the Town of Vail Community Development Department upon request), and setting for details in regard thereto. (PEC080020) Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 97 O47 9-21 38 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published April 11, 2008, in the Vail Daily. *M Attachment B CER]INCAE OF D€DICATION ANO O}I}'IERSHIP fr€r ^tt E aY ltal. rE$ars Dl^t nt or^lll af n€ LoE at v& lla. A cori,roouarE rlliltY coFAt 61|o sotE of,a .| tE lru c ru ni^t ia|l rReanY sn 116ft tl€ tof{ c va- E {lf cot tw' add oo oFcf,eD 15 fqroG lllcta !ol3 | ara 1 rI cE( t|.rv9or. mr.G ll| n€ Arr l€om so6 q 2000. ut!6 l!(e_rbr to tatt., cq,|rt t E c.4 sr E oa coLoiroq laaoE_ri rols r r|l0 4, lEgno{ q tol|i6}rP 5 soult. MlrG€ & rtsr, c ta $(nr PfirEP !H||( COrtW Of t CE ltT rE OF aolotrDo, |lt l!IAA.6l@ tl 1lC Oatl' Oll ElvErslro 9JxrEr6 coa(aED ay D€ rralrD stllDl oelm3|r d i!€ til$oi. liEA, 0f tx.orar^€rxl o^rED fri iY '. 206 (!or.I rrs oacarF tq 16 (rcr rl ls ffiftalEutliLy EitD ti t ttt{r l€@RotD ofi r 12!. :F6 AT ifcPltot xo. 2o6l6t!rE EC6 6 rE ar4E oqjrrl, Ctl-OilOO, CU rro R€CCn6. priclls t AD 2 oto ra@ tlRltcu.|nfY oalciEo A5 fdrorrs *oaaro r nc tldfiE lia c6ra (f s D gcr|ox a, rciGrlr 5 sclll( iltFE o |€sr,d n€ 9xnr Fi * r t*ii|A& cqftlY ol trct€, st lE 0a co@irDc rF|c€ n€ xqti ry'tcottE ot *crox r lts sEcldr ! &16 i le l)€6llts 4! 5rrrEs 50 stcorsS , l DGlrllrcEo t52:t6 FrEr, srD ua illo rE t rs oa *rlt|. Ffi lxE; oerEFrb[ D6(: A[O{G rfiE EAtt ttE Of l}r€ SqJlHrasl qrlllB 0f r}€ rr6|}lEal q,littt c srDsacrbr I (a5o gG co trtD6tlE rDi Drt mJo iY oa 1€ rnrcr E l n€s.olllgotl olvtt tuoe trn{ ruxc, ,aaoloarc rc n€ ctfi dEot ||c@@ ltn( 26, !e$ Ar iEceno|i |.Jta 5a26, ni€ foarogro nF cqJRsts t. s oo Eof,f[s a rflrnl !2 t.aoG r rag6 aaEa2 ! OO TECEES a rfijlE! lit SECO6 r 2r.7t aEll llfiraE rfo.6 srD a 3T lr€ c r!€ sdrrrrEsr qr^irE o 'rlf r,|.nrHEsl ([,rlttl rlacio( I {n50 orc @(ft19\,E |irH n€ FrDriY ot tct a, @rttlt ?€x( g{ altlE ltoifCnf r.|t DBtRlcr (iECEpnc,{ l{r€€n !68aaD. S 0O D€Glfrs 2t ul{'tE!t '2 SICOOS f lZ22rEr ro l'-5 ot sra loi + l}ra|ca aor{c ]lr€ aorroriY af, srD Lol a r}|. to(l.or|6 mc (t cdJi!.l r. N t 0ECl!81 .||' l-r,rrEs ot SECOOS r z{tol rEI tO rP-a Ot Sra l'r .az N JJ OaotB ro srrEs 66 sracoo3 r 2a22 rtEr lo tP-J d slD tor +!. N L Da0l6 a6 |rirrEs .tS IECOOS r aaaa2 FIEI IO AP-2 Or StlO lol at{ N 6 o€GS ra rr{nEs a lacor6 E 2ra, fE? lo rP-l 6 saD rol + slD Pol{t|lso a$ r pc|T o{ iL x(R}t rr.E oF srD sq,rDiret q,fiti 6 n€ rG €tlq,rARrfi oF sEctKx aI IIILE AOiC SID OAfi l'lC (AtsO gfrc CO-ArElElE lllll 1l€ UrOmY 0f nC VAIut ca fFsl rurG Accm|G rD 11€ rLrr lr€nE(f, iacololt aurEl t rea2 AT itrcEPnol MrF nia2) S aO o€aRfll ,ll, r|UrES 5a srcoac E |.,tl FEr n) r}fNdtl{tE @o{i oF rr(l €RE( gJ&llltor{ AcsnoNc lo l}t Pt l i}sfof iacoio€ox'lEA a. a& Ar FtcEmol l|llF TlltJa6r r}€rc€ c('fl urr{c ll6|c s^|, N€fiH r$E {Ac l| also ElG @-anB€|\,l fDi r€ F,roAiYf vl|- \dr4€. Ffsr rur6, tEcpnoi ra $Jalt) s lo EdEs 4J rfolet $ sE@ro6 Etir5a nFr m nc llta adtl (r *Grrq corr ||{c r_tat A@i rd€ c tess fi l€ aY t€ta tfEpfls rno c!r. Ftaro L 9Fnflo DE gra '|to loE ro aocts lsslolrt 0|l tllnl at rt r uxh l}ra riArt 100 $nf f: aio||! o@i Dftr 6rl6xxa S.D|tltol A gJFtVrsC{ N n€ rc t S Vlff- E orE CO,.TY. Cq.oilOor rXD OO* rgflr ANCIP' l}€tlsFo|l!fiJrY mR n€ Carrtf'lor o FE(rrnf,) glo{rttal|tt arao 006 recaY D|DlcaIE rxollEI l,rfir a(t cF n€ Ararc toarx; rro oll€ tlrttc irm\ra.E'.ls ,ro Puaet 13 9rorr aartr€ Aacorpa rl{c Pt I rc D€ lEE 6 'Il€ Puirc rcREE& !o m€s Hdlfi olDtcllE mG€FFlro6 G !i/lD ila tioPERfY rmli rnE |lo|crllD As E sflo{t o{ tl* Ac@9axYr{6 A.^T|s ErsEG{lli rct rxE AJtfGE S|l0!.l tg€o* lro oo€s HtxEY Gitltl llf FGHr ro 16l[.!rxo tatltl|| ltcE!8lFa snucltn€3 1(, ]l'|E txnw Ff,sPd{sriE Foi Pioli c r}{ !€ntrEs Foirlrot llt aalo/aani lf,E €srrarg€o. €ECt llD lH3 D^Y d _-__='-- AO- A)- oar& n€ aH[Ell al r]€ tooa€ At va- uqA CdrirF uflEo uttuTr coPArY tf: v l Enrs cfrarFtEti @r?r.Y,A CCl.roO @lPfi nq( r||{mrc roEF ItLcLE LOrs 1 aD 2. |rt'|' eftE( sredesot e.l€._3i |ors I x|0 ,r. s€cltn !, r!ur9? 5 sotlfil(^s Oal.lE ralor u|od rE cannqno{ oF oocl.ior aro orrssl')r ca|ltlrtir zrtT raae; ||orE d ldB r{ s ty thasa PEsars Lt|o 0lrl, tt nD aro gron/otl) ne graE lt! Lor'li rx) a-6aBls g{,fi or nG Fnrt ttAT Lioai Df ta{ llo sT|lI r: txxT Dq lr]ifE DorEl|dollll grs|vsro|{ rdr_dF--tom c vr! cu.oRrDo TITTE CERIIRCA]E uro nlla crrl^xrtf, aotPAl{Y octt }€itBY carFY lta^l llrE Tru rc {l. uras glosl uPq{lrc pf t x rE Et Ertr-Eo lr$ 6 \€$!D H n€ cfixfls rr l}E loDa€ Al vd. uq ActtcaDo trrEo ula|llY ff^lfi, aa ri^r rrtE to grcll uros 6 FEEE rro o,Ell ot aIt56 ^XO Onndrrrc.s SCEPI rdj'ok G€NERAL NOI€S: t. 0 tE F grRl/En l(l{JLtlt |lEAnor llRol, 266 oArE F llr / csr n ftEt1 llturiY a, ,m7 2. ttqtEt o^llr sc{t ltdl* r@aall I 6di Ftctfllft 5 l" m 5s crP l| lallos rG F.o.v) sr rol staroo,€ stc l:l |illtl x r/D tdw m|| ' litattd. PTOEqI E|.|alnc llP d F SS CIP Nf 1^a C6A sAfi a allmrr -a!&-tt" /r. t{6 EnEY |. t 9 ott a ttE a0al6 *Il|Dt l}€ mro |hl{Jlfr$s Fofilttlc E ioRtl LllE of n€ldftE9r <rr|itE d nc rctuE .lrrlrE 6 aac|n q r!ns||' 3 sdrll{ l Lc€ o rEsr oF l}€allt td|qp |. I|ndllt 56 rraSla.l (sl^rE Purt caoloaulEs) as sSofl l{tlor ul llractrtY ru||c (Put oG $n|.i Fl^Dor t + oo!to|'. lotF€ sgrlll @rioO...fl l|' si,.r'!oa,iormx-+6f/a1t', 5. (ra^s.) to|crrEl Ergp ts lncl llo oslrxc€s grilElE tY tarx uro clalsf,lllfll e tu)61 .dc^rfs rr ltEx, of r .o qroml' annE Errr&€ |,o ornr|cts sror rn(i tr€oeofG,n GUi!€l! rrao inr6s a ia ar l/a oF aE N 1/a sEciol c rorrs+ t sdJrl{ i lLE& rt5T. 0f llf ![lH ?i'|cP^( rdat^x. cqrarr q t^oaE sr lf, c cots Do, Al colttfllD tY n€ LratEo st tE! FlilErr of DC lltlol. eJiE4l 6 ur€ urx 06or] oArE fffiJl|i !, 2aoq (lor aI rro occatE Jo, 16 (ror rI Dd,fi fioc rTs ru ailtx iElFq| qlrrE *t tl6i l'|0 osrx{cas stro*{ tr& lHt tf@io€D ?l.Alifr6 r nt '|Erar ca vrr- crau cqfiTY t^n 6 cfloiloo ar iEctPror N4 7,€ll., ltf putFEl c rG arilr oraEor,. 9&rllrr. R^r |l€ ^3 Fq.lo*t a ro eJtt\rE FrRao- t (As o€san@ l}5 cErrhc rt d o€Dcrrrcl ll5 os65rt) 0Yv crno oatta|| tsr rrEs rxda6: E, lo c&a€ s D Prnctt i ai tetJdlro€o nrli P^aca. 2 (a5 oEscim ll€ clinnc^rr oFoaDcrnor rro offigf) no rc crfrrE Er|ltul tqtor&ls fol stLll cdFl@ PRCP€tlEs C r i{ r}{ OdEtl[ Ut|)ri6 6 lra COiF€o PietRTES, lO CiaArE rnrcl ^ (tioll ood LOl)r'o r at a (cfiarrs Lot r A nalE oE€qr vx{N6 u$lc Eolll ttfir2o,lra lfa ltinc[n orrE; ^s sfio*r o|| 9€13 2 ^ro 3 f n|3 anT. a llo iotD. rPioloaorr, rne.ltL ula G trsa.arl G ,llY l('lo 0R r{Alrtr E ol!rcrED 0|| r|io aY rr{lstt t to lr€ lort ol vl|. q lxY olHai GovEDlLlt4 t}mw. lo. ll€ riopBJY $l}t{ Dt3 ^.A1rs cBecr lo ecHl 6 |^Y r* dro.cs ot crxas ct.sniJc'ro gY rrE!Ji{06w d ll€ umD $lrEs L ltlEnl/ED ra u.rED sr Es t^ta|I REcotoaD .rJlG 24. !ao. ir @(!o AT PrO€ g llo N P^lllr REdtaD aPll- 2a. 204 ar REct}ro tlo. 20().!oa7c fi. A aotudt c n€ marcnTY rrat I'lrS PL r rs gaJacl lo a 5g6|l$ ddlns @EuNrsi6tncnors itsdv^llors ArrD r|o1e5 .l{ lllE lt{a R r oF la! cLD( tElEror Rt@ioED No\aE a. 2004 lEctt_t(,. xt 7{!tat 12 A pdror| oa nc picBlY rllia lxB Fur 6 9r6cr r0 ^[ d, rxo rns or l]f tll€ !o P^rsm!,aro ro rr. an PEisot{l ArJlSfiifD aY |I, rlt iol' ro Pi@Eci noi, ral.. al{o iE o!€ 9r1| oeGl|!rior n€ sr* uoat Itfucaif u* rc[!o€ D€ rcr F rdul-l lg lozt (!cr.sc a!a) AlEla\tD lr utatE sl^lts P loil Ecar@ !|'|E 24 t{ I loo( 5r! ^l troE s. rt A Ponllct{ c tl€ PioPtf,TY rlHr| lllF tur rs sJaffi To A tdPErull Etsoro{t Fm Pt,lllc lcctsrri n€ EEslt|G ar ctD( noro (tclst EtELet o.l Ro o rlo to (Errlr rfi l|t xvr rotEocltE srD ioto As filsaltE gY rlf DrIED st lEs ll 'AIE T E@iDl! Jra 26. lF ft gd laa i{ A p6r|o{ or Df tieaw rrr|| fi6 PLli B gEEcr ro Pcitmra atgrxr rli AJa-|c tolctlrro F@t La!!B Ott lr€ dE i|c noro ru raaasl oElEoPlFlT lorD No 7to to 90 A&fa r^aurEs AT O€ Vrr FrrC€ nta€ll€i 5rx n€ nGfiT to ltlocrE s |) nolo As itsa!@ li umo slArESp laf iEco@ !|r€ 2!, reaa || l@( !6 ^r t^c€ sto ra ^ roilxx c llr PioFaw nn|| fi6 Plat |s s.a|€cr ro rBsl @olror|s rx) Piotllo|.3 0ttlEior. co{atr Aro va,|.l aciEr€il i€aDiE f ntu Jo, rl$ AT nf,olmol tlo 6$9a.. ra, a Pdlror o nf PfttfitY llL rs tllr 6 g.|lacl l! raas. coittlols ll€ Piolllor|s cFREliG t E laE{l llo @lErrrrls rGaatl6|I EctnOtD JAI{JArt ,. rall At RrcPl}dl xo' adti9ll rt. a Faror c nc PmtEw tltl rfirs PrlT 6 L|'€fi ro r[x|.s. cdiolllol{t ll€ Pio\tslol6 otnano{ cdtdtt a vr r rarllt5lt llc@) ocloF oa. 2006 Ai E€PIE| l€. 9lnal r!. A Poind{ of IHE PiaPERw nr!{ s Pl t 15 gErcr 1o lEtg @llollol6 rr€ FRo\lsofis c lR6lT o@t o€raFrt||r A@tT iEc@tD .rr-Y 2t, 20ait At i:ceno{ o. 2062olrlt. lt A Fan..r o. }f PtatBtY in n|s Pul F srJafcr To rars, coDllK'|s Aro Forilsoals o; vsoafcnfst sEtllcl EAsrr it@ioaD AtiL 2a, 2@ AT Rfceioi| q 26lca7t 20. A rllrfi f rt ttoPtnrY rnr{ 116 ltll F; sBfct lo lEl.g @rBro6 rro FRort906 608|l@16|l IO USE |r@.T tfConfi! t€\mril ll 2@ Al ifcEPlltll l{o. ?6sa a. A Fdln c Dre P*6'Y ll'|{ 16 P1rr 6 slflcr lo reis c0raio6 Ao ti@llols 0ftpM$r. cortcYlltcE tfo cai6rn,crn aclEaao|T itcndED llncfi 22. 2@t Lx)In nEcE llol ]ld 22 i€ PiOFRW rrft nG Pt^T 6 Sllcr R rE t|s. Colullqls ^la PRO!|srnS OF IEUS Coomorrslr0 tlotE|oll f trcE6a ra@'ElY raffi oa@F r7, 2@7 AT iECetO|| t{O- 2mrJ2rt7. 2r A 9otlror oF +t PrcPat! tll{r llrs Pt r 6 gJl.J.ct tt rrns. cflo|lld{s ll€ tiollsd{s F rE|rls.coom||s lto rio\|'06 6 olllrLE lllllEl llc€ ,a@€lr rfc@aD DEatrE t7, 2oot ATiEcatmr No z@rJirrs 2{ A FOtllOt S rE fiOPanW tlltt lxti rt r E; taEcl lo ral3. q,ldro6 llo ovltols r lEfis.cDrdrb6 lro Pio\E<t6 6 r rtl trulY EAEalrT i€ccnoo |Eclrail tt, a6t rl RfoPrbI xl 2:t A Fcrxrr Ot tl€ 'l('aw tl}|t tt6 Pul Fi gEfcr 10 rEnlg cofloolols Afo Pfotlsol.s 6 rElrs,o60lxt6 Aro P@vGul3 f lRr€r Lc[s; E^sEaoal nEo@tl) oEc*t tz 2@t ^l itotPro|| 2a A pmlx'| 0a 'tc tmtEw tllfr rlrE fill 6 !|trcl lo rErug co{qrolli A|o Pnol€d{s oF Enrqooolll(Ll lto Prov6rxl 0f stllicE rcc€5s E sErl ltc&ao Eca6 lz 2ot Ar FclTtn ro 2Z i6mr 6 l}€ PtO?dW rnr| rC trrl 6 eJ|.!cr lo rfir|s a.r{utlo6 lr€ tRorrgc{s 6 lEn6.cogroc aro Plor loLt 6 P6E3|tA/icLu raaeF € 5o€rT fifcaalED Ec:rtl 17, ,o7 AYEafProra to 2oqutt z 2a. i€ rRoPRrt rtll nG Fut 6 gaEct lo rars c6[fir6 r|o Plo\rsit6 G r!|Uq coomorsIto tto$rts or sr5td.t o?l'l^tnr ,c@€aY iEc60@ EatEl lz 2ot lt llcaF|Dl trr 2t oc vra ruaE rua Sr\iE lir€ sur&€ ELiorolofls orro Florloooa tllLE Emlto lslEwot 16@l rl! E itc(nl'@ aY sP|t rE oodralt Ar A t lEl oltE s. nt irf,Er 106 tff tc 90 qll a,lD||c (rx YAr- rq,|lr|r olt] loc ltD t{ nra lR cT A(Frory 0d rot 6 .'o YAn uxe nf snaEl 10016 .6 n€ E(a !al*:3 arDrf uErllD oiff rn cr l Gid.t ooq l'D 6 20 vrr ura FINAL PLAT FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISIONA THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION OF LOTS I AND 2, MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION AND LOTS I AND 4, A PART OF THE NWt/4, SECTTON B, TO\TNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6th P.M. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO CERTIFICANON OF OEDICAT]ON FOR MORTGAGE HOLDER OR DEED OF TRUST HOLDER PLANNINC AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION CERIIFICAIE n|s rr t Frrl t 5 ttttov@ 9Y }e T(,I| t vlt Plrrar6 rrD oNno|llLlA coarssololltD |l{soYq-ao 20-xr|or &t r/o{ 9y lllEsa tf€stls $A1 rdrs ta @ BANrq irrNr{At llsoq^llo( lltl*tGtR llvE AcENr. E rG llra NotDE 0r a udlclc€ 6 otED q lhrsT C'l rllf itattotat 9rrJ^to i ll€ tora cF v L ErdI cct alY. cq.qroq oEsciF l: :qlott A|ol CO ta20 ro* f vlr a aatc Atoo /nsr|orta co.Ml sr^G c q.!E&q )ss calmrY 0f El/qL ) llf foit@tE ta.