HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail GORE CREEK GALLERYLofs *c"c Design Review Board 3\K s-L Project Name: New awning DRB Number: DRB030555 Project Description: New green fabric awning with white lettering: approval pending removal of all existing lighting Pafticipants: OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC 12130/2003 Phone: C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT KONTNY, MARIO I2l3OlzOO3 Phone: (303) 72r-7608 6707 E. Fremont Place Englewood, Colorado 80112 License: CONTRACTOR KONTNY, MARIO 12130/2003 Phone: 6707 E. Fremont Place Englewood, Colorado 80112 License: 296-L Project Address: 158 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locationr 158 GORE CREEK DRIVE #132 Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (THE) Parcel Numben 210108221001 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApprovalr 01/05/2004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0006252 all existing lighting to be removed prior to placement of new awning Entry: 01/05/2004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $55.55 ,-t)Y*,O,LI.Z*_SLot2u ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, vail, Colorado 81657 tel:, 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Application for Desi Oepaftmem of Caril?,rnit/ De\reiopt nent 75 %u& crontnge p.cad, larl, CJro|?do .3!rs7 iai: 970.{79.2139 : .x: 9i9.479.2452 weo: Www.C.vail.CO.US of the Req u€st::/r, LoczUon of the proposal: -ob{_ Phvsical Ad<ire=s; J€E C:=fuaL earcei Xo.t) l0l O?AH OC / ,'Cruct Eegte cc. ,Assessor at 97t-328-85a0 ror oarcet no.) zoning: -ggn r*aAta.4 Name(s) of Owner(s); Maillng Addrcss; '- o. Orvner(s) Signature(s) j - ",;4i N:m6 of Appltcantr Meiilng Addressr -P O E E-mail Address: PhOTF: Far: J / U' .r.iU bUCU o gn Review p.2 I0i{,}' =:i,.--. \ -r:{,..i[B 1 rlr"?i;'l' :s.:l/n'Trv'l i i General lnformauon: All orojecs recuilnc 6r-<i-on ter.,i+, lJi /eaeive ;pprol.€t ptior io submitlinS ,: br-,i11;'gr gennt lpplicaocn. oleascr€?'ef tc the Suomittol ieqir.isr,!;1= for the ganarlai approval that is requeied. Ln appiiJt,cn-,cr Desgn Fcver',.canioc ie dcc3pie{i ur:i id l?r:r'r'e{i if r-trnaiio,l iJ rt:ceiveci :y ile 3:.nrmunily ggveiepriert f,eE€fineni. rneprojed tr:y also nesd to F -e',,tewed 1/ the -D!vn Council and/or the ?lann|n! ard Envjj.o menGl CCtirmissron.Design review approvai laps€s unless r csitdlng permit is issued and .ir,struction commences withinene ycaa of Ura epproval. s"t Type of Review and Fee:X signt F Coocectuai R.eviaw C Na.r Construdbnc Ad5ition r.'4inor Arte.ttion ( multi-ibn:hy./corn or€taial) Minor AlteGtion (taDgFramilv/duprey) Clranges :cr Approved Plans s50 Nc Fee 3650 s300 <l(r. ata. r:tr' Bu,l 91.3C per square foot of total ggn er€e. fur <onsulcdon ot a new building or d€iojreblri;d. For rn fddition whefe sq;Ere fmidge is added .lo any re6id€nrbi orq)mmerdai building (iniludes 2-q0 dddibons & inteiisr con!€r<'ons). For ninor ctargrs to buildings and site rnprcvefienB. sulh as, re;oo.{ng, p,!inting, whdow addibons, iandscaping, tences and n:laining uallq, ed. Fcr minor chang{5 tc buiHings and site imFr$€rnents, such as,re'ooflr€, gainuAg, windolv arjcfltiont ;.rndscaf,i g, fenceS an,Jreltining walls, etc Fcr revrsiorE lo Flans elrcady lpgroved by Planninq Staff "1r the Design Revr€w eiard. ?a6l DEC Z ij lut'J Tov-coM.DEV' ilkp.,to t(.,+ .nG. -? O e,( 3 D.G 01 Og O?:39p ic EganFlnn o 37 e8- 68200-3 o .., a joini owner of prooerc/ bcated at (acHress/le-calttt2, Ucil, Co- 8/Ct7 p.4 JOII{T PROPERTY OWNER WTUTTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER IO}UV qrio !,I5t Go,.c. c^cek D+;v'- descriptbn) -: prcvide this '3tter as written aDproval of the plans daed wlich ha\E been subrnitted