HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail ROXY\1 #+ y,rT'/"2 DEPART!,TENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOBSITE AT Perrnit ALL TIMES #: 897-0368 ' -'--- TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAlrr, co 81657 970-479-2L38 NOEE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT Job Addreee:Location... :Parcel No..:Project No.: COMM BUILD PERMT 172 GORE CREEK DR T72 E GORE CREEK DR 2101-082 -21-011 PRJg7-0201 AppLrcANT WARNER coNsrRucrron/noN WARNER P.O.BOX 623, ERrE, CO 80516 coNTRAcToR WARNER coNsrRucrroN/RoN WARNER P.O.BOX 623, ERIE, CO 80516 OWNER WEINSTEIN RONALD A615 CHARLOIS CIRCLE, EDWARDS CO Description: INTERIOR STORE REMODEL Occupancy: 82 BzTlpe Conet,ruction: III l-ltRType III l-Hour Type Occupancy: 35, 800 REAUESTS FOR IIISPECTTOTIS SHALL BE IIADE TIIEIITY-FOUR HOI,RS tI{ ADVAI{CE 8Y Send ctean-Up Dcposlt To: RoNALD UARilER BUIIJDING PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK AT OIJR OTTICE Division: Divieion: Divieion: Division: V V 's-1 ) bl-o l l BuQ- ,lflnl --:-3 Status...: APPROVED ( RoXYApplied. . : DLo /09 / L99',Issued... : Lo/09/L99', Expires . .; Oa/07 /L99t Phone: 303-520-0206 Phone: 303-520-0206 sL632 TOV/Co Clean-uP D approved amount date Add Sq Ft;Valuation: Fireptace lnfofmtion: Rrstricted:fOf Gas Apptianccs:flof Gas Logs:fof t{ood/Pat tet: *f,*f*t********t**ti**irrf,*r.****t****tfk*frR*n**f*t**tl***t FEE SUttil RY *ftt*r****frii*r*ittttltttt****tltt***t***#*t*l**t* Bui tdi ngr-)392.00 Rc3tulr.nt Ptan Rrvieu-->.OO Totat crtcul,.tcd Fces->899.80Ptan Chcck-> ?54.80 DRB FcF-----InvcstigatlolD .00 nccr.rtim Fcc-----> .00 Totrl P.rtrit Fee---> 899.60 t i tl. C.Lt--> 3.(D Ctc.rH,p Dcposi t---) 250,00 paynelts------1 699.80 TOT L FEES--- E99.80 AAL CE DUE---*lr******ffit****t*******t**f,*ffitH*lt***t********t**t**tt****t******f,irhkif*t**********ft*****r*****i********l*********ff,t**ft*** lr*rt*f*tt*tr***t*fi*t'rlttt***t****f,f***********t**t*****tti**ff****#**ffi*tt***t** See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions that rnay apply to thie permit. DECTARATIONS l.hereby lcknortrdga that I have rcad this apptication, fil,ted out ln tutt thc inlormtlon requlrad, coetct.d an lccuret! ptotp(!n, lnd stlte th.t llt thr inforration providcd rs rcquircd is cotrect. I agrea to corpl,y -rr 3rr-r er5 rrYthe informtion rnd ptot ptan,to.conpl,y vlth att ToHn ordlnrnces lnd state Lavs, tnd to buitd thl3 stfucturcCodoa, dasion revlas aoorov.d. llnifoFn Buildlna cryl. rhrl ^eh.. ^i.{ih.h... ^+ r oiJn's zoning and subdivi sioncodca, dasign revicr approvcd, uniforo Bui tding c6de and othcr ordinrnces of thcreto. Dev OUNER 08 CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 Bui Ldinf---->P[!n chcck---> InvcstigstiotD lli tl. Cat l.---) DEPARTTIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Addreaet I'12 GORE CREEK DRLocation.... t72 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No.. : 210I-082-21-011Project No. : PRJ97-0201 APPLTCANT WARNER CONSTRUCTTON/RON WARNERP.O.BOX 623, ERrE, CO 80516CoNTRACTOR WARNER CONSTRUCTTON/RON WARNERP.O.BOX 623, ERrE, CO 80516OWNER WEINSTEIN RONALD A6L5 CHARLOIS CTRCLE, EDWARDS CO 81-632 Description: INTERIOR STORE REUODEL Occupancy: 82 BzTlpe Conetruction: III l-HRType III l-HourTlpe Occupancy: JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0368 Status...: APPROVED ( RoxYApptied. . : DLo /09 /1997Issued.. . : LO/09/1997Expiree..: 04/07/L998 Phone: 303-520-0206 Phone: 303-520-0206 Valuation: Fifaplrce lnfortration: RG.tFictcd:flOf Gas Appl iancas:#0f Gm Logs:Jof tlood/PatLrt: FEE SUIOIARY 35, 800 592.0 Rlsturrlnt Pl,rn Rcvic*-->254.9) DRB.m Racrlation FaF----)3.m ctcan-UP D.posit-----> Add Sq Ft: .m Totrl, CaLcutatcd Fa!.