HomeMy WebLinkAboutB06-0019 Comments/Structuralsr਍ഀ COLORADO INSPECTION AGENCY PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS਍ഀ TO: Contractor਍ഀ Hyder Construction਍ഀ Doug Thompson਍ഀ EMAIL: dthompson@hyderinc.com਍ഀ Architect਍ഀ 4240਍ഀ Randy Hart਍ഀ rhart@4240arch.com਍ഀ Engineer਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Eng਍ഀ FAX਍ഀ NUMBER OF PAGES:਍ഀ FROM:਍ഀ DATE:਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT਍ഀ OWNERS NAME:਍ഀ SITE ADDRESS:਍ഀ SUBDIVISION:਍ഀ OCCUPANCY GROUP:਍ഀ TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:਍ഀ NUMBER OF STORIES:਍ഀ 10਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ 03/10/2006਍ഀ B06-0019 PST c)(0 `0C,49਍ഀ Vail Resorts Co.਍ഀ Building B਍ഀ Mill Creek਍ഀ R-1, S-2, B, A-3਍ഀ I-A਍ഀ 3਍ഀ The design documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the locally਍ഀ adopted codes and amendments. The following comments must be addressed before a building਍ഀ permit is issued.਍ഀ For processing:਍ഀ Please submit (2) complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested਍ഀ information or plan revisions with all revisions clouded or otherwise identified.਍ഀ Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a਍ഀ response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the਍ഀ reauested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the਍ഀ building permit application number noted.਍ഀ Responses such as "will comply with code" are not adequate. Revised drawings must਍ഀ clearly show, code compliance.਍ഀ A RESPONSE LETTER MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE REVISED PLAN SUBMITTAL.਍ഀ Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, signature,਍ഀ registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details਍ഀ and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the plans਍ഀ must be stamped.਍ഀ CADOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC਍ഀ Page I of਍ഀ BUILDING DEPARTMENT COMMENTS:਍ഀ Common Project Comments: (CPC are attached to each permit comment letter)਍ഀ 1. Land Swap with US Forest Service must be complete prior to final approval and issuance of the਍ഀ Building Permit.਍ഀ The agreement was signed on January 18'h, 2006 and is now in a 45 day review period.਍ഀ 2. When plans are resubmitted for review; complete sets of plans for each building which includes the਍ഀ addendum sheets. Separate addendum packets will not be accepted and approved for initial਍ഀ permitting.਍ഀ Plans have been modified and are to be resubmitted for the Town of Vail Building and Fire਍ഀ Department review, approval and issuance of a permit.਍ഀ 3. Preliminary plan review meetings had discussion regarding the submittal of Memorandum of਍ഀ Understandings (MOU). MOU's defined in these meetings would be "used to define or clarify the use਍ഀ of a code section, agreement to the installation of a system not covered specifically by the code or਍ഀ clarify the use or component of a building. None of the agreed upon MOU's were submitted for਍ഀ review. Please provide the following MOU's for review:਍ഀ a) Use of assumed property lines and fire separation distance.਍ഀ b) Fire command room਍ഀ c) Smoke management systems਍ഀ d) Opening between parking garage and Lodge Tower parking garage਍ഀ e) Fire separation between the new building and existing buildings਍ഀ f) Use of 508.2 for creating separate buildings as it relates to each building਍ഀ g) The separation between One Vail Place and new Skier Services਍ഀ A Memorandum of Understanding dated April 3, 2006 addressing these issues has been completed਍ഀ and will be submitted to the Building, Fire Department and Colorado Code Inspection for review and਍ഀ approval.਍ഀ 4. Preliminary plan review submittal meetings had discussion regarding the submittal of Administrative਍ഀ Modifications (AM). AM's as defined in these meetings would be based on International Building਍ഀ Code Section 104.10. Where practical difficulties are involved in carrying out the provision of this਍ഀ code, a modification to the code may be granted by the building official after justification that the਍ഀ modification will not lesson health, accessibility, life and fire safety, or structural requirements. The਍ഀ following AM's have been discussed and are being implemented into the plans. Please provide the਍ഀ following or amend plans accordingly to comply with the code.਍ഀ a) Separation between Chalet buildings਍ഀ b) Elimination of elevator smoke doors at residential levels of the Chalet buildings਍ഀ A Request for Administrative Modification dated April 3, 2006 addressing these issues has been਍ഀ completed and will be submitted to the Building, Fire Department and Colorado Code Inspection for਍ഀ review and approval.਍ഀ 5. Be sure to amend the Fire & Life Safety Report as necessary when changes are made to the plans਍ഀ that may affect the discussions made by the Report.਍ഀ An updated Life Safety Report for The Vail Front Door Buildings A, B, C and D dated April 3, 2006਍ഀ has been completed and coordinated with the G - Series Code Drawings. This report and਍ഀ attachments will be submitted to the Building, Fire Department and Colorado Code Inspection for਍ഀ review and approval.਍ഀ 6. Provide a precise site plan showing exact locations of assumed property lines. If locations of assumed਍ഀ property lines are close enough to exterior walls to require rating of walls and opening protection,਍ഀ provide details.਍ഀ 4240 has updated the G - Series Code Drawings indicating the locations of property lines and਍ഀ assumed property lines.਍ഀ C:\DOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 2 of 2਍ഀ J਍ഀ 7. Fire and Life Safety Report states the use of 1-hour fire walls per IBC Table 705.4. This table does਍ഀ not allow for 1 hour fire walls anywhere. Please clarify.਍ഀ The Life Safety Report has been modified to reflect the approach taken for the building separations.਍ഀ As indicated in the report numerous meetings were held with the building and fire department਍ഀ identifying buildings, construction types and openings. The buildings and proximity to the property਍ഀ lines will not meet the prescriptive requirements of the building code. The design team has identified਍ഀ on the G - Series Code Drawings that the project will use a variety of 3-hour horizontal and vertical਍ഀ fire resistive separations as well as 2-hour and 1-hour occupancy separation walls. This approach of਍ഀ compartmentation with the use of automatic sprinkler protection and detection though-out will not਍ഀ compromise the life safety of the occupants.਍ഀ 8. Fire walls are called out in the fire and life safety report to separate buildings. What is the purpose਍ഀ and use of the fire walls and the separations? Is it to separate property owners?਍ഀ It appears that fire separation distances are being used to determine the ratings for the walls਍ഀ identified as fire walls between the different building and spaces. Our interpretation of this section is਍ഀ that once the 3 hour separation is used to make a separate building then everything that is not਍ഀ separated by a fire wall per 705.4 will be considered as one building.਍ഀ The Life Safety Report has been modified to reflect the approach taken for the building separations.਍ഀ As indicated in the report numerous meetings were held with the building and fire department਍ഀ identifying buildings, construction types and openings. The buildings and proximity to the property਍ഀ lines will not meet the prescriptive requirements of the building code. The design team has identified਍ഀ on the G - Series Code Drawings that the project will use a variety of 3-hour horizontal and vertical਍ഀ fire resistive separations as well as 2-hour and 1-hour occupancy separation walls. This approach of਍ഀ compartmentation with the use of automatic sprinkler protection and detection though-out will not਍ഀ compromise the life safety of the occupants.਍ഀ 9. Accessibility requirements do not appear to be included within any plan for this project. Please਍ഀ amend plans to include the following:਍ഀ a) Accessible parking spaces and loading zones.਍ഀ b) Accessible route from the parking and loading zones to the buildings.਍ഀ c) Accessible routes to each building on the site which are required to be accessible.਍ഀ d) Signage details for parking, striping, routes, restrooms, etc.਍ഀ e) Restroom details for fixtures, grab bars and accessories.਍ഀ The drawings have been modified to show accessible parking spaces and loading zones, accessible਍ഀ routes and confirmed that restroom details for fixtures, grab bars and accessories has been provided.਍ഀ All signs related to accessibility are listed in a separate contract with the client and will be a deferred਍ഀ submittal to the building for review and approval.਍ഀ 10. Amend plans to include stair signage plan, details and identify the location of the signage. Many of਍ഀ the exit enclosures require the occupants to travel up to get to exit discharge. Clearly identify the਍ഀ direction of travel to the exit discharge.(IBC 1019.1.6)਍ഀ The design team will modify the drawings to reflect required stair signage and directional signage. It਍ഀ would be the intent of the design team to identify with the fire department additional egress signage or਍ഀ directional signage to ensure occupants will be directed to a an egress stair/passage way and to a਍ഀ public way.਍ഀ 11. Amend plans to include gates located at the level of exit discharge to eliminate occupants of the਍ഀ building from entering an enclosure and passing by the level of exit discharge. (IBC 1019.1.6)਍ഀ Gates have been added to the plans to meet this requirement and direct occupants to the exterior or਍ഀ from continuing below or above a level of exit discharge.਍ഀ C:\DOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 3 of 3਍ഀ 12. Elevator door which do not open into a lobby need to be provided with a smoke control door in਍ഀ accordance with IBC Section 715.3.5.3਍ഀ None of the elevators penetrate more than 3 stories. Thus, smoke control and venting is not required.਍ഀ 13. Clearly identify the location of safety glazing per IBC Chapter 24 either in the window schedule or on਍ഀ the plan.਍ഀ Bldg. B: Per A610 for window types with tempered glazing and reference building elevations for਍ഀ location of such window types.਍ഀ Bldg. C: Per A610 & A611, tempered glazing is indicated at/in the following locations:਍ഀ - within 24" of door edges that are less than 60" AFF.