HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEC080008Planning and Environmental Commisson਍ഀ ACTION FORM਍ഀ • '`m r Department of Community Development਍ഀ TOW OF V& 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ ~JF tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ 00N%%.JNr MVELOPMENT web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ Project Name: NORHT DAY LOT ZONING CODE AM PEC Number: PECO80008਍ഀ Project Description:਍ഀ Participants:਍ഀ FINAL APPROVAL FOR VARIOUS TEXT AMENDMENTS FOR THE LIONSHEAD MASTER PLAN FOR਍ഀ THE NORTH DAY LOT DEVELOPMENT਍ഀ OWNER VAIL CORP 02/25/2008਍ഀ PO BOX 7਍ഀ VAIL਍ഀ CO 81658਍ഀ APPLICANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL 02/25/2008 Phone: 970-748-0920਍ഀ PO BOX 1127਍ഀ AVON਍ഀ CO 81620਍ഀ License: 0000001697਍ഀ Project Address: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Location: NORTH DAY LOT਍ഀ Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL LIONSHEAD FIL 3਍ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-063-0800-4਍ഀ Comments: See Resolution #9, Series of 2008਍ഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTION਍ഀ Motion By: Action: APPROVED਍ഀ Second By:਍ഀ Vote: Date of Approval: 01/29/2009਍ഀ Conditions:਍ഀ Cond: 8਍ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of਍ഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).਍ഀ Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $1,300.00਍ഀ rr Application for Review by the਍ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452਍ഀ web: www.vailgov.com਍ഀ General Information:਍ഀ All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a਍ഀ building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.਍ഀ An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information਍ഀ is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town਍ഀ Council and/or the Design Review Board.਍ഀ Type of Application and Fee:਍ഀ C਍ഀ • Rezoning਍ഀ $1300਍ഀ Conditional Use Permit਍ഀ $650਍ഀ • Major Subdivision਍ഀ $1500਍ഀ Floodplain Modification਍ഀ $400਍ഀ • Minor Subdivision਍ഀ $650਍ഀ Minor Exterior Alteration਍ഀ $650਍ഀ • Exemption Plat਍ഀ $650਍ഀ Major Exterior Alteration਍ഀ $800਍ഀ • Minor Amendment to an SDD਍ഀ $1000਍ഀ Development Plan਍ഀ $1500਍ഀ • New Special Development District਍ഀ $6000਍ഀ Amendment to a Development Plan਍ഀ $250਍ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDD਍ഀ $6000਍ഀ X Zoning Code Amendment਍ഀ $1300਍ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDD਍ഀ $1250਍ഀ Variance਍ഀ $500਍ഀ (no exterior modifications)਍ഀ Sign Variance਍ഀ $200਍ഀ Description of the Request: Various text਍ഀ amendments to the Lionshead Master Plan਍ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot:਍ഀ 1 _Block:਍ഀ 1____. Subdivision: Vail Lionshead Filing 3਍ഀ Physical Address:਍ഀ 600 west Lionshead Circle਍ഀ Parcel No.: 210106308004਍ഀ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)਍ഀ Zoning: Lionshead Mixed U਍ഀ se 1਍ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): Vail਍ഀ Resorts Development Company਍ഀ Mailing Address: 137 Benchmark Road਍ഀ Avon, CO 81620਍ഀ Phone: 970-745-254਍ഀ Owner(s) Signature(s):਍ഀ Name of Applicant: M uriello Plannin਍ഀ Group਍ഀ Mailing Address: POB 1127਍ഀ TOWN਍ഀ IL਍ഀ Avon, CO 81620਍ഀ Phone: 970-748-092਍ഀ E-mail Address: dominicompgv਍ഀ ail.com਍ഀ Fax 970-748-0377਍ഀ For Office Use Only: y~6oa a `਍ഀ Fee Paid: l 3~ C ck No.: _y: t z e o rt਍ഀ Meeting Date: Cog PEC No.:਍ഀ Planner: le, 44 Project No.:਍ഀ -s 9਍ഀ Page 1 of 2-04/01/04਍ഀ rn਍ഀ a਍ഀ oQ਍ഀ O਍ഀ d਍ഀ 00111਍ഀ ~PE_0(&8 - o<_ c6 (਍ഀ FWAeA Correc-*ej Uers..A਍ഀ RESOLUTION NO. 9਍ഀ Series of 2008਍ഀ A RESOLUTION AMENDING CHAPTER 4, RECOMMENDATIONS - OVERALL STUDY AREA AND਍ഀ CHAPTER 5, DETAILED PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS, LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER਍ഀ PLAN, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.8, ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN,਍ഀ AMENDING THOSE ELEMENTS OF THE MASTER PLAN REFERENCING THE NORTH DAY LOT਍ഀ RECOMMENDATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS, TO FACILITATE THE REDEVELOPMENT OF THE਍ഀ NORTH DAY LOT WITH AN EMPLOYEE HOUSING PROJECT, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION਍ഀ CENTER, AND CREATING A FUTURE DEVELOPMENT SITE, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN਍ഀ REGARD THERETO.਍ഀ WHEREAS, on December 15, 1998, the Vail Town Council adopted the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, on April 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance 3, Series of 1999,਍ഀ which amended the Zoning Regulations and created Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed਍ഀ Use 2 Districts; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, Section 2.8 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan outlines a procedure਍ഀ for amending the Master Plan; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, Vail Resorts Development Company has submitted a development application to਍ഀ the Town of Vail Community Development Department proposing certain amendments to the Master਍ഀ Plan related to the North Day Lot; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has held a public਍ഀ hearing on the proposed amendments on April 14, 2008, and has forwarded a recommendation of਍ഀ denial, of the amendments to the Town Council by a vote of 3-2-1; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the purpose of the amendments is to amend those elements of the Master Plan਍ഀ referencing the North Day Lot recommendations and requirements to facilitate the redevelopment of਍ഀ the site with an employee housing project, transportation center, and future development site; and਍ഀ WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study are਍ഀ which warrant the proposed amendments and that said amendments are in keeping with the goals,਍ഀ objectives, and policies prescribed by the Master Plan in general.਍ഀ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL,਍ഀ COLORADO:਍ഀ The Town Council of the Town of Vail hereby amends the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as਍ഀ follows:਍ഀ Chapter 1 - Executive Summary਍ഀ CO਍ഀ 1.3.5 Transit਍ഀ Create dispersed transportation centers in Lionshead to accommodate local and regional਍ഀ transit, local shuttles, skier drop off, and charter buses. Locations for these facilities may਍ഀ include the North Day Lot, the Lionshead Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (aka਍ഀ EverVail).਍ഀ Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to North Day Lot, Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure, or West Lionshead area.਍ഀ 1.3.6 Service and Delivery਍ഀ (DELETED)਍ഀ Chapter 3 - Existing Conditions Assessment਍ഀ 3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parking਍ഀ Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its employee਍ഀ parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately 105 cars, is located਍ഀ behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportation facility, employee housing, and਍ഀ other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LMU-1). The west day lot, located just west਍ഀ of the Marriott parking structure, has an approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significant਍ഀ development opportunity. Parking displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within the਍ഀ Lionshead study area to satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss of parking. g਍ഀ Chapter 4 - Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Area਍ഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stop਍ഀ It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at the਍ഀ Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lot, the Lionshead਍ഀ parking structure, and West Lionshead. This will provide a Lionshead connection between਍ഀ the regional transit system and the Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors and਍ഀ employees coming to Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead of਍ഀ the current "back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regional਍ഀ buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible to locate਍ഀ elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in conjunction with a new਍ഀ ski lift and parking facility. However, given its location on the periphery of Lionshead, this਍ഀ area may not be the most viable location for a regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the਍ഀ above, facilities for skier drop-off, private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses਍ഀ should be included in the design of the ski lift and parking facility. In 2006, the Town of਍ഀ Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Town਍ഀ initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment,਍ഀ which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportation Master Plan਍ഀ update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment਍ഀ process will provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facility਍ഀ and/or the type of transit facilities that may be necessary in West Lionshead.਍ഀ 2਍ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot Transportation Center਍ഀ A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposed dispersed transportation center on the਍ഀ North Day Lot will replace the existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely to be on the west਍ഀ Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the regional bus stop and deliver west Vail਍ഀ transit riders to the newly created north Lionshead pedestrian portal.਍ഀ 4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lot਍ഀ A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is the creation of਍ഀ dispersed transportation facilities in the Lionshead area. This facility will remove transit and service਍ഀ vehicles from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry point into the Lionshead pedestrian਍ഀ core. All or portions of these dispersed transportation facilities may be located on the North Day Lot, the਍ഀ Lionshead parking structure, or in West Lionshead. This concept is fully discussed in chapter five.਍ഀ North Day Lot Transit Center਍ഀ (DELETED)਍ഀ 4.9.4 Potential Housing Sites਍ഀ Following are specific sites that have been identified as suitable for locals and employee housing (see਍ഀ Map W).਍ഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professional Building,਍ഀ Cascade Crossing, North Day Lot, and the former gas station site਍ഀ All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town's housing policies਍ഀ and requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy in West Lionshead it is਍ഀ appropriate to include some dispersed employee housing opportunities for permanent਍ഀ local residents in proposed developments in the area consistent with these policies.਍ഀ Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbird affordable਍ഀ housing project and to conform to the Town's housing policies and਍ഀ requirements for new employee housing generation in Lionshead are the North਍ഀ Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, and Holy Cross site. However, housing਍ഀ is not the only use these three properties will need to support. The North Day਍ഀ lot is considered to be the preferred location for a significant housing project in਍ഀ Lionshead to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and provide਍ഀ housing for new employee generation. The North Day Lot may also need to਍ഀ accommodate a transit center on the ground level of the development site.਍ഀ Additionally, it may be necessary to develop a higher revenue-generating਍ഀ product on a portion of the Vail Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vail਍ഀ Professional Building, and Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost of਍ഀ road and infrastructure improvements.਍ഀ In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered. While it is਍ഀ important that buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character of਍ഀ Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may make appropriate਍ഀ the following deviations from standard development parameters:਍ഀ a. Density਍ഀ The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density. It is਍ഀ recommended that the standards for density (units per acre) be increased at਍ഀ 3਍ഀ this location to allow for a greater number of employee housing units. While it is਍ഀ important that buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character of਍ഀ Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may make appropriate਍ഀ the following deviations from standard development parameters.਍ഀ b. Building Height for Employee Housing਍ഀ It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall building height than is਍ഀ otherwise allowed under the Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines. Any਍ഀ increase in building height will need to be reviewed on a case by case basis by਍ഀ the Town of Vail, and any eventual building height will still need to be visually਍ഀ appropriate for this location.਍ഀ c. Parking਍ഀ It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for employee housing਍ഀ at this location given the sites proximity to transportation facilities, jobs, and਍ഀ pedestrian routes. In consideration for reducing employee parking for the਍ഀ housing provided on this site, parking for other employees of the owner਍ഀ provided on this site should be considered. Excess parking may be used to਍ഀ satisfy the no net loss of parking policy or for future parking requirements of਍ഀ other development on the property.਍ഀ d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacks਍ഀ Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage and reducing਍ഀ setbacks and landscape area in order to maximize the amount of employee਍ഀ housing on the site and/or due to impacts associated with the development of a਍ഀ public transportation facility on the property. With any deviation to਍ഀ development standards prescribed in the master plan and zoning regulations,਍ഀ consideration of impacts should be afforded to the neighboring residential uses਍ഀ to the North Day Lot. Any design with such deviations will need to be sensitive਍ഀ to creating good designs with mitigation measures such as heated sidewalks਍ഀ and well planned landscape materials. Additionally due to impacts from the਍ഀ Town's dispersed transportation center on neighboring residential uses,਍ഀ mitigation measures should be provided to buffer and screen residential uses.਍ഀ e. Encroachments on Town Land਍ഀ The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side of the north day਍ഀ lot which accommodates the pedestrian bridge over the interstate highway.਍ഀ This land was dedicated to the Town by Vail Associates in 1976. In order to਍ഀ allow for more efficient layout and development of employee housing on the਍ഀ site and/or the dispersed transportation facility, the Town should give਍ഀ consideration to allowing development of employee housing and/or਍ഀ transportation uses on this parcel of land as part of the development of the਍ഀ north day lot.਍ഀ Figure 4-12 - Delete this figure found on page 4-35 as it is duplicative of figure 5-13 found on਍ഀ page 5-26਍ഀ Figure 4-13 - Delete this figure found on page 4-37਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Chapter 5 - Detailed Plan Recommendations਍ഀ co਍ഀ 5.1 Lionshead Tourist Information Center਍ഀ The Lionshead Tourist Information Center is currently located just west of the entry to the਍ഀ Lionshead parking structure and is accessed directly off the frontage road. If the entrance to the਍ഀ Lionshead parking structure is relocated as shown in figure 5-1 this existing facility will need to be਍ഀ relocated. Potential locations for the center include the Future Vail Civic Center, the parking਍ഀ structure, and West Lionshead.਍ഀ 5.8.3 Pedestrian Connections Through the Core Site਍ഀ There is a critical north-south pedestrian connection between the ski yard and the਍ഀ proposed transportation and skier drop-off uses on the north day lot. This connection will਍ഀ require at least one north-south penetration through the Vail Associates core site, and਍ഀ there is an opportunity to create a second one, as shown in figure 5-9. The east-west਍ഀ pedestrian corridor originating at the east Lionshead pedestrian portal should also be਍ഀ extended into the Vail Associates core site, connecting with the north-south corridors.਍ഀ These connections should be part of the "primary retail mall" (see site design guidelines,਍ഀ chapter 6) to reinforce the village character of the core. It is not necessary that flanking਍ഀ architectural forms be completely separated in order to define pedestrian corridors.਍ഀ Instead, opportunities to create significant architectural portals are encouraged to highlight਍ഀ the transition from one public space into another.਍ഀ 5.9 North Day Lot਍ഀ While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be given by the਍ഀ owner and the Town to including transportation related uses on the ground floor. Ideally the uses਍ഀ to be considered for the site should include skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local and਍ഀ regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (see figure 5-13). By relocating਍ഀ these functions from their existing locations to easily accessible locations, this would improve the਍ഀ quality of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant new਍ഀ pedestrian portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the traffic਍ഀ study (see appendix A), the dispersed transportation facilities may include:਍ഀ a. Skier drop-off: Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but more should be built਍ഀ if possible to accommodate other program elements.਍ഀ b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate the West਍ഀ Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town shuttle stop.਍ഀ c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommended਍ഀ d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.਍ഀ e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at a minimum.਍ഀ It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and that the location and shape਍ഀ of this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without having significant਍ഀ implications to traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to develop the site with a quality਍ഀ development as allowed under zoning for the property (the site is considered one development਍ഀ site for the purposes of zoning). There needs to be a balance between the development goals for਍ഀ the property and the impact of public uses on those goals. In order to meet the obligations of਍ഀ agreements regarding the Arrabelle project (core site), at a minimum skier drop off must occur on਍ഀ this site. As discussed below, the Lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provide਍ഀ opportunities for some of the transportation functions identified above.਍ഀ Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities for employee਍ഀ housing on the property, development standards such as site coverage, landscape area, 4116਍ഀ LWOOffC, and building height may be adjusted to afford more flexibility to the property owner਍ഀ (see section and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission.਍ഀ In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for the presence of a਍ഀ public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow for encroachment of uses on਍ഀ the parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of the north day lot. This encroachment਍ഀ may also help to mitigate impacts to adjacent properties to the south by maintaining adequate਍ഀ setbacks. There may be a need to move or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and access਍ഀ as part of the transportation facility.਍ഀ A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on the adjacent਍ഀ Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind. depicted in figure 5-13a, a linear building,਍ഀ screen, and/or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of the site to screen the਍ഀ lower levels of the Landmark properties from the transportation facility. If necessary to provide਍ഀ adequate buffering a wall or fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen could house਍ഀ a bus shelter and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small food and਍ഀ beverage operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs. To਍ഀ the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or other screening measures should be considered to਍ഀ buffer the Westwind.਍ഀ The dispersed transportation facility qovy•.be covered by employee housing or other uses਍ഀ contemplated by the Lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -1 and any exemptions/deviations discussed਍ഀ herein. Specifically, the design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual,਍ഀ security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and the਍ഀ Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning and design process.਍ഀ Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developed to locate਍ഀ a Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of uses mentioned above and਍ഀ addressing the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town of Vail to਍ഀ evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.਍ഀ Alternative locations include:਍ഀ West Lionshead਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition,਍ഀ the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure which would਍ഀ include a transit facility. It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along with਍ഀ the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimate਍ഀ location for a Lionshead Transit Facility.਍ഀ 6਍ഀ ( INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of April, 2008.਍ഀ Richard D. Cleveland, Mayor, Town of Vail਍ഀ ATTEST:਍ഀ Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk਍ഀ lC;਍ഀ 7਍ഀ Page 1 of 2਍ഀ Warren Campbell - Letter from the President of Westwind at Vail - North Day Lot਍ഀ From: "Jeff Jacobs"਍ഀ To:਍ഀ Date: 03/17/2008 10:59 AM਍ഀ Subject: Letter from the President of Westwind at Vail - North Day Lot਍ഀ CC: , "'Dominic Mauriello"' , , , , "Steve MacDonald"਍ഀ March 17, 2008਍ഀ RE: North Day Lot਍ഀ Dear Ladies and Gentleman of the Vail Town Council,਍ഀ The Westwind Condominium Association is very concerned about the plans to develop the North Day਍ഀ Lot. There are several matters that I will address separately.਍ഀ We are dismayed over your plans to place a transportation hub on the western part of this lot. In a recent਍ഀ meeting with representatives from the Town of Vail, Mauriello Planning Group and Vail Resorts, we਍ഀ learned that this hub is intended to accommodate local shuttles, regional buses like the ECO carriers,਍ഀ vans and other vehicles. While it seems that there are plans to use hybrids for the in town shuttles, the਍ഀ ECO buses will continue to be diesels. Moreover, the traffic volume will dramatically increase on both਍ഀ Frontage Road and the North Day Lot.