HomeMy WebLinkAboutSolaris NFPA 72 cert Phae 1 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM RECORD OF COMPLETION To be completed by fhe system insfallation contracfor at the time of system acceptance and approval. 1 . PROTECTED PROPERTY INFORMATION Name of property: Solaris Pl�ase 1 Address: 141 East Meado�v Drive,Vail CO Description of property: Mixed Use High Rise Occupancytype: R,M,B,S Name of property representative: Solaris Property Owner- SPO Address: Phone: 970390.6493 Fax: E-mail: dan.feeneyt(�,solarisvail.com Autliority having jurisdiction over this property: Vail Fire Depu�tment Plione: 970.479.2135 Fax: 970.479.2176 E-mail: mmcgee(n�vailgov.com 2. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM INSTALLATION, SERVICE, AND TESTING INFORMATION Installation contractor for this eqnipmeuh Elight Electric/LEI Companies Address: LEI 2017 Curtis St. Denver, CO 80205 Plione: 303.9345631 Fax: 303979.6847 E-mail: leinn,leicompanies.com Service organization for this equipment: Johnson Controls Inc Address: 10289 West Centennial Rd Littleton, CO 80127 Phone: 303973 .5930 Fax: 303.979.6847 E-maiL• Kenneth.d.ball(td,jci.com LocTtion of as-Uuilt drawings: Fire Command Location of historical test reports: Fire Command Location of system operatiai and maiutenance manuals: Fire Commaud A contract for test and inspection in accordance with NFPA standards is in effect as of: TBD upon C/O Conh�acted testing company: tbd Address= tbd Phone: tbd Fax: tbd EanaiL• tbd Occupancy type: Co��tract expires: tUd Coutract number: tbd Frequency ofroutine inspections: tUd 3. TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SERVICE NFPA 72 Chapter Reference of System Type: Chapter 6 Name of oiganization receiving alum signals with plioue numbers (ijnpplicnble): Alarm: Remote Operations Center-JCI Phone: 1 .800.753.4524 Supervisoi}�: Remote Operations Center -JCI Plione: 1 .800.753.4524 Trouble: Remote Operations Center- JCI Phone: 1 .800.753.4524 Entity to which alarms are retransmitted: Vail Fire Department Phone: 970.479.2246 Metliod of retransmission of alarms to that orgznization or location: Phone/cenUal station dispatcl� RecordofCanpletionfwm (basedonNFPA72 -2007) NFPA72, tof6 NFPA72-2007RewrdofComp:etion001 03l31/20103:48:OOPM R.W. Evans Reprin(etl vnlh permiss":on from NFAP 7240W, National Fire A�arm Cotle a, Copynght02007, National Fire ProtectionASSOGation, Quincy, A7q 02269 3. TYPE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SERVICE (continuec� If Chapter 8, note the means of trausmission froru protected premises to the cent��al station: � � Digital alann communicator � McCulloh � Multiplex � 2-way radio � 1 -way radio � N/A ]f Chapter 9, note type of coimection: � Local energy � Shunt 0 N/A 3.1 System Software Operatu�g system (executive) soft�vare revision level: 12.0 Site-speci�c software revision date: 5.5 Revision completed Uy: Jim Moren 4. SIGNALING LINE CIRCUITS Charncteristics ofsigr:ali»g li�:e circarits connected to tlris system (see NFPA 72, Tnble 6.6.1): Quantity: 16 Style: 4 Class: B 5. ALARM INITIATING DEVICE CIRCUITS C<tnrncteristres of inilinting derice circurls coititected to thrs syslern (see R'PP�1 72, Table 6.5): Quantity: ll Style: 4 Class: B 5.1 Manual Initiating Devices 5.1.1 Mauual Pull Stations Number ofManual pidl stations: See device ct slieet Type of devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N{A 5.2 Automatic Initiating Devices 5.2.1 Area Smoke Detectors Number of smoke detectors: See device ct sheet Type of coverage: � Complete area 0 Partial area � Nonrequired partial area � N!A Type of devicex � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A Type of smoke detector sensing technology � lonization 0 Photoelectric 5.2.2 Duet Smolce Deteetms Nwvber of duct smoke detectors: See