HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC080008Planning and Environmental Commissonഀ
• '`m r Department of Community Developmentഀ
TOW OF V& 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ
~JF tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ
00N%%.JNr MVELOPMENT web: www.vailgov.comഀ
Project Description:ഀ
OWNER VAIL CORP 02/25/2008ഀ
CO 81658ഀ
APPLICANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL 02/25/2008 Phone: 970-748-0920ഀ
PO BOX 1127ഀ
CO 81620ഀ
License: 0000001697ഀ
Project Address: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Location: NORTH DAY LOTഀ
Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL LIONSHEAD FIL 3ഀ
Parcel Number: 2101-063-0800-4ഀ
Comments: See Resolution #9, Series of 2008ഀ
Motion By: Action: APPROVEDഀ
Second By:ഀ
Vote: Date of Approval: 01/29/2009ഀ
Cond: 8ഀ
(PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ
Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ
Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $1,300.00ഀ
rr Application for Review by theഀ
Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ
TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Developmentഀ
75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ
tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ
web: www.vailgov.comഀ
General Information:ഀ
All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting aഀ
building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.ഀ
An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required informationഀ
is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Townഀ
Council and/or the Design Review Board.ഀ
Type of Application and Fee:ഀ
• Rezoningഀ
Conditional Use Permitഀ
• Major Subdivisionഀ
Floodplain Modificationഀ
• Minor Subdivisionഀ
Minor Exterior Alterationഀ
• Exemption Platഀ
Major Exterior Alterationഀ
• Minor Amendment to an SDDഀ
Development Planഀ
• New Special Development Districtഀ
Amendment to a Development Planഀ
• Major Amendment to an SDDഀ
X Zoning Code Amendmentഀ
• Major Amendment to an SDDഀ
(no exterior modifications)ഀ
Sign Varianceഀ
Description of the Request: Various textഀ
amendments to the Lionshead Master Planഀ
Location of the Proposal: Lot:ഀ
1 _Block:ഀ
1____. Subdivision: Vail Lionshead Filing 3ഀ
Physical Address:ഀ
600 west Lionshead Circleഀ
Parcel No.: 210106308004ഀ
(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ
Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Uഀ
se 1ഀ
Name(s) of Owner(s): Vailഀ
Resorts Development Companyഀ
Mailing Address: 137 Benchmark Roadഀ
Avon, CO 81620ഀ
Phone: 970-745-254ഀ
Owner(s) Signature(s):ഀ
Name of Applicant: M uriello Planninഀ
Mailing Address: POB 1127ഀ
Avon, CO 81620ഀ
Phone: 970-748-092ഀ
E-mail Address: dominicompgvഀ
Fax 970-748-0377ഀ
For Office Use Only: y~6oa a `ഀ
Fee Paid: l 3~ C ck No.: _y: t z e o rtഀ
Meeting Date: Cog PEC No.:ഀ
Planner: le, 44 Project No.:ഀ
-s 9ഀ
Page 1 of 2-04/01/04ഀ
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Series of 2008ഀ
WHEREAS, on December 15, 1998, the Vail Town Council adopted the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan; andഀ
WHEREAS, on April 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance 3, Series of 1999,ഀ
which amended the Zoning Regulations and created Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixedഀ
Use 2 Districts; andഀ
WHEREAS, Section 2.8 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan outlines a procedureഀ
for amending the Master Plan; andഀ
WHEREAS, Vail Resorts Development Company has submitted a development application toഀ
the Town of Vail Community Development Department proposing certain amendments to the Masterഀ
Plan related to the North Day Lot; andഀ
WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has held a publicഀ
hearing on the proposed amendments on April 14, 2008, and has forwarded a recommendation ofഀ
denial, of the amendments to the Town Council by a vote of 3-2-1; andഀ
WHEREAS, the purpose of the amendments is to amend those elements of the Master Planഀ
referencing the North Day Lot recommendations and requirements to facilitate the redevelopment ofഀ
the site with an employee housing project, transportation center, and future development site; andഀ
WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study areഀ
which warrant the proposed amendments and that said amendments are in keeping with the goals,ഀ
objectives, and policies prescribed by the Master Plan in general.ഀ
The Town Council of the Town of Vail hereby amends the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan asഀ
Chapter 1 - Executive Summaryഀ
1.3.5 Transitഀ
Create dispersed transportation centers in Lionshead to accommodate local and regionalഀ
transit, local shuttles, skier drop off, and charter buses. Locations for these facilities mayഀ
include the North Day Lot, the Lionshead Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (akaഀ
Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to North Day Lot, Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure, or West Lionshead area.ഀ
1.3.6 Service and Deliveryഀ
Chapter 3 - Existing Conditions Assessmentഀ
3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parkingഀ
Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its employeeഀ
parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately 105 cars, is locatedഀ
behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportation facility, employee housing, andഀ
other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LMU-1). The west day lot, located just westഀ
of the Marriott parking structure, has an approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significantഀ
development opportunity. Parking displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within theഀ
Lionshead study area to satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss of parking. gഀ
Chapter 4 - Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Areaഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stopഀ
It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at theഀ
Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lot, the Lionsheadഀ
parking structure, and West Lionshead. This will provide a Lionshead connection betweenഀ
the regional transit system and the Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors andഀ
employees coming to Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead ofഀ
the current "back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regionalഀ
buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible to locateഀ
elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in conjunction with a newഀ
ski lift and parking facility. However, given its location on the periphery of Lionshead, thisഀ
area may not be the most viable location for a regional transit stop. Notwithstanding theഀ
above, facilities for skier drop-off, private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town busesഀ
should be included in the design of the ski lift and parking facility. In 2006, the Town ofഀ
Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Townഀ
initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment,ഀ
which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportation Master Planഀ
update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopmentഀ
process will provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facilityഀ
and/or the type of transit facilities that may be necessary in West Lionshead.ഀ
2ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot Transportation Centerഀ
A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposed dispersed transportation center on theഀ
North Day Lot will replace the existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely to be on the westഀ
Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the regional bus stop and deliver west Vailഀ
transit riders to the newly created north Lionshead pedestrian portal.ഀ
4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lotഀ
A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is the creation ofഀ
dispersed transportation facilities in the Lionshead area. This facility will remove transit and serviceഀ
vehicles from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry point into the Lionshead pedestrianഀ
core. All or portions of these dispersed transportation facilities may be located on the North Day Lot, theഀ
Lionshead parking structure, or in West Lionshead. This concept is fully discussed in chapter five.ഀ North Day Lot Transit Centerഀ
4.9.4 Potential Housing Sitesഀ
Following are specific sites that have been identified as suitable for locals and employee housing (seeഀ
Map W).ഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professional Building,ഀ
Cascade Crossing, North Day Lot, and the former gas station siteഀ
All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town's housing policiesഀ
and requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy in West Lionshead it isഀ
appropriate to include some dispersed employee housing opportunities for permanentഀ
local residents in proposed developments in the area consistent with these policies.ഀ
Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbird affordableഀ
housing project and to conform to the Town's housing policies andഀ
requirements for new employee housing generation in Lionshead are the Northഀ
Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, and Holy Cross site. However, housingഀ
is not the only use these three properties will need to support. The North Dayഀ
lot is considered to be the preferred location for a significant housing project inഀ
Lionshead to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and provideഀ
housing for new employee generation. The North Day Lot may also need toഀ
accommodate a transit center on the ground level of the development site.ഀ
Additionally, it may be necessary to develop a higher revenue-generatingഀ
product on a portion of the Vail Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vailഀ
Professional Building, and Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost ofഀ
road and infrastructure improvements.ഀ
In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered. While it isഀ
important that buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character ofഀ
Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may make appropriateഀ
the following deviations from standard development parameters:ഀ
a. Densityഀ
The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density. It isഀ
recommended that the standards for density (units per acre) be increased atഀ
this location to allow for a greater number of employee housing units. While it isഀ
important that buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character ofഀ
Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may make appropriateഀ
the following deviations from standard development parameters.ഀ
b. Building Height for Employee Housingഀ
It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall building height than isഀ
otherwise allowed under the Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines. Anyഀ
increase in building height will need to be reviewed on a case by case basis byഀ
the Town of Vail, and any eventual building height will still need to be visuallyഀ
appropriate for this location.ഀ
c. Parkingഀ
It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for employee housingഀ
at this location given the sites proximity to transportation facilities, jobs, andഀ
pedestrian routes. In consideration for reducing employee parking for theഀ
housing provided on this site, parking for other employees of the ownerഀ
provided on this site should be considered. Excess parking may be used toഀ
satisfy the no net loss of parking policy or for future parking requirements ofഀ
other development on the property.ഀ
d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacksഀ
Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage and reducingഀ
setbacks and landscape area in order to maximize the amount of employeeഀ
housing on the site and/or due to impacts associated with the development of aഀ
public transportation facility on the property. With any deviation toഀ
development standards prescribed in the master plan and zoning regulations,ഀ
consideration of impacts should be afforded to the neighboring residential usesഀ
to the North Day Lot. Any design with such deviations will need to be sensitiveഀ
to creating good designs with mitigation measures such as heated sidewalksഀ
and well planned landscape materials. Additionally due to impacts from theഀ
Town's dispersed transportation center on neighboring residential uses,ഀ
mitigation measures should be provided to buffer and screen residential uses.ഀ
e. Encroachments on Town Landഀ
The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side of the north dayഀ
lot which accommodates the pedestrian bridge over the interstate highway.ഀ
This land was dedicated to the Town by Vail Associates in 1976. In order toഀ
allow for more efficient layout and development of employee housing on theഀ
site and/or the dispersed transportation facility, the Town should giveഀ
consideration to allowing development of employee housing and/orഀ
transportation uses on this parcel of land as part of the development of theഀ
north day lot.ഀ
Figure 4-12 - Delete this figure found on page 4-35 as it is duplicative of figure 5-13 found onഀ
page 5-26ഀ
Figure 4-13 - Delete this figure found on page 4-37ഀ
Chapter 5 - Detailed Plan Recommendationsഀ
5.1 Lionshead Tourist Information Centerഀ
The Lionshead Tourist Information Center is currently located just west of the entry to theഀ
Lionshead parking structure and is accessed directly off the frontage road. If the entrance to theഀ
Lionshead parking structure is relocated as shown in figure 5-1 this existing facility will need to beഀ
relocated. Potential locations for the center include the Future Vail Civic Center, the parkingഀ
structure, and West Lionshead.ഀ
5.8.3 Pedestrian Connections Through the Core Siteഀ
There is a critical north-south pedestrian connection between the ski yard and theഀ
proposed transportation and skier drop-off uses on the north day lot. This connection willഀ
require at least one north-south penetration through the Vail Associates core site, andഀ
there is an opportunity to create a second one, as shown in figure 5-9. The east-westഀ
pedestrian corridor originating at the east Lionshead pedestrian portal should also beഀ
extended into the Vail Associates core site, connecting with the north-south corridors.ഀ
These connections should be part of the "primary retail mall" (see site design guidelines,ഀ
chapter 6) to reinforce the village character of the core. It is not necessary that flankingഀ
architectural forms be completely separated in order to define pedestrian corridors.ഀ
Instead, opportunities to create significant architectural portals are encouraged to highlightഀ
the transition from one public space into another.ഀ
5.9 North Day Lotഀ
While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be given by theഀ
owner and the Town to including transportation related uses on the ground floor. Ideally the usesഀ
to be considered for the site should include skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local andഀ
regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (see figure 5-13). By relocatingഀ
these functions from their existing locations to easily accessible locations, this would improve theഀ
quality of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant newഀ
pedestrian portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the trafficഀ
study (see appendix A), the dispersed transportation facilities may include:ഀ
a. Skier drop-off: Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but more should be builtഀ
if possible to accommodate other program elements.ഀ
b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate the Westഀ
Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town shuttle stop.ഀ
c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommendedഀ
d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.ഀ
e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at a minimum.ഀ
It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and that the location and shapeഀ
of this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without having significantഀ
implications to traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to develop the site with a qualityഀ
development as allowed under zoning for the property (the site is considered one developmentഀ
site for the purposes of zoning). There needs to be a balance between the development goals forഀ
the property and the impact of public uses on those goals. In order to meet the obligations ofഀ
agreements regarding the Arrabelle project (core site), at a minimum skier drop off must occur onഀ
this site. As discussed below, the Lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provideഀ
opportunities for some of the transportation functions identified above.ഀ
Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities for employeeഀ
housing on the property, development standards such as site coverage, landscape area, 4116ഀ
LWOOffC, and building height may be adjusted to afford more flexibility to the property ownerഀ
(see section and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission.ഀ
In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for the presence of aഀ
public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow for encroachment of uses onഀ
the parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of the north day lot. This encroachmentഀ
may also help to mitigate impacts to adjacent properties to the south by maintaining adequateഀ
setbacks. There may be a need to move or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and accessഀ
as part of the transportation facility.ഀ
A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on the adjacentഀ
Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind. depicted in figure 5-13a, a linear building,ഀ
screen, and/or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of the site to screen theഀ
lower levels of the Landmark properties from the transportation facility. If necessary to provideഀ
adequate buffering a wall or fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen could houseഀ
a bus shelter and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small food andഀ
beverage operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs. Toഀ
the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or other screening measures should be considered toഀ
buffer the Westwind.ഀ
The dispersed transportation facility qovy•.be covered by employee housing or other usesഀ
contemplated by the Lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -1 and any exemptions/deviations discussedഀ
herein. Specifically, the design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual,ഀ
security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and theഀ
Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning and design process.ഀ
Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developed to locateഀ
a Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of uses mentioned above andഀ
addressing the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town of Vail toഀ
evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.ഀ
Alternative locations include:ഀ
West Lionsheadഀ
Lionshead Parking Structureഀ
North Day Lotഀ
In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition,ഀ
the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure which wouldഀ
include a transit facility. It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along withഀ
the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimateഀ
location for a Lionshead Transit Facility.ഀ
( INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 2008.ഀ
Richard D. Cleveland, Mayor, Town of Vailഀ
Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerkഀ
Page 1 of 2ഀ
Warren Campbell - Letter from the President of Westwind at Vail - North Day Lotഀ
From: "Jeff Jacobs"ഀ
Date: 03/17/2008 10:59 AMഀ
Subject: Letter from the President of Westwind at Vail - North Day Lotഀ
CC: , "'Dominic Mauriello"' , , , , "Steve MacDonald"ഀ
March 17, 2008ഀ
RE: North Day Lotഀ
Dear Ladies and Gentleman of the Vail Town Council,ഀ
The Westwind Condominium Association is very concerned about the plans to develop the North Dayഀ
Lot. There are several matters that I will address separately.ഀ
We are dismayed over your plans to place a transportation hub on the western part of this lot. In a recentഀ
meeting with representatives from the Town of Vail, Mauriello Planning Group and Vail Resorts, weഀ
learned that this hub is intended to accommodate local shuttles, regional buses like the ECO carriers,ഀ
vans and other vehicles. While it seems that there are plans to use hybrids for the in town shuttles, theഀ
ECO buses will continue to be diesels. Moreover, the traffic volume will dramatically increase on bothഀ
Frontage Road and the North Day Lot.ഀ
We are naturally dissatisfied with the tremendous increase in pollution this facility will create to theഀ
detriment of our condominiums. This transportation center will create a dramatic increase in noise fromഀ
the numerous heavy vehicles and ruin the air with the foul smelling exhaust that they belch out.ഀ
Moreover, the headlights from all these vehicles will be shining into the windows of condominiums onഀ
the west side of our building, creating a nuisance at all hours of the night. It was ironic to read in aഀ
recent issue of the Vail Daily that the Town of Vail hopes to fund this center with incremental taxesഀ
from rising property values. It can hardly be gainsaid, however, that placing this center on the Northഀ
