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2022-03-02 DRB
TOWN Of VAIP P: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD March 2, 2022, 2:00 PM Town Council Chambers and Virtual on Zoom 75 S. Frontage Road - Vail, Colorado, 81657 Call to Order 1. 1. Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/W N_bAKS68BERc2RR1kKiFN6gg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. 1.2. Attendance Present: Doug Cahill, John Rediker, Peter Cope, Kit Austin, Kathryn Middleton Absent: None Main Agenda 2.1. DRB22-0035 - Delponte Residence Final review of an addition Address/Legal Description: 3070 Booth Creek Drive/ Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village Filing 11 Applicant: Reggie D. Delponte Residence Trust No. 1 & No. 2, represented by Shepherd Resources Inc. AIA Planner: Jonathan Spence 1. Prior to submitting for a building permit, the applicant shall cause to be removed all existing private improvements, including sod, located on Vail Village Filing 11, Tract C. John Rediker moved to approve with conditions and with the findings that the application meets 14-10-2 and 14-10-5. Peter Cope seconded the motion and it passed (5-0). 2.2. DR1321-0496.001 - North Fifth LLC Final review of a change to approved plans (party wall/materials) Address/Legal Description: 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit 7/1-ot 7, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: North Fifth LLC, represented by Berglund Architects Planner: Greg Roy John Rediker moved to approve with the findings that the application meets 14-10-2 and 14-10-5. Peter Cope seconded the motion and it passed (4-0). Abstain: (1) Austin 2.3. DRB22-0011 - Rawhide Equity Partners LLC Final review of an addition Address/Legal Description: 4250 Spruce Way/Lot 1, Block 7, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition Applicant: Rawhide Equity Partners LLC, represented by Chalet Design LLC Planner: Jamie Leaman -Miller John Rediker moved to table to the next available meeting. Peter Cope seconded the motion and it passed (5-0). 2.4. DRB22-0044 - Westside Cafe Final review of a business sign Address/Legal Description: 2211 North Frontage Road West/ Lot 1, Highline Subdivision Applicant: Westside Cafe, represented by Sign Design Planner: Jamie Leaman -Miller John Rediker moved to table to the next available meeting. Peter Cope seconded the motion and it passed (5-0). 3. 1 nformational Update 3.1. Landscaping Code Proposal 4. Staff Approvals 4.1. DRB22-0020 -Aspen Tree Condominiums Final review of an exterior alteration (reroof) Address/Legal Description: 931 Red Sandstone Road/ Aspen Tree Condominiums Applicant: Aspen Tree Condominiums, represented by Horn Brothers Roofing Planner: Greg Roy 4.2. DRB22-0021 - Sitzmark at Vail Final review of an exterior alteration (skylight) Address/Legal Description: 183 Gore Creek Drive/ Lot A, Block 5B, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Sitzmark at Vail, represented by Nedbo Construction Planner: Jamie Leaman -Miller 4.3. DRB22-0040 - West Living Trust Final review of an exterior alteration (windows/door/stucco) Address/Legal Description: 4682 Meadow Drive Unit F21/Mountain Meadow Condominiums Phase I I I Applicant: West Living Trust, represented by KCB Construction Inc. Planner: Jamie Leaman -Miller 4.4. DRB22-0042 -Austria Haus Final review of a property identification sign Address/Legal Description: 242 East Meadow Drive/Tract C, Block 5E, Vail Village Filing 1 Applicant: Austria Haus Condominiums, represented by Sign Design Planner: Jonathan Spence 4.5. DRB22-0046 - Rovak Residence Final review of an exterior alteration (windows) Address/Legal Description: 4615 Meadow Drive Unit 801/Timber Falls Condominiums Applicant: Nicole Rovak, represented by Home Depot USA Planner: Jamie Leaman -Miller 4.6. DRB20-0021.003 - Phillips Residence Final review of a change to approved plans (lighting/columns) Address/Legal Description: 2696 Davos Trail/ Lot 6, Block 6, Vail Ridge Subdivision Applicant: Michael Phillips Planner: Greg Roy 4.7. DRB21-0180.003 - Esrey Residence Final review of a change to approved plans (solar panels) Address/Legal Description: 1314 Spraddle Creek Road/ Lot 15, Spraddle Creek Estates Applicant: Julie C. Esrey Trust, represented by Berglund Architects, LLC Planner: Greg Roy The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend the project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Town Council Chambers. Times and order of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time the Design Review Board will consider an item. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification, dial 711. VAIL TOWN PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: 3/2/2022 ITEM/TOPIC: Register in advance for this webinar: httr)s:Hus02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN bAKS68BERc2RR1kKiFN6ga After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. VAIL TOWN PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: 3/2/2022 ITEM/TOPIC: Attendance VAIL TOWN PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE: 3/2/2022 ITEM/TOPIC: DRB22-0035 - Delponte Residence ATTACHM ENTS: File Name Description DRB22-0035 Plans.odf DRB22-0035 Plans j \\ 0 ; /) f:§§!>: \ /\�(/\))))(_§\\\ o z :;{««««««««;«r«; /§ /,\r<r<r<,rrl::: ,)\!( !:=,: j \\ 0 ; /) f:§§!>: \ /\�(/\))))(_§\\\ o z :;{««««««««;«r«; /§ /,\r<r<r<,rrl::: D w_ z£ 8 ���0000 O �� woYm£�s� oo�£ £ Z QVVZZwriw��mo°££ 0o saz8saao--���=__ 00 ry £ D w_ z£ 8 ���0000 O �� woYm£�s� oo�£ £ Z 0o saz8saao--���=__ r 1 ) \ 6 _ / I / c CD -% \ § § e/ \ Z o Q u » zq§ � - - (> � )) r 1 ) \ O - \ § § l, Z o Q u � AN zq)) u (( WE (\ �| z> . )} (( �( r r ti 0 t 0 O k00 p o z O w� Q °p o dg ow g� Ooo �° c wl ov �0 aow a= 1—Y I I 9m �p _•11 i �11 z �p z II II111111111111�11 - _ LSI i'1 111�11�1= JI-�I JIhJ h�lh�l-FII-h�IF 'I 'I—ll �III�IIIII II III III li= F F ki]hl F;F; hl(fT14i1-11- 4 - III III—III II "I � I I �i �I I � IulillulTlll 11 311 JI- i 1~ F �L I 1 ul-ul i �1- � � It i �1 F F F Nil li it 1-- -til l ir� IIIIHO l i l- �- ll 1 1�— it � �II— � a e I �l. -I ��I iIIII�III IIIIIIIIII RIP IIH � II IIIIIIIIII b —I Illhllllllll�lli FIF-- I1=11 = ����Hill IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 411:1,1441[k-kk II - V - Hill Ill III H r lu uill- II II III H —� IY II III 1111= -1 —1—I III III III H -��k/�� �;;� �I I I— �T I 111 III 1111= a III III III III II it I I I I� 1—II III III�I- -_— — — I lli�lll III III II 1 � I I I I 111111 III IIIIIIIII '� ,.I h i l l _h I II 11-1 i� i l a 11=TI11111111111 11 = I i—I I I —I I � I II III III III III II I II III II 11H =LIII =— 7 IIIII -11 III IIllli alH = IH � I� II III III III III II ILI III T i1�L `� i II II Ifflf III III-il li N�F� F � F ` � � i 1�1 II 1 i �i i1�111111°u11°i1111 iF� Fi FiFi- , � �-1 II III II 1-1 �� i1i�111 III III li F F F F 1 1=11 lu ul u- �F FFFF � I 1 1 1 � il�lU 0 O i z 1 ti� I—li F III III III II MOP - 111 -u - 111 I—II n e Q 1 z ®� �� -i1 w IN— 00 - �a 111 z �a o z y lll�ll [il w„ - r LIPI— Wd 9E: W+ZZOZ/MZ I I r r ti 0 t X76 � o 3 oLU �w 0 N Q wd Zn:&+ZZOZ1Wz 0 oCD ow g� 0o ov O aow CIA 'I' yp �ry �= �i8 u II I�I Illllll 11 IIIIIIIII VIII 111 II }fF'h�J'F I'll I'F J'F'�IJ—I — IIIIIIIII IIII F 1F� F1F1 F c, 111111 k kkHot H i ull III 11 F FF h1Fh h_F1F _ I` � - � i Il lllllllllllll 11 --- 1 s-' 1=IIHIllI1�II II1 _ d-d-- II I INPUT IIII EMT ® Ostia- I I I- �r`� -� ROT �b � t 0 � � — � � ullllllllllllll li - � ���L I-I ���� � IIIIIIIIIIIl1l11L �iL � MIR I� I I I II- ulllulll J-lh�-l�4 III h it o -�; 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GN � fm r�,rr �I p oJo ao I s� a o o q" y Y U 9p' Yyk p � U O p N w o o. w pN a N 4 r w m w L -- — ti— ------ -J-- — -- -- — — ----- _ I p�: N,o-p o op N6� � ao W a =oo Z smm LL, a =o 0o a NN a} a � w =o m p F ��N 0 g goo N „oo O �o mmo o _o =N Nom w p6o - J Ho a m=o F pN pN N; so<s Q cl Z o= o as Fao Q pHtoQ s s m 0 _ - fn o�� �w Wiz- w� - w� .zm- pg N � W _ �o Z �a� oa�oar- _ � _ =ao - w�w- W - 0 Z H a WwoHa wo w�_� H m<a H-, N _m._ - N p�N� o< Hwa m� LLHH� J s _ =N. -M, LS968 00'1!