device et slieet Type of coverage: AHLJ iJNIT GARAGE MECH Typeofdevices: �X Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A Type of smoke cletector sensing technology � lonization �X Photoelectric 5.2,3 HeTt Detectws Number of heat <letectors: See device ct slieet Type of coverage: � Complete area 0 PaiYial area � Nonrequired partial area � N/A Type of devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 5.2.4 Sprinlder Waterllow Detectors Number of waterflow detectors: See device ct sheet Type of devices: OX Addressabte � Conventional � Coded � `Prausmitter � N/A RecotdofCanp:etion (wm@asetlonNFPA72- 2007) NFPA72, 2ot6 NFPA72-2007RecordofCmnpieliori001 03(31R0103:48:OOPM RW. EVans Repnnied wilh permission (ran NFAP 722007, Natbnal Fue Narm Code B, Copyright O 2007, Netional Fire Protection Associatioq �u'�g PM, 02269 5.2.5 Alarm Veriflcation Number of devices subject to alarm verification: See device ct sheet Alarm verification on this system is: � Enabled �X Disabled � Set for seconds 6. SUPERVISORY SIGNAL-INITIATING DEVICES AND CIRCUITS 6.1 Sprinkler System Nwnber of valve supervisory switches: See device ct sheet Type of devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 6.2 Fire Pump Type of fire pnmp: 0 Electric � Diesel Type of fire pwnp supervisory devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A Fire Pump Functious Supervised � Fire pump power � Pire pmnp running � Fire pump phase reversal � Selector switch not in auto � Engine or control panel trouble � Low fuel Other: Selector switcli uot in auto is not being monitored by the fire alarm system 6.3 Engine-Driven Generator Type of generator supervisory devices: � Addressable � Conventional � Coded � Transmitter � N/A 0 E�gine or control panel Urouble � Generetor runniug � Selector switch not in auto � Low fiiel Other: X Generator Phase Reversal X Generator Loss of Phase X Generator loss of Power 7. ANNUNCIATORS 7.1 Annunciator 1 � Local �X Remote Type: �X Addressable � Directoiy � Graphic � N/A Location: Entrance to Stair 3 7.2Annunciator2 � Locai �X Remote Type: �X Addressable � Directory � Graphic � N/A Location: Entrance to Stair 4 7.3 Annunciator 3 � Local � Remote Type: � Addressable � Directory � Grapl�ic 0 N/A Location: 8. ALARM NOTIFICATION DEVICES AND GIRCUITS 8.1 Emergency Voice Alarm Service NumUer of single voice alarm chlnnels: 16 Number of multiple voice alarm channels: none Number of speakers: TBD upon C/O Nwnber of speaker zones: 16 UPON GO 8.2 Telephone Jacks Nwnber of teleplione jacks installed: NA Number of telephone handsets stored on site: NA Type of telephone system iustalled: � Electrically powered � Sound powered �X N{A RecordofCanpietionfam (basedonNFPA72 -2007) NFPA72, 3of6 NFPA722007RecordofCompletiori001 03131f20103:48:00Ph9 R.W. EVans RepMted vriih permiss'ron Gwn NFAP 72-2007, Nalional Fire Alarm Code O, Copyright02007, National Fire ProteUion Association, Quncy, h7A, 02269 8.3 Nonvoice Audible System Cltm•ncteristics ofnot�cnfion device circuits coitnected ta thrs system (see NFPA 72, Tnble 6.5): Quantity: 3 Style: 4 Class: B RecordofComp:etionfam@asetlonNFPA72 -2007) NFPA72, 4of6 NFPA72-2007RecordofCanpletiori001 U3i3120103:48:00P1d RW. EVans Repnnted vrih permission fmm NFAP 7220W, National Fke Narm Cotle 0, Copyn9ht� 2007, National Fire Protection AssoGation, Quiricy, MA, 02269 8. ALARM NOTIFICATION DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (continuec� 8.4 Types and Quantities of Nonvoice Notification Appliances Installed Bells: With visual device: Horns: With visnal device: Chimes: With visual device: Speakers: With visual device: Visual devices withait audibte devices: Tbd upon c/o Other (describe): Exterior H/S QTY 3 9. EMERGENCY CONTROL FUNCTIONS ACTIVATED OX Hold-open door releasing devices �X Smoke