HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail ARLBERGSeotember 5 1985 Project Appllcallon r--*Fa!toct Nam€:Lod oe at Vti I Ar] bero Ves t i bu I e Project D€scription:Addition of a new Entrvwav Vestibrrle . Contact P€rson and Pnone Own€r, Addr6s and Phone: I rrlgp PrnnertiFc, Inr' 174 Fact Gnre l'reck )r'l vq Vail. Crlora,:io 81557 476 5011 Architoct, Address and phone: Gerald Mer':mnni.e. Bnx 395, Edward-s . C'tl lrartc ,.."" (Lf Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: [r,"u Approval a. T0: Design Review Board Applicants for projects in CCI and CCII FROM: Department of Conrmunity Deve'lopment Development proposals in CCI and CCII are reviewed by the Design Review Boardw-ith respect to Design considerations as outlined in the Urban-Design Guide.llul. These Design Cons'iderat'ions address various architectural ani landscapefeatures. It is the responsibilfty of the applicant to demonstrate whethertheir proposal is complying with these considerations. The Design Considerationsfor the Village and Lionshead are available upon request. Please feel free tocontact Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz with any questions you may have. Vail Vil'lage 'l . Roofs The roof is basicly a hip design with a spiredhip look similar to the l.lildflower's on it's East face. N .A. N. A. 2. Facades 3. Balconies 4. Decks and Patios N"A" 5. Accent Elements 6. Landscape Elements 7. Service Lionshead Heights and missing 2. Roofs 3. Facades walls,/structure 4. Facades - Transparency The Vestibule Dream Fluff. Restaurant - N.A NA. wj I I be pai nted'identical to the a Pratt & Lambert: }{i ldfl ower ( over ) 5. Decks and Patios 6. Accent El ements 7 , Landscape Elements NAME LEGAL 0F PROJECT: Lodge at Vail - Arlberq VestibuleDESCRIPTION: rst 'Fi 1ins LIST OF MATERIALS MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR #1 Blue Lable. Class B - Shingles Cedar 1 X Pine and Smooth Timbers Dream Flttff Material s N. A. , . STAEET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROJECT: The Lodge is propnsing in add a entry-way vestibule to the exterior of the Arlberg Restaurant. adiacent to the |,.li ldflower Resf.arrrant. information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fivin:The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng Other t^|a'll Fasci a Soffi ts !Ji ndows l^lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 1X'1 2 Clear. Pine Dream Fltrff 2X6 T and G Deckinq Dream Fluff Standard Sized Patio Door Units Dream Fluff 1/4 Round Pine Dream Fl uff 30 70 Wood Store Doors Dream Fluff 1 X Clear, Pine Drean Fluff N. A. N. A. N "A. N. A. N, A. N. A, N,A. B. LANDSCAPING: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Name of Designer: Phone: N.A- Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indi cate hei ght for coni fers . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. . " PLANT IfiTERIALS:: Botanical Name , Cormon Namq Quanity Size ' (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Tvpe square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swirming pools, etc.) please specify. N.A TO: FROM: DATE: SUBiIECT: Plannlng and Envlronmental C omml ss I on communlty DevelopmenE Department August 26, l9A5 A request for -j*-€f€aiib'\entry vesti-bole on the easApptrcants' Lodge at Vait a.l tera t].on s icle ot in order to adct anthe Lodge at Vall. I.THE PROPOSAL The Loclge at varl is requestrng to actct an east entry vestrbulethat is located betureen che Artberg Cate and Wrldtlowerrestaurants. The vestlDule entry is approxrma tety '/0 squareteet. The Loctge is propos]'ng the ner{ entry 1n order tormprove peclestrlan traft]'c and to increase energy conserva- t j.on. The Lodge managemenc aEates that: 'At present peclestrran access to the marn looge tromthe ArJ.berg terrace rs v].a tne t,1|rJ.dttovrer Restaurant'sracner small entryway vesc].bu.te. Not only 1s thraentrance/exit contusrng to the general publlc, but rthas the potentrat to become serlousl.y congestect durrnga lite satety sltuation. The proposecl new entrance wayprov]'cles a more natural trattrc pattern, anct rt is awrder and more clirect lrne tor emergency exit." z onr. ng S ta tr strca LODGE AT VAIL MAIN WING oNLY (does not rnctude Nortn Loclge Promenade,Tota1 Site Area Lot A: 2.OBg9 acres or Srte Coverage: (EOt x total stte area)Allorrables 72,794 sq ftExrsting: 381969 sq ft (Please note a:.te coverage inctudes butldrngsr !f rouncr fevelpatios and decj<s unless otherwrse specrt]'ecl 1.n the UrbanDesrgn Gut de plan. , G.R. F. A.AJ.towable: 'l 2r'194 sq ftEx]'sti.ng: 19rl92 sq f t Common Area: (20t ot allolred GRFA)AtLowable: 14r559 sq ftExlstrng: L2,6(J5 sq ttWest Entry adct. aE sq tt New Totat commonInclucrrng Entry L21693 sq ft Wrng, Arcade, conctos, 9Or992 sq f t II. CQMPLIANCE WITII THE PURPOSE SECTION OF C.CI ZONE Purpose: sectlon la.24.OtU. The commercra I Core I ctr6trrctia rntendect to provrcle E rces ancl to matntaln the unrquecnaracter of the Vall Vrllage commerclal area, rtrth rtsmj.xture ot loctges and comrnercral. establlshments in a predom-:.nantly pedestrian envlronment. The commercr.al core Icll'strrct, is tntenctect to ensure adequate lightr dr!r openapsc€, and other arnenities approprlate to the permlttecttypes ot burJ.drngs anct uses. The dratrrct reguLatlona in accorclance urth the varr village urban Design Guide Plan andDesl'gn Conatcteratrons prescrrbe site deve.l.opment standardsthat are rntenclecl to enaure the malntenance and pregerva tlonot the tightly clusterecr arrangernents of bu:'tdlngs trontlngon peclestrranways and publr'c areenwaysr dnd to enaurecontl.nuatron of the burlcl]'ng scale and architectural qualiti.esthat clrstrngui6h the Viltage. Thra proposal ier in complrance with the intent of the zonrngtor the Comnercral Core I drstrict. II I. Thrs proposal does not relate to any of the aub-area conceptslrstecl in the Urban Deslgn Guioe Plan. I IV. COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS F'OR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose ot the comparrslon betereen the propoaa.[ anclconslcleratrons is to shor.r hohr the n er^r deslgn strengthens ordecracts trom the overalr rntent of the deslgn consrderatrona. Pedes tr ra n 1za tlon l Stat t: This subnittal has no impact uponot Vari Vrllage. veh]'cle Pene tra cr on the pedestrra nrza tton Applrcant and statt: This proposal will not Street Enclosure affect vehrcle penetra tion. Appl]'cant and statt: No impact A. B. c. D.Street Edqe -.-tb Appl.rcant and Statt: No impact. Burtd1ng Helght Appllcant anct Statts The proposed vest j.bule is conslcrerabty loner than theactJacent marn Iodge structure. The vestrbule wrll belo teet high, hrhl re the mal.n f octge is 4l teet high.The vestj.bule 's height talls t e-1. I nithr.n the nelght max1mums wrthln the Commerctat Core I dtstrrct. Vrews Appltcant and Statt: No major vrews are obstructecl . Servlce and De I rvery Not apprlcabie Sun/shaoe Not aPpl l ca bl e STAFF RECOTIMENDATION Statt recommencrs approval ot thl.s proposal. The prolectwilL help to turther rdentrty the east entry ot the Loclge.3he entry vestrbule a.Lso has an overalr postttve impact nhencompared to the Urban Destgn Conslctera trons. Statf recommendsapproval' ot thts entry vestlDule. E. F. G. H. v. , fut I _tlt l-f N :l ') t-\l{r ,-_-l 2 a t ilJ -l t- \ft il J \-l vl \<l CONSTRUCTION PERMIT U PLUMBINGD rouuonrtoru 4.tt+ n. coRE cRK. DR. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE srys 914/90 04554 dopartment ol community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT DII BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOB NAME: L9DGE AT VAIL gAFE ARLBERG NAMELODGE AT VAIL I74 E. GORE OK. D MAIL ADDRESSvArL 6-50i1 LEGAL DESC. ARCHITECT G ENERAL CONTRACTOR _ 154-STOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 468-6833 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i r I t tv v ABEHIRM L22a34 pS-PL-Aer--cTFE"AirLAdi{d"'f r-RE-Ff AeE F],UE PERMIT NO, z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING w MECHANICAL 18 , 000 TYPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES III FR B-T2 18,000 BUILDING PERMIT CFfr 2/54 % PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON4X) ADDTTIONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHI IN FT. - NO,FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL ?70 RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN RFVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT EXr wALLs | -l NoNE - I USE TAX-"*l T ] TYPE OF SOLABHEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 270 MICHAEL WEITAKER 9IIOI9O ADDITIONAL ST. CUT PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL ,ILOING OFFICIAL DATE )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read this application, tilled out in full the inJormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ",-"sJ trtr D BUILDING ELECTRICAT MECHANICAL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT deprrtmont of comrnunity dcwlopmlnt TO BE FILLEO OUT@MPLETELV PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT WPE OF PERMIT E pluuetNc[] rounonrpnil ( I r I I LEGAL lDEsc. roT ? lBtl(-,,.,* tlr$-k.: W OWNER "^, *"^*o",/t4 E fi"n &[, clrY t/n i I tlb!-t",. ielt ARCHlrECT FlR ctw PH. GENERAL \\K'": N:))h RFM TOX[{ OF VAlt eEG. No.CONIKAUIUK PLUMEING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAT TOWN OFYAIL REG. NO-CONTRACIOII IELE. OTHER CONTRACT FIRTi| TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. :r (l r: lL.,.-! - OATE r. TYPE OF @l'aSIRUCrloil | ll lll lv v 2.occuP f{cYGRouP eOexI nr 8o@ AL1ERATION AOD|rIONAL ( I REPAIR DWELLI{G UN|TS - AOCO MOO I|o UNITS -HEIGHT IN FT. - N('. FIREPI-ACES INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS N.VAI.IUE AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED: I hereby acknowledgo that I hsve read this application. tltled out an lull the Intormation required, compleied an accurite ptot plan, and state that all the information provided as roqulred is cotrocl. I agrel to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all.Town,ordinances and state taivs, and to buitO lhas structure according to th€ Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and olher ordinancss ol th€ Town applicable therelo. srofeTlrne oF owNER oR ooNTRAcroR FoR HIMSELF \ I t.' 75 .oulh frontrge rord vell. colondo 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE; SU&TECT: offlce of communlly devclopment ALL CONIrRACTORS CT'RREIflTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOISN OF VAIL TO!{N oF VAIL PUBIJC IIORKS/COI'IMI NITY DEvEIppMENt UARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !,IATERIAIJ STORAGE fn sununaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash durnpsters, portable toileti andworlsren vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public PI?9" or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al1 Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off paveruent.This ordinance will be stri-tly enforced by the Town of Vailpllli" tilorks Department. Persons found violatlng this ordinancewill be gLven a 24 hour vritten notice to renove-sald naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotiee within the- 24 hour tl.ne specified, the pubfic worksDepartrnent will remove saLd naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any util.ities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 Ln full, please stop by tlre Town ofVail Building Oepartroent to obtain i copy. ffranf you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) C,rc. n fr q fit -f'a r'fi -1q5r 3s=S ^ =at=.n 5;483t'C!<::ta< 9loirg3gar89,5 tiu !5e:g* rCl 3lsir .!r!p EE =-gFE cr.'!-!lE3 !s [ff'rF:a l!t::t. qr. !=!isi I'do!'So 5lgE og Ag!r !p8e3!r =-g+E<t!)6tofe s.{g; g_e, {gq<j*si 5E!3st lClr**ir€i isE ie6 iE8<tt '38a3ot' *F ^G) CLS(D5 i5F# iff# ff# Eefor Saeqc(t 3$ r.3i8ro, l=li c.:itsr i*-; DtFi-s{€ =tQana'9 B=a./, :$ 2ll:. ElA!E;3!+i s-E5Eil= 'Er_Btsrg f=,allErrCtt3 lorieti o. ls!eio-g E8tg 3 ct a 3,riqt.d! BiJ=F! EiFI 3q3;r€:q=es.g€t* ,1, il C't3$ a/t6P(.to(.} e. !o'I b"-j Ac-Q-. galhr, f Qrt Dtr3 L 6,7'bt8,6" 7,et 8' OTE TEIICIH 0ffsEl SlsE ONE LEIGTH OfFSEI RISE 8"3"16th'8',7Vz'20Vn' 12'4r/to 20Vt"12"9Vz'24V.' 18'52A.26V+'18"'l?Vz'29V2' 24',7V.'a'24'15Vz'il3/c' 36'10Vq'43V2'36'21Vz'45, lwolflclHs 0ttsEr RISE ilo ExGIlts (lTFSEI RISE 38'& 8'121i4"50Vz'36, & 8"25',51Vt' 36, & 12,13h,u1a'36'& 12,27.54Vc' 36' A 18"143h.,60"36' & 18,30"60' #" &24,16t/t'65%"fi' a 24"3it,65r/a' 36" & 36,19V2'771h"36" & 36',1(r'751h, Chlmney slzo j" 7" g" 8" 9" 10" 12" 12" 13" ,o!"t - t+jE_ 141/A- 14"16"18" 17'l9'21" 25"29" 141/o 143/q 143i1 'l43/E' . , ,;. - -'.- -'- io;ii - ec;" 't4:1L_ 1?11 143/s _ _t1:1: 14"t 113"ri 25"t1 29{l 12"13',14" 16 29" outsid€ diameter Frame hole 6ize Base supporls (S) (S2) Cathedral support (SC) Souare Cathedral Support (SS) Finish support (SF) Roof support (ST) Radialion shield (RS) App. installation weight (tb/tt)7.3 8.3 9 1 1 .3 16 18.5 21 23 Maximum t height (ft) Base support (S)20' 30' 20'_ 75't)5 59', 7s'59', OJ 55 50';;..---;30 30'30' 4"44 Wall support (SM) Roof support (ST) Otfset Support (SO)_ .