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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Day Lot Town Council Memo 020508Memorandum to File
March 2, 2009
Planner: Warren Campbell
The information contained in this file pertains to the
discussion which occurred regarding the collocation of a
transit center and employee housing on the North Day Lot.
After several design iterations and multiple public reviews it
was determined that the Town did not want to pursue
anything more than skier drop-off and employee housing on
the site, both of which were obligation of Vail resorts from
the Arabelle project. These items are included with the
approved plans for the North Day Lot simply to serve as a
history for future inquiries regarding the North Day Lot.
TO: Town Council
FROM: Community Development Department
DATE: February 5, 2008
SUBJECT: Request to proceed through the development review process with a
proposal to construct private improvements on the Town of Vail owned
part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, generally located adjacent
to the northwest corner of the North Day Lot.
Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Mauriello
Planning Group
Planner: George Ruther
The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Mauriello
Planning Group, is requesting permission to proceed through the Town's
development review process with a proposal to make improvements on Town of
Vail owned parcel of land, part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3. The
request for permission to proceed is in conjunction with a proposed
redevelopment of the North Day Lot.
As the property owner, the Town Council may approve, approve with conditions,
or deny the Applicant's request for property owner authorization to proceed
through the Town's development review process. Pursuant to Section III of this
memorandum, Staff recommends approval of this request.
The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Mauriello
Planning Group, is requesting permission to proceed through the Town's
development review process with a proposal to make improvements on Town of
Vail owned parcel of land, part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3. The
request for permission to proceed is in conjunction with a proposed
redevelopment of the North Day Lot with a transportation center and employee
The town-owned part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3 is located within
the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) Zoning District. Currently this lot contains
the pedestrian bridge south abutment and pedestrian walkways.
The applicant is proposing improvements on the town owned parcel of land
adjacent to the North Day Lot to facilitate the inclusion of a transportation center
on the site. The Lionshead Redevelop Master Plan identifies the transportation
center on the site and possible improvements on the town owned parcel to
facilitate the land use.
The following applications are those applications that will be needed to facilitate
the redevelopment of the North day Lot:
Major Exterior Alteration;
Subdivision; and
Design review
The Applicant can not proceed with the submittal of these applications without
first obtaining the Town Council's property owner authorization for the proposed
development on the town owned parcel.
Staff recommends the Vail Town Council, as the owner of part of Lot 1, Block 1,
Vail Lionshead Filing 3, generally located adjacent to the northwest corner of the
North Day Lot., approves the Applicant's request to proceed through the
development review process.
Please be advised that should the Town Council choose to approve this request,
such an approval would not constitute an explicit approval of the proposed
improvements. Any approval of this request will only grant the Applicant property
owner authorization to proceed through the Town's development review process.
A. Vicinity map
~`I S - D 377
Day Lot
Amendments to the ~onshead
~~`~ February 25, 2008
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GEC Mauriello Planning Greup ~`
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Redevelopment Master Plan
I. Introduction
This application is subrrutted on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company to clarify
Issues within the L~onshead Redevelopment Master Pian {Lt1RMP). These arnendrnents
were developed with the Comrnurnty Development Department staff ~n order to address
site development activities through the developrnent review process for the North Day
Lot in an efficient and comprehensive manner.
The Lt1RMP was adopted by the Town Council in 1998 after several years in the review
and developrnent process. Many of the issues and direction found rn the plan were
based upon planning and information available at that time. Now t:en years later and
follawmg the redevelopment of numerous parcels and new ideas about uses for other
saes within L~onshead, some of the d~rect~on ~n the original plan requires some
clarification and modification to provide direction to the applicant and tine Plannrng and
Environmental Commission.
in the fc}Ilow~ng sections are proposed text modifications and support analysis for the
changes being proposed.
2. Proposed Amendments by Chapter of LIIRMP
In this section the applicant has identified specific provisions that we believe warrant
clarification or changes. We first present the current language followed by proposed
revisions in an underline and s~rl~-kr format. We provide an applicant analysis at
the end of each section being amended.
Chapter I - Executive Summary
Section I .3.5 includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
_ ~--~--°
1.3.5 Transit ~`°`-°~~~` ~"`~~ v
• Create a transportatron center on the no of to accommodate local and regional
transit, local shuttles, and chart~~s.
