HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 102'rsb l'gc tU'v f Uni*,'t"t lr-,, LiJcPa*Uuo r tVk lo<- NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON.IOBSITB AT AIJL TIMESTOV/Comm. Dev. 3lean-up Depogit Refund ADD/AI,T COMM BUILD PERMI Permit, #: B99-0091- TOI{N OF VAIII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD\rAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARI!,IEIIT OF COMMUNITT DSVELOPMEIIT T74 E GORE CREEK DR L74 E. Gore Creek Dr 2t0L-082 -23 -009 PRf,Tg9-0107 )o$ttq<-lpproved amount -;---?db Address:Location.. . :Parcel No..:Project. No.: sLatus...: rssItED *102App1ied. . : 04/28/L999rssued...: 05/03/L999 Expires .. z L0/30/L999date APPLICSNT EVAI{S-MEIIDEL-AI,LISON CONST., INC.P.O. BOX 8266, AVON, CO 81620coMrRAqIoR EVAr{S -MENDET,-Ar,r,rSON CONST., INC.P.O. BOX 8266, AVON, CO 91620O!{NER LODGE PROPERTTES INC* oRTEIW-EXPRESS HOTELS INC. 1155 AVENITE Description: Demo 6G Renodel unit 102 for mock-up Occupancy:. F.1, /A3 lB2Multi-FamiLy w / AssemblyTlpe ConsEmcti.on: III l-HRType III l-HourTlpe Occup€rncy: Valuation: FLr.plree Infor aElonr Reatriclrd. 7, 500 *Of ca6 Apltlianqes r Add Sq Ft: *of GaE Logt: Phone z 9'7Q-845-O465 Phone: 970-845-0465 OF NI{ERICAS, NE!iI YORK N & Bus *of glood/Pal,]eL. *rt..ttrrr**r*'r**r!.**t**lrr*i* FEE suuMAiy *t t* {r * ll + * * tt * * **, r r* r}t !tr { i * * rr |} rr'rt* * * l arr*!J r*rt tt**a rr * * r * tsuilding- --- -> Plan chcck---> Inwe6tl,gation> tfi1L c.I1----> **t tirrrrrittJt Rcstuattnt Plan Revian--> DRB Fce-------- RecreaEl'on Fe6----------> Clean-I4, Dcporit- - - - - - - - > TOTAI. P886..... Total ealculated FeGs---> Additional Fees---------> Total Pardit Fee--------> 12s . O0 81.25 .oo 3 .00 .00 20 .00 - 00 r-00.00 329.25 t29 .26 .00 tz9 .2t Palnsenea------- 32t.e5 .o0AAIANCE DI'E---- Item: 05100 04 / 30 /L999o5'/ 03 / L9s9Item: 0540004/30 /LegerLem: 0560004/30/L999rtem:0550004/30 /Le99 BUII,DING DEPARTI4EIMKATIfY Action: NO:rE Routed toJRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVEDPI,ANNING DEPARTI,IEIiITKATTIY ACtiON: APPR N/AFIRE DEPARII,IEIITKATIIY ACTION: APPR N/API]BLIC WORKSKATHY AcLion: APPR N/A DepE: BUILDING Division:JR- .IRMDept: PIJTNNING Division: DepL: FIRE Division: Deptr: PUB WORK Division: * * * *, r r tr * * i * * *rn i r * a* * * r r r *t r See Page 2 of Ehis Document for any conditions that may apply Eo this permit. DECI-,ARATIONS I h€.€by rcknorledg€ th.t. I have read Chia application, filled out in full Chq inforoatsien requLtcd, codrpl.ts.d an qccuretsi plol pf,at, .nd .Cr!6 that .11 th. inforurClon providad.r requircd L6 colract.. I agE.e tso codply ilgh Cho infortuaCion and lrlob planr Eo coeDly rlth all lonn ordinucss artd sEace IaxE, and t'o build Ehia EtrucLura according !o Lh6 Tortr's zoninE and subdiviaion cod€6, dcaign ]rcvic, a[Trrovod, Uniford Building code artd oth.r ordinrncsB of t'ha Torrn al}pficabla thcreto. OI'R FROI| 8!o0 AL 5roo P scnd cIlan-gp D€poBit Io: Bvand-Uendol-Alliaon con6E.SICNATTIRB OF R OR COIfTRA FOB IrIIISIII,F AIID OTINER *******!r************************************************************************ EOIIDITIONSPermit, #: 899-0091 as of OS/L4/99 Status: ISSUED ******************t****:l**tl*********************:l******************************* Permit Tlpe: ADD/Rr.,r COMM BUTITD PER!,IT Applied: 04/2e1L999Applicanr: EVAI{S-MENDEI-ALIrSoN CONST.,TNC. rssued: 0S/03/L999970-845-0465 To Expire z tO/30/L999 ,Iob Addrees:tocaLion: t74 E. Gore Creek Dr *l_02, Lodge at, VailParcel No: 2101-082-23-OO9 Descript.ion: Deillo & Remodel unig 102 for mock-up Conditions:1. FrRE DEPARTMENT APPROVATJ rS REQUTRED BEFORE AlTy WORK CAN SE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIR-ED TO CIIECK FOR CODB COMPIJIAI'ICE. cttgt-rD cugto|En. mft cllf,ro! DIFOSIT DEPOETT-ATIT SA'T'SIIETT TFTER-R8FI'IIDclcDB DEECRIPtTOII n-DAIt tt-DA"E tl@t NT rnoorT rxoltfr rf,otnf" 1a61 899-0091 lvana chaffa. C@sttrr D2DEp08 DEPOgtt 5lO4/99 a/?rlo1 100.00 100.00 100.00- SOAIL tOR C{TSTO ER TYPE: D2 o/t BATcn cREttBD 3 BATcn-01196 2oo4l04 ugratD-uao,trtrcA Ap HErrD ctcrrNl-1.00 Ar|qrl{E- .00 100.00 100.00 100.00- GRAID !OIA!: 100.00 100.00 100.00- DEPOSII COInW: 1 .00 .J .' T -100. 00 TOIIIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTA,GE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L39 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMI Permi_t #: Status.. #102Applied.Issued. . B>cpires. DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVEIJOPME}- /"7ry" 899 -0091 .Job Address: 174 E GoRE CREEK DRIJocat,ion. ..2 L74 E. Gore Creek DrParcel No. . : 2LOL-082-23-009Project No. : Pttf99-0107 APPIJICAI\If EVANS-MENDEL-ALLISON CONST., INC.P.O. BOX 8266, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRA TOR EVANS-MENDEL-ALI.ISON CONST., INE.P.O. BOX 9256, AVON, CO 81_620OIIINER LODGE PROPERTIES INC* ORIENT-EXPRESS HOTELS INC, 1155 AVENUE Description: Demo & Remodel unit 102 for mock-up Fireplace Infornauion: Restsliceed:*Of Gaa ],096: ISSI'ED 04/28/L999 0s / 03 /L999LO/30/Leee Occupancy: F.1/A3/BZMulti-FamtLy w/ Assernbly & BusType ConsEruction: lII 1-HRType III l--Hour'f1pe Occupancy: Valuation:5, 000 +of eas Appliances I Add Sq Ft: Phone: 970-845-0466 Phone: 970-845-0466 oF AMERICAS, NEW YORK N #Of Vtood/PalleC: FEE SUIi,IMSRYBuilding-----> Plan check-- -> InweaCigaCion> will call----> ReBluarant PIan Revies--> DRB Fec---- ---- Recreation Fee- --- ------> c]ean-Up DeposiE- - -- --- -> TOTAL FEES----- Total CalculaCed Feee- - - > Additional FeeF- ---- ---- > Total Permit Fee--------> Palments------- L05,OO . oo 3 .00 .00 20 .00 .00 100.00 295.25 296 ,25 . oo 296 .25 296 .25 BAIIANCE DUE'--- .OO DepE: BUILDING Division:iIR ,JRMDept: PLANNING Division: Depts: FIRE Division: Depr: PIIB WORK Division: ITEM: .051-OO BUILDING DEP^ARTMEITTO4/.30/.L999 KATIIy Action: NOTE Rout,ed to05103/1-999 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDITEM: .O54OO PI..ANNING DEPARTTIIENT 9! / 30 /1:9_9-2_KATEI Act.ion: AppR N/AILCM: .O55OO FIRE DEPARTT,IEI TO4/30/L999 KATIIY Action: AppR N/AItem: 05500 PuBLrc WoRKS04/30/L999 KATIIY Action: AppR N/A *** * ** r * * ** r * * *1r **** r * r ** r**t** t*t** rrr*rrrf See Page 2 of thi-s Document for any condiEions