Day Lot has the potential to lower property values in the Westwind and the other condominiumsഀ
surrounding the North Day Lot.ഀ
We are naturally pleased with the efforts and expense that Vail Resorts and the Town of Vail haveഀ
expended to place Lionshead on par with Vail Village as a world class resort. The contemplatedഀ
development, however, seems to undermine those very efforts. One should note that the transportationഀ
center in Vail Village is in an isolated area on Frontage Rd. that has minimal, if any, impact onഀ
surrounding dwellings or on the Village itself. The contemplated North Day Lot development will haveഀ
a deleterious effect on numerous condominiums that have been trying to improve themselves to beഀ
consistent with the new community.ഀ
We understand that you will need to obtain a zoning variance to proceed with this development. Asഀ
good neighbors, we would like to avoid asserting formal objections to a zoning variance, but yourഀ
present plans make this approach impossible. There are numerous other locations where a transportationഀ
file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47DE4F... 03/17/2008ഀ
Page 2 of 2ഀ
hub could be placed to serve its purpose without causing the adverse impact of the present site. We urgeഀ
you to consider alternative locations. At a minimum, you should consider surrounding theഀ
transportation hub with a wall or placing the entire hub under ground level to reduce its impact.ഀ
Many of the same problems that apply to the transportation hub also require your reconsideration of theഀ
employee housing structure. While we appreciate the need for employee housing, it seems imprudent toഀ
place a large employee housing building in the midst of an area that you are trying to turn into a worldഀ
class resort. It simply will not have the type of construction that will characterize the rest of the area andഀ
will be a "sore thumb" greeting people who arrive in Lionshead. There are numerous, more appropriateഀ
places for employee housing, either further west or even on the other side of the highway.ഀ
Finally, we note the positioning of a massive hotel on the most recent plans created by the Maurielloഀ
group. Initially, Mauriello's group advised that this hotel was only a concept that Vail Resorts may orഀ
may not develop several years down the road. Unfortunately, in a more recent conversation, Mr.ഀ
Mauriello indicated that they were actually proceeding with more detailed plans for this structure. Weഀ
strenuously object to placing an eighty-four foot structure right next to the west side of our building.ഀ
We note that the latest plans do not even contain any visual corridors. In effect, as the building is nowഀ
conceived, the western half of our units will be looking at a huge wall. If Vail Resorts really plans toഀ
proceed with this project, it needs some serious changes to decrease its impact on our building.ഀ
You should also consider the overall impact that these structures will have on the area. The density ofഀ
the buildings will create congestion on Frontage Rd. from Lionshead to Vail Village. The increase inഀ
traffic will result in both safety and noise problems for the entire area. Accordingly, we urge you toഀ
reconsider the density of the present proposals.ഀ
Thank you for your consideration.ഀ
Yours truly,ഀ
Robert A. Waingerഀ
Westwind Board of Directorsഀ
cc: Graham Frank / Vail Resorts Development Co.ഀ
Dominic Mauriello / Mauriello Planning Groupഀ
Greg Hall / Town of Vailഀ
Warren Campbell / Town of Vailഀ
Community Development Dept / Town of Vailഀ
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(04/18/2008) George Ruther - re- North Day Lot Page 1ഀ
From: Linda Sage <sage7474@hotmail.com>ഀ
To: <wcampbell@vailgov.com>, <gruther@vailgov.com>, <dcleveland@vailgov.com>ഀ
Date: 04/17/2008 12:07 PMഀ
Subject: re- North Day Lotഀ
CC: <gwrig ht@destination hotels. com >ഀ
Linda and Donald Sageഀ
14 Evergreen Rowഀ
Armonk, New York 10504ഀ
April 16, 2008ഀ
Mayor andഀ
Members of the Town Councilഀ
Town of Vailഀ
75 S. Frontage Rd.ഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
Dear Mayor and Members of the Town Council:ഀ
I */I t copyഀ
Our family bought a condominium in the Landmark (601) over 16 years ago because we were hoping,ഀ
sometime in the future, to make Vail our permanent residence. We see Vail as our investment in a pieceഀ
of heaven on earth. A little corny perhaps, but truly the way we feel.ഀ
We have been encouraged by our management, Destination Resorts, to do our part improving our unitഀ
and making Vail a first class resort. Justifiably, someone who pays top dollar for a vacation deserves firstഀ
class accommodations. Thus, we invested $100,000 to upgrade our condo in Vail where we spend 2ഀ
weeks of the year as opposed to our home in Armonk where we spend 50 weeks of the year. We haveഀ
also agreed to pay an additional $112,000 to help improve the exterior of the Landmark. A little crazy toഀ
justify perhaps, but we are crazy about Vail. I think we've done our part!ഀ
We are writing now because we know that you too want to do your part in making Vail the best it can be.ഀ
We cannot help but wonder, however, when we hear some of what is being considered whether ourഀ
property is being enhanced when you consider the following:ഀ
On our recent visit to Vail, we actually called the fire department because of concerns over theഀ
smoke spewing from the Arrabelle. We could not even see some of the trees on part of the mountain itഀ
was so thick that day. In fact the fire station called me and explained it was normal on a really cold day forഀ
a building that size but they too felt it needed to be investigated since there was so much smoke.ഀ
The Arrabelle cut off beautiful views for many of our Landmark neighbors and we all had to endureഀ
the sounds and smells of construction for months. And now, there is discussion once again about aഀ
possible transportation center and employee housing being built behind our building. We can't believe it!!ഀ
If it's because the final outcome will be better, that's one thing; it's worth it. If it's going to be worse, that'sഀ
something quite different.ഀ
Please consider the fact that you will increase the noise, congestion and pollution to residents of theഀ
Landmark, the Westwind as well as other residents in the area. We will hear buses coming in and out, dayഀ
and night and the noise of people marching up and down steps with skis. (You should also consider theഀ
fact that the more steps, the more dangerous, it will be too.)ഀ
We are not suggesting that you not utilize the North Lot for something that could be profitable. Whyഀ
not have additional condos, a health club, or a conference center and have a circular driveway for bothഀ
(04/18/2008) George Ruther - re- North Day Lot Page 2ഀ
entrances down the middle? Flowerbeds could be added and this could be made into an attractive andഀ
useful area.ഀ
Building employee housing in the North Day does not enhance the value of neighboringഀ
condominiums and makes no economic sense The North Day Lot is prime real estate because of itsഀ
proximity to the mountain. You are not enhancing our property value when you put inexpensive employeeഀ
housing next door. Yes, employee housing is needed, but expecting employees to commute 20 or 30ഀ
minutes is reasonable. Of course, commuting well over two hours each day to a city for work from aഀ
suburb is normal for us. And, expecting our employers to pay for inexpensive housing so we do not haveഀ
to commute is unheard of in this part of the country.ഀ
We feel that every decision that is made and every penny that is spent should ultimately have one thing inഀ
mind and one thing only- making Vail better- not busier, not noisier, not more congested and polluted. Notഀ
only won't your residents like it, but your visitors won't either. People love the pedestrian only plazas ofഀ
We hope you will give all of our comments and feelings some consideration. We know you too want whatഀ
is best for Vail.ഀ
Thanks for all your efforts.ഀ
Linda and Don Sageഀ
914-273-3967 - phoneഀ
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Statement Number: R080000204 Amount: $1,300.00 02/25/200804:01 PMഀ
Payment Method: Check Init: JSഀ
Notation: 416022/VAILഀ
Permit No: PEC080008 Type: PEC-Zoning Code Amendmenഀ
Parcel No: 2101-063-0800-4ഀ
Site Address: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAILഀ
Location: NORTH DAY LOTഀ
Total Fees: $1,300.00ഀ
This Payment: $1,300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,300.00ഀ
Balance: $0.00ഀ
Account Code Description Current Pmtsഀ
PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 1,300.00ഀ
TO: Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ
FROM: Community Development Departmentഀ
DATE: April 14, 2008ഀ
SUBJECT: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of aഀ
proposed text amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,ഀ
pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan,ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend those elements of theഀ
Master Plan referencing the North Day Lot recommendations andഀ
requirements to facilitate the development of the site with an employeeഀ
housing project, transportation center, and future development site,ഀ
located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filingഀ
3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080008)ഀ
Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented byഀ
Mauriello Planning Group LLCഀ
Planner: George RutherNVarren Campbellഀ
The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Maurielloഀ
Planning Group LLC, is requesting a final recommendation from the Town of Vailഀ
Planning & Environmental Commission of a proposed text amendment to theഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption andഀ
Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, toഀ
amend those elements of the Master Plan referencing the North Day Lotഀ
recommendations and requirements, to facilitate the development of the site withഀ
a 120 bed employee housing project, a public transportation center, and futureഀ
development site, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle.ഀ
Upon review of the applicable elements of the Town's planning documents andഀ
adopted criteria for review, the Community Development Departmentഀ
recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission forwards aഀ
recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council of the applicant's request forഀ
text amendments to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ
A complete summary of Staffs review is provided in Section VIII of thisഀ
The applicant has submitted four development applications to the Town of Vailഀ
Community Development in an effort to.facilitate future development on the Northഀ
Day Lot. Those applications include:ഀ
1. An application requesting permission to proceed through theഀ
Town's development review process with proposed privateഀ
improvements on town-owned land,ഀ
2. An application to amend the text of the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan,ഀ
3. An application for a major exterior alteration for review of theഀ
proposed on site improvements pursuant to the provisionsഀ
outlined in the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district, andഀ
4. An application for a conditional use permit to operate publicഀ
transportation facilities on the North Day Lotഀ
The order of review and consideration of these four applications is critical to theഀ
outcome of the development review process. For instance, the Vail Townഀ
Council must first grant the applicant permission to proceed through the Town'sഀ
development review process for private improvements proposed on town-ownedഀ
land. This step is then followed by the review and consideration of the proposedഀ
master plan text amendment. It is important to note that since the review of theഀ
major exterior alteration application requires demonstrated compliance with theഀ
goals, objectives and policies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, anyഀ
proposed master plan amendments must be reviewed and approved prior toഀ
taking final action on the major exterior alteration application.ഀ
Vail Resorts Development Company has submitted a development reviewഀ
application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department proposingഀ
to amend the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The purpose of theഀ
master plan amendment is to facilitate future development of the propertyഀ
commonly referred as the North Day Lot, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle.ഀ
The proposal includes a 120-bed employee housing development, a publicഀ
transportation center, and a 24,305 square foot site set aside for futureഀ
development. As proposed, the applicant is further requesting to clarify theഀ
Town's intent and objectives for meeting public transportation needs in theഀ
Lionshead Study Area.ഀ
The key elements of the amendment include:ഀ
The creation of a 24,305 square foot site for future development on theഀ
east end of the North Day Lot,ഀ
The elimination of a public loading and delivery facilities from the Northഀ
Day Lot, andഀ
Additions to, and the deletions of, numerous North Day Lot developmentഀ
and public transportation references and statements contained within theഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ
A copy of the applicant's written summary of their request, entitled, "North Dayഀ
Lot, Amendments to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan" datedഀ
February 21, 2008, has been attached for reference. (attachment A)ഀ
• The Vail Town Council adopted the Lionshead Redevelopment Masterഀ
Plan on December 15, 1998. The purpose of the master plan is to createഀ
opportunities for the public and private sectors to act collaboratively toഀ
renew and revitalize an important component [Lionshead] of ourഀ
• On July 7, 2003, Vail Resorts Development Company provided aഀ
proposal to the Town of Vail Community Development Departmentഀ
illustrating a plan for the future development of the North Day Lot.ഀ
• On February 6, 2007, the Vail Town Council approved Resolution #4,ഀ
Series of 2007, which, in part, amended the master plan to includeഀ
specific references to the use of the North Day Lot for employee housingഀ
and public transportation.ഀ
• On December 11, 2007, the Vail Town Council and Vail Resortsഀ
Development Company, executed an amendment to the Core Siteഀ
Developer Improvement Agreement which outlines the requirement toഀ
submit a development application to construct employee housing on theഀ
North Day Lot, pursuant to the recommendations of the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ
• On February 5, 2008, the Vail Town Council granted Vail Resortsഀ
Development Company permission to proceed through the developmentഀ
review process with a development application for the future constructionഀ
of employee housing and public transportation on a 11,113 square footഀ
parcel of land owned by the Town of Vail adjacent to the North Day Lot. Itഀ
is important to note that the Council's permission to proceed in no wayഀ
conveys an approval by the Town Council of the applicant's request.ഀ
The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities ofഀ
the Planning & Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Staff on theഀ
master plan amendment application submitted on behalf of Vail Resortsഀ
Development Company for the North Day Lot.ഀ
Text Amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Planഀ
Planning and Environmental Commission:ഀ
Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to theഀ
Town Council. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review theഀ
proposal and make a recommendation to the Town Council on theഀ
consistency of the proposed amendment with applicable review criteria andഀ
the policies, goals and objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan and other applicable master plan documents.ഀ
Design Review Board:ഀ
Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan amendments.ഀ
The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements areഀ
provided. The staff advises the applicant as to consistency of the proposedഀ
amendment with applicable review criteria and the policies, goals andഀ
objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and otherഀ
applicable master plan documents. Staff provides a staff memo containingഀ
background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project withഀ
respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation onഀ
approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the reviewഀ
Town Council.ഀ
Action: The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of aഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan amendment. The Town Council shallഀ
review and approve the proposal based on the consistency of the proposedഀ
amendment with applicable review criteria and the policies, goals andഀ
objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and otherഀ
applicable master plan documents.ഀ
Staff has provided portions of the Vail Town Code and several master plansഀ
which are relevant to the proposed topics for the review of the proposedഀ
redevelopment proposal.ഀ
Zoning Regulations (in part)ഀ
Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 Zone District (in part)ഀ
12-7H-1: PURPOSE:ഀ
The Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district is intended to provide sites for aഀ
mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeഀ
shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercialഀ
establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zoneഀ
district, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, isഀ
intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenitiesഀ
appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain theഀ
desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site developmentഀ
standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives forഀ
redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ
This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for propertiesഀ
to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an economicallyഀ
vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zoneഀ
District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height,ഀ
and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is toഀ
create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopmentഀ
consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, theഀ
incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent toഀ
redevelopment projects. With any developmenbredevelopment proposal takingഀ
advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will beഀ
evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plazaഀ
redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements.ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (in part)ഀ
Chapter 2, Introductionഀ
2.1 Purpose of the Master Plan (in part)ഀ
"This master plan was initiated by the Town of Vail to encourageഀ
redevelopment and new development initiatives in the Lionsheadഀ
study area. Both public and private interests have recognized thatഀ
Lionshead today lacks the economic vitality of Vail and fails toഀ
offer a world class resort experience. Lionshead's economicഀ
potential has been inhibited by a number of recurrent themes:ഀ
• Lack of growth in accommodation units ("hot beds');ഀ
• Poor retail quality,ഀ
• Deterioration of existing buildings;ഀ
• Uninteresting and disconnected pedestrian environment;ഀ
• Mediocre architectural character; and theഀ
• Absence of incentives for redevelopment.ഀ
CO This master plan is a comprehensive guide for property ownersഀ
proposing to undertake development or redevelopment of theirഀ
properties and the municipal officials responsible for planningഀ
public improvements. The plan outlines the Town's objectives andഀ
goals for the enhancement of Lionshead and proposesഀ
recommendation, incentives, and requirements for redevelopmentഀ
and new development."ഀ
2.2 Definition of a Master Planഀ
A master plan is a guide, a flexible framework for future action. Itഀ
articulates a community's fundamental land use policies,ഀ
principles, and goals in a broad and general way. It plans for theഀ
future physical development or redevelopment of an area of theഀ
community, including its functional and circulation systems and itsഀ
public facilities.ഀ
The land use policies in a master plan are generally implementedഀ
through zoning ordinances. Existing zoning and land use codesഀ
may be modified and new provisions enacted in order to conformഀ
to the master plan and carry out the plan's objectives.ഀ
A master plan does not convey approval for particularഀ
development proposals or concepts, nor can it be implemented inഀ
a short time frame. After adoption of the Lionshead Master Plan,ഀ
every development proposal will have to go through the applicableഀ
development review and approval process, with its attendantഀ
public notices and public hearings. A proposal's adherence to theഀ
policies contained in the adopted master plan will be one of theഀ
factors analyzed by staff, the Planning and Environmentalഀ
Commission (PEC), the Design Review Board (DRB), and theഀ
Town Council (as applicable) in determining whether to approve orഀ
disapprove the specific proposal.ഀ
Vail Land Use Planഀ
According to the Official Town of Vail Land Use Plan map, the applicant'sഀ
proposed redevelopment site is located with the "Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan" land use category. Pursuant to the Plan, the "Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan" land use category description,ഀ