• Relocate the existi~ionshead Place eglb~i.~us stop to the north day lot.
Applicant Pr~~s~ed Amendment:
1.3.5 Transit
• Create a transportation center in Lionshead °^ *'~° ~~~'" a°~•'~+ to accommodate local
and regional transit, local shuttles, and charter buses. Locations for all or portions of
• Relocate the existing Lionshea Place regional bus stop to the north day lot,
Lionshead Parkin Structure or e t Lionshead area.
Applicant Analysis:
The LI~RMf was revised in 2007 to include language that directed the
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West
Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This section should also
reflect the existing direction contained in Chapters 4 and 5 of the plan.
Section I .3.6 includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
1.3.6 Serv~~Delivery ~~
~, _ ,~
• Create a ce'nttal-~rvice and very facility in conjunction with the pro os d transit
facility on the north day;`:~_~,..~,~,.r ~,~
,._.: _. ~
Applicant Proposed Amen~ent:
1.3.6 Service and Delivery
• Create a central service and delivery facility in conjunction with the proposed transit
facility on the north day lot jA central service and loading facility was developed bX
va~i ~cesons w~min [ne Hrraoeiie project Lcore siiel gnus ei~mmaung use neea iur an
additional facility on the North Day Lotl. ~° t
Applicant Analysis: ~,
As indicated above, a central loadin and seice faalit has ahead been rovided
9 Y Y p ~ ~e C~~
within Lionshead eliminating the need for this public facility on the North Day Lot. ~•
f o~~y
Chapter 3 -Existing Conditions Assessment P,u~~Mer~~ 0 ~ ~i(t
Section 3.9.4 includes the following statements regard~ng the North Day Lot: ~~~ dQ~
3.§:~~-mil Associates Employee Parking
Vail Associafeis ~t~rr-et~tl~ utilizes two lard surface parking lots within the study area for its
employee parking needs. Y~e~ h da~~~ot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately
105 cars, is located behind the L m~,wer and is the site proposed for a transportation
center. The west day lot, locatjust west of the~l,iott parking structure, has an approximate
capacity of 160 cars and rep~~sents a significant development°apportunity. Parking displaced by
redevelopment of these es must be replaced within the Lionshea~"",~_4area to satisfy the
ground rule requ~rmg ncf~net loss of parking. ~ a' <~_
Applicant Proposed Amendment:
3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parking
North Day Lot __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ ?
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its
employee parking needs. The north day lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately
105 cars, is located behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportation
,ti (LHMU-1`1:~ The west day lot, located just west of the Marriott parking structure, has an
~~. ~ ; ~approxiinate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significant development opportunity. Parking
displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within the Lionshead study area to
satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss c}~parking. Vail Resorts has indicated that the bulk
as part of the Ever Vail pro~ject•
Applicant Analysis:
This amendment is added to simply clarify l/a~l Resorts intended solution to "no net
loss of parking. "
Chapter 4 -Master Plan Recommendations -Overall Study Area
Section includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot
(em~has~s added): Relocate the Regional Transit Stop , ='
~:is recommended that the Lionshead regional;~'ransit stop, currently
located=fit the Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the proposed north
day lot ~t~r-sportation center. This will prc~~de a Lionshead connection
between the nal transit system and the _.~"own of Vail transit system. In
addition, visitors aril employees coming
at a defined portal instc~.l of the cur
Finally, this will remove the"'lar
and Lionshead Place. It may be
stop in the West Lionshead area
facility. However, given its loc
~ ionshead by regional bus will arrive
nt "back door" on Lionshead Place.
ial buses from West Lionshead Circle
to locate elements of a regional transit
nction with a new ski lift and parking
periphery of Lionshead, this area
may not be the most viable ~~5cation for a regi' transit stop. Notwithstanding
the above, facilities for skier drop-off, private shu vans and Town of Vail in-
town buses should be in hided in the design of the ski 1.~nd parking facility. In
2006, the Town of V ~1 initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master
Plan. In addition the Town initiated a development comption for the
Lionshead Parkitrg Structure redevelopment, which would include a transit
facility. It is a ~cipated that the Transportation Master Plan update along with
the conclusioof the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment process will
provide der ton on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facility and/or
the type,, transit facilities that may be necessary in West Lionshead.