__- Cathedral support (SC) Square CathedralSupport(SS) _- Finish support (SF)--__ Insulated tee'(Tl) Clearance to combustibles When inslalled on a concrete footing tt Dimension varies with roof pitch frame to provrde requrr(]d cloarilnce to cornbuslrbles. tNole: lf greater height is required. use addilional rool soDporls al tlrtervitllr Ot cxccodrn0 30 5". 7", 8" & 10 ' Model ASHT 'ULC lisling "UL and ULC tisring l1 qFr.+ Fmhor C lqqn Chin Chinenee L-himney Sweeps Lt{,P.o. Box 2758Dillon" CO 80435 Gar y, we dre goinq lo replace the flue in the rlafe Arlberg aL theLodge af vaii. The attached diagran is arr elrvetic'n of the chasewe are working irr. We will denolish clay flue *2 (Cafe Arlberg f lue ) anC clay f lue #3 (clay f lue beinq use'3 to vent, air frornGold Ski room and bathroom exhaust f ans) dor,rn to the top of the snoke chanber of the cafe Arlberg. (1evel "A" ). We wilL installa rated nas.rr-rry,-lrrchor pIaLe for SecrrriLy Type ''AS" insr-rlatedflue tlhich has a 4" clearance to combustibLes. (see altached) Wewill run Security "AS" 18" ilianeter flue pipe the entire IengLhof the chase. ide will also run the flue being used for an airvent with galvani.ze,;l ducL of similar draw area. Thank yon, Gener a I lllar.ldger Chim Chinenee cs LTD i4" cin-4erblock), Any wi. 1I be wrapped with 5/8ii:#:*Fgg;E$f o*.$9:r93o.=t *- 6 6od o'{:1 rnISlco<P-qEEas.=R- ;r-5 5'9r I-'=-Qqa=5::t !1 5 ='t=_0()A)')CF.t-si.;3: I:lie J;5;R!:g d€ ile-Fs==eF;.-3BFsI='E+9F'o?E d; He F-Fe g €'e -€**o-4pEq:{s=33s6EE1'3:". H*E F g 3gCEq;a;"3sf?e*SB sfln7 \t 11r-.lncf rrrr-t i rln ase witt!'4'Sof flue Act CDCL a n D fl rl tr v,(D <t=coa^='g< -ro-E(D Fs-..P;' loo,3 { clo = <D* a- <D n;' Ecr69 5aD=9r=6€ -trr-1 Jin rdrfita tr \:st PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo., \-\SD- JoB NAME --INSPECTION REQUEST iTOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: wED @ FRI BUILDING: tr FOQTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ID FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Hydraulics Summary Sheet All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Gommerce City, CO 80022 (303)288-3901 System Information _Hydraulics Design Criteria_ System Type: lJet Density: .10 GPM.zSqFt Remote Areo: 1500 SqFt Sprinkler Coveroge: Uanies SqFt Design Stondord: NFPA 13 Hozord: Light Hazand Figure; (NA) Curve: (NA) _Sprinklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Centnal Model: Rogal F lush Sizei t/2,' K-Foctor: 5.6 Temp. Roting: 155 & 165 & Sidewal I H Designer: F.P. / O.K. Cofc By: F.P. / D.K. Dote: 10-2-96 Hydraulics Information Demand... Spr Req'd Pres: 94.46 PSI Spr Req'd Flow: 310.87 GPH Add'l Flows: 250.00 GPMHose of Srce: 0.00 GPM Totol Flow: 560.87 GPM Totol Pres: 106.08 PSI Stotic Elev: 0.00 Ft Supply... Water Flow Test_Stotic: 130.00 PSIResiduol: 80.00 PSI Qty Flowing: 1247.00 GPM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft Dote: 9-15-96 Time: 9:25 By: Yoden Engi neen ing Pump Data Roted: 0.0 PSIe 0.0 GPM Boost Pres: (NA) PsI Dischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) cPM Comblned "'i oFfiffiilbP Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Available... P) 11s.60 PSre F) 106.oe Psre Margin... (NR) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM 560.87 GPM 837.48 GPM Pressure: 12.52 Psl Ffow: 276.62 GP]4 NlLtr LvL l\l#o4n3f2 Project Information The Arlberg Restaurant it'#ill:#$,*"T*npf.p6,,gr,*r controct No: sry76_- ))''"'r;t"i":'i P- e, tto rg' -'t r- - r-4: 4<O )---.<---- -tf:'i.:?: nanat' Ref. Drowing No:-.-'Z)'Z s-.F< Construction: Noncombustible Occuponcy: Seat i ng Authority: Uai I Fire Pnevention Dynomics Corporotion 7700 Summory Sheet Remote Area #1 System Demand.. Sprinklen Oemand 94.46 PSI e 310.87 Additional Flor.rs 2SO.OO Hose at Sounce 0.00 Total Demand 106.08 PSI e 560.87 GPM GPM 6PM 6PM Water Supply.. iStatic 13O.0O PSt Residual 80.00 PSI e L247.00 GPM Elevation O.00 PSI Slgms Dynamlos Corporsllon 7700 Supply / Dom!nd Graph Margln Pnessune L2.52 PSIFlow 276.62 GPM 0ffi Wa0ar Flort (GPM) ST BMITTAL SERIAL, NO: 2380IIY1 Remote Area #1 Ttre Arlberg Restaurant The Lodge at VailVail, Colorado AIl-StaEe Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E- 75th Ave, #12 CorEnerce CiEy, CO 80022 FIJOW TEST RESULTS wat,er SupplySTATIC 13O.OO PSIRESTDUAI 80.00 Psr @ ]-247.00 GFM CITC PRESSI'RE AVAII,ABLE AT 560.9 GPM ]-18.50 PST SUMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFIJOWS ACTUAL MINIMI]MSPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSURE 10-02-1995 PAGE L 101 L02 103 104 105 106 L07 108 109 110 11LLtz 113 LL4 115 115tt1 118 1-5 .58t4.82t4.92t4.82 L4 -92 18 .30 15 .03 15-03 t4.99 15 .07 14.99 15 .07 t7 .o92t -57 2L -27 21 .39 22.43 22.58 t4.82 L4.82 L4.82 t4.82 L4.82 L4.82 14.82 L4 -82 14.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.82 ]-4.82 L4.82 ]-4.82 L4.82 14.82 19 .13 5 .50 5 .60 5 .50 5 .60 5 .50 5 .60 5 .60 5 .50 s .60 5.50 5 .50 5.60 5 .60 5 .50 s .60 s .50 5 .50 s .50 8.77 7 .007.t0 7 .00 7 -LO 10 .68 7 .20 7 .20 7 .16 7 .24 7 .L5 7 .24 9.32t4.84 14.42 r-4.58 15 .04 L6.26 SIIEilfTTAL SERIAL NO : 2380IIY1,nemote/Area #1 'Tbe Arlberg RestauranL The Loclge at VailVail , Colorado 'BO|IA& WATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 310.87 cpM OIITBIjoIIS AT 11 25O.OO GPM 11TIAI, WATER REQUIREMENT 550.87 GPM PRFSSITRE REQUIRED AT O 105.08 PSI l.IA:(Imru. PRESSITRE III|BALAIICE IN ITOOPS 0.00 PSIl{A:(Iutt{ vErocrry FRoM a2 To 13 31.45 Fps 10-02-1996 PAGE 2 : SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2380IIYI- Remote Area #1The Arlberg RestaurantThe Lodge at VaiIVaiI , Colorado 10-02-1996 PAGE 3 L,ocation From To 43 ]-O4 Flowin GPM a t4.82 Pipe FittingsSize &IN Devices 0 .811 F=0 AO 0.81_1 F=T DR Friction Loss PSI/FE C=150 0.t732 Pressure Sumrnary PSI PT 7-00 (104)PE 0.00PF 0.05PT 7.06 ( 43) PT 10.68 (106) PE -0.1LPF 0.83PT 1r_.40 ( Sr) Equiv Length FT 0 .33 0 .00 o .33 5r_ 106 L F T L I T IJ F T L F T L' F T 0 -25 C-150 3 .003.25 0.2ss9 7.83 C=150 6 .00 13 .83 Q .L777 7.93 C=150 5 .00 13 .83 0 .1777 0.42 C=l-50 7 .00 7 -42 0.1780 10.33 C=150 0 .00 10 .33 0 .1780 L3.67 C=150 11_ .50 25 -L7 0.1605 0.33 C=150 0 .000.33 0 .L787 0.33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1768 0.33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .t787 7 -20 (108) -1.502.468.05 ( 53) 7.20 (107) -r_.50 2.46 8-06 ( s3) 0 .18 1.32 9.s6 ( s2) 0; 00 1.84 11.40 ( 51) 0-87 4.0415-31 ( 28) 7.24 (11-2) 0 .00 0 .06 7 .30 ( 64') 7 -L6 (111_) 0 .00 0 .06 7 .22 ( 63) 7 .24 (110) 0 .00 0 .06 18-30 53 108 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 1 .055 BN22 1.055 BN22 L.29L BN3 0 .81L AO 0 .81-1 AO 0.8r.1 AO 1s .03 F=38 F=38 F=E/T F=0 F=T,2E F=0 F=0 PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF L F T 53 107 o s3DQ a 52 o s]_DQ a 15 .03 1s .03 30 .06 30 .06 18 .30 48.36 52 5l- 28 L F T L F T L F T 64 LL2 L5 .07 53 111 L F T L4.99 64 110 15 .07 F=0 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380I{Y1 Remote Area #1 The Arlberg ResEaurant Ttre Lodge aC VailVaiI, Colorado 10-02-1995 PAGE 4 Friction PressureL,oss SunrnaryPSI/FE PSI c=150 PT 7.30 ( 54)PE 0-140.1789 PF 1.31 C=L50 PT 8.?5 ( 621PE -l..25 0 .1789 PF 1_ .5LPT 9.01 ( 61) Location From To Flow Pipein SizeGPM IN Fittings & Devices E=B/T F=0 F=0 F=T/T F=T,38 F=0 F=0 F=E/T F=0 Equiv LengEh FT L 0.33F 7.00T 7.33 L 8.42F 0.00T 8.42 L F T .lJ F T L F T 62 64DQ 15.07 1-.055a 30.14 BN2 61 62 r..osso 30.L4 BN2 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT 6t 30 L f T IJ F T 44 105 53 109 a 53DQ a 61DQ o 1-4.99 14.99 29.97 30 .14 60 .11 0 .811 AO 1. .055 BN2 L.29L BN4 0 .81-1 AO 0.8L1 AO 1.055 BN2 1 .055 BN2 0.811 AO 0 .33 C=1-50 0 .000.33 0.1768 0 -33 C=150 9 .00 9 .33 0 .L770 L7 .25 C=150 L4 .5033..75 0 .2400 0 .33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1754 0.33 C=150 0 .000-33 0.1754 0.33 C=150 7 .00 7 .33 0.L7s7 8.42 C=150 0 .008.42 0.L757 0.33 C=1s0 0 .000.33 0 .t732 7 .t6 (109) 0 .00 0 .06 7.22 ( 63)o.t4 1.65 9.01 ( 61) 0 .0r. 7 .62L6.64 ( 30) 7.10 (10s) 0 .00 0 .05 7 .L6 ( 44) 7 .to (103) 0 .00 0 .05 7 .L6 ( 441 0 .14 L.29 8.s9 ( 42) -1.25 1.488.82 ( 41) 7.00 (102) 0 .00 0 .06 o L4.92 PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF 44 103 o 44DQ o 42 o 1-4.92 L4.92 29.85 29 .85 42 4L t F T L F T IJ F T o 43 LOz t4.82 F=0 SIIBMTITAL SERIAL NO: 2380IIY1 RemoE,e Area #1The Arlberg Rest,aurant,The Lodge aE VailVail, Colorado Locat,ion Flowin FrOm To GPM 4t 43DQ L4.82a 29.64 26 41DQ 29.850 s9.49 31 113 o t7 .09 25 101 16 .58 32 L1-7 o 22.43 29 LL6 21.38 27 LLs o 2r.27 24 LL4 2L.57 23 118 22.58 a Fittings &Devices F=r/T F=T,38 F=T,88 F=T,88 F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E ]-7.L7 C=150 19 .0036.17 0 -2132 2.50 C=150 5.00 7 .50 0.3727 2.50 C=150 5.007.s0 0.34L2 2.50 C=150 5 .00 7 .50 0 .3378 2.50 C=150 5 .00 7 .50 0.3458 1.04 C=150 5.00 6 -04 0.377s 7.00 C=150 0 .00 7 .00 0.0008 1_0-02-1995 PAGE 5 Pressure Sumnary PSr PT 7.06 ( 43)PE 0-14PF L.62 PT 8.82 ( 41)PE 0.01PF 7 .47PT 16.30 ( 26') PT 9.32 (113)PE 0.10PF 8.15PT 17.s8 ( 31) PT 8.77 (L01)PE 0.10PF 7.7LPT 16.58 ( 2s) PT 15.04 (117)PE -0.6sPF 2.80PT 18.19 ( 32) PT 14.58 (115) PE -0.65PF 2.56PT L5.49 ( 29) PT L4.42 (115)PE -0.65PF 2,53PT 15.30 ( 27) PT 14.84 (114) PE -0.6spF 2.60PT 1,6.79 ( 24',) PT ]-6.26 (1L8)PE -0.13PF 2.28PT 18.41 ( 231 PT 16.30 ( 27)PE 0 .00PF 0.01 Pipe Size IN 1.055 BN2 L.29L BN4 0 .811 BN1 0.811 BN1 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 2 .009 CM Equiv I-,ength FC 0 .33 9 .00 9.33 t7 .25 14 .50 34.75 t7 .17 19 .00 36 -t7 Friction LossPSr/Fr C=150 0.L734 C=150 o.2354 C=150 0.2255 L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T t F T L F T L F T L F T 28 27 I .91 F=0 SUBMITTAI-, SERIAL NO: 2380HY1 RemoEe Area #LThe Arlberg ResE,aurantThe Loclge at VailVail , Colorado 10-02-1995 PAGE 6 Pipe Fit.tings Equiv FricEion PressureSize & IJengEh Loss SutrunaryIN Devices FL PSI/FL PSI 2.009 t 7.00 C=150 PT 16.31 ( 28)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0 .00cM T 7.00 0.0255 PF 0.18 2.009 L 3.50 C=150 PT ]-6.49 ( 29)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 3.s0 0.0458 PF 0.15 2.009 t 7-08 C=150 PT 16-6s ( 30)F=0 F 0-00 PE 0.00clr T 7-08 0.1309 PF 0.93 2.009 L 3.75 C=150 PT 17.58 ( 31)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 3.75 0.1623 PF 0.51 2.009 L 10 -08 C=150 PT l-8.19 ( 32)F=E F 5 -50 PE 0.00cI4 T 15.58 0 .2082 PF 3 -24 2.OO9 t 17.00 C=150 PT 2L.43 ( 33)F=T F 9.00 PE 0.00cIvr]. T 26 .00 0 .2082 PF 5 .41PT 26.84 ( 21) Locat.ion From To Flowin GPM 29 28DQ 48.35a 57 -27 30 29DQ 21.38o 78.65 31 3oDQ 50-11a 138.76 32 31DQ t7.09o 1s5.86 33 32DQ 22.43o L78.28 o L78.28 27 o L2.36 26DQ s9.49o 71.85 2sDQ 16.58a 88.43 24DQ 2t.57a 110.00 23DQ 22.58a 132 .58 332t PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF 26 25 24 23 2.O09 CM 2.009 c14 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T 3.50 C=150 0 .00 3 .50 0 .001-5 7.00 C=150 0 .007.00 0 .0387 3.67 C=150 0 .00 3 .67 0.0s69 10.08 C=150 9 .0019.08 0 .08s2 17.00 C=150 9.00 25 .00 0 .L204 15.30 ( 27) 0 .00 0 .01 15 .31 ( 26',) 0 .00 0.27 16.s8 ( zs',) 0 .00 o.2L L6.79 ( 24) 0 .00 1 .53 L8.42 ( 23) 0 .00 3 .13 22 F=T SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380IIY1 Remot,e Area #1The Arlberg Rest,aurant. The Lodge at VailVail, Colorado LOCation From To 2L 22 Flowin GPM o 132.58 10-02-1996 PAGE 7 Pipe Fit,Eings Equiv Friction PressureSize & Length Loss SununaryIN Devices Ft Psr/FE Psr 2.009 L 44.00 C=150 PT 2L.ss ( 22)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 44.00 0.1204 PF 5.30 2.009 L 26.A9 C=150 PT 26.85 ( 2L)F=28 F 1l-.00 PE 0 .97FM24 T 37.08 0.5823 PF 21.59 2 .O09 I-, 6.08 C=150 PT 49 -4L ( 14)F=E F 5.s0 PE 0.00FM23 T 11-58 0.5823 PF 6.74 2.009 IJ 3.75 C=L50 PT 55.L5 ( 13)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00FM22 T 3.75 0.s823 PF 2.t8 2.727 L 3.33 C=120 PT 58.33 ( 12) F=T, BVIT F 3l-.00 PE 0 - 00FM21 T 34 .33 0 .1-987 PF 5 .82 4 -352 I-, 24 .O3 C=120 PT 55 .15 ( 11)F=T,2E,BV F 52 .00 PE 9.98FR2 T 76.03 0.0508 PF 4.62 4.260 L 114.00 C=120 PT 79.75 ( 6)F=28 F L3.50 PE 0.00FM1 T 127.60 0.0674 PF 8.60 4-260 L, 25.83 C=120 PT 88.35 ( 5)F=2E F 13 .60 PE 1.13FMr. T 39 .43 0 .0674 PF 2 .66 4.260 L !4.6? C=l-20 PT 92 -L4 ( 4)F=2E F 13 .60 PE 0 .00FM1 T 28.27 0.0674 PF 1.91 4.260 L 37.00 C=120 PT 94.05 ( 3)F=E F 5.80 PE 0.00FM1 T 43.80 0.0674 PF 2-95 6.357 L 25.25 C=120 PT 97.00 ( 2) F=2E,BFP F 20.00 PE 3.L2FR1 T 46 .2s 0 .0095 PF O .44 575RP Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer 4.77 i_3 L2 L4 21DQ 1-78.28 o 310.87 L4 a 310.87 13 a 310.87 1_l_ t2 o 310.87 5 11DQ 2s0.00a s50 .87 56 0 550-87 5 o s60.87 4 a s50.87 3 o 560 .87 L2 a s60.87 Wilkins Model ..' ' r' A .. ], SUHiiITTAt SERIAL NO:2380I{!11 10-02-1996 PAGE I R6mote Area #1The Arlberg Restaurant Ttre Iodge ag VailiVail, Colorado Location Flow !