਍ഀ We are naturally dissatisfied with the tremendous increase in pollution this facility will create to the਍ഀ detriment of our condominiums. This transportation center will create a dramatic increase in noise from਍ഀ the numerous heavy vehicles and ruin the air with the foul smelling exhaust that they belch out.਍ഀ Moreover, the headlights from all these vehicles will be shining into the windows of condominiums on਍ഀ the west side of our building, creating a nuisance at all hours of the night. It was ironic to read in a਍ഀ recent issue of the Vail Daily that the Town of Vail hopes to fund this center with incremental taxes਍ഀ from rising property values. It can hardly be gainsaid, however, that placing this center on the North਍ഀ Day Lot has the potential to lower property values in the Westwind and the other condominiums਍ഀ surrounding the North Day Lot.਍ഀ We are naturally pleased with the efforts and expense that Vail Resorts and the Town of Vail have਍ഀ expended to place Lionshead on par with Vail Village as a world class resort. The contemplated਍ഀ development, however, seems to undermine those very efforts. One should note that the transportation਍ഀ center in Vail Village is in an isolated area on Frontage Rd. that has minimal, if any, impact on਍ഀ surrounding dwellings or on the Village itself. The contemplated North Day Lot development will have਍ഀ a deleterious effect on numerous condominiums that have been trying to improve themselves to be਍ഀ consistent with the new community.਍ഀ We understand that you will need to obtain a zoning variance to proceed with this development. As਍ഀ good neighbors, we would like to avoid asserting formal objections to a zoning variance, but your਍ഀ present plans make this approach impossible. There are numerous other locations where a transportation਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47DE4F... 03/17/2008਍ഀ Page 2 of 2਍ഀ hub could be placed to serve its purpose without causing the adverse impact of the present site. We urge਍ഀ you to consider alternative locations. At a minimum, you should consider surrounding the਍ഀ law਍ഀ transportation hub with a wall or placing the entire hub under ground level to reduce its impact.਍ഀ Many of the same problems that apply to the transportation hub also require your reconsideration of the਍ഀ employee housing structure. While we appreciate the need for employee housing, it seems imprudent to਍ഀ place a large employee housing building in the midst of an area that you are trying to turn into a world਍ഀ class resort. It simply will not have the type of construction that will characterize the rest of the area and਍ഀ will be a "sore thumb" greeting people who arrive in Lionshead. There are numerous, more appropriate਍ഀ places for employee housing, either further west or even on the other side of the highway.਍ഀ Finally, we note the positioning of a massive hotel on the most recent plans created by the Mauriello਍ഀ group. Initially, Mauriello's group advised that this hotel was only a concept that Vail Resorts may or਍ഀ may not develop several years down the road. Unfortunately, in a more recent conversation, Mr.਍ഀ Mauriello indicated that they were actually proceeding with more detailed plans for this structure. We਍ഀ strenuously object to placing an eighty-four foot structure right next to the west side of our building.਍ഀ We note that the latest plans do not even contain any visual corridors. In effect, as the building is now਍ഀ conceived, the western half of our units will be looking at a huge wall. If Vail Resorts really plans to਍ഀ proceed with this project, it needs some serious changes to decrease its impact on our building.਍ഀ You should also consider the overall impact that these structures will have on the area. The density of਍ഀ the buildings will create congestion on Frontage Rd. from Lionshead to Vail Village. The increase in਍ഀ traffic will result in both safety and noise problems for the entire area. Accordingly, we urge you to਍ഀ reconsider the density of the present proposals.਍ഀ Thank you for your consideration.਍ഀ Yours truly,਍ഀ Robert A. Wainger਍ഀ President਍ഀ Westwind Board of Directors਍ഀ waingerr@bellsouth.net਍ഀ cc: Graham Frank / Vail Resorts Development Co.਍ഀ Dominic Mauriello / Mauriello Planning Group਍ഀ Greg Hall / Town of Vail਍ഀ Warren Campbell / Town of Vail਍ഀ Community Development Dept / Town of Vail਍ഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47DE4F... 03/17/2008਍ഀ (04/18/2008) George Ruther - re- North Day Lot Page 1਍ഀ From: Linda Sage <sage7474@hotmail.com>਍ഀ To: <wcampbell@vailgov.com>, <gruther@vailgov.com>, <dcleveland@vailgov.com>਍ഀ Date: 04/17/2008 12:07 PM਍ഀ Subject: re- North Day Lot਍ഀ CC: <gwrig ht@destination hotels. com >਍ഀ Linda and Donald Sage਍ഀ 14 Evergreen Row਍ഀ Armonk, New York 10504਍ഀ 914/273-3967਍ഀ April 16, 2008਍ഀ Mayor and਍ഀ Members of the Town Council਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ 75 S. Frontage Rd.਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Dear Mayor and Members of the Town Council:਍ഀ I */I t copy਍ഀ Our family bought a condominium in the Landmark (601) over 16 years ago because we were hoping,਍ഀ sometime in the future, to make Vail our permanent residence. We see Vail as our investment in a piece਍ഀ of heaven on earth. A little corny perhaps, but truly the way we feel.਍ഀ We have been encouraged by our management, Destination Resorts, to do our part improving our unit਍ഀ and making Vail a first class resort. Justifiably, someone who pays top dollar for a vacation deserves first਍ഀ class accommodations. Thus, we invested $100,000 to upgrade our condo in Vail where we spend 2਍ഀ weeks of the year as opposed to our home in Armonk where we spend 50 weeks of the year. We have਍ഀ also agreed to pay an additional $112,000 to help improve the exterior of the Landmark. A little crazy to਍ഀ justify perhaps, but we are crazy about Vail. I think we've done our part!਍ഀ We are writing now because we know that you too want to do your part in making Vail the best it can be.਍ഀ We cannot help but wonder, however, when we hear some of what is being considered whether our਍ഀ property is being enhanced when you consider the following:਍ഀ On our recent visit to Vail, we actually called the fire department because of concerns over the਍ഀ smoke spewing from the Arrabelle. We could not even see some of the trees on part of the mountain it਍ഀ was so thick that day. In fact the fire station called me and explained it was normal on a really cold day for਍ഀ a building that size but they too felt it needed to be investigated since there was so much smoke.਍ഀ The Arrabelle cut off beautiful views for many of our Landmark neighbors and we all had to endure਍ഀ the sounds and smells of construction for months. And now, there is discussion once again about a਍ഀ possible transportation center and employee housing being built behind our building. We can't believe it!!਍ഀ If it's because the final outcome will be better, that's one thing; it's worth it. If it's going to be worse, that's਍ഀ something quite different.਍ഀ Please consider the fact that you will increase the noise, congestion and pollution to residents of the਍ഀ Landmark, the Westwind as well as other residents in the area. We will hear buses coming in and out, day਍ഀ and night and the noise of people marching up and down steps with skis. (You should also consider the਍ഀ fact that the more steps, the more dangerous, it will be too.)਍ഀ We are not suggesting that you not utilize the North Lot for something that could be profitable. Why਍ഀ not have additional condos, a health club, or a conference center and have a circular driveway for both਍ഀ (04/18/2008) George Ruther - re- North Day Lot Page 2਍ഀ entrances down the middle? Flowerbeds could be added and this could be made into an attractive and਍ഀ useful area.਍ഀ Building employee housing in the North Day does not enhance the value of neighboring਍ഀ condominiums and makes no economic sense The North Day Lot is prime real estate because of its਍ഀ proximity to the mountain. You are not enhancing our property value when you put inexpensive employee਍ഀ housing next door. Yes, employee housing is needed, but expecting employees to commute 20 or 30਍ഀ minutes is reasonable. Of course, commuting well over two hours each day to a city for work from a਍ഀ suburb is normal for us. And, expecting our employers to pay for inexpensive housing so we do not have਍ഀ to commute is unheard of in this part of the country.਍ഀ We feel that every decision that is made and every penny that is spent should ultimately have one thing in਍ഀ mind and one thing only- making Vail better- not busier, not noisier, not more congested and polluted. Not਍ഀ only won't your residents like it, but your visitors won't either. People love the pedestrian only plazas of਍ഀ Vail.਍ഀ We hope you will give all of our comments and feelings some consideration. We know you too want what਍ഀ is best for Vail.਍ഀ Thanks for all your efforts.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ Linda and Don Sage਍ഀ 914-273-3967 - phone਍ഀ Pack up or back up-use SkyDrive to transfer files or keep extra copies. Learn how.਍ഀ http://www.windowslive. com/skydrive/overview. html?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_W L_Refresh_skydrive_packup_O਍ഀ 42008਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement਍ഀ ਍ഀ Statement Number: R080000204 Amount: $1,300.00 02/25/200804:01 PM਍ഀ Payment Method: Check Init: JS਍ഀ Notation: 416022/VAIL਍ഀ RESORTS਍ഀ ਍ഀ Permit No: PEC080008 Type: PEC-Zoning Code Amendmen਍ഀ Parcel No: 2101-063-0800-4਍ഀ Site Address: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL਍ഀ Location: NORTH DAY LOT਍ഀ Total Fees: $1,300.00਍ഀ This Payment: $1,300.00 Total ALL Pmts: $1,300.00਍ഀ Balance: $0.00਍ഀ ਍ഀ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST:਍ഀ Account Code Description Current Pmts਍ഀ ਍ഀ PV 00100003112500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 1,300.00਍ഀ ORIGINAL਍ഀ MEMORANDUM਍ഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commission਍ഀ FROM: Community Development Department਍ഀ DATE: April 14, 2008਍ഀ SUBJECT: A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a਍ഀ proposed text amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,਍ഀ pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan,਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend those elements of the਍ഀ Master Plan referencing the North Day Lot recommendations and਍ഀ requirements to facilitate the development of the site with an employee਍ഀ housing project, transportation center, and future development site,਍ഀ located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing਍ഀ 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080008)਍ഀ Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by਍ഀ Mauriello Planning Group LLC਍ഀ Planner: George RutherNVarren Campbell਍ഀ 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY਍ഀ The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Mauriello਍ഀ Planning Group LLC, is requesting a final recommendation from the Town of Vail਍ഀ Planning & Environmental Commission of a proposed text amendment to the਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and਍ഀ Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, to਍ഀ amend those elements of the Master Plan referencing the North Day Lot਍ഀ recommendations and requirements, to facilitate the development of the site with਍ഀ a 120 bed employee housing project, a public transportation center, and future਍ഀ development site, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle.਍ഀ Upon review of the applicable elements of the Town's planning documents and਍ഀ adopted criteria for review, the Community Development Department਍ഀ recommends that the Planning & Environmental Commission forwards a਍ഀ recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council of the applicant's request for਍ഀ text amendments to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.਍ഀ A complete summary of Staffs review is provided in Section VIII of this਍ഀ memorandum.਍ഀ II. OVERIEW OF THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCESS਍ഀ The applicant has submitted four development applications to the Town of Vail਍ഀ Community Development in an effort to.facilitate future development on the North਍ഀ Day Lot. Those applications include:਍ഀ 1. An application requesting permission to proceed through the਍ഀ Town's development review process with proposed private਍ഀ improvements on town-owned land,਍ഀ 2. An application to amend the text of the Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan,਍ഀ 3. An application for a major exterior alteration for review of the਍ഀ proposed on site improvements pursuant to the provisions਍ഀ outlined in the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district, and਍ഀ 4. An application for a conditional use permit to operate public਍ഀ transportation facilities on the North Day Lot਍ഀ The order of review and consideration of these four applications is critical to the਍ഀ outcome of the development review process. For instance, the Vail Town਍ഀ Council must first grant the applicant permission to proceed through the Town's਍ഀ development review process for private improvements proposed on town-owned਍ഀ land. This step is then followed by the review and consideration of the proposed਍ഀ master plan text amendment. It is important to note that since the review of the਍ഀ major exterior alteration application requires demonstrated compliance with the਍ഀ goals, objectives and policies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, any਍ഀ proposed master plan amendments must be reviewed and approved prior to਍ഀ taking final action on the major exterior alteration application.਍ഀ III. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST਍ഀ Vail Resorts Development Company has submitted a development review਍ഀ application to the Town of Vail Community Development Department proposing਍ഀ to amend the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. The purpose of the਍ഀ master plan amendment is to facilitate future development of the property਍ഀ commonly referred as the North Day Lot, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle.਍ഀ The proposal includes a 120-bed employee housing development, a public਍ഀ transportation center, and a 24,305 square foot site set aside for future਍ഀ development. As proposed, the applicant is further requesting to clarify the਍ഀ Town's intent and objectives for meeting public transportation needs in the਍ഀ Lionshead Study Area.਍ഀ The key elements of the amendment include:਍ഀ The creation of a 24,305 square foot site for future development on the਍ഀ east end of the North Day Lot,਍ഀ The elimination of a public loading and delivery facilities from the North਍ഀ Day Lot, and਍ഀ Additions to, and the deletions of, numerous North Day Lot development਍ഀ and public transportation references and statements contained within the਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.਍ഀ A copy of the applicant's written summary of their request, entitled, "North Day਍ഀ Lot, Amendments to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan" dated਍ഀ February 21, 2008, has been attached for reference. (attachment A)਍ഀ 2਍ഀ IV. BACKGROUND਍ഀ • The Vail Town Council adopted the Lionshead Redevelopment Master਍ഀ Plan on December 15, 1998. The purpose of the master plan is to create਍ഀ opportunities for the public and private sectors to act collaboratively to਍ഀ renew and revitalize an important component [Lionshead] of our਍ഀ community.਍ഀ • On July 7, 2003, Vail Resorts Development Company provided a਍ഀ proposal to the Town of Vail Community Development Department਍ഀ illustrating a plan for the future development of the North Day Lot.਍ഀ • On February 6, 2007, the Vail Town Council approved Resolution #4,਍ഀ Series of 2007, which, in part, amended the master plan to include਍ഀ specific references to the use of the North Day Lot for employee housing਍ഀ and public transportation.਍ഀ • On December 11, 2007, the Vail Town Council and Vail Resorts਍ഀ Development Company, executed an amendment to the Core Site਍ഀ Developer Improvement Agreement which outlines the requirement to਍ഀ submit a development application to construct employee housing on the਍ഀ North Day Lot, pursuant to the recommendations of the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan.਍ഀ • On February 5, 2008, the Vail Town Council granted Vail Resorts਍ഀ Development Company permission to proceed through the development਍ഀ review process with a development application for the future construction਍ഀ of employee housing and public transportation on a 11,113 square foot਍ഀ parcel of land owned by the Town of Vail adjacent to the North Day Lot. It਍ഀ is important to note that the Council's permission to proceed in no way਍ഀ conveys an approval by the Town Council of the applicant's request.਍ഀ V. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDS਍ഀ The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities of਍ഀ the Planning & Environmental Commission, Town Council, and Staff on the਍ഀ master plan amendment application submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts਍ഀ Development Company for the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Text Amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan਍ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission:਍ഀ Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is advisory to the਍ഀ Town Council. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall review the਍ഀ proposal and make a recommendation to the Town Council on the਍ഀ consistency of the proposed amendment with applicable review criteria and਍ഀ the policies, goals and objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan and other applicable master plan documents.਍ഀ Design Review Board:਍ഀ Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan amendments.਍ഀ Staff.'਍ഀ The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are਍ഀ provided. The staff advises the applicant as to consistency of the proposed਍ഀ amendment with applicable review criteria and the policies, goals and਍ഀ objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and other਍ഀ applicable master plan documents. Staff provides a staff memo containing਍ഀ background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with਍ഀ respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on਍ഀ approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review਍ഀ process.਍ഀ Town Council.਍ഀ Action: The Town Council is responsible for final approval/denial of a਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan amendment. The Town Council shall਍ഀ review and approve the proposal based on the consistency of the proposed਍ഀ amendment with applicable review criteria and the policies, goals and਍ഀ objectives outlined in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and other਍ഀ applicable master plan documents.਍ഀ VI. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS਍ഀ Staff has provided portions of the Vail Town Code and several master plans਍ഀ which are relevant to the proposed topics for the review of the proposed਍ഀ redevelopment proposal.਍ഀ Zoning Regulations (in part)਍ഀ Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 Zone District (in part)਍ഀ 12-7H-1: PURPOSE:਍ഀ The Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district is intended to provide sites for a਍ഀ mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, time਍ഀ shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercial਍ഀ establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone਍ഀ district, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, is਍ഀ intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities਍ഀ appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the਍ഀ desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site development਍ഀ standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives for਍ഀ redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.਍ഀ This Zone District was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties਍ഀ to redevelop. The ultimate goal of these incentives is to create an economically਍ഀ vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. The incentives in this Zone਍ഀ District include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height,਍ഀ and density over the previously established zoning in the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan study area. The primary goal of the incentives is to਍ഀ create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopment਍ഀ consistent with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Additionally, the਍ഀ incentives are created to help finance public off-site improvements adjacent to਍ഀ redevelopment projects. With any developmenbredevelopment proposal taking਍ഀ 4਍ഀ advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be਍ഀ evaluated: streetscape improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza਍ഀ redevelopment, public art, roadway improvements, and similar improvements.਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (in part)਍ഀ Chapter 2, Introduction਍ഀ 2.1 Purpose of the Master Plan (in part)਍ഀ "This master plan was initiated by the Town of Vail to encourage਍ഀ redevelopment and new development initiatives in the Lionshead਍ഀ study area. Both public and private interests have recognized that਍ഀ Lionshead today lacks the economic vitality of Vail and fails to਍ഀ offer a world class resort experience. Lionshead's economic਍ഀ potential has been inhibited by a number of recurrent themes:਍ഀ • Lack of growth in accommodation units ("hot beds');਍ഀ • Poor retail quality,਍ഀ • Deterioration of existing buildings;਍ഀ • Uninteresting and disconnected pedestrian environment;਍ഀ • Mediocre architectural character; and the਍ഀ • Absence of incentives for redevelopment.਍ഀ CO This master plan is a comprehensive guide for property owners਍ഀ proposing to undertake development or redevelopment of their਍ഀ properties and the municipal officials responsible for planning਍ഀ public improvements. The plan outlines the Town's objectives and਍ഀ goals for the enhancement of Lionshead and proposes਍ഀ recommendation, incentives, and requirements for redevelopment਍ഀ and new development."਍ഀ 2.2 Definition of a Master Plan਍ഀ A master plan is a guide, a flexible framework for future action. It਍ഀ articulates a community's fundamental land use policies,਍ഀ principles, and goals in a broad and general way. It plans for the਍ഀ future physical development or redevelopment of an area of the਍ഀ community, including its functional and circulation systems and its਍ഀ public facilities.਍ഀ The land use policies in a master plan are generally implemented਍ഀ through zoning ordinances. Existing zoning and land use codes਍ഀ may be modified and new provisions enacted in order to conform਍ഀ to the master plan and carry out the plan's objectives.