਍ഀ - within units that have panes greater than 9 s.f.਍ഀ - and in units that are within 18" of the floor.਍ഀ See the updated window schedule that shows additional tempered glazing for units with panes਍ഀ greater than 9 s.f.਍ഀ Bldg D: Per A610, tempered glazing is indicated at/in the following locations:਍ഀ - within 24" of door edges that are less than 60" AFF.਍ഀ - within units that have panes greater than 9 s.f.਍ഀ - and in units that are within 18" of the floor.਍ഀ See the updated window schedule that shows additional tempered glazing for units with panes਍ഀ greater than 9 s.f.਍ഀ Bldg. E: Per A610 for window types with tempered glazing and reference building elevations for਍ഀ location of such window types.਍ഀ 14. The size of main elevator cars used for fire/emergency access needs to be determined by the Town਍ഀ of Vail Building and Fire Departments. Standard 24" x 76" required by code will not accommodate the਍ഀ stretchers used by emergency personnel. Please confirm the required size.਍ഀ The elevator cabs are currently designed to comply with the standard stretcher requirement as਍ഀ adopted by the code. In the case of the Chalets the elevator serves 4 levels or 3 stories. Based on਍ഀ that interpretation the stretcher accessible would not be required. The design team is providing a਍ഀ stretcher accessible elevator to each unit beyond what would be required by code. The current਍ഀ elevators will be 24x74 inches.਍ഀ Architectural Comments:਍ഀ 15. Locate and define intent of 3 hour firewalls and how these comply with section 508, 2003 IBC.਍ഀ The design team has used a series of fire resistive walls and floor assemblies to separate the਍ഀ buildings based on construction type of the buildings and the required occupancy separation of the਍ഀ different occupancies and uses. From the initial meetings with the Town of Vail Building, Fire਍ഀ Department and Colorado Inspection Agency it was identified that the buildings will communicate਍ഀ below grade via the parking garage and that there would be mixing of construction type and fire਍ഀ resistive separation requirements between buildings. Attached are code sheets identifying the਍ഀ proposed and required fire resistive separations. These separations include both vertical and਍ഀ horizontal fire resistive separations that are intended to compartment the buildings both vertically and਍ഀ horizontally. Additionally, there are occupancy separation fire resistive walls that separate਍ഀ occupancies. See the G-Series Code Sheets for details related to assumed property lines and fire਍ഀ resistive separations. USE OF 508.2 FOR CREATING SEPARATE BUILDINGS The design team has਍ഀ utilized Section 508.2 of the International Building Code in conjunction with the administrative਍ഀ modification process. BCER has submitted a request for an administrative modification defining the਍ഀ separation of the S-2 Parking Garage below the Residential Chalet portion of the building. See਍ഀ Administrative Modification Request dated April 3, 2006. From the initial meetings with the Town of਍ഀ Vail Building, Fire Department and Colorado Inspection Agency it was identified that the buildings will਍ഀ CADOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B -Response to ToV-b06-0019. DOC Page 4 of 4਍ഀ communicate below grade via the parking garage and that there would be mixing of construction type਍ഀ and fire resistive separation requirements between buildings. Attached are code sheets identifying the਍ഀ proposed and required fire resistive separations. These separations include both vertical and਍ഀ horizontal fire resistive separations that are intended to compartment the buildings both vertically and਍ഀ horizontally. Additionally, there are occupancy separation fire resistive walls that separate਍ഀ occupancies. See the G-Series Code Sheets for details related to assumed property lines and fire਍ഀ resistive separations.਍ഀ 16. Clearly define the separation between existing and new addition. (Fire separation between I-A and III-਍ഀ A construction).਍ഀ The design team has used a series of fire resistive walls and floor assemblies to separate the਍ഀ buildings based on construction type of the buildings and the required occupancy separation of the਍ഀ different occupancies and uses. From the initial meetings with the Town of Vail Building, Fire਍ഀ Department and Colorado Inspection Agency it was identified that the buildings will communicate਍ഀ below grade via the parking garage and that there would be mixing of construction type and fire਍ഀ resistive separation requirements between buildings. Attached are code sheets identifying the਍ഀ proposed and required fire resistive separations. These separations include both vertical and਍ഀ horizontal fire resistive separations that are intended to compartment the buildings both vertically and਍ഀ horizontally. Additionally, there are occupancy separation fire resistive walls that separate਍ഀ occupancies. See the G-Series Code Sheets for details related to assumed property lines and fire਍ഀ resistive separations. USE OF 508.2 FOR CREATING SEPARATE BUILDINGS The design team has਍ഀ utilized Section 508.2 of the International Building Code in conjunction with the administrative਍ഀ modification process. BCER has submitted a request for an administrative modification defining the਍ഀ separation of the S-2 Parking Garage below the Residential Chalet portion of the building. See਍ഀ Administrative Modification Request dated April 3, 2006. From the initial meetings with the Town of਍ഀ Vail Building, Fire Department and Colorado Inspection Agency it was identified that the buildings will਍ഀ communicate below grade via the parking garage and that there would be mixing of construction type਍ഀ and fire resistive separation requirements between buildings. Attached are code sheets identifying the਍ഀ proposed and required fire resistive separations. These separations include both vertical and਍ഀ horizontal fire resistive separations that are intended to compartment the buildings both vertically and਍ഀ horizontally. Additionally, there are occupancy separation fire resistive walls that separate਍ഀ occupancies. See the G-Series Code Sheets for details related to assumed property lines and fire਍ഀ resistive separations.਍ഀ 17. Define amount and type of acid shown in pool equipment room in skier services building on sheet਍ഀ P201.਍ഀ The amount and type of acid shown in pool equipment room on sheet W2.0 (P201 not an STO਍ഀ document) is 55 gallons or Muriatic Acid diluted with water at a 4:1 ratio (4 parts water: 1 part Muriatic਍ഀ Acid).਍ഀ 18. Provide a precise site plan showing exact locations of assumed property lines. If locations of assumed਍ഀ property lines are close enough to exterior walls to require rating of walls and opening protection,਍ഀ provide details. The following locations may require protection based on assumed property lines. The਍ഀ south and west wall of building B, north wall of building C, and the east wall of the south Vail Condos.਍ഀ See sheets G016 thru G019 for revised plan information.਍ഀ 19. Provide detail for exterior wall types based on type of construction. Building is shown as Type I-A਍ഀ construction which will require 3 hour exterior bearing walls. The details on sheet S002 don't reflect਍ഀ protection of structural members. Please clarify and amend plan accordingly.਍ഀ Plan has been revised accordingly. See 24/S002 for additional information.਍ഀ CADOCUME- I \dhopp\LOCALS- I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 5 of 5਍ഀ 20. Clarify classification of spa foyer, offices and accessory rooms called out on sheet GO 16 as A-3਍ഀ occupancies.਍ഀ Classification has been revised to `Spa/Health Club' on sheet G016. In the 2003 IBC Commentary a਍ഀ Health Club is listed a an A-3 Occupancy. The SPA most closely resembles a Health Club and design਍ഀ team has designated this area as a A-3 Occupancy.਍ഀ 21. Does corridor 13188 need to be an exit passageway or horizontal exit? Stair B501 discharges into this਍ഀ hallway. Provide analysis to verify requirements. This protection must be continuous from vertical਍ഀ exit enclosure to exit discharge. Openings into these spaces are limited to those required for exiting਍ഀ from normally occupied spaces. Components of other trades (plumbing, mechanical and electrical)਍ഀ are also limited to those required for the enclosure.਍ഀ This corridor is not a horizontal exit. This is an existing exit passageway. 4240 will add a vestibule to਍ഀ separate the electrical room and reasonably comply with this requirement.਍ഀ 22. Does corridor B221 and associated stairs need to be an exit passageway or horizontal exit? Stair਍ഀ B501 discharges into this hallway. Provide analysis to verify requirements. This protection must be਍ഀ continuous from vertical exit enclosure to exit discharge. Openings into these spaces are limited to਍ഀ those required for exiting from normally occupied spaces. Components of other trades (plumbing,਍ഀ mechanical and electrical) are also limited to those required for the enclosure.਍ഀ It is the intent to extend the 2 hour walls to the exterior and there are no non-occupied rooms exiting਍ഀ into this exit passageway.਍ഀ 23. Clarify detail on sheet A400 & A404 called out as X/XXXX਍ഀ Details refer to 2/A508 on drawing A400 and 1/A508 on drawing A404.਍ഀ 24. Check all details referencing guard height. Detail 5 on Sheet A 700 shows guard height at 34 inches.਍ഀ Min 42 inches required. (IBC 1012)਍ഀ Section 5/A700 shows guard height at 42" as is related 3/A700.਍ഀ 25. Show compliance with ANSI A117.1-1998 for restrooms 6193, B196, 13128 and B142 on sheet A301਍ഀ and B205 and B206 Sheet A304. The lavatory can not be within the clear floor space for the water਍ഀ closet.਍ഀ Restrooms B193, 13196, 13128 and B142 on sheet A301 and B205 and B206 on sheet A304 are਍ഀ compliant with ANSI A117.1-1998.਍ഀ 26. Amend plans to show clear floor space for a parallel approach to the showers shown on sheet A301਍ഀ rooms 8191 and 13192. Alcove requirements needs to be 60" (ANSI 305.7)਍ഀ HC showers B191 and B197 on sheet A301 are compliant with ANSI 305.7.਍ഀ 27. Show compliance with ANSI section 1003 for type B units at Suite 310 and 320 as required by section਍ഀ 1107.6.1 2003 IBC.