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Design Review Boardഀ ACTION FORMഀ 700 OF VEഀ C..C5ik3'~fJhiTY C~'eL U.du E1~`4Tഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ te1:970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: Ritz-Carlton Temp. Const. Sign DRB Number: DRB090016ഀ Project Description:ഀ Participants:ഀ TEMPORARY SITE DEVELOPMENT SIGN: CONSTRUCTION FENCING SIGN FOR RITZ-CARLTON.ഀ INCLUSION OF ONE TEMPORARY SITE CONSTRUCTION SIGN INTO THE CONSTRUCTION SITEഀ SCREENING.ഀ OWNER RCR LLC 01/26/2009ഀ PO BOX 959ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ APPLICANT RCR LLC 01/26/2009ഀ PO BOX 959ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ Project Address: 728 W LIONSHEAD CR VAIL Location: RITZ-CARLTONഀ Legal Description: Lot: 2 Block: Subdivision: WEST DAY SUBDIVISIONഀ Parcel Number: 2101-072-1700-2ഀ Comments: See Conditionsഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPPഀ Second By:ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 01/27/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond: 201ഀ (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS.ഀ Cond:202ഀ (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year followingഀ the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction isഀ commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion.ഀ Cond: CON0010546ഀ The applicant shall not install more than one temporary site development sign perഀ frontage for a total of three at the site. The temporary site development sign shallഀ not exceed 42" by 53" for a total of 15.46 square feet.ഀ Cond: CON0010547ഀ All other images depicted on the construction fencing shall be "life style" imagesഀ which do not reference the project or product for sale. There shall be no additonalഀ Ritz-Carlton logos on the screen. The Ritz-Carlton logo shall only apprear withinഀ the area dedicated to the temporary site development sign.ഀ Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $65.40ഀ m r r - ~ഀ 'i tiഀ #pplication for Design Reviewഀ u~ Sign Applicationഀ TUAI V I Lഀ Gef erff-Information: This application is required for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. All signs re-ഀ quire Design Review approval. Applicable Vail Town Code sections can be reviewed on-line at www.vailgov.com underഀ Vail Information-Town Code On-line (Title 11 Signs). An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until allഀ required information is received by the Community Development Department. Design R view approval lapses unlessഀ sign is installed within one year of the approval. 50 *7 Fee: $50 PLUS $1.00 per square foot of total sign areaഀ Business/ Building Name: Ktz- If." C0^,rf'E"4-,v^ 'T~nceഀ Number of proposed signs: ..rI-troK('auP_ 3 Number of existing signs:ഀ Length of business frontage: J`! f~ Height of sign(s) from grade:ഀ Type of sign (check all that apply): Square Footage of Sign:. 41P q ,15~3 1 by_ഀ ~oഀ ❑ Free Standing Sign ❑ Hanging/Projecting Sign ❑ Window Sign ❑ Wall Signഀ ❑ Business Sign ❑ Building Identification ❑ Subdivision Entrance ❑ Joint Directory Signഀ ❑ Menu/Display Box ❑ Business Operation Sign ❑ Open/Closed Sign ❑ Sale Signഀ ❑ Sign Program ❑ Gas Filled/Fiber Optic Temporary Site Development Signഀ ❑ Otherഀ Physical Address: -799 [Z. t oAJhCdJ .