HomeMy WebLinkAboutBIGHORN 4TH ADDITION COVENANTS LEGAL(5tahocn Q\tn1 q Covcnents eJ*64 - qa3 ,glg.g c6ij].ll? 8:fJ3:.C:t=E C0:3clt"iac3, o c.olossd'o c6:"Srora' tioa' fco cnmeE of tbc.resl Propcr-l,y hcreiEfror deocrlbed' bcecby tr3bca ocd dcelesea ghcse ll.nitatl.ons, restr!.ettoaa, and usec es scc Eortlr !a cbs Dlci.*ATION C3 EROtrECf,I'VE COVA:AhTS I'OS s.E gigS:: stJEgX,VI'SIOll oc recorclec tn Book 174, ce pago 403, ete., of t.ho BesorCc of Ecgle CousEy, Coloredo' uPoo Ead as aBplleablotooetdherclnafterdcecrlbedprope:cyasrestrlctlve and protccelvs coves.eaeo, through referonce thereto and hcreto ta all dcqdg esd coatxaccs for aale isoued by eold Grantor 80 or fcrarryparto€ggld.herei'ng(cerdeccribedproperElracbenefltg and obllgacloas rucrr!.ag wltir eucb Property' ond ao bl'ndlrg uPofl the G?eagor end upoa all par8lec claislng under sal.d Grastof an4 upoa o11 fuEure (Frzrcrs of eny part of orrch proportyr so long ae rucb rectrictlvo coltenslrte otrall rseln in forco asd offect aa as, srrltcca of eo bereafter altered: grrcborlgla.slcovensnEsforcheBlgborasubcllvtstooare -r-.- J beeby codo eppllcable, oloo, to the folloltrrg degcrlbed ProPerEy la Erglo Ccr:niY, Colorcco: A11 of ehe Slghoia Subdtvlslon, Fsulcb Addltlou' sblcb sas flled Fcbn:ery 3, 1954, vtth tho Clerk and Eagle Couacy, ColoraCo, acd csrrlec ReecpELsa No' SaoI-AJoUsEluBlghornSubdlvlclon,Fo.lrthAddltlon' ebslt bo srtlrely f,or Privste rcsldsrceg ' III ldITtIgSS lfl-:Sl,s0f , gl€Lg C0'.J:ITII DE'JSLc'.:r'E!$ @RSOXAII'ON' the plst Rccordqr ;;:#i.:,.9 nxs ?.q r c rroirls'.-vg., V.ly I"AC.X. nnrnr,.r_.cj:1s&11, IF .AW. X fil i, f n l/^ir ^^ --*--,rJ.urr Ufi NATfoNltr nptr,rrr. bv:y auchoriity of i.ts Board of Directore, has caused thls inscru- Eent to be execuced by its president, aEtesEed, by lts secretary, SACLE C CORPORATION STA?E OF COLO.R,ADO )CIIY A}IO couNlY ot DEIWER ) )'ss - ?he _foregolng lnsin'oent lias acknor*ledged before ne thlg3rd Cay of Febrc.e.ry,_Lg14, by tlt{. J.$eS STARi,, as presidea!, and by !1. H. IIELD:3RIIC(, JR., as Secrerary, oi and for the EAGLE' coil.\I::t DE\EL0P:.tr]]'IT ccnpon*Tr,oN, a cbloreao corporaElon. t I t .'., (Corporare Seal) -z- :. Pi di?: -t ir l:p. ;::d r:16i ofii Ftl zfr e;qi -;:i i.; '!;:ii{iii H;:i e;'ii;f;; lE iEii:i:;i: Ee; ii;; :3; s:;E 4-1i Ci 6" ieei; !t; i F; ?;; F69 .;: z! ie;i "ifr : ., RJ { :.tr2fi la ;.'- iria; :2d E;ee! !?*r,;i9=,Ir: . ;:u -- 'lr F l;t-t1 E2 i- "! : ir\ t .'| il . r.tl ' ^, 6).{-.ao'?f,, Izl a C,, cDcf ao Icn -{ gg -|6z -F P ^'{:{ aa lrr= c|(, i!8 o€ 8-;E-ri 8S Fs3!pi; I t !: t I d \c 9E@,J9f,< 3E 1E :f; Eg l'[t! to IF ;g E-.> |} F!!-- Z' / .!,t i.:' .''...','.'*:;jg;-;.:-,.'':::..,,],-';'..,*."dt.''...a.j'l.l. titl;lI I %,j';" ;i16 d;ld iF5r-: { siF,g:!: !ic;! '-:!iei":;- :rEg* E;;; s i6*iE !; i;iEe!r' 9i:q E:Br! l;Yffi- l:i+6. - t^-!ec! lE.; i:6-a- ;i!: i;iE : xti -ei t!a 1rr I't iiiii;iliiliiiiiiiiiifi iisiitfi !;ii;i'ii iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:i iiiliiiliii ;i r;li:i:'i';ti:iiiii iiiiiiiiiiii;ii;i ? i9- c!gt; ;1! :F!- " iii :i:s i ;i EE;: l;q :;HE iiiiig: il; ii;; I ;i i;ii 'in 3-rEi! ;EUr!;! iiii 'i; ;::i igi;li rci ;?l i;iE:El!:: t :t.:l 6i ."tif il -t s qg a; 1.9 t3 lz l!Iti'- ;tE8q r"-3 ::e:; I I:;'el:rF e 633lan;! ! ."!;,i i:;?;iir ! ei? riiiii;l f :+; | lil niig r* t ili-!; ''F iil;i ,F iiif- lL --rl.a4 tr. I t :! EN ;i?;I F ;iI:iiiil 3 I ril Fl I It: f t a I rl1, iF:l i 6S: i 'i : r. !i6 t'r: 3: lA, eiE ,i io:.1! oi, i: l; r: .fj i; : :l 3 - *;roI 11: i tt 3' . ti.