b .,Jre -Town of vait clrlununary Development D€panrnent for tle prcposed improvements io be cornolp.ted at the address noted ai:ore. ! understand that tfre proposed itnDrovements indude: I funher understand that minor nrcdifiCationS may be made b the Crlans OVef the course of dle revie$' process to ensure compliance vriti tlre Towns applicaHe cod6 and reguhtions' /]-/-03 (Date) P'rge ? ut-4Ol/10/02 -nffieo DEC 2 I2003 Gore Creek Gallery & Tlaveller Books Awnlng Graphlcs 1i6" E-' c?cJo €o e\o q1 D n.J aa "*, Iri€i ca..Y;rJ.l c-tg cot- {\aO6: 0t' !rvo VtOo oo ;- Gore creek Gallery.Tfay€ller Bools tbtal Square Fbotage = b.66 $g Ft I i'i' "'itl'" '''l' , t,t ], ".'.'",, i'" ,{ "- F,' ,"iL. i , \, ,' - \lrt"" ' ulq =o 3 hcparcd Ev: #ittrlr?#py e Equlpment, rnc Dco 01 o3 O3: lgP nnnlc LSan O sALEs coNTRAcr o TO ilYICr{l tlls: Itctrlxl- ..ac|llad !|. c'i |. Cl".|t lot ttl' . IoJIJ--EI tl. trnrt trt G".&onl ef rlr| tnr|lrr Cl fha lollol|rlC a"a..rt Ldrr' b{ rar.or ia firi r .n-,.'dr t li. rgrct An.* #.tji:t* b.,.d-r d.," rroc' ' \'ac-tt d ltra ,tr,!aa t '!lq {ot ntt ib'cc u, rJ*t l- ao*n or"t|3: eilt bt ctu'g'd lo atlgqt||orct$df'l tfrEifllflYr FrlnErt tEnt ofiLt 0'{ u TtEL aPtlov& picas i(t' fi\artdEsdlsr decrtrad hereon qoled s'.t*cct tc f g ^fllen acc€ptetEc b€tow b| A C F rid; by an c*cc.rtil€ ofttcer of tt^e Compa|ly' t . l,r tlt n frir rilry (3Ol d.rt tL' ablurry. 1. Olh.r Thc breodng in;lial Pa!f,ner{ terrs acccPteO st apptwed bry A C E AddrsSs DdiYcrv lddrccs hard paint cn lcttering: D ret --^ 6v h{tal Ofie OtlY al lna A{a'natrY' Prytrc'{ rer|nt OiFIR ,ss follos: Gcre Creek Gallery Trav-cller Bccls Anrerican CanoPY r EQUIPMEHT' llac. orfc oflcr y66 iZlVQi- Estim'tcd osteol o€liYery &ltgli:i i6g r,. 5,t rt- i6+ta+-r"cd".a:+a' silt, co ilprs2 t 97o876-s368--'-€i6o- 8'7b- s+s'l i Pl ac p6ns Sirrei tale 6ol{t frarrc off eleari takc dcrm ftgie arri pcu fatric back oo - put f:arc ba:k uP on wall trtolfr'|t rlTOfl flottl - ifAD gCrot| lfililt|G hic: iess oePosit belance due cn detc ef inetall 3@--_ r--438--QQ*- $ 488.0C AGBEETFiIT ltt tr.tri colLiuF|l |nd gdla Gcntdocd rroaa ctlr :rolr -'irrn rcn iro} oarc lrofl OnB r(t' rt 'nY trtlc lt"o" lh't dtle ttt subl"ct to cir'{l. e..nrra.,ii .ri!irini0diunrir" il*r,-., tr6 firsr dt^.d !.a .|diy.{t t nta ^anaGrlar1l lo ltLt lna orld.rt$rad PuGiaaat txtrbt g9i3 ltrc olht Inc ofdrt: ttrd aitc" to ot6qr rad oSrr lot thl rlroY' d"crlb6d hqichrndit' "o lo Dc bour.d !t Cl lr.it lra cstdao,ri n frl llElrrlnO fti?tll.|d Coilltirrt !i ta'"rt tt orichil!€l ri|r rald and 9n:tat3tgr'Cl r I Fus,lara, ||ttb, gior{adgtr! racator dr N corno|l|t.6 coty o, tn6 Atr!.trarn a,t{ ra}..914!aar !h'l eJiclurl€l till rtro 'no enr( TGrrE.rr, Catfdlixra .4 , l4 ,,{a , ./PGgx Uecs+ln'- (-"}odt- I ---!Errnu0'r- TOV€OM.DEV. 6ofrt srgr|3d by PuR t.aef tEcivad by Selc' ttis dela:- f af alf aaal*+ttf aaatatttaa*aaat***af + *lf at*'it****alf tf taat*'.a**tatar**a** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Copy Reptlnted on 12-ill)-2lXl3 rtfiIt2f:l2 lUSAl2OOg Stataont aaaaaf *f af ++at+tr***af aa*tal****af *+ a****{'*taa+l*a*a'}a*'ta!at****l***ta*** *taat+t*tat*+aaaaar+ gtaten€nt Nuiber s R03 00053 07 Amount : $55. 0012/30 /2OO3O7.28 A!.1 Pa)ment lilethod: Check Init: ADMI NotatioD3 *L92 Permit No:DR8030565 Type: DRB - Sigm Atrrpllcation Parce1 No : 210108221001gite Address: 158 GORB CRBEK DR \TAIIJ IJocatioo: 158 GIORE ERBEK DRIVE #132 Tota]. Fees: 9s5. oo This Palment: $55. o0Total AIrL Pmts: 956.00 BaLance: $o. oo *++f t*******tl'**ltl'**a+*+*a**atlaat* 'i**+*+**a**:l{'****f t++*+****+l*a*a*a* ++++*+**tla'la*+*{'f ** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Rnts DR 00100003112200 REVIE}I FEES 50.00 sP 00100003124000 6. 00 DESIGN SIGN FEES z1