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Planning and Environmental Commissonഀ ACTION FORMഀ TOWN ff YEഀ RJNlrr DEVELOPW-NTഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ Project Name: NORTH DAY LOT MAI EXT AMEND PEC Number: PEC080009ഀ Project Description:ഀ Participants:ഀ FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MAJOR EXTERIOR ALTERATION FOR THE NORTH DAY LOTഀ DEVELOPMENTഀ OWNER VAIL CORP 02/25/2008ഀ PO BOX 7ഀ VAILഀ CO 81658ഀ APPLICANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL 02/25/2008 Phone: 970-748-0920ഀ PO BOX 1127ഀ AVONഀ CO 81620ഀ License: 0000001697ഀ Project Address: 600 W LIONSHEAD CIR VAIL Location: NORTH DAY LOTഀ CO Legal Description: Lot: 1 Block: 1 Subdivision: VAIL LIONSHEAD FIL 3ഀ Parcel Number: 2101-063-0800-4ഀ Comments: See conditionsഀ BOARD/STAFF ACTIONഀ Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVEDഀ Second By: Vieleഀ Vote: 6-0-0 Date of Approval: 02/09/2009ഀ Conditions:ഀ Cond: 8ഀ (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofഀ Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s).ഀ Cond:300ഀ (PLAN): PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date ofഀ approval.ഀ Cond: CON0010582ഀ The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the public skier drop-off, in aഀ form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the extent, rights, and privilegesഀ associated with the permanent nine-space, public skier drop-off, for review andഀ approval by no later than April 7, 2009.ഀ Cond: CON0010583ഀ The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the potential South Frontageഀ Road access point into the site, in a form satisfactory to the Town, as depicted onഀ Sheet C1.01, dated January 30, 2009, for review and approval by no later than Aprilഀ 7, 2009.ഀ Cond: CON0010584ഀ The Developer shall enter into a revised employee housing agreement, in a formഀ satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the dates by which building permitഀ applications will be submitted and construction shall commence. This agreement shallഀ be in place by no later than April 7, 2009.ഀ Cond: CON0010585ഀ The Developer shall provide the Town a construction schedule for the North Day Lotഀ employee housing and permanent skier drop-off projects for review and approval byഀ the Town of Vail by no later than April 7, 2009. Said schedule shall include, butഀ not be limited to, identification of a building permit submittal date, aഀ commencement of construction date, and a completion of construction/delivery dateഀ for the projects. This schedule shall be utilized in the review of condition 3ഀ included with this approval.ഀ Cond: CON0010586ഀ The Developer submits a complete set of civil engineered drawings of the Approvedഀ Development Plans including the required off site improvements, to the Town of Vailഀ Community Development Department for review and approval of the drawings, prior toഀ making application for the issuance of a building permit for the North Day Lotഀ improvements.ഀ Cond: CON0010587ഀ That the Developer shall provide a plan for review and approval by the appropriateഀ reviewing authority, depending on the plan submitted, for replacement of the 105ഀ parking spaces currently on the North Day Lot. This plan shall be submitted to theഀ Town of Vail Community Development Department for review and approval prior toഀ submittal of building permits.ഀ Cond: CON0010588ഀ The Developer shall enter into a permanent skier drop-off operation and maintenanceഀ agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the standards,ഀ responsibilities and procedures for the permanent skier drop-off facility on theഀ North Day Lot, prior to submitting for building permits.ഀ Cond: CON0010589ഀ The Developer shall enter into a construction easement agreement for thoseഀ improvements to be constructed on Town of Vail owned property (Tract C and Part ofഀ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, First Filing) adjacent to the development site, in aഀ form satisfactory to the Town, prior to submitting for building permits.ഀ Cond: CON0010590ഀ The Developer shall submit a construction staging and parking plan to the Town ofഀ Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior to submittingഀ for building permits. The purpose of the plan shall be to document how and where theഀ Developer commits to providing the requisite construction staging and constructionഀ worker parking for the duration of the North Day Lot employee housing and skierഀ drop-off construction project and to minimize the negative impacts of constructionഀ worker parking on existing public and private parking facilities.ഀ Cond: CON0010591ഀ The Developer shall submit a permanent cross-access easement for the use of aഀ portion of Town land (Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing) forഀ circulation needs associated with the employee housing project, in a formഀ satisfactory to the Town, prior to requesting any certificate of occupancy for theഀ project.ഀ Cond: CON0010592ഀ The Developer shall provide the Town with the legally executed and duly recordedഀ deed restriction(s) with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office in a formഀ satisfactory to the Town for the 120 on-site employee beds, prior to requesting anyഀ certificate of occupancy for the project.ഀ Planner: Warren Campbell PEC Fee Paid: $800.00ഀ I 0 n -ഀ a Aഀ Revised Conditions of Approval for the North ay Lot employee housing and skier Iഀ drop-off presented at the evening session public hearing March 3, 2009 W !lഀ VI. CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ On February 9, 2009, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved,ഀ with conditions, a request for a major exterior alteration to allow for theഀ redevelopment of the property known as the "North Day Lot". The conditionsഀ placed on the approval were as follows:ഀ (Recommended modifications are shown in bold and stFi4~~Q9l4)ഀ 1) The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the public skierഀ drop-off, in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the extent,ഀ rights, and privileges associated with the permanent nine-space, publicഀ skier drop-off, for review and approval by no later than April 7, 2009.ഀ 2) The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the potential Southഀ Frontage Road access point into the site, in a form satisfactory to theഀ Town, as depicted on Sheet C1.01, dated January 30, 2009, for reviewഀ and approval by no later than April 7, 2009.ഀ 3) The Developer shall enter into a revised employee housing agreement, inഀ a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the dates by whichഀ building permit applications will be submitted and construction shallഀ commence.ഀ . This agreementഀ shall be in place within 30 days of appFeval ef the FnajgF .ഀ by no later than April 7, 2009.ഀ 4) The-DeTeleppeF Shall -eRt into a-re'J1sed peRnanent skier dFop offഀ shallഀ pFejeGt whiGh GaR be negetiated by the Town rA Vail This agFeemeRt shallഀ 5) The Developer shall provide the Town a construction schedule for theഀ North Day Lot employee housing and permanent skier drop-off projects forഀ review and approval by the Town of Vailഀ the maj9F eAeFier alteF ati°n. by no later than April 7, 2009. Saidഀ schedule shall include, but not be limited to, identification of a buildingഀ permit submittal date, a commencement of construction date, and aഀ completion of construction/delivery date for the projects. This scheduleഀ shall be utilized in the review of condition 4 aRd-5 3 included with thisഀ approval.ഀ I^ a• eഀ ii •ഀ . Cer Deeion Reviewഀ 6) the DeTelopeF FeGeives fmR-;41-review and appFev l of the-PF9P9ഀ s►ഀ :=e+•• yഀ Prior to Submitting for Building Permitsഀ 7) The Developer submits a complete set of civil engineered drawings of theഀ Approved Development Plans including the required off site improvements,ഀ to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review andഀ approval of the drawings, prior to making application for the issuance of aഀ building permit for the North Day Lot improvements.ഀ 8) That the Developer shall provide a plan for review and approval by theഀ appropriate reviewing authority, depending on the plan submitted, forഀ temperary replacement of the 105 parking spaces currently on the Northഀ Day Lot.ഀ €ver Van! er some the Prejec..The plan providing fer 105ഀ manor. shall he merle for the entirety of the time period that paFkiRg ir• notഀ available en the Nerth Day Let OF in a neFFnaRPnt leeatien R--rh Cverഀ This plan shall be pFevided submitted to the Town of Vailഀ Community Development Department for review and approval prior toഀ submittal of building permits.ഀ 9) The Developer shall enter into a permanent skier drop-off operation andഀ maintenance agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Town, whichഀ establishes the standards, responsibilities and procedures for theഀ permanent skier drop-off facility on the North Day Lot, prior to submittingഀ for building permits.ഀ 10) The Developer shall enter into a constructionഀ easement agreement for those improvements to be constructed in T-FaGഀ on Town of Vail owned propertyഀ (Tract C and Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, First Filing)ഀ adjacent to the development site, in a form satisfactory to the Town,ഀ prior to submitting for building permits.ഀ T) The Developer r•hall submit a eenctrUGtien anness easement for the workഀ peFmaneRt s rഀ newഀ 12) The Developer shall submit a construction staging and parking planഀ to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for reviewഀ and approval, prior to submitting for building permits. The purposeഀ of the plan shall be to document how and where the Developerഀ commits to providing the requisite construction staging andഀ construction worker parking for the duration of the North Day Lotഀ Kഀ employee housing and skier drop-off construction project and toഀ minimize the negative impacts of construction worker parking onഀ existing public and private parking facilities.ഀ Prior to Requesting a Any Certificate of Occupancyഀ 13) The Developer shall submit a permanent cross-access easement for theഀ use of a portion of Town land (Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Firstഀ Filing) for circulation needs associated with the employee housing project,ഀ in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior to requesting a any certificate ofഀ occupancy for the project.ഀ 14) The Developer shall provide the Town with the legally executed and dulyഀ recorded TypeIII deed restriction(s) with the Eagle County Clerk &ഀ Recorder's Office in a form satisfactory to the Town for the 32 en sateഀ employee housing uRits 120 on-site employee beds, prior to the °e~aഀ ef-a requesting any certificate of occupancy for the project.ഀ MEMORANDUMഀ TO: Vail Town Councilഀ FROM: Community Development Departmentഀ DATE: March 3, 2009ഀ SUBJECT: An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vailഀ Planning and Environmental Commission's approval, with conditions, of a major exteriorഀ alteration, pursuant to Section 12-71-1-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Townഀ Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the property known as the "North Day Lot", with aഀ multiple unit employee housing project, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1,ഀ Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080009)ഀ Appellant: Vail Town Councilഀ Planner: Warren Campbell/George Rutherഀ L SUMMARYഀ On February 17, 2009, the Vail Town Council "called-up" the decision of the Town of Vail Planningഀ and Environmental Commission granted an approval, with conditions, of a development applicationഀ intended to facilitate the construction of a multiple unit employee housing project and public skierഀ drop facility. The expressed purpose of the call-up is to allow the Town Council the opportunity toഀ evaluate and consider the required conditions of approval.ഀ II. SUBJECT PROPERTYഀ The subject property, the "North Day Lot", is located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1,ഀ Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3.ഀ III. STANDING OF APPELLANTഀ Pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, the Vail Town Council has standing to "call-ഀ up" a decision of the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission.ഀ IV. REQUIRED ACTIONഀ The Vail Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modify the Town of Vail Planning andഀ Environmental Commission conditions of approval.ഀ Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to makeഀ findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code:ഀ "The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directlyഀ on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must supportഀ conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of thisഀ title (i. e. Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code) have or have not been met. "ഀ V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONഀ The Community Development Department recommends the Vail Town Council modifies theഀ Planning and Environmental Commission conditions of approval. Staffs recommendation isഀ based upon our review of the conditions and the necessary sequencing of events that mustഀ occur and existing obligations (ie, skier drop off) that must be addressed by the applicant.ഀ A summary of the modifications to theconditions of approval include:ഀ • Accelerating the timeframe for providing the skier drop-off easement and South Frontageഀ Road easements to April 7, 2009 to ensure that the Town receives these commitmentsഀ regardless of the timing of the employee housing improvements,ഀ • Modifying the timeframe for compliance with the housing agreement, permanent skier dropഀ off agreement and approval of a proposed construction schedule to 57 days to allow forഀ Town Council review on March 3d, March 17th, and April 7th Town Council meetings,ഀ • Eliminating the obligation for Design Review Board approval as this action was completedഀ on February 18, 2009 and thus no longer needed,ഀ • Further clarifying the requirement for no net loss of 105 existing parking spaces inഀ Lionshead,ഀ • Eliminated redundancy between several of the conditions and combined them into one newഀ condition, and;ഀ • Adding a condition requiring the review and approval of a construction staging and parkingഀ plan.ഀ Should the Vail Town Council choose to modify the request, the Community Developmentഀ Department recommends the following motion:ഀ "The Town Council modifies the Town of Vail Planning and Environmentalഀ Commission's conditions of approval, of a request for a final review of a majorഀ exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, ExteriorAlterations or Modifications,ഀ Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the property known as the "Northഀ Day Lot", with a multiple unit employee housing project, located at 600 Westഀ Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forthഀ details in regard thereto. (PEC08-0009). "ഀ Should the Vail Town Council choose to modify the conditions, the Community Developmentഀ Department recommends the following finding:ഀ "Pursuant to Section 12-3-3-C5, the Vail Town Council finds, in accordance with theഀ Vail Town Code, that the modified conditions ensure that the requirements of theഀ Zoning Regulations and the obligations required of the prior approvals have beenഀ met and/or will be met as a result of the modifications "ഀ VI. CONDITIONS OF APPROVALഀ On February 9, 2009, the Planning and Environmental Commission approved, with conditions, aഀ request for a major exterior alteration to allow for the redevelopment of the property known as theഀ "North Day Lot". The conditions placed on the approval were as follows:ഀ (Recommended modifications are shown in bold and s#iket#Feugfi)ഀ 1) The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the public skier drop-off, in a formഀ satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the extent, rights, and privileges associated withഀ 2ഀ the permanent nine-space, public skier drop-off, for review and approval by no later thanഀ April 7, 2009.ഀ 2) The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the potential South Frontage Roadഀ access point into the site, in a form satisfactory to the Town, as depicted on Sheet C1.01,ഀ dated January 30, 2009, for review and approval by no later than April 7, 2009. pF+erteഀ 3) The Developer shall enter into a revised employee housing agreement, in a formഀ satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the dates by which building permit applicationsഀ will be submitted and construction shall commence for the letter of credit currently posted asഀ security for the project, which can be negotiated by the Town of Vail. This agreement shallഀ be in place . by no later thanഀ April 7, 2009.ഀ seGUFity fGF the pFojeGt whiGh GaR be negotiated by the Town of Vail. Thus agFeemeRtഀ 5) The Developer shall provide the Town a construction schedule for the North Day Lotഀ employee housing and permanent skier drop-off projects for review and approval by theഀ Town of Vail within 30 days of the approval of the FnajGF exteFioF alteFatiwlk by no laterഀ than April 7, 2009. Said schedule shall include, but not be limited to, identification of aഀ building permit submittal date, a commencement of construction date, and a completion ofഀ construction/delivery date for the projects. This schedule shall be utilized in the review ofഀ condition 4,and-5 3 included with this approval.ഀ 6ഀ Thഀ Dഀ vഀ lഀ Fevai of theഀ mഀ esed develoഀ mentഀ lan bഀ final Feview and aഀ )ഀ eഀ eഀ eഀ eഀ ppഀ pഀ pഀ pഀ pഀ yഀ buiidiRgpeFmit-ഀ Prior to Submitting for Building Permitsഀ 7) The Developer submits a complete set of civil engineered drawings of the Approvedഀ Development Plans including the required off site improvements, to the Town of Vailഀ Community Development Department for review and approval of the drawings, prior toഀ making application for the issuance of a building permit for the North Day Lot improvements.ഀ 8) That the Developer shall provide a plan for review and approval by the appropriateഀ reviewing authority, depending on the plan submitted, for tempera replacement of the 105ഀ parking spaces currently on the North Day Lot. that Will Rot be available dwingഀ This plan shall be pFevidedഀ submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for review andഀ approval prior to submittal of building permits.ഀ 3ഀ 9) The Developer shall enter into a permanent skier drop-off operation and maintenanceഀ Awk 1W agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the standards,ഀ responsibilities and procedures for the permanent skier drop-off facility on the North Dayഀ Lot, prior to submitting for building permits.ഀ 10) The Developer shall enter into a construction easement agreementഀ for those improvements to be constructed in TFaGt G, Blerk 1, Vail Lienshead Filing , onഀ Town of Vail owned property (Tract C and Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead, Firstഀ Filing) adjacent to the development site, in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior toഀ submitting for building permits.ഀ 12) The Developer shall submit a construction staging and parking plan to the Town ofഀ Vail Community Development Department for review and approval, prior toഀ submitting for building permits. The purpose of the plan shall be to document howഀ and where the Developer commits to providing the requisite construction staging andഀ construction worker parking for the duration of the North Day Lot employee housingഀ and skier drop-off construction project and to minimize the negative impacts ofഀ construction worker parking on existing public and private parking facilities.ഀ Prior to Requesting a Any Certificate of Occupancyഀ 13) The Developer shall submit a permanent cross-access easement for the use of a portion ofഀ Town land (Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead First Filing) for circulation needsഀ associated with the employee housing project, in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior toഀ requesting a any certificate of occupancy for the projectഀ 14) The Developer shall provide the Town with the legally executed and duly recorded Type I IIഀ deed restrictions with the Eagle County Clerk & Recorder's Office for the 32 on-siteഀ employee housing units, prior to the requesting any certificate of occupancyഀ for the project.ഀ 4ഀ THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTYഀ PUBLIC NOTICEഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearingഀ in accordance with Section 12-3-6, Hearings, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, March 3, 2009, atഀ 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of:ഀ ITEM/TOPIC:ഀ An appeal, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, of the Town of Vail Planning andഀ Environmental Commission's approval of major exterior alterations, pursuant to Section 1 Z7H-7,ഀ Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the propertyഀ known as the "North Day Lot", with a multiple unitemployee housing project, located at 600 Westഀ Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Fling 3, and setting forth details in regardഀ thereto. (PEC080009)ഀ Appellant: Vail Town Councilഀ Planner: Warren Campbellഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection duringഀ regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontageഀ Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the publicഀ hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 forഀ additional information.ഀ Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970)ഀ 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.ഀ MEMORANDUMഀ To: Vail Town Councilഀ From: Community Development Departmentഀ Date: February 17, 2009ഀ Re: PEC Decision Call-up/Appeal Criteriaഀ The purpose of this memorandum is to provide a brief summary of the call-up/appealഀ procedures for a Planning & Environmental Commission decision. A completeഀ description can be found in Chapter 3, Zoning Regulations, Vail Town Code.ഀ Zoning Regulationsഀ Section 12-3-3 (C), Appeals, of the Town of Vail Zoning Regulations prescribes theഀ procedures by which the Town Council may call-up a decision of the Planning &ഀ Environmental Commission.ഀ According the Zoning Regulations, in summary,ഀ • The town council shall have the authority to hear and decide call-ups ("appeals")ഀ of any decision, determination, or interpretation of the PECഀ • A call-up may be initiated by the Town Council upon a majority vote of thoseഀ presentഀ • A call up must occur with 20 calendar days of the decision, determination orഀ interpretation being madeഀ • 15 day notice to adjacent property owners is requiredഀ • A call-up stays all future activity on the application until the call-up is heard andഀ concludedഀ • The town council shall make specific findings of fact based directly on theഀ evidence and testimony presented. Findings of fact must support conclusions thatഀ the standards and conditions imposed have or have not been met (ie, why was theഀ decision in err?, what code section was wrongly interpreted?, how do theഀ conditions imposed not apply?, etc.)ഀ Failure to fully comply with the prescribed zoning regulations may result in a CRCP Ruleഀ 106 (A) (4) action against the Town.ഀ RA-w~ Li~e -q-r APcl ik)a;A' c4l'gpAഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ CO 81657ഀ BOSELLI FAMILY PTNSHPഀ 3195 LAFAYETTE DRഀ BOULDER, CO 80303ഀ VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONഀ DANN PETERഀ PO BOX 5480,ഀ AVON, CO 81620ഀ VAIL CORPഀ PO BOX 7ഀ VAIL, CO 81658ഀ LANDMARK CONDO ASSOCIATIONഀ GEOFFREY WRIGHTഀ 610 W LIONSHEAD CRഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ CONCERT HALL PLAZA CONDOMINIUMഀ ASSOCIATIONഀ JENNIFER L LUFMANഀ 1700 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 2400,ഀ DENVER, CO 80203ഀ MONTANEROS CONDOMINIUMഀ ASSOCIATION, INC.ഀ KEITH ODZAഀ 641 W LIONSHEAD CIR,ഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ THE MARK-LODGE CONDOMINIUMഀ ASSOCIATION, INC.ഀ DAVE PEASEഀ 715 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLEഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ DIAMONDROCK VAIL OWNER LLCഀ C/O DIAMONDROCK HOSPITALITY COഀ 6903 ROCKLEDGE DR STE 800ഀ BETHESDA, MD 20817ഀ FINK, DAVID H. & AMY L.ഀ 2900 LAKEWOODS CTഀ W BLOOMFIELD, MI 48323ഀ VAIL VALLEY RENTALS LLCഀ 140 FAIRFAX STഀ DENVER, CO 80220ഀ ARTINIAN, RONഀ 5 BRISTOL DRഀ MANHASSET, NY 11030ഀ KUSHNER, SANDRA R. & LOUISഀ C/O ROTHMAN GORDON FOREMAN &ഀ GROUDINE PCഀ THIRD FLOOR GRANT BUILDINGഀ PITTSBURGH, PA 15219ഀ ENZIAN AT VAIL CONDOMINIUMഀ ASSOCIATIONഀ GEOFFREY WRIGHTഀ 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR,ഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ CDOTഀ 4201 E. ARKANSAS AVENUEഀ DENVER, CO 80222ഀ HAVENS SEPARATE PROPERTY LIVING VAIL CORPഀ TRUST C/O VAIL RESORTS DEV COഀ GARY J. HAVENS TRUSTEE PO BOX 959ഀ 226 14TH ST AVON, CO 81620ഀ SANTA MONICA, CA 90402ഀ SCHNELL, PAUL & MADELEINE D. LIONSHEAD INN LLCഀ 225 CENTRAL PARK 705 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLEഀ NEW YORK, NY 10024 VAIL, CO 81657ഀ INFINITY HOLDINGS AT VAIL LLCഀ 7400 E CRESTLINE CIR 125ഀ GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111ഀ LIONSHEAD INN LLCഀ MARA M. KLEINSCHMIDTഀ PO BOX 1050ഀ EAGLE, CO 81631ഀ BILLOTTI, PATRICIAഀ 18 POWDER HILLഀ SADDLE RIVER, NJ 07458ഀ ECCKER, JOHN F. & PATRICIA L.ഀ 7734 LAUREL LEAF DRഀ POTOMAC, MD 20854ഀ CAPLA, TOMAS J. & JUDITH Jഀ 2500 JOHNSON AVEഀ RIVERDALE, NY 10463ഀ VAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY -ഀ WESTWINDഀ C/O VAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY,ഀ PO BOX 6130ഀ AVON, CO 81620ഀ HUGHES LAND HOLDING TRUSTഀ 28 ANACAPA ST. SUITE Dഀ SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101ഀ MPG, LLCഀ PO Box 1127ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ S, JEFF P. VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCഀ 9 KIMBALL DR 710 W LIONSHEAD CIRഀ DURHAM, NC 27705 VAIL, CO 81657ഀ MEMORANDUMഀ TO: Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ FROM: Community Development Departmentഀ DATE: February 9, 2009ഀ SUBJECT: A request for a final review of major exterior alterations, pursuant toഀ Section 12-7H-7, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, toഀ allow for the redevelopment of the property known as the "North Day Lot",ഀ with a multiple unit employee housing project, located at 600 Westഀ Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, andഀ setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080009)ഀ Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented byഀ Mauriello Planning Group, LLCഀ Planner: Warren Campbellഀ SUMMARYഀ The applicant, Vail Resort Development Company, represented by Maurielloഀ Planning Group LLC, is requesting final review of a major exterior alteration,ഀ pursuant to Section 12-71-1-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vailഀ Town Code, and a reduction in the required off street parking pursuant to Sectionഀ 12-10-20, Special Review Provisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for theഀ redevelopment of the North Day Lot, currently parking, to include a 32 unitഀ employee housing project, 9 public skier drop off spaces, and 40 parking spaces,ഀ located at 600 West Lionshead Circle.ഀ Upon review of the applicable elements of the Town's planning documents andഀ adopted criteria for review, the Community Development Department isഀ recommending the Planning and Environmental Commission approves, withഀ conditions, the applicant's request for a major exterior alteration and reductionഀ in the off-street parking requirements. A complete summary of Staff's review isഀ provided in Section VIII of this memorandum.ഀ II. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUESTഀ The applicant, Vail Resort Development Company, represented by Maurielloഀ Planning Group LLC, is requesting final review of a major exterior alteration,ഀ pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vailഀ Town Code, and a reduction in the required off street parking pursuant to Sectionഀ 12-10-20, Special Review Provisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for theഀ redevelopment of the North Day Lot which is currently a 105 space parking lot forഀ Vail Resorts employees.ഀ The key elements of the North Day Lot redevelopment include:ഀ A major exterior alteration to construct 32, Type III employee housingഀ units, consisting of 28-four bedroom units and 4-three bedroom units for aഀ total of 124 beds;ഀ A request for a reduction in the required number of parking spaces fromഀ 45 to 40 parking spaces. The provision of 40 parking spaces includes 27ഀ which are enclosed within the lowest level of the proposed structure; andഀ The inclusion of 9 public skier drop-off spaces on the west end of the site;ഀ A copy of the document entitled North Day Lot Employee Housing dated revisedഀ January 30, 2009 (Attachment B), and a reduced set of plans dated February 4,ഀ 2009, are attached for reference (Attachment A).ഀ III. BACKGROUNDഀ • The subject property was annexed into the Town of Vail by Ordinance No.ഀ 8, Series of 1969, which became effective on August 23, 1969.ഀ • On December 15, 1998, the Town of Vail adopted the Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan, which contained site specificഀ recommendations for the North Day Lot.ഀ • On September 27, 2004 the Lionshead Core Site (Arrabelle) wasഀ approved which removed the Sunbird Lodge containing employeeഀ housing. A requirement of the Arrabelle approval and the removal of theഀ Sunbird Lodge was that 120 employee beds needed to be constructed.ഀ • Over the past several months the Town and Vail Resorts Developmentഀ Company have been exploring how to jointly locate employee housingഀ and a transit center on the site. The conclusion was, that while theseഀ uses could be jointly located on the site, the Town was not prepared toഀ invest the resources at this time into a transit facility on this site.ഀ IV. ROLES OF THE REVIEWING BOARDSഀ The purpose of this section of the memorandum is to clarify the responsibilities ofഀ the Design Review Board, Planning and Environmental Commission, Townഀ Council, and Staff on the various applications submitted on behalf of Vail Resortsഀ Development Company.ഀ Exterior Alteration/Modification in the Lionshead Mixed-Use I zoneഀ districtഀ Order of Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by theഀ Planning and Environmental Commission for impacts of use/developmentഀ and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposedഀ buildings and site planning.ഀ Planning and Environmental Commission:ഀ Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible forഀ final approval/denial of a Major/Minor Exterior Alteration. The Planningഀ and Environmental Commission shall review the proposal for complianceഀ with the adopted criteria. The Planning and Environmental Commission'sഀ approval "shall constitute approval of the basic form and location ofഀ improvements including siting, building setbacks, height, building bulk andഀ mass, site improvements and landscaping."ഀ 2ഀ Design Review Board.ഀ Action: The Design Review Board has no review authority on a Major orഀ Minor Exterior Alteration, but must review any accompanying Designഀ Review Board application.ഀ Town Council:ഀ Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmentalഀ Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Townഀ Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning andഀ Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvalsഀ or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn theഀ board's decision.ഀ V. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTSഀ Staff has provided portions of the Vail Town Code and several master plansഀ which are relevant to the proposed topics for the review of the proposedഀ redevelopment proposal.ഀ Zoning Regulationsഀ Lionshead Mixed Use -1 Zone District (in part)ഀ 12-7H-1: PURPOSE.ഀ The Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district is intended to provide sites for aഀ mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges, hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeഀ shares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercialഀ establishments in a clustered, unified development. Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zoneഀ district, in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, isഀ intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenitiesഀ appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain theഀ desirable qualities of the District by establishing appropriate site developmentഀ standards. This District is meant to encourage and provide incentives forഀ redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ 12-7H-18: MITIGATION OF DEVELOPMENT IMPACTS:ഀ Property owners/developers shall also be responsible for mitigating directഀ impacts of their development on public infrastructure and in all cases mitigationഀ shall bear a reasonable relation to the development impacts. Impacts may beഀ determined based on reports prepared by qualified consultants. The extent ofഀ mitigation and public amenity improvements shall be balanced with the goals ofഀ redevelopment and will be determined by the planning and environmentalഀ commission in review of development projects and conditional use permits.ഀ Mitigation of impacts may include, but is not limited to, the following: roadwayഀ improvements, pedestrian walkway improvements, streetscape improvements,ഀ stream tracbbank improvements, public art improvements, and similarഀ improvements. The intent of this section is to only require mitigation for largeഀ scale redevelopment/development projects which produce substantial off siteഀ impacts.ഀ Off Street Parking and Loading (in part)ഀ 12-10-20: Special Review Provisions:ഀ Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12-10-18 of this chapter, the planningഀ and environmental commission may approve a reduction to the number ofഀ required spaces specified in section 12-10-10 of this chapter, provided a reportഀ documenting the presence of unique parking characteristics is provided by aഀ qualified consultant and the following findings are made by the planning andഀ environmental commission:ഀ A. The parking demand will be less than the requirements identified in sectionഀ 12-10-10 of this chapter; andഀ B. The probable long term use of the building or structure, based on its design,ഀ will not generate additional parking demand; andഀ C. The use or activity is part of a demonstrated permanent program (including,ഀ but not limited to, "rideshare" programs, shuttle service, or staggered workഀ shifts) intended to reduce parking demand that has been incorporated intoഀ the project's final approved development plan; andഀ D. Proximity or availability of alternative modes of transportation (including, butഀ not limited to, public transit or shuttle services) is significant and integral toഀ the nature of the use or business activity.