"Included in this category are those properties which are identified asഀ
being included in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan boundaries.ഀ
Properties located within this land use category shall be encouraged toഀ
redevelop, per the Master Plan recommendations, as it has been foundഀ
that it is necessary in order for Vail to remain a competitive four-seasonഀ
resort. Uses and activities for these areas are intended to encourage aഀ
safe, convenient and an aesthetically-pleasing guest experience. Theഀ
range of uses and activities appropriate in the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan (LRMP) land use category may include skier and resortഀ
services, ski lifts, ski trails, base facilities, public restrooms, ticket sales,ഀ
clubs, public plazas, open spaces, parking and loading/deliveryഀ
facilities/structures, public utilities, residential, lodges, accommodationഀ
units, deed restricted employee housing, retail businesses, professionalഀ
and business offices, personal services, and restaurant uses. "ഀ
Land Useഀ
Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districtഀ
Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districtഀ
Lionshead Mixed use 1 Districtഀ
An aerial vicinity map has been attached for reference (attachment B)ഀ
Section 2.8 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan establishes theഀ
authority for amendments to the master plan. Pursuant to Section 2.8,ഀ
"Future amendments to this master plan must be approved by resolutionഀ
or motion by the Town Council following a formal recommendation by theഀ
Planning and Environmental Commission. "ഀ
Upon consideration of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Masterഀ
Plan, staff recommends that the Commission uses the following criteria toഀ
r` evaluate the amendment proposal:ഀ
1. How have conditions changed since the plan was adopted?ഀ
Staff has reviewed the applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan to determine how conditions may have changed within theഀ
Lionshead Study Area that would warrant an amendment to the master planഀ
to allow for a future development site to be created on the North Day Lot andഀ
the elimination of public loading and delivery from the site. In determiningഀ
how conditions may have changed, and to what extent any changes mayഀ
have occurred, staff believes it is important to first understand the goals,ഀ
objectives and policies of the Lionshead Master Plan and to apply theseഀ
factors to review of the proposed amendment.ഀ
Through the adoption of the master plan six fundamental design objectivesഀ
were set that relate to the entire Lionshead study area. The six designഀ
objectives include:ഀ
o The pedestrian environment,ഀ
o Connections to the natural environment,ഀ
o Vehicular circulation,ഀ
o Transit,ഀ
o Service and delivery, andഀ
o Parkingഀ
According to Section 1.2 Master Plan Framework, Transit,ഀ
"The master plan considers that an efficient and flexible public transitഀ
system serving the entire Lionsead study area, including potential newഀ
development in the west end district, is essential to its [Lionshead]ഀ
Pursuant to Subsection 1.3.5, Transit, Recommended Actions, the master planഀ
recommends the following actions be taken within Lionshead regarding publicഀ
o Create a transportation center on the North Day Lot to accommodateഀ
local and regional transit, local shuttles, and charter buses.ഀ
o Remove the existing Concert Hall Plaza bus drop-off.ഀ
o Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to theഀ
North Day Lot.ഀ
o Improve the now difficult left run from East Lionshead Circle onto theഀ
South Frontage Road.ഀ
o Connect future development in West Lionshead to the Town of Vail in-ഀ
town transit route.ഀ
o Investigate alternative clean transit technologies.ഀ
o Investigate potential intermodal connections to future non-vehicularഀ
regional transit systems.ഀ
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Figure 4-8 - Potential Transit Point Parallel to South Frontage Roadഀ
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In accordance with Subsection 2.3.5, Improved Infrastructure, Policy Objectives,ഀ
the following policy objective is stated in the master plan,ഀ
"The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways, transportationഀ
systems, parking, utilities, loading and delivery systems, snow removalഀ
and storage capacity) and its public and private services must beഀ
upgraded to support redevelopment and revitalization efforts and toഀ
meet the service expectations of our guests and residents."ഀ
Pursuant to Chapter 3, Existing Conditions Assessment and Problemഀ
"The initial task in the Lionshead master planning process was to conductഀ
a thorough assessment of existing physical and regulatory conditions inഀ
the study area. The goal of this assessment was to identify the problems,ഀ
opportunities, and constraints that the master plan recommendationsഀ
must recognize and address.ഀ
Furthermore, Subsection 3.8.3, Transit, of the master plan states,ഀ
"The only portion of the in-town shuttle route where buses must bypassഀ
the pedestrian environment and return to the South Frontage Road is inഀ
the core area between the East Lionshead transit stop and Concert Hallഀ
Plaza. This interruption in the dedicated shuttle circuit forces buses toഀ
make several left turns to get on and off the frontage road, frequentlyഀ
causing delays in the transit schedule. To resolve the problem, theഀ
planning team explored the concept of punching an internal transit routeഀ
through the pedestrian core or reserving a corridor for future transitഀ
needs. Both of these ideas met with extreme resistance from residentsഀ
and business owners alike. Although there may be no physicalഀ
solution to this problem, the issue of how to connect the east half ofഀ
Lionshead to the west half must be considered a priority in all futureഀ
transportation and transit planning for the Town of Vail.ഀ
Chapter 4, Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Area, of the masterഀ
plan states,ഀ
"This section of the master plan addresses issues that affect Lionsheadഀ
as a whole. These issues, and recommendations to address them,ഀ
should be considered in all planning and policy decisions asഀ
Lionshead develops.ഀ
To that end, the following sections and subsections of the master plan provideഀ
direction for consideration in all planning and policy decisions,ഀ
4.5 Public Transportationഀ
An efficient transit system is critical to the character and environmentalഀ
quality of any pedestrian-oriented resort. Goals identified by the master planഀ
regarding transit include:ഀ
4.5.1 Connection to West Lionsheadഀ
West Lionshead consists of the West Day Lot, the Vail Associates serviceഀ
center, the sanitation plant, the Holy Cross lot, the former gas station site,ഀ
the Vail Professional Building, and Cascade Crossing. Because it is anഀ
area of potentially significant growth, it is important that it be fullyഀ
integrated into the Town of Vail transit system. The West Lionsheadഀ
properties are at the outside edge of the acceptable walkingഀ
distance to the ski yard (1200 feet). With a mixed use development inഀ
the area which integrates a ski portal, retail space, office space andഀ
residential development, transit service to this area and interconnectionsഀ
to other portals will be critical to develop in the future. In addition, theഀ
update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan shall provide direction onഀ
the ultimate location of a Lionshead Transit Facility along with neededഀ
interconnections between ski portals, regional transit stops, and otherഀ
transportation modes. The addition of a ski lift in this area would makeഀ
this area more viable to redevelopment as it would be within theഀ
acceptable walking distance of a lift (1, 200 feet).ഀ
4.5.2 Maximum Efficiency and Utilizationഀ
The following recommendations are made to enhance the efficiency andഀ
functionality of the Lionshead transit connections in anticipation of futureഀ
redevelopment in the area:ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lotഀ
Transportation Centerഀ
A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposedഀ
transportation center on the north day lot will replace theഀ
existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely to be on theഀ
west Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with theഀ
regional bus stop and deliver west Vail transit riders toഀ
the newly created north Lionshead pedestrian portal.ഀ
4.5.3 Addressing Existing Problemsഀ Concert Hall Plazaഀ
It is recommended that the existing Concert Hall Plaza transitഀ
stop be eliminated.ഀ
4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lotഀ
A principal component of the Lionshead transportation andഀ
circulation network is the creation of a transportation center on theഀ
north day lot. This facility will remove transit and service vehiclesഀ
from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry pointഀ
into the Lionshead pedestrian core. This concept is fully discussedഀ
in chapter five.ഀ
Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations of the master plan examinesഀ
individual parcels and groups of parcels within the Lionshead Study Area. Theഀ
intent of the chapter, and the master plan as a whole, is to identify importantഀ
functional relationships and visual objectives within the district and to propose aഀ
framework for the long-term redevelopment of Lionshead. The master plan isഀ
not intended to limit or eliminate ideas relating to specific parcels; anyഀ
proposal consistent with this framework should be considered even if theyഀ
were not anticipated in this document. With that said, the master planഀ
identifies the following detailed recommendations for the use of the North Dayഀ
5.9 North Day Lotഀ
"The north day lot should be developed as a community transportationഀ
center to consolidate skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local andഀ
regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (seeഀ
figure 5-13). A below-grade service and delivery facility could be constructedഀ
underneath the transit facility. By relocating these functions from theirഀ
existing locations to one easily accessible location, this would improve theഀ
quality of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create aഀ
significant new pedestrian portal into the center of the Lionshead retailഀ
mall. Based upon the results of the traffic study (see appendix A), theഀ
conceptual program for this facility is as follows:ഀ
a. Skier drop-off.- Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but moreഀ
should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.ഀ
b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodateഀ
the West Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-townഀ
shuttle stop.ഀ
c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommendedഀ
d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.ഀ
e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended atഀ
a minimum.ഀ
A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will beഀ
its impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and theഀ
Westwind. Depicted in figure 5-13a, a linear building is recommendedഀ
at the southern edge of the site to screen the lower levels of theഀ
Landmark Tower from the transit center. This facility could house a busഀ
shelter and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a smallഀ
food and beverage operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mallഀ
level for ADA access needs. To the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ orഀ
other screening measures should be considered to buffer the Westwind. Aഀ
more comprehensive solution is to cover the facility with another levelഀ
or two of development - perhaps for offices or employee housing - orഀ
with a roof. (Memorable European antecedents exist for grand, coveredഀ
transportation centers.) Specifically, the design of the transportationഀ
center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smellഀ
that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and theഀ
Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning andഀ
design process.ഀ
Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plansഀ
were developed to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot.ഀ
Integrating the number of uses mentioned above and addressing theഀ
neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town of Vailഀ
to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center. Alternative locationsഀ
West Lionsheadഀ
Lionshead Parking Structureഀ
North Day Lotഀ
In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportationഀ
Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a development competitionഀ
for the Lionshead Parking Structure which would include a transit facility.ഀ
It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along withഀ
the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provideഀ
direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facility."ഀ
Based upon our review of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, staff doesഀ
not believe that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study Area thatഀ
warrant an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, asഀ
proposed by the applicant. Staff believes that an amendment to the master planഀ
which creates a future development site on the North Day Lot comprising nearlyഀ
25,000 square feet, or rough 52% of the North Day Lot land area,ഀ
AWK o significantly compromises the fundamental design objectives of the plan,ഀ
o results in substantial conflicts with Recommended Actions of the plan,ഀ
o negatively impacts the policy objective of providing improvedഀ
infrastructure within Lionshead,ഀ
o fails to positively address the Overall Master Plan Recommendations, andഀ
o does not favorably implement the detailed plan recommends for futureഀ
development of the North Day Lot as previously determined.ഀ
Further, staff does not believe that the applicant has provided adequate evidenceഀ
of how conditions relating to the need for public transportation improvementsഀ
have changed that would warrant the creation of a future development site on theഀ
North Day Lot. The amendment, as proposed, significantly compromises theഀ
ability to implement the goals, objectives and policies of the master plan whichഀ
promote the construction of public transit improvements on the site yet still takesഀ
into consideration the impact a transit facility will have on the adjacent Landmarkഀ
Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind. Specifically, the applicant has notഀ
demonstrated how the creation of the future development site affords theഀ
opportunity to address the all impacts visual, security, sound and smell that mayഀ
negatively affect adjacent properties. Staff believes that those impacts could beഀ
more positively addressed by the applicant in the absence of the proposed futureഀ
development site and ensure that the future public transit improvements can beഀ
designed to meet the service expectations of our guests and residents, as statedഀ
in the master plan policy objectives.ഀ
CW Staff recommends that the applicant reconsiders the plans submitted to the Townഀ
of Vail in 2003 which provides for a public transit use on the site along withഀ
employee housing and improvements aimed at mitigating the impacts of theഀ
development on the adjacent uses. It is staffs belief that the concepts describedഀ
in the 2003 proposal are in keeping with the original goals, objectives andഀ
policies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ
Staff acknowledges that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study Areaഀ
which warrants the elimination of the proposed public loading and deliveryഀ
improvements and support that particular amendment to the master plan.ഀ
2. How is the plan in error?ഀ
The Town staff has reviewed the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan andഀ
believes that, while certain amendments to the master plan maybe necessary toഀ
more accurately reflect certain changes and developments that have occurredഀ
throughout the Lionshead Study Area since its adoption, the master plan is not inഀ
error as it relates to the North Day Lot. Instead, staff believes that the masterഀ
plan remains both relevant and applicable to the general needs of the Lionsheadഀ
area as originally intended when it was adopted. For instance, the plan was notഀ
in error when it states that,ഀ
"An efficient transit system is critical to the character andഀ
environmental quality of any pedestrian-oriented resort "ഀ
"An efficient and flexible public transit system serving the entireഀ
Lionsead study area, including potential new development in the westഀ
end district, is essential to its [Lionshead] future. "ഀ
And lastly,ഀ
"A principal component of the Lionshead transportation andഀ
circulation network is the creation of a transportation center on theഀ
north day lot. This facility will remove transit and service vehiclesഀ
from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry pointഀ
into the Lionshead pedestrian core. "ഀ
3. How would an addition, deletion, or change to the plan be in concertഀ
with the plan in general?ഀ
As previously stated, it may be possible for a deletion or change to the plan to beഀ
made that can be in concert to the master plan in general. For example, in 2003,ഀ
in response to the proposed demolition of the Sun Bird Lodge to facilitate theഀ
redevelopment of the Core Site with the construction of the Arrabelle at Vailഀ
Square Hotel, Vail Resorts Development Company provide the Town of Vailഀ
Community Development Department with a set of proposed plans for theഀ
development of a public transit facility, employee housing and offices on theഀ
North Day Lot. The proposal utilizes the entire ground level of the North Day Lotഀ
for public transit improvements and screening/buffering the improvements fromഀ
the adjacent uses. While more review and analysis of the proposal is required,ഀ
the concepts suggested in the proposal are far more in keeping with the goals,ഀ
objectives and policies of the master plan.ഀ
In this case, staff acknowledges and agrees that a deletion to the master plan ofഀ
the public loading and delivery improvements could be warranted as alternateഀ
methods for addressing the loading and delivery needs in the Lionshead Studyഀ
Area have been evaluated and are presently being implemented.ഀ
The Community Development Department recommends that the Town of Vailഀ
Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of denialഀ
for a proposed text amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,ഀ
pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend those elements of the Master Planഀ
referencing the North Day Lot recommendations and requirements, to facilitateഀ
the development of the site with a 120 bed employee housing project, a publicഀ
transportation center, and future development site, located at 600 Westഀ
Lionshead Circle.ഀ
Staff recommendation for denial is based upon a review of the evidence andഀ
testimony presented and the review of the criteria outlined in Section VIII of thisഀ
memorandum. Specifically, staff finds that the applicant has failed toഀ
demonstrate how conditions have changed to the public transportation needsഀ
within the Lionshead Study Area that warrant an amendment to the master planഀ
creating a future development site on the North Day Lot.ഀ
Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward aഀ
Ap" recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council, staff recommends that theഀ
Commission makes the following findings,ഀ
"Upon review of the application for an amendment to the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmentalഀ
Commission finds that conditions in the Lionshead Study area have notഀ
changed with regard to the need for public transportation improvements onഀ
the North Day Lot since the adoption of the master plan which warrant theഀ
proposed amendment, that the plan is not in error with regards to theഀ
detailed plan recommendations for the North Day Lot, and that theഀ
proposed additions, deletions, or changes as proposed by the applicantഀ
are not in concert with the plan in general. Furthermore, the Commissionഀ
finds that the master plan, as adopted, adequately addresses theഀ
proposed future uses of the North Day Lot as documented throughout theഀ
master plan. "ഀ
Attachment A -"North Day Lot, Amendments to the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan", dated February 21, 2008ഀ
Attachment B - aerial vicinity mapഀ
North Day Lotഀ
Amendments to the bon5headഀ
February 2 1, 2008ഀ
I J, I ildഀ
Maurieilo Planning Groupഀ
Attachment Aഀ
Redevelopment Master Planഀ
I. Introductionഀ
This application is submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company to clarifyഀ
statements within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (LHRMP). Theseഀ
amendments were developed in conjunction with the Town of Vail staff in order toഀ
address site development activities through the development review process for theഀ
North Day Lot in an efficient and comprehensive manner.ഀ
The LHRMP was adopted by the Town Council in 1996 after several years in the reviewഀ
and development process. Many of the issues and direction found in the plan wereഀ
based upon planning and information available at that time. Now ten years later andഀ
following the redevelopment of numerous parcels and new ideas about uses for otherഀ
sites within Lionshead, some of the direction in the original plan requires clarification andഀ
modification to provide direction to the applicant and decision-making bodies.ഀ
In the following sections are proposed text modifications and support analysis for theഀ