mauagement or smoke conh•ol �X Doorimlocking �X Elevatorrecall � OtUer 10. SYSTEM POWER SUPPLY 10.1 Primary Power Nominal voltage: 277/480VOLT 3 PHASE 4 WIRE Amps: 2 SERVICF�P,4000AMPS Overcurrent protection: Type: Pused swithces Amps: 2 service (n>,4000 amps Location (of primary supply panel board): Garage level souNi east corner of building Disconnecting means location: Fused switches switchboard MSB has 5 main swit(ies MSA has 1 main switch 10.2 Secondary Power Location: PCC Type: BATT Nominalvoltage: 12V Cunentratiug: NA Niunber of standby batteries: 2 Amp hour rating: SSAH Location of emergency generator: GARAGE Location of fiiel storage: GARAGE Calculated capaciry of secondary power to drive system Li standby mode: 24HRS In alarm mode: SMIN 11 . RECORD OF SYSTEM INSTALLATION Fill out afler n/( insta(lation is co�rrplete a��d ie�iring has been checked for opetts, shorts, grotaad fau!!s, �md inaproper brnnching, b:d before conda�ctirrg operatiott acceptnnce tesCs. The system I�as been installed in accordance with the follo�ving NFPA standards (Note any or all [hat apply): � NFPA 72 � NTPA 70, Nntionnl �lectricn! Corle, Article 760 � Manufacturer's published instructions � Other (please specify): System deviations frmn referenced NPPA standards: Signed: Printed Name: Date: Organization: "Pitle: Phone: 12. RECORD OF SYSTEM OPERATION All operational feahues and fimctions of this system were tested by or in the presence of the signer sliown below, on the date shown below, and were found to be operating properly in accordance with Uie requirements of. � NFPA 72 0 NFPA 70, Natroitnl E/ectricnl Code, Article 760 � Manufactw�er's published insh�netions � OUier (please specify): � Docwnentation in accordance �vith Insgection and Testing Form (Figure 10.6.23) is attached Si e .� ���`�-- Printed Name: Dwight Longuevan Date: 3/3 UIO Organization: Jolmson Conhols Inc Title: Branch Manager Phone: 303904.7905 RecordofComp!etionfwm@asedonNFPA72-2007) NfPA72, 5of6 NPPA724007RecordofCanp:etim007 0373720103:48:OOPh7 R.W. EVans RepriNed vnih permiss'ron (rom NFAP 72-20W, National F've Aarm Code 0, Copyright O 2007, National Fire ProteGion Associa0on, Quirwy. Mq 02269 13. CERTIFICATIONS AND APPROVALS 13.1 System Installation Contractor The system as specified l�erein has been installed and tested in according to all NFPA staudards cited hereu�. Signed: Printed Name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: 13.2 System Service Contractor The system as specified herein has been installed and tested in according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signe . _ �_ PrintedName: DwigUtLouguevan Date: 3/31/] 0 Organizatio�� Johnson Controls Inc Title: Branch Manager Phone: 303.904.7905 13.3 Central Station The system as specified herein will be mmiitored according to all NFPA standards cited herein. Signec���°�a .� �� PrL�tedName: DwightLonguevan Date: 3/31/] 0 ��o , Organization: JCI-Remote Operations Center Title: Branch Manager Phone: 303.904.7905 13.4 Property Representative [ accept this system as having Ueen installed and tested to its specifications and all NFPA standards cited hereui. Sigued: Printed Name: Date: Organization: Title: Phone: 13.5 Authority Having Jurisdiction I have widiessed a satisfactoiy acceptance test of tliis system and find it to be installed and operating properly iu accordance with its approved plans and specifications, its approved sequence of operations an<I with all NFPA standards cited herein. Signed: PrLited Name: Date: Organization: Titte: Phone: RecordotCOmpletion (wm@asedonNFPA72 -2007) NFPA72, 6of6 NFPA72-2007RecordofComp!atiorN07 03f31/20103:48:OOPfd R.W. EVans ReprinleA wilh permissbn fran NFAP 72-2007, National P've Aarm Code �, Copyright O 2007, National Fire ProteGion Assouation, Quirwy, MA, 02269