਍ഀ A master plan does not convey approval for particular਍ഀ development proposals or concepts, nor can it be implemented in਍ഀ a short time frame. After adoption of the Lionshead Master Plan,਍ഀ every development proposal will have to go through the applicable਍ഀ development review and approval process, with its attendant਍ഀ public notices and public hearings. A proposal's adherence to the਍ഀ policies contained in the adopted master plan will be one of the਍ഀ factors analyzed by staff, the Planning and Environmental਍ഀ Commission (PEC), the Design Review Board (DRB), and the਍ഀ Town Council (as applicable) in determining whether to approve or਍ഀ disapprove the specific proposal.਍ഀ Vail Land Use Plan਍ഀ According to the Official Town of Vail Land Use Plan map, the applicant's਍ഀ proposed redevelopment site is located with the "Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan" land use category. Pursuant to the Plan, the "Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan" land use category description,਍ഀ "Included in this category are those properties which are identified as਍ഀ being included in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan boundaries.਍ഀ Properties located within this land use category shall be encouraged to਍ഀ redevelop, per the Master Plan recommendations, as it has been found਍ഀ that it is necessary in order for Vail to remain a competitive four-season਍ഀ resort. Uses and activities for these areas are intended to encourage a਍ഀ safe, convenient and an aesthetically-pleasing guest experience. The਍ഀ range of uses and activities appropriate in the Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan (LRMP) land use category may include skier and resort਍ഀ services, ski lifts, ski trails, base facilities, public restrooms, ticket sales,਍ഀ clubs, public plazas, open spaces, parking and loading/delivery਍ഀ facilities/structures, public utilities, residential, lodges, accommodation਍ഀ units, deed restricted employee housing, retail businesses, professional਍ഀ and business offices, personal services, and restaurant uses. "਍ഀ VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING਍ഀ Land Use਍ഀ Zoninq਍ഀ North:਍ഀ Right-of-Way਍ഀ N/A਍ഀ South:਍ഀ Residential਍ഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District਍ഀ East:਍ഀ Residential਍ഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 District਍ഀ West:਍ഀ Residential਍ഀ Lionshead Mixed use 1 District਍ഀ An aerial vicinity map has been attached for reference (attachment B)਍ഀ VIII. CRITERIA FOR REVIEW਍ഀ Section 2.8 of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan establishes the਍ഀ authority for amendments to the master plan. Pursuant to Section 2.8,਍ഀ "Future amendments to this master plan must be approved by resolution਍ഀ or motion by the Town Council following a formal recommendation by the਍ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission. "਍ഀ Upon consideration of an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master਍ഀ Plan, staff recommends that the Commission uses the following criteria to਍ഀ r` evaluate the amendment proposal:਍ഀ 6਍ഀ 1. How have conditions changed since the plan was adopted?਍ഀ Staff has reviewed the applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan to determine how conditions may have changed within the਍ഀ Lionshead Study Area that would warrant an amendment to the master plan਍ഀ to allow for a future development site to be created on the North Day Lot and਍ഀ the elimination of public loading and delivery from the site. In determining਍ഀ how conditions may have changed, and to what extent any changes may਍ഀ have occurred, staff believes it is important to first understand the goals,਍ഀ objectives and policies of the Lionshead Master Plan and to apply these਍ഀ factors to review of the proposed amendment.਍ഀ Through the adoption of the master plan six fundamental design objectives਍ഀ were set that relate to the entire Lionshead study area. The six design਍ഀ objectives include:਍ഀ o The pedestrian environment,਍ഀ o Connections to the natural environment,਍ഀ o Vehicular circulation,਍ഀ o Transit,਍ഀ o Service and delivery, and਍ഀ o Parking਍ഀ According to Section 1.2 Master Plan Framework, Transit,਍ഀ "The master plan considers that an efficient and flexible public transit਍ഀ system serving the entire Lionsead study area, including potential new਍ഀ development in the west end district, is essential to its [Lionshead]਍ഀ future."਍ഀ Pursuant to Subsection 1.3.5, Transit, Recommended Actions, the master plan਍ഀ recommends the following actions be taken within Lionshead regarding public਍ഀ transit,਍ഀ o Create a transportation center on the North Day Lot to accommodate਍ഀ local and regional transit, local shuttles, and charter buses.਍ഀ o Remove the existing Concert Hall Plaza bus drop-off.਍ഀ o Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to the਍ഀ North Day Lot.਍ഀ o Improve the now difficult left run from East Lionshead Circle onto the਍ഀ South Frontage Road.਍ഀ o Connect future development in West Lionshead to the Town of Vail in-਍ഀ town transit route.਍ഀ o Investigate alternative clean transit technologies.਍ഀ o Investigate potential intermodal connections to future non-vehicular਍ഀ regional transit systems.਍ഀ 7਍ഀ WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE਍ഀ ♦YT~ ~~.rfy,~.~..h~ .gym. ",.w..~ Sr ~ t਍ഀ . ,਍ഀ f਍ഀ ~ V਍ഀ -਍ഀ I਍ഀ Y ..`~Ir, .~+n਍ഀ r.r਍ഀ f v਍ഀ 1 W.0਍ഀ ~+t 'ma'r 1. 4 L... ■ t L ~•'~`'~•G,;~``~਍ഀ 70਍ഀ wr `1/ .਍ഀ VANTAGE POINT਍ഀ EAST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE਍ഀ Figure 4-8 - Potential Transit Point Parallel to South Frontage Road਍ഀ g਍ഀ 4਍ഀ PEDESTRIAN CORRIDOR਍ഀ -TRAVSPCRTATION CENTER ARRIVAL FACILITY਍ഀ LOCAU EcSONAL SHU PS਍ഀ LOC LiREGI()NAL TRANS171਍ഀ AND CP ,kRTER BUSES਍ഀ ~llEVE,LUt' k1~1REiY{7VA'I'EL1਍ഀ LANE MARK TnR't HOMES਍ഀ m m l&'W਍ഀ A4਍ഀ - ~ w਍ഀ L L- EXISTING PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE਍ഀ TRANSIT VE IECULAk CMCLTLATIDN਍ഀ A(XZSS 'rO BELOW-STRUCTURE SERVICE਍ഀ AND DELIVERY FACILITY਍ഀ SHIRT TERM SKIER DROP-OFF AREA.਍ഀ LANDSCAPE SUEENING TOWARDS WESTWIND CONDOMINIUMS਍ഀ I• p" 3-13 P vpo rod JV& th Ivry Lo.- Thant Ceuer਍ഀ 9਍ഀ NORTH LIONSHEAD਍ഀ PEDES"TRIA2ti PORFAt,,਍ഀ In accordance with Subsection 2.3.5, Improved Infrastructure, Policy Objectives,਍ഀ the following policy objective is stated in the master plan,਍ഀ "The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways, transportation਍ഀ systems, parking, utilities, loading and delivery systems, snow removal਍ഀ and storage capacity) and its public and private services must be਍ഀ upgraded to support redevelopment and revitalization efforts and to਍ഀ meet the service expectations of our guests and residents."਍ഀ Pursuant to Chapter 3, Existing Conditions Assessment and Problem਍ഀ Identification,਍ഀ "The initial task in the Lionshead master planning process was to conduct਍ഀ a thorough assessment of existing physical and regulatory conditions in਍ഀ the study area. The goal of this assessment was to identify the problems,਍ഀ opportunities, and constraints that the master plan recommendations਍ഀ must recognize and address.਍ഀ Furthermore, Subsection 3.8.3, Transit, of the master plan states,਍ഀ "The only portion of the in-town shuttle route where buses must bypass਍ഀ the pedestrian environment and return to the South Frontage Road is in਍ഀ the core area between the East Lionshead transit stop and Concert Hall਍ഀ Plaza. This interruption in the dedicated shuttle circuit forces buses to਍ഀ make several left turns to get on and off the frontage road, frequently਍ഀ causing delays in the transit schedule. To resolve the problem, the਍ഀ planning team explored the concept of punching an internal transit route਍ഀ through the pedestrian core or reserving a corridor for future transit਍ഀ needs. Both of these ideas met with extreme resistance from residents਍ഀ and business owners alike. Although there may be no physical਍ഀ solution to this problem, the issue of how to connect the east half of਍ഀ Lionshead to the west half must be considered a priority in all future਍ഀ transportation and transit planning for the Town of Vail.਍ഀ Chapter 4, Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Area, of the master਍ഀ plan states,਍ഀ "This section of the master plan addresses issues that affect Lionshead਍ഀ as a whole. These issues, and recommendations to address them,਍ഀ should be considered in all planning and policy decisions as਍ഀ Lionshead develops.਍ഀ To that end, the following sections and subsections of the master plan provide਍ഀ direction for consideration in all planning and policy decisions,਍ഀ 4.5 Public Transportation਍ഀ An efficient transit system is critical to the character and environmental਍ഀ quality of any pedestrian-oriented resort. Goals identified by the master plan਍ഀ regarding transit include:਍ഀ 10਍ഀ 4.5.1 Connection to West Lionshead਍ഀ West Lionshead consists of the West Day Lot, the Vail Associates service਍ഀ center, the sanitation plant, the Holy Cross lot, the former gas station site,਍ഀ the Vail Professional Building, and Cascade Crossing. Because it is an਍ഀ area of potentially significant growth, it is important that it be fully਍ഀ integrated into the Town of Vail transit system. The West Lionshead਍ഀ properties are at the outside edge of the acceptable walking਍ഀ distance to the ski yard (1200 feet). With a mixed use development in਍ഀ the area which integrates a ski portal, retail space, office space and਍ഀ residential development, transit service to this area and interconnections਍ഀ to other portals will be critical to develop in the future. In addition, the਍ഀ update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan shall provide direction on਍ഀ the ultimate location of a Lionshead Transit Facility along with needed਍ഀ interconnections between ski portals, regional transit stops, and other਍ഀ transportation modes. The addition of a ski lift in this area would make਍ഀ this area more viable to redevelopment as it would be within the਍ഀ acceptable walking distance of a lift (1, 200 feet).਍ഀ 4.5.2 Maximum Efficiency and Utilization਍ഀ The following recommendations are made to enhance the efficiency and਍ഀ functionality of the Lionshead transit connections in anticipation of future਍ഀ redevelopment in the area:਍ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot਍ഀ Transportation Center਍ഀ A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposed਍ഀ transportation center on the north day lot will replace the਍ഀ existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely to be on the਍ഀ west Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the਍ഀ regional bus stop and deliver west Vail transit riders to਍ഀ the newly created north Lionshead pedestrian portal.਍ഀ 4.5.3 Addressing Existing Problems਍ഀ Concert Hall Plaza਍ഀ It is recommended that the existing Concert Hall Plaza transit਍ഀ stop be eliminated.਍ഀ 4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lot਍ഀ A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and਍ഀ circulation network is the creation of a transportation center on the਍ഀ north day lot. This facility will remove transit and service vehicles਍ഀ from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry point਍ഀ into the Lionshead pedestrian core. This concept is fully discussed਍ഀ in chapter five.਍ഀ 11਍ഀ Chapter 5, Detailed Plan Recommendations of the master plan examines਍ഀ individual parcels and groups of parcels within the Lionshead Study Area. The਍ഀ intent of the chapter, and the master plan as a whole, is to identify important਍ഀ functional relationships and visual objectives within the district and to propose a਍ഀ framework for the long-term redevelopment of Lionshead. The master plan is਍ഀ not intended to limit or eliminate ideas relating to specific parcels; any਍ഀ proposal consistent with this framework should be considered even if they਍ഀ were not anticipated in this document. With that said, the master plan਍ഀ identifies the following detailed recommendations for the use of the North Day਍ഀ Lot.਍ഀ 5.9 North Day Lot਍ഀ "The north day lot should be developed as a community transportation਍ഀ center to consolidate skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local and਍ഀ regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (see਍ഀ figure 5-13). A below-grade service and delivery facility could be constructed਍ഀ underneath the transit facility. By relocating these functions from their਍ഀ existing locations to one easily accessible location, this would improve the਍ഀ quality of vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a਍ഀ significant new pedestrian portal into the center of the Lionshead retail਍ഀ mall. Based upon the results of the traffic study (see appendix A), the਍ഀ conceptual program for this facility is as follows:਍ഀ a. Skier drop-off.- Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but more਍ഀ should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.਍ഀ b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate਍ഀ the West Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town਍ഀ shuttle stop.਍ഀ c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommended਍ഀ d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.਍ഀ e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at਍ഀ a minimum.਍ഀ A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be਍ഀ its impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the਍ഀ Westwind. Depicted in figure 5-13a, a linear building is recommended਍ഀ at the southern edge of the site to screen the lower levels of the਍ഀ Landmark Tower from the transit center. This facility could house a bus਍ഀ shelter and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small਍ഀ food and beverage operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mall਍ഀ level for ADA access needs. To the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or਍ഀ other screening measures should be considered to buffer the Westwind. A਍ഀ more comprehensive solution is to cover the facility with another level਍ഀ or two of development - perhaps for offices or employee housing - or਍ഀ with a roof. (Memorable European antecedents exist for grand, covered਍ഀ transportation centers.) Specifically, the design of the transportation਍ഀ center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smell਍ഀ that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and the਍ഀ Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning and਍ഀ design process.਍ഀ 12਍ഀ Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans਍ഀ were developed to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Integrating the number of uses mentioned above and addressing the਍ഀ neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town of Vail਍ഀ to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center. Alternative locations਍ഀ include:਍ഀ West Lionshead਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation਍ഀ Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a development competition਍ഀ for the Lionshead Parking Structure which would include a transit facility.਍ഀ It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along with਍ഀ the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provide਍ഀ direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facility."਍ഀ Based upon our review of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, staff does਍ഀ not believe that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study Area that਍ഀ warrant an amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, as਍ഀ proposed by the applicant. Staff believes that an amendment to the master plan਍ഀ which creates a future development site on the North Day Lot comprising nearly਍ഀ 25,000 square feet, or rough 52% of the North Day Lot land area,਍ഀ AWK o significantly compromises the fundamental design objectives of the plan,਍ഀ o results in substantial conflicts with Recommended Actions of the plan,਍ഀ o negatively impacts the policy objective of providing improved਍ഀ infrastructure within Lionshead,਍ഀ o fails to positively address the Overall Master Plan Recommendations, and਍ഀ o does not favorably implement the detailed plan recommends for future਍ഀ development of the North Day Lot as previously determined.਍ഀ Further, staff does not believe that the applicant has provided adequate evidence਍ഀ of how conditions relating to the need for public transportation improvements਍ഀ have changed that would warrant the creation of a future development site on the਍ഀ North Day Lot. The amendment, as proposed, significantly compromises the਍ഀ ability to implement the goals, objectives and policies of the master plan which਍ഀ promote the construction of public transit improvements on the site yet still takes਍ഀ into consideration the impact a transit facility will have on the adjacent Landmark਍ഀ Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind. Specifically, the applicant has not਍ഀ demonstrated how the creation of the future development site affords the਍ഀ opportunity to address the all impacts visual, security, sound and smell that may਍ഀ negatively affect adjacent properties. Staff believes that those impacts could be਍ഀ more positively addressed by the applicant in the absence of the proposed future਍ഀ development site and ensure that the future public transit improvements can be਍ഀ designed to meet the service expectations of our guests and residents, as stated਍ഀ in the master plan policy objectives.਍ഀ CW Staff recommends that the applicant reconsiders the plans submitted to the Town਍ഀ of Vail in 2003 which provides for a public transit use on the site along with਍ഀ employee housing and improvements aimed at mitigating the impacts of the਍ഀ 13਍ഀ development on the adjacent uses. It is staffs belief that the concepts described਍ഀ in the 2003 proposal are in keeping with the original goals, objectives and਍ഀ policies of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.਍ഀ Staff acknowledges that conditions have changed in the Lionshead Study Area਍ഀ which warrants the elimination of the proposed public loading and delivery਍ഀ improvements and support that particular amendment to the master plan.਍ഀ 2. How is the plan in error?਍ഀ The Town staff has reviewed the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and਍ഀ believes that, while certain amendments to the master plan maybe necessary to਍ഀ more accurately reflect certain changes and developments that have occurred਍ഀ throughout the Lionshead Study Area since its adoption, the master plan is not in਍ഀ error as it relates to the North Day Lot. Instead, staff believes that the master਍ഀ plan remains both relevant and applicable to the general needs of the Lionshead਍ഀ area as originally intended when it was adopted. For instance, the plan was not਍ഀ in error when it states that,਍ഀ "An efficient transit system is critical to the character and਍ഀ environmental quality of any pedestrian-oriented resort "਍ഀ And,਍ഀ "An efficient and flexible public transit system serving the entire਍ഀ Lionsead study area, including potential new development in the west਍ഀ end district, is essential to its [Lionshead] future. "਍ഀ And lastly,਍ഀ "A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and਍ഀ circulation network is the creation of a transportation center on the਍ഀ north day lot. This facility will remove transit and service vehicles਍ഀ from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry point਍ഀ into the Lionshead pedestrian core. "਍ഀ 3. How would an addition, deletion, or change to the plan be in concert਍ഀ with the plan in general?਍ഀ As previously stated, it may be possible for a deletion or change to the plan to be਍ഀ made that can be in concert to the master plan in general. For example, in 2003,਍ഀ in response to the proposed demolition of the Sun Bird Lodge to facilitate the਍ഀ redevelopment of the Core Site with the construction of the Arrabelle at Vail਍ഀ Square Hotel, Vail Resorts Development Company provide the Town of Vail਍ഀ Community Development Department with a set of proposed plans for the਍ഀ development of a public transit facility, employee housing and offices on the਍ഀ North Day Lot. The proposal utilizes the entire ground level of the North Day Lot਍ഀ for public transit improvements and screening/buffering the improvements from਍ഀ the adjacent uses. While more review and analysis of the proposal is required,਍ഀ the concepts suggested in the proposal are far more in keeping with the goals,਍ഀ objectives and policies of the master plan.਍ഀ 14਍ഀ In this case, staff acknowledges and agrees that a deletion to the master plan of਍ഀ the public loading and delivery improvements could be warranted as alternate਍ഀ methods for addressing the loading and delivery needs in the Lionshead Study਍ഀ Area have been evaluated and are presently being implemented.਍ഀ IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION਍ഀ The Community Development Department recommends that the Town of Vail਍ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission forwards a recommendation of denial਍ഀ for a proposed text amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,਍ഀ pursuant to Section 2.8, Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan, to amend those elements of the Master Plan਍ഀ referencing the North Day Lot recommendations and requirements, to facilitate਍ഀ the development of the site with a 120 bed employee housing project, a public਍ഀ transportation center, and future development site, located at 600 West਍ഀ Lionshead Circle.਍ഀ Staff recommendation for denial is based upon a review of the evidence and਍ഀ testimony presented and the review of the criteria outlined in Section VIII of this਍ഀ memorandum. Specifically, staff finds that the applicant has failed to਍ഀ demonstrate how conditions have changed to the public transportation needs਍ഀ within the Lionshead Study Area that warrant an amendment to the master plan਍ഀ creating a future development site on the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to forward a਍ഀ Ap" recommendation of denial to the Vail Town Council, staff recommends that the਍ഀ Commission makes the following findings,਍ഀ "Upon review of the application for an amendment to the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan, the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental਍ഀ Commission finds that conditions in the Lionshead Study area have not਍ഀ changed with regard to the need for public transportation improvements on਍ഀ the North Day Lot since the adoption of the master plan which warrant the਍ഀ proposed amendment, that the plan is not in error with regards to the਍ഀ detailed plan recommendations for the North Day Lot, and that the਍ഀ proposed additions, deletions, or changes as proposed by the applicant਍ഀ are not in concert with the plan in general. Furthermore, the Commission਍ഀ finds that the master plan, as adopted, adequately addresses the਍ഀ proposed future uses of the North Day Lot as documented throughout the਍ഀ master plan. "਍ഀ X. ATTACHMENTS਍ഀ Attachment A -"North Day Lot, Amendments to the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan", dated February 21, 2008਍ഀ Attachment B - aerial vicinity map਍ഀ 15਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ Amendments to the bon5head਍ഀ February 2 1, 2008਍ഀ I J, I ild਍ഀ Maurieilo Planning Group਍ഀ Attachment A਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan਍ഀ I. Introduction਍ഀ This application is submitted on behalf of Vail Resorts Development Company to clarify਍ഀ statements within the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (LHRMP). These਍ഀ amendments were developed in conjunction with the Town of Vail staff in order to਍ഀ address site development activities through the development review process for the਍ഀ North Day Lot in an efficient and comprehensive manner.