ഀ Parcel Number: AW-710-100 L (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Property Owner: 1~~~-t tv~~ f~l/1GN1P~ iVt ~~s/✓ഀ Mailing Address:ഀ zഀ Phone: OIL) 1-5-4 _ Z3T+ഀ Primary Contact/ Owne Representative:ഀ Mailing Address:ഀ Owner's Signature:ഀ E-Mail: lx ✓ S a yI)A Ire3ark. C Giy-,,.Eax:ഀ Phone:ഀ For Office Use Only: Cash_ CC: Visa /0Last 4 CC # lQ~ Auth # Check #ഀ Fee Paid: 0 Received From: t r iSഀ Meeting Date: 1/1 0q DRB No.: © <<ഀ Vpn ,n Dഀ Planner: G Project No: 1 t1-%JVഀ Zoning: Land Use:ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot: Block: Subdivision: W0~& 7Qw 4; u.hO4i U 1Sic*iഀ Disclosure for Rendering on Fence Wrapഀ 1/7/09ഀ Obtain the Property Report required by Federal law and read it before signing anything.ഀ No federal agency has judged the merits or value, if any, of this property. The plans, artistഀ renderings and information presented heron are proposed, provided for illustrative,ഀ marketing and conceptual purposes only, and should not be relied upon as a basis forഀ purchasing since all elements are subject to change, refinement or elimination by theഀ developer without notice. The unauthorized use or reproduction of these plans andഀ information is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of RCR Vail, LLC.ഀ Finish details should be verified before purchasing. Standard features are subject toഀ change without notice. Views are not guaranteed.ഀ The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Vail are not owned, developed or sold by The Ritz-Carltonഀ Hotel Company, L.L.C. RCR Vail, LLC uses The Ritz-Carlton marks under license fromഀ The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. The Ritz-Carlton Residences, Vail are beingഀ developed and sold by RCR Vail, LLC an affiliate of Vail Resorts Developmentഀ Company. All plans are subject to governmental approvals. Designated trademarks areഀ the property of Vail Trademarks, Inc. © 2007 Vail Resorts Development Company.ഀ This is not an offering nor an offer to sell nor a solicitation of offers to purchase. It isഀ provided solely for information. All information contained herein is subject to change,ഀ and no representations are made as to the accuracy of such information.ഀ I,~l L9= I C E OMf~ഀ JAN 2F 2009ഀ uഀ TOWN t:jF,..VAIL,ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOഀ Statementഀ Statement Number: R090000072 Amount: $97.00ഀ 01/26/200911:22 AMഀ Payment Method:Credit Crdഀ Init: JLEഀ Notation: EMILY A CURTISഀ ഀ Permit No: DRB090016 Type: DRB -ഀ ഀ Sign Applicationഀ Parcel No: 2101-072-1700-2ഀ Site Address: 728 W LIONSHEAD CR VAILഀ Location: RITZ-CARLTONഀ Total Fees: $97.00ഀ This Payment: $97.00 Total ALL Pmts: $97.00ഀ Balance: $0.00ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:ഀ Account Code Descriptionഀ Current Pmtsഀ ഀ ഀ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEESഀ 50.00ഀ SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEESഀ 47.00ഀ Jഀ 1ഀ ~iഀ ~fഀ ~~Iഀ ഀ i,~J ~!.nഀ LF~-- c~ഀ ഀ ,a.ഀ - 1ഀ C~ 3ഀ C!ഀ U 1'..ഀ i+r S:rഀ "yഀ NTഀ Nഀ Wഀ ®ഀ mഀ •ഀ ruഀ CRഀ ■ഀ Xഀ Lഀ 7ഀ C^ഀ 0 Aഀ lഀ idഀ n~c Uiഀ > z lhഀ 'U C)ഀ 5tഀ rഀ rഀ Aഀ Iഀ 1ഀ Iഀ R'ഀ 3ഀ aഀ 14ഀ Oഀ ctഀ A~ഀ nഀ 1~s'^ഀ t"ഀ Yഀ rfഀ 1ഀ 2ഀ ok~,ഀ ■ഀ Zഀ G)ഀ 0ഀ • vഀ jഀ 79ഀ Xഀ 0ഀ W vഀ 4ഀ aഀ Yഀ zഀ G)ഀ Mഀ Xഀ -1ഀ CTIഀ Iഀ P~ Vഀ Mഀ 1 iഀ M6Mഀ 0ഀ `iഀ pF~ഀ Pagel of 3ഀ Warren Campbell - Ritz-Carlton Fence Wrapഀ From: Emily Curtisഀ To: "wcampbell@vailgov.com"ഀ Date: 01/19/2009 3:27 PMഀ Subject: Ritz-Carlton Fence Wrapഀ CC: Michelle Parenti , Barbara Andersonഀ Attachments: Michelle Parenti , Barbara Andersonഀ Hi Warren,ഀ f,ഀ JAN 2 290ഀ of 4 ,ഀ I've been working with Michelle at Spark Creative (taking over where Sima Frazer left off) on the Ritz-Carltonഀ Residences, Vail fence wrap. Attached are our updated renderings to include your comments from below. One ofഀ these renderings will be placed within the fence wrap on each frontage road (3 frontages in our case) along withഀ the other "lifestyle" images that you previously reviewed and approved. The rendering will be 42"x53" as statedഀ below. We've added our legal disclaimer in very small print - please let me know if you need to see this in aഀ larger font. Please let me know if we are approved to more forward to print with this. We are hoping to get thisഀ printed and installed as soon as possible, as I'm sure you would agree, our current fence wrap needs to beഀ replaced.