|rE lt f omriot lro 6q9- |rs rc|ololllDc.D Eda raIrfs oAY Ot - ^t- 6- Sf - (t v||l nEsdls DavEeErr€o.tll{Y. a cd.(n 00 cof,rmaro|( rs lltrar! rEr6 s llia q|^l.gllt Ar nc to00a tv& ll.q A cd-olrao lrtD u rJlY cdrrlY.lrro nltl q,ltA|ltE c(|f^tt o|EdirEo rxs oaY 0f ------ ao-. 20- (FrR rars t|I@ a[a( N Dootlsorbt as tlrll'llarE rcoal rmlet* c/b 06tttt tEA Fr rE Giqtaaalt 5, u,srE, SrrE ra&.oor\d. co 6:l|' FrmEr) s,*"_Jss c(i,rxw or -_______________ 'ffi fanacaaa cdmc rot F dcllloi Fd oEo ot lF!.Er HotDfi l arclt|d.oaaD ltr E n6 0 y d __ _-4D. ,o-aY -_-.- 15 - 0t rals fllco l ra<ir^rE|| r rssod tbfl. a3 allrGriantE &otY. IDeis fY HrlO L Of'rcl{ S&rll|. CERNFICATE OF TAXES PAIO I nf, uoasareD. 00 fla6Y (nI'Y '|}|^l lL at{tlE rrul 6 tlEs D|rE aro P YIdE A; 6 rrf OrY C ---=--- lU 20- lJ?Ot ^rI P iCA's Ol li, tE t (rao 9lw||g ltc 00 rol ttlfda a lllL - lcl{ oF n€ srLcl PlcalY 10 tsrlllglotrcig{P. taFfls d ncrts-ot-laY 6 naooo. FctfiD o€,|Brs uruat rl t|ll LRIEI rE ttto\iE .Y uro lmE crltltrE co?rrr. dtt rb. rEsrrtr.r.!-5. DAIE rlto{ t2. 2@ At Loo !fi td, tt @uDtca arY tEclt Acftn 9 so lrol A.Y ctEcr ,|rna ru, rFr Gco\ltr 9rcli tEtcr- xo ELtal, rAY rxY rdld9.nEy * conoE@ rG lli^N r Erl3 lRot rH( orlE oa STjR\€YOR'S CERIIFICATE r oo tiliatY aary fi^t I tr A ttcrsr8o Lr'o tlvlrll ucaxsrD ua€r tE ult attt 3I '|E <a oori Dq fitt fit rut 6 ri.tE crucr Io c..rPtEt rs ua oJr,anrr@, @c rlD L0 gol| r|n&l| Dur $or ltrl t s 116 'r(|. r|. raqtrE3wW e Sr0 FtOtEn t E AO t Oal IY itailltox ro c&EclLY ll* lL LOa ror ^ro or5'dlo||' c n€ |-ors, Ers&fi! lro 3rifErs 6 5 D SFnGur 16 r}fsrE rra sircD tFoa l|a aadt|o || dtul$E tl8 rrplcLl Ell[ rb|l' 6trD5Fn€ sa{$i ot uro. n rn€si {Goa I H !E sar lY ltllro afo g4 nnt oAY t aa.C^oo a,l.l. xo zt9i, ItllE LAiID I.JSE SUMMARY li^cl ^ (ridr 0d irr) nr€r t (otrfE ror) D^ron$0Y6-LD-i!,- CLERX AND RECORDER'S CERNNCATE r}6 rur us tlED aor n€oeo r rrC 6rlct oF rf auff( l|r0 naooioai ot lt6 0^Y Gus€ r00l.st@{,sf 2!ta vAa ulcieFofltr|- llr vr- LrL tt ffital| €ttR€s ao, 20- Ar - dctrEr ------.!. na@lo@ rf6 rDrE aErs as !flt agrE ,xo r t{a c6tl'E rE c oErmi rE 6ataftatia*'|t tE rdEraa Aa odralrE BY n€ rorgoata (ol ltr3 ts lfra d cuF( Io l€co6E EE (Urrfi, Cd.$lOO tll- E' in€s tY filto ra 6nor|. l.lr-l.DaPm|. 16 - Attachment A - --- -'Iu FINAL PLAT FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIYISIONA THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIYISION OF LOTS I AND 2, MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION AND LOTS I AND 4, A PART OF THE NWt/4, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE B0 VEST 0F THE6th P.M. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO--\- LOT 1, BLOCI( 7(v t- \f,r,AaE rnsr ar-||c) t{ ,c @Ria s€c. 7 Al{o sEc a - aoio !x' All,r.,| crD ol / t srE- P6Y (3.111) {- / l-- i-lo"]*?"",. ravrll \At cE FrRsr \ /r/rutq LOT I v t vuraa rnST rutc) ONE VAIL PLACE (s€E iorE 2a) c.f, Jl. c6gtclro *' xtrttd cAP ol2' luryltul Pp€ (a.Lg.) HANSON RANCH ROAD LOTCl (A RE r&rVSOr 6 m Cr E VAt- \itu6f. FFn tullc ^lOl 'ARI d LOI c 4oo( 6 C, VArl VtI E rnsi ruXC ,l|O catDax r€ r HdJsE) SRIDGE SIREET LOOGE (coDor t€rx Hdr{. A nfgFfi/igoN 6 n Cr Evrt ruroE, Ftrtx fllJt|GLT*ry I HILL \ Bu[.DrNG(^v @ N0i2'2da - Ja.2a (r€rs,) F6-2dl (8A9S 0F BE^iTNG) S69',N''59'E - 1J2J.26'ln ' [s.i..21a.r - .2e.! ] UNPLATIED IRACT E (A RE @\l|SrON Of ri Cr E vxL $r.a6q *rH Fn,rG) Fdno xr l. c6E sEc 6 tPor@ rN coftciElE rru( (urcr€t rc||Jroar REcffiFLID OCIOF !s, 2@) sEt 2x' ,'Lurrw crP UNPLANED PARC€L 1 (oc-o€N rta( to arsf rr.o i€cit m o|sficD I + I CRAPHIC SCALETE#F+-' TIONUMENT LECEND furo c-t {' AJ||rx crP ot 2f,' 5cr€rr (ofsridrtD) (DrE) lbcn-50lL w-'\ -t) E tT rI€ 0f u cf,E( grdvlrol f l/- 6|G v^c r@. or E(eror ric .6r.rI RtsnETED */ 1ffi, SA ''*"*'iYffij--4\. /, r{c.aler) .Exor.a7,to-l - !&!r'J I II -.''B t\ '!dz'?@- -F : 3t- - l.,i r 8l'gI if,srRcrEo ^ -/, rlrm a gtEsoe.,'t'E - ^- lfl'l / \ ,l1ff$, g:- - j,.2' 5515 gC7 \ ' ?), 'i\-J L --!',L J o,/ f-*bffir t/ i ;3 I l" t(:::* \ .<.-.- i*Er *T'r;"*# j*,*'" t'- - .*iI< :\t:r,' TRACT B(q^t.Er9 Lor) ^ n*€E olr€taorr! Pricall.tot ^ctt5gJn ^af aouliolrl(sE rolE n r€ !.ro 16€ gflltY 0|| grtIr r rrro gfl ! Ffi oErr)a'in) N69'45'45'W - ,fEE 32' (M€^s.) ifln ^ s.\ \1 HcYrr6.^so.orr N6€ :r r- a (n€€Pnor xc 20o72..a3) fil. ( ..-.* /__-o,--l_.____* 1 TRACT BE ^,-*t?ffi$f.l" ".- -+itQ rsruu-urau - SsIt. t'-6C N69',+5'45'W - tv lr -ft-tr l-r:rE x L rlo crfiglT trs. ||c,ffi I+ I EASE'IENT DETAIL Ls rc7,-#H: :$$: - {q 1#H: --HIi:! \ / -sua a.Ev - 1t7.9- - / 7' iOoF A!v. - allAa I + I GRAPHIC FINAL PLAT FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISIONA THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION OF LOTS I AND 2, MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION AND LOTS I AND 4, A PART OF THE NVt/4, SECTION 8, T0VNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE B0 WEST OF THE 6th P.M. TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO SCALE IRACT A IRACT B(o rr|!t lor) IRACT ^ I(.iorr ood |.oD --------1 I I I r^ SECTION DETAIL \l/ in m as4 IRACT A tLl' IRACT B (cfiaErs lor) IRACT A an!l I J-- r'J|, # ''!'a'|d SUB_SURFACE BOUNDARY DETAIL aalu r' - ad r;-, SECTION DETAIL \l/ ,ta. ,o ,Eut IRACT A Gn..n Dd |.ooro.!l' IRACT B (o{aEts tot)tr5z rRAcr ^ |oio.r #r LoD -1 IRACT Bo{Ers |or)!&l{ TRACT A GROar !@ tor) :"--l ra.r l-- I rs srort I J.p lknrcr r toursc tot er Aro rE\,E Errv.Ibt6 ^t sflr!P or nG ira-9ffrac FrorrY 0d{ (nra 3€r) Ero*r or rir sr-siflcE brorlY oE r OrE s{rr) nrc' I (ourrF rolt Ar rxo tlo!/E owllbls tl91fl Ol lli€ sr6-i/irral F,,nrRY EY|r (!l!rErto$.FFldtt rt rFa.or Elv^no6 ^sgioia 0x rxE gt-grl&a F.Frnr Er{ 0l.3 'IED o.av rns rs tflr or tlrE s|t-arAcE r;., SECTION DETAIL \L/ tu m ttt4 n-t SECTION DETAIL@ Minor Subdivision Review Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2128 faxj 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission revlew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review @nnot be accepted until all required Informaton is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of ApplicaUon and Fee: (F .-oo 8 \sG- \ r- ! Rezoning $1300D Major SuMivision $1500El Minor Subdivision $650tr Exemption Plat $650D Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000tr New Special Development District $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $6000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifica tions) tr C-onditional Use Permittr FloodplalnModificationI Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior AlterationE Development PlanE Amendment to a DeveloDment PlanC zoning Code AmendmentE Variancetr Sign Variance $5s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $250 $r300 $s00 $200 Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lo* s I Q4, Seafio" ?, Physical Address:2^lolorLI toot * ioParce|No.:@(ContactEag|eco.Assessorat970-328-86z|0forparce|no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: S wo rc c slzr wi leso"h,4o nt S,l.b/iuis;oM' /e 11i tccsler '!fr{"1rrp.,I\unA er' 20 D TOWN OF VAIL check No.:Yea-91 By. 5e./0(r E-mail Address: m Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Date: 03-28-2008 Propergr Address: VAIL'S FRONT DOOR VAIL. CO 81657 Our Order Number: VC50017941.1-5 VAIL RESORTS DEVEI]OPMEM PEAK I.AND CONSI.JLTANTSPOBOX? I(IOO LIONS RIDGE LOOP VAIL. CO 8T658 STJITE 38 AtIn: GERRY ARNOLD VAIL. CO 81657 Phone: 970-845-2658 Attn: JODY KENMY Fax: 970-845-2555 Phone: 970-47G8644 EMail: gerqn@vailresorrs.com Fax: 970-47&8616 Linked Commiment Delivery EMail: jody@pea*land,net Ulked Comnltment Dellverv If you have any lnquldes or requlre further asslstance, please contact one oldrc numben below: For Tldc Assistane: Vail Tltlc lhpt. I{artn Biggs rO8 S FRONTAGE RD W *ZO3 vArL, co 8165? Phone: 970-{7G2251 Fex: 97047&{?32 EMail: kblggs@ltgc.con Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 03-28-2008 Our Order Number: VC500f7941.1-5 Property Address: VAIL'S FRONT DOOR VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: THE CHALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL, Seller/Owner: LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ** +++ *:| *:| 't +:l ,l t:l *+ *lt *lt | *+ r.t'l.r*+r*'t+arr r:r 'ltil'l !!++li l+ ltt ttt ***t l!tt:iri Note: Once an original commitmcnt has been lssued, any subsequent modifications wlll be emphaslzcd by underlintng. *i|:|:!l:| t|**:i+:rr.'* t't,t*,t*:r+t'lrt:l||ii+ l!|l|a||il}tl | **itt** t;i***'l 'tt*****:r*t Need a map or dlrcctions for your upcoming dosing? Chcck out [:nd Tltle's web slte at www.ltgc.com for directidns to anv of our 5{ officdlocadois. ESTIMATE OF TTTLE FEES TBD Commitrnent €250. OO It 'eAd, TitTa Grrat:aataa Cqr!.ay rfl.] be clottnE thfu t.r.r'rcti@, .bova fe€', ?ill be collected tt that ti.4. TOTAL $2s0.oo lor @attc! osloa THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERT F LandTitle LAND TITTE GUARA]IITEE GOMPANY Itrtv0tcE Owner: Property Address: VAIL'S FRONT DOOR VAIL, CO 81657 Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. VC50017941.1-5 . CIIARGES - TBD Cornmitment $250.00 -Total-$250.00 Please make checks payable to: l,and Tide Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 Chicago Tide Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedulc A Property Addrts: VAIL'S FRONT DOOR VAIL, CO 81657 Our Order No. VC500r794r.l-5 Cust. Rd,: |- Effectlve Date: March 12, 2008 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insurcd: "TBD" Commihent Proposed Insured: THE CHALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL, LLC, A COLORADO LMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 3. The estate or interest ln the land described or referred to ln thls Commltrnent and covered hereln ls: A Fee Simple 4. Tltlc to the estate or irrterest covered hereln is at thc effectlve date hcrcof vested in: 5. The Land rcferrcd to ln this Commltment ls descrlbcd as follows: SEE ATTACHED PAGE(S) FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION Our Order No: VC500l794l.l-5 tTGAt DESGRIPTIOiI LOTS I AND Z, MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 2()()O, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 743366, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TOGETHER WffH: LOTS I AND 4, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTTI, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO; ALTERNATIVELY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOTS I AND 4, SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST, OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN. COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOMDO. AS ESTABLISHED BY THE DEPENDENT RESURVEYS AND SURVEYS COMPLETED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT DATED FEBRUARY 3, 2OO5 (LOT 4), AND DECEMBER 30, 1988 (LOT I), AND ALSO BEING DESCRIBED ALTERNATIVELY AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST 1/16 CORNER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 WEST, OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO; WHENCE THE NORTH I/T6 CORNER OE SECTION 7 AND SECTION 8 BEARS N89 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 59 SECONDS W A DISTANCE OF 1323.26 FEET. SAID LINE BEING THE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS DESCRIPTION. THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF T}IE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 8 (ALSO BEING CO.EXTENSIVE WTTH THE BOUNDARY OF THE FORMER VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1962 AT RECEPTION NUMBER 96382) THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: l) s00 DEGREES 2l MINUTES 52 SECONDS W 165.00 FEET 2) S00 DEGREES 2l MINIJTES 52 SECONDS W 277.76 FEET THENCE ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8 6LSO BEING CO.EXTENSIVE WITTI THE BOUNDARY OF PARCEL T, GOLDEN PEAK SKI BASE AND RECREATION DISTRICT (RECEPTION NUMBER 352168)), SOO DEGREES 2I MINUTES 52 SECONDS W 57.22 FEET: THENCE N89 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 07 SECONDS W 248.01 FEET: THENCE N33 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 55 SECONDS W 282.22 FEET ; THENCE N89 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 45 SECONDS W 488.32 FEET; THENCE N00 DEGREES 14 MINUTES ZI SECONDS E 265.