--->.00 Addltlon l, F.!!----_--->.(x) Total Pcrrit250.m Paln nts----- AT OIJR OfIICE 899.80 .00 899.80 699.80 *n*r*r*******----*-*------*-* * -il$ff-lll;*;;;t**--**--*-* IteB! .051q0-EUII,DING DEPARSMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division: L9 /Oe /Igg7 CHARLTE- -AcEiili:- EpFn CHemrE DAVrS-Item:' 05400^PI,t0lNINc DEPART!4ENT_ _,_ Oept: PLANNTNG Division:t0/o9/L997 cHARtrE A-tiona--A.FFn w/arrem:'05600_EIBE_DEP4RTI!ENT " Dept: FIRE Divieion:LO/09/!997 CHARLTE--[crion; AppR N/AIte.m:' O5500_PqBLIC WORK_S '. Dept: pUB WORK Division:L0/o9/L997 CHARLiE Action: AppR N/A ti**fttttt*** ** See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that rnay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS l,*..11,":l$t*: llit-l-qY:_13f.lhi" rppl'icatim, fil.t.d.out in tul.t th. inforntlm.r.quir.d, coptcted !n lccuratc ptotptan, rrd strtc th-t rtr. thc infor.ti.on prolidcd cr rcquircd is correci. i agr;-io co+ty -rr -eeer.rs Prs|!thc lnformtion and ptot pl,an,to.coel,y vith ett Tovn ordinrnccs and 3t!t. t.ys, rnd io bui Ld this structur.'s zoning and sr$divlsioncodcs, dcsign rcvian approved, uniforr Eui tding CiAe ana oth.f ofdinlnc., of thcrcto. REruESTS FON IilSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE I'IADE ITIENTY-F0I,R TI0IT,RS Iil ADYANCE BY send C LerFUp 0ep6lt To: Rol{ LD i{ARNER?,o,6ay Ha,Fnic, 4e fao-/4 FOR HIIISELF ******************************************:************!a********************rt**** CONDITIONSPermit *: 89?-0368 aB of Lo/L4/97 statu8: AppRovED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/AIJT COMM BUrLD pERI,tT Applied: r|/09/Lsg7Applicant: wARiyER coNsrRucrroN/RoN WARNER iesued: to'/og'/Lgg7303-s20-0206 To Expire. 04/07/L998 Job Address:Locationz 172 E GORE CREEK DR (ROxy AT THE LODGE)Parcel No: 2101-082-21-011 Deecription: INTERIOR STORE REMODEL Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPART!,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. MECHANICAIJ PTANS AR"E REQ'D FOR HEAT AND VENTITATION. PLANSMSUT BE STAMPED BY A REGISTERED MECHANICAL ENGINEER4. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1994 APP. CHAPTER 11 FORACCESSIBILITY5. NO PLTJMBING WORK ALLOWED UNTIL A REGISTERED PLTIMBING CONIS LISTED FOR PI-,I'MBING PER},IIT TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMEI{T OF 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479 -2L38 COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit, #: P97-01-45 JOb AddTESSZ L72 GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON...Z T72 E GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2LOL-082-2L-011 Project No. : PRiI97-020L co 81632 80502 status...: IssuEDApplied..: L0/09/L997Issued...: Lt/05/L997 E>cpires. . : 05/04/L998 ObINER WETNSTEIN RONALD A 615 CIIARLOTS CrRCr.,,E, EDWARDS CONTRASTOR YOHO PLI]MBING AND HEATING P. O. BOX 1-835, LONGMOMT, CO :::::::::::: ::T:::: ::: :::: ::::::"*" Valuati-on: Phone:303-772 -5415 1_,200.00 toEal Calculated Fees- - - > {0.50Pludbing-----> Plan check- _ _ > Investi.gaEion > will cal.I----> Restuarant Plan Revierr- - > TOTAI, FEES-.... 