HomeMy WebLinkAboutB09-0110 A09-0064 E09-0099 P09-0059*****+*********+********************+**********+***********************************+*******� TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-25-2013 at 10:06:41 O1/25/2013 Statement *************************************************************************************�****** Statement Number: R090001185 Amount: $154.00 09/10/200902:27 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: SAB Notation: VISA-BRIAN GRAY -------------------------------------------- Permit No: M09-0169 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 Total Fees: $154.00 This Payment: $154.00 Total ALL Pmts: 5154.00 Balance: $0.00 *************************s*********************�*****************************�************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ CL 00100003123000 CONTRACTOR LICENSES 75.00 MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 --------------------------------------------------- M09-0169: Entries for Item:390 Comments AP Total Rows: 1 By �9 - MECH-Finai Date Unique_ Page 1 508 10:06 01 /25/2013 P09-0059: Entries for Item:290 - PLMB-Final 10:07 01/25/2013 Total Rows: 1 Page 1 � _6. .�---....�---_ M09-0092: Entries for Item:390 1) PIPE WAI IS yu ts�,t�r�rwvv PREVENTER TO THE FLOOR PER INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 2) PAINT PVC BOILER VENTS ON EXTERIOR Approved at building Final by CG Total Rows: 2 By og sgremmer - MECH-Final Date Unique_ Page 1 379 351 10:06 01 /25/2013 A09-0064: Entries for Item:538 - FIRE-FINAL C/O 10:06 01/25/2013 Action Comments By I Date I Unique_ Total Rows: 1 mvaughan I01/18/2011 A000140 689 Page 1 NOTE: TH/S PERM/T MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .• �nwxo�v�; • �� Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B09-0110 Project #: PRJ08-0078 Job Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location......: LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 Parcel No....: 210109207009 OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC 05/14/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT J. KRUEGER AND COMPANY PO BOX 630 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 293-A CONTRACTOR J. KRUEGER AND COMPANY PO BOX 630 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 293-A 05/14/2009 Phone: 949-4814 05/14/2009 Phone: 949-4814 Description: Extend �oft over foyer for new bedroom and bath, add deck in back. Remodel interior. Occupancy: IRC Type Construction:IRC Valuation: Total Sq Ft Added: Status . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 05/14/2009 Issued . .. : 06/11/2009 Expires . ..: 12/08/2009 � O t— � �O 3 3 v� c U�� � S'� - $217,000.00 280 ................................................................................. FEE SUMMARY .........,.......,,......,,..........,,,..,....,...�..,.........,_.....,....,.,,. Building Permit Fee------> $1,648.95 Will Cal Fee--- -----> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees------> Plan Check------- -> $1,071.82 Use Tax Fee------------�> $6,906.77 $4,140.00 Additional Fees------------> Add'I Plan Check Hours-> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review----> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES-------------> $0.00 Investigation------ > $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------> $42.00 36,906.77 Payments---- --------._-----> 56,906.77 Total Calculated Fees---> $6,906.77 BALANCE DUE -----.�_____> E0.00 ',! V f I�bYiF44V Y#fittifAY4!}YJ4fY}}YY�twfriffYi4 V V i(�feftitAfi�k4f'4fr#tkf#fYfY4RfYfHt*4fbVekl'4iF4}f1q}pYtRYY�f'f'ikY`fnFyl��yNLW��w.}#fYiFf'wYh�fffA}tiFf'f4Aff'tflfyiy�;Y�I#fRYtfrtY�Hrf'Y(ff'tffRfY4wxYl;iMi�AYYitfrf DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, comp�eted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. �t t � � �l Sign tu of Owner or Contractor Date .��k Print Name bld_alt construction_permit_041908 +w��w�+trwrwwrw��e�x�rwMS.��x�:��:ixw::w�xxx�xr�:�:wY��+x�+w::ww:rrx��xrkw+��rx��xr+:��w�+r�xxw�wrxrxwtww��w�ww:ww������i�+w�wr�ww+xw�x�,"er+»�r�xrwt��:w�rrxxrw�w+x�wri+r+r+w�xrrr�xx APPROVALS Permit #: 609-0110 as of 06-11-2009 Status: ISSUED •x,en�wwx�i.r�x�,r:ia�:+:+:►+nw��iwxr+ws,rwrvrw,r►r,�xr�www:��:r,t,eywx�,ti.,rkrrv.xxrxwww�:w:��ywwy„wrww,rw:e,r:�,Rx�,t�vnrwx�+rnv►xxw��r:xrwwe�aw�wwrw�wxeww�wwx:wxxx�w�irww,r::,rxx��x��iexxr+�e�rr«w Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/02/2009 cg Action: CR F:\CDev\CHRIS\PERMIT. COMMENTS\B09-0110\609-0110. DOC 06/05/2009 cg Action: AP APPROVED CORRECTIONS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 05/15/2009 Warren Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 06/09/2009 drhoades Action: DN Asbestos abatement of 40 sq ft of Orange pebble patterned sheet flooring required prior to issuance of building permit. Mr. Krueger (G.C.) was advised. '*"Condition entered requiring monitored fire alarm""* 06/10/2009 drhoades Action: AP Asbestos testing company estimated size of bathrooms. Actual size per plans and on-site measurements was 31 sq ft(under the 32 sq ft threshhold). Ok to proceed. �w+�x�rr:s::iywrw��xy+wi�wwwv.�+��ww��:rw:ww�w++xi�w+w:►wrr,�w��:�aRwrr„r��+ww�w,e�x:�,r�x�w�rrrv.xe���w,r.x�w:w,+,rx,r�+ywwx��www�we�:erx�xwawrrwvxwwrw�xw��xw:::w+xrt�wr��xxr�wwa+xx,r��xwnr�� See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. bld alt_construction_permit_041908 ff'MRf�4fYfMJflYIf'+F1tYRtf ff *f+N1�lYpn�'4#t�tRf tlfrMir)fr4fiffff�tNpfAillYfiFfrYlr*►AtlNktrtrf4lrk*f�t1'Ntfl4YrR4f'tftf'4O4Rf f1t'RY}ifrAflfiiriffrlpRw'/f�lf'iRfR!►tlff /f�itfthf �N+YRf'4ftH�f}�#f'Y*fffffitY+FfitY4f#H'fit CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: B09-0110 as of 06-11-2009 Status: ISSUED r:r�r,�ex:ywrkt,ewxw�txxr�t�aerx�ritrxw,r:�:�xwx,r:,rwxxa�,r:w,r�r,r��,�rw+w:xr:xrwi+�rexxkxxt�r�+�ww�wx�:w:�w�,ks,:w�wywx�:i�+�rxxxwy�+r+xw+v�wx�:rrvwrr+y�wr��r,r:w,rs.:�xx�wxa�y�wr�.xa+x��i�rvyi Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD iNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1009 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R312 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1012 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RESCUE OPENINGS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R310 OF THE 2003 IRC OR SECTION 1025 OF THE 2003 IBC. Cond: CON0010789 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed) and VFES Standards. bld_alt construction_permit_041908 *******************************************�*�******s******************************s******s* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO �***���****���*************�***�*�*�****�***�***********«***�******�*******************»****ment Statement Number: R090000668 Amount: $5,834.95 06/11/200910:41 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB COMPANY Notation: 1405 J.KRUEGER & ----------------- -------------------------- Permit No: B09-0110 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 This Pa Total Fees: $6,906.77 yment: $5,834.95 Total ALL Pmts: $6,906.77 Balance: $0.00 *******�****************r******************************************************************r ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code-_-_-___ Description ________ Current Pmts ---------------- -------------- BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEES 1,648.95 UT 11000003106000 USE TAX 4� 42.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4,140.00 4.00 ---------------------------------------- � `, dU1LUl��v � �..•••••• . - -- - - Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fireplace, etc �. � _ _ ____ �_______ .� _ �___.___.�______ µ_�.��__._._ �_�..__ _�� � Project# � � — Project Address Contractor Information . �� �U,�(�� I�W�(��� Company: Company Address: �''T x �/ � � �rVAi1A7Gi State: � Z�P��-=-- City: � — .�o lf�v —o�� fi G � Contact Name: ,� Contact Ph: �'%i�( ��y�� Cell: �7' y I�� � E-Mail: I�✓U G✓ �S (Gr G✓' VG��f . ��� Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: /��?� � X ; Con c or Signature (required) DRB# � � �O' Building Permit #: ` Detailed Description of Work: Property Information � 0 bl2 -��a�- 9' � Parcel #: � I Blk # � Legal Description: Lot # �� � i . . . 1 ��.F� t Subdivision: � � Job N�m �B �p�t NG< <�w L�� � . � � _ � - � l �A'l c �tm�^ Owner Name: �f S far� et .S� 1� v�2 Go � b 21,� Mailing Address: (For Parcel # Contact Eagle County as essors Office at 970 328 8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) �_ _ __�_„ .. � ______--�_�__._...�m.___.. �._______-_--__�..,__.��,_._..✓ .� .. � Valuations (Labor & Material) � Building $ �8D , � Plumbing $ 2�,�. �2.000 Electrical $ ----- Mechanical $ �' �� � 2 Il_ Total $ � � � � ��� � i �Fiyn on�� vt lfRz � pvaf. FX (Use additional sheet if necessary) ��_.�___�._-.-- ...��_�_,_._______ Architect ( ) Designer ( ) Enginee/� ("j Phone: C��1orr �StG N �/l�vl / S?avG1ue�- �s� Fax: �'� 321 zf�5'L f�1a '`3N-�qa 7� E-Mail: www Cv� �r1 N5'� "' s d s� y lc r��i.�, � _�i _ 3� - Z B� � ��.�-o.