changes being proposed.ഀ
2. Proposed Amendments by Chapter of LHKMPഀ
In this section the applicant has identified specific provisions that we believe warrantഀ
clarification or changes. The proposed revisions are in an underline and s°ri~krഀ
format. We provide an applicant analysis at the end of each section being amended.ഀ
Chapter I - Executive 5ummaryഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
1.3.5 Transitഀ
• Create dispersed transportation centers in Lionshead an the neFth day lot toഀ
accommodate local and regional transit, local shuttles, skier drop off, and charterഀ
buses. Locations for these facilities may include the North Day Lot, the Lionsheadഀ
Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (aka EverVail).ഀ
• Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to the North Day Lot,ഀ
Lionshead Parking Structure, or West Lionshead area.ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The kHRMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed theഀ
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced Westഀ
Lionshead as o location for certain transportation uses. This section should alsoഀ
reflect the existing direction contained in Chapters 4 and 5 of the plan.ഀ
North Day Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
1.3.6 Service and Deliveryഀ
• Create a central service and delivery facility in conjunction with the proposed transitഀ
facility on the North Day Lot (A central service and loading acility was developedഀ
by Vail Resorts within the Arrabelle project (core site) thus eliminating the need forഀ
an additional facility on the North Day Lotl.ഀ
Applicant Analy515:ഀ
A5 indicated above, a central loading and 5ervrce facility has already been providedഀ
within tion5head eliminating the need for this public facility on the North Day tot.ഀ
Chapter 3 - EX15tmg Conditions A55e55mentഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parkingഀ
Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for itsഀ
employee parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximatelyഀ
105 cars, is located behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportationഀ
facility, employee housing and other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LMU-ഀ
1Ler. The west day lot, located just west of the Marriott parking structure, has anഀ
approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significant development opportunity. Parkingഀ
displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within the Lionshead study area toഀ
satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss of parking. The displaced parking will be provided inഀ
West Lionshead within a parking structure included as part of the EverVail project.ഀ
Applicant Anoly515:ഀ
This amendment 15 added to 51mply clarify Vail Resorts intended Solution to "no netഀ
loos of parking. "ഀ
Chapter 4 - Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Areaഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stopഀ
It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located atഀ
the Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lotഀ
the Lionshead parking structure, and West Lionshead. Thisഀ
will provide a Lionshead connection between the regional transit system and theഀ
Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors and employees coming toഀ
Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead of the currentഀ
"back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regionalഀ
North Dav Lot 2ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible toഀ
locate elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area inഀ
conjunction with a new ski lift and parking facility. However, given its locationഀ
on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may not be the most viable location for aഀ
regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the above, facilities for skier drop-off,ഀ
private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses should be included in theഀ
design of the ski lift and parking facility. In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated anഀ
update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated aഀ
development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment,ഀ
which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportationഀ
Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structureഀ
redevelopment process will provide direction on the ultimate location for aഀ
Lionshead Transit Facility and/or the type of transit facilities that may beഀ
necessary in West Lionshead.ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The LHRMP was revlsed in 2007 to include language that directed theഀ
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced Westഀ
Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This sentence is clarifiedഀ
given the new language included at the end of the paragraph.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot Transportation Centerഀ
A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposed dispersed transportation centerഀ
on the North Day Lot will replace the existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likelyഀ
to be on the west Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the regionalഀ
bus stop and deliver west Vail transit riders to the newly created north Lionsheadഀ
pedestrian portal.ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The LIHRMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed theഀ
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced Westഀ
Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. if the transportation centerഀ
is not developed on the north day lot, this sentence needs to be revlsed so that theഀ
"bus stop" is accommodated even though a transportation'center might be locatedഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lotഀ
North Day Lot 3ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is theഀ
creation of dispersed transportation facilities center in the Lionshead area on the ^nolഀ
clay- let. This facility will remove transit and service vehicles from other areas ofഀ
Lionshead and create a major new entry point into the Lionshead pedestrian core. All orഀ
portions of these dispersed transportation facilities may be located on the North Day Lot,ഀ
the Lionshead parking structure, or in West Lionshead. This concept is fully discussed inഀ
chapter five.ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The Ll IRMP was revised In 2007 to Include language that directed theഀ
transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced Westഀ
Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. The North Day tot, aഀ
privately held parcel of land, cannot reasonably accommodate all of theഀ
transportation uses originally envisioned for this parcel given its small size, location,ഀ
and configuration. Some uses w111 more reasonably need to be located In otherഀ
dispersed locations within Lionshead as identified by the LIHRMP.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
large North Day Lot Transit Centeഀ
tfal ne.-, ..ne and delivery sameഀ
f elli ' at the c.,ame t`m` (see f gUFe 4 12).ഀ
f lit would be bu It under- " str„et„red par-king deck and would n s 41,0ഀ
mead cer by fteight elevateFs and a service tnneel. The e tunഀ
would open into the pedestrian ..,alt on the nei4h „all of the main T ; ....h aഀ
pedestFian plaza between the Lifthouse Ledge and the Landfnar-k Tower-. itഀ
estimated that the f: ;lit, .1.1 a peak volume of a y atel+ 15ഀ
deliver-y hi les an vide a limited n nt of te.f...erar., storage a e l eeഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
This section 15 proposed to be deleted in its entirety. The centralized loading andഀ
delivery faclhty has already been developed within the Arrabelle (core site) project.ഀ
Therefore, there is no longer a need for the same function on the north day lot.ഀ
Along with deleting the text of this section, figure 4- l3 on page 4-37 should alsoഀ
be eliminated from the plan.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
4.9.4 Potential Housing Sitesഀ
Following are specific sites that have been identified as suitable for locals and employeeഀ
housing (see Map W).ഀ
North Day Lot 4ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professionalഀ
Building, Cascade Crossing, North Day Lot, and the former gasഀ
station siteഀ
All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town'sഀ
housing policies and requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy inഀ
West Lionshead it is appropriate to include some dispersed employee housingഀ
opportunities for permanent local residents in proposed developments in the areaഀ
consistent with these policies.ഀ
Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbirdഀ
affordable housing project and to conform to the Town's housingഀ
policies and requirements for new employee housing generation inഀ
Lionshead are the North Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, andഀ
Holy Cross site. However, housing is not the only use these threeഀ
properties will need to support. The North Day lot is considered toഀ
be the preferred location for a significant housing project inഀ
Lionshead to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project andഀ
provide housing for new employee generation. The North Day Lotഀ
may also need to accommodate a transit center on the ground level ofഀ
the development site. Additionally, it may be necessary to develop aഀ
higher revenue-generating product on a portion of the Vailഀ
Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vail Professional Building, andഀ
Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost of road andഀ
infrastructure improvements.ഀ
In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered.ഀ
While it is important that buildings here be visually consistent withഀ
the overall character of Lionshead, the desire to maximize theഀ
housing potential may make appropriate the following deviationsഀ
from standard development parameters [moved from paragraphഀ
a. Densiഀ
The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density.ഀ
See , It is recommended that the standards for density (units perഀ
acre) be increased at this location to allow for a greater number ofഀ
employee housing units and live beds. While it is important thatഀ
buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character ofഀ
Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may makeഀ
appropriate the following deviations from standard developmentഀ
b. Buildin Height for Employee Housingഀ
F4Fs4-, It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall buildingഀ
height than is otherwise allowed under the Lionshead Architecturalഀ
Design Guidelines. Any increase in building height will need to beഀ
reviewed on a case by case basis by the Town of Vail, and anyഀ
eventual building height will still need to be visually appropriate forഀ
this location.ഀ
c. Parkingഀ
North Dav Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
Third, It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements forഀ
employee housing at this location liven the sites proximity toഀ
transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes. In considerationഀ
for reducing employee parking for the housing provided on this site,ഀ
parking for other employees of the owner provided on this siteഀ
should be considered. Excess parking may be used to satisfy the noഀ
net loss of parking policy or for future parking requirements of otherഀ
development on the property (i.e., future lives beds).ഀ
d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacksഀ
Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage andഀ
reducing setbacks and landscape area in order to maximize theഀ
amount of employee housing on the site and/or due to impactsഀ
associated with the development of a public transportation facility onഀ
the property. With any deviation to development standardsഀ
prescribed in the master plan and zoning regulations, considerationഀ
of impacts should be afforded to the neighboring residential uses toഀ
the North Day Lot. AU design with such deviations will need to beഀ
sensitive to creating good designs with mitigation measures such asഀ
heated sidewalks and well planned landscape materials. Additionallyഀ
due to impacts from the Town's dispersed transportation center onഀ
neighboring residential uses, mitigation measures should be providedഀ
to buffer and screen residential uses.ഀ
e. Encroachments on Town Landഀ
The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side ofഀ
the north day lot which accommodates the pedestrian bridge over theഀ
interstate highway. This land was dedicated to the Town by Vailഀ
Associates in 1976. In order to allow for more efficient layout andഀ
development of employee housing on the site and/or the dispersedഀ
transportation facility, the Town should give consideration toഀ
allowing development of employee housing and/or transportationഀ
uses on this parcel of land as part of the development of the northഀ
day lot.ഀ
Applicant Analysts:ഀ
This site has special circumstances not generally applied to other properties inഀ
Lion.sheod due to the imposition of a public transportation facility. Due to thisഀ
recommendation of the master plan and the desire to maximize employee housingഀ
uses within Llonshead area, special relief from development standards should beഀ
afforded to the property owner to help mltlgate the impacts of hoving a significantഀ
public facility on private land. This amendment helps provide clear policy direction toഀ
the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Town staff, and the applicant.ഀ
North Dav Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
Figure 4-12 - Delete this figure found on page 4-35 as it is duplicative of figure 5-13 foundഀ
on page 5-26ഀ
Figure 4-13 - Delete this figure found on page 4-37ഀ
Chapter 5 - Detailed Plan Recommendationsഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment.ഀ
5.1 Lionshead Tourist Information Centerഀ
The Lionshead Tourist Information Center is currently located just west of the entry toഀ
the Lionshead parking structure and is accessed directly off the frontage road. If theഀ
entrance to the Lionshead parking structure is relocated as shown in figure 5-1 thisഀ
existing facility will need to be relocated. Potential locations for the center include theഀ
Future Vail Civic Center, the parking structure, and West Lionsheadthe NE)F''i Da Tഀ
tfafisit , nte -ഀ
Applicant Analy515:ഀ
Given all of the activities proposed for the north day lot it 15 more appropriate toഀ
consider other location for a touri5t5 office. West Llon5head 15 perhaps a moreഀ
logical location Since it 15 on the western approach to Lion5heod.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
5.8.3 Pedestrian Connections Through the Core Siteഀ
There is a critical north-south pedestrian connection between the ski yard and theഀ
proposed transit er transportation and skier drop-off uses on the north day lot.ഀ
This connection will require at least one north-south penetration through the Vailഀ
Associates core site, and there is an opportunity to create a second one, as shownഀ
in figure 5-9. The east-west pedestrian corridor originating at the east Lionsheadഀ
pedestrian portal should also be extended into the Vail Associates core site,ഀ
connecting with the north-south corridors. These connections should be part ofഀ
the "primary retail mall" (see site design guidelines, chapter 6) to reinforce theഀ
village character of the core. It is not necessary that flanking architectural formsഀ
be completely separated in order to define pedestrian corridors. Instead,ഀ
opportunities to create significant architectural portals are encouraged toഀ
highlight the transition from one public space into another.ഀ
Applicant Ana1y515:ഀ
North Day Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
This section is proposed to be modified so that it 15 not assumed that theഀ
transportation facility 15 necessarily developed on the north day lot but that someഀ
transportation uses are still planned and likely to be developed there.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
5.9 North Day Lotഀ
While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be givenഀ
by the owner and the Town to including transportation related uses on a portion of theഀ
ground floor. Ideally the uses to be considered for the site should include The HOFt' dayഀ
4 h--l-a - be developed emrv,unit,r 4rn r. c.r.~r}ati~r. i.en-ento eenselidate skier rop-ഀ
--as as a e - - ~ ~=u«ഀ
off, local and regional transit, local and regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-offഀ
and pick-up (see figure 5-13). A below r »eds se and delivery f __lity _ouldഀ
eenstmeted ndemeath the transit r ,.:u+., By relocating these functions from theirഀ
existing locations to one easily accessible locations, this would improve the quality ofഀ
vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant new pedestrianഀ
portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the trafficഀ
study (see appendix A), the dispersed transportation facilities need to include: eelഀ
r this f edit„ is as follows:ഀ
a. Skier drop-off. Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but moreഀ
should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.ഀ
b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate theഀ
West Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town shuttleഀ
c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommendedഀ
d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.ഀ
e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at aഀ
It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and that the locationഀ
and shape of this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without havingഀ
significant implications to traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to developഀ
the site with a quality development as allowed under zoning for the property (the site isഀ
considered one development site for the purposes of zoning). There needs to be a balanceഀ
between the development goals for the property and the impact of public uses on thoseഀ
goals. In order to meet the obligations of agreements regarding the Arrabelle projectഀ
(core site) at a minimum skier drop off must occur on this site. As discussed below, theഀ
Lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provide opportunities for some ofഀ
the transportation functions identified above.ഀ
Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities forഀ
employee housing on the property, development standards such as site coverage,ഀ
landscape area setbacks and building height may be adjusted to afford more flexibilityഀ
to the property owner (see section and approved by the Planning andഀ
Environmental Commission.ഀ
North Dav Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for theഀ
presence of a public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow forഀ
encroachment of uses on the parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of theഀ
north day lot. This encroachment may also help to mitigate impacts to adjacentഀ
properties to the south by maintaining adequate setbacks. There may be a need to moveഀ
or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and access as part of the transportationഀ
facili .ഀ
A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on theഀ
adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind._Depicted in figure 5-13a,ഀ
a linear building, screen, and/or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge ofഀ
the site to screen the lower levels of the Landmark properties Tower from theഀ
transportation facility trans tei. If necessary to provide adequate buffering a wall orഀ
fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen €ae4ity could house a bus shelterഀ
and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small food and beverageഀ
operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs. To theഀ
east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or other screening measures should be considered toഀ
buffer the Westwind.ഀ
The dispersed transportation facility would be covered by employee housing or other usesഀ
contemplated by the Lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -1 and any exemptions/deviationsഀ
discussed herein. ^ _o ehensi _ solution is to e- the f eflit• with ___^*h°_ more level or c. a vi developmentperhaps for- effiees err employee housing or- with ^ ^fഀ
(Memorable Eur-opean to edents o st for- „'a, eover-ed .gin )ഀ
Specifically, the design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual,ഀ
security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind andഀ
the Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning and designഀ
Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developedഀ
to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of usesഀ
mentioned above and addressing the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit centerഀ
prompted the Town of Vail to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.ഀ
Alternative locations include:ഀ
West Lionsheadഀ
Lionshead Parking Structureഀ
North Day Lotഀ
In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. Inഀ
addition, the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure which would include a transit facility. It is recommended that theഀ
Transportation Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transitഀ
North Dav Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevetopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The UHKMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed theഀ
transportation uses to the bonshead Parking Structure and also referenced Westഀ
bonshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This amendment is necessaryഀ
to clarify some of the issues and problems associated with the North Day Lot. Theഀ
master plan j5 a conceptual document and the number of transportation usesഀ
indicated for this site did not appropriately consider the impacts to the site, theഀ
circulation implications to the adjacent roadways, and the other needs forഀ
development of the property and the desire for the Town to have dispersedഀ
transportation fac1kt1e5. The proposed amendment also recognizes the phy51ca1ഀ
needs for a transportation facility on the property and its impact to typicalഀ
development standards. Unlrke most properties In Lionshead, the need toഀ
accommodate a signrficant publ/c facility places a specaal burden on this property.ഀ
Applicant Proposed Amendment:ഀ
Figure 5-13 - Amend this figure on page 5-26 to reflect the current proposed developmentഀ
opportunities for the North Day Lot as shown below:ഀ
Q ({{E EMഀ
pUStNG AifnVE \ഀ
M, yഀ
o J cഀ
I,A1$7M.ARKTOWK.:on?ES ijഀ
~ ~..f 1iiaUf tau'tp1RYFഀ
North Day Lot 10ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
3. Amendment Authorityഀ
The authority to amend the LHKMP is contained within Section 2.8 of the plan. Itഀ
2.8 Adoption and Amendment of the Master Planഀ
The Lionshead Master Plan was adopted by resolution No. 14, Series of 1998, onഀ
December 151h'1998, by the Vail Town Council following a recommendation to approveഀ
by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Future amendments to this master planഀ
must be approved by resolution or motion by the Town Council following a formalഀ
recommendation by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Implementationഀ
activities and ordinances will be approved in accordance with the Town of Vailഀ
Municipal Code.ഀ
4. Review Criteriaഀ
The honshead Redevelopment Master Plan nor the Town Code contain any codifiedഀ
review criteria for master plan amendments. However, the Town has used the followingഀ
criteria in the past. We have also utilized the criteria historically used by staff.ഀ
A. How have conditions changed since the plan was adopted?ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The Lion517ead Redevelopment Master Plan was originally adopted inഀ
1996. It is now almost 10 years since the original adoption and the Townഀ
has experience Significant change throughout the Town in the form ofഀ
redevelopment. Additionally the Town's knowledge of circulation andഀ
transportation has also improved with the revisions to the Town'sഀ
Transportation Master Plan. Much of the planning and study of theഀ
transportation facilities within the Town occurred after the adoption of theഀ
L1-HRMP. Therefore, conditions have changed with respect toഀ
understanding the needs for transit and other fac1hbe5 throughout theഀ
Town. These proposed amendments help maintain the master plan asഀ
current and relevant a5 condition change and new information rs available.ഀ
B. How is the plan in error?ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The bon5head Redevelopment Master Plan 15 in error only in that it doesഀ
reflect the current understanding of the circulation and transportationഀ
needs of the Town. As redevelopment has occurred within the Town soഀ
have the needs for transportation facilities. The Town now recognizes theഀ
need to address transportation facilities in a di5per5ed fashion. The plan,ഀ
North Day Lotഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
whilejust a recommending document, should be amended to reflect theഀ
current reality of the transportation system within bail. The proposedഀ
amendments help to resolve any errors that may currently be contained inഀ
the document with respect to the North Day Lot.ഀ
C. How would an addition, deletion, or change to the plan be in concert withഀ
the plan in general?ഀ
Applicant Analysis:ഀ
The proposed changes, additions and deletions bring the Lionsheadഀ
Redevelopment Master Plan up to date with the current knowledge andഀ
understanding of the transportation needs within the Town and the desireഀ
for a dispersed system. The proposed changes provide clear direction toഀ
the staff and Town offlcials as well as the owner of the North Day Lot. Theഀ
propose changes are m concert with the plan in general.ഀ
North Day Lot 12ഀ
Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendmentsഀ
FILE Cc,, Pഀ
Lionshead Transit Centerഀ
White Paperഀ
Prepared for:ഀ
Town of Vailഀ
Public Worksഀ
Prepared by:ഀ
Felsburg Holt & Ullevigഀ
6300 S. Syracuse Way, # 600ഀ
Centennial, CO 80111ഀ
April 10, 2008ഀ
FHU Reference Number 05-168ഀ
The Town of Vail has been planning for a major transportation center in the Lionsheadഀ
portal area for many years. This was identified in the Lionshead Master Plan preparedഀ
back in 1997. Since 1997, The Town has reviewed numerous sites as potential centersഀ
for transit including public services, shuttles, and skier drop activity. The need for aഀ
center has only been strengthened due to significant planning in the Lionshead area andഀ
given the potential for regional growth along with associated regional transit service.ഀ
The Vail Transportation Center (VTC) has a finite capacity, and increased service byഀ
current providers (Vail and ECO) and the advent of additional providers (1-70 Frontഀ
Range Service and Summit Stage for example) will overwhelm the practical functionalityഀ
of VTC facility if it is to serve as the only transit hub within Town.ഀ
Lionshead Activityഀ
Lionshead is a major hub today including a gondola and ski lift, a major parkingഀ
structure, and tourist-oriented commercial space, and condominium units. Recentഀ
redevelopment and planned redevelopment, such as Arrabelle, Lionshead Center,ഀ
Landmark, and the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment will establish Lionsheadഀ
as a near equal rival to the activity in Vail Village. Currently, the Lionshead Village areaഀ
is anticipated to see approximately 1500 net new units and 290,000 additional squareഀ
feet of non-residential development given current plans. In 1997, the new developmentഀ
levels anticipated were approximately 586 units and 193,000 square feet of non-ഀ
residential uses. The residential unit count has nearly tripled since the 1997 plan whileഀ
the non residential uses have increased by 50 percent.ഀ
As this growth comes to fruition, there will be a stronger natural "demand" to travelഀ
to/from this hub, and this will require numerous bus routes from several services to stopഀ
at Lionshead. Current Vail routes that stop at Lionshead include the In-Town shuttle,ഀ
and the West Vail routes. In the future, there is the potential to construct a newഀ
underpass of 1-70 at Simba Run, and this will establish the Lionshead Transportationഀ
Center in a much better position than the VTC to serve as the ski-area access hub forഀ
western Vail with respect to transit; the synergy that could be developed by a Lionsheadഀ
transit center and the Simba Run Underpass together will be an extraordinaryഀ
enhancement to transit service in West Vail. Further, given the potential of a line-haul,ഀ
Frontage Road bus routing system to make use of the Simba Run underpass, it wouldഀ
be prudent to establish a notable transit facility at a notable hub (Lionshead) along theഀ
line-haul route. The Simba Run underpass could also provide for a connection with theഀ
Sandstone route as well. Potentially, five bus routes could serve Lionshead in the futureഀ
as compared to only three today.ഀ
In addition to Town service, current regional service to Lionshead includes five routes.ഀ
The ECO Transit will continue to "want" to serve Lionshead, maybe more so given theഀ
growth that is planned at Lionshead. ECO Transit sees a Lionshead Transit Center as aഀ
way to improve the efficiency of their current routes by establishing a Vail terminus inഀ
Lionshead. Regional ridership has increased 29 percent over the past two years. Thisഀ
regional demand is anticipated to increase much more as growth in Eagle Countyഀ
continues and Vail redevelops and adds jobs. Today, ECO Transit struggles to maintainഀ
their bus schedules due in part to the popularity of their service. This challenge preventsഀ
too much deviation from their primary routes.ഀ
In addition, dwell times have been kept to a minimum by ECO Transit, again in theഀ
interest of trying to keep up with their schedules. Future growth will only add moreഀ
demand to ECO service, thus requiring additional buses along their routes (and the needഀ
for additional accommodation in Vail). ECO Transit's revenue has increased by moreഀ
than 10 percent per year, and they have utilized this increase to add 10 to 15 hours ofഀ
daily service each year. This year, ECO Transit added the Edwards Express and alsoഀ
established some shadow/piggy back service (when two buses run together as one run).ഀ
Besides ECO Transit, other regional services that choose to serve Vail will want to serveഀ
the Lionshead hub. Regional bus service connections to Vail are being considered forഀ
Summit Stage. This is currently happening on a private basis via Vail Resorts buses.ഀ
The Roaring Fork Transit Authority (RFTA) is considering connecting to ECO Transit onഀ
the west end of Eagle County, potentially introducing new transit market ridership fromഀ
Pitkin and Garfield Counties into Vail. Also, an 1-70 Front Range Service is beingഀ
discussed. Like ECO, these too would "want" to serve a major hub area like Lionsheadഀ
due to the natural attractivenessഀ
VTC Capacityഀ
A Lionshead Transportation facility will also provide needed redundancy to VTC. Today,ഀ
it is not uncommon for the VTC to experience more buses on-site than bus-spaces.ഀ
Currently, there are six bus bays, and each hold up to two buses. ECO Transit uses twoഀ
bays, and peak times can see four or five ECO buses at the VTC. The Town uses theഀ
remaining four bus bays, and most peak periods see each stall serving two vehicles, inഀ
part due to the need to shadow several routes.ഀ
Besides accommodating more bus routes, the VTC is also a designated area for busഀ
drivers to take a break. Regulations require drivers to park their vehicle and rest atഀ
minimum specified intervals, and the VTC serves in this capacity. Vail is ideal for ECOഀ
service driver breaks given that Vail is the terminus of many ECO routes. With theഀ
potential of more service, regionally and locally, there will be greater demand for aഀ
dedicated driver break area. The VTC will not be able to accommodate all services, allഀ
routes, and all driver break activity in the future. Another means is necessary to relieveഀ
the VTC; a Lionshead Transportation Center would be able to provide this relief to theഀ
So, the need fora Lionshead Transportation Center is driven by:ഀ
• The need to provide a high level of transit service to a dense area of activityഀ
within Vail.ഀ
• The intent to leverage the future Simba Run underpass to vastly improve theഀ
nature of transit service connecting western Vail to Central Vail.ഀ
• The need to relieve the VTC of some of its transit-related demands with respectഀ
to regional routes and driver break areas.ഀ
• The need to "clean up" significant conflicts which occur at the Lionsheadഀ
Mall/Lionshead Parking Structure entry area, particularly with pedestrian activity.ഀ
• The desire to better accommodate hotel shuttles.ഀ
• The desire to better establish an official, organized skier drop off area.ഀ
Charter buses currently use the east side of the LH Parking Structure. This area doesഀ
not provide a good guest experience in which Vail strives to achieve. Further, this isഀ
planned to be removed once this lot is developed.ഀ
The Town's Transit Plan and Vail's 20/20 vision recognizes the need for multimodalഀ
transportation with an emphasis on transit. Employees who work in the Lionshead areaഀ
(or access the ski area via Lionshead) are expected to avoid commuting via their car.ഀ
This is a trend that is expected to be encouraged into the future, thus necessitatingഀ
appropriate transit accommodations for employee users. The Town's estimates forഀ
required future parking spaces are heavily reliant on increased transit use. Vail's overallഀ
environmental strategies include increased reliance on transit service to reduce greenഀ
house gas emissions.ഀ
For these numerous reason, it is critical to establish a major transit center in theഀ
Lionshead area.ഀ
The Lionshead area should ultimately be user-friendly for riders. The idealഀ
characteristics for service would include the following:ഀ
• An adequate number of spaces (now and in the future) for the various transitഀ
providers including:ഀ
o Town routesഀ
o ECO routes and planned regional servicesഀ
o Hotel shuttlesഀ
o Short-term drop-off activity (passenger cars, taxis)ഀ
o Charter Busesഀ
Vail has an excellent reputation as a provider for transit service and allowing guests andഀ
residents to leave their car at home. Establishing a robust facility at the Lionshead hubഀ
will strengthen this notion and encourage travelers to utilize transit.ഀ
The vehicle space needs for the above providers varies during peak season. Each ofഀ
the users is described in more detail below.ഀ
Town of Vail Bus Routes - Given current conditions, three bus routes would likely serveഀ
the Lionshead Transit Facility including the two West Vail loop routes and the In-Townഀ
shuttle. Expanded local service in the future could instill additional routes stopping at aഀ
Lionshead Facility. With the Simba Run underpass of 1-70, a Lionshead facility is in anഀ
excellent position to serve western Vail, and a hub at Lionshead anchoring these routesഀ
would reduce bus mileage (versus traveling all the way to the Vail Village Transportationഀ
Center). Potentially, a "line-haul" service could be implemented (given a Simba Runഀ
underpass) along the south and north frontage roads providing direct continuity betweenഀ
West Vail, Timber Ridge, Ever Vail, Lionshead, Vail Village, and Ford Park. Thisഀ
continuous service alone could generate 10 to 15 buses into and out of a Lionsheadഀ
facility per hour; with potentially three buses from this route on-site at the same time. Inഀ
addition, outlying bus routes could potentially link to the line-haul at Lionshead creating aഀ
peak potential of four to six buses on-site at the same time (2 or 3 line-haul, 1 or 2ഀ
outlying, 1 In-Town shuttle).ഀ
The 1997 Lionshead Village Transportation Plan had identified 3 vehicles for Townഀ
service at the Center. With the advent of the In-Town serving this facility and theഀ
increase due to a Frontage Road "line haul" system between West Vail and Ford Parkഀ
(and the associated reshuffling of outlying service), this estimate has increased to aഀ
minimum of four and as many as six vehicles.ഀ
ECO Routes (and other Regional Services) - The ECO service has been experiencingഀ
more ridership over the years and Vail is one of its prime destinations. Five routesഀ
currently serve Vail with stops at Lionshead and at Vail Village. All of the routesഀ
terminate at Vail Village. Currently at peak times, four ECO buses stop at the Vailഀ
Transportation Center at the same time. Some of this demand could be instead servedഀ
by a Lionshead Transportation Center, thus providing some badly needed relief to theഀ
Vail Village Transportation Center (plus a second driver break area). Given theഀ
potential increases described above, the number of buses that Vail would need toഀ
accommodate will increase.ഀ
The 1997 Lionshead Village Transportation Plan had identified one vehicle for Countyഀ
service. This is clearly too low. With four today at Vail during peak times, and theഀ
potential growth described, potentially six to eight spaces for regional buses should beഀ
provided. If these are split between The Vail Village Transportation Center and theഀ
Lionshead Transportation Center, up to four ECO buses could be at the Lionsheadഀ
facility at the same time. Part of this demand is the fact that ECO service tends toഀ
shadow their routes at peak times.ഀ
Hotel Shuttles - There are approximately 20 lodges in Vail and Avon that make use ofഀ
shuttle services to transport their guests to the ski area. Today, these shuttles parkഀ
along East Lionshead Circle near the Lionshead Mall (adjacent to the parking structure).ഀ
During peak times, these shuttles travel continuously between their base lodge andഀ
Lionshead creating demand to park and unload guests to the gondola. As Vail reachesഀ
build out, more lodges will implement more shuttle services, so this element isഀ
anticipated to growഀ
The 1997 Plan identified the need for four parking stalls to serve lodge shuttles. Buildഀ
out of Vail is now anticipated to be more aggressive than that thought in 1997, so theഀ
expectation of four stalls may be low to accommodate peak demands. An estimate of upഀ
to six shuttle parking spaces should ideally be provided to accommodate peakഀ
Auto Drop off - This use is comprised of private automobiles that temporarily park closeഀ
to the lifts and drop-off skiers and visitors to the commercial activity centers. Some ofഀ
these vehicles then park in the structure, but others leave the area entirely only to returnഀ
in the afternoon and pick up the skiers and shoppers. These users typically attempt toഀ
park as close to their destination as possible, often illegally. If this use is not properlyഀ
accommodated, it will happen anyway, likely at locations not intended to accommodate itഀ
which causes problems for others using that area. A significant increase of secondഀ
homes has occurred down valley, and this use has intensified as a result. Also, aഀ
change in the demographics of visitors has increased the ability and desire forഀ
groups/families to drop-off/pick-up their members as close as to the skiing and shoppingഀ
as possible. This trend indicates that larger families and groups who visit Vail usuallyഀ
have at least one member who does not shop or ski and can serve as the designatedഀ
chauffer. This has added congestion to the "high-desire" locations and increases theഀ
need to provide designated drop-off/pick-up areas for autos that is clearly identified.ഀ
The 1997 Plan identified the need for a minimum of 5 parking spaces for this type ofഀ
activity. Again, since Vail's build out is now planned to be denser, the need for moreഀ
spaces to accommodate peak times would be appropriate. An estimate of 7 to 12ഀ
spaces should be provided to accommodate this user in the long term. This wouldഀ
include demand generated by taxis and airport shuttle activity.ഀ
Charter Buses - Today, the charter activity occurs just west of the Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure. Peak days can see 15 to 20 of these vehicles. The 1997 Plan had identifiedഀ
3 to 5 loading/unloading spaces to serve charter activity. It is suggested that the upperഀ
end of the range be maintained and that 5 bus spaces be established to serve Charterഀ
activity that is clearly identified. Besides accommodating their passengerഀ
loading/unloading, these buses need to park for the entire day that they are in Town; thisഀ
is still a critical element without a clear solution.ഀ
In summary, the following number of spaces is estimated to be needed for each transitഀ
use when considered individually:ഀ
• Town Bus Routes - 4-6 spacesഀ
• ECO and Regional Bus Routes - 3-4 spacesഀ
• Hotel Shuttles - 4-6 shuttle spacesഀ
• Auto Drop Off - 7 -12 spacesഀ
• Charter Buses - 5 spacesഀ
It should be noted that combining users into a common facility and allowing for sharedഀ
parking stops could result in a net reduction. In other words, uses combined into aഀ
common area are unlikely to peak at the exact same time, so some reduction to theഀ
needed spaces might be appropriate. If each user was accommodated at separateഀ
locations, no reduction would be possible. So, there is some advantage to combiningഀ
users into one facility for total space considerations, subject to keeping certain usersഀ
separate from each other.ഀ
The ideal location of a facility (or facilities) is driven by numerous operational factors.ഀ
Different transit services will place different weight on the factors, so no one site isഀ
absolutely perfect for all users. The critical considerations for each of the users areഀ
discussed below:ഀ
Town Bus Routes - Outlying routes, the In-Town Shuttle Route, and future "line-haul"ഀ
routes could all stop at the facility. The key considerations with respect to location areഀ
as follows:ഀ
• Connection to other public services (like ECO).ഀ
• Provide service to the Parking Structure to serve skiers returning to their cars atഀ
the end of ski dayഀ
• Have adequate space to include various amenities including shelters, benches,ഀ
information kiosks, vending services, and possibly restrooms.ഀ
• Be located relatively close the Gondola and skier services.ഀ
• Be located relatively close to residential, commercial density, and jobs,ഀ
Regional Bus Routes - ECO is the only regional service currently serving Vail, but moreഀ
is possible as mentioned. Key considerations for regional services(s) include:ഀ
• Connection to other public services (like Town of Vail).ഀ
• Have adequate space to include various amenities including shelters, benches,ഀ
information kiosks, vending services, and possibly restrooms.ഀ
• Be located relatively close the Gondola and skier services.ഀ
• Be located relatively close to residential, commercial density, and jobs.ഀ
• Be able to return to the Frontage Road easily to maintain schedules. Ideally, theഀ
site is very close to the Frontage Road for this reason.ഀ
Charter Buses, Auto Drop-off, and Hotel Shuttles - The primary consideration for theseഀ
three providers is to be located as close to their destination (ski lifts, ski services, andഀ
commercial area) as possible. Very few of the passengers using these services areഀ
