HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLAGETT-REY GALLERY 100 E Meadow Dr Unit 6Ao- E-Eu,o- ! oo (\ )lf{-{ CI' uJuJt! ts =0auJL €m1< >!J \6Jl''r1? qJ w c',\@ .v z h utH a z F-) ro|\p3 .< Fl lpltZ ,h '()r{ .otu) =drcl lEx,o ;i i9Hro IJ r6 UJ o c,0F eFatl ==o (9 =zo hrtsl 3l HI.hl :l al 8l olp1l .1 olrlFozozoJf@€o =zo G UJz3o uJIFoz t,C6otoo CDC!t=tociAi rleE.s--YB-=:.. xt Plir.'J 6 F"l I ' Fl !-:!D -l !' .--ra 4l | --.\"Y 411.2 C)t I lrJulan =I trolt .Eo Gu,z3o C.96ott !6o,Eo.(J c.9:o .€.o =aolc6, o,trc'o -otc ;loF o.tr'o .tDcEo9l()6 Etotl atl 6.c I ,f.Il o ttco sE.]'6 o6tttcqt oooc6 .g Eo C. 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Legal DescrJ.ption: Lot Block_ Filtng susprvrsroN, 'Olrners Name:AddreEs: .7ei-S'363 ArchLtect:Address: Eao /- pn3aE-6?!2- - PERr-lrr *J/r{ ZQ ceneral Description: tlork clasa: I l-New t<J-AlteratLon [ ]-Additlonal I l-Repalr I l-other Number of Dwelling Unl.ts:Nurober of Accommodation Unl.ts: ^ l$nber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas l,ogs_ tfood/Pellet_vft**** * ************ ** ************** VALUAUONS * ** ********** ** * * ******* ** * * ****t|tl /loe_a=urLprNe , * Iffi ELEcTRICAI, t_J,ah-_ oTHER! | e*- Address: ,/h /- .rt*Ij* . o.. \ tlet Phone Nunber: ,t?o-rl,to -Electrl-cal Contractor: .{ln^,.. Jl-..i,r,..a.o.( Town of vail Reg. No.Address: g-t..,..* e^r., Phone Nunber: 'fA, -< Plunbing Contract_or: AtFr."* r(rJ,".-^"-",( Town of Vail Reg. I9._Address: 4}ll 'll" Phone Number: -?Z--Jrilz iurr,prue, I W ELEerRrcAtrt_3,oh-__ orHER! +__N_ RLIn[BrNc: ffito6' tfEcHANrcAr,: lT rorAL: W I*************************** CONTRACTOR rNFOR}|ATrON ***************************TEeneral Contractorz Cla;urr"E\- ?-. Town of Vail Reg. No. laZ-B ltechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PI.,WBINC PERUIT TEE: ITECHANICAIJ PER}IIT FEE : EI.ECIRICAL FEE: orHER TYPE oF rnu:%?Se-]--fiF DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: ************* ************* * *t*** lroR oFFICE USE ***r*************r***rr*****r** BUTLDTNG PIAI{ CIIECK FEE: PLI'UBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.fECIIAT{ICAI, PIAI| CITECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSITs TOTAI/ PERI.IIT FEESs BUfLDfNG: /'4 STGNATURE, ZONING: SIGNAI'IIRE: Contractor: /do , od GROUP Conments: CI.EAN IIP IIEPOSIT AEFI'ND lD: Slifer Management Company Property Management & Leasing october 6, 1993 , Town of Vail. Conununity Development75 S. Frontage Rd. West- vail, co 8L657 \R[c'DOci e { l,],)1 To Whom It May Concern: Approval is hereby given by the Board Menbers for the Vail VillagePlaza Condominiun Association for the interior rnodifications of Spaces 7A, I, 2L, & 22 by the Claggett/Rey Gallery as shown on the attached plans. Mark MathewsProperty Manager i1?"il#',11"J0T-",'#n"*,:#l?Ji]fr:,? L Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: CLAGGETT-REY GALLERY DATE: lO-7-93 . ADDFGSS: 100 E. MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR: CLAGGETT-REY " VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:PRESTON ' OCCTJPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQURED: The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the odes. The following is not to be cnnstrued to be an apprcval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FrELD INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 2. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC 1712 OF THE 1991 UBC FOR CODE COMPI.IANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC 3306 OF THE 1991 I,]BC FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAY BE REQUIRED TO AFROVE TTIE REMODEL,IF TIIERE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES AND OR PROBLEMS. 5. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEF'ORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. o o