�'-'�-�-"--�-°-' �� __ Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( �Repair ( ) Other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both (� Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Two-Family (� Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) #& Type of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances () Gas Log () Wood/Pellet () Wood Burning () #& Type of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( Gas Log () Wood/Pellet () Wood Burning () �...___ � _ _ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes () No () Monitored Alarm: Yes ( ) No (�%j .�____ _ Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( Date Receive � � � � � � � IUI No c✓S �� ',� � MAY 13 2009 TOWN OF VAIL � � .. � � �.. _._. , �.e�.zm . r_� �� ,__ �u� ���� �� � fl .. Design R�eview Bo�rd ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fronta0e Road, Yail, Colorado 81b57 te1:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: 1498 Sp�ing Hill Lane LLC DRB Number: DR6090063 Project Description: CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS: ADD A 111 SQUARE FOOT ENTRY TO UNTI" A IN ADDITTON TO THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED EXPANSION INTO VAULTED AREAS. Participants: OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT TIM ZARLENGO Project Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL 03/Z3/2009 Phone:03-331-0678 03/23J2009 Phone:303-888-7258 I.ocation: Legal Desaiption: Lot: 16 Blodc: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-092-0700-9 Comments: See Conditions Motlon By: Second By: Vote: Conditlons: � BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 04/02/2009 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written oonsent of Town of Vail staff and/o� the appropNate review oommittee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval dces not constitu6e a perrnit for building. Please rnnsult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to oonstrudion acdvities. Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year fellowing the dabe of final approval, unless a building pertnit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: OONOQ10621 The applicant shall match all new exterior materials, wlndows, and mlors to those currently existing on the structure in design, appearanoe, and application prior to requesdng final planning inspections. �. � ._ �_ -�, . �� � � ---� Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 �r*r***�***************************�*******************�**********�************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement **�*******:****s********�:+********+:***�*******s****+�**********�*�********+�***********s:s Statement Number: R090000466 Amount: $1,071.82 05/14/200908:44 AM Payment Method: Check Init: RLF Notation: 10893 J KRUEGER AND COMPANY Permit No: B09-0110 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT --------------- Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 Total Fees: $6,864.77 This Payment: $1,071.82 Total ALL Pmts: $1,071.82 Balance: $5,792•95 ****�************�**********+r***************�r*�*�**s***�**s********************r********** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- PF 00100003112300 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ -- pLAN CHECK FEES 1,071.82 --------------------------------------------- ' LI�P �ngineering, .Inc. ��a�o���� )uly 2, 2009 Jon�► Knwege� J Kraeger xnd Company P.O. Bo�c 630 Edwards, CO 81632 Dear Jo�un: LKP ENGIrEERING INC PAGE 01 RE: Ope�; �ole Observation & Foundstion InvestigAtion for � Deck Add�tio�n Lot 16, Block 3, Vail Valley Subdivxsxon 1498 Spring Hip Lan.e, Towm of Vail Eagle Coumty, Colorado Project No. 09035 At your tequest, an June 30 and July l, 2009, we visited the cvnsttuction sxte at 1498 Spring Hill Lano, Town of Vail, Eag[e County, Colorado. Th� �urpose of our s�te visits was to observe and test the soil exposed i� tl� foundation excavation for the proposcd deck addition. '['b;e pxoposed addition is located to t�e south of the existing residence. The excavation consisted of eigk�t pads, each about three feet by three fect and four to five f�et dcep. 'Ii�e cuts wete about 4 to5 feet betow the existing gxade. The bottom of tl�e excavation was also below the bottom �of the four�dation o�'the ex�sting garage and resxdemce. The soil ex�osed at the bottonn of the ex,cavapon consistui of dark brown, s�dy gravel with eobbies and bouldecs. The soil exposed �n the foundation excavation jor the udditron is suitable fvr the designed maximum allowable soil beming pressure of1000 psf. The bott.om� of t�e excavation must be ke�t �rce of standing wacer dudng the cor�struct�o�a a�td ouring �eriod of the con,crete foundation. '�eY sb�ould becic�iill the foundation and othex u�der-slab fill with suitable m,atc�ial approv�d by the engineer, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent o�'t�e maximum standard ProcWr density (ASTM D-698). 5uitable material shou�d be firee firom topsoil, orga�nics atad roc�C fragme�ats greater tha;n 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constntcted ovec a 4-inch laycr of ckan gravel consisting of -3/4 i�nc� gravel witk�, at ieast 50% retaiin,ed on the No.4 sieve ar�d less than 3 percent passinig the No. 200 sieve. They should rei�focce t�e concrete slab-on-grade and seore cuntr+ol joirts according t� the Americ�un Conc�ete Institute requuem�n,ts and per the recomumendations of tb,e designer to reduce damage due co shrinkage, The concrete slab should be separated from Ute foundat�on walls and cotumns with ex�ansio�n joints to allow for iz�dependent movemen;t without causing damage. Foundation waqs �etainimg earth and �etga�ning st�uctures that ere laterally suppo�ted shou(d be designcd to resist an equivalent fluid de�siry of 50 pef for az� "at-rest" conditxo�n. Laterally unrestrained st�uctuces, rctaining the on-site earth. should be designed to Kesist an equivalent fluid cknsity of 30 pcf for the "activc" case. '�'k�e above design reco�nntnendations e�vsume drained backiill conditions and a horizontal backfill surface, Sureharge Ioading due to adjacet�t structwres, woight of tempozary seorcd P.O. Box 2$37, Edward,y, Cp 81632, (970) 926-9088 Te�, (970) 916-9089 Fax 07/06/2009 09:07 97092690B9 John Kruegcr J Knieger & ComP�Y �age 2 - Project No. 09013 July 2, 2009 LKP ENGIPEERING INC construction mate�ials and equi��r�ent, ir�clined backfill �nd hydrostatAC pressure due to nridrained backfitl should be incor�orated i� the design. Exterior backfill should be com�acted at ar near the opti�uum moisture co�tent w at Ieast 95°h of the maximum standard Pcoctor density uz�der pavement, sidewalk and �atio areas and to at least 909�0 of thc mauimum standard P�octo� dcnsity under landscaped areas. Tttey shouLd use meehan�ca( cnethods of compaction. Do not pudd�e the foundation exeavatio�. The site su�xounding the buitding strueture s}�ou�d slope awey �onn the build��,g in all direetions. A minimutn of 12 inchcs in, the �xst 10 fcet is �ecommended in wnpaved areas, and ttura anches in t!u �'u�sc 10 feet in pavad accas. The top ofthe granuiair �oundation bac�ill should be cove�ced with a minimam of I foot of ��atively impervious fill to red�e the potential of swface water infiltrating the foundation subsowls. Swc�'ace wator nawratly draining tow�d the pmposed building site should be diverced arourxd and away �'ironn it by moans o� dtainage swales or other approved methods. The roof draim9 and doam spoucs �laould extend an,d discharge beyor�d the limits o�'thc backfill. Tb,xs xeport has been pxepsred aeeo�rdi�g to loeally accepted profess�o�1 gcotecht�ica( enginccring stendacds. Thcre is no other warranty eitb,er ex�ressed ox implied. Sincerely, LKF Engineering, Inc. G�� �'eter Petravs�ci Reviewed by: �� � i uiza Petrovska, PE LK,P Enginee�g, Inc. 28�� PAGE 02 lutions i G I N E E R! N G P.O. BOX 2�8� nvor,. co enszo PROJECT LATCHAM REIVQVATION JOB N�. 02Q3-09 PH 970.94H.7100 SHEET NO, S� QF FAX 97D.949.337T CALCULATED BY TFA pq� 07.03.09 SCAL.E 3i4' = 1'-0 � z � ' � � � ' � 2' 8' TOP OF EXSTG. � � BOULDER -ZLL.- IA't ,{,>js`- - `'3.t�. .. - .��t�p __ �. .— _ - " �i� :.r. '�I. EPDXY ANCH's PER MANUF. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS l2 0 CONC. PIER �-- (2}-�5's VERT. DRIVEN WTO 5J8'PJ x 4' OR (3)-#4's ?� 1/�T. DRIVEN INTO 1/2'0 x4' HOLES DR�LLED IN SOULDER S�A1 F• �/d• _ ��,t���s J N G I N E E R 1 N G P.O_ BOX 2484 Avo�,. ca e�zo PROJECT LATCHAM RENOVATION J�B NO. 02� PH 970.948.7100 SHEET NO. SL1 pF FAX 97DB18.�i77 CALCUiATED BY �A DATE 07.03.09 �,q� 3/4' = 1'-0 z i z � 0 v 1'-tT F�l � � k�i� :>_�: ���►'il EPDXYANCH's PER MANUF. Il�tSTAtl INSTRUCTIONS �— (2)-#Ss VERT. OR (3}-#4's VERT. AS ALTERNATE �— 12 0 CONC. PIER 2 BASE OF PIER 3'-0'0 � {eK'fOOT 8F36 OR E(�UN.) �� ': • � REScheck Software Version 4.2.2 Compliance Certificate � Town of Vail Energy Code: 200B IRC C� ���� ���,: FFI Vail Colorad� Constn,ction Type: Multifamily Glazing Area Percentage: 16% Heating Degree Days: 9248 Ciimate Zane: s Constructian Site: OwnedAgent: Compliance: 12% Better Than Code Maximum UA: 4B2 Your UA: 457 ��C������►��� D ,� .;���,+ c � 2009 ; �� �� �'"'� ! TOWf� �3� �f,���. .