਍ഀ Bathrooms B313 & B323 are compliant (see sheet A305). And doors B301, B311A, B314, B323 are਍ഀ compliant (see sheets A102 & A305). These rooms when added will become part of the Lodge at਍ഀ Vail. Currently the Lodge at Vail is an existing condition and is assumed to comply with accessible਍ഀ rooms. With the addition of the 5 new residential suites two have been modified to be Type B units.਍ഀ 28. Clarify note on sheet A 600 between detail 10 and 11. Note states that openings can be unprotected.਍ഀ Table 715.3 2003 IBC requires these openings to have a 3/a hour rating.਍ഀ Note on sheet A600 between wall types 10 and 11 complies with Table 715.3 2003 IBC by stating਍ഀ `with 3/a" hour rating openings'.਍ഀ C:\DOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 6 of 6਍ഀ 29. What is the size of the day tank for the back-up generator, quantity and classification of liquid and਍ഀ means for filling tank? This is shown on Building A plans & Building B plans. Currently a diesel਍ഀ generator is shown on the plans. H occupancy?਍ഀ Diesel fuel to run generator shall be below exempt amounts permitted by building and fire codes.਍ഀ Therefore, the emergency generator room would not be considered `H' occupancy.਍ഀ 30. Type of construction for building requires roof to be 1 '/2 hour construction. Detail G sheet A 602 calls਍ഀ out 1 hour roof assembly. Revise plans to reflect required rating for roof and soffits.(IBC Table 601)਍ഀ Detail G on sheet A602 for roof construction complies with IBC Table 601, and shows `1 '/2 hr roof'.਍ഀ 31. Ramp between corridor B106 and stair B108 must have a handrail on both sides.(IBC 1010.8)਍ഀ Ramp on Corridor 13106 has handrails on both sides per IBC 1010.8 shown on sheets A302 and਍ഀ A303.਍ഀ 32. Exit discharge from door B104 has a change in elevation of 12 inches with two risers. Provide਍ഀ handrail on both sides. Handrail shall have extensions. (IBC 1009)਍ഀ Exterior stair has handrails with extensions on both sides per IBC 1009, shown on sheet A302.਍ഀ 33. Provide exit analysis for corridor 13107. Exit path and ratings will be reviewed with the exit analysis.਍ഀ This corridor is not a rated corridor but a non-rated hallway serving the Reception Area between the਍ഀ new and existing portions of the Lodge at Vail.਍ഀ 34. Identify exit path from corridor on Level 2 on sheet A102 that enters into stair BS02. Identify rating of਍ഀ this exit path and stair enclosure.਍ഀ The exit path has been clarified on Sheet A102 and the rating of the corridor is consistent with the਍ഀ stair enclosure rating.਍ഀ 35. Duct penetrations through the existing walls are not all protected with dampers. Some are protected਍ഀ and some are not. Please clarify.਍ഀ ABS revised their drawings. See sheets M101 and M102.਍ഀ 36. Provide accumulative exit load at Door 131 08C. Verify door swing and exit width.਍ഀ The cumulative exit loading at Door 13108C has been reviewed and door swing and exit width are਍ഀ adequate. The door swing of door B108c from the exit stair will be changed to discharge occupants਍ഀ from the stair towards the stair on the west end. The cumulative exit loading into the stair is 160.਍ഀ Occupants would be coming from the existing International wing conference rooms. Note that the 2਍ഀ hour fire wall that they pass through is an existing horizontal exit and the that occupants are then਍ഀ occupants can either go through Door B1 08C or continue down the hallway to the main entrance.਍ഀ See attached sketch.਍ഀ 37. Please include Level 1 in the exit analysis. This sheet does not appear to be included.਍ഀ See sheets G030 thru G034 for exiting information.਍ഀ 38. Amend plan to comply with approach clearance to the door into the Steam Room 8147.਍ഀ Door to Steam Room B147 complies with the approach clearance (18") per ANSI 404 on sheet A302.਍ഀ 39. Wall types shown separating units on sheet A304 terminates a 2 hour wall at a wall with no਍ഀ construction type designated. Revise walls to form a complete separation.਍ഀ Only a one-hour fire resistive wall is required. A two-hour wall is shown for sound control.਍ഀ 40. Provide approach clearances (18") on the pull side of doors: B180, B1 77B, B1 77A, B122 and 13135.਍ഀ (ANSI 404)਍ഀ C:ADOCUME-I\dhoppALOCALS-I\TeropAB - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 7 of 7਍ഀ Doors 13180, 1317713, 13177A, 13122 and 13135 show approach clearances (18") on the pull side per਍ഀ ANSI 404 on sheets 1/A101 and 1/A301.਍ഀ 41. Provide drinking fountains on spa level sheet A101.਍ഀ Restrooms on Spa level 1 are private (for members only); the Spa Owner will provide water per਍ഀ his/her operation. On Spa second floor close to restrooms B206 and B206 one ADA compliant਍ഀ Electrical Water Cooler is provided as shown on sheet A304.਍ഀ 42. Fireplaces that are capable of burning wood must be enclosed within 1 hour shaft. (TOVBR)਍ഀ Spa and Guest Rooms fireplaces are provided with gas burning artificial logs; they have a direct vent਍ഀ system shown on sheet 1/A902 and 1/A201. See also VFD Commercial Manual - Section 10305਍ഀ `Manufactured Fireplaces and flues' and Slifer Interior design Manual Sheet A-1.਍ഀ 43. Doors 13122 and 13135 need to have 18" on the pull side of the door਍ഀ See response to comment #40.਍ഀ Mechanical Comments:਍ഀ 44. Provide make-up air to chiller room M103਍ഀ Make-up air has been added. Refer to sheet M101 of the Building A set.਍ഀ 45. Clearly show the fireplace venting for community room B150. Show the location of vent piping and਍ഀ location of the termination.਍ഀ Direct vent systems shown on 1/A902 and 1/A201. See also VFD Commercial Specification Section਍ഀ 10305 - Manufactured Fireplaces and Flues.਍ഀ 46. Provide specification/venting for fireplace which is next to hot tub in couple treatment room 13171.਍ഀ Clearly show the location of vent piping and the location of vent termination.਍ഀ See response to comment #45.਍ഀ 47. Provide protection of duct openings located at B106 corridor and 13109 corridor. Dampers are shown਍ഀ on one side of the corridor, but not the other.਍ഀ Fire/smoke dampers have been shown in the 2-hour wall penetration. See sheet M101.਍ഀ Electrical comments:਍ഀ 48. Identify detail note 4 on sheet DE101.਍ഀ Detail note 4 has been eliminated from sheet DE101.਍ഀ 49. DE101 - (FACP, MDCA, 5th floor lodge disconnect) - Provide change over plan that will not affect਍ഀ existing building function of the Lodge.਍ഀ The change over for MDCA and the fifth floor meter center is being completed under a separate਍ഀ permit.਍ഀ 50. Feeder 26 to Pool Panel (E002) is rated 230A - load is 255 and OCPD is 300A...change to feeder 24਍ഀ for this so conductors are rated for load and next higher OCPD rating is acceptable. 215.2(A)(1)਍ഀ The load for the pool panel has been reduced to 179 amps per pool consultant documents. The load਍ഀ summary on sheet E002 has been revised, and the OCPD serving the pool panel has been reduced਍ഀ to 225A/3P.਍ഀ 51. SG-1, SG-2 to be protected at MFR recommendations-provide MFR instructions (sheets E001/002-਍ഀ Steam Generator)਍ഀ See modified Note #1 on Equipment Schedule, E001.਍ഀ CADOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-1\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019. DOC Page 8 of 8਍ഀ 52. Wiring in guestrooms to be other than NM - construction type per building code prohibits this wiring਍ഀ method. 334.10 and code analysis਍ഀ Specification Section 16110.3.01 has been modified to eliminate the use of NM cable.਍ഀ 53. Spa EPO's (E101) not to be less than 5' from spa (680.41)਍ഀ See modified plan E101. EPO switches have been relocated and note has been added.਍ഀ Energy Code Review Comments:਍ഀ Envelope Corn Check਍ഀ 54. The roof area of the conditioned spaces that are covered by landscape infill material do not appear to਍ഀ be included in the com-check. Clarify.਍ഀ See attached Envelope Compliance Certificate.਍ഀ 55. Identify plan sheets showing insulation at the slab on grade which would be required to allow a਍ഀ continuous R-value.਍ഀ Insulation has been deleted from calculation. See attached Envelope Compliance Certificate.਍ഀ 56. Architectural plan sheets show a concrete tile roofing material rather than the metal roof with thermal਍ഀ breaks as referenced on the com-check. Detail roof type insulation and any required thermal breaks.਍ഀ Reference to metal roof has been changed. See attached Envelope Compliance Certificate.਍ഀ Mechanical Com Check਍ഀ 57. Provide HVAC load calcs per 1997 ASHRAE.S਍ഀ See attached Load Calcs for your reference.਍ഀ 58. Indicate on plan sheets the approved methods of sealing the duct joints.਍ഀ Duct joint sealing is covered in specification section 15880 2.01 C. & 15880 3.01 G & H.਍ഀ 59. Provide calculations showing compliance for outside air required by Chapter 403 of the 2003 IMC.਍ഀ See outside air calculation matrix on sheet M101.਍ഀ Structural Comments:਍ഀ See attached Structural Comments from Monroe & Newell Engineers.਍ഀ Contact Person:਍ഀ Matthew Royer਍ഀ Building Official/ Project Manager਍ഀ Colorado Inspection Agency਍ഀ 970-328-1790਍ഀ matt. royer@ coinspect.com਍ഀ Plans Examiners and Engineers:਍ഀ Barry Kramer- Building Official਍ഀ Todd Dunkin- Electrical Plans Examiner਍ഀ Dennis Lohmeier- Plumbing Plans Examiner਍ഀ Duskin Lowe- Plans Examiner਍ഀ James P. Horne, P.E., S.E. - Structural Review Project Manager਍ഀ C:\DOCUME-I\dhopp\LOCALS-I\Temp\B - Response to ToV-b06-0019.DOC Page 9 of 9਍ഀ s਍ഀ l਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ I਍ഀ p਍ഀ D਍ഀ s਍ഀ p਍ഀ oN਍ഀ 3 r~਍ഀ VAIL਍ഀ S F਍ഀ O਍ഀ D O 4R਍ഀ e਍ഀ s਍ഀ s਍ഀ N਍ഀ ਍ഀ s਍ഀ w਍ഀ 9਍ഀ M਍ഀ III llt oz o~਍ഀ ° ~ z a਍ഀ .L Y਍ഀ -il:~:~t;_';.i.਍ഀ G9 ' At਍ഀ fr ~਍ഀ 1 1਍ഀ April 3, 2006਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ 4240 Architecture਍ഀ 1621 Eighteenth Street, Suite 200਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202਍ഀ Attn: Randy Hart਍ഀ Re: Vail's Front Door (M&N # 5500.02) Spa - Building B਍ഀ BUILDING PERMIT B06-0019਍ഀ Dear Mr. Hart:਍ഀ Vail, Colorado਍ഀ Denver, Colorado਍ഀ Dillon, Colorado਍ഀ The following are our responses to the structural portions of The Town of Vail Building਍ഀ Department comments for the above building, dated March 10, 2006. We have included the਍ഀ original comment with each response. Our responses are noted with "M&N Response".਍ഀ S 1. C/DC Calcs p. RB2: Snow drifting / sliding loads do not appear to have been considered for the਍ഀ balconies, please verify these loads are accounted for.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Roof framing is designed to comply with the Town of Vail amendments to the 2003਍ഀ International Building Code. These amendments do not require an increase in loading਍ഀ due to wind or valleys.