਍ഀ The LHRMP was adopted by the Town Council in 1996 after several years in the review਍ഀ and development process. Many of the issues and direction found in the plan were਍ഀ based upon planning and information available at that time. Now ten years later and਍ഀ following the redevelopment of numerous parcels and new ideas about uses for other਍ഀ sites within Lionshead, some of the direction in the original plan requires clarification and਍ഀ modification to provide direction to the applicant and decision-making bodies.਍ഀ In the following sections are proposed text modifications and support analysis for the਍ഀ changes being proposed.਍ഀ 2. Proposed Amendments by Chapter of LHKMP਍ഀ In this section the applicant has identified specific provisions that we believe warrant਍ഀ clarification or changes. The proposed revisions are in an underline and s°ri~kr਍ഀ format. We provide an applicant analysis at the end of each section being amended.਍ഀ Chapter I - Executive 5ummary਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 1.3.5 Transit਍ഀ • Create dispersed transportation centers in Lionshead an the neFth day lot to਍ഀ accommodate local and regional transit, local shuttles, skier drop off, and charter਍ഀ buses. Locations for these facilities may include the North Day Lot, the Lionshead਍ഀ Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (aka EverVail).਍ഀ • Relocate the existing Lionshead Place regional bus stop to the North Day Lot,਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure, or West Lionshead area.਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The kHRMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed the਍ഀ transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West਍ഀ Lionshead as o location for certain transportation uses. This section should also਍ഀ reflect the existing direction contained in Chapters 4 and 5 of the plan.਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 1.3.6 Service and Delivery਍ഀ • Create a central service and delivery facility in conjunction with the proposed transit਍ഀ facility on the North Day Lot (A central service and loading acility was developed਍ഀ by Vail Resorts within the Arrabelle project (core site) thus eliminating the need for਍ഀ an additional facility on the North Day Lotl.਍ഀ Applicant Analy515:਍ഀ A5 indicated above, a central loading and 5ervrce facility has already been provided਍ഀ within tion5head eliminating the need for this public facility on the North Day tot.਍ഀ Chapter 3 - EX15tmg Conditions A55e55ment਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parking਍ഀ Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its਍ഀ employee parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately਍ഀ 105 cars, is located behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportation਍ഀ facility, employee housing and other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LMU-਍ഀ 1Ler. The west day lot, located just west of the Marriott parking structure, has an਍ഀ approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents a significant development opportunity. Parking਍ഀ displaced by redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within the Lionshead study area to਍ഀ satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss of parking. The displaced parking will be provided in਍ഀ West Lionshead within a parking structure included as part of the EverVail project.਍ഀ Applicant Anoly515:਍ഀ This amendment 15 added to 51mply clarify Vail Resorts intended Solution to "no net਍ഀ loos of parking. "਍ഀ Chapter 4 - Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Area਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stop਍ഀ It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at਍ഀ the Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lot਍ഀ the Lionshead parking structure, and West Lionshead. This਍ഀ will provide a Lionshead connection between the regional transit system and the਍ഀ Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors and employees coming to਍ഀ Lionshead by regional bus will arrive at a defined portal instead of the current਍ഀ "back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the large regional਍ഀ North Dav Lot 2਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possible to਍ഀ locate elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in਍ഀ conjunction with a new ski lift and parking facility. However, given its location਍ഀ on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may not be the most viable location for a਍ഀ regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the above, facilities for skier drop-off,਍ഀ private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses should be included in the਍ഀ design of the ski lift and parking facility. In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an਍ഀ update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a਍ഀ development competition for the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment,਍ഀ which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportation਍ഀ Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure਍ഀ redevelopment process will provide direction on the ultimate location for a਍ഀ Lionshead Transit Facility and/or the type of transit facilities that may be਍ഀ necessary in West Lionshead.਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The LHRMP was revlsed in 2007 to include language that directed the਍ഀ transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West਍ഀ Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This sentence is clarified਍ഀ given the new language included at the end of the paragraph.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ Create a New Stop at the North Day Lot Transportation Center਍ഀ A new Town of Vail transit stop at the proposed dispersed transportation center਍ഀ on the North Day Lot will replace the existing stop at Concert Hall Plaza. Likely਍ഀ to be on the west Vail transit routes, this stop will coordinate with the regional਍ഀ bus stop and deliver west Vail transit riders to the newly created north Lionshead਍ഀ pedestrian portal.਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The LIHRMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed the਍ഀ transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West਍ഀ Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. if the transportation center਍ഀ is not developed on the north day lot, this sentence needs to be revlsed so that the਍ഀ "bus stop" is accommodated even though a transportation'center might be located਍ഀ elsewhere.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 4.6.6 Creation of a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lot਍ഀ North Day Lot 3਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is the਍ഀ creation of dispersed transportation facilities center in the Lionshead area on the ^nol਍ഀ clay- let. This facility will remove transit and service vehicles from other areas of਍ഀ Lionshead and create a major new entry point into the Lionshead pedestrian core. All or਍ഀ portions of these dispersed transportation facilities may be located on the North Day Lot,਍ഀ the Lionshead parking structure, or in West Lionshead. This concept is fully discussed in਍ഀ chapter five.਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The Ll IRMP was revised In 2007 to Include language that directed the਍ഀ transportation uses to the Lionshead Parking Structure and also referenced West਍ഀ Lionshead as a location for certain transportation uses. The North Day tot, a਍ഀ privately held parcel of land, cannot reasonably accommodate all of the਍ഀ transportation uses originally envisioned for this parcel given its small size, location,਍ഀ and configuration. Some uses w111 more reasonably need to be located In other਍ഀ dispersed locations within Lionshead as identified by the LIHRMP.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ large North Day Lot Transit Cente਍ഀ 'The਍ഀ ਍ഀ tfal ne.-, ..ne and delivery same਍ഀ f elli ' at the c.,ame t`m` (see f gUFe 4 12).਍ഀ f lit would be bu It under- " str„et„red par-king deck and would n s 41,0਍ഀ mead cer by fteight elevateFs and a service tnneel. The e tun਍ഀ would open into the pedestrian ..,alt on the nei4h „all of the main T ; ....h a਍ഀ pedestFian plaza between the Lifthouse Ledge and the Landfnar-k Tower-. it਍ഀ estimated that the f: ;lit, .1.1 a peak volume of a y atel+ 15਍ഀ deliver-y hi les an vide a limited n nt of te.f...erar., storage a e l ee਍ഀ figiir਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ This section 15 proposed to be deleted in its entirety. The centralized loading and਍ഀ delivery faclhty has already been developed within the Arrabelle (core site) project.਍ഀ Therefore, there is no longer a need for the same function on the north day lot.਍ഀ Along with deleting the text of this section, figure 4- l3 on page 4-37 should also਍ഀ be eliminated from the plan.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 4.9.4 Potential Housing Sites਍ഀ Following are specific sites that have been identified as suitable for locals and employee਍ഀ housing (see Map W).਍ഀ North Day Lot 4਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professional਍ഀ Building, Cascade Crossing, North Day Lot, and the former gas਍ഀ station site਍ഀ All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town's਍ഀ housing policies and requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy in਍ഀ West Lionshead it is appropriate to include some dispersed employee housing਍ഀ opportunities for permanent local residents in proposed developments in the area਍ഀ consistent with these policies.਍ഀ Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbird਍ഀ affordable housing project and to conform to the Town's housing਍ഀ policies and requirements for new employee housing generation in਍ഀ Lionshead are the North Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, and਍ഀ Holy Cross site. However, housing is not the only use these three਍ഀ properties will need to support. The North Day lot is considered to਍ഀ be the preferred location for a significant housing project in਍ഀ Lionshead to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and਍ഀ provide housing for new employee generation. The North Day Lot਍ഀ may also need to accommodate a transit center on the ground level of਍ഀ the development site. Additionally, it may be necessary to develop a਍ഀ higher revenue-generating product on a portion of the Vail਍ഀ Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vail Professional Building, and਍ഀ Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost of road and਍ഀ infrastructure improvements.਍ഀ In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered.਍ഀ While it is important that buildings here be visually consistent with਍ഀ the overall character of Lionshead, the desire to maximize the਍ഀ housing potential may make appropriate the following deviations਍ഀ from standard development parameters [moved from paragraph਍ഀ below]:਍ഀ a. Densi਍ഀ The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density.਍ഀ See , It is recommended that the standards for density (units per਍ഀ acre) be increased at this location to allow for a greater number of਍ഀ employee housing units and live beds. While it is important that਍ഀ buildings here be visually consistent with the overall character of਍ഀ Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may make਍ഀ appropriate the following deviations from standard development਍ഀ parameters.਍ഀ b. Buildin Height for Employee Housing਍ഀ F4Fs4-, It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall building਍ഀ height than is otherwise allowed under the Lionshead Architectural਍ഀ Design Guidelines. Any increase in building height will need to be਍ഀ reviewed on a case by case basis by the Town of Vail, and any਍ഀ eventual building height will still need to be visually appropriate for਍ഀ this location.਍ഀ c. Parking਍ഀ North Dav Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ Third, It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for਍ഀ employee housing at this location liven the sites proximity to਍ഀ transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes. In consideration਍ഀ for reducing employee parking for the housing provided on this site,਍ഀ parking for other employees of the owner provided on this site਍ഀ should be considered. Excess parking may be used to satisfy the no਍ഀ net loss of parking policy or for future parking requirements of other਍ഀ development on the property (i.e., future lives beds).਍ഀ d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacks਍ഀ Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage and਍ഀ reducing setbacks and landscape area in order to maximize the਍ഀ amount of employee housing on the site and/or due to impacts਍ഀ associated with the development of a public transportation facility on਍ഀ the property. With any deviation to development standards਍ഀ prescribed in the master plan and zoning regulations, consideration਍ഀ of impacts should be afforded to the neighboring residential uses to਍ഀ the North Day Lot. AU design with such deviations will need to be਍ഀ sensitive to creating good designs with mitigation measures such as਍ഀ heated sidewalks and well planned landscape materials. Additionally਍ഀ due to impacts from the Town's dispersed transportation center on਍ഀ neighboring residential uses, mitigation measures should be provided਍ഀ to buffer and screen residential uses.਍ഀ e. Encroachments on Town Land਍ഀ The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side of਍ഀ the north day lot which accommodates the pedestrian bridge over the਍ഀ interstate highway. This land was dedicated to the Town by Vail਍ഀ Associates in 1976. In order to allow for more efficient layout and਍ഀ development of employee housing on the site and/or the dispersed਍ഀ transportation facility, the Town should give consideration to਍ഀ allowing development of employee housing and/or transportation਍ഀ uses on this parcel of land as part of the development of the north਍ഀ day lot.਍ഀ Applicant Analysts:਍ഀ This site has special circumstances not generally applied to other properties in਍ഀ Lion.sheod due to the imposition of a public transportation facility. Due to this਍ഀ recommendation of the master plan and the desire to maximize employee housing਍ഀ uses within Llonshead area, special relief from development standards should be਍ഀ afforded to the property owner to help mltlgate the impacts of hoving a significant਍ഀ public facility on private land. This amendment helps provide clear policy direction to਍ഀ the Planning and Environmental Commission, the Town staff, and the applicant.਍ഀ North Dav Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ Figure 4-12 - Delete this figure found on page 4-35 as it is duplicative of figure 5-13 found਍ഀ on page 5-26਍ഀ Figure 4-13 - Delete this figure found on page 4-37਍ഀ Chapter 5 - Detailed Plan Recommendations਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment.਍ഀ 5.1 Lionshead Tourist Information Center਍ഀ The Lionshead Tourist Information Center is currently located just west of the entry to਍ഀ the Lionshead parking structure and is accessed directly off the frontage road. If the਍ഀ entrance to the Lionshead parking structure is relocated as shown in figure 5-1 this਍ഀ existing facility will need to be relocated. Potential locations for the center include the਍ഀ Future Vail Civic Center, the parking structure, and West Lionsheadthe NE)F''i Da T਍ഀ tfafisit , nte -਍ഀ Applicant Analy515:਍ഀ Given all of the activities proposed for the north day lot it 15 more appropriate to਍ഀ consider other location for a touri5t5 office. West Llon5head 15 perhaps a more਍ഀ logical location Since it 15 on the western approach to Lion5heod.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 5.8.3 Pedestrian Connections Through the Core Site਍ഀ There is a critical north-south pedestrian connection between the ski yard and the਍ഀ proposed transit er transportation and skier drop-off uses on the north day lot.਍ഀ This connection will require at least one north-south penetration through the Vail਍ഀ Associates core site, and there is an opportunity to create a second one, as shown਍ഀ in figure 5-9. The east-west pedestrian corridor originating at the east Lionshead਍ഀ pedestrian portal should also be extended into the Vail Associates core site,਍ഀ connecting with the north-south corridors. These connections should be part of਍ഀ the "primary retail mall" (see site design guidelines, chapter 6) to reinforce the਍ഀ village character of the core. It is not necessary that flanking architectural forms਍ഀ be completely separated in order to define pedestrian corridors. Instead,਍ഀ opportunities to create significant architectural portals are encouraged to਍ഀ highlight the transition from one public space into another.਍ഀ Applicant Ana1y515:਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ This section is proposed to be modified so that it 15 not assumed that the਍ഀ transportation facility 15 necessarily developed on the north day lot but that some਍ഀ transportation uses are still planned and likely to be developed there.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ 5.9 North Day Lot਍ഀ While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be given਍ഀ by the owner and the Town to including transportation related uses on a portion of the਍ഀ ground floor. Ideally the uses to be considered for the site should include The HOFt' day਍ഀ 4 h--l-a - be developed emrv,unit,r 4rn r. c.r.~r}ati~r. i.en-ento eenselidate skier rop-਍ഀ --as as a e - - ~ ~=u«਍ഀ off, local and regional transit, local and regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off਍ഀ and pick-up (see figure 5-13). A below r »eds se and delivery f __lity _ould਍ഀ eenstmeted ndemeath the transit r ,.:u+., By relocating these functions from their਍ഀ existing locations to one easily accessible locations, this would improve the quality of਍ഀ vehicular and pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant new pedestrian਍ഀ portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the traffic਍ഀ study (see appendix A), the dispersed transportation facilities need to include: eel਍ഀ r this f edit„ is as follows:਍ഀ a. Skier drop-off. Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but more਍ഀ should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.਍ഀ b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodate the਍ഀ West Vail transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-town shuttle਍ഀ stop.਍ഀ c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommended਍ഀ d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.਍ഀ e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces are recommended at a਍ഀ minimum.਍ഀ It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and that the location਍ഀ and shape of this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without having਍ഀ significant implications to traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to develop਍ഀ the site with a quality development as allowed under zoning for the property (the site is਍ഀ considered one development site for the purposes of zoning). There needs to be a balance਍ഀ between the development goals for the property and the impact of public uses on those਍ഀ goals. In order to meet the obligations of agreements regarding the Arrabelle project਍ഀ (core site) at a minimum skier drop off must occur on this site. As discussed below, the਍ഀ Lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provide opportunities for some of਍ഀ the transportation functions identified above.਍ഀ Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities for਍ഀ employee housing on the property, development standards such as site coverage,਍ഀ landscape area setbacks and building height may be adjusted to afford more flexibility਍ഀ to the property owner (see section and approved by the Planning and਍ഀ Environmental Commission.਍ഀ North Dav Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for the਍ഀ presence of a public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow for਍ഀ encroachment of uses on the parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of the਍ഀ north day lot. This encroachment may also help to mitigate impacts to adjacent਍ഀ properties to the south by maintaining adequate setbacks. There may be a need to move਍ഀ or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and access as part of the transportation਍ഀ facili .਍ഀ A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on the਍ഀ adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind._Depicted in figure 5-13a,਍ഀ a linear building, screen, and/or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of਍ഀ the site to screen the lower levels of the Landmark properties Tower from the਍ഀ transportation facility trans tei. If necessary to provide adequate buffering a wall or਍ഀ fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen €ae4ity could house a bus shelter਍ഀ and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small food and beverage਍ഀ operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs. To the਍ഀ east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ or other screening measures should be considered to਍ഀ buffer the Westwind.਍ഀ The dispersed transportation facility would be covered by employee housing or other uses਍ഀ contemplated by the Lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -1 and any exemptions/deviations਍ഀ discussed herein. ^ _o ehensi _ solution is to e- the f eflit• with ___^*h°_ more level or c. a vi developmentperhaps for- effiees err employee housing or- with ^ ^f਍ഀ (Memorable Eur-opean to edents o st for- „'a, eover-ed .gin )਍ഀ JY"਍ഀ Specifically, the design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual,਍ഀ security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both the Westwind and਍ഀ the Landmark should be closely involved in the transit center planning and design਍ഀ process.