+pe Fittings Equiv Friction PreEsurein Size & Length Losa Surunary Frorn To GPM IN Devices Ft PSI/FL PSI 0 L 6.275 L 40.50 C=140 PT 105.34 ( 1)A 550.87 F=E,T,GV F 56.00 PE O.OO PT 105.08 ( 0) ! Hydraulics Summary All-State Flre Protection, lnc. 6045 E. 76th Ave, #12 Commerce Gity, CO 80022 (303)288-3901 System Information _Hydraulics Design Griteria_ System Type: uet Density: .10 GPM.zSqFt Remote Areo: 1500 SqFt Sprinkler Coveroge: Uanies SqFt Design Stondord: NFPA 13 Hozord: Light Hazard Figure: <nn) Curve: (NA) _Sprlnklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Central Model: Rogal Flush & Sidewal I H Sizei L/Ztl K-Foctor: S.6 Temp. Roting: 1SS & 165 S heet Designer: Cclc By: Dote: F.P. / F.P. / 10-2-96 Sigmo Dynomics Corporot ion 770O Summory Sheet './-c444 il,aaj LUL tv*oLqJ62 Project Information The Arlberg Restaurant Authority: Uai I Fine Prevention H:::i::1""S*,u,r;nc,?F,f#.fi f iaEF Vall, Colorado 81657/arf, cororado Er6oz "rffiffiri"j;T;,;dd Controct No: s6076 ',,2 -1.r-/'H"a*/, Buifding: a"Niy System fD: nerflllS:#<R"f.D;fi;;';;; ;;;;v Construction: Noncombust i b I e Occuponcy: Seating Hydraulics lnformation 1Oemand...I Spr Req'd Pres: 94.24 PSI Spr Req'd Flow: 311.51 cPM Add'l Flows: 250.00 GPMHose of Srce: 0.O0 GPf,l Totol Flow: 561.51 GPM Totol Pres: 105.88 pSI Stotic Elev: 0.00 Ft Supply... Water Flow Teet Stotic: 130.00 PSI Residuol: 90.00 PSI Qty Ffowing: L247.OO GPM Elevotion: 0.00 Ft Dote: 9-15-96 Time: 9:25 am Byt Yoder Engi neen ing _Pump Data_ Roted: 0.0 PSIe O.0 Boost Pres: (NA) Dischorge Pres: (NA) Dischorge Flow: (NR) _Combined_Stotic: (NA) Residuol: (NA) Qty Flowing: (NA) Available... P) ue.sz Psre s61.s1 F) 1o5.gB Pste 941.16 Margln-.. Pressure: 12.69 Flow: 279.66 GPM PSI PSI GPM PSI PSI GPM GPM GPM PSI GPM Remote Area #2 System Demand.. Spnink ler Demand 94.24Additional Flows Hose at Sounce PSt e 311.51 250.00 0. oo GPM 6PM GPM GPM Water Supply..Static 130.00 PSIResidual 80,00 PSI e 1247.O0 6PMElevation O.00 PSI Slgma Dynsmlcs Corporetlon 7700 Supply / Oamend Graph Margin Pnessune 12.69 PSIFlow 279.66 GPM Waler Flout (GPM) Total Demand 105.88 PSI e 561.51 SITBMITTAL SERIAI NO:2380Hy1 Remote Area #2Ttre Arlberg RestaurantThe Lodge at VailVail , Colorado A11-State Fire prot,ect,ion, Inc.6045 E. 75Eh Ave, #12Cormnerce City, CO 80022 FLOW TEST RESULTS Water SupplySTATTC 130.00RESIDUAL 80.OO 10-02-1995 PAGE L PSI PSr @ CITY PRESSI'RE AVAII,ABLE AT SI'MMARY OF SPRINKLER OIITFLOWS ACTUAL MINIMUMSPR FLOW FLOW K-FACTOR PRESSI]RE L247.OO GPM s61.5 cPM 118.57 PSr 101 L02 103 104 105 106 to7 108 109 110 111Lt2 113 LL4 115 116 LL7 119 L5.64 L4.82 L4.92 L4.82 L4.92 L8.29 15 .02 15 .02 14.92 15 .01 14.91 15 .01 16.93 2L.68 2L.26 2L.32 22.17 23 .8s t4.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4 .82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.82 14.82 t4.82 14.82 14.82 14.82 1,4.82 L4.82 14.82 14.82 19.13 5.60 5.60 s .60 s .60 s .60's.60 5 .50 s .50 5 .60 5 .60 5 .60 5-50 s.60 5 .60 5 .60 5 .60 s .60 s .60 8 .83 7 .OO 7 .L0 7 .00 7 .L0 10.55 7 .t9 7 .L9 7 .O9 7 .t8 7 .09 7 .L8 9.L4 L4.99 14.4L r_4 .50 1-5.68 18 .13 TSUBMITDAIi SERIAL NO : 2380IIY1 Remot,e Area #2 The Arlberlg ResEaurants Ttre r.odge at vailVaiL, Colorado T TAIJ TIATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 311.51 GPMotnFlows AT 11 2s0.00 cPM TOtrT& WATER REQUIREMENT 551..51 GPM PRESSITRE REQUIRED AT 0 10s.88 PSr : IIIAI(IIIUM PRESSI,RE I,NBAIJAIICE IN LOOPS O.OO PSI I,IATIIMT'M VEIJOCITT FROM 12 TO 13 31.53 FPS 10-02-1996 PAGE 2 SUBMfTTAL SERIAL NO:2380HYL Remote Area #2Ttre Arlberg Restaurant The Lodge aE VailVail, Colorado Location 0.25 C=150 3 .00 3 .25 0 .2555 7.83 C=150 6 .00 13 .83 0 .L775 10-02-1996 PAGE 3 Pressure Suunary PSI PT 7-00 (104)PE 0.00PF 0.05PT 7.06 ( 43) 10.55 (105) -0.11 0 .8311.38 ( s1) PT 7 .L9 (108)PE -1.50PF 2.45PT 8.04 ( 53) 7 .L9 (107) -t_.602.45 8.04 ( s3) 0 .18 L.32 9.54 ( s2) 0 .00 1.84 11.38 ( 51) 0.87 4 .03L6.28 ( 28) 7 -t8 (t]-2't 0.00 0 .05 7 .24 ( 64) 7.09 (111) 0 .00 0 .05 7 .L5 ( 63) 7.18 (110) 0 .00 0 .06 Flowin From To GPM 43 104 o L4.82 51 105 18.29 53 108 o 15 .02 53 107 a 15.02 15.02 30.04 s3DQ o 52 o s].DQ o 30 .04 L8.29 48.32 64 Ltz a 15 .01 53 111 L4.9L Pipe FittingsSize &IN Devices 0 .811 F=0 AO Equiv Length FT 0 .33 0 .00 0 .33 Friction IJOS SPSr/Fr c=150 0.t732 0 .811 DR 0 .811 AO 0.811 AO 1 .055 BN22 1 .055 BN22 t.29L BN3 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO F=T F=38 'F=38 F=E/T F=0 F=T,28 F=0 F=0 7 .83 6 .00 13 .83 o.42 7 .00 7.42 10 .33 0 .00 10 .33 L3.67 11 .50 25.L7 L F T L F T L F T PT PE PF PT 52 51 28 L F T L F T L F T L F T C=150 o.L775 C=150 o.L777 C=150 0.L777 C=150 0 .1503 0.33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .L?73 0.33 C=150 0 .000.33 0 .]-752 0.33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .L773 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF L F T L F T L F T 54 110 15 .01 F=0 SIIBMITTAT SERIAL NO :2380HY1 Remot,e Area #2The Arlberg RestaurantThe Lodge at VailVail, Colorado 0 .33 C=1-50 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1754 0 .33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1754 0 -33 C=150 7-00 7 .33 0.4757 8.42 C=1-50 0 .00 8 -42 0.L757 0.33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1732 :Io-02-L996 PAGE 4 Pressure Surunary PSI PT 7.24 ( 64)PE 0.14PF L.30 PT 8.58 ( 621PE -t.25PF t.49PT 8.92 ( 51) 7.09 (109) 0 .00 0 .05 7.ts ( 63) 0-14 1 .54 8.93 ( 51) 0 .01 7 .5516.s0 ( 30) 7 .10 (10s) 0 .00 0 .067.16 ( 44) 7 .L0 (103) 0 .00 0 .06 7 .16 ( 44) 0.14 L.29 8.s9 ( 42) -L.251.488.82 ( 41) 7 .00 (102) 0 .00 0 .05 Location From To Flowin GPM Equiv L,engLh FT 0 .33 7 .00 7 .33 8.42 0 .00 8.42 0 .33 0 .00 0 .33 0 .33 9 .00 9-33 L7 .25 14 .50 3L.75 Friction LoSS PSI/FT C=150 0.L775 C=150 o.L775 C=15 0 0 -t752 C=150 0 .1755 C=150 0 - 2381 62 54DQ 15.01a 30-02 o 30.02 63 109 o Pipe FiEr,ingsSize &IN Devices r_ - 055 F=E/r BN2 1.055 F=0 BN2 L F T L F T 626L t F T IJ F T L F T 61 30 63DQ o 6lDQ o L4.92 L4.91- 29.83 30 .02 59 .8s 0 .811 AO 1.055 BN2 1.29t BN4 0.811_ AO 0 .811 AO 1.055 BN2 1- 055 BN2 0 .811 AO F=0 F=T/T F=Tr 3E F=0 F=0 F=E/T F=0 L F T IJ F T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF 44 tos 1-4.92 44 103 o 44DQ o 42 o L4.92 L4.92 29.8s 29.85 42 4L L F T Il F T L F T 43 L02 L4.82 F=0 STTBMITTAL SERIAL NO : 2380Hyl- RemoEe Area #2The Arlberg Rest,auranEThe Lodge at VailvaiL, Colorado Locat.ion FIowin FrOm To GPM 4t 43D0 L4.82o 29.64 26 41DQ 29.85o s9.49 31 r_13 15 .93 25 101 t6 -64 32 tL7 22.t7 29 Lt6 2L.32 27 LLs 2L.25 24 ]-L4 2L.68 33 r.r_9 23 .85 Pipe Size IN 1.05s BN2 T.29L BN4 0 .811 BN1 0.811 BN1 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 2.009 CM Fittings & Devices LF=T/T F T LF=T,38 F T Equiv Length FT 0 .33 9 .00 9.33 L7.25 14 .50 31_ .75 FricEion LosS PSI/FE C=150 0.t734 C=150 0 .2354 t7 ,L7 C=150 19 .0035.L7 0 -22L6 L7.17 C=150 1-9.0036.L7 0.2L45 2.50 C=150 s .007.s0 0-3550 2 .50 C=150 5 .00 7 .50 0 .3394 2.50 C=150 s .007.50 0 .337s 2.sO C=150 s .00 7 .50 0 .3500 1.04 C=150 5 .006.O4 0.4L75 7.0O C=150 0 .00 7 .00 0 .0151 10-02-1_996 PAGE 5 Pressure Sununary PSI PT 7.06 ( 43)PE 0.14PF t.62 PT 8.82 ( 41)PE 0.01PF 7 -47pr 16.30 ( 26) 9.14 (113) 0 .10 8 .02 t7 .26 ( 31) 8.83 (101) 0. L0 7 -76L5.59 ( 25) 1s .68 (l_l_7) -0.6s 2.74 t7 -77 ( 32) 14.50 (11_6) -0 .65 2.55 r.6 .40 ( 29) ]-4.4L (115) -0-65 2 -53L6.29 | 27',) L4.99 (L14) -0.5s 2.62 L6 -e6 ( 24) 18 .13 (119) -0 .13 2.5220.s2 ( 33) 16 -29 ( 28) 0-00 0 .11 F=Tr 8E F=T' 8E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E L F T PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T 29 28 43.L9 F=0 SI]BMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380HY1 RemoLe Area #2 The Arlberg Rest.aurant.The Lodge at vailVail, Colorado 1_0-02-1995 PAGE 6 Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction PressureSize & Length Loss SurnrnaryrN Devices Ft PSr/Ft PSr 2 .009 L 3 . 50 C=1-50 PT l-6 .40 ( 29)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 3 .50 0.0317 PF 0.1r_ 2 .OO9 IJ 7 .08 C=150 PT 15 .51 ( 30)F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0.00cM T 7.08 0.1-059 PF 0.76 2 .009 L 3 .75 C=1-50 PT L7 -27 ( 31)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0 .00cM T 3.?5 0.1354 PF 0-51 2 .OOg L 10. 08 C=150 PT !7 .78 ( 32)F=E F 5 .50 PE 0.00cM T 15.58 0.1773 PF 2.76 2.009 L 17.00 C=150 PT 20.s4 ( 33)F=T F 9.00 PE 0.00cM1 T 25.00 0.2281 PF 5-93PT 25.47 ( 2L) Location From To Flowin GPM 30 29DQ 2L.32a 64.52 31 30DQ 59.85o 124.36 32 3r_DQ 15 .93o 141.30 33 32DQ 22.L7o L53 -47 2L 33DQ 23.85o L87 -32 28 o s.13 27DQ 2t-26a 26.39 26DQ s9.49o 8s.87 25DQ L5.64 o 102 .51- 24DQ 2L.68o L24 -t9 23 o L24.A9 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF L F T L F T L F T L F T L F T It F T 27 26 25 24 23 2 .009 CM 2_009 CM 2 .009 CT,I 2.009 CM 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM F=0 F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T 7 .00 C=150 0 .00 7 .00 0 .0003 3.50 C=150 0 .00 3 .50 0 .0051 Z .00 C=150 0 .007.00 0-0s39 3.67 C=150 0.00 3 .67 0.0748 10 .08 C=150 9 .00 19 .08 0 .1066 17 .00 C=150 9 .00 26 -OO 0 .1065 16.29 ( 28) 0 .00 0 .00 L6 -29 ( 27) 0 .00 0 .02 16.31 ( 26) 0 .00 0 .38 16.69 ( 2s) 0-00 o.27 L6.96 ( 241 0 .00 2 .03 18.99 ( 23) 0 .00 2.77 22 F=T SITBMITfAL SERIAL NO:2380HY1 RemoEe Area #2The Arlberg Restaurant The Lodge at VailVail, Colorado r.0-02-1996 PAGE 7 Pipe FiEEings Equiv Friction PressureSize & Length Loss SununaryIN Devices Ft PSI/FL PSI 2.009 L 44.00 C=150 PT 2L.76 ( 22)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0 .00cM T 44 - 00 0.l_055 PF 4.69 2.009 L 25.08 C=150 PT 26.45 ( 21)F=2E F l-1.00 PE 0 .97FM24 T 37.08 0.5845 PF 2t.67 2.009 L 6.08 C=150 PT 49.09 ( 14)F=E F 5.50 PE 0.00FM23 T 1L - s8 0 .5845 PF 6 .77 2 . 009 L 3 .75 C=150 PT s5 .85 ( 13 )F=0 F 0 .00 PE 0.00Fttt22 T 3 .75 0.5845 PF 2 -]-9 2.727 t 3.33 C=120 PT 58.05 ( t2) F=T, BV/T F 3l- . 00 PE 0 .00FM21 T 34-33 0.1994 PF 5.85 4.352 L 24.03 C=120 PT 64.90 ( 11) F=T, 28, BV F 52 .00 PE 9 . 98FR2 T 75.03 0.0609 PF 4-63 4.260 L 114.00 C=1-20 PT 79.5L ( 6)F=2E F L3.60 PE 0.00FM1 T L27 -60 0.0676 PF 8.53 4.260 L 25.83 C=120 PT 88.14 ( 5)F=28 F 13 .60 PE 1 .13FMl T 39 .43 0.0575 PF 2.57 4.260 L L4.67 C=120 PT 9L.94 ( 4)F=2E F 13 .50 PE 0 .00FM1 T 28.27 0 .0675 PF 1.91- 4.260 L, 37.00 C=120 PT 93.85 ( 3)F=E F 5.80 PE 0.00FM1 T 43-80 0.0675 PF 2.96 6.357 L 25.2s C=120 PT 96.81 ( 2) F=2E,BFP F 20.00 PE 3.12FR1 T 46.25 0.0095 PF 0.44 575RP Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer 4.77 Locat,ion From To 2L 22 FIowin GPM a t24.L9 13 t4 2LDQ L87.32 o 311.51 L4 o 311 .5r. 13 0 31L.51 L2 o 311-51 5 11DQ 2s0.00o s51.51- 56 o 561. s1 o s61.51 4 o 561-. sl 3 o 561. s1 t2 o 551.51 Wil-kins ModeL L2 1l_ STTBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2380HY1 10-02-1996 pAcE IRemote Area #2 T'lre Arlberg Rest,auranE,The Lodge aE Vailvail, Colorado r,ocation Flow Pipe Fit.tings Equiv priction pressurein Size & tength Loss SunmaryFrom To cPM IN Devices FE pSI/Ft, pSI 0 1 6.275 I, 40.50 C=140 pT 105.13 ( 1)O 551.51 F=E,T,GV F 55-OO PE O.OOuN T 95-50 0.0077 PF O.74 PT 10s.87 ( 0) a ttF ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 6045 E. 76TH AVE. #12 COMMERCE CITY. CO 80022 ARLBERG RESTAIJRANT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PRODUCT LITERATURE PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Type "M" Copper Tube B. Solder Joint Copper and Brass Fittings SPRINKLERHEADS A. Central Royal Flush Concealed, Automatic Sprinkler Model'oA" Yz" 162 Degree' B. Central Model "H" %" 165 degree sidewall sprinkler head. C. Cental Adjustable Dry Pendent Model A-l %" 165 degree. VALVES A. Central 2 /2" Btttterfly Valves with Tamper Switches B. United Brass #125S Globe Valves C. United Brass #765 Gauge Test Valves D. Triple R Specialty I Vn" Drun & Test Valve ACCESSORIES A. Potter Electric Signal "VSR-CF" Vane Type Waterflow Alarm Switch C. Tolco Fig. 200 Trimline Adjustable Swivel Ring Hangers D. Tolco Fig. 100 3/8" All Thread Rod E. Argco Item #4 3/8" Steel Eye Sockets F. Argco Item #1 Spare Head Boxes and 0-300 psi Water Pressure Gauges G. Farr-Larm Audible / Visible Signal VATL TT RT PEP-AP. FPIENT AY:',,- '1 i;; $g'*3r'lt':il:1C|, ii.'i;l:.i,J ;lri !:ll i Y FIRE. FTFTa aa_,rra :al Hs Introduction Table of Contents . Copper, with its unique combination of economy and versatility, has proven itsell repealedly in piping systems. Wiin estabtished' solid performance, these same qualities which have made it the material of choice in other applications prove its ability for use in fire sprinkler systems. Copper has long-eslablished abvantages over sleel and plastics. Gopper is lightweight and compact, which eases fabrication andinstallation and saves on lhe space needed to install tube in con- fined areas. Copper systems can be economically fabricated by soldering or.brazing using conventional equipment or electric 16- sistance'tools. Joining is done with standard'fittings or mechanical tee-pulling devices. Bending and forming ol the tube is easy due to copper's ductility. Modification and repair is simplified. In-occu-pied spaces the installation is clean and copper cdn be easily fit into tight spaces and around fixtures. The corrosion resistanie of copper, both exlernal and internal, helps to maintain a neat aD-pearance and provides superior flow characteristics. In terms of installed costs and material integrity, copper pro- vides a low maintenance project with excelleni edonoiriy. The re- sult is beneficial to everyone from the contractor to the building owner. lntroduction .......-2 NFPA Standards and Model Codes ...............3 Copper's Benefits ...................4r Ease ol Handling..........;..4r Hangers, Supports and Fittings ....................4r Joining Techniques.........5r Dealing with Space Limitations .......... 