HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail THIS WICKED WEST+ E =l|lA C'z v.E !- Fc,ttl!o c,2 ct oJ Fv,lttto F =tl l,t4ozoJ o v,I!utItY(,ulEaz e E 4uJg 2o oo 2oF !EulF =uJ = octuI Yz tc o !,1EIt v,F =t (92 ftto ct2 ^.1 \ \\ \r- t\' N \ \1.v\ .ul Erzoo lE- >(9 :Qu, Ao \-l E z tral 4-f,aOFtrt2(9t>xo :< urlo.o>(,FO;.i u2 JE xJo FoJ Yc 5 o2o tr4 GIqlo zot- .J Jcc ltor!F o I lr 2 F] I aD a o $$ ?E {;fr\F!frlE tElae $/E i)t!J rF EIEE l$tc ulozs .E oulGuI (,z oF2uJ =ulv, !,1 oF G |ll.E GooJt! utE FoJJ FoF ulG GooJtt J Fo ! Er o oz -to -Jf E = lret -,-ol- , flrt dr4fsl V/z=T ,*7 t/r/ Lgz 575 -rqa tilTIWI I l'r at\reu\r) faC\N. O.*oo,*r Aho.rr5or5[n,r,\;r J.^" n k' ('-\$ f,ttr NaneorApp'ricant: -+* .$,3,a.x..-\\&3= / .*'efo-L"- A oe'/Address of Applicant: (3) Section number and paragraph of crdinance urrder which appljcat'iott is being made: of Telephone Number of Applicant: Ala-LO-O-p- Date of Application:d2_---o-2 (2) Numerical locatjon of build'ing designation; and street address stt'ucture upon its lot, upon which the sign is block and fi I ing to be located: Yo, r,rame (c) (d) SIGI{ APPROVED: DATE APPROVED; person or persons constructing ard erecting the sigrt: \ \ ror &rrs-rc (5) hlritten consent of the owner of the hujlding, structure, or land to rrhich ich the s'i gn is to be erected: (6) Ljneal feet of business frontag 7<rqr l-J€'zs-' /10J 'THE FOLLOWING I'IUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORI4: (a) Positjon of the sign on the build-ing in both plan view, drar^:n to sca'le, and elevat,ion views, drawn to sca1el(b) Two sets of scale drawings of the plans and specifications, inc'luding size and color of the sign and jts various pai'ts, the style of lettering, ligh'"ing, type of material of which it js fabricated ano the met.hod of attachment to the building or to the ground; A color sketch or color photograph of the sign and buii<ling, as well as any cont'iguous street or building. in order to disp] ay how they would appear in relation to one another;If required by Administrator, a copy of stress sheets and calcu- lat'ions showing that the structure is designed for deac.l load and wind pressures jn any direction in the amount required by the sign ordinance and any and all other lavrs and ordinances of tlre Tolrn of Vail. SIGN I'TEETS GENERAL REQUiREMENTS 0e ORDIr,lAl'tCE: ---Fdm]n] sTra'tor - Chairman and/or Acting Clriirnran FEE of Oesign Revietr' Bcard {asoa$r*46)DA I N.