਍ഀ Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developed਍ഀ to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of uses਍ഀ mentioned above and addressing the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center਍ഀ prompted the Town of Vail to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.਍ഀ Alternative locations include:਍ഀ West Lionshead਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In਍ഀ addition, the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure which would include a transit facility. It is recommended that the਍ഀ Transportation Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit਍ഀ Facility.਍ഀ North Dav Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevetopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The UHKMP was revised in 2007 to include language that directed the਍ഀ transportation uses to the bonshead Parking Structure and also referenced West਍ഀ bonshead as a location for certain transportation uses. This amendment is necessary਍ഀ to clarify some of the issues and problems associated with the North Day Lot. The਍ഀ master plan j5 a conceptual document and the number of transportation uses਍ഀ indicated for this site did not appropriately consider the impacts to the site, the਍ഀ circulation implications to the adjacent roadways, and the other needs for਍ഀ development of the property and the desire for the Town to have dispersed਍ഀ transportation fac1kt1e5. The proposed amendment also recognizes the phy51ca1਍ഀ needs for a transportation facility on the property and its impact to typical਍ഀ development standards. Unlrke most properties In Lionshead, the need to਍ഀ accommodate a signrficant publ/c facility places a specaal burden on this property.਍ഀ Applicant Proposed Amendment:਍ഀ Figure 5-13 - Amend this figure on page 5-26 to reflect the current proposed development਍ഀ opportunities for the North Day Lot as shown below:਍ഀ CONCEPTUAL SITE DEVELOPMENT 8 CIRCULATION OPTION਍ഀ wHwAnwc਍ഀ I,ANpMARK Ii3WNtiCfAlfS਍ഀ Q ({{E EM਍ഀ pUStNG AifnVE \਍ഀ MTEU਍ഀ M, y਍ഀ o J c਍ഀ Butom਍ഀ M9t(Qi਍ഀ ;:,314:FI=TUAI. SITE DFVFIONMFNT & CIRCUTA.TIC N C)PTiON਍ഀ I,A1$7M.ARKTOWK.:on?ES ij਍ഀ ~ ~..f 1iiaUf tau'tp1RYF਍ഀ S4'WP਍ഀ North Day Lot 10਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ 3. Amendment Authority਍ഀ The authority to amend the LHKMP is contained within Section 2.8 of the plan. It਍ഀ states:਍ഀ 2.8 Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan਍ഀ The Lionshead Master Plan was adopted by resolution No. 14, Series of 1998, on਍ഀ December 151h'1998, by the Vail Town Council following a recommendation to approve਍ഀ by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Future amendments to this master plan਍ഀ must be approved by resolution or motion by the Town Council following a formal਍ഀ recommendation by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Implementation਍ഀ activities and ordinances will be approved in accordance with the Town of Vail਍ഀ Municipal Code.਍ഀ 4. Review Criteria਍ഀ The honshead Redevelopment Master Plan nor the Town Code contain any codified਍ഀ review criteria for master plan amendments. However, the Town has used the following਍ഀ criteria in the past. We have also utilized the criteria historically used by staff.਍ഀ A. How have conditions changed since the plan was adopted?਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The Lion517ead Redevelopment Master Plan was originally adopted in਍ഀ 1996. It is now almost 10 years since the original adoption and the Town਍ഀ has experience Significant change throughout the Town in the form of਍ഀ redevelopment. Additionally the Town's knowledge of circulation and਍ഀ transportation has also improved with the revisions to the Town's਍ഀ Transportation Master Plan. Much of the planning and study of the਍ഀ transportation facilities within the Town occurred after the adoption of the਍ഀ L1-HRMP. Therefore, conditions have changed with respect to਍ഀ understanding the needs for transit and other fac1hbe5 throughout the਍ഀ Town. These proposed amendments help maintain the master plan as਍ഀ current and relevant a5 condition change and new information rs available.਍ഀ B. How is the plan in error?਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The bon5head Redevelopment Master Plan 15 in error only in that it does਍ഀ reflect the current understanding of the circulation and transportation਍ഀ needs of the Town. As redevelopment has occurred within the Town so਍ഀ have the needs for transportation facilities. The Town now recognizes the਍ഀ need to address transportation facilities in a di5per5ed fashion. The plan,਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ whilejust a recommending document, should be amended to reflect the਍ഀ current reality of the transportation system within bail. The proposed਍ഀ amendments help to resolve any errors that may currently be contained in਍ഀ the document with respect to the North Day Lot.਍ഀ C. How would an addition, deletion, or change to the plan be in concert with਍ഀ the plan in general?਍ഀ Applicant Analysis:਍ഀ The proposed changes, additions and deletions bring the Lionshead਍ഀ Redevelopment Master Plan up to date with the current knowledge and਍ഀ understanding of the transportation needs within the Town and the desire਍ഀ for a dispersed system. The proposed changes provide clear direction to਍ഀ the staff and Town offlcials as well as the owner of the North Day Lot. The਍ഀ propose changes are m concert with the plan in general.਍ഀ North Day Lot 12਍ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Amendments਍ഀ FILE Cc,, P਍ഀ Lionshead Transit Center਍ഀ White Paper਍ഀ Prepared for:਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Public Works਍ഀ Prepared by:਍ഀ Felsburg Holt & Ullevig਍ഀ 6300 S. Syracuse Way, # 600਍ഀ Centennial, CO 80111਍ഀ 303-721-1440਍ഀ April 10, 2008਍ഀ FHU Reference Number 05-168਍ഀ INTRODUCTION਍ഀ The Town of Vail has been planning for a major transportation center in the Lionshead਍ഀ portal area for many years. This was identified in the Lionshead Master Plan prepared਍ഀ back in 1997. Since 1997, The Town has reviewed numerous sites as potential centers਍ഀ for transit including public services, shuttles, and skier drop activity. The need for a਍ഀ center has only been strengthened due to significant planning in the Lionshead area and਍ഀ given the potential for regional growth along with associated regional transit service.਍ഀ The Vail Transportation Center (VTC) has a finite capacity, and increased service by਍ഀ current providers (Vail and ECO) and the advent of additional providers (1-70 Front਍ഀ Range Service and Summit Stage for example) will overwhelm the practical functionality਍ഀ of VTC facility if it is to serve as the only transit hub within Town.਍ഀ NEED FOR A LIONSHEAD TRANSPORTATION FACILITY਍ഀ Lionshead Activity਍ഀ Lionshead is a major hub today including a gondola and ski lift, a major parking਍ഀ structure, and tourist-oriented commercial space, and condominium units. Recent਍ഀ redevelopment and planned redevelopment, such as Arrabelle, Lionshead Center,਍ഀ Landmark, and the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopment will establish Lionshead਍ഀ as a near equal rival to the activity in Vail Village. Currently, the Lionshead Village area਍ഀ is anticipated to see approximately 1500 net new units and 290,000 additional square਍ഀ feet of non-residential development given current plans. In 1997, the new development਍ഀ levels anticipated were approximately 586 units and 193,000 square feet of non-਍ഀ residential uses. The residential unit count has nearly tripled since the 1997 plan while਍ഀ the non residential uses have increased by 50 percent.਍ഀ As this growth comes to fruition, there will be a stronger natural "demand" to travel਍ഀ to/from this hub, and this will require numerous bus routes from several services to stop਍ഀ at Lionshead. Current Vail routes that stop at Lionshead include the In-Town shuttle,਍ഀ and the West Vail routes. In the future, there is the potential to construct a new਍ഀ underpass of 1-70 at Simba Run, and this will establish the Lionshead Transportation਍ഀ Center in a much better position than the VTC to serve as the ski-area access hub for਍ഀ western Vail with respect to transit; the synergy that could be developed by a Lionshead਍ഀ transit center and the Simba Run Underpass together will be an extraordinary਍ഀ enhancement to transit service in West Vail. Further, given the potential of a line-haul,਍ഀ Frontage Road bus routing system to make use of the Simba Run underpass, it would਍ഀ be prudent to establish a notable transit facility at a notable hub (Lionshead) along the਍ഀ line-haul route. The Simba Run underpass could also provide for a connection with the਍ഀ Sandstone route as well. Potentially, five bus routes could serve Lionshead in the future਍ഀ as compared to only three today.਍ഀ In addition to Town service, current regional service to Lionshead includes five routes.਍ഀ The ECO Transit will continue to "want" to serve Lionshead, maybe more so given the਍ഀ growth that is planned at Lionshead. ECO Transit sees a Lionshead Transit Center as a਍ഀ way to improve the efficiency of their current routes by establishing a Vail terminus in਍ഀ Lionshead. Regional ridership has increased 29 percent over the past two years. This਍ഀ regional demand is anticipated to increase much more as growth in Eagle County਍ഀ continues and Vail redevelops and adds jobs. Today, ECO Transit struggles to maintain਍ഀ their bus schedules due in part to the popularity of their service. This challenge prevents਍ഀ too much deviation from their primary routes.਍ഀ In addition, dwell times have been kept to a minimum by ECO Transit, again in the਍ഀ interest of trying to keep up with their schedules. Future growth will only add more਍ഀ demand to ECO service, thus requiring additional buses along their routes (and the need਍ഀ for additional accommodation in Vail). ECO Transit's revenue has increased by more਍ഀ than 10 percent per year, and they have utilized this increase to add 10 to 15 hours of਍ഀ daily service each year. This year, ECO Transit added the Edwards Express and also਍ഀ established some shadow/piggy back service (when two buses run together as one run).਍ഀ Besides ECO Transit, other regional services that choose to serve Vail will want to serve਍ഀ the Lionshead hub. Regional bus service connections to Vail are being considered for਍ഀ Summit Stage. This is currently happening on a private basis via Vail Resorts buses.਍ഀ The Roaring Fork Transit Authority (RFTA) is considering connecting to ECO Transit on਍ഀ the west end of Eagle County, potentially introducing new transit market ridership from਍ഀ Pitkin and Garfield Counties into Vail. Also, an 1-70 Front Range Service is being਍ഀ discussed. Like ECO, these too would "want" to serve a major hub area like Lionshead਍ഀ due to the natural attractiveness਍ഀ VTC Capacity਍ഀ A Lionshead Transportation facility will also provide needed redundancy to VTC. Today,਍ഀ it is not uncommon for the VTC to experience more buses on-site than bus-spaces.਍ഀ Currently, there are six bus bays, and each hold up to two buses. ECO Transit uses two਍ഀ bays, and peak times can see four or five ECO buses at the VTC. The Town uses the਍ഀ remaining four bus bays, and most peak periods see each stall serving two vehicles, in਍ഀ part due to the need to shadow several routes.਍ഀ Besides accommodating more bus routes, the VTC is also a designated area for bus਍ഀ drivers to take a break. Regulations require drivers to park their vehicle and rest at਍ഀ minimum specified intervals, and the VTC serves in this capacity. Vail is ideal for ECO਍ഀ service driver breaks given that Vail is the terminus of many ECO routes. With the਍ഀ potential of more service, regionally and locally, there will be greater demand for a਍ഀ dedicated driver break area. The VTC will not be able to accommodate all services, all਍ഀ routes, and all driver break activity in the future. Another means is necessary to relieve਍ഀ the VTC; a Lionshead Transportation Center would be able to provide this relief to the਍ഀ VTC.਍ഀ So, the need fora Lionshead Transportation Center is driven by:਍ഀ • The need to provide a high level of transit service to a dense area of activity਍ഀ within Vail.਍ഀ • The intent to leverage the future Simba Run underpass to vastly improve the਍ഀ nature of transit service connecting western Vail to Central Vail.਍ഀ • The need to relieve the VTC of some of its transit-related demands with respect਍ഀ to regional routes and driver break areas.਍ഀ • The need to "clean up" significant conflicts which occur at the Lionshead਍ഀ Mall/Lionshead Parking Structure entry area, particularly with pedestrian activity.਍ഀ 2਍ഀ • The desire to better accommodate hotel shuttles.਍ഀ • The desire to better establish an official, organized skier drop off area.਍ഀ Charter buses currently use the east side of the LH Parking Structure. This area does਍ഀ not provide a good guest experience in which Vail strives to achieve. Further, this is਍ഀ planned to be removed once this lot is developed.਍ഀ The Town's Transit Plan and Vail's 20/20 vision recognizes the need for multimodal਍ഀ transportation with an emphasis on transit. Employees who work in the Lionshead area਍ഀ (or access the ski area via Lionshead) are expected to avoid commuting via their car.਍ഀ This is a trend that is expected to be encouraged into the future, thus necessitating਍ഀ appropriate transit accommodations for employee users. The Town's estimates for਍ഀ required future parking spaces are heavily reliant on increased transit use. Vail's overall਍ഀ environmental strategies include increased reliance on transit service to reduce green਍ഀ house gas emissions.਍ഀ For these numerous reason, it is critical to establish a major transit center in the਍ഀ Lionshead area.਍ഀ LIONSHEAD TRANSPORTATION CENTER NEEDS਍ഀ The Lionshead area should ultimately be user-friendly for riders. The ideal਍ഀ characteristics for service would include the following:਍ഀ • An adequate number of spaces (now and in the future) for the various transit਍ഀ providers including:਍ഀ o Town routes਍ഀ o ECO routes and planned regional services਍ഀ o Hotel shuttles਍ഀ o Short-term drop-off activity (passenger cars, taxis)਍ഀ o Charter Buses਍ഀ Vail has an excellent reputation as a provider for transit service and allowing guests and਍ഀ residents to leave their car at home. Establishing a robust facility at the Lionshead hub਍ഀ will strengthen this notion and encourage travelers to utilize transit.਍ഀ The vehicle space needs for the above providers varies during peak season. Each of਍ഀ the users is described in more detail below.਍ഀ Town of Vail Bus Routes - Given current conditions, three bus routes would likely serve਍ഀ the Lionshead Transit Facility including the two West Vail loop routes and the In-Town਍ഀ shuttle. Expanded local service in the future could instill additional routes stopping at a਍ഀ Lionshead Facility. With the Simba Run underpass of 1-70, a Lionshead facility is in an਍ഀ excellent position to serve western Vail, and a hub at Lionshead anchoring these routes਍ഀ would reduce bus mileage (versus traveling all the way to the Vail Village Transportation਍ഀ Center). Potentially, a "line-haul" service could be implemented (given a Simba Run਍ഀ underpass) along the south and north frontage roads providing direct continuity between਍ഀ West Vail, Timber Ridge, Ever Vail, Lionshead, Vail Village, and Ford Park. This਍ഀ continuous service alone could generate 10 to 15 buses into and out of a Lionshead਍ഀ 3਍ഀ facility per hour; with potentially three buses from this route on-site at the same time. In਍ഀ addition, outlying bus routes could potentially link to the line-haul at Lionshead creating a਍ഀ peak potential of four to six buses on-site at the same time (2 or 3 line-haul, 1 or 2਍ഀ outlying, 1 In-Town shuttle).਍ഀ The 1997 Lionshead Village Transportation Plan had identified 3 vehicles for Town਍ഀ service at the Center. With the advent of the In-Town serving this facility and the਍ഀ increase due to a Frontage Road "line haul" system between West Vail and Ford Park਍ഀ (and the associated reshuffling of outlying service), this estimate has increased to a਍ഀ minimum of four and as many as six vehicles.਍ഀ ECO Routes (and other Regional Services) - The ECO service has been experiencing਍ഀ more ridership over the years and Vail is one of its prime destinations. Five routes਍ഀ currently serve Vail with stops at Lionshead and at Vail Village. All of the routes਍ഀ terminate at Vail Village. Currently at peak times, four ECO buses stop at the Vail਍ഀ Transportation Center at the same time. Some of this demand could be instead served਍ഀ by a Lionshead Transportation Center, thus providing some badly needed relief to the਍ഀ Vail Village Transportation Center (plus a second driver break area). Given the਍ഀ potential increases described above, the number of buses that Vail would need to਍ഀ accommodate will increase.਍ഀ The 1997 Lionshead Village Transportation Plan had identified one vehicle for County਍ഀ service. This is clearly too low. With four today at Vail during peak times, and the਍ഀ potential growth described, potentially six to eight spaces for regional buses should be਍ഀ provided. If these are split between The Vail Village Transportation Center and the਍ഀ Lionshead Transportation Center, up to four ECO buses could be at the Lionshead਍ഀ facility at the same time. Part of this demand is the fact that ECO service tends to਍ഀ shadow their routes at peak times.਍ഀ Hotel Shuttles - There are approximately 20 lodges in Vail and Avon that make use of਍ഀ shuttle services to transport their guests to the ski area. Today, these shuttles park਍ഀ along East Lionshead Circle near the Lionshead Mall (adjacent to the parking structure).਍ഀ During peak times, these shuttles travel continuously between their base lodge and਍ഀ Lionshead creating demand to park and unload guests to the gondola. As Vail reaches਍ഀ build out, more lodges will implement more shuttle services, so this element is਍ഀ anticipated to grow਍ഀ The 1997 Plan identified the need for four parking stalls to serve lodge shuttles. Build਍ഀ out of Vail is now anticipated to be more aggressive than that thought in 1997, so the਍ഀ expectation of four stalls may be low to accommodate peak demands. An estimate of up਍ഀ to six shuttle parking spaces should ideally be provided to accommodate peak਍ഀ conditions.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ Auto Drop off - This use is comprised of private automobiles that temporarily park close਍ഀ to the lifts and drop-off skiers and visitors to the commercial activity centers. Some of਍ഀ these vehicles then park in the structure, but others leave the area entirely only to return਍ഀ in the afternoon and pick up the skiers and shoppers. These users typically attempt to਍ഀ park as close to their destination as possible, often illegally. If this use is not properly਍ഀ accommodated, it will happen anyway, likely at locations not intended to accommodate it਍ഀ which causes problems for others using that area. A significant increase of second਍ഀ homes has occurred down valley, and this use has intensified as a result. Also, a਍ഀ change in the demographics of visitors has increased the ability and desire for਍ഀ groups/families to drop-off/pick-up their members as close as to the skiing and shopping਍ഀ as possible. This trend indicates that larger families and groups who visit Vail usually਍ഀ have at least one member who does not shop or ski and can serve as the designated਍ഀ chauffer. This has added congestion to the "high-desire" locations and increases the਍ഀ need to provide designated drop-off/pick-up areas for autos that is clearly identified.਍ഀ The 1997 Plan identified the need for a minimum of 5 parking spaces for this type of਍ഀ activity. Again, since Vail's build out is now planned to be denser, the need for more਍ഀ spaces to accommodate peak times would be appropriate. An estimate of 7 to 12਍ഀ spaces should be provided to accommodate this user in the long term. This would਍ഀ include demand generated by taxis and airport shuttle activity.਍ഀ Charter Buses - Today, the charter activity occurs just west of the Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure. Peak days can see 15 to 20 of these vehicles. The 1997 Plan had identified਍ഀ 3 to 5 loading/unloading spaces to serve charter activity. It is suggested that the upper਍ഀ end of the range be maintained and that 5 bus spaces be established to serve Charter਍ഀ activity that is clearly identified. Besides accommodating their passenger਍ഀ loading/unloading, these buses need to park for the entire day that they are in Town; this਍ഀ is still a critical element without a clear solution.਍ഀ In summary, the following number of spaces is estimated to be needed for each transit਍ഀ use when considered individually:਍ഀ • Town Bus Routes - 4-6 spaces਍ഀ • ECO and Regional Bus Routes - 3-4 spaces਍ഀ • Hotel Shuttles - 4-6 shuttle spaces਍ഀ • Auto Drop Off - 7 -12 spaces਍ഀ • Charter Buses - 5 spaces਍ഀ It should be noted that combining users into a common facility and allowing for shared਍ഀ parking stops could result in a net reduction. In other words, uses combined into a਍ഀ common area are unlikely to peak at the exact same time, so some reduction to the਍ഀ needed spaces might be appropriate. If each user was accommodated at separate਍ഀ locations, no reduction would be possible. So, there is some advantage to combining਍ഀ users into one facility for total space considerations, subject to keeping certain users਍ഀ separate from each other.਍ഀ LIONSHEAD TRANSPORTATION CENTER LOCATION CONSIDERATIONS਍ഀ The ideal location of a facility (or facilities) is driven by numerous operational factors.਍ഀ Different transit services will place different weight on the factors, so no one site is਍ഀ absolutely perfect for all users. The critical considerations for each of the users are਍ഀ discussed below:਍ഀ Town Bus Routes - Outlying routes, the In-Town Shuttle Route, and future "line-haul"਍ഀ routes could all stop at the facility. The key considerations with respect to location are਍ഀ as follows:਍ഀ • Connection to other public services (like ECO).਍ഀ • Provide service to the Parking Structure to serve skiers returning to their cars at਍ഀ the end of ski day਍ഀ • Have adequate space to include various amenities including shelters, benches,਍ഀ information kiosks, vending services, and possibly restrooms.਍ഀ • Be located relatively close the Gondola and skier services.਍ഀ • Be located relatively close to residential, commercial density, and jobs,਍ഀ Regional Bus Routes - ECO is the only regional service currently serving Vail, but more਍ഀ is possible as mentioned. Key considerations for regional services(s) include:਍ഀ • Connection to other public services (like Town of Vail).