ഀ In reaching a decision, the planning and environmental commission shallഀ consider survey data submitted by a qualified transportation planning orഀ engineering consultant. Projects under "special review" are subject to additionalഀ scrutiny by the planning and environmental commission after development planഀ approval if it is deemed necessary to verify continued compliance with the aboveഀ listed criteria. The maximum allowable reduction in the number of requiredഀ spaces shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the total number requiredഀ under section 12-10-10 of this chapter.ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (in part)ഀ Chapter 2, Introductionഀ 2.3 Policy Objectivesഀ The Town Council adopted six policy objectives on November 4,ഀ 1996 to outline the important issues to be addressed in the masterഀ plan and to provide a policy framework for the master planningഀ process.ഀ 2.3.1 Renewal and Redevelopmentഀ Lionshead can and should be renewed and redeveloped toഀ become a warmer, more vibrant environment for guestsഀ and residents. Lionshead needs an appealing andഀ 4ഀ coherent identity, a sense of place, a personality, aഀ purpose, and an improved aesthetic character.ഀ 2.3.2 Vitality and Amenitiesഀ We must seize the opportunity to enhance guestഀ experience and community interaction through expandedഀ and additional activities and amenities such as performingഀ arts venues, conference facilities, ice rinks, streetscape,ഀ parks and other recreational improvements.ഀ 2.3.4 Improved Access and Circulationഀ The flow of pedestrian, vehicular, bicycle and mass transitഀ traffic must be improved within and through Lionshead.ഀ 2.3.5 Improved Infrastructureഀ The infrastructure of Lionshead (streets, walkways,ഀ transportation systems, parking, utilities, loading andഀ delivery systems, snow removal and storage capacity) andഀ its public and private services must be upgraded to supportഀ redevelopment and revitalization efforts and to meet theഀ service expectations of our guests and residents.ഀ Chapter 3 - Existing Conditions Assessmentഀ 3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parkingഀ Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parkingഀ lots within the study area for its employee parking needs.ഀ The North Day Lot (see fi_gure 3-15), with a capacity ofഀ approximately 105 cars, is located behind the Landmarkഀ tower and is the site proposed for a transportation facility,ഀ employee housing, and other uses contemplated under theഀ zoning on the property (LMU-1). The west day lot, -locatedഀ just west of the Marriott parking structure, has anഀ approximate capacity of 160 cars and represents aഀ significant development opportunity. Parking displaced byഀ redevelopment of these sites must be replaced within theഀ Lionshead study area to satisfy the ground rule requiringഀ no net loss of parking. The displaced parking will beഀ provided in West Lionshead within a parking structureഀ included as part of the EverVail project.ഀ Chapter 4, Master Plan Recommendations - Overall Study Areaഀ This section of the master plan addresses issues that affect Lionshead as aഀ whole. These issues, and recommendations to address them, should beഀ considered in all planning and policy decisions as Lionshead develops.ഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stopഀ It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop,ഀ currently located at the Lionshead Place cul-de-sac, beഀ relocated to the proposed North Day Lot, the Lionsheadഀ parking structure, and West Lionshead. This will provide aഀ Lionshead connection between the regional transit systemഀ and the Town of Vail transit system. In addition, visitorsഀ and employees coming to Lionshead by regional bus willഀ arrive at a defined portal instead of the current "back door"ഀ on Lionshead Place. Finally, this will remove the largeഀ regional buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionsheadഀ Place. It may be possible to locate elements of a regionalഀ transit stop in the West Lionshead area in conjunction withഀ a new ski lift and parking facility. However, given itsഀ location on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may notഀ be the most viable location for a regional transit stop.ഀ Notwithstanding the above, facilities for skier drop-off,ഀ private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses shouldഀ be included in the design of the ski lift and parking facility.ഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vailഀ Transportation Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiatedഀ a development competition for the Lionshead Parkingഀ Structure redevelopment, which would include a transitഀ facility. It is anticipated that the Transportation Masterഀ Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionsheadഀ Parking Structure redevelopment process will provideഀ direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transitഀ Facility and/or the type of transit facilities that may beഀ necessary in West Lionshead.ഀ 4.8 Parkingഀ Parking is a critical component in a mixed-use resort environmentഀ such as Lionshead, and any efforts to enhance this componentഀ should adhere to the following goals and guidelines:ഀ a. Parking must be sufficient to meet demand. Correctlyഀ assessing parking demand in an environment such asഀ Lionshead is difficult but extremely important.ഀ Overestimating parking demand can be as damaging asഀ underestimating demand due to the extreme expense ofഀ parking space (especially if structured) in a real estateഀ environment such as the Vail Valley. Likewise, parking is aഀ large consumer of ground and should be designed to occupyഀ as little real estate as possible. In tight margin developmentsഀ such as mid-range hotels and locals/employee housing, theഀ expense of parking can be the deciding factor as to theഀ economic viability of the project. Due to these attributes ofഀ parking, it is important that true demand, or desired demand,ഀ be distinguished from actual usage. For example, the "freeഀ after three" program currently in place for the Town of Vailഀ parking structures has undoubtedly increased the usage ofഀ 6ഀ these structures during the evening hours (the Lionsheadഀ structure filled in the evening for the first time in 1998).ഀ However, there has not been a corresponding increase inഀ sales tax revenue, which was the original intent of "free afterഀ three". (Note- concrete studies regarding the utilization of theഀ "free after three" program have not been conducted and it isഀ strongly recommended that this occur if the program is toഀ continue). It is hypothesized that a significant portion ofഀ people utilizing the free parking program are in fact employeesഀ or people that would have used transit or other means ofഀ access if the parking were not as readily available. In otherഀ words, parking usage often will rise to fill the available space,ഀ but the profile of the user may not be who the parking wasഀ intended for. To be concise, the parking supply in Lionsheadഀ and the Town of Vail needs to not only meet the demand, itഀ needs to meet the desired demand and should be structuredഀ or programmed in such as way to do so. Parking is important,ഀ but too expensive and land consuming to be provided withoutഀ solid reasoning.ഀ a. Parking should be visually inconspicuous. Parking should beഀ structured below ground whenever possible. Surface parkingഀ areas should be heavily screened with landscaping, berms,ഀ and walls. Expanses of asphalt should be interrupted withഀ islands of landscaping or replaced with pedestrian qualityഀ paving materials. Surface parking areas should be avoided inഀ or near the retail pedestrian core area. Although structuredഀ parking may be more desirable visually, it must be properlyഀ designed so as not to detract from the guest's arrivalഀ experience.ഀ 4.9 Housingഀ 4.9.4 Potential Housing Sitesഀ Following are specific sites that have been identified asഀ suitable for locals and employee housing (see Map M.ഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site,ഀ Vail Professional Building, Cascade Crossing,ഀ North Day Lot, and the former gas station siteഀ All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need toഀ conform to the Town's housing policies andഀ requirements. In order to create activity andഀ vibrancy in West Lionshead it is appropriate toഀ include some dispersed employee housingഀ opportunities for permanent local residents inഀ proposed developments in the area consistentഀ with these policies.ഀ Perhaps the most Promising locations toഀ replace the Sunbird affordable housin4ഀ 7ഀ project and to conform to the Town's housingഀ policies and requirements for new employeeഀ housing --generation in Lionshead are theഀ North Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, andഀ Holy Cross site. However, housing is not the onlyഀ use these three properties will need to support.ഀ The North Day lot is considered to be theഀ preferred location for a significant housingഀ project in Lionshead to replace the Sunbirdഀ affordable housing project and provideഀ housing for new employee --generation. Theഀ North Day Lot may also need to accommodate aഀ transit center on the ground level of theഀ development site. Additionally, it may beഀ necessary to develop a higher revenue-ഀ generating product on a portion of the Vailഀ Associates service yard, Holy Cross, Vailഀ Professional Building, and Cascade Crossingഀ sites in order to defray the cost of road andഀ infrastructure improvements.ഀ In planning the site, the following issues need toഀ be considered. While it is important that buildingsഀ here be visually consistent with the overallഀ character of Lionshead, the desire to maximizeഀ the housing potential may make appropriate theഀ following deviations from standard developmentഀ parameters:ഀ a. Densityഀ The site offers a unique opportunity to achieveഀ significant density. It is recommended that theഀ standards for density (units per acre) beഀ increased at this location to allow for a greaterഀ number of employee housing units. While it isഀ important that buildings here be visuallyഀ consistent with the overall character ofഀ Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housingഀ potential may make appropriate the followingഀ deviations from standard developmentഀ parameters.ഀ b. Building Height for Employee Housingഀ It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overallഀ building height than is otherwise allowed underഀ the Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines.ഀ Any increase in building height will need to beഀ reviewed on a case by case basis by the Town ofഀ Vail, and any eventual building height will stillഀ need to be visually appropriate for this location.ഀ c. Parkingഀ It may be appropriate to reduce the parkingഀ requirements for employee housing at thisഀ location --given the sites proximity toഀ transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrianഀ routes. In consideration for reducing employeeഀ parking for the housing provided on this site,ഀ parking for other employees of the ownerഀ provided on this site should be considered.ഀ Excess parking may be used to satisfy the no netഀ loss of parking policy or for future parkingഀ requirements of other development on theഀ property.ഀ d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area andഀ Setbacksഀ Consideration should also be given to increasingഀ site coverage and reducing setbacks andഀ landscape area in order to maximize the amountഀ of employee housing on the site and/or due toഀ impacts associated with the development of aഀ public transportation facility on the property. Withഀ any deviation to development standardsഀ prescribed in the master plan and zoningഀ regulations, consideration of impacts should beഀ afforded to the neighboring residential uses to theഀ North Day Lot. Any design with such deviationsഀ will need to be sensitive to creating good designsഀ with mitigation measures such as heatedഀ sidewalks and well planned landscape materials.ഀ Additionally due to impacts from the Town'sഀ dispersed transportation center on neighboringഀ residential uses, mitigation measures should beഀ provided to buffer and screen residential uses.ഀ e. Encroachments on Town Landഀ The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land onഀ the north side of the north day lot whichഀ accommodates the pedestrian bridge over theഀ interstate highway. This land was dedicated toഀ the Town by Vail Associates in 1976. In order toഀ allow for more efficient layout andഀ development of employee housing on the siteഀ and/or the dispersed transportation facility,ഀ the Town should --give consideration toഀ allowing development of employee housingഀ and/or transportation uses on this parcel ofഀ land as part of the development of the northഀ day lot,ഀ 9ഀ Chapter 5 - Detailed Plan Recommendationsഀ 5.9 North Day Lotഀ While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, considerationഀ should be given by the owner and the Town to including transportationഀ related uses on the ground floor. Ideally the uses to be considered for theഀ site should include skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local andഀ regional private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (see figureഀ 5-13). By relocating these functions from their existing locations to easilyഀ accessible locations, this would improve the quality of vehicular andഀ pedestrian circulation in Lionshead and create a significant newഀ pedestrian portal into the center of the Lionshead retail mall. Based uponഀ the results of the traffic study (see appendix A), the dispersedഀ transportation facilities may include:ഀ a. Skier drop-off. Nine spaces are recommended at aഀ minimum, but more should be built if possible toഀ accommodate other pro-gram elements,ഀ b. Town of Vail transit: Two bus spaces are recommended toഀ accommodate the West Vail transit loop and the possibility forഀ an eastbound in-town shuttle stop.ഀ c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommendedഀ d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommended.ഀ e. Local and regional shuttles: Four shuttle van spaces areഀ recommended at a minimum.ഀ It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and thatഀ the location and shape of this parcel may not allow for all of the usesഀ identified above without having significant implications to traffic circulationഀ patterns and the owners ability to develop the site with a qualityഀ development as allowed under zoning for the property (the site isഀ considered one development site for the purposes of zoning). Thereഀ needs to be a balance between the development goals for the propertyഀ and the impact of public uses on those goals. In order to meet theഀ obligations of agreements regarding the Arrabelle project (core site), at aഀ minimum skier drop off must occur on this site. As discussed below,ഀ the Lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provideഀ opportunities for some of the transportation functions identified above.ഀ Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize theഀ opportunities for employee housing on the property, developmentഀ standards such as site coverage, landscape area, north side setbacks,ഀ and building height may be adjusted to afford more flexibility to theഀ property owner (see section and approved by the Planning andഀ Environmental Commission.ഀ In order to create more efficiency with the site development and toഀ mitigate for the presence of a public transportation facility on privateഀ property, the Town may allow for encroachment of uses on the parcelഀ of land owned by the Town on the north side of the north day lot.ഀ This encroachment may also help to mitigate impacts to adjacentഀ 10ഀ properties to the south by maintaining adequate setbacks. There may beഀ CO a need to move or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and accessഀ as part of the transportation facility.ഀ A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be itsഀ impact on the adjacent Landmark Tower and Townhomes and theഀ Westwind depicted in figure 5-13a, a linear building, screen, and/orഀ landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of the site toഀ screen the lower levels of the Landmark properties from theഀ transportation facility. If necessary to provide adequate buffering a wall orഀ fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen could house a busഀ shelter and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a smallഀ food and beverage operation, and an elevator core to the pedestrian mallഀ level for ADA access needs. To the east, earthwork, landscaping, and/ orഀ other screening measures should be considered to buffer the Westwind.ഀ The dispersed transportation facility may be covered by employeeഀ housing or other uses contemplated by the Lionshead Mixed Use Zoningഀ -1 and any exemptions/deviations discussed herein. Specifically, theഀ design of the transportation center should address all impacts: visual,ഀ security, sound, and smell that may affect adjacent properties. Both theഀ Westwind and the Landmark should be closely involved in the transitഀ center planning and design process.ഀ Since the adoption of the Lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plansഀ were developed to locate a Transit Center at the North Day Lot.ഀ Integrating the number of uses mentioned above and addressing theഀ neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town ofഀ Vail to evaluate alternative locations for a transit center.ഀ Alternative locations include:ഀ West Lionsheadഀ Lionshead Parking Structureഀ North Day Lotഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportationഀ Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a development competitionഀ for the Lionshead Parking Structure which would include a transit facility.ഀ It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along withഀ the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provideഀ direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit Facility.ഀ Vail Land Use Planഀ The goals articulated in the plan reflect the desires of the citizenry. The goalഀ statements that were developed reflect a general consensus of the commentsഀ shared at public meetings. The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are toഀ be used as the Town's adopted policy guidelines in the review process for newഀ development proposals.ഀ According to the Official Town of Vail Land Use Plan map, the applicant'sഀ proposed redevelopment site is located with the "Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ Master Plan" land use category. Pursuant to the Plan, the "Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan" land use category description,ഀ "Included in this category are those properties which are identified -asഀ being included in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan boundaries.ഀ Properties located within this land use category shall be encouraged toഀ redevelop, per the Master Plan recommendations, as it has been foundഀ that it is necessary in order for Vail to remain a competitive four-seasonഀ resort. Uses and activities for these areas are intended to encourage aഀ safe, convenient and an aesthetically-pleasing guest experience. Theഀ range of uses and activities appropriate in the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ Master Plan (LRMP) land use category may include skier and resortഀ services, ski lifts, ski trails, base facilities, public restrooms, ticket sales,ഀ clubs, public plazas, open spaces, parking and loading/deliveryഀ facilities/structures, public utilities, residential, lodges, accommodationഀ units, deed restricted employee housing, retail businesses, professionalഀ and business offices, personal services, and restaurant uses."ഀ VI.ഀ ZONING ANALYSISഀ Address/Legal Description: 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vailഀ Lionshead Filing 3ഀ Parcel Size: 1.09 acre (47,480.4 sq. ft.)ഀ Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1ഀ Land Use Designation: Linshead Redevelopment Master Planഀ Development Standardഀ Allowedഀ Existingഀ Proposedഀ Lot Area:ഀ 10,000 sq. ft.ഀ 47,480.4 sq. ft.ഀ 47,480.4 sq. ft.ഀ Setbacks All Sides: 10 ft. NA North - 30 ft.ഀ East- 11 ft.ഀ West- 11 ft.ഀ South- 16 ft.ഀ Building Height: 82.5 ft. max NA 70.8 ft. maxഀ 71 ft. avg. NA avg.ഀ Density: DUs (35/ac.) - 38 NA NAഀ EHUs (unlimited) NA 32 unitsഀ GRFA: 118,701 sq. ft. NA NAഀ Site Coverage: 33,236 sq. ft. NA 13,675 sq. ft.ഀ (70%) (28.8%)ഀ Landscape Area: 9,496 sq. ft. (20%) NA 18,544 sq. ft. (39%)ഀ 12ഀ Parking: 1.4/EHU 105 spaces 40 EHUsഀ (27 enclosed 67.5)ഀ 9 skier drop-offഀ Loading 1 berth NA 1 berthsഀ VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONINGഀ Land Useഀ Zoningഀ North:ഀ Interstateഀ NAഀ South:ഀ Residentialഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districtഀ East:ഀ Residentialഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districtഀ West:ഀ Residentialഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 Districtഀ VIII. CRITERIAഀ Maior Exterior Alterationഀ Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, outlines the reviewഀ criteria for major exterior alteration applications proposed within the Lionsheadഀ Mixed Use 1 (LMU-1) zone district. According to Section 12-71-1-8, Vail Townഀ Code, a major exterior alteration shall be reviewed for compliance with theഀ following criteria:ഀ That the proposed major exterior alteration is in compliance with theഀ purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district;ഀ Staff Response:ഀ The purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district are stated inഀ Section 12-7H-1, Purpose, Vail Town Code. As stated, the Lionsheadഀ Mixed Use 1 zone district is intended to provide sites within the area ofഀ Lionshead for a mixture of multiple-family dwellings, hotels, fractional feeഀ clubs, restaurants, skier services, commercial/retail establishments, andഀ employee housing. The development standards prescribed for the districtഀ were established to provide incentives for development in accordanceഀ with the goals and objectives of the Lionshead Redevelopment Masterഀ Plan. In reviewing the proposed North Day Lot employee housing andഀ skier drop-off plan for compliance with the expressed purposes of theഀ Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district, staff finds that the major exteriorഀ alteration application complies with the intent of the zone district. Theഀ applicant is proposing to develop 34 Type III employee housing units for aഀ total of 120 beds and a 9 space skier drop-off facility, which are permittedഀ under Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zoning.ഀ Staff believes this proposed North Day Lot development complies withഀ this criterion.ഀ 13ഀ 2. That the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of theഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan;ഀ Staff response:ഀ Staff has performed a review of the proposed North Day Lot forഀ compliance with the development requirements of the Lionshead Mixedഀ Use-1 district and Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. In Section VIഀ of this memorandum staff performed a zoning analysis of the project withഀ regards to the development parameters of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1ഀ district. Within this analysis staff determined that the project is inഀ compliance with the development parameters for setbacks, height,ഀ density, GRFA, site coverage, and landscape area.ഀ Furthermore, staff has performed a review of the Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan and found the plan to be in compliance withഀ the site specific recommendations for the North Day Lot. Portions of theഀ Master Plan relative to this request have been provided in Section V ofഀ this memorandum. Staff has also performed a review of the project withഀ regard to Chapter 8, Architectural Design Guidelines, which identifiesഀ requirements for vertical and horizontal fagade stepping, establishment ofഀ hierarchy of materials, height, etc. Staff has found that the proposedഀ structure is 70.8 feet in height with no flat roofs, and has articulatedഀ facades which meet the horizontal and vertical articulation requirements.ഀ In addition, there is a clear base, middle, and upper segmentation to theഀ structure. The Design Review Board will be reviewing the proposal forഀ compliance with the Master Plan with regard to the detailing, fenestration,ഀ material selection and application.ഀ Staff believes this proposed North Day Lot development complies withഀ this criterion.ഀ 3. That the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negativeഀ effect on the character of the neighborhood; and,ഀ Staff Response:ഀ Staff has reviewed the proposed North Day Lot major exterior alterationഀ application and found that the proposed bulk, mass, and height of theഀ structure, comply with the development parameters enumerated withinഀ the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district. The development as proposedഀ is developed at a scale and location on the site which was selected toഀ minimize the impacts and concerns expressed by the Landmark andഀ Westwind projects. Staff and the applicant have worked diligently throughഀ the process to hear and address as many concerns of the neighboringഀ properties as possible. Specifically items which have been includedഀ within the project are building location on the site, heating of the pavedഀ areas to reduce impacts of snow plow activities, and incorporation of aഀ barrier on the Landmark property line to address directing of skier drop-offഀ patrons and residents of the proposed project to the appropriateഀ destinations (Design Review Board will address the appropriateness andഀ design of the proposed barrier).ഀ 14ഀ Staff does not believe there are any significant negative effects on theഀ character of the neighborhood, therefore the proposal is in complianceഀ with this criterion.ഀ 4. That the proposal substantially complies with other applicableഀ elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan.ഀ Staff Response:ഀ Staff has reviewed the proposed North Day Lot major exterior alterationഀ application and found that the proposal impacts the following applicableഀ elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Upon review of the Plan, staffഀ has determined that the following elements of the Plan apply:ഀ Transportation Master Plan (adopted 1993)ഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan (adopted 1998)ഀ Vail Land use Plan (adopted 1986)ഀ With regard to the Transportation Master Plan the applicant provided theഀ Public Works Department with a traffic study and roadway designs whichഀ have been reviewed and addressed by the Town Engineer and have beenഀ found to be correct and in compliance.ഀ Overall, staff believes that the applicant has proven by a preponderance ofഀ the evidence that the proposed amended major exterior alteration is inഀ compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district,ഀ that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan as provided in Section V of this memorandumഀ and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effectഀ on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposal complies withഀ the Vail Land Use Plan designation of the site as Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan.ഀ Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve theഀ major exterior alteration application, the Commission shall make the followingഀ finding as part of the motion:ഀ "Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, theഀ applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before theഀ Planning and Environmental Commission and the Design Review Boardഀ that the proposed major exterior alteration is in compliance with theഀ purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, that the proposal isഀ consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead Redevelopmentഀ Master Plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significantഀ negative effect on the character of the neighborhood, and that the proposalഀ substantially complies with other applicable elements of the Vailഀ Comprehensive Plan."ഀ 15ഀ Off Street Parking Requirement Reductionഀ Section 12-10-20, Special Review Provisions, Vail Town Code, outlines theഀ review criteria for requesting a reduction in the required off street parking for aഀ development. According to Section 12-10-20, Vail Town Code, a reduction to theഀ required off-street parking requirement shall be reviewed for compliance with theഀ following criteria:ഀ That parking demand will be less than the requirements identified inഀ Section 12-10-10 of this Chapter; andഀ Staff Response:ഀ The parking requirement for the 32 employee housing units proposed isഀ 1.4 spaces per unit. This results in a requirement of 44.8 parking spacesഀ for the site. The applicant is requesting that the required parking for theഀ proposed development be reduced to 40 parking spaces of which 27ഀ would be enclosed within the lowest level of the structure.ഀ The Town has reviewed several employee housing developments andഀ developments which contain employee housing and determined that thereഀ are instances where a reduction in parking is warranted. The proposedഀ project will be owned and operated by Vail Resorts and occupied byഀ employees working on the mountain. It is anticipated that the majority ofഀ the occupants will be seasonal workers whom will not need a vehicle toഀ travel to their place of work. It is furthermore anticipated that vail Resortsഀ will offer occupancy of these units to employees who come without a carഀ first as they do in other projects they operate.ഀ Section, Parking, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, statesഀ the following which identifies the possible benefits of reducing the parkingഀ on the North Day Lot:ഀ It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements forഀ employee housing at this location given the sites proximity toഀ transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes.ഀ Staff believes the proposal to reduce the required parking by 4.8 spacesഀ meets this criterion.ഀ 2. The probable long term use of the building or structure, based on itsഀ design will not generate additional parking demand; andഀ Staff Response:ഀ The proposed employee housing on the North Day Lot is comprised of 28ഀ four-bedroom and 4 three-bedroom dormitory style units. These unitഀ sizes result in an average of 281 square feet per employee in the fourഀ bedroom units and 316 square feet in the three bedroom units. It hasഀ been the experience of the Town that units of this configuration and in aഀ location with great proximity to the work generator require fewer parkingഀ spaces. Furthermore, there will be deed restrictions placed upon eachഀ 16ഀ unit within this development which will limit the ability to change the useഀ and occupancy over time without direct involvement with the Town.ഀ Staff believes that the ownership, unit configuration, and recorded deedഀ restrictions will result in the long term use of the structure as proposedഀ currently which results in fewer need parking spaces.ഀ 3. The use or activity is part of a demonstrated permanent programഀ (including, but not limited to, "rideshare" programs, shuttle service,ഀ or staggered work shifts) intended to reduce parking demand thatഀ has been incorporated into the project's final approved developmentഀ plan: andഀ Staff Response:ഀ While the proposal does not included any managed solutions as identifiedഀ in the above criterion, the applicant is proposing to operate the occupancyഀ of these units as they do in other development they operate which giveഀ priority to those occupants that do not have a car. Furthermore, there areഀ on-site laundry services which further reduce the need for transit needs.ഀ Staff believes the proposal complies with this criterion.ഀ 4. Proximity or availability of alternative modes of transportationഀ (including, but not limited to, public transit or shuttle services) isഀ significant and integral to the nature of the uses or businessഀ activity.ഀ Staff Response:ഀ The proposed North Day Lot employee housing development is on theഀ periphery of the Lionshead retail core which has access to numerousഀ services and bus lines. There are bus stops at Concert Hall plaza and onഀ East Lionshead Circle which are within walking distance of theഀ development. These bus stops integrate into the larger public transitഀ system in the Town and the County.ഀ Staff believes there is access to alternative modes of transportation thatഀ warrant a reduction in 4.8 parking spaces for the North day Lot employeeഀ housing development.ഀ Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve theഀ reduction to the required off street parking application, the Commission shallഀ make the following finding as part of the motion:ഀ "Pursuant to Section 12-10-20, Special Review Provisions, Vail Townഀ Code, the applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidenceഀ before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposedഀ project will create a parking demand which is less than the requirementsഀ identified in Section 12-10-10 of this Chapter, the probable long term useഀ of the building or structure, based on its design will not generate additionalഀ parking demand, the use or activity is part of a demonstrated permanentഀ 17ഀ program intended to reduce parking demand that has been incorporatedഀ into the project's final approved development plan, and the proximity orഀ availability of alternative modes of transportation is significant and integralഀ to the nature of the uses or business activity."ഀ IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONഀ The Community Development Department recommends that the Planning andഀ Environmental Commission approves, with conditions, the request for finalഀ review of an amended major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7,ഀ Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, and a reduction inഀ the required off street parking pursuant to Section 12-10-20, Special Reviewഀ Provisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for the redevelopment of the North Day Lotഀ to include a 32 unit employee housing project, 40 parking spaces, and 9 publicഀ skier drop off spaces, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Part of Lot 1, Blockഀ 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Staff'sഀ recommendation is based upon the review of the major exterior alteration reviewഀ and off street parking reduction criteria outlined in Section VIII of thisഀ memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented at the public hearing.ഀ Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve theഀ major exterior alteration and off street and parking reduction recommended; Staffഀ recommends that the Commission makes the following finding as part of theഀ motion and findings:ഀ "Pursuant to Section 12-7H-8, Compliance Burden, Vail Town Code, theഀ applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidence before theഀ Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposed major exteriorഀ alteration is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead Mixed Use-ഀ 1 zone district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements ofഀ the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and that the proposal does notഀ otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character of theഀ neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with otherഀ applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan.ഀ Pursuant to Section 12-10-20, Special Review Provisions, Vail Townഀ Code, the applicant has proven by a preponderance of the evidenceഀ before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposedഀ project will create a parking demand which is less than the requirementsഀ identified in Section 12-10-10 of this Chapter, the probable long term useഀ of the building or structure, based on its design will not generate additionalഀ parking demand, the use or activity is part of a demonstrated permanentഀ program intended to reduce parking demand that has been incorporatedഀ into the project's final approved development plan, and the proximity orഀ availability of alternative modes of transportation is significant and integralഀ to the nature of the uses or business activity."ഀ Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve theഀ major exterior alteration and off street parking reduction as submitted by theഀ applicant, staff recommends that the following conditions be placed on theഀ approval:ഀ 18ഀ For Design Reviewഀ 1) That the Developer receives final review and approval of the proposedഀ development plan by the Town of Vail Design Review Board, prior toഀ making an application for the issuance of a building permit.ഀ Prior to Submitting for Buildinq Permitsഀ 2) That the Developer submits a complete set of civil engineered drawings ofഀ the Approved Development Plans including the required off siteഀ improvements, to the Town of Vail Community Development Departmentഀ for review and approval of the drawings, prior to making application for theഀ issuance of a building permit for the North Day Lot improvements.ഀ 3) That the Developer shall provide a plan for review and approval by theഀ appropriate reviewing authority, depending on the plan submitted, forഀ temporary replacement of the 105 parking spaces that will not be availableഀ during construction of the North Day Lot employee housing project andഀ prior to their permanent inclusion within the Ever Vail or some otherഀ project. The plan providing for 105 parking spaces shall be made for theഀ entirety of the time period that parking is not available on the North Dayഀ Lot or in a permanent location such as Ever Vail. This plan shall beഀ provided and approved prior to submittal of building permits.ഀ 4) The Developer shall enter into a revised employee housing agreement, inഀ a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the dates by whichഀ building permits will be submitted and construction shall commence for theഀ letter of credit currently posted as security for the project, which can beഀ negotiated by the Town of Vail. This agreement shall be in place within 30ഀ days of approval of the major exterior alteration.ഀ 5) The Developer shall enter into a revised permanent skier drop-offഀ agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the datesഀ by which building permits will be submitted and construction shallഀ commence for the letter of credit currently posted as security for theഀ project, which can be negotiated by the Town of Vail. This agreementഀ shall be in place within 30 days of approval of the major exterior alteration.ഀ 6) The Developer shall provide the Town a construction schedule for theഀ North Day Lot employee housing and permanent skier drop-off project forഀ review and approval by the Town of Vail within 30 days of the approval ofഀ the major exterior alteration. Said schedule shall include but not be limitedഀ to identification of a building permit submittal date, a commencement ofഀ construction date, and a completion of construction/delivery date. Thisഀ schedule shall be utilized in the review of conditions 4 and 5 included withഀ this approval.ഀ 7) The Developer shall enter into a skier drop-off operation and maintenanceഀ agreement, in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes theഀ deft, standards, responsibilities and procedures for the permanent skier drop-offഀ facility on the North Day Lot, prior to submitting for building permits.ഀ 19ഀ 8) The Developer shall enter into a construction and continued operationഀ agreement for improvements to be constructed in Tract C, Block 1, Vailഀ Lionshead Filing 3, in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior to submittingഀ for building permits.ഀ 9) The Developer shall submit a construction access easement for the workഀ to be performed on the Town owned parcel in conjunction with theഀ permanent skier drop-off, in a form satisfactory to the Town, to allow forഀ construction activities on Town land, prior to submittal of a building permit.ഀ Prior to Reauestinq a Certificate of Occupancഀ 10) The Developer shall submit a permanent easement for the skier drop-off,ഀ in a form satisfactory to the Town, which establishes the extent, rights, andഀ privileges associated with the permanent nine space skier drop-off facility,ഀ prior to requesting a certificate of occupancy.ഀ 11) The Developer shall submit a permanent'easement for the potential Southഀ Frontage Road access point into the site, in a form satisfactory to theഀ Town, as depicted on Sheet C1.01 dated January 30, 2009, prior toഀ requesting a certificate of occupancy.ഀ 12) The Developer shall submit a permanent cross-access easement for theഀ use of a portion of Town land for circulation needs associated with theഀ employee housing project, in a form satisfactory to the Town, prior toഀ requesting a certificate of occupancy.ഀ 13) The Developer shall provide the Town with the legally executed and dulyഀ recorded Type III deed restrictions with the Eagle County Clerk &ഀ Recorder's Office for the 32 on-site employee housing units, prior to theഀ issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the project.ഀ X. ATTACHMENTSഀ A. Copy of proposed plans dated February 4, 2009ഀ B. Document describing the project entitled North Day Lot Employee Housing &ഀ Skier Drop-Off dated revised January 30, 2009ഀ 20ഀ xഀ Q,ഀ Attachment Bഀ VAILഀ Re-Submitted: November 10, 2008ഀ REVISED: January 30, 2009ഀ JA I i~ciഀ Mawiello € Panning Groupഀ I. Table of Contentsഀ 1. Table of Contents 2ഀ II. Consultant Directory 3ഀ III. Introduction 4ഀ IV. Description of Proposal 6ഀ V. North Day Lot Timeline 7ഀ VI. Zoning and Parking Analysis 9ഀ VII. Criteria for Review of Malor Exterior Alteration 10ഀ VIII. Criteria for Review Parking Reduction 19ഀ IX. Adlacents 21ഀ 0ഀ •ഀ 2ഀ II. Consultant Directoryഀ Vail Resorts Development Company Alpine Engineering, Inc.ഀ Brandt Marott Kent Kriehnഀ Tom Miller Jen Babcockഀ 137 Benchmark Road Unit A9, Edwards Business Centerഀ Avon, CO 81620 Edwards, CO 81632ഀ P: 970.754.2528 P: 970.926.3373ഀ F: 970.754.2555 F: 970.926.3390ഀ bmarott@vailresorts.com Kriehn@alpinecivil.comഀ OZ Architectureഀ LandWorks Design, Inc.ഀ Will Hentschelഀ Gary Worthleyഀ Eduardo Illanesഀ 3457 Ringsby Court Unit 1 10ഀ 1820 Folsom Streetഀ Denver, CO 80216ഀ Boulder, Colorado 80302ഀ P: 303.443.4257ഀ P: 303.449.8900ഀ F: 303.433.4359ഀ F: 303.449.3886ഀ gorthley@londworksdesign.comഀ whentschel@ozorch.comഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc,ഀ Mauriello Planning Groupഀ Curtis D. Rowe, P.E., PTOEഀ Dominic Maurielloഀ Allison Kentഀ Suite 1050ഀ 950 Seventeenth Streetഀ PO Box 1 127ഀ Denver, Colorado 80202ഀ 5601 A Wildridge Roadഀ P: 303.228.2300ഀ Avon, Colorado 81620ഀ F: 303.446.8678ഀ P: 970.748.0920ഀ cudis.rowe@kimley-horn.comഀ F: 970.748.0377ഀ allison@mpgvoil.comഀ 2ഀ 3ഀ III. Introductionഀ Vail Resorts Development Company is submitting this application to allow for the development of Employeeഀ Housing on the property commonly referred to as the North Day Lot, located at 600 West lionshead Circle /ഀ Lot 1, Block 1, Vail lionshead Filing 3. We are requesting a review of a major exterior alteration, which theഀ Town Code defines as follows:ഀ 72-7H-7• EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS.-ഀ A. Review Required The construction of a new building or the alteration of on existing building that isഀ not a major exterior alteration as described in subsection B of this section shall be reviewed by theഀ design review board in accordance with chapter I I of this title.ഀ B. Major Exterior Alteration: The construction of a new building or the alteration of an existingഀ building which adds additional dwelling units, accommodation units, fractional fee club units,ഀ timeshare units, any project which adds more than one thousand (7, 000) square feet of commercialഀ floor area or common space, or any project which has substantial off site impacts has determined byഀ the administrator) shall be reviewed by the planning and environmental commission as a major exteriorഀ alteration in accordance with this chapter and section 72-3-6 of this title. Any project which requires aഀ conditional use permit shall also obtain approval of the planning and environmental commission inഀ accordance with chapter 76 of this title. Complete applications for major exterior alterations shall beഀ submitted in accordance with administrative schedules developed by the department of communityഀ development for planning and environmental commission and design review board review.ഀ While the construction of EHUs does not meet the definition of this section, staff has determined that there is theഀ potential for off-site impacts as a result of employee housing, and have deemed it necessary to review theഀ project as a major exterior alteration. No conditional use permits are required for this project.ഀ We are requesting approval of the following:ഀ • Major Exterior Alteration: to allow for 32 Type III employee housing units, totaling 1 24 employeeഀ beds (to fulfill the Arrabelle TCO requirement of 120 beds). The remainder is a credit to fulfill futureഀ Vail Resorts' requirements.ഀ Along with the Major Exterior Alteration, we are requesting approval of a reduction to the number of requiredഀ parking spaces for the employee housing project, as provided for in Section 12-10-20: Special Reviewഀ Provisions, Vail Town Code. This would allow for a reduction in the number of required parking spaces fromഀ 1 .4 per unit to 1 .25 per unit (44.8 spaces to 40 spaces).ഀ The North Day lot is a relatively small development site, consisting of only 1 .09 acres. The property is zonedഀ lionshead Mixed Use - 1 and no mapped hazards exist on the site. In 1976, Vail Resorts deeded theഀ adjacent property (.256 acres) that is now the terminus of the pedestrian overpass to the Town of Vail, furtherഀ constraining the site. The North Day Lot has historically been used as a parking lot, consisting of 105 parkingഀ spaces. Displaced parking from development of the site will be located within the parking structure at Everഀ Jഀ 4ഀ Vail. The property is owned by Vail Resorts and parking has been pass-restricted to Vail Resorts employees. Itഀ is also adjacent to the terminus of the pedestrian overpass, which crosses 1-70 from Red Sandstone Elementaryഀ School.ഀ Based upon the agreement between the Town of Vail and Vail Resorts Development Company, the North Dayഀ Lot is fulfilling the employee housing requirements of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy of the Arrabelle.ഀ The requirements include providing the displaced employee beds from the demolition of the Sunbird, alongഀ with the employee housing requirements from the development of the Arrabelle - a total requirement of 120ഀ beds. There is also a requirement for Vail Resorts to provide skier drop-off that was eliminated from Lionsheadഀ Place as part of the redevelopment of the core site. A total of 9 skier drop-off spaces have been provided.ഀ 0ഀ rഀ Existing conditions at the North Day Lot (winfer 2008).ഀ rഀ Skier Drop-Off signoge (winter 2009)ഀ Exisling Conditions at the North Day Lot (winter 2009)ഀ 5ഀ IV. Description of Proposal ,3ഀ The project consists of the 32 employee housing units, totaling 124 beds. As the current proposal is forഀ employee housing units and the agreement pre-dated the Town's adoption of housing regulations, the projectഀ is exempt from both Chapter 23, Commercial Linkage, and Chapter 24, Inclusionary Zoning.ഀ The requirement from the development of the core site into Arrabelle requires the replacement of 100ഀ employee beds and the provision of 20 beds generated by the Arrabelle project. The measurement of 120ഀ beds is based on the previous method of calculating employee housing requirements. Vail Resorts isഀ proposing 4-bedroom and 3-bedroom units, which fall under the definition of a dormitory unit, as defined byഀ Chapter 23, Vail Town Code:ഀ DORMITORY UNIT.- A type of employee housing unit which houses not more than five (5) persons andഀ includes common kitchen facilities, a common bathroom, and a minimum of two hundred LlNz (250ഀ square feet of GRFA for each person occupying the unit.ഀ This definition was created for exactly the type of housing project being provided. In addition, the Chapterഀ 13, Employee Housing further describes a Type III employee housing unit, limiting it in size to the following:ഀ A. Dwelling Unit.-ഀ 300 square feet minimum.ഀ 1, 200 square feet maximum.ഀ 8. Dormitory Unit-ഀ A type of FHU which houses not more than 5 persons and includes common kitchen facilities,ഀ a common bathroom, and a minimum of 200 square feet of GRFA for each personഀ (NOTE: the definitions of a Type III Employee Housing Unit and the requirements of the Chapter 23, Commercialഀ Linkage are inconsistent)ഀ The proposed unit mix at the North Day Lot is as follows:ഀ Unit Typeഀ No. of unitsഀ No. ofഀ Sq. ft. per unitഀ Total Sq. ft.ഀ No. of employeesഀ Sq. Ft. perഀ Bedroomsഀ (based on # of bedsഀ employeeഀ ovided)ഀ 4-bedroomഀ 28ഀ 112ഀ 1,125ഀ 31,500ഀ 112ഀ 281.25ഀ 3-bedroomഀ 4ഀ 12ഀ 948ഀ 3,792ഀ 12ഀ 316ഀ 6ഀ 4 BR UNIT - 1,118 SFഀ 3 BR UNIT - 948 SFഀ V. North Day Lot Timelineഀ The proposal for employee housing on the North Day lot was originally reviewed by the Planning andഀ Environmental Commission approximately a year ago. Since that time, the proposal on the North Day Lot hasഀ continued to evolve in other forums. A brief description of the timeline provides the background for how theഀ plans have progressed into the current proposal:ഀ • December 11, 2007, amendment to Arrabelle agreement requires 120 beds to be located on theഀ North Day Lot.ഀ ~Iഀ • February 21, 2008, VR submits application to the Town of Vail with employee housing, transit center,ഀ and future development site for a hotel. PEC recommends denial based on future development site.ഀ ~xcwcഀ . Y•p.dഀ iഀ t.ഀ vഀ April 22, 2008, VR resubmits application with employee housing and transit center only. TOV entersഀ into agreement with VR to explore options for the transit center on the site. Over next 5 months, 8ഀ options explored, 4 developed for review.ഀ • September 16, 2008, Town Council decides to not pursue a transit center, but to explore options toഀ put shuttles on the North Day Lot.ഀ • October 21, 2008, Town Council decides not to include shuttles. Directs applicant to proposeഀ employee housing and skier drop-off only.ഀ 7ഀ • November 10, 2008, VR submits plan with employee housing and skier drop-off on the east. Noഀ improvements required on TOV property and exceeds parking requirements. TOV staff indicatesഀ concern with vehicular circulations for the skier drop-off spaces.ഀ • December 23, 2008, VR submits plans with employee housing and skier drop-off on the west, basedഀ on input from TOV staff. No improvements required on TOV property and exceeds parkingഀ requirements. Staff indicates concern with requiring skier drop-off vehicles to back up and requests aഀ one-way circulation pattern.ഀ January 19, 2009, VR re-submits plans with employee housing and skier drop-off on the west. Allowsഀ for one-way vehicular circulation for skier drop-off spaces. Turnaround located partially on TOVഀ property and eliminates excess parking.ഀ , iഀ Jഀ 8ഀ 9 VI. Zoning and Parking Analysisഀ Below is a zoning analysis of the North Day Lot. This analysis is based on the 1 .09 acre North Day lot site.ഀ The site is currently zoned Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 . There is a 30 ft. utility easement along the southഀ property line along the South Frontage Road.ഀ Lot Size: 1 .09 acresഀ 47 465 sn ftഀ Standardഀ Allowedഀ Proposedഀ Setbacks - Northഀ 10 ft.ഀ 10 ft.ഀ Southഀ 10 ft.ഀ 30 ft.ഀ Eastഀ 10 ft.ഀ 10 ft.ഀ Westഀ 10 ft.ഀ 10 ft.ഀ Heightഀ Maxഀ 82.5 ft.ഀ 70.83 ft.ഀ Avero eഀ 71 ft.ഀ NAഀ Densityഀ 38.15 dwelling unitsഀ (35 units per acre)ഀ EHUs do not count towards densityഀ GRFAഀ 118,662 sq. ft.ഀ (250% of site area)ഀ EHUs do not count towards GRFAഀ Site Coverageഀ 33,225 sq. ft.ഀ (70% of site area)ഀ 13,675 sq. ft.ഀ (28.8% of site area)ഀ Landscape Areaഀ Min of 9,493 sq. ft.ഀ (20% of site area)ഀ 20% of landscape area may beഀ hardsca eഀ 18,544 sq, ft.ഀ (39%)ഀ 12,626 sq. ft. softscapeഀ 5,918 s q. ft. hardsca eഀ Loadingഀ 1 berthഀ 1 berthഀ Parkingഀ 1 .4 per unitഀ 45 spacesഀ (min of 23 spaces enclosed)ഀ 9 spaces for skier drop-offഀ 1 .25 per unitഀ 40 spaces for EHUs (27 enclosed)ഀ 9 spaces for skier drop-offഀ 49 spaces totalഀ Sym~ _ഀ iഀ `Iഀ 9ഀ North Day lol Site Plan - Proposedഀ VII. Criteria for Review of Major Exterior Alteration jഀ The Lionshead Mixed Use-1 Zone District does not supply criteria for review as in the case of a Specialഀ Development District. However, it does offer a description of the "compliance burden".ഀ 12-7H-8: COMPLIANCE BURDEN:ഀ It shall be the burden of the applicant to prove by a preponderance of the evidence before theഀ planning and environmental commission and the design review board that the proposed exteriorഀ alteration or new development is in compliance with the purposes of the Lionshead mixed use 1ഀ district, that the proposal is consistent with applicable elements of the Lionshead redevelopment masterഀ plan and that the proposal does not otherwise have a significant negative effect on the character ofഀ the neighborhood, and that the proposal substantially complies with other applicable elements of theഀ Vail comprehensive plan.ഀ A. Purpose of the LMU-1 Zone Districtഀ The Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district was created in 1999, as the implementation phase of the Lionsheadഀ Redevelopment Master Plan. Following the creation of the zone district, the Town of Vail rezoned allഀ Lionshead properties from the existing zoning to LMU-1. It intended to create incentives for properties toഀ redevelop. The purpose of the LMU-1 zone district is as follows:ഀ The Lionshead mixed use 1 district is intended to provide sites for a mixture of multiple-family dwellings, lodges,ഀ hotels, fractional fee clubs, timeshares, lodge dwelling units, restaurants, offices, skier services, and commercialഀ establishments in a clustered, unified development. [ionshead mixed use 1 district, in accordance with theഀ Lionshead redevelopment master plan, is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenitiesഀ appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses and to maintain the desirable qualities of the zoneഀ district by establishing appropriate site development standards. This zone district is meant to encourage andഀ provide incentives for redevelopment in accordance with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan.ഀ This zone dsInct was specifically developed to provide incentives for properties to redevelop. The ultimate goalഀ of these incentives is to create an economically vibrant lodging, housing, and commercial core area. Theഀ incentives in this zone district include increases in allowable gross residential floor area, building height, andഀ density over the previously established zoning in the Uonshead redevelopment master plan study area. Theഀ primary goal of the incentives is to create economic conditions favorable to inducing private redevelopmentഀ consistent with the Lionshead redevelopment master plan. Additionally, the incentives are created to help financeഀ public off site improvements adjacent to redevelopment prolects. With any development/redevelopmentഀ proposal taking advantage of the incentives created herein, the following amenities will be evaluoted-ഀ streetscope improvements, pedestrian/bicycle access, public plaza redevelopment, public art, roadwayഀ improvements, and similar improvements.ഀ The North Day Lot remains one of the few undeveloped properties in Lionshead. Currently, it serves as aഀ parking lot for VR employees and includes 105 surface parking spaces. The property is greatly underutilized.ഀ Development of the site under the regulations of the Lionshead Mixed Use - 1 zone district will ensure that theഀ site becomes an amenity to the neighborhood and the Town of Vail. There will be 32 Type III employeeഀ housing units. Type III EHUs are a permitted use in the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district and do not countഀ towards density or towards GRFA.ഀ 10ഀ C, B. Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan Complianceഀ The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan was adopted by the Town of Vail on December 15, 1998. It is aഀ guide for property owners proposing to undertake development or redevelopment of their properties andഀ municipal officials responsible for planning public improvements. The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Planഀ (LRMP) sets out recommendations for the entire Lionshead area, provides detailed plan recommendations forഀ specific areas, and outlines site design and architectural design guidelines, and provides specific developmentഀ standards that are implemented through the Lionshead Mixed Use-1 zone district.ഀ 3.9.4 Vail Associates Employee Parkingഀ Vail Associates currently utilizes two large surface parking lots within the study area for its employeeഀ parking needs. The North Day Lot (see figure 3-15), with a capacity of approximately 705 cars isഀ located behind the Landmark tower and is the site proposed for a transportation facility, employeeഀ housing, and other uses contemplated under the zoning on the property (LM-1). The west day lot,ഀ located lust west of the Marriott parking structure, has an approximate capacity of 760 cars andഀ represents a significant development opportunity. Parking displaced by redevelopment of these sitesഀ must be replaced within the Lionshead study area to satisfy the ground rule requiring no net loss ofഀ parking. The displaced parking will be provided in West Lionshead within a parking structureഀ included as part of the EverVail project.ഀ As indicated by this policy, replacement parking for the parking spaces existing on the North Day Lot will beഀ provided in the Ever Vail project, above and beyond the parking required for the Ever Vail project. In additionഀ to the 9 skier drop-off spaces, there are a total of 40 parking spaces for the employee housing units proposedഀ at the North Day Lot.ഀ It should be noted that the bulk of the original users of the North Day Lot were Vail Resorts employees workingഀ in offices located on the Core Site and parking for the Sunbird Lodge employee housing, which no longerഀ exist.ഀ Relocate the Regional Transit Stopഀ It is recommended that the Lionshead regional transit stop, currently located at the Lionshead Place cutഀ de sac, be relocated to the proposed North Day Lot, the Lionshead parking structure, and Westഀ Lionshead This will provide a Lionshead connection between the regional transit system and the Townഀ of Vail transit system. In addition, visitors and employees coming to Lionshead by regional bus willഀ arrive at a defined portal instead of the current back door" on Lionshead Place. Finally, this willഀ remove the large regional buses from West Lionshead Circle and Lionshead Place. It may be possibleഀ to locate elements of a regional transit stop in the West Lionshead area in conjunction with a new skiഀ Lift and parking facility However, given its location on the periphery of Lionshead, this area may notഀ be the most viable location for a regional transit stop. Notwithstanding the above, facilities for skierഀ drop-off, private shuttle vans and Town of Vail in-town buses should be included in the design of the skiഀ Lift and parking facility. In 20061 the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportationഀ Master Plan. In addition, the Town initiated a development competition for the Lionshead Parkingഀ Structure redevelopment, which would include a transit facility. It is anticipated that the Transportationഀ Master Plan update along with the conclusion of the Lionshead Parking Structure redevelopmentഀ process will provide direction on the ultimate location for a Lionshead Transit facility and/or the typeഀ of transit facilities that may be necessary in West Lionshead.ഀ 4.6.6 Creation o1 a New Transportation Hub on the North Day Lotഀ A principal component of the Lionshead transportation and circulation network is the creation ofഀ dispersed transportation facilities in the Lionshead area. This facility will remove transit and serviceഀ vehicles from other areas of Lionshead and create a major new entry point into the Lionsheadഀ pedestrian core. ALL or portions of these dispersed transportation facilities may be located on theഀ North Day Lot, the Lionshead parking structure, or in West Lionshead. This concept is fully discussed inഀ chapter five.ഀ On September 16, 2008, the Town Council voted to not include a transit center on the North Day Lotഀ therefore determining that other locations for transit facilities were more appropriate including West Lionsheadഀ Circle, West Lionshead (Ever Vail), and the Lionshead Parking Structure. Per this Town Council vote andഀ direction, no transit facilities are included on the North Day Lot. The proposed project conforms to the aboveഀ policies.ഀ Vail Associates Service Yard Holy Cross Site, Vail Professional Building, Cascade Crossing,ഀ North Day Lot, and the former gas station siteഀ All redevelopment in West Lionshead will need to conform to the Town's housing policies andഀ requirements. In order to create activity and vibrancy in West Lionshead it is appropriate to includeഀ some dispersed employee housing opportunities for permanent local residents in proposedഀ developments in the area consistent with these policies.ഀ Perhaps the most promising locations to replace the Sunbird affordable housing project and to conformഀ to the Town's housing policies and requirements for new employee housing generation in Lionsheadഀ are the North Day Lot, Vail Associates service yard, and Holy Cross site. However, housing is not theഀ only use these three properties will need to support. The North Day lot is considered to be theഀ preferred location for a significant housing project in Lionshead to replace the Sunbird affordableഀ housing protect and provide housing for new employee generation. The North Day lot may also needഀ to accommodate a transit center on the ground level of the development site. Additionally, it may beഀ necessary to develop a higher revenue-generating product on a portion of the Vail Associates serviceഀ yard, Holy Cross, Vail Professional Building, and Cascade Crossing sites in order to defray the cost ofഀ road and infrastructure improvements.ഀ In planning the site, the following issues need to be considered. While it is important that buildingsഀ here be visually consistent with the overall character of Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housingഀ potential may make appropriate the following deviations from standard development parameters.ഀ a. Densityഀ The site offers a unique opportunity to achieve significant density. It is recommended that theഀ standards for density (units per acre) be increased at this location to allow for a greater numberഀ of employee housing units. While it is important that buildings here be visually consistent withഀ the overall character of Lionshead, the desire to maximize the housing potential may makeഀ 12ഀ 9 appropriate the following deviations from standard development parameters.ഀ b. Building Height for Employee Housingഀ It may be appropriate to allow for a greater overall building height than is otherwise allowedഀ under the Lionshead Architectural Design Guidelines. Any increase in building height will needഀ to be reviewed on a case by case basis by the Town of Vail, and any eventual building heightഀ will still need to be visually appropriate for this location.ഀ c. Parkingഀ 11 may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for employee housing at this locationഀ given the sites proximity to transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes. Inഀ consideration for reducing employee parking for the housing provided on this site, parking forഀ other employees of the owner provided on this site should be considered. Excess parking mayഀ be used to satisfy the no net loss of parking policy or for future parking requirements of otherഀ development on the property.ഀ d. Site Coverage and Landscape Area and Setbacksഀ Consideration should also be given to increasing site coverage and reducing setbacks andഀ landscape area in order to maximize the amount of employee housing on the site and/or dueഀ to impacts associated with the development of a public transportation facility on the property.ഀ With any deviation to development standards prescribed in the master plan and zoningഀ regulations, consideration of impacts should be afforded to the neighboring residential uses toഀ the North Day Lot. Any design with such deviations will need to be sensitive to creating goodഀ 4W designs with mitigation measures such as heated sidewalks and well planned landscapeഀ materials. Additionally due to impacts from the Town's dispersed transportation center onഀ neighboring residential uses, mitigation measures should be provided to buffer and screenഀ residential uses.ഀ e. Encroachments on Town landഀ The Town of Vail owns a small parcel of land on the north side of the north day lot whichഀ accommodates the pedestrian bridge over the interstate highway. This land was dedicated toഀ the Town by Vail Associates in 1976. In order to allow for more efficient layout andഀ development of employee housing on the site and/or the dispersed transportation facility, theഀ Town should give consideration to allowing development of employee housing and/orഀ transportation uses on this parcel of land as part of the development of the north day lot.ഀ On September 16, 2008, the Town Council voted to not include a transit center on the North Day Lotഀ therefore determining that other locations for transit facilities were more appropriate including West Lionsheadഀ Circle, West Lionshead (Ever Vail), and the Lionshead Parking Structure. Per this Town Council vote andഀ direction, no transit facilities are included on the North Day Lot.ഀ Consistent with this policy, the applicant is proposing to replace the employee beds of the Sunbird Lodge onഀ the North Day Lot. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to provide the employee beds generated by theഀ Arrabelle project on the North Day Lot. The employee housing project proposed for this site complies with theഀ density, building height, parking, site coverage, landscape area, setbacks, and all other requirements of theഀ 13ഀ Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district without the need for variation. A parking reduction is being requested inഀ accordance with Section 12-10-20 of the Vail Town Code. It should be noted that the policy suggests thatഀ parking requirements for employee housing on this site should be reduced based on it location with respect toഀ jobs and public transportation. No encroachments for structures on Town land are being proposed with thisഀ project. However, the drive aisles associated with skier drop-off (a public facility) are located on Townഀ property. The proposed project conforms to this policy.ഀ 5.9 North Day Lotഀ While the North Day Lot is a privately own parcel of land, consideration should be given by theഀ owner and the Town to including transportation related uses on the ground floor, Ideally the uses to beഀ considered for the site should include skier drop-off, local and regional transit, local and regionalഀ private shuttles, and charter bus drop-off and pick-up (see figure 5-73). By relocating these functionsഀ from their existing locations to easily accessible locations, this would improve the quality of vehicularഀ and pedestrion circulation in Lionshead and create a significant new pedestrian portal into the centerഀ of the Lionshead retail mall. Based upon the results of the traffic study (see appendix A), the dispersedഀ transportation facilities may include:ഀ a. Skier drop-off Nine spaces are recommended at a minimum, but moreഀ should be built if possible to accommodate other program elements.ഀ b. Town of Vail transit.- Two bus spaces are recommended to accommodateഀ the West Vcll transit loop and the possibility for an eastbound in-townഀ shuttle stop.ഀ c. Regional transit: One bus space is recommendedഀ d. Charter buses: Three to four bus spaces are recommendedഀ e. Local and regional shuttles. four shuttle van spaces are recommended atഀ a minimum.ഀ It should be noted that the North Day Lot is a small parcel of land and that the location and shape ofഀ this parcel may not allow for all of the uses identified above without having significant implications toഀ traffic circulation patterns and the owners ability to develop the site with a quality development asഀ allowed under zoning for the properly (the site is considered one development site for the purposes ofഀ zoning). There needs to be a balance belween the development goals for the property and theഀ impact of public uses on those goals. In order to meet the obligations of agreements regarding theഀ Arrabelle project (core site), at a minimum skier drop off must occur on this site. As discussed below,ഀ the lionshead parking structure and West Lionshead also provide opportunities for some of theഀ transportation functions identified above.ഀ Given the impacts of a public transportation use and to maximize the opportunities for employeeഀ housing on the property, development standards such as site coverage, landscape area, north sideഀ setbacks, and building height may be adlusled to afford more flexibility to the properly owner (seeഀ section and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission.ഀ In order to create more efficiency with the site development and to mitigate for the presence of aഀ public transportation facility on private property, the Town may allow for encroachment of uses on theഀ parcel of land owned by the Town on the north side of the north day lot. This encroachment may alsoഀ 14ഀ help to mitigate impacts to adjacent properties to the south by maintaining adequate setbacks. Thereഀ may be a need to move or enhance the pedestrian bridge abutment and access as part of theഀ transportation facility.