-A'FeM..,dS OSZb - LBLO-ZBZ-EOE 0 R16u!eeW uyop taco zaz cot a�oya 1e1e40 60Z0a'P—IoD `sn�sQ _ r NVId dooa ��dP�a�ag�=a3«s Qaw3wwo _ aia SNOISN321�e g 8 I ellI 8 I L << a o 1 I � m o - - a — a„s - a - I a a ------ lull ------------- ------------------- --------------------- J E— IIIEITIII L991,800'1!-A'A.AA..,dS O9zb - N L8L0-z8z-EOE O Rl6u!ueW uyop cavozaz coc a qd 1.1ego 1SVI - SNOIlVAIl3 eozoa oPe,oioo'e„�a N aoia31x3 ��dP�a�ag�,a3«s Qaw3wwo - aiaSNOISN321�e s fi � o��ofi fi dfi � U 3a�ad ,�o�3�a3 aoaa III s s= IIIILI__ a w w� log III LgM 00'1!-A'A.AA..,dS OSzb r LBLO-ZBZ-EOE 0 R16u!eeW uyop taco zaz cot a�oya 1a1eyp 1N3W3Sb'9 60z08 oPc,o1Ll P 1 NVId HOOld �a�l « ag�,a°s �53aaw3wwo aia SNOISUN321�e �H 77-7-7 0 91 O O -- o, P - -0- ° W J a - • NIVVY v • a a L ±JJYHg �� IIAII . ... .... »»» w I- mnr_mm E nonn000 l� -- m v. i� � dl� W m W m fTI .eico e ` aEc o�XXX 61` 11968 00'1!-A'A.M a,n,dS OSZ, r LLO-Z8Z-EOE rc_oo off � rrc r �aa r > � r a � o r o�,� orc erc e3�rc 0 Rl6ulueW uyop lele40 .........._", 60Z08 opa 11D ` _ SN011�3S llbM - aia SNOISRN w m of of J of x zo � of a� m 11 I I I I I I _—_—_—_ ' _—_—_—_—_ I IIIA I III �I� III III IIII III IIII III IIII IIII III III=III= —III=III=�=III=III=III=III- III �I� VIII IIII III III � III III III —III—III—III—III—III— w =11L ILLII II=IILLI=I J — — _ III J J J� IIIIIIIIIIII—III— � O IIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIII 1=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 IJ IIII=1 1=1 1=1 1=1 = dl� W m W m fTI .eico e ` aEc o�XXX 61` a rc_oo off � rrc r �aa r > � r a � o r o�,� orc erc e3�rc 5 H _ a LgM 00'llBA'FeAAdS ogzv N L8L0-Z8Z-EOE I I I I I I I-1 10 10 Rl6uleeW uyop cavo zazEOE aloyd - 1 e1e40 sozoa op�oo � 6 10 SN011�3S-i-S N3 a8Vpva.,olDlee3�Q LIS 0 - � aia SNOIS.. w ¢¢wZ �i�W KZO -0 �Im yl� r .0 w 1u�V:I III III III III I m IIIIIIIIIIIIII ¢ W III—III—III—III— III—III— j U 0 III K=III=III=III=IIII ' =III=III= 0w�UO Na oa oa ME —MEL— m =IIII III III —IIII III IIII III 1 =— —= III III= III III IIII ao 4 o � o OI F., HX a am +z �� o OI� lo OU uo mm 0-0 Q ul O1� LS96800'1!-A'A.AA..,dS OSZb - co L8L0-Z8Z-EOE 0 Rlbu!ueW uyop L8LOz8Z— a qd lele40 60208 lP-1oD `--G SNOLLOIS (I]OW99N3 P-A-- Lll 10 0 aia SNOISRN w o� OQ ", E J o Fl X Q _J� k \ R a $ LL ne_ : >§` o jrz SNoLgo�nsae Oil �- , 66-� o• : ^ y 2.. . 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We have invested considerable effort in designing a home that is compatible with the style and quality of the neighborhood. The project includes a side addition to an existing single family residence. This includes partial demo, interior remodel, relocation of driveway and pedestrian access, new siding of exterior, new hot tub with pad, rear deck expansion, and regrading around the SE side of the addition. Thank you, Cameron Kruger Chalet Design LLC 303.282.0787 517 EAST BAYAUD AVE DENVER CO80209 CHALETCOLORADO.COM PROPOSED MATERIALS Building Materials Type of Material Color Roof Dimensional Asphalt Shingles Black Sable Siding 1x10 Smooth Channel Vert.Cedar Stained, medium Other Wall Materials La Habra Cementicious Swirl Texture, Crystal White Fascia 1x8 Cedar Stained, medium Soffits 1x6 t&g Stained, medium Windows Aluminum Clad Black Window Trim 1x4 Cedar Stained, medium Doors Aluminum Clad Black Door Trim 1x4 Cedar Stained, medium Hand or Deck Rails Wrought Iron Black Flues Copper Flashing Painted Galvanized Steel Black Chimneys Stucco Swirl Texture, Crystal White Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Copper/Black Other Concrete Steps Light aggregate Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Highlife° Collection GRANDEE10 / I s F Grandee shown with Alpine White shell Grandee shown with Alpine White shell and Walnut cabinet HotSpring (9) Every day made better' Seating Capacity 7 adults Dimensions 8'4"x 77"x 38"/2.54m x 2.31m x.97m Water Capacity 450 gallons/1,700 liters Weight 940 lbs./425 kg dry; 5,920 lbs./2,685 kg filled* Jets - 43 2 Moto -Massage® DX jets (2) (w/ Stainless Steel Trim) 2SoothingStream®jets Alpine White 3 JetStream® jets 2 Rotary Hydromassage jets Ice Gray 2 Directional Hydromassage jets Ice Gray 