਍ഀ S2. F 1/5001 Rebar in elevator pit footing is not identified in the detail or on plan.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised section.਍ഀ .1'/A,਍ഀ 2006 Platinum Sponsor਍ഀ The Colorado Chapter of਍ഀ The American Institute of Architects਍ഀ www.monroe-newell.com਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street * Suite 200 • Denver, Colorado 80202਍ഀ (303) 623-4927 • FAX (303) 623-6602 • email denverginonroe-newell.com਍ഀ S3. F I/SOOI Long way footing rebar in the exterior footing is not identified. Is detail 4/SOOI਍ഀ intended to be a typical detail for all strip footings? If so please reference 4/5001 as such਍ഀ in other details and on plan.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised section.਍ഀ S4. F 2/5001 Gravel fill below SOG is not specified, verify drainage requirements per soils਍ഀ report are coordinated with the other structures. Elevator sump in the pits seems਍ഀ required.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Slab on grade construction to be in accordance with the soils report per the General Note਍ഀ Item 5A. Please refer to revised section.਍ഀ S5. F 2/5001 Length and width dimensions are not on plans or the section, please provide.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised section.਍ഀ S6. F 1 O/5001 Show detail of how cast in place concrete stairs are supported at the concrete਍ഀ walls (ref. also 5101). Consider nosing & tread "L" bars for durability and freeze thaw਍ഀ conditions.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised sections and plans.਍ഀ ST D I &2/5002 Sections identify 2" metal deck" while plans say 1 %2" deck- coordinate the਍ഀ drawings. Verify if deck is composite deck or non-composite deck. Verify also bottom਍ഀ flutes are wide enough to receive composite studs as required. Suggest galvanized &਍ഀ vented deck on any slabs exposed to weather.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised sections.਍ഀ SBA.LS There do not appear to be any lateral analysis calculations in the submitted calcs਍ഀ package. Please submit lateral calculations for review. See comment S8 as well.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised calculations.਍ഀ S8. LS S I00 / calcs/ drawings IBC 3403.2 states basically that any additions /alterations to਍ഀ existing structures shall not increase forces in any existing structural element by more਍ഀ than 5% without demonstrating current code compliance for such structural elements. By਍ഀ inspection, this addition appears to be more than a 5% addition to the existing Lodge in਍ഀ terms of mass and exposed area for wind forces. Further, gravity loads have been਍ഀ increased in some areas due to new steel framing supported on existing walls. Please਍ഀ demonstrate by structural calculation that this %5 rule is not exceeded, or provide਍ഀ calculations for the following:਍ഀ a) Details 24/S002, 22/S002, 6/S003, 10/S003, 13/S002: verify capacity of existing਍ഀ CMU and / or precast bearing walls. Verify allowable soil bearing pressure is not਍ഀ exceeded.਍ഀ b) Details 4&5/S002: verify lateral out of plane capacity of existing walls has not਍ഀ been completely removed during demolition, that structure on opposite side਍ഀ braces bearing walls out of plane and lateral diaphragm to wall connections have਍ഀ not been compromised਍ഀ c) It appears that lateral wind and seismic calculations are required for the਍ഀ completed entire Lodge building (existing plus new construction), as well as the਍ഀ local re-entrant corners in the addition itself, due to the IBC 5% rule noted਍ഀ above. This could be done demonstrating that as much or more lateral strength਍ഀ and stiffness is added to the structure with the addition than previously existed,਍ഀ however structural calculations are required to verify this. Check diaphragm /਍ഀ drag forces through connections to the existing structure, verify soil pressure at਍ഀ ends of lateral shear walls, verify lateral drifts, and other typical lateral਍ഀ calculations.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ a) New loads being applied to the existing structure are similar to existing loads.਍ഀ This is due to roughly the same footprint for the existing and new construction਍ഀ therefore, the existing structure will need to resist no additional loading.਍ഀ b) Demolition of existing wood kickers will increase out of plane capacity of਍ഀ existing precast walls. Details 4&5/S002 will transfer no additional load to਍ഀ existing wall.਍ഀ C) The addition shown on the structural plans has roughly the same footprint as the਍ഀ existing building that is to be demolished and therefore will add no additional਍ഀ load to the existing structure. The new addition utilizes separate lateral system਍ഀ to support itself therefore, no additional calculation on the existing structure are਍ഀ required.਍ഀ S9. D S 101 Structural slab shown as "RE: Building A, S104..." shows many large steps in਍ഀ the finished elevation in Building B drawings, ref. line 12.0 near Q.6. No such steps are਍ഀ shown in the Building A package, Sheet 5104. Verify if these steps are accomplished by਍ഀ over framing of some kind, and how the finished raised floor elevation is supported.਍ഀ Provide details of this over framing if our interpretation is correct.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans and added section 15/S003.਍ഀ S 10. D S 101 Verify point loads from any large tubs or masonry is considered in building A਍ഀ slab design.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Additional loads have been coordinated with Building "A" drawings and calculations.਍ഀ S 11. D 7,8,9,10/S002 Seems open end CMU is required at the base instead of lintel blocks਍ഀ shown; also, no accessories are shown for supporting slab rebar: CRSI says accessories਍ഀ will not be furnished unless specifically required by contract documents. Verify਍ഀ additional #4 @ 12" o.c. are positioned in the middle of slab on deck - seems they਍ഀ should be in the low flutes?਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised sections.਍ഀ S12. D 1/S001 General comment for project: verify horizontal reinforcing in CMU bearing਍ഀ walls is only the wire ladder reinforcing per general notes. No horizontal bars appear to਍ഀ be called out in CMU walls. Also, verify that these are typically partially grouted CMU਍ഀ walls above grade, per General Notes below grade CMU is fully grouted. Suggest਍ഀ clarify if CMU in the parking structure is fully grouted (this is below grade but still an਍ഀ interior condition... please clarify)਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to General Notes item 9D and revised plans.਍ഀ S13. D 12/S002 the section indicates a steel beam supported by a connection below an 18"਍ഀ concrete slab (per Building A drawings)- verify reaction used for this connection design਍ഀ includes column transfer loads from columns above (ie calcs p. FB 101, beams FB32,਍ഀ FB30 are not included in the calculations, we can not verify that transfer loads have been਍ഀ included.) Also, verify connection of embeds conforms to IBC Table 1912.2. Provide਍ഀ calculations.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised calculations.਍ഀ S14. D 9/S002 Design deck support connection at Bldg. A slab edge - should detail 6/S002 be਍ഀ referenced for use in 9/S002? Note also rebar between slab on metal deck and concrete਍ഀ slab at Bldg. A is not likely to be placed in this way due to formwork obstruction.਍ഀ Suggest reconsider this detail.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised section.਍ഀ S15. C S102: calcs p FB26, floor beam FB 15: calc shows W 12x14, beam per plan in਍ഀ calculations (FB101) is W 14x35; beam per drawings is W 14x26 - please verify beam਍ഀ size per plan is correct.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Beam per S 102 is correct. Please see revised calculation and key plan.਍ഀ S 16.D S 102: beam W 12x 14 near grids 13.8/S.2 at south side of "open" area is not framed as਍ഀ such in calculations, FB 101. Seems a detail is required at east end of this beam @਍ഀ existing structure.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans, revised calculation and key plan.਍ഀ S17. D 13/S002 Suggest 1" grout for full bearing under this base plate਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S18. D 14/5002 & 23/5002 Verify these sections are cut on plan - we can't locate them.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ 14/5002 is cut on S 103. 23/5002 is added to S 101, please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S19. D 9/5003 We feel the steel fabricator can not design this steel to CMU connection: first,਍ഀ there are no loads provided; second, this is not a standard steel to steel connection where਍ഀ tables apply. Third, snow plus snow drift plus sliding snow must be used for loads, as਍ഀ applicable. At the very least, the FOR needs to design the embed at top of CMU, and਍ഀ also consider the moment cranked into the top of CMU wall by the eave beam. Provide਍ഀ calculations.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans and calculations for embed plate. Shear connection to be਍ഀ per fabricator according to General Notes. Please refer to response to S 1 for snow਍ഀ loading.਍ഀ 520. D 10/5003 We can not locate calculations for this header connection. Verify grout in the਍ഀ cells adjacent to the new header is not required for the capacity: it is unclear how these਍ഀ cells will be grouted prior to demolition without further direction on the detail. Further,਍ഀ sequencing notes are required regarding temporary shoring (if these are bearing walls਍ഀ above, loads are required to design the temporary shoring) Please address these issues.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised calculations.਍ഀ 521. D 5003, trusses 1,2,and 3: There does not seem to be enough information on the drawings਍ഀ to detail or fabricate these trusses; does not seem that calculations have been provided.਍ഀ Verify trusses are laterally supported by the roof framing / roof deck.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans and calculations.਍ഀ 522. D S 101 Clarify three elevations shown at two ramps near V.7/12.9- the info appears to਍ഀ conflict.