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE (AGAIN ALSO BEING CO-EXTENSWE WITH SAID BOUNDARY OF THE FORMER VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED AUGUST 6, 1962 AT RECEPTION NI.JMBER 96382) S89 DEGREES 43 MNUTES 59 SECONDS E 99.99 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF MILL CREEK SUBDTVISION, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 2000 AT RECEPTION NUMBER 743366; THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION SOO DEGREES 15 MINUTES 18 SECONDS W 165.37 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDIMSION; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION S89 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 57 SECONDS E 131.89 FEET; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG THE SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDMSION S89 DECREES 46 MINUTES 28 SECONDS E 413.26 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION: THENCE ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDMSION N()() DEGREES 21 MINUTES 19 SECONDS E 165,00 FEET TO A POINT ON T}IE NORTH LINE OF SAID Our Order No: VC500l794f .f-5 tEGAt DESCRIPTIOII SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTH\iVEST QUARTER OF SECTION 8, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE (AGAIN ALSO BEING CO-EXTENSIVE WITI{ T}IE BOI,'NDARY OF THE FORMER VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, RECEPTION NI.'MBER 96382) S89 DEGREES 43 MINUTES 5S SECONDS E248.12 FEET TO THE T?,UE POINT OF BEGINNING, COI.JNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. NOTE: fiE LAND ON WHICH l}lE CHALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL WILL BE LOCATED, AS DEPICTED ON THE SITE PLAN PREPARED BY 42140 ARCHITECTURE, IS ENCOMPASSED WITHIN THE PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE PT-AT DESCRIBED ABOVE. TOCETHER WITH THE EASEMENTS GRANTED IN TIIE SUBDMSION. COM/EYANCE AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 22. ZOOT UNDER RECEPflON NO.200707454. ALTA COMMITMBNT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equiremcnts) Our Order No. VC50017941.1-5 The following are the requiremetrts to bc comPlicd with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagon of the fidl consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Pmper instnrment(s) creating the estate or intercst to be insured must be executed and duly ftled for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessmenls le\ded and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Adrlitional requlrements, if any disclosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POUCY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANTHERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC50017941.1-5 The policy or policies to be issued wlll contaln exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satlsfacdon of the Company: 1. Any facts, rights, interests, or clalms thereof, not shown by the Public Records but that could be ascertained by an inspection of the Land or that may be asserted by persons in possession ofthe Land. 2. Easemenls, liens or encumbrances, or claims thereof, not shown by the Public Records. 3. Any encroachment, encumbrance, violatlon, varlation, or adverse circumstance afrecting the Title that would be disclosed by an accurate and complete land survey of the Land and not shown by the Public Records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafler furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the Public Records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or olher matters, if any, created, first appearing in the Public Records or attaching to the subsequent effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed lnsured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or morlgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. (a) Taxes or assessmenls that are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real propert5l or by the Public Records; (b) proceedings by a public agency tha may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the Public Records. 7. (a) Unpatenied mining claims; (b) reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c) water rights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted under (a), O), or (c) are shown by the Public Records. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI.S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED J{JNE 26, 1989, IN BOOK 508 AT PAGE 595 AND IN PATENT RECORDED APRIL 26. 2006 RECEPTION NO. 200610676. 9. ALL OIL AND GAS IN THE LAND SO PATENTED, AND TO IT, OR PERSONS AUTHORIZED BY IT, THE RIGHT TO PROSPECT FOR, MINE, AND REMOVE SUCH DEPOSNS FROM THE SAME I'NDER APPLICABLE LAW, INCLUDING THE ACT OF FEBRUARY 28, 1925 (16 U.S.C. 486) AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1989 IN BOOK 508 AT PAGE 595. IO. A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS ON THE EXSTING MILL CREEK ROAD (FOREST DEVELOPMENT ROAD NO. 7IO) TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO RELOCATE SAID ROAD AS RESERVED BY THE UNITED STATES IN PATENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1989 IN BOOK 508 AT PAGE 595. I I. A PERPETUAL EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC VEHICLE AND FOOT ACCESS ON TI{E EXISTING ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. VC50017941.1-5 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: ROAD FROM FOREST DEVELOPMENT ROAD NO, 7IO TO SKI AREA FACILITIES AT ONE VAIL PLACE TOGETHER WTTH THE RIGHT TO RELOCATE SAID ROAD AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JUNE 26, 1989 IN BOOK 508 AT PAGE 595. 12. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDUIT AND VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 30. 1998 AT RECEPTION NO. 650944. 13. OTEM INTENTIONALLYDELETED) 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AND COVENANTS ACREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 29, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 685T93. 15. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE FINAL PLAT OF MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 2OOO, RECEPTION NO. 743366. 16- TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDI.IIT & VAULT AGREEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 04. 2OO5 AT RECEPTION NO. 93I8I3. 17. OTEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 18, TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF FRONT DOOR DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT RECORDED JULv 27 , 2006 AT RECEPTION NO. 200620331. 19. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF USDA FOREST SERVICE EASEMENT RECORDED APRIL 26, 2006 AT RECEmON NO. 200610677. ?0. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF DEVELOPMENT AND USE AGREEMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 13, 2006 AT RECEPTION NO. 200630880. ZI. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF SUBDWISION, CO}.IVEYANCE AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT RECORDED MARCH 22,2007 IJNDER RECEPTION NO. 2007074s4. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VC500l794l.l-5 The policy or policies to be isrued wlll contaln exceptions to the following unless the same are dlsposed of to the sadsfacdon of the Company: 22. TERMS. CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF HOLY CROSS ENERGY UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF.WAY EASEMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 14. 2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 2007?,4468. 23. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISiONS OF LICENSE AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17, 2007 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732787. 24. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF DRAINAGE MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER I7,2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732788. 25. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF WATER UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17.2007 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732789. 26. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EMERCENCY ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17.2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732790. 27. TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SERVICE ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17. 2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 20073279I. 28. TERMS, CONDMONS AND PROVISIONS OF PEDESTRIANEICYCLE ACCESS EASEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17.2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732792. 29, TERMS. CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF SNOWMELT OPERATION AGREEMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 17,2OO7 AT RECEPTION NO. 200732793. 30. DEED OF TRUST TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COIJNTY, SECURITY AGREEMENT, FINANCING STATEMEI.iT, ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND LEASES AND FIXTURE FILING, DATED MARCH 1S, 2OO7 FROM THE C}IALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY FOR THE USE OF WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. AS ADMINISTRATIVE ACENT AND U. S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION TO SECURE THE SUM OF I23OOOOOOOO. AND ANY OTHER AMOUNTS PAYABLE UNDER THE TERMS THEREOF, RECORDED MARCH ZZ,2OO7 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200707455 AND RERECORDED APRIL 4. 2OO7 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200708739. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED BY ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND LEASES EXECUTED BY THE CHALETS AT THE LODGE AT VAIL, LLC, A COLORADO LIMITED ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Exceptlons) Our OrderNo' VC500f794l.l-5 The potlcy or policies to be lssued will contain exceptlons to the followlng unless the same are disposed of to the safisfaction of thc Company: LIABILITY COMPA}.IY FOR THE BENEFTT OF WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. AS ADMIMSTRATWE AGENT RECORDED MARCH 22,2007, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200?07456 AND RERECORDED APRIL 4, 2()O7 UNDER RECEPTION NO. 200708740. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WIIH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED MARCH 22, 2OO7 , UNDER RECEMON NO. 200707457 AND RERECORDED APRIL 4, 2OO7 TJNDER RECEmON NO. 200708741. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WIT}I SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED APRJL 03. 2007, ITNDER RECEPTION NO. 200708483. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPATIY And LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAIIY . GRAND JUNCTION DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-I22, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certtflcate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the Count5r Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the CountSr Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contair a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information al the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the tide entity conducts the closing and is responslble for recording or flling of Iegal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided |lral Land Tit]e Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exceptlon number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Poliry when issued. Note: Alfirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitrnent from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitnent must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemniSing the Company against un-ffled mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased wilhin six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, lhe requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the conlractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be givbn under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's poliry commitnents containing a mineral severance inshument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry in the propergr; and B) That such mineral eslate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the covemges refened to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Fo!m DISCLGURE O9/U,/O2 Goveinment - Property Assessment and Talr Information Eaglc County Government wvrw.eaglecor rty,tls DETIILED RESULTS Page I of I Property Assessment and Tax Information T.rArca SCAI tnleuy: tm.723 Ourncr tl,.mc .Addtcssr CFIALEIS AT ltc LODOE AT VAL LLC POmX959 AVOf{, @ 81620 Lcgnl D.ctcripdiolr:SECT,Ttrfil.FlG8-5-flt DESC LOTS I I 4 R20m1ffi76 PAT 0+25-6 Rflffi?4950 6D (p'12{E R200624S{tt ESD tF12-06 rudl rul VAL AREA 5-13 Plrysic l Addrcts: YALUATIOII ll lFoRlllATloll A.tnal Vduc A*sccscd Valrc Next> iRecord 3 of3 Texes Printable Page L-Dry . ots,n4n008 Eagle County Government - Properly Assessment and Ta:< Information Eagle County Government www.eaolecoufity.u$ DETAILED RESULTS Page I ofl Property AsseEsment and Tax lnformation TrIAtc.: UtrLeU,: Owncr ll.mc JAd{[esE: Lcgal Descrlptlon: PlDr$ic.l A.ldre3*: AC'Gg: sc?11 fi.7Xt CTIALEIS AT TIf LODOE AT VAL LLC POmXS59 AVOht, CO 81620 SUBIN-L CREEX SI-MMS|oN LOTI R7.13366 MAP | 1-06-tl0 RZm24S52 6D rrl|-l2-tF ffTI145 VA[. RD VALAREA 0.4 VALUATlfJll lllFORftlATlOll Lmd < Previous Acfit l VCrro flIn Aceotrcel Veluc Record 1 of 3Ned > .110 Taxes Printable Pags http ://fcs. eaglecounty. us/patie/index_content. cfm 03/24t2008 {agle County Government - Property Assessment and Tan Information Engle County Government h,wy{-eaglecorrr$y.us DETIILED RESULTS Page I ofl Propcrty Assessment and Tax Informafion Accourt lh|fnfrcr: Porcel lftmrller: Tar Arec lrluLeB,: Ownctr ll.mc IAd(trG*a: Legal l!,cEcriptlon: Plgrcical Addresa: AcrGG: Ffi5tSt 2tglw)7ffnz sc211 6.rx CI-IALFTS AT ITE LODOE AT VAL LLC PO BOX 95S AVOf'|, CO 81620 St.ts:fuIILL CREEK SI.EIVISION LOT2 R743366 MAP ,t 1-06{0 R200624$2 ESD 09-1z-ffi trx}t65 VA|L RD VAIL AREA 0 vALUATloil [roRhrATrotl ,tctu.l Vdr|c 11s.tffi Acrccecd Yeluc ffFzltl [:rr:lrq:-.*,lI Ne{> lRecordzof3 Taxes I Prinlable Page i a3n4nw8hfr p ://fcs.eaglecounty.udpatie/index_contsnt.cfu AUTAV-O9-008-l uolpnrlsul,p uo)'rfua^e',t^,v1,t^ alllnatelzallnsuof RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 RAD THREE LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vArL, co 81657 RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vAtL. co 81657 VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 vAtL, co 81658 BOLANOVICH TRUST C/O JOHN KAEMMER 434 GORE CREEK DR vAtL. co 8,1657 ROBERT E, CANNON 21.I W CHEERY CIR MEMPHIS, TN 38117 ROBERT E, MASTERSON REAL ESTATE REVOCABLE TRUST 79405 HVf/ 11 1 STE I PMB 492 LA OUINTA, CA 92253 BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC C/O . cHRtsTtAfitA tNc 356 E HANSON MNCH RD vAtL, co 81657 MBW REALTY C/O CLARK WILLINGHAM 3878 OAK I.AWN AV STE 4OO DALLAS, TX O -BOBERT & NANCY BARTELS REVOCABLE TRUST 3426 S TVfYCKENHAM DR SOUTH BEND. IN 46614 lualuaEreq) aP suaS COLORADO SKI SERVICE INC PO BOX 2796 vAtL, co 81658 q09!9 @AUJAV rueqe6 el zeslllln ialad € sellrPl saFanblu COLORADO SKI SERVICE I;C PO BOX 2796 vAtL, co 81658 KARL & URSUI.A HOEVELMANN 16l SGOLDENDR stLT, co 81652 RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vArL, co 81657 JOHN TRUSTEE KAEMMER 291 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 MBW REALTY C/O RON RILEY 228 BRIDGE ST vAtL. co 8.1657 ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST 2625 S ATLANTIC AVE sNE DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, FL 321 18 GEORGILLC 306 BRIDGE ST LODGE 278 HANSON RANCH RD vAtL, co 81657 MOORWINDS LLC 41 WEEBURN LN DARIEN, CT 6820 ROBERT & NANCY BARTELS REVOCABLE TRUST 3426 S TWYCKENHAIII| DR SOUTH BEND, IN 46614 ROBERT & NATALIE BISSEGGER 5345 WIND POINT RD MC|NE, Wt53402 609 f S !IVldl/\l3I 6rfu aaY as6 s1aqe1 1ee4 Ase3 RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vAlL, co 81657 RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 JOHN TRUSTEE KAEMMER 291 BRIDGE ST vAlL, co 81657 BOLANOVICH TRUST C/O JOHN KAEMMER 434 GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 ROBERT & NATALIE BISSEGGER 5345 WIND POINT RD MC|NE, Wt53402 ROEERT & NANCY BARTELS REVOCABLE TRUST 3426 S TWYCKENMM DR SOUTH BEND. IN 466.14 ROBERT & NANCY REVOCABLE TRUST BARTELS 3426 S TWYCKENHAM DR s BEND, tN 46614 ROBERT & MNCY REVOCABLE TRUST BARTELS 3426 S TWYCKENHAM DR SOUTH BEND, IN 46614 ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST 2625 S ATLANTIC AVE sNE DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, FL 321 18 rade6 paal Ivif oosss@^ua v@ W i ii:l",",lJ'f,,fiii:i .*w-o9'@8'r uolpnrlsul,p luauo6req) ap suss e09ts @Aul^v ureqe6 al zasltllnuorr0p.ae'aunal alllnal El zallnsuof, y rapd g salgiel salpnfpl FRIDGE S.TREET INVESTMENTS LLC C/O, CHRTSTTANA tNC PETERA. BISSEGGER RICHARD & MARYL GEORGI 3b6 HAN5ON RANCH RD PO BOX 77700 306 BRIDGE sT LODGE 278 HANSON MNcH vAlLr co 8165t coRoNA, cAs2877 vA[, srluu, ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST ARTHUR C. COXQPRTRUST ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST2625 S ATLANTIC AVE sNE 12001 GUTLFORD RD 2625 S ATLANT|C AVE sNEDAYTOM BEACH SHORES, FL 32118 ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, MD 20701 DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, FL 32118 MOORWINDS LIC 41 WEEBURN LN DARIEN, CT 6820 BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC C/O CHRISTIANIA INC 356 E HANSON RANCH RD vAtL, co 81657 R. HOWARD CANNON 2ll WCHEERYCIR MEMPHIS, TN 38117 ROBERT HOWARD CAI.INON 2ll WCHEERYCIR MEMPHIS, TN 38117 Ioosec@^l= v@ Wj $:i"ril:i,$ii3l radEdpeari W oos'srrndi:irsiHl::! BRUCE A. BOLYARD 174 E GORE CREEK DR 635 vAtL, co 81657 CBL INTERESTS LP 501 SILVERSIDE RD STE 87 AI WILMINGTON, DE 19809 VAIL HIGHLANDS CORP C/O SAGE SOLUTIONS INC 417 E SHERIDAN ST PMB.I29 DANIA BEACH, FL 330044603 MLPEC FOURTH INVESTMENT CO NV C/O ARIANE VIOLA PO BOX 4643 vAtL, co 81658 DAVID LIPSON 302 HEIGHTS RD RIDGEWOOD, NJ 7450 JAIVIIE MCCOURT 1023.I CHARING CROSS RD LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 IVAN T. OWEN REVOCABLE TRUST ELLEN M. OWEN REVOCABLE TRUST 588 OXFORD ST WOODSTOCK OXFORD OX2O1TT. UK JAMES E. & LOIS M. PINKIN 302 A CLARK ST WESTFIELD. NJ O7O9O4O1O GRAY HAWKS LLC PO BOX 1077 MONROEVILLE, NJ 8343 GEMLD CROMACK 35 E 84TH ST APT 1OA NEW YORK, NY 10028 JOHN P. & SHIRLEY R. CHILTON 5 RUE DU LAC DALLAS, TX75230-28U JESSE I. AWEIDA 7184 SPRING CT BOUIDER, C0 80303 COTTONWOOD PASS LLC C/O ALLEN & COMPANY LLC ATTN S SHUMAN 711 FIFTH AVE gTH FL NEW YORK, NY 10022 PERL PROPERTIES LLC 2411 VELVET RIDGE DR OWINGS MILLS, MD 21117 PRIDE PROPERTIES LLC 11803 GOSHEN AVE 101 LOS ANGELES, CA 9OM9 DENNIS A. & WENDY M. BERG PAUL D., KAREN E., CRAIG S., & MARIS 1307 KALLIEN CT NAPERVILLE, IL 60540 CBL INTERESTS LP 501 SILVERSIDE RD STE 87 AI WILMINGTON. DE 19809 TERRY (DVM) PERKTNS 739 W AMPAHO RD RICHARDSON, TX 75080 RUTH LAPIDUS QUALIFIED PERSONAL RES TRST 23 DELEVAN LN HARRISON, NY 10528 MAT PROPERTIES LLC PO BOX 1463 EAGLE. CO 81631 HOWARD S. MAIER REVOCABLE TRUST 30 OVERLOOK RD LATTINGTON, NY 11560 BERNARD & ANNE SPITZER 730 FIFTH AVE STE22O2 NEW YORK, NY 10019 MICHAEL L. SHANK TRUST- SUSAN G. SHANK TRUST 3 CHERRYMOOR DR ENGLEWOOD, CO 80113 WILLIAM J. HOKIN 875 N MICHIGAN AVE STE 3707 cHtcAco, tL 6061.1 PAULINE HEMSWORTH 982 SUMMER SPRING VIEW coLoMDo SPR|NGS, CO 80906 CASSIDY INVESTMENT PTNSHP 2723 JACKSON ST sAN FRANC|SCO, CA94115 LUCINDA B. WATSON ONE LAUDER WAY GREENWICH. CT 6830 PLANNED REALTY GROUP INC 1333 N KINGSBURY STE 301 cHtcAGo, tL 60622 SYBIL ROBSON ORR TRUST C/O DELOITTE/S. BRUBAKER 350 S GMND AVE 2OO LOS ANGELES, CA 90071-3462 WAYNE M. RUTING 1735 19TH ST PENTHOUSE 78 DENVER, CO 80202 AI*AIN WERTHEIMER REVOCABLE TRUST ALAIN ERNEST WERTHEIMER TRUSTEE 9 W 57TH ST NEWYORK. NY 10019 ISAAC MASSRY REFORMA 2310 MEXICO CITY DF 11OOO MEXICO ANDREW CHARLES & BERNADETTE ANNE FISHER BARNGATE HOUSE CHURCH LN BINFIELD BERKSHIRE RG42 5NS UNITED KINGDOM ENGLAND, PAJOGEC RENTAL PTNSHP POBOX61272 DENVER, CO 80206-8272 M.D.J.S. & S. PTNSHP 2305 VALLEY AVE WILMINGTON, DE 19810 VICTORINA FERNANDEZ GUTIERREZ BOSQUE DE MONTEZUMA 34 LAHERMDUM 34 DF 53920 MEX|CO, RICHARD MORTIMER FURLAUD REVOCABLE TRUST C/O RICHARD M FURLAUD 777 S FLAGLER DR 8TH FLOOR W WEST PALM BEACH, Ft 33401 DOROTHY H. KRUMM LIVING TRUST PO BOX 3075 RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 MASPETH CAPITAL CORP C/O MALCOLM & ASSOCIATES 57OO LAKE WORTH RD 312A LAKE WORTH, FL 33463 ARTHUR C. MASBRUCH 6000 W I4CNSFIELD AVE 12 DENVER. CO 80235 B.J.