transferring to another transit service; most are heading to/from Lionshead. Auto drop-ഀ
off and charter buses also consider way-finding as a critical consideration so that theseഀ
users (pedestrians and drivers) know where to go. Loading/unloading areas should beഀ
easy to find for charter services and auto drop-off users.ഀ
It is nearly impossible to identify a site that would 100 percent satisfy every characteristicഀ
mentioned above. Different sites have different trade-offs with respect to effectivenessഀ
and impacts, but the above list gives a good sense of ideal characteristics of a preferredഀ
site. The above characteristics also suggest the following:ഀ
• Town routes and Regional routes MUST be placed together in a commonഀ
facility. The provision to transfer from one public service to another is key, andഀ
this facility would be one of two major transit hubs in Vail for these types ofഀ
• The ideal location for a combined facility would be along the Frontage Road toഀ
assist Vail and ECO Transit in maintaining their schedules.ഀ
Charters, Auto Drop-off, and Hotel shuttles need not be part of the transitഀ
facility. While it would be ideal to allow these providers to make use of transitഀ
amenities provided by the public services, it is by no means critical for theseഀ
users to be part of a facility serving the public routes. In fact, these threeഀ
providers do not even need to be together. Users of these three services areഀ
primarily interested in accessing Lionshead, not transferring to another service.ഀ
A total of four sites in Lionshead have been considered for a Transit Center as well asഀ
the Ever Vail area. One of the sites, the Lionshead Parking Structure, is consideredഀ
twice, once as a retrofit of the existing structure and once as a facility integrated into aഀ
complete redevelopment of the Parking Structure as a mixed-use facility. The candidateഀ
locations are listed below:ഀ
• LH Structure - Existing to be Retrofittedഀ
• LH Structure - Element of redevelopmentഀ
• E. LH Circle Mall areaഀ
• Concert Hall Plazaഀ
• North Day Lotഀ
• Ever Vail Areaഀ
In evaluating the sites, the characterization factors listed previously were considered. Aഀ
summary of the each site' assessment is as follows:ഀ
Ever Vail - This location is too far from the LH core area and gondola and will notഀ
serve Lionshead. However, there is enough density being planned in the specificഀ
area (including public parking and a new lift) such that it makes sense toഀ
establish a bus stop capable of accommodating two or three vehicles as well asഀ
hotel shuttles and auto drop-off activity given the mountain portal planned here.ഀ
Further, this area has been identified as a potential candidate to accommodateഀ
charter buses to load and unload riders if the necessary skier services areഀ
provided here. Potentially, this site can serve one of the uses like Charters, but itഀ
is not a candidate to serve as THE public transit center for Lionshead.ഀ
Summary - Not a location for THE public Lionshead Transportation Center,ഀ
but given a planned ski lift from Ever Vail, this could be an appropriateഀ
location for charter buses. Transit service shuttles and auto drop-off alsoഀ
need to serve the planned development. Walk distance to the Lionsheadഀ
Gondola is approximately 2355 feet (nearly one-half mile).ഀ
Concert Hall Plaza - This area is not large enough. Significant expansion of theഀ
area would be needed to fit the appropriate number of spaces and amenities toഀ
establish this area as the Lionshead Transportation Center, even if it is just forഀ
the public services. However, there is enough space to possibly serve one of theഀ
users such as hotel shuttles or auto drop off. One other consideration is that thisഀ
area serves delivery activity which can conflict with transit operations. Summaryഀ
- Not a good location for THE public Lionshead Transportation Center dueഀ
to its relatively small size, but this area could be appropriate for auto drop-ഀ
off or hotel shuttles. Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 910ഀ
Existing LH Structure (Retrofit) - This option poses numerous design andഀ
circulation challenges within the structure and how it interfaces with the Frontageഀ
Road. In addition, it also displaces valuable public parking spaces. This site isഀ
not recommended for any of the users. Summary - Not a good solution forഀ
any transit users due to need to retrofit and the displacement of parking.ഀ
Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 1290 feet.ഀ
LH Structure Redevelopment - With the redevelopment and reconstruction of theഀ
Lionshead Parking Structure to include mixed use development, the opportunityഀ
would also exist to incorporate a transit center with many of the idealഀ
characteristics. This would be a bit hidden from the public, but it would beഀ
shielded from any nearby residential uses. There are concerns with how real aഀ
redevelopment scenario might be given the current deed restrictions on theഀ
property. This is a promising scenario if the obstacles of redevelopment can beഀ
overcome and the design of the new structure can accommodate the publicഀ
service program. The close proximity to the Frontage Road is also a plus.ഀ
Summary - Very good location for the Transportation Center if appropriateഀ
design elements can be incorporated into the redevelopment. Auto drop-ഀ
off users and hotel shuttles may find it too far away from the Gondola.ഀ
Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 1155 feet.ഀ
• North Day Lot - This area is centrally located to serve Lionshead and the walkഀ
distance to the Gondola is reasonable compared to the other options. Issuesഀ
include developing a workable site plan to accommodate the necessaryഀ
transportation center as well as planned residential uses. In addition, adjacentഀ
condominium residents do not support buses utilizing this site, and mitigation willഀ
be required. It is close to the Frontage Road which is beneficial to the publicഀ
services. The pedestrian overpass of 1-70 is beneficial, as a facility here wouldഀ
also be able to serve the north side of 1-70 (including the Sandstone Elementaryഀ
School). Summary - Very good location for the Transit Center. Potentially,ഀ
this site may only need to serve the public services with auto drop-offഀ
users, charter buses, and hotel shuttles being served by another area. Ifഀ
the entire site is used for transit purposes, all of the providers can beഀ
accommodated here except for charter buses. Walk Distance from theഀ
Gondola is approximately 885 feet.ഀ
E. LH Circle Mall - This location currently serves as a stop for the In-Townഀ
shuttle and hotel shuttles today. The area is congested many times due toഀ
pedestrian activity walking between the parking structure and Lionshead Villageഀ
and its conflict with shuttles, buses, deliveries and other general traffic. Thisഀ
location is away from the Frontage Road which lessens its visibility andഀ
negatively impacts the regional routes and Vail's outlying routes. Vehicles thatഀ
would use this facility would experience delay due to pedestrian activityഀ
associated with the parking structure and drop-off in front of Subway. The 1997ഀ
study identified 1400 pedestrians per hour crossing East Lionshead Circle atഀ
peak time near the Mall. Pedestrian activity will only increase as Lionsheadഀ
grows. The Mall could be adequate for hotel shuttles as exists today, but shuttleഀ
activity here may be in direct conflict with planned retail along the south side ofഀ
the parking structure. However, the site is relatively close to the Lionshead coreഀ
including the Gondola. Summary - Not a good solution for the public transitഀ
elements (other then the In-Town Shuttle which makes routine stops hereഀ
today), but this area could be adequate for hotel shuttles as used today.ഀ
Adding auto drop-off to the area as well would not be appropriate as itഀ
might create too much congestion. Walk distance to the Gondola isഀ
approximately 875 feet.ഀ
There are numerous options to accommodate the five transit providers. Ideally, theseഀ
five should all be combined onto one site. The availability of an appropriate site inഀ
Lionshead may offer too many challenges to accomplish this. At a minimum, theഀ
following is recommended:ഀ
• Provide public transit service in either the North Day Lot or a redevelopedഀ
Lionshead Parking Structure. Either is adjacent to the Frontage Road and largeഀ
enough to accommodate both providers.ഀ
• Barring combining hotel shuttles with the public transit (in either North Day or inഀ
the redeveloped parking structure), either Concert Hall Plaza or the Lionsheadഀ
Mall (current operations) would be appropriate for this provider. The Town hasഀ
the ability to control the hotel shuttles more-so than the autos and the charters.ഀ
Auto drop-off activity will tend to find the closest location to the gondolaഀ
regardless what accommodations are provided. The Mall and the North Day Lotഀ
has the shortest walk distance to the gondola. However, the congestion that thisഀ
user would add to the Mall area is problematic. Further, this site is not apparentഀ
from the Frontage Road. The North Day Lot would be the best location for theseഀ
users given a reasonable walking length, good visibility, and no conflicts withഀ
existing pedestrian activity. However, it is not critical that the auto drop-off beഀ
located with the public transit elements.ഀ
Charter buses can be accommodated at Ever Vail. A planned lift withഀ
appropriate skier services in that area will serve these users.ഀ
The Town faces a critical decision to construct a transit center on the North Day Lot orഀ
wait (and hope) for the redevelopment of the parking structure and incorporate it into itsഀ
design. If deed restrictions on the structure were removed, this would be an easyഀ
decision. But they are not and it is not clear if and when they will be. Relying on theഀ
Parking Structure to redevelop becomes a very risky venture because if it does notഀ
happen, the North Day Lot is the only other logical location for a public transit center inഀ
Lionshead. If both opportunities are lost, the Town will be forced to try and establish aഀ
less than adequate facility such as Concert Hall Plaza which would result in no betterഀ
transit service than exists today. The North Day Lot is the only other reasonableഀ
opportunity, especially if the entire site can be used as depicted in the Lionshead Masterഀ
Because of this, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig suggests that the Town not let the North Dayഀ
Lot slip away from consideration unless there is a guarantee that the Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure will redevelop and it will be designed to accommodate the transit facility. Oneഀ
possible course of action for the Town would be to establish the North Day Lot as theഀ
Lionshead Transit Center, and plan to relocate the transit center into the Parkingഀ
Structure once (and if) it redevelops. At that time, auto drop-off and hotel shuttles couldഀ
make use of the North Day Lot and take advantage of the amenities and accessഀ
improvements left behind by the public services.ഀ
The phasing of transit service provisions ultimately depend on the disposition of theഀ
parking structure redevelopment. If the structure redevelops and the appropriate transitഀ
elements can be programmed into the plan, North Day Lot may only be needed for autoഀ
drop-off and/or shuttles. The North Day Lot is a good location for the drop-offs andഀ
shuttles. Even with a redeveloped parking structure facility, the North Day Lot can stillഀ
play a major role in the Lionshead transit "picture" and provide some relief to otherഀ
congested areas around the Village.ഀ
548 S. Frontage Road • Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ
(970) 476-9378 • (888) 588-9378 • Facsimile (970) 479-5598ഀ
April 23, 2008ഀ
Mr. George Rutherഀ
Community Development Directorഀ
Town of Vailഀ
75 S. Frontage Rd.ഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
Dear George,ഀ
After the meeting last week, our owners have become more concerned with the proposedഀ
transit center on the North Day Lot. Their concerns are relative to environmental andഀ
health issues that may stem from a transit center in this location. The Westwind Boardഀ
would ask for an environmental impact study to be completed so that affected areas canഀ
be addressed in the design stage of the project.ഀ
Attached is a letter from the past President of the Board addressing these same concerns.ഀ
We appreciate your in rest a concern for our homeowners.ഀ
Steve MacDonald Ilഀ
President, Vail Management Companyഀ
Jeff Jacobsഀ
General Manager, Westwind at Vailഀ
,~tiiL Man~ement, Com~ar~ഀ
TO: Town of Vail and Vail Associates.ഀ
FROM: Jim and Diane Beedieഀ
Date: 4-20-08ഀ
Subject: North Day lotഀ
Diane and I own two condominium units in the Westwind. We have owned them forഀ
over 15 years.ഀ
The Town of Vail and Vail Associates deserve a lot of credit for doing such a great jobഀ
of renovating Lionshead. The changes to date have been great. We look forward to theഀ
coming changes.ഀ
North Day Lotഀ
• The Westwind borders the east side of the North Day lot.ഀ
• We understand that it is appropriate and necessary to develop this property.ഀ
• The plans and information you have sent out have been very helpful in understandingഀ
your plans.ഀ
• Our question goes to the environmental effect of having big buses and ECO busesഀ
(which we believe are and will be diesel) use the proposed transportation center plannedഀ
for the North Day lot. By environmental effect we are referring to air quality and noise.ഀ
• The Westwind has no air conditioning and I believe the Landmark also has no airഀ
conditioning. Thus windows and doors are often left open for air flow.ഀ
• I didn't find an environmental study in the information you have provided.ഀ
• The Westwind and the Landmark are very close to the North Day lot. The lights fromഀ
these vehicles could shine into the windows of some Westwind units during the eveningഀ
• If the big buses and ECO buses have a negative environmental effect (poor air qualityഀ
and excess noise), the Westwind and Landmark could/will be adversely affected.ഀ
• We ask that you have an environmental study done, so the effect on the air quality andഀ
noise of the big buses and ECO buses will be known.ഀ
• Depending on the results of the study, we ask that if necessary, you consider moving theഀ
big buses and ECO buses from the North Day lot transportation center.ഀ
Thanks for your great work and for considering our request. If you have any questions, you canഀ
reach us at 630-643-0143.ഀ
(04/02/2008) George Ruther - Transit update Page 1ഀ
From: Tom Kassmelഀ
To: chris.fasching@fhueng.com; Greg Hallഀ
Date: 03/27/2008 4:55 PMഀ
Subject: Transit updateഀ
Attachments: ConcertHallPlaza-Bus Layout-Max.pdfഀ
CC: George Ruther; Stan Zemlerഀ
George, Stan, and I had a meeting regarding what info might be helpful for April 14/15. Not sure if it canഀ
all be done for this date. Though some of it is already done.ഀ
-Existing numbers (Bus/charter/shuttle/drop-off)ഀ
-Existing capacityഀ
-Future numbers (Bus/charter/shuttle/drop-off)ഀ
-Future needs for Lionsheadഀ
-Prefferred locations for Lionshead Transit & whyഀ
-What if there had to be interim scenerios? (i.e. timeline for future need-could we get by with smallerഀ
transit center at North Day at first then in 2025 if LH Parking is complete than uses can be adjusted andഀ
added. Or could we get by with something at concert Hall for 5 years and than expand into LH Parking ifഀ
it were a possibility.ഀ
-Can uses be spread out? (i.e. Is it reasonable to suggest Town, ECO, Regional buses stay together andഀ
skier drop/shuttle stay together in another location and even then charter in a third?ഀ
Look at a couple scenerios:ഀ
-Worst case: No LH Parking Structure/No North Day Lot - What could we fit on Concert Hall and East LHഀ
-Worst Case +1: Same as above but North Day lot could have skier drop off/shuttles and EverVail hasഀ
-Best Case: LH Parking happens-would everything go in LH Parking structure or would TOV/ECO/Regionalഀ
Bus go in LH Parking and maybe skier drop off/shuttle at North Day Lot and Charter at EverVail. Orഀ
would Concert Hall or E. LH be a substitute for something?ഀ
The Bottom Line question is: What do we need, where can it go, does it have to be together, and can itഀ
be phased/how fast do we need it?ഀ
What can be completed prior to PEC/Council. It needs to go into PEC packet by the 10th, can we meetഀ
on the 7th to discuss?ഀ
Also as of now the PEC presentation is at Noon on 4/14 and Council presentation will be the evening ofഀ
Stan requested a sketch of what could possibly fit on Concert Hall site within ROW. Attached is a sketch.ഀ
Based on Autoturn looks like max 4 buses, with a small area for waiting. This assumes W. LH remains two-ഀ
Thomas Kassmel, P.E.ഀ
Town Engineerഀ
Town of Vailഀ
Public Works Departmentഀ
1309 Elkhorn Dr.ഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
Department of Public Works & Transportationഀ
1309 Elkhorn Driveഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
Fax: 970-479-2166ഀ
To: George Ruther, Warren Campbellഀ
From: Greg Hall, Tom Kassmelഀ
Re: North Day Lot -PEC Review-Preliminary commentsഀ
Date: 3/11/07ഀ
The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received the Planning and Environmental Commission submittalഀ
plan set dated 2/21/08 for the North Day Lot Development. Based on our review the following shall be addressedഀ
prior to PEC approval or as otherwise noted. Additional comments will be provided when more detailed plans areഀ
1. The Traffic Study is still under review by the Town, additional comments will follow. A traffic impact fee ofഀ
$6500 per net increase in PM peak hour trips will be required.ഀ
2. Figure 12 of the Traffic Impact Study shows the skier drop exit as having a right and left turn lane, pleaseഀ
3. The HCM analysis shows the NB right turn movement from W. LH to Frontage Rd is an F, please indicateഀ
why. In the text this is ignored due to the acel lane on the Frontage Rd.ഀ
4. The location of the Condotel access is in a poor location and creates congestion and access issues at theഀ
Frontage Rd development access. This access should be moved -20' to the south at a minimum. Fire accessഀ
and staging will have to be reviewed with any shift of access.ഀ
5. A raised median should be added at the Frontage Rd. Development access to control vehicle movements.ഀ
6. The'/o movement at W. Lionshead Circle is not desireable. If necessary how can it be phased in, it is assumedഀ
that the left out will only need to be removed once buildout and the 2025 volumes are achieved on theഀ
Frontage Rd. Can the intersection be built as a Full movement intersection at first with left and right turnഀ
lanes with adequate que, and then the left out be phased out and potentially become a left in for the buses intoഀ
the Transit facility? Forcing the skier drop off vehicles to make a left out in order to go West on the Frontageഀ
Rd may prove to be difficult, even with signage. Those who are not aware of the intersection configurationഀ
will tend to head immediately to the Frontage Rd. at which time if they want to head west will be forced toഀ
make a right and go to Main Vail or make an illegal left. Once the roundabouts are in at EverVail and Eastഀ
LH Circle this movement would work much better.ഀ
7. The site plan indicates Employee parking garage trips exit via the skier drop-off. This is not an acceptableഀ
mix of use. It does not seem to be reflected this way in the Traffic Impact study. Please change.ഀ
8. The major pedestrian movement coming off the pedestrian bridge will be to access Lionshead Village via aഀ
southeasterly direction via the new access to the mall. How can this be facilitated? Can an elevator/stairwellഀ
be added at the very south end of the bridge into the Transit area? At minimum a more convienent set ofഀ
am" steps off the ramp should be added at the far east end of the ramp connecting to the Frontage walk, along withഀ
a walk along the drive access from the Frontage Rd to the Transit area/Lionshead entrance.ഀ
9. The submittal shall include all bus/shuttle bus/Loading&Delivery Truck/ramp snow removal turningഀ
movements. Can an articulated bus also be shown as a future condition. This may require futureഀ
reconstruction of the sawtooth curb line. It is very possible that ECO will go to articulated buses in the futureഀ
instead of continuously running 2-3 simultaneous busses running the same route.ഀ
10. The skier drop-off space depth shall be a minimum of 19'. This leave only -10' of drive aisle. Per code theഀ
Adw minimum drive aisle width shall be 14'.ഀ
H. The ultimate configuration of the Frontage Rd includes a 10' wide shoulder on the north side whereഀ
applicable. This is reflected in the submittal for EverVail to CDOT by Alpine.ഀ
12. The medians in the Frontage Rd. shall be raised medians similar to the approved medians at Vail Plaza Hotel,ഀ
Four Seasons, and Solaris.ഀ
13. The Frontage Rd walk and Tract C walk should be snowmelted.ഀ
14. The garage ramp grade that is shown at 14% must be completely internal. How will the proposed roofഀ
structure work? Show the grades on the plan view. Can the curve section be flatter a 14% grade at the curveഀ
is not ideal.ഀ
15. The location of the phase line on the site plan is shown west of the actual limit below grade phase one parkingഀ
structure limit. There seems to be some room within the phase one parking structure to make someഀ
efficiencies for parking, this might limit the size of the phase one structure to the phase line shown on the siteഀ
16. The west ped bridge abutment is not shown to be modified how will it be planted as shown on Sheet L2-1ഀ
