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Series of T986
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WHEREAS, on the basis af competent evidence presented in a pubiic hearing on the
petition for annexat�an af the terr��ory more particular1y described in Exhibit A
attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, the Town Council made ceriain
findings of fact and conciuded �hat:
A, The requiremen�s of the ap�iicable parts af Sectians 31-12-iQ4 and
31-12�105, C.R.S., as amended, have been met, artd
B. No electio� for the a�nexatian of said territory is requ3re� unaler Section
31-12-1�7 (2}, and
C. That no additional terms and conditaons are ta �e impc�sed upon said
terr�tory; and
WHEREAS, ihe Town Council now wishes to annex said territory by ordinance in
accordar�ce with Section 31-12�-11�, C.R:S., as amended. '
NOW, TH�REFORE, be it ordained b�r �he Town Council of the Town o�' Uail,
Colorado, as foliows:
Sec�ion 1.
Ti�e territory set forth in Ekhibit A a�tached hereto and made a part hereef by
reference is hereby a�nexed to the Town of Vail, Calarado without special terms ar
Section 2.
A. A copy af the annexation map with the originai of th'is annexation ordinance
shail be fi�ed �n the office of the Town Cierk of the Town of Lfail.
B. The Town Clerk sha1Z file for recording �wo (2) certified'copies of this
annexation ordinance and map of the area annexed containing a iegal descript�on of '
such area with the Cvunty Cierk and Recorder of Eagle Couniy,'Colorado.
C. The Couniy Cler�C and Recorder of Eagie County shall be directed to fi'le ane
(1} certified copy af ihe annexation ordinance and map with the Divis�on of �ocai:
Governmen� of the Department of Local Affairs. `'�
Section 3.
Wi�hin ninety {90) days after t�e �ffec��ve date hereof, the Town af Vaii,
Colorado shall impose zoning on the annexed area in accordance w�th Chapter 18.68 of
tF�e Municipal Code of the Town of Ua�l, Colorado.
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5ection 4. :
This annexa�ion sha�l take effect in accordance wi-th �he Charter of the Town of
Uail and the sta�utes of the St�te of Coivrado.
1986, and a pubiic hearing shail be �eld an this ordinance on the 7th day of
Jar�uary , 1986, at 7:30 p.m. in the Courtc9] Chambers of �he Vail Municipal
Bu�7ding, Uai1, Colorado.
Qrdered pub�ished �n full'this 7th day::of Jart.�ry , 1986.
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That part of the SE 1/4, Section 11 znd that pax� of the SW i/�:, Secti.on 12, both
in Towr�ship 5 South, Range 81 West af the Sixth Pr�.ncipal Meridian, Eag1e County,
Colorado, described as a whole as follows:
Beginning at an existing brass �ap monument marking Che 1/4 corner of said
Sections 11 and 12, sa�,d point of beginning also b�ing the northwesterly zor�
ner o� Resubdivision of Buffer Greek, according to the map thereof recorded
under Reception Number 93077; thence the £ollowing two courses along the existing
T�wn of VazL baundary: (1) N 89°27'25" E�386.)0 feet, a�.ong the northerly line
of said Resubdzv�sioa of Buffer Creek, to the nortiiwesterly right-oi-way line of
Interstate Highway No. 70; (2) S 33°3Q'38" W 80.90 feet along said in[erstate
H�.ghway No. 70 right-of-way; thence departing said existing Town of Vail 6oundary
and continuzng along said Interstate }iighway �io. 70 right-of-way the fo7�lowing
thirteen courses: (i) S 52°SO'29" W 768.50 feet; (2) 5 42°4G'I5" W 5I.,40 feec;
S 52°50`29" W 131.2Q feet; {4) S 64°31'20" W 157.90 feet; (5) S 48°33'QO" W 218.00
feet; (6) S 44°52'00" W 200.54 feeC; (7) N 37°09'31" W Q.90 feet; (8} 354.8p feet
along the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 59I0.00 feeC, a eentral
angle of 03°25`23", and a chord that bears S 45°33'4�." W 354.75 feet; (9} S 43°
50'29" W 350.00 feet; (i4) 774.93 feet along the arc of a curve to the righC,
having a tadius of 5550.00 feet, a central angle of Q8°00`00", and a chord that
bears S 47°50'29" W 774.30 feet; (il) S 51°50`29" W 330.00 feet; (I2) S 69°41'49"
W 274.90 feet; {13) 45.08 ieet along the a�'� af a curve to the le£t, having a
radius of 6COQ.00 feet, a centrai angle of 40°25`SJ", and a chard �hat �ears
S G4°07'34" W 45.Q$ fee[, La the southwester�y corner of inn at WesC Vai1,
accord�.ng to the condominium map thereof recarded i.n Book 372 at Fa�,� $66; thence,
departing sazd Znterstate Hzghway Na. 7p right-of-way, and alang the wesCerly
line of said Ir�n at West Vail, N 39°S2'S3" W 17I.75 �eat, ta the easterly xight-
af�way lir�e of Chamo�a.x Road; thenee th� following twcr courses alang said Cha�on#.x
ltuad r��ht-�of-way: (i} Z45.63 feet alos�g the arc af a curve ta the 3.eft, #�av��r.g
a radzus c�f �.94.43 feet, a c�ntra�. angle of 72°23"(JI�,", and a chord thax bea:-s
N OS°02'31" E 229.62 €eet; (�j N 28°09'QO" W 98.5f1 f�et, tra the intersection with
the th� sowEherly rig'h[-ot�way �fne af Chamtan�.x I.�ne; �h��tce the fallowing
eleven caurses along said southerly r�.ght-o��way lin� c�� Cham�rnix Lan�: �(1.) �i 39°
43'bQ" E 89.04 feet; (2) 59.�7 feer along �he arc nf a curve ta the right, having
a radivs c+f 75.00 feet� a central an�;].e of 45°30"33", and a�chord that bears
N 62°28'17�� E 58.Q2 �eet; (3) N 85°13'33" E 2�?7.16 feet; t4) 27�,55 feet along
tt�e arc o€ a curve tc, the le��, having a rad�.us af 238.64 feeC, a central, angle
of 6G°57'��"", and a ehord that bears N 52°44'47" ��56,29 feet; (5) N 2�1°16'QO"` �
�84.Oti feeC, (6} J.39.5�3 feet alos�g the arc of a curve Co the �ight, hav#.r�g a
radius of 227.38 �eet, a centrai angle of 35°i0'29", and a chord that bears
N 37°51'i5" E 137.41 feet; (7) N 55°2E,"29" E 3b4.86 feet; (8) 83.77 feet alon�;
the arc oE curve to the Ieft, iravzng a raciius o� 113�.80 �eet, a central angl�
of 04°07`29", and a chord that bears N 53°22'45" E$1.75 �eet; (q) N 53�°19'00" E
273.50 feet; (ID) Ll.2.G7 feet al.ong the arc o� a curve to Che right. having a
�adius of 4�.4.37 feet, a centra.t angle of I5°33`08", and a chord tha� bears
rit 59°D5'34" F 112.13 �eet; (11) N 66°52'08" E iQIi.QQ feec to the southwester�.y
lir�e af said Resubdivision c�f Suffer Creek; t}ience, departing said souther3.y
right-of-way iine of Chamonix Lane, ehe fol�owing three courses aiang the south-
wes�.erly, northwesterly and westerly lines� r�spectively, oE said �esvbdzvision
of Iluffer Creek; (i} N 37°p7'S2" W 270.49 feec; (2) N 53°52'OB" E 289.bL feet:
(3)N O1°30'30" E 325•86 feet to the hoint oE t�eginning.