Applicant Proposed Amendment: Relocate the Regional Transit Stop
North Day Lot
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at
the Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the pr ' sed north day lot
,the Lionshead arkin structure or st Lionshead. This
will provide a Lionshead connection between the regional ransit system and the
Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors and employees coming to
Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead of the current
"back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regional
buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible to
locate elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in
conjunction with a new ski lift and parking facility. However, given its location
on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may not be the most viable location for a
regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the above, facilities for skier drop-off,
private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses should be included in the
design of the ski lift and parking facility. In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an
update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a
development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment,
which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportation
Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure
redevelopment process will provide direction on the ultimate location for a
Lionshead Transit Facility and/or the type of transit facilities that may be
necessary in West Lionshead.
Applicant Analysis:
The LlIRMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed the
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West
Lronshead as a location for certarn transportation uses. This sentence is clarified
given the new language included at the end of the paragraph.
Section includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
nom ~
~ C,t7 ~ 5.2.3 Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot Transportation Center
~ SQ~®~~~. Anew Town of Vail transit stop at *"° °a +~°^°^^~'°'~^^ ^°^+°~ ^^ the
~L~ north day lot will replace the existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely to be on
~ ,, the west Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the regional bus stop
~ 1(~G ,~~~~, and deliver west Vail transit riders to the newly created north Lionshead
`~O ~C~~ pedestrian portal.
1 Applicant Analysis:
~1,~~~:~ The Lf-IRMP was revised rn 2007 to include language that directed the
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West
Lionshead as a location for certarn transportation uses. if the transportation center
rs not developed on the north day lot, this sentence heeds to be revised so that the
~ "bus stop' is accommodated even though a transportation center might be located
1 ~ elsewhere.
~'t~^~5 North Day Lot __ _ _ _ 4
e'° Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Section 4.6.6 includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
4.6.6 CreatTiSRr°a w Transportation Hub on the North Day Lot=- - "°~"'
A principal component a~-Lionshead tra~port~ton and circulation network is the
creation of a transportation cente north day lot. This facility will remove transit
and service vehicles fro~~areas o `~'r°~shead and create a major new entry point
into the L~onshe~.d pedestrian core. This concept s"~l~.y discussed in chapter f e.;~
Applica,nt=.~w~osed Amendment:
4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lot
A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is the
creation of a transportation facili center in the Lionshead area ^^ *"° ~^~'" a~.. '^'.
This facility will remove transit and service vehicles from other areas of Lionshead and
create a major new entry point into the Lionshead pedestrian core. All or portions of this
This concept is fully discussed in chapter five.
Applicant Analysis:
The LfIRMP was re~~sed in 2007 to include language that directed the
'~ transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West
Lronshead as a location for certain transportation uses. The north day lot, a privately
held parcel of land, cannot reasonably accommodate all of the transportation uses
originally envisioned for this parcel green its small size, location, and configuration.
Some uses will more reasonably need to be located in other locations within
Lronshead as identified by the LrIRMP.
Section includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot: Nprth Day Lot Transit Center
The`~rapgsed north day lot tran,Si~t'center offers an opportunity to construct a
large central 'ce and deliy facility at the same time (see figure 4-12). The
facility would be but er a structured parking deck and would access the
Lionshead core by fir ght e e rs and a service tunnel. The service tunnel
Applicant Proposed Amendment: ,,F
;would open into~fe pedestrian ma the north wall of the main Lionshead
pedestrian pla?,,e''between the Lifthouse Lo ge~~nd the Landmark Tower. It is
estimated that this facility could service a peak vo~f of approximately 15-20
delivery,;-vehicles and provide a limited amount of tempo storage space (see
figure' 4-13).
North Day Lot _ _ __ --5
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
€~i-gate-4-a-3} ~~ ~ "-^~;"~
Applicant Analysis: /""""
~e ,r, ~`
This section is proposed to be deleted m its entirety. The centralized loading and
de%uery faal~ty has already been developed within the Arrabel% (core site) project.