5 Performance ...................... :.... 6 Technical Data............. ...........7 ' Tube Characteristics....... 7r Friclion Loss Tables .......8r Friction Losses: Fittings and Valves ......10r Tube Bending Guide.....10r Hanger Spacing ........,... 10 ' Hanger Sizing .,.............10 ' r Soldering and Brazing ..11r Malerial Soeciflcations..l 1 Figure 2. Copper is very elfective in residen- tial applications, such as this multi- family unit. Figure 1. Copper fire commercial stalled with heating. sprinkler system in a building being in- electric resistance Copper's Benefits Ease of Handling - Copper's combination of rigidity with light weight makes both shipping and storing easier for the contractor. Cop- per tube is easier lo handle. lt does not have the fragility of plastic nor the weight of steel. In on-site slorage, copper tube, unlike plastic alternatives, is unaffected by exposure to sun- light. Copper will not support combustion or produce toxic gases. Comparisons to steel in wall thickness and weight show another advantage of copper. Smaller pipe sizes can be used, which means greater economy and less overall weight for shipping, storing, handling and installing. Due to copper's installation flexibility, the choice ol field or shop fabrication allows for free- dom in engineering design. Copper is ductile; it can be bent without producing kinks in the tube or causing it to col.. lapse. Bending in the field can be done cold using hand tools, and shop bending may utilize either hand or power bending machines. Fabrication of cop- per is possible in a very small work area. Heavy pipe thread- ing machines are replaced with portable, easy-to-use hand tools, so job site cleanliness is facilitated. Sch.40 Steel Hangers, Supports and Fittings Copper systems require fewer hangers and supports than do plastic piping systems because of the rigidity of cop- per. ln general, at least one hanger is required for each : horizontal tube length inslalled. For hanger spacing detail, see Table 5, page 10. Tube straps, U-hooks, or perforated straps are all ac- ceptable hangers where struc- tural conditions permit. Flat iron (steel band) hangers, ring hangers, and clevis hangers may also be employed and are made to copper tube sizes. Standard pipe size (SPS) steel band and ring hangers can also be used. Special plating or painting of ferrous hangers is not required when used with copper tube since the potential for galvanic corrosion of the hangers is slight, except in wet or corrosive atmospheres, for example, where special coated sprinklers are required. Pressure fittings are avail- able in all standard tube sizes and in a wide Variety of pat- terns. Typically, with copper systems the fittings are smaller than with steel or plastics.- . , lbs*2. 4 6 I 'Weight is based on pounds per linear {oot for 2' diameter lube and/or pipe, including water. Figur,e {.. Comparative wail thicknesses and weights of copper tube vs. steel pipe. Type U Copper Figu-re 5. Typical littings used in copper fire sprinkler installations. Performance The assu red performance offered by copper fire sprinkler systems is important to every- one involved - the architect, engineer, building owner, con- tractor, insurer, and fire service personnel. Copper tubing exhibits excel- lent resistance to damage from inlernal and external corrosion. It does not develop infernal surface roughness or experi- ence a gradual narrowing of the passage caused by internal corrosion. The potential for plugging of sprinkler head ori- fices and small diameler branch lines is significantly reduced with copper tube since the normalthin, protective cor- rosion film in the tube bore does not flake off. This also reduces the need for periodic maintenance flushing opera- tions. Copper is also highly resistant to external sources of corrosion, including exposure to moisture, most-chemical fumes, process vapors and similar atmospheres. The superior flow capacity of copper permits reduced cross- gnQ feg! main-sizing in mqly hydraulically calculated sys: tems. [n pipe schedule systems this advantage is reflected in the increased number of sprin- klers permitted by applicable standards for copper lines of two-inch and larger. Further- more, NFPA recognizes the use of 3A inch copper tube in sprinkler applications while the minium size requirement for steel pipe is one inch. Pipe Material Flow Capacity Normal Pipe Size - CTS Copper is an inherently safe material. lt will not burn or sup- port combustion, nor does it decompose to toxic gases. Also, it will not carry fire through lloors, walls and ceil- ings. A copper system main- tains its integrity and ability to carry water where planned when exposed in a fire situa- tion. Copper tube will not dete- riorate with age or become embrittled and fail, but remains effective for the life of the in- stallation. Should any part of the system be damaged, it can be repaired quickly and easily, often by soldering or brazing in a new piece. Tees for new sprinkler drops can also be mechanically formed in place using hand tools. 70 -605-o' .-\.s0 8.I +v6 tr ou o- CI 20 70 fanIJ Y-o es0 ro Lrn E tr30(5 -20 10 lCopper I Polybutylene lSch. 40 Steel Figure 9. Comparison of Flow Capacities in 3 common types of pipe. e 10 2. Friction Loss Tables Table 2. Friction loss (psi per linear foot) for types L and M copper tube with .,C faclor,, = 1s0. f]o-ro feet per secondVelocily:Itt-zo feet per second I .oot ,00t .00r.001 .002 .002 -003 .003 .(x){ .003 .005 .004 .005 .005 .007 .006 .009 .008 .010 .009 .0r2.010 .014.012 .016 .ot4 .0r8.0r5 .020 .017 .@.019 .024 .021 .@7.0A .02!l .02t .o32 .O28 .o35 .CXt .ogi .ogg .0,10 .035 .043 .038 ,o,rt .0,10 .050 .0r3 ls:i-.oro .057 .049 .064 .055 .0?r.062 .0?9 .069 .06t .076 .096 ,oEa .105.092 .'t15 .t00 .r25,t06 .r35,tt7 .r.6.t27 .rsz ,r're .r68.146 .t80.t56 .r9?.157 201 .r7t .00't .001 .001 .001 .oot .ool .002 .ax'2 .002 .002 .003 .002 .003 .003 .004 .(xxl .00{ ,001 .005 .olx .005 .005 .006 .006 .00t .006 .008 .007 .009 .008 .or0 .009 .01t .0ro .01t.0r0 .0r2 .0t I .0r3 .0't2 .0r5 ltr3 .018.0't4 .017.0r5 .01t.016 .0t9.0!7 .020 .016 .023 .021 ,026 .023 .02t .026 .03r.029 .035 ,o:il .03r .G,. .0,11 ,037 .0,15.0,11 .0.E .044 .052.0,17 .056.05'l .060 .055 .06'l .058 .069 .062 .073 .068 .00r..001 .001 .00r .001 .00r .00r.001 .00r.001 .002 .00t .002 .002 .002 .002 .ooa_ .ooe .003 .003 .003 .003 .ooi .oo: .004 .003 .004 .004....- t-::- .005:.ooa .005'.005 ' -: ':a..' . .005 .005-';r*'-.006 .005: :!; i'j.qt6 .006 .007 .006 ;-o!1.:!7.008 .007 .ooa .boe ,009 .008 .010 .009 .0rt .0r0 .0r?..01r .01.+.0r3 .015.0111 .016.0r5 ,or8.ot7 .0rE.0r8 .0?t.0r9 .022 .021 .021 .O22 .028 .02i4 .oia .ozo .030 .02t .tBt.029 .00i .00i .00't.001 .00t .o0l' .':l .001 .001.' '.1 . ':l.001 .00t .001 .001 .00r'.001 .,::. I ;...00t .00r+'-::ilr'i '39i,lo9t .qor.'.ooi.:.....-..': .00t -.00't ;3.. i1- i.. .002 ,002-;'.: - r:' .002 .002L.,--t.7a. .002 .002 ,002 .002 loiiz .osi_.:r . .002..,002 .003..002 .irog ,oos .003 .003 .oo4 .003 .oor .oor .00,. .00,1 oos..oor .005 .005 .oot .oos .obe .oos .006 ,006 .oo7 .006 .007 .0007 .006 .007 .008 .008 zat 3$ 32' 271 .ssr .goa 3tt7 .gn .122 360 ..5t J9' .49!t rvn .534 ..5tt .5r1 .190 ,618.625 J5lt .56? ,?03.6@ .74 .CU 2t7.tgA 2n 200 243 212 .257 221 27t .n6 286 218 .301 26' .316 275 .3:t2 288 31t .302 3At 3t6 380 .330 397 .315 .115 .360 .tgz .gts .450 .391 .168 j107 .187 .423 .506 .40 .525 ..56 .515 .173 .565 ,191 .585 .508 .e5 .526 .078 .070 .083 .075 .087 .079 .092 .08,f ,097 .088 .103 .08:l .r08.098 .r13.10:l .119,108 .r25 .r13 .r3t.tr8 .137.12a .t43.129 .03:t .031 .035 .033 .osz .ois .txo .037 .042 .039 .(x4 .041 .046 .043 .049 .045 .05!.048 .05.1 .050 .051t .052 .059 .055 .061 .0', .04{. 059-- l. .. .057 .062 .069 .065 .072 ,067. , -.::: .-.075 .070" ':" '..078 .073 .08t:.075::..'li.,t .084 .078 .087 .081, ,+;.. .090 .084 ,oct .087 . ij1-".096 .090 .100.09i1 .009 .008 .009 .009 .0r0 .009 .0t0.0t0 .ofi.010 .0ll .0tt .0r2 .0rt .013.012 .0r3.0r4 .Olil ,0t3 .0t5.0'r4 .015.01,1 .0r6 .0r5 .017.016 .017.016 .016,0r7 .0r9. .018 .0r9 .018 .020.019 .021 .020 .0?2, .827 .023 .O2r .ozi .on ,oza .o4 ,025 .024 .ozi .ozr .o27 .O25 .oz-f.oeir .029 .027 .029 .028 .030 .029 .031 .029 .032 .O3o .033.03r .03,1 .03? .qts .033 .036 .03. .037 .t'3lt .030 .036 .039 .037 .0a0 .038 .0at.039 .0,12.0,r0 .0,(3 .041 .04{ .0.12 .00ti .00it .003 .0q! .003 .003 .0{N .003 .004 .00.1 .oo,t .00,1 .0(X.00,r .004 .00i1 .005 .004 .005..005 .005 .005 ,005 .005 .006 .005 .ooe .oog .006 .006 .ooE .iooe .007 .005 .007 .006 .ooi .ooz .007 .007 .008 .007 .008 .007 .008 .00t .008 .0oB -i::,009 .00t .009 .009 ,009 .009 .0r0.009 ,0r0.009 .0r0.0t0 .011 .0r0 .011 .010 .0't I .0rl .0t2.0t'l .0i2 .0ll ,0r2.0t2 .0r3.0r2 ,0r3.012 .0r3.0t3 .01'1 .013 .0iil .0l3 .014,o1a .015.0.|'l .0r5.0ra .015.0r5 .001 .00r .001 .oot .oor .oot .002 .001 .002.00r .002 .00? .002 .002 .002. 002 .002. .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .004 .002 .002 .002 .002 .002 .003. 002 .003 .002 .003 .oGt .003 .003 .003 .oqtir:--.0{B .0@ .003 .003 .003 .oqt .003 ,003:.': -3: '.q!a ,003: :..004 .00it .00.4 .0{x .004 .00,+ .oo* .oo.r .@,r .OO,a .ml .00,4 .004 .00.1 .0p5 .004 .095 .004 .obs .oos .005 .005 .005 ,005 .005 .005 .005 .005 .006 .005 .006 .005 .dt6 .006 .006 .008 .003 ,006 -003 .006 .007 .006 .162.146 .168.152 .175 .158 .18i2.161 .r88 .t7t .196.177 .203 .tu 2t0.t90 .2r7.r97 .22:t 2A .232 21' .240.218 .218 .225 .256 232 ,261 .239 272 2.7 181 .251 249 282 .298 ,270 .906 27f .3t5 281t .921 293 ,333 .302 .342.310 ,35r.3t8 .36t .92f .370 .335 ,380 ,311 .349 38' .399 .J6 t .108 ,099 .1t0.r02 .rr3,106 .tt7.tu) .t2d "ltz ,r21 .tr6 ,t28 ,tt9 .13r,122 ,135,'t26 .r39.r30 .113 .133 .r17,137 .t5t,r10 .155,111 -r59.taE .163.152 .157.156 .t7t,t60 S::^19 .?20 tr.106 3 .82t :910 .9r3 J9C .9r? .942 .t6l 3. Friction Losses: Fittings and Vatves Table 3. Allowances for friction loss in fittings and valves expressed as equivalent length of tube (feet) 4. Tube Bending Guide 5. Hanger Spacing Table 4. Bending guide for copper tube*Table 5. Hanger Spacing ' NFPA 13, Sec. 3-'1.1.2 allows bendinq K and L copper tube. ryFP4 13D and 1 3R have no restrictidns on bendihi copper tube." Bending done with mechanical tools. - 6.'lianger'sizing " '.;' .-, Table 6. Hanger sizing 'Above 2-inch, use lhe same SpS hanger size as lhe tube size. 10 Royal FlushrM'rGoncealed Automatic Sprinkler - Model A Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 192t46 E l'r'rllfrlion n Teehnical The Model A Royal Flush Concealed Automalic Sprinkler is an aesthetically pleasing, ceiling sprinkler. The ceiling cover plate is only 3%'in diameter. lt fits flush against the ceiling resulting in a projection ol only %o' below lhe ceiling. The Model A is Listed'by U.L., U.L.C. and L.P.C.B. and Approved by F.M. and M.E.A. (NY) for use as a standard sprinkler that qualifies for installation in accordance with cunent NFPA 13 Standards. The Model A is available with a brass finish. lts mating cover plate is available in.three standard finishes, - brass, chrome bbted and white painted with additional special finishes available. Operation: The Model A Sprinkler absorbs heat through the ceiling plate which is secured to the support ring by a fusible alloy. At its rated temperature, the plate lalls away and exposes the sprinkler to direcl heat from the fire. Heat melts the sprinkle/s fusible element, releasing water flow. Water is then discharged In a designed flow pattem. 'For specilic lbting requir€m€nls see lho appr@rialE htormation conlained in lhis brochuro. Model: A Style: Concealed Orifice Size and K-Factor: r/e" 1s.ssmml 2.7 pa.6t) ?/te' 711.11 nm1 4.2 (ffi.06) W (tz.zmm) 5.6 (80.08) 3/a'and%e'are not FM or LPCB Approved. Thread Size: 1Al' (t 2.7 mm) NP.T. Temperature Rating: Sprinkler: 162oFn3C 212F t 1 QQC (U.t, u.tc. W) CoverPlate: 135'F/57'C 165.Ff74"C Approvafs: U.L, U.L.C., F.M- (A'W), LP.C.B. (a'onty),M.EA (37$75€A). 16' and%a' are Listed for Light Hazard only. . 3h' and%e' are not FM or LPCB Approved. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi Factory Hydro Test: 100% at 500 psi Standard Finishes: Sprinkler: brass Cover Plate: brass, chrome plated and white painted with special painted finishes available Length: Zth' 1os.s nml Cover Pfate: 35/t" lszr mnldiameler Projection Below Ceiling: 3Aa" 14.76 nmS Highest Allowable Ambient Temp.: 100.F/38"C Weight 7 oz, (t98 gfams) lully assembled wilh cover plate Ho.2-4.O Figure 1 Royal Flush Concealed f \s \:.