HomeMy WebLinkAboutCovenants(5t{5ocn \n,rd. A&lrhon Covc^n..r$: FOR EIGHORN SUI}DIVISION T}gRD ADDITION rrErglort); dtd lllc Colorrdor e plet rr mrhc ccrtrln covcnrnt.end condltloor Plrt er Orlglnrl Plrt ver drrlgartrd Eloch, J.la tbr drrlgartrl Dlocl I h tbb Glcrh rnd -i drrljnrtrd Dlocl l0 ta fbc . ll lo tbr l-tu tllPlrt (O Dloclt Arne ndod . ": : ,1riiii,l,ii,i;!'r'i.1,,,tii;;'1:,,;.,,:'1:, f"]^ "^ot" 3--to ll, rncrurlve,- or Brock zi Au or Broch ,r'!i'',w1,;||;r1!;rl;iir,:1;Lotr 9 to 2S- tnar..-r---[,'ir"",.Ji";;;:ri]ii{L:i ;:,:lff: :l flfi,"'eThn5f i",;,ti,i:i;ii:'ri1ii;i:li' ['e? or Drock i .i" 'o.rrrcred io '.iia.orrl purpoe".. r .' 'i;;'iri[iitiii:r'iiii:t: li'tlL A'I, -or B,ock l,-pl ;.J. ";;;, :*;;:, ":i1fii:iiiiii,iiii;r:;i,.t -Blockt 3l ? r-.t r --- -r--,:,1,""'J t; t .J i'.ill" : ;::':Jl"?':::*. ::,'.ll'.::, ::lii,' :i; :'il,i,i1*, .li,|i1.;', '.;"T:i:', 'r.ri.' r. ^".,t.',t. ".,:', '.l '.i: i,i i.,' : .'.., ! fi',!. rt,. ;": l ;t., a-..: ),.-..-:'''.;','1;q; i, 11,i, i;.!'r i.i,:'1' 1i., ;: r.' :,.' 1,.F,i' : ludc raar r,..^ri"l{titof -thc lrnd'covcrod by thc Arncndcd plrt to bl ruulcc3'to thc NOW, rnd rrc . THEREFORE, Erglc docr emcnC tt c'6o""nrntr to bcco_. tlt 5r. 6, ..l, 8o 9t ll rnd .12 of Elock {r hereby mrdc rppllceblc to All of Dloct<r 6 end 9 end latr E(ghoro Subdtvhlon ThliAmcndod plrt. rhrll bc rortrlctcd Firoc l.nd urc for L,otr \26end2?oflof Eloch I hrroby eddcd to,eqd utod lor prlvrtc'rorldcncor tltb utual IG. rad othcr covorcd rtructurr wltb orch lot lot '. two rperEnrntr., Thr , , ,,...-..t rarfrr! f|lllo rperEnentr. Thr lrnd urr lor Lotr t, Zr. !, 1r,Jr 3, l, 2g, Zgead 30Afc;k 9i larr L. 2.. t.l, 5, 6, ?r !r 9r ll..rnd lZ o( Dlocl {t ead All ol-..4 rl,at. : ":ttot lddcd mey.bc. usllrod ' Eegla dctorrnrnor tor rpertoarrl thoP:: rervlco rhopr (orcludlnge howovcrr rutourobllc rrrvlcr ru llott' to1 ,roomrr.,hotolrl lodgor, protrrrronrl o(trcrr or modrcrlv...5t! or mtolcd c; ";;. Eeglo rpcclflcrlly rxcoptr trorn thc epplrcrtroa or thr cor..arntr','j Erglo r -rr..!-Lrrq sr tna gottnl[tl Perccl rfArtl Latr ll ead l{ ol Blocl { rnd Eloctr l0 ead lll Blr llrtrd Addltlon Arnradrd plrt. . i ' .Ergrc door r1u{r rad conftrrn tho covrarntr rr bcrrro rraradrdt , rttrro norr rolrtc to tb. . ---. $.!s yevrrllt.lEt fr hcrrlO UarAdfd 1j ,i1..,;;,.,._.r:.,,,,1.,. !ho' rmo norr rolrtc . ,t ^o,.adcd plrr rlth rbr .r&. rorcr .".:;; ":iiliiltiilllllh raaruoarr rrndr -..;,"j,;;;il"';;. Gorraearr.;,,-,;,','',,,f{iifitl;li . .o'ii,ft i.:-'i;L+r';:.rlg1T couNTy'DEy..LoF'"i::;fij:l:lrl.tr.,i 'i,,i :,:l'.;,:,conFonenoN . , . 'XDNT ,i iiliii ilr ti'j*:,i#k-- _,,/,:,', i,i,;,iiyii,, /) j :l', r .ri;it${iiili+,, , j. .1,,:;.:.i;1..f ' ': .l : . j,:r'.1,....ii_'i ;,i..PI ,';'ii{ i ii,ffi *i,iitii *;+..ij' box lfl! vail, colorcdo 81657 13031 476s613 department of community dwelopment t October 21, 1981 l&. Jeff Spanel Internountain Engineering 8ox 0-100 Avon, Colorado 81620 Re: Lots I through 11, Block 11 andlots 12 through 18, Blobk.10, Bighorn Subdivision 3rd Addition In regard to your questions on access to lots 1 through 18, I have seen alry record where there is legal right,of-way to the property. Tltis docunentation needs to be presented for review. I an nork ing on ansyers to your other question. First, I mrst be shown that there is documentation for a public street. Sincerely, '3 Dear Jeff: l-.'L fu* DICK RYAN Connunity Devel oprnent' Director DR:bpr j 'o MEMORANDUM TC) FROM DATE RE Municipal Code, the Department of the requested Variance based Conslderation of Factors PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMTTISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT 5 September 1978 DENSITY VARIANCE FOR THE BIGIIORN LODGE LOCATEDrN LQIS 6 AND 7, BLOCK 7, BrcEOnN THrRD ADDTTTON AMENDE DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The Variance has been requested to permit the conversion of------16--Accommddation