Therefore, there is no longer a need for the same function on the north day lot. ay d
Along with deleting the text of this section, figure 4- l 3 on page 4-37 should also
be eliminated from the plan.
Section includes the follow~n9 statements regarding the North Day Lot:
4.9.4 Potential Housing Sites
Following are specific sites that have been identified as suitable for locals and employee
housing (see Map W). Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professional
Building, Cascade Crossing, North Day Lot, and the former gas
station site
All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town's
housing policies and requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy in
West Lionshead it is appropriate to include some dispersed employee housing
opportunities for permanent local residents in proposed developments in the area
consistent with these policies.
Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbird affordable housing
project and to conform to the Town's housing policies and requirements for new
employee housing generation in Lionshead are the North Day Lot, Vail
Associates service yard, and Holy Cross site. However, housing is not the only
use these three properties will need to support. The North Day lot is considered
to be the preferred loca±ion for a significant housing project in Lionshead to
replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and provide housing for new
employee generation. The North Day Lot may also need to accommodate a
transit center on the ground level of the development site. Additionally, it may
be necessary to develop a higher revenue-generating product on a portion of the
Vail Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vail Professional Building, and
North Day Lot. __
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost of road and
improvements,, In°~lanning the site, the following issues need to b~
a. Density ''
The site offe s unique opportunity to
While it is importa that buildings her.
the overall character Lionsheadf''t
housing potential may me ap~'opri~
from standard development pmeters.
to allow for a greater ove~'all ~&uildin
allowed under the Lionsl~ad Archit~ctu
ac~feve significant density.
~'be visually consistent with
e desire to maximize the
e the following deviations
First, it may be appropriate
height than is otherwise
al Design Guidelines. Any
increase in building l~~ght will need tube reviewed on a case by
case basis by the T, n of Vail, and any ev~tual building height will
still need to be . sually appropriate for this ~1't~ation. Second, it is
recommendedf`that the standards for density ('omits per acre) be
increa ~d~this location to allow for a greater numof employee
housin nits. Third, it may be appropriate to reduc the parking
requix~ments for employee housing at this location.
Applicant Proposed Amendment:
Maintain the existing language and modify "a" as follows:
In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered. While it
is important that buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character
of Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housingpotential may make appropriate
the following deviations from standard development parameters [moved from
paragraph below]:
a. Density
The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density.
~, It is recommended that the standards for density (units per
acre) be increased at this location to allow for a greater number of
employee housing units and/or live beds. "'~~'° ~+ ~~ ~~~~~*°~' '''°+
° °
b. Building; Height
It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall building
height than is otherwise allowed under the Lionshead Architectural
Design Guidelines. Any increase in building height will need to be
reviewed on a case by case basis by the Town of Vail, and any
eventual building height will still need to be visually appropriate for
this location. Variation from the building height allowance may
include exceeding the average height or the maximum height or both
in order to accommodate public transportation uses on the first level
and to maximize the amount of employee housing, and/or live beds
on the property.
c. Parkin
North Day Lot
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
mod, It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for
employee housing at this location given the sites proximity to
transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes.
d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacks
. *~ Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage and
_ reducing setbacks and landscape area in order to maximize the
amount of employee housing on the site and due to impacts
' associated with the development of a public transportation facili on
~ the property. With any deviation to development standards
~~ prescribed in the master plan and zoning regulations, consideration
of impacts should be afforded to the nei h~g_properties to the
~~ north day lot•
•~ e. Encroachments on Town Land
The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side of
the north day lot which accommodates the pedestrian bridge over the
p ' ~ interstate higlwa; , ~~,This land was dedicated to the Town b,
`~J1•~' Associates i 19??. ~ n order to allow for more efficient la out and
development~of e ~oyee housing on the site, the Town should ive
' consideration to ~ allowing development of employee housing and
-~ transportation uses on this parcel of land as part of the development
,~ of the north day lot. , ~,,~
Applicant Analysis.
