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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNorth Day Lot Wolf & Associates Letter 090908~ Memorandum to File
March 2, 2009
Planner: Warren Campbell
The information contained in this file pertains to the
discussion which occurred regarding the collocation of a
transit center and employee housing on the North Day Lot.
After several design iterations and multiple public reviews it
was determined that the Town did not want to pursue
anything more than skier drop-off and employee housing on
the site, both of which were obligation of Vail resorts from
the Arabelle project. These items are included with the
approved plans for the North Day Lot simply to serve as a
history for future inquiries regarding the North Day Lot.
A Profe,rrionat Corporation
Attorney~~ and Coun~~ellor~~ at I~w
953 South Frontage Road West
Suite 222, Vail Professional Building
Vail, Colorado 81657
Voice 970.476.8865 Daniel F. Wolf
Facsimile 970.476.0446 E-Mail: dwolf(
Offices in Eagle and Summit Counties
September 9, 2008
Via E-Mail And
Regular First-Class Mail
Mr. Stan Zemler, Town Manager
Town of Vail
75 S. Frontage Rd.
Vail, CO 81657
Re: North Day Lot /Landmark-Vail Condominium
Dear Mr. Zemler:
As you know, my firm represents the Landmark-Vail Condominium Association
("Landmark") in connection with the proposed development of the North Day Lot. I am writing
for two reasons: first, to express Landmark's great dissatisfaction, frustration and disappointment
at not being permitted to participate in a meaningful way in the planning and design of the
transportation facility on the North Day Lot as required by the Master Plan and directed by Town
Council; and second, to request on behalf of Landmark a work session with Town Council to
address and discuss the alternative designs for the transportation facility developed on
Landmark's behalf before Council next considers or votes on whether to proceed forward to the
next step of the development process for the North Day Lot.
Due its location next to the North Day Lot, Landmark will be most greatly and directly
impacted by the development of the North Day Lot. That impact upon Landmark is explicitly
recognized in the Master Plan which directs that as a result Landmark be closely involved in the
planning and design process for any transportation center on the North Day Lot. Section 5.9 of
the Master Plan states in part: "A critical consideration in the planning and design of this
[transportation] facility will be its impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and
the Westwind." "Specifically, the design of the transportation center should address all impacts:
visual, security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and the
Landmark should be closely involved in the transportation facility planning and design process. "
Section 5.9 (emphasis supplied).
Mr. Stan Zemler
September 9, 2008
Page 2
Landmark was permitted no input on the planning and design of the transportation
facility on the North Day Lot before and in advance of the presentation of VRDC's preliminary
designs to the Town Council at its meeting on May 20, 2008. That fact was brought to the
attention of Council and a number of Council members acknowledged on the record at that
meeting that Landmark had not been allowed to provide input on the planning and design of the
North Day Lot development. Council explicitly directed staff to closely involve and work with
Landmark and Westwind in that planning and design, and to develop a design in concert with
Landmark and Westwind to mitigate the impacts upon those properties to the maximum extent
possible. Unfortunately, that has not occurred.
Despite and in contravention of the clear language of the Master Plan and the directive
from Council, staff has proceeded with and appears to have largely completed the planning and
design of the transportation facility on the North Day Lot without affording Landmark
meaningful input in that process. The preliminary design by Oz Architecture, on behalf of
VRDC, located the buses along the boundary of, and unreasonably and unnecessarily close to
Landmark. Landmark's has repeatedly suggested and requested that the transportation facility
on the North Day Lot be designed so as to move the buses as far to the north as possible away
from Landmark. That suggestion has been summarily dismissed and apparently not even
considered in a meaningful way. Moving the buses as far as possible north will most effectively
reduce and mitigate the impacts upon Landmark and best address Landmark's concerns.
Nevertheless, the location of the buses along the boundary of and close to Landmark has
remained largely unchanged from the initial conceptual plan submitted by VRDC to the current
plan developed by staff and which staff presented to Council at the work session on September
2°d. Contrary to what was apparently told to Council at that work session, the current plan
presented to Council does not adequately mitigate the serious impacts upon Landmark nor
address Landmark's concerns.
While Geoff Wright, General Manager of Landmark, and I have met with staff on two
occasions during the time staff was developing the current design, those meeting consisted
primarily of staff updating Landmark and Westwind officials on the then current state of the
design. While there have been some minor changes to the plans, no important changes with
respect to impacts upon Landmark have been made despite our requests. Frankly, it has become
apparent that staff was predisposed to and unwilling to consider real alternatives to Oz's original
plan of locating the buses unnecessarily close to Landmark.
In view of the foregoing, Landmark has been forced to engage its own professionals at its
expense to explore and develop real alternatives to Oz's plan that will have less impact upon
Landmark. Landmark's professionals are currently working on those alternative designs which
should be completed shortly.
Mr. Stan Zemler
September 9, 2008
Page 3
We only learned yesterday that the issue of whether to proceed with the development of
North Day Lot will likely be on the Council agenda for a vote on September I6`h. That issue and
vote are obviously of critical importance to Landmark. We only found out about that meeting by
e-mailing staff. It appears that had we not asked, nobody would have bothered to have informed
us. Landmark similarly was not provided with effective notice of the Council work session on
September 2°d at with the North Day Lot was discussed. As a result, no Landmark official was
able to attend that work session. That lack of notice unfortunately is consistent with how
Landmark's concerns have not been truly considered in the design process. We understand that
staff may not be legally required to provide us with notice of these meetings, but we had
requested to be so notified and believe that the close involvement of Landmark called for by the
Master Plan and directed by Council warrants that Landmark be provided with notice. Once
again, we ask that you please provide both Geoff Wright and I with prior notice of all meetings
and work sessions regarding the North Day Lot. Notice via e-mail is fine.
We request the opportunity to present the alternative designs developed by Landmark to
Council, preferably in a work session, before Council next considers or votes on whether to
proceed forward to the next step of the development process for the North Day Lot. Landmark's
alternative designs should be completed in time for Landmark to present to Council at the work
session scheduled for September 16`h. We believe a work session will provide the best forum for
Council to understand and to be able to gather information about Landmark's alternative designs.
Please advise whether this request is acceptable as soon as possible so that we may plan
accordingly. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.
Daniel F. Wolf
cc. Vail Town Council (via e-mail)
George Ruther, Town of Vail (via e-mail)
Greg Hall, Town of Vail (via e-mail)
Board of Directors, Landmark-Vail (via e-mail)
Geoff Wright, Landmark-Vail (via e-mail)
Carl Gergits, Epstein (via e-mail)