�. � - - --_ __ Designer/Contractor: Ceiling 1: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic) 1404 38.0 0.0 38 Wall 1: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 224 19.0 0.0 11 wndow 1: �nyl Frame:Double Pane 45 0.340 15 Wall 2: Waad Frame, 16" o.c. 368 19.0 0.0 18 Window 2: �nyl Frame:Double Pane 60 0.340 20 Wall 3: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 224 19.0 0.0 9 Window 3: Vnyl Frame:Double Pane 75 0.340 26 Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 368 19.0 0.0 18 �rwiow 4: �nyl Frame:Double Pane 61 0.340 21 Wall 5: Woad Frerne, 16" o.c. 281 19.0 0.0 10 Window 5: �nyi Frame:Double Pane 70 0.340 24 Door 1: Solid 24 0.340 S Door 2: Glass 21 0.340 7 Wall 6: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 598 19.0 0.0 32 Window 6: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane 64 0.340 22 Wall 7: Wood F►ame, 16" o.c. 232 19.0 0.0 9 Window 7: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane 54 0.340 18 Door 3: Glass 21 0.340 7 Wa118: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 336 19.0 0.0 14 Window 9: Vinyl Fr�ne:Double Pane 102 0.340 35 Wail 9: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 400 19.0 0.0 23 Door 4: Solid 21 0.340 7 Wall 10: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 128 19.0 0.0 8 Wall 11: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 224 19.0 0.0 12 Window 9: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane 16 0.340 5 Wall 12: Wood Frame, 16" o.c. 312 19.0 0.0 18 1Mndow 10: vnyl Frame:Double Pane 12 0.340 4 Floor 1: All-Wood Joisf/Truss:Over Uncanditlaned Space 546 30.0 0.0 18 Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consisteM with the building plans, specifications, and other calalations submitted with the permit applicati�on. The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2006 IRC requirements in REScheck Version 4.2.2 and to comply with the mandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection CheckAst. Name - Title Signature Date Project Title: Report date: O6/04/09 Data iilename: C:\Documents and Settings\H VonderhoienlDesktop\REScFiecks�Shea\Chetter - Vail.rck Page 1 of 4 REScheck Software Version 4.2.2 Inspection Checklist Cellings: ❑ CeiBng 1: Cathedral Ceiling (no attic), R-38.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above-Grade Walls: ❑ Wa111: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulati�on Comrrients: ❑ Wall 2: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: 0 Wa113: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation CorrKrients: ❑ Wall 4: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wa115: Wood Frame, i6" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comnents: ❑ Wall 6: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulabon Comments: ❑ Wall 7: Wood Frame, 16" o.a, R-19,0 cavity insulation Comments: ❑ Wall 8: Waod Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulatlon Comments: ❑ Wall 9: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulatian Comments: ❑ Wall 10: Waod Frame, 1B" o.c., R-19.0 pvity insulation Comments: ❑ WaB 1 t: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulatlon Comments: ❑ Wall 12: Wood Frame, 16" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comrr�ents: _ Wlndows: ❑ 1Mrxiow 1: �nyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factar: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, descxibe features: #Panes Fr�ne Type Thermal &eak? Comrnents: ❑ Winciow 2: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factor: 0.340 For windows wiMlout labeled U-fecto►s, des�xibe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Comrr�ents: O Wirxbw 3: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thertnal B►eak? Comments: Yes No Yes No Yes No Project Title: Report date: O6/04/09 Data fllename: C:1Documer�ts and Settings\H VonderhofeniDesktop\RESchedcs�.ShealChetter - Vafl.rck p� 2� 4 . ❑�ndow 4: Ynyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factor: 0.340 For windaws without labeled U-facto►s, desrxibe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermai Break? Yes No Comments: ❑ Wind�v 5: vnyl Frame:Doubie Pane, Uiactor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Penes Frame Type Them�al Break? Yes No Comments: ❑�ndow 6: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break7 Yes No Comments: ❑ Window 7: Vinyi Frame:Double Pane, U�ector: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe ieatures: #Panes Frame Type Therrnal Break? Yes No Comments: ❑�ndow 8: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U�actar: 0.340 For windows wiNaut labeled U-factors, descxibe ieatures: #Panes Frame Type Them►al Break? Yes No Comments: ❑ Window 9: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U-factor: 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type TheRnal &eak? Yes No Comrrients: ❑�ndow 10: Vinyl Frame:Double Pane, U factor. 0.340 For windows without labeled U-factors, describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break? Yes No Comments: Noie: Up to 15 sq.ft. of glazed fenestrati�on per dwelling is exempt from U-factor and SHGC requirements. Doors: ❑ Door 1: Solid, U-factor: 0.340 Comments: ❑ Door 2: Glass, U-iactor. 0.340 Comments: ❑ Door 3: Glass, U-fec.tor. 0.340 Comments: ❑ Door 4: Solid, U-factor: 0.340 Comments: Floors: ❑ Floor 1: All-Wood Joist/Truss:Over Unconditbned Space, R�0.0 cavity insulaBon Corrxr�ents: Fbor insulation is installed in permanertt contact with the underside of the subfloor decking. Air Leakage: � Joints, penetrations, and all other such openings in the building ernelope that are sources of air leakage are sealed. � Recessed lights are eitt�:r 1) Type IC rated with encbsur� sealed/gasketed against leaks to the ceiling, or 2) Type IC rated and ASTM E283 labeled, or 3) installed inside an air-tight assembly with a 0.5" dearance irom combustlbie materials and a 3" dearance irom insulation. Vapor Retarder: � Vapor refarder is inshalled on the wartn-irt-winter side of all na►�nted framed ceilings, wa0s, �d 1loors; or it has been detemrned that moisture w its freezing will not darr�age the materials; or other approved means to avoid condensation are provided, Project TiUe: Report date: 06/04/09 Data fllename: C:�Documents and Settings\H Vondert�ofenlDesktop\REScheckslShea\Chetter - Vail.rck Page 3 of 4 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Commen�: Mal�erlals Identlficatlon and Installatbn: Materials and equipment a� identified so that compliance can be detertnined. Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and caoling equipment and service water heating equipment have been provided. Insulatlon R values and glazing U-factors are clearly marked on the building plans or spectfications. Insulatlon is installed according to manuTa�ture�'s instructions, in substantlal contact wiM fhe surtace being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the rated R-value witfiout cort�ressing the insulation. Dud Insulatlon: Duds in uncorxfitloned spaoes or outside the building are insulated to at least R-8. Duds in floor Uusses above unconditbned spaces or above the outdoors are insulated to at least R-6. Duct Construction: � Air hendlers, filter boxes, and duct connecti�ans to flanges of afr distribution system equipment or sheet metal fittings are sealed and mec��anically fastened. � All joiMs, seams, and oonnections are made substantlally airtight with tapes, gasketing, mastics (adhesives) or other apprrn�ed closure sysEems. Tapes and mastics are rated UL 181A or UL 1818. ■ ■ ■ � Buflding iraming cavities are not used as supply ducts. Automaticc or gravity dampers are installed on all outdoor air intakes and exhausts. Additlonal requirements Tor tape sealing and metal duct crimping are included by an irupection for compliance with the Intemati�onal Mechanical Code. Temperature Controls: Themastaffi exist for each dwelling uNt (non-dweliing areas must have one thertnostat ior each system or zone). A manual or automaUc means to partially restrict or shut off the heatlng andlor cooting input to each room (s provided. Electric Systems: � 5eparate elecMc meters exist ivr each dwelling unit. CerNfiCate: � A perrt►anent certlficate is provided on or in the electrical distribution panel listlng the predaminant insulatlon R-values; window U-factors; type and efticiency of space-condiUoMng and water heatlng equipment. NOTES TO FIELD: (Buildi�g Departrnent Use Oniy) Project Title: Report date: 06/04/09 Da� fllename: C:�Documents and Settings\H VonderhoieMDesktoplRESchecks�Shea\Chetter - Vail.rak Page 4 of 4 2006 IRC Energy Efficiency Certificate . . CeiNny / Roof 38.00 Waq 19.00 Floor / Foundallon 30.00 Ductworlc (unconditioned spaces): �.. . . Window 0.34 Door 0.34 NA . . .. . • . Hesting System: Cootlng 8ystem: Waier HeaRer: Name: Date: Comments: Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; . 303 7918564; M2r-17-09 1:30PM; P2ge 2/3 0 � Boulder Environmental Maaagement, Inc. 5 Dcer Trail RoAd 13oulder, CO 803U1 Yhone: (30.