4 ~f~ ~ t'^!A' ~~~~ e ~ s, R Clef ~ r
n Thrs site has s ecial circumstances not enerall a lied to other ro ertres in 4id~~KS
p 9 Y pp p p
Lionshead due to the imposition of a public transportation facility. Due to this
recommendation of the master plan and the desire to maximize employee housing
uses within Lionshead area, special relief from development standards should be
afforded to the property owner to help mitigate the impacts of having a significant
public facility on private land. This amendment helps provide clear po%cy direction to
the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Town staff, and the applicant.
Chaater 5 -Detailed Plan Recommendations
Section 5. I includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
5 1 ~-'" `~fivns~e~d Tourist Information Center
-_ ~.. _„_
The Lionshead o~~=formation tenter is currently located just west of the entry to
the Lionshead parking structuC~~ accessed directly off the frontage road. [f the
entrance to the Lionshead~arking structurers-„ocated as shown in figure 5-1 this
existing facility willed to be relocated. Potenti~T~~ti~s for the center include the
Future Vail Ciy~enter, the parking structure, and the North`I~dy-Lnt transit center.
North Day Lot _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ 8
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Applicant Proposed Amendment:
5.1 Lionshead Tourist Information Center
The Lionshead Tourist Information Center is currently located just west of the entry to
the Lionshead parking structure and is accessed directly off the frontage road. If the
entrance to the Lionshead parking structure is relocated as shown in figure 5-1 this
existing facility will need to be relocated. Potential cations for the center include the
Future Vail Civic Center, the parking structure, and. st Lionshead *"°'`'~~''~''°~~' ~'
,,..,,,~•. ,...,o.
Applicant Analysis:
Given all of the activities proposed for the north day lot ~t is more appropriate to
consider other locations for a tourists office. West Lionshead ~s perhaps a more
logical location since ~t is on the western approach to Lionshead.
Section 5.8.3 includes the following statements regarding the North Da~~t~
~:`~:3 =_:::Pedestrian Connections Through the Cor~~ite
. ~`_
There is'a-critical north-south pedestrian'connection between the ski yard and the
proposed transit center on the north day lot. This connection will require at least
one north-south penetration~through the Vail Associates core site, and there is an
opportunity to create a- second `one as shown in figure 5-9. The east-west
pedestrian corridor,ot'iginating at the ea ionshead pedestrian portal should also
be extended into'-the Vail Associates core s~ -nnecting with the north-south
corridors. These connections should be part of the ``pfi~n~ry retail mall" (see site
design guidelines, chapter 6) to reinforce the village characfe~-Q#'_ahe core. It is
nof,riecessary that flanking architectural forms be completely separa.,,in order
,~= define pedestrian corridors. Instead, opportunities to create sigm~,t
~ architectural portals are encouraged to highlight the transition from one public
space into another.
Applicant Proposed Amendment:
5.8.3 Pedestrian Connections Through the Core Site
There is a critical north-south pedestrian connection between the ski yard and the
proposed *~~~~',t~ transportation and skier drop-off uses on the north day lot.
This connection will require at least one north-south penetration through the Vail
Associates core site, and there is an opportunity to create a second one, as shown
in figure 5-9. The east-west pedestrian corridor originating at the east Lionshead
pedestrian portal should also be extended into the Vail Associates core site,
connecting with the north-south corridors. These connections should be part of
the "primary retail mall" (see site design guidelines, chapter 6) to reinforce the
village character of the core. It is not necessary that flanking architectural forms
be completely separated in order to define pedestrian corridors. Instead,
North Day Lot _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ 9
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
opportunities to create significant architectural portals are encouraged to
highlight the transition from one public space into another.
Applicant Analysis:
This section is proposed to be modified so that it is not assumed that the
transportation faality ~s necessarily developed on the north day lot but that some
transportation uses are still planned and likely to be deve%ped there.