ഀ Thank you for your assistance and please let me know if you have any questions.ഀ Best Regards,ഀ Emily Curtisഀ Marketing Conciergeഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ 970-754-2374 (phone)ഀ 970-754-2375 (fax)ഀ From: "Warren Campbell" <WCampbell@v_ailgo_v.com>ഀ Date: December 9, 2008 5:12:53 PM MSTഀ To: "Michelle Parenti" <michell_e@sparkmaker.c_o_m>, "Sima Frazer" <SFraz_er@vailresorts. corn >ഀ Cc: "Barbara Anderson" <BAnderson@vailresorts.com>, "Tracy Gordon" <TGordon@vailresorts. com>ഀ Subject: Re: Town Proofഀ Michelle, Barbara, and Tracy,ഀ Thank you for the additional information. After a lot of thought and consultation with my supervisorഀ Community Development has reached a conclusion with regard to you proposal. The reason for thisഀ delay in response is that our Code isn't really prepared for the request you propose. Staff used Sectionഀ 11-7-6, in performing the review which is contained below in italics.ഀ 11-7-6: TEMPORARY SITE DEVELOPMENT SIGNS:ഀ A.Description: A sign permitted to identify and describe a project under construction and the associatedഀ hazardous conditions during large scale development periods as determined by the town council.ഀ 1. Size: Any site development sign shall not exceed forty two inches by fifty three inches (42" x 53") inഀ dimension.ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49749B... 01/26/2009ഀ Page 2 of 3ഀ 2. Number: One sign per building frontage upon a site.ഀ 3. Location: Signs shall be mounted on construction fencing. In the absence of construction fencing, aഀ two (2) sided sign mounted on a four by four inch (4 x 4") post may be placed within a landscapedഀ planter.ഀ 4. Lighting: Not permitted.ഀ 5. Special provisions: Temporary site development signs shall be removed prior to the issuance of aഀ temporary certificate of occupancy.ഀ 6. Content: No content other than listed below shall be included on a temporary site development sign:ഀ a. Temporary site development signs shall include the following information:ഀ (1) Project name.ഀ (2) Building permit number.ഀ (3) Contact information. Only one name, one phone number and one e-mail address shall be permitted.ഀ (4) Physical address.ഀ b. Temporary site development signs may include the following information:ഀ (1) Staff approved development slogans.ഀ (2) Brief factual description of the project.ഀ (3) Website address.ഀ (4) Artist rendering.ഀ (5) Proposed completion date.ഀ So the conclusions of Staff are that only one rendering of the Ritz can occur on each frontage (threeഀ frontages in your case). This rendering shall not exceed 42" by 53". Furthermore, the text you prposeഀ on the Frontage Road stating the number of units, proximity to a proposed gondola, and contact infoഀ needs to be included in the dimension maximums stated above for the rendering. So to be clear the Ritzഀ rendering and this text must be no larger than 42"x 53" together.ഀ Also all the Ritz logos beneath the "Pardon our Construction" text needs to be removed.