�) 449-1175 f Ax: 1(866) 699-4�Z! February 23, 20U1 TOWt1 Of V911 Spring Hill LLC O��'�� ���� Ms. Toni l,atcliatn 444 Jasmine Street D�nver, CO RQ220 IZE: Bulk sampling of suspected asbestos-coniaining materials 1498 Spring Nill Lane, Vail, C<►h�rado Dear Ms. Latcham: Attaclied is the rep�rt for the asbcstos survey and bulk �un,�pling of suspected a�bestos- containing buildinK materials at 1498 Sprin� Hill Lane, VAiI, Colorada. 'I'his investigation was conductc:d nn bohalf of and for the exclusive use of Spring Hilf L.I.0 (client), �lely for usc in a limited asbestos survey of the prc�perty, This repori and the tmdin�s herein shall not, in whole or in parl, be disseminated or conveyed tc� any other party, nor used by any other party, in whole or in part, with�ut p.rior written eonscnC of Boulder Lnvironmental Mat�Agemetit. The results of'this survey are limited ta materia.is th�t were assess�ble and foreseeable. Additional materials may exist behind hatd surfaces. Per9onnel knowledgcablc; of' asbesws cuntaininb materia]s should always oversec dcmolition activitics. Demolition work should he halted and sampling perfotmed by a state of Colorado iicensed building inspectp� if adc�ition�ll materials, whieh aze suspected �f cantainins asbestos, are cncountered. !f you hav� dl�y questions regarding the contents of this report, please do not hesitate t� contact us. Sincerely, Clu'is Marun Project ManAger *Asbesto.+�L�Ad*Industri�l Hygiene*Safety�'Final AirTesting* *Health and Sa[ety Tr�ining* Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; introductian: 303 7918564; M2r-17-09 1:31PM; P2ge 3/3 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 5 Ueer't'rait Road Houlder, CO 80302 Phone: (303) 449- I 175 Fax: I(RC►6) 699-a 121 BIJLK SAMPI.ING REPORT 1498 Spring Hill LAne, VAiI, Coforado On February 19, 2009, Boulder Environmental Management, lnc.'s buildin� inspector, Mark Symm�nk, condueted bulk samnlit►a of suspected asbestas containin� materials under tlie direction of our client, Sampling: During the sampling proccss, suspect ACM was separatcd into three E.PA categ�ries. These categvries a�e thermal system irvulation (TSI), surfacin� AC.M, and misecllaneous ACM. TSI includcs all matcrials uscd to prcvcnt hcat loss or gAin or watcr condensution on mechanical systems. �xamples of 7'S.I are pipe c:overings, boiler insulation, duci wrap, and mud packed titting cement. Surfacing ACM inciudes atl ACM that is sprayed, tcowelted, or otherwise applied to a surfaee. '!`hese applications aze most c�mm�nly used in fi�epraofi»g, decorative and acoustieal bpplications. Misecllaneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thcrmal system insulation or surfacing catesories, such �Ls Iinoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile. Buul�l�r Envirc►nmenlnl Mausgetnent, Inc. f'alluwed EPA recouvnended s�unplin� guidelines for idcntification of nsbcstos in bulk matrices. A sct oi three (3), tive (5), or seven (7) sample.r• were cc�llected f�r each material type and analyzed by Polarizcd Light Microscopy (PLM). Eaeh stunple set wAS systematic�lly tu►alyr.ed. Upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysiti c�Fthe remaining samples in the set wAs discontinued. If no asbestos was detected during thc analyscs, the suspect materiAl was determined to be negative for asbestos cootent. — . _. . . . --- • • .w Boulder Environmental Managernenl, Inc. 5 L)cer Trail Road Boulder, CO 80302 Pltono: (303) 449-1175 Fax� 1(866) 699•4I21 Results: The following ma�erials were anaiyzed and detcrmined to be asbestos-c��nwiuing utili�ing polarized light microscopy (YLM). MATERiALS The followi»g inat�ri�ls were analyzed and detcrmined to be non ;ssbestos-cuntaining utilizing polari�ed light microscopy (PLM). NpN ASBESTOS-CONTAINING MATER.TAI,S MATERIAL LU(;ATiON SqMPLE iD Orange peel textured T,nundry room west waJl, 2-I9-MS-04S drywall and joint Upstairs SW bedroon� compound 2-1 9-MS-OSB showcr ceiling, '1'exture only Moster bedroom closct� 2-19-MS-U6B D��mstairs SW bedrex�m, Z-19-MS-07B Dow�istairs SE bedroom 2-1 �-MS-Q8�3 Di.rcusaion: Sample analyses results are reported in percentages of asbcstos and non-asbestc�s c:omponents. Thc EPq defines any material that contains greater than onc percent (1%) asbestas, utilizing YLM, as being an asbestos contairwig inatrrial. Matetials that are identified as "nune detected" are speeitied �,s not containing asbestos. *Asbcyt�s*Le�d*Tndustriat Hygiene�fiaf�ty+�F�nal Air Teyting* *Ilealth ;nd Safety Training• Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; . , S,i�i ; �' � r�'Q•'�r,: �:+ r%^'.,, �.� ��� �,�. ��:�;z� :,4,,,� .3� .:�� . ��. ���: .�r�.y� "'�`� �u�.,., :.' � ��c`, . j� � yti � , •'t�� .' �:. �'=�i;,�� ��� ���: � �....; : ��.� -; ; �i f� ,B: .-�,�`-��-'� .,�,,:.� A. 1 �s ^c�� i' -, n:� �::�, -., .r<;�� :: :•i'., i� =� � �:� �:';.� .•� .,�,�`,� �,,� �;�-�?1� r �. - �n�^� ':.'{� f5 �1��, ` z'�� 303 7918564; Mar-17-09 1:32PM; Page 2 ?r���'i ,� ,� ���� � � ��r �� � � ., > . ��1� `�t�,� -r ,i � �` , ��`t-rti'�'r ;�•.� � ` , r r.. � r "� ! .•, ,^..` ;1 � �� `tLR ��� '7' ` i ,, tF , � , � � ', , ;- � , � . >',�ty� ����� � ������� � ' ��'�q-�'� S t, �; `, j � ,� -�� � �3a, t'. � i- �'r � t k `�,''" ��i ��I .,i a . .�. � �, �- !�^' w "�•P 7V"N� �y� 1 � �� Y�� ��S . .. ,.�� ' �.h �, w � �'`' '`'� � i� � � � � 41 '�,•`,� ., ifi' � 31�,.,,�.. ���Tas +C'F RT� Fi�ATI(3N* C�n����'i�(�O �)C�t!'WIl�i.1 Uf PtiSIiC HCdII�� Rfi(j �1 V iTOp.(tlCf�l Air Pc��lutio� Cv�trot Divisi�n �1lS CC.�'Ij.fI.CS �18Z. ��ark Symma�k Ccrt�iication lYo: 10�71 has met the re�uireme�a�s ot'�5-7-507, C.R.S. and Air E�ualiry t'�ntr�ot : Comrr�issi�n Rcgu�ation No. 8. Psrt �, ��d is t�reb)� rxrtit:ted by the ; state �f Co[orado in t1�e fqt�aw�n:� dis�iptine: :� i BUtit�ilig i##s�]�eCtOr* } tssue�l: � 1�4t2tI0S `�� .j .�.. ;:� E�pirc� v.n: i !l412009 � �` -a - .�' � �; -•..... j� K � r���• ;� IAwasd APCO RMp•�senbqv� � '� r:� � � 71Yh awnM�kWt b�If/ �wlj• nifA A�s /r�atrrslrs �j� atrrewi 11Y�.y�iw�I r►+l�r� .�.rire ,� �rvf�(/��aW/w iM Nr i�c�/tAr 3pac�7r/a�I�W.. '� ;.��" �:,�r .o �., 'xr� r--. �, � f1 i �,+.. i'1 -., :�US- i r �i -.. r;. ti, � �� :,� � � � , �« , W � � �C�,�IM ENVIRQNMENT' ,��,:., �::: = ; ..; __ . : _ �- -- ={� ��; - - :�:.::.: - ��� ,. 143g7 l,�keyi0w L�ns, 8npq�►1�, C�e04 e002R t�: sb� t?s.�t �sx- 303.t32.A664 CERTI�=tE3 THAT MAR�C SYNtfI�NK Hae a�,oc�sw�y c�p►►�p+eted The �pA,Appravsd AH€�► Artnusl Reh�esh�� Coune for _ 1�18PECTOR cowse is EPA-� - This pp�OVed undet' Section 246 0� the Taxic Substances Contral Ad �TSCA} and . meets the requiremerits af Colorado Regtffation No. 8, Coursc O�� o91o�t[ta E�i�t Gste: td/A � CertiFi�cate No.. ��-BI-R-10 , ��, o�: �,-� ' vl-� K. �•r w. ta.At � . y . � m w ao Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; 303 791B564; Mar-17-09 1:33PM; P2ge 4/8 Boulder Environme�tal Manageme�t, Inc., �� � L-� ��"S S'neer Trail Ru:W, lioulder, GO 8U342, Phone: (3U3) 449-I 175, Pax: 1(866) (i99-4121, Crnail: Cnaaron3000 a�ol.conr BIJI�K SAMP���E LQG Loc �orr: 1 , � -_— --.-____ .�� �-- ���n�c� ti �,�y � � CO PANY BILLING INFO: ��' U� i. j. _.__ __ DATE: Z��l� ._ 7� �, _ NAME: �v,� f1��.s c:�{ lj . CLi. E'1�i-' ?! �� `�`f 's' � oYC �,'� i��'7'/,6 � 7�5� .._. ...___ . ���101� Mobi�e '.._' "'.�...�_..._.......__..,.�...,... Fi!( CJIIAII ,. � _. .. .........._.....�...... .... -.............. ............ .-_.'.��'_..�� SCOPE: � Complete buiJdinb de�nolitinn (�Renovation/res�oreeiors ❑ Sample per client's direction (�A.N�RA Prococo) followed - Mininfum J sa�nples, S samp.les 1'or curt�cing rtxaterials I,UOps.f.-S,OOAs.f., 7 sempJca if>S,OOOs.f C�fSTR[1['Tf(llv �gs. _ SAMPI�.F TD MATF�tIAI, S.AMPI..ED ' , y .�f�- a� �t� v;�.�...��.�,. a� D -� 1.�.. ' �� � o-� la YT b RL]I.I,D.ING/LOCATION � vv, �' -t � - Lv • w ����� S� �� C jo��'.. c U �'1�. � •, � _� N 5/u_. T�,� �I�, - � ( ��� QUANT�TY 0 Buote ❑ Soa.n� �ape Q Duct concealad in ooi�ineb ��r conce+aled in wullH tn u r F1exx Pipc insu{stiun o rsnt / dome��ic wate:r Q,Flue�� �� ��'�er irauintiat � H hin ent ��ransiie �iding [] •Trarnicc �oof C��SS.ED; Crnwi e��ete � Ciasement [�Attic oof Cbecked wfdar cupetiug, laycrod flooriag� and overlsy: ��e oi hextln� syet�m(s) p eam, ❑ Furrc;d air. � L-lec�ric bnsebcwrd, Q Radiant sluvc /� +(� � L iN�TKt�c�r�c>Hs: s�rUY Unr .N r 5AMPLES CO.I,LF,CTFD �Y: SAMPI,ES !2E(:F,tVF[) BY: TURNA.ROUNO: ����• .`...�.w... �rk Symmank)DATE: �-- r TIMl:: DATE, TIMF.,: �a,c � Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; 303 7918564; Mar-17-09 1:34PM; Page 5/8 Bouider Environmental Managemcnc,lnc., ���s t ��g'��' 5 Dcer Trxil Ruad, Douldcr, CO 50302, Phone: (303) 449-11TS, Fax: l(8Gfi) bqq-412I, �;rr►ai�. (:m,�ron;�p���,�m BULK SAMPLE LOG LOCATION:��(.� �j'Q� (,� C� l�t�ll _' .`� �%lt � 1 DATE;_ . �. .. . �. ..:._ C011�IPANY �IX,,LING INFO. � - • � � ..1�-: �%-� . - Addrux 1�e�ME: __ �ri�y 'Ltn• __..�.. _ 1'l�one _ Mobik —.��. • F'µ Emuil OP�: [] Cumplcta building domoliti.on ,��onovatiuNcc�toratiou ❑ Snmplc per ciicnt's di��cction ' � ANERA Protocol followed _ Miniinuru i sompky, S yampl�y fur surfacing mstcrials I,OOOs.f.