units into long-term resident housing units withkitchens. ?he subject property is located in an I{DMF Zone Districtwith a total of .67 acres, ot 29,374 sq. ft. A maximum of L2 Dwellingunj-ts would be permitted on the site, which.would aIlow for theconversion of 8 of the 16 Accommodation units., (Acconmodation unitsare counted as-'.5 Dwelliug- units. ) -The applr-cant desires'to.convert-all 16 units, .CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteri-a and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of tbe of Community Development recormends approval upon the following factors: The relationship of the requested varlance to otherexistlng or potential uses and structures in the-vicinity; The previous use of Lots 6 and.7, Block 7, Bighorn Third Addition was as a Lodge. The requested change of use should not have any greater impact'on surrounding buildings than that of the Bighorn Lodge. The degree to which relief from the strict or literalinterpretation and enforcement of a specified regulationis necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity oftreatment among sites in the vieinity, or to attain tbeobjectives of this title wlthout grant of special priviJ.ege. The applicant has agrebd to keep the existing building as rental apartments for residents for at least the next three years. . Ifith -:-)-Pg. 2 Bighorn Lodge o Density Variance housing being a critical problem in the Town of Vai1, conversions of this type are highly desl.rable. This is an excellent location for resident housing, right on the Bighorn Bus Route. The density increase from 12 to 16 Dwelling units is not significant, especially since no new floor area is being added. There 1s more than adequate parking on the site. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportati-on and trafficfaeilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety 'o 5 September 1978 lfe foresee no adverse impacts on these Such other factors and criteria as theapplicable to the proposed variance. factors, . commissi.on deems There are no other factors that are deemed applicable. .'Findingsi The Planning & Environmental Commission sha1l make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the vari.ance will not eonstitute a grant of speci.al privilege inconsistent with the' limitations on other properties classified in the same district. This conversion is being allowed for the addition of resident houslng units. Other conversions for this purpose will be treated similarly but on an indivldual basis. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimentalto the public hehlth, safety, or welfare, or materiallyinjurlous to properties or improvements in the vicinity. See Consideration of tr'actors, the first item. That the vari.ance is warranted for one or more ofthe following reasons: I -+I I I I II I ' I I I I I II I I I I i t i ii I I I I ! I II I i -'-ftsB. J .O ' Bighorn Lodge - D6nsity Variance 5 September 1978 ' Tbere are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicableto the site of tbe variance that do not apply generally to other properties . in the same zone. The Department of Community Development supports this variance request. We feel that this will provlde good housing for locals wbich ls something that we have a great need for at this time. We strongly recommend, however, that some restrictions be placed on the use of the units and on the anount of time that this building is to remaj-n .-.----as--].ong-tilmresidenthousing..Thisvariance.request'isfort.his.__.. building only and would not bd applicable to any new building on this site. Ife would suggest that there be a minimum of 6-month leases for ' the rental of these units and that they stay as rental units for at least three years. There would also be further restrictions on the condominiumizing of this project through the recently passed Condominium Conversion Ordinance.