30.oo ?.50 . oo 3-OO .00 40.50 .00 40.50 ,10.5O AddiEional Fces-------- -> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Paymenta------- BAINNCB DUE... - .OO ILem:05100La/05/L997Item: 05600LL/Os/L997 BUII-,DING DEPARTMEI{T DCPE:KRIS ACIiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISFIRE DEPARTT,IET{T DCPI,:KRIS ACTiON: APPR N/A BUILDTNG Dj.vision: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno{Lcdg. that I have read thi6 applicarion, flllcd out ln ful1 lhc infonnation p1an, and Etsace thaL aIl Lhe infornacion providcd qE lcquircd is corlects. I agrcc to to conply with all Tolrn ordinances ana Btate lawe, and lo build thia Etructurc eode6, design revie{ approved, tniform Bul'lding codc and other ordinances of REQUESTS POR INSPECIIONS SHALIJ BE UADE TWENTY'FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE AY ircd, complct.ed an ch ch. lnforn.lLon '6 zoning and accuraEe plot and plot pIan, eubdivi ei on OUR OFFICE Al'l 5:O0 PM OF OIiNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-21,38 DEPARII,IENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAI., PERMIT ilob Addressz L72 GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON. .. Z L72 E GORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2LOL-082-21--011Project No. : PR'J97-020L APPLICANT LE TRIC IJMTIMITED INE 1758 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VATL CO 81657 COIiITRACTOR I-,E TRIC I'MLIMITED INC 1768 ALPINE DRIVE 1, VAIL CO 81557OWNER WEINSTEIN RONAI-,D A 615 CHARLOIS CIRCLE, EDWARDS CO 81632 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR STORE REMODET iTOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #: 897-O249 StaEus...: ISSITEDApplied. .: Lo/09/1997Issued. . .: ]-0/09/1997 Ercpires. . : 04/07 /1998 Phone: 9704765424 Phone z 9704765424 Valuation:2,800.00 FEE SUI.{MARY Elcctrical---> DRB Fcc Inve6tigat.ion> will call----> TOTAL FEES---> Totsal calculatcd Rec6---> Additionrl P66s---------> Total Pernit Fce--------> Palmcngs - - - - - - - - se .00 .00 .00 3 .00 57 .00 57 .00 . oo s? .00 57 .00 AAI,ANCE DUE..'. .OO IEem:05000LO/09/L997Item:05600 ELECTRI CAI-, DEPARTMEI{'TCHARI.TE ACt,iON: APPRFIRE DEPARfl4ENT DepE: BUILDING Division: Dept,: FIRE Division: LO /09 /L997 CHART,TE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,AR,ATIONS I hereby acknovlcdgc tshat I have r6ad thls application, filled out ln full thc Lnfotdacion rcquited. conpl.lcd .n accurats. ttLots plan, end.tsrCa thrt.ll thr infoleation plowided as required iE corr.ct. I .grcc bo coEply tith thc itrfort!.tsion .nd plot plan, eo conply ui,Eh all Torn ordinancea atrd stsatse la*s, and lo build thi6 structsurc according tso the Tovn's zoni.ng and oubdiwiaion cod€e, de.Lgn rcvllir rpprovad, Uniforo Buitding codc and other ordinaDcca of uh6 Town appLicabLc REQUESSS FOR INSPEeIIONS SHAI,L BB I{ADE TI{E!trI-FOITR HOIJRS I}l ADVn}ICE BY FROI4 8!OO A$ 5:0o PU CINTRACTOR FOR HIUSBIJF IND OIINER . 'FConEacE. Eagre Uounty Assessoottlce bti"ii'i?'ff ifif Ztl!'srtk'L.3gg"?ilxlll,::ff 3$'F3l;IV ' DATE: o N PERI-IIT // , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED r****************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON *****************************tl lrIq!-Building [p\J-nrumuing IDQ-Erecrricat [ ]$.-Mechanibat [ ]-other ,ror n-r"-{15j.. -q\ [ya- L.,I.o rob A<rdress:\ ,: Lot or" r. Fitinar +rrl/b ILegal Descriptidn: Lot_ Block_ Fiting sunorvrSroN, ' t)Owners Nane: K Address: fL,,^-l-r, (i-, "n.tLt5o I Architect: ceneral Description: i4fn""e Number: a-r- 8ZX-nEoE- :]::!Ii:"I contrlctor: Lcc\r:i* L,tnl;,".,IeJ rown of Vair Res. No. cToR INFORI,LATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Phone Number: MechanicaL Address: contractor: ********************************FOR Number of Accommodation Units: w.Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUt'tBINc PLAN CHECK FEE!}IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE3 RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEEs OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! Address: .aar-work crass: [ ]-Nevr g/1-atterai.ion ]{-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: _ N.umber and rvpe of Fireplaces: Ga_s Appriances-_ cas Logs_ wood/pelret_v ********'**,*,*,.-,,,*mtffi;;4Ati;.*****************************fi*********"*:*:' dulr,orrue : t'J'\lOOo Er,EcTRrcAr,,: $_.[loo .THER: $PLUMBTNG: E rtfi- ffiHAir'iil;: iTnA- ---r.tr-- ,u;: :: i. ;::il: :i]l : . ry::\t t?llYy A:ry*B*i. rorAl: r-t3g6.__ ;9i333',24i1':.': - vlh"-,pJ''.##''-f::: ',{.y:il *" s. no.21t7tP ?."^\\o-r.vq.a- lrz: CLEAI{ I'P NNBOSIT REPI'NI} ?, o. D..r.e A",Co- toel L To-review ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Department to l|fll 75 3oulh fronlaEe road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 edged _f.11, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. rlani< y"" i"i- y"i. luwn n TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlty deyelopment ALL CONTR,ACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ]itter, track or deposit.any ="irr-r""i, sand, debrisor rnateriar, incruding trash hurnlsters, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicr-es. upon any streetl siaewaixl -;ii;y or pubricp1?:" or any portion theieof- tfie rrgnt-of-way on arr Town ofVail streets and.Ig"-d= is approxinateiy s it.-lti pavement.This ordinance wirl be. stri;iit- entorc'ea-uy-it"-io"n of VairPubric works Denartment. pers6ns found vi;laain; this ordinanceyirl. be given a 24 hour writien--n.!i""-t"-;;;;:"="id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified,ao"=-not-"""rnprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.ti;;-;;;;i;i;;,"ii"-i"f,ric worksDepartrnent will remove said mateii"i-"i-[h;";";;"e of personnotified- The nrovisions "r inis ordinance shall not beappricabre to cbnstruction, ruirt"rru.,ce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any urilities i; 6"-;iifri_._ruy. osition/RAf aTIonship-r (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIfiE FRANE If this permit lequi.res a Town of vair fiire Departrnent Approvar,EngineerLs (public works) review and approvat,'a ptinnini'b"pu"t .ntreview or Heatth Departmiint review, unb'.-i.uiJ ;i-;il;";riiaingDepartment, the estirnated time for-a total i"ui"n-,'uv"iuil'as tongas three weeks. l]] .gTrg.gial (rarge or sma'r1) and ailr mu]ti-family permits wirlhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requireminis. Residentialand.small projects-shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidenti'ar or sma|ter .projects impact ttr. u."iors;'b;;" ,intioneadepartments with reoard to necessaiy review,-il.i! i""j".ii"ruyalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timef rame.. 75 roulh trontege aord vall, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 offlce ol communlty devclopmetrl Cormuni ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: NO / t' YY { Y X lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permil" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's oftice or at Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed lhal requires the use ol lhe right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility wod< needed? fs the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right ol way, €asements, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way Permit' required? A. ls lhe right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? Community Development- lf you have any ns please