ഀ Please make these changes send me revised exhibits and I will grant approval once all elements areഀ resolved. I know this isn't exactly what you were trying to accomplish, however, the Town isഀ consciously trying to prevent advertising and marketing. I hope you can understand and make thisഀ work regardless.ഀ Also I will be out Thursday and Friday of this week and Monday of next week. If you have anyഀ questions please ask.ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49749B... 01/26/2009ഀ Page 3 of 3ഀ Thanksഀ Warren Campbellഀ Michelle Parenti <michelle@sparkmaker.com> 12/08/2008 5:00ഀ PMഀ Hi Warren,ഀ Here are the 3 files I discussed in the e-mail.ഀ Please note they are scaled down for pdf purposes, but sizeഀ requirements will be met on the copy.ഀ Thanks, Michelleഀ Michelle Parentiഀ Account Servicesഀ Sparkഀ PO Box 2300ഀ Vail, CO 81658ഀ 800-318-8586 toll-freeഀ 970-845-8952 local phoneഀ 970-845-9322 faxഀ hftp://www.sWKmaker.com/ഀ The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the useഀ of the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorizedഀ review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,ഀ please reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message inഀ error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you.ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\49749B... 01/26/2009ഀ Page 1 of 4ഀ Warren Campbell - FW: Town Proofഀ From:ഀ Tracy Gordonഀ To:ഀ "'wcampbell@vailgov.com"'ഀ Date:ഀ 12/08/2008 8:23 AMഀ Subject:ഀ FW: Town Proofഀ CC:ഀ Sima Frazerഀ Warren,ഀ Please see e-mail below from Michelle Parenti/Spark Creative. Let me know if you need anything else or haveഀ any questions.ഀ Thank you,ഀ Tracyഀ From: Sima Frazerഀ Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:17 AMഀ To: Tracy Gordon; Barbara Andersonഀ Subject: Fw: Town Proofഀ Hi Tracy, please forward this email from Spark to Warren at the town. If he can get us final approval soon thatഀ wood be great.ഀ Sima Evansഀ Marketing Managerഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ 137 W. Benchmark Roadഀ P.O. Box 959ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ 970-754-2377 Directഀ 970-754-2555 Faxഀ From: Michelle Parentiഀ To: Sima Frazerഀ Cc: Barbara Andersonഀ Sent: Fri Dec 05 14:56:03 2008ഀ Subject: Re: Town Proofഀ Hi Sima,ഀ I understand how looking at the pdf not to scale could raise those questions, I hope this clears up anyഀ concerns Warren may have.ഀ We have set up 3 files for this project. I have labeled them and added dimensions as follows:ഀ Marriott Side; 245'W x 4.57ഀ Frontage Road 1; 170'W x 4.57ഀ Frontage Road 2: 90'W x 4.57ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493CD9... 12/09/2008ഀ Page 2 of 4ഀ Spark understands that only (1) sign per side is allowed to exist at 53"W x 42"T. The copy printed atഀ full scale will not exceed this sizing. So one sign will live on the Marriott side as we discussed and oneഀ sign will live on the Frontage Road side.ഀ FPO is for placement only. We have removed any FPO photography and switched out the images perഀ you request.ഀ Also, the images used to design the construction fencing included lifestyle images and renderings. Theഀ average image is approx. 75W x 4.5T per the measurements of the fencing.ഀ I hope this answers any questions, if you need anything else please do not hesitate to let me know.ഀ Thanks, Michelleഀ On Dec 4, 2008, at 11:15 AM, Sima Frazer wrote:ഀ Hi Michelle,ഀ Please see email below from Warren at the Town of Vail. These are some of the changes he's thinkingഀ of, however, keep in mind there maybe more. If you could get me the dimensions he's requested, I'llഀ forward them to him.