•S,O()Os.f., 7 seunples if>S,OOOs.f C NS1TtUC'�ON E12A; SAMPLE ID MATERIAL SAMPLE.b i �� BUILDING/LOCATION---J QUANTITY � a. Z� Il'ir ���r►� �ir • � � 4 .. � �.. . - • � . , ., :. � � �� , . , A � ,,� �r i ❑U�ots ❑$eam wpe [] DuN concealtJ in c;zilings or cun�:cuJed in walls b u �v iloo� Pi insulstion on radianl ! dwneitic wutt.r P ❑ Boilcr insulxliun � • ❑ �lue �] �rcc�hic� ccmcat [f T.rFU�Yitc ridin ACCESSSED: � Crawl s�rrce � BaBement (] Attic [� RRwp [] (�ccked �mdc� c ���;�`�"'ite rcw�' � TYPc ot hcating sy�te°!i�) � Steam, Q Porced sir, 'W��T, laycrcd fluurinB, nn�i uvrrl�ya PACM ❑ Elcetric baeobouJ, � Rudiunt stovc aREA(s) INACCESSIBLE [NST'RUCTTONS: STpP nN FiLtS'X' S�.P�.ES COI_[,ECTE.D BY: / snMY�,�s t�r;c:�tv�,� �Y: Symmauk)DATE: � T'IME: UA7'�: T1ML: Sent By: CHETTER LATCHAM; 303 79t85B4; M2r-17-09 1:34PM• _ , � , Page 6/8 �t�� /� - - 7,,.-.� eservoirs Envlronmenta/, lnc. February 20, 2009 Chris Maron Boulder Environmental Management 5 Deer Trail Road eoulder CO 80302 Dear Customer, Laboratory Cocl�: Subcontract NumOe►: LN►oratory R�poK: P�oj�ct Description: RES NA RES 168575-1 Non� Glv�n 14�8 Spriny Hill L�ne, Vall, CO Reservoirs Environmental, inc. �s an analytical iaboratory accredited tor the �nalysis of Induatriai Hygiene and Environmental matrices by tha National Voluntary Laboratory Accrsditstion Proqram (NVl,qp), Lab Code 101896-0 for Tranamission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Polarizrd LigM Microscopy (PLM) ans►lysi� and the Ameripn Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA), Lab ID 101533 - Accreditation Ce�tificato �Oh480 for Phase Contrast Micro6copy (PCM) analysis. This laboratory is currently proticient in both P�oficienry Tesiing and PAT programs respectively. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. has �nalyzed the followiny sampl�s tor asbestos content ss per your request. The analysis has bevn completed in 9ene�1 eccordance with the appropriate methodobgy as stated in the altached enalysis table. The results have bCBn submitted to your oKC@. RES 168575-1 ia ths job number asaipned to thia study. This report id considered hiphly con(identiet and the sole property of the customer. Reservoirs Environmental, Inc. will not discuas any part of this study with pe�sonnel other than those of the dient. The ir+ewlt: desc►ibed in thfs report o�ly epply to the samples anatyzed. This repoR must not be used to clsim endorsom�nt oi products or analytical results by NVLAP or any agency of the U.S, Government, This report shell not be reproducad sxcept in fult, without written epprovsl irom R�sarvoirs E�vironmentsd, Inc, Samples will be disposed of aRer sixty days untes� bngK storege is requested. If you have any quesiions aboW this report, please feel tree to cap 303-864-1 g86_ Sincerery, _..... .. ._ , _ .. .. ..r- ..-- :;>- � - �.,�.. . �..----__...,,,...� ,,.- ._.._--. .�--s..r�..,.�._ �...,.s-� . -.: _. �-' �-..,.. _ �_ _.: ._. _ . .:-.._ ......... Jeanne Spencer Orr President �_. i � � A�alyst(s): �'�' � �-'*�'--�.-,�`,`':��._.� Paul D. LoScalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F, Knappe Rich yy�eg►zy� Michael Scalos Adam Humphroya Greg Behnfeldt 5cott Klaus P: 303-9641986 F 303-477�4275 5801 logan Street, Suite 100 Denver, CO 80216 Pape t o( 3 1-886-RESI-ENV www.reileb.com RESERVOIRS ENVIRONM�NTAL, 1NC. NVLAP Lab Cotl¢ 101896-0 TDN Licensed Laboratary ! 30-Dt36 TABLE PLM BULK ANALYSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSITION BY VOLUME RES Job Number. Gient: Client Projed NumberJ P.O. Ciient Prc�}ect pescripfion: Date Sampi�s Received: Analysis Type: Tu rnaround: Oate Analyzed: RES 168575.1 BouldK Environmenbd ManaBement None Given 1498 Spring H�II Lane, Vail, CO February 19, 2009 PLM, Short RRport 24 Hour February 19, 2009 Page2of3 Arryst: PFK � � on Sarnple ID Nurnber q Sub � Asbestos Fibrou Number Y Physical PaR ; Fibrous mponen E DescripGon (96j ea� � v�sua omponents {9G) R � E.stienrb °,6 2t9MSO1A EM 38T169 A Yellawlinoleum 100 hrysotile 30 5 65 219MS42A EM 387170 Vot Analyzod 219MS03A EAA 387171 Not Anatyzod 219MSO4B EM 387172 A White te�clure w! white paint 2 N U 100 B Whitt tape 3 NO 98 2 C VIR�ite yoint compound 5 ND 0 1Q0 0 IM�ile/btown drywall 90 ND 15 85 Z19MS05B EM 387173 A White te�Qure w! white paint 5 N 0 100 B White tape 5 N� 98 2 C V11hi1e joint compound 14 N 0 100 O Whilelbroym drywall 80 N 15 85 219MS06B EM 387174 A White texture wl white paint 5 N� 0 100 8 White tap� 5 N 98 Z C V1Mite jaint oompound 15 N 0 100 D WhiteJbrown drywaG 75 [�t0 15 85 2i9M507B EM 367175 A V1lhite tezture wlwhite paint 40 NQ 5 95 B BraHm fibrous matenat 60 ND 98 2 219MS08B EM 387176 A White te�cture w/ wi�ite paint 40 ND 3 9T B 8rown fibrous maferial 60 ND 98 2 .. �w�caiwwacu TR�Tncc, �1�: �oui Efaoute Tiero.Att�Tremoliu-Au iwii�e Nete: Fu.Aar iwlysu by TD.t i� rocw�aiee4d foi orpoi.:aHy bomd maMv] (i.c. Eour �iiej i!►LM rt�oletae�l�.. , .� �,�,�. �,.� �_.�... �a _ � 1 � � Data QA u� � � �. � � � � _ m � -� m � r A � � D � � 0 � V � � cn rn A � y � V O � � +� � � � 9 tQ (D � m RESERVOIRS ENVlRONMENTAL� lNC. NVLAP Lab Code 101896-0 7DH Llc,ensed L�bo�e�ory i: 30-0136 TABLE Pi.M BULK AI�fA�YSIS, PERCENTAGE COMPOSFTION SY VOLi1ME RE5 Job Number: RES 168575-1 Clie�t: Boulder Environmenta! Managernerrt Ciient P�oject Numb�� � p �: Nane Given CGent Project Desc�ption: 1498 Spring H�ll Lane, Vaii, CO Date Samples Received: February 1g, 2pp9 Analysis Type: PLM, Sho�t RepoK Tumaround� 24 Hour Date Malyzed: F�bruary 19. 2009 n. . . .. . .. . Sample � � Number tD Number q Y Physical Sub E Description p� R i°�) 219MS09� 219MS1QD t48MS1 i0 !191ii1S12D 19MS13D 9M515D �M 387�77 EM 38Tt78 EM 387179 EM 387180 EM 38�181 EM 387182 EM 387183 A Tan Fslaster 8 White texture w/ white paint A Tan �ter B W►►ite texture w/ whi#e paint A Vlfiite texiure A Brown fibr�ous material B Tan plaster C White plaster wlwhite palnt A Tan plasler B Brown fibrous material C VVfiik texture wf white paint A &own fibrous material B Tan plaster C White texture w! white paint A White textu� w/ wfiite paint ND=Nwa �elened 7'R°TncX<t!�. Vi�wl Estau�m Tiao-l.crTreooli�e•,1e4iuliee Nae: Fv16m wlyvii by 7�1t i� reraoranen� � q�rdly bound eumriY (is. Ilaoi M�) ;f PC..�r ronkb cs�l'i. 5 95 4 98 10U 5 10 85 5 6 89 7 13 80 �oa Page 3 of 3 Analyst.- PFK on on Asbestos Fibrou Fibrous rnpanent �,ua� omponents {g� � °�6 ND q � NO 0 10C N 2 98 N 0 100 �0 a 100 V 98 2 V_ 0 140� N 2 g8 N 98 2 N � 100 ND gg 2 ND 5 95 �D 0 1Q0 �° o taa s a .� �Y Data qA TOWN OF VAIL FIlZE DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 owNER VAII, FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location.....: LJNIT A Parcel No...: 210109207009 Project No : APPLICANT CONTRACTOR SPRING HILL LANE 465 KEARNEY ST C/0 TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 VAIL ELECTRONICS, PO BOX 3940 AVON CO 81620 License: 198-5 VAIL ELECTRONICS, PO BOX 3940 AVON CO 81620 License: 198-5 LLC LTD. LTD. Desciption: INSTALL FIIZE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: $1,600.00 08/27/2009 08/27/2009 Permit # Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: A09-0064 Phone: 03-331-0678 ISSUED 08/27/2009 09/08/2009 03/07/2010 Phone: 970-827-9120 08/27/2009 Phone: 970-827-9120 �sss�****s**s***ss**s*s*�:**s*�**ss**as*�s**ssst*�r**ss*s***►�t*�*t** FEE SUMMARY *s#;**************s*s�s*ss*a**s*s*s***s:s***as***st*s*s***** Electrical--> $0.00 TotalCalculatedFees--> 5348.00 DRB Fee--> $ 0. 0 0 Additional Fees----> S 0. 0 0 Investigation—> $ 0. 0 0 Total Permit Fee-----> $ 3 4 8. 0 0 W ill Call----> $ 0. 0 0 Payments----------> $ 3 9 8. 0 0 TOTAL FEES—> S 3 4 8. 0 0 BALANCE DUE------> S 0. 0 0 :.�.ss.:s*sssssss:::ss.*�:sss*■sss:sssss:s:sss��ss*s*a:*ss:ssss**sss**:«s*s*t:**s:*sss**sssss*ss�sss:*:*s:s*.***s*ss:*��:s*s::ss*:rsss�rs�ss:�s:. Approvals: Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09/04/2009 JJR Action: AP APPROVED PLANS RECEIVED 8/26/09 :.:#.**.,:.�*.�:..:.::*.::*:::�:.,:�:::::*::.:.�:.*:*.»:::,�*,*::*«*:*�,::.:::*:.::*�.��:*:.��:+*:,:::***,.:.*:�:*�:�:�::��.::::.�:.*�:::�:.::*.:::�:. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 52 Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002 ed.) and VFES Standards ...�*,.�*.:::.:.*..:..:��.:�::.�*��,.:.::..:.�:.:...�..:�*:�:�..,::.*...,.*�:�...:..�.*.:*..:**,*�,�,*#..**..*:.�:.:..::.:::::..:,*�:.:<:**�.�:.:. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Towr� a..nl;�able thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD�NCE�T�EL�(�iE AT -479-2252 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. ******************************************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ***********:******************************************************************************** Statement Number: R090001149 Amount: $348.00 09/08/200909:04 AM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 3281 VAIL ELECTRONICS ------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: A09-0064 Type: ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $348.00 This Payment: $348.00 Total ALL Pmts: $348.00 Balance: $0.00 *******************************************�************�***********#*********************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts --------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 FIRE ALARM PERMIT FEES 60.