17. Show sight distance for all accesses internal and along the Frontage and W. Lionshead roads.ഀ
18. Show on-site snow storage areas. 10% of heated drive areas. How will the roof sliding snow be managedഀ
especially at the zero property line along the landmark. Will the roof over the bus waiting areas be flat andഀ
snow removed?ഀ
19. Parking Levels P2/P3 are shown having more than the allowed 50% valet spaces.ഀ
20. The Loading and Delivery space is shown using a Shuttle space. How will this be managed?ഀ
21. The Southeast corner of the property constricts down to 8', since this is the main funnel to the mall from theഀ
Transit center the minimum width should be 14'.ഀ
22. Design alternatives for the Tract C entrance to the mall shall be developed that may includeഀ
escalators/elevator/stairs/water feature/flat green space/less obtrusive walls by Vail Ski/Bike Tech. We shouldഀ
set up a meeting with Vail, VR, OZ.ഀ
23. On sheet A2.01, how do the swing out doors from the lobby and stairwell function with the walk and driveഀ
aisle? The walk is only shown at 3' width. This also shows the elevator doors opening into the drive aisle,ഀ
shouldn't they open into the lobby?ഀ
24. The minimum clearance thru the transit center shall be 14' vertical in order to accommodate Loading andഀ
delivery and Fire drive thru access.ഀ
25. A pedestrian/vehicular easement will be required to be granted over the Transit Areas, along withഀ
maintenance agreements for the Transit areas.ഀ
26. The Town requested an indoor heated waiting area at the east end of the bus loading area. This is noഀ
longer shown. The Transit facility on the North side will not function well as a waiting area. This areaഀ
could be stairs for direct access to the Ped. Bridge.ഀ
27. Town of Vail Light standard shall be provided along the South Frontage Rd. as well as W. Lionsheadഀ
Circle. The power for these lights shall be connected by the developer to a Town of Vail source.ഀ
Conduit shall be run for power into the raised Frontage Rd medians for holiday lights and future medianഀ
28. The maintenance and irrigation of the landscape areas within the Town ROW shall be done by theഀ
development and the irrigation tied into the developments irrigation system. Irrigation in the Frontage Rdഀ
medians shall be tied into Town of Vail irrigation.ഀ
29. Transit center amenities (i.e. benches, wayfinding, bus schedules, bus route signs, etc...) will be requiredഀ
for final design approval.ഀ
30. Provide typical dimensions for parking spaces and drive lanes within each level of the parking structure.ഀ
31. Show grades for garage for each level of the parking structure.ഀ
32. Laundry facilities are not shown on the floor plans. It seems that this size of development would benefitഀ
from having common facilities instead of forcing additional trips to West Vail.ഀ
33. The conceptual drainage report was reviewed for general concepts. A Final Drainage report includingഀ
hydrology and hydraulic analysis will be required. Contact PW for specific details required.ഀ
34. Coordinate with AIPP for Public Art contribution.ഀ
35. The Developer complies with Public Works General Conditions of Approval. (See attached)ഀ
Masterplan Commentsഀ
1. In general the masterplan should be updated for the Town's ultimate needs not just for what can and may beഀ
accommodated on the North Day Lot site. The recommendations of the current masterplan are from 1997ഀ
which had not anticipated the fast paced growth we have seen during Vail's Billion Dollar redevelopmentഀ
specifically with regard to residential units, commercial square footage as well as another mountain portalഀ
(EverVail). The Town will need to put together a revised transit report as we have done with the Draftഀ
Frontage road transportation update, based on trends we are currently seeing.ഀ
2. It would be helpful to define the types of transit centers the Town needs. It should be clear that it is theഀ
Towns goal to have two Transit Hubs for the Town and then in addition multiple dispersed transit centers forഀ
each portal to the mountain and major activity centers. A Transit Hub can be defined as a multipurposeഀ
transit center able to accommodate local, regional, inter-regional, and charter buses, transit shuttles, taxis,ഀ
vans, and skier drop off, as well as having indoor facilities for waiting, public restrooms & phones, driverഀ
breakrooms and offices as needed. An Activity/Portal Transit Center can be defined as a transit facility thatഀ
accommodates local, regional and shuttle buses as well as skier drop. May or may not accommodate charterഀ
buses or have indoor facilities. An Activity/Portal Transit Center may be combined with a Transit Hubഀ
where practical. The references to West Lionshead(EverVail) as being an option for Transit Hub should beഀ
removed. W. LH (Evervail) will be a large enough village it will require its own Activity/Portal Transitഀ
Center and a key location for charter buses but it has been determined that it is not an ideal location for theഀ
placement of the second Transit Hub.ഀ
3. It may be noted that the Arrabelle has created a central loading and delivery facility, however it should alsoഀ
be noted that all development will still be required to provide their own loading and delivery facilities. Theഀ
densities that are now forseen with future Demo-Rebuild developments will require additional facilities thatഀ
will need to be created within each individual facility. The Arrabelle facility will take care of some of theഀ
need of the existing facilities within Lionshead. The current masterplan indicates the need to accommodateഀ
15-20 delivery vehicles, this obviously has not been met yet.ഀ
4. 1.3.5- See aboveഀ
5. 1.3.6- See aboveഀ
6. regional busstop for Lionshead shall be located at North Day Lot and/or the Lionshead Parkingഀ
Structure Transit Hub. The language references Lionshead Place, it should reference Concert Hall Plaza andഀ
West Lionshead language should be removed. W. Lionshead will require its own regional stop, see above.ഀ
7. Add gas station site after "Cascade Crossing"ഀ
a. Why talk about increasing density when EHU's/AU's don't countഀ
e. If the site was designed as original plans using the entire site is relief needed?ഀ
8. 5.1-Leave the NorthDay lot in to allow for flexibility in the future.ഀ
9. 5.8.3 - Add Transit after "Transportation, "ഀ
10. 5.9 - See aboveഀ
General Conditions of Approvalഀ
I . Please add the Town of Vail General Notes to construction plans. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request)ഀ
2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility design.ഀ
3. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access,ഀ
schedules, traffic control, emergency access, etc...ഀ
4. A ROW/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail prior to commencing anyഀ
construction within public Right of Way.ഀ
5. A Town of Vail Revocable ROW permit shall be recorded for all private property improvements locatedഀ
within public ways.ഀ
6. Prior to approval of a Building permit all necessary permanent and temporary easements are recorded withഀ
Eagle County.ഀ
7. Prior to approval of a Building permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavationഀ
phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shallഀ
include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities).ഀ
8. Any excavation shoring methods used that encroach upon adjacent public or private property shall haveഀ
approval by the appropriate owner and have a recorded easement prior to construction. This includes CDOTഀ
and the Town of Vail Right of Ways.ഀ
9. A CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior toഀ
10. If temporary and/or permanent dewatering is anticipated during construction, a dewatering soils analysis willഀ
be required by a qualified licensed engineer analyzing the impact to adjacent properties(i.e. settlement)ഀ
11. Provide full civil construction drawings meeting Town of Vail standards prior to building permit submittal.ഀ
L(03/10/2008) George Ruther - North Day Lot initial review comments from planning Page 1ഀ
From: Warren Campbell FIL E aഀ
To: George Ruther tഀ
Date: 03/07/2008 3:59 PMഀ
Subject: North Day Lot initial review comments from planningഀ
CC: Greg Hall; Mike McGee; Tom Kassmelഀ
To all,ഀ
Here are some of my initial thoughts thus far on the North Day Lot proposal. I wanted to get these out before I was out ofഀ
the office next week.ഀ
1) On Sheet LI-1 staff is concerned about only 5.3% of the site containing softscape landscaping.ഀ
2) Sheet L3-1 staff is concerned with the snow shed off of the condotel building onto the Town owned parcel of land andഀ
pedestrian path along the eastern side of the site. Staff is also concerned about the snow shed off of the employeeഀ
housing structure onto the stairs leading from the pedestrian bridge to West Lionshead Circle. The concern is the impactഀ
to maintenance of the paths and safety.ഀ
3) There needs to be consistency between the various sheets on whether or not there is an island seperating the entranceഀ
and exit lanes at the curb-cut along the South Frontage Road.ഀ
4) Staff is concerned about the lack of landscape area between the path paralleling the Frontage Road and the newഀ
pedestrian bridge ramping. The new ramp design eliminates a great deal of mature trees. The new design does not leave aഀ
great deal of space to plant new trees. On Sheet A 5.01 the cross section shows a tree being planted between the pathഀ
and the new ramp. The landscape plan does not show any trees being planted.ഀ
5) Provide details and images of the product shown to be used to screen the transportation center from the Landmarkഀ
called Kalwall.ഀ
6) On multiple elevations there is a transfer of materials from stucco to horizontal siding within the same plane, not at anഀ
inside corner.ഀ
7) Please provide a plan identifying all snow melted areas. Also depict snow storage locations per the requirements of theഀ
Code. Ten percent for heated pavement areas.ഀ
8) The survey does not contain any identifier as to the lot sizes.ഀ
9) Staff is concerned about the screening wall for the transportation center being located right along the property lineഀ
leaving no room for significant landscaping to break up this facade.ഀ
10) How will vehicles exiting the under ground parking structure be encouraged to turn right and exit the site through theഀ
skier drop off area verse turning left and exitng the site out of the curb cut on the Frontage Road? Maybe a curved islandഀ
preventing a left turn?ഀ
11) Staff has determined that site coverage is approximately 76% (36,456 square feet) on the lot owned by Vail resorts.ഀ
LMU-1 zoning allows 70% site coverage. Most of this site coverage is below grade. There is approximately 6,080 squareഀ
feet of site coverage (building improvements) on the Town owned parcel of land.ഀ
That is all for now.ഀ
V A I L R E S O R T S D E V E L O P M E N T C O M P A N Yഀ
May 11, 2005ഀ
Mr. Geoff Wrightഀ
General Managerഀ
Landmark Condominium Associationഀ
610 W. Lionshead Cr.ഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
RE: Development Plans - North Day Lotഀ
Dear Geoff.ഀ
APR u 1 1~pgഀ
Thank you for allowing me to update your board regarding our current strategies forഀ
developing the North Day Lot, which is immediately north of The Landmarkഀ
Condominium Association's property in Vail, Colorado.ഀ
The purpose of this correspondence is to summarize the information which was recentlyഀ
shared with your board, specifically;ഀ
1. The Town of Vail has agreed that large busses will not need to beഀ
accommodated on the North Day lot site.ഀ
2. The Town continues to require that we accommodate skier drop-off forഀ
approximately 11 vehicles and short-term parking for 5 hotel shuttles.ഀ
3. We have been unsuccessful in negotiating an employee housing solution withഀ
the Town at their Timber Ridge property. Therefore, we are moving forwardഀ
with our original plans to develop our employee housing on the North Dayഀ
Lot in conjunction with replacement offices for the ski company.ഀ
4. Our new site plan separates ingress/egress for the underground parking fromഀ
that of the required short term parking on the surface. We accomplish this byഀ
utilizing a new curb cut from the frontage road and bridging the bike path overഀ
that curb cut. We believe this circulation pattern will allow us toഀ
accommodate several drop-off spaces for The Landmark property as indicatedഀ
on the enclosed conceptual site plan.ഀ
5. We are considering the introduction of two new uses on the site, specifically aഀ
non-skiing daycare facility and an information booth for the Town of Vail.ഀ
VAILR[f011 fഀ
Vail Resorts Development Company • 137 Benchmark Road • Post Office Box 959 • Avon, Colorado 81620-0959 - (970) 845-2535 • fax (970) 845-2555 • wwrv.vrdc.comഀ
Vail • Beaver Creek" - Breckenridge Keystone" • Heavenly"ഀ
Arrowhead" - Bachelor Gulch" - Red Sky Ranch"' Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club-ഀ
6. The massing of the building has been altered slightly to allow fire trucks andഀ
other vehicles to pass under the building and move through the short termഀ
parking area, therefore allowing a fire truck to stage on our property inഀ
response to a fire event on either The Landmark property or The Westwind.ഀ
This strategy has not been requested or endorsed by the Town of Vail Fireഀ
7. The preferred timing of our project is as follows:ഀ
• Submit for Town of Vail approvals, Summer '05.ഀ
• Commence construction documents, September - October '05.ഀ
• Bid the project, January - February '06.ഀ
• Commence the project, April '06.ഀ
• Complete the project, August 07.ഀ
However, we recognize that once we start our construction The Landmarkഀ
will lose its current front entry access. We are willing to postpone the start ofഀ
our project for up to one year to allow The Landmark to develop an interimഀ
entry solution.ഀ
This constitutes a summary of what we discussed in your meeting. We are including asഀ
an enclosure the current site plan which you are welcome to share with your membership.ഀ
As we have discussed, our plans are still preliminary and are therefore subject to change.ഀ
We look forward to receiving any further comments and we thank you again for allowingഀ
us to update your group.ഀ
Jack D. punt, Senior Vice Presidentഀ
Design, on truction, Developmentഀ
March 31, 2008ഀ
Landmark has not had sufficient time to evaluate the proposal. Landmarkഀ
officials met with TOV and VRDC officials for the fist time on February 8,ഀ
2008. Application submitted February 21, 2008.ഀ
2. Location and planning of bus station on NDL appears rushed and improperlyഀ
and unfairly being driven by employee housing requirements for Arrabelle.ഀ
Locating and planning of bus station on NDL needs to be done thoughtfully,ഀ
deliberately and carefully.ഀ
The Master Plan states: "A critical consideration in the planning and designഀ
of this [transportation] facility will be its impact on the adjacent Landmarkഀ
Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind." Section 5.9. It appears from theഀ
proposal that little, if any, consideration was given to the impact onഀ
Landmark. Current planning and design unnecessarily negatively impactഀ
4. The Master Plan further states: "Specifically, the design of the transportationഀ
center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smell that mayഀ
affect adjacent properties. Both the Weswind and the Landmark should beഀ
closely involved in the transportation facility planning and design process."ഀ
Section 5.9. Landmark was permitted virtually no involvement before theഀ
plan was formally submitted. Landmark should have been involved in theഀ
planning and design process before the application was submitted.ഀ
Increased noise; proposed location of buses in such close proximity toഀ
Landmark (with 20 feet of Landmark Tower units) will greatly increase noiseഀ
and materially negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
6. Increased air pollution; proposed location of buses in such close proximity toഀ
Landmark (with 20 feet of Landmark Tower units) will' greatly increase airഀ
pollution and materially-negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
7. Increased light pollution; proposed location of buses and bus traffic in andഀ
around Landmark will greatly increase light pollution and materiallyഀ
negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
8. Increased vehicle traffic; proposed location of buses and bus traffic willഀ
greatly increase vehicle traffic and congestion and impede traffic flow in andഀ
about Landmark and West Lionshead Circle and materially negatively impactഀ
Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
9. Increased pedestrian traffic; proposed location of bus station will greatlyഀ
increase pedestrian traffic in and about Landmark and materially negativelyഀ
impact Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
10. Increase in trash and littering; substantial increase in pedestrian traffic in andഀ
about Landmark will greatly increase trash and littering in and aboutഀ
Landmark and materially negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.ഀ
11. Increase in security concerns; substantial increase in pedestrian traffic in andഀ
about Landmark will increase security concerns and risks for Landmarkഀ
property, owners and guests.ഀ
12. Proposal locates bus station as close as possible and too close to Landmark.ഀ
This unnecessarily magnifies negative impacts on Landmark.ഀ
13. Bus station should be located as far as possible from Landmark. This willഀ
reduce impacts on Landmark.ഀ
14. Bus station should be located as far north as possible. This will reduceഀ
impacts on Landmark.ഀ
15. Proposed bus station location requires passengers to walk by and alongഀ
Landmark's northern property line. This unnecessarily greatly magnifiesഀ
negative impacts on Landmark.ഀ
16. Bus station drop off/pick-up should be located as close as possible or closer toഀ
Tract C. That will reduce impacts from pedestrians on Landmark and shortenഀ
the distance that pedestrians will have to walk to the lifts and thus enhanceഀ
guest experience.ഀ
17. Proposed entrance to bus station off of West Lionshead Circle will greatlyഀ
exacerbate traffic and congestion problems in and around Landmark andഀ
West Lionshead Circle. This is already a problem area. Traffic andഀ
congestion in that area is going to only increase as the Arrabelle sell-out isഀ
completed and its use increases, and with the redevelopment of Landmark,ഀ
Lionsquare Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possibly also Concert Hall Plazaഀ
Those redevelopments will result in an increase in vehicle traffic in and aboutഀ
West Lionshead Circle.ഀ
18. Proposed entrance to bus station should be located off of South Frontageഀ
Road instead of West Lionshead Circle. This will remove buses from Westഀ
Lionshead Circle and thereby reduce traffic and congestion in and on Westഀ
Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. This is called for in the Master Planഀ
which provides that relocation of regional transportation stop fromഀ
Lionshead Place cul-de-sac to NDL "will remove the large regional busesഀ
from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place." Sectionഀ
19. Buses should exit onto South Frontage Road as proposed. Bus station shouldഀ
be a pull off/on from and to South Frontage Road.ഀ
20. Proposed bus entrance/exit and bus station are not separated or shielded fromഀ
Landmark by a building. This unnecessarily greatly magnifies negativeഀ
impacts on Landmark.ഀ
21. Proposed bus station is essentially to be located between two buildingsഀ
(Landmark Tower and new NDL building). This is worst possible locationഀ
for buses and unnecessarily greatly'magnifies negative impacts on Landmark,ഀ
including noise.ഀ
22. Bus entrance/exit and bus station should be separated from Landmark by theഀ
entire new proposed building on NDL, not merely a fence, wall, landscapingഀ
or berm. This will shield Landmark and reduce impacts on Landmark.ഀ
Impacts would instead properly be redirected north toward I-70 which wouldഀ
act as a buffer of the impacts for properties north of I-70. This is provided forഀ
in the Master Plan which states: "[A] linear building is recommended at theഀ
southern edge of the site to screen the lower levels of the Landmark Towerഀ
from the transit center." Section 5.9.ഀ
23. All parties (Landmark, TOV and VRDC) agree at a minimum that NDL is aഀ
less than ideal location for the bus station for many reasons and that aഀ
preferred location is on the redeveloped Lionshead parking structure. This isഀ
also recognized in the Master Plan. See Section Bus station on NDLഀ
should accordingly be designed and constructed in a temporary fashion soഀ
that it may be relocated to the redeveloped Lionshead parking structure for aഀ
permanent home. It appears this will also result in a significant cost savings.ഀ
24. Bus station is shoe-horned onto only the western part of NDL toഀ
accommodate a future hotel on the east side of NDL. This places bus stationഀ
as close as possible t6 Landmark and unnecessarily greatly magnifiesഀ
negative impacts on Landmark.ഀ
25. NDL is too small (1.09 acre) for all proposed competing uses, especially as aഀ
bus station.ഀ
26. Bus station should not be limited to western portion of NDL if necessary toഀ
implement impact reduction items listed herein, including without limitationഀ
screening building on NDL and bus station located off of and as close asഀ
possible to South Frontage Road.ഀ
27. According to VRDC, the Project with the bus station does not comply with allഀ
existing planning requirements including as to site coverage, landscaping andഀ
