HomeMy WebLinkAboutTown Council Highlights 120407Memorandum to File March 2, 2009 Planner: Warren Campbell The information contained in this file pertains to the discussion which occurred regarding the collocation of a transit center and employee housing on the North Day Lot. After several design iterations and multiple public reviews it was determined that .the Town did not want to pursue anything more than skier drop-off and employee housing on the site, both of which were obligation of Vail resorts from the Arabelle project. These items are included with the approved plans for the North Day Lot simply to serve as a history for future inquiries regarding the North Day Lot. s ~ ~ ~ I16~ ,l'~S ~"~'on~ g Ia~9~0~ T C~~~ ueF~'11.E COPY EGE is making it even easier for guests to experience more of the Vail Valley by offering daily, non-stop service to Dallas/Ft.Worth in the fall. This means nearly ten months of continuous service into and ou t of the Vail Valley. Meyers emphasized the success and continued growth in the use of summer air service. Fall flights will take longer to become profitable and not require a subsidy. For more information, contact Kelli McDonald at 479-2454. --First reading of Ordinance No. 37, Series of 2007, An Ordinance Adopting .a Use Tax on Construction and Building Materials; Amending Title 2, Revenue and Finance, Vail Town Code with the Addition of Chapter 8 "Use Tax on Construction and Buiilding Materials" Town Attorney Matt Mire explained the construction use tax ballot question approved by Vail voters on November 6'h gave Council the authority to implement a four percent tax on building and construction materials consumed or used in the Town of Vaill. Proceeds of the tax are to be used exclusively for capital acquisitions an d capital projects in the town. Implementation of the tax is accomplished by two readings of an ordinance which sets the policy and administrative details relating to the tax. Hitt clarified the ifirst $10,000 of all projects would be exempted. It was reported the Vail Local Housing Authority (VLHA) recommended no exemptions be made for affordable housing. Hitt moved to approve the ordinance with Rogers seconding. During a pause for public cornment, Stephen Connolly asked how the ordinance would apply to duplexes. Mire explained the exemption was based on individual building permits. "The exemption applies equally to everyone in the community." Former Mayor Bob Armour clarified building permit applicants would not be able to avoid the cost of the tax by applying for multiple building permits for a single project. Dominic Mauriello clarified minor amendments to projects would not be subject to the tax. Mire subsequently referred Mauriello to Section 2-8-3 of the Ordinance. "If any approval expires by its terms after January 1, 2008, such application for development review shall then be subject to the use tax imposed by this Chapter." Carol Alleman asked for clarification in the method used to determine project valuations. Council then discussed considerations f or potential refunds for dE:ed restricted employee housing. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0. For details, contact Matt Mire at 479-2460 . --Consideration of an amendment to the 2004 Core Site Development Improvement Agreement in regard to housing obligations Due to a predetermined conflict of interest (Vail Resorts affiliation), Gordon recused himself from the item and left the Council Chambers. Zemler began the discussion by saying, "We are seeing significant improvements in the facilities and services available in LionsHead through the development of Arrabelle...That is certainly in the town's best interest...The North Day Lot represents new, incremental housing for the community...lt requires they move forward with diligence and they move forward with good faith." Rogers spoke in favor of Vail Resorts pursuing apay-in-lieu option. Foley asked if the Council Members present in 2004 believed the current situation is how they envisioned the process unfolding. Cleveland responded, "Our issue now is to resolve thES problem not talk about how we got here... It's in nobody's best interest that the Arrabelle stay closed...This gets us to where we are trying to go...lt seems to me the detaiNs can be worked out...lt seems there needs to be trust on each side... If all we pursued was pay- in-lieu, we would be putting Vail Resorts burden of housing on the shou Iders of the Town of Vail." Newbury interjected, "We can't set them (Vail Resorts) up for failure~...l also think it is important we are not tying our hands." Hitt commented, "If they don't submit by March 30, we cash the letter of credit...Then we call it a day and we move on and # ' hopefully everyone has learned some lessons from it." Community Development Director George Ruther said it was a realistic expectation that the development review process for a North Day Lot project could be accomplished in eight months. During public comment, Kaye Ferry clarified that any pay-in-lieu option would include a consumer price index adjustment. She then asked, "Why is Ever Vail not an option for housing?" Dave Chapin clarified 120 employee beds were required to fulfill Vail Resorts employee housing requirement for the Arrabe Ile at Vail Square. Vail Resorts Development Company President Keith Fernandez stated, "Our last desire is that the letter of credit would be the cashed... We feel confident we can have a plan by March 1...And we think we can live with some of the other dates that have been proposed...) appreciate all of your efforts and we seek resolution." Representing the Vai I Village Homeowners' Association Jim Lamont stated, "I hope this is the beginning of a new beginning and we move smartly on." Tom Neyens commented, "I've appreciated the Arrabelle being closed as my business has prospered...) know people who own (property) around the North Day Lot and I'm not so sure how that will go over." Packy Walker stated, "Thirty years ago we dropped the ball on housing ...You are going to find this winter to be very telling for this town because there are not going to be any employees to run it." Carol Alleman said, "We have continually ignored the topic of employee housing...Our whole community is in a crisis...You can't even get bad people to apply for yourjobs...l think it is totally wrong to let Vail Resorts off on this issue." Dana Johnson requested strict timelines and penalties be imposed on Vail Resorts if they were unable to provide their required housing. Hitt then moved, "to make an amendment to the Core Site Development Improvement Agreement to work with diligence and in good faith to obtain appropriate development application approvals for the North Day Lot no later than October 31, 2008. If appropriate approval is obtained by October 31, 2008, Vail Resorts will commence construction on the North day Lot no later than May 1, 2009. Upon issuance of a TCO for the North Day Lot project, the Letter of Credit (LOC) will be returned to Vail Resorts." The motion did not receive a second. Neyens then encouraged Council to support the housing requirement being met somewhere other than the North Day Lot as potential litigation m fight delay the actual supply of employee housing. Fernandez said, "I'm concerned that we would be taking a lot of alternatives off the table...) can't understand what would be lost by not having those options...There are some planning issues on North Day that are out of our control." Town legal representative Malcom Murray informed Council, "You can always amend arr agreement you have entered into." Council agreed to call a special meeting at 2 p.m. December 11, 2007. Daly moved to continue negot iations with Newbury seconding. Walker expressed concern the proposal would provide no new housing for three to five years. The motion passed 4-2, with Foley and Hitt opposed. For more information, contact Stan Zemler at 479-2106. --The applicant, the Town of Vail, is requesting a first reading of Ordinance 33, Series of 2007, an Ordinance to enact prescribed regulation amendments to Title 12, Vail Town Code, to require public art for certain new development and redevelopment projects in Lionshead Mixed Use 1, Lionshead Mixed Use 2, Public Accommodations, Public Accommodations 2, Commercial Core 1, Commercial Core 2, Commercial Core 3, Ski Base Recreation, and Ski Base Recreation 2 Daly moved to approve the ordinance with Rogers seconding. Newbury asked if variances could be gran ted. Mire stated it was a zoning issue and variances would be difficult. Cleveland spoke in vehement opposition to the ordinance. "I think this is contrary to what government is supposed to do." AIPP Board Member Doe Brown spoke in support of the ordinance and said it would help eliminate developer confusion in