that may apply to t,his permiE.. DECINRATIONS I hereby acknosledge that I havc read Lhis application, fitled ouf in ful,I the infomation rrquired, conplec€d an accurate plotplan, and state that all che infontation provid€d as required is corr.ect. I agree to conply with che infonalion and plo! lrlan,to comply nj'th all Tovn ordinances and ecate lans, and fo build thi6 Etructurc according bo lhe Town,s zoninE and eubdiviEioncodesr de€igtl rewieu apptowed, Uniform Buildi.ng Code and othe! ordinances of the To$n applicable thereto, REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoIE sllAlL BE MADE 5{ENTY- FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TaLEPHoNE AT 4?9-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE PRO}I SrOO AM 5:OO PM Send Clean-Up Depoeits To: Evsn6 -Mendcl -AIl ison conet.SIOIiIITLIRE OF OWNER OR CO}TTRACIIOR POR HIMgEIJF AND OWNER *************************************************:l****************************** CONDITIONSPermits #: 899-0091 as of 05/03/99 St,atus: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** Permit rlpe: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD pERt4T Appried: o4/29/LgggApplicant.: EVAITIS-MENDEL-ALLTSON CONST. , rNC. tssued: o5'/03/Lggg970-845-0466 To Expire: LO/30/L999 Job Address: LocaEion: L74 E. Gore Creek Dr #102, Lodge at VailParcel No: 2L0L-082-23-009 Description: Demo 6s Remodel unic 102 for mock-up Conditions: 1-. FIRE DEPARTTT,IENT APPROVAI, IS REQUTRED BEFoRE AIIY woRK cAN BB STARTED.2. FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. o iilll iltlti I I llll I tl il 1_l I I i""r"tu.rt" ,.) |Ittffi fueryrd ?allct to raialn Tllc ta rcmaln ,w- c,otr/|.l€]rlo? to rsm6In. Ctx/rc4. cAV- 'l4vc€rI tt€w.I+it Daa. o.,(* caascYs ILft\.rq A Utszauc€ - Town of Vall rr f///////////////r [Jalls ro be .enoveo se-nu {. rl)ate Received ooop /raa* ApR zs ,ggg H=:il:'.:jpEc0PY 'OOQI DRAIIj N6 NO. A101/2/Aa Destgn Todd Webbe.r Architect, AIA 3b@ LAKE DILLON DRIVE DILLON, COLORADO AA4?9t-31@-262-t320 FROJECT NO, 39Ii PROJECT NAME: The Lodge at Vail \)r1ft lA2vail, Colorado I l I I I i I i i I I I I I I/j" {3'4dderc+* Na{ - faucet 0 &&oo17EtFt9€- A LttS'-t DevrcS5 Allgn neu urll ulLh exlstlng AALL LE6El.lD' tua l16 to rema In ?WVZV7Z| Neur uralte *$Jt lo >) zQ [poe- ,{DD S,".o{€, s"-at { nlrro DoaE gaa(ol\ O ffoo* PLAN l/4"=l'-@"FLr'}I NORTH JSEa-,r"a.' i 1A102 IIEFI L Todd Webber Architc4 AIA 35@ I A<E DILLO^I DRIVE DILLON, CAIORADA SA43b t-a10-262 -1320 PROJECT NO: 39II PROJECT NAME: The Lodge at Vail uniL la2 Vai", Colo.ada 2 n>/3"Deelgtj t/2 /aa Deoig -l j i Ill I t1 il ili Ililrlttltlrllllr i iiiillllltl ll rt! l'"$i Ed ,, o-oI o{ I :I =,lftroFtxrvt: lqav vaay* @ HtEcrRrcAL PLAN l/2." =I'-A, r{ALL LE6END' WVV/VVVZ Nel! rra eFLAN NORTIi l_;?t? Todd Webber Architecl AIA )9@ L A<E DILLC\ DRIVE DTLLON, COLO<AOA AA41b t-a1@-762 -172@ PROJECT NC. 39II PROJECT NAME: The Lodge at Vail JniL tO2 vail, Ca'e"ado 2/25/43 Deslgn v/2/33 Destgn TOYIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. EROTfTAGE ROADvArL, c1c 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMBTT OF COMMT'NITY DEVBLOPME$T NCIIE: 1TIIS PBRMIT l.fUST BE POSTAD ON iIOBSITB AT AJ,I, TTMES BLE TRIEAT, PERI.IIT Permit 899-0059 i'Ob AddTESS: 174 E GORB CREBK DR StATUS. . . : ISSI'EDLocat,ion...: t74 E Gore creek Dr #102,Applied. .:LO4/29/L999Parcel No-. : 2LOL-082-23-009 Issued. .. z 0S/L3/1"999ProjecE No.: PRrJ99-0102 Erq)ires -.: LL/O9/L999 APPLICANf RMERA ELESIR.IC, INC. phone: 303-937-9300 2LO7 Vl . COLLECB AVENUE, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 CPI|TR.I,CIOR RMERA EIJECIB,IC, INC. Phone: 303-937-93002L07 W. COLTJBGB AVENUB, ENGTJEW@D, CO 80110OMWR LODGE PROPERTIBS INCt oRIEItr-EXPRESS HOTELS rNC, 1155 AVBNITB OF AMERTCAS, NEW YORK N 'Description: Etect,rical tor unit #102 mock-np. Valuation: 1,000-00 .r.r.rrit+ttritrtr.$ FE! sur|{Nw .r.r.... .*r...irrtter..r".-it-t'rt*rr. ll.ctsric.l---> I,R8 P€c tnvraul,gatlon> lfill Call- -- - > TCllL FtEg---> so .00 .00 .00 3.00 5r -oo totrl crlcul.t.d t€ro--->53-OO Additiodal Feer---------> .0O Tottl Prrilit PGo--------> P.y!.ntg-- - - --- - EAJANCS DT'B.- -. 53.00 s3.00 .08 l arf ir + tf * at ar t tirt r r r a t tta aa t aa.. r*. rt BUII,DING Division:IEE.M: OSOOO EI..ECTRICAIJ DBPARIIT{ENTO4I.3O/L999 KATIIy Act,ion: APPR Rour.edO4/3O/L999 KAITIY Action: NOI'E RoutedIt,EM: .05600 FIRE DEPARIIIE}ITO4/3O/L999 KATEY AcElon: APPR N/A Dept; irR-irRtotsoDept: FIRE Diwision: ..t*...+it+ili..ttttr{.t.*r*rtr.t;....*r.r...tj..r....rr...... I COIIDITION OT APPRO\IAL 1. FIEITD INSPEqIIONS ARE RBQUTRBD TO CEBCK FOR CODE COMPLTAITCE- DECI,ARATIONS I hrl.rlv .chroll.dgr th.b I hlvG ra.d lhi. applic.tion, filled oqt in fulL tho inforoatioo requircd, cqrletld -D .ccurats. pl,ot. Plrn, .nd atat. th.t rll tha lnfonrtioo providcd ra rcgui.r.d is colrecC. r agrcc to cdply riLh th. inforE tsidi .nd t'lg! pLan,to cag]y rluh r11 t.trn otdin.ncce ard 3t.br leat, .n.l to bqild Chi. sEructurc .ccoraing to th. Tcrn,€l soning *rd eubdiwiaionccd.., d..tgtl t vi.r rpprov.d. lrnlfo!! BuiLaltng Co& .nd oth.r ordin ncoe of rhe ?ora rFplic.ble th.r.to. rueUBElS l(X lxgPlglloMl 9}AIJI. BB UIDE trErTr-PoUR HOlnS IN.lDvrncE BY TTITAPHON' Ar t79-3119 oR AT orrR oPtfCE PRO|| aroo tr| 9:oo plr SIOIIATT.NE oR srlrlrAcmR FoR tlIl|SaLF l[D OHfEn ID: PDRMIT APPLICATION }'ORMDATEr_tatig 14:31 N0.004 P.018'9 o PEsq. oto-t PER,\IIT f RPR 2 ,iC.rrIaCt: ]:,oglc Ccrtirrt:y AssIssorS ]"o.r 9+e-328-8640 ror_Pmcr:r /.. ifot{N oF v fL CONSTRUCTfoNpr*riculft-@' -zf6i- oiZ-zZ'oo4 . ApPLTCATIoN MUST BE ITILLtsD OUT goI'IPLETELY OR IT !I.AY NO,I BU ACCNPTDDt f*r,************************:r*** pEnUIT fNFORMATION **********t******************A'[ ]-suitalng I J-Plunbing Cx,]-Ercctrical [ ]-Mechanlbal I J-ottrer Nurnber of Acconnodat j.on Unlts: Job Name; Lor,ee6lrr- .tooJu,- Rr.riltt Job Arldres", lLLdo4r,Cl,!zr Dr. r,ega). Descri.Ption: Lot Block-_ riling . ...,suBplvrs Owners Nlrne:Loos lr Vi,-tfddress: l't*.6*e, Ceeec \r. Ph.4f65ll_ Architect:Address:Ph. General Descripts'o n, 6,,at ?*n 0eanorz (firy') --- Work C).ass: I J-Nc]t [m-Alteratton I J-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber: of or"relling llnits: Ntinbcr atrd Type of FJ-replaces: Gas Appliances-- Gas Logs.