ഀ A critical consideration in the planning and design of this facility will be its impact on the adjacentഀ landmark Tower and Townhomes and the Westwind depicted in figure 5-73a, a linear building,ഀ screen, and/or landscape buffer is recommended at the southern edge of the site to screen the lowerഀ levels of the landmark properties from the transportation facility. If necessary to provide adequateഀ buffering a wall or fence in excess of 6' could be considered. This screen could house a bus shelterഀ and waiting area, an information center, public restrooms, a small food and beverage operation, andഀ an elevator core to the pedestrian mall level for ADA access needs. To the east, earthwork,ഀ landscaping, and/ or other screening measures should be considered to buffer the Westwind.ഀ The dispersed transportation facility may be covered by employee housing or other uses contemplatedഀ by the lionshead Mixed Use Zoning -I and any exemptions/deviations discussed herein. Specifically,ഀ the design of the transportation center should address all impacts. visual, security, sound, and smellഀ that may affect ad acent properties. Both the Westwind and the Landmark should be closely involvedഀ in the transit center planning and design process.ഀ Since the adoption of the lionshead Master Redevelopment Plan, plans were developed to locate aഀ Transit Center at the North Day Lot. Integrating the number of uses mentioned above and addressingഀ the neighborhood concerns regarding a transit center prompted the Town of Vail to evaluateഀ alternative locations for a transit center.ഀ Alternative locations include.ഀ • West lionsheadഀ • lionshead Parking Structureഀ • North Day lotഀ In 2006, the Town of Vail initiated an update of the Vail Transportation Master Plan. In addition, theഀ Town initiated a development competition for the lionshead Parking Structure which would include aഀ transit facility. It is recommended that the Transportation Master Plan update along with the conclusionഀ of the lionshead Parking Structure RFP process provide direction on the ultimate location for aഀ lionshead Transit Facility.ഀ On September 16, 2008, the Town Council voted to not include a transit center on the North Day lotഀ therefore determining that other locations for transit facilities were more appropriate including West lionsheadഀ Circle, West lionshead (Ever Vail), and the Lionshead Parking Structure. Per this Town Council vote andഀ direction, no transit facilities are included on the North Day Lot. The proposed project includes a public skierഀ drop-off facility with 9 parking spaces. This skier drop-off area is provided per contract/agreement with theഀ Town as part of the Arrabelle project. The proposed project conforms to this policy.ഀ 0ഀ 15ഀ C. Character of the Neighborhoodഀ Vail Spaഀ Strata Vailഀ This area of lionshead has undergone a major transformation overഀ the last few years, and properties in the vicinity continue to upgrade.ഀ Early redevelopment projects, such as the Antlers and the Vailഀ Marriott set the tone for improving existing buildings under theഀ Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan. Montoneros undertook aഀ major remodel more recently. The Lionshead Inn and the Fabulousഀ Vail Glo Lodge were recently approved for redevelopment by theഀ Town of Vail, and have set a more modern precedent for theഀ neighborhood, complimentary to the near-by Vail Spa. Discussionsഀ of redevelopment of Concert Hall plaza are continuing. Finally, theഀ landmark, the most adjacent neighbor of the North Day Lot, alsoഀ recently was approved for a major renovation and is currently underഀ construction. At this point in time, it is unknown what the future plansഀ are for the Westwind.ഀ The plans for the redevelopment of the North Day Lot as anഀ employee housing project will be complimentary to the character ofഀ the neighborhood. As an employee housing project, having peopleഀ permanently reside in the Lionshead neighborhood will provide for aഀ more vibrant community. The architectural character is alsoഀ complimentary to the Lionshead neighborhood.ഀ 0ഀ 16ഀ Vail Marriottഀ The Antlersഀ Westwind (Winter 2008ഀ •ഀ ~71ഀ landmark (Winter 2008)ഀ D. Other Applicable Elements of the Vail Comprehensive Planഀ The Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan has been covered in depth in previous sections of this submittal andഀ is incorporated here by reference. The Vail Land Use Plan, which was originally adopted in 1986, alsoഀ includes goals that are applicable to this project.ഀ 17ഀ North Day lot Employee Housing - Proposedഀ 1. 7 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance betweenഀ residential, commercial, and recreational uses to serve both the visi/or and the permanentഀ resident.ഀ 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible.ഀ 1.12 Vail should accommodate most of the additional growth in existing developed areas (in/llഀ areas).ഀ 2.7 The commumly should emphasize its role as a destination resort while accommodating dayഀ skiers.ഀ 2.2 The ski area owner, the business community and the Town leaders should work together toഀ improve facilities for day skiers.ഀ 5.3 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private efforts, assisted byഀ limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictions.ഀ 5.4 Residential growth should keep pace with the marketplace demands for a full range of housingഀ types.ഀ 5.5 The existing employee housing base should be preserved and upgraded. Additional employeeഀ housing needs should be accommodated at varied sites throughout the community.ഀ Now over 30 years old, the Town of Vail Land Use Plan is outdated in general, but many of the concepts ofഀ the plan are applicable to development today. The development of the North Day Lot helps to further theseഀ goals as outlined in the Vail Land Use Plan.ഀ 18ഀ VIII. Criteria for Review Parking Reductionഀ Section 12-10-20: Special Review Provisions, Vail Town Code, allows the Planning and Environmentalഀ Commission to approve a reduction to the number of parking spaces required by the Vail Town Code. Theഀ Town Code requires 1 .4 parking spaces per employee housing unit, or a total requirement of 44.8 spaces.ഀ The North Day Lot, as proposed, will provide 1.25 parking spaces per employee housing unit, or a total ofഀ 40 parking spaces (a reduction of approximately 10%). In addition to the 40 parking spaces for theഀ employee housing, an additional 9 spaces are provided on-site for skier drop-off. Skier drop-off will be signedഀ for short-term use during the hours of 7:00 am - 5:00 pm and during the ski season only, but will be availableഀ to the employee housing project at all other times. Section 12-10-20 provides the following criteria for reviewഀ of a parking reduction:ഀ A. The parking demand will be less than the requirements identified in section 12-10-10 of this chapter.ഀ The employee housing units at the North Day Lot will be owned and managed by Vail Resorts, andഀ occupied by employees working on Vail Mountain. This allows for the following considerations:ഀ • The residents of the North Day Lot are primarily seasonal workers.ഀ 4 • The residents of the North Day lot will not need vehicles to travel to their place of employment.ഀ • Vail Resorts has the ability to ensure that the residents of the North Day lot will not bringഀ excessive numbers of vehicles, by leasing only to employees who agree to this requirement.ഀ Research of parking requirements for employee housing projects around the country indicate that theഀ majority of employee housing projects are over-parked, especially if public transit is available. Inഀ many cases, parking ratios have been reduced to .75 - 1 spaces per unit. (from "Parkingഀ Requirements Guide for Affordable Housing Developers"). The State of Colorado also encouragesഀ reduced parking ratios for affordable housing projects (from "Affordable Housing: A Guide for Localഀ Officials"). A recent PUD approval for Copper Mountain allows for a seasonal employee housingഀ project to be parked at .39 spaces per unit. A review of parking requirements for multiple-family unitsഀ and/or employee housing units for various resort communities indicate that Copper, Keystone,ഀ Sunlight, Steamboat Springs, and Telluride allow for 1 space per unit (from "Residential Parking Memoഀ for Copper Mountain Resort"ഀ It is important to note that the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan also indicates that the parkingഀ requirement for employee housing at the North Day Lot should be reduced:ഀ c. Parkingഀ It may be appropriate to reduce the parking requirements for employee housing al this locationഀ given the sites proximity to transportation facilities, jobs, and pedestrian routes...ഀ 19ഀ B. The probable long term use of the building or structure, based on its design, will not generateഀ additional parking demand.ഀ Unlike free-market projects within the Town of Vail, the North Day Lot units will be deed-restricted inഀ accordance with Town requirements. The deed restriction clearly indicates that these units will remainഀ as employee housing unless both Vail Resorts and the Town agree to lift the restriction. Therefore, theഀ use within the building will likely not change, and therefore no additional parking demand isഀ anticipated as a result of changing uses within the building.ഀ C. The use or activity is part of a demonstrated permanent program (including, but not limited to,ഀ "rideshare" programs, shuttle service, or staggered work shifts) intended to reduce parking demand thatഀ has been incorporated into the project's final approved development plan.ഀ This criterion was intended to find solutions to limit the number of vehicles that employees take to a site.ഀ Unlike a commercial or mixed-use development, the North Day lot will be occupied entirely by Vailഀ Mountain employees who will be within walking distance to their job. As a result, this criterion doesഀ not apply to this project.ഀ D. Proximity or availability of alternative modes of transportation (including, but not limited to, publicഀ transit or shuttle services) is significant and integral to the nature of the use or business activity.ഀ The North Day Lot is on the Town of Vail bus route. Asഀ the map indicates, the North Day Lot is on the red andഀ green routes (travelling all of West Vail and the Vailഀ Transportation Center) and the in-town bus routeഀ (travelling all of Lionshead to Golden Peak). Additionalഀ routes are available over the pedestrian bridge. Inഀ addition to Town of Vail bus service, the ECO busesഀ stop at Concert Hall plaza, steps away from the North ' ` "Vnfഀ Day Lot. In fact, this site is better served by public y y p ascade ~ഀ transit than any other employee housing project in the Villageഀ Town of Vail. During the ski season, the buses runഀ North Day Lotഀ ~:r ~.4•:Gr1ഀ ~fഀ i~ഀ Lionshead ; Mallഀ more often than the off-season. It is important to note that those times when bus service is limited (i.e.ഀ off-season), the skier drop-off spaces are not needed, and the site is fully parked.ഀ 20ഀ IX. Adjacentsഀ TOWN OF VAILഀ C/O FINANCE DEPTഀ 75 S FRONTAGE RDഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ VAIL CORPഀ PO BOX 7ഀ VAIL, CO 81658ഀ LANDMARK CONDO ASSOCIATIONഀ GEOFFREY WRIGHTഀ 610 W LIONSHEAD CRഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ BOSELLI FAMILY PTNSHPഀ 3195 LAFAYETTE DRഀ BOULDER, CO 80303ഀ ARTINIAN, RONഀ 5 BRISTOL DRഀ MANHASSET, NY 11030ഀ KUSHNER, SANDRA R. & LOUISഀ C/O ROTHMAN GORDON FOREMAN &ഀ GROUDINE PCഀ THIRD FLOOR GRANT BUILDINGഀ PITTSBURGH, PA 15219ഀ CONCERT HALL PLAZA CONDOMINIUM HAVENS SEPARATE PROPERTY LIVING TRUSTഀ ASSOCIATION GARY J. HAVENS TRUSTEEഀ JENNIFER L LUFMAN 226 14TH STഀ 1700 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 2400, SANTA MONICA, CA 90402ഀ DENVER, CO 80203ഀ MONTANEROS CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,ഀ INC.ഀ KEITH ODZAഀ 641 W LIONSHEAD CIR,ഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ SCHNELL, PAUL & MADELEINE D.ഀ 225 CENTRAL PARKഀ NEW YORK, NY 10024ഀ INFINITY HOLDINGS AT VAIL LLCഀ 7400 E CRESTLINE CIR 125ഀ GREENWOOD VILLAGE, CO 80111ഀ THE MARK-LODGE CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION,ഀ INC. BILLOTTI, PATRICIAഀ DAVE PEASE 18 POWDER HILLഀ 715 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE SADDLE RIVER, NJ 07458ഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ DIAMONDROCK VAIL OWNER LLCഀ C/O DIAMONDROCK HOSPITALITY COഀ 6903 ROCKLEDGE DR STE 800ഀ BETHESDA, MD 20817ഀ FINK, DAVID H. & AMY L.ഀ 2900 LAKEWOODS CTഀ W BLOOMFIELD, MI 48323ഀ VAIL VALLEY RENTALS LLCഀ 140 FAIRFAX STഀ DENVER, CO 80220ഀ FILES, JEFF P.ഀ 1019 KIMBALL DRഀ DURHAM, NC 27705ഀ ECCKER, JOHN F. & PATRICIA L.ഀ 7734 LAUREL LEAF DRഀ POTOMAC, MD 20854ഀ CAPLA, TOMAS J. & JUDITHഀ J.ഀ 2500 JOHNSON AVEഀ RIVERDALE, NY 10463ഀ VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCഀ 710 W LIONSHEAD CIRഀ VAIL, CO 81657ഀ VAIL SPA CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONഀ DANN PETERഀ PO BOX 5480,ഀ AVON, CO 81620ഀ 21ഀ ENZIAN AT VAIL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONഀ GEOFFREY WRIGHTഀ 610 W LIONSHEAD CIR,ഀ VAII, CO 81657ഀ CDOTഀ 4201 E. ARKANSAS AVENUEഀ DENVER, CO 80222ഀ VAIL CORPഀ C/O VAIL RESORTS DEV COഀ PO BOX 959ഀ AVON, CO 81620ഀ LIONSHEAD INN LLCഀ 705 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLEഀ VAII, CO 81657ഀ LIONSHEAD INN LLCഀ MARA M. KLEINSCHMIDTഀ PO BOX 1050ഀ EAGLE, CO 81631ഀ VAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY - WESTWINDഀ C/O VAIL MANAGEMENT COMPANY,ഀ PO BOX 6130ഀ AVON, CO 81620ഀ HUGHES LAND HOLDING TRUSTഀ 28 ANACAPA ST. SUITE Dഀ SANTA BARBARA, CA 93101ഀ Kഀ Jഀ 22ഀ C•:ഀ 0ഀ Hഀ Zഀ wഀ 0ഀ wഀ Vഀ wഀ aഀ wഀ l7ഀ Qഀ Zഀ wഀ Qഀ zഀ 0ഀ Nഀ Jഀ Qഀ zഀ Oഀ Hഀ Uഀ wഀ nഀ Iഀ wഀ c7ഀ aഀ zഀ C7ഀ Jഀ Hഀ zഀ wഀ zഀ Oഀ Wഀ aഀ zഀ 0ഀ Nഀ F-ഀ zഀ Wഀ wഀ Qഀ zഀ wഀ wഀ Jഀ Qഀ •ഀ •ഀ Gഀ zഀ Jഀ CLഀ Wഀ z yKഀ Z0ഀ 1ഀ Nഀ LLJഀ W >ഀ Zഀ onഀ Oഀ J O Wഀ Olഀ u3Oഀ LLJ Q. o LLഀ LL Nഀ 1ഀ tഀ 1ഀ •ഀ Lഀ tഀ 5ഀ rഀ .ateഀ vഀ coഀ Qഀ iഀ O I-ഀ W Gഀ Wഀ z Wഀ Q Sഀ zഀ rഀ 00ഀ to Z LLഀ :ഀ :ഀ ഀ rഀ iഀ J 5ഀ Yഀ fit,ഀ "ഀ aഀ zഀ ഀ Oഀ LZ Zഀ Z cnഀ sഀ cഀ Nഀ Gഀ al`ഀ 'ഀ O Cഀ Z iഀ W Jഀ v tiഀ ttttM dbഀ ~ zഀ V aഀ ~ഀ 2ഀ .Q.ഀ Z Jഀ ZQ~ഀ _ഀ V Qഀ iഀ ~ZOഀ 'ഀ W ~ _ഀ •ഀ Oഀ wഀ Vഀ w_ഀ w iഀ MQ4ഀ w wഀ Vഀ Q Z aഀ z>ഀ - 8ഀ a gaഀ cr_ഀ CL aഀ a v wഀ J =ഀ Q a zഀ o ~ഀ U11_ V J tഀ LL 3 v.ഀ O ~ sഀ O - Q Zഀ a v~`rz~~ ~ E iഀ L.- j f •ഀ CLഀ 4 •ഀ Oഀ cr_ഀ w z _9ഀ ~ I w W o0ഀ V) o ® S~ • ~W ~oഀ Y j • •ഀ i ,ഀ h. 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O Zഀ 00 00ഀ 3: F V)ഀ JV ;,ffഀ Application for Review by tfഀ Planning and Environmental Com 4 TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Developmentഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ G II fഀ ,~c~odr~ Dഀ NOV 10 20118ഀ OF VAILഀ enera n ormation.ഀ All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting aഀ building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.ഀ An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required informationഀ is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Townഀ Council and/or the Design Review Board.ഀ Type of Application and Fee:ഀ • Rezoningഀ $1300ഀ Conditional Use Permitഀ $650ഀ • Major Subdivisionഀ $1500ഀ Floodplain Modificationഀ $400ഀ • Minor Subdivisionഀ $650ഀ Minor Exterior Alterationഀ $650ഀ • Exemption Platഀ $650ഀ Major Exterior Alterationഀ $800ഀ • Minor Amendment to an SDDഀ $1000ഀ Development Planഀ $1500ഀ • New Special Development District $6000ഀ Amendment to a Development Planഀ $250ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDDഀ $6000ഀ Zoning Code Amendmentഀ $1300ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDDഀ $1250ഀ Varianceഀ $500ഀ (no exterior modifications)ഀ Sign Varianceഀ $200ഀ Description of the Request:ഀ Major Exterior Alteration to allow for the developmentഀ of the North Dayഀ Lot.ഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot:ഀ 1 Block: 1ഀ Subdivision: Vail Lionshead Filing 3ഀ Physical Address:ഀ West Lionshead Circleഀ Parcel No.: 210106308004ഀ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ Zoning: Lionshead Mixed Use 1ഀ Name(s) of Owner(s): Vailഀ Resorts Development Companyഀ Mailing Address: 137 Benchmark Roadഀ Avon, COഀ 8 0ഀ Phone: 970-745-2544ഀ Owner(s) Signature(s): elഀ l 6 4~n Y,ഀ Name of Applicant: Allison K t maurielloഀ Planning Groupഀ Mailing Address: POB 1127ഀ Avon, COഀ 81620ഀ Phone: 970-748-0920ഀ E-mail Address: allison@mpgഀ vail.comഀ Fax 970-748-0377ഀ For Off' nly:ഀ Fee Paid: Che k No.: v B y: Meeting Date 0 C No.ഀ Planner: Project No..ഀ ~(3C1ഀ Page 1 of 2-04/01/04ഀ (11/17/2008) Warren Campbell -North Day Lot comments Page 1ഀ From: Warren Campbellഀ To: allison@mpgvail.comഀ Date: 11/14/2008 3:37 PMഀ Subject: North Day Lot commentsഀ Allison here is a list of the comments I have so far with regard to the North Day Lot.ഀ 1) Can there be an outdoor space provided for residences? May contain a grill and a couple of tables.ഀ 2) Show turning radii on the plan for trash truck, vehicles entering and exiting enclosed parking, and vehicles using theഀ skier drop off.ഀ 3) Will there be any gates used to control access to the lot or enclosed parking?ഀ 4) Can some benches be provided in conjunction with the skier drop-off int he vicinity of the spaces to aid in the drop off?ഀ 5) ADA accessibility is a concern. There will be accessible units required. Please depict on plans. Can be done inഀ conjunction with Building Permit.ഀ 6) Provide a traffic report. I did not find one in my materials for the current plan.ഀ 7) Several of the snow storage areas contain trees which are not permitted in snow storage areas. Please relocate trees soഀ as to no interfere with snow storage.ഀ 8) On Level 1 who will have access to Residential Storage area?ഀ 9) On the north elevation on Level 2 (first floor of units) it appears that two units do not have decks, but it does look likeഀ they exit out onto grade either. Please explain what is occurring here.ഀ 10) On the south and west elevations are the screens located on the parking level to allow for passive venting?ഀ 11) Please depict where mechanical equipment is going. I am speculating that there is not much in the project, but sinceഀ there is no flat roof I am just curious where it may end up going.ഀ 12) Please depict fire staging on the site plan.ഀ These are the comments so far. Wanted to get them to you so you could begin working on them.ഀ Thanksഀ Warrenഀ VAIL RESORTS`ഀ Just Another Day In Paradiseഀ ^v. 0. 6, 49. a: 4ഀ February 22, 2008ഀ Mr. Dick Cleveland, Mayorഀ Town of Vailഀ 75 S. Frontage Roadഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ Re: North Day Lot Submittalഀ Dear Dick:ഀ Fit ►if copyഀ On February 21, 2008 we submitted a complete development review application pursuant to theഀ Core Site Employee Housing Agreement ("Agreement"). We are pleased to have provided thatഀ submittal in advance of the February 25, 2008 deadline as described in the Agreement. Toഀ summarize, that application includes a plan for proposed development on the North Day Lot withഀ 120 newly constructed employee housing beds to comply with the Core Employee Housingഀ Requirements. The plan also includes an easement area for the Town's proposed transit center asഀ requested by you and your staff. The plan preserves the eastern portion of the site with the skierഀ drop off during the construction of the western portion. A plan is provided for the futureഀ development of a condo/hotel project.ഀ To get cost analysis of the project and the Town's transit center, we retained the assistance of aഀ reputable and nationally known contractor: Swinerton General Contractors. We have undertakenഀ that analysis with the understanding that cost will be a key factor in the Town's identification ofഀ funds and the consideration of whether it desires to fund and build the transit center in thisഀ location. The Swinerton estimate is attached for your consideration and illustrates the cost ofഀ including a transit center as part of the North Day Lot employee housing project. As you will seeഀ from the cost analysis, the cost impact on the project to construct the transit center isഀ approximately $14,384,555.24 which estimate includes both hard and soft costs. A number ofഀ variables and factors have contributed to the cost and we are prepared to meet and discuss thoseഀ with you in more detail. The general site constraints are considerable and when coupled with theഀ fact that infrastructure is needed for the transit center which is not required for other uses on theഀ property, the incremental cost is higher and is reflected in that $14,384,555.24 figure. We areഀ prepared to work with you, Town staff and the Town Council to review these estimates. It isഀ important to note that if the Town elects to proceed with the transit center in this location we willഀ need to have an agreement and funds in place at the time entitlements are complete so we canഀ proceed with construction documents and commence construction.ഀ C' x,ഀ yVaii. ' ~(3 &nuA Tetonഀ 11 r, (i«! ski itFUtir x:tഀ KEYSTONE'ഀ OMAN Vail Resorts Management Company Post Office Box 959 137 Benchmark Road Avon, Colorado 81620ഀ 0ഀ The cost of the transit center to the Town coupled with criticism we have heard from adjoiningഀ property owners has caused us to contemplate a second plan which the Town may wish toഀ consider. This plan includes the required employee housing with parking for that housing atഀ grade, but does not include a transit center. With this plan, the skier drop off is also incorporated.ഀ While we understand and respect the Town's interest in having the transit center at this location,ഀ we are also very mindful that the primary goal of the plan is to satisfy our housing obligationഀ related to Arrabelle. The Town may have interest in the fact that we anticipate that the length ofഀ construction could be shortened by approximately ten months if the transit center is moved to anഀ alternate location. With that said, we remain fully committed to including a transit center on thisഀ site, if the Town so chooses and can secure the necessary funding.ഀ In the event that the Town chooses an alternate location for the transit center, we believe thereഀ are other locations for the transit center which are supported by the Lionshead Master Plan. Forഀ example, the Town's transit center can be accommodated in the Ever Vail project. The siteഀ constraints are few and the infrastructure required for a transit center can be absorbed as part ofഀ the planned loading and delivery system for that project. The costs associated with a transitഀ center in this location would be significantly less than on North Day Lot. In addition,ഀ eliminating the transit center from the North Day Lot would significantly reduce the time toഀ deliver the new employee housing beds. We are fully prepared to discuss this alternative, if youഀ so choose.ഀ Finally, a parallel third scenario incorporates additional employee housing on the North Day Lotഀ by increasing the number of beds to 130 under either of the above-referenced developmentഀ AdW& concepts. Development of those additional beds would be contingent upon a determination byഀ the Town that they will be used to satisfy the Front Door housing requirement. We appreciateഀ that this would require an amendment to our existing agreement with the Town that requires thatഀ the housing for Front Door be provided no later than June 13, 2008. Given the time constraint,ഀ we currently anticipate satisfying that requirement through the placement of deed restrictions onഀ existing units.ഀ Our Company is anxious to begin the process of bringing these new employee housing beds toഀ Vail and are committed to being fully available to assist the Town in choosing its preferred path.ഀ We look forward to working with you and the Town to satisfy our obligations and to achieveഀ your goals.ഀ Yours very truly,ഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ «ഀ eith A Fe t andez, Pres rdentഀ Enclosuresഀ cc: Rob Katzഀ Michael Brekkaഀ Stan Zemlerഀ George Rutherഀ (01/05/2009) George Ruther - ToV process Page 1ഀ From: Michael Brekka <MBrekka@vailresorts.com>ഀ To: GRuther@vailgov.com"' <GRuther@vailgov.com>, Thomas Miller <TMiller1@v...ഀ Date: 01/05/2009 7:22 AMഀ Subject: ToV processഀ George:ഀ I will not be at the meeting today regarding NDL. However, I would hope that it enables both teams to set aഀ clear path for developing the site that is logical. When we met a few Thursdays ago with Greg, I thoughtഀ we had made some progress on defining the parameters for developing the site and the appropriateഀ additional improvements provided by Vail.ഀ As you know, we strongly believe that an access onto the frontage road is unreasonable burden withഀ minimal benefit to the utilization of the property.ഀ According to our Mtn. Ops guys, the Skier Drop-Off is not the best location in the Town of Vail, but theyഀ can work with it.ഀ I would hope that amunst your team, leadership can prevail that sees the logic in not forcing a Frontageഀ road access on a restricted site containing employee housing.ഀ Thanksഀ Michaelഀ C0J*Jeഀ CPTED SUGGESTIONSഀ NORTH DAY LOTഀ TREES AND SIGNSഀ • Trees need to be kept trimmed so signs are clearly visible.ഀ • Clear visibility discourages illegal activity.ഀ •ഀ ■ Iഀ 0ഀ •ഀ rഀ Iഀ rഀ 5ഀ Iഀ zഀ c~•ഀ 44ഀ 0ഀ •ഀ 0ഀ rഀ sഀ lഀ aഀ rഀ wee ~ .ഀ as a!~_sy 1ഀ Aഀ 0ഀ nഀ LIGHTING ON PATHWAYഀ • We suggest lighting be installed in the area.ഀ • Please make sure there is a well lit path free of obstacles.ഀ U'ഀ 0ഀ EWഀ •ഀ 0ഀ •ഀ INKഀ "xഀ ETA ti ~S ~ mഀ k 1ഀ tഀ aa~ Paz ro$-Y_ഀ 0ഀ PROTECTION OF WILDLIFEഀ • Per Town of Vail ordinance all garbage containers must be wildlifeഀ resistant.ഀ •ഀ 11ഀ rഀ 0ഀ Eഀ FIRE EGRESSഀ tkഀ • The fire staging area is 13 frpt north of the 5 east parking spaces inഀ our 15 minute parking area. The FDCs are on the South East cornerഀ of the property of the Landmark Tower.ഀ • This creates a hazard to the last vehicle parked in this last space.ഀ • This may also cause a slower response time for emergency vehicles.ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ C7ഀ Uഀ MEMORANDUMഀ To: Project Fileഀ From: Warren Campbell, Chief of Planningഀ Date: January 7, 2009ഀ Re: North Day Lot Internal; Meeting Minutes, January 6, 2009ഀ Attendees:ഀ Stan Zemler, Town Managerഀ Greg Hall, Public Works Directorഀ George Ruther, Community Development Directorഀ Warren Campbell, Chief of Planningഀ Tom Kassmel, Town Engineerഀ At this meeting the Town Staff discussed the North Day Lot major exterior alterationഀ application. The discussion focused on skier drop-off, vehicular access and frontageഀ road curb cuts, and traffic and pedestrian circulation. The comments are those of theഀ Town Staff. Additional comments and requirements may be provided by the Planning &ഀ Environmental Commission, Design Review Board and/or the Vail Town Council.ഀ • The required skier drop off should be located on the western end of the site.ഀ Skier drop-off on the west end of the site separates the land uses and improvesഀ traffic flows. Skier drop off on the western end of the site can be designed toഀ accommodate a one-way traffic flow. The skier drop off remains a requirement ofഀ the Arrabelle at Vail Square project.ഀ • Preservation of a potential future South Frontage Road access to the site isഀ required. The preserved location for the future potential access point shall fullyഀ comply with adopted CDOT access standards. Said location shall be noted andഀ dimensioned on the approved development planഀ • VRDC may propose to use Town-ovyned land to improve the function of the skierഀ drop-off. Town-owned land shall not be used to accommodate the requiredഀ employee housing project. The Town may request to be compensation for use ofഀ Town-owned land.ഀ • VRDC shall be responsible for the design costs and the construction of theഀ required West Lionshead Circle roadway improvements.ഀ • VRDC shall be responsible for the design costs and construction ofഀ Improvements to Tract C. The scope of work and actual improvements shall beഀ as depicted on the approved development plan.ഀ • The skier drop off shall include skier drop off amenities. For example, entryഀ signage, landscaping, site furnishings, lighting, benches, shelter, etc. Saidഀ amenities shall be as depicted on the approved development plans.ഀ • Adequate snow storage shall be required as regulated by the Town's Zoningഀ Regulations and Development Standards.ഀ • VRDC shall grant an easement to the Town of Vail for public use of the skierഀ drop-off area. The easement must be in a form acceptable to the Town Attorneyഀ and the Vail Town Council.ഀ • Please provide a revised schedule for the construction of the required 120ഀ employee housing units.ഀ 4OwxoFVAILഀ Department of Public Works & Transportationഀ 1309 Elkhorn Driveഀ Vail, CO 81657ഀ 970-479-2158ഀ Fax: 970-479-2166ഀ www.vailgov.comഀ MEMOഀ To: Warren Campbell, George Rutherഀ From: Greg Hall, Tom Kassmelഀ Re: North Day Lot -PEC Review-Preliminary commentsഀ Date: 1 /21 /09ഀ The Town of Vail Public Works Department has received the Planning and Environmental Commission submittalഀ plan set dated 1/19/09 for the North Day Lot Development. Based on our review the following shall be addressedഀ prior to PEC approval or as otherwise noted. Additional comments will be provided when more detailed plans areഀ provided.ഀ Commentsഀ 1. The access to the skier drop-off is not ideal, as it is generally hidden from view from the Frontage Rd.,ഀ and its proximity to the Frontage Rd. (existing -80', future -60') requires a driver to make an immediateഀ turn into the lot from the Frontage Rd. which may easily may not be understood due to the congestion atഀ the intersection. Possible mitigation include relocating the stairs from the pedestrian bridge andഀ flattening the grade to provide better visibility and adding monumentation and signage in this location.ഀ It should be noted that per the pedestrian pass drawings the berm that is currently out there is mostly fillഀ and one may be able to assume the utilities are buried to an appropriate depth based on the historic flatഀ grade. Also additional wayfinding signage shall be added to the Frontage Rd. and at the access. Provideഀ a sign program.ഀ 2. The Access easement being granted off the frontage Rd. should not be impeded by existing structure.ഀ 3. The gabion wall on the north side of the lot should be replaced or veneered with a new wall to provide aഀ quality new product.ഀ 4. The cross slope across the skier drop-off area should be reduced to at least 3%.ഀ 5. The eastern most surface parking space for the housing development does not have adequate turningഀ movement area to back out of the space.ഀ 6. The skier drop-off and drive lanes should be entirely heated to provide a safe and quality experience toഀ our guests. The current configuration will be difficult to plow because of the tight radii and variationഀ between heated and non-heated.ഀ 7. The tract C path should be heated to the connection with the E-W path on the north side.ഀ 8. The off-site Improvement needs to be clear that the right turn lane on W. LH will be built to the extentഀ necessary to facilitate the new curb and gutter and walk, along with an appropriate portion of asphaltഀ overlay. As-well as lighting, landscape and irrigation from the Landmark property and north.ഀ 9. The off-site improvement plan should show reconstruction and heated walk on tract C extending northഀ to the E-W path and south to the southern Property line. The path should be pavers south of itsഀ intersection with the south E-W walk.ഀ 10. Additional lighting should be added along the Tract C path at the path intersections.ഀ 11. The south E-W walk should also be pavers.ഀ 12. The boiler should be upsized for the heating of the sun dial plaza steps and for the stairs from theഀ pedestrian overpass. (To be paid for by Town)ഀ 13. The heating of the Skier-Drop should be the responsibility of Vail Resorts.ഀ 14. The necessary easements across VR and TOV property and management/maintenance/snowmeltഀ agreements shall be completed prior to approval.ഀ 15. Provide a drainage study. Sand & Oil water quality vaults/measures shall be provided for all hardഀ surface areas. All roof drains shall be tied into the storm sewer system and not spill out onto pedestrianഀ or vehicular areas.ഀ 16. All snow shedding effects shall be mitigated in all pedestrian/vehicular areas.ഀ 17. Traffic Study:ഀ a. The traffic numbers assume the skier drop-off at LH Place creates a wash for the one at the Northഀ Day Lot. Because of location and enhancements the new skier drop-off should see an increasedഀ use, and actually take vehicles away from East LH circle (where illegal skier drop-off occurs),ഀ this should be reflected in the numbers. It should be also noted that the 2006 counts used at W.ഀ LH Circle did not include skier drop-off at LH Place, since LH Place skier drop no longer exitedഀ at that point due to the Arrabelle. There was however a Temp. skier Drop-off at Concert Hallഀ Plaza, however again the enhanced drop-off at North Day lot should attract more trips.ഀ b. The 80% reduction taken for the employee housing, thus generating only 10 trips during the peakഀ hour may be reasonable as long as the housing is specific to seasonal employees and there is noഀ intention of using potential empty spaces for commuter employee parking. It may be prudent toഀ assume more trips and confirm there is no additional impact.ഀ General Conditions of Approvalഀ 1. Please add the Town of Vail General Notes to construction plans. (Notes can be e-mailed upon request)ഀ 2. Please add Utility Signature block and have all utilities sign acknowledging acceptance of utility design.ഀ 3. All construction staging issues shall be resolved prior to construction including staging, phasing, access,ഀ schedules, traffic control, emergency access, etc...ഀ 4. A ROW/Utility permit shall be obtained and approved by the Town of Vail prior to commencing anyഀ construction within public Right of Way.ഀ 5. A Town of Vail Revocable ROW permit shall be recorded for all private property improvements locatedഀ within public ways.ഀ 6. Prior to approval of a Building permit all necessary permanent and temporary easements are recorded withഀ Eagle County.ഀ 7. Prior to approval of a Building permit a shoring and excavation plan shall be submitted including; excavationഀ phasing, engineered shoring plans with plan, profile and cross sections. Cross Sections and plans shallഀ include all existing conflicts (i.e. utilities).ഀ 8. Any excavation shoring methods used that encroach upon adjacent public or private property shall haveഀ approval by the appropriate owner and have a recorded easement prior to construction. This includes CDOTഀ and the Town of Vail Right of Ways.ഀ 9. A CDPHE Permit and all applicable ACOE permits (i.e. Dewatering) shall be submitted prior toഀ construction.ഀ 10. If temporary and/or permanent dewatering is anticipated during construction, a dewatering soils analysis willഀ be required by a qualified licensed engineer analyzing the impact to adjacent properties(i.e. settlement)ഀ 11. Provide full civil construction drawings meeting Town of Vail standards prior to building permit submittal.