HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWISS HOT DOGrtI.'\t oz Foul-)otIL ^lFItlJI TI $l I lllF o E =E lrJ EUU Jz z lJ i-ze coo>z Jc)O- tl- )ooZF rlFJC)ffc) uJ co E CLoo o!t .E 5r-E:-E=Rtr 6t!toE*E>EFo CLo! o-zIt-()fEFazo C)rR \ vi lts!\{J= - rPF16l3n-.3; tlli$ i;z;tE.co < i, I l 'uJ t<to I I I I Itr,oIFt< zt=to lol2 .tl: ll*=ll <iolleor ll YI 3lzz!-l: ^ 939q 5 = 9HE P " EE.toGl2 : (J Fl $ F :Hi q HlHr\tol wl\= | 66? | oz E =E IJJo J 2 ! C)uJ tr oz lr -Jo F PPd .!i\,iEi v).rl E l,! =z coo-) H fl tl Hz cits F{ XI anatt UJ o Ja = -o- ;c .f( t tr tnaf,tu o = o. - dtI =tr LIJE .J = I Ec II II ult = =tr =Etr tu oo =tr UJ o J = L(J d. IJJIt- F(J uJtToE E <F(r() tJJ <zEUJFtrt z )E<oOF -< HEI(J 2? =#) :t' oO (J <^YFz()<s T IJ- iz =g E E'i =+to2ed(4 U,rir l.lJ =o gE fntratect Wiuian Pierce, Archltect Box 57Vail, Colorado 81657 827-5677 Decenber 14, L979 Chief Building Inspector Town of Vail Box 1.00 VaiI, Colorado 81657 Steve, Pursuant to our conversation today and previous discussion with thehealth inspector, f submit this sununary of information related to installationof the kitchen for l1tre swiss Hot Dog, company rocated in the vail villagernn, vail, cororado. with these additions and clarifications r believethat all j-nformatj.on regarding this project will be comprete. (previously,kitchen plans and equipment lists and elevations and constructj.on informationwere submitted) . Please contact me irnmediately if any further informationis necessary in that we will hope to obtain a building pernrit as soon aspossible. Floor drain: a floor drain will be installed in the kitchen area.a grease trap ririll be incorporated. Hot uaters 160 degree water will be delivered to the kitchen fronthe vw boiler. lhe boiler is nanufactured by crane co., Johnstown, pA. and is model no. 13-66A with a gOO gallon capacity. Hoods the hood will be supplied by Carsons Inc., Denver, and willbe stainress steeL wittr cleanable filters. The hoocl will extend at least6" beyond the range/grill except against the wal-l. rlhe area of the hoodis 9 square foot. The hood will be equipted with a dry chenical fireextinguj.shing system. Duct and Fan: A 900 cfn fan will be instaLled on the roof atop a16 ga. welded steel duct. The shaft that exists above the kitchen willbe opened and sheetrocked vrith 5,/8,' Type,,x,' gypoum. All floor openingswilr be draft stopped. There wil-r be at least 6" clearance to the sheetrockfrom the duct. The base of the fan will be 40" above the finished roof.A structure wilr be framed around ttre fan as a visual screen. rtrere wirlbe 2r of clearance on all sides to the fan housing. The screen will consistof 1x4 luiber with a IL" gap to allow free flow of air. The lumber willbe stained to match the exterior trirn of the building. The shaft wilL berepaired on the exterior and be restuccoed. A 12" square grille willbe installedl behincl the range for nakeup air. Page 2 (contr d) Again, I submitted wiII trust that this be adaquate to information combined with infor:rration previousJ-y obtain a building pemit. Respectfully wiUian Pierce,