30 Directional Precision' jets Water Feature Bella Fontana® with 3 illuminated arcs of water Water Care System FreshWater® Salt System (Optional) Jet Pump 1 Wavemaster® 9000; One -speed, 2.5 HP Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque Jet Pump 2 Wavemaster® 9200; Two -speed, 2.5 HP Continuous Duty, 5.2 HP Breakdown Torque Circulation Pump SilentFlo 5000® for quiet, continuous filtration Effective Filtration Area 325 sq. ft.,top loading Tri -X® filters 100% no -bypass filtration Control System 10 2020® with wireless remote control 230v/50amp, 60Hz, Includes G.F.C.I. protected sub -panel Lighting System Luminescence® multi -color four -zone Heater No -Fault®, 4000w/230v Energy Efficiency Certified to the APSP 14 National Standard and the California Energy Commission (CEC) in accordance with California law Vinyl Cover 3.5" to 2.5" tapered, 2 lb. density foam core, with hinge seal in Chocolate or Smoke Cover Lifter (Optional) CoverCradle®, CoverCradle II, Lift `n Glide® or UpRite® Entertainment System (Optional) Wireless Sound System Hot Tub Cooling System CoolZoneT" (Optional) * Includes water and 7 adults weighing 175 lbs. each Export models available in 230v, 50Hz,1500w Heater CABINET AND SHELL COLOR OPTIONS Cabinet Colors .. , Shell ColorsAlpine White Alpine White Alpine White Alpine White Alpine White Alpine White Ivory Ice Gray Ivory Ice Gray Ivory Ice Gray Ice Gray Tuscan Sun Tuscan Sun Tuscan Sun Platinum Tuscan Sun Platinum Desert Desert Desert No special orders or shell substitutions available. © 2020 Watkins Wellness'. Rev. 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SUMMARY The applicant, Town of Vail, represented by Greg Roy, requests review of a prescribed regulations amendment pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to amend Title 14, Development Standards, Vail Town Code, relating to landscaping and the appropriateness of allowing landscaping to be counted underneath a deck. II. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The Design Review Board shall provide input and direction as to the appropriate code amendment. III. BACKGROUND In a recent application, staff had to determine the validity of landscaping being placed underneath a deck and whether that landscaping should count towards the minimum required landscaping on a site. Staff found little clarity as to when it is appropriate to count such landscaping. With this vagueness, Staff found an opportunity to propose an amendment to Town Code to rectify this and provide direction for future applications. At the last meeting on January 19th, 2022, the Board gave staff direction to formulate a regulation based on a ratio of height to depth for permissible landscaping and to come up with a minimum height that would be required. On February 2nd, this was again brought to the Board for discussion. The topic was around sun angle and the correct ratio to have landscaping under decks count. IV. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff finds that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: Title 12 — Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code Chapter 12-2, Definitions (in part) LANDSCAPING: Natural or significant rock outcroppings, native vegetation, planted areas and plant materials, including trees, shrubs, lawns, flowerbeds and ground cover, shall be deemed landscaping together with the core development such as walks, decks, patios, terraces, water features, and like features not occupying more than twenty percent (20%) of the landscaped area. Title 14 Development Standards, Vail Town Code Chapter 14-10-8, Landscaping, Drainage, and Erosion Control (in part) A. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive less direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist of sage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek consists of a wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the relatively fertile soil and natural availability of water. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural landscape character of the area in which it is to be located and serve as an aid in fire prevention and protection. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form, line, color and texture of the local plant communities. The major objective of the landscaping is to help reduce the scale of new structures, to assist in the screening of structures, to reduce the risk to life and structures from the intrusion of fire from wildland fire exposure and fire exposures from adjacent structures, and to mitigate structure fires from spreading to wildland fuels. The planting of large-sized, well -spaced plant materials is encouraged. Fire wise plant materials are required due to their ability to resist fire. Trees shall be maintained through limbing and pruning in order to prevent limbs from being too close to structures and other plant materials. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment, suitability for the specific use desired, ability to deter the spread of fires and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and subalpine zones or are capable of being introduced into these zones. Town of Vail Page 2 V. DISCUSSION As infrequent as cases where landscaping under a deck has been an issue, will the proposed code language below provide the Design Review Board a sufficient route to address alternative landscaping approaches when they arise? What guidance, if any, would the Board like to add to the proposed language to assist the Board in its decision making in these cases. VI. POSSIBLE CODE LANGUAGE 14-10-8 Landscaping proposed underneath a deck may be counted toward the required minimum landscaping subject to review by the Design Review Board. VII. ATTACHMENTS (None) Town of Vail Page 3 Ad #: 3LxB37x61sEmvgajRzSg Customer: Shelley Bellm DRB Notice 030222 PROOF OF PUBLICATION VAIL DAILY STATE OF COLORADO) SS COUNTY OF EAGLE) I, Mark Wurzer, do solemnly swear that I am Publisher of, says: The Vail Daily, that the same weekly newspaper printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty- two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as a periodical under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amendments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of 1 insertion; and that the first publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated 25 Feb 2022 in the issue of said newspaper. Total cost for publication: $37.40 That said newspaper was regularly issued and circulated on those dates. Publi her Subscribed to and sworn to me this date, 02/25/2022 V�0Ua� Notary Public, Eagle County, Colorado My commission expires: August 19, 2024 Lori A McCole NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY ID 20204031017 MY COMMSSION EXPIRES SW—ber91h.2024 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS H ERE BY GIVEN that the Desigqn Review Board of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearinq cn March 2, 2022 at 2D6 p m in the Town of Vair Municipal Building, 75 South Frontage Road West, Vail. Colorado. R IsteI in aWance for this webinar r; ps11 useb. zoom.us webinarlregis[erIWN_ bAK568BERc2FRIkKiFN6gg After registe«ng, you will recea confirmation email containing Inforive mation about joining the webinar. The applications and information about the proposals are available fol public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Develcpmerit Department, 75 South Front oe Road West. The public Is also invited to attendprcjeot orientation and site visits which precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Municipal Buildin Please call {970) 479-2:38 for information. The%esign Review Board agenda will be available on the Town of Vail official website 24 hours prior to the public hearing: www. vallgov.00m TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Daily February 25, 2022. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional infolmatlon. Bi n language interpretation available upon r,-quest with 24-hour notification. dial711. PUBLISHED IN THE VAIL DAILY ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2022. DRB Notice 030222 - Page 1 of 1