&C.J.OREILLY 4 137 BRISBANE RD MOOLOOLABA QLD 4557 AUSTMLIA, INAMAR INVESTMENTS INC PO BOX 366382 SAN JUAN, PR 00936-6382 CHARLES HEILBRONN REVOCABLE TRUST CHARTES HEILBRONN TRUSTEE 9 W 57TH ST NEW YORK, NY 10019 GEORGE A & PATRICIA J, MFFINI APT 22A BLOCK 1 GMND GARDEN 61 SOUTH BAY RD HONG KONG, THOMAS E. & BARBAMA. DOOLEY 243 CLEFT RD MILL NECK, NY 11765 FREDERICK C. & WENDY E. LANE 348 GROVE ST NEEDHAM. MA2492 MICHAEL PRICE 450 E 83 RD ST PHIA NEW YORK, NY 10028 JOHN F. RUGGLES 18860 US 19 N STE 101 CLEARWATER, FL 33764 STANLEY S. SHUMAN C/OALLEN & CO INC Tll FIFTHAVE NEW YORK, NY 10022 LARGE MEN RESORTS LLC 9840 E POWERS AVE GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 801.t 1 BRAD M. & KAMMIREISS 920 PARK AVE 1OC NEW YORK, NY 1OO28 WAYNE M, & GAYNOR M. RUTING PO BOX 149 DENVER, CO 80201-0.149 VAIL VALLEY RENTAL LLC,I40 FAIRFM ST DENVER, CO 80220 FERRO VAIL INC C/O INTERNATIONAL EXECUTIVE CENTER 2665 S BAYSHORE DR STE 906 MlAMt, FL 33133 YAHN CAPITAL PARTNERS LLC 2 PARK LN LAKEWOOD, NY 14750 HOWARD & SANDM TYTEL 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILLNECK, NY 11765 UNIT 362 LLC C/O TROPOKENESIS LLC ATTN: MICHAEL MEINERS 2817 N OAKLEYAVE cHtcAGo, tL 60618 BENJAMIN A. & MARLENE N. KRELL 1861 S I.ARKSPUR DR GOLDEN, CO 80f01-9229 CHAIR 10 LLC C/O I.AWRENCE A. ESKWITH PO BOX449 EDWARDS, C081632 CTS PROPERTIES LLC 174 GORE CREEK DR 351 vAtL, co 81657 LOUIS & MIRIAM LEMBERG 720 N E 69TH ST APT 18S MtAMt, FL 33138 HOWARD M. MEYERS 6900 TURTLE CREEK BLVD DALI-AS, TX 75205 DANIEL J. & AIMEE SPORER CAPLIS YELLOWSTONE CAPITAL LLC 56 GLENMOOR WAY ENGTEWOOD, CO 80110 PENNY E. BANK 8 ROI-AND MEWS BALTIMORE, MD 21210-1560 CERO S.E. URB PUERTO NUEVO 322 AVE DE DIEGO STE 301 SAN JUAN, PR 00920.2223 BRIAN L, & & BRUCE L. WINTER PO BOX 6478 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 THOMAS J. & LYNN M. SCHIRO 63 LONDONBERRY DR GREENWICH, CT 6830 H, CORBIN DAY c/o FoDoR 205 HARVEST AVE STATEN ISLAND, NY 10310 SYLVIA M. PERLE TRUST SYLVIA M PERLE 3065 EDGEWOOD DR SE OLYMPIA, WA 98501 LGB LLC C/O STEEL WORKS CORP 4661 MONACO ST DENVER, CO 80216 JESSE I, AWEIDA 7184 SPRING CT BOULDER, CO 80303 JENNIFER HELD & ANDY WARFORD 8OO PROSPECT PT BISMARCK, ND 58501 RJCPM LLC PO BOX 17 FAIRBURY, NE 68352 TULETA C. WHITE C/O INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX PROPERTY GROUP 6200 UTSA BLVD BLDG II SAN ANTONIO, TX 78249 SHARLENE SCHUSTER 75 CHERRY ST DENVER, CO 80220 RIEMER TRUST 4628 VIA HUERTO, HOPE RANCH PARK SANTABARBAM, CA93,110 INGRID M. HINCKLEY PO BOX 37 oRLEAN, VA 20128-0037 SCHENCK FAMILY 2006 TRUST 7410 AVENIDA DE PALAIS CARLSBAD, CA 92009 PARTICIA L. MCMUNN QPRT. CHARLES A. MCMUNN QPRT 42OO IDS CENTER S 8TH ST MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 SHARON K. SWEENEY 21569 E ROWLAND PL AURORA, CO80016 ANOUSH KHOSHKISH 186 RIVERSIDE DR 1OE NEW YORK, NY ,IOO24.1OO7 HOWARD & SANDM TYTEL 1OO OYSTER BAY RD MILL NECK, NY 11765 H. LYNETTE GOLDSTEIN REVOCABLE TRUST H. LYNETTE GOLDSTEIN TRUSTEE 1OOO N LAKE SHORE PLZ 14 A cHtcAGO, tL 606,11-5138 MOUNTAIN CREEK CO LTD C/O OTTO, PORTERFIELD & POST PO BOX 3149 vAtL, co 81658 EMILY POPKIN C/O 8317 FAIRVIEW RD ELKINS PARK, PA 19027 BKM TRUST 525 N EAST AVE OAK PARK, IL 60302 ARTHUR M. MORRIS 906 FMNKLIN AVE RIVER FOREST, IL 60305 RIDGE R LLC 2655 KELLY AVE EXCELSIOR; MN 55331 ARTHUR M. MORRIS 906 FMNKLIN AVE RIVER FOREST, IL 60305 NORTH ROCKY HOLDINGS LLC C/O BRUCE BOLYARD & PATRICIA SCHEERLE 174 E GORE CREEK DR 635 vAtL, co 81657 l MONTE PERONE LLC 650 PASEO DE LA CUMA SANTA FE, NM 87501.1285 METZGER FAMILY PTNSHP 220 SPEAR AVE ENGLEWOOD, NJ 7631 EOUITY EXCHANGE SERVICES LLC - AUG HOUSE LLC 280 FOX DR BOULDER, CO 80303 CSJ NO.2 LLC PO BOX 792 MANITOU SPRINGS, CO 80829 LTD VAIL FIVE K 303 STMTFORD LN LAREDO, TX 78041 D$VAIL LLC C/O QUINN ALLAN 488 VIA GREGORIO NEWBURY PARK, CA 91320 IGTHLEEN DENSON PO BOX 2120 EAGLE, CO 81631 JAMES D, & JEANNINE F. ROBBINS C/O ALASKAN SHOP 184 E GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 CB. VAIL LLC 309 S GALENA ASPEN, C081611 LODGE SHOP UNIT#1M LLC 196 E GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 PLUM STREET ASSOCIATES LLC 333 LOGAN ST 203 DENVER, CO 80203 FIVE SMITHS LP 975 COUNTRY RD 1OA NORWICH. NY 13815 RICHARD E. & BARBAM F. WENNINGER 14OOO GYPSUM CREEK RD GYPSUM, CO 8,163i J. KEVIN GILGAN C/O HARVEY TROPP ,I 85 TANGLEWOOD CROSSING LAWRENCE, NY 11559 ELEGANT ILLUSIONS INC 542 LIGHTHOUSE AVE STE 5 PACIFIC GROVE, CA 93950 MOUNTAIN HOLDINGS COMMERCIAL LLC C/OMSGLHARTLAND PO BOX4141 AVON, CO 81620-4141 RONALD A. WEINSTEIN TRUST. RONALD A WEINSTEIN TRUSTEE PO BOX 1947 vAtL, co 81658 CARLOS V. & ELVIM M. DOMINGUEZ 8908 OAKMONT CT FLOWER MOUND, TX 75022.6530 MOUNTAIN WOLF PROPERTIES LLC 6532 VIA ROSA BOCA MTON. FL 33433 JOHN G. & PATRICE N. COGSWELL 217 MEADOW RD EDWARDS, CO 81632 BONN CV C/O MICHAEL GLINSKY MICHAEL GLINSKY & CO CPA PA 169 E FLAGLER ST STE 1620 MIAMI BEACH, FL 33131 MARGARET A. ROBERTS REAL ESTATE TRUST 4215 E 93RD N VALLEY CENTER, KS 67147 HOWARD V, TRUST SA}IDEN SANDEN, JUDITH CHRISTINE TRUST 972 MNDALL RD MUSKEGON, MI49441 KP VAIL LLC 18245 E 4OTH AVE AUROM. CO80111 MOUNTAIN WOLF PROPERTIES LLC 6532 VIA ROSA BOCA MTON. FL 33433 KATHLEEN DENSON PO BOX 2120 EAGLE, CO 81631 182 GORE CREEK DR LLC 2990 BOOTH CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 CB - VAIL LLC 309 S GALENA ASPEN, CO 81611 LODGE SHOP UNIT#1&I LLC C/O GOTTHELFS 196 GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 JULIET R. GENITEMPO 5707INDIAN TRL HOUSTON, TX77057 LODGE PROPERTIES INC C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vAtL, c0 81657 EDWARD L. KANTER 3131 E ALAMEDA 1408 DENVER. CO 80209 CLIFFORD M. & BARBAM SOBEL 40 DORISON DR SHORT HILLS, NJ 7078 RIVER HAVEN FARMS LP 1898 N MONET RD NlM, M0 65714 RIVA RIDGE 45/05 LLC C/O NORTH BRIDGE VENTURE PARTNERS 950 WINTER ST STE 4600 WALTHAM, MA 2451 LUANNE WELLS 450 NEWPORT CTR DR STE 450 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 S SIXTH ST STE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 S SIXTH ST STE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 ING, ALFONSO A. RODRIGUEZ PENA PROL. INGENIEROS MILITARES 112 COL SAN LORENZO TLALTENANGO 11210 D F MEX|CO. MARDOT REAL ESTATE LLC 50885 WALDON PARK LN GMNGER. IN 46530 RUTH LAPIDUS QUALIFIED PERSONAL RES TRST 23 DELEVAN LN HARRISON, NY 10528 SALLY LOUISE VEITCH 3280 WADE CT coLoMDo SPR|NGS. CO 80917 ALICE G. SNAVELY 6540 CLIFFBROOK DR DALLAS, TX 75254 RIVA RIDGE 26 LLC SIERM GORDA 525 LAMAS DE CHAPULTEPEC MEXICO CITY 11000 MEXICO, JARED M, & IRENE M. DRESCHER C/O JARED DRESCHER DHA & COMPANY tNc 48OO HAMPDEN LN STE 310 BETHESDA, MD 20814 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 s sxrH sT sTE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55402 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 s stxl-H sT sTE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55402 VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 vAtL, co 8'1658 CBL INTERESTS LP C/O CHRIS LORENZEN 64EELM4 cHtcAGo, tL 60604 HERBERT M. BANK PO BOX 339 STEVENSON, MD 21 153 174 EAST GORE CREEK DRIVE LLC 600 MADISON AVE 1lTH FL NEW YORK, NY 10022 DIANE GAMEL LIGHTHALL 5455 LAKESHORE DR LITTLETON, CO 80123 VAIL VALLEY RENTAL LLC 140 FAIRFAX ST DENVER, CO 80220 JARED M. & IRENE M. DRESCHER C/O JARED DRESCHER DHA & COMPANY tNc 48OO HAMPDEN LN STE 310 BETHESDA, MD 20814 LUANNE WELLS 450 NEWPORT CTR DR STE 450 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 S SIXTH ST STE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 VAIL INVESTORS LLC 50 s stxtH sT sTE 1480 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55402 ANNE W. MILLER TRUST. RIVA RIDGE 30 LLC C/O SANDM P. GOHN, DLA PIPER US LLP 6225 SMITH AVE BALTIMORE, MD 21209 KAREN T. SLINKER GMNTOR TRUST - EDWARD C. TALLY IIITRUST PO BOX 6 JUSTIN. TX 76247 ROBERT J. BUFORD 1333 N KINGSBURY 301 cHtcAGo, tL 60622 - t. , RAYMOND LEE & HEtDt K. RtcNEy HENRY_N. & VIRGIN|A TRUSTEES MANC|NI 224 'EDAR sr 'r''rtE | % BRoDER & ANGEN FREEDMAN JoHN WHITEHEAD ENGLEW''D, NJ 7631 2s01 coLoMDo AVE gso 700 UL|iGE so cRosstNc srE 103. SANTA MONTCA. CA 90404 PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 PHYLLIS A. WEINBERG PO BOX 288 STEVENSoN, MD 21 153-0288 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PO BOX 25127 LAKEWOOD. CO 80225 BL\NCHE C. HILL 311 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 RONALD J. BYRNE 285 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 ROBERT C/O MARITIME TMVEL DEXTER 2OOO BARRINGTON ST STE 202 COGSWELL TWR HALIFAX NS B3J3K1 CANADA JAMES B. SHERWOOD C/O SEA CONTAINERS SERVICES LTD SEA CONTAINERS HOUSE,20 UPPER GROUND LONDON, SE1 gPF, ENGLAND, VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 vAlL, co 81658 SUSAN MENDIK 207 E 71ST ST NEW YORK, NY 10021 BLANCHE C. HILL 3,I1 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 LODGE PROPERTIES INC C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 GOSS TNVESTORS Lp iAcK H. STEIN ALATN WERTHEIMER REVOCABLE TRUST 620 ORCHARD LN SHERWIN PELTON TRUSTEE ALAIN ERNESTWERTHEIMER TRUSTEE GLENCOE, tL 60022 5400 s 27TH ST I W 57TH ST MILWAUKEE, W15322'I NEWYORK, NY 10019 lmpression antibourrage et e s6chage rapide - wwvlr.avery.com Utilisez le gabarit 5150@ --' 1-800-Go-AVERY PHYLLIS A, WEINBERG PO BOX 288 STEVENSON, MD 21 15}0288 GOSS INVESTORS LP 620 ORCHARD LN GLENCOE. IL 60022 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA POBOX25127 t AKEWOOD, CO 80225 BLANCHE C. HILL 311 BRIDGE ST vAlL. co 81657 RONALD J. BYRNE 285 BRIDGE ST vArt. co 81657 ROBERT C/O MARITIME TMVEL DE}|IER 2OOO BARRINGTON ST STE 202 COGSWELL TWR HALIFM NS B3J3K1 CANADA JACK H. STEIN 5400 s 27TH ST MILWAUKEE, WI53221 JAMES B. SHERWOOD C/O SEA CONTAINERS SERVICES LTD SEACONTAINERS HOUSE, 20 UPPER GROUND LONDON, SEl gPF, ENGLAND, y g11_ gggp Qf* r :Q I r,,, tJ PO BOXT vArL, co 81658 The Vail Corporation Attn: Gerry Arnold P.O.959 Avon, CO 81620 AUIAV-O9-008-} - wO:'r$ane'rnrnm E @ AVERYO ezcr"' a SUSAN MENDIK 207 E 71ST ST NEWYORK, NY 10021 ALAIN WERTHEIMER REVOCABLE TRUST 9 W 57TH ST NEWYORK, NY 10019 BLANCHE C. HILL 311 BRIDGE ST vAtL, co 81657 LODGE PROPERTIES INC C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vAtL, co 81657 609tS SlVldWSI 6i{rarY esq 6unulrd aarl a6pnur5 pup uref MYMOND LEE & HEID| K. RtGNEy HENRY N.t_VlRGlNlA TRUSTEES MANCINI 224 .EDAR sr lrtrr % BRoDER & ANGEN FREEDMAN JoHN vvl'llrEHEAD ENGLE*p.D,NJ7631 " 3ffiit'str;.4".,1fl^ '3il#*?iltl[3:f,uFfJ,1]3' SHERWIN PELTON TRUSTEE AI.AIN ERNEST WERTHEIMER TRUSTEE *rl?29 @AllSAV M Brid96 Streot Lodge UnitNo Condo lStrootfio Stro! {amo Ownar Owr I r/Grantaa Own.rAdd....3 ctty St to zipCode 100 BRIDGE STREET LOOGE I278 {ANSON RANCH RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIOGE ST co 81657 10 STREET LODGE I27E HANSON RANCH SKI SERVICE INC BOX 2796 1658 101-A BRIDGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON RANCH IRADO SKI SERVICE INC PO BOX 2796 co 81658 102 BRIDGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON RANCH RAO THREE LLC 228 BRIOGE ST VAIL co 8165? 