਍ഀ • Have adequate space to include various amenities including shelters, benches,਍ഀ information kiosks, vending services, and possibly restrooms.਍ഀ • Be located relatively close the Gondola and skier services.਍ഀ • Be located relatively close to residential, commercial density, and jobs.਍ഀ • Be able to return to the Frontage Road easily to maintain schedules. Ideally, the਍ഀ site is very close to the Frontage Road for this reason.਍ഀ Charter Buses, Auto Drop-off, and Hotel Shuttles - The primary consideration for these਍ഀ three providers is to be located as close to their destination (ski lifts, ski services, and਍ഀ commercial area) as possible. Very few of the passengers using these services are਍ഀ transferring to another transit service; most are heading to/from Lionshead. Auto drop-਍ഀ off and charter buses also consider way-finding as a critical consideration so that these਍ഀ users (pedestrians and drivers) know where to go. Loading/unloading areas should be਍ഀ easy to find for charter services and auto drop-off users.਍ഀ SITE SELECTION਍ഀ It is nearly impossible to identify a site that would 100 percent satisfy every characteristic਍ഀ mentioned above. Different sites have different trade-offs with respect to effectiveness਍ഀ and impacts, but the above list gives a good sense of ideal characteristics of a preferred਍ഀ site. The above characteristics also suggest the following:਍ഀ • Town routes and Regional routes MUST be placed together in a common਍ഀ facility. The provision to transfer from one public service to another is key, and਍ഀ this facility would be one of two major transit hubs in Vail for these types of਍ഀ transfers.਍ഀ 6਍ഀ • The ideal location for a combined facility would be along the Frontage Road to਍ഀ assist Vail and ECO Transit in maintaining their schedules.਍ഀ Charters, Auto Drop-off, and Hotel shuttles need not be part of the transit਍ഀ facility. While it would be ideal to allow these providers to make use of transit਍ഀ amenities provided by the public services, it is by no means critical for these਍ഀ users to be part of a facility serving the public routes. In fact, these three਍ഀ providers do not even need to be together. Users of these three services are਍ഀ primarily interested in accessing Lionshead, not transferring to another service.਍ഀ CANDIDATE SITES AND THEIR ASSESSMENT਍ഀ A total of four sites in Lionshead have been considered for a Transit Center as well as਍ഀ the Ever Vail area. One of the sites, the Lionshead Parking Structure, is considered਍ഀ twice, once as a retrofit of the existing structure and once as a facility integrated into a਍ഀ complete redevelopment of the Parking Structure as a mixed-use facility. The candidate਍ഀ locations are listed below:਍ഀ • LH Structure - Existing to be Retrofitted਍ഀ • LH Structure - Element of redevelopment਍ഀ • E. LH Circle Mall area਍ഀ • Concert Hall Plaza਍ഀ • North Day Lot਍ഀ • Ever Vail Area਍ഀ In evaluating the sites, the characterization factors listed previously were considered. A਍ഀ summary of the each site' assessment is as follows:਍ഀ Ever Vail - This location is too far from the LH core area and gondola and will not਍ഀ serve Lionshead. However, there is enough density being planned in the specific਍ഀ area (including public parking and a new lift) such that it makes sense to਍ഀ establish a bus stop capable of accommodating two or three vehicles as well as਍ഀ hotel shuttles and auto drop-off activity given the mountain portal planned here.਍ഀ Further, this area has been identified as a potential candidate to accommodate਍ഀ charter buses to load and unload riders if the necessary skier services are਍ഀ provided here. Potentially, this site can serve one of the uses like Charters, but it਍ഀ is not a candidate to serve as THE public transit center for Lionshead.਍ഀ Summary - Not a location for THE public Lionshead Transportation Center,਍ഀ but given a planned ski lift from Ever Vail, this could be an appropriate਍ഀ location for charter buses. Transit service shuttles and auto drop-off also਍ഀ need to serve the planned development. Walk distance to the Lionshead਍ഀ Gondola is approximately 2355 feet (nearly one-half mile).਍ഀ Concert Hall Plaza - This area is not large enough. Significant expansion of the਍ഀ area would be needed to fit the appropriate number of spaces and amenities to਍ഀ establish this area as the Lionshead Transportation Center, even if it is just for਍ഀ the public services. However, there is enough space to possibly serve one of the਍ഀ users such as hotel shuttles or auto drop off. One other consideration is that this਍ഀ area serves delivery activity which can conflict with transit operations. Summary਍ഀ - Not a good location for THE public Lionshead Transportation Center due਍ഀ 7਍ഀ to its relatively small size, but this area could be appropriate for auto drop-਍ഀ off or hotel shuttles. Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 910਍ഀ feet.਍ഀ Existing LH Structure (Retrofit) - This option poses numerous design and਍ഀ circulation challenges within the structure and how it interfaces with the Frontage਍ഀ Road. In addition, it also displaces valuable public parking spaces. This site is਍ഀ not recommended for any of the users. Summary - Not a good solution for਍ഀ any transit users due to need to retrofit and the displacement of parking.਍ഀ Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 1290 feet.਍ഀ LH Structure Redevelopment - With the redevelopment and reconstruction of the਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure to include mixed use development, the opportunity਍ഀ would also exist to incorporate a transit center with many of the ideal਍ഀ characteristics. This would be a bit hidden from the public, but it would be਍ഀ shielded from any nearby residential uses. There are concerns with how real a਍ഀ redevelopment scenario might be given the current deed restrictions on the਍ഀ property. This is a promising scenario if the obstacles of redevelopment can be਍ഀ overcome and the design of the new structure can accommodate the public਍ഀ service program. The close proximity to the Frontage Road is also a plus.਍ഀ Summary - Very good location for the Transportation Center if appropriate਍ഀ design elements can be incorporated into the redevelopment. Auto drop-਍ഀ off users and hotel shuttles may find it too far away from the Gondola.਍ഀ Walk distance to the Gondola is approximately 1155 feet.਍ഀ • North Day Lot - This area is centrally located to serve Lionshead and the walk਍ഀ distance to the Gondola is reasonable compared to the other options. Issues਍ഀ include developing a workable site plan to accommodate the necessary਍ഀ transportation center as well as planned residential uses. In addition, adjacent਍ഀ condominium residents do not support buses utilizing this site, and mitigation will਍ഀ be required. It is close to the Frontage Road which is beneficial to the public਍ഀ services. The pedestrian overpass of 1-70 is beneficial, as a facility here would਍ഀ also be able to serve the north side of 1-70 (including the Sandstone Elementary਍ഀ School). Summary - Very good location for the Transit Center. Potentially,਍ഀ this site may only need to serve the public services with auto drop-off਍ഀ users, charter buses, and hotel shuttles being served by another area. If਍ഀ the entire site is used for transit purposes, all of the providers can be਍ഀ accommodated here except for charter buses. Walk Distance from the਍ഀ Gondola is approximately 885 feet.਍ഀ E. LH Circle Mall - This location currently serves as a stop for the In-Town਍ഀ shuttle and hotel shuttles today. The area is congested many times due to਍ഀ pedestrian activity walking between the parking structure and Lionshead Village਍ഀ and its conflict with shuttles, buses, deliveries and other general traffic. This਍ഀ location is away from the Frontage Road which lessens its visibility and਍ഀ negatively impacts the regional routes and Vail's outlying routes. Vehicles that਍ഀ would use this facility would experience delay due to pedestrian activity਍ഀ associated with the parking structure and drop-off in front of Subway. The 1997਍ഀ study identified 1400 pedestrians per hour crossing East Lionshead Circle at਍ഀ peak time near the Mall. Pedestrian activity will only increase as Lionshead਍ഀ 8਍ഀ grows. The Mall could be adequate for hotel shuttles as exists today, but shuttle਍ഀ activity here may be in direct conflict with planned retail along the south side of਍ഀ the parking structure. However, the site is relatively close to the Lionshead core਍ഀ including the Gondola. Summary - Not a good solution for the public transit਍ഀ elements (other then the In-Town Shuttle which makes routine stops here਍ഀ today), but this area could be adequate for hotel shuttles as used today.਍ഀ Adding auto drop-off to the area as well would not be appropriate as it਍ഀ might create too much congestion. Walk distance to the Gondola is਍ഀ approximately 875 feet.਍ഀ RECOMMENDATIONS਍ഀ There are numerous options to accommodate the five transit providers. Ideally, these਍ഀ five should all be combined onto one site. The availability of an appropriate site in਍ഀ Lionshead may offer too many challenges to accomplish this. At a minimum, the਍ഀ following is recommended:਍ഀ • Provide public transit service in either the North Day Lot or a redeveloped਍ഀ Lionshead Parking Structure. Either is adjacent to the Frontage Road and large਍ഀ enough to accommodate both providers.਍ഀ • Barring combining hotel shuttles with the public transit (in either North Day or in਍ഀ the redeveloped parking structure), either Concert Hall Plaza or the Lionshead਍ഀ Mall (current operations) would be appropriate for this provider. The Town has਍ഀ the ability to control the hotel shuttles more-so than the autos and the charters.਍ഀ Auto drop-off activity will tend to find the closest location to the gondola਍ഀ regardless what accommodations are provided. The Mall and the North Day Lot਍ഀ has the shortest walk distance to the gondola. However, the congestion that this਍ഀ user would add to the Mall area is problematic. Further, this site is not apparent਍ഀ from the Frontage Road. The North Day Lot would be the best location for these਍ഀ users given a reasonable walking length, good visibility, and no conflicts with਍ഀ existing pedestrian activity. However, it is not critical that the auto drop-off be਍ഀ located with the public transit elements.਍ഀ Charter buses can be accommodated at Ever Vail. A planned lift with਍ഀ appropriate skier services in that area will serve these users.਍ഀ The Town faces a critical decision to construct a transit center on the North Day Lot or਍ഀ wait (and hope) for the redevelopment of the parking structure and incorporate it into its਍ഀ design. If deed restrictions on the structure were removed, this would be an easy਍ഀ decision. But they are not and it is not clear if and when they will be. Relying on the਍ഀ Parking Structure to redevelop becomes a very risky venture because if it does not਍ഀ happen, the North Day Lot is the only other logical location for a public transit center in਍ഀ Lionshead. If both opportunities are lost, the Town will be forced to try and establish a਍ഀ less than adequate facility such as Concert Hall Plaza which would result in no better਍ഀ transit service than exists today. The North Day Lot is the only other reasonable਍ഀ opportunity, especially if the entire site can be used as depicted in the Lionshead Master਍ഀ Plan.਍ഀ 9਍ഀ Because of this, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig suggests that the Town not let the North Day਍ഀ Lot slip away from consideration unless there is a guarantee that the Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure will redevelop and it will be designed to accommodate the transit facility. One਍ഀ possible course of action for the Town would be to establish the North Day Lot as the਍ഀ Lionshead Transit Center, and plan to relocate the transit center into the Parking਍ഀ Structure once (and if) it redevelops. At that time, auto drop-off and hotel shuttles could਍ഀ make use of the North Day Lot and take advantage of the amenities and access਍ഀ improvements left behind by the public services.਍ഀ The phasing of transit service provisions ultimately depend on the disposition of the਍ഀ parking structure redevelopment. If the structure redevelops and the appropriate transit਍ഀ elements can be programmed into the plan, North Day Lot may only be needed for auto਍ഀ drop-off and/or shuttles. The North Day Lot is a good location for the drop-offs and਍ഀ shuttles. Even with a redeveloped parking structure facility, the North Day Lot can still਍ഀ play a major role in the Lionshead transit "picture" and provide some relief to other਍ഀ congested areas around the Village.਍ഀ 10਍ഀ WESTWINDATvwa਍ഀ 548 S. Frontage Road • Vail, Colorado 81657਍ഀ (970) 476-9378 • (888) 588-9378 • Facsimile (970) 479-5598਍ഀ April 23, 2008਍ഀ Mr. George Ruther਍ഀ Community Development Director਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ 75 S. Frontage Rd.਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Dear George,਍ഀ After the meeting last week, our owners have become more concerned with the proposed਍ഀ transit center on the North Day Lot. Their concerns are relative to environmental and਍ഀ health issues that may stem from a transit center in this location. The Westwind Board਍ഀ would ask for an environmental impact study to be completed so that affected areas can਍ഀ be addressed in the design stage of the project.਍ഀ Attached is a letter from the past President of the Board addressing these same concerns.਍ഀ We appreciate your in rest a concern for our homeowners.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ Steve MacDonald Il਍ഀ President, Vail Management Company਍ഀ Jeff Jacobs਍ഀ General Manager, Westwind at Vail਍ഀ ,~tiiL Man~ement, Com~ar~਍ഀ TO: Town of Vail and Vail Associates.਍ഀ FROM: Jim and Diane Beedie਍ഀ Date: 4-20-08਍ഀ Subject: North Day lot਍ഀ Diane and I own two condominium units in the Westwind. We have owned them for਍ഀ over 15 years.਍ഀ The Town of Vail and Vail Associates deserve a lot of credit for doing such a great job਍ഀ of renovating Lionshead. The changes to date have been great. We look forward to the਍ഀ coming changes.਍ഀ North Day Lot਍ഀ • The Westwind borders the east side of the North Day lot.਍ഀ • We understand that it is appropriate and necessary to develop this property.਍ഀ • The plans and information you have sent out have been very helpful in understanding਍ഀ your plans.਍ഀ • Our question goes to the environmental effect of having big buses and ECO buses਍ഀ (which we believe are and will be diesel) use the proposed transportation center planned਍ഀ for the North Day lot. By environmental effect we are referring to air quality and noise.਍ഀ • The Westwind has no air conditioning and I believe the Landmark also has no air਍ഀ conditioning. Thus windows and doors are often left open for air flow.਍ഀ • I didn't find an environmental study in the information you have provided.਍ഀ • The Westwind and the Landmark are very close to the North Day lot. The lights from਍ഀ these vehicles could shine into the windows of some Westwind units during the evening਍ഀ hours.਍ഀ • If the big buses and ECO buses have a negative environmental effect (poor air quality਍ഀ and excess noise), the Westwind and Landmark could/will be adversely affected.਍ഀ • We ask that you have an environmental study done, so the effect on the air quality and਍ഀ noise of the big buses and ECO buses will be known.਍ഀ • Depending on the results of the study, we ask that if necessary, you consider moving the਍ഀ big buses and ECO buses from the North Day lot transportation center.਍ഀ Thanks for your great work and for considering our request. If you have any questions, you can਍ഀ reach us at 630-643-0143.਍ഀ (04/02/2008) George Ruther - Transit update Page 1਍ഀ From: Tom Kassmel਍ഀ To: chris.fasching@fhueng.com; Greg Hall਍ഀ Date: 03/27/2008 4:55 PM਍ഀ Subject: Transit update਍ഀ Attachments: ConcertHallPlaza-Bus Layout-Max.pdf਍ഀ CC: George Ruther; Stan Zemler਍ഀ Chris/Greg,਍ഀ George, Stan, and I had a meeting regarding what info might be helpful for April 14/15. Not sure if it can਍ഀ all be done for this date. Though some of it is already done.਍ഀ -Existing numbers (Bus/charter/shuttle/drop-off)਍ഀ -Existing capacity਍ഀ -Future numbers (Bus/charter/shuttle/drop-off)਍ഀ -Future needs for Lionshead਍ഀ -Prefferred locations for Lionshead Transit & why਍ഀ -What if there had to be interim scenerios? (i.e. timeline for future need-could we get by with smaller਍ഀ transit center at North Day at first then in 2025 if LH Parking is complete than uses can be adjusted and਍ഀ added. Or could we get by with something at concert Hall for 5 years and than expand into LH Parking if਍ഀ it were a possibility.਍ഀ -Can uses be spread out? (i.e. Is it reasonable to suggest Town, ECO, Regional buses stay together and਍ഀ skier drop/shuttle stay together in another location and even then charter in a third?਍ഀ Look at a couple scenerios:਍ഀ -Worst case: No LH Parking Structure/No North Day Lot - What could we fit on Concert Hall and East LH਍ഀ -Worst Case +1: Same as above but North Day lot could have skier drop off/shuttles and EverVail has਍ഀ Charter਍ഀ -Best Case: LH Parking happens-would everything go in LH Parking structure or would TOV/ECO/Regional਍ഀ Bus go in LH Parking and maybe skier drop off/shuttle at North Day Lot and Charter at EverVail. Or਍ഀ would Concert Hall or E. LH be a substitute for something?਍ഀ The Bottom Line question is: What do we need, where can it go, does it have to be together, and can it਍ഀ be phased/how fast do we need it?਍ഀ What can be completed prior to PEC/Council. It needs to go into PEC packet by the 10th, can we meet਍ഀ on the 7th to discuss?਍ഀ Also as of now the PEC presentation is at Noon on 4/14 and Council presentation will be the evening of਍ഀ 4/15.਍ഀ Stan requested a sketch of what could possibly fit on Concert Hall site within ROW. Attached is a sketch.਍ഀ Based on Autoturn looks like max 4 buses, with a small area for waiting. This assumes W. LH remains two-਍ഀ way.਍ഀ Thomas Kassmel, P.E.਍ഀ Town Engineer਍ഀ Town of Vail਍ഀ Public Works Department਍ഀ 1309 Elkhorn Dr.਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ El਍ഀ 0਍ഀ l~਍ഀ 0਍ഀ ~61਍ഀ 46wxoFVnrL਍ഀ Department of Public Works & Transportation਍ഀ 1309 Elkhorn Drive਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ 970-479-2158਍ഀ Fax: 970-479-2166਍ഀ www.vailgov.com਍ഀ MEMO਍ഀ To: George Ruther, Warren Campbell਍ഀ From: Greg Hall, Tom Kassmel਍ഀ Re: North Day Lot -PEC Review-Preliminary comments਍ഀ Date: 3/11/07਍ഀ FILE COPY਍ഀ The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received the Planning and Environmental Commission submittal਍ഀ plan set dated 2/21/08 for the North Day Lot Development. Based on our review the following shall be addressed਍ഀ prior to PEC approval or as otherwise noted. Additional comments will be provided when more detailed plans are਍ഀ provided.਍ഀ Comments਍ഀ 1. The Traffic Study is still under review by the Town, additional comments will follow. A traffic impact fee of਍ഀ $6500 per net increase in PM peak hour trips will be required.਍ഀ 2. Figure 12 of the Traffic Impact Study shows the skier drop exit as having a right and left turn lane, please਍ഀ modify.਍ഀ 3. The HCM analysis shows the NB right turn movement from W. LH to Frontage Rd is an F, please indicate਍ഀ why. In the text this is ignored due to the acel lane on the Frontage Rd.਍ഀ 4. The location of the Condotel access is in a poor location and creates congestion and access issues at the਍ഀ Frontage Rd development access. This access should be moved -20' to the south at a minimum. Fire access਍ഀ and staging will have to be reviewed with any shift of access.਍ഀ 5. A raised median should be added at the Frontage Rd. Development access to control vehicle movements.਍ഀ 6. The'/o movement at W. Lionshead Circle is not desireable. If necessary how can it be phased in, it is assumed਍ഀ that the left out will only need to be removed once buildout and the 2025 volumes are achieved on the਍ഀ Frontage Rd. Can the intersection be built as a Full movement intersection at first with left and right turn਍ഀ lanes with adequate que, and then the left out be phased out and potentially become a left in for the buses into਍ഀ the Transit facility? Forcing the skier drop off vehicles to make a left out in order to go West on the Frontage਍ഀ Rd may prove to be difficult, even with signage. Those who are not aware of the intersection configuration਍ഀ will tend to head immediately to the Frontage Rd. at which time if they want to head west will be forced to਍ഀ make a right and go to Main Vail or make an illegal left. Once the roundabouts are in at EverVail and East਍ഀ LH Circle this movement would work much better.਍ഀ 7. The site plan indicates Employee parking garage trips exit via the skier drop-off. This is not an acceptable਍ഀ mix of use. It does not seem to be reflected this way in the Traffic Impact study. Please change.਍ഀ 8. The major pedestrian movement coming off the pedestrian bridge will be to access Lionshead Village via a਍ഀ southeasterly direction via the new access to the mall. How can this be facilitated? Can an elevator/stairwell਍ഀ be added at the very south end of the bridge into the Transit area? At minimum a more convienent set of਍ഀ am" steps off the ramp should be added at the far east end of the ramp connecting to the Frontage walk, along with਍ഀ a walk along the drive access from the Frontage Rd to the Transit area/Lionshead entrance.਍ഀ 9. The submittal shall include all bus/shuttle bus/Loading&Delivery Truck/ramp snow removal turning਍ഀ movements. Can an articulated bus also be shown as a future condition. This may require future਍ഀ reconstruction of the sawtooth curb line. It is very possible that ECO will go to articulated buses in the future਍ഀ instead of continuously running 2-3 simultaneous busses running the same route.਍ഀ 10. The skier drop-off space depth shall be a minimum of 19'. This leave only -10' of drive aisle. Per code the਍ഀ Adw minimum drive aisle width shall be 14'.਍ഀ H. The ultimate configuration of the Frontage Rd includes a 10' wide shoulder on the north side where਍ഀ applicable. This is reflected in the submittal for EverVail to CDOT by Alpine.਍ഀ 12. The medians in the Frontage Rd. shall be raised medians similar to the approved medians at Vail Plaza Hotel,਍ഀ Four Seasons, and Solaris.਍ഀ 13. The Frontage Rd walk and Tract C walk should be snowmelted.਍ഀ 14. The garage ramp grade that is shown at 14% must be completely internal. How will the proposed roof਍ഀ structure work? Show the grades on the plan view. Can the curve section be flatter a 14% grade at the curve਍ഀ is not ideal.