Section 5.9 includes the following statements regarding the North Day Lot:
5.9 '`W.: North Day Lot
The north day lot should be developed as a community tran~ortation center to
conso ate skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local and regional private shuttles,
and cha bus drop-off and pick-up (see figure 5-13). A below-grade service and
delivery fac 'ty could be constructed underneath the transit fa ity. By relocating these
functions fro their existing locations to one easily acc sable location, this would
improve the qua ' of vehicular and pedestrian c~rculatiotl m Lionshead and create a
significant new ped trian portal into the center of the Lio~ishead retail mall. Based upon
the results of the traf t study (see appendix A), the cony~ptual program for this facility is
as follows: °°~,
a. Skier drop-off: "ne spaces are recmmended at a minimum, but more
should be built if po ible to accomtr~bdate other program elements.
b. Town of Vail transit: wo bus spaG~s are recommended to accommodate the
West Vail transit loop d the ppssibility for an eastbound in-town shuttle
stop. ~. `~
c. Regional transit: One bus spy '~~s recommended
d. Charter buses: Three to four l~spaces are recommended.
e. Local and regional shuttles;' Fou`~~shuttle van spaces are recommended at a
minimum. ~,,
A critical consideration in the planning and design a~this facility will be its impact on the
adjacent Landmark Tower and To nhomes and the ~ stwind._Depicted in figure 5-13a,
a linear building is recommend d at the southern edgy of the site to screen the lower
levels of the Landmark Tower rom the transit center. 't'his facility could house a bus
shelter and waiting area, an information center, public ~~strooms, a small food and
beverage operation, and an ,~levator core to the pedestrian all level for ADA access
needs. To the east, earthw rk, landscaping, and/ or other scre , ing measures should be
considered to buffer the estwind. Amore comprehensive solution is to cover the
facility with another le 1 or two of development -perhaps foboffices or employee
housing - or with a ro f. (Memorable European antecedents exist`'~or grand, covered
transportation centers Specifically, the design of the transportation center should
address all impacts: Visual, security, sound, and smell that may affect adj~~ent properties.
Both the Westwin~and the Landmark should be closely involved in the'`'t~ansit center
planning and desn process. ~°~
North Day Lot 10
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Since the adopti~i of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were dev~lc~ped
to locate a Transi .Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the ner of uses
mentioned above an ddressing the neighborhood concerns regarsli~tg a transit center
prompted the Town of '1 to evaluate alternative locations for,~fransit center.
Alternative locations include:
West Lionshead
Lionshead Parking
North Day Lot
In 2006, the Town of Vail i ated an update.of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In
addition, the Town inif ed a development competition for the Lionshead Parking
Structure which woi 'd include a transit facility. It is recommended that the
Transportation M e Plan update along with the con~ltision of the Lionshead Parking
Structure RF rocess provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit
,, a
Applicant Proposed Amendment:
C ~~
p~' ~'s ~~
Su~~es~ ~~~`_
°`~D ~~~~
G~~ ~s
North Day Lot
While the north day lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be ig yen
by the owner and the Town to includin tg ransportation related uses on a portion of the
ground floor. Ideally the uses to be considered for the site should include Tda7
skier drop-
off, local and regional transit, local and regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off
and pick-up (see figure 5-13).
By relocating these functions from their
existing locations to ene easily accessible locations, this would improve the quality of
vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant new pedestrian
portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the traffic
study (see appendix A), the transportation facility need include: ^ °~'~~~' ~ .r ~ r
a. Skier drop-off: Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but more
should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.
b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate the
West Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town shuttle
c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommended
d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.
e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at a
It should be noted that the north day lot is a small parcel of land and that the location
and shape of this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without having
significant implications to traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to develop
the site with a quality development as allowed under zoning for the property. There
needs to be a balance between the development goals for the property and the impact of
North Day Lot
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
. `
-~ tyv
public uses on those goals. In order to meet the obligations of agreements re arding the
Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities for
employee housing on the property, development standards such as site covera~
landscape area, setbacks, parking, and building hei hg t may be adjusted to afford more
flexibility to the property owner see section and approved by the Planning and
Environmental Commission. Parking for employee housing on this site should be
considered for a substantial reduction (0.5 to 1.0 parking paces per employee unit iven
the presence of transportation facilities, proximity to work and jobs,proximity to goods
and services and access to significant pedestrian facilities in Lionshead and the Town in
eg neral
In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for the
presence of a public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow for
encroachment of uses on the parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of the
north day lot. This encroachment may also help to miti atg e impacts to adjacent
properties to the south by maintaining adequate setbacks. There may be a need to move
or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and access as part of the transportation
Funding for the construction and continued maintenance and operation of the facility
would lie with the Town of Vail working cooperatively with the landowner.