102-A BRIDGE STREET LODGE HANSON RANCH RILEY SSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL E1657 103 BRIDGE STREET LODGE HANSON RANCH KARL & URSULA HOEVELMANN 161 S GOLDEN OR SILT E'1652 t04 )GE STREET LODGE 78 HANSON RANCH RILEY BSL LLC 228 BRIDGE ST co 81657 r05 BRIDGE STREET LODGE 278 HANSON RANCH RILEY BSL LLC 8Sf ST 1657 106 BRIOGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON MNCH RILEY BSt LLC ST VAIL 1657 112 BRIDGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON RANCH VAIL CORP PO BOX 7 VAIL '!658 220 BRIOGE STREET LODGE 78 HANSON RANCH JOHN TRUSTEE KAEMMER ,I BRIDGE ST 81657 220-A BRIOGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON RANCH JOHN TRUSTEE KAEMMER 29'I BRIOGE ST VAIL 8'1657 221 BRIDGE STREET LODGE HANSON RANCH BOLANOVICH TRUST JOHN KAEMMER 434 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 81657 22'BRIDGE STREET LODGE HANSON RANCH BOLANOVICH TRUST JOHN KAEMMER 434 GORE CREEK DR 81657 s-1 27E I'IANSON RANCH MBW REALTY C/O RON RILEY BRIDGE ST 61657 s-,278 HANSON MNCH ROBERT E.;ANNON 2'I1 W CHEERY CIR MEMPHIS TN 381',l s4 278 HANSON RANCH ROBERT & NATALIE BISSEGGER 5345 WIND POINT RD RACINE 53402 278 HANSON MNCH ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST 2625 S ATLANTIC AVE 5NE DAYTONA BEACH SHORES FL 321 18 276 HANSON RANCH ROEERT E. MASTERSON REAL ESTATI REVOCABLE TRUST 79-405 HWY 111 STE I PMA 492 QUINTA CA 92253 s,8 278 HANSON RANCH ROBERT & NANCY BARTELS REVOCAI TRUST 3426 S TWYCKENHAM OR TH BEND IN 466'14 s.9 78 HANSON RANCH GEORGI LLC 78 HANSON RANCH RD VAIL 81657 0 278 N RANCH BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC TIANIA INC 356 E HANSON RANCH RD VAIL 8'1657 'E HANSON RANCH T & NANCY REVOCABLE TRUST BARTELS S TWYCKENHAM OR S EENO IN 46614 S-2 278 HANSON RANCH MOORWINDS LLC 41 WEEBURN LN DARIEN 6820 STREET LODGE 78 HANSON RANCH MBW REALW /O CLARK WILLINGHAM 3878 OAK LAWN AV STE 4OO DALTAS TX 52t94469 20 t78 HANSON RANCII ROBERT & NANCY REVOCABLE TRUST BARTELS 3426 S TWYCKENHAM DR SOUTH BEND IN i614 202 27E HANSON RANCH ROBERT & NANCY BARTELS TRUST S TWYCKENHAM DR Jtr BENO IN 't4 204 HANSON RANCH ROBERT & NANCY BARIELS REVOCASLT TRUST 3426 S TWYCKENHAM DR JTT BENO IN 46614 30'r78 HANSON RANCH ARNOLO BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST S ATIANTIC AVE 5NE .YTONA BEACH SHORES FL 32118 302 t7E HANSON MNCH ROB€RT & NATALIE 5345 WINO POINT RD 53402 178 HANSON RANCH BRIDGE STREET INVESTMENTS LLC IISTIANA INC 356 HANSON MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 304 t78 HANSON RANCH PETER A.SEGGER PO SOX 77700 CORONA CA 92877 306 278 HANSON RANCH RICHI \RYL RGI 306 BRIOGE ST LOOGE 278 HANSON RANCH RO VAIL 1657 308 178 HANSON RANCH ARNOLD BISSEGGER LIVING TRUST 2625 S ATLANTIC AVE sNE OAYTONA BEACH SHORES 32118 309 t78 iNSON RANCH ARTHUR C, COX QPR TRUST 12001 GUILFORO RD ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION MD 20701 310 BRIOGE STREET LODGE I278 HANSON MNCH 2625 S ATLANTIC AVE sNE DAYTONA BEACH SHORES FL 321,|8 t0'iE STREET LOOGE I27E HANSON RANCH MOORWINDS LLC 4.I WEEBIJRN LN OARIET CT 6E20 402 BRIOGE STREET LOOGE 178 IN RANCH R. HOWARD ;ANNON 1 W CHEERY CIR MEMPHIS 38t r7 403 BRIOGE STREET LOOGE I278 RANCH ROBERT HOWARD ;ANNON 211 W CHEERY CIR M€MPHIS TN 381 STREET LODGE 1278 HANSON MNCH STREET INVESTMENTS LLC YO CHRISTIAN|/A INC E HANSON RANCH RD VAIL 09'z t'N oooM3coru ou slHctlH zoc NOSdll ot^vo E3UC 3AO9 z9z tl1 zz-to-go 0/\ Ittccd tzzGt€ ztz:tjNn ooNo3 tdv 30(t0'l :ooNoc t1909 'll ocvcrHS rorc 3rs 3Av NYctHorI gat NDIOH 'f tlMl1t A r33dc 3uoe r9e ,tl zl-8090 oco s900€d tzzc.xS zl.e&90 0M 290&od rzz0-r€tgf:rNn odNoc ldv 3:)0()1 :ooNo3 r t on stltn s9Nt Ao uo 30(ltu I:IA13A r rrz cll SllluEdoad 1U3d v33UC 3tO0 ,82 t9l 0cez-90 sr/:l 99rttgtnzuxr -ro c30 e00r9eu 06-90-?r 3SY3t /.ero€d 9r90ys 6Fe&fi 3SV'.n lCeO-Od logotS rFell I oco t9z(rcd r0"x8 lsrecd oc?F s rorlJNn Hmos 3900'l :ooNoc 999t€'ltv c'gr xo8 0d \non 3tMav o,c AN OC rt{3}lls3^Nt Hrunoj 33d1tDl r:3ua Stoe OX ,LI 6r-rez0 0/\ s 8c90€d tezet€ o'€:INn qtNoc ldv !000'l :ooNoc et loe oc ooo\ 31cN3 uo aoon^UuSHc t rsnur xNvl{s '0 Nvsns-rsnur vlrl}rs "t t;mrcln v33U3 3UO9 |e9 ,LL Eltt{0 0s8 }02800u tcg:lNn ooNoc ldv 3coo l :ooNo9 ztool IUOA M3N 1l Hl,l 3AV l{!B Br NYnnHS S NtlV cl r ANVdnoc ? 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PG.0537 WD 0.r-20-70 BK{ito2 P6-0222 WD 12-0$64 BK-0521 PG-0€83 WD 0930-8S BX-0547 PG-0966 DEED 0t-2S9t 171 153 E GORE CREEK PAULINE HEMSWORTH 962 SUMMER SPRINO VIEW COLORAOO SPRINGS co t0006 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONOO UNlT.all BK-0266 PG{880 SWD 02{8-78 174 11 GORE CREEK JAMIE uccouRT IO23I CHARING CROSS RD LOS ANGELES CA 90024 CONDO: LODGE SOUTH UNIT:'16? RE6,i003 DEC 07-1+0,t R200013t55 EAS 05-23-08 l8.l 167 GORE CRE€K DENNIS A. & WENOY M.PAUI O.. KAREN E.. CRAIG S.. E MARIS I3O7 KALLIEN CT t{APEFIVILL€IL 605.r0 CONOO: LOOGE APT CONDO UNfi:23t BK-02 r 7 PG-062,r WD 0s{l-?0 BK{250 PG{€8S 06.,t6-76 8K.lr25t PG.03l7 BSO 12-27-76 BK-O2'0 PG.O557 BSO '12-0&76 8K.0292 PG.OS35 BSO rG15-7s 8K.0316 PG-0308 BSD r2-r!{0 BK.032t PG.Oi,rl 8SO 07-20-01 8K.05,r3 Pc4g,fi BSO t2-lGgO 8K.0658 PG-O250 ASD '12-22-0,1 BK{658 PG{251 aSD t2-23-9,1 8K-085E PO-0252 BSD i2-23.sa 8K{858 PG.O253 BEO I 2-2&0.1 8K-0658 PG{25,1 gSD 12-2X-91 171 238 GORE CREEK CASsIDY ll'n/ESIl4El,lT PTNSHP 2723 JACKSON ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 04115 CONDO: LOOGE SOUIH Ut{lT:67t 8K.0280 PG-0021 QCD 01{2.70 R88,t003 DEC 0t t,r-o,r RoiDlE t ocD 03r m5 R0o9rc5 ocD 03r21n5 R t00013765 EAS 05-23.06 104 E7!oORE CREEK IVAN T. OWEN REVOCABTE IRUST ELLEN M. OWEN REVOCIBLE IRUIiT 568 OXFORD ST vlooDsTocx oxFoRD ox201TT UK CONOO: LOOGE APT CONT O UNIT256 6K{}708 PG-0743 QCD 0S-00-90 BK.{t708 PG{?1.r OCO 0S{$.S6 BK{72E PG-0036 0C0 05-2t.97 RC23878 oCD 07-07{5 171 256 OORE CREEK CBL INIERESTS LP 5ol stLvERsroE Ro sTE !7 Al r/vtwrNGToN OE 19t00 CONOO: RIVA RIIIGE CHAIETS NORIH l,,NlTl2o SK-0270 P6'0{'OA R20O€00,122 oco 12-30-05 t33 MLLOW LUCrl.roA B.WATSON ONE I.AUOER WAY GREEI.IWICH 0030 8r.o0 t N YUOA M3N ls Rttg M !33rsnul U3lll3HlU:1,1 J.S3NU3 Nl\flv lsnut:ngv3o 3a U3NI3HIA:M NMY v33U9 atog ,Ll t{rrz.t00/\ [zotr400zd eF91-00 oco gzo+od 01 00v€9rc:tNn ocNo3 tdv :Ioool tooNoa z0z0g u:L N3€81 3SnOHrN3d rS Hr6l gell ONtlNU .N 3NAVM x33UC 3tO9 8ez ,LI r0-rzz0 oud l6t(}9d 6tlr)t8 t6r90ra0 ut'l 08co-9d 8rro-t€ 6[Z:]tNn OONOC ldv 3000'l :OONOa reel0 eort xo8 0d c 1'l s3[u3doud lwl v33AC eUOo 16t t9t 80-80-10 000 leze0900?u legr-90 0s€ 0eee0900ztt(}tofo 030 6zzc0800zt t0-t0{0 os€ 8eec090oeu ro'lttgo 090 rza€000028 r.o-1(}90 0s8 0ae0000zt occz.go svlt r9lct000z8 x)- -ao c30 6o0r00u c8{r-zr 10Y orqfgd 8200-t8 e0-r0-?r 10v 9r0e9dgzoexS rctuNn Hlnos 30001:ooNot 9200t AN yuo^ M3l vot ldv ls HltS 3 90 xcvnotS o]YU39 t33UC 3UO9 zt,tLl 08-81{0 030 t0qFod r690v8 t6-to{0 0!30 620}od ocoGvs zt':ltNn mNoa tJY 15001 :ooNo3 z0}} 00€w s31ts9Nv SOl 002 :L voNV80 s 09c a:ryv8nus's,:ll-!o'130 orc rsnur uuo NossoB lrsr's x33UC 3UOO ez9 ILL t0lz{0 oMs t068cl t8-r!.r0 000 900e9d z0)0-v8 [29:urn mNoc tdv looo] :ooNoa 9290r AN NOSTUUVH N] NVA!1?O EU Isul sfu wNosuld oSHtwno snotdvl Hrnt y33U9 aa09 E'Z ,LI l6-tFZ0 oco ssro€d reloy€ to{z-t0 0!30 89800d lt9o-ls Irz:ut'ln ooNoc _LdY tocol :ooNo9 e}t0 fN :nln3ouNon lrot xo8 0d 3'll sxMvl.{ Awo )t33U3 3UO9 0ec ,II 90_ao-t0 os8 lS0t0soozd 6d_a t-90 oco 80tf0la 66-0e-r0 090 s09e0tu zl-tolo o/\ 6r8cod gzelvs ose:1rNn ooNo3 tdv:cool :ooNoJ 22909 1l roc 3rs AUnSS9NN N eeel cm dnou9 Al.r\r38 olNNnd x:t3uc 3uoc tsl 00-ez-90 sf3 9trcl900tru r].x-20 clo e00r988 e6-ez-20 \El gczr90u l0rr-r0vil] 9t8e9d r99c)t8 16-9r-10 oco ser&od t990.y8 06-8 r80 lr31 rz809d ef 90)tg 06-0t-80 \E l e?8ccd scgels rFro-Zo ,.zteod eoto"ys z8-00-00 z99o-0d zreoy€ rerocd 99zcy8 ectlcd 99z|r)t8 r89:!Nn HInOS 39001 :OONOJ 0e09t XI NOSIUVHCtU 0u oHvdvSY M 8cl,sNtxS3d (IIAO AUU31 y33UC 3800 999 r9t 9(}€2{0 s\rl g9lctglDzu to -to 330 000t09t rtt(r9d J9arvs eeg:rNn turos fo00l:o0No5 0 !0F06010 rN o'l3rtls:l n rs vu\nc v z0€NrtNtd 'll sto-t ? 3 s3nvf v93UC f809 LL',el 0eez'90 sv3 99tetg00zl 'Hl-,10 9!0 000t80t 080Ded cez})ts a4alNn Hmos 3900'l :ooNoa CoNDO: RIVA RIDGE cri.AlETS SOUTH UN|T:i2 SK{3t2 PG0550 WD t0-08-80 8K-0313 PG-r)777 WD 11-2$.80 BK-r)733 PG-0310 oEC 07-29-97 R20080S010 EAS 0414{6 114 '12 wtLLow B.J. & C.J.O REILLY I ,I37 BRISSANE RO MOOLOOLABA OLD 4557 AUSTRALI.A CONDO: LOttGE APT CONoO UNIT:332 BK-0263 PG-oa19 oCO I l-t5-77 174 332 GORE CREEK BRAD M. A KAMMI REISS E2O PARK AVE 1OC NgW YORK NY t002t CONoO: LODGE SOUIH UN[T:299 8K0266 PG-0110 R88a003 DEC 0711-(X R2006't0820 swD 02-r606 R200017352 swo 05-1E-08 R200613756 EAS 05-23{6 t84 GORE CREEK tsAAc MASSRY REFORMA 23'I(,MEXTOO C|TY DF 000 MEX|CC CONDO: LOOGE SOUTH LJNITI 68 BK.{}259 PG{S57 00-0&77 BK.O250 PO-O058 BK{,r3O PG-l}705 02-1 3-16 8K-(x,}l PG-0275 02-13-66 REEf003 oEO o?n,kx R20l'613755 EAS 0S234! '| 04 0 oORE CREEK INAIIAR INVESTMEIITS INC PO BOX 306382 SAN JUAN PR 00938{:t82 CONDO: LOD6E APT CONDO UNIT:266 BK.05S2 PG-0077 QCO 10-01-e2 1?1 26E GORE CREEK WAYNE M. A GAYNOR M,RTMNG PO 80X 149 DETWER 60201-O140 CONDOi LODGE APT CONDO UNlT:lsS BK.0662 PG{767 04-2&01 R80,1087 ocD 0g-30-{x 171 '| 33 GORE CR€EK ANDREW CHARLES A BERNAOETTE ANNE FISHER BARNGATE HOUSE CHURCH LN BINFIELD BERKSHIRE RG,lz sNS UNTTED KINGOOM ENGLAND CONOO: LODGE APT 6ONDO UNIT:319 BK.t'216 PG.Oi36 WD OO.2$?0 8K.O2IE PG{r3? OCD 0&2$70 8K{286 Pcl)s7r OCD 0t-r?.?l BK{527 PG{r.r wD 03.oe4o BK{sfi PG{X86 WD 0$1 G02 R2007 1 1020 WD 0+24{7 R2007fi021 wt) fi-24{7 171 330 GORE CREEK CHARES HEILBRONN REVOCABLE IRUST CTiARLES HEILBRONN TRUSTEE s w 57rH sr NEW YORK 't0019 CONDO: LOTTGE APT CONOO uNlT:l8t BK.O2,tt PG-0739 PRO 0t-27-7E 8K.0277 PG{2tg OCO tll.2&70 BK+2ft PG{220 QCD 10"2&7t R?183it3 ACD 0t-12{t R06?100 QCO 02{3-r}a l7a 165 60RE CREEK YAIL VAIEY RENTAL LLC 1,t0 FAIRFM ST OEI'VER co Boz20 CONDO: LODGE SOUTH UNffr488 BK-02,15 PC{t627 BK{}330 PG4744 0e.26{r BK.rXlM PG-Ol8r 0+23-0a BK.r)aol PG{160 11-08-8.1 8K-0834 PG.048E oco 03-0$0a R684003 oEc 07-la-(x R:t00613755 EAS 05-23.08 16,t at6 PAJOGEC RENTAL PTNSHP PO BOX61272 40206-6272GORE CREEK s0rct 1J HluoM :Dl\fl vzlc ou l{luorv\ 3v\n 00ll s3lvrJossv t vnocwn otJ duoc 'tvJd\lc l{I:ldsvl{t33AC 3CO0 'LJ 66-9Z{0 O/l El}O!}81 tHc-Co Ol lze&gd 6920't€ ecc:INn ooNoS rJv 3t)001 :ooNoa 6ZZ6-r0t0l N30'roe uo and$lu\n s lgtl 11EAI N3NSlUVnt VNl9{YlN3S )l:9uc 3uoo 0ft 'rt orznNn ooNoc .tdv 3000'1 :ooNoc r€/e0 'll ullvn uv-l rc r0r 3Is N rr sn 00|e !s!negnu .J NHO'MO I'llrri\€t rtt oott-to svl 010000002u l&62'10 c90 oleo-gd 00ler€ e6-82-01 o3o 0ceo'ed ?c90"r8 GlirlNn Hrnos srelvHc !9011vAU :ooNoc 0Lzz6 3t)wrvl oHcNw 9l0c xo€ od rsnul oNr^n nnn$l H Ar{lou@ 133U3 3UO9 092 ,LI solG9o 030 l ltzzgoozu r0-!0-t0 oco 0czeod 8t9o')18 gFU O80 oCO r8e0€d rtm')l€ 892:!Nn O0NO3 ldv 30001 :ooNot 9t909 1i ocvctltc :r YAr]yvoNllsz su3M:tn'r:Ml0ln :Ntrv 311 SlS3N3)|OdOUro,c cTr 200 llNn v33U3 !UOC z0f ,L}l116t'zt oMs Itzl9ll aoe.xNn ooNo9ldv 3cool :ooNoc 0zo0t vuo^ l 3 vtHd ls ou e0 3 oot :t3tud TrvHcrn x33UC 3UO0 9}€,LI 0FrF€0 ord 8ozo.eJ e090x€ 9'0.!Nn ooNoc ldv:t9(}01 :ooNo3 totec HCV3g 9r1vd tS: A M uoo ll HIe uo u:le\ru S Lll on\nunl 11 oavHcru o,c lsnur 3'lav3o^!u onnunl u3n[uon ouM{clu )t33UC SUOo zz9 ,t,tl,.0z{o (lM 90tl88u ?o.tl'm o A 0llGod 0t90-r€ zzg:xNn m oc ldv Scoo'l:ooNoc vaoNvs t osvMoH v3343 ,,089:!Nn OONOC IdV f00QI 901! I yc3N-l-l 3NV'I '3 AON:I^A ! c l0lu303ul t3:luc 3uo0 029 ,LI oa$:J.tNn ooNoc J.dY 30001 :ooNo! zerz T|VHOISN rs 3AOU0 Irt ocrSn 026e9 Jo te wngvuuSl{fl '€ vr'tnzjuNon 30 fnoso€z:luufllno z3otiM'lu:u vNtaorSlA l oTtu ,z }'t 00rl-t0 sv3 0r0609002u 16{z'10 c30 olce9d Gertrx8 88-lG{l 090 !99(r0d l!9trv8 tz.1lNn Hrnos stit'tvHc 30011vA|U :ooNoc 0tlt I N OOOM:DMI N] YUYd Z Jt'l su3Nrwd trdvc tlHv l ollt/\A ta t!t osr!-r0 s\/!l 0r9609110zl tGgt-to oco 6l0z8el l8{z'10 c30 oretrod Ge10-v€ 9r-02-01 oM 098tr0d 6tz0-)ls tz:l.|Nn Hrnos sl:llvllt 3901u v^lu :ooNoa 991! I AN vcgN 1lDl ou .g:nc clz A3'tOOO 'vwvsuw ? 3 svnoHr v39UC 3UOO 08e ,LI 8C$!Nn ooNOC l.dv !000] :ooNo3 0r96t NOIONI}TIIM 3AV A3l.tvn 90e z dHsNrd st'sf o l'l )r33493UOO l0f tzt 06-9r.90 o A 06ztl0d 00s(rv€ llzo-9d l0c(F)18 rot:l|Nn ooNoc ldv 30001 :ooNo3 'll trlMn s06 3Ls uo SuoHs^vs s 9992 U:IIN3Cr^[nc]x: 'Tv o|IvNU3.tNl OrC cN|.rvA ouaSl x33U0 fuoc 0s8 r€r 00-82-90 sv3 99101900?u rc-tl-to c30 e00'088 00-z&00 oco 81609d clstry8 el-l(}ll v3'l z90l).0d cczc)t8 eg€.rNn ru,nos !000] :ooNo9 oNol gNoH OU AV€ HINOS l9 N3oUVO oNVU9 I vCO'l€ WZ IdV tNHrvl 'r vcNlvd ?v3euo30 )r33UC SUOe L8T rot 00.c4-90 S\r3 gtlcl0o0zu Xltl-10 330 C00ra8a l{}6l-t0 :lsvl'l l9sc81u 5r-9t{r 9D0-0d 96?e)l€ 9r80'0d $20-)a l8l:ltNn ru.nos 39001 :ooNo! 6oilm:LoDc-EAPtaoNDouNlr:365 BK440l PG-0s15 QCD 09-19-05 't71 tc5 GORE CREEK STANLEY S.SHUMAN AO ALLEN & CO INC 71I FIFTH AVE NEW YORK NY 10022 CHAIR'IO LLC Clo LAWRENC€ A. ESKWITH Po 8OX,t49 €DWARDS c1032CONOO. LOOGE APT GONOO UNIT:359 8K-0689 PG-0.133 BSO 0+3S05 R20071 E9C5 oCO 07-',1 G07 t7,t 359 GORE CREEK MASBRUCH SOOO W MANSFIELO AVE 12 DENvER 80235 CONOO: LODGE APT CONOO UNIT:282 R200727am DC 11.02.08 '111 262 GORE CREEK ARTHUR C. CONDO: LODGE APT-CONDO UNTT:3'I7 I#174 317 GORE CREEK LARGE MEN RESORTS LLC 98,t0 E POWERS AVE GREENWOOO VILLAGE 60111 1ta I351 IEl GORE CREEK CTS PROPERTIES LLC 174 GORE GITEEK UR JIT Iv^r|. I coNDO: LoDGE SOUTH UNII:3E7 BK{232 PG{r86 R68{003 OEC 07'1'l{'l R2006r3755 EAS 05-2346 t84 387 GORE CREEK LOUIS & MIRIAM LEMBERG 720 N E 69IH ST APT 16S MIAMI FL 33138 CONOO: LODGE SOUTH UNltt00 8K-0266 PG-0810 R88,1003 DEC 07n{-O'l R20061 3755 EAS 05-23-06 't6,t t99 GORE CREEK JESSE I.AWEIDA 71E4 SPRING CT EOULDER !0303 KHOSHKISH I86 RIVERSIDE DR 'OE NEWYORK NY 't002+ r007 CONOO: LODGE SOUTH UNIT:5?7 BK{135 PG{006 LEA 0t-26-86 SK-{X.iE PG-0385 LEA 07-2',|-68 BK-0448 PG-0366 LEA 07-21{6 BK-o'l'tC PG-0367 LEA 07-3'-C0 R7032!1 LEA 06{r-99 R703255 LEA 0€-{18-09 R7O325s LEA 06-08-98 REE'|003 oEC 0?