ഀ Page 1 of 2ഀ Warren Campbell - FW: North Day Lot: Financial Impact of the curb cutഀ From: Thomas Millerഀ To: Warren Campbell , George Ruther , Greg Hall , "szemler@vailgov.com" ,ഀ "tkassmel@vailgov. com"ഀ Date: 01/05/2009 5:41 PMഀ Subject: FW: North Day Lot: Financial Impact of the curb cutഀ Per your request, please see below.ഀ Thanks,ഀ Tomഀ Thomas Millerഀ Director of Developmentഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ 137 Benchmark Roadഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ (o) 970-754-2544ഀ (m) 970-470-1062ഀ Tmillerl@vailresorts.comഀ www.evervaii.comഀ www.snow.comഀ AwDo you really need to print this e-mail?ഀ From: Brandt Marottഀ Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 5:25 PMഀ To: Thomas Millerഀ Cc: Richard W. Funk; Orla Bannan; Kristin K. Williamsഀ Subject: North Day Lot: Financial Impact of the curb cutഀ This is to summarize our findings as it relates to the financial impact of the curb cut on the frontage road based onഀ Option 1A that the town commissioned which was presented to the Town Council on September 02, 2008 withഀ Conceptual Pricing from Swinerton on August 15, 2008. Option 1A includes the transit development, 34 Units ofഀ employee housing, below grade parking and a curb cut off of the Frontage Road.ഀ Financial impact resulting from the curb cut include:ഀ 1.Concrete , including the first level of the podium that was extended from 8-15' on the north and eastern sideഀ of the building to accommodate pedestrian access/ ADA accessഀ 2.2 -stop elevator and associated stairs down to level 1.ഀ 3.Brid ge landing reconfiguration including the demo, regarding and retaining wallsഀ 4.Earth work and demolition required for the curb cutഀ 51an dscape structured deck for pedestrian accessഀ 6.Pav ing, hardscape, and landscape located on Frontage roadഀ 7.Util ity relocation of the water, telephone, electric, gas and 18" RCP sewerഀ file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\496246... 01/06/2009ഀ Page 2 of 2ഀ Items were selected that specifically relate to the curb cut in the Conceptual pricing that came to $2.1 million ($1.8ഀ million x 16% contractor burden related to the improvements) Please note that the above pricing does not meetഀ CDOT standards as the curb cut is located too close to the Westwind entrance (within 150 feet). If the currentഀ plan was redesigned to meet CDOT approval, it would need to move west an additional 60' feet which could haveഀ a cost impact up to 750,000 based on the all of the associated costs of the relocation to the pedestrian bridge andഀ ramp. Estimated total impact of $2.85 million; note that costs determined are based on conceptual drawings andഀ subject to change upon finalization of plans and specifications.ഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ Brandt Marottഀ Sr. Project Managerഀ Office: 970.754.2528ഀ Mobile: 970.331.3164ഀ BMarott@VailResorts.comഀ The information contained in this message is confidential and intended only for the use ofഀ the individual or entity named above, and may be privileged. Any unauthorized review,ഀ use, disclosure, or distribution is prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, pleaseഀ reply to the sender immediately, stating that you have received the message in error, thenഀ please delete this e-mail. Thank you.ഀ file://CADocuments and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\496246... 01/06/2009ഀ Application for Review by theഀ Planning and Environmental Commissionഀ Department of Community Developmentഀ TOWS' OF VAI>Lഀ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657ഀ tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452ഀ web: www.vailgov.comഀ General Information:ഀ All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting aഀ building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested.ഀ An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required informationഀ is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Townഀ Council and/or the Design Review Board.ഀ Type of Application and Fee:ഀ • Rezoningഀ $1300ഀ )6 Conditional Use Permitഀ $650ഀ • Major Subdivisionഀ $1500ഀ Floodplain Modificationഀ $400ഀ • Minor Subdivisionഀ $650ഀ Minor Exterior Alterationഀ $650ഀ • Exemption Platഀ $650ഀ Major Exterior Alterationഀ $800ഀ • Minor Amendment to an SDDഀ $1000ഀ Development Planഀ $1500ഀ • New Special Development Districtഀ $6000ഀ Amendment to a Development Planഀ $250ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDDഀ $6000ഀ Zoning Code Amendmentഀ $1300ഀ • Major Amendment to an SDDഀ $1250ഀ Varianceഀ $500ഀ (no exterior modifications)ഀ Sign Varianceഀ $200ഀ Description of the Request: Conditional use permit for the Transportation Facilityഀ Location of the Proposal: Lot:_ 1 Block: 1ഀ Physical Address: JK00ഀ Parcel No.: 210106308004ഀ Zoning: Lion ad Mixed Usഀ Vail Lionshead Filing 3ഀ rcleഀ Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.)ഀ e(s) of Oഀ 4ldres M 1-S. 3Wtage Rdഀ 58ഀ Phone:ഀ Owner(ILSiMptureTs):ഀ e oflilllDDlicant:ഀ ress: POB 1127ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ E-mail Address: allison@mpgvail.com Fax 970-748-0377ഀ Phone: 970-748-0920ഀ For Office Use nly: f 1ഀ Fee Paid: Check No.: By: / oഀ Meeting Date: N D~_~ PEC No.: -4ഀ 'fanner: I~GT 2 Project No.:ഀ Page 1 of 2-04/01/04ഀ ~vog -did(ഀ -uഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ ILഀ Land Title Guarantee Companyഀ rnd-rMe Date: 11-02-2007ഀ Our Order Number: V50021065ഀ fWARANTEE COMPANYഀ Property Address:ഀ LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD FILING VAIL, CO 81657ഀ Buyer/Borrower:ഀ THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATIONഀ Seller/Owner:ഀ THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATIONഀ Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Checkout Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.comഀ lul- UUMUU113 lv alav v1 Waal Ja vaaia.v ava.auvlau.ഀ ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEESഀ Information Binder $183.00ഀ If Land Title Guarantee Company will be closing this transaction, above fees will be collected at that time.ഀ TOTALഀ $183.00ഀ r.- CQIn= 66/66 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER!ഀ Chicago Title Insurance Companyഀ ALTA COMMITMENTഀ Our Order No. V50021065ഀ Schedule A Cust. Ref.:ഀ Property Address:ഀ LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VAIL/LIONSHEAD THIRD FILING VAIL, CO 81657ഀ 1. Effective Date: October 26, 2007 at 5:00 P.M.ഀ 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured:ഀ Information Binderഀ Proposed Insured:ഀ THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATIONഀ $0.00ഀ 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is:ഀ A Fee Simpleഀ 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in:ഀ THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATIONഀ 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows:ഀ LOT 1, BLOCK 1, VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLATഀ THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, EXCEPT THOSE PORTIONS CONVEYED INഀ DEEDS RECORDED NOVEMBER 3, 1972 IN BOOK 226 AT PAGE 32 AND RECORDED JULY 11,ഀ 1983 IN BOOK 363 AT PAGE 341.ഀ ALTA COMMITMENTഀ Schedule B - Section 2ഀ (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50021065ഀ The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposedഀ of to the satisfaction of the Company:ഀ Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records.ഀ 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records.ഀ Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey andഀ inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records.ഀ 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law andഀ not shown by the public records.ഀ 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records orഀ attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record forഀ value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.ഀ 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office.ഀ 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any..ഀ 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof.ഀ 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS OREഀ THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESഀ AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904, IN BOOK 48 ATഀ PAGE 503 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93ഀ AT PAGE 98.ഀ 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THEഀ UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 24, 1904,ഀ IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 503 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGEഀ 98 AND JULY 13, 1939 IN BOOK 123 AT PAGE 617.ഀ 11. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,ഀ BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE,ഀ COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS,ഀ DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, ASഀ SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THATഀ SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINEDഀ IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 18, 1970, IN BOOK 217 AT PAGE 675 AND ASഀ AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JULY 30, 1970 IN BOOK 218 AT PAGE 334 ANDഀ AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1970 IN BOOK 218 AT PAGEഀ 899.ഀ ALTA COMMITMENTഀ Schedule B - Section 2ഀ (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50021065ഀ The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposedഀ of to the satisfaction of the Company:ഀ 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,ഀ BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED UPON RACE,ഀ COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS, MARITAL STATUS,ഀ DISABILITY, HANDICAP, NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY, OR SOURCE OF INCOME, ASഀ SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THATഀ SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINEDഀ IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 1971, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 991 AND ASഀ AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 12, 1977 IN BOOK 258 AT PAGE 453.ഀ 13. EASEMENTS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTESഀ AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL/LIONSHEAD, THIRD FILING.ഀ 14. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDUIT AND VAULT AGREEMENTഀ RECORDED OCTOBER 01, 2004 AT RECEPTION NO. 893086.ഀ 15. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TRENCH, CONDUIT AND VAULT AGREEMENTഀ RECORDED JULY 08, 2005 AT RECEPTION NO. 922031.ഀ LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY and LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND JUNCTIONഀ DISCLOSURE STATEMENTSഀ Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that:ഀ A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district.ഀ B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the Countyഀ Treasurer's authorized agent.ഀ C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained fromഀ the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor.ഀ Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filingഀ in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottomഀ margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document thatഀ does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using formsഀ on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document.ഀ Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Everyഀ title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recordingഀ whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legalഀ documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guaranteeഀ Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording theഀ legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Titleഀ Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued.ഀ Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletionഀ of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to beഀ issued) upon compliance with the following conditions:ഀ A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence whichഀ includes a condominium or townhouse unit.ഀ B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes ofഀ construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months.ഀ C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filedഀ mechanic's and material-men's liens.ഀ D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium.ഀ E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchasedഀ within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverageഀ for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial informationഀ as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fullyഀ executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirementsഀ as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company.ഀ No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insuredഀ has contracted for or agreed to pay.ഀ Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-123, notice is hereby given:ഀ This notice applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrumentഀ exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2.ഀ A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwiseഀ conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third partyഀ holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; andഀ B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without theഀ surface owner's permission.ഀ Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coveragesഀ referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied.ഀ Form DISCLOSURE 09/01/02ഀ NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICYഀ Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Companyഀ Security Union Title Insurance Companyഀ July 1, 2001ഀ We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the reqquirements of applicable federal andഀ state privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use your non-pubi'ic personal information ("Personalഀ Information and to whom it is disclosed, will form the basis for a relationship of trust between us and the publicഀ that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve the right to change this Privacyഀ Statement from time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws.ഀ In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources:ഀ * From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative;ഀ * From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others;ഀ * From our internet web sites;ഀ * From the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from thoseഀ entities, or from our affiliates or others; andഀ * From consumer or other reporting agencies.ഀ Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Informationഀ We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal Information from unauthorizedഀ access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access inഀ connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes.ഀ Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Informationഀ We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other realഀ estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information:ഀ * to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requested;ഀ * to t u•d-party contractors or service providers who provide services or perform marketing or otherഀ functions on our behalf; andഀ * to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe youഀ may find of interest.ഀ In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission, when we are requiredഀ by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personalഀ Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is neededഀ to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you.ഀ One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the publicഀ domain. Such documents may contain your Personal Information.ഀ Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletionഀ Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find outഀ to whom your Personal Information has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the right to requestഀ correction, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve the right, where permitted by law, toഀ charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incurred in responding to such requests.ഀ All requests submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Companyഀ shall be in writing, and delivered to the following address:ഀ Privacy Compliance Officerഀ Fidelityty National Financial, Inc.ഀ 4050 Calle Real, Suite 220ഀ Santa Barbara, CA 93110ഀ Multiple Products or Servicesഀ If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticeഀ from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.ഀ Form PRIV.POL.CHIഀ NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY OFഀ LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATIONഀ ANDഀ MERIDIAN LAND TITLE, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABLITY COMPANY, D/B/Aഀ LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY - GRAND JUNCTIONഀ This Statement is provided to you as a customer of Land Title Guarantee Company, a Colorado corporation andഀ Meridian Land Title, LLC, d/b/a Land Title Guarantee Company - Grand Junction.ഀ We want you to know that we recognize and respect your privacy expectations and the requirements of federalഀ and state privacy laws. Information security is one of our highest priorities. We recognize that maintaining yourഀ trust and confidence is the bedrock of our business. We maintain and regularly review internal and externalഀ safeguards against unauthorized access to non-public personal information ("Personal Information").ഀ In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from:ഀ * applications or other forms we receive from you, including communications sent through TMX, ourഀ web-based transaction management system;ഀ * your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others;ഀ * a consumer reporting agency, if such information is provided to us in connection with your transaction;ഀ andഀ * the public records maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities,ഀ or from our affiliates and non-affiliates.ഀ Our policies regarding the protection of the confidentiality and security of your Personal Information are asഀ follows:ഀ * We restrict access to all Personal Information about you to those employees who need to know thatഀ information in order to provide products and services to you.ഀ * We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards toഀ protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrusion.ഀ * Employees who violate our strict policies and procedures regarding privacy are subject to disciplinaryഀ action.ഀ * We regularly access security standards and procedures to protect against unauthorized access to Personalഀ Information.ഀ WE DO NOT DISCLOSE ANY PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOU WITH ANYONE FORഀ ANY PURPOSE THAT IS NOT PERMITTED BY LAW.ഀ Consistent with applicable privacy laws, there are some situations in which Personal Information may beഀ disclosed. We may disclose your Personal Information when you direct or give us permission; when we areഀ required by law to do so, for example, if we are served a subpoena; or when we suspect fraudulent orഀ criminal activities. We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicableഀ privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement,ഀ transaction or relationship with you.ഀ Our policy regarding dispute resolution is as follows. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to ourഀ privacy policy, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the Americanഀ Arbitration Association, and judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any courtഀ having jurisdiction thereof.ഀ FOM PM.POL.LTG. 1ഀ --The applicant, Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by the Mauriello Planningഀ Group, is requesting permission to proceed through the development review process with aഀ proposal to make improvements on town-owned land in conjunction with a proposedഀ redevelopment of the North Day Lotഀ Ruther stated it is the desire of the applicant to apply for a major exterior alterationഀ application and design review application to make improvements on town-owned land,ഀ pursuant to the recommendations of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, inഀ conjunction with a proposed redevelopment of the North Day Lot. As a matter of procedureഀ the applicant must first obtain Council (i.e. property owner) approval before proceedingഀ through the town's development review process. Rogers asked if the land was intended toഀ be sold. Ruther said the town would be responsible for any transit solutions occurring onഀ the property. 'We see this as a very acceptable use for town owned land ...This would allowഀ for a better design overall." Newbury moved to allow the applicant to proceed through theഀ development review process with Rogers seconding. The motion passed unanimously, 7-0.ഀ For more information, contact Ruther at 479-2145.ഀ pan, 2;. 2008 E, 44W No. 4i 21 F,ഀ too UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ This form serves to verify Mat the proposed Improvements will not Impact any existing or proposed utllkv ser'vlces, and also toഀ verify service byallablMty and location for new corso'uetlon and should be used In con)mtction with preparing your ulgity plan andഀ scMeduling Installations. A site plan, Inducing grading plan, rloor plan, and elevations, shall be vrbtnMed to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and veerlfkatlon PLI:ASS ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMVATS FROM THE UITLMഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments WMn that timeframe please contact The Town of Vall.ഀ DevNoper to Provide LotAddramInformat/onr ~A ac E L f o! 0 6 3 a Soo 4ഀ LotAddresst d OO(> W. J-100CMn g 1R &SubdivislonkV tit Qs0SN6A'b fit LoM ~ഀ Authorized Slaniture Comments DIMഀ Sam Todayഀ GASഀ 970A68.1401(fax) .ഀ Contact: Rill} SiVW"ഀ richard-ldinemsOxcelencray.cornഀ HOLY C'RO$$, tiNEROYഀ 970.947,5471 (tel)ഀ 97o,9g5,4081(tax)ഀ ContacE:..Dfo'na Gallsഀ (fax)ഀ Uഀ R WATER litഀ I DMRICIrഀ 970.476.7480 (tei)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasieeഀ fmstee*0euersd.oraഀ CAMCAST CAOLEഀ 970.418.8248 (W)ഀ 970,949,9138 flax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ daAdഀ NOTES,ഀ 1. If the utility 4ppfovat L vtdrkatlan form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made dlretttyഀ on the form, or no *coin Is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's ►ecetpt of the form without explanation the Town will pFesumeഀ that there are no problems and the development wti proteed, .ഀ 2, if a Utikty company has toncerns•with the proposed oonstrLie tt, the utlllty representative shall role directly on th.4 utilityഀ verUleatlon form that tlw.re Is a problem which ne* to be resphied, Thq !site should later be detailed In an attached le. -r.to theഀ Town of Vag, However, please keep In mind that It Is the responsltillity of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ Identified problems,.ഀ 3. These verifications do not rellet+e the contractor of the respotisblAtY to obtain a Public Way Permit ffotn,lhe Department ofഀ Public Wortcs at the Town of Vgll,. Ioaaf [anr mast 6a abtalned hefore dlKala In &V public riflht_M-wall or eakgnentഀ within iheTown of V1111. A bum oi'rm t ts"nota'P c Way aariaitand mus~be ebtitnid ?auratQim.ഀ 4, The Developer Is required and i' es to submit'any re*W drawings to the utilities for rc-approval.1kre-yer$Icatbn if theഀ subyiril(ted pfre altered In aty'way after the authorized signature date (unless oUterwlsa specifically noteii within thecomnrentഀ area of ihlഀ Deveiopet's Signatureഀ 'ഀ F'$"*% FORMS%Pemrns%Monrft%DRBIUIIiIyഀ .doeഀ 2 o Sഀ //-z Datഀ 76-4089 ERWSDഀ ill6irtl'i!IILERWSDഀ -klഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ 12:19:46 24-01-2008 111ഀ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements MR not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in tonJunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ sdhedullirrg Installations. A site plan, incfodN grading ptan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL. OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Devefoper to Provide LotAddreu InfWmatfon: ~A E2 c E t t + D ri 3 0 8 ao q-ഀ Lot Address 060600 W . wotLCM a CIRgZ.F-S rbd3vision; VAk 4"-T CAb :tip 3 Lots. tഀ Authorized jianaWre Comments Dateഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6360(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ SanwN.[ooky'c~.~,grn r._ഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Rich Slsneresഀ richarL.sjs±erL VxcejWerav.cnmഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGY -ഀ 970.947.5471 (ter)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Golisഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262,4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ KR Bogertഀ KpShr rS@Xirഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476,40B9 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.416.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ d;i_vld evagj@obte.corn_0g,Mഀ NOTES:ഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures frwn each of the utility compardes, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that Owe are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. if a utility company has concerns with the proposed consoi4lon, the utility representative shall note directly on the utilityഀ vellcation form that there Is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attacl ed letter to theഀ Town of Vad, However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the,Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtai%W before digWnQ In any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail. A building Permit is mt a RuWlc WaY permit and must be obtaimW sepa, rately.ഀ 4. Tie Developer Is rewired and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted pla__nsA~re altered In any way after the authorized signatune date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the commentഀ area of thisofbWi.ഀ I~LW-44-0-- I a - //2 -Zഀ Developer's Signature Dateഀ F:kKWAFORMWermitsUManningIDRDUJdlityApprava► 0 -07.docഀ 22/2008ഀ TUB 17:15 PAX 9709254106 COMCAST CABLEഀ M0't1.ഀ UTXLITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ Taus form saves to verify that the proposed Improvements %41 not impact any existing or proposed udlity serWces, and also toഀ Verify servkz availability and loa tion for new construcWo and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ X'Odulirip installations. A site plan, indudkig grading plan, floor plan, acid edevatiores, stub ba suboditd to the fOpowing udiWe5ഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that tlnxaframe please contact The Town of Vars.ഀ DeveMper to RhnYde LorAddhm information: PA ee-Z L # -:21010 6 3 0 TOO 4ഀ Lot Addrrm. 000600 11%j- 6lordSN.Ee n gigk ,FSubdlvislon: V ft -WIN-THfAb Fie- 3 LoW;_ഀ Authorized Sir ii1SIm Commonte Dataഀ Iഀ QWLVSTഀ 970.468.6860(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ CorXwft; Sam Tookyഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURIE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tat)ഀ 970.468.1401 (lax)ഀ Contact: Rich Sisnerosഀ riChArh,~.4~z4.+ruckz!XCk(tihY.[01;,s"11~ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ 970.947,5471 (td)ഀ 970.945.4081 frax)ഀ Contact Diana Golicഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts;ഀ lat Bogertഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION D ST1QdCTഀ 970.476.7480 (td)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact; Fred Hasleeഀ 3ql 3 YtS{1.91Siഀ COMCAST CASUഀ 970.418.8248 (Lei)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact David Evansഀ gayldg~ ailraMP. _omr.ro~ഀ 1 19ഀ ®001/001ഀ NQTES:ഀ 1. If V,! utWW approval & verification form has Signatures fro.-n each of the utility companies, and no eumments are made directlyഀ on the form, Or no action is taken wkhin 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation OW Town will presumeഀ that there are no probicros and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. V a utdity company has concerns with the proposed construction, the u0bity representative shalt note dlrvWy on die utllityഀ verrfkdWn form that there is a probt rn which nteds to be resolved. The issue should then be detalled In an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail- However, please keep in mind tMt it is the reWonsib hty of the utility cw Vany and the applicant to resolveഀ identified probkqv;.ഀ 3. Theso vLviF*3tioM do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility t0 obtain a Public Way Permit from Lhe OepaArnent ofഀ Public Works at the Town O(Vall. Utility WAtions must be obtained before than!. In any public ri9ht•of-way or easementഀ within tuts Town of Vail. A buildirm permit is not a Public Wft permit and Ousk be obtained saparatWy.ഀ 4. The Developer iss required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for r"e"al & re-verilfication If theഀ submitted plans a altered in any way after the authorized !;Ignmure date (unless otherwise specifically rioted vrltNn tho commentഀ area oatഀ Developers Slgrwture Dateഀ F:Wdp%AFOR"AS1PC.(MKSWUnnkVORBIUtdiry aDpmv:~ CF 7 •G7.ac cഀ kokഀ 1Y#:'.8e 'k-AT,ഀ ill .ഀ 5 fastrrl 9F fx#'v i#~C Ef fi:t a iIPM V '::0WT- Pf ft.. k i~1 m a!' DfQlpW AM~i 3t+ri i~Q d!s rEpഀ vefy wrvkk aw or IeW.COii?l~l ai 1 ?`pt3td bet} ~d ~1 t kj g Y' dഀ k7 {rAwl Ns. A; ~tഀ fm,ഀ S'. Ff yule 4ltuS# i~ lit5 t11fl EGftafim$t:p4!'? dR1Ctr1 p33.4rTBS'rlkittlfഀ teaeiorcr Avt~vdCe t ofid~rres rrffvraitra";`ic L L a i:C 4 $i $ഀ tt3 a si►:~:ഀ , 1!°4. ,6. A-9.iJ~~dii~~ai~Y.l~l~t:!:,~7s~~~ J~';r..:~.,.~ i~+0►:....._.~...~:.._ഀ ®WC-S' T NAS A4.061ഀ _ 5'QJ7N r14s_ c7 '~t1lS LQT-ഀ ftcഀ Whoഀ . fto W"ഀ : 9. tWjഀ i5~vidt=mssഀ cഀ Z d Z L L0000091 '-H/ L L : 0 L ' 1S/ 9 L : 0 L 6002 6Z HWr (03M) ZksoeeYOLf fN!lOH1H3/~7 $ 159M0 NOilalഀ SILVERTFURNE FP Fax:19704681401 Feb 11 20th 15:11 P.02ഀ UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFICATIONഀ 901f~fffd6, .ഀ ldwb~ This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also toഀ 116, verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ scheduling Installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor pian, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ Deveioperr to Provide LotAddress Infwmalron. z f v I a/, 3ti F J pഀ Lot Address: 0Cb(-0tD Zia-' -AAഀ _!1 'A-SubdivisionV6 _ Iഀ rL3 u**:ഀ Authorized Signatureഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6860(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Contacts: Sam Tooleyഀ SamUN,toolgyfgwest.comഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Mch Sisnerosഀ rlchard.sisngEoscalxcelener .comഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ 970.947.5471 (tel)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Golisഀ doolistZho lycross.comഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970,262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ Kit Bogertഀ I$athy~DggertQXCEI.EN ERGY.comഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER &ഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact Fred Hasleeഀ fhaslee*erwsd.orqഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970.418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact: David Evansഀ davId evansCckable.comcasLcAm_ഀ Comments Dateഀ NOTEഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action is taken within 2 weeks of the Utility's receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. if a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to theഀ Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilby i d befora dogging In any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail, A building permit is not a Public Way germ it and must be obUined seams,ഀ 4. The Developer Is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verification if theഀ submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the commentഀ area of this form).ഀ Developer's Signatureഀ Dateഀ F:\cdev1FORMS\PermitslPianr ing\DR u3 utirty Approval_08.2E1-07. docഀ UTILITY APPROVAL IN VERIFICATIONഀ 11>IIlYrF~ ~f6.:1ഀ This form st?tves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also toഀ verify service availability and location for new constriction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andഀ sdh &*ng installations. A site plan, Including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shat be subnhitted to the fdkrwing utilitiesഀ for approval and verification. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 2 WEEKS FOR APPROVAL OR COMMENTS FROM THE UTILITYഀ COMPANIES. If you are unable to obtain comments within that timeframe please contact The Town of Vail.ഀ iഀ orWoper to Provide tatA&Vm rnirvwab►r. PA itc E l.. * 210104.3637001+ഀ Iഀ Lot Address: 060600 W. J'Jet! ~ T, Q9",4Subdivision:WA4 Ahu1SNiAb Fla 3 LoW:ഀ Autfrodng Slanature Comments atഀ QWESTഀ 970.468.6860(tel)ഀ 970.468.0672(fax)ഀ Corks-s: Sam Tooleyഀ mഀ W=eI-toofey@gqest.coഀ XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GASഀ 970.262.4076 (tel)ഀ 970.468.1401 (fax)ഀ Contact: Rich Sisnerosഀ ridhard. si sne ras(bxce leneryy-c.QMഀ HOLY CROSS IINERGYഀ 970.947,5471(tel)ഀ 970.945.4081 (fax)ഀ Contact: Diana Gdisഀ daolisatl*cross.eomഀ XCEL Energyഀ 970.262.4038 (fax)ഀ 970.262.4024 (tel)ഀ Contacts:ഀ 10t Bogertഀ Kathrvn.Boaed6XCELENERGY,comഀ - -ഀ EAGLE RIVER WATER Itഀ SANITATION DISTRICTഀ 970.476.7480 (tel)ഀ 970.476.4089 (fax)ഀ Contact: Fred Hasleeഀ fhasleefterwsd.oroഀ COMCAST CABLEഀ 970,418.8248 (tel)ഀ 970.949.9138 (fax)ഀ Contact David Evansഀ david evans6cable.comcast.comഀ L,ഀ NOTESeഀ 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no aonxnents are made directlyഀ on the form, or no action Is taken within 2 weeks of the UtNIVS receipt of the form without explanation the Town will presumeഀ that there are no problems and the development can proceed.ഀ 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative OW note &ecty on the utilityഀ verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The Issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to fineഀ Town of Val. However, please keep in mind that it Is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolveഀ identified problems.ഀ 3. These ver#'Kations do not relieve the contractor of the responsibiley to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department ofഀ Public Works at the Town of Vail. in any public right-of-way or easementഀ within the Town of Vail.ഀ 4. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-tierftation if theഀ submitted pla~~nssyA~re altered In any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise spedfically noted wlthm the commentഀ area of th64WA.