A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on the
adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind._Depicted in figure 5-13a,
a linear building, screen, or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of the
site to screen the lower levels of the Landmark properties der from the transportation
facility *""""~. If necessary to provide adequate buffering a wall or fence in excess
of 6' could be considered. This screen fae-i-l~y could house a bus shelter and waiting area,
an information center, public restrooms, a small food and beverage operation, and an
elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs (a Town of Vail
responsibility). To the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or other screening measures
should be considered to buffer the Westwind.
u'`' The transportation facility would be covered by real estate development in accordance
J' ~ ~~~ with Lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -1 and an.~ptions/deviations discussed herein.
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deveen~per~s-~e~e€€~se~o~emp~ee-Ding-er . ,;,'~ ~ ~'' 'n"ern~ak~e
~ n Specifically, the
e ,d ign of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and
melt that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and the Landmark should
be closely involved in the transit center planning and design process.
Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developed
to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of uses
mentioned above and addressing the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center
prompted the Town of Vail to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.
North Day Lot _ __ __ 12
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
Alternative locations include:
West Lionshead
Lionshead Parking Structure
North Day Lot
In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In
addition, the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking
Structure which would include a transit facility. It is recommended that the
Transportation Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking
Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit
Applicant Analysis:
The L/~RMP was re~rsed in 2007 to include language that directed the
transportation uses to the Lronshead Parking Structure and also referenced West
Lronshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This amendment rs necessary
to clarify some of the issues and problems associated with the north day lot. The
master plan is a conceptual document and the number of transportation uses
indicated for this site did not appropriately consider the impacts to the site, the
circulation implications to the adjacent roadways, and the other needs for
development of the property. The proposed amendment also recognizes the
physical needs for a transportation facility on the property and its impact to typical
development standards. Unlike most properties in Lronshead, the need to
accommodate a significant public facility places a special burden on this property.
3. Amendment Authority and Review Crlterla
The authority to amend the LHRMP is contained within Section 2.8 of the plan. It
5.1 Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan
The Lionshead Master Plan was adopted by resolution No. 14, Series of 1998, on
December 15t~, 1998, by the Vail Town Council following a recommendation to approve
by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Future amendments to this master plan
must be approved by resolution or motion by the Town Council following a formal
recommendation by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Implementation
activities and ordinances will be approved in accordance with the Town of Vail
Municipal Code.
Review Criteria:
how have conditions changed since the plan was adopted?
North Day Lot 13
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
how is the plan in error?
how world an addition, deletion, or change to the plan be in concert with the
plan in general?
North Day Lot. _ _ _ _ __ 14
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments
7~ Sf~;e,, ~ D~ ~ Cam,, c~~i
1820 Folsom Street
Boulder, Colorado 8030''
phone 303.449.8900 fax 303.449.3886
To: George Ruther Date: 1-?3-08
Town of ~~ail Communitz- Development
From: Wi11 Hentschel Project North Da}~ Lot
SN6ject North Dav Lot Progress Meeting Project #: 17030.00
CC: Fife #:
Location: TOV Community Development
Attendees: Geor e Ruther. Warren ~E:
p e ~, DL): Tom Miller, Graham (VRDC), Dominic Mauriello, Alison Ochs Kent(MPG), Kent Kreihn , Jen
Babcock (Alpine), Will Hentschel(OZ), Daniel Beckerdite (Landworks)
Update on Phase ? (VRDG, Alpine
Site Review (OZ, Alpine, t_andworks)
Curb Cut -Location /Logistics
Access onto /off of West Lionshead
Setback Master plan Amendment
Pedestrian Ramp
Grading changes at Transit Deck
Transit Amenities
Neighbors (MPG, OZ)
Transit pick-up adjacent to Landmark
Portai from Arrabelle !Transition into site
Grading at Landmark
GDOT Contact
~xplanafion of phases.
Proposed Master pian Amendments (George)
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C:1Documenu and 5ertinQS~whencschel\Desktop\NDL TOE' 1 23 08.doc
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