-14-O,l R20txll3753 EAS 0$'23'06 t84 GORE CREEK ANOUSH MEYERS OSOO TURTIE CREEK BLVD OALLAS TX 75205CONDOi LODGE SOUTH UN[T:704 BK{235 PG{r257 9K-03,15 PG{009 Og{8{2 R6E10o3 DEC 07-11-0,1 R200813755 EAS 05-23{8 16/i 7U GORE CREEK HOWARD M. IOO PROSPECT PT SISMARCK NO 5850rcoNoo: LODGE SOUIH uNrTiofT R749830 LEA 02-05{1 Rrt .O03 oEc 07n,1{,1 R200613755 EAS 05-23{0 t0,a 6?7 GORE CREEK JENNIFER HELO A ANOY WARFORO HOWARD & SANDRA I OO OYSIER 8AY RO MILL NECK NY 11765cottoo: toooE epr coNDo U lr:526 BK.{t242 PG{?.6 Sr,!P 10'22-?6 171 r26 GORE CREEK CAPLIS YELLOWSTONE CAPITAL LLC 60 GLENMOOR WAY ENGLEWOOO !0110 CONDO: LOOGE APT @NOO UNIT:253 Rt35808 oCD tG26.05 111 253 GORE CREEK OANIEL J. & AIMEE SPORER PO BOX 17 FAIRBURY NE 8!352cONDo: LODGE APT CONDO UNIT:232 R6e5,t30 ocD o5-o$99 R200702804 OCD r2-2t04 171 232 GORE CREEK RJCP LLC H. LYNETTE GOLDSTEIN TRU6TEE IOOO N LAKE SHORE PLZ 14 A CHICAGO 6061't-5i38coNoo: Lo06E soulH UNIT:380 R8l,lqt3 oEc 07"1 +04 R82207t LEA 04-20-S7 R911?23 LEA 0130-05 R2008',13755 EAS 05-23.08 16,1 390 GORE CREEK H- LYNETTE GOLDSTEIN REVOCAELE TRUST zc0&8zl0a itv3tao le xos od 13DrcNtH 'vt otuoNl v33UC 3UO9 8lc tst sftez-go sv! 991$s00zE}f t-10 c30 e00t88u tsz&9d tgrc.vg ctt:rNn lunos !0001 :ooNoc 0091 HCh NS3Ue u0 AUUf,SNOONO] 8S outHcs 'v{ NNA'I I f SVvlOl{l )33U3 3UO0 9ic ,LL strtm0 oco 2920090021 c6rz{0 oco rsoGod ergey€Ite Nn ooNoc ldv 3coo t:ooNo3 :tAV lCS tLl rec:r|Nn ooNo3 l./v 30('0r 0r t€6 vc wvSuvg vtNvs YUVd HCNVI 3JOH 'OlUlnH VIA 9Z0t rsnur uln3E MO1lu/\st 0c1 totozl os8 z0g008t z6-|e00 0/\ s '0ieod tzso-I8 u-reoo 0M lol'oed ozz&ts 9t:!Nn HtaON S-tS rVHC t90ru VA|U :O0NO3 60201 xL otNolNv Nvs 9lt9xo8 0d U:IINIM '1 3CnA€ I I 'l NVUS )t33UC 3UO9 t0r ,LI 8F0l-r0 (]s8 9508rs004u zez{}l0 oco c09d lcco)€ 19-10-$ oco slz&9d zct}I8 tot.lJNn ooNoc J.dv 3000 t :ooNoc ze06l lwd sNrv'I3 ou MSlAuvJ L r8s orc l Ol]U,l 9t tll 9&'t-m syl0t0609o0zu 9Gte90 0M 9zr0l6u 9Ot0.00 OM tZlSlSA 9€'10-s0 0330 t8o009u 80-!0-00 0!30 060009u 9e-82f0 0330 080009u 16-82-20 940 oloGed eetGrs 8t l0z0 oMs e0g09d zszov8 St lo-20ol s t000-ed aSzDts 9t:!Nn Hlnos sl.g'lvHc 390tu vN u :ooNo3 02200 u3AN:IO 13 AUU3HC 9r t3rsnHcs 3N91SYHS Molll 'l eel I:IINN t{r.uoN sljl'rvr{o 300ru v^u :ooNoc ezzz-ozaoo Ud NYNf NVS roe 31s o03t0 30 3AV zz€on3nN oJ.u9nd €un '3 S OU3C xr3uc 3uo9 eez ,LI l&6r-90 oMs tzgoed rzeo-v8 eez..uNn ooNoc ldv 3eool :ooNoc 899tS oc Ittc xog od l.SOdI O13|JU:UUOd OtlO O/C oLl oc x33uc NtvlNnon MO lll,ll az tt! 0ott-xt svJ 0t9609002}l LStz-L0 cto 0tctr9d eerGts cr'02-90 oM r9ee9d 0020x€ er^lt-8ooi c990-0d o8ztl.r€ 8z:rNn Hmos sJ.3rvl.rc 3c0ll vrua :ooNoa 6rz8L xl.OINOINV NYS I co'18 0A'18 Ysln 0028 dnouc ./\laSdoud r3tdlroc TYtuIsnoNr ora fIIHM '3 VliIru A Ol' M LI lo-0t-m oM rro$la 96-0e-10 0M 90t0-0d roge)tg 0z-t010 O,1 tetlrgd OgZG)|g Ll:lINn l{tuoN sLSlvHc ft)otu v^ru :ooNol 099r0lzlz orl SAOntwS SM3W ON\NOU 8 tNvS .3 ANNEd rfSut 3uo0 oo0 rgt 9eez{0 svt 99tcts00zuie'!-20 c30 e00r88a z(}6r-r0 oco 629€0tU 009:!Nn HJ,nOS 30001 :OoNOC CONOO: LOOGE SOUTH UNIT:377 BK-0260 PG-0525 8K.0279 PG.0778 r2-{'7-78 8K4395 PG-0635 00-18{4 AK.0104 PG-0074 0t-08-6a 8K.0180 PG.0066 LEASE 02.28-88 R68.003 DEC 07-1.-04 R20081 3755 EAS 05-23-06 16.1 NTI GORE CR€EK ARTHUR M.MORRIS 908 FRANKLIN AVE RIVER FOREST IL 80305 CONoO: LOoGE SOUTH UNIT:766 8K-0232 PG.072S 8K.0413 PG-06!,t 0$.03-85 REE1003 DEC 07la-0a R200€13755 EAS 05-23-0€ l8,l 786 GORE CREEK H. CORBIN DAY c/o FODOR 205 HARVEST AVE STATEN ISLANO NY 10310 CONDO: LODGE SOUT}I UNIT:276 Ri8,t003 DEC 07:14.{X R200013755 EAS 05-23-{ts R2007fi88E OCD 0$ 19.07 t 6,l 278 GORE CREEK SCHENCK FAMILY 2d}6 TRUST '4I() AVENIOA OE PALAIS CARLSBAD 92009 CONDo: RIVA RIDGE CHALETS soUTH UNIT:3S BK{733 PG-0310 DEC 07,29.97 R671173 oCD 0$r1-08 R20060981 0 EAS 04-r{-O€ 114 wtLtow RIDGE R LLC 2655 KELLY AVE EXCELSIOR Mt{55331 oONOO: RIVA RIoGE CHAI-ETS SOUTH UNIT:14 BK.OM3 PG4823 QCD 0$.21-94 8K.0733 PG-03t0 oEC 07.29-97 R200€09610 EAS 0al1{6 114 11 WLLOW SYLVIAM. PERLE TRUST SYLVIA M PERLE 3065 EDGE!/\IOOD DR SE OLYMPI.A 08501 CONOO: RrVA RIOGE CHALETS SOUTH UNIT:2o BK{733 PG-0310 DEC 07-29-97 R200600610 EAtt (X-l,t"Oo R200626848 WD 05.26-08 FUI0o826l4S wD 06.01.06 1t4 20 WLLOW PARTICIA L. MCMUNN QPRT.CHARLES A. MCMUNN OPRT .2OO IDS CENTER S 8TH ST MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 CONoO: LODGE SOUTH UN[T:370 BK{27,1 PG.07?t R6t4003 oEC.07.11.04 M006r3755 EAS 0$2$06 l8,a 378 GORE CREEK ARTHUR M.MORRB 908 FMNKLIN AVE RIVER FOREST IL 60305 CONOO: LOOGE SOUTH UNIT:609 BK-023:l PG-0077 RE78305 LEA 05-17-{X R664003 oEC 07-t4-0,1 R200813755 EAS 05-23-08 161 GORE CREEK LGB LLC C/O STEEL WORKS CORP a60t MoMco sT OENVER 80216 CONOOT RlvA RIOGE C|{,A!ETS NOR'I}I UNIT:z 8K.0847 PG.ol30 QCO 07-2&94 BK-00,17 PG{131 OCD 07-2G9,1 R8053Cl OCD 0&19-02 R61l0E2 QCO t 0-0?.02 R63605,1 OCO 0&05-03 R8.t,t00l OCO 0613-03 R88705,1 OCD 02.0,r{1 133 WLLOW SHARON K.SWEENEY 21660 E ROWLANO PL AURORA 80018 l'tte sv u?tN3c A31]V N OU08 3 glZt rsnut arvrs3 1\r3U S1Uf80U Y 13UVCUV MO'l'ltA4 9Z t swtto sv3 otg€000028 etrl?+0 0s€ 9l0rz8u 18-62-10 cro 0recgJ eEll).ls il-rz-20 oco i90&€d 9cz&v8 8990-€0 oM tr009d 'tz&t8 gz:lJNn Hrnos sl:tlvlrc 3001u v u:ooNo! 9t00r AN HCIMUON vot ou AurNnoS sr8 dl sru.lns 3nH MO].l| ^ 9€tt! go-tt-m sv, 0 ts0ooltoaa 28'tr2-La 330 orco-ed oelo.t€ 9Flz-0{ oM 90to"9d gettFlS 90- lz-s! oi^ rerGed t8rcxs 98'tz-90 oM estF9d 9cr0-x€ 0r-82-e0 oco 6'00-ed ztzo-ta 9c:rNn Hrnos sl-:tlvr't3 30019 v^ru rooNoa te9r IN ooovrll0N:3AV U\EdS 0ZZ dHsfrld AlrvfvJ u30zl.3n MOlrhn t0 r g&fl'l-ru svl 0l98080oza L6'82-La c30 0t000d tcr(})tg '0:rNnHrnos sJ-lrlvHc 300tu vAtS :ooNoc t$00 HCV3€ t$tY|vl 0z9r :us ls t3le\rlj 3 6st vd vdc oc ? DtsNllc l3vSctv{lvsNtl0 l3VHCtW ODA3 NNO8 MOllnn ,tl sv! 0rs80e0ozu 9o-lz-?r oco teu rt6l 00r l{0 oco lzrle4u 16{z-L0 530 0l0e9d Eercvg zs-zz-60 oco cezc€d orqtv8 r0-ll-zr oco golcod 'ec&ts l}{z.0l oM teZcod tsS|rxa tts6z-01 om 6el'cod ltto-x€ 0l-zz{0 oJo 08txt9d elzo-ys tc,t|Nn Hrnos sljt.rvHc 300tu vntu :ooNoc €0208 u3AN30 coz rs Nvcol e00 s:uvcossv rrSuls nnld MOl'll^,l zz t go-rt-to svl 0 t960900?8 a6{z-10!!0 010G9d cclovs t6-9 t{0 o3D C8,eCd 1990-v8 tC€r-80 oCO 06to.gd 0t90-xg e6-08{0 oco treo-od lz90-)r€ l6'cz-80 o3:lo 919&Cd ls9&r8 zz:rNn Hrnos $rtvHc 30(]ta vA8 :ooNoc 98Zr-r09l.g vi{N 3J VINYS vnns vl 30 03svd 099 c'r'l lNoa3d :lrNow MOllW 9a ccr 8091-20 0M 99290e002u se?t-eo 0 A )82900002u eoll}.zo o/\As 09!e0e00zu 08-t0-t0 oM 0000-9d 0600-t8 t0"81'tr O A l8oo.Cd 8090'Y8 l8{l-zl oM 0900-ed 899&Ns 8z:INn Hl,uoN slillvH9 300ta YA|8 :ooNoc l99ts oc 9e0 u0 )t33uc 3uoc 3 trl 3'tE33HCS VrSlul.Yd ? ouv to€ 3cnu8 0,l 911 SON|o]OH ,l'v30B I{IUON MOI ll\il LZ cet lzrNn HlaoN sL3lvl{c 3colu v^ru:oofioa ,l CONDO: LOOGE SOUTH UNIT:178 R7E5780 QCO 01-28-02 R82,{335 oCD 02n 8.03 R835528 oCD 05-23{3 R8E4003 oEC 07-1,{-0{ R893077 ocD l0-01.04 R90s42? OCD 10-0i-0,a R2008'1574.a OCD 05-30-06 R200618376 QCO 0&28-08 R200613755 EAS 05-23{0 R200703205 LEA 0t-24.07 't64 1?8 GORE CREEK EqUIW EXCHANGE SERVICES LLC.AUG HOUSE LLC 280 FOX 0R BOULDER 80303 CONDO: RIVA RIDGE CHALETS SOU]H UNllr32 8K-0500 PG{413 Wt) 02-06-89 8K.0733 PG.03l0 oEC 07.29-97 R20080s0'10 EAS 04n1{6 lr4 32 WILLOW RICHARO E. & BARBAM F,WENNINGER .I IOOO GYPSUM CREEK RO GYPSUM 81837 CONDO: LooGE SOUTH UNIT:59,i 8K4286 PG-00€6 QcD 01.00-78 8K-0731 PG-0134 WD 0&t6-97 BK-073' PG-0135 WO 06-10-97 R884003 oEC 07-11-04 R200613755 EAS 05-23{6 t8a 5S,l GORE CREEK HOWARD V. TRUST SANDEN SANDEN, JUDITH CHRISTINE TRUST 972 RANOALL RD MUSKEGON MI 49441 CoNDO: LODGE SOUTH UNIT:280 BK-0232 PG-0293 SK-02,17 PG-lX,t2 R74t397 WD l2-29-00 R7,16390 wD l2-29-00 R864003 DEC 07-14-{X R200613755 EAS 0s.23-06 'l6,1 286 GORE GREEK CSJ NO,2 LLC PO BOX 792 MANITOU SPRINGS 80s29 CONDo: LOOGE SOUTX UNIT:287 0K{25€ PG-0270 BK-0256 PG-0272 glo513 PG-0683 BOS 1t.3GS0 R684003 oEC 07-14- R200613?55 EAS 05-23t6 181 267 GORE CREEK J. KEVIN C/O HARVEY TROPP r85 TANOLEWOOo CROSSING LAWRENCE 1t559 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONoO UNIT:{10 8K-02,t9 Pc.O001 09.21-70 8K.0380 PG-0526 05-t9{3 R8t88't5 oCD 12-23-02 171 a10 OORE CREEK KP VAIL LLC 182a5 E 40TH AVE AURORA 801r1 CONDO: LODGE APT CONOO UNIT:132 BK-O2t9 PG-0E01 158 132 GORE CREEK LTO VAIL FIVE K 303 STRATFORO LN LAREDO rx 760,t1 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONDO UNIT:131 BK-0219 PG-080t '| 60 l3,l GORE CREEK ELEGANT ILLUSIONS INC 5.i2 LIGHTHOUSE AVE STE 5 PACIFIC GROVE 93950 coNOO: LoOGE APT CONoo UNlTi13,5 BK{21S PG-0801 160 130 GORE CREEK MOUNTAIII WOLF PROPERTIES 6532 VtA ROSA BOCA RATON FL 33{33 CONoO: LODGE APT CONDO UNIT:138 BK-021S PG-0801 16,t t38 GORE CREEK D$.VAIL LLC C/O QUINN ALLAN lIO VIA GREGORIO NEWBURY PARK 91320 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONDO UNIT:I,IO BK-02tS PG-0E01 164 t40 GORE CREEK MOUMTAIN HOLDINGS COMMERCIAL LLC C'OMSGLHARTLANO PO 8OX,l'14'l AVON co 8t02|H141 CONDO: IOOGE APT CONOo uNlT:l{2 BK{219 PG-O80i t08 142 GORE CREEK KATHLEEN DENSON PO 80X 2120 EAOLE 8'1631 CoNoO: LODGE APT CONoo UN[T:t1,4 BK-0219 PG-0601 '170 t11 GORE CREEK KATHLEEN OENSON PO BOX 2120 EAGLE E't63r 460S s9Nruds oowo'lo3 lc 30vM 0810 HC!3^3stno'r Al1vs x33AC 3UOO LU r0t ttr'l{o (1I et8tzl.oozt LG9z-90 'lov 40]zl00zu occzio sv3 99lr|9002ux','l-10 c30 c00tt0u 69{z-10 1OV zto&Cd 01g&YB lStll"odgezGyg l//:tlNn lunos f9001 :ooNo3 6020e u:r N30 B0 VO3t{VrY 3 lllf u:u.NV)l 't owMo3 )t3383 3UO9 zLt r0' 9G0Z-e0 svl 99tet000zu t&tt-10 9!0 800t008 et-o2-ll ]v 640'9d lez{'.yE el{z-l| -lv ]8cccd zezo)tg tla:LtNn Hrnos 3cool rooNoc zz00i AN xuo^ MIN 'u Hr.t r 3Av Nostovlt 00€3A|UO X39U3 3UO9 r.S\/!l tll v!3uc 3uo9 LZg tLt zo-8t-t0 0s8Ittxlsu lF6z-l l oud rgzrSlu f0-€t-t0 M 99zr8lu rzg:INn OONOC 1dV 39001:O0NO0 8290 t NOSTUAVH t'l r NvA3130 cz LSUI S3U TVNOSU3d oSHnvno snotdvl lunu t33UC :UOO 0re ,LI 1,0-'t-10 090 99t|1-9d tSre)ls l0-rFro oco f€ttrgd |elG)s 2$f,Z-ro oMS €C00-0d 0slev€ eeot-80 oco otttrgd 0em-t8 0&ot-e0 o^/t 89'ocd 0sxH8 cr€:lNn ooNoc fdv loool :ooNoc /.99!8 'M uo t33uc 3800 3 rll 'ltv tv 30001 3Hl ofJ cNr s:uuSdoud 3900r v33U3 3UOe 8rz ,L'logecd 6lzo-ys o'z:rNn ooNoc J.dv 30001 :ooNo9 I9OLL xt NOISnOH lut NvtoNt r0ll OdW:rIlN3O 'u .l.ftmf v33AC StOe 9rz 'LT 9o-0?