- 3{ -'- t Upper Supporl | \- 2 5/8' Diamet€r Hol€ in CeilinS-i---------> l, '., e s/re. +I gfl6' Universal Wrench Design llata In standard apprications, the Model A Royar Frush conceated Automatic sprin.klers are intended for standard frow and pressure requirements "" rp""iri"b-i"current NFPA 13 Standards. ceiling cover Prates are available in a variety of metalic or painted finishes. Forcustom painted finishes, the customer must furnish a quick-drying paint, prefer-ably lacquer-based, to insure proper coror duprication.'one quari'& paini is - required for each 200 cover plales. pfnstallation All Model A Royat Flush Concealed Automatic Sprinklers must bE in- stalled according to cunent NFPA 1g Standards. Deviations from these requirements and standards or any alteration to the sprinkler itself will void any warranty made by Central Sprinkler Company. In addition, installation must also meet local govemment provisions, codes and standards as applicable. For standard applications the system piping may be hydraulically calculated. Check lor the proper model, style, orifice size, and tein- perature rating prior to installation. lnstall sprinklers after the piping is inplace to avoid mechanical damage; replace any damaged units. Wet pipe systerns must be protected from freezing. Upon completion of the installation, the system must be tested per recognized standards. In lhe event of a thread leak, . remove the unit, apply new pipe joint compound or tape, and reinstall. lnstallatlon Sequence Step 1. The unit must be installed in a pendent position. Step 2. The face ol the sprinkler fitting should be installed a nominal 2' (tY{) behind the finished ceiting line. Step 3. Use only a non-hardening pipe joint compound or Teflon* lape. Apply only to the male threads. Step 4. Hand tighten the sprinkler into the fitting. Use a Central Sprin- kler Universal Sprinkler Wrench to tighten the unit in the fitting. A leak tight joint requires only 7 to 14 ft. lbs. of torque; a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6. handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levels over 21 ft. lbs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. Step 5. To install the ceiling cover plate, align it with and press it over the support ring assembly, then push upward and twist lo the right. Caution: Special care must be taken when installing with a CpVC system. Sprinklers must be installed only after the primed and cemented pipe has time to set-up to ensure that no primer or cement accumulates within the sprinkler.. Special care musl be taken when installing with a copper system. Sprinklers must be installed only afler the inside of the sprinkler drop and associated fittings have been wire brushed to remove any flux. Residual flux can cause corrosion and in extreme cases can impair proper sprinkler operation. 'Tetlon is a lrademark of the DuPont Corp. 3 Gare Main & bnflllr Sprinklers must be handled care- fully. They must not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed IOOoF/38"C. For best results, slore them in a dry, cool location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers that have been dropped orvisibly damaged. Sprinklers should never be painted, coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufactured condition or they may not lunction properly. Any sprinklers altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for the proper operating condition of all fire protection devices and accessories. The NFPA standard 25 entifled, "lnspection, Testing and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection System", conlains guidelines and ' minimum maintenance requirements. Furthermore, the local Authorifu Having Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements for mainlenance, testing, and inspec- lion that must be obeyed. It is advisable to have sprinkler systems inspected regularly by a qualifi ed inspection service. Length of time between such inspections can vary due to accessibility, ambient almosphere, waier supply, and site activity. Do not attempt lo reasserhble or otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has operated. Replace any sprinkler exhibiting corrosion or damage; always use new sprinklers of lhe same orifice, style, and temperalure rating as replacements. Because the discharge pattem is critical to protection of life and property, nothing should be hung or attached to the sprinkler unit that would disrupt the pattern. Such obstructions musl be removed. ln the event thal construction has altered the original configuration, additional sprinklers should be installed to maintain the protection level. ) ! Do not atlempt to replace sprinklers without first removing the fire protec- tion system lrom service. Be certain to secure permission from all Authori- ties Having Juisdiction, and notify all personnel who may be atfected during system shutdown. A fire watch during maintenance periods is a recommended precaution. To remove the system from service mode, first refer to lhe system operaling guide and valve instruction. Drain water and relieve pressure in the pipes. Flemove the existing unit and install the replacement, using only the recommended sprinkler wrench. Be certain to match model, style, orifice, and temperalure rating. A fire protection system that has been shut off after an activation should be repaired and returned to service immediately. Inspect the entire system for damage and replace or repair as necessary. Sprinklers that did not operate but were sub- jected to corrosive elements of combustion or excessive tempera- tures should be inspected, and replaced il need be. The Authority Having Jurisdiction will detail mini- mum replacement requirements and regulations. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any producls found to be defective in . material or workmanship within a period of one year from the date of shipmenl. Please refer to the current Price List for further details of the warranty. @1994 C€ntral Sprinkler Company Printed in u.s.A- Ell,ll"il[l,,'' Ordering Information: When placing an order, indicale the full product name. Please specify lhe quantity, model, style, orifice size, lemperature rating, sprinkler finish, cover plate linish, and sprinkler wrench. For special painted cover plate finishes, the customer must supply a quick-drying paint, preferably in a lacquer-base finish lo insure proper color duplication. Without such a guide, Central Sprinkler Company cannot be responsible for acceptable color matching. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and intemationally, through a network of Central Sprinkler distribution centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call 215-362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Patents are pending. Conversion Table: inch = 25.400 mm foot = 0.3M8 M pound = 0.4536 kg foot pound = 1.36 Nm psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm" U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm" = 3.785 liters Conversions are approximate. - -r-,---r_ fENTR/AL .-F Central Sprinkler Company 451 N. Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (21s) 362-5385 Model A (RF).3 Horizontal Sidewall Automatic Sprinkler Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue. Lansdale. Pennsylvania 19446 n Product [:T::l*?J15"1""i'"T"'":T'T.:'i:" - | Description ;lln:F,':1n:fil'?lllffi:;"' -,t ' beYond the sPrinkler frame' The Central Model H Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers are designed with special deflectors that discharg€ most of the water away form the nea6Y wall in a quarter-semispherical pattem with a limited portion oI the discharge directed toward the wall behind the sprinkler. They embrace the uhimate in aesthetic appeal and advanced design features via incorporation of a unique center strut design, whrch results in a smaller. more attractive sprinkler than those man ufactured with a more traditional design approach. The center-strut operating rnechanism responds signifi cantly faster than more traditiorEl mechanisms, such as the glass bulb or link-and-lever. the Modet H Horizontal Sidewall SprinklerS are intended for installation in accoroance with cunent NFPA 13. They are kJeally suited for use in churches. c1ubs, schools, hosfitals, offices, festaurants, auditoriuns, retail stores and similar occupancies They are amilable in a wide variety o{ orifice sizes, temperature ratings, finishes and corrosion resistant c&trrrgs. Operalion: A fusible alloy is sealed into a brorrze ci.:nter stru! by a stainless steel sall. Wher tr19 arloy nelts at its rate' temperature. the ball is forced upwaid into the cenier slrul releasing the two ejectors and operating the sprinkler. Untike most other sprinkler designs. the alhy is not exposed to atmospheric conditions that could atfect its proper Fo. specif€ lrling .rQsieri€nts. s€e !'€ t-E.op.iate intqrnatioo coa[ai.iad in tir b.ocnrtt ( Technical Data Model Nurnbec H Style: Horizontal Sidewall Orifice size, K factor: 'a' .L58 ?he' 4.24 Y2" 5.60 Thread Size: %' N.P.T. Temperature Rating & Frame Arm Colot: 135'F ( 57'C) Uncolored or black 145"F ( ffl"C) Uncoloted or black 165"F( 74'C) Uncoloredorblack 212"F (100eC) White 286"F (141"C) Blue NOTE Color identification is not required for plated sprinklers. Approvals: u.L, u.Lc., B.s.&A. (N.Y.C.) F.M. (tr9" orifice only) Maximum working pressure: 175 p.si. Faclory hydro test 1(n96 at s(xl p.s.i. Standard finishG: Brass. chrome Coatings: Waq [ead, Wax Over Lead (see tabular information on page 3) Pintle:'on deflector lor %" and %e" orifice. Leirgth: 2%" width: Fraine Anrrs: 17c" Deflectoc ltld' Weight 3.1 oa rw&zzl il Model H Hodzontal Sidewall Spdnkler (i @mblnaton Spdnkler Wench flo.*d wcfiing F{irn fc tf r lf Rm'n Technical Data U.L & U.LC. Ustings and B.S.&A" (N-y.C:) Cat. rub.37$Z$SA Co.rosion Reeistant Coating 135 3/a",r/rs", yz', t45 !a", t1,u", *"165 V6' , tl rc" , ,/z'. 212 11",t/s", tA,, 286 Ta-,r/rs",lh,. Lead. Wax. Wax Over Lead Lead, Wax, Wax Over Lead Lead The Model H Horizontar sidanail sprinklers are inteG rorstandard areaco'erages and standard ftow and pressure requirements as specified in currentNFPA 13. Step' Z t lse ority a ngrthafdeninci.' pipe jol'nt compound or Tetfl6n. hrt. Apply only to the male threads- Step 3: l-hnd tighten the sprinkter into the fitting. Then use a Central Combination Wrench to tighten the unit into the titting. A leak-tight ioinrrequires only 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. of torque: a tangential force of 14 to 28 lbs. delivered through a 6" handle will deliver adequate torque. Torque levets over 21 ft.-lLs. may distort the orifice seal, resulting in leakage. CAUTION: Do nol 'wrencfi" or lum the deffector, as this aclion may danrage the sprinkler and cause il to leak under pressure. 'Tefloo is a lraderna.t of the Dupont Corp- f,1fi:n,En,n.* and temperature rating priof to anstallatiorL Ins{all sprlnkle(E after thepping 's in place to avoid rnecfranical 9*9": eplace any darnaged units Wet pipe s'r$te.ns must be protec{ed from freezing. Refer to the bntratBulletins on the Model H-l DryHorizontal Sidewall Sprinklers for use i.r dry pipe sprinklsr insetiations- trpon <nmpletion oi the lnstallation.the system must be tested per recognized standards. ln the event ot a thread leak, remove the unit apply new pipe irjntcompound or tape and reinstall. Oo not attempt to reassemble or Installation Sequene otherwise reuse a sprinkler that has Srep 1: rhe unit must be insraned in 3lf'Tiil;?i.."tr:Y.?":l$"Jthe horizontat posiiion. always uL new sprinklers of the f If 1- qd 7r.'orifice sprinkters are U. L Listed forinstallation in light h,zard( occupanct'es only. These sizes are not F. M. Approved. The !{- orifice sprinkrer is U. L tined for instafiation in right or ordin ary haryrdoccupancies onty. lt is 5. y. npproved tor instattation in rilnt trazaia'ilcu6cie.only. The Moder H Horizontar ur-dewail Sprinkrers shourd be instailed with the deflectorlrom 4" to 6" berow ceirings aru noi moie'i.,ln'd; "*"v t m the 'nafl or tintetsurfrace rhrough which they are mont"O. .rnl* spedal coostructionarangements make adifierent position advisabre for prompi op"oti* "naeffective disrriburion' (see Nepr rg-rssi, G;'is e-ieai-"ndGsj. il"-r" i, noqgltlmum ceiring helght timiratrrn tor.ritipreloinr<rer instarrmoml*# - ' utilizing the tvlodet H Horizonat SiiOe**tiC;,i-nkia= nlnstallation All Oentral sprinklers must be anstalled according to cuneni NFPA 13. Deviations lrom these requirements and stiandards or anyalteration to the sprinkter itsetf *tfvoid any urarranty made by Central fprinkler Corporation. In iddition, anstallation must also meet localgorernfirent prodsions, codes andstandards as applicable. -._np qF". piping musr be propedy $zeo to ansure the mjnimum requiredtlow rate at the sprinkler. Check forthe proper model. s\y'e. orifice size Sprinklers must be handled care. fully. They should not be transported or stored where ambient temperature may exceed 100cF138.C. For best results, store them in a dry, coot:location in the original shipping package. Do not install sprinklers ttrat hare been dropped or visibly damaged. Sprinklea should never be painted. coated, plated or altered in any other way from manufac{ured con<frtion orthey may not furrction properly. Anyspnnkters altered in such manner must be replaced. The owner is responsible for theproper operating condition of all fireprotection de4/ic6 and accessoaies- The NFPA standad t3A entided'Care and Maintenance of SprinklerSptems' contains guidelines and minimum rnaintenance requirements Furthermorq the lcf:il atdlodty Having Jurisdtctrbn nray have Cddi- tional regulations and requiremenb for maintenance, testing. and inspection that must be obeyed. It is recornmended t|at sprinkler systelns be impected regularly by a -qualified inspection service- Length of tirne between such inspectiom can vary due io accessibility, ambient atmosphere, water supply. ar|d siteaclMty. F. M. Approvat and B.S.