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ 523. D 5102 Callout on v.7/13.9 for detail 11/5001: this detail does not exist.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S24. D S102 Seems a section is required at the beam/ CMU wall connection @ U.5/15.6: this਍ഀ is a fairly complicated cantilevered area.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans, added section 14/S003 and calculations.਍ഀ S25. D S 101, S 102, S 103 Verify fire rating requirements for slabs on deck (deck and concrete਍ഀ alone appear to be unrated).਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Beams and decking receive sprayed on fireproofing per Architectural details. 4 '/z" slab਍ഀ meets all fire rating types.਍ഀ S26. D 5102: detail 15/S002 cut on line 15.6 does not exist; detail cut through south wall of਍ഀ building is not labeled, please fix these call outs.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Detail 15/S002 is correctly labeled and detail is now included on S002. Detail on south਍ഀ wall not required. Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S27. D S 103 Several references this sheet refer to 1" 18 ga. composite deck. We are not aware਍ഀ of such a deck that is commonly used (ie Vulcraft) - do you mean form deck਍ഀ (noncomposite)? Please clarify.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Decking is 1 '/2" similar to other composite slabs. Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S28. D S 103, note 8: #2 ties need a diagram or a defined bend shape. Verify #2 bars are਍ഀ commonly used in this instance, or specify 1/4" diameter wire.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S29. D S 103 provide CMU column calculations; verify requirements of MSJC for columns are਍ഀ satisfied. Are these column intended to act as lateral piers? If so, provide combined਍ഀ lateral / gravity calculations for worst-case column / pier.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised calculations.਍ഀ S30.LS S104 Verify roof deck welding attachment specified on 5001 for lateral loads. Verify਍ഀ attachment to existing building is sufficient for lateral load transfers expected from the਍ഀ new to existing building. Sections 6&11/S003 do not appear to attach the roof diaphragm਍ഀ to the existing floor diaphragm at all - seems a lateral connection or diaphragm chord is਍ഀ required. Provide calcs.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ New structure has separate lateral system therefore existing structure supports only਍ഀ gravity loading. Please refer to revised calculation.਍ഀ S31. D S 104 / A200, A201: it appears that the existing building is much taller than this addition,਍ഀ however it does not appear snow drift or sliding snow has been considered in these਍ഀ designs. Further, please verify unbalanced snow loads have been considered for the new਍ഀ roof over the addition. (ASCE 7-02 7.6, 7.7, 7.9)਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to the response to Item S 1.਍ഀ 532. D 5701 Please identify several of the framing members that are not sized.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ 533. D 5701 Seems details are required at various "existing" and "precast" landings to show਍ഀ how stairs, landings, and walls interconnect.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Please refer to revised plans.਍ഀ S34. D 5701 Stair BS05: verify steel channels and precast landing is supported on the east side਍ഀ by a 6" light gauge stud wall. Provide details.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ Precast stair is supported by masonry walls. Please refer to revised plan and added਍ഀ section.਍ഀ 535. D D101-D102 Verify that existing structural elements will be shored for the full design਍ഀ loading at occupied space & roof above during demolition and construction, as directed਍ഀ by the FOR or other registered P.E. in Colorado. Gravity and lateral loads should be਍ഀ considered.਍ഀ M&N Response:਍ഀ The design for the temporary shoring is a Means and Methods question for the General਍ഀ Contractor therefore not part of the scope of work for the EOR. The General Contractor਍ഀ should hire a register Professional Engineer in Colorado to design a shoring system to਍ഀ carry existing design loading. This design may then be reviewed by the FOR for਍ഀ compliance to the project requirements.਍ഀ End of Comment Responses.਍ഀ If you have any questions or comments, please call.਍ഀ Very truly yours,਍ഀ MO ROE NEWELL ENGINEERS, INC.਍ഀ Peter D. Monroe, P.E.਍ഀ Principal਍ഀ I਍ഀ F਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS਍ഀ For:਍ഀ Vail's Front Door਍ഀ Building "B"਍ഀ Spa Guestroom Suite Addition਍ഀ Permit B06-0019਍ഀ Vail, Colorado਍ഀ M&N #5500.02਍ഀ Vail, Colorado਍ഀ Denver, Colorado਍ഀ Dillon, Colorado਍ഀ These drawings and calculations are the property of Monroe & Newell En-rineers, Inc. Any use or਍ഀ reproductions of these calculations without the expressed written permission of Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc. is strictly prohibited.਍ഀ **P.E. stamp on sheet applies to the following calculation pages and indicates that have been reviewed.਍ഀ This includes all sheets attached to this cover.਍ഀ April 3, 2006਍ഀ iW1~~i਍ഀ =1਍ഀ 2006 Platinum Sponsor਍ഀ The Colorado Chaptcr of਍ഀ The American Institute of Architects਍ഀ www.monroe-newelLcom਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street • Suite 200 • Denver, Colorado 80202਍ഀ (303) 623-4927 • FAX (303) 623-6602 . email: denver@monroe-newelLcom਍ഀ _ '2.~._਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ PAM If.T 20,4-1 Milli, Rh-l Ml IP,ddM%਍ഀ JOB i - _਍ഀ SHEET NO. OF~ '਍ഀ CALCULATED BY DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ crni਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ IT)਍ഀ Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ Job # 5500.02਍ഀ Date: 12:21 PM, 31 MAR 06਍ഀ , -7਍ഀ Rev: 580009਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Page 1਍ഀ (0)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software 5500.ecw:Misc I਍ഀ Description Exterior Stair support Beam਍ഀ General information Code Ref: ACI 318-02, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000਍ഀ Span 35 50 ft f'c 5,000 psi਍ഀ Depth 24.000 in Fy 60,000 psi਍ഀ Width 12.000 in Concrete Wt. 145.0 pcf਍ഀ Seismic Zone 0਍ഀ End Fixity Pinned-Pinned਍ഀ Beam Weight Added Internally Live Load acts with Short Term਍ഀ Reinforcing਍ഀ Rebar @ Center of Beam... Rebar @ Left End of Beam... Rebar @ Right End of Beam...਍ഀ Count Size 'd' from Top Count Size 'd' from Top Count Size 'd' from Top਍ഀ #1 8 8 21.50in #1 in #1 in਍ഀ Note: Load factoring supports 2003 IBC and 2003 NFPA 5000 by virtue of their references to ACI 318-02 for concrete design.਍ഀ Factoring of entered loads to ultimate loads within this program is according to ACI 318-02 C.2਍ഀ Uniform Loads਍ഀ v a਍ഀ Dead Load Live Load Short Term਍ഀ Star; End਍ഀ #1 1.088 k 0.550 k k 0.000 ft 35.500 ft਍ഀ Beam Design OK਍ഀ Span = 35.50ft, Width= 12.00in Depth = 24.00in਍ഀ Maximum Moment : Mu਍ഀ 451.20 k-ft਍ഀ Allowable Moment: Mn*phi਍ഀ 499.07 k-ft਍ഀ Maximum Deflection਍ഀ -1.7101 in਍ഀ P.1axi .u.. Shear : Vu਍ഀ 45.96 k਍ഀ M਍ഀ ax Reaction @ Left਍ഀ 34.22 k਍ഀ Allowable Shear:. Vn*phi਍ഀ 75.89 k਍ഀ M਍ഀ ax Reaction @ Right਍ഀ 34.22 k਍ഀ Shear Stirrups...਍ഀ Stirrup Area @ Section 0.440 i਍ഀ n2਍ഀ Region 0:000਍ഀ 5.917਍ഀ 11.833਍ഀ 17.750 23.667਍ഀ 29.583 35.500 ft਍ഀ Max. Spacing 10.750਍ഀ 10.750਍ഀ 10.750਍ഀ 10.750 10.750਍ഀ 10.750 10.750 in਍ഀ Max Vu 45.959਍ഀ 34.164਍ഀ 17.082਍ഀ 16.675 16.675਍ഀ 33.757 45.552 k਍ഀ Bending & Shear Force Summary਍ഀ Bending... Mn*Phi਍ഀ Mu, Eq. C-1਍ഀ Mu, Eq. C-2਍ഀ Mu, Eq. C-3਍ഀ @ Center 499.07 k-ft਍ഀ 451.20 k -ft਍ഀ 338.40 k-ft਍ഀ 195.37 k-ft਍ഀ @ Left End 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ @ Right End 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ 0.00 k-ft਍ഀ Shear... Vn*Phi਍ഀ Vu, Eq. C-਍ഀ Vu, Eq. C-,਍ഀ Vu, Eq. C4਍ഀ @ Left End 75.89 k਍ഀ 45.96 k਍ഀ 34.47 k਍ഀ 19.90 k਍ഀ @ Right End 75.89 k਍ഀ 45.55 k਍ഀ 34.16 k਍ഀ 19.72 k਍ഀ Deflection਍ഀ Deflections...਍ഀ Upward਍ഀ Downward਍ഀ DL + [Bm Wt]਍ഀ 0.0000 in਍ഀ at 0.0000 ft਍ഀ -1.2184 in਍ഀ at 17.7500ft਍ഀ DL + LL + [Bm Wt]਍ഀ 0.0000 in਍ഀ at 0.0000 ft਍ഀ -1.7101 in਍ഀ at 17.7500ft਍ഀ DL + LL + ST + [Bm Wt]਍ഀ 0.0000 in਍ഀ at 0.0000 ft਍ഀ -1.7101 in਍ഀ at 17.7500ft਍ഀ Reactions...਍ഀ @ Left਍ഀ @ Right਍ഀ DL + [Bm Wt]]਍ഀ 24.459 k਍ഀ 24.459 k਍ഀ DL + LL + [Bm Wt]਍ഀ 34.222 k਍ഀ 34.222 k਍ഀ DL + LL + ST + [Em Wt]਍ഀ 34.222 k਍ഀ 34.222 k਍ഀ -਍ഀ ivionroe & Neweii Engineers, inc.਍ഀ Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa਍ഀ Job # 5500.02਍ഀ j਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street; Suite 200਍ഀ Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Date: 12:21 PM, 31 MAR 06਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202਍ഀ Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ ਍ഀ J਍ഀ 303.623.4927਍ഀ Scope਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ Rev: 580009਍ഀ User. 6238, Ver5.8.0, 7-Dec-2਍ഀ ai1oc1.OAAI.onnv cnicervl਍ഀ 003 Concrete Rectangular਍ഀ c~a,,~.e਍ഀ & Tee Beam Design਍ഀ Page 2 h਍ഀ SSOO.ecw:btisc਍ഀ Description Exterior Stair support Beam਍ഀ Section Analysis਍ഀ Evaluate Moment Capacity...਍ഀ Center਍ഀ Left End਍ഀ Right End਍ഀ X : Neutral Axis਍ഀ 9.290 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ a = beta' Xneutral਍ഀ 7.432 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ Compression in Concrete਍ഀ 379.032 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ Sum [Steel comp. forces]਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ Tension in Reinforcing਍ഀ -379.200 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ Find Max As for Ductile Failure...਍ഀ X-Balanced਍ഀ 12.724 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.0000 in਍ഀ Xmax = Xbal ' 0.75਍ഀ 9.543 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ a-max = beta ' Xbal਍ഀ 10.180 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ Compression in Concrete਍ഀ 389.369 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ Sum [Steel Comp Forces]਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ Total Compressive Force਍ഀ 389.369 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ 0.000 k਍ഀ AS Max = Tot Force / Fy਍ഀ 6.489 in2਍ഀ 0.000 in2਍ഀ 0.000 in2਍ഀ Actual Tension As਍ഀ 6.320 OK਍ഀ 0.000 OK਍ഀ 0.000 OK਍ഀ Additional Deflection Calcs਍ഀ _ a਍ഀ Neutral Axis਍ഀ 9.530 in਍ഀ ~Mcr਍ഀ 50.91 k-ft਍ഀ (gross਍ഀ 13,824.00 in4਍ഀ Ms:Max DL + LL਍ഀ 303.72 k-ft਍ഀ !cracked਍ഀ 9;977.53 in,^਍ഀ R1 = (Ms:DL+LL)(v"Gr਍ഀ 0.168਍ഀ Elastic Modulus਍ഀ 4,030.5 ksi਍ഀ Ms:Max DL+LL+ST਍ഀ 303.72 k-ft਍ഀ Fr = 7.5 " f'cA.5਍ഀ 530.330 psi਍ഀ R2 = (Ms:DL+LL+ST)/Mcr਍ഀ 0.168਍ഀ Z:Cracking਍ഀ 127.990 Win਍ഀ Leff... Ms(DL+LL)਍ഀ 9,995.647 in4਍ഀ Leff... Ms(DL+LL+ST)਍ഀ 9,995.647 in4਍ഀ Eff. Flange Width਍ഀ 12.00 in਍ഀ ACI Factors (per ACI 318-02, applied internally to entered loads) 101਍ഀ -1 _਍ഀ ACI C 1 & C 2 DL਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1.400਍ഀ ACI C 2 Group Factor 0.750 Add"I "1.4" Factor for Seismic 1.400਍ഀ ACI C-1 & C-2 LL਍ഀ 1.700਍ഀ ACI C-3 Dead Load Factor 0.900 Add" l "0.9" Factor for Seismic 0.900਍ഀ ACI C-1 & C-2 ST .