਍ഀ 15. The location of the phase line on the site plan is shown west of the actual limit below grade phase one parking਍ഀ structure limit. There seems to be some room within the phase one parking structure to make some਍ഀ efficiencies for parking, this might limit the size of the phase one structure to the phase line shown on the site਍ഀ plan.਍ഀ 16. The west ped bridge abutment is not shown to be modified how will it be planted as shown on Sheet L2-1਍ഀ 17. Show sight distance for all accesses internal and along the Frontage and W. Lionshead roads.਍ഀ 18. Show on-site snow storage areas. 10% of heated drive areas. How will the roof sliding snow be managed਍ഀ especially at the zero property line along the landmark. Will the roof over the bus waiting areas be flat and਍ഀ snow removed?਍ഀ 19. Parking Levels P2/P3 are shown having more than the allowed 50% valet spaces.਍ഀ 20. The Loading and Delivery space is shown using a Shuttle space. How will this be managed?਍ഀ 21. The Southeast corner of the property constricts down to 8', since this is the main funnel to the mall from the਍ഀ Transit center the minimum width should be 14'.਍ഀ 22. Design alternatives for the Tract C entrance to the mall shall be developed that may include਍ഀ escalators/elevator/stairs/water feature/flat green space/less obtrusive walls by Vail Ski/Bike Tech. We should਍ഀ set up a meeting with Vail, VR, OZ.਍ഀ 23. On sheet A2.01, how do the swing out doors from the lobby and stairwell function with the walk and drive਍ഀ aisle? The walk is only shown at 3' width. This also shows the elevator doors opening into the drive aisle,਍ഀ shouldn't they open into the lobby?਍ഀ 24. The minimum clearance thru the transit center shall be 14' vertical in order to accommodate Loading and਍ഀ delivery and Fire drive thru access.਍ഀ 25. A pedestrian/vehicular easement will be required to be granted over the Transit Areas, along with਍ഀ maintenance agreements for the Transit areas.਍ഀ 26. The Town requested an indoor heated waiting area at the east end of the bus loading area. This is no਍ഀ longer shown. The Transit facility on the North side will not function well as a waiting area. This area਍ഀ could be stairs for direct access to the Ped. Bridge.਍ഀ 27. Town of Vail Light standard shall be provided along the South Frontage Rd. as well as W. Lionshead਍ഀ Circle. The power for these lights shall be connected by the developer to a Town of Vail source.਍ഀ Conduit shall be run for power into the raised Frontage Rd medians for holiday lights and future median਍ഀ lighting.਍ഀ 28. The maintenance and irrigation of the landscape areas within the Town ROW shall be done by the਍ഀ development and the irrigation tied into the developments irrigation system. Irrigation in the Frontage Rd਍ഀ medians shall be tied into Town of Vail irrigation.਍ഀ 29. Transit center amenities (i.e. benches, wayfinding, bus schedules, bus route signs, etc...) will be required਍ഀ for final design approval.਍ഀ 30. Provide typical dimensions for parking spaces and drive lanes within each level of the parking structure.਍ഀ 31. Show grades for garage for each level of the parking structure.਍ഀ 32. Laundry facilities are not shown on the floor plans. It seems that this size of development would benefit਍ഀ from having common facilities instead of forcing additional trips to West Vail.਍ഀ 33. The conceptual drainage report was reviewed for general concepts. A Final Drainage report including਍ഀ hydrology and hydraulic analysis will be required. Contact PW for specific details required.਍ഀ 34. Coordinate with AIPP for Public Art contribution.਍ഀ 35. The Developer complies with Public Works General Conditions of Approval. (See attached)਍ഀ Masterplan Comments਍ഀ 1. In general the masterplan should be updated for the Town's ultimate needs not just for what can and may be਍ഀ accommodated on the North Day Lot site. The recommendations of the current masterplan are from 1997਍ഀ which had not anticipated the fast paced growth we have seen during Vail's Billion Dollar redevelopment਍ഀ specifically with regard to residential units, commercial square footage as well as another mountain portal਍ഀ (EverVail). The Town will need to put together a revised transit report as we have done with the Draft਍ഀ Frontage road transportation update, based on trends we are currently seeing.਍ഀ 2. It would be helpful to define the types of transit centers the Town needs. It should be clear that it is the਍ഀ Towns goal to have two Transit Hubs for the Town and then in addition multiple dispersed transit centers for਍ഀ each portal to the mountain and major activity centers. A Transit Hub can be defined as a multipurpose਍ഀ transit center able to accommodate local, regional, inter-regional, and charter buses, transit shuttles, taxis,਍ഀ vans, and skier drop off, as well as having indoor facilities for waiting, public restrooms & phones, driver਍ഀ breakrooms and offices as needed. An Activity/Portal Transit Center can be defined as a transit facility that਍ഀ accommodates local, regional and shuttle buses as well as skier drop. May or may not accommodate charter਍ഀ buses or have indoor facilities. An Activity/Portal Transit Center may be combined with a Transit Hub਍ഀ where practical. The references to West Lionshead(EverVail) as being an option for Transit Hub should be਍ഀ removed. W. LH (Evervail) will be a large enough village it will require its own Activity/Portal Transit਍ഀ Center and a key location for charter buses but it has been determined that it is not an ideal location for the਍ഀ placement of the second Transit Hub.਍ഀ 3. It may be noted that the Arrabelle has created a central loading and delivery facility, however it should also਍ഀ be noted that all development will still be required to provide their own loading and delivery facilities. The਍ഀ densities that are now forseen with future Demo-Rebuild developments will require additional facilities that਍ഀ will need to be created within each individual facility. The Arrabelle facility will take care of some of the਍ഀ need of the existing facilities within Lionshead. The current masterplan indicates the need to accommodate਍ഀ 15-20 delivery vehicles, this obviously has not been met yet.਍ഀ 4. 1.3.5- See above਍ഀ 5. 1.3.6- See above਍ഀ 6. regional busstop for Lionshead shall be located at North Day Lot and/or the Lionshead Parking਍ഀ Structure Transit Hub. The language references Lionshead Place, it should reference Concert Hall Plaza and਍ഀ West Lionshead language should be removed. W. Lionshead will require its own regional stop, see above.਍ഀ 7. Add gas station site after "Cascade Crossing"਍ഀ a. Why talk about increasing density when EHU's/AU's don't count਍ഀ e. If the site was designed as original plans using the entire site is relief needed?਍ഀ 8. 5.1-Leave the NorthDay lot in to allow for flexibility in the future.਍ഀ 9. 5.8.3 - Add Transit after "Transportation, "਍ഀ 10. 5.9 - See above਍ഀ General Conditions of Approval਍ഀ I . Please add the Town of Vail General Notes to construction plans. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request)਍ഀ 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility design.਍ഀ 3. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access,਍ഀ schedules, traffic control, emergency access, etc...਍ഀ 4. A ROW/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail prior to commencing any਍ഀ construction within public Right of Way.਍ഀ 5. A Town of Vail Revocable ROW permit shall be recorded for all private property improvements located਍ഀ within public ways.਍ഀ 6. Prior to approval of a Building permit all necessary permanent and temporary easements are recorded with਍ഀ Eagle County.਍ഀ 7. Prior to approval of a Building permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavation਍ഀ phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shall਍ഀ include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities).਍ഀ 8. Any excavation shoring methods used that encroach upon adjacent public or private property shall have਍ഀ approval by the appropriate owner and have a recorded easement prior to construction. This includes CDOT਍ഀ and the Town of Vail Right of Ways.਍ഀ 9. A CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior to਍ഀ construction.਍ഀ 10. If temporary and/or permanent dewatering is anticipated during construction, a dewatering soils analysis will਍ഀ be required by a qualified licensed engineer analyzing the impact to adjacent properties(i.e. settlement)਍ഀ 11. Provide full civil construction drawings meeting Town of Vail standards prior to building permit submittal.਍ഀ L(03/10/2008) George Ruther - North Day Lot initial review comments from planning Page 1਍ഀ From: Warren Campbell FIL E a਍ഀ COP Y਍ഀ To: George Ruther t਍ഀ Date: 03/07/2008 3:59 PM਍ഀ Subject: North Day Lot initial review comments from planning਍ഀ CC: Greg Hall; Mike McGee; Tom Kassmel਍ഀ To all,਍ഀ Here are some of my initial thoughts thus far on the North Day Lot proposal. I wanted to get these out before I was out of਍ഀ the office next week.਍ഀ 1) On Sheet LI-1 staff is concerned about only 5.3% of the site containing softscape landscaping.਍ഀ 2) Sheet L3-1 staff is concerned with the snow shed off of the condotel building onto the Town owned parcel of land and਍ഀ pedestrian path along the eastern side of the site. Staff is also concerned about the snow shed off of the employee਍ഀ housing structure onto the stairs leading from the pedestrian bridge to West Lionshead Circle. The concern is the impact਍ഀ to maintenance of the paths and safety.਍ഀ 3) There needs to be consistency between the various sheets on whether or not there is an island seperating the entrance਍ഀ and exit lanes at the curb-cut along the South Frontage Road.਍ഀ 4) Staff is concerned about the lack of landscape area between the path paralleling the Frontage Road and the new਍ഀ pedestrian bridge ramping. The new ramp design eliminates a great deal of mature trees. The new design does not leave a਍ഀ great deal of space to plant new trees. On Sheet A 5.01 the cross section shows a tree being planted between the path਍ഀ and the new ramp. The landscape plan does not show any trees being planted.਍ഀ 5) Provide details and images of the product shown to be used to screen the transportation center from the Landmark਍ഀ called Kalwall.਍ഀ 6) On multiple elevations there is a transfer of materials from stucco to horizontal siding within the same plane, not at an਍ഀ inside corner.਍ഀ 7) Please provide a plan identifying all snow melted areas. Also depict snow storage locations per the requirements of the਍ഀ Code. Ten percent for heated pavement areas.਍ഀ 8) The survey does not contain any identifier as to the lot sizes.਍ഀ 9) Staff is concerned about the screening wall for the transportation center being located right along the property line਍ഀ leaving no room for significant landscaping to break up this facade.਍ഀ 10) How will vehicles exiting the under ground parking structure be encouraged to turn right and exit the site through the਍ഀ skier drop off area verse turning left and exitng the site out of the curb cut on the Frontage Road? Maybe a curved island਍ഀ preventing a left turn?਍ഀ 11) Staff has determined that site coverage is approximately 76% (36,456 square feet) on the lot owned by Vail resorts.਍ഀ LMU-1 zoning allows 70% site coverage. Most of this site coverage is below grade. There is approximately 6,080 square਍ഀ feet of site coverage (building improvements) on the Town owned parcel of land.਍ഀ That is all for now.਍ഀ Warren਍ഀ V A I L R E S O R T S D E V E L O P M E N T C O M P A N Y਍ഀ FILE COPY਍ഀ May 11, 2005਍ഀ Mr. Geoff Wright਍ഀ General Manager਍ഀ Landmark Condominium Association਍ഀ 610 W. Lionshead Cr.਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ RE: Development Plans - North Day Lot਍ഀ Dear Geoff.਍ഀ APR u 1 1~pg਍ഀ TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ Thank you for allowing me to update your board regarding our current strategies for਍ഀ developing the North Day Lot, which is immediately north of The Landmark਍ഀ Condominium Association's property in Vail, Colorado.਍ഀ The purpose of this correspondence is to summarize the information which was recently਍ഀ shared with your board, specifically;਍ഀ 1. The Town of Vail has agreed that large busses will not need to be਍ഀ accommodated on the North Day lot site.਍ഀ 2. The Town continues to require that we accommodate skier drop-off for਍ഀ approximately 11 vehicles and short-term parking for 5 hotel shuttles.਍ഀ 3. We have been unsuccessful in negotiating an employee housing solution with਍ഀ the Town at their Timber Ridge property. Therefore, we are moving forward਍ഀ with our original plans to develop our employee housing on the North Day਍ഀ Lot in conjunction with replacement offices for the ski company.਍ഀ 4. Our new site plan separates ingress/egress for the underground parking from਍ഀ that of the required short term parking on the surface. We accomplish this by਍ഀ utilizing a new curb cut from the frontage road and bridging the bike path over਍ഀ that curb cut. We believe this circulation pattern will allow us to਍ഀ accommodate several drop-off spaces for The Landmark property as indicated਍ഀ on the enclosed conceptual site plan.਍ഀ 5. We are considering the introduction of two new uses on the site, specifically a਍ഀ non-skiing daycare facility and an information booth for the Town of Vail.਍ഀ VAILR[f011 f਍ഀ Vail Resorts Development Company • 137 Benchmark Road • Post Office Box 959 • Avon, Colorado 81620-0959 - (970) 845-2535 • fax (970) 845-2555 • wwrv.vrdc.com਍ഀ Vail • Beaver Creek" - Breckenridge Keystone" • Heavenly"਍ഀ A਍ഀ CJ਍ഀ Arrowhead" - Bachelor Gulch" - Red Sky Ranch"' Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club-਍ഀ VAIL RESORTS-਍ഀ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY਍ഀ 6. The massing of the building has been altered slightly to allow fire trucks and਍ഀ other vehicles to pass under the building and move through the short term਍ഀ parking area, therefore allowing a fire truck to stage on our property in਍ഀ response to a fire event on either The Landmark property or The Westwind.਍ഀ This strategy has not been requested or endorsed by the Town of Vail Fire਍ഀ Department.਍ഀ 7. The preferred timing of our project is as follows:਍ഀ • Submit for Town of Vail approvals, Summer '05.਍ഀ • Commence construction documents, September - October '05.਍ഀ • Bid the project, January - February '06.਍ഀ • Commence the project, April '06.਍ഀ • Complete the project, August 07.਍ഀ However, we recognize that once we start our construction The Landmark਍ഀ will lose its current front entry access. We are willing to postpone the start of਍ഀ our project for up to one year to allow The Landmark to develop an interim਍ഀ entry solution.਍ഀ This constitutes a summary of what we discussed in your meeting. We are including as਍ഀ an enclosure the current site plan which you are welcome to share with your membership.਍ഀ As we have discussed, our plans are still preliminary and are therefore subject to change.਍ഀ We look forward to receiving any further comments and we thank you again for allowing਍ഀ us to update your group.਍ഀ Sincerely,਍ഀ VAIL RESORTS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY਍ഀ Jack D. punt, Senior Vice President਍ഀ Design, on truction, Development਍ഀ JDH/cjw਍ഀ 0਍ഀ /*/I,r਍ഀ CONCERNS ISSUES AND REQUESTS OF LANDMARK-VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION਍ഀ REGARDING਍ഀ PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH DAY LOT਍ഀ BY VAIL RESORT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY਍ഀ March 31, 2008਍ഀ Landmark has not had sufficient time to evaluate the proposal. Landmark਍ഀ officials met with TOV and VRDC officials for the fist time on February 8,਍ഀ 2008. Application submitted February 21, 2008.਍ഀ 2. Location and planning of bus station on NDL appears rushed and improperly਍ഀ and unfairly being driven by employee housing requirements for Arrabelle.਍ഀ Locating and planning of bus station on NDL needs to be done thoughtfully,਍ഀ deliberately and carefully.਍ഀ The Master Plan states: "A critical consideration in the planning and design਍ഀ of this [transportation] facility will be its impact on the adjacent Landmark਍ഀ Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind." Section 5.9. It appears from the਍ഀ proposal that little, if any, consideration was given to the impact on਍ഀ Landmark. Current planning and design unnecessarily negatively impact਍ഀ Landmark.਍ഀ 4. The Master Plan further states: "Specifically, the design of the transportation਍ഀ center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smell that may਍ഀ affect adjacent properties. Both the Weswind and the Landmark should be਍ഀ closely involved in the transportation facility planning and design process."਍ഀ Section 5.9. Landmark was permitted virtually no involvement before the਍ഀ plan was formally submitted. Landmark should have been involved in the਍ഀ planning and design process before the application was submitted.਍ഀ Increased noise; proposed location of buses in such close proximity to਍ഀ Landmark (with 20 feet of Landmark Tower units) will greatly increase noise਍ഀ and materially negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 6. Increased air pollution; proposed location of buses in such close proximity to਍ഀ Landmark (with 20 feet of Landmark Tower units) will' greatly increase air਍ഀ pollution and materially-negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 7. Increased light pollution; proposed location of buses and bus traffic in and਍ഀ around Landmark will greatly increase light pollution and materially਍ഀ negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 8. Increased vehicle traffic; proposed location of buses and bus traffic will਍ഀ greatly increase vehicle traffic and congestion and impede traffic flow in and਍ഀ about Landmark and West Lionshead Circle and materially negatively impact਍ഀ Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 9. Increased pedestrian traffic; proposed location of bus station will greatly਍ഀ increase pedestrian traffic in and about Landmark and materially negatively਍ഀ impact Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 10. Increase in trash and littering; substantial increase in pedestrian traffic in and਍ഀ about Landmark will greatly increase trash and littering in and about਍ഀ Landmark and materially negatively impact Landmark owners and guests.਍ഀ 11. Increase in security concerns; substantial increase in pedestrian traffic in and਍ഀ about Landmark will increase security concerns and risks for Landmark਍ഀ property, owners and guests.਍ഀ 12. Proposal locates bus station as close as possible and too close to Landmark.਍ഀ This unnecessarily magnifies negative impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 13. Bus station should be located as far as possible from Landmark. This will਍ഀ reduce impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 14. Bus station should be located as far north as possible. This will reduce਍ഀ impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 15. Proposed bus station location requires passengers to walk by and along਍ഀ Landmark's northern property line. This unnecessarily greatly magnifies਍ഀ negative impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 16. Bus station drop off/pick-up should be located as close as possible or closer to਍ഀ Tract C. That will reduce impacts from pedestrians on Landmark and shorten਍ഀ the distance that pedestrians will have to walk to the lifts and thus enhance਍ഀ guest experience.਍ഀ 17. Proposed entrance to bus station off of West Lionshead Circle will greatly਍ഀ exacerbate traffic and congestion problems in and around Landmark and਍ഀ West Lionshead Circle. This is already a problem area. Traffic and਍ഀ congestion in that area is going to only increase as the Arrabelle sell-out is਍ഀ completed and its use increases, and with the redevelopment of Landmark,਍ഀ Lionsquare Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possibly also Concert Hall Plaza਍ഀ Those redevelopments will result in an increase in vehicle traffic in and about਍ഀ West Lionshead Circle.਍ഀ 18. Proposed entrance to bus station should be located off of South Frontage਍ഀ Road instead of West Lionshead Circle. This will remove buses from West਍ഀ Lionshead Circle and thereby reduce traffic and congestion in and on West਍ഀ Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. This is called for in the Master Plan਍ഀ which provides that relocation of regional transportation stop from਍ഀ Lionshead Place cul-de-sac to NDL "will remove the large regional buses਍ഀ from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place." Section਍ഀ 2਍ഀ 19. Buses should exit onto South Frontage Road as proposed. Bus station should਍ഀ be a pull off/on from and to South Frontage Road.਍ഀ 20. Proposed bus entrance/exit and bus station are not separated or shielded from਍ഀ Landmark by a building. This unnecessarily greatly magnifies negative਍ഀ impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 21. Proposed bus station is essentially to be located between two buildings਍ഀ (Landmark Tower and new NDL building). This is worst possible location਍ഀ for buses and unnecessarily greatly'magnifies negative impacts on Landmark,਍ഀ including noise.਍ഀ 22. Bus entrance/exit and bus station should be separated from Landmark by the਍ഀ entire new proposed building on NDL, not merely a fence, wall, landscaping਍ഀ or berm. This will shield Landmark and reduce impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ Impacts would instead properly be redirected north toward I-70 which would਍ഀ act as a buffer of the impacts for properties north of I-70. This is provided for਍ഀ in the Master Plan which states: "[A] linear building is recommended at the਍ഀ southern edge of the site to screen the lower levels of the Landmark Tower਍ഀ from the transit center." Section 5.9.਍ഀ 23. All parties (Landmark, TOV and VRDC) agree at a minimum that NDL is a਍ഀ less than ideal location for the bus station for many reasons and that a਍ഀ preferred location is on the redeveloped Lionshead parking structure. This is਍ഀ also recognized in the Master Plan. See Section Bus station on NDL਍ഀ should accordingly be designed and constructed in a temporary fashion so਍ഀ that it may be relocated to the redeveloped Lionshead parking structure for a਍ഀ permanent home. It appears this will also result in a significant cost savings.਍ഀ 24. Bus station is shoe-horned onto only the western part of NDL to਍ഀ accommodate a future hotel on the east side of NDL. This places bus station਍ഀ as close as possible t6 Landmark and unnecessarily greatly magnifies਍ഀ negative impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 25. NDL is too small (1.09 acre) for all proposed competing uses, especially as a਍ഀ bus station.