ഀ Gl ,z ~ o sഀ Developer's Signature Dateഀ F:IcdovIFORMS1PermtsU4wmkVMRBWbityApprovaL0F -07.d0tഀ • GRoss Fഀ Oഀ x 3799 HIGHWAY 82 • P.O. BOX 2150ഀ GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 81602ഀ 2 (9701945-5,191 • FAX (970) 945-4081ഀ Oഀ dd Tഀ ssodoഀ RECEIVEDഀ January 23, 2008 ~ ~Uഀ JAN 2 iJ ; Lഀ VRDC CONSTRUCTIONഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ Attn: Mr. Bill Kennedyഀ PO Box 959ഀ Avon, CO 81620-0959ഀ Re: Right-of-Way Easement Verification Underground Power Line,ഀ Vail Lionshead Filing 3, Lot 1ഀ Dear Mr. Kennedy:ഀ This letter is in response to the request for utility verification for the proposed North Day Lotഀ improvements.ഀ As indicated on our systems map, our underground primary power lines are located along twoഀ sides of this proposed Lot 1 improvement. The first underground power line runs parallel toഀ AIRN the north side of the property from the east to the west. The second underground power lineഀ runs parallel to the east side of Lot 1.ഀ Holy Cross requires that before any excavating is done within a construction site that all utilitiesഀ will be located by an underground locator, UNCC, to verify the exact location of the buriedഀ underground power line. We are requesting the owner to have these locates done beforeഀ excavation.ഀ I have enclosed a systems map showing the locations of our underground power lines withinഀ your construction area, which you may find helpful for your construction design and forഀ locating purposes.ഀ Holy Cross is also concerned about what type of excavating will be required to avoid coming inഀ contact with our existing underground power lines during construction.ഀ If you have any questions concerning our existing underground power lines associated with theഀ construction of this project, please contact our engineering department.ഀ Sincerely,ഀ HOLY CROSS ENERGYഀ Bob Saathoff,ഀ Engineering Departmentഀ bsaa t~ hoffeholvcross.comഀ (970) 947-5401ഀ BS:vwഀ Enclosureഀ • to Zഀ ¢na. w Sao o ° ~iഀ ?lഀ un[Illlllllllllilit I IIIII W111111111 Ifl1t1111111i111111ഀ S-Zഀ aഀ • LO0. w w w nഀ r .ഀ r itഀ F-ZQഀ r 7,i{•}71•••7 •iy • .ഀ cn r ,•La - .r.. w 77• _ 7:•'•71. 1.=.ഀ aL RVഀ v 1 •J~ ` ~ C~.a ~ Iilt=~iil;:j:j~ }=.1~1{Si::.:,•..ഀ r~~y~ •ഀ ~ R rഀ U} r`-? Nഀ 11111111lII111111111ഀ ~ ! Illllfllfllf!lllfilflflllilllilllllll I,i;,;.ഀ 00ഀ •717;S~IiSyy 3 {{S~~I:yL71j';11.,ഀ r 7•ye!t+iil~{:1ii=ii'0`7'7{?=iiii:~ 'ii=}iഀ Y ~ ' '''{i}:• i;i.::::: isഀ ~ '•iii{';ഀ _ o -ഀ viഀ m rn° ~ഀ •U • I I d jഀ ~gU'l~si r ` h ~ ~ oo coഀ rഀ 07 t~ CLഀ • a- o~ഀ ' Ilmr~aruiiarrrratrscrrasrac cracr:aഀ ~►~nlta~~ »a► tl~~~~ttitr~l ~~~~1~ • . ~ഀ 3ഀ Co iSഀ ~ Nഀ Zഀ _ 4 [O tilഀ Page 1 of 1ഀ Warren Campbell - North Day Lot Plansഀ From: "J.Vanderhout@alfamachine.com"ഀ To: "Warren Campbell"ഀ Date: 03/03/2008 7:13 AMഀ Subject: North Day Lot Plansഀ Warren,ഀ Thank you for returning my call on Saturday. Please send the plans to J. Vanderhoutഀ Alfa Machine Co.ഀ 2425 W. Purdue St.ഀ Milwaukee, Wl 53209ഀ You may send it collect on our UPS account # W6499X.ഀ Thank you e~ Qഀ Jim Vanderhout ~~1 Uഀ 3ഀ file://CADocuments and Set ings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\47CBA... 03/03/2008ഀ 11ഀ TOWNOFVAIL .yഀ (ഀ THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTYഀ PUBLIC NOTICEഀ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of theഀ Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Townഀ Code, March 24, 2008, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, inഀ consideration of:ഀ A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council on a major amendment toഀ Special Development District No. 4, Area A, Vail Cascade, pursuant to Article 12-9A,ഀ Special Development District, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition to the Vailഀ Cascade Resort and Spa by enclosing portions of two decks, located at 1300ഀ Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Subdivision, and setting forth details. in regardഀ thereto. (PEC080007)ഀ Applicant: L.O. Holding, Inc., represented by JG Johnson Architectsഀ Planner: Nicole Petersonഀ A request for a final recommendation to the Vail Town Council of a proposedഀ amendment to the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, pursuant to Section 2.8,ഀ Adoption and Amendment of the Master Plan, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan,ഀ to amend those elements of the Master Plan referencing the North Day Lotഀ 00,11 recommendations and requirements to facilitate the redevelopment of the site with anഀ employee housing project, transportation center, and future development site, located atഀ 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forthഀ details in regard thereto. (PEC080008)ഀ Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by the Maurielloഀ Planning Group, LLCഀ Planner: Warren Campbell/George Rutherഀ A request for final review of a major exterior alteration pursuant to Section 12-71-1-7,ഀ Exterior Alterations Or Modifications, and conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-ഀ 71-1-3, Permitted And Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level, to allow for theഀ redevelopment of the North Day Lot with a structure containing Type III employeeഀ housing units, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filingഀ 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080009)ഀ Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by the Maurielloഀ Planning Group, LLCഀ Planner: Warren Campbell/George Rutherഀ A request for final review of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 12-71-1-5,ഀ Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels Of A Building Or Outside Of A Building), Vailഀ Town Code, to facilitate the construction of a public building, grounds, and facilitiesഀ (transportation center) on the North Day Lot, located at 600 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1,ഀ Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080010)ഀ Applicant. Town of Vailഀ Planner: Warren Campbell/George Rutherഀ a~e~ഀ A request for a final review of a variance from Section 14-3-1, Residential andഀ Commercial Access, Driveway and Parking Standards, Vail Town Code, pursuant toഀ Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a driveway in excess of the maximum allowableഀ grades, located at 660 West Lionshead Circle/ Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3,ഀ and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC080011)ഀ Applicant: Lion Square Lodge North Condominium Association, represented byഀ Viele Development, LLCഀ Planner: Bill Gibsonഀ A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-21-10, Developmentഀ Restricted, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for theഀ construction of improvements within slopes equal to or greater than 40%, located at 501ഀ North Frontage Road West, Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch, and setting forth details inഀ regard thereto. (PEC080012)ഀ Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultzഀ Lindall Architects, P.C.ഀ Planner: Scot Hunnഀ The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspectionഀ during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 Southഀ Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits thatഀ precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department.ഀ Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information.ഀ Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Pleaseഀ call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing Impaired, for information.ഀ Published March 7, 2008, in the Vail Daily.ഀ Vail Colorado-Todays information & news from Vail Daily - Newsഀ ~ Vat- JaUy VAI,~,ഀ Skiing Singles- View photo profiles. Local singlesഀ into skiing. Join now for free. www.Fitness-Singles.comഀ VAIL DAILYഀ Newsഀ Search:ഀ Go!ഀ Page 1 of 5ഀ 'GC M/CLOUDY 13°ഀ Classifieds I Place an Adഀ Where will you catch the bus in Lionshe;ഀ VR has plan for housing, but questions linger over $14ഀ bus stationഀ Election 2008ഀ Sportsഀ Edward Stonerഀ Classifiedsഀ Service Directoryഀ Vail,, CO Coloradoഀ Real Estateഀ March 3, 2008ഀ Arts & Entertainmentഀ Businessഀ 96,Comments J§Print ® Emailഀ Columnistsഀ Commentaryഀ VAILഀ Colorado - Vail Resorts hasഀ Blogഀ ,ഀ submitted a plan to build the 120 bedsഀ Educationഀ Town Talkഀ of worker housing it promised as partഀ Events Calendarഀ of the Arrabelle at Vail Squareഀ Letters to the Editorഀ Autosഀ project.ഀ Obituariesഀ Our Worldഀ Photo Galleriesഀ The company plans a five-storyഀ Special Sectionsഀ affordable-housing complex on theഀ SEMCESഀ North Daഀ Lotഀ which is now aഀ Submit Newsഀ yഀ ,ഀ Archivesഀ parking lot in Lionshead.ഀ Business Directoryഀ News Feedsഀ Podcastsഀ But there are still some questionsഀ Ernail Headlinesഀ about what Vail Resort will actuallyഀ Vail Daily Storeഀ Email Newsletterഀ build.ഀ Road Conditionsഀ Mountain Camsഀ Video Headlinesഀ "We think there are some decisionsഀ AROUND VAILഀ " Rob Katzഀ for the town to makeഀ Diningഀ ,ഀ ,ഀ chief executive officer of Broomfield-ഀ Shoppingഀ Spasഀ based Vail Resorts, said Thursday.ഀ Bars & Nightclubsഀ Performing Artsഀ Vail Resorts hasഀ submitted plansഀ for a 120-ഀ bedroomഀ affordableഀ housing Click to Enlഀ complex with aഀ bus station on Browse Vail Dalഀ the first floor.ഀ Special to the Dailyഀ Get News Feeds I p pffഀ http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20080303/NEWS/966100408 03/04/2008ഀ Vail Colorado-Todays information & news from Vail Daily - News Page 2 of 5ഀ Live Musicഀ Arts & Cultureഀ RECREATIONഀ The town has asked Vail Resorts to include a bus station - which thഀ Ski & Snowboardഀ would pay for - in the North Day Lot complex. Vail Resorts includeഀ Golfഀ Fishingഀ its proposal, saying it would cost $14.4 million.ഀ Mountain Bikingഀ Hikingഀ Rafting & Paddlingഀ That's "on the high end" of what the town expected to pay, said Gre€ഀ And More...ഀ Vail's director of public works.ഀ TRAVELINFOഀ Lodgingഀ Short Term Rentalsഀ The town is hoping to use federal grants for part of that cost, and addഀ Transportationഀ funds could come from "tax increment financing."ഀ Weatherഀ Road Conditionsഀ Mapsഀ `Keeping our options open'ഀ MOUNTAIN `j"INCഀ insteadഀ Vail Resorts suഀ estedഀ uttinഀ the bus stoഀ in Ever Vailഀ theഀ Real Estateഀ ,ഀ , pഀ gഀ ,ഀ ggഀ pഀ Wedding Ideasഀ billion "green village" planned for West Lionshead. That would costഀ Communityഀ company said.ഀ Gardeningഀ NEWSPAPERSഀ Aspen Timesഀ And the affordable housing on the North Day Lot will be ready a lotഀ g Y Yഀ Aspen Times Weeklyഀ Citizen Telegramഀ the bus station is put elsewhere, the company wrote in a Feb. 22 letteഀ Grand Junction Freeഀ Pressഀ Eagle Valleyഀ Neighbors of the North Day Lot have objected to the project, particulഀ Enterpriseഀ Eഀ rprisഀ saying it would be too noisy and smelly.ഀ transit hubഀ aഀ La Tribunഀ ,ഀ Leadville Chronicleഀ Post Independentഀ But Hall said there needs to be a transit center in Lionshead and Eveiഀ Sky Hi Daily Newsഀ Snowmass Sunഀ not one or the other.ഀ Summit Dailyഀ The Vail Trailഀ Valley Journalഀ "When you start talking about (Ever Vail) as the only stop for LionsYഀ that's a little ways or people in Lionshead to walk," Hall said.ഀ Vail Mayor Dick Cleveland declined to comment on the specifics ofഀ proposal, but said Lionshead needs a transit center, and that the coupഀ consider all scenarios.ഀ "We're keeping our options open," Cleveland said.ഀ A housing sagaഀ The $600 million proposal for the Lionshead parking structure inclucഀ transit center. But that plan isn't a done deal. To complicate matters,ഀ Resorts has "protective covenants" that give it the final say over wheഀ project - proposed by a Texas development group led by Ross Peroഀ will even happen.ഀ http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20080303/NEWS/966100408 03/04/2008ഀ Vail Colorado-Todays information & news from Vail Daily - News Page 3 of 5ഀ Vail Resorts was given until Feb. 25 to submit a plan for the 120 bedഀ employee housing that it agreed to build for the Arrabelle project. Thഀ must begin by May 2009.ഀ In the time leading up to the opening of the Arrabelle, the town of V,,ഀ Vail Resorts wrangled over the housing requirements for the $250 mഀ project. Vail Resorts said it was in compliance with the requirementsഀ the town said it was not. Vail Resorts ended up posting a $17.3 milli(ഀ of credit and agreeing to a timeline to provide the housing.ഀ Staff Writer Edward Stoner can be reached at 748-2929 orഀ estoner@vaildaily.com.ഀ Latest Comments Post Your Comment I Discussionഀ LATEST COMMENTSഀ Please login to post comments!ഀ Email:ഀ Password:ഀ Remember Me: Gഀ Mഀ Comments (0)ഀ http://www.vaildaily.com/article/20080303/NEWS/966100408 03/04/2008ഀ CONCEPTUALഀ DRAINAGE REPORTഀ NORTH DAY LOTഀ VAIL, COLORADOഀ January 29, 2009ഀ Dഀ 'ഀ Prepared for: Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ P.O. Box 959ഀ Avon, CO 81620ഀ Prepared by: Alpine Engineering, Inc.ഀ 'ഀ P.O. Box 97ഀ Edwards, Co 81632ഀ (970) 926-3373ഀ Fഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ TABLE OF CONTENTSഀ 1. Vicinity Mapഀ II.ഀ Project Description ...............................................................................................1ഀ III.ഀ Development Siteഀ ..........................................................................................1ഀ IV.ഀ Developed Conditionsഀ ..........................................................................................1ഀ V.ഀ Water Qualityഀ ..........................................................................................2ഀ VI.ഀ Downstream Impactഀ ..........................................................................................2ഀ VII.ഀ Floodplainഀ ..........................................................................................3ഀ VIII.ഀ Soilsഀ ..........................................................................................3ഀ IX. Erosion and Sediment Control....ഀ X. Tables:ഀ Table 1 - U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soils Summaryഀ Table 2 - U.S. Forest Service Soils Summaryഀ XI. Exhibits:ഀ Exhibit A - FEMA Floodplain Mapsഀ Exhibit B - Sediment Control Detailsഀ XII. Figures:ഀ XIII. Maps:ഀ Figure 1 - U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soils Mapഀ Figure 2 - U.S. Forest Service Soils Mapഀ .4ഀ Quad Sheet Off-Site Drainage Areaഀ Sheet 1 - On-Site Drainage Area Mapഀ Sheet 2 - Off-Site Drainage Area Mapഀ Sheet 3 - Impervious Area Sand/Oil Separator Drainage Area Mapഀ January 29, 2009 North Day Lot Conceptual Drainageഀ 1ഀ Pഀ bഀ WESTഀ LIONSHEAC>ഀ CIRCLEഀ NORTH DAY LOTഀ EASTഀ PROJECT LIONSHEAMഀ SITE ICIRCLEഀ 9 4- . _ VAIL-ഀ a 'aഀ dഀ CZ)ഀ CF riഀ ° flഀ 0ഀ poഀ EAa1LE CDഀ BAHNഀ aIONCOLAഀ SCALE 1 " = 400'ഀ VICINITY MAPഀ CACR-~~a oഀ CREEK Oഀ ~ a ova ~ഀ Op 4 ~ഀ ROADഀ CHAIR 8ഀ 0 EDOഀ ~;3 4 nഀ 'sഀ Q3 EDഀ ~oഀ .pCD UGl dഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 aഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ ~vഀ 1ഀ Fഀ II. Project Descriptionഀ The North Day Lot project is located in the Lionshead portion of Vail, Coloradoഀ on the south side of Interstate 70 (I-70) where the pedestrian overpass crosses I-70 andഀ the South Frontage Road. It is currently developed as a paved parking lot.ഀ This report addresses hydrologic conditions for the existing parking lot and theഀ proposed improvements. The surface drainage, watershed characteristics, natural waterഀ features and proposed changes and impacts are discussed for the site.ഀ III. Development Siteഀ The North Day Lot is north of the Core Area/Gondola and adjacent to the Southഀ Frontage Road. Gore Creek is approximately 900 feet to the south and should not beഀ impacted by this development. The site is currently an asphalt parking lot. There is veryഀ little off-site surface drainage to this site and there are no natural water features present.ഀ This site is primarily impervious area that will be replaced with impervious area toഀ construct the proposed improvements.ഀ IX. Developed Conditionsഀ Proposed for this site is employee housing with associated parking and a skierഀ drop-off area. The hydrologic conditions of this site will not change significantly, sinceഀ the proposed improvements will be constructed primarily on impervious areas of the site.ഀ Stormwater will be conveyed through and off of the site by a series of inlets and pipes.ഀ Flow will be directed such that it maintains historic drainage patterns as much asഀ possible. Additional pipes and inlets will be installed to carry runoff from the site.ഀ January 29, 2009 North Day Lot Conceptual Drainageഀ Iഀ tഀ Iഀ Nഀ tഀ Proposed storm sewer will tie into existing storm sewer in West Lionshead Circleഀ and existing storm sewer in the corridor east of the Landmark Tower. The drainage basinഀ that currently flows from the Red Sandstone School area under I-70 and under the Southഀ Frontage Road to a westerly flowing ditch south of the South Frontage Road willഀ maintain its current flow direction and continue west along the South Frontage road.ഀ V. Water Qualityഀ There will be no significant increase in impervious areas as a result of theഀ proposed development. The North Day Lot site was included in the sizing of sand/oilഀ separators constructed with the Arrabelle project. This is documented in the drainageഀ report prepared by Alpine Engineering, Inc. entitled "Proposed Storm Pipe Capacities,ഀ Lionshead Core, Vail, Colorado, updated April 7, 2005. The "Sand/Oil Separator West"ഀ was constructed between the Antlers Condominiums and the LionSquare Lodge. Theഀ limits of the contributing impervious area to the west sand/oil separator may be found onഀ Sheet 3 of the maps. Therefore, water quality for the North Day Lot will be taken care ofഀ by the existing Lionshead Core water quality vaults.ഀ VI. Downstream Impactഀ There is a storm drain system in place between the proposed development andഀ Gore Creek. This storm drain system was evaluated for flows from the existing Northഀ Day Lot during the storm sewer design for Arabelle. Since impervious areas are the sameഀ for the proposed North Day Lot, the storm sewer system that carries runoff to Gore Creekഀ has the capacity to carry the flows from the proposed development. Detention is notഀ January 29, 2009 North Day Lot Conceptual Drainageഀ 2ഀ Fഀ tഀ recommended because of the negligible increase in peak flow that the proposedഀ development will have on the peak runoff from the existing impervious site.ഀ VII. Floodplainഀ There is no floodplain encroaching upon the North Day Lot development site. Aഀ copy of the FEMA floodplain panel in the Lionshead area may be found in Exhibit A.ഀ VIII. Soilsഀ In order to assess hydrologic conditions at the development site, actual soil typesഀ were obtained from the "Soil Survey of Aspen-Gypsum Area, Colorado, Parts of Eagle,ഀ Garfield and Pitkin Counties" prepared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soilഀ Conservation Service and the "Draft Soil Survey of the Holy Cross Soil Survey - Whiteഀ River and Arapaho National Forests, Colorado - Parts of Eagle, Garfield, Mesa, Pitkinഀ and Summit Counties" prepared by the U.S. Forest Service. There are four hydrologicഀ soil groups (A, B, C or D) that soils may be classified into as a means of estimatingഀ runoff from precipitation. They are grouped according to their runoff - producingഀ characteristics from long-duration storms. Please refer to Figures 1 and 2 for Soils Mapsഀ and Tables 1 and 2 for soil names and hydrologic soils groups.ഀ deep or deep, moderately well drained soils that have moderately fine texture toഀ Group B soils have a moderate infiltration rate and consist mainly of moderatelyഀ moderately course texture. Made Land (ML) is man-made material, including buildings,ഀ pavement, fill and other disturbed areas. It has been assumed that the hydrologic soilsഀ January 29, 2009 North Day Lot Conceptual Drainageഀ 3ഀ 1ഀ ~vഀ iഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ Fഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ group for Made Land is similar to that of the adjacent soils. The North Day Lot consistsഀ of Made Land.ഀ IX. Erosion and Sediment Controlഀ A sediment control plan will be prepared for the project to limit the transportationഀ of sediments to Gore Creek and its tributaries during construction. Devices that may beഀ used during construction to prevent sediment-laden runoff from leaving the site mayഀ include stabilized construction entrances, silt fence, straw bales, stone outlet structures,ഀ sediment traps, silt sacks and removable pump stations. Details of these devices may beഀ found in Exhibit B.ഀ January 29, 2009 North Day Lot Conceptual Drainage 4ഀ 1ഀ iഀ i-ഀ 7ഀ tഀ TABLESഀ 1ഀ TABLE 1ഀ U.S. SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE SOILS SUMMARYഀ C~ഀ iഀ Nഀ Map Symbolഀ Soil Nameഀ Hydrologic Soil Groupഀ 45ഀ Forseyഀ Bഀ TABLE 2ഀ U.S. FOREST SERVICE SOILS SUMMARYഀ Map Symbolഀ Soil Nameഀ Hydrologic Soil Groupഀ 281Bഀ Quander Familyഀ Bഀ B (based upon adjacentഀ MLഀ Made Landഀ soils)ഀ 1~ഀ EXHIBIT Aഀ ' FEMA FLOODPLAIN MAPഀ Fഀ ;jJ jj j i did j ! 3ഀ 6ഀ a d~`~~ # i6 "Jillഀ f d{ f d;~jd d d z ~ f~ o iഀ ' ~ Z 3 4 7 $ S f* e I F oഀ EIdd 331 3 3 IE73 ~31~ 0i II!ഀ aഀ E fഀ 33 ir!ഀ fii:338ഀ ?t~lഀ !I!ഀ pgpgഀ Y ~ഀ Iഀ .gഀ I illഀ ~ - o°jഀ R @ഀ b ~ഀ 3 Iഀ ഀ iഀ 3ഀ Iഀ Yഀ j py6 a Yഀ ~I ~ഀ d .ഀ Iഀ F e3ഀ Z Iഀ 33{- ~ P.ഀ I$ഀ ® R F p eഀ Yഀ 9~ Y ~ of ~ഀ L ~ I .uaഀ pwo' ~ഀ ~ d p ~ I Aഀ gഀ e2 .~W $ ~ diഀ p ~ ~ Iഀ Fഀ iഀ tYഀ I f-ഀ `3' ~~d1 3 53;y3#~ {d{{~rp pppp ~.`3 ~ E as j i {iE y a{ F~ i•ppഀ d 3g~a f tt d >8t o f ^$S i p a)@ pF f giY d~ 3. HTഀ ep {,.gdE { gg€$~ ee #p 3~$ p j6 23 }jf { 42ഀ aag?f~` i.~I#{ ~g 1,11hpഀ 0 2 f 7g! ! En 3 ~ ~ g I~ Fഀ ~ Ef!;~ഀ w 4~$f! ljE ~af E~E fill 2 g$ s3 s#E 355 i 3 [313ഀ z -,Ill IM 111.1 i111d=E iഀ it a j ifഀ ffy }5jgg fill,ഀ 3$C f ; ~i lgqdsat ~ s @E j it I 'ഀ 31~~ l~~~33~ ! #!°~#l#~; 83 e~~ 5$ sEഀ dill efEd$ ; i 36'33 4 3 11 oil 4 ee $~E 11!! j Ft Ill- SR 5$ ;ti ~i#;ഀ 1ഀ t EXHIBIT Bഀ SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILSഀ falooഀ 7ഀ 50' Min. 4+ഀ 00ഀ Earth Mountable Berm (Optional) x 3' [.0- 10' Eഀ MIRAFI 140N Filter Cloth in N 5 w aഀ PIN *41'* WX 44hഀ SEC 10 Edge of Pavementഀ 50' Min.ഀ 10'ഀ Min.ഀ Existing Groundഀ Uഀ Al .ഀ 00 00-1z)vഀ 2" Crushed Sceened Rock 6~ 100 00-oഀ oഀ C~o cv~ 006ഀ oഀ 0002 0002 Cfb O Oഀ 21ഀ Existing Ground oഀ ഀ PLANഀ STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEഀ CONSTRUCTION NOTES Scale: 1" = 10'-0"ഀ 1. STONE SIZE - USE 2" CRUSHED SCREENED ROCK.ഀ 2. LENGTH - AS REQUIRED, BUT NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET.ഀ 3. THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.ഀ 4. WIDTH - TEN (10) FOOT MINIMUM, BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL WIDTH AT POINTS WHERE INGRESSഀ OR EGRESS OCCURS.ഀ 5. FILTER CLOTH - WILL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTIRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING OF STONE.ഀ 6. SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCESഀ SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1ഀ SLOPES WILL BE PERMITTED.ഀ 7. MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKINGഀ OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSINGഀ WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURESഀ USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLICഀ RIGHT-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. SCE SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL PAVING OF ENTRANCEഀ COMMENCES.ഀ 8. WASHING - WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLICഀ RIGHTS-OF-WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITHഀ STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.ഀ 9. PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN.ഀ 77ഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ 0 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 fഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ 1ഀ Nഀ bഀ ♦ ' j fഀ FLOWഀ FLOWഀ 36" MINIMUM FENCEഀ POST LENGTHഀ FILTERഀ CLOTHഀ 36" MINIMUM LENGTH FENCE POST,ഀ DRIVEN A MINIMUM OF 16" INTOഀ GROUNDഀ 16" MINIMUM HEIGHT OFഀ GEOTEXTiLE CLASS Fഀ 8" MINIMUM DEPTH INഀ GROUNDഀ FENCE POST SECTIONഀ MINIMUM 20" ABOVEഀ GROUND FLOWഀ UNDISTURBEDഀ GROUNDഀ EMBED GEOTEXTiLE CLASS Fഀ -ഀ _..".11.,.,,',11ഀ A MINIMUM OF 8" VERTICALLYഀ INTO THE GROUNDഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ FENCE POST DRIVEN Aഀ MINIMUM OF 16" INTOഀ CROSSഀ THE GROUNDഀ SECTIONഀ POSTSഀ SECTION Bഀ SECTION Aഀ STAPLEഀ STAPLEഀ JOINING TWO ADJACENT SILT FENCE SECTIONSഀ (TOP VIEW)ഀ 1. Fence posts shall be a minimum of 36" long driven 16" minimum into theഀ ground. Wood posts shall be 11/2" x 11/2" square (minimum) cut, or 13/4" dia.ഀ (minimum) round and shall be of sound quality hardwood. Steel posts will beഀ standard T or U section weighting not less than 1.00 pond per linear foot.ഀ 2. Geotextile shall be fastened securely to each fence post with wire tiesഀ or staples at top and midsection and shall meet the following requirementsഀ for Geotextile Class F:ഀ Tensile Strength 50 Ibs/in (min.) Test: MSMT 509ഀ Tensile Modulus 20 Ibs/in (min.) Test: MSMT 509ഀ Flow Rate 0.3 gal ft / minute (max.) Test: MSMT 322ഀ Filtering Efficiency 75% (min.) Test: MSMT 322ഀ 3. Where ends of geotextile fabric come together, they shall be overlapped,ഀ folded and stapled to prevent sediment bypass.ഀ 4. Silt Fence shall be inspected after each rainfall event and maintained whenഀ bulges occur or when sediment accumulation reached 50% of the fabric height.ഀ SILT FENCE DETAILഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632ഀ 26-3390 rഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390-ഀ 10' MAXIMUM CENTER TOഀ 10'ഀ CENTERഀ 0ഀ Nഀ uഀ [1ഀ STANDARD SYMBOLഀ SBDഀ FLOWഀ .1. %1. ♦f . r Lr%+ഀ 4" VERTICAL FACEഀ BEDDING DETAILഀ ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARDഀ PREVIOUSLY LAID BALEഀ FLOW ' %IFഀ , v+ഀ ~~`t~ mil; ~ `1C►ഀ S~ഀ t wഀ rrഀ BOUND BALES PLACED ONഀ CONTOURഀ 2 RE-BARS, STEEL PICKETS, OR 2"x2" STAKESഀ 1 1/2' TO 2' IN GROUND, DRIVE STAKESഀ FLUSH NTH BALES.ഀ ANCHORING DETAILഀ CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONSഀ 1. BALES SHALL BE PLACED AT THE TOE OF A SLOPE OR ON THE CONTOUR AND IN A ROWഀ WITH ENDS TIGHTLY ABUTTING THE ADJACENT BALES.ഀ 2. EACH BALE SHALL BE EMBEDDED IN THE SOIL A MINIMUM OF (4) INCHES, AND PLACEDഀ SO THE BINDINGS ARE HORIZONTAL.ഀ 3. BALES SHALL BE SECURELY ANCHORED IN PLACE BY EITHER TWO STAKES OR RE-BARSഀ DRIVEN THROUGH THE BALE. THE FIRST STAKE IN EACH BALE SHALL BE DRIVENഀ TOWARD THE PREVIOUSLY LAID BALE AT AN ANGLE TO FORCE THE BALES TOGETHER.ഀ STAKES SHALL BE DRIVEN FLUSH WITH THE BALE.ഀ 4. INSPECTION SHALL BE FREQUENT AND REPAIR REPLACEMENT SHALL BE MADE PROMPTLYഀ AS NEEDED BY THE CONTRACTOR.ഀ 5. BALES SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFULNESS SO AS NOT TOഀ BLOCK OR IMPEDE STORM FLOW OR DRAINAGE.ഀ STRAW BALE DIKEഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632ഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ 1ഀ 1ഀ Pഀ tiഀ /r FLOW it it FLOWഀ EARTH DIKE STONEഀ p p0ഀ O pഀ p p IN.ഀ pഀ O p C~ p 0%ഀ ~tഀ 6" MIN. ~ LEVEL CREST ~ L=6' ~ 2' MIN.ഀ CU C' CP C~o 2"x10"x12'ഀ BAFFLE BOARDഀ 12" MIN. ~jഀ 6" MIN.ഀ 0000 000ഀ 4" MIN. GROUND LINEഀ STONE EMBEDDEDഀ PROFILEഀ STANDARD SYMBOL NNOComഀ CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONSഀ 1. THE STONE SHALL BE CRUSHED STONE. GRAVEL MAY BE USED IF CRUSHED STONE IS NOT AVAILABEL.ഀ THE STONE SHALL MEET AASHTO DESIGNATION M43 SIZE NO. 2 OR 24.ഀ 2. THE CREST OF THE STONE DIKE SHALL BE AT LEAST SIX INCHES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST ELEVATIONഀ OF THE TOP OF THE EARTH DIKE AND AND SHALL BE LEVEL.ഀ 3. THE STONE OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL BE EMBEDDED INTO THE SOIL A MINIMUM OF FOUR INCHES.ഀ 4. THE MINIMUM LENGTH, IN FEET, OF THE CREST OF THE STONE OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL BE SIX.ഀ 5. THE STONE OUTLET STRUCTURE SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN, AND THE STONE SHALL BEഀ REPLACED WHEN THE STRUCTURE CEASES TO FUNCTION AS INTENDED DUE TO SILT ACCUMULATIONഀ AMONG THE STONE, WASHOUT, CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC DAMAGE, ETC.ഀ 6. THE BAFFLE BOARD SHALL BE EXTENDED ONE FOOT INTO THE DIKE, STAKED AND EMBEDDED 4 INCHESഀ INTO EXISTING GROUND.ഀ STONE OUTLET STRUCTUREഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O, BOX 97ഀ imi EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632ഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ tiഀ 1ഀ lpഀ lkഀ 2' STONE--,,.,ഀ 4fഀ SMALLഀ RIPRAPഀ 0ഀ 11' MIN. 1' MIN. rഀ L-4xD.A. 4r UNDISTURBED AREAഀ J1ഀ in 1' M~A~X. ~ ~ഀ L.ROFILEഀ 7 FLOWഀ 2' STONEഀ (OPTIONAL).ഀ SMALL RIPRAPഀ 2ഀ '11ഀ FILTER CLOTHഀ EXCAVATE FOR REWIRED STORAGEഀ OPTION: A ONE FOOT LAYER OF 2" STONE MAY BE PLACED ON THE UPSTREAM SIDE OF THE RIPRAP INഀ PLACE OF THE EMBEDDED FILTER CLOTH.ഀ CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONSഀ 1. AREA UNDER EMBANKMENT SHALL BE CLEARED, GRUBBED AND STRIPPED OF ANY VEGETATION AND ROOTഀ MAT. THE POOL AREA SHALL BE CLEARED.ഀ 2. THE FILL MATERIAL FOR THE EMBANKMENT SHALL BE FREE OF ROOTS AND OTHER WOODY VEGETATION ASഀ WELL AS OVER-SIZED STONES, ROCKS, ORGANIC MATERIAL OR OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL. THEഀ EMBANKMENT SHALL BE COMPACTED BY TRAVERSING WITH EQUIPMENT WHILE IT IS BEING CONSTRUCTED.ഀ 3. ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2:1 OR FLATTER.ഀ 4. THE STONE USED IN THE OUTLET SHALL BE SMALL RIPRAP 4"-8" ALONG WITH A 1' THICKNESS OF 2"ഀ AGGREGATE PLACED ON THE UP-GRADE SIDE ON THE SMALL RIPRAP OR EMBEDDED FILTER CLOTH IN THEഀ RIPRAP.ഀ 5. SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED AND TRAP RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN THE SEDIMENTഀ HAS ACCUMULATED TO 1/2 THE DESIGN DEPTH OF THE TRAP.ഀ 6. THE STRUCTURE SHALLL BE INSPECTED AFTER EACH RAIN AND REPAIRS MADE AS NEEDED.ഀ 7. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS SHALL BE CARRIED OUT IN SUCH A MANNER THAT EROSION AND WATERഀ POLLUTION IS MINIMIZED.ഀ 8. THE STRUCTURE SHALL BE REMOVED AND THE AREA STABILIZED WHEN THE DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEENഀ PROPERLY STABILIZED.ഀ SEDIMENT TRAP EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632ഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ f~ഀ tഀ 2 EACഀ DUMP STRAPഀ EXPANSION RESTR,ഀ (1/4" NYLON R(ഀ 2" FLAT WASH[ഀ INSTALLATION DETAILഀ DUMP STRAPഀ 1" REBAR FOR BAGഀ REMOVAL FROM INLETഀ SILTSACK -ഀ 14ഀ OPTIONAL METAL HANGINGഀ FRAME FOR TRAFFIC /ഀ CONDITIONSഀ SILT SACKഀ BAG DETAILഀ EDWARDS BUSINESS CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ - EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632ഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390 aഀ DUMP STRAPഀ 1ഀ flഀ Iഀ REMOVABLE PUMPING STATIONഀ OOK AND CHAIN FOR REMOVALഀ Perforated (removable)ഀ 12' - 36' pipe wrapped w/ 1/2'ഀ hardware cloth and Geotextileഀ Class 'C'ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ ANTICIPATED WATER o 0 0 0 3' MIN.ഀ SURFACE ELEV. 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0 4 LEAN 0 0 0 `CLEAN GRAVELഀ 0 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 0 0 0ഀ 0 o PERFORATED 48' PIPEഀ WRAPPED WITH 112'ഀ 0 o HARDWARE CLOTHഀ WEIGHT AS NECESSARY 0ഀ TO PREVENT FLOATATIOഀ OF CENTER PIPEഀ 8' min.ഀ Construction Specificationsഀ 1. The outer pipe should be 48' dia, or shall, in any case, be at least 4' gresterഀ in diameter than the center pipe, The outer pipe shall be wrapped with 112' hardwareഀ cloth to prevent backflll material from entering the perforations.ഀ 2. After installing the outer pipe, backfill around outer pipe with 2' aggregateഀ or clean gravel.ഀ 3. The inside stand pipe (center ipe) should be constructed by perforating aഀ corrugated or PVC pipe between 12' and 36' in diameter, The perforations shallഀ be 1/2' X 6' slits or 1' diameter holes 6' on center. The center pipe shall beഀ wrapped with 112' hardware cloth first, then wrapped again with Geotextile Class C.ഀ 4. The center pipe should extend 12' to 18' above the anticipated water surfaceഀ elevation or riser crest elevation when dewatering a basin. AMഀ r~ഀ .WARDS 13tJ 5 CENTER P.O. BOX 97ഀ i EDWARDS. COLORADO 81632 •ഀ (970) 926-3373 FAX (970) 926-3390ഀ 4ഀ iഀ rഀ fഀ Isഀ Iഀ 1mഀ FIGURESഀ iഀ kwഀ p._ഀ ~Iഀ Fഀ IPഀ ~fഀ SCALE: 1 2000'ഀ Figure 1 - U.S. Soil Conservation Service Soils Mapഀ SHEET NO. 13ഀ SOIL SURVEY OF ASPEN-GYPSUM AREA, COLORADO,ഀ PARTS OF EAGLE, GARFIN LD, AND PITKIN COUNTIESഀ (EDWARI)N ADRANGLE)ഀ nഀ Cഀ IPഀ Nഀ SCALE: 1 2000'ഀ Figure 2 - U.S. Forest Service Soils Marഀ 4ഀ iഀ mഀ mഀ IPഀ mഀ Iഀ MAPSഀ ~Eഀ ■ഀ Traffic Impact Studyഀ North Day Lot Redevelopmenഀ Prepared for:ഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ ® Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. 2009ഀ Kimley-Homഀ and Associates, Inc.ഀ T R A F F I C I M P A C T S T U D Yഀ Jഀ North Da Lot Redevelopmentഀ Vail, Coloradoഀ Prepared forഀ Vail Resorts Development Companyഀ 137 Benchmark Roadഀ PO Box 959ഀ Avon, Colorado 81620ഀ Prepared byഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 950 Seventeenth Streetഀ Suite 1050ഀ Denver, Colorado 80202 *110'v •Dഀ mഀ (303) 228-2300 9(303) 446-8678 FAX 3,6355ഀ 7.11ഀ January 2009ഀ This document, together with the concepts and designs presented herein, as an instrument of service, isഀ intended only for the specific purpose and client for which it was prepared. Reuse of and improperഀ reliance on this document without written authorization and adaptation by Kimley-Horn and Associates,ഀ Inc. shall be without liability to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ TABLE OF CONTENTSഀ TABLE OF CONTENTS iഀ APPENDICESഀ iഀ LIST OF TABLESഀ iiഀ LIST OF FIGURESഀ iiഀ 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYഀ 1ഀ 2.0 INTRODUCTIONഀ 6ഀ 3.0 EXISTING AND FUTURE CONDITIONSഀ 8ഀ 3.1 Existing Roadway Networkഀ . 8ഀ 3.2 Existing Study Areaഀ 8ഀ 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumesഀ 8ഀ 3.4 Long Term Future Roadway Networkഀ 11ഀ 3.5 Future Traffic Volumesഀ 13ഀ 4.0 PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICSഀ 16ഀ 4.1 Trip Generationഀ 16ഀ 4.2 Trip Distributionഀ 18ഀ 4.3 Traffic Assignment and Total (Background Plus Project) Trafficഀ 21ഀ 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSISഀ 25ഀ 5.1 Analysis Methodologyഀ 25ഀ 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysis.~ഀ 26ഀ 5.3 Auxiliary Turn Lane Recommendationsഀ 30ഀ 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSഀ 32ഀ APPENDICESഀ Appendix A - Conceptual Site Planഀ Appendix B - 2006 Counts from FHU Studyഀ Appendix C - Trip Generation Worksheetsഀ Appendix D - Synchro Intersection Analysis Worksheetsഀ Appendix E - Critical Gap and Follow-up Time Calculationsഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094.0021 North Day Lot Redevelopment page iഀ LIST OF TABLESഀ Table 1- North Day Lot Development Trip Generation ....................................................................18ഀ Table 2 - Level of Service Definitions 25ഀ Table 3 - SFR & West Lionshead Circle (East Intersection) LOS Results 28ഀ Table 4 - West Lionshead Circle & Project Access Driveway LOS Results 29ഀ LIST OF FIGURESഀ Figure 1- Vicinity Map 7ഀ Figure 2 - Existing Key Intersections and Project Access Locations 9ഀ Figure 3 - 2006 Existing Traffic Volumes .............................................................................................10ഀ Figure 4 - Future Lanes and Control ....................................................................................................12ഀ Figure 5 - 2010 Future Traffic Volume Projections .............................................................................14ഀ Figure 6 - 2030 Future Traffic Volume Projections .............................................................................15ഀ Figure 7 - Employee Housing Trip Distribution ................................................................................19ഀ Figure 8 - Skier Drop-off/Pick-up Trip Distribution 20ഀ Figure 9 - Total Traffic Assignment 22ഀ Figure 10 - 2010 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes 23ഀ Figure 11- 2030 Background Plus Project Traffic Volumes 24ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094.0021North Dmj Lot Redevelopment Page iiഀ 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYഀ A redevelopment is currently proposed at the North Day Lot in Vail, Colorado. The North Dayഀ Lot is located along the south side of South Frontage Road, just east of the eastern Westഀ Lionshead Circle intersection within the Lionshead Village area. This parking lot currentlyഀ provides 105 parking spaces for Vail Resorts' employees. Redevelopment of this site isഀ anticipated to include employee housing and skier pick-up and drop-off. The redevelopment isഀ anticipated to be completed within the next couple of years. Analysis has therefore beenഀ completed for the 2010 short-term horizon, as well as the long term 2030 horizon.ഀ The project is proposed to include employee housing units on the east side of the site. The westഀ end of the site is anticipated to accommodate nine (9) parking spaces for skier pick-up/drop-off.ഀ The employee housing is anticipated to consist of a mixture of 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and 4ഀ bedroom dwelling units to accommodate up to 124 beds/ people.ഀ The purpose of this study is to identify project traffic generation characteristics, to identifyഀ potential project traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigationഀ measures required for identified impacts. Specifically, this traffic impact study has beenഀ prepared in accordance with CDOT requirements to include an evaluation of the existing trafficഀ conditions at the key intersections, as well as an evaluation of the short-term (2010) horizon.ഀ The intersection of South Frontage Road and eastern West Lionshead Circle intersection alongഀ with the proposed project access along West Lionshead Circle have been included forഀ evaluation in this study.ഀ Regional access to the Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access to the site is providedഀ by the South Frontage Road. Direct access to the project site will continue to be from one accessഀ driveway along West Lionshead Circle. Access to the project site is currently provided fromഀ this full movement access driveway approximately 65 feet south of South Frontage Road alongഀ West Lionshead Circle.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 1ഀ Site specific traffic from the future North Day Lot (including the skier drop-off and pick-up, aഀ public use relocated from Lionshead Place and replacing the illegal skier drop-off/pick-up thatഀ occurs on East Lionshead Circle) is expected to be approximately 115 trips during the morningഀ peak hour and 118 trips during the afternoon peak hour.. Accounting for the existing parkingഀ lot traffic generated today that will be relocated to another area of Town, the site, with theഀ public skier drop-off/pick-up, is anticipated to add 41 trips during the morning peak hour andഀ 44 trips during the afternoon peak hour. It is important to note that the majority of the skierഀ pick-up and drop-off trips are existing relocated trips from other locations where it wasഀ previously occurring within the Town (Lionshead Place and East Lionshead Circle), and theഀ remainder are new trips generated by convenience and enhancements provided at this newഀ location. The employee housing unit trip generation is anticipated to be 7 AM and 10 PM peakഀ hour trips, which represents the actual amount of new traffic generated by the housing project.ഀ Distribution of site traffic on the street system ' was based on the area street systemഀ characteristics, existing traffic patterns, anticipated surrounding development areas, and theഀ proposed access system for the project. This distribution was developed in accordance withഀ recommendations provided by Town of Vail staff and includes the possible future Simba Runഀ underpass of Interstate 70 (I-70). Assignment of project traffic was based upon the tripഀ generation described previously and the distributions developed.ഀ Based on the analysis presented, it is believed that the proposed North Day Lot redevelopmentഀ project will be successfully incorporated into the future roadway network. The proposed projectഀ development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the following recommendations:ഀ • According to the Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Update, South Frontage Road isഀ anticipated to be widened along project frontage to include one through lane in eachഀ direction with continuous eastbound and westbound acceleration/ deceleration lanes.ഀ According to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However,ഀ acceleration lanes are not warranted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mileഀ per hour posted speed limit. Based on recommendations included in the Lionshead Villageഀ Transportation Plan Update, acceleration lanes will be constructed to provide continuousഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 2ഀ Jഀ acceleration/ deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage. Inഀ addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed. It isഀ anticipated that these Frontage Road improvements will be constructed by the Town in oneഀ project for the limits from Ever Vail to the Town of Vail Community Development,ഀ sometime after the North Day Lot redevelopment project is completed.ഀ • Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed left turnഀ lanes along the South Frontage Road are recommended to be constructed in accordanceഀ with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Since the speed limit ofഀ South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through lane transition lengths will follow theഀ equation L=(W X S^2)/60, where L is the length of transition, W is the lateral offset, and S isഀ the speed in miles per hour.ഀ • All improvements along South Frontage Road are recommended to be designed per theഀ CDOT State Highway Access Code for category F-R roadways with a 25 mile per hourഀ speed limit.ഀ • The North Day Lot redevelopment project including the additional traffic generated fromഀ the skier drop-off/pick-up is not anticipated to increase traffic on the West Lionshead Circleഀ leg at the South Frontage Road by more than 20 percent. Therefore, it is believed that aഀ CDOT Access Permit will not be required for the project.ഀ • Auxiliary turn lane requirements for the West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Roadഀ intersection have been identified. These turn lane improvements are warranted based onഀ existing traffic conditions. It is recommended that when the Frontage Road improvementsഀ are constructed, the following turn lanes be included in the design:ഀ o According to the Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turnഀ deceleration lane is warranted based on existing traffic at the intersection of Westഀ Lionshead Circle with South Frontage Road. Per the Code, this lane shouldഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 3ഀ provide 110 feet of storage with a 7.5 to 1 taper to accommodate future 2030ഀ traffic volumes.ഀ o According to the Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn decelerationഀ lane is warranted based on existing traffic at the West Lionshead Circle & Southഀ Frontage Road intersection. According to the Code, this left turn decelerationഀ lane is recommended to provide 200 feet of storage plus a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ o A right turn acceleration lane along eastbound South Frontage Road is notഀ warranted based upon the Access Code. However, based upon the Lionsheadഀ Master Plan recommendations, a right turn acceleration lane is recommended toഀ be constructed for a length of 90 feet plus a 7.5 to 1 taper. This right turnഀ acceleration lane will reduce the possible vehicle queue along the northboundഀ West Lionshead Circle approach to the intersection.ഀ o To allow for acceptable level of service for left turns onto South Frontage Roadഀ from West Lionshead Circle, a westbound left turn acceleration lane isഀ recommended to be constructed. This left turn acceleration lane is recommendedഀ to be constructed for a length of 90 feet plus a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ • It is recommended that separate left turn and right turn lanes be provided along theഀ northbound approach of West Lionshead Circle to South Frontage Road. This approachഀ shall operate with stop-control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign.ഀ • To avoid the potential of conflicts created by vehicles queuing exiting the site at the projectഀ driveway along West Lionshead Circle, it is recommended that a minimum throat depth ofഀ 50 feet be provided prior to the first skier drop-off/pick-up parking space.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 4ഀ • It is recommended that the proposed access driveway approach to West Lionshead Circleഀ operate with stop control. A "STOP" (R1-1) sign should be placed along this approachഀ according to guidance provided in the MUTCD.ഀ • Northbound West Lionshead Circle is recommended to be posted with a R10-7 "DO NOTഀ BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign prior to the site access.ഀ • All on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements should be incorporated into theഀ Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDOT standards, as well as the Manualഀ on Uniform Traffic Control Devices - 2003 Edition (MUTCD).ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 5ഀ rഀ 2.0 INTRODUCTIONഀ Kinley-Horn has prepared this report to document the results of a Traffic Impact Study ofഀ future traffic conditions associated with the proposed redevelopment of the North Day Lot.ഀ North Day Lot is located along the south side of South Frontage Road, just east of the easternഀ West Lionshead Circle intersection within the Lionshead Village area in Vail, Colorado. Theഀ site currently consists of a parking lot with 105 spaces for Vail Resorts' employees.ഀ Redevelopment of this site is anticipated to include employee housing and skier pick-up andഀ drop-off. The vicinity map illustrating the North Day Lot location is shown in Figure 1.ഀ The project is proposed to include employee housing units on the east side of the site. The westഀ end of the site is anticipated to accommodate nine (9) parking spaces for skier pick-up/drop-off.ഀ The employee housing is anticipated to consist of a mixture of 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom, and 4ഀ bedroom dwelling units to accommodate up to 124 beds/ people.ഀ The purpose of this study is to identify project traffic generation characteristics, to identifyഀ potential project traffic related impacts on the local street system, and to develop mitigationഀ measures required for identified impacts. Specifically, this traffic impact study has beenഀ prepared in accordance with CDOT requirements to include an evaluation of the existing trafficഀ Jഀ conditions at the key intersections, as well as an evaluation of the short-term (2010) horizon.ഀ The intersection of South Frontage Road and eastern West Lionshead Circle intersection alongഀ with the proposed project access along West Lionshead Circle have been included forഀ evaluation in this study.ഀ Regional access to the Lionshead area is provided by I-70. Primary access to the site is providedഀ by the South Frontage Road. Direct access to the project site will continue to be from one accessഀ driveway along West Lionshead Circle. Access to the project site is currently provided fromഀ this full movement access driveway approximately 65 feet south of South Frontage Road alongഀ West Lionshead Circle. The current site plan illustrating the development and access is shownഀ in Appendix A.ഀ Kindey-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 6ഀ 3.0 EXISTING AND FUTURE CONDITIONSഀ 3.1 Existing Roadway Networkഀ North Day Lot is located along the south side of South Frontage Road just east of the easternഀ West Lionshead Circle intersection. Primary access to the site will continue to be provided byഀ South Frontage Road. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road currently provides a singleഀ through lane in each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. According to theഀ State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule, the segment of South Frontage Roadഀ adjacent to the site is categorized F-R. West Lionshead Circle also provides a single throughഀ lane in each direction in the site vicinity. The existing intersection of South Frontage Road withഀ West Lionshead Circle (eastern intersection) operates with stop-control along the approach toഀ South Frontage Road. Figure 2 illustrates the existing lane configuration and control at the keyഀ intersection of South Frontage Road with West Lionshead Circle.ഀ 3.2 Existing Study Areaഀ The existing site is comprised of a parking lot with 105 parking spaces for Vail Resorts'ഀ employees. There is a north-south pedestrian connection with an existing pedestrian bridgeഀ over Interstate 70 (I-70) between the North Day Lot development and areas north of I-70.ഀ Access to Vail Mountain is provided by a gondola located less than a quarter of a mile south ofഀ the project site. Hotel and condominium uses surround the site to the east, west, and south.ഀ 3.3 Existing Traffic Volumesഀ Existing peak hour turning movement counts were obtained at the existing key intersections ofഀ South Frontage Road with both West Lionshead Circle intersections and the Forest Roadഀ intersection as part of the Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Update prepared by Felsburgഀ Holt & Ullevig (FHU) in November 2006. These counts were conducted during peak winterഀ time periods. These turning movement counts are shown in Figure 3 with the text and figuresഀ referencing the counts from the FHU study provided in Appendix B.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 8ഀ iഀ 3.4 Long Term Future Roadway Networkഀ According to the Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Update, South Frontage Road isഀ recommended to be widened along project frontage to include one through lane in eachഀ direction with a continuous westbound left turn acceleration/ deceleration lane. In addition, aഀ continuous eastbound right turn acceleration/ deceleration lane will be provided along theഀ south side of South Frontage Road. Along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane isഀ planned.ഀ The proposed Ever Vail development is to be located along South Frontage Road west of theഀ western intersection of West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Road. With development ofഀ the Ever Vail project, the South Frontage Road will be realigned and improved adjacent to theഀ project site. According to the Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Update, this realignmentഀ has been discussed as part of the Frontage Road planning with preliminary acceptance fromഀ CDOT. With realignment of South Frontage Road, a realignment of Forest Road is alsoഀ proposed where Forest Road will.intersect South Frontage Road at the approximate currentഀ western intersection of West Lionshead Circle in a roundabout. Based on Town of Vailഀ recommendations, this roundabout will provide a westbound bypass lane along South Frontageഀ Road and a northbound to eastbound right turn bypass lane from Forest Road onto eastboundഀ South Frontage Road. With this realignment, due to roadway geometrics, it is proposed thatഀ West Lionshead Circle intersect with Forest Road in a T-intersection approximately 200 feetഀ south of the roundabout. The Frontage Road improvements, between Ever Vail and the Townഀ of Vail Community Development building are anticipated to be constructed in one project,ഀ sometime after completion of the North Day Lot redevelopment. Figure 4 illustrates theഀ anticipated future intersection lane configurations and control based upon theഀ recommendations within the Lionshead Master Plan Study.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page IIഀ iഀ 3.5 Future Traffic Volumesഀ Future 2030 traffic volumes were obtained from the Town of Vail. These future long term trafficഀ volume estimates were developed as part of a Frontage Road study being conducted by theഀ traffic consultant for the Town of Vail, Felsburg Holt & Ullevig (FHU) and include the possibleഀ future Simba Run & Interstate 70 (I-70) underpass. These future traffic volumes take intoഀ account development that is under construction, development that is already approved,ഀ development that was recently submitted to the Town for consideration, and potentialഀ development that might more efficiently utilize a given parcel of land. Specifically, theseഀ background traffic estimates include the redevelopment of the Lionshead Parking Structure andഀ the Ever Vail redevelopment of the Holy Cross Maintenance site and realignment of Southഀ Frontage Road. Traffic volumes for the anticipated redevelopment of the Glen Lyon officeഀ building were also added to the background traffic projections. To determine traffic volumesഀ along South Frontage Road for the 2010 short-term horizon, the existing 2006 traffic volumesഀ were grown at an annual 2 percent growth rate. The 2010 short term traffic volume projectionsഀ are shown in Figure 5. The 2030 long term traffic volume projections are shown in Figure 6.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 13ഀ jഀ 4.0 PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICSഀ 4.1 Trip Generationഀ Site-generated traffic estimates are determined through a process known as trip generation.ഀ Rates and equations are applied to the proposed land use to estimate traffic generated by theഀ development during a specific time interval. The acknowledged source for trip generation ratesഀ is the Trip Generation Report' published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITEഀ has established trip rates in nationwide studies of similar land uses.ഀ Emp ee Housingഀ The employee housing is anticipated to consist of a mixture of two (2), three (3), and four (4)ഀ bedroom dwelling units to accommodate up to 124 beds/people. It was assumed that on aഀ typical day 80 percent of the residents (99 people) would be working and would therefore notഀ generate vehicle trips during the morning and afternoon peak hours as it is expected that theyഀ will walk to work. Of the remaining 20 percent (25 people), the ITE Trip Generation Reportഀ average rate equations that apply to Apartment (220) were applied to determine the estimatedഀ trip generation for the remaining employees that were assumed to not work on a typical peakഀ day at the resort and would therefore be available to make a vehicle trip during the morningഀ and afternoon peak hours.ഀ Skier Pick-Llp and Drop-Ofiഀ The site is anticipated to accommodate nine (9) parking spaces for skier pick-up/drop-off. It isഀ anticipated that the nine (9) skier pick-up/drop-off spaces will have an average turnover rate ofഀ 10 minutes per space during the peak hour and will therefore generate 54 vehicles/108 tripsഀ during the morning and afternoon peak hours. It is understood that several spaces will haveഀ shorter and longer turnover rates, however when averaged over the nine (9) proposed spaces, aഀ 10-minute interval is believed to be appropriate.ഀ 1 Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation: An Information Report, Seventh Edition,ഀ Washington DC, 2003.ഀ Kimsey-Horn and Associates, Inc. Vഀ 0960940021 North Daly Lot Redevelopment Page 16ഀ Existing Employee Parking macesഀ The existing parking lot provides parking spaces for 105 Vail Resorts' employees. Of these, 93ഀ of the employees arrive and depart during the two-hour morning and afternoon peak timeഀ periods. Based on information obtained from Vail Resorts Mountain Operations, it is assumedഀ that 80 percent of these trips would actually occur during one common morning and afternoonഀ peak hour. This results in 74 less arriving morning peak hour trips and 74 less departingഀ afternoon peak hour trips due to the site redevelopment.ഀ Site specific traffic from the future North Day Lot (including the skier drop-off and pick-up, aഀ public use relocated from Lionshead Place and replacing the illegal skier drop-off/pick-up thatഀ occurs on East Lionshead Circle) is expected to be approximately 115 trips during the morningഀ peak hour and 118 trips during the afternoon peak hour. Accounting for the existing parkingഀ lot traffic generated today that will be relocated to another area of Town, the site, with theഀ public skier drop-off/pick-up, is anticipated to add 41 trips during the morning peak hour andഀ 44 trips during the afternoon peak hour. It is important to note that the majority of the skierഀ pick-up and drop-off trips are existing relocated trips from other locations where it wasഀ previously occurring within the Town (Lionshead Place and East Lionshead Circle), and theഀ remainder are new trips generated by convenience and enhancements provided at this newഀ location. The employee housing unit trip generation is anticipated to be 7 AM and 10 PM peakഀ hour trips, which represents the actual amount of new traffic generated by the housing project.ഀ Table 1 summarizes the estimated trip generation for the proposed redevelopment. The tripഀ generation worksheets are included in Appendix C. These calculations illustrate the equationsഀ used, directional distribution of trips, and number of daily trips based on the published ITEഀ rates.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 17ഀ Iഀ Table 1- North Dav Lot Development Trio Generationഀ 'ഀ Independentഀ AM Peak Hourഀ PM Peak Hourഀ Parcelഀ Iഀ TE Landഀ Use Codeഀ Variable forഀ Tripഀ Generationഀ Enterഀ Exitഀ Totalഀ Enterഀ Exitഀ Totalഀ Residentialഀ Employee Housing * 220ഀ 25 persons 1 6 7 7 3ഀ 10ഀ Sider Parkingഀ Skier Pick-up/Drop-offഀ 9 spaces 54ഀ 54ഀ 108ഀ 54ഀ 54ഀ 108ഀ Subtotal 55ഀ 60ഀ 115ഀ =ഀ F57ഀ 118ഀ Existing Employee Parking Spacesഀ Parking Space Removal 74 spacesഀ -74ഀ ❑ -74 0 Iഀ L-7-4ഀ E:1ഀ Totalഀ -19ഀ 60 41 61ഀ -17ഀ 'Although there will be 124 beds, it is assumed that 20% of residents (25 people) will not be working andഀ would be available to make a vehicle trip.ഀ "Assuming each parking space turns over every 10 minutes on averageഀ 'The current trips for the existing 93 parking spaces will no longer occur with this redevelopment. It isഀ assumed that 80 percent of these trips occur during the AM (entering) and PM (exiting) peak hours.ഀ 4.2 Trip Distributionഀ Distribution of site traffic on the street system was based on the area street systemഀ characteristics, existing traffic patterns and volumes, and the proposed access system for theഀ project. The directional distribution of traffic is a means to quantify the percentage of site-ഀ generated traffic that approaches the site from a given direction and departs the site in the sameഀ direction. This distribution was developed in accordance with recommendations provided byഀ the Town of Vail and takes into account the possible future Simba Run underpass of I-70 andഀ realignment of Forest Road in conjunction with the Ever Vail redevelopment. Distributionsഀ were prepared separately for the employee housing and skier drop-off/pick-up. Figure 7ഀ illustrates the expected project distribution for the employee housing. Figure 8 illustrates theഀ expected project distribution for the skier drop-off/pick-up portion of the site.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 18ഀ 4.3 Traffic Assignment and Total (Background Plus Project) Trafficഀ Traffic assignment was obtained by applying the distributions to the estimated trip generationഀ of the development shown in Table 1. Figure 9 illustrates the redevelopment traffic assignmentഀ for employee housing and skier drop-off/pick-up. These project traffic volumes were added toഀ the background volumes to represent estimated traffic conditions for the short term 2010 andഀ long term 2030 horizons. Figures 10 and 11 illustrate the background plus project trafficഀ volumes for the 2010 and 2030 horizon years, respectively.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/ North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 21ഀ 5.0 TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSISഀ Kimley-Horns analysis of traffic operations in the site vicinity was conducted to determineഀ potential capacity deficiencies in the 2012 and 2030 development horizon at the identified keyഀ intersections. The acknowledged source for determining overall capacity is the current editionഀ of the Highway Capacity Man=12.ഀ 5.1 Analysis Methodologyഀ Capacity analysis results are listed in terms of Level of Service (LOS). LOS is a qualitative termഀ describing operating conditions a driver will experience while traveling on a particular street orഀ highway during a specific time interval. It ranges from A (very little delay) to F (long delaysഀ and congestion). For intersections and roadways in this study area, the Town of Vailഀ recommends intersection LOS C as the minimum threshold for acceptable operations. Table 2ഀ shows the definition of level of service for unsignalized intersections.ഀ Table 2 - Level of Service Definitionsഀ Level ofഀ Serviceഀ Unsignalized Intersection Average Total Delayഀ sec/vehഀ Aഀ <_10ഀ Bഀ >10and<_15ഀ Cഀ >15 and 25ഀ Dഀ >25 and 35ഀ Eഀ >35 and 50ഀ Fഀ >50ഀ Definitions provided from the Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, Transportation Research Board, 2000.ഀ 2 Transportation Research Board, Highway Capacihj Manual, Special Report 209, Washington DC, 2000.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 25ഀ Study area intersections were analyzed based on average total delay analysis for unsignalizedഀ intersections. Under the unsignalized analysis, the level of service (LOS) for a two-way stopഀ controlled intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is definedഀ for each minor movement. Level of service for a two-way stop-controlled intersection is notഀ defined for the intersection as a whole.ഀ 5.2 Key Intersection Operational Analysisഀ Calculations for the level of service at the key intersections identified for study are provided inഀ Appendix D. Level of service for the two-way stop controlled intersections was calculatedഀ using Synchro analysis software with the LOS calculated using the Highway Capacity Manualഀ (HCM) methodology.ഀ The critical gap and follow-up times were adjusted in the analysis for the northbound toഀ westbound left turning vehicles at the intersection of the proposed full movement accessഀ driveway with South Frontage Road to account for the future left turn acceleration lane alongഀ South Frontage Road. These gap times were adjusted based on the procedure contained in theഀ Highway Capacity Manual using equations 17-1 and 17-2 for two-stage gap acceptance. Theseഀ calculations are included in Appendix E for reference.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 26ഀ South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle (East Intersection)ഀ For existing traffic, longer delays and Town of Vail determined unacceptable LOS D exist forഀ the northbound to westbound left turning vehicles from West Lionshead Circle onto Southഀ Frontage Road during the PM peak hour. These delays are anticipated to increase through eachഀ year as traffic volumes increase along South Frontage Road. According to the Lionsheadഀ Village Transportation Plan Update, South Frontage Road is planned to be widened alongഀ project frontage to include one through lane in each direction with a continuous westbound leftഀ turn acceleration/ deceleration lane. In addition, a continuous eastbound right turnഀ acceleration/ deceleration lane will be provided along the south side of the South Frontageഀ Road. Along the north side of the realigned South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed. It isഀ anticipated that these improvements will be constructed as one single project between Ever Vailഀ and the Town of Vail Community Development. With these improvements, all movements atഀ the intersection are anticipated to operate acceptably throughout the near term 2010 horizon.ഀ By 2030 with or without project traffic, all movements are anticipated to operate acceptablyഀ with the exception of the northbound left turn during the PM peak hour with the proposedഀ Frontage Road improvements. The northbound left turn may operate with approximately 32ഀ seconds of delay per vehicle and LOS D with North Day Lot project traffic. Delays of thisഀ magnitude are reasonable and expected from minor street movements onto major streets duringഀ peak hours. If actual 2030 background traffic volumes projections are realized, the Town of Vailഀ and/or CDOT may wish to consider restricting this intersection to three-quarter movementsഀ (northbound left restricted). Due to the street interconnectivity available to the Ever Vailഀ roundabout proposed at Forest Road, it is believed that the northbound left turn movementഀ could be allowed, with the option for traffic to reroute on the street network as necessary.ഀ Table 3 provides the results of the level of service at this intersection.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 27ഀ Table 3 - SFR & West Lionshead Circle (East Intersection) LOS Resultsഀ AM Peaഀ k Hourഀ PM Peaഀ k Hourഀ Delayഀ Delayഀ Scenarioഀ sec/vehഀ LOSഀ sec/vehഀ LOSഀ 2006 Existingഀ Westbound Leftഀ 1.7ഀ Aഀ 2.4ഀ Aഀ Northbound Approachഀ 14.1ഀ Bഀ 27.2ഀ Dഀ 2010 Backgroundഀ Westbound Leftഀ 1.6ഀ Aഀ 2.4ഀ Aഀ Northbound Approachഀ 14.8ഀ Bഀ 31.5ഀ Dഀ 2010 Background Plus Project*ഀ Westbound Leftഀ 8.3ഀ Aഀ 9.0ഀ Aഀ Northbound Leftഀ 12.7ഀ Bഀ 16.2ഀ Cഀ Northbound Rightഀ 11.7ഀ Bഀ 12.8ഀ Bഀ 2030 Background*ഀ Westbound Leftഀ 9.5ഀ Aഀ 10.9ഀ Bഀ Northbound Leftഀ 16.9ഀ Cഀ 30.1ഀ Dഀ Northbound Rightഀ 15.4ഀ Cഀ 23.1ഀ Cഀ 2030 Background Plus Projectഀ Westbound Leftഀ 9.4ഀ Aഀ 11.4ഀ Bഀ Northbound Leftഀ 17.9ഀ Cഀ 32.1ഀ Dഀ Northbound Rightഀ 16.5ഀ Cഀ 22.4ഀ Cഀ * Includes improvements along South Frontage Road and separate northbound left and right turn lanesഀ It is recommended that separate northbound left and right turn lanes be provided along theഀ West Lionshead Circle approach to South Frontage Road. This will help facilitate northboundഀ to westbound left and northbound to eastbound right turn movements onto South Frontageഀ Road. Delay for the northbound right turning movement is anticipated to be better thanഀ reported since there will be little to no delay for these vehicles due to the construction of a freeഀ right turn acceleration lane along eastbound South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 28ഀ West Lionshead Circle & Access Drivewayഀ All movements at the full movement access driveway along West Lionshead Circle areഀ anticipated to operate acceptably throughout the long term horizon with the addition of projectഀ traffic associated with this redevelopment. Table 4 provides the results of the level of service atഀ this intersection.ഀ Table 4 - West Lionshead Circle & Project Access Driveway LOS Resultsഀ AM Peaഀ k Hourഀ PM Peaഀ k Hourഀ Delayഀ Delayഀ Scenarioഀ sec/vehഀ LOSഀ sec/vehഀ LOSഀ 2010 Background Plus Projectഀ Westbound Approachഀ 9.5ഀ Aഀ 9.7ഀ Aഀ Southbound Approachഀ 4.9ഀ Aഀ 2.3ഀ Aഀ 2030 Background Plus Projectഀ Westbound Approachഀ 9.7ഀ Aഀ 10.2ഀ Bഀ Southbound A oachഀ 3.4ഀ Aഀ 1.9ഀ Aഀ It is recommended that the proposed access driveway approach to West Lionshead Circleഀ operate with stop control. A "STOP" (R1-1) sign should be placed along this approachഀ according to guidance provided in the MUTCD. Likewise, to avoid the potential of conflictsഀ created by vehicles queuing exiting the site at the project driveway along West Lionsheadഀ Circle, it is recommended that a minimum throat depth of 50 feet be provided prior to the firstഀ skier drop-off/pick-up parking space. Due to the close proximity of the North Day Lot accessഀ driveway along West Lionshead Circle, northbound West Lionshead Circle is recommended toഀ be posted with a R10-7 "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign prior to the site access.ഀ Kimsey-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Dad Lot Redevelopment Page 29ഀ 5.3 Auxiliary Turn Lane Recommendationsഀ The State Highway Access Category Assignment Schedule categorizes the segment of Southഀ Frontage Road adjacent to the site as F-R. In the site vicinity, South Frontage Road provides oneഀ lane of travel in each direction with a 25 mile per hour posted speed limit. As such, auxiliaryഀ turn lane requirements at the existing intersection of South Frontage Road with West Lionsheadഀ Circle are recommended based on requirements provided in the State Highway Access Code forഀ category F-R roadways with a 25 mile per hour speed limit. According to the Access Code, aഀ left turn deceleration lane plus taper with storage length is required for any access with aഀ projected peak hour ingress volume greater than 25 vehicles per hour (vph). A right turnഀ deceleration lane plus taper is required for any access with a projected peak hour ingressഀ turning volume greater than 50 vph. Based on the 25 mile per hour posted speed limit,ഀ acceleration lanes would not be required. As such, auxiliary turn lane requirements are asഀ follows:ഀ • According to the Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turn deceleration lane isഀ warranted based on existing traffic at the intersection of West Lionshead Circle with Southഀ Frontage Road. Per the Code, this lane should provide 110 feet of storage with a 7.5 to 1ഀ taper to accommodate future 2030 traffic volumes.ഀ • According to the Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn deceleration lane isഀ warranted based on existing traffic at the West Lionshead Circle & South Frontage Roadഀ intersection. According to the Code, this left turn deceleration lane is recommended toഀ provide 200 feet of storage plus a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ • A right turn acceleration lane along eastbound South Frontage Road is not warranted basedഀ upon the Access Code. However, based upon the Lionshead Master Plan recommendations,ഀ a right turn acceleration lane is recommended to be constructed for a length of 90 feet plus aഀ 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 30ഀ • To allow for acceptable level of service for left turns onto South Frontage Road from Westഀ Lionshead Circle, a westbound left turn acceleration lane is recommended to be constructed.