਍ഀ 1.700਍ഀ ACI C-3 Short Term Factor 1.300਍ഀ ....seismic = ST ` :਍ഀ 1.100਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa job # 5500.02਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE Date: 12:21 PM, 31 MAR 06਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202 Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope:਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ mev: bdw`Ja਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Concrete Rectangular & Tee Beam Design Page 3 I਍ഀ (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software 5500 ecw 11isc਍ഀ Description Exterior Stair support Beam਍ഀ Sketch & Diagram਍ഀ a਍ഀ 50.3 355 7.10਍ഀ 10.65 !14.20 17.75 21.30 24.85 28.40 31.95 355038 , 1 355 9.10 10.65 i4.2017.75 21.30 2d.85 28.40 31.95 35.50਍ഀ WfiIiiiiii; nnnrn6,r Ii, rn rnrn iir਍ഀ 1.638k/II 2C+3-.਍ഀ 15 = _਍ഀ lal਍ഀ uu0਍ഀ 7 -7਍ഀ W .਍ഀ u.0਍ഀ i਍ഀ 3n 4t਍ഀ i .20 17 :਍ഀ - -਍ഀ :15.13਍ഀ Mu:Max=d51.20k-ft਍ഀ :30.26;਍ഀ - -਍ഀ ;22.69 : -਍ഀ Dmax = 1.71 Olin਍ഀ ;-40.35਍ഀ :਍ഀ 130 26 -਍ഀ Rmax = 34.222k਍ഀ Rmax = 34 Load (k)਍ഀ Loch e AI'nq f lember_(1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ Shear Load (k) Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ ~਍ഀ Vu-Max=45.959k਍ഀ Vu Max= 20 5 710਍ഀ 0. a_ 14<I s i.-.0 24.85 28.40 31.95 3਍ഀ 1 2'.30 24.85 28.40 31.95 3550਍ഀ 55033840355 7.10 7065਍ഀ 406.081਍ഀ 304.56''.਍ഀ 360.96:਍ഀ 270.72' - -਍ഀ -਍ഀ 315.84'਍ഀ - -਍ഀ 236.88 - -਍ഀ 27072:਍ഀ 203.04਍ഀ T25 60਍ഀ 169.20਍ഀ 80.1E਍ഀ 2਍ഀ ReAumg Moment (k 1.t)਍ഀ ~J Location Along Member (ft) J਍ഀ 6e.-4,* Moment tk )t) ~ Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ Beare Sketch਍ഀ Stresse਍ഀ s for ACI C-1 Combination਍ഀ Stresses for ACI C-2 Combination਍ഀ ?2.91 356 710 10.65 14.20 1 7.76 21 .30 24.95 28.40 31 95 35 50 3a '..155 ' 70਍ഀ W.6 14.20 !17.7 21 30 24.85-A40 31.95 - 35.5C14- - 10 41C `120 !17,75-21 -0-24.35 2840 31.95-35.50਍ഀ C਍ഀ 1321- r-_-਍ഀ . 1=69਍ഀ 03਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ y਍ഀ 13'8'.਍ഀ "20.3-਍ഀ .17.16.਍ഀ ,਍ഀ She r load (kl਍ഀ Shear Load W location el਍ഀ o.਍ഀ '8.73਍ഀ 03. 3.55 7.10਍ഀ 10 6 I 2 0 _h 7 4_ AO' 31 95 35.6 303.723.55 7.70 10 5 ;I1 0 7._21 1 35 28.40" 3195 36.50 17਍ഀ _13਍ഀ 10,਍ഀ 273.35 :਍ഀ ਍ഀ 273.35',;਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ 242498! :਍ഀ - _਍ഀ 24298. -਍ഀ : ! ! I਍ഀ 212,60:___਍ഀ 212.60਍ഀ _਍ഀ 782.23਍ഀ -਍ഀ ]822: -਍ഀ Shear Load O k r Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ 161.86 -਍ഀ 191:਍ഀ 195.373.55 7.10 10.65 .1=1 J, 75 21 30 24.85 28.40 31.95਍ഀ 35.50਍ഀ 175.83!਍ഀ -਍ഀ 91.1 °਍ഀ 60 7s਍ഀ 60.-1਍ഀ 156301਍ഀ 3C 3'਍ഀ .-137਍ഀ 138.76਍ഀ Be .,P਍ഀ e s 1'਍ഀ 11c `IC 9i਍ഀ 5਍ഀ s 0-5 t6਍ഀ B 0vm o :-q - go..Al t hor o਍ഀ 10 13674 l਍ഀ 521 3C X185 2840-i'35਍ഀ 50਍ഀ SS਍ഀ UJ਍ഀ 00 ~਍ഀ N 7.22 - -਍ഀ or਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ =਍ഀ n਍ഀ .਍ഀ .o਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ 97਍ഀ 69਍ഀ 031਍ഀ 3;਍ഀ .਍ഀ 78.75਍ഀ 0.68਍ഀ :0.68਍ഀ -0.86਍ഀ !0.86 -਍ഀ -਍ഀ ਍ഀ -1.03 :਍ഀ '1.03 .਍ഀ 39.07਍ഀ -਍ഀ - -਍ഀ =120਍ഀ -1.37 !਍ഀ ,਍ഀ -1.37 .਍ഀ _਍ഀ 54਍ഀ s4 ! -਍ഀ eeHdit Moment (k-ft) Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ Local "y" Deflection (in)਍ഀ Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ Local "y" Deflection (in) Location Along Member (ft)਍ഀ Stresses for ACI C-3 Combination਍ഀ Stresses for Service Dead + Live Loads਍ഀ Stresses for Dead+Live+Short Term Loads਍ഀ L,਍ഀ N਍ഀ G਍ഀ C਍ഀ O਍ഀ O਍ഀ w਍ഀ G਍ഀ G4਍ഀ c'਍ഀ W਍ഀ C!]਍ഀ r਍ഀ Q~਍ഀ _U਍ഀ a~਍ഀ c਍ഀ • c਍ഀ C਍ഀ L਍ഀ f y਍ഀ ti਍ഀ C਍ഀ a਍ഀ 1਍ഀ c਍ഀ c਍ഀ Q਍ഀ C਍ഀ 0਍ഀ Q਍ഀ ra਍ഀ z਍ഀ 1n+਍ഀ d਍ഀ F਍ഀ L਍ഀ U਍ഀ ti਍ഀ t1਍ഀ 9਍ഀ s਍ഀ O n'਍ഀ 0਍ഀ c਍ഀ Gl਍ഀ :E਍ഀ W਍ഀ R਍ഀ O਍ഀ C਍ഀ 3਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ @L i 3਍ഀ q ,n ,b਍ഀ zNcooco਍ഀ Cl r, M਍ഀ ਍ഀ y .਍ഀ c਍ഀ N M ~ ~ a 3 ~ - `ey਍ഀ ~ O 4਍ഀ r਍ഀ . 4਍ഀ .i y.਍ഀ P• 3 yF x x਍ഀ .s N O਍ഀ q n to਍ഀ ~M G1C0਍ഀ ~M f q x਍ഀ 01 q਍ഀ M M਍ഀ r਍ഀ =O਍ഀ r ,਍ഀ O਍ഀ J L਍ഀ v •~;v; o਍ഀ v਍ഀ v਍ഀ kM° M:-O਍ഀ tox~o ~y,ZNtox਍ഀ rnc+y਍ഀ .L~ N G਍ഀ C T t਍ഀ M N ri x਍ഀ M਍ഀ t'਍ഀ 3 n਍ഀ N CD਍ഀ v ~਍ഀ M਍ഀ CJ ~਍ഀ ~ M਍ഀ M਍ഀ C ~਍ഀ L਍ഀ ~t਍ഀ a਍ഀ O਍ഀ L.L਍ഀ m ~਍ഀ w~਍ഀ I 1਍ഀ ZN o~y਍ഀ My°x਍ഀ f਍ഀ 4 ~਍ഀ Y t~਍ഀ "r G1਍ഀ r` A ~ N਍ഀ M t+਍ഀ N C਍ഀ r ~ l7 Q਍ഀ M q q਍ഀ M M਍ഀ 7਍ഀ 2002 Lat/Lon Lookup Output!਍ഀ w-- " U S G S਍ഀ ssreua fare charrgirt wand਍ഀ LOCATION 39.63992 Lat. -106.37400 Long.਍ഀ The interpolated Probabilistic ground motion values, in %g,਍ഀ at the requested point are:਍ഀ 10%PE in 50 yr 2%PE in 50 yr਍ഀ PGA 4.90 15.08਍ഀ 0.2 sec SA 10.47 28.41਍ഀ 1.0 sec SA 2.60 6.79਍ഀ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -਍ഀ SEISMIC HAZARD: Hazard by Lat/Lon. 2002਍ഀ http://egint.er.us-s.gov/eq-men/egi-bin/find-11-2002-interp-06.cgi਍ഀ Page 1 of 1਍ഀ 12-਍ഀ n~਍ഀ 3/30/2006਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ 'r Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc. sHE_T NO. OF਍ഀ CALCULATED BY DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ J਍ഀ .਍ഀ i਍ഀ "l਍ഀ a.. :e ley਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ r਍ഀ ✓,s _਍ഀ ਍ഀ r਍ഀ z - 6 ~w [਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1 ?਍ഀ /'I ~I r rr਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ t਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ t਍ഀ .............................f.........................................i..........਍ഀ >਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ...i.;...਍ഀ ਍ഀ h਍ഀ l਍ഀ ਍ഀ J਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ' j f { E i਍ഀ :਍ഀ 's !਍ഀ 1਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ :਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ...i.................._...............਍ഀ _਍ഀ -਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ _਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ,਍ഀ .਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ t਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ y਍ഀ ;਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ' _ _਍ഀ t਍ഀ /਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ L਍ഀ ਍ഀ y਍ഀ :਍ഀ ਍ഀ :਍ഀ i i 4......_.਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ i~਍ഀ i਍ഀ I '਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ :਍ഀ ਍ഀ ;਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ k.!਍ഀ r it^਍ഀ ਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ r'਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ OF਍ഀ CALCULATED BY DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ SCALE਍ഀ ਍ഀ C਍ഀ - r਍ഀ A....਍ഀ ਍ഀ f j਍ഀ v਍ഀ rc t. i਍ഀ ~਍ഀ l 1. 6 44 a M i਍ഀ Y ~਍ഀ - 1਍ഀ ਍ഀ t਍ഀ a਍ഀ J n ny o~਍ഀ t਍ഀ ✓ rL਍ഀ _ , .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ I ~਍ഀ `7 C 2਍ഀ -71਍ഀ ..Y਍ഀ .਍ഀ I e਍ഀ a਍ഀ ਍ഀ r^O _ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ (tom j਍ഀ a਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Sing a Sheets) 2051 (Padded)਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 2051 (Padded)਍ഀ JOB ii਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ OF਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ CALCULATED BY਍ഀ CHECKED BY਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ CALCULATED BY਍ഀ OF਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ SCALE਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ . : .਍ഀ /7.. t਍ഀ Y.. -਍ഀ . . .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ J਍ഀ l਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ (਍ഀ ਍ഀ p਍ഀ ਍ഀ `਍ഀ Wit਍ഀ J}਍ഀ f਍ഀ ,.AA ]਍ഀ Yr'਍ഀ I E I਍ഀ 3 u z? `਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ a =਍ഀ ਍ഀ -਍ഀ - ^.--_-_--.m਍ഀ - .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ....................:_.._........._......._..i..............>.਍ഀ it਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ t਍ഀ I਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ -਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ f਍ഀ Z਍ഀ ਍ഀ ?਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ _G C. :~.i~.i......,._ F~7~._.਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 Single Sheets) 2059 (Padded)਍ഀ jq Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1 (Padded)਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ CALCULATED BY਍ഀ CHECKED BY਍ഀ OF਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ MASONRY Concrete Masonry Design System਍ഀ National Concrete Masonry Association਍ഀ Prjct: VFD - SPA Name: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Topic: Masonry Wall Bending j Date: 04-03-06਍ഀ Page: Chkd:਍ഀ Design of a Reinforced Masonry Wall with Cut-of-Plane Loads਍ഀ Using the 1999 MSJC ASD Design Code਍ഀ Material and Construction Data਍ഀ 8 in. CMU, Partial grout, running bond਍ഀ Wall Weight = 48.4 psf (From Tables)਍ഀ Type S mortar Masonry cement / Air-entrained PCL Mortar, Coarse Grout਍ഀ CMU Concrete Density= 115 pcf਍ഀ Unit Compressive Strength = 1900 psi਍ഀ f'm = 1500 psi (From Tables)਍ഀ Em = 900f'm = 1350000 psi਍ഀ Wall Design Details਍ഀ TI Ilc'r ,ess = 7. oGS 11 I.਍ഀ Height = 156 in. (Simply Supported Wail, Effective height = H)਍ഀ x = 3.813 in.਍ഀ #5 Bars, Grade 60਍ഀ Reinforcement Spacing = 24 in. On-Center਍ഀ Wall Support: Simply Supported Wall਍ഀ Specified Load Components਍ഀ Load P (lb) e (in)਍ഀ W1(psf)਍ഀ W2 (psf)਍ഀ L (in)਍ഀ h1 (in)਍ഀ h2 (in)਍ഀ Dead 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Live 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Soil 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Fluid 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Wind 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Seismic 0 0਍ഀ 31.48਍ഀ 31.48਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Roof 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Rain 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Snow 0 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 156਍ഀ Controlling Load Cases਍ഀ MASONRY Concrete Masonry Design System਍ഀ National Concrete Masonry Association਍ഀ Prjct: VFD - SPA i Name: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Topic: Masonry Wall Bending Date: 04-03-06਍ഀ j Page: Chkd:਍ഀ Section Forces with Controlling Flexure and Axial Load--0.9D + E਍ഀ x/H = 0.530 from bottom of wall਍ഀ V = -12.2772 lb/ft਍ഀ ML = 7951.4514 lb-in,/ft਍ഀ P = 266.152 lb/ft at en = 0 in਍ഀ MT = ML + Pen = 7951.4514 lb-in/ft਍ഀ Moment Capacity = 16748.7 lb-in/ft (1395.725 lb-ft/ft) at this axial load਍ഀ Shear Capacity= 1324.5805 lb/ft਍ഀ The wall is adequate for these critical section forces.