ഀ Would you also please copy Barb Anderson on all emails? She is my manager and will be involved inഀ finalizing this.ഀ Thanks,ഀ Sima Evansഀ Marketing Managerഀ Vail Resorts Developement Companyഀ 137 W. Benchmark Roadഀ P.O. Box 959ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ 970-754-2377 Directഀ 970-470-2394 Mobileഀ 970-754-2555 Faxഀ sfrazer@vailresorts.comഀ A VAILRESORTS(r) Companyഀ Extraordinary Resorts. Exceptional Experiences.(tm)ഀ -----Original Message-----ഀ From: Tracy Gordonഀ Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 1:48 PMഀ To: Sima Frazerഀ Cc: Barbara Andersonഀ Subject: FW: FW: Town Proofഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493CD9... 12/09/2008ഀ Page 3 of 4ഀ -----Original Message-----ഀ From: Warren Campbell [mailto _WCampbell@a vailgov.com]ഀ Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 7:56 AMഀ To: Tracy Gordonഀ Subject: Re: FW: Town Proofഀ Yes I am reviewing it. There are a few things that need to change and others kind of push the envelopeഀ so I am reviewing them and presenting it to some others. The things I do know that need to change areഀ the Text stating the number of units the website and phone number must not exceed 42 inches by 53ഀ inches. Also all the Pardon Us and View our progress with the Ritz logo aren't really included in theഀ code. At a minimum the Ritz logo will need to be removed.ഀ The item I am still exploring is thath the renderings are supposed to be included within the 42" by 53ഀ inch requirement. Obviously you have 10 panels devoted to renderings.ഀ Some questions I do have is that some dimensions on the panels would be helpful in understanding andഀ on which side of the site you wish to install this. Just the north and west sides?ഀ What does FPO mean on the images shown on the document you submitted?ഀ Thanksഀ Warrenഀ Tracy Gordon <TGordon@vaiIresorts. com> 12/02/2008 2:50 PMഀ Warren,ഀ I am following up with you regarding the Ritz-Carlton Residences site wrap. Have you had a chance toഀ look at the images I sent you?ഀ Thanks,ഀ Tracyഀ From: Tracy Gordonഀ Sent: Friday, November 28, 2008 1:41 PMഀ To: 'wcampbellgvailgov.com'ഀ Subject: FW: Town Proofഀ Hi Warren,ഀ Per our phone conversation, here is what we'd like our new site wrap to look like for the Ritz-Carltonഀ Residences, Vail. Let me know if you've got any questions.ഀ Thanks,ഀ Tracyഀ From: Sima Frazerഀ Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 11:05 AMഀ file://C:ADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Setting s\Temp\XPgrpwi se\49 3 CD9... 12/09/2008ഀ Page 4 of 4ഀ To: Tracy Gordonഀ Subject: FW: Town Proofഀ Can we get this going in the approval process with the town?ഀ Sima Frazerഀ Marketing Managerഀ Vail Resorts Developement Companyഀ 137 W. Benchmark Roadഀ P.O. Box 959ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ 970-754-2377 Directഀ 970-470-2394 Mobileഀ 970-754-2555 Faxഀ sfrazer@vailresorts.com<mailto:sfrazer@vailresorts.com>ഀ A VAILRESORTS(r) Companyഀ Extraordinary Resorts. Exceptional Experiences.(tm)ഀ Michelle Parentiഀ Account Servicesഀ Sparkഀ PO Box 2300ഀ Vail, CO 81658ഀ 800-318-8586 toll-freeഀ 970-845-8952 local phoneഀ 970-845-9322 faxഀ http://www.sparkmaker.com/ഀ The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the useഀ of the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorizedഀ review, use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient,ഀ please reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message inഀ error, then please delete this e-mail. Thank you.ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\493CD9... 12/09/2008ഀ