encroachments. Project should be required to comply with all applicableഀ
planning requirements.ഀ
28. Master Plan does not contemplate a hotel on NDL. Location of proposedഀ
hotel appears to exacerbate impacts on Landmark.ഀ
29. A bus station on NDL will have a significant negative impact upon the Westഀ
Lionshead Circle neighborhood which is primarily residential and includesഀ
many properties which are undergoing or planning major upgradeഀ
redevelopments (Landmark, Lionsquare Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possiblyഀ
also Concert Hall Plaza).ഀ
30. Proposal does not accommodate and incorporate access to and limited drop-ഀ
off parking for Landmark's front-door. Sole access to and drop-off parkingഀ
for Landmark's front-door is through and on NDL. Such access and parkingഀ
needs to be incorporated into VRDC's plan. This is called for in the Masterഀ
Plan which states: "Planning for development of the north day lot shouldഀ
explore all possibilities to integrate a new front door for the Landmark intoഀ
the new facility." Section 5.10.1. Prior designs for NDL development byഀ
VRDC incorporated this needed access and parking for Landmark. If andഀ
when Landmark's redevelopment is completed, such access and parking mayഀ
be unnecessary.ഀ
31. Plan does not include a fire staging area. Plan should include a fire stagingഀ
are that will jointly serve any new NDL buildings and Landmark.ഀ
(Draft as of April 10, 2008)ഀ
1. Landmark's input should be given strong consideration in determining whether andഀ
how to amend the Master Plan as to the North Day Lot.ഀ
Vail Resorts Development Company ("VRDC") has made certain applications, includingഀ
the subject application, to the Town of Vail in connection with VRDC's proposed developmentഀ
of the North Day Lot for employee housing, a hotel and transportation center. The subjectഀ
application (PEC080008) seeks to amend certain portions of the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ
Master Plan (the "Master Plan") as it applies to the North Day Lot so as to permit and harmonizeഀ
VRDC's proposed development with the Master Plan. Landmark-Vail Condominium is locatedഀ
directly south of and adjoins the North Day Lot. The Landmark Townhomes are located onlyഀ
approximately 12 feet from the boundary of the North Day Lot.ഀ
Due to its close proximity to the North Day Lot, Landmark will be greatly and mostഀ
directly impacted by any development of the North Day Lot. This impact on Landmark isഀ
explicitly recognized in the Master Plan which states: "A critical consideration in the planning andഀ
design of this [transportation] facility will be its impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower andഀ
Townhomes and the Westwind." Section 5.9. The Master Plan further states: "Specifically, theഀ
design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smell thatഀ
may affect adjacent properties. Both the Wes-wind and the Landmark should be closely involved inഀ
the transportation facility planning and design process." Section 5.9. The concerns and input of, andഀ
the impacts upon Landmark should accordingly be given significant weight in considering VRDC'sഀ
Landmark maintains that it should have been and the Master Plan contemplated that it wouldഀ
be involved in the planning and design process for the North Day Lot before VRDC submitted itsഀ
application. Landmark was permitted virtually no involvement before VRDC submitted itsഀ
application. Landmark officials met with Town and VRDC officials for the first and only timeഀ
before submittal on February 8, 2008. VRDC submitted is application on February 21, 2008.ഀ
Landmark has not had sufficient time to evaluate fully VRDC's application.ഀ
II. Landmark agrees with VRDC that certain amendments to the Master Plan with respectഀ
to the North Day Lot are warranted.ഀ
Landmark agrees that the 10-year old Master Plan is outdated in certain respects as to theഀ
North Day Lot and does not account for change during that time in the areas of redevelopment andഀ
transportation. For example, the Master Plan numerous times refers to the "existing Lionshead Placeഀ
Aft IN;ഀ
regional bus stop" which no longer exists. See Section 1.3.5. Since the Plan was adopted Arrabelleഀ
has been constructed, Montenaros and Antlers have been redeveloped, and Landmark, Lionsquareഀ
Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possibly also Concert Hall Plaza have been slated for redevelopment.ഀ
Landmark further agrees with VRDC and Town staff that a number of transportation centersഀ
dispersed throughout Lionshead are preferable to a single large transportation center located on theഀ
North Day Lot. The different transportation needs and modes (i.e. skier drop-off, shuttle vans, Townഀ
and regional buses and charter buses) could more appropriately be designated to and allocatedഀ
amongst these different transportation centers. That strategy is preferable from both transportationഀ
and planning perspectives. It will afford the Town valuable flexibility to better address itsഀ
transportation needs, and to locate only those transportation elements that are compatible with andഀ
best suited for a particular location.ഀ
VRDC proposes that the locations of these dispersed transportation centers could include theഀ
North Day Lot, Lionshead Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (a/k/a EverVail). Landmarkഀ
agrees but maintains that Concert Hall Plaza, and East Lionshead Circle are additional viableഀ
locations for certain transportation elements. The Master Plan should be amended to include all ofഀ
these (North Day Lot, Lionshead Parking Structure, West Lionshead (a/k/a EverVail), Concert Hallഀ
Plaza, and East Lionshead Circle) as possible locations for dispersed transportation centers.ഀ
III. The Master Plan should be amended to recognize that buses are no longer compatibleഀ
with or appropriate for a transportation center on the North Day Lot.ഀ
Consistent with the foregoing dispersed transportation centers concept supported by VRDC,ഀ
Town staff and Landmark, each potential transportation mode should be evaluated for itsഀ
compatibility with a particular location. Landmark agrees that the North Day Lot is compatible withഀ
skier drop-off and shuttle vans. However, the North Day Lot is absolutely incompatible with busesഀ
whether they be Town, regional or charter. Including busses on a transportation center on the Northഀ
Day Lot will materially negatively impact Landmark, including as a result of increased noise, airഀ
pollution, light pollution, vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, trash and littering, and security concerns.ഀ
The Master Plan should be amended to provide explicitly that buses should not be included in aഀ
transportation center on the North Day Lot.ഀ
It appears there is consensus that the best location for buses is at a transportation center to beഀ
located on the Lionshead Parking Structure. Until such a transportation center is operational, Townഀ
and regional buses should continue to use the existing Concert Hall Plaza bus stop. The current skierഀ
drop-off and shuttle van uses at Concert Hall Plaza could be moved to the North Day Lot. That willഀ
reduce traffic in and around the Concert Hall Plaza bus stop, separate these different andഀ
incompatible transportation modes, and improve the experience for both bus riders using the Concertഀ
Hall Plaza bus stop and for visitors using the North Day Lot skier and shuttle drop-off. Weഀ
understand that Montenaros supports maintaining the bus stop at Concert Hall Plaza. The Masterഀ
Plan should consistently be amended to delete any reference to removing the existing Concert Hallഀ
Plaza bus stop at this time. See Sections 1.3.5, &ഀ
The current plan proposed by VRDC for the North Day Lot which includes Town andഀ
regional buses as well as skier and shuttle van drop-off clearly demonstrates the incompatibilityഀ
of including buses on the North Day Lot. As a result in part of including buses, the planഀ
proposed by VRDC for the North Day Lot is deficient in a number of ways including:ഀ
• locates buses as close as possible to Landmark thereby increasing negative impacts onഀ
Landmark (noise, air and light pollution, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, trash andഀ
littering and security concerns);ഀ
• requires buses passengers to walk by and along Landmark's northern property lineഀ
thereby increasing impacts on Landmark and increasing distance guests required to walk;ഀ
• locates entrance for buses off of West Lionshead Circle thereby exacerbating existingഀ
traffic problems in that area;ഀ
• does not comply with existing planning requirements including as to site coverage,ഀ
landscaping and encroachments;ഀ
• shoe-horns too many uses onto the North Day Lot; andഀ
• locates in a single facility and in close proximity incompatible transportation modes.ഀ
IV. The Master Plan should not be amended in ways that could result in increasedഀ
impact on the Landmark.ഀ
Maintain requirement of barrier building. Section 5.9 of the Master Plan currentlyഀ
recommends that a linear building be constructed on the North Day Lot to shield Landmark fromഀ
the impacts of the transportation center. VRDC specifically asks that section be amended toഀ
permit a screen, landscape buffer, wall or fence instead of a building. Landmark opposes thatഀ
amendment as these other screening elements would be wholly inadequate to shield Landmarkഀ
from the impacts of the transportation center. The transportation center on the North Day Lotഀ
should be completely shielded from Landmark by a building as currently provided in the Masterഀ
Plan or fully enclosed within a building.ഀ
Do not relax development standards. VRDC seeks to amend the Master Plan to relaxഀ
applicable development standards for the North Day Lot, including as to site coverage, landscapeഀ
area, setbacks and building height. See Section 5.9. Landmark opposes relaxing applicableഀ
development standards which would result in greater impact upon neighboring Landmark.ഀ
Moreover, relaxing development standards should be unnecessary with the removal of busesഀ
from the transportation center on the North Day Lot.ഀ
Permit hotel only if its does not increase impacts on Landmark. VRDC seeks a majorഀ
amendment to the Master Plan to permit it to construct a hotel on the North Day Lot. A hotel isഀ
currently not contemplated under the Master Plan. Landmark does not oppose the concept of aഀ
hotel on the North Day Lot. However, a hotel should be permitted on the North Day Lot only ifഀ
it can be designed and constructed in such a way that impacts upon Landmark are not increasedഀ
or exacerbated. The Master Plan makes it clear that impacts upon Landmark from theഀ
development of the North Day Lot are "a critical consideration." Such impacts must beഀ
evaluated first to determine whether and how a hotel can be permitted on the North Day Lot.ഀ
The inclusion of a hotel on VRDC's current plan for the development of the North Dayഀ
Lot increases and magnifies negative impacts upon Landmark. For example, inclusion of a hotelഀ
results in part in the transportation elements and vehicle and pedestrian traffic on the North Dayഀ
Lot being unnecessarily located in close proximity to Landmark, and the entrance to theഀ
transportation center being located off of West Lionshead Circle.ഀ
V. The Master Plan should be amended to provide for a fire staging area located on theഀ
North Day Lot to serve buildings on the North Day Lot and Landmark.ഀ
At the request of Vail Resorts, Landmark in the spirit of cooperation permitted a neededഀ
fire staging area for Arrabelle to be located in part on Landmark's property. That fire stagingഀ
area is located in the area of the southwest corner of Landmark's property and also servesഀ
Montenaros. Landmark's fire staging area has historically and is currently located on the Northഀ
Day Lot. Up until the submission of this application by VRDC, Vail Resorts had assuredഀ
Landmark that any development of the North Day Lot would include a fire staging area thatഀ
would also serve Landmark. Landmark further understood that in consideration for Landmarkഀ
permitting the staging area on its property serving Arrabelle, the staging area on North Day Lotഀ
serving Landmark would be maintained.ഀ
It appears from VRDC's plans for the North Day Lot that that fire staging area servingഀ
Landmark may be removed. Such removal would be contrary to the assurances of andഀ
Landmark's arrangement with Vail Resorts. That removal also could reduce the fire safety andഀ
impeded redevelopment of Landmark.ഀ
VI. Conclusion.ഀ
Landmark respectfully asks that the Master Plan be amended in accordance with theഀ
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I:XI'R.~c)Itl)I~.UtI' RESORTS • EXCI•:I TIC NAL I.XI'hatll:~Ch:Sഀ
April 14, 2008ഀ
Vail Town Councilഀ
c/o Dick Cleveland, Mayorഀ
75 South Frontage Roadഀ
Vail, CO 81657ഀ
Council Members:ഀ
Given the importance we all place on employee housing in general and our obligationsഀ
relating to the Arrabelle project, I wanted to officially communicate with you about theഀ
most recent developments regarding the North Day Lot. As you are aware, our Companyഀ
committed to satisfying our employee housing obligation related to the Arrabelleഀ
development under the terms of an amendment (the "Amendment") to the Core Siteഀ
Development Agreement (CSDA) that laid out a very specific timetable for our Companyഀ
to meet. In addition, under the terms of the CSDA, our only practical option to satisfyഀ
this requirement was on the North Day Lot. We executed the Amendment on Decemberഀ
18, 2007.ഀ
Immediately following the execution of the Amendment I gave our real estateഀ
development team very specific instructions to work with the Town of Vail staff (theഀ
"Staff') to put together a plan for the North Day Lot that would satisfy our housingഀ
commitment in a way that would be consistent with the Town's preferences. Ourഀ
Company submitted a plan for the North Day Lot on February 21, 2008 ahead of the dateഀ
required in the Amendment. The plan we submitted included extensive input from theഀ
Staff and was the result of a number of discussions with the Staff to try and resolveഀ
numerous considerations on a site that has some complexity. It is my understanding thatഀ
there were no less than nine formal meetings between our real estate group and the Staff.ഀ
In addition, I was given informal feedback from both Dick Cleveland and Stan Zemlerഀ
that everyone was pleased with the progress that was being made on this effort.ഀ
Part of our plan submittal was a request for an amendment to the Lionshead Master Planഀ
(LMP) to facilitate certain parts of our project. Last week we were informed that theഀ
Town staff intended to recommend to the Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ
(PEC) that it reject our request for an amendment to the LMP. Today, thisഀ
recommendation led to a denial of our request by the PEC. Our understanding is that theഀ
Staffs recommendation is due in large part to: (i) and (ii) thatഀ
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the location of the transit center is concentrated on the western portion of the lot, which isഀ
not an ideal location. Each of these issues was discussed with the Staff prior to ourഀ
submittal and we tried to address them in the best way possible and in a way that hadഀ
their support. In our most recent conversations with the Staff, we believe that each ofഀ
these concerns can be addressed with certain alterations to our plan. However, suchഀ
alterations would take material time and cost to implement in the design.ഀ
There is no question that there can be quite a lot of "back and forth" and reconsiderationഀ
during the submittal of typical development plans. Under normal circumstances ourഀ
company would be very content to move methodically through the process. However, asഀ
you are aware, our Company agreed to a very tight timetable for this project at theഀ
insistence of the Town Council. We agree with the Town Council's desire, because it isഀ
critical that we bring these employee housing units online quickly. However, because ofഀ
this schedule, I would like to request an extended discussion and ultimately clearഀ
direction from the Town Council, as soon as possible, on how we should proceed. Weഀ
had submitted our request for an LMP amendment under the now incorrect assumptionഀ
that it was to further a plan that the Staff supported. Given that the Staff would like toഀ
see additional changes to this plan and it is still unclear if the Town Council would like toഀ
see a transit center on the site, it is not clear to us whether it is worth anyone's time toഀ
discuss our requested amendment. We will leave that to your judgment. However, weഀ
think it is critical to have this more expansive discussion either at the Town Councilഀ
meeting tomorrow night or potentially at a special meeting in order to assure that weഀ
remain on schedule.ഀ
Given the potential for miscommunications, I think it is critical to lay out certainഀ
commitments which underlie our company's efforts here:ഀ
(i) We are committed to creating the 120 employee housing beds as soon asഀ
practicable and certainly within the time frames outlined in our agreement;ഀ
(ii) The North Day Lot is the only site in Lionshead which is practicable for thisഀ
project and we are committed to using it for these employee housing beds;ഀ
(iii) We are fully willing to comply with the LMP and are willing to include aഀ
transit center in our plan, which has all the attributes outlined in the LMP;ഀ
(iv) We are not seeking approval during this process for any "residential" or "forഀ
sale" uses on the North Day Lot that are not permitted today; andഀ
(v) We are committed to including "skier drop off' on this site in all cases, even ifഀ
a transit center is not included in the ultimate plan.ഀ
There are certain issues that we have identified during our process that need to beഀ
addressed by the Town Council to provide direction to us to allow us to proceed:ഀ
(i) The cost of the transit center, which as provided in the LMP is borne by theഀ
Town, is significant on North Day Lot because of the site's small size. Ourഀ
current estimate, which has been reviewed with the Town staff, indicated aഀ
cost of $13.3 million. If the transit center is enlarged, the cost to the Townഀ
will be materially higher, but it can certainly be accommodated on the site.ഀ
(ii) As noted in our prior letter, we believe that there is an option of including aഀ
transit center in the Ever Vail development. While we understand the Townഀ
considers that to be an inferior site and that development of Ever Vail is notഀ
assured, the cost of including the transit center there would be significantlyഀ
less for the Town and could certainly be funded almost entirely through theഀ
federal grant for this purpose the Town expects to receive. This lower cost isഀ
because we already have extensive underground parking and transit includedഀ
in our plans for that site. Clearly, if the transit center were located in Everഀ
Vail, we would need to retain a "local" bus stop in Lionshead.ഀ
(iii) We have been informed by representatives of the Landmark Condominiumsഀ
that they are very opposed to including a transit center on North Day Lot andഀ
intend to use legal remedies to prevent its inclusion.ഀ
(iv) Including the transit center (as we submitted) on the North Day Lot willഀ
increase the expected construction time from 15 months to 20 months.ഀ
Including an even larger transit center on the site will likely cause an evenഀ
longer construction schedule, possibly stretching the delay out to almost aഀ
(v) Expanding the transit center to cover the entire site will remove our ability toഀ
use the eastern portion of the site for "skier drop off' during construction andഀ
may impact a greater number of adjacent residences.ഀ
At this point, our company has progressed as far as we can, without receiving greaterഀ
clarity from the Town Council on these issues. We believe once we receive clearഀ
direction from the Town Council on these matters, we can very quickly produce a planഀ
and start the more formal approval process. To achieve a construction start date of Mayഀ
1, 2009, as provided in the Amendment, we need to accomplish the following:ഀ
• Town Council definitive decision on transit center- no later than May 6, 2008 (ifഀ
the Town Council requires changes to our existing plan, we would require thoseഀ
well in advance of the May 6, 2008 meeting to remain on schedule)ഀ
• Schematic Design Completion-8 week duration between 5/7108 and 6/30/09ഀ
• Concurrent PEC and RBA roval- 8 week duration between 5/7/08 andഀ
6/30/08. `11.510- Zഀ
• Detailed Design Completion-12 week duration between 6/30/08 and 9/30/08 •ഀ
• Construction Document Completion- 16 week duration between 9/30/08 andഀ
• Town permitting process, including plan check, completed in March 2009ഀ
• Final pricing and contract completion with our contractor in April 2009ഀ
• Begin construction on May 1, 2009ഀ
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If the Town Council delays a decision past May 6, 2008, we cannot be assured of meetingഀ
the schedule included in the Amendment. At the request of the Town stag', we areഀ
holding submitting our plans for Ever Vail until we make progress on North Day Lot.ഀ
The North Day Lot project remains our highest priority and our company and allഀ
necessary personnel remain available to work with the Town Council and the Staff toഀ
help the Town reach resolution on this project. We look forward to working together toഀ
bring this to a successful resolution for everyone.ഀ
Rob Katzഀ
Chief Executive Officerഀ
Vail Resorts, Inc.ഀ
cc: Stan Zemlerഀ