- l{ood/Pell.et-.-*tFt************r.******************** VAilIAL,XONS *********************************I DUTL,DTN(;: -I-.-_- Er,EcrRrcALr !*LoCaF orllER: $--..- liunrrinct f', . MEcHANTcAL! [-..-- TorAL,: [---;;-,tJ&*********rr*********.**rr***** coNtRJlcToR Il{FORlllAl,ION ***.}******************,r***:r lOner,ol Conttagl:or3 __ Town of Vail rreg. NO.-- Phone Nunber:Address: -_r,r( Address: Prrone NulllDer: Electri.car cont-racro* R.,r,ra*.- EI*IE6$3 roh't'r of uort *[. no..tg6g-_ iddr.t"r,tr 9lo il"rrrushoffi--- . Plrone Nunbcr! 9+9-6o9S. Plunbing Address: contractor;Town of Vail Rog' NO. Phone Number: Hechanical Contractor:Town of Vail. Reg. NO. Address:Phone Nunbcr; **:r******tr*********rt** ********** FOR OFF! CE USE * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * Jut * ** *'[ * * * ** BUII,DING PERMIT FEE: PIrUIIEING PDRMXII FDE: MECHANICAI., PEFilItr FDE: EI,ECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF IIEE: DRB FEB: BUII,DING ?IAI{ CHECX FEE: PI-,UMBING PIAN CIIECK }EN: UECTIANICAL PIAN CIIECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CI/EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI/ PERMIT FEES:6661 4 ? gd!t--- BUUTDING: SICNATURE: ZONING i VAIJUATION ct.E ll UP DIIFOSIT REFIINI' TO: SIGNATURE: ID:a RPR 28 '99 14:32 N0.004 P.02 ofllcr ol comnunlly dovolopmerll BUILDING PERI{IT ISSU'\NCE TII.IE FRANE If thts perml.t requires a Town of Vall Fire Department Approval rEngincelrs (.Prtbl lc lrtorks) revio+ and approval ,'a plannin!' Departnentreview'or lleal th Deparbnent revlew, and a revlew by the DulliingDepartment, the estinated tlmc for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All conunerc_ial ('large or sma'l I ) and al 1 mr.rltl-family pennits willhave to follow the above mentloned maximum requlrements. Resldential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, lfresidential or smaller proJects impact the various above mentioned dcpartments witli regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the threc week period. [very attempt will be made by this departnrent to expedite thispermit fls s.qon as possible. I, tlle undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time franp. 75 roulh lronloEe toad vall. colorado 61657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 'Conmuni ty Devel opmRnt Departnept. MEMORANDi,lM 8'9o ALL CONTRACTONS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9,1994 WHEN A "PUELIC WAY PERMIT' ID:RPR 2 DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED 14132 No .004 P .05 TO: FROM: DATE: FE: NO7 ,/' -at" ,./' 1) 2l s) A) 5) 5) 7l Job Name; Dale: Pleaso answer the followlng questionnalre regardlng lhe need tor a'Public Way Pormit"; YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed lhat roqulres lhs use of lhe right ol way, easements or public prope(y? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls dilferent accoss neoded lo slle other than exlsling dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easement$, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit' required? E) A. ls the righl of way, easemetrls or public property to be used for slaglng, parking or lencing? B: lf no to 8A,ls a parking, staglng or {encing plan roquired by Communlly Development? lf you answered yes 10 any ot theso questlons, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Publlc Way Permil' applications may be obtainad at lhe Publlc Wotk's ofllce or at Commu6ty Development. lf you have any questions please call Gharlie Davis,lhe Town ol Vail Constructlon lnspeclor, at 479-2158. answered allthe questions. ./ I have read a Conlaclot's Signalure t"28' TOV|II OF VArr.,75 S. FROTUAGE ROADvAIr,, co 81557 970-479-2139 OIINER CONTRACTOR APPI..ICA!{T DEPARTIT{EIIT OF CO[4{T'NITY DEVEI,OPMEIIT NOTE: THrS PERI{IT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUI.IBING PERMIT JOb AddrCSS: 1-74 E GORE CREEK DRLocation. . .: ]-74 E. Gore Creek Dr.Parcel- No. . : 2LOL-082-23-009Projecr, No. : PRiI99-0107 LODGE PROPERTIES INCt oRrEltT-ExPRESS HCntsLS rNC, 1155 AVENITE TOTAL PLITMBING 4701 N. COLORADO Br,VD, DENVER CO 80216 TOEAL PLUI,IBTNG JOBSITE AT AI.t TIMBS Permit #: P99-0040 StaEus. . #1oApplied.Issued. .Elq)ires. ISSI'BD 05/L3/Lege os/L4/t99eLL/t0/L999 500. 00 OF AI4ERICAS, I{EW YORK Phone: 303 -393-727L N Descript,ion: phrnbing for mock-up room Valuatsion: f**r*rr FBB glrmuNrY PlunbinE-----> Pl.n ch.ck---> Inv.6cig.tsion>HiIl c.ll -- -- > RGatuarant. Plan Reviev--> TOTAIJ FBBS"- ..Total calculatad F6as- - -> additionral Fees--- ------> Total Perult Pee--------> PaydenEE------- BAI|ANCB DrrE- - - - 15.oo 3 .75 .oo 3.OO .oo 21.75 .oo 2L-75 2L.79 .o0 Item: 05100os/L3/L99eItem:05600os/13/L999 BUILDING DBPARII,IENTI(AEI ___ASqi,elf: APPR ApprovedFIRE DEPARIII{ENTKAITY AcE,ion: APPR N/A DepL : BUILDfNG Division:per- KW-DepE: FIRE Division: *a''r'rr*ttai* COIIDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CXIECK FOR CODE COMPI_,IAI{CE. REQI'ESTg POR INAPECIIONS SHALL BE MADE TVIE$TTY-FOI]R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIJEPHONE aar r rtatrri.r!r tr,rtr*r ri. r* r l,ri ttltl DECLJIRATIONS I hlr.qf acltnoul.dge thac I h.va t6ad thj.. applicabion, fil1cd out in full fho informacion reguired, coEpleted an ascurac. plot plan, ar1d Etrta chrt rII Lh. inforaation providad aa raequilad is coraocL. I ag?a€ Eo cmply ritsh tha inforltation .nd plot plan. go coEtrl.y ritsh r11 Torn ordinanccE ald 6Erc6 lara, and go build this ltructurc according to bhe Town'! zoning .nd aubdivision cod.., d.giglr rewL.y aFprovcd, Unifon Buililing codc rnd otsher ordl,n.ncer of thc Tot'n applicable tshercto. rowN o, uo,CoNSrRUcroN 'ERM,, ort,"iroN ,off*' oto-t INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR lTE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECITI' Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 for Parcel # Parcel # zl0 | otz z3c,gq _ Date: 4 -ZL'11 Permit # Iob Name: LoDcg Ar VAr. - Aoo<.u? RooM toz JobAddress: l-t4 E " (topr Ceca< Dx. Building (1$Plumbing ( )Electrical (tO Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Description of lob: Wo* Class: New ( )Alteration (l$Additional ( )Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accommodation Units: Nunber md Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances tJi6 cm r-ogt---0Zb-- Wood/?ellet t'/a LegalDescriptioo: LotA BbckSg_ riling_q!,-E_r=_rvq I SuMivision Vd\l Vrr-u{4E ownersNarne: Vnru xeoaers Kflt ou*.rr. *t ar,. n*u. ao ,,aro phone#:94s::-i?56-- Architect:'7a.DD u./E a€R- Address: 39 Lrr&- bq.o^, DF. D,i4or, co 8o43tPho*#_fu.. 2b2!220 BUILDING: $ s'ooos PLIJMBING $ VALUATIONS ELECTRTCAL: $_L9se1_ OTHER: $MECHAMCAL$ TOTAL $6.o@e CONTRACTOR IN.FORMANON GeneratContractor: EVAATJ.I/EIvpEL-A,'.-\Id-Co!q\4qress. g0lz 9Z66 AV0A/,CO 8tL2Oret ^- Town of Vail Regtsration No. lvfi - Fl $?qu.z:Rq-e --$6..'26Phone'I qnt- 815'O44L F*< - O4to5 Co.i.tsc..S rq3 Tovm of Vail Regisnation No.Phone # .mr{o Phone #TownofvailRegir*,1orrPo. \\Of nal4Q Mechanical Contractor, qA Address: Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE APR 28 tggg BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: F 7zda6- zu$lDdl . x ccr :a^/ aoal:ra. @[SeqQEnu EZR-3ozz- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI]NITY DEVELOPEMENT JA}IUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereo{ it is unlawfrrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifr and require any person who violates or c.ruses another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Direotor's employment a person who violates or causes anotber to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by tbe Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice witlin the period of time herein specified" the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agen! may cause any suoh sand gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water mairq sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appwtenance theretol2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection of the public safety; and 3 , To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the sarne. rnay be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fril or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the srryense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by:hR'.t Position or Relationship to Project i Ot^r A.EP pP o) . /ttA ^J,G €2 (i.e. conbactor dr owner) Date: 4.27 -77 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Torvn of Vail Fire Deparfnent Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Departrnent review, and a rsview by the Building Depar[nent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Rcsidential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparUnents with regard to necessary rcview, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand ttrat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for' Agreed to by:tt.,(M. e/u ProjectName: Iaq; AT Varc lqocz Up Rn /aL Work Sheet was tr.rned into the Community Development DePt. {S *"n"uor*", TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANI'UM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PIJBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOBNAME: LOD46 A'I- v^rr-/t^ocr. Up Rca'\ lO2 DATE: 4'Zt"'1q PLEASE ANSWERTHE FOLLOMNGQUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TITE NEED FORA."IJBLIC WAYPERMIT': L Is this a new residence? YES NOX 2. 