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 288.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE ALARM PERMIT Commercial 8 Residential Fir�e Alarm shop drawings are required at the time of application submittal and must include information listed on the 2"� page of this form. Application will not be accepted without this information. __ _ _ _ _ __ __ . ; FroJectlSb'eet Address _ _ _ _ _ _ ;.....1.`.i,Q..�.... s.. _.r.:�..�n�..��.1�.....1.�,�.. *.� ...... ....._.__ . Conhada M Company: 0►�`1� ��. ^ �,(� �C S Compan Address: �� [��, � q'�-t� ��Y� State: �_ Zip: Contad Name: � �QkSQ Y) ! Contad Ph: �) Z 1'�I �'O CeA: c.�� lD � J 1 2 L i E-Mail _� `J �� �(�''l�OYI I C S. 1rlQ..� ' Town of Co or Registratan No.: '� _� X Corrt w Si quired) ..................................................... _.................................................................................. ; Property In�omm�ation Parcel#: ''�.,OI " �9,Z ��` ��� Legal Descriptan: Lot #: � �D Blodc #: � Subdivision: V Q. �\ v�f ,11 Qa � ; Building/Complex Name: � ' Owner Name: J`i Y 1 Y �1 �, l.�U..�.i( L-L�.. (For paroel #. contad E le CouMy�sors—O�ice at 97a328-8640 or v'sA v�vw.eag lecouy.us/patie) .................................................................................................................................. Does a Fire Alarm Euist? Yes () No �) Does a Sprinlder System Exist? Yes () No f/) 1Y . � .�1 ^ � � b� � r¢� , v�►�r Fr�����T �NT APproved as Submitted � Approv as Noted �• �✓ L TiHe: � Date: 4�f - d R- o� � _.. _ . _. _ ��� , � _ Project #: _ � UG � Building Perr�ut �: _� Q � �� su ' Alarm Permit #: T "()`�I —'(��p T" ' Detailed Desaiption of Work: ��.lJ�.� Q �(1 �_ szJ 5_Cr�YI.. �Y `J l �,�_1'1'L ,, � ti h�rn� � � (u� adddanal sF�eet d �ecessary) _ - ...................................._........: Value of Fire Alarm: �� ly ��, � (Labor & Materials) ..........................................................................................: Work Class: New () Addidon () Remodel () Retro-FiE f�) Repair ( ) Other ( ) _. _ _.. _. . _.. Work Type: Interior �Exterior ( ) Both ( ) ......................................................_.._ _ _ .................... Type of Building: � Single-Family Duplex ( Multi-Famity ( Commercial ( ) e f ) Other ( ) _ _ __.... Date Reoeived: � ���aM� AUG 2 6 2009 TOWN �F �AIL � NOTE; THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �ow�o�y�¢ ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E09-0099 ADUP Project #: PRJ08-0078 Job Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location.....: UNIT A Parcel No...: 210109207009 OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC 07/23/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 119-E CONTRACTOR DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 711 EDWARDS CO 81632 License: 119-E 07/23/2009 Phone: 970-926-4140 07/23/2009 Phone:970-926-4140 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 07/23/2009 Issued . . : 08/06/2009 Expires . .: 02/02/2010 Desciption: WIRING FOR REMODEL Valuation: $25,400.00 Square feet: 3229 ,.*..«..*.,.*,...*...*..,t,�.,,..,...*.....,,.......**�.*,...,....,....**.,,.. FEE SUMMARY ,....*.,,......�...,,.,..,..,.*..**........«.,*...»..,,,......«.*..,....,.....�.«, Electrical Permit Fee---------> $146.05 Total Calculated Fees--> $150.05 Investigation Fee--------------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $0.00 Will Call Fee--------------------> $4.00 Use Tax Fee-------------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $150.05 Total Calculated Fees-------> $150.05 Payments-----------------> $150.05 ..........*...,,..,,..,.*..*�.......,. .............�....,.,.«,.*..�.....*.....«.».*..BALANCE*DU E.,..,...*.. ..�,..».*.....«..«...a0.00 .........,,.,...«..«....,. Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT APPROVALS 07/23/2009 JLE Action: AP .«,..........*....,.....*.**.....«......*.*..........*.«......*..*..*....*.......,.*.,...*..«.....«�.*.«.......„..*.,....**.....,*....*.......**..�....�.,.*,......«..... Cond: 12 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .«...*..«........«.*.*.....**.*..#*.,...**„*..*...,...«..**..,.......,.«...»....�..«.,..**..,�.*......,....,....*,..*.......«...,........,*.«,.*...*.,...,........,.....,....*.....* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Cod s and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS OR INSPECTION �BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FR M 8: 0 AM - 4 PM. / Signatu�e of Owner or rD Print Name elec_prm_041908 -� ��� Date ***********************s******************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *****************:*�***********�*****************�*�*�********�********�*�*****************s Statement Number: R090000988 Amount: $150.05 08/06/200903:52 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: JLE __________________________________________________ Notation:_ DAVID PETERSON ---------- Permit No: E09-0099 Type: ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: UNIT A Total Fees: $150.05 This Payment: $150.05 Total ALL Pmts: $150.05 Balance: $0.00 ****s******r***********************t*�******��*�***************��************s***********�** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code --_____ Description Current Pmts --- ------------------------------ EP 00100003111100 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 146.05 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ------------------------------------------- JC l. 22. 2009 1:44PM No.0554 P, 1 _ , . .. ._ ........... :::::.: . ...:,.. .,. ,. . : .:.::..:..::..........�. ...::::...,...; . . . . . .. ..:.. . ...::_ . ;...... ,.. ,: ..:..... ..:. .: . . , .;...::..... ... . .:..:........ :::.::..:.....:...: :..::: :: :: :. . . . .....:� :. ... . . . ,.: :.; � . � . . , .. . ��::: M . .............. . :.,«� . . . .. , ........:. . :. . . . . .. .._ . ._ :.:.. ........:. .. . ...:..:..:.. :...:. .: ..... ........ . . .:..:.:. :....:.::. ....:: ...,..;�: ... .. �. . . :: ...: . ;.::::.. .::�,:��...,.� ... ........ . ................. ... ......... . ,.... .: ....... . :.. .. .:.. ........: .: .�.... .... ....., �� ..... ...... . ; r • ,• . . , • .:.. .. .::....... � :• , ��'' �;�•.. •.: •.:: . • - .:. ,. ,�!'°- . •.,,;, ;....''•• .... ..•, .. , .';�;:•;;•..�''.::,;'" i811�,:Of,�.CiD111[1111t1'.'.: .. .r . . . . , �-�°. : _ . ... �., ... , eP„a ,_ . . �Y �D�v�lo � �mer� , .� ,� ... ,. .-.. ,. : _ .r.> ��,;,. :��. ,P, . .. . �, y . ... _ ',. .. . w. 3 ' • , ��•.H. 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ELECTRICAL pERMIT : � .. ........... . ..........._.... .. ..... ................ .. .. .. ;ProJ�sCt StrBet Address: • � Office Use: �•��(Zo� I /� G� '1 y_1 (y_ � �� V (/ � Ov � � Project #. . (Number) (Street) (Suite #) � . • • . 6uilding Permit #: -- � Q ' Bui1ding1Complex Name: ' � US n I� /� �,., • :..................._......,,.,................._.,..,...,.........._........... ,. Electrical Permit #: ! � 0 �I � ..................._.............,.,,•-�- -.._.......,................,......... ! f 1�,--�----- Contractor Informatlon: ` t t ; Company: aV �.1 �� ` Lot #: �,�Q Biodc #� Subdivision: �1 Q� 1 e I Company Address: ��j�y,(, `'] j � � .: Detaifed Description of Wock: I ' City: Gl, ' State: L.� Zip: '(, • � Gonta� Name: �U����� � : Contad Cefl; � ' � ^ � . E-Mail [c. �[. C. '(use addirional sAeet Nnecessary) ' Toof Vai Contractor istration No.: ::............................._..........._....................,.,.»„�,....................... ...... . ................ :.........._............ f �; WOrk CIaSS: � �( , : New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel Repair ( ) Other ( ) . Con ctor Signature required) ..._ ...:.... . .....,,................._............,........,...,,..,.., ,.,. , , ,. �-- , ,...,......... , , ................ . : . .. .. ... ....... ; Type of Building: . � ................_.............._..........,....,...,.,......--....._._............ '� Si Re a ul6-Fa Y i ) Commeraal . ...............................................................�..............: �ngle-F milY � � Duplex M ' mil ' . Property Infom►ation i Parcel #: %� � � � OQ2 � �"'j ''(Xj� � ( ) staurant ( ) Other ( ) . . .. . . ........._.............. . ....... ............................................ ..... . .... . .....................: .(For parcel #, contact Eagle Counly Assessors Ofrce at 970-328-8640 or � . visit www.eaglecany.us/pafie) � Date Received: 7enant Name: • Owner Name: ��ir �K1 A t'il � � 11 Y1 P L.. 1 .. .. ................................... .... .. ........... .................... . ................................. .. . . .. • COMPLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOi2 AREA OF WORK AND VALUA- ' : TION OF WORK (I..abor & Material) , �,ou� of SQ Ft: �.3, �z� D Electrical $: c� � !�d • 0� Mc y���- � QS ��d �� I23�f �-2 17�v�� Pe�-P,,r�►� �c��ad� JUL 2 21009 �WN OF V,4�� NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE A T : �n�ro�vn¢ . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT ADUP Job Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location.....: Parcel No...: 210109207009 OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC O6/23/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 CONTRACTOR ROBINSON PLUMBING & HEATING 06/23/2009 PO BOX 1507 EAGLE COLORADO 81631 License: 406-M Phone: (970) 390-6145 Desciption: INSTALL RADIANT IN-FLOOR HEAT, BATH FANS, COMBUSTION AIR SUPPLY, KITCHEN RANGE HOOD AND CLOTHES DRYER EXHAUST. Permit #: Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: ALL TIMES M09-0092 PRJ08-0078 ISSUED 06/23/2009 O6/29/2009 12/26/2009 Valuation: $36,000.00 ...........................�.........:......................................t,...FEE SUMMARY......»».......».....,�,'..,�....»..,....................................,....:.......... Mechanical Permit Fee—> $720.00 Will Call------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check-----------> $180.00 Use Tax Fee----> $0.00 Additional Fees __> $904.00 Investigation-------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> $0.00 5904.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $904.00 Payments--------.__> a904.00 ................«...»..........,....................,.«......................»........«...............+...:.«...........BALANCE*DUE ...... .....»..........,.......: a0.00....._. Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT APPROVALS O6/23/2009 JLE Action: AP .....:..:...........:.....,..:...� ......................�....:.....,k..................».....:.««....:........».*.....................»»................................«................: Cond: 12 CONDITION OF APPROVAL (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. *#1NR#f/fHrtiRf4fFfMfRfFRi*fFRilMfF*►RWR►fh!*M#k�l1MR►*f�#fihhMFMe W JffM4kf�iRritlfMRRf*.fiFt1Q4J►#fF*Ri►Ytt*4AR+lR4fH*frRlRR�Mfrf4*+'WilR►W4►R*ri*/e*WRRfhYRtRf4*#RfrlMO*!iltk*f�Rfr#lfRfFlRRRf4f�}tf4i1#fMFMfhFf►lfYJfhhFNR}�t DECLARATIONS - I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure mechcanical�ermit_041908 _- . according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Bui�ding and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM�,pjUl. �.� Signature of Owner or Contractor Print Name mechcanical�erm it_041908 6 ^� 9 � v � Date #****#####**##*#*##*#*#####*##**#*#**#*##*******##�#####*#**####**#*#**#**#*#####**#*#**##** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******�*****«**********«***********************�*****+****�***************r********�*�***** Statement Number: R090000771 Amount: $904.00 06/29/200903:00 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2118 ROBINSON P & H --------------------------------------------------- Permit No: M09-0092 Type: MECHANICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: Total Fees: $904.00 This Payment: $904.00 Total ALL Pmts: $904.00 Balance: $0.00 *********�**********************************�**�**********�*******�*************�***s******* ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account_Code-__ _ _ Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES ------720.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 180.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 -------------------------------------------------- MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace Applications MUST include• ❑ Mechanical Room Layout/Plan with Dimensions ❑ Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue or Vent Size o Gas Piping Plan (if applicable) o Heat Loss Calculations* ❑ Equipment CuC Sheets for Boiler/Furnace *Not �equi�ed for same size (BTU) boile� rep/acement with no system changes, o� snow melt Project Street Address: � � � � o �P�-i �t �f /�/ i / � �C�,t.( Z° (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Building/Complex Name: 1� � GSC Contractor Information: Company: i� u n c� C�C�,.J �J�S�C � Company Address: p City: � 1� (� State:�7 IO . Zip: �/ (o � � Contact Name: �� ��h �,� S� „-� Contact Phoneel_�'.�q n— (0 1�-1 S E-Mail � r o b�. S wt (�.,� � Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: — X ��.! �� Sv �l �..� , \ 1 ( .� � k.:. �,--� Contractor Signature (required) Property Information Parcel#: Z/t7/ , ��'7� — p�bo � � (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) Tenant Name: (Commercial Properties) Owner Name: ��x � e v� q L4 I-�,' Ir-� �,,,L Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permit:� � �� c�o Mechanical $: � 'j /„ (� o�� Firealace Aoqlications MUST include• ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Log Sets (Manufacturer's info showing make, model & approval listing) Office Use: Project#: �� ��� ���'/�g Building Permit #: p Q� , �� � p Mechanical Permit #: � Q �'� � � 2, Lot #: ( b Block # 3 Subdivision: Detailed Description of Work: lyv d„�royu L, ��(� r h� . ►av�c.� a ��-�, -� �o��.�.�.v. �� If Cl�uP. r(/l o'O d1 CW V Cx:a( (use additional sheet 'rf necessary) � Gas Piping Included ❑ Gas Piping by Others o Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion Boiler Location: Interior ( � Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Number of Existing Fireplaces: � Gas Appliances � Gas Logs � Wood/Pellet Number of Proposed Fireplaces: ���p� Gas Appliances y Gas Logs Z' Wood/Pellet Type of Building: �ry���, v��� Single-Family ( ) Duplex ( � Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( , ��� ( 1 Date � �4 �� � / - � 'JUN 2 2 2009 TOWN OF VAIL z9-May-09 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT : �nr�o�vn¢ • Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970-479-2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections. 970.479.2149 MECHANICAL PERMIT ADUP Job Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location.....: LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 Parcel No...: 210109207009 OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT LEHRER SERVICES 10500 W. COLFAX LAKEWOOD CO 80215 License: 429-M CONTRACTOR LEHRER SERVICES 10500 W. COLFAX LAKEWOOD CO 80215 License: 429-M Desciption Valuation: 09/03/2009 Phone:03-331-0678 09/03/2009 Phone:303-2383800 09/03/2009 Phone:303-238-3800 INSTALL GAS FIREPLACE AND VENTING $2, 600.00 ALL TIMES Permit #: M09-0169 Project #: PRJ08-0078 Status . . . : ISSUED Applied . . : 09/03/2009 Issued . . : 09/14/2009 Expires . .: 03/13/2010 .........,,......« ..............»......t..«..,�.«.:......»........................FEE SUMMARY.........,.............«....................�....................t..................«. Mechanical Permit Fee---> $60.00 Will Call----------> $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> Plan Check-------------------> $15.00 Use Tax Fee------> $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $79•00 Investigation-----------------> $0.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEE---> a154.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $79.00 Payments---------------> a154.00 BALANCE DUE-------> a0.00 •R1Rt►tMRft#/iMlfhF*#R*fi*fAMf4#t►*A**►RMR►RfF►�f}�y�yi*Rf4lt�**Mi*#*!k**Mkf4�!*Ailf*k*f'#*fA�R#AfFt**fYf4*Rt�ff ie**R*fMF#f4fFfFffR*VnF�lfR*4}R**titYRR#iFf�tRR#k}t*b#►**iftF*YtifY#*4f##�//tyt*fRRfM*#RfRfYR�#►t#ltkftlR*}�w���t�fi APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/08/2009 cg Action: AP RfF*f'lMfFfi#*fFMl1}tftH*R*�H4R►►Aylflpwf�#**fF#**�F*#fhF4#f**Ai!*►4fF****YtietF�tf4lf►*****Rfktltif4fFRilR*fMil*#fFfNt**Ye**R*ft}#*fFtF#*f f4klt�dt4YetF*fffFit4iR*RfR*f R#R*Yt****fY#**tRH#4�FifrRfF*t#*k4f#t!*k!i*1tk*i�ff4*ff} CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AND SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2003 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG.): BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. *R#'AHM►ii/*kf#►►fHR�ftYeMYitfr4f#*4fFi*lfrft#wfntfFfFi!lRk1rt4*YrMtR*fr*irfflftf4#il�Rf1*H#RAR!'Rf!#tit4*tR#*fF#i!►Rf4fhR4}tA#'fetiRYeti1►Ytf�Mft*RilMMtYe*ffkR##RRfMe*f*}tNr►fRt*****RH1fFtkMtRfFl�tFR4fFli#kfk#�f4RiF#f#Mtfii mechcan ical_perm it_041908 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( AM - 4 PM. � Signature o Owner ontract � Date �. Print Name mechca n i ca I_pe rm it_041908 �, r . .w MECHANICAL PERMIT Boiler/Furnace Aunlications MUST include• ❑ Mechanical Room Layout/Plan with Dimensions o Combustion Air Duct Size and Location ❑ Flue or Vent Size ❑ Gas Piping Plan (if applicable) ❑ Heat Loss Calculations* ❑ Equipment Cut Sheets for Boiler/Furnace * Not required fo� same size (BTU) boile� replacement with no system changes, or snow melt _ . _ __ ; Project Street Address: l�,lg8 _5a�i�� � �'// lc�e. : (Number) (Street) (Suite #) ' Building/Complex Name: _. , ... .. ... _v. ,,. Contractor Information: Company: � �/`P�` ��U i C , Company Address: _[Q..