਍ഀ 26. Bus station should not be limited to western portion of NDL if necessary to਍ഀ implement impact reduction items listed herein, including without limitation਍ഀ screening building on NDL and bus station located off of and as close as਍ഀ possible to South Frontage Road.਍ഀ 27. According to VRDC, the Project with the bus station does not comply with all਍ഀ existing planning requirements including as to site coverage, landscaping and਍ഀ encroachments. Project should be required to comply with all applicable਍ഀ planning requirements.਍ഀ 28. Master Plan does not contemplate a hotel on NDL. Location of proposed਍ഀ hotel appears to exacerbate impacts on Landmark.਍ഀ 29. A bus station on NDL will have a significant negative impact upon the West਍ഀ Lionshead Circle neighborhood which is primarily residential and includes਍ഀ many properties which are undergoing or planning major upgrade਍ഀ redevelopments (Landmark, Lionsquare Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possibly਍ഀ also Concert Hall Plaza).਍ഀ 30. Proposal does not accommodate and incorporate access to and limited drop-਍ഀ off parking for Landmark's front-door. Sole access to and drop-off parking਍ഀ for Landmark's front-door is through and on NDL. Such access and parking਍ഀ needs to be incorporated into VRDC's plan. This is called for in the Master਍ഀ Plan which states: "Planning for development of the north day lot should਍ഀ explore all possibilities to integrate a new front door for the Landmark into਍ഀ the new facility." Section 5.10.1. Prior designs for NDL development by਍ഀ VRDC incorporated this needed access and parking for Landmark. If and਍ഀ when Landmark's redevelopment is completed, such access and parking may਍ഀ be unnecessary.਍ഀ 31. Plan does not include a fire staging area. Plan should include a fire staging਍ഀ are that will jointly serve any new NDL buildings and Landmark.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ 1਍ഀ (Draft as of April 10, 2008)਍ഀ RESPONSE OF LANDMARK-VAIL CONDOMINIUM A CIATION਍ഀ TO TOWN OF VAIL਍ഀ PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN਍ഀ BY VAIL RESORT DEVELOPMENT COMPANY਍ഀ PEC080008਍ഀ 1. Landmark's input should be given strong consideration in determining whether and਍ഀ how to amend the Master Plan as to the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Vail Resorts Development Company ("VRDC") has made certain applications, including਍ഀ the subject application, to the Town of Vail in connection with VRDC's proposed development਍ഀ of the North Day Lot for employee housing, a hotel and transportation center. The subject਍ഀ application (PEC080008) seeks to amend certain portions of the Lionshead Redevelopment਍ഀ Master Plan (the "Master Plan") as it applies to the North Day Lot so as to permit and harmonize਍ഀ VRDC's proposed development with the Master Plan. Landmark-Vail Condominium is located਍ഀ directly south of and adjoins the North Day Lot. The Landmark Townhomes are located only਍ഀ approximately 12 feet from the boundary of the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Due to its close proximity to the North Day Lot, Landmark will be greatly and most਍ഀ directly impacted by any development of the North Day Lot. This impact on Landmark is਍ഀ explicitly recognized in the Master Plan which states: "A critical consideration in the planning and਍ഀ design of this [transportation] facility will be its impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower and਍ഀ Townhomes and the Westwind." Section 5.9. The Master Plan further states: "Specifically, the਍ഀ design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual, security, sound, and smell that਍ഀ may affect adjacent properties. Both the Wes-wind and the Landmark should be closely involved in਍ഀ the transportation facility planning and design process." Section 5.9. The concerns and input of, and਍ഀ the impacts upon Landmark should accordingly be given significant weight in considering VRDC's਍ഀ application.਍ഀ Landmark maintains that it should have been and the Master Plan contemplated that it would਍ഀ be involved in the planning and design process for the North Day Lot before VRDC submitted its਍ഀ application. Landmark was permitted virtually no involvement before VRDC submitted its਍ഀ application. Landmark officials met with Town and VRDC officials for the first and only time਍ഀ before submittal on February 8, 2008. VRDC submitted is application on February 21, 2008.਍ഀ Landmark has not had sufficient time to evaluate fully VRDC's application.਍ഀ II. Landmark agrees with VRDC that certain amendments to the Master Plan with respect਍ഀ to the North Day Lot are warranted.਍ഀ Landmark agrees that the 10-year old Master Plan is outdated in certain respects as to the਍ഀ North Day Lot and does not account for change during that time in the areas of redevelopment and਍ഀ transportation. For example, the Master Plan numerous times refers to the "existing Lionshead Place਍ഀ Aft IN;਍ഀ I਍ഀ regional bus stop" which no longer exists. See Section 1.3.5. Since the Plan was adopted Arrabelle਍ഀ has been constructed, Montenaros and Antlers have been redeveloped, and Landmark, Lionsquare਍ഀ Lodge, Lionshead Inn and possibly also Concert Hall Plaza have been slated for redevelopment.਍ഀ Landmark further agrees with VRDC and Town staff that a number of transportation centers਍ഀ dispersed throughout Lionshead are preferable to a single large transportation center located on the਍ഀ North Day Lot. The different transportation needs and modes (i.e. skier drop-off, shuttle vans, Town਍ഀ and regional buses and charter buses) could more appropriately be designated to and allocated਍ഀ amongst these different transportation centers. That strategy is preferable from both transportation਍ഀ and planning perspectives. It will afford the Town valuable flexibility to better address its਍ഀ transportation needs, and to locate only those transportation elements that are compatible with and਍ഀ best suited for a particular location.਍ഀ VRDC proposes that the locations of these dispersed transportation centers could include the਍ഀ North Day Lot, Lionshead Parking Structure, and West Lionshead (a/k/a EverVail). Landmark਍ഀ agrees but maintains that Concert Hall Plaza, and East Lionshead Circle are additional viable਍ഀ locations for certain transportation elements. The Master Plan should be amended to include all of਍ഀ these (North Day Lot, Lionshead Parking Structure, West Lionshead (a/k/a EverVail), Concert Hall਍ഀ Plaza, and East Lionshead Circle) as possible locations for dispersed transportation centers.਍ഀ III. The Master Plan should be amended to recognize that buses are no longer compatible਍ഀ with or appropriate for a transportation center on the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Consistent with the foregoing dispersed transportation centers concept supported by VRDC,਍ഀ Town staff and Landmark, each potential transportation mode should be evaluated for its਍ഀ compatibility with a particular location. Landmark agrees that the North Day Lot is compatible with਍ഀ skier drop-off and shuttle vans. However, the North Day Lot is absolutely incompatible with buses਍ഀ whether they be Town, regional or charter. Including busses on a transportation center on the North਍ഀ Day Lot will materially negatively impact Landmark, including as a result of increased noise, air਍ഀ pollution, light pollution, vehicle traffic, pedestrian traffic, trash and littering, and security concerns.਍ഀ The Master Plan should be amended to provide explicitly that buses should not be included in a਍ഀ transportation center on the North Day Lot.਍ഀ It appears there is consensus that the best location for buses is at a transportation center to be਍ഀ located on the Lionshead Parking Structure. Until such a transportation center is operational, Town਍ഀ and regional buses should continue to use the existing Concert Hall Plaza bus stop. The current skier਍ഀ drop-off and shuttle van uses at Concert Hall Plaza could be moved to the North Day Lot. That will਍ഀ reduce traffic in and around the Concert Hall Plaza bus stop, separate these different and਍ഀ incompatible transportation modes, and improve the experience for both bus riders using the Concert਍ഀ Hall Plaza bus stop and for visitors using the North Day Lot skier and shuttle drop-off. We਍ഀ understand that Montenaros supports maintaining the bus stop at Concert Hall Plaza. The Master਍ഀ Plan should consistently be amended to delete any reference to removing the existing Concert Hall਍ഀ Plaza bus stop at this time. See Sections 1.3.5, &਍ഀ The current plan proposed by VRDC for the North Day Lot which includes Town and਍ഀ regional buses as well as skier and shuttle van drop-off clearly demonstrates the incompatibility਍ഀ 2਍ഀ ,l਍ഀ of including buses on the North Day Lot. As a result in part of including buses, the plan਍ഀ proposed by VRDC for the North Day Lot is deficient in a number of ways including:਍ഀ • locates buses as close as possible to Landmark thereby increasing negative impacts on਍ഀ Landmark (noise, air and light pollution, vehicle and pedestrian traffic, trash and਍ഀ littering and security concerns);਍ഀ • requires buses passengers to walk by and along Landmark's northern property line਍ഀ thereby increasing impacts on Landmark and increasing distance guests required to walk;਍ഀ • locates entrance for buses off of West Lionshead Circle thereby exacerbating existing਍ഀ traffic problems in that area;਍ഀ • does not comply with existing planning requirements including as to site coverage,਍ഀ landscaping and encroachments;਍ഀ • shoe-horns too many uses onto the North Day Lot; and਍ഀ • locates in a single facility and in close proximity incompatible transportation modes.਍ഀ IV. The Master Plan should not be amended in ways that could result in increased਍ഀ impact on the Landmark.਍ഀ Maintain requirement of barrier building. Section 5.9 of the Master Plan currently਍ഀ recommends that a linear building be constructed on the North Day Lot to shield Landmark from਍ഀ the impacts of the transportation center. VRDC specifically asks that section be amended to਍ഀ permit a screen, landscape buffer, wall or fence instead of a building. Landmark opposes that਍ഀ amendment as these other screening elements would be wholly inadequate to shield Landmark਍ഀ from the impacts of the transportation center. The transportation center on the North Day Lot਍ഀ should be completely shielded from Landmark by a building as currently provided in the Master਍ഀ Plan or fully enclosed within a building.਍ഀ Do not relax development standards. VRDC seeks to amend the Master Plan to relax਍ഀ applicable development standards for the North Day Lot, including as to site coverage, landscape਍ഀ area, setbacks and building height. See Section 5.9. Landmark opposes relaxing applicable਍ഀ development standards which would result in greater impact upon neighboring Landmark.਍ഀ Moreover, relaxing development standards should be unnecessary with the removal of buses਍ഀ from the transportation center on the North Day Lot.਍ഀ Permit hotel only if its does not increase impacts on Landmark. VRDC seeks a major਍ഀ amendment to the Master Plan to permit it to construct a hotel on the North Day Lot. A hotel is਍ഀ currently not contemplated under the Master Plan. Landmark does not oppose the concept of a਍ഀ hotel on the North Day Lot. However, a hotel should be permitted on the North Day Lot only if਍ഀ it can be designed and constructed in such a way that impacts upon Landmark are not increased਍ഀ or exacerbated. The Master Plan makes it clear that impacts upon Landmark from the਍ഀ development of the North Day Lot are "a critical consideration." Such impacts must be਍ഀ evaluated first to determine whether and how a hotel can be permitted on the North Day Lot.਍ഀ The inclusion of a hotel on VRDC's current plan for the development of the North Day਍ഀ Lot increases and magnifies negative impacts upon Landmark. For example, inclusion of a hotel਍ഀ 3਍ഀ t਍ഀ results in part in the transportation elements and vehicle and pedestrian traffic on the North Day਍ഀ Lot being unnecessarily located in close proximity to Landmark, and the entrance to the਍ഀ transportation center being located off of West Lionshead Circle.਍ഀ V. The Master Plan should be amended to provide for a fire staging area located on the਍ഀ North Day Lot to serve buildings on the North Day Lot and Landmark.਍ഀ At the request of Vail Resorts, Landmark in the spirit of cooperation permitted a needed਍ഀ fire staging area for Arrabelle to be located in part on Landmark's property. That fire staging਍ഀ area is located in the area of the southwest corner of Landmark's property and also serves਍ഀ Montenaros. Landmark's fire staging area has historically and is currently located on the North਍ഀ Day Lot. Up until the submission of this application by VRDC, Vail Resorts had assured਍ഀ Landmark that any development of the North Day Lot would include a fire staging area that਍ഀ would also serve Landmark. Landmark further understood that in consideration for Landmark਍ഀ permitting the staging area on its property serving Arrabelle, the staging area on North Day Lot਍ഀ serving Landmark would be maintained.਍ഀ It appears from VRDC's plans for the North Day Lot that that fire staging area serving਍ഀ Landmark may be removed. Such removal would be contrary to the assurances of and਍ഀ Landmark's arrangement with Vail Resorts. That removal also could reduce the fire safety and਍ഀ impeded redevelopment of Landmark.਍ഀ VI. Conclusion.਍ഀ Landmark respectfully asks that the Master Plan be amended in accordance with the਍ഀ foregoing.਍ഀ 4਍ഀ tll %਍ഀ I:XI'R.~c)Itl)I~.UtI' RESORTS • EXCI•:I TIC NAL I.XI'hatll:~Ch:S਍ഀ April 14, 2008਍ഀ Vail Town Council਍ഀ c/o Dick Cleveland, Mayor਍ഀ 75 South Frontage Road਍ഀ Vail, CO 81657਍ഀ Council Members:਍ഀ Given the importance we all place on employee housing in general and our obligations਍ഀ relating to the Arrabelle project, I wanted to officially communicate with you about the਍ഀ most recent developments regarding the North Day Lot. As you are aware, our Company਍ഀ committed to satisfying our employee housing obligation related to the Arrabelle਍ഀ development under the terms of an amendment (the "Amendment") to the Core Site਍ഀ Development Agreement (CSDA) that laid out a very specific timetable for our Company਍ഀ to meet. In addition, under the terms of the CSDA, our only practical option to satisfy਍ഀ this requirement was on the North Day Lot. We executed the Amendment on December਍ഀ 18, 2007.਍ഀ Immediately following the execution of the Amendment I gave our real estate਍ഀ development team very specific instructions to work with the Town of Vail staff (the਍ഀ "Staff') to put together a plan for the North Day Lot that would satisfy our housing਍ഀ commitment in a way that would be consistent with the Town's preferences. Our਍ഀ Company submitted a plan for the North Day Lot on February 21, 2008 ahead of the date਍ഀ required in the Amendment. The plan we submitted included extensive input from the਍ഀ Staff and was the result of a number of discussions with the Staff to try and resolve਍ഀ numerous considerations on a site that has some complexity. It is my understanding that਍ഀ there were no less than nine formal meetings between our real estate group and the Staff.਍ഀ In addition, I was given informal feedback from both Dick Cleveland and Stan Zemler਍ഀ that everyone was pleased with the progress that was being made on this effort.਍ഀ Part of our plan submittal was a request for an amendment to the Lionshead Master Plan਍ഀ (LMP) to facilitate certain parts of our project. Last week we were informed that the਍ഀ Town staff intended to recommend to the Planning and Environmental Commission਍ഀ (PEC) that it reject our request for an amendment to the LMP. Today, this਍ഀ recommendation led to a denial of our request by the PEC. Our understanding is that the਍ഀ Staffs recommendation is due in large part to: (i) and (ii) that਍ഀ Kltl,t I I 1\.41i • (litcl 1'.\k, w:%v Olfiict਍ഀ I(. -~ul•. li.~ • x'111 {ut~ Flu. L. ~ l ~ i~l \~uti it li!I 11.......I.. 1,1 ~ O tillU • ~.~ili~ ~ it. ~ ~~m਍ഀ I)nr~t.ill.rl(1-J i~Ul •,ill,~~IlLtt~.lll •t1..U;w~,~tit.•>~ai.~.~nt਍ഀ 0਍ഀ the location of the transit center is concentrated on the western portion of the lot, which is਍ഀ not an ideal location. Each of these issues was discussed with the Staff prior to our਍ഀ submittal and we tried to address them in the best way possible and in a way that had਍ഀ their support. In our most recent conversations with the Staff, we believe that each of਍ഀ these concerns can be addressed with certain alterations to our plan. However, such਍ഀ alterations would take material time and cost to implement in the design.਍ഀ There is no question that there can be quite a lot of "back and forth" and reconsideration਍ഀ during the submittal of typical development plans. Under normal circumstances our਍ഀ company would be very content to move methodically through the process. However, as਍ഀ you are aware, our Company agreed to a very tight timetable for this project at the਍ഀ insistence of the Town Council. We agree with the Town Council's desire, because it is਍ഀ critical that we bring these employee housing units online quickly. However, because of਍ഀ this schedule, I would like to request an extended discussion and ultimately clear਍ഀ direction from the Town Council, as soon as possible, on how we should proceed. We਍ഀ had submitted our request for an LMP amendment under the now incorrect assumption਍ഀ that it was to further a plan that the Staff supported. Given that the Staff would like to਍ഀ see additional changes to this plan and it is still unclear if the Town Council would like to਍ഀ see a transit center on the site, it is not clear to us whether it is worth anyone's time to਍ഀ discuss our requested amendment. We will leave that to your judgment. However, we਍ഀ think it is critical to have this more expansive discussion either at the Town Council਍ഀ meeting tomorrow night or potentially at a special meeting in order to assure that we਍ഀ remain on schedule.਍ഀ Given the potential for miscommunications, I think it is critical to lay out certain਍ഀ commitments which underlie our company's efforts here:਍ഀ (i) We are committed to creating the 120 employee housing beds as soon as਍ഀ practicable and certainly within the time frames outlined in our agreement;਍ഀ (ii) The North Day Lot is the only site in Lionshead which is practicable for this਍ഀ project and we are committed to using it for these employee housing beds;਍ഀ (iii) We are fully willing to comply with the LMP and are willing to include a਍ഀ transit center in our plan, which has all the attributes outlined in the LMP;਍ഀ (iv) We are not seeking approval during this process for any "residential" or "for਍ഀ sale" uses on the North Day Lot that are not permitted today; and਍ഀ (v) We are committed to including "skier drop off' on this site in all cases, even if਍ഀ a transit center is not included in the ultimate plan.਍ഀ There are certain issues that we have identified during our process that need to be਍ഀ addressed by the Town Council to provide direction to us to allow us to proceed:਍ഀ (i) The cost of the transit center, which as provided in the LMP is borne by the਍ഀ Town, is significant on North Day Lot because of the site's small size. Our਍ഀ current estimate, which has been reviewed with the Town staff, indicated a਍ഀ cost of $13.3 million. If the transit center is enlarged, the cost to the Town਍ഀ will be materially higher, but it can certainly be accommodated on the site.਍ഀ -2-਍ഀ (ii) As noted in our prior letter, we believe that there is an option of including a਍ഀ transit center in the Ever Vail development. While we understand the Town਍ഀ considers that to be an inferior site and that development of Ever Vail is not਍ഀ assured, the cost of including the transit center there would be significantly਍ഀ less for the Town and could certainly be funded almost entirely through the਍ഀ federal grant for this purpose the Town expects to receive. This lower cost is਍ഀ because we already have extensive underground parking and transit included਍ഀ in our plans for that site. Clearly, if the transit center were located in Ever਍ഀ Vail, we would need to retain a "local" bus stop in Lionshead.਍ഀ (iii) We have been informed by representatives of the Landmark Condominiums਍ഀ that they are very opposed to including a transit center on North Day Lot and਍ഀ intend to use legal remedies to prevent its inclusion.਍ഀ (iv) Including the transit center (as we submitted) on the North Day Lot will਍ഀ increase the expected construction time from 15 months to 20 months.਍ഀ Including an even larger transit center on the site will likely cause an even਍ഀ longer construction schedule, possibly stretching the delay out to almost a਍ഀ year.਍ഀ (v) Expanding the transit center to cover the entire site will remove our ability to਍ഀ use the eastern portion of the site for "skier drop off' during construction and਍ഀ may impact a greater number of adjacent residences.਍ഀ At this point, our company has progressed as far as we can, without receiving greater਍ഀ clarity from the Town Council on these issues. We believe once we receive clear਍ഀ direction from the Town Council on these matters, we can very quickly produce a plan਍ഀ and start the more formal approval process. To achieve a construction start date of May਍ഀ 1, 2009, as provided in the Amendment, we need to accomplish the following:਍ഀ • Town Council definitive decision on transit center- no later than May 6, 2008 (if਍ഀ the Town Council requires changes to our existing plan, we would require those਍ഀ well in advance of the May 6, 2008 meeting to remain on schedule)਍ഀ • Schematic Design Completion-8 week duration between 5/7108 and 6/30/09਍ഀ • Concurrent PEC and RBA roval- 8 week duration between 5/7/08 and਍ഀ 6/30/08. `11.510- Z਍ഀ • Detailed Design Completion-12 week duration between 6/30/08 and 9/30/08 •਍ഀ • Construction Document Completion- 16 week duration between 9/30/08 and਍ഀ 1/31/09਍ഀ z਍ഀ • Town permitting process, including plan check, completed in March 2009਍ഀ • Final pricing and contract completion with our contractor in April 2009਍ഀ • Begin construction on May 1, 2009਍ഀ 60 v-uA.~he-਍ഀ o~਍ഀ qa - 105 VrOPk਍ഀ If the Town Council delays a decision past May 6, 2008, we cannot be assured of meeting਍ഀ the schedule included in the Amendment. At the request of the Town stag', we are਍ഀ holding submitting our plans for Ever Vail until we make progress on North Day Lot.਍ഀ The North Day Lot project remains our highest priority and our company and all਍ഀ necessary personnel remain available to work with the Town Council and the Staff to਍ഀ -3-਍ഀ help the Town reach resolution on this project. We look forward to working together to਍ഀ bring this to a successful resolution for everyone.਍ഀ I਍ഀ Rob Katz਍ഀ Chief Executive Officer਍ഀ Vail Resorts, Inc.਍ഀ cc: Stan Zemler਍ഀ -4-਍ഀ