4. 5. 6. Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Right-of-Way, eas€m€nts or public property? VeS_ NO X Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO-X- NO_X_ Is a different access needed to lhe site other than the existing driveway? YES NOx YES Is any drarnage work being done that affects the Right-of-Wa,v, easements, or pubtic property?YES -NO_x' 8. Is a "Revocable Rightd-Way Permit' required? YES No__)L A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or fencing?YES -NO XB. If-NO to AA is a pa*ing; staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES_ NO x If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" rnrst be obtained. *Pnblic Way Pennit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offce or at Commmity D€velopment. Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sardoval from Public Works ^t 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QTJESTIONS. Contractor Signature DilE: 4'27'?? o Dqq- 00q I ADD Ne.\,v WAL! r'1o ', /TaD swt/v(r - AR''i LraH.t , 14" ali. Wt Rirv19 LD FEe\) A tr D uv?Lc\ WlR.a,!\OLD OeT t Er FEI-D AgD lrto NA L woF.K XDD t T lO A/,at L WOlt|< @ EtEcrRtcAL FLAN t/4'.1'-@' t{ALL LEeEtlD, V77V77VZA Neu., uailsFLAN NORTr..l REPL{€E OLD g 1.1 srvq, g1q VALvi \', Naw ?Res |SAL ar./ c;i) . g;7 laci 'tl'-f o N yaLv{ trart DRAUING \C. E101 Todd Webber tuchiteor AIA 1>@ LAKE DILLON DRIVE DILLON, COLORADO 0@415 1-a1@-2b? -"12@ I PROJECT NO,qqtt I--l JJwt-t u^ L- PROJECT NAME: The Lodge at VailJnit lO2Va'i, Cai.araAa zn>,i[i.,tsn f7n/14 i Destgn Uo.^-(OiL(..7^ \I! L.,.!o^.*_lqJ^^\6 F,ABE T4 , .,.;.-i REF.T T31 TBI,JN OF VAIL, COLtrRADMn6/lL/ 1999 OB:13 RHSUESTS - INSpEETN ldlllK SHEETS FOR: 6/11/1999 =rtEncgee!!:rtaEt3B=e =:= ==== =g = = a:= =:===== = ==;-i- === = == E === B=g =E == ==i=======FActlvityr 899-tZtEtB1 6./lI/19 Type: A-f,OMl4 Status: I$SUED Address z L74 E EURE CREHH DR Locat ion: 't74 E, Gor*e Cr"eBk Dr #1O11. Far*eeL r Elti,tt_tZr8?_gJ_0tztg AREA: JRlvl Constr: ACOM Lodqe at Uail Occ:User III 1-HRDrseription: Demo & Remodel unit lOP for'rnock-rrpApplieant: EUAi-15-MENDFL-ALLtSON CONST,, INC. Fhone: 97O-845-rZt466 0wner; L0DGE trROFERTIE$ INE Fhone: Contractor! EUANS*MENDEL-ALLISON CONST., INC. Fhone: 978-845-O466 r,,--------+t+l-; )Ifispection RJlewqt--tr+e'fiation..... r ' Reque st o Phone: 9la4-ra541F VFIIL UNTT IOC - HILL CNLL Act i on Eo mm ent s Req Ti te: L0DGE spected.Time Exp a f.,Ulf Urd|jl,UI'a E, v t_llr--l'lE lrl"/r-L-Flt.-l- .l' ;ll. ll tJLrl\P l. t Ltr|lJ. Frtlrrrt ,r, / l'1,'\ t ltAnJf,-t-w----' I t '/v RICK HcHEE h: O1:O€t Coftneested to Inspection HiEtor"y..,,. Item : rzr0raSrzr BLDB-Framing n3/t4/99 Inspector*r JRM Item: Aa04o * * Not on File * * Iten: ooarsE BLD6*Insulation Item: 00gt60t BLDG-$heetrock Nail U3/ 18/99 Ingpei:tor: 6RG Item: EoelBO * * Not iln File + * Item: AOATA ELDF-lvli. se. Item: 6OE9E BLDG-FinaI Act ion r AtrPR RF.F,ftOVFD JRM Act i on: AF'F R BATH 8. ENTRY" 3/4" X !u(T