਍ഀ Section Forces with Controlling Shearing Force--D + L + L- + S + R + E਍ഀ x/H = 0.000 from bottom of wall਍ഀ V = 204.62 lb/ft਍ഀ ML = 0 lb-in./ft਍ഀ P=629.2 lb/ft at en=0in਍ഀ MT = ML + Pen = 0 lb-in/ft਍ഀ Moment Capacity = 17207.105 lb-in/ft at this axial load਍ഀ Shear Capacity= 1324.5805 lb/ft਍ഀ The wall is adequate for these critical .section forces.਍ഀ These were found to be load cases that controlled the design.਍ഀ The flexural, shear and axial forces shown are those occuring਍ഀ at the critical section for the case controlled by flexure and਍ഀ at the critical section for the case controlled by shear.਍ഀ The following design calculations are for the section with controlling bending moment਍ഀ Section Design Forces Used਍ഀ V = -12.2772 Ib/ft (Computed from Loads)਍ഀ ML = 7951.4514 lb-in./ft (Computed from Loads)਍ഀ P = 266.152 lb/ft at e = 0 in (Computed from Loads)਍ഀ ;਍ഀ Computed Design Values਍ഀ Note: 1/3 stress increase was used਍ഀ Effective Width = 24 in.਍ഀ Wah IM(Ith - A 4I'Q in nn nffnntkia਍ഀ MASONRY Concrete Masonry Design System਍ഀ National Concrete Masonry Association਍ഀ Prjct: VFD - SPA Name: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Topic: Masonry Wall Bending ! Date: 04-03-06਍ഀ Page: Chkd:਍ഀ Allowable Shearing Force = 1324.58 lb/ft਍ഀ The wall is adequate in shear਍ഀ Required As = 0.1244 in2 each reinforced cell (0.06218 in2/ft) OK਍ഀ d = 3.813 in.਍ഀ n = 21.48਍ഀ kbalanced = 0.3092਍ഀ ibalanced = 0.8969਍ഀ k = 0.2263਍ഀ j = 0.9246਍ഀ rmax kCompression) = 41348.9 Ibs (20674.5 ibs/ft) OK਍ഀ P,~ (Tension) = 9920 Ibs (4960 Ibs/ft) OK਍ഀ I -11਍ഀ The wall has adequate capacity.਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ r਍ഀ I-,਍ഀ JOB 1l਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ OF 5` L: 3਍ഀ CALCULATED BY DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ SCALE਍ഀ _਍ഀ i਍ഀ L-4 - ~Z,L1i'਍ഀ I.਍ഀ ਍ഀ G P਍ഀ i਍ഀ 55 "7 T ; j਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ; .਍ഀ t਍ഀ i਍ഀ r w਍ഀ I਍ഀ c C 1 ~ ' f r"~ t F਍ഀ k,s4. IS਍ഀ ਍ഀ j਍ഀ ਍ഀ n਍ഀ °਍ഀ Q 1 ( J਍ഀ 4 . .਍ഀ L਍ഀ n਍ഀ 1਍ഀ _਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ a਍ഀ 1਍ഀ _ i .._i...਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ChL਍ഀ _਍ഀ Q~.......਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1਍ഀ ਍ഀ '਍ഀ ਍ഀ -਍ഀ 1਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ \0਍ഀ AV਍ഀ € C i €਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ t਍ഀ . .਍ഀ ਍ഀ v .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ r਍ഀ ~਍ഀ i J਍ഀ ਍ഀ t~,c਍ഀ .਍ഀ ~਍ഀ T਍ഀ EA -r,਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ U਍ഀ i਍ഀ .਍ഀ r~......਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ r~......਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ J਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheels) 205-1 (Padded)਍ഀ A Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1(PZdded)਍ഀ If C਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ CALCULATED BY਍ഀ CHECKED BY਍ഀ OF S;7,਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ 4 • , TtNO਍ഀ O VATIO ER,FY)਍ഀ 4 5 14 .9਍ഀ 1 15਍ഀ G 0 .1 s OPEt'1 -਍ഀ _ W8 G e਍ഀ G,OX30 A - za B~ M(~਍ഀ L/aNDI-਍ഀ W12 _ _਍ഀ ET਍ഀ (8116'-6 I0" X ._V, tOXL,਍ഀ X2਍ഀ STRINOER z I Y~ N MN UP _ -਍ഀ COL-U਍ഀ V, 2. . V4,DAI਍ഀ :''.I~i•਍ഀ C 2~°v Wit' ..I,•'I;਍ഀ V40 AIo਍ഀ _3 I/2") - - _ ,N,~ la਍ഀ ( - I਍ഀ 13,'5`1 .,his- 81b2'਍ഀ HSS 5X3X1/-4 4 t e.2a, TO਍ഀ P OF 4਍ഀ ~c•'਍ഀ N RETE਍ഀ GOLUMN UP W1'4 TS 3X / M THIGH GO਍ഀ -i J I , .tt HANG gLAB E-_-'਍ഀ _ : ?ell / :10 W,2X14 f'~jl 22 GA`O ►TE਍ഀ GpMPOS GICINO਍ഀ Ilia V 3਍ഀ ►-►SS 1/2 7E, t.,tETAI- pE਍ഀ ,A q.,:'1 • • • a਍ഀ N UP਍ഀ i:::: c• GOLUM਍ഀ (8151..;, UP਍ഀ ~.C~ _ F:::.::: X{axe?'•. MCP T? 3'-0 ' GOt-UI IN਍ഀ HSS 5(3X1/4 , py •i 1.3_ .a~-- GOLU -਍ഀ - 4਍ഀ COLUMN UP W5 j~t~s}.:.: 18. y I t~rnJR FR~~ W l tom`਍ഀ pT 1y~1 it- 1 O~਍ഀ W q (22f 1~ 1਍ഀ 0 V4 (t4 (3਍ഀ G਍ഀ P:>1 ) TY IGA►- ~r S 4X4(1/2਍ഀ Gpt_UMN UP਍ഀ Wtp~c►2 (818i' 12' HS਍ഀ ►4਍ഀ O V2਍ഀ ~p GA5T I਍ഀ 1 PLACE਍ഀ GONCR I toX~2 5 4X`4XP I _ -਍ഀ STAIRSa ~v UMN U4 - tya ~,al਍ഀ REe SI La' " X53 Wl਍ഀ ,g )CIO /0\3਍ഀ ell,਍ഀ 5 Fch °(L2 q,a?,l ~L W12(I4਍ഀ X12਍ഀ WIO s W12~ -਍ഀ S. Q 5 ~ ,r T਍ഀ U ~ -਍ഀ ~ . c.~2 I r1 • _਍ഀ ; 1 1;ti~ 1 - SEC 11{r fv,'L'S t2 XI਍ഀ - - - r t tn110X p3 3_਍ഀ -►4 Xf1 H 5 N -਍ഀ - F 13 GOLUM਍ഀ yIlOX12 HSS 6(3X1/਍ഀ - = S ~ N UP਍ഀ i 1 _ (I pLU WXj4਍ഀ JA-਍ഀ ਍ഀ R k 14A3 1a ' Gpt-UrtN Aj,lly UF' Iq Y16X~ 4 I਍ഀ _ X 1਍ഀ 4 ( H U N W x►4 5 (3X1/s4 V4 A3 ~ ~ , f _ _ Is਍ഀ R W~ -4~il~w H~ ~~:7_~- - 1 I,~~X►O r bk਍ഀ • 1 ¢ O OPEN-.~------"਍ഀ _j 1- 0਍ഀ Mt3t UP - w~ - , JW-0, THkG4c r਍ഀ Q.6 OF TE 51-p6 1 - E ! ca 1~਍ഀ - , 1 G, pNG ~1਍ഀ Fp C.਍ഀ '30 1 0 !3 r _਍ഀ 1 1 140'਍ഀ 1 _਍ഀ - --Q '-4 ' O r - 11 Y~਍ഀ ~ i-1 - - IE5 1 a਍ഀ V ETE c~਍ഀ Z 1਍ഀ P eFT1 C, 1R01I r._=਍ഀ ~ `J 1 ~ ?a ,---~~-i I 1 1 ~ I \ TO, I ~ 1-~ vl ~ ~਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnrl Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202 Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope:਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ Job # 5500.02਍ഀ Date: 8:19AM, 3 APR 06਍ഀ Rev: 580001 Page 1਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Composite Steel Beam਍ഀ (c)1983.2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software 5500 acw Revised Calcs਍ഀ Description Floor Beam - FB15 - REVISED਍ഀ Design Input਍ഀ Code Ref: AISC 9th ASD 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC 2003 NFPA 5000 s਍ഀ `਍ഀ Section Name W1-4X26 Fy 50.00 ksi਍ഀ Beam Span 10.000 ft਍ഀ f'c 3,500.00 psi਍ഀ Beam Spacing 15.000 ft਍ഀ Concrete Density 145.00 pcf਍ഀ Slab Thickness 4.500 in਍ഀ Stud Diameter 0.750 in਍ഀ Deck Rib Height 1.500 in਍ഀ Stud Height 3.000 in਍ഀ Rib Spacing 6.000 in਍ഀ Beam Weight Added Internally਍ഀ Rib Width 1.750 in਍ഀ Using Partial Composite Action਍ഀ Rib Orientation Parallel਍ഀ Elastic Modulus 29,000.00 ksi਍ഀ Beam Location Slab Both Sides਍ഀ (applied before 75% curing)਍ഀ Dead Loads਍ഀ Full Span Uniform Loads...਍ഀ Point Loads...਍ഀ #1 0.525 k/ft਍ഀ #1 1.700 k 6.000ft਍ഀ # 2 k/ft਍ഀ # 2 1.640 k 6.000ft਍ഀ Live Loads ( applied after 75% curing)਍ഀ Grill Span Uniform Loads... -਍ഀ - `Pei- Loads...਍ഀ #1 0.750 k/ft਍ഀ # 1 2.250 k 6.000 ft਍ഀ # 2 k/ft਍ഀ #2 2.250 k 6.000 ft਍ഀ L਍ഀ fFF਍ഀ Summary਍ഀ OK Shored & Unshored਍ഀ Using: W14X26, Span = 10.00ft, Slab Thickness =਍ഀ 4.500in, Deck਍ഀ Rib Ht= 1.50in, Rib Spac= 6.00in, Rib Width= 1.75in w/ Slab E਍ഀ Stress Checks for Shored & Unshored Cases...਍ഀ @ Bottom of Beam Actual =਍ഀ 9,315.7 psi਍ഀ Allowable = 33,333.0 psi OK਍ഀ Unshored DL Stress Actual =਍ഀ 4,983.6 psi਍ഀ Allowable = 33,333.0 psi OK਍ഀ Actual Shear Stress Actual =਍ഀ 3,160.3 psi਍ഀ Allowable = 20,000.0 psi OK਍ഀ Unshored Stress Check....਍ഀ (Mdl/Ss + MII/Strans) Actual = 10,340.9 psi Allowable = 45,000.0 psi OK਍ഀ MII / Strans(top) Actual = 220.3 psi Allowable = 1,575.0 psi OK਍ഀ Alternate Unshored Stress Check : (Mdl + MII) / Ss 11,728.5 38,000.0 psi਍ഀ Shored Concrete Stress Check (Mdl + M11) / (Strans:tcp ' n) 383.0 1,575.0 psi਍ഀ Shear Studs & Shear Transfer਍ഀ Actual # Studs 4 per 1/2 beam span਍ഀ Stud Capacity 8.75 k V'h : min 38.35 k਍ഀ Total req'd 1/2 Span 5studs Vh @ 100% 153.40k Vh : Used 35.00 k਍ഀ Zone 1 from਍ഀ 0.000 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 2.000 ft , Use਍ഀ 1 studs਍ഀ Zone 2 from਍ഀ 2.000 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 4.000 ft , Use਍ഀ 2 studs਍ഀ Zone 3 from਍ഀ 4.000 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 6.000 It , Use਍ഀ 1 studs਍ഀ Zone 4 from਍ഀ 6.000 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 7.333 It , Use਍ഀ 1 studs਍ഀ Zone 5 from਍ഀ 7.333 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 8.667 it , Use਍ഀ 1 studs਍ഀ Zone 6 from਍ഀ 8.667 ft਍ഀ to਍ഀ 10.000 ft , Use਍ഀ 2 studs਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa Job # 5500.02਍ഀ IT) 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE Date: 8:19AM, 3 APR 06਍ഀ Description : I odge Expansion਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope:਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ ReV., 580001 Page 2 01਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Composite Steel Beam 5500. ecw:Revised Calcs਍ഀ (-)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software਍ഀ Description Floor Beam - FB15 - REVISED਍ഀ Deflections਍ഀ ਍ഀ . _਍ഀ ,਍ഀ ..v r਍ഀ I : Transformed 699.88 in4਍ഀ s਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ _਍ഀ v਍ഀ Effective 462.2Ein4਍ഀ Shored਍ഀ Unshored਍ഀ Before 75 % Curing 0.018 in਍ഀ (after shores removed) 0.033 in਍ഀ Construction Loads Only 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ After 75% Curing 0.024 in਍ഀ 0.024 in਍ഀ Total Uncured Deflection 0.018 in਍ഀ L/6768.6਍ഀ 0.033 in L / 3587.2਍ഀ Composite Deflection 0.042 in਍ഀ L/2874.1਍ഀ 0.057 in L / 2088.3਍ഀ Reactions਍ഀ ma਍ഀ ra਍ഀ Load Combinations... @ Left਍ഀ @ Riqht਍ഀ Dead + Constuction 4.09 k਍ഀ 4.76 k਍ഀ Composite 5.55 k਍ഀ 6.45 k਍ഀ Max DL + LL 9.64k਍ഀ 11.21 k਍ഀ Analysis Values਍ഀ Maximum ivIloments਍ഀ a=ffective Flange Width...਍ഀ Dead Load Alone 14.63 k-ft Fb਍ഀ : Allow਍ഀ 33.00 psi Based on Beam Span 2.500 ft਍ഀ Dead + Const 14.63 k-ft n :਍ഀ Strength਍ഀ 8.60 Based on Beam Spacing 15.000 ft਍ഀ Live Load Only 19.80 k-ft n :਍ഀ Deflection਍ഀ 8.51਍ഀ Dead + Live 34.43 k-ft਍ഀ Effective Width 2.500 ft਍ഀ Support Shears਍ഀ Shear @ Left਍ഀ 9.64 k਍ഀ Shear @:Right਍ഀ 11.21 k਍ഀ Section Properties਍ഀ Section Name਍ഀ W14X26਍ഀ Depth਍ഀ 13.910 in਍ഀ Ixx : Steel Section਍ഀ 245.00 in4਍ഀ Width਍ഀ 5.025 in਍ഀ I transformed਍ഀ 697.88 in4਍ഀ Flange Thick਍ഀ 0.420 in਍ഀ Strans : top਍ഀ 125.42 in3਍ഀ Web Thick਍ഀ 0.255 in਍ഀ Strans : bot਍ഀ 54.33 in3਍ഀ Area਍ഀ 7.690 in2਍ഀ Strans : eff @ bot਍ഀ 44.35 in3਍ഀ Weight਍ഀ 26.121 #/ft਍ഀ n'Strans : Ef @ top਍ഀ 673.5 in3਍ഀ I-steel਍ഀ 245.00 in4਍ഀ X-X Axis from Bot਍ഀ 12.85 in਍ഀ S steel : top਍ഀ 35.23 in3਍ഀ Vh @ 100%਍ഀ 153.40 k਍ഀ S steel : bottom਍ഀ 35.23 in3਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ I II 1 ~ti਍ഀ ਍ഀ 1_-.