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1650 Sunburst #57
REPT131. ^,{) ot"'ff*o" (rLu iem: 390 DlECH.Flnal REqUCSICT: EAGER BEAVER MECHANICAL/MaryCommenis: Wril ualt Assiorred To. CDAV|S- Action: Time Elg: - iOptional) t)'2\-t"Q (ODtional) (Opiicinall (Optionai) (Requred) Run Id: 244 Raouestod TFne: 08:00 AM /' Phone: 97tr32&3337 E lered 6y: LCAIVIPBELL K o Roquested Inspect Date: wodnesday, Docambor 2U, z0U0' Asiiurled To: CDAr/lS lnso6ctl6n Tr!€: TBECHIninectlon Ai.ba: irm Sfte Address: 1650 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1650 Sunburst Dr, #57 A/P/D htfurmatltrr A4tivitv: M0tr0132 Tvoe; SMECH Suh Tvne: AMF .St8.hls: lSSl-rED Const Twr6: occupaircv: Use: InsD Area: rmPaicel: 210109104045 O*n6T: MED|UAI INVESTMENT TRUST - J. REIDCofil|Ecior: EAGER BEAVER tliECHAl'iiCAL Plrorw, 97tr32&3337Ah^ti^a,+ EA/':CO DCA\rEO lIC|/r Ll^itt/^Ar c'hrna OTfl a1o'1'117 Destrintion: r"Flac4 eleclric heat w1 167.000 hhr boiler & hvdronic bRsnt''oard NbtICE: ADDED CONTRACTOR RENEW FEE TO dLDG PERMIT $55.00 - JMONDRAGONComment: 10127100 permit actually received on 10/24i10. Routcd to JRM. lc - LCAMPBELL Rsouootsd Insoectlon{s} ftp,w"4 &,+t P'P,rue' vws l+t41 Lr us s ,Juor-z U,,O/tAa/ G '8" ()q)r Er ftretr frrpprt-,eO Ex,gfiG rt8poctHr Hlston/ A1o Ltrtt S ,--r Qkl,U=- (e nssua tr.