callChartie Davis,lhe Town ol Vail Conslruction lnspeclor, at 479-21 I have yead and answered estions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',| 8) Job Name Signature Date "Tff:;; :,H ffi,T*;. ffiff,ff,ffi, O Oclober9,,l9Y7 bfir. Ron Wcirseir clo fuxY Pto Eox 1917 Vdil, CO EI6:t7 DmMn wcinsufui Dnithnawcigtahwbssnnwrcdl'lu htd of llolgctt lor Ldp Apwnt A-W Mdn hw D, of your uiltus u rt "*i tiihta'n-' -y : ft' wrffiitditts of /'i,c M tha thc nmodelis b corrsii i-"n dinfi, in@nof u&rriffifuffiganit' t'lprirliE ;;;;;';;;;;ni;t: ''d;';id; o1 it p;ptttsrdtrlultt/lP- sn pn*ma spf**ten' lhcB/ErdlrrsrcvistcdthcvplansGtd-grtso@flWa'eW CorfiruLort Agn;anellt bcing dgad' Placaaantof thc dt wufrbnirtg nil k m acnd ro ,tnnc tlwt ttuee fee, ffi ai "tt' nen h Y'gry& ry' yW-i'E afit it b bo proudd[ma *;i-thfiit t*' ap icfftc{q" qo" g tYd tla use of thc wr*ittg ry"r. nsnfioffi-;rtt *,i gdccfsc ifus it b bQ wtotd w gtdkt -VdL AII nwrrr;wn{io-'i"iit^*cc M atv dmry' f'on the at cwtrEdelttitq unit iti tln soir @l of thc ovner' [Tc Wtd virtcs Yoa *dI in Pg crukatn Jqw tu*Jt, nr,li&dt&c lPaat MriaWt AffirfuIti'n, ThrbdrsdVriL 17lEdGffi CnGLDriw. \tliitCdan& tlg7'USA fcfcdsr (m, l76$lf Fradvrilr ln9 gbll8 P_2 P-2 Uffi "-gfr REPT131 T0t^,N UF UAIL, COLORADU F'AGE 1O AREA: CDLr/A3/97 O7t4B REOUESTS FtrR INStrECTIUN WORK SHEETS FOR:tt/ 3/i7 ==== =======================================ts===================-================Activity: 897-o368 LL/ 3/97 Type: A-COMM Status: ISSUED Constr.: ACOM Address t l7?, 6ORE CREEK DRLocation: L7e E GORE CREEK DR (RUXY Parcel : 2101-@A?-41-Al I Use: III 1-HR Descr"iption: INTERIOR STORE REMODEL Appl icant : I,JARNER CONSTRUETION/RON WARNER Owner': I,IEINSTEIN RONALD A'Contnactor: WARNER CDNSTRUCTION/RUN WARNER AT THE LODGE) Occ: Fh on e : 3O3-52O-O3O6 Fhone: Fhone: 3II3-5EO-OIO6 Inspect i on Reque st Request or: RON Req Time: O8:OO Items requested to S'IZIEJA BLDS "Fram i n g Information..... Comments: ROXYI Sbe Inspeeted... F,hone : 3tZt3-B1B-16Ct[t InspecItr+ ItItItItIt T+ ItIt T+ 7+ ItItItItItItIt t i on em: em: en: em: en: em: en ! em: em: em ! en ! en: em: em: em: em i em: em i em: History..,.. CltZtSlO dr'iveway grade final 0ABIA BLDG-Foot inqs/St eel OtAgrEO BLDG-Foundat i onlSt ee 1 AOgeO F'LfiN-ILC Site Frlan aoostzr BLDG-Fr-am i nq AAA4g! * * Not On File * * tA0qtSra BLDG-InsuI at i on OOSI6tzr BLDG-Sheetr^ock Nai I AArAggr * * Not On File * * BAATA BLDG-Misc. A0UI9B BLDG-Final Oq'53er BLDG-Temp. C/tr a0831 FIRE-TElrlF,. C/A aa53l FW-TEMF. C/0 laa533 F,LRN-TEmp. c/a OA537 F.LAN-FINAL C/O AA53A FIRE-FINAL C/A ao539 pw-FINAL C/O oe340 BLDG-Final C/O 0 ?; rkq #,) n Exp REFTlsI LL/@5/97 €r7:48 REOUESTS FUR Activity: P97-G145 ll/ 3/i7 Flddress t 17? 6ORE CREEK DRLoeation: 17e E 6ORE CREEK DR Parcel : 21@1-O8€-e1-O11Descniption: PLUMBING FOR STURE REMODEL Appl icant ; Owner: TdEINSTEIN RUNALD A Cont ract or: T0tfN 0F UAIL, COLORADO INSFECTION I^IORR SHEETS FORt'lt / 3/i7 FRGE 1I AREA: trD Type: B-PLMB St nstr: ACOM FE€s otr 9o.So UEe:Occ: Fhone: Fhone: Fhone: btA16 Gnnane@e Locks, Holds, and Not ices. . . . AtrTIVITY Inspect i on Reque st Requestorr RON' Req Time: O8:OOItems reqr-rested to Information..... Conments: ROXY! S be Inspeeted... REGII D Phone:3O3-BlB-16O0t Ti ne Exp Inspection Item: Item:Iten: Item:Iten:Iten:Itee:Itea: Item: History..... otaelO F,LMB-Underground OOeeA trLMB-Rot-tgh/D. t^J. U. AAEES FIRE-SF.RINKLER ROUGI-I O0e3O FLMB-Ro r-rgh/Wat er 6Oe4@ FLMB-Gas tri.ping 40e50 FLMB*troo I /Hot Tt-tb OAe6O FLMB-ltli sc. AAegA FLMB-Final OA53S FIRE_FINAL C/O Comment 4'/,