਍ഀ II_਍ഀ 1 0 1 ~ X਍ഀ 1 t v਍ഀ 11 / II a਍ഀ I਍ഀ _ w਍ഀ 1 0 ~ )਍ഀ 20~'r Fr ' ~ .Ip^^਍ഀ I - 1਍ഀ ,ih,W. V' I਍ഀ yoo਍ഀ X10 t ' s 1਍ഀ X+0 P (1਍ഀ vie਍ഀ 8X10 ca O O਍ഀ + X a k. c 1. s਍ഀ ਍ഀ IVF਍ഀ 1 6਍ഀ ' rcr; 2fg~ `'..i '਍ഀ C਍ഀ wt3~--' ~ bit a1 `y> , yil਍ഀ c,W{ s਍ഀ 1 10X਍ഀ - I...਍ഀ 1 ~ 1਍ഀ 1 iiN O਍ഀ y.112•X1A਍ഀ + W8?oQ ^3 , U਍ഀ _ 5 1਍ഀ 1 1~ tli~p~... ~ X v+਍ഀ I _ U - lA ``,,`t U+ 1 1਍ഀ O~ 1'Q 1^11_ -਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ 1 ~਍ഀ P ' O਍ഀ 1 +਍ഀ • 1਍ഀ O I਍ഀ f 1਍ഀ 1਍ഀ c~਍ഀ rx਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa Job # 5500.02਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE Date: 8:33AM, 3 APR 06਍ഀ Denver, CO 80202 Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ 5 i°..਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ Rev: 580006 6਍ഀ User: KW-0606238,Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Steel Beam Design Page 1਍ഀ (0)1983-2003 ENERCALC Enqineerinq Software 5500.ecw:Revised Cads਍ഀ Description Roof Beam - RB40਍ഀ General Information Code Ref. AISC 9th ASD, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000਍ഀ Steel Section W8X10 Fy 50.00ksi਍ഀ Pinned-Pinned Load Duration Factor 1.00਍ഀ Center Span 3.50 ft Bm Wt. Added to Loads Elastic Modulus 29,000.0 ksi਍ഀ Left Cant. 0.00 ft LL & ST Act Together਍ഀ Right Cant 0.00 ft਍ഀ Lu : Unbraced Length 3.50 ft਍ഀ Distributed Loads Note! Short Term ads Are WIND Loads.਍ഀ #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6#7਍ഀ DL 0.360 k/ft਍ഀ LL 1.200 k/ft਍ഀ ST k/ft਍ഀ Start Location ft਍ഀ End Location ft਍ഀ Summary਍ഀ Beam OK਍ഀ Static Load Case Governs Stress਍ഀ Using: W8X10 section, Span= 3.50ft, Fy = 50.Oksi਍ഀ End Fixity = Pinned-Pinned, Lu = 3.50ft, LDF = 1.000਍ഀ Actual਍ഀ Ak\/~,able਍ഀ Moment 2.404 k-ft਍ഀ 19.525 k-ft਍ഀ Max. Deflection਍ഀ -0.006 in਍ഀ fb : Bending Stress 3.694 ksi਍ഀ 30.000 ksi਍ഀ Length/DL DO਍ഀ 30,025.4: 1਍ഀ fb / Fb 0.123 : 1਍ഀ Length/(DL+LL Defl)਍ഀ 7,076.8: 1਍ഀ Shear 2.748 k਍ഀ 26.826 k਍ഀ fv : Shear Stress 2.048 ksi਍ഀ 20.000 ksi਍ഀ fv / Fv 0.102 : 1਍ഀ Force & Stress Summary਍ഀ <<--These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted »਍ഀ DL LL LL+ST LL LL+ST਍ഀ Maximum Only @ Center @ Center @ Cants @ Cants਍ഀ Max. M + 2.40 k-ft 0.57 2.40 k-ft਍ഀ Max. M -਍ഀ k-ft਍ഀ Max. M @ Left਍ഀ k-ft਍ഀ Max. M @ Right਍ഀ k-ft਍ഀ Shear @ Left 2.75 k਍ഀ 0.65਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ k਍ഀ Shear @ Right 2.75 k਍ഀ 0.65਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ k਍ഀ Center Defl. -0.006 in਍ഀ -C.CC1਍ഀ -0.006਍ഀ -0.006਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ Left Cant DO 0.000in਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ Right Cant DO 0.000 in਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ ...Query Defl @ 0.000 ft਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000਍ഀ 0.000 in਍ഀ Reaction @ Left 2.75਍ഀ 0.65਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ k਍ഀ Reaction @ Rt 2.75਍ഀ 0.65਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ 2.75਍ഀ k਍ഀ Fa calc'd per Eq. E2-1, K'L/r < Cc਍ഀ I Beam, Major Axis, L/rT < (102,000' Cb / Fy)਍ഀ ^.5, Fb = 0.6਍ഀ Fy (F3)਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa Job # 5500.02਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE Date: 8:33AM, 3 APR 06਍ഀ Description :Lodge Expansion਍ഀ Deriver, CO 80202਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope:਍ഀ Fax: 303.623.6602਍ഀ Rev: 580006 Page 2 A਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver 5.8.0, 1-Dec-2003 Steel Beam Design਍ഀ (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Enaineerina Software 5500.ecw:Revised Calcs਍ഀ Description Roof Beam - RB40਍ഀ Section Properties਍ഀ W8X10਍ഀ Depth਍ഀ 7.890 in਍ഀ 'Weight਍ഀ 10.05 #/ft਍ഀ Web Thick਍ഀ 0.170 in਍ഀ Ixx਍ഀ 30.800 in4਍ഀ Width਍ഀ 3.940 in਍ഀ lyy਍ഀ 2.090 in4਍ഀ Flange Thick਍ഀ 0.205 in਍ഀ Sxx਍ഀ 7.810 in3਍ഀ Area਍ഀ 2.96 in2਍ഀ Syy਍ഀ 1.060 in3਍ഀ Rt਍ഀ 0.990 in਍ഀ R-xx਍ഀ 3.220 in਍ഀ Values for LRFD Design.... R-yy 0.841 in਍ഀ 1 0.040 in4 Zx 8.870 in3਍ഀ Cw 30.90 in6 Zy 1.660 in3਍ഀ K 0.505 in਍ഀ Sketch & Diagram਍ഀ 2.40਍ഀ 1.92਍ഀ - LG`8 i਍ഀ 1 i~177i7i T7777T7T7iiTT1Ti 17 77777777 777T77Ti1i, 1.~a'klt 144਍ഀ I .al 0.72਍ഀ 0.48਍ഀ 021:਍ഀ 0 O. i1 x.59 1.04 1.3? 1.74 21.09 2.45 21.20 3:15 3.5਍ഀ i ~ E'i+.`It+1111+J t,'I411YBItiS਍ഀ Location (ft i਍ഀ O 3.6R D r ty਍ഀ Vmax = 2.4k-ft 1.33਍ഀ Dmax = -0.006in 1.37਍ഀ 64਍ഀ 0.0਍ഀ Rmax = 2.748k Rmax = 2.748k਍ഀ p n8਍ഀ Vmax ®left = 2.748k Vmax B rt = 2.7 43਍ഀ 1 377਍ഀ Vi -2.04਍ഀ •2.73਍ഀ B+,am਍ഀ -0.00਍ഀ •0.00਍ഀ -O.UO਍ഀ O.UO਍ഀ C -0.00਍ഀ -0.C1਍ഀ m -U.U1਍ഀ u਍ഀ [1ef le+.~਍ഀ Location fttl਍ഀ Location rft)਍ഀ Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. Title : Vail's Front Door - Spa਍ഀ 1701 Wynkoop Street, Suite 200 Dsgnr: Arthur Ashworth, PE਍ഀ Denver, CO $0202 Description : Lodge Expansion਍ഀ 303.623.4927 Scope:਍ഀ Fax: 303,623.6602਍ഀ i਍ഀ Job # 5500.02਍ഀ Date: 8:43AM, 3 APR 06਍ഀ Rev: 580007਍ഀ User: KW-0606238, Ver5.8.0, 1-Cec-2003 Multi-Span Steel Beam Page 1਍ഀ (c)1983-2003 ENERCALC Engineering Software਍ഀ 5500.ecv:Revised Calcs:਍ഀ Description Roof Beam - RB41਍ഀ General Information਍ഀ Code Ref: AISC 9th ASD, 1997 UBC, 2003 IBC, 2003 NFPA 5000਍ഀ Fy - Yield Stress 50.00 ksi਍ഀ Load Duration Factor 1.00਍ഀ Spans Considered਍ഀ Continuous Over Supports਍ഀ Span Information਍ഀ Description਍ഀ Left Span਍ഀ Right Span਍ഀ Cant਍ഀ Span਍ഀ ft਍ഀ 4.00਍ഀ 4.00਍ഀ 6.50਍ഀ Steel Section਍ഀ WSX15਍ഀ waxes਍ഀ wsxle਍ഀ End Fixity਍ഀ Pin-Pin਍ഀ Pin-Pin਍ഀ Pin-Pin਍ഀ Unbraced Length਍ഀ ft਍ഀ 4.00਍ഀ 4.00਍ഀ 4.00਍ഀ Loads਍ഀ E;਍ഀ -਍ഀ Live Load Used This Span ?਍ഀ Yes਍ഀ Yes਍ഀ Yes਍ഀ Dead Load਍ഀ k/ft਍ഀ 0.060਍ഀ 0.060਍ഀ 0.060਍ഀ Live Load਍ഀ kilt਍ഀ 0.200਍ഀ 0.200਍ഀ 0.200਍ഀ F Results਍ഀ Mmax @ Cntr਍ഀ k-tt਍ഀ 0.39਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 92਍ഀ @ X =਍ഀ ft਍ഀ 1.73਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ .਍ഀ 3.86਍ഀ Max @ Left End਍ഀ k-fti਍ഀ U0਍ഀ -0.27਍ഀ -i.00਍ഀ Max @ Right End਍ഀ k-fti਍ഀ -0.27਍ഀ -1.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ fb : Actual਍ഀ psi;਍ഀ 398.8਍ഀ 1,010.2਍ഀ 1,010.2਍ഀ Fb : Allowable਍ഀ psi਍ഀ 30,000.0਍ഀ 30,000.0਍ഀ 30,000.0਍ഀ fv : Actual਍ഀ Sending OK਍ഀ Bending OK਍ഀ Bending OK਍ഀ psi਍ഀ 295.8਍ഀ 353.0਍ഀ 502.4਍ഀ Fv:Allowable਍ഀ psi,਍ഀ 20,000.0਍ഀ 20,000.0਍ഀ 20,000.0਍ഀ Reactions & Deflections਍ഀ 611਍ഀ Shear @ Left k਍ഀ 0.45਍ഀ 0.34-਍ഀ ~W 1.00਍ഀ Shear @ Right k਍ഀ 0.59਍ഀ 0.70਍ഀ 0.69਍ഀ Reactions...਍ഀ DL @ Left k਍ഀ 0.10਍ഀ 0.21਍ഀ 0.39਍ഀ LL @ Left k਍ഀ 0.35਍ഀ 0.71਍ഀ 1.31਍ഀ Total @ Left k਍ഀ 0.45਍ഀ 0.93਍ഀ 1.70਍ഀ DL @ Right k਍ഀ 0.21਍ഀ 0.39਍ഀ 0.16਍ഀ LL @ Right k਍ഀ 0.7.1਍ഀ 1.31਍ഀ 0.53਍ഀ Total @ Right k਍ഀ 0.93਍ഀ 1.70਍ഀ 0.69਍ഀ Max. Deflection in਍ഀ -0.001਍ഀ 0.001਍ഀ -0.004਍ഀ @ X = ft਍ഀ 1.89਍ഀ 2.64਍ഀ 3.55਍ഀ Span/Deflection Ratio I਍ഀ 64,621.8਍ഀ 86,859.8਍ഀ 18,200.5਍ഀ Query Values਍ഀ Location਍ഀ ft'਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ Shear਍ഀ k਍ഀ 0.45਍ഀ 0.34਍ഀ 1.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ Moment਍ഀ k-ft ;਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ -0.27਍ഀ -1.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ 0਍ഀ 00਍ഀ Max. Deflection਍ഀ in j਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ .਍ഀ 0.0000਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ L.਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1 (Padded)਍ഀ JOB Ff'਍ഀ SHEET NO.਍ഀ CALCULATED BY਍ഀ CHECKED BY_਍ഀ OF਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ A਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Sheets) 205-1 (Padded)਍ഀ ,J਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET NO਍ഀ O F਍ഀ CALCULATED BY 4>~਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ SCALE਍ഀ ਍ഀ 'i ".7 g਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ as .਍ഀ ਍ഀ d .਍ഀ i.਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ Ink/:਍ഀ ਍ഀ r਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ i਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ e _਍ഀ ( f਍ഀ ਍ഀ _rr. . .਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ C`਍ഀ ਍ഀ : E..਍ഀ 2਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ _਍ഀ i਍ഀ .਍ഀ . _਍ഀ d਍ഀ 1 .਍ഀ ....i ..,-k`~..:.m'. t",.^;;,~,:਍ഀ ਍ഀ -਍ഀ ਍ഀ I਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET਍ഀ OF 2-! 1'਍ഀ CALCULATED BY- DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY DATE਍ഀ Column Worksheet਍ഀ For Axial Compression and Bending਍ഀ Job Name: Vail's Front Door - Spa਍ഀ M&N # 5500.02਍ഀ Column Truss Columns਍ഀ HSS਍ഀ [4x4x.25਍ഀ Area਍ഀ 3.37਍ഀ in^2਍ഀ Ix਍ഀ 7.8਍ഀ in^4਍ഀ ly਍ഀ 7.8਍ഀ in^4਍ഀ Sx਍ഀ 3.9਍ഀ in^3਍ഀ Sy਍ഀ 3.9਍ഀ in^3਍ഀ Axial Load਍ഀ 8 kip਍ഀ x-x Load਍ഀ 8਍ഀ kip਍ഀ y-y Load਍ഀ 0.00਍ഀ kip਍ഀ x-x Len਍ഀ 7.00਍ഀ ft਍ഀ y-y Len਍ഀ 7.00਍ഀ ft਍ഀ Cmx਍ഀ -1.00਍ഀ Cmy,਍ഀ 1.00਍ഀ Kxlx/rx਍ഀ 55.26਍ഀ Kyly/ry਍ഀ 55.26਍ഀ Fax਍ഀ 21.97਍ഀ ksi਍ഀ fax਍ഀ 2.37਍ഀ ksi਍ഀ Fbx਍ഀ 30.36਍ഀ ksi਍ഀ fbx਍ഀ 4.10਍ഀ ksi਍ഀ Fex਍ഀ 48.90਍ഀ ksi਍ഀ fa/Fax਍ഀ 0.11਍ഀ Use H1-3਍ഀ H1-1਍ഀ HI-2਍ഀ H1-3਍ഀ 0.25 < 1.0਍ഀ 0.22 < 1.0਍ഀ 0.24 < 1.0਍ഀ Column Size OK਍ഀ Fy 4.6 ksi਍ഀ rx 1.52 in਍ഀ ry 1.52 in਍ഀ x-x e 0.00 in 2.00 in Total ex਍ഀ y-y e 0.00 in 2.00 in Total ey਍ഀ x-x K 1.0 16.00 kip-in M max x-x਍ഀ y-y K 1.0 0.00 kip-in M max y-y਍ഀ Cc 111.6 '਍ഀ Fay 21.97 ksi਍ഀ fay 2.37 ksi਍ഀ Fby 30.36 ksi਍ഀ fby 0.00 ksi਍ഀ Fey 48.90 ksi਍ഀ fa/Fay 0.11਍ഀ Use H1-3਍ഀ Please note that there may਍ഀ be differences in maximum਍ഀ capacity compared to ASD਍ഀ 9th edition. This is due਍ഀ to revised section proporties਍ഀ shown in HSS Connections Manual਍ഀ Monroe & Newell਍ഀ / Engineers, Inc.਍ഀ JOB਍ഀ SHEET਍ഀ OF S'~- - i਍ഀ CALCULATED BY ! ~'N DATE਍ഀ CHECKED BY਍ഀ DATE਍ഀ SCALE਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ G v਍ഀ Y ~~1਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ . i਍ഀ i _਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ i a਍ഀ ਍ഀ _਍ഀ ~'rT਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ;਍ഀ 1਍ഀ J਍ഀ . . s਍ഀ .਍ഀ .਍ഀ :਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~i਍ഀ 4਍ഀ 0਍ഀ X਍ഀ w..਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~i਍ഀ ~L਍ഀ ~ (਍ഀ ਍ഀ . .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~ ~ ~ L਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ r਍ഀ !mac'.-'਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ 19਍ഀ IL s਍ഀ .....n਍ഀ It i਍ഀ .............................i_..........਍ഀ 7(15਍ഀ .._i.............'............. :..............5._......._.;...........1..........J .਍ഀ J,~~~ ~v-਍ഀ ਍ഀ Cry਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ .਍ഀ ਍ഀ ਍ഀ PRODUCT 204-1 (Single Shees) 205-1(Padded)਍ഀ i i`rrL LL਍ഀ r Monroe oe & Newell Joe਍ഀ f Il-' En~cers, Inc, s~e~,-~:a,_਍ഀ CALCULATED਍ഀ CHECXr:D BY਍ഀ ~ ! SCk~E਍ഀ i਍ഀ PAGE 64਍ഀ OF T"਍ഀ ~P.TE਍ഀ DATA=਍ഀ i਍ഀ r਍ഀ !਍ഀ ਍ഀ ~'aoouTaas.~ (siw.as~n,~rof~i [A+~nl਍ഀ 11਍ഀ ਍ഀ !਍ഀ