�� � �C�j` ' City: __��i�»^� State: CC� Zip: ���� '. Contact Name: '�) y` j t^ Cj-� ' Contact Phone: �03 "„2�^ 3S� , E-Mail �°_ �l. �„/ , Town of Vail Contractor Registration No.: ��✓i^ .. . !. Contractor Signature _... .....,...._� j Property Information ' Parcel #: ', (For parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) ', Tenant Name: (Commercial Properties) ! Owner Name: Complete Valuation for Mechanical Permi� Mechanical $: oi ��� �> �-r� Fire�lace A��lications MUST include• � Equipment Cut Sheets for Fireplaces/Loq Sets � SLS ���' �� U� SEP 0 3 2009 TOWi� (�F ifplL 1 � Office Use: Project #: _ � ��� � " � � Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit#: �� � -� [� �,11�� Lot #: Block # Subdivision: listing) � r '. Detailed Description of Work: ��SfO /�• �j�� ��e �.c�-c� (� e�, (use additional sheet if necessary) ❑ Gas Piping Included j� Gas Piping by Others ❑ Wood to Gas Fireplace Conversion Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( ) Number of Existing Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs � Number of Proposed Fireplaces: Gas Appliances ( Gas Logs _ ' Type of Building: Single-Family� Duplex ( Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: Wood/Pellet Wood/Pellet ) Multi-Family ( ) Commercial ( ) Town of Vail Q����� ��PY 29-May-09 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES �nwxo�yn� ` Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139 f. 970.479.2452 inspections 970.479.2149 PLUMBING PERMIT ADUP Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL 210109207009 OWNER SPRING HILL LANE LLC 06/23/2009 Phone: 03-331-0678 465 KEARNEY ST C/O TIM ZARLENGO DENVER CO 80220 APPLICANT ROBINSON PLUMBING/HEATING SQ O6/23/2009 Phone: 390-6145 PO BOX 1507 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 159-P CONTRACTOR ROBINSON PLUMBING/HEATING SQ 06/23/2009 Phone: 390-6145 PO BOX 1507 EAGLE CO 81631 License: 159-P Desciption: PLUMBING FOR REMODEL: WASTE, VENTING, DOMESTIC WATER, GAS, INSTALL FIXTURES AND VALVES. Valuation: $36,000.00 .......................».�.... «........................».......:............:.. Plumbing Permit Fee—> $540.00 Wiil Call----------> Plan Check-------------> $135.00 Use Tax Fee----------> Investigation----------> $0.00 Permit #: Project #: Status . . . : Applied . . : Issued . . . Expires . .: P09-0059 PRJ08-0078 ISSUED 06/23/2009 06/29/2009 12/26/2009 FEE SUMMARY .,'« ...................�................,...................................»....... $4.00 Total Calculated Fees---> $679.00 $0.00 Additional Fees----------> $82.50 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--> a761.50 Total Calculated Fees–> $679.00 Payments------------.> 5761.50 BALANCE DUE---a 50.00 ......+.....».....« ................,�..�._.............,.................�.............�............«..................»......�.....,�»..,.................:.........:..».::.»........,.. APPROVALS Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 06/23/2009 JLE Action: AP etriRffwAfrYtfrf'4fi41ffR#trfrfHftf+�RfY(f+tRM'#4fLiFf`f'f'4�fRf4i#4iRfrYfRt!#f'f'f' V#+tf4f4frfrlrfYr/R�hfpAVLlfrklrfiflrVfr�Y�IOftiFRlfyi4Vffrw14iRYY+t1AY`flntf�iiklVfiM�Y}RitMRhtY'4iY041�►/�lL1ftRRVMAtt'4}►RR4ip1r�Y#*frVf#4f Vf4frf CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. aa�,�,t*r►x:*w.k��wi►�tfw+'a�wt►+*ww►�,e+rw►fx�rrrt�ww►,trew�,trkww►*w�►►rww�tfw�i�►ww►��e��:*rt►��*wti*xw►R*www*rtw�w+wwwk*wr��,t*rr,t*w�,t„►�w�:awrw::fwv,t*wr�+.,�►�,rw►M*w�#fnew::+twwr�,txww�►►wa,t►►w�+ntiew► DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicab�e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TE�EPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:0( plmbpermt1_041908 _ � � �.� -- c� � Date ************s**********************�********************�************s********************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement �******�***�**********************��***�«�**************�**�******�*********************�**� Statement Number: R090000770 Amount: $761.50 06/29/200902:59 PM Payment Method: Check Init: SAB Notation: 2118 ROBINSON P & H -------------------------------------- Permit No: P09-0059 Type: PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-092-0700-9 Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL Location: Total Fees: $761.50 This Payment: $761.50 Total ALL Pmts: $761.50 Balance: $0.00 *�*�***�****s************************�********************************�****�***�************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code _------ Description Current Pmts ----------------- ------------- ------------ CL 00100003123000 CONTRACTOR LICENSES 82.50 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 135.00 PP 00100003111100 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 540.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 4.00 ----------------------------------------------- _ Jun 18 09 08:56a 0 John Krueger 9709261858 p.7 TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Project Address: �'�i��c� o� f � � � �/ �ULC..- � Contractor Information �/�`// ,�a..�e __._ . ;�._ __� _._ _ _. _ _.__ ,, Project #: _ �,i/`,�%► _.�'__ ____ _ -- - : � �__�lL Y �; Building Permit #: g P t� /" d �(� � ;� Plumbing Permit #: �Q� ^ ( J Q � r--------...---.. _._ _ ...__.___.. . � _. __._._ _ __ ____ _ _.._ �.._ ______..�.... . � Architect ( ) Designer (✓f Engineer ( ) Company:�ob��SJ� �� �~S a'� ���� �gf�, � ? Name: Company Address: �• � • ��G j `� O� Ciry: T�19�� C State: �o�O Zip: d'C� �� Contact Name:_ � � �� b�.�7 � � Contact Ph: 7'� �D ' /�] Cell: �g� " ���� E-Mail: i� b(� f� !� c� h[, S'o r� N'lc�.� /. C'o , Town of Vail Contractor Registration No: r �t vJ .C��i �.:.. �-y-� Contractor Signature (required► _..__._____ �.__ _�___----- .W.._----____ _._. ____�_..._...__ Plurnbing Valuation (Labor & Materia� Plumbing $ � � pvp � Property Information � � ������ ����. �ry�� � Parcel #: Z� t! I^ �! Z�'� ��0 J ; Legal Description: Lot # 1� Blk # 3 ± , ' Subdivision: ✓fi'l� Vi�liVf� Job Na ep�50�1 N�i LfILV `/t'7V �i i � Owner Name: �,4rLV�dlVGeo � L/{�jGl-E��'►^ : Mailing Address: �Ilis IC�k✓K�t� S� - D�VI✓�v Co �0 �� ' �(For Parcel # Contact Eagle County as ssors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit www.eag �ecounty.us/patie) � (�-�o�. c� ��,rv�,� -I- f g 2. S� Cc�n+ • �� � I . � Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Detailed Description of Work: 1� d�M.4.i� �. W CsL"�' c�-' � G c�S �-o.s4z��,( �t x � u a� �.Q Ja�.� , (Use additional sheet if necessary) � Work Class: ___.... � New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( �epair ( ) Other { � Building Type: Single-Family ( ) Commercial ( j Two-Family ( �Multi-Family ( ) Townhome ( ) Other ( ) Date Received: p ������ JUN 2 2 2009 TOWN OF VAIL � � 12-22-2009 Inspection Request Re orting Page 4 4�29 nm Vail, C[� itv O� Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 Inspection Area: JRM Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL LOT 16, BLOCK 3, VAIL VALLEY FILING 1 A/P/D Information Activity: B09-0110 Type: A-BUILD Sub Type: ADUP Status: ISSUED Const Type: Occupancy: Use: IRC Insp Area: JRM Owner: SPRING HILL LANE LLC Phone: 03-331-0678 Contractor: J. KRUEGER AND COMPANY Phone: 949-4814 Description: Extend loft over foyer for new bedroom and bath, add deck in back. Remodel interior. Reauested Insaectionls) Item: 90 BLDG-Final Requested Time: 01:30 PM Requestor: J. KRUEGER AND COMPANY Phone: 949-4814 Comments: 471-9580 Assigned To: JM GO 1 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Ex � L'� Q� Comment: HANDRAIL TO MEET TYPE II REQUI�REM�ENTSHRO U T I N G R E Q U I R E D O N B O T H S I D E S, O R OVIDE TYPE I RAIL C4�R�t�oN S (,�PU�ij�, �tN��- � Inspection Historv Item: 10 BLDG-FOOTING "Ap�roved ** Item: 20 Item: 30 Item: 50 09/2 ;ignt sonotube rebar ok per plan. on/Steel nspector: gW PProved *" i "' Approved "* nspector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Item: 60 BLDG-Sheetrock Nail "`* Approved "" 09/30/09 Inspector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Comment: 10/12/09 Ins ector: cg Action: AP APPROVED Comment: DU�OCK Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. Item: 542 PLAN-FINAL ** Approved "* 12/16/09 Inspector: Warren Action: AP APPROVED Comment: Complete.painting of PVC exhahaust pipe for mechanical, paint direct vent fireplace vent, finish door stainmg, and clean up site. Item: 90 BLDG-Final 12/21/09 Inspector: CG Action: CR CORRECTION REQUIRED Comment: � HANDRAIL�TO MEET TYPE II REQU REMENTSHROUTING REQUIRED ON BOTH SIDES, R PROVIDE TYPE I RAIL REPT131 Run Id: 10777 , . �'" , � �� .� r. �. 12-14-2009 Inspection Request eporting Page 15 4:29 pm V�., GO _ Ci�tv Oi Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 Inspection Area: SH Site Address: 1498 SPRING HILL LN VAIL UNIT A A/P/D Information Activity: E09-0099 Type: B-ELEC Const Type: Occupancy: Owner: SPRING HILL LANE LLC Contractor: DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC Description: WIRING FOR REMODEL Requested Insqection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: DAVE PETERSON ELECTRIC Comments: 904-6370 Assigned To: JMONDRAGON Action: Time Exp: ��� Sub Type: ADUP Use: Phone: 03-331-0678 Phone: 970-926-4140 Status: ISSUED Insp Area: SH Requested Time: 03:30 PM Phone: 970-926-4140 -or- ce11904- 6369 Entered By: JMONDRAGON K l 1 Inspection HistoN Item: 110 ELEC-Service Item: 120 ELEC-Rough 08/07/09 Inspector:, mdenney Action: DN DENIED Comment: Complete mstallation of stair lightin and bath exhaust fans. Wirsbo piping requires 12" of clearance from recessed lighting fix�ures. Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit Item: 140 ELEC-Misc. Item: 190 ELEC-Final REPT131 Run Id: 10755