ഀ This left turn acceleration lane is recommended to be constructed for a length of 90 feet plusഀ a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 31ഀ 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSഀ Based on the analysis presented in this report, Kimley-Horn believes the proposed North Dayഀ Lot redevelopment project will be successfully incorporated into the future roadway network.ഀ The proposed project development and expected traffic volumes resulted in the followingഀ recommendations:ഀ • According to the Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Update, South Frontage Road isഀ anticipated to be widened along project frontage to include one through lane in eachഀ direction with continuous eastbound and westbound acceleration/ deceleration lanes.ഀ According to the Access Code, deceleration lanes are generally required. However,ഀ acceleration lanes are not warranted along South Frontage Road due to the existing 25 mileഀ per hour posted speed limit. Based on recommendations included in the Lionshead Villageഀ Transportation Plan Update, acceleration lanes will be constructed to provide continuousഀ acceleration/ deceleration lanes along South Frontage Road adjacent to project frontage. Inഀ addition, along the north side of South Frontage Road, a bike lane is proposed. It isഀ anticipated that these Frontage Road improvements will be constructed by the Town in oneഀ project for the limits from Ever Vail to the Town of Vail Community Development,ഀ sometime after the North Day Lot redevelopment project is completed.ഀ • Through lane transitions for eastbound and westbound traffic around the proposed left turnഀ lanes along the South Frontage Road are recommended to be constructed in accordanceഀ with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Since the speed limit ofഀ South Frontage Road is 25 miles per hour, the through lane transition lengths will follow theഀ equation L=(W X S^2)/60, where L is the length of transition, W is the lateral offset, and S isഀ the speed in miles per hour.ഀ • All improvements along South Frontage Road are recommended to be designed per theഀ CDOT. State Highway Access Code for category F-R roadways with a 25 mile per hourഀ speed limit.ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 32ഀ • The North Day Lot redevelopment project including the additional traffic generated fromഀ the skier drop-off/pick-up is not anticipated to increase traffic on the West Lionshead Circleഀ leg at the South Frontage Road by more than 20 percent. Therefore, it is believed that aഀ CDOT Access Permit will not be required for the project.ഀ • Auxiliary turn lane requirements for the West Lionshead Circle and South Frontage Roadഀ intersection have been identified. These turn lane improvements are warranted based onഀ existing traffic conditions. It is recommended that when the Frontage Road improvementsഀ are constructed, the following turn lanes be included in the design:ഀ o According to the Access Code, an eastbound to southbound right turnഀ deceleration lane is warranted based on existing traffic at the intersection of Westഀ Lionshead Circle with South Frontage Road. Per the Code, this lane shouldഀ provide 110 feet of storage with a 7.5 to 1 taper to accommodate future 2030ഀ traffic volumes.ഀ o According to the Access Code, a westbound to southbound left turn decelerationഀ lane is warranted based on existing traffic at the West Lionshead Circle & Southഀ Frontage Road intersection. According to the Code, this left turn decelerationഀ lane is recommended to provide 200 feet of storage plus a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ o A right turn acceleration lane along eastbound South Frontage Road is notഀ warranted based upon the Access Code. However, based upon the Lionsheadഀ Master Plan recommendations, a right turn acceleration lane is recommended toഀ be constructed for a length of 90 feet plus a 7.5 to 1 taper. This right turnഀ acceleration lane will reduce the possible vehicle queue along the northboundഀ West Lionshead Circle approach to the intersection.ഀ Kimsey-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021 North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 33ഀ o To allow for acceptable level of service for left turns onto South Frontage Roadഀ from West Lionshead Circle, a westbound left turn acceleration lane isഀ recommended to be constructed. This left turn acceleration lane is recommendedഀ to be constructed for a length of 90 feet plus a 7.5 to 1 taper.ഀ • It is recommended that separate left turn and right turn lanes be provided along theഀ northbound approach of West Lionshead Circle to South Frontage Road. This approachഀ shall operate with stop-control and be posted with an R1-1 "STOP" sign.ഀ • To avoid the potential of conflicts created by vehicles queuing exiting the site at the projectഀ driveway along West Lionshead Circle, it is recommended that a minimum throat depth ofഀ 50 feet be provided prior to the first skier drop-off/pick-up parking space.ഀ • It is recommended that the proposed access driveway approach to West Lionshead Circleഀ operate with stop control. A "STOP" (R1-1) sign should be placed along this approachഀ according to guidance provided in the MUTCD.ഀ • Northbound West Lionshead Circle is recommended to be posted with a R10-7 "DO NOTഀ BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign prior to the site access.ഀ • All on-site and off-site signing and striping improvements should be incorporated into theഀ Civil Drawings, and conform to Town of Vail and CDOT standards, as well as the Manualഀ on Uniform Traffic Control Devices - 2003 Edition (MUTCD).ഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/ North Day Lot Redevelopment Page 34ഀ APPENDICESഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096136000/North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ APPENDIX Aഀ Conceptual Site Planഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Dcnj Lot Redevelopmentഀ cഀ I £.Fഀ I ~ഀ ICIഀ ~Iഀ ഀ III ~ഀ y Iഀ 1ഀ Iഀ I'~ IIഀ I,1 ~1 I1ഀ 1 _ lഀ 2ഀ Aഀ I ~ഀ iഀ ~~pvഀ S~ഀ a=ഀ 3ഀ Aഀ Alഀ ഀ .ഀ fഀ >ഀ 1ഀ I `ഀ -i\ may- \ഀ \ ~ iഀ Iഀ Sഀ it I I. \ Vഀ 3bYI~0V316NOf11L]Mഀ Oഀ APPENDIX Bഀ 2006 Existing Counts from FHU Studyഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ Lionshead Village Transportation Plan Updateഀ II. EXISTING TRANSPORTATION CONDITIONSഀ As part of Frontage Road planning study, a series of intersection turning movement counts wereഀ collected throughout the Town during peak winter time periods. These included the key cross-ഀ street intersections within the Lionshead area, and the AM and PM peak hour turningഀ movements representative of the 2006 timeframe are shown in Figure 1. The Frontage Roadഀ study focused on the PM peak hour time frame since the PM traffic flows were higher than theഀ AM. However, one area of concern in the AM peak hour is the access intersection to theഀ Lionshead Parking Structure. There is a relatively heavy inbound left turn that takes placeഀ during the AM peak hour, and this movement routinely creates queues along the Frontageഀ Road. The creation of the queues is due to a combination of factors including:ഀ • The lack of a left turn lane which then causes some of the through traffic to be caught inഀ the queue, andഀ • The location of the parking entry booths offers limited stacking distance on-site, soഀ excess queuing takes place along the Frontage Roadഀ As compared to the 1997 Presidents Day weekend PM peak hour traffic, the 2006 PM peakഀ hour data are similar. Patterns for the Frontage Road and the cross-streets are also similarഀ between the two time-frames. Magnitudes of the 2006 PM peak hour data are slightly higherഀ than the raw 1997 data in some locations, but generally the two sets of traffic data are alike.ഀ Transit service is currently provided to the Lionshead area via several Town bus routes and theഀ Eagle County regional service (ECO). Vail's In-town bus service terminates at Lionshead nearഀ the planned West Lionshead area. In-town bus stops are provided at several locations withinഀ Lionshead, but the busiest stop area is at the Lionshead Mall entrance located at the southwestഀ corner of the Lionshead Parking Structure. This area is busiest primarily due to this locationഀ being closest to the Lionshead Gondola, but it also serves as the primary stop for the parkingഀ structure itself. Two West Vail bus routes both have scheduled stops at Lionshead Plazaഀ located on the west side of the Lionshead Mall area. The ECO system also has programmedഀ stop at Lionshead.ഀ One of Vail's two major parking structures also resides in Lionshead. Approximately 1200ഀ spaces are provided at the Lionshead parking structure. During winter season, this structureഀ may fill between 30 and 40 times depending on season snow conditions. Typically, drivers areഀ directed to this structure once the Village parking structure fills. When both structures fill, theഀ Town parks excess vehicles along the Frontage Road. Peak days can see over 1,000 vehiclesഀ parked along the Frontage Road.ഀ N FELSBURGഀ C4 1-I0LT &ഀ ULLEVIGഀ Page 2ഀ wഀ ഀ Cf)i0~ഀ wx~ഀ Woഀ Lഀ ol~ഀ o~ഀ ~ aഀ mss`ഀ dഀ o` ~l 51251ഀ ~~s'ഀ i~rszsE~zഀ 35(65) Tഀ X00(160\ഀ oഀ Nഀ XII / I Iഀ I~ 55(100) iഀ 65(95)ഀ I~ IIഀ ' J 30 165ഀ JJ J 50355; iഀ muഀ J o J ~c`~ C,ഀ Lo Cഀ cഀ 1' /Jഀ T co wഀ w N Oഀ 0 ~ Nഀ Oഀ U wഀ Cc$ഀ C', CIOഀ I= ~cഀ coഀ 0 dഀ 0ഀ ccഀ Nഀ coഀ cഀ 0ഀ U-ഀ 0ഀ wഀ Uഀ coഀ Oഀ Oഀ Zഀ D7ഀ 2ഀ ~17ഀ Aഀ ILഀ 0ഀ aഀ rnഀ APPENDIX Cഀ Trip Generation Worksheetsഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Dad Lot Redevelopmentഀ xഀ Xഀ Wഀ coഀ d~ഀ Lf)ഀ ^ഀ Loഀ nഀ Wഀ xഀ Wഀ Hഀ la,ഀ ~ഀ 0ഀ 20ഀ Galഀ ~ഀ 0 06ഀ hഀ OLഀ Hഀ yഀ PLഀ Mഀ Nഀ nഀ 4ഀ fnഀ yഀ Aഀ 0ഀ ~ഀ MMഀ G1ഀ ~ഀ oഀ Cഀ t*tഀ dഀ ~bഀ btഀ :3ഀ °ഀ 66ഀ cdഀ oഀ aഀ dഀ wഀ 0ഀ Zഀ wഀ bOഀ 2ഀ R+ഀ cnഀ Q6ഀ :5ഀ ഀ tഀ nഀ 5ഀ wഀ qഀ wഀ 'ഀ Cnഀ ഀ Fഀ ~ oഀ c ~ഀ 01ഀ .A Oഀ M 00ഀ .a ~ഀ o ~ഀ ~ oഀ Lf) o~ഀ o ~ഀ wഀ N ~ഀ Oഀ 0p pഀ Oyl p pഀ Vol O oyiഀ p ~ ;Cഀ mഀ wഀ tm obiഀ .n oഀ V vഀ o ~ ~ oഀ aഀ CKimley-Homഀ and and Associates, Inc.ഀ Project _ഀ Subjectഀ Designed'-b)ഀ Checked byഀ Northഀ November 11, 2008 Job No. 96094002ഀ Sheet No. 1 of 1ഀ TRIP GENERATION MANUAL TECHNIQUESഀ ITE Trip Generation Manual 7th Edition, Average Rateഀ Land Use Code - Apartment (220)ഀ Independant Variable - Persons (X)ഀ X = 25ഀ T = Average Vehicle Trip Endsഀ Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Traffic. One Hour Between 7 and 9 a.m. (pane 316ഀ * Uses directional distribution from page 307ഀ Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 20% ent. 80% exit.ഀ T = 0.28 (X) T = 7 Average Vehicle Trip Endsഀ T = 0.28 * 25.0 1 entering 6 exitingഀ 1 + 6 = 7ഀ Peak Hour of Adiacent Street Traffic. One Hour Between 4 and 6 p.m. (aaee 317ഀ * Uses directional distribution from page 308ഀ Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 65% ent. 35% exit.ഀ T = 0.40 (X) T = 10 Average Vehicle Trip Endsഀ T = 0.40 * 25.0 7 entering 3 exitingഀ 7 + 3 = 10ഀ Weekday (uaae 315)ഀ Average Weekday Directional Distribution: 50% entering, 50% exitingഀ T = 3.35 (X) T = 84 Average Vehicle Trip Endsഀ T = 3.35 * 25.0 42 entering 42 exitingഀ 42 + 42 = 84ഀ iഀ APPENDIX Dഀ Synchro Intersection Analysis Worksheetsഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 096094002/North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2006 AM Existingഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ I^ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ 1~ഀ 4ഀ Yഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 320ഀ 55ഀ 50ഀ 280ഀ 35ഀ 100ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 348ഀ 60ഀ 54ഀ 304ഀ 38ഀ 109ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 408ഀ 791ഀ 378ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 408ഀ 791ഀ 378ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 95ഀ 89ഀ 84ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1151ഀ 344ഀ 673ഀ Volume Totalഀ 408ഀ 359ഀ 147ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 54ഀ 38ഀ Volume Right;ഀ 60ഀ 0ഀ 109ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1151ഀ 540ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.24ഀ 0:05ഀ 0.27ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 4ഀ 27ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 00ഀ 1.7ഀ 14.1ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Bഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.7ഀ 14.1ഀ Approach LOSഀ Bഀ Average Delay 2.9ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilization 55.8%0ഀ Analysis Period (min) 15ഀ ICU Level of Service Bഀ Baselineഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ Synchro 6 Reportഀ Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2006 PM Existingഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ ~ ~ ~ 4 1.1~ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ Frഀ Yഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 370ഀ 80ഀ 90ഀ 425ഀ 65ഀ 160ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 402ഀ 87ഀ 98ഀ 462ഀ 71ഀ 174ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 489ഀ 1103ഀ 446ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ uC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 489ഀ 1103ഀ 446ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 91ഀ 67ഀ 72ഀ cM`capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1074ഀ 214ഀ 617ഀ Volume Totalഀ 489ഀ 560ഀ 245ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 98ഀ 71ഀ Volume Rightഀ 87ഀ 0ഀ 174ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1074ഀ 400ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.29ഀ 0.09ഀ 0.61ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 7ഀ 98ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.4ഀ 27.2ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Dഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.4ഀ 27.2ഀ Approach LOSഀ Dഀ Average Delayഀ 6.2ഀ Intersection Capacity Utiഀ lizationഀ 75.1%ഀ ICU Level of Service Dഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2010 AM Backgroundഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ %W --10- "v 111r, 4% /01ഀ ...,rഀ liഀ Lane Configurationsഀ ഀ 4ഀ 'Y'ഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 345ഀ 55ഀ 50ഀ 305ഀ 35ഀ 100ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 375ഀ 60ഀ 54ഀ 332ഀ 38ഀ 109ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 435ഀ 845ഀ 405ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 435ഀ 845ഀ 405ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 41ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 95ഀ 88ഀ 83ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1125ഀ 320ഀ 650ഀ Volume Totalഀ 435ഀ 386ഀ 147ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 54ഀ 38ഀ Volume Rightഀ 60ഀ 0ഀ 109ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1125ഀ 513ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.26ഀ 0.05ഀ 0.29ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 4ഀ 29ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.6ഀ 14.8ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Bഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.6ഀ 14.8ഀ Approach LOSഀ Bഀ Infe S•- a Akഀ if w; d ilkcMft 4 'i'yb k,..ഀ ~wഀ d.=. .°Ye. ..Iaw,k S.1+~ iഀ Average Delayഀ 2.9ഀ Intersection Capacity Utiഀ lizationഀ 58.4%ഀ ICU Level of Service Bഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysisഀ 2010 PM Backgroundഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circleഀ North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ -rഀ '1-*ഀ 411"ഀ ~ഀ 4\ഀ eh " "'':I.ഀ * 4Pഀ Me'ഀ htaഀ ഀ ~ .ഀ 1IVBഀ 11Nഀ NaLഀ N R ~ഀ `ഀ -ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ .ഀ 1~ഀ 4ഀ Yഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 400ഀ 80ഀ 90ഀ 460ഀ 65ഀ 160ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 435ഀ 87ഀ 98ഀ 500ഀ 71ഀ 174ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 522ഀ 1174ഀ 478ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 522ഀ 1174ഀ 478ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 91ഀ 64ഀ 71ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1045ഀ 194ഀ 591ഀ Volume Totalഀ 522ഀ 598ഀ 245ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 98ഀ 71ഀ Volume Rightഀ 87ഀ 0ഀ 174ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1045ഀ 371ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.31ഀ 0.09ഀ 0.66ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 8ഀ 113ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.4ഀ 31.5ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Dഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.4ഀ 31.5ഀ Approach LOSഀ Dഀ Min Mthw*y 'Tഀ "I"ഀ nffഀ Iഀ Average Delayഀ 6.7ഀ Intersection Capacity Uഀ tilizationഀ 78.5%ഀ ICU Level of Serviceഀ Dഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ I~ഀ C4ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2010 AM Total Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ Lane Configurationsഀ tഀ rഀ tഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 345ഀ 47ഀ 41ഀ 305ഀ 65ഀ 130ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 375ഀ 51ഀ 45ഀ 332ഀ 71ഀ 141ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 426ഀ 796ഀ 375ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ 375ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 421ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 426ഀ 796ഀ 375ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ *5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 96ഀ 87ഀ 79ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1144ഀ 537ഀ 676ഀ tഀ ,ഀ ,r 18ഀ !ഀ 1ഀ r tVB 2ഀ Volume Totalഀ 375ഀ 51ഀ 45ഀ 332ഀ 71ഀ 141ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 45ഀ 0ഀ 71ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 51ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 141ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 1144ഀ 1700ഀ 537ഀ 676ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.22ഀ 0.03ഀ 0.04ഀ 0.20ഀ 0.13ഀ 0.21ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 3ഀ 0ഀ 11ഀ 20ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 8.3ഀ 0.0ഀ 12.7ഀ 11.7ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Bഀ Bഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.0ഀ 12.1ഀ Approach LOSഀ Bഀ Average Delayഀ 2.9ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 35.1%ഀ ICU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ * User Entered Valueഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2010 PM Total Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ -10. -V f- 4\ toഀ Lane Configurationsഀ tഀ F Iഀ ♦ഀ Iഀ Fഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 400ഀ 110 120ഀ 460ഀ 56ഀ 152ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 435ഀ 120 130ഀ 500ഀ 61ഀ 165ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 554ഀ 1196ഀ 435ഀ vC 1, stage 1 conf volഀ 435ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 761ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 554ഀ 1196ഀ 435ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ *5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 87ഀ 84ഀ 74ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 1026ഀ 381ഀ 626ഀ `Nഀ 1", =ഀ Bഀ vഀ Volume Totalഀ 435ഀ 120ഀ 130ഀ 500ഀ 61ഀ 165ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 130ഀ 0ഀ 61ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 120ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 165ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 1026ഀ 1700ഀ 381ഀ 626ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.26ഀ 0.07ഀ 0.13ഀ 0.29ഀ 0.16ഀ 0.26ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 11ഀ 0ഀ 14ഀ 26ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 9.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 16.2ഀ 12.8ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Cഀ Bഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.9ഀ 13.7ഀ Approach LOSഀ Bഀ Average Delayഀ 3.0ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 41.0%ഀ ICU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ * User Entered Valueഀ ~wgഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ Ikwഀ Aഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2030 AM Background Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ ~ 410' 4\ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ +ഀ rഀ Viഀ tഀ Viഀ rഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 580ഀ 55ഀ 95ഀ 525ഀ 40ഀ 130ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 630ഀ 60ഀ 103ഀ 571ഀ 43ഀ 141ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 690ഀ 1408ഀ 630ഀ vC 1, stage 1 conf volഀ 630ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 777ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 690ഀ 1408ഀ 630ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ '5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 89ഀ 87ഀ 71ഀ cM capacity (vehlh)ഀ 904ഀ 347ഀ 485ഀ EB Iഀ aഀ RNB 2ഀ Volume Totalഀ 630ഀ 60ഀ ,ഀ 103ഀ 571ഀ 43ഀ 141ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 103ഀ 0ഀ 43ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 60ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 141ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 904ഀ 1700ഀ 347ഀ 485ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.37ഀ 0.04ഀ 0.11ഀ 0.34ഀ 0.13ഀ 0.29ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 10ഀ 0ഀ 11ഀ 30ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 9.5ഀ 0.0ഀ 16.9ഀ 15.4ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Cഀ Cഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.5ഀ 15.8ഀ Approach LOSഀ Cഀ Average Delayഀ 2.5ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 49.1%ഀ ICU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ " User Entered Valueഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2030 PM Background Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ ഀ ~ഀ 4ഀ M,orretഀ 1NBt_ഀ WBTഀ NBLഀ NBRഀ g`ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ Iഀ tഀ rഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 685ഀ 80ഀ 175ഀ 740ഀ 75ഀ 205ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 745ഀ 87ഀ 190ഀ 804ഀ 82ഀ 223ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 832ഀ 1929ഀ 745ഀ vC1, stage 1 con) volഀ 745ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 1185ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 832ഀ 1929ഀ 745ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ "5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 76ഀ 64ഀ 47ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 801ഀ 223ഀ 418ഀ fഀ 2ഀ WB 1ഀ X`ഀ :.tഀ 4__ഀ Volume Totalഀ 745ഀ 87ഀ 190ഀ 804ഀ 82ഀ 223ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 190ഀ 0ഀ 82ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 87ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 223ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 801ഀ 1700ഀ 223ഀ 418ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.44ഀ 0.05ഀ 0.24ഀ 0.47ഀ 0.36ഀ 0.53ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 23ഀ 0ഀ 40ഀ 76ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 10.9ഀ 0.0ഀ 30.1ഀ 23.1ഀ Lane LOSഀ Bഀ Dഀ Cഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.1ഀ 24.9ഀ Approach LOSഀ Cഀ .ഀ ഀ Average Delayഀ 4.5ഀ Intersection Capacity Utiഀ lizationഀ 59.9%ഀ ICU Level of Serviceഀ Bഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ * User Entered Valueഀ Jഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Report 1jഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2030 AM Total Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ .o.ഀ w.,..aഀ ,,Rഀ . WL., 1/1/13.Tഀ NBLഀ NCR a.ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ tഀ rഀ tഀ Viഀ rഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 580ഀ 47ഀ 86ഀ 525ഀ 70ഀ 160ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 630ഀ 51ഀ 93ഀ 571ഀ 76ഀ 174ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 682ഀ 1388ഀ 630ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ 630ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 758ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 682ഀ 1388ഀ 630ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ *5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 90ഀ 79ഀ 64ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 921ഀ 355ഀ 485ഀ Dire >t ifce # EB'1ഀ yEB-ഀ it1 Bഀ V"y0 2 ft1~' 1ഀ B-,ഀ IFAഀ Volume Totalഀ 630ഀ 51ഀ 93ഀ 571ഀ 76ഀ 174ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 93ഀ 0ഀ 76ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 51ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 174ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 921ഀ 1700ഀ 355ഀ 485ഀ Volume-to-Capacity---ഀ ----0737--ഀ -0.03-ഀ - 0.1-0 - -ഀ -0.34ഀ ---021-ഀ 0.36ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 8ഀ 0ഀ 20ഀ 40ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 9.4ഀ 0.0ഀ 17.9ഀ 16.5ഀ Lane LOSഀ -ഀ Aഀ Cഀ Cഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.3ഀ 16.9ഀ Approach LOSഀ Cഀ Average Delayഀ 3.2ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 49.2%ഀ Iഀ CU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ * User Entered Valueഀ c Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2030 PM Total Improvedഀ 1: South Frontage Road & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ =RT FRR WRI WRT NRI NRR '3Fഀ Lane Configurationsഀ fഀ rഀ +ഀ Sign Controlഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Stopഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 685ഀ 110ഀ 205ഀ 740ഀ 66ഀ 197ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 745ഀ 120ഀ 223ഀ 804ഀ 72ഀ 214ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Raisedഀ Median storage veh)ഀ 1ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 864ഀ 1995ഀ 745ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ 745ഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ 1250ഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 864ഀ 1995ഀ 745ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 4.1ഀ "5.4ഀ 6.2ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ 4.4ഀ tF (s)ഀ 2.2ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 72ഀ 65ഀ 49ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 787ഀ 203ഀ 418ഀ Volume Totalഀ 745ഀ 120ഀ 223ഀ 804ഀ 72ഀ 214ഀ Volume Leftഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 223ഀ 0ഀ 72ഀ 0ഀ Volume Rightഀ 0ഀ 120ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 214ഀ cSHഀ 1700ഀ 1700ഀ 787ഀ 1700ഀ 203ഀ 418ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.44ഀ 0.07ഀ 0.28ഀ 0.47ഀ 0.35ഀ 0.51ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 0ഀ 0ഀ 29ഀ 0ഀ 37ഀ 71ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 0.0ഀ 11.4ഀ 0.0ഀ 32.1ഀ 22.4ഀ Lane LOSഀ Bഀ Dഀ Cഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.5ഀ 24.8ഀ Approach LOSഀ Cഀ Average Delayഀ 4.4ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 61.1%ഀ ICU Levelഀ of Service Bഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ * User Entered Valueഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 1ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2010 AM Total Improvedഀ 4: West Lionshead Circle & kcce,-5 North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ f ~ fi lഀ Lane Configurationsഀ Yഀ 1ഀ a'ഀ Sign Controlഀ Stopഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 5ഀ 60ഀ 135ഀ 5 55ഀ 33ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 5ഀ 65ഀ 147ഀ 5 60ഀ 36ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 305ഀ 149ഀ 152ഀ vC1, stage 1 confvolഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 305ഀ 149ഀ 152ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ 4.1ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ 2.2ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 99ഀ 93ഀ 96ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 663ഀ 902ഀ 1441ഀ vഀ tts.L 1ഀ .ഀ ഀ ac ~ഀ Volume Totalഀ 71ഀ 152ഀ 96ഀ Volume Leftഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ 60ഀ Volume Rightഀ 65ഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ cSHഀ 878ഀ 1700ഀ 1441ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.08ഀ 0.09ഀ 0.04ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 7ഀ 0ഀ 3ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 9.5ഀ 0.0ഀ 4.9ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Aഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 9.5ഀ 0.0ഀ 4.9ഀ Approach LOSഀ Aഀ Average Delayഀ 3.6ഀ Intersection Capacity Utiഀ lizationഀ 26.2%ഀ ICU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 2ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersectio Capacity Analysisഀ 4: West Lionshead Circle & ~ceessഀ 2010 PM Total Improvedഀ North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ 'r 4-- tഀ Lane Configurationsഀ Yഀ 1~ഀ Sign Controlഀ Stopഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 5ഀ 57ഀ 151ഀ 5 61ഀ 169ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 5ഀ 62ഀ 164ഀ 5 66ഀ 184ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 483ഀ 167ഀ 170ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 483ഀ 167ഀ 170ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ 4.1ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ 2.2ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 99ഀ 93ഀ 95ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 521ഀ 883ഀ 1420ഀ Volume Totalഀ 67ഀ 170ഀ 250ഀ Volume Leftഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ 66ഀ Volume Rightഀ 62ഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ cSHഀ 836ഀ 1700ഀ 1420ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.08ഀ 0.10ഀ 0.05ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 7ഀ 0ഀ 4ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 9.7ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.3ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Aഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 9.7ഀ 0.0ഀ 2.3ഀ Approach LOSഀ Aഀ ഀ Average Delayഀ 2.5ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 34.3%ഀ ICU Level of Service Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 2ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysisഀ 2030 AM Total Improvedഀ 4: Access & West Lionshead Circleഀ North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ rഀ tഀ ഀ 1ഀ . ,ഀ W.R,ഀ _ ,z NBTഀ NOR, :SaLഀ $BTഀ F~_... 5 tL . Mtഀ Lane Configurationsഀ ഀ Sign Controlഀ Stopഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 5ഀ 60ഀ 170ഀ 5 55ഀ 78ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 5ഀ 65ഀ 185ഀ 5 60ഀ 85ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 392ഀ 188ഀ 190ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 392ഀ 188ഀ 190ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ 4.1ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ 2.2ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 99ഀ 92ഀ 96ഀ ~s cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 590ഀ 860ഀ 1396ഀ # MWഀ MWഀ 1ഀ Volume Totalഀ 71ഀ 190ഀ 145ഀ Volume Leftഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ 60ഀ Volume Rightഀ 65ഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ cSHഀ 830ഀ 1700ഀ 1396ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.09ഀ 0.11ഀ 0.04ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 7ഀ 0ഀ 3ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 9.7ഀ 0.0ഀ 3.4ഀ Lane LOSഀ Aഀ Aഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 9.7ഀ 0.0ഀ 3.4ഀ Approach LOSഀ Aഀ ktike~ .gഀ .gin,ഀ 4ഀ Average Delayഀ 2.9ഀ Intersection Capacity Utilizationഀ 30.4%ഀ ICU Level of Serviceഀ Aഀ Analysis Period (min)ഀ 15ഀ it Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 2ഀ HCM Unsignalized Intersection Capacity Analysis 2030 PM Total Improvedഀ 4: Access & West Lionshead Circle North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ f- 4- t 1ഀ Lane Configurationsഀ Yഀ Tഀ Sign Controlഀ Stopഀ Freeഀ Freeഀ Gradeഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ 0%ഀ Volume (veh/h)ഀ 5ഀ 57ഀ 206ഀ 5 61ഀ 254ഀ Peak Hour Factorഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ 0.92 0.92ഀ 0.92ഀ Hourly flow rate (vph)ഀ 5ഀ 62ഀ 224ഀ 5 66ഀ 276ഀ Pedestriansഀ Lane Width (ft)ഀ Walking Speed (ft/s)ഀ Percent Blockageഀ Right turn flare (veh)ഀ Median typeഀ Noneഀ Median storage veh)ഀ Upstream signal (ft)ഀ pX, platoon unblockedഀ vC, conflicting volumeഀ 635ഀ 227ഀ 229ഀ vC1, stage 1 conf volഀ vC2, stage 2 conf volഀ vCu, unblocked volഀ 635ഀ 227ഀ 229ഀ tC, single (s)ഀ 6.4ഀ 6.2ഀ 4.1ഀ tC, 2 stage (s)ഀ tF (s)ഀ 3.5ഀ 3.3ഀ 2.2ഀ p0 queue free %ഀ 99ഀ 92ഀ 95ഀ cM capacity (veh/h)ഀ 424ഀ 818ഀ 1351ഀ witഀ _ 1ഀ , >ഀ ~iw max:ഀ Volume Totalഀ 67ഀ 229ഀ 342ഀ Volume Leftഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ 66ഀ Volume Rightഀ 62ഀ 5ഀ 0ഀ cSHഀ 761ഀ 1700ഀ 1351ഀ Volume to Capacityഀ 0.09ഀ 0.13ഀ 0.05ഀ Queue Length 95th (ft)ഀ 7ഀ 0ഀ 4ഀ Control Delay (s)ഀ 10.2ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.9ഀ Lane LOSഀ Bഀ Aഀ Approach Delay (s)ഀ 10.2ഀ 0.0ഀ 1.9ഀ Approach LOSഀ Bഀ Baseline Synchro 6 Reportഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Page 2ഀ APPENDIX Eഀ Critical Gap and Follow-up Time Calculationsഀ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.ഀ 0960940021North Day Lot Redevelopmentഀ 0ഀ Critical Gap Calculationഀ Equation 17-1 (Highway Capacity Manual, 2000)ഀ k. = t4baw + tGxvPHv + tc,GG - kT - t3,LTഀ • t,x = critical gap for movement x (s)ഀ • t4bw, = base critical gap from Exhibit 17-5 (s)ഀ • t,,Hv = adjustment factor for heavy vehicles (1.0 for two-lane major streets and 2.0 forഀ four-lane major streets) (s)ഀ • PHv = proportion of heavy vehicles for minor movementഀ • t4GG = adjustment factor for grade (0.1 for movements 9 and 12 and 0.2 for movements 7,ഀ 8, 10, and 11) (s)ഀ • G = percent grade divided by 100ഀ • tc T = adjustment factor for each part of a two-stage gap acceptance process (1.0 for first orഀ second stage; 0.0 if only one stage) (s)ഀ • t3,LT = adjustment factor for intersection geometry (0.7 for minor-street left-turnഀ movement at three-leg intersection; 0.0 otherwise) (s)ഀ • South Frontage Road is the major street and is a two-lane roadഀ • Critical movement is a left turn from minor to a two-lane major street - northbound leftഀ will only cross one lane of opposing trafficഀ • The percent heavy vehicles on the minor street W L is 2 percentഀ • Movement 7 is the critical movementഀ • The critical movement occurs on a flat portion of South Frontage Road (0% grade)ഀ • The critical movement is in the first or second stage in the two-stage gap acceptanceഀ processഀ • The critical movement is a minor-street left-turn movement at a three-leg intersectionഀ Resultant Equation:ഀ t,=7.1+(1.0)(0.02)+(0.2)(0/100)-1.0-0.7=5.42ഀ Eഀ Follow-Up Time Calculationഀ Equation 17-2 (Highway Capacity Manual, 2000)ഀ tf x - k base + tf,HVPHVഀ • tfx = follow-up time for minor movement x (s)ഀ • tfbase = base follow-up time from Exhibit 17-5 (s)ഀ • tf Hv = adjustment factor for heavy vehicles (0.9 for two-lane major streets and 1.0 for four-ഀ lane major streets) (s)ഀ • PHv = proportion of heavy vehicles for minor movementഀ • South Frontage Road is the major street and is a two-lane roadഀ • Critical movement is a left turn from minor to a two-lane major street - northbound leftഀ will only cross one lane of opposing trafficഀ • The percent heavy vehicles on the minor street pt is 2 percentഀ Resultant Equation:ഀ Tfx=3.5+0.9(0.02)=3.5ഀ •ഀ 0ഀ