-t0 0M tzz906a 18-82-20 030 0r00-9d ee9tv€ Brz:x n ooiloc ldv 1000 t :ooNo3 289!S oc s-ouvMo3 ou MoovSn Ltz 'r13MSOO3 'N 3atutvd I 'e NHof Ir:tuc fuoo oer 98r t08{F9d Etzo-)a 99r:rNn ooNot rJv 30001 :ooNoc t 99t€uo y33uc luo9 3 00r c'r'r 19rrllNn doHs 3coo1 r33UC 3UO9 rot 90t t08lh9d I lzo-vE )gt:rNn ooNoc rdv 30001 rooNog t99lt uo y33ua 3uo9 06r sJl3HLtO0 o,c clr r9rrl|Nn doHs 30001 I33aC lUOg z9r r0t cE-9G I I oCO 0t9 r ZZ8 S6€?'t 0 090 rBo-cd 090(})|s to8DcJ 6lz0'yE z0l,J,tNn ooNo3 tdv :lcoo l:ooNo3 tetcc 'H NOIVS \fJOS vsot vr ze99 311 s3tlu3doud 3]oM NrvrNnov{)r3!t3 3800 09t z6l 98-90C0 o3o qgzo'od 6890'vs 96-82'10 o30 8t0G0d 0090-l€ l08Fcd 8lzo-xs 00t:ltNn ocNoc ldv !0001 :o0No3 r r9t8 Nrdsv vN31V0 S 80t c'l-l lvn - €3 rStuc 3aog cst 0tl t08Fcd 5rz0)8 0sr:INn ooNoS ldv 3eool :ooNoo IrsrS N3dSY vN3 tv9 s 600 5't'l lrv -8c v3349 3UO0 €9t s9t to8Fcd 6lz0')8 99t.llNn ooNoc Ldv 3900-l:ooNoc 0e9*22092 xJ.oNnow u:t Ao'll lc .tNollyvo 9080 23ncNtnoo 'v{ v8r^13 t 'A SO]uvC )rt3uc 3uo0 t9t 98t t0s0-9d 6lzfxa r9t.lNn ooNoc ldv 39001 :ooNoc r90t8 uo r33uc rloc 3 tol doHs Nvts\flv orc sNtSsoS 'I SNtNN\r3l I O SSwVf rt3uc 3uo0 29t t8r r09&9d 6rz&t€ z9t:tlNn ooNoc rdv 3cool:ooNo3 t90 t8 uo x33uc Hroos 0662 c]1 UO X33AC 3UO0 Z0l v33U3 3CO9 0tt z8t t080-5d 6rz(|)€ 0sr:rNn ooNoc IJY f0001 :oaNo3 s99te zr8r xo8 0d 33rSnUI N!SJ.SN|!I'\ Y O1YNOA tsnur NtSrsNr:lM v olvNol )t33U3 3UO9 Irt zLl rmt*0 oMe 0?8zlzoozu 06-le-al oco o9occd gllcls l0s0'9d 6lzFy€ 0r!:lJNn ooNoc 1dv fcool iocNoc CONDO: LOOGE APT CONDO UNIT:s15 BK{291 PG-0578 WO 1G17.78 Rts,lE87 WD t14.23-02 171 518 GORE CREEK DIANE GAMEL LIGHTH,ALL 5,155 LAKESHORE OR LITTLETON 00123 CONDO:.LODGE APT CONOO UNIT:337 BK-0,431 PG-02,t5 gSO 12-31{5 '171 337 GORE CREEK CLIFFORD M. & BAREARA SOEEL 40 DORISON DR SHORT HILLS NJ 7078 CONOO: LODGE SOUTH UNIT:687 8K-0232 PG.O028 BK-0,101 PG{753 QCD l2-31{7 R60,t003 OEC 07n1{1 R200613755 EAS 05-23-08 184 687 GORE CREEK ALICE G.SMVELY 8540 CLIFFBROOK OR DALLAS TX 75251 CONoO: LODGE APT CONDO UNIT:'159 R728202 oCO 03-31{0 R72?741 oCD 03-31{0 R761085 QCO 0&07{1 R887201 OCO 02-03.01 171 159 GORE CREEK VAIL VALLEY RENTAL LLC 140 FAIRFAX ST OENVER 60u0 CONoo: LOOGE SOUT}I uNlT:487 BK-0232 PO-0730 BK-0633 PG-O655 AOL 02-14-94 R863781 OCD t2-24-03 R875049 OCD 't2-26{3 RE81003 DEC 07-14-{X R200613755 EAS 06-2340 16,{{67 GORE CREEK RIVER HAVEN FARMS LP IEgE N MONET RD NIXA MO 65714 CONOO: RIVA RIOGE CHALE S NORTH UNIT:z8 8K.0733 PG{i57 Gwt) 07.23-97 8K-0734 PG-063r GWD 07-23-S7 '133 WLLOW RIVA RIDGE 2O LLC SIERRA OOROA 525 LAMAS OE CMPULT€PEC MEXTCO C|TY fi000 MEXTCO CONOO: ONE VAIL PLACE CONOOMINIUMS UNIT:Rn 8K-0596 PG{374 PRD I r-0a-02 aK.o6t7 PG-0001 Gwo 12-2E-05 R885138 MAP 0A-0$.98 2a1 RI JAREO M. & IRENE M.ORESCHER C/o JARED ORESCHER DHA 6 COMPANY INC .IO() HAMPOEN LN STE 310 SETHESOA MD 2081,t CONoO: ONE VAIL PLACE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT:R-z BK{33,t PG-0258 WD t2-2r-81 R9tl506a LET 12.29-03 24 R2 RIVA RIOGE 45M5 LLC C'O NORTH ERIOCE VENTURE PARTNERS 950 W|NIER ST STE a000 WALTHAM 2,r51 CONOO: ONE VAIL PLACE CONDOMINIUMS UNIT:R-3 8K-0303 PG-0,177 SWD 05.30{0 BK.oJ3,| PG.03'15 WD t2-2t-E't 8K.0334 Pc-03',t6 WD l2-2t-6t R885't38 MAP 06.05-98 211 R3 JAREO M. T IR€NE M,DRESCHER C/O JMEO ORESCHER D}IA & COMPANY INC ISOO |.|AMPDEN LN STE 3IO BETI-IESDA MO 20E1{ CONOO: ONE VAIL PLACE coNooMrNtuMs UNIT:R-4 BK-033.1 PG-0258 WD 12-21-81 Rd67057 DC (x-rl3-94 2a1 R{WALL LUANN€WELLS .50 NEWPORT CTR OR STE,I5O NEWPORT BEACH CA 02060 CONDO: ONE VAIL PLAC€ CONDOMINIUMS UNIT:R-s BK-031.1 PG{267 WO t2-2,1-81 R6A7057 DC 0a-03.9i1 211 R5 TUANNE WELLS .50 NEWPORT CTR OR STE '50 NEWPORT B€AC}I CA 02060 CONDO: ONE vAlL PLACE CONOOMINIUMS UNIT:C-1 211 VAIL IIWESTORS LLC t0 s stxrH sr srE 1160 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 zz90€1l o9v0r{9 tor Aunss9Ntx N ccei ouoJnS 'tlu3€oa )Gl3UC 3rO9 9Lt t0t ecc?90 svl 99re teoozt ro-tt-10 330 e00't88 6t-x-zl tgzFod 86tcIg 6z-tz-zr gz9&9d s6z&rs slr:lNn Hlnos 3coo-r :ooNoa e9r tz on NOSNSfflrS 8ee xoe od tNvE '$tla3st!H x33UC 3UO9 669 'el 0(}€z-90 sfl 99ler00oa8 r0rr-l! c30 e00r08l e6-0r-zr l(N 090e0d oagclg 669.llNn Rmos 30001 :ooNo3 0c99t NI a3oNY!9 r{l xwd Noo'TvM 9ee09 cll :lt-vls3 ]vlt loouvn l o1lu 0r cct t{}e r{0 oco 60t898u z0-lt-80 oco 06000d ?ars)r8 6l.J.rNn HruoN sr3lvHc 300tu vNg :ooNoc Lrzgt xt Nllsnt 0 xo8 0d lsnut t[ A'r]v|c owMoS - rsnur aorNvao utxt{lls I r,l!u\Dl /\ oTr l 0!t or} r-'0 s\E 0r0609002u z}oc-zr oM 6900108 ?eea-zr on 9zc$8u 06-ea00 0A $0001,u 66-02.80 O/\A rl800za 66{Z{0 OrlA 0t8t0l8 00-00{t oco 90r.01su 106z-10 c30 0tctrcd eollx8 0l:!Nn Hmos sr3tvHS :00ru v^a :ooNoc t0 t N!ZN3UO'I S|UHC dl srstu:llNl e0€eo€:lNn oo oS ldv 39001 o9Dctvt I o 0rzll ocfM{:u}ru ozN9801 NVS 10C ?}I sSwlt'ltll soultN3gNr'10ud vN3d rjngtuootv osNofv 'oNl Mollt A 1t ttt g(llr-n} S\r3 0rt80000eu 10-62'10 Cto olecod eelo"Y€ ll:-UNn ru,nos sLSlvHc 3cotu YAtu :ooNo5 60ztz on 3UOfflr.Iv€3nY rutlrs gzzt dI sn u3dtd \no 'NHo9 'd wor.rvs oaf cr 0e 3coru v^lu -rsou.r a3rlrn' A ENlw MO lll,V 0c 'll loc?-90 09?o 0099 lloozugfrt-x) sv'l 0t060000tu 16-52-10 3!0 or8Fod eero.xS 13'61-10 ooo 0cr09d sr€018 zo.e l'00 o00 o9m-9d stg})|s oe:1lNn Hrnos sllTvlrc :l00lu v^lu :ooNoc 099ll o3 1tv r xos od duoc 'lN 11V/V llr ttz E6-ZZ-ll OS8 Sroood gzeo-m roro-gd 80eo)r8 l-lll.ljNn snnrNtnooNot 3J\nd ltv^ 3No :ooNoc 20t99 NN st]odvllNMw 09'r 31S lS HlXg S 09 3r'l suorst t{t 'lrv 11Y/',g0 tz P9,rNn snntMnooNoa 3C\nd lMA 3NO:OoNOC 20199 NN sr10dv'lNNtn osll :lls rs Hlxs s 0t 311 S8olS3AXt 'ltv ''nvff 9C ,rz g-c:rNn srrnNtltooNoc 3CYld ltVA lNO:OONOC 20199 NI!{stlodvlNMn oell 3J.s ls Htxs s 0!c'rl stols3^Nt 'nv 11VM 7),tz F3:IINN sftnrNrwooNoc 3C\nd lNA 3NO :OoNOC z0t9t NN st'lod\r3NNtn oc'l lls Ls Hlxrs s 0c 311 SUOIS3AN|.IM *a c-c:!Nn snntNrnooNoc3tvld 'rv^ 3No :ooNoc z0'99 Nv{st'lodv3NNt!1 ottl 3l,s J.s HDos s 09 c n saols] Nt 'ltv wa z-c:!Nn snnNlnooNoc SCYld ' VA 3NO :OONO3 -) CONOO: LODGE APT CONDO UNlr404 BK-0227 PG4294 12-15-72 BK-0620 PG-0123 WO t2-27-93 R64t37l QCD 12"01-97 R8,15420 BSO 01-20-98 R850266 PRD 03-12-98 R602537 SWD 08-28-02 R802538 SWD 06-2E-02 R830218 AFF -03{3 174 404 E GORE CREEK MYMOND LEE T HEIOI K.RIGNEY 221 CEOAR ST ENGL€WOOD NJ 7631 CONOOT LODGE APT CONOO UNIT:352 BK-0151 PG-0965 oCO 10.27-86 8K-015 t PG-0967 oCO 10-27-86 sK-0244 PG-0658 WO 02-10-78 171 GORE CREEK HENRY N. A VIRGINIA TRUSTEES MANCINI '6 BRODER & ANGEN FRE€OMAN 2501 COLORADO AVE 350 SANTA MONICA CA 80404 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONOO UNIT:s21 '171 521 E GORE CREEK JOHN YV}IITEHEAD 7OO VILLAGE SO CROSSING sTE 103 PALM BEACH GAROENS FL 33110 CONDO: LODGE SOUTH UNIT:394 BK-0232 PG-0022 BK-01.t7 PG-0E55 08-23-86 R684003 oEC 0?-14-0,1 R200613755 EAS 05.2s-08 184 39,1 CORE CREEK PHYLLIS A.WEINBERG PO BOX 266 MO 2t r53{288 CONDo: LODGE SOUTH uNll:,{o,| 8K-0115 PG-0393 07-06€6 R884003 oEC 07-1,r{,r R20o€13755 EAS 05-23-00 184 19{GORE CREEK ROBERT C/O MARITIME TRAVEL OEXTER EOOO BARRINGTON SI STE ?02 COGSWELLTWR HALIFAX NS B3J3KI CANAOA CONDO: LODGE APT CONDO UNIT:145 BK-0322 PG-0601 QCD 0S0l-81 R79060a DC 05-2S-0t R790606 LET 1G22.01 Ri100730067 PRD 08-t,l{7 R200730080 LET 09-2$.01 171 115 GORE CREEK SUSAN MENOIK 207 E 7'tST ST NEWYORK NY 10021 CONDO: LOOGE APT CONDO UNIT:35,1 R938805 QCD 1l-15-05 171 354 GORE CREEK GOSS INVESTORS LP 620 ORCITARD LN GLENCOE IL 60022 coNDO: LooGE souTH LJNIT:49g BK{2sz PG-0024 BK-0270 PG{427 11-21-78 R87977{ Lfi lGrT-95 R6797?6 PRD 1l-20-08 Rl8100S DEC 07-i4-O,l R2008'r 3?55 EAS 05-23-06 't8,1 190 6ORE CREEK JACK H.STEIN SHERWIN PELTON TRUSTEE 5400 s 27TH ST MILWAUKEE s3221 CONDO: LODGE APT CONDO UNtT:aos R2007 t I 022 WD M-2a-0?171 a05 6ORE CREEK ALAIN WERT}IEIMER REVOCA8LE TRUST ALAIN ERNEST WERTHEIMER TRUSTEE I W 57TH ST NEW YORK t{Dl0 DESCi PCLIN 6-0l,6{2.0-7s ALL CONOO: INTERNATIOML w|NG PENTHOUSE R08519t MAP 01-2+.00 R865193 oEC 0t-29-90 TED oTATES OF AMERICA 25127 AKEWOOO '171 GORE CREEK JAT.IES B.SHERWOOD C/O SEA CONTAIN€RS SERVICES LTo SEA COT'ITAINERS HOUSE. 20 UPPER GROUNO LONDON, SEI OPF, ENGLANO CONOO: HILL BUILOING UNIT:C R785,t74 MAP 02.07-02 R785a75 oEC 02-07-02 R791040 QCD 03-27-02 251 BRIDGE BLANCHE C.HILL 3tt BRIDGE ST 8r857 CONDO: HILL BUILOING UNr:R R786.474 MAP 0247.02 R785,a75 oEC 02.07"02 R79t04g QCO 03.2?.02 311 R BRIOGE BLANCHE C.HILL 3II BRIOGE ST co E1olt7 T ?+ -9tt oJ 0 O tFoao"4 a1 Ltt St logqd -o!.td*f /o e a+2t'5 pr]laO t5 r.t F Fv F41 )ooq +urJ)oN lo ftaos .sJsx pteuty ltuf, .i(!#etrdr/A oA ' ' -dn 0 ASi)l"gO/ %t + tloto/ to) l:ofl ey1 t6 Er1,'/t l! oll gY:t lls'teu 00el{0 sYll 9&9?-|{ dvr geFodGlllll o8g 89el]od ltclod t$o)t€ Jo.llJYd 3 From: To: Date: Subject: Attachments: CG: Warren, We have been requested by the bank to provide a clarification on the east line of Mill Creek Circle and east line of Parcels A and B Restricted Area. The notation currently reads "East Line of Mill Creek SuMivision being vacated, not Reception No. 685193". After I explained the meaning of the notation, the bank would like it claritied to read: " East Line of Mill Creek Subdivision being vacated, not the east line of Restricted Parcels A and B, Reception No. 685193". Would you please request the above change at the PEC meeting on Monday, April 28? Thanks, Gerry Arnold Director of Land Assets Vail Resorts Management Company P.O. Box 959 (U.S. mail) 137 Benchmark Road (courier) Avon, CO 81620 970-754-2658 (telephone) 970-331-1898 (cell) 970-754-2555 (fax) Extraordinary Resorts. Exceptional Experiences. b "Gerry Amold" <GERRYA@vailresortrs.com> 'Warren Campbell" <tlVCampbell@vailgov.com> 0412512008 5:41 PM Bank's comments PEC080019 Front Door Minor Subdivision Final Plat 042808.doc "S. "Jarvie" Worceste/' <SWorcester@vailresorts.com>, "Natralie Mosesso" ... ) It' FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL ST'BDIVISION PLAT The purpose of the FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION PLAT is as follows: . To resubdivide Lots I and 2 Mill Creek Circle by vacating the lot lines as shown on the FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION PLAT; and . To combine said Lots I and 2 as resubdivided with Lots 1 and 4. Section 8. Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 66 Principal Meridian, County of Eagle, State ofColorado, as contained in Patent recorded at Reception No.200610676. and to create external boundaries for such combined properties; and . Within the external boundaries of the combined properties, to create the Chalets Lot and the Front Door Lot in a three dimensional manner using both horizontal and vertical boundaries as shown on sheets 3 and 4 of the FRONT DOOR THREE DIMENSIONAL SUBDIVISION PLAT. rl at Warren, I apologize sincerely for the back and forth on the mbiling envelopes. As I said in my telephone call, the lawyers have determined that all envelopes for notices should be used. I have provided you with three paper copies of the plat to reinstate the numbers that I crossed out at our meeting last Monday and have highlighted those items. To resolve the street address for Front Door Lot, I could add a note to the plat which states: "The street address for the Ski Club Building located on the Front Door Lot is 250 Vail Lane. The street address for the Skier Services Building located on the Front Door Lot is 280 Vail Lane". Also, after receiving comments from you and engineering, should I prepare the mylars for the PEC hearing? If I can help with any matter, like stuffing envelopes, I will be glad to do so. Thanks again, Gerry Gerry Arnold Director of Land Assots Vail Resorts Management Company P.O. Box 959 (U.S. mail) 137 Benchmark Road (couder) Avon, CO 81620 97G754-2656 (telephone) 970-331-1898 (c€[) 970-75+2555 (fax) Extraordinary Resorts. Exceptional Experiences.mailto:genya@vailresorts.com t< xL t'll a"G/'/r ). ful Nor /-"-rt fu Rtr@ 1 ApR EIV 02 2008 tr[ il VAILIOWNOF