HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail WILDERNESS WONDERS6lir.r"{t? oE\rE[rFtErtt Daign Review Board ACTION FORII{ Oopertment of Community Development 75 South Frontago Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 ta'].970.479.2457 webl www,vailgov.com Project Name: Wilderness Wonders Sign Project Description: Participants: OWNER DENSON, KATHLEEN PO BOX 2120 EAGLE co 81631 APPUCANT TONY NEWUN NEW SIGN FOR WILDERNESS WONDERS GALLERY DRB Number: DRB080188 06/03/2008 06/03/2008 Phone: 206-339-3591 Location: LODGE APT CONDO (THE) Project Address: Legal Description; Parcel Number: Comments: PO BOX 4210 TELLURIDE co 81435 170 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Lot A Block: Subdivision: 2101-082-2100-9 See Conditions Motion By: Second By: vote: Gondidons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 06/18/2008 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildinq permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $52.30 .tlry-2?-08 ll r4?ar FrrT0frl 0F Y lt m|llTT EYEt0PEftT e70{79t4il t-t1t P.002/008 F-77t Slgn Appllcatlon fur Dc'rgn Rwiew DF|urcnt d Com0ilrnry Da*pntcnt 75Sqft Frorilage REd,vEil, Cohr$ 8f65/ tcf: 9ZL4B2lill lk'90-.179:.152 urab: rrilw-ttllhf,t cf,n ceneral Inlhmltiolt: AI prdcd3 |Egtirfi|g ddgn r6,tsw m$t t€dr,€ rfovd F la F rib|tnuttg a hlEltq fr|ilt apFhtltn. Plesse rctU b U|e E$fiffi rcnficments for tE piltb.lar rogr(nnl ttlst b r€qu€Eted. An apolcdo|t lb. 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Nameorsusin€ss, hltlltruU Ah"l'ut /''l LfC' . t t/; t BuildrrEnarrcEndph/siclladd]ls6: 1fuE6.n GocL/ l,// oil Yd4 wirtEr app|ural tfii conddniniun acsodauon, lsndlod, and Flnt oilner, if appli:lbb. Tf'pc d sign (6eck all th* apCy): FFree$ndhg Sign QWa[ Slgn FHarElng / PrCtccs--ng $gn EDbplay Box trDalV Speclal EoErd trJolrtDlr$ry Slgn F5ubdh,blon Entrane Slgn E BuildqE ldendffcation E MUI€Itr Wlndow Sbn tr ggn ftograrn tr Gas Fllcd/Hber Optic tr TemporarySlgn ROdrer Humber ofCqns -tDro9Geo:-l_Nsmber of **'. J- 5bn e S[rrarrd lettellry dnrsdonsfureadr gopc5dsgn (edt a cobmd scaled sdrrnae ***@lA"- t'5, 7' l.tl t 4'. wrlo tengftdbudnessltorftge: I Heigm dsEn(s) ftorn grads: 0 lrdkaerypc, lmtbnand numberdfffitre3El lrx*Jde heltt aboru gradc, luncm ouHft' lumlnous.cres.q Atiedraqfi shecttFeEAt trogGedfbfitrc Dr€rfltnqs shon|i|B tnr and tilh€re ft€ dgn or ilTfiE tt'lll Euadt tD $e hlilding .ilt lEw Bpavntmwi]t beaorsrmd. I?pla* r*rr{i ae4,^J, 6a dlfr The AdmlnbfrEbr and/q DRE nray rcqulrr the submbdon of addmonal PlaYl+ drawlngs, spetrcdolts, silttplcs and dlef tnrternts (kdudttg a modcl) rdgned ncEEs$ary b deEmlrE whcfier a prsJect win cmlply t ,ltl D,edgn Guldellnes or lf tie ktEnt of Ulc propal lt.rd dcrty hrdlclbd. E. n. G. t{. I. J. K L Sbn l-odon (ed| a sE dan and en etenadon draFltE tr a phm$aph deary in&ung tlre propocctf loctthn d.slgn(sl)= 4L. h.t tr I M#rfafs arrd ofors d sign (atbdr srrnrir:!): lvlafpan /Jctdne --t Sign l-'glilftg dan: ft\# FORlEltffiVryltrteW E3d+12/05t2m5 frrn,n 'j,t-k-+ a) ./ lfiqo'Y-o )r.rrrrr /- s'u1 fut+cc", fIciFl.,"'L' ," ] Go*u-rr'u) (t^ 5iz-t, as ( | f ubr,. {r,Nrro<;s ,Au'ilrrrJ6 pf,"t') Page I ofl Michael Yeman - Wildemess Wonders Lettering Dimensions tr'rom: "TonyNewlin" To:I)ate: 0611A200810:40AM Subject Wilderness Wonders Lettering Dimensions HiMichael, Sorry for the delay - the \Wildemess Wondets by Tony Newlinr text on my awniag measures 56" long x 6"talt ll Thanks for yout help. -TonyNewlin file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administator\Local Settings\TempDPgrpwise\4850FD... 06ll?2008 9.33ti ' Tony Newlin AWJ l,* bta, J thf ar A*'a Frcm: Scnt: To: Subjec't: Charley Viola [chadeyviola@comcast. net] Thurcday, May 29, 2dl8 12:55 PM Tony Narlin Fw: Wldemess Wonders awnings Tony: Here is the approval on the window awning. This is from the President of the association. Please let me know if you have any further questions on this matter. Best regards, Charley ----- Original Message -----From: "Lapidus, Sid" <slapidusGwarburgpi-ncus . com>To: "Charley Vio1a" <charleyviola@comcast . net> Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 11:05 AM Subject: RX,: Wilderness Wonders awnings I approve the request. Sidney LapidusRetired Partner Warburg Pincus LLC 466 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 100L?Tel-. 2L2-878-0605 Fax 2L2-'lt6-5O32 s lapidus Gwarburgpincus . com -----Original Message----- From: Charley Viola [nailto: charleyviola@comcast. net ]Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 11;14 AMTo; Lapidus, SidSubject: Fw: Wilderness Wonders awnings Hef l-o Sid: I sent this to Jane and have not gotten a response. Would you mind shooting me a response approving this request, Let me know if you have any issues with what is proposed. It is a simple name and color changeof an awning.All sizes remain the same. Best regards, Charley ----- Origlnal. Message ----- From: "Charley Viola" <charleyviola0comcast.net>To: rJane Ivyn <Jlvy€vail-resorts. com>Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2008 L0:20 AMSubject: Fw: Wil-derness Wonders awnings > Hello Jane: ': ) I arn forwardingr a request for exterior modificatlon to the building to ' you> for approval. This is a sinple nanre and color change of an existj-ng> awning> as proposed by the tenant for Lodge Apartment Condominiums 142 and L44.> this is the tl4)e of matter given approval by the Manager as there is no> change of substance. Please shoot me a short e-mail granting approvalof) the color and name change on behalf of LACA. > Best regards, ) Charley ) From: "Tony Newlinr' <tnetonynewlin. com>> To: "Charley Viola'" <charleyviolaecomcast, net>> Sent: Wednesday, t4ay 2t, 2008 7:18 PM> Subject: FW: Wilderness Wonders awnings >> Hi charLey, >> Attached is the proposal for the awnings for the galfery. They are >> exact]y >> the same size as the previous awnings for Hillis Furs; the only >> difference>> is the color and lettering on the valance. Thanks for passing this along>> to >> the Lodqe. Please let me know if I can provide any additional info. >) Regards,>> Tony >> www. tonlmewlin, corn Notice: This message contal.ns information that may be confidentj.al and/orprivileged. If you are not the l-ntended recipient, you should not use,disclose or take any action based on this message. This nessage does notconstitute investment advice.