&A (N.y.C.) Cat. No.3ZS_Z$SA Design Requirements - Standard Applications Temperalure Ratlng (oF) Orific-e Size 135 k"145 h"165 k-212 : %.286 i n" Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead BULLETIN OP-A-1 Ra. No. r 'Dry Pendenr Spqlnklerc liecessed, Fl&h ond : Extended Types Model "A-1" v Listed by: rrnCerwriiers Laboratodes. Inc. Underwriters' Laboratories of Canada Approved by: Factory Mutual. 8.S. & A. of New York City Description o Operation o Tedrnical Data o Cenlral Sprinkler Corpo.ation - 1986 Central Sprinkler Corporat ion 451 No.th Cannon Avenue. Lansdale. PA 19446 (2t5) 3624700 . Dfy Pond€nt Sprlnklers are: Th. .'Al' BrcegrU ory P.nd.nt of{€f3: aBth€flc'. eppdil as til€ sp.ldkl€r a{ends.oily.lert.ween I ai{ '.' l% lnchca bolow tfi6 cetllng.'Thc iecgssed typoes.utch€on assembly ls compdsed of'an upporesculcheon support plece permanen y attach€dto lhe sprinkler frame and a.celllng €scutch€on plgc6 that slips oy6r the Instqtted sprlnkler and has % inch of li€ld adiustment. Thc "A.1" Ftush Ory pcndcni oifers aesthelicappeal as lhe sprlnkl€r extends Only between l7rto 2 inches betow the ceiting. The flush typeescutcneon assembly is comprised of an upper escutcheon support piece permanenlly attach€d tothe sprinkler frame and a ceiling escutcheon plecelhat slips oyer the insta[ed sprinkler and his %inch ol field adiustment- Th. "A.1" Ertondod. Ory pandent, doslgned for'use- in special appllcalions s'uch as fre€zlng environmenls and conditlons where sedimont o?fo.eion materials might accumulate ln ordlnarydrop nipples, incorporates a two pl€ce adjustable esculcheon assembly used whenever lt ts deslredto locale lhe sprinkler deflector at a groat€r thannofinal distance b€toiy th€ celllng due to ah€ prosenc{,of llush type tights. etc. The deflector itstancebelow th€ ceillng may b€ as much as +5rg Incheswlth this assembty. lt has 7/8.. adlustmenl Orderlng lnformafion: Specllp t. Ouantity and Style 2. "A" dimonslon 3. Thread Slre (%'. or I'J Print.<t In U.S.A. -ltv. - r.Yta I Central's. Modet 'A-1" Spdnkler.s t€alurc..ttto ballc.C.antral ' cont€. slru( rprlnk[er.' A fu{t{e .alkiy .lr' deal€d Into r. broo&.-.! . :contdr'struf (G,, bt'a atelnl63r lt6f.thll lrlol'Ulhon tfie ailoy'; melts. tho ball ls forced upward Into the ienter atrut releaslh!lhe two €Jeclors (f8l and op€rstlng the b83lc sprlnkler (fll). Thls causd.tho releaso of cap (f0 8nd hr$hg (f) allorf,lng gulde tube (f5) and th.ust bearlng (14) lo drop down. allowlng ball .bearingi (f3), seal l@ and plunger (fll)'to b€ reteased end. elected through the sprlnkler wlth tho wator stroam. ' Technlcul lltrtq Thiead Nomlnal Avallabto Siz€Style N.P.T. Factor Slzo Ritlnos Avallablo '4.t" r" 5.6Dry or 165.F Tlrt ChromePendenls t" 212.F i00.C Leact. 286'F 141 'C WhlteEnamol" 'L€ad coating is ayailable on "A.1" Extended- On th€'A-1'Flustr it ls avallabl€ fo( 165' and 212' sprlnklers ooly."Whits onamel finlsh€s are not U.L Ustod or F.M. Approvod. CI lmportant Notes: 1. Alwaya Install dry psndent tprlnklcrs In a tes outtot NEVER In rn clbor.2 lYhenever posslblc Inrtell by epplylng plpc wrench brar! connocloc CfOfS SgCttOrrr" "t"*.tvc torquc placcd upon the rprlnklcr ltrolf crn crurc braekrgo. cr'i,L- ^ I i- .r.a. ,..-'..o \.--- Dt, 'tf I : tr..rta.c0cli.taq(na't (i 1. 5. 6. Temperalure Ra ng(sl Flnlsh Quantlty-Unlvorsal Wrench€s t. "A" dlmenslon ls dbtanc€ from f aceol lc. to cclllng ltn6. 2. App.ovcd longth llmllattons !.€ astollow!: P.nd.nt Uprltht U.L I F.H. 36- Not Urr6d CD-- r Buttertly(VaEve'A Wafer or Grooved End Slow-Close Control Valve Central Sprinkler Company 451 Nonh Cannon Avenue. Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19i45 fil fil:llfilion n Technical The Central family ol "slow-close' Butterfly Valves are used to control . water flow lo fire protection systems. They are ol the "outside indicating: lype. A simpte visual inspection of the valve position indicator wilt show whether the valve is open or closed- Butterfly valves provide an economi-,,- cal alternative to more cumbersome . OS&Y gate valves. The Central Model A Butterfly Vahe has been designed with a slow-close. hand wheel operalorwhich effectively minimizes waterr hammer. These valves leatur6 minimum flow restric- tion and pressure loss when in the: fully-open position. The valves are fumished in two end-treatments: . Grooved (2%. to g) . Wafer (22a. to 8.) They have built-in limper swilches for use in applications where supervi- sion of the open position of the valve may be desired. The valves are Listed by Undenivrit- ers Laboratories for use in fire protection systems with a maximum working pressure of 175 psi. '" Operation: The valves may be opened or closed by turning the hand wheel exlending from lhe operalor housing, until the valve position indicator is in the desired (operVshut) position. Size: Model: A BFV-G (Grooved) A BFV-W (Wafer) Style: Grooved or Wafer 2'4"3" 4.' 6., & B. Approvals: U.L. Maximum working pressure: 175 psi Faclory Hydro Test: 100% at 350 psi Standard Finishes: Operator - Orange enamel Disc - Black EPDM rubber molded (grooved)' Chrome plated (wafer) Body - Black polyamid (grooved) Black EPDM rubber molded (wafer) Dual Supervisory Tamper Switch: U.L Usted' SPOT;5Aat 12SVAC 0.5A at 125 VDC Mfgr. Source: non-domestic Length & Wdth: See page 3 Weigh[ 2th' = lllfs.3' = 15 lbs.4' = 25 lbs.6' = 30 lbs.8' = 50 lbs. Note: Model A butterfly valves are not listed for outside use. No. I 5.1.O Gr-ooved Stvle iil.-. - t-i -;-- .:-.,1,r:i :,.L- .i il,ei'li l-,.--'!ii\t-----_________-_/ - .a _._F -- Wafer Stvle ?'hlIht o ufi _A_I! ro n bpdy) |,q,l r9...acg..a<lttorr|lF r..roi r!' a <riai@..orr''c ttln n<a6.!rj||qll{16 trd<-rg. Oimensions, Weight, and Equivalent Length' Size Stylc "A" Piping Take-out in. (mm) '8' C.L. to roiin. (mm) 'c' C.L. lo botlornin. (mm| "O" Operator C.L. lo righlin. (mml "E" Opcralor C.L. to lcfiin. (mm) Nominal V,/ci9ht Lbs. (r9) Equiv. Len9lh (tect) Oisc Ertcnsion F Parl t ?' at G-y'l ><l ;: zi::l tr"rtvCd :: :''!.:l 5'tcved ':la:et 3"ovcd '.'i zie( Grooved !'Jater 196, tJ5 ) (l;., r (t l5l (s2) ( r32) (s5) (147) (60) 3. {;i 2' 5'.,. 2'i Sr. ZYr I .- (252) I .- r23?l l0 ' r2591 9 ." 1233) | 1 ..' 12921 t0- : (2721 t2' .- (3?71 te:-' (3071 r3%' (35r)13 (33r) 'il5r , l Sllr I i.r5r : l.l5l (t70) lt70) 3. 1. t: )t ( | lrl, I l3irl 5.' ir3i;1 l.' ( l3i, 5'-' ri35l5".- ( l3rl 5 7 '/. rr93) ( 133) (r93) ( t93) 3- r;'5:3 l .'r., :t , ;:,. li ,.'i:: :t ( i5r3- (;5r 3" l7i: 3" (;5, 3' (75) 3' (75) (5t ltl (t1, it t) (23) (23) t:a 1? l, ?i .1) 30 30 50 5U 7 lif i:; r? r?- li) t2' t2 30:i,', 3O1,1 JJ:' ! :t).:0 3(i.: t :I[f; i 3080 3081 C.L. = Cenrer Line' €quivaled Length is based on C=l20 schedute 40 pipe_" Disc does not exlend beyond valve body. Besign Data ( Design Requirements The Central Butterfly Vatves are Listed as butside indicating" type control valves for use in fire protec- tion systems per NFPA 13. Flow may be from either direction, and the valves may be positioned with any orientation. These valves are de- signed to be used with schedute 40 piping of the same nominal size as the valve. The valves may also be ' used with Listed and Approved piping having intemal diameters greater than hat of schedule 40, such as schedule 10. The designer should make certain that the valve disq whdn fully open, will not ioterfere with the operation of olher system components immedi- alely adjacent tb the butterfly valve. Central's Swing Gheck Valves, Shotgun 90 Check Vatves, Alarm Valves, and Dry Pipe Valves will not interfere with the fullyopen disc on Central's Butterlly valves. Central's wafer-type valves have a rubber-coaled body. When used with flange adaptors (for grooved piping systems) a metal flange washer should be utilized per the recommen- i,,ations of the flange manufacturer. A lew rvashers produced on the market are incompatible with the wafer type butlerfly valve. Please check lor compatibilily. The supervisory tamper switch is operated by a cam connected to the valve stem. The switch contacts will change position (close) within two full turns of the hand wheel, from the fully open position. Wiring to the switch is via color-coated wire leads. See wiring Diagrams on Page 2. Valves with switches are intended for indoor use only. nlnstallation ln fire protection systems, butterfly valves should be located where they will be readily accessible for opera- tion, inspection, and maintenance. When the rvafer-slyle butterfty valve is in the open position, the disc will extend lrom %'(2W:'valve) to 2'%c. (8'valve) beyond each end of the valve body. During installation. make certain the valve disc does not interlere with the operation of other system components immediately adjacent to the butterfly valve. When a valve'closes hard", it may be due to debris lodged in the sealing area. This may be conected by backing-otf the hand rvheel and closing it again. several times if necessary. The valve should never be forced to seat by appiying a wrench to the hand wheel as this may distort the valve components or score the sealing surfaces. The inlet and ouilet piping adjacent to the valve should be properly sup- ported to prevent excessive stress on lhe valve body. The valve should not be used to force a pipeline into position as this may result in distor- tion of the valve body. Conduit and electrical connections to the optional lamper switch must be in accordance with lhe requirernents of the National Electrical Code, NFPA 72 and the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. ffifillfi,:,,ancent Tt,2 o:ntar i5 .rispcrtsible for lhe :\' ..:';:{ O'tft"'"..J Condition Or all lire pr'r:'-.Cl ifri t <1.:.,r :a-S altd aCCeSSOrieS. l-ir..r ItFPA Si.:rrJarcl 25 eniiitgcj,"ln;pectiott. Testing and liainte- narrcc. of Wat.tr-Based Firc Prctec- tton $y51en1 s-. coniains guidelines a:rj r:rirrirrrrrrrr flainienance require. rrr'3trl5, Furlir.-;1imore, the AuthOrity Havirtg Jurisdiction may have addi- tional regulations and requirements. for maintenance. testing and inspec-' lion lhat must be obeyed. Warning: Any system mainlenance or inspection that involves placing a control valve "out-of-service" will eliminale the fire prolection normally provided by the fire protection sys- tem. Prior to proceeding, be cerlain to secure permission from all Authori- ties Having Jurisdiclion and notify alt personnel who may be atfected during system shut down. A fire watch during rnaintenance periods is a recomrnended precaution. When the systern is back in service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction and the personnel who were affected during system shut down. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler' Company will repair ancl/or replace any products lound to be defective in material or wo*manship within a period of one year from the date of shipment. Please refer to lhe cunent price list for further details of this warranty. 0rdering O1994 Centrat Sprinkter Company Prinled in U.S.A. Inf ormation When plac;ng an order. indicate the full prldr,cl nanre. Please specify the quantity. nrcdel nurn,er. size ano slyle. Grooved cr.,uplings. such as Central Sprink. lhat are required for inslallation. are not included. Availability & Service: Central sprinklers, valves, accessories, and other products are available through- out the U.S. and Canada, and internationally. through a network ot Central Sprinkler distribr:tion centers. You may write directly lo Central Sprinkler Company, or cal (215) 362- 0700 for the distributor nearest you. Patents: Palents are pending. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 fool = 0.3048 m 1 pound = 0.4536 kg 1 foot pound = 1.36 Nm 1 psi = 6.895 kpa = 0.0689 bar = 0.0703 kg/cm2 1 U.S. gallon = 3.785 dm3 = 3.785 liters fENTRAL .-- Central Sprinkler Company 451 Norlh Canoon Avenue, l:nsdale. pA f9446 Phone: 2 1 5-362-0700 FAX: 2 | 5-362-5385 BFV.A.2 . .t ?'ijti.- I - r. e \ . ..r! _\/t. r_ r_ j-t J v r. r25t L r2't €q.rrtrcd s|'| no t25to IC[o4' d..,4 :9" gaaa.:: 3C..,.CC .ndrrd.ag -.tea/r: 'frtctce.rlvcs e.c dct;gncd to. gcncr:t,l.vkc wtrcrc tbrrr snut o't :nd lr6qqqnj s36.116ots..cd tr|cy J'c clc-yhn, rccoo.ncndcd lcr u:t ;in !,rltlr. r;. o;t. b,r:c. :^d 9!iiarz.-.:.. '..1'C.C fro^.,har.ttr.C d.r<, ArC j|,.rcd L r,.^acl d,tc lro€cr ncrar,rJ d..,C to *cJ. cvcfltf Jrv, n oqdc r tgrrt 3c't v^dc, lv'lolo (orx'.loor. lrrcr arc aott..t,!crc,l ,o thJr trrcy €.t4 oFl .coJclc(, e,;th tnc v.thcdr 'nr: tvny o(tcn.6 no3d.o4. hrr,r. ir,rd., fun1xq;.-L46. f.,c3c vJr.CJ fct:ur. CJ5rtf .c:yJCC.rCrCno4 ,ncrtll.6 d.tct. non.Jsbcsrol nrcf lng_ end r4.lvy dqrf .vgi-cO co":r,,rCr;o^. 1. <6ficot d'|t(i ri ,y.:.rJolc ro ''rJrc hclc v:lrvct ,u.trrrtc tor rng:t eppr<.ir.ooi. rz;s e t?6s.i t.gco ry :.1 ll-:r'zqe *-a" t't:: o{& AJtol,cc by ta: Nc' yo.k Cit' goa.o o: 9:nO*Cs :(16 e9pg215 r^-c= Cercrroar No. tolg.g t.SA. ECt E€d tr<n t{o. |2SSO Ruboc, Osc anO raco lr 100 UaOG 3{Yrte (No 5,ctt'. . Fecorvncnoco ?f kc spr.^U€r Ti t'rc a"aqryg *,;u, I f{r Uc - tZ6SfH 125 lbr- YrSp ?00 lbr" WOC lOOl( 9tq33.rf4 fq1g66 Scrcrcd €ad: Iliting Src,n S*iv<f pq's6 1io16.. Vcorlrtcd. A!u.n;nir.r rtro, fiJ.rd Srh€Ga Avellrbr< r..irh pbrric fir..s vr1.a.1 favo<rgh l - Oodf tartcd.rf: {ko<ra€ Co.r fo.rn:dg 19 ^lr{ or{S-S^ .!s -tJ-t'<--=1?-126S 1267 l?650 e.:r !.cr\:c HJ'|c:..r!.i.}. | ?6IO r,r:r i-anrc fqr'qc', l?5SO r..cr -=o'rie f{snO..a.tr - 3sr8.-:t,*.ory. q.o.^d _ 1255 1257 I I ! I Src va'vr!'at2'7ta'I tr.'| | tra-2' lio,. r?.ss- t?5r - | f,rt'| zfrrr'2 '8 2-z t5,3?-rl I 3r('z Jtf,t?'3 9fi6.a trt6-.t rrtrR-| _y<-? r3?'2 rn.Z Y1'.3'l ?y3?-I trlot dl 3 rrs6-3 . t/8-f tt'i' rt2'a-{y:s tz',' tro. I 16s t36 f Stt'o rt L Gor.l .{a 56 -&t.oo .r.tl 2l'J.59 .2' 5.e6 z I ra?. ! ?!!t?- c rt?- ? r2 A zU]E'r9t6-I SEET I t(n- 2 3!- I t54P- 2 3r.' t J('0 | 3tt'| ltr.-2 raz.c (Oorcdl ? Y.' 7'Urlz' 3't t/r.I 5l!'< tn-5 u.'SrrP t1l. (t!.1 .{a 56 .6t .9{t.t6 z5 3:6O.,.r,rn U.t4 Pxt rz rz t?6 6 a ?Q"rn, Crr. .:r:co, ' J -;-...' 60 |-^--.---- ll i*,a1Ji '.-: '. ;- ..ri :c 'r."?<.-.:.,i.:1.1" -- I - c --r'.!- | '+tpR-f. .i': U@ SWING OHECK VALVES :,..-'t tt,1 ytrt.. ' l.r\ t\-.,...t,. t - .:.-.. '.. ,.i-a,t ...t.1-, - -:r..rat,,.lt:.: at.ri,. -,. l,. ;irlrt .f(,r-:-,..:d,:...: :.,. .-...r:.,, :..'-:: t/:' . l' i.!2f Meta.trt itrc-...: C.r4l,rrnr,O.l :e ''5 tM tt I s5.ia i.-; -.- .'?'--t;!L:.1 - - ('r''',i-'r'. z./7i: -' n'tzt" -'-+ .t :it:, : :- : --i-J.J.. ..-:.. : .''r | : r''-i-21s' _^ {2i'..:-:;---t'i!.4 ; --- l ':::! ncritGl=li o"r ?Ca.c;r:r vr:n .."O.., ,n ,:r,crd d,..t:,Sr Oo nol tJr.-..-:.; I lirrr: :.1 a.(r3 i:f,]J ,:g O:!f.1 l2S lbs. WSp . . 2oo lbi. wOG - I 00!,6- P.€r,surc Tcstcd Scrcrrcd €nds Tcnon' O|'c'8ody f{e(cdrt g.rc<lrc Gonfo<tnlrrg rc isrq et{!sA Slrca t..4- . !. , ( 99S (' (997 F<r Reprtacca0te Oisk See .!age 52 t8 $:: i ,,r- ----._---i--i I r 57rs.'---=-_-i-E l: rA2--_--._--..._-S-'p Ir.:. (bs.f | .<5--________-_G.:.::\ | U:ra P:ct I n:--?-t uita. Iaw Casc | 60 II v2-I t-r- .: | :r:-1ra'l z- 3 rgt6' | € t 16- z 3trr3:- | ? ssr6(. I t stt6<' I z 916.I 2 33164'I 162' i 3 2r..i:-traa'I tgnz-| | 7n2-z vrc. ! z rri:- I...s | .ss -8r | .22 _9 30 i _.! II ? II :-€ r o'--- i: I t?r2 l? J-<a 60 I *l"'rz 1? ,r@ MISCEEI-I'ANE@tl,S HOSE VALVE lir.Ir..iii c,trTrrf,;r\t la,. !.rrl irO:LW.(rl t4'rice. ;:". {"'..'.:tO lr.t::1rr I hr:.... V.rrv,; r: Qii'i.:r, l: r': ,1.l' r'i r;).:rt r..rllr jr i!,i3 rrrirlr.:r (t,:C l0r ::'::ri :ir!j (rii trr\r.;t C('tl $..!:t: C(x(!,tr.),ti !itr,;t;l.rrr_; r.r..rgl't 3 3 l!!-.. ( n^n r No. rrtR€n os No.30 | r t l/ZNll . No.30 llVS lr I I/2NPSll 300 lbs. wOG 100% Hydroshric Teslcd Healy Handwheel Replaceable Rubber Oisc tor Water Scrvice Screwed Ends Sising Stem Screwed gonnet l' Malc Pipc Thread lnler r I t/2- M:le Hose Thread Oultet FIRE PROTECTION VALVES 'r.:r.1...r'.1 ll ,rr.:l Ji)(j l!rt. 11,51' Irtrl r:rr. I1JOC li:r.::ztrl Irrrlt lir.:t ! /8" .rnd |/ri" BALL DRIP VALVE (Sp<.oly Hose Ttuead it oher rt€o rhosc abovc)' gody Material: Bronie Contorming ro ASTM t4$SA 30Agprored by thc New York Ciry Eoard ot Srendards and Appeals Under Calcnda'r No. tO79€t-SA.' Ouantity Pe( Crn.: 2 Use{in ne sprh.der moJ$ry lo,e[ere p.pc olcrccss $.atcr anct to p.evcnt treering. Sircr: li?" :nd 3/4" . l/2".0.c3 tbr. 3/a-.0.56 tbr. Ou:ntiry Pcr Crn.: | 2 ValvC u^seafs only try torce Of gravr'ty €uir€ bs! to fal ott scal Us€ or,ty h horiaontal p@:. .lion. Oo rrot r.rsc wiutr more ttran one fL ol hcad (vrater prcssrrre! on b! crrcd( t 235 $o$ @ save 15 - 400/o on every test and drain installation by using Tripte "F" specialty's rpnomical alternative, the Inspector's Test and Drain untt. This unique rralve is @ - Listed and complies with NFPA 13:3-4.1.1 requirements gorerning the instailation. Our lnspector's Test and Drain Unit Assembly(Model 4100 shown above) fedtures an easy-view sight glass that can be positioned either vertically or horizontally in the system..Depending on your needs or preference, there are two econoniical Assembly alternatives to choose from: ' (a) The '4000 series" one-piece Assembly that connects to the system's drain. (shutof$ valve; or (b) The "5000 Series'l one-piece Assembly that also includes a @ Listed,<ir. Approved drain valve- Please find ordering information on the reverse side. OTH ER QUALITY FEATURES: r Available in '1" or 1/c" N.P.T. sizes. . Single Inlet - Single Outlet - completely assembled and individually boxed. r Operational positions: Test (Vz" orifice), Drain and (optiondl) Closed position. o Lightweight and compact design (1" assembly as shown weighs 46 ozs.). r SENSIBLY PRICED - NOf OVERPRICED. . Quality brass and stainless steel construdion; teflon seals. . 175 p.s.i. rating. . Test valve interior has been engineered lo reduce turbulencg essentially eliminating any fluctuation in the K-Factor, either at high or low flow pressures. Includes a one?iece @ I usreo tnipea;i ;*-",rd oir" u;ii ;,r;*ii;i.,rvr.,.,irs .1(,*rrJrE.,., \3, - Lr580 Insp€ctorc T€sland Draln unlt equlppea wnin iisighlg.lgts.Assombly(noshutoflposltion)..,,rttra.. ....: .......,. ... .11r$1j"'"uHiE;;;;;'::',..:.]h;',," - ":*;#t'viffii:. fil*,1('f.f.':. t. NorB ffthefloormainis2'ortess,uiethel's'ee.tfnEnoorrnainr;Zthis.ors7itiu."*"ru.n.;ri..,.;,, 4OOO SERIES Syslem Orain Vatve' Test / D;.ain Unit with Sight Glass Assembly To Floor Drain ONE.PTECE INSTALLATTOH Waler Flo,v Switch OLD Sectional Orein Valy€. @c, -=rJC.ontrol */ Valve (: SPECIALNOTE: ::::,,il"ilI;1i'31 s000 series,*r1;-3^iy!1, .g,q1.it""l,a,,tii++;u*'.jflJ; ffi '1:' i'f sishr srass Assembrv and ah t3tlne gltpti,t; o;;;epqroved rufl port ....-{or barr rarve. NorE: A "T:' hanare 'iniy E:tiryuE ";iiii.nr.r,"noi". - - . ,, ., i:s::,rtitinlilqoF *u'bo'.--...,...:;.,ii.i;i,::i..",::i;t::ii.,t,l..r"size :1i i, ,'i j #5125 "'.'j.':"".--. ....-... ......lvq,size 6000series tnctudesaon+piece @ ustedlnspeaor'sTeslandorainunitwithnosightglass. r '8all. globo o. gate drain yatve NFPA t3 does not require that the drain nlve be listed. This provision is further specitied in NFpA 13: 2-1.1. FLOOR TEST CONNECflON ON A WET.PIPE YSTEMS INSTALLATION Giving Fbw Equivrlont Tgl '. . i.lt . FOR@PPEROR PotlerEteclrlc Slgnal Company 2o81 Cralg Fd."rP.O.Bcx 2a4f,0 . St. louls, Mo.53146 Potter Electrlc Slgnal & lftg. Lfiii 18€7 Laslle $reat '1 .' ' Don Mllls, Ofitarlo, Canada IBB2IBl4)87H:r21l PIPESECTION SfiOWN FOR ILLUSTRANON. PURPOSES ONLY u.s. PAT. NO.3921989, CAI|AD|AN pAT. NO. too96€O OTHEB PATENTS PENDING, POTTER ELECTRC, Rd., 1990 416!141-1&ts IILI.ISTED Servlcr Pmrrr,rre : Up to 1 75 PSI llntngm Eot Rgte forAtrrm: 1 0 GPM lladmun$.rgn: 18FPS Contd 88dng|: Two ssts olS.P.O.T. (Form C) i.. l0Arnp..@l25r250v.AO r ' 2 &np.@ 0-30V. DC Reslsdve ErMro rrner*al umltatlonr: #Fnm'F 4.5'C/49'C Con&tt Ertnrrcsr: 2 op€nhgs lor l/2fcondul Gasdon: Thbdarlcehnot lntendedfor.appllcdors h e@slve' oftnontrpnts.$zrr Avg[-L: For type K L & M copperplpe sbes ?,2'll2'.3'&4' Forlbted Cfl/Cplp€. SDR 13.5(standarddlrrnnslonal ratlo)-shes?.2 ln'&3' Servlco Uc.: Anondtc Sprinkl€r One orTwo Farnily Drvelling Rosldenbl OccupanCes up lo 4 storl€s Oanfa, Sadon .Locaj Atufu:1 R€firx€ gation. PtW'Awy NFPA-I3 NFPA.I30 NFPA.I3R NFPA.TI NFPA.7zA. NFPA.ZB NFPA.ZC NFPA.ZD O6lon€l: CcrerTarngeiSwhch OrderStk No. 00gOO1 g GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-CF is a vane type waterflow swilch for use on wet sprinkler syslems. lt is UL Lbted br use on lype K, L & M copper pipe, sizes ? thru 4' ard listed GPVG pipe, SDH 13.5 (standard dimentionalntib), sizes2'thru 3'. The unit may also be used as a sedional waterf,ow de lector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, do$le lhrod. snap ac{ion switches ard an adjustabte pnarmatic retard. The switches are actualed when a llow of 10 gallons per minute or nxli€ occurs downslream of the deryice. ihe flow condition must exisl lor a perbd ol lime nec€€sary lo over@me lhe selected retard perbd. ENCLOSURE: The unil is enclosed in a general pur-pose, casl aluminum housing. The cover b held inplace wilh two tanper resistant screws whbh require a special key for removal. A lield installabte cover timoer swilch is available as an option whidr may be used to irrdit=te unauthorized ronroval of the cover. See Builelin 7ff1 lor installat'nn instructions ol this switch. INSTALLAT|ON: See Fig. 2. These devbss may b€ rnounted on a hodzootal or verti- cal ppe. On lpdzontal pipe they shouH be installed on ilr€ lop skte of the pipe where they will be accessble. Ttre unlls stprJb not be lnstalled within 6 indres of a'fit- lirB which dEnges the dir6d'on of the waterflow orwithin 24 lncfies of a valvo or drain. Drain the sy$em ard drill a hole in the pipo using a cirql-hr saw in a st<an speed drill. The 2'ard2lf dovlps require a rs*e with a min. dia. of | 1/8'to a max. dia. of 1 g16'. Al odpr sizes require a hole with a dh - ol I Ttt to. a rnax. d€. of 2 1/16'. Cl€an th€ ilsu€ ol th€ pipe of altgowth orothermaterial lor a dislarrce equal to the pipe.diameteron eithersHe ot th€ hol€. Rotl the vare so that it rnay be inserted into the hole; do not berd o. crease it. Inserl lhe vanes so that tho arow ofl the saddle poi,nls in the direclion of the watedlor. lnstall the saddle strap and tighten nuts anematev to an ererfr.tal 100 h.-be. of toque, ses Fig. Z. The vane nu*.rst'rEi rub the irije of the pipe or bird in any way. PRINTED O{ USA REYC SULI-ENfiNI PAGEtOF2 FIG.1ffi FIG.2€LfiO ,SIJSIU€M:ro o{116€ rug rLe((l€E (EIIle OF@ruo Fct 0€s€ru€ oEuY. tJS€ tlcvRurt 4gr{? si€rlAo rEc€sslRYto PnEvEtft fAts€,IJAlrs. A ? S€TIrs6 !q.r.{uY ro€ourTEE N{s. F,CTER'IETATT. lo16T1|.LHrltqrrs roc^IEtr 00 fot rsJ€ coGR SF FmSIE{DE' 'EI'O OF I!,.E ' owGr3|o07tG3l CAUNON rdr.Ifot PF€ SO ^}rciYo|ts^oo{.EPO6ns l|oREc-rglr OF IVATEFH-OW rctl.Proot.r wEG.IEDNEC'rDII OF WATEFq.otY o{trfsQE$6ERTcou.Aft uroEa .1' 8q-TAS Sr0tY|rt AN UNINSUI..ATED SECNON'OF ASINGLE CONDUCTOR IS NOTPERMITTED TO BE LOOPED AROUNO THE TERMINAL ANOSERVEAS TWO SEPARATE CON. NECTIONS: THE WIRE MUST BESEVERED TO SERVE AS TWOgql4!4rE coNNEcfloNs; TH€REBY PROVIDING SUPERVT: !to{\t oF THE CONNECTTON tNIIF EVENT Tt-tAT THE W|RE BE-gqvEs DtsLoDcED FROM UN-DERTERMINAL oeecn-cr,*'...wrEir.SY (- ?9€ laE lgl!r'3 ?lD2rt?r !r.to15.5 tTor I ZA fO 2 !:.' owG|3mzt.S 'TttT*flSoxs:;-r! rc.?' 2$.€ s.4t s{Lttr 3940 o ?r?rzs@tJs€rDrPEns ls g{oYJ FIG.3 toc^L 8EU IRCNSFORUER OR 8^TTERT POWERIO :-"i : .' :-::: :iS CF .r: :::.:-:t):..- (s:: a:= .!. !j'C:!r !,. -'r :_::: :^ r. ;!:':Y /' .:-a:! { ;:'i:-ra,.'.< TYPICAL ELECTRTCAL CON H ECTIONS opfr o'rEnu 7? i:Xrf on -L/-',' srGr.rAUNc oEltc€ IYPCAL STqTCH rcI|oN 9lcl.r oN t l-/cross onrAIIRU J . ATIRM TOTE FOf, SJPEAVIS€O C&J'n; !€E 'StfIIEl{ fgnuWrf COr,CregIffnffi* *.o crnr't' ;R0u co{rR0t PAIIEL -:. -:):: 3iURN-:::'.iRoL owc.,3t00761.15NorE: The Model VSR-cF.l"t ryo seidtes, one can E used lo o;€r:re a c3i(rar station, proprietary or rernoresignaling unit, while the othe, -o.a L-*Jt" cperate a b::- :udibE cr visual annunciaror. TESTING The k-equency ol testing for the mode VSR-CF and irsassociated protective ninftoring .yrf o .rufj dii ...cordance with appt'rcabte NFpA-S6GJ .,drfiil;r.!!lt hyls luiiscoion. out unoer.;;;i;*less than bi-monthly. lfprwkJed, the'lnslectors Test. valvs tet is usually localed d the end of the mosl remole b-=rch tine, stroulOalways be used tor test purposes. lf lhere are no provisions lor lesling ti€ op€ration of the llo-w dea-ion dg,ice on the system, appfication ol thevSR-cF s not rercnm€nded or advisa6l;. --'--" -' A rninin- -: flow ol i0 gpm ls required to adivats lhis d*vEe. IMPORTA\T NOTICE: please advise the person r+sponsi5* tr te-r€ of rhe Frre prot".llon Siri..in.f- tnrs sys3.- :nus: a€ tgsted in accordance wfth tfre.Test-irp' ins:--,::ions 8uu€nlt zt PAGE20F2 PRWTEO DI I.'SA ( 'rtuHiu " -- ar.cor"oratao CO.O.rtC.t. Olq Dt.Srat FIG.2OO "T Rllvf, UN E" ADJ USTABLE RING HAI{GER Sirc llongc - l/2 rhru 8 inch pipc. Itatcrial . S:ccl. MiL Galvanized to G.90 speci. ficatior Fyyctioa. For fire sprinkler and other gcncol prprng purposcs.. . $ny.rlgd sdwl nut. dcsisn qcrmirs. han3cr adjiGt'mcnt alter instalhtioi. Spring rensioa on swivel nut'hol& it sccurely ii'hangcr beford instillation. S,sii,el nut is'easily. rcrnovcd. Ap p rowls -Uaderwriterd laboratodes [stedand Factory l'futurl Engineering apprwed. Conforms to Fcderal Sp-ificar;on tryW.H.tZl[ t1lpe t0. aJ Manulacrurers Standardizatro" di.[t sil;: type 10. Mo:fmua Temperaturc - 6S0.F Fnisi . MiL Galvanize4 HDG. and StaintessStaeL .?r!, lt -.FBrre numberand gigesize.- - I : -- -^:3-V8 Z'qe.1.3/8 I sl8 3.3/8 2.518 l:v8 l:v2 3J€-u8 2-V8 Il. 2-rn .3la 5.s/8 4-V8 'l's/c 3.Va 7-318 s-v{'Z'us 5'v2 9-V8 6?V4 2'sle 400 ll 400 :tz 409 ftl 500 27 600 3{ 1250 6. I w 13-v8 8-3^3'vc t250 136 Toft0 a-€O..O..l( 0 ao.+-\<. . arr.t r!r.lri i .c ( Ar.r--ntnEAr) Sizc tlonSc . 3/il r!,ru .Ug io.tt ro,J in t i,xl rrK tcJrr:n:3- [totcriol - Crrborr Src.:t t4orf,rnvrl Tcmpcrotutq - l?g.f f",f ' Prtlt. Rcctro.Galvanircd. and Sr.rinlcssSrccl. : -. !ru:, A"^l Frq numbcr. .oa doii"r'"r. ,odtcng;h. cnd frnish- I:|G.99 ROD CU'r.rO I.ENG'IIi '|^(. e(c. (O^O Ur3fg_g foescrt4ccrcY6 Iglt .s,.l ,<'4-a 3lE 6t0 siolR il30 rotos/s tsro iclo311 2lt0 2<201ft 3770 33({ ( Frc rcoALL THREAD ROD FULLI.ENGTHS t .: u.' HANGERS AND WOOD DRIVE SCREWS STEEL EYE SOCKET OFFSET STEEL EYE SOCKET SIDE BEAM CON.NECTOR FASTENERS, cont'd.C ITEM slzE OTY/ I(EG t8s/ KEG PSrCE/ EA. PRICE/ KEG 1 2 3 14 x 1!z' 14x2' 16x2' 2000 2000 2000 33 42 50 .o7 .o7 .07 .06 .06 .06 \ ITEM stzE OTY/ KEG t Bs/ KEG PErCE/ Ft. PRICE/ KEG 4 3/8',2500 130 .34 .26 ITEM StzE OTY/ KEG . tBs/ KEO PSrCV Et- PSrCE/ KEG 5 3/8'1000 56 .42 .32 ITEM stzE OTY/ cs L8S/CS PRICE/ EA" . 6- 7 :.100..- 100 ,.12.. 25 -/45 -'.90 ITEM SIZE ATY/ cs L8S/CS PRICE/ EA. .8 3/g'100 33 .55 Aff hangers are available'tor Vz" threaded rod. Call for a quote. c3 SPA RE HEAD FOXES.' IECCq's sturdy spare head boxes are rnanufictured fiom .039'.steet- They.featu.rc 3![i..- ffi"onrrru"tion and full fengthhinge. and are finishAdin rcd cnamel and driltcd - forcasy mounting. Personalization is available at nominal charge in quantities of 5O or rnorc. Your most direct advertising- ...practically [cee! AIRIWATER GAUGES aI'-s trE[l SEE 0rT/cs [8S/CS I 2 5 Head 12Hzed 25n 61.66 rd -. . . 'lr5 -.... *0.,t rr€|{TTP€Qn/cs (JS/CS 3 4 5 AkIWater Aird.Retard Water ' 50 50 50 6 ?s6 Johnson Fire & Specialties, lnc. s€nrEs 33fi) : II I I APPLICATION COMMENCI/iL or REsIoENTIAL EXIEntOn or TNfERtOR FEATURES WEATHENPROOF CONSIRUCTION COMPLETELY OISTINCTIVE FROM ANY OTHERAURM SIGNAL EST. EASY MOUNTING . ON ANY TYPE OF WALL :LIMINATE THE NEED FOR ANY ADOITIONAL SIGNS)N BUILDING EXTERIOR TPPROVED FOR USE IN ALL HARD.OF.HENRING)CCUPANCIES ..v.fY"B!E_rN rrsvnc..24vOC OR lzvDC wrTt{ oR '/!Tl'tOUT FLASHER/STROBE tATNTENANcE-FREE .opERATIoN .- i.ur_t-viUARANTEEO FOR 2 YEARS iay Goodbye to - , ;.' Water itained walls Ugly signs to spoitesthetics No More - Old-fashioned bellspipes that ctog and freeze 'l'trc F'AItR-l,ARM is rhc mosr arrrrcrirc'and pracdcat signal madc. [r is compacr in sizc. (g-x -8") and won'r compromisc rhc csrhcrics of .rhc .': cxlcrior wall likc ah ctccrric bctt u.irh r bird crgc. or a wa(cr-motor gong. .Suggcsrcd mounring is dirccrly above rhc firc. dcpanrncnt conncc(ion_ During dayligh( hours, rhc horn wilt dircct rhc Firc Dcpanmcflt to thc coonccrion as w'cll as alcn' thc occupans and passcrs-by rhat a lirc condiriont'cxtsts. i ' { -.i- ----r -. r^ii.r -{4.....tG.. At niglrt, thc flashcr/strobc can trc sccn from a. disrancc to guidc rhc Firc Dcpanmcnr ro thc .. connccrion. Policc parrolling an indusrrirl complcx . " or a ncighbodrood wirh rhcir windows up nuy no( .. - hcar rhc horn. but rhcy will -scc rhc lighr:. Sincc. 1975. cvcry FARR-LnRN{ is rsscnrblcd by. hand. inspccrcd and rcsrcd a( thc frclo^.. SIIB!{ITTAL SERIAL NO:2380IIY1 10-02-1995 PAGE 8 Remote Area #1 Ttre Arlberg Restaurant Ttre Lodge aE VailVail, Colorado Location Flow Pipe Fit.tings Equiv Friction Pressurein Size & L,engEh L,oss Sunnary Fron To ePM rN Devices Ft Psr/Ft PSr 0 L 6.275 L, 40.50 C=140 PT 105.34 ( 1)A 550.87 F=E,T,GV F 55.00 PE 0.00nN T 95.50 0.0077 PF O.74 - PT 105.08 ( O) Hydraulics Summary All-State Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E- 76th Ave, #12 Commerce Gity, CO 80022 (303)288-3901 S heet Des igner: Colc By: Dote: F.P. / D.K. F.P. / D.K. 10-2-96 Project Information The Arlberg Restaurant ll;:::n::"Y,sf t,q!ri.,$*F*_tp,6_,&*- Vail, Golorado 8165' Controct No: &jzs--4-Z--//*,- b ---- >s-f < - ';m;;,ffi;lff-<=42=-_ System lD: Egqpte;;;"--- -'- :Z-:fr t oO {_Ref. Drowing No: 1 of 1- Construction: Noncombusti bl e Occuponcy: Seating Authority: Uai I Fine Prevention Hydraulics lnformation Demand.-. Spr Req'd Pres: 94.46 psl Spr Req'd Flow: 310.87 GPM Add'l Flows: 250.00 GPHHose ot Srce: 0.00 GPM Totol Flow: 560.87 GPM Totol Pres: 106.08 psl Stotic Elev: 0.00 Ft Water Flow TestStotic: 130.00 PSI Residuol: 80.00 PSI Qty Flowing: 1247.00 GPMElevotion: 0.00 Ft Dote: 9-15-96 Time: 9:25 am By: Yoder Engi neer ing Roted: 0.0 PSIe 0.0 GPM Boost Pres: (NA) Psl Dischorge Pres: (NA) PSI Dischorge Flow: (NA) GPM _Comblned- Stotic: Residuol: Qty Flowing: Available... P) rre.eo esre F) roe.oe este (NA) PSI (NA) PSI (NA) GPM Margin... Pressure: L2.92 PSI Flow: 276.62 GPH System Information _Hydraulics Deslgn Criteria_ System Type: tJetDensity: .10 GpM,zSqFt Remote Areo: 1500 SqFt Sprinkler Coveroge: Uanies SqFt Design Stondord: NFPA 13 Hozord: Light Hazand Figure: (NA) Curve: (NA) _Sprinklers / Nozzles_ Monufocturer: Centnal Model: Rogal Flush & Sidepal I Size: L/Ztl K-Foctor: S.6 Temp. Roting: lss a 16s Dynomics Corporot ion 7700 Summory Sheet Nt4L-/ LvL tv*oL1352 ^U'o- Pt aeo. Remote Area #1 System Demand.. Sprinklen Oemand 94.46 PSI e 310.87 Additional Flows 250.00 Hose at Sounce 0.00 Total Oemand 106.08 PSI e 560.87 GPM GPM GPM GPM Water Supply.. rStatic 130.00 PSI Residual 80.00 PSI e L247.00 GPMElevation 0.00 PSI Slgmr Dynamlcr Corporrllon 7700 Supply / D.mond Grsph Margln Pnessune 12.52 PSIFlor.r 276,62 GPM Water Flour (GPM) STTBMITTAL SERIAT NO : 2380IIY1 Remote Area #1 Ttre Arlberg RestauranL Ttre Lodge at VailVail , Colorado AIL-SEate Fire Protection, Inc. 6045 E. 75tb Ave, #L2 Comnerce City, CO 80022 FLOVI TEST REST'LTS WaEer SupplySTATIC 13O.OO PSI RESTDUATT 80.00 Psr @ t247.00 GPM CINT PRESSI'RE AVAII,ABI,E AT 560 ,9 GPM 118 .50 PSI STMMARY OF SPRINKLER OUTFLOWS ACTUAL }4INIMUMSPR FLOW FIOW K-FACTOR PRESSI'RE 10-02-1996 PAGE 1 101t02 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 LLz 113 114 115 115 LL? 118 t_5 .58 L4.82 L4.92 L4.82 L4.92 18 .30 15.03 15 .03 L4.99 15 .07 t4.99 15 .07 1? .09 2L.5'l 21.27 21.38 22.43 22.58 L4.82 t4.82 L4.82t4.82 1-4.82 L4.82 1-4.82t4.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.82 L4.92 L4.82 3-4.82 L4.82 L4.82 19.L3 s .50 5 .50 5.60 s .60 5 .60 5 .60 5 .60 s .50 5 .50 5 .50 5 .60 5 .60 5.60 5 .60 5 .60 s.60 5.50 5 .50 8.77 7 .00 't .Lo 7 .00 7 .10 10 .58 7.20 7 .20 7 .L67.24 7.15 7 :24 9.32 L4.84 14.42 14 .58 16 -O4 L6.26 gIrtsMIlTeL SERIAIT NO: 2380HY1 R€tnote Area #1Tbe Arlberg Restaurant The Lodge at VaiIVail , Colorado TUT}IT IIATER REQUIRED FOR SYSTEM 310.87 eFMotlTFlrotfs AT 11 250.00 ePM TO(IAIT WATtsR REQUIREIT,IEITT 550.87 GpM PRESSURE REQUTRm AT 0 105.08 PSr !{A:(IMT'M PRESSI'RE IINBAI,AIICE IN IOOPS O. OO PSI tlAt(I!,lttM VELOCITT FROM 12 TO 13 31.45 FPS 10-02-1995 PAGE 2 SUBMITTAI SERIAL NO: 2380HY1 Remote Area #1The Arlberg Rest,aurant The Lodge aE VailVail, Colorado LocaE,ion From To 43 104 Fl-owin GPM o 14.82 Pipe Fitt.ingsSize &IN Devices 0-811 F=0 AO 0 .8r_1_ DR F=T Equiv Length Ft, 0-33 0 .00 0 .33 Friction L,OSS PSr/Fr. C=150 0.L732 0 .25 C=l-50 3 .00 3 .25 0 .2559 10-02-1_996 PAGE 3 Pressure Surunary PSI pr 7.00 (104)PE 0.00PF 0.05PT 7.05 ( 43) PT 10.68 (106) PE -0.L1PF 0.83PT 11.40 ( 51) 5L 106 L F T L F T r_8.30 s3 108 15 .03 0 .811 AO 0.811 AO 1 .055 BN22 1.055 BN22 1.29L BN3 0.811 AO 0.811 AO 0 .811 AO F=38 F=3E F=E/T F=0 F=T,28 F=0 F=0 L F T L F T L F T 7 .83 C=l-50 6 .00 13 .83 0 .a777 7.83 C=150 PT 6 .00 PE 13 .83 0 .a777 pF 0.42 C=150 PT7.00 PE 't .42 0.1780 PF 10.33 C=150 PT0.00 PE l-0 .33 0 .1780 PF ]-3.67 C=150 PT11.50 PE25.L7 0.1605 PF PT 0 .33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .L787 0 .33 C= j_50 0 .000.33 0.1758 0.33 C=150 0 .000.33 0.]-787 7 .20 (108) -1.602.468.06 ( s3) 7 .20 (107) -1-60 2.46 8.06 ( s3) 0 .18 1.32 9.s5 ( 52) 0-00 L .84 LL.40 ( s1) 0 .87 4.0416.31 ( 28) 7 -24 (112) 0 .00 0 .067.30 ( 64) 7 .L6 (111) 0 .00 0 .05 7 .22 ( 63) 7 .24 (l_10) 0 .00 0 .05 PT PE PF PT 52 51 53 107 a 53DQ a 52 o slDQ o 15 .03 15 .03 30 .06 30 .05 18.30 48 .36 L F T L F T 28 64 ttz PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF L F T L F T L F T 15 .07 53 111 L4.99 64 110 15 .07 F=O L,ocatiOn From To SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO:2380IIY1 RemoEe Area #1 The Arlberg RestaurantThe Lodge aC VailVail , Colorado 10-02-1995 PAGE 4 Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction PressureSize & Length Loss SununaryIN Devices Ft PSI/FE PSI L.05s L 0.33 C=150 PT 7.30 ( 64)F=E/T F 7 .00 PE 0.14BN2 T 7 .33 0 .1789 PF 1.31_ r-.055 L 8.42 C=150 PT 8.75 ( 62)F=0 F 0 .00 PE -L.25BNz T 8.42 0.1789 PF 1.51PT 9.01_ ( 61) Flowin GPM 6261 62 54DQ 15.07o 30 -14 a 30.14 63 109 a 6L 30 53DQ o 61DQ a L4.99 L4.99 29.97 30 .14 50 .11 0 .811 AO r.. 055 BN2 t.29l. BN4 0 .81-1 AO 0.811 AO 1 .055 BN2 1.055 BN2 0.811 AO F=0 F=T/T F=T,38 F=0 F=0 F=E/T F=0 0 .33 0 .00 0 .33 0 .33 9 .00 9 .33 t7 .25 14 .50 31.75 L F T L F T L F T C=150 0 .1768 C=150 o.L770 C=150 0.2400 0 .33 C=150 0.000.33 0 .1754 0 .33 C=150 0 .00 0 .33 0 .1754 0 .33 C=150 7 .00 7 .33 0.1757 8.42 C=150 0 .008.42 0.1757 0.33 C=150 0 .000.33 0 .L732 7 -t6 (109) 0-00 0 .05 7.22 ( 53) 0 .14 1 .55 9.01 ( 51-) 0 .0r- 7 .62t6 -64 ( 30) 7 -to (10s) 0 .00 0 .05 7 .L6 ( 441 7 -]-o (103) 0 .00 0 .06 7 .L6 ( 44) 0 .14 L.29 8.s9 ( 42) -L -25 1 .488.82 ( 41) 7 -00 (102) 0 .00 0 .05 PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PT PE PF 44 105 L r T t F T L4.92 44 103 o 44DQ o 42 a L4.92 L4.92 29 .8s 29.85 42 4L L F T L F T L F T o 43 102 14.82 F=0 SttBMITTAt SERIAL NO :2380IIY1 Remot,e Area #1The Arl-berg RestaurantTbe Lodge at VailVail , Colorado L0-02-1996 PAGE 5 Friction PressureI-.,oSS SurmnryPSr/Fr. PSr C=150 PT 1.OG ( 43)PE 0.14 0.1734 PF 1.62 C=150 PT 8.82 ( 41)PE 0.010.2354 PF 7.47PT L6.30 ( 26) Location From To Pipe Size IN 1 .05s BN2 L.29L BN4 o .811 BN]- 0 .811 BN1 0 .811 AO 0 .811 AO 0.811 AO 0 .811 AO 0 .81r- AO 2 .009 CM Fittings & Devices F=T/T F=T,38 F=T,8E F=T,88 F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E F=T, E Equiv Length FE 0 .33 9 .00 9 .33 L7.25 14 .50 31.75 Flowin GPM 41- 43D0 L4.82o 29.64 26 41DQ 29.85o s9 -49 31 113 o t7 .o9 25 10r_ o 16 .58 32 Lt7 22.43 29 t]-6 2t.38 27 ILs 2t.27 24 LL4 2L.57 23 118 22.s8 o PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF PT PT PE PF L F T L F T t F T t F T L F T L F T L F T L F T t F T L F T L7.L7 C=150 19 .00 36 -L7 0.22s5 t7.L7 C=150 19 .0036.L7 0.2L32 2 -50 C=150 s .00 7 .50 0.3727 2.sO C=150 5 .00 7 .50 0.34t2 2.50 C=150 s .007.50 0.3378 2 -50 C=150 s .007.50 0.3458 1.04 C=150 s .00 6 .04 0 .3775 7.00 C=150 0 .00 7 .00 0.0008 9.32 (113) 0.L0 8 .1617.s8 ( 31) 8.77 (101) 0 .10 7 .7L16-s8 ( 2s) 16.04 (117) -0 .65 2 .80 1_8.19 ( 32) 14.s8 (116) -0.552.s616.49 ( 29) L4.42 (115) -0.6s 2.5316.30 ( 27) r-4.84 (114) -0.652.6016.79 ( 24) L6 -26 ( 118 ) -0.1"32.2818.41 ( 23) 16 .30 ( 27',) 0 .00 0 .01 28 27 8 .91 F=0 SUBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380IIY1 Remote Area #1The Arl-berg RestaurantThe Lodge at VailVail , Colorado Location Flowin From To GPM 29 28DQ 48.35o 5't .27 30 29DQ 21.38o 78.65 31 3oDQ 50.11o 138 .76 32 31DQ L7 -09o L5s -85 33 32DQ 22.43a 178.28 o L78.28 1_0-02-1995 PAGE 5 Pipe Fittings Equiv Friction PressureSize & Length Loss SununaryIN Devices Ft PSI/FL PSI 2.009 t 7.00 C=150 PT 15.31 ( 28)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cI{ T 7.00 0.0255 PF 0.18 2.009 L 3.50 C=150 PT L6.49 ( 29)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 3 .50 0.04s8 PF 0.16 2.009 t 7.08 C=150 PT 16.65 ( 30)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cl4 T 7.08 0.1309 PF 0.93 2.009 L 3-75 C=150 PT L7.58 ( 31)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0 .00cM T 3.75 0.1623 PF 0.51 2 .009 L 1-0.08 C=150 PT 18.1-9 ( 32)F=E F 5.50 PE 0.00cI4 T 15 . s8 0 .2082 PF 3 .24 2.009 t 17.00 C=150 PT 2L.43 ( 33)F=T F 9 .00 PE 0.00cM1 T 26.00 0.2082 PF s.4LPT 25.84 ( 2L) 332L 26 25 24 23 27 0 L2.36 26DQ s9.49o 71.8s 25DQ 16.s8 a 88.43 24DQ 2t.57o L10.00 23DQ 22.s8a 132.s8 C=150 0 .0015 C=150 0 .0387 C=150 0 .0s69 C=150 0 .08s2 C=150 o -L204 r_6 .30 ( 27) 0 .00 0 .01 16.31 ( 25) 0 .00 0.27 r_5.58 ( 25) 0 .00 0.21 16.79 ( 241 0 .00 1 .63 t8.42 ( 23) 0 .00 3 .13 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM 2 .009 CM F=0 F=0 F=0 F=T 3.s0 0 .00 3.s0 7 .00 0 .00 7 .00 3.67 0 .00 3.67 10 .08 9 .00 L9 .08 17.00 9 .00 26.00 L F T PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF PT PE PF L F T L F T L F T L F T 22 F=T SITBMITTAL SERIAL NO: 2380iIY1 Remote Area #1The Arl.berg RestaurantThe Lodge aE VailVail , Col-orado L,Ocation FIowin From To GPM 2t 22 o 132.s8 L4 21DQ 1?8.28a 310-8? L4 a 310.87 13 o 310.87 t2 o 310.87 5 11DQ 2s0.00a s50.87 6 o s60.87 45 a 560.87 4 o 550.87 3 o s50.87 L2 o s50.87 Wilkins Model 13 t2 11 10-02-1996 PAGE 7 Pipe FiEtings Eguiv Friction PressureSize & Length toss SununaryIN Devices Ft PSI/FE PSI 2.009 L 44.00 C=150 PT 2l-.55 ( 22)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00cM T 44.OO 0.1204 PF 5.30 2.009 L 26.08 C=150 PT 26.85 ( 21)F=2E F 11.00 PE O.97FM24 T 37.08 0.5823 PF 2L-59 2.009 L 5.08 C=150 PT 49.4L ( 14)F=E F 5.50 PE 0 -00FM23 T 11.58 0.5823 PF 6.74 2.009 L, 3.75 C=150 PT 55.15 ( 13)F=0 F 0.00 PE 0.00Fm22 T 3.75 0.5823 PF 2.r8 2.727 L 3.33 C=120 PT 58.33 ( L2) F=T,BV/T F 31.00 PE 0.00FM21 T 34 .33 0 . r-987 PF 6 -82 4.352 L 24.03 C=120 PT 6s.15 ( 11) F=T,2E,BV F 52.00 PE 9.98FR2 T 75.03 0.0508 PF 4.62 4.260 L 11-4 .00 C=120 PT 79 .75 ( 5)F=28 F 13 .60 PE 0.00FM1 T 127.60 0.06?4 PF 8.50 4.260 L 25.83 C=120 PT 88.35 ( 5)F=28 F 13.60 PE L.13FM1 T 39.43 0.0574 PF 2.66 4.260 L 14.67 C=120 PT 92.L4 ( 4)F=28 F 13.50 PE 0.00FM]- T 28 .27 0 .0574 PF 1 .91 4.260 L 37.00 C=120 PT 94.0s ( 3)F=E F 6.80 PE 0.00FMl T 43 .80 0 .0674 PF 2 .95 6 .357 I-' 26 .25 C=120 PT 97 .00 ( 2l F=2E,BFP F 20.00 PE 3.12FR1 T 46.25 0.0096 PF O.44 575RP Reduced Pressure Backflow Preventer 4.77 J I SUBMITIAL SERIAL NO:2380HY1 10-02-x995 PAGB I n€mote Area #1, ltle Arlberg Restauranti The Lodge ats vailI vaLl , col0rado Iocation FIow Pipe FiEtings Equiv Friction Pressurein Size & L,englh lJoss SumnaryFrsr To cPM IN